
13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

Many people dream of becoming famous – whether it’s through their work in film, music, or other areas.

However, being famous has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll explore both sides of the coin to help you decide if pursuing fame is worth it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

  • Redaction Team
  • June 9, 2023
  • Digital Marketing , Social Media

Advantages of Being Famous

Despite the downsides of fame, there are also some advantages that come with being a celebrity.

  • Opportunities Arise : When you're famous, new opportunities arise that might not be available to you otherwise. Stardom can open doors for you in your career and personal life. For example, a celebrity may receive fancy gifts or be given special tables at restaurants.
  • Financial Benefits : Famous people often have a lot of money at their disposal. This can come from endorsement deals, movie or music contracts, and other aspects of their career. They may also be able to charge higher rates for public appearances or endorse products.
  • Platform to Make a Difference : Celebrities have a platform that can be used to make a difference in the world. They can use their fame to raise awareness for important causes or advocate for change.
  • Exciting Career Opportunities : Being a celebrity opens doors to various career opportunities, such as acting roles, modeling contracts, music albums, book deals, and speaking engagements. Celebrities often have the chance to work on diverse and exciting projects.
  • Access to Exclusive Events and Experiences : Celebrities frequently receive invitations to high-profile events, award shows, premieres, and parties. They may also gain exclusive access to luxury products, services, and experiences that are not readily available to the general public.
  • Networking and Connections : The celebrity status often leads to connections with influential individuals from various industries. This can help them form valuable professional relationships and collaborations, expanding their opportunities for success.
  • Travel and Exploration : Celebrities are given often have the chance to travel extensively for work or personal reasons. They may visit exotic locations, attend international events, and experience diverse cultures, all while having the means to enjoy these experiences.

Disadvantages of Being Famous

While there are certainly some perks to being famous, there are also some downsides and disadvantages of being a celebrity that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  • Lack of Privacy : One of the biggest complaints that famous people have is the lack of privacy that comes with their fame. Celebrities have no privacy. Everywhere they go, they're followed by paparazzi and fans who want a glimpse of their favorite celebrity. They may also receive a lot of fan mail that can be overwhelming or difficult to keep up with.
  • Constant Scrutiny : Because of their fame, celebrities are under constant scrutiny. Everything they do is analyzed and criticized by the public. This can be incredibly stressful and lead to negative mental health impacts over time.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Relationships : It's not easy to maintain relationships when you're constantly on the go and in the public eye. Many celebrities struggle to keep their personal relationships strong due to the pressures of their career.
  • Celebrities Get Special Treatment : Some people believe that famous people get special treatment wherever they go. They may be given freebies or be seated at special tables at restaurants. While this might seem like a perk, it can also lead to an inflated ego or unrealistic expectations of how the world works.
  • Pressure to Maintain Image : Celebrities must always be conscious of their image in the public eye. This can lead to pressure to maintain a certain look or persona that might not be authentic to who they are as a person.
  • Difficulty Living a "Normal" Life : Living a normal life becomes much more difficult when you're famous. Everything you do is scrutinized and criticized by the public, and you may not be able to do things that others take for granted.

Conclusion of Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

As we’ve seen, being famous has both advantages and disadvantages. While it certainly opens doors and provides financial benefits, it also comes with a lack of privacy, constant scrutiny, and difficulty maintaining relationships.

Celebrities must strike a balance between living a “normal” life and maintaining their image in the public eye. Ultimately, whether or not pursuing fame is worth the downsides is up to the individual, similar to the famous entrepreneur examples .

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The Pros and Cons of Being Famous

Is fame really worth it.

Being famous is a dream for many people. The glamour, the attention, and the luxurious lifestyle are often the images that come to mind when people think about being famous. However, fame also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that are often unseen by the public eye. In this article, we will explore both the pros and cons of being famous, shedding light on the reality behind the glitz and glamour.

While being famous can bring unprecedented opportunities and privileges, it also comes with a whole host of challenges and drawbacks. It's important to understand the full spectrum of what it means to be famous before making assumptions about the lifestyle. Let's delve into the intricacies of fame and uncover its true nature.

Contrary to popular belief, the advantages of being famous extend far beyond just wealth and recognition. While these are undoubtedly significant perks, the benefits of fame go much deeper. Let's explore some of the unexpected advantages that come with being famous.

Missing a pro?

While fame may seem glamorous from the outside, the reality is far more complex. The downsides of being famous can take a significant toll on an individual's personal well-being, privacy, and overall quality of life. It's crucial to examine the less favorable aspects of fame to understand the complete picture.

Missing a con?

In conclusion, the allure of fame is undeniable, but it comes with a multitude of complexities and trade-offs. While the advantages of influence, access, and financial security can be enticing, the price of constant public scrutiny, loss of privacy, and emotional strain should not be underestimated. Being famous is a double-edged sword, offering both extraordinary privileges and significant burdens. It's essential to recognize the multifaceted nature of fame and consider the full spectrum of its implications before aspiring to a life in the spotlight.



essay about advantages and disadvantages of being famous

Chưa có sản phẩm trong giỏ hàng.

Does being famous have more advantages or more disadvantages?

essay about advantages and disadvantages of being famous

Nowaday many people interested in the star life and desire to be a famous. In my view being a well- known brings about more bloblems than advantages. On the one hand, being famous seems to be very attractive to people. Firstly, famous people can get a lot of money. For instance, they have enough money to buy luxurious cars, expensive clothes or what they like or don’t like. Secondly, celerities are admired by public. They should be extremely proud of their accomplishments and talents as they are well-known and valued. For example, like Tran Thanh artist. I have seen him share about the times when his movies achieved high sales not only achieveing the hightest sales in Viet Nam but also bringing Vietnamese movies to the world. On the other hand, there are negative sides of having fame. The first one is that famous people do not have privacy in their life. They are often followed by journalists who want to take photos of them and judge everything they do. As a result, they are under high pressure of maintaining their image. Besides, they may be in danger because of bad fans or followers. For instance, when you are trying to have a relaxing dinner with a frind on interrupted for a hysterical. Moreover, because they are too busy with work, they do not have much time for their family and frined. Inclusion, there are both benefits and drawback of being famous. In my opinion, it is better to become a normal people to have a peaceful and happy life.

Gợi ý nâng cấp từ vựng

Errors and Improvements:

"Nowaday" -> "Nowadays" Explanation: "Nowadays" is the correct spelling of the adverb used to refer to the present time. "Nowaday" is incorrect and informal.

"interested in the star life" -> "interested in celebrity life" Explanation: "Star life" is a colloquial expression, while "celebrity life" is a more formal term that aligns better with academic style.

"desire to be a famous" -> "desire to become famous" Explanation: "Desire to be famous" lacks grammatical accuracy. "Desire to become famous" is a more appropriate construction.

"well- known" -> "well-known" Explanation: The hyphen is unnecessary in "well-known." The correct spelling is without the hyphen.

