9.1 Work, Power, and the Work–Energy Theorem

Section learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following:

  • Describe and apply the work–energy theorem
  • Describe and calculate work and power

Teacher Support

The learning objectives in this section will help your students master the following standards:

  • (A) describe and apply the work–energy theorem;
  • (C) describe and calculate work and power.

In addition, the High School Physics Laboratory Manual addresses the following standards:

  • (C) calculate the mechanical energy of, power generated within, impulse applied to, and momentum of a physical system.

Use the lab titled Work and Energy as a supplement to address content in this section.

Section Key Terms

In this section, students learn how work determines changes in kinetic energy and that power is the rate at which work is done.

[BL] [OL] Review understanding of mass, velocity, and acceleration due to gravity. Define the general definitions of the words potential and kinetic .

[AL] [AL] Remind students of the equation W = P E e = f m g W = P E e = f m g . Point out that acceleration due to gravity is a constant, therefore PE e that results from work done by gravity will also be constant. Compare this to acceleration due to other forces, such as applying muscles to lift a rock, which may not be constant.

The Work–Energy Theorem

In physics, the term work has a very specific definition. Work is application of force, f f , to move an object over a distance, d , in the direction that the force is applied. Work, W , is described by the equation

Some things that we typically consider to be work are not work in the scientific sense of the term. Let’s consider a few examples. Think about why each of the following statements is true.

  • Homework is not work.
  • Lifting a rock upwards off the ground is work.
  • Carrying a rock in a straight path across the lawn at a constant speed is not work.

The first two examples are fairly simple. Homework is not work because objects are not being moved over a distance. Lifting a rock up off the ground is work because the rock is moving in the direction that force is applied. The last example is less obvious. Recall from the laws of motion that force is not required to move an object at constant velocity. Therefore, while some force may be applied to keep the rock up off the ground, no net force is applied to keep the rock moving forward at constant velocity.

[BL] [OL] Explain that, when this theorem is applied to an object that is initially at rest and then accelerates, the 1 2 m v 1 2 1 2 m v 1 2 term equals zero.

[OL] [AL] Work is measured in joules and W = f d W = f d . Force is measured in newtons and distance in meters, so joules are equivalent to newton-meters ( N ⋅ m ) ( N ⋅ m )

Work and energy are closely related. When you do work to move an object, you change the object’s energy. You (or an object) also expend energy to do work. In fact, energy can be defined as the ability to do work. Energy can take a variety of different forms, and one form of energy can transform to another. In this chapter we will be concerned with mechanical energy , which comes in two forms: kinetic energy and potential energy .

  • Kinetic energy is also called energy of motion. A moving object has kinetic energy.
  • Potential energy, sometimes called stored energy, comes in several forms. Gravitational potential energy is the stored energy an object has as a result of its position above Earth’s surface (or another object in space). A roller coaster car at the top of a hill has gravitational potential energy.

Let’s examine how doing work on an object changes the object’s energy. If we apply force to lift a rock off the ground, we increase the rock’s potential energy, PE . If we drop the rock, the force of gravity increases the rock’s kinetic energy as the rock moves downward until it hits the ground.

The force we exert to lift the rock is equal to its weight, w , which is equal to its mass, m , multiplied by acceleration due to gravity, g .

The work we do on the rock equals the force we exert multiplied by the distance, d , that we lift the rock. The work we do on the rock also equals the rock’s gain in gravitational potential energy, PE e .

Kinetic energy depends on the mass of an object and its velocity, v .

When we drop the rock the force of gravity causes the rock to fall, giving the rock kinetic energy. When work done on an object increases only its kinetic energy, then the net work equals the change in the value of the quantity 1 2 m v 2 1 2 m v 2 . This is a statement of the work–energy theorem , which is expressed mathematically as

The subscripts 2 and 1 indicate the final and initial velocity, respectively. This theorem was proposed and successfully tested by James Joule, shown in Figure 9.2 .

Does the name Joule sound familiar? The joule (J) is the metric unit of measurement for both work and energy. The measurement of work and energy with the same unit reinforces the idea that work and energy are related and can be converted into one another. 1.0 J = 1.0 N∙m, the units of force multiplied by distance. 1.0 N = 1.0 kg∙m/s 2 , so 1.0 J = 1.0 kg∙m 2 /s 2 . Analyzing the units of the term (1/2) m v 2 will produce the same units for joules.

Watch Physics

Work and energy.

This video explains the work energy theorem and discusses how work done on an object increases the object’s KE.

Grasp Check

True or false—The energy increase of an object acted on only by a gravitational force is equal to the product of the object's weight and the distance the object falls.

Repeat the information on kinetic and potential energy discussed earlier in the section. Have the students distinguish between and understand the two ways of increasing the energy of an object (1) applying a horizontal force to increase KE and (2) applying a vertical force to increase PE.

Calculations Involving Work and Power

In applications that involve work, we are often interested in how fast the work is done. For example, in roller coaster design, the amount of time it takes to lift a roller coaster car to the top of the first hill is an important consideration. Taking a half hour on the ascent will surely irritate riders and decrease ticket sales. Let’s take a look at how to calculate the time it takes to do work.

Recall that a rate can be used to describe a quantity, such as work, over a period of time. Power is the rate at which work is done. In this case, rate means per unit of time . Power is calculated by dividing the work done by the time it took to do the work.

Let’s consider an example that can help illustrate the differences among work, force, and power. Suppose the woman in Figure 9.3 lifting the TV with a pulley gets the TV to the fourth floor in two minutes, and the man carrying the TV up the stairs takes five minutes to arrive at the same place. They have done the same amount of work ( f d ) ( f d ) on the TV, because they have moved the same mass over the same vertical distance, which requires the same amount of upward force. However, the woman using the pulley has generated more power. This is because she did the work in a shorter amount of time, so the denominator of the power formula, t , is smaller. (For simplicity’s sake, we will leave aside for now the fact that the man climbing the stairs has also done work on himself.)

Power can be expressed in units of watts (W). This unit can be used to measure power related to any form of energy or work. You have most likely heard the term used in relation to electrical devices, especially light bulbs. Multiplying power by time gives the amount of energy. Electricity is sold in kilowatt-hours because that equals the amount of electrical energy consumed.

The watt unit was named after James Watt (1736–1819) (see Figure 9.4 ). He was a Scottish engineer and inventor who discovered how to coax more power out of steam engines.

[BL] [OL] Review the concept that work changes the energy of an object or system. Review the units of work, energy, force, and distance. Use the equations for mechanical energy and work to show what is work and what is not. Make it clear why holding something off the ground or carrying something over a level surface is not work in the scientific sense.

[OL] Ask the students to use the mechanical energy equations to explain why each of these is or is not work. Ask them to provide more examples until they understand the difference between the scientific term work and a task that is simply difficult but not literally work (in the scientific sense).

[BL] [OL] Stress that power is a rate and that rate means "per unit of time." In the metric system this unit is usually seconds. End the section by clearing up any misconceptions about the distinctions between force, work, and power.

[AL] Explain relationships between the units for force, work, and power. If W = f d W = f d and work can be expressed in J, then P = W t = f d t P = W t = f d t so power can be expressed in units of N ⋅ m s N ⋅ m s

Also explain that we buy electricity in kilowatt-hours because, when power is multiplied by time, the time units cancel, which leaves work or energy.

Links To Physics

Watt’s steam engine.

James Watt did not invent the steam engine, but by the time he was finished tinkering with it, it was more useful. The first steam engines were not only inefficient, they only produced a back and forth, or reciprocal , motion. This was natural because pistons move in and out as the pressure in the chamber changes. This limitation was okay for simple tasks like pumping water or mashing potatoes, but did not work so well for moving a train. Watt was able build a steam engine that converted reciprocal motion to circular motion. With that one innovation, the industrial revolution was off and running. The world would never be the same. One of Watt's steam engines is shown in Figure 9.5 . The video that follows the figure explains the importance of the steam engine in the industrial revolution.

Initiate a discussion on the historical significance of suddenly increasing the amount of power available to industries and transportation. Have students consider the fact that the speed of transportation increased roughly tenfold. Changes in how goods were manufactured were just as great. Ask students how they think the resulting changes in lifestyle compare to more recent changes brought about by innovations such as air travel and the Internet.

Watt's Role in the Industrial Revolution

This video demonstrates how the watts that resulted from Watt's inventions helped make the industrial revolution possible and allowed England to enter a new historical era.

Which form of mechanical energy does the steam engine generate?

  • Potential energy
  • Kinetic energy
  • Nuclear energy
  • Solar energy

Before proceeding, be sure you understand the distinctions among force, work, energy, and power. Force exerted on an object over a distance does work. Work can increase energy, and energy can do work. Power is the rate at which work is done.

Worked Example

Applying the work–energy theorem.

An ice skater with a mass of 50 kg is gliding across the ice at a speed of 8 m/s when her friend comes up from behind and gives her a push, causing her speed to increase to 12 m/s. How much work did the friend do on the skater?

The work–energy theorem can be applied to the problem. Write the equation for the theorem and simplify it if possible.

Identify the variables. m = 50 kg,


Work done on an object or system increases its energy. In this case, the increase is to the skater’s kinetic energy. It follows that the increase in energy must be the difference in KE before and after the push.

Tips For Success

This problem illustrates a general technique for approaching problems that require you to apply formulas: Identify the unknown and the known variables, express the unknown variables in terms of the known variables, and then enter all the known values.

Identify the three variables and choose the relevant equation. Distinguish between initial and final velocity and pay attention to the minus sign.

Practice Problems

Identify which of the following actions generates more power. Show your work.

  • carrying a 100 N TV to the second floor in 50 s or
  • carrying a 24 N watermelon to the second floor in 10 s ?
  • Carrying a 100 N TV generates more power than carrying a 24 N watermelon to the same height because power is defined as work done times the time interval.
  • Carrying a 100 N TV generates more power than carrying a 24 N watermelon to the same height because power is defined as the ratio of work done to the time interval.
  • Carrying a 24 N watermelon generates more power than carrying a 100 N TV to the same height because power is defined as work done times the time interval.
  • Carrying a 24 N watermelon generates more power than carrying a 100 N TV to the same height because power is defined as the ratio of work done and the time interval.

Check Your Understanding

  • work and force
  • energy and weight
  • work and energy
  • weight and force

When a coconut falls from a tree, work W is done on it as it falls to the beach. This work is described by the equation

Identify the quantities F , d , m , v 1 , and v 2 in this event.

  • F is the force of gravity, which is equal to the weight of the coconut, d is the distance the nut falls, m is the mass of the earth, v 1 is the initial velocity, and v 2 is the velocity with which it hits the beach.
  • F is the force of gravity, which is equal to the weight of the coconut, d is the distance the nut falls, m is the mass of the coconut, v 1 is the initial velocity, and v 2 is the velocity with which it hits the beach.
  • F is the force of gravity, which is equal to the weight of the coconut, d is the distance the nut falls, m is the mass of the earth, v 1 is the velocity with which it hits the beach, and v 2 is the initial velocity.
  • F is the force of gravity, which is equal to the weight of the coconut, d is the distance the nut falls, m is the mass of the coconut, v 1 is the velocity with which it hits the beach, and v 2 is the initial velocity.

