200 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Career, Work, and Personal Growth

A New Year’s Resolution is a Filipino tradition. Or at least, that’s how Filipino students deemed it. Every January of each year, on the first day of class, students from elementary, high school, and college declare their New Year’s resolutions.

When I was in high school, I wrote my New Year’s Resolution essays (as it was often required) during Christmas breaks. It is still cool to write resolutions these days for fun.

I do Impact Goals, Quarterly Goals, and Monthly Projects, which are better than most New Year’s Resolutions. I will share these with you later if you are interested. An excellent support to your New Year’s resolutions is  3 Words . Find out how to do it.

I am publishing this three days before the New Year. So you will have plenty of time to write your New Year’s Resolution or do the alternatives.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Typically, people get a pen and a piece of paper to write one, two, three, or even ten New Year’s resolutions. They write down whatever comes to mind.

A few get post-it notes and Sharpie pens. They write on each note one resolution. They may come up with dozens. Then, they pick the top ten they want to do next year.

I separate my New Year’s resolutions for family and work.

I use a mind map when I make resolutions. It is creative. I write the year, then encircle it. I think of three words. For work, my three words for 2023 are transformation, experience, and dollars. Then, I will generate more ideas from each word.

Another exercise that I do, which I can do any month of the year, is Stop, Continue, and Start.

Most people consider the brainstorming session as the only step to writing a resolution. This is why most of the resolutions don’t have staying power. Later, I will show you ways to make your resolutions compelling.

If you are looking for New Year’s Resolution ideas, these will help you. Open each accordion pane to find resolutions that may inspire you

More than half of those who do New Year’s Resolution pay attention to physical well-being. Probably, because our physical health is most obvious among the many things that need change.

You will find below more than 50 ideas to consider for your resolutions.

Physical Health

Eat healthy foods to stay healthy.

  • Lose weight.
  • Increase 10 pounds.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Build muscles.
  • Go to the gym each week.
  • Get 20 drops of Cell Mineral Drop each day.
  • Do brisk walking each morning.
  • Eat nutritious food.
  • Less sugar, no coffee, more tea.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables.
  • Start a vegan diet.
  • Cook my own meals.
  • Eat on time.
  • Eat fresh foods, less fast foods.
  • Plant fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat when I am hungry.
  • Drink milk each day.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water.
  • Take care of teeth.
  • Stop smoking. It is now or never.
  • Cut back on alcohol.
  • Sleep eight hours a day.
  • Sleep before 10 in the evening.
  • Do power naps.
  • Wake up before 5 in the morning.
  • Sit less, move more.
  • Do jumping jacks each morning.
  • Cut grass every day.
  • Wash the dishes at once.
  • Do bungee jumping.
  • Learn scuba diving.
  • Ride a bike to work.
  • Go mountain hiking each month.
  • Train for a marathon.
  • Join a bike club.
  • Take dancing lessons.
  • Join a Zumba class.
  • Study martial arts.
  • Swim for 30 minutes each week.
  • Do ten push-ups after I wake up.
  • Limit screen time. Stop Facebook and do less Netflix.
  • Travel more often.
  • Walk when the destination is less than 1 kilometer.
  • Take monthly vacations.
  • Do a three-month vacation.
  • Start a no-phone zone and time.

Financial Wellness

Financial well-being is an ever-green aspiration. Though people are not comfortable sharing their money resolutions, it is one that they think about most of the time.

Here are some examples to help you brainstorm your money resolutions for the next year.

Financial freedom.

  • Reduce expenses.
  • Save more money.
  • Pay all my debts.
  • Create a new stream of income .
  • Start a personal budget.
  • Pay my credit card on time.
  • Stop using my credit card.
  • Not open any more credit cards.
  • Find a financial advisor.
  • Get an insurance plan.
  • Join a paluwagan.
  • Invest in the stock market.
  • Take financial literacy course.
  • Start a side hustle.
  • Start a new business.
  • Do online courses and webinars.
  • Invest in Modified Pag-ibig II (MP2) Savings.
  • Market other people’s products.
  • Earn 10 million.
  • Cook meals and eat less in restaurants to save money.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual growth is something worth considering in crafting New Year’s Resolutions. It does not matter how old you are; we continue learning for life.

I read three to ten books each month. Frankly, I don’t need to remember everything I read. But when I need to write something or answer questions, I find them useful. Answers magically appear.

The last book I read is Building the Second Brain by Tiago Forte. It helps me organize the information I need. When I need to develop modules on leadership training, I can easily access ideas, tools, and insights that are already mine.

Improve your thinking skills.

May the following inspire you to grow intellectually.

  • Learn how to learn.
  • Learn how to make quality decisions.
  • Learn how to think creatively.
  • Do action research.
  • Read personal development books.
  • Apply lateral thinking in problem-solving.
  • Listen to podcasts instead of watching TV.
  • Study mind mapping.
  • Use gamestorming in solving problems.
  • Learn five new words each day.
  • Practice time management skills.
  • Learn from mistakes.
  • Read leadership books.
  • Watch documentaries.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Master some coding skills.
  • Study innovation tools.
  • Study strategic planning.
  • Brainstorm new products each day.
  • Use Design Thinking tools.
  • Learn how to tell stories.
  • Keep a discovery journal.
  • Master memory techniques.
  • Practice sketchnoting.
  • Read history books.
  • Study science books.
  • Do DIY projects.

Spiritual Wellness

Filipinos are spiritual, if not very religious, people. We want to stay centered and grounded. But there are times we find ourselves losing control. And we look back and find ourselves away from what we used to do every Sunday.

Consider your spiritual well-being too.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

May the following resolutions inspire you to examine your spiritual growth.

  • Pray every morning.
  • Go to church on Sundays.
  • Meditate in the evening.
  • Attend a religion class.
  • Start a gratitude journal.
  • Join a prayer group.
  • Do evangelistic work.
  • Use a spiritual journal.
  • Read the Bible daily.
  • Attend a spiritual retreat.
  • Do a weekly “Commune with God”.
  • Do gardening.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Pay forward.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Practice Tai Chi.
  • Travel as much as possible.
  • Find the positive in things.

Career Development

Consider career development in your New Year’s resolutions. Think of ways to find the best vehicle that will help you climb the ladder of success. 

Depending on where you are today, you may use some of these ideas to advance your career.

  • Build a personal brand.
  • Enroll in a career development course.
  • Read about career leap.
  • Shift career.
  • Start a business.
  • Write a book.
  • Start a podcast.
  • Publish a vlog.
  • Do a radio program.
  • Get certified.
  • Do keynote speaking.
  • Join professional associations.
  • Start a professional association.
  • Enroll in post-graduate courses.
  • Learn marketing.
  • Enroll in a public speaking course.
  • Enroll in an image-building course.
  • Get a driver’s license.
  • Do volunteer work.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Learn social dancing.
  • Do more networking.
  • Join a Rotary club.
  • Join a Toastmasters club .
  • Join a theater group.
  • Interview VIPs.
  • Hold an event for my industry.

There are many things that we can do about work. People who are more intentional about how to improve work are more likely to succeed. A New Year’s Resolution is like a seed that will grow if you will tend to it. 

Here are examples of New Year’s Resolution ideas that may inspire you to work better in 2023.

  • Develop my leadership skills.
  • Improve my ability to delegate.
  • Study how to manage people.
  • Enroll for an MBA Degree.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Benchmark with other leaders.
  • Improve creative thinking skills.
  • Improve decision-making skills.
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • Find ways to improve the work process.
  • Build business acumen.
  • Build positive relationships.
  • Work to get a promotion.
  • Work on a “Future Resume”.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Improve work-life balance.
  • Build my personal brand.
  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • Expand my network.
  • Use a second brain to store my knowledge.
  • Quit complaining.
  • Stay out of office politics.
  • Work on my professional development plan.
  • Set personal goals.
  • Embark on personal ventures.
  • Work on time management.
  • Become a public speaker.
  • Write a book about my profession.
  • Start a podcast to serve my industry.
  • Improve business writing skills.
  • Improve presentation skills.
  • Create new products for clients.
  • Improve services for clients.
  • Be more understanding.

New Year's Resolution is a Fresh Start

What is a New Year’s Resolution?

A New Year’s Resolution is a declaration of what a person intends or resolves to do at the beginning of the year. Typically, people decide to stop doing undesirable traits or behaviors, continue doing good practices, and start working on personal goals or improving behaviors.

When you ask Filipinos, more than half will say they have New Year’s Resolution. About 1/3 say that they have written resolutions. You will find 100 examples of New Year’s Resolutions below.

Nearly half of those who don’t make New Year’s Resolution say it does not work.

Importance of New Year’s Resolution

Most people think that they need to do more these past years. The Covid-19 pandemic, for two years, made us anxious about the future. I remember that the New Year of 2021 was the first time most people stayed home. In January 2022, we recorded the highest number of Covid-19 infections.

But 2023 promises a better year. And once again, people talk about New Year’s Resolutions. And that’s good news.

There are mixed opinions as to the importance of resolutions. And I understand why.

