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Self-Portrait Essay: Examples and How to Write a Portrait

A portrait essay presents a personality to the readers. It usually focuses on the aspects of life that are the most exciting or unique.

It comprises two types of papers: a self-portrait essay and a portrait of another person. This article explains how to write these assignments with utmost efficiency. You will find the best tips, ideas, and samples to describe yourself or someone else as precisely as possible.

👧 Self-Portrait Essay

A self-portrait essay is a piece of writing that describes the author’s looks and personal qualities . It uses evocative images and characteristic details to show why this person stands out from the crowd. As a rule, it is a descriptive or reflective essay. Still, it can be argumentative if you want to contradict someone else’s opinion about you.

How to Write a Self-Portrait

Below you’ll find several ideas for a self-portrait essay. These are just general guidelines. If you need a creative and well-formulated topic, you are welcome to use our topic-generating tool .

The picture contains a list of self-portrait essay ideas.

  • Start the introduction with an introduction. We are not talking about “Hi, my name is Cathy,” although this variant is also possible in some contexts. Tell about your family and where you live. Do not just list facts as if you are answering a questionnaire. Make up a background story.
  • Imagine yourself a book character. How would you describe yourself if you wrote a book about your life ? This approach can make your self-portrait essay more poetic and literary. Replace the epithets that can describe many people (straight nose, thin lips, high forehead) with metaphors (a nose as straight as an arrow, paper-thin lips, expansive forehead). It will make your essay more memorable.
  • Speak about objects & stories. Appearance is only a tiny part of your personality. Your life consists of items you like, people you love, and stories you create. That’s what you readers will enjoy reading!
  • Conclude with your hopes for the future. Do not reiterate what you said before, even if you cannot imagine anything new. Write how you would like to develop your skills or become a better professional in the future. Make your essay open-ended, as any human life is.

Self-Portrait Essay Example

Who am I? What kind of person am I? What do I like? What do I want to become? In this essay, I will describe my appearance and how it reflects my inner world. Looking in the mirror, I see a slender but slightly skinny girl. I have an oval face, a small straight nose, and sparkling eyes. It is the eyes that make my friends and acquaintances look at my face. They are profound, although they add playfulness to my face. In cloudy weather, they acquire a dark steel shade. When it is sunny, they brighten up. In general, I have kind gray eyes. As my friends say, it seems that they “laugh.” That’s what I am all about. I am kind, cheerful, moderately strict, and responsive. I have a high forehead, hidden behind curtain bangs, and beautiful thick eyebrows of the correct shape hidden under the bangs. But this is not a gift from nature. I had to work on the form of the eyebrows on my own. My lips are not thin, but not full either. Behind them, there are snow-white teeth. The hair is straight, although I always wanted to have curls. It is wheat-colored and reaches the shoulders. I am a purposeful person, so I always set tasks that I immediately try to accomplish. But I never stop in my development. I raise the bar even higher and confidently put the next goal. It is essential for me to be the best in everything, so I have to work harder. Most likely, this is my drawback, but this quality fuels me to keep on growing. I would like to become firm, successful, and self-confident.

👨‍🎨️ Descriptive Portrait Essay

A descriptive essay about a person is a genre that analyzes the individual features and human qualities of a given person. People have so many different sides that there is a broad array of possibilities in this genre. Write of someone you know well enough (to have sufficient material).

Essay About a Person: Ideas

Below you’ll find six great ideas for an essay about a person.

  • Describe appearance . First impressions are the most lasting . Your readers will get your message better if you give them a “picture.” It will play the role of a whiteboard where you’ll attack all the other traits.
  • Link appearance to personality traits . But looks are not everything. They are the top of the iceberg. Show your reader why you paid attention to those characteristics and which conclusions you made.
  • Mention their manners . It is optional but quite exciting to track. We are not stable, and our manners reflect those emotional shifts. Describe how the person behaves in stressful situations .
  • Spot the emotions they raise in you . This part will make a perfect conclusion. Share your feelings with the readers to build empathy.
  • Balance between being concise and informative . Avoid overwhelming your reader with irrelevant details. If the described person is someone you know well, it may be challenging to point out what is worth mentioning and what is not.
  • Learn how to describe from professionals . If you wish to learn how to write, you should read a lot. In particular, you should read works of the same genre. Write down the metaphors and epithets your favorite author uses in their character descriptions.

How to Write a Portrait

We have prepared for you a mini guide on how to write a portrait of a person. Just follow these 8 simple steps:

  • Collect information about a person . It is crucial to write about a person you know well, like a close friend, a classmate, or a family member. Consider conducting an interview with this person or talking with other people who know this individual to gain more insights and observations.
  • Create a thesis and an outline . Choose interesting details, anecdotes, unique features, or qualities of your chosen person that are worth describing in your essay. Organize all the information logically in an outline to make writing easier. Also, create a thesis statement, which must include the person you write about and your purpose for describing them.
  • Start with a physical description . At this stage, you need to be as specific as possible. Try to describe not only the appearance of the person but add details about their smell, voice, etc.
  • Describe the behavior . Focus on what makes this person unique — their laugh, a manner of talking, a way of moving, etc.
  • Demonstrate your character’s reputation . To do so, show how your described person makes others feel, treats others, and contributes to the world.
  • Show your character’s environment and belongings . A person’s environment and belongings can reveal much about their personality, interests, and values. So, include details about what things are important to your described individual and whether their environment looks tidy, cluttered, dirty, etc.
  • Write about their manner of speech . Describe the person’s choice of words and intonation to reflect their education level, confidence or fear, and unique worldview.
  • Conclude by summarizing unique qualities . In your last paragraph, summarize what makes your described person unique. Add a concluding sentence conveying the final impression they have made on you.

Descriptive Portrait Essay Example

My best friend is a person who deserves a separate book. She had a complicated but interesting life. She is the third child in a large family and wants to become a nurse. I will dedicate this essay to her features and personal qualities to show that you can be a good person despite anything. Mary’s appearance is unremarkable and even plain. She is tall and plump, and her gestures are indecisive. The girl seems to be shy, but she becomes very confident when her family or values are harmed. One could see a strict line between her eyebrows. It marks her inner strength and decisiveness. The look of her grey eyes is attentive and benevolent. It helps her win the interlocutor in an argument. By the way, communication skills are the strongest part of her character. She is open and cheerful but sometimes too impulsive. The way she speaks and behaves comforts me, like a cold winter evening in front of a fireplace. She is kind and caring, and always does her best to make any interaction pleasurable. Still, when someone acts with hypocrisy, she prefers to break up with such a person. It is hard for Mary to give people a second chance. This feature has its drawbacks, but it also makes her friends’ circle tight and reliable. Mary wants to become a nursery teacher because she loves children. At the moment, she is studying for that, and I am sure she will succeed. This girl has taught me that people can combine mutually exclusive features in themselves and remain to be nice friends and intelligent specialists.

We hope we’ve inspired you to write your portrait essay. If you have already written your text and want it to be read aloud, you are welcome to use our text-to-speech tool .

❓ Portrait Essay FAQ

How to write a portrait essay.