Use Check Your Understanding questions to assess students’ achievement of the section’s learning objectives. If students are struggling with a specific objective, the Check Your Understanding will help identify which one and direct students to the relevant content.

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  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Physics
  • Publication date: Mar 26, 2020
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/physics/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/physics/pages/9-1-work-power-and-the-work-energy-theorem

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Physics Work Problems for High Schools

In this tutorial, we want to practice some problems on work in physics. All these questions are easy and helpful for your high school homework. 

Work Problems: Constant Force

Problem (1): A constant force of 1200 N is required to push a car along a straight line. A person displaces the car by 45 m. How much work is done by the person?

Solution : If a constant force $F$ acts on an object over a distance of $d$, and $F$ is parallel to $d$, then the work done by force $F$ is the product of the force times distance. 

Physics work problems

In this case, a force of $1200\,{\rm N}$ displaces the car $45\,{\rm m}$. The pushing force is parallel to the displacement. So, the work done by the person is equal to \[W=Fd=1200\times 45=54000\,{\rm J}\] The SI unit of work is the joule, ${\rm J}$. 

Problem (2): You lift a book of mass $2\,{\rm kg}$ at constant speed straight upward a distance of $2\,{\rm m}$. How much work is done during this lifting by you?

Solution : The force you apply to lift the book must be balanced with the book's weight. So, the exerted force on the book is \[F=mg=2\times 10=20\quad{\rm N}\] The book is lifted 2 meters vertically. The force and displacement are both parallel to each other, so the work done by the person is the product of them. \[W=Fd=20\times 2=40\quad {\rm J}\]

Problem (3): A force of $F=20\,{\rm N}$ at an angle of $37^\circ$ is applied to a 3-kg object initially at rest. The object has displaced a distance of $25\,{\rm m}$ over a frictionless horizontal table. Determine the work done by  (a) The applied force (b) The normal force exerted by the table (c) The force of gravity

Angled force in physics work problem

Solution : In this problem, the force makes an angle with the displacement. In such cases, we should use the work formula $W=Fd\cos\theta$ where $\theta$ is the angle between force $F$ and displacement. To this object, an external force $F$, normal force $F_N$, and a gravity force $w=mg$ are applied.

(a) Using vector decompositions, the component of the force parallel to the displacement is found to be $F_{\parallel}=F\cos \theta$. Thus, the product of this component parallel to the displacement times the magnitude of displacement gives us the work done by external force $F$ as below \begin{align*} W_F&=\underbrace{F\cos\theta}_{F_{\parallel}}d\\\\ &=(20\times \cos 37^\circ)(25)\\\\&=400\quad {\rm J}\end{align*}  (b) Now, we want to find the work done by the normal force. But let's define what the normal force is.

In physics, ''normal'' means perpendicular. When an object is in contact with a surface, a contact force is exerted on the object. The component of the contact force perpendicular to the surface is called the normal force. 

Thus, by definition, the normal force is always perpendicular to the displacement. So, the angle between $F_N$ and displacement $d$ is $90^\circ$. Hence, the work done by the normal force is determined to be \[W_N=F_N d\cos\theta=(30)(25)\cos 90^\circ=0\] (c) The weight of the object is the same as the force of gravity. This force applies to the object vertically downward, and the displacement of the object is horizontal. So, again, the angle between these two vectors is $\theta=90^\circ$. Hence, the work done by the force of gravity is zero. 

Problem (4): A person pulls a crate using a force of $56\,{\rm N}$ which makes an angle of $25^\circ$ with the horizontal. The floor is frictionless. How much work does he do in pulling the crate over a horizontal distance of $200\,{\rm m}$?

Pulling force in physics work problems

Solution : The component of the external force parallel to the displacement does work on an object over a distance of $d$. In all work problems in physics, this force component parallel to the displacement is found by the formula $F_{\parallel}=F\cos \theta$. Thus, the work done by this force is computed as below \begin{align*} W&=F_{\parallel}d\\&=(F\cos\theta)d\\&=(56\cos 25^\circ)(200) \\&=10080\quad {\rm J}\end{align*} We could use the work formula from the beginning $W=Fd\cos\theta$ where $\theta$ is the angle between $F$ and $d$. 

Problem (5): A worker pushes a cart with a force of $45\,{\rm N}$ directed at an angle of $32^\circ$ below the horizontal. The cart moves at a constant speed.  (a) Find the work done by the worker as the cart moves a straight distance of $50\,{\rm m}$.  (b) What is the net work done on the cart?

Solution :(a) All information to find the work done by the worker is given, so we have \begin{align*} W&=Fd\cos\theta\\&=(45)(50) \cos 32^\circ\\&=1912.5\quad {\rm J}\end{align*}  (b) ''net'' means "total". In all work problems in physics, there are two equivalent methods to find the net work. Identify all forces that are applied to the cart, find their resultant force, and then compute the work done by this net force over a specific distance. 

Or compute all works done on the object across a distance individually, then sum them algebraically. 

Usually, the second method is easier. We take this approach here. 

The cart moves in a straight horizontal path. All forces apply on it are, the worker force $F$, the normal force $F_N$, and the force of gravity or its weight $F_g=mg$. The work done by normal and gravity forces in a horizontal displacement is always zero since the angle between these forces and the displacement is $90^\circ$. So, $W_N=W_g=0$. Hence, the net (total) work done on the object is \[W_{total}=W_N+W_g+W_F=1912.5\,{\rm J}\]

Problem (6): A $1200-{\rm kg}$ box is at rest on a rough floor. How much work is required to move it $5\,{\rm m}$ at a constant speed (a) along the floor against a $230\,{\rm N}$ friction force, (b) vertically?

Solution : In this problem, we want to displace a box $5\,{\rm m}$ horizontally and vertically. In the horizontal direction, there is also kinetic friction. 

(a) At constant speed , means there is no acceleration in the course of displacement, so according to Newton's second law $\Sigma F=ma$, the net force on the box must be zero. To meet this condition, the external force $F_p$ applied by a person must cancel out the friction force $f_k$. So, \[F_p=f_k=230\quad {\rm N}\] The force $F_p$ and displacement are both parallel, so their product get the work done by $F_p$ \[W_p=F_p d=230\times 5=1150\quad {\rm J}\] (b) In the vertical path, two forces act on the box. One is the external lifting force, and the other is the force of gravity. Since the box is moving at constant speed vertically, there is no acceleration, and thus this lifting external force $F_p$ must be balanced with the weight of the box. \[F_p=F_g=mg=(1200)(10)=12000\,{\rm J}\] Assume the box is moved vertically upward. In this case, the lifting force and displacement are parallel, so the angle between them is zero $\theta=0$, and the work done by this force is \[W_p=F_p d\cos 0=12000\times 5=60\,{\rm kJ}\] On the other side, the weight force, or force of gravity $F_g=mg$ is always downward, so the angle between the box's weight and upward displacement is $180^\circ$. So, the work done by the weight of the box is \begin{align*}W_g&=F_g d\cos 180^\circ \\\\ &=(1200)(10)(5)(-1) \\\\ &=-60\,{\rm kJ}\end{align*} In such cases where the angle between $F$ and $d$ is $180^\circ$, they are called antiparallel. 

Problem (7): A 40-kg crate is pushed using a force of 150 N at a distance of $6\,{\rm m}$ on a rough surface. The crate moves at a constant speed. Find (a) the work done by the external force on the crate. (b) The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor? 

Solution : (a) the crate is moved horizontally through a distance of $6\,{\rm m}$ by a force parallel to its displacement. So, the work done by this external force is \[W_p=F_p d \cos\theta=(150)(6)\cos 0=900\,{\rm J}\] where subscript $p$ denotes the person or any external agent.

(b) According to the definition of the kinetic friction force formula, $f_k=\mu_k F_N$, to find the coefficient of kinetic friction $\mu_k$, we must have both the friction force and normal force $F_N$.

In the question, we are told that the crate moves at a constant speed, so there is no acceleration, and thus, the net force applied to it must be zero. 

When the friction force, which opposes the motion, is equal to the external force $F_p$, then this condition is satisfied. So, \[f_k=F_p=150\,{\rm N}\] On the other side, the crate is not lifted off the floor, so there is no motion vertically. 

Balancing all forces applied vertically, the weight force and the normal force $F_N$, we can find the normal force $F_N$ as below \begin{gather*} F_N-F_g=0\\ F_N=F_g\\ \Rightarrow F_N=mg=40\times 10=400\quad {\rm N}\end{gather*} Therefore, the coefficient of kinetic friction is found to be \[f_k=\frac{f_k}{F_N}=\frac{150}{400}=0.375\] 

Practice these questions to understand friction force Problems on the coefficient of friction

Problem (8): A 18-kg packing box is pulled at constant speed by a rope inclined at $20^\circ$. The box moves a distance of 20 m over a rough horizontal surface. Assume the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the surface to be $0.5$.  (a) Find the tension in the rope? (b) How much work is done by the rope on the box?

Solution : The aim of this problem is to find the work done by the tension in the rope. The magnitude of the tension in the rope is not given. So, we must first find it. 

(a) We are told the box moves at a constant speed, so, as previously mentioned, the net force on the box must be zero to produce no acceleration. But what forces are acting horizontally on the box? The horizontal component of tension in the rope, $T_{\parallel}=T\cos\theta$, and the kinetic friction force $f_k$ in the opposite direction of motion are the forces acting on the box horizontally. 

If these two forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, then their resultant (net) becomes zero, and consequently, the box will move at a constant speed. \begin{align*} f_k&=T_{\parallel}\\\mu_k F_N&=T\cos\theta\quad (I) \end{align*} The forces in the vertical direction must also cancel each other since there is no motion vertically. As you can see in the figure, we have \[F_N=T\sin\theta+F_g\] Substituting this into the relation (I), rearranging and solving for $T$, yields \begin{gather*} \mu_k (T\sin\theta+mg)=T\cos\theta \\\\ \Rightarrow T=\frac{\mu_k mg}{\cos\theta-\mu_k\sin\theta}\end{gather*} Substituting the numerical values into the above expression, we find the tension in the rope. \[T=\frac{(0.5)(18)(10)}{\cos 20^\circ-(0.5) \sin20^\circ}=117\quad {\rm N}\]  (b) The only force that causes the box to move some distance is the horizontal component of the tension in the rope, $T_{\parallel}=T\cos\theta$. So, the work done by the tension in the rope is \begin{align*} W&=T_{\parallel}d\\ &=(117)( \cos 20^\circ)(20) \\&=2199\quad {\rm J}\end{align*} 

Problem (9): A table of mass 40 kg is accelerated from rest at a constant rate of $2\,{\rm m/s^2}$ for $4\,{\rm s}$ by a constant force. What is the net work done on the table?

Solution : This is a combination of a  kinematics problem and a physics work problem. Here, first, we must find the distance over which the box is displaced. The given information is: initial speed $v_0=0$, acceleration $2\,{\rm m/s^2}$, time taken $t=4\,{\rm s}$. Using this data, we can find the total displacement by applying the kinematics equation $\Delta x=\frac 12 at^2+v_0t$, \begin{align*} \Delta x&=\frac 12 at^2+v_0t\\\\&=\frac 12 (2)(4)^2+0(4)\\\\&=16\quad {\rm m}\end{align*} So, this constant force causes the table to move a distance of 16 meters across the surface. To find the work done, we need a force, as well. The force is mass times acceleration, $F=ma$, so we have \[F=ma=40\times 2=80\,{\rm N}\] Now that we have both the force and displacement, the net work done on the table is the product of force along the displacement times the magnitude of displacement \[W=80\times 16=128\quad {\rm J}\] 

Work problems in a uniform circular motion 

Problem (10): A 5-kg object is held at the end of a string and undergoes uniform circular motion around a circle of radius $5\,{\rm m}$. If the tangential speed of the object around the circle is $15\,{\rm m/s}$, how much work was done on the object by the centripetal force?

