Module 1: Introduction to Social Psychology

Module Overview                              

In our first module we will examine the field of social psychology and how it relates to personality psychology and differs from sociology by clarifying the level of analysis and differences in methods used. We will then embark upon a historical journey to see where the field has come from and where it is going. Finally, we will examine professional societies and journals as they relate to social psychology and share links to blogs and newsfeeds on current research in this subfield.

Module Outline

1.1. What is Social Psychology?

1.2. social psychology…then, 1.3. social psychology…now, 1.4. connecting with other social psychologists.

Module Learning Outcomes

  • Clarify similarities and differences between social psychology, personality psychology, and sociology.
  • Outline the history of social psychology.
  • Describe the status of the subfield today….and in the future.
  • Identify ways in which social psychologists can connect with one another.

Section Learning Objectives

  • Define psychology and deconstruct the definition.
  • Define social.
  • Contrast social psychology and sociology.
  • Clarify how social and personality psychology intersect.
  • Describe general methods used by social psychologists.
  • Distinguish between basic and applied science.
  • Compare and contrast how social psychology, sociology, and personality psychology tackle the same general issue by evaluating empirical articles from a journal in each field.

1.1.1. Defining Terms

Our discussion of social psychology will start by defining a few key terms, or what social and psychology mean separately. We will tackle the latter, then the former, and then put it all together. First up, the latter. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.  Yes, that is correct. Psychology is scientific . Psychology utilizes the same scientific process and methods used by disciplines such as biology and chemistry. We will discuss this in more detail in Module 2 so please just keep this in the back of your mind for now. Second, it is the study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology desires to not only understand why people engage in the behavior that they do, but also how. What is going on in the brain to control the movement of our arms and legs when running downfield to catch the game winning touchdown, what affects the words we choose to say when madly in love, how do we interpret an event as benign or a threat when a loud sound is heard, and what makes an individual view another group in less than favorable terms? These are just a few of the questions that we ask as psychologists.

Now to the former – social. According to Oxford Dictionaries online, social is defined as relating to society or its organization. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others” ( ). Another form of the word implies a desire to be around people such as being a social butterfly. Really, both forms of the word are useful for the discussion to come in this textbook.

We now address their combination. Social psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes as they relate to how people interact with, or relate to, others. Our starting point is on the person, and not society. The latter is the focus of the field called sociology , or the study of society or groups, both large and small. According to the American Sociological Association ( ), sociology is a social science which involves studying the social lives of people, groups, and societies; studying our behavior as social beings; scientifically investigating social aggregations; and is “an overarching unification of all studies of humankind, including history, psychology, and economics.”

In contrast, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Division 8 of the American Psychological Association; ; SPSP) defines social psychology as the “scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.” The study of social psychology occurs in a social context meaning the individual as they relate to others and is affected by others.

Personality and social psychology go hand-in-hand and so we should define personality psychology too. Simply, personality psychology is the scientific study of individual differences in people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and how these come together as a whole.  A social psychologist may investigate whether an individual helped another person due to a situational or personal factor, while a personality psychologist would examine whether a certain personality type is more likely to make situational or dispositional attributions or look for traits that govern helping behavior.

1.1.2. How Social Psychologists Do Their Work?

The answer to the question guiding this section is really quite simple – observation . Psychology, as most fields in science, operates by observing the world around the observer. We take note of the actions of others in relation to tragic events such as a natural disaster or school shooting, how lovers behave in public and query them about their actions behind close doors, and a person’s reaction to the opening of a new restaurant or receiving poor service (and subsequent tipping behavior).  Observation alone is not enough.

Once we take note of these different types of behaviors, we have to find a way to measure it and eventually record the behavior. If we want to study public displays of affection (PDAs) we have to clearly state what these displays are or how they will appear so we know for sure that they have occurred. This might be a gentle touch, an embrace, a passionate kiss or maybe just a quick one. Once we know what it is we are observing, we can record its occurrence in a notebook, through the use of a video recorder, in conjunction with another observer, or with a golf stroke counter.

Finally, scientists seek to manipulate the conditions in which people experience the world to see what the effect is on their social behavior. This is the hallmark of experimentation as you will come to see in Module 2.

So how do social psychologists do what they do? They observe the world, measure and record behavior, and then manipulate the conditions under which such behavior may occur so that they can make causal statements about social behavior.

1.1.3. Two Forms Their Work Might Take

Science has two forms – basic/pure and applied. Basic science is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge for the sake of the knowledge and nothing else while applied science desires to find solutions to real-world problems. You might think of it like this – the researcher decides on a question to investigate in pure science, but an outside source identifies the research question/problem in applied science. Of course, this is not always the case. A social psychologist doing basic research may focus on questions related to people’s thoughts, behaviors, and feelings such as why do people treat outgroup members differently than ingroup members, why do first impressions matter so much, why do we help people in some situations but not others, and why are we attracted to some people but not others? Applied social scientists would in turn use this research to develop K-12 programs to promote the toleration of those who are different than us, help people interviewing for a job to make a good first impression, develop stealthy interventions that encourage altruistic behavior, or encourage people to interact favorably with all regardless of our attraction to them.

As the Society for Personality and Social Psychology states on their website, “Of course, the distinction between basic and applied research is often a fuzzy one. One can certainly perform basic research in applied domains, and the findings from each type of research enrich the other. Indeed, it would be fair to say that most personality and social psychologists have both basic and applied interests” ( ).

1.1.4. Comparing the Approach to Research Across Three Disciplines Exploring a social issue. One way to really understand the differences between the seemingly inter-related disciplines of social psychology, personality psychology, and sociology is to explore how each deal with a specific social issue. For the purposes of our discussion, we will tackle the obesity epidemic. Sociology . Our focus will be on the article “Obesity is in the eye of the beholder: BMI and socioeconomic outcomes across cohorts” written by Vida Maralani and Douglas McKee of Cornell University in 2017 and published in the journal Sociological Science . The study begs the question of whether the threshold for being “too fat” is a static or fluid concept as it pertains to socioeconomic outcomes. The researchers used two nationally representative birth cohorts of Americans from the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. The sample from 1979 included 5,890 respondents aged 14 to 22 and the 1997 sample included 6,082 participants aged 12 to 17. The relationship between body mass and the socioeconomic outcomes of wages, the probability of being married, and total family income were studied across the domains of work and marriage. In the two cohorts the authors analyzed the outcomes separately for each of four social groups (white men, black men, white women, and black women).

The results showed that the patterns for those who are considered “too fat” or “too thin” differ systematically by gender, race, and social outcome, and “…the association between BMI and social outcomes is often not constant within the ranges of the standard cutoffs…” (pg. 310). For white men, outcomes were worse at higher BMIs while at low and lower-middle BMIs outcomes improved. For white women, meaningful patterns emerged for being quite thin rather than excessively or moderately fat. As the authors say, “The patterns for all women in the 1979 cohort and white women in the 1997 cohort remind us that norms of thinness dominate women’s lives at work and at home. But, we are also struck by the evidence that a body ideal operates for white men in multiple domains as well” (pg. 313).

For all groups the researchers found that the association between BMI and being married weakens across the two cohorts. It may be that as BMI has increased for all groups, we have become accepting of marrying partners who are larger. One stereotype of black men is that they are more accepting of larger women than are white men. The results did not support this notion and in fact, the data suggested that a body ideal of thinness existed for both white and black women in the 1979 cohort.

And finally, the authors end the article by saying, “The relationship between body size and socioeconomic outcomes depends on who is being judged, who is doing the judging, and in which social domain. Rather than using the medical conceptualization of obesity, it is important to recognize that “too fat” is a subjective, contingent, and fluid judgment in the social world” (pg. 314).

