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Thesis writing guidelines.

To meet the demands brought by the changes in curriculum and academic regulations as well as the developments in science and technology, the 2010 guidelines have been revised. The revised version regulates the implementation of the final project in general so that it allows the publication of supplements by the Faculty, Postgraduate Program (PPs), or Study Program. Such supplements can be prepared and used as long as their content does not conflict with these guidelines. It is hoped that, with the help of these guidelines, the process of completion of the final project can run smoothly and students are encouraged to complete their studies on time.

The attachments below are the Guidelines published by UNY and the Supplement published by the Faculty of Language and Arts, UNY.

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    THESIS WRITING GUIDELINES. Submitted by pbiuny on Wed, 2020-11-25 13:11. To meet the demands brought by the changes in curriculum and academic regulations as well as the developments in science and technology, the 2010 guidelines have been revised. The revised version regulates the implementation of the final project in general so that it ...