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How to Write Quantitative Research Questions: Types With Examples

How to Write Quantitative Research Questions: Types With Examples

Has it ever happened that you conducted a quantitative research study and found out the results you were expecting are quite different from the actual results?

This could happen due to many factors like the unpredictable nature of respondents, errors in calculation, research bias, etc. However, your quantitative research usually does not provide reliable results when questions are not written correctly.

We get it! Structuring the quantitative research questions can be a difficult task.

Hence, in this blog, we will share a few bits of advice on how to write good quantitative research questions. We will also look at different types of quantitative research questions along with their examples.

Let’s start:

How to Write Quantitative Research Questions?

When you want to obtain actionable insight into the trends and patterns of the research topic to make sense of it, quantitative research questions are your best bet.

Being objective in nature, these questions provide you with detailed information about the research topic and help in collecting quantifiable data that can be easily analyzed. This data can be generalized to the entire population and help make data-driven and sound decisions.

Respondents find it easier to answer quantitative survey questions than qualitative questions. At the same time, researchers can also analyze them quickly using various statistical models.

However, when it comes to writing the quantitative research questions, one can get a little overwhelmed as the entire study depends on the types of questions used.

There is no “one good way” to prepare these questions. However, to design well-structured quantitative research questions, you can follow the 4-steps approach given below:

1. Select the Type of Quantitative Question

The first step is to determine which type of quantitative question you want to add to your study. There are three types of quantitative questions:

  • Descriptive
  • Comparative 
  • Relationship-based

This will help you choose the correct words and phrases while constructing the question. At the same time, it will also assist readers in understanding the question correctly.

2. Identify the Type of Variable

The second step involves identifying the type of variable you are trying to measure, manipulate, or control. Basically, there are two types of variables:

  • Independent variable (a variable that is being manipulated)
  • Dependent variable (outcome variable)

quantitative questions examples

If you plan to use descriptive research questions, you have to deal with a number of dependent variables. However, where you plan to create comparative or relationship research questions, you will deal with both dependent and independent variables.

3. Select the Suitable Structure

The next step is determining the structure of the research question. It involves:

  • Identifying the components of the question. It involves the type of dependent or independent variable and a group of interest (the group from which the researcher tries to conclude the population).
  • The number of different components used. Like, as to how many variables and groups are being examined.
  • Order in which these are presented. For example, the independent variable before the dependent variable or vice versa.

4. Draft the Complete Research Question

The last step involves identifying the problem or issue that you are trying to address in the form of complete quantitative survey questions . Also, make sure to build an exhaustive list of response options to make sure your respondents select the correct response. If you miss adding important answer options, then the ones chosen by respondents may not be entirely true.

Want to create a quantitative research survey hassle-free? Explore our library of 1,000,000+ readymade questions.

Types of Quantitative Research Questions With Examples

Quantitative research questions are generally used to answer the “who” and “what” of the research topic. For quantitative research to be effective, it is crucial that the respondents are able to answer your questions concisely and precisely. With that in mind, let’s look in greater detail at the three types of formats you can use when preparing quantitative market research questions.

1. Descriptive 

Descriptive research questions are used to collect participants’ opinions about the variable that you want to quantify. It is the most effortless way to measure the particular variable (single or multiple variables) you are interested in on a large scale. Usually, descriptive research questions begin with “ how much,” “how often,” “what percentage,” “what proportion,” etc.

Examples of descriptive research questions include:

Questions Variable  Group
1. How much rice do Indians consume per month? Rice intake monthly Indians
2. How often do you use mobile apps for shopping purposes? Mobile app used a. Smartphone users
b. Shopping enthusiasts
3. What is the preferred choice of cuisine for Americans? Cuisine Americans
4. How often do students aged between 10-15 years use Instagram monthly? Monthly use of Instagram Students aged between 10-15
5. How often do middle-class adults go on vacation yearly? Vacation Middle-class adults 

2. Comparative

Comparative research questions help you identify the difference between two or more groups based on one or more variables. In general, a comparative research question is used to quantify one variable; however, you can use two or more variables depending on your market research objectives.

Comparative research questions examples include:

Questions Variable  Groups
6. What is the difference in duration spent on social media between people aged 15- 20 and 20-25? Time spent on social media Group 1: People within the age group 15-20
Group 2: People within the age group 20-25
7. What is the difference in the daily protein intake between men and women in America? Daily protein intake Group 1: Men based in America
Group 2: Women based in America
8. What is the difference between watching web series weekly between a child and an adult? Watching web series weekly Group 1: Child
Group 2: Adult
9. What is the difference in attitude towards sports between Millennial adults and older people born before 1981?   Attitude towards sports Group 1: Millennial adults
Group 2:  Older people born before 1981
10. What is the difference in the usage of Facebook between male and female American university students? Usage of Facebook Group 1: Male American university students
Group 2: Female American university students

3. Relationship-based

Relationship research questions are used to identify trends, causal relationships, or associations between two or more variables. It is not vital to distinguish between causal relationships, trends, or associations while using these types of questions. These questions begin with “What is the relationship” between independent and dependent variables, amongst or between two or more groups.

Relationship-based quantitative questions examples include:

Questions Independent Variable  Dependent Variable Group
11. What is the relationship between gender and perspective towards comedy movies amongst Americans? Perspective Gender Americans
12. What is the relationship between job motivation and pay level amongst US residents? Job motivation Pay level US residents
13. What is the relationship between salary and shopping habits among the women of Australia? Salary Shopping habits Australia
14. What is the relationship between gender and fast food preference in young adults? Gender Fast food Young Adults
15. What is the relationship between a college degree and a job position in corporates? College degree Job Position Corporates

Ready to Write Your Quantitative Research Questions?

So, there you have it. It was all about quantitative research question types and their examples. By now, you must have figured out a way to write quantitative research questions for your survey to collect actionable customer feedback.

Now, the only thing you need is a good survey maker tool , like ProProfs Survey Maker , that will glide your process of designing and conducting your surveys . You also get access to various survey question types, both qualitative and quantitative, that you can add to any kind of survey along with professionally-designed survey templates .

Emma David

About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.

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25+ Practical Examples & Ideas To Help You Get Started 

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | October 2023

A well-crafted research question (or set of questions) sets the stage for a robust study and meaningful insights.  But, if you’re new to research, it’s not always clear what exactly constitutes a good research question. In this post, we’ll provide you with clear examples of quality research questions across various disciplines, so that you can approach your research project with confidence!

Research Question Examples

  • Psychology research questions
  • Business research questions
  • Education research questions
  • Healthcare research questions
  • Computer science research questions

Examples: Psychology

Let’s start by looking at some examples of research questions that you might encounter within the discipline of psychology.

How does sleep quality affect academic performance in university students?

This question is specific to a population (university students) and looks at a direct relationship between sleep and academic performance, both of which are quantifiable and measurable variables.

What factors contribute to the onset of anxiety disorders in adolescents?

The question narrows down the age group and focuses on identifying multiple contributing factors. There are various ways in which it could be approached from a methodological standpoint, including both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Do mindfulness techniques improve emotional well-being?

This is a focused research question aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of a specific intervention.

How does early childhood trauma impact adult relationships?

This research question targets a clear cause-and-effect relationship over a long timescale, making it focused but comprehensive.

Is there a correlation between screen time and depression in teenagers?

This research question focuses on an in-demand current issue and a specific demographic, allowing for a focused investigation. The key variables are clearly stated within the question and can be measured and analysed (i.e., high feasibility).

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Examples: Business/Management

Next, let’s look at some examples of well-articulated research questions within the business and management realm.

How do leadership styles impact employee retention?

This is an example of a strong research question because it directly looks at the effect of one variable (leadership styles) on another (employee retention), allowing from a strongly aligned methodological approach.

What role does corporate social responsibility play in consumer choice?

Current and precise, this research question can reveal how social concerns are influencing buying behaviour by way of a qualitative exploration.

Does remote work increase or decrease productivity in tech companies?

Focused on a particular industry and a hot topic, this research question could yield timely, actionable insights that would have high practical value in the real world.

How do economic downturns affect small businesses in the homebuilding industry?

Vital for policy-making, this highly specific research question aims to uncover the challenges faced by small businesses within a certain industry.

Which employee benefits have the greatest impact on job satisfaction?

By being straightforward and specific, answering this research question could provide tangible insights to employers.

Examples: Education

Next, let’s look at some potential research questions within the education, training and development domain.

How does class size affect students’ academic performance in primary schools?

This example research question targets two clearly defined variables, which can be measured and analysed relatively easily.

Do online courses result in better retention of material than traditional courses?

Timely, specific and focused, answering this research question can help inform educational policy and personal choices about learning formats.

What impact do US public school lunches have on student health?

Targeting a specific, well-defined context, the research could lead to direct changes in public health policies.

To what degree does parental involvement improve academic outcomes in secondary education in the Midwest?

This research question focuses on a specific context (secondary education in the Midwest) and has clearly defined constructs.

What are the negative effects of standardised tests on student learning within Oklahoma primary schools?

This research question has a clear focus (negative outcomes) and is narrowed into a very specific context.

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list of research question examples for students quantitative

Examples: Healthcare

Shifting to a different field, let’s look at some examples of research questions within the healthcare space.

What are the most effective treatments for chronic back pain amongst UK senior males?

Specific and solution-oriented, this research question focuses on clear variables and a well-defined context (senior males within the UK).

How do different healthcare policies affect patient satisfaction in public hospitals in South Africa?

This question is has clearly defined variables and is narrowly focused in terms of context.

Which factors contribute to obesity rates in urban areas within California?

This question is focused yet broad, aiming to reveal several contributing factors for targeted interventions.

Does telemedicine provide the same perceived quality of care as in-person visits for diabetes patients?

Ideal for a qualitative study, this research question explores a single construct (perceived quality of care) within a well-defined sample (diabetes patients).

Which lifestyle factors have the greatest affect on the risk of heart disease?

This research question aims to uncover modifiable factors, offering preventive health recommendations.

Research topic evaluator

Examples: Computer Science

Last but certainly not least, let’s look at a few examples of research questions within the computer science world.

What are the perceived risks of cloud-based storage systems?

Highly relevant in our digital age, this research question would align well with a qualitative interview approach to better understand what users feel the key risks of cloud storage are.

Which factors affect the energy efficiency of data centres in Ohio?

With a clear focus, this research question lays a firm foundation for a quantitative study.

How do TikTok algorithms impact user behaviour amongst new graduates?

While this research question is more open-ended, it could form the basis for a qualitative investigation.

What are the perceived risk and benefits of open-source software software within the web design industry?

Practical and straightforward, the results could guide both developers and end-users in their choices.

Remember, these are just examples…

In this post, we’ve tried to provide a wide range of research question examples to help you get a feel for what research questions look like in practice. That said, it’s important to remember that these are just examples and don’t necessarily equate to good research topics . If you’re still trying to find a topic, check out our topic megalist for inspiration.

list of research question examples for students quantitative

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Quantitative Research: Examples of Research Questions and Solutions

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of quantitative research? Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just beginning your academic journey, understanding how to formulate effective research questions is essential for conducting meaningful studies. In this blog post, we’ll explore examples of quantitative research questions across various disciplines and discuss how StatsCamp.org courses can provide the tools and support you need to overcome any challenges you may encounter along the way.

Understanding Quantitative Research Questions

Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to answer research questions and test hypotheses. These questions typically seek to understand the relationships between variables, predict outcomes, or compare groups. Let’s explore some examples of quantitative research questions across different fields:

Examples of quantitative research questions

  • What is the relationship between class size and student academic performance?
  • Does the use of technology in the classroom improve learning outcomes?
  • How does parental involvement affect student achievement?
  • What is the effect of a new drug treatment on reducing blood pressure?
  • Is there a correlation between physical activity levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease?
  • How does socioeconomic status influence access to healthcare services?
  • What factors influence consumer purchasing behavior?
  • Is there a relationship between advertising expenditure and sales revenue?
  • How do demographic variables affect brand loyalty?

Stats Camp: Your Solution to Mastering Quantitative Research Methodologies

At StatsCamp.org, we understand that navigating the complexities of quantitative research can be daunting. That’s why we offer a range of courses designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel in your research endeavors. Whether you’re interested in learning about regression analysis, experimental design, or structural equation modeling, our experienced instructors are here to guide you every step of the way.

Bringing Your Own Data

One of the unique features of StatsCamp.org is the opportunity to bring your own data to the learning process. Our instructors provide personalized guidance and support to help you analyze your data effectively and overcome any roadblocks you may encounter. Whether you’re struggling with data cleaning, model specification, or interpretation of results, our team is here to help you succeed.

Courses Offered at StatsCamp.org

  • Latent Profile Analysis Course : Learn how to identify subgroups, or profiles, within a heterogeneous population based on patterns of responses to multiple observed variables.
  • Bayesian Statistics Course : A comprehensive introduction to Bayesian data analysis, a powerful statistical approach for inference and decision-making. Through a series of engaging lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will learn how to apply Bayesian methods to a wide range of research questions and data types.
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Course : Dive into advanced statistical techniques for modeling complex relationships among variables.
  • Multilevel Modeling Course : A in-depth exploration of this advanced statistical technique, designed to analyze data with nested structures or hierarchies. Whether you’re studying individuals within groups, schools within districts, or any other nested data structure, multilevel modeling provides the tools to account for the dependencies inherent in such data.

As you embark on your journey into quantitative research, remember that StatsCamp.org is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re formulating research questions, analyzing data, or interpreting results, our courses provide the knowledge and expertise you need to succeed. Join us today and unlock the power of quantitative research!

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Types of Quantitative Research Questions: A Detailed Guide

Types of Quantitative Research Questions: A Detailed Guide

Quantitative research questions play a crucial role in psychological studies by providing a structured way to measure and analyze variables. This article delves into the different types of quantitative research questions, their characteristics, examples, and applications in various fields of psychology. Whether you are a student, researcher, or practitioner, understanding these types of questions will enhance your ability to design effective studies and draw meaningful conclusions.

Key Takeaways

  • Quantitative research questions are essential for structuring and guiding psychological studies.
  • Descriptive research questions focus on measuring and describing variables without making comparisons or examining relationships.
  • Comparative research questions aim to identify differences between two or more groups or conditions.
  • Relational research questions explore the relationships between two or more variables, often using statistical methods to analyze the data.
  • Formulating effective quantitative research questions involves understanding key elements, avoiding common pitfalls, and following best practices.

Descriptive Research Questions in Psychology

Descriptive research questions in psychology aim to quantify the variables you are interested in. These questions often start with words such as "How much?", "How often?", "What percentage?", and "What proportion?". They are used to collect participants’ opinions about the variable that you want to quantify. Descriptive research questions are the most effortless way to measure particular variables on a large scale.

Comparative Research Questions in Psychology

Comparative research questions aim to examine the differences between two or more groups on one or more dependent variables. Such questions typically start by asking "What is the difference in?" a particular dependent variable (e.g., daily calorific intake) between two or more groups (e.g., American men and American women). Comparative research questions help you identify the difference between two or more groups based on one or more variables.