1. Make a list of the most remarkable facial features and character traits of the person in question. 2. Relate the above to their character. 3. Group your findings into categories. 4. Dedicate one main body paragraph to each category.

How to Start a Portrait Essay?

Any essay should start with background information. In the case of a portrait essay, you could mention how you got to know the person or what your first impression was. Or, you can give general information about their family and work. Finish your introduction with a thesis statement, informing the reader of the purpose of your writing.

How to Write a Self-portrait Essay?

1. Sit in front of the mirror and think about which of your features differ you from other people. 2. Write the main body, dedicating each paragraph to a different aspect of your appearance. 3. Write the introduction about what kind of person you are and how you came to the place where you are now. 4. Write the conclusion about your future intentions.

How Do You Write a Character Portrait Essay?

1. Carefully read all the author’s descriptions of the character. 2. Link them to the plot as most characters reveal themselves gradually. 3. Think what impressed you the most about the character. 4. Write your opinion using the image the author created and your own imagination.

🔗 References

  • Descriptive Essays | Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Descriptive Essay Examples – YourDictionary
  • How to Give a Description of a Character – wikiHow
  • How to Write About Yourself | Indeed.com
  • 7 Helpful Tips on How to Write a Memorable Personal Essay
  • Personal Essay Topics and Prompts – ThoughtCo

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How to Write a Self-Portrait Essay

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A self-portrait essay is a paper that describes you -- and what's important to you -- to your reader. Choosing what aspects of yourself you want to describe before you begin your essay will help you choose the most evocative images and events to include in your essay. Using specific images from your life will give your reader a physical image of who you are.

Reflect on Your Experiences

Before you begin writing your self-portrait essay, reflect on yourself. Think about the sort of personality you have, what types of people you get along with and your goals and aspirations. Once you've taken time to look at yourself, think about what aspects of yourself you want to focus on. To make your essay engaging, pick an area that challenges you. For instance, you might write about how you try to form new friendships despite your anxieties, or how you commit to your convictions even if it brings you into conflict with others. You can also explore what ideas -- religion, philosophy, ethics -- are important to you. Deciding on two or three aspects you wish to focus on will help you narrow down what you include in your writing.

Introduce Yourself

Begin writing your essay by introducing your reader to yourself. Describe where you live and your family, and provide a physical description of yourself. To make your introduction catchy and interesting, avoid listing these details as if you're just answering a series of questions. Working them into physical descriptions of your life can make this information more interesting. For instance, if you're 17, you might introduce your age by saying: "We moved into this squat brick house 15 years ago -- two years after I was born."

You can also use a picture of yourself -- a literal self-portrait -- as an image to begin your essay. Find a picture of yourself from your past, and describe what that picture shows about you. For instance, if your picture shows you when you were upset, you might say that you can remember being sad when you were a child, but you can't quite remember why. This can be an excellent way of bringing in your reader and beginning to discuss how you have or haven't changed over time.

Tell Your Stories

The body of your essay should explore the aspects of yourself you decided to write about. For each aspect, pick two or three events from your life and write a paragraph for each. If you want to show your determination, for instance, you might describe a time that you ran all the way to school when your bus didn't come. If you hold steadfast to your opinions, you could describe a long political argument you had with your family, and the mixture of pride and anger you felt afterward. These events will show your personality and give you the opportunity to describe physical locations and actions, which will make your self-portrait feel more real to your reader.

In addition to using events from your life to illustrate your personality, describe yourself using objects from your life. If you're an avid reader, spend part of your essay describing the large bookshelves in your room. If you're meticulous about your hobbies, use an image of a plant that you keep on your windowsill.

The conclusion paragraph of your essay should tie your paper together. It should draw on the aspects of your personality and the events in your life that you've described and ask where you're going in the future, or what you feel about yourself now that those events are in the past. Don't summarize or restate the items you've already described. Instead, tie them together or build on them. For instance, if you described making art in the past, talk about how you hope to rediscover your creativity. If you know you'll have to deal with ideas you don't agree with in the future, write how you think you'll handle them.

Alternatively, conclude your essay by restating the details from your introduction in a different light. By tying the beginning and end of your essay together, you will give a sense of completion to your reader. For instance, if you describe your house as "gloomy" in your introduction, but spend your paper talking about the fun you've had with your siblings, you might conclude your essay by saying: "Yes, it's a gloomy house, but we know how to make it shine."

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Jon Zamboni began writing professionally in 2010. He has previously written for The Spiritual Herald, an urban health care and religious issues newspaper based in New York City, and online music magazine eBurban. Zamboni has a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Wesleyan University.

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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

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First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 22, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/write-about-yourself/

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Home » Writers-House Blog » Self-Portrait Essays: Writing Tips

Self-Portrait Essays: Writing Tips

Self-portrait essays are aimed to describe the author. When writing a self-portrait essay, you should think of your audience and find the best approaches to describe yourself to its members. Use evocative images and specific details to make your description more vivid and engaging. Writing consultants from Writers-house.com service wrote this quick guide to help you write an outstanding self-portrait essay.

Think of Your Experiences

First, take your time and reflect on yourself. Think about your personality, your aspirations, and goals. What people you like to see around yourself? What you’d like to achieve in the future? We recommend that you choose a relatively challenging area to make your essay more engaging. For example, if you suffer from anxiety, you can describe how you overcome it to build relationships with other people. You may write about how you keep standing your ground despite the pressure from others. You may also write about your ethical, philosophical, or religious views. The main thing is to clearly define the focus of your essay.

Describe Yourself

You should begin your essay with an introduction. You need to introduce yourself and to provide a general description that will allow your readers to quickly learn the most important things about you. However, avoid simply listing the details about yourself because you don’t want the introduction to be boring. For example, if you want to say that you’re 16 years old, you can tell your readers how you and your parents moved to a new place 13 years ago, when you were three years old.

A good approach is to take a picture of yourself or take a look at your old pictures and describe what this picture can tell about you. For example, if you look happy on this picture, tell your readers about that day and why you were happy. A picture from the past is also a great opportunity to discuss how you’ve changed over time.

Tell Your Story

The main part of your essay must provide your readers with insights into the chosen area of yourself. When writing about some aspects of your life, make sure to illustrate them with specific events. Devote one body paragraph to one aspect, and provide some opinions. For example, you may mention a political argument with your family or explain what do you think about the overall quality of life in the town where you were born. You should show your personality and illustrate it with such details as events, locations, etc.

We recommend that you don’t use an opportunity to make your self-description more vivid by describing objects that surround your everyday life. For example, describe your room or tell your readers something about your hobbies and passions.

The Conclusion

The last paragraph of your essay should wrap it up and tie together all the pieces of information about yourself, creating a complete image. The conclusion is a great place to tell your readers what you think about your life now, and what you’re going to do in the future. We recommend that you don’t restate any information that you’ve already mentioned in the body of your essay. Don’t write a summary. Instead, provide a new perspective. Writing about your goals and plans is a great solution.

We also recommend that you conclude the essay by considering things you’ve been addressing in the introduction in a different light. If your introduction and conclusion are connected to each other, your essay will create a sense of completion. Make sure that different sections of your essay are logically connected to each other and your story is consistent.

