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Meaningful Gifts for Her

Presents She'll Treasure

Creative Ways to Give a Gift – Unique Presentation Ideas

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presentation of a gift

So you’ve found the perfect gift, and hopefully selected a card. I’m sure that the recipient will be appreciative however you choose to give it to her.

Rather than just handing her the gift at the usual time, you could go a step further and make the presentation extra special. Here are some memorable gift presentation ideas:

Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas

Four ways to give a gift for new moms or moms-to-be, 1. the diaper package.

When I was about 200 months pregnant with my 3rd child (at least it felt like I had been pregnant that long), my husband gave me for Christmas a beautifully wrapped package. When I unwrapped the gift, I found a newborn diaper all bundled up just like you do with a used diaper. (He had even added a little mustard to the diaper to make it look realistic)

Fortunately, when I opened the diaper, I found a lovely jewelry box with a beautiful pair of diamond earrings inside. My husband, kid, and parents all had a great laugh at the icky expression on my face when I found the “used” diaper – and I had a wonderful pair of earrings!

2.  The Gift Inside a Gift Trick

Part of the fun of getting a present is unwrapping. You can keep the joy going by putting your present inside a larger box and wrapping the larger box nicely.

Then put that box inside a larger box, and wrap the larger box. Continue going as many times as you’d like – I’d suggest 3 or 4 boxes.

3.  The Fake Size Gift Box Trick

This is especially good for when you think the recipient might have some idea as to what the gift is. Simply place the present in a much larger than it actually needs.

The trick here is to also add enough weight to the box so that when the recipient picks up the box, the extra weight fools her. For example, my mother once thought that she was getting silverware for Christmas (which she actually was).

When I wrapped the present, I put it in a box that originally held a sleeping bag. I then added a few weights from my brother’s weight set so that the box was very heavy. As a final touch, I wrote “fragile” on the gift tag.

Mom spent quite a bit of time that year trying to figure out what gift could be so heavy yet also fragile – and she was quite surprised when she opened it to find silverware (either that, or she’s a wonderful actress)!

4.  Inside a Book

If you’re giving her tickets, a gift card, or another flat gift, you could always tuck the present inside a book and then wrap the book nicely.

Then she’ll have the fun of reading the book as well as enjoying the actual present itself.

Fun Ways to Give Her a Gift

1.  treasure hunt.

My best friend’s husband actually proposed to her this way! I liked the idea so much that I used it several times with my kids, who loved finding their presents this way.

This one can take a little bit – or a lot – of planning, depending upon how you do it. The easiest way is to simply write clues on decorative notes or pieces of paper that direct her to other clues. The final clue will lead to the gift.

If your treasure hunt only takes place in your house or apartment, then it just takes a little while to prepare the treasure hunt.

You could go all out and hide clues throughout the neighborhood or town. You can then walk or drive (or better yet, splurge on a limousine) to the different locations.

Obviously, this method will take a bit of time as you have to place the clues all over town before the event. It’s definitely a memory that she will enjoy for years to come – and you’ll get major boyfriend/husband points in the process!

2.  On the Cake

Most gift-giving occasions call for a cake of some sort. If you’re giving her something small such as a ring, you could gently set the gift on top of her piece of cake before serving her.

3.  In a Drink

This is another fun way to give jewelry…simply drop the jewelry into the glass before you give it to her. Be sure that the glass is clear and the beverage is light colored so that she will see the gift rather than gulp it down!

Unique Times to Give a Present

You probably have a traditional time to open gifts. In our family, birthday gifts are opened in the evening once everyone is home from school or work.

Breaking out of the gift-giving time rut is an easy way to add excitement to the occasion. Here are some unique times to give gifts:

  • First thing in the morning: Start her day off right by bringing her a cup of coffee and her gift while she’s still in bed. If it’s a workday, be sure to allow a little extra time to enjoy the moment rather than being rushed.
  • In the bathroom: Most women have a makeup kit or a drawer where they store all their toiletries. Put her present in that kit or drawer so that she finds it while she’s getting ready in the morning.
  • In the car: Place her present on the dashboard of her car for her to be surprised with as she leaves the house. Don’t put it on the car seat; she may not look before sitting down – you don’t want a squashed present!
  • At the office: Have a co-worker slip a gift onto her desk or into the drawer that she stores supplies or her purse in.
  • In the kitchen: Surprise her by placing the gift in an unexpected place, such as the refrigerator or in a cupboard that you know that she’ll look in during the day.

You Might Also Like:

  • How to Choose the Perfect Gift for Mom
  • The Ultimate Guide to Graduation Gifts
  • Sentimental Gifts for Mom
  • Birthday Gift Ideas for Senior Women

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Do You Need to Give a Gift?

How big should it be, how to pick a gift, the presentation.

