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NIOS Class 12th Data Entry (336) Hindi Medium Solved Assignment (TMA) 2022-23

 डाटा एंट्री (336), शिक्षक अंकित मूल्यांकन पत्र, 20% marks of theory.

NIOS Class 12th Data Entry (336) Hindi Medium Solved Assignment (TMA) 2022-23

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नोट:- PDF का भुगतान करना आवश्यक है। यदि आप असाइनमेंट का Solved PDF और Handwritten Scanned Assignment लेना चाहते हैं तो व्हाट्सएप बटन पर क्लिक करें।

1. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर लगभग 40-60 शब्दों में दीजिए।

(क) दीपक ने एक फाइल “STUDENT” बनाई और इसे दूसरे फोल्डर “SCHOOL” के अंदर रखा। कुछ दिनों के बाद वह “STUDENT” फ़ाइल खोलना चाहता है लेकिन वह उक्त फ़ाइल का सही स्थान भूल चुका है। ” STUDENT” फ़ाइल को खोजने के चरणों को लिखिए।

(ख) वर्ड प्रोसेसर में वर्टिकल (लम्बवत) और हॉरिजॉन्टल (क्षैतिज) स्क्रॉल बार से आप क्या  समझते हैं? 

2. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर लगभग 40-60 शब्दों में दीजिए।

(क) किसी फ़ाइल या फ़ोल्डर का नाम बदलने के लिए विभिन्न चरणों को सूचीबद्ध कीजिए।

(ख) मूव सेल और कॉपी सेल के मध्य अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए।

3. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर लगभग 40-60 शब्दों में दीजिए दीजिए।

(क) निम्नलिखित की कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ लिखिए।

(i) सभी कैपिटल

(ii) कॉलम के अंत में जाएं

(iii) बुलेट सूची लागू कीजिए

(iv) फॉन्ट फेस

(ख) सचिन और उसकी बहन घर में एक ही कंप्यूटर का इस्तेमाल करते हैं। सचिन ने एक दस्तावेज बनाया है और डेस्कटॉप पर “NOTES” के रूप में सहेजा है। वह फ़ाइल को अपनी बहन और दूसरों से सुरक्षित रखना चाहता है। MS WORD द्वारा प्रदान सुरक्षा सुविधा चरणों को लिखिए। 

4. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर लगभग 100-150 शब्दों में दीजिए।

(क) MS EXCEL की विशेषताएं लिखिए।

(ख) किसी दस्तावेज़ की सुरक्षा के लिए दिए गए पासवर्ड को संशोधित करने के चरणों को लिखिए।

5. निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर लगभग 100-150 शब्दों में दीजिए।

(क) रीसायकल बिन के लाभ और हानियों को विस्तार से स्पष्ट कीजिए।

(ख) वर्कशीट में निम्नलिखित के लिए चरणों को लिखिए।

(1) वर्कशीट नेविगेट करने के लिए।

(2) सेल, रो (पंक्ति) व कॉलम (स्तम्भ) प्रविष्ट करने के लिए।

6. नीचे दी गई परियोजनाओं में से कोई एक परियोजना तैयार कीजिए। 

(क) नीचे दिए गए बिंदुओं के अनुसार एक स्प्रेडशीट बनाइए:

  • स्प्रैडशीट सॉफ़्टवेयर में एक नई फ़ाइल बनाइए। कम से कम 15 विद्यार्थियों के अनुक्रमांक, प्रथम नाम, अंतिम नाम, जन्म तिथि, पिता का नाम, माता का नाम जैसे डेटा को रिकॉर्ड / आलेखित कीजिए।
  • पहले 2 विद्यार्थियों के लिए “S001” और “5002” के रूप में अनुक्रमांक दर्ज कीजिए। शेष विद्यार्थियों के अनुक्रमांक भरने के लिए ऑटोफिल सुविधा का उपयोग कीजिए।
  • इस वर्कशीट को “Student.xls” के रूप में सहेजिए।
  • नई वर्कशीट निर्दिष्ट कीजिए और क्रमशः ” Periodical test” और “Periodical test |” के रूप में नाम बदलिए।
  • पीरियोडिक टेस्ट। वर्कशीट में कीबोर्ड का उपयोग करके विद्यार्थी प्रोफाइल से रोल नंबर, प्रथम नाम और अंतिम नाम कॉलम के लिए एक संदर्भ बनाइए।
  • पीरियोडिक टेस्ट || वर्कशीट में, छात्र प्रोफाइल से रोल नंबर, प्रथम नाम और अंतिम नाम कॉलम के लिए संदर्भ बनाने के लिए माउस का उपयोग कीजिए।

(ख) दस्तावेज़ को पहुँच से सुरक्षित रखने के लिए चरणों को लिखिए।

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(i) किसी दस्तावेज़ को केवल पढ़ने के लिए दस्तावेज़ के रूप में सुरक्षित करना।

(ii) किसी दस्तावेज़ की सुरक्षा के लिए दिए गए पासवर्ड को संशोधित करना।

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Data Entry Operations 336 Solved Assignment 2021-22 | NIOS Senior Secondary Solved Assignment 2021 - 22

  nios senior secondary solved assignment session 2021-22 data entry operations 336 solved assignment 2021-22 tutor marked assignment max marks: 20.

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

(i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment numbers, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following questions.      2

(a) Rahul is purchasing a new computer for his home. Help him with devices name and description of various hardware components. (See Lesson 1)

Ans: Answer any one questions

(b) Windows is the most usable operating system because it is easy to use. Installation of new software or hardware is also easy. Write the steps to do so. (See Lesson 2)

Ans: Windows provides a quick and easy way to install new software. Add or Remove Programs utility in Control Panel help to manage programs and components on the computer system computer.

Install Software

1. Click Start , click Control Panel ,

2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs .

3. Click on Add New Programs , and then select the source where the software to be installed is located such as CD or Floppy drive

4. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the software.

डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेशन (336) | Data Entry Operations 336 NIOS Free Solved Assignment 2021 – 22 (Hindi Medium)

2. Answer any one of the following questions.       2

(a) Explain the Windows XP, Desktop Elements. (See Lesson 2)

(b) Software plays a major role in Computer System. Explain the different types of Software’s. (See Lesson 1)

Ans: Software plays a major role in Computer System. Without software, the whole computer is useless. Software is basically of two types:

1. System Software: When you switch on the computer the programs stored in ROM are executed which activates different units of our computer and makes it ready for you to work on it. This set of programs can be called system software.

2. Application Software: Application software is a set of programs, which are written to perform specific tasks, for example: An application package for managing library known as library information system is used to manage information of library such as: keeping book details, account holder details, book issue details, book return details etc.

3. Answer any one of the following questions.       2

(a) Rajesh forgot the name of the document in which he was working in MS-Word. Help him with steps to locate his file. (See Lesson 3)

(b) Write the steps to protect the worksheet. (See Lesson 6)

Ans: Steps to protect the worksheet. How to Set a password for a workbook

1.     Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As .

2.     Click Tools , and then click General Options .

3.     Do one or both of the following:

a)     If you want reviewers to enter a password before they can view the workbook, type a password in the Password to open box .

b)    If you want reviewers to enter a password before they can save changes to the workbook, type a password in the Password to modify box.

4.     If you don’t want content reviewers to accidentally modify the file, select the Read-only recommended check box. When opening the file, reviewers will be asked whether or not they want to open the file as read-only.

5.     Click OK.

6.     When prompted, retype your passwords to confirm them, and then click OK.

7.     Click Save.

8.     If prompted, click Yes to replace the existing workbook.

4. Answer any one of the following questions.           4

(i) Write the steps to add the clip art in excel worksheet. (See Lesson 8)

Ans: Clip art is a single media file, including sound, animation, art or movie. Following are the Steps to insert a Clip Art in excel worksheet:

1.     Click on Insert Tab.

2.     From Illustrations Group, Click on Clip Art

3.     Then Select a Collection and press Go Button

4.     Click on a clip from the collection

5.     Clip will be inserted in the worksheet.

6.     To edit the clip, Just click on the clip. This will display Format tab. Choose the relevant group from the ribbon of Format tab and do the necessary changes.

(ii) Write the name and description of the various slide layouts in PowerPoint. (See Lesson 9)

5. Answer any one of the following questions.        4

(a) Mr. Sharma is a Social Science teacher in a school, and he is creating some assignment for his students. He is facing some problem while creating the assignments. Help him to do so with various steps: (See Lesson 4)

(i) Adding page border to the document.

(ii) Spell check utility.

(iii) Printing the document.

(b) Write the types of data which can be entered in Excel cells. (See Lesson 6)

Ans: You can enter various kinds of data in an excel cell. Some of them are explained below:

1.     Numbers: Your numbers can be from the entire range of numeric values: whole numbers (example, 25), decimals (example, 25.67) and scientific notation (example, 0.2567E+2). Excel displays scientific notation automatically if you enter a number that is too long to be viewed in its entirety in a cell.

2.     Text: First select the cell in which data has to be entered and type the text. Press ENTER key to finish your text entry. The text will be displayed in the active cell as well as in the Formula bar.

3.     Date and Time: When you enter dates and times, Excel converts these entries into serial numbers and kept as background information. However, the dates and times will be displayed to you on the worksheet in a format opted by you.

4.     Data in Series: You can fill a range of cells either with the same value or with a series of values with the help of Auto Fill.

(c) Explain the concept of SumIf () function with help of an example. (See Lesson 8)

6. Prepare any one project of the following projects given below. 6

(a) Visit your nearest departmental store and collect the following information. (See Lesson 10)

(i) Which type of internet connection they are using?

(ii) If they are using any website, write its URL.

(iii) Write the name of the ISP.

(iv) Write the mail id which they are using for support or contact us.

(b) Create a PowerPoint presentation on “Importance of Open - Source Software”. It must include the following (one slide each): (See Lesson 9)

• What is Open - Source Software?

• Freedom of OSS

• Different types of OSS

• Importance of OSS

Ans.: Open-source software is a type of computer software in which source code is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner.

Open source software is generally free software that you can use in your business. Open source developers choose the make the source code of their software publicly available for the good of the community and to publish their software with an open source license meaning that other developers can see how it works and add to it. Examples of open source products include Open Office, the internet browser Mozilla Firefox, Wikipedia, the GNU/Linux operating system and its derivative Android, an operating system for mobile devices.

Freedom of OSS

1.     The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.

2.     The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as   you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

3.     The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others .

4.     The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes.

Types of open source software

1.     Open source office software.

2.     Open source accounting software.

3.     Open source operating systems.

4.     Open source browsers and communication applications.

5.     Open source IT security etc.,

Importance of Open source software

By placing an open source license on an original work, a person or organization agrees to:

1.     Make the entirety of the program’s code available to the public

2.     Allow anyone to modify, enhance or re-engineer a program’s code

3.     Allow the creation of derivative works

4.     Allow the program to be utilized for any purpose the user wishes

Posted by Kumar Nirmal Prasad

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  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
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  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
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  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • NOTIFICATION- 37/2021 Dt. 03/12/2021
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Notification for Admission
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Vacancy Notification for Mukta Kaushal Kendra
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: KOTA

  • Chairman Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At A Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission Online
  • Study Material
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Regional Office
  • Headquarter
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Tender for Mechanized Housekeeping Services in the National Institute of Open Schooling (HQ) building, A-24-25, Sector-62, Noida, NIOS Regional Centre building, Guest House A-31,Sector-62, Noida and NIOS Book Store at CWC, Sahibabad, U.P.
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: PATNA

  • Chairperson's Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At a Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission (Online)
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Study Material (PDFs)
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Help Desk Videos
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Headquarter
  • Regional Office
  • Ask Your Teacher
  • Study Centres


