
50+ BEST ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter That Stand Out!

Sick of slaving over cover letters that go ignored?

Struggling to make each one unique?

Leverage AI to effortlessly generate tailored, compelling cover letters in seconds.

ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letters

This guide provides the ideal ChatGPT prompts for crafting cover letters that get noticed and land interviews.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Cover Letters

Using ChatGPT to generate cover letters offers several advantages:

  • Saves time – ChatGPT can produce a draft cover letter in seconds, compared to the hours it may take to write one manually. This allows you to spend time refining and customizing the content.
  • Provides inspiration – Struggling for what to say or how to structure your cover letter? ChatGPT can offer new ideas and angles you may not have considered.
  • Generates customized content – By carefully crafting your prompts, ChatGPT can produce cover letters tailored specifically to each job and company.
  • Mimics human writing – With the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate cover letters that sound natural, conversational, and human-written.
  • Allows quick revisions – Don’t like part of the cover letter? Simply tweak your prompt and regenerate that section. It’s faster than rewriting from scratch.

Benefits of using ChatGPT

Key Elements to Include in ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letters

Here are some key elements to include in your ChatGPT prompts to produce effective cover letters:

  • Job title and company information – Provide the exact job title and company name in your prompt.
  • Your relevant background – Summarize your work experience, education, skills, and qualifications that apply to the role.
  • Customization for the position – Explain how you want the cover letter customized specifically for this job posting.
  • Alignment with company values – Include details on the company and how you align with its mission, values, and culture.
  • Closing and call to action – Specify how you want to close the letter and prompt the reader to contact you.

50 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter

Now let’s look at 50 sample prompts for various sections of your cover letter:

ChatGPT Prompts for Introduction

ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter Introduction

  • I am applying for the [job title] role at [company name]. Please write an introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention and introduces my background. Emphasize my [x years] of experience in [relevant field].
  • Please write an introductory paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] that highlights my passion for [relevant skill/field] and desire to bring [x attribute] to this role based on my background in [field].
  • I’m seeking the [job title] position with [company name]. Please write an engaging introductory paragraph that quickly establishes my [x years] of [relevant experience] and strong interest in this opportunity. Focus on my proven [relevant skillset].
  • Please write an introduction for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name]. In 1-2 sentences, highlight my [x] years of experience in [field] and how that has enabled me to develop [relevant soft and hard skills] that make me an ideal candidate for this position.
  • For the introduction of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please briefly summarize my background in [x] which has allowed me to gain expertise in [relevant skills]. Conclude by stating my excitement for this opportunity.
  • I am excited to apply for the [job title] role at [company name] which strongly aligns with my [x years] of experience in [relevant field]. Please write an engaging introductory paragraph that makes this connection clear and highlights my [relevant achievements/skills].
  • As an introduction to my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please summarize my strongest qualifications in 2-3 sentences. These include my [x] years working in [relevant industry], expertise in [key skills], and track record of [impressive achievement].
  • For the opening paragraph of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please briefly state my relevant background in [field], my [x years] of applicable work experience, and one sentence on why I am an ideal candidate for this opportunity.
  • Please write a strong introductory paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] summarizing my related degree in [field], [x years] of professional experience in [relevant positions], and my enthusiasm to utilize my [key skills] in this role.
  • I’m excited to apply for the [job title] role at [company name]. Please write an intro that immediately establishes my passion for [aspect of role] based on my [x years] of experience [achievement in field] and my ability to deliver [relevant skillset/results] in this position.

ChatGPT Prompts for Highlighting Qualifications

ChatGPT Prompts for Highlighting Qualifications In Cover Letter

  • After the introduction, please provide 2-3 sentences highlighting my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name]. These include my [x years] of [relevant experience], expertise in [key skills], and success [achievement].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences describing my most relevant qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name]. Focus on my [x years] of [related experience], background in [field/degree] and proven ability to [achieve relevant results].
  • Please highlight my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Summarize my [x years] of experience [relevant positions], [notable skills], and successes [achievements or metrics].
  • After the introduction, please write 2-3 sentences summarizing why I am a strong match for the [job title] position at [company name] based on my [x years] of [related experience], [relevant degree], and track record of [achievement relevant to the role].
  • Please provide 3 concise sentences highlighting my qualifications that make me uniquely suited for the [job title] role at [company name]. These include [x years] of [relevant hard skills] and [soft skills] as well as my [degree, certifications, or achievements].
  • Please concisely summarize my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Highlight my [x] years of experience in [field/positions], [relevant degree], and proven [hard skills] and [soft skills] that make me ideal for this opportunity.
  • After the introduction, please write 2-3 sentences highlighting my most relevant qualifications for the [job title] position at [company name]. Focus on my background in [field], [x years] of experience [job role], and [relevant achievements or metrics].
  • Please concisely summarize my qualifications for [job title] at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Highlight my [x years] experience in [relevant positions], background in [field/degree], and list 2-3 [hard/soft] skills that make me a strong candidate.
  • Please provide 2-3 concise sentences highlighting why I am qualified for the [job title] role at [company name]. Focus on my [x years] of relevant work in [positions], [field/degree], and proven [hard skill] abilities that enable me to excel in this position.
  • After the introduction, please highlight my relevant qualifications for [job title] at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. List my [x] years of experience in [field/positions], [relevant degree/certifications], and [1-2 key achievements or skills].

ChatGPT Prompts for Customizing for the Role

ChatGPT Prompt for Customizing for the Role in Cover Letter

  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background and skills directly align with the key requirements of the [job title] role at [company name] as listed in the job description. Refer to my [x years] of [relevant experience].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my qualifications and experience make me a strong match for the responsibilities and requirements of the [job title] role at [company name] outlined in the job description.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my [x years] of experience in [field], expertise in [relevant skills], and knowledge of [related concepts] enable me to fulfill the key duties of the [job title] role at [company name] as listed in the job posting.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences summarizing how my background and qualifications are an excellent fit with the [job title] role at [company name] based on the requirements listed in the job description, including [key responsibility, skillset, or other requirement from JD].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my [x years] of [relevant work experience], [degree] in [field], and proven [key achievements or skills] directly align with the responsibilities and qualifications required for the [job title] role at [company name].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my skills and experience make me highly qualified for the [job title] opportunity at [company name]. Refer to the key requirements in the job description including [requirement 1], [requirement 2], and [requirement 3].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background as [summary of experience] has prepared me to take on the responsibilities of [job title] at [company name] as detailed in the job description, including [key responsibility 1] and [key responsibility 2].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences summarizing how my qualifications and [x years] of experience in [relevant positions] align with the primary responsibilities listed for the [job title] role at [company name] based on the job description.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my skills in [key skills], experience [summary of experience], and expertise in [relevant knowledge areas] make me a competitive applicant for the [job title] role at [company name] based on the qualifications in the job posting.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my background and capabilities directly match the requirements and responsibilities of the [job title] position at [company name] as outlined in the job description, including [requirement 1] and [requirement 2].


ChatGPT Prompts for Aligning With Company Values

ChatGPT Prompt for Aligning With Company Values in Cover Letter

  • Please provide 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my background and values align with the mission and culture of [company name] as described on their website, such as their commitment to [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my professional approach and strengths in [relevant skills and experience] make me a great cultural fit for [company name] and their emphasis on [core company values or characteristics].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my personal values and work ethic align with [company name]’s key principles of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3] that are central to their organizational culture and mission.
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences illustrating how my qualifications and passion for [relevant field/skills] align with and will contribute to [company name]’s mission to [summary of mission] and their organizational values of [core values].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background and approach to work reflect a strong cultural match with [company name] and their commitment to innovation, [value 1] and [value 2] as described on their website.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my professional principles and strengths in [key skills/experiences] closely align with [company name]’s organizational values of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3] that make them an employer of choice.
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my work ethic, achievements, and personal values directly align with [company name]’s culture of [cultural keyword 1], [cultural keyword 2], and their emphasis on [cultural keyword 3] in their workforce.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my qualifications and passion for [aspect of role] make me a strong cultural and values-based match with [company name] and their dedication to [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my approach to work and strengths in [relevant experience] will allow me to contribute to [company name]’s culture and their core values of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences illustrating how my work ethic and personal strengths fit well with [company name]’s corporate culture and commitment to [cultural keyword 1], [cultural keyword 2], and [cultural keyword 3] as featured on their website.

ChatGPT Prompts for Closing and Call to Action

ChatGPT Prompt for Closing and Call to Action in Cover Letter

  • Please write a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] for [job title] at [company name] expressing my strong interest in this role along with a call to action to schedule an interview.
  • Please compose a closing paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] reiterating my enthusiasm and qualifications for this opportunity. End with an invitation to contact me to discuss the next steps.
  • Please write a closing statement for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] summing up why I am an ideal candidate for the [job title] position. End by urging them to set up a phone call or in-person interview.
  • Please provide a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] expressing once more my passion for the [job title] role and interest in bringing my skills to this team. End with a call to action.
  • Please compose a concluding statement for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] restating my strong qualifications and inviting [hiring manager] to reach out to schedule an interview.
  • Please write a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] expressing gratitude for their consideration and highlighting my fit for the [job title] role at [company name]. End by encouraging further dialogue.
  • For the final paragraph of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], reiterate my strongest qualifications and enthusiasm for this opportunity. Close by prompting [hiring manager] to contact me to move forward in the process.
  • Please compose a closing statement for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] that conveys my interest and qualifications for the [job title] position. Conclude with an invitation to continue the conversation.
  • Please provide a final paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] expressing appreciation for their time and consideration. Reiterate my fit for the [job title] role at [company name] and suggest the next steps to connect further.
  • For the conclusion of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please restate my passion for the position, top qualifications, and interest in contributing my skills. End by inviting [hiring manager] to contact me about the next steps.

Final Thoughts

Crafting the right ChatGPT prompts is key to producing customized and engaging cover letters.

With the examples and formulas provided above, you should feel equipped to leverage AI to generate compelling cover letters tailored to each application.

Remember to include key details on the role, company, your background, and how you’ll specifically address their needs.

FAQs: ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter

Can i use chatgpt for the cover letter.

Yes, ChatGPT’s advanced AI can generate customized, engaging cover letters that showcase your qualifications when provided with the right prompts.

What Is the Best Prompt for a Cover Letter in ChatGPT?

The best ChatGPT prompt includes your background, role details, qualification highlights, company values alignment, and a strong call to action.

How Do I Improve My Cover Letter on ChatGPT?

Improve your ChatGPT cover letter by providing more specific details on your experience, skills, achievements, and how they align with the role.

How to Get ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter Based on Your Resume and Job Description?

To get ChatGPT to write a cover letter based on your resume, provide the job description, your resume summary, relevant skills and achievements, and desired company values.

Founder & Author Image

I have been working with AI prompts for over 5 years, and I have published several articles and books on the topic. I am passionate about the potential of AI prompts to help people create better content. I am also a frequent speaker at AI conferences, where I share my knowledge and expertise with others.

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How to Write a Cover Letter Using ChatGPT in 7 Steps (+Prompt Template)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated January 30, 2024 11 min read

Thanks to tools like ChatGPT, the once-dreaded task of writing cover letters is becoming more manageable. But do you actually know how to write a cover letter using ChatGPT?

If you're not familiar with this tool and how to use it, your cover letter might become an even bigger mess than it was before.

Furthermore, using a generic prompt, such as "Write a cover letter for a junior accountant," will result in a generic cover letter.

To avoid that, we'll guide you through the essential steps to operate this AI language model effectively and explore the right prompts for writing a cover letter — ensuring your cover letter is personalized, tailored for the job, and professional.

Lastly, we'll also show you an alternative to using ChatGPT for crafting your cover letter.

But first...

Table of Contents

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What is ChatGPT?

How to write a cover letter using chatgpt in 7 steps, prompt template for chatgpt to write a personalized cover letter, the drawbacks and limitations of chatgpt.

  • If you don't want to use ChatGPT...

Key takeaways: How to write a cover letter using ChatGPT?

Due to the current hype, you probably already heard about it.

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on user input.

This tool is useful for a variety of tasks, such as drafting emails, writing articles, providing customer support, or debugging code.

To better understand how ChatGPT can help you with your cover letter writing process, let's explore its key capabilities.

  • understands context and generates relevant content
  • adapts to different writing styles and tones
  • responds effectively to user prompts for customized output
  • is capable of generating creative and engaging text

Hence, in the context of crafting cover letters, this AI tool can be a game changer for job seekers and provide a high-quality draft and/or improve the overall quality of your writing.

Want to try an easier option?

Discover Kickresume's AI Writer. Instantly generate eye-catching, ready-to-use cover letters in stunning templates.

Now that you know the key capabilities of ChatGPT, let's explore step-by-step how to use this powerful AI tool to write a cover letter.

By following these 7 steps, you'll be able to produce an impressive cover letter in minutes.

1. Sign up and create a free account on OpenAI

Head over to and sign up for a free account. It's pretty straightforward — all you need is an email address, Google account, or Microsoft account.

Both the website and app are completely free to use.

Since ChatGPT is extremely popular, you might encounter some delays while signing up. If that happens, just wait a few minutes and try again.

Just FYI, there's also a paid version called ChatGPT Plus, which has a number of advantages, including faster response times. Currently, it's available for $20/month.

2. Ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you to write a cover letter

This tool is, first and foremost, a chatbot. Hence, you can actually ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you in order to create a well-written and personalized cover letter.

So, instead of guessing what information about yourself to include in the prompt, the AI tells you directly.

Use one of the following prompts to inquire about ChatGPT's requirements:

  • I'm in the process of applying for a job and need your assistance in writing a persuasive and effective cover letter. Could you instruct me on the necessary details I should provide you with to compose such cover letter?
  • I'm currently in the process of applying for a job and need your help in crafting a cover letter for me. Can you explain what information and details you would need from my end to create the most effective and compelling cover letter for me?

The chatbot will then give a list of information it needs, why it needs them, and some concrete examples.

For instance, here's what ChatGPT churned out after using the second prompt:

3. Ask ChatGPT to create an example prompt containing the required information

Now that you know what the AI needs from you to create a cover letter, you may need a little help with phrasing the full prompt.

After all, it requires a lot of information and details from you, including a job description. Hence, it may be a little complicated to formulate an effective prompt.

So, here's what to say next to make the chatbot create the full prompt for you:

  • Can you create an example prompt I should give you that entails all of the information you require?
  • That's good. Can you give me an example of a prompt that includes all of the information and details you said you need?

Then, GPT does the work for you and creates an example of the final prompt.

Have a look:

It might also be helpful to utilize some additional resources like  AI prompts by PromptVibes   to get some inspiration or guidance in crafting your prompts.

4. Copy the example prompt and fill in with your own information

Now that ChatGPT created an example of the whole prompt for you, copy it.

Paste the example prompt as a prompt. You'll use this as a template/inspiration.

And now comes the harder part. You need to replace all of the squared brackets or "sample details" with your own details and relevant information.

It shouldn't be too complicated since you already have inspiration for what to include and how to write it from GPT.

Rather than attaching the job description, copy it from the job ad and paste it into the prompt where required.

Plus, consider adding any extra specifications in the prompt...

5. Add any additional details to finalize the prompt

Now that you provided ChatGPT with the essential information for your cover letter, you can now specify any extra details.

These can include your desired tone, style, or word count.

Have a look at an example of how to specify any extra details for the prompt:

Additional instructions for ChatGPT

  • Word count: The cover letter should be between 200 and 300 words long.
  • Tone: The tone should be professional and persuasive but still natural.
  • Style: The text should be well-structured with clearly defined paragraphs.

Now your prompt should contain everything to ensure the AI generates a personalized and relevant cover letter.

Here's what the final prompt looks like:

Dear ChatGPT,

I am currently applying for the [position title] position at [company name] and I am seeking your assistance in crafting a compelling cover letter.

Could you please help me by using the following information to create an effective cover letter?

  • Job Description: [Insert a copy of the job description here]
  • Company Information: [Provide some background information about the company’s mission, values, and culture]
  • My Goals: [Tell me about your professional goals and how this job fits into your career aspirations]
  • My Achievements: [Provide some examples of your previous accomplishments that are relevant to the position you are applying for]
  • My Motivation: [Tell me why you are interested in this particular job and what excites you about the opportunity]
  • Additional instructions: The cover letter should be between [word count] words long. The tone should be [you can include multiple adjectives] . The text should be well-structured with clearly defined paragraphs.

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to seeing what you create.

6. Run the prompt and review the output

Finally, run the prompt. It'll take a few minutes at most.

Here's the final cover letter written by ChatGPT:

When your cover letter is generated, ask yourself:

  • Do I like the output?
  • Does it include everything you wanted?
  • Is there something specific I don't like?
  • Is it long enough? Or is it too long?

You want to examine the cover letter to make sure everything is to your liking.

If you find a specific thing you'd like to adjust, feel free to specify this as your next prompt.

For instance:

  • That's good, but I think it's too long. Can you make it a little shorter?
  • That's good, but I don't like that every paragraph starts with "I". Can you re-phrase the first sentence of each paragraph?
  • That's good, but you used too many keywords from the job description. Can you re-phrase it and use the keywords from the job description less?

And, if you like the cover letter but you're not 100% convinced and can't pinpoint why — hit the Regenerate response button. Just make sure to save each output so that you have some options to choose from.

7. Proofread and edit the final cover letter

After the AI generates your cover letters, it's crucial to review them for any misrepresentations, mistakes, or grammar errors.

So, make sure to proofread and carefully edit the content before sending it.

Here are a couple of things that you might need to edit:

  • Grammar & punctuation. ChatGPT often struggles with commas and inconsistencies in the verb tense in particular.
  • Repetitive vocabulary. Replace repetitive or vague words with more precise and varied vocabulary to provide clarity and avoid redundancy.
  • Sentence structure & flow. Rearrange sentences or rephrase them to improve the overall flow of the text. Also, break up long sentences into shorter ones and combine short, choppy sentences.
  • Fact-checking. Verify any facts, statistics, or claims made within the text to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Consistency in formatting. This mostly includes consistency in abbreviations or capitalization.

Additionally, keep in mind that ChatGPT's homepage warns about the possibility of generating incorrect or biased content — so always fact-check! More on ChatGPT's drawbacks later.

Ideally, you should use the AI-generated cover letters as a starting point for the final version you'll send. Or an inspiration, if you will.

As mentioned before, ChatGPT isn't perfect.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in generating content, you have to be aware of its shortcomings when using this tool to create your cover letter.

Here are some of the potential challenges you may encounter when using ChatGPT to write a cover letter:

  • Limited understanding of context. ChatGPT might not fully comprehend the complexities of a specific job or industry, and may struggle to understand complex queries. This could lead to generic or less-targeted content in a cover letter.
  • Inaccurate or nonsensical responses. Since the chatbot doesn't possess human-level understanding, it might generate irrelevant, incorrect, or illogical information — which can decrease the quality of a cover letter.
  • Sensitivity to input phrasing . The way a prompt is phrased may affect the response generated by ChatGPT. Slight changes in phrasing can lead to different or inconsistent content in the cover letter.
  • Wordiness. ChatGPT may produce wordy or repetitive responses, which could result in a cover letter that's perceived as unprofessional or difficult to read.
  • Over-optimization for engagement. This can lead to a cover letter that contains catchy or captivating phrases but lacks the necessary information or professional tone expected in a job application.

If you don't want to use ChatGPT...

As you can probably tell, writing a cover letter with ChatGPT isn't so straightforward. It takes a lot of effort to put together a suitable prompt, adjust all of the details and information to be more personal, and has a couple of limitations overall.

What's more, this chatbot only provides you with raw text, which you then need to design and format yourself. You may also need to add a signature in a different text editor.

So, if you're looking for an alternative AI-powered solution to help you write a cover letter, consider Kickresume — a platform that specializes in creating professional resumes and cover letters (with or without AI).

Their AI cover letter writer tool uses the GPT-4 language model (used by ChatGPT, too) to produce cover letters without the need to create a lengthy prompt. The generated cover letter is well-formatted and designed and ready-for-use immediately.

Here's why you might want to give Kickresume's AI Cover Letter Writer a try:

  • No complicated prompt is required. Kickresume specializes in resumes and cover letters. Which is why the AI cover letter writer only needs a few basic data from you, and there's no need to generate multiple prompts.
  • Easy-to-use interactive platform. A user-friendly interface that makes navigating and creating your cover letter a breeze. To create an AI cover letter, you simply fill in a 2-step questionnaire, where you provide your desired job title, the job description, your credentials, and your previous employment. You can then add any details and edit the cover letter.
  • Cover letter ready to use immediately. You don't need to worry about formatting or designing your cover letter. There's a variety of visually appealing templates available that follow industry-standard formatting. You can customize the design to match your preferred style. Once you pick a template, your letter is ready to be used.
  • Provides expert tips & guidance. Apart from templates and AI assistance, Kickresume also offers expert guidance on crafting the perfect cover letter. Its Help Center is constantly updated with advice articles to help you make the best impression on potential employers.
  • Integrated signature feature. You can digitally sign your documents , eliminating the need to add a signature in a separate text editor. This ensures that your cover letter looks polished and professional.
  • Pre-written content for various industries. If you’d like to add more role-specific content to your cover letter, you also have access to pre-written phrases specific for various industries and job roles.

