
Adoption Research Topics


Given that we are scholars and researchers, most of our readers have been asking if we can compile a list of some good research topics about adoption.

We have heeded to your call, and here we are. This blog post will give in-depth details on some of the best adoption research paper topics, which you can surprisingly use when writing any adoption paper.

Adoption being a sensitive issue in contemporary society, it has elicited debates on both theoretical and policy domains. Thanks to the many adoption research studies online, you can write excellent adoption essays, research papers, dissertations, or theses without much struggle.

Any good paper begins with a well-chosen topic. If you are to write about adoption but have trouble getting topics, here is a list of adoption research papers to kick your brainstorming and research processes.

Argumentative Adoption Topics

Here are some of the argumentative adoption essay topics to consider when writing your paper.

  • Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?
  • Is interracial adoption a solution to racism?
  • Should adopting parents tell children they were adopted?
  • Should international adoption by celebrities be allowed?
  • Does abortion guarantee a good life for the child?
  • Do nurses have a role in adoption?
  • Do adopted children adopt the character and wishes of adopting parents?
  • Is adoption the answer to childlessness?
  • Can older couples adopt a child?
  • Do all adopted children end up successful?
  • Only well-off families, couples, or adoptees get the chance to adopt
  • The government does an excellent job in regulating adoption
  • Limiting LGBTQ adoption is justified
  • Must adopted children learn a second language?
  • Are adoptive parents heroes?
  • Can pregnant women give their children up for adoption?
  • Can retired nuns and fathers adopt kids?
  • Do adopted children maintain relations with their kin’s relatives?

Do you need help with writing an adoption essay or research paper?

Controversial, Informative, and Descriptive Adoption Research Topics

  • The history of adoption in the United States
  • Interstate adoption policies in the United States
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • International Adoption agencies
  • Role of the church in adoption
  • Post-Adoption Depression
  • Typologies of adoption
  • The impacts of adoption on the adoptive families, adopted children, and the birth parents
  • Benefits of finding adoption support
  • Significance of local adoption support groups
  • Family counseling before adoption
  • Transracial adoption
  • Private vs. Domestic Adoption
  • The process of adoption in a chosen state
  • The different types of adoption
  • Understanding international adoption
  • What is interracial adoption?
  • Multilingual adoption
  • Mistakes that parents make during adoption processing
  • Ways to ensure the safety and security of adopted children
  • Why some mothers give up their children for adoption at birth
  • How to bond with an adopted grandchild
  • How to save money during an adoption
  • Reasons people prefer adoption to surrogacy
  • The Employer-provided adoption benefits
  • Role of national Adoption Months
  • Role of Adoption professionals
  • The link between Cancer and Adoption
  • The connection between Traffic Accidents and Adoption
  • International and inter-country adoption
  • The difference in state and federal level adoption legislation
  • Impacts of Covid-19 on adoption
  • The minimum thresholds for adoption agencies
  • Impacts of Covid-19 on pre-placement meetings
  • Benefits of adoption to infertile couples
  • The Rome of National Infertility Association in adoption
  • Exploring the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACA)
  • Regulatory bodies and their role in the adoption process
  • Single Parent adoption vs. Couple adoption
  • Role of adoption agencies
  • Role of social workers in the adoption process
  • Role of lawmakers and courts in the adoption process
  • Kinship care and guardianship vs. adoption
  • Factors for a successful transcultural/transracial adoption
  • Adoption and Foster care
  • Role of social media in facilitating adoption
  • The social, economic, and political factors influencing adoption
  • Gay/Lesbian adoption
  • Adoption by parents with disabilities
  • Attachments, behavior, and development of adopted children

Persuasive Speech/Essay or Research Paper Topics for Adoption

  • How adoption addresses homelessness
  • Adoption versus abortion
  • Closed versus open adoption
  • Impacts of same-sex adoption on society
  • The societal perception of Gay/Lesbian Adoption
  • Challenges when, during, and after adoption
  • Change in attitude after relatives discover a child was adopted
  • Why do parents keep adoption information a secret?
  • The impacts of a child/person finally knowing they were adopted
  • Adopting through an adoption agency vs. through foster care
  • The link between adoption and child abuse
  • Adoption and human trafficking rings
  • Adoption helps reduce crime and poverty in countries
  • Federal legislation on adoption in the USA

When researching adoption topics, there are different child-specific information resources that you ought to consider. If you feel like researching a topic on adoption is a huge burden, we have writers who can help.

Related reading:

  • List of Creative informative speech topics.
  • Social issues to consider for potential topic ideas.
  • Psychology Research paper topics
  • Persuasive speech topics and ideas
  • Research paper topics.

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Understanding adoption: A developmental approach

As children grow up, they develop a positive sense of their identity, a sense of psychosocial well-being ( 1 ). They gradually develop a self-concept (how they see themselves) and self-esteem (how much they like what they see) ( 2 ). Ultimately, they learn to be comfortable with themselves. Adoption may make normal childhood issues of attachment, loss and self-image ( 2 ) even more complex. Adopted children must come to terms with and integrate both their birth and adoptive families.

Children who were adopted as infants are affected by the adoption throughout their lives. Children adopted later in life come to understand adoption during a different developmental stage. Those who have experienced trauma or neglect may remember such experiences, which further complicates their self-image ( 1 ). Transracial, crosscultural and special needs issues may also affect a child’s adoption experience ( 2 , 3 ). All adopted children grieve the loss of their biological family, their heritage and their culture to some extent ( 4 ). Adoptive parents can facilitate and assist this natural grieving process by being comfortable with using adoption language (eg, birth parents and birth family) and discussing adoption issues ( 5 ).

The present statement reviews how children gain an understanding of adoption as they grow from infancy through adolescence. Specific issues relevant to transracial adoptions are beyond the scope of this statement and will not be addressed.


