The Speech “How to Live Before You Die” by Steve Jobs Essay

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Summary of the speech.

Listening to the speech by Steve Jobs is fascinating. Specifically, Stanford University speech is very motivational to anyone who aspired to build a successful career. The strengths that Steve Jobs talks about are the attitude of not settling for less and doing things that make an ina dividual happy.

This speech is heavily based on encouragement to the 2005 class of Stanford University. Steve Jobs encourages this group to always pursue their dreams. He classifies the setbacks in life as a bridge of opportunity for improvement. Steve then proceeds to narrate past three bad experiences that he used as a stepping stone to success.

Steve is assertive and use commanding language across the speech. He has full control of the direction of the speech and strong mastery of the subject. The first story narrated by Steve is on what he calls connecting the dots. He reflects on how his mother intended to adopt him. Unfortunately, at birth, the family that was to adopt him changed their mind. However, another family adopted him and he joined Reed College at the age of 17.

Despite the fact that his line of action to drop out of collage was risky at the time, he has learnt to follow instinct by only studying the courses he liked. Consequently, his success was based on personal initiative and not largely influenced by perceptions and views of people surrounding him.

The second story narrated by Steve is loss and love. Steve reflects on his humble beginning of a career alongside Mr. Woz. After years of hard work, the two developed the brand Apple from the family garage office into a multibillion company.

Despite this success, Steve found himself jobless after being fired by the Board of Directors over ideological differences. Steve then started the Next Company. Interestingly, through acquisition, Steve found himself back in Apple after it bought his company.

The last story narrated by Steve is on the sensitive topic of death. Steve reflected on his ordeal with cancer of the pancreas. Unfortunately, in the words of his doctor, this type of cancer is incurable. Upon going for biopsy, the results indicated that his cancer was curable through surgery.

Fortunately, Steve was able to go for the surgery and he was able to perform the roles he could not do before the surgery. He concluded that death is a transitional part of life that replaces the old with the new. Therefore, Steve opines that we should not let the fear of death determine our lives.

Steve’s personality is modest. In fulfilling his role as the speaker, Steve reminds the audience of the need for determination and personal initiative when handling dreams. As a matter of fact, the title of the speech reaffirms this personality. Interestingly, the aspect of multiple personae plays out across the speech. From the beginning through to the end, Steve is a socialite who uses polite words to trivialize sensitive issues in an appealing way to the audience.

Conclusively, Steve’s speech indicates dominance, as the language used, is commanding, emotion-free, and assertive. Despite the emotive aspects in the speech, the author is plain and prefers a formal approach in discussing them to the audience. Steve Jobs’ story is very fascinating and encouraging to young people who want to have successful careers.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 17). The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs.

"The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs." IvyPanda , 17 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs'. 17 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs." March 17, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs." March 17, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs." March 17, 2020.

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How To Live Before YOu Die

By steve jobs.

Jobs begins his speech by stating that he will split it into three distinct stories. The first, about his early life, begins with him recalling how his mother was an unwed college graduate who only wanted college graduates to adopt her son. However, Jobs was adopted by a couple who were not college graduates, but promised his mother that Jobs would attend college himself. 

After eighteen months at college, Jobs dropped out, but continued to sporadically attend classes that interested him, such as calligraphy, which although seemed like a waste of time at first, would later prove to be important as he used the skills he learned to design the fonts available on the first Macintosh computer. 

The second story is about how Jobs was fired from his own company at the height of its success. Though devastated by this, he ensured that he would spend his new time productively, and founded two new companies, NeXT and Pixar, which were both eventually bought by Apple. It was during this time that he started his own family, and learned that failure can actually be a rejuvenating experience. 

The last story is of his cancer diagnosis, and how it reminded him of how life is fleeting, and instilled within him a sense of urgency to pursue his own passions. 

Jobs ends his speech by encouraging his audience to “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Themes and techniques

Jobs’ text examines the importance of taking risks in life, and finding the courage within yourself to pursue what you are truly passionate about. This awareness is conveyed through his self-reflection, “It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Nonetheless, he acknowledges the hardship that comes with taking risks such as the ones he did – “It wasn’t all romantic.”

He also counsels his audience to recognise that there is a lesson to be learned in every experience, even if it may not be obvious at first: “And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.” It is within the final line, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” That Jobs encapsulates the central purpose of his text, as he encourages his audience to make the most of the opportunities they will encounter in their lives, but also to seek opportunities where at first it seems as though there might not be any. 


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Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You Die 2005 Speech (Full Transcript)

  • February 16, 2019 7:58 am August 16, 2023 2:14 am
  • by Pangambam S
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summary of the essay how to live before you die

Here is the audio, transcript, and summary of the then Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs’ inspiring speech “How to Live Before You Die” at Stanford University 2005 commencement address.

Listen to the MP3 audio of this speech :


I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.

Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit.

So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife.

Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.

So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We’ve got an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?”

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Class 11 English – How to Live Before You Die Summary

Dinesh Shrestha

  • August 4, 2022
  • Class 11 English Notes

summary of the essay how to live before you die

Here is the Class 11 English – How to Live Before You Die Summary and Exercise. All of the questions have clear, concise, and easy-to-understand answers.

“How to Live Before You Die” is a transcripted essay from the speech of Steve Jobs .

Summary How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs

This essay, “How to Live Before You Die” is a motivational speech which has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, Steve Jobs on 12 th June 2005. This speech encourages not only the students of Stanford University but also the many people around the world. Here, in this speech, Steve Jobs relates three different stories based on his life which played a very vital role in shaping the experiences and journey of a successful career.

First story: Connecting the dots

The first part of Steve Jobs’ speech is about connecting the dots. Here, in this first story, he has narrated about his birth, adoption scene, and later struggle when he was young, he feels to make meaning of his life. He felt different experiences but started to make sense in the end. So, connecting dots is related to connecting life experiences to get the meaning of it. According to him, his biological mother was an unwed college graduate student who decided to put him for adoption before his birth so later he was adopted by the parents who were under graduated but persuaded his biological mother to sent him to college someday.

Steve joined an expensive college named Reed College at the age of 17 but later he dropped out in Reed College because he was not interested in the normal class. He was fascinated by beautiful posters and wanted to join Calligraphy instructions. So, he decided to join Calligraphy instruction in Reed College but after 10 years he used his knowledge of calligraphy as his skill when he was designing his first Macintosh computer. He designed the first computer with beautiful typography and later on his hardship turned out to be priceless. By looking back, he got the idea that how different dots kept on connecting themselves and support him to reach his real destination. His decision of dropping college, starting his course of interest, his experiences, hardship, trust in Karma, etc. moved along with his steps like different dots and made him successful.

Second Story: Love and Loss

The second story is about love and loss. Here, in this part, he has narrated his story related to the love and passion for his work and the loss of his company. As being successful at his early age, he and his friend Woz started the Apple Company in his parent’s garage. They worked hard and in 10 years period, the small company turned into 2 billion dollars company with 4000 employees. Later, he was fired from his own company so he started NeXT Company and after NeXT, he started Pixar Company which used to create computers with animated features kept. Later on, Apple Company bought NeXT company. He returned to Apple Company and mixed both technologies with his new visions. These incidences helped him to see life from a different perspective and able to dominate the IT market with his new vision so he wants to relate the message not to lose faith, love your work and keep looking for the work that satisfies you.

Third story: Death

The last or third story is about death. Here, in this story, he has narrated his death. He shares his experiences with cancer. He suffers from pancreatic cancer but never lost his hope. He became able to remove his cancer surgically. He says that we should enjoy every day as our last day. He says our time is limited so we shouldn’t waste it. We should utilize it before we die. Similarly, we mustn’t follow the crowd but instead, we should follow our heart. He also requests all to keep moving and exploring our potential.

Actual Speech of Steve Jobs

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How to Live Before You Die

In his speech, Steve Jobs shares three stories from his own life and reflects on the importance of following one's passions, taking risks, and not settling for less than what one wants in life. He discusses his own experiences dropping out of college and being fired from Apple, and how these experiences ultimately led to success. He also emphasizes the value of trusting in one's instincts and being open to new experiences, even if they seem unrelated to one's goals at the time. Throughout the speech, Steve Jobs encourages the audience to pursue their passions and to take control of their own lives, rather than living someone else's. He concludes by sharing his motto "Stay hungry; stay foolish," which encourages a mindset of curiosity, ambition, and a willingness to take risks.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. What is the story about Steve Jobs’ birth?

Steve Jobs' biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student who decided to put him up for adoption. She wanted him to be adopted by college graduates, but when he was born, the couple who had planned to adopt him decided they wanted a girl instead. Steve's parents, who were on a waiting list, were offered the opportunity to adopt Steve and agreed to do so.

b. What does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?