Solution : Here, an object moves around a circle, so we encounter a uniform circular motion problem .

In such motions around a curve or circle, that force in the radial direction exerting on the object is called the centripetal force. 

On the other hand, a movement around a circle is tangent to the path at any instant of time. Thus, we conclude that in any uniform circular motion, a force is applied to the whirling object that is perpendicular to its motion at any moment of time.

So, the angle between the centripetal force and displacement at any instant is always zero, $\theta=0$. Using the work formula $W=Fd\cos\theta$, we find that the work done by the centripetal force is always zero. 

This is another example of zero work in physics.  

Work problems on an incline

Problem (11): A $5-{\rm kg}$ box, initially at rest, slides $2.5\,{\rm m}$ down a ramp of angle $30^\circ$. The coefficient of friction between the box and the incline is $\mu_k=0.435$. Determine (a) the work done by the gravity force, (b) the work done by the frictional force, and (c) the work done by the normal force exerted by the surface.

Solution : This part is related to problems on inclined plane surfaces . The forces acting on a box on an inclined plane are shown in the figure. As you can see, the forces along the direction of motion are the parallel component of the weight $W_{\parallel}$, and the friction force $f_k$. 

(a) In the figure, you realize that the angle between the object's weight (the same as the force of gravity) and downward displacement $d$ is zero, $\theta=30^\circ$.

incline in physics work problems

So, the work done by the force of gravity on the box is found using work formula as below \begin{align*} W&=Fd\cos\theta\\&=(mg)(d) \cos 30^\circ\\&=(5\times 10)(2.5) \cos 30^\circ\\&=108.25\quad {\rm J}\end{align*}  (b) To find the work done by friction, we need to know its magnitude. From the kinetic friction force formula, $f_k=\mu_k F_N$, we must determine, first, the normal force acting on the box. 

There is no motion in the direction perpendicular to the incline, so the resultant of forces acting in this direction must be zero. Equating the same direction forces, we will have \[F_N=mg\sin\alpha=(5)(10) \sin 30^\circ=25\,{\rm N}\] Substituting this into the above equation for kinetic friction, we can find its magnitude as \[f_k=\mu_k F_N=(0.435)(25)=10.875\,{\rm N}\] The friction force and the displacement of the box down the ramp are parallel, i.e., $\theta=0$. The work done by friction is \begin{align*} W_f&=f_kd\cos\theta \\\\ &=(10.875)(2.5) \cos 0\\\\ &=27.1875\,{\rm J}\end{align*}  (c) By definition, the normal force is the same contact force that is applied to the object from the surface perpendicularly. On the other hand, the object moves along the incline, so its displacement is perpendicular to the normal force, $\theta=90^\circ$. Hence, the work done by the normal force is zero. \[W_N=F_N d\cos\theta=F_N d\cos 90^\circ=0\]

Problem (12): We want to push a $950-{\rm kg}$ heavy object 650 m up along a $7^\circ$ incline at a constant speed. How much work do we do over this distance? Ignore friction.

Solution : When it comes to constant speed in all work problems in physics, you must remember that all forces in the same direction must be equal to the opposing forces. This condition ensures that there is no acceleration in the motion. 

In this case, all forces acting on the object are: the pushing force along the incline upward $F_p$, and the parallel component of the force of gravity (weight) along the incline downward, $W_{\parallel}=mg\sin\alpha$. Thus, we can find the pushing force as \begin{align*}F_p&=mg\sin 7^\circ\\\\ &=(950)(10) \sin 7^\circ \\\\& =1159\quad {\rm N}\end{align*} In the question, we are told that the object is moving up the incline, so the angle between its displacement and upward pushing force is zero, $\theta=0$. Hence, the work done by the person to push the object along the incline upward is \begin{align*} W_p&=F_p d\cos\theta\\&=1159\times 650 \cos 0\\&=753350\quad{\rm J}\end{align*} 

Problem (13): Consider an electron moving at a constant speed of $1.1\times 10^6\,\rm m/s$ in a straight line. How much energy is required to stop this electron? (Take the electron's mass, $m_e=9.11\times 10^{-31}\,\rm kg$.

Solution : In this problem on work, we cannot use the work formula directly, since none of the work variables, i.e., $F$, $d$, $\theta$, are given except the velocity. In these cases, we have a problem on the work-energy theorem . 

According to this rule, the net work done over a distance by a constant force on an object of mass $m$ equals the change in its kinetic energy \[W_{net}=\underbrace{\frac 12 mv_f^2-\frac 12 mv_i^2}_{\Delta K}\] Substituting the numerical values given in this problem, we get the required work to stop this fast-moving electron. \begin{align*}W_{net}&=\frac 12 m(v_f^2-v_i^2) \\\\ &=\frac 12 (9.11\times 10^{-31}) \left(0^2-(1.1\times 10^6)^2 \right) \\\\ &=-5.5\times 10^{-19}\,\rm J\end{align*} where we set the final velocity $v_f=0$ since the electron is to stop.

Problem (14): How much power is needed to lift a $25-\rm kg$ weight $1\,\rm m$ in $1\,\rm s$? 

Solution : The power in physics is defined as the ratio of work done on an object to the time taken $P=\frac{W}{t}$. The SI unit of power is the watt ($W$). 

In this problem, first, we must find the amount of work done in lifting the object as much as $1,\rm m$ vertically. The only force involved in this situation is the downward weight force. Thus, \[W=(mg)h=(25\times 10)(1)=250\,{\rm J}\] This amount of work has been done in a time interval of $1\,\rm s$. Hence, the power is calculated as below \[P=\frac{W}{t}=\frac{250}{1}=250\,\rm W\]

Problem (15): A particle having charge $-3.6\,\rm nC$ is released from rest in a uniform electric field $E$ moves a distance of $5\,\rm cm$ through it. The electric potential difference between those two points is $\Delta V=+400\,\rm V$. What work was done by the electric force on the particle? 

Solution : The work done by the electric force on a charged particle is calculated by $W_E=qEd$, where $E$ is the magnitude of the electric field and $d$ is the amount of distance traveled through $E$. But in this case, the electric field strength is not given, and we cannot use this formula. 

We can see this as a problem on electric potential . Recall that the work done by the electric force on a charge to move it between two points with different potentials is given by $W=-q\Delta V$. Substituting the given numerical values into this, we will have \begin{align*} W&=-q\Delta V \\&=-(-3.6)(+400) \\&=\boxed{1440\,\rm J} \end{align*} 

Here, we learned how to calculate the work done by a constant force in physics by solving a couple of example problems. 

Overall, the work done by a constant force is the product of the horizontal component of the force times the displacement between the initial and final points. 

In addition, power, a related quantity to work in physics, is also defined as the rate at which work is done.  

Author : Dr. Ali Nemati Date Published : 9/20/2021

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  • Write something.
  • Write something else.
  • Write something different.
  • Write something completely different.
  • the acceleration of the bullet in the rifle
  • the force of the propellant on the bullet in the rifle
  • the work done on the bullet while it is in the barrel
  • the horizontal acceleration of the bullet as it flies through the air
  • the force of aerodynamic drag on the bullet
  • the work done by aerodynamic drag on the bullet
  • How far did the block move during this part of the experiment?
  • How much work was done on the block during this part of the experiment?
  • coefficient of static friction for wood on wood
  • coefficient of kinetic friction for wood on wood
  • Draw a free body diagram showing all the forces acting on the model rocket.
  • the weight of the rocket
  • the net force on the rocket while the engine was running
  • the acceleration of the rocket while the engine was running
  • the distance traveled by the rocket while the engine was running
  • the speed of the rocket when the engine stopped
  • the work done by the engine on the rocket
  • Draw a free body diagram showing all the forces acting on the model rocket after the engine shut down.
  • What is the acceleration of the rocket after the engine shut down?
  • What maximum height above the ground did the rocket reach?
  • How much work did gravity do on the rocket from launch until it reached its maximum height?
  • If your answers to part g. and part k. are not equal (to within 2 or 3 significant digits), you've made a mistake somewhere. If they are equal, you've probably done it correctly (probably).
  • the weight of the car
  • the force of the tires pushing the car up the ramp
  • the distance the car traveled up the ramp
  • the increase in height of the car
  • the work done by the engine pushing the car up the ramp
  • Draw a free body diagram showing all the forces acting on the lawnmower. Do not resolve any of the forces into components. Do indicate their directions, however.
  • the gravitational force of the Earth
  • the normal force of the ground
  • the force applied by the homeowner
  • the force of friction from the ground
  • What does the area under this curve represent?
  • Calculate its cumulative value at 200 m intervals. Compile your results in a table like the one below.
  • Sketch a graph of this quantity with respect to displacement.


  • Use the given data to create a force-displacement graph.
  • Determine the work done on the projectile as a function of its displacement.
  • Compute the launch speed of the projectile.

Data adapted from Kampen, Kaczmarczik, and Rath; 2006 .

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Physics library

Course: physics library   >   unit 5.

  • Introduction to work and energy
  • Work and energy (part 2)
  • Conservation of energy
  • What are energy and work?
  • What is kinetic energy?
  • What is gravitational potential energy?
  • What is conservation of energy?
  • Work and the work-energy principle
  • Work as the transfer of energy
  • Work example problems
  • Work as area under curve
  • Thermal energy from friction
  • What is thermal energy?

Work/energy problem with friction

  • Conservative forces
  • What is power?

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High School Physics : Calculating Work

Study concepts, example questions & explanations for high school physics, all high school physics resources, example questions, example question #1 : calculating work.

problem solving about work in physics

In this case, there is only one force acting upon the object: the force due to gravity. Plug in our given information for the distance to solve for the work done by gravity.

problem solving about work in physics

Remember, since the object will be moving downward, the distance should be negative.

problem solving about work in physics

The work done is positive because the distance and the force act in the same direction.

Example Question #2 : Calculating Work

problem solving about work in physics

Work is a force times a distance:

problem solving about work in physics

We know the distance that the book needs to travel, but we need to sovle for the lifting force required to move it.