Source: Maralani, V., & McKee, D. (2017). Obesity is in the eye of the beholder: BMI and socioeconomic outcomes across cohorts. Sociological Science , 4 , 288-317. Social psychology . Our focus for social psychology will be on the article entitled, “Disgust predicts prejudice and discrimination toward individuals with obesity” written by Lenny Vartanian and Tara Trewarth of UNSW Australia and Eric Vanman of The University of Queensland and published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology in 2016. The authors start by pointing out that there has been a recent shift toward studying the emotions underlying prejudicial beliefs toward individuals with obesity, with a focus on the intergroup emotions of disgust, contempt, and anger. The authors cited research suggesting that the specific emotion elicited by a group was dependent on the threat posed by another group. Since obese individuals are not generally seen as threatening to others or as infringing on the freedom of others, they are less likely to elicit anger as an emotion and more likely to elicit disgust and maybe contempt.

The study by Vartanian et al. (2016) included 598 participants who were predominantly male and Caucasian, had a mean age of 35.88, and a BMI of 26.39. They were randomly assigned to view a photograph of either an obese female or a female with a healthy weight. Information was also given about the target and her daily activities such as being age 35, owning a pet, and enjoying shopping. Participants indicated to what extent they felt disgust, contempt, and anger toward the target individual on a visual analogue scale with possible scores ranging from 0 or Not at all to 100 or Extremely. Attitude was measured on a 7-point scale, the target individual was measured on a series of common obesity stereotypes such as being lazy or lacking self-discipline, social distance or how willing the participant would be to approach the target individual was measured on a 4-point scale, and participants completed an online version of the Seating Distance task as a measure of avoidance.

Results showed that disgust was expressed primarily toward the obese target, and participants held more negative attitudes, negative stereotypes, and saw this person as less competent than the healthy target. There was a greater desire for social distance from the obese target as well. The authors note that obese individuals often report being excluded or ignored, and previous bias-reduction efforts have largely failed. One explanation for these trends might be disgust. In terms of the failed interventions, modifying people’s cognitions are unlikely to change their emotional experiences. Hence a future challenge for researchers will be to find ways to change people’s emotional reactions to individuals with obesity.

Note that this article is a great example of the overlap many researchers have in terms of doing basic and applied research mentioned at the end of Section 1.1.3.

Source: Vartanian, L. R., Trewartha, T., & Vanman, E. J. (2016). Disgust predicts prejudice and discrimination toward individuals with obesity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 46 (6), 369-375. Personality psychology. And finally, we will examine the article, “Personality traits and body mass index: Modifiers and mechanisms” written by Angelina Sutin and Antonio Terracciano of Florida State University and published in Psychological Health in 2016. The authors start by noting there is growing evidence that personality traits contribute to body weight with Conscientiousness related to a healthier BMI and Neuroticism having a positive association with BMI (meaning as one becomes more neurotic one weights more – higher BMI). Of course, physical activity is linked to lower body weight and individuals high in Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Emotional Stability tend to be more active.

The researchers obtained a sample of 5,150 participants who were on average 44.61 years old and mostly non-Hispanic European American. They completed the Big Five Inventory as an assessment of personality; reported their height and weight as an indicator of BMI; completed a behavioral questionnaire about their eating and physical activity habits over the past 30 days; and reported whether they had ever been diagnosed with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, or high blood pressure.

Consistent with previous research, Neuroticism and Conscientiousness were most strongly related to BMI but more so for women than men, and in the expected direction. Additionally, those scoring higher on Activity, a facet of Extraversion, had a lower BMI. In terms of age, older participants who scored higher on Agreeableness had a lower BMI and though the protective effects of Conscientiousness were present for all, the association was slightly stronger for older participants. The authors explained, “Participants who were more emotionally stable, extraverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious reported eating healthier food, and less convenience food, engaging in more physical activity, and eating at regular intervals at the same time each day” (pg. 7). The study showed that as obesity goes, personality leads people to engage in specific behaviors that increases or decreases their risk of becoming obese and gaining weight.

Source: Sutin, A. R., & Terracciano, A. (2016). Personality traits and body mass index: modifiers and mechanisms. Psychology & health , 31 (3), 259-275.

For Further Consideration

Now that you have read about the three different articles, what differences do you notice in how social psychology, personality psychology, and sociology approach the same phenomena (i.e. obesity)? Are there methodological differences? How do they talk about the topic? Is the focus top down or bottom up? How do the different subfields (really psychology and sociology though you can distinguish between personality and social) frame their conclusions and the implications of what they discovered?

If possible, please read the articles. If you cannot obtain the article from your school library, your instructor may be able to.

  • Define philosophy.
  • Outline the four branches of philosophy.
  • Hypothesize possible links between psychology and philosophy based on the four branches.
  • Contrast the methods used by philosophy and psychology.
  • List and describe philosophical worldviews that have impacted the field of psychology and clarify how.
  • Clarify the importance of physiology for the development of psychology as a separate field.
  • Identify the founder of psychology and the importance of his work.
  • Clarify why identifying a clear founder for social psychology is difficult.
  • List and describe the work of noteworthy social psychologists throughout history.

1.2.1. Unexpected Origins Philosophy. Psychology arose out of philosophy, which is defined as the love and pursuit of knowledge. Philosophy divides itself into four main branches, each posing questions psychology addresses today as well. Metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, what reality is like, what exists in the world, and how it is ordered. Key questions center on the existence of a higher power, what truth is, what a person is, whether all events are governed by fate or we have a free will, and causality or whether one event causes another. Epistemology is the study of knowledge and seeks to understand how we know what we know. Ethics concerns matters related to what we ought to do or what is best to do and asks what is good, what makes actions or people good, and how should we treat others. Finally, logic focuses on the nature and structure of arguments and determining whether a piece of reasoning is good or bad.

So how do these four branches link to psychology? Well, our field tries to understand people and how their mind works. We wonder why they do what they did (as you will come to see we call this an attribution) and look for causal relationships. In terms of fate vs. free will, we ask if what we will be throughout life is determined in childhood, and during a time when we cannot make many choices for ourselves. Consider an adult who holds prejudicial views of another group. Did growing up in a house where such attitudes were taught and reinforced on a near daily basis make it for certain a person would express the same beliefs later in life? Issues such as this show how psychology links to philosophy. As well, we study the elements of cognition such as schemas and propositions, how we learn, and types of thinking which falls under epistemology. As you will see, schemas are important to social identity theory and the assignment of people into groups or categories. Psychologists also study the proper and improper use of punishment, moral development, and obedience all of which fall under the branch of philosophy called ethics as well as decision making and the use of heuristics which involves logic.

The main difference, and an important one, between philosophy and psychology is in terms of the methods that are used. Philosophy focuses on speculation, intuition, and generalization from personal observation while psychology relies on experimentation and measurement, both of which were mentioned in Section 1.1.2, and in Module 2 we will discuss its main research methods of observation, case study, correlation, survey, and the experiment.

Philosophy has several worldviews which have played a direct role in the development of our field and some of its key ideas. First, dualism is the idea that questions whether the mind and body are distinct from one another and Rene Descartes (1596-1650) tackled this issue. Before Descartes it was believed that the mind influenced the body but the body had little effect on the mind. Descartes, on the other hand, said that both mind and body affected one another. This brought about a change in what was studied and how it was studied. Attention shifted away from the soul to the scientific study of the mind and mental processes.

Next, mechanism was the underlying philosophy of the 17th century and remained influential until the mid-1900s. It proposed that the world is a great machine. All-natural processes were thought to be mechanically determined and so could be explained by the laws of physics and chemistry. Due to mechanism, observation and experimentation became key features of science, with measurement following closely behind. People were thought to be like machines and mechanical contraptions called automata were created to imitate human movement and action. These machines were incredibly precise and regular.