When Steve Jobs says "you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards," he means that it is difficult to understand the significance or importance of events or experiences as they are happening, but that looking back on them, it is possible to see how they fit into a larger narrative or trajectory.

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?

When Steve Jobs turned 30, he was fired from Apple, the company he co-founded.

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

I agree with Steve Jobs that it is important to love what you do in order to be great at it. When we are passionate about something, we are more likely to put in the time and effort needed to excel and to be motivated to continue learning and improving. Additionally, loving what we do can make the experience of doing it more enjoyable and fulfilling.

e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

It is subjective whether death is really life's greatest invention. Some may argue that death serves an important purpose in the cycle of life and allows for new generations to take the place of the old. Others may see death as a tragic and unfortunate aspect of life.

Reference to the context

a. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:“We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.”

i. Who was the baby boy? The baby boy was Steve Jobs.

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean? "Do you want him?" means "do you want to adopt him?"

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to? 'They' refers to Steve Jobs' parents, who were on a waiting list to adopt a child.

b. Explain the following lines:

i. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

"You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever." This means that it is important to believe in something and to follow your instincts or inner guidance. This can help you make decisions and navigate life with confidence and purpose.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." This means that you should not spend your time trying to live up to other people's expectations or following someone else's path. Instead, you should focus on your own goals and dreams and make the most of the time you have. It is important to be true to yourself and to live your own life rather than trying to fit into someone else's idea of what your life should be.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

When Steve Jobs says "don't settle," he means that you should not settle for less than what you want or deserve in life. This can refer to many different things, such as a job that does not fulfill you, a relationship that is not fulfilling, or not living up to your own potential. Essentially, he is encouraging people not to compromise on their goals or values and to strive for what they truly want in life.

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

Steve Jobs used a personal and informal style of expression in his speech, and that the speech was structured as a narrative, with three stories from his own life. This style of expression and structure can be effective in persuading an audience by making the speaker more relatable and engaging.

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

There are several factors that may have contributed to the inspiring nature of Steve Jobs' speech. Some potential reasons could include:

  • Personal anecdotes: By sharing personal stories from his own life, Steve Jobs was able to connect with the audience on a more personal level and make his message more relatable. This can be particularly effective in inspiring others because it shows that he has faced challenges and setbacks, but has overcome them and achieved success.
  • Passion and conviction: Steve Jobs clearly believed in what he was saying, and this passion and conviction may have been contagious and inspiring to the audience. When we see someone who is passionate and committed to a cause, it can motivate us to pursue our own goals with greater dedication and enthusiasm.
  • Inspiring message: The message of the speech itself may have been inspiring to the audience. Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of following your passions, taking risks, and not settling for less than what you want in life. These are messages that can motivate and inspire people to pursue their own dreams and goals.
  • Effective delivery: Finally, the way in which Steve Jobs delivered the speech may have contributed to its inspiring nature. His delivery may have been engaging, dynamic, and compelling, which can help to hold the audience's attention and make the message more impactful.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

There are several reasons why Steve Jobs may have used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech. Some potential reasons could include:

  • To connect with the audience: By sharing personal stories from his own life, Steve Jobs was able to connect with the audience on a more personal level and make his message more relatable. This can be particularly effective in inspiring others because it shows that he has faced challenges and setbacks, but has overcome them and achieved success.
  • To illustrate his points: The stories that Steve Jobs shared may have been used to illustrate the points he was trying to make. By using concrete examples from his own life, he was able to make his message more concrete and easier for the audience to understand and remember.
  • To make the speech more engaging: The use of personal stories can make a speech more engaging and interesting for the audience. People often enjoy hearing about other people's experiences and can be more likely to pay attention to a speech if it is structured around a narrative.

Overall, the use of personal narrative storytelling can have a powerful influence on the audience by making the speaker more relatable, helping to illustrate the message, and making the speech more engaging.

Reference beyond the text

One of Steve Jobs mottos was: 'Think differently'. Can this make a person succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?

Thinking differently can certainly be a valuable asset in life and can help a person to achieve success. By approaching problems and situations in innovative and non-conventional ways, a person may be able to come up with solutions or ideas that others have not considered. This can be particularly helpful in situations where the traditional approaches are not working or where a fresh perspective is needed.

However, there can also be challenges to thinking differently. For example, it may be difficult for a person to break free from established patterns of thinking and to challenge the status quo. Additionally, others may not always be receptive to new or unconventional ideas, and a person who thinks differently may face resistance or skepticism from others.

Ultimately, whether thinking differently leads to success will depend on the individual and the specific circumstances. It is important for a person to be open to new ideas and approaches, but also to be aware of the potential challenges and to be prepared to work hard and persevere in the face of obstacles.

What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you?

To me, the slogan "Stay hungry; stay foolish" means that it is important to always be open to learning and growing, and to be willing to take risks and try new things. The word "hungry" suggests a desire for knowledge and progress, and the word "foolish" suggests a willingness to embrace uncertainty and challenge the status quo. By staying "hungry" and "foolish," a person can continue to learn, grow, and pursue new opportunities, even if it means stepping outside of their comfort zone. Overall, this slogan encourages a mindset of curiosity, ambition, and a willingness to take risks, which can be valuable qualities in achieving success and fulfillment in life.

What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune teller?

A visionary is a person who has a clear and inspiring vision of the future and has the ability to communicate and inspire others to work towards that vision. A visionary is often innovative and forward-thinking, and may be able to see possibilities or potential that others do not.

In contrast, a fortune teller is a person who claims to be able to predict the future or reveal hidden knowledge through the use of divination or other supernatural means. Fortune tellers do not necessarily have a clear vision of the future or the ability to inspire others to work towards it, but rather rely on methods such as reading tarot cards or consulting with spirits to make predictions.

Steve Jobs is often referred to as a visionary because of his ability to anticipate and shape the future of technology through his work at Apple. He had a clear vision for the company and was able to inspire others to work towards that vision. However, he was not a fortune teller and did not rely on supernatural means to predict the future or reveal hidden knowledge. Instead, he relied on his own insights, skills, and leadership abilities to guide the direction of Apple and shape the future of technology.


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How to Live Before You Die, by Steve Jobs

Posted by David S. Wills | Apr 1, 2016 | Lesson Plans | 2

How to Live Before You Die, by Steve Jobs


This lesson is intended to last 60 minutes and would suit an upper-intermediate or advanced class. It can, however, be tailored for lower levels, and you can use material from the student page for extra activities to stretch the class to 90 minutes.

Steve Jobs is a famous and interesting figure who inspires students, and so this lesson has a wide appeal and is a great opportunity to get students talking enthusiastically. If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below.

Lesson Plan

We recommend starting and ending classes with a discussion. Depending on class size and student personalities, you may want to have an open, class-wide discussion, or have the students talk with partners or in small groups. In very small classes you can ask the questions directly to the students.

Have students discuss the following questions. [15 mins]

  • What do you know about Steve Jobs’s background?
  • What changes have you seen in our world that were triggered by Steve Jobs and Apple?
  • How do you feel about Steve Jobs death? Do you think his death has an impact in the world as much as his life did?
  • As a college student, Steve Jobs had many doubts on how he wanted to lead his life. Do/Did you have the same problem?
  • One of Steve Jobs motto was: ‘Think differently‘. How do you think this can make a person to succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?
  • Despite some hard times, Steve Jobs was a very successful man. What makes a person successful? How good are you at overcoming obstacles?
  • Steve Jobs once quoted a phrase: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” How do you think he faced death? How would you react if you found out you were going to die soon?
  • It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs could inspire the workers of his company?

Before beginning the listening section, pre-teach the following key words of vocabulary. Emphasize the students shouldn’t worry about understanding every word in a passage. This listening passage will last 15:04 so it is unrealistic to expect them to follow every single word. However, the following are important in understanding the main ideas, and also are useful IELTS vocabulary. [5 mins]

Commencement                                             Drop out

Adoption                                                          Calligraphy

Biological                                                        Diagnosis

Intuition                                                           Generation

Watch the lecture and make notes. You will then have to answer a series of comprehension questions from your notes. [25 mins] *answers are at the bottom of this page

Impress upon the students that the lecture will contain stories on the three following themes:

  • Connecting the dots
  • Love and loss


  • What happened when Steve Jobs was born?
  • Why did he drop out of university?
  • What does he mean when he says “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?
  • What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?
  • How did this become the best thing that happened to him?
  • What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

Now that the students have understood the material, have them engage in a final discussion. Encourage them to use vocabulary and ideas that they learned during the lesson. Push them for fuller answers. [15 mins]

Final Discussion

  • What do the words “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you? How might that motto change your perspective?
  • Do you find it hard to follow your intuition when others disagree? Why or why not?
  • What would you do if you had no barriers in front of you? What would your heart tell you to do next?
  • What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different than a fortune teller?
  • Jobs contends that you need to LOVE what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • Is death really life’s greatest invention?
  • How would life be different for you if there was no death?
  • He was put up for adoption, but the family who had originally agreed to adopt him decided that they wanted a girl, so he was offered to another family instead. His biological mother wanted him to be raised by college graduates, but eventually agreed to relent if the adoptive parents promised he would go to college.
  • After six months he realized he was wasting his parents’ money because university wasn’t helping him figure out what he wanted to do in life.
  • We can’t predict the future but life makes sense when we look at history.
  • He was fired from the company that he started.
  • He was able to do other things in life that he cared about, like fall in love. He became more creative.
  • “Don’t settle” means to always strive for the best and never agree to something that isn’t your best.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Fidinng this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!