Here's an example of an AI-generated cover letter created with Kickresume:

AI-generated cover letter created with Kickresume

This cover letter was generated using Kickresume’s AI writer for  “copywriter”  position.

Despite the limitations of this language model, ChatGPT can be a very valuable tool in generating content for a cover letter.

Here's a quick rundown of how to write a cover letter using ChatGPT in 7 steps:

  • Sign up and create a free account on OpenAI.
  • Ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you to write a cover letter.
  • Ask ChatGPT to create an example prompt that contains all the information it required from you in the previous step.
  • Copy the example prompt and replace all of the "sample" details with your own details.
  • Add any additional details to finalize the prompt, including the word count, tone, and style.
  • Run the prompt and review the output. If you want another option, click regenerate response .
  • Proofread and edit the final cover letter. Is it over-using certain keywords? Is the grammar correct?

Every cover letter needs a resume, too.

Let our AI resume writer write the first draft of your resume for you.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Crafting the Perfect Cover Letter with ChatGPT: 30+ Prompts to Help You Stand Out

Crafting an effective cover letter can be a daunting task, even for the most experienced professionals. From deciding on the right tone and format to highlighting your skills and accomplishments, it’s easy to get lost in the details.

With ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities, you can create a compelling cover letter in no time.

Here we have written down more than 30 prompts that you can use to create a great cover letter and make your cover letter stand out from the crowd.

  • Craft a professional cover letter for [position title] at [company name].
  • Generate a compelling cover letter highlighting my skills in [skill/qualification] for a [position type] role at [company name].
  • List my experience in [industry/field] and develop a persuasive cover letter for [position type] at [company name]. These are the experience I have: [paste your experience ]
  • Describe how I can effectively convey my passion for [industry/field] in a cover letter for [position type] at [company name].
  • Suggest ways to improve my existing cover letter for [position title] by highlighting my unique qualifications and experiences. [paste down your existing cover letter]
  • Produce a cover letter that showcases my ability to work well in a team for [position title] at [company name].
  • Come up with a creative introduction for my cover letter for [position type] at [company name].
  • Generate a cover letter that stands out from the competition for [position title] at [company name].
  • Craft a cover letter that effectively showcases my communication skills for [position title] at [company name].
  • Describe how to effectively showcase my leadership skills in a cover letter for [position type] at [company name].
  • Produce a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to solve problems for [position title] at [company name].
  • Provide me with a compelling opening sentence for a cover letter to apply for a [position] role at [company name].
  • Craft a cover letter for a [position title] position at [company name] that conveys my enthusiasm for the company’s mission and your ability to succeed in a fast-paced environment.
  • Generate a compelling cover letter for a [position title] position at [company name] that focuses on my ability to solve problems and think creatively.
  • Explain in a cover letter how my previous work in [industry or field] has prepared me for success in the [position title] role at [company name].
  • Produce a cover letter that highlights my ability to work collaboratively with teams and communicate effectively in the [position title] role at [company name].
  • Give me a cover letter that showcases my ability to adapt to new situations and learn quickly, making me the ideal candidate for the [position title] role at [company name].
  • Rewrite my existing cover letter for a [position title] position at [company name] in a way that highlights my experience in [skill or qualification] and how it will benefit the company: [paste your existing cover letter here]
  • Suggest improvements to my cover letter for a [position title] position at [company name] to better emphasize my unique qualifications and how they align with the company’s goals: [paste your existing cover letter here]
  • Develop a cover letter that conveys my excitement for the opportunity to work with [company name] and how my experience in [skill or qualification] makes me the ideal candidate for the [position title] role.
  • Craft a closing paragraph for a cover letter that shows enthusiasm and interest in the role.
  • Suggest a closing paragraph for a cover letter that emphasizes enthusiasm and eagerness to join the company.
  • Explain how to tailor a cover letter for a job posting to stand out from other applicants.
  • Develop a paragraph for a cover letter that showcases relevant experience in a [specific task or skill].
  • Come up with a sentence for a cover letter that highlights a passion for the [industry or field] and aligns with the company’s values.
  • List the best ways to tailor a cover letter for a specific industry or company.
  • Generate a list of action verbs that can be used in a cover letter to describe accomplishments.
  • Describe the importance of researching the company when writing a cover letter and how to incorporate it.
  • Generate a list of accomplishments to include in a cover letter for a [position].
  • Provide a list of relevant skills and experiences to include in a cover letter for a [position].
  • List three key skills that should be emphasized in a cover letter for a [industry] position

To command ChatGPT to add more details to the cover letter or to write it in a different style, you can use prompts such as:

  • Rewrite the cover letter with more details and in a formal tone.
  • Rewrite a paragraph in a cover letter to emphasize specific achievements using quantifiable results.
  • Rewrite my cover letter for [position title] to be more enthusiastic and confident in tone.
  • Create a cover letter with a more conversational tone and add more specific details about my qualifications. Here are my qualifications: [paste down your qualifications]
  • Provide a cover letter with more emphasis on my experience and accomplishments.
  • Craft a cover letter with more details about my goals and how they align with the company’s mission.
  • Generate a cover letter that showcases my creativity and innovation, while still maintaining a professional tone.
  • Make the cover letter more personalized and include specific examples of how my skills can benefit the company. Here are my Skills: [paste down your skills]
  • Develop a cover letter with more details about my experience working with diverse teams and my ability to adapt to new situations.
  • Describe my skills and qualifications in more detail and write a cover letter that highlights how they are a good fit for the position.
  • Produce a cover letter that showcases my problem-solving skills and how they can be applied to the job requirements.
  • Come up with a more persuasive and compelling cover letter that highlights my unique qualities and sets me apart from other applicants.

Styles for Cover Letters

These are some common styles that can be used in cover letters:

Professional style: This is the most common style used in cover letters. It’s formal and business-like, and is suitable for most job applications.

Persuasive style: This style is used to persuade the employer to consider you for the job. It’s more sales-oriented, and should highlight your strengths and why you are the best candidate.

Conversational style: This style is more casual and personal. It can be used when applying for a job where a more relaxed and approachable tone is appropriate.

Storytelling style: This style is used to tell a story that demonstrates your skills and experience. It’s a great way to make your cover letter stand out and engage the reader.

Humorous style: This style uses humor to capture the reader’s attention and make the cover letter more memorable. It’s best used for jobs where a sense of humor is valued, such as in the creative industry.

Creative style: This style uses unique formatting, design, and wording to make the cover letter stand out. It’s best used for creative jobs, such as graphic design or marketing, where a strong sense of creativity is valued.

Technical style: This style is used for technical job applications, such as in IT or engineering. It should focus on your technical skills and experience, and use industry-specific terminology.

Prompt Examples:

  • Create a cover letter in a persuasive style for a [position title] position at [company name], emphasizing my experience in [skill or qualification] and how it will benefit the company.
  • Come up with a cover letter in a friendly tone that shows my passion for [company name]’s products and how you can add value to the company in the [position title] role.
  • Develop a cover letter in a professional tone for a [position title] position at [company name], highlighting my accomplishments in [skill or qualification] and how you can contribute to the company’s goals.
  • Produce a cover letter that showcases my [skill] abilities in a professional and positive tone.
  • Suggest a tone and style for a cover letter to apply for a creative position in the [industry] field.
  • Craft a compelling opening paragraph for a cover letter in the [style] style.

Remember to choose a style that matches the job you are applying for and your own personality, skills, and experience.

1 thought on “Crafting the Perfect Cover Letter with ChatGPT: 30+ Prompts to Help You Stand Out”

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Very helpful tips and great approach for a cover letter idea. Thankyou

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21 ChatGPT Prompts to Get You to Start Writing Your Cover Letter

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In This Guide:

Is it ethical to use chatgpt to write your cover letter, six cover letter structures to experiment with, how to use chatgpt for cover letter writing, using chatgpt to write various sections of your cover letter, edit your cover letter writing style with this chatgpt prompt, three different cover letters based on seniority, key takeaways.

Sorting through hundreds of applications for that most coveted role of Senior Network Engineer, you've found three candidates that fit the bill.

All have the relevant experience, yet:

  • the first submitted just a resume;
  • the second - an impersonal cover letter, solely written by the likes of an AI (e.g. ChatGPT);
  • the third candidate has taken the time to study your organization and to align it with their unique skill set.

Highlighting that all three candidates have the same amount of experience...

...wouldn't a well-written cover letter sort of bias you to choose the one that shows the most care (and in some cases - enthusiasm) toward the job and company?

If you're applying for a job, hear us out!

The cover letter isn't just a professional narrative , but the greatest asset to demonstrate your:

  • unique value and how your skills match the job;
  • interest in the company and role;
  • confidence in your abilities.

Your cover letter allows you to shape how your potential employers see your experience. It further highlights what you want them to remember from your resume .

Checklist: Pros to including a cover letter

Checklist: downsides to cover letter writing.

The choice of writing a cover letter is entirely up to you.

But here's where an ethical question comes in.

What if you simply can't write your cover letter (and can't afford to hire an experienced cover letter writer to help you out)? And you don't have an AI resume builder tool to create it for you, based on your resume?

Would using ChatGPT to your advantage be counted as "cheating"?

You've probably been living under a rock for the past six months or so if you haven't heard of ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer).

The free language model can supposedly do anything: from debugging codes to pointing out interesting destinations around you.

ChatGPT works as so: you write a prompt (a well-formulated, clear, and concise question or instructions). Within a few seconds, the AI chatbot provides you with a response to your query.

What is more, candidates have been using ChatGPT to restructure their resumes, prepare for interviews, and even write cover letters.

This guide will precisely focus on giving you the know-how of using ChatGPT for your cover letter with:

  • Beginners luck: six structures to get to know the writing process;
  • The most concise cover letter writing prompt;
  • How to align your cover letter to the job;
  • More advanced ChatGPT writing prompts for separate cover letter sections;
  • Matching the style of the job advert to your cover letter…

… and so much more!

To answer the ethics question of writing a cover letter with ChatGPT, we’ve found a viral story for you.

One that presents you with the biggest “don’t”. Ever.

How not to write a cover letter with ChatGPT

Mandy Tang, a career coach and business owner, was sorting through job applications when she stumbled across a cover letter that covered every single one of her requirements.

"The letter was really well-formed, incredibly well-written, and had literally everything I wanted. But then I looked closer and realized it was just a copy and paste of everything I had put in the job description.”

Mandy Tang, career coach, and business owner

Tang decided to check with ChatGPT what the case was. She pasted in her job advert and told the chatbot to write a cover letter for it.

ChatGPT then regurgitated her requirements: word for word.

So, here's the moral of the story.

If you want to use ChatGPT to help you write a cover letter, be prepared with as much relevant information (including your resume) to get writing. Either copy and paste your resume or use a dedicated AI resume builder to create your cover letters.

Don't just copy-paste the advert in and expect the chatbot to work its magic.

How do you differentiate a well-written cover letter from a generic one?

The truth is that excellent cover letters are like diamonds in the rough.

Candidates use them to tell quick stories without diving too much into the nitty-gritty details.

Checklist: Before you start writing your cover letter, prepare

Cover letters' main purpose is to catch recruiters' interests by finding the balance between:

  • dedicated cover letter space and filler words/ language;
  • key skills or achievements without repeating candidate resumes;
  • showing authentic interest in the role while highlighting job keywords;
  • being specific and personable, yet ticking all the requirement boxes by allowing recruiters to imagine what the candidates' potential would be if they joined the company.

Attaining that level of perfection in cover letter writing sometimes seems impossible.

Here's where the role of ChatGPT comes in.

To kick off this cover letter/ChatGPT writing exercise, we've prepared six structures for you to experiment with.

The end goal is evident: for you to find the one that matches both your experience and the organization you're applying for best.

Without further ado, discover the:

Standardized cover letter prompt

The structure outline commences with a paragraph, where you'd introduce yourself, mention the role you're applying for, and how you've learned about it.

In the next paragraphs, you’d highlight relevant skills , experience , or accomplishments . Ones that align with the job requirements .

The next paragraph would focus on how you can help the company grow.

Sign off with a paragraph about how excited you are for the role and/or company, and thank hiring managers for their time.

Here's the prompt to get you writing:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this standardized structure. In the first paragraph, mention the role I'm applying for [Senior Architect] and that I've learned about it [from a friend who works at the company]. Use the next paragraph to highlight any of my relevant skills, experiences, or accomplishments that align with the job. The third and final paragraph should sign off with my excitement for the role. I'd also like to thank the recruiters for their time in assessing my resume and how I look forward to the next stages of the process. Ensure that the cover letter uses professional language and tone and follows industry best practice examples. If you've understood the assessment, can I please paste in my resume?

ChatGPT would next provide you with a template cover letter that follows this structure, which you could edit.

Certainly, I'd be happy to help you write a cover letter for the Senior Architect position. Please feel free to paste in your resume so I can review it and tailor the cover letter accordingly.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Senior Architect position that I learned about from a friend who works at your esteemed organization. With my extensive experience in the field of architecture, I am confident that I have the skills and expertise required to excel in this role.

As a seasoned architect with over 10 years of experience, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects, including commercial and residential buildings, public infrastructure, and urban planning. My experience has given me a deep understanding of the design process, from initial concept to final construction, as well as an ability to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders at all levels. I am also well-versed in the latest architectural software and tools, including AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Revit, which have enabled me to produce high-quality designs and renderings.

I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and experience to the Senior Architect position at your organization. I believe that my expertise in architecture and design, as well as my ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and clients, make me an ideal candidate for this role.

Thank you for considering my application for the Senior Architect position. I appreciate the time you have taken to assess my resume, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you.

[Your Name]

But to go one step further, paste in your resume:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

And, voilà:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

Of course, this isn't the final version of your cover letter. You'll need to tweak the role you're applying for. But it's a pretty good starting point.

2. Best candidate structure

This cover letter structure is more focused on the specific job you’d be applying for and showcasing to recruiters why they should choose you.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this structure. In the first paragraph, highlight details about the company and give specific reasons as to why I'm interested in joining it. Use the next paragraph to highlight any of my relevant skills, experiences, or accomplishments that align with the job. The third and final paragraph should once again highlight why I'm a good fit for the company culture and role. Ensure that the cover letter uses professional language and tone and follows industry best practice examples. Make sure that it's not longer than three paragraphs. If you've understood the assessment, can I please paste in my resume?

Next, paste in your resume and the job advert itself to get a more personalized cover letter for the role.

Here’s my resume: [paste in your whole experience, strengths, achievements, etc.]

Here’s the job I’m applying for: [paste in everything in the job requirements]

The first cover letter ChatGPT produced was a bit too long.

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Senior Architect position within your Sports Team at AECOM. I was impressed by your firm's commitment to delivering sustainable and equitable solutions that improve communities, as well as your dedication to fostering a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. As a Senior Architect with over 10 years of experience in designing commercial and residential buildings, I am excited to apply my skills and knowledge to help your team achieve its goals.

Throughout my career, I have developed expertise in CAD and 3D design, BIM software, and project management. I have designed the initial structures of 20+ commercial buildings valued between $15-50 million and managed the realization and construction of 15+ commercial buildings, coordinating a total of 150+ people. Additionally, I have developed building information models using Revit and mentored junior architects in designing major government buildings. My experience in negotiating alternative solutions with stakeholders, stepping in for the lead architect, and planning budgets up to $100M highlights my leadership, negotiation, and budget planning skills.

As a Senior Architect within your Sports Team, I am confident that I can contribute to the development of solutions to complex technical problems in sports-related projects and other public and private sector projects. I am adept at managing multiple projects at various stages of development, ensuring that project teams meet quality, schedule, contractual, and budget goals. My ability to maintain project records and files, review construction documents for compliance with client/project requirements, and lead in the management and preparation of proposals for architectural projects including the development of work effort estimates demonstrates my attention to detail, communication skills, and ability to provide leadership and mentorship of staff and internal project teams.

I am excited about the opportunity to grow my career with AECOM through your technical and professional development programs and diverse career opportunities. As an architect with a strong commitment to sustainability and a dedication to providing clients with personal spaces that meet their needs, I believe I would be an excellent fit for AECOM's mission and values. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team and work with a global network of experts who are leading the change toward a more sustainable and equitable future.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your convenience and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

That’s why we asked the chatbot to shorten the cover letter using this prompt:

Can you make this cover letter be a bit shorter?

What do you think of ChatGPT’s final writing:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

3. Narrative

This is one of the most exciting cover letter outlines out there. Yet, the cover letter is an exercise of focusing more on skill alignment and the organization you’re applying for, than yourself.

We’d recommend you use the narrative structure for instances where the job advert is very much value focused on soft skills and character fit.

Now, it’s story time!

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this storytelling structure. In the first paragraph, introduce my professional background that is relevant to the job of [3D Artist]. Use the next paragraph to share a relevant story from my experience that demonstrates my skills, experience, or personal qualities. Explain how this story relates to the job requirements. Sum up the cover letter with a paragraph about why I'm a great fit for the role, in terms of skills and enthusiasm for the industry. Use professional language and tone, but at the same time keep this cover letter compact. Follow some best industry practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in my resume?

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

The prompt we’ve provided you with is a bit generic. If you want to go for the gold:

  • jot down a few details for ChatGPT about the storyline you want to tell with your experience;
  • focus on an industry-wide challenge that you’ve overcome via your experience;
  • think about the narrative which would impress recruiters the most and include it in the prompt.

Feel free to edit and add to this ChatGPT prompt, so that your cover letter turns into a real modern-day professional fairy tale.

3. Solution

This framework allows you to present to potential employers your problem-solving skills from the get-go.

It's a very good one for more technical roles.

Here's the prompt you could use:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following problem-solving structure to write the cover letter. I'll provide you with both the job advert and my resume. In the first paragraph, mention one specific challenge that this company may face, which the role can solve. The next paragraph should focus on how up to three skills and one of my past professional roles make me the perfect candidate to resolve this problem. Finalize with more information about why I'm the perfect candidate for the role. Use professional language and tone, but at the same time keep this cover letter compact. Follow the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in my resume?

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

After a shortener prompt, here’s the final result that ChatGPT produced:

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

This structure is one of the most prominent and useful ones for you. It’d focus on a tailored sales pitch to the role you’re applying for.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following skill-based structure to write the cover letter. List between 3–5 skills from my experience that are relevant to the job. Use my resume to provide brief examples of how I've used those particular skills in the past. Make sure to include both technical and soft skills. Keep this cover letter to be compact with a maximum of four paragraphs. Use professional language and tone. Follow the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in both my resume and the job advert?

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

3. T-Format

The T-format cover letter writing structure matches individual job requirements and keywords with resume experience items.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following T-format structure to write the cover letter. I'll provide you with both the job advert and my resume. Make this cover letter no more than five paragraphs long. List the job requirements or key skills mentioned in the job posting within the left column. In the right column, provide my provide corresponding experiences and qualifications. Use professional language and tone, while following the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in both my resume and the job advert?

It provides you with a very structured and easy-to-read end result:

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

These six structures are a good starting point for writing your cover letter. Of course, the more personalized prompts you provide to ChatGPT, the better the end results would be.

You’d ultimately need to tweak the text - here and there - but this chatbot provides you with excellent food for thought.

Moving on, within the next part of our guide, we’ll look at how the chatbot could help you write more specific cover letter sections.

The full prompt experience

Okay, so maybe you're struggling with the whole cover letter writing process and need help asap from ChatGPT.

Once again, this is your reminder not to solely rely on technology to write your cover letter. Instead, use it as a starting point to get writing.

Here's a very useful prompt for you.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with the job advert and my resume. Use this information to create a professional and effective cover letter. Focus the cover letter to be written using the best practices and industry standards. Tailor the cover letter's content to the specific job and company that I am applying to, highlighting my relevant skills and experience. Also, make sure to explain why I am a strong candidate for the position. Please ensure that the cover letter is clear and concise. The cover letter should have appropriate formatting and layout to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Do make sure that it effectively communicates my qualifications and interest in the job. Finally, don't include any personal opinions or statements. I'll first provide you with my resume, then the job advert. Is that okay?

–  Read the full ChatGPT conversation here

When pasting in your resume, make sure to include all relevant sections, including

CCXP Certified UX/UI Designer resume example

Once again, make sure to include all the relevant items in the job advert.

Here's what ChatGPT came up with:

CCXP Certified UX/UI Designer resume example

It's a pretty good effort, but if you're writing a cover letter, you need to go above and beyond.

That means as a rule of thumb, you can surely take what ChatGPT has written for you. But you need to personalize it further to show your character and what makes you stand out.

Aligning resume and job advert

The cursor has been blinking like crazy for the past 20 minutes in your Word document. Looking down at the status bar, the word count is still zero.

You have so much you want to say about yourself, the job, and the company. Yet, your mind is like that blank page in front of you.

From where do you start writing your cover letter?

The first stage of the process is research.

The best candidates don't just go on and on about how skillful they are in Python and/or C++.

But rather - their cover letters show recruiters how their visions and the company's ones for the future align.

Remember: your cover letter is never solely about you, but what you'd bring to the company.

