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168 Sample Report Card Comments (Plus a Printable Version)

Help has arrived just in time for report cards!

"Your child has come so far in math! Focusing on two-digit addition is the next step."

Each progress report and report card provides an opportunity for you to give parents insight into their child’s performance beyond a letter or numerical grade for conduct or academics. Parents want to know how their child is doing, but they also want to know that you get their child. Report cards also help students understand what they are doing well … as well as areas where they could improve. The best way to get these points across is via meaningful comments. Need help? We’ve got dozens of sample report card comments below that are sorted for students at every level: emerging, developing, proficient, and extending standards, plus comments that address behavior, social skills, and more.

Get a free Google Slide version of these comments by submitting your email.

missing assignments report card comments

Tips for report card comments

Before using the list below, it’s important to know that teacher comments should be accurate, specific, and personal. The comments below are structured to allow you to fill in the blank for a particular subject or behavior, and then expand the comment. Sometimes you might require an action like a meeting with the parent. Other times you may be encouraging the student to do something in school or at home to improve on a skill or get more practice. Either way, these sample report card comments will establish the how that attaches to the what of any number or letter grade you are documenting.

Sample report card comments for students with emerging skills

It’s often difficult to know the cause of why a student’s skills are still emerging. In these situations, parents can often help you get to the bottom of it. Be specific about areas of difficulty in these comments, and don’t be afraid to ask for a parent’s help. Here are some ideas:

  • Your student could use some extra practice in [subject]. Please have them study [skill] for [time] each night.
  • Your student hasn’t yet had the chance to master [specific skill]. Review sessions are available [time frame].
  • Your student may need additional assistance with [skill/subject]. Completing classwork and homework is the first step to improving.

Your student may need additional assistance with [skill/subject]. Completing classwork and homework is the first step to improving.

  • Your student needs more practice with [specific skill]. Please check that they have completed their homework each evening.
  • We will continue focusing on reinforcing your student’s positive efforts.
  • Your student should put more effort into [subject area] to avoid incorrect or incomplete assignments.
  • Your student would benefit from more active participation in small-group activities.
  • This semester/trimester, I would like your student to work on …

Sample report card comments to encourage a follow-up phone call

We can think of many situations where a report card comment can be the first step in scheduling a phone call or meeting to discuss a concern. Write something positive about the child’s personality while requesting a parent meeting or phone call. Some examples are:

  • Your student is always respectful, but I am concerned about their work. When can we meet?
  • Your child is inquisitive and engaged in class, but they have quite a bit of missing work. Please call me to discuss some strategies.
  • Your child has a wonderful sense of humor/is helpful/is kind but fails to turn in their assignments. Let’s meet to come up with a plan to move forward.

Your child has a wonderful sense of humor/is helpful/is kind but fails to turn in their assignments. Let’s meet to come up with a plan to move forward.

  • Let’s work on strategies that will help your student follow through on their assignments.

Sample report card comments about (negative) behavior

Parents want to know how their child has behaved, even if they are not surprised by the behavior. Behavior can be even more difficult to write about than academics. Be careful to avoid personal attacks or statements that can make the parent or child feel judged. For difficult behaviors, stick to statistics and/or basic descriptions. Try things like:

  • Your student struggles with [DESIRED behavior]. We will continue to work on this behavior at school.
  • Your child struggles with [UNDESIRABLE behavior] and needs to focus on [DESIRED behavior].
  • When your student is focused, they are a pleasure to have in class. Let’s meet to discuss strategies to keep them on track.
  • Your student often struggles to focus in class, which harms their ability to engage well with class activities and assignments.
  • [Student] is working on independent work production and staying on task.
  • [Student] often struggles to focus in class, which impacts their ability to engage in class activities.
  • I encourage [student] to use time wisely to finish tasks in a timely manner.
  • I encourage [student] to be more responsible in completing tasks without frequent reminders.
  • I encourage [student] to show that they are properly engaged in learning by improving quality of work and use of class time. Please support this at home by [idea here].
  • Your student needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.

Report card comment: Your student needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.

  • Your student needs to follow classroom rules more closely throughout the school day.
  • Your student has exhibited [UNDESIRABLE behavior]. We will continue to reinforce appropriate behaviors.
  • Your student exhibited [UNDESIRABLE behavior] [this many] times this quarter. Let’s work to reduce the incidence of this behavior to [goal] times.
  • [Student] is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes and behaviors in the classroom.
  • [Student] is working on using appropriate language at all times.
  • [Student] requires encouragement to listen attentively during group instruction.
  • [Student] requires frequent reminders to remain attentive during instruction.
  • [Student] is working on voicing feelings and opinions and listening to others.

Sample report card comments for students with developing skills

For students who are still developing, focus on any improvement while also providing suggestions to keep the momentum going. Try these comments:

  • Your student has come so far in [subject]! Focusing on [important skill] is the next step.
  • Your student has made so much progress! They still struggle with [important skill], so that should be our next focus.
  • Your child has done well, but I am concerned that their lack of [listening/focus/motivation] has contributed to a lower grade than I know they could achieve.
  • Let’s work on motivating your student to reach their potential.
  • I would like to see your student pay closer attention to [subject/topic] in order to get a better grade.

I would like to see your student pay closer attention to [subject/topic] in order to get a better grade.

  • If your student works as hard on [important skill] as they have worked on [improved subject], then they will be caught up in no time!
  • Your child is very engaged during whole-group [subject instruction] but struggles to work independently.
  • Your student’s persistence is exemplary.
  • When motivated, your child does well on class assignments. We need to extend that motivation further.
  • Your child has improved significantly but still needs to slow down and check their work to make sure that all answers are correct.
  • Your student is struggling to understand new concepts in [subject]. Paying closer attention to the assigned reading and class lecture would be beneficial.
  • The hard work is paying off! Let’s keep it up when we start working on [next skill].
  • Your child is enthusiastic but still doesn’t understand [topic]. Additional work on this topic would be incredibly helpful.

Report card comment: Your child is enthusiastic but still doesn’t understand [topic]. Additional work on this topic would be incredibly helpful.

  • Your child requests a great deal of adult assistance when completing school work. Let’s work on encouraging independent work.

Sample report card comments for students with proficient skills

Let the parent know all the positives about their child and perhaps encourage students to dig just a little bit deeper.

  • Your student comes to school each day prepared to work hard.
  • I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

  • Your student is an enthusiastic member of the class and shows a willingness to learn.
  • I enjoy how invested your child is in their learning.
  • I appreciate your child’s dedication to their studies in my class.
  • Not only is your student strong academically, but they are also a leader in the classroom.
  • I appreciate that your student is always committed to doing their best.
  • Your student understands the material well. Let’s find a way to help them shine.
  • Your child has the potential to be at the top of the class.
  • With a little more effort, your child could move up to the advanced group in [the subject where effort is lacking].