There are two forces acting upon the book: the lifting force and gravity. Since the book is moving with a constant velocity, that means the net force will be zero. Mathemetically, that would look like this:

problem solving about work in physics

We can expand the right side of the equation using Newton's second law:

problem solving about work in physics

Use the given mass and value of gravity to solve for the lifting force.

problem solving about work in physics

Now that we have the force and the distance, we can solve for the work to lift the book.

problem solving about work in physics

This problem can also be solved using energy. Work is equal to the change in potential energy:

problem solving about work in physics

Example Question #11 : Work

problem solving about work in physics

The relationship between work, force, and distance is:

problem solving about work in physics

We are given the force on the toy and the work done. Using these values, we can find the distance. Note that the mass is not relevant for this question.

problem solving about work in physics

Example Question #6 : Calculating Work

problem solving about work in physics

The relationship between work, force and distance is:

problem solving about work in physics

We are given the value for the force and the distance that the toy travels. Using these values, we can find the work done by the cat. Note that the mass of the toy is not relevant for this calculation.

problem solving about work in physics

Example Question #7 : Calculating Work

problem solving about work in physics

We are given the value for the work done by the cat and the distance that the toy travels. Using these values, we can find the force on the toy. Note that the mass of the toy is not relevant for this calculation.

problem solving about work in physics

Example Question #8 : Calculating Work

problem solving about work in physics

The formula for work is:

problem solving about work in physics

Given the values for force and distance, we can calculate the work done.

problem solving about work in physics

Note that no work is done by the force of gravity or the weight of the box, since the vertical position does not change.

problem solving about work in physics

Work is the product of force times a distance:

problem solving about work in physics

We are given the work and the distance traveled, allowing us to solve for the force. The mass of the cabinet is not necessary information.

problem solving about work in physics

Example Question #10 : Calculating Work

problem solving about work in physics

None of these

problem solving about work in physics

Use the data given to calculate the kinetic energy of the rocket at the two different velocities. Then find the amount of work done using the following equation: 

problem solving about work in physics

Kinetic energy of the rocket at the two velocities:

problem solving about work in physics

The change in the kinetic energy at the two velocities:

problem solving about work in physics

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Work and Power Example Solutions

Follow along with common work and power example problems and solutions. See how to solve problems when force is applied directly parallel or at an angle.

Example Work and Power Problems

1. How much work is done by the stickman that pushes a box 5 meters with a force of 12 Newtons forward?

Since the force is in the same direction as motion you plug numbers directly in and don't have to find the parallel component first.

W = (12)(5) = 60 J

2. What is the power output of the stickman that pushes the box 5 meters in 3 seconds with a constant force of 12 N?

power example 2

3. How much work would be done if 12N of force was applied on an object at an angle of 25° above the horizon to move an object 5 meters horizontally.

A) Find the horizontal component of force:

adj = (cosӨ)(hyp)

adj = (cos(25°))(12)= 10.9 N

B) Find out how much work is done by this component:

W = (10.9)(5) = 54.5 J

Work and Power At Angle

4. What is the power output if 12N of force was applied on an object at an angle of 25° above the horizon to move an object 5 meters horizontally in 3 seconds.

Use the work from the problem above

P = 54.5/3 = 18.2 W 

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Work Physics Problems with Solutions

Work is done when an object moves in the same direction, while the force is applied and also remains constant. Refer the below work physics problems with solutions and learn how to calculate force, work and distance.

Work Example Problems

Let us consider the work example problem: A train covers a distance of 15 km and that the force is causing it to accelerate at a rate of 0.7 m/s 2 . Calculate the work done?

We can calculate force, work and distance using the given formula.

Substituting the values in the above given formula,

Work = 15 x 0.7 = 10.5 J

Therefore, the value of Work is 10.5 J .

Refer the below work physics problem with solution for a boy who uses a force of 30 Newtons to lift his grocery bag while doing 60 Joules of work. How far did he lift the grocery bags?

Distance = 60 / 30 = 2 m

Therefore, the value of Distance is 2 m .

Refer the below work sample problem with answer for the baseball player who does 1234 Joules of work when hitting a baseball into field. The baseball reached 100 meters away. Calculate the force used to hit the ball?

Force = 1234 / 100 = 12.34 N

Therefore, the value of Force is 12.34 N .

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Work done by force – problems and solutions

1. A person pulls a block 2 m along a horizontal surface by a constant force F = 20 N. Determine the work done by force F acting on the block.

Work done by a force – problems and solutions 1

Force (F) = 20 N

Displacement (s) = 2 m

Angle (θ ) = 0

Wanted : Work (W)

W = F d cos θ = (20)(2)(cos 0) = (20)(2)(1) = 40 Joule

2. A force F = 10 N acting on a box 1 m along a horizontal surface. The force acts at a 30 o angle as shown in figure below. Determine the work done by force F!

Work done by a force – problems and solutions 2

Force (F) = 10 N

The horizontal force (F x ) = F cos 30 o = (10)(0.5√3) = 5√3 N

Displacement (d) = 1 meter

Wanted : Work (W) ?

W = F x d = (5√3)(1) = 5√3 Joule

3. A body falls freely from rest, from a height of 2 m. If acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s 2 , determine the work done by the force of gravity !

Object’s mass (m) = 1 kg

Height (h) = 2 m

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s 2

Wanted : Work done by the force of gravity (W)

W = F d = w h = m g h

W = (1)(10)(2) = 20 Joule

W = work, F = force, d = distance, w = weight , h = height, m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity.

4. An 1-kg object attached to a spring so it is elongated 2 cm. If acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s 2 , determine (a) the spring constant (b) work done by spring force on object

Mass (m) = 1 kg

Elongation (x) = 2 cm = 0.02 m

Weight (w) = m g = (1 kg)(10 m/s 2 ) = 10 kg m/s 2 = 10 N

Wanted : Spring constant and work done by spring force

(a) Spring constant

Formula of Hooke’s law :

k = F / x = w / x = m g / x

k = (1)(10) / 0.02 = 10 / 0.02

k = 500 N/m

(b) work done by spring force

W = – ½ k x 2

W = – ½ (500)(0.02) 2

W = – (250)(0.0004)

W = -0.1 Joule

The minus sign indicates that the direction of spring force is opposite with the direction of object displacement.

5. A force F = 10 N accelerates a box over a displacement 2 m. The floor is rough and exerts a friction force F k = 2 N. Determine the net work done on the box.

Work done by a force – problems and solutions 3

Force of kinetic friction (F k ) = 2 N

Displacement (d) = 2 m

Wanted : Net work (W net )

Work done by force F :

W 1 = F d cos 0 = (10)(2)(1) = 20 Joule

Work done by force of kinetic friction (F k ) :

W 2 = F k d = (2)(2)(cos 180) = (2)(2)(-1) = -4 Joule

W net = W 1 – W 2

W net = 20 – 4

W net = 16 Joule

6 . What is the work done by force F on the block.

Work done by force – problems and solutions 1

Force (F) = 12 Newton

Displacement (d) = 4 meters

Wanted: Work (W)

W = F d = (12 Newton)(4 meters) = 48 N m = 48 Joule

7 . A block is pushed by a force of 200 N. The block’s displacement is 2 meters. What is the work done on the block?

Force (F) = 200 Newton

Displacement (d) = 2 meters

W = (200 Newton)(2 meters)

W = 400 N m

W = 400 Joule

8 . The driver of the sedan wants to park his car exactly 0.5 m in front of the truck which is at 10 m from the sedan’s position. What is the work required by the sedan?

Work done by force – problems and solutions 2

Displacement (d) = 10 meters – 0.5 meters = 9.5 meters

Force (F) = 50 Newton

W = (50 Newton)(9.5 meters)

W = 475 N m

W = 475 Joule

Work done by force – problems and solutions 3

Work done by Tom and Jerry so the car can move as far as 4 meters. Forces exerted by Tom and Jerry are 50 N and 70 N.

Displacement (s) = 4 meters

Net force (F) = 50 Newton + 70 Newton = 120 Newton

W = F s = (120 Newton)(4 meters) = 480 N m = 480 Joule

10 . A driver pulling a car so the car moves as far as 1000 cm. What is the work done on the car?

Work done by force – problems and solutions 4

Force (F) = 250 Newton

Displacement (s) = 1000 cm = 1000/100 meters = 10 meters

W = F s = (250 Newton)(10 meters) = 2500 N m = 2500 Joule

11. Based on figure below, if work done by net force is 375 Joule, determine object’s displacement.

Work done by force – problems and solutions 11

Work (W) = 375 Joule

Net force ( ΣF) = 40 N + 10 N – 25 N = 25 Newton ( rightward )

Wanted : Displacement ( d )

The equation of work :

Object’s displacement :

d = W / F = 375 Joule / 25 Newton

d = 15 meter s

12. The activities below w hich do not do work is …

A. Push an object as far as 10 meters

B. Push a car until a move

C. Push a wall

D. Pulled a box

W = work , F = force , d = displacement

B ased on the above formula, work done by force and there is a displacement.

The correct answer is C.

1 3 . Andrew pushes an object with force of 20 N so the object moves in circular motion with a radius of 7 meters. Determine the work done by Andrew for two times circular motion .

B. 1400 Joule

C. 1540 Joule

D. 1760 Joule

If the person pushes wheelchair for two times circular motion then the person and wheelchair return to the original position, so the displacement of the person is zero.

Displacement = 0 so work = 0.

The correct answer is A.

14 . Someone push an object on the floor with force of 350 N. The floor exerts a friction force 70 N. Determine the work done by force to move the object as far as 6 meters.

The force of push (F) = 350 Newton

Friction force (F fric ) = 70 Newton

Displacement of object (s) = 6 meters

There are two forces that act on the object, the push force (F) and friction force (F fric ). The push force has the same direction as the displacement of the object because the push force does a positive work. In another hand, the friction force has the opposite direction with a displacement of the object so that the friction force does a negative work.

Work done by push force :

W = F d = (350 Newton)(6 meters) = 2100 Newton-meters = 2100 Joule

Work done by friction force :

W = – (F fric )(s) = – (70 Newton)(6 meters) = – 420 Newton-meters = – 420 Joule

The net work :

W net = 2100 Joule – 420 Joule

W net = 1680 Joule

15 . An object is pushed by a horizontal force of 14 Newton on a rough floor with the friction force of 10 Newton. Determine the net work of move the object as far as 8 meters.

A. 0.5 Joule

C. 32 Joule

D. 192 Joule

Push force (F) = 14 Newton

Friction force (F fric ) = 10 Newton

Displacement of object (d) = 8 meters

There are two forces that act on an object, push force (F) and friction force (F fric ).

The push force has the same direction as the displacement of the object so that the push force does a positive work. In another hand, the friction force has the opposite direction as the displacement of the object so that the friction force does a negative work.

W = F s = (14 Newton)(8 meters) = 112 Newton meters = 112 Joule

W = – (F fric )(s) = – (10 Newton)(8 meters) = – 80 Newton meters = – 80 Joule

W net = 112 Joule – 80 Joule

W net = 32 Joule

16 . Determine the net work based on figure below.


B. 450 Joule

C. 600 Joule

D. 750 Joule

Work = Force (F) x displacement (d)

Work = Area of triangle 1 + area of rectangle + area of triangle 2

Work = 1/2(40-0)(3-0) + (40-0)(9-3) + 1/2(40-0)(12-9)

Work = 1/2(40)(3) + (40)(6) + 1/2(40)(3)

Work = (20)(3) + 240 + (20)(3)

Work = 60 + 240 + 60

Work = 360 Joule

17 . A piece of wood with a length of 60 cm plugged vertically into the ground. Wood hit with a 10-kg hammer from a height of 40 cm above the top of the wood. If the average resistance force of the ground is 2 x 10 3 N and the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s 2 , then the wood will enter entirely into the ground after…. hits.

Mass of hammer (m) = 10 kg

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/ s 2

Weight of hammer (w) = m g = (10)(10) = 100 kg m/s 2

Displacement of hammer before hits the wood (d) = 40 cm = 0.4 meters

The resistance of wood (F) = 2 x 10 3 N = 2000 N

Length of wood (s) = 60 cm = 0.6 meters

Wanted : T he wood will enter entirely into the ground after…. hits.

