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Table of contents, how to start a profitable cooking gas retail business.

  • 3 April, 2024

cooking gas retail business

The Cooking Gas Business: An Overview

In the world of food service businesses, the cooking gas retail business plays a crucial role in ensuring a steady and efficient supply of cooking gas to meet the cooking needs of households, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments. This section provides an introduction to the cooking gas business and highlights the benefits of starting such a venture.

Introduction to the Cooking Gas Business

The cooking gas business involves the distribution and retail of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), commonly known as cooking gas. LPG is an essential energy source used for cooking in both residential and commercial settings. It offers numerous advantages over traditional fuels such as firewood or kerosene, including cleaner combustion, convenience, and reduced environmental impact.

With the growing demand for cooking gas, particularly in countries like Nigeria where the government is advocating for the use of Autogas in addition to kitchen applications ( KiakiaGas ), the cooking gas retail business presents a lucrative opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. By providing a vital resource to consumers, you can contribute to meeting their energy needs while also generating profits for your business.

Benefits of Starting a Cooking Gas Business

Starting a cooking gas business offers several advantages for entrepreneurs looking to enter this industry. Some of the key benefits include:

High Demand and Growth Potential : The demand for cooking gas continues to rise, driven by factors such as urbanization, population growth, and the shift towards cleaner and more efficient cooking fuels. This presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a market with significant growth potential.

Profitability : The cooking gas business can be highly profitable, with the potential for attractive profit margins. By establishing strategic partnerships with suppliers and efficiently managing your operations, you can maximize profitability in this industry.

Diverse Business Opportunities : The cooking gas business offers various business models to choose from, including distributorship and dealership ( KiakiaGas ). You can opt to become a super distributor, overseeing the distribution of LPG in a specific location, or a minor distributor, focusing on retail sales and installation of LPG equipment.

Positive Social and Environmental Impact : Promoting the use of cooking gas helps reduce deforestation and the depletion of natural forests, as well as minimize the associated risks of environmental degradation. By providing a clean and sustainable energy source, you contribute to a healthier environment and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

As with any business venture, starting a cooking gas retail business requires careful planning, research, and execution. By understanding the intricacies of the market, securing necessary licenses and permits, and establishing strong partnerships, you can set yourself up for success in this industry. To learn more about how to create a comprehensive business plan for your cooking gas retail business, visit our article on cooking gas business plan .

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the various aspects of establishing and managing a cooking gas retail business, including market research, securing funding, setting up inventory management systems, marketing strategies, operational considerations, and maximizing profitability.

Getting Started in the Cooking Gas Business

Before venturing into the cooking gas retail business, it is crucial to lay a strong foundation for success. This section will guide you through the initial steps of researching the market and competition, securing funding for your business, and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.

Researching the Market and Competition

To ensure the viability of your cooking gas retail business, it is essential to thoroughly research the market and competition. Understanding the demand and potential customer base in your target area is crucial for making informed business decisions.

Start by analyzing the local market to determine the demand for cooking gas. Consider factors such as population density, existing food service businesses, and residential areas. Additionally, research the competition in the area to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and market share. This information will help you tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to stand out from the competition.

Securing Funding for Your Business

Starting a cooking gas retail business requires significant upfront investment. It is important to secure adequate funding to cover various expenses such as location acquisition, business insurance, licenses and permits, marketing materials, and initial inventory.

Consider exploring different funding options such as personal savings, loans from financial institutions, or partnerships. Create a comprehensive cooking gas business plan that outlines your financial projections, including startup costs, anticipated revenue, and potential return on investment. This will help you present a compelling case to potential investors or lenders.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

Compliance with local regulations and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits is crucial for operating a cooking gas retail business. Research the specific requirements in your area to ensure legal compliance.

Licensing and permit requirements may vary depending on the location and jurisdiction. Some common permits and licenses required for operating a cooking gas retail business include a business license, fire department permit, health and safety permits, and environmental permits. Consult with local authorities or regulatory bodies to understand the specific requirements for your business.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that your business adheres to safety standards and regulations. This includes having proper safety protocols in place, ensuring the proper storage and handling of cooking gas cylinders, and training your staff on safety procedures.

By thoroughly researching the market and competition, securing funding, and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, you will establish a solid foundation for your cooking gas retail business. These initial steps are crucial for setting the stage for a profitable and successful venture. Remember to regularly review and update your strategies as your business grows to stay ahead in this competitive industry.

Setting Up Your Cooking Gas Retail Business

To establish a successful cooking gas retail business, several key steps need to be taken. This section will guide you through finding a suitable location, establishing supply chain partnerships, and setting up inventory management systems.

Finding a Suitable Location

Choosing the right location is crucial for the success of your cooking gas retail business. Consider the following factors when selecting a location:

Accessibility: Ensure that your business is easily accessible to your target customers, such as residential areas, restaurants, or commercial establishments. A convenient location will attract more customers and encourage repeat business.

Safety: Safety should be a priority when selecting a location for your cooking gas retail business. Choose a place that adheres to safety regulations, such as proper ventilation and fire safety measures, to minimize potential risks.

Storage Space: Adequate storage space is essential for storing gas cylinders. Ensure that the location has enough space to accommodate your inventory and comply with safety guidelines for storing gas cylinders.

Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and zoning restrictions related to operating a cooking gas retail business. Ensure that your chosen location is in compliance with these regulations.

Establishing Supply Chain Partnerships

To ensure a steady supply of cooking gas cylinders, it’s crucial to establish strong supply chain partnerships. Consider the following steps:

Research Gas Suppliers: Identify reputable gas suppliers in your area and compare their offerings, including pricing, delivery schedules, and customer support. Choose suppliers who can provide consistent and reliable gas cylinder deliveries.

Negotiate Contracts: Negotiate contracts with your chosen gas suppliers to secure favorable terms, such as pricing, payment terms, and delivery arrangements. Establishing long-term partnerships with suppliers can help ensure a stable supply of cooking gas cylinders.

Consider Distributorship or Dealership: Depending on your business goals and resources, you may explore distributorship or dealership opportunities with gas companies. These arrangements can provide additional benefits, such as exclusive territories and marketing support. Conduct thorough research on the requirements and benefits of distributorship or dealership programs.

Setting Up Inventory Management Systems

Efficient inventory management is crucial for the smooth operation of your cooking gas retail business. Consider implementing the following strategies:

Utilize Technology: Embrace technology to streamline your inventory management processes. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, specifically UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) tags, can be used for tracking gas cylinders and automating inventory control ( Xerafy ). RFID tags can store cylinder details, batch information, and safety data, enabling accurate and comprehensive inventory management.

RFID Implementation: Use passive UHF RFID tags designed to work on metal for tracking gas cylinders. These tags can overcome the limitations of older-generation tracking systems based on low-frequency RFID tags. Fixed RFID readers installed at designated tracking points provide a permanent and automated solution, while handheld readers offer flexibility and mobility for capturing information on the spot ( Xerafy ).

Inventory Control: Implement a robust inventory control system that tracks cylinder movements, stock levels, and expiration dates. This will help prevent stockouts, optimize reordering processes, and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

By finding a suitable location, establishing supply chain partnerships, and setting up efficient inventory management systems, you can lay a strong foundation for your cooking gas retail business. These steps will contribute to the smooth operation of your business and help maximize customer satisfaction and profitability.

Marketing and Promoting Your Cooking Gas Business

To ensure the success of your cooking gas retail business, it’s crucial to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. Effective marketing and promotion efforts will help you build brand awareness, attract customers, and establish a strong presence in the market. In this section, we will explore key aspects of marketing and promoting your cooking gas business, including developing a marketing strategy, creating a strong brand identity, and utilizing online and offline marketing channels.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

A well-defined marketing strategy is the foundation for successful promotion and growth. Start by identifying your target audience, which in the case of a cooking gas retail business, would primarily be food service businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, and catering companies. Understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience will help you tailor your marketing messages and offerings.

Researching the competition is also crucial for maximizing traffic and profit. Analyze the marketing strategies of other cooking gas retailers in your area. This will help you identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and develop unique selling propositions. Adjust your marketing strategies accordingly to stand out in the market and attract customers.

Creating a Strong Brand Identity

Building a strong brand identity is essential for establishing trust and loyalty among your target audience. Focus on developing a compelling brand story that resonates with your customers. Highlight the quality, reliability, and convenience of your cooking gas products. Emphasize any additional products or services you offer alongside cooking gas, such as snacks, drinks, or convenience store items, as this can boost your profit margins ( NerdWallet ).

Invest in professional branding materials, including a memorable logo, consistent color scheme, and cohesive visual elements. Use these elements across all your marketing materials, from signage and packaging to digital platforms.

Utilizing Online and Offline Marketing Channels

To reach a wide audience, it’s important to utilize both online and offline marketing channels. Online marketing strategies can include:

  • Building a user-friendly and informative website that showcases your products, services, and contact information. Optimize your website for search engines to improve your online visibility.
  • Creating engaging social media profiles to connect with potential customers. Regularly share valuable content, such as cooking tips or safety guidelines, to establish yourself as an industry expert.
  • Implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Running targeted online advertising campaigns, such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, to reach specific audiences and drive traffic to your website.

Offline marketing strategies can include:

  • Distributing flyers or brochures to local businesses, highlighting the benefits of choosing your cooking gas retail business.
  • Participating in local trade shows or food industry events to showcase your products and services.
  • Developing partnerships with local food service businesses to offer special promotions or discounts.
  • Placing advertisements in relevant local publications, such as restaurant magazines or community newspapers.

By utilizing a combination of online and offline marketing channels, you can effectively reach your target audience and generate awareness for your cooking gas retail business.

Remember, effective marketing is an ongoing effort. Regularly review and evaluate the success of your marketing strategies, making adjustments as needed. Stay up to date with industry trends and consumer preferences to ensure that your marketing efforts remain relevant and impactful. With a well-executed marketing strategy, you can attract customers and position your cooking gas business for long-term success.

Managing Operations in Your Cooking Gas Business

To run a successful cooking gas retail business, it’s crucial to effectively manage your operations. This involves ensuring safety and compliance, implementing efficient inventory management practices, and providing excellent customer service. By focusing on these key areas, you can create a well-rounded operation that meets the needs of your customers and maximizes your business’s potential.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Safety is of utmost importance in the cooking gas business. It is essential to comply with all relevant safety regulations and guidelines to protect your customers, employees, and property. This includes implementing proper safety protocols for handling and storing gas cylinders, conducting regular inspections, and training your staff on safety procedures.

Additionally, it is crucial to stay updated on safety standards and best practices in the industry. This can involve attending training programs, workshops, and conferences to enhance your knowledge and ensure that your business is up to date with the latest safety measures.

Efficient Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is essential for the smooth operation of your cooking gas business. Proper tracking and control of gas cylinders are crucial to ensure accurate inventory levels, reduce losses, and maintain a consistent supply for your customers.

Utilizing technology, such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags, can greatly enhance your inventory management practices. RFID technology, specifically UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) tags, allows for automatic tracking of gas cylinders and inventory over long distances ( Xerafy ). These tags can store essential information about the cylinders, such as serial numbers, enabling comprehensive tracking and management. Fixed RFID readers installed at designated tracking points provide a permanent and automated solution, while handheld readers offer flexibility and mobility for capturing information on the spot ( Xerafy ).

By implementing an efficient inventory management system, you can optimize your stock levels, reduce the risk of understocking or overstocking, and ensure timely replenishment of gas cylinders to meet customer demands.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Customer service plays a vital role in the success of any business, including a cooking gas retail business. Providing exceptional customer service not only builds customer loyalty but also attracts new customers through positive word-of-mouth.

To deliver excellent customer service, focus on:

  • Training your staff: Provide comprehensive training to your employees on how to interact with customers, handle inquiries, and address any concerns or issues that may arise.
  • Prompt and reliable delivery: Ensure that you have efficient delivery systems in place to provide customers with timely and reliable gas cylinder deliveries.
  • Clear and effective communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your customers, addressing their questions or concerns promptly and professionally.
  • Building relationships: Foster strong relationships with your customers by actively engaging with them, understanding their needs, and offering personalized solutions.

Remember, happy and satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend your business to others. By prioritizing customer service, you can differentiate your cooking gas retail business from competitors and build a loyal customer base.

Managing operations in your cooking gas business requires careful attention to safety, efficient inventory management, and excellent customer service. By focusing on these aspects, you can create a well-organized and customer-centric business that ensures the smooth functioning of your operations and contributes to the overall success of your cooking gas retail business.