Report card comment; With a little more effort, your child could move up to the advanced group in [the subject where effort is lacking].

  • Your child puts in great work in [preferred subject]! If they apply those skills to [non-preferred subject], there’s no stopping them.
  • Your child excels at applying what they learn in the classroom to real-world and real-life situations. With a little more work, they could really go far!

Sample report card comments for students with advanced skills

Positive behaviors deserve just as much (if not more) attention as negative behaviors. These comments can be the most fun to write. Begin with a simple stem and then fill in the personal details that will make the parent smile. Example sentence starters are:

  • Your child exhibits exceptional focus and diligence in their work.
  • Your student is excellent at taking ownership of their learning.
  • I appreciate that your child is committed to doing their best.
  • Your student seeks new challenges.
  • Your child has a fantastic work ethic.
  • Your child exceeds expectations on a regular basis.
  • Your student avoids careless errors through attention to detail.

Report card comments: your student avoids careless errors through attention to detail.

  • Your child sets high standards for themself and achieves them.
  • Teaching your child is always an adventure! I love it when they …
  • Your child conducts themself with maturity.
  • Your child is able to focus and stays on task during independent work times.
  • Your student uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
  • I have enjoyed your child’s sense of humor in our classroom, as well as …
  • Your child has an impressive understanding and knowledge about their interests.

Sample report card comments to showcase students’ strengths

Students who excel at helping out others deserve to have their skills mentioned in comments!

  • [Student] is confident, positive, and a great role model for their classmates.
  • [Student] is a valuable part of class. They are among the first to help and mentor classmates.
  • [Student] has shown an ability to set goals and work to achieve them.
  • [Student] is engaged and able to set their own learning targets.
  • [Student] is an active participant. They listen attentively and make an effort to avoid distractions that could disrupt their learning.
  • [Student] is accountable for their actions and takes opportunities to improve.
  • [Student] relates well to classmates and appreciates peers’ perspectives.
  • [Student] demonstrates emotional maturity and responds appropriately to feedback.
  • [Student] always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom.
  • [Student] is dependable and reliable and follows through on commitments.
  • Your student relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences.

Report card comments: Your student relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences.

  • It is a joy teaching your student! I can always count on them to …
  • Your child makes the classroom a brighter place. They often …
  • Your student’s conduct is exemplary. They …
  • Your student works well with classmates and often takes a leadership role.
  • Not only is your child a strong student, but they are also a wonderful human being.
  • Your student displays good citizenship by assisting other students.
  • Your child demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our classroom conscientiously.
  • Your child is exceptionally organized and takes care of their things.
  • Your child is thoughtful and kind in their interactions with others.
  • Your student plans and carries out group activities carefully.
  • Your child is a very special student and one that I will never forget. I will miss them next year!

While all of these comments can supplement the grades on a report card, you don’t have to wait to use them. Sending notes home between progress reports and report cards with little comments like these can bolster the parent-teacher relationship. Write them in communication folders or on postcards for that extra school-home connection.

Sample report card comments to highlight positive behavior

Sometimes you’ll have a lot to say about a student’s positive behaviors. Parents love to hear that their kids are model citizens. Here are comments that communicate all the good behaviors you see in class.

  • [Student] works well with classmates on group work and often takes a leadership role.
  • [Student] shows a positive attitude when working with peers. They take and give suggestions and directions effectively.
  • [Student] excels at applying what they learn to real-world situations.
  • It is a pleasure to have [student]’s enthusiasm and maturity in class.
  • [Student] is an enthusiastic member of class and shows a willingness to learn.
  • [Student] shows responsible behavior, works well in a group, and shows appreciation for classmates’ efforts.

[Student] shows responsible behavior, works well in a group, and shows appreciation for classmates’ efforts.

  • [Student] is focused during class activities and participates in discussions.
  • [Student] works on independent work with focus and confidence.
  • [Student] has overcome big challenges this year.
  • [Student] follows directions promptly and accurately.
  • [Student] transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction.
  • [Student] is polite and uses good manners in the classroom.
  • [Student] responds appropriately when corrected.
  • [Student] takes classroom jobs seriously and demonstrates responsibility when completing them.

Sample report card comments for math

Providing specific information about how a child is doing in core subjects helps parents know exactly what to expect on the grades portion of the report card. And providing a positive statement about a subject can help you lead into a statement about what the child needs to work on.

  • [Student] has a good understanding of math concepts taught this year. They continue to complete work correctly and enjoy math activities.
  • [Student] has a positive attitude toward math but has trouble in a few key areas [list here]. Practicing every night at home will help them improve in these areas.
  • [Student] demonstrates a good understanding of math concepts and communicates clearly and with strong justification.
  • [Student] seems to need continuous encouragement in math. They continue to struggle with foundational math concepts for [grade level].

[Student] seems to need continuous encouragement in math. They continue to struggle with foundational math concepts for [grade level].

  • [Student] is having a difficult time with certain concepts in math. Areas in need of extra work include [list here].
  • [Student] is struggling to maintain pace in math. They could benefit from [practice activity here].
  • [Student] is easily distracted during math and this impacts their learning.
  • [Student] does well on math assignments but struggles with tests. Please make sure they study and prepare for tests as they approach.

Sample report card comments for reading and writing

Just like with math, it’s good to comment on the specific aspects of academics that students are doing well and those that they can work on. Use these comments to explain where a student is in their reading and writing progress.

  • [Student] has made great improvements in [spelling, comprehension, reading] and could use support in [spelling, comprehension, reading]. Please reach out if you need supplemental learning materials to use for practice at home.
  • [Student] always puts effort into their writing work.

[Student] always puts effort into their writing work.

  • [Student] is able to take new skills and apply them to writing assignments.
  • [Student] is able to offer responses to text and supports ideas with sound reasoning and examples.
  • [Student] reads with fluency and comprehension.  
  • [Student] is working on reading fluency. They would benefit from reading aloud at home.
  • [Student] is able to understand and discuss text read aloud.
  • [Student] consistently reads grade-level material.
  • [Student] is able to choose books to read that they really enjoy.
  • [Student] uses editing skills to edit writing to improve grammar and punctuation.
  • [Student] organizes writing well and organizes thoughts into complete paragraphs.

[Student] organizes writing well and organizes thoughts into complete paragraphs.

  • [Student] is able to analyze character actions and story plots and make inferences from what they read.
  • [Student] is thoughtful and insightful in class discussion and written work. They express their ideas clearly.

Sample report card comments about social skills

As much as school is about academics, parents also worry about social skills and how their child is doing in terms of fitting in, making friends, and managing social situations. For some kids, this will be a strength and for some it will be an area of focus, but make sure to include whatever information parents need to know.

