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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Crime prevention (Band 9)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer :

One of the highly controversial issues today relates to that of crime prevention. While some people believe that government should take the responsibility for crime prevention, some others think that every person should be responsible for their safety and defend themselves against crime . This essay discusses why self-protection is very important but why the role of government is more efficient in preventing crime . 

Self-defense is certainly one of the most efficient ways to avoid crime . Mastering certain techniques like Kungfu, Karate, Boxing can definitely help a common man protect himself and his family from criminals. For instance, in Japan, achieving a black belt in Karate is mandatory for every student because people believe in making students independent. Thus, students are made to undergo such training so that they are able to protect themselves from an unforeseen incidence of violence or crime . Thus, it is easy to see why it is important to be independent and hold responsibility for preventing any criminal activity.

However, not everyone can be independent, and also, the intensity of crime can be quite high. In such situations, if government tightens the rules and ensures that the police department is proactive, definitely everyone fears the punishments and tends to stay away from crime . For example, a recent survey showed that the main reason for 0.2% crime rate in the USA is ridiculously strict rules and an intensely proactive criminal department. Thus, it goes without saying that the government has a major responsibility in preventing crime . 

police and crime prevention essay ielts

Reducing the crime rate is very important for creating a safe and peaceful environment in the country. This essay discussed why people should learn to be independent and acquire some self-defense techniques; nonetheless, the role of government is more important in reducing crime . In my opinion, the rules framed by the government are more efficient than self-defense in preventing crime . 

Total Words: 250

Task Achievement: 9

Coherence & cohesion: 9, lexical resources: 9, overall score: band 9.

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dear sir, I shall be grateful if you mark my essay about this topic:

Crime prevention is one of the most contentious arguments piqued in the recent decades. Some reckon responsibility relies on the government to take measures such as ensuing strict legislations however, society might has its own share of crime prevention as I contend to argue in this essay. It is an indisputable fact the government is the basic defender of societal serenity against violence represented in multiple foundations for instance, the police department, Forensic department and juridical organization. Governments have the manpower, financial support and jurisdiction on account of imposing law and order so; the responsibility relies on the government. Another significant advantage the government has control on which is the education system which I believe is the most imperative thing in crime prevention on the long run; boosting population moral fiber is the impetus of crime prevention, a look at crime rates in the countries with the best education systems comparing to others provides us the evidence. Nonetheless, in the world of today with a relatively high crime rates setting back and depending solely on government for fighting crimes might not be the best choice hence, it is in my belief that individuals should have the ability to protect themselves against possible crimes provided the fact that being able to protect oneself entails the right for holding firearm which on the contrary boosts crimes rates. By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my belief that despite the fact that governments hold the responsibility of preserving security of society, individuals should not forsake their right of having firearms to attain self defense ability.

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don’t think this essay is band 9 worthy…


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Crime & Punishment Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Crime & Punishment. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. This topic is more likely to appear in the Academic test than the GT writing test. However, all candidates should prepare for all topics to be safe.

Crime & Punishment Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, 2021 Academic Test)
Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest? (Reported 2015, 2017, 2022 Academic Test)
It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media. Do you agree that this is the main cause of juvenile crime? What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation? (common question)
In some societies, the number of crimes committed by teenagers is growing. Some people think that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive adult punishment. To what extent do you agree? (2020, 2023)
Some countries are struggling with an increase in the rate of crime. Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
Some people think that women should not be allowed to work in the police force. Do you agree or disagree?
Many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that the best way to reduce the crime rate is to ban alcohol. Do you think this is an effective measure against crime? What other solutions can you suggest?
Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, 2020, GT Test)
Many people believe that having a fixed punishment for all crimes is more efficient. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment? (common question)
Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The death penalty is the best way to control and reduce serious crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there are better ways to deal with them. What is your opinion? (common question – this is often reworded with a focus on the best ways to deal with criminals)
Crime rate, in most countries, is often higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Why do you think that is? What can be done to reduce the crime rate?
Some people think that poverty is the reason behind most crimes. Do you agree or disagree?
Internet crime is increasing rapidly as more and more people are using the internet to make financial transactions. What can be done to tackle this problem ?
Some people think that the parents of children who commit crime should also receive a punishment. Do you agree or disagree? (2020)

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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Crime Essays

by Ali (Iran)

police and crime prevention essay ielts

Very good
Mar 19, 2016

Apr 12, 2016

very very very very gooooooooooooooooood

Sep 26, 2016

Oct 13, 2016

Superbbbb. It's cool. Helped me a lot
Jan 26, 2017

I agree for what is being said we need to protect the society and our families against crime
Apr 08, 2017

It's great but there's one mistake. The spelling of IMPRISONMENT is written as EMPRISONMENT. Anyway It's great.
Jul 10, 2017

Very nicely written but if my understanding is correct:

Shouldn't there be three parts to the discussion?
First part dealing with people's view on How more efforts should be made to counteract the rising crime rate, a second part addressing how and why others believe not much can be done in this regard and a third part dealing with the writers views.

I see you've only discussed the solutions, I can't tell what promoted you to do so from looking at the statement to provide those (I'm still trying to get a hang of it).

In my opinion one is required to provide a simple two way view over the issue.

Also I dont see a paraphrased introduction, and what your essay will be dealing with. Can that be skipped?

Sep 05, 2017

Crime spoils your families name and reputation so stop crime and about your family.
Oct 14, 2017

Thanks it helped me in debate competition
Dec 14, 2017

Feb 09, 2018

Mar 27, 2018

Superb job
May 24, 2018

Just awesome
Jun 01, 2018

Well written but I have sported one grammar mistake. It should be be "in my mind and not "to my mind".
Jun 26, 2018

Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime.

Some people think that more should be done to prevent crime, whereas others feel that nothing can be done.

What are your views?

The everincreasing number of crime rates is alarming and a cause of concern for many, the world over.While some people demand effective measures to curb crime, others maintain that crime cannot be stopped. This essay discusses both the views and arrives at an opinion.

To begin with, there is a widespread belief among many that little can be done to contain crime. They argue that when poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are prevalent in many nations,it is literally impossible to stop criminal offences. In actual fact, crime derives from social anarchy and disequilibrium in the society. Countries like Libiya and Somalia are classic examples for this, where the society is in complete disarray. As such, it is irrational to assume that crime can be contained.