Determinism is another philosophical worldview that has been important to psychology. It is the idea that every act is determined or caused by past events and so it is possible to predict changes that will occur in the operation of the universe. Why might this be important for science? Simply, determinism leads us to causal statements and in research, we seek to make such statements. It tells us that if A occurs, B follows. Prediction is the key here. Also important is reductionism or breaking things down to their basic components which is the hallmark of science itself.

Though other philosophical ideas are important too, we will conclude by mentioning empiricism or the idea that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience. Several famous empiricists were influential on psychology to include Locke, Berkley, Hartley, and John Stuart Mill. Empiricism includes the idea of the tabula rasa or the blank slate upon which experience is written. Hence, there are no innate ideas that we are born with. Mill proposed the interesting idea of a creative synthesis in which there is a combining of mental elements such that the product yields some distinct quality not present in the individual elements themselves. He said it is like a mental chemistry. Physiology. It is important to note that psychology did not just rise out of philosophy, but also from physiology. The mid to late 1800s provided many remarkable findings about the functioning of the human brain. During this time we discovered what the cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum, and medulla did thanks to the work of Flourens, began using electrical stimulation and the extirpation method (determining function by destroying a specific structure in the brain and then observing changes in behavior), discovered white and gray matter courtesy of Franz Josef Gall, realized that the nervous system was a conductor of electrical impulses, and determined that nerve fibers were composed of neurons and synapses. Key figures included people like von Helmholtz who studied the speed of neural impulse and correctly determined it to be 90 feet per second, Weber who proposed the concepts of two-point thresholds and the just noticeable difference (jnd), and Fechner who founded the field of psychophysics and proposed the absolute and difference thresholds. These figures showed how topics central to the new science of psychology could be studied empirically, provided a method for investigating the relationship between mind and body, and gave psychology precise and elegant measurement techniques.

1.2.2. The Birth of a Field

The field of psychology did not formally organize itself until 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt founded his laboratory at Leipzig, Germany. Wundt studied sensation and perception and began experimental psychology as a science.  He employed the use of introspection , or the examination of one’s own mental state, which is used today after being almost discarded as a method by the behaviorists throughout the first half of the 20th century. This method gave him precise experimental control over the conditions under which introspection was used. He established rigorous training of his observers and focused on objective measures provided by the use of sophisticated laboratory equipment, in keeping with the traditions of physiology. Wundt’s brand of psychology would give rise to the school of thought called Structuralism in the United States under Titchener and eventually stirred a rebellion in the form of Behaviorism and Gestalt psychology, though a discussion of how this occurred is beyond the scope of this book.

1.2.3. The Birth of Social Psychology

So, who might be considered the founder of social psychology? A few different answers are possible, starting with Norman Triplett who late in the 19th century published the first empirical research article in social psychology. He was interested in whether the presence of others might affect a person’s performance on a task. To answer the question, he compared how fast children would reel when alone and when competing with another child. His study showed that the “ bodily presence of another contestant participating simultaneously in the race serves to liberate latent energy not ordinarily available.” To read Triplett’s 1898 article, please visit:

Another candidate for founder is Maximilien Ringelmann, a French agricultural engineer, who conducted some of the earliest experiments in social psychology dating back to the 1880s. He found that people become less productive as the size of their group increases. He called this the “Ringelmann effect.”

The findings of these two individuals are interesting, and contradictory. In the case of Triplett, the presence of others improves performance but Ringelmann showed that the presence of others hinders performance. So which is it? As you will come to see it is both. What Triplett described is today called social facilitation while Ringelmann’s work is called social loafing . We will discuss this further in Module 8.

The production of research articles usually does not merit receiving the distinction of being a founder. Sometimes, a better indicator is the production of a textbook bearing the name of that area and to that end, it is necessary to give credit to William McDougall who wrote his textbook, An Introduction to Social Psychology in 1908, Edward Ross who also wrote a book in 1908, and Floyd Allport who completed his book in 1924. Though Allport’s book was written 16 years after Ross and McDougall’s books, it is especially important since it emphasized how people respond to stimuli in the environment, such as groups, and called for the use of experimental procedures and the scientific method which contrasted with Ross and McDougall’s more philosophical approaches.

One final individual is worth mentioning. Kurt Lewin, a noted Gestalt psychologist, proposed the idea of field theory and the life space, and is considered the founder of modern social psychology. He did work in the area of group dynamics and emphasized social action research on topics such as integrated housing, equal employment opportunities, and the prevention of prejudice in childhood. He promoted sensitivity training for educators and business leaders.

1.2.4. Noteworthy Social Psychologists

To round out our discussion of the history of social psychology, we wish to note some of the key figures in the subfield and provide a brief historical context as to when they worked. With that in mind, we begin with Francis Sumner (1895-1954) who was the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in psychology, which he earned from Clark University in 1920. Sumner went on to establish the field of Black psychology.

Solomon Asch (1907-1996) is most well-known for his studies on conformity and the finding that a large number of people will conform to the group even if the group’s position on an issue is clearly wrong. He also published on the primacy effect and the halo effect. Gordon Allport (1897-1967) , younger brother to the aforementioned Floyd Allport, conducted research on prejudice, religion, and attitudes, and trained famous psychologists such as Milgram and Jerome Bruner. He also helped to form the field of personality psychology.

From 1939 to 1950, Mamie (1917-1983) and Kenneth (1914-2005) Clark conducted important research on the harmful effects of racial segregation and showed that Black children preferred not only to play with white dolls but also “colored the line drawing of the child a shade lighter than their own skin.” Their research was used by the Supreme Court in the Brown vs. Board of Education decision of 1954 that ended the racial segregation of public schools and overturned the 1892 decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson which legitimized “separate but equal” educations for White and Black students. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote:

Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of law; for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group. A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn. Segregation with the sanction of law, therefore, has the tendency to [retard] the educational and mental development of Negro children and to deprive them of some of the benefits they would receive in a racial[ly] integrated school system.

Kenneth Clark was also the first African American to be elected President of the American Psychological Association. For more on the landmark case, please visit:

Leon Festinger (1919-1989) is best known for his theory of cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory while Irving Janis (1918-1990) conducted research on attitude change, groupthink, and decision making. Stanley Schachter (1922-1997) proposed the two-factor theory of emotion which states that emotions are a product of physiological arousal and the cognitive interpretation of that arousal. Carolyn (1922-1982) and Muzafer (1906-1988) Sherif are known for the Robbers Cave experiment which divided boys at a summer camp into two groups who overcame fierce intergroup hostility by working towards superordinate goals.

During the Nuremberg trials after World War II, many German soldiers were asked why they would do many of the unspeakable crimes they were accused of. The simple response was that they were told to. This led Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) to see if they were correct. Through a series of experiments in the 1960s he found that participants would shock a learner to death, despite their protests, because they were told to continue by the experimenter. He also did work on the small-world phenomenon, lost letter experiment, and the cyranoid method.

To learn about other key figures in the history of social psychology, please visit:

  • Describe current trends in social neuroscience as they relate to social psychology.
  • Describe current trends in evolutionary psychology as they relate to social psychology.
  • Describe current trends in cross-cultural research as they relate to social psychology.
  • Describe current trends in technology as they relate to social psychology.

Social psychology’s growth continues into the 21st century and social neuroscience, evolutionary explanations, cross-cultural research, and the internet are trending now. How so?

