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The Freiburg case study represents a paradigm for cities worldwide, demonstrating how sustainable urban development can successfully be woven into the fabric of a city. This examination of Freiburg delves into the transformation of the German city into a model for sustainability, highlighting the unique integration of geographical features with innovative environmental policies. Explore the key elements of Freiburg's approach, from its pioneering transport system which has revolutionised mobility, to the critical role of governance and community participation. Understanding the effectiveness and applicability of Freiburg's strategies offers invaluable insights for urban areas seeking to chart a course towards a more sustainable future. Engage with an in-depth analysis of this ground-breaking city and the comprehensive efforts that contribute to its status as a beacon of urban sustainability.

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Freiburg Case Study: A Model for Sustainable Urban Development

The Freiburg case study represents a forward-thinking approach to urban planning, showcasing how a city can blend economic growth, social development, and environmental responsibility seamlessly. As a beacon of sustainable urban development , it provides valuable insights for cities worldwide aspiring to become more eco-friendly and liveable.

Understanding the Freiburg Sustainable City Case Study

The origins of freiburg's sustainability journey.

Freiburg's journey towards sustainability began in the early 1970s, following the aftermath of extensive damage from World War II and a rising awareness of environmental issues. The turning point came in 1975 when citizens protested against a planned nuclear power plant, leading to a city-wide shift towards renewable energy and sustainable development. This grassroots activism laid the groundwork for an urban development plan that prioritised green spaces, public transportation, and energy-efficient housing.

Subsequently, in the 1990s, the city developed the Vauban district , a model neighbourhood focused on low-energy homes and a comprehensive transport network, further cementing Freiburg’s commitment to sustainability.

Key Features of the Freiburg Sustainability Model

The Freiburg sustainability model is characterised by its multifaceted approach, which includes:

  • Energy Efficiency: Rigorous standards for buildings to minimise energy consumption .
  • Mobility: An extensive network of bicycle paths and public transportation.
  • Green Spaces: Integration of natural landscapes within urban areas to enhance biodiversity.
  • Participatory Governance: Encouraging citizen involvement in the planning processes.
  • Waste Management: A waste disposal system that supports recycling and reduces landfill use.
  • Eco-Friendly Transportation: Promotion of electric vehicles and car-sharing programs.

These features are underpinned by robust local policies and innovative technology applications. Freiburg's green roofs, solar installations, and sustainable water management are among the practical examples of its sustainability initiatives.

Freiburg Geography Sustainability Example: Integration with the Environment

Freiburg city location and its significance.

Freiburg is strategically located at the edge of the Black Forest in southwest Germany, providing a unique geographic setting that supports its sustainability goals. This location offers abundant natural resources, such as solar energy and timber, which have been harnessed to promote renewable energy and sustainable construction practices. The proximity to natural reserves also fosters an environmental consciousness among residents.

The city’s geography has heavily influenced its urban design, incorporating the surrounding landscape into its development plans to create a cohesive system where urban living and nature coexist synergistically.

Natural and Constructed Elements of Freiburg's Geography

Freiburg's topography is defined by its integration of both natural and constructed elements. The city capitalises on its geographic features through:

  • The Dreisam river, which aids in urban climate regulation and recreational activities
  • The Schlossberg hill, offering green spaces and acting as a natural backdrop to the city
  • Nearby vineyards and agricultural lands, which are important for local food production
  • The Bächle, historical water channels providing cooling and historical character
  • Eco-friendly housing developments such as Vauban and Rieselfeld, which exemplify sustainable urban design
  • Public transportation systems that minimise the urban footprint and reduce emissions

These concerted efforts at integrating geography with sustainable practices have made Freiburg a living example of how cities can function in harmony with their natural surroundings.

Freiburg Transport Case Study: Revolutionising Mobility

At the heart of the sustainable urban development movement is the Freiburg Transport Case Study , a prime example of revolutionising mobility to create an eco-friendly and efficient urban environment. Freiburg's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and increasing the quality of life for its residents has led to significant innovations in public transport, cycling, and pedestrianisation.