Relational Research Questions in Psychology

Relational research questions are pivotal in identifying trends, causal relationships, or associations between two or more variables. These questions typically begin with phrases like, "What is the relationship between" independent and dependent variables. It is not vital to distinguish between causal relationships, trends, or associations while using these types of questions. This flexibility allows researchers to explore various dimensions of psychological phenomena.

When crafting relational research questions, you might consider the following examples:

  • What is the relationship between study time and exam scores among university students?
  • How does social support influence mental health outcomes in adolescents?
  • What is the association between sleep quality and cognitive performance in older adults?

These examples highlight the versatility of relational research questions in exploring different psychological variables and their interactions.

Relational research questions are crucial for advancing our understanding of psychological processes. They enable researchers to identify key factors that influence behavior, mental health, and social dynamics. By examining these relationships, psychologists can develop more effective interventions and therapeutic strategies. Looking for correlational research topics in psychology? We've gathered a vast collection of examples that can also be used as quantitative research questions.

Formulating Effective Quantitative Research Questions

Creating effective quantitative research questions is a critical step in any psychological study. A well-formulated research question serves as the foundation for your entire research project , guiding your methodology and analysis. To ensure your questions are robust and meaningful, consider the following key elements and common pitfalls.

Key Elements of a Good Research Question

A good research question should be clear, focused, and researchable. It should specify the population of interest and the variables to be studied. For instance, a question like "What is the impact of social media usage on the self-esteem of teenagers?" clearly defines the population (teenagers) and the variables (social media usage and self-esteem).

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Avoid questions that are too broad or too narrow. A question like "What are the effects of social media?" is too broad and lacks specificity. On the other hand, a question like "How does Instagram usage between 2-3 PM affect the self-esteem of 15-year-old girls in New York City?" is too narrow and may not yield generalizable results. Additionally, be cautious of thesis anxiety , which can lead to overcomplicating your research questions.

Best Practices for Crafting Questions

  • Define your research objectives : Clearly outline what you aim to discover or understand through your study.
  • Use precise language : Ensure your questions are specific and unambiguous.
  • Pilot test your questions : Before finalizing, test your questions on a small sample to identify any issues.
  • Seek feedback : Consult with peers or mentors to refine your questions.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can formulate research questions that are both effective and impactful, setting a solid foundation for your psychological research.

Analyzing Quantitative Data in Psychological Research

Statistical methods for data analysis.

When analyzing quantitative data in psychological research, you will often rely on various statistical methods. These methods help in making sense of the numerical data collected through structured data collection methods such as surveys and experiments. Common statistical techniques include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and multivariate analysis. Each of these techniques serves a specific purpose and is chosen based on the research question and data type.

Interpreting Results

Interpreting the results of your data analysis is a crucial step in psychological research. This involves understanding what the statistical outputs mean in the context of your research question. You must be adept at navigating challenges: handling frustration in experimental research . For instance, a significant p-value might indicate a meaningful relationship between variables, but it's essential to consider the practical significance as well. Always contextualize your findings within the broader scope of existing literature.

Reporting Findings

Reporting your findings accurately and comprehensively is vital for the credibility of your research. This includes presenting your data in a clear and concise manner, often using tables and graphs to illustrate key points. Ensure that your report addresses the research questions and hypotheses you initially set out to explore. Additionally, discuss any limitations of your study and suggest areas for future research. This transparency helps in building trust and advancing the field of psychological research.

Ethical Considerations in Quantitative Psychological Research

When conducting quantitative research in psychology, ethical considerations are paramount. Ensuring the integrity and ethical standards of your research not only protects participants but also enhances the credibility of your findings. This section will delve into the critical ethical aspects you must consider.

Informed Consent and Confidentiality

Informed consent is a foundational ethical requirement. Participants must be fully aware of the nature of the study, the procedures involved, and any potential risks. Confidentiality is equally important; you must ensure that participants' data is securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel.

Ethical Approval Processes

Before commencing your research, obtaining ethical approval from a recognized ethics committee is essential. This process involves submitting a detailed research proposal outlining your study's aims, methods, and ethical considerations. The committee will review your proposal to ensure it meets ethical standards.

Addressing Potential Biases

Bias can significantly impact the validity of your research. It's crucial to identify and mitigate any potential biases in your study design, data collection, and analysis. This includes being aware of researcher bias and taking steps to minimize its influence. By addressing biases, you uphold the importance of ethical considerations and ensure the reliability of your results.

Applications of Quantitative Research in Various Psychological Fields

Clinical psychology.

In clinical psychology, quantitative research is pivotal for understanding the efficacy of different therapeutic interventions. By employing structured data collection methods, such as surveys and experiments, researchers can measure treatment outcomes and patient progress. Quantitative data allows for the comparison of different treatment modalities, thereby informing best practices and improving patient care.

Educational Psychology

Quantitative research in educational psychology focuses on assessing educational interventions and learning outcomes. Standardized tests and statistical analyses are commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods and educational programs. This approach helps in identifying trends and patterns that can lead to more effective educational strategies.

Social Psychology

In social psychology, quantitative research is essential for examining social behaviors and interactions. Surveys and experiments are often used to collect numerical data on social phenomena, such as group dynamics and social influence. This data is crucial for developing theories and models that explain social behavior. By breaking boundaries, the power of interdisciplinary approaches in experimental research is harnessed, combining quantitative and qualitative methods for holistic understanding.

Quantitative research has revolutionized various psychological fields by providing robust data and insights that drive evidence-based practices. From clinical psychology to educational psychology, the application of quantitative methods has enabled professionals to better understand human behavior and improve mental health interventions. If you're eager to dive deeper into these methodologies and enhance your research skills, visit our website for comprehensive guides and resources .

In conclusion, understanding the various types of quantitative research questions is crucial for conducting effective and meaningful research. By categorizing these questions into descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based types, researchers can better design their studies to obtain precise and actionable data. Descriptive questions help in summarizing the characteristics of a population or phenomenon, comparative questions allow for the examination of differences between groups, and relationship-based questions enable the exploration of associations between variables. Mastery of these question types not only enhances the quality of the research but also ensures that the findings are robust and reliable. As researchers continue to navigate the complexities of quantitative research, a thorough grasp of these question types will serve as a foundational tool in their methodological toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are quantitative research questions.

Quantitative research questions are objective questions that provide detailed knowledge about a research topic through numerical data that can be statistically analyzed.

What are the types of quantitative research questions?

There are three main types of quantitative research questions: descriptive, comparative, and relational.

How do descriptive research questions differ from other types?

Descriptive research questions aim to gather information about variables to quantify or measure them, while comparative questions compare two or more groups, and relational questions examine relationships between variables.

What are some examples of quantitative research questions in psychology?

Examples include: 'What is the average level of stress among college students?' (descriptive), 'Is there a difference in anxiety levels between male and female students?' (comparative), and 'What is the relationship between sleep quality and academic performance?' (relational).

How can I formulate effective quantitative research questions?

To formulate effective quantitative research questions, ensure they are clear, focused, and measurable. Avoid vague terms and make sure the questions align with your research objectives.

What ethical considerations should I keep in mind for quantitative psychological research?

Key ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality, getting ethical approval from relevant boards, and addressing potential biases in your research.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a Research Question with Examples

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How to Write a Research Question: Types and Examples 

research quetsion

The first step in any research project is framing the research question. It can be considered the core of any systematic investigation as the research outcomes are tied to asking the right questions. Thus, this primary interrogation point sets the pace for your research as it helps collect relevant and insightful information that ultimately influences your work.   

Typically, the research question guides the stages of inquiry, analysis, and reporting. Depending on the use of quantifiable or quantitative data, research questions are broadly categorized into quantitative or qualitative research questions. Both types of research questions can be used independently or together, considering the overall focus and objectives of your research.  

What is a research question?

A research question is a clear, focused, concise, and arguable question on which your research and writing are centered. 1 It states various aspects of the study, including the population and variables to be studied and the problem the study addresses. These questions also set the boundaries of the study, ensuring cohesion. 

Designing the research question is a dynamic process where the researcher can change or refine the research question as they review related literature and develop a framework for the study. Depending on the scale of your research, the study can include single or multiple research questions. 

A good research question has the following features: 

  • It is relevant to the chosen field of study. 
  • The question posed is arguable and open for debate, requiring synthesizing and analysis of ideas. 
  • It is focused and concisely framed. 
  • A feasible solution is possible within the given practical constraint and timeframe. 

A poorly formulated research question poses several risks. 1   

  • Researchers can adopt an erroneous design. 
  • It can create confusion and hinder the thought process, including developing a clear protocol.  
  • It can jeopardize publication efforts.  
  • It causes difficulty in determining the relevance of the study findings.  
  • It causes difficulty in whether the study fulfils the inclusion criteria for systematic review and meta-analysis. This creates challenges in determining whether additional studies or data collection is needed to answer the question.  
  • Readers may fail to understand the objective of the study. This reduces the likelihood of the study being cited by others. 

Now that you know “What is a research question?”, let’s look at the different types of research questions. 

Types of research questions

Depending on the type of research to be done, research questions can be classified broadly into quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods studies. Knowing the type of research helps determine the best type of research question that reflects the direction and epistemological underpinnings of your research. 

The structure and wording of quantitative 2 and qualitative research 3 questions differ significantly. The quantitative study looks at causal relationships, whereas the qualitative study aims at exploring a phenomenon. 

  • Quantitative research questions:  
  • Seeks to investigate social, familial, or educational experiences or processes in a particular context and/or location.  
  • Answers ‘how,’ ‘what,’ or ‘why’ questions. 
  • Investigates connections, relations, or comparisons between independent and dependent variables. 

Quantitative research questions can be further categorized into descriptive, comparative, and relationship, as explained in the Table below. 

Descriptive research questions These measure the responses of a study’s population toward a particular question or variable. Common descriptive research questions will begin with “How much?”, “How regularly?”, “What percentage?”, “What time?”, “What is?”   Research question example: How often do you buy mobile apps for learning purposes? 
Comparative research questions These investigate differences between two or more groups for an outcome variable. For instance, the researcher may compare groups with and without a certain variable.   Research question example: What are the differences in attitudes towards online learning between visual and Kinaesthetic learners? 
Relationship research questions These explore and define trends and interactions between two or more variables. These investigate relationships between dependent and independent variables and use words such as “association” or “trends.  Research question example: What is the relationship between disposable income and job satisfaction amongst US residents? 
  • Qualitative research questions  

Qualitative research questions are adaptable, non-directional, and more flexible. It concerns broad areas of research or more specific areas of study to discover, explain, or explore a phenomenon. These are further classified as follows: 

Exploratory Questions These question looks to understand something without influencing the results. The aim is to learn more about a topic without attributing bias or preconceived notions.   Research question example: What are people’s thoughts on the new government? 
Experiential questions These questions focus on understanding individuals’ experiences, perspectives, and subjective meanings related to a particular phenomenon. They aim to capture personal experiences and emotions.   Research question example: What are the challenges students face during their transition from school to college? 
Interpretive Questions These questions investigate people in their natural settings to help understand how a group makes sense of shared experiences of a phenomenon.   Research question example: How do you feel about ChatGPT assisting student learning? 
  • Mixed-methods studies  

Mixed-methods studies use both quantitative and qualitative research questions to answer your research question. Mixed methods provide a complete picture than standalone quantitative or qualitative research, as it integrates the benefits of both methods. Mixed methods research is often used in multidisciplinary settings and complex situational or societal research, especially in the behavioral, health, and social science fields. 

What makes a good research question

A good research question should be clear and focused to guide your research. It should synthesize multiple sources to present your unique argument, and should ideally be something that you are interested in. But avoid questions that can be answered in a few factual statements. The following are the main attributes of a good research question. 

  • Specific: The research question should not be a fishing expedition performed in the hopes that some new information will be found that will benefit the researcher. The central research question should work with your research problem to keep your work focused. If using multiple questions, they should all tie back to the central aim. 
  • Measurable: The research question must be answerable using quantitative and/or qualitative data or from scholarly sources to develop your research question. If such data is impossible to access, it is better to rethink your question. 
  • Attainable: Ensure you have enough time and resources to do all research required to answer your question. If it seems you will not be able to gain access to the data you need, consider narrowing down your question to be more specific. 
  • You have the expertise 
  • You have the equipment and resources 
  • Realistic: Developing your research question should be based on initial reading about your topic. It should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge in your field or discipline. 
  • Based on some sort of rational physics 
  • Can be done in a reasonable time frame 
  • Timely: The research question should contribute to an existing and current debate in your field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or practitioners can later build on. 
  • Novel 
  • Based on current technologies. 
  • Important to answer current problems or concerns. 
  • Lead to new directions. 
  • Important: Your question should have some aspect of originality. Incremental research is as important as exploring disruptive technologies. For example, you can focus on a specific location or explore a new angle. 
  • Meaningful whether the answer is “Yes” or “No.” Closed-ended, yes/no questions are too simple to work as good research questions. Such questions do not provide enough scope for robust investigation and discussion. A good research question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources, and original interpretation and argumentation before providing an answer. 

Steps for developing a good research question

The importance of research questions cannot be understated. When drafting a research question, use the following frameworks to guide the components of your question to ease the process. 4  

  • Determine the requirements: Before constructing a good research question, set your research requirements. What is the purpose? Is it descriptive, comparative, or explorative research? Determining the research aim will help you choose the most appropriate topic and word your question appropriately. 
  • Select a broad research topic: Identify a broader subject area of interest that requires investigation. Techniques such as brainstorming or concept mapping can help identify relevant connections and themes within a broad research topic. For example, how to learn and help students learn. 
  • Perform preliminary investigation: Preliminary research is needed to obtain up-to-date and relevant knowledge on your topic. It also helps identify issues currently being discussed from which information gaps can be identified. 
  • Narrow your focus: Narrow the scope and focus of your research to a specific niche. This involves focusing on gaps in existing knowledge or recent literature or extending or complementing the findings of existing literature. Another approach involves constructing strong research questions that challenge your views or knowledge of the area of study (Example: Is learning consistent with the existing learning theory and research). 
  • Identify the research problem: Once the research question has been framed, one should evaluate it. This is to realize the importance of the research questions and if there is a need for more revising (Example: How do your beliefs on learning theory and research impact your instructional practices). 

How to write a research question

Those struggling to understand how to write a research question, these simple steps can help you simplify the process of writing a research question. 