During infancy and early childhood, a child attaches to and bonds with the primary care-giver. Prenatal issues, such as the length of gestation, the mother’s use of drugs or alcohol, and genetic vulnerabilities, may, ultimately, affect a child’s ability to adjust. The temperament of everyone involved also plays a role.

As a child approaches preschool age, he or she develops magical thinking, that is, the world of fantasy is used to explain that which he or she cannot comprehend. The child does not understand reproduction, and must first understand that he or she had a birth mother and was born the same way as other children ( 2 , 5 ). Even though a child as young as three years of age may repeat his or her adoption story, the child does not comprehend it ( 3 , 5 ). The child must first grasp the concept of time and space, which usually occurs at age four to five years, to see that some events occurred in the past, even though he or she does not remember them. The child must understand that places and people exist outside of his or her immediate environment.

Telling a child his or her adoption story at this early age may help parents to become comfortable with the language of adoption and the child’s birth story. Children need to know that they were adopted. Parents’ openness and degree of comfort create an environment that is conducive to a child asking questions about his or her adoption ( 3 ).


Operational thinking, causality and logical planning begin to emerge in the school-aged child. The child is trying to understand and to master the world in which he or she lives. The child is a problem solver. He or she realizes that most other children are living with at least one other biological relative ( 6 ). It is the first time that the child sees himself or herself as being different from other children. The child may struggle with the meaning of being adopted, and may experience feelings of loss and sadness ( 1 , 7 ). He or she begins to see the flip side of the adoption story and may wonder what was wrong with him or her; why did the birth mother place him or her up for adoption? The child may feel abandoned and angry ( 1 , 2 ). It is normal to see aggression, angry behaviour, withdrawal or sadness and self-image problems ( 1 , 8 ) among adopted children at this age. The child attempts to reformulate the parts of his or her story that are hard to understand and to compensate for emotions that are painful ( 2 ). As a result, daydreaming is very common among adopted children who are working through complex identity issues ( 5 , 7 ).

Control may be an issue. A child may believe that he or she has had no control over losing one family and being placed with another. The child may need to have reassurance about day to day activities or may require repeated explanations about simple changes in the family’s routine ( 5 ). Transitions may be particularly difficult. The child may have an outright fear of abandonment, difficulty falling asleep and, even, kidnapping nightmares ( 1 ).

It is helpful to explain that the birth mother made a loving choice by placing the child up for adoption, that she had a plan for his or her future. The child may need to hear this statement repeatedly. There is some similarity between the symptoms of grief and symptoms associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; care givers must be wary not to label a child with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder when, in fact, the child’s behaviour is consistent with a normal grieving process ( 9 ). A parent’s patience and understanding are crucial at this point of an adopted child’s life. Parents may be pro-active by educating school personnel about the natural grieving issues related to adoption that their child is experiencing.


The adolescent’s primary developmental task is to establish an identity while actively seeking independence and separation from family ( 2 ). The adopted adolescent needs to make sense of both sets of parents, and this may cause a sense of divided loyalties and conflict ( 7 ). In early adolescence, the loss of childhood itself is a significant issue. The adopted adolescent has already experienced loss, making the transition to adolescence even more complicated ( 1 , 7 ). This period of development may be difficult and confusing. Adolescents may experience shame and loss of self-esteem, particularly because society’s image of birth parents is often negative ( 2 ).

Adopted adolescents will want to know details about their genetic history and how they are unique. They will reflect on themselves and their adoptive family to determine similarities and differences. They will attempt to ascertain where they belong and where they came from ( 7 ). All adolescents may have a natural reticence about talking to their parents, and adopted adolescents may not share questions about their origins with their parents. They may keep their reflections to themselves. Adopted adolescents’ search for information about themselves is very normal, and parents should not see this as a threat. Instead, parents’ willingness to accept their child’s dual heritage of biology and environment will help their child to accept that reality ( 7 ).


Children’s interest in adoption varies throughout the developmental stages of childhood and adolescence. As children progress from one stage to another, they gain new cognitive abilities and psychosocial structures. They look at adoption differently and, often, have more concerns or questions. Their questions may diminish until a new cognitive and psychosocial level is reached. Parents can facilitate this developmental process by being knowledgeable and supportive, and by continuing to retell their child his or her adoption story. The grief that their child experiences is real and should not be denied or avoided. Support from knowledgeable health care providers is invaluable in helping adoptive parents and their child. Although this statement has addressed common issues that relate to a child’s perception of adoption, a psychological or psychiatric referral is indicated if the child suffers from depression, or has symptoms that affect his or her day-to-day functioning. Paediatricians and other professionals who care for children should provide anticipatory guidance by counselling parents of adopted children about relevant issues that concern their child’s understanding of his or her adoption.

Good, common sense resources are available to parents. Lois Melina’s Making Sense of Adoption: A Parent’s Guide ( 5 ) is an excellent, practical source of adoption information for parents. Joyce Maguire Pavao’s The Family of Adoption ( 7 ) looks at the entire family’s adoption experience throughout the family life cycle. Also, “Talking to children about their adoption: When to start, what to say, what to expect”, is a brief, yet informative, article for parents that was published in the Adopted Child newsletter ( 6 ).


Members: Drs Cecilia Baxter, Edmonton, Alberta; Fabian P Gorodzinsky, London, Ontario; Denis Leduc, Montréal, Québec (chair); Paul Munk, Toronto, Ontario (director responsible); Peter Noonan, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; Sandra Woods, Val-d’Or, Québec;

Consultant: Dr Linda Spigelblatt, Montréal, Québec

Liaison: Dr Joseph Telch, Unionville, Ontario (Canadian Paediatric Society, Community Paediatrics Section)

Principal author : Dr Cecilia Baxter, Edmonton, Alberta

The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.

The Most Interesting Adoption Research Topics

Writing papers is an integral part of the life of each student. However, students often don’t know what to write about, and this can cause many problems. If you decide to write a paper about adoption, but don’t know what exactly to write about, check out the following adoption research topics.

