250+ Research Paper Topics for Art Lovers and Curious Minds


Table of contents

  • 1 Argumentative Art Topics for Research Papers
  • 2 Fun Art Research Ideas for Professional Writers
  • 3 Controversial Art Research Topics
  • 4 Gendered Roles in Modern Art Research
  • 5 Art Topics for Research Papers: The Impacts of Technology
  • 6.1 Themes in 21st Century Paintings
  • 7 Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics
  • 8 Art Research Topics on Different Cultures
  • 9 Greek Art Research Paper Topics
  • 10 Art Topics during the Byzantine Period
  • 11 Medieval Art History Research Paper Topics
  • 12 Renaissance Paper Topics
  • 13 Research Paper Topics on the Baroque Era
  • 14 The Impressionist Artistic Movement
  • 15 The Modern Art Talk about Romanticism
  • 16 The Art Influence of Mannerism
  • 17 The Post-impressionist Art Movement
  • 18 Surrealism in Art History
  • 19 The Highlights of Cubism
  • 20 The Avant-garde Art Topics
  • 21 The Expressionist Art Movement
  • 22 Topics on Dadaism
  • 23 Pop Art Debate Topics
  • 24 Art Education Research Topics in the 16th Century
  • 25 Cool Art Ideas during the 17th Century
  • 26 Research Papers on Art Produced during the 18th Century
  • 27 The 19th Century Artistic Styles
  • 28 The 20th Century’s Artistic Characteristics
  • 29 Contemporary Art History Topics
  • 30 Mexican Revolutionary Art Research Paper Topics
  • 31 Architecture Research Paper Topics
  • 32 Theater Research Paper Ideas
  • 33 The Study of Photography as Research about Art
  • 34.1 Art Topics Ideas Base on the Artists of the 18th Century
  • 34.2 Artists of the 19th Century

Art has been a significant aspect of human civilization for centuries. From the earliest cave paintings to modern-day installations, art has served as a means of expression and communication. The study of art encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including art history, aesthetics, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. As such, the best controversial research paper topics within the field of art can be explored. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of 250+ art topics covering various aspects of the discipline, including famous artists and artworks, art movements, theories and concepts, and social and political influences. These topics intend to inspire students and researchers before even choosing their favorite paper writing service and delving deeper into the complex world of art.

Argumentative Art Topics for Research Papers

Art has always been a recurring topic of debate, with different interpretations and perspectives on what it represents and its hidden meanings. From discussions on censorship and freedom of expression to art’s political implications, explore other possibilities in art.

  • Write a Critical Analysis of Censorship Issues and How They Can Limit Artistic Freedom.
  • Argue for or against Using Public Funds to Support Art and Institutions.
  • Discuss the Ethical Considerations Surrounding the Cultural Appropriation of Symbolisms.
  • Delimitate the Boundaries of the Tension between Art Commercialization and Artistic Expression’s Authenticity.
  • Study How the Relationship between Art and Identity Is Explored and How It Can Shape and Express Individual and Collective Identities.

Fun Art Research Ideas for Professional Writers

Even the most skilled professionals need help developing fresh inspiration for art-related topics and finding  research paper writing help . With this list, we want to inspire writers to explore new horizons, from unconventional art mediums to unusual artists.

  • Graffiti Art: Exploring Its Significance and Evolution as a Legitimate Artistic Expression.
  • The Impact of Street Photography and How Does It Capture the Essence of Modern Life.
  • How Have Album Covers Influenced Popular Culture, and How Do They Reflect the Artistic Vision of Musicians and Artists?
  • Analyzing the History and Wonders of Asian Art and Animation and Its Impact on Popular Culture.
  • Find Out How Indigenous Art Explores Its Diverse Forms and How It Reflects on the Culture of Their Communities.

Controversial Art Research Topics

Art has always been polarizing, sparking debates on various issues. Whether you’re an art student or an enthusiast, you’ll find excellent history research paper topics on this list.

  • Examining the Limits of Expression through the Lenses of Artistic Freedom.
  • The Power and Perils of Art Representing Marginalized Communities.
  • What Responsibilities Do Collectors Have When Collecting Debatable Pieces?
  • Reckoning with the past and the Controversial Legacy of Colonial Art.
  • How Do Artists Navigate Appropriation through the Problematic Nature of Artistic Inspiration?
  • Write an Argumentative Essay About the Use of Religious Imagery: Is It Blasphemy or Legitimate Creative Expression?
  • Censorship: Protecting Public Morals or Inhibiting Creativity?

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Gendered Roles in Modern Art Research

Historically male dominance in art has resulted in a limited representation of women. Few female artists are recognized for their contributions, bringing discussions on gendered roles in modern art to the forefront. Check out some fine arts research paper topics.

  • Explore the Works of Frida Kahlo and Unravel Gendered Representations in Modern Art.
  • The Impact on the Evolution of Feminist Art Generated by Tracey Emin’s Work.
  • Research Marina Abramovic’s Pieces and Learn How She Pushed Boundaries on Gender and Performance Art.
  • How to See beyond the Male Gaze through John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” While Critiquing the Objectification of Fine Art.
  • The Art of Challenging Conventional Female Roles by Agnes Martin.
  • Take an in Depth Look at Cindy Sherman’s Gender and Identity Exploration in Contemporary Art.
  • Defying Conservative Norms and Embracing the Body – The Visual Art of Kiki Smith.
  • Learn More about the Rise of Women Artists in Modern Art Following the Artworks of Yayoi Kusama.

Art Topics for Research Papers: The Impacts of Technology

Technology has opened up several possibilities, from digital media and virtual reality installations to 3D printing, computer-generated imagery, or even an essay writing service . Look at some of the most interesting art topics that explore this relationship.

  • Examine How Technology Has Enabled New Forms of Artistic Expression through Digital Art.
  • Art Democratization: How Technology Has Made It Easier for Artists to Reach Wider Audiences.
  • The Transformation of Experience and Interaction with Modern World Art through AR Technology.
  • AI and New Art Forms: Potential to Challenge Traditional Notions of Creativity.
  • Explore How New Social Media Platforms Have Transformed the Ways We Consume Art.
  • How Can Digital Technology Preserve and Restore Deteriorating Works of True Art?

Interesting Modern and Contemporary Art Topics

From abstract Expressionism to Pop Art, contemporary artists have explored many creative avenues, resulting in thought-provoking works that challenge traditional notions of art. Check out some ideas for those who want to buy research papers about different epochs in Modern Art.

  • Kandinsky, Pollock, and Rothko Pave the Path with the Force of Chaos and Calm.
  • Artists like Banksy, Kruger and Weiwei Boldly Show Us How to Discuss Today’s Issues.
  • Understand How Fairey, Botero, and Holzer Revolutionize the World through Art.
  • Find Out Where Creativity Meets Technology with Arcangel, Utterback, and Lozano-Hemmer.
  • Fashion and Art Become the Perfect Pairing: Warhol, Dali, and Haring Meet Saint Laurent, Schiaparelli, and Scott.
  • Shattering Stereotypes – Chicago, Sherman, and Ono Challenge the Status Quo.
  • Richter, Hirst, and Walker Demonstrate the Ongoing Relevance of Modern Art.

Themes in 21st Century Paintings

  • Explore beyond the Representation of Identity in Kerry James Marshall’s “Untitled (Studio)” and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye’s “Mascara.”
  • Use the Landscapes of David Hockney and Anselm Kiefer’s “The Field” to Reflect on Environmental Consciousness.
  • Analyze the Works of Yinka Shonibare Mbe and Kara Walker’s “A Subtlety.” to Understand Global Visions and Cultural Exchange.
  • Politics Occur in Street Art, Becoming Activism in Banksy’s Art and AI Weiwei’s “Sunflower Seeds.”
  • Memory, Nostalgia, and Figurative Painting in the Works of Elizabeth Peyton and Lisa Yuskavage’s “Night.”
  • “Untitled” by Cecily Brown and the Works of Gerhard Richter: Abstraction and Emotion.
  • Technology in Contemporary Painting with Jenny Saville’s “Ancestors” and Stelarc’s “Third Hand.”
  • Transcribed Gender and Sexuality in the Works of Nicole Eisenman’s “Procession” and John Currin’s “The Women of Franklin Street.”

Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics

The art of early civilizations is a testament to these societies’ creativity and cultural significance. Check out the best art topics for those interested in Ancient Rome, Mayan Culture, and African art.

  • Explore the Development of Primordial Egyptian Art and Its Impact on Later Art Forms.
  • The Significance of Art in Mesopotamian Civilization.
  • Explore the Relevance of Ancient Chinese Art and Its Influence on the Following Centuries.
  • Analyze the Evolution of Artworks in Old India and Their Relationship with Religion and Culture.
  • The Role of Art in Mayan Society and Its Significance in Their Spirituality and Habits.
  • The Development of Art in Mesoamerican Civilizations and Its Impact on Later Art Forms.
  • Analyze the Symbolism of Motifs in Ancient Art and Its Historical Context.

Art Research Topics on Different Cultures

Each culture has unique artistic expressions that reflect its history and social norms. By delving into the art of various cultures, we can gain insights into how art shapes and reflects human experiences and choose exciting art history research topics.

  • What Is the Role of Family and Community in Maori Art?
  • The Tradition of African Art and Mask Making and Its Role in Identity Formation.
  • Understanding the Symbolism and Meaning in Traditional Indian Textiles through the Colors of Culture.
  • The Evolution of Japanese Woodblock Prints from Edo to Meiji Era.
  • Try Looking for the Symbolism and Meaning in the Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma and Other Examples of Eastern Art.
  • The Beauty of Symmetry: Geometry and Design in Islamic Art and Architecture.

Greek Art Research Paper Topics

Greek art is a rich and fascinating field of study that offers endless possibilities. Here is a list of art research paper topics exploring Greek artists’ diverse and complex world.

  • Examine the Development of Sculptures from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period.
  • Analyze How Greek Artists Portrayed Gods, Goddesses, and Mythological Heroes.
  • How Did Ceramics’ Significance in Daily Life Shape Pottery’s Role in Ancient Greece?
  • Take an in Depth Look at the Use of Colour in Greek Sculpture, Painting, and Pottery.
  • The Influence of Egypt on Greek Art and How It Impacted the Development of the Current Identity.
  • Analyze How Women Were Represented and Their Role in Shaping the Cultural Context of the Time.
  • Develop the Topic on the Symbolism and Representation of Animals in Greek Art and Mythology.
  • Find Research Papers That Illustrate the Influence of Greece on Roman Art.

Art Topics during the Byzantine Period

Byzantine art illustrates the social context of that time, focusing on religious themes and having a close relationship between art and theology. Explore some of the most notable examples of Byzantine art, including mosaics and frescoes.

  • A Study of the Architectural and Artistic Achievements of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I.
  • Compare Your Personal Impressions on the Similarities and Differences between Byzantine Art and the Pieces Created during the Renaissance.
  • What Was the Importance of Ivory Triptychs in Byzantine Art?
  • To Understand Illumination, Research the Byzantine Manuscripts and Their Decorations.
  • Compare the Artistic Styles of the Byzantine Art and the Romanesque Period.
  • Learn More about the Revival of Classical Artistic Techniques in Byzantine Art.

Medieval Art History Research Paper Topics

Medieval art is characterized by intricate designs, elaborate ornamentation, and religious symbolism, reflecting the time’s beliefs. In writing a research paper on Medieval art history, choosing the right topic allows an in-depth exploration of various aspects of this period.

  • Examine the Development in the Representation of Religious Figures and Scenes in Medieval Artworks.
  • Analyze the Artistry and Significance of Illuminated Manuscripts in Europe.
  • Explore the Influence of Islamic Art on the Development of Medieval Paintings.
  • Examine the Meanings and Representation of Animals and Their Significance in That Time’s Worldview.
  • Deep Dive into the Techniques and Symbolism Used in Stained Glass Windows in Medieval Churches.

Renaissance Paper Topics

The Renaissance Era was a period of profound cultural rebirth that had a lasting impact on the development of Western art. New growing ideas started a revolution in paintings and sculptures that saw the emergence of new techniques and forms of expression.

  • Exploring the Ideals of Humanism and How They Were Reflected on Art at That Period.
  • Analyze the Revival of Classical Motifs and Themes in Renaissance Art.
  • Write about the Use of Perspective during the Renaissance Era and Its Impact on the Representation of Space and Depth.
  • Analyze How Women Were Represented in Art and Their Role in Shaping the Cultural Context of That Time.
  • Patronage System during Renaissance: Individual and Institutions Support of Art.
  • Examine the Rise of Artists-Genius, Such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, and How Society Perceived Them.
  • Explore How Religious Themes Were Depicted in Renaissance Art.
  • Start an Analysis of the Use of Allegory in Renaissance Art and Its Meaning in the Cultural Context of the Time.


Research Paper Topics on the Baroque Era

The Baroque era is known for its dramatic and ornate style, intricate ornamentation, and bold colours. In the following topics, we will explore some research paper key concepts related to the Baroque era.

  • The Power of Light and Shade: A Study of Caravaggio’s Dramatic Use of Chiaroscuro.
  • Carry an in Depth Analysis of the Religious Context of Baroque Art Presented in Murals and Paintings.
  • The Triumph of Movement: An Analysis of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Sculpture and Its Dynamic Qualities.
  • Study Female Portrayals by Artemisia Gentileschi and Judith Leyster and Learn More about the Role of Women in the Baroque Era.
  • Baroque and Politics: The Relationship between Art and Power in 17th-Century Europe.
  • Develop an Article about Trompe-L’œIl Painting in Baroque Art and Discover the Power of Illusion.

The Impressionist Artistic Movement

Impressionism is an art movement that emphasizes capturing the transient effects of light and colour in the natural world. By exploring the following art research paper topics, we will gain a deeper understanding of the significance of impressionism and its ongoing legacy.

  • Understand Better the Concept of Time in Impressionist Paintings by Studying Some of Paul Cézanne’s Still Life.
  • What’s the Relevance of Weather in Impressionist Work, and What Can We Learn from It?
  • Discover the Importance of Motion in Impressionist Landscapes, According to Camille Pissarro.
  • What Was the Reception of Impressionism in America, and How It Impacted Local Artists?
  • Draw a Timeline of the Evolution of éDouard Manet’s Artistic Style.
  • The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Degas’ Art: A Comparative Study of His Depictions of Black and Asian Figures.

The Modern Art Talk about Romanticism

Romanticism is an interesting topic characterized by a fascination with emotion, nature, and the individual. By examining the art nuances of Romanticism, we can better understand the cultural and historical context in which these works were created and appreciate its enduring influence.

  • Evoking Awe and Terror in the Art of Caspar David Friedrich and J.M.W. Turner.
  • Learn more about the occult in the works of Samuel Taylor coleridge and William Blake.
  • Did the Portrayal of Femininity in the Works of Jane Austen, Eugène Delacroix, and William Blake Romanticize Women?
  • Explore Turner and Wordsworth’s responses to the Industrial Revolution.
  • Delacroix and the Impact of the French Revolution on the Romantic Movement.
  • How Did Wordsworth and Goethe Portray Childhood?

The Art Influence of Mannerism

The Mannerist period followed the High Renaissance and preceded the Baroque era. Its highlights include the works of artists such as Michelangelo and Tintoretto, who created some of the era’s most beautiful and thought-provoking pieces.

  • A Study of the Relationship between Artistic Style and Religious Change in Europe.
  • Find Out More about Innovative Techniques and Styles Used by Mannerist Portraitists.
  • Research about Michelangelo’s Influence on the Development of the Mannerist Style.
  • Write an Article about the Innovations Employed by the Painter Bronzino.
  • How Was the Relationship between Cellini and Michelangelo?
  • A Comparative Study of Female Portrayals by Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana.
  • Innovative Techniques Used by Mannerist Artists in Their Departure from Classical Tradition.

The Post-impressionist Art Movement

Post-impressionism was a reaction against the limitations of impressionism. They sought to expand the boundaries of art by exploring new techniques, emphasizing individual expression, and infusing their works with symbolic meaning.

  • Examine How Post-impressionist Painters Used Colour to Convey Emotion and Atmosphere.
  • The Evolution of Pointillism from Seurat to Pissarro and Van Gogh.
  • Discuss the Influence of Scientific Theories on the Development of Post-impressionist Painting Techniques.
  • The Influence of Music on Gauguin and Kandinsky’s Post-impressionist Works.
  • What Was the Legacy of Post-impressionism in the Paintings of Fauvists and Expressionists Such as Vlaminck and Nolde?

Surrealism in Art History

Surrealism sought to challenge the rationality and logic of Western thought, emphasizing the power of the unconscious mind. Surrealist artists sought to create works that blurred the lines between reality and fantasy.

  • Breaking Barriers and Boundaries: Feminist Critique of Surrealist Art.
  • How Did Surrealism Represent Sexuality and Desire in Its Artworks?
  • Dreams and the Unconscious: Surrealism’s Gateway to the Psyche.
  • What Was the Role of Surrealism in the Construction of Gender Identity?
  • From Art to Advertising: Surrealist Techniques in Marketing.
  • How Did Surrealism Represent the Non-human?

