Medical Neuroscience Cluster

  • PhD-Programmes
  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Medical Neuroscience Cluster

There are several thematic PhD programmes at the Medical University of Vienna that cover topics in the field of Neuroscience.

The main difference between the various PhD programmes is whether they represent an "open" PhD program in which PhD students are recruited via application to an individual research laboratory or whether PhD students apply for a "Self Contained" PhD program at special calls. A detailed description of the individual PhD programmes can be found at the homepages of the PhD programmes (see below). For general information about PhD studies at the Medical University of Vienna, please » click here .

 "Open" doctoral programmes:

  • Neuroscience
  • Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS)
  • Mental Health and Behavioural Medicine
  • Molecular Signal Transduction

"Self Contained" PhD Programmes (Doktoratskollegs) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF):

  • Cell Communication in Health and Disease (CCHD)

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Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy

  • PhD Program
  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy

For doctors who have a special interest in scientific work, we offer the possibility to do a doctorate program. PhD projects will be carried out under guidance, giving you a chance to deepen your knowledge in the area of your thesis question. 

PhD Program: N094 Medical Imaging Medical imaging is a research area that provides a bridge between basic and clinical science. It serves the common goal of developing and evaluating new techniques for the image-based diagnosis and image-guided treatment for a broad spectrum of diseases. This is critical for understanding physiologic variability and disease-related changes, for the development of new imaging biomarkers and diagnostic approaches, and finally, for clinical application. Accordingly, various scientific disciplines are involved, including radiology, nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy, biomedical technology and medical physics, IT, machine learning, image manipulation, radio-oncology, ophthalmology, and psychiatry. This multidisciplinary approach is contrary to that in Medical Imaging Cluster (MIC). Coordinator: Please inform yourself about the course of PhD work – application, submission info, and rules are on the website of MedUni Wien ( PhD Programmme UN094 ). For further information, also see PhD Programme Medical Imaging

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Department of Neurology

  • PhD students
  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Department of Neurology

Working Group Neuropsychology

Graduates of medical or psychology studies can complete their PhD in the course of their own scientific project. Graduates of other fields of study, e.g. law or economics, can also complete a PhD program if they are interested in neuropsychological research (e.g. decision behavior, neurolaw).

Selected Dissertations:

  • Deckert, M. (2018). Metaphorical language ability as higher order cognitive performance: Development of a cognitive developmental model of metaphor processing in middle childhood and early adolescence based on neuropsychological and developmental psychological methods. Medizinische Universität Wien, Clinical Neurosciences.
  • Koch, H. (2009). Kognitive Determinanten der Theory of Mind-Entwicklung bei Kindergartenkindern: Arbeitsgedächtnisleistungen, Inhibitionskontrolle und analoges Denken. Universität Wien.
  • Egger, M. (2008). Die Produktion von Humor in der Adoleszenz – Eine Analyse anhand von Drudels und Cartoons. Universität Wien.
  • Kaltenegger, A. (2007). Neuropsychologische Aspekte der metaphorischen Sprache – Unterschiede bei der Interpretation von konventionalisierten und innovativen Metaphern. Universität Wien.
  • Kronberger, B. (2005). Politischer Humor bei österreichischen Jugendlichen. Universität Wien.
  • Schaunig, I. (2004). Studie zur Entwicklung neuer Standards in der psychologischen Diagnostik von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen. Universität Wien.

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Current PhD vacancies

Next open call starts in, currently there are no active positions, please come back later..

OE Example Templates

PhD & University programmes

  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
  • PhD & University programmes

Advanced studies

Our employees are active in many areas of teaching.. Doctoral studies courses with the course leaders from our center are: :

  • Doctoral Studies in Biomedical Engineering N790
  • Doctoral Studies in Medical Physics N094

At the center offered free elective courses Freifach-Lehrveranstaltungen WS 2021

The University course " Medical Physics " at MedUni Wien is aimed at physicists who are looking for a career as a medical physicist in a clinical setting.

Further lectures can be found in the lecture schedule of the Medical University of Vienna .