How to Choose a Topic for Your Adoption Research Paper 

  • Conduct thorough academic research to explore your niche. Do not forget to analyze the ethical side and the most popular opinions of the opponents. Adoption is an incredibly hard subject, both ethically and legally, and it would be wise to choose the most appropriate moral angle to cover it. 
  • Explore professional samples on similar topics to find ideas and inspiration, properly understand necessary structure and formatting, and explore credible sources to reinforce your primary statements. Consider contacting a research proposal writing service to order an expert sample on adoption if you can’t find any for free. 
  • Find the angle to cover your topic that combines the subject’s ethical and legal sides. Do not choose a topic that is too straightforward or confusing. Ordering research paper writing services will help you solve any challenging situation. 

Remember about the opportunity to pay for research paper if you feel like you need assistance at any stage.

Adoption argument essay topics

  • How can the recommendations of the Children and Families Act (2014) around fostering and adoption support the wellbeing of children and families?
  • Why should gay adoption be supported more?
  • What is the government’s attitude to LBGT adoptions?
  • What influences the adoption process?
  • Should foreign adoption be illegal?
  • Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
  • Should single parent adoption be legal?
  • Does the good outweigh the bad in adoption?
  • Is adoption a miracle or gamble?
  • Should international adoptions be encouraged?
  • What is adoption as a legal institute?
  • How is adoption legislation developed?
  • What is the legal relationship of adoption?
  • What are the features of the adoption of children in the presence of a foreign element?
  • What are the guarantees of protection of rights and interests of the child at adoption?
  • How to ensure the secrecy of adoption during the trial and adjudication?
  • When is an adoption canceled?
  • What are the grounds and procedures for the cancellation of adoption?
  • What are the consequences of the abolition of adoption?
  • What are the historical stages of the development of adoption legislation in the USA?
  • Should parents tell the child that he or she is adopted?
  • How to behave if a child accidentally finds out he or she is adopted?
  • How to start a conversation with a child about his or her adoption?

Persuasive speech topics on adoption

  • Adoption vs abortion.
  • Interracial adoption.
  • Adoption and foster care.
  • Adoption of children in the past and today.
  • The impact of adoption in a single parent household.
  • Biological parents and adoption.
  • US adoptions vs. other countries.
  • Homeless or adoption: our new generation of children.
  • The depressions of adoptions.
  • The benefits of same sex adoption.
  • Same sex adoption: is it right?
  • Open adoption vs. closed adoption.
  • Keeping in secret that the child was born outside the adoptive family.
  • A number of problems which arise during adoption.
  • Information that all parents who are going to adopt a child should know.
  • Motives of parents who are hiding the information about adoption from other people.
  • Attitude of relatives and friends who are aware of the adopted child.
  • The psychological state of a child who found out he or she was adopted.
  • Similarities of talking about adoption and talking about other difficult topics, such as sex, religion, etc.
  • Recommendation of experts related to adoption.

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Controversial adoption topics

  • How adoption affects children.
  • Benefits of adoption.
  • Social media sharing and the effects it has on animal shelters and adoption.
  • Compare and contrast two journal articles on the pros and cons of homosexual adoption.
  • Petition to establish paternity and adoption.
  • Adoption in Polynesian societies (before 1900): Tahiti, Tonga, and Samoa.
  • What is adoption?
  • Adoption law in California.
  • Investigation on the state of e-commerce adoption by the SMEs in Kaduna State, Nigeria, and factors that might hinder its adoption.
  • Homosexuals losing out in the adoption queue.
  • The system of transnational adoption. Need for effective regulation.
  • International versus domestic adoptions.
  • Age at which parents should tell a child he or she is adopted.
  • What answers you should give to a child’s questions about his or her adoption.
  • Motives of a biological mother who gave her child for adoption.
  • What is important to remember before adopting a child.
  • Parents’ mistakes during adoption.
  • How parents can adopt children several times.
  • How to make the adopted child feel safe at a new home.
  • How to understand that you are ready to adopt a child.

Adoption thesis statement examples

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Remember about the opportunity to buy research paper online if you have any challenges with writing a paper independently. We recommend always exploring expert samples on a similar topic to boost your chances of producing well-researched and well-structured papers, but you can also contact professionals for consulting and proofreading. It would be smart always to check your paper with an AI essay checker to eliminate any possible plagiarism accusations right from the start.

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Adoption - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting role for another and, in doing so, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents. Essays could explore the different types of adoption, the legal and social processes involved, the psychological and emotional impacts on all parties involved, and the societal attitudes towards adoption. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Adoption you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Abortion and Adoption

Abortion is not as simple as walking into a medical office and having the procedure performed. Although Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in the United States in 1973 women often have to deal with judgment from others including not only protestors but significant others and family members, choosing between abortion and adoption, emotional stress possibly from the reason they are needing an abortion, physical complications, as well as state governments trying to take away their right to have an […]

How to Encourage Mass Cryptocurrency Adoption?

While more and more businesses accept cryptocurrency every day, there are still barriers to mass adoption of decentralized digital currency. Some of the very same things that carry the technology's greatest strengths also stand as a barrier to wider adoption. However, there are things we can all do in the short term to encourage participation, and there are also things the industry must do moving forward for long-term success. We're going to take a look at both. What can we […]

Let’s Talk about my Abortion Article

Why is something that requires two people, almost always considered the woman's problem? Every answer to this question is different, more aggressive in some cases, but it narrows down to basic human rights. Now you may be asking "What the hell is she talking about?" and I can assure you, we will get to that. I'd like for you to first put yourself in a situation: You're given a puppy, yet you're allergic to dogs and absolutely do not have […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Adoption and Birth Certificate

“Adoption is the act of establishing a person as parent who is not in fact or in law his child” according to the Encyclopedia of Britannica. The first legal adoption in the United States was allowed in the year 1851 (Williams 14). In the the 1900’s society had looked down apon those who had a child out of wedlock, so closed adoption records were a way to protect the privacy of all involved but by the 1970’s people began to […]

Adoption in the United States

Adoption in the United States is not uncommon at all. But if you are looking to adopt, why limit your options to the U.S. When there's a whole world of children out there in desperate need of caretakers. If you choose to adopt you should adopt internationally. You should adopt internationally because you help a child by taking them away from a pace with possible minimal healthcare, you will get the child faster because in the U.S. there's always difficulty […]

Abortion: Post Psychological Effects

The termination of pregnancy also known as abortion, is a procedure where a pregnancy has to come to an end. It is mostly decided when a women no longer wants the baby or cannot have it for a certain reason. The individual should not feel lonely because there are millions of other women that get the same procedure. Although nobody ever talks about the aftermath of it and what a women goes through. Abortion is a heated topic in todays […]

What is Adoption?