Topic selection Choose a broad topic, such as “learner support” or “social media influence” for your study. Select topics of interest to make research more enjoyable and stay motivated.  
Preliminary research The goal is to refine and focus your research question. The following strategies can help: Skim various scholarly articles. List subtopics under the main topic. List possible research questions for each subtopic. Consider the scope of research for each of the research questions. Select research questions that are answerable within a specific time and with available resources. If the scope is too large, repeat looking for sub-subtopics.  
Audience When choosing what to base your research on, consider your readers. For college papers, the audience is academic. Ask yourself if your audience may be interested in the topic you are thinking about pursuing. Determining your audience can also help refine the importance of your research question and focus on items related to your defined group.  
Generate potential questions Ask open-ended “how?” and “why?” questions to find a more specific research question. Gap-spotting to identify research limitations, problematization to challenge assumptions made by others, or using personal experiences to draw on issues in your industry can be used to generate questions.  
Review brainstormed questions Evaluate each question to check their effectiveness. Use the FINER model to see if the question meets all the research question criteria.  
Construct the research question Multiple frameworks, such as PICOT and PEA, are available to help structure your research question. The frameworks listed below can help you with the necessary information for generating your research question.  
Framework Attributes of each framework
FINER Feasible 
PICOT Population or problem 
Intervention or indicator being studied 
Comparison group 
Outcome of interest 
Time frame of the study  
PEO Population being studied 
Exposure to preexisting conditions 
Outcome of interest  

Sample Research Questions

The following are some bad and good research question examples 

  • Example 1 
Unclear: How does social media affect student growth? 
Clear: What effect does the daily use of Twitter and Facebook have on the career development goals of students? 
Explanation: The first research question is unclear because of the vagueness of “social media” as a concept and the lack of specificity. The second question is specific and focused, and its answer can be discovered through data collection and analysis.  
  • Example 2 
Simple: Has there been an increase in the number of gifted children identified? 
Complex: What practical techniques can teachers use to identify and guide gifted children better? 
Explanation: A simple “yes” or “no” statement easily answers the first research question. The second research question is more complicated and requires the researcher to collect data, perform in-depth data analysis, and form an argument that leads to further discussion. 


  • Thabane, L., Thomas, T., Ye, C., & Paul, J. (2009). Posing the research question: not so simple.  Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie ,  56 (1), 71-79. 
  • Rutberg, S., & Bouikidis, C. D. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research.  Nephrology Nursing Journal ,  45 (2), 209-213. 
  • Kyngäs, H. (2020). Qualitative research and content analysis.  The application of content analysis in nursing science research , 3-11. 
  • Mattick, K., Johnston, J., & de la Croix, A. (2018). How to… write a good research question.  The clinical teacher ,  15 (2), 104-108. 
  • Fandino, W. (2019). Formulating a good research question: Pearls and pitfalls.  Indian Journal of Anaesthesia ,  63 (8), 611. 
  • Richardson, W. S., Wilson, M. C., Nishikawa, J., & Hayward, R. S. (1995). The well-built clinical question: a key to evidence-based decisions.  ACP journal club ,  123 (3), A12-A13 

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  • Quantitative research questions: Types, tips & examples

Quantitative research questions: Types, tips & examples

Defne Çobanoğlu

Deciding on your next survey’s goal gives you a starting point as to what kind of questions you will use on your survey. And if you want to do concrete market research, give a data summary to your supervisors, or make informed decisions based on the data you collect, you should use quantitative survey questions.

In this article, we have gathered more than 100 survey question examples about gender, marketing, stress, psychology, academic performance, social media, and mental health to get you started. You can add these questions to your next research survey, or you can use them to get inspiration to write many more. Let us get started!

  • What is a quantitative research question?

The quantitative research question is a type of question where the person asking the question wants to obtain a numeric answer that will provide them with a tangible answer. It involves collecting objective, measurable data about a particular subject or topic, often through surveys, experiments, or other structured methods.

The definition of a quantitative research question

The definition of a quantitative research question

The data collected is typically numerical in nature, such as ratings, counts, measurements, or percentages . So, an answer to this type of question can be confidentially used when creating a quantitative analysis.

Quantitative vs. qualitative research questions

The main difference between quantitative and qualitative questions is what you want to achieve from the question and methods of data collection. Qualitative research focuses on exploring and understanding complex phenomena, experiences, and perspectives . And qualitative research questions aim to gather detailed descriptions and subjective experiences to gain insights.

On the other hand, quantitative research aims to answer questions that involve measuring and quantifying variables, examining relationships, and making statistical deductions. It mainly relies on structured data collection methods, such as surveys, experiments, observations, and existing datasets, in order to collect numerical data .

  • How to write a quantitative research question

If you want to obtain concrete data on a research topic, you should use quantitative research questions. They give you numerical answers such as ratings, measurements, counts, or percentages. That makes it easier to conclude a quantitative analysis. Therefore, use questions that will give you answers like; “three times a week”, “about 11”, “20% of the students”, etc. Here are some question starters to have in mind to give you quantitative research questions ideas:

  • How frequently?
  • What percentage?
  • To what extent?
  • What proportion?
  • On a scale of…

Here are some simple examples:

  • How often do you go to the gym in a week?
  • How much do you spend on groceries?
  • How many phone calls do you make a day?
  • Types of quantitative questions

When you try to get numerical answers, the only option is not the multiple-choice one. You can use different types of quantitative research questions to make the form more interesting, visually appealing, and detailed if you use a smart survey creator, such as forms.app, you can make use of its multiple smart form fields to build your form. Let us see what are some good options to use on your next survey.

Star rating:

It is a good way to ask people their opinions, and the survey takers can rate criteria based on different categories. Each star represents an equivalent numeric value, and they typically range from 1 to 5. Even if they are clicking on stars, you get numeric data in the end.

A star rating question example

A star rating question example

Opinion scale:

It is basically the same thing with the stars but instead, the survey takers rate criteria as numbers from 1-5 or 1-10. It is better to keep in mind the best way for this is using a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst rating.

An opinion scale question example

An opinion scale question example

Picture selection:

Having people choose their opinions in a picture selection form is a good way to go. It is a good option to use when you are creating a survey for market research and such.

A picture selection question example

A picture selection question example


When you ask people a question such as; “what are the reasons that negatively affect your mental health?” it is better to let them choose multiple reasons rather than a single one. You would not want to limit the target audience by making them choose only one thing on the list.

A multiple-choice question example

A multiple-choice question example

Selection matrix:

In this type of question, you can make multiple sentences, categories, and statements, and survey takers can answer them accordingly. They allow you to get the answers as one question rather than setting up multiple questions.

A selection matrix example

A selection matrix example

  • 100+ Quantitative research questions to ask in your research surveys

In your next survey, you can use any of the questions below, or you can create your own. If you use smart questions focused on a subject or aspect, it will make it easier for you to make an informed analysis at the end. Now, let us start with the first one:

Quantitative research questions about gender

A question example about quantitative research about gender

A question example about quantitative research about gender

Quantitative research questions about gender aim to gather numerical data to quantify and analyze gender-related patterns, differences, and associations. They focus on exploring gender-related issues and investigating gender influences on several aspects of life.

1 - What is the difference in average earnings between male and female employees in a specific industry?

2 - How does gender affect academic achievement in STEM subjects among high school students?

3 - What is the percentage of women in leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies?

4 - What is the impact of gender on access to and utilization of health services?

5 - What is the percentage of female students speaking in a classroom as opposed to male students?

6 - How does gender influence consumer preferences and purchasing behavior in the fashion industry?

7 - What are the gender differences in response to specific marketing strategies for a particular product?

8 - What is the correlation between gender and mental health outcomes in a specific population?

9 - How does gender influence the perception of work-life balance among working professionals?

10 - How often do you feel discriminated against in a work environment because of your gender?

11 - What is the effect of gender on smoking at the ages 14-18?

Quantitative research questions about stress

A question example about quantitative research about stress

A question example about quantitative research about stress

Research questions about stress aim to investigate different aspects of stress, its causes, and its consequences. Researchers can measure stress levels and examine the relationships between stress and other variables. Also, they can analyze patterns and trends associated with stress after collecting appropriate data.

12 - On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you feel stressed?

13 - What is the prevalence of stress among college students?

14 - How does stress impact academic achievement among high school students?

15 - How does mindfulness meditation training impact stress levels in university students?

16 - What are the primary sources of work-related stress among employees?

17 - What is the relationship between stress levels and job performance among healthcare professionals?

18 - Who are the people in your life that cause you the most stress?

19 - In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control important things in your life?

20 - How does workplace stress influence employee turnover rates in a specific organization?

21 - What is the correlation between stress levels and physical health in young people?

22 - What are the demographic factors (such as age, gender, or income) associated with higher levels of stress?

23 - What is the impact of stress on sleep quality and duration among adults?

24 - What are the stress levels experienced by parents of children with special needs compared to parents of typically developing children?

25 - What is the effectiveness of stress management interventions in reducing stress levels among individuals with chronic illnesses?

26 - What is the impact of daily meditation helping stress levels?

27 - What are the factors contributing to job-related stress among healthcare professionals in a specific specialty?

Quantitative research questions in Psychology

A question example about quantitative research in psychology

A question example about quantitative research in psychology

Quantitative research questions in psychology cover a range of psychological topics, including mental health, personality, behavior, and social dynamics. The aim of these questions is to collect quantitative data to examine relationships, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and identify factors associated with psychological events.

28 - What is the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in high school students?

29 - How does exposure to violent media affect aggressive behavior in children?

30 - What is the prevalence of depression among college students?

31 - How is parental attachment style associated with the development of anxiety disorders in children?

32 - How many times a month should one use professional therapy?

33 - What are the factors influencing job satisfaction among employees in a specific industry?

34 - What are the predictors of job performance among healthcare professionals?

35 - Generally, at what age do children start getting psychological help?

36 - What is the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder?

37 - How does the classroom environment affect academic motivation and achievement in elementary school students?

38 - What is the effectiveness of a cognitive training program in improving memory function in older adults?

39 - How do exercise frequency and intensity impact symptoms of anxiety and depression in individuals with diagnosed mental health conditions?

40 - What is the correlation between sleep duration and academic performance in college students?

41 - How does parental divorce during childhood impact the development of attachment styles in adulthood?

42 - What is the relationship between self-esteem and job satisfaction among working professionals?

43 - What are the predictors of eating disorder symptoms in adolescent females?

44 - At what age the teenage girls prone to depression?

45 - What is the correlation between young adults and suicide rates?

46 - What is the effect of a specific cognitive training program on improving cognitive functioning in elders?

47 - How does the presence of social support networks impact resilience levels in individuals who have experienced traumatic events?

48 - What are the effects of a specific therapeutic intervention on reducing symptoms of anxiety in individuals with a generalized anxiety disorder?

49 - What is the correlation between social media use and symptoms of depression in young adults?

50 - How does mindfulness meditation training influence stress levels in individuals with high-stress occupations?

51 - How does exposure to violent video games affect aggressive behavior in adolescents?

Quantitative research questions about mental health

A question example about quantitative research about mental health

A question example about quantitative research about mental health

Quantitative research questions about mental health focus on various aspects of mental health, including the prevalence of disorders, risk factors, treatment interventions, and the impact of lifestyle factors. 

52 - How does the frequency of social media use relate to levels of depressive symptoms in adolescents?

53 - What is the correlation between sleep quality and mental health outcomes in adults with diagnosed mental health conditions?

54 - What is the percentage of people diagnosed with anxiety disorder that has a college education?

55 - What kind of activities helps with your mental health?

56 - How many times a week do you spare time for your mental well-being?

57 - What is the effect of a specific psychotherapy intervention on reducing symptoms of depression?

58 - What are the factors determining treatment adherence in patients with schizophrenia?

59 - How do exercise frequency and intensity relate to anxiety levels?

60 - What is the relationship between social support and endurance in individuals with a history of trauma?

61 - How does stigma surrounding mental illness influence help-seeking behavior among college students?

62 - What is the prevalence of anxiety disorders among college students?

Quantitative research questions about social media

A question example about quantitative research about social media

A question example about quantitative research about social media

Quantitative research questions about social media try to explore various aspects of social media, including its impact on psychological well-being, behavior, relationships, and society. They aim to collect quantitative data to analyze relations, examine effects, and measure the influence of social media.

63 - How many times a day do you check your social media accounts?

64 - How much time do you spend on social media every day?

65 - How many social media accounts do you own?

66 - What is the correlation between social media engagement and academic performance in high school students?

67 - What are the most used social media accounts among teenagers?

68 - What is the psychological effect of social media accounts on young people?

69 - What is the relationship between social media use and self-esteem among adolescents?

70 - How does the frequency of social media use relate to levels of loneliness in young adults?

71 - How does exposure to idealized body images on social media impact body dissatisfaction in women?

72 - What are the predictors of problematic social media use among college students?

73 - How does social media use influence political attitudes and behaviors among young adults?

74 - What is the effect of social media advertising on consumer purchasing behavior and brand loyalty?

75 - What is the association between cyberbullying on social media and mental health outcomes among teenagers?

76 - How does social media use affect sleep quality and duration in adults?

77 - How does social media use impact interpersonal relationships and social support among individuals in long-distance relationships?

Quantitative research questions about academic performance

A question example about quantitative research about academic performance

A question example about quantitative research about academic performance

Quantitative research questions about academic performance focus on academic performance, the predictors, and the elements affecting it negatively and positively. They aim to collect quantitative data to figure out the relation between academic performance and the environment of the students and make informed decisions.

78 - What is the correlation between student attendance rates and academic achievement in a specific grade level?

79 - How does parental involvement in education relate to students' academic performance?

80 - What is the impact of classroom size on student academic outcomes?

81 - What are the predictors of academic success among undergraduate students in a specific major?

82 - How many times were you absent during the last semester?

83 - What is the correlation between student engagement in extracurricular activities and their academic performance?

84 - What is the effect of peer tutoring programs on student grades and test scores?

85 - How do student motivation and self-efficacy influence academic achievement in a specific academic setting?

86 - What is the relationship between study habits and academic performance among high school students?

87 - How does the implementation of a specific teaching methodology or instructional approach impact student achievement in a particular subject?

Quantitative research questions about marketing

A question example about quantitative research about marketing

A question example about quantitative research about marketing

Quantitative research questions about marketing explore various aspects of marketing, including advertising effectiveness, consumer behavior, branding, pricing, and customer satisfaction. They involve collecting quantitative data to analyze relationships and assess the impact of marketing strategies. 

88 - What is the correlation between advertising expenditure and sales revenue for a specific product?

89 - As a consumer, how often do you make purchasing decisions based on marketing exposure?

90 - What are the top 5 brands that stand out to you because of ads of their quality?

91 - How does brand loyalty relate to customer satisfaction and repeat purchase behavior?

92 - What is the impact of pricing strategies on consumer purchase intentions and price sensitivity?

93 - When making a purchase, how important is the packaging of the product to you?

94 - What is the effectiveness of different marketing channels (e.g., social media, television, email marketing) in reaching and engaging the target audience?

95 - How does product packaging design influence consumer perception and purchase decisions?

96 - What are the key factors influencing customer loyalty in the retail industry?

97 - What is the relationship between online customer reviews and purchase decisions in e-commerce?

98 - How do brand reputation and perception affect consumer trust and willingness to recommend a product or service?

99 - What are the channels you visit to ensure the quality of the product you will purchase?

100 - How does the personalization of marketing messages impact customer engagement and response rates?

101 - What is the effect of promotional offers (e.g., discounts, coupons) on consumer purchase behavior?

102 - What is the effect of ad placement on popular social media accounts on teenagers?

  • Tips for creating quantitative research questions

When you want to create your survey, you should be professional and collect the data systematically. That will help you have clear results. In order to achieve this: 

  • Use clear and unambiguous language
  • Avoid leading or biased questions 
  • Use different question types 
  • Keep the length of your survey at an appropriate level

After you create your survey in a systematic manner and use a competitive analysis framework to record your findings, you can achieve the concrete results you want. Also, always remember to obtain the necessary ethical approvals and informed consent required for your research study.

