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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to write a compare/contrast essay for the great gatsby.

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These compare/contrast essays are an opportunity for you to tie the character similarities and differences to larger observations about society and class, the American Dream , or identity in the novel. They also allow you to practice standard English class skills: close reading, using lines from the text as evidence, and taking a stance and presenting a supporting argument in an essay.

We’ll go over some basic dos and don’ts for writing compare/contrast essays before diving into some analysis of the most asked-about character pairings. Keep reading if you have a Compare/Contrast assignment on the horizon!

Article Roadmap

  • The do's of a compare and contrast essay
  • The don'ts of a compare contrast essay
  • Why some characters are paired for comparison more often than others
  • Nick and Gatsby
  • Tom and George
  • Tom and Gatsby
  • Daisy and Jordan
  • Daisy and Myrtle

What to Do in a Compare/Contrast Essay

Like anything you write for English class, your essay should be clearly organized, with a thesis statement (a one-sentence summary of your argument), and topic sentences for each body paragraph.

And you should definitely have an overall argument! The point of the compare/contrast essay isn’t for you to just list the differences and similarities between two characters, you need to take those observations and make a larger argument about the novel as a whole . That larger argument allows you to practice writing an essay that contains an argument, which is a skill that nearly all English teachers are focused on building.

To take a quick example, don’t just list the differences between Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Instead, make an argument like, “Fitzgerald’s portrayal of wealthy New York society through Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan allows him to critique both old money and the newly rich, while reserving his most pointed critiques for the old money crowd.” (Obviously, that’s just one example, and there are dozens of potential arguments you could make while comparing and contrasting characters in Gatsby!)

Make sure to address your larger argument in each body paragraph as you draw out the similarities and differences between the two characters. Don’t get caught in the weeds as you tease out the many differences and similarities in each character pair. Always link back to the bigger picture.

Finally, analyze each quote you use – in other words, don’t stick a quote in your essay and do nothing with it. Make sure to explain how and why the quote demonstrates a key similarity or difference, and what that means for your bigger argument.

What to Avoid in a Compare/Contrast Essay

Don’t just list differences and similarities without an overarching argument . Although you can definitely start brainstorming by making a list of similarities and differences, just presenting that list in essay form won’t get you a good grade, since you need to go deeper and explain what the similarities/differences suggest about the novel as a whole.

And, on the other side, don’t make big claims without some evidence from the text to back them up . For example, don’t say “Tom is selfish while Gatsby cares about others.” Prove those two separate claims (Tom is selfish” and “Gatsby cares about others”) with relevant lines from the book. (And if you’re having a hard time locating good quotes, find a digital version of Gatsby you can search using the CTRL-F function. It’s a lifesaver when gathering relevant quotes for an essay!)


Why Are These Characters Paired Most Often?

We will tackle these major pairings in the next sections of this article:

Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby

Tom buchanan and jay gatsby, tom buchanan and george wilson, daisy buchanan and jordan baker, daisy buchanan and myrtle wilson.

Before we dig into the analysis, you might be wondering: “why are we only comparing characters of the same gender?” or maybe “why not other pairings? Why not Jordan and Myrtle, or Nick and Tom?” We are focusing on these specific pairings because they are by far the most commonly asked about pairs in essay prompts and discussion topics for The Great Gatsby . And we want this guide, first and foremost, to be helpful to students as you work on assignments involving Gatsby!

Furthermore, these pairings help teachers get you to explore some of the novel’s larger themes . For example, comparing Daisy/ Myrtle or Tom/George can help you explore the differences between the wealthy and the working class . Comparing Daisy/Myrtle or Daisy/Jordan can help you explore the changing status of women during the 1920s. Comparing Tom and Gatsby can get at the old money/new money divide. Finally, differences between Nick and Gatsby raise some of the novel’s larger questions about the American Dream , repeating the past, and identity. In short, these pairings have become common because they each allow fairly easy access to one of the novel’s larger issues.

That’s not to say you couldn’t also explore some of those themes by comparing, say, Jordan and George, or Daisy and Gatsby, but cross-gender compare/contrast essays can be challenging because the status of women and men is so different in the novel. If you are interested in seeing how a particular male and female character are paired, you may be better off studying them through the lens of love, desire, and relationships in the novel, or through the way they relate to one of the novel's symbols or motifs.

With those thoughts in mind, let's jump into the top 5 pairings! For each pairing, we will suggest a few possible larger arguments you can either build from or disagree with, but these are far from comprehensive! You should add to our analysis of the characters and come up with an argument you’re excited about.

Quick Note on Our Citations

Our citation format in this guide is (chapter.paragraph). We're using this system since there are many editions of Gatsby, so using page numbers would only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quotation we cite via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: middle of chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search function if you're using an online or eReader version of the text.

Although Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway vary both in outlook and temperament, they are also alike in interesting ways. Despite somewhat similar desires, attitudes, and social positions, Nick and Gatsby make very different choices during the novel.

Love and Romance . Nick and Gatsby both want women that are out of their reach, although in different degrees. Daisy is miles above Gatsby in terms of social class. Jordan and Nick are of the same social status, but Jordan doesn't seem free to make her own decisions since an aunt controls her financial life. There is a significant passion gap between Gatsby and Nick as well. Gatsby obsesses over Daisy - he has thought of nothing else for five years, going as far as to buy a house across the bay from her just in case she notices. Nick, meanwhile, is attracted to Jordan's cool and self-sufficient demeanor, but he is clearly not in love with her, as he himself notes ("I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity" (3.159)). 

Approach to Women.  Both men are not particularly interested in the inner lives of the women they want to be with. Gatsby is devastated when Daisy doesn't want to renounce her relationship with Tom completely. Similarly, Nick cavalierly discounts Jordan's penchant to lie, cheat, and generally be cynically uninterested in other people, and then is deeply disappointed when she acts this way after Myrtle's death.

Class and Social Standing.  Although both Gatsby and Nick are outsiders to the wealthy communities of East and West Egg, Nick is a much more in-between character socially than Gatsby. Nick is familiar with the ways of the old money crowd because of his own family's privilege and the fact that he is related to Daisy. Gatsby is not only self-made, but is a criminal who is desperate to pass as part of the old money elite without knowing its customs or rules of behavior. What isolates Nick from East Egg life is his Midwestern values and the importance he places on morality and decency. Gatsby is isolated from everyone by the fact that he can never actually be himself - he is always playing a role and putting on his "Oxford man" persona. It may be this sense of feeling out of place that connects them.

Outlook and Temperament.  Gatsby is an optimist (almost to a delusional degree) while Nick is a realist who finds Gatsby's idealism inspiring and admirable. Gatsby believes in his ability to shape his own life and future, which makes sense since he has managed to transform himself from a farmer to a successful gangster, to impersonate an "Oxford man," and to accumulate a fantastic amount of wealth in a very short time. This belief in his power translates to Gatsby being sure that he and Daisy can go back to their month of idyllic love ("'Can't repeat the past?', he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!'" (6.129). Nick tries his best to be an objective realist and to reign in his tendency to judge others. He is deeply in awe of self-directed men like Gatsby, and even Wolfshiem (Nick is amazed to think that one man could be behind a huge event like the rigged World Series). 

Ambition.  Gatsby dreams of greatness. As a young man his mind “romped like the mind of God,” and so as an adult, he seems to have made good on this promise by buying the most ridiculous mansion and throwing the most extravagant parties (6.134). Nick is much less ambitious in comparison. While he comes to New York seeking excitement, he doesn't want to be the wealthiest bond salesman on Wall Street or to have the biggest house. He is happy to be an observer at the edge of the drama rather than being in its midst.

Nick and Gatsby Essay Ideas

Here are potential arguments to build on or disagree with based our observations. These are certainly not the only possible arguments, so be creative! Make sure your essay considers what the similarities and differences between Nick and Gatsby reveal about the novel as a whole.

  • Nick is a passive person and Gatsby is active, which is why Gatsby is the hero and Nick simply the observer.
  • Nick has much more in common with Gatsby than he thinks he does, which explains why he becomes so enamored of him.
  • Nick serves as a foil (someone who serves as a contrast) to Gatsby, which makes Nick the best possible observer of Gatsby.
  • At the end of the novel, Tom says that Gatsby “threw dirt in [Nick’s] eyes, just like Daisy’s,” meaning that both Nick and Daisy were taken in and could never see the true Gatsby: a narcissist and a criminal. Tom is right - the whole novel is Nick trying to spin a negative character into a positive one.


As they battle over Daisy’s love, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby sometimes seem surprisingly similar - particular in their self-centeredness, wealth, and concern with appearances. At the same time, these surface parallels point to major conflicts in their social class, and say a lot about the world of the novel.

Appearance.  Gatsby is driven by his materialism to be very invested having fashionable clothes, a beautiful mansion, and visually overwhelming parties - for him, the outfit is the thing that makes the Oxford man . Meanwhile because Tom doesn't have to dress the part of the moneyed elite to be one, he is instead very attuned to the behavior of others. This is why he immediately sees how fake Gatsby's persona is, both because of Gatsby's overly ostentatious clothes, and because of how much Gatsby misreads the fake invitation from the Sloanes. Tom is never fooled into thinking that Gatsby is anything other than an upstart, and mostly likely a criminal one.