The Highlights of Cubism

Cubism is an art movement where Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque revolutionized traditional forms of representation by breaking down objects into geometric shapes. Here are some ideas of themes for your next art research paper regarding Cubism.

  • Study the Impacts of Cubist Paintings on American Artists Such as Stuart Davis and Charles Demuth.
  • The Role of Cubism in Modern Graphic Design: A Comparative Analysis of the Work of Cassandre and Moholy-Nagy.
  • The Relationship between Cubist Art and Literature and How It Influenced the Trajectory of James Joyce and Gertrude Stein.
  • A Comparative Study of the Depiction of Time in the Paintings of Picasso and Braque.
  • Find Out How Jazz and African Rhythms Influenced the Development of Cubism.

The Avant-garde Art Topics

The Avant-garde art movement pushed art boundaries, experimenting with new techniques, materials, and subject matter. In these topics, college students can explore the critical characteristics of this art style.

  • What Was the Role of Marcel Duchamp in Shaping the Avant-Garde Movement?
  • Learn More about Kazimir Malevich’s “Black Square” Significance in Avant-Garde Art.
  • How Did the Work of Francis Picabia Challenge Traditional Notions of Art and Beauty?
  • Examine the Impact of Futurism on Avant-Garde Art through the Creation of Umberto Boccioni.
  • Understand the Use of Technology in Avant-Garde Art through the Work of Nam June Paik.

The Expressionist Art Movement

Expressionist artists sought to convey intense emotions through their works, rejecting traditional forms of representation in favour of abstraction and distortion. This list will explore the critical characteristics of Expressionism, examining its cultural and historical context.

  • What Was the Influence of Expressionism on Abstract Art: From the Work of Rothko and Newman.
  • Nature in Expressionist Art: A Survey of the Creation of Emil Nolde and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.
  • Deep Dive into German Expressionism’s Impact on Modern Art Development.
  • Expressionism and the Representation of War: A Comparative Analysis of Dix and Grosz’s Depictions of World War I.
  • Analyze How Religion Existed in the Expressionist Movement, Englobing Marc Chagall’s Work and Its Relationship to Mysticism.
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Topics on Dadaism

The Dadaist era was famous for its irreverent humour and rejection of logic and reason. By reviewing the Dadaist age, we can better understand how art can be used as a social and political critique.

  • A Study of the Use of Humor in the Work of Duchamp and Ernst during Dadaism.
  • How Was the National Identity Represented in Dadaism in the Work of Huelsenbeck and Grosz?
  • Trace the Dadaist Roots in the Cultural and Political Context of the Early 20th Century.
  • Analyze How Dadaists Turned Chance and Accident into Creative Tools.
  • Examine How Artists Used Collage and Photomontage to Challenge Traditional Notions of Art during Dadaism.
  • Trace the Journey of Francis Picabia’s Shifting Style in the Dada Movement.
  • Marcel Duchamp’s Readymades and the Subversive Legacy of Dadaism.

Pop Art Debate Topics

Pop Art is a visual arts movement that appropriated popular cultural imagery and techniques, challenging traditional fine art concepts. With their lasting influence, these art epochs are exciting topics for research papers for college students.

  • How Did Pop Art Reflect and Critique Consumer Culture and Consumerism?
  • Analyze the Art and Influence of Andy Warhol and How He Contributed to the Development of the Movement.
  • How Did Pop Art Appropriate and Recontextualize Advertising Imagery?
  • Examine How Female Artists Contributed to Pop Art and How They Challenged Traditional Gender Roles.
  • How Did Roy Lichtenstein Contribute to Developing Graphic Novel-Inspired Imagery in Pop Art?
  • Analyze How Pop Art Has Influenced and Been Influenced by Digital Media.

Art Education Research Topics in the 16th Century

  • Discover the Artistic Innovations of Bruegel, Bosch, and Dürer in the Northern Renaissance.
  • Why Was the Artistic Response to the Catholic Church’s Reforms Called Counter-Reformation Art?
  • Venetian Renaissance: The Colorful and Opulent Art of Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese.
  • Emphasize the Artistic Achievements of Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Hals.
  • What Did the Spanish Golden Age Contribute through the Work of Velázquez, Murillo, and Zurbarán?
  • Understand Mannerist Architecture and Its Ornate and Playful Buildings of Italy’s Palladio, Vignola, and Scamozzi.
  • What Happened When Rococo’s Lavish and Ornamental Style Was Present in Boucher, Fragonard, and Watteau’s Work?

Cool Art Ideas during the 17th Century

  • The Realistic and Genre Scenes of Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Hals in Dutch Baroque.
  • The Theatrical Style of Poussin, Le Brun, and Lorrain of the Baroque Period in France.
  • Naturalistic Art in the Flemish Baroque of Rubens, Van Dyck, and Jordaens in Flanders.
  • The Emotive and Dramatic Style of Caravaggio, Bernini, and Borromini in the Italian Baroque.
  • The Revival of Classical Antiquity in European Art and Design through Neoclassicism.
  • The Mastery of Detail in the Dutch Still Life Paintings by Willem Kalf, Pieter Claesz, and Rachel Ruysch.
  • Illustrating the Contrast of Light and Dark in the Paintings of Velázquez and Zurbarán.
  • Flemish Still Life Painting: The Richness in the Works of Jan Davidsz de Heem, Clara Peeters, and Osias Beert.

Research Papers on Art Produced during the 18th Century

  • The Ornate and Playful Rococo Art by Watteau, Boucher, and Fragonard in France.
  • The Revival of Classical Antiquity in European Art, Architecture, and Design in the Rising of Neoclassicism.
  • Depictions of Natural Beauty by Gainsborough, Constable, and Turner in 18th-Century British Landscape Paintings.
  • The Development of a New Style in Portraiture, Landscape, and Still Life Painting in American Colonial Art.
  • Intricacy and Elegance of Porcelain, Jade, and Lacquer Ware Developed during the Qing Dynasty in China.
  • Discover Indian Miniature Painting through Its Colorful and Narrative Art of Mughal and Rajput Courts.
  • The Use of the Contrast of Light and Dark in the Spanish Baroque, Illustrated by the Works of Velázquez and Zurbarán.
  • Extravagant and Sensuous Italian Rococo Paintings by Tiepolo, Guardi, and Canaletto in Italy.

The 19th Century Artistic Styles

  • Understand the Depiction of Everyday Life and Social Issues through the Realism of Courbet, Millet, and Daumier.
  • The Curvilinear and Organic Designs of Art Nouveau in European Architecture and Decorative Arts.
  • Find Out What Is behind the Mystical Art of Moreau, Redon, and Klimt.
  • The Romantic and Medieval Style in Painting, Poetry, and Design in the Pre-raphaelite Period.
  • Study the Hudson River School and the Landscape Painting Movement Focusing on Cole, Church, and Bierstadt.
  • The Exotic and Colorful Japanese Woodblock Prints of Ukiyo-E, with Focus on Hokusai, Hiroshige, and Utamaro.
  • Academic Classicism Focused on the Preservation of Traditional Techniques, Emphasizing on Bouguereau, Gérôme, and Leighton.
  • The Bold and Vibrant Use of Color in Fauvism by Matisse, Derain, and Vlaminck.

The 20th Century’s Artistic Characteristics

  • The Breaking Down of Reality and Perception in Cubism by Pablo Picasso and Braque.
  • The Works of Munch, Kirchner, and Schiele Show the Emotion and Inner Feelings in Expressionism.
  • The Celebration of Technology, Movement, and Modernity through Futurism by Boccioni and Balla.
  • The Large-Scale and Gestural Art Movement by Jackson Pollock, Rothko, and de Kooning during Abstract Expressionism.
  • The Simplification and Reduction of Form in Minimalism, with Focus on Judd, Flavin, and Andre.
  • The Emphasis on Ideas over Aesthetics Inspired Conceptual Art Constructed by Kosuth, Weiner, and Acconci.
  • The Return to Figurative and Emotional Art in Neo-Expressionism with Focus on Basquiat, Schnabel, and Kiefer.

Contemporary Art History Topics

  • How the International Art Market Is Changing the Art Landscape through Globalization.
  • Examine the Continuing Impact of Pop Art on Contemporary Art Practices.
  • Explore the Relationship between Street Art and Mainstream Art Institutions.
  • How Are Artists Using Their Work to Address Race, Gender, and Sexuality?
  • Examine How Painters Incorporate New Technologies and Techniques into Their Work.
  • Analyze How Performance Art Challenges Traditional Notions of Art and Audience Participation.
  • Explore How Contemporary Artists Challenge the Status Quo and What Constitutes Art in the Last Centuries.

Mexican Revolutionary Art Research Paper Topics

The Mexican Revolution was a significant political change in Mexico. Revolutionary art emerged as a powerful tool for propaganda and expressed the hopes and aspirations of the Mexican people. These themes exemplify some of the most interesting paintings to write about.

  • Art Contribution to the Mexican Revolutionary Movement.
  • Analyze How Artists Portrayed Revolutionary Heroes Such as Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa.
  • Examine How Muralists Such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Jose Clemente Orozco Used Art to Promote Social Change.
  • Artists’ Representation of Indigenous People during the Revolutionary Period.
  • Explore How Mexican Revolutionary Art Has Influenced and Inspired Artists in Mexico and Beyond.

Architecture Research Paper Topics

  • An Analysis of Organic Forms and Materials in Santiago Calatrava’s Designs.
  • Write a Critical Analysis of Zaha Hadid’s Visionary Designs.
  • Examine How Shigeru Ban’s Designs Address Social and Environmental Challenges.
  • Build a Historical Overview of the Green Building Movement and Its Influence on Contemporary Architecture.
  • Analyze the Effects of Colonialism on the Built Environment of Former Colonies.

Theater Research Paper Ideas

  • Carry an Examination of the Role of Emotion and Empathy in Theater Performance.
  • Start a Comparative Study of Emerging Trends and Innovations in Contemporary Theater Production.
  • Analyzing the Legacy of Ancient Dramaturgy on Modern Performance.
  • What Are the Techniques and Styles of Julie Taymor and Her Impact on Modern Stagecraft?
  • The Political Satire of George Bernard Shaw: An Examination of His Use of Humor and Wit in Social Critique.

The Study of Photography as Research about Art

  • What Is the Relationship between Photography and Memory, and How Do Photographs Shape Our Perceptions of the Past?
  • How Did Modern Society Revolutionize the Use of Photography in Advertising, and What Are the Effects on Consumer Behaviour?
  • The Intersection of Photography and Architecture: How Photographers Capture the Urban Environment.
  • Discover the Role of War Photography in Documenting and Promoting Social Justice.
  • Analyze How Photos Can Be Used as a Tool for Scientific Research and New Technological Discoveries.
  • The Rise of Digital Photography and Its Effects on the Field.
  • Explore How Photographers Portray and Challenge Traditional Gender Roles and Identities in Contemporary Photography.

Artist Biography Ideas

  • Vincent Van Gogh: The Tragic Life of a Misunderstood Artist.
  • A Biography of the Groundbreaking American Impressionist Painter, Mary Cassatt.
  • Diego Rivera: The Life and Work of the Revolutionary Mexican Muralist.
  • Learn More about the History and Art of the Bold and Trailblazing Baroque Painter Artemisia Gentileschi.
  • AI Weiwei: The Activism of the Contemporary Chinese Artist and Dissident.
  • The Artistic Legacy of Gustav Klimt, the Austrian Symbolist Painter.
  • Frida Kahlo: The Work of the Iconic Mexican Surrealist Artist.
  • What Are the Most Interesting Parts of the American Neo-Expressionist Painter Jean-Michel Basquiat Journey?

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Art Topics Ideas Base on the Artists of the 18th Century

  • Explore the Satirical Art of the British Painter and Printmaker William Hogarth.
  • How Was the Life of Rococo and French Artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard?
  • Thomas Gainsborough: The Artistic Legacy of the English Portrait Painter.
  • What Were the Achievements of the Swiss-English Neoclassical Artist Angelica Kauffman?
  • Understand How the French Revolution Was Seen through the Artistic Vision of the Painter Jacques-Louis David.
  • The Hidden Meanings behind the English Portrait Painter Joshua Reynolds.
  • What Was the Artistic Legacy of the Pioneering French Portrait Painter éLisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun?

Artists of the 19th Century

  • Gustave Courbet: The Artistic Vision of the French Realist Painter.
  • The Sculptures of Auguste Rodin and His Legacy in 19th-Century France.
  • What Were the Artistic Achievements of the American Portrait Painter John Singer Sargent?
  • Get a Grasp of the Legacy of One of the Most Iconic French Modernist Painters, éDouard Manet.
  • How Was Impressionism Present in the Body of Work from French Impressionist Painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir?
  • Mary Cassatt: The Artistic Contributions of the American Impressionist Painter.
  • Find Out More about the History behind the Evolution of the French Post-impressionist Painter Paul Gauguin.

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Arts Dissertation Research Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On August 11, 2023


Arts is an important academic subject. It has a range of subdisciplines including Economics , History , Political Science , Geography , Sociology , Philosophy , Psychology , Computer Science , Linguistics , Law , Journalism & Media and Tourism & Hotel Management . If you are looking for some exciting yet manageable arts dissertation topics then you definitely landed on the right page.

This blog post provides twenty arts dissertation topic examples so you can come up with an idea that will enable you to achieve a high academic grade in your arts dissertation project. These topics have been proposed by our expert art writers so you can be confident that they will make a great dissertation paper.

Without further ado, here are the top five arts dissertation topics.

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Modern Art: An Exploratory Study to Find Advancements AI can Bring in Modern Art

Topic 2: what’s wrong with mona lisa a critical review of mona lisa’s painting from various artists’ lens, topic 3: performing arts and cultural development- a study to find the impact of performing arts on the youth cultural development in ancient germany, topic 4: the role of arts in the cultural invasion- a case of western culture penetrating in asian societies, topic 5: the influence of oil-based portrait painting on portrait photography.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

2022 Arts Dissertation Research Topics

Research Aim: This research aims to find the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on modern art advancements. It will show how AI-based models such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning models can help to create more dynamic visual arts? It will test these models against real artists to show whether they can create new art based on the previous data? Lastly, it will assess the current work in the area and improve existing models to create better art.

Research Aim: This study intends to critically evaluate Mona Lisa’s painting from various artists’ viewpoints. It will try to dig deep into the picture from the painters’ imagination to the colors used in the painting. Moreover, it will utilize arts literature to draw a framework to analyze Mona Lisa’s painting critically. It will show the greatness and uniqueness in the painting and its problems, which can be modified through ideas and tools used in modern art and literature.

Research Aim: This research analyzes the impact of performing arts on the youth cultural development in ancient Germany. It will show artists and various organizations intentionally and unintentionally used performing arts to affect the youth in old Germany. It will assess the effects of performing arts on multiple aspects of youth lifestyle in Ancient Germany. It will also explore the impact of performing arts on other elements of youth, such as their imagination, productivity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Research Aim: This study assesses the role of arts in the cultural invasion. It will find how various individuals and organizations, even states use different art (performing arts, liberal arts, visual arts, etc.) to invade other cultures? Moreover, it will analyze the western nations to see how they used their culture to change mindsets in Asian societies. It will calculate the difference in fashion, activities, lifestyles, employments, traditions, norms, etc., pre and post cultural invasion times in Asian societies.

Research Aim: This research finds the influence of oil-based portrait painting on portrait photography. It will show how the introduction of oil-based portrait painting influenced various aspects of portrait photography? It will assess the change in portrait photography methods due to changes in oil-based portrait painting over time. Moreover, it will show whether oil-based portrait painting has a role in portrait photography? Or is there no empirical relationship between both? Lastly, it will show through an academic lens how both can be combined to make photography better in terms of concepts, colors, content, photography methods, etc.,?

Research on Cultural Hybridity in the UK's Contemporary Art

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyze the cultural hybridity found in UK art culture. The UK’s various art reproduces creative work, which enhances the art culture of the entire UK. The UK’s artistic practise creates an opportunity for its art culture to expand all over the world.

Looking through a New Glass: The American Film in the Modern World

Research Aim: This research paper aims to explore American films’ future possibilities by evaluating American films in this modern era. A different perspective is implemented to analyze the entire topic.

Impressionistic Painting: A Drive to another World

Research Aim: The focus of this dissertation is to situate impressionistic painting in the contemporary era. The application of the impressionistic technique gives a new dimension to the art of the contemporary period. The features of impressionism are the insights of the paintings.

Position of Aesthetic art in UK's Tradition

Research Aim: The paper focuses on evaluating the current position of aesthetic art in the UK’s modern culture. It also tries to express how the UK relates aesthetic arts with its tradition.