Some people failed to continue what they started. Or they missed many opportunities of doing what they believed they should have done many New Year’s resolutions ago.

In 1996, Carlo declared that he would enroll again to finish his Master of Arts in Teaching. It was always a part of his New Year’s Resolutions. This year, he decided that pursuing it was of no use. The 30 units he earned will no longer be credited. He procrastinated. And procrastination sealed his fate, he believed.

A friend made a New Year’s Resolution to start jogging five years ago. So on January 4 last year, she started jogging around our neighborhood. She continued doing it for 15 more days. Then, she decided to pause for a week because of an important assignment. The one week became months. Yesterday, she said that she’d start again.

Thirty years ago, I “resolved” to write a book. I began with full enthusiasm, then eventually stopped. In Filipino, we call this habit Ningas Kugon. However, a friend commissioned me two years ago to write a book. I wrote that book in 16 days. I am confident I can write at least one book in 2023.

All New Year’s resolutions are aspirations for personal growth and development. And though you don’t have to wait for January 1 to start thinking about choosing the right things to do, a New Year’s resolution, as a tradition, reminds us about second chances, and the simple act of declaring our intentions helps us think deeply about the future.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Panata sa Bagong Taon

For Filipinos, a new year is a promise of a new life. It is more than just a day after December 31.

It is a fresh start.

In Filipino, New Year’s Resolution means panata sa bagong taon. It is not just an aspiration or a wish. It is a vow.

It is a fresh start. Whatever happened last year and the years before that have no hold on our future. We can choose to live the life we want.

Most New Year’s Resolutions aren’t fulfilled because of misunderstandings. But we will start behaving differently when we fully embrace that a new year is a fresh start and a resolution is a vow.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Why Some New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

I have already given you three reasons why New Resolutions don’t work. And I have also given you an idea of why it works. So allow me to expound and expand.


The lack of willpower makes us delay. Procrastination is a silent killer. It murders our dreams without our notice.

People think that there is always tomorrow. We only have today; tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

If something is significant, it must be done today.

A resolution is a vow; it is not just a wish. A wish is something that may happen someday. A vow is your business today.

Ningas Kugon

Have you noticed that lifetime gym memberships are sold for a 50 percent discount during December and January? That’s because many people overestimate themselves.

A lifetime gym membership often gets used in three months.

If you are in Quezon Memorial Circle in the early mornings, you will see thousands of joggers. Some of them start at 5 am. But, during the first six weeks of the year, you’ll notice that the numbers are five times more than usual.

Ningas kugon is a lot better than procrastination. Starting something is already tricky. But success is measured by how we finished, not by how we started our games.

Ningas Kugon is often the result of a lack of commitment, discipline, and momentum.

Lack of Commitment

A committed person dedicates his time to a cause that truly matters to him. Those who cannot commit fail again and again.

A committed person displays patience, persistence, and perseverance. You can only be that person when you believe you can make things happen. Without that belief, there is no urgency. Without that belief, you will allow your fear to delay or stop you as soon as you face your first challenge.

Consider that a resolution is a vow to your future self.

Lack of Discipline

I see that even the most motivated people need to honor their resolutions. They can start, but they need to learn how to finish.

They work on many things but only sometimes on the most important thing.

A person with discipline does what they value most every day. They don’t allow their circumstances to dictate their actions.

New Year’s resolutions are good for us. They are part of the solution. Unfortunately, they don’t work when people don’t have the discipline to execute them.

Lack of Momentum

People need more momentum to finish what they start. There needs to be more than just doing the first step to walking a thousand miles. You need to follow the first with another step, and you need to keep moving until you reach a thousand miles.

Followthrough makes a breakthrough.

To create momentum, you need focus, consistency, and action.

By telling you why resolutions often do not work, can you tell how to make them work?

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

People often write these New Year’s Resolution ideas. As I have mentioned, I used different methods to come up with my list, and brainstorming is just the first stage. If you will only copy any of these resolutions, it is more likely that you’ll do a ningas kugon.

Resolutions that get done are clear and compelling.

I will show you different ways to write clear and compelling New Year’s Resolutions.

Personal Transformation

A Journey to Personal Transformation


Overachievement: 3 Steps to Help Others Achieve Their Goals Faster

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Start with Your Big Goals


19 Key Benefits of Leadership Training

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

6 Important Aspects of Personal Development

Personal development plan

Personal Development Plan: The 4DX Framework (2024)

farm, flow, fly.

My 3 Words for 2023

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Daig ng Maagap ang Masipag: Be A Proactive Hard Worker

These are the frequently asked questions that seldom get answers. If you want to get a better appreciation of these answers, you can read the whole article (if you have not yet done that).

Becoming a good person, working harder, and being more health conscious are Filipinos’ top 3 New Year’s resolutions. Becoming a good person is the most common topic in students’ New Year’s Resolution Essays. Working harder is our solution to having a good life. And being more health conscious may mean eating fruits and vegetables, losing weight, or gaining weight.

New Year’s Resolutions fail because of procrastination, ningas kugon, lack of clarity, lack of commitment, lack of discipline, and lack of momentum. Unfortunately, these are the same reasons my many goals fail too. Declaring what you resolve to stop, start, and continue doing is not enough; you need to follow through. A resolution, by definition, is a vow to do what you want to do no matter what.

The Tagalog for New Year’s Resolution is Panata sa Bagong Taon. A panata is a vow. For Filipinos, a new year celebration represents a fresh start. We vow to work harder to enjoy abundant lives.

Many people have changed their lives because they stick to their New Year’s resolutions. They kept their eyes on their aspirations and stuck to them. Though most who made New Year’s Resolutions stop working on them after six weeks, the problem is not in the resolutions but in the resolution of the person to make them happen. The intention to make change happen is the first step, which is a significant step to making change happen.

New Year’s Resolution Essay (Example)

As I have said, when I was in school, we were required to write our New Year’s Resolution essays in 200 words. I typically write more than that.

One way to write an essay is by using CONTINUE, STOP, and START. It is a very simple format that you anyone can follow.

The Year 2023 is a promise of a fresh start and bouncing forward. The last two years have been difficult because I could not go out. I was afraid, physically and psychologically.

The pandemic scare is not yet over. New variants of the virus appear. But for most of us vaccinated, there is confidence that we can finally fight the unknown.

There are things I know that I can change. And there are things that I must continue doing. My New Year’s Resolution is a manifesto, a declaration of what I want to continue, stop, and start doing in 2023.

CONTINUE I will continue to improve my skills in public speaking. Though I have been speaking for many years and earning money from it, there are many things that I need to learn. Public speaking turned my life around. And though there are many other opportunities to grow my business, I will continue speaking to inspire people and grow my business.

STOP I will stop spending time on Facebook, debating political issues with strangers, diehard supporters, and trolls. As much as I wanted to educate people and share with them what I know as a student of politics, I was doing it wrong.

Debating with strangers will not help. Adding my voice to a thousand who do not want to listen to each other won’t add value. I am not a follower. I am not a watcher.

I am a leader. And my platform is on the stage. I speak to lead, not just to add my voice.

I will expand my network to bring my message to many people. I will speak in schools to share my message with students and educators. I will talk at associations, conferences, and in company assemblies.

I will share a message of hope in my team-building programs, leadership training, and public seminars.

I will start speaking to change the world.

Mission Possible 2023

Your mission is to write your own New Year’s Resolution. Keep in mind that it is not just a wish. It is a panata , a vow that you have to your future self.

I recommend that you make your resolution visual. Take it seriously. Convert it into a personal development plan. Execute it. Then, teach others how to do it well.

  • Improve your motivation skills. Subscribe to 21 Breakthrough Motivation Secrets.

About The Author

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Jef Menguin

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Your Wealthy Mind

Because Ideas Change Lives

10 Best New Year’s Resolutions ngayong Bagong Taon

January 3, 2017 by Ray L. Leave a Comment

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English Version (Click Here)

Parehong nakakapagpasigla at nakakalungkot ang Enero. Sa pagdiwang ng bagong taon marami ang sumusubok gumawa ng mas mabuti at mas nakatutulong na habits, at napakarami din ang kukulangin ng disiplina at inspirasyon para ipagpatuloy ang mga pagbabagong ito. Ang iba naman, hindi nila alam ang gusto nilang gawin ngayong bagong taon. Kahit ang bawat isa sa atin ay mai iba-ibang idea kung ano ang pinakamabuting new year’s resolution, eto ang sampung gawaing pwede mong subukan sa dadating na panahon. Hindi mo kailangang gawin silang lahat, pero dahil sila’y mga popular na payo ng self-improvement literature, baka gugustohin mo silang subukan.

10 Best New Year’s Resolutions na pwede mong subukan ngayong Bagong Taon

10 Best New Year’s Resolutions ngayong Bagong Taon - Your Wealthy Mind

Gumawa ka ng Layunin o Goals at araw araw mo silang basahin

Sabi ng self-development author at speaker na si Brian Tracy, ang success at pag-asenso ay dahil sa mga layunin at ang lahat ng iba ay komentaryo lamang. Gustohin man natin o hindi, ang buhay natin ay pagaling magbabago. Kung hindi natin kokontrolin ang pagbabagong ito at siguraduhing bubuti ang ating kalagayan, tayo’y magrereact lamang sa mga problema at hadlang na palagi nating haharapin.