1.3.1. Social Neuroscience

Emerging in the early 1990s, there is a new emphasis on cognitive processes which has led to the formation of the interdisciplinary field of social neuroscience or how the brain affects our social behavior and is affected by it (Lieberman, 2010). So how do social psychology and social neuroscience form their own separate identities? Cacioppo, Berntson, and Decety (2010) state that social neuroscience studies “neural, hormonal, cellular, and genetic mechanisms and, relatedly, to the study of the associations and influences between social and biological levels of organization” and where human beings fit into the broader biological context.” Though social psychology does study biological factors, its emphasis has traditionally been on situational factors and dispositional factors through its collaboration with personality psychologists. Both social neuroscience and social psychology focus on social behavior and so can be aligned and make meaningful contributions to constructs and theories presented in the other. The authors clear up any concern about overlap by saying, “The emphasis in each is sufficiently different that neither field is in danger of being reduced to or replaced by the other, but articulating the different levels of analysis can provide a better understanding of complex social phenomena.”

Specific contributions of social neuroscience include imaging the working human brain through such methods as “multi-modal structural, hemodynamic, and electrophysiological brain imaging acquisition and analysis techniques; more sophisticated specifications and analyses of focal brain lesions; focused experimental manipulations of brain activity using transcranial magnetic stimulation and pharmacological agents; and emerging visualization and quantitative techniques that integrate anatomical and functional connectivity.” These methods have paved the way for increased understanding of the greatest asset human beings have and move us away from having to make analogies from animals to humans courtesy of brain lesion studies and electrophysiological recording and the postmortem examinations of human brains.

Social neuroscience is an effort of biological, cognitive, and social scientists to collaborate in a more systematic way and all share “a common belief that the understanding of mind and behavior could be enhanced by an integrative analysis that encompasses levels of organization ranging from genes to cultures.”  From it, several subareas have emerged to include cultural neuroscience, social developmental neuroscience, comparative social neuroscience, social cognitive neuroscience, and social affective neuroscience.

Cacioppo, Berntson, and Decety (2010) conclude, “The field of social neuroscience, therefore, represents an interdisciplinary perspective that embraces animal as well as human research, patient as well as nonpatient research, computational as well as empirical analyses, and neural as well as behavioral studies.”

To read the whole article, please visit:

Citation: Cacioppo, J. T., Berntson, G. G., & Decety, J. (2010). Social neuroscience and its relationship to social psychology. Social Cognition , 28 (6), 675-685.

1.3.2. Evolutionary Explanations

Any behavior that exists today does so because it offers an evolutionary advantage to the species as a whole. Though not its own distinct branch of psychology, evolutionary psychology is impacting all subfields. So what is it? According to David Buss, Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, it is based on four premises:

  • Evolutionary processes have affected and shaped both body and brain, in terms of psychological mechanisms and the behaviors that are produced
  • Many of these mechanisms are adaptations to solve problems that contribute to the survival of the species
  • These adaptations are activated in modern environments that differ in important ways from ancestral environments
  • Psychological mechanisms having adaptive functions is a critical and necessary ingredient for psychology to be comprehensive

Buss goes on to describe specific ways evolutionary psychology has informed the various subfields. In relation to our discussion of social psychology he says it has “produced a wealth of discoveries, ranging from adaptations for altruism to the dark sides of social conflict.” Evolutionary psychology is also helping to discover adaptive individual differences through its interaction with personality psychology. In relation to our previous discussion of social neuroscience, Buss says, “Cognitive and social neuroscientists, for example, use modern technologies such as fMRI to test hypotheses about social exclusion adaptations, emotions such as sexual jealousy, and kin recognition mechanisms.”

For more on Buss’ comments, and those of other researchers in relation to evolutionary theory and psychology, please visit the APA science briefs:

1.3.3. Cross-Cultural Research

Quite possibly the most critical trend in social psychology today is the realization that it is completely cultural.  In 1972, the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology was founded and today has a membership of over 800 individuals in over 65 countries. The group’s primary aim is to study the intersection of culture and psychology. The group publishes the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (to learn more about them, visit: ). In 1977, Harry Trandis published the article, “Cross-cultural Social and Personality Psychology” and outlined the study of cultural influences on social behavior.

Singelis (2000) predicted a continued and increasing interest in cross-cultural social psychology due to a rise of a multi-cultural Zeitgeist in the United States courtesy of the civil rights movement, more sophisticated quantitative methods in cross-cultural research which have proven to be more acceptable to those trained in social psychology’s scientific tradition, and a greater acceptance of qualitative methods which is necessary to understanding cultural meanings. This will lead to a redefining of what the self means (the topic of Module 3) since it is shaped by cultural context and influences social behavior through a person’s values, evaluations, and perceptions. The self now includes the East Asian conception of it being interdependent.

Additionally, Singelis (2000) predicts new constructs will emerge that “combine seemingly opposite orientations in an integrative synthesis that is contrary to the typical Cartesian-like dichotomy” and a “shift away from individually oriented constructs toward those that capture social relationships.” Examples include the autonomous-relational self which synthesizes autonomy and human relationships, relational harmony or the degree of harmony in the person’s five most important relationships, and social oriented achievement motivation which includes the Western concept of self-realization and the non-Western idea of achievement motivation including others whose boundaries are not distinct from the self.

Singeleis (2000) concludes, “The increasing interest in culture, the rise in the number of psychologists outside the United Stated, and the willingness to consider many variables and points of view will keep cross-cultural social psychology vital and dynamic into the 21st century.” A more recent trend is multi-cultural research which focused on racial and ethnic diversity within cultures.

1.3.4. The Internet

In Section 1.2.3, and later in this book, we described early work on social loafing. Did you know that employers have recognized that social loafing in the workplace is serious enough of an issue that they now closely monitor what their employees are doing, in relation to surfing the web, online shopping, playing online games, managing finances, searching for another job, checking Facebook, sending a text, or watching Youtube videos? They are, and the phenomenon is called cyberloafing . Employees are estimated to spend from three hours a week up to 2.5 hours a day cyberloafing. So what can employers do about it? Kim, Triana, Chung, and Oh (2015) reported that employees high in the personality trait of Conscientiousness are less likely to cyberloaf when they perceive greater levels of organizational justice. So they recommend employers to screen candidates during the interview process for conscientiousness and emotional stability, develop clear policies about when personal devices can be used, and “create appropriate human resource practices and effectively communicate with employees so they feel people are treated fairly” (Source: ). Cyberloafing should be distinguished from leisure surfing which Matthew McCarter of The University of Texas at San Antonio says can relieve stress and help employees recoup their thoughts (Source: ).

Myers (2016) points out that human beings have a need to belong and when we are alone, we suffer. Today, technology connects us in new and very important ways. He cites research showing that a teenager in the U.S. sends and receives 30 text per day, most teens prefer to use “fingered speech” over talking on the phone, and nearly half of all people in the world use the internet on a daily basis. So what is good about the internet? E-commerce, telecommuting, finding love, and obtaining information are clear benefits. In fact, online romances have been found to last longer since both individuals engage in greater levels of self-disclosure and share values and interests (Bargh & McKenna, 2004; Joinson, 2001a; Joinson, 2001b). How likely are people to give out personal information to someone they do not know? Research shows that trust is key. When we trust we are more likely to accede to a request for personal information (Joinson, Reips, Buchanan, & Schofield, 2010). Costs include deindividuation or faceless anonymity, time lost from face-to-face relationships, self-segregation which leads to group polarization, and what Myers (2016) calls “slacktivism” or, “the effortless signing of online petitions or sharing of prosocial videos may substitute feel-good Internet clicks for real, costly helping.” This ties into the cyberloafing information presented above.

For more on the Myers (2016) article, please visit:

Additional Resources:

  • Psychology Today – Introduction to Internet Psychology –
  • APA – Children and Internet Use –
  • Psychology and the Internet (book) –
  • Clarify what it means to communicate findings.
  • Identify professional societies in social psychology.
  • Identify publications in social psychology.