Idols in Painting Practice

Research Aim: This research paper aims to evaluate the practices of Idol painting in modern art. The abstract paintings of the idol are innovative art techniques to express in-depth knowledge regarding the piece of art. Finding out the reason behind the culture of idol painting is another aim.

The Altering Perception towards Art in Contemporary Culture

Research Aim: This research paper aims to seek out the changing perception of people to art in modern culture. Art is changing in itself, which develops contemporary art, hence the changing perception of people. A comparative study is also provided between traditional art and modern art.

Music in Australia: A Development in Art Culture

Research Aim: The objective of this dissertation paper is to explore the possibilities of modern music culture in Australia. The creative works in music give Australian art an innovative way to express it in the contemporary world, enhancing the position of Australian art.

History of Sculpture Art: A Comparative Study between the East and the West

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to form a comparative study regarding the history of sculpture art between the East and the West. The history of sculpture art of both the East and the West is analyzed to develop the aspects of comparison for the research study.

A War of Photography: Retro Version Modern

Research Aim: The research paper seeks to evaluate the comparison between the war of photography between modern and retro. The black and white tradition of photography is embraced by modern people. The importance of retro in the contemporary world is like innovation in art culture. So, the paper aims to divide the features of both retro and modern photography.

The needs of Modern Painting Techniques: Human vs. Nature

Research Aim: This paper aims to compare the needs of modern painting techniques. The human-centric paintings and the paintings of nature are the comparison topics, which is contemporary painters’ preference. Modern art develops depending on current techniques in painting.

Portrait Art and its Development in Western Culture

Research Aim: This dissertation paper aims to trace the origin of portrait art and its gradual development in western culture. The innovative portrait art is the need of modern civilization.

Classroom Creativity Development through Art and Craft

Research Aim: This dissertation paper is written to analyze the importance of art in the creative development of the classroom. The students in the school are instructed to do art and craftwork to develop their creative insight. Developing creativity is the beginning of innovation.

Visual art: a Communicator of Creative Genius

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to evaluate the significance of visual art as a communicative medium of creative genius. Visual art develops creativity. The impact of visual art can extract creativity from a thoughtful mind.

Art of Ancient Era: A Reflective Study of the East

Research Aim: The objective of this research is to trace the history of ancient art in the East. The importance of ancient art is invaluable through which the culture came into existence. Ancient art helps in developing modern art.

Modern Art: A Tool to Expand the Region of Art Culture

Research Aim: This paper aims to explore the possibilities of modern art and how it can expand the dimensions of art in the future. Through a complete evaluation of contemporary art and its role in the contemporary era, the dissertation seeks the importance of modern art.

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How to find art dissertation topics based on different cultural trends.

  • Research diverse cultural movements.
  • Examine artistic influences.
  • Explore cross-cultural intersections.
  • Analyze art’s reflection of societies.
  • Consider emerging cultural expressions.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

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Visual Arts Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2014 2014.

A Maoli-Based Art Education: Ku'u Mau Kuamo'o 'Ōlelo , Raquel Malia Andrus

Accumulation of Divine Service , Blaine Lee Atwood

Caroline Murat: Powerful Patron of Napoleonic France and Italy , Brittany Dahlin

.(In|Out)sider$ , Jarel M. Harwood

Mariko Mori's Sartorial Transcendence: Fashioned Identities, Denied Bodies, and Healing, 1993-2001 , Jacqueline Rose Hibner

Parallel and Allegory , Kody Keller

Fallen Womanhood and Modernity in Ivan Kramskoi's Unknown Woman (1883) , Trenton B. Olsen

Conscience and Context in Eastman Johnson's The Lord Is My Shepherd , Amanda Melanie Slater

The War That Does Not Leave Us: Memory of the American Civil War and the Photographs of Alexander Gardner , Katie Janae White

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Women and the Wiener Werkstätte: The Centrality of Women and the Applied Arts in Early Twentieth-Century Vienna , Caitlin J. Perkins Bahr

Cutting Into Relief , Matthew L. Bass

Mask, Mannequin, and the Modern Woman: Surrealism and the Fashion Photographs of George Hoyningen-Huene , Hillary Anne Carman

The End of All Learning , Maddison Carole Colvin

Civitas: A Game-Based Approach to AP Art History , Anna Davis

What Crawls Beneath , Brent L. Gneiting

Blame Me for Your Bad Grade: Autonomy in the Basic Digital Photography Classroom as a Means to Combat Poor Student Performance , Erin Collette Johnson

Evolving Art in Junior High , Randal Charles Marsh

All Animals Will Get Along in Heaven , Camila Nagata

It Will Always Be My Tree: An A/r/tographic Study of Place and Identity in an Elementary School Classroom , Molly Robertson Neves

Zofia Stryjeńska: Women in the Warsaw Town Square. Our Lady, Peasant Mother, Pagan Goddess , Katelyn McKenzie Sheffield

Using Contemporary Art to Guide Curriculum Design:A Contemporary Jewelry Workshop , Kathryn C. Smurthwaite

Documenting the Dissin's Guest House: Esther Bubley's Exploration of Jewish-American Identity, 1942-43 , Vriean Diether Taggart

Blooming Vines, Pregnant Mothers, Religious Jewelry: Gendered Rosary Devotion in Early Modern Europe , Rachel Anne Wise

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Rembrandt van Rijn's Jewish Bride : Depicting Female Power in the Dutch Republic Through the Notion of Nation Building , Nan T. Atwood

Portraits , Nicholas J. Bontorno

Where There Is Design , Elizabeth A. Crowe

George Dibble and the Struggle for Modern Art in Utah , Sarah Dibble

Mapping Creativity: An A/r/tographic Look at the Artistic Process of High School Students , Bart Andrus Francis

Joseph as Father in Guido Reni's St. Joseph Images , Alec Teresa Gardner

Student Autonomy: A Case Study of Intrinsic Motivation in the Art Classroom , Downi Griner

Aha'aina , Tali Alisa Hafoka

Fashionable Art , Lacey Kay

Effluvia and Aporia , Emily Ann Melander

Interactive Web Technology in the Art Classroom: Problems and Possibilities , Marie Lynne Aitken Oxborrow

Visual Storybooks: Connecting the Lives of Students to Core Knowledge , Keven Dell Proud

German Nationalism and the Allegorical Female in Karl Friedrich Schinkel's The Hall of Stars , Allison Slingting

The Influence of the Roman Atrium-House's Architecture and Use of Space in Engendering the Power and Independence of the Materfamilias , Anne Elizabeth Stott

The Narrative Inquiry Museum:An Exploration of the Relationship between Narrative and Art Museum Education , Angela Ames West

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Portable Art Gallery: Facilitating Student Autonomy and Ownership through Exhibiting Artwork , Jethro D. Gillespie

The Movement Of An Object Through A Field Creates A Complex Situation , Jared Scott Greenleaf

Alice Brill's Sao Paulo Photographs: A Cross-Cultural Reading , Danielle Jean Hurd

A Comparative Case Study: Investigation of a Certified Elementary Art Specialist Teaching Elementary Art vs. a Non-Art Certified Teacher Teaching Elementary Art , Jordan Jensen

A Core Knowledge Based Curriculum Designed to Help Seventh and Eighth Graders Maintain Artistic Confidence , Debbie Ann Labrum

Traces of Existence , Jayna Brown Quinn

Female Spectators in the July Monarchy and Henry Scheffer's Entrée de Jeanne d’Arc à Orléans , Kalisha Roberts

Without End , Amy M. Royer

Classroom Community: Questions of Apathy and Autonomy in a High School Jewelry Class , Samuel E. Steadman

Preparing Young Children to Respond to Art in the Museum , Nancy L. Stewart

DAY JAW BOO, a re-collection , Rachel VanWagoner

The Tornado Tree: Drawing on Stories and Storybooks , Toni A. Wood

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

IGolf: Contemporary Sculptures Exhibition 2009 , King Lun Kisslan Chan

24 Hour Portraits , Lee R. Cowan

Fabricating Womanhood , Emily Fox

Earth Forms , Janelle Marie Tullis Mock

Peregrinations , Sallie Clinton Poet

Leland F. Prince's Earth Divers , Leland Fred Prince

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Ascents and Descents: Personal Pilgrimage in Hieronymus Bosch's The Haywain , Alison Daines

Beyond the Walls: The Easter Processional on the Exterior Frescos of Moldavian Monastery Churches , Mollie Elizabeth McVey

Beauty, Ugliness, and Meaning: A Study of Difficult Beauty , Christine Anne Palmer

Lantern's Diary , Wei Zhong Tan

Text and Tapestry: "The Lady and the Unicorn," Christine de Pizan and the le Vistes , Shelley Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

A Call for Liberation: Aleijadinho's 'Prophets' as Capoeiristas , Monica Jayne Bowen

Secondhand Chinoiserie and the Confucian Revolutionary: Colonial America's Decorative Arts "After the Chinese Taste" , Kiersten Claire Davis

Dairy Culture: Industry, Nature and Liminality in the Eighteenth-Century English Ornamental Dairy , Ashlee Whitaker

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Navajo Baskets and the American Indian Voice: Searching for the Contemporary Native American in the Trading Post, the Natural History Museum, and the Fine Art Museum , Laura Paulsen Howe

And there were green tiles on the ceiling , Jean Catherine Richardson

Four Greco-Roman Era Temples of Near Eastern Fertility Goddesses: An Analysis of Architectural Tradition , K. Michelle Wimber

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The Portrait of Citizen Jean-Baptiste Belley, Ex-Representative of the Colonies by Anne-Louis Girodet Trioson: Hybridity, History Painting, and the Grand Tour , Megan Marie Collins

Fix , Kathryn Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Ideals and Realities , Pamela Bowman

Accountability for the Implementation of Secondary Visual Arts Standards in Utah and Queensland , John K. Derby

The Artistic and Architectural Patronage of Countess Urraca of Santa María de Cañas: A Powerful Aristocrat, Abbess, and Advocate , Julia Alice Jardine McMullin

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art dissertation ideas

Department of the History of Art

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As of July 2023

Bartunkova, Barbora , “Sites of Resistance: Antifascism and the Czechoslovak Avant-garde” (C. Armstrong)

Betik, Blair Katherine , “Alternate Experiences: Evaluating Lived Religious Life in the Roman Provinces in the 1st Through 4th Centuries CE” (M. Gaifman)

Boyd, Nicole , “Science, Craft, Art, Theater: Four ‘Perspectives’ on the Painted Architecture of Angelo Michele Colonna and Agostino Mitelli” (N. Suthor). 

Brown, Justin , “Afro-Surinamese Calabash Art in the Era of Slavery and Emancipation” (C. Fromont)

Burke, Harry , “The Islands Between: Art, Animism, and Anticolonial Worldmaking in Archipelagic Southeast Asia” (P. Lee)

Chakravorty, Swagato , “Displaced Cinema: Moving Images and the Politics of Location in Contemporary Art” (C. Buckley, F. Casetti)

Chau, Tung , “Strange New Worlds: Interfaces in the Work of Cao Fei” (P. Lee)

Cox, Emily , “Perverse Modernism, 1884-1990” (C. Armstrong, T. Barringer)

Coyle, Alexander , “Frame and Format between Byzantium and Central Italy, 1200-1300” (R. Nelson)

Datta, Yagnaseni , “Materialising Illusions: Visual Translation in the Mughal Jug Basisht, c. 1602.” (K. Rizvi)

de Luca, Theo , “Nicolas Poussin’s Chronotopes” (N. Suthor)

Dechant, D. Lyle . ” ‘daz wir ein ander vinden fro’: Readers and Performers of the Codex Manesse” (J. Jung)

Del Bonis-O’Donnell, Asia, “Trees and the Visualization of kosmos in Archaic and Classical Athenian Art” (M. Gaifman)

Demby, Nicole, “The Diplomatic Image: Framing Art and Internationalism, 1945-1960” (K. Mercer)

Donnelly, Michelle , “Spatialized Impressions: American Printmaking Outside the Workshop, 1935–1975” (J. Raab)

Epifano, Angie , “Building the Samorian State: Material Culture, Architecture, and Cities across West Africa” (C. Fromont)

Fialho, Alex , “Apertures onto AIDS: African American Photography and the Art History of the Storage Unit” (P. Lee, T Nyong’o)

Foo, Adela , “Crafting the Aq Qoyuniu Court (1475-1490) (E. Cooke, Jr.)

Franciosi, Caterina , “Latent Light: Energy and Nineteenth-Century British Art” (T. Barringer)

Frier, Sara , “Unbearable Witness: The Disfigured Body in the Northern European Brief (1500-1620)” (N. Suthor)

Gambert-Jouan, Anabelle , “Sculpture in Place: Medieval Wood Depositions and Their Environments” (J. Jung)

Gass, Izabel, “Painted Thanatologies: Théodore Géricault Against the Aesthetics of Life” (C. Armstrong)

Gaudet, Manon , “Property and the Contested Ground of North American Visual Culture, 1900-1945” (E. Cooke, Jr.)  

Haffner, Michaela , “Nature Cure: ”White Wellness” and the Visual Culture of Natural Health, 1870-1930” (J. Raab)

Hepburn, Victoria , “William Bell Scott’s Progress” (T. Barringer)

Herrmann, Mitchell, “The Art of the Living: Biological Life and Aesthetic Experience in the 21st Century” (P. Lee)

Higgins, Lily , “Reading into Things: Articulate Objects in Colonial North America, 1650-1783” (E. Cooke, Jr.)

Hodson, Josie , “Something in Common: Black Art under Austerity in New York City, 1975-1990” (Yale University, P. Lee)

Hong, Kevin , “Plasticity, Fungibility, Toxicity: Photography’s Ecological Entanglements in the Mid-Twentieth-Century United States” (C. Armstrong, J Raab)

Kang, Mia , “Art, Race, Representation: The Rise of Multiculturalism in the Visual Arts” (K. Mercer)

Keto, Elizabeth , “Remaking the World: United States Art in the Reconstruction Era, 1861-1900.” (J. Raab)

Kim, Adela , “Beyond Institutional Critique: Tearing Up in the Work of Andrea Fraser” (P. Lee)

Koposova, Ekaterina , “Triumph and Terror in the Arts of the Franco-Dutch War” (M. Bass)

Lee, Key Jo , “Melancholic Materiality: History and the Unhealable Wound in African American Photographic Portraits, 1850-1877” (K. Mercer)

Levy Haskell, Gavriella , “The Imaginative Painter”: Visual Narrative and the Interactive Painting in Britain, 1851-1914” (T. Barringer, E. Cooke Jr)

Marquardt, Savannah, “Becoming a Body: Lucanian Painted Vases and Grave Assemblages in Southern Italy” (M. Gaifman)

Miraval, Nathalie , “The Art of Magic: Afro-Catholic Visual Culture in the Early Modern Spanish Empire” (C. Fromont)

Mizbani, Sharon , Water and Memory: Fountains, Heritage, and Infrastructure in Istanbul and Tehran (1839-1950) (K. Rizvi)

Molarsky-Beck, Marina, “Seeing the Unseen: Queer Artistic Subjectivity in Interwar Photography” (C. Armstrong)

Nagy, Renata , “Bookish Art: Natural Historical Learning Across Media in Seventeenth-century Northern Europe” (Bass, M)

Olson, Christine , “Owen Jones and the Epistemologies of Nineteenth-Century Design” (T. Barringer)

Petrilli-Jones, Sara , “Drafting the Canon: Legal Histories of Art in Florence and Rome, 1600-1800” (N. Suthor)

Phillips, Kate , “American Ephemera” (J. Raab)

Potuckova, Kristina , “The Arts of Women’s Monastic Liturgy, Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1200” (J. Jung)

Quack, Gregor , “The Social Fabric: Franz Erhard Walther’s Art in Postwar Germany” (P. Lee)

Rahimi-Golkhandan, Shabnam , “The Photograph’s Shabih-Kashi (Verisimilitude) – The Liminal Visualities of Late Qajar Art (1853-1911)” (K. Rizvi)

Rapoport, Sarah , “James Jacques Joseph Tissot in the Interstices of Modernity” (T. Barringer, C. Armstrong)

Riordan, Lindsay , “Beuys, Terror, Value: 1967-1979” (S. Zeidler)

Robbins, Isabella , “Relationality and Being: Indigeneity, Space and Transit in Global Contemporary Art” (P. Lee, N. Blackhawk)

Sen, Pooja , “The World Builders ” (J. Peters)

Sellati, Lillian , “When is Herakles Not Himself? Mediating Cultural Plurality in Greater Central Asia, 330 BCE – 365 CE” (M. Gaifman)

Tang, Jenny , “Genealogies of Confinement: Carceral Logics of Visuality in Atlantic Modernism 1930 – 1945” (K. Mercer)

Thomas, Alexandra , “Afrekete’s Touch: Black Queer Feminist Errantry and Global African Art”  (P. Lee)

Valladares, Carlos , “Jacques Demy” (P. Lee)

Verrot, Trevor , “Sculpted Lamentation Groups in the Late Medieval Veneto” (J. Jung)

Von-Ow, Pierre , Visual Tactics: Histories of Perspective in Britain and its Empire, 1670-1768.”  (T. Barringer)

Wang, Xueli , “Performing Disappearance: Maggie Cheung and the Off-Screen” (Q. Ngan)

Webley, John , “Ink, Paint, and Blood: India and the Great Game in Russian Culture” (T. Barringer, M. Brunson)

Werwie, Katherine , “Visions Across the Gates: Materiality, Symbolism, and Communication in the Historiated Wooden Doors of Medieval European Churches” (J. Jung)

Wisowaty, Stephanie , “Painted Processional Crosses in Central Italy, 1250-1400: Movement, Mediation and Multisensory Effects” (J. Jung)

Young, Colin , “Desert Places: The Visual Culture of the Prairies and the Pampas across the Nineteenth Century” (J. Raab)

Zhou, Joyce Yusi, “Objects by Her Hand: Art and Material Culture of Women in Early Modern Batavia (1619-1799) (M. Bass, E. Cooke, Jr.)