Bago ko isinulat itong article na ito, umupo ako sa aming dinner table at nireview ko ang mga goals na isinulat ko noong nakaraang taon. Tinanggal ko ang mga nagawa ko na, at binago ko ang mga hindi ko pa natatapos. Subukan mo rin iyon. Isulat mo ang mga pangarap o layunin mo at gumawa ka ng mga bagay na tutuparin mo ngayong taon!

(Kung gusto mong matutunan ang mainam na paraan sa paggawa ng layunin, basahin mo itong article na ito: “Paano gumawa ng Layunin sa Buhay: Ang Pangunahing Sangkap ng Tagumpay” )

Magdesisyon kang umasenso

Itanong mo sa sarili mo: “Ano ang pwede kong gawin NGAYON para maisagawa o maipagpatuloy ang aking mga layunin?” Ano man ang sagot na maisip mo, GAWIN MO!

  • Gusto mong magsimula ng negosyo ngayong taon? Isulat mo na ang business plan, tawagan mo ang mga bangko para sa mga loans at rates nila, ilista at kalkulahin mo ang mga kailangan ng negosyo, magtanong ka sa mga kaibigan mo o maghanap ka sa internet ng suppliers, pag-aralan mo kung paano maghanap ng mga empleyado, atbp.
  • Gusto mong maging mas-mabuting leader o manager at mapromote? Magvolunteer ka para mamuno sa susunod na proyekto, magbigay ng mabuting feedback sa mga empleyado at katrabaho mo ngayon, ayusin mong muli ang mga prioridad ng iyong team at ireassign mong mabuti ang mga gawain, simulan mo nang isulat ang mga reports na kailangan mo sa susunod na buwan, atbp.
  • Gusto mong maging mas-healthy? Umupo ka ng maayos sa iyong upuan, uminom ka ngayon ng baso tubig, kumuha ka ng prutas at kainin mo ito, bumili ka ng prutas at gulay sa susunod mong pagpunta sa grocery, atbp.

Sabi ni Tom Hopkins, a ng mga nananalo sa buhay ay laging gumagawa ng pinakamabuting dapat gawin sa bawat oras . Lahat tayo’y mayroong 24 oras kada araw. Kailangan nating gamitin ito ng mabuti kung pangarap nating magtagumpay.

Taasan mo ang Iyong Pangarap

Isang sirang kubo sa lansangan, o magandang mansion na naglalaman ng lahat ng gusto at pangangailangan mo. Mangalakal sa basurahan para makakain, o magkaroon ng mabuting career o negosyo na nagbibigay ng magarang kita at pangkabuhayan. Kumita ng kakaringit na pera para mabuhay, o kumita ng napakaraming pera para mabuhay ng masagana at makatulong sa kapwa. Alin man sa mga iyon ang gusto mo, ikaw ang pipili ng pagsisikapan mo at kung saan ka magiging komportable. Ano man ang mga layunin mo, proyekto mo, o mga gusto mong gawin, lakihan mo ang iyong mga pangarap. Ang matataas na pangarap lang ang magbibigay sa iyo ng lakas, inspirasyon, at tapang na kakailanganin mo para magtagumpay.

Prize Trophy for Goals

Think Positive (Gawin mong Positibo ang iyong Pag-iisip)

Sabi nga, ang ating pag-iisip ay nagiging gawain, ang ating mga gawain ay ating nakakasanayan, at ang mga nakasanayan nating gawin ay basehan ng ating kapalaran. Tumigil ka na sa pagrereklamo tungkol sa iyong mga problema dahil binubulag ka nito mula sa iyong mga oportunidad at itigil mo na ang inggit sa tagumpay ng iba dahil ang mga negatibo mong pag-iisip ay babalik sa iyo at mananatili ka sa kabiguan. Kung pangarap nating makamit ang tagumpay, pagmamahal, kayamanan, kaibigan, at kasaganaan sa ating buhay, kailangan magsimula tayo sa paggawa at pagpapanatili ng mga ito sa ating isipan.

Makipagsama ka sa mga Mabubuting Tao

May kasabihan na ikaw ang average ng limang taong palagi mong nakakasama. Makisama ka sa mga mapagreklamo, mga talunan, at mga kriminal at ikaw ay magiging katulad nila. Makisama ka sa mga toxic na tao na palagi kang minamaliit kapag ikaw ay nagtagumpay at pinupuna ka kapag sinusubukan mong umasenso at ikaw ay mananatili sa iyong lebel ng kabiguan. Magsimula ka sa sarili at subukan mong maging mas-mabuting tao , saka ka makisama sa mga matagumpay na taong magbibigay sa iyo ng lakas ng loob, tutulungan kang ipagpatuloy ang mga kailangan mong gawin, at tutulungan ka at bibigyan ka ng magbubuting payo. Sa pagdaan ng panahon makakamit mo rin ang tagumpay katulad nila.

Alagaan mo ang iyong Kalusugan

“You are what you eat” (ang pagkatao mo ay mula sa kinakain mo) ay hindi lang isang kasabihan. Ang bawat cell sa iyong katawan (at utak) ay gawa sa at tumatakbo gamit ang iyong mga kinakain at iniinom. Isipin mong sasakay ka sa isang Ferrari o Porsche na gawa sa mahinang bakal at mumurahing plastik. Malamang aayawan mo ito dahil ito’y magkakaaksidente. Kung ayaw mong maging gawa sa basura ang iyong kotse, bakit mo hahayaang magaya dito ang iyong katawan at isipan? Ang iyong pagkilos at pag-iisip ay apektado ng iyong kalusugan, kaya alagaan mo ang iyong sarili ngayon pa lang.

Matulog ka ng mabuti gabi gabi, uminom ka ng mas maraming tubig kaysa softdrinks, kumain ka ng mas maraming prutas at gulay, tumigil ka na sa pagbili at pagkain ng sitsirya, pag-aralan mong magluto ng masustansyang pagkain kaysa bumili ng processed fast food, mag-ensayo ka kada umaga, sumali ka sa isang gym o martial arts class, atbp. Napakaraming positibong pagbabagong pwede mong gawin para sa iyong kalusugan at makakatulong ang mga ito sa iyong pagsisikap sa pangmatagalan. Hindi mo kailangang baguhin ang lahat ng iyong gawain nangg sabay sabay. Kailangan mo lang pagbutihin ang iyong lifestyle sa paisa-isang mabubuting pagbabago.

Itigil ang Paggastos sa walang kwenta at damihan ang pagpondo sa Nakabubuti

Isang natutunan ko mula sa librong  Your Money or Your Life  (ni Vicki Robin at Joe Dominguez)  ay napakarami sa atin ang nagsasayang ng pera sa mga bagay na hindi natin kailangan dahil akala natin ito’y magpapasaya sa atin, pero madalas hindi tayo nagtatagumpay doon. Halimbawa, naaalala ko dati na isang linggo kong pinag-isipang bumili ng VR headset at binili ko ito ng ilang daang piso… at ito’y ginamit ko mga isa o dalawang beses lamang sa isang taon. Halos lahat tayo ay may mga bagay na binibili natin dahil nakakatuwang gumastos at hindi dahil sa benepisyong naibibigay ng binibili natin. Para sa iba, ito’y pagbili ng bagong damit, bagong gadget o videogame, o iba pa. Kailangan nating iwasan ang mga hindi kailangan at gamitin natin ang oras at pera natin sa mga mas mahahalagang bagay. Mga bagay na nagbibigay ng tunay at pangmatagalang benepisyo.

Pagbutihin mo ang iyong kakayahan at ipagpatuloy mo ang iyong edukasyon

Ano ang ginagawa mo ngayon para kumita ng pera? Magsulat ng papeles at articles para sa mga kliente at magazine? Magdevelop at magmarket ng bagong produkto para sa iyong kumpanya? Mamuno ng ilang dosenang team members? Ano man ang ginagawa mo, hindi ba panahon na para maging mas magaling dito?

Subukan mo ang ilang bagong productivity techniques para mas madami kang matatapos kada araw, gumawa ka ng bagong sistema para makaisip ng mas mabuting idea at pagoutline ng iyong mga isusulat, subukan mo ang mga bagong marketing techniques para dumami ang benta at kita, o mag-aral ka ng mga leadership techniques ng mga CEO at magagaling na managers . Sabi ni Oliver Cromwell, ang mga hindi nageensayo para mas gumaling ay nawawala sa pagiging magaling. Kailangan mong maghasa ng iyong mga kakayahan dahil kung hindi ikaw ay maiiwan.

skilled work pixabay

Mag-aral ka ng bagong kakayahan!