Work done on the hammer when hammer moves as far as 0.4 meters is :

W = F d = w s = (100 N)(0.4 m) = 40 Nm = 40 Joule

Work done by the resistance force of the ground :

W = F d = (2000 N)(0.6 m) = 1200 Nm = 1200 Joule

T he wood will enter entirely into the ground after…. hits.

1200 Joule / 40 Joule = 30

The correct answer is D.

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  • Work done by force problems and solutions
  • Work-kinetic energy problems and solutions
  • Work-mechanical energy principle problems and solutions
  • Gravitational potential energy problems and solutions
  • The potential energy of elastic spring problems and solutions
  • Power problems and solutions
  • Application of conservation of mechanical energy for free fall motion
  • Application of conservation of mechanical energy for up and down motion in free fall motion
  • Application of conservation of mechanical energy for motion on a curve surface
  • Application of conservation of mechanical energy for motion on an inclined plane
  • Application of conservation of mechanical energy for projectile motion

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Chapter: 11th Physics : UNIT 4 : Work, Energy and Power

Solved example problems for physics: work, energy and power, numerical problems.

1. Calculate the work done by a force of 30 N in lifting a load of 2kg to a height of 10m (g = 10ms -2 )

Force mg = 30 N ; height = 10 m

Work done to lift a load W = ?

W = F.S (or) mgh

W = 300 J 

Ans:  300J

2. A ball with a velocity of 5 m s -1  impinges at angle of 60˚ with the vertical on a smooth horizontal plane. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, find the velocity and direction after the impact.

The impluse on the ball acts perpendicular to the smooth plane.

problem solving about work in physics

(i) The component of velocity of ball parallel to the surface.

(ii) For the component of velocity of ball perpendicular to the surface, apply law of restitution.

The component of velocity parallel to the surface will be changed.

v cos α = u cos 60°

v cos α = 5 × 1/2 = 5/2       ….(1)

According to law of restitution

v sin α = e u sin 60°

v sin α = 1/2 × 5 × √3/2 =  5 (√3/4)        ….(2)

Squaring and adding (1) and (2)

v 2 (sin 2 α + cos 2 α) = 

problem solving about work in physics

v = 3.3 ms -1

Ans:  v = 0.3 m  s -1

3. A bob of mass m is attached to one end of the rod of negligible mass and length r, the other end of which is pivoted freely at a fixed center O as shown in the figure. What initial speed must be given to the object to reach the top of the circle? (Hint: Use law of conservation of energy). Is this speed less or greater than speed obtained in the section 4.2.9?

Ans: √ 4gr ms-1

problem solving about work in physics

The horizontal distance, draw the point of projection to the point where the ball returns to the same level

problem solving about work in physics

AC = OA-OC = r - rcosθ

minimum velocity = at v L = √[5 gr ]

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v 1 2 = v L 2 - 2gr (1 - cos θ)

v 1 2 = 5 gr - 2gr (l-cosθ)

v 1 2 = 5gr-2gr(l – 1/2)

v 1 2 = 5gr - gr => v 1 2 = 4gr

v 1 = √[4 gr ] ms -1 .

4. Two different unknown masses A and B collide. A is initially at rest when B has a speed v. After collision B has a speed v/2 and moves at right angles to its original direction of motion. Find the direction in which A moves after collision.

Momentium is censerved in both × and y direction.

In x - direction

M B V B = O + M A V A ' cosɸ ...(l)

In y - direction

O = M B V B ' - M A V A 'sinɸ  ...(2)

(2)/(1) tanɸ = V B ’/V B = 1/2

ɸ = 26.6° (or) 26° 36' [1° = 60']

Ans:  θ   = 26° 33 ′

5. A bullet of mass 20 g strikes a pendulum of mass 5 kg. The centre of mass of pendulum rises a vertical distance of 10 cm. If the bullet gets embedded into the pendulum, calculate its initial speed.

Mass of the bullet m 1 = 20 g = 0.02 kg.

Mass of the pendulum m 2 = 5 kg

Centre of mass of pendulum rises to a height = h = 10 cm = 0.1 m

Speed of the bullet = u 1

Pendulum is at rest .:. u 2 = 0

Common velocity of the bullet and the pendulum after the bullet is embeded into the object = v

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From II equation of motion

v = √[2gh] = √[2x9.8x0.1] = √[1.96] = 1.4 ms -1

Substitute the value of v in equation (1)

1.4 = 0.02 u 1 /5.02

u 1 = 5.02x1.4 / 0.02

u 1 = 351.4 ms -1

Ans:  v = 351.4m  s -1

Conceptual Questions

1. A spring which in initially in un-stretched condition, is first stretched by a length x and again by a further length x. The work done in the first case W 1  is one third of the work done in second case W 2 . True or false?

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2. Which is conserved in inelastic collision? Total energy (or) Kinetic energy?

Total energy is always conserved.

But K.E. is not conserved.

3. Is there any net work done by external forces on a car moving with a constant speed along a straight road?

If a car is moving at a constant speed, then external force will be zero.

Because a = [v - u] / t

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For constant speed v = u , then a =0. ( a -acceleration)

F = ma   .'. F = zero. i.e.. no external force.

W = F.S. = 0. So net work done is zero.

4. A car starts from rest and moves on a surface with uniform acceleration.

Draw  the  graph  of  kinetic  energy versus displacement. What information you can get from that graph?

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5. A charged particle moves towards another charged particle. Under what conditions the total momentum and the total energy of the system conserved?

(i) Both charged particles shall be dissimilar charge, (i.e. positive and negative)

(ii) After collision the charged particles; stick together permanent.

(iii) They should move with common velocity


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2. A particle moves along X- axis from x=0 to x=8 under the influence of a force given by F= 3 x   2  - 4 x  + 5. Find the work done in the process.

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3. A body of mass 10kg at rest is subjected to a force of 16N. Find the kinetic energy at the end of 10 s.

Mass m = 10 kg

Force F = 16 N

time t = 10 s

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4. A body of mass 5kg is thrown up vertically with a kinetic energy of 1000 J. If acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms -2 , find the height at which the kinetic energy becomes half of the original value.

Mass m = 5kg

K.E          E = 1000J

g = 10 m s -2

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5. Two bodies of mass 60 kg and 30 kg move in the same direction along straight line with velocity 40 cm s -1  and 30 cm   s -1   respectively suffer one dimensional elastic collision. Find their velocities after collision.

Mass m 1  = 60 kg

Mass m 2  = 30 kg

V 1  =  40cm s -1

V 2  =  30c m  s -1

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6. A particle of mass 70 g moving at 50 cm s -1  is acted upon by a variable force as shown in the figure. What will be its speed once the force stops?

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The area under the graph gives the impulse.

Impulse I = area of  ∆ OAE+ area of rectangle ABDE+ area of  ∆ DBC

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But Impulse = 2 × initial momentum of the particle= 2 × m × u

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Hence the particle will reverse its direction and move with its initial speed.

7. A particle strikes a horizontal frictionless floor with a speed u at an angle θ with the vertical and rebounds with the speed v at an angle Φ  with an vertical. The coefficient of restitution between the particle and floor is e. What is the magnitude of v?

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Applying component of velocities,

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The x - component of velocity is

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The magnitude of y – component of velocity is not same, therefore, using coefficient of restitution,

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8. A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light spring of force constant k and un-stretched length l. It is rotated with an angular velocity  ω   in horizontal circle. What will be the length increase in the spring?

Mass spring = m Force

constant = k

Un-stretched length = l

Angular velocity = ω

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Let ‘x’ be the increase in the length of the spring.

The new length = (l+x) = r

When the spring is rotated in a horizontal circle,

Spring force = centripetal force.

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9. A gun fires 8 bullets per second into a target X. If the mass of each bullet is 3 g and its speed 600 s -1 . Then, calculate the power delivered by the bullets.

Power = work done per second = total kinetic energy of 8 bullets per second

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Solved Example Problems for Work

Example 4.1.

A box is pulled with a force of 25 N to produce a displacement of 15 m. If the angle between the force and displacement is 30 o , find the work done by the force.

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Force, F = 25 N

Displacement, dr = 15 m

Angle between F and dr, θ = 30 o

Work done ,  W  =  Fdr cos θ

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Solved Example Problems for Work done by a constant force

Example 4.2

An object of mass 2 kg falls from a height of 5 m to the ground. What is the work done by the gravitational force on the object? (Neglect air resistance; Take g = 10 m s -2 )

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Work done by gravitational force is

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The work done by the gravitational force on the object is positive.

Example 4.3

An object of mass  m = 1 kg is sliding from top to bottom in the frictionless inclined plane of inclination angle θ = 30 o  and the length of inclined plane is 10 m as shown in the figure. Calculate the work done by gravitational force and normal force on the object. Assume acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m s -2

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We calculated in the previous chapter that the acceleration experienced by the object in the inclined plane as g sin θ  .

According to Newton’s second law, the force acting on the mass along the inclined plane F  =  mg sin θ . Note that this force is constant throughout the motion of the mass.

The work done by the parallel component of gravitational force  (  mg sin θ )  is given by

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Example 4.4

If an object of mass 2 kg is thrown up from the ground reaches a height of 5 m and falls back to the Earth (neglect the air resistance). Calculate

a) The work done by gravity when the  object reaches 5 m height

b) The work done by gravity when the   object comes back to Earth

c) Total work done by gravity both in  upward and downward motion and mention the physical significance of the result.

When the object goes up, the displacement points in the upward direction whereas the gravitational force acting on the object points in downward direction. Therefore, the angle between gravitational force and displacement of the object is 180°.

a. The work done by gravitational force in the upward motion.

Given that ∆r =5 m and F mg

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b. When the object falls back, both the gravitational force and displacement of the object are in the same direction. This implies that the angle between gravitational force and displacement of the object is 0°.

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c. The total work done by gravity in the entire trip (upward and downward motion)

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It implies that the gravity does not transfer any energy to the object. When the object is thrown upwards, the energy is transferred to the object by the external agency, which means that the object gains some energy. As soon as it comes back and hits the Earth, the energy gained by the object is transferred to the surface of the Earth (i.e., dissipated to the Earth).

Example 4.5

A weight lifter lifts a mass of 250 kg with a force 5000 N to the height of 5 m.

a. What is the workdone by the weight lifter?

b. What is the workdone by the gravity?

c. What is the net workdone on the object?

a. When the weight lifter lifts the mass, force and displacement are in the same direction, which means that the angle between them θ = 0 0 . Therefore, the work done by the weight lifter,

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b. When the weight lifter lifts the mass, the gravity acts downwards which means that the force and displacement are in opposite direction. Therefore, the angle between them θ = 180 0

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c. The net workdone (or total work done) on the object

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Solved Example Problems for Work done by a variable force

Example 4.6.

A variable force  F   =  k x 2  acts on a particle which is initially at rest. Calculate the work done by the force during the displacement of the particle from  x   =  0 m to  x   =  4 m. (Assume the constant  k   = 1 N m -2 )

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Solved Example Problems for  Kinetic energy

Example 4.7.