  • How to create a quantitative research survey

When you are creating your next survey, you can go old-fashion and write everything down on a piece of paper and try to get people to fill them out. However, there is a much easier option thanks to online survey tools. And a great survey maker you can use is forms.app. It has over 1000 ready-to-use templates, and each of them is as useful. Now, let us go through the steps to creating a quantitative survey using forms.app:

1 - Go to forms.app and log in to your account (or create one for free).

2 - Go to the dropdown menu and click on the templates option .

3 - Choose one of the survey templates and click on the “use template” button and customize it as much as you want by adding question fields and changing the visuals as much as you want.

4 - Or, you can decide on starting from scratch and build everything from the start in a matter of minutes.

5 - Save your changes, and by clicking on the “eye” icon on the upper left side of the page, see the final result.

6 - Copy the unique link and share it with your audience. If you want, you can also embed the survey on the page of your choosing.

  • Key points to take away

Creating a simple survey to collect numerical values to make informed and supported plans is very easy. It can be done with a simple and effective form creator, such as forms.app. It has many functional form fields and is also completely adjustable.

You can easily create your own research survey with the questions we have gathered for you. It should be mentioned that you should keep in mind to have a structured plan to go with. Because only then can you analyze your results effectively and repeat the research if it is needed.

Defne is a content writer at forms.app. She is also a translator specializing in literary translation. Defne loves reading, writing, and translating professionally and as a hobby. Her expertise lies in survey research, research methodologies, content writing, and translation.

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How to craft a strong research question (with research question examples)

How to Craft a Strong Research Question (With Research Question Examples)

A sound and effective research question is a key element that must be identified and pinned down before researchers can even begin their research study or work. A strong research question lays the foundation for your entire study, guiding your investigation and shaping your findings. Hence, it is critical that researchers spend considerable time assessing and refining the research question based on in-depth reading and comprehensive literature review. In this article, we will discuss how to write a strong research question and provide you with some good examples of research questions across various disciplines.

Table of Contents

The importance of a research question

A research question plays a crucial role in driving scientific inquiry, setting the direction and purpose of your study, and guiding your entire research process. By formulating a clear and focused research question, you lay the foundation for your investigation, ensuring that your research remains on track and aligned with your objectives so you can make meaningful contribution to the existing body of knowledge. A well-crafted research question also helps you define the scope of your study and identify the appropriate methodologies and data collection techniques to employ.

Key components of a strong research question

A good research question possesses several key components that contribute to the quality and impact of your study. Apart from providing a clear framework to generate meaningful results, a well-defined research question allows other researchers to understand the purpose and significance of your work. So, when working on your research question, incorporate the following elements:

  • Specificity : A strong research question should be specific about the main focus of your study, enabling you to gather precise data and draw accurate conclusions. It clearly defines the variables, participants, and context involved, leaving no room for ambiguity.
  • Clarity : A good research question is clear and easily understood, so articulate the purpose and intent of your study concisely without being generic or vague. Ensuring clarity in your research question helps both you and your readers grasp the research objective.
  • Feasibility : While crafting a research question, consider the practicality of conducting the research and availability of necessary data or access to participants. Think whether your study is realistic and achievable within the constraints of time, resources, and ethical considerations.

How to craft a well-defined research question

A first step that will help save time and effort is knowing what your aims are and thinking about a few problem statements on the area or aspect one wants to study or do research on. Contemplating these statements as one undertakes more progressive reading can help the researcher in reassessing and fine-tuning the research question. This can be done over time as they read and learn more about the research topic, along with a broad literature review and parallel discussions with peer researchers and supervisors. In some cases, a researcher can have more than one research question if the research being undertaken is a PhD thesis or dissertation, but try not to cover multiple concerns on a topic.

A strong research question must be researchable, original, complex, and relevant. Here are five simple steps that can make the entire process easier.

  • Identify a broad topic from your areas of interest, something that is relevant, and you are passionate about since you’ll be spending a lot of time conducting your research.
  • Do a thorough literature review to weed out potential gaps in research and stay updated on what’s currently being done in your chosen topic and subject area.
  • Shortlist possible research questions based on the research gaps or see how you can build on or refute previously published ideas and concepts.
  • Assess your chosen research question using the FINER criteria that helps you evaluate whether the research is Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, and Relevant. 1
  • Formulate the final research question, while ensuring it is clear, well-written, and addresses all the key elements of a strong research question.

Examples of research questions

Remember to adapt your research question to suit your purpose, whether it’s exploratory, descriptive, comparative, experimental, qualitative, or quantitative. Embrace the iterative nature of the research process, continually evaluating and refining your question as you progress. Here are some good examples of research questions across various disciplines.

Exploratory research question examples

  • How does social media impact interpersonal relationships among teenagers?
  • What are the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices in the workplace?

Descriptive research question examples

  • What factors influence customer loyalty in the e-commerce industry?
  • Is there a relationship between socioeconomic status and academic performance among elementary school students?

Comparative research question examples

  • How does the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods compare to online learning platforms in mathematics education?
  • What is the impact of different healthcare policies on patient outcomes in various countries?

Experimental research question examples

  • What are the effects of a new drug on reducing symptoms of a specific medical condition?
  • Does a dietary intervention have an impact on weight loss among individuals with obesity?

Qualitative research question examples

  • What are the lived experiences of immigrants adapting to a new culture?
  • What factors influence job satisfaction among healthcare professionals?

Quantitative research question examples

  • Is there a relationship between sleep duration and academic performance among college students?
  • How effective is a specific intervention in reducing anxiety levels among individuals with phobias?

With these simple guidelines and inspiring examples of research questions, you are equipped to embark on your research journey with confidence and purpose. Here’s wishing you all the best for your future endeavors!


  • How to write a research question: Steps and examples. Indeed Career Guide. Available online at https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-write-research-questions

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Statistical Research Questions: Five Examples for Quantitative Analysis

Table of contents, introduction.

How are statistical research questions for quantitative analysis written? This article provides five examples of statistical research questions that will allow statistical analysis to take place.

In quantitative research projects, writing statistical research questions requires a good understanding and the ability to discern the type of data that you will analyze. This knowledge is elemental in framing research questions that shall guide you in identifying the appropriate statistical test to use in your research.

Thus, before writing your statistical research questions and reading the examples in this article, read first the article that enumerates the  four types of measurement scales . Knowing the four types of measurement scales will enable you to appreciate the formulation or structuring of research questions.

Five Examples of Statistical Research Questions

In writing the statistical research questions, I provide a topic that shows the variables of the study, the study description, and a link to the original scientific article to give you a glimpse of the real-world examples.

Topic 1: Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement

A study was conducted to determine the relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement. The subjects of the study include school children in urban schools.

Statistical Research Question No. 1

Is there a significant relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement?

To allow statistical analysis to take place, there is a need to define what is physical fitness, as well as academic achievement. The researchers measured physical fitness in terms of  the number of physical fitness tests  that the students passed during their physical education class. It’s simply counting the ‘number of PE tests passed.’

On the other hand, the researchers measured academic achievement in terms of a passing score in Mathematics and English. The variable is the  number of passing scores  in both Mathematics and English.

Given the statistical research question, the appropriate statistical test can be applied to determine the relationship. A Pearson correlation coefficient test will test the significance and degree of the relationship. But the more sophisticated higher level statistical test can be applied if there is a need to correlate with other variables.

In the particular study mentioned, the researchers used  multivariate logistic regression analyses  to assess the probability of passing the tests, controlling for students’ weight status, ethnicity, gender, grade, and socioeconomic status. For the novice researcher, this requires further study of multivariate (or many variables) statistical tests. You may study it on your own.

Most of what I discuss in the statistics articles I wrote came from self-study. It’s easier to understand concepts now as there are a lot of resource materials available online. Videos and ebooks from places like Youtube, Veoh, The Internet Archives, among others, provide free educational materials. Online education will be the norm of the future. I describe this situation in my post about  Education 4.0 .

Topic 2: Climate Conditions and Consumption of Bottled Water

This study attempted to correlate climate conditions with the decision of people in Ecuador to consume bottled water, including the volume consumed. Specifically, the researchers investigated if the increase in average ambient temperature affects the consumption of bottled water.

Statistical Research Question No. 2

Is there a significant relationship between average temperature and amount of bottled water consumed?

Now, it’s easy to identify the statistical test to analyze the relationship between the two variables. You may refer to my previous post titled  Parametric Statistics: Four Widely Used Parametric Tests and When to Use Them . Using the figure supplied in that article, the appropriate test to use is, again, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

Source: Zapata (2021)

Topic 3: Nursing Home Staff Size and Number of COVID-19 Cases

Statistical research question no. 3.

Note that this study on COVID-19 looked into three variables, namely 1) number of unique employees working in skilled nursing homes, 2) number of weekly confirmed cases among residents and staff, and 3) number of weekly COVID-19 deaths among residents.

We call the variable  number of unique employees  the  independent variable , and the other two variables ( number of weekly confirmed cases among residents and staff  and  number of weekly COVID-19 deaths among residents ) as the  dependent variables .

A simple Pearson test may be used to correlate one variable with another variable. But the study used multiple variables. Hence, they produced  regression models  that show how multiple variables affect the outcome. Some of the variables in the study may be redundant, meaning, those variables may represent the same attribute of a population.  Stepwise multiple regression models  take care of those redundancies. Using this statistical test requires further study and experience.

Topic 4: Surrounding Greenness, Stress, and Memory

Scientific evidence has shown that surrounding greenness has multiple health-related benefits. Health benefits include better cognitive functioning or better intellectual activity such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering things. These findings, however, are not well understood. A study, therefore, analyzed the relationship between surrounding greenness and memory performance, with stress as a mediating variable.

Statistical Research Question No. 4

As this article is behind a paywall and we cannot see the full article, we can content ourselves with the knowledge that three major variables were explored in this study. These are 1) exposure to and use of natural environments, 2) stress, and 3) memory performance.

As you become more familiar and well-versed in identifying the variables you would like to investigate in your study, reading studies like this requires reading the method or methodology section. This section will tell you how the researchers measured the variables of their study. Knowing how those variables are quantified can help you design your research and formulate the appropriate statistical research questions.

Topic 5: Income and Happiness

This recent finding is an interesting read and is available online. Just click on the link I provide as the source below. The study sought to determine if income plays a role in people’s happiness across three age groups: young (18-30 years), middle (31-64 years), and old (65 or older). The literature review suggests that income has a positive effect on an individual’s sense of happiness. That’s because more money increases opportunities to fulfill dreams and buy more goods and services.

If you click on the link to the full text of the paper on pages 10 and 11, you will read that the researcher measured happiness using a 10-point scale. The scale was categorized into three namely, 1) unhappy, 2) happy, and 3) very happy.

An investigation was conducted to determine if the size of nursing home staff and the number of COVID-19 cases are correlated. Specifically, they looked into the number of unique employees working daily, and the outcomes include weekly counts of confirmed COVID-19 cases among residents and staff and weekly COVID-19 deaths among residents.

Statistical Research Question No. 5

Is there a significant relationship between income and happiness?

I do hope that upon reaching this part of the article, you are now well familiar on how to write statistical research questions. Practice makes perfect.


Lega, C., Gidlow, C., Jones, M., Ellis, N., & Hurst, G. (2021). The relationship between surrounding greenness, stress and memory.  Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ,  59 , 126974.

Måseide, H. (2021). Income and Happiness: Does the relationship vary with age?

© P. A. Regoniel 12 October 2021 | Updated 08 January 2024

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Quantitative research question examples

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Quantitative research question examples

Kimberly Houston

One of the best ways to determine how your target audience feels about your company or organization is through quantitative research. Once you understand user opinions, attitudes, behaviors, preferences, and market trends, you can make informed decisions that help you improve your products, services, and every aspect of the customer experience.

In this post, we’ll review what a quantitative research question is, cover the types of quantitative research questions, share examples of quantitative research questions across various fields, and highlight tips for creating a quantitative research survey.

Some background on quantitative research questions

Quantitative research questions collect objective, measurable, numerical data through

  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Controlled observations
  • Reviewing existing research to produce sound statistical analysis

The data includes ratings, counts, measurements, and percentages. Because this data is objective, it’s considered more reliable than qualitative research data.

Quantitative data helps researchers identify trends and patterns. They can use these insights to make informed decisions about company or organizational goals, targets, and strategic improvements to undertake.

Quantitative research questions are useful for measuring many things, but businesses commonly use them to determine overall customer satisfaction , gather feedback on existing products and services, gauge the demand for new products and services, and decide on business improvements to roll out.

Some examples of quantitative research questions include

  • How many times per week do you use social media?
  • How often do you visit our website?
  • How many mobile shopping apps do you use?

Types of quantitative research questions

The three main types of quantitative research questions are descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based. Which type or types you use will depend on the kind of data you want to collect and your research objective.

Descriptive research questions are usually closed-ended, and they elicit participants’ opinions about a specific variable. With these questions, you may ask how often someone uses your product, when they use your product, or how much they’d be willing to pay for a specific product.

Comparative research questions consider differences between groups based on dependable variables. With these questions, you may want to compare brand preferences among men versus women, compare how often individuals use similar products, or assess how your products stack up against competitors’ offerings.

Relationship-based research questions are helpful for gauging trends, causal relationships, or connections between variables. You may develop questions that help you explore how color influences buying decisions for a product or assess the relationship between employee turnover and workplace environment.

Examples of quantitative research questions

Now let’s take a look at some examples of quantitative research questions in the fields of education, health, marketing, and social sciences.

Examples of quantitative research questions in education

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does parental participation in education impact student academic achievement?
  • What impact does classroom size have on academic performance? Choose from the following: no impact, limited impact, high impact.
  • How many times were you (the student) absent last semester?
  • Is the relationship between extracurricular activities and student performance positive, negative, or neutral?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do study habits impact student grades and test scores?

Examples of quantitative research questions in the mental and physical health fields

  • On a scale of 1–10, how often do you feel stressed?
  • How many times per week do you engage in activities to improve your mental well-being?
  • How frequently do you exercise?
  • Do you have a health insurance plan?
  • How would you rate the care you received on your last visit with a primary care provider?
  • What is the relationship between stress levels and physical health in retirees?
  • On average, how many times per year do you visit a healthcare provider or facility?

Examples of quantitative research questions in marketing

  • How often do you make buying decisions based on advertising or marketing campaigns?
  • How often do you use products in this category?
  • On a scale of 1–10, how satisfied are you with the quality of this product?
  • On a scale of 1–10, how likely are you to recommend this product to others?
  • How much are you willing to pay for this product?
  • Which product features are the most important to you when making buying decisions in this category?
  • How much do customer reviews impact your buying decisions?
  • What is your preferred way to purchase products in this category (online or in the store)?

Examples of quantitative research questions in social sciences

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does income inequality impact academic performance?
  • To what extent is there still a gender imbalance in pay/wages? Rate your answer on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • To what degree does race impact rates of mental health diagnosis in adults? Rate your answer on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Does gender affect an individual’s contribution to household tasks?

