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Illustration: Brian Stauffer

Update 19 January 2024: The fabled story of the 2007 Stuxnet computer virus continues to fascinate readers, tech enthusiasts, journalists, and lovers of a good whodunnit mystery. So much so that the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant published the results of a two-year investigative effort to get to the bottom of this sabotage cyberattack that was allegedly carried out by United States and Israeli forces—possibly in league with intelligence agencies in both countries—against Iran’s nuclear program.

The original article, of course, being in Dutch, computer translation software plus the work of security journalists—for instance at Security Week —can at least provide adept readers a glimpse of what a tangled web of deceit was woven in this international tale of high-stakes nuclear espionage. According to the new Dutch reporting, the mystery of how Stuxnet malware was loaded in to the Iranian centrifuges in the first place has now been compounded. Many previous reports, including the story that follows, assert a USB thumb drive provided the vector to infect the Iranian systems. The Volksrant report, however, states that according to their reporting, Stuxnet was instead loaded in to a water pump near the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility .

Yet, as Security Week has found, researcher Ralph Langner has independently determined that, “a water pump cannot carry a copy of Stuxnet,” as he wrote on Twitter/X on 8 January. That, plus some counterclaims about De Volkskrant ’s estimated $1-2 billion pricetag on the effort—far too high, according to some critics —leave the controversies and details far from fully settled. Though now 11 years on from David Kushner’s compelling account for Spectrum of the cyberworm, below, it continues to be the kind of technothriller that can at least keep the curious wanting to know more and the eager inspired to dig deeper still to the ultimate core of this enduring mystery. —IEEE Spectrum

Original article from 26 February 2013 follows:

Computer cables snake across the floor. Cryptic flowcharts are scrawled across various whiteboards adorning the walls. A life-size Batman doll stands in the hall. This office might seem no different than any other geeky workplace, but in fact it’s the front line of a war—a cyberwar, where most battles play out not in remote jungles or deserts but in suburban office parks like this one. As a senior researcher for Kaspersky Lab, a leading computer security firm based in Moscow, Roel Schouwenberg spends his days (and many nights) here at the lab’s U.S. headquarters in Woburn, Mass., battling the most insidious digital weapons ever, capable of crippling water supplies, power plants, banks, and the very infrastructure that once seemed invulnerable to attack.

Recognition of such threats exploded in June 2010 with the discovery of Stuxnet, a 500-kilobyte computer worm that infected the software of at least 14 industrial sites in Iran, including a uranium-enrichment plant. Although a computer virus relies on an unwitting victim to install it, a worm spreads on its own, often over a computer network.

This worm was an unprecedentedly masterful and malicious piece of code that attacked in three phases. First, it targeted Microsoft Windows machines and networks, repeatedly replicating itself. Then it sought out Siemens Step7 software, which is also Windows-based and used to program industrial control systems that operate equipment, such as centrifuges. Finally, it compromised the programmable logic controllers. The worm’s authors could thus spy on the industrial systems and even cause the fast-spinning centrifuges to tear themselves apart, unbeknownst to the human operators at the plant. (Iran has not confirmed reports that Stuxnet destroyed some of its centrifuges.)

Stuxnet could spread stealthily between computers running Windows—even those not connected to the Internet. If a worker stuck a USB thumb drive into an infected machine, Stuxnet could, well, worm its way onto it, then spread onto the next machine that read that USB drive. Because someone could unsuspectingly infect a machine this way, letting the worm proliferate over local area networks, experts feared that the malware had perhaps gone wild across the world.

In October 2012, U.S. defense secretary Leon Panetta warned that the United States was vulnerable to a “cyber Pearl Harbor” that could derail trains, poison water supplies, and cripple power grids. The next month, Chevron confirmed the speculation by becoming the first U.S. corporation to admit that Stuxnet had spread across its machines.

Although the authors of Stuxnet haven’t been officially identified, the size and sophistication of the worm have led experts to believe that it could have been created only with the sponsorship of a nation-state, and although no one’s owned up to it, leaks to the press from officials in the United States and Israel strongly suggest that those two countries did the deed. Since the discovery of Stuxnet, Schouwenberg and other computer-security engineers have been fighting off other weaponized viruses, such as Duqu, Flame, and Gauss, an onslaught that shows no signs of abating.

This marks a turning point in geopolitical conflicts, when the apocalyptic scenarios once only imagined in movies like Live Free or Die Hard have finally become plausible. “Fiction suddenly became reality,” Schouwenberg says. But the hero fighting against this isn’t Bruce Willis; he’s a scruffy 27-year-old with a ponytail. Schouwenberg tells me, “We are here to save the world.” The question is: Does the Kaspersky Lab have what it takes?

Viruses weren’t always this malicious. In the 1990s, when Schouwenberg was just a geeky teen in the Netherlands, malware was typically the work of pranksters and hackers, people looking to crash your machine or scrawl graffiti on your AOL home page.

After discovering a computer virus on his own, the 14-year-old Schouwenberg contacted Kaspersky Lab, one of the leading antivirus companies. Such companies are judged in part on how many viruses they are first to detect, and Kaspersky was considered among the best. But with its success came controversy. Some accused Kaspersky of having ties with the Russian government—accusations the company has denied .

A few years after that first overture, Schouwenberg e-mailed founder Eugene Kaspersky, asking him whether he should study math in college if he wanted to be a security specialist. Kaspersky replied by offering the 17-year-old a job, which he took. After spending four years working for the company in the Netherlands, he went to the Boston area. There, Schouwenberg learned that an engineer needs specific skills to fight malware. Because most viruses are written for Windows, reverse engineering them requires knowledge of x86 assembly language.

Over the next decade, Schouwenberg was witness to the most significant change ever in the industry. The manual detection of viruses gave way to automated methods designed to find as many as 250 000 new malware files each day. At first, banks faced the most significant threats, and the specter of state-against-state cyberwars still seemed distant. “It wasn’t in the conversation,” says Liam O’Murchu, an analyst for Symantec Corp., a computer-security company in Mountain View, Calif.

All that changed in June 2010, when a Belarusian malware-detection firm got a request from a client to determine why its machines were rebooting over and over again. The malware was signed by a digital certificate to make it appear that it had come from a reliable company. This feat caught the attention of the antivirus community, whose automated-detection programs couldn’t handle such a threat. This was the first sighting of Stuxnet in the wild.

The danger posed by forged signatures was so frightening that computer-security specialists began quietly sharing their findings over e-mail and on private online forums. That’s not unusual. “Information sharing [in the] computer-security industry can only be categorized as extraordinary,” adds Mikko H. Hypponen, chief research officer for F-Secure, a security firm in Helsinki, Finland. “I can’t think of any other IT sector where there is such extensive cooperation between competitors.” Still, companies do compete—for example, to be the first to identify a key feature of a cyberweapon and then cash in on the public-relations boon that results.

Before they knew what targets Stuxnet had been designed to go after, the researchers at Kaspersky and other security firms began reverse engineering the code, picking up clues along the way: the number of infections, the fraction of infections in Iran, and the references to Siemens industrial programs, which are used at power plants.

Schouwenberg was most impressed by Stuxnet’s having performed not just one but four zero-day exploits, hacks that take advantage of vulnerabilities previously unknown to the white-hat community. “It’s not just a groundbreaking number; they all complement each other beautifully,” he says. “The LNK [a file shortcut in Microsoft Windows] vulnerability is used to spread via USB sticks. The shared print-spooler vulnerability is used to spread in networks with shared printers, which is extremely common in Internet Connection Sharing networks. The other two vulnerabilities have to do with privilege escalation, designed to gain system-level privileges even when computers have been thoroughly locked down. It’s just brilliantly executed.”

Schouwenberg and his colleagues at Kaspersky soon concluded that the code was too sophisticated to be the brainchild of a ragtag group of black-hat hackers. Schouwenberg believes that a team of 10 people would have needed at least two or three years to create it. The question was, who was responsible?

It soon became clear, in the code itself as well as from field reports, that Stuxnet had been specifically designed to subvert Siemens systems running centrifuges in Iran’s nuclear-enrichment program. The Kaspersky analysts then realized that financial gain had not been the objective. It was a politically motivated attack. “At that point there was no doubt that this was nation-state sponsored,” Schouwenberg says. This phenomenon caught most computer-security specialists by surprise. “We’re all engineers here; we look at code,” says Symantec’s O’Murchu. “This was the first real threat we’ve seen where it had real-world political ramifications. That was something we had to come to terms with.”

Milestones in Malware

Creeper, an experimental self-replicating viral program, is written by Bob Thomas at Bolt, Beranek and Newman. It infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the Tenex operating system. Creeper gained access via the ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, and copied itself to the remote system, where the message “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!” was displayed. The Reaper program was later created to delete Creeper.

Elk Cloner, written for Apple II systems and created by Richard Skrenta, led to the first large-scale computer virus outbreak in history.

The Brain boot sector virus (aka Pakistani flu), the first IBM PC–compatible virus, is released and causes an epidemic. It was created in Lahore, Pakistan, by 19-year-old Basit Farooq Alvi and his brother, Amjad Farooq Alvi.

The Morris worm, created by Robert Tappan Morris, infects DEC VAX and Sun machines running BSD Unix connected to the Internet. It becomes the first worm to spread extensively “in the wild.”

Michelangelo is hyped by computer-security executive John McAfee, who predicted that on 6 March the virus would wipe out information on millions of computers; actual damage was minimal.

The SQL Slammer worm (aka Sapphire worm) attacks vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Structured Query Language Server and Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine and becomes the fastest spreading worm of all time, crashing the Internet within 15 minutes of release.

The Stuxnet worm is detected. It is the first worm known to attack SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems.

The Duqu worm is discovered. Unlike Stuxnet, to which it seems to be related, it was designed to gather information rather than to interfere with industrial operations.

Flame is discovered and found to be used in cyberespionage in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.

In May 2012, Kaspersky Lab received a request from the International Telecommunication Union , the United Nations agency that manages information and communication technologies, to study a piece of malware that had supposedly destroyed files from oil-company computers in Iran. By now, Schouwenberg and his peers were already on the lookout for variants of the Stuxnet virus. They knew that in September 2011, Hungarian researchers had uncovered Duqu, which had been designed to steal information about industrial control systems.

While pursuing the U.N.’s request, Kaspersky’s automated system identified another Stuxnet variant. At first, Schouwenberg and his team concluded that the system had made a mistake, because the newly discovered malware showed no obvious similarities to Stuxnet. But after diving into the code more deeply, they found traces of another file, called Flame, that were evident in the early iterations of Stuxnet. At first, Flame and Stuxnet had been considered totally independent, but now the researchers realized that Flame was actually a precursor to Stuxnet that had somehow gone undetected.