Two objects of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are moving with the same momentum of 20 kg m s -1 .

a. Will they have same kinetic energy?

b. Will they have same speed?

a. The kinetic energy of the mass is given by

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Note that  KE 1  ≠  KE 2  i.e., even though both are having the same momentum, the kinetic energy of both masses is not the same. The kinetic energy of the heavier object has lesser kinetic energy than smaller mass. It is because the kinetic energy is inversely proportional to the mass (KE   ∝  1/m) for a given momentum.

b. As the momentum,  p  =  mv , the two objects will not have same speed.

Solved Example Problems for  Potential Energy

Example 4.8.

An object of mass 2 kg is taken to a height 5 m from the ground  g =  10ms -2  .

a. Calculate the potential energy stored in the object.

b. Where does this potential energy come from?

c. What external force must act to bring the mass to that height?

d. What is the net force that acts on the object while the object is taken to the height ‘h’?

a. The  potential energy  U   = m g h  = 2  ×  10  ×  5 = 100 J

Here the positive sign implies that the energy is stored on the mass.

b. This potential energy is transferred from external agency which applies the force on the mass.

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d. From the definition of potential energy, the object must be moved at constant velocity. So the net force acting on the object is zero.

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Solved Example Problems for  Elastic Potential Energy

Example 4.9

Let the two springs A and B be such that k A >k B . On which spring will more work has to be done if they are stretched by the same force?

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The work done on the springs are stored as potential energy in the springs.

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k A >k B  implies that U B >U A  . Thus, more work is done on B than A.

Example 4.10

A body of mass m is attached to the spring which is elongated to 25 cm by an applied force from its equilibrium position.

a. Calculate the potential energy stored in the spring-mass system?

b. What is the work done by the spring force in this elongation?

c. Suppose the spring is compressed to the same 25 cm, calculate the potential energy stored and also the work done by the spring force during compression. (The spring constant, k = 0.1 N m -1 ).

The spring constant, k = 0.1 N m -1

The displacement,  x  = 25 cm = 0.25 m

a. The potential energy stored in the spring is given by

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Note that the potential energy is defined through the work done by the external agency. The positive sign in the potential energy implies that the energy is transferred from the agency to the object. But the work done by the restoring force in this case is negative since restoring force is in the opposite direction to the displacement direction.

c. During compression also the potential energy stored in the object is the same.

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Work done by the restoring spring force during compression is given by

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In the case of compression, the restoring spring force acts towards positive  x -axis and displacement is along negative  x  direction.

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Solved Example Problems for  Conservative and nonconservative forces

Example 4.11.

Compute the work done by the gravitational force for the following cases

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(As the displacement is in two dimension; unit vectors and are used)

a. Since the motion is only vertical, horizontal displacement component d x  is zero. Hence, work done by the force along path 1 (of distance h).

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Therefore, the total work done by the force along the path 2 is

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Note that the work done by the conservative force is independent of the path.

Example 4.12

Consider an object of mass 2 kg moved by an external force 20 N in a surface having coefficient of kinetic friction 0.9 to a distance 10 m. What is the work done by the external force and kinetic friction ? Comment on the result. (Assume g = 10 ms - 2 )

m  = 2 kg,  d  = 10 m,  F ext   = 20 N,    k   = 0.9.   When an object is in motion on the horizontal surface, it experiences two forces.

a. External force,  F ext   =  20 N

b. Kinetic friction,

f k  =μ k mg  = 0.9x(2)x10=18N.

The work done by the external force   W ext  = Fs = 20x20 =200J

The work done by the force of kinetic  friction  W k  = f k d  = (-18) x10=-180J  Here the negative sign implies that the  force of kinetic friction is  pposite to the  direction of displacement.

The total work done on the object 

W total  = Wext + W k  = 200 J – 180 J = 20 J .

Since the friction is a non-conservative force, out of 200 J given by the external force, the 180 J is lost and it can not be recovered.

Solved Example Problems for  Law of conservation of energy

Example 4.13.

An object of mass 1 kg is falling from the height  h  = 10 m. Calculate

a. The total energy of an object at  h   = 10 m

b. Potential energy of the object when it is at  h   =  4 m

c. Kinetic energy of the object when it is at  h   =  4 m

d. What will be the speed of the object when it hits the ground?

(Assume  g   = 10 m s -2 )

a. The gravitational force is a conservative force. So the total energy remains constant throughout the motion. At  h  = 10   m, the total energy E  is entirely   potential energy.

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b. The potential energy of the object at  h  =   4   m is

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c. Since the total energy is constant throughout the motion, the kinetic energy at  h   =  4 m must be  KE  =  E  -  U  =   100   -   40   =   60J

Alternatively, the kinetic energy could also be found from velocity of the object at 4 m. At the height 4 m, the object has fallen through a height of 6 m.

The velocity after falling 6 m is calculated from the equation of motion,

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d. When the object is just about to hit the ground, the total energy is completely kinetic and the potential energy,  U   =  0.

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Example 4.14

A body of mass 100 kg is lifted to a height 10 m from the ground in two different ways as shown in the figure. What is the work done by the gravity in both the cases? Why is it easier to take the object through a ramp?

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m = 100 kg, h = 10 m

Along path (1):

The minimum force  F 1  required to move the object to the height of 10 m should be equal to the gravitational force, F 1  mg = 100 x 10 = 1000 N

The distance moved along path (1) is,  = 10   m

The work done on the object along path (1) is

W = Fh = 1000 x 10 = 10,000 J

Along path (2):

In the case of the ramp, the minimum force  F 2   that we apply on the object to take it   up is not equal to  mg , it is rather equal to  mg  sin θ   . ( mg sin <  mg)  .

Here, angle θ = 30 o

Therefore, F 2   = mg sinθ = 100 × 10 ×  sin30 o  = 100 × 10 × 0.5 = 500N

Hence,  (mg sinθ < mg)

The path covered along the ramp is,

l = h/sin30 = 10/0.5 =20m

The work done on the object along path  (2) is, W = F2 l = 500 × 20 = 10,000 J

Since the gravitational force is a conservative force, the work done by gravity on the object is independent of the path taken.

In both the paths the work done by the gravitational force is 10,000 J

Along path (1): more force needs to be applied against gravity to cover lesser distance .

Along path (2): lesser force needs to be applied against the gravity to cover more distance.

As the force needs to be applied along the ramp is less, it is easier to move the object along the ramp.

Example 4.15

An object of mass m is projected from the ground with initial speed v 0 .

Find the speed at height h.

Since the gravitational force is conservative; the total energy is conserved throughout the motion.

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Final values of potential energy, kinetic energy and total energy are measured at the height  h .

By law of conservation of energy, the initial and final total energies are the same.

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Note that in section (2.11.2) similar result is obtained using kinematic equation based on calculus method. However, calculation through energy conservation method is much easier than calculus method.

Example 4.16

An object of mass 2 kg attached to a spring is moved to a distance  x   = 10 m from its equilibrium position. The spring constant  k  = 1   N m -1 and assume that the surface is   frictionless.

a. When the mass crosses the equilibrium position, what is the speed of the mass?

b. What is the force that acts on the object when the mass crosses the equilibrium position and extremum position  x  =  ±  10 m.

a. Since the spring force is a conservative force, the total energy is constant. At x  = 10   m, the total energy is purely   potential.

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When the mass crosses the equilibrium position  x  = 0 , the potential energy

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The entire energy is purely kinetic energy at this position.

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b. Since the restoring spring force is F = - kx, when the object crosses the equilibrium position, it experiences no force. Note that at equilibrium position, the object moves very fast. When the object is at  x  = +10 m (elongation), the force F = - k  x

F = - (1) (10) = - 10 N. Here the negative sign implies that the force is towards equilibrium i.e., towards negative  x -axis and when the object is at  x  = - 10 (compression), it experiences a forces F = - (1) (- 10) = +10 N. Here the positive sign implies that the force points towards positive  x -axis.

The object comes to momentary rest at  x  =  ± 10 m  even though it experiences a maximum force at both these points.

Solved Example Problems for  Motion in a vertical circle

Example 4.17.

Water in a bucket tied with rope is whirled around in a vertical circle of radius 0.5 m. Calculate the minimum velocity at the lowest point so that the water does not spill from it in the course of motion. (g = 10 ms -2 )

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Solved Example Problems for Unit of power

Example 4.18.

Calculate the energy consumed in electrical units when a 75 W fan is used for 8 hours daily for one month (30 days).

Power, P = 75 W

Time of usage, t = 8 hour × 30 days = 240 hours

Electrical energy consumed is the product of power and time of usage.

Electrical energy = power × time of usage = P × t

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Solved Example Problems for Relation between power and velocity

Example 4.19.

A vehicle of mass 1250 kg is driven with an acceleration 0.2 ms - 2  along a straight level road against an external resistive force 500 N . Calculate the power delivered by the vehicle’s engine if the velocity of the vehicle is 30 m  s - 1  .

The vehicle’s engine has to do work against resistive force and make vechile to move with an acceleration. Therefore, power delivered by the vehicle engine is

Solved Example Problems for collision

Solved Example Problems for Elastic collisions in one dimension

Example 4.20.

A lighter particle moving with a speed of 10 m s -1  collides with an object of double its mass moving in the same direction with half its speed. Assume that the collision is a one dimensional elastic collision. What will be the speed of both particles after the collision?

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Let the mass of the fi rst body be m which  moves with an initial velocity, u 1  = 10 m s -1 .

Therefore, the mass of second body is 2m and its initial velocity is u 2  = ½ u 1  = ½(10ms -1 )

Then, the fi nal velocities of the bodies can be calculated from the equation (4.53) and equation (4.54)

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As the two speeds v 1 and v 2  are positive, they move in the same direction with the velocities, 3.33 m s −1  and 8.33 m s −1  respectively.

Solved Example Problems for Perfect inelastic collision

Example 4.21.

A bullet of mass 50 g is fired from below into a suspended object of mass 450 g. The object rises through a height of 1.8 m with bullet remaining inside the object. Find the speed of the bullet. Take g = 10 ms -2 .

m 1  = 50 g = 0.05 kg; m 2  = 450 g = 0.45kg

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The speed of the bullet is u 1 . The second body is at rest u 2  = 0 . Let the common velocity of the bullet and the object after the bullet is embedded into the object is v.

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The combined velocity is the initial velocity for the vertical upward motion of the combined bullet and the object. From second equation of motion,

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Substituting this in the above equation, the value of u 1  is

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Solved Example Problems for Coefficient of restitution (e)

Example 4.22.

