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8 Reasons to Love South Korea

reasons to love south korea

I love South Korea.  It’s one of my top 5 favorite countries in the world since it has so much to offer. Whether you’re looking for fantastic shopping, great outdoor activities, festivals, food experiences or lush nature – South Korea offers all that and more!

There’s something about South Korea that makes me long to go back – the friendly people, the fashion, music, events, nature and super delicious food! 

If you’ve been thinking about going to South Korea but not 100% sure about going there or not – then check out this list of the top 8 reasons to love South Korea!

Here’s the list of the top 8 reasons to love South Korea:

Table of Contents

Korean Food

Korean food is simply amazing. The Korean cuisine is one of those cuisines I could get used to with it’s delicious and fresh dishes. Bibimbap, kimchi, kimbap, and Korean BBQ – it’s both cheap and delicious!

It’s many reasons why South Korea is such beautiful country. It’s its mountains, oceans, temples and people that make South Korea to one of the most beautiful countries in Asia. 

In addition to that – Koreans are one of the world’s most beautiful people!

Of course, I had to include K-Pop on this list of reasons to love South Korea. I mean, who doesn’t like K-Pop? It’s fun, sexy, catchy and get’s you into a happy mood! 

One of the best reasons to love South Korea is because you can feel safe walking around during day and night. When walking at night in Stockholm I always feel scared that something’s going to happen – but in South Korea, I didn’t feel scared at all!

It’s a wonderful feeling, as a women, to not have to worry about my safety while walking around at night.

Since I love to be out in nature and hike, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw what the South Korean nature had to offer. Great hiking trails, natural mountains, lush islands and much more! 

I can’t complete this list without mentioning the natives of South Korea. The locals of the country are incredibly friendly, polite and helpful. The Korean culture is a great mix of old Korean traditions and western ideals. 

People of South Korea are proud of where they’re coming from and are also enthusiastic about learning more about the culture of foreigners!

Events & Festivals

South Korea just love festivals, and they’ve got them for just about everything. 

From simple live music events and food shows to the more famous festivals such as the Boryeong Mud Festival, the Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival, the Jinju Lantern Festival and the Cheongsando Slow Walking Festival – There’s always something going on on the weekends!

Jeju Island

One of the reasons to love South Korea is Jeju Island. Jeju Island is a great island for nature seekers, and is, in my opinion, the world’s most beautiful island. With its friendly people, lush nature, stunning waterfalls, great hiking and delicious food – Jeju Island will take you by storm!

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What a nice post, Christine! I can feel how positive and warm person you are from your writing. I am Hyojeong from Daegu,South Korea. It was a surprise and joy of my day to peep in to outlander’s pespectives on Korea and korean culture! Thanks for that. I was in Sweden for an year of my exchange semester. It was also an experience of wonder to me! I wish, I could have shared what I found and felt in Sweden with you. After reading your post, I am seriously thinking if i need to write about my visits to other countries and share it with others :) Have a nice day!

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  • South Korea
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Reasons Why You Should Visit Seoul at Least Once in Your Lifetime

A colourful lantern decoration at Cheonggyecheon Stream during the Lotus Lantern Festival in Seoul Korea

One of Asia’s great cities, and a technology-forward powerhouse, Seoul mixes the cutting-edge with the deeply traditional – all to the soundtrack of K-Pop . Here are Culture Trip’s top reasons why you should place Seoul on your travel bucket list.

Competing with Tokyo, Beijing, and Taipei for your attention, Korea’s capital is often overlooked as one of Asia’s top cities to explore. But there is plenty to discover in Seoul that you might not know about. Skyscrapers and futuristic architecture, like the Lotte World Tower , sit alongside ancient Buddhist temples and traditional houses at the Bukchon Hanok Village .

Get in touch with Korea’s history

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As the country’s capital, you’ll find an abundance of historic sites to help you gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture. Gyeongbokgung Palace , for example, is an absolute must-visit when in town. Built in 1395, it served as the home to the kings of the Joseon dynasty, the kings’ households, and the government. You can also visit more recent historic sites, such as the War Memorial of Korea, dedicated to those who gave their lives during the Korean War. It comes with a vast museum of more than 10,000 artefacts, displayed in indoor and outdoor exhibition halls.

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Seoul is a vibrant city – even more so when the sun goes down and its population comes out to play. In fact, South Koreans truly know how to have fun, and the local nightlife culture has developed a “station system” with a restaurant for dinner being the first station, followed by bars, pubs, karaoke rooms, and more food and drinks along the way. It’s not rare for a night in Seoul to end after five, six or more different “stations”. Head to Itaewon, Hongdae, and Gangnam for the best night out.