Flame was 20 megabytes in total, or some 40 times as big as Stuxnet. Security specialists realized, as Schouwenberg puts it, that “this could be nation-state again.”

To analyze Flame, Kaspersky used a technique it calls the “sinkhole.” This entailed taking control of Flame’s command-and-control server domain so that when Flame tried to communicate with the server in its home base, it actually sent information to Kaspersky’s server instead. It was difficult to determine who owned Flame’s servers. “With all the available stolen credit cards and Internet proxies,” Schouwenberg says, “it’s really quite easy for attackers to become invisible.”

While Stuxnet was meant to destroy things, Flame’s purpose was merely to spy on people. Spread over USB sticks, it could infect printers shared over the same network. Once Flame had compromised a machine, it could stealthily search for keywords on top-secret PDF files, then make and transmit a summary of the document—all without being detected.

Indeed, Flame’s designers went “to great lengths to avoid detection by security software,” says Schouwenberg. He offers an example: Flame didn’t simply transmit the information it harvested all at once to its command-and-control server, because network managers might notice that sudden outflow. “Data’s sent off in smaller chunks to avoid hogging available bandwidth for too long,” he says.

Most impressively, Flame could exchange data with any Bluetooth-enabled device. In fact, the attackers could steal information or install other malware not only within Bluetooth’s standard 30-meter range but also farther out. A “ Bluetooth rifle “—a directional antenna linked to a Bluetooth-enabled computer, plans for which are readily available online—could do the job from nearly 2 kilometers away.

But the most worrisome thing about Flame was how it got onto machines in the first place: via an update to the Windows 7 operating system. A user would think she was simply downloading a legitimate patch from Microsoft, only to install Flame instead. “Flame spreading through Windows updates is more significant than Flame itself,” says Schouwenberg, who estimates that there are perhaps only 10 programmers in the world capable of engineering such behavior. “It’s a technical feat that’s nothing short of amazing, because it broke world-class encryption,” says F-Secure’s Hypponen. “You need a supercomputer and loads of scientists to do this.”

If the U.S. government was indeed behind the worm, this circumvention of Microsoft’s encryption could create some tension between the company and its largest customer, the Feds. “I’m guessing Microsoft had a phone call between Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, and Barack Obama,” says Hypponen. “I would have liked to listen to that call.”

While reverse engineering Flame, Schouwenberg and his team fine-tuned their “similarity algorithms”—essentially, their detection code—to search for variants built on the same platform. In July, they found Gauss. Its purpose, too, was cybersurveillance.

Carried from one computer to another on a USB stick, Gauss would steal files and gather passwords, targeting Lebanese bank credentials for unknown reasons. (Experts speculate that this was either to monitor transactions or siphon money from certain accounts.) “The USB module grabs information from the system—next to the encrypted payload—and stores this information on the USB stick itself,” Schouwenberg explains. “When this USB stick is then inserted into a Gauss-infected machine, Gauss grabs the gathered data from the USB stick and sends it to the command-and-control server.”

Just as Kaspersky’s engineers were tricking Gauss into communicating with their own servers, those very servers suddenly went down, leading the engineers to think that the malware’s authors were quickly covering their tracks. Kaspersky had already gathered enough information to protect its clients against Gauss, but the moment was chilling. “We’re not sure if we did something and the hackers were onto us,” Schouwenberg says.

The implications of Flame and Stuxnet go beyond state-sponsored cyberattacks. “Regular cybercriminals look at something that Stuxnet is doing and say, that’s a great idea, let’s copy that,” Schouwenberg says.

“The takeaway is that nation-states are spending millions of dollars of development for these types of cybertools, and this is a trend that will simply increase in the future,” says Jeffrey Carr, the founder and CEO of Taia Global, a security firm in McLean, Va. Although Stuxnet may have temporarily slowed the enrichment program in Iran, it did not achieve its end goal. “Whoever spent millions of dollars on Stuxnet, Flame, Duqu, and so on—all that money is sort of wasted. That malware is now out in the public spaces and can be reverse engineered,” says Carr.

Hackers can simply reuse specific components and technology available online for their own attacks. Criminals might use cyberespionage to, say, steal customer data from a bank or simply wreak havoc as part of an elaborate prank. “There’s a lot of talk about nations trying to attack us, but we are in a situation where we are vulnerable to an army of 14-year-olds who have two weeks’ training,” says Schouwenberg.

The vulnerability is great, particularly that of industrial machines. All it takes is the right Google search terms to find a way into the systems of U.S. water utilities, for instance. “What we see is that a lot of industrial control systems are hooked up to the Internet,” says Schouwenberg, “and they don’t change the default password, so if you know the right keywords you can find these control panels.”

Companies have been slow to invest the resources required to update industrial controls. Kaspersky has found critical-infrastructure companies running 30-year-old operating systems. In Washington, politicians have been calling for laws to require such companies to maintain better security practices. One cybersecurity bill, however, was stymied in August on the grounds that it would be too costly for businesses. “To fully provide the necessary protection in our democracy, cybersecurity must be passed by the Congress,” Panetta recently said. “Without it, we are and we will be vulnerable.”

In the meantime, virus hunters at Kaspersky and elsewhere will keep up the fight. “The stakes are just getting higher and higher and higher,” Schouwenberg says. “I’m very curious to see what will happen 10, 20 years down the line. How will history look at the decisions we’ve made?”

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Stanford University


The Center for International Security and Cooperation is a center of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies .

Stuxnet: The world's first cyber weapon

  • By Joshua Alvarez

The United States has thrust itself and the world into the era of cyber warfare, Kim Zetter , an award-winning cybersecurity journalist for WIRED magazine, told a Stanford audience. Zetter discussed her book “Countdown to Zero Day,” which details the discovery and unraveling of Stuxnet, the world’s first cyber weapon. 

Stuxnet was the name given to a highly complex digital malware that targeted, and physically damaged, Iran’s clandestine nuclear program from 2007 until its cover was blown in 2010 by computer security researchers. The malware targeted the computer systems controlling physical infrastructure such as centrifuges and gas valves.

Reports following its discovery attributed the creation and deployment of Stuxnet to the United States and Israel. The New York Times quoted anonymous U.S. officials claiming responsibility for Stuxnet. 

Zetter began reporting on the cyber weapon in 2010.

“When the first news came out, I didn’t think much of it,” Zetter told a CISAC seminar on Monday. The title of her book refers to a “zero-day attack," which exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application or operating system.

“Watching the Symantec researchers unravel Stuxnet , I knew what fascinated me was the process and brilliance of the researchers. The detective story is what pulled me in.” 

Zetter’s book follows computer security researchers from around the world as they discover and disassemble Stuxnet over the course of months, much longer than any time spent on typical malware. The realization that Stuxnet was the world’s first cyber weapon sent shock waves throughout the tech community, yet did not create as much of a stir in mainstream society. 

“It’s funny because a lot of people still don’t know Stuxnet or haven’t even heard of it,” Zetter said. “The recent vandalization of Sony seems to have finally gotten people’s attention. It was not a case of true cyber warefare, but I'm glad that my book came out right before it happened because its perception as a nation-state attack has led to interest in all nation-state attacks, including Stuxnet. The Snowden leaks also put cyber warfare on the map.” 

“Countdown to Zero” also places Stuxnet in political context. The first version of Stuxnet was built and unleashed by the Bush administration in 2007, according to Zetter. Iran accelerated its enrichment process in 2008, leading to fears it would have enough uranium to build a bomb by 2010. President Barack Obama inherited the program; he not only continued it,but accelerated it. Another, more aggressive version of Stuxnet was unleashed in June 2009 and again in 2010. Obama gave the order to unleash Stuxnet while publicly demanding Iran to open itself up to negotiations. 

The effectiveness of the world’s first cyber weapon remains a subject of debate. The most optimistic assessment of Stuxnet is that it delayed and slowed Iran’s uranium development enough to dissuade Israel from unilaterally striking the country, and it afforded time for intelligence and diplomatic efforts. Stuxnet contributed to dissension and frustration among the upper ranks of Iran’s government (the head of Iran’s nuclear program was replaced) and bought time for harsh economic sanctions to impact the Iranian public.

“Stuxnet actually had very little effect on Iran’s nuclear program,” said Zetter. “It was premature, it could have had a much bigger effect had the attackers waited.” Iran still made a net gain in their uranium stockpile while being attacked and they are updating their centrifuges, which would make Stuxnet obsolete.

The more unsettling parts of Zetter’s book catalog security vulnerabilities in America’s public infrastructure, which could easily be victim to a Stuxnet-style attack, and consider the implications of the era Stuxnet heralded. For example, in 2001 hackers attacked California ISO , a nonprofit corporation that manages the transmission system for moving electricity throughout most of California. More recently, Zetter writes, in 2011 a security research team “penetrated the remote-access system for a Southern California water plant and was able to take control of equipment the facility used for adding chemicals to drinking water.”

The Obama administration has publicly announced that shoring up infrastructure security is a top priority. Zetter finds this ironic, because unleashing Stuxnet has opened the U.S. up to attacks using the same malware.

“When you launch a cyber weapon, you don’t just send the weapon to your enemies, you send the intellectual property that created it and the ability to launch the weapon back against you,” writes Zetter. “Marcus Ranum, one of the early innovators of the computer firewall, called Stuxnet ‘a stone thrown by people who live in a glass house.’”

More broadly, Stuxnet heralded an era of cyber warfare that could prove to be more destructive than the nuclear era. For Zetter there is also irony to the use of cyber weapons to combat nuclear weapons. She quotes Kennette Benedict, the executive director of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,” pointing out, “that the first acknowledged military use of cyber warfare is ostensibly to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. A new age of mass destruction will begin in an effort to close a chapter from the first age of mass destruction.” 

Zetter has similar fears.

“The U.S. lost the moral high ground from where it could tell other countries to not use digital weapons to resolve disputes,” Zetter said. “No one has been killed by a cyber attack, but I think it’s only a matter of time.”

Joshua Alvarez was a 2012 CISAC Honors Student. 

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How digital detectives deciphered stuxnet, the most menacing malware in history, it was january 2010 when investigators with the international atomic energy ….

Kim Zetter, - Jul 11, 2011 2:47 pm UTC

It was January 2010, and investigators with the International Atomic Energy Agency had just completed an inspection at the uranium enrichment plant outside Natanz in central Iran, when they realized that something was off within the cascade rooms where thousands of centrifuges were enriching uranium.