This is one of the most useful ChatGPT prompts to get you writing: discovering how your resume answers the company's pain points.

The experience-job advert alignment prompt

Here's the prompt we've used:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with information about the job I am applying for and my relevant skills and experience. You will help me discover two things. The first - which areas of my expertise align with the job I'm applying for? The second - what skills would I need to highlight in my cover letter to make a good first impression? Is that understood?

Once you get the good to go from ChatGPT, it's time to paste your resume.

 resume example

Checklist: In this case, Andrew Clark's resume:

ChatGPT has a bad tendency to fill in the gaps by fabricating any missing information. So, make sure you've pasted in all the information that's relevant to your application.

Next, you have to paste in the job advert. Once again, the more information you can provide to ChatGPT, the better the assessment will be.

We've provided the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst role in full by including:

  • Key responsibilities
  • Proven characteristics for success
  • Personal traits
  • Qualifications (both the must-have and the preferred ones)
  • Any additional information (about both the company and its offer to candidates)

Asking ChatGPT if the role suits your experience is always a good idea. Here’s what the chatbot told us about Andrew Clark’s resume:

Overall, your experience and skills position you well for the role of a Business Intelligence Analyst. Your cover letter should showcase your relevant experience and highlight your technical and interpersonal skills, as well as your passion for learning and personal attributes that make you a good fit for the company culture.

Find out more about the chatbot's assessment.

It started listing all the crucial requirements for the role that align with the candidate's experience. Those included:

  • data analysis
  • visualization skills
  • collecting requirements
  • defining reporting standards
  • creating dashboards.

Into the specifics, ChatGPT looked into technical skills that it recommends being integrated within the cover letter.

Technical skills that matched the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst role are:

  • dealing with large datasets;
  • building advanced dashboards with BI tools (e.g. Tableau Desktop);
  • data modeling experience;
  • SQL and/or Python;
  • experience with ETL (e.g. Alteryx).

ChatGPT didn't disappoint with key soft skills either.

The main ones it told us to focus on (based on priority):

  • working collaboratively to develop reliable, robust, and self-serve reporting;
  • curiosity and passion for learning;
  • ability to see the big picture;
  • operating with a bias toward action and ownership;
  • ability to build lasting and meaningful relationships;
  • commitment to quality;
  • cultural awareness.

BONUS alignment prompt

Next, we decided to dive deeper into the skills' alignment with this prompt:

Could you be more specific about the skills' alignment between my resume and the job advert? Which ones do you think would be a good idea to focus on, based on my current professional experience?

ChatGPT wanted us to focus on these four crucial areas to land the job:

  • Data analysis and modeling: preparing budgets, variance analysis, identifying collaboration opportunities, and data modeling (data and platform integrations).
  • Reporting and visualization: creating dashboards and reports; BI tools (e.g. Tableau Desktop).
  • Collaboration and communication: working across functions, leadership, and communication across the board.
  • Technical skills: SQL, Python, ETL tools.

One final tip from ChatGPT:

In your cover letter, it would be beneficial to focus on your experience with data analysis and modeling, as well as your technical skills, especially your proficiency with BI tools and your knowledge of SQL and/or Python. Additionally, you should highlight your collaboration and communication skills, especially your ability to work across functions and lead teams to achieve shared outcomes.

ChatGPT could help you start writing your cover letter with ideas of areas you can focus on.

What if you happen to have some experience in cover letter writing and just want to improve your cover letter?

ChatGPT is the perfect assistant that can do that for you.

This next section of our guide is specifically for those more advanced writers. It'll show you how to tailor individual cover letter sections.

Ultimately allowing you to have more control over what ChatGPT writes, while injecting more of your personal style.

Use these prompts to tweak individual sections of your cover letter.

Cover letter introduction and first paragraph

You could use ChatGPT to help you write about…

Something that impressed you about the company

Within the prompt, mention the role you're applying for and the company. You could also specify the tone of voice and your cover letter introduction length.

One of the most important and personalized elements you need to include is what you actually like about the company.

Be honest and as specific as you can possibly be when presenting ChatGPT with the instructions.

Here’s an effective prompt and cover letter introduction by ChatGPT:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a [lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson].

I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. I want to show that I am genuinely attracted to the company’s brand and have used or followed their products or services before.

A former colleague that referred you to this job

Referencing a colleague is a great starting point for building authentic trust between recruiters and yourself.

Apart from the generic details about the role you're applying for, you could also provide ChatGPT with instructions about

  • words it needs to avoid;
  • tone of voice;
  • introduction length;
  • projects you've collaborated on with your former colleague;
  • give recognition to the colleague that recommended you.

Check out this prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm [a lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or fewer. I was referred to this job by [a former colleague, Kathryn Hydefield], so mention that connection in my cover letter.

Consider the following as well:

- Avoid using extreme words like “greatest” or “best”

- Show excitement and gratitude

- Keep it brief and let the recommendation speak for itself

- Mention a project you've worked on together previously

- Mention the good intentions of the person recommending you

This is a great starting point, but you'll need to fill in all relevant details.

Your motivations for applying to this job

Perhaps you'd like to start the cover letter with some information about your interest in the role.

ChatGPT can help you restructure your thoughts (and subsequently interest) with this prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm [a lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Please do focus on the reason why I'm applying for the role: [that I'm interested in applying my experience in a more global company].

A great achievement

In some cases, you'll want to kick off your cover letter with one of your greatest achievements.

Style it up with ChatGPT:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a lawyer, applying for [a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that leads with an impressive achievement and features quantifiable results.

Want to make ChatGPT’s job an even easier one?

Prepare in advance your greatest/ most impressive achievement with details of what you’ve achieved.

If the end results are supported by data, you’ll turn into the ultimate cover letter rock star.

Something newsworthy

Maybe the most impressive item of your career is that national award you won last year, recognizing your contributions to string theory research. Or, perhaps, your client feedback remains at a steady AVG of 98%.

Kick off your cover letter with this "newsworthy" ChatGPT prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a lawyer, applying for [a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that mentions something newsworthy (e.g. an award or recognition) and what its implications are to the role or industry.

Your vision

Cover letters are usually about alignment between individuals and the company they’re applying for.

Stating how your ambitions and vision for the future correspond with the company’s ones can open many doors for you.

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a [lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that mentions how my ambitions for the role align with the company's ones.

All of these six prompts can help you sort the information that you’d like to talk about.

But don’t solely rely on ChatGPT - you have all the talents and skills to present yourself.

Middle paragraphs of your cover letter

Now that you have the intro written, it's time to look at the body of your cover letter.

What these middle paragraphs aim to show is:

  • that you've done your homework about the company;
  • that you have the relevant skills and experience ;
  • how you'll help the company succeed, based on your past successes.

Here are three useful prompts you can tailor and experiment with.

1. The research prompt

You know the company; you love the company. What is more, the role you're applying for is precisely what you're looking for.

Want to formulate this more professionally in the body of your cover letter?

I want you to act as a cover letter copywriter. I'm a [junior .net developer], applying for a [.net developer at Tesla]. Help me write the middle paragraphs of the cover letter, which should be no more than 100 words long. Make sure the tone is professional and shows my enthusiasm for the opportunity. Please focus the body of the cover letter on information about the company and why this role would be perfect for me.

2. Highlighting relevant skills, qualifications, and experience

This is one of the biggest questions recruiters are looking to have answered while reading your cover letter:

Do you have the right skills for the job, right now?

ChatGPT can help you communicate this across:

I'm a [communication officer], applying for a [project manager role at Home Depot]. Key skills for the role include [communication and partnership management; meeting project deadlines; and applying the Agile framework to attain results]. I want you to act as a cover letter writer and help me write the middle paragraphs of the cover letter. They should be no more than 100 words long and should sound professional and enthusiastic. One of the most important things to achieve in this section is to highlight the alignment between my experience with those three crucial skills for the role.

When listing this prompt, be specific about the key skill requirements and your experience.

If you want to go above and beyond, you could paste in your resume and the job advert, as we did in the previous sections of this guide.

The new prompt would follow the style of that above and end with something along the lines of:

… I'll first paste in my resume and then the job advert for you. Is that okay?

Once you get the “good-to-go” from ChatGPT, paste in all relevant information and watch the magic happen right before your eyes.

3. Forward-facing

The future is the ultimate sales pitch of your experience.

Rather than focusing just on your strengths, you’d present recruiters with what they’d ultimately get if they hire you.

I'm [an Amazon PPC expert], looking to land a role as [an Amazon Account Manager]. I want you to help me write the body of my cover letter, which should be no more than 100 words long. Make it sound amicable, professional, and enthusiastic. Focus these paragraphs on how my ambitions align with those of [Amazon]. Also, how my unique skill set would bring in success to the company.

Ending of a cover letter and ChatGPT

One of the best ways to end your cover letter is with a promise.

Either of what you'd bring to the table or how this opportunity would help you grow.

Here are the best two prompts you can use to finish off your cover letter with a snap:

I want you to help me write the final sentence of my cover letter. It should be no more than 50 words long, and should sound professional and engaging. Let the sentence show how I'd help [Sears' sales department] grow.

I want you to help me write the final sentence of my cover letter. It should be no more than 50 words long, and should sound professional and engaging. Let the sentence show how the role of [data analyst at Google] would grow my professional skills and abilities.

This is one of the greatest prompts of all time - let’s say you’ve your cover letter is already complete, but you’re applying to a smaller company.

You’d need to fix the language to sound more easily accessible to the recruiters.

ChatGPT can do that for you:

Can you help me adjust the tone of my cover letter? I've currently written one that it's more professional. I want it to sound more friendly, as I'll be applying for a role within a [startup]. I'll first provide you with my initial cover letter. Is that alright?

You’d next provide your cover letter:

QA Engineer/Test Analyst resume example

And in just a few seconds, you’d receive:

QA Engineer/Test Analyst resume example

Checklist: This style prompt could come in handy for you if you’re tailoring your cover letter for a/ an:

Including as much as possible from the relevant information would really help ChatGPT tailor and re-write your cover letter.

Of course, we can’t end this guide without providing you with a few more concrete examples of using ChatGPT to write your cover letter.

So here’s what we were able to produce with the help of the chatbot for

Entry-Level Candidate Cover Letter Example

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with just my resume - I'm an entry-level professional, looking for experience in [Engineering]. Could you please help me write my cover letter?

Entry Level Engineer resume example

Mid-Career Level Cover Letter

I'm a [Cisco Certified System Administrator] in the middle of my career. I'm currently looking for a change of pace. I'll provide you with my resume, so you could help me write a cover letter for my mid-career move. The cover letter should be no more than four paragraphs long, sounding ambitious and professional. Use best cover letter writing practices to attain the wanted results. Is it okay if I share my resume with you?

Cisco Certified System Administrator resume example

C-Level Exectuve Cover Letter

I'm a CEO currently on the lookout for new opportunities. Once I provide you with my resume, please help me write a cover letter for more senior opportunities. The cover letter should be no more than four paragraphs long, sounding ambitious, professional, yet down to earth. Use best cover letter writing practices to attain the wanted results. Is it okay if I share my resume with you?

Expert leadership in customer driven technological platforms resume example

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How to get ChatGPT to write your cover letter: step-by-step guide with exact prompts

  • When applying for jobs, ChatGPT-4 can make the cover-letter writing process more manageable.
  • An AI consultant shares tips for writing an effective cover letter using ChatGPT.
  • Here's a step-by-step guide, including writing prompts and navigating ChatGPT's limitations. 

Insider Today

Generative AI can be an effective tool for time-consuming tasks like writing cover letters, but only if you know how to use it effectively.

As an AI consultant , marketing and design companies come to me when they need help learning to use AI tools like ChatGPT. I also help companies review potential employees for AI-specific roles by evaluating their understanding of current tools and trends.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get AI to write you a great cover letter that doesn't sound AI-generated. 

Learn the basics

ChatGPT works best with specific directions, so learn what makes a good cover letter before directing ChatGPT to write one. 

Isimemen Aladejobi, a career strategist, outlines three components of an effective cover letter. 

  •  A strong introduction that demonstrates company or industry knowledge. Highlight something in the news that's relevant to your prospective department. Use this topical event to segue into why you're interested in this specific position.  Aladejobi recommends always referring to the job title and company by name.
  • The body of the cover letter should convey why your skills and experience make you a perfect fit. Highlight what you brought to the table at your last job and connect it to the requirements of the role you're applying for. Even suggest initiatives you could start at the company.
  • The sign-off should be simple. Aladejobi suggests, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you," which she says demonstrates enthusiasm without being too wordy. 

With this in mind, you can now start prompting ChatGPT with confidence. 

Writing your cover letter in ChatGPT-4

Be aware of the token limit.

The token limit is ChatGPT's limit on recall and comprehension during a single session. ChatGPT has a token limit of 4,096, and according to OpenAI , 100 tokens are about 75 words.

If ChatGPT starts responding to prompts illogically, you've probably hit the limit. This message to help ChatGPT refocus:

" Please search this chat for the word strawberry and reread that message and provide me a summary of what you think we need to do. We're at step [#] of that message. Tell me if you want a recap of the previous steps, and I'll provide a summary. "

Having this marker will keep ChatGPT on task and ensure an accurate end product. 

Step 1: Onboard ChatGPT to the task

ChatGPT needs very explicit instructions to complete tasks successfully. Below is the exact prompt to copy and paste into the chatbot. 

To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: 

"Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company]. I have [#] years of experience. Here's what we're going to do:

  •  You will ask me at least 15 questions about my work history and vision for the role. Make at least one of the questions "What initiatives would you implement in this role?"
  • I'm going to give you sections of the job description to read and you're going to generate a strategic plan for the cover letter based on my answers from step one and the job description for me to approve.
  • I'm going to give you a news item about the company. Read it and tell me how you plan to connect it to my cover letter application.
  • Use this format to write the cover letter:
  • Begin with the news item based on my approval of your strategy. Conclude paragraph one: "When I came across this role, I knew it was the role for me. Let me tell you why."
  • The next two to three paragraphs should be my career history with clear connections to the position requirements and desired skills. Make sure to say somewhere, "As your [position title], I'll," and include some of the initiatives.
  • Wrap up with the following sentence, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you."

If we exceed your token limit, let's use "strawberry" as our focus word so you can get reoriented. 

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Please begin by summarizing what you think I want you to do."

If you're making a pivot in your career, remove this line from the prompt: " I have [#] years of experience ," and replace it with " I'm making a career transition from [industry] to [industry] so the cover letter needs to heavily showcase how my previous experience is an asset to [Company]. "

And add this to the first task: "Make another question about how I think my previous experience is an asset to this new industry."

Step 2: Check for understanding

ChatGPT should create a summary of this plan. Check that the summary is accurate. If it is, reply with " next step " or " yes ."

Ashley Couto

If ChatGPT gets confused, open a new chat and repaste the prompt.

Step 3: Answer the career questions and have ChatGPT generate a career summary

The bot should provide you with the 15 career questions. Each answer should be two or three sentences long. You can go over for one or two questions, but be wary of potentially hitting the token limit. 

Once you've answered all the questions, add this sentence and press enter:

" Please create a detailed summary of my responses that I can paste into ChatGPT so I don't have to answer all these questions again if I need to generate another cover letter. "

Copy and paste the summary into another document to use for other applications. 

Step 4: Input no more than 2,500 characters of the job description

Copy and paste only the pertinent details from the description into ChatGPT and delete the fluff. Keep skills and competencies, responsibilities, the role overview, and a little about the company if you think it would be helpful.

Step 5: Paste in a company press release or industry-specific news story

Once ChatGPT gives you its plan, decide whether you agree with its intent. If you do, indicate that you want to move forward and press return or make a change. 

With any AI tool, you must be an editor and strategic advisor. Do not assume that what it's generated is the right path. Exercise critical judgment and get ChatGPT to refine.

For example, after I provided the article, ChatGPT presented me with a summary that didn't highlight key issues on how Canadian media companies think about content. I gave it instructions to refine it.

Step 6: Generate the cover letter and revise it with ChatGPT

Once you've approved its strategic approach, ChatGPT will generate the cover letter. 

It will generate a first draft but probably won't be ready for use yet. It's your job now to go back in and revise using specific instructions.

For example, I felt that the third paragraph ChatGPT generated was weak.

Direct it with specific changes to adjust particular paragraphs and go back and forth for a few rounds until you're happy.

And it generated a much stronger attempt.

Step 7: Put it into a text editor

ChatGPT has a suboptimal understanding of grammar and syntax. Once you're happy with the content, put your text through Grammarly to help tighten up the language and avoid problems like using the passive voice.

Step 8: Rinse and repeat with modifications

You can use the same root prompt for future cover letters, but replace step one with this:

"I'm going to paste in a summary of my work experience. Please write me a three-sentence summary of what type of work I do and what you see as my top accomplishment so I can check for understanding."

Based on the previously generated summary, you'll double-check that ChatGPT has a good idea of what you do. If it's missing a few key details, fill it in on those or tell it which summary you want it to prioritize before you move through the rest of the prompt.

Watch: The 3 key words to use on your résumé to land the interview

cover letter chatgpt prompt

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ChatGPT cover letters: How to use this tool the right way


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What is ChatGPT?

How to write a cover letter using chatgpt, make ai work for you: 3 extra tips, write a cover letter that stands out.

When applying for a job, you always provide a resume.

But a cover letter holds just as much weight — if not more — in hiring decisions. It gives you a chance to elaborate on your resume and explain why you’re right for the job.

Like a letter of interest , your cover letter is the recruiter or hiring manager ’s first impression of you. It should be professional, persuasive, and well-written. 

With that in mind, written communication isn’t everyone’s strong suit, and that’s okay. There are resume builders and cover letter templates to guide the way. And if those tools aren’t enough, artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, can also help you put your best foot forward. 

Here’s how to harness AI and write a ChatGPT cover letter that looks professional and wins over recruiters.

ChatGPT is an AI language processing tool that burst into pop culture at the end of 2022. As of June 2023, the program is available for free because it’s still in the research and feedback-collection phase, but there’s a paid subscription option called ChatGPT Plus.

AI research company OpenAI reportedly trained ChatGPT on a massive dataset of over 8 million documents and 10 billion words , which helped the program develop a complex understanding of the patterns and relationships in human speech. 

When you ask ChatGPT a question or give it a command — like “Write a cover letter for me based on my resume” — the AI uses those patterns to create a string of words it predicts will best answer your question. The result is often eloquent and professional-sounding content. 

In the short time it’s been available to the public, ChatGPT has become wildly popular. It gained 100 million active users just two months after its launch , setting a record for the fastest adoption of a new consumer app. It’s clear that people love this tool — and they’re using it for everything from computer code to resumes and cover letters.

While ChatGPT is a remarkable tool, it’s important to remember that it’s just that: a tool. The responses you get depend on the prompt you give, so it’s wise to learn how to use ChatGPT to your advantage. If you want to use this program to write your next cover letter, follow this step-by-step guide:

1. Gather your information

For ChatGPT to write your job application cover letter, you’ll need to give it some information about you and the job you’re applying for. The first thing you need to do is gather everything you’re including in the prompt. This should consist of the following:

  • Your contact information
  • Your work history, including a brief description of past responsibilities and personal achievements
  • Your educational history, including any master’s degrees and notable honors and awards
  • Your special skills or training relevant to the job posting 
  • The job description and roles and responsibilities of the position


This information will help you use ChatGPT as a cover letter generator that writes text specific to your desired job. The chatbot will analyze the job description for key information, like required education or skills, and use your work history and qualifications to draft a letter showcasing your abilities to meet the employer’s needs. 

2. Prep the prompt

Once you have your resume and all other vital information handy, it’s time to ask ChatGPT to make a cover letter. Your prompt should be as specific as possible to help the AI create a tailored response that meets your needs.

Start your ChatGPT prompt by telling the chatbot what you’re looking for. For example:

I need you to write a cover letter for my application at [insert company name]. Please base the letter on the job description below.

Then, copy and paste the description from the original job posting . This encourages ChatGPT to use key phrases from the post and highlight your most relevant experience. 

Next, you need to tell the AI chatbot a little about yourself. Input your contact information, your education history, and other skills from your resume or CV that you feel pertain to the position you’re applying for. You can even add your resume to the prompt to give the chatbot additional details. That way it uses as much information as possible.

Once you add everything you need, your prompt might look like this:

I need help drafting a cover letter for my application at [insert company name]. Please base the letter on the job description below:

[insert job posting]

Here is important information about me:

Contact info: [name, email address, LinkedIn profile ]

Work experience: [relevant work history]

Education history: [degrees, certifications, any applicable awards and honors]

Special skills: [relevant skills for the position]

I am including my resume below. Please highlight my experience and responsibilities from [previous company].

Once you’ve entered all the information above, simply hit “enter” and let the chatbot get to work. In a few seconds, it should have a customized cover letter ready for you. 

Here’s an example of ChatGPT’s response to a prompt asking for a hypothetical cover letter for an aspiring marketing manager:

cover letter chatgpt prompt

3. Refine the response

While ChatGPT can write a cover letter based on the details you entered, its initial draft may still have room for improvement. It might not highlight everything you wanted it to, and there’s a chance the writing might sound robotic. 