Self-Centeredness.  Tom and Gatsby are both completely selfish, and fully convinced that their desires have to be acquiesced to by those around them. Tom, for example, starts his affair with Myrtle by pressing himself against her on a train platform - basically, his version of flirting is bodily assault. Gatsby, meanwhile, also thinks nothing of starting an affair with a married woman, assuming that his obsessive feelings are enough to justify any behavior.

Wealth.  Despite the fact that both are unimaginably rich, these men come from totally different sides of the big money divide. Tom comes from old money and is forever worried about the encroachment of the nouveau riche, minorities, and others onto what he thinks is his. At the same time, Gatsby is the most successful of the novel's many ambitious social climbers, using his lack of ethical scruples to parlay his criminal activity into a higher social status.

Power.  Tom loves being powerful and wields his power directly. He is physically aggressive and uses his body to threaten and intimidate (Nick, for one, is clearly very cowed by Tom's bulk). He is also quick to violence, whether it's socially sanctioned - like his football accomplishments - or not - like when he breaks Myrtle's nose without a second thought. Gatsby also holds significant power, but his methods are much more indirect. Still, whether he is offering Nick some illegal bond trading action, or showing off his get-out-of-a-ticket-free card to a cop on the highway, Gatsby is clearly happy to be in control of a situation.

Love. Tom and Gatsby both seem to be in love with Daisy. But what does that really mean to each of them? For Tom, Daisy is clearly partly appealing because she completes his horse-riding, East Egg, 350-thousand-dollar pearl necklace lifestyle. He cheats on her because he clearly has never denied himself anything, but he also understands Daisy as a person. He knows that she is too weak to leave him, but he also loves her enough to tolerate her affair with Gatsby and to stay with her after Myrtle's murder. Gatsby's love, on the other hand, is in some ways purer because he so idealizes Daisy and connects her to all of his other hopes and dreams. But this love is overly pure - he doesn't really seem to know Daisy as anything other than an idealized object, and is incapable of accepting that she has led a life apart from him for five years.

Tom and Gatsby Essay Ideas

In a compare/contrast essay, you can’t just present a list of similarities and differences. You also need to have an underlying argument you’re supporting. Feel free to take these at face value or as jumping-off points for your own thoughts.

  • Tom loves Daisy as a person, Gatsby loves her as an idea.
  • Both Tom and Gatsby’s tendency to control women and see them as prizes reveals the misogyny of the 1920s.
  • Although Tom sees Gatsby as someone from an entirely different class than him, what they have in common (selfishness, affairs, obsession with appearances) makes a larger argument for an overall moral hollowness of the rich of any class.
  • We see both Gatsby and Tom through the eyes of Nick, who worships one of them and hates the other. In reality, they are both much more similar than different, and their different treatment reveals Nick's insecurities and biases.


At first, most readers see Tom Buchanan and George Wilson  as opposites. But, these markedly different characters face very similar circumstances and offer two takes on masculinity and power in the novel.

Appearance and Presence.  Where Tom is strong and cowering, George is meek and shrinking. Tom exudes power and confidence while George tends to just fade into the background. These differences are borne out in the way these two men interact with the world. Tom is violent towards others, while George’s instinct is to be passive or to try and escape situations, the notable exceptions being his locking up of Myrtle and murder of Gatsby. Tom is confident, privileged, and assured while George is timid; George is “ruled by his wife” where Tom is selfish and acts on his own desires.

Reaction to Adversity. There is a dramatic difference in the way the two men react to the fact that their wives are cheating on them. Tom notices Daisy’s love for Gatsby and immediately starts making power plays. On the other hand, George discovers Myrtle’s affair and is undone by it. Nick compares the two men in a memorable description:

“the shock had made him physically sick. I stared at him and then at Tom, who had made a parallel discovery less than an hour before--and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well. Wilson was so sick that he looked guilty, unforgivably guilty--as if he had just got some poor girl with child" (7.160).

In this description, Tom is “well” and George is “sick.” These are certainly arresting ways to describe Tom's more traditional masculinity and George's less overtly masculine character. Tom is self-assured in the face of adversity and immediately takes action to win Daisy back, insisting on driving Gatsby's car, bullying those around him into driving to Manhattan, and using his romance skills to remind Daisy of the pluses of their relationship. Meanwhile, George's weakness makes him look sick and guilty as he contemplates Myrtle's betrayal and is driven to violence to reassert his power over her.

Approach to Women.  Both Tom and George assume they know what’s best for their wives: Tom dismisses Daisy’s professed love for Gatsby despite their obvious closeness, while George is determined to take Myrtle out west once he learns about the affair. But, while it seems that Tom does fundamentally understand Daisy and is right about her unwillingness to leave their marriage, George is unable to hold on to Myrtle either emotionally or physically. She is killed trying to run away from him.

Tom and George Essay Ideas

Differences in attitude and outcome, despite a relatively similar situation, reveal some unexpected truths about the world of the novel. Argue the reverse of any of these topics for a really provocative essay!

  • The fact that Tom manipulates George into killing Gatsby and then himself (which allows Tom and Daisy to walk away from the entire affair without consequence) shows the huge privileges of having money in the novel.
  • Nick's approach to Tom and George shows his admiration of a physical, brutish, domineering kind of masculinity. 
  • The fact that the relatively good guy turns into a murderer while the bad guy lives to cheat another day is a very cynical take on what happens in a world without a moral compass.


Despite Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker 's similar “white girlhoods” (1.140) in Louisville, their attitude and motivations are quite distinct, making them really interesting to compare and contrast.

Attitude and Outlook.  Both Daisy and Jordan display an entitled, bored attitude that’s typical of Fitzgerald’s depiction of the old money segment of wealthy New York society. The fact that they are introduced in tandem, both lying on the couches in their white dresses, speaks to their initially similar attitudes. But soon we see how different their takes on this kind of life are. Daisy is increasingly despondent, even nihilistic, asking in Chapter 7 , “what shall we do today, and tomorrow, and for the next thirty years?” (7.74).  Jordan meanwhile is a pragmatic opportunist, who sees possibilities everywhere, arguing that “life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” (7.75). In other words, Daisy’s pessimistic attitude from Chapter 1 comes through again, while Jordan, despite coming across as cynical and sharp, actually still seems excited about the possibilities life has to offer.

Appearance and Personality.  Both Daisy and Jordan very alluring in their own way, though Daisy’s allure comes through her enchanting voice and feminine charms, while Jordan is masculine, “jaunty,” witty, sharp, and physical. Daisy maintains a squeaky-clean reputation despite moving with a fast crowd, while there are plenty of rumors about Jordan’s cheating in golf, and Nick comments on her dishonest attitude. More significantly, Daisy is incredibly self-absorbed while Jordan is very observant.

Role in Society.  Daisy seems caught between what society expects of her and some deeper, more powerful desires she can’t name, resulting in restlessness, depression, and her affair. Daisy is sticking to her prescribed societal role by marrying and having a child, while Jordan plays golf, “runs around town” and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to marry, at least in the beginning of the novel. Perhaps Jordan is still somewhat optimistic about the possibilities of life since she hasn’t settled down yet, while Daisy realizes that nothing major in her life will change at this point. Jordan, meanwhile, is content to chase after fun and intrigue via other people’s bad behavior. And she doesn’t get dragged down by the tragedy in the book – on the contrary, she is callous in how little Myrtle’s death seems to shake her, coolly calling Nick the next day and asking him to meet like nothing has happened (8.50-61). Perhaps her motivations are a bit less accessible to the reader since her role was significantly downsized between some of Fitzgerald’s earlier drafts. But in any case, as we watch Daisy struggle in her marriage, what we see of Jordan is cool, calm, collected, and rather uncaring.

Daisy and Jordan Essay Ideas

So what are some possible conclusions we can draw from Daisy and Jordan’s characters? One of the most common strategies is to tie the differences between these women onto one of the book’s larger themes, like the role of society and class or the American Dream . Another is to think about an important feature of the novel, like Nick’s narration, and see what these two characters can reveal about it. With those strategies in mind, here are some potential arguments you could argue for or against!

  • Jordan and Daisy, because they are generally disempowered, both use their sexuality in different ways to gain power, with different results.
  • Despite Jordan’s overt cheating and lying, Daisy is, in fact, the more morally compromised person.
  • The way Nick treats Jordan versus the way he describes Daisy reveals the novel’s preoccupation with Gatsby above all, to the detriment of the female characters.


While Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson obviously come from very different backgrounds and have conflicting motivations, they also have some surprising similarities.

Physical Appearance.  Daisy and Myrtle both derive power from their looks. Myrtle's comfort with her voluptuous body is clearly appealing to Tom, while Daisy's magnetic voice and ethereal presence obsess Gatsby. Throughout the novel, Myrtle is frequently reduced to being just a body - one to be used or violated by those around her. Tom sees little in Myrtle besides someone to either rub up against, have sex with, or punch at will; George resorts to imprisoning Myrtle while she eggs him on to "beat" her (7.314) the way Tom does; and finally, Daisy gruesomely rips Myrtle's body apart with a car. Meanwhile, Daisy's voice also serves to make her less of a person in her own right and more of an idealized, mythic figure from fairy tales. For Gatsby, Daisy's voice is appealing because it is "full of money" (7.105) - he is attracted to her not because of who she is, but because he sees her as a prize.