The Importance of Sustainable Transport in Freiburg

Sustainable transport is crucial in the context of Freiburg for a myriad of reasons. Primarily, it addresses environmental concerns by reducing pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, helping to mitigate climate change. It also plays a pivotal role in enhancing public health, reducing traffic-related accidents, and improving the overall mobility of the population. By investing in sustainable transport systems, Freiburg has effectively reduced its ecological footprint while fostering an inclusive environment that supports economic development and a high quality of life. Through urban design adaptations, policy frameworks, and active community engagement, the sustainability model in Freiburg illustrates the positive impact that integrated transport planning can have on the dynamics of a city.

Innovations in Public Transport Systems

The public transport system in Freiburg is a testament to the city's innovative approach to sustainable mobility. Key elements of this system include:

  • Comprehensive tram network that provides the backbone for public transport, connecting residential areas with the city centre and key facilities.
  • Electric buses that supplement the trams, offering an eco-friendly alternative to diesel buses.
  • Accessible and user-friendly scheduling and ticketing systems that promote simplicity and efficiency in public transport usage.
  • Integration of transport modes, allowing seamless transfers between bikes, trams, buses, and trains.

These initiatives have led to higher ridership levels, reducing the reliance on personal vehicles. The city has implemented real-time data management systems to optimise transport routes and schedules, further enhancing the efficiency of the public transport network.

Encouraging Cycling and Pedestrianisation in Freiburg

Freiburg's urban development plan places significant emphasis on non-motorised modes of transport, namely cycling and walking. To encourage these sustainable practices, the city has:

  • Developed a comprehensive network of cycling paths, often segregated from vehicular traffic, to ensure the safety and comfort of cyclists.
  • Created traffic-calmed zones and pedestrian precincts in the city centre and neighbourhoods, making walking a more enjoyable and practical mode of travel.
  • Installed ample bike parking facilities and bike-sharing programmes to support the cycling infrastructure.

The combined effect of these measures has been an increase in the number of people choosing to cycle or walk as their main mode of transport, thereby lowering traffic congestion and contributing to a reduction in pollution levels. These changes have not only benefited the environment but have also fostered a more vibrant and interactive public space, improving social cohesion in the community.

Sustainable transport refers to modes of transportation that use renewable energy sources or minimize environmental impact, aiming to reduce pollution, improve public health, and promote efficiency in mobility.

For instance, Freiburg's tram system utilises electricity, predominantly sourced from renewable energy, to power the network. This is a practical example of how a public transport system can function sustainably.

Did you know that Freiburg was the first German city to introduce a pedestrian zone in its city centre as early as 1973? This early initiative paved the way for its current pedestrian-friendly reputation.

Freiburg Case Study Importance in Global Context

The Freiburg case study is pivotal within the global context as it presents actionable examples of sustainable urban development. Cities worldwide, grappling with the challenges of climate change, economic restructuring, and growing populations, are looking to Freiburg as a template for urban innovation. The city combines environmental, social, and economic initiatives, thus becoming a leading example of holistic and viable sustainability in practice.

Lessons from Freiburg for Other Cities

Other cities can draw numerous lessons from the Freiburg case study, particularly understanding that long-term sustainability is achievable through consistent, community-driven efforts. Freiburg's evolution into a green city didn't happen overnight; it was the result of visionary policy-making and the active involvement of its citizens. The environmental, social, and economic interventions employed by Freiburg include:

  • Implementing stringent building regulations to achieve energy efficiency.
  • Creating a multi-modal transport system heavily focused on public transport, cycling, and walking.
  • Encouraging green space development and biodiversity.
  • Innovating in renewable energy implementation and waste management systems.

The collective impact of these policies has not only improved Freiburg's ecological footprint but also its quality of life and economic viability. By continuing to adapt and refine its sustainability strategy, Freiburg remains at the forefront of urban planning, serving as an inspiration for urban centres globally.

Policy Implications and Adaptability

For other cities looking to replicate the success of Freiburg, understanding the policy implications and adaptability of its model is essential. The key facets of Freiburg's policy approach include:

Adapting these policies to local contexts requires cities to assess their unique environmental challenges, cultural nuances, and administrative capabilities. Challenges such as political will, funding, and public perception must be navigated carefully to successfully adapt Freiburg's policies. However, the fundamental takeaway remains: sustainability can be integrated into urban planning regardless of a city's size or location, drawing from Freiburg as a paragon of adaptability.