Tips for creating quantitative research questions

Now that we’ve seen some examples, let’s review a few tips for creating your own quantitative research questions.

Since you’re looking for concrete data, ask questions such as

  • What percentage?
  • What proportion?

Let’s look at some concrete examples:

  • How much is your weekly grocery budget?
  • How many times per month do you visit a brick-and-mortar store?
  • What percentage of your monthly income is spent on housing?

To increase the quality of your questions and ensure the best results

  • Use different question types (i.e., descriptive, comparative, relationship-based).
  • Keep the survey or questionnaire as short as you can without sacrificing data collection.
  • Don’t use leading or biased questions.
  • Use clear language and avoid jargon.
  • Address one topic per question, starting with easier questions first to build momentum.
  • Be sure to get approvals and informed consent before proceeding.

How to create a quantitative research survey

  • Select the type of quantitative research question or questions from among the three discussed above — descriptive, comparative, or relationship-based — based on your research objective.
  • Identify the type of variable you’re trying to measure — either independent (the variable being manipulated) or dependent (the outcome variable) — and the target audience. Measurement variables include nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
  • Decide on the structure of your research questions based on the type of questions you’ll be presenting. Structure pertains to variables, groups, and the order of the variables and groups in the questions.
  • Draft your research questions and finalize your survey.

If you’re interested in learning more, we offer a more in-depth look at quantitative market research best practices . Also, check out our detailed, step-by-step guide on how to do market research .

You can build beautiful, easy-to-use, fully customizable surveys using Jotform’s premade survey templates or create them from scratch — no coding required. Tailor your surveys to match your business and your specific goals, and even share, collect, and analyze your survey results with our free online survey maker .

If you want to gather invaluable insights into user behavior, opinions, attitudes, and preferences, quantitative research is a great way to go about it. Jotform’s robust survey and questionnaire tools make it easy to get started.

Photo by ODISSEI on Unsplash

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Kimberly Houston


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Research Questions & Hypotheses

Generally, in quantitative studies, reviewers expect hypotheses rather than research questions. However, both research questions and hypotheses serve different purposes and can be beneficial when used together.

Research Questions

Clarify the research’s aim (farrugia et al., 2010).

  • Research often begins with an interest in a topic, but a deep understanding of the subject is crucial to formulate an appropriate research question.
  • Descriptive: “What factors most influence the academic achievement of senior high school students?”
  • Comparative: “What is the performance difference between teaching methods A and B?”
  • Relationship-based: “What is the relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement?”
  • Increasing knowledge about a subject can be achieved through systematic literature reviews, in-depth interviews with patients (and proxies), focus groups, and consultations with field experts.
  • Some funding bodies, like the Canadian Institute for Health Research, recommend conducting a systematic review or a pilot study before seeking grants for full trials.
  • The presence of multiple research questions in a study can complicate the design, statistical analysis, and feasibility.
  • It’s advisable to focus on a single primary research question for the study.
  • The primary question, clearly stated at the end of a grant proposal’s introduction, usually specifies the study population, intervention, and other relevant factors.
  • The FINER criteria underscore aspects that can enhance the chances of a successful research project, including specifying the population of interest, aligning with scientific and public interest, clinical relevance, and contribution to the field, while complying with ethical and national research standards.
  • The P ICOT approach is crucial in developing the study’s framework and protocol, influencing inclusion and exclusion criteria and identifying patient groups for inclusion.
Population (patients)
Intervention (for intervention studies only)
Comparison group
Outcome of interest
  • Defining the specific population, intervention, comparator, and outcome helps in selecting the right outcome measurement tool.
  • The more precise the population definition and stricter the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the more significant the impact on the interpretation, applicability, and generalizability of the research findings.
  • A restricted study population enhances internal validity but may limit the study’s external validity and generalizability to clinical practice.
  • A broadly defined study population may better reflect clinical practice but could increase bias and reduce internal validity.
  • An inadequately formulated research question can negatively impact study design, potentially leading to ineffective outcomes and affecting publication prospects.

Checklist: Good research questions for social science projects (Panke, 2018)

list of research question examples for students quantitative

Research Hypotheses

Present the researcher’s predictions based on specific statements.

  • These statements define the research problem or issue and indicate the direction of the researcher’s predictions.
  • Formulating the research question and hypothesis from existing data (e.g., a database) can lead to multiple statistical comparisons and potentially spurious findings due to chance.
  • The research or clinical hypothesis, derived from the research question, shapes the study’s key elements: sampling strategy, intervention, comparison, and outcome variables.
  • Hypotheses can express a single outcome or multiple outcomes.
  • After statistical testing, the null hypothesis is either rejected or not rejected based on whether the study’s findings are statistically significant.
  • Hypothesis testing helps determine if observed findings are due to true differences and not chance.
  • Hypotheses can be 1-sided (specific direction of difference) or 2-sided (presence of a difference without specifying direction).
  • 2-sided hypotheses are generally preferred unless there’s a strong justification for a 1-sided hypothesis.
  • A solid research hypothesis, informed by a good research question, influences the research design and paves the way for defining clear research objectives.

Types of Research Hypothesis

  • In a Y-centered research design, the focus is on the dependent variable (DV) which is specified in the research question. Theories are then used to identify independent variables (IV) and explain their causal relationship with the DV.
  • Example: “An increase in teacher-led instructional time (IV) is likely to improve student reading comprehension scores (DV), because extensive guided practice under expert supervision enhances learning retention and skill mastery.”
  • Hypothesis Explanation: The dependent variable (student reading comprehension scores) is the focus, and the hypothesis explores how changes in the independent variable (teacher-led instructional time) affect it.
  • In X-centered research designs, the independent variable is specified in the research question. Theories are used to determine potential dependent variables and the causal mechanisms at play.
  • Example: “Implementing technology-based learning tools (IV) is likely to enhance student engagement in the classroom (DV), because interactive and multimedia content increases student interest and participation.”
  • Hypothesis Explanation: The independent variable (technology-based learning tools) is the focus, with the hypothesis exploring its impact on a potential dependent variable (student engagement).
  • Probabilistic hypotheses suggest that changes in the independent variable are likely to lead to changes in the dependent variable in a predictable manner, but not with absolute certainty.
  • Example: “The more teachers engage in professional development programs (IV), the more their teaching effectiveness (DV) is likely to improve, because continuous training updates pedagogical skills and knowledge.”
  • Hypothesis Explanation: This hypothesis implies a probable relationship between the extent of professional development (IV) and teaching effectiveness (DV).
  • Deterministic hypotheses state that a specific change in the independent variable will lead to a specific change in the dependent variable, implying a more direct and certain relationship.
  • Example: “If the school curriculum changes from traditional lecture-based methods to project-based learning (IV), then student collaboration skills (DV) are expected to improve because project-based learning inherently requires teamwork and peer interaction.”
  • Hypothesis Explanation: This hypothesis presumes a direct and definite outcome (improvement in collaboration skills) resulting from a specific change in the teaching method.
  • Example : “Students who identify as visual learners will score higher on tests that are presented in a visually rich format compared to tests presented in a text-only format.”
  • Explanation : This hypothesis aims to describe the potential difference in test scores between visual learners taking visually rich tests and text-only tests, without implying a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Example : “Teaching method A will improve student performance more than method B.”
  • Explanation : This hypothesis compares the effectiveness of two different teaching methods, suggesting that one will lead to better student performance than the other. It implies a direct comparison but does not necessarily establish a causal mechanism.
  • Example : “Students with higher self-efficacy will show higher levels of academic achievement.”
  • Explanation : This hypothesis predicts a relationship between the variable of self-efficacy and academic achievement. Unlike a causal hypothesis, it does not necessarily suggest that one variable causes changes in the other, but rather that they are related in some way.

Tips for developing research questions and hypotheses for research studies

  • Perform a systematic literature review (if one has not been done) to increase knowledge and familiarity with the topic and to assist with research development.
  • Learn about current trends and technological advances on the topic.
  • Seek careful input from experts, mentors, colleagues, and collaborators to refine your research question as this will aid in developing the research question and guide the research study.
  • Use the FINER criteria in the development of the research question.
  • Ensure that the research question follows PICOT format.
  • Develop a research hypothesis from the research question.
  • Ensure that the research question and objectives are answerable, feasible, and clinically relevant.

If your research hypotheses are derived from your research questions, particularly when multiple hypotheses address a single question, it’s recommended to use both research questions and hypotheses. However, if this isn’t the case, using hypotheses over research questions is advised. It’s important to note these are general guidelines, not strict rules. If you opt not to use hypotheses, consult with your supervisor for the best approach.

Farrugia, P., Petrisor, B. A., Farrokhyar, F., & Bhandari, M. (2010). Practical tips for surgical research: Research questions, hypotheses and objectives.  Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie ,  53 (4), 278–281.

Hulley, S. B., Cummings, S. R., Browner, W. S., Grady, D., & Newman, T. B. (2007). Designing clinical research. Philadelphia.

Panke, D. (2018). Research design & method selection: Making good choices in the social sciences.  Research Design & Method Selection , 1-368.

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What Are Quantitative Survey Questions? Types and Examples

diagonal green and purple lines with black background

Table of contents: 

  • Types of quantitative survey questions - with examples 
  • Quantitative question formats
  • How to write quantitative survey questions 
  • Examples of quantitative survey questions 

Leveraging quantilope for your quantitative survey 

In a quantitative research study brands will gather numeric data for most of their questions through formats like numerical scale questions or ranking questions. However, brands can also include some non-quantitative questions throughout their quantitative study - like open-ended questions, where respondents will type in their own feedback to a question prompt. Even so, open-ended answers can be numerically coded to sift through feedback easily (e.g. anyone who writes in 'Pepsi' in a soda study would be assigned the number '1', to look at Pepsi feedback as a whole).  One of the biggest benefits of using a quantitative research approach is that insights around a research topic can undergo statistical analysis; the same can’t be said for qualitative data like focus group feedback or interviews. Another major difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods is that quantitative surveys require respondents to choose from a limited number of choices in a close-ended question - generating clear, actionable takeaways. However, these distinct quantitative takeaways often pair well with freeform qualitative responses - making quant and qual a great team to use together.  The rest of this article focuses on quantitative research, taking a closer look at quantitative survey question types and question formats/layouts. 

Back to table of contents 

Types of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative survey questions - with examples 

Quantitative questions come in many forms, each with different benefits depending on dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139784">your dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139740">market research objectives. Below we’ll explore some of these dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139785">survey question dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139785" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139785"> types, which are commonly used together in a single survey to keep things interesting for dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents . The style of questioning used during dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139739">quantitative dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139750">data dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139750" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139750"> collection is important, as a good mix of the right types of questions will deliver rich data, limit dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondent fatigue, and optimize the dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139757">response rate . dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139742">Questionnaires should be enjoyable - and varying the dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139755">types of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139755" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139755">quantitative research dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139755"> questions used throughout your survey will help achieve that. 

Descriptive survey questions

dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139763">Descriptive research questions (also known as usage and attitude, or, U&A questions) seek a general indication or prediction about how a dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139773">group of people behaves or will behave, how that group is characterized, or how a group thinks.

For example, a business might want to know what portion of adult men shave, and how often they do so. To find this out, they will survey men (the dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139743">target audience ) and ask descriptive questions about their frequency of shaving (e.g. daily, a few times a week, once per week, and so on.) Each of these frequencies get assigned a numerical ‘code’ so that it’s simple to chart and analyze the data later on; daily might be assigned ‘5’, a few times a week might be assigned ‘4’, and so on. That way, brands can create charts using the ‘top two’ and ‘bottom two’ values in a descriptive question to view these metrics side by side.

Another business might want to know how important local transit issues are to residents, so dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative survey questions will allow dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents to indicate the degrees of opinion attached to various transit issues. Perhaps the transit business running this survey would use a sliding numeric scale to see how important a particular issue is.

Comparative survey questions

dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139782">Comparative research questions are concerned with comparing individuals or groups of people based on one or more variables. These questions might be posed when a business wants to find out which segment of its dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139743">target audience might be more profitable, or which types of products might appeal to different sets of consumers.

For example, a business might want to know how the popularity of its chocolate bars is spread out across its entire customer base (i.e. do women prefer a certain flavor? Are children drawn to candy bars by certain packaging attributes? etc.). Questions in this case will be designed to profile and ‘compare’ segments of the market.

Other businesses might be looking to compare coffee consumption among older and younger consumers (i.e. dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139741">demographic segments), the difference in smartphone usage between younger men and women, or how women from different regions differ in their approach to skincare.

Relationship-based survey questions

As the name suggests, relationship-based survey questions are concerned with the relationship between two or more variables within one or more dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139741">demographic groups. This might be a dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139759">causal link between one thing and the other - for example, the consumption of caffeine and dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents ’ reported energy levels throughout the day. In this case, a coffee or energy drink brand might be interested in how energy levels differ between those who drink their caffeinated line of beverages and those who drink decaf/non-caffeinated beverages.

Alternatively, it might be a case of two or more factors co-existing, without there necessarily being a dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139759">causal link - for example, a particular type of air freshener being more popular amongst a certain dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139741">demographic (maybe one that is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth is more popular among younger homeowners than one that’s plugged into the wall with no controls). Knowing that millennials favor air fresheners which have options for swapping out scents and setting up schedules would be valuable information for new product development.

Advanced method survey questions

Aside from descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based survey questions, brands can opt to include advanced methodologies in their quantitative dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139742">questionnaire for richer depth. Though advanced methods are more complex in terms of the insights output, quantilope’s Consumer Intelligence Platform automates the setup and analysis of these methods so that researchers of any background or skillset can leverage them with ease.

With quantilope’s pre-programmed suite of 12 advanced methodologies , including MaxDiff , TURF , Implicit , and more, users can drag and drop any of these into a dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139742">questionnaire and customize for their own dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139740">market research objectives.

For example, consider a beverage company that’s looking to expand its flavor profiles. This brand would benefit from a MaxDiff which forces dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents to make tradeoff decisions between a set of flavors. A dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondent might say that coconut is their most-preferred flavor, and lime their least (when in a consideration set with strawberry), yet later on in the MaxDiff that same dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondent may say Strawberry is their most-preferred flavor (over black cherry and kiwi). While this is just one example of an advanced method, instantly you can see how much richer and more actionable these quantitative metrics become compared to a standard usage and attitude question .

Advanced methods can be used alongside descriptive, comparison, or relationship questions to add a new layer of context wherever a business sees fit. Back to table of contents 

Quantitative question formats  

So we’ve covered the kinds of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139736">quantitative research questions you might want to answer using dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139740">market research , but how do these translate into the actual format of questions that you might include on your dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139742">questionnaire ?

Thinking ahead to your reporting process during your dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139742">questionnaire setup is actually quite important, as the available chart types differ among the types of questions asked; some question data is compatible with bar chart displays, others pie charts, others in trended line graphs, etc. Also consider how well the questions you’re asking will translate onto different devices that your dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents might be using to complete the survey (mobile, PC, or tablet).

Single Select questions

Single select questions are the simplest form of quantitative questioning, as dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents are asked to choose just one answer from a list of items, which tend to be ‘either/or’, ‘yes/no’, or ‘true/false’ questions. These questions are useful when you need to get a clear answer without any qualifying nuances.