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Self Portrait Essay Introduction

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Self Portrait Essay Introduction

A self-portrait essay is an opportunity to dive deep into one’s own self-psyche and explore the various facets of their personality, experiences, and emotions. It is a form of autobiographical writing that allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through their own unique lens. In this type of essay, the writer becomes both the subject and the author, painting a vivid picture of themselves for the reader.

A self-portrait essay is not only a means of self-expression but also a powerful tool for self-discovery, reflection, and growth. In this essay, one will explore the various aspects of their personality, experiences, and emotions, and present an introduction of themselves to the reader to gain a deeper understanding of who they are as an individual. 

Individuals can refer to this blog, to know and understand how to write a self-portrait essay introduction. 

This Blog Includes:

How to write a self-portrait essay introduction , points to include in your self-portrait essay, self portrait sample.

Writing an introduction for a self-portrait essay can be an interesting and reflective exercise. Here are some steps you can follow to write a successful self-portrait essay:

  • Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming about yourself. Think about your personality, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and how they have shaped you as a person. Jot down notes and ideas that come to your mind.
  • Introduction: Start your essay with a catchy introduction that sets the tone for your essay. You can use a quote, an anecdote, or a question to engage the reader.
  • Personal background: Provide some background information about yourself, including where you grew up, your family, and any significant events that have influenced your life.
  • Personal qualities: Describe your personality traits, including your strengths and weaknesses. Discuss how these traits have impacted your life and relationships.
  • Accomplishments: Write about your accomplishments, both big and small. Talk about what you have achieved and what you are proud of.
  • Challenges: Discuss the challenges you have faced in your life and how you have overcome them. This can be a powerful way to show your resilience and strength.
  • Goals: Talk about your goals, both short-term and long-term. Explain what motivates you and what you hope to achieve in the future.

Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and leaving the reader with a final thought or reflection.

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When writing a self-portrait essay, there are several things you can mention to provide a comprehensive and insightful depiction of yourself. Here are some ideas:

  • Personal Identity: You can start by mentioning your name, age, place of birth, family background, and any other significant details about your upbringing that have contributed to your identity. Discuss your relationships with family, friends, and significant others, and how they have impacted your life.
  • Personality Traits: Describe your personality, including your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, your values, and your beliefs.
  • Education and Career: Mention your academic qualifications, any degrees or certifications earned, and your current or past profession.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Mention any hobbies, sports, or activities you enjoy, and how they have influenced your life.
  • Accomplishments: Highlight your achievements, both personal and professional, that you are most proud of.
  • Examples of Overcoming Obstacles: Discuss any challenges or obstacles you have faced in life, and how you overcame them with the help of examples. Do not forget to add what you learned from them. 
  • Goals and Aspirations: Mention your short-term and long-term goals, and what you hope to achieve in life.

In the end, you can also share any unique experiences in your life. Share your experiences related to travel, volunteer work, or other notable events.

Also Read: How To Ace Your Self Introduction in Interview!

Here is a sample that you can refer to while writing a self-portrait essay introduction yourself: 

Growing up, I always had a passion for reading and writing. I spent countless hours devouring books and writing stories and knew from a young age that I wanted to pursue a career in writing.

After high school, I attended a local community college and then I was transferred to a four-year university program, where I am now pursuing my final year of studies. In addition to my major in English literature, I am also pursuing a minor in creative writing.

Outside of my studies, I am an avid runner and love participating in local races. I also enjoy hiking, camping, and spending time with friends and family.

The self-portrait essay can be started by mentioning your name, native place, family background, and education, along with many other details.

A self-portrait essay is an opportunity to express yourself as an individual and introduce the reader to your various facets including your interests, native place, education or belongingness.

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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self-portrait with bandaged ear and pipe conveys ________.

self-portrait with bandaged ear and pipe conveys the agitation of the artists internal reality through its representation of his physical appearance

The self-portrait "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe" by Vincent van Gogh portrays pain, both physical and emotional, with the bandaged ear as its main symbol.

The bandage symbolizes his mental distress when he sliced off part of his ear. Creating a self-portrait shows van Gogh's self-reflection, exploration, and expression of emotions through art.

Learn more about   self-portrait from


Related Questions

TRUE/FALSE. "nativism" is hatred of other people on the basis of their skin color.

False. "Nativism" refers to a political ideology that favors the interests of native-born citizens over immigrants, regardless of their skin color.

Political ideology refers to a set of beliefs, values, and principles that shape a person's political views and inform their opinions on social, economic, and political issues. Political ideologies can be broadly categorized into different groups, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, libertarianism , and fascism. Each ideology has its own unique set of beliefs and values, which influence how individuals and political groups approach policies and decision-making. For example, liberal ideology emphasizes individual rights, equality, and social justice, and typically supports government intervention in the economy and social policies aimed at promoting equality and protecting individual freedoms.

It is not necessarily related to hatred of people based on their skin color .

To learn more about political ideology https://brainly.com/question/14738266 #SPJ11

When you word a specific purpose in terms of desired audience behavior it is known as. behavioral objective. True/False

The statement "when you word a specific purpose in terms of desired audience behavior, it is known as a  behavioral objective", is true because It focuses on the actions or behaviors the audience should exhibit after receiving the information, rather than simply focusing on the content itself.

A behavioral objective is a clear and concise statement that describes the intended outcome of a presentation or lesson. It focuses on the actions or behaviors the audience should exhibit after receiving the information, rather than simply focusing on the content itself.

By defining a specific, measurable, and achievable goal for audience behavior, you can better tailor your presentation to effectively engage your audience and ensure they retain the key points you want to convey. Ultimately, a well-defined behavioral objective can enhance the overall success of your presentation and increase its impact on your audience.

To know more about audience , refer here:


.Suki is a Japanese American adolescent.Because she belongs to the "model minority," Suki probably A)still experiences stress associated with her ethnic minority status. B)faces much less prejudice and bias than other ethnic groups. C)has fewer resources to buffer bias and prejudice. D)None of these choices are correct.

A) still experiences stress associated with her ethnic minority status .

While Suki may face less prejudice and bias compared to other ethnic groups, being part of the " model minority " does not exempt her from experiencing stress and discrimination related to her ethnic identity. Additionally, having fewer resources to buffer bias and prejudice is not necessarily linked to belonging to the "model minority."

For more question like minority status visit the link below:


In the absence of an express agreement, which act governs partnerships in most states? a) The Joint Partnership Act b) The Associated Partnership Act c) The Joint Agreement Act d) The Uniform Partnership Act e) The Uniform Joint Agreement Act

In the absence of an express agreement, the act that governs partnerships in most states is the Uniform Partnership Act (UPA). The correct answer is option d. The UPA is a set of laws that provide guidance on the formation, operation, and dissolution of partnerships.