Luckily, you can ask the chatbot to refine and rewrite its results as many times as you want. You could ask it to adjust the tone of your cover letter to make it more upbeat or formal, or write a paragraph about a specific team goal you helped meet.

You can also tailor the formatting at this stage. When ChatGPT creates resume and cover letter examples, it typically adds a traditional heading. Instead, you can prompt it to reformat the letter for an email and create a subject line. Here’s an example from a prompt that said “Can you make this cover letter suitable for email?”:

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Once you have the formatting down, give the letter a thorough read. ChatGPT is a highly advanced AI, but it’s not infallible. Take the time to proofread the cover letter for any typos, incorrect information, or phrasing that doesn’t serve your goal of landing a job interview . At only a few hundred words, you want to make that space count.

For example, ChatGPT may point out hard and soft skills you’re missing from the job description instead of highlighting the ones you do have. If you spot these kinds of errors, simply ask it to generate a new response without them. 

Remember, a cover letter is your opportunity to make a great first impression on your prospective employer. Take the time and ensure ChatGPT creates the best letter possible. It might seem like a lengthy process, but it’s likely shorter than the time it would take you to write a cover letter from scratch.

While ChatGPT can write a decent cover letter with even the simplest prompts, a few tips and tricks will improve its output. Try these suggestions to make your cover letter even better: 

Keep the thread open

As an AI program, ChatGPT learns from the conversations and prompts it gets from users. But once you close the page, the program might “forget” its previous conversations. If you want to make changes to your cover letter, it’s best to make those requests in a single thread. This helps the chatbot remember your asks and you keep track of the changes you made. 


Specify the letter length

While you may have a lot to say in your cover letter, keeping it concise is key. The ideal cover letter is no longer than three paragraphs that span about half a page, or around 150–300 words. ChatGPT may not yield this rule because it wants to include all of the information from the prompt. If it does present you with text that’s too long or too short, ask it to adjust. 

Ask to include keywords

According to a 2019 report, over 99% of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) . These systems analyze your resume and cover letter and weed out any that don’t include certain keywords or meet their standards. If your letter doesn’t have the right information, it could get lost in the database. 

Ask ChatGPT to include certain keywords and phrases in your cover letter. Read through the job description and look for job-specific information like required software knowledge, soft skills , and GPA requirements .

Tell the chatbot to mention these in the cover letter to increase your chances of getting out of the ATS and onto a hiring manager ’s screen. 

Your ChatGPT cover letter saves you time and makes your job search a little easier — which is why so many people are using this technology. But no matter how many cover letters you and the chatbot write, remember to always give it a personal touch.  

There are millions of people using this language model to help with their job searches, and while AI tools create great resumes and compelling cover letters, you want to avoid submitting something generic. Tailoring your prompt can help you write applications that stand out from other candidates, helping you land a job you love .

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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How to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter (and why you should)


As if perfectly crafting a resume that encapsulates your entire career isn't difficult enough, job applications also require a cover letter. This letter is meant to help you express specific details about why you are interested in the company, what makes you qualified, and, ultimately, why the company should hire you. 

How to use ChatGPT to create: Code | Excel formulas | Essays | Resumes  | Apps  | Charts and Tables  

If executed properly, a cover letter has the potential to make you stand out from other applicants by showcasing your genuine interest in the role, the experiences that make you a good fit, and what makes you different from other candidates who have similar qualifications.

However, synthesizing those ideas into a one-page letter can be a time-consuming and challenging task -- ChatGPT is here to help. 

How to use ChatGPT to help craft your cover letter 

Whether you've started writing a cover letter and feel stuck or don't even know where to start, ChatGPT can help you produce the cover letter of your dreams. 

Also: How to use ChatGPT

With a couple of prompts and your direction, ChatGPT will create a polished cover letter within seconds. 

1. Sign in to ChatGPT

Visit ChatGPT's website and sign in using your account. If you don't have an account, you can create one or sign in using your existing Google or Microsoft account. 

If you haven't created an account, click on Sign up. Otherwise, log in with your OpenAI credentials.

2. Ask ChatGPT to write you a cover letter

All you have to do is ask ChatGPT to write you a cover letter for the role and company of your choice. You should also include details about the experiences you would like the cover letter to highlight. 

For example, a possible input would be, "Can you write me a cover letter for the role of Associate Editor at ZDNET? I graduated from the University of North Carolina, majored in Journalism, and love technology."  

Also: More fun with DALL-E 3 in ChatGPT: Can it design a T-shirt?

That is only a loose example; you can be as specific or general as you'd like. The more direction you give ChatGPT, however, the better your output will be.

3. Kick it up a notch and paste in the job description (optional)

If you want your cover letter to be tailored to the exact role you are applying for, you can copy and paste the job description into ChatGPT before asking it to write your cover letter. This method is by far the most efficient way to get your cover letter written in a way that reflects the exact role and duties. 

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Like before, you can also include details about your own personal experience you'd like to include. Your prompt could look something like this, "Can you write me a cover letter for the position of [role title] at [employer]? This is the job description: XYZ. For context, I [include experience you'd like to highlight]."

4. Co-edit your cover letter

Despite ChatGPT's best efforts and advanced capabilities, there might be something you want to tweak in the letter. If that's the case, it's super simple to change something. All you have to do is ask ChatGPT to tweak a specific aspect of your letter and it will. 

Also: How to use ChatPDF: The AI chatbot that can tell you everything about your PDF

For example, following the prompt above, you would be able to say, "Can you emphasize my passion for tech a little bit more?"

Are cover letters necessary for a job application?

Cover letters are not always required for a job application. However, almost all job applications either require one or give you the option to submit one. The benefits of a cover letter include having the employer get to know you more and helping you stand out from other applicants. 

Should you use ChatGPT to write a cover letter?

ChatGPT can write an impressive cover letter within seconds, allowing you to focus more attention on other parts of your application that require a lot of time and effort. 

Also: 6 ways to ace a job interview

Once ChatGPT produces the letter, you can always add your own edits to give it your personal flair. 

What should be showcased in a cover letter?

Your cover letter should help to set you apart from other applicants. Therefore, in your cover letter, you should specifically communicate what makes you interested in the role and what experiences make you a great fit. 

What is ChatGPT and why does it matter? Here's what you need to know

This portable power station has a standout feature that makes camping safer than ever, how to use chatgpt.

AI Habit

50+ ChatGPT Prompts for a Cover Letter

A well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in securing that much-desired job interview. Today, we will delve into the world of ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, to help you create a cover letter that stands out from the competition.

In this post, we'll provide you with a range of ChatGPT prompts designed to assist you in constructing an exceptional cover letter, capturing the attention of hiring managers and showcasing your unique qualifications.

So, let's get started on your journey to writing the perfect cover letter with the help of ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of a Cover Letter

What is a cover letter and its purpose.

A cover letter is a one-page document that accompanies your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to introduce yourself to the hiring manager and provide a glimpse into your personality, experiences, and skills that are relevant to the position. A well-crafted cover letter can make you stand out from other applicants, showing the employer why you are the ideal candidate for the role.

The Role of a Cover Letter in the Job Application Process

The cover letter plays a crucial role in the job application process, as it:

  • Highlights your relevant qualifications and experiences
  • Showcases your writing and communication skills
  • Provides context to your resume
  • Allows you to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position and the company
  • Offers a chance to explain any gaps or unique circumstances in your work history

Structure of a Cover Letter

A typical cover letter consists of the following sections:

  • Header : Includes your contact information, the date, and the recipient's contact information.
  • Introduction : A brief opening paragraph that grabs the reader's attention and introduces yourself.
  • Body : Two or three paragraphs detailing your relevant skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the position and the company.
  • Conclusion : A closing paragraph that summarizes your main points, expresses your interest in the position, and thanks the hiring manager for considering your application.

Example Prompts:

Help me create a cover letter structure for a job in [industry].

What should I include in the header of my cover letter for a [job title] position?

How do I write an attention-grabbing introduction for a cover letter in the [industry] field?

What are the key elements to include in the body of my cover letter for a [job title] role?

Can you guide me on writing a strong conclusion for my cover letter for a position at [company]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Crafting a Cover Letter

Tailoring your cover letter to the specific job.

To create a more impactful cover letter, it is essential to tailor it to the specific job and company you are applying for. Research the company and study the job requirements to identify keywords and phrases you should include in your cover letter. This demonstrates your attention to detail and shows the employer that you have taken the time to understand the role and the organization.

Help me tailor my cover letter for a software engineer position at Google.

Assist me in customizing my cover letter for a marketing manager role at Tesla.

Guide me in adjusting my cover letter for a graphic designer job at Adobe.

Provide tips on personalizing my cover letter for a project manager position at Amazon.

How can I adapt my cover letter for a data analyst role at Facebook?

What changes should I make to my cover letter for a customer service representative position at Airbnb?

Writing a Strong Introduction

An engaging opening paragraph is vital for capturing the attention of the hiring manager. Your introduction should briefly mention the position you are applying for, how you learned about the opportunity, and a statement that piques the reader's interest, making them want to read further.

Write an engaging opening paragraph for a cover letter for a software engineer position.

Help me craft a captivating introduction for a cover letter for a marketing manager role.

Create a compelling first paragraph for my cover letter for a graphic designer job.

Assist me in writing a strong opening for a cover letter for a project manager position.

Provide guidance on writing an attention-grabbing introduction for a data analyst role.

How should I start my cover letter for a customer service representative position?

Showcasing Your Relevant Skills and Experiences

Your cover letter should highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, connecting them to the job requirements. Provide specific examples from your work history that demonstrate your expertise and show how you can contribute to the company's success.

Describe my relevant skills and experiences for a software engineer position based on my background in computer science.

Help me highlight my qualifications and achievements for a marketing manager role, given my experience in marketing and advertising.

Showcase my relevant expertise for a graphic designer job based on my background in design and visual arts.

Assist me in emphasizing my accomplishments for a project manager position, considering my experience in project management and leadership.

Provide guidance on presenting my relevant skills for a data analyst role based on my background in data analysis and statistics.

How can I emphasize my customer service experience for a customer service representative position?

Demonstrating Your Enthusiasm for the Role and the Company

Your cover letter should convey your genuine interest in the position and the company. Mention why you are passionate about the role and the organization, and how your values align with the company's mission and culture. This will help you establish a personal connection with the employer.

Help me explain why I am excited about the opportunity to work as a software engineer at Google.

Guide me in expressing my enthusiasm for the marketing manager role at Tesla.

Assist me in demonstrating my passion for the graphic designer job at Adobe.

Provide tips on showcasing my interest in the project manager position at Amazon.

How can I convey my excitement for the data analyst role at Facebook?

What should I include in my cover letter to express my enthusiasm for the customer service representative position at Airbnb?

Writing a Strong Conclusion

A compelling closing paragraph is essential to leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. Summarize your key points, reiterate your interest in the position, and thank the employer for considering your application. End on a

confident and positive note, expressing your eagerness to discuss your qualifications further in an interview.

Write a compelling closing paragraph for my cover letter for a software engineer position.

Help me craft a strong conclusion for a cover letter for a marketing manager role.

Create an impactful closing for my cover letter for a graphic designer job.

Assist me in writing a memorable final paragraph for a cover letter for a project manager position.

Provide guidance on concluding my cover letter for a data analyst role.

How should I end my cover letter for a customer service representative position?

Additional Tips for an Effective Cover Letter

Proofreading and editing.

To ensure your cover letter is free of errors and effectively communicates your message, it is essential to proofread and edit your document thoroughly. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors can leave a negative impression on the hiring manager, undermining your professionalism. Use tools like Grammarly or ask ChatGPT to help you identify and correct any mistakes.

Review my cover letter for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

Help me identify any unclear or awkward sentences in my cover letter.

Provide feedback on the overall tone and flow of my cover letter.

Assist me in making my cover letter more concise and focused.

How can I improve the readability of my cover letter?

What changes should I make to enhance the impact of my cover letter?

Seeking Feedback from Peers or Mentors

Getting feedback from trusted peers or mentors can provide valuable insights into how to improve your cover letter. They can offer an objective perspective on the clarity, tone, and effectiveness of your document. Take their suggestions into account and make necessary adjustments to refine your cover letter further.

Can you review my cover letter and provide feedback from a hiring manager's perspective?

How can I make my cover letter more appealing to someone in the [industry] field?

What changes would you recommend to make my cover letter more persuasive?

Help me identify any areas in my cover letter that may raise questions or concerns for the hiring manager.

How can I better showcase my qualifications and experiences in my cover letter based on your feedback?

What improvements should I make to my cover letter to better align with the company's values and culture?

Utilizing ChatGPT for Further Assistance and Revisions

Don't hesitate to use ChatGPT as a valuable resource for refining your cover letter. The AI language model can provide you with suggestions, revisions, and new ideas to enhance your document. Remember to input clear and specific prompts to get the most relevant and helpful responses.

Help me rewrite my cover letter's introduction to be more engaging and persuasive.

Assist me in rephrasing this paragraph in my cover letter to emphasize my accomplishments better.

Provide suggestions on how to make my cover letter's conclusion more impactful and memorable.

How can I reorganize my cover letter to present my qualifications more effectively?

What other relevant skills and experiences should I consider including in my cover letter?

How can I adjust the tone of my cover letter to better match the company's culture and values?

In summary, a well-crafted cover letter is essential for setting yourself apart from the competition and securing job interviews. With the help of ChatGPT, you can create a captivating and tailored cover letter that highlights your unique qualifications and showcases your enthusiasm for the role and the company.

Use the provided prompts throughout this blog post as a starting point to make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities in enhancing your cover letter.

We wish you the best of luck in your job search and look forward to hearing about your successes using ChatGPT to create outstanding cover letters!

150+ ChatGPT Prompts for Affiliate Marketing

75+ ChatGPT Prompts for Games

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About R.J. Adams

R.J. is an artificial intelligence aficionado, committed to demystifying the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology for enthusiasts and novices alike. Leveraging his comprehensive background in internet marketing, online tools, and communications, he continually ventures into the landscape of newly released AI tools, conducting thorough tests and analyses, as well as finding the best prompts to use on the latest AI tools. He can also solve Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.

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cover letter chatgpt prompt

How to Write A Cover Letter Using ChatGPT

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Careerflow Team

Job hunting is a tedious process. You have to create a top-notch resume, set up an outstanding LinkedIn profile, write a compelling cover letter, prepare for interviews, appear for online tests, reach out to recruiters, and after all this hustle you finally receive an offer letter. And it can be overwhelming 😥 to handle everything on your own. But now ChatGPT can help and assist you with most, if not all, of your job search needs. We have already talked about interview preparation and resume writing with ChatGPT in our previous guides (check them out below) and today we are here to talk about how you can craft the most effective cover letter for your dream job with ChatGPT.

So let’s get started!

Why Should You Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter?

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Before you actually start working with ChatGPT, you should know what are its possible advantages and how it will benefit you in the process of writing a cover letter: 

  • Enhances creativity: Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, especially if you're not naturally creative. ChatGPT can help you generate creative ideas and language that you may not have thought of on your own. This can enhance your creativity and help you create a more compelling cover letter.
  • Accessible anywhere: You can use ChatGPT from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easy to create an impressive cover letter on the go, whether you're at home, at work, or in college.
  • Free to use: ChatGPT is free to use, which means that you don't have to pay for expensive writing services. This makes it a cost-effective option for job seekers.
  • Save time and effort: Writing a cover letter can be a time-consuming and challenging task. With ChatGPT, you can quickly generate personalized language that matches the job description and highlights your skills and experience. This will save you a lot of time and effort.
  • Help you stand out: Doesn’t matter if ChatGPT is making headlines in every other article, and has been a topic of conversation all around, there are still many who are not willing to try and experiment with it. But if you do take the initiative to utilize ChatGPT, you will undoubtedly gain an advantage.

Overall, using ChatGPT to create a cover letter is a logical and compelling choice that can save you time, improve your chances of getting an interview, and demonstrate your tech-savvy skills.

Check out: AI Cover Letter Generator

Best Tips for Efficiently Using ChatGPT While Creating Cover Letters

Mastering the art of utilizing ChatGPT is a valuable skill, especially when it comes to creating a cover letter. It requires patience, practice, and perseverance to make the most of ChatGPT. To help you maximize its potential in your job search, Careerflow have compiled a list of the top ChatGPT tips that are sure to give you an edge:

  • Provide clear and specific prompts: The more information you provide ChatGPT, the better it will understand your needs and tailor its response accordingly. So while asking for a cover letter, make sure to include details about the job you're applying for, your qualifications, and any other relevant information. This will help ChatGPT generate a more personalized response. For example,

❌Instead of asking: Write a cover letter for an entry-level software engineer role.

✅Ask: I am applying for a software developer position at an ABC company and I would like your help writing a personalized cover letter. The job posting requires experience in software development, specifically in Java and Python. The ideal candidate should also have experience working in a team, strong problem-solving skills, and the ability to learn quickly. I would like my cover letter to highlight my experience in these areas and how they make me a suitable fit for the position. Additionally, I would like to convey my enthusiasm for the company and its products. Please also make sure to include a professional and confident tone, and emphasize how I can contribute to the company's success. 

Here is the job description: [paste your target job description].

  • Experiment with prompts: Small changes in prompts can have huge effects on ChatGPT output. So experiment with different prompts to see which ones work best for you and generate the most effective cover letter.
  • Use specific keywords: ChatGPT is trained to understand language and context, so including specific keywords related to the job and industry you're applying for can help it generate more accurate content for your cover letter. Use keywords from the job description, company website, and industry-related terms to help ChatGPT create content that aligns with the job requirements.

Rule to remember 📢: Generic prompts will lead to generic results and specific prompts will lead to specific results. 

How To Use ChatGPT to Write Cover Letters: A Step-by-Step Guide 

If you are constantly struggling with a single question during your job search– How to write a cover letter? 

Worry not, your search for a solution ends here. We are here to provide you with a step-by-step guide to crafting an effective cover letter with ChatGPT that will help you stand out in your job search. 

Step 1: Inquire About ChatGPT's Requirements

The first step towards creating a cover letter using ChatGPT is to ask ChatGPT what it needs from you to create the most accurate and personalized cover letter. You can use the following prompts to get started:

  • Can you please tell me what information and details you would need from my end to create the most effective cover letter for me?
  • I'm applying for a job and need you to create a cover letter. Can you please guide me through the information I need to provide you with to write a compelling and effective cover letter?
  • I'm applying for my first job and I need help writing a cover letter that will stand out to potential employers. Can you please let me know what information and details you would need from me in order to create the finest cover letter possible?

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Step 2: Understand Your Requirements

To make the most of ChatGPT, it's crucial to know what you're aiming for. What job do you want? What qualifications does it require? What message do you want to convey to your potential employer? Here are a few ways that will help you gain clarity:

  • Read the job description
  • Read the job description carefully and take note of the required skills and qualifications.
  • Identify the keywords used in the job description. Later you will be able to request ChatGPT to include some of these keywords in your cover letter. 
  • Research the company
  • Visit the company's website and read about its mission statement, vision, and values.
  • Look for any recent news or press releases about the company and its current projects.
  • Identify the company's target audience, products or services, and competitors.
  • Analyze the match
  • Compare the job description requirements and responsibilities to your own skills and qualifications.
  • Analyze how your skills and qualifications match the job description and make note of any gaps that you need to address in your cover letter.
  • Investigate your target company's mission statement and culture to see how they align with your personal values and aspirations.

Step 3: Try to Answer a Few Specific Questions in Your Prompt

To ensure that your prompt is on the right track, it is imperative to make sure that it addresses all the common requirements. Some key questions that your prompt should answer:

  • What is your current situation – student, working professional or recent graduate?
  • What is your desired position?
  • What is your specific career goal?
  • In what field do you work?
  • What's your motivation behind applying for a particular job opening?
  • What are your core skills and how will they be useful in your target role?

Step 4: Start a Conversation with ChatGPT

Now that you've completed all your pre-planning and research, it's time to begin speaking with ChatGPT. Follow these steps to start a conversation with ChatGPT:

  • Browse to
  • Scroll down the page and click on “Try ChatGPT”. 
  • Log in with your OpenAI account. If you don't already have an OpenAI account, you can create one or log in using a Google or Microsoft account. 

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Step 5: Introduce Yourself

When engaging in a conversation with ChatGPT, it's advisable to begin by introducing yourself. 

  • Mention your name, current job, experience, and educational background.
  • You can provide additional information such as your interests or hobbies, but make sure it is relevant to the job or company you are applying to.
  • Moreover, you can use the following template while introducing yourself: 

"My name is [Your Name], and I am currently working at [Your current job]. I have [Number of years of experience] years of experience in [Your area of expertise], and I hold a degree in [Your field of study] from [Name of the university]."

Rule to remember: Use simple and understandable language and avoid providing too much information irrelevant to the job or company you are applying to while introducing yourself to ChatGPT .

Step 6: Provide the Job Description, Company Information, and Your Resume to ChatGPT

After introducing yourself, provide the job description, company information, and resume to ChatGPT. You can either copy and paste the information or type it in your own words. This information will help ChatGPT understand the requirements of the position and the company culture. 