Natanz technicians in white lab coats, gloves, and blue booties were scurrying in and out of the "clean" cascade rooms, hauling out unwieldy centrifuges one by one, each sheathed in shiny silver cylindrical casings.

Any time workers at the plant decommissioned damaged or otherwise unusable centrifuges, they were required to line them up for IAEA inspection to verify that no radioactive material was being smuggled out in the devices before they were removed. The technicians had been doing so for more than a month.

Satellite image of the Natanz nuclear enrichment plant in Iran taken in 2002 when it was still under construction. The image shows two cascade halls, in the upper right corner, as they were being built deep underground. The hall on the left, Hall A, is the only one currently operational and is the building where centrifuges believed to have been damaged by Stuxnet in 2009 were installed.

Normally Iran replaced up to 10 percent of its centrifuges a year, due to material defects and other issues. With about 8,700 centrifuges installed at Natanz at the time, it would have been normal to decommission about 800 over the course of the year.

But when the IAEA later reviewed footage from surveillance cameras installed outside the cascade rooms to monitor Iran’s enrichment program, they were stunned as they counted the numbers. The workers had been replacing the units at an incredible rate—later estimates would indicate between 1,000 and 2,000 centrifuges were swapped out over a few months.

The question was, why?

Iran wasn't required to disclose the reason for replacing the centrifuges and, officially, the inspectors had no right to ask. Their mandate was to monitor what happened to nuclear material at the plant, not keep track of equipment failures. But it was clear that something had damaged the centrifuges.

What the inspectors didn't know was that the answer they were seeking was hidden all around them, buried in the disk space and memory of Natanz's computers. Months earlier, in June 2009, someone had silently unleashed a sophisticated and destructive digital worm that had been slithering its way through computers in Iran with just one aim — to sabotage the country’s uranium enrichment program and prevent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from building a nuclear weapon.

But it would be nearly a year before the inspectors would learn of this. The answer would come only after dozens of computer security researchers around the world would spend months deconstructing what would come to be known as the most complex malware ever written—a piece of software that would ultimately make history as the world’s first real cyberweapon.

On June 17, 2010, Sergey Ulasen was in his office in Belarus sifting through e-mail when a report caught his eye. A computer belonging to a customer in Iran was caught in a reboot loop—shutting down and restarting repeatedly despite efforts by operators to take control of it. It appeared the machine was infected with a virus.

Ulasen heads an antivirus division of a small computer security firm in Minsk called VirusBlokAda. Once a specialized offshoot of computer science, computer security has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry over the last decade keeping pace with an explosion in sophisticated hack attacks and evolving viruses, Trojan horses, and spyware programs.

The best security specialists, like Bruce Schneier, Dan Kaminsky, and Charlie Miller are considered rock stars among their peers, and top companies like Symantec, McAfee, and Kaspersky have become household names, protecting everything from grandmothers' laptops to sensitive military networks.

VirusBlokAda, however, was no rock star nor a household name. It was an obscure company that even few in the security industry had heard of. But that would shortly change.

"If I turn up dead and I committed suicide on Monday, I just want to tell you guys, I'm not suicidal."—Liam O Murchu

Ulasen's research team got hold of the virus infecting their client's computer and realized it was using a “zero-day” exploit to spread. Zero-days are the hacking world’s most potent weapons: They exploit vulnerabilities in software that are yet unknown to the software maker or antivirus vendors. They’re also exceedingly rare; it takes considerable skill and persistence to find such vulnerabilities and exploit them. Out of more than 12 million pieces of malware that antivirus researchers discover each year, fewer than a dozen use a zero-day exploit.

In this case, the exploit allowed the virus to cleverly spread from one computer to another via infected USB sticks. The vulnerability was in the LNK file of Windows Explorer, a fundamental component of Microsoft Windows. When an infected USB stick was inserted into a computer, as Explorer automatically scanned the contents of the stick, the exploit code awakened and surreptitiously dropped a large, partially encrypted file onto the computer, like a military transport plane dropping camouflaged soldiers into target territory.

It was an ingenious exploit that seemed obvious in retrospect, since it attacked such a ubiquitous function. It was also one, researchers would soon learn to their surprise, that had been used before.

VirusBlokAda contacted Microsoft to report the vulnerability, and on July 12, as the software giant was preparing a patch, VirusBlokAda went public with the discovery in a post to a security forum. Three days later, security blogger Brian Krebs picked up the story, and antivirus companies around the world scrambled to grab samples of the malware—dubbed Stuxnet by Microsoft from a combination of file names (.stub and MrxNet.sys) found in the code.

As the computer security industry rumbled into action, decrypting and deconstructing Stuxnet, more assessments filtered out.

It turned out the code had been launched into the wild as early as a year before, in June 2009, and its mysterious creator had updated and refined it over time, releasing three different versions. Notably, one of the virus’s driver files used a valid signed certificate stolen from RealTek Semiconductor, a hardware maker in Taiwan, in order to fool systems into thinking the malware was a trusted program from RealTek.

Internet authorities quickly revoked the certificate. But another Stuxnet driver was found using a second certificate, this one stolen from JMicron Technology, a circuit maker in Taiwan that was—coincidentally or not—headquartered in the same business park as RealTek. Had the attackers physically broken into the companies to steal the certificates? Or had they remotely hacked them to swipe the company’s digital certificate-signing keys? No one knew.

“We rarely see such professional operations,” wrote ESET, a security firm that found one of the certificates, on its blog. "This shows [the attackers] have significant resources."

In other ways, though, Stuxnet seemed routine and unambitious in its aims. Experts determined that the virus was designed to target Simatic WinCC Step7 software, an industrial control system made by the German conglomerate Siemens that was used to program controllers that drive motors, valves and switches in everything from food factories and automobile assembly lines to gas pipelines and water treatment plants.

Although this was new in itself—control systems aren’t a traditional hacker target, because there’s no obvious financial gain in hacking them—what Stuxnet did to the Simatic systems wasn't new. It appeared to be simply stealing configuration and design data from the systems, presumably to allow a competitor to duplicate a factory's production layout. Stuxnet looked like just another case of industrial espionage.

Antivirus companies added signatures for various versions of the malware to their detection engines, and then for the most part moved on to other things.

The story of Stuxnet might have ended there. But a few researchers weren’t quite ready to let it go.

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Stuxnet Attack

The Stuxnet attack, first discovered in 2010, is a complex and extremely powerful cyber tool that has fundamentally altered the field of cybersecurity and cyber warfare. It is widely recognized as one of the most sophisticated and significant cyberattacks in history.

What is Stuxnet?

Stuxnet is a harmful computer worm discovered in 2010. It focused on Siemens Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which are widely employed in a variety of industrial operations. Stuxnet is a PC worm that was initially focused on Iran’s atomic ambitions and has since changed and spread to other modern power plants.

What did the Stuxnet Worm do?

According to reports, Stuxnet caused multiple machines at Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility leading to burnout. Other groups customized the virus over time to target specific infrastructures such as water treatment plants, power plants, and gas pipes. Stuxnet was a multi-part infection that spread via USB sticks and through Microsoft Windows machines. The virus examined each infected PC for traces of Siemens software, which is used by industrial computers operating as PLCs to automate and monitor electromechanical equipment. After locating a PLC computer, the malware attack updated its code via the internet and started delivering damaging instructions to the electromechanical equipment that the PC controlled. At the same time, the virus provided misleading feedback to the main controller.

Working and Purpose of Stuxnet Attack

Stuxnet was a very complex computer worm that targeted Siemens Step7 software installed at Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facility. It spread first via infected USB devices , then via local networks, exploiting various zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows. Once within the target system, it located and infected specific PLCs, injecting malicious code to manipulate the rotating device’s speeds, resulting in physical damage. Advanced stealth methods, including rootkit capabilities, allowed the virus to remain unknown for a longer period, successfully harming Iran’s nuclear enrichment processes without being detected.

Why was Stuxnet so dangerous?

  • It has an Advanced and Sophisticated Design.
  • Targeted Attack on Critical Infrastructure
  • To detect Stuxnet High Level of Expertise Required
  • Potential for Replication and Evolution.

Is Stuxnet a virus?

Many people said that Stuxnet is malware however it is a computer worm. Both viruses and worms are types of malware that can destroy data, but a computer worm is significantly more powerful. For example, unlike viruses, worms do not require human interaction to function. Instead, it propagates itself, sometimes frequently, once it enters a system. Besides losing data, a computer worm may attack networks, consume bandwidth, destroy hard drive capacity, and drop additional dangerous viruses like rootkits , spyware , and ransomware .

Protecting Industrial Networks Against Stuxnet Attacks

  • Network Segmentation
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Regular Updates
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Antivirus and Anti-Malware
  • Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

Frequently Asked Questions on Stuxnet – FAQs

What was the most significant thing about stuxnet.

It was the first known virus capable of damaging the hardware.

What impact did Stuxnet have?

Stuxnet may have caused severe harm to Iran’s nuclear program by stopping operations at the Natanz enrichment plant.

Which country was the most impacted by Stuxnet?

How many zero-day vulnerabilities exist in stuxnet.

Stuxnet was a complex computer worm that exploited four unique zero-day software vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows operating systems.

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Stuxnet: Smarter — and deadlier — than the average worm

Stuxnet's purpose isn't entirely clear, but whoever created it knew what they were doing.

Every few years, a malware program comes along that ups the ante in the world of IT security risks. Code Red infected a ton of IIS Web servers in 2001 and led to Microsoft’s increased focus on secure software development. In 2003, SQL Slammer infected nearly every unpatched SQL server on the Internet in 10 minutes. The MS-Blaster worm revealed the chewy center of most firewall-protected perimeters. The big worms Sobig, MyDoom , Netsky, and Bagle proved that hackers didn’t need unprotected open SMTP relays to send spam. Banking Trojans taught us that nearly any authentication protection can be easily bypassed in order to empty bank accounts.

Now we have Stuxnet , which has deservedly garnered a fair share of media coverage over the past few months. The malware is unlike any threat we’ve previously seen. If Stuxnet is a sign of things to come, it will be difficult to believe that our biggest malware fears were merely boot viruses, rogue file attachments, and macro viruses.

For starters, Stuxnet is the first worm directly coded to attack power plant and industrial control systems, which fall under the category of SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition systems. Although SCADA systems are already widely known and notorious for lacking conventional security controls, Stuxnet looks for specific SCADA systems, such as Siemens; if successful, it infects them, reprograms their PLCs (programmable logic controllers), and hides with the first SCADA-specific rootkit. (Symantec offers an excellent layman’s analysis of this particular part of the worm in a whitepaper [PDF] called “W32_Stuxnet Dossier.”)