Social Standing.  Myrtle puts on the airs that Daisy has been born and raised with. This allows Myrtle to wield considerable social power within her group, as seen by how her guests fawn on her at the Manhattan party she throws. Daisy, in contrast, never exerts such overt power over a group – rather, she seems to move with crowds, doing what it expected of her (for instance marrying Tom despite still loving Gatsby). 

Love and Relationships.  Daisy and Myrtle’s marriages are strikingly quite different. Daisy and Tom are able to stay together even through serial affairs and murder. They end up loyal co-conspirators, protected by their wealth. Meanwhile, Myrtle has nothing but disdain for George despite his evident love for her. Still, both women use affairs with other men as a way to escape. Daisy wants to get away from an increasingly unhappy marriage and try to recapture the spontaneity and possibility of her youth, while Myrtle loves the status that her affair with Tom grants her. However, both learn that they can’t escape forever through their affairs. Obviously, their biggest difference is that Daisy gets to walk away from the novel unscathed, while Myrtle gets killed. 

Daisy and Myrtle Essay Ideas

Here are ways to write about these different women who face similar choices with dramatically opposite conclusions.

  • Despite their similarities in action and motivation, Daisy is protected from any lasting harm by her wealth and old money status, while Myrtle is punished for the same behavior, revealing how the class system in America protects the wealthy.
  • The novel refuses to give any inner life to women, and instead reduces them to their physical qualities no matter what social class they come from. Daisy and Myrtle's similar treatment by the narrator and by the men around them shows that gender trumps class when determining status. 
  • Daisy and Myrtle’s similarities reveal how hollow the progress of the women’s movement really was at that point in time. Despite the big gains the movement made in the early twentieth century, including winning the right to vote and pushing for more freedom in how they could dress and act, both of these women’s lives aren’t vastly improved. They’re both trapped in unhappy marriages, they both rely on their looks/charms/sexuality to get what they want, and neither of them has even a chance of pursuing a fulfilling life through a career.


What’s Next?

Now that you’ve gone over the novel’s most popular compare/contrast pairings, check out our analysis of the novel’s romantic pairings in our guide to love, desire, and relationships in The Great Gatsby .

Have an essay about a symbol or motif? Get started with our symbols overview  and motifs overview.

Still a little hazy on some of the plot elements in Gatsby? Not to worry, we have you covered with our complete book summary !

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Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples

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Welcome to The Great Gatsby Essay Samples page prepared by our editorial team! Here you’ll find a heap of wonderful ideas for your Great Gatsby essay. Absolutely free research paper and essay samples on The Great Gatsby are collected here, on one page.

📝 The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples List

Below you’ll find a large collection of The Great Gatsby essay and research paper samples. Feel free to use any of them to inspire your own writing!

  • Gatsby & Nick in The Great Gatsby Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1763 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby
  • Gatsby & Jean Valjean: Compare & Contrast Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1259 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • The Ethicality of an Action Jay Gatsby Genre : Assessment paper Words : 833 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson
  • The American Dream in The Great Gatsby: Essay Genre : Essay Words : 619 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson
  • Babylon Revisited & The Great Gatsby: Motifs & Themes Genre : Essay Words : 1216 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • Time as a Theme in The Great Gatsby: Essay Genre : Essay Words : 896 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson
  • Daisy Buchanan: Quotes Analysis Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1077 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker
  • Female Characters in The Streetcar Named Desire & The Great Gatsby: Comparative Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1639 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Why Is Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby a Satire? Genre : Essay Words : 680 Focused on : The Great Gatsby genre Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Mr. McKee
  • Jay Gatsby & Tom Buchanan: Compare & Contrast Genre : Essay Words : 812 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald & His American Dream Genre : Essay Words : 1815 Focused on : F.S. Fitzgerald’s biography Characters mentioned : Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Jay Gatsby & Eponine from Les Miserables: Compare & Contrast Essay Genre : Essay Words : 812 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Jay Gatsby and Valjean in ‘Les Miserables’: Comparative Essay Genre : Essay Words : 769 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway
  • Love in The Great Gatsby & The Catcher in The Rye: Comparative Essay Genre : Analytical essay Words : 1059 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Analysis and Feminist Critique Genre : Essay Words : 1365 Focused on : The Great Gatsby analysis Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson
  • Fairy Tale Traits in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 1146 Focused on : The Great Gatsby analysis & context Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Book Review Genre : Book review Words : 701 Focused on : The Great Gatsby context Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Book Review & Reflection Genre : Essay Words : 587 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson, Jordan Baker
  • Fitzgerald’s American Dream in The Great Gatsby & Winter Dreams Genre : Argumentative essay Words : 1119 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • Silver & Gold: Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 889 Focused on : The Great Gatsby color symbolism Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker
  • Nick as the Narrator in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 2473 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway
  • The Dilemmas of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 687 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby
  • Political Satire in American Literature Genre : Essay Words : 788 Focused on : The Great Gatsby genre Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby
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  • Summary (Chapter 9)
  • Symbolism & Style
  • Quotes Explained
  • Essay Topics
  • Essay Samples
  • Questions & Answers
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Biography
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, August 13). The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples.

"The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." IvyPanda , 13 Aug. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples'. 13 August.

IvyPanda . 2023. "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." August 13, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." August 13, 2023.


IvyPanda . "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." August 13, 2023.

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Essays About The Great Gatsby: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

The Great Gatsby is a classic American tale; if you are writing essays about The Great Gatsby, find interesting essay examples and writing prompts in our guide. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925) revolves around a young man named Nick Carraway and his interactions with his New York neighbors, including the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby. Throughout the novel, Gatsby attempts to rekindle his relationship with Daisy Buchanan, a cousin of Carraway’s; along the way, he is revealed not to be who he seems. The novel is regarded as a literary masterwork due to its profound exploration of love, social class, gender, and race, among other themes. As a result, it has developed into one of the most well-known ls of all time. 

If you need to write a good essay about The Great Gatsby , look at our featured essay examples below. 

1. The Great Gatsby – Really Great by Grace Nguyen

2. five reasons ‘gatsby’ is the great american novel by deirdre donahue, 3. “the great gatsby” color analysis by kurt medina, 4.  in defense of plot: an analysis of the tension in the great gatsby by aatif rashid.

  • 5. ​​Behind The Great Gatsby by William Peace

Top Writing Prompts on Essays about The Great Gatsby

1. how does the novel manifest the american dream, 2. the story behind the title, 3. compare and contrast, 4. how is new york city portrayed, 5. the great gatsby’s legacy, 6. the theme of race, 7. the theme of social class.

“Gatsby is the prime example of a person disregarding whatever morals he might have had, in order to pursue Daisy, his own personal American Dream. Consequently, his actions were reprehensible, not great. Gatsby also showed himself to be a generally dishonest person. Daisy

was married to a man named Tom. By trying to win her affections Gatsby is, in turn, adamantly trying to get Daisy to cheat on her husband.”

Nguyen writes about the novel’s titular character and how he changed himself so much for one person. This would be admirable if not because he was most enamored with Daisy’s rich life rather than her shallow character. From a working-class background, Gatsby acquired massive amounts of wealth through illegal means to match Daisy’s life, letting go of his morals to achieve his goals. In the end, Nguyen writes that Gatsby dies due to his deception. 

“One reason: It offers complicated characters who can be interpreted in fresh ways for new readers. Is Nick in love with Gatsby, as Greg Olear theorized on Salon? Could Gatsby — the other, the outsider — actually be a black man? Often dismissed as a selfish ditz, is Daisy victimized by a society that offers her no career path except marriage to big bucks?”

Donahue enumerates reasons for which The Great Gatsby is so highly regarded and considered the “great American novel.” These include an “American Dream”-type story, complex and exciting language, and most importantly, the unbelievable love story of Gatsby and Daisy. The millionaire is not motivated by greed but by love; however, he is in love with the idea of Daisy and the past in general rather than Daisy herself. 

“These colors connect the reader to the novel by making him see and feel the actual events and emotions a character has and not only an imaginative image. Gatsby’s example, which is full of lines rich of color imagery, makes the reader feel what he feels; sense what he senses; and try to be what he is. Gatsby’s figure is greatly shaped by this color imagery, validating and supporting the title of the book, colors show how great The Great Gatsby was.”

In his essay, Medina explains how Fitzgerald uses color symbolism to progress the plot and characters, using quotes from the novel as sources. For example, yellow represents Gatsby’s wealth, green symbolizes his greed and jealousy, and white symbolizes the pure, innocent idea he has of Daisy. Medina believes that these colors help readers connect more to the characters, making them feel what they feel and identify with them. 

“The central tension and conflict in the novel is not just whether Daisy will chose Gatsby or Tom but whether Nick will come to sympathize with Gatsby or not. And with this line, it’s clear that Nick does indeed sympathize with Gatsby. He realizes that old money Daisy and Tom are rotten, and that Gatsby is worth more than them. Human sympathy, thus, becomes more expansive than Nick had previously thought.”

Rashid starts off his essay by summarizing The Great Gatsby, then reveals how much of an impact tension has on the novel. Rather than the tension between Gatsby and Daisy, he believes that the tension lies in the extent to which Nick’s sympathy goes. He sympathizes greatly, going so far as to help invite people to Gatsby’s funeral (barely anyone comes, however). Rashid says this is emblematic of the “larger failures of society.”

5. ​​ Behind The Great Gatsby by William Peace

“Drawing on his own personal experience, Fitzgerald specialises in drawing characters who yearn to break into the ranks of the rich and powerful. Through his vivid depiction of the Wilsons, the unhappily married couple who run the gas station in Ash Valley, Fitzgerald captures the sense of life literally passing them by.”