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification no 6/2024 dated 02 February 2024 regarding extended date up to 29 February 2024 for uploading TMA
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Examination fee notification for Community Health Programme (CHP) for Bihar State 63/2023 dated 18-10-2023
  • Notification no 26/2023 - Withdrawn of Vocational courses from Vocational Admission cycle
  • NOTIFICATION 86/2023 REGARDING Online Admission of Vocational courses (First Block)
  • Notification 53 2023 regarding submission of exam fee for registered learners of April 2023 exam for public examinations of October 2023
  • Mobile Number for queries pertaining to corrections in the Admission data (through e-services)
  • Notification 57/2022 regarding Vocational admission Second Block
  • Notification 21/2022 for submission of Fees for April-May 2023 Public examinations
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Notification no 66 2023 for Vocational Theory Examinations November 2023
  • Notification no 25/2023 - Integration of Vocational courses under Academic Courses
  • Tender documents for dispose off used unused Answer books NIOS RC Patna
  • Mobile Number regarding queries pertaining to Accreditation matters
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • परीक्षा पर चर्चा (Pariksha Pe Charcha)
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification No 37-2023 of Theory Date for April 2023 Examinations All India Exam
  • Instruction for scribe of CWSN- regarding
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • 30 मार्च 2023 को ऑन डिमांड परीक्षा की परिवर्तित तिथि के सम्बन्ध में
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Date sheet for Public Theory examinations of April May 2023
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • On-Demand Examinations January 2024 to March 2024
  • Notification 81_2023 regarding Stream 2 admission for Academic Session 23-24 Last date 31 July 2023
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • NOTICE 90 2023 Caution to the Schools/Institutions against falling in the trap regarding accreditation of NIOS
  • Notification no 67 2023 for Practical examinations of Vocational courses November 2023 exam
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Notification 99 2023 regarding TMA downloading and uploading from the dashboard of the learners of Stream 1 Block 1 2023-24
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Reappearing in Formative Assessment
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Notification 71 2023 regarding examinations centre acceptance form from 11 December 2023 to 10 January 2024 for April 2024 public examinations
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Regarding commencement of Practical examinations for Community Health Programme (CHP) (Bihar region only) 7 March 2024 to 15 March 2024
  • Circular 1/2024 regarding revised study material (old syllabus and new syllabus)
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: BENGALURU

  • Chairperson Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At A Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission Online
  • Study Material
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Study Material (PDFs)
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Regional Office
  • Headquarter
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Vocational Block-2 2022 Admission Date Extension
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Mobile Number for E-Service queries
  • Practical Date Sheet-March-2024
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • YTTP Theory and Practical Material - English Medium
  • Practical Examination Schedule for Sept examination 2022
  • Vocational_Guideline_Practical_Final
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • YTTP Practical Material - English Medium
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • October-2023 Time Table-Practical
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Oct-2023 Time-Table-Theory
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Notification 912023-FA
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • ASHA-Recruitment
  • Accreditation Notification
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Accreditation Extension
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Advertisement for Hordings
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Weedout-Tender
  • ASHA-Recruitment1
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)

National Institute of Open Schooling

Regional centre- bengaluru.

Office of the Director (Vocational Education) 3rd Floor, PUE Bhawan, 18th Cross Sampig Road, Malleswaram, Bengaluru-500012

  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners Of NIOS
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Statistical Report
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

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  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: PUNE

  • Chairman's Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At a Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Public Exam(Secondary & Sr.Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Study Material (PDFs)
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr.Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Regional Office
  • Headquarter
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Notice dt. 09.02.2024 regarding March 2024 Practical Examination
  • Notice dt. 09.01.2024 regarding Exam Fee Payment for Apr-May 2024 Exams
  • Notice 91/2023 dt.10.10.2023 regarding Formative Assessment (FA)
  • Notice 97/2023 dt.07.11.2023 regarding Formative Assessment (FA)
  • Notice dt. 20.11.2023 regarding uploading of TMAs
  • Notice dt. 25.08.2023 regarding Declaration Result of ODE June 2023
  • Datesheet for Practical Exam September 2023
  • Datesheet for Theory Exam October 2023
  • Notice dt. 23/05/2023 Regarding uploading of TMAs for October-November 2023 Exam
  • Notification dt. 16/05/2023 Regarding Registration & Fee Submission of On Demand Examination (ODE) for Secondary & Sr. Secondary Courses, 2023
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Notificaion-1/2021 regarding "On Demand Examination"
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • Notice dt. 01.03.2024 regarding Instructions for Scribe for CWSN
  • Notice dt. 30.01.2024 regarding Introduction of two new courses by Vocational Education Department
  • Notice dt. 10.10.2023 regarding revised scheme of Formative Assessment (FA)
  • Notice dt. 31.01.2024 regarding Schedule of five (5) PCP practical session of Stream -1 (Block- I) Academic year, 2023-24
  • Notice dt. 15.09.2022 regarding Accreditation
  • Notice dt. 06.12.2023 regarding registration of exam centres for April 2024 Examination
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Notice dt. 01.09.2023 regarding scribe CWSN
  • Notice dt. 25.09.2023 regarding Rights of Persons with Disabilities,2016 for Oct 2023 Exam
  • Notice dt. 27.09.2023 regarding SWACHHATA PAKHWADA
  • Notice dt. 25.09.2023 Regarding NIOS accreditation
  • Notification Regarding PCP Practical (Formative Assessment)
  • Notification 75/2023 dt. 21.04.2023 Regarding Out of School Children
  • Notification regarding Accreditation as NIOS Institutes
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender for Hiring of Security Services at NIOS RC Pune (Last Date 11.03.2024)
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • Tender Notice for Hiring of Office Space for Setting up of its Regional Centre in Centrally Located area in Pune City.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Paper/Research Project
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions for Learners with Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: KOLKATA