It was adopted by many states in the United States to ensure consistency and provide a legal framework for partnerships . The UPA outlines the rights and responsibilities of partners, including their liability for debts , their ability to make decisions, and their role in managing the partnership. It also addresses issues such as the distribution of profits and losses, the admission of new partners, and the process for dissolving a partnership. In the absence of an express agreement , the UPA serves as a default set of rules that partners can rely on. This ensures that even when partners have not explicitly agreed upon certain terms, there is a consistent and fair approach to managing the partnership. Overall, the Uniform Partnership Act plays a crucial role in governing partnerships and providing a legal framework that promotes fair and efficient business relationships.

To know more about UPA refer here:


How is the allocation of assets to net intangible assets determined?

The allocation of assets to net intangible assets is typically determined during the process of a business combination or acquisition . In a business combination, the acquiring company will acquire the assets and liabilities of the target company, including any intangible assets.

The allocation of assets to net intangible assets is based on the fair value of the intangible assets at the time of the acquisition. The fair value of an intangible asset is the amount that would be received to sell the asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The fair value of an intangible asset can be determined using various valuation methods, including the income approach, market approach, and cost approach. The income approach estimates the future cash flows that the intangible asset is expected to generate, and discounts them to their present value using a discount rate. The market approach compares the intangible asset to similar assets that have been sold in the market. The cost approach estimates the cost to recreate or replace the intangible asset.

Once the fair value of the intangible assets has been determined, the excess purchase price over the fair value of the tangible assets and liabilities acquired is allocated to goodwill. This excess purchase price is commonly referred to as the purchase price allocation.

Learn more about intangible assets.


Which of the following was not among the issues addressed by women in the progressive movement? a) ending special regulations governing women in the workplace b) preventing child labor in factories and sweatshops c) insuring that food products were healthy and safe d) attacking tuberculosis and other diseases bred in slum tenements e) creating pensions for mothers with dependent children

The issue of creating pensions for mothers with dependent children was not addressed by women in the progressive movement. Therefore, option (e) raises point that was not among the issues addressed by women in the progressive movement During the Progressive Era, women played a significant role in addressing various social issues. They advocated for better working conditions, child labor laws, food and drug safety regulations, and public health initiatives. However, creating pensions for mothers with dependent children was not among the issues that women focused on during the progressive movement. The progressive movement aimed to improve the lives of all individuals, especially the working class and the poor. Women recognized that many families were struggling to make ends meet, and they worked towards improving the social safety net. However, while mothers and children were a significant concern, creating pensions for mothers with dependent children was not a priority at that time. Instead, women focused on issues that directly impacted the health and well-being of their families, such as child labor laws and public health initiatives.

Know more about Progressive Era here:


in a low-context culture, people are expected to be direct and say what they mean. true/false

The statement is true because in a low-context culture , communication is typically very explicit and direct.

This means that people are expected to say what they mean and not rely on subtle or indirect cues to convey their message . In these cultures, individuals often value clarity and efficiency in their communication , and may feel uncomfortable or frustrated when others are not straightforward or fail to communicate their intentions clearly.

Low-context cultures include many Western cultures, such as those found in the United States and Northern Europe, where individualism and directness are highly valued.

Overall, communication norms and expectations can vary significantly across different cultural contexts, and it is important to be aware of these differences in order to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Learn more about low-context culture https://brainly.com/question/30763882

Which of these is the MOST accurate conclusion regarding the use of Viagra and related drugs to treat erectile disorders? a. They are only slightly more effective than placebos. b. They are moderately effective, but other forms of treatment are preferred. c. They are much more effective than placebos and are the preferred form of treatment. d. The drugs are effective but so unsafe that they are no longer prescribed. Previous question

The most accurate conclusion regarding the use of Viagra and related drugs to treat erectile disorders is that they are much more effective than placebos and are the preferred form of treatment. The correct answer is option c.

Viagra and similar medications , known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, have been shown to be highly effective in treating erectile dysfunction (ED) in a significant number of men. These drugs work by increasing blood flow to the p-enis, which helps to achieve and maintain an erection.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors in improving erectile function. They have been found to be significantly more effective than placebos , with success rates ranging from 60% to 80% in clinical trials. These drugs have become widely prescribed and are considered the first-line treatment for ED.

While other forms of treatment, such as lifestyle changes, counseling, or alternative therapies, may be recommended in certain cases or alongside medication, PDE5 inhibitors remain the primary and most commonly prescribed treatment option for erectile disorders due to their proven effectiveness.

It is worth noting that like any medication, Viagra and related drugs have potential side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment approach based on individual circumstances and medical history.

The correct answer is option c.

To know more about medications refer to-


operationalized hypothetical physiological processes that were used when multiple forms of evidence converged to support a similar explanation are called variables.

Variables are operationalized hypothetical physiological processes that are used when multiple forms of evidence converge to support a similar explanation.

Variables are used to quantify the physiological process , such as measuring the rate at which a particular hormone is released into the bloodstream, and they can also be used to measure the effect of a stimulus on the body, such as the changes in heart rate in response to a stressful situation.

By measuring these variables, researchers can better understand how the body functions and how different stimuli influence it. Variables can also be used to test hypotheses , compare results across studies, and draw conclusions about the physiological processes that are taking place.

Know more about Variables here


You are responsible for supervising order takers at Acme, Inc. Which of the following would you be LEAST likely to expect these people to perform? A. executing the preapproach stage of the creative selling process B. assisting business customers C. processing customer transactions D. communicating with customers over the phone E. executing the close stage of the creative selling process

The task that would be the least likely for order takers at Acme, Inc. to perform is executing the preapproach stage of the creative selling process and executing the close stage of the creative selling process. Therefore, the correct option is A and E.

As an order taker at Acme, Inc., one would typically be expected to perform tasks such as:

B. assisting business customers - providing support and information about products or services.

C. processing customer transactions - handling orders, payments, and other related tasks.

D. communicating with customers over the phone - answering questions, providing information, and resolving issues.

However, the preapproach stage of the selling process typically involves sales representatives conducting research and planning strategies before making a sales call. This task would be more appropriate for a sales team rather than order takers, who mainly focus on processing orders and assisting customers with their inquiries.

Similarly, executing the close stage of the creative selling process, which involves finalizing a sale and convincing a customer to make a purchase, is typically the responsibility of a sales representative rather than an order taker. So, among the given options, you would be least likely to expect order to perform the preapproach stage of the creative selling process and executing the close stage of the creative selling process which corresponds to option A and E respectively.

Learn more about Selling process :


a rubber compound that works closely with the beads and bead filler to keep air inside of the tire:

The rubber compound that is responsible for keeping air inside the tire is the inner liner. The inner liner is a layer of rubber that sits inside the tire, next to the carcass.

It is designed to provide an airtight seal to prevent air from escaping from the tire. The inner liner is made from a specially formulated rubber compound that is resistant to air permeation, which is the process by which air molecules escape through the rubber. This rubber compound works in conjunction with the bead and bead filler, which are also important components of the tire that contribute to keeping the tire inflated. The bead is a high-strength wire that runs around the circumference of the tire, while the bead filler is a rubber compound that helps to hold the bead in place and seal it against the rim. Together, these components form a seal that prevents air from escaping, allowing the tire to maintain its shape and performance. In summary, the rubber compound responsible for keeping air inside the tire is the inner liner , which works closely with the bead and bead filler to create an airtight seal.