Peace’s essay explores the background of Fitzgerald, the novel’s author, and how it inspired him to write it. He joined the army, fell in love with another wealthy woman named Zelda Sayre, and proposed to her; however, she rejected him, and he fell into despair. However, his later success led Zelda to accept him. Nevertheless, their relationship was rocky, as they struggled to sustain their extravagant lifestyle. Peace writes that the story, particularly the character of Daisy, is based on this period in his life. 

A significant reason for the novel’s status today is its reflection of the“American Dream” many desperately wish to achieve. Explain exactly what the American dream is and how it is represented in The Great Gatsby , particularly in the character of Gatsby. 

The title refers to Gatsby as “great”; the question is, is he truly deserving of this title? Analyze the character of Jay Gatsby, citing quotes from the novel and online sources, and determine whether you believe he is indeed “great” or not. Be sure to justify your response correctly; there is no wrong answer as long as it is well-supported. 

For your essay, compare and contrast any two characters from the novel. How are they similar? How are they different? What is their fate at the end of the story? Answer these questions in your essay and cite text evidence when analyzing a character. 

The Great Gatsby has also gained much notoriety due to its portrayal of New York City. Analyze the setting of the story and the way it is described- what is he trying to say about the city and its way of life? Compare Fitzgerald’s vision of the city to how it is seen today. 

The novel has left a longstanding impression on American literature and the world, having been adapted countless times. Write about why the novel has become a classic and how its legacy can be seen today in film, literature, television, art, and pop culture. What exactly has been its impact on society? Delve into this question in your essay to create an exciting piece of writing.

Being set in the 1920s, when racism was rife in society, The Great Gatsby is littered with racial prejudice. Discuss the presence of racism, particularly against Jewish people and African-Americans. Which characters show it? Who is the racism being subjected to? Answer these questions in your essay and use quotes to support your arguments.

Essays about The Great Gatsby

The theme of social class is prevalent in the novel. Write about how Fitzgerald views the social hierarchy of the 1920s based on the novel. Keep in mind the author’s background when writing; the book is primarily based on his own experiences. 

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead. If you’re stuck picking your next essay topic, check out our guide on how to write an essay about diversity .

hooks for great gatsby essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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226 Great Gatsby Essay Topics & Prompts

18 January 2024

last updated

For many years, students have been learning how to organize their papers correctly. Basically, professors design different essay topics and questions to be addressed in scholarly works. For example, one of the common books that professors assign to their students is the Great Gatsby reading. In this case, students are forced to develop the Great Gatsby essay questions and answers in their papers. Hence, this article represents many Great Gatsby essay topics to help students to get some ideas for their academic papers.

Best Great Gatsby Essay Topics

  • An exploration of symbolism in Fitzgerald’s masterpiece.
  • Examining Gatsby’s pursuit of Daisy: Love or obsession?
  • Unveiling the role of the past in shaping characters’ present lives.
  • Perception of material wealth in the Roaring Twenties as depicted in the novel.
  • Social stratification and its implications in “The Great Gatsby” .
  • Analysis of Fitzgerald’s critique of the upper class.
  • Interpreting the moral decay of society in the Jazz Age.
  • Assessing the impact of the setting on the novel’s themes.
  • Uncovering the significance of the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.
  • Great Gatsby Essay: The American Dream, Pursuit, and Corruption
  • An inquiry into Nick Carraway’s reliability as a narrator.
  • Discussing “The Great Gatsby” as a social commentary.
  • Delving into the relationship between power and corruption in the novel.
  • Probing the tragic elements in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Unraveling the gender roles in Fitzgerald’s narrative.
  • Dissecting the character of Tom Buchanan: A manifestation of arrogance.
  • The loneliness theme in the context of “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Relevance of the green light symbolism in the novel.
  • Evaluating the illusion vs. reality dichotomy in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Critiquing the portrayal of the Lost Generation in the novel.
  • Emphasizing the role of colors in enhancing the novel’s imagery.
  • Portrayal of the American upper class: A “Great Gatsby” study.
  • Understanding the concept of time in Fitzgerald’s narrative.
  • Illustrating the role of dreams and aspirations in the novel.

Easy Great Gatsby Essay Topics

  • Decoding Gatsby’s character: A study in idealism and disillusionment.
  • How does Fitzgerald portray love and desire in his novel?
  • Examining the decadence of the Jazz Age as depicted in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Exploring the destructive nature of wealth in the novel.
  • Drawing parallels between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jay Gatsby.
  • Explaining the symbolism of the valley of ashes.
  • Essay Example of The Great Gatsby Book Review
  • Analysis of the disillusionment theme in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Fitzgerald’s perspective on the class divide in America.
  • Digging into the motif of superficiality in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Evaluating the role of minor characters in the narrative.
  • The undercurrent of violence in Fitzgerald’s narrative.
  • Can “The Great Gatsby” be considered a tragic love story?
  • Appreciating the narrative style of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Analyzing the impact of prohibition on the novel’s setting.
  • Representation of morality and ethics in “The Great Gatsby”
  • Romantic relationships in the novel: A critical study.
  • Are there any redeeming characters in “The Great Gatsby”?
  • Defining success through the lens of Jay Gatsby.
  • The role of status and reputation in shaping characters’ identities.
  • Discussing the representation of youth and aging in the novel.
  • Extravagance and excess: The defining traits of the Jazz Age.
  • Highlighting the implications of Gatsby’s parties.
  • Fitzgerald’s depiction of the pursuit of happiness.
  • Analyzing the evolution of Jay Gatsby’s character throughout the novel.

The Great Gatsby essay topics

Interesting Great Gatsby Essay Topics

  • Disentangling the threads of fate and freewill in the narrative.
  • Romanticized past vs harsh reality: A Gatsby paradox.
  • Relevance of “The Great Gatsby” in the 21st century.
  • Influence of Fitzgerald’s personal life on the novel’s themes.
  • “The Great Gatsby” and the critique of capitalism.
  • Roles of parties in revealing characters’ personalities and motivations.
  • Illusion of the American Dream: A case study of Jay Gatsby.
  • Is “The Great Gatsby” a novel of despair or redemption?
  • Understanding the psychology of characters in the novel.
  • The fallacy of materialism as portrayed in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Link between illusion and disillusionment in the novel’s narrative.
  • Critiquing the portrayal of infidelity in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The influence of weather and seasons in shaping the novel’s narrative.
  • Interpreting the tragic undertone of “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The theme of loss and grief in Fitzgerald’s narrative.
  • Exploring the role of minor characters in furthering the plot.
  • Reflection of Fitzgerald’s societal views through the novel’s setting.
  • Significance of the title “The Great Gatsby”: An exploration.
  • Class mobility in the novel: A critical examination.
  • Deconstructing the flawed dream of Jay Gatsby.
  • Nick Carraway’s role as both character and narrator.
  • Gatsby’s parties as a symbol of excess and superficiality.
  • Unraveling the theme of death in “The Great Gatsby.”

The Great Gatsby Essay Topics on Dreams

  • The creation of wealth does not guarantee the apparent attainment of a dream.
  • All dreams are not attainable in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • There is a difference between reality and illusion.
  • A change in social class affects people’s efforts to achieve their goals.
  • Achievement of a vision is a collective responsibility.
  • Time is a factor that plays a significant role in one’s ability to achieve dreams.
  • Opportunists may not achieve similar goals as people who genuinely acquire their wealth, covering the Great Gatsby book.
  • People should always be optimistic and pursue what they consider as important to them.
  • Reinvention for a wrong course of action leads to destruction.
  • Exploring the symbolism of dreams in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Unrealized dreams: The unattainable pursuit of Daisy in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Dreams versus reality: The conflict in Jay Gatsby’s life.
  • Jay Gatsby’s obsession with his dream: A pathway to tragedy.
  • Dreams and illusion: How Jay Gatsby constructs his own reality.
  • Unraveling the role of dreams in Gatsby’s pursuit of the American dream.
  • Social class and the inaccessibility of Gatsby’s dreams.
  • The power of dreams: Defining characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Fitzgerald’s depiction of dreams as a vehicle for discontent in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Assessing the impact of broken dreams on the tragic end of “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Dreams of the past: The nostalgic nature of Gatsby’s dream.
  • “The Great Gatsby”: An exploration of Gatsby’s dream as a reflection of his character.

Essay Topics for Love and Friendship Theme in “The Great Gatsby”

  • People may fall in love with one another but fail to support each other in achieving their dreams.
  • People may rekindle love and reunite but lack an objective.
  • A commitment to one’s course in life may break a love relationship.
  • Individuals can use their wealth to materialize love.
  • Social classes may be a factor that dictates people’s love lives by considering “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Poverty can be a hindrance to one’s ability to marry a person of different social classes.
  • An individual may feel loved, but, in essence, it may not be true love, being out of curiosity.
  • People are jealous of losing their love partners to their competitors, which may lead to verbal and physical confrontation.
  • In “The Great Gatsby,” love can make individuals risk by admitting mistakes they have not done.
  • People may abandon their friends during difficult times.
  • Exploration of love as a destructive force in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The complex relationship between Daisy and Gatsby: A love story or a tale of obsession?
  • Unrequited love in “The Great Gatsby”: The tragic tale of Jay Gatsby.
  • Intersection of wealth and relationships in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Evaluating the role of friendship in “The Great Gatsby”: Case study of Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby.
  • The illusion of the American Dream versus the reality of love and friendship in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Influence of social class on love and friendships in Fitzgerald’s masterpiece.
  • Love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness: A closer look at the characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Isolation in the midst of wealth: How love and friendship are compromised in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Comparing the love stories in “The Great Gatsby”: Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan versus Tom and Myrtle Wilson.