However, the call to develop new strategies to prevent crime is gaining ground around the globe. One of the measures is installing surveillance cameras on every major street. This will help the police to monitor unusual activities and plan a prompt response to any negative incidents. In addition, increasing the number of police personnel would also serve the purpose. This will help to deploy more forces and ensures regular night patrolling of the neighborhood. Implementation of these strategies seem to be a great idea to curtail crime.

In conclusion, pessimists maintain that crime cannot be controlled as long as poverty is prevalent.However, I believe that crime can be limited with the aid of strict surveillance and an increase in police scrutiny of the localities with additional deployment of forces. It is hoped that one day the world will become crime free and everyone will live without fear, though it seems very much like an utopian dream.
Jun 26, 2018

The everincreasing number of crime rates is alarming and a cause of concern for many, the world over.While some people demand effective measures to curb crime, others maintain that crime cannot be stopped. This essay discusses both the views and arrives at an opinion.

To begin with, there is a widespread belief among many that little can be done to contain crime. They argue that when poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are prevalent in many nations,it is literally impossible to stop criminal offences. In actual fact, crime derives from social anarchy and disequilibrium in the society. Countries like Libiya and Somalia are classic examples for this, where the society is in complete disarray. As such, it is irrational to assume that crime can be contained.

However, the call to develop new strategies to prevent crime is gaining ground around the globe. One of the measures is installing surveillance cameras on every major street. This will help the police to monitor unusual activities and plan a prompt response to any negative incidents. In addition, increasing the number of police personnel would also serve the purpose. This will help to deploy more forces and ensures regular night patrolling of the neighborhood. Implementation of these strategies seem to be a great idea to curtail crime.

In conclusion, pessimists maintain that crime cannot be controlled as long as poverty is prevalent.However, I believe that crime can be limited with the aid of strict surveillance and an increase in police scrutiny of the localities with additional deployment of forces. It is hoped that one day the world will become crime free and everyone will live without fear, though it seems very much like an utopian dream.
Sep 20, 2018

Aug 25, 2019

In every argument there exist premises that are presumed to be true and those premises are basically a plank that each arguer stands upon opposing ends of hoping to balance the plank upon the fulcrum of their opinions of morality. It is impossible to win an argument that seeks only a balance of ideas and this discussion about crime is one such argument.

Let's examine the premise that "crime is the evil" societies must contend with. Are we saying that crime is a living breathing thing that is waiting to pounce upon us? We must see that crime is only the side effect of an individual's inability to function civilly in a society. It is in this light that we can see that our attention should be focused on the living breathing individual and not on the effect of crime.

But therein lies the true problem. We, as a people, don't really give a damn about one another. We only care about getting our own way and we don't care if this costs other people their livelihoods or their lives. Let's be honest in our debate on crime and accept our role in the definition of "Criminal". Get off the damned teeter-totter of moral arguments and let's talk about why we despise each other so much.
Sep 19, 2019

Please anyone explain this information because i have no idea with this statement.....
(Hwo ex-criminal can educate about crime's dire consequences to children. Why do you agree or disagree with statement)
Please give someone ideas

Thank u
Jan 09, 2020

Thanks for essay. Helped me a lot in my homework.
Feb 11, 2022

Apr 03, 2023

are increasing day by day in all societies in the world, but I personally do believe that there are a lot which can be done by both the governments and the individuals to reduce the crimes in communities.

A lot of important measures, on the one hand, can be taken by the governments in order to reduce or even eradicate different types of crimes .First, governments can introduce more police forces everywhere to monitor people s activities and stop them from committing crimes. Second, the state can apply new technologies such as surveillance cameras in the streets, shopping centers, restaurants and all public places to cease criminals .Third, strict punishments on criminals can have really preventive and deterrent effects on all age groups in society , so by using harsh penalties like emprisonment,physical or financial punishments the rate of crimes can be decreased.

On the other hand, individuals in societies can be of great help to cut down on the number of crimes being committed. To my mind, the overwhelming majority of people tend to participate in activities assisting the government to keep the society a safe place for their own families and the others and for all age groups .Take as an example, most people by reporting the problems to police can play an indispensable role in crime-prevention activities. In addition, when people themselves care about decreasing heinous crimes in cities, it can be sort of a preventive action to harness well the situation in society by government as well.

To conclude, in order for a society to be a safe place to live in, all society members including the governments and people must take necessary measurements to keep it a crime-free place.
Nov 09, 2023

You are the best thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!


Continue like that!
Jan 30, 2024

So so

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Violent Crime and Youngsters

Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngsters under the age of 18. Some psychologists claim that the basic reason for this is that children these days are not getting the social and emotional learning they need from parents and teachers.
 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? It has been indicated by the latest researches that there are an increase number of violence crimes throughout the young individuals under 18 years old. The reason for this phenomenon as the psychologists believe is lack of emotional and social learning by the parents and teachers. Psychologically, there are two crucial factors that making teachers and parents careless about their young children and students ate the age of 18 in learning. Parents and teachers treat adults in serious ways during the learning process for two points. First of all, they observe that these group of children do not need emotion and softness as younger children, and they really pay attention just on their academic studies and how to pass successfully from the school. Eventually, the relationships between parents, teachers and students become extremely hard without any love. Secondly, once the circumstance at the school or home is getting worse and under pressure for students, they start to hate every body around them and act negatively and violently against innocent. Consequently, teachers and parents cause people at age of 18 to be dangerous criminals in the society. The other significant point is parents and teachers are less informative of excellent method of learning and teaching 18 years old students. Although there are several of resources that could teach people the intelligent approach of emotional and social learning for adult, these teachers are still not professional at it. In Canada for instance, Chapter, who is the famous library, sells the newest and easiest books of dealing with secondary schools students, yet criminal behaviors have reached the peak at schools, streets and public places. Lastly, this problem is difficult to be solved without increasing the awareness among teachers and parents of the importance of reading about emotional social learning. In Conclusion, to decrease the number of crime violence among 18 years old individuals, parents and teachers should teach them in inspirational and friendly methods. I realize that strict communication and narrow education are the influential factors for making these youth criminals. Please feedback on my IELTS Essay

Hi, Sara.