Imagine being a child and wondering why your parents look different than you. He or she begins to ask questions like why they have brown eyes and there are blue. The child might ponder on why their brothers and sisters have certain qualities that they themselves doesn’t have. The parents might be skeptical to explain to the child why they are so different. Do you know what the real meaning of adoption is? Adoption is a process where by a […]

Even Though Adoption

All around the world there are families who want to open their home to a child in need. Some of these children have been mistreated and abused. Others were given up by their parents at birth. No matter the circumstances, however, these children deserve a loving family. Standing in the way of the children and their new family is one long processadoption. Even though there are both negative and positive factors involved in adopting, a new and better life for […]

Debunking the Stigma Aroung Children in the Foster System

Adoption is a viable option for parents who are not able to raise their children themselves. It also gives many young couples the opportunity to have and raise a child that they might not otherwise be able to have. Many adoption cases are success stories, and America’s adoption system has much to recommend it; however, America’s adoption and foster system is also rife with controversies and problems; new solutions to those problems need to be explored. The topic of this […]

Adoption Benefits for Adoptive Parents

Adoption; when hear the word adoption, what comes to mind when you hear it. Some people think adoption is a good thing; others see it as bad. The way I see adoption, I see it as giving a child a better future. To better understand what adoption truly means, this essay will help paint a clearer picture and create a different viewpoint on how you see adoption. Adoption is defined as the action or fact of legally taking another's child […]

The Effects of Transracial Adoption

The controversy surrounding transracial adoption certainly suggests that as a society, Americans are deeply ambivalent about racial distinctions in the family household. Specifically, transracial adoption has been defined as “the joining of racially different parents with children together in adoptive families” (Smith, Juarez, & Jacobson, 2011). This issue continues to cause much debate between those who view transracial adoption as a positive experience for both the children and society as a whole and the opponents who believe that the process […]

To Choose or not to Choose

Abortion can be a very disputed topic among many different groups of people. However the question comes down to , should all women be allowed to choose or should all abortions no matter the circumstances be considered murder? No matter what, it is believed that the baby should always have a fair opportunity at a life of their own however certain circumstances come down to abortion being the best option not only for the mother but the baby as well. […]

Functionalism Theory in Adoption and Types of Adoption

Sociological imagination is the nature of mind that enables one to comprehend "history and life story and the relations between the two-inside society". It enables one to change starting with one point of view then onto the next considering an exhaustive perspective on the "socio-social framework". Adoption is the social, enthusiastic, and legitimate procedure in which youngsters who won't be raised by their introduction to the world guardians turn out to be full and perpetual lawful individuals from another family while […]

The Dark Side of Adoption: Mental Health in Adoptees

To an outsider, the idea of adoption may seem as a very fruitful endeavor – the birth family gets spared of the financial and time-consuming burden that can come with having another child while the said adoptee gets placed into a more stable environment, with a family who can provide for them in ways the birth family cannot. While on paper this ideology might ring with a perfect tune, to those who have lived as adoptees know the tone to […]

Guatemala: International Adoption and Child Protection Policies

The selection of the country in the Global South that will be the focus of this research paper is Guatemala. Guatemala is a country that has been independent since 1821 (Dolor, L, 2008). Over the past few centuries, this country has endured many hardships. In 2008, A major policy was implemented throughout the country that impacted many. This Policy is on Guatemala’s International Adoptions and the laws of child protection throughout the country (Dolor, L, 2008). The implementation of this […]

The Precaution Adoption Process Model

If someone was faced with a health problem, how prepared would they be to resolve it? Would they have the knowledge to act in times of a crisis? The Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) was developed to explain how a person makes decisions to take action and how he or she relates that decision into action (Sandman, Weinstein, & Blalock, 2001); it can be utilized to help people take part in health protective behaviors and move through its seven stages: […]

Pecularities of Foster Care System

Foster Care is a system in which a minor is being put into a group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent" or with a family member approved by the state. Instead of being safely returned with their families or moved quickly into adoptive homes many will be forced to remain or bounce around different foster homes or institutions for years. Frequent moves in and out of the homes of strangers can be […]

International Adoptions

Adoption from foreign countries, also known as international adoption, is continually growing in drastic demand. The process is one that is expensive, time-consuming, and complicated, but the final product is worth the while because the child is taken in by a family who will care for them. The process is most commonly regarded as being worth the resources and effort for both family and child. The other side believes that international adoptions open the door for the endangerment of the […]

Thinking about the Importance of Adoption

“Adoption Statistics” page found on the adoption network center website stated, “Around 140,000 children are adopted by American families each year”. Adoption is becoming more widely accepted as a mode of creating a family, or bring a child in to someone’s life as seen by the statistic above there are numerous children who get to experience this life changing, and life bettering event every year. Adoption is more than just giving a child in need a home. Adopting a child […]

LGBT Adoption Rights

The LGBT community in America has come a long way in recent years. In June of 2015, President Barack Obama announced to the public that The United States Supreme Court struck down all state laws banning same-sex marriage. A similar law was passed that prohibited businesses from discriminating against potential or current employees due to their sexual or romantic orientation. It was a huge step forward for the LGBT community. More americans were able to express their true selves, without […]