The Great Gatsby Essay Topics on the Theme of Marriage

  • People base their marriages on social classes.
  • Loveless marriages may exist if people lack an objective of why they got married.
  • People marry individuals they feel will offer social security and raise their class standards.
  • In “The Great Gatsby,” people live in problematic marriages and conceal their fate to protect their social positions.
  • Loss of one’s partner in a marriage may lead to hopelessness and result in harmful actions.
  • Rich men are polygamous; hence they can marry as many wives as they wish.
  • The choices people make have consequences.
  • Self-conscience can help an individual to avoid messy relationships early.
  • Unveiling the concept of marriage in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Analysis of failed marriages in Fitzgerald’s masterpiece.
  • Representation of gender roles within marriage in the 1920s.
  • Examining the influence of wealth on marital relationships in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Disillusionment in marriage as depicted through the characters of Daisy and Tom.
  • The evolution of marital relations as portrayed in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The impact of social status on marriages in Fitzgerald’s novel.
  • Dysfunctional aspects of marriage as seen in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Assessing the concept of loyalty within marriage in the novel.
  • Daisy and Gatsby’s relationship: A failed marriage before it began?
  • The relevance of the theme of infidelity in “The Great Gatsby” marriages.
  • Role of societal pressures in shaping marriage dynamics in the novel.
  • Impact of the American Dream on marriage aspirations in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Exploring the marriages of secondary characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • How does “The Great Gatsby” critique the institution of marriage?

Essay Topics of Revenge Theme in “The Great Gatsby”

  • Revenge may involve the revelation of allegations to expose one’s past mistakes, as discussed in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Attacks may cause death.
  • Tracing the role of revenge in the tragic downfall of Jay Gatsby.
  • Comparing the motifs of revenge and ambition in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • How does Fitzgerald present revenge as a destructive force in the novel?
  • The influence of social status on the pursuit of revenge in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Is revenge presented as a path to justice or self-destruction in “The Great Gatsby?”
  • The interconnectedness of love, revenge, and deception in the lives of Gatsby’s characters.
  • Exploring Tom Buchanan’s motivations for revenge: Pride, jealousy, or fear?
  • Implications of the cycle of revenge and the lack of forgiveness in the novel.
  • Unpacking the theme of revenge in the context of the American Dream.
  • The role of revenge in the relationships between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom.
  • Gatsby’s quest for revenge: A misunderstood desire for redemption?
  • How do characters use revenge as a tool for asserting power and control?
  • Dissecting the causes and consequences of revenge in the East Egg vs. West Egg societal divide.
  • Analysis of the violent culmination of revengeful acts in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Daisy’s role in the revenge plot: A victim, a catalyst, or an active participant?
  • Manifestations of revenge in the narrative’s depiction of the Roaring Twenties.
  • Consequences of unfulfilled revenge in the tragic endings of “The Great Gatsby” characters.
  • Revenge as a mirror of the underlying tensions in Jazz Age society.
  • How the pursuit of revenge influences the moral compass of characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Interrogating the ethos of revenge: Is it inherently corrupting in “The Great Gatsby?”

The Great Gatsby Essay Topics for Enmity Theme

  • Do people develop antagonism when they fail to succeed in their shared interests?
  • Do people achieve success because of enmity by considering the Great Gatsby book?
  • Does enmity force people to survive?
  • Analysis of enmity as a driver of the plot in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Roles of social classes in shaping hostilities in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • How the theme of enmity contributes to character development in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Unraveling the root causes of conflict and enmity in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Exploring enmity and betrayal in the relationships in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Interplay of enmity, love, and jealousy in Fitzgerald’s narrative.
  • Representation of enmity within the context of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Enmity as a symbol of the socio-economic divide in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Influence of the Roaring Twenties on the hostilities portrayed in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Exploring the consequences of unresolved enmity in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Comparative analysis: Enmity in “The Great Gatsby” and other contemporary novels.
  • Analysis of how Fitzgerald employs enmity to critique the American upper class.
  • Evaluating the implications of enmity on the tragic downfall of characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Impact of enmity on the pursuit of happiness in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Power dynamics and enmity in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Revealing the masks of enmity through the characters’ facades in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Examining enmity as a reflection of personal failures in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Scrutinizing the evolution of enmity throughout “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Dissecting the role of enmity in the disillusionment of characters in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Enmity in “The Great Gatsby”: A symbol of societal decay or a personal struggle?

Essay Topics on Erosion of Morality Theme in “The Great Gatsby”

  • Desire to acquire wealth to please other people may cause individuals to engage in immoral activities.
  • Men and women defy marital requirements and may participate in extramarital activities that endanger their marriages.
  • Money and love cannot be similar as it is represented in the Great Gatsby book.
  • Analyzing the erosion of moral values in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • “The Great Gatsby” as a portrayal of societal decay during the Jazz Age.
  • Implications of the dissolving American dream in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Disintegration of personal relationships as seen through “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Materialism and its destructive influence in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Examining the degradation of the human spirit in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The decay of the Roaring Twenties as depicted in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Class struggle: A catalyst for social erosion in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • “The Great Gatsby”: An exploration of moral bankruptcy.
  • Corrosion of individuality in the face of societal expectations in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Love or lust? Erosion of true emotions in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The glamour and grit: Depicting societal decline in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Fading faith in the American dream: A perspective from “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Wealth and wastefulness: How affluence leads to degradation in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Character study: How the protagonists contribute to the theme of decay in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Erosion of trust and honesty in the character relationships of “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Juxtaposing reality and illusion in “The Great Gatsby”: The erosion of truth.
  • “The Great Gatsby” and the critique of a consumerist society.
  • Unfulfilled dreams and the decay of hope in “The Great Gatsby.”

Essay Topics for Property Ownership Theme in “The Great Gatsby”

  • People should acquire wealth whenever there are opportunities to do it.
  • People who are wealthy do not like other individuals who have obtained riches, considering “The Great Gatsby.”
  • The acquisition of wealth by poor people threatens the social positions of the wealthy class.
  • Individuals who never work hard through their efforts to earn wealth are extravagant.
  • Property owned through corrupt means offers short-lived happiness.
  • The symbolism of property ownership in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Disparities of wealth and class as depicted through the property in Fitzgerald’s novel.
  • How property ownership influences character development in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Perspectives on the American Dream: Comparing Gatsby and Tom Buchanan’s properties.
  • Understanding the significance of East Egg and West Egg through property ownership.
  • Jay Gatsby’s mansion: A symbol of his unattainable dream.
  • Comparing the socio-economic status of characters through their properties in the novel.
  • “The Great Gatsby”: How property sets the stage for drama and conflict.
  • The role of property ownership in the tragedy of Jay Gatsby.
  • An analysis of wealth illusion through property descriptions in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • How Fitzgerald uses the property to expose the moral decay of the 1920s?
  • Examining the impact of materialism and property obsession on character relationships.
  • Depiction of social mobility through property ownership in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Property and status: Understanding the core of Gatsby’s obsession.
  • Links between property ownership and masculinity in Fitzgerald’s work.
  • The role of geographical locations and property settings in the novel.
  • Critique of the American Dream: Wealth vs. happiness in “The Great Gatsby.”
  • Exploring the role of property in creating social divisions within the novel.

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It is not easy to create an essay about Gatsby, I confirm this, and I am going to share my experience with my readers. If you are required to make the great Gatsby essay, this guide will be helpful. I am a student, so I understand you well how you feel: you know about the assignment and cannot understand how to start. Yes, I was in your shoes and you should feel free to use my experience, and I hope that you will spend less time on your work than I did. I recommend reading the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald . Yes, you may say that you watched a movie but I assure you that it is different. It is great if you watched a famous movie about Gatsby with a great actor Leonardo DiCaprio but try to read the book! Believe me, it is a big difference between the book and movie as in the book, you can find much more details and descriptions that are skipped in the movie. Make sure you have received all detailed instructions from your teacher. I didn't think it is so important until I started to work on my essay and got some questions so I spent a lot of time trying to understand what to do. Eventually, I lost my hope, and I accidentally opened the requirements given by my teacher and found answers to all the questions I had. Funny, isn't it?  

How to Start the Great Gatsby Essay?

How to start an essay ? I guess this is the most popular question students have after they get this assignment and as I already mentioned before, your first step is to read the book. I suggest taking a pencil and paper and taking some notes during reading. It will help you to structurize everything better, plus you will be able to find some citations to use in your future essay much easier. At the beginning of your work, you have to make a good plan. Yes, like the most of the students, I hate planning, but they say it is the only way to fulfill the assignment within a deadline. So, count how many days you have, and make your own detailed plan of writing. Needless to say, every student may have their individual plan depending on their skills. It is my own plan:  

  • Reading a book (with notes) - 2 days
  • Choosing a good topic and brainstorming all my ideas - 1 day
  • Writing my work (approximately 1000 word essay ) - 3 days
  • Proofreading the finished paper - 1 day.