Nariyan ka sa kinatatayuan mo, ang kasalukuyan mong antas ng tagumpay o pagkabigo, dahil sa mga bagay na natutunan mong gawin. Ang mga doktor ay kumikita ng pera dahil natutunan nilang magpagaling ng tao gamit medicine, ang mga real estate agents ay kumikita dahil natutunan nilang bumili at magbenta ng lupa, at ang mga CEO ay kumikita ng pera dahil natutunan nilang mamuno ng mga kumpanya. Nakamit mo ang iyong trabaho at laki ng kinikita dahil natutunan mo ang mga kakayahang kailangan para dito, at kung pangarap mong umasenso sa iyong career at lumaki ang sweldo kailangan mong matutunan ang kailangan para sa mga susunod na hakbang pataas.

Pag-isipan mo ngayon ang mga kakailanganin mong pag-aralan:

  • Personal finance at  investing  para palakihin ang iyong net worth at makamit ang financial freedom?
  • Paano bumili at magbenta ng real estate at paano magtayo ng rental properties o bahay na uupahan?
  • Paano magsimula ng side-business  tuwing weekends para kumita pa ng pera at balang araw maging full-time na negosyante?
  • Mas-mabuting internet marketing techniques at “growth hacking” para makahanap ng mas-maraming customers para sa iyong negosyo o department? Copywriting? Paano gumawa ng mas mabuting “sales funnel”?

Ikaw ang bahala. Kapag mas-marami kang natutunan, mas-marami kang mahahanap na oportunidad.


Sabi na pinakabusy para sa mga gyms at fitness clubs ang Enero , pero sa pagdaan ng susunod na mga buwan ang mga tao ay nagsisilayasan. Ang mga positibong pagbabago ay hindi mangyayari kung hindi ka magsisimula at hindi ito magtatagal kung hindi mo ito ipagpapatuloy. Kapag gusto mong magsimula ng mabuting habit, ang pinakamadaling paraan para simulan ito ay patuloy mo itong gawin nang isang buong buwan. Pagdaan ng panahon, ito’y magiging automatic, gaya ng paggising sa isang nakatakdang oras para pumasok sa trabaho o pagsipilyo bago matulog. Kapag may natutunan kang bagong mabuting habit, saka ka na magdagdag ng kasunod nito.

inspiration to action

Hindi naman talaga natin kailangang maghintay sa susunod na bagong taon para gumawa ng mabuting pagbabago, pero ang okasyon na iyon ay paalala para sa ating lahat na pagbutihin ang ating sarili. Ang pinakamabuting new year’s resolution ay magkakaiba para sa ating lahat, pero ang isang paraan para maging mas epektibo ito ay ang pagshare nito sa mga taong makatutulong sa iyo na maging responsable para dito. Bakit hindi mo subukang ishare ito dito?

Ano ang iyong new year’s resolution? Ikwento mo sa amin sa comments section sa ibaba!

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About Ray L.

Ray is the main writer behind YourWealthyMind.com. He is a proponent of self-improvement and self-education, and he believes that anyone can achieve their goals once they learn the knowledge and skills they need to attain them. He considers it his mission to enrich lives and end poverty by teaching people lessons they may need to succeed.

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New Year’s Resolution Talata Halimbawa – Aking New Year’s Resolution

Heto ang halimbawa ng talata tungkol sa new year’s resolution.

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION TALATA – Pagdating ng bagong taon, marami tayong bagay na gustong makamit para sa ating sarili. Heto ang tinatawag na New Year’s resolution.

Heto ang isang halimbawa ng talata tungkol dito:

New Year's Resolution Talata Halimbawa – Aking New Year's Resolution

Ang bagong taon ay panahon kung saan maraming indibidwal sa ating sanlibutan ay gumagawa ng kani-kanilang mga New Year’s Resolution. Ganunpaman, karamihan sa mga pangakong ito ay mahirap tuparin.

Para sa akin, ito ang unang beses kong gumawa ng sarili kong New Year’s Resolution. Ako’y umaasa at sumisikap na matupad ito ng lubusan. Dahil sa pandemyang COVID-19, maraming mga plano ang hindi natupad sa nagkalipas na taon.

Subalit, ito’y nagbigay sa akin ng oportunidad na mapag-isipan kung ano talaga ang gusto ko sa aking buhay. Kaya naman, isa sa mga New Year’s Resolution ko ang maging mas aktibo sa bahay at hahanap ng iba pang hobby para hindi lamang online classes ang aking iintindihin.

Titiyakin ko mananatiling malinis ang aking kuwarto. Pagkatapos, bilang isang estudyante, gagawin ko ang lahat para makakuha ng mataas na grado sa paaralan. Gagawin ko agad ang aking mga takdang-aralin o proyekto kahit ako’y nasa bahay lamang.

Ipinangangako ko sa awa at tulong ng Panginoong Diyos na tutuparin ko ang mga itinala kong mga New Year’s Resolution para lalong maging mabuting tao.

Salamat sa inyong maiiging pagbabasa. Aming sinisiguro ang pagserbisyo ng bago at pinaka-tinatangkilik na balita. Hanggang sa susunod na mga bagong balita mula dito lamang sa Philnews.

BASAHIN DIN: Hakbang Sa Mabuting Komunikasyon Halimbawa At Kahulugan

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Start your 2023 right with these 5 New Year’s Resolutions

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Many Filipinos have made it a tradition to make new year’s resolutions as they enter a new year, where they look forward to changing personal aspects and achieving things.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

There are many things you can choose to work on; if you’re having trouble deciding what kind of goals to create for yourself, here are five inspiring New Year’s resolution ideas to empower you in 2023.

1. Healthier Living

Getting in shape is among the most well-liked New Year’s resolutions, and there’s a solid reason for that: health is crucial! Start out modestly if you’re not used to exercising by resolving to go for a daily stroll across your neighborhood. Simply be sure you move your body and exercise every day, whatever you do.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

You can also add the idea of having a healthier diet, as getting in shape and eating healthfully go hand in hand. Start with simple dietary adjustments, such as consuming more fruits and vegetables and fewer processed meals. You can gradually introduce more significant adjustments, such as making all your meals from scratch or quitting meat completely.

2. Less Utang, Bawas Gastos

Tired of having to live through your days from paycheck to paycheck? Now’s the time to change that and start making the right decisions about money! Taking charge of your life by making sensible financial decisions will truly liberate you from financial insecurity.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

If you’re not used to saving money, start out modestly by allocating a fixed amount into a savings account or piggy bank each month. You can start investing your money in stocks, funds, or other long-term assets once you’ve accumulated some savings. The secret is to remain conscious of your spending and to never lose sight of your financial objectives.

3. Spending More Time with Family and Friends

Spending quality time with loved ones is a frequently undervalued but essential aspect of living a happy and full life. If you find that you are too busy to socialize, try organizing one night each week for a family game night at home with your kids or partner.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

You can also go on a movie night or camping adventure with friends. When it’s not possible to meet up in person, you can utilize social media tools like Skype or Zoom to stay in touch with distant family members. What’s important is that you are able to give some of your time to your loved ones to keep the connection and bond together.

4. Less Chismis

Every interaction with another person has an effect on you, either enhancing or reducing your value. But somehow, along the way, you’ll inevitably hear some chismis, one way or another. Whether it’s between friends, family, or coworkers, chismis or gossip is a harmful kind of communication that may destroy any kind of connection.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Bottom line: Gossiping is nasty, hurtful, and damaging behavior that has to stop. In addition to that most people are unaware of the emotional harm they are doing to themselves on the inside. So, instead of focusing on gossip, why not pay attention to things that would benefit you more, right?

5. Enjoy Life More and Have a Positive Mindset

Have you ever heard the phrase “YOLO”? It means “you only live once,” which is both sad and accurate. This suggests that since we only have one life to live, we should make the most of it. Go tell your crush that you like him/her, pick up some new knowledge, and embark on the journey you’ve always wanted to have!

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Having this resolution has the benefit of being a necessary first step in becoming a happier person. To enjoy life more, choose to do exciting, risky things you haven’t done before.

As we approach 2023, we sincerely hope that these motivational New Year’s resolution ideas have inspired and empowered you. Whatever goals you decide to set for yourself this year, keep in mind that the most important thing is to go forward slowly.

Long-lasting change doesn’t happen overnight, but if we concentrate on getting better every day, we’ll see results before we know it! Wishing everyone a wonderful new year ahead!

  • New Year 2023
  • New Year's Resolution

Ram Mancelita

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Easy New Year’s resolutions to get in touch with your Pinoy side

Make this the year you get better connected with your Filipino side and roots through these five New Year’s resolutions

While some New Year’s resolutions might be difficult to sustain throughout the year, this list is simple enough to accomplish | Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels

New year, better you! Now that we’ve started 2024 (and probably, hopefully, have shaken off the groggy remnants of the holidays), it’s time we look forward to everything in store for us in the new year. For most, that also means setting intentions or resolutions for the new year. 

Resolutions are a hit or miss with most people, as some don’t believe in being able to sustain them throughout the year. But don’t worry—this list is simple enough to accomplish. Plus, it’s fun. (Resolutions can be fun!) 

Make this the year you get better connected with your Filipino side through these simple goals.