The theory is that Stuxnet’s creators want the ability to remotely control and exploit power plants. Many observers believe Iran was a direct target, given that it ended up with the vast majority of infections. Further buttressing this hypothesis the appearance of the word “Myrtus” within the worm. Myrtus could be a Biblical reference to a story involving a Persian plot .

Unbeknownst to most people, power plants and other industrial systems have been under direct attack for many years. At least one expert has claimed that , with one such incident contributing to a death in the United States. I haven’t seen the source documentation and evidence of this, however. The U.S. NERC agency has publicly stated that no deaths or disruptions in service have yet occurred due to computer compromises — but the two data sets may not overlap completely.

I’ve also read that foreign power plants have been successfully held for ransom and that service interruptions have occurred (along with at least one documented death). That malware is directly targeting already weak SCADA systems is not a good thing.

Stuxnet is also a frightening sign of tomorrow’s malware in that experienced antimalware analysts have been amazed by how clean the code is, especially given the worm’s size and complexity. It’s unlikely to bomb or bug out due to a programming error.

I’ve been examining malware for more than two decades, and I can tell you that 99.9 percent of malware, even professionally written, criminally motivated malware, is full of bugs and shoddy programming. Most have a dearth of error recovery routines. The average malware writer isn’t that concerned with his or her creation running cleanly; Stuxnet’s creator was.

Third, the current implementation of Stuxnet exploits at least three different Windows vulnerabilities and two different types of rootkits: one for the SCADA PLC and another for infected Windows computers. It hides its infection from prying eyes and from antimalware scanning programs. More interesting yet, Stuxnet intentionally looks for at least 10 different antivirus scanning executables and injects itself into those “trusted” processes, along with other common Windows files, such as winlogon.exe. Instead of trying to avoid them, it uses these processes to propagate.

Stuxnet also spreads using USB drives and drive shares, often using a folder linking trick that executes the worm if the victim simply looks into a folder containing it. This has only been done a few times before.

Although Stuxnet uses dozens of highly interesting techniques to full advantage, one that caught my cryptographer’s eye a few months ago was the fact that it signed its malware with a digital code signing certificate from two legitimate and very popular software vendors, Realtek Semiconductor and JMicron Technology. Both Taiwanese companies are apparently housed in the same building.

I haven’t learned how the digital signing key was compromised, but that would be as interesting to me as any of the other lessons learned from Stuxnet. Did the organizations become compromised (possibly with an unrelated malware program) and end up using their signing certificates on exploited computers? Or was there a shared insider who obtained the certificates? If anyone knows, please write or comment below .

Observers aren’t sure if Stuxnet is being used as part of a city-state plot to bring down Iranian power plants or to hold the world’s power plants hostage for monetary gain. Whatever the case, it signals a seriously disturbing evolution in the world of malware.

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Roger A. Grimes is a contributing editor. Roger holds more than 40 computer certifications and has authored ten books on computer security. He has been fighting malware and malicious hackers since 1987, beginning with disassembling early DOS viruses. He specializes in protecting host computers from hackers and malware, and consults to companies from the Fortune 100 to small businesses. A frequent industry speaker and educator, Roger currently works for KnowBe4 as the Data-Driven Defense Evangelist and is the author of Cryptography Apocalypse.

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Stuxnet is a computer worm that was used to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. Learn more about this significant cyber attack below.


What is Stuxnet?

Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm that became infamous in its use to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. That attack made global news headlines in 2010 when it was first discovered. As Malwarebytes’ Senior Director of Threat Intelligence Jérôme Segura said in his article Stuxnet: new light through old windows , “Very few pieces of malware have garnered the same kind of worldwide attention as Stuxnet.”

While as a computer worm, Stuxnet is malicious software , it has been used to attack electro-mechanical equipment. As in the case of the major attack in Iran, attackers used Stuxnet to exploit multiple zero-day Windows vulnerabilities, search infected PCs for a connection to the software that controlled the electro-mechanical equipment, and send instructions intended to damage the equipment. While many types of malware infect a computer through the Internet, another unique feature of the Stuxnet attack in Iran is that the malware was introduced to the PCs via infected USB drives.  

Is Stuxnet a virus?

Many people call the malware “Stuxnet virus” even though it’s not a computer virus — it’s a computer worm . Although both viruses and worms are types of malware that can corrupt files, a computer worm can be far more sophisticated. For starters, unlike a virus, a worm doesn’t require human interaction to activate. Instead, it self-propagates, sometimes prolifically after it enters a system. Besides deleting data, a computer worm can overload networks, consume bandwidth, open a backdoor, diminish hard drive space, and drop other dangerous malware like rootkits, spyware, and ransomware.

What was the Stuxnet attack in Iran?

According to the book “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon”, in 2010, visiting inspectors from the Atomic Energy Agency were surprised to see many of Iran’s centrifuges failing. Neither the Iranians nor the inspectors could fathom why the Siemens-made equipment, designed to enrich uranium powering nuclear reactors, was malfunctioning so catastrophically.

It was hard to imagine that a piece of malicious software was responsible. After all, Iran’s nuclear facilities were air gapped — meaning they weren’t connected to a network or the Internet. For a malware attack to occur on the air gapped uranium enrichment plant, someone must have consciously or subconsciously added the malware physically, perhaps through an infected USB drive.

When a security team from Belarus came to investigate some malfunctioning computers in Iran, it found a highly complex malicious software. This aggressive malware would later spread further into the wild, with researchers dubbing it as Stuxnet, the “world’s first digital weapon.”

Why was Stuxnet so dangerous?

Experts call Stuxnet an incredibly complex piece of code and the world’s first cyberweapon. It may have physically degraded nearly 1000 Iranian centrifuges. Stuxnet worked by infecting the programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that controlled the centrifuges and sabotaging them.  

Centrifuges spin at extraordinarily fast speeds, creating a force many times faster than gravity in order to separate elements in uranium gas. The worm manipulated the centrifuges’ operating speed, creating enough stress to damage them. Stuxnet took its time, waiting weeks to slow down the centrifuges after accelerating them temporarily, making its activities hard to detect.

Stuxnet was also hard to detect because it was a completely new malware, an emerging threat with no known signatures. In addition, Stuxnet exploited multiple zero-day vulnerabilities, which are unfixed software security flaws.

Stuxnet also sent fake industrial process control sensor signals to hide its presence and malicious activity. In addition, Stuxnet was also able to drop a rootkit . Rootkits can give a threat actor control of a system at its core. With a rootkit installation, Stuxnet was more capable of furtive action.

Cybersecurity best practices for industrial networks

Strong cybersecurity measures are critical to any business. Reports of cyberattacks are in the news regularly, and it’s not always malicious software attacking useful software; as in the case of Stuxnet, malware can be used to ultimately attack electro-mechanical devices, hardware, and infrastructure.

One of the most notable cybersecurity incidents of 2021 was a ransomware attack that shut down the largest fuel pipeline in the US for nearly a week. It was later determined that a single compromised password enabled the attack. Other ransomware attack targets during the year included the world’s largest meatpacker and the largest ferry service in Massachusetts .

Whether it’s ransomware, computer worms, phishing, business email compromise (BEC) , or another threat that keeps you up at night, you can take steps to protect your business. In our mission to bring cyberprotection to every one, Malwarebytes offers security solutions to businesses of all sizes. Your company can also adopt security best practices, such as:

  • Apply a strict Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy that prevents employees and contractors from introducing potential threats.
  • Air gap any computers that could affect national security.
  • Air gap all legacy systems that serve as human interfaces.
  • Adopt a sophisticated password regime with two-factor authentication that hinders brute force attacks and prevents stolen passwords from becoming threat vectors.
  • Secure computers and networks with the latest patches.
  • Use AI-powered cybersecurity software with machine learning capabilities.
  • Apply easy backup and restore at every possible level to minimize disruption, especially for critical systems.
  • Constantly monitor processors and servers for anomalies.
  • Try a demilitarized zone (DMZ) for industrial networks.
  • Look up application whitelisting for enhanced software security.

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Stuxnet Worm Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities

Michael holloway july 16, 2015, submitted as coursework for ph241 , stanford university, winter 2015, stuxnet background.

This is a diagram of the connection between the Siemens Step7 software and the programmable logic controllers of a nuclear reactor. (Source: )

The Stuxnet Worm first emerged during the summer of 2010. Stuxnet was a 500-kilobyte computer worm that infiltrated numerous computer systems. [1] This virus operated in three steps. First, it analyzed and targeted Windows networks and computer systems. The worm, having infiltrated these machines, began to continually replicate itself. [1] Next, the machine infiltrated the Windows-based Siemens Step7 software. This Siemens software system was and continues to be prevalent in industrial computing networks, such as nuclear enrichment facilities. Lastly, by compromising the Step7 software, the worm gained access to the industrial program logic controllers. [1] This connection is illustrated in Fig. 1. This final step gave the worm's creators access to crucial industrial information as well as giving them the ability to operate various machinery at the individual industrial sites. [2] The replication process previously discussed is what made the worm so prevalent. It was so invasive that if a USB was plugged into an effected system, the worm would infiltrate the USB device and spread to any subsequent computing systems that the USB was plugged in to. [2]

Stuxnet Effect on Iran

Over fifteen Iranian facilities were attacked and infiltrated by the Stuxnet worm. It is believed that this attack was initiated by a random worker's USB drive. One of the affected industrial facilities was the Natanz nuclear facility. [1] The fist signs that an issue existed in the nuclear facility's computer system in 2010. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency visited the Natanz facility and observed that a strange number of uranium enriching centrifuges were breaking. [3] The cause of these failures was unknown at the time. Later in 2010, Iran technicians contracted computer security specialists in Belarus to examine their computer systems. [3] This security firm eventually discovered multiple malicious files on the Iranian computer systems. It has subsequently revealed that these malicious files were the Stuxnet worm. [3] Although Iran has not released specific details regarding the effects of the attack, it is currently estimated that the Stuxnet worm destroyed 984 uranium enriching centrifuges. By current estimations this constituded a 30% decrease in enrichment efficiency. [1]

Stuxnet Worm Origin Speculation

Many media members have speculated on who designed the Stuxnet worm and who was responsible for using it to essentially attack Iran's nuclear facility. It is currently agreed upon that this worm was designed as a cyber weapon to attack the development of Iran's nuclear development program. [1] However, the designers of the worm are still unknown. [4] Many experts suggest that the Stuxnet worm attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities was a joint operation between the United States and Israel. Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, said that this was the case in 2013. [4] Despite this speculation, there is still no concrete evidence as to who designed the original cyber weapon.

© Michael Holloway. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.