You can count easily - I spent around a week to create my own document. I spent more days because I lost a lot of time trying to find answers to questions that were just in my hands! It means you will need about 8-10 days to create a great work. I know some students practice writing their academic papers on the last night, and this is a very bad idea. All you can get is just a low grade.

Tips on Selecting the Great Gatsby Essay Topics

It is great when your teacher provides you with a list of interesting themes to write your great Gatsby essay. Sometimes, students have to choose their own topics. I appeared in the second situation, and I had to surf the Internet to find the great Gatsby essay topics. I found around 10 topics that turned my attention, and later selected one. Here is the list:

  • Was Gatsby in love with Daisy or he was deeply in love only with an idea of her?
  • In what ways Jay Gatsby is great. Does he deserve to be called great?
  • Symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel “The Great Gatsby”.
  • A movie based on the book The Great Gatsby.
  • American dream essay in the novel The Great Gatsby.
  • How the writer shows the contrast between poor and rich?
  • The idea of the American Dream in Fitzgerald's novel.
  • Who can be blamed for the death of Gatsby?
  • The concept of happiness and wealth in The Great Gatsby.
  • Does love mean something in The Great Gatsby?

Hints on Creating a Successful Paper Without a Headache

From my own experience, it is not so hard to structure your work properly; these are the main steps I took:

  • I divided my work into three main paragraphs: the introduction, main part, and conclusion;
  • I used essay transition words to tie together paragraphs of my paper;
  • I wrote a detailed outline of the future document. At the start, it seemed to me just a waste of time, but it was helpful!
  • When I have finished the paper, I proofread it thoroughly to find mistakes. If honestly, I am not strong in grammar, so I used Grammarly software to check and correct errors.

How to Find the Great Gatsby Essay Examples?

When you are going to write a paper, reading successful examples can help you to find your own ideas and thoughts on how to create your paper. I spent some time searching the great Gatsby essay examples on the Internet and I did find some good examples that turned my attention. It is a sample I want to share with my readers. F. Scott Fitzgerald in his novel, The Great Gatsby shows us the American dream from different perspectives. We meet Jay Gatsby - a man who follows his dream too hard and is unable to understand his life of riches is false. In the novel, the author shows to us how crazy the desire of power and wealth is, how Jay destroys himself. Jay Gatsby truly believes his money makes him great. The man believes he could get anything he wants with his money. Gatsby even tries to fix his failures from the past with it. Gatsby tries to “buy” the love of Daisy who is obsessed with wealth and power just like him. Gatsby attempts to get anything to satisfy his desires, but he can't find happiness in his money. Gatsby loses the sense of his life. This is true - if a human can't reach happiness, the whole life seems boring and empty. Jay Gatsby's fate eventually was destroyed by money and power he always wished for. This story shows us the Jazz Age period in the United States, and the author portrayed all events and characters with detail and elaboration. Nick Carraway who just moved to New York, becomes neighbors with mysterious and rich Jay Gatsby who grabs readers' attention from the beginning. With Daisy Buchanan character, Fitzgerald shows us people of that time were seeking the American dream. Daisy cheats her husband with rich Gatsby because she loves money and luxury things. This behavior evokes negative emotions in readers and gives a lot of food for thoughts if to try to compare modern Americans and their values with those described in the book. Fitzgerald defines the American dream as a strong desire for imperialism and individualism. Though this dream is distorted, it's like Jay's dream to be with Daisy who betrays her lovely husband just because of her desire for money, luxury, and splendor. With this novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald wanted to create something extraordinary but simple. The book grabs your attention from the beginning and keeps in tension until the end. We don't like Daisy, Gatsby or even Nick but we are deeply involved in the book because the author succeeds to grab readers' attention. He showed us people can be so much empty and lonely that they are unable to find their dream and they even push it away when they finally move to it. Such a short story, but it's full of dreams and desires. I truly hope my experience was helpful. Writing is hard work, and it is worth the result. Feel free to use my advice or delegate this essay to StudyCrumb  to get a high grade!  


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — The Great Gatsby — Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby


A Look at The Character of Daisy Buchanan as Depicted in The Great Gatsby

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Published: Jun 29, 2018

Words: 947 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

A good hook examples for "the great gatsby" essay, "the great gatsby" essay example.

  • A Glimpse into the Jazz Age: Imagine the glitz and glamour of the Roaring Twenties, where opulence and decadence reigned. Join me as we step into the world of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and examine the enigmatic character of Daisy Buchanan.
  • An Intriguing Quote: F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, "Her voice is full of money." Let's dissect the symbolism behind this famous line and delve into the complexities of Daisy Buchanan's character, where wealth and shallowness intersect.
  • A Portrait of Elusiveness: Daisy Buchanan is a character shrouded in mystery. Explore with me how her elusive nature and enigmatic smile captivate both the characters within the novel and readers alike.
  • An Analysis of Relationships: Daisy's relationships with Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan are central to the novel's themes. Join me in dissecting her role in these relationships and how they reflect the society and values of the time.
  • A Timeless Icon: Daisy Buchanan remains a compelling and polarizing character in literature. Explore with me why her portrayal continues to resonate with readers and how her complexities mirror the contradictions of the American Dream.

Works Cited

  • Bruccoli, M. J. (Ed.). (2000). F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby: A Literary Reference. Carroll & Graf Publishers.
  • Fitzgerald, F. S. (1995). The Great Gatsby. Scribner.
  • Goldsmith, M. (2007). The Great Gatsby and the American Dream. Hodder Murray.
  • Gross, D. (2013). Why Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is a 1920s American masterpiece. The Guardian.
  • Lentricchia, F. (2019). Gatsby's green light and American optimism. The Hudson Review, 72(2), 221-228.
  • Lehan, R. D. (2010). The Great Gatsby: The Limits of Wonder. Twayne Publishers.
  • Light, A. (2005). Women, gender, and the Great Gatsby. In A. J. Battista (Ed.), Critical Insights: The Great Gatsby (pp. 89-105). Salem Press.
  • Mizener, A. (2003). F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall.
  • Prigozy, R. (Ed.). (2000). The Cambridge Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tredell, N. (2007). The Great Gatsby: A Reader's Guide to Essential Criticism. Icon Books.

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A Look at The Character of Daisy Buchanan as Depicted in The Great Gatsby Essay

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The Great Gatsby: Essay Topics & Samples

No novel is written for the sake of writing. You can be immersed in the plot and feel sympathy toward the protagonists, but there is something more about every great book. A good The Great Gatsby essay should question the narrative to determine what the text’s broader purpose is.

Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

Are you out of ideas? Our topics and The Great Gatsby writing prompts can kickstart your creative process. They won’t limit the flight of your thought in any way: instead, they’ll show you the right direction to follow. You can also use our essay samples for inspiration or apply for professional writing help .

  • 💡 Essay Topics
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💡 The Great Gatsby Essay Topics & Prompts

  • Did Daisy genuinely love Gatsby, or did she want to return the past feelings? Why was preserving her social class so important? Or did she stay with Tom for other reasons, like the shared experience, stability, and the daughter? Do you think Daisy opted for Tom after a careful comparison?
  • Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby. What did Gatsby lack to feel like he belongs to the Old Money, apart from heritage? What did elevate him above the Old Money representatives and make him more humane? Why didn’t he possess the traits related to the corruption of the upper class?
  • Money and wealth in The Great Gatsby . Money is helpless in matters of love and friendship. Nick Carraway was Gatsby’s only friend. As far as we know, only Daisy loved him, and even this fact is doubtful. Was it the reason why Gatsby’s success did not make him happy? Write an argumentative essay about it!
  • Compare and contrast The Great Gatsby 2013 movie vs. the book in an essay. Does the movie represent the characters as profoundly as the book does? Make the book review from the point of view of a person who watched the film first. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the film?
  • How does Gatsby represent the American Dream ? This essay should start with the historical background that formed the general idea of the American Dream. Is Gatsby’s version of the American Dream universal for all US citizens, or does it have any unique features? “The American Dream in The Great Gatsby ” is a perfect title for this kind of essay.
  • Is Gatsby great? This essay can discuss the strengths and failures of Jay Gatsby. It could also reveal why the novel is titled like this. Is Gatsby great because he has made a fortune without any heritage, or is the title ironic?
  • The Great Gatsby symbolism is a good topic for an essay. It could cover the setting of the novel, the color symbolism in The Great Gatsby (especially the green light , gold, and the color white,) and the small symbolic details like bespectacled eyes of various protagonists and TJ Eckleburg on the billboard.
  • Write The Great Gatsby literary analysis essay , exploring why the author chose these specific characters to convey the main idea to the reader. What is the primary purpose of the novel, and what helped the author to achieve it? Dwell upon the decline of morality as the typical feature of the Roaring Twenties.
  • Time in The Great Gatsby . Throughout the entire novel, Gatsby is trying to recapture his past feelings. Did he succeed, to some extent? Can living in the memories, even recreated in real life, make someone happy? The novel is full of flashbacks. Explain why the time is non-linear in the story .
  • The Great Gatsby themes might also be a great as an essay topic. The novel is multifaceted and profound, with several layers of meaning. Money and wealth, society and class, love and marriage , hope, morality, time, and the American Dream in The Great Gatsby are to be discussed in this essay.