Show that the ratio of velocities of equal masses in an inelastic collision when one of the masses is stationary is

v 1 /v 2  = 1-e/1+e

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From the law of conservation of linear momentum,

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Using the equation (2) for u 1  in (1), we get

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Connecting the Dots between Theory, Physics, and Mathematics - The Work We Love Science

  • Life Sciences

 In this episode, Shekerah and Fatu have a delightful conversation with Jishad Kumar, a theorist and researcher. As a theorist he uses concrete assumptions and models to solve problems which can then be further investigated with in depth experimentation. Jishad’s journey into theoretical physics started accidentally when he discovered Brownian motion is related to particle motion and has nothing to do with the color brown. From there, he extensively read books and scientific articles building a very solid knowledge base for his graduate studies. But, Jishad had a difficult start in his research career; he struggled with his first project assignment and did not have good support from this research advisor. During this difficult period, however, he found guidance from another advisor who encouraged him to conquer his fear and gave him the motivation to continue with the assignment and ultimately succeed. Things continued to progress and his confidence grew as he was also able to design a very impressive doctoral research project examining superconductivity. Looking back, Jishad sees this initial research experience as very formative in his research journey, and he is grateful for this. “I cannot stay away from science,” he explains as he also looks back and reflects on all the challenges and triumphs of the journey. Currently Jishad’s research focuses on applications of quantum thermo-dynamics, such as quantum heat exchange, and he looks forward to future real-world applications and innovations from this research. His long term goals include setting up his own research lab with students and teaching. To hear more about Jishad’s work tune into the latest episode.      Tune into this episode to hear Jishad discuss: His start in theoretical physics in a pre-wikipedia worldKeeping motivation on his journey even with several setbackFuture theoretical research goals and aspirations Reach out to Jishad: LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/drjishadkumar If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to also check out:  From Postdoc to Assistant Professor - The Work Accidental Discovery of the Microwave Quantum Biology with Clarice Aiello - The Work Reach out to Fatu: www.linkedin.com/in/fatubm Twitter: @thee_fatu_b and [email protected] Reach out to Shekerah: www.linkedin.com/in/shekerah-primus and [email protected] Music from Pixabay: Future Artificial Intelligence Technology 130 by TimMoor Music from https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes: Hotshot by ScottHolmesMusic

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April 10, 2024

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Using research to solve societal problems starts with building connections and making space for young people

by Zoey England, Jennifer Forbey and Michael Muszynski, The Conversation

making space for young researchers

Often, when scientists do research around a specific societal challenge, they hope their work will help solve that larger problem. Yet translating findings into long-lasting, community-driven solutions is much harder than most expect.

It seems intuitive that scientists studying living organisms, microbes, and ecosystems could apply their findings to tackle food shortages, help keep environments healthy, and improve human and animal health . But it's not always that easy. Issues like climate change , renewable energy, public health, and migration are complex , making direct solutions challenging to develop and implement.

As a group of researchers invested in helping scientists create meaningful impact with their work, we understand problems like these will need experts from different fields and industries to work together.

This means we might need to reevaluate certain aspects of the inquiry process and embrace fresh perspectives if we, as members of the scientific community, want to improve our capacity for producing solutions-oriented research.

Defining use-inspired research

Science does not occur in a vacuum. Factors including funding availability, access to advanced technologies and political or social contexts can influence the kinds of studies that get done. A framework called use-inspired research and engagement, or UIRE, acknowledges this fact.

In use-inspired research , the potential applications of findings for society shape the directions of exploration.

In UIRE, researchers work with members of a community to figure out what questions they should look into. They form partnerships with other stakeholders, including governments, businesses of all scales and nonprofits, to form a collaborative foundation. This way, researchers can tailor investigations from the outset to be useful to and usable by decision-makers.

Translational research , or intentionally grounding scientific exploration in practical applications, isn't new . Use-inspired research expands on translational research, prioritizing building connections between practitioners and communities.

In the U.S., the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act in 2022 further codified use-inspired research. The act directed US$280 billion over the next 10 years toward funding scientific inquiry to boost domestic competitiveness, innovation and national security.

This legislation also authorized the establishment of the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, called NSF TIP . TIP marks the agency's first new directorate in over three decades, created with the aim of sparking the growth of diverse innovation and technology landscapes.

Producing science in partnership

In use-inspired research and engagement, collaboration is a big part of each project from the start, when the researchers are first deciding what to study. These cooperative partnerships continue throughout data collection and analysis. Together, these teams apply the results and develop products, implement behavior changes, or further inform community decision-making.

For example, a large hospital, an academic organization and several nonprofits may partner together to explore issues affecting health care accessibility in the region. Researchers collect data through surveys and interviews, and interpret the findings within the community's specific circumstances. They can then coordinate data evaluation with the health care and nonprofit partners, which helps take socioeconomic status, cultural beliefs and built infrastructure like grocery stores and public transportation into account.

This approach brings together the broad perspectives of a large hospital network, academic expertise around survey creation and data analysis, and specialized knowledge held by nonprofits. These groups can then collaborate further to develop specific programs, such as educational initiatives and enhanced health care services. They can tailor these to the needs of the community they serve.

Use-inspired research matters because it looks at all the different issues facing a community holistically and keeps them in mind when investigating potential solutions. UIRE is not a substitute for basic, foundational research, which explores new questions to fundamentally understand a topic. Rather, it's an approach centered around selecting questions and developing methods based on real-world importance.

UIRE creates a foundation for long-term, inclusive partnerships—and not just within academia. Government, community organizations, large companies and startups can all use the same principles of UIRE to share ideas and craft solutions to issues facing their communities. Individuals from all sorts of backgrounds are equally integral to the entire process, further amplifying the viewpoints present.

Use-inspired methods are not only relevant to improving research outcomes. A use-inspired approach drives innovation and technological advancements across sectors . When used in K-12 classrooms , UIRE leads to well-rounded students .

This approach can also improve learning in workforce development spaces, creating employees trained to build connections.

UIRE provides platforms for the general public to participate in conversations about issues impacting their lives that they may not have otherwise been a part of.

Harnessing early-career engagement

Use-inspired methods challenge not only how, but who contributes to and benefits from scientific inquiry. They also focus on making the findings accessible to those outside academia.

To craft necessary solutions for complex societal problems, institutions will need to continue backing traditional scholars who excel at pure basic research. At the same time, they can support training in use-inspired domains.

Early-career professionals across sectors will continue to play an important role in spreading and sustaining the cultural shifts necessary to embrace use-inspired research at a wider scale. These early-career professionals can bring fresh ideas to the table and craft innovative approaches to problems.

To support translational research long term, institutions and supervisors can support students in hands-on learning opportunities from the first year of undergraduate coursework to postgraduate fellowships. These opportunities can help students learn about UIRE and equip them with the skills needed to build cross-sector partnerships before entering the workforce.

By receiving mentorship from individuals outside academia, students and trainees can gain exposure to different career paths and find motivation to pursue opportunities outside traditional academic roles. This mentorship fosters creative problem-solving and adaptability.

UIRE provides a potential framework to addressing complex societal challenges. Creating opportunities for the ongoing involvement of young people will seed a vibrant future for use-inspired research and engagement.

Provided by The Conversation

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Check Your Understanding

Answer: d = 1720 m

Answer: a = 8.10 m/s/s

Answers: d = 33.1 m and v f = 25.5 m/s

Answers: a = 11.2 m/s/s and d = 79.8 m

Answer: t = 1.29 s

Answers: a = 243 m/s/s

Answer: a = 0.712 m/s/s

Answer: d = 704 m

Answer: d = 28.6 m

Answer: v i = 7.17 m/s

Answer: v i = 5.03 m/s and hang time = 1.03 s (except for in sports commericals)

Answer: a = 1.62*10 5 m/s/s

Answer: d = 48.0 m

Answer: t = 8.69 s

Answer: a = -1.08*10^6 m/s/s

Answer: d = -57.0 m (57.0 meters deep) 

Answer: v i = 47.6 m/s

Answer: a = 2.86 m/s/s and t = 30. 8 s

Answer: a = 15.8 m/s/s

Answer: v i = 94.4 mi/hr

Solutions to Above Problems

d = (0 m/s)*(32.8 s)+ 0.5*(3.20 m/s 2 )*(32.8 s) 2

Return to Problem 1

110 m = (0 m/s)*(5.21 s)+ 0.5*(a)*(5.21 s) 2

110 m = (13.57 s 2 )*a

a = (110 m)/(13.57 s 2 )

a = 8.10 m/ s 2

Return to Problem 2

d = (0 m/s)*(2.60 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.60 s) 2

d = -33.1 m (- indicates direction)

v f = v i + a*t

v f = 0 + (-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.60 s)

v f = -25.5 m/s (- indicates direction)

Return to Problem 3

a = (46.1 m/s - 18.5 m/s)/(2.47 s)

a = 11.2 m/s 2

d = v i *t + 0.5*a*t 2

d = (18.5 m/s)*(2.47 s)+ 0.5*(11.2 m/s 2 )*(2.47 s) 2

d = 45.7 m + 34.1 m

(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation v f 2 = v i 2 + 2*a*d)

Return to Problem 4

-1.40 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-1.67 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

-1.40 m = 0+ (-0.835 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

(-1.40 m)/(-0.835 m/s 2 ) = t 2

1.68 s 2 = t 2

Return to Problem 5

a = (444 m/s - 0 m/s)/(1.83 s)

a = 243 m/s 2

d = (0 m/s)*(1.83 s)+ 0.5*(243 m/s 2 )*(1.83 s) 2

d = 0 m + 406 m

Return to Problem 6

(7.10 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(35.4 m)

50.4 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (70.8 m)*a

(50.4 m 2 /s 2 )/(70.8 m) = a

a = 0.712 m/s 2

Return to Problem 7

(65 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(3 m/s 2 )*d

4225 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (6 m/s 2 )*d

(4225 m 2 /s 2 )/(6 m/s 2 ) = d

Return to Problem 8

d = (22.4 m/s + 0 m/s)/2 *2.55 s

d = (11.2 m/s)*2.55 s

Return to Problem 9

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(2.62 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 51.35 m 2 /s 2

51.35 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 7.17 m/s

Return to Problem 10

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(1.29 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 25.28 m 2 /s 2

25.28 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 5.03 m/s

To find hang time, find the time to the peak and then double it.

0 m/s = 5.03 m/s + (-9.8 m/s 2 )*t up

-5.03 m/s = (-9.8 m/s 2 )*t up

(-5.03 m/s)/(-9.8 m/s 2 ) = t up

t up = 0.513 s

hang time = 1.03 s

Return to Problem 11

(521 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(0.840 m)

271441 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + (1.68 m)*a

(271441 m 2 /s 2 )/(1.68 m) = a

a = 1.62*10 5 m /s 2

Return to Problem 12

  • (NOTE: the time required to move to the peak of the trajectory is one-half the total hang time - 3.125 s.)

First use:  v f  = v i  + a*t

0 m/s = v i  + (-9.8  m/s 2 )*(3.13 s)

0 m/s = v i  - 30.7 m/s

v i  = 30.7 m/s  (30.674 m/s)

Now use:  v f 2  = v i 2  + 2*a*d

(0 m/s) 2  = (30.7 m/s) 2  + 2*(-9.8  m/s 2 )*(d)

0 m 2 /s 2  = (940 m 2 /s 2 ) + (-19.6  m/s 2 )*d

-940  m 2 /s 2  = (-19.6  m/s 2 )*d

(-940  m 2 /s 2 )/(-19.6  m/s 2 ) = d

Return to Problem 13

-370 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

-370 m = 0+ (-4.9 m/s 2 )*(t) 2

(-370 m)/(-4.9 m/s 2 ) = t 2

75.5 s 2 = t 2

Return to Problem 14

(0 m/s) 2 = (367 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(0.0621 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = (134689 m 2 /s 2 ) + (0.1242 m)*a

-134689 m 2 /s 2 = (0.1242 m)*a

(-134689 m 2 /s 2 )/(0.1242 m) = a

a = -1.08*10 6 m /s 2

(The - sign indicates that the bullet slowed down.)