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Originally published on Nov. 1, 2018

How to Give a Great Gift

Bonnie Wertheim

By Bonnie Wertheim

Photography by Will Anderson; Styled by Livia Cetti

Sometimes we give gifts because we know the recipients will love and appreciate them. They dropped the right hints, we considered their tastes and interests and picked just the right object to wrap in that beautiful paper. Sometimes we give gifts out of obligation, choosing items from a registry that are predestined to be used, if not loved, or sending flowers because, well, flowers make people happy. And other times we scour museum gift shops seeking souvenirs that our loved ones are unlikely to treasure for more than a fleeting moment. But that fleeting moment is often worth the $15 and the luggage space. Gift-giving is a love language and one that anyone can learn to speak. This guide will help you develop your fluency.

This could be the most important question in your gift-giving journey.

A collection of brightly colored and shiny gift bows.

Why Do We Do This? (Beyond the Obvious)

Gifting can be a way of showing you care about someone, or reflecting the care someone has shown you. There’s never a particularly inappropriate time to do it. Oftentimes, though, we try to force our expressions of love to fit occasion-specific molds rather than the recipients themselves. (Think about how many recent graduates have received a copy of Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!,” which is a great book, but still.)

Of course, many events have established practices of gift-giving, including birthdays and weddings, and some religious or cultural holidays. While giving gifts around these dates can feel more rote, it is still important to try to convey your affection for the recipient.

A note: Yes, some people have personal ideologies around gift-giving that reject objects as materialistic or simply clutter. You can still find a way to give a gift and be respectful of those beliefs. Hang on, we’ll get there.

Reasons to Give

Keeping those realities in mind, here’s a non-exhaustive list of possible gift-giving occasions and how to approach them:

Birthdays. For adults, start with a phone call, a card, an email or a text message. Most people, even if they “hate birthdays,” want to feel validated in their personhood, and this is the day they became a person. Then consider your relationship. Is this someone with whom you are very close, someone whose tastes and wants are known to you? Is this a person with whom you’re trying to increase your intimacy? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, you probably want to get them something. The gift need not match the exact magnitude (size, price, etc.) of anything they’ve given you in the past. The point is to reciprocate their love and generosity, and to open the door for future shows of affection. (For kids, unless otherwise specified, a small gift basically required at a party.)

Religious holidays. There’s a reason we picture incandescent living rooms filled with wrapped gifts when we think of the winter holiday season: People give a lot (sometimes more than they can afford) at the end of each year. The National Retail Federation has projected that Americans will spend between $717 billion and $721 billion in November and December, ahead of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Oftentimes these gifts are reserved for family members, but they can span all kinds of relationships. If you’re not sure whether you’re on those terms with someone, start a conversation about it. There’s nothing wrong with asking, “Are we exchanging gifts this year?” and it could save you a lot of stress later.

Anniversaries. Every year that a couple chooses to remain together is worth marking, whether that’s with a night out, a talisman for continued companionship or some combination of the two. If you’re stuck on what to get, there’s nothing wrong with taking the traditional tack. Years 1 through 60 of marriage have material themes that can guide your search.

Federal and Hallmark holidays. President’s Day presents? Maybe not. But some of these days create conditions for creative giving. Even those who opt out of these days are capable of appreciating an expression of love. So whether that’s a phone call on Mother’s or Father’s Day, or a bouquet of roses on Valentine’s Day, it’s worth it. You probably don’t need to sign your best friend up for a Ben and Jerry’s subscription on National Ice Cream Day, but you also don’t not need to.

New life stages. Graduations, moves, births, deaths: Many of these can be marked with cards, but if you can think of something that reflects or supports the transition the recipient is going through, share it. Even better is when it’s something they might fail to consider as they are dealing with the stress of change: think about a doormat for a new homeowner, or warm food for a grieving friend.

Formal occasions. The conventional wisdom of gifts for weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, sweet 16s, quinceañeras and the like is that the gift should match the cost of a place setting, which is more or less the price of a fancy dinner (think somewhere between $50 and $120 and double that if you’re attending with a guest). In cases where you are especially close with the honoree(s), your gift might exceed that dollar amount. It also might not be so easily quantified. If your budget is tight, you can also offer to trade in expertise for big occasions; if you’re a photographer, for example, your gift to the soon-to-be-wed couple might be a pro-bono photo package.

No occasion. Random acts of kindness can be the most thrilling: leaving something thoughtful on a colleague’s desk, sending a book to a long-distance friend, showing up with flowers for no reason except that they were beautiful and you wanted to share that beauty with someone else. The return on these gestures is just about always greater than the effort put into them.

Note: When someone tells you not to bring a gift, they mean it.

Unfortunately, size matters when it comes to gifting. Here’s how to keep things under control.

Often, gift giving starts with a price range. That’s just reality. You can’t buy a beautiful new Tesla for your friend who has a hellishly long commute just because you know how much she would appreciate it. So, before you make any impulse purchases, ask yourself these four questions (and buy your friend a great pair of headphones instead):

1. Who is the recipient to you?

Is this person an immediate family member? A best friend? A new friend? A significant other? An extended family member? Your familial and emotional proximity will likely determine how personal and sizable the gift will be. Which is to say, you don’t need to book a spa package for a new friend , even if they really, really need to relax. Start with a stress ball.