To know more about rubber visit :


to say that one is born in a particular country establishes the affiliation of that person to a

To say that one is born in a particular country establishes the affiliation of that person to a specific nation. The place of birth is an important factor in determining a person's nationality , as it is the country in which they are legally considered to be a citizen.

This affiliation can have significant implications for a person's rights and responsibilities, including access to education , healthcare , employment , and political participation . It also shapes a person's identity and sense of belonging, as their cultural, linguistic, and social experiences are influenced by the country in which they were born. Overall, being born in a particular country establishes a fundamental connection between an individual and their nation, which can have far-reaching impacts throughout their life.

Know more about person's nationality here:


what do self-serving biases, group polarization, and negative stereotypes have in common?

Self-serving biases , group polarization, and negative stereotypes are all examples of cognitive biases or errors in thinking that can lead to distorted perceptions of oneself, others, and the world.

Self-serving biases refer to the tendency to attribute positive outcomes to one's abilities and efforts while attributing negative outcomes to external factors such as luck or circumstance. This bias serves to protect our self-esteem and maintain a positive self-image, but it can also lead to overconfidence and a lack of accountability.

Group polarization refers to the tendency for group discussion to intensify and reinforce preexisting attitudes and beliefs, leading to more extreme positions and greater polarization between groups. This bias can arise due to social pressure to conform to the norms of one's group, or due to a desire to distinguish oneself from competing groups.

Negative stereotypes refer to the tendency to attribute negative characteristics to members of certain groups based on their social identity, such as race, gender, or religion. These stereotypes can arise due to a variety of factors, including socialization, media representation, and personal experiences, and they can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and inequality.

Overall, these biases all involve a distortion or oversimplification of reality based on our preconceptions and prejudices, and they can have negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole. Recognizing and overcoming these biases is an important step toward promoting greater empathy, understanding, and social justice.

To know more about Self-serving biases: https://brainly.com/question/30403271

How long did the Great Depression last? Group of answer choices 10 years 6 months 1 year 20 years

1929–1941. The longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy lasted more than a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II in 1941.


Mobilizing the economy for world war finally cured the depression. Millions of men and women joined the armed forces, and even larger numbers went to work in well-paying defense jobs. World War Two affected the world and the United States profoundly; it continues to influence us even today.

as a general rule, the return to (or rental price of) a specific factor used in a product tends to:

As a general rule , the return to a specific factor used in a product tends to rise disproportionally when the product is exported. This means that the rental price for the factor will also increase, reflecting the market forces of supply and demand.

Conversely, when demand for the factor is low and its supply is high, the return and rental price will tend to decrease. However, there may be other factors at play such as government regulations, technological advancements, and changes in consumer preferences that can also impact the return and rental price of a specific factor.

As a general rule, the return to (or rental price of) a specific factor used in a product tends to vary depending on the scarcity of that factor. Specifically, if a factor is scarce or in high demand relative to its supply, its return or rental price tends to be higher. Conversely, if a factor is abundant or in low demand relative to its supply, its return or rental price tends to be lower.

For example, the return to labor in a given industry will tend to be higher if there is a shortage of skilled workers, while the return to capital will tend to be higher if there is a shortage of investment opportunities. Similarly, the rental price of land will tend to be higher in urban areas where land is scarce, while it will tend to be lower in rural areas where land is abundant.

Overall, the return to a specific factor is determined by the interaction of supply and demand in the market for that factor, with scarcity driving up prices and abundance driving down prices.

To know more about the product: https://brainly.com/question/29099285

in dealing with conflict, which of the following suggestions is provided by the textbook authors? a. Maintain contact c. Identify your preferred style d. A and C only*

In dealing with conflict, the textbook authors suggest that you should both: Maintain contact and Identify your preferred style". The correct option is d.

Maintaining contact is important as it promotes open communication and helps to resolve misunderstandings or misinterpretations. By keeping the lines of communication open, you can work towards a mutual understanding and find a resolution to the conflict. On the other hand, identifying your preferred conflict management style is crucial because it allows you to understand your own approach and how it may impact the resolution process. There are various conflict management styles, such as avoiding, accommodating, compromising, collaborating, or competing. By recognizing your own style, you can better adapt your approach when dealing with others and work towards a more effective resolution. In summary, both maintaining contact and identifying your preferred style are valuable suggestions provided by the textbook authors when dealing with conflict. These strategies can contribute to more effective communication and conflict resolution . The correct option is d.

To know more about textbook authors , refer here:


________ is the process by which immediate memories are transformed into long-term memories.

Consolidation is the process by which immediate memories are transformed into long-term memories. Consolidation refers to the process through which short-term or immediate memories are converted into long-lasting, long-term memories .

This process typically occurs during sleep, when the brain is able to strengthen neural connections and encode information more effectively.

Consolidation allows us to retain important information over time, which can be retrieved when needed. Several factors, such as emotional significance, repetition, and association with existing memories, can influence the likelihood of a memory being consolidated.

The hippocampus, a region of the brain, plays a critical role in this memory consolidation process.

For more such questions on Consolidation , click on:


Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development ofself-control? a. Self-esteem. b. Authoritarian discipline. c. Emotion regulation. d. Power assertion.

The critical element that underlies the development of self -control is:

c. Emotion regulation.

Emotion regulation refers to the ability to understand, manage, and respond to one's own emotions in a constructive and adaptive manner. It involves recognizing and appropriately expressing emotions, as well as effectively managing emotional reactions in different situations.

Self-control, also known as self- discipline , is closely linked to emotion regulation. It requires individuals to regulate their emotions and impulses, resisting immediate gratification in favor of long-term goals or socially acceptable behaviors. Emotion regulation skills play a vital role in self-control by helping individuals manage and regulate the emotional states that may interfere with making self-controlled choices.

While self- esteem , authoritarian discipline, and power assertion may have their own influences on development, emotion regulation is considered a critical element for the development of self-control. It provides the foundation for individuals to manage their impulses, make thoughtful decisions, and engage in self-regulated behavior.

Learn more about self- discipline at: https://brainly.com/question/12690473

Which of the following is an important source area for US folk house types? A) Upper New York B) Lower Chesapeake C) Northeast D) Southwest E) Southern Atlantic

The important source area for US folk house types is: B) Lower Chesapeake The Lower Chesapeake region refers to the southern portion of the Chesapeake Bay, located in the states of Virginia and Maryland in the eastern United States. This region is known for its rich history, natural beauty, and distinctive architecture.

The region has been shaped by its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay, which has supported a thriving maritime economy for centuries. Fishing, crabbing, and oyster harvesting have been important industries in the region, and the Bay's influence can be seen in the design of the area's homes, which often feature large front porches and elevated foundations to protect against flooding.

The Lower Chesapeake region is also home to a number of historic sites, including the Colonial National Historical Park, which preserves the site of the first English settlement in America at Jamestown. Other notable attractions include the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, which spans the mouth of the Bay, and the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge, which provides habitat for a variety of bird species.