Maximizing Profitability in the Cooking Gas Business

To ensure a profitable cooking gas retail business, it’s essential to adopt effective strategies that optimize revenue generation. In this section, we will explore three key areas that can help maximize profitability in the cooking gas business: pricing strategies, diversifying product offerings, and expanding your customer base.

Pricing Strategies for Gas Retailers

Setting the right prices for your cooking gas products is crucial for maintaining profitability. Gas stations, which are considered retail businesses, have the autonomy to set their own prices while complying with regulatory laws and avoiding excessively high prices that could deter customers ( Finimpact ).

When determining gas prices, gas station owners and managers consider factors such as the cost of acquiring the cooking gas, associated transportation costs, taxes, and operational expenses ( Finimpact ). It’s important to analyze market trends, monitor competitor prices, and strike a balance between profitability and competitiveness. By offering competitive prices and delivering quality service, you can attract and retain customers, ultimately driving profitability.

Diversifying Product Offerings

While cooking gas is the primary product in your retail business, diversifying your product offerings can significantly contribute to your overall profitability. Gas stations, for example, generate a significant portion of their revenue from the sale of items at their convenience stores, where profit margins are generally higher than those on gasoline ( Finimpact ). Consider stocking your store with a variety of complementary products such as convenience store snacks, beverages, automotive supplies, and household items. This allows you to cater to the needs of customers who visit your gas station, increasing their average spend and boosting your profitability.

Additionally, consider offering value-added services such as propane tank refills, propane equipment sales, and propane-related accessories. Propane is a versatile fuel source with various residential and business applications, making it an attractive option for customers. By diversifying your product offerings and providing a one-stop-shop experience, you enhance customer satisfaction and create additional revenue streams.

Expanding Your Customer Base

Expanding your customer base is a fundamental strategy for maximizing profitability in the cooking gas retail business. To attract new customers, consider implementing targeted marketing strategies. This can include advertising in local print media, leveraging social media platforms, and partnering with local businesses to cross-promote your products and services. By creating awareness and promoting the benefits of cooking gas, you can capture the attention of potential customers and drive increased foot traffic to your retail business.

In addition to attracting new customers, it’s important to focus on customer retention. Provide excellent customer service, ensure prompt and reliable delivery of gas cylinders, and offer loyalty programs or incentives to encourage repeat business. Building strong relationships with your existing customers can lead to increased loyalty, positive word-of-mouth referrals, and ultimately, sustained profitability.

Expanding your customer base can also involve targeting specific market segments. For instance, consider partnerships with local restaurants, hotels, and caterers who rely heavily on cooking gas. By offering competitive pricing, reliable service, and tailored solutions, you can establish long-term partnerships that contribute to your business growth and profitability.

By implementing effective pricing strategies, diversifying product offerings, and expanding your customer base, you can maximize profitability in the cooking gas retail business. Continuously evaluate market trends, adapt to changing customer needs, and stay ahead of the competition to ensure sustained success in this industry.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Cooking Gas Business

The cooking gas business presents both challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to enter the industry. By addressing these challenges and leveraging technological solutions, as well as embracing sustainable practices, cooking gas retailers can position themselves for success.

Addressing Industry Challenges

The cooking gas industry is witnessing substantial growth, attracting an increasing number of companies looking to enter the market. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed to thrive in this competitive landscape. Efficiently managing acquisition costs and reducing churn in LPG bulk is crucial for retaining and developing the existing customer base in the cooking gas retail business ( Simon-Kucher ). Additionally, challenges in LPG distribution can hinder the entry of prospective distributors who have acquired wrong information from unreliable sources about the business ( KiakiaGas ).

To address these challenges, thorough research and understanding of the market dynamics and competition are essential. This enables you to develop effective strategies to attract and retain customers. It is also important to establish strong partnerships with reliable suppliers and distributors to ensure a steady supply chain and efficient operations.

Leveraging Technological Solutions

In today’s digital age, technological advancements play a crucial role in the success of any business. The adoption of operational and digital excellence can significantly improve inventory management and operational efficiency for cooking gas retail businesses. Integrating telemetry systems for real-time data collection and remote monitoring of LPG tanks allows for better inventory control and minimizes the risk of running out of stock ( Simon-Kucher ). Utilizing technology-driven solutions can streamline processes, enhance customer experience, and contribute to the overall growth and profitability of the business.

By leveraging technology, cooking gas retailers can optimize their operations, automate manual tasks, and gain insights into customer preferences and behavior. This enables them to make data-driven decisions, improve resource allocation, and enhance overall business performance.

Embracing Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in various industries, and the cooking gas business is no exception. Offering eco-friendly products and services has become crucial for cooking gas retailers to attract environmentally-conscious customers. Sustainability is now considered a key driver of willingness to pay, with certain customer segments ranking it higher than price ( Simon-Kucher ). Embracing sustainable practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances the reputation and credibility of the business.

Cooking gas retailers can explore options such as promoting the use of cleaner and more efficient cooking gas appliances, encouraging recycling and responsible disposal of gas cylinders, and supporting initiatives that promote renewable energy sources. By aligning with sustainable practices, cooking gas retailers can not only attract a growing customer base but also contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of environmental impact.

In conclusion, the cooking gas business presents both challenges and opportunities. By addressing industry challenges, leveraging technological solutions, and embracing sustainable practices, entrepreneurs can position themselves for success in this dynamic industry. Thorough research, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to innovation and sustainability will play key roles in driving profitability and growth in the cooking gas retail business.

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  • Sun. Aug 25th, 2024

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Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business | Gas Refilling Business

Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business In Nigeria

Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business – Cooking gas is essentially one of the most essential home needs, and of cause for those who do not require kerosene to prepare their meals.

The cooking gas also known as the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) business is one business that has been thriving in Nigeria , and with the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/cooking gas filling plant plan you can set up a plant and start running your own business.

Starting a personal LPG cooking gas plant business in Nigeria can be profiting as much as it is rewarding. It comes with financial commitment and extra work ethic. This (MS word document) is a comprehensive cooking gas (LPG) plant business plan, it has the complete information that you will need to setting up your own LGP filling plant in Nigeria using the gas station business template.

What To Use Your Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business For

The Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business document can do much more than just planning a business, it can be used for other things as will be listed below, below are what you can do with your Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business feasibility study;

  • You can apply for a business Grant using this business plan /feasibility study
  • You can secure Bank Loans for your business or start up capital
  • You can use it as a business proposal writing to a cooking gas firm in order to either obtain loans or use an already established cooking gas company name (as franchise).
  • Information contained in this feasibility study can serve as a reference to publishable academic project work, seminar paper etc.
  • Information contained in this business plan can serve as your model for business or your business concept.

While growing up, there was this little misconception we had about cooking gas , the popular believe back then was that cooking gas is specifically meant for the rich folks, and that getting one and maintaining it cost a whole lot of money. Well, in all honesty, cooking gas is actually one of the cheapest means of cooking your meals, take for example, the average price of a litre of kerosene cost’s N305.55k, while a the price of cooking gas per kg goes for N336 (price is not stable), although the price of gas is a bit higher, however, the 1kg gas will last you for up to three to four days compared to 1 litre of kerosene that might not be enough for a day.

No wonder the market for Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business is huge and will always accommodate more dealers, in Enugu (Coal City) alone, Cooking Gas (LPG) plants should number a little above 60 outlets. Most filling stations are adding it to their products.  A little research on the viability of the business will tell you that it is a viable venture, one that will bring you returns. These days almost every family use cooking gas in their homes and demands keeps increasing as many new homes are either getting a new cooking gas or they are upgrading the one they have already.

Thanks to the government, these days cooking gas has become more affordable, hence the notion of cooking gas being for the rich is no longer there. In major city centres, a landlord will not build his house and then make provision for wood and kerosene methods of cooking, majority of the houses I’ve been to in Enugu, Abuja and Lagos, Landlords now make provision for cooking gas in their kitchens.

Now, let me assure you that with a body like the NLNG in charge, your business continuity is assured. Coming to the market and customer base, Nigeria has an estimated population of 180 million people, out of this number only 1.8 million of the population make use of cooking gas, that is about 10% of the (10 per cent) of the entire population. This simply means that the market has barely been scratched. More people are going with the option of cooking gas, even in the rural areas, cooking gas is becoming the most viable option there.

Factors to Consider Before Setting Up A Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant 

A brief look at the possible challenges as well as factors you must consider before you start investing into the Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business using our gas station business plan, see factors below;

Start Up Capital – Every business requires a start up capital , most times you may not have the required fund to start your business, you can actually go for a loan using the Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business plan, or you can apply for a loan using the feasibility study. In all, you need to have your start up capital in place.

Research – Getting adequate information on the cooking gas business is very important, it exposes you to information such as the market viability, the level of demand as against supply, the possibility of more people choosing the cooking gas option, the competition and also you get to know how to start, where to start and how much to invest.

Write A Business Plan – Haven achieved the two above, you can go ahead to write a business plan, that is if you know how to, writing a business plan for your business, this entails you have all the necessary information required. You can as well contract a professional to write one for you or follow the easiest of them all, buy one of our cooking gas (LPG) plant business proposal, they are written by professionals who updates the information therein from time to time.

Business Registration – You can now proceed with the registration of your business, of cause, there are procedures to follow. However, to begin with, go to the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) office in the state where you reside and register, since their office is situated in every state of the federation, you can opt for their online option by visiting their platform.

Trading Equipment – You need your gas hardware equipment to begin with, these equipment refers to different sizes of cylinders, precisely here are the types of cylinder to buy;

  • 5kg cylinders
  • 5 kg cylinders
  • 20kg cylinders
  • 45kg cylinders
  • 90kg cylinders

Depending on the space in your shop, you can get two 5kg cylinders, fifteen 12.5kg cylinders, five 20 kg cylinders and 45kg cylinders and then maybe one 90kg cylinder, use your initiative to determine what can enter your shop .

Buying Your Cylinders – Since cylinders are in the center of the business , you can actually get them from a reliable cooking gas supplier, they sell the best (both new and old). Buying from them also helps your course as you will be building a business relationship and goodwill. And then organised transport that will move your gas from the supplier to your shop.

Location – Where site this business is equally important, it is advisable to site your cooking gas (LPG) plant business in a densely populated area. You know why? Most times gas finishes without warning and the customer might not be mobile to travel a long distance in order to buy cooking gas, you become an automatic option. Having your business in such area guarantees you constant customers on a daily basis, you can include additional services such as home delivery, cylinder servicing etc

Skill Acquisition – This part is one of the most important part of this business, this is a high risk business were any slightest mistake will result into inferno. Training can be acquired through other established cooking gas plants, these are the things you must focus on through your skill acquisition period;

  • How to change valves
  • How to connect gas cylinders to other type gas cookers
  • Know how and where to buy gas
  • Learn how to differentiate between high and low quality LPG gas

These skills and more will make you stand out in the business.

An Executive Summary Of This Business Plan

The Cooking Gas Plant has to be fully registered business with license to operate in the designated environment, which could be anywhere in the country. The main services and products on offer at our place of business for our highly esteemed customers includes a standard cooking gas. Other business ventures which we engage in includes sales of gas cookers, sale of cooking gas cylinders, also other gas cooker accessories like burners etc we also handle repairs and gas cooker servicing.

We are open to the use of latest technology in the cooking gas plants industry. No doubt our excellent customer service and the range of additional complementary services we offer will position us to become one of the most preferred cooking gas plants in town. Researching and defining our markets, strategies, mission and financials will provide insight and prepare the owner to successfully run the cooking gas.

The Cooking Gas Plants industry over the years has experienced a modest amount of volatility. As a matter of fact, as more Nigerians switch from kerosene stoves to gas cookers, the demand for cooking gas also increase. So also, as per capital disposable income continued to increase, some household, even people in a smaller apartment would choose to go for gas cooker even if it is camp gas as against settling for the not too pleasant coal stove or kerosene gas.

Just like other industry, the cooking gas plants industry has also experienced its fair share of ups and downs over the last five years. As a result of restiveness in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria and also the recent fall in global oil and gas prices. The industry is known to employ several thousands of people. There are no cooking gas plant companies that can boast of having the lion share in the Nigeria market; the industry is pretty much open for competitions. Although the cooking gas plants industry can be said to be a competitive industry, but it does not in any way stop entrepreneurs who are creative and financially capable to still make headway in the industry. It is indeed a profitable industry especially when the business is well located.

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Gas Station Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Gas Station Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Gas Station business plan.