"bloblems" -> "problems" Explanation: "Bloblems" is a misspelling of "problems." Using the correct spelling maintains clarity and professionalism.

"For instance" -> "For example" Explanation: "For example" is a more formal transition phrase than "For instance" in academic writing.

"luxurious" -> "luxury" Explanation: "Luxurious" is an adjective, but in this context, the noun "luxury" is more suitable to refer to expensive items.

"or what they like or don’t like" -> "or whatever they desire" Explanation: The phrase "or what they like or don’t like" is redundant and informal. "Or whatever they desire" is a more concise and formal alternative.

"celebrities" -> "celebrities" Explanation: "Celerities" is a misspelling of "celebrities." Using the correct spelling maintains professionalism.

"extremely proud of their accomplishments" -> "proud of their achievements" Explanation: "Accomplishments" is more commonly used in formal contexts than "accomplishments."

"valued" -> "valuable" Explanation: "Valued" is correct, but "valuable" may be a better fit here, emphasizing the worth of their talents and accomplishments.

"like Tran Thanh artist" -> "like the artist Tran Thanh" Explanation: Placing the article "the" before the noun "artist" clarifies the reference to Tran Thanh as a specific individual.

"achieveing" -> "achieving" Explanation: "Achieveing" is a misspelling of "achieving." Using the correct spelling maintains clarity and professionalism.

"hightest" -> "highest" Explanation: "Hightest" is a misspelling of "highest." Using the correct spelling maintains clarity and professionalism.

"Viet Nam" -> "Vietnam" Explanation: "Viet Nam" is the incorrect capitalization of the country name. "Vietnam" is the proper spelling.

"bloblems" -> "problems" Explanation: "Bloblems" is a repeated misspelling of "problems." Consistency in spelling is important for clarity and professionalism.

"The first one is that" -> "Firstly," Explanation: "The first one is that" is unnecessarily wordy. Using "Firstly," provides a more concise transition to introduce the first negative aspect.

"interrupted for a hysterical" -> "interrupted by hysterical fans" Explanation: "Interrupted for a hysterical" is unclear. "Interrupted by hysterical fans" specifies who or what is causing the interruption.

"frind" -> "friend" Explanation: "Frind" is a misspelling of "friend." Using the correct spelling maintains clarity and professionalism.

"Inclusion" -> "In conclusion," Explanation: "Inclusion" does not make sense in this context. "In conclusion," signals the end of the essay and summarizes the author’s main points.

"normal people" -> "ordinary people" Explanation: "Normal people" may carry a judgmental connotation. "Ordinary people" is a more neutral and appropriate term in this context.

"frined" -> "friends" Explanation: "Frined" is a misspelling of "friends." Using the correct spelling maintains clarity and professionalism.

"a peaceful and happy life." -> "a peaceful and fulfilling life." Explanation: "Happy" is more commonly associated with personal feelings, while "fulfilling" captures a broader sense of satisfaction and contentment in life.

Band điểm Task Response ước lượng: 5

Band Score for Task Response: 5

Answer All Parts of the Question :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay adequately addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. It acknowledges the allure of fame, such as financial prosperity and public admiration, while also discussing the drawbacks, such as lack of privacy, pressure from the media, and strained personal relationships.
  • How to improve : To enhance the comprehensiveness of the response, consider providing more specific examples for each advantage and disadvantage discussed. Additionally, ensure that the conclusion reinforces the points made in the body paragraphs and does not introduce new ideas.

Present a Clear Position Throughout :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay maintains a clear stance that being famous entails more drawbacks than benefits. This position is evident from the introduction to the conclusion, where the writer explicitly states that it is better to lead a normal life for peace and happiness.
  • How to improve : While clarity of position is a strength, ensure that the reasons supporting this position are thoroughly elaborated upon in the body paragraphs. Providing deeper analysis and possibly contrasting viewpoints could strengthen the argument further.

Present, Extend, and Support Ideas :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay presents ideas with some development, such as discussing the financial advantages and lack of privacy associated with fame. However, there is room for improvement in extending and supporting these ideas further. For instance, elaborating on the psychological toll of constant media scrutiny or providing additional examples to illustrate the points made would enhance the depth of analysis.
  • How to improve : To strengthen the essay, consider incorporating more varied examples and providing deeper analysis of the implications of fame. Additionally, ensure that each idea is fully developed and logically connected to the main argument.

Stay on Topic :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay mostly stays on topic by addressing the advantages and disadvantages of being famous as prompted. However, there are instances where the discussion could be more focused. For example, the brief mention of Tran Thanh’s achievements, while relevant, could be tied more directly to the overall argument.
  • How to improve : To maintain focus, ensure that all examples and anecdotes provided directly contribute to the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of fame. Avoid tangential discussions that do not directly relate to the essay prompt.

Overall, the essay effectively addresses the prompt by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of being famous, maintaining a clear position throughout. To improve, the writer can deepen the analysis, provide more specific examples, and ensure that all content directly relates to the topic.

Band điểm Coherence & Cohesion ước lượng: 6

Band Score for Coherence and Cohesion : 6

Organize Information Logically :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay demonstrates a basic level of logical organization. It begins with an introduction that presents the topic and the writer’s opinion, followed by two body paragraphs discussing advantages and disadvantages of fame, and ends with a conclusion summarizing the author’s viewpoint. However, there is room for improvement in the coherence of ideas within paragraphs and the overall flow of the essay. The transition between ideas could be smoother to enhance the logical progression of the argument.
  • How to improve : To improve logical organization, the writer should focus on developing clear topic sentences for each paragraph and ensuring that each paragraph maintains a coherent focus on a single idea. Additionally, using transition words and phrases such as "furthermore," "however," and "on the other hand" can help to connect ideas and improve the flow between sentences and paragraphs.

Use Paragraphs :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay utilizes paragraphs to separate different points, with one paragraph each for the introduction, advantages, disadvantages, and conclusion. However, there are issues with paragraph structure and coherence. Some paragraphs lack clear topic sentences, leading to a lack of cohesion within paragraphs. Additionally, the length of paragraphs varies inconsistently, with some being overly long and others too short.
  • How to improve : To enhance paragraphing, the writer should ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Additionally, paragraphs should be balanced in length, with each paragraph containing enough supporting details to fully develop the main idea. Breaking down longer paragraphs into smaller, more focused paragraphs can also improve readability and coherence.

Use a Range of Cohesive Devices :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay demonstrates limited use of cohesive devices to connect ideas and create coherence. There are a few instances of cohesive devices such as "on the one hand" and "on the other hand" to indicate contrasting ideas, but they are used inconsistently. Additionally, there is a lack of variety in cohesive devices, with repetition of phrases such as "for example" and "besides."
  • How to improve : To improve the use of cohesive devices, the writer should incorporate a wider range of linking words and phrases to connect ideas more effectively. This includes using transition words such as "moreover," "in addition," and "consequently" to show relationships between sentences and paragraphs. Additionally, varying the structure of sentences and using pronouns and synonyms can help to avoid repetitive language and enhance cohesion.