[1] W. Broad, J. Markoff, and D. Sanger, " Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay ," New York Times, 15 Jan 11.

[2] D. Kushner, " The Real Story of Stuxnet ," IEEE Spectrum 53 , No. 3, 48 (2013).

[3] B. Kesler, " The Vulnerability of Nuclear Facilities to Cyber Attack ," Strategic Insights 10 , 15 (2011).

[4] K. Zetter, Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon (Crown, 2014).

[5] J. Grayson, " Stuxnet and Iran's Nuclear Program ," Physics 241, 7 Mar 11

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The story behind the stuxnet virus.

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Computer security experts are often surprised at which stories get picked up by the mainstream media. Sometimes it makes no sense. Why this particular data breach, vulnerability, or worm and not others? Sometimes it's obvious. In the case of Stuxnet, there's a great story.

As the story goes, the Stuxnet worm was designed and released by a government--the U.S. and Israel are the most common suspects--specifically to attack the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran. How could anyone not report that? It combines computer attacks, nuclear power, spy agencies and a country that's a pariah to much of the world. The only problem with the story is that it's almost entirely speculation.

Here's what we do know: Stuxnet is an Internet worm that infects Windows computers. It primarily spreads via USB sticks, which allows it to get into computers and networks not normally connected to the Internet. Once inside a network, it uses a variety of mechanisms to propagate to other machines within that network and gain privilege once it has infected those machines. These mechanisms include both known and patched vulnerabilities, and four "zero-day exploits": vulnerabilities that were unknown and unpatched when the worm was released. (All the infection vulnerabilities have since been patched.)

Stuxnet doesn't actually do anything on those infected Windows computers, because they're not the real target. What Stuxnet looks for is a particular model of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) made by Siemens (the press often refers to these as SCADA systems, which is technically incorrect). These are small embedded industrial control systems that run all sorts of automated processes: on factory floors, in chemical plants, in oil refineries, at pipelines--and, yes, in nuclear power plants. These PLCs are often controlled by computers, and Stuxnet looks for Siemens SIMATIC WinCC/Step 7 controller software.

If it doesn't find one, it does nothing. If it does, it infects it using yet another unknown and unpatched vulnerability, this one in the controller software. Then it reads and changes particular bits of data in the controlled PLCs. It's impossible to predict the effects of this without knowing what the PLC is doing and how it is programmed, and that programming can be unique based on the application. But the changes are very specific, leading many to believe that Stuxnet is targeting a specific PLC, or a specific group of PLCs, performing a specific function in a specific location--and that Stuxnet's authors knew exactly what they were targeting.

It's already infected more than 50,000 Windows computers, and Siemens has reported 14 infected control systems, many in Germany. (These numbers were certainly out of date as soon as I typed them.) We don't know of any physical damage Stuxnet has caused, although there are rumors that it was responsible for the failure of India's INSAT-4B satellite in July. We believe that it did infect the Bushehr plant.

All the anti-virus programs detect and remove Stuxnet from Windows systems.

Stuxnet was first discovered in late June, although there's speculation that it was released a year earlier. As worms go, it's very complex and got more complex over time. In addition to the multiple vulnerabilities that it exploits, it installs its own driver into Windows. These have to be signed, of course, but Stuxnet used a stolen legitimate certificate. Interestingly, the stolen certificate was revoked on July 16, and a Stuxnet variant with a different stolen certificate was discovered on July 17.

Over time the attackers swapped out modules that didn't work and replaced them with new ones--perhaps as Stuxnet made its way to its intended target. Those certificates first appeared in January. USB propagation, in March.

Stuxnet has two ways to update itself. It checks back to two control servers, one in Malaysia and the other in Denmark, but also uses a peer-to-peer update system: When two Stuxnet infections encounter each other, they compare versions and make sure they both have the most recent one. It also has a kill date of June 24, 2012. On that date, the worm will stop spreading and delete itself.

We don't know who wrote Stuxnet. We don't know why. We don't know what the target is, or if Stuxnet reached it. But you can see why there is so much speculation that it was created by a government.

Stuxnet doesn't act like a criminal worm. It doesn't spread indiscriminately. It doesn't steal credit card information or account login credentials. It doesn't herd infected computers into a botnet. It uses multiple zero-day vulnerabilities. A criminal group would be smarter to create different worm variants and use one in each. Stuxnet performs sabotage. It doesn't threaten sabotage, like a criminal organization intent on extortion might.

Stuxnet was expensive to create. Estimates are that it took 8 to 10 people six months to write. There's also the lab setup--surely any organization that goes to all this trouble would test the thing before releasing it--and the intelligence gathering to know exactly how to target it. Additionally, zero-day exploits are valuable. They're hard to find, and they can only be used once. Whoever wrote Stuxnet was willing to spend a lot of money to ensure that whatever job it was intended to do would be done.

None of this points to the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran, though. Best I can tell, this rumor was started by Ralph Langner , a security researcher from Germany. He labeled his theory "highly speculative," and based it primarily on the facts that Iran had an usually high number of infections (the rumor that it had the most infections of any country seems not to be true), that the Bushehr nuclear plant is a juicy target, and that some of the other countries with high infection rates--India, Indonesia, and Pakistan--are countries where the same Russian contractor involved in Bushehr is also involved. This rumor moved into the computer press and then into the mainstream press, where it became the accepted story, without any of the original caveats.

Once a theory takes hold, though, it's easy to find more evidence . The word "myrtus" appears in the worm: an artifact that the compiler left, possibly by accident. That's the myrtle plant. Of course, that doesn't mean that druids wrote Stuxnet. According to the story, it refers to Queen Esther, also known as Hadassah; she saved the Persian Jews from genocide in the 4th century B.C. "Hadassah" means "myrtle" in Hebrew.

Stuxnet also sets a registry value of "19790509" to alert new copies of Stuxnet that the computer has already been infected. It's rather obviously a date, but instead of looking at the gazillion things--large and small--that happened on that the date, the story insists it refers to the date Persian Jew Habib Elghanain was executed in Tehran for spying for Israel.

Sure, these markers could point to Israel as the author. On the other hand, Stuxnet's authors were uncommonly thorough about not leaving clues in their code; the markers could have been deliberately planted by someone who wanted to frame Israel. Or they could have been deliberately planted by Israel, who wanted us to think they were planted by someone who wanted to frame Israel. Once you start walking down this road, it's impossible to know when to stop.

Another number found in Stuxnet is 0xDEADF007. Perhaps that means "Dead Fool" or "Dead Foot," a term that refers to an airplane engine failure. Perhaps this means Stuxnet is trying to cause the targeted system to fail. Or perhaps not. Still, a targeted worm designed to cause a specific sabotage seems to be the most likely explanation.

If that's the case, why is Stuxnet so sloppily targeted? Why doesn't Stuxnet erase itself when it realizes it's not in the targeted network? When it infects a network via USB stick, it's supposed to only spread to three additional computers and to erase itself after 21 days--but it doesn't do that. A mistake in programming, or a feature in the code not enabled? Maybe we're not supposed to reverse engineer the target. By allowing Stuxnet to spread globally, its authors committed collateral damage worldwide. From a foreign policy perspective, that seems dumb. But maybe Stuxnet's authors didn't care.

My guess is that Stuxnet's authors, and its target, will forever remain a mystery.

Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and the chief security technology officer of computer security firm BT. Read more of his writing at .

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Stuxnet explained: What it is, who created it and how it works

case study of stuxnet

Stuxnet has become synonymous with cyberattacks and cyberwarfare. To this day, questions continue about who created Stuxnet, how did Stuxnet work, and why Stuxnet is significant to cybersecurity. Read on to find answers to these questions and more.

What is Stuxnet?

Stuxnet is a highly sophisticated computer worm that became widely known in 2010. It exploited previously-unknown Windows zero-day vulnerabilities to infect target systems and spread to other systems. Stuxnet was mainly targeted at the centrifuges of Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities, with the intention of covertly derailing Iran’s then-emerging nuclear program. However, Stuxnet was modified over time to enable it to target other infrastructure such as gas pipes, power plants, and water treatment plants.

Whilst Stuxnet made global headlines in 2010, it’s believed that development on it began in 2005. It is considered the world’s first cyber weapon and for that reason, generated significant media attention. Reportedly, the worm destroyed almost one-fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges, infected over 200,000 computers, and caused 1,000 machines to physically degrade.

How did Stuxnet work?

Stuxnet is highly complex malware , which was carefully designed to affect specific targets only and to cause minimum damage to other devices.

In the early 2000s, Iran was widely thought to be developing nuclear weapons at its uranium enrichment facility at Natanz. Iran’s nuclear facilities were air-gapped – which means they deliberately weren’t connected to other networks or the internet. (The term ‘air gap’ refers to the physical space between an organization’s physical assets and the outside world.) It’s thought that Stuxnet was transmitted via USB sticks carried inside these nuclear facilities by agents.

Stuxnet searched each infected PC for signs of Siemens Step 7 software, which industrial computers serving as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) use to automate and monitor electro-magnetic equipment. Once Stuxnet found this software, it began updating its code to send destructive instructions to the electro-magnetic equipment controlled by the PC. At the same time, Stuxnet sent false feedback to the main controller – which meant anyone monitoring the equipment would not realize anything was amiss until the equipment started to self-destruct.

In essence: Stuxnet manipulated the valves that pumped uranium gas into centrifuges in the reactors at Natanz. It sped up the gas volume and overloaded the spinning centrifuges, causing them to overheat and self-destruct. But to the Iranian scientists watching the computer screens, everything appeared normal.

Stuxnet was highly sophisticated – it used four separate zero-day attacks to infiltrate systems and was designed only to inflict damage on Siemens industrial control systems. Stuxnet comprised three parts:

  • A worm that conducted most of the work
  • A link file which automated execution of propagated worm copies
  • A rootkit which hid files from detection

Stuxnet came to light in 2010 after inspectors at Iran’s nuclear facilities expressed surprise at the rate in which centrifuges were failing. Further investigation by security experts revealed that powerful malicious software was the cause. (One of the security experts was Sergey Ulasen, who subsequently went on to work for Kaspersky.) Stuxnet was difficult to detect because it was a completely new malware with no known signatures, which exploited multiple zero-day vulnerabilities.

Stuxnet was not intended to spread beyond Iran’s nuclear facilities. However, the malware did end up on internet-connected computers and began to spread because of its extremely sophisticated and aggressive nature. However, it did little damage to outside computers it infected – because Stuxnet was designed specifically to damage only certain targets. The impact of Stuxnet was mostly felt in Iran.

Who created Stuxnet?