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Zentrum für Physiologie und Pharmakologie

  • Sharif, Omar
  • Zentrum für Physiologie und Pharmakologie
  • Forschung – Mitarbeiter:innen Gefäßbiologie

Our group is studying how myeloid cell activation, differentiation and function is impacted during the clearance of dying/dead cells also called efferocytosis. Defective efferocytosis by myeloid cells especially by scavenging cells called macrophages is associated with inflammation and tissue damage and plays a role in various diseases, including obesity related diseases, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), it‘s aggressive inflammatory form, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Key questions fueling our research are: When a cell dies, how do the secreted metabolites and lipids therein and the celluar corpse reprogram macrophages? How is efferocytosis regulated by the lipid-rich enviroment present during obesity? How does lipid scavenging and efferocytosis influence NASH and HCC development? What is the impact of local versus systemic signals on disease progression and macrophage metabolic reprogramming?

To answer these questions, we combine cell culture models with both preclinical animal models of obesity driven hepatic fibrosis/cancer and patient-derived material. Applying various high throughput approaches herein, we aim to identify new pathways and targets altered in inflammation and cancer.

More information on our research activities (in German) can be found here .

med uni vienna phd

Omar Sharif studied Molecular Biology at University of Glasgow (UK) and obtained his PhD in Biochemistry at University of Dundee (UK). He perfomed post-doctoral training in the laboratory of infection biology with Prof. Sylvia Knapp at the Medical University of Vienna. There, he worked on several immune receptors primarily expressed by myeloid cells that regulate the intensity and duration of innate immune responses during clinically relevant bacterial infections, such as pneumococcal pneumonia. He obtained his first Austrian Science Fund (FWF) stand alone project in 2013 and was senior post-doc and project lead at the Research Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM) from 2013 to 2016. From 2017 to 2018, he was senior scientist at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Cancer Research, Vienna. In 2018, he joined the Centre for Physiology and Pharmacology at the Medical University of Vienna, where he is currently a Principal Investigator. His lab focuses on adipose tissue and liver macrophage biology and how macrophage mediated inflammatory responses impact organismal physiology in health and disease. Aside from directing CDLab-InSpiReD, he is currently project lead on an FWF project examining the relative contributions of TREM2 expression in adipocytes versus macrophages to metabolic disease.

Selected Papers

  • Sharif O # , Brunner JS, Korosec A, Martins R, Jais A, Snijder B, Vogel A, Caldera M, Hladik A, Lakovits K, Saluzzo S, Boehm B, Gorki AD, Mesteri I, Lindroos JC, Tillmann K, Stoiber D, Menche J, Schabbauer G, Bilban M, Superti-Furga G, Esterbauer H, Knapp S # (2021). Beneficial Metabolic Effects of TREM2 in Obesity are Uncoupled from its Expression on Macrophages Diabetes Feb 24. doi: 10.2337/db20-0572 # Co-corresponding authors
  • Brunner JS, Vogel A, Lercher A, Caldera M, Korosec A, Pühringer M, Hofmann M, Hajto A, Kieler M, Garrido LQ, Kerndl M, Kuttke M, Mesteri I, Górna MW, Kulik M, Dominiak PM, Brandon AE, Estevez E, Egan CL, Gruber F, Schweiger M, Menche J, Bergthaler A, Weichhart T, Klavins K, Febbraio MA, Sharif O*, # , Schabbauer G *, # (2020) The PI3K pathway preserves metabolic health through MARCO-dependent lipid uptake by adipose tissue macrophages. Nat Metab . Dec;2(12):1427-1442. doi: 10.1038/s42255-020-00311-5. *Equal senior co-authorship, # Co-corresponding authors
  • Esparza-Baquer A, Labiano I, Sharif O , Agirre AL 1, Oakley F, Rodrigues PM, Zhuravleva E, O'Rourke CJ, Hijona E, Agüero RJ, Riaño I, Landa A, Casta AL, Zaki MYW, Munoz-Garrido P, Azkargorta M, Elortza F, Vogel A, Schabbauer G, Aspichueta P, Andersen JB, Knapp S, Mann DA, Bujanda L, Banales JM, Perugorria MJ (2020). TREM-2 defends the liver against hepatocellular carcinoma through multifactorial protective mechanisms. Gut . Sep 9;gutjnl-2019-319227. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-319227.
  • Perugorria MJ # , Esparza-Baquer A, Oakley F, Labiano I, Korosec A, Jais A, Mann J, Tiniakos D, Santos-Laso A, Arbelaiz A, Gawish R, Sampedro A, Fontanellas A, Hijona E, Jiménez-Agüero R, Esterbauer H, Stoiber D, Bujanda L, Banales JM, Knapp S, Sharif O*, # Mann DA *, # (2018) Non-Parenchymal TREM-2 protects the Liver from Immune-mediated Hepatocellular damage. Gut . Jan 27. pii: gutjnl-2017-314107. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314107 *Equal senior co-authorship, # Co-corresponding authors
  • Jais A, Einwallner E, Sharif O , Gossens K, Lu TT, Soyal SM, Medgyesi D, Neureiter D, Paier-Pourani J, Dalgaard K, Duvigneau JC, Lindroos J, Zapf T, Amann S, Saluzzo S, Jantscher F, Stiedl P, Todoric J, Martins R, Oberkofler H, Müller S, Hauser-Kronberger C, Kenner L, Casanova E, Sutterlüty-Fall H, Bilban M, Miller K, Kozlov A, Krempler F, Knapp S, Lumeng CN, Patsch W, Wagner O, Pospisilik AJ, Esterbauer H (2014). Heme Oxygenase-1 Drives Metaflammation and Insulin Resistance in Mouse and Man. Cell Jul 3;158(1):25-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.04.043