Multi-select questions

Multi-select questions (aka, dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139767">multiple choice ) offer more flexibility for responses, allowing for a number of responses on a single question. dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">Respondents can be asked to ‘check all that apply’ or a cap can be applied (e.g. ‘select up to 3 choices’).

For example:


Aside from asking text-based questions like the above examples, a brand could also use a single or multi-select question to ask respondents to select the image they prefer more (like different iterations of a logo design, packaging options, branding colors, etc.). 

dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139749">Likert dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139766">scale dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139766" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139766"> questions

A dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139749">Likert scale   is widely used as a convenient and easy-to-interpret rating method. dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">Respondents find it easy to indicate their degree of feelings by selecting the response they most identify with.


Slider scales

Slider scales are another good interactive way of formatting questions. They allow dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents to customize their level of feeling about a question, with a bit more variance and nuance allowed than a numeric scale:

logo slider scale example

One particularly common use of a slider scale in a dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139740">market dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139770">research dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139770" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139770"> study is known as a NPS (Net Promoter Score) - a way to measure dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139775">customer experience and loyalty . A 0-10 scale is used to ask customers how likely they are to recommend a brand’s product or services to others. The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of ‘detractors’ (those who respond with a 0-6) from the percentage of promoters (those who respond with a 9-10). dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">Respondents who select 7-8 are known as ‘passives’.

For example: 


Drag and drop questions

Drag-and-drop question formats are a more ‘gamified’ approach to survey capture as they ask dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents to do more than simply check boxes or slide a scale. Drag-and-drop question formats are great for ranking exercises - asking dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents to place answer options in a certain order by dragging with their mouse. For example, you could ask survey takers to put pizza toppings in order of preference by dragging options from a list of possible answers to a box displaying their personal preferences:

ranking poster

Matrix questions

Matrix   questions are a great way to consolidate a number of questions that ask for the same type of response (e.g. single select yes/no, true/false, or multi-select lists). They are mutually beneficial - making a survey look less daunting for the dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondent , and easier for a brand to set up than asking multiple separate questions.

Items in a matrix question are presented one by one, as respondents cycle through the pages selecting one answer for each coffee flavor shown. 

Untitled design (5)-1

While the above example shows a single-matrix question - meaning a respondent can only select one answer per element (in this case, coffee flavors), a matrix setup can also be used for multiple-choice questions - allowing respondents to choose multiple answers per element shown, or for rating questions - allowing respondents to assign a rating (e.g. 1-5) for a list of elements at once.  Back to table of contents 

How to write dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative survey questions  

We’ve reviewed the types of questions you might ask in a quantitative survey, and how you might format those questions, but now for the actual crafting of the content.

When considering which questions to include in your survey, you’ll first want to establish what your research goals are and how these relate to your business goals. For example, thinking about the three types of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative survey questions explained above - descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based - which type (or which combination) will best meet your research needs? The questions you ask dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents may be phrased in similar ways no matter what kind of layout you leverage, but you should have a good idea of how you’ll want to analyze the results as that will make it much easier to correctly set up your survey.

Quantitative questions tend to start with words like ‘how much,’ ‘how often,’ ‘to what degree,’ ‘what do you think of,’ ‘which of the following’ - anything that establishes what consumers do or think and that can be assigned a numerical code or value. Be sure to also include ‘other’ or ‘none of the above’ options in your quant questions, accommodating those who don’t feel the pre-set answers reflect their true opinion. As mentioned earlier, you can always include a small number of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139748">open-ended questions in your quant survey to account for any ideas or expanded feedback that the pre-coded questions don’t (or can’t) cover. Back to table of contents 

Examples of dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">quantitative survey questions  

dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139745">Quantitative survey questions impose limits on the answers that dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents can choose from, and this is a good thing when it comes to measuring consumer opinions on a large scale and comparing across dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents . A large volume of freeform, open-ended answers is interesting when looking for themes from qualitative studies, but impractical to wade through when dealing with a large dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139756">sample size , and impossible to subject to dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139774">statistical analysis .

For example, a quantitative survey might aim to establish consumers' smartphone habits. This could include their frequency of buying a new smartphone, the considerations that drive purchase, which features they use their phone for, and how much they like their smartphone.

Some examples of quantitative survey questions relating to these habits would be:

Q. How often do you buy a new smartphone?

[single select question]

More than once per year

Every 1-2 years

Every 3-5 years

Every 6+ years

Q. Thinking about when you buy a smartphone, please rank the following factors in order of importance:

[drag and drop ranking question]

screen size

storage capacity

Q. How often do you use the following features on your smartphone?

[matrix question]


Q. How do you feel about your current smartphone?

[sliding scale]

I love it <-------> I hate it

Answers from these above questions, and others within the survey, would be analyzed to paint a picture of smartphone usage and attitude trends across a population and its sub-groups. dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139738">Qualitative research might then be carried out to explore those findings further - for example, people’s detailed attitudes towards their smartphones, how they feel about the amount of time they spend on it, and how features could be improved. Back to table of contents 

quantilope’s Consumer Intelligence Platform specializes in automated, advanced survey insights so that researchers of any skill level can benefit from quick, high-quality consumer insights. With 12 advanced methods to choose from and a wide variety of quantitative question formats, quantilope is your one-stop-shop for all things dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139740">market research (including its dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139776">in-depth dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139738">qualitative research solution - inColor ).

When it comes to building your survey, you decide how you want to go about it. You can start with a blank slate and drop questions into your survey from a pre-programmed list, or you can get a head start with a survey dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139765">template for a particular business use case (like concept testing ) and customize from there. Once your survey is ready to launch, simply specify your dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139743">target audience , connect any panel (quantilope is panel agnostic), and watch as dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139737">respondents dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139783">answer questions in your survey in real-time by monitoring the fieldwork section of your project. AI-driven dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139764">data analysis takes the raw data and converts it into actionable findings so you never have to worry about manual calculations or statistical testing.

Whether you want to run your quantitative study entirely on your own or with the help of a classically trained research team member, the choice is yours on quantilope’s platform. For more information on how quantilope can help with your next dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139736">quantitative dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139768">research dropdown#toggle" data-dropdown-menu-id-param="menu_term_281139768" data-dropdown-placement-param="top" data-term-id="281139768"> project , get in touch below!

Get in touch to learn more about quantitative research with quantilope!

Related posts, unlocking your brand’s potential with white space analysis, effective concept testing in new product development, mastering retail price optimization for maximum profitability, quantilope academy is now open to the broader insights community.

list of research question examples for students quantitative

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How to Write a Good Research Question (w/ Examples)

list of research question examples for students quantitative

What is a Research Question?

A research question is the main question that your study sought or is seeking to answer. A clear research question guides your research paper or thesis and states exactly what you want to find out, giving your work a focus and objective. Learning  how to write a hypothesis or research question is the start to composing any thesis, dissertation, or research paper. It is also one of the most important sections of a research proposal . 

A good research question not only clarifies the writing in your study; it provides your readers with a clear focus and facilitates their understanding of your research topic, as well as outlining your study’s objectives. Before drafting the paper and receiving research paper editing (and usually before performing your study), you should write a concise statement of what this study intends to accomplish or reveal.

Research Question Writing Tips

Listed below are the important characteristics of a good research question:

A good research question should:

  • Be clear and provide specific information so readers can easily understand the purpose.
  • Be focused in its scope and narrow enough to be addressed in the space allowed by your paper
  • Be relevant and concise and express your main ideas in as few words as possible, like a hypothesis.
  • Be precise and complex enough that it does not simply answer a closed “yes or no” question, but requires an analysis of arguments and literature prior to its being considered acceptable. 
  • Be arguable or testable so that answers to the research question are open to scrutiny and specific questions and counterarguments.

Some of these characteristics might be difficult to understand in the form of a list. Let’s go into more detail about what a research question must do and look at some examples of research questions.

The research question should be specific and focused 

Research questions that are too broad are not suitable to be addressed in a single study. One reason for this can be if there are many factors or variables to consider. In addition, a sample data set that is too large or an experimental timeline that is too long may suggest that the research question is not focused enough.

A specific research question means that the collective data and observations come together to either confirm or deny the chosen hypothesis in a clear manner. If a research question is too vague, then the data might end up creating an alternate research problem or hypothesis that you haven’t addressed in your Introduction section .

What is the importance of genetic research in the medical field?
How might the discovery of a genetic basis for alcoholism impact triage processes in medical facilities?

The research question should be based on the literature 

An effective research question should be answerable and verifiable based on prior research because an effective scientific study must be placed in the context of a wider academic consensus. This means that conspiracy or fringe theories are not good research paper topics.

Instead, a good research question must extend, examine, and verify the context of your research field. It should fit naturally within the literature and be searchable by other research authors.

References to the literature can be in different citation styles and must be properly formatted according to the guidelines set forth by the publishing journal, university, or academic institution. This includes in-text citations as well as the Reference section . 

The research question should be realistic in time, scope, and budget

There are two main constraints to the research process: timeframe and budget.

A proper research question will include study or experimental procedures that can be executed within a feasible time frame, typically by a graduate doctoral or master’s student or lab technician. Research that requires future technology, expensive resources, or follow-up procedures is problematic.

A researcher’s budget is also a major constraint to performing timely research. Research at many large universities or institutions is publicly funded and is thus accountable to funding restrictions. 

The research question should be in-depth

Research papers, dissertations and theses , and academic journal articles are usually dozens if not hundreds of pages in length.

A good research question or thesis statement must be sufficiently complex to warrant such a length, as it must stand up to the scrutiny of peer review and be reproducible by other scientists and researchers.

Research Question Types

Qualitative and quantitative research are the two major types of research, and it is essential to develop research questions for each type of study. 

Quantitative Research Questions

Quantitative research questions are specific. A typical research question involves the population to be studied, dependent and independent variables, and the research design.

In addition, quantitative research questions connect the research question and the research design. In addition, it is not possible to answer these questions definitively with a “yes” or “no” response. For example, scientific fields such as biology, physics, and chemistry often deal with “states,” in which different quantities, amounts, or velocities drastically alter the relevance of the research.

As a consequence, quantitative research questions do not contain qualitative, categorical, or ordinal qualifiers such as “is,” “are,” “does,” or “does not.”

Categories of quantitative research questions

Attempt to describe the behavior of a population in regard to one or more variables or describe characteristics of those variables that will be measured. These are usually “What?” questions.Seek to discover differences between groups within the context of an outcome variable. These questions can be causal as well. Researchers may compare groups in which certain variables are present with groups in which they are not.Designed to elucidate and describe trends and interactions among variables. These questions include the dependent and independent variables and use words such as “association” or “trends.”

Qualitative Research Questions

In quantitative research, research questions have the potential to relate to broad research areas as well as more specific areas of study. Qualitative research questions are less directional, more flexible, and adaptable compared with their quantitative counterparts. Thus, studies based on these questions tend to focus on “discovering,” “explaining,” “elucidating,” and “exploring.”

Categories of qualitative research questions

Attempt to identify and describe existing conditions.Attempt to describe a phenomenon.
Assess the effectiveness of existing methods, protocols, theories, or procedures.
Examine a phenomenon or analyze the reasons or relationships between subjects or phenomena.
Focus on the unknown aspects of a particular topic.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Question Examples

Descriptive research question
Comparative research question
Correlational research question
Exploratory research question
Explanatory research question
Evaluation research question

stacks of books in black and white; research question examples

Good and Bad Research Question Examples

Below are some good (and not-so-good) examples of research questions that researchers can use to guide them in crafting their own research questions.

Research Question Example 1

The first research question is too vague in both its independent and dependent variables. There is no specific information on what “exposure” means. Does this refer to comments, likes, engagement, or just how much time is spent on the social media platform?

Second, there is no useful information on what exactly “affected” means. Does the subject’s behavior change in some measurable way? Or does this term refer to another factor such as the user’s emotions?

Research Question Example 2

In this research question, the first example is too simple and not sufficiently complex, making it difficult to assess whether the study answered the question. The author could really only answer this question with a simple “yes” or “no.” Further, the presence of data would not help answer this question more deeply, which is a sure sign of a poorly constructed research topic.

The second research question is specific, complex, and empirically verifiable. One can measure program effectiveness based on metrics such as attendance or grades. Further, “bullying” is made into an empirical, quantitative measurement in the form of recorded disciplinary actions.

Steps for Writing a Research Question

Good research questions are relevant, focused, and meaningful. It can be difficult to come up with a good research question, but there are a few steps you can follow to make it a bit easier.

1. Start with an interesting and relevant topic

Choose a research topic that is interesting but also relevant and aligned with your own country’s culture or your university’s capabilities. Popular academic topics include healthcare and medical-related research. However, if you are attending an engineering school or humanities program, you should obviously choose a research question that pertains to your specific study and major.

Below is an embedded graph of the most popular research fields of study based on publication output according to region. As you can see, healthcare and the basic sciences receive the most funding and earn the highest number of publications. 

list of research question examples for students quantitative

2. Do preliminary research  

You can begin doing preliminary research once you have chosen a research topic. Two objectives should be accomplished during this first phase of research. First, you should undertake a preliminary review of related literature to discover issues that scholars and peers are currently discussing. With this method, you show that you are informed about the latest developments in the field.

Secondly, identify knowledge gaps or limitations in your topic by conducting a preliminary literature review . It is possible to later use these gaps to focus your research question after a certain amount of fine-tuning.

3. Narrow your research to determine specific research questions

You can focus on a more specific area of study once you have a good handle on the topic you want to explore. Focusing on recent literature or knowledge gaps is one good option. 

By identifying study limitations in the literature and overlooked areas of study, an author can carve out a good research question. The same is true for choosing research questions that extend or complement existing literature.

4. Evaluate your research question

Make sure you evaluate the research question by asking the following questions:

Is my research question clear?

The resulting data and observations that your study produces should be clear. For quantitative studies, data must be empirical and measurable. For qualitative, the observations should be clearly delineable across categories.

Is my research question focused and specific?

A strong research question should be specific enough that your methodology or testing procedure produces an objective result, not one left to subjective interpretation. Open-ended research questions or those relating to general topics can create ambiguous connections between the results and the aims of the study. 

Is my research question sufficiently complex?

The result of your research should be consequential and substantial (and fall sufficiently within the context of your field) to warrant an academic study. Simply reinforcing or supporting a scientific consensus is superfluous and will likely not be well received by most journal editors.  

reverse triangle chart, how to write a research question

Editing Your Research Question

Your research question should be fully formulated well before you begin drafting your research paper. However, you can receive English paper editing and proofreading services at any point in the drafting process. Language editors with expertise in your academic field can assist you with the content and language in your Introduction section or other manuscript sections. And if you need further assistance or information regarding paper compositions, in the meantime, check out our academic resources , which provide dozens of articles and videos on a variety of academic writing and publication topics.

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100+ Quantitative Research Topics For Students

Quantitative Research Topics

Quantitative research is a research strategy focusing on quantified data collection and analysis processes. This research strategy emphasizes testing theories on various subjects. It also includes collecting and analyzing non-numerical data.