  • Chairperson's Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At a Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission (Online)
  • Study Material
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Scribe Permission
  • Annual Report
  • Study Material (PDFs)
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Regional Office
  • Headquarter
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Notification 08/2022 regarding NIOS practical Examination & Internal Assessment for April 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (offline J & K) is scheduled from 20th April 2022 to 30th April 2022
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular-012024_25042024_regarding_Old_New_syllabus of Five Sr Secondary subjects
  • Notification F.23-1/2024/NIOS/SSS/Accr./365-Extension in date of filling applications for becoming Study Centre of NIOS
  • Notification-14/2024 dt. 22/03/2024 regarding granting of additional 15 min. time for reading question paper w.e.f April/May 2024 examination
  • Date sheet April 2024 All India NIOS Exam
  • Notification No 1/2024 dt. 15.02.2024 regarding new registration accreditation for Study Center (AI/AVI/AA) for Academic year 2024 Block 1
  • Notification dt.15/01/2024 regarding last date of uploading TMA by the learners
  • Notification-032024 dt. 12012024 regarding OBE Agencies directed to cunduct examinations from 01st Feb 2024 to 28th Feb 2024.
  • Notification-022024 dt.11012024 revised syllabus and study material of Senior Secondary Course from Academic Session 2023-24
  • Notification Regarding Next Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Secondary and Sr. Secondary courses for April 2024
  • ODE Registration
  • Indicative Vacancy Notification regarding Faculty for Certificate in Basic Computing
  • Date Sheet of Practical Examination, September 2023
  • Date Sheet for Secondary & Senior Secondary Examinations, October 2023
  • Notification-57/2022 dt. 30/12/2022 regarding extension of last date of admission for Vocational Courses.
  • Notification of Exam fee submission for Public exams of Secondary and Senior Secondary courses for April 2023 session
  • Notification 35/2022 for Extension of last date for registration in OBE courses for 2022-23 session
  • Notification 17-2022 regarding Date Sheet of Theory Examination for October-November, 2022
  • Notification regarding Date-Sheet for October-2022 Public Practical Examination of Secondary and Sr. Secondary
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS
  • Notification 15/2022 regarding registration for Exam Centres of Oct-Nov 2022 Theory Examination for Secondary and Sr. Secondary.
  • Notification 21/2022 for TMA upload & download for Stream-I Block-II (2021-22)
  • Notification 13/2022 for On Demand Exam commencing from 14th June 2022 onwards.
  • Notification 12/2022 for registration & payment of Exam fee for Oct/Nov-2022 public examination.
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification regarding Date Sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for April-2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Course
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification /2020 dt. 1st May, 2020 regarding On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started with effect from 1st May,2020 to 30th June, 2020.
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Mukta Vidya Honour for rendering services in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification of date Sheet for Practical Exams scheduled to be held in March 2023 for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020
  • Circular No. 01/2023 regarding distribution of marksheets and certifcates for cleared NC Cases of D.El.Ed.
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Notification for Accreditation as NIOS Institutes
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender for Empanelment of Agencies for providing Commercial Taxi Services.
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Advertisement for vacancy for the various posts on Contractual/Per Diem Basis at Mukta Kaushal Kendras
  • Notification regarding vacancy for the various posts on contractual/per diem basis at Mukta Kaushal Kendras
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: CHANDIGARH

  • Chairperson Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Staff Contact Details
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At A Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission Online
  • Study Material
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Study Material (PDFs)
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Headquarter
  • Regional Office
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • अप्रैल 2024 के लिए माध्यमिक और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठ्यक्रमों की सार्वजनिक परीक्षाओं के लिए तिथि पत्र (भारत) Date sheet (India) for Public exams of secondary and senior secondary courses for April 2024
  • फरवरी 2024 ए के लिए ओडीई परिणाम की घोषणा के संबंध में अधिसूचना Notification regarding declaration of ODE result for Feb 2024 A
  • अधिसूचना-15/2024 दिनांक. 26/03/2024 एनआईओएस द्वारा आवंटित एक ही परीक्षा केंद्र में उपस्थित होने वाले शिक्षार्थियों के संबंध में।Notification-15/2024 dt. 26/03/2024 regarding learners appearing in the same exam center allotted by NIOS.
  • अधिसूचना-14/2024 दिनांक. 22/03/2024 परीक्षा शुरू होने से पहले अतिरिक्त 15 मिनट पढ़ने के समय के संबंध में Notification-14/2024 dt. 22/03/2024 regarding an additional 15 minutes of reading time before the commencement of the examination
  • थ्योरी परीक्षा अधिसूचना - अक्टूबर 2023 Theory Exam Notification - Oct 2023
  • प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा अधिसूचना - सितंबर 2023 PRACTICAL EXAM NOTIFICATION - SEP 2023
  • माध्यमिक और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठ्यक्रमों की प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा की तिथि पत्र - सितंबर 2023 DATE SHEET FOR PRACTICAL EXAM OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY COURSES - SEP. 2023
  • माध्यमिक और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठ्यक्रमों की थ्योरी परीक्षा की तिथि पत्र - अक्टूबर/नवंबर 2023 सत्र DATE SHEET FOR THEORY EXAM OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY COURSES - OCT/NOV 2023 SESSION
  • Date Sheet of Practical Examination for Sec.(10th) & Sr. Sec.(12th) September 2022
  • Date Sheet for Sec.(10th) & Sr. Sec.(12th) Examination Oct 2022
  • 16 से 31 जनवरी 2024 के बीच आयोजित ऑन-डिमांड परीक्षाओं के परिणाम घोषित। परिणाम 15 मार्च 2024 को घोषित किए गए Result declaration of On-Demand Exams held between 16 to 31 Jan 2024. Result declared on 15 March 2024
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Press Release of June 2021 examinations result
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • अप्रयुक्त उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं, अप्रयुक्त प्रश्न पत्रों और लुगदी के लिए अन्य बेकार कागज के निपटान के लिए निविदा Tender for Disposal of unused answer books, unused question papers and other waste paper for pulping
  • टीएमए के लिए अधिसूचना 99/2023 Notification 99/2023 for TMA
  • व्यावसायिक_सिद्धांत_परीक्षा_अधिसूचना_नवंबर_2023 और परीक्षा तिथिपत्र Vocational_theory_exam_notification_Nov_2023 & Exam Datesheet
  • ओडीई के लिए अधिसूचना 68/2023 Notification 68/2023 for ODE
  • एफए के लिए अधिसूचना 97/2023 Notification 97/2023 for FA
  • प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा अधिसूचना - सितंबर 2023 Practical Exam Notification - Sep 2023
  • माध्यमिक और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठ्यक्रमों की प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा की तिथि पत्र - सितंबर 2023 Date sheet for Practical Exam of Secondary and Senior Secondary courses - Sep. 2023
  • माध्यमिक और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठ्यक्रमों की थ्योरी परीक्षा की तिथि पत्र - अक्टूबर/नवंबर 2023 सत्र Date sheet for Theory Exam of Secondary and Senior Secondary courses - Oct/Nov 2023 session
  • थ्योरी परीक्षा अधिसूचना - अक्टूबर 2023 THEORY EXAM NOTIFICATION - OCT 2023
  • Notification/1284 dated 16th January ,2023 regarding SAIEDs
  • Notification 60/2023 regarding status of application for grant of Accreditation of NIOS
  • Notification 61/2023 regarding queries/issues of e-services
  • LIST OF CLEARANCE OF D.EL.ED. NC (CASES) [ Cleared NC(Cases) Candidate can collect their Marks Statement from NIOS Regional Center Chandigarh, YMCA Complex, Sector 11 C, Chandigarh with a valid Govt ID proof i.e. AADHAR/Passport/Voter ID, etc.]
  • PCP Bill Proforma
  • Notification 50/2022 fee concession for third Gender
  • Date Sheet for Sec.(10th) & Sr. Sec.(12th) Examination Oct 2022 - Notification 17/2022
  • D.El.Ed. Notification dated 02.08.2022
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • New Courses introduced as per Notification 5/2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Schedule of Five (o5) PCP Practicals of Stream-1, BlockI for Academie Year 2021-22
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Vigilance Awareness Week 26.10.2021 to 01.10.2021
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 39/2021 regarding Practical examinations September-October 2021 scheduled from 29 September 2021
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • Status of ASHA Project of Regional Centre, Chandigarh
  • Notification regarding submission of Public exam fee for Sec & Sr Sec for Oct-Nov 2021
  • Press release for submission of exam fees of October 2021 exam
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • NIOS Informative Videos
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Education at your doorstep - Our aim is to reach the unreached ( 2023-24 Admission Open from 1st April 2023 )
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • On Demand Examination (ODE) 2023 Registration Notification
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • e-Accreditation Guidelines
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • सुरक्षा सेवाओं हेतु निविदा TENDER FOR SECURITY SERVICES
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners Of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Article/Paper/Research Projects
  • Statistical Report
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