We have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their gas stations.

Below is a sample business plan for a gas station to help you create each section of your gas station business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Accelerate Station is a startup gas station located in Dallas, Texas. The company was founded by Bill Johnson, an experienced gas station manager who has gained valuable knowledge on how to run a gas station during the past ten years while working at GAS&GO MART. Now that Bill has experienced managing a gas station, he is ready to start his own company, Accelerate Station. Bill is confident that his business management skills, combined with his understanding of the gas station industry, will enable him to run a profitable gas station of his own. Bill is recruiting a team of gas station personnel to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a gas station business – sales and marketing, supplier relations, financial management, and customer support.

Accelerate Station will provide gasoline, diesel, electric vehicle charging, automotive parts and accessories, and a small snack assortment. Accelerate Station will be the go-to gas station in a busy intersection located in the heart of the Dallas metropolitan area. The company will be the ultimate choice for convenience and customer service while offering the lowest prices in the area.

Product Offering

The following are the products and services that Accelerate Station will offer:

  • Electric Vehicle Charging
  • Air (for tires)
  • Automotive Parts Assortment (lights, batteries, etc.)
  • Automotive Accessories (license plate holders, air fresheners, etc.)
  • Snacks & Beverages (vending machine access)

Customer Focus

Accelerate Station will target private and commercial vehicle drivers in Dallas. The company will target individuals that need to refuel as part of their commute to work and commercial drivers fueling up for a long trip. No matter the customer, Accelerate Station will deliver fast and courteous service and the lowest prices in the area.

Management Team

Accelerate Station will be owned and operated by Bill Johnson. Bill is a recent graduate of Texas University with a degree in business administration. He also has over ten years of experience working as a gas station manager for another local company. Bill will be the chief executive officer for the gas station. He will oversee the staff’s activities and day-to-day operations.

Bill has recruited a fellow business school graduate, Stephen Smith, to be the company’s chief operating officer and help oversee the gas station’s business operations. Stephen will handle supplier relationships, logistics, and budgeting for the business.

Bill and Stephen have hired a marketing professional, Mary Miller, to become a member of the Accelerate Station management team. Mary is a graduate of the University of Maine with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. Bill and Stephen rely on Mary’s expertise to execute the company’s marketing plan and advertising strategies.

Success Factors

Accelerate Station will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • High-traffic location that is visible and accessible to passersby from multiple major streets and highways.
  • Accelerate Station uses the latest technology to make it easy and convenient for customers to gas up quickly. Customers can pre-pay using the company’s app, at the pump, or in person at the central kiosk. Providing multiple payment options gives more customers an opportunity to use their preferred method of payment easily.
  • The company’s leadership team has built a network of supplier relationships that will allow Accelerate Station to purchase gasoline for lower prices than their competitors. Accelerate will then be able to pass this cost-savings on to customers.

Financial Highlights

Accelerate Station is seeking $880,000 in debt financing to launch its gas station business. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the location and purchasing gas station equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff and marketing expenses. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Gas station build-out: $480,000
  • Gas station equipment, supplies, and materials: $220,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $160,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Accelerate Station.

Company Overview

Who is accelerate station.

Accelerate Station is a newly established gas station company in Dallas, Texas. Accelerate will be the first choice for drivers in Dallas for its convenient location, top-notch customer service, and low prices on gasoline, diesel, and electric vehicle charging. The company will serve drivers of private and commercial vehicles of all types and sizes.

Accelerate Station will be able to guarantee the lowest prices in the area thanks to its leadership team members’ existing supplier network connections. The company offers customers the option to pay using a convenient app, at the pump, or through the central kiosk. Customers can also purchase automotive parts and accessories, and grab a quick snack for the road at the station’s convenient vending machines.

Accelerate Station History

Accelerate Station is owned and operated by Bill Johnson, an experienced gas station manager who has gained valuable knowledge during his ten year tenure working at another local gas station. In addition to his hands-on experience, Bill has recently graduated from Texas University with a degree in business administration. Now that Bill has gained the experience and know-how he needs to manage a gas station, he is ready to start one of his own. Bill has begun recruiting a team of gas station personnel to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a gas station business – sales and marketing, supplier relations, financial management,  and customer support.

Since incorporation, Accelerate Station has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Accelerate Station, LLC to transact business in the state of Texas
  • Has begun negotiations to purchase the property and reached out to potential builders to construct the station
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include gasoline and diesel suppliers and electric vehicle charging station providers to begin obtaining supplier contracts
  • Began recruiting a staff of gas station attendants to work at Accelerate Station

Accelerate Station Services

  • Automotive Accessories (license plate holders, air freshener, etc.)

Industry Analysis

The gas station industry in the United States is valued at an estimated $138B with over 13,800 businesses in operation and more than 162,000 employees nationwide. Included in the gas station industry are businesses that sell automotive fuels such as gas and diesel, automotive parts and services (such as car washes), and other non-automotive goods and services. Many gas stations also co-locate with a convenience store to drive more traffic to their business. These gas stations are part of the larger industry of “gas stations with convenience stores”, which is valued at $649B in the U.S. with over 122,000 operating businesses and 1.0M employees across the country. In addition to gasoline and automotive services, these businesses also sell groceries and other convenience goods.

Gas station market demand is dependent on the volume of drivers on the road (both personal and commercial). Profitability typically depends on industry operators’ ability to secure high traffic locations and purchase their gas for the lowest prices possible.

A growing challenge for gas station industry operators is the rise in electric vehicles. To remain competitive, many industry operators have begun offering electric vehicle charging options in addition to traditional gasoline.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Accelerate Station will target private and commercial vehicle drivers in Dallas. The company will target individuals that need to refuel as part of their commute to work and commercial drivers fueling up for a long trip. Accelerate will be able to accommodate vehicles of all types and sizes including diesel, hybrid, and electric vehicles. No matter the customer, Accelerate Station will deliver fast and courteous service and the lowest prices in the area.

The precise demographics for Dallas, Texas are:

    Total population1,680,988100%
        20 to 24 years114,8726.8%
        25 to 34 years273,58816.3%
        35 to 44 years235,94614.0%
        45 to 54 years210,25612.5%
        55 to 59 years105,0576.2%
        60 to 64 years87,4845.2%
        65 to 74 years116,8787.0%
        75 to 84 years52,5243.1%

Customer Segmentation

Accelerate will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Drivers of private vehicles
  • Drivers of commercial vehicles
  • Drivers of gasoline vehicles
  • Drivers of diesel vehicles
  • Drivers of electric vehicles

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Accelerate Station will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.


GAS&GO MART is one of the largest and oldest commercial gas stations based in Dallas, Texas. Established in 1955, the company currently operates twenty stations throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. GAS&GO MART sells gasoline and diesel, automotive parts, and snacks. GAS&GO MART aims to deliver quick service for customers on the go. The company uses a stringent inspection process to ensure all of its products are the best quality. GAS&GO MART’s team of experienced gas station attendants are available to assist customers as needed.

Speedy Gas Station

Speedy Gas Station is a small gas station catering to local drivers in Dallas, Texas. Speedy Gas Station operates one location in a busy retail district. The company provides gasoline, diesel, and a self-service car wash. Speedy Gas Station is family owned and operated by former race car drivers who know the importance of fast service. The gas station attendants are able to help customers check their oil, tires, and other small automotive issues. The company prides itself on providing the fastest service and quality products.

Express Gas Station

Express Gas Station is a trusted Dallas, Texas-based gas station that provides superior gasoline to drivers in Dallas. The company offers a spacious layout that can accommodate the largest of commercial vehicles and is equipped with an electric vehicle charging station. Express Gas Station operates a single location near the outskirts of Dallas and is in the process of opening two additional locations within the city.

Competitive Advantage

Accelerate Station will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Accelerate Station will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Customers can pre-pay using the company’s app, at the pump, or in person at the central kiosk. Providing multiple payment options gives more customers an opportunity to use their preferred method of payment easily.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Accelerate Station is as follows:

Social Media Marketing

The company’s marketing director will create accounts on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. She will ensure Accelerate maintains an active social media presence with regular updates and promotional content to incentivize customers to use the company’s services.

Professional Associations and Networking

Accelerate Station will become a member of professional associations such as the American Gas Station Association, Dallas Gas Station Managers Society, and the Texas Diesel Association. The leadership team will focus their networking efforts on expanding the company’s supplier network.

Print Advertising

Accelerate Station will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in programs or flyers at industry networking events. The company will also send direct mailers to local residents and businesses that are likely to frequent the gas station.

Website/SEO Marketing

Accelerate Station will utilize the in-house marketing director that designed the print ads to also design the company website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list the products and services Accelerate is able to provide. The website will also list information on discounts and promotional giveaways.

The marketing director will also manage the company’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that when someone types in a search engine “Dallas gas station ” or “gas station near me”, Accelerate Station will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Accelerate Station will be moderate and lower than its competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s products and services. Accelerate will also offer discounts to regular customers.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Accelerate Station.

Operation Functions:

  • Bill Johnson will be the CEO of the company. He will oversee the gas station staff and day-to-day operations. Bill has spent the past year recruiting the following staff:
  • Stephen Smith – Chief Operating Officer who will manage the budgeting, supplier relationships, and logistics.
  • Jennifer Willams – Bookkeeper who will provide all accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting.
  • Mary Miller – Marketing Director who will oversee all marketing strategies for the company and manage the website, social media, and print advertising campaigns.
  • Micheal Jones – Quality Control Manager who will oversee all inspections of products, equipment, and processes.


Accelerate Station will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

12/1/2022 – Finalize contract to purchase property

12/15/2022 – Finalize employment contracts for the Accelerate Station management team

1/1/2023 – Begin build-out of the gas station and purchase equipment, materials, and supplies

1/15/2023 – Begin networking at industry events and implement the marketing plan

2/15/2023 – Finalize contracts with suppliers

3/15/2023 – Accelerate Station officially opens for business

Bill has recruited a fellow business school graduate, Stephen Smith, to be the company’s chief operating officer and help oversee gas station’s business operations. Stephen will handle supplier relationships, logistics, and budgeting for the business.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Accelerate Station are the fees charged to customers in exchange for the company’s products and services. When it comes to pricing, the station will monitor supply costs, average prices charged by competitors, and product availability in the market to ensure its prices will generate a healthy profit margin.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff a gas station. The expenses will be the product itself, payroll cost, utilities, equipment and supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Average sales per month: 2,000
  • Average fees per month: $15,000
  • Overhead costs per year: $640,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Gas Station Business Plan FAQs

What is a gas station business plan.

A gas station business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your gas station business. Among other things, a fuel station business plan outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. You can easily complete your Gas Station business plan using our Gas Station Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Gas Stations?

There are a number of different kinds of gas stations, some examples include: Franchise Gas Station, Full Service Gas Station, or Quick Service Gas Station.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Gas Station?

After you complete your filling station business plan, you can start to seek financing.

Gas Stations are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Gas Station Business?

Starting a Gas Station business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Gas Station Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed fuel station business plan pdf or doc that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your Gas Station business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your Gas Station business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Gas Station Business -Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your Gas Station business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your Gas Station business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees -There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Gas Station Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your Gas Station business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your Gas Station business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

Learn more about how to start a successful Gas Station business: How to Start a Gas Station

  • Business plans

Gas Station Business Plan

Used 4,933 times

Take the first step towards success in the fuel industry with our professionally crafted Gas Station Business Plan template.

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Image 1

Prepared for:

​ [Owner.FirstName] ​

​ [Owner.LastName] ​

Prepared by:

​ [Investor.FirstName] [Investor.LastName] ​

Executive Summary

Business overview.

​ [Owner.Company] is a gas station located in [Owner.City] , [Owner.State] . (Describe what the business offers and provide 1-2 sentences about what the business stands for and prioritizes.)

Products Served

​ [Owner.Company] products and services are categorized as follows:

(Additional products or services)

Customer Focus

​ [Owner.Company] will serve the residents of [Owner.State] and the immediate surrounding area, as well as those who live or work in (additional location). (Explanation of the population in these areas and why it’s a good target audience.)

Management Team

​ [Owner.Company] is led by [Owner.FirstName] [Owner.LastName] , who has been in the gas station business for (number) years. (1-2 sentences about owner/founder's background.)

To capture a share of commuter traffic passing through [Owner.City] , [Owner.State] .


Success Factors

​ [Owner.Company] is uniquely qualified to succeed for the following reasons:

High-quality products priced competitively

(Your business’ mission statement.)