T o learn more about lower chesapeake visit -https://brainly.com/question/29632586

what is the most common voip application protocol

The most common VoIP application protocol is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

SIP is an application-layer protocol that is used to initiate, modify, and terminate real-time sessions that involve video, voice, messaging, and other communications applications and services between two or more endpoints on IP networks. It uses a client-server model and operates similarly to HTTPs with requests and responses.

SIP is widely used for voice and video calling , instant messaging, presence information, and other applications. It has become the de-facto standard for VoIP due to its openness, flexibility, and support for interoperability between different vendors and platforms.

To know more about HTTPs visit:


choose the form of political corruption most commonly associated with the gilded age. a.) tax evasion b.) patronage c.) money laundering d.) blackmail

During the Gilded Age in American history, political corruption was rampant and various forms of corruption were practiced by the political elite of the time. However, the form of political corruption most commonly associated with the Gilded Age is patronage.

Patronage was the practice of giving government jobs to friends and supporters as a reward for their loyalty rather than their qualifications. This practice was widely used during the Gilded Age by political machines and bosses who controlled local and state politics. They used patronage to build their power bases and maintain control over their political territories . The spoils system, as it was called, was widely criticized for promoting mediocrity and corruption in government, and ultimately led to the implementation of civil service reform in the late 1800s. Overall, patronage was a significant form of political corruption during the Gilded Age and had a lasting impact on American politics and government.

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Patronage is the form of political corruption most commonly associated with the Gilded Age . Patronage was a system of political rewards in which politicians would hand out government jobs and contracts to their supporters, regardless of their qualifications or abilities. This led to widespread abuse of power and a culture of political favoritism, as politicians would use these jobs and contracts to build up their own power bases and reward their supporters. This system of patronage was particularly prevalent during the Gilded Age, a period of rapid economic growth and wealth accumulation in the United States from the 1870s to the 1890s. As wealthy industrialists and businesspeople gained increasing political powe r, they used patronage to influence government policies and protect their interests, leading to widespread corruption and a lack of accountability in government.

Learn more about the Gilded Age : https://brainly.com/question/30705266

Which of the following is a reason why men and women cite satisfaction with their marriage? A)They stated that their spouse is not their best friend. B)Marriage brings a long-term commitment with the same aims and goals. C)They state that their spouse has sex with them as often as they want. D)Their spouses have grown less interesting over the course of the marriage.

The reason why men and women cite satisfaction with their marriage is Marriage brings a long-term commitment with the same aims and goals. In a successful marriage, both partners share common objectives and work together towards achieving them. The correct answer is option (B).

This sense of unity and partnership enhances their satisfaction within the marriage.When spouses view each other as best friends (A), it can contribute to satisfaction, but it is not the main reason cited. Sexual compatibility (C) is important in a relationship, but not the sole determining factor for marital satisfaction . Lastly, spouses growing less interesting over time (D) would likely decrease satisfaction in a marriage.

In summary, a long-term commitment with shared aims and goals (B) is the primary reason why men and women cite satisfaction with their marriage, as it promotes partnership, understanding, and a sense of unity in working together to achieve a fulfilling life.Hence the right answer is option (B).

To know more about marriage  click here


The Confederate States of America is formed with who is a West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer, as president.

The Confederates States of America was formed with Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate, and former U.S. Army officer , as its president.

The Confederate States of America (CSA) was formed in 1861, primarily as a response to the ongoing dispute between Southern and Northern states in the United States over the issues of states' rights and slavery. It comprised 11 states that had seceded from the United States and aimed to establish their own separate nation.

The CSA chose Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate, and former U.S. Army officer, as their president. Davis, who was also a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of War, was seen as a competent and experienced leader who could guide the newly-formed Confederacy through its challenging times. His military background and political experience made him a strong choice to lead the Confederate government and its armed forces during the upcoming Civil War.

Ultimately, the Confederate States of America was defeated by the Union forces in the American Civil War , leading to the reintegration of the secessionist states back into the United States. Jefferson Davis' role as president of the CSA remains a significant and controversial aspect of American history, as it highlights the complexities and challenges faced by leaders during this tumultuous period.

Know more about Confederate States of America (CSA) here:


According to Hume, if we suspect that a philosophical term is without meaning, we need ask only a. From what impression is that supposed idea derived? b. From what conceptual considerations is the idea derived? c. From what a priori principles is it derived? d. Is the claim logical?

According to Hume, if we suspect that a philosophical term is without meaning, we need to ask from what impression is that supposed idea derived? Therefore, the correct answer is option a. This is because Hume believed that all meaningful ideas and concepts are derived from our sense impressions. If we cannot trace the origin of a supposed idea to a sense impression, then it is likely that the term is meaningless. Hume argued that ideas and concepts can only be meaningful if they can be traced back to a sense of impression. This means that we can only understand ideas that are based on things that we have experienced through our senses. For example, we can have a clear understanding of the concept of a red apple because we have seen, touched, tasted, and smelled apples that are red. However, if we were to talk about something that we have never experienced through our senses, such as a unicorn, then the idea is meaningless. Therefore, according to Hume, when we suspect that a philosophical term is without meaning, we should ask from what impression is that supposed idea derived. This allows us to determine whether the idea is based on our sense impressions or if it is derived from some other source.

Know more about Hume here:


In the method header, the method modifier public means that the method belongs to the class, not a specific object. True or False

True. The method modifier "public" is an access specifier that indicates that the method can be accessed by any other code in the program, including code outside of the class.

This means that the method belongs to the class as a whole, not to a specific instance of the class. In other words, any object of the class can access the public method, and the method will operate on the class's shared data, rather than on data that is specific to a particular object.

This is an important concept in object-oriented programming, where classes are used to define objects that share common attributes and behaviors.

By defining a method as public, the programmer is indicating that it is an essential part of the class's interface, and can be used by other parts of the program to interact with the class's objects.

In contrast, methods that are marked as private can only be accessed by code within the class, and are not part of the class's public interface.

For more questions on: modifier


generally speaking, what is the first step in public policy?

The first step in public policy is typically identifying a problem or issue that requires attention and proposing potential solutions or courses of action.

This involves conducting research, gathering data , and consulting with experts and stakeholders to understand the nature and scope of the problem and its potential impact on the public. Once the problem has been identified and potential solutions have been proposed, the policy-making process can move on to the next stages of development, such as drafting legislation or regulations and seeking input from the public and other interested parties.

Agenda setting is the process by which issues or problems are linked and brought to the attention of policymakers and the public. This can do through a variety of means, similar to media content, interest group prompting, or public opinion pates. Once an issue has been placed on the docket, policymakers may begin to consider implicit policy results or responses.

This may involve conducting exploration , consulting with experts or stakeholders, and assessing the costs and benefits of different policy options. The posterior way in the policymaking process may vary depending on the specific issue or environment but generally include policy expression, relinquishment, perpetration, and evaluation.

Learn more about Public Policy :- https://brainly.com/question/30137681

how many lawyers does the united states have in comparison to britain, germany, and italy?

Per capita, there are twice as many lawyers in the U.S in comparison to Britain, Germany and Italy.

Islamic law is the most common kind of religion law and is the legal framework that is used in over 30 nations, mostly in the Near East but also in Central and South Asia, Africa , and Indonesia. Islamic law often coexists alongside a civil law system in many nations. Sharia, which means " the right path " in Arabic, is the name for Islamic law.