Omar Sharif, PhD

CD Laboratory for Immunometabolism and Systems Biology of Obesity Related Diseases (InSpiRed) Department of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research Center for Physiology and Pharmacology Medical University Vienna Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, 1090 Vienna

ORCID: 0000-0001-7899-2343 Scopus ID: 15840601600 Phone: +43 (0)1 40160-31106 E-mail:  [email protected]

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Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna

Law/interdisciplinary legal studies.

med uni vienna phd

Business, Economics and Statistics

med uni vienna phd

  • Open Positions
  • Center for Medical Data Science

Our team at the Center for Medical Data Science at the Medical University of Vienna is always seeking new members.

The following positions are to be filled (open calls):

>>> There are no vacancies at present. <<<

Positions already filled (closed calls):

  • Half-time position for students of statistics and related subjects (MS)
  • Two-Year Position for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biostatistics at the Medical University of Vienna  (KB)
  • Research Assistant in Scientific Projects  (KB)
  • Fully Funded PhD Position in the European SHARE-CTD Doctoral Network in Medical Data Science (MS)

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Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • PhD Program “Clinical Neuroscience (CLINS)”
  • Studies, training and further education
  • Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Oncology PhD programs

Das Doktoratsprogramm Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) ist eine Plattform für klinische PhD-Projekte auf dem Gebiet der Neuroonkologie im Rahmen der Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Nervous System Unit (CCC-CNS) .

Die neuroonkologischen CLINS PhD Projekte basieren auf klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die sich in den unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbereichen des multidisziplinären Feldes der Neuroonkologie an der MedUni Wien ergeben.

Die aktuellen PhD Themen entstammen aus den Bereichen der Internistischen und Pädiatrischen Neuroonkologie (Analyse der kognitiven Fähigkeiten/Quality of Life bei Hirntumor-Patienten), Neuroradiologie (innovatives multimodales Imaging von Hirntumoren), Neurochirurgie (Optimierung neurochirurgischer Eingriffe mittels innovativer intraoperativer Hirntumorvisualisierung), Neuropathologie (Epidemiologie von Hirntumoren, morphologische und molekulare Analytik von Hirntumoren), und Biostatistik (geographische Epidemiologie und Überlebens-bezogene Outcome-Analytik).  


Type of study:.

Postgraduate doctoral studies of medical neurosciences at the Medical University of Vienna (University code: N790)

Duration, ECTS:

6 semesters, total of 180 ECTS points (46 points for lectures, 134 points for dissertation).