Financial Summary

​ [Owner.Company] is seeking total funding of $(amount) of debt capital to launch its gas stations. The capital will be used for (expenses) . Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

Store design and build: $150K

(Purpose): $(amount)

Projections for the next five years are as follows:

Company Summary

(Short paragraph about what the business offers and stands for, similar to the Business Overview in the Executive Summary.) [Owner.Company] is wholly owned by [Owner.FirstName] [Owner.LastName] .

​ [Owner.Company] History

(Paragraph about the history of the company.)

Startup Summary

​ [Investor.FirstName] [Investor.LastName] will invest $(amount) in [Owner.Company] . [Owner.Company] aims to secure $(amount) to finance the remaining startup costs.

The following chart shows projected startup costs for [Owner.Company] .

Products and Services

​ [Owner.Company] is a fully registered and licensed gas station in the U.S. that’s positioned in the industry to maximize profits. In addition to retailing diesel and gasoline, we will also sell products and services.

Auto services

(Product or service)

Industry Analysis

The Gas Station industry has experienced (describe what’s occurred in the industry over the past five years). (Describe how business is generated and how consumer spending has changed.)

(Additional industry analysis information, such as driving rates, oil prices, and in-store product sales.)

Market Analysis

​ [Owner.Company] will primarily serve residents of [Owner.State] and the immediate surrounding area in a 10-mile radius. We will also serve tourists traveling in vehicles. The area we serve is (description of population and why it’s a good target audience).

The demographics of [Owner.State] are:

Customer Segmentation

​ [Owner.Company] will primarily target the following customer segments:

Businesses with employees who drive to work.

(Customer segment.)

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

The following businesses are located within a 5-mile radius of [Owner.Company] and are either direct or indirect competition:

(Business name)

(Description of business)

Competitive Advantage

​ [Owner.Company] has several advantages over competitors:

Relationships: [Owner.Company] has lived in (location) for 30+ years and has established relationships with local influencers, publications, and residents.

(Competitive advantage)

Marketing Plan

The [owner.company] brand.

The unique value proposition of the [Owner.Company] brand is (1-3 sentences describing the business’ value proposition).

Pricing Strategy

​ [Owner.Company] will keep its gas and convenience store products priced competitively with other gas stations within a 30-mile radius. Coupons and discounts will be offered to repeat customers.

Sales Strategy

Customers that purchase more than $15 of gas at [Owner.Company] will be given a 10% coupon for in-store purchases during the first six months of the gas station’s operation.

Promotions Strategy

Loyalty program.

​ [Owner.Company] will create a loyalty program to reward regular customers and encourage them to return over and over.

(Marketing Strategy)

(Description of marketing strategy.)

Operations Plan

Functional roles.

​ [Owner.Company] will be open (hours of operation and explanation of why that schedule was chosen).

​ [Owner.Company] intends to employ (number) cashiers and (number) (role) during peak hours and (number) cashiers and (number) (role) during off-peak hours. [Owner.Company] anticipates having (number) customers weekly.

In order to execute the business model for [Owner.Company] , we need to perform several functions that are divided into two primary roles:



Cash register attendant

Gas pump assistance

(Write a short paragraph about the company's founder and why they are positioned for success.)

Hiring Plan

(Manager.FullName) will serve as the store manager. To launch [Owner.Company] , the following personnel will be hired:

The long-term goal of [Owner.Company] is to (primary long-term goal). The following steps will lead to that vision.

(Date): Finalize lease agreement.

(Date): Design and build the gas station.

(Date): (Milestone)

Financial Plan

Break-even analysis, projected profit and loss, projected cash flow, projected balance sheet, business ratios.

​ [Owner.FirstName] [Owner.LastName] ​

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  • Featured Templates
  • Sales Proposals
  • NDA Agreements
  • Operating Agreements
  • Service Agreements
  • Sales Documents
  • Marketing Proposals
  • Rental and Lease Agreements
  • Quote Templates
  • Business Proposals
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How to Start a Cooking Gas Distribution Company – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Oil & Gas Industry

Do you want to start a cooking gas company from scratch? Or you need a sample cooking gas distribution business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. Indeed some businesses require a fewer level struggle to market and a business that deals in essential commodities is one of them.

If you desire to start your own business and you are scared of taking the bold step to go ahead and setup the business simply because you are afraid of the hard task involved in making your business known by all and sundry, then you need to look at starting a business that deals with essential commodities or services.

One of the businesses that deal with essential commodities that you can comfortably start and make huge profit within few months of starting from, is the cooking gas supply business. Cooking gas is an essential commodity in most households. Therefore, if you live in a city where the distribution of cooking gas is not a government affair, then you can consider starting your own cooking gas distribution business.

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Aside from few countries cum cities in the world where cooking gas can be directly distributed into apartments via already installed pipe lines, the usual practice is that people get their gas cylinder refilled by a retailer that deals in the distribution of cooking gas.

The startup capital required to successfully start a cooking gas distribution business varies from city to city and from country to country- but on the average, it is not expensive to start a cooking gas distribution business. What is more, the business is highly profitable.

Now let us consider the steps to follow if you intend starting your own cooking gas distribution business from the scratch in your city;

Starting a Cooking Gas Distribution Company – Sample Business Plan Template

1. feasibility studies and market survey is required.

First things first; if you want to build a successful business as an entrepreneur, then you should spend time and resources in conducting thorough feasibility study and market survey.

The report you derive from your feasibility study helps you to locate the most suitable locations to setup your business, the kind of trainings that you would need to be able to effectively manage the business, an estimated cost of the startup capital that you would need, your likely competitions and all you would need to setup and manage the business with. Your feasibility study should expose your strengths, your weakness, your opportunities and the threat you stand to face in the industry.

2. Draw up a Good Business Plan

The role of a good business plan in any startup business cannot be relegated to the background. Your business plan is not just a business tool that gives your business direction, but also a business tool that helps you access funding for your business.

One of the vital documents that will be required of you when you approach any bank for loan or when you want to seek an investor to invest in your business is your business plan. You don’t necessarily need to write a world class business plan if you want to start a cooking gas distribution business, but the bottom line is that you must ensure that you have a business plan in place before launching your business.

3. Raise Your Start – up Capital

With less than $5,000, you can successfully start your own cooking gas distribution business in any part of the world. Before going out there to raise the startup capital for your business, ensure that you have done a proper marketing survey and feasibility study to know the amount that you would need to setup a gas distribution business in your city. In case you don’t have the required startup capital saved up somewhere, you can approach your bank for loan, you can approach investors and you can as well raise the money from your family members and friends.

4. Register a Business Name

There are no restrictions to the caliber of clients that you are likely going to attract when you start your cooking gas distribution business. The way you can put a restriction to how big you want to grow your business is by not considering to get your business registered.

Aside from the fact that you are expected to supply cooking gas to homes, you can also supply cooking gas to hotels, schools, clubs, restaurants and corporate organizations that run their own guest houses. Most of these clients would not want to do business with you when they realize that your business is not registered. So, ensure that you choose a business name for your cooking gas business, and get it legally registered with the corporate affairs commissions of your country.

5. Rent an Office Facility

One of the best locations to setup a cooking gas distribution business is in and around residential areas. The rule of thumb is to ensure that your shop / office is visible enough for people to notice. You can talk to your realtor to help you get affordable facility that will meet your business needs and budget.

6. Purchase the Needed Equipment and Business Tools

Some of the things that you would need if you want to start a cooking gas distribution business are empty gas cylinders, rubber gas pipes, gas regulators, weighing machine and delivery van. You are also expected to make provisions for the purchase and installation of fire and safety gadgets in your shop / office.

7. Market Your Business and Map out Distribution Channels

If you are able to secure a good location for your business, you will struggle less to market your products. What you need to do if you want to market your cooking gas distribution business is to print handbills and adopt the door to door approach in distributing the handbills. You can also attend tenants and landlord association meetings to market your business.

One of the approaches you can adopt if you have competitors in the community where your cooking gas distribution business is located is to offer a free pickup and delivery services to your clients. Ensure that you create a database for your customers and then map out your distribution channels.

There you have it; the steps to follow if you want to start a cooking gas distribution business.

cooking gas station business plan

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Gas station business plan guideline

How to write a gas station business plan: Step-by-step guide

posted on 6:23 am

If you want to start a new gas station business, the first thing you will need is a comprehensive gas station business plan. A business plan will give you clarity on what you will need for your business, and the operational requirements. A business plan is also an important tool for acquiring financing from lenders or investors. This post outlines the important sections with a summary of the key points to capture when writing a gas station business plan.

At the end of this post, you can download a complete gas station financial forecast tool with 3-year financial projections including income statement, start-up costs, break-even analysis, and cash flow statement. This template has been used by gas station business owners to plan their business finances and apply for funding from banks and other lending institutions. 

Overview of a Business Plan  

A well-written business plan should include the following sections:

  • An executive summary


  • Business industry and overview
  • Marketing strategy and analysis
  • Risks and significant opportunities

Location and assets

  • Management and human resource

Financial plan and budget

Executive summary  .

Your executive summary should outline how your gas station will provide fuel for motorists and at the same time stand out from competitors. It should be short and precise and appealing enough to capture the attention of your audience. The executive summary motivates the reader to read the entire plan. Its, therefore, important to highlight the key points for each so that the reader can grasp briefly what you intended to put across. Among the important points to articulate are your gas station business objectives, fuel business industry environment, fuel products and services, location, target market, competitive advantage (unique selling point), and the specific gap you will be filling.

This section introduces your gas station business by briefly describing the company profile,  mission, vision, core values, organizational structure, and strategic objectives. The profile gives a brief history of the business, the fuel products and services you will be offering, the location of the gas station, and your projected growth. The vision should include your long-term and short-term goals and how you will achieve them. Also, include the organizational structure, your daily workflow, and other operational activities that will make your business achieve your desired goals.

Business industry and overview 

In this section, you talk about industry trends and the external factors that affect the gas station business, both positively and negatively. Also, state the major players in the gas station with convenience stores business both nationally and your direct local competitors that influence your business. The major players in Canada you may mention include Suncor (Petro-Canada), Imperial Oil Limited (Esso), Shell, 7-Eleven, Superstore (Mobil), Co-op etc. Locally you can mention businesses at most five to ten kilometers from your desired location. Additionally, describe the products and services your gas station will offer, including the grades of gas and types of oil for instance regular gasoline, midgrade gasoline, premium gasoline, diesel fuel, automotive services, etc.

To increase your customer base, you may want to include other complementary products and services such as a convenience store that sells snacks, chips, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco and lottery products, groceries, souvenirs, mechanical repair service, and automotive services such as car wash. Finally, mention the government and industry policies and regulations, permit requirements i.e. health, safety, and environment. Other than regulations, you can talk about your initiative of innovation and investment in the environment to show your interest in protecting communities, people, and the environment as a whole.

Market strategy and analysis  

A marketing strategy describes your overall game plan for reaching prospective. Talk about the marketing strategies you will use to introduce your gas station to the market and how you plan to attract and retain customers. One thing to note is that marketing in the gas station industry is highly dependent on your supplier’s brand name. Most customers are loyal to specific brands. You therefore have to choose your supplier diligently and brand your station to reflect your supplier’s brand image and standard of service. This way you will benefit from increased business due to their larger marketing efforts and customer loyalty programs, such as rewards programs with grocery stores.

Also, discuss in detail your specific target market list down your direct competitors, and write down a summary of their product/service offering, pricing strategy, target market, strengths, and weaknesses. Mention how you plan to differentiate your gas station from your competitors i.e., by offering in-demand convenience goods, automotive repairs, after-sale services (e.g. windscreen cleaning), your supplier’s brand image, etc. Your unique selling point may focus on your choice of location which can be an area with high traffic with no other existing gas station.

SWOT analysis

In your SWOT analysis, explain how you will maximize on your strengths and take advantage of the business opportunities. Also, indicate how you will minimize your weaknesses and threats. These points can touch on your target market, the location of the gas station, the fuel options, and industry trends. Some of the strengths as a result of industry trends you can mention include low capital requirements, low imports, high revenue per employee, and low product/ service concentration. Weaknesses on the other hand may include high competition and high customer class concentration. You may also want to mention the opportunities presented by the industry such as high revenue growth and high per capita disposable income. Threats majorly facing the industry that you will want to address in your mitigation strategies include the world oil price, which is expected to decrease, heavy regulation of the industry, low demand for fuel due to the pandemic, etc.