Band điểm Lexical Resource ước lượng: 6

Band Score for Lexical Resource : 6

  • Detailed explanation : The essay demonstrates a reasonable range of vocabulary, though there is room for improvement in terms of diversity and sophistication. There are some instances where more precise or varied vocabulary could enhance the expression of ideas. For example, the repetition of certain words like "famous" and "people" could be replaced with synonyms or alternative phrases to avoid redundancy and elevate the lexical quality of the essay. Additionally, the use of more specific vocabulary related to the advantages and disadvantages of fame would enrich the content.
  • How to improve : To enhance the range of vocabulary, consider incorporating synonyms and more descriptive language. Instead of repeatedly using "famous," explore alternatives such as renowned, celebrated, or prominent. Similarly, rather than frequently referring to "people," utilize terms like individuals, celebrities, or public figures where appropriate. Introduce more nuanced vocabulary related to the benefits and drawbacks of fame, such as "perks" for advantages and "pitfalls" for disadvantages, to convey a deeper understanding of the topic.
  • Detailed explanation : The essay displays a mix of precise and imprecise vocabulary usage. While some terms effectively convey the intended meaning, others lack precision and clarity. For example, phrases like "a lot of money" and "negative sides" are vague and could be replaced with more specific language to enhance clarity and impact. Additionally, certain expressions such as "extremely proud" and "high pressure" could benefit from more precise descriptors to accurately capture the nuances of the situations described.
  • How to improve : To improve precision in vocabulary usage, strive to employ terms that accurately convey the intended meaning with clarity and specificity. Instead of "a lot of money," consider using precise figures or descriptors such as substantial wealth or considerable financial resources. Replace ambiguous phrases like "negative sides" with specific terms such as drawbacks or disadvantages to provide a clearer delineation of the topic. Utilize adjectives and adverbs judiciously to add nuance and precision to descriptions, avoiding generic modifiers in favor of more detailed qualifiers.
  • Detailed explanation : The essay exhibits a mixed level of spelling accuracy. While some words are spelled correctly, there are instances of misspellings and typographical errors throughout the text. For instance, "bloblems" instead of "problems," "celerities" instead of "celebrities," "frind" instead of "friend," and "inclusion" instead of "in conclusion." These errors detract from the overall clarity and professionalism of the essay.
  • How to improve : To enhance spelling accuracy, consider implementing strategies such as proofreading, spell-checking tools, and increased attention to detail during the writing process. Take the time to review each word carefully to identify and correct any spelling errors before finalizing the essay. Additionally, familiarize yourself with common spelling conventions and irregularities to minimize mistakes in future compositions. Practicing spelling exercises and actively seeking feedback on written work can also aid in improving spelling proficiency over time.

Band điểm Grammatical Range & Accuracy ước lượng: 7

Band Score for Grammatical Range and Accuracy : 7

Use a Wide Range of Structures :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay demonstrates some variety in sentence structures, including simple and compound sentences. However, there is room for improvement in diversifying sentence structures further to enhance coherence and sophistication. For example, while there are instances of complex sentences, such as "They should be extremely proud of their accomplishments and talents as they are well-known and valued," more complex structures incorporating clauses and phrases could be utilized to enrich the essay.
  • How to improve : To enhance the range of structures, consider incorporating a mix of compound-complex sentences, relative clauses, participial phrases, and introductory phrases. This can be achieved by varying sentence lengths and structures strategically throughout the essay. Additionally, pay attention to transitions between sentences to ensure smooth flow and coherence.

Use Grammar and Punctuation Accurately :

  • Detailed explanation : The essay displays a reasonable level of grammatical accuracy, with a few notable errors. There are issues with subject-verb agreement ("Nowaday many people interested"), article usage ("the star life"), and tense consistency ("they have enough money" should be "they can get enough money"). Punctuation errors include missing commas in compound sentences ("For instance, when you are trying to have a relaxing dinner with a frind on interrupted for a hysterical"), and incorrect capitalization ("Besides, they may be in danger because of bad fans or followers").
  • How to improve : Pay close attention to subject-verb agreement, especially when using singular or plural nouns. Review the rules for article usage, ensuring correct placement before singular and plural nouns. Maintain consistency in verb tense throughout the essay. Practice using commas appropriately to separate clauses and phrases within compound sentences. Remember to capitalize proper nouns and the first word of each sentence. Engaging in regular grammar and punctuation exercises can also help improve accuracy over time. Additionally, consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to identify and correct recurring errors.

Bài sửa mẫu

Nowadays, many people are interested in the star life and desire to become famous. In my view, being well-known brings about more problems than advantages.

On the one hand, being famous seems very attractive to people. Firstly, famous individuals can earn a lot of money. For example, they can afford luxurious cars, expensive clothes, or whatever they desire. Secondly, celebrities are admired by the public. They should feel extremely proud of their achievements and talents as they are well-known and valued. For example, like the artist Tran Thanh. I have seen him share about the times when his movies achieved the highest sales, not only in Vietnam but also bringing Vietnamese movies to the world.

On the other hand, there are negative aspects to fame. The first one is that famous people do not have privacy in their lives. They are often followed by journalists who want to take photos of them and judge everything they do. As a result, they are under high pressure to maintain their image. Besides, they may be in danger because of bad fans or followers. For instance, when you are trying to have a relaxing dinner with a friend, you may be interrupted by hysterical fans. Moreover, because they are too busy with work, they do not have much time for their family and friends.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks to being famous. In my opinion, it is better to lead an ordinary life to have a peaceful and fulfilling life.

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous? – An IELTS Topic Guide

June 23, 2024 ielts Speaking

Introduction: Fame and its Implications in the IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS Speaking test examines your ability to articulate opinions on diverse topics, and the advantages and disadvantages of fame frequently emerge as a subject of discussion. This topic offers fertile ground for showcasing your vocabulary, fluency, and ability to present a balanced argument.

Understanding the Topic: Fame and its Two Sides

Before diving into the specifics of advantages and disadvantages, it’s essential to grasp the core concept of fame. In the context of the IELTS exam, fame can be understood as a state of being widely known and recognized, often due to achievements in fields like entertainment, sports, or activism.

Advantages of Being Famous

  • Influence and Platform: Famous individuals often possess a significant platform to voice their opinions, advocate for causes they believe in, and even inspire change on a global scale.
  • Opportunities: Fame can open doors to unique opportunities, such as lucrative endorsements, collaborations with leading brands, and invitations to exclusive events.
  • Wealth and Luxury: Financial success often accompanies fame, enabling individuals to enjoy a life of comfort, luxury, and access to premium experiences.

Disadvantages of Being Famous

  • Lack of Privacy: One of the most significant drawbacks of fame is the constant scrutiny from the media and the public, leading to a lack of privacy and personal space.
  • Pressure and Stress: The constant pressure to maintain a public image and meet the expectations of fans can be incredibly stressful and emotionally draining.
  • Loss of Normalcy: Simple, everyday activities become challenging for famous individuals who are constantly recognized and approached by fans, making it difficult to live a normal life.