Return to Problem 15

d = (0 m/s)*(3.41 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(3.41 s) 2

d = 0 m+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(11.63 s 2 )

d = -57.0 m

(NOTE: the - sign indicates direction)

Return to Problem 16

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(- 3.90 m/s 2 )*(290 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 2262 m 2 /s 2

2262 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 47.6 m /s

Return to Problem 17

( 88.3 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(1365 m)

7797 m 2 /s 2 = (0 m 2 /s 2 ) + (2730 m)*a

7797 m 2 /s 2 = (2730 m)*a

(7797 m 2 /s 2 )/(2730 m) = a

a = 2.86 m/s 2

88.3 m/s = 0 m/s + (2.86 m/s 2 )*t

(88.3 m/s)/(2.86 m/s 2 ) = t

t = 30. 8 s

Return to Problem 18

( 112 m/s) 2 = (0 m/s) 2 + 2*(a)*(398 m)

12544 m 2 /s 2 = 0 m 2 /s 2 + (796 m)*a

12544 m 2 /s 2 = (796 m)*a

(12544 m 2 /s 2 )/(796 m) = a

a = 15.8 m/s 2

Return to Problem 19

v f 2 = v i 2 + 2*a*d

(0 m/s) 2 = v i 2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s 2 )*(91.5 m)

0 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2 - 1793 m 2 /s 2

1793 m 2 /s 2 = v i 2

v i = 42.3 m/s

Now convert from m/s to mi/hr:

v i = 42.3 m/s * (2.23 mi/hr)/(1 m/s)

v i = 94.4 mi/hr

Return to Problem 20

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1.8: Solving Problems in Physics

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Learning Objectives

  • Describe the process for developing a problem-solving strategy.
  • Explain how to find the numerical solution to a problem.
  • Summarize the process for assessing the significance of the numerical solution to a problem.

Problem-solving skills are clearly essential to success in a quantitative course in physics. More important, the ability to apply broad physical principles—usually represented by equations—to specific situations is a very powerful form of knowledge. It is much more powerful than memorizing a list of facts. Analytical skills and problem-solving abilities can be applied to new situations whereas a list of facts cannot be made long enough to contain every possible circumstance. Such analytical skills are useful both for solving problems in this text and for applying physics in everyday life.

A photograph of a student’s hand, working on a problem with an open textbook, a calculator, and an eraser.

As you are probably well aware, a certain amount of creativity and insight is required to solve problems. No rigid procedure works every time. Creativity and insight grow with experience. With practice, the basics of problem solving become almost automatic. One way to get practice is to work out the text’s examples for yourself as you read. Another is to work as many end-of-section problems as possible, starting with the easiest to build confidence and then progressing to the more difficult. After you become involved in physics, you will see it all around you, and you can begin to apply it to situations you encounter outside the classroom, just as is done in many of the applications in this text.

Although there is no simple step-by-step method that works for every problem, the following three-stage process facilitates problem solving and makes it more meaningful. The three stages are strategy, solution, and significance. This process is used in examples throughout the book. Here, we look at each stage of the process in turn.

Strategy is the beginning stage of solving a problem. The idea is to figure out exactly what the problem is and then develop a strategy for solving it. Some general advice for this stage is as follows:

  • Examine the situation to determine which physical principles are involved . It often helps to draw a simple sketch at the outset. You often need to decide which direction is positive and note that on your sketch. When you have identified the physical principles, it is much easier to find and apply the equations representing those principles. Although finding the correct equation is essential, keep in mind that equations represent physical principles, laws of nature, and relationships among physical quantities. Without a conceptual understanding of a problem, a numerical solution is meaningless.
  • Make a list of what is given or can be inferred from the problem as stated (identify the “knowns”) . Many problems are stated very succinctly and require some inspection to determine what is known. Drawing a sketch be very useful at this point as well. Formally identifying the knowns is of particular importance in applying physics to real-world situations. For example, the word stopped means the velocity is zero at that instant. Also, we can often take initial time and position as zero by the appropriate choice of coordinate system.
  • Identify exactly what needs to be determined in the problem (identify the unknowns). In complex problems, especially, it is not always obvious what needs to be found or in what sequence. Making a list can help identify the unknowns.
  • Determine which physical principles can help you solve the problem . Since physical principles tend to be expressed in the form of mathematical equations, a list of knowns and unknowns can help here. It is easiest if you can find equations that contain only one unknown—that is, all the other variables are known—so you can solve for the unknown easily. If the equation contains more than one unknown, then additional equations are needed to solve the problem. In some problems, several unknowns must be determined to get at the one needed most. In such problems it is especially important to keep physical principles in mind to avoid going astray in a sea of equations. You may have to use two (or more) different equations to get the final answer.

The solution stage is when you do the math. Substitute the knowns (along with their units) into the appropriate equation and obtain numerical solutions complete with units . That is, do the algebra, calculus, geometry, or arithmetic necessary to find the unknown from the knowns, being sure to carry the units through the calculations. This step is clearly important because it produces the numerical answer, along with its units. Notice, however, that this stage is only one-third of the overall problem-solving process.


After having done the math in the solution stage of problem solving, it is tempting to think you are done. But, always remember that physics is not math. Rather, in doing physics, we use mathematics as a tool to help us understand nature. So, after you obtain a numerical answer, you should always assess its significance:

  • Check your units . If the units of the answer are incorrect, then an error has been made and you should go back over your previous steps to find it. One way to find the mistake is to check all the equations you derived for dimensional consistency. However, be warned that correct units do not guarantee the numerical part of the answer is also correct.
  • Check the answer to see whether it is reasonable. Does it make sense? This step is extremely important: –the goal of physics is to describe nature accurately. To determine whether the answer is reasonable, check both its magnitude and its sign, in addition to its units. The magnitude should be consistent with a rough estimate of what it should be. It should also compare reasonably with magnitudes of other quantities of the same type. The sign usually tells you about direction and should be consistent with your prior expectations. Your judgment will improve as you solve more physics problems, and it will become possible for you to make finer judgments regarding whether nature is described adequately by the answer to a problem. This step brings the problem back to its conceptual meaning. If you can judge whether the answer is reasonable, you have a deeper understanding of physics than just being able to solve a problem mechanically.
  • Check to see whether the answer tells you something interesting. What does it mean? This is the flip side of the question: Does it make sense? Ultimately, physics is about understanding nature, and we solve physics problems to learn a little something about how nature operates. Therefore, assuming the answer does make sense, you should always take a moment to see if it tells you something about the world that you find interesting. Even if the answer to this particular problem is not very interesting to you, what about the method you used to solve it? Could the method be adapted to answer a question that you do find interesting? In many ways, it is in answering questions such as these science that progresses.

Spinet-QSM: model-based deep learning with schatten p -norm regularization for improved quantitative susceptibility mapping

  • Research Article
  • Published: 10 April 2024

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  • Vaddadi Venkatesh 1 ,
  • Raji Susan Mathew 2 &
  • Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4810-352X 1  

34 Accesses

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Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) provides an estimate of the magnetic susceptibility of tissue using magnetic resonance (MR) phase measurements. The tissue magnetic susceptibility (source) from the measured magnetic field distribution/local tissue field (effect) inherent in the MR phase images is estimated by numerically solving the inverse source-effect problem. This study aims to develop an effective model-based deep-learning framework to solve the inverse problem of QSM.

Materials and methods

This work proposes a Schatten \(\textit{p}\) -norm-driven model-based deep learning framework for QSM with a learnable norm parameter \(\textit{p}\) to adapt to the data. In contrast to other model-based architectures that enforce the l \(_{\text {2}}\) -norm or l \(_{\text {1}}\) -norm for the denoiser, the proposed approach can enforce any \(\textit{p}\) -norm ( \(\text {0}<\textit{p}\le \text {2}\) ) on a trainable regulariser.

The proposed method was compared with deep learning-based approaches, such as QSMnet, and model-based deep learning approaches, such as learned proximal convolutional neural network (LPCNN). Reconstructions performed using 77 imaging volumes with different acquisition protocols and clinical conditions, such as hemorrhage and multiple sclerosis, showed that the proposed approach outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin in terms of quantitative merits.

The proposed SpiNet-QSM showed a consistent improvement of at least 5% in terms of the high-frequency error norm (HFEN) and normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) over other QSM reconstruction methods with limited training data.

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problem solving about work in physics

Data/code availability

SNU dataset was made available to the authors by Prof. Lee (e-mail: [email protected]) of Seoul National University. LPCNN dataset is publicly available at https://github.com/Sulam-Group [ 16 ]. QSM 2016 reconstruction challenge (RC-1) dataset is publicly available at http://www.neuroimaging.at/pages/qsm.php [ 18 ]. QSM reconstruction challenge 2.0 (RC-2) dataset is publicly available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4559541 [ 19 ]. The developed codes of this manuscript are publicly shared at https://github.com/venkateshvaddadi/SpiNet-QSM .

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This work was supported by S. Ramachandran-National Bioscience Award for Career Development awarded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. The authors are thankful to Dr. Jongho Lee, Laboratory for Imaging Science and Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, for providing the data. The authors are also thankful to Dr. Jeremias Sulam, Biomedical Engineering Department, Johns Hopkins University for making their data [ 16 ] publicly available. The authors are also thankful to Naveen Paluru and Aditya Rastogi, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for their input on this work.

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Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560012, India

Vaddadi Venkatesh & Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy

School of Data Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695551, India

Raji Susan Mathew

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Correspondence to Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy .

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About this article

Venkatesh, V., Mathew, R.S. & Yalavarthy, P.K. Spinet-QSM: model-based deep learning with schatten p -norm regularization for improved quantitative susceptibility mapping. Magn Reson Mater Phy (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10334-024-01158-7

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Received : 30 September 2023

Revised : 16 March 2024

Accepted : 19 March 2024

Published : 10 April 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10334-024-01158-7

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  • Dipole inversion
  • Model-based deep learning
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    As a theorist he uses concrete assumptions and models to solve problems which can then be further investigated with in depth experimentation. Jishad's journey into theoretical physics started accidentally when he discovered Brownian motion is related to particle motion and has nothing to do with the color brown.

  22. Using research to solve societal problems starts with building

    Often, when scientists do research around a specific societal challenge, they hope their work will help solve that larger problem. Yet translating findings into long-lasting, community-driven ...

  23. Kinematic Equations: Sample Problems and Solutions

    A useful problem-solving strategy was presented for use with these equations and two examples were given that illustrated the use of the strategy. Then, the application of the kinematic equations and the problem-solving strategy to free-fall motion was discussed and illustrated. In this part of Lesson 6, several sample problems will be presented.

  24. 1.8: Solving Problems in Physics

    Such analytical skills are useful both for solving problems in this text and for applying physics in everyday life. . Figure 1.8.1 1.8. 1: Problem-solving skills are essential to your success in physics. (credit: "scui3asteveo"/Flickr) As you are probably well aware, a certain amount of creativity and insight is required to solve problems.

  25. Spinet-QSM: model-based deep learning with schatten p-norm ...

    Objective Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) provides an estimate of the magnetic susceptibility of tissue using magnetic resonance (MR) phase measurements. The tissue magnetic susceptibility (source) from the measured magnetic field distribution/local tissue field (effect) inherent in the MR phase images is estimated by numerically solving the inverse source-effect problem. This study ...