About Adoption and Foster Care

Growing up in an orphanage can be extremely detrimental to a child’s well-being. Studies show that children adopted from overseas orphanages revealed developmental delays in 50 to 90 percent at initial evaluation with a significant proportion in multiple areas such as language and motor skills. The longer the individuals spend in an orphanage the greater degree of delay. One study shows that 55 percent of children upon first evaluation exhibited abnormal behaviors, this number dropped to 36 percent just one-year […]

How has History Changed to Make LGBTQ more Accepted

How has history changed to make people with in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender community (LGBT) more accepted. In the past few years people with in the LGNT community have been more accepted than they have ever been. Most people with in the community still must fight for equal rights, but they also have been able to have more equal rights than ever before. People with in the LGBT community have overcome so much. They have overcome bulling, harassment, and […]

Intercountry Adoption (Ica), Adoption of a Child of Another Country

Introduction Natural disasters, war, and many other factors contribute to the number of children left without a family or home. Intercountry adoption (ICA), adoption of a child of another country, began gaining attention during Colonial Times all the way up to WWII as Americans took in homeless children after the war (Brumble and Kampfe 2011). Transracial adoption (TRA) rose after Americans began adopting Korean children after the Korean War ended in 1953 (Brumble and Kampfe 2011). Transracial adoption is the […]

Interracial Adoptions

Interracial adoptions have been all the rage for a while with celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron that have publically shown their affinity for adopting outside their race. Adoption is not as simple as many people perceive it as. Interracial adoption is a whole other side of it, although thoughtful and with well intentions, it can breed its own issues. Adopting a child outside of one’s race will leave a cultural barrier between the parent(s) and child (American Adoptions, […]

Foster Children and Adoption

Introduction A review of the literature reveals academic achievement success and failure rates within the foster care population have been studied; as have social behaviors in this particular population. In addition, literature review also reveals a narrow or short research history on the idea of sports impacting foster children’s return to normalcy. This literature review will provide a brief history of youth in foster care, highlight recent milestones in research, briefly summarize research of this population, and point to sports […]

Topic: Child Fostering/Adoption

Purpose: To persuade and inspire people into planning to adopt and/or foster a child as the shortage of foster homes/ parents continue to grow and children placed on care is increasing. Thesis: All children deserve to grow up with love and the right to build a relationship of a family with stability and not be living from house to house within a foster care system. Would you agree that we all have certain phrases that we cannot anxiously wait to hear […]

The Partisanship of Persuasion

Nelson Mandela once stated that, “History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children”(Nepaul). In the U.S., an estimated 107,918 children in foster care are available for adoption and 2 million LGBT are interested in adopting; however, discrimination- driven people are attempting to prohibit this process (“LGBT Adoption Statistics”). Although some people believe that gay-adoption should be prohibited, same-sex couples should have the right to adoption without narrow-minded biases getting in the way. In […]

Adoption is at the Core Center of Islam Essay

Introduction The word ‘orphan’ is mentioned 23 times in the Quran, in 12 different surahs in 12 distinct ways. The most famous orphan known in the Islamic culture, is the prophet himself, peace be upon him. His father died before his birth and he lost both his mother and his grandfather by the time he was only eight years old. Leaving his uncle, Abu Talib, to take care of him, protect him and raised him until his own death. As […]

Adoption in America

Adoption, the legal action of taking another person’s child and bringing them up as one's own. Commonly adoption has touched a lot of individuals lives, including myself and my families. According to adoption network website, 135,000 children are adopted in the United States each year. Each child that is adopted goes through a lengthy legal process whether they are being adopted out of foster care, directly from the birth parents, or through their legal guardian. The process of adoption is […]

Assignment 2: the Effects of Transracial Adoption

One of the things that I am most passionate about in this world is adoption; I have felt called to adopt from the time I was a little girl in elementary school, have visited orphanages, and have had many friends who have adopted or are in the process of adopting. I feel as strongly about race and racial equity, which stems from my work as a high school teacher in a diverse school. When merging both of those subjects, a […]

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/thesis-statement/

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Family — Adoption

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Essays on Adoption

What makes a good adoption essay topics.

When it comes to writing an adoption essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good adoption essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should inspire the reader to think critically about the issues surrounding adoption and showcase the writer's unique perspective.

To brainstorm and choose an essay topic, start by considering your personal experiences and interests. Reflect on your own views on adoption, and think about any relevant experiences or stories that you can draw from. Consider the different aspects of adoption that interest you, such as the emotional impact on children, the legal aspects of adoption, or the challenges faced by birth parents.

When choosing an adoption essay topic, it's important to consider the audience and the purpose of the essay. Think about what you want to communicate to the reader and what message you want to convey. A good adoption essay topic should be relevant and timely, addressing current issues and debates in the field of adoption.

Overall, a good essay topic is one that is thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should inspire the reader to think critically about the issues surrounding adoption and showcase the writer's unique perspective.

Best Adoption Essay Topics

  • Open vs. Closed Adoption: Understanding the Differences
  • The Impact of Adoption on Birth Parents
  • The Emotional Journey of Adopted Children
  • Transracial Adoption: Navigating Identity and Culture
  • The Legal and Ethical Issues in International Adoption
  • The Role of Foster Care in the Adoption Process
  • LGBTQ+ Adoption: Overcoming Barriers and Challenges
  • Adoption and Mental Health: Understanding the Psychological Effects
  • The Stigma of Adoption: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Myths
  • The Role of Social Media in Adoption: The Pros and Cons
  • The Economics of Adoption: Exploring the Costs and Financial Implications
  • Single Parent Adoption: Challenging the Traditional Family Structure
  • The Adoption Process: Navigating the Paperwork and Legalities
  • The Impact of Adoption on Sibling Relationships
  • The Role of Support Groups in the Adoption Community
  • The Future of Adoption: Trends and Innovations
  • The Intersection of Adoption and Education: Navigating School Systems
  • Birth Parents' Rights: Exploring Advocacy and Legal Protections
  • The Impact of Adoption on Mental Health Professionals: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Technology in the Adoption Process: The Digital Age of Adoption

Adoption essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine you are a social worker tasked with matching a child with their forever family. Describe the process you would use and the factors you would consider.
  • Write a personal essay about your experience with adoption, whether as an adopted child, birth parent, or adoptive parent. Reflect on the emotional journey and the impact it has had on your life.
  • Research and analyze the impact of transracial adoption on a child's sense of identity and belonging. Discuss the challenges and benefits of transracial adoption from the perspective of both the child and the adoptive family.
  • Explore the ethical and legal implications of international adoption. Discuss the challenges of navigating different legal systems and cultural norms when adopting a child from another country.
  • Imagine a world where adoption is the norm and biological parenthood is the exception. Write a speculative essay exploring the social, cultural, and emotional implications of such a society.