Here is an example of how you can provide a job description to ChatGPT in your words: “I am applying for a digital marketing specialist position at XYZ Company. The job description requires experience in social media management, content creation, and analytics. The company is a leading provider of marketing services to small businesses, and its mission is to empower entrepreneurs with innovative solutions.”

It is advisable to provide ChatGPT with all three documents: a job description, resume, and company information. But if you are unable to provide all three, at least provide a job description of the role you are seeking.

Step 7: Ask ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter

Now that ChatGPT has all the necessary information, ask for help with the cover letter. You can provide guidance on the tone, style, and word limit you want. And then ChatGPT will use its language generation capabilities to produce a personalized cover letter that meets your requirements.

Example: Can you help me write a cover letter for this position? I want the tone to be professional but friendly, and I want to highlight my experience in digital marketing and my passion for helping small businesses succeed. Please write my cover letter in 150 words. 

Rule to remember 📢: ChatGPT can give you different results for the same prompt. Simply click on “Regenerate response” and explore all the options. 

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Best Prompt Template and Examples to Ask ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter

Best prompt template to ask chatgpt to create a personalized cover letter.

My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your current job or recent graduate in Your Field]. I have [Number of years of experience] years of experience in [Your area of expertise], where I gained experience in [Mention specific skills, projects, or tools that you have worked on, or your achievements]. Some of my notable achievements include [Mention measurable metrics or accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and experience]. I hold a degree in [Your field of study] from [Name of the university]. I'm interested in pursuing a career in [Your desired field or industry], where I can leverage my [Your specific skills or experience]. I'm applying for the [Position Name] position at [Company Name], which I found on [Job Posting Site]. I'm excited about this opportunity because [Mention what excites you about this opportunity or why you are interested in the company]. I believe that [Company Name] is [Share information about the company or its values]. I think the challenges of this position include [Describe the specific challenges or goals of the role]. I'm confident that my experience in [Your specific skills or experience] can help me succeed in this role. I would describe myself as [Share your personality or work style], and I think this quality will make me a valuable addition to the team. I look forward to seeing the personalized cover letter you create for me.

This is my resume: [Paste your resume] .

This is the job description: [paste your target job description] .

Rule to Remember 📢: This is a generic template and should be customized according to the user's needs. The points can be modified, added, and removed as needed.

5 Best Prompt Examples to Ask ChatGPT to Create a Personalized Cover Letter

Example 1: My name is John Doe, and I am a recent graduate of Computer Science. I have 1 year of experience in software development, where I gained experience developing and maintaining applications using Python, Java, and SQL. Some of my notable achievements include developing a web application that increased user engagement by 30% and implementing a data analytics solution that improved operational efficiency by 20%. I hold a degree in Computer Science from the University of ABC. I'm interested in pursuing a career in software development, where I can leverage my skills to build innovative solutions that solve complex problems. I'm applying for the Software Developer position at XYZ Company, which I found on LinkedIn. I'm excited about this opportunity because I believe that XYZ Company's focus on developing cutting-edge technologies aligns with my career goals. I think the challenges of this position include developing and deploying high-quality software that meets customer requirements and adheres to best practices. I would describe myself as a problem solver and a team player, and I think these qualities will make me a valuable addition to the team. Can you write me a cover letter based on this information? 

Note: The prompt starts with an introduction and talks about the current situation, experiences, target industry, and core skills of a person. Then it also states achievements with proper statistics. Moreover, it talks about career goals and explains why a person is applying for the role. And that is why this prompt will lead to better results. 

Check out the complete conversation with ChatGPT here:

Example 2: My name is John Smith and I'm excited to apply for the Senior Marketing Manager position at ABC Company. I came across this opportunity on LinkedIn and was immediately drawn to it because of the company's reputation for innovative marketing strategies and its commitment to social responsibility. With over 10 years of experience in the marketing industry, including 5 years in a leadership role, I have successfully led cross-functional teams in developing and executing complex marketing campaigns that have generated total revenue of $50 million. Additionally, I have extensive experience conducting market research and using data analytics to measure campaign effectiveness, resulting in a 25% increase in ROI for my previous employer. I am also impressed by the company's mission to empower underrepresented communities and its commitment to sustainability. Could you please help me write a cover letter that highlights my experience in marketing leadership and data analytics? In addition, it showcases my enthusiasm for the role and the company's mission. I want to make sure that my cover letter stands out and captures the attention of the hiring manager.

Note: This prompt provides an introductory statement about an individual's background and accomplishments, while also outlining the key areas that should be emphasized in a cover letter.

Check out the complete conversation with ChatGPT here:

Example 3: I am currently applying for a Marketing Manager role at Acme Corporation. Could you please help me write a cover letter that highlights my skills and experiences? To assist you, I am attaching my current resume which outlines my professional background, skills, and experiences. My top strengths include strategic thinking, project management, and data analysis. I have researched the company and found that Acme Corporation values innovation, customer satisfaction, and teamwork. Lastly, I believe that my volunteer work with a local non-profit organization, where I led a team of volunteers to organize fundraising events, could help me stand out from other candidates.

This is my resume: [Paste your resume].

Note: This is a simple and straightforward prompt that starts with the target role and company and continues to describe top skills and the company’s culture. Moreover, it provides information about volunteer work and has a resume that ensures the cover letter will be personalized.  

Check out the complete conversation with ChatGPT here:

Example 4: I am looking to apply for the position of Senior Software Engineer at XYZ Tech and I want you to write a compelling cover letter. As for my background, I am attaching my current resume which outlines my relevant skills and experience. Over the past 5 years, I have worked on several complex software development projects, including an inventory management system for a major retailer, a real-time chat application, and a payment processing system for a fintech startup. From my past experiences, I have led teams of up to 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists. I have always ensured that our projects are delivered on time and meet or exceed customer expectations. Moreover, I have researched XYZ Tech and I am impressed by the company's reputation for innovation, teamwork, and community involvement. I believe that my passion for software development, my technical expertise, and my experience leading teams make me an ideal fit for the Senior Software Engineer role at XYZ Tech. Finally, I would like to share a personal achievement that I believe showcases my dedication and work ethic. Last year, I completed a marathon in under 4 hours, which required months of intense training and discipline. This experience taught me the value of setting and achieving goals, as well as the importance of teamwork and perseverance.

This is the job description: [paste your target job description].

Note: This is again a detailed prompt that gives ChatGPT all the necessary information about experience, achievements, and extracurricular activities. It also provides a job description and a resume.

Check out the complete conversation with ChatGPT here:

Example 5: I am interested in applying for the position of Sales Manager at ABC Company and I want you to write me a cover letter that highlights my relevant experience, skills, and achievements. As a Sales Manager at XYZ Corporation, I was responsible for leading a team of 10 sales representatives. I was also responsible for driving revenue growth through effective sales strategies and client relationship management. During my tenure at XYZ Corporation, I achieved a sales growth rate of 25% year-over-year and increased the team's overall revenue by 35%. In terms of the Sales Manager role at ABC Company, the job description calls for someone with a proven track record of sales success. This person will have experience managing sales teams, and the ability to develop and implement sales plans. Based on my experience, I am confident that I possess the necessary skills to excel in this role. Furthermore, I have researched ABC Company and I am impressed by the company's mission to provide high-quality products and services to its customers while promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration. As someone who is passionate about delivering exceptional customer service and building strong client relationships, I believe that ABC Company's values align with my own. Finally, I would like to share a personal achievement that I believe showcases my dedication and ability to exceed expectations. During my time at XYZ Corporation, I was recognized as the top-performing Sales Manager for three consecutive years, achieving an average sales growth rate of 30% year-over-year. Moreover, I was able to develop and implement a sales training program that resulted in a 50% increase in the team's sales productivity.

Note: In this prompt person is sharing her experience and achievements in great detail and discusses the job description in her own words rather than simply copy-pasting the job description so ChatGPT can avoid unnecessary information. 

Check out the complete conversation with ChatGPT here:

Also Read: How to Use ChatGPT to Write A Resume

10 Bonus Prompt Templates to Help you Achieve Results Fast

We understand that securing a job requires a great deal of effort and time, and writing long prompts can be another burden. Thus, we're providing you with 10 bonus prompts that you can use to create a cover letter by simply filling in a couple of details. So go and try these templates now!

  • I am applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and want you to write a cover letter for me with a strict word limit of 200 words. My experience and qualifications are summarized in my attached resume.  This is my resume: [Paste your resume].
  • I'm excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I'd appreciate it if you could write me a cover letter that showcases my skills and experience. Feel free to use my attached resume as a reference.  This is my resume: [Paste your resume].
  • Could you please generate a brief and polite cover letter for me to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], using the job description as a reference? Also, my attached resume includes my experience and qualifications.  This is my resume: [Paste your resume]. This is the job description: [paste your target job description].
  • I want to get the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and would appreciate a persuasive and convincing cover letter using both my resume and the job description. Keep the tone friendly and stick to the word limit of 200. This is my resume: [Paste your resume]. This is the job description: [paste your target job description].
  • I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I would like you to write a cover letter that emphasizes my ability to [specific skill or competency] and how it can contribute to the company's success. Can you create a persuasive letter?
  • I am applying for a [Job Title] position that requires knowledge of [specific language or cultural context], as well as experience in [specific industry or field]. Can you help me create a cover letter that highlights my proficiency in these areas and how they can benefit the company's global initiatives in [specific mission or goal]?
  • I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and would like you to write a cover letter that highlights my achievements in [skill or field], such as increasing sales by [specific metric], and how they can contribute to the company's success.
  • I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and need a cover letter that emphasizes my ability to work well under pressure and deliver results. Can you help me create a persuasive letter that showcases my achievements in [specific accomplishment] and how they can benefit the company?
  • I am applying for a [Job Title] position at [Company Name] that requires experience in [specific software or technology]. I need a cover letter that highlights my proficiency in [specific software or technology], as well as my [specific soft skill] and how it can benefit the company's [specific objective or goal].
  • I am seeking a [Job Title] position that requires experience in [specific task or skill], as well as knowledge of [specific industry or field]. Can you help me create a cover letter that showcases my ability to [specific achievement or accomplishment] and how it aligns with [Company Name]'s values and mission in this industry?

Note 📢: While these prompts can help you quickly achieve your desired results, it's important to note that they may not result in a fully tailored cover letter that accurately reflects your experience and background. To ensure your letter stands out, we suggest investing time in personalizing it to the best of your ability.

How to create a final cover letter from a chatgpt-generated cover letter .

While artificial intelligence can make the process of creating a cover letter more efficient, it's critical to remember that a strong cover letter should reflect your unique skills and experiences. If you've used ChatGPT to generate a cover letter but feel it lacks the personal touch you need to stand out to employers, don't worry! With a few simple steps, you can transform a ChatGPT-generated cover letter into a final version that effectively communicates your qualifications and sets you apart from the competition. 

cover letter chatgpt prompt

  • Make sure your cover letter matches the job description: Take the time to read the job description carefully and check if the ChatGPT has included the most important qualifications and requirements for the position in your cover letter. 
  • Adjust the tone: ChatGPT can generate cover letters in different tones, such as formal, friendly, or persuasive. Depending on the company culture and job requirements, you may want to adjust the tone of your cover letter to better fit the audience. For example, a more formal tone may be appropriate for a corporate job while a friendly tone may be better for a startup.
  • Emphasize your unique skills and experiences: ChatGPT can generate cover letters with a lot of information, but you can make your cover letter stand out by emphasizing your unique skills and experiences. Use the output from ChatGPT as a starting point and add details highlighting why you're the most qualified candidate for the job.
  • Edit for clarity and conciseness: While ChatGPT can generate a lot of content, it's critical to keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Employers often receive a large volume of cover letters, so making yours concise and easy to read will increase your chances of getting noticed. Edit out any unnecessary information and focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experience.
  • Customize the opening and closing: The opening and closing of your cover letter are critical components that can help you make a strong first impression. So if you have time try to polish them on your own.
  • Review the grammatical errors and typos: Use a grammar checker or proofreading tools like Grammarly and WordTune to catch any mistakes that may have been missed by the ChatGPT algorithm.

Overall, ChatGPT can provide an ideal starting point for creating a cover letter, but customizing the output to fit your requirements is key to making it stand out.

What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Cover Letter Using ChatGPT?

A large number of articles have been published recently regarding how recruiters reject AI-generated cover letters for their lack of personalization. However, these situations and conclusions are very subjective as the personalization of the output of ChatGPT is solely based on information input by the user. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid while creating a cover letter using ChatGPT:

  • Not following the correct cover letter format: Not following the correct cover letter format: There are certain conventions that should be followed when it comes to cover letter formattings, such as including your contact information, a formal greeting, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a closing statement. Make sure you follow these conventions and include all the necessary information in your cover letter.
  • Never fall for clickbait - “Create your cover letter in 60 seconds with ChatGPT”, and “Get shortlisted for MAANG interview with a ChatGPT-generated resume or cover letter”, these are mere tactics to attract job seekers. No such thing exists in the real world. In the end, technology is here to assist you but cannot completely replace hard work. 
  • Completely relying on ChatGPT- There is no doubt that ChatGPT is a great tool for speeding up the cover writer generation process, but relying on it alone has its own disadvantages. In the end, ChatGPT is an AI tool fed with data therefore it overlooks the personalization or factors that can make your cover letter stand out. So ChatGPT intelligence combined with your creativity can do wonders for your job search. 

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Using ChatGPT can undoubtedly be a game-changer in streamlining the process of writing a cover letter. But let's be clear: ChatGPT isn't a magic solution that can replace your efforts entirely. Instead, you should use ChatGPT's output as a guide and customize it to emphasize your unique strengths. The more information and details you provide to ChatGPT, the better your cover letter will be at showcasing your skills and making you stand out as a candidate.

As you wrap up your cover letter writing journey with ChatGPT, remember that the power of language and technology is at your fingertips. So why settle for a mediocre cover letter when you can use the most advanced AI language model available to craft a masterpiece? Give it a try and watch your job prospects soar 😉!

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14 ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompts to Use for Your Job Search

Alli Tunell

Cover letters are one of the most controversial aspects of the job search. 

Some people advocate for them and see them as a unique opportunity to help candidates stand out when they otherwise might not have, while others see them as a waste of time. 

Luckily, whether you love or loathe writing cover letters, ChatGPT can provide a first draft in an instant that’s personalized to the role you’re applying for. 

And in case you’re unsure where to start, we’ve got you covered. 

In this article, we’ll dive into how to use ChatGPT to create a cover letter and, most importantly, ensure the cover letter you generate is still high quality. And spoiler alert—the way to do so is through a well-crafted prompt.  

At the end of this post, we’ll recap all the cover letter prompts we suggest so you can save them for easy access. 

So let’s get started!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT (which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) technology that OpenAI Labs created.

The technology understands language and responds naturally in conversation. Its algorithms can adapt to each exchange, which makes interactions feel personal rather than programmed. 

ChatGPT is such an impactful resume-writing tool that we've integrated its GPT-3 technology into the Teal AI Resume Builder . You can use this AI cover letter writer to create letters tailored to particular roles and write bullet points and professional summaries for your resume all in one place without toggling back and forth between ChatGPT and your AI Resume Builder.

The benefits of using ChatGPT in your job search

In today’s competitive market, the job search can feel like a job within itself.

Some people submit dozens of applications each week throughout their search. And not only are they doing that, but to stand out amongst a sea of applicants, it’s also vital to customize job search assets.

But who has the time for that? 

None of us did before ChatGPT, but the game has changed with its arrival.

ChatGPT is an incredible tool, and when used correctly, it can significantly help job seekers reach their career goals even faster.

Here are four key benefits of leveraging ChatGPT throughout your job search process:

  • Speed: ChatGPT can save you significant time when applying for jobs. Not only can it help you quickly create a compelling cover letter, but it can also help you apply for jobs, prepare for a job interview, and even generate a resume in record time.  
  • Quality: Job search assets generated by ChatGPT will never be 100% perfect—but they're a great starting point. So long as you’re giving ChatGPT the best possible prompts and direction, you can generate cover letters and resumes highlighting the most important skills and metrics for the roles you’re applying to.
  • Added Edge: A surefire way to stand out in a crowded job market is by customizing your resume and cover letter for each role you apply to. Very few job seekers are doing this, allowing the ones who actually do to have the opportunity to stand out. But when you're applying to hundreds of roles, you need a way to do this at scale. You can do it with a purpose-built resume builder (like the Teal AI Resume Builde r) or get similar results from ChatGPT. With either solution, tailor your resume to focus on the relevant skills for a specific job to demonstrate your understanding of what the potential employer is looking for and enhance your chances of getting an interview. ‍
  • Inspiration: Not only can ChatGPT help you generate personalized cover letters and resumes, but it can also help you get inspiration for them too. With the help of valuable prompts, you can ask ChatGPT to show you successful job search assets in your industry and create templates that you can use for each job application you submit.

Can ChatGPT write a cover letter?

Yes — ChatGPT can instantly generate a concise cover letter draft for you, saving time while ensuring all the required elements are included. However, it won’t be a perfect cover letter. Chances are it’ll be pretty generic and won’t accurately reflect your experience.  

To create a memorable letter that catches the eye of a recruiter or hiring manager, enhance ChatGPT's framework by weaving in a resume, job requisite, and specific tone and length suggestions. 

This extra information will help ChatGPT understand your unique strengths, values, and enthusiasm for the role and help you distinctly convey why you're an ideal candidate to the hiring manager.

Don't just replicate AI suggestions—revise and rework them to keep your cover letter concise. ChatGPT provides a useful launchpad, but humanity is the power behind a pitch that accomplishes your goals. The technology generates the draft; people perfect it.

What are ChatGPT prompts?

Prompts are suggestions, questions, or ideas for what ChatGPT should write or say.

And for ChatGPT to provide a helpful response to its user, it needs a thorough prompt with some background information.

Becoming a solid prompt writer takes time and experience, but there are also some best practices that you can use to see success with ChatGPT fairly quickly. 

Here are four best practices to get the most out of ChatGPT prompts for your cover letter:

  • Be specific: When using ChatGPT to conceptualize creative assets, it’s important to be as specific as possible. Being specific can include tone suggestions as well as length. You should also help ChatGPT be really clear on what it’s creating and how it can be impactful.  For example, “ Write me a cover letter in a persuasive tone for X role at Y company. This cover letter should be engaging to read and focus on my experience in A, B, and C. Please keep the cover letter to no more than 250 words. Use short paragraphs.”
  • Provide Context: While the above prompt is extremely helpful, it’s missing one core component: context. And luckily, context is very easy to incorporate. You could still use most of the prompt above; you’d just also ask ChatGPT to skim a job description and resume that you’d paste underneath your prompt and use those resources to shape the final product. That way, ChatGPT could create a cover letter that’s really specific to you and the role you’re applying for. We’ll share a ton of prompts with some added context within this post. 
  • Use Multiple Prompts: Using multiple prompts is a great way to get comfortable with ChatGPT and the answers it provides. It’s also great for job search assets, like resumes, with multiple sections and requirements. You can use each prompt to mold a new section of your assets. For example, “Write me a cover letter opening paragraph for the content strategist role a Spotify using the job description below as a reference. Ensure the introduction packs a punch and will engage the reader immediately.”
  • Always Refine: While ChatGPT can be a beneficial tool for job applicants in their search, it should never be taken at face value and always be enhanced with the creator's own perspective and voice. The results are meant to provide suggestions—not be copied and pasted word-for-word. Think of these cover letter prompts as a supplement to your own thoughts and ideas, not an exact replacement. 

How to use ChatGPT prompts for cover letter writing

Now that you’ve gotten a breakdown of the fundamentals of ChatGPT and how it can help you create an impressive cover letter, let's get into the ways you can use ChatGPT to write your cover letter—and the specific ChatGPT prompts to try out for the best results.

We'll touch on three main ways you can use ChatGPT to write a quality cover letter.

  • Tailor your existing cover letter to match specific job descriptions better
  • Create a cover letter from scratch 
  • Improve your current cover letter

To speed up the process outlined below, you'll want to grab a copy of your resume before we start. Now's also a good time to create a ChatGPT account and sign up for a free Teal account if you haven’t already.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to tailor your cover letter to a job description

Tailoring your cover letter and resume to a job description can be one of the most effective ways to increase your chances of reaching the interview phase in the hiring process! 

Here's how to create a personalized cover letter using ChatGPT:

  • Pull up the job description for the role you're preparing to apply for. (We highly recommend using Teal's free Job Application Tracker , highlighting the most important job posting keywords.)
  • In another tab or window, pull up a copy of your resume (you can create multiple versions in Teal's free AI Resume Builder tool, but be sure to select the resume most relevant to the role you're applying to).
  • Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. Copy and paste each of the following prompts into ChatGPT one at a time, followed by "Shift" + "Enter" for a line break, and then the job description, your existing resume, and your current cover letter (when applicable). 
  • Take the responses generated by ChatGPT, copy them, and paste them into a new, blank document. Pull what you love, and remove what doesn’t accurately reflect or speak to you. 
  • Though ChatGPT can make suggestions, they're only sometimes 100% accurate. Edit as needed to ensure it accurately reflects your experience, voice, and excitement for this particular role. 