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Learn to cook Filipino food

Most Filipino dishes are simple and can be done in one pot or pan. You can start with the quintessential adobo , or a comforting lugaw (perfect for the cold, winter months!). The great thing about Filipino food, especially home-cooked staples, is that you probably won’t even need any special equipment or training to learn them—just listen to your mom.

New Year's resolutions: Learn to cook Filipino food

Learn how to cook Filipino food from mom | Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Travel to (at least) one new destination

It’s normal to set a travel goal for the year, so while you’re at it, include a Philippine destination to your list. Whether you’re coming home to Manila (as the iconic song goes) or visiting the provinces , there’s a wealth of food to try, activities to do, and sights to see. 

Beaches are always a good idea, but there are also many destinations in the country for various interests , be it coffee , nightlife , or even adventure .

New Year's resolutions: Travel to one new local destination

One of our favorite New Year’s resolutions? Travel to a new destination Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Read more books

Instead of doomscrolling your nights away, turn to a good ol’ book. In 2023, we saw a good number of Filipino authors make their mark in bestselling book lists globally, so if you haven’t yet, this is the best time to grab a copy. 

There’s a wealth of genres to choose from, too, from memoirs and fantasy novels to cookbooks and photographic journals .

In 2023, we saw a good number of Filipino authors make their mark in best-selling book lists

In 2023, we saw a good number of Filipino authors make their mark in best-selling book lists | Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

Support local designers

Filipino creativity is just on another level. As we get all excited about seeing our national dress on red carpets , or locally made bags and accessories in the hands of our favorite Hollywood celebs, there’s definitely no reason we can’t make a statement by carrying around these pieces, too.

This year, invest in more Filipino-designed pieces, be it in clothes, bags, or even your makeup.

Improve your vocabulary

Learning a new language is always a top New Year’s resolution, and for good reason. Not only does it add new knowledge, but it also opens you up to another way of seeing the world. A new language also helps improve your social skills, and that’s always something good and necessary to build.

If one of your dreams is to get in touch with your Filipino roots better, start by mastering the language. Learn and use beautiful new words every day (or even slang if you want something more casual) and soon enough, you’ll be surprised at how fluent you’ll become. (A bonus: More and more people are speaking Tagalog , which means you’ll have more people to practice with.)

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New year resolution 2023 essay in tagalog?

Question: New year resolution 2023 essay in tagalog?

Sa taong 2023, ang isa sa aking mga bagong taon na mga layunin ay na maging mas urge sa paghahanda para sa college. Gusto ko rin na magpatuloy sa pag-aaral ng Japanese at gamitin ang aking natutunan upang matulungan ang aking lugar na gumawa ng pag-unlad. Nakikipagtulungan din ako sa isang proyekto kung saan ako ay mamuhunan ng oras at enerhiya upang makatulong sa mga nangangailangan sa lugar. Upang mas mapadali ang pag-access sa mga nagtuturo at materyales na nagbibigay ng tulong sa paghahanda, gusto ko rin na magpatulong sa mga non-profit organization at iba pang organisasyon. Manila, higit pa sa mga gawain na ito, gusto ko rin na gumawa ng isang guro para sa komunidad na mapapayo sa mga kabataang pinag-aralan ang kanilang mga mapagkukunan ng edukasyon at iba pang serbisyo. Ang lahat ng mga gawain na ito ay magbibigay sa akin ng kasiguraduhan na ang aking mga layunin para sa 2023 ay masasapat na nagagampanan.


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23 New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

Table of Contents

New year, new you, they say. The new year allows us to start anew and set goals to accomplish throughout the year. In addition, coming up with New Year’s resolutions is an excellent approach to reflecting on your values, decluttering your thoughts, and putting your efforts into making your goals a reality.

However, coming up with resolutions is challenging, especially if there are several aspects you want to improve on. To guide or give you some ideas on how to start the year right, here are 23 New Year’s resolution ideas for a happy 2023:

1. Try New Things

Try something that scares you. Instead of limiting yourself to your perceived abilities, try something new that can surprise you once a month.

2. Make a Cleaning Routine That You Will Follow

Aside from  decluttering , it’s important to stick to a cleaning routine to make sure that your space is neat and spotless. A weekly deep cleaning can be overwhelming and tedious for some, so consider short but consistent routines to maintain the cleanliness of your house.

3. Explore a New City

Give yourself a treat and take a road trip to a new city. There is more to see outside of our homes, and we are fortunate to reside in such a gorgeous country.

4. Date Your Friends

Dates are a great method to establish and strengthen friendships and relationships. Go on “friend dates” with your pals and invest as much in your personal development as you would in a romantic relationship.

5. Give More Compliments

A simple “thank you” can make a big difference. According to a study, receiving compliments can improve interpersonal relationships and boost overall satisfaction. You’ll make their day as well as your own by providing compliments, which can be just as motivating as receiving them.

6. Improve Your Budget

Are you  saving to buy a condo  or a house? Committing to increasing your savings is a New Year’s resolution that will benefit you in the long run. Create an initial budget that works for you and establish a strategy for sticking to it.

7. Read New Books

The colder days of January are ideal for curling in with a new book. To make your book-reading journey better, invite friends and peers to form a book club? 

8. Allow and Accept Friendly Disagreements

Everyone has experienced this: you open a conversation with someone who has a different viewpoint and immediately become withdrawn. Or, we spend time preparing our responses rather than paying attention to what they have to say. This year, try to actively listen and accept that not everyone has the same viewpoint as you.

9. Make Time for Relaxation

Funny enough, being unproductive can be difficult. That said, set aside time each week to relax and disconnect from all stressors, whether it’s social media or a hectic workplace. We all need and deserve time to relax and unwind before the start of another week. 

10. Take a Break From Social Media

Temporarily deactivating or uninstalling social media apps is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. This helps in reducing stress and allows us to find other things to do instead of scrolling through our feeds. You can take a social media detox for a couple of weeks or months at most.

11. Pay Closer Attention to Your Health

Instead of dieting or restricting yourself from eating sweets or carbs, make an effort to create a healthy eating routine. In addition, go on regular health checkups and prioritize your health, among other concerns. Don’t ignore small pains in your body to avoid major health problems if left unaddressed.

12. Visit a Spa

According to research, spa treatments, especially intense massages, can help lessen anxiety by lowering cortisol levels and increasing serotonin levels. A spa service can satisfy the need for human contact when provided by a trained, certified spa technician or massage therapist.

13. Think About Therapy

Although we can all rely on our friends and family for assistance, seeking professional help is different since you’ll be speaking with a trained therapist. Some consultations and therapy sessions are available online and are free. However, get in touch with a provider when you’re ready since it requires consistency.

14. Avoid Putting off Making a Difficult Choice

People frequently stop mid-step when under pressure to make a big life decision. Stress and anxiety can lower one’s mental capacity, but navigating a significant transition calls for cognitive power. This 2023, make it a New Year’s resolution to confront difficult choices head-on.

15. Focus On Your Passion

Realigning your focus to what you are passionate about can help you see things from a different perspective. This may also open your eyes to opportunities you keep on missing. 

16. Perform Random Acts of Kindness

Anyone may practice kindness, and it is free. Everyone can live in a happier world by performing acts of kindness, as they can increase feelings of assurance, joy, and optimism. They might also inspire others to carry out the kind deeds they have already done, building a better community.

17. Try Reducing Your Waste

Use rags you’ve ripped up from old towels and garments instead of paper towels to reduce waste. When shopping for groceries, bring reusable bags instead of relying on plastic bags provided by the supermarket. These  zero-waste tips  may be small, but they make an impact in the long run.

18. Go on a Budget Travel

Having a memorable vacation without breaking the bank is possible as long as you’re open to giving up a bit of luxury. Instead of staying in a five-star hotel, try staying at a guest house or hostel for a different experience. 

19. Speak to Yourself With More Kindness

While trying to be kind to others, we relentlessly judge ourselves. 2023 is the year to stop this bad habit. Give yourself a break, and don’t be too hard on yourself, especially when making mistakes.

20. Start Every Day With a Healthy Breakfast

It goes without saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even if you feel groggy when waking up, spare a few minutes to cook a delicious and healthy breakfast. Consider preparing something with fresh, healthy ingredients, like a smoothie or veggie-filled omelet, rather than an overly processed breakfast snack. You can prepare overnight oats the night before and consume them in the morning for a quick yet fulfilling breakfast.

21. Give Your Time to a Worthy Cause

Volunteering is beneficial for the individual and important to organizations’ ability to carry out their transformative mission. You won’t likely ever regret choosing to donate your time to a soup kitchen, animal rescue, or beach clean-up.

22. Try Out a New Healthy Recipe

Finding ways to cook healthier ingredients is a big step toward a healthier, happier life. Every week, find time to research a recipe you want to try and cook something new for lunch, dinner, or a mid-day snack. There are plenty of nutritious  microwave-friendly snacks  if your apartment or bedpsacing unit has a limited kitchen space.

23. Refresh Your Appearance

Turning over a new leaf inwardly is just as rejuvenating as improving your appearance. By losing a few inches, you can feel so much lighter in the new year (both practically and spiritually). In 2023, even a minor change in your hair color or style could make you happier and give you more energy.