Art Dissertation Topics

Art is a huge subject spreading over many centuries from cave art to wall graffiti in the twenty-first century. In today’s universities, Art comprises a lot of interrelated topics, it morphs into different disciplines. Looking into this, selecting the right dissertation topic can be very difficult, but the below guide should give some exciting and interesting topics to catch the tutor’s eye. Each of the below central themes are topically ‘hot’ at the present time.

Russian avant-garde art

Primitive art, general topics.

Russian art around the period of the late Tsarist era and the immediate years after the revolution saw an explosion of artistic talent and experimentation. A dissertation on this theme has huge scope and connects into the changing political climate of the day as well. As Russia headed toward revolution, there was a division between those artists in exile, and those artists who remained. Which represented the truer form of art is a point currently debated in art circles.

  • How the early constructivists – Matyushin, Miturich and Tatlin developed the abstract movement of sculptural art founded by Antoine Pevsner and Naum Pevsner as they returned to Russia in 1917.
  • To what extent does Kandinsky’s work have a primarily religious motivation.
  • Discuss the experience of the exile in Russian art, with reference to Kandinsky within Bauhaus culture, and how this differed (post revolution) to the culture of those who stayed.
  • How did Elena Guro contribute to the transition of Russian art between symbolism and futurism? An analysis of her influence on Russian art of the period.
  • An analysis of the use of light in Russian avant garde art, with a focus on ‘Movement in Space’ (1922) by Matyushin.
  • An analysis of the Zor-ved organisation and its impact into Russian art of the immediate post-revolutionary period.

There has been a renewed interest in primitive art forms and animist ideas within art. In looking at primitive art it allows a focus upon native cultures and early art production, as well as seeing how the principles of primitive form impacts artists today. As well as seeing primitive art aside from post-colonial discourse, countries such as Australia are now actively promoting aspects of aboriginal and tribal art. In taking this interest there is a danger that the art becomes part of the non-tribal art world and it loses its original meaning.

  • Did the circulation of African art in the early Colonial period engender Primitivism?
  • How is aboriginal art perceived in the post-colonial context?
  • What were the different reasons for the interest of Picasso and Matisse in Primitive art?
  • In actuality, was primitivism a movement that was actually Eurocentric and biased against the very art it supposedly promoted?
  • How did Gauguin exemplify the primitive art movement?
  • With a focus on Dubuffet, does his childlike art form show a key development of primitive art form?

Pop art has enormous fluidity and presents so many opportunities for analysis and study. Looking into pop art provides the chance to focus on certain specifics in modern cultural life. There is a debate over when exactly the pop art movement actually ended, or whether it still exists today in a morphed form. Aside from the name of Warhol there is so much more to pop art, and it was able to move art in poster form back into the homes of the middle classes.

  • Can popular album covers (Beatles – Abbey Road, Kiss – Destroyer etc.) be considered influential works of art in their own right?
  • A comparison between American and British pop art.
  • Did pop art bring art back into the US living room?
  • Was pop art able to abolish the distinction between fine art and commercial art methods?
  • Is pop art still a recognised artistic form in the twenty-first century?
  • Is the Autopsy of Paris Hilton (2007) a departure from both traditional pop art, and also part of a wider movement of art with celebrity?
  • Did Warhol’s death end the pop art movement?
  • Define the influence of Dada on pop art.

Below are some general ideas that did not fit into a neat box. Any of the below would provide an interesting angle that could be converted into a powerful dissertation theme. The topics immediately below are all well-researched and have considerable journal information currently available.

  • How does European figurative painting show themes of awakening sexuality? With a focus on the work of Balthus.
  • Was Degas an impressionist or a realist?
  • Does Holbein project the politics of his age in the series of tiny woodcuts, The Dance of Death, should they be viewed as dangerous satire?
  • Can Hieronymus Bosch be seen as an artist who overstepped the conventions of his time?
  • Does the feminist movement of the 1960’s present a better understanding of the “male gaze” in regard to the modern art gallery?

Stepping outside the conventional is also a possible side area in art. Art can be seen in cartoons, in physical body displays and in modern sculpture. When choosing the dissertation topic, it can be fascinating to choose an area that has not been extensively written on. Although the topics may be under researched, there is material there that can be expanded upon with more scope for originality. There is huge scope, for example, in looking at cartoons, and the interest in Manga art in the West shows that art forms are increasingly borrowed and developed anew.

  • What is Art?
  • Discuss the development of artistic representation of women within Marvel comics and how this has changed for the conventions of the time.
  • Is Graffiti a legitimate art form?
  • How do Bacon’s “Screaming Popes” display the pathos of human vulnerability.
  • Compare “The Scream” by Munch with “Scream” by US artist Paul Stanley. How has Stanley developed the theme of the original into a new dimension? Does the same art repeat from one generation to the next under a new banner?
  • A focus on the art of LS Lowry, did Lowry present a new art form or develop existing ideas?
  • Is there anything new possible in art anymore?

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Art and Art History Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Fragmented Hours: The biography of a devotional book printed by Thielman Kerver , Stephanie R. Haas

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Assessing Environmental Sensitivity in San Diego County, California, for Bird Species of Special Concern , Eda Okan Kilic

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Empress Nur Jahan and Female Empowerment: A Critical Analysis of a Long-Forgotten Mughal Portrait , Angela N. Finkbeiner

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Seeing King Solomon through the Verses of Hafez: A Critical Study of Two Safavid Manuscript Paintings , Richard W. Ellis

Moving Away from The West or Taking Independent Positions: A Structural Analysis for The New Turkish Foreign Policy , Suleyman Senturk

A Quiet Valley at Roztoky : Testimony of Singularity in the Landscape Imagery of Zdenka Braunerová , Zdislava Ungrova

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Mirror Images: Penelope Umbrico’s Mirrors (from Home Décor Catalogs and Websites) , Jeanie Ambrosio

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Incongruous Conceptions: Owen Jones’s Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of the Alhambra and British Views of Spain , Andrea Marie Johnson

An Alternative Ancien Régime? Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun in Russia , Erin Elizabeth Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Sarah Sze's "Triple Point": Modeling a Phenomenological Experience of Contemporary Life , Amanda J. Preuss

Cross-Cultural Spaces in an Anonymously Painted Portrait of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II , Alison Paige Terndrup

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Choir Books of Santa Maria in Aracoeli and Patronage Strategies of Pope Alexander VI , Maureen Elizabeth Cox

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Painting Puertorriqueñidad: The Jíbaro as a Symbol of Creole Nationalism in Puerto Rican Art before and after 1898 , Jeffrey L. Boe

Franz Marc as an Ethologist , Jean Carey

Renegotiating Identities, Cultures and Histories: Oppositional Looking in Shelley Niro's "This Land is Mime Land" , Jennifer Danielle Mccall

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Empty Streets in the Capital of Modernity: Formation of Lieux de Mémoire in Parisian Street Photography From Daguerre to Atget , Sabrina Lynn Hughes

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Intervention in painting by Marlene Dumas with titles of engagement: Ryman's brides, Reinhardt's daughter and Stern , Susan King Klinkenberg

Self-fashioning, Consumption, and Japonisme : The Power of Collecting in Tissot’s Jeunes Femmes Regardant des Objets Japonais , 1869 , Catherine Elizabeth Turner

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Kandinsky’s Dissonance and a Schoenbergian View of Composition VI , Shannon M. Annis

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Re-Thinking the Myth of Perugino and the Umbrian School: A Closer Look at the Master of the Greenville's Jonas Nativity Panel , Carrie Denise Baker

I'm Not Who I Was Then, Now: Performing Identity in Girl Cams and Blogs , Katherine Bzura

Manifestations of Ebenezer Howard in Disneyland , Michelle M. Rowland

The assimilation of the marvelous other: Reading Christoph Weiditz's Trachtenbuch (1529) as an ethnographic document , Andrea McKenzie Satterfield

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Rethinking the Monumental: The Museum as Feminist Space in the Sexual Politics Exhibition, 1996 , Devon P. Larsen

Vision and Disease in the Napoleonic Description de l’Egypte (1809-1828): The Constraints of French Intellectual Imperialism and the Roots of Egyptian Self-Definition , Elizabeth L. Oliver

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The articulate remedies of Dolores Lolita Rodriguez , Hyatt Kellim Brown

Negotiating Artistic Identity through Satire: subREAL 1989-1999 , Anca Izabel Galliera

From Chapel to Chamber: Liturgy and Devotion in Lucantonio Giunta’s Missale romanum , 1508 , Lesley T. Stone

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Ensenada , Julia DeArriba-Montgomery

Threatening Skies , Brandon Dunlap

Apocalypth pentagram , Matthew Alan Guest

African Costume for Artists: The Woodcuts in Book X of Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il mondo , 1598 , Laura Renee Herrmann

The Artist and Her Muse: a Romantic Tragedy about a Mediocre and Narcissistic Painter Named Rachel Hoffman , Rachel Gavronsky Hoffman

Procession: The Celebration of Birth and Continuity , I Made Jodog

The Thornton Biennial: The Kruszka Pavilion: The 29YR Apology , Ethan Kruszka

american folk , Preston Poe

A Simple Treatise on the Origins of Cracker Kung Fu Or Mai Violence , Mark Joseph Runge

"My Journey" , Douglas Smith

Twilight , Britzél Vásquez

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Dissertation,   the dissertation.

After the successful completion of the general examination, a topic and adviser for the dissertation should be chosen. Students should discuss potential topics with several faculty members before beginning. The final prospectus should be approved not later than 3 months (within the academic calendar -- September through May) of passing the general examinations in order to be considered to be making satisfactory progress toward the degree. This is the time when the Thesis Reader and Dissertation Proposal form should be completed and submitted to the department office or DGS. Three signatures are now required on the thesis acceptance certificate. Two of the three signatories must be GSAS faculty. The primary adviser must be in the department of History of Art and Architecture; the secondary adviser need not be. In addition to the primary and secondary advisers the student may have one or more other readers. Two readers must be in the department.

Thesis Defense

The Department of History of Art and Architecture requires that all Ph.D. dissertations (of students entering in September 1997 and beyond) be defended. At the defense, the student has the opportunity to present and formally discuss the dissertation with respect to its sources, findings, interpretations, and conclusions, before a Defense Committee knowledgeable in the student's field of research. The Director of the thesis is a member of the Defense committee. A committee is permitted to convene in the absence of the thesis Director only in cases of emergency or other extreme circumstances. The Defense Committee may consist of up to five members, but no fewer than three. The suggested make-up of the members of the committee should be brought to the Director of Graduate Studies for approval. Two members of this committee should be from the Department of History of Art and Architecture. One member can be outside the Department (either from another Harvard department or outside the University). The Defense will be open to department members only (faculty and graduate students), but others may be invited at the discretion of the candidate. Travel for an outside committee member is not possible at this time; exceptions are made rarely.  We encourage the use of Skype or conference calling for those committee members outside of Cambridge and have accommodation for either.  A modest honorarium will be given for the reading of the thesis for one member of the jury outside the University. A minimum of one month prior to scheduling the defense, a final draft of the dissertation should be submitted to two readers (normally the primary and secondary advisors). Once the two readers have informed the director of graduate studies that the dissertation is “approved for defense,” the candidate may schedule the date, room, and time for the defense in consultation with the department and the appointed committee. This date should be no less than six weeks after the time the director of graduate studies has been informed that the dissertation was approved for defense. It should be noted that preliminary approval of the thesis for defense does not guarantee that the thesis will be passed. The defense normally lasts two hours. The candidate is asked to begin by summarizing the pertinent background and findings. The summary should be kept within 20 minutes. The Chair of the Defense Committee cannot be the main thesis advisor. The Chair is responsible for allotting time, normally allowing each member of the committee 20 to 30 minutes in which to make remarks on the thesis and elicit responses from the candidate. When each committee member has finished the questioning, the committee will convene in camera for the decision. The possible decisions are: Approved; Approved with Minor Changes; Approved Subject to Major Revision (within six months); Rejected. The majority vote determines the outcome. --Approved with minor changes: The dissertation is deemed acceptable subject to minor revisions. The dissertation is corrected by the candidate, taking into account the comments made by the committee. The revisions will be supervised by the primary adviser. Upon completion of the required revision, the candidate is recommended for the degree. --Approved subject to major revision within six months: The dissertation is deemed acceptable subject to major revisions. All revisions must be completed within six months from the date of the dissertation defense. Upon completion of the required revisions, the defense is considered to be successful. The revisions will be supervised by the primary adviser. --Rejected: The dissertation is deemed unacceptable and the candidate is not recommended for the degree. A candidate may be re-examined only once upon recommendation of two readers. Rejection is expected to be very exceptional. A written assessment of the thesis defense will be given to the candidate and filed in the Department by the Chair of the Defense Committee. Candidates should keep in mind the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences deadlines for submission of the thesis and degree application when scheduling the defense.

Submitting the Dissertation

Students ordinarily devote three years to research and writing the dissertation, and complete it prior to seeking full-time employment. The dissertation will be judged according to the highest standards of scholarship, and should be an original contribution to knowledge and understanding of art. The final manuscript must conform to University requirements described in the Supplement The Form of the Doctoral Thesis distributed by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Graduate students should negotiate with their readers the timing of submission of drafts prior to final revisions. However, the complete manuscript of the dissertation must be submitted to the thesis readers not later than August 1 for a November degree, November 1 for a March degree, and April 1 for a May degree (this in order to provide both the committee with time to read and the candidate to revise, if necessary). The thesis readers may have other expectations regarding dates for submission which should be discussed and handled on an individual basis. The student is still responsible for distribution of the thesis to the committee for reading. In cases where a thesis defense is scheduled, the thesis must be submitted to the primary adviser at least one month prior to the defense. The thesis defense must be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the university deadline for thesis submission.

A written assessment by dissertation readers must be included with the final approval of each thesis including suggestions, as appropriate, on how the dissertation might be adapted for later publication.

The Dissertation is submitted online.   The Dissertation Acceptance Certificate (original) must be on Harvard watermark paper and is submitted directly to the registrar’s office once it is signed.

Degree Application and Deadlines


Department of History of Art

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A List of Unique Art Research Paper Topics

art research paper topics

Art is an exciting field of study, and research in this area is fun to do. We have identified the different areas and the possible topics you can research on. Art is a broad area of study but choosing a topic is not as difficult as you think. With the right guide, you can find interesting topics for your thesis. We have some tips to get you on the right path. We also provide you with some tips on how to choose a research topic in the arts.

How to Choose the Right Art Topic

Choosing a project topic in arts requires careful thought. To make things easier for you, we have noted some areas to consider before picking a research topic.

·         Consider Your Interest

Art is a field of study that emphasizes creativity. It is a field that will require you to bring your creativity to bear. What happens if you search your mind and nothing comes out?

This problem can happen if you do not have an interest in the area. Even if you can come up with something, the ideas will not flow if you write about your area of interest.

There are areas of difficulty in every research, but you will be more inclined to find working solutions if it is your area of interest. If you are working on your area of study, you will be better attuned to the research. It also helps the overall look of your research. Your enthusiasm is essential in every project work.

·         Access to Material

Before you decide to take on a topic for research in arts, you should consider the availability of materials and your access to them. Materials may be available, but you may not have access to them.

Essential questions to ask are, are there materials on this topic? Have books been published in this area? Are there articles online on this topic? You may also want to check if your school library has materials on the topic.

Then you have to ask if you have access to these materials. Can you download the material online? Or read them online? Are the books available for sale? If you answer yes, then you are good to go.

·         Identify a Gap

Research is called so because someone else has researched that area before. So, what you are doing is a “re-search.” However, previous research could not have covered every aspect of that field or topic. Therefore, you have to identify that gap and fill it.

Without proper research, you will not come up with a viable topic. In academics, you do not have to repeat what someone has done already.