  • [Student] has made many friends in the classroom.
  • [Student] is well liked by classmates.
  • [Student] treats other students with empathy and fairness.

[Student] treats other students with empathy and fairness.

  • [Student] handles disagreements with peers appropriately.
  • [Student] appears comfortable in new situations.
  • [Student] chooses to spend free time with friends.

Sample report card comments about communication

Communication is another important skill that students are learning and honing in school that you can report on. Particularly for kids whose communication skills are either a strength or something they need help with, a comment about this can be very helpful to parents.

  • [Student] has a well-developed vocabulary.
  • [Student] expresses their ideas clearly.
  • [Student] has a vibrant imagination and uses their imagination in storytelling and writing.
  • [Student] always participates in whole-group discussions.
  • [Student] can make a logical and persuasive argument in oral discussion or in writing.

[Student] can make a logical and persuasive argument in oral discussion or in writing.

  • [Student] listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.
  • [Student] is working on participating in class. Please encourage them to raise their hand or engage in group discussion.
  • I would love to hear from [student] more. Please encourage them to participate in class.
  • [Student] is working on using their words to solve problems/communicate well with peers.

Sample report card comments about group work

Group work gets at a child’s ability to work with peers, solve problems, and communicate. It’s also often a barometer for social skills. Giving comments about group work can tell parents a lot about how their child is able to succeed in teamwork and if there are any red flags.

  • [Student] offers constructive suggestions to peers.
  • [Student] accepts recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
  • [Student] takes various roles in group work as assigned or as needed.
  • [Student] welcomes leadership roles in groups.
  • [Student] shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
  • [Student] plans and carries out group activities carefully.

[Student] plans and carries out group activities carefully.

  • [Student] works democratically with peers.
  • [Student] encourages peers during group work.
  • [Student] is working on accepting their share of the work during group assignments.

Sample report card comments about time management

Managing time is a skill that gets more and more important as kids move through school, and it is something that all parents can help with at home. Help parents know how their child is doing managing time with these comments.

  • [Student] approaches classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized way.
  • [Student] is on time and prepared for class each day.
  • [Student] works at an appropriate pace.
  • [Student] is able to pace their work for long-term assignments.

[Student] is able to pace their work for long-term assignments.

  • [Student] completes makeup work in a timely fashion.
  • [Student] is working on using time wisely.
  • [Student] is working on managing time, especially when there are multiple tasks to complete during a work period.
  • [Student] is working on organizing their materials and using organization to support work completion.

Sample report card comments about work habits

Same as time management, comments about work habits are helpful for parents because they explain how a student is approaching their work and how their academics are impacted because of these habits.

  • [Student] is self-motivated.
  • [Student] exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
  • [Student] readily grasps new concepts or ideas.
  • [Student] produces neat and careful work.

[Student] produces neat and careful work.

  • [Student] checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
  • [Student] pays attention to work and submits work that does not have errors.
  • [Student] is working on producing neat work.
  • [Student] is working on checking work thoroughly before submitting it.
  • [Student] is working on submitting work that does not have errors. They frequently require additional review to ensure that all errors are corrected.

Do you have sample report card comments to add? Share them in our We Are Teachers Helpline group on Facebook!

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Use these sample report card comments for report cards. We have comments for everything you'd want to tell parents about their student.

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180 Report Card Comments for All Grades in 2024

Report card comments are a vital component of a child’s education. A small but meaningful comment can make a HUGE difference in the classroom experience.

According to Education Week , about 67% of parents feel that report cards are important to knowing if their child is on grade level .

However, creating custom comments for every student while still making an impact can be both time-consuming and draining for any educator who has a class of 20-30 students.

Good news: we have created 180 report card comments for all grades, including preschool and kindergarten, for you. You’re sure to find the perfect comment for every student below.

The 180 comments you see in this article can be leveraged to create dynamic feedback based on students' performance.

Tips For Writing Report Card Comments & Remarks

Writing report card comments is a critical aspect of a teacher's job, whether it's for math , English, or other subjects. It's not just about assigning grades but also about providing feedback in your remarks that can help students grow and improve.

Here are some tips that can make these comments more meaningful and impactful:

Be Specific : Instead of general statements, pinpoint exact strengths and areas for improvement. This helps students understand what they are doing well and what they need to work on.

Use Positive Language : Focus on the student's progress and potential. Even when addressing areas for improvement, frame your comments positively to encourage rather than discourage.

Include Examples : Whenever possible, reference specific assignments or incidents. This makes your feedback more tangible and easier for the student to relate to.

Offer Solutions : Don’t just point out what’s wrong; suggest ways to improve. This could be strategies for studying, time management, or resources for extra help.

Be Concise : Keep your comments clear and to the point. Long comments can be overwhelming, and the key messages may get lost.

Make It Personal : Tailor your comments to each student. Generic comments can feel impersonal and may not be as effective.

Highlight Improvements : Acknowledge any progress or improvements, no matter how small. This can motivate students to keep working hard.

End on a Positive Note : Always conclude with an encouraging statement. This leaves the student feeling supported and understood.

Crafting report card comments with these tips in mind can transform them from a mere formality into a powerful tool for communication and growth.

It shows students that their teachers are paying attention not just to their grades but to their development as learners. With thoughtful and constructive feedback, teachers can inspire their students to strive for excellence and overcome challenges.

Types of Report Card Comments

Report card comments go beyond just academics; they touch on various aspects of a student's performance and behavior in school. These comments can provide a holistic view of a student's development, strengths, and areas that need attention.

Here's a look at different types of report card comments that can be used to convey a well-rounded perspective:

Attitude : These comments focus on the student's approach towards learning and school activities. They can highlight positivity, willingness to take on challenges, or areas where a more constructive attitude could be developed.

Behavior : This type addresses how the student interacts with rules and norms in the classroom and school environment. Comments can point out exemplary behavior or suggest ways to improve in managing impulses and respecting boundaries.

Character : Character comments reflect on the student's moral and ethical development. They may commend integrity, honesty, responsibility, and empathy, or offer suggestions for growth in these areas.

Communication : These remarks evaluate how effectively a student expresses themselves and understands others. They can praise strong verbal or written skills and encourage improvement in listening and articulation.

Group Work : Comments in this category assess the student's ability to work in teams. They can highlight skills in collaboration, leadership, and contributing positively to group tasks.

Interest & Talent : This type of comment identifies specific areas where a student shows enthusiasm or exceptional ability, whether it's in a subject, a sport, or the arts, and encourages further development.

Social Skills : Social skills comments focus on how the student interacts with peers and adults within the school. They can applaud empathy, friendliness, and inclusivity, or offer advice on navigating social situations more effectively.