  • Latest Updates

Regional Centre: ALLAHABAD

  • Chairperson Message
  • Regional Director's Message
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Vision & Mission
  • At A Glance
  • Sr. Secondary
  • On-Demand Examination
  • Vocational Education
  • Open Basic Education(OBE)
  • Public Exam (Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
  • On Demand Examination
  • Open Basic Education (OBE)
  • Accrediation(AI/AVI/AA)
  • Study Centre Corner
  • Admission Procedure
  • Admission Online
  • Study Material
  • Personal Contact Program
  • Tutor Marks Assignment
  • Secondary & Sr. Secondary
  • Learners Notification
  • Annual Report
  • Video Lectures
  • Publication
  • Office Order & MoM
  • Regional Office
  • Headquarter
  • Study Centres
  • Ask Your Teacher


NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

nios data entry operations assignment answers 336 in hindi

NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Best Wishes from Regional Director for Upcoming Examination April-2024/आगामी परीक्षा अप्रैल-2024 के लिए क्षेत्रीय निदेशक की ओर से शुभकामनाएँ
  • आगामी परीक्षा से शिक्षार्थियों को 15 मिनट का अतिरिक्त पढ़ने का समय दिया जाएगा/Learners will be granted an additional 15 minutes of reading time starting from the upcoming examination cycle
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • माध्यमिक (कक्षा-दसवीं)/उच्चतर माध्यमिक (कक्षा-बारहवीं) परीक्षाओं के लिए तिथियाँ, अप्रैल-मई 2024/ Date sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/Higher Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, April-May 2024
  • Notification: Link to Download Senior Section Sample Papers of Hindi,Geo,Business Studies, Psychology & Painting
  • Notification: Regarding grant of TOC facility in the subject Physical Education and Yog at Sr.Secondary Level Course
  • Notification: Open Basic Education (OBE) Agencies are directed to conduct the examination In February-2024
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • NOTIFICATION: Last date for uploading of TMA with and without Fine
  • Notification: NIOS has revised the syllabus and study materials of Senior Secondary Course
  • Notification:Regarding submission of exam fee for public examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses April/May 2024
  • Notification: Regarding Schedule of Public Exam
  • Notification: Registration for on-demand examinations of secondary and senior secondary courses for October 2023 session (December 2023 to March 2024) has started from 1 December 2023.
  • Notification-99/2023: Regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS.
  • Date Sheet for April 2023 Exam
  • SOP for Republic Day Celebrations
  • Helpline number for eservice enquiry
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Celebration of 75 years of India’s Independence- “Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav"
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Meeting with Principal and Teachers of G.G.I.C., Katra, Prayagraj regarding increase of Admissions in NIOS
  • Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti Hindi Timahi Baithak evam Hindi Karyashala at RC-Prayagraj
  • Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti - Hindi Timahi Baithak - 28 June, 2021 at RC-Prayagraj
  • Celebration of 75th Independence Day at NIOS, RC-Prayagraj
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (तिथि विस्तारित: 30/04/24) एनआईओएस एआई, एवीआई और एए के लिए सभी प्रतिष्ठित शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से आवेदन आमंत्रित कर रहा है /(Date Extended:30/04/24)NIOS is inviting applications from all the reputed Academic Institutions for AIs, AVIs & AAs
  • NIOS is inviting applications from all the reputed Academic Institutions for AIs, AVIs & AAs/एनआईओएस एआई, एवीआई और एए के लिए सभी प्रतिष्ठित शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से आवेदन आमंत्रित कर रहा है
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Conduct of Vocational Practical Exam November 2023
  • Caution Notice regarding Accreditation in NIOS
  • Notification of registration for Exam Centre for April-May-2023 Public exam.
  • Helpline number for accreditation enquiry
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Exam fee notification for April-2023 Public Exam
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification no. 44 for availability of Computer Science (330) under ODE from Jan 2022
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • Tender dated 17.08.2021 for hiring of Taxi Services at NIOS, RC-Prayagraj
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for providing commercial taxi services
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability
  • Get Registered
  • Books & Assignments

Online NIOS Solved assignment 2022 Data Entry Operations (336) in Hindi Medium @ 9643289714

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: Books & Assignments

Online NIOS Solved assignment 2022 Data Entry Operations (336) in Hindi Medium @ 9643289714

Ad ID: 8427

Added: October 8, 2021

Sale Price: ₹ 150

Location: India


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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NIOS got this award under the category of Best Accessible Website for persons with disabilities.