Mention where you plan to set up your gas station and indicate why you selected that area. If you have any future growth plans list down the locations, where you plan to open other gas stations. State your equipment and fuel procurement plans indicating where you plan to buy or lease your gas station and convenience store and oil depot solution which are necessary for the operation of the business.

Gas station business plan

Management and human resources

This section identifies the personnel responsible for the running and management of the business. Here you talk about the founders, team leader, or manager of your business, the entire employee workforce, their roles, and employee benefits. Also, discuss their profiles pointing out how suitable they are for the running of the business.

Insurance for a Gas Station Business

From leaky fuel tanks to burglaries, running a gas station can be a risky endeavor. Insurance will secure the business in the event of unanticipated circumstances. You therefore should state the insurance packages you will be having.

This is the most important section of your business plan to your audience. The investor or lender will want to know how your business is going to perform financially. Prepare financial projections for the next five years to determine the start-up costs of leasing or buying a gas station and making the pumps operational. Your financial documents should show the cost of required licenses, insurance, payroll, interest expense for servicing the loan or return to the investor, utilities, and environmental services. Calculate the revenues you anticipate from the sale of fuel, automotive products, and concessions in your revenue projections


In summary, a gas station business plan document is a requirement in the business planning process. It enables you to realize your vision and achieve your goals. A well-crafted, comprehensive, and appealing plan for your gas station will enable you to capture all aspects of your business in an enticing manner. You can get in touch with us at Vaisus Consulting to help you prepare an exhaustive, funding-ready gas station business plan that is customized to meet your needs. To speak with one of our consultants,  schedule an appointment  with us.

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cooking gas station business plan

Free Gas Station Business Plan

Five things your gas station business plan should contain.

Before you start finding ways on how to buy a gas station, one of the many things you have to work on first is to establish a gas station business plan. Having a gas business plan will not only give you direction and focus, it will also make it easier for you to set up your gas station since you have a model to serve as your guide as you establish your business venture. To give you an idea on what you should look into when coming up with a well-thought business plan, here are some of the things you have to consider before you have your gas station set up.

List the Products and Services Your Gas Station Will Offer

One of important facets of your gas business plan is to determine what your gas station will actually offer. More than just offering gasoline, a gas station can sell other items such as food, toiletries, or medicine. Aside from products, indicate the different services you plan on offering to clients. This could be air for tires, water, mechanical services, cleaning, or even maintenance work. In your plan, be sure to indicate the reason why you want to offer these products and services and what forecast the benefits you can get from offering them in your station.

Set the Organization and Management of Your Gas Station

Every business requires manpower so one of the things your business plan should have is an organizational chart. This flow chart should display the hierarchy of your personnel including their job descriptions. Aside from coming up with a flow chart that lists your employees, you also need to come up with an organizational layout that describes the floor plan of your gas station.

Map Out Your Advertising Strategies

The business plan for your gas station franchise should contain the different advertising strategies you plan to implement to market your business. List down and describe each strategy and the budget you plan to allot for the campaign. You should also indicate if the advertising for your gas station is part of a blanket advertising campaign and if the corporation will provide you with added materials to help you in setting your advertisements. Additionally, be sure to indicate how advertising will be distributed.

Forecast Your Required Manpower

Once you’ve come up with an organizational flowchart for your employees, you need to determine how many personnel you need to hire for your gas station. In your business plan, indicate the ideal number of staff you want to have on your roster, the shifts they’ll be taking, and your forecasted salary for each one. You could also indicate the level of experience you plan to look when hiring personnel and whether you would like to do any background checks before having them work for you.

Determine a Budget For Insurance, Taxes, and Other Expenses

Setting up a gas station business requires you to pay off miscellaneous expenses, including insurance and taxes. So be sure to indicate the budget you have for each one in your business plan. This will make it easier for you to manage your finances and keep you from going overboard when it comes to your spending.

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Sample Gas Station Business Plan

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SWOT Analysis for Airline Business Plan in Nigeria

Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

  • Post author: Ane
  • Post published: April 15, 2020
  • Post category: BUSINESS-PLAN-AND-FEASIBILITY-STUDY / Business Tips
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

This is a Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis suitable for the Nigerian market. It is a feasibility study designed for LPG distribution business in Nigeria. In fact, it covers how to start cooking gas retail business in Nigeria. A cooking gas distribution business involves buying cooking gas in wholesale from natural gas drilling and production companies and then distributing them to retailers and end users. Therefore, Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis is what you need.

Who needs this business Plan?

Table of Contents

A cooking gas distribution business is profitable. In today’s Nigeria, it’s a very easy business to start. However, it requires some reasonable capital to start. But more importantly, is meets up with the requirements of the regulating body, Pipeline and Product Marketing Company (PPMC).

This business plan is needed to articulate the cost of establishment and to obtain PPMC approvals. So, the entire natural gas distribution industry comprising businesses that basically manage gas distribution systems needs this business plan. Therefore, companies involved in gas marketing that buy directly from the well and sell to a distribution system need this plan template.

In fact, natural gas brokers or agents that arrange for gas to be sold via distribution systems operated by other companies also, need this business plan. Read more about Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis here.

Strategic Planning:

Furthermore, a cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis requires a lot of strategic planning to start. In fact, let me use this opportunity to inform you that to get this properly done you will need some business development services from Complete Full Marks Consultants (CFMC) Limited.  In that case, CFMC Limited backs you up with professional business consulting services. Order Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis now.

On the other hand, you will need this business plan format when you make applications for government and non – non-government business capital grants. In addition, this format is also suitable for bank loan applications and for inviting investors. In fact, when you are writing your investment proposals or concept notes for business loan grants and start–up competitions, this must be handy. Again, this is the format of the business plan required for dealership approval by the regulatory bodies in Nigeria.

Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis – Highlights of the Business Plan:

Furthermore, the highlights of this business plan include the firm’s SWOT Appraisal, feasibility analysis generating unit cost of production, and turnover volumes. The market and marketing analysis are the other highlights. In fact, the variety of products and market segmentations are the other concepts to be well-defined in this business plan. You have to follow us to see how these are reflected in this business plan.

The Executive Summary: Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

This business plan is for Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd. Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd. is a legally registered company in Nigeria. It has a registered certificate to distribute and supply cooking gas to end users in Nigeria. It has its head office in Kaduna. However, our operating office and outlets are in Kafanchan part of Northern Kaduna state.

An Overview

As a matter of fact, this is a 3-year business forecast for cooking gas distribution in Kafanchan, Nigeria. The feasibility analysis reveals that Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd. will be generating a total turnover of N20,000,000.00 annually from the first year of operation. In fact, based on our 25% gross margin target, this gives a total gross profit of N5,000,000.00 and a 15% net margin of N3,000.000.00. We plan to grow the business at 20% annually from the second year.

Ownership Profile: Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

Complete cooking gas distribution Company Ltd. is incorporated in Nigeria in 2015 by three friends. Mrss John, Matthew and Peter. Their shareholding is in proportions of 40%, 30% and 30% respectively.

Our Competition

We are really venturing into a business that is highly saturated with big players. However, our research shows that these big players are unable to meet up with the demand from the rural populace. A greater percentage of our Nigeria’s population and cottage industries are in rural communities.  Therefore, our major clientele is going to come from this section of Nigeria’s population. In fact, this is why this gas distribution plant is situated in Kafanchan in Southern Kaduna.

Competitive Advantage: Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

In light of this, we are going to leverage on five main competitive advantages. These are:

  • Quality unadulterated products.
  • Our customer base – local population, hamlets, institutions and cottage industries 
  • Availability all-round-year –  availability of volumes demanded
  • A highly creative, customer centric and proactive distributive approach
  • Lastly, improved workforce welfare.

The business Objectives

The objectives for Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd are to:

  • Have our products and services in most kitchens within our operating environment.
  • Maintain gross profit margins at 25%, and 15% net profit margin.
  • Develop a sustainable cooking gas distribution company that survives on its own cash flow.
  • Getting a copy of Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

In the light of the above, our goals include;

  • Becoming a leading cooking gas supply company in the environment of our operation within our first three years of operation
  • Expanding our company operations beyond the borders of Kafanchan and its environs.
  • Achieving goals of Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

Our Visions:

Furthermore, the vision for Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd is to;

Become the biggest cooking gas distribution company in Kaduna state.

Management Team:

In fact, we parade a formidable management team of experienced managers. The ownership of Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd is made up of young talented and skilled artisans who have a number of years of industry experience having worked for NNPC at one time or the other.

SWOT Appraisal – Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

As a matter of fact, we have been able to appraise our internal and external environments to determine how many strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to our existence posed by these factors. We are sure that internal economies of scale are not there yet to generate the lowest per unit cost of production. However, the large market available in the localities will foster high turnover which will take care of this.

Our Product For Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

Our products are going to be generally centered on cooking gas and accessories supplies and distribution. Because our clientele is going to be those of the large number of homesteads of the society, we have defined our product to be distributed in sizes. Therefore, there are going to be supplies in 50kg, 25kg, 12.5kg, 6kg, 3kg gas cylinders. 

The Contributions of our Products and Services to the economy are;

  • All-year-round availability of cooking gas.
  • Improved lifestyle in the local communities, which leads to
  • Improved well-being of the local populace
  • Furthermore, we create employment opportunities for the local population who will be involved in one way or the other in the distributive value chain of our business.
  • Procurement and supply of high-quality cooking gas to our clients
  • Our capacity to deliver beyond Kafanchan.
  • Showcasing Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

What we bring into the business

In the light of the above, we bring  into this business;

  • Knowledge, skill, and practical experience in the oil and gas sector
  • The capacity to consistently deliver quality cooking gas services
  • Market Watch for a good understanding of the market trends.
  • Finally, our staff brings modern online operational and technical skills.

Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

The Financial Plan: Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

Furthermore, the materials and equipment required for the cooking gas distribution business in Nigeria include Delivery trucks, office buildings, truck maintenance tools, company vehicles, gas pumping machines, weighing tools, etc.

In fact, the analysis of these is in this business plan. The financial analysis segment details all of these. Therefore, included are estimates on capital funding and assets requirements. Then are, turnover and income statement forecasts for the period under plan. The cash flow analysis is structured for the first one-year operation.

READ ALSO : Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

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The Final Copy of Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

Furthermore, the final copy is always available. This you will have on request at minimal cost. Therefore, if you must win the loan application or attract investors, you need this part of the business plan. This is where we generate the parameters that determine if you are capable of winning the loan application or attracting the investor.

In conclusion, I wish to let you know that Complete Full Marks Consultants (CFMC) Limited is a firm of Chartered Accountants, Auditors, Taxation and Management Consultants. Our professional expertise is always brought into our business plan development. In fact, our several years of industry experience speak for us. Therefore, we can assist you with all the business support services you desire. Read more from Sample Cooking Gas Distribution Business Plan with feasibility Analysis

Our Contacts:

Call us at +234 8034347851 or email us at [email protected]

Finally, if you enjoyed this, please help us share to reach your contacts. Thanks for doing that. Order a copy of Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis now.

Completefmc.com author

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.

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Want to start LPG gas business? Here's what you need to do

Looking to start LPG cooking gas retail business? Here are a few things you need to know as per the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC):

1. You need to acquire a business license from the respective county government.

2. You need a certificate of fire - Proof that the retail site has been assessed for fire. This certificate is obtained at the county government offices.

3. Safety assessment report - Proof that the retail site has undertaken a safety assessment by persons registered by Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services.

4. Workplace Registration Certificate by Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services.

5. Empty or filled gas cylinders should be stored in a well-ventilated area preferable outdoors in a secured cage.

6. Display “No smoking” signs and have fire extinguishers in place which should be serviced regularly.

7. Have a weighing scale that is calibrated/ standardized and in good condition.

8. Filled LPG cylinders should only be sourced from wholesalers licensed by the Energy Regulatory Commission.

9. Obtain a supply agreement with a licensed distributer.

10. Keep records of serial numbers of the cylinder you have received and distribute.

11. Do physical check of the state of the cylinders before distributing e.g check the paint, foot ring, valve.

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How to Start Cooking Gas Business in Kenya

cooking gas station business plan

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) has become an essential requirement in most households. LPG retail business, a profitable venture with the rapid urbanization. There will be even more demand for cooking gas as the urban population increases. Cooking gas is clean energy and convenient for cooking compared to firewood and charcoal. 

LPG Business in Kenya 

The gas business in Kenya is growing fast with urbanization and due to its efficiency. If you are thinking of starting a cooking gas business in Kenya, this is what you need to know.

First, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Cooking gas business location
  • Rules and regulations governing the sale of cooking gas
  • Safety and precautionary measures to take
  • How to manage LPG retail business

Write a Business Plan

A business plan is essential for the success of any business to lay down the objectives. It is an important control tool. Therefore, you need to design a good cooking gas business plan. It should focus on startup costs, business location, market segmentation, risks, strengths and weaknesses.

You can hire a professional to help you write your LPG retail business plan. You will need a business plan when looking for investors or bank loans to start your business.

Raise LPG Business Startup Capital

The size and location of your cooking gas retail business will determine the startup costs. You can opt to secure a loan for your LPG startup, use your savings, or get funding from friends and relatives.

If you do not have enough startup capital , you can look for partners and start an LPG retail partnership.

LPG Retail Business Startup Costs

You need at least Ksh 200,000 to start LPG retail business in Kenya. The following are the startup costs for a cooking gas retail business in Kenya.

  • Premises rent and deposit - Ksh 20,000
  • Single business permit - Ksh 10,000
  • ERC licence - Ksh 3,000
  • Gas supply stock - Ksh 100,000
  • Metallic grill for storage - Ksh 20,000
  • Weighing scale - Ksh 2,500
  • Fire extinguisher - Ksh 10,000

Register Your LPG Retail Business Name

You need to ensure that you are operating a legal business. As such, you need to register your business. With a registered business name, you can work with corporate, schools and restaurants. You can register your business name using the E-Citizen portal . 

Secure Business Licences and Permits

Once you have registered your business name, you need to get the necessary business licences and permits to operate your cooking gas business.

1. Single Business Permit

You need a single business permit to operate any business in Kenya. You can get the permit from County Government offices. Prices vary from one county to the other, but it is roughly Ksh 10,000 annually. 

2. Energy Regulation Commission Licence

You need to apply for an ERC licence. Indicate your business location and LPG supplier. You must also meet the safety and precautionary measures like having a fire extinguisher and have proper storage facilities for the gas cylinders.

3. Weight and Measures Certificate

You need to secure a weights and measures certificate once your LPG retail business meets the weights and measures requirements. As such, you need to have a digital weighing scale to measure all the cooking gas cylinders' weights. Ensure they meet the necessary weights before selling them to customers.

4. Fire Licence

You must meet precautionary measures like having a fire extinguisher to get a fire licence. You can get the fire licence from the County Government offices at a cost of Ksh 3,000.

Secure a Good Location for LPG Retail Business

An LPG retail business should be located in an accessible and visible area. You need to have enough storage space for the gas cylinders. Essentially, you need to display the gas cylinders in a metallic grill in an open space.

Ensure that the business location is secure and that the metallic grill is lockable to avoid losing your gas cylinders to thieves.

Also read: How to start a butchery business in Kenya.

Secure Reliable LPG Suppliers

You need to find a reliable cooking gas supplier in the market. It would be best if you can get supplies from cooking gas companies. You will get supplies at lower prices, allowing you to set a reasonable profit margins to attract customers.

Some of the cooking gas suppliers in the Kenyan markets include the following. 

  • KenolKobil (K-Gas)
  • Total Kenya
  • Hashi Energy
  • Proto Energy
  • National Oil

Requirements of LPG Retailers in Kenya

You need the following equipment to start the cooking gas retail business.

1. Digital Weighing Scale

It is crucial to secure a weigh scale to measure the LPG gas cylinders' weights before selling them to customers. It is a great way to make customers return to your business for a refill when the cylinders meet the necessary measurements.

LPG gas cylinders are available in different quantities. 3 kg gas cylinders are demand in low-income areas, while the 6 kg gas cylinders are fast-moving and common in middle-income areas. 13 kg gas cylinder is in demand in high-income areas. 

Read also: How to start an agrovet business in Kenya.  

2. Fire Extinguisher

It is necessary to have a fire extinguisher to get a licence to operate a cooking gas retail business in Kenya. It is a precautionary measure against fire outbreaks. Make sure to hang the fire extinguisher near the entrance of the gas cylinder store.

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, market research, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call  0728 621 138  or  WhatsApp , or email:  [email protected]

Advertise Your LPG Retail Business

You need to attract customers to your cooking gas startup. You can use various means to attract customers, like setting lower prices compared to your competitors. However, you need to be aware that the Energy Regulation Commission sets the prices of cooking gas. As such, prices keep on changing.

You can promote your business by issuing business cards and the use of posters. It is always best to stock posters near entrance points of residential buildings and marketplaces. Indicate your business contact details so that customers can call you whenever they need a supply.

You need to offer free transport services to succeed in the cooking supply retail business . Customers will call you and provide you with their location for deliveries. It is a sure way to get and retain customers for the retail cooking gas business. I hope this has helped you know how to start gas business in Kenya. 

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Get in touch

For business consultancy, business plan writing, market research, strategic planning, risk management, financial management & accounting at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through:




 Liquefied petroleum gas, or cooking gas is one of the most sought after alternative fuel used in the world today.

LP gas is the mainstay for cooking and heating in many part of Nigeria and also used in some rural part of the country.

Cooking gas is a combination of commercial butane and propane having saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

cooking gas at normal atmospheric condition is gaseous but may be condensed to the liquid state at normal temperature, by the application of moderate pressures.

cooking gas is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases synthesized by refining petroleum or “wet” natural gas mostly derived from fossil fuel.

cooking gas is used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles. LPG also serves as backup generators In case of electricity outage.


JAMJAM COOKING GAS(LPG) COMPANY is Business enterprise owned by Mr. Michael Ogedengbe who is a B.sc degree holder in chemical engineering from the University of Ibadan.

He has well over 12 years experience in the oil and gas industry he alongside is well oriented team members will be bringing their wealth of experience in to JAMJAM COOKING  GAS(LPG) COMPANY.

We are open to the use of latest technology in the cooking gas plants industry.

No doubt our excellent customer service and the range of additional complementary services we offer will position us to become one of the best LP companies in Nigeria in 4 years to come.

At JAMJAM COOKING  GAS(LPG) COMPANY, we are passionate in the pursuit of excellence and financial success with uncompromising services and integrity.

We are in the industry to make a positive mark.

We are determined that our values and quality of products and service offering will help us lead our cooking gas plant business to enviable heights.

We are a company dedicated to establishing and maintaining the best practices as it relates to the cooking gas plants industry.

JAMJAM COOKING GAS(LPG) COMPANY ensures that all our customers are given first class treatment whenever they visit our cooking gas plant for refill or to make inquiries.

We utilize CRM software that enables us to manage a one on one relationship with our customers no matter how large the numbers of our customer base grows to.

We will ensure that we get our customers involved when making some business decisions that will directly or indirectly affect them.

This business feasibility studies is aimed at showing the likelihood of a proposed action succeeding through a careful look at the cost and the opportunities involved in LPG cooking fuel market in Bodija Ibadan.

The business is focused on maintaining a safe and reliable fuel supply chain in this area.

Our COOKING GAS(LPG) Company is strategically positioned to handle more than 5 cubic tons of gas per day, a capacity that’s able to meet more than 500 homes around this thickly dense residential area.

The aim is to sell a minimum of 180,000 cubic feet of gas daily, and with our aggressive and strategic marketing plan, we will achieve our target of 600,000 in sales per day.

The aim of this plan is to give us all the outlooks and plans needed to achieve a year break-even plan and a second year 40% profit mark.


  • We in jamjam COOKING GAS Company is interested in bringing cooking gas supply to every remote regions on the rural areas of the South -West Nigeria within the next 3 years.


  • We are actively committed to reducing the stress involved in food preparation and preservation in both households and commercial sectors.


  •  The competitive advantage that we have is the vast experience of our management team, we have people on board who are highly experienced and understands how to grow business from the scratch to becoming a national phenomenon.
  • So also the wide varieties of other complimentary services and products that we offer and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.
  • Our  employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry, meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.
  • We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


COOKING GAS is mostly used by households for cooking and heating in mostly the cold regions recently residential estates also started installing LPG reticulation systems supplying gas into different houses inside the estate.

COOKING GAS is used in commercial sectors for example, a shopping mall with favorable number of restaurants which may have one bulk tank with reticulation to individual restaurant/stores.

  • Industrial clients

COOKING GAS is used for heating purposes where a perfectly controlled temperature is needed, i.e. vehicle painting/spraying shops, it also serves as fuel for folk lift trucks within the warehouse.

With technology advancing daily vehicles that uses Auto gas has been made,this vehicles are filtered with two fuel tanks one for Auto gas and the other for petrol/ diesel. The vehicle can therefore switch between Auto gas and petrol/ diesel systematically.


Details are included in our business plan)

Repairs Manager

  • Responsible for running our gas cooker repairs and maintenance services
  • Assists customers as required by them especially when it relates to choosing the right gas cooker and accessories
  • Handles any other duty as assigned by the cooking gas plant manager.

Distribution Truck Drivers

  • Responsible for driving the company’s distribution trucks
  • Assists in loading and unloading cooking gas cylinders.
  • Maintains a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keeps a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment.
  • Inspects vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Complies with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Collects and verify delivery instructions
  • Reports defects, accidents or violations.


  • Ensures that the facility is secured at all time
  • Controls traffic and organize parking
  • Gives security tips to staff members from time to time
  • Patrols around the building on a 24 hours basis
  • Submits security reports on weekly basis.


  • Inadequate flow of funds
  • lack of awareness and publicity to give the company leverage to start operating chain supply.
  • Economic downturn
  • Too many competitors in the same area.


  • Good location accessible to the main road.
  • Rendering of complimentary services
  • Bank as a source of financial aid
  • Creating a business website for marketing.
  • Good customer care culture.

For the full details of this business plan,business model,canvas,marketing plan and financial:

please call our business plan consultant: +234 814 716 1686, info @apprenticeship.ng

We have a team that can help you write your specific business plan,feasibility studies,marketing plans,grants application,market research,business brand story and so on

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Blackstone 36” Griddle with Hood & Four Burners - Stainless Steel Gas Griddle with Hood, Wheels, Two Side Shelf & Magnetic Hooks – Heavy Duty Outdoor Griddle Station for Backyard, Patio - 1899

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Blackstone 36” Griddle with Hood & Four Burners - Stainless Steel Gas Griddle with Hood, Wheels, Two Side Shelf & Magnetic Hooks – Heavy Duty Outdoor Griddle Station for Backyard, Patio - 1899

Delivery & support.

Product Dimensions 26.77"D x 43.5"W x 20.28"H
Special Feature Utensil Hook, Wheels, Side Shelf
Color Black
Fuel Type Gas

About this item

  • Add convenience and versatility to your next cookout with the Blackstone 36 inch griddle with hood. With a large, rolled-steel cooktop, two prep shelves and adjustable heat zones, our outdoor griddle allows you to serve up whatever you want, whenever you want.
  • Four independently controlled cooking zones: Easy to use electronic ignition system fires up the 4 burners to diversify your level of heat for different foods. The rolled carbon steel cooking surface of our griddle top heats up evenly to prevent hot or cold spots.
  • Two convenient shelves: Dual shelves on both sides to hold your spices, condiments, plates, and tongs while doubling as prep stations to season burgers or chop veggies. The convenient towel bar offers quick, easy access to paper towels, and hooks on the side keeps your cooking tools handy.
  • Versatile cooking surface: Say goodbye to crowded stovetops. With our big griddle, you can cook eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, hash browns, French toast, burgers, sausages, fried rice and steaks all on the same surface.
  • Patented rear grease management system: If you plan on cooking bacon or any other juicy meats, clean-up can be tedious. Luckily, our stainless steel griddle features a rear grease trap that collects all the mess and makes after-cooking clean-up a breeze.

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Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Blackstone aims to bring family and friends together with the market's most efficient and functional outdoor gear.

Better On A Blackstone

The unique cooking surface of the Blackstone enhances flavor, providing a rich, savory taste that's hard to achieve with other cooking methods. If you want to take your cooking to the next level, the Blackstone Griddle is a must-have!

Backyard Griddle

A Better Cooking Experience

Blackstone's high-quality, versatile, and innovative griddles make them the best in the outdoor griddle industry.

36" Griddle

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Maximize your Blackstone griddle cooking with essential accessories, providing the perfect tools for your culinary needs.