Illustrative Examples: Applying the Topic to IELTS

Imagine being asked in the IELTS Speaking test: “What do you think are the biggest challenges of being famous?”

A well-structured response could be: “While fame brings many perks, the lack of privacy is a major drawback. Imagine being constantly followed by paparazzi or having your personal life splashed across tabloids. It can be incredibly intrusive and stressful.”

Tips for Success: Excelling in Your IELTS Speaking Test

  • Brainstorm Ideas: Before the test, brainstorm advantages and disadvantages related to various topics, including fame.
  • Structure Your Response: Use clear connectors like “Firstly,” “Secondly,” “Furthermore,” and “On the other hand” to organize your thoughts.
  • Provide Examples: Strengthen your points with relevant examples from current events or well-known figures.
  • Use Rich Vocabulary: Incorporate advanced vocabulary related to fame, influence, and its consequences.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Discussion

Preparing for the advantages and disadvantages of fame, as with any IELTS topic, involves understanding the core concepts, structuring your arguments clearly, and supporting your points with relevant examples. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you’ll be well-equipped to confidently discuss this topic and excel in your IELTS Speaking test.

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Band 9 IELTS Preparation

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Essay 2 – Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits

Gt writing task 2 (essay writing) sample # 2.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Being a celebrity – such as famous film star or sports personalit y – brings problems as well as benefits.

Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: (View: being a celebrity brings more benefits.) A celebrity reaps many advantages and demerits from being famous. The public perception is that popular figures do not enjoy a personal life. However, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I believe that being famous has more pros than cons.

To commence with, celebrities can lead a life full of luxury. They, usually, can bring many fortunes to themselves and their family. Celebrated figures – particularly movie stars and successful athletes – are generally richer than the average public. Expensive clothes, luxurious cars and homes, and other materialistic pleasures of life translate dreams into reality when a person becomes famous. Moreover, the noted personalities have many admirers. Fan’s respect and love, very often, inspire famous people to achieve greater success. Furthermore, plenty of opportunities are opened up when people become renowned. For instance, someone like Cristiano Ronaldo leads a life that is enviable by others.

On the flip side of the coin, many a time, celebrities hate being famous. First of all, people incessantly judge superstars. Magazines, tabloids, newspapers, social networks, and other forms of media are quick to criticize a celebrity on his habits, personality, and personal affairs. The scandalous reports are common to many popular personalities. Sometimes a celebrity is traumatized by fake stories. Second, celebrities often cannot do things that common people can. They are mobbed by adoring fans wherever they go. Take Tom Cruise for an example – what would happen if he walks down to a shopping mall on a regular day? He would be hounded for selfies and autographs.

In conclusion, being famous is a double-edged sword for many. However, the fame and fortune brought by celebrities outweigh the negative aspects. After all, everything has its cost but who would not want to cherish life and fame due to a small price?

Model Answer 2: (View: being a celebrity has more drawbacks) While we envy the lavish lifestyle, fame, designer clothes and luxury cars famous people enjoy, we fail to realise the cost these celebrities have to pay. They are subject to propaganda, media scrutiny, work pressure and the heinous invasion of their personal life. Thus I believe that being a high-profile person who gets media attention has more drawbacks than benefits.

To begin with, expensive houses, posh cars, and pictures in leading newspapers do not define the life we lead. Thus no matter how glorious the lives of celebrities seem from the outside, they are people like us and want to enjoy life to its fullest. However, the way their privacy is intruded upon and gossip are formulated, they are subject to raging attack and it is difficult for them to have a normal life. For instance, propaganda and conflicts have ruined the life and career of many young celebrities in Hollywood and this is still happening.

Moreover, being a famous sportsperson or movie star does not mean that life is struggle free. They have to prove their worth to sustain their career and for this, they often sacrifice their personal life. Regrettably, a diehard fan of a movie star does not stop behaving irrationally when he comes in contact with this icon. This is quite unexpected, especially for someone who believes there are so many people to support him. To have a meaningful life and to enjoy it, we need a caring family, friends, faith in us and economic freedom. No doubt celebrities have a steady flow of money, but not a normal life and caring relationship with ordinary people.

To conclude, being famous is something everybody desires but this is a two-edged sword. If money and fame become the main objectives of life, we will miss so many aspects of a joyful life which is often the case for famous people.

Model Answer 3: (View: being a celebrity brings more benefits.) Being a celebrity, whether it be a famous film star or sports personality, undoubtedly brings its own set of challenges and benefits. While it is true that there are problems associated with celebrity status, I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh them.

Firstly, being a celebrity means having the ability to influence and inspire people on a large scale. Many famous personalities use their platform to advocate for social causes, raise awareness about important issues and contribute to charity work. For example, Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie has been actively involved in humanitarian work, using her celebrity status to draw attention to global issues such as refugee rights and child welfare. This is just one of the many examples of how celebrities can leverage their fame for the greater good.

Secondly, being a celebrity often translates into financial stability and a luxurious lifestyle. With fame comes endorsement deals, high-paying movie or sports contracts, and other lucrative opportunities. This not only provides the celebrity with a comfortable living but also has the potential to positively impact the economy by generating revenue and creating job opportunities.

While it is true that there are problems associated with celebrity status, such as privacy invasion, paparazzi harassment, and unrealistic expectations from fans, these issues can be managed by taking appropriate measures. Celebrities often have access to legal and security resources that can help protect their privacy and safety.

In conclusion, the benefits of being a celebrity far outweigh the problems associated with it. The ability to influence and inspire people on a large scale, financial stability and the potential to positively impact the economy are just some of the benefits. Overall, being a celebrity can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Model Answer 4: (View: being a celebrity has more problems) Being a celebrity, whether it is a famous film star, musician or sports personality, is often considered a dream come true. However, with fame comes a host of problems that can be overwhelming. In this essay, I will argue that being a celebrity brings more problems than benefits.

It is true that being a celebrity can bring recognition and fame, which can lead to opportunities and privileges that others may not have. For instance, they may get exclusive invitations to events, access to luxury experiences, and receive special treatment in public places. Moreover, celebrities can leverage their fame to generate income from various sources, such as endorsements, sponsorships, and appearances.

However, the problems associated with fame and endorsement are also huge for celebrities. One of the biggest problems that come with being a celebrity is a lack of privacy. Celebrities are constantly in the public eye, and their every move is scrutinized by the media and their fans. They are often followed by paparazzi, who will do anything to get a picture of them. This lack of privacy can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, as well as the feeling of being constantly watched.

Another problem that celebrities face is the pressure to always be perfect. Celebrities are expected to be role models for their fans, and any mistakes they make can be blown out of proportion. They are often criticized for everything from their fashion choices to their personal lives. This constant scrutiny can be extremely stressful and can lead to a lot of anxiety and depression. It even has a toll on their relationship and personal life.