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NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 222

  • For Students
  • Notification 01/2022 dt. 07 Jan, 2022 regarding Provision for downloading/uploading TMAs (Secondary/ Sr.Secondary) from the student portal of NIOS (
  • Notification 47/2021 dt. 21th Dec, 2021 regarding the Date Sheet of Theory Examination for January 2022 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled form 03rd January 2022 to 12th January 2022.
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Date Sheet For VOCATIONAL Courses & D.El.ED. (OFFLINE) Examinations (February-March 2021)
  • On-line Admission of Stream -2 for Academic session 2020-21 is started
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, July-Aug, 2020 (Re-scheduled) for All-India Exam Centres
  • ALL Ongoing Examination Scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 stands postponed
  • Notification dt. 18.05.2020 regarding The last date for online admission to the first block for session 2020 of Vocational admissions is 30th June, 2020
  • Notification-01/2020 dt 01/09/2020 regarding Courses are Introduced at Secondary level
  • Notification 40/2018 dt. 29.11.2018 regarding Correction/ Changes through E-Services PDF File
  • Peace Rally on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Circular dt.23/10/2020 regarding Observance of "Vigilance Awareness Week-2020"
  • Meeting 10 June 2021
  • Circular-01/2024 dt.25/04/2024 regarding Old & New syllabus of Five Sr. Secondary subjects.
  • (विभिन्न ग्रुप-ए, बी और सी पदों के लिए सांकेतिक रिक्ति अधिसूचना (एनआईओएस/आरसी/04/2023)) (INDICATIVE VACANCY NOTIFICATION (NIOS/RC/04/2023) FOR VARIOUS GROUP-A,B & C POSTS)
  • Result of D.El.Ed (2017-19) session NC cases has been declared on the official portal of NIOS
  • Notification dt. 02/08/2022 regarding Clearance of "Not Certified" (NC) cases of D.El.Ed conducted by NIOS.
  • Notification 15/2022 dt.19/07/2022 regarding conducting NIOS public examination Oct-Nov 2022
  • Notification No. 07/2022 dt.15.03.2022 regarding Examination fee for Vocational Courses & D.El.Ed. J & K (offline) for April-May 2022 dates are extended
  • Notification 10/2022 regarding the last date online admisssion of stream I (Block II) has extended upto 31 st March 2022
  • Notification 03/2022 dt. 28.01.2022 regarding Open Basic Education (OBE) agencies are directed to conduct the examination from 01/03/2022 to 31/03/2022 for Level-A,Level-B and Level-C.
  • Notification 02/2022 dt. 12.01.2022 regarding Public Practical Examination for March 2022 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is scheduled from 14.03.2022.
  • Notification-01/2022 dt. 11.01.2022 regarding Conducting Public Examination twice in a year.
  • Booking and Dispatch of Post Examination materials pertaining to the On Demand Examination(ODE) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) w.e.f 04th January, 2022
  • Vocational and D.El.ED(Offline) Booking and dispatch of Post Examination materials of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Examination from 03rd January, 2022
  • Notification 68/2021 dt. 31/12/2021 regarding the last date for online Admission in respect of Vocational Courses 2021 (Second Block) has been extended
  • Notification 48/2021 dt. 21.12.2021 regarding Examination Fee for Secondary and Sr.Secondary to be conducted in April/May 2022
  • Notification 42/2021 dt.30.11.2021 regarding Registration for On-Demand Examination (ODE), 2022
  • Notification 65/2021 dt. 30 Nov.,2021 regarding Online Registration for the Secondary and Sr.Secondary Courses Stream-1 (Block-II) Academic Session 2021-22 and Vocational Courses 2021 for Oct/Nov,2022 examination.
  • Notification 64/2021 dt. 15/11/2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Stream-1 (Block-l), OBE and Vocational Education Courses (Block-1) for Academic session 2021-22 has been extended
  • Notification No. 49/2021 dt. 12-10-2021 regarding the date sheet of Public Examination (Theory) of NIOS for Oct-Nov 2021 for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses
  • Notification 58/2021 dt.01/09/2021 regarding the Schedule for marking of received TMA from learners by AIs / Regional Centre and uploading the TMA marks.
  • Notification -56/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream -1(Block-1)for Academic session 2021-22 and Open Basic Education(OBE) has been extended.
  • Notification -57/2021 dt. 31.08.2021 regarding the last date for Online Admission for Vocational Courses (Block-1) for session 2021-22 has been extended.
  • Notification -33/2021 dt. 18-08-2021 regarding Conduct of Public Examination on revised course material in Computer Science (330) from October-November 2021 onwards
  • Notification-38/2021 dt.17.08.2021 regarding Change in the date of On Demand Exam on account of Holiday for Muharram on 20.08.2021
  • (अधिसूचना 20/2021 दिनांक-26 जुलाई 2021 सीजीएचएस दरों पर गैर-कैशलेस आधार पर एनआईओएस की चिकित्सा लाभ योजना के संबंध में ।) (Notification 20/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Non-Cashless basis at CGHS rates)
  • Notification 21/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS
  • Notification 19/2021 dt. 26 July 2021 regarding the Medical Benefit Scheme of NIOS on Cashless basis at CGHS rates
  • Notification 35/2021 dt.06 July,2021 regarding the Vocational Examination in June-July 2021.
  • Notification 34/2021 dt.05/07/2021 regarding Assessment of NIOS student for June, 2021 examination.
  • Notification 12/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Sh.Chanchal Kumar Singh, Training Officer is deputed as Social Media and Public Relation incharge of NIOS.
  • Notification 47/2021 dt.13.05.2021 regarding Online submission of TMA marks by AIs(Study Centre) and Regional Centre
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for All-India Exam Centres
  • Notification -30/2021 dt.19th May 2021, regarding Public Examination June 2021 of Secondary, Sr.Secondary and Vocational Courses.
  • Date Sheet for Secondary (Class-X)/ Sr.Secondary (Class-XII) Examinations, January-February, 2021 for For Over Seas Exam. Centres
  • Notification 19/2020 dt. 22/12/2020 regarding Prof. Saroj Sharma, Professor , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IPU) has taken over the charge of Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS)
  • Notification 31/2021 dt.26th May 2021 regarding the last date for submission of TMAs along with the late fee is 31st May 2021.
  • Notification No. 21/2020 dt. 29.12.2020 regarding the Examination of Vocational Courses is now scheduled from 5th February 2021 onwards.
  • Notification 32/2021 dt.04 June, 2021 regarding the Public Examinations of Sr.Secondary Courses scheduled in June 2021 are hereby Cancelled.
  • Notification 50/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Sr.Secondary Learners)
  • Notification 52/2021 dt.07.06.2021 regarding The last date for submission of TMAs along with the TMA late fee at respective Regional Centre is 15th June 2021.(only Secondary Learners)
  • Notification - 43/2021 dt. 06.01.2021 regarding Schedule for uploading the TMA marks and forwarded the Transfer of Credit(TOC) data for Public Examination to be held in January / February 2021.
  • Notification-2/2021 dt 28th June,2021 regarding ODE Examination (Both theory and practical) for the Period from 19th April 2021 till 31st May 2021 stands cancelled in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Notification - 54/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding Online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme (OBE) and Vocational Courses (Block-1) for the Academic Session 2021-22 date extended upto 31.08.2021.
  • Notification-22/2020 dt. 02.03.2020 regarding Extension of Open Basic Education(OBE) programme (6-14 years age group) beyond 31st March 2020 PDF File
  • अध्यक्ष का संदेश - हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह -2020
  • Circular dt.08.04.2021 regarding Pandemic Covid-19 Diseases
  • Notification No. 1174/28/2021 dt 13.04.2021 regarding Examination fee for May-June 2021 Public Examination extended till 18th April 2021.
  • Notification 28/2021 dt. 07 April 2021 regarding Skill Development Lab at Regional Centre, Amethi to train girls and women belongs to SC/ST/BPL Categories with an objective to empower female learners
  • Notification- 42/2020 dt. 02.11.2020 regarding the last date for Online Admission in OBE, Vocation Courses Block-1 and Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) to AI (Study Centre) has been extended.
  • Notification 29/2021 dt 16/04/2021 regarding Information for the schedule of June 2021 Examinations.
  • Notification 1/2021 dt. 19th April 2021 regarding the ongoing 'On Demand Examination' Postponed
  • Result for Vocational Education Examination (Previous Examination)