Work Habits : These comments examine the student's approach to their studies, including organization, time management, persistence, and attention to detail. They can recognize good habits or suggest strategies for improvement.

Using a mix of these types of comments allows teachers to provide feedback that recognizes the multifaceted nature of student growth.

ESL comments are another common type of report card comment that is used to provide feedback for students learning a language.

Check out our list of the Best EdTech Tools for teachers!

How to Automate Writing Report Card Comments & Remarks

Writing out full comments can take a lot of time. Using abbreviations like “GC” for good conduct can help, but it still takes time.

Instead of writing out remarks to students manually, use Text Blaze . Text Blaze helps educators create smart text templates and insert them anywhere with keyboard shortcuts.

With Text Blaze, you use keyboard shortcuts to automatically insert report card comments & remarks and personalize each comment for your students.

Automate repetitive report card comments & remarks with keyboard shortcuts.

Text Blaze is 100% free forever !

Text Blaze works on any site or app !

Use placeholders to personalize student feedback with ease!

Write report card comments 5x faster , save time, and boost productivity!

Here's an example of a Text Blaze snippet that you can use to automate report card comments (see GIF above to see it in action):

180 Report Card Comments

100 general report card comments.

Here are 100 general report card comments that you can apply to your classroom:

  • [Name]‘s grades have suffered as a result of missing assignments.
  • [Name] achieves success in all their academic endeavors.
  • [Name] likes learning and shows enthusiasm for classroom activities.
  • [Name] enjoys school, and their upbeat demeanor brightens the classroom.
  • [Name] loves their academic studies and performs admirably.
  • [Name] finds reading difficult and would benefit from a nightly routine.
  • Basic addition and multiplication lessons would be extremely beneficial to [Name].
  • [Name] shares information that contributes greatly to classroom discussions.
  • [Name] successfully uses data from graphs and charts in a profound manner.
  • [Name] comes to school every day with a positive attitude.
  • [Name] completes difficult assignments by utilizing critical thinking skills.
  • [Name] consistently produces insightful work.
  • [Name] creates well-organized essays.
  • [Name] demonstrates extensive knowledge in the field of [topic].
  • [Name] must learn to pay close attention and follow directions in class.
  • [Name] employs advanced reading comprehension skills every day.
  • Encourage [Name] to learn every day so that they improve their grades in [subject].
  • [Name] enjoys participating in class and brings insight to our discussions.
  • [Name] establishes high goals and achieves them.
  • [Name] has difficulty locating school supplies and would benefit from a cleaner desk.
  • [Subject] tests are challenging for [Name] and [he/she] would benefit from extra study time.
  • [Name] gets along well with other classmates.
  • [Name] has an impressive vocabulary, which improves their writing synthesis.
  • [Name] has a wonderfully optimistic attitude and is always willing to help.
  • [Name] has a strong sense of storytelling and development, which improves writing.
  • [Name] has a warm persona and sense of humor.
  • [Name] has improved abilities in [Name].
  • [Name] performs exceptionally in the areas of [subject].
  • [Name] has put in the effort to improve grades in [subject], and I appreciate it.
  • [Name] has trouble adhering to classroom rules and needs help focusing.
  • I admire [Name]‘s motivation to succeed and have enjoyed teaching them.
  • I admire [Name] ‘s work, which has been done with care.
  • I am worried about [Name]’s organizational skills and ability to submit work on time.
  • I am extremely proud of [Name] and wish them the best of luck next year.
  • I had a great time teaching [Name] and will miss them next year.
  • [Name] should concentrate on [topic] this year to improve.
  • [Name] should focus on [topic] this year.
  • [Name] should emphasize greater focus in [topic] because it is going to be a considerable part of this year.
  • [Name] 's lack of listening affected their grades in [subject].
  • [Name] made great progress across all areas of academia.
  • [Name] is making good progress in the classroom.
  • [Name] struggles with organizational skills neaten their desk.
  • [Name] must slow down when working.
  • [Name] must learn basic math skills to progress further.
  • [Name] exemplifies good stewardship toward others.
  • I enjoyed [Name]’s sense of humor this year.
  • [Name] has made significant progress in [subject].
  • [Name] has outperformed expectations in [subject].
  • [Name] is a kind student and is always willing to help.
  • [Name] is a creative writer who excels in every area.
  • [Name] is always a delight to be around.
  • [Name] is a fantastic student who improves classroom discussions.
  • [Name] is a focused student who performs well in all subjects.
  • [Name] is a gifted artist, and I admire the passion with which they create work.
  • [Name] is a good role model and follows classroom rules consistently.
  • [Name] is an excellent classroom helper and a leader.
  • [Name] is a hard worker who never leaves an assignment half-finished.
  • [Name] is a joy to teach because of their positive attitude.
  • [Name] is a one-of-a-kind student who I will never forget and always miss.
  • [Name] is a problem solver with a strong sense of persistence.
  • [Name] is a quick learner who adapts well to new situations.
  • [Name] is a responsible student who completes assignments on time.
  • [Name] stays on task when working independently.
  • [Name] is always wonderfully efficient with their time.
  • [Name] is a terrific reader with excellent comprehension skills.
  • [Name] is an excellent student who is a pleasure to teach.
  • [Name] is hardworking and should be proud of their accomplishments.
  • [Name] can achieve a higher grade in [subject] but must practice more to advance.
  • [Name] is courteous to classmates and school staff.
  • [Name] is driven by a desire to please others.
  • [Name] is eager to learn and asks the right questions when necessary.
  • [Name] is always focused when in class.
  • [Name] is gaining momentum in [subject] but could use some help from practicisng more.
  • [Name] is intelligent, but their quality of work is below expectations.
  • [Name] is a natural leader and works well with peers.
  • [Name] is very chatty in class, which is distracting to others.
  • [Name] is well-liked and respectful of their classmates.
  • [Name] is well-organized and can quickly locate the materials she requires.
  • It’s terrific to see [Name] consistently put forth their best effort in [subject].
  • I’ve enjoyed getting to know [Name] this year.
  • I’ve enjoyed seeing [Name]’s art projects and creativity.
  • I’ve had a fantastic year getting to know [Name] and wish them all the best.
  • I’ve loved having [Name] in our class this year, and I’ll miss them terribly.
  • [Name] likes poetry, reading, music, science, and art and is very good at it.
  • [Name] likes tests and would benefit from additional mocks tests.
  • [Name] makes good use of class time.
  • [Name] meticulously completes their work.
  • [Name] participates actively in both small group and whole-class discussions.
  • [Name] pays close attention to detail in assignments.
  • [Name] pays close attention to instructions.
  • Reading skills are a problem for [Name] at times and [he/she] would benefit from finishing extra questions from chapter 3.
  • [Name] reads out loud with a good sense of expression.
  • [Name] is an inspiration to everyone in the classroom.
  • [Name] does an outstanding overall.
  • [Name] made significant progress in [subject].
  • [Name] worked extremely hard this year, and it shows.
  • [Name] would benefit from improving their basic math skills, particularly in [Name].
  • [Name] needs extra time for memorization.
  • [Name] works well independently and completes enrichment activities alone.
  • [Name] struggles to work quietly and would do well to learn boundaries.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Attitude