I used to teach A level English and every year I would use this speech at some point. It makes a great lesson!

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summary of the essay how to live before you die

NEB Grade XI Compulsory English Note | Literary Studies | Unit 3 | Lesson 2 How to Live Before You Die | Essay | Steve Jobs

NEB Grade XI Compulsory English Note | Literary Studies | Unit 3 | Lesson 2 How to Live Before You Die | Essay | Steve Jobs

How to Live Before You Die

Steve Jobs’ speech 'How to Live Before You Die' adopts a tripartite structure and uses personal stories to communicate a message of resilience and personal integrity. He delivered this inspiring speech at Stanford University 2005 commencement address.

The first story he narrates is on what he calls connecting the dots. He reveals how his mother intended to put him for adoptation. At birth, the family that was to adopt him changed their mind. However, he was adopted by another family. He joined Reed College when he was 17. His decision to drop out of collage was risky at the time. He learnt to follow his instinct by studying the courses he liked. His success depended on his own initiative. He was not influenced by the views of the people around him.

Jobs’ second story is on loss and love. He reflects on his beginning of a career with Mr. Woz. They developed the brand of Apple from the family garage office into a multibillion company after years of hard work. Despite this success, Jobs became jobless as he was fired by the Board of Directors. He then began the Next Company. He found himself back in Apple after it bought his company.

The last story Jobs narrates is on the topic of death. He discloses his painful situation with cancer of the pancreas. The doctor told him that this type of cancer was incurable. The result of biopsy indicated that his cancer could be cured through surgery. He was able to go for the surgery. He performed his roles which he could not do before the surgery. He considered death was a transitional part of life that replaces the old with the new. His opines that one should not allow the fear of death determine his or her life.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

Reference the context

a. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

“We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.”

i. Who was the baby boy?

newly born Steve Jobs

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean?

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

'They' refers to Steve Jobs' parents, who were on a waiting list.

b. Explain the following lines:

i. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

In the given line, the speaker suggests us to believe in ourselves. This approach allows us to recognize our ability to accomplish goals we set. When we trust ourselves we become optimistic about the future and motivated to get the things done. This makes all the differences in our life.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

In the given line, the speaker's opinion is that our life is limited and we shouldn't be trapped by other's principle. This can mislead us. We must listen to our own inner voice. We should have the courage to follow our heart and intuition. The courage we have can make ourselves what we want to be. Everything is secondary.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?


summary of the essay how to live before you die

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How to Live Before You Die Exercise : Summary and Question Answers

Share this article, how to live before you die, understanding the text, answer the following questions., a. what is the story about steve jobs’ birth, b. what does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”, c. what happened when steve jobs turned 30, d. jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. do you agree or disagree why, e. is death really life’s greatest invention.

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Class 11 English Notes

Reference to the context

A. read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: “we have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him” they said: “of course.”, i. who was the baby boy, ii. what does ‘do you want him’ mean, iii. who does ‘they’ refer to, b. explain the following lines:, i. “you have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”, ii. “your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”, c. what does he mean by “don’t settle”, d. which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience, e. it is not easy to motivate others. how do you think steve jobs’ speech is so inspiring, f. why do you think steve jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech what influence does it have on the audiences, reference beyond the text, a. one of steve jobs mottos was: ‘think differently’. can this make a person succeed in life what challenges are there in thinking differently, b. what does the slogan “stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you, c. what does it mean to be a visionary what makes steve jobs different from a fortune teller, don't miss our nepali guide.

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Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-17 How to Live Before you Die? by Steve Jobs Summary, Theme and Exercise

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                                 Unit-17  How to Live Before you Die?

summary of the essay how to live before you die

Theme of Unit-17  How to Live Before you Die? The then CEO of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs’ speech ‘How to Live Before You Die’ adopts a tripartite structure and uses autobiographical anecdotes to communicate a message of resilience and personal integrity. This inspiring speech was delivered at Stanford University 2005 commencement address.

Exercise from the Book

Understanding the text Answer the following questions.

a. What is the story about Steve Jobs’ birth?

Ans: His biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put him up for adoption. She felt very strongly that the child should be adopted by college graduates. Everything was all set for him to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife.T hey decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. The lawyer family didn’t adopt him.  So his parents (Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs) who were on a waiting list adopted him with the promise that the child would someday go to college. 

b. What does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?

Ans: In Steve Jobs speech, he says that  “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”. It means that life is full of uncertainty and suspense. People make plans to get further success but no one can  guarantee success.  Something is always lacking in it. We face defeat as well as victory in our life. But we should analyze and connect our dots (experiences ) looking backward. It means that we should learn lessons from our past to step further. He was dumped by his girlfriend. He also failed to get job at McKinsey. He wasted his  four precious years without getting support from anyone. But he became successful at last. It proves that in our life, we shouldn’t be worried about our failure because one day all the dots will be connected to bring something great. 

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?

Ans: When Steve Jobs turned 30, he g ot fired by Apple company. As Apple grew he hired someone who he thought was very talented to run the company with him, and for the first year or so things went well. But then their visions of the future began to diverge and eventually they had a falling out. When they did, the company Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 he was out from the company. 

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Ans: Yes, I agree with Jobs’ statement that we must love what we do to become great. He started Apple company, but he had to leave later. Then he continued with more creative ideas because he loved his work. He started NeXT and made it so good that Apple finally bought it. e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

Ans: As Jobs says, death is life’s greatest invention. It is life’s change agent to clear out the old and make way for the new. It is the final destination and the only truth. Knowing that we are dying soon, we do what is really important.

Reference to the context

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

Ans: The speaker has used an argumentative point, facts and detail description to persuade the audience. He also uses story telling method to capture the audience’s attention.  He uses a humble and easy tone to maintain a strong emotional contact with the audience.  He shares his own three stories about his life. Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech to persuade the audiences. 

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

Ans:  Jobs’ speech inspires us to keep hope even after a great loss. His speech shows his great success that came with hard work and dedication in spite of poor and difficult life situations. He motivates us to love our work for success.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

Ans: I think that Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique to inspire the audience to follow their dreams. The speech uses a personal as well as  informal style. He presents his career experiences with the personal narrative.  He narrates his personal facts to capture the audience’s attention. The technique encourages the audience to value their passion and courage. He shares his personal journey from zero to Apple company. He gives every details of his life using the technique. He shares his own three stories about his life.

Reference beyond the text

a. One of Steve Jobs mottos was: ‘Think differently’. Can this make a person succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?

Ans:   One of Steve Jobs mottos was: ‘Think differently’. Yes, it can make a person succeed in life, if he/she uses it properly and seriously. The person should understand its meaning to use it properly.’Think differently’ means doing unique and creative work to recognize our identity in global scenario. We need to be bold in our choice to gain something better in our life. We should present ourselves like an artist who creates unique creations. Steve jobs’ different thinking created the Apple company which is known for it unique products. A person has to face different challenges when he/she thinks differently because he/she has to go beyond stereotypical ideas. The person may face social, cultural, technological, economical and political challenges to reach the ladder of success.

b. What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you?

Ans: The slogan ”Stay hungry” means stay eager and active to explore new things in life. ”Stay foolish” means trying new challenges in life. The slogan suggests us to be curious in our life to get what we want. It helps to gain our desired dreams. In a nutshell, he means that sometimes we should take risk in our life to achieve something great.

c. What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune teller?

Ans:    Like Jobs, visionaries have long-term visions and plans. They set the direction of future and work hard to get there. Their dream is to change the present situation and make it better. Visionaries like Jobs think not only about self but also about society.

Jobs is very different from a fortune teller.  People like jobs lead the society with new visions. But fortune tellers just tell about about people’s life. They have no more role to play for the development of society. Progress is the result of dedication of visionaries like Jobs.

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How to Live Before You Die || Summary and Exercise

How to Live Before You Die Summary and Exercise

About The Author

Steven Jobs (1955-2011) was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairperson, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc. and one of the pioneers of microcomputer technology. He was named the most powerful person in business by Fortune magazine in 2007.