Whilst no-one officially claimed responsibility for Stuxnet, it is widely accepted that it was a joint creation between the intelligence agencies of the US and Israel. Reportedly, the classified program to develop the worm was code-named ‘Olympic Games’ which began under President George W Bush and then continued under President Obama. The program’s objective was to derail or at least delay Iran’s emerging nuclear program.

Initially, agents planted the Stuxnet malware in four engineering firms associated with Natanz – a key location in Iran for its nuclear program – relying on careless use of USB thumb drives to transport the attack within the facility.

Why is Stuxnet so famous?

Stuxnet generated extensive media interest and was the subject of documentaries and books. To this day, it remains one of the most advanced malware attacks in history. Stuxnet was significant for a number of reasons:

  • It was the world’s first digital weapon. Rather than just hijacking targeted computers or stealing information from them, Stuxnet escaped the digital realm to wreak physical destruction on equipment the computers controlled. It set a precedent that attacking another country’s infrastructure through malware was possible.
  • It was created at nation state level, and while Stuxnet was not the first cyberwar attack in history , it was considered the most sophisticated at the time.
  • It was highly effective: Stuxnet reportedly ruined almost one-fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. Targeting industrial control systems, the worm infected over 200,000 computers and caused 1,000 machines to physically degrade.
  • It used four different zero-day vulnerabilities to spread, which was very unusual in 2010 and is still uncommon today. Among those exploits was one so dangerous that it simply required having an icon visible on the screen – no interaction was necessary.
  • Stuxnet highlighted the fact that air-gapped networks can be breached – in this case, via infected USB drives. Once Stuxnet was on a system, it spread rapidly, searching out computers with control over Siemens software and PLCs.

The interior of a nuclear reactor. Stuxnet is considered the world’s first digital weapon

Is Stuxnet a virus?

Stuxnet is often referred to as a virus but in fact, it is a computer worm. Although viruses and worms are both types of malware, worms are more sophisticated because they don’t require human interaction to activate – instead, they can self-propagate once they have entered a system.

Besides deleting data, a computer worm can overload networks, consume bandwidth, open a backdoor, diminish hard drive space, and deliver other dangerous malware like rootkits, spyware , and ransomware .

You can read more about the difference between viruses and worm in our article here .

Stuxnet’s legacy

Because of its notoriety, Stuxnet has entered the public consciousness. Alex Gibney, an Oscar-nominated documentarian, directed Zero Days , a 2016 documentary which told the story of Stuxnet and examined its impact on Iran’s relations with the West. Kim Zetter, an award-winning journalist, wrote a book called Countdown to Zero Day , which detailed the discovery and aftermath of Stuxnet. Other books and films have been released too.

The creators of Stuxnet reportedly programmed it to expire in June 2012 and in any case, Siemens issued fixes for its PLC software. However, Stuxnet’s legacy continued in the form of other malware attacks based on the original code. Successors to Stuxnet included:

Duqu (2011)

Duqu was designed to log keystrokes and mine data from industrial facilities, presumably to launch a later attack.

Flame (2012)

Flame was sophisticated spyware that recorded Skype conversations, logged keystrokes, and gathered screenshots, among other activities. Like Stuxnet, Flame traveled via USB stick. It targeted government and educational organizations and some private individuals mostly in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.

Havex (2013)

Havex’s goal was to gather information from energy, aviation, defense, and pharmaceutical companies, among others. Havex malware targeted mainly US, European, and Canadian organizations.

Industroyer (2016)

This targeted power facilities. It reportedly caused a power outage in Ukraine in December 2016.

Triton (2017)

This targeted the safety systems of a petrochemical plant in the Middle East, raising concerns about the malware creator’s intent to cause physical injury to workers.

Most recent (2018)

An unnamed virus with characteristics of Stuxnet reportedly struck unspecified network infrastructure in Iran in October 2018.

Today, cyber means are widely used for gathering intelligence, sabotage, and information operations by many states and non-state actors, for criminal activities, strategic purposes, or both. However, ordinary computer users have little reason to worry about Stuxnet-based malware attacks, since they are primarily aimed at major industries or infrastructure such as power plants or defense.

Cybersecurity for industrial networks

In the real world, advanced nation state attacks like Stuxnet are rare compared to common, opportunistic disruptions caused by things like ransomware. But Stuxnet highlights the importance of cyber security for any organization. Whether it’s ransomware, computer worms, phishing , business email compromise (BEC), or other cyber threats, steps you can take to protect your organization include:

  • Apply a strict Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy that prevents employees and contractors from introducing potential threats onto your network.
  • Implement a strong and technically-enforced password policy with two-factor authentication that hinders brute force attacks and prevents stolen passwords from becoming threat vectors.
  • Secure computers and networks with the latest patches. Keeping up-to-date will ensure you benefit from the latest security fixes.
  • Apply easy backup and restore at every level to minimize disruption, especially for critical systems.
  • Constantly monitor processors and servers for anomalies.
  • Ensure all your devices are protected by comprehensive antivirus. A good antivirus will work 24/7 to protect you against hackers and the latest viruses, ransomware, and spyware.

Related products:

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  • Kaspersky Total Security
  • Kaspersky Internet Security
  • Kaspersky Password Manager
  • Kaspersky Secure Connection

Further reading:

  • How the zero trust concept is shaping cybersecurity at scale
  • What is endpoint security and how does it work?
  • What is zero click malware?
  • Ransomware attacks and types

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What is Mobile Security? Benefits, Threats, and Best Practices

What is Crimeware?

What is Blockchain Security?

CL0P Ransomware: What is it and how does it work?

What is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)?

case study of stuxnet

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Stuxnet: A Digital Staff Ride

James Long | 03.08.19

Stuxnet: A Digital Staff Ride

At the risk of stating the obvious, the era of cyber war is here. Russia’s use of cyber capabilities in Ukraine to deny communications and locate Ukrainian military units for destruction by artillery demonstrates cyber’s battlefield utility. And it has become an assumed truth that in any future conflict, the United States’ adversaries will pursue asymmetric strategies to mitigate traditional US advantages in overwhelming firepower. As US military forces around the world expand their digital footprints, cyberattacks will grow in frequency and sophistication. As a result, commanders at all levels must take defensive measures or risk being exposed to what the 2018 Department of Defense Cyber Strategy described as “urgent and unacceptable risk to the Nation.”

The creation and growth of the US Army’s cyber branch speaks to institutional acceptance of cyber operations in modern warfare, but many leaders remain ignorant about the nature of cyberattacks and best practices to protect their formations. The Army’s preferred use of historical case studies to inform current tactics, techniques, and procedures runs into a problem here, given the dearth of such cyber case studies. One of the few is Stuxnet, the first recognized cyberattack to physically destroy key infrastructure—Iranian enrichment centrifuges in Natanz. So how should an analysis of it influence the way Army leaders think about cyber?

Stuxnet, for the purposes of this analysis, is a collective term for the malware’s multiple permutations from 2007 to 2009. Lockheed Martin has created a model it calls the “Cyber Kill Chain,” which offers a useful framework within which to analyze Stuxnet. The model deconstructs cyberattacks into kill chains, comprised of a fluid sequence of reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on objectives. This analysis allows US commanders to learn how hackers exploited Iranian vulnerabilities to comprise vital security infrastructure, allowing them to guard against similar threats in multi-domain environments.

The Stuxnet Kill Chain


Successful kill chains precisely exploit vulnerable centers of gravity within target networks to inflict disproportionate impact. Open-source intelligence, from press releases to social media, are combined with social network engineering to identify targets and reveal entry points.

Stuxnet’s developers likely targeted the Iranian nuclear program’s enrichment centrifuges because enrichment is capital-intensive and a prerequisite for weapons development. Enrichment centrifuges are bundled into cascades whose operations are precisely regulated by industrial control systems (ICSs) that monitor and control particle movements, presenting network-control and mechanical vulnerabilities. The omnipresence of ICSs in key infrastructure, and their role as the insurance against problems, underscores the potency of Stuxnet attacking this vulnerability.

Reconnaissance efforts were likely aided by Iranian press releases and photographs of key leader visits, which were intended to generate internal support for the program but also revealed technical equipment information.  These media releases could be complemented by inspection reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency describing the program’s scale and the types of enrichment equipment employed.

These sources would have helped identify Iranian enrichment centrifuges as designs that came from A.Q. Khan’s P-1 centrifuge (Pakistan’s first generation), comparable to Libyan and North Korean models. The P-1’s cascades connect centrifuges spinning at hypersonic speeds with pipes separating uranium isotopes. Natanz was the heart of the enrichment program and contained over six thousand centrifuges organized into 164 cascades in a series of stages. The centrifuge count expanded to 7,052 by June 2009 , including 4,092 enriching gas within eighteen cascades in unit A24 plus another twelve in A26. Iranian expansion in centrifuge volume was complemented by technological improvements as output from three thousand IR-1 systems was replaced with only twelve hundred IR-2 centrifuges, producing 839 kilograms of low-enriched uranium—enough to produce two nuclear weapons.

Analysis of open-source intelligence could also have revealed the particular systems— manufactured by the German company Siemens —that Iran employed to operate centrifuges, creating the initial target and subsequent transition to researching exploitable vulnerabilities.


After deciding to target the Siemens control system, exploring centrifuge vulnerabilities was essential for turning the systems responsible for safe plant operations into weapons. Research into vulnerabilities of industrial control systems was undertaken by a Department of Homeland Security program with the Idaho National Laboratory , which had run the 2007 Aurora Project that discovered that malware could cause physical damage to physical equipment like the large turbines used in the power grid by forcing valve releases and other components out of synchronization. In 2008 the Idaho National Laboratory conducted extensive vulnerability testing of Siemens ICSs, finding vulnerabilities later exploited by Stuxnet.

These vulnerabilities could have been used to develop the malware through tests at the Israeli nuclear enrichment facility at Dimona . What emerged was a “dual warhead” virus that destroyed centrifuges by hyper-accelerating rotations and avoided detection through a “man in the middle” attack showing false readings to mechanical control stations. The 500-kilobyte malware had tailored engagement criteria for a three-phase attack : first it would replicate within Microsoft networks, then target specific Siemens software used in ICSs, before finally focusing on programmable logic controllers.

Introducing the dual warhead’s malicious payload into Natanz required overcoming the air gap that intentionally isolated it from the internet, designed to prevent direct-attack strategies like spear phishing. Hackers gained indirect access through third-party attacks of contractors with weaker digital security systems and access to Natanz. The virus lay dormant in their systems before automatically writing itself onto USB drives inserted into their computers that were carried into Natanz.

Multiple third-party hosts could have played this role , but Behpajooh was a prime candidate, as the company worked on ICSs, was located near Iran’s Nuclear Technology Center, and had been targeted by US federal investigators for illegal procurement activities.