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Customer Reviews
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Add convenience and versatility to your next cookout with the Blackstone 36 inch griddle with hood. With a large, rolled-steel cooktop, two prep shelves and adjustable heat zones, our outdoor griddle allows you to serve up whatever you want,. WHIP UP BREAKFAST IN THE CRISP MORNING AIR with Blackstone Griddle Station with Hard Cover. This efficient griddle transforms your backyard or the great outdoors into a fully functional kitchen, allowing you to cook the food you never imagined. COMFORT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS – This Griddle comes with a side shelf for placing a cutting board and a garbage bag holder. 1 Lower shelf for easy storage of food and utensils. Easily wheel around your yard or transport from your backyard to the campsite BE THE ULTIMATE ENTERTAINER with Blackstone Original 36" Large Griddle Station. It is large enough to handle most meals and allows you to create greasy-spoon staples like pancakes, bacon and other foods in your next outdoor cooking parties. MAKE EVERY OUTDOOR ADVENTURE DELICIOUS with Black Stone griddle. Perfect for the backyard or the great outdoors, this flat top griddle makes cooking on-the-go easy and yum! It can be used to make everything from scrambled eggs and pancakes . GRIDDLE ON THE GO with Blackstone stainless steel griddle. Whether you are entertaining the guests in the backyard or want to fulfill your years-long dream of breakfast-in-the-woods, our outdoor griddle offers a convenient way
Dimension (LXWXH) 26.77"D x 43.5"W x 20.28"H 53 x 22.7 x 35.9 inches 44.5 x 19.5 x 33.5 inches 62.5"L x 22"W x 36"Th 21.7"D x 20.5"W x 14.7"H 23.6"D x 23.6"W x 13"H
Included Components ‎Utensil Hook, Wheels, Side Shelf Blackstone 1924 Griddle Cooking Station with Hard Cover - 28" ‎Flat Top Gas Grill Griddle 2 Burner Propane Fuelled Rear Grease Management System Our camp stove griddle features two prep stations to dice veggies and season your burger patties and a front shelf with a magnetic strip to keep your griddling tools accessible and within reach. Blackstone 1814 Tabletop Griddle with Stainless Steel Front Plate and Hood - 17" Blackstone 1813 Tabletop Griddle with Stainless Steel Front Plate and Hood - 22"
Fuel Type Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas

Product information

Technical details.

Product Dimensions ‎26.77"D x 43.5"W x 20.28"H
Special Feature ‎Utensil Hook, Wheels, Side Shelf
Color ‎Black
Fuel Type ‎Gas
Recommended Uses For Product ‎Outdoor
Included Components ‎Information Not Available
Assembly Required ‎No
Material ‎Stainless Steel
Handle Material ‎Stainless steel
Item Weight ‎158.7 Pounds
Heating Power ‎17.58 Kilowatts
Model Name ‎Griddle with Hood & Four Burners
Frame Material ‎Stainless Steel
Installation Type ‎Free Standing
Wattage ‎17580 watts
Main Burner Count ‎4
Heating Elements ‎4
Manufacturer ‎Blackstone
UPC ‎717604018996
Part Number ‎1899
Item Weight ‎158.7 pounds
Item model number ‎1899
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‎No
Size ‎36"
Style ‎Adjustable,Cooking
Power Source ‎Manual
Item Package Quantity ‎1
Coverage ‎5 Sq. ft.
Mounting Type ‎Freestanding
Special Features ‎Utensil Hook, Wheels, Side Shelf
Usage ‎Outdoor
Batteries Included? ‎No
Batteries Required? ‎No
Warranty Description ‎1 year Manufacturer

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Customer Reviews
3.7 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #37,970 in Patio, Lawn & Garden ( )
#73 in
Date First Available April 28, 2020

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Blackstone 36in grill w/ Hood and 4 Burner #creatorfavorites

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Best Backyard Griddle For A Family

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The TRUTH about this Blackstone Griddle - 2 YEARS LATER!

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3 Years of Use: Do I REGRET Buying? My Blackstone Experience

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The Cadillac of Griddles | Blackstone Griddle Review

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Watch before you buy.

Lynn Cervantes

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Blackstone 36 inch Griddle

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HONEST REVIEW of 36inch Griddle with Hood

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Watch Before Buying Black Stone 36 inch Griddle #BlackStone

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Watch To See Our Favorite Features- Better Than Others, Heres Why

⭐️Kate Mercker⭐️

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Looking for specific info?

Product description.

Blackstone 36" Griddle with Hood The 36" griddle has been completely redesigned to fit into your life and become the centerpiece of your patio. With 60,000 BTUs that quickly heat up the 760 sq. inches of rolled carbon steel cooking surface, you can cook outdoors without compromising on flavor or versatility. Extra-large cooking surface There's plenty of room to cook for everyone at your next outdoor cookout, backyard barbeque, or weekend tailgate. With the capacity to cook 28 burgers at once, no one will go hungry. Whip up some eggs for breakfast or a seafood stir-fry to show your skills. Features: • Powerful: Four burners produce 60,000 BTUs of heat to keep you going • Go mobile: Our cooking griddle features four caster wheels, which makes it easy to move it from place to place • Easy to ignite: Electric igniting system makes it easy to start and heat the griddle • Independently controlled burner: The temperature of each burner can be individually controlled so you can cook various types of foods at once • Durable: Boasting a heavy-duty metal construction, Blackstone griddles are designed to withstand the rigors of a busy outdoor kitchen • Built-in lid: Included hood allows for faster cooking when it's windy, holds the steam and prevents splattering Our rectangular griddle fits: • Fits 28 burgers • Fits 16 steaks • Fits 72 hot dogs • Feeds 2 to 20 Specifications: Heat output: 60,000 BTUs Cooking surface: 720 Sq. Inch About us: Blackstone products are designed and engineered in the USA with the latest technology and innovation, but we are more than just another outdoor cooking appliance company. Our main focus is on our consumers and designing quality products that yield the best results. Our goal is to bring family and friends together with the most efficient and functional griddles on the market. Join the Griddle Nation and cook anything, anytime, anywhere with a Blackstone.


Important information.

17580 watts

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Macomb Daily

Business | Sheetz plans second location in Warren

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Planners approve site plan for gas station and convenience store on Mound Road

Sheetz received approval for a second Warren location. (Courtesy of Sheetz)

The new 24-hour Sheetz is planned for the southeast corner of the intersection where the Victory Inn restaurant and bar and Skip’s Auto Care currently stand.

Previously, Sheetz announced it was building a location on Van Dyke Avenue in Warren at the site of the long-closed Pampa Lanes bowling alley. The company is also set to open in Eastpointe, Macomb Township and Chesterfield Township in Macomb County and in a number of other locations around metro Detroit.

Victory Inn owner Beverly Suida speaks at the Aug. 19 Warren Planning Commission meeting.(PHOTO SCREENSHOT CITY OF WARREN)

Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce project manager Sharkey Haddad spoke on behalf of his members who own gas stations and convenience stores in the area. Haddad has spoken at other planning commission and city council meetings around town in opposition to Sheetz.

“Ask your residents how many gas stations and convenience stores with liquor are needed on the same road,” said Haddad. “Competition is good for any local economy, but how can any small business compete fairly against a giant corporation like Sheetz?”

Victory Inn owner Beverly Suida told the Planning Commission her restaurant is not closing and that per her lease agreement with the property owner, the establishment will be open for business until Aug. 1, 2027.

“The Victory Inn is not closing and will continue to be operating as usual,” Suida said during the Aug. 19 Warren Planning Commission meeting. “I just wanted to make it known that this plan cannot move forward until 2027 because that is when the agreement is for.”

The Victory Inn was opened in 1946 by Alphonse DeLamielleure, father of former NFL guard Joe DeLamielleure, and is known for its hardwood smoked barbeque fare.

Sheetz Engineering Permit Manager David Bruckelmeyer said his company is working with the property owner who in turn is working with his tenants to ensure the project moves forward at some point in the future. If necessary, Bruckelmeyer said his company will ask for an extension of the site plan approval in order to extend it past the two-year window that is in place.

“The property owner at this point is interested in redeveloping the property,” Bcuckelmeyer said. “That is why it came to market and why we were able to get under contract.”

Planning Commission Chair Warren Smith urged Sheetz representatives to communicate with area residents and businesses and listen to their concerns regarding the project.

“I’m hearing all of the complaints and that is a little bit of a concern,” said Smith. “You heard the opinions of the residents and the business owners here, and if there is anything you can do to alleviate some of the issues they are concerned about, we would really appreciate that.”

Bruckelmeyer said Sheetz chose the location because the zoning fits with the site plan and that he and other representatives of the company are working with the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce to iron out their differences.

“Sheetz is in the early stages of bringing a store location to the intersection of 12 Mile and Mound Road in Warren,” said Nick Ruffner, Sheetz public relations manager. “This area of Warren is a popular traffic route, and we are excited to provide our brand of convenience to these potential customers.”

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Sumit Singhal loves modern architecture. He comes from a family of builders who have built more than 20 projects in the last ten years near Delhi in India. He has recently started writing about the architectural projects that catch his imagination.

Designed by  architects Bulka Cafe and Bakery is located in the Gorky Park in Moscow in the middle of the extensive gardens along the Moskva River. Thus the greenery theme of the park is projected into the interior design through various details letting a bit of sunny summer into short overcast days and long winter nights of Moscow.

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Bulka Cafe and Bakery Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia Evgeny Evgrafov Harry Nuriev Anna Andreeva 228.0 sqm 2012

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

The main task was to create the most baking restaurant with the least baking interiors avoiding by implication all the associations with a traditional bakery like salvaged wood, vintage furniture, confiture jars, etc., and the architects came up with the idea of a summer house in the country but built for a young modern couple.

The wide open space is divided into zones by industrial looking shelvings decorated with potted plants and fresh vegetables waiting to be picked up by the chef for cooking.

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Regular water pipes and fixtures just like one would use for outdoors water outlet in the country form the three faucets along the single wide sink made of tin ventilation channel.Solid wood floors are stained with grey shaded oil.The lighting fixture spreading 10 by 10 meters all around the venue is made of reading-lamps and pending potted plants repeating the pattern set by the shelvings.

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

The floor plan is very simple and symmetrical and it can be easily transformed to meet various format requirements being either formal or casual.The bench stretching along the perimeter of the venue is custom made at Crosby Studios Workshop and painted jade colour just like the bar stools and the overhead lights.The tables just like the wooden floor are painted light grey.

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Tableware and cutlery are stored in the open bar stand among viennoiserie and again potted plants.The back wall, the only one without windows, is painted in graphic dazzling pattern catching attention from outside through the other three glass walls of the pavilion.

Last but not least to mention is that the specifics of the location being a public park suggested the works are held during the night and it took only one month to fulfill the project.

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Evgeny Evgrafov

Image Courtesy © Crosby Studios

Image Courtesy © Crosby Studios

Image Courtesy © Crosby Studios

Image Courtesy © Crosby Studios

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Ukraine war latest: Zelenskyy brands Putin 'sick old man' in video message; Russia and Ukraine swap 115 prisoners each

Russia and Ukraine have swapped 115 prisoners of war, including some who were captured during Ukraine's invasion in Kursk in recent weeks. In an independence day message to Ukrainians, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the Russian president would not dictate his "red lines" to Kyiv.

Sunday 25 August 2024 14:05, UK

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That brings an end to our live coverage of the war in Ukraine for this evening - thanks for following along.

We'll be back with any major updates overnight, and will return to our rolling coverage soon.

Before we go, here's a round up of today's key events:

  • Russia and Ukraine each exchanged 115 prisoners of war as Ukraine marked its 33rd independence day. The Russian prisoners were soldiers captured during Ukraine's invasion of Kursk;
  • In a video message to the Ukrainian people, Volodymyr Zelenskyy branded Vladimir Putin a "sick old man from Red Square" who would "not dictate any of his red lines to us";
  • Belarus and Iran congratulated Ukraine on its independence day despite the two countries' close ties with Russia;
  • At least five people were killed and five others injured in a Russian attack in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region;
  • Pavel Durov, the founder and chief executive of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested in France , according to French media reports.

The founder and chief executive of the Telegram messaging app has been arrested in France, according to French media reports.

French television network TF1 reports that Pavel Durov was arrested at the Bourget airport outside Paris this evening.

According to the network, the Russian-born businessman had been travelling aboard his private jet and was the target of an arrest warrant in France.

Telegram has not responded to a request for comment by the Reuters news agency.

Mr Durov - who also founded the now-state controlled Russian social media service VK - left Russia in 2014 after resisting government pressure to hand over the data of Ukrainian protesters.

He now lives in Dubai and holds dual citizenship of the United Arab Emirates and France.