The then-CEO of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs’ speech 'How to Live Before You Die' adopts a tripartite structure and uses autobiographical anecdotes to communicate a message of resilience and personal integrity. This inspiring speech was delivered at Stanford University's 2005 commencement address.

Main Summary of How to Live Before You Die

This essay " How to Live Before You Die" is a motivational speaker that has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer Steve Jobs. This speech has been delivered by him at the commencement of Stanford University in the year 2005. This speech encouraged the students of Stanford University as well as many people around the globe. Here is his speech, he uses personal stories to communicate a message of personal integrity and flexibility. He delivered his life-related stories to motivate people who were present at that commencement. 

The first story he shared is on what he calls connecting with the dots. In this story, he has shared his stories related to his birth. His biological mother put him up for adoption. He mentioned obligations, hardships and struggles behind leaving Reed College, in his life. According to him, he was quite unsure about the further steps in his life. He happened to take the classes of his interest which were the classes of Calligraphy. His knowledge and skills in Calligraphy turned out to be a kind of boon for him.

He applied his skills and knowledge of Calligraphy while designing the first Macintosh Computer after ten years. With the help of his friend Woz, he was able to design the first Macintosh Computer with beautiful typography. He has related all the steps in his life as different dots. According to him, we can realize the connection of all these dots in our life when we look backward. No one can connect the dots of their life looking forward. These different dots keep on connecting and pave the way ahead.

His second story is about love and loss. In this story, Steve Jobs reflected on the beginning of their career with Mr Woz. They started Apple in his parent’s garage when he was 20. They developed the brand of Apple into a $ 2 billion company with over 4000 employees. After some years he was fired by the board of Directors and he became jobless. He didn't lose hope. His love for his tasks helped him again. Because of his knowledge, skills and love, he was successful to establish his new company Next and the world-famous Animation studio called Pixar.

His third story is about death. In this story, Steve Jobs narrates his experience of his sickness due to cancer of the pancreas. The doctor told him that such type of cancer couldn’t be cured. During that time, he experienced his death closely. According to him, death is life's greatest invention. Everyone has to share this intellectual concept.

Death is life's change agent. After examining the report of the biopsy, it was found that cancer could be cured through surgery. After surgery, he got rid of his pancreatic tumour. He performed his roles again with full enthusiastic feelings which he couldn’t do before the surgery. According to him, we should always be eager to know and achieve important things in our life. 

Very Short Summary of How to Live Before You Die

First story: connecting the dots.

The first part of Steve Jobs’ speech is about connecting the dots. Here, in this first story, he has narrated his birth, adoption scene, and later struggle when he was young, he feels to make meaning of his life. He felt different experiences but started to make sense in the end. So, connecting dots is related to connecting life experiences to get the meaning of it. According to him, his biological mother was an unwed college graduate student who decided to put him up for adoption before his birth so later he was adopted by his parents who were under graduated but persuaded his biological mother to send him to college someday.

Steve joined an expensive college named Reed College at the age of 17 but later he dropped out in Reed College because he was not interested in the normal class. He was fascinated by beautiful posters and wanted to join Calligraphy instructions. So, he decided to join Calligraphy instruction in Reed College but after 10 years he used his knowledge of calligraphy as his skill when he was designing his first Macintosh computer. He designed the first computer with beautiful typography and later on his hardship turned out to be priceless. By looking back, he got the idea that how different dots kept on connecting themselves and support him to reach his real destination. His decision of dropping college, start his course of interest, his experiences, hardship, trust in Karma, etc. moved along with his steps like different dots and made him successful.

Second Story: Love and Loss

The second story is about love and loss. Here, in this part, he has narrated his story related to his love and passion for his work and the loss of his company. As being successful at an early age, he and his friend Woz started the Apple Company in his parent’s garage. They worked hard and in a 10 years period, the small company turned into a 2 billion dollar company with 4000 employees. Later, he was fired from his own company so he started NeXT Company after NeXT, he started Pixar Company which used to create computers with animated features kept. Later on, Apple Company bought NeXT company. He returned to Apple Company and mixed both technologies with his new visions. These incidents helped him to see life from a different perspective and able to dominate the IT market with his new vision so he wants to relate the message not to lose faith, love your work and keep looking for the work that satisfies you.

Third Story: Death

How to live before you die – complete exercise, understanding the text, answer the following questions., a. what is the story about steve jobs’ birth, b. what does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”.

Answer: By saying “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”, he wants to make it clear to all of us that our successes and failures rely on how we learn lessons from our past experiences. Life is full of suspense and anything can happen at any time. Everyone has been a failure once in a lifetime. Learning from our failures and building up ourselves helps to get success in future. Taking his example, he had also faced a lot of failures in his life. He was dumped by his girlfriend. He also failed to get a job at McKinsey. He wasted his four precious years without getting support from anyone. But he became successful at last. It proves that in our life, we shouldn’t be worried about our failures instead we should learn from them because one day all the dots (our experience) will be connected to bring something great.

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?

Answer: When Steve Jobs turned 30, the board of directors fired him from his own company.

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Answer: Yes, I agree with his views that we must love what we do to become great because continuous effort and hard work are required to carve our path to success.

e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

Answer: Yes, death is life’s greatest invention, death is inevitable and nobody lives forever. Nobody wants to die, but everyone shares this intellectual concept. Instead of being worried about death, one should look at how he/she could do great until they survive.

Reference to the Context

A. read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: “we have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him” they said: “of course.”.

i. Who was the baby boy?

Answer: Steve Jobs was the baby boy.

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean?

Answer: ‘Do you want him?’ It is a question related to the adoption of Steve Jobs to his parents Paul and Clara Jobs, who were on the waiting list to adopt the baby.

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Answer: ‘They’ refer to Mr Paul Jobs and Mrs Clara Jobs.

b. Explain the following lines:

i. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Answer: This line was said by Steve Jobs in his speech at Stanford University. Here he advises everyone to believe in themselves. We have to build up self-motivation as no one is going to do it for us. If we believe in ourselves and have faith nothing can stop us from being successful.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Answer: Through this line, the speaker is trying to convey that our life is limited and we shouldn’t be trapped by others’ principles. This can misguide us. We must listen to our own inner voice and utilize the time properly so that we could be the person we want to be.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

Answer: By “don’t settle” he means that we should not accept something which isn’t as good as it is meant to be. We should keep on putting in our efforts until and unless we get the result we are searching for. Instead of running behind success, we should go for excellence. If we are excellent, success automatically comes to us.

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

Answer: The speaker uses a personal and informal style of expression that appears to be of a narrative type to persuade the audience. The speech is short and simple, and heavily based on encouragement and he tries to motivate the audience with his real-life stories.

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

Answer: Steve Jobs’ speech is emotional, passionate, inspirational and simply structured. It is so inspiring because of his act of delivering real-life stories in his speech to motivate his audience. Each of the three stories from Jobs’ life involves struggle or sacrifice. His speech encourages people to continue on the path of progress regardless of the family background they belong to. His life story is relatable to the many middle-class peoples. He told us about how he struggled in his life to achieve success in his speech which I found to be so inspiring.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

Answer: I think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech to motivate his audiences. His speech contains several facts related to hardships, difficulties and struggles of life. It has a very positive influence on audiences. His speech gives a chance to audiences to know about what it takes to achieve a successful life in the real sense

Reference Beyond the Text

A. one of steve jobs's mottos was: ‘think differently. can this make a person succeed in life what challenges are there in thinking differently.

Answer: Yes, thinking differently can make a person successful in life. We have to think differently and act differently in order to achieve success. Doing the thing that is already done by others or following the path that is already followed by others can’t help us to gain success. Thinking differently is not an easy task. For this one should get into the real world and learn from past activities. If we have a different way of thinking then other people may find us to be crazy and they may demotivate us saying that it’s not going to work. We should believe in ourselves, build up self-confidence and not run on other principles to become successful in our life.

b. What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you?

Answer: The slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” means being prepared to accept anything that comes to our life and regularly working to fulfil our dreams, wishes and desires. People stop after achieving a certain point in their life. We should not do that. Rather than that we should always dream higher and run behind it.

c. What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune-teller?

Answer: Being a visionary means having a good vision or prospect for the future. Steve Jobs is quite different from a fortune teller in the sense that a fortune teller only predicts people’s life but people like Steve Jobs lead society with new visions. They set the direction of the future and work hard to get there. Their dream is to change the present situation of the world and make it better. Visionaries like Jobs not only think about themselves but also about society.

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The SR Zone

How to live before you die exercise class 11 english with summary (steve jobs).

'How to Live Before you Die' is the essay based on speech given by Steve Jobs that aims to be motivational by sharing pivotal life lessons his own remarkable journey and career. This essay is kept in class 11 English Unit 2 of essays section and it's textbook exercise question answers solution and summary is provided in this article.