✒️ The Great Gatsby: Essay Examples

Below you’ll find a collection of The Great Gatsby essay examples. Use them for inspiration!

  • Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby
  • Symbolism in The Great Gatsby
  • Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast Club
  • Imagery in The Great Gatsby by F. Fitzgerald
  • Conception of The American Dream
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The Great Gatsby

Obsession anonymous.

In his book The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the psychology of love's fantasies and realities through the character of Jay Gatsby. During their five-year separation, Gatsby pines for his love, Daisy Buchanan, rearranging his entire life in order to retain her love and eventually creating a sublime, intangible image of her in his head. "No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart" (p. 101) and this presents complications for Gatsby's psyche as he faces Daisy's flawed humanity. In his mind, the fantasy of Daisy and of their relationship outweighs the reality, while in real life it is quite the opposite. This theme of Gatsby's powerful yet elusive and sometimes unrequited love for Daisy is prevalent throughout the book. The eventual consequences of living in a false world catch up to Gatsby at the end of the novel, where he dies miserable and despairing for the only person he wants and the one person he cannot have---Daisy.

Gatsby's insurmountable love for Daisy begins after their first kiss. He [Gatsby] knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like...

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Three men stand on a street in front of a storefront reading “Martial Arts” and “Peace through confidence” as a woman jogger in purple spandex passes by.

Vampire Weekend Did Not Make a ‘Doom and Gloom Record’

On its fifth album, suffused with thoughts of 20th-century New York City, indie-rock’s pop maximalists get noisier — but it’s a journey out of negativity into “something a little deeper.”

From left: Chris Tomson, Ezra Koenig and Chris Baio of Vampire Weekend. The band’s new album, “Only God Was Above Us,” is due April 5. Credit... Sinna Nasseri for The New York Times

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Jon Pareles

By Jon Pareles

  • March 20, 2024

From the first seconds of Vampire Weekend’s new album, “Only God Was Above Us,” it’s clear that something has changed. “Ice Cream Piano” starts with hiss, buzz, feedback and a hovering, distorted guitar note — the opposite of the clean pop tones that have been the band’s hallmark. It’s the beginning of an album full of startling changes and wild sonic upheavals, all packed into 10 songs.

The new album, like all of Vampire Weekend’s work, is meticulous, self-conscious and awash in musical and verbal allusions — sometimes direct, sometimes cryptic. But it’s also a broad pendulum swing from its 2019 release, “Father of the Bride,” a leisurely, jam-band-influenced sprawl that ran nearly 58 minutes. “Only God Was Above Us,” the group’s fifth album, due April 5, is eight songs and 10 minutes shorter.

“With every album we have to push in two directions at once,” Ezra Koenig, Vampire Weekend’s singer and primary songwriter, said in a recent interview. “Sometimes that means we have to be poppier and weirder. Maybe with this record, it’s about both pushing into true maturity, in terms of worldview and attitude, but also pushing back further into playfulness. There’s a youthful amateurishness along with some of our most ambitious swings ever.”

Koenig, 39, described the new album’s sequence of songs as “a journey from questioning to acceptance, maybe to surrender. From a kind of negative worldview to something a little deeper.” Ultimately, he said, the LP is optimistic. “It’s not a doom and gloom record. And even if there’s songs where the narrator is trying to figure something out or feels confused, that’s not all. That’s part of the story — it’s not the thesis of the album that the world is dark and horrible.”

The album also exults in musical zingers, non sequiturs and startling off-grid eruptions. The songs often morph through multiple changes of tempo and texture, riffling unpredictably through indie-rock austerity, orchestral lushness, pop perkiness and hallucinatory electronic studio concoctions, like the cascade of wavery, overlapping piano lines in “Connect.” Where “Father of the Bride” had a folky openness, “Only God Was Above Us” is crammed with ideas that gleefully collide.

Ever analytical, Koenig mused that Vampire Weekend’s albums each reflected patron saints. He named Paul Simon for the band’s self-titled 2007 debut , Joe Strummer and Sublime for “Contra” from 2010, Leonard Cohen for “Modern Vampires of the City,” and the Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter, along with Phish, for “Father of the Bride.” The new album, he said, may reflect a short-lived tour he didn’t get to see: the 1997 pairing of Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang Clan, which reached the cover of Rolling Stone .

A man in a nubby gray sweater zipped up to his neck stares at the camera as two other men appear behind him, at a short distance, also looking at the camera, and another man with his back to the lens stands in the left side of the frame.

“Distortion, heaviness, hardness,” Koenig said. “We were drawn toward those qualities on this record in a more direct way than ever before.”

Koenig spoke via video from his home in Los Angeles. Behind him — from the collection of his wife, the actress Rashida Jones — was a wall of photographs by the artist Taryn Simon from the project “Contraband” : bootleg DVD boxed sets that were confiscated by United States Customs, arrayed in Minimalistic formations. Like Vampire Weekend’s songs, they neatly frame disruptive material.

Vampire Weekend has always had two distinct aspects — its fastidious album work and its frisky live shows — and may soon have three. (More on that later.) The central one is the music the band constructs in the studio, which is minutely tweaked and painstakingly considered. Vampire Weekend’s songs uphold a long-established tradition of concise pop songwriting. But even as it delineates clear verses and choruses, the band pushes every other parameter.

“With some types of art, you probably have to put a lot of thought into how to create layers of meaning,” Koenig said. “Songs are, by their nature, relatively short. They have repetitive hooks. Then if you want to go maximalist and fill it with production details and arrangements, you can. And if you want the lyrics to push out into some weird place, you can.”

Yet the basics of pop songwriting keep the band’s experimentation grounded. “You can zig and zag from verse one to verse two to verse three, but you keep coming back to the same chorus,” he added. “But now it’s recontextualized by the second verse. I think all that stuff is built into the format. It’s this great populist art form where you can get really out there but the structure holds it together.”

Beginning with the 2013 album “Modern Vampires of the City,” Vampire Weekend’s studio output has increasingly been a collaboration between Koenig and the producer and multi-instrumentalist Ariel Rechtshaid, who has worked on hits with Madonna , Usher , Haim and others.

“I’ve been part of making things that sound expensive and beautiful,” Rechtshaid said in a video interview from his Los Angeles studio. “But on this record, when the songs were at a certain stage, we were just, like, ‘This sounds exciting to us.’ It wasn’t a gimmick. It wasn’t like, ‘Here’s the decision to make something that feels noisy or dirty or distorted.’ It’s that the songs were emoting properly.”

The band and Rechtshaid have been working on — and reworking — most of the new album’s songs since 2020. Two tracks, “Gen-X Cops” and “The Surfer,” originated much earlier. The untamed slide-guitar line of “Gen-X Cops” came from Brooklyn sessions in 2012, while “The Surfer” includes much-altered elements of a song Koenig had begun writing with Rostam Batmanglij , who left Vampire Weekend in 2016.

“Sometimes you get lucky and the music, the production, the lyrics and the performance all come together and it fits on the record you’re working on,” Koenig said. “And sometimes, you know there’s something special about it, but you have to put it aside and just let time do its thing.”

Although Vampire Weekend’s members have settled in Los Angeles, its new album is suffused with thoughts of 20th-century New York City. Those were the decades before Vampire Weekend got started at Columbia University in 2006. “Weird, half-baked memories and pictures and thoughts and family history,” Koenig said. “That’s the version of New York that’s floating through this record.”

The opening tracks ponder conflict and disillusionment. “Classical” finds bitter power struggles hidden in history, noting “how the cruel becomes classical in time.” In “Connect,” the singer wonders, “Is it strange I can’t connect?,” mingling the personal and the online. The album eventually concludes with “Hope,” the longest song in Vampire Weekend’s catalog, a stately, eight-minute litany of disasters and injustices — “The sentencing was overturned/The killer freed, the court adjourned” — with a guardedly reassuring refrain: “I hope you let it go.”

The album title comes from a New York Daily News headline shown in the album’s cover photograph , which was shot by Steven Siegel in 1988 at a subway graveyard, inside a subway car turned sideways — an image that looks surreal but needed no special effects. One song, “Mary Boone,” borrows the name of the SoHo gallery owner who was hugely influential in the 1980s.

Another, “Prep-School Gangsters,” is named after a 1996 story in New York magazine about privileged students dabbling in the drug trade. “The prep-school gangster — these are the people who run the vast majority of institutions,” Koenig said. “It’s very possible, especially in America, especially in New York, that every now and then the prep-school gangster’s grandfather was once the disadvantaged youth, and that the disadvantaged youth’s grandson will be the prep-school gangster. And here they are in this brief moment of time, meeting together.”

“The Surfer” begins with a reference to “Water Tunnel 3,” a project to bring water to New York City from a reservoir in Yonkers. It has been under construction since 1970 and is far from complete.

“There’s that eerie but beautiful feeling that underneath this, the most populous city in America, there is an almost century-long project happening, where people are burrowing through the Earth,” Koenig said. “And then, classic New York stuff that everybody wants to talk about, the bagels and the pizza — it’s so good because of the water. Where does the water come from? It comes from upstate New York, far away. How does it get into somebody’s tap on the Lower East Side?

“It’s always been a slight obsession of mine,” he continued. “I like that idea about the underground. I don’t mean culturally. I mean just literally what’s underground.”