One of the functions of science is to communicate findings. Testing hypotheses, developing sound methodology, accurately analyzing data, and drawing cogent conclusions are important, but you must tell others what you have done too. This is accomplished via joining professional societies and submitting articles to peer reviewed journals. Below are some of the societies and journals important to social psychology.

1.4.1. Professional Societies

  • Website –
  • Mission Statement – “Division 8: Society for Personality and Social Psychology seeks to advance the progress of theory, basic and applied research, and practice in the field of personality and social psychology. Members are employed in academia and private industry or government, and all are concerned with how individuals affect and are affected by other people and by their social and physical environments.”
  • Publication – Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (monthly) and Personality and Social Psychology Review (quarterly)
  • Other Information – “ Membership in SPSP is open to students and those whose work focuses largely in social/personality psychology. Members receive discounts to the SPSP Convention, access to three journals, access to the SPSP Job Board, and much more.”
  • Website –
  • Mission Statement – “The Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) is an international scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of social psychological research. Our typical members have Ph.D.s in social psychology, and work in academic or other research settings.”
  • Publication – Social Psychological and Personality Science
  • Other Information – “ One of the main ways that SESP furthers its goal is by holding an annual scientific meeting in the early fall of each year, publishing the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, supporting the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , and contributing to advocacy efforts as a member of FABBS (the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences). SESP was founded in 1965 by a group of social psychologists led by Edwin Hollander and W. Edgar Vinacke, as described in Hollander (1968). SESP currently boasts over 1000 elected members.”
  • Website –
  • Mission Statement – “The overarching aim of the European Association of Social Psychology is straightforward: to promote excellence in European research in the field of social psychology. As the history of the Association demonstrates, the objectives of those who founded the Association were to improve the quality of social psychological research in Europe by promoting greater contact among researchers in different European countries.”
  • Publication – European Journal of Social Psychology
  • Other Information – “ It is a tradition of the EASP to honour members who make an outstanding contribution to the discipline. Every three years, on the occasion of the General Meeting, one member receives the Tajfel Medal and is invited to deliver the Henri Tajfel Lecture. This recognizes the contribution of a senior researcher to the field of social psychology over the course of their lifetime. In 2017 we will, for the first time, grant a Moscovici award to honour the author(s) of an outstanding theoretical contribution to the field.”
  • Website –
  • Mission Statement – “Founded in 2001, ARP’s mission is a scientific organization devoted to bringing together scholars whose research contributes to the understanding of personality structure, development, and dynamics. From 2001 through 2008, ARP met annually as an SPSP preconference. Since 2009, we have held a stand-alone biennial conference.”
  • Publication – ARP is a co-sponsor of Social Psychological and Personality Science
  • Other Information – “ The ARP Emerging Scholar Award is presented biennially to recognize exceptionally high quality work from emerging personality psychologists. To be eligible for the award, nominees must be a graduate student or postdoctoral member of ARP. The ARP Executive Board established this award in 2018.”

1.4.2. Publications

  • Website:
  • Published by: Taylor and Francis
  • Description: “Since John Dewey and Carl Murchison founded it in 1929, The Journal of Social Psychology has published original empirical research in all areas of basic and applied social psychology. Most articles report laboratory or field research in core areas of social and organizational psychology including the self and social identity, person perception and social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, social influence, consumer behavior, decision making, groups and teams, stereotypes and discrimination, interpersonal attraction and relationships, prosocial behavior, aggression, organizational behavior, leadership, and cultural psychology.”
  • Website:
  • Published by: American Psychological Association
  • Description: “ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology and emphasizes empirical reports, but may include specialized theoretical, methodological, and review papers.” The journal has three independently edited sections: Attitudes and Social Cognition, Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes, and Personality Processes and Individual Differences.”
  • Website:
  • Published by: Division 8 of APA: Society for Personality and Social Psychology
  • Description: “ Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( PSPB ), published monthly, is an official journal for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. PSPB offers an international forum for the rapid dissemination of original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology.”
  • Website:
  • Description: “Personality and Social Psychology Review ( PSPR ) is the premiere outlet for original theoretical papers and conceptual review articles in all areas of personality and social psychology. PSPR offers stimulating conceptual pieces that identify exciting new directions for research on the psychological underpinnings of human individuality and social functioning, as well as comprehensive review papers that provide new, integrative frameworks for existing theory and research programs.”
  • Website:
  • Published by: Wiley
  • Description: “ SPPS is a unique short reports journal in social and personality psychology. Its aim is to publish concise reports of empirical studies that provide meaningful contributions to our understanding of important issues in social and personality psychology. SPPS strives to publish innovative, rigorous, and impactful research. It is geared toward a speedy review and publication process to allow groundbreaking research to become part of the scientific conversation quickly.”
  • Website:
  • Published by: Elsevier
  • Description: “The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (JESP) aims to publish articles that extend or create conceptual advances in social psychology. As the title of the journal indicates, we are focused on publishing primary reports of research in social psychology that use experimental or quasi-experimental.”

For a complete list of journals in social and personality psychology, please visit:

1.4.3. Online Social Psychology News

If you are interested in keeping up with current research in the field of social psychology, visit SPSP’s Character and Context blog by visiting or take a look at Science Daily’s Social Psychology News page at .

Module Recap

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes and when we apply a social lens, we examine how people interact with, or relate to, others. Social psychology differs from sociology in terms of its level of analysis – individual people and not the larger group – and is allied with personality psychology which examines how traits affect our social behavior. The history of social psychology is relatively short though many meaningful contributions have already been made. Still more are on the horizon as we branch out into cross-cultural and evolutionary psychology, forge a separate identity from social neuroscience, and engage in a deeper understanding of the effects of technology, and specifically the internet, on us. A snapshot of important professional societies and journals was offered as ways to communicate what individual researchers or teams are learning about social behavior with the broader scientific community and at times the general public.

This discussion will lead us into Module 2 where we discuss research methods used in social psychology. This will be the final module of Part I: Setting the Stage.

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3.12: Assignment- Social Psychology

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Designing a Study in Social Psychology

For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals (visit this link for an example research proposal ), although yours will not need to be as long. Your finished product should be between 4-6 pages in 12 pt. font.

STEP 1 : Pick a topic. Consider a topic within social psychology that interests you. Think of how you could design an experiment to test this theory. If you have a hard time thinking of an experiment, think of common proverbs or sayings and consider ways to test these proverbs. Possible proverbs to test include:

  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder
  • Opposites attract
  • Birds of a feather flock together
  • Love is blind
  • There’s no such thing as love at first sight
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • Familiarity breeds contempt
  • Spare the rod and spoil the child
  • You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth
  • True love never grows old
  • You can’t please everyone
  • Good fences make good neighbors
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • Actions speak louder than words

PART 1 : Introduction/Abstract. Write a paragraph or two as an overview about your research proposal. Include the theory you are testing as well as your hypothesis.

PART 2 : Literature Review/Background. Provide context for why you chose this topic and how your study will build off of other research. Find an academic study that has already been done related to your topic. Write a summary of what you learn from the article. You need to do this with at least TWO peer-reviewed journal articles. Peer-reviewed articles come from journals like those at the APA website , and not from simple Google searches or news websites. Most journals require a paid subscription but you can typically access them through your school library free of charge. Proper APA citations should be included. This should be roughly 1-2 pages in length.

PART 3 : Method. Consider all of the questions below as you write out this main section of your research proposal. This should be roughly 1-2 pages in length.

  • Who will participate in your study?
  • What will you sampling process be?
  • How will you control against bias?
  • If an experiment, what are the independent and dependent variables?
  • What is a participant in the study going to do?
  • How will you collect the data?

PART 4 : Results/Conclusion/Discussion. Write a summary paragraph about how you could and would utilize the results of your experiment.

  • How will you analyze your results?
  • What kind of statistical analysis will you need to do?
  • What results would either confirm or disprove your hypothesis?
  • In what way will the results of this study be beneficial?