Below are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s attitude:

  • [Name] ‘s an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school.
  • [Name] exhibits a positive outlook in the classroom.
  • [Name] appears refreshed and ready for each day’s activities.
  • [Name] shows genuine enthusiasm for our daily classroom activities.
  • [Name] shows impressive initiative and always seeks out new ways to get involved.
  • [Name] uses strong instincts to deal with matters independently.
  • [Name] strives to reach their full potential.
  • [Name] is committed to doing their best.
  • [Name] seeks new challenges.
  • [Name] takes responsibility for their learning.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Behavior

Here are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s behavior:

  • [Name] maturely conducts themselves.
  • [Name] cooperates with other students in a consistent manner.
  • [Name] follows the rules of the classroom.
  • [Name] is courteous and has good manners.
  • [Name] is helpful and kind to everyone in the classroom.
  • [Name] maintains a sharp focus on the task at hand.
  • [Name] sets a high standard for behavior and cooperation.
  • [Name] easily avoids tempting distractions.
  • [Name] responds appropriately to instruction.
  • [Name] easily transitions between classroom activities.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Character

These are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s character:

  • [Name] showcases good relationship skills.
  • You can count on [Name] to follow instructions.
  • [Name] demonstrates responsibility by caring for school supplies.
  • [Name] demonstrates a high level of respect for teachers and peers.
  • [Name] is dependable and is ready to assist when needed.
  • [Name] faithfully completes classroom assignments.
  • [Name] has incredible self-discipline and always gets work completed promptly.
  • [Name] is a caring young person who shows concern for their peers.
  • [Name] is a model citizen in our classroom.
  • [Name] is sensitive to the feelings of others.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Communication Skills

Here are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s communication skills:

  • [Name] has a well-developed vocabulary.
  • [Name] carefully and impressively selects their words.
  • [Name] expresses thoughts clearly.
  • [Name] has a bright imagination and is an excellent writer.
  • [Name] discovered their voice through poetry.
  • [Name] uses vivid language in writing.
  • [Name] writes clearly and purposefully.
  • [Name] completes writing assignments with purpose.
  • [Name] can make a convincing and logical argument.
  • [Name] listens to others’ comments and ideas.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Group Work

These are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s group work:

  • [Name] provides constructive feedback to peers.
  • [Name] accepts peer recommendations and acts on them when necessary.
  • [Name] is receptive to other people’s ideas and opinions in the group.
  • [Name] takes on various and active roles in the workgroup environment.
  • [Name] enjoys taking on leadership roles in groups.
  • [Name] demonstrates fairness in the delegation of group tasks.
  • [Name] carefully plans and executes group activities.
  • [Name] collaborates with peers democratically.
  • [Name] encourages the group’s other members to perform better.
  • [Name] keeps the workgroup on track and focused.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Interest And Talent

Below are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s interest and talent:

  • [Name] discusses ideas that they’ve read regularly.
  • [Name] enjoys showing off their musical abilities to the rest of the class.
  • [Name] reads every day for pleasure.
  • [Name] has a firm grasp of their interests.
  • [Name] has a neat hobby that they shared with the rest of the class.
  • [Name] has a wide range of interests.
  • [Name] independently seeks out additional information on classroom topics.
  • [Name] is a fantastic performer.
  • [Name] is a gifted musician.
  • [Name] possesses a witty sense of humor.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Social Skills

Below are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s social skills:

  • [Name] makes friends quickly.
  • [Name] is well-liked by their peers.
  • [Name] deals with peer disagreements in a mature manner.
  • [Name] treats other students with respect and fairness.
  • [Name] is a well-liked student in the class.
  • [Name] has empathy for peers and others.
  • [Name] appears to be at ease when confronting challenges.
  • [Name] enjoys conversing with friends.
  • [Name] spends their free time with friends.
  • [Name] makes their friends laugh and smile.

10 Positive Report Card Comments: Work Habits

Below are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s work habits:

  • [Name]’s attention to detail helps to avoid careless mistakes.
  • [Name] always double-checks work before submitting it.
  • [Name] completes homework assignments regularly.
  • [Name] creates awe-inspiring home projects.
  • [Name] demonstrates self-discipline.
  • [Name] exceeds expectations in terms of work quality.
  • [Name] is a responsible and hardworking student.
  • [Name] is a student that possesses self-motivation skills.
  • [Name] is self-sufficient and independent.
  • [Name] makes good use of unscheduled class time.

Report Card Generator

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Wrapping Up

Writing report card comments is critical to improving student learning, but it can be time-consuming and draining. If you have a class of 20+ students and you want to leave 2-3 comments on each report card, it will take quite a long time to write the 40-60 comments.

Use Text Blaze to make the process more efficient by allowing you to use keyboard shortcuts and quickly insert all relevant comments per student.

Teaching can be tough, and the last thing you need to worry about as a teacher is trivial writing tasks. There are just a lot of other important things on your plate. We understand that, and that’s why we created Text Blaze : a tool that can help you get back to what matters!

Text Blaze is free forever ! Give Text Blaze a try for free today !

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120 ESL Report Card Comments in 2024

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100 Report Card Comments You Can Use Now

100 Report Card Comments

When teachers talk about the joys of teaching, I’m pretty sure they aren’t talking about report card writing. It may just rank right up there with indoor recess, yard duty, and staff meetings. But report cards don’t have to be such a pain.

Here are a few report card general principles, followed by my handy dandy list of editable go-to phrases…

Three Report Card Comment Principles

1. Be Truthful but Kind

A report card’s main purpose is to inform parents about their child’s progress. While there should be no major surprises ( BIG/major issues should have already been discussed with the child’s parents/guardians ), regardless of how well the child is doing or how poorly, the report card should be an honest reflection of that child’s performance.

Having said that, of course, we want to word things in a way that is as positive as we can be and in a way that is encouraging, offering suggestions for improvement, rather than discouragement.

2. Follow the Magical Report Card Comment Format

If the child is doing well overall… you are golden!!! An easy report card is one that I LOVE to do. Unfortunately, not all students are Einsteins or angels, and we have to mention some areas that need improvement. That’s when we use the magical format, which is…

A. Start with a compliment… you might have to dig deep here and get creative, while still being genuine. Remember, every student has attributes we can praise, even the most challenging ones. You might mention the child’s attitude, personality, social skills, sense of humor, willingness or desire to help, special skill in art/music, etc.