The Role of Governance and Citizen Participation

The transformation of Freiburg into a sustainable city underscores the integral role of governance structures and citizen participation. The governance of Freiburg has facilitated a conducive framework for sustainability through:

  • Forward-thinking legislation and regulation.
  • Political backing for sustainability projects.
  • Transparent communication channels between policymakers and citizens.
  • Proactive engagement with various stakeholders including businesses, NGOs, and academia.

Simultaneously, citizen involvement has been a cornerstone in shaping Freiburg's urban landscape. Citizens have been actively engaged in the decision-making process through public forums and participatory budgeting sessions, which have led to heightened community investment in municipal projects. This two-way communication fosters a sense of ownership among residents over sustainable initiatives and ensures that social priorities are reflected in urban policies.

Together, these governance strategies and the empowerment of citizens contribute to policies that are not only environmentally sound but also socially equitable and economically viable, thus creating a sustainable city that reflects the collective vision of its inhabitants.

Participatory governance refers to the involvement of citizens in the decision-making processes of local or national governance. This model fosters transparency, accountability, and a sense of belonging among the community, contributing to more effective and accepted policies.

An example of participatory governance in Freiburg is found in the design and development of the Vauban district, where residents were involved in planning discussions to ensure the new district met their needs for sustainable living and community spaces.

Did you know that Freiburg's proactive stance on sustainability began much earlier than many other cities, with its anti-nuclear protests in the 1970s leading to the adoption of renewable energy and sustainable development as cornerstones of the city's policies?

In addition to Freiburg's policy and citizen-led initiatives, research and educational institutions have played a role in cultivating a culture of sustainability. The city hosts a number of research facilities and higher education institutions, which contribute to sustainability through innovation and providing educational programs focused on environmental engineering, sustainable development, and renewable energy. This has fostered a well-informed community that values sustainable practices and contributes to ongoing learning and development in the field.

Analysing the Success Factors of the Freiburg Case Study

The Freiburg Case Study epitomises the effective implementation of sustainable urban planning. It serves as a model by excellently illustrating how various sustainability initiatives can harmoniously coalesce to build an eco-friendly and liveable city. Analysing the success factors involves examining a holistic approach that integrates energy efficiency, sustainable transport, community engagement, and, notably, education and awareness in promoting sustainability, which have together propelled Freiburg to new heights of urban ecological progress.

Education and Awareness in Promoting Sustainability

Educational initiatives and community awareness programs are key components of sustainability efforts in Freiburg. Through a combination of formal education, workshops, public forums, and campaigns, Freiburg has fostered an informed citizenry that actively participates in sustainable practices. Education serves as the backbone for long-term behavioural changes and provides the knowledge base necessary for citizens to make informed decisions about their lifestyle and the environment.

Bringing together schools, universities, local businesses, and government entities, Freiburg has adopted a comprehensive educational approach. This incorporates curricula that focus on environmental stewardship in schools, technical and vocational training in sustainability sectors, and public seminars on the benefits of green living. Interactive nature centres and the participation in global sustainability networks also contribute to the city’s educational outreach. As a result, citizens of Freiburg are well-placed to continue driving the city's sustainability agenda forward, armed not just with awareness but also with a concrete understanding of environmental issues and solutions.

Initiatives for Community Learning and Engagement

Community learning and engagement are pivotal in Freiburg's sustainability success, with various initiatives leading the way. To catalyse environmental conscientiousness, the city has:

  • Implemented sustainability topics in school curriculums from a young age, equipping younger generations with knowledge about environmental protection and sustainable living.
  • Developed the Green City clusters, which host events and provide a platform for the sharing of green technology and best practices in urban sustainability.
  • Engaged citizens directly through local Energy Working Groups that foster collective action and neighbourhood-specific initiatives.
  • Utilised digital platforms and social media campaigns to reach broader audiences and encourage sustainable behaviours within the community.
  • Created spaces like the 'Umweltbildungszentrum' (Environmental Education Centre), where interactive learning about ecology and sustainability takes place.

A critical aspect of these initiatives concerns the inclusivity of different sectors in society. Educational programs for children, specialist training for professionals, and information provided to the general public all cater to varying levels of understanding and commitment to sustainability. This all-inclusive approach is essential in building a cohesive, informed community with a shared vision of sustainability.

Furthermore, highlighting local success stories and showcasing the tangible benefits of sustainability have been effective in galvanising community action. In Freiburg, hands-on workshops and neighbourhood projects, such as communal gardens and local recycling schemes, have proved successful in translating knowledge into action.