  • Notification 1153/2020 dt. 23/11/2020 regarding NIOS Oct-2020 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary course will be conducted during January-February, 2021
  • Notification 2021/30 dt. 1st July,2021 regarding the admission, study material and examination fee of Vocational courses is waived off for jail inmates.
  • Notification-23/2020 dt. 06.03.2020 regarding Extension of date for uploading the TMA marks by AIs
  • Office order-255/2020 dt. 06/11/2020, regarding Sh Anjani Kumar , IB(E)S(1989), Secretary, NIOS repatriation and relieving with effect from 6th November 2020
  • Notification 11/2021 dt. 23rd April, 2021 regarding Shri Pradeep Kumar Mohanty has assumed the charge of the post of Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Notification-39/2021 dt.21st Dec, 2021 regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneuship (MSDE)
  • Booking of Sensitive Confidential Examination material pertaining to the On Demand Examinations of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) of All Over India
  • All ongoing examination stands postponed.
  • Advisory regarding Preventive measures against spread of COVID 19 at Examinaiton Centres
  • Notification 26/2021 dt. 04.03.2021 regarding conduct the Feb-March 2021 OBE examination in June-July 2021.
  • Help Line Number for Accreditation of the Institutions
  • Notification 27/2021 dt. 15th Dec, 2021 regarding the registration & payment for Off-line D.El.Ed for J&K Candidate of second year (2nd Batch).
  • Notification No. 12/2020 dt. 30.03.2020 regarding All Examinations (Theory and Practical) across India and Overseas stand postponed for another three weeks
  • Notifications 22/2021 dt.18/02/2021 regarding Payment of Examination Fee of March-April 2021 Public Examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses will be conducted during June 2021.
  • Notification 25/2021 dt.22.02.2021 regarding On Demand Examination(ODE) 2021 for Secondary and Sr.Secondary Course will be conducted at NIOS HQ, Reg. Centres and Kendriya Vidyalayas from 15th March, 2021 onwards.
  • Help Line Number for E-Services
  • Notification - 01/2021 dt . 19 January, 2021 regarding the courses are introduced in Kannada Medium at Secondary Level
  • Circular 09/2020 dt.01.04.2020 regarding re-engagement of some contractual staff (including those engaged PMGDISHA,ASHA,D.El.ED) whose contracts have expired on 30th March, 2020.
  • NIOS ODE Registration Notification for June 2023 to September 2023
  • Office order dt.17/04/2020 regarding Purchase of one Infrared Body Temperature Scanner
  • Circular 13/2020 dt 21.04.2020 regarding Stopping use of PVC/plastic folders in Ministry/Department and attached/subordinate offices and CPSEs
  • Notification 45/2021 dt 8th dec 2021, regarding Bye-laws Governing Examination and Certificatin -2012 (Revised and Amended upto 2021) has been implemented w.e.f Oct/Nov 2021 Public Examination of NIOS
  • MHA Office Order dt.01.05.2020 regarding The extended period of National Lockdown for a further period of two weeks with effect from 4th May 2020
  • Notification dt.28.05.2020 regarding Submission of Examination fee for October 2020 Public Examinations
  • Notification Np.14/2020 dt. 01.06.2020 regarding NIOS Public Examination of Secondary and Sr.Secondary March/April 2020 rescheduled
  • Notification /2020 dt.16.06.2020 regarding Online Admission of Vocational Course Block 1 for Academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020  
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/116 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Administrative work of the NIOS will be looked after by Sh.S.Vijaya Kumar, Director(SSS) with immediate effect.
  • Office Order No. F.132-5/2020/NIOS/CMO/117 dt.23.6.2020 regarding All Accounts/Audit work of the NIOS will be looked after by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Director (Academic) with immediate effect.
  • Office Circular No. F.62-274/2018/NIOS/Delegation/ 48 dt. 26/06/2020 regarding Delegation of Financial Powers to various officers of NIOS
  • Office Order 117/2020 dt.26/062020 regarding Media Unit and Capacity Building Cell will function under Academic Department
  • Notification 16/2020 dt. 26.062020 regarding NIOS Practical Examinations rescheduled from 2nd July upto 10th July 2020 Stands Postponed till further orders
  • Notification 17/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding Divyang learners now be examined by way of project work/Qustion Answer Based Assessment (QABA).
  • Office Order 121/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Vocational Educational Department
  • Office Order No. 122/2020 dt.30.06.2020 regarding charge of Regional Centre Chennai.
  • Notification 29/2020 dt.01.07.2020 regarding online Admission of Stream -2 for academic session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31st July 2020.
  • Notification F.No.41-1/1-3/2020/NIOS/Pers dt.02.07.2020 regarding Dr. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, NCERT has assumed the Charge of Chairman, NIOS with effect from 2nd July 2020.
  • Notification 18/2020 dt. 30.06.2020 regarding the Public Examination of Secondary and Senior Secondary (Theory), March/April 2020 rescheduled to commence from 17th July 2020 postponed till further orders
  • Notification -34/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -35/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for online Admission of Vocation Course Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Notification -36/2020 dt.29.07.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) by the Learners of AI(Study Centre) has been extended up to 31/08/2020 (Monday).
  • Corrigendum dt.05.08.2020 regarding the last date for submission of Internal Assessment Tutor Marked Assignment(TMA) by the Learners to AI (Study Centre)
  • Notification 37/2020 dt.27.08.2020 regarding Online Admission of Stream -2 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been Extended upto 30/09/2020.
  • Notification NO.37/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for Submission of Internal Assessment TMA by the learner to AI has bee Extended up to 30-09-2020 for Stream-1 Block-II for Oct/Nov. 2020 examination without late fee.
  • Notification NO.38/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Open Basic Education Programme for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30th September,2020.
  • Notification NO.39/2020 dt.31.08.2020 regarding the last date for online Admisssion of Vocational Courses Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has bee extended up to 30-09-2020.
  • Circular dt 31.08.2020 regarding the learners intending to improve their performance can appear in the next public examination/On Demand Examination as one time measure.
  • Notification. 41/2020 dt 04.09.2020, regarding the last date for Online Admission Stream-1, Block-1 for Academic Session 2020-21 has been extended.
  • Notification for ON DEMAND EXAMINATION -23/2020 dt 25.09.2020
  • Notification 27/2021 dt.30.06.2021 regarding the OBE Exam in June-July, 2021 now stands cancelled.
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding Central Tax (Rate)
  • Circular dt.16.07.2021 regarding An Education institution is exempeted from GST
  • Notification 66/2021 dt.3 Dec,2021 regarding Enhanced Accreditation fee for Academic courses (Secondary & Senior Secondary)
  • Notification 44/2021 dt.03.12.2021 regarding the subject code 330 Computer Science available for registration in On Demand Examination (ODE) at Sr. Secondary level
  • Virtual Open School - Instructions
  • Notification 43/2021 regarding NIOS Practical Examination Internal Assessment for Dec. 2021 for Vocational Courses and D.El.Ed (Offline J & K) is scheduled.
  • Advertising by Hoardings at prominent places in all 26 Districts of AP
  • Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam
  • Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.
  • TENDER NOTICE - Post Examination Result Processing, Printing and Despatch Works of NIOS-NLMA under Basic Literacy Assessment (09-08-2021)
  • Tender for Disposal of  Used & Unused Question Papers, Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs, Map, Used OMR Sheets etc
  • Tender for Mechanized Housekeeping Services in the National Institute of Open Schooling (HQ) building, A-24-25, Sector-62, Noida, NIOS Regional Centre building, Guest House A-31,Sector-62, Noida and NIOS Book Store at CWC, Sahibabad, U.P.
  • Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Director (Evaluation)
  • Notice regarding the list of candidates for the post of Assistant Director (Admn.)
  • Legal Section
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • Proud Learners of NIOS
  • Conference & Workshops
  • Articles/Papers/Research Projects
  • Statical Reports
  • Provisions For Learners With Disability