In conclusion, being a celebrity might seem like a glamorous lifestyle, but it comes with a host of problems that can be overwhelming. From a lack of privacy and constant scrutiny, to the pressure to be perfect and struggles with relationships, celebrities face many challenges that can be difficult to cope with. Therefore, I believe that being a celebrity brings more troubles than benefits.

3 Comments to “Essay 2 – Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits”

This was really helpful… Thank you so much 😊

Your essay is good, but I need one pros essay and another cons essay.

Good, not bad.

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Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

SleepingBeauty 1 / -   Nov 4, 2013   #1 Nowadays, being famous is something that most of people wish. When I was a child, I dreamed with being a person who everybody can recognise and feel excited to see, such as a model or actress. But the famous lifestyle has as many advantages as disadvantages. On the one hand, if you are a celebrity, you travel around the world knowing an assortment of cultures and societies. In addition, everywhere you go, i'm sure that you will receive a better attention than an ordinary person. Moreover, celebrities earn a lot of money can buying whatever they want. On the other hand, there are several disadvantages, you can't go peaceful anywhere because paparazzis are waiting for take hundreds of photos, so you should be protected by bodyguards. Another disadvantage is that you have no time to spend with loved persons, you lack of private life owing to people are constantly judging everything you do. Sometimes newspapers, magazines and other kind of medias invent gossips about you. In my view, being famous might be awesome but it is difficult to live with,and it doesn't compensate all those disadvantages. Although, there are persons who are famous and take all with calm.

awesome_chicka 1 / 1   Nov 4, 2013   #2 CORRECTION: On the one hand, if you are a celebrity, you travel around the world knowing an assortment of cultures and societies. In addition, everywhere you go, I AM sure that you will receive a better attention than an ordinary person. Moreover, celebrities earn a lot of money can BUY whatever they want. Also, try not to use contractions such as "can't" and "don't", instead write out the whole world: "cannot" and "do not"

essay about advantages and disadvantages of being famous

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essay about advantages and disadvantages of being famous

Being a celebrity- such as a famous film star or sports personality- brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

It is argued that being renowned for starring in a movie or being a sportsman brings issues and benefits. Although earning a huge amount of money is an advantage, I am more convinced that lack of privacy is the major cause that outweighs the benefits. On the one hand, by becoming a famous character in […] Read More Band 4+

It is often argued that being a famous personality gives you problems along with fame. Although there are some drawbacks of being famous, I strongly beleive that the weightage of advantages are more than disadvantages. Every aspect have negatives and positives but we need to weigh both the options to check which side to incline. […] Read More Band 4+

Some people think that being a celebrity, such as a famous film star or sports personality, brings disadvantages as well as advantages. I can agree that because being a famous person can cause many stressful situations leading to suicide. Being a celebrity come with have money and prestige on society. So, many people want to […] Read More Band 4+

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Living a life surrounded by cameras can be challenging for celebrities, otherwise millions of people know them and highly respect them. This everyday routine has a lot of advantages but do not forget about difficulties famous people face. In my opinion, being a “star” brings rather more problems and ruins a normal life. On the […] Read More Band 5+

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Lives of celebrities, like famous movie stars or sports people, bring benefits as well as problems. Although earning huge amounts of money is an advantage for celebrities, I believe the lack of privacy in their lives is a major problem that outweighs the benefit. The main advantage for celebrities is that they receive a huge […] Read More Band 7+

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Ielts essay # 1252 - some people become famous when they are very young, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people become famous when they are very young., what are the advantages or disadvantages of this.

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Does being famous have more advantages or more disavantages?

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Essay on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous


To be famous is to be known to a lot of people. This has its advantages as well as its disadvantages.

Famous persons get attention wherever they go. As a result, they may find that it is easier for them to get good service in restaurants or other public places. The common people often are captivated by famous people and usually go out of their way to help them.

A famous singer gets to make a lot of money from his songs. A famous sportsman earns a small fortune from his successes and sponsorship from firms. On the whole, fame brings with it financial rewards as well as a giant boost to the person’s ego.

However famous people do not have everything their way. They do have to pay a price for their fame, and the price is often too great.

As famous people get attention from others the attention is not always welcome. Since they are famous and everyone knows them, they often become the target of newspapers, magazines, gossips and sometimes madmen.

A famous person does not have much of private life. His private life is publicized by the media until he has no peace. Everything he does is recorded, edited and often exaggerated to suit the media. He often has to hide or hire bodyguards to protect himself from others.

Sometimes famous persons become the target of men who hold something against them. John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy were all victims of assassins. That was the price they paid for being famous. Others, like Ronald Reagan, were luckier. They live to tell of their narrow escape from the hands of would-be assassins. Still, they have to live with the possibility that some other madmen may come along another day to do their dirty work.

A person becomes famous because he has performed something extraordinary that caught the attention of the media: in doing so he is actually trapping himself in his own achievement, that is, if he fails to achieve what he had done before he is likely to become the target of criticisms. He will fall from grace in the eyes of the public. This does nothing good for his ego. Muhammad Ail the boxer who was so famous at one time is seen as nothing more of a joke now ever since he lost his ability to fight. So has so many others like him. The same had even committed suicide. Fame has a terrible price.

It is better to leave fame alone, Its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. I would rather be an ordinary person who can go for a peaceful walk down the road instead of being surrounded by bodyguards to protect me from ordinary people.

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Success Essays

essay about advantages and disadvantages of being famous

This is quite a difficult question.

It is asking if you agree that anyone can be successful in what they choose if they are motivated and work hard.

Or do you think that it comes down to, for example, luck or privilege.

You seem to mention these things in your essay but it is very confusing and difficult to follow your arguments, and to work out exactly what your arguments are.

You seem to be trying to put in lots of complex vocabulary rather than focusing on getting your point across clearly. Your ability does not seem good enough for this high level vocabulary because there are quite a few errors. So you need to simplify your writing.

And it is very long - 400 words. Did you do everything such as plan, brainstorm, write and check in 40 mins? That seems unlikely. You should be aiming for around 265-300 words, but not much more.

You need to focus brainstorming a few key ideas and planning clearly how you will support them with reasons and examples, and improve your coherency.

Work your way through the

Thanks and good luck

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Money and Success

by Sarvar (Uzbekista, tashkent)

Please check my IELTS success essay and provide feedback. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Some people think, who earns much money is successful. I partly agree with this statement. Money indicates people`s condition and reflect their life. However, others believe, that people who have not got a lot of money can be successful too. Having much money has a lot of advantages, but it has some disadvantages too. The rich who have high salary are successful. For the several reasons, they can effort what they want and own: big houses, cars and many influential friends. In the present day, Money may solve the number of problems in life and these are one of the particular advantages. In addition, it creates good conditions to live and it has positive effect in lifestyle of each person. However, some people believe, that money creates not only a beautiful life but this also makes and some drawbacks such as: dissatisfactions with personal life, fake relationships with colleagues and leisure time. Because, those who make money are working hard and their success in this. They are time consuming in work due to he or she can not effort environment in free time. In addition, people have fake relationship and be friends for money. I think, that this is true in life. In conclusion, Having a good education and having a happy family are the best way to successful. Because, this is the real things and it doesn’t depends on a lot of money or any conditions. I think, that successful is having a real attention with people and happy family.