2. What values is your relationship based on, and how can the gift reflect those values?

Some relationships trade in trendy meals, mutual love of garage rock or afternoons spent crafting around a coffee table. Some are incidental, rooted in proximity and pure chance, but nonetheless deep. Gift-giving can honor — in both obvious and subtle ways — the reasons you and your recipient are connected and how far your relationship has come. That said, if the primary facet of your relationship is humor, there’s nothing wrong with a gag gift.

3. What kind of generosity has this person shown you in the past?

Did they attend your wedding or your child’s birthday and go big? Reciprocity is always appropriate and can help narrow your search.

4. Is there something the person might appreciate more than a physical object?

Receiving gifts is not everyone’s love language. A home-cooked meal, or an offer to walk their teacup pig while they’re on vacation, might do more for your relationship than anything tied with a bow. Also, there’s never a clear price tag on these types of gestures, but the effort can make them quite valuable.

Find something they will love, even if they don’t know it yet.

The best gifts are surprising in a good way. You don’t want your spouse to wonder why you’ve given them the first four volumes of Robert Caro’s Lyndon B. Johnson biography for your wedding anniversary. So before you buy anything, consider these tips.

Think about the things they might need. Did they just move, adopt a pet or book an adventurous vacation? Gifting can be an opportunity to riff on the ways they’ve already spent their own money.

When someone says they want something , listen. There’s nothing quite like finally getting the thing you’ve been hinting at for months.

That said, don’t be overly practical . The point is to delight, not to restock your significant other’s toilet paper stash.

What would you want? Has the person ever complimented your taste? It’s possible that something on your own wish list would make a great I-didn’t-know-I-needed-this gift for a friend.

Consider the non-gift gift. Some people don’t want anything. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want anything . They just don’t want stuff. Experiences and perishables can be just as, and sometimes more, gratifying than a thing you have to keep forever, lest you insult an in-law.

Common Questions

Is a gift card ever acceptable? Sure, if it’s thoughtful, like a “go have a nice dinner at this fancy restaurant” gift certificate. What’s tricky is choosing a dollar amount that doesn’t force the recipient to spend too much of their own money at a specific place. That said, you shouldn’t spend more than your means, and as long as you keep in mind the recipient’s preferences, your gift should land. The etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore recommends writing a note to underscore the thought you put into the gesture.

Is regifting O.K.? Regifting isn’t always a cardinal sin . If you’ve received a gift that you’re sure someone else would love, why would you deprive them that small joy?

What if they hate the gift? Beware the possible misread. Is your recipient the kind of person who would take fancy soap the wrong way? If the answer is “maybe,” rethink the gift.

Gift wrap elevates the gifting experience and doesn’t have to be complicated.

Selecting a gift that your recipient will love is the hard part, so congratulations: You’re over the hump. Now it’s time to consider how you can elevate the gift through presentation. No one wants to be given a gift in a plastic bag with a receipt crinkled up at the bottom.

Does the gift need to be wrapped?

It’s a question whose answer is usually the same as the answer to another one: Is the gift alive? You needn’t wrap a plant or a puppy. But solid, inanimate objects are lent some intrigue when they are presented under wraps.

How to Wrap a Gift With No Paper

presentation of a gift

What is the best way to wrap it?

Does the object lend itself better to wrapping paper or tissue paper? This depends on whether the gift is hard or soft. Anything can be wrapped with sturdy paper if it is placed in a box. A jar of fancy jam, or a dry Riesling, on the other hand, would do better with tissue paper fastened with a bow. Bags are also an option, and if the recipient is resourceful, he or she will reuse the gift’s vessel.

How to wrap a box ( This video will help. ):

Materials: Gift, box (if gift is not box-shaped), paper, tape, scissors

Find a large, flat, clean surface to work on. (The floor is great. If you have a designated gift-wrapping room, that’s great too, but in that case you probably don’t need this advice.)

Spread out a sheet of wrapping paper and place the box on it facedown.

Wrap the paper loosely around the box to ensure that it will cover every side, then lay the paper flat again. If you’re using a roll of wrapping paper, cut the sheet to size. (Someone very smart came up with an equation for this.)

If the box is rectangular, turn it so that one of the shorter sides faces you.

Fold the left and right sides of the paper so that they overlap at the centerline of the box. The paper should be flush against the box so that it forms subtle creases along the edges.

Tape the overlapping sides of the paper together at the centerline.

Push the left and right sides of the wrapping paper in toward the side of the box that’s facing you, then press down on the top and bottom sides of the paper so that the paper forms 40-ish-degree angles.

Fold the top and bottom flaps toward each other and tape one over the other.

Repeat those steps