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Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person's biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parents to the adoptive parents.

Contemporary adoption practices can be open or closed. Open adoption allows identifying information to be communicated between adoptive and biological parents and, perhaps, interaction between kin and the adopted person. The practice of closed adoption seals all identifying information, maintaining it as secret and preventing disclosure of the adoptive parents', biological kin's, and adoptees' identities.

Infertility, health concerns relating to pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to cement a new family following divorce or death of one parent, compassion motivated by religious or philosophical conviction, to avoid contributing to overpopulation out of the belief that it is more responsible to care for otherwise parent-less children than to reproduce, or to ensure that inheritable diseases are not passed on.

There are 135,000 children adopted annually within the United States. As of now, there are more than 107,000 children eligible and waiting for adoption in foster care. There are more adoption agencies in the U.S. than any other country, and Americans adopt the most children globally. A full 40% of all adopted children are a separate race or ethnicity than their adoptive family.

Relevant topics

  • Marriage and Family
  • Parenting Styles
  • Family Values
  • Foster Care

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thesis for adoption research paper

Thesis for adoption research paper

thesis for adoption research paper

Adoptee information seeking: Changes between adolescence and emerging adulthood and the impact of adoption communicative technical cv writing service. Keywords Sharing economy UTAUT critical success factors barriers extent of use job performance business performance grounded theory policies and regulations Thesis for adoption research paper developing countries Indonesia. The controversy surrounding transracial adoption certainly suggests that as a society, Thesis for adoption research paper are deeply ambivalent about racial distinctions in the family household. They are my posse don t do homework by louanne johnson older and now they are able to do things such as, staying out long past their normal curfew, being free from the rules that their parents have given them […]. This movement presented aberrance form already established gender roles which were immediately persecuted with trials, warnings, and exile. The way I see adoption, I see it as giving a child a better future. There are many other arguments that I think of, before I even begin to question that status of the fetus. Essay examples. The termination of pregnancy also known as abortion, is a procedure where a pregnancy has to come to an end. Nineteen years old pregnant. AMBER is an acronym for the name, Collaborative Innovations Sri Lankan Small Companies Introduction Most countries depend on innovation as a method for social and economic growth. I still remember that spring day, sunny outside but not yet summer; warm outside but, the wind was still there and the trees did not have their leaves on anymore.

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HIST 300: Guide for History Thesis Writers

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This guide was created by Carollynn Costella, Vassar's History and Multidisciplinary Librarian 2006-2024. Carollynn passed away in July 2024 and is greatly missed by the Vassar community. Her colleagues in the Academic Engagement department hope to build on her excellent work in order to support this year's History majors. 

Refine your topic

In consultation with your faculty thesis advisor, you will articulate a broad beginning of a thesis topic. Through your initial research in preparation for submitting your thesis proposal and preliminary bibliography, you will begin to focus your thesis topic to an appropriate scope.

Consider the following questions:

What did you discuss with your advisor about the feasibility of your topic?

Did your advisor suggest any sources that could be essential?

What other sources did they suggest you look into?

What would your “dream” sources be? (e.g., I hope ____’s papers are published. I wonder if there was a trial about _____. I'd like to read newspaper coverage of ___ event from _____ perspective.)

What sources may be easiest or hardest to attain? What sources will be easier or harder to read and work with and how? What opportunities and risks could a digital version of a particular source present? Where are there gaps or silences in the archives related to your topic, and how might you address these? 

Where would you locate your topic in the bigger picture? One way to approach that is in terms of its position within social, economic, or political conditions.

What scholarly conversations are relevant to your topic? Identify the scholars, ideas, and debates that are essential to your topic. How does your thesis fit into these conversations? 

Identify key secondary sources

Secondary sources help to situate your thesis in the framework of larger scholarly conversations. Identify scholars whose work you will engage with early on in your research process.

As you search through library catalogs and databases, take note (literally, make lists) of the keywords and terms that you find useful, as well as the Library of Congress Subject Headings associated with your topic. The subject headings will be the same in other library catalogs and databases, and that language provides crucial keyword searching terms.

When you are searching in library catalogs for book length studies about your topic, remember to search broader than your topic as well as in narrower related sub-topics. Many book-length secondary sources will not require reading in entirety. Use tables of contents and indexes effectively to identify crucial chapters and passages. 

Peruse the bibliographies and footnotes in your secondary sources; this will help you find additional relevant secondary sources and may direct you to primary sources in archives, published sourcebooks, databases of primary source collections, and elsewhere. Also take note of dates/events, organization names, personal names, names of particular policies, laws or initiatives etc.; all of these are potential keywords for finding primary sources.

  • Library Search (Vassar's catalog)
  • WorldCat WorldCat is the union catalog for all the libraries that participate in Interlibrary Loan.
  • Historical Abstracts Index to scholarship about world history after 1450 excluding U.S. and Canada
  • America: History and Life Index to scholarship on U.S. and Canadian history
  • Databases at Vassar Browse Vassar's databases in other disciplines to find scholarly indexes (e.g., Index Islamicus, ABSEES, HAPI, ITER) that are likely to include citations relevant to your thesis.