Speaking generally, this essay doesn't have sufficient expressions and appropriate phrases.

As well there is lack of words especially academic words.

In my opinion this work is not able to embrace given question. It is more likely that explains advantages of being rich rather than why you are agree or partly agree with this statement.

Ultimately it can be assessed up to 6.
Nov 16, 2015

The person who this is wants to be rich, that's what it's trying to say
May 16, 2016

It was not up to the mark...being an author..I can find many mistakes which are common in many of the lines...your success essay lacked strong points and the essay was too short.

Anyways!!! Don't lose hope. Keep trying till you succeed.

Thank you!!!
Aug 15, 2016

what an essay?

Desiring Success in Life

by Tam (Vietnam)

Hi guys, I really need you guys to give some feedbacks before I take the real test, again. :(. I really appreciate your help How important do you think it is for people to want success in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? It is likely that every people have their dreams of success in life. However, two questions that how far the importance of this ambition is and whether this is positive or detrimental trend are some of the controversial issues, which would be discussed in this essay by personal opinions. With respects to levels of this desire, it seems that this depends on each individuals and their specific situations. For example, poor blue-collar workers with their back-breaking life generally put all their efforts into working to meet basic needs, hence, the essence of dreams of better life to them is obviously higher than that to those who are in full-supported conditions. Otherwise, being self-motivated in the nature, some youngsters consider success in work/study as their native fascination and try to perform their strengthen, while others with their sedentary lifestyle generally incline to sufficient and leisured life. Apart from this, the ambition’s influences seem to have both pros and cons. On the one hand, when dreams of success has become the avarice, a person would tend to do detrimental actions. These days, there are various piece of news about criminals of robbing or cheating, which only when offenders’ desire surpass their disposable conditions, do they readily do illegal ways. On the other hand, it cannot be also gainsaid that pursuing success help to heighten personal life expectancy then boosting the prosperity of the national economy afterwards. In conclusion, with all afore-mentioned opinions, no one could deny merits and demerits of appetite about big goals as well as the fluctuation of its role which relies on every person in particular circumstances.

Again? How high was your score last time? I can give you some comments, though those are not optimal, it may help you somehow.


1. detrimental trend
2. controversial issues
3. back-breaking life

Not good:

1. "it is likely" = "It is probably". I think it's better to write how sure you are. This is not wrong, but using a stronger word instead of "likely" may be better.
2.* A detrimental trend.
3.* "By personal opinions" ==> In my personal opinions.

4. it seems that this depends on ... ==> You should name the subject directly instead of using "this" at the first sentence of the paragraph to make yourself clear.
5. the essence of dreams ==> If you are trying to avoid using "desire/ambition", you can google "desire synonyms" and learn from it.
6. full-supported ==> fully supported
7.* perform their strength (strengthen is a verb)

8.* dreams of success HAVE
9. "which only when offenders’ desire surpass their disposable conditions, do they readily do illegal ways". I quite don't understand why you used inversion in the latter phrase.
10.* pursuing success helpS.
11.* then BOOSTS (parallel with help)

12. aforementioned (no dash)
13. deny THE merits and demerits

Overall, those comments with * are very important that you need to pay more attention, most of them are grammatical mistakes. The task achievements, cohesion and vocabulary are good, you can get 7 or more in those terms, but grammar is lower than that, maybe 5.5. Focus more on your grammar.
Jul 17, 2018

I don't think like the guy above. He's right about those mistakes, but 6.5 is quite too low since you achieve perfectly your task achievements. I think it's gonna be 8-7-7-5.5 = 7.

IELTS Essay - Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Celebrity

by amal (Saudi Arabia)

Does being a celebrity bring problems?

Does being a celebrity bring problems?

Being a celebrity such as a famous film star or sports personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity has more benefits or more problems? Nowadays we live in a world where celebrity has a major influence on society. Therefore, some argue that to begin constantly in the public eye has its own pros and cons. In this essay I will be discussing why in my opinion being a famous person brings more disadvantages. To begin with, the major con of becoming a celebrity is the fact that these individuals are always in the spotlight, they have no privacy. paparatize are following them everywhere they go. Moreover, they are considered to be role models especially for adolescents, therefore those teens are influenced by the theme and copy their actions. For example, when a famous person makes a mistake often people forget that they are human and that everybody makes mistakes, the public will attack them and the first thing that they always say is that celebrities are influencing their youngsters in a bad way. However, we can not deny that becoming a famous individual has many advantages. Firstly, they are appreciated and loved across the world for their talent. Many people respect them and put them in high standards.secondly, we can not ignore the financial stability that comes with being famous. These individuals are sponsored by major companies around the globe. As a result they will be able to take good care of their family and give back to their communities and also live a luxurious happy life without having to worry about money. In conclusion, although there is a lot of benefit that comes with being rich and famous. one can not overlook the major drawbacks that come with it.

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Disadvantages of being famous

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IELTS essay Disadvantages of being famous

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The evolution of generative AI has mirrored that of computers, albeit on a dramatically accelerated timeline. Massive, centrally operated mainframe computers from a few players gave way to smaller, more efficient machines accessible to enterprises and research institutions. In the decades that followed, incremental advances yielded home computers that hobbyists could tinker with. In time, powerful personal computers with intuitive no-code interfaces became ubiquitous.

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Small(er) language models and open source advancements

Gpu shortages and cloud costs, model optimization is getting more accessible, customized local models and data pipelines, more powerful virtual agents, regulation, copyright and ethical ai concerns, shadow ai (and corporate ai policies).

When generative AI first hit mass awareness, a typical business leader’s knowledge came mostly from marketing materials and breathless news coverage. Tangible experience (if any) was limited to messing around with ChatGPT and DALL-E. Now that the dust has settled, the business community now has a more refined understanding of AI-powered solutions.

The Gartner Hype Cycle positions Generative AI squarely at “Peak of Inflated Expectations,” on the cusp of a slide into the “Trough of Disillusionment” [1] —in other words, about to enter a (relatively) underwhelming transition period—while Deloitte’s “State of Generated AI in the Enterprise “ report from Q1 2024 indicated that many leaders “expect substantial transformative impacts in the short term.” [2] The reality will likely fall in between: generative AI offers unique opportunities and solutions, but it will not be everything to everyone.