Telegram, which launched in 2013, is one of the top five most downloaded apps in the world.

Lithuania has announced a fresh batch of military aid for Ukraine - including drones and air defence missiles.

Prime minister Ingrida Simonyte said the package would help Ukraine "send Russian occupants back to where they belong".

In a post to X, Ms Simonyte said the aid would consist of "short-range air defence systems and missiles as well as anti-drones, guns, ammunition and equipment".

The package would reach Kyiv by September, she said.

Vilnius has also pledged to send around 5,000 Lithuanian-made drones to Ukraine by the end of autumn as well as allocating €35m (£29.6m) to purchase radars and demining equipment.

Polish-supplied tanks are being used by Ukraine in its offensive in the Kursk region, president Andrzej Duda has confirmed.

"We are touched to see how the PT-91 Twardy tanks, given by Poland [to Ukraine] more than one year ago, are defending today Ukraine on the battlefields, fighting in the Kursk region," he said. 

Vladimir Putin has vowed a "worthy response" to any use of Western weapons in the invasion.

Mr Duda's visit to Kyiv today coincided with Ukraine's independence day celebrations.

In a speech to mark the occasion, he also expressed confidence that the war "will soon end in [Ukraine's] victory".

"I have never had, and do not have, the slightest doubt that, through their united efforts and struggle, the courageous Ukrainian people will uphold their independence," he said.

A Russian air attack on the Ukrainian city of Sumy this evening has left seven people injured, officials have said.

The Sumy regional administration said on Telegram that Russia carried out a missile attack on civilian infrastructure in the city.

Seven people are wounded, including two who are in a serious condition.

"Take care of yourself and your loved ones, do not ignore the air warning signals," the administration said.

Sumy is the administrative centre of the wider Sumy region, which lies in Ukraine's northeast on the border with Russia.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed several laws targeting Russia today - including one that bans religious organisations linked to Moscow.

The series of laws included ratifying a statute that paves the way for Ukraine to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The ratification increases the chances of Russia being prosecuted for war crimes it has allegedly committed during its invasion of Ukraine, according to Mr Zelenskyy's office.

Meanwhile, a law has been signed prohibiting the the operation of religious institutions in Ukraine that have links to Russia.

The legislation, which was approved by the Ukrainian parliament earlier this month, created the legal tools for the government to ban a Russia-linked branch of the Orthodox church.

Organisations would have nine months to cut ties with Moscow's linked religious entities under the new law.

Mr Zelenskyy also signed a law offering Ukrainian citizenship to foreigners fighting in his army against Russia.

Ukrainian boxing star Oleksandr Usyk presented Volodymyr Zelenskyy with the coveted WBC heavy weight champion belt as the pair met to mark independence day.

Mr Zelenskyy posted a video of the meeting on his Telegram channel, saying it was an "honour" to receive the belt.

"Thank you for everything you do for Ukraine. For glorifying Ukrainian strength and invincibility. Thank you!" he wrote.

Usyk beat the UK's Tyson Fury to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world back in May.

In an interview with Sky News last month, the boxer revealed how he has cried behind closed doors about the war in his country.

Belarus and Iran have both sent their congratulations to Ukraine on its 33rd year of independence from the former Soviet Union, despite the two countries' close ties with Russia.

According to Belarusian news agency Belta, president Aleksandr Lukashenko said his citizens have "always had a special respect and warm regard" for the Ukrainian people.

"We are united not only by the common fate and family ties, but also by the desire to be friends and get along with neighbours," he was cited as saying.

Belarus acted as a staging post for Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and Mr Lukashenko is one of Vladimir Putin's key allies.

Meanwhile, the Iranian foreign ministry published a message on social media saying it was congratulating the government and people of Ukraine on its independence.

Tehran is alleged to have provided Moscow with hundreds of deadly drones, as well as other weapons, for use in its war on Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has used an independence day message to brand Vladimir Putin a "sick old man from Red Square".

In a video address to the Ukrainian people, Mr Zelenskyy used derisive language to describe Russia's 71-year-old president and his nuclear rhetoric.

"A sick old man from Red Square who constantly threatens everyone with the red button will not dictate any of his red lines to us," the Ukrainian leader said in the video posted to Telegram.

In his speech, Mr Zelenskyy noted that the war started by Russia had spread to its own territory.

"Those who seek to sow evil on our land will reap its fruits on their own soil," he said.

He also said "those who sought to turn our lands into a buffer zone should now worry that their own country doesn't become a buffer federation".

Five people have been injured after a Russian shelling in Ukraine's northeastern Kharkiv region, authorities have said.

The country's state emergency service said Russian forces targeted the village of Novoosynove in the Kupyan district with rockets today.

Four women and a man were injured, it said, while two residential buildings and an area of dry grass caught fire.

"Rescuers extinguished the fire and prevented the flames from spreading to other homes," the emergency service said on Telegram, adding that medics were at the site of the attack.

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cooking gas station business plan


  1. Cooking Gas Business Plan

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  2. Cooking Gas Business Plan

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  3. Cooking Gas Business Plan

    cooking gas station business plan

  4. Gas Station Business Plan Template in Word, Pages, Google Docs

    cooking gas station business plan

  5. Gas Station Business Plan Template

    cooking gas station business plan

  6. Cooking Gas (LPG) Filling Station & Plant Business Plan in Nigeria

    cooking gas station business plan


  1. LPG Cooking Gas Plant Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample LPG Cooking Gas Plant Business Plan Template. 1. Industry Overview. A cooking gas plant is a place where both individual and small businesses that also retail cooking gas go to refill their cooking gas cylinder. It is usually more organized and bigger than the average small scale gas shops that you can find around street corners.

  2. Starting a Cooking Gas Retail Company

    7. Insure your business. Sh*t happens in business, but when it comes to a cooking gas retail business; this sh*t could cost you your life or property, and even earn you a lawsuit. Mind you that you are dealing with a hazardous substance, an inflammable product; so please get an insurance cover, especially for fire accidents.

  3. How to Start a Profitable Cooking Gas Retail Business

    To ensure the viability of your cooking gas retail business, it is essential to thoroughly research the market and competition. Understanding the demand and potential customer base in your target area is crucial for making informed business decisions. Start by analyzing the local market to determine the demand for cooking gas.

  4. Cooking Gas (LPG) Plant Business

    The cooking gas also known as the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) business is one business that has been thriving in Nigeria, and with the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/cooking gas filling plant plan you can set up a plant and start running your own business. Starting a personal LPG cooking gas plant business in Nigeria can be profiting as much ...

  5. Gas Station Business Plan Template (2024)

    Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff and marketing expenses. The breakout of the funding is below: Gas station build-out: $480,000. Gas station equipment, supplies, and materials: $220,000.

  6. Gas Station Business Plan Template and Guide [Updated 2024]

    A gas station business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your gas station business. A filling station business plan provides details about your business concept, competition, target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. This is true for a full service gas station, filling station, convenience store ...

  7. A Sample LPG Cooking Gas Plant Business Plan Template

    Business Plan 2 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Blessed Cooking Gas Plant is a fully licensed cooking gas plant business in Lagos, Nigeria that sells cooking gas, gas cookers, cylinders, accessories, and provides gas cooker repair services. The business is owned by Mr. Linus Uchenna, who has over 15 years of experience in ...

  8. How To Write A LPG Cooking Gas Plant Business Plan

    This document provides a sample business plan template for starting a cooking gas retail business called Blessed Cooking Gas Plant. The business will operate a standard cooking gas plant to retail cooking gas, gas cookers, cylinders and accessories. It will also offer gas cooker repair services. The CEO will manage employees like the plant manager, accountant, store manager and attendants to ...

  9. Gas Station Business Plan Template: A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

    We have created this sample for you to get a good idea about how perfect a gas station business plan should look and what details you will need to include in your stunning business plan.. Industry Overview. In October 2021, the monthly retail fuel sales in the US amounted to a whopping 55 billion dollars, significantly higher than the past month. And although the industry experienced a ...

  10. PDF Gas Station Business Plan Example

    Get access to Upmetrics software, invite your team members and start writing your business plan. 1. Get tried and tested tips. Upmetrics business plan builder gives you everything you need to stay in sync and guides you on every step of your business plan writing. 3. Stunning business plan cover pages.

  11. Free Gas Station Business Plan Template

    Add a chart with a breakdown of relevant financial factors for the next three to five years. [Owner.Company] is seeking total funding of $ (amount) of debt capital to launch its gas stations. The capital will be used for (expenses). Specifically, these funds will be used as follows: Store design and build: $150K. (Purpose): $ (amount)

  12. Starting a Cooking Gas Distribution Company

    You don't necessarily need to write a world class business plan if you want to start a cooking gas distribution business, but the bottom line is that you must ensure that you have a business plan in place before launching your business. 3. Raise Your Start - up Capital. With less than $5,000, you can successfully start your own cooking gas ...

  13. How to write a gas station business plan: Step-by-step guide

    This post outlines the important sections with a summary of the key points to capture when writing a gas station business plan. At the end of this post, you can download a complete gas station financial forecast tool with 3-year financial projections including income statement, start-up costs, break-even analysis, and cash flow statement.

  14. Free Gas Station Business Plan

    The business plan for your gas station franchise should contain the different advertising strategies you plan to implement to market your business. List down and describe each strategy and the budget you plan to allot for the campaign. You should also indicate if the advertising for your gas station is part of a blanket advertising campaign and ...

  15. Sample Cooking gas distribution business plan with feasibility Analysis

    The feasibility analysis reveals that Complete Cooking Gas Distribution Company Ltd. will be generating a total turnover of N20,000,000.00 annually from the first year of operation. In fact, based on our 25% gross margin target, this gives a total gross profit of N5,000,000.00 and a 15% net margin of N3,000.000.00.

  16. (DOC) A Business Proposal on Gas Retailing

    Objective for Cooking Gas Retailing Business Plan in Nigeria To create a service-based company whose goal is to exceed customer's expectations. To increase the number of clients by 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals. To develop a sustainable business surviving off its own cash flow.

  17. Want to start LPG gas business? Here's what you need to do

    Let Hivisasa know. 1. You need to acquire a business license from the respective county government. 2. You need a certificate of fire - Proof that the retail site has been assessed for fire. This certificate is obtained at the county government offices. 3. Safety assessment report - Proof that the retail site has undertaken a safety assessment ...

  18. How to Start Cooking Gas Business in Kenya

    LPG Retail Business Startup Costs. You need at least Ksh 200,000 to start LPG retail business in Kenya. The following are the startup costs for a cooking gas retail business in Kenya. Premises rent and deposit - Ksh 20,000. Single business permit - Ksh 10,000. ERC licence - Ksh 3,000. Gas supply stock - Ksh 100,000.

  19. Cooking Gas(Lpg) Business Plan in Nigeria

    The aim is to sell a minimum of 180,000 cubic feet of gas daily, and with our aggressive and strategic marketing plan, we will achieve our target of 600,000 in sales per day. The aim of this plan is to give us all the outlooks and plans needed to achieve a year break-even plan and a second year 40% profit mark.

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    Blackstone 1924 Griddle Cooking Station with Hard Cover - 28" ‎Flat Top Gas Grill Griddle 2 Burner Propane Fuelled Rear Grease Management System : Our camp stove griddle features two prep stations to dice veggies and season your burger patties and a front shelf with a magnetic strip to keep your griddling tools accessible and within reach.

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    See more reviews for this business. Best Gas Stations in Moscow, ID 83843 - Zip Trip No 16, Mobil, Tesoro 2Go, Chevron Gas Station, Maverik Adventure's First Stop, Ferrellgas, Chevron, Sunset Mart, Four Star Diesel & Gas Station, Rennie Keasal's Chevron.

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  23. Sheetz plans second location in Warren

    Pennsylvania-based Sheetz restaurant, gas station and convenience store chain seeks to expand its footprint in Macomb County after the Warren Planning Commission unanimously approved their site ...

  24. PDF MOSRM Floor Plans

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  25. Bulka Cafe and Bakery in Moscow, Russia by Crosby Studios

    The floor plan is very simple and symmetrical and it can be easily transformed to meet various format requirements being either formal or casual.The bench stretching along the perimeter of the venue is custom made at Crosby Studios Workshop and painted jade colour just like the bar stools and the overhead lights.The tables just like the wooden floor are painted light grey.

  26. Ukraine war latest: Putin 'has two choices' with response to Ukraine

    Ukraine has taken another step toward joining the International Criminal Court today. Kyiv ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, opening up the future possibility of more ...