I assume that you are from Canada.

I reviewed your essay and found several grammatical mistakes.

First, I will write down every mistake that I found. I am not an English teacher and English is not my first language, but as much as I have read in English, those following details seemed incorrect. Capitalized words is the way I would write.

About overall content and justification essay seemed good. However, in second paragraph, "first of all" should begin the paragraph, otherwise the first sentence does not make sense.

I think you should avoid using word HATE.

I would also suggest to look up for some synonyms for young adult, children, 18 year old.

Thanks for reviewing my essay.
Dec 07, 2014

Thank you for checking my essay, and your comments are absolutely true, but it is difficult to notice them when you are writing quickly. How about my coherence and cohesive? I am asking you this question because I always have troubles with them. Also, if you did the exam and score 7 in writing, please give me some advices in practicing and for my writing to reach this score?

Thanks a lot.
Dec 11, 2014

The topic of the proliferation of juvenile criminal acts and its reasons has been a contentious issue, since the inception of the modern age. Although parents and teachers play a crucial role, it must not to be forgotten that the government should also play their part. This essay will examine both views.

To begin, since parents are the initial role model for a child, they hold the vital aspect in inculcating values which will guide the child through life. For example, if a child is properly nurtured during the start of development, this would lead to a better growth, thus making a person productive and may not contemplate any lascivious acts in the future. In addition, schools are said to be the second institution for not just education but also social growth. The curriculum, in part, should motivate the young minds to become an asset in the society. By showing inspirational movies, for instance, can ignite their endeavor to strive for the betterment of the community and, therefore, can make attributions in the future.

However, the authority should also impart some contributions to prevent this debacle of the youth. Since there are beneficial projects present, the government may encourage to commission infrastructure such as gym, sport's complex, football field and dance studios in promoting a healthy lifestyle. With this, much options would be rendered, thus, preventing virulent thoughts to arise leading to crime. A case in point, if the youth will spend a time in the gym, a beneficient outcome will be provided, therefore, averting the possibilty of negative process.

To sum up, i firmly beleive that in order to eradicate this predicament of the young, a synergestic effort should be formed from the parents, school, and especially the authorities for it to become successful.

Dec 26, 2014

Dec 27, 2014

Thank you very much for your comment
I'm happy to hear that from u
Did u do the test ?
Jan 26, 2017

Great topic to teach youngsters that commiting crime is wrong they should know that if they commit crime they are doing the wrong thing. Thanks for the inspiring essay about crime.
Oct 13, 2019

In conclusion Crime violence not suitable....

Causes and Solutions

police and crime prevention essay ielts

Correct line - could be some of the reason
Jun 28, 2017

CRIME: An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the sate and is punished by law.

In many counties crime is increase.The main reason behind this reason behind this growth is:

-Rise the cost of living
-Rise of population and limitation of resources
-Availability of information to do crime e.g TV AND INTERNET
-Reduction of harsher punishment for crime
-Rise of political reveries/hate politics
-Demolished of moral value
-Broken of families


Crime Prevention

by Lama (UAE)

Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The contemporary world has witnessed an increase in crime rates earlier. This is a prevailing and worrying aspect that made many to believe it's impossible to prevent it. However, in my own perspective, I think there are certain methods that could tackle these felonies and slash its growth. It's essential to look up for the fundamental and the root cause of the dilemma. For example, the relationship between committing a crime and poverty should be considered; as poverty is increasing, crime rate is increasing too. Besides that, the social issue of unemployment can lead the individual or any party to commit a certain crime, such as robbery, human smuggling, drug trade etc. In addition, the rise in inflation number has a direct correlation with unemployment and poverty too. As a result, the prevailing scenario leads to insufficient availability of job opportunities for the nation. These people will tend to go off the tangent and become law breakers in order to afford money for their survival or other real purposes. Statistics have shown that dealing with bribes between people is specifically the most committed illegal act in today's world. And eventually, this is perpetuated to spread corruption and seize human rights in an unfair way. Despite all the horrific crimes going on, genuine measures should be taken into account against those felonies to reduce crime rates in the region. Local governments should have determinable impacts on poor people to uplift their lives. This can be done by providing more jobs to initiate the economical industries to originate more job opportunities. The government of each city should also submit straight laws to the citizens. These law must involve strict punishments that oblige the offender to think again before committing any crime. Moreover, good moral education and parental guidance improves the individual's personal perspective and point of view in the society. In conclusion, I think crime rates cannot be diminished but alleviate. And by considering some measures and precautions, the world would become a better place. Please comment on my essay

From my own experience, I notice that you overused complicated words in many times specifically in verbs.

So I recommend you to use the simplest one in verbs, while in noun you can use complicated synonymous.

Thank you


Ex-Prisoners Advising Teenagers About Crime

by Fahad_a11

Please Evaluate and point out mistakes in my crime essay. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There is no doubt that crime rates have dramatically increased over the last few years. Some criminals managed themselves well while they stayed in prison. One of the reasons is that they have seen the problems and sacrifices they have to make. Some people argue that these are the best people to create awareness about crimes in teenagers. However, others state that a person with a criminal background will not a leave good impression on people's minds. Firstly, it is the duty of governments and the people to identify the aspects of crimes in teenagers. After that, there should be workshops and seminars which highlight the consequences of committing crimes. It is also the responsibility of parents and guardians to have an eye on their children's activities. With little effort, one can stop many criminal activities in the surroundings. Secondly, people who were the part of immoral doings become good citizens after prison so could help teenager in eradicating this sin. They have personally experienced all the suffering they have to go through after their crime. They know the possible reason, why and how youngsters are involved in such cruel doings. Their worlds would leave undeniable impressions on people's minds and will help to eliminate crime from the society. To conclude, I strongly believe that once a criminal, not always a criminal. If one has regret about his past and has changed himself, one should be treated like a normal human being. Furthermore, they could help teenagers from crime while telling them about their sacrifices of time, health and family.

it is best way
Sep 03, 2015

Doing mistakes is not a crime, but not learning from it can be a crime

CCTV in Public Places

by Jamshid (Namangan)

police and crime prevention essay ielts

Although there are few errors in your writing, the band score for Coherence and Cohesion will stay at 6 because of your use of linking phrases.