For complete notes of Class 11 English Book, go to this link - Class 11 English Guide & Notes.

How to Live Before You die? Exercise Question Answers

How to live before you die Questions Answers

'How to Live Before You Die,' a motivational speech given by Apple Computer and Pixar co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs tells three events from his life that have had a significant impact on his professional experiences and journey.

First Story: Connecting the dots

Steve Jobs' speech begins with the story of connecting the dots. Connecting the dots refers to making connections between different aspects of life in order to better understand them. He speaks about the account of his birth, adoption, and the subsequent struggle as a young man to find purpose in his life. All he points from this story is that we should care even for the smallest things in life because those small things actually determine who we are or who we will be in future.

Steve at 17 enrolled at a prestigious private university called Reed College, but he left after a year because he was interested in taking Calligraphy lessons. So he enrolled in Reed College's Calligraphy programme, but ten years later, he utilised his calligraphy skills to create the first computer with elegant lettering, which he named Macintosh computer. The notion that various dots continued joining and supporting him to achieve his true goal came from looking back. Dropping out of college, beginning a career in his field of interest, and dealing with adversity and faith in Karma were all decisions that he took along the way that led to his success.

Second Story: Love and Loss

In this section, Steve Jobs describes his feelings about his love and loss of business. As a result of his early success, Steve and his pal Woz founded Apple corporation with long hours of effort and after some time, the tiny business had grown to a 2 billion dollar enterprise with 4000 workers. But, people in authority dismissed him from his own business. Later, he founded NeXT and then Pixar to develop computers with animated features. Later, Apple purchased the NeXT Corporation. He went back to work for the Apple Corporation and combined his previous ideas with his new ones. These events changed his outlook on life and enabled him to dominate the IT industry with his new perspective. As a result, he now wants to spread the message not to lose hope, love your job, and keep searching for employment that you like.

Third Story : Death.

The third and last story deals with passing away. He advises us to live each day as if it were our last. He has described the fear of demise as the biggest motivation for him to do the things in hurry and prioritize the most important things. He has pancreatic cancer, doctor has fixed the date of his death but he has never given up on life. He was able to get the cancer surgically removed. He argues that we have a finite amount of time and should thus not squander it. We should make use of it as soon as possible before we pass away. 

How to live before you die Questions Answers:

The SR Zone

How to Live before You Die by Steve Jobs: Summary | Questions and Answers | Class 11 English



How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs


This essay, "How to Live Before You Die," is a motivational speech that was delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, Steve Jobs, on June 12, 2005. He delivered this speech at the 114th commencement of Stanford University in the United States. He delivered an inspirational speech over his life-related views publicly. This speech encouraged not only the students of Stanford University but also many people around the world. In this speech, Steve Jobs related three different stories based on his life. All these three stories played very vital roles in shaping his experiences and journey towards a successful career.


The CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar Steve Jobs's three life-related different stories were:

1. About Connecting the Dots:

2. About Love and Loss:

3. About Death:

His First Story about Connecting the Dots:

This first story is about various facts that are linked to his life. Here in the first story, he has narrated his birth, adoption scene, and later struggles. According to him, his biological mother was an unwed college graduate student who decided to put him up for adoption before his birth. She wanted her baby to be adopted by graduate parents. To adopt him, a lawyer and his wife became ready at first. But, after his birth, the lawyer's family changed their mind about adopting him because they wanted to adopt a baby girl. Later on, he was adopted by another family. His biological mother refused to sign adoption papers because she found out that the parents had never graduated from high school or college. But the parents persuaded his biological mother to send him to college someday.

Steve joined an expensive college named Reed College at the age of 17. His parents' entire savings were being spent on his college tuition. After six months, he dropped out of Reed College and even those classes because of his disinterest. He didn't have an idea about the next steps of his life. He failed to make sense of his life. He didn't get the idea of what he wanted to do with his life. The importance of college itself was a question mark. He started taking classes of his interest. During those days, he faced a lot of hardships. He joined a calligraphy class to learn about typefaces. Calligraphy was quite popular during those days. He learned serif and sans-serif typefaces. For him, the course of calligraphy turned out to be a kind of boon. After 10 years, he used his knowledge of calligraphy and his skills when he was designing the first Macintosh computer. He designed the first Macintosh computer with beautiful typography. While pursuing his curiosity and intuition, he stumbled many times, but his hardships turned out to be priceless later on. He realised everything related to dots and their connections in his life. When he looked backwards, he got the idea that different dots kept on connecting themselves to support him in reaching his real destination. His decisions about dropping college and starting the course of his interest, his experiences, hardships, gut, and trust in karma (destiny), etc. moved along with his steps like different dots. Finally, all these dots got connected and made him successful.

His Advice in this Story:

▪︎  You can connect dots by looking backwards.

▪︎  You have to trust the connection of dots in your future.

▪︎  You have to trust in your gut, destiny, life, and karma.

His Second Story about Love and Loss:

Here in this story, he has narrated his story related to his love for his work and the loss of his company. According to him, he found whatever he loved early in his life. He and his friend Woz started the Apple company in his parent's garage at the age of 20. Their small company turned into a 2 billion-dollar company with over 4000 employees after 10 years. As the company progressed, they decided to hire a talented person to take over the company. The company did a great job in its first year. But later on, due to divergence in their visions for the future of their company, the Board of Directors fired him from his own company at the age of 30. It was quite a devastating experience for him. He even asked for an apology from David Packard and Bob Noyce for screwing up so badly. He thought as if his entire life was ruined. He felt rejected, but he began to realise that he was still in love with the work he did. He decided to start over again. After that, he entered one of the most creative periods of his life. During the next five years, he formed a new company named NeXT, and then Pixar, which turned out to be the most successful animation studio in the world, creating the first computer-animated feature film, 'Toy Story'. He even fell in love with an amazing woman.

Later on, Apple bought NeXT, and he returned to Apple again. With a mixed-technology vision, he was able to dominate the IT market.

▪︎  Don't lose faith.

▪︎  Love what you work with.

▪︎  Keep looking for your best work that satisfies you...don't settle.

His Third Story about Death:

In this story, Steve has narrated his story about death. At the age of 49, he suffered from pancreatic cancer. His doctors told him that he would only be able to live for 3 to 6 months. But later on, when he had a biopsy, his doctors informed his wife about the treatment of his tumour through surgery. After surgery, he was able to get rid of his pancreatic tumour. During the time of his diagnosis, he experienced his death closely. The concept of death taught him a serious lesson in his life. Death is inevitable, and nobody lives forever. Nobody wants to die, but everyone shares this intellectual concept. Death is really life's greatest invention. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. But he never lost hope. After his recovery, he kept on working very honestly, providing his best for his company, and being responsible.

▪︎  Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

▪︎  Listen to your inner voice instead of others' opinions.

▪︎  Follow your heart and intuition.

▪︎  Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


This essay, "How to Live Before You Die," is a motivational speech that has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs. This speech was delivered by him at the commencement of Stanford University in 2005. In his speech, he has delivered his life-related stories to motivate people who were present at that commencement. His stories are as follows:


Here in this story, he has shared his stories related to his birth, adoption by Paul and Clara Jobs, the obligations behind leaving Reed College, and hardships and struggles in his life. According to him, he was quite unsure about the next steps in his life. He happened to take the classes of his interest, which were the classes of calligraphy. He learned serif and san serif typefaces. His knowledge and skills in calligraphy turned out to be a boon for him. He applied his skills and knowledge of caligraphy while designing the first Macintosh computer after ten years. With the help of his friend Woz, he was able to design the first Macintosh computer with beautiful typography. He has related all the steps in his life to different dots. According to him, we can realise the connection between all these dots in our lives when we look backward. No one can connect the dots of their life looking forward. These different dots keep connecting and pave the way ahead. Along with trusting in our gut, life, destiny, or karma, we have to do our tasks expecting to have a fine future ahead.


In this story, Steve Jobs has related the biggest loss of his life. According to him, at the age of thirty, he was fired from his own company by the board of directors. He didn't lose hope. His love for his tasks helped him again. His knowledge, skills, and love supported and led him towards the heights again in the tech world. He was able to establish his new company Next and the world-famous animation studio called Pixar, which created a world-famous animated feature film named 'Toy Story.' Here, he has advised all the people not to settle down their search in the matter of their desired tasks. According to him, people should love the work they do and seek their desirable works. They shouldn't settle down in their search for the best work.