B. Next, add a line or two about what is challenging the child , and how he/she struggles in a certain area. Don’t include a laundry list of 20 things to work on. Prioritize the list and highlight the MOST important issues. Also, do make sure to offer a solution or suggestion that is practical and helpful .

C. End on a positive note. Again, a compliment is a nice touch any time of the year, and for the end of the year report card, a best wishes for ____ grade or have a wonderful summer, or I’m so glad to have been ____’s teacher this year, and so on works well.

3. Proofread and Check, then Proofread Again

Report card time is crunch time, and when we’re trying to speed through things and get them done, those nasty little typos pop up where we least expect them.

Do make sure to double-check everything before you hit enter/print to send them home. All communication with parents is seen as a reflection of ourselves as teachers and should be as perfect as we can make it.

Now that the principles are out of the way, here is my list of 100+ report card comments (updated to include 150 comments!).

I’ve included a wide variety of comments for the wide variety of ability levels and behavioral challenges of the students that we teach in our classrooms..

Want your own set of 150 comments in three formats – Printable PDF, editable PowerPoint, and Editable Digital? Click here to take a peek!


  • _____has worked very hard this semester/year, and I am proud of all of his/her accomplishments.
  • ______ is making/has made good/excellent/wonderful/outstanding progress in _____ grade.
  • _____ has done a(n)/fantastic/exemplary/wonderful/excellent job this year/semester in _____ grade and has worked so very hard.
  • I appreciate _____’s quality work/motivation to do well/attitude, and I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  •  ______ arrives at school each day with a positive/cheerful/happy attitude, ready to learn.
  • _____ is an excellent _____ grader, and he/she has made our classroom a better place.
  • _____ is doing/has done an(a) excellent/ outstanding/wonderful/ great/ fantastic job overall this semester/year.
  • _______has made good/excellent/extraordinary/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • _____ is bright, motivated, and hard-working and can be proud of his/her accomplishments this semester/year.
  • _____ is intrinsically motivated and strives to please/produce top-quality/excellent work. I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____ seems to enjoy school, and his/her positive attitude brightens up our classroom.
  • _____is a bright and inquisitive student who enjoys learning. He/she is a pleasure to have in class.
  • _____ has learned a great deal this semester/year and has shown particular progress/improvement in _____.
  • _______ is a(an) hard-working/attentive/determined student and is working/doing well in all subject areas.
  • _____ is a very polite/hard-working/bright student and a pleasure to be around. I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____is a(n) awesome/wonderful/amazing/fabulous ____ grader, and I have enjoyed getting to know him/her this year.
  • I am so proud of _____ and wish him/her well for _____ grade and beyond.
  • I have truly enjoyed being _____’s teacher and will miss him/her next year.
  • I have enjoyed teaching ______ this year. He/she loves to learn and has shown growth throughout the year. Wishing him/her continued success.
  • _____ has been a wonderful_____ grader, and I’m so glad to have him in class. His/her great attitude/strong work ethic/hard work/determination are to be admired. He/she has a bright future ahead.
  • _____ is a hard-working/bright/likable/motivated student. I have thoroughly enjoyed having him/her in class this year. Have a wonderful summer!


  • _______has made good/excellent/wonderful/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • _______ is a(an) hard-working/attentive/determined student and is working well in all subject areas.
  • _____ shows strong knowledge/strengths in the area of _____.
  • _____ has exceeded expectations in ______.
  • _____ demonstrates superior work in ______. I appreciate his/her dedication and effort.
  • _____ consistently puts forth his/her best effort in _____, which is wonderful/lovely/great to see.
  • _____ shows special/unique/particular strengths in the area of social studies/science/reading/writing/math… and has done very well this trimester/year.
  • _____ seems to enjoy reading/writing/math/science/social .. and has done an excellent/amazing job this year.
  • _____ has a good understanding/sense of theme/the main idea/ characters/ plot/ inferences, which strengthens his/her reading ability.
  • _____ reads smoothly and with good expression.
  • _____ is able to use data from graphs and charts/use a compass successfully/convert measurements correctly.
  • _____ uses reading strategies such as _____ effectively, which increases his/her reading comprehension.
  • _____ has a large/extensive/rich vocabulary, which adds to his/her ability to write effectively.
  • _____ enjoys poetry/reading/music/science/art… and excels in it.
  •  _____ is a very talented artist/writer, and I truly enjoy the detail/attention/ passion he/she puts into his/her artwork/writing.
  • _____ excels in creative/narrative/opinion/expository/report writing…
  • _____ produces stories/essays/paragraphs/research reports that are well-organized/ developed.
  • _____ has strong reading comprehension/math computation skills.
  • _____ is a creative student, and I have enjoyed seeing the wonderful writing/art projects/drawings he/she has created/written.
  • _____ uses higher-level thinking skills to complete challenging assignments.
  • _____ demonstrates a good understanding of math/reading/social studies/science… concepts.
  • _____ shows strong problem-solving skills in math/decoding skills in reading/grammar skills in writing/map skills in social studies…
  • _____ goes beyond grade-level expectations in _____. He/she often/ consistently sets and meets/exceeds academic goals.
  • _____ demonstrates a deep understanding of _____ concepts.
  • _____ has an impressive understanding and knowledge of _____.


  • ______has strengthened his/her skills in _____.
  • ______has made good/excellent/wonderful/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • ______ has made good/great/tremendous/significant improvement in _____.
  • _____ has worked hard to raise his/her grade in _____, and I appreciate his/her effort.
  • _____ has learned a great deal this semester/year and has shown particular improvement in _____.
  • _____ has shown steady progress/strong gains/excellent progress in the area of _____. I’m pleased with his/her effort.
  • _____ is making good progress in ______ this semester. Please encourage him/her to continue to ______.
  • _____ has shown improvement in _____, which is great to see. Please encourage him/her to continue to _____ each day/in the coming weeks to keep the momentum going.
  • _____ is making good progress in ______ but would benefit from ______ to continue showing growth.
  • I have been pleased to see that _____ is continuing to grow/consistently progressing/improving steadily in independence in/with ______.
  • _____’s quality of work has shown good/great/exceptional growth this semester.