Exploit ation

After accessing Natanz through USB drives , Stuxnet circumvented existing malware-detection systems protecting enrichment infrastructure through zero-day exploits (previously unused security exploits) of Microsoft systems, including faking digital security certificates and spreading between computers connected to networked hardware like printers. This enabled rapid network exploitation.


After exploiting security gaps, Stuxnet infected computers by worm ing across networks and mass-replicating through self-installation, avoiding detection by remaining dormant until finding files indicating the host was associated with centrifuge control systems.

Command and Control

While malware often operates as an extension of an external attacker’s commands, the complex security breaches required to access Natanz forced Stuxnet to operate semi-independently to prevent network security from detecting signals reaching outside Natanz. Hackers mitigated some command limitations by writing the code to automatically update on contact with any Stuxnet code with a more recent date stamp.

Actions on Objectives

After accessing Siemens computers, Stuxnet gathered operational intelligence on network baselines before attacking centrifuges. When it did attack, it used the dual-purpose warhead to send “accurate” false reports to scientists monitoring the centrifuges while manipulating cascade rotational frequency until the centrifuges self-destructed. By 2009, Stuxnet destroyed an estimated 984 centrifuges and decreased enrichment efficiency by 30 percent, sending the enrichment program back years and causing significantly delays in establishing the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant .

The virus was discovered after Iranian scientists contacted security specialists at Kaspersky Labs in Belarus to diagnose Microsoft operating system errors that were causing computers to continuously reboot. Stuxnet’s sophistication led experts to believe development required nation-state support and Kasperky warned that it would “ lead to the creation of a new arms race in the world .” As security experts studied the code, they found the zero-day attacks, including false digital certificates that bypassed screening methods used by most anti-virus programs , which led cybersecurity experts like Germany’s Ralph Lagner to fear that the virus could be reverse-engineered to target civilian infrastructure .

Lessons learned

1. Respect open-source intelligence

Social media provides troves of open-source intelligence, from Vice News tracking Russian troop movements to dating app vulnerabilities like Tinder enabling phone hacking. Hackers can use open-source intelligence to identify and target individuals that enable breaching entire social networks, through strategies like using a target’s phone to transmit malware. These efforts can be complemented by social-media mining programs using artificial intelligence–enabled chat bots so sophisticated that a Stanford experiment found students cannot differentiate them from actual teaching assistants.

The power of information operations fed by social-media exploitation was studied by NATO’s Strategic Communications Center of Excellence , using a “red-teamed” social-media campaign to interfere with an international security cooperation exercise. The team spent sixty dollars and created fake Facebook groups to investigate what they could find out about a military exercise just from open-source data, including details of the participants, and whether they could use this data to influence the participants’ behavior.

The effort identified 150 specific soldiers, found the location of several battalions, tracked troop movements, and compelled service members to engage in “undesirable” behavior, including leaving their positions against orders. Other experiments replicated these results to varying degrees, using bot personalities like “ Robin Sage ” to penetrate the social networks of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the chief information officer of the National Security Agency, a senior congressional staffer, and others.

Risks posed by open-source intelligence are especially acute for grey-zone operations. Russia passed a law forbidding military personnel from posting photos or other sources of geolocation data on the internet after investigative journalists revealed “covert” military actions via social media posts. The United States has also experienced operational-security breaches, like when a twenty-year-old Australian student identified military base locations by looking at heat maps produced by a fitness-tracking app showing run routes scattered in global hot spots including Iraq and Syria .  These challenges will grow as more devices get connected, requiring leaders to mitigate threats from poor data management, or risk jeopardizing the safety of their soldiers.

2. There is no perfect security solution

While air gaps are the gold standard for protecting key systems, overreliance on perimeter defense systems can trigger underinvestment in internal security, resulting in defenseless core systems. Cybersecurity expert Leigh-Anne Galloway notes that the outcome is that it is “often only at the point of exfiltration that an organization will realize they have a compromise,” as illustrated by Stuxnet’s detection only after it caused Microsoft malfunctions.

Failure to aggressively enforce security protocols risks negating the benefits of air gaps to prevent third-party-enabled breaches, including denying external devices from entering the facility and disabling USB device reading. Even with effective perimeter security protocols, passive security measures must be complemented by redundant systems such as training, internal audits, and active detection measures like threat hunting and penetration testing.

3. Change the culture dominating cyber operations

Avoiding cyber discussions to maintain security risks exposing commanders to vulnerabilities through ignorance. While operational sources and methods must be protected, it may be time to challenge the norm of secrecy, arguably a vestige of military cyber’s emergence from organizations like the NSA. While high classification levels help avoid detection in espionage operations and computer network exploitation, they are less relevant in overt computer network attacks. This tension is described by retired Rear Admiral William Leigher, the former director of warfare integration for information dominance:

If you [are] collecting intelligence, it’s foreign espionage. You don’t want to get caught. The measure of success is: “collect intelligence and don’t get caught.” If you’re going to war, I would argue that the measure of performance is what we do has to have the characteristics of a legal weapon.

Educating military leaders can be accomplished by importing civilian sector case studies, creating modern staff rides of the digital battlefield. This approach has been traditionally used with historic battlefields to educate commanders on how terrain shapes decision making and battle outcomes. Indeed, the analysis in this article is a sort of “digital staff ride,” but the much larger number of private-sector case studies—like the Target hack where vulnerable third-party vendors were exploited to access information from forty million credit cards —makes them worthy of study, as well.

4. Protect your baselines

Many computer systems, like ICSs, predictably run the same applications over time, creating “baseline” operational patterns. These baselines identify software, files, and processes, and deviations can help detect an attack using methods like monitoring file integrity and endpoint detection (continuous monitoring of network events for analysis, which works even if malware uses unprecedented zero-day exploits like Stuxnet did). Monitoring can also detect malware reaching back to external command nodes for operational guidance; while this method would not have detected Stuxnet, it is capable of uncovering more common malware attacks. “Whitelisting” can further protect systems by explicitly listing all programs permitted to run on a given system and denying all others.

Data analysis amplifies the impact of these strategies by integrating sources like physical access and network activity logs to find deviations like “superman” reports, where a user appears to hop between different geographic locations in moments, caused by the use of a virtual private network to avoid revealing the user’s actual location. These tools can also reveal non-logical access data that could be a sign of an intrusion or attack.

5. Train effectively

Current Army digital-security training focuses on basic cyber awareness, and while training fundamental security practices like not opening files from unknown addresses and avoiding cloned social-media pages is important, it is not sufficient.

While hacker exploits constantly change, training leader response to breaches and maintaining current incident response plans is vital to guarding against cyber threats. Commanders can develop these plans using resources like the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Guide to Test, Training, and Exercise Programs for IT Plans and Capabilities . The guide, and industry best practices, recommend executing wargames and table-top exercises to stress decision making and internal systems to find capability gaps, especially at the lowest tactical levels which are often neglected in the Army’s current wargames. These exercises should include quantifiable tests to stress and validate system response capabilities, training that delineates responsibilities and ensures accountability for network users and administrators, and regular execution of well-developed emergency response plans to ensure accuracy and feasibility to protect vital internal infrastructure.

6. Invest before it becomes necessary

Strong executive action is needed to close cyber capability gaps, and not confronting that challenge at the national level invites strategic risks. The failure to develop a collective cybersecurity strategy at the national level was identified as an issue as early as 2002, when former CIA Director James Woolsey wrote to President Bush calling for aggressive investment in cyber-defense to “avoid a national disaster.” The issue was revisited by cybersecurity experts in the aftermath of the Aurora Project, which estimated a cyberattack against the United States would cost “$700 billion. . . the equivalent of 40 to 50 large hurricanes striking all at once.”

Despite these risks, there has been comparatively little investment in enhancing security infrastructure, primarily because, as one analysis explains , “there is no obvious incentive for any utility operator to take any of the relatively simple costs necessary to defend against it.” This extends past traditional utilities and into core elements of the national economy, underscored by the story of a Chinese company’s planting of tiny chips on motherboards that would enable infiltration of networks that used the servers—which could be found in Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency data centers , along with over thirty major US companies.  In the absence of strong executive leadership and direct regulation, these lapses within supply chains and internal communication systems will endure and present enormous risks to national security.

While the White House’s 2018 National Cyber Strategy is progress, given it is the “first fully articulated cyber strategy for the United States since 2003,” implementation and execution require continued leadership. The plan acknowledged omnipresent cyber threats from rogue and near-peer rivals and called for offensive strength through a “Cyber Deterrence Initiative,” intended “to create the structures of deterrence that will demonstrate to adversaries that the cost of their engaging in operations against us is higher than they want to bear,” according to National Security Advisor John Bolton . Digitally literate and effective government leadership is required to execute the plan’s four pillars of: enhancing resilience, developing a vibrant digital economy and work force, aggressively pursuing cyber threats, and advancing America’s interests in cyberspace.

case study of stuxnet

Army leaders must take ownership of cybersecurity within the Multi-Domain Operations concept, including education and strategy development, since expanding military networks increase attack probability. Studying Stuxnet, and understanding the digital terrain hackers exploit to attack key infrastructure, allows military leaders to safeguard against these threats.

Despite the tendency to assume this challenge is solely the responsibility of cyber experts, educating the force is essential to following Vice Adm. Michael Gilday’s advice to “fully integrate cyberspace into battle plans, ensuring timing and tempo are set by the commanders for use of cyberspace effects in the field based on their operational scheme of maneuver.”

Leaders must understand kill chains within the comprehensive multi-domain operational environment so they can leverage these tools to achieve effects like degrading enemy capabilities or setting conditions for maneuver operations. Failure to understand these tools, and their vulnerabilities, will allow technologically savvy rivals to outmaneuver the US military and expose US forces to enormous risks.

Capt. James Long is an Army infantry officer, MD5 Innovation Fellow, and experienced tactical innovator. He currently serves as an operations officer with United Nations Command Security Battalion–Joint Security Area.  The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.

Image credit: Marco Verch

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Stuxnet: malware more complex, targeted and dangerous than ever.

, CNN | Filed under:

case study of stuxnet

  • Stuxnet, a new piece of computer malware, has unprecedented potential
  • It exploits four holes and goes straight to the brain of industrial computers
  • It's not internet based, but can use the internet to spread

(CNN) -- Stuxnet is viewed as potentially the most dangerous piece of computer malware discovered. It's been developed on an unprecedented scale and has the ability to target and control specified industrial machinery.

Trying to explain how this works is a bit like trying to trace the origin of this nasty little piece of work. It's a bit all over the place so bear with me on this one.