Talk with a tutor about the following writing criteria:

Band 6: "uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical"

A good tutor will help you understand why your rigid use of linking phrases may prevent you from achieving band 7.
Dec 02, 2015

Good post
Jan 26, 2017

Just wanna say great essay very inspiring.
Feb 09, 2017


Call me Shinta

I am going to take an IELTS test next month, please help me to improve my English. I hope I could reach up to 6 band

This really difficult for me, so I need friends who wants to talk with me by email [email protected] or text message

Anyone please

Reducing Crime

I know this is way over the word count. But I keep getting 6 on my writing. Can someone please tell me if this is okay for an essay? *** Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion. A lot of people believe we need to reduce crime. Some people believe we can do that by giving inmates longer time in prison, while others believe there are other ways we can accomplish reducing crime. This essay will explain both sides and give an opinion. The first view states that people think we should give longer prison sentences. People believe if someone has committed crime they should stay in prison longer. We need to increase penalty rates by law. They did something wrong so the prisoners should have to pay for what they have done and therefore they will be staying out of trouble in prison. In prison they have programs that help inmates to make better decisions in life. For example, they have counsellor and can help people look at getting a trade job when they are released from prison. The second view point says some people think there are other ways to reduce crime in the community other than longer prison sentences. One thing we could do is having groups put in the community. For example, making it mandatory that people who have committed a crime go to a counsellor. Another thing we could do is helping them get jobs and therefore they do not feel they need to commit a crime to get by in life. For example, people will steal because they may not be able to afford money for groceries. In my opinion I believe there are other ways for people to receive the help they need so they do not commit crimes other than jail. No matter what people do not want to go to prison but they still end up there. We need to look at other ways for keeping them out. It may be the only thing they know and some prisoners spend half there life there. Keeping them in prison does not teach them anything, it just keeps them there longer but eventually they will get out and do the same thing again cause that is all they know. In conclusion there are many different ways we can keep crime low. Some people believe longer prison sentences but I believe there is another alternative than that.

Certain people believe that a longer life imprisonment is the best possible way to eliminate the increasing criminality rate in our society, however, some believe that there are other ways to reduce the crime rate. In my opinion, it is necessary that the government will focus more about this issue. This essay will discuss the views and opinions about this problem.

Firstly,there are certain ways that usually applied to the inmates as part of the program that the Department of Justice and police department should implement. Like for instance, providing projects which enables them to be productive even inside the prison such as making lanterns during Christmas season, making a handicraft projects and more. In addition to this, this is one of the best ways in supporting their families in financial aspect.

Secondly, lengthen the time of sentences for the prisoner is also an alternative way of punishment, but it depends on how heavy or not the crime that has been committed by the convictee. Aside from that, it is one of the best solutions in prohibiting the person to get involve in the crime, the more higher the punishment is, the more it is for the criminals not to get involved in certain evil act which might cause trouble and danger to the innocent people.

To sum up,there are different ways that the government sector should implement for the safety and security of the citizen in the specific place. Thus, it is necessary to abide the policies and the rules to live in a peaceful and zero crime rate society.

Increasing Levels of Crime Essay

by Param sandhu (India )

In many cities crime is increasing. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce crime levels? In numerous of cities crime is growing up. I think, due to the lack of education and poverty rates, crime is happening. However, although crime is a worse problem in the cities, governments can reduce it by providing job opportunities and by implementing some stringent laws against criminals. Number of factors contribute in the inclining rates of crime. Firstly, since the rate of poverty has increased, people are following the path of crime because they do have not any source of earning money therefore masses indulge in the crime. For example, a recent study in India showed that majority of criminals had belonged to poor families. Secondly, lack of education is also the reason of crime, being uneducated folks cannot get jobs at the respected field of works and without education they have not specific knowledge about living in the society and behave with others. Which finally leads them on the path of crime. Higher authorities can taken some steps to reduce the crime. First and foremost, free education must be available for the children who come from the poor families. So, they can make their future better by gaining vast amount of knowledge and experiences from the study institutions. However, governments should also create more jobs related to all fields such as in the factories, where even illiterate people can work and earn some amount of money. Last but not least, criminals should be penalized with stringent punishments which can set an example in front of others and force them to avoid to choosing paths of crime. In conclusion, though crime is increasing at alarming rate, owing to the lack of job opportunities and poverty. But I think governments may solve this by providing some facilities and enacting the laws.

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Curfew Essay

by Abhigyan (Canada)

In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this? Most of the illegal activities happen at night and by imposing curfew, US government wanted to stop teenagers to get involved or get harmed by such lawless acts. Increased drug addiction and kidnapping cases have compelled the government to take such stern action. This essay will discuss that how this decision of imposing the curfew is favorable to youth and how will it impact the life of teenagers. First, cocaine is the common problem among the American youth and US government wants to save youth from this life-threatening addiction. It has been seen that teenagers go to pubs and other places to get the drugs at night. To stop the involvement of the youth, US government has imposed curfew and asked the adults to go out with their kids in the night so that they do not get involved in any activity related to drug addiction. Second, kidnapping activities were increasing in these neighborhoods and gangs were kidnapping the teenagers for ransom. It was impossible for the police to follow every teenager even after making special patrolling batches. Looking at the scenario, Senior government officials have decided to impose curfew in few areas to control the situation. When there are no unsolicited teenagers outside their home, there will be less chance to perform an act of kidnapping. So, this Curfew not only will help the police to control the crime in these Areas but also save the lives of teenagers. In summary, teenagers are the backbone of economy and future of a country, therefore it is important to save them from bad habits and bad people. The decision to impose a curfew was good and in the favor of youth.

IELTS Essay: Decline in Police Numbers

Why has the number of police officers declined?

Why has the number of police officers declined?