Here in this story, Steve Jobs has related his experience of his sickness due to pancreatic cancer at the age of forty-nine. During that time, he experienced his death closely. He got the idea about the concept of death. According to him, death is life's greatest invention. Everyone has to share this intellectual concept. Death is life's changing agent. It clears out the old and paves the way for the new. After surgery, he got rid of his pancreatic tumour. He continued his task again with full enthusiasm. In this story, he has advised all his audiences to stay hungry and foolish. According to him, we should always be eager to know and achieve important things in our lives. We should try to do a new thing in our lives with different thoughts.



Answer these questions:

a. What do you know about Steve Jobs’ family and economic background?

Steve Jobs was born by an unwed college graduate student. Later on, he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. His economic background wasn't so good. Due to a lack of money, he dropped out of Reed College.

b. Steve Jobs was a very successful man. What makes a person successful in your view? 

In my view, aim, hope, and struggle make a person successful. If a person has the aim of something and struggles to achieve it, he or she will certainly become a successful person in his or her life.

c. Steve Jobs had many doubts on how he wanted to lead his life. Do you have the same problem?

Yes, I have the same problem. As a student, I'm still quite unsure about my future steps. I'm feeling a lack of proper guidance in my life.


a. What is the story about Steve Jobs’ birth?

Steve Jobs was born by an unwed college graduate student. She decided to put her baby up for adoption during her pregnancy. She wanted her baby to be adopted by an educated family. To adopt Steve Jobs, a lawyer's family was ready at first. But, after the birth of Steve Jobs, the lawyer's family changed their mind about adopting him. They wanted to adopt a baby girl. Later on, a mechanic named Paul Jobs and his wife Clara Jobs adopted Steve Jobs with the promise that someday they would send Steve to college for his studies.

b. What does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?

Here in his line, he means to suggest to all of us that our successes and failures of the present time depend on our past's different dots but not on our future's dots. We realise our present life through our past's different dots, such as the hardships we faced, decisions we made, struggles we did, mistakes we committed, desires we desired, selections we made, steps we took, etc. When we look backwards, we realise the connection between all these dots in our lives. No one can connect these dots looking into the future. The determinants of our present and future are our past as well as the different dots of our lives. We can’t predict the future, but life makes sense when we look at history.

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?  

When Steve Jobs turned 30, he was fired from his own company by the board of directors.

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Yes, I agree with his opinions because our love for our work can lead us towards success. To be great at our work, it's very important for all of us to love the work we do. If we are unable to love our work, we won't succeed in it. In that situation, our work will be meaningless to us.

e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

Yes, death is really life's greatest invention. Death is inevitable, and nobody lives forever. Nobody wants to die, but everyone shares this intellectual concept. Death is life's changing agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. No one can defeat this concept. Everyone has to face this bitter reality.


a. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

 “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.”

i. Who was the baby boy?

The baby boy was Steve Jobs.

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean?

'Do you want him?' means a question related to Steve Jobs' adoption of his parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, who were on the waiting list to adopt the baby.

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

'They' refer to Mr. Paul Jobs and Mrs. Clara Jobs.

b. Explain the following lines:

i. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

This line was delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs, in his speech at Stanford University. Here in this line, Steve Jobs is advising all people about the vital role of gut, destiny, life, and karma in their lives. He advises all people to keep faith and trust in these vital aspects of their lives. According to Steve Jobs, these aspects move along with success. Trust in these aspects can lead anyone towards perfection.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

This line was delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs, in his speech at Stanford University. Here in this line, he is advising people about the importance of time, which keeps on running so fast. According to him, we have to utilise our time, which is so limited. We shouldn't waste our time living someone else's life. Within this short period, we have to make the right use of our time to brighten our future. Time waits for no one. We should move ahead without wasting our time.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

By "don't settle," he means to suggest to people not settle down in the search for the best and most satisfactory tasks that they prefer to do. He means to say that we must keep looking for our best works, which satisfy us. We should try our best to find suitable tasks. We shouldn't settle down in the matter of our desirable tasks until we find the right tasks that satisfy us.

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audiences?

To persuade the audience, a personal, informal style of speech is used by the speaker. His speech seems to be narrative, where he tries his best to motivate his audiences through his real-life-related stories.

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

I think Steve Jobs' speech is so inspiring. His act of delivering life-related stories in his speech to motivate his audiences is outstanding. In his speech, he has shared the personal stories of his life that have inspired most people. His speech has various facts related to the lives of common people. His speech provides a kind of encouragement to the people to move ahead on the way to progress, no matter which family background they belong to.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

I think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech to motivate his audiences. His speech has various facts related to the hardships and struggles of life. It has a very positive influence on audiences. Through his speech, the audience has a chance to learn about the hardships and struggles behind a successful life in a real sense.


a. One of Steve Jobs mottos was: 'Think differently'. Can this make a person succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?

Yes, this can make a person succeed in life. To change a life, we have to think and act differently. There must be a change in our thoughts. We have to try to do something different. Similar thoughts can never get the proper way ahead to change a life. There are various challenges to thinking differently. Many legends and inventors were humiliated and cut off from societies due to their nature of thinking differently. They were supposed to be insane. Thinking differently may cut people off from majorities, societies, etc. But, for change and development, we have to think differently.

b. What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you? 

The slogan "Stay hungry; stay foolish" means "stay eager" and "be ready to try new things" to me. We should always be eager to know and achieve important things in our lives. We should try to do a new thing in our lives with different thoughts.

c. What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune-teller?

To be a visionary means having a positive vision or foresight about the future. Steve Jobs is quite different from a fortune teller. A fortune teller isn't right all the time. His or her predictions may be incorrect. But, as a visionary man, Steve Jobs' positive foresight about the future makes him different from a fortune teller. Due to his vision in the tech world, he was able to achieve heights in the tech world. Behind his foresight, various things played vital roles, which are as follows:

▪︎  His curiosity

▪︎  His intuition

▪︎  His different thinking

▪︎  His classes of interests

▪︎  His hardships and struggles

▪︎  His experience

▪︎  His trust in his fate




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How to Live Before You Die: Summary & Exercise [Class-11]

Summary of how to live before you die.

In his speech, ' How to Live Before You Die ' Steve Jobs shares three stories from his own life and reflects on the importance of following one's passions, taking risks, and not settling for less than what one wants in life. He discusses his own experiences dropping out of college and being fired from Apple, and how these experiences ultimately led to success.

He also emphasizes the value of trusting in one's instincts and being open to new experiences, even if they seem unrelated to one's goals at the time. Throughout the speech, Steve Jobs encourages the audience to pursue their passions and to take control of their own lives, rather than living someone else's. He concludes by sharing his motto "Stay hungry; stay foolish," which encourages a mindset of curiosity, ambition, and a willingness to take risks.

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions., a. what is the story about steve jobs’ birth.

Steve Jobs' biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student who decided to put him up for adoption. She wanted him to be adopted by college graduates, but when he was born, the couple who had planned to adopt him decided they wanted a girl instead. Steve's parents, who were on a waiting list, were offered the opportunity to adopt Steve and agreed to do so.

b. What does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?

When Steve Jobs says "you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards," he means that it is difficult to understand the significance or importance of events or experiences as they are happening, but that looking back on them, it is possible to see how they fit into a larger narrative or trajectory.

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?

When Steve Jobs turned 30, he was fired from Apple, the company he co-founded.

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

I agree with Steve Jobs that it is important to love what you do in order to be great at it. When we are passionate about something, we are more likely to put in the time and effort needed to excel and to be motivated to continue learning and improving. Additionally, loving what we do can make the experience of doing it more enjoyable and fulfilling.

e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

It is subjective whether death is really life's greatest invention. Some may argue that death serves an important purpose in the cycle of life and allows for new generations to take the place of the old. Others may see death as a tragic and unfortunate aspect of life.

Reference to the Context

A. read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:“we have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him” they said: “of course.”, i. who was the baby boy.

The baby boy was Steve Jobs.

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean?

"Do you want him?" means "do you want to adopt him?"

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

'They' refers to Steve Jobs' parents, who were on a waiting list to adopt a child.

b. Explain the following lines:

I. “you have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”.

"You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever." This means that it is important to believe in something and to follow your instincts or inner guidance. This can help you make decisions and navigate life with confidence and purpose.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." This means that you should not spend your time trying to live up to other people's expectations or following someone else's path. Instead, you should focus on your own goals and dreams and make the most of the time you have. It is important to be true to yourself and to live your own life rather than trying to fit into someone else's idea of what your life should be.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

When Steve Jobs says "don't settle," he means that you should not settle for less than what you want or deserve in life. This can refer to many different things, such as a job that does not fulfill you, a relationship that is not fulfilling, or not living up to your own potential. Essentially, he is encouraging people not to compromise on their goals or values and to strive for what they truly want in life.

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

Steve Jobs used a personal and informal style of expression in his speech, and the speech was structured as a narrative, with three stories from his own life. This style of expression and structure can be effective in persuading an audience by making the speaker more relatable and engaging.