  • _____is intelligent but works below his/her capacity/potential due to a lack of motivation/attention to quality work.
  • Unfortunately, _____’s grades have suffered from missing assignments.
  • _____is gaining confidence in _____ but would benefit from _____.
  • Please encourage _____ to _____each day to help him/her improve in _____.
  • _____ seems to find _____ challenging and would benefit from reading nightly/practicing math facts/working online…
  • _____ is capable of achieving a higher grade in _____ but needs to______ in order to make progress.
  • _____ seems to have difficulty at times with reading comprehension/ math computation/writing paragraphs… and would benefit from _____.
  • _____ needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.
  • _____ needs to memorize his/her basic math facts in order to complete complex math problems more easily/efficiently/quickly.
  • _____ would benefit from _____ to fully memorize basic math facts.
  • Memorizing basic addition/multiplication math facts would be very helpful to _____.
  • Science/social studies tests have been very difficult for _____, and he/she would benefit from increasing the time spent studying the material.
  • This trimester, I would like to see _____ to work on _____.
  • This trimester, it would be helpful for _____ to focus on _____ in order to _____.
  • _____ needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain _____.
  • I would like to see _____ pay closer attention to _____ in order to _____.
  • When ______ is motivated, he/she does well on class assignments.
  • _____ is excelling in many skills but needs to concentrate on ______.
  • I would like to see ____ focus on _____ each day/in the coming months.
  • _____ shows interest/has enthusiasm/seems motivated for everything we do in class. However, he/she is having some difficulty with ______. It would be helpful if he/she would ______ each night.
  • Even with extra help, _____ experiences difficulty with _____. It would benefit ______ to ______.
  • _____ rarely asks for help when he/she is confused/doesn’t understand something. We will continue to encourage _____ to ask for assistance whenever it is needed.
  • _____ exhibits minimal confidence in his/her ______ skills. It would be helpful to _____.
  • _____ is struggling to meet/maintain grade-level expectations in _____. Let’s work together to help _____ be successful in this area.


  • _____ completes his/her work carefully and completely/thoroughly.
  • I appreciate _____’s neat work, which is carefully done.
  •  _____ is very organized and finds needed materials easily.
  • ______ pays attention to detail in his/her assignments, and I appreciate the high quality of his/her work.
  • _____ turns in work that is beautifully/carefully/thoroughly done.
  • _____ has a strong work ethic and never completes any assignment halfway.
  • _____ is very responsible and turns in assignments/homework on time.
  • ____ takes tremendous pride in his/her work and completes assignments carefully.
  • _____ is focused on creating quality work and completes assignments carefully/thoroughly.
  • _____’s attention to detail can be seen in the quality of his/her work. I appreciate the care he/she takes in each assignment.
  • _____ takes pride in his/her work and consistently turns in neat and carefully completed work.
  • _____’s motivation/attitude is reflected in the work he/she turns in/creates. I am pleased to see his/her well-thought-out/thoroughly completed assignments.
  • I appreciate ______’s dedication to his/her learning/studies in class.


  • _____ needs to complete his/her work carefully and completely/ thoroughly.
  • _____ would benefit by taking responsibility to turn in assignments and/or homework on time.
  • I am concerned about _____’s organizational skills and his/her responsibility related to turning in assignments on time.
  • ______ struggles with organizational skills in the classroom and needs to keep his/her desk/workspace neater to make his/her day run more smoothly.
  • _____ struggles to find needed papers/materials and would benefit from using a folder/a binder/keeping a neater desk…
  • _____ tends to work too quickly, often resulting in careless mistakes.
  • I would like to see _____ focus on _____ in the coming months.
  • This trimester, I would like _____ to work on _____.
  • I would like to see _____ pay closer attention to ____ in order to _____.


  • _____ follows classroom rules consistently and is a good role model.
  • _____ has a positive attitude and is a joy to teach.
  •  _____ is on task regardless of the activity.
  •  _____ seems to enjoy school, and his/her positive attitude brightens up our classroom.
  •  _____ listens attentively to directions, and I appreciate his/her ability to understand the assignment and to start work right away.
  •  _____ has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand.
  •  _____ is a(an) wonderful/excellent helper and a classroom leader.
  •  _____ is polite to classmates and to all adults on staff at school.
  • _____ arrives at school each day with a positive/happy attitude, ready to learn.
  • _____ works independently and is able to complete enrichment activities when he/she is finished with required assignments.
  • _____ is able to focus and stays on task during independent working times.
  •  _____ uses class time constructively/efficiently/wisely.
  •  _____ works respectfully during independent work times.
  • ____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is a dependable/responsible/conscientious student.
  • _____ has made great strides this year in terms of _____ in the classroom/on the playground.
  • _____ has a strong work ethic and takes responsibilities seriously.
  • _____is a very respectful/kind/caring/considerate classmate/student, and I appreciate having him/her in class.
  • _____ shows determination/perseverance when faced with a challenging task.
  • _____ enjoys participating in class lessons, and his/her background knowledge adds a great deal to our discussions.
  • _____ is able to share appropriate and relevant information, which adds to classroom discussions.
  • _____ is an active participant in small groups as well as whole-class discussions/activities/projects.
  • _____ listens well and takes an active role in class lessons/class discussions/class activities/group work.
  • _____’s persistence/determination/hard work in _____ is exemplary.


  • _____ is intelligent but works below his/her capacity/potential due to off-task behaviors/a lack of motivation/attention to quality work.
  • _______ has done well in many areas, but I am concerned that his/her lack of listening/focus/motivation and following directions/working independently/working quietly has contributed to his lower grade in _____.
  • _____ struggles with following classroom rules and needs to focus on working quietly/staying in his/her seat…
  •  _____ is very talkative during quiet working periods and distracts others around him/her.
  •  Working quietly is very difficult for _____, and I would like him/her to focus on his/her work so that he/she, as well as others around him/her, are able to attend to the task at hand/learn more effectively/concentrate…
  •  _____ needs to listen and follow directions carefully during class time.
  •  I would like to see _____ put more effort into showing respect/kindness/ thoughtfulness to his classmates to strengthen social skills.
  •  _____ needs to work on taking turns speaking/working more cooperatively with classmates.
  • _____ needs to focus on raising his/her hand to speak/listening to others/waiting for others to finish before speaking/listening skills.
  • ______’s listening skills need improvement.
  •  This trimester, I would like _____ to focus on _____ in order to _____.
  • Academically, _____ is doing well overall. I would like him/her to focus on showing more kindness/respect/cooperation to his/her classmates.
  •  _____ needs frequent reminders to stay on task throughout the school day.
  • _____ needs to follow school rules at lunchtime and on the playground.
  •  _____ gets along well with classmates, but needs to work on staying on task and not socializing.
  • _____ is an intelligent student with great potential. However, he/she needs to work on staying focused in class and following directions.
  • _____ is very social and is well-liked. His/her conversations during independent work times, though, have made it difficult for _____, as well as those around him/her, to finish work successfully/to create quality work/to concentrate on the task at hand/to learn/ to complete assignments.
  • _____ has a social personality, but his/her chatting in class can be disruptive. He/she needs to work on staying focused during class so he/she and others around him/her can complete class assignments/stay on task.
  • _____ is often eager to participate in class discussions but needs to remember to raise his/her hand/wait to be called on…
  • _____ has made progress with ______ but is still struggling. Let’s continue to encourage ______ to ______.