In some countries the number of police officers in active service is decreasing. Why is this happening and how could it affect society? The storage of police officers has been bothering some counties, this might have negative effects on the society as a whole. In my opinion there could be several factors which discourage the youth from joining the forces. Cops are essential to maintain peace and safety of the country but in the recent time few nations have been facing a shortage of police and this may be due to the rigged system some country operates on , a system which is controlled and governed by the strong and powerful leaving the protectors of the nations without any choice but to follow order or drop out of the service, it is quite evident that more than a few have opted for the later option. Another reason behind this social issues could be the selfish mindset that the new age people may hold, not wanting to work for and towards the betterment of the society and state as the patriotism in their hearts may be decreasing. Few people may also drop out due to the long and rigour process of achieving a rank and not much salary and choose to opt for a more lucrative career choice. For example, my cousin who works as head constable in the police department for the past 7 years, does not make enough to support his family and has decided to opt out of the department and go for a different career choice as a clerk. All these issues have a negative effect on the public which includes people feeling unsafe , increase in crime rates, increase in the corruption of society and could cause an imbalance in the society , people may also hold prejudice against the whole police community due to this, ruining the relationship between the protector and protectee . to conclude, the lack of officer would become a serious problem in the coming future but at the same time the government should fund the department more than now since at the end of the day , being a police officer is too a career and should be able to support the worker for the better.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1393 - having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some countries are struggling with increasing crime rates. many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime., to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

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I have been writing consistently at least 2 essays a week for the past 3 and a half years. Much as I enjoy writing, I love showing my work to the world. And I don’t just write for the sake of Writing. I, instead, write strictly TIMED essays you will most likely expect in the IELTS. Bare in mind that the TIMER is your true friend, and this makes time abundance your foe. Always time yourself 1 hour for a FULL test or 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2. Remember to tackle the question(s) without any pre-reading since this element of surprise of having a random question thrown right into your face is what IELTS Writing is all about. These under-exam-condition essays, no matter how shitty they turn out to be, are indicative of your TRUE level of English, of what you could reasonably do in a real test, and also a foundation on which you can build up and keep refining your skills. And finally, you can take advice from me as someone who has, countless times, pulled off an 8.0 in Writing. Have fun reading and stay hungry for knowledge. Ngoc.

police and crime prevention essay ielts

Crime Prevention

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Some people believe more actions can be taken to prevent crime , while others think that little can be done.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some feel that there are diminishing returns in the extent to which crimes can be deterred. In my opinion, though crime is an inevitable element of every society, modern methods and efforts to tackle the root causes still serve as effective preventative measures.

Those arguing against prevention point to the inevitability of crime. Wealth inequality exists in all parts of the world and individuals who lack the means to earn a stable livelihood may eventually turn to crime as a last resort. While most developed countries have social safety nets in the form of food banks or soup kitchens, these are not always present in less wealthy nations, where there are still significant income gaps and a concomitant rise in crime rates. This is compounded by advances in technology in recent decades that allow individuals with extremist ideas to join fractured groups online, recruit new members, mobilise resources, and plan potential attacks. Since most democratic nations are hesitant to censor free speech online, the probability of completely eradicating crime remains relatively low.

Nonetheless, there are still measures that can be taken to prevent crime. These include the use of advanced technologies and efforts to address the chief underlying causes. Recent research studies in criminology have indicated that crimes have reached their lowest point in history in the 21st century due to the advent of forensic science and sophisticated surveillance techniques. Examples of the former include dental identifications and blood splatter analysis, while the latter involves increased surveillance and regular police patrolling in communities around the world. Moreover, education is the single most effective way to tackle the underlying cause of crimes. Governments should provide access to education for less privileged children, and schools can organise workshops to inform students of the grave consequences of criminal activities. By providing children with both knowledge and awareness, they are more likely to later find decent employment and provide for themselves, thus reducing the likelihood of later offenses.

In conclusion, though crimes are common occurrences in all societies, especially in the age of technology, education and modern techniques continue to act as effective deterrents to criminals. Governments and concerned citizens should work in tandem to prevent the onset of crimes rather than simply addressing their symptoms.

Essay Breakdown


[1] Some feel that there are diminishing returns in the extent to which crimes can be deterred. [2] In my opinion, though crime is an inevitable element of every society, modern methods and efforts to tackle the root causes still serve as effective preventative measures.

1. Paraphrase the topic, introduce the main idea

2. A clear opinion stating my personal viewpoint

Paragraph 1

[1] Those arguing against prevention point to the inevitability of crime. [2] Wealth inequality exists in all parts of the world and individuals who lack the means to earn a stable livelihood may eventually turn to crime as a last resort. [3] While most developed countries have social safety nets in the form of food banks or soup kitchens, these are not always present in less wealthy nations, where there are still significant income gaps and a concomitant rise in crime rates. [4] This is compounded by advances in technology in recent decades that allow individuals with extremist ideas to join fractured groups online, recruit new members, mobilise resources, and plan potential attacks. [5] Since most democratic nations are hesitant to censor free speech online, the probability of completely eradicating crime remains relatively low.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea – crime is inevitable

2. Introduce the first supporting point – societal issues contribute to crime

3. Use an example comparing developed and less wealthy countries to support the point

4. Extend the point by giving a technology-related example.

5. Show the result of the example

Paragraph 2

[1] Nonetheless, there are still measures that can be taken to prevent crime. [2] These include the use of advanced technologies and efforts to address the chief underlying causes. [3] Recent research studies in criminology have indicated that crimes have reached their lowest point in history in the 21 st century due to the advent of forensic science and sophisticated surveillance techniques. [4] Examples of the former include dental identifications and blood splatter analysis, while the latter involves increased surveillance and regular police patrolling in communities around the world. [5] Moreover, education is the single most effective way to tackle the underlying cause of crimes. [6] Governments should provide access to education for less privileged children, and schools can organise workshops to inform students of the grave consequences of criminal activities. [7] By providing children with both knowledge and awareness, they are more likely to later find decent employment and provide for themselves, thus reducing the likelihood of later offenses.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea – crime can be prevented by a number of solutions

2. Introduce the first supporting idea – efforts and advanced technologies

3. Develop the idea by giving an explanation (forensic science and sophisticated surveillance techniques)

4. Support the explanation by using a two-part example (the former and the latter)

5. Introduce the second supporting idea – education

6. Develop the idea

7. Conclude by showing a positive future outcome 

[1] In conclusion, though crimes are common occurrences in all societies, especially in the age of technology, education and modern techniques continue to act as effective deterrents to criminals. [2] Governments and concerned citizens should work in tandem to prevent the onset of crimes rather than simply addressing their symptoms.