Appreciate culture and tradition

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Seoul is doing a fabulous job in keeping Korean culture and traditions alive. Take the National Museum of Korea , for instance. It displays over 12,000 artefacts in six permanent exhibitions, from Medieval to early modern history. You can also experience culture first-hand by wandering areas like Bukchon Hanok Village , a lovely neighbourhood made up of traditional Korean houses, or hanok . Here, you’ll find craft shops, art galleries, and even traditional teahouses.

Get years ahead in technology

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South Korea is known for being extremely technologically advanced. Seoul, in particular, has shown an incredible passion for innovation in both technology and the architecture of its cityscape. Lotte World Tower, for example, opened in early 2017 and is now the tallest building in the country. What’s even more fascinating is its double-decker elevator, the fastest of its kind worldwide. It’s also the world’s first elevator with animated screens on all sides. And don’t forget to look up – the ceiling projects the development of Seoul from the Joseon Dynasty until today.

Admire Buddhist temples

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While the number of Buddhists in the country has been shrinking, making up under 20 percent of the population today, Seoul’s temples still shine as bright as ever. Spiritual at heart, the locals, especially the older generation, appreciate the traditional customs of Buddhism and visit a temple regularly. Foreigners will find that the local staff and monks living and working in the temples are open for discussion. So-called Templestays are available throughout the country and even in the city of Seoul. You can stay one or multiple nights, living like a monk at the temple while partaking in Buddhist rituals and ceremonies.

Have fun on a budget

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Despite the increasing cost of living in the capital of Korea, travellers will find that it is still a lot cheaper to get by compared to North America, Europe or Australia. Public transportation and meals at restaurants are much more affordable than in Korea’s eastern neighbour of Japan. You can find a dormitory room for as low as US$10 (£7.30) a night. This is what makes South Korea a great holiday destination in east Asia.

Wander through diverse neighbourhoods

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You might be surprised that Seoul’s neighbourhoods are all unique and distinct. Many travellers find themselves in Myeongdong, the shopping paradise of Seoul, home to multiple flagship stores and a multitude of funky themed cafés. Hongdae , is another hip area, home to students who attend Hongik University. The area is known for cheap eats, cheap shopping, and cheap entertainment – great for small wallets. Gangnam is Seoul’s fanciest neighbourhood. Here, you can shop for Louis Vuitton bags, a new Porsche, and the perfect nose in the same street. In whichever neighbourhood of Seoul you’ll find yourself, you’ll always see something new.

Hike incredible mountains

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It might surprise you that Seoul is one of the few megacities surrounded by tall mountains. That means that countless hiking adventures are just within reach via the local subway. Bukhansan is the tallest mountain near Seoul, at 836.5m (2,744ft) above sea level. Inwangsan and Namsan are other popular choices for local hikers. What’s great about these mountains is that you’ll always be rewarded with splendid views of the city once you’ve reached the top.

Eat authentic Korean BBQ

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You may think you’ve had great Korean barbecue before, but you haven’t tried the real deal until you come to Seoul. One of the best BBQ restaurants in the city is Wang Bi Jib, serving high-quality marbled cuts of meat seasoned with light salt. Another local favourite is Seocho Myeonok, specialising in galbi jjim , meat slow-cooked in a beef broth and served in clay pots with veggies.

Shop ’til you drop

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Each year, millions of tourists from neighbouring Asian countries come to Korea for one sole reason: shopping. They want to pick up the latest trends in Korean fashion , get their hands on high-quality Korean skincare products and visit one of the many large department stores for the ultimate shopping experience – tax-free! In general, you can receive a tax refund at the airport when you submit your receipts at the tax refund booth. However, more and more tax-free stores allow foreign customers to get immediate tax refunds below a certain limit.

Have fun at festivals

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Whenever you visit, you’ll probably have a chance to take part in one of Seoul’s many festivals . In the spring, the Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival is one of the most popular events for locals and foreigners alike. Come summer, Buddha’s Birthday is celebrated all over Korea with large parades in Seoul and events at temples around the city. Many also enjoy the Ultra Korea music festival, dedicated to electronic music. In the fall, the popular Fireworks Festival is held on Yeouido Island overlooking the Han River. Finally, the winter months mean Changgyeonggung Stream (the river that runs through the heart of Seoul) is decorated with seasonal light ornaments and is a popular destination for Christmas.

Visit a themed cafe

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If there’s one thing Seoul has plenty of, it is quirky cafes . Themed cafés first came about a couple of years ago in Seoul’s Hongdae district with the first cat café. Today, the city is filled with “pet cafés” which host animals such as cats, dogs, sheep, even raccoons or meerkats. Yes, you can pet them. Other cafés are themed according to a specific cartoon character, such as Hello Kitty or Kakao Friends. Whatever theme you are looking for, you won’t have to look long for a café in Seoul to please you.

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My Appreciation for South Korea

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