  • _____ succeeds at whatever task he/she puts his/her mind to.
  • _____ sets high standards for himself/herself and reaches them.
  • _____ is intrinsically motivated and strives to please/produce top-quality/excellent work.
  • _____ enjoys being challenged and would benefit from _____.
  • I appreciate _____’s quality work/motivation to do well/positive attitude, and I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____ is truly/genuinely eager to learn and asks questions appropriately when needed.
  • _____ shows interest and enthusiasm for classroom activities and seems to enjoy learning.
  • _____ shows determination/perseverance when faced with any task/a challenging task.
  •  _____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is self-motivated and consistently produces quality work.


  • _____ is respectful to his/her classmates and is very well-liked.
  •  _____ is helpful and kind and is a pleasure to be around.
  • _____ works well with other students.
  •  _____ not only works well with his/her classmates but is a natural leader.
  • _____ is very compassionate and always shows kindness to others.
  • _____ is polite to classmates and to all adults on staff at school.
  • _____ is respectful and considerate of others.
  •  _____ demonstrates positive character traits in the classroom.
  • _____ is positive/confident and is a great role model for his/her classmates.
  • _____ is an exceptionally thoughtful student who is consistently considerate/respectful/kind to others.
  • _____is a very respectful/kind/caring/considerate classmate, and I appreciate having him/her in class.
  • _____ is a likable student with strong social skills. He/she works well with others.
  • _____has a positive attitude/is a very polite student and is a joy to teach.
  • _____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is a problem solver and shows a great deal of persistence.
  • _____ displays good citizenship in our classroom.
  • _____ has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand.
  • _____ is a(an) wonderful/excellent helper and a classroom leader.
  • I am enjoying/have enjoyed _____’s sense of humor in our classroom.
  • _____ has a wonderful personality, and his/her sense of humor makes me smile.
  • _____ is a flexible learner and adapts easily to new challenges.
  • _____ works respectfully during independent work times.
  • _____ makes a sincere effort and works hard in class.
  • _____ is a kind and caring student who is a good friend to others.
  • _____ does his/her best in school each day. I appreciate his/her positive attitude/motivation/determination.
  • _____ is an enthusiastic member of the class and comes to school each day ready to learn. I appreciate his/her positive outlook/hard-working attitude/approach to learning.


  •  _______ is an intelligent student with great potential. He/she needs to work on staying focused in class and following directions.
  •  ______ needs frequent reminders to stay on task/focus throughout the school day.
  •  _____ is excelling in many skills but needs to concentrate on ______.
  • I would like to see ____ focus on/work to improve _____ in the coming months.
  • ___ needs to focus on/practice raising his/her hand to speak/listening to others/waiting for others to finish before speaking/listening skills.
  • I would like to see _____ put more effort into showing respect/kindness/ thoughtfulness to his classmates to strengthen/improve social skills.
  • _____ needs to work on taking turns speaking/working cooperatively with classmates.
  • _____ has a wonderful personality but needs to work more respectfully during independent/quiet work times…
  • _____ needs to work on showing more respect/kindness/ compassion/ cooperation to his/her classmates.
  • _____ needs to practice showing cooperation when working with other students/in small groups/during centers/during specials…

If you’d like your own set of report card comments in three formats (printable PDF, editable PowerPoint, and editable Digital in Google Slides) from The Teacher Next Door, please click here: 👉 100+ Report Card Comments You Can Use Now

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  1. Report card comments part 2

    missing assignments report card comments

  2. Report Card Comments.pdf Preschool Report Card Comments, Report

    missing assignments report card comments

  3. 9 Report card comments ideas

    missing assignments report card comments

  4. Report Card Comments

    missing assignments report card comments

  5. 40+ Quick Preschool Report Card Comments That Save Time

    missing assignments report card comments

  6. Report card comments

    missing assignments report card comments


  1. 168 Sample Report Card Comments (Plus a Printable Version)

    Sample report card comments for students with proficient skills. Let the parent know all the positives about their child and perhaps encourage students to dig just a little bit deeper. Your student comes to school each day prepared to work hard. I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

  2. 180 Report Card Comments for All Grades in 2024 - blaze.today

    Here are 10 positive report card comments based on a student’s behavior: [Name] maturely conducts themselves. [Name] cooperates with other students in a consistent manner. [Name] follows the rules of the classroom. [Name] is courteous and has good manners. [Name] is helpful and kind to everyone in the classroom.

  3. 194 Helpful Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers

    The words we use in our report card comments can greatly impact how students perceive their performance. To help ensure your feedback is both engaging and inspiring, consider the alternative words and synonyms below that offer praise and extend beyond the commonly used terms “good” and “excellent.”. Remarkable.

  4. 223 Copy and Paste Final Report Card Comments - Helpful Professor

    I do hope this comment bank for report card comments has come in handy for you. Remember to also maintain a positive but honest and constructive voice when writing. If there is serious concern that might be difficult to express in writing, you should arrange for a parent-teacher conference to have a discussion and see how things progress.

  5. Report Card Comments — Academic Achievement & Improvement

    Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: January 30, 2024. 205 ready-to-use comments and phrases on academic achievement, improvement, and student progress to use while completing report cards. This free bank of editable and customizable comments and phrases includes positive feedback and suggestions for areas that need improvement.

  6. 101 Powerful Report Card Comments for Struggling Students

    105 Literacy Report Card Comments You’ll Find Helpful. Writing. _____ often speeds to complete writing assignments without proper revising and editing. _____ demonstrates difficulty revising writing pieces even using a checklist. Frequently, _____ handwriting is illegible. Needs to slow down when writing.

  7. 100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for ...

    5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards. 1. Employ the sandwich feedback technique: Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you “see” their child and are approaching his or her learning with a “growth mindset” and not ...

  8. Missing Assignment and Homework Not Done

    MISSING ASSIGNMENT. Below is a list of the rest of the practical, timesaving books that are available at www.TimesaversForTeachers.com. Some of them are not only printable, but also “interactive”. This means that you can literally TYPE information directly onto the pages and then SAVE as a new file.

  9. 100 Report Card Comments You Can Use Now - The Teacher Next Door

    But report cards don’t have to be such a pain. Here are a few report card general principles, followed by my handy dandy list of editable go-to phrases…. Three Report Card Comment Principles. 1. Be Truthful but Kind. A report card’s main purpose is to inform parents about their child’s progress.

  10. Editable Report Card Comments for Elementary School Teachers ...

    These comments cover a range of topics, from academic progress to social skills and behavior. Check out the editable report card comments I use HERE. 1. Be Specific & Clear. When writing report card comments, it’s crucial to be specific and clear. Avoid using vague language that doesn’t provide any real insight into the student’s progress.