1. Restate my opinion

2. Extend the viewpoint by stating a final thought

Those arguing against prevention point to the inevitability of crime . Wealth inequality exists in all parts of the world and individuals who lack the means to earn a stable livelihood may eventually turn to crime as a last resort. While most developed countries have social safety nets in the form of food banks or soup kitchens, these are not always present in less wealthy nations, where there are still significant income gaps and a concomitant rise in crime rates. This is compounded by advances in technology in recent decades that allow individuals with extremist ideas to join fractured groups online, recruit new members, mobilise resources , and plan potential attacks. Since most democratic nations are hesitant to censor free speech online, the probability of completely eradicating crime remains relatively low.

Nonetheless, there are still measures that can be taken to prevent crime. These include the use of advanced technologies and efforts to address the chief underlying causes. Recent research studies in criminology have indicated that crimes have reached their lowest point in history in the 21 st century due to the advent of forensic science and sophisticated surveillance techniques . Examples of the former include dental identifications and blood splatter analysis , while the latter involves increased surveillance and regular police patrolling in communities around the world. Moreover, education is the single most effective way to tackle the underlying cause of crimes. Governments should provide access to education for less privileged children, and schools can organise workshops to inform students of the grave consequences of criminal activities. By providing children with both knowledge and awareness, they are more likely to later find decent employment and provide for themselves, thus reducing the likelihood of later offenses.

In conclusion, though crimes are common occurrences in all societies, especially in the age of technology, education and modern techniques continue to act as effective deterrents to criminals. Governments and concerned citizens should work in tandem to prevent the onset of crimes rather than simply addressing their symptoms .

  • Diminishing returns : decreasing effectiveness over time
  • Tackle the root causes : address underlying issues
  • Inevitability of crime : the idea that crime is a permanent part of society
  • Earn a stable livelihood : earn a stable living
  • Social safety net : A system of support for people in need
  • Income gaps : difference in income or wealth between groups
  • Concomitant : occurring at the same time
  • Advances in technology : improvements in new technologies
  • Fractured groups : divided groups
  • Mobilise resources : gather resources to achieve a goal
  • Eradicating : completely eliminating
  • Criminology : A study of crime and criminals
  • Forensic science : A study of crime and criminal behavior using physical evidence
  • Sophisticated surveillance techniques : advanced methods for monitoring people or activities
  • Dental identifications : identification using teeth or dental records
  • Blood splatter analysis : A study of blood stains to determine how a crime was committed
  • Increased surveillance : use of more cameras, guards, etc. to watch or monitor an area
  • Regular police patrolling : regular visits and monitoring by police to prevent crime or provide security
  • Grave consequences : serious outcomes
  • Work in tandem : working together in a coordinated way
  • Addressing the symptoms : dealing with visible problems rather than underlying causes.

Grammar Gems:


“While most developed countries have social safety nets in the form of food banks or soup kitchens, these are not always present in less wealthy nations, where there are still significant income gaps and a concomitant rise in crime rates.” In this sentence, the word “concomitant” is an adjective to describe the relationship between income gaps and a rise in crime rates. This word is a sophisticated vocabulary choice and could be replaced with more common words such as “associated” or “related”. Using “concomitant” adds emphasis on the idea that the two phenomena are closely linked.

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IELTS Essay Topic #20 Crime

  • Post category: Essay Topic

Police and Crime Prevention

  • The job of the polices is to catch criminals
  • They must also prevent crime and make communities safer
  • There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets
  • Police officers should be seen as part of the community
  • They should be involved with education and prevention
  • The police should be in close contact with schools
  • They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school
  • These teenagers may become involved with gangs


  • Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes
  • If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment
  • Some criminals pose a threat to society
  • They are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens

Negatives of Prisons

  • Criminals are put together
  • They make friends with other offenders
  • Many prisoners re-offend when they are released
  • A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult


  • Another aim of prisons is rehabilitation
  • Prisoners receive education of vocational training
  • Prisoners should learn personal skills and specific job skills
  • Punishment could make prisoners’ behavior worse
  • Rehabilitation aims to make them better citizens
  • Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend

Capital Punishment

  • Supporters say that capital punishment deters crime
  • Fear of the death penalty stops people from committing offences
  • The death penalty shows that crime is not tolerated
  • It is a form of revenge
  • The cost of imprisonment is avoided
  • The offender cannot pose a threat to others

Against Capital Punishment

  • Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed
  • Crime rates are not necessarily reduced
  • Many criminals do not think they will be caught
  • Capital punishment is not a good deterrent
  • Executing prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge
  • We have no right to take another human life

Community Service

  • Community service is a way to reform offenders
  • It could be a solution to prison overcrowding
  • It avoids the cost of imprisonment
  • It makes offenders useful in their local communities
  • They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups
  • Offenders repay their community
  • They avoid the negative influence that prison can have

Against Community Service

  • Community service is not a sufficient punishment
  • Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims

Crime in the Media

  • Crime is one of the main subjects of most news
  • The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes
  • This leads to fear of crime among the public
  • Sensational stories attract more viewers or readers
  • The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience

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police and crime prevention essay ielts

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Crime is when you break the law. Punishment is something that is done to control a person when he commits crime. It varies from crime to crime (example- fine is the minor punishment).

Police and Crime Prevention:

  • The job of the polices is to catch criminals. Thus, to prevent crime and make communities safer.
  • There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets.
  • Police officers should be seen as part of the community.
  • They should educate the general public and create awareness.
  • The police should be in close contact with schools. They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school. Thus, these teenagers can become part of gangs.

Men and Women in law enforcement (police)

  • a) There should be equal representation of men and women in law enforcement.
  • b) Female individuals must be disciplined and regulated by female constable. It will reduce harassment

and cherish equality.

Prisons VS Rehabilitation

Prison is a place where criminals are kept, far away from the society.

Rehabilitation is a practice, in which criminals change into good citizens by teaching them ethics, norms and vocational skills (like welding, plumbing, carpentry, etc), so that when they come out of jail they can have a good life by earning livelihood rather than committing crimes again.