Expert Consulting for Art Research Paper Topics

Looking to excel in your art research paper? Our professional dissertation consultant is here to support you. With their expertise in the field of art, they can provide personalized guidance and advice on selecting engaging topics, conducting thorough research, and crafting a compelling art research paper. Benefit from the knowledge and experience of our dissertation consultants to enhance the quality and impact of your work. Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your art research paper with our expert consulting services.

Modern Art Topics

  • Themes in 21 st century paintings
  • Themes in 20 th century paintings
  • The new media and arts
  • Filmography in the 21 st century
  • Emerging forms in modern arts
  • Modern art as a viable tool for activism
  • Impact of technology on modern arts
  • Themes in modern poetry
  • What is the influence of feminism on modern art?
  • Gendered roles in modern arts

Media Art History Research Paper Topics

  • Art development and the media
  • Dynamics of art produced using the media
  • Globalization, digital art, and emerging discusses
  • Globalization, electronic art, and activism
  • Literature and the new media
  • Poetic rendition in the new media
  • The impact of digital technologies on art
  • Advertising in the 21 st century
  • Filmic art in the 21 st century
  • Computer games as art

Pop Art Research Paper Topics

  • Comic books as tools for social criticism
  • Advertising and sublimation: a study of the human psyche
  • Pop art as a platform for activism
  • Popular pop artists in the 21 st century
  • Thematic and stylistic trends in pop art
  • Technology and ethics in pop art
  • Pop art as high and low art
  • Pop art as an economy booster
  • Principles of pop art
  • Interaction and connection between pop art and other art forms

Visual Art Research Topics

  • Painting as pedagogy
  • Sculpture in the modern age
  • The creative works of popular artists
  • Aesthetics of painting: a study of an artist’s creations
  • A comparison of style of different artists
  • Trends in photography in different generations
  • Impact of technology on visual art
  • Socioeconomic impact of animation
  • Impact of visual art on culture
  • Visual art and feminism

Art Therapy Research Paper Topics

  • The interworking of therapy and art
  • The use of art for therapeutic effects
  • Technological approaches to art therapy
  • The use of virtual reality in art therapy
  • Theories of art therapy
  • Dance therapy for the treatment of anxiety
  • Color therapy for children with learning disabilities
  • Music as therapy for depression
  • The evolution of art therapy

Art History Research Paper Topics

  • Impact of the industrial revolution on art
  • Themes and styles of painting in the 20 th and 21 st centuries
  • Aesthetics and styles in Francisco de Goya’s works
  • The place of art in human civilization
  • A comparison of the work of two prominent painters
  • Themes and styles of music in the 20 th and 21 st centuries
  • Influence of ancient philosophers on art
  • The aesthetics and style of Michelangelo’s works
  • The place of erotica in the arts
  • History of paintings in different cultures

Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics

  • Art forms and styles in Greece
  • Compare the artworks of different artists
  • Biblical motives in the works of Leonardo da Vinci
  • Early African arts and history
  • The history behind early roman arts
  • Chinese arts and lifestyle before the 21 st century
  • Ancient Egyptian arts and lifestyle
  • History of the pyramid of Egypt
  • The contribution of the Greek theatre to dramatic arts
  • Early arts and religion

Classical Greek Art Research Paper Topic

Classical Greek art-related topics for a research paper is an intelligent choice. There are several areas you can focus on including:

  • The different styles of Greeks pottery
  • Myths in classical Greek sculpture
  • Aesthetics and style of Greek architecture
  • Compare the works of legendary sculptors
  • Impact of religion on Greek artworks
  • Compare ancient Greek art with the present
  • The influence of science in Greek arts
  • Styles of Phidias sculptor
  • Imagery and symbolism in classical Greek arts
  • Relationship between classical Greek arts and Greece lifestyle

Renaissance Art Topics

  • A comparison of renaissance art in different parts of Europe
  • What was the influence of renaissance art on man’s worldview?
  • How is renaissance art different from those of the medieval age?
  • What are the aesthetics of the art of the time?
  • How is the nobility of man portrayed in the art forms of the age?
  • How was the renaissance a revival of classical Roman and Greek art?
  • What are the forms and styles of renaissance art?
  • History, evolution, and preservation of renaissance arts
  • How do the renaissance arts portray humanism and individualism?
  • What are the theories of renaissance art?

20th Century Research Paper Topics Art History

  • Specific museum and its art collection
  • Harlem renaissance as a springboard for art activism
  • Aesthetics and styles of Pablo Picasso’s arts
  • Influence of Jackson Pollock’s arts
  • Influence of religion and science on the 20 th century arts
  • Compare earlier art styles with those of the 20 th century
  • Artistic movements in the 20 th century
  • Political cartoons and their influence in 20 th century politics
  • Influence of earlier art style on 20 th art styles
  • The prominent art movement of the 20 th century

Great Thai Art Topic for a Research Paper

  • The culture and artistic heritage of Thailand
  • Influence of religion on Thai arts
  • Representation of Thai social life in Thai arts
  • Folk heritage of Thailand
  • Aesthetic and stylistic import of Thai arts
  • Ancient and prehistoric art forms
  • A diachronic study of Thai arts from prehistoric times to the present
  • Signs and symbols in Thai arts
  • The influence of globalization on contemporary Thai arts
  • Messages in line, color, and space in Thai art.

Medieval Art History Research Paper Topics

  • Aesthetics and style of Raphael’s paintings
  • Religious and non-religious art forms that originated from the time
  • The evolution and sustenance of art forms
  • Compare the artworks of Michelangelo and Raphael
  • History of renaissance arts
  • Symbols and motif in medieval paintings
  • Religious motifs in Leonardo de Vinci’s paintings
  • Aesthetics and styles of Byzantine art style
  • Evolution of early Christian arts,
  • Elements of Gothic arts

Mexican Revolutionary Art Research Paper Topics

  • Impact of the Mexican revolution on Mexican lifestyle
  • History and effects of revolutionary arts
  • Compare the artworks of Frida Kahlo, Diego, Rivera
  • Surrealism in Mexican arts
  • Mural paintings during the Mexican revolution
  • The place of arts in Mexican revolution
  • Different phases of the Mexican revolution and the artworks created during that time
  • Impact of the Mexican revolution on people’s perception of art
  • Compare Mexican revolutionary arts with those created after the revolution
  • Aesthetics and style of David Alfaro Siqueiros’s artworks

Argumentative Art Topics

Some art research paper topics in these areas include:

  • The most significant artwork in the 20th century
  • Is graffiti art or vandalism?
  • Which city has the most remarkable art history and why?
  • The relevance of medieval art in contemporary times
  • How has the museum preserved art culture and enthusiasm
  • Modern pop culture does not measure up to earlier times. Argue for or against
  • Do ethics limit art?
  • Has technology limited creativity in art?
  • Is the role of the artist in society relevant?
  • Do cartoons fuel or mediate in political issues?

Good South East Asia Art Topics for a Research Paper

  • Asia is a place of high artistic creations. Discuss
  • Compare ancient and contemporary Asian arts
  • History of calligraphy arts in East Asia
  • What is the philosophy behind ancient artistic creations of different ages?
  • The evolution of Bollywood
  • How does Chinese circus art reflect the Chinese tradition?
  • Jewelry styles and meaning in India
  • Aesthetics and styles in Japanese calligraphy art
  • Religious relevance of art in south India
  • The evolution of pop culture in India

Researches in art are not difficult if taken the right way. With this guide, picking an area of study and identifying the gap is not tedious. We have helped you out in this regard with the information provided above.

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Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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80 Art History Thesis Topics To Skyrocket Your Grades

art history thesis topics

An art history paper is just as the name suggests, an academic paper concerned with the history and development of art as a study field. Here, you will explore expert art history research topics for your homework. Are you ready? Let’s get done with it already!

Art History Thesis Topics on the Late Gothic Period

  • Significant stylistic changes from the Romanesque style of the 12th century
  • The relationship between the great cathedrals of Europe and the late Gothic period
  • Monumental sculptures in the cathedrals of Europe
  • The relevance of Abbey Church of St. Denis in Gothic architecture
  • Gothic art in the Notre Dame in Paris
  • Manuscript illustration in the Gothic paintings
  • A review of the surviving Gothic paintings

Inspiring Thesis Topics Art History

  • The artist’s major influences in a particular piece of art
  • The role of recurring subjects in art
  • Critically evaluate Lorenzo Costa’s Portrait of a Cardinal in his Study
  • Why is photogravure used more than encaustic painting?
  • Critical features of Abstract Expressionist painting
  • Discuss the common motifs in the embroidery and Scandinavian weaving
  • Evaluate the Baroque as a significant period of artistic activity

Art History Senior Thesis Topics

  • A review of the images used to communicate messages in art history
  • The historical and transcultural contexts of visual works
  • The history of feminism art portrayal
  • The impact of Marxism ideology on the development of art
  • A critical analysis of the aesthetic values of art in homes
  • The history of signs and symbols in paintings
  • Theories that define the history and development of art

Undergraduate Art History Thesis Topics

  • Evaluate the development of art in Ancient Greece
  • The role of art in historical analysis and learning
  • How different were the artists from the expressionism period?
  • The impact of Cubism development on the art world
  • How did artists preserve ancient artworks, and why?
  • What led to the extinction of the Dadaism art movement?
  • A study of Leonardo da Vinci’s life history

Impressive Thesis Topics in Art History

  • How do the Eastern and Western artworks of the 18th century compare?
  • An analysis of the developments leading to modern art
  • Comparison between ancient and contemporary artists
  • What is the definition of real art?
  • Methods of dissecting a complex piece of art in simple words
  • The role of nature and life in influencing art
  • How art therapy has developed from ancient cultural practices

Art History Photography Thesis Topics

  • How to make a distinction between an American and French art photographer
  • Are there distinctions between art and photography?
  • Why is photography replacing fine art?
  • How the printing press has led to the development of photography
  • The cultural revolution and its relationship to art history
  • Compare and contrast the relationship between photography and ancient art
  • Compare and analyze design styles in Picasso’s blue and rose periods

Popular Art History Thesis Topics

  • How science has influenced Ancient Greek sculptures
  • What led to the shift of the Roman artistic styles in the 4th century?
  • The relationship between The Great Wall of China and art.
  • The place and role of women and politics in Ancient Rome architecture.
  • Representation of males in Ancient Art.
  • How did art influence architectural structures in ancient times?
  • Why ancient Rome is full of art

Art History Thesis Topics Greek

  • The importance of pottery and vases in ancient Greek art.
  • A study of the ancient Greek arts periods: Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic.
  • How the Statue of Zeus at Olympia reflects the artistic style of the time.
  • Compare and contrast any of these styles of Greek art: the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles of Greek architecture
  • Why were Fresco paintings included on or inside many ancient Greek structures?
  • Contributions of Polykleitos to the ancient Greek art industry
  • What was so unique about Parthenon?

Art History Thesis Topics Impressionism

  • The role of impressionists in the art hierarchy
  • Why canon and traditions were against impressionism
  • The origins of impressionism
  • The influence of impressionism on the art process
  • A study of the founding members of the Impressionism movement
  • Why the pioneers of impressionism used diverse approaches to painting
  • The impact of the sketch-like appearance

Modern Art History Topics For High School

  • The influence of pop art culture in America
  • Materials and styles in Chinese calligraphy
  • Evaluate the art of henna in the Middle East, India, and Africa
  • Art and cultural inclinations
  • Ancient art culture
  • The emergence of the Bollywood film industry
  • The sense of art in today’s movies and series.’

Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics

  • The art of disguising
  • Cartoons as a form of art
  • Color in art
  • Similarities between Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Is Graffiti vandalism?

Compare and Contrast Topics in Art History

  • Baroque vs. Rococo designs
  • Renaissance and Baroque Epoch
  • Cubism and impressionism
  • French vs. American art
  • Gothic vs. Neo-Gothic periods

Did you find a professional topic from the list above? If not, you can use our quality thesis writing help online and get your assignment sorted right away. It’s simple, fast, pocket friendly.

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  • UConn Library
  • Art & Art History Subject Guide
  • Finding A Topic

Art & Art History Subject Guide — Finding A Topic

  • Always Start Your Research with an Authoritative Work of Reference
  • Searching and Reading Articles
  • Art & Art History Sources
  • Interdisciplinary Sources
  • Full Text Sources
  • Locating Digital Images
  • Finding Information about Contemporary Artists
  • Citing and Writing
  • Catalogues Raisonnés & Provenance
  • Primary Sources--Historic Newspapers and Periodicals
  • Class Assignments: Avery Point

Choosing A Topic

This first step in your paper may prove to be the most difficult, but here are some tips to help you:

  • Always choose a topic that you are interested in. It will be much easier and much more fun for you and your reader.
  • Avoid broad topics (e.g. Art during war times), or narrow ones (e.g. Post World War II art of 1945 showing the gueules cassées). A better topic might be: The Atrocities of post World War II in art.
  • Review your assignment guidelines, and follow instructions regarding topic selection. (Also, do not hesitate to speak with your professor if you are having difficulties.)

The links below will provide extra tips on choosing topic.

  • Finding Research Topic Ideas
  • Research QuickStart
  • Research Question Generator
  • Narrowing A Topic

Sometimes you start a term paper thinking you won't have enough to write about, but more often than not, you will find that you need to narrow down your topic. For example, let's say you want to write about French art. It is a very popular topic, but you will have to break it down into a time period, maybe a specific movement or even a specific artist. Help yourself to these tools and the concept mapping video to ask yourself the right questions so your topic becomes more focused.

  • Choosing and Narrowing a Topic to Write About
  • Narrowing A Topic and Developing A Research Question
  • Identifying When A Topic is Too Narrow or Too Broad

Form Your Ideas into Research Questions

After reading some background information, start grouping the nouns and ideas together to formulate a question. Let's say you want to write about French painting, and what draws you to French art is the French revolution and the political changes that happened around that time.

Ideas: France, painting, revolution

Question : The French Revolution is a very important part of French History. How did paintings of the Revolution express the political turmoil of the time?

Concept Mapping

Interest Yourself in What You Write

When someone starts an argument

  • << Previous: Overview
  • Next: Always Start Your Research with an Authoritative Work of Reference >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 3:44 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/artandarthistory