Why Make an Effort to Follow Your New Year’s Resolution

When creating a New Year’s resolution, focus on actions that will make you feel good in the long run. Make a New Year’s resolution that is attainable in your current situation so you’ll be motivated to follow through. After all, the key to progress is being truthful with yourself on how far you are from your ideal state. Your fulfillment and happiness will both benefit from your effort.

Making 2023 resolutions is, by nature, cheerful and hopeful, and you shouldn’t feel pressured. This optimistic outlook on the future, in turn, tends to spur action. In addition, most New Year’s resolutions affect other people somehow. Even if your resolution is leaning towards personal growth, this can impact your families and friends.

That said, ring in the new year with a set of resolutions for an exciting 2023!

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New beginnings don’t start in New Year

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On the last day of 2022, I hauled the whole family to the bookstore at the centre of Rotterdam. On a whim, I decided that I needed a 2023 planner, a physical notebook where I could write down appointments without first being sucked into Twitter black hole, or the bottomless distractions of my smartphone.

I quickly found a weekly planner that I liked, and also a pretty Moleskin notebook, in delicious scarlet red color, “with 246 pages to write new stories”. I wanted it immediately, even though I still have a stack of barely written Moleskin notebooks at home.

Everyone longs to write their new stories , have a certain kind of reset, a chance to start all over again, maybe make different choices, have a slightly better life. The New Year presents this opportunity, a fresh start with 365 pages to fill. That is exactly what this Moleskin notebook is selling, a false promise that new beginnings and a better life for ordinary people like me can be bought through a shiny, new notebook. The illness of consumerism , and I needed it to write down my New Year’s resolutions.

I’ve written New Year’s resolutions through the years. But 2022 taught me that life takes a turn usually different from how we plan it. At the beginning of last year, I wanted to run a marathon, to pick the remnants of my old sportive lifestyle. Instead, life pushed me to the edges of a burn out, forcing me to take a one month sick leave in March, to wallow about the aimlessness of my life. And just when I was feeling a bit like my old self again, Covid-19 caught up on me in November, spiraling me back to the physical and mental state I was before March. As icings on the cake, my mom had an emergency surgery, my dearest aunt died just before Christmas, and I strained my relationship with my father after our summer holiday in the Philippines.

These might all seem like perfectly normal occurrences, trivial matters in the greater scheme of things. But when you live abroad , worries, fear and loneliness are magnified a thousand times. Before motherhood, I would seek refugee somewhere, a long holiday alone, a bus trip to nowhere, binge drinking with a friend.

But the first world where I live, and my current life, do not allow much time for reflection. Money has to be earned, dinners must be cooked, and the child, parented. Life must go on, preferably as if nothing is wrong. There is no space to evaluate feelings, no time to mourn . 

So I found myself in this helpless state just before New Year’s eve, mindlessly doom-scrolling through Twitter, absorbing the many things that is wrong in this world. The grip of the smartphone and social media tightening stronger in my brain, not letting me go despite my daughter demanding for attention. My husband, on the far end of the couch, was seemingly in the same state as I was.

Notebook with New and Now for New Year's resolutions

Writing a New Year’s resolution would have been a great idea at that very moment. But I did not. Nor did I buy the Moleskin notebook in scarlet red with 246 pages to write down new stories.

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Instead, I switched off my phone. I picked up the book I bought recently and for a few minutes, got lost in Glasgow, in the world of Shuggie Bain, until my daughter asked me to play with her. Without irritation, we played with Barbie, and pretended we were on her show. During the “screen-less” dinner, I told my husband and my daughter my wishes for the New Year and we promised to be less angry and have more patience with each other in 2023. We watched a movie after dinner, killing time before the fireworks started. And for the first time after a long time, I was able to focus and enjoy the film without itching to reach for my phone every five minutes.

When the fireworks started at 11PM, together with my daughter, I watched the sky burst in bright, colorful sparkles, illuminating her face with an innocent, childhood delight. For one whole hour, I was present in the moment, creating a memory that would have otherwise been a vague, passing recollection had my phone been on. A fleeting desire to take photos evaporated quickly in the warm, delicate embrace of my daughter. There was no better way to freeze the moment than in her big, brown eyes.

Seneca, in his essay On the Shortness of Life, wrote this about time: “Everyone rushes his life on, and suffers for a yearning for the future and a boredom with the present….But the greatest waste of life consists in postponement:… that is what snatches away the present while promising something to follow. The greatest obstacle in living is expectation, which depends on tomorrow and wastes today… Unless you seize time, it runs away . Even though you have seized it, it will still run away; and so in speed of using it you must match the swiftness of time and drink quickly, as though from a whirling torrent that is not always going to flow.”

New beginnings are not brought in by the start of a new year, nor by a fancy notebook with resolutions. Every minute is a chance to start all over again. 

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Dheza Aguilar is the Managing Editor of The Filipino Expat Magazine. She was a former Netherlands correspondent for ABS-CBN, and freelance writer for other publications. She works for a supply company in Rotterdam and is eternally juggling passion and career.

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Magpapayat o mag-ipon?: Ano ang nangungunang New Year’s resolution ngayong 2023


Saving money tops the New Year’s resolution for 2023 Source: Pixabay / USA-Reiseblogger

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Other ways to listen, isa survey ang nagsasabing mahigit 40% ng mga australian ang magtatabi ng pera para makapag-ipon..

  • Ayon sa survey ng Finder sa mahigit 1,000 respondents, 74% ng mga kababaihan at 70% ng mga kalalakihan ang magse-set ng goal ngayong 2023.
  • Sa pag-aaral naman ng Compare the Market, nangunguna ang pag-iipon sa mga pangunahing New Year’s resolution.
  • Maging ang Commonwealth Bank of Australia ay may consumer research na nagsasabing siyam sa sampung Australians ang may financial goal ngayong 2023 at nais na mapababa yung kanilang expenses at maitaas ang savings.

Magpapayat o Mag-ipon?: Ano ang nangungunang New Year’s resolution ngayong 2023 image

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My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A new year brings in fresh beginnings with a heart full of memories from the previous year. The beginning of a new year exhibits hope and a sense of positivity, allowing us to start again with everything we believed we missed or did incorrectly the year before. Here are a few sample essays on "My New Year Resolution". You can choose from 100, 200 and 500 words best new year's resolutions for 2024 essay. It will also help you know "how do I write my New Year resolution?' check out.

100 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution

200 words essay on my new year resolution, 500 words essay on my new year resolution.

My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

People celebrate the beginning of a new year to give a fresh start to their lives. They take new year resolutions because everyone made mistakes in the previous year that they want to avoid in the future or to do something new in the next year. Resolutions assist us in staying focused on our choices.

When this year began, I resolved to focus on areas where I am weak or lack confidence. This covered my weak subject areas, my extreme engagement in watching web series, my inability to manage time for other activities etc. I made a timetable which I reviewed and modified every week, such that I accommodated all my activities and devoted adequate time to them. At the end of the year, I could feel positive results and felt proud of myself for sticking to my new year resolutions.

The New year reminds us that time is not permanent. It moves silently and stops for no one. A single goal or a list of goals one wants to accomplish or get rid of might form a new year's resolution. They give us a new chance to achieve something in our life, whether it is related to our personal life, professional life or academic life. For a resolution to work in our lives, we must be a person with strong determination.

Importance of Resolutions | New year resolutions are important for various reasons, some of them being:-

All activities that waste time and result in nothing are eliminated and replaced with new ones that never waste time and result in positive changes.

Someone who does not make any resolutions for the new year is similar to someone walking somewhere without knowing the way.

No matter how big or little a resolution is, it is important to consider its purpose and the results it will produce when put into practice in our daily lives.

My Resolutions | I have also made resolutions previously, but like everyone else, I break them. But this time, I will keep my resolutions and put more effort into changing myself. I made a list of resolutions that I plan to begin following next year. They consist of sticking to a set schedule for time management, avoiding junk food and putting a priority on healthy food for better health, and, most importantly, completing courses before exams.

A New year is not only about parties and celebrations or spending money lavishly, but it is also an excellent opportunity to start over and make changes in our life. Having a new year's resolution is a thing to be proud of and to share with others. It is what we promised to do at the end of the year. Making a new year's resolution is crucial because I need a goal or purpose to live.

Different People, Different Resolutions

Before moving forward, it is important to keep in mind that the changes must be fair and respectable. A resolution for the coming year is an idea that better defines and represents you. A new year's resolution is different for every person. Some may believe that resolutions work, while others may feel that they do nothing. A mature man will have the resolution to avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. For students, it may include exercising daily, going to bed early, eating healthy food etc. Having a new year resolution sounds as easy as ABC but applying it throughout the year is a big task as the world is full of distractions.