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

There are several factors that may have contributed to the inspiring nature of Steve Jobs' speech. Some potential reasons could include:

Personal anecdotes: By sharing personal stories from his own life, Steve Jobs was able to connect with the audience on a more personal level and make his message more relatable. This can be particularly effective in inspiring others because it shows that he has faced challenges and setbacks, but has overcome them and achieved success.

Passion and conviction: Steve Jobs clearly believed in what he was saying, and this passion and conviction may have been contagious and inspiring to the audience. When we see someone who is passionate and committed to a cause, it can motivate us to pursue our own goals with greater dedication and enthusiasm.

Inspiring message: The message of the speech itself may have been inspiring to the audience. Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of following your passions, taking risks, and not settling for less than what you want in life. These are messages that can motivate and inspire people to pursue their own dreams and goals.

Effective delivery: Finally, the way in which Steve Jobs delivered the speech may have contributed to its inspiring nature. His delivery may have been engaging, dynamic, and compelling, which can help to hold the audience's attention and make the message more impactful.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

There are several reasons why Steve Jobs may have used the personal narrative storytelling technique in his speech. Some potential reasons could include:

To connect with the audience: By sharing personal stories from his own life, Steve Jobs was able to connect with the audience on a more personal level and make his message more relatable. This can be particularly effective in inspiring others because it shows that he has faced challenges and setbacks, but has overcome them and achieved success.

To illustrate his points: The stories that Steve Jobs shared may have been used to illustrate the points he was trying to make. By using concrete examples from his own life, he was able to make his message more concrete and easier for the audience to understand and remember.

To make the speech more engaging: The use of personal stories can make a speech more engaging and interesting for the audience. People often enjoy hearing about other people's experiences and can be more likely to pay attention to a speech if it is structured around a narrative.

Overall, the use of personal narrative storytelling can have a powerful influence on the audience by making the speaker more relatable, helping to illustrate the message, and making the speech more engaging.

Reference Beyond the Text

One of Steve Jobs mottos was: 'Think differently'. Can this make a person succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?

Thinking differently can certainly be a valuable asset in life and can help a person to achieve success. By approaching problems and situations in innovative and non-conventional ways, a person may be able to come up with solutions or ideas that others have not considered. This can be particularly helpful in situations where the traditional approaches are not working or where a fresh perspective is needed.

However, there can also be challenges to thinking differently. For example, it may be difficult for a person to break free from established patterns of thinking and to challenge the status quo. Additionally, others may not always be receptive to new or unconventional ideas, and a person who thinks differently may face resistance or skepticism from others.

Ultimately, whether thinking differently leads to success will depend on the individual and the specific circumstances. It is important for a person to be open to new ideas and approaches, but also to be aware of the potential challenges and to be prepared to work hard and persevere in the face of obstacles.

What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you?

To me, the slogan "Stay hungry; stay foolish" means that it is important to always be open to learning and growing, and to be willing to take risks and try new things. The word "hungry" suggests a desire for knowledge and progress, and the word "foolish" suggests a willingness to embrace uncertainty and challenge the status quo. By staying "hungry" and "foolish," a person can continue to learn, grow, and pursue new opportunities, even if it means stepping outside of their comfort zone. Overall, this slogan encourages a mindset of curiosity, ambition, and a willingness to take risks, which can be valuable qualities in achieving success and fulfillment in life.

What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune teller?

A visionary is a person who has a clear and inspiring vision of the future and has the ability to communicate and inspire others to work towards that vision. A visionary is often innovative and forward-thinking and may be able to see possibilities or potential that others do not.

In contrast, a fortune teller is a person who claims to be able to predict the future or reveal hidden knowledge through the use of divination or other supernatural means. Fortune tellers do not necessarily have a clear vision of the future or the ability to inspire others to work towards it, but rather rely on methods such as reading tarot cards or consulting with spirits to make predictions.

Steve Jobs is often referred to as a visionary because of his ability to anticipate and shape the future of technology through his work at Apple. He had a clear vision for the company and was able to inspire others to work towards that vision. However, he was not a fortune teller and did not rely on supernatural means to predict the future or reveal hidden knowledge. Instead, he relied on his own insights, skills, and leadership abilities to guide the direction of Apple and shape the future of technology.

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Or check our popular categories..., how to live before you die by steve jobs exercise: questions & answers class 11 english.

 Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.

a. What is the story about Steve Jobs’ birth?

➜  Steve Jobs was born to a single student. She decided to put her baby up for adoption while pregnant. She wanted her baby to be adopted by an educated family. Initially, a lawyer’s family was ready to adopt Steve Jobs. After Steve Jobs was born, the lawyer’s family changed their minds to adopt him. They wanted to adopt a girl, later a mechanic named Paul Jobs, and his wife, Clara Jobs, adopted Steve Jobs with the promise that one day they would send Steve to college to study.

b. What does he mean when he says, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”?

➜  Here in his line he wants to make it clear to all of us that our successes and failures in the present depend on various points in the past, but not on points in our future. We are aware of our present life through various moments in our past life, such as our difficulties, the choices we made, the struggles, the mistakes we made, the desires we wanted, the choices we made, not what we did, etc. Realize that all of these points in our life are interrelated. Connect these dots as you look to the future. The determinant of our present and our future is our past as well as the various points in our life. We can’t predict the future, but life has meaning when we look at history.

c. What happened when Steve Jobs turned 30?

➜  When Steve Jobs turned 30, the board of directors fired him from his own company.

d. Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

➜  Yes, I agree with his views because our love for our work can lead to success. In order to be great at our job, it is very important that we all love the work we do. When we can’t love what we do, we will not be successful in our work. In this situation, our work will not make sense to us.

e. Is death really life’s greatest invention?

➜  Yes, death is life’s greatest invention, death is inevitable and nobody lives forever. Nobody wants to die, but everyone shares this intellectual concept. Death is a life-changing factor. To overcome this concept, everyone must face this bitter reality.

 Reference to the context 

a. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.”

i. Who was the baby boy?

➜  Steve Jobs was the baby boy.

ii. What does ‘do you want him?’ mean?

➜  ‘Do you want him?’  It is a question related to the adoption of Steve Jobs to his parents Paul and Clara Jobs, who were on the waiting list to adopt the baby.

iii. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

➜  ‘They’ refer to Mr Paul Jobs and Mrs Clara Jobs.

b. Explain the following lines:

i. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

➜  This line was introduced by Apple Computer CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs in his speech at Stanford University. Here he advises everyone to believe and trust these important aspects of their life. According to Steve Jobs, these aspects go hand in hand with success. Confidence in these aspects can lead anyone to excellence.

ii. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

➜  Here on this line he is letting people know how important it is for time to flow so quickly. According to him, we must use our time, which is so limited that we should not waste our time living someone else’s life. We must use our time well to shed light on our future. Time waits for nothing. We have to move on without wasting time.

c. What does he mean by “don’t settle”?

➜ By “don’t settle”? He wants to suggest people not to look for the best and most satisfying tasks that they prefer. That means we have to keep looking for our best jobs that keep us happy. We have to do our best to find the right tasks. We shouldn’t bother with our desirable tasks until we have found the right tasks that satisfy us.

d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience?

➜ In order to persuade the audience, the speaker uses a personal and informal style of expression that appears to be the narrative type in which he tries to motivate the audience with his real life stories.

e. It is not easy to motivate others. How do you think Steve Jobs’ speech is so inspiring?

➜ I find Steve Jobs’s speech very inspiring. Excellent is his act of delivering life-related stories in his speech to motivate his audience. In his speech he told his personal stories from his life that have inspired most people. The speech contains several facts about the life of ordinary people. His speech encourages people to continue on the path of progress regardless of the family background they belong to.

f. Why do you think Steve Jobs used the personal narrative story telling technique in his speech? What influence does it have on the audiences?

➜ I think Steve Jobs used the technique of personal storytelling in his speech to motivate his audience. His speech contains several facts about the difficulties and struggles of life. He has a very positive impact on the audience. His speech gives the audience a chance. to literally know the difficulties and struggles behind a successful life.

 Reference beyond the text 

a. One of Steve Jobs mottos was: ‘Think differently’. Can this make a person succeed in life? What challenges are there in thinking differently?

➜ Yes, this can make a person successful in life. To change the life we ​​have to think and act differently. There has to be a change in our thoughts. We have to try to do something different. Similar thoughts can never move forward properly. There are different challenges to thinking differently. Many legends, inventors, have been humiliated and cut off from societies because they naturally thought differently. You should be crazy. Thinking differently can isolate people from majorities, societies, etc. We have to think differently for change and development.

b. What does the slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” mean to you?