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CC licensed content, Original

  • Designing a Study in Social Psychology. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Assignment: social psychology.

For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals (see a sample proposal from a student at Florida International University ). Your finished product should be between 4-6 pages in 12 pt. font.

STEP 1: Pick a topic. Consider a topic within social psychology that interests you. Think of how you could design an experiment to test this theory. If you have a hard time thinking of an experiment, think of common proverbs or sayings and consider ways to test these proverbs. Possible proverbs to test include:

  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder
  • Opposites attract
  • Birds of a feather flock together
  • Love is blind
  • There’s no such thing as love at first sight
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • Familiarity breeds contempt
  • Spare the rod and spoil the child
  • You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth
  • True love never grows old
  • You can’t please everyone
  • Good fences make good neighbors
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • Actions speak louder than words

PART 1: Introduction/Abstract. Write a paragraph or two as an overview about your research proposal. Include the theory you are testing as well as your hypothesis.

PART 2: Literature Review/Background. Provide context for why you chose this topic and how your study will build off of other research. Find an academic study that has already been done related to your topic. Write a summary of what you learn from the article. You need to do this with at least TWO peer-reviewed journal articles. Peer-reviewed articles come from journals like those at the APA website , and not from simple Google searches or news websites. Most journals require a paid subscription but you can typically access them through your school library free of charge. Proper APA citations should be included. This should be roughly 1-2 pages in length.

PART 3: Method. Consider all of the questions below as you write out this main section of your research proposal. This should be roughly 1-2 pages in length.

  • Who will participate in your study?
  • What will you sampling process be?
  • How will you control against bias?
  • If an experiment, what are the independent and dependent variables?
  • What is a participant in the study going to do?
  • How will you collect the data?

PART 4: Results/Conclusion/Discussion. Write a summary paragraph about how you could and would utilize the results of your experiment.

  • How will you analyze your results?
  • What kind of statistical analysis will you need to do?
  • What results would either confirm or disprove your hypothesis?
  • In what way will the results of this study be beneficial?
  • Designing a Study in Social Psychology. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Psychology Headlines

From around the world.

  • Israel Using AI to Help Pick Bombing Targets in Gaza, Report Says
  • Africa and Caribbean Unite in Call for Slavery Reparations Tribunal
  • Meta's AI Image Generator Struggles to Create Interracial Couples
  • Group Launches Holocaust Survivor Speakers Bureau to Fight Antisemitism
  • Idaho Lawmakers Pass Bills Targeting LGBTQ+ Citizens
  • Former President Trump Vows to Create a "Christian Visibility Day"
  • Ugandan Court Upholds Anti-LGBTQ Law That Carries Death Penalty
  • AI Study Shows How Personality Affects the Expression of Genes

Source: Psychology News Center

social psychology assignment 1

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The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. Selected answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool, where they may be adjusted, or edited there. Assignments also come with rubrics and pre-assigned point values that may easily be edited or removed.

The assignments for Introductory Psychology are ideas and suggestions to use as you see appropriate. Some are larger assignments spanning several weeks, while others are smaller, less-time consuming tasks. You can view them below or throughout the course.

You can view them below or throughout the course.

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  • Assignments with Solutions. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

General Psychology Copyright © by OpenStax and Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Prof. John D. E. Gabrieli


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Introduction to psychology, writing assignment 1.

Topic: Are studies of cognitive and emotional developments in adolescents useful for setting public policy guidelines?

To begin this assignment, you will read three sources (full citations and abstracts below):

  • An analysis by Steinberg et al. of emotional and cognitive development in adolescents and how our understanding of these topics should be used in setting public policy, such as juvenile access to abortions or the death penalty;
  • A criticism of this position by Fischer et al., who have a different perspective on how public policy should take into account emotional and cognitive development in juveniles; and,
  • A rebuttal of the Fischer position by Steinberg et al.

Review the writing assignment guidelines given on the Syllabus . Your specific goal for Writing Assignment 1 is to analyze the arguments in the three papers, construct a coherent argument about the role of studies of cognitive and emotional development in setting public policy guidelines, and support this argument with specific evidence from the papers. A number of different approaches to this topic can satisfy the requirements of this writing assignment. For example, your thesis might address:

  • In what circumstances can psychological research on cognitive and emotional development be used to set public policy?
  • When, if ever, should public policy distinguish between cognitive and emotional development and why (or why not)?
  • Whose view of psychological development – Steinberg or Fischer – is better for setting public policy and why?

There is no “correct” answer you are expected to discover. Instead, you should read the papers and develop your own conclusion about what role psychological research should play in setting public policy. Your thesis should clearly state your position, and you should use the rest of the paper to justify your conclusion with specific evidence from the background readings.

Abstracts are presented courtesy of the American Psychological Association.

Steinberg, L., et al. “ Are Adolescents Less Mature than Adults? Minors’ Access to Abortion, the Juvenile Death Penalty, and the Alleged APA ‘Flip-Flop’ .” American Psychologist 64, no. 7 (2009): 583–94.

Abstract : “The American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) stance on the psychological maturity of adolescents has been criticized as inconsistent. In its Supreme Court amicus brief in Roper v. Simmons (2005), which abolished the juvenile death penalty, APA described adolescents as developmentally immature. In its amicus brief in Hodgson v. Minnesota (1990), however, which upheld adolescents’ right to seek an abortion without parental involvement, APA argued that adolescents are as mature as adults. The authors present evidence that adolescents demonstrate adult levels of cognitive capability earlier than they evince emotional and social maturity. On the basis of this research, the authors argue that it is entirely reasonable to assert that adolescents possess the necessary skills to make an informed choice about terminating a pregnancy but are nevertheless less mature than adults in ways that mitigate criminal responsibility. The notion that a single line can be drawn between adolescence and adulthood for different purposes under the law is at odds with developmental science. Drawing age boundaries on the basis of developmental research cannot be done sensibly without a careful and nuanced consideration of the particular demands placed on the individual for “adult-like” maturity in different domains of functioning.”

Fischer, K. W., et al. “ Narrow Assessments Misrepresent Development and Misguide Policy .” American Psychologist 64, no. 7 (2009): 595–600.

Abstract : “Intellectual and psychosocial functioning develop along complex learning pathways. Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, and Banich (see record 2009-18110-001 ) measured these two classes of abilities with narrow, biased assessments that captured only a segment of each pathway and created misleading age patterns based on ceiling and floor effects. It is a simple matter to shift the assessments to produce the opposite pattern, with cognitive abilities appearing to develop well into adulthood and psychosocial abilities appearing to stop developing at age 16. Their measures also lacked a realistic connection to the lived behaviors of adolescents, abstracting too far from messy realities and thus lacking ecological validity and the nuanced portrait that the authors called for. A drastically different approach to assessing development is required that (a) includes the full age-related range of relevant abilities instead of a truncated set and (b) examines the variability and contextual dependence of abilities relevant to the topics of murder and abortion.”

Steinberg, L., et al. (2009b) “ Reconciling the Complexity of Human Development with the Reality of Legal Policy .” American Psychologist 64, no. 7 (2009): 601–4.

Abstract : “The authors respond to both the general and specific concerns raised in Fischer, Stein, and Heikkinen’s (see record 2009-18110-002 ) commentary on their article (Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, & Banich) (see record 2009-18110-001 ), in which they drew on studies of adolescent development to justify the American Psychological Association’s positions in two Supreme Court cases involving the construction of legal age boundaries. In response to Fischer et al.’s general concern that the construction of bright-line age boundaries is inconsistent with the fact that development is multifaceted, variable across individuals, and contextually conditioned, the authors argue that the only logical alternative suggested by that perspective is impractical and unhelpful in a legal context. In response to Fischer et al.’s specific concerns that their conclusion about the differential timetables of cognitive and psychosocial maturity is merely an artifact of the variables, measures, and methods they used, the authors argue that, unlike the alternatives suggested by Fischer et al., their choices are aligned with the specific capacities under consideration in the two cases. The authors reaffirm their position that there is considerable empirical evidence that adolescents demonstrate adult levels of cognitive capability several years before they evince adult levels of psychosocial maturity.”