Title awarded:

The official Austrian title is Doctor scientiae medicinae, Dr. scient. med. In international correspondence, PhD may be used as title instead of Dr. scient. med., e.g. in case of medical graduates name and title will read as follows: First-name Family-name MD PhD In case of non-medical graduates name and title read as follows: First-name Family-name MSc PhD

Short description of CLINS

Purpose of CLINS: To accredit early stage medical scientists with scientific competence which enables them to improve biomedical practice by means of research Neuroscience is a main focus of research and high-end medicine at the Medical University Vienna. The aim of Clinical Neurosciences is innovation in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of disorders of the nervous and muscular systems.  The professional doctoral program ?Clinical Neurosciences? (CLINS) addresses neurological, psychiatric and neuro-muscular disorders in fetus, children, and adults. Interdisciplinary interaction of diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines in combination with basic biomedical research is a key element of the program. CLINS will provide students with scientific competence enabling them to improve biomedical practice by means of research. CLINS is complementary to the basic research PhD program ?Neuroscience? (coordinator: Johannes Berger, Brain Research Institute). Mutual guest lectures and translational research projects will link the applied and basic research doctoral programs.

For more information: » (please log in as a guest)

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  • Doctoral Thesis
  • MedUni Studierende
  • Mein Studium
  • PhD Program

The doctoral thesis provides the final evidence that you have acquired knowledge and skills to achieve scientific work independently and competently. With your thesis you produce evidence of the capability of solving an essential scientific problem successfully and increasingly independently as well as of your understanding of integrating new results into the frame of the current state of knowledge.

Please make yourself familiar with the procedure of registration, compilation and submission of the completed doctoral thesis.

For further details concerning the scope and content of your doctoral thesis please study the rules of your doctoral programme.


Find clear recommendations for the thesis registration procedure.


There are some guidelines concerning the compilation of your doctoral thesis. Find them here.

Where and how can you submit your doctoral thesis? Which guidelines need additional attention?

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  1. Our PhD and Doctoral Programs

    Our office is located in the Study Departement Building of the Medical University Vienna at the following address: Währinger Straße 25a. A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Contact for general inquiries. Dieter Breitenbaum. Vesna Dominkovic. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21029. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21030. Contact for PhD Call recruiting.

  2. Application and Admission to PhD and Doctoral Programmes ...

    You can enrol for two study programs at MedUni Vienna: PhD program UN094/UN794620/UN794455; Doctoral program of Applied Medical Science UN790; For the registration for all Ph.D. and doctoral programs at the Medical University of Vienna, a prior commitment by a relevant thesis supervisor is necessary.

  3. PhD opportunities

    P: +43 (0)1 40160-21030. Contact for PhD Call recruiting. Stephanie Danzinger. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21033. Discover the next chapter of your academic career and visit our PhD opportunities website! We not only open the door to academic excellence, but also invite you on an enriching personal journey.

  4. PhD application portal

    Important note: Medical University of Vienna processes your personal data in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations. By registering for an applicant profile, you simultaneously agree to our data protection regulations. For further information please refer to our privacy statement for applicants.

  5. PhD-Programmes

    A detailed description of the individual PhD programmes can be found at the homepages of the PhD programmes (see below). For general information about PhD studies at the Medical University of Vienna, please » click here. "Open" doctoral programmes: Neuroscience; Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) Mental Health and Behavioural Medicine

  6. Oncology PhD programs

    Studies, training and further education. Oncology PhD programs. Cancer research is a diverse and multidisciplinary field of research. The oncology PhD programs aim to encompass all relevant areas of cancer research to provide students with a sound theoretical background in cancer research as well as excellent practical skills.

  7. PhD Program

    PhD Program. For doctors who have a special interest in scientific work, we offer the possibility to do a doctorate program. PhD projects will be carried out under guidance, giving you a chance to deepen your knowledge in the area of your thesis question. Medical imaging is a research area that provides a bridge between basic and clinical science.

  8. PhD students

    PhD students. Working Group Neuropsychology. Graduates of medical or psychology studies can complete their PhD in the course of their own scientific project. Graduates of other fields of study, e.g. law or economics, can also complete a PhD program if they are interested in neuropsychological research (e.g. decision behavior, neurolaw).

  9. Our PhD study (UN94)

    Workflow of the Ph.D. programs. Doctoral study takes at least six semesters and comprises 180 ECTS. All courses comprise a total of 30 hours each semester, which corresponds to 16.7% of the total duration of the course (based on a standard 40-hour work week). The remaining time (83.3%) is available for developing a project for your doctoral thesis.

  10. Current PhD vacancies

    Current PhD vacancies | Medizinische Universität Wien. For further information about our PhD programs please visit our homepage.