Also Read - Essay on New Year for Students

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Empowering Filipino Youth for a Stronger Philippines: The Significance of DepEd’s EOSY Theme 2023-2024

The theme for the SY 2023-2024 End-of-School-Year (EOSY) rites, “Kabataang Pilipino Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas,” as outlined in DepEd Memorandum No. 23, s. 2024 , is a powerful call to action for the Filipino youth. It emphasizes the crucial role that education plays in shaping the future leaders and nation-builders of our country. In a time of great challenges and opportunities, this theme serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that the key to a stronger, more progressive Philippines lies in the hands of our young people.

The theme reflects the aspirations and challenges of the Filipino youth in the current socio-economic and political climate. It acknowledges that our young people face a world that is rapidly changing, filled with both obstacles and possibilities. However, it also recognizes that by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values, we can empower them to become agents of positive change. Through education, we can foster a generation of critical thinkers, innovators, and compassionate leaders who will drive the nation forward.

Schools, educators, and the wider community have a vital role to play in supporting and empowering the youth to become active and engaged citizens. By providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment, we can help students develop not only their academic abilities but also their character, resilience, and sense of social responsibility. We must create opportunities for them to explore their passions, develop their talents, and gain practical experience in leadership and civic engagement. Through initiatives such as student government, community service projects, and mentorship programs, we can help them build the confidence and skills they need to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Imagine the impact we could have if every school in the country embraced this theme and committed to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and service. Picture a generation of Filipino youth who are not only equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen fields but also with the values and mindset to create positive change in society. Envision a future where our young people are at the forefront of solving the nation’s most pressing challenges, from poverty and inequality to environmental sustainability and social justice.

The potential long-term impact of instilling these values and mindsets in the Filipino youth is immense. By investing in their education and empowerment, we are laying the foundation for a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation. We are creating a pipeline of leaders who will drive innovation, spur economic growth, and build a more inclusive and equitable society. We are planting the seeds of change that will bear fruit for generations to come.

As we celebrate the achievements of our graduates and completers, let us also reaffirm our commitment to the ideals encapsulated in the EOSY theme. Let us honor the hard work and dedication of our educators, who have gone above and beyond to ensure that learning continues despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Let us recognize the resilience and adaptability of our students, who have persevered through difficult times and emerged stronger and more determined than ever.

To our dear graduates and completers, as you embark on the next chapter of your lives, remember that you have the power to shape the future of our nation. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead with courage, curiosity, and compassion. Use your education not only to pursue your personal goals but also to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Be the leaders and changemakers that our country needs, and never forget the values and lessons you have learned throughout your journey.

Together, let us work towards a stronger, more progressive, and more inclusive Philippines, one where every young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the greater good. Let us unite behind the vision of “Kabataang Pilipino Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas,” and let us move forward with renewed purpose and determination. The future of our nation is bright, and it starts with each and every one of you.

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New Year's resolution o New Year's appreciation? Mga bagay na di nagawa sa 2022, puwede pa sa 2023




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New Year, New Me? 7 Most Popular Student Resolutions for 2023

2022 student resolutions

How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution in the new year only to let it fizzle out and die within a month or two? Don’t fret! It happens to the best of us. Student resolutions are often easy to make but can be hard to follow through with during the year. Are […]

How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution in the new year only to let it fizzle out and die within a month or two? Don’t fret! It happens to the best of us. Student resolutions are often easy to make but can be hard to follow through with during the year. Are you ready to change that?

Choose a resolution that will better your life as a student. You’ll be more invested in the change and will be more inclined to stick it out. If you’re not sure what that means, then browse this list of common student resolutions along with tips that will encourage you to commit to them.

1. Improve Grades

student resolutions grades

There are almost always student support and tutoring services available at colleges and universities to help you manage your academics. If you need study tips, drop-in services, and study groups to make a difference and lift your average, find out what your school offers and take advantage.

Sometimes improving your grades merely requires a better system. Invest in a good planner and use it. Dedicate blocks of time for studying or readings during your week and follow through with your plans. Study, focus, and make it happen !

2. Work on Health and Fitness

student resolutions fitness

Your tuition usually includes attendance fees for your school’s fitness facility. Take advantage of it since you’re paying for it anyway and create a fitness/nutrition plan that works for you. Don’t forget to also focus on your mental health. A lot of times, mental well-being is placed on the back burner to make room for assignments, essays, group projects, presentations, readings, and exams… (sound familiar?) but it’s important, so make your mental health a priority. Check into counselling and other student services offered by your school if it will help.

3. Get More Sleep

student resolutions sleep

I think we can all relate to this one. Sleep quality and the number of hours we get each night can make all the difference when it comes to alertness and our energy level. A better night’s rest will help you combat addictions to coffee and energy drinks (so you can save money) and will generally leave you feeling rejuvenated.

4. Make More Money

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

What you should really be asking is, “How do I budget?” Develop a reasonable monthly budget to use for textbooks, food, tuition, entertainment, rent, and savings and stick to it. Apply for bursaries and scholarships (you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this). If you need a little more assistance, consider a part-time job and contact your school’s career services office for on-campus opportunities. Also check out: 4 Types Of Financial Aid Students Can Count On for more information.

5. Find Some Balance

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Learn how to balance the chaos of school with friends, fitness, and downtime. Yes , it’s possible. No , don’t argue with me. Use a planner to make your life easier by scheduling time for studying, entertainment, physical activity, and yes, even your social life. Balancing everything in your life will leave you feeling more energized and positive, so you’re less likely to procrastinate when it comes to working.

6. Gain New Skills

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Why not try something completely new? Is there a club you’ve been thinking about joining or an elective course you’re not sure about enrolling in (but seems interesting)? Jump in and just do it as Nike advises.

  • You’ll learn something new.
  • You’ll make more connections and build relationships with people.
  • You might inherit new skills that could inadvertently land you a job.
  • What do you have to lose?

7. Plan for the Future

student resolutions future

What do you want to be when you grow up? This question was so common when we were kids, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop asking it once you reach post-secondary school. There’s a broad range of jobs available that we discover as we continue our education. Keep asking yourself, “what do I want to be when I grow up?” to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life.

You’re constantly being reminded that what you do today can affect your future and what you want to do. Take a moment to evaluate your current relationships and determine whether they can assist you in some capacity or (to be blunt) if they are simply holding you back.

Consider applying for part-time jobs that are related to the field you intend to pursue once you are out of school. Student support and advising are often available at college and university, so take advantage of them to figure out your next steps after graduation.

2023 is a new year. This is a new beginning and a fresh start for some, but it can also mean improving something in your life. So, set a new goal for yourself and make your New Year’s student resolutions count.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

More top resources just for students

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

Christine Rees

Christine is a teen fiction author (debut novel: The Hidden Legacy) who spends most of her time traveling, writing books and helping others pursue their passion. Christine is also an admitted TV junkie, content creator, inspirational blogger, and animal enthusiast. You can visit her website to learn more www.christinerees.com

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  • New Year's Resolutions for Students to Shine in 2024

Best New Year Resolutions Ideas (2024) for Students

After the festive cheer of Christmas, the dawn of the New Year beckons, bringing with it the opportunity for students to embark on a journey of self-improvement. In this blog, we've curated 10 New Year resolutions for students. As we step into 2024, let's embrace the chance to refine our thoughts, cultivate positive habits, and explore new avenues that contribute to our personal growth. These resolutions are designed to inspire a dedicated commitment to becoming the best versions of ourselves. Let's dive into the exciting possibilities that the New Year holds for student self-development!

New Resolutions for Students

Also Read - Essay on New Year

People believe that New Year is traditionally a chance to leave the bad behind inside us, get rid of some old habits and make productive changes in our day-to-day lives. These New Year's resolutions help us set life targets and bring us closer to living the life we all desire. 

Here, in this blog, we are sharing a few best New Year resolutions for students that would help them focus on their education-related aspirations and drive them towards personal growth. Take a look:

What is a New Year Resolution?

Put simply, a New Year's resolution or goal is a promise we make to ourselves as the new year begins, aiming for positive changes or a more vibrant life. For instance, it could be committing to regular gym visits or picking up a new hobby. Delving into history, the tradition dates back to Ancient Rome, where people vowed to settle debts with Janus, the god associated with January – hence the month's name. Over time, this practice gained popularity, evolving into the widely embraced tradition of setting New Year's resolutions.

Best 10 New Year Resolutions for Students 

New Year can be a perfect time for students to improve certain aspects of their life. Be it personally, academically or professionally. They can try to get what they are required to enhance themselves as an individual, leave bad old habits and show more passion for their studies. Look at our New Year's resolution list below , specially curated for students hoping to inculcate positive changes and a more active approach to health & fitness. 

1. Create a Study Routine

If you often procrastinate when it comes to studying or making assignments for school projects, setting up a study routine can help you overcome the situation. So, what are you waiting for? Take a New Year resolution and come up with a genuine, & realistic study plan that you can follow throughout your academic year. List out all the subjects with important chapters and dedicate certain hours to each of them according to your preparation level. Many surveys say that splitting your studies into bite-size chunks & outlining what to study helps achieve your goals.