How real-world results compare to the hype is partially a matter of perspective. Standalone tools like ChatGPT typically take center stage in the popular imagination, but smooth integration into established services often yields more staying power. Prior to the current hype cycle, generative machine learning tools like the “Smart Compose” feature rolled out by Google in 2018 weren’t heralded as a paradigm shift, despite being harbingers of today’s text generating services. Similarly, many high-impact generative AI tools are being implemented as integrated elements of enterprise environments that enhance and complement, rather than revolutionize or replace, existing tools: for example, “Copilot” features in Microsoft Office, “Generative Fill” features in Adobe Photoshop or virtual agents in productivity and collaboration apps .

Where generative AI first builds momentum in everyday workflows will have more influence on the future of AI tools than the hypothetical upside of any specific AI capabilities. According to a recent IBM survey of over 1,000 employees at enterprise-scale companies , the top three factors driving AI adoption were advances in AI tools that make them more accessible, the need to reduce costs and automate key processes and the increasing amount of AI embedded into standard off-the-shelf business applications.

Multimodal AI (and video)

That being said, the ambition of state-of-the-art generative AI is growing. The next wave of advancements will focus not only on enhancing performance within a specific domain, but on multimodal models that can take multiple types of data as input. While models that operate across different data modalities are not a strictly new phenomenon—text-to-image models like CLIP and speech-to-text models like Wave2Vec have been around for years now—they’ve typically only operated in one direction, and were trained to accomplish a specific task.

The incoming generation of interdisciplinary models, comprising proprietary models like OpenAI’s GPT-4V or Google’s Gemini, as well as open source models like LLaVa, Adept or Qwen-VL, can move freely between natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision tasks. New models are also bringing video into the fold: in late January, Google announced Lumiere, a text-to-video diffusion model that can also perform image-to-video tasks or use images for style reference.

The most immediate benefit of multimodal AI is more intuitive, versatile AI applications and virtual assistants. Users can, for example, ask about an image and receive a natural language answer, or ask out loud for instructions to repair something and receive visual aids alongside step-by-step text instructions.

On a higher level, multimodal AI allows for a model to process more diverse data inputs, enriching and expanding the information available for training and inference. Video, in particular, offers great potential for holistic learning. “There are cameras that are on 24/7 and they’re capturing what happens just as it happens without any filtering, without any intentionality,” says Peter Norvig, Distinguished Education Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). [3] “AI models haven’t had that kind of data before. Those models will just have a better understanding of everything.”

In domain-specific models—particularly LLMs—we’ve likely reached the point of diminishing returns from larger parameter counts. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (whose GPT-4 model is rumored to have around 1.76 trillion parameters), suggested as much at MIT’s Imagination in Action event last April: “I think we’re at the end of the era where it’s going to be these giant models, and we’ll make them better in other ways,” he predicted. “I think there’s been way too much focus on parameter count.”

Massive models jumpstarted this ongoing AI golden age, but they’re not without drawbacks. Only the very largest companies have the funds and server space to train and maintain energy-hungry models with hundreds of billions of parameters. According to one estimate from the University of Washington, training a single GPT-3-sized model requires the yearly electricity consumption of over 1,000 households; a standard day of ChatGPT queries rivals the daily energy consumption of 33,000 U.S. households. [4]

Smaller models, meanwhile, are far less resource-intensive. An influential March 2022 paper from Deepmind demonstrated that training smaller models on more data yields better performance than training larger models on fewer data. Much of the ongoing innovation in LLMs has thus focused on yielding greater output from fewer parameters. As demonstrated by recent progress of models in the 3–70 billion parameter range, particularly those built upon LLaMa, Llama 2 and Mistral foundation models in 2023, models can be downsized without much performance sacrifice.

The power of open models will continue to grow. In December of 2023, Mistral released “Mixtral,” a mixture of experts (MoE) model integrating 8 neural networks, each with 7 billion parameters. Mistral claims that Mixtral not only outperforms the 70B parameter variant of Llama 2 on most benchmarks at 6 times faster inference speeds, but that it even matches or outperforms OpenAI’s far larger GPT-3.5 on most standard benchmarks. Shortly thereafter, Meta announced in January that it has already begun training of Llama 3 models, and confirmed that they will be open sourced. Though details (like model size) have not been confirmed, it’s reasonable to expect Llama 3 to follow the framework established in the two generations prior.

These advances in smaller models have three important benefits:

  • They help democratize AI: smaller models that can be run at lower cost on more attainable hardware empower more amateurs and institutions to study, train and improve existing models.
  • They can be run locally on smaller devices: this allows more sophisticated AI in scenarios like edge computing and the internet of things (IoT). Furthermore, running models locally—like on a user’s smartphone—helps to sidestep many privacy and cybersecurity concerns that arise from interaction with sensitive personal or proprietary data.
  • They make AI more explainable: the larger the model, the more difficult it is to pinpoint how and where it makes important decisions. Explainable AI is essential to understanding, improving and trusting the output of AI systems.

The trend toward smaller models will be driven as much by necessity as by entrepreneurial vigor, as cloud computing costs increase as the availability of hardware decrease.

“The big companies (and more of them) are all trying to bring AI capabilities in-house, and there is a bit of a run on GPUs,” says James Landay, Vice-Director and Faculty Director of Research, Stanford HAI. “This will create a huge pressure not only for increased GPU production, but for innovators to come up with hardware solutions that are cheaper and easier to make and use.” 1

As a late 2023 O’Reilly report explains, cloud providers currently bear much of the computing burden: relatively few AI adopters maintain their own infrastructure, and hardware shortages will only elevate the hurdles and costs of setting up on-premise servers. In the long term, this may put upward pressure on cloud costs as providers update and optimize their own infrastructure to effectively meet demand from generative AI. [5]

For enterprises, navigating this uncertain landscape requires flexibility, in terms of both models–leaning on smaller, more efficient models where necessary or larger, more performant models when practical–and deployment environment. “We don’t want to constrain where people deploy [a model],” said IBM CEO Arvind Krishna in a December 2023 interview with CNBC , in reference to IBM’s watsonx platform. “So [if] they want to deploy it on a large public cloud, we’ll do it there. If they want to deploy it at IBM, we’ll do it at IBM. If they want to do it on their own, and they happen to have enough infrastructure, we’ll do it there.”

The trend towards maximizing the performance of more compact models is well served by the recent output of the open source community. 

Many key advancements have been (and will continue to be) driven not just by new foundation models, but by new techniques and resources (like open source datasets) for training, tweaking, fine-tuning or aligning pre-trained models. Notable model-agnostic techniques that took hold in 2023 include:

  • Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA): Rather than directly fine-tuning billions of model parameters, LoRA entails freezing pre-trained model weights and injecting trainable layers—which represent the matrix of changes to model weights as 2 smaller ( lower rank ) matrices—in each transformer block. This dramatically reduces the number of parameters that need to be updated, which, in turn, dramatically speeds up fine-tuning and reduces memory needed to store model updates.
  • Quantization: Like lowering the bitrate of audio or video to reduce file size and latency, quantization lowers the precision used to represent model data points—for example, from 16-bit floating point to 8-bit integer—to reduce memory usage and speed up inference. QLoRA techniques combine quantization with LoRA.
  • Direct Preference Optimization (DPO): Chat models typically use reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to align model outputs to human preferences. Though powerful, RLHF is complex and unstable. DPO promises similar benefits while being computationally lightweight and substantially simpler.