  11. Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna (German: Medizinische Universität Wien) is a public university located in Vienna, Austria.It is the direct successor to the faculty of medicine at the University of Vienna, founded in 1365 by Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria.As one of the oldest medical schools in the world, it is the oldest in the German-speaking countries, and was the second medical faculty in the ...

  12. PhD & University programmes

    Doctoral studies courses with the course leaders from our center are: : Doctoral Studies in Biomedical Engineering N790. Doctoral Studies in Medical Physics N094. At the center offered free elective courses Freifach-Lehrveranstaltungen WS 2021. The University course "Medical Physics" at MedUni Wien is aimed at physicists who are looking for a ...

  13. Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical research institution in Austria. It was founded in 1365 as a Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna and has operated as an independent institution in the scope of autonomous university and self administration since 2004. The attractive spectrum, which includes doctoral and PhD ...

  14. Degree Programmes at the Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna educates hundreds to thousands of students every year in the following programmes: Medicine degree programme. Dentistry degree programme. Medical Informatics master's programme. Molecular Precision Medicine master's programme. PhD-programmes (16 different programmes)

  15. Sharif, Omar

    Department of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research. Center for Physiology and Pharmacology. Medical University Vienna. Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, 1090 Vienna. ORCID: 0000-0001-7899-2343. Scopus ID: 15840601600. Phone: +43 (0)1 40160-31106. E-mail: [email protected].

  16. Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna

    Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna. Law/Interdisciplinary Legal Studies. Humanities, Philosophy and Education. Social Sciences. Business, Economics and Statistics. Natural Sciences. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0. Sitemap ...

  17. Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science UN790

    The Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science comprises one study phase with a minimum duration of six semesters (180 ECTS). The whole extent of courses amounts to 38 semester hours and accounts for 21.1 % of the whole duration of studies (target value is a 40-hour week). The remaining time (78.9 %) is available for the composition of the ...

  18. Open Positions

    The following positions are to be filled (open calls): >>> There are no vacancies at present. <<<. Positions already filled (closed calls): Half-time position for students of statistics and related subjects (MS) Two-Year Position for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biostatistics at the Medical University of Vienna (KB) Research Assistant in Scientific ...

  19. PhD Program "Clinical Neuroscience (CLINS)"

    PhD Program "Clinical Neuroscience (CLINS)". Das Doktoratsprogramm Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) ist eine Plattform für klinische PhD-Projekte auf dem Gebiet der Neuroonkologie im Rahmen der Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Nervous System Unit (CCC-CNS). Die neuroonkologischen CLINS PhD Projekte basieren auf klinisch-wissenschaftlichen ...

  20. Medizinische Universität Wien

    Anna Spiegel Forschungsgebäude (rechts) Der derzeitige Hauptstandort der Medizinischen Universität Wien befindet sich auf dem sogenannten „MedUni Campus AKH" Gelände, welches sich von der Spitalgasse 23, über die Lazarettgasse 14, bis hin zum Gelände des Allgemeinen Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien (AKH) am Währinger Gürtel 18-20 im 9. Wiener Gemeindebezirk erstreckt.

  21. All Postgraduate Programs and Courses

    integrative prevention lifestyle medicine Public health application and evaluation. Postgraduate Program German Part-time Master of Science C.E. (continuing education) Education. 4 Semester (120 ECTS) Next start. October 2024. Costs. 13.400,-. List of all Postgraduate Programs and Courses of the Medical University of Vienna.

  22. PhD salary and funding

    However, our faculty do their absolute best to secure full funding for all their Ph.D. students. If you sign your contract as a Ph.D. student with MedUni Vienna, you will be employed as a scientific employee and remunerated in accordance with the collective agreement for academic university staff (Level B1, equal to 30 hours per week).

  23. Home

    PhD & Doctoral Programmes Your Career Opportunities at MedUni Vienna Robyn Dvorsky is Researcher of the Month August 2024 ... MedUni Vienna and AKH Wien (Vienna General Hospital) are closely related to one another. Around 1,500 doctors from MedUni Vienna treat several hundred thousand patients a year (over 100,000 inpatients, around 540,000 ...

  24. Doctoral Thesis

    The doctoral thesis provides the final evidence that you have acquired knowledge and skills to achieve scientific work independently and competently. With your thesis you produce evidence of the capability of solving an essential scientific problem successfully and increasingly independently as well as of your understanding of integrating new ...