Measuring the Impact of Education on Sustainable Practices

It is crucial to assess the efficacy of educational initiatives in promoting sustainable practices to ensure the continuation of effective strategies. Several metrics and approaches are employed to measure the impact within Freiburg, including:

Educational initiatives are deemed impactful when there is observable change towards sustainability in the behaviours and attitudes of the community. In Freiburg, the increase in participation levels in local sustainability projects serves as a proxy for the heightened environmental awareness among the populace.

Moreover, schools and universities in Freiburg continuously monitor and adapt educational content to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in inspiring sustainable choices. To gauge long-term impacts, longitudinal studies are conducted tracking the sustainability habits of individuals as they transition from students into working professionals.

Environmental stewardship refers to the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. It is an ethic that embodies the planning and management of resources in a manner that ensures their well-being for current and future generations.

A tangible example of community learning and engagement in Freiburg is the annual Sustainability Fair, which showcases local and regional products and services and includes workshops on sustainability topics, fostering a sense of community and shared environmental responsibility.

Hint: Freiburg's transition towards sustainability was greatly influenced by the local university which runs various research programs and provides expert consultations in the field of environmental science and policy.

The educational efforts in Freiburg extend beyond the formal frameworks into practical, hands-on experiences that solidify theoretical knowledge. Students in Freiburg are often encouraged to participate in service-learning projects where they collaborate with local businesses to address real-world sustainability challenges. This approach to education cultivates critical thinking, innovation, and a deep sense of community responsibility.

Freiburg Case Study - Key takeaways

  • Freiburg Case Study: An example of sustainable urban development integrating economic growth, social development, and environmental responsibility.
  • Freiburg's Sustainability Features: Includes energy efficiency, eco-friendly transportation, green spaces, participatory governance, and robust waste management.
  • Freiburg City Location: Strategic positioning at the edge of the Black Forest, Germany, leveraging natural resources for sustainability.
  • Freiburg Transport Case Study: Innovations in mobility with an extensive tram network, electric buses, cycling infrastructure, and pedestrianisation contributing to a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Freiburg Case Study Importance: Serves as a globally recognized template for urban innovation, demonstrating long-term viability of integrated sustainable policies.

Frequently Asked Questions about Freiburg Case Study

--> what are the significant environmental sustainability efforts implemented in the freiburg case study, --> how has the freiburg case study influenced urban planning in other european cities towards greener living, --> what are the key urban transportation strategies adopted in the freiburg case study to reduce carbon emissions, --> what role has public participation played in the success of the freiburg case study for sustainable urban development, --> what measures have been taken in the freiburg case study to integrate renewable energy sources into the city's power supply, test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards.

True or false: cities are generally environmentally friendly.

What is the population of Freiburg?

When does Freiburg aim to be carbon-neutral?

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Sustainability is _____

finding ways to reduce environmental impact and provide for current and future generations without endangering the future.

How many sustainable development goals did the UN create?

What are some of the sustainable features in Freiburg?

  • Alternative transport
  • Green spaces
  • Renewable resources and conservation 
  • People priority 
  • The town of Vauban


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  • Urban environments
  • Created by: amtani20
  • Created on: 13-04-18 07:17

Urban planning

Social planning

  • locals can invest in renewable energy like one disrict invseted in 9 windmills, 8 solar energy systems and hydro electric plan
  • Financial return for investors and for those who compost their green waste/ use textile nappies

Economic planning

  • >10,000 employed in 1500 environmental buisnesses like Solar factory employs 250 people 
  • Institute for Solar energy systems develop new solar cooling / host European solar energy conference


  • 350 community recycling point with < 88% of packing waste recycled 
  • Annual waste reduce by 90 000 tonnes in 12 yrs and burning provides energy for 28000 homes

Sustainable Living

Water Supply

  • Waste system allows rainwater to be retained on green roofs and used indoors--or to seep back into ground through unpaved tramways, pervious pavements and wetlands
  • River Dreisam managed by flood retention basin designed around the Black Forest Scenery
  • Strict polocy on saving energy and effeicency with 100% renewable energy powered 2050
  • About 400 solar panel in city producing 10 M kW of energy per year with excess sold
  • Large proportion from biomass e.g waste wood or rapeseed and from biogas from organic waste