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100 Captivating Social Science Research Topics

Table of Contents

Are you searching for the best social science research topics? If yes, then you are at the right place. Typically, social science is the study of people, cultures, and societies.  It is categorized into different branches such as anthropology, history, civics, economics, etc., each offering a unique perspective of the world. So, for preparing a social science research paper, you can choose any relevant topic from a variety of sub-disciplines including history, economics, psychology, sociology, and more.

Since many students find it more challenging to identify a topic for their social science paper, in this blog, we have published a list of 100 outstanding social science research questions, ideas, and titles. Additionally, we have explained how to choose a good topic for a social science research paper.

Continue reading this blog and get awesome ideas for social science research paper writing.

Know How to Select a Social Science Research Topic

Social Science Research Topics

To make your social science research paper stand unique in the crowd, you must pick a great topic. Most importantly, the topic you select should be authentic, relevant to your field of study, and should fall within your interest.

In case, you are confused about how to choose the right topic for your social science thesis, then follow these steps.

  • First, determine your area of interest in social studies or its branches
  • In your field of interest, search for themes or topics that impress you. It can be anything from historical events, psychological phenomena, or social trends.
  • Conduct preliminary research on the shortlisted themes and collect background information to narrow your focus. To gather significant details, you can use relevant sources such as scholarly articles, books, or magazines.
  • Analyze the sources and identify any data gaps, contradictions, or inconsistencies in existing research. These gaps will give a new perspective for your research.
  • Based on your analysis, refine your topic and come up with a concise research question.
  • Check whether the chosen topic is researchable and has enough authentic information to stay focused.
  • Before finalizing the topic, discuss it with your instructor and gain insights.

Also Read : 195 Informative Social Studies Topics for Academic Writing

List of Social Science Research Topics and Ideas

If you experience any difficulty with generating social science research questions, take a look below. For your convenience, here, we have presented a list of excellent social science research paper topics and ideas from different themes related to social studies.

Simple Social Science Research Topics

  • Explain the role of newspapers in our daily life.
  • Discuss how recycling helps the planet.
  • Explain how cartoons influence kids.
  • Discuss the effect of volunteering on personal development.
  • Analyze the effect of climate change on global economies.
  • Examine the causes and consequences of global migration trends.
  • Analyze the influence of graphic novels on youth culture.
  • Examine the trend of urban gardening.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in society.
  • Examine the influence of gender roles on career choices.

Interesting Social Studies Research Topics

  • Discuss the role of technology in reshaping education.
  • Explain how mass media shapes public opinion.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of overpopulation.
  • Explain how cyberbullying affects teenage mental health.
  • Discuss the cultural impact of street art in cities.
  • Analyze the influence of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • Discuss the effects of urbanization on biodiversity.
  • Explain the role of urban planning in community well-being.
  • Discuss the impact of biotechnology on agriculture sustainability.
  • Analyze the influence of cultural heritage on fashion trends.
  • Study the societal implications of aging populations.
  • Discuss the economic implications of cryptocurrency adoption.
  • Examine the influence of music on societal norms.
  • Discuss the role of censorship in freedom of speech.
  • Analyze the implications of drone technology.

Top Social Science Research Questions

  • Discuss the role of data analytics in shaping marketing strategies.
  • Examine the ethical boundaries of genetic engineering.
  • Explain the role of NGOs in shaping public policy.
  • Discuss the social implications of multilingualism.
  • Analyze the cultural factors that influence dietary habits.
  • Explore the culture of political satire.
  • Discuss the role of intersectionality in social justice movements.
  • Analyze the effects of migration patterns.
  • Understand the sociology of leisure.
  • Analyze the impact of universal basic income on society.
  • Discuss the social dynamics of homelessness.
  • Analyze the effect of ecotourism on local economies.
  • Explain the role of museums in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Discuss the political implications of meme culture.
  • Examine the social consequences of binge-watching.

Unique Social Science Research Topics on History

  • Discuss the role of fashion in America during the 1920s.
  • Examine the influence of Roman architecture on modern cities.
  • Analyze the impact of radio on World War II propaganda.
  • Discuss the evolution of modern medicine during World War I.
  • Examine the role of women in Victorian society.
  • Discuss the iconic design trends of the 20 th
  • Explain the influence of pirate communities on maritime laws.
  • Discuss the history of the global perception of Tattoos.
  • Analyze the impact of the printing press on the Renaissance.
  • Discuss the influence of Jazz on the Civil Rights Movement.

Captivating Social Science Research Topics on Anthropology

  • Analyze the social implications of food taboos.
  • Discuss the role of folk tales in cultural preservation.
  • Analyze the influence of pop culture on language evolution.
  • Examine the correlation between fashion and culture.
  • Discuss the impact of urbanization on tribal communities.
  • Prepare a research paper on cultural adaptation in immigrant communities.
  • Analyze body language and non-verbal communication in various cultures.
  • Compare cultural appropriation and appreciation.
  • Prepare a research paper on graffiti.
  • Discuss the cultural beliefs that influence health practices.

Also Read: 85 Bullying Research Topics and Essay Ideas

Excellent Social Science Research Topics on Religion and Culture

  • Discuss the role of religious charities in community development.
  • Analyze the impact of cinema on cultural stereotypes.
  • Explain the role of religion in conflict resolution.
  • Take a closer look at fan culture and celebrity worship.
  • Write about religious iconography in popular culture.
  • Explain the evolution of atheism in the 21 st
  • Discuss the rituals of birth and death across cultures.
  • Examine the global influence of Hip-Hop culture.
  • Explore meme culture.
  • Discuss the role of cyberculture in shaping modern societies.

Amazing Social Science Research Questions on Philosophy

  • Analyze postmodern philosophy.
  • Discuss the virtue ethics in business practices.
  • Analyze Stoicism in modern society.
  • Discuss the evolution of feminist philosophy.
  • Analyze the ethical dimensions and implications of space exploration.
  • Examine the philosophy behind climate change denial.
  • Write about existentialism in contemporary literature.
  • Discuss the portrayal of Nihilism in pop culture.
  • Prepare a research paper on determinism in a technological era.
  • Compare rationality and emotion in decision-making.

Popular Social Studies Research Topics on Psychology

  • Analyze the effects of adoption on child psychology.
  • Examine the correlation between mindfulness and stress reduction.
  • Analyze the psychological effects of dopamine fasting.
  • Discuss the efficacy of art therapy in mental health treatment.
  • Examine the psychology behind procrastination.
  • Discuss the impact of sleep quality on cognitive function.
  • Analyze the effects of stereotype threat on performance.
  • Discuss the developmental advantages of bilingual education.
  • Analyze the psychological perspectives of pain perception.
  • Write about color psychology in marketing.

Engaging Social Science Research Ideas on Sociology

  • Explain the role of social media in modern protests.
  • Discuss the sociology of conspiracy theories.
  • Analyze societal reaction to pandemics.
  • Discuss the social media applications of the bystander effect.
  • Analyze the effect of hyper-consumerism on modern society.
  • Write about intersectionality and social inequality.
  • Discuss the effects of intergenerational trauma on identity.
  • Write about racial disparities in educational results.
  • Prepare a research paper on veganism.
  • Examine the impact of immigration on host communities.