It's an attack that goes straight after the PLC (programmable logic control) software of an industrial machine, which is effectively the brain of the unit. It uses four zero-day exploits in one package, with a zero-day exploit being an undiscovered flaw in a piece of software; it's the time between the hackers finding a hole in the system and when the developers patch it. And in this case there are four of these exploits, meaning that they've already exponentially increased the chances of finding a way into the system in case any of the holes happened to already be plugged.

Once the malware infects the system it can spread to other computers on the local intranet. It is not an internet-based piece of malware; it can spread through indirect internet usage, but that's not how it sets about its business.

Its main course of action is to look for a specific type of machinery, then report back to a central control server located hundreds of miles away, from where the commands will again be relayed off into the maze of servers set up to make tracing near impossible.

And it is through the trail of servers around the world that the data generated by the PLC software is manipulated and the changes in the running of the machines are made. So theoretically, a group of people located on one side of the planet could control a machine in a nuclear power plant on the other. Scary stuff.

When I spoke to Liam O'Murchu, manager of security response operations for Symantec North America, he didn't want to speculate about what kind of physical results we could expect from the malware in an industrial setting. He commented that Symantec's people are more concerned with the technical side of the bug and concentrate on their analysis on it.

This doesn't mean that others won't speculate, and one website that's caught a lot of attention is that of a German IACS security researcher, Ralph Langner, where he says the target may be Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility, which is in a region where a large number of the infected computers are found. He suggests the facility could be infected through the USB drive of a Russian contractor using an "abandoned" drive.

O'Murchu agreed that it is not unheard of for abandoned drives to carry harmful code on them, but he wouldn't go as far as to agree that such was the case in this instance.

He did say, however, that the majority of the infections have occurred in Iran. Symantec has estimated that 60 percent of the infected computers are located in Iran. That claim is refuted in an extract from the Iranian Student News Agency that states, "Deputy minister of industries and mines denies the 60 percent contamination of Iran's computers by the spy worm Stuxnet."

Despite that denial, O'Murchu stands by Symantec's numbers and explained that the figures came straight from the logged traffic on one of the Stuxnet control servers that Symantec took control of. Symantec said it managed to find that the two control servers are located in Malaysia and Denmark, but when asked who the hosting company is, the company did not comment.

The big question remains as to who made this malware, O'Murchu suggested that it would have to be "a well-funded private group or a government. It would need to be someone who has an interest in what they're targeting." O'Murchu went on to say, "We've not seen something on this scale before" and offered a conservative estimate that it would take five to 10 people about six months to put together this piece of malware.

It is the level of preparation that really impressed O'Murchu. He hypothesized that the team would needed inside men, test runs, and even their own piece of machinery to develop the code on. The level of coding is like nothing he's seen before, with everything incredibly well-written and in different languages.

The only mistake O'Murchu could identify is that we're talking about it now. When Symantec's researchers tested the malware on a USB key, they discovered that it deleted itself after three infections.

"These are the kind of guys that are not happy with their exposure," he said. He went on to say that this is the kind of operation in which the developers would have hoped to get the infection planted, let the malware do its work and never hear from it again.

O'Murchu says that there is a "very slim chance of finding them. They're untraceable and covered their steps."

More than that, he doubts that this group of people was put in place for just one project. Now that this group has shown what is possible, he expects others to imitate it, resulting in a growth in this area of malware.

Fortunately, this code won't have a major effect on home computers and if some do become infected, it is likely that Symantec will get in touch with the owners. But O'Murchu warned that a multi-layered approach to defense is the best bet to stay clear from the nasty things out there.

But now more than ever, you need to be careful about what USB drives you put in your computer, especially if you work with industrial machinery.


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On January 15, 2011, The New York Times published an article alleging that Americans and Israelis collaborated to develop, test, and deliver Stuxnet. By wasting time and ink writing a speculative "whodunit," the Times missed the opportunity to enter the more important debate on the topics of preemption and the value of offensive cyber weapons. People have discussed the possibility of software-based attacks on critical infrastructures—energy, transportation, critical manufacturing, banking and finance, chemical processing, communications, and similar vital areas. Until 2010, most knowledgeable people agreed such attacks were possible if one could successfully attack the industrial control systems the infrastructures rely upon. As the Symantec Security Response team wrote after 7 months of analysis, "Stuxnet is one of the most complex threats have analyzed." It exploited several Windows vulnerabilities, at least four of which were described as "zero-day exploits."

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    11 min read. Illustration: Brian Stauffer. Update 19 January 2024: The fabled story of the 2007 Stuxnet computer virus continues to fascinate readers, tech enthusiasts, journalists, and lovers of ...

  4. (PDF) Stuxnet

    Abstract. Stuxnet was a malware first discovered in 2010 on an Iranian computer. It was designed to specifically to sabotage centrifuges in the Iranian nuclear facility of Natanz. The discovery of ...

  5. Stuxnet: The world's first cyber weapon

    Stuxnet was the name given to a highly complex digital malware that targeted, and physically damaged, Iran's clandestine nuclear program from 2007 until its cover was blown in 2010 by computer security researchers. The malware targeted the computer systems controlling physical infrastructure such as centrifuges and gas valves.

  6. How digital detectives deciphered Stuxnet, the most menacing malware in

    Stuxnet looked like just another case of industrial espionage. Antivirus companies added signatures for various versions of the malware to their detection engines, and then for the most part moved ...

  7. Stuxnet Attack

    Stuxnet was a multi-part infection that spread via USB sticks and through Microsoft Windows machines. The virus examined each infected PC for traces of Siemens software, which is used by industrial computers operating as PLCs to automate and monitor electromechanical equipment. After locating a PLC computer, the malware attack updated its code ...

  8. Stuxnet: Dissecting a Cyberwarfare Weapon

    Last year marked a turning point in the history of cybersecurity-the arrival of the first cyber warfare weapon ever, known as Stuxnet. Not only was Stuxnet much more complex than any other piece of malware seen before, it also followed a completely new approach that's no longer aligned with conven tional confidentiality, integrity, and availability thinking. Con trary to initial belief ...

  9. Stuxnet: Smarter

    If Stuxnet is a sign of things to come, it will be difficult to believe that our biggest malware fears were merely boot viruses, rogue file attachments, and macro viruses. ... Whatever the case ...

  10. Stuxnet: the emergence of a new cyber weapon and its implications

    Abstract. The malware Stuxnet was designed to sabotage the Iranian nuclear programme by targeting industrial control systems (ICSs). The potential for cyber attacks to be a significant threat to critical infrastructure has been discussed over the last 15 years, but it was only in 2010 that this potential was finally realised with the advent of Stuxnet.

  11. The Stuxnet Enigma: Implications for the Future of Cybersecurity

    The Stuxnet attack. has far-reaching cybersecurity and policy implications, as it demonstrates that nation-states are susceptible to crip-. pling cyber actions from other nation-states or private enti-. ties. The international community remains unsure of the. source and exact purpose of the virus, but has become aware.

  12. Stuxnet

    Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm that became infamous in its use to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. That attack made global news headlines in 2010 when it was first discovered. As Malwarebytes' Senior Director of Threat Intelligence Jérôme Segura said in his article Stuxnet: new light through old windows, "Very few pieces of ...

  13. A Realistic Analysis of the Stuxnet Cyber-attack

    Stuxnet, the computer worm which disrupted Iranian nuclear enrichment in 2010, is the first instance of a computer network attack known to cause physical damage across international boundaries.

  14. Stuxnet Worm Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities

    Many experts suggest that the Stuxnet worm attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities was a joint operation between the United States and Israel. Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, said that this was the case in 2013. [4] Despite this speculation, there is still no concrete evidence as to who designed the original cyber weapon.

  15. The Story Behind The Stuxnet Virus

    In the case of Stuxnet, there's a great story. As the story goes, the Stuxnet worm was designed and released by a government--the U.S. and Israel are the most common suspects--specifically to ...

  16. PDF The Stuxnet Worm

    1 Overview of Stuxnet. Stuxnet is a sophisticated worm designed to target only specific Siemens SCADA (industrial control) systems. It makes use of an unprecedented four 0-day vulnerabilities- attacks that make use of a security vulnerability in an application, before the vulnerability is known to the application's developers.

  17. Stuxnet Definition & Explanation

    Stuxnet is a highly sophisticated computer worm that became widely known in 2010. It exploited previously-unknown Windows zero-day vulnerabilities to infect target systems and spread to other systems. Stuxnet was mainly targeted at the centrifuges of Iran's uranium enrichment facilities, with the intention of covertly derailing Iran's then ...

  18. Stuxnet: A Digital Staff Ride

    The Army's preferred use of historical case studies to inform current tactics, techniques, and procedures runs into a problem here, given the dearth of such cyber case studies. One of the few is Stuxnet, the first recognized cyberattack to physically destroy key infrastructure—Iranian enrichment centrifuges in Natanz.

  19. PDF Shadows of Stuxnet: Recommendations for U.S. Policy on Critical

    detailed case study of the Stuxnet attack follows, along with an analysis of the lessons learned from Stuxnet. The thesis concludes with specific policy improvement recommendations for the United States under three major themes: enhancing national unity of effort, expansion of cyber security

  20. PDF Real world example: Stuxnet Worm

    • 2010 Jan: Stuxnet driver signed - With a valid cerficate belonging to Realtek Semiconductors • 2010 June: Virusblokada reports W32.Stuxnet - Verisign revokes Realtek cerficate • 2010 July: An‐virus vendor Eset idenfies new Stuxnet driver - With a

  21. Stuxnet: Malware more complex, targeted and dangerous than ever

    STORY HIGHLIGHTS. Stuxnet, a new piece of computer malware, has unprecedented potential. It exploits four holes and goes straight to the brain of industrial computers. It's not internet based, but ...

  22. Stuxnet and Its Hidden Lessons on the Ethics of Cyberweapons

    Prior cyber "attacks" had stayed within the digital realm, usually involving the theft, disruption, or manipulation of information.14 Stuxnet did that, but caused something new, physical consequences. This made it like prior weapons in general, in that all weapons throughout history had caused physical damage.


    As the Symantec Security Response team wrote after 7 months of analysis, "Stuxnet is one of the most complex threats have analyzed." It exploited several Windows vulnerabilities, at least four of which were described as "zero-day exploits." On January 15, 2011, The New York Times published an article alleging that Americans and Israelis ...

  24. Optimal design and allocation of stealthy attacks against remote state

    AbstractThis paper studies the design and allocation problem for stealthy attacks against remote state estimation for cyber-physical systems, where the data are transmitted through multiple wireles...