Confirm your primary source base

Before you begin searching for primary sources, ask yourself: What types of sources are most likely to contribute perspective on my topic?

Some examples of primary sources include: newspapers and magazines, personal narrative sources like memoirs and letters, government documents, the papers of organizations, and scholarly journals of the historical period. You will search for different types of sources using different techniques.

Use the Advanced Search screen in Library Search to:

  • place limits on your search by location, language, or material type.  
  • do subject searches. A subject search will look for keywords ONLY in the subject fields of catalog records. Knowing the vocabulary used in the subject searches will help you do effective searches of library collections. For example, Library of Congress Subject Headings use the following keywords to indicate primary sources: sources, letters, interviews, speeches, personal narratives, diaries, correspondence, sermons, notebooks, sketches, description and travel, treaties, pamphlets, biography (includes memoirs), newspapers, periodicals, pictorial works, art, architecture, portraits, caricatures and cartoons, cookery, decorative arts, furniture, material culture, guide books, maps, fiction, poetry, periodicals, newspapers, bibliography, early works to 1800.   It's not a perfect system, but an effective technique. Example search: (united states women) AND (sources or correspon dence)
  • find reference sources like encyclopedias and historical dictionaries. Never underestimate how helpful these sources are in establishing historical context, suggesting keywords, identifying related people/events/places for your topic and providing bibliographies of important primary or secondary sources.
  • identify digital collections of primary sources. Some of the digital primary sources that appear in our catalog are from unique databases that are more effectively searched in their native interface. If you find digital sources in our catalog that you are interested in finding more of, ask a librarian .
  • WorldCat WorldCat is the union catalog for all the libraries that participate in InterLibrary Loan. Use Library of Congress Subject Headings to search for material. If an item is not available through ILL, use the "Libraries worldwide that own item" link to determine if you can travel there to look at the source in person. ALWAYS CALL AHEAD and speak to a librarian to confirm you will be allowed access to the library and to the sources you want to see.
  • Center for Research Libraries Center for Research Libraries is an actual library in Chicago that Vassar Library pays membership dues to so our campus can access items in CRL's collection through ILL. EVERYTHING in CRL's catalog is available through ILL. Indicate the OCLC # on an ILL form in addition to all the other citation information when you make a request.
  • Databases at Vassar Electronic databases of primary sources require some specialized techniques for thesis level research. Browse in various "Content Type" categories of Vassar's databases page and consult with a librarian about the most effective way to navigate the databases you are interested in.
  • New York Public Library The NYPL system includes specialized Research Libraries (Stephen A. Schwarzman Building and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture) that have invaluable resources available and are only a train ride away.
  • HathiTrust HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

Meet with librarians and thesis advisors

Some tips for effective meetings with librarians and thesis advisors:

  • Bring a working bibliography with you. Even if you're not sure about many of the sources on there, it will give us an idea of what work you are doing and what direction you are going in.
  • If you're looking for a particular source you found cited somewhere else, show your librarian the original source you found the citation in.
  • It helps to have an idea about the types of sources you are interested in finding. Is it a personal narrative, a foreign newspaper, a magazine written from a particular political perspective? Do you have secondary sources addressing the relevant "layers" for your thesis questions? Do you need sources that contextualize your topic, provide historical background, or help you understand the historiography of your topic? 
  • Next: More on finding sources >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 10, 2024 11:50 AM
  • URL: https://library.vassar.edu/hist300

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  1. Adoption Research

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  2. Adoption Thesis Statement Articles as well as Research Papers

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  3. International Adoption

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  5. (PDF) Adoption in the United States: A Critical Synthesis of Literature

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  3. Barrier Adoption Video Journal (part 2)

  4. Out of Place: Memphis author shares how Korean adoptees went from adoptable to deportable immigrants

  5. Surprised with adoption papers

  6. University of Sussex research in adoption and adoption practice


  1. (PDF) The Effects of Adoption on Foster Children's Well-Being: A

    A number of conclusions can be drawn from this critique of the empirical research on. the effects of adoption on the physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and psychological well-. being of foster ...


    In this integrative review research pertaining to the physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and psychological effects of adoption on foster children was examined. A systematic review of the literature yielded 19 empirical studies for inclusion. Children adopted from foster care differed from peers adopted privately and internationally; they were ...

  3. (PDF) Review: Adoption research: Trends, topics, outcomes

    The current article provides a review of adoption research since its inception as a field of study. Three historical trends in adoption research are identified: the first focusing on risk in ...

  4. Theses and Dissertations on Adoption

    Unpublished masters thesis, University of Texas at Austin. Fravel, D.L. (1995). Boundary ambiguity perceptions of adoptive parents experiencing various levels of openness in adoption. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota. Ross, N. M. (1995).

  5. Understanding the Concept of Adoption: A Qualitative Analysis with

    The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of children's and adults' experiences with adoption. This qualitative study used individual interviews to examine 25 participants ...

  6. PDF The Future of Adoption: Concluding Thoughts about Research, Practice

    RUDD ADOPTION RESEARCH PROGRAM at UMASS AMHERST • THE FUTURE OF ADOPTION: CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS 1 This series of papers on the future of adoption ... Future of Adoption papers by Grotevant (2019), Neil (2019), Mallon (2019), and Farr (2019) for further discussion), adoption is now viewed as a

  7. PDF "It'S a Hard-knock Life": the Dark Side of Adoption and Child Welfare

    thesis. What I discovered through my research was that the history of child welfare is messy, and at times, overwhelmingly disappointing. My research has exposed the ways in which the adoption system, though important and necessary, is lacking, and unfortunately in many ways fails those it was established to support. Literature Review

  8. Understanding the concept of adoption: a qualitative analysis with

    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of children's and adults' experiences with adoption. This qualitative study used individual interviews to examine 25 participants---8 adoptive mothers and fathers, and their 5- to 14-year-old sons (n=5) and daughters ( n=4) adopted before 18 months.