➜ The slogan “Stay hungry; stay foolish” means being ready and willing to try new things. We must always strive to know and achieve the important things in our life. We should try to do something new in our life with different thoughts.

c. What does it mean to be a visionary? What makes Steve Jobs different from a fortune teller?

➜ To be visionary means to have a positive vision or anticipation for the future. Steve Jobs is different from a fortune teller. The fortune-teller is not always right. His predictions could be wrong. But as a visionary, Steve Jobs’ positive prediction sets him apart from a fortune teller. With his view of the tech world, he managed to reach the top of the tech world. Various things played a key role behind his predictions: his curiosity, his intuition, his different thoughts, his activities, his difficulties and struggles, his experience, his belief in his fate etc.


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THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH……….. its me monster op

Thank you very much dai it's very helpful to mee

Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why? can we write this question answer in 5marks questions I thik it is not enough

Jobs contends that you need to love to do what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Answer: Jobs is correct. We have faith in something we care about. We enjoy doing things that are of interest to us. We achieve success when we are enthusiastic about what we are doing.

A person must devote a significant portion of his day to work. So, because a person's job will be a major part of his or her life, it is essential that the person be passionate about what he or she does.

If a person enjoys what he does, he will be able to maintain a positive attitude toward his job and perform his duties with greater enthusiasm.All of the positive energy will be reflected in the person's work.

Furthermore, our passion for our work can lead to success. It is crucial that we all enjoy what we do in order to be great at it. We will not be successful in our work if we do not enjoy what we do. Our work will make no sense to us in this situation.

I hope this helps! Reply for more queries

Ff player lol

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thnku so much ❤🥰

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Thank u so much dai🙏😊

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what happened when Steve jobs turned 30

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  1. Live Before You Die

  2. How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs

  3. How to live before you die Summary &Exercise||Class11||English||NEB

  4. How to live before you die: Exercise of the essay (class 11 compulsory English)

  5. How to Live Before You Die (Kirk Giles)

  6. Amdidry


  1. Speech Analysis: "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs Essay (Book

    The foremost aim of Steve Jobs' speech How to Live before you Die, delivered before Stanford University's graduates in 2005, was to motivate audience's members to never cease exploring the full extent of their lives' potential. Get a custom book review on Speech Analysis: "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs. 191 writers ...

  2. The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs Essay

    Get a custom essay on The Speech "How to Live Before You Die" by Steve Jobs. This speech is heavily based on encouragement to the 2005 class of Stanford University. Steve Jobs encourages this group to always pursue their dreams. He classifies the setbacks in life as a bridge of opportunity for improvement.

  3. PDF Steve Jobs: How to live before you die 'You've got to find what you

    Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle. My third story is about death. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last,

  4. How To Live Before You Die: HSC Text

    Jobs' text examines the importance of taking risks in life, and finding the courage within yourself to pursue what you are truly passionate about. This awareness is conveyed through his self-reflection, "It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.". Nonetheless, he acknowledges the ...

  5. Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You Die 2005 Speech (Full Transcript)

    Here is the audio, transcript, and summary of the then Apple's CEO Steve Jobs' inspiring speech "How to Live Before You Die" at Stanford University 2005 commencement address. Listen to the MP3 audio of this speech: TRANSCRIPT: Thank you. I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the ...

  6. Rhetorical Analysis Of How To Live Before You Die By Steve Jobs

    In his commencement speech "How to Live Before You Die," Jobs addresses the very thing us as human beings value the most, life and death. In this emotional speech, the late Steve Jobs uses rhetorical strategies such as his diction, syntax, and other figurative language. To begin, the author uses diction and his word choice to reach his ...

  7. Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

    Watch next. At his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself.


    Learn English with ENGLISH SUBTITLES as you watch and listen to then Apple's CEO Steve Jobs' famous speech: How to Live Before You Die delivered at Stanford'...

  9. How to Live Before You Die, by Steve Jobs

    Introduction. Today we will look at a very famous speech called "How to Live Before You Die," delivered by Steve Jobs as a Stanford University commencement speech in 2005. Steve Jobs is one of the most important figures in culture and business over the past half century, and this speech, given after a cancer scare but before his actual ...

  10. Class 11 English

    Summary How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs. This essay, "How to Live Before You Die" is a motivational speech which has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, Steve Jobs on 12 th June 2005. This speech encourages not only the students of Stanford University but also the many people around the world.

  11. Solution of How to Live Before You Die

    This means that it is important to believe in something and to follow your instincts or inner guidance. This can help you make decisions and navigate life with confidence and purpose. ii. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.".

  12. How to Live Before You Die, by Steve Jobs

    This lesson is intended to last 60 minutes and would suit an upper-intermediate or advanced class. It can, however, be tailored for lower levels, and you can use material from the student page for extra activities to stretch the class to 90 minutes. Steve Jobs is a famous and interesting figure who inspires students, and so this lesson has a ...

  13. How to Live Before You Die

    How to Live Before You Die Summary . Steve Jobs' speech 'How to Live Before You Die' adopts a tripartite structure and uses personal stories to communicate a message of resilience and personal integrity. He delivered this inspiring speech at Stanford University 2005 commencement address.

  14. How to Live Before You Die Exercise

    Explain the following lines: i. "You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.". This line was said by Steve Jobs in his speech at Stanford University. Here he advises everyone to believe in ourselves. We have to build up self-motivation as no one is going to do it for us.

  15. What We Know About the Assassination Attempt Against Trump

    Here's what we know about the shooting. The Former President. Mr. Trump ducked quickly after the shots began and as members of the crowd began to scream.

  16. Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-17 How to Live Before you Die? by

    Reference to the context. d. Which style of speech is used by the speaker to persuade the audience? Ans: The speaker has used an argumentative point, facts and detail description to persuade the audience. He also uses story telling method to capture the audience's attention.

  17. How to Live Before You Die || Summary and Exercise

    This essay " How to Live Before You Die" is a motivational speaker that has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer Steve Jobs. This speech has been delivered by him at the commencement of Stanford University in the year 2005. This speech encouraged the students of Stanford University as well as many people around the globe.

  18. Summary of How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs Class 11 ...

    Main Summary: 'How to Live Before You Die' is a motivational speech delivered by Apple's CEO Steve Jobs at Stanford University in 2005. In this speech he shows the importance of time. He says our time is limited so we should not waste it. We should utilize it before we die.

  19. How to Live Before You die? Exercise Class 11 English with Summary

    5 min read. 'How to Live Before you Die' is the essay based on speech given by Steve Jobs that aims to be motivational by sharing pivotal life lessons his own remarkable journey and career. This essay is kept in class 11 English Unit 2 of essays section and it's textbook exercise question answers solution and summary is provided in this article.

  20. CrowdStrike-Microsoft Outage: What Caused the IT Meltdown

    Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide. Airlines, hospitals and people's computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

  21. Trump Is Safe After Assassination Attempt; Suspected Gunman Is Dead

    A spectator was also killed at the rally in Pennsylvania, the Secret Service said. Former President Donald J. Trump said in a post online that he had been "shot with a bullet that pierced the ...

  22. Visual timeline of the Trump assassination attempt

    Video shows some attendees notice the gunman on the roof at least one minute and 57 seconds before the shooting begins, based on an analysis comparing this video to the moments in Trump's speech.

  23. How to Live before You Die by Steve Jobs: Summary

    This essay, "How to Live Before You Die," is a motivational speech that has been delivered by the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs. This speech was delivered by him at the commencement of Stanford University in 2005. In his speech, he has delivered his life-related stories to motivate people who were present at that commencement.

  24. After assassination attempt, Trump and Biden seek calm, unity

    Donald Trump arrived on Sunday in Milwaukee, where he will be formally nominated as the Republican presidential candidate later this week after surviving an assassination attempt that has ...

  25. How to Live Before You Die: Summary & Exercise [Class-11]

    Summary of How to Live Before You Die. In his speech, 'How to Live Before You Die' Steve Jobs shares three stories from his own life and reflects on the importance of following one's passions, taking risks, and not settling for less than what one wants in life. He discusses his own experiences dropping out of college and being fired from Apple ...

  26. Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20-year-old Trump rally shooter, identified by

    Trump rally shooting. The shooter: The FBI named Thomas Matthew Crooks, who is now dead, as the gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump at a rally.The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man had searched ...

  27. How to Live before You Die by Steve Jobs Exercise: Questions ...

    i. "You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.". This line was introduced by Apple Computer CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs in his speech at Stanford University. Here he advises everyone to believe and trust these important aspects of their life. According to Steve Jobs, these aspects go hand in hand with ...

  28. How to Live Before You Die Summary in Nepali

    #NEBGrade11 #EnglishSummary #EducationGuideHow to Live Before You Die Summary in Nepali | Class 11 Compulsory English Summary in Nepali | NEBCheck (Playlist)...