Green Spaces

  • 40% of city is forested with 44% used for timber and 75% left to grow back
  • only native native trees and shrubs in 600 ha of parks
  • Of the 56% nature conservation 6% is left wild

Sustainable Traffic Management

  • Update ITS every ten years with 70% of pop. living 500m from tram station + low fares
  • 400km of cycle paths + 'bike and ride' facilities at railway and bus stations
  • Restriction on car parks cost £20000 in Vauban District
  • Electronic monitor and control traffic lights and eletronic road pricing 
  • High petrol prices and vehicle restriction fees + financial incentive - only weekend drivers
  • 45% less traffic and 25% less accidents
  • Ban to drive on day a week according to number plate + high congestion charges
  • Limited car sales with only 20% of people to buy a car
  • Reduce car ownership by 20%

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freiburg case study a level geography

A Level Geography: Case Studies and Exam Tips

freiburg case study a level geography

A-Level Geography is a challenging and rewarding subject that explores the dynamic relationships between people and their environments. The curriculum often includes the study of case studies to illustrate key concepts and geographical theories. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of case studies in A-Level Geography and provide exam tips to help you excel in this subject.

 The Significance of Case Studies in A-Level Geography

Case studies are essential in A-Level Geography for several reasons:

1. Illustrating Concepts: 

Case studies provide real-world examples that illustrate the geographical concepts and theories covered in the curriculum. They make abstract ideas tangible and relatable.

2. Application of Knowledge: 

Case studies offer opportunities for students to apply their geographical knowledge and analytical skills to specific situations. This application enhances understanding.

3. Contextual Learning: 

Case studies allow students to explore the complex and dynamic interactions between people and their environments in specific contexts. This contextual understanding is at the heart of geography.

4. Exam Requirement: 

In A-Level Geography exams, you are often required to use case studies to support your arguments and analysis. Having a repertoire of case studies at your disposal is crucial for success.

 Selecting and Using Case Studies

Here's how to select and effectively use case studies in your A-Level Geography studies and exams:

1. Diverse Selection: 

Choose a range of case studies that cover different geographical contexts, themes, and issues. This diversity will prepare you for various exam questions.

2. Local and Global: 

Include both local and global case studies. Local examples may provide opportunities for fieldwork, while global case studies allow you to explore international perspectives.

3. Relevance to the Curriculum: 

Ensure that your case studies align with the topics and themes covered in your A-Level Geography course. They should be relevant to your exam syllabus.

4. In-Depth Understanding: 

Study your selected case studies in-depth. Familiarize yourself with the geographical context, key facts, statistics, and relevant theories and concepts.

5. Interdisciplinary Approach: 

Recognize that geography often intersects with other subjects like environmental science, economics, and sociology. Explore how these interdisciplinary aspects come into play in your case studies.

6. Regular Review: 

Periodically review and update your case studies to ensure you have the most recent data and information. Geography is a dynamic field, and changes can occur over time.

 Exam Tips for A-Level Geography

Here are some tips to help you succeed in your A-Level Geography exams:

1. Practice Essay Writing: 

Geography exams often require essay-style responses. Practice writing coherent and well-structured essays that incorporate case studies effectively.

2. Master Map Skills: 

Geography exams may include map interpretation and analysis. Develop your map-reading skills to excel in this section.

3. Use Case Studies Wisely: 

When using case studies in your exam, ensure they are relevant to the question and directly support your argument. Avoid including irrelevant details.

4. Time Management: 

Manage your time wisely during the exam. Allocate specific time slots for each section or question and stick to the schedule.

5. Understand Command Terms: 

Be familiar with the command terms used in geography questions, such as "explain," "discuss," and "evaluate." Tailor your responses accordingly.

6. Practice Past Papers: 

Work through past exam papers to get a sense of the format and types of questions that may appear in your A-Level Geography exams.

7. Seek Feedback: 

If possible, ask your teacher or a peer to review your practice essays and provide feedback. Constructive feedback can help you refine your writing and analysis skills.

8. Stay Informed: 

Keep up with current geographical events and developments. This knowledge can be invaluable in your essays and discussions.


A-Level Geography is a subject that bridges the gap between the natural and social sciences, offering a comprehensive view of the world. Case studies are pivotal in this field, providing practical examples that support your learning and exam performance. By selecting diverse and relevant case studies, studying them thoroughly, and practicing effective essay writing and map skills, you can navigate A-Level Geography with confidence and success.