  9. PDF Adult Adoptees' Perspectives on Adoption

    ADULT ADOPTEES' PERSPECTIVES ON ADOPTION . CHERITH LANGENHOVEN . Thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Psychology) at the University of Stellenbosch ... when a review of the South African literature indicated that most of the adoption research had been conducted with non-adoptees or adopted ...

  10. Review: Adoption research: Trends, topics, outcomes

    The current article provides a review of adoption research since its inception as a field of study. Three historical trends in adoption research are identified: the first focusing on risk in adoption and identifying adoptee—nonadoptee differences in adjustment; the second examining the capacity of adopted children to recover from early adversity; and the third focusing on biological ...

  11. A Systematic Review of Transracial Adoption Literature a Thesis

    This systematic review of ten transracial adoption studies, published 2000 or later. and in the United States, was conducted to investigate the effects of communication. s' cultural or ethnic identity, adju. tment, racial awareness,and racial and. communicate with their transracially adopted children about racial issues will influence.

  12. Review: Adoption, fostering, and the needs of looked-after and adopted

    Although it may not be possible to recover completely from early stressful experiences, the research in this area suggests that adoption, especially early in life, maximizes the chances for a positive life course trajectory. ... Master's thesis. 2006. The myth of the unknown child: Creating a new face for adoption in America. Available from ...

  13. The effectiveness of psychological interventions with adoptive parents

    Further research is required to provide conclusive recommendations regarding the effectiveness of interventions with adoptive parents on the outcomes of adopted children. ... teleintervention for adoptive families (Master's thesis). Colorado State University, Ann Arbor, MI. ... Adoption research: Trends, topics, outcomes. Show details Hide ...

  14. 80 Plus Creative Adoption Research Topics

    Thanks to the many adoption research studies online, you can write excellent adoption essays, research papers, dissertations, or theses without much struggle. Any good paper begins with a well-chosen topic. If you are to write about adoption but have trouble getting topics, here is a list of adoption research papers to kick your brainstorming ...

  15. Understanding adoption: A developmental approach

    As children grow up, they develop a positive sense of their identity, a sense of psychosocial well-being (1). They gradually develop a self-concept (how they see themselves) and self-esteem (how much they like what they see) (2). Ultimately, they learn to be comfortable with themselves. Adoption may make normal childhood issues of attachment ...

  16. Take a Look at These Adoption Research Topics

    Persuasive speech topics on adoption. Adoption vs abortion. Interracial adoption. Adoption and foster care. Adoption of children in the past and today. The impact of adoption in a single parent household. Biological parents and adoption. US adoptions vs. other countries. Homeless or adoption: our new generation of children.

  17. PDF Three Models of Technology Adoption: A Literature Review in Brief

    tion conducted by Lee and Coughlin (2015), and Lee et al. (2018). Drawing from these papers, we will focus on three models o. lished in 1989, 2003, and 2015.Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Fred Davis (1989) is an early framework for describing technology adoption, with a specific focus o.

  18. A review of technology acceptance and adoption models and theories

    In this paper adoption theories and models are presented to give an overview for better understanding of these models and theories. ... cognitive theory (SCT). Government Information Quarterly. 32(2) (2015) 172-181. [32] I. Sila, The state of empirical research on the adoption and diffusion of business-to-business e-commerce. International ...

  19. Adoption Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    147 essay samples found. Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting role for another and, in doing so, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents. Essays could explore the different types of adoption, the legal and social processes involved, the psychological and emotional impacts ...

  20. Identifying Adoptee Research: Adoption Thesis Compilation

    Abstract. This presentation outlines the strategies and challenges of identifying adoptee research through the case study of compiling an adoption-related dissertation database. Adoption research ...

  21. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  22. Adoption Essays

    Consider the different aspects of adoption that interest you, such as the emotional impact on children, the legal aspects of adoption, or the challenges faced by birth parents. When choosing an adoption essay topic, it's important to consider the audience and the purpose of the essay.

  23. Thesis for adoption research paper

    Thesis for adoption research paper. Adoptee information seeking: Changes between adolescence and emerging adulthood and the impact of adoption communicative technical cv writing service. Keywords Sharing economy UTAUT critical success factors barriers extent of use job performance business performance grounded theory policies and regulations Thesis for adoption research paper developing ...

  24. Starting your thesis project

    Before you begin searching for primary sources, ask yourself: What types of sources are most likely to contribute perspective on my topic? Some examples of primary sources include: newspapers and magazines, personal narrative sources like memoirs and letters, government documents, the papers of organizations, and scholarly journals of the historical period.

  25. Consumer perceptions and readiness to adopt "tap & go" card payments in

    The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the eight underlying constructs namely: optimism, innovativeness, convenience, discomfort, insecurity, resistance to change, lack of awareness and perceived risk, affects or impact on consumers' perception, experiences, and readiness to adopt and use tap & go card payments.

  26. Research

    Since 2001, the Mack Institute has provided over $4.5 million in funding toward more than 600 projects that advance our four research priorities. The result is a cross-industry body of research covering paradigm-shifting technologies and innovation strategy. We invite you to browse our archive of research below.

  27. Craft the Perfect Title for Your Thesis Paper, With 10 Examples

    The thesis paper is a culmination of the student's work during their program. It is a research paper that discusses the individual's research, usually in greater depth and detail than a standard research paper. A thesis title is not the same as a thesis statement. While they share similarities—both are a synopsis of your research paper ...

  28. (PDF) Identification and Prioritization Barriers of Industry 4.0

    I4.0 adoption is complex and dynamic (Kamble et al., 2018), empirical research on I4.0 adoption barriers in different countries may elicit effective mitigation strategies to smooth the adoption ...

  29. Can I write a paper on my PhD research topic before submiting the

    The aim of this research is to analyze the grammatical errors in writing a thesis proposal. The researcher conducted study because a lot of errors in writing a thesis proposal still made by a student.