Sharia categorises all facets of public and private life into five groups: compulsory, advised, allowed, disapproved, and forbidden. The Qur'an, which Muslims believe to be the word of God given to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel , and the Sunnah, the teachings of the Prophet, are the main sources of sharia law.

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_____ is defined as the view that nearly every culture deserves respect and a hearing, even those long denied mainstream acceptability.

Multiculturalism is defined as the view that nearly every culture deserves respect and a hearing, even those long denied mainstream acceptability.

Multiculturalism is a concept that promotes the recognition, acceptance, and appreciation of different cultures within a society. It asserts that every culture, regardless of its historical background or level of mainstream acceptance, deserves respect and acknowledgment. The essence of multiculturalism lies in the belief that cultural diversity enriches society and should be embraced rather than suppressed or marginalized.

By embracing multiculturalism, societies recognize that each culture possesses unique values, beliefs, customs, and traditions that contribute to the overall fabric of society. It acknowledges that no single culture holds a monopoly on knowledge, wisdom, or superiority. Instead, it fosters an inclusive environment that values and celebrates diversity, allowing individuals to express their cultural identities without fear of discrimination or marginalization.

Multiculturalism challenges the notion of a dominant or mainstream culture by promoting equality, social justice, and inclusivity. It seeks to create a society where cultural differences are not only tolerated but also appreciated, providing opportunities for mutual understanding, dialogue, and learning among diverse communities.

Overall, multiculturalism embraces the idea that all cultures deserve respect and a voice, contributing to a more inclusive, diverse, and harmonious society.

Know more about Multiculturalism here:


according to research, what kinds of reasons do adolescents give for forming love relationships?

Adolescents form love relationships primarily for emotional support, companionship, and self-exploration .

According to research, adolescents cite various reasons for forming love relationships . One primary reason is emotional support, as they seek comfort, understanding, and validation from their partners. Companionship is another significant reason, as adolescents desire to spend time with someone who shares their interests and activities. Additionally, love relationships allow adolescents to explore their identities and develop a sense of self. This self-exploration helps them understand their own preferences, boundaries , and emotions.

Other reasons may include the desire for physical intimacy , social status, and the natural human need to love and be loved. While each individual's motivations may vary, these reasons are commonly identified in research studies as key factors driving adolescents to form love relationships.

To know more about the love relationships visit:


before the 1950s, almost all outpatient care for psychological disturbances took the form of:

Before the 1950s, almost all outpatient care for psychological disturbances took the form of hospitalization. The answer is b)

Prior to the 1950s, the predominant form of outpatient care for psychological disturbances was hospitalization. During this time, psychiatric hospitals were the primary institutions for treating individuals with mental health conditions on an outpatient basis. Patients would receive care and treatment within the hospital setting but would not require full-time residential admission.

Community mental health centers, private psychotherapy, and treatment by social service agencies were not the primary modes of outpatient care for psychological disturbances before the 1950s. Community mental health centers started to emerge and gain prominence during the 1960s and 1970s as a response to deinstitutionalization efforts. Private psychotherapy and treatment by social service agencies have been available as treatment options, but they were not as prevalent or commonly utilized for outpatient care during the specified time period.

Hence, the correct option is: b) hospitalization. The complete question is: Before the 1950s, almost all outpatient care for psychological disturbances took the form of:

a. treatment at community mental health centers

b. hospitalization

c. private psychotherapy

d. treatment by social service agencies To know more about mental health, refer here: https://brainly.com/question/18216607# #SPJ11

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  • The Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols by David Bailly

The Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols by David Bailly - Essay Example

The Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols by David Bailly

  • Subject: Visual Arts & Film Studies
  • Type: Essay
  • Level: Ph.D.
  • Pages: 3 (750 words)
  • Downloads: 36
  • Author: garryfeil

Extract of sample "The Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols by David Bailly"

As much space is given to the objects as the subject of the painting, which is, ostensibly, the young man sitting beside the table. The interesting thing to note is that the young man (the painter himself) is not the only person in this ‘self-portrait’; he is holding a miniature painting in his hand with the depiction of a much older person in it. So, can this really be called a self-portrait?             It would be implausible to consider that the objects in the painting exist in isolation.

These symbols of ‘vanitas’ have been selected to illustrate a uniform theme of the “swift passage of time and the terrible instability of life” (Duffy, 2012) in the painting. A style of painting popular in the 16th and 17th century, vanitas paintings were also known by another name of ‘memento mori' (remember death). All the symbols in the painting are objects in a transient state of life, all of them together acting as a metaphor for life itself which is always in a state of motion bound towards a certain end.

Lighted up candles eventually lose their flame; flowers wilt, soap bubbles can be broken even by a speck of dust. The skull, the pearls, and coins represent the changing nature of life and wealth and prestige respectively. These can be lost due to a number of circumstances and within the blink of an eye. Nothing is permanent, especially the movement of time which is aptly embodied here by the hourglass.             This idea about the temporary state of bringing us back to the subject of the painting.

The young man is the artist himself but a cursory check lets the viewer know that that this, not the artist as he was at the time the painting was made. Bailly painted the portrait when he was 67 years old, indicating that while the young man is how the artist used to be some years prior, the ‘real’ portrait is the miniature the man is holding (Kosara, 2007). That painting within the painting shows Bailly in the state he was at the time. The contrast between young and old is striking and this contrast not only magnifies the theme intended for the painting but adds another layer of meaning and possible interpretation to the whole setting.

            The young man looks contemplative; possibly, the painting in his hand was made to portray his own vision about his future self. His older self is decaying, without the energy and drive of youth and this natural, inevitable process of change is not something that any man looks forward to with pleasure. Surrounded by symbols of vanitas, his imagination would be further encouraged to think in terms of the transiency of life and all things associated with it.

It is a sobering thought. And yet it can be hard for the human psyche to adequately grasp the implications of this as relating to self. The young man is in contemplation but not in throes of despair.               Thinking of the perspective of the painter at the age of 67, however, we can decipher the painting in a different light. Though everything in the painting shows the passing of time and the changes that are brought with it, the subtle indication is that there is one thing that is unaffected by this natural process- the soul of the artist.

The artist’s body might be aged now and his physical appearance has changed but his perception of himself is still that of a young man. Time has not affected the vitality of his thoughts or the strength of his passions- in nature, he is the same the young man at his peak and will remain so till the very end of his life. After all, even as the body decays the mind remains unmarked for a much longer time. Our own perception of self can be much more important than what the world sees and this importance is shown through the prominent presence of the younger self over the older (real) self.

This is the artist’s true self-portrait if time had not impacted his life so.