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Urban Environments

Sustainable Urban Living in Freiburg Quiz

freiburg case study a level geography

You are here: GCSE Geography Interactive Revision > Urban Environments > Sustainable Urban Living in Freiburg Quiz

Where is Freiburg located?

When did freiburg set the goal for urban sustainability, identify three reasons for freiburg setting the goal of urban sustainability..

Please select 3 correct answers

True or false? Freiburg's urban sustainability goal involves social, environmental and economic planning.

Sustainable planning which involves taking into account people’s needs and includes local people in the planning process is known as what, sustainable planning which involves providing people with employment opportunities e.g. green industries employ 10,000 residents is known as what, sustainable planning which involves ensures that resources are not wasted, and the environment is protected for future generations is known as what, which of the following are examples of how freiburg seeks to achieve a sustainable water supply, which of the following are examples of how freiburg seeks to achieve a sustainable energy supply, which of the following are examples of how freiburg manages waste recycling.

Please select 4 correct answers

Which of the following are examples of how Freiburg has created green space?

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    freiburg case study a level geography

  6. A Level Geography Case Study Summary

    freiburg case study a level geography


  1. Brick Lane Case Study Video

  2. Wanderung in Fribourg und Umgebung: Vom Schwarzsee auf die Kaiseregg

  3. OCR A Level Geography Paper 1

  4. The Case of Maria Ladenburger. True Crime Documentary

  5. Emergency Call 112

  6. 11 Jahre später immer noch GÄNSEHAUT 💯🔥 "Besuchstag" (LEVEL Space Edt.) OUT NOW #celoabdi #veysel


  1. Sustainable Urban Living

    A case study of a sparsely populated area - Himalayan Mountains; ... Sustainable Urban Living - Freiburg. Freiburg is a city in the south of German. In 1970 the local government set the goal of urban sustainability. ... In Freiburg, the urban planning process involves local people in the planning process both at the local and city level ...

  2. PDF Urban Issues & Challenges: Freiburg

    Urban Issues & Challenges: Freiburg. Freiburg is a city in the south of Germany. In the 1970s, the local government set the aim of becoming more sustainable in all aspects of life. There are a few reasons why Freiburg wanted to adopt sustainable lifestyles: Freiburg has the youngest population in Germany; 10% of the population is university ...

  3. Freiburg Case Study: Urban Sustainability

    The Freiburg case study represents a paradigm for cities worldwide, demonstrating how sustainable urban development can successfully be woven into the fabric of a city. This examination of Freiburg delves into the transformation of the German city into a model for sustainability, highlighting the unique integration of geographical features with innovative environmental policies.

  4. Freiburg Case Study

    Our overview of Freiburg Case Study curates a series of relevant extracts and key research examples on this topic from our catalog of academic textbooks. ... Geography. Freiburg Case Study ... strict energy standards for new constructions, as well as the high level of social acceptance for sustainable policies among citizens. Most famous is the ...

  5. Geography (Freiburg case study) Flashcards

    Geography (Freiburg case study) Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; ... Civil Rights Movement Study Exercise. 40 terms. katesund. Preview. chapter 9 MOTHER RUSSIA. 31 terms. anastasia_cx. ... Freiburg has the youngest population in Germany and its residents feel strongly about protecting their city.

  6. Germany's greenest city

    Germany's greenest city. Freiburg im Breisgau is a small city in south-west Germany. With 2,000 hours of sunshine a year, it's Germany's warmest city, and it has one of the oldest universities ...

  7. Using a case study, describe a successful sustainable ...

    Using a case study, describe a successful sustainable transport scheme. In Freiburg, sustainable and efficient transport has been developepd with the introuction of 500km of cycle lanes. The significantly reduces CO 2 emissions in the city and encourages a sustainable method of transport. Predestrianised areas make it safer in the centre and ...

  8. GCSE geography, Freiburg, case study Flashcards

    Freiburg - Case Study. 11 terms. anika_w26. Preview. AR10497: Vernacular Architecture of the Middle East ... Production, location and change (11.2) - Jamaica and Kew park farm . 8 terms. kasramafi7. Preview. GCSE geography, case study, Bristol. 62 terms. Bobby_Ten_Ten. Preview. Case Study: Longbridge regeneration. 9 terms. esimm03. Preview ...