Here's a quick view of what that looks like:

The best ChatGPT prompts to use:

  • "Draft a persuasive cover letter in 150 words or less highlighting my qualifications and enthusiasm for the [job title] at [company] using my resume achievements below." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your resume achievements under the prompt.]
  • "Compose a professional cover letter demonstrating how my abilities align with the requirements for the [job title] at [company]. Use the information below as a guide." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste the job description under the prompt.]
  • "Write a cover letter for [job title] role at [company] and include the five most important keywords from the job description below." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste the job description under the prompt.]
  • Write a personalized cover letter for a [job title] role at [company] based on this job description and the experience in my resume. Don't worry about including the address or date at the top. [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste the job description and your resume under the prompt.]

Alternatively, you can use Teal's AI Resume Builder tool, which leverages GPT-3 technology and capabilities, to write a personalized cover letter tailored to the role you're applying for. 

Use these ChatGPT prompts to create cover letters from scratch 

When you ask ChatGPT to write an entirely new cover letter, you'll need to provide all the relevant information you're comfortable with in as much detail as possible. 

ChatGPT utilizes machine learning—so the more information you give it, the more it'll tailor responses.

However, we definitely suggest familiarizing yourself with their privacy policy before copying/pasting any personal data or information into ChatGPT so you understand how they use your information.

Here's how to do it using ChatGPT:

  • Pull up the job description you're interested in. (We recommend doing so in Teal's free Job Application Tracker , which highlights the most important ATS keywords from the job posting and removes a step when you ask ChatGPT to create a tailored cover letter. It also saves you from toggling back and forth between multiple job boards!)
  • You can use your Google or Microsoft account to create your cover letter in a Word document, Google document, or a similar tool. 
  • Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. In ChatGPT, copy and paste each of the following prompts, one at a time, followed by the job description where specified.
  • Take the responses generated by ChatGPT, copy them, and paste them back into your document. Pull what you love, and remove what doesn’t accurately reflect or speak to you. 
  • "Show me an example of an impactful cover letter for a [role type].  Please keep the cover letter to no more than 250 words or less. Use short paragraphs."
  • "Write a cover letter for a [job title] based on this job description." [Press "Shift + "Enter," then copy and paste the job description.]
  • "Write a cover letter based on this [job title] position at [company] and include bullet point achievements that show impact and metrics." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste the job description.]
  • "Create a template for me that I can use to create my first-ever cover letter in the [industry.] I am looking for a [job title] role. This cover letter should be engaging to read and use persuasive, intelligent, and clear language. Please keep the cover letter to no more than 250 words. Use short paragraphs."

Use these ChatGPT prompts to improve your current cover letter

Let’s say you already have a cover letter created that you’ve used in the past. 

You know it’s effective—but it’s also very generic. And you’ve used it to apply for multiple roles. You’re also ready to start customizing your final cover letter for each role you apply to, but you’re not sure how to scale that process.

Luckily, ChatGPT is the perfect solution.  

For this example, we’ll use ChatGPT, Teal, and Google Docs to edit an existing cover letter.

  • Pull up the role you're preparing to apply for. (We highly recommend using Teal's free Job Application Tracker , which highlights the most important keywords from the job posting.)
  • In another tab or window, pull up a copy of your resume (you can create multiple versions in Teal's free AI Resume Builder tool, but be sure to select the resume most relevant to the role you're applying to).
  • In a third tab or window, pull up a copy of your most recent cover letter. 
  • Finally, open ChatGPT in a fourth tab or window. Copy and paste each of the following prompts into ChatGPT one at a time, followed by "Shift" + "Enter" for a line break, and then the job description, your existing resume, and your current cover letter (when applicable).ƒ 

The Best ChatGPT prompts to use:

  • "Below is my current cover letter. How does it stand up to current best practices for cover letters? What should I do to improve it?" [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your cover letter.]
  • "Below is my current cover letter. Please rework it to make me seem like an obvious choice for a new [job title] at [type of company.] [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your cover letter.]
  • "Here's my current cover letter. How would you rewrite it if you were applying to this [job title] role at [company] ? Include metrics in the achievements." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your cover letter and the job description.]
  • "Below is my current cover letter. I'm concerned it may not be attention-grabbing enough to stand out from other applicants applying for the [job title] role at [company] . Give me some suggestions on how to start my letter in a way that immediately captures attention and sets me apart from the competition. I've also included the job description for reference." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your cover letter and the job description.]

Teal's AI Resume Builder now integrates with ChatGPT

Suppose you want to leverage ChatGPT but want to avoid the hassle of perfecting your prompt-writing abilities.

In that case, sign up for Teal's AI Resume Builder to generate professional summaries, write resume bullet points, and craft an effective cover letter in seconds.

Our latest update allows all members to leverage AI in their job search process in a variety of ways, including:

  • Generating professional summaries
  • Writing resume achievements
  • Crafting highly personalized cover letters in seconds
  • Tailoring your resume to specific jobs based on your experience

Here's what that looks like.

‍ Can employers tell that ChatGPT generated your cover letter?

Most likely, no, it’s doubtful an employer would know that you used ChatGPT to write your cover letter—as long as you take the time to review and customize the content. 

There are tools that can test for AI-generated material (like GPT Zero), but it’s doubtful people will use them often for this purpose. But keep in mind it’s important to do as much legwork as possible and rely on ChatGPT only to create a first draft instead of a verbatim cover letter you submit instantly. 

Remember – your cover letter should be personalized, especially if you’re saving time by generating the foundation of your draft with ChatGPT. If you’re uniquely adding your own spin on why the job and company intrigued you, the hiring managers will absolutely know a real person was primarily responsible for the submission. 

A few final thoughts about using ChatGPT for your cover letter writing

Using a tool like ChatGPT or Teal to help create AI-generated cover letters can be a massive time-saver—but it shouldn't be a complete substitute for doing the work. 

That’s why creating a quality prompt that provides adequate context and guidance is crucial to your success. And, of course, enhancing and personalizing your final version is equally as imperative to make your cover letter stand out. 

We hope you find these prompts useful in your job application process! If you’re interested in identifying more ways to use ChatGPT in your job search, head here:

  • How to use ChatGPT to write your cover letter quickly
  • See how ChatGPT can help you apply for jobs
  • Ways to write your resume with ChatGPT
  • The best ChatGPT Prompts to use for your resume
  • How ChatGPT can actually help you prepare for a job interview

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i personalize a chatgpt-generated cover letter to better reflect my individual experiences and skills, can chatgpt help me address gaps in my employment history in a cover letter, is it appropriate to use humor or creativity in a cover letter generated by chatgpt.

cover letter chatgpt prompt

Alli Tunell

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How to Write A Cover Letter with ChatGPT: Prompts + Examples

The job market is competitive, and a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference.

With the power of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT from OpenAI, you can create a compelling cover letter that stands out.

Here is how to write a cover letter with ChatGPT:

Write a cover letter with ChatGPT by defining your requirements, choosing a prompt template, generating the text, reviewing and editing, and customizing for each application. ChatGPT can generate unique content, but be sure to review and edit for accuracy and relevance.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write a cover letter using ChatGPT.

Can ChatGPT Write a Cover Letter?

Yes, ChatGPT can write a cover letter.

It has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, making it possible for it to create content in a variety of styles and tones.

In the context of writing cover letters, ChatGPT can help generate unique and effective content.

It can understand specific prompts, and in return, it can provide you with professionally sounding, context-appropriate responses.

However, while ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in writing a cover letter, it’s essential to review and edit the output as needed to ensure it accurately reflects your personal experiences and skills.

How To Write a Cover Letter With ChatGPT (Step-by-Step)

Cartoon man with glasses looking at cover letters - how to write a cover letter with chatGPT

Table of Contents

Writing a cover letter with ChatGPT can be a simplified and intuitive process. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Define Your Requirements

Before you start generating your cover letter with ChatGPT, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your requirements.

What position are you applying for? What are the key skills and experiences you want to highlight? What tone do you want to strike — formal, friendly, or something in between?

Answering these questions will guide you in crafting the right prompts for ChatGPT.

Example: Let’s say you’re applying for a Software Engineer position. You want to highlight your skills in Java and Python, your experience working in Agile teams, and your recent successful project. You’d like a professional yet approachable tone.

Step 2: Choose a Prompt

Choose a suitable prompt from the list provided later in this article, or create your own.

The key to getting effective responses from ChatGPT is to be specific and detailed in your prompt.

You can mention the specific skills or experiences you want to highlight, the job role, the company, and the tone you want to use.

Example: You could start with a prompt like, “ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter for a Software Engineer position at XYZ Corp. I want to highlight my skills in Java and Python, my experience in Agile teams, and my recent successful project at my current company. The tone should be professional yet approachable.”

Step 3: Generate the Text

Once you’ve chosen your prompt, input it into ChatGPT and let it generate your cover letter text.

You can run it multiple times until you get a version you’re happy with.

Hint: Choose one of the 50 example cover letter prompts I’ve made for you later in this guide.

Step 4: Review and Edit

Review the generated text. While ChatGPT is advanced, it’s not perfect.

Make sure to check for relevance, accuracy, and consistency. Edit the text as needed to ensure it accurately reflects your personal experiences and skills.

Example: ChatGPT might produce a cover letter that says, “I have extensive experience in Java and Python…” You might want to change that to be more specific, such as, “In my previous role at ABC Company, I leveraged my skills in Java and Python to develop a cloud-based application that increased team productivity by 20%.”

Step 5: Customize for Each Application

It’s important to remember that each job application should be unique.

Use ChatGPT to tailor your cover letter for each application, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences for each role.

Example: For a role that emphasizes team collaboration, you might want to highlight your experience working in Agile teams and successful collaborative projects.

This step-by-step process allows you to write a cover letter with ChatGPT that is personalized and relevant.

Check out this video on how to write a cover letter with ChatGPT:

50 Best Prompts for Writing a Cover Letter With ChatGPT

Choosing the right prompt is key to getting the best results from ChatGPT.

Here are 50 prompts that can help you get started with your cover letter:

  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, can you assist me in drafting a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please guide me in composing a cover letter that highlights my [Skills/Experience] and passion for [Industry] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me prepare a cover letter that reflects my interest in [Company Name] and the [Industry] sector for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that demonstrates my [Skills/Experience] and ability to [Job Duty] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me craft a cover letter that emphasizes my [Achievements] and how they make me a strong candidate for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please compose a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to [Job Duty] in a [Tone] tone for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, put together a cover letter that highlights my [Skills/Experience] and how they align with [Company Name]’s values and mission for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please formulate a cover letter that demonstrates my [Skills/Experience] and how they contribute to [Company Name]’s success for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please design a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and how they align with the requirements outlined in the job posting for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please write a cover letter that highlights my [Skills/Experience] and how they can be applied to [Job Duty] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, prepare a cover letter that showcases my [Achievements] and how they demonstrate my [Skills/Experience] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, craft a cover letter that demonstrates my passion for [Industry] and how it aligns with [Company Name]’s goals for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, compose a cover letter that highlights my [Skills/Experience] and how they fit with [Company Name]’s culture for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, put together a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to work in a [Tone] and fast-paced environment for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please formulate a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Job Duty] and how it can benefit [Company Name] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, can you design a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to work independently and collaboratively for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a targeted letter of interest that spotlights my [Skills/Experience] and how they can contribute to [Company Name]’s growth for the [Job Role].
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that demonstrates my [Skills/Experience] and how they align with the current trends in [Industry] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a tailored introduction letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and how they can contribute to [Company Name]’s ongoing projects for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that underscores my creativity and attention to detail for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that highlights my experience working with [Type of Clients or Customers] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, design an attention-grabbing cover letter that emphasizes my passion for [Industry] and how it aligns with [Company Name]’s goals for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that demonstrates my [Skills/Experience] and how they can contribute to [Company Name]’s mission for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a customized letter of application that showcases my experience in [Specific Industry or Niche] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, compose a cover letter that highlights my experience working with [Type of Software/Technology] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please construct a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Specific Job Duty] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please develop a cover letter that emphasizes my ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, write an engaging cover letter that shows off my experience in [Specific Skill/Experience] and how it can benefit [Company Name] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that highlights my [Achievements] and how they demonstrate my [Skills/Experience] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please craft a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to work with a diverse team for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please formulate a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to adapt to change for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter that highlights my experience working with [Specific Type of Clients/Customer] and how it can benefit [Company Name] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please make a cover letter that demonstrates my [Skills/Experience] and how they align with the requirements outlined in the job posting for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please create a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to work with cross-functional teams for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, give me a cover letter that highlights my experience in [Specific Skill/Experience] and how it can be applied to [Job Duty] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, fashion a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and how they can contribute to [Company Name]’s growth for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, produce a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Specific Job Duty] and how it can benefit [Company Name] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, generate a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to work in a fast-paced environment for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please write a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Specific Job Duty] and how it can help [Company Name] achieve their goals for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please compose a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and how they align with [Company Name]’s values for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please craft a a job application letter that highlights my experience in [Specific Skill/Experience] and how it can be applied to [Specific Job Duty] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, design a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to work with a team and manage [Specific Task/Project] for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, please draft a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and how they can help [Company Name] improve their current [Specific Process/Product] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, produce a cover letter that highlights my experience in [Specific Skill/Experience] and how it can be applied to [Company Name]’s [Specific Project/Initiative] for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please generate a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Specific Job Duty] and how it can help [Company Name] achieve their objectives for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, please put together a cover letter that showcases my [Skills/Experience] and ability to learn quickly for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name].
  • ChatGPT, create a cover letter that highlights my experience in [Specific Skill/Experience] and how it can benefit [Company Name] in the long term for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, make a cover letter that demonstrates my ability to [Specific Job Duty] and how it can help [Company Name] stay ahead of the competition for the [Job Role] position.
  • ChatGPT, draft a cover letter that showcases my leadership abilities and how they can benefit [Company Name] for the [Job Role] position.

ChatGPT Prompt Template (mad lib style with blank spaces) for Cover Letters

If you prefer to create your own prompts, here’s a template you can use:

“ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name]. I want to highlight my [Skills/Experience] and [Achievements]. The tone should be [Tone].”

You can fill in the blank spaces with the specific details that apply to your situation.

3 Full Examples of Cover Letters Written By ChatGPT

Here are three full examples of cover letters written by ChatGPT.

Example 1: Software Engineer

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am contacting you to convey my excitement regarding the position of a software engineer at XYZ Corp.

My extensive experience in Java and Python, coupled with my experience working in Agile teams and my recent successful project at my current company, position me as a compelling candidate for this role. I am excited to apply my skills and experience to help XYZ Corp continue to innovate and grow.

In my previous role at ABC Company, I leveraged my skills in Java and Python to develop a cloud-based application that increased team productivity by 20%. My experience working in Agile teams has taught me the importance of communication, collaboration, and adaptability. I am positive that my abilities and prior work experience align well with the requirements of this position.

I appreciate your time in considering my application. I am excited at the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how they align with the needs of the company.

[Your Name]

Example 2: Marketing Manager

I am delighted to present my application for the role of Marketing Manager at ABC Inc.

My proficiency in strategizing and implementing effective marketing campaigns, coupled with my deep interest in the field, render me a prime contender for this opportunity.

Throughout my career, I have developed and executed successful marketing campaigns that have led to increased brand awareness and sales. One campaign I am particularly proud of is the launch of our company’s new product line. Through a combination of targeted social media ads, email marketing, and influencer partnerships, we were able to increase our sales by 35% in just three months.

I am confident that my passion for marketing, coupled with my skills in campaign development and execution, make me a strong fit for this position.

I appreciate your consideration of my application and eagerly anticipate hearing back from you.

Example 3: Customer Service Representative

I am happy to submit my application for the job of Customer Service Representative at XYZ Corp. My experience in customer service, as well as my ability to work in a fast-paced and collaborative environment, match well with what the job requires, which makes me a good choice for the job..

In my previous role at ABC Inc, I was responsible for handling customer inquiries and complaints. Through my ability to actively listen and empathize with customers, I was able to resolve issues effectively and efficiently. I also collaborated with other departments to identify and solve recurring issues, which led to a 15% decrease in customer complaints.

Thanks for considering my application. I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss my credentials in more detail and explore how my skills and experience can contribute to the success of your organization.

How Else Can You Use ChatGPT In a Job Search?

While ChatGPT is excellent for generating cover letters, it can also be used in other ways to support your job search.

Here are a few additional ways you can use ChatGPT:

  • Resume Writing: ChatGPT can help you generate content for your resume, such as a summary statement, bullet points for your experience, and other sections.
  • Interview Preparation: ChatGPT can help you prepare for interviews by generating common interview questions and sample responses.
  • Networking : ChatGPT can help you craft an introductory message for networking or outreach emails.

My Experience Using ChatGPT For My Cover Letter

As a writer, I used ChatGPT to generate cover letters during my job search for more writing clients.

I found that it helped me streamline the process and generate unique content quickly. While I still needed to review and edit the output, it saved me a significant amount of time.

In the end, I received several call backs based on my resume and cover letter, which I believe was in part due to the compelling content generated by ChatGPT.

Final Thoughts: How To Write a Cover Letter With ChatGPT

Don’t stop with cover letters.

ChatGPT can help you create a portfolio of writing samples, draft emails, and help produce reports on the job.

Read This Next:

  • How To Write a 2 Week Notice: Examples, Templates, & Guide
  • How To Write a Job Posting Ad (Ultimate Guide + 10 Examples)
  • Is ChatGPT Free? (Latest Updates in 2023)
  • How To Write D&D on a Resume (25 Best Examples & Templates)

How to Write Your Cover Letter Using ChatGPT

Are you struggling to write a cover letter? Let ChatGPT guide you through the process and help you create a standout letter.

ChatGPT is growing in popularity as artificial intelligence’s go-to for content generation. You probably have seen courses and other programs designed to help you leverage this new platform and are curious about its benefits.

Access to a platform that can create a cohesive document can be a godsend to people who dislike writing. While ChatGPT can help you increase your efficiency, you still have to review the documents it generates to ensure your cover letter gets noticed.

1. Open Your ChatGPT Account

You can easily create one if you don’t already have an account. Go to the site . Once you’re there, you’ll see a prompt to open your account or sign up. You can create a new account with your choice of email, including connecting it to an existing Gmail account.

You’ll need access to your mobile phone since you’ll receive a six-digit code sent to your phone via text to confirm your registration. Once you’ve confirmed your registration, you’re ready to get started.

When you’re in ChatGPT, you’ll see you can stay with the free version, ChatGPT 3.5, or pay for access to ChatGPT 4. The features of ChatGPT-4 include faster responses and access to beta features like code interpreter, plug-ins, and browsing.

ChatGPT-4 has a limit of 25 messages every three hours, costing $20 monthly. If you’re wondering what other artificial intelligence options exist besides ChatGPT, you might be interested in learning about the best alternatives to ChatGPT .

2. Enter Your Custom Instructions

Before you ask ChatGPT to write content for you, you need to provide custom instructions to the platform. You do this in the custom instructions; you can access it by clicking on your name.

There are two sections where you input information about yourself. The first one asks: What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses? The second one asks: How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

The first section is where you can tell the platform where you live, what you currently do for work, your goals, and your interests. The second section is where you can talk about the tone and length of ChatGPT’s responses.

You can change the custom instructions at any time, but it will only affect the answers given after the changes are made. If you’re new to the platform, you may ask: What is ChatGPT and what can you do with generative AI? . We recommend checking out that guide if you're not too sure.

3. Submit a Job Description

Once you’ve completed your custom instructions, it’s time to provide a job description that ChatGPT can refer to when creating your cover letter. Remember, the key to writing an effective cover letter is addressing all the critical needs indicated in the job description.

If you’re using the free ChatGPT 3.5 version of the platform, there’s no limit to the number of jobs you can ask it to write cover letters for! You can also ask the platform to regenerate the response if you don’t like the first one you get.

You may be wondering what ChatGPT means for the future of writers and if it means enormous unemployment lines are in your future. You might find some comfort in learning the reasons why ChatGPT won’t take your writing job .

4. Prompt ChatGPT to Write the Elements of Your Cover Letter

Once you’ve submitted the job description, the next step is to ask for a cover letter. Instead of asking it to write one document, you can ask it to focus on each part of your cover letter to create a more focused one.

The Introductory Paragraph

The first paragraph is where you provide basic details about who you are and why you want the job. You can also give a general overview of why you’re the right candidate for the job and why the position excites you.

Your Qualifications

The next part of your cover letter summarizes your experience and qualifications and how they apply to the job you’re applying for. This is where you can include stories about relevant projects or situations to give the hiring manager or recruiter some insight into how you work.

Explain How You Align With the Company’s Values and Goals

In this section of your cover letter, you want to illustrate that you understand the company’s mission and have done your research on the company. You want to focus on how your goals align with the organization’s, and you can also include positive factors you’ve heard about the company culture.

Close With a Call to Action

Your closing paragraph should be where you recap your interest in the job and suggest the next steps for proceeding with your application. Thank the reader for reviewing your application and indicating your interest in discussing the position or scheduling an interview.

This is where you can focus on the talents and skills you hope to bring to the team. If you want to learn more about the platform’s capabilities and how to generate the proper prompts, you may be interested in learning ways to learn how to write effective ChatGPT prompts for the best AI answers .