2. Try Something New This Year

It is one of the best New Year resolutions for students this year. The newness in everything you do makes things interesting and improves your zeal to learn more. So, this year, you can try something new that excites you, such as a subject, a Language etc. Find out what subjects or things seem more interesting to you. Set a goal to try one of them. New Year can be a golden chance to do or learn something new. Who knows? It probably turns out to get a new hobby or hands-on interesting future career option.

New Year Resolutions

3. Learn But Not Just for Grades

Though grades are important in a student's life, studying effectively is equally important for lifelong development & growth. If you are only focused on getting a good grade without paying attention to the quality of learning, you might attract success but not for the long term. So, this New Year, make a resolution acknowledging that it is easy to maintain certain numbers on your assignment reports, but the purpose is to learn from the concepts and apply them to your everyday life. 

4. No Procrastination Anymore

We understand that dealing with procrastination can be challenging during student life. Ultimately, it only adds to stress and workload as projects or assignments progress. Conquering procrastination stands out as an excellent New Year's resolution idea for students. Remember, you're not alone in grappling with the motivation to complete tasks promptly. To overcome this hurdle, consider employing strategies such as creating a timeline and minimising distractions. Taking proactive steps can make a significant difference in staying on top of your responsibilities and enjoying a more manageable and fulfilling academic journey.

5. Adopt Healthier Eating Habits

It is quite rare to see college students with healthy eating habits. Strict time schedules, tight budgets, and frequent social engagements often lead students to eat unhealthy junk foods or processed foods as more “convenient food” over nutritious food options. But regularly consuming these highly processed foods negatively impacts our health and our mind and causes anxiety & fatigue. This New Year, avoid unhealthy foods and incorporate a healthier lifestyle.

6. Take Care of Your Mental Health

Apart from looking after your physical health, it's crucial for students to prioritize their mental well-being. Throughout academic, financial, and personal challenges, students often encounter uncertainty, impacting their mental health. This New Year, make it a resolution to focus on maintaining your mental wellness and steering clear of stress. By incorporating practices that promote mental health, such as mindfulness exercises or seeking support when needed, you can enhance your overall well-being and approach the year with a positive mindset.

Wrapping Up

These New Year resolutions for students offer a great starting point. Remember, everyone is unique, so choose resolutions that align with your goals. Whether adopting one from the list or creating your own, the key is dedication. Your resolution doesn't have to be grand – what matters is sticking with it and approaching it with commitment. As you step into the New Year, embrace the journey of self-improvement, stay focused on your goals, and watch how these small steps lead to big positive changes in your life. Happy New Year!

Class 10 and 12 CBSE Exam Preparation: Essential Links for Success!

Accessing important study resources is integral to effective exam preparation for both Class 10 and Class 12 students. To streamline your study process, we have compiled a comprehensive table featuring essential pages for both classes. From study materials to previous year question papers, this table provides quick access to all the resources you need to excel in your academic journey. Click on the links to unlock the path to academic excellence and confidently ace your CBSE Class 10 and 12 exams!


Class 10 Important Pages

Class 12 Important Pages

Study Material

NCERT Solutions

Important Questions

Revision Notes


Sample Papers

Previous Year Question Paper


FAQs on Best New Year Resolutions Ideas (2024) for Students

1. When is the Chinese New Year for 2024?

Ans: The Chinese New Year falls on Saturday, 10 February 2024

2. What is the importance of the New Year?

Ans: New Year is not only about celebrations and resolutions. It signifies motivation for many new beginnings. People remember their last year’s accomplishments & failures and look forward to the New Year's commitments.

3. Where does the New Year start first?

Ans: The first country to celebrate New Year’s eve annually is Kiritimati, Kiribati. Chatham Islands, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia.

4. What are some achievable New Year resolutions for students in 2024?

Discover realistic resolutions tailored for students in the upcoming year, designed to enhance various aspects of academic and personal life.

5. How can students prioritise mental health in their New Year resolutions?

Explore ideas on incorporating mental wellness into New Year resolutions, addressing the unique challenges students may face in academic, financial, and personal spheres.

6. Are there specific resolutions to help students overcome procrastination and manage their workload?

Find practical resolutions and strategies to tackle procrastination, reduce stress, and efficiently handle academic projects and assignments.

7. What are some customisable New Year resolution ideas that students can adapt to their individual priorities?

Learn how to tailor New Year resolutions to your personal goals and priorities, ensuring a customized approach that suits your unique needs and aspirations.

8. How important is dedication to the success of New Year resolutions for students?

Understand the significance of commitment and dedication in sticking to New Year resolutions, and discover tips on maintaining a steadfast approach to achieve your goals in the upcoming year.

New Year Resolutions for Students: 7 Practical and Easy to Follow Ideas

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Life Kit

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What do you want to accomplish in 2023? This New Year's resolution guide can help

Connie Hanzhang Jin

Malaka Gharib headshot

Malaka Gharib

Becky Harlan headshot

Becky Harlan

Life Kit's Resolution Planner: 40 ideas and tips to start your New Year

What do you want to accomplish this year? Scroll through Life Kit's expert guides for practical and inspiring ways to grow in 2023.

Ah, the new year. It's a time to sketch out your goals and think about the roadmap to get there.

Life Kit has curated a list of some of our best episodes to help set you up for success in 2023. They include practical guidance (like how to pick a birth control or ask for a raise ), forward-thinking advice (like how to save for retirement or freeze your eggs ) and tips on how to live more mindfully (like how to reduce food waste or set boundaries ).

It might feel hard to start a new habit, but as BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford and author of Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything , told Life Kit in a 2020 interview , "it's easier to create habits and change than most people think, and it's faster than most people think. It can even be fun if you do it in the right way."

The key is to understand how behavior change happens. You've got to have the motivation, the ability to do the behavior and a prompt, says Fogg. "And the prompt is anything that reminds you to do this behavior now. And when those three things come together at the same moment, a behavior happens."

So go on, pick a resolution that's achievable — but also bold and aspirational. We've got 40+ ideas for you to choose from. Here's to a stronger, more confident you in 2023.

  • How to change careers
  • How to return to college
  • How to find a mentor
  • How to ask for a raise
  • How to futureproof your body
  • How to start an exercise habit
  • How to get into strength training
  • How to drink less alcohol
  • How to pick a birth control
  • How to create a better bedtime routine
  • How to approach weight loss differently
  • How to clear your clutter
  • How to split household chores
  • How to reduce food waste
  • How to keep your house clean
  • How to stay on top of 'life admin'
  • How to train your dog

Mental health

  • How to be less indecisive
  • How to deal with uncertainty
  • How to draw boundaries
  • How to start therapy
  • Find your purpose


  • How to navigate the coming out convo
  • How to travel with friends
  • How to make new friends
  • How to show your friends you love them
  • How to break up
  • How to create a relationship contract
  • How to be OK with being single
  • How to fall in love
  • How to learn your heritage language
  • How to pack for a trip
  • How to start a creative habit

Personal finance

  • How to write a will
  • How to plan a budget
  • How to budget for a baby
  • How to save for retirement
  • How to decide if you want a baby
  • How to freeze your eggs
  • How to get your kid to listen better
  • How to win back time as a working parent

Goal setting

  • How to avoid cognitive bias
  • How to examine your regrets
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • How to make a better to-do list

The episodes were created by Life Kit. Design, development and illustrations by Connie Hanzhang Jin. Production, editing and art direction by Malaka Gharib and Beck Harlan with additional support by Julia Carney. Special thanks to Life Kit supervising editor Meghan Keane, growth editor Arielle Retting, senior digital analyst Brittany Cheng and engagement editor Dylan Scott.

We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823 , or email us at [email protected] .

Listen to Life Kit on Apple Podcasts and Spotify , or sign up for our newsletter .

  • Life Kit: Life Skills


Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide

Airlines, hospitals and people’s computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

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A view from above of a crowded airport with long lines of people.

By Adam Satariano Paul Mozur Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel

  • July 19, 2024

Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code.

A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around the world on Friday. The company, CrowdStrike , based in Austin, Texas, makes software used by multinational corporations, government agencies and scores of other organizations to protect against hackers and online intruders.

But when CrowdStrike sent its update on Thursday to its customers that run Microsoft Windows software, computers began to crash.

The fallout, which was immediate and inescapable, highlighted the brittleness of global technology infrastructure. The world has become reliant on Microsoft and a handful of cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike. So when a single flawed piece of software is released over the internet, it can almost instantly damage countless companies and organizations that depend on the technology as part of everyday business.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

A cyberattack did not cause the widespread outage, but the effects on Friday showed how devastating the damage can be when a main artery of the global technology system is disrupted. It raised broader questions about CrowdStrike’s testing processes and what repercussions such software firms should face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions.

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

50% of flights

Ai r po r t

Bengalu r u K empeg o wda

Dhaka Shahjalal

Minneapolis-Saint P aul

Stuttga r t

Melbou r ne

Be r lin B r anden b urg

London City

Amsterdam Schiphol

Chicago O'Hare


B r adl e y

Cha r lotte

Reagan National


1:20 a.m. ET

new year resolution 2023 for students essay tagalog

CrowdStrike’s stock price so far this year

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