Benefits of rehabilitation

  • Individuals can support their families after coming out of the jail by working instead of committing crime again.
  • Criminals change into good citizens so that they can have a social status and stability in their lives.


  • Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes.
  • If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment.
  • Some criminals pose a threat to society, they are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens.

Negatives of Prisons:

  • Criminals are far away from their family and friends, thus causes mental issues.
  • Many prisoners re-offend when they are out of prisons, if they do not pass through rehabilitation..
  • A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult. Ultimately, society does not accept them. 

Capital punishment VS other type of punishment

Capital punishment is a type of punishment in which criminals are sentenced to death. It is for major crimes like murders.

Against Capital Punishment:

  • Killing someone does not kill the crime itself. Crime can only be reduced if authorities teach them ethics, norms and values. Therefore, change them into better person.
  • Crime rates do not decrease with capital punishment.
  • Capital punishment is not a good deterrent as death is the escape from suffering. 
  • Executing prisoners prompts violence and no one has ant right to take another human life.

Other type of punishment:

  • By imposing fine for minor crimes such as crossing traffic light, over speeding, etc.
  • By isolating (confining) the individuals for a particular period of time, where they can improve themselves through rehabilitation.

Criminals- What makes a criminal?

  • Lack of proper guidance and parenting.
  • Lack of formal education.
  • When individuals are not accepted in society due to their social, economic and political instability.
  • Peer pressure and bad elements.

Major VS Minor crimes

Major Crimes.

  • Major crimes include murder, terrorism, human trafficking.
  • Criminal is sentenced to death.

Minor Crimes

  • Minor crimes include stealing, breaking traffic lights, bullying.
  • Criminals are kept in prison and have to fine.

Community Service:

  • Community service is a way to reform offenders.
  • It could be a solution to prison overcrowding.
  • It avoids the cost of imprisonment.
  • It makes offenders useful in their local communities.
  • They help to clean streets or talk to school groups.
  • Offenders repay their community.
  • They avoid the negative influence that prison can have.

Against Community Service:

  • Community service is not a sufficient punishment
  • Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims

Crime and Technology

  • Digitalization and technology is increasing the level of crime day by day, such as online frauds, money extortion, spams, privacy breach etc. Criminals can steal the valuable information like bank details, passwords and pins. And further they can use it to steal money. Moreover, criminals can extort money by morphing the photos and videos. This makes the victim mentally stressed and leads to mental harassment. Therefore, these cases may lead to the suicide of the victims.
  • Technology provides a platform to criminals where they can interact or coordinate to commit a crime. Being at one place, criminals can contact with others criminals through their cell phones. And due to the advancement in the technology, criminals are using devices by which they are hard to track. Thus, this gives them privilege to commit crimes.

Crime in the Media:

  • Crime is one of the main subjects of most news programs.
  • The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes
  • This leads to fear of crime among the public
  • Sensational stories attract more viewers or readers
  • The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience

Teenagers and crime

Teenagers lack experience and maturity which leads them to become part of crime or criminal activities.

NOTE : Glorification of crimes in songs and movies brainwashes the teenagers and hence they become part of crime and start getting attracted towards bad elements.

Sample questions:

  • Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars.

        To what extent do you agree or disagree?

     2. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing as compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime.

         Do you agree or disagree?

     3. Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they released from prison.

         What do you think are the causes of this?

         What possible solutions can you suggest?

       4. It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media.

         Do you agree that this is the main cause of juvenile crime?

         What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation? 

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IELTS Writing Topics | Crime

Police and crime prevention.

IELTS Reading Test 1 | 2021 Online Practice

  • The job of the police is to catch criminals.
  • They must also prevent crime and make communities safer.
  • There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets.
  • Police officers should be seen as part of the community.
  • They should be involved with education and prevention.
  • The police should be in close contact with schools.
  • They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school.
  • These teenagers may become involved with gangs.

Punishments / Prisons

  • Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes.
  • If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment.
  • Some criminals pose a threat to society.
  • They are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens.

Negatives of Prisons

  • Criminals are put together.
  • They make friends with other offenders.
  • Many prisoners re-offend when they are released.
  • A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult.


IELTS Reading Test 1 | 2021 Online Practice

  • Another aim of prisons is rehabilitation.
  • Prisoners receive education or vocational training.
  • Prisoners should learn personal skills and specific job skills.
  • Punishment could make prisoners’ behaviour worse.
  • Rehabilitation aims to make them better citizens.
  • Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend.

Capital Punishment

Capital punishment

  • Supporters say that capital punishment deters crime.
  • Fear of the death penalty stops people from committing offences.
  • The death penalty shows that crime is not tolerated.
  • It is a form of revenge.
  • The cost of imprisonment is avoided.
  • The offender cannot pose a threat to others.

Against Capital Punishment

  • Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed.
  • Crime rates are not necessarily reduced.
  • Many criminals do not think they will be caught.
  • Capital punishment is not a good deterrent.
  • Executing prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge.
  • We have no right to take another human life.

Community Service

Community service

  • Community service is a way to reform offenders.
  • It could be a solution to prison overcrowding.
  • It avoids the cost of imprisonment.
  • It makes offenders useful in their local communities.
  • They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups.
  • Offenders repay their community.
  • They avoid the negative influence that prison can have.

Against Community Service

  • Community service is not a sufficient punishment.
  • Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims.

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In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

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How to do IELTS

IELTS Topic: Crime

by Dave | Topics | 0 Comment

IELTS Topic: Crime

Here all the crime sample answer IELTS essays that I have written!

Enjoy and comment your own writing if you feel up for it!

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Crime Essays & Topics

Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people believe more actions can be taken to prevent crime, while others think that little can be done.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

IELTS Essay: Preventing Crime

Young people committing crimes should be treated the same as adults by the authorities. 

IELTS Essay: Criminal Treatment
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime & Technology (Real Past Tests)

The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advances in technology.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime TV Shows (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

Watching TV shows and movies about crime is becoming more and more popular.

Why is this?

What effect does that have on society?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Children & Crime (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Essay: Crime and Human Nature

Many researchers believe that we can now study the behaviour of children to see if they will grow up to be criminals, while others disagree.