Quantitative research is a common approach in the natural and social sciences , like marketing, business, sociology, chemistry, biology, economics, and psychology. So, if you are fond of statistics and figures, a quantitative research title would be an excellent option for your research proposal or project.

How to Get a Title of Quantitative Research

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Finding a great title is the key to writing a great quantitative research proposal or paper. A title for quantitative research prepares you for success, failure, or mediocre grades. This post features examples of quantitative research titles for all students.

Putting together a research title and quantitative research design is not as easy as some students assume. So, an example topic of quantitative research can help you craft your own. However, even with the examples, you may need some guidelines for personalizing your research project or proposal topics.

So, here are some tips for getting a title for quantitative research:

  • Consider your area of studies
  • Look out for relevant subjects in the area
  • Expert advice may come in handy
  • Check out some sample quantitative research titles

Making a quantitative research title is easy if you know the qualities of a good title in quantitative research. Reading about how to make a quantitative research title may not help as much as looking at some samples. Looking at a quantitative research example title will give you an idea of where to start.

However, let’s look at some tips for how to make a quantitative research title:

  • The title should seem interesting to readers
  • Ensure that the title represents the content of the research paper
  • Reflect on the tone of the writing in the title
  • The title should contain important keywords in your chosen subject to help readers find your paper
  • The title should not be too lengthy
  • It should be grammatically correct and creative
  • It must generate curiosity

An excellent quantitative title should be clear, which implies that it should effectively explain the paper and what readers can expect. A research title for quantitative research is the gateway to your article or proposal. So, it should be well thought out. Additionally, it should give you room for extensive topic research.

A sample of quantitative research titles will give you an idea of what a good title for quantitative research looks like. Here are some examples:

  • What is the correlation between inflation rates and unemployment rates?
  • Has climate adaptation influenced the mitigation of funds allocation?
  • Job satisfaction and employee turnover: What is the link?
  • A look at the relationship between poor households and the development of entrepreneurship skills
  • Urbanization and economic growth: What is the link between these elements?
  • Does education achievement influence people’s economic status?
  • What is the impact of solar electricity on the wholesale energy market?
  • Debt accumulation and retirement: What is the relationship between these concepts?
  • Can people with psychiatric disorders develop independent living skills?
  • Children’s nutrition and its impact on cognitive development

Quantitative research applies to various subjects in the natural and social sciences. Therefore, depending on your intended subject, you have numerous options. Below are some good quantitative research topics for students:

  • The difference between the colorific intake of men and women in your country
  • Top strategies used to measure customer satisfaction and how they work
  • Black Friday sales: are they profitable?
  • The correlation between estimated target market and practical competitive risk assignment
  • Are smartphones making us brighter or dumber?
  • Nuclear families Vs. Joint families: Is there a difference?
  • What will society look like in the absence of organized religion?
  • A comparison between carbohydrate weight loss benefits and high carbohydrate diets?
  • How does emotional stability influence your overall well-being?
  • The extent of the impact of technology in the communications sector

Creativity is the key to creating a good research topic in quantitative research. Find a good quantitative research topic below:

  • How much exercise is good for lasting physical well-being?
  • A comparison of the nutritional therapy uses and contemporary medical approaches
  • Does sugar intake have a direct impact on diabetes diagnosis?
  • Education attainment: Does it influence crime rates in society?
  • Is there an actual link between obesity and cancer rates?
  • Do kids with siblings have better social skills than those without?
  • Computer games and their impact on the young generation
  • Has social media marketing taken over conventional marketing strategies?
  • The impact of technology development on human relationships and communication
  • What is the link between drug addiction and age?

Need more quantitative research title examples to inspire you? Here are some quantitative research title examples to look at:

  • Habitation fragmentation and biodiversity loss: What is the link?
  • Radiation has affected biodiversity: Assessing its effects
  • An assessment of the impact of the CORONA virus on global population growth
  • Is the pandemic truly over, or have human bodies built resistance against the virus?
  • The ozone hole and its impact on the environment
  • The greenhouse gas effect: What is it and how has it impacted the atmosphere
  • GMO crops: are they good or bad for your health?
  • Is there a direct link between education quality and job attainment?
  • How have education systems changed from traditional to modern times?
  • The good and bad impacts of technology on education qualities

Your examiner will give you excellent grades if you come up with a unique title and outstanding content. Here are some quantitative research examples titles.

  • Online classes: are they helpful or not?
  • What changes has the global CORONA pandemic had on the population growth curve?
  • Daily habits influenced by the global pandemic
  • An analysis of the impact of culture on people’s personalities
  • How has feminism influenced the education system’s approach to the girl child’s education?
  • Academic competition: what are its benefits and downsides for students?
  • Is there a link between education and student integrity?
  • An analysis of how the education sector can influence a country’s economy
  • An overview of the link between crime rates and concern for crime
  • Is there a link between education and obesity?

Research title example quantitative topics when well-thought guarantees a paper that is a good read. Look at the examples below to get started.

  • What are the impacts of online games on students?
  • Sex education in schools: how important is it?
  • Should schools be teaching about safe sex in their sex education classes?
  • The correlation between extreme parent interference on student academic performance
  • Is there a real link between academic marks and intelligence?
  • Teacher feedback: How necessary is it, and how does it help students?
  • An analysis of modern education systems and their impact on student performance
  • An overview of the link between academic performance/marks and intelligence
  • Are grading systems helpful or harmful to students?
  • What was the impact of the pandemic on students?

Irrespective of the course you take, here are some titles that can fit diverse subjects pretty well. Here are some creative quantitative research title ideas:

  • A look at the pre-corona and post-corona economy
  • How are conventional retail businesses fairing against eCommerce sites like Amazon and Shopify?
  • An evaluation of mortality rates of heart attacks
  • Effective treatments for cardiovascular issues and their prevention
  • A comparison of the effectiveness of home care and nursing home care
  • Strategies for managing effective dissemination of information to modern students
  • How does educational discrimination influence students’ futures?
  • The impacts of unfavorable classroom environment and bullying on students and teachers
  • An overview of the implementation of STEM education to K-12 students
  • How effective is digital learning?

If your paper addresses a problem, you must present facts that solve the question or tell more about the question. Here are examples of quantitative research titles that will inspire you.

  • An elaborate study of the influence of telemedicine in healthcare practices
  • How has scientific innovation influenced the defense or military system?
  • The link between technology and people’s mental health
  • Has social media helped create awareness or worsened people’s mental health?
  • How do engineers promote green technology?
  • How can engineers raise sustainability in building and structural infrastructures?
  • An analysis of how decision-making is dependent on someone’s sub-conscious
  • A comprehensive study of ADHD and its impact on students’ capabilities
  • The impact of racism on people’s mental health and overall wellbeing
  • How has the current surge in social activism helped shape people’s relationships?

Are you looking for an example of a quantitative research title? These ten examples below will get you started.

  • The prevalence of nonverbal communication in social control and people’s interactions
  • The impacts of stress on people’s behavior in society
  • A study of the connection between capital structures and corporate strategies
  • How do changes in credit ratings impact equality returns?
  • A quantitative analysis of the effect of bond rating changes on stock prices
  • The impact of semantics on web technology
  • An analysis of persuasion, propaganda, and marketing impact on individuals
  • The dominant-firm model: what is it, and how does it apply to your country’s retail sector?
  • The role of income inequality in economy growth
  • An examination of juvenile delinquents’ treatment in your country

Excellent Topics For Quantitative Research

Here are some titles for quantitative research you should consider:

  • Does studying mathematics help implement data safety for businesses
  • How are art-related subjects interdependent with mathematics?
  • How do eco-friendly practices in the hospitality industry influence tourism rates?
  • A deep insight into how people view eco-tourisms
  • Religion vs. hospitality: Details on their correlation
  • Has your country’s tourist sector revived after the pandemic?
  • How effective is non-verbal communication in conveying emotions?
  • Are there similarities between the English and French vocabulary?
  • How do politicians use persuasive language in political speeches?
  • The correlation between popular culture and translation

Here are some quantitative research titles examples for your consideration:

  • How do world leaders use language to change the emotional climate in their nations?
  • Extensive research on how linguistics cultivate political buzzwords
  • The impact of globalization on the global tourism sector
  • An analysis of the effects of the pandemic on the worldwide hospitality sector
  • The influence of social media platforms on people’s choice of tourism destinations
  • Educational tourism: What is it and what you should know about it
  • Why do college students experience math anxiety?
  • Is math anxiety a phenomenon?
  • A guide on effective ways to fight cultural bias in modern society
  • Creative ways to solve the overpopulation issue

An example of quantitative research topics for 12 th -grade students will come in handy if you want to score a good grade. Here are some of the best ones:

  • The link between global warming and climate change
  • What is the greenhouse gas impact on biodiversity and the atmosphere
  • Has the internet successfully influenced literacy rates in society
  • The value and downsides of competition for students
  • A comparison of the education system in first-world and third-world countries
  • The impact of alcohol addiction on the younger generation
  • How has social media influenced human relationships?
  • Has education helped boost feminism among men and women?
  • Are computers in classrooms beneficial or detrimental to students?
  • How has social media improved bullying rates among teenagers?

High school students can apply research titles on social issues  or other elements, depending on the subject. Let’s look at some quantitative topics for students:

  • What is the right age to introduce sex education for students
  • Can extreme punishment help reduce alcohol consumption among teenagers?
  • Should the government increase the age of sexual consent?
  • The link between globalization and the local economy collapses
  • How are global companies influencing local economies?

There are numerous possible quantitative research topics you can write about. Here are some great quantitative research topics examples:

  • The correlation between video games and crime rates
  • Do college studies impact future job satisfaction?
  • What can the education sector do to encourage more college enrollment?
  • The impact of education on self-esteem
  • The relationship between income and occupation

You can find inspiration for your research topic from trending affairs on social media or in the news. Such topics will make your research enticing. Find a trending topic for quantitative research example from the list below:

  • How the country’s economy is fairing after the pandemic
  • An analysis of the riots by women in Iran and what the women gain to achieve
  • Is the current US government living up to the voter’s expectations?
  • How is the war in Ukraine affecting the global economy?
  • Can social media riots affect political decisions?

A proposal is a paper you write proposing the subject you would like to cover for your research and the research techniques you will apply. If the proposal is approved, it turns to your research topic. Here are some quantitative titles you should consider for your research proposal:

  • Military support and economic development: What is the impact in developing nations?
  • How does gun ownership influence crime rates in developed countries?
  • How can the US government reduce gun violence without influencing people’s rights?
  • What is the link between school prestige and academic standards?
  • Is there a scientific link between abortion and the definition of viability?

You can never have too many sample titles. The samples allow you to find a unique title you’re your research or proposal. Find a sample quantitative research title here:

  • Does weight loss indicate good or poor health?
  • Should schools do away with grading systems?
  • The impact of culture on student interactions and personalities
  • How can parents successfully protect their kids from the dangers of the internet?
  • Is the US education system better or worse than Europe’s?

If you’re a business major, then you must choose a research title quantitative about business. Let’s look at some research title examples quantitative in business:

  • Creating shareholder value in business: How important is it?
  • The changes in credit ratings and their impact on equity returns
  • The importance of data privacy laws in business operations
  • How do businesses benefit from e-waste and carbon footprint reduction?
  • Organizational culture in business: what is its importance?

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Interesting, creative, unique, and easy quantitative research topics allow you to explain your paper and make research easy. Therefore, you should not take choosing a research paper or proposal topic lightly. With your topic ready, reach out to us today for excellent research paper writing services .

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Home » Quantitative Research – Methods, Types and Analysis

Quantitative Research – Methods, Types and Analysis

Table of Contents

What is Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a type of research that collects and analyzes numerical data to test hypotheses and answer research questions . This research typically involves a large sample size and uses statistical analysis to make inferences about a population based on the data collected. It often involves the use of surveys, experiments, or other structured data collection methods to gather quantitative data.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods are as follows:

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. This research method is used to answer the questions of what, where, when, and how. Descriptive research designs use a variety of methods such as observation, case studies, and surveys to collect data. The data is then analyzed using statistical tools to identify patterns and relationships.

Correlational Research Design

Correlational research design is used to investigate the relationship between two or more variables. Researchers use correlational research to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and to what extent they are related. This research method involves collecting data from a sample and analyzing it using statistical tools such as correlation coefficients.

Quasi-experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method is similar to experimental research design, but it lacks full control over the independent variable. Researchers use quasi-experimental research designs when it is not feasible or ethical to manipulate the independent variable.

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method involves manipulating the independent variable and observing the effects on the dependent variable. Researchers use experimental research designs to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Survey Research

Survey research involves collecting data from a sample of individuals using a standardized questionnaire. This research method is used to gather information on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals. Researchers use survey research to collect data quickly and efficiently from a large sample size. Survey research can be conducted through various methods such as online, phone, mail, or in-person interviews.

Quantitative Research Analysis Methods

Here are some commonly used quantitative research analysis methods:

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is the most common quantitative research analysis method. It involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis can be used to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Researchers use regression analysis to identify and quantify the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to identify underlying factors that explain the correlations among a set of variables. Researchers use factor analysis to reduce a large number of variables to a smaller set of factors that capture the most important information.

Structural Equation Modeling

Structural equation modeling is a statistical technique used to test complex relationships between variables. It involves specifying a model that includes both observed and unobserved variables, and then using statistical methods to test the fit of the model to the data.

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is collected over time. It involves identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as any seasonal or cyclical variations.

Multilevel Modeling

Multilevel modeling is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is nested within multiple levels. For example, researchers might use multilevel modeling to analyze data that is collected from individuals who are nested within groups, such as students nested within schools.

Applications of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research has many applications across a wide range of fields. Here are some common examples:

  • Market Research : Quantitative research is used extensively in market research to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform marketing strategies, product development, and pricing decisions.
  • Health Research: Quantitative research is used in health research to study the effectiveness of medical treatments, identify risk factors for diseases, and track health outcomes over time. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from clinical trials, surveys, and other sources to inform medical practice and policy.
  • Social Science Research: Quantitative research is used in social science research to study human behavior, attitudes, and social structures. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform social policies, educational programs, and community interventions.
  • Education Research: Quantitative research is used in education research to study the effectiveness of teaching methods, assess student learning outcomes, and identify factors that influence student success. Researchers use experimental and quasi-experimental designs, as well as surveys and other quantitative methods, to collect and analyze data.
  • Environmental Research: Quantitative research is used in environmental research to study the impact of human activities on the environment, assess the effectiveness of conservation strategies, and identify ways to reduce environmental risks. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from field studies, experiments, and other sources.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Here are some key characteristics of quantitative research:

  • Numerical data : Quantitative research involves collecting numerical data through standardized methods such as surveys, experiments, and observational studies. This data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify patterns and relationships.
  • Large sample size: Quantitative research often involves collecting data from a large sample of individuals or groups in order to increase the reliability and generalizability of the findings.
  • Objective approach: Quantitative research aims to be objective and impartial in its approach, focusing on the collection and analysis of data rather than personal beliefs, opinions, or experiences.
  • Control over variables: Quantitative research often involves manipulating variables to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Researchers aim to control for extraneous variables that may impact the results.
  • Replicable : Quantitative research aims to be replicable, meaning that other researchers should be able to conduct similar studies and obtain similar results using the same methods.
  • Statistical analysis: Quantitative research involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis allows researchers to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.
  • Generalizability: Quantitative research aims to produce findings that can be generalized to larger populations beyond the specific sample studied. This is achieved through the use of random sampling methods and statistical inference.