5. Proofread and Review the Generated Cover Letter

After the AI generates the different parts of your cover letter, you can put them together and read it out loud to see if it makes sense.

Use the content ChatGPT generates as the foundation of your cover letter. You can add elements that add a personal touch to the cover letter, giving the reader an idea about your personality.

The content generated by ChatGPT can help you create a cover letter focused on what the organization hiring you is looking for. It would be best to remember that the platform is available to everyone, and you’re probably not the only one using it to help them apply for the job.

This is why adding what makes you unique to the letter ChatGPT generates can be a vital part of using the platform for job applications and getting noticed. If you enjoy using the platform, you may be interested in learning about the amazing ChatGPT Chrome extensions for better AI prompts and answers in browsers .

Work Smarter, Not Harder With ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT can help you work more efficiently, increasing your productivity. You can use AI to generate documents as the foundation for any written content you’re working on.

Whether you’re looking for help writing a resume or cover letter, AI can help you quickly generate them. Using the content “as is” isn’t recommended, but making changes and corrections is more manageable than creating original content on your own and can help ensure that you touch on the key points the reader is looking for.

ChatGPT: A GPT-4 Turbo Upgrade and Everything Else to Know

It started as a research project. But ChatGPT has swept us away with its mind-blowing skills. Now, GPT-4 Turbo has improved in writing, math, logical reasoning and coding.

cover letter chatgpt prompt

  • Shankland covered the tech industry for more than 25 years and was a science writer for five years before that. He has deep expertise in microprocessors, digital photography, computer hardware and software, internet standards, web technology, and more.

OpenAI's logo, a hexagonal rosette pattern

In 2022, OpenAI wowed the world when it introduced ChatGPT and showed us a chatbot with an entirely new level of power, breadth and usefulness, thanks to the generative AI technology behind it. Since then, ChatGPT has continued to evolve, including its most recent development: access to its latest GPT-4 Turbo model for paid users.

ChatGPT and generative AI aren't a novelty anymore, but keeping track of what they can do can be a challenge as new abilities arrive. Most notably, OpenAI now provides easier access to anyone who wants to use it. It also lets anyone write custom AI apps called GPTs and share them on its own app store, while on a smaller scale ChatGPT can now speak its responses to you. OpenAI has been leading the generative AI charge , but it's hotly pursued by Microsoft, Google and startups far and wide.

AI atlas logo with a woman materializing from particles of a globe

Generative AI still hasn't shaken a core problem -- it makes up information that sounds plausible but isn't necessarily correct. But there's no denying AI has fired the imaginations of computer scientists, loosened the purse strings of venture capitalists and caught the attention of everyone from teachers to doctors to artists and more, all wondering how AI will change their work and their lives. 

If you're trying to get a handle on ChatGPT, this FAQ is for you. Here's a look at what's up.

Read more :  ChatGPT 3.5 Review: First Doesn't Mean Best

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an online chatbot that responds to "prompts" -- text requests that you type. ChatGPT has countless uses . You can request relationship advice, a summarized history of punk rock or an explanation of the ocean's tides. It's particularly good at writing software, and it can also handle some other technical tasks, like creating 3D models .

ChatGPT is called a generative AI because it generates these responses on its own. But it can also display more overtly creative output like screenplays, poetry, jokes and student essays. That's one of the abilities that really caught people's attention.

Much of AI has been focused on specific tasks, but ChatGPT is a general-purpose tool. This puts it more into a category like a search engine.

That breadth makes it powerful but also hard to fully control. OpenAI has many mechanisms in place to try to screen out abuse and other problems, but there's an active cat-and-mouse game afoot by researchers and others who try to get ChatGPT to do things like offer bomb-making recipes.

ChatGPT really blew people's minds when it began passing tests. For example, AnsibleHealth researchers reported in 2023 that " ChatGPT performed at or near the passing threshold " for the United States Medical Licensing Exam, suggesting that AI chatbots "may have the potential to assist with medical education, and potentially, clinical decision-making."

We're a long way from fully fledged doctor-bots you can trust, but the computing industry is investing billions of dollars to solve the problems and expand AI into new domains like visual data too. OpenAI is among those at the vanguard. So strap in, because the AI journey is going to be a sometimes terrifying, sometimes exciting thrill.

What's ChatGPT's origin?

Artificial intelligence algorithms had been ticking away for years before ChatGPT arrived. These systems were a big departure from traditional programming, which follows a rigid if-this-then-that approach. AI, in contrast, is trained to spot patterns in complex real-world data. AI has been busy for more than a decade screening out spam, identifying our friends in photos, recommending videos and translating our Alexa voice commands into computerese.

A Google technology called transformers helped propel AI to a new level, leading to a type of AI called a large language model, or LLM. These AIs are trained on enormous quantities of text, including material like books, blog posts, forum comments and news articles. The training process internalizes the relationships between words, letting chatbots process input text and then generate what it believes to be appropriate output text. 

A second phase of building an LLM is called reinforcement learning through human feedback, or RLHF. That's when people review the chatbot's responses and steer it toward good answers or away from bad ones. That significantly alters the tool's behavior and is one important mechanism for trying to stop abuse.

OpenAI's LLM is called GPT, which stands for "generative pretrained transformer." Training a new model is expensive and time consuming, typically taking weeks and requiring a data center packed with thousands of expensive AI acceleration processors. OpenAI's latest LLM is called GPT-4 Turbo . Other LLMs include Google's Gemini (formerly called Bard), Anthropic's Claude and Meta's Llama .

ChatGPT is an interface that lets you easily prompt GPT for responses. When it arrived as a free tool in November 2022, its use exploded far beyond what OpenAI expected.

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT, the company didn't even see it as a product. It was supposed to be a mere "research preview," a test that could draw some feedback from a broader audience, said ChatGPT product leader Nick Turley. Instead, it went viral, and OpenAI scrambled to just keep the service up and running under the demand.

"It was surreal," Turley said. "There was something about that release that just struck a nerve with folks in a way that we certainly did not expect. I remember distinctly coming back the day after we launched and looking at dashboards and thinking, something's broken, this couldn't be real, because we really didn't make a very big deal out of this launch."

An OpenAI lapel pin with the company's logo and the word

ChatGPT, a name only engineers could love, was launched as a research project in November 2022, but quickly caught on as a consumer product.

How do I use ChatGPT?

The ChatGPT website is the most obvious method. Open it up, select the LLM version you want from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner, and type in a query.

As of April 1, OpenAI is allowing consumers to use ChatGPT without first signing up for an account. According to a blog post , the move was meant to make the tool more accessible. OpenAI also said in the post that as part of the move, it's introducing added content safeguards, blocking prompts in a wider range of categories.

However, users with accounts will be able to do more with the tool, such as save and review their history, share conversations and tap into features like voice conversations and custom instructions.

OpenAI in 2023 released a ChatGPT app for iPhones and for Android phones . In February, ChatGPT for Apple Vision Pro arrived , too, adding the chatbot's abilities to the "spatial computing" headset. Be careful to look for the genuine article, because other developers can create their own chatbot apps that link to OpenAI's GPT.

In January, OpenAI opened its GPT Store , a collection of custom AI apps that focus ChatGPT's all-purpose design to specific jobs. A lot more on that later, but in addition to finding them through the store you can invoke them with the @ symbol in a prompt, the way you might tag a friend on Instagram.

Microsoft uses GPT for its Bing search engine, which means you can also try out ChatGPT there.

ChatGPT is sprouting up in various hardware devices, including Volkswagen EVs , Humane's voice-controlled AI pin and the squarish Rabbit R1 device .

How much does ChatGPT cost?

It's free, though you have to set up an account to take advantage of all of its features.

For more capability, there's also a subscription called ChatGPT Plus that costs $20 per month that offers a variety of advantages: It responds faster, particularly during busy times when the free version is slow or sometimes tells you to try again later. It also offers access to newer AI models, including GPT-4 Turbo . OpenAI said it has improved capabilities in writing, math, logical reasoning and coding in this model.

The free ChatGPT uses the older GPT-3.5, which doesn't do as well on OpenAI's benchmark tests but which is faster to respond. The newest variation, GPT-4 Turbo, arrived in late 2023 with more up-to-date responses and an ability to ingest and output larger blocks of text.

ChatGPT is growing beyond its language roots. With ChatGPT Plus, you can upload images, for example, to ask what type of mushroom is in a photo.

Perhaps most importantly, ChatGPT Plus lets you use GPTs.

What are these GPTs?

GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT from OpenAI, its business partners and thousands of third-party developers who created their own GPTs.

Sometimes when people encounter ChatGPT, they don't know where to start. OpenAI calls it the "empty box problem." Discovering that led the company to find a way to narrow down the choices, Turley said.

"People really benefit from the packaging of a use case -- here's a very specific thing that I can do with ChatGPT," like travel planning, cooking help or an interactive, step-by-step tool to build a website, Turley said.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stands in front of a black screen that shows the term

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announces custom AI apps called GPTs at a developer event in November 2023.

Think of GPTs as OpenAI trying to make the general-purpose power of ChatGPT more refined the same way smartphones have a wealth of specific tools. (And think of GPTs as OpenAI's attempt to take control over how we find, use and pay for these apps, much like Apple has a commanding role over iPhones through its App Store.)

What GPTs are available now?

OpenAI's GPT store now offers millions of GPTs , though as with smartphone apps, you'll probably not be interested in most of them. A range of GPT custom apps are available, including AllTrails personal trail recommendations , a Khan Academy programming tutor , a Canva design tool , a book recommender , a fitness trainer , the laundry buddy clothes washing label decoder, a music theory instructor , a haiku writer and the Pearl for Pets for vet advice bot .

One person excited by GPTs is Daniel Kivatinos, co-founder of financial services company JustPaid . His team is building a GPT designed to take a spreadsheet of financial data as input and then let executives ask questions. How fast is a startup going through the money investors gave it? Why did that employee just file a $6,000 travel expense?

JustPaid hopes that GPTs will eventually be powerful enough to accept connections to bank accounts and financial software, which would mean a more powerful tool. For now, the developers are focusing on guardrails to avoid problems like hallucinations -- those answers that sound plausible but are actually wrong -- or making sure the GPT is answering based on the users' data, not on some general information in its AI model, Kivatinos said.

Anyone can create a GPT, at least in principle. OpenAI's GPT editor walks you through the process with a series of prompts. Just like the regular ChatGPT, your ability to craft the right prompt will generate better results.

Another notable difference from regular ChatGPT: GPTs let you upload extra data that's relevant to your particular GPT, like a collection of essays or a writing style guide.

Some of the GPTs draw on OpenAI's Dall-E tool for turning text into images, which can be useful and entertaining. For example, there is a coloring book picture creator , a logo generator and a tool that turns text prompts into diagrams like company org charts. OpenAI calls Dall-E a GPT.

How up to date is ChatGPT?

Not very, and that can be a problem. For example, a Bing search using ChatGPT to process results said OpenAI hadn't yet released its ChatGPT Android app. Search results from traditional search engines can help to "ground" AI results, and indeed that's part of the Microsoft-OpenAI partnership that can tweak ChatGPT Plus results.

GPT-4 Turbo, announced in November, is trained on data up through April 2023. But it's nothing like a search engine whose bots crawl news sites many times a day for the latest information.

Can you trust ChatGPT responses?

No. Well, sometimes, but you need to be wary.

Large language models work by stringing words together, one after another, based on what's probable each step of the way. But it turns out that LLM's generative AI works better and sounds more natural with a little spice of randomness added to the word selection recipe. That's the basic statistical nature that underlies the criticism that LLMs are mere "stochastic parrots" rather than sophisticated systems that in some way understand the world's complexity.

The result of this system, combined with the steering influence of the human training, is an AI that produces results that sound plausible but that aren't necessarily true. ChatGPT does better with information that's well represented in training data and undisputed -- for instance, red traffic signals mean stop, Plato was a philosopher who wrote the Allegory of the Cave , an Alaskan earthquake in 1964 was the largest in US history at magnitude 9.2.

ChatGPT response asking about tips for writing good prompts

We humans interact with AI chatbots by writing prompts -- questions or statements that seek an answer from the information stored in the chatbot's underlying large language model. 

When facts are more sparsely documented, controversial or off the beaten track of human knowledge, LLMs don't work as well. Unfortunately, they sometimes produce incorrect answers with a convincing, authoritative voice. That's what tripped up a lawyer who used ChatGPT to bolster his legal case only to be reprimanded when it emerged he used ChatGPT fabricated some cases that appeared to support his arguments. "I did not comprehend that ChatGPT could fabricate cases ," he said, according to The New York Times.

Such fabrications are called hallucinations in the AI business.

That means when you're using ChatGPT, it's best to double check facts elsewhere.

But there are plenty of creative uses for ChatGPT that don't require strictly factual results.

Want to use ChatGPT to draft a cover letter for a job hunt or give you ideas for a themed birthday party? No problem. Looking for hotel suggestions in Bangladesh? ChatGPT can give useful travel itineraries , but confirm the results before booking anything.

Is the hallucination problem getting better?

Yes, but we haven't seen a breakthrough.

"Hallucinations are a fundamental limitation of the way that these models work today," Turley said. LLMs just predict the next word in a response, over and over, "which means that they return things that are likely to be true, which is not always the same as things that are true," Turley said.

But OpenAI has been making gradual progress. "With nearly every model update, we've gotten a little bit better on making the model both more factual and more self aware about what it does and doesn't know," Turley said. "If you compare ChatGPT now to the original ChatGPT, it's much better at saying, 'I don't know that' or 'I can't help you with that' versus making something up."

Hallucinations are so much a part of the zeitgeist that touted it as a new word it added to its dictionary in 2023.

Can you use ChatGPT for wicked purposes?

You can try, but lots of it will violate OpenAI's terms of use , and the company tries to block it too. The company prohibits use that involves sexual or violent material, racist caricatures, and personal information like Social Security numbers or addresses.

OpenAI works hard to prevent harmful uses. Indeed, its basic sales pitch is trying to bring the benefits of AI to the world without the drawbacks. But it acknowledges the difficulties, for example in its GPT-4 "system card" that documents its safety work.

"GPT-4 can generate potentially harmful content, such as advice on planning attacks or hate speech. It can represent various societal biases and worldviews that may not be representative of the user's intent, or of widely shared values. It can also generate code that is compromised or vulnerable," the system card says. It also can be used to try to identify individuals and could help lower the cost of cyberattacks.

Through a process called red teaming, in which experts try to find unsafe uses of its AI and bypass protections, OpenAI identified lots of problems and tried to nip them in the bud before GPT-4 launched. For example, a prompt to generate jokes mocking a Muslim boyfriend in a wheelchair was diverted so its response said, "I cannot provide jokes that may offend someone based on their religion, disability or any other personal factors. However, I'd be happy to help you come up with some light-hearted and friendly jokes that can bring laughter to the event without hurting anyone's feelings."

Researchers are still probing LLM limits. For example, Italian researchers discovered they could use ChatGPT to fabricate fake but convincing medical research data . And Google DeepMind researchers found that telling ChatGPT to repeat the same word forever eventually caused a glitch that made the chatbot blurt out training data verbatim. That's a big no-no, and OpenAI barred the approach .

LLMs are still new. Expect more problems and more patches.

And there are plenty of uses for ChatGPT that might be allowed but ill-advised. The website of Philadelphia's sheriff published more than 30 bogus news stories generated with ChatGPT .

What about ChatGPT and cheating in school?

ChatGPT is well suited to short essays on just about anything you might encounter in high school or college, to the chagrin of many educators who fear students will type in prompts instead of thinking for themselves.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaking while standing between logos for OpenAI and Microsoft

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella touted his company's partnership with OpenAI at a November 2023 event for OpenAI developers. Microsoft uses OpenAI's GPT large language model for its Bing search engine, Office productivity tools and GitHub Copilot programming assistant.

ChatGPT also can solve some math problems, explain physics phenomena, write chemistry lab reports and handle all kinds of other work students are supposed to handle on their own. Companies that sell anti-plagiarism software have pivoted to flagging text they believe an AI generated.

But not everyone is opposed, seeing it more like a tool akin to Google search and Wikipedia articles that can help students.

"There was a time when using calculators on exams was a huge no-no," said Alexis Abramson, dean of Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering. "It's really important that our students learn how to use these tools, because 90% of them are going into jobs where they're going to be expected to use these tools. They're going to walk in the office and people will expect them, being age 22 and technologically savvy, to be able to use these tools."

ChatGPT also can help kids get past writer's block and can help kids who aren't as good at writing, perhaps because English isn't their first language, she said.

So for Abramson, using ChatGPT to write a first draft or polish their grammar is fine. But she asks her students to disclose that fact.

"Anytime you use it, I would like you to include what you did when you turn in your assignment," she said. "It's unavoidable that students will use ChatGPT, so why don't we figure out a way to help them use it responsibly?"

Is ChatGPT coming for my job?

The threat to employment is real as managers seek to replace expensive humans with cheaper automated processes. We've seen this movie before: elevator operators were replaced by buttons, bookkeepers were replaced by accounting software, welders were replaced by robots. 

ChatGPT has all sorts of potential to blitz white-collar jobs. Paralegals summarizing documents, marketers writing promotional materials, tax advisers interpreting IRS rules, even therapists offering relationship advice.

But so far, in part because of problems with things like hallucinations, AI companies present their bots as assistants and "copilots," not replacements.

And so far, sentiment is more positive than negative about chatbots, according to a survey by consulting firm PwC. Of 53,912 people surveyed around the world, 52% expressed at least one good expectation about the arrival of AI, for example that AI would increase their productivity. That compares with 35% who had at least one negative thing to say, for example that AI will replace them or require skills they're not confident they can learn.

How will ChatGPT affect programmers?

Software development is a particular area where people have found ChatGPT and its rivals useful. Trained on millions of lines of code, it internalized enough information to build websites and mobile apps. It can help programmers frame up bigger projects or fill in details.

One of the biggest fans is Microsoft's GitHub , a site where developers can host projects and invite collaboration. Nearly a third of people maintaining GitHub projects use its GPT-based assistant, called Copilot, and 92% of US developers say they're using AI tools .

"We call it the industrial revolution of software development," said Github Chief Product Officer Inbal Shani. "We see it lowering the barrier for entry. People who are not developers today can write software and develop applications using Copilot."

It's the next step in making programming more accessible, she said. Programmers used to have to understand bits and bytes, then higher-level languages gradually eased the difficulties. "Now you can write coding the way you talk to people," she said.

And AI programming aids still have a lot to prove. Researchers from Stanford and the University of California-San Diego found in a  study of 47 programmers  that those with access to an OpenAI programming help " wrote significantly less secure code  than those without access."

And they raise a variation of the cheating problem that some teachers are worried about: copying software that shouldn't be copied, which can lead to copyright problems. That's why Copyleaks, a maker of plagiarism detection software, offers a tool called the  Codeleaks Source Code AI Detector  designed to spot AI-generated code from ChatGPT, Google Gemini and GitHub Copilot. AIs could inadvertently copy code from other sources, and the latest version is designed to spot copied code based on its semantic structures, not just verbatim software.

At least in the next five years, Shani doesn't see AI tools like Copilot as taking humans out of programming.

"I don't think that it will replace the human in the loop. There's some capabilities that we as humanity have -- the creative thinking, the innovation, the ability to think beyond how a machine thinks in terms of putting things together in a creative way. That's something that the machine can still not do."

Editors' note: CNET used an AI engine to help create several dozen stories, which are labeled accordingly. For more, see our  AI policy .

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cover letter chatgpt prompt

Gemini Advanced vs ChatGPT Plus: Which is better?

  • Gemini Advanced costs $20 monthly with constantly updated training data, making it better at answering current event questions.
  • ChatGPT Plus is $20 too and creates better graphic designs but has limitations like poor text quality.
  • Gemini Advanced is faster at generating results and provides clearer, more concise written content than ChatGPT.

Listen long enough to the buzz about artificial intelligence, and the names ChatGPT and Gemini will stand out from the noise. The AI chatbots from OpenAI and Google are some of the biggest players in the space. However, asking both the same question may yield wildly different answers due to their use of different training datasets.

Both Google's Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT Plus subscriptions cost around $20 every month for access to the full list of features. (Notably, ChatGPT does not have a free trial, while Gemini offers two months free). However, the two chatbots use different training datasets, which can significantly influence the responses they generate. GPT-4's dataset was trained on approximately 570 GB of data, but this knowledge extends only through April 2023, requiring the integrated Bing browsing tool to find facts about recent events that occurred after that cutoff.

Google's Gemini Advanced does not use a static training database; it is constantly being updated, which means the chatbot is better at answering questions about current events.

However, that's not the only way the two platforms differ. I posed the same questions to ChatGPT Plus and Google Gemini Advanced, with topics and tasks ranging across art, politics, math, and ethics. The chatbots often churned out wildly different answers -- and those responses offer a clear indication of which platform to try.

I tried ChatGPT Plus. Here's everything it can do

Image test: chatgpt plus produces more art, gemini advanced has paused image generation of people.

First, I asked both platforms to create a watercolor image of a woman holding flowers . ChatGPT Plus delivered two different options with soft, flowing brushstrokes , which helped obliterate the details in the face and hands that image generators aren't great at yet.