To what extent do you think crime is determined by genetics?

IELTS Essay: Breaking Traffic Laws

Not all drivers obey the laws while driving on roads.

What are the reasons for this?

What can be done to fix this problem?

IELTS Essay: Crime Amongst Youngsters

In many countries, crimes rates amongst younger people has been rising.

Discuss the causes and solutions for this problem.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Education and Crime (Real Test)

The most common solution for criminal behaviour is prison but many believe education is a better method.

IELTS Essay: Rules and Laws

Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do.

IELTS Essay: Crime Rates and Technological Prevention

Crime rates will fall as advances in technology make it easier to detect and prevent crimes.

IELTS Essay: Education in Prison

Studies show that crime rates are lower among those with educational degrees. Therefore, the best way to reduce the crime rate is to educate criminals while they are still in prison.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Crime and the Police (Real IELTS Exam)

Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believe that having more police on the streets is best way to reduce and combat crime.

IELTS Essay: Fixed Punishments

Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

IELTS Essay: Criminals Reoffending

Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released.

Why is this the case?

What can be done to solve this problem?

IELTS Essay: Violent Media

Some people believe that violent media directly results in violent behavior.

IELTS Essay: Curfews

Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy?

IELTS Essay: Safety

Many people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out.

What are the causes?

What are the solutions?

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by Dave | Sample Answers | 6 Comments

If you're interested in real IELTS writing essay questions and topics, you have found the perfect place! Scroll down to see the IELTS ...

IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Opinion Essays (Agree or Disagree)

IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Opinion Essays (Agree or Disagree)

by Dave | Understanding Task 2 Writing | 13 Comments

Here I have collected actual IELTS opinion essays (agree or disagree question) from the last several years - enjoy learning about this task type! ...

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  1. IELTS Essay: Crime Prevention

    IELTS Essay: Crime Prevention. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Though crime rates have fallen to historic lows in most nations, there are many who feel further action is still required.

  2. IELTS Essay: Preventing Crime

    You might add a counterpoint here. 1. However, crime still exists and can be countered by addressing the deeper, societal roots. 2. The main cause of all crime is poverty. 3. When individuals earn a wage sufficient to maintain a decent standard of living, the entire motive for most crimes disappears. 4.

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Crime prevention (Band 9)

    IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

  4. Crime & Punishment Essay Titles

    Crime & Punishment Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2. ... Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020) ... Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the ...

  5. Crime Essays

    Crime Essays for IELTS: These essays have been written by students who are planning to take the test. ... most people by reporting the problems to police can play an indispensable role in crime-prevention activities. In addition, when people themselves care about decreasing heinous crimes in cities, it can be sort of a preventive action to ...

  6. IELTS Sample Writing Task 2

    Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement ...

  7. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Crime and the Police (Real IELTS

    The first sentence is again the topic sentence for the paragraph with my main idea - tackling the root causes of crime. 2. My second sentence explains my main idea before I get to my example. 3. The third sentence begins my example by mentioning Japan and why its crime is so low. 4.

  8. IELTS Essay # 1393

    Model Answer: While grappling with escalating crime rates, some nations lean towards the belief that bolstering police presence is the panacea for reducing criminal activities. However, I contend that this perspective, while well-intentioned, oversimplifies the complex nature of crime prevention. A multifaceted approach, encompassing social ...

  9. 50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

    Answers. ···. Discussion. 'Cannabis has been classified as a Class B drug in the UK since 2008 and carries a prison sentence of up to five years for possession.' (Source: The Week) Many countries have decriminalised the use of cannabis and as a result have seen a reduction in drug related crime. Should cannabis and other soft drugs use ...

  10. Crime Prevention

    Essay Breakdown. Structure. Introduction [1] Some feel that there are diminishing returns in the extent to which crimes can be deterred. [2] In my opinion, though crime is an inevitable element of every society, modern methods and efforts to tackle the root causes still serve as effective preventative measures.

  11. IELTS Writing Task 2: crime topic

    Here is a "problem/solution" question, with some ideas for an essay below: Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? Causes of crime and re-offending: The main causes of crime are poverty, unemployment and lack of education. People who commit crimes ...

  12. 50 Latest Police IELTS Topics

    The charts below show three types of police reports from the city of Johnstown in 2016, along with Johnstown's average monthly temperature. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words. Write on this topic.

  13. IELTS Essay Topic #20 Crime

    Crime is one of the main subjects of most news. The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes. This leads to fear of crime among the public. Sensational stories attract more viewers or readers. The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience. Police and Crime Prevention The job of the polices is to catch criminals ...

  14. 50 Latest crime IELTS Topics

    Some think that crime prevention rather than punishment is the key to solve the problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ... Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps ...

  15. IELTS Essay: Crime Rates and Technological Prevention

    Critics would argue that crime is a natural human instinct. 2. Crime has existed in all human society for thousands of years and improvements in law enforcement can only hope to limit, not extinguish, a basic element of human nature. 3. The reason for this is the natural conflict between the desires of individuals and the expectations of society.

  16. Crime and Punishment

    Police and Crime Prevention: The job of the polices is to catch criminals. Thus, to prevent crime and make communities safer. There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets. Police officers should be seen as part of the community. They should educate the general public and create awareness.

  17. IELTS Writing Topics

    Police and Crime Prevention. The job of the police is to catch criminals. They must also prevent crime and make communities safer. There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets. Police officers should be seen as part of the community. They should be involved with education and prevention. The police should be in ...

  18. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  19. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime ...

    1. However, education still more powerfully underpins decreases in crime because it does more to eradicate poverty. Poverty is far and away the chief cause of crime. 2. Take for example a country such as China, which has developed rapidly in the last 30 years, elevating millions formerly below the poverty line. 3.

  20. IELTS test centers and test dates 2024 in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    The IELTS measures an individual's ability to communicate in English across four areas of language: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The IELTS is administered jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment at over 1,100 test centres and 140 countries.

  21. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinate systems. WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

  22. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  23. IELTS Topic: Crime

    IELTS Essay: Crime and Human Nature. This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of crime and whether it is a product of nature or nurture. These kinds of topics are really common on IELTS so it is good practice for you to read my sample answer below. If you don't want to miss out on ….