Examples of Quantitative Research

Here are some examples of quantitative research in different fields:

  • Market Research: A company conducts a survey of 1000 consumers to determine their brand awareness and preferences. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends and patterns that can inform marketing strategies.
  • Health Research : A researcher conducts a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a new drug for treating a particular medical condition. The study involves collecting data from a large sample of patients and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Social Science Research : A sociologist conducts a survey of 500 people to study attitudes toward immigration in a particular country. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify factors that influence these attitudes.
  • Education Research: A researcher conducts an experiment to compare the effectiveness of two different teaching methods for improving student learning outcomes. The study involves randomly assigning students to different groups and collecting data on their performance on standardized tests.
  • Environmental Research : A team of researchers conduct a study to investigate the impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of a particular species of plant or animal. The study involves collecting data on environmental factors and population sizes over time and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Psychology : A researcher conducts a survey of 500 college students to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify correlations and potential causal relationships.
  • Political Science: A team of researchers conducts a study to investigate voter behavior during an election. They use survey methods to collect data on voting patterns, demographics, and political attitudes, and analyze the results using statistical methods.

How to Conduct Quantitative Research

Here is a general overview of how to conduct quantitative research:

  • Develop a research question: The first step in conducting quantitative research is to develop a clear and specific research question. This question should be based on a gap in existing knowledge, and should be answerable using quantitative methods.
  • Develop a research design: Once you have a research question, you will need to develop a research design. This involves deciding on the appropriate methods to collect data, such as surveys, experiments, or observational studies. You will also need to determine the appropriate sample size, data collection instruments, and data analysis techniques.
  • Collect data: The next step is to collect data. This may involve administering surveys or questionnaires, conducting experiments, or gathering data from existing sources. It is important to use standardized methods to ensure that the data is reliable and valid.
  • Analyze data : Once the data has been collected, it is time to analyze it. This involves using statistical methods to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables. Common statistical techniques include correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.
  • Interpret results: After analyzing the data, you will need to interpret the results. This involves identifying the key findings, determining their significance, and drawing conclusions based on the data.
  • Communicate findings: Finally, you will need to communicate your findings. This may involve writing a research report, presenting at a conference, or publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. It is important to clearly communicate the research question, methods, results, and conclusions to ensure that others can understand and replicate your research.

When to use Quantitative Research

Here are some situations when quantitative research can be appropriate:

  • To test a hypothesis: Quantitative research is often used to test a hypothesis or a theory. It involves collecting numerical data and using statistical analysis to determine if the data supports or refutes the hypothesis.
  • To generalize findings: If you want to generalize the findings of your study to a larger population, quantitative research can be useful. This is because it allows you to collect numerical data from a representative sample of the population and use statistical analysis to make inferences about the population as a whole.
  • To measure relationships between variables: If you want to measure the relationship between two or more variables, such as the relationship between age and income, or between education level and job satisfaction, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data on both variables and use statistical analysis to determine the strength and direction of the relationship.
  • To identify patterns or trends: Quantitative research can be useful for identifying patterns or trends in data. For example, you can use quantitative research to identify trends in consumer behavior or to identify patterns in stock market data.
  • To quantify attitudes or opinions : If you want to measure attitudes or opinions on a particular topic, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data using surveys or questionnaires and analyze the data using statistical methods to determine the prevalence of certain attitudes or opinions.

Purpose of Quantitative Research

The purpose of quantitative research is to systematically investigate and measure the relationships between variables or phenomena using numerical data and statistical analysis. The main objectives of quantitative research include:

  • Description : To provide a detailed and accurate description of a particular phenomenon or population.
  • Explanation : To explain the reasons for the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, such as identifying the factors that influence a behavior or attitude.
  • Prediction : To predict future trends or behaviors based on past patterns and relationships between variables.
  • Control : To identify the best strategies for controlling or influencing a particular outcome or behavior.

Quantitative research is used in many different fields, including social sciences, business, engineering, and health sciences. It can be used to investigate a wide range of phenomena, from human behavior and attitudes to physical and biological processes. The purpose of quantitative research is to provide reliable and valid data that can be used to inform decision-making and improve understanding of the world around us.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

There are several advantages of quantitative research, including:

  • Objectivity : Quantitative research is based on objective data and statistical analysis, which reduces the potential for bias or subjectivity in the research process.
  • Reproducibility : Because quantitative research involves standardized methods and measurements, it is more likely to be reproducible and reliable.
  • Generalizability : Quantitative research allows for generalizations to be made about a population based on a representative sample, which can inform decision-making and policy development.
  • Precision : Quantitative research allows for precise measurement and analysis of data, which can provide a more accurate understanding of phenomena and relationships between variables.
  • Efficiency : Quantitative research can be conducted relatively quickly and efficiently, especially when compared to qualitative research, which may involve lengthy data collection and analysis.
  • Large sample sizes : Quantitative research can accommodate large sample sizes, which can increase the representativeness and generalizability of the results.

Limitations of Quantitative Research

There are several limitations of quantitative research, including:

  • Limited understanding of context: Quantitative research typically focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, which may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the context or underlying factors that influence a phenomenon.
  • Simplification of complex phenomena: Quantitative research often involves simplifying complex phenomena into measurable variables, which may not capture the full complexity of the phenomenon being studied.
  • Potential for researcher bias: Although quantitative research aims to be objective, there is still the potential for researcher bias in areas such as sampling, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Limited ability to explore new ideas: Quantitative research is often based on pre-determined research questions and hypotheses, which may limit the ability to explore new ideas or unexpected findings.
  • Limited ability to capture subjective experiences : Quantitative research is typically focused on objective data and may not capture the subjective experiences of individuals or groups being studied.
  • Ethical concerns : Quantitative research may raise ethical concerns, such as invasion of privacy or the potential for harm to participants.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods

Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods

Published on August 20, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Survey research means collecting information about a group of people by asking them questions and analyzing the results. To conduct an effective survey, follow these six steps:

  • Determine who will participate in the survey
  • Decide the type of survey (mail, online, or in-person)
  • Design the survey questions and layout
  • Distribute the survey
  • Analyze the responses
  • Write up the results

Surveys are a flexible method of data collection that can be used in many different types of research .

Table of contents

What are surveys used for, step 1: define the population and sample, step 2: decide on the type of survey, step 3: design the survey questions, step 4: distribute the survey and collect responses, step 5: analyze the survey results, step 6: write up the survey results, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about surveys.

Surveys are used as a method of gathering data in many different fields. They are a good choice when you want to find out about the characteristics, preferences, opinions, or beliefs of a group of people.

Common uses of survey research include:

  • Social research : investigating the experiences and characteristics of different social groups
  • Market research : finding out what customers think about products, services, and companies
  • Health research : collecting data from patients about symptoms and treatments
  • Politics : measuring public opinion about parties and policies
  • Psychology : researching personality traits, preferences and behaviours

Surveys can be used in both cross-sectional studies , where you collect data just once, and in longitudinal studies , where you survey the same sample several times over an extended period.

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Before you start conducting survey research, you should already have a clear research question that defines what you want to find out. Based on this question, you need to determine exactly who you will target to participate in the survey.


The target population is the specific group of people that you want to find out about. This group can be very broad or relatively narrow. For example:

  • The population of Brazil
  • US college students
  • Second-generation immigrants in the Netherlands
  • Customers of a specific company aged 18-24
  • British transgender women over the age of 50

Your survey should aim to produce results that can be generalized to the whole population. That means you need to carefully define exactly who you want to draw conclusions about.

Several common research biases can arise if your survey is not generalizable, particularly sampling bias and selection bias . The presence of these biases have serious repercussions for the validity of your results.

It’s rarely possible to survey the entire population of your research – it would be very difficult to get a response from every person in Brazil or every college student in the US. Instead, you will usually survey a sample from the population.

The sample size depends on how big the population is. You can use an online sample calculator to work out how many responses you need.

There are many sampling methods that allow you to generalize to broad populations. In general, though, the sample should aim to be representative of the population as a whole. The larger and more representative your sample, the more valid your conclusions. Again, beware of various types of sampling bias as you design your sample, particularly self-selection bias , nonresponse bias , undercoverage bias , and survivorship bias .

There are two main types of survey:

  • A questionnaire , where a list of questions is distributed by mail, online or in person, and respondents fill it out themselves.
  • An interview , where the researcher asks a set of questions by phone or in person and records the responses.

Which type you choose depends on the sample size and location, as well as the focus of the research.


Sending out a paper survey by mail is a common method of gathering demographic information (for example, in a government census of the population).

  • You can easily access a large sample.
  • You have some control over who is included in the sample (e.g. residents of a specific region).
  • The response rate is often low, and at risk for biases like self-selection bias .

Online surveys are a popular choice for students doing dissertation research , due to the low cost and flexibility of this method. There are many online tools available for constructing surveys, such as SurveyMonkey and Google Forms .

  • You can quickly access a large sample without constraints on time or location.
  • The data is easy to process and analyze.
  • The anonymity and accessibility of online surveys mean you have less control over who responds, which can lead to biases like self-selection bias .

If your research focuses on a specific location, you can distribute a written questionnaire to be completed by respondents on the spot. For example, you could approach the customers of a shopping mall or ask all students to complete a questionnaire at the end of a class.

  • You can screen respondents to make sure only people in the target population are included in the sample.
  • You can collect time- and location-specific data (e.g. the opinions of a store’s weekday customers).
  • The sample size will be smaller, so this method is less suitable for collecting data on broad populations and is at risk for sampling bias .

Oral interviews are a useful method for smaller sample sizes. They allow you to gather more in-depth information on people’s opinions and preferences. You can conduct interviews by phone or in person.

  • You have personal contact with respondents, so you know exactly who will be included in the sample in advance.
  • You can clarify questions and ask for follow-up information when necessary.
  • The lack of anonymity may cause respondents to answer less honestly, and there is more risk of researcher bias.

Like questionnaires, interviews can be used to collect quantitative data: the researcher records each response as a category or rating and statistically analyzes the results. But they are more commonly used to collect qualitative data : the interviewees’ full responses are transcribed and analyzed individually to gain a richer understanding of their opinions and feelings.

Next, you need to decide which questions you will ask and how you will ask them. It’s important to consider:

  • The type of questions
  • The content of the questions
  • The phrasing of the questions
  • The ordering and layout of the survey

Open-ended vs closed-ended questions

There are two main forms of survey questions: open-ended and closed-ended. Many surveys use a combination of both.

Closed-ended questions give the respondent a predetermined set of answers to choose from. A closed-ended question can include:

  • A binary answer (e.g. yes/no or agree/disagree )
  • A scale (e.g. a Likert scale with five points ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree )
  • A list of options with a single answer possible (e.g. age categories)
  • A list of options with multiple answers possible (e.g. leisure interests)

Closed-ended questions are best for quantitative research . They provide you with numerical data that can be statistically analyzed to find patterns, trends, and correlations .

Open-ended questions are best for qualitative research. This type of question has no predetermined answers to choose from. Instead, the respondent answers in their own words.

Open questions are most common in interviews, but you can also use them in questionnaires. They are often useful as follow-up questions to ask for more detailed explanations of responses to the closed questions.

The content of the survey questions

To ensure the validity and reliability of your results, you need to carefully consider each question in the survey. All questions should be narrowly focused with enough context for the respondent to answer accurately. Avoid questions that are not directly relevant to the survey’s purpose.

When constructing closed-ended questions, ensure that the options cover all possibilities. If you include a list of options that isn’t exhaustive, you can add an “other” field.

Phrasing the survey questions

In terms of language, the survey questions should be as clear and precise as possible. Tailor the questions to your target population, keeping in mind their level of knowledge of the topic. Avoid jargon or industry-specific terminology.

Survey questions are at risk for biases like social desirability bias , the Hawthorne effect , or demand characteristics . It’s critical to use language that respondents will easily understand, and avoid words with vague or ambiguous meanings. Make sure your questions are phrased neutrally, with no indication that you’d prefer a particular answer or emotion.

Ordering the survey questions

The questions should be arranged in a logical order. Start with easy, non-sensitive, closed-ended questions that will encourage the respondent to continue.

If the survey covers several different topics or themes, group together related questions. You can divide a questionnaire into sections to help respondents understand what is being asked in each part.

If a question refers back to or depends on the answer to a previous question, they should be placed directly next to one another.

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Before you start, create a clear plan for where, when, how, and with whom you will conduct the survey. Determine in advance how many responses you require and how you will gain access to the sample.

When you are satisfied that you have created a strong research design suitable for answering your research questions, you can conduct the survey through your method of choice – by mail, online, or in person.

There are many methods of analyzing the results of your survey. First you have to process the data, usually with the help of a computer program to sort all the responses. You should also clean the data by removing incomplete or incorrectly completed responses.

If you asked open-ended questions, you will have to code the responses by assigning labels to each response and organizing them into categories or themes. You can also use more qualitative methods, such as thematic analysis , which is especially suitable for analyzing interviews.

Statistical analysis is usually conducted using programs like SPSS or Stata. The same set of survey data can be subject to many analyses.

Finally, when you have collected and analyzed all the necessary data, you will write it up as part of your thesis, dissertation , or research paper .

In the methodology section, you describe exactly how you conducted the survey. You should explain the types of questions you used, the sampling method, when and where the survey took place, and the response rate. You can include the full questionnaire as an appendix and refer to it in the text if relevant.

Then introduce the analysis by describing how you prepared the data and the statistical methods you used to analyze it. In the results section, you summarize the key results from your analysis.

In the discussion and conclusion , you give your explanations and interpretations of these results, answer your research question, and reflect on the implications and limitations of the research.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Student’s  t -distribution
  • Normal distribution
  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses
  • Chi square tests
  • Confidence interval
  • Quartiles & Quantiles
  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Data cleansing
  • Reproducibility vs Replicability
  • Peer review
  • Prospective cohort study

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Placebo effect
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Affect heuristic
  • Social desirability bias

A questionnaire is a data collection tool or instrument, while a survey is an overarching research method that involves collecting and analyzing data from people using questionnaires.

A Likert scale is a rating scale that quantitatively assesses opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It is made up of 4 or more questions that measure a single attitude or trait when response scores are combined.

To use a Likert scale in a survey , you present participants with Likert-type questions or statements, and a continuum of items, usually with 5 or 7 possible responses, to capture their degree of agreement.

Individual Likert-type questions are generally considered ordinal data , because the items have clear rank order, but don’t have an even distribution.

Overall Likert scale scores are sometimes treated as interval data. These scores are considered to have directionality and even spacing between them.

The type of data determines what statistical tests you should use to analyze your data.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

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McCombes, S. (2023, June 22). Survey Research | Definition, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved July 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/survey-research/

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Shona McCombes

Shona McCombes

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  23. Survey Research

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