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  • Two Sides of Intelligibility: The Practice and Perception of Performed Accents Onstage  Kress, Ellen ( University of Oregon , 2022-02-18 ) The profession of voice and dialect is built upon the premise of maximum understanding for the audiences attending theatre. This maximum understanding, or intelligibility, has historically driven the practice and continues ...
  • Durable Whiteness: Structural Settler Colonialism in California and Southern Oregon Theatre, 1849-1860 and 2018-2019  Lenk, Waylon ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Theatre and Performance Studies have studied the ways in which theatre and performance act as auxiliaries of hegemonic state power at least since Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed explored the ways in which classical Greek ...
  • Interpreting the Game of History: Synthesis and Shortcomings Between Reenactment, Living History, and Roleplaying  Pointer, Mica ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Civil War reenactors claim to be educational through the nature of their bringing the past to life. Their claims place them among heritage and cultural interpreters in how they connect the past with the audience before ...
  • A Fundamental Disagreement: Ongoing Discussions Concerning the Adaptation of Augusto Boal’s Practices  Evans, Joshua ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) After Augusto Boal passed away in 2009, a significant dispute developed within the Theatre of the Oppressed community concerning whether his methods should be reimagined to combat structural oppression more effectively. ...
  • The Latinx Theatre Commons: Feminist Decolonization in the Early Years of a Movement to Transform the Narrative of the American Theatre  Sanchez Saltveit, Olga ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) The Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) emerged in 2012 in response and resistance to years of misrepresentation and erasure of Latinx artistic work and presence by the American theatre field in practice and in scholarship. This ...
  • “Sisters of the Pen”: Restoring Women to Early Modern Theatre History Pedagogy and Practice  Rogers, Jessica ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) This dissertation looks at current theatre historiography in terms of pedagogy and performance practices on the topic of early modern (seventeenth century) female dramatists, via select dramatic works of Elizabeth Cary, ...
  • Traversing the Rift: Cultivating Climate Change Literacy Through Theatrical Performance  Borowicz, Lydia ( University of Oregon , 2019-04-30 ) Climate change is a persistent and growing threat to the well-being of both humans and nonhuman species, and little action has been taken to halt it. It is imperative the public gains a sufficient level of climate change ...
  • The Nether Worlds of Jennifer Haley — A Case Study of Virtuality Theatre  Yeadon, Michelle ( University of Oregon , 2018-09-06 ) Studies exploring the first wave of digital performance foregrounded technology by cataloging experimentation and novel interactions between liveness, projections and code. As exercises in medium, these high tech spectacles ...
  • Moises Kaufman: The Search for New Forms  Brown, Rich ( University of Oregon , 2003-08 ) This study identifies and examines Moises Kaufinan's theoretical questions and rehearsal techniques from their development in initial works at New York University to their specific application during the creation of Gross ...
  • Roots in the Earth and a Flag in my Hand: Rural Gender Identity in American Musical Theatre  Cuskey, Lusie ( University of Oregon , 2016-10-27 ) The integrated musical is a vehicle for the creation and communication of a national identity, created through the use of coded performances of gender and, at times, rural settings conceptualized as essentially “American.” ...
  • A Home You Can’t Live in: Performances of the Black Body and Domestic Space in Contemporary Drama  Gray, Leslie ( University of Oregon , 2015-08-18 ) Theatre is often an invitation to enter the black home subject to its violations and crisis; this thesis repositions the black home and body in contemporary American and British theatre as constructed by the narratives and ...
  • Practical Dramaturgy for Actors: Applying Resources of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to the Challenges of Language and Preparation  Rodley, Patricia ( University of Oregon , 2015-01-14 ) This dissertation investigates the relationship between acting and dramaturgy. It proposes a change in the contemporary actor's work to more purposefully integrate practical dramaturgy as a preparation that parallels ...
  • Amas Repertory Theatre: Passing as Black While Becoming White  Sidden, Jean ( University of Oregon , 2014-09-29 ) Amas Repertory Theatre was founded in 1969 by Rosetta LeNoire, an African American actress who pursued a mission of developing original musicals while practicing interracial casting. The company's most successful show was ...
  • The Experience of Place in Performance: A Survey of Site-Specific Theatre  Rorem, Jacob ( University of Oregon , 2014-09-29 ) For practitioners and scholars of site-specific theatre, attempts to understand the relationship between a site and performance have often focused on performance. The many ways a site can inform and enhance the audience's ...
  • Presenting Oregon: Formative Forces of the Oregon Unit of the Federal Theatre Project  Morris, Damond ( University of Oregon , 2013-10-03 ) During the Great Depression President Roosevelt's New Deal brought relief to Americans through the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The Federal Theatre Project (FTP) was formed in 1935 under the WPA to lift spirits, ...
  • Bill Talen and Reverend Billy: A Shared Journey  Thomas, Kathleen ( University of Oregon , 2013-07-11 ) As the cultural upheaval of the `60s fought its way into the `70s, Bill Talen began his career first as a poet, hitchhiking the interstate highways from the Midwest to the Coasts eagerly engaging the literary, intellectual, ...
  • Clowns Ex Machina: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Gender and Clown  Bates, Kimberly ( University of Oregon , 2012 ) Historically, women have been largely discounted from the public comedic arena, typically serving as the butt of the joke or other various comedic fodder. As a female comedian, I became interested in how gender played ...
  • Sojourn Theatre Company: A Case Study in Community-Based Theatre  Madzik, Christine ( University of Oregon , 2012 ) This thesis examines contemporary community-based theatre processes and efficacy through a case study of Sojourn Theatre Company. Chapter II overviews Sojourn's production history and explores the company's style. Chapter ...
  • (In)famous Angel: The Cherub Company and the Problem of Definition  Cook, Brian ( University of Oregon , 2012 ) This dissertation examines the effects of conventionally categorizing working artists and looks specifically at the Cherub Company, London, as a case study. Cherub was an alternative British theatre company whose work in ...

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198 Art History Thesis Topics: Best Ideas

198 Art History Thesis Topics

Did you know that on this page, you can find 198 original art history thesis topics that you can’t find anywhere else? Our art experts and professional writers have created this list over the last couple of months. In fact, we are updating the list periodically to make sure each student who visits our blog has the chance to find a unique topic that he or she can write a thesis on.

In addition to the exceptional topics, we also have some tips and tricks on how to write the perfect thesis without spending months working on it. This blog post includes the chapters you need to write (with a short explanation of each one), as well as some of the things you need to keep in mind when writing a thesis. Let’s get started!

Writing the Best Art History Thesis Paper

As you probably know already, finding some original art history thesis topics is just one part of the thesis writing process. Because we know most students don’t have any experience writing theses, we will briefly talk about some of the key characteristics of a good thesis paper. We will start with the structure. Here are the main chapters you should have in your paper:

Introduction:  This is the part where you will present your thesis statement, as well as discuss the significance of your thesis and present the research questions, limitations and assumptions. Review of Related Literature:  Use this chapter to discuss what you have learned from other works in your field that pertain to your chosen topic. Show your readers why your research is relevant to the topic. Design and Methodology:  In this chapter, you will need to present the design and discuss the methods you have used to gather the data or the evidence to support your thesis statement. A reader should be able to replicate your study after reading this chapter. Findings:  This is the part where you can discuss your findings and show your readers why and how they support your thesis. You can include a part where you make recommendations for further research, if necessary. Conclusion:  The final chapter of your paper, the Conclusion is the place where you summarize everything and reemphasize the main points of your paper. Refrain from introducing any new information here.

Apart from structuring your thesis correctly, you should keep a few other important things in mind. Here are some of the things that will help you get a better grade on your research paper, according to our expert academic writers:

Make sure you only gather data from reliable sources. Also, remember to cite and reference each source you use. Format your thesis correctly, in accordance with the guidelines in the style book. Each style (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.) has a style book that you can usually find online for free. Edit your work thoroughly and make sure your logic and clarity are perfect. Also make sure you are not using technical terms that you have not defined previously. Think about what examiners want to see or try to learn what they are looking for. After all, you want a top grade, don’t you? Do your best to come up with a unique, interesting thesis. Think long and hard about how you will write the thesis statement. Get feedback from your supervisor as early as possible. This can prevent some serious delays and rewrites. Find some original art history thesis topics and choose the one you think would thrill the evaluation committee.

Fortunately for you, the last tip is something we can help you with right now. We have 198 original art history thesis topics right here on this page. You can use any of them for free. No, you don’t even need to give us any credit. That is our thesis writing help to begin with going through these topics shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes, so what are you waiting for?

Easy Thesis Topics in Art History

We’ll start our list with some easy thesis topics in art history. Choose any of these ideas if you want to spend as little time as possible writing your paper:

  • Discuss the Gothic stained glass
  • Compare ancient Egyptian and Roman art
  • The important of Mona Lisa
  • An in-depth look at the Romanesque style
  • An in-depth look at Amarna Art
  • Discuss art in the Golden Age
  • Analyze the life of Claude Monet
  • What is reformed naturalism?
  • Peculiarities of the surrealist movement
  • Discuss art in the Notre Dame
  • Talk about sculptures in a cathedral of your choice
  • Research the life of Picasso
  • Talk about political views in sculpture
  • The peculiarities of Gothic art
  • How important are recurring subjects in art?

Art History Research Questions

The best way to come up with a great topic is to go through some art history research questions. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the best ones below:

  • What is photogravure and why is it important?
  • What are the peculiarities of Scandinavian weaving?
  • What are some characteristics of Egyptian art?
  • How important is art as part of the curriculum?
  • What is the role of life in modern art?
  • Which artist had the biggest influence on contemporary art?
  • What makes Gothic paintings special?
  • Can you talk about the Dadaist movement?
  • What is real art?
  • Can you talk about the history is symbols in Gothic paintings?
  • How did art evolve in Ancient Rome?
  • Why is Leonardo Da Vinci so popular?
  • How important is nature in ancient art?
  • When did Cubism first appear?
  • How were ancient works of art preserved?

Art in the 19th Century Topics

In case you want to write a thesis on 19th century art, you have arrived at the right place. Here are some of the best art in the 19th century topics:

  • Discuss European painting in the 19th century
  • Modernism in the 19th century
  • The history of surrealism
  • Talk about the focus of 19th century art
  • The history of cubism
  • The history of symbolism
  • Research the Industrial Revolution in art
  • Compare symbolism and cubism
  • Talk about the Enlightenment movement
  • What influenced modern art in the 19th century?

Art History Thesis Topics on the Late Gothic Period

Our experienced writers managed to create a list of art history thesis topics on the late gothic period that you will absolutely love:

  • Discuss the vaulted hall churches in Germany
  • Major themes in late Gothic sculptures
  • Differences between Renaissance and late Gothic art
  • Talk about the British Perpendicular style
  • Discuss the Flamboyant style
  • Compare and contrast the Flamboyant and Perpendicular styles
  • Major themes in late Gothic paintings
  • The main symbols of Gothic art
  • Research the late gothic era in France
  • What is the tracery window?

Art History Senior Thesis Topics

Are you working on a senior thesis in art history and need some inspiration? All you have to do is pick one of our art history senior thesis topics for free and start writing:

  • Talk about manuscripts in Modernist paintings
  • A closer look at the Romanesque style
  • The role of life in art
  • The history of photography as an art
  • An in-depth look at Neoclassicist sculptures
  • Art on the Great Wall in China
  • Discuss the importance of recurring subjects in art
  • The role of nature in art
  • An in-depth look at Christian symbols in art
  • The first musical instruments

Undergraduate Art History Thesis Topics

Of course, our list of topics would not be complete without some ideas for undergrads. Here are the undergraduate art history thesis topics we think will perform best in 2023:

  • Research the Statue of Zeus
  • Famous impressionists
  • Talk about stained glass windows
  • Talk about 3 important Greek sculptures
  • Discuss the film industry in Bollywood
  • Research the history of pop art
  • Primitivism: is it an art?
  • Research the history of Venetian carnival masks
  • Differences between modernism and cubism
  • Discuss the Rococo movement

Art History Photography Thesis Topics

Interested in writing about photography? After all, it is art. Don’t worry about it; we’ve got your back. Here are some original art history photography thesis topics:

  • Discuss the history of photography
  • Are photographs works of art?
  • Famous artworks that are photographs
  • Latest advancements in photographic technology
  • An in-depth look at lighting and its uses
  • Research 3 artists that have made an art out of photography
  • An in-depth look at the purpose of photography
  • Research the first photo camera
  • Famous photographs in art museums in your area
  • The life and work of Ansel Adams
  • The role of Jonas Leriche in photography
  • Discuss the role of the background in photography
  • How important is the camera for a photographer?
  • What makes a good photographer?

Popular Art History Thesis Topics

If you’re looking for the most popular art history thesis topics, we have some great news for you. We have an entire list of them right here:

  • Discuss the Art Nouveau style
  • What makes Pablo Picasso’s paintings remarkable?
  • An in-depth look at photorealism
  • Discuss funerary art in ancient Egypt
  • Research the history of Chinese art
  • Discuss the role of the abstract in modern paintings
  • Composite styles in ancient Rome paintings
  • Discuss the rise of modern art in Europe
  • An in-depth look at Biblical motifs in Leonardo Da Vinci’s art
  • The first art fair in the world
  • Discuss the La Tene Celtic art style
  • Discuss art in the Feudal Era
  • An in-depth look at the history of Japanese art
  • Research Mayan paintings

Art History Thesis Topics Greek

Are you interested in talking about Greek art? Do you want some of the best topics for free? You’re in luck because we have some interesting art history thesis topics greek for you right here:

  • Analyze the Kore statue in Greece
  • Talk about the Mask of Agamemnon
  • Research ancient Greek pottery
  • Research the Hades abducting Persephone painting
  • Discuss the Coloso de Rodas
  • Roman sculptures in ancient Greece
  • The history of ancient Greek art
  • Research ancient Greek architecture
  • Discuss the Geometric period
  • Research metalwork art in Greece

Art History Thesis Topics Impressionism

Writing your thesis on a topic related to impressionism will surely impress the evaluation committee and your supervisor. Check out these art history thesis topics impressionism ideas:

  • Discuss the Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet
  • Research the styles in The Fighting Temeraire
  • The depiction of light in impressionism
  • Research Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette
  • Discuss the embracement of modernity
  • The history of the Impressionist movement
  • The main ideas of impressionism
  • Talk about the style of open composition
  • Discuss unusual visual angles
  • Talk about the first impressionist exhibition

Art History Research Topics

Your research paper will be memorable if you choose the right topic for it, guaranteed. Take a look at this brand new list of art history research topics and select the one you like the most:

  • Talk about women in art
  • The history of modernism
  • Architecture as a form of art
  • The role of the Trojan Horse
  • Talk about art as a form of therapy
  • The importance of Francisco de Goya’s paintings
  • Dreams in works by Dali
  • Discuss the rise of pop art
  • Art and autism
  • Discuss the Art Deco style

Famous Artists and Their Works

It has been demonstrated that finding new and interesting facts about famous artists can get students some bonus points. Here are some ideas related to famous artists and their works:

  • The life and works of Leonardo Da Vinci
  • The life and works of Pablo Picasso
  • Discuss the most important Warhol sculpture
  • Dorothea Lange’s contributions to photograph
  • Discuss the works of Zeuxis
  • The life and works of Michelangelo
  • The life and works of Constantin Brancusi
  • The life and works of Vincent Van Gogh
  • The importance of Marie Tussaud
  • An in-depth look at the history of the Mona Lisa
  • The life and works of Alberto Giacometti
  • Analyze the works of Apelles (370 BC)
  • The life and works of Henry Moore
  • The life and works of Rembrandt
  • The life and photographs of Ansel Adams

Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics

Our experienced academic writers managed to come up with a nice list of ancient art history research paper topics for students looking to start working on their thesis:

  • Talk about ancient art in Palestine
  • Research primitive art
  • Talk about ancient art in China
  • Talk about ancient art in Greece
  • Characteristics of ancient art
  • Talk about ancient art in Rome
  • The first work of art in the world
  • Talk about ancient art in India
  • Talk about ancient art in Mesopotamia
  • Characteristics of Persian art

Compare and Contrast Topics in Art History

If you want to write a compare and contrast paper, you are in luck. We have just added these interesting compare and contrast topics:

  • Echion and Polygnotus
  • Salvador Dali and Michelangelo
  • Modern and contemporary art
  • Vincent Van Gogh and Raphael
  • Compare and contrast two sculptures of your choice
  • Impressionism and cubism
  • Claude Monet and Leornardo da Vinci
  • Compare and contrast two paintings of your choice
  • Protogenes and Apollodorus
  • Henri Matisse and Frida Kahlo
  • Surrealism and modern art
  • Rembrandt and Johannes Vermeer
  • Compare and contrast two art styles of your choice
  • Abstract expressionism and cubism
  • Jackson Pollock and Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Controversial Art History Topics

Art history has, like many other fields, plenty of controversies. Why not write your research paper on one of them? Here are some interesting yet controversial art history topics:

  • Research the Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe by Édouard Manet
  • An in-depth look at Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain
  • Discuss the Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol
  • What makes an art piece controversial?
  • Controversies surrounding Pablo Picasso’s Guernica mural
  • Controversies in pop art
  • Is graffiti an art?

Contemporary Art History Topics

Do you want to write your thesis on a topic in contemporary art? No problem, we’ve got you covered. Check out these awesome contemporary art history topics and choose one for free:

  • The life and work of Takashi Murakami
  • The importance of Jenny Saville’s work
  • Major themes in contemporary paintings
  • Talk about contemporary art motifs on jewelry
  • The top 3 greatest contemporary artists
  • Talk about contemporary music
  • Talk about what makes contemporary art unique
  • Contemporary art on ceramics

Renaissance and the Middle Ages topics

Stop wasting your time searching for topics and select one of these brand new (100% original) Renaissance and the Middle Ages topics:

  • The life and work of Donatello
  • Peculiarities of Sandro Botticelli’s paintings
  • The history of the La Pieta
  • Research the sculptures of Michelangelo
  • The painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling
  • An in-depth look at The Last Judgment painting
  • Styles in Caravaggio’s paintings
  • The life and works of Matteo Civitali
  • Research the Mona Lisa painting
  • The importance of Titian’s painting styles
  • Research the history of The Birth of Venus
  • The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
  • Discuss a painting by Masaccio
  • Discuss the David of Michelangelo sculpture
  • Research the history of Lorenzo Ghiberti’s sculptures

Get Quality Thesis Writing Help

We know that most students are struggling with their first thesis. Don’t worry, you are certainly not the only one in this position. Truth be told, writing a thesis the right way can be extremely difficult for anyone who has not done it before. This is why, in addition to the exceptional thesis topics art history students are looking for, we are offering top quality custom dissertation help to students who want to get a top grade on their paper.

Get access to an expert online in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is tell us what you need and when you need it. We’ll pair you with one of our professional thesis writers in no time. Are you worried about the quality of our work? We know that the Internet can be a dangerous place, but you can certainly trust us and out experts. Just take a look at the feedback we have received from students like you over the years and decide if you need our services. Our art history thesis writers are ready to start working on your project right now.

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Joseph beuys's non-objective works on paper, in the artist rooms collection , ‘oh, england my lionheart’: englishness and the countryside in art between the wars , reflecting on the mirror in the fifteenth century: the case of jan van eyck's arnolfini portrait , franki raffles’s lot’s wife: a ‘reinvented documentary’ for a feminist art of knowledge production , watch me watching: surveillance art and the politics of observation , anachrony and the archive: on the production of feminist and queer temporalities in contemporary art , the utopian has arrived: vr and ar in the art world , art in production - the use of technicians in contemporary art making , the aesthetics of reversibility in modern art , anselm kiefer’s concrete towers: fragile architectures, haunted memorials , pink disease .