  9. Freiburg

    docx, 13.16 KB. This lesson introduces Freiburg, which is case study for AQA Geography for sustainability. The lesson introduces what is being done in the city and asks students to look out for links to sustainability. The word match-up is for some of the more complex words in the video so they will have a greater understanding.

  10. geography // freiburg case study Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Where is Freiburg?, How many parking spaces are there for bikes?, Integrated Transport System and more.

  11. Freiburg

    It was built within easy walking distance (300 metres) of 65% of residents. The light rail trains run every 7.5 minutes and are fully integrated with the city's 26 bus lines. 7 of 22. How has Freiburg benefitted cyclists? Cyclists are allowed to travel both ways on half of the city's 120 one-way streets.

  12. Freiburg

    About 400 solar panel in city producing 10 M kW of energy per year with excess sold. Large proportion from biomass e.g waste wood or rapeseed and from biogas from organic waste. Green Spaces. 40% of city is forested with 44% used for timber and 75% left to grow back. only native native trees and shrubs in 600 ha of parks.

  13. A Level Geography: Case Studies and Exam Tips from AP Guru

    A-Level Geography is a challenging and rewarding subject that explores the dynamic relationships between people and their environments. The curriculum often includes the study of case studies to illustrate key concepts and geographical theories. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of case studies in A-Level Geography and provide exam tips to help you excel in this subject.

  14. Geography Case Studies

    Geography Case Studies - A wide selection of geography case studies to support you with GCSE Geography revision, homework and research. ... A case study of a sparsely populated area - Himalayan Mountains; ... Freiburg. Sustainable Urban Living - East Village. Sustainable Urban Transport Bristol Case Study. Bristol - A major UK city ...

  15. AQA GCSE Geography Case Study: Sustainable City

    AQA GCSE Geography Case Study: Sustainable City - Freiburg. Background Information. Click the card to flip 👆. Population of 220,000. 155km^2 of land. Click the card to flip 👆. 1 / 6.

  16. Summary Freiburg

    Grade 9 - GSCEs 2019 Case Study Summary - Freiburg - Sustainable Urban Living - Social, Economic & Environmental Urban Planning - Sustainable Living - Water, Energy, Green Spaces - Traffic Management & Transport ... Edexcel A level Geography Book 1 Third Edition D. Holmes, K. Adams. Essential Cell Biology B. Alberts, D. Bray. IB Geography ...

  17. A* ALL (Physical and Human) A-Level Geography Case Studies

    Age range: 16+. Resource type: Other. File previews. pptx, 231.76 KB. pdf, 225.96 KB. Made for AQA A-level Geography (7037) Summarises ALL the case studies needed for the AQA A-level Exams. PDF and Powerpoint Formats. I achieved an A* in the A-Level Exams using this resource.

  18. GCSE Geography Freiburg Case Study Flashcards

    Match. Created by. sophierosegrainger. Paper 2 Section A. Paper 2 Section A Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  19. A Level Geography Past Papers & Questions by Topic

    A Level Geography. Our extensive collection of resources is the perfect tool for students aiming to ace their exams and for teachers seeking reliable resources to support their students' learning journey. Here, you'll find an array of revision notes, topic questions, fully explained model answers, past exam papers and more, meticulously ...

  20. Sustainable Urban Living in Freiburg Quiz

    Please Support Internet Geography. If you've found the resources on this site useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site. The site is self-funded and your support is really appreciated. Support Internet Geog on Ko-fi. Sustainable Urban Living in Freiburg Quiz.

  21. GCSE Geography

    Freiburg - Environmental -44,000 new trees planted -More green space leads to more wildlife and less CO2 -1 Parking space costs £20,000 -Rainwater is collected and used in homes -88% of all waste is recycled -Integrated Transport System - Reviewed every 10 years -Use Trams - cheap and accessible

  22. AQA A Level Case Studies

    On this page you will find an interactive map with some of the best case studies and examples for A-Level - with fact files, links, further thinking, analysis and much more! ... aqa a-level geography specification. a-level resources by topic. the ultimate guide to a-level geography. a-level exam question & answer bank.

  23. Geography

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What green spaces are there in Freiburg?, The provision of green spaces contributes to being what?, Th soil is protected and prevents what during heavy rainfall? and more. ... Geography Bristol Case Study. 62 terms. AGDude. Preview. UK Driver liscense theory test. 147 terms. Yalei ...