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Read Jamie Raskin’s letter

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July 6, 2024 Dear President Biden: I write as your admirer, your supporter and your fellow politician. I write also as your friend who has treasured your compassion and wisdom... But I write you now, above all, as a fellow citizen who shares your mad love for American democracy and freedom. We are under siege every day by the autocrats and monarchists, from Moscow to Mar-A-Lago, and the decisions we make will be historic for the fate of our country and our freedom. I am not writing to presume to tell you what to do, Mr. President, because that is up to you and Jill and your family entirely. You will be the best judge of that. But I am writing to remind you of who you are. As a truly great and magnificent leader, you belong to all of us. Sometimes it will be hard for you to perceive, much less fully comprehend, the substance and character of your own greatness. I write to remind you of your true greatness as a leader. In our times, you have always been the ringing clear voice of democracy in a world being ripped apart by strongmen and dictators. You gave a speech in January of this year after visiting Valley Forge to mark the third anniversary of the political coup against us which Donald Trump masterminded, a rupture in the fabric of American life which left several people dead and nearly destroyed democratic elections and the peaceful transfer of power under our Constitution. In that speech you made us see that America's choice in 2024 is not between two individuals but between two forms of government and two ways of life. You spoke against the authoritarian cult of power worship which says, "I alone can do it” and “I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." Mr. President, you called us to revive the essential project of the American Founders. "Is democracy still America's sacred cause?" you asked. That, you said "is the most urgent question of our time, and it's what the 2024 election is all about." "Donald Trump's campaign is about him, not America," you said. “Our campaign is different. For me and Kamala, our campaign is about America. It's about you. It's about every age and background that occupy this country. It's about the future we're going to continue to build together." You invoked the courage the American revolution showed in fighting for the rights of the many over the avarice and pride of the few. You told us that George Washington's “mission was clear. Liberty, not conquest. Freedom, not domination. National independence, not individual glory." "America made a vow," you told us, and it was not a vow to one party, much less to one person. It was the very opposite of the politics of vanity and self-importance.

"Never again," you said, "would we bow down to a king." Your greatness, Joe, is that you have shown with your life and your career not only that we will never, ever, bow down to a king but that we will never have to, because we the people have the creative power each day to begin the world over again in freedom. As you put it in your speech in Pennsylvania, “On that cold winter of 1777, George Washington and his American troops at Valley Forge waged a battle on behalf of a revolutionary idea that everyday people — like where I come from and the vast majority of you. not a king or a dictator - that everyday people can govern themselves without a king or a dictator." - Your presidency will always be known as one of the finest in American history. Record investment in public infrastructure and science. Dramatic reductions in prescription drug prices for people in Medicare and billions of dollars saved by giving the government power to negotiate with the drug companies. Heroic defense of the people of Ukraine against Putin's illegal, fascist invasion. By stepping forward to run for president in 2020, you stopped Donald Trump from destroying America. Your presidency rescued us from becoming a failed state under Trump's indifference to the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives in the COVID crisis. You did not do these things alone and you never claimed to. You let us see that democracy is the system that allows all of us to work together to take care of common things. Democracy is the system where we take turns. There is a remarkable passage in that Valley Forge speech of yours which I cannot get out of my mind. You observed that, “in the rotunda of the Capitol, there's a giant painting of General George Washington - not President Washington - and he is resigning his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army." You say that, "The artist that painted that portrait memorialized that moment because he said it was 'one of the highest moral lessons ever given to the world."" You go on: "George Washington was at the height of his power. Having just defeated the most powerful empire on Earth, he could have held onto the power as long as he wanted. He could have made himself not a future president but a future monarch, in effect." If Washington actually walks away from his power, as Napoleon said, he will be "the greatest man who ever lived." "And, by the way," you say, "when Washington got elected president, he could have stayed for two, three, four, five terms, until he died. But that wasn't the America he and the American troops at Valley Forge had fought for." "In America," you say, "genuine leaders — democratic leaders, with a small 'd'― don't hold on to power relentlessly. Our leaders return power to the people. And they do it willingly, because that's the deal. You do your duty. You serve your country." "We're not perfect,” you say. "But at our best, we face head-on the good, the bad, the truth of who we are. We look in the mirror and ultimately never pretend we're something we're

not. That's what great nations do. And we're a great nation. We're the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. We really are." "That's the America I see in our future. We get up. We carry on. We never bow. We never bend. We speak of possibilities, not carnage. We're not weighed down by grievances. We don't foster fear. We don't walk around as victims." "We take charge of our destiny. We get our job done with the help of the people we find in America, who find their place in the changing world and dream and build a future that not only they but all people deserve a shot at." Mr. President, you are a leader who has always empowered the political leaders and people around you. As Vice-President, you helped empower Barack Obama, our first African-American President whom you served with loyalty and energy. As President, you empowered Kamala Harris, our first woman Vice-President, our first African-American and Asian-American Vice President, and deployed her to fight passionately for the rights of the people. Above all, you have empowered all the American people to participate in strong democracy and a vibrant economy. And that is, finally, what has also made you a great leader: you are a great politician, in the finest sense of the word. You know that politics in a democratic society is a place where nobility is a product of character and life choices, not of money, celebrity and social class or heredity and blood. As a great politician, you listen carefully to your fellow politicians and, most of all, you listen carefully to the people. Common sense, Tom Paine taught us, is the sense we have in common when we speak and listen and rigorously reason together. Common sense is the sixth sense we acquire together in strong democracy. And it is through the exercise of careful common sense you can empower us again to have faith in our capacity to carry on the great work you have begun. Everything we believe in is on the line in the next four-and-a-half months. We have an overriding obligation to defeat the forces of resurgent monarchy and oppression. Everything else pales in comparison to this struggle, even your magnificent policy achievements. No one envies the choice you must make now, Mr. President, but remember this as the great politician you are and have always been. The hard questions that have been raised about your mental and physical stamina. . . are not just medical and scientific questions now. They are also political questions because both political leaders and tens of millions of voting citizens have formed judgments based on the events of the last few weeks. The judgment you must make in turn, therefore, is not only a private medical judgment about how you feel but a public political one about how others feel because, in the end, the people will decide the fate of this election and of our democracy itself. Political dialogue is the pathway to our survival and our success here. This could be a moment of sweeping opportunity for us. I want to leave you with a final thought about baseball, the American game where even the finest pitchers have only around 110 pitches in them before their arms tire and begin to give out. In the eighth inning of the seventh game of the 2003 American League Championship Series against the New York Yankees, Pedro Martinez, one of the greatest pitchers in Red Sox history, began to tire badly after 118 pitches and he gave up three straight hits and a run from Derek Jeter. The Red Sox

Manager, Grady Little, visited the mound and Martinez vigorously protested that he was fine and he could continue and give it his all despite all the statistics about what happens when pitchers play after throwing for so long. Little kept him in and the Yankees proceeded to tie the game at the next at-bat with a two-run single and then went on to win the game with an 11th inning home run by Aaron Boone. There is no shame in taking a well-deserved bow to the overflowing appreciation of the crowd when your arm is tired out, and there is real danger for the team in ignoring the statistics. Your situation is tricky because you are both our star pitcher and our Manager. But in democracy, as you have shown us more than any prior president, you are not a Manager acting all alone; you are the co-Manager along with our great team and our great people. Caucus with the team, Mr. President. Hear them out. You will make the right decision. With boundless admiration, affection and solidarity, Jamie Raskin (MD-8) Member, United States House of Representatives


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