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Visual Arts Department

Visual Arts Theses and Dissertations

This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Visual Arts, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

sweeping the forest floor of frequencies , Maria A. Kouznetsova

Achy Awfulness , Rylee J. Rumble

Nonstop Digital Flickerings; , Sam Wagter

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Credulous Escapism , Brianne C. Casey

At Dusk , Michelle Paterok

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Marvelous Monsters , Thomas Bourque

On Ground , Matthew Brown

Pharmakon: From Body to Being , Jérôme Y. C. Conquy

The Other Neighbour of El Otro Lado , Anahi Gonzalez Teran

Neoliberalism, Institutionalism, and Art , Declan Hoy

Strings of Sound and Sense: Towards a Feminine Sonic , Ellen N. Moffat

Cyber Souls and Second Selves , Yas Nikpour Khoshgrudi

The No No-Exit Closet: An Alternative to No-Exit Pathways , Faith I. Patrick

Fleet: Nuances of Time and Ephemera , Rebecca Sutherland

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Hell of a Boiling Red , George Kubresli

still, unfolding , Ramolen Mencero Laruan

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Spanning , Mary Katherine Carder-Thompson

The Medieval Genesis of a Mythology of Painting , Colin Dorward

Philosophical Archeology in Theoretical and Artistic Practice , Ido Govrin

Bone Meal , Johnathan Onyschuk

Inventory , Lydia Elvira Santia

Collaborative Listening and Cultural Difference in Contemporary Art , Santiago Ulises Unda Lara

Absence and Proximity , Zhizi Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Then Again, Maybe I Won't , Claire Bartleman

and where is the body? , Tyler Durbano

Next to a River: Mobility, Mapping, and Hand Embroidery , Sharmistha Kar

Interfaces of Nearness: Documentary Photography and the Representation of Technology , Mark Kasumovic

Buffer , Graham Macaulay

The English Landscapes in the Seventeenth Century , Helen Parkinson

SuperNova: Performing Race, Hybridity and Expanding the Geographical Imagination , Raheleh Saneie

Slower Than Time Itself , Matthew S. Trueman

Skim , Joy Wong

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Gardening at Arm's Length , Paul Chartrand

Lesser Than Greater Than Equal To: The Art Design Paradox , Charles Lee Franklin Harris

Skin Portraiture: Embodied Representations in Contemporary Art , Heidi Kellett

Midheaven , Samantha R. Noseworthy

Drum Voice , Quinn J. Smallboy

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Beyond the Look of Representation: Defamiliarization, Décor, and the Latin Feel , Juanita Lee Garcia

Emphatic Tension , Mina Moosavipour

Symbiotic: The Human Body and Constructs of Nature , Simone Sciascetti

Thin Skin , Jason Stovall

On Coming and Going , Quintin Teszeri

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Crowdsourcing , Sherry A. Czekus

From Dust to Dust , Lynette M. de Montreuil

Hand-Eye , Michael S. Pszczonak

Abstraction And Libidinal Nationalism In The Works Of John Boyle And Diana Thorneycroft , Matthew Purvis

Tangled Hair: Uncertain Fluid Identity , Niloufar Salimi

Liminal Space: Representations Of Modern Urbanity , Matthew Tarini

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Creative Interventions and Urban Revitalization , Nicole C. Borland

What Lies Behind: Speculations on the Real and the Willful , Barbara Hobot

Turning to see otherwise , Jennifer L. Martin

Come Together: An Exploration of Contemporary Participatory Art Practices , Karly A. McIntosh

A Photographic Ontology: Being Haunted Within The Blue Hour And Expanding Field , Colin E. Miner

Matters of Airing , Tegan Moore

Liquidation , Amanda A. Oppedisano

Just As It Should Be: Painting and the Discipline of Everyday Life , Jared R. Peters

Clyfford Still in the 1930s: The Formative Years of a Leading Abstract Expressionist , Emma Richan

From 'Means to Ends': Labour As Art Practice , Gabriella Solti

Across Boundaries , Diana A. Yoo

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Following the Turn: Mapping as Material Art Practice , Kyla Christine Brown

Queer(ing) Politics and Practices: Contemporary Art in Homonationalist Times , Cierra A. Webster

Some Theoretical Models for a Critical Art Practice , Giles Whitaker

Lines of Necessity , Thea A. Yabut

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Out of Order: Thinking Through Robin Collyer, Discontent and Affirmation (1973-1985) , Kevin A. Rodgers

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art dissertation ideas

10 Inspiring Fine Art Dissertation Ideas

There are three skills that you would want your paper to echo to make an impression on the readers. Firstly, being able to work artistically all by yourself without any sort of assistance must be reflected in the paper. The ability to perform intense research within the field is an important one that needs to come forth. Finally, the complete paper should be a display of your in depth understanding of the numerous issues associated with the topic.

10 Topic Ideas for Papers in Fine Art

The topic of a fine art paper must stand out. It might be a tough call to come up with an excellent fine art topic quickly. So, an easy and common trick that works always is to keep collecting fine art topic ideas that strike you long before you actually plan to start working on the paper. Enlisted below are 10 art dissertation ideas for assistance. The first idea has been elaborated for better understanding of how the ideas can be used.

  • The Effect of Fairy tales on Artists. This topic idea can be used in different ways. You can prefer to concentrate exclusively on a single fairytale like “Cinderella”. Or, you can discuss the works of male and female artists in relation to fairytales.
  • Exploring the part played by fine arts in the online world. What are the ways fine arts can be incorporated into website development?
  • Sienese artists: Taddeo di Bartolo’s Representations of the Virgin Mary in his paintings.
  • Is the transition to digital films affecting the cinematic art adversely? Are they really wiping out the pleasure of watching movies?
  • The marked shift in ancient Indian art from symbols of Buddha to his images.
  • Can motion capture acting be considered genuine acting? Should the motion capture actors have the privilege of getting awarded like the real actors?
  • Aesthetic Movement and Pop Art: Throwing light on their likeness
  • In the 21st century world of entertainment where does theatre stand?
  • Can video games be considered a fine art?
  • Are audio books impacting the manner in which people appreciate the written art?

Choose Topic based on Interest, knowledge and Resources

Glancing through the history of art dissertation topics you would come across innumerable ideas. Focusing on the areas of fine art that you find most interesting, have vast knowledge and enough resources to rely upon are the 3 things that can help you in selection your fine art thesis topic. For more useful resource, have a look at this site.

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art dissertation ideas

Best Art dissertation Topics and ideas in 2023

Are you facing a Problem Writing an Art Dissertation? Are you unable to find good art dissertation topics? Don’t panic! The ultimate solution is here! In order to write an A-level art dissertation we must have to go through some of the basic conceptual ideas that how it could be written and how can we […]

Art Dissertation Topics

Table of Contents

Are you facing a Problem Writing an Art Dissertation?

Are you unable to find good art dissertation topics.

Don’t panic! The ultimate solution is here! In order to write an A-level art dissertation we must have to go through some of the basic conceptual ideas that how it could be written and how can we make it a successful one.

Encrypting an unbeaten A-level art dissertation is about displaying your vision whilst indicating that you comprehend the key concepts of your study and that you are able to give an authentic product of your sheer academic knowledge and research. In any discipline of art, the mandatory knack that you are looking to display is proof of originality and creativity. Therefore, your art dissertations should fulfill the criteria of inspiration, ingenuity, and resourcefulness.


There are mainly two forms of art dissertation which are:


An Art history dissertation is a representation of the work done on the evolution of art or an artist; because it is related to past experiences, therefore it should be focused and identical to the depth of knowledge of the topic with facts and figures. It is proposed that art history dissertations would be written with vast opinionated criteria.


Usually, the topics in fine art dissertations are not prepared by any other person. A brilliant Fine Arts dissertation should be devoted to an exclusive topic, coming up with thoughts like that is not easy. So, start collecting ideas for your fine art dissertation far before you get down to work. Fine Arts dissertation topics can be focusing on different male or female artists or you may choose a fairytale-like ‘snow white and 7 dwarfs.’

Art Dissertation Topics

If you need to turn into a significant artist, your dissertation can make you stand apart from the rest. It ought to be something crisp through which you can represent your ability to lead a unique and independent study in the field of expressions. Your art dissertation topics, in this manner, assume a vital job in setting your way to progress.

It ought to have the option to mirror your thoughts and developments in your field of study, whether it is visual expressions, music , shows, works of art, structures, or expressive arts. The following are a few fantastic art dissertation topics that can help you in narrowing down your research scope and help you make your art dissertation successful.

Good Art Dissertation Topics

  • The role of art in promoting cultural heritage
  • The influence of popular culture on art
  • The impact of digital media on art creation and distribution
  • The role of art in promoting social change
  • The impact of the feminist movement on art
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in art
  • The relationship between art and science
  • The impact of environmentalism on art
  • The history and evolution of street art
  • The influence of the LGBTQ+ community on art
  • The impact of postmodernism on art
  • The relationship between art and religion
  • The role of art in promoting peace and nonviolence
  • The influence of the internet and digital technology on art
  • The impact of colonialism on art
  • The history and evolution of installation art
  • The role of art in promoting mental health and well-being
  • The representation of the human body in art
  • The relationship between art and fashion
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on art
  • The representation of animals in art
  • The role of art in promoting gender equality
  • The impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on art
  • The relationship between art and technology
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on art
  • An exclusive idea regarding your topic showing your clear objective is the way towards initial success
  • Set a timetable and obtain relevant material of research for art dissertations to pace up your writing objective
  • Reflect on your research and encourage your creativity
  • Ensure that you stick to the thread of your central argument
  • Paragraphs should be approximately five or six sentences long and should have good linking words and phrases
  • An art dissertation should be full of analysis, critical evaluation, and discussion of your subject
  • Present a sustained academic argument in clear, logical prose and give evidence to support it
  • Results and discussions should be presented in your written art dissertations
  • The conclusion is a must property that proposes your views that what have you achieved from the whole study
  • Proofreading is an essential part as you are finalizing your dissertation
  • Art dissertations should be referenced clearly to avoid plagiarism
  • At the End of your art dissertation, there needs to be a bibliography of the sources used

Click here to get an Art Dissertation Topics consultancy service along with 500 words topic brief to get approval from your supervisor.

Trending art dissertation topics.

  • The role of social media in contemporary art
  • The impact of technology on the art of the 21st century
  • Street art and graffiti: A study of its evolution and cultural significance
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in modern art
  • The influence of political and social movements on art
  • The relationship between art and architecture
  • The impact of globalization on the art market
  • The role of the artist in society
  • The influence of Eastern art on Western contemporary art
  • The history and evolution of performance art
  • The change of images to pictures of Buddha in early Indian artistry
  • The impression of Pop Art: The view and American septuagenarians
  • The inheritance of craftsmanship charity: a contextual investigation of John Davan Sainsbury, Baron of Preston Candover.
  • Balletic impact in the presentation of Jean Antoine Watteau’s figures
  • Is the progress of computerized films influencing artistic craftsmanship unfavorably? Is it true that they are genuinely clearing out the joy of watching motion pictures?
  • Could video games be viewed as artistic work?
  • Neutralizations: Resisting and Embracing Globalization in Contemporary Public Art
  • Delineations of Cute Young Women in Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture
  • The Spiritual Couple in Art: A Comparative Study of Three Artworks Using Examples from India, Europe, and America

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
  • 2-3 research questions.
  • Key literature resources identification.
  • Suitable methodology including raw sample size and data collection method
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Art Therapy | Theses and Dissertations

As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.

This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.

Theses/Capstones from 2024 2024

An Integrative Somatic Art Therapy Approach: EMDR & Body-Based Practices for Traumatic Stress , Alexis Sorbara

Chosen Family in LGBTQ+ Community: Creating Feeling of Safety Through Collage in Art Therapy , Zaina Berger

Fantasia on a Theme of Purpose: Using a Music-Guided Scribble Technique to Support Meaning-Making in Older Adult Retiree Musicians , Sophia R. Smith

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Attuning skills in self-awareness to promote self-care for Art Therapy practitioners a mixed-methods study using a Mandala art directive and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) , Janeth Arcila Padilla

My Body as a Journey Accessing Pre-colonial Identity for Healing Intergenerational Transgender Shame , Jennifer Lagman

Online Friendships and the Bird’s Nest Drawing in the Age of the Internet , Ian Wong

Theses/Capstones from 2023 2023

Altered Stories, Altered Lives: An Exploration of Post Traumatic Growth from A Narrative Perspective with a Strengths Based Focus , Andrea Jones

Clay Use as Mindfulness for Women in Early Substance Use Recovery , Cheryl Feldman

Complex Narratives of Individuals Living with Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS). A mixed-methods investigation: examined through self-reported data, in-person interviews, and a group body mapping art therapy intervention , Sylvan Streightiff

Cultural Identity of And Implications for Later Generational Hispanic and Latino Populations In The United States , Tara Bustamante

Evoking the Art of Nature , Tessa R. Evans Keime

Exploring the Connection between Social Media & Body-Image and the Impact of Art Therapy Interventions on a Woman’s Self-Esteem , Courtney Engelhardt

Exploring Whether a Collage Art Intervention Enhances Levels of Resilience in Asian Americans Who Have Experienced Emotional Suppression , Casey Galaura

In-Between Space: Latinas Sharing their Stories of Cultural Integration , Maria Elena Fuster

Memes to Cope and Communicate , Priscilla (Nox) Ngo

The Course of COVID: How Has the Pandemic Changed the Ways Therapists Use Art in Their Therapeutic Practice? , Deborah Sharpe

Theses/Capstones from 2022 2022

Art Making To Reduce Stress in First-Generation and Second-Generation Hispanic Immigrant Parents , Maria Zepeda

A Survey Measuring the Impact of a Silk-Screen Printing Art Therapy Session on Psychological Aspects in Mothers of Children with Cancer: A Pilot Study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia , Maha Rashed

Does Attachment Predict Coping Strategies? An In-Depth Look At Millennials During COVID-19 , Clinton Johnson

Doodling as Self-Expression: Building Self-Efficacy in Normally Functioning Adults , Journey Coward

Failure: A Heuristic Inquiry of the Experience of Failure Through a Nature Based Art Therapy Process , Lisa Manthe

Healing Racial Trauma and Reframing the Miseducation of U.S. America: Altering Exclusionary Textbooks as a Therapeutic Experiential , Kamaria Erin Wells

Illuminating the Increase of Intentional Dating in the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Connection to Relationship Satisfaction through the Lens of Photography. , Caitlin Carnegie

Improving Cognitive Decline for Persons Living with Dementia: Art Therapy Assessment and Interventions Based on the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) Framework , Jinnie Jeon

Putting the Pieces Back Together: Using a Kintsugi-Influenced Directive to Promote Self-Forgiveness and Resiliency in Young Adults with Shame and Guilt , Marieev Krista Princer

The Therapeutic Benefits of Children’s Literature: Responding Through Making Art and Writing Stories , Janae Dueck

ZAP: Zoom Art Program with Adults Living with Acquired Brain Injury The Effect of Using Videoconferencing to Deliver ACT Art Therapy Intervention , Shari Weiser

Theses/Capstones from 2021 2021

An Art-Based Heuristic Study: How a Male Student with Asperger’s Syndrome Completed an Art Therapy Master’s Program , Stephen David Robertson

COVID-19: Our Hopes and Dreams , Anna Bazis Christie

Individual versus Sequential: The Potential of Comic Creation in Art Therapy , Christine Phang

Perspectives of a Diasporan: A Heuristic, Arts-Based Inquiry of the Importance of Therapy in Armenia , Anna Nairi Muradyan

The Meeting of Two Minds in the Intermediate State: The Art Therapist as a Guide in the In-Between, Immersed and Assisted by Contemplative and Transpersonal Theory , Samantha Mach

Where the Glass Glows: Unpacking the Therapeutic Experiences of Adult Students in a Community-Based Open Glass Studio During a Pandemic , Shelly A. Palmer

Theses/Capstones from 2020 2020

Ambiguous Loss of Dementia: Identity Exploration through Narrative Inquiry and Collage , Kayla Ormandy

Exploring Pathways Toward Psychobiological Safety through Mindful Body-centered Art Making with Sheltered Homeless Women , Alicia L. Dabney

Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy and Connectedness: Art as a Means to Spiritual Care for Asian Seniors , Chia-Yun Chiang

Seeing Resilience: A Qualitative and Arts-Based Research Study to Understand Images Made in a Photography-Based Mentoring Program , Sarah E. Kremer

Theses/Capstones from 2019 2019

Art and Drumming: A Study on Affect, Attachment and Self-Esteem within the Older Adult Population , Deanna Mank

Art Based Communication for Individuals with Dissociative Spectrum Disorders , Cynthia Wilson

Cultural Wellness Trends Assessed with Art Therapy , Lara Juhasz

Empowering Korean Adolescent Girls Using Smartphones as a Stimulus for Creative Expression: Response Art and Dialogue , Jee Hyun Kim

Theses/Capstones from 2018 2018

Yoga, Flow and Art Therapy: An Investigation Into Yoga's Effects on the Creative Process , Megan E. Lear

Theses/Capstones from 2017 2017

A Heuristic and Qualitative Study Investigating the Mechanisms of Change in Art Therapy , Brooke J. Sevin

A Study of Art Therapy in Identity Exploration and Self-Efficacy , Christine Cavasinni

Theses/Capstones from 2016 2016

Acquiring New Knowledge Through Art Self-Exploration and Collective Journaling to Enhance Cultural Humility in Art Therapy , Louvenia Jackson

Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Chinese American Women Cancer Survivors Through Art Therapy , Judy Thai

Amplified Voices: Art-Based Inquiry Into Elder Communication , Erin Partridge

An art therapy approach to increase the self-esteem of Latina pre-adolescent girls using narrative therapy , Amy Barron

Art and recovery: Utilizing art therapy to promote progression within a 12-step porgram for adults recovering from alcoholism and alcohol abuse disorder , Leslie Mueller

Art Response to Confusion, Uncertainty, and Curiosity During Group Art Therapy Supervision , Gwen J. Sanders

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Essay Writing Guide

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Art Topics - 200+ Brilliant Ideas to Begin With

By: Nova A.