Also Read : 115 Impactful Social Change Essay Topics

Wrapping Up

From the list recommended above, pick any topic that impresses you and compose a well-structured social science research paper. If you struggle to write your social science thesis or if you need any other original social science research paper topic, then reach out to us immediately.

At, we have a team of talented and experienced social science assignment helpers . From academic paper topic selection to writing and editing, as per your needs, our subject experts will provide cheap and best social science research paper help online.

In specific, on a topic from any branch of social studies, our subject experts will guide you in composing a plagiarism-free research paper. Moreover, by getting our social studies assignment help , you can complete all the relevant tasks on time and achieve the highest grades.

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Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith guides students with writing research paper topics and theses at Read about the author from this page

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  1. Social Psychology Assignment 1

    social psychology assignment 1

  2. Social Psychology

    social psychology assignment 1

  3. Social Psychology Revision Guide

    social psychology assignment 1

  4. PSCY2019 Social Psychology Assignment Sample

    social psychology assignment 1

  5. Social Psychology Assignment ADA 1 .docx

    social psychology assignment 1

  6. Social Psychology Assignment 1

    social psychology assignment 1


  1. social psychology

  2. PSY403_Lecture01

  3. Soc301 Assignment solution no 1

  4. A Level Psychology

  5. Advance Course In Social Psychology Week 11 Quiz Assignment Solution

  6. Psy514 Consumer Psychology


  1. social psychology assignment #1 Flashcards

    social psychology assignment #1. What is empiricism? What is the difference between an empirical question and a non-empirical question? Empiricism is knowledge that should be based on objective evidence.

  2. Module 1: Introduction to Social Psychology Social psychology. Our focus for social psychology will be on the article entitled, ... As you will see, schemas are important to social identity theory and the assignment of people into groups or categories. Psychologists also study the proper and improper use of punishment, moral development, and obedience all of which fall under the ...

  3. Social Psychology Assignment #1

    Social Psychology Assignment #1. This is a social psych assignment. Course. Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYC 2600) 157 Documents. Students shared 157 documents in this course. University University of Virginia. Info More info. Academic year: 2021/2022. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student.

  4. Social Psychology: Exam 1 Multiple Choice Flashcards

    Social Psychology Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4) 32 terms. shanno212. Preview. Social Psychology Exam 1. 68 terms. studyguidesomg. Preview. PSY 223 Exam 2. 146 terms. ... assumed the speech reflected the demands of the assignment b. described the speaker's position as misinformed c. still concluded the speech reflected the speaker's true feelings d ...

  5. Social Psychology I

    In this lesson, we will study how the people around us influence our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and learn "how funny we are as humans in our desire to fit in.". We also will go over two of the most famous experiments in psychology: the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Obedience Experiment. A crowd demonstrating a wide ...

  6. Social Psych Assignment 1

    Social Psych Assignment 1. Psyc 1st. Course. Social Psychology (PSYC 335) 40 Documents. Students shared 40 documents in this course. University Gonzaga University. Info More info. Academic year: 2018/2019. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. ... Intro to Social Psychology: Experiencing Persuasion.

  7. Social Psychology Teaching Resources

    Listed below are links to a variety of social psychology teaching resources, including textbooks, course syllabi, lecture notes, classroom activities, demonstrations, assignments, and more. The following table shows a detailed outline of topics. For information on the SPN Action Teaching Award, please visit the teaching award page.

  8. Assignment: Social Psychology

    Designing a Study in Social Psychology. For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals (like the one found here ), although yours will not need to be as long. Your finished product should be between 4-6 pages in 12 pt. font.

  9. Social Psychology

    Module 1 • 4 hours to complete. This week's goals are to: (1) learn what social psychology is and why it's worth studying; (2) take a "snapshot" of your thinking at the start of the course; (3) see how perceptions of reality are psychologically constructed; and (4) witness the shocking speed at which social judgments are made. What's included.

  10. 3.12: Assignment- Social Psychology

    Designing a Study in Social Psychology. For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals (visit this link for an example research proposal ), although yours will not need to be as long. Your finished product should be between 4-6 ...

  11. Social Psychology Assignment 1

    Social Psychology Assignment 1. Reflection on how I think compared to my friends. Using concepts from... View more. Course. Social Psychology (PSYC 351 ) 45 Documents. Students shared 45 documents in this course. University California State University, Fullerton. Info More info. Academic year: 2021/2022.

  12. Assignments

    Assignment: Social Psychology —Designing a Study in Social Psychology. Create a shortened research proposal for a study in social psychology (or one that tests common proverbs). *larger assignment, possibly the largest assignment. Could be broken into multiple parts and given advanced notice. Personality.

  13. Social Psychology

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Social Psychology 14th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Social Psychology includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice problems ...

  14. Social Psychology (SOCI 260) Assignment #1 Chapter 1

    Psychology. Psychology questions and answers. Social Psychology (SOCI 260) Assignment #1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Think about the concept of poverty a. How would a macro-level sociologist study this concept differently than a micro-level sociologist? b. What would be the units of analysis for each? 2.

  15. Assignment: Social Psychology

    For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals (see a sample proposal from a student at Florida International University ). Your finished product should be between 4-6 pages in 12 pt. font. STEP 1: Pick a topic.

  16. Social Psychology: application assignment 1

    Analysis of fallacies in social psychology course, also known as application assignment 1 in this course. application dan mccullough part political editorial. Skip to document. ... Social Psychology: application assignment 1. Course: Psychology 10: social psychology (psych 10) 46 Documents. Students shared 46 documents in this course.

  17. Random Assignment Assignment

    Social Psychology Network ... 30 students agree to participate, and you renumber these students from 1 to 30. In this last part of the assignment, your task is to assign each participant to one of three conditions (e.g., so the first person to arrive at the lab is in Condition 2, the next is in Condition 1, the next in Condition 3, the next in ...

  18. Assignments

    Social Psychology: Thinking about Social Psychology. Pick one question to respond to out of 4 options. Designing a Study in Social Psychology. Create a shortened research proposal for a study in social psychology (or one that tests common proverbs). *larger assignment, possibly the largest assignment.

  19. Writing Assignment 1

    Review the writing assignment guidelines given on the Syllabus. Your specific goal for Writing Assignment 1 is to analyze the arguments in the three papers, construct a coherent argument about the role of studies of cognitive and emotional development in setting public policy guidelines, and support this argument with specific evidence from the ...

  20. Psychology 316

    Prompt. For this assignment, you'll write a 200 word response for each of five peer-reviewed social psychology papers of your choosing. This response should address the study's methods, findings ...

  21. Assignement 1 final

    Assignment 1 (Weeks 1 - 4) Week 1 Question (4 Points) Compare and contrast how a social psychologist, personality psychologist, and a sociologist would seek to study and explain why individuals become invested in groups even when doing so leads to great hardship (e., a cult).

  22. PSYC-101.Social Psychology Assignment 1 .docx

    PSYC-101 Social Psychology Assignment (30 pts) The purpose of this assignment is for students to show an understanding of Social Psychology, specifically cognitive dissonance. Students must then apply this understanding to an example from their own life. To successfully complete this assignment, students must: 1. Answer every question in complete sentences!

  23. PSY203

    Social Psychology (PSY203) 75 75 documents. 0 0 questions 1 1 student. Follow this course Chat. Social Psychology (PSY203) Follow. Lecture notes. Date Rating. year. Ratings. Red rank and romance in women viewing me. 19 pages 2023/2024 100% (3) 2023/2024 100% (3) Save. Ischemic Heart Disease or Depression.

  24. 100 Captivating Social Science Research Topics

    Simple Social Science Research Topics. Explain the role of newspapers in our daily life. Discuss how recycling helps the planet. Explain how cartoons influence kids. Discuss the effect of volunteering on personal development. Analyze the effect of climate change on global economies. Examine the causes and consequences of global migration trends.