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    इंटरनेट का परिचय. The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November 1989 as an autonomous organization in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a ...

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    Tender Notice for sale of Obsolete used and unused Answer Books including Old Question Papers and Admission Forms lying at NIOS Regional Centre Visakhapatnam Tender for award the contract of Comprehensive AMC of Network Management, Computer, Printer and Scanner of NIOS premises at A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309 & CWC, Sahibabad-201007.

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    Tutor Marks Assignment; Locate Study Centre. Secondary & Sr. Secondary; Open Basic Education (OBE) Vocational; ... Data Entry Operations (336) English Medium; Book 1: Syllabus: Hindi Medium; 1.Chapter 1: 2.Chapter 2: 3.Chapter 3: 4.Chapter 4: ... TENDER FOR DISPOSAL OF USED & UNUSED ANSWER BOOKS ETC. OF NIOS REGIONAL CENTRE, KOLKATA ...

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    Data Entry Operations 2. Identify those programs which run inside the computer's memory to make computer hardware functional like Operating system, writer, games etc., will come under the software category. Dos and Don'ts z Observe only external devices. z Do not go much into the detail of internal components of the CPU. Learner's ...

  22. Data Entry Operations (336)

    Data Entry Operations (336) English Medium; Book 1: Syllabus: Hindi Medium; 1.Chapter 1: 2.Chapter 2: 3.Chapter 3: 4.Chapter 4: ... 7.Chapter 7: 8.Chapter 8: 9.Chapter 9: 10.Chapter 10: Awards & Achievement. NIOS receives the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. ... Answer Books including continuation sheets, Graphs ...

  23. Data Entry Operations (336)

    The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November 1989 as an autonomous organization in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a number of Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses besides General and ...