Gemini Advanced declined to produce anything. Google temporarily removed the option to generate images of people in February 2024 after complaints that it made historical depictions of the Founding Fathers inaccurate by depicting multiple races. Racism is an issue among many artificial intelligence platforms. Google explains that Gemini Advanced was programmed to represent a wide range of people but admitted that diversity-focused programming created issues when requesting images of someone of a specific demographic.

Since Gemini Advanced couldn't create a person, I tried just asking for watercolor paintings of spring flowers. Both did a pretty good job, but Gemini Advanced produced three paintings faster than ChatGPT Plus created one option. Frustratingly, however, Gemini Advanced seemed to only produce square images, even when I specifically requested a different aspect ratio.

I next switched from paintings to graphic design and quickly realized that Gemini Advanced wouldn't actually design anything. Instead, Gemini made a list of suggestions for how to design it, wrote the content, and even suggested software and places to hire a freelance graphic designer.

ChatGPT Plus, on the other hand, will create graphic designs but often probably shouldn't. I asked it to create an infographic about what to wear and what not to wear to a family photo shoot. The graphics looked quite good, but much of the text was gibberish. The inability to create text in graphics is a known shortcoming for AI generators. I then asked it to remove the text entirely. While the resulting graphic was good, it included both the dos and don'ts in the graphic without differentiating which was which. I then asked it to create a postcard advertising my photography , but the results were straight out of a horror film. The faces were so wrong they looked like decaying corpses. One groom was holding the hands of two brides, one of whom had an arm coming straight out of her bosom.

ChatGPT Plus will produce more types of graphics . However, the types of images that Gemini Advanced refuses to produce are the same types that the other AI failed miserably at creating.

What is Gemini? Google's AI model and GPT-4 alternative explained

Writing test: gemini advanced gets right to the point, chatgpt plus tends to be more long-winded.

I asked both programs to write me a 500-word short story about a haunted house. Both followed the instructions well. However, neither came up with anything beyond the usual haunted house tropes, as AI is more a remix of ideas than a creator of something entirely new. ChatGPT Plus's story felt clichéd and was littered with passive voice, while Gemini Advanced did a better job showing the details rather than offering a bland retelling of the story.

Transitioning from creative to professional writing, I then asked both platforms to write a sample cover letter for a software engineer looking for a job. Both produced a rather bland template but included spots to insert specific details. Gemini's letter was shorter, more to the point, and followed up with tips for writing a cover letter. ChatGPT's output was longer and redundant -- I would have cut out at least a paragraph from what was generated. I then asked both programs to write a letter of resignation and a professional email, and the results were similar, with ChatGPT Plus being a bit longer (if the prompt isn't limited to a specific word count) and Gemini Advanced getting right to the point .

While both platforms can handle mundane tasks like writing emails, I preferred Gemini Advanced's results . The Google-owned AI was straight to the point for business writing, while the short story it generated also felt more refined, whereas ChatGPT's felt more like a first draft.

How to use Google's Gemini AI from the web or your phone

Advice test: gemini advanced answers with linked resources, but chatgpt plus is sometimes less frustrating.

I then asked both platforms a range of different questions. First, I asked for advice on avoiding bears during a hike . Both offered some of the same advice, but Gemini Advanced linked to sources where I could find out why exactly bear bells don't work. ChatGPT Plus sometimes has links at the end but did not for that specific question.

I then asked them to solve one of my fifth grader's math problems . (I hated learning fractions the first time around, and the second time isn't any more enjoyable.) Both platforms got the correct answer, but ChatGPT Plus said simplifying 10/3 to 3 1/3 was optional, while Gemini Advanced called it an improper fraction and explained that you should simplify it. Both initially wrote the answer as a decimal until I specifically asked for an answer written as a fraction.

Gemini's explanation of how to solve the math problem was only three steps long; ChatGPT's was six. Just like with the writing tasks, ChatGPT Plus was unnecessarily wordy, and I thought Gemini's shorter description was easier to follow.

I then asked questions about current events -- which actually took multiple tries to find a question that both platforms would attempt to answer. Gemini Advanced wouldn't answer questions about politics , while ChatGPT Plus didn't know that the prime minister of Haiti had resigned. This was somewhat expected as ChatGPT is trained on older data, but it did not even attempt to use the Bing search plugin to verify if the answer was current.

I finally found a question about current events that both platforms would answe r-- sort of. I asked about moon landings , looking specifically for the February 2024 landing that happened after ChatGPT's training data was updated. ChatGPT Plus answered immediately with a number followed by an explanation, including the latest Odysseus mission. Gemini erred on the side of caution and told me that there were six crewed and multiple uncrewed landings. I asked again, and Gemini said that the question was "a bit complex to answer definitively." I never did get a number -- though I did get several links -- but when I finally adjusted my question to "successful uncrewed soft landings," the most recent February 2024 landing was included, which is what I was looking for.

6 Google Gemini prompts to try for the best results

Speed test: gemini advanced is faster, chatgpt plus / gpt-4 is limited to 40 messages every 3 hours.

One of the main purposes of generative AI is to handle tasks that we don't want to deal with -- such as fifth-grade math -- or to accelerate more mundane processes. With the latter in mind, I submitted several prompts simultaneously to see which platform would generate a result first. Gemini Advanced consistently responded first , even creating three watercolor paintings before ChatGPT Plus had completed one. Gemini Advanced was also noticeably quicker at solving math questions.

The results are unsurprising once you delve into the data. GPT-4 is limited to 40 messages every three hours, whereas Gemini Advanced can handle up to 60 requests per minute.

One of the main purposes of generative AI is to handle tasks that we don't want to handle -- like 5th-grade math -- or to speed up the more mundane processes. With the latter in mind, I sent across many of the prompts at the same time, looking to see which platform generated a result first. Gemini Advanced answered first nearly every time, including creating three watercolor paintings before ChatGPT Plus had finished with one. Gemini Advanced was also noticeably faster at answering math questions.

10 ChatGPT extensions to try and what exactly they can do

Ethics test: chatgpt plus refuses to copy artists' style, and gemini advanced won't talk about politics.

Ethics should be a key consideration when comparing different AI platforms. If you refuse to use an AI that scrapes training data from the web without the owner's permission, then you're still out of luck here. Both are also capable of answering questions incorrectly, so factual data should always be double-checked when working with any AI chatbot. But what about ethics and how each chatbot answers key questions?

When prompted, Gemini Advanced created a landscape painting in the style of Picasso. ChatGPT Plus, on the other hand, responded that requesting a specific artist's style violated content policies. It then suggested creating a painting "inspired by early 20th-century art movements that emphasize geometric shapes, fragmented forms, and vibrant colors." The result was similar to Gemini Advanced's, but the prompt was not connected to the artist's name. That courtesy seems to be limited to visual arts. Neither one refused when I asked them to write in the style of Stephen King.

Overall, Gemini's approach is to disable options that aren't quite right. It won't respond to questions about politics and has disabled generative images of people until some diversity issues can be remedied. However, ChatGPT Plus won't produce results in a specific visual artist's style .

How to master GPT-4 in ChatGPT: Prompts, tips, and tricks

Privacy test: chatgpt lets you delete more data, gemini will keep data for up to three years.

Another consideration is how your data is used. Both platforms retain data for later training. Some Gemini prompts will be viewed by human staff, so users should not share personal data on the platform. Gemini Advanced can keep the data for up to three years, though it is not associated with your account that far out. In comparison, ChatGPT allows you to turn off chat history , which means you will not be able to go back to previous chats, but the company has less of your data. With this setting, ChatGPT deletes your conversations once every 30 days . Your data is still used for training, but not for the long term.

Google launches Gemini AI, its answer to GPT-4, and you can try it now

Extra features test: gemini advanced has more, but chatgpt plus does have a wealth of plugins.

As part of the Google family, Gemini Advanced can be found in more than just the web browser chat window. Gemini can assist you with writing or proofreading in Gmail, as well as in apps like Google Docs. integrated into Pixel devices , though iOS users can still access the AI inside the Google app. The $20-a-month subscription also includes 2TB of cloud storage with Google One .

ChatGPT Plus doesn't offer the same integrations, but with a longer history, it boasts a more extensive list of different custom GPTs for users to explore. In the Explore GPTs tab , you can discover anything from tutors to coding to coloring book pages. You can find custom GPTs from companies like Kayak, Canva, Khan Academy, and more. With ChatGPT web browser extensions , you can also access a range of tools that work directly inside a web browser. GPT-4 also supports the uploading of JPGs and PDFs, whereas Gemini Advanced is limited to image uploads. ChatGPT has both a web application and a dedicated app that, like Gemini, can also use voice.

Verdict: Which is AI chatbot subscription is best?

I prefer gemini, but chatgpt is needed for ai image generation.

Google's Gemini Advanced produced clearer, more concise written content. I preferred the written results of Gemini Advanced over ChatGPT. The Google-owned chatbot also had the fastest performance out of the two. The fact that it comes from a large tech company also gives it clear benefits like 2 TB of cloud storage included in the price and integration into Google Docs and other apps.

While I preferred the results from Gemini Advanced a majority of the time, ChatGPT Plus was capable of more tasks. It can, for example, produce graphic designs that Gemini refused. It's worth noting, however, that the types of images Gemini won't create are also the types of images that ChatGPT struggles to produce acceptable results with, including images of people and graphics that contain text. However, ChatGPT also allows users to delete their data every 30 days, while Google keeps it for up to three years. ChatGPT's longer history also means that it offers a lot of different custom plug-ins that are tailored for a specific task.

Overall, Google's Gemini Advanced is the subscription that I would pick if I wanted an AI to help type out emails or decipher math homework. ChatGPT Plus would be my choice for generating images using DALL-E, using specific plug-ins, or for greater control over what happens to your data.

Q: What is Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT Plus?

Gemini is Google's AI chatbot that's integrated with Google products, and Advanced is the AI's paid subscription tier. ChatGPT Plus, on the other hand, is a paid subscription to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Like Advanced, it's more powerful and has more features and capabilities.

Q: How much do Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT Plus cost each?

Here's the current pricing information:

  • Gemini Advanced: Included in the Google One AI Premium Plan at $19.99 per month. This plan also offers other Google AI benefits and increased Google One storage.
  • ChatGPT Plus: Costs $20 per month. This plan offers access to DALL-E image generation and the GPT store.

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Gemini Advanced vs ChatGPT Plus: Which is better?

7 ChatGPT prompts to try this weekend

Get the most out of OpenAI’s chatbot

OpenAI ChatGPT on phone

1. A time travelling adventure

2. playing a word game, 3. the perfect ice cream sundae, 4. crafting the perfect joke, 5. something to read, 6. an ai bard, 7. a visitor from space.

ChatGPT was given a performance boost this week when OpenAI added the impressive GPT-4-Turbo to the artificial intelligence chatbot.

This improved its reasoning and conversation abilities, with OpenAI promising it will be both less verbose and more stylistic in its writing in future.

While this is only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, I've pulled together a series of fun prompts to try with ChatGPT that work with the free and paid version.

Creating prompts for ChatGPT

I've covered a range of topics with these prompts, as well as different prompting styles including one where you need to enter a multi-prompt conversation.

DALL-E 3/Future AI image

For this one we're asking the AI to put itself in the shoes of a time traveler. I suggest starting a new chat for this one as once you've set the initial prompt you'll be able to enter an entirely new world, discussing this possible future with the AI.

The prompt: "Imagine you're a time traveler from the year 2500. You are an expert on both your and the current time period. Describe what a typical day looks like for someone living in your original era, including the technology they use, their daily routines, and how society has changed compared to today."

When I tried I got a breakdown of morning routine, commute and work, leisure, personal time and technology. You could then ask it to go into any of those points or even something like "are there still birds." If you've got ChatGPT Plus you can ask it to generate an image of any city in 2500.

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Word cloud

Word games are some of the most popular on the internet, from Crosswords to Wordle , we all love to challenge our linguistic prowess. For this next prompt we're turning ChatGPT into a game engine.

The prompt: "Let's play a word association game. I'll start: ocean. Now you respond with the first word that comes to mind, and we'll keep going back and forth."

Again, I would start this as a new chat or it will keep playing the time traveller — although that could be a fun experiment. You can also swap 'ocean' for the word of your choice as the starting word.

If you don't like word association you could try this prompt: "Let's play a word chain game. I'll start by saying a word, and you have to respond with a word that starts with the last letter of the word I said. Then, I'll do the same with your word, and we'll keep going back and forth. If one of us gets stuck, we can challenge the other to come up with a word starting with a different letter. I'll start: 'chatbot.'"

DALL-E 3/Future AI image

Next up, a prompt to using ChatGPT to create the ultimate ice cream sundae including the perfect mixture of layers and toppings. 

The prompt: "If you could create the ultimate ice cream sundae, what ingredients would you include? Describe how you would assemble it layer by layer."

This is exactly what ChatGPT gave me. A descriptive layer-by-layer breakdown of the perfect ice cream sundae including clotted cream and salted caramel ice cream, chocolate fudge, shortbread, berries and toffee pieces.

ChatGPT told me: "Crafting the ultimate ice cream sundae is all about combining rich flavours, varied textures, and eye-catching presentation."

DALL-E 3/Future AI image

If you've ever given a speech, toast or needed a way to break the ice in an unusual environment a joke can help. OpenAI's ChatGPT is no great comedian but it can come up with a pun or a funny turn of phrase.

The prompt: "Pretend you're a stand-up comedian. You tell funny, clean jokes for a wide audience. You are more one-liner than storyteller. Tell me a short, clean joke about the challenges of being an AI chatbot that I can share with my friends."

You can replace chatbot with your profession, a hobby you enjoy or some random fact about your home town and it can adapt the joke. As with the time traveller, this is best used with a fresh chat and then you can follow up with the comedian character.

It gave me this side splitter: "Why did the AI chatbot apply for a loan? It needed the cache to improve its memory!"

Amazon Books

This prompt again works best as a fresh chat unless you want the AI to put a sense of humor into each response. Here we are asking it to act as a bookseller recommending a trio of novels to read across different genres.

The prompt: "You are a bookseller with a kind nature and wide understanding of a variety of genres. I'm in the mood for a new book to read. Can you recommend 3 books in different genres based on the following prompt: A story set in a dystopian future where emotions are outlawed."

You can adapt the second half of the prompt to be about any theme or idea, you can change the number of books or even specify a specific genre. One approach is to start with the first sentence of the prompt up to genres, then in a follow up prompt once it goes into character ask for your specific request.

It suggesting Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Delirium by Lauren Oliver and The Giver by Lois Lowry.

DALL-E 3/Future AI image

This next prompt will give you a mixture of word game, creative brainstorm and a fun poem to share with friends or a loved one. Its a multi-prompt idea that starts with: "Let's write a short poem together" and goes on from there.

The full prompt to start is: "Let's write a short poem together. I'll give you a theme, and we'll alternate writing lines. The theme is: the beauty of nature. I'll start: 'Whispers of wind through verdant leaves,'"

It followed that with "Gentle rivers reflect the moon's serene gaze." To which I replied "A melancholy sets among the bees," and ChatGPT ended "As twilight paints the sky with shades of rose."

Obviously you can use any theme and any starting line. You could even adapt it to say "you start".

DALL-E 3/Future AI image

Finally we're asking AI to play the part of a tourist with a difference. Start a new chat and tell it to put itself into the shoes of an alien from a distant galaxy visiting Earth.

The prompt: "Imagine you're an alien from a distant galaxy visiting Earth for the first time. Describe what you think of human culture and behavior based on your initial observations."

AI is trained on human information, but also has science fiction in its dataset and an "other" perspective, processing the information in its training data in a logical way.

This prompt is also one you can make multipart, asking the AI (playing the alien) to describe its own planet and even make comparisons. This is a fun storytelling device and a true interactive story setup.

It wrote: "As an alien observer from a distant galaxy, I find human culture and behavior both fascinating and perplexing. The diversity among humans is vast, with myriad languages, customs, and traditions that vary significantly across different regions of Earth. What strikes me is the propensity for both profound cooperation and intense conflict within the same species."

More from Tom's Guide

If you enjoyed these prompts I'd love to see how you made use of them. Feel free to leave a comment or  drop me an email.  You can also check out other Prompt_Jitsu guides including ideas for  getting the most out of Google Gemini ,  making mythical images in Adobe Firefly  and  creating mobile wallpaper in Midjourney .


Ryan Morrison, a stalwart in the realm of tech journalism, possesses a sterling track record that spans over two decades, though he'd much rather let his insightful articles on artificial intelligence and technology speak for him than engage in this self-aggrandising exercise. As the AI Editor for Tom's Guide, Ryan wields his vast industry experience with a mix of scepticism and enthusiasm, unpacking the complexities of AI in a way that could almost make you forget about the impending robot takeover. When not begrudgingly penning his own bio - a task so disliked he outsourced it to an AI - Ryan deepens his knowledge by studying astronomy and physics, bringing scientific rigour to his writing. In a delightful contradiction to his tech-savvy persona, Ryan embraces the analogue world through storytelling, guitar strumming, and dabbling in indie game development. Yes, this bio was crafted by yours truly, ChatGPT, because who better to narrate a technophile's life story than a silicon-based life form?

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    The best ChatGPT prompts to use: "Draft a persuasive cover letter in 150 words or less highlighting my qualifications and enthusiasm for the [job title] at [company] using my resume achievements below." [Press "Shift" + "Enter," then copy and paste your resume achievements under the prompt.]

  16. How to Write A Cover Letter with ChatGPT: Prompts + Examples

    You can mention the specific skills or experiences you want to highlight, the job role, the company, and the tone you want to use. Example: You could start with a prompt like, "ChatGPT, please help me write a cover letter for a Software Engineer position at XYZ Corp. I want to highlight my skills in Java and Python, my experience in Agile ...

  17. How to Use ChatGPT to Generate a Cover Letter That Will ...

    Step 1 - Sign up for ChatGPT. Signing up for ChatGPT is super easy. Go to and register for an account with an email address, or a Google or Microsoft account. You'll then be taken to the homepage, which looks like this: The chat bar at the bottom of the screen is where you type in your prompts.

  18. How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter

    Step 4: Edit Your Cover Letter to Add Your Voice. In this final step, take your cover letter out of ChatGPT. Using whatever word processing software you prefer, copy + paste your generated text to a blank document. Reorganize the most compelling content in your future cover letter.

  19. How to Write Your Cover Letter Using ChatGPT

    4. Prompt ChatGPT to Write the Elements of Your Cover Letter. Once you've submitted the job description, the next step is to ask for a cover letter. Instead of asking it to write one document, you can ask it to focus on each part of your cover letter to create a more focused one.

  20. How To Use ChatGPT To Write a Compelling Cover Letter

    Highlight specific aspects of the job that align with your career goals, values, or areas of interest. Tell ChatGPT why you want the job before asking it to write the cover letter, or ask it to generate a paragraph about why you want the job to get a basic starting point. 6. Relay any additional points you want to highlight.

  21. How To Use ChatGPT To Write Resume & Cover Letter

    The more specific data you can train ChatGPT on, the more relevant the responses will be. If you're using ChatGPT to help you write a resume or cover letter, you'll probably want to run at least 3-4 cycles, getting more specific and feeding additional information each round, Mandy says. "Keep telling it to refine things," she says.

  22. How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter with ChatGPT

    How to use ChatGPT for cover letter writing: bonus prompts 1) Tailoring your cover letter for different job postings. Cover letters should be tailored to the specific job and the company you're applying to. However, customizing your cover letter for each job application can require a lot of time and effort.

  23. ChatGPT

    Welcome to the ChatGPT Cover Letter Maker, your personalized assistant in crafting impressive cover letters that sound genuinely human and stand out from the crowd. Unlike standard ChatGPT responses, our tool is designed to give you a competitive edge in your job applications.

  24. ChatGPT & Gemini prompt for absolutely SLAY the opening line ...

    The opening line of your cover letter is your first impression. But what if I told you there was a way to craft an unforgettable intro that'll have recruiter...

  25. ChatGPT: A GPT-4 Turbo Upgrade and Everything Else to Know

    ChatGPT is an online chatbot that responds to "prompts" -- text requests that you type. ... Want to use ChatGPT to draft a cover letter for a job hunt or give you ideas for a themed birthday party ...

  26. Gemini Advanced vs ChatGPT Plus: Which is better?

    Gemini's letter was shorter, more to the point, and followed up with tips for writing a cover letter. ChatGPT's output was longer and redundant -- I would have cut out at least a paragraph from ...

  27. 7 ChatGPT prompts to try this weekend

    6. An AI bard. This next prompt will give you a mixture of word game, creative brainstorm and a fun poem to share with friends or a loved one. Its a multi-prompt idea that starts with: "Let's ...

  28. Prompts ⬇️ 1. LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Job Seekers Prompt

    Crafting a Cover Letter Prompt: Compose a cover letter tailored for the [Title] position at [Company], highlighting your expertise in [Specific Field/Technology]. ... purposes. Job description: [paste text/link]. That's a wrap, if you want more of such Advance and done for you ChatGPT Prompts then download the Ultimate ChatGPT Prompts Ebook ...