Alongside parallel advances in open source models in the 3–70 billion parameter space, these evolving techniques could shift the dynamics of the AI landscape by providing smaller players, like startups and amateurs, with sophisticated AI capabilities that were previously out of reach.

Enterprises in 2024 can thus pursue differentiation through bespoke model development, rather than building wrappers around repackaged services from “Big AI.” With the right data and development framework , existing open source AI models and tools can be tailored to almost any real-world scenario, from customer support uses to supply chain management to complex document analysis.

Open source models afford organizations the opportunity to develop powerful custom AI models—trained on their proprietary data and fine-tuned for their specific needs—quickly, without prohibitively expensive infrastructure investments. This is especially relevant in domains like legal, healthcare or finance, where highly specialized vocabulary and concepts may not have been learned by foundation models in pre-training.

Legal, finance and healthcare are also prime examples of industries that can benefit from models small enough to be run locally on modest hardware. Keeping AI training, inference and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) local avoids the risk of proprietary data or sensitive personal information being used to train closed-source models or otherwise pass through the hands of third parties. And using RAG to access relevant information rather than storing all knowledge directly within the LLM itself helps reduce model size, further increasing speed and reducing costs.

As 2024 continues to level the model playing field, competitive advantage will increasingly be driven by proprietary data pipelines that enable industry-best fine-tuning.

With more sophisticated, efficient tools and a year’s worth of market feedback at their disposal, businesses are primed to expand the use cases for virtual agents beyond just straightforward customer experience chatbots .

As AI systems speed up and incorporate new streams and formats of information, they expand the possibilities for not just communication and instruction following, but also task automation. “2023 was the year of being able to chat with an AI. Multiple companies launched something, but the interaction was always you type something in and it types something back,” says Stanford’s Norvig. “In 2024, we’ll see the ability for agents to get stuff done for you . Make reservations, plan a trip, connect to other services.”

Multimodal AI, in particular, significantly increases opportunities for seamless interaction with virtual agents. For example, rather than simply asking a bot for recipes, a user can point a camera at an open fridge and request recipes that can be made with available ingredients. Be My Eyes, a mobile app that connects blind and low vision individuals with volunteers to help with quick tasks, is piloting AI tools that help users directly interact with their surroundings through multimodal AI in lieu of awaiting a human volunteer.

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Elevated multimodal capabilities and lowered barriers to entry also open up new doors for abuse: deepfakes, privacy issues, perpetuation of bias and even evasion of CAPTCHA safeguards may become increasingly easy for bad actors. In January of 2024, a wave of explicit celebrity deepfakes hit social media; research from May 2023 indicated that there had been 8 times as many voice deepfakes posted online compared to the same period in 2022. [6]

Ambiguity in the regulatory environment may slow adoption, or at least more aggressive implementation, in the short to medium term. There is inherent risk to any major, irreversible investment in an emerging technology or practice that might require significant retooling—or even become illegal—following new legislation or changing political headwinds in the coming years.

In December 2023, the European Union (EU) reached provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act . Among other measures, it prohibits indiscriminate scraping of images to create facial recognition databases, biometric categorization systems with potential for discriminatory bias, “social scoring” systems and the use of AI for social or economic manipulation. It also seeks to define a category of “high-risk” AI systems, with potential to threaten safety, fundamental rights or rule of law, that will be subject to additional oversight. Likewise, it sets transparency requirements for what it calls “general-purpose AI (GPAI)” systems—foundation models—including technical documentation and systemic adversarial testing.

But while some key players, like Mistral, reside in the EU, the majority of groundbreaking AI development is happening in America, where substantive legislation of AI in the private sector will require action from Congress—which may be unlikely in an election year. On October 30, the Biden administration issued a comprehensive executive order detailing 150 requirements for use of AI technologies by federal agencies; months prior, the administration secured voluntary commitments from prominent AI developers to adhere to certain guardrails for trust and security. Notably, both California and Colorado are actively pursuing their own legislation regarding individuals’ data privacy rights with regard to artificial intelligence.

China has moved more proactively toward formal AI restrictions, banning price discrimination by recommendation algorithms on social media and mandating the clear labeling of AI-generated content. Prospective regulations on generative AI seek to require the training data used to train LLMs and the content subsequently generated by models must be “true and accurate,” which experts have taken to indicate measures to censor LLM output.

Meanwhile, the role of copyrighted material in the training of AI models used for content generation, from language models to image generators and video models, remains a hotly contested issue. The outcome of the high-profile lawsuit filed by the New York Times against OpenAI may significantly affect the trajectory of AI legislation. Adversarial tools, like Glaze and Nightshade —both developed at the University of Chicago—have arisen in what may become an arms race of sorts between creators and model developers.

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For businesses, this escalating potential for legal, regulatory, economic or reputational consequences is compounded by how popular and accessible generative AI tools have become. Organizations must not only have a careful, coherent and clearly articulated corporate policy around generative AI, but also be wary of shadow AI: the “unofficial” personal use of AI in the workplace by employees.

Also dubbed “shadow IT” or “BYOAI,” shadow AI arises when impatient employees seeking quick solutions (or simply wanting to explore new tech faster than a cautious company policy allows) implement generative AI in the workplace without going through IT for approval or oversight. Many consumer-facing services, some free of charge, allow even nontechnical individuals to improvise the use of generative AI tools. In one study from Ernst & Young, 90% of respondents said they use AI at work. [7]

That enterprising spirit can be great, in a vacuum—but eager employees may lack relevant information or perspective regarding security, privacy or compliance. This can expose businesses to a great deal of risk. For example, an employee might unknowingly feed trade secrets to a public-facing AI model that continually trains on user input, or use copyright-protected material to train a proprietary model for content generation and expose their company to legal action.

Like many ongoing developments, this underscores how the dangers of generative AI rise almost linearly with its capabilities. With great power comes great responsibility.

Moving forward

As we proceed through a pivotal year in artificial intelligence, understanding and adapting to emerging trends is essential to maximizing potential, minimizing risk and responsibly scaling generative AI adoption.

1 “Gartner Places Generative AI on the Peak of Inflated Expectations on the 2023 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies,” Gartner, 16 August 2023

2 ”Deloitte’s State of Generative AI in the Enteprrise Quarter one report,” Deloitte, January 2024

3 ”What to Expect in AI in 2024,” Stanford University, 8 December 2023

4 ”Q&A: UW researcher discusses just how much energy ChatGPT uses,” University of Washington, 27 July 2023

5 “Generative AI in the Enterprise,” O’Reilly, 28 November 2023

6 ”Deepfaking it: America’s 2024 election coincides with AI boom,” Reuters, 30 May 2023

7 ”How organizations can stop skyrocketing AI use from fueling anxiety,” Ernst & Young, December 2023

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