Vampire Weekend will soon be resurfacing to tour — a job far removed from the band’s finely detailed studio work. Real-time performing used to be a fraught prospect for such a perfectionist group. “I would hear other musicians talk about, ‘Oh man, you know, touring is tough, but then once you get onstage, all your worries go away and you’re just connecting with the audience,’” Koenig recalled. “And I’d think, ‘What are these people talking about? That’s when the worries start.’”

For its 2019 tour, Vampire Weekend expanded its stage lineup to seven musicians and vocalists, opening up more possibilities in the songs and relieving some of the virtuosic pressures. “Now, when we get together to rehearse, there’s a youthful, playful vibe,” Koenig said. “We’re always coming up with ideas that make us laugh.” The full band has been practicing since November for a summer tour it will preview on April 8 — performing a midday concert in Austin in the path of the full solar eclipse and sharing a free livestream .

Along with recording and touring, Vampire Weekend may soon unveil a third facet. Chris Baio, the band’s bassist, and Chris Tomson, its drummer, did separate video interviews from the studio space they share in Los Angeles — a converted medical office where Vampire Weekend started meeting in summer 2020 for weekly, Covid-distanced jam sessions, playing in separate rooms and recording hundreds of hours of music.

“The world had stopped working and a lot of what we normally do was just not being done,” Tomson recalled. “There was something about just playing with no expectation — to just play with my two very close friends without an agenda.”

Baio said, “It’s very rare for people in a band of our size to be alone together. No engineer, no tour manager, nothing like that. It felt like being at the outset of the band again. And we did that for three years and change, whenever we were all in town.”

Those sessions may lead to the emergence of a new trio that happens to have the same members as Vampire Weekend, performing unreleased material.

“We kind of have an imaginary back story for that band,” Koenig added. “It was a band that came out around 1989, 1990, and they were a little bit too punky for the jam scene and a little bit too jammy for the punk scene. And there’s a little bit of the Minutemen in there. The truth is, this is very premature because that band is still hashing out its sound. I don’t want to say too much.”

Could the unnamed trio open shows on Vampire Weekend’s tour? “That has been discussed,” Koenig said dryly.

“We’re just trying to create a sound that we’ve never quite heard before,” he had noted earlier. “That’s what keeps us going.”

An earlier version of this article misstated Ezra Koenig’s age. He is 39, not 40.

How we handle corrections

Jon Pareles has been The Times’s chief pop music critic since 1988. He studied music, played in rock, jazz and classical groups and was a college-radio disc jockey. He was previously an editor at Rolling Stone and the Village Voice. More about Jon Pareles

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    The Great Gatsby Essay Topic Examples. Whether you want to analyze the American Dream, compare and contrast characters, vividly describe settings and characters, persuade readers with your viewpoints, or share personal experiences related to the story, these essay ideas provide a diverse perspective on the themes and complexities within the book.

  2. The Great Gatsby: Mini Essays

    As a man, he dreams of Daisy, and for a while he wins her, too. In a world without a moral center, in which attempting to fulfill one's dreams is like rowing a boat against the current, Gatsby's power to dream lifts him above the meaningless and amoral pleasure-seeking of New York society. In Nick's view, Gatsby's capacity to dream ...

  3. 88 Perfect Essay Topics on The Great Gatsby

    4 min. 3,315. Welcome to The Great Gatsby Essay Topics page prepared by our editorial team! Here you'll find a large collection of essay ideas on the novel! Literary analysis, themes, characters, & more. Get inspired to write your own paper! We will write a custom essay specifically. for you for only 11.00 9.35/page.

  4. The Great Gatsby Critical Essays

    Gatsby retains the American Dream in its purest form. A. He has the quality of the original seekers of the dream—the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. III. He adheres to the precept of ...

  5. 89 The Great Gatsby Essay Titles, Examples & Essay Samples

    The Great Gatsby story is full of symbols. And here are just two examples of them: The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg painted on a billboard in the Valley of Ashes. You can find a lot of The Great Gatsby essay samples that draw the conclusion that Eckleburg represents God. However, let's ask a few more questions.

  6. The Great Gatsby: Suggested Essay Topics

    2. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s? In what ways do the themes of dreams, wealth, and time relate to each other in the novel's exploration of the idea of America? 3. Compare and contrast Gatsby and Tom. How are they alike? How are they different?

  7. The Great Gatsby Essay Topics and Outlines

    Suggested Essay Topics: Chapter 1—Consider the references to people in literature or history in the chapter. What purpose (s) do they serve? Write a character sketch of Daisy (or Tom or Jordan ...

  8. How to Write a Compare/Contrast Essay for The Great Gatsby

    In a compare/contrast essay, you can't just present a list of similarities and differences. You also need to have an underlying argument you're supporting. Feel free to take these at face value or as jumping-off points for your own thoughts. Tom loves Daisy as a person, Gatsby loves her as an idea.

  9. PDF AP English III Great Gatsby Essay Prompts

    The Great Gatsby AP Essay Prompts Choose one of the essay prompts below. Write a thoughtful, focused, and organized response. Your essay should focus on the novel as evidence— this means quoting directly from the novel at least twice. Your essay will be graded using the AP style rubric (available for viewing on my website) on how well

  10. The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples

    Here you'll find a heap of wonderful ideas for your Great Gatsby essay. Absolutely free research paper and essay samples on The Great Gatsby are collected here, on one page. We will write a custom essay specifically. for you for only 11.00 9.35/page. 808 certified writers online.

  11. The Great Gatsby Essays and Criticism

    Romantics relate to Gatsby's unrelenting commitment to Daisy, the love of his life. But beneath all the decadence and romance, The Great Gatsby is a severe criticism of American upper class ...

  12. The Great Gatsby Essays

    The Death of a Dream Martha E. Andrietti. The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is regarded as a brilliant piece of literature that offers a vivid peek into American life in the 1920's. The central characteristics of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920's society are shown through the decay...

  13. Essays About The Great Gatsby: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

    1. The Great Gatsby - Really Great by Grace Nguyen. "Gatsby is the prime example of a person disregarding whatever morals he might have had, in order to pursue Daisy, his own personal American Dream. Consequently, his actions were reprehensible, not great. Gatsby also showed himself to be a generally dishonest person.

  14. 226 Great Gatsby Essay Topics & Prompts

    Interesting Great Gatsby Essay Topics. Disentangling the threads of fate and freewill in the narrative. Romanticized past vs harsh reality: A Gatsby paradox. Relevance of "The Great Gatsby" in the 21st century. Influence of Fitzgerald's personal life on the novel's themes.

  15. How to Write Great Gatsby Essay: Guide & Examples

    The Great Gatsby is a well-known novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Students are often required to make a paper about this famous piece of literature. It may be difficult for you to make this kind of work, but this guide will be helpful. Read about the real experience of a student who created the great Gatsby essay.

  16. PDF English 351

    Academics have compiled lists of the. brackish opprobrium slung at Gatsby's girl: she's a woman of "vicious. emptiness," of "criminal amorality," a "destroyer" and "femme fatale," the. "villain-heroine" who stands as both "Dark Lady and Fair, witch and redeemer.". Alfred Kazin found her "vulgar and inhuman.".

  17. The Great Gatsby Book Review and Summary: [Essay Example], 1956 words

    The Great Gatsby is a classic book from American Literature, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. ... (2000). New essays on The Great Gatsby. Cambridge University Press. Bryer, J. R. (Ed.). (1997). F. Scott Fitzgerald: Novels and stories 1920-1922: This side of paradise / Flappers and philosophers ...

  18. The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's third novel. It was published in 1925. Set in Jazz Age New York, it tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire, and his pursuit of Daisy Buchanan, a wealthy young woman whom he loved in his youth. Commercially unsuccessful upon publication, the book is now considered a classic of American fiction.

  19. Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby: [Essay Example], 947 words

    A Good Hook Examples for "The Great Gatsby" Essay. A Glimpse into the Jazz Age: Imagine the glitz and glamour of the Roaring Twenties, where opulence and decadence reigned. Join me as we step into the world of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and examine the enigmatic character of Daisy Buchanan.

  20. The Great Gatsby: Essay Topics, Samples, & Prompts

    The novel is full of flashbacks. Explain why the time is non-linear in the story. The Great Gatsby themes might also be a great as an essay topic. The novel is multifaceted and profound, with several layers of meaning. Money and wealth, society and class, love and marriage, hope, morality, time, and the American Dream in The Great Gatsby are to ...

  21. The Great Gatsby Essay

    Obsession Anonymous. Obsession. In his book The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the psychology of love's fantasies and realities through the character of Jay Gatsby. During their five-year separation, Gatsby pines for his love, Daisy Buchanan, rearranging his entire life in order to retain her love and eventually creating a sublime ...

  22. The Great Gatsby Essays

    The Great Gatsby Book Review. 'The great Gatsby' published in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells the story of Nick Carraway, who narrates the novel from his perspective. He is a young Yale graduate who rents a house in the West Egg. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next door to the mansion of a millionaire, Jay Gatsby who hosts ...

  23. What would be a compelling hook for an essay discussing the color green

    Get an answer for 'What would be a compelling hook for an essay discussing the color green in The Great Gatsby?' and find homework help for other The Great Gatsby questions at eNotes

  24. Vampire Weekend Did Not Make a 'Doom and Gloom Record'

    They have repetitive hooks. Then if you want to go maximalist and fill it with production details and arrangements, you can. And if you want the lyrics to push out into some weird place, you can."