14 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Apr 23, 2019

Art Topics

Are you a student struggling to find interesting and engaging art topics for your assignments or projects?

The world of art is vast and diverse, offering countless possibilities for exploration and creative expression. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your focus. But fret not, as we're here to help you navigate this artistic maze! 

In this blog, we will provide you with a curated list of fascinating art topics that will inspire your creativity and make your assignments stand out. Whether you're interested in exploring different art movements or delving into the cultural and historical significance of art, we've got you covered.

So let’s get started!

Art Topics

On this Page

Art Topics For Students

Here are some engaging art topics to write about that will spark your creativity and deepen your understanding of the artistic world.

  • The Impressionist movement and its impact on art.
  • Exploring the use of color in abstract art.
  • The influence of nature in landscape painting.
  • The evolution of portraiture throughout history.
  • The symbolism in still life paintings.
  • The role of art in social and political activism.
  • Exploring different art mediums: painting, sculpture, photography, etc.
  • The connection between art and emotions.
  • Exploring cultural diversity in art.
  • The representation of mythology in art.

Art Topics for Elementary Students

Here's a table with three columns containing art topics suitable for grades 3, 4, and 5:

Art Topics For Elementary School Students -WriteMyEssay.help

History Art Topics

We always turn back and refer to history in hopes of avoiding past mistakes and learning new things. The same goes for art history. It provides us with a great number of exciting subjects and topics.

You can write about any art movement, time period, and school, talk about their origin and uniqueness, etc. Following are some amazing topics related to history that can help you draft an exceptional piece of writing. 

  • Egyptians used the same art canon for 3000 years. Why?
  • The history and techniques used in printmaking.
  • What is the philosophy of art? Explain the relationship between art and philosophy.
  • African countries and the return of cultural property post World War II.
  • Discuss primeval musical instruments.
  • Stained glass in Medieval France.
  • Venetian carnival masks and their history.
  • Human sacrifice in Mayan culture and its depiction in art.
  • Components of sculptures in Ancient Greece.
  • Draw a comparison between Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramids.
  • The history and origin of Greek theater.
  • Biblical motives in the early paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The significance of Christian symbols in Renaissance art.
  • The beauty standards of Renaissance women.
  • The significance of Raphael’s work.

Art Topics on Artist Bibliography

Artist’s bibliographies make up for interesting essay topics. You never know what you might find going deep into their personal and professional lives, struggles, childhood, and their thinking and ideas.

We have gathered a list of artists from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, respectively, for you to choose for your upcoming art essay.

18th Century

  • William Blake
  • Francisco Goya
  • J. M. W. Turner
  • Samuel Morse
  • Jacques-Louis David
  • Eugene Delacroix
  • Thomas Gainsborough
  • Mikhail Lomonosov
  • John James Audubon
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Katsushika Hokusai
  • Marie Tussaud
  • E. T. A. Hoffmann
  • Grandma Moses

19th Century

  • Vincent Willem Van Gogh
  • Claude Manet
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse
  • Hilaire Germain Edgar
  • Auguste Renoir
  • Georges Seurat
  • Alfred Sisley
  • Edgar Degas
  • Paul Cezanne
  • John Everett Millais
  • Frederic Remington
  • Thomas Lawrence
  • Adolf Menzel

20th Century

  • Louise Bourgeois
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Judy Chicago
  • Cindy Sherman
  • Andy Warhol
  • Henry Spencer Moore
  • Georgia Totto O’Keeffe
  • Alberto Giacometti
  • David Smith
  • Vanessa Bell
  • Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Benny Andrews

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Art Topics on Different Epochs

The 18th century was an era of lavish architecture and musicians.

  • Influence of industrial revolution on art development.
  • Late Baroque architecture.
  • Rococo interior design.
  • Importance of Denis Diderot’s critiques of French art in the 18th century.
  • Neoclassicism sculpture: A combination of new and old ideas.
  • Comparison between Baroque and Rococo art designs.
  • Well-known composers of First Viennese School.
  • Marquis de Sade and its contribution to literature.
  • Significance of Denis Diderot’s criticism of French Art.
  • History of the famous Eugene Delacroix’s paintings.

The work of the artists of the 19th century.

  • Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night and its colorists.
  • Why is the carving of the Veiled Virgin by Giovanni Strazza so special?
  • How were the Victorian beauty standards portrayed in their art?
  • Monet’s Sunrise: what is so special about the light?
  • Dancing paintings by Edgar Degas.
  • Changes in the methodology of Impressionism paintings.
  • Artists and their depiction of Victorian beauty standards.
  • The relation between Goya’s prints and French caricatures.
  • The historical significance of Francisco de Goya’s paintings.
  • Paul Gauguin's savage art.

20th-century movements

  • Art Deco and Art Nouveau: similarities and differences.
  • Surrealism in Salvador Dali’s sculptures.
  • Basic principles of futurism.
  • Frida Kahlo’s paintings and the most commonly used symbol in them.
  • Techniques used in Jackson Pollock’s art?
  • The Kiss by Gustav Klimt: discuss its styles.
  • Jasper Johns Flag: realistic and artificial motifs.
  • Futurism and its basic principles.
  • Unusual techniques in the art of Jackson Pollock.
  • Evolution of mannerism in Pablo Picasso’s paintings.

Art Therapy Topics

Art therapy is a worthwhile resource to explore. Here is an interesting list of art therapy topic ideas that you can consider before starting your writing process.

  • Art therapy as an industry.
  • Art Therapy a Form of Psychotherapy.
  • Art Therapy in Abused Children.
  • Art for Communities and Families.
  • Art therapy and the creative process.
  • Benefits of art therapy.
  • Art Therapy in Group Setting.
  • Art Therapy in Children and its Effectiveness.
  • Quantitative Research in Art Therapy.
  • The Power of Art Therapy.
  • Techniques Used For Art Therapy.
  • Losing Yourself in Art.
  • Art Therapy Resources.
  • Art Therapy Activities.
  • Art therapy and mental health.

Art Debate Topics

Coming up with an interesting Art debate topic can be tricky. There are a number of things that you need to consider when coming up with an interesting topic. Following are some of the unique  debate topics  ideas that you can consider choosing.

  • Should abstract be considered a type of art?
  • Should art be recognized more academically?
  • Should kids draw horror art?
  • The purpose of art.
  • Is it possible to appreciate art without liking it?
  • Art vs. Design.
  • How important is art for children's education?
  • How art affects and reflects the world.
  • Is Art Really Necessary Anymore?
  • Was Hitler’s contribution to the arts powerful?
  • Modern art and its legitimacy.
  • Critiquing styles of Harold Rosenberg and Clement Greenberg.
  • The uniqueness of Russian artists.
  • How is primitivism real art?

Art Persuasive Speech Topics

When given to come up with a persuasive speech, it is often up to students to choose a topic.

Choosing the right topic is not an easy task. Here you can find some of the interesting art persuasive speech topic ideas to help you start the process.

  • Do some pets pose a danger to the community?
  • Is battery farming ethical?
  • Why should art classes be enforced in all public schools?
  • How can one benefit from having a pet?
  • What makes a dog a perfect pet?
  • How are dolphins important to the environment?
  • Reasons why you should not raise wild animals as pets
  • What we lose when animals go extinct.
  • Reasons why students should be taught to play musical instruments in school.
  • Significance of learning different languages.
  • Why should graffiti be considered art?
  • Why should museums be free for citizens?
  • Significance of cultural art education in schools
  • Effectiveness of music therapy.
  • How cultural interactions can make people successful professionally?

You can also explore articles to find more  persuasive speech topic ideas  on  5StarEssays.com  and write compelling essays.

Art Topics on Different Cultures

  • How has pop art influenced American culture?
  • Styles and material used in Japanese calligraphy.
  • How does the henna pattern differ in the Middle East, India, and Africa?
  • Asian tribes: their fashion and textile.
  • Maori culture: war dance haka.
  • Bollywood and the Hindi film industry.
  • Why should inappropriate language in English literature be removed?
  • Bollywood dance routines Vs. Americans.
  • History and significance of pop music culture.
  • Why should art therapy be covered in medical health insurance in different parts of the world?
  • Pros and cons of watching Sci-Fi films.
  • Comparison between the romantic comedy of Hollywood Vs. Bollywood.
  • Features of Irani cinema.
  • Significance of sitar in Hindu culture.
  • Contemporary dance forms in different cultures.

Art Topics on Ancient Civilization

  • Influence of science on Ancient Greek sculptures
  • Explain the main reasons for the shift in Roman artistic style in the 4th century.
  • The Great Wall of China and its construction.
  • Women and Politics in Ancient Rome.
  • Female representation in Ancient Art.
  • Art and architecture in Ancient Times.
  • The story behind the art and architecture of Ancient Rome.
  • Describe Ancient Greek literature and theater.
  • Contribution of Ancient Civilizations to the modern art
  • Depiction of beauty in Ancient Art

Art Research Paper Topics

Despite the fact that art cannot be measured with figures as its value depends on personal impressions, it still can be a subject for research.

It is quite a challenging task to study something full of emotions. But don’t worry, as there is much credible data that you can include in your research paper only if you choose the right topic.

Following are some of the interesting topic ideas that you can choose to start with.

  • Gothic and Neo-Gothic.
  • Comparison of Nazi and Soviet art.
  • Can abstract art be decoded?
  • The art of disgusting.
  • Bauhaus movement.
  • Surrealist movement.
  • Photography as art.
  • History and origin of Abstract Expressionism.
  • Similarities and differences between Claude Monnet and Edouard Manet.
  • How cultural identity affects the creation of art?
  • Breaking stereotypes through art and literature.
  • Limitations of the performance art.
  • Mysterious photography and artwork of Vivian Maier.
  • Jazz music of the 19th century.
  • Hidden meanings in the famous paintings.

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Modern Art Topics

Modern art consists of interesting movements, styles, and forms. Choose any of the below topics to write on.

  • The abstract expressionism movement.
  • Pablo Picasso, founder of cubism.
  • Impressionism Vs. Cubism.
  • Development of American pop art.
  • Is contemporary art merely a way for greedy capitalists to make money?
  • Political cartoons as an art form.
  • Are people scared of modern art?
  • History and techniques of printmaking.
  • The definition of “Philosophy of Arts.”
  • The artistic styles of Art Deco.

Art History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Writing a compare and contrast essay isn’t easy, but it allows you to learn a great deal about different time periods, artists and their work and movements, etc.

  • Picasso’s blue and rose periods: similarities and differences.
  • Baroque and Rococo design styles: compare and analyze.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Caribbean music.
  • Renaissance vs. Baroque Epoch
  • What are the main differences between Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci?
  • Roman Vs. Greek mythology.
  • Venus de Milo Vs. The Thinker.
  • Similarities and differences between the artworks of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • The artwork of India and Africa.
  • Styles and techniques of painting landscapes.

We have added a variety of more compare and contrast essay topics in this blog; go check it out.

Art Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The most significant piece of art of the 20th century and why?
  • Graffiti art or vandalism?
  • Banksy artist or vandal?
  • What contributed to making Paris a center of art in the 20th century?
  • Why do we need art in our lives?
  • Why is TV becoming obsolete?
  • Significance of print media in current times.
  • Advantages of listening to classical music.
  • How painting can help treat mental illnesses.

Need more argumentative essay topics? Check out our blog on  argumentative essay topics .

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Art

  • Did iconoclasm affect Muslim art, and how?
  • Causes of the decline of art in Medieval Europe?
  • How has the cultural revolution influenced Chinese art?
  • The invention of the printing press changed the status of the mass media. Examples must be provided to support your position.
  • Raphael’s influence on the art of the Renaissance.
  • Influence of Hitler’s work on literature.
  • Influence of WWI of art.
  • Influence of WWII on literature.
  • How the work of William Blake paved the path for modern art?
  • How did art influence the people during Hitler’s time?

Art Topics For Presentation

  • The evolution of street art: From graffiti to mainstream acceptance.
  • The impact of technology on contemporary art.
  • Art therapy: The healing power of creativity.
  • Women artists throughout history: Challenging gender norms and making their mark.
  • Exploring cultural appropriation in art: Appreciation vs. exploitation.
  • Art and environmental activism: Raising awareness through creative expression.
  • The influence of ancient civilizations on modern art.
  • Art as a form of storytelling: Narrative elements in visual arts.
  • The role of art museums in preserving and promoting artistic heritage.
  • The intersection of art and science: The fusion of creativity and innovation.

Performing Arts Topics

  • The influence of dance in different cultures
  • The evolution of musical theater
  • The impact of technology on contemporary dance performances.
  • The portrayal of social issues in modern dance
  • The role of improvisation in theater
  • Exploring different styles of classical music
  • The significance of costume design in theater
  • How music influences our feelings and experiences.
  • The power of storytelling through puppetry
  • The fusion of traditional and contemporary elements in multicultural performances.

Literary Arts Topics

  • Exploring the use of symbols to convey deeper meanings.
  • The evolution of the novel: From its early forms to modern genres.
  • The impact of postcolonial literature
  • Exploring magical realism in literature: Blending reality and the fantastical.
  • The role of satire in social critique
  • Women writers and the feminist literary movement
  • The portrayal of mental health in literature
  • The influence of mythology in contemporary literature
  • Analyzing the portrayal of bleak future societies.
  • The power of storytelling in oral traditions

Art and Society Topics

  • Art as a vehicle for social change
  • How art shapes and revitalizes communities.
  • Exploring the intersection of art, capitalism, and consumer culture.
  • Analyzing instances of art being censored or restricted due to societal or political factors.
  • Examining the benefits and challenges of arts education in schools.
  • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of engaging with art.
  • How artists express and challenge notions of race, gender, sexuality, and culture.
  • Examining the relationship between art, digital media, and technological advancements.
  • Exploring how artists respond to and raise awareness about ecological issues.
  • Analyzing art projects that promote dialogue, collaboration, and inclusivity within communities.

Art Topics for Personal Development

  • Art journaling for self-reflection and growth
  • The power of imagination and artistic expression to manifest personal goals and aspirations.
  • Exploring art techniques as a form of meditation and cultivating present moment awareness.
  • Using art-making as a means to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance well-being.
  • Creating visual representations of personal stories and experiences.
  • Using different art mediums to process and communicate emotions.
  • Utilizing collage or mixed media techniques to visually represent personal goals and aspirations.
  • Engaging in artistic activities to explore personal identity, values, and beliefs.
  • Using art-making as a means to cope with and overcome challenges and adversity.
  • Experimenting with different art styles and mediums to discover one's unique artistic voice.

Miscellaneous Art Essay Topics

  • Contemporary artists, you like and why?
  • What is your opinion on true art: what is it?
  • If you are an artist, how would you explain your kind of art to others?
  • Does life and nature influence art?
  • What are your views on art therapy?
  • Difference between a French and American artist.
  • History and evaluation of animation
  • Significance of censorship
  • Origin of Crop art
  • Urban sculptures and their significance
  • What is fiber art?
  • The emergence of textile arts
  • History of graphic novels
  • Interactive art of modern times
  • Introduction and significance of tramp art?

In conclusion, choosing an art topic is an important and personal decision for an art student. It's a process that involves self-reflection, exploration, and experimentation. By reflecting on your interests, researching, and seeking inspiration, you can discover the subjects that truly ignite your creativity. 

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to art topics. The key is to follow your passion and enjoy the journey of artistic exploration. 

So, whichever topic you choose, just add it to our AI essay generator and get an AI essay for reference. 

Or, if you need help writing a high-quality paper, feel free to contact 5StarEssays.com expert essay writers. Simply request ‘ write my essay ’ and get assistance for all types of academic essays and papers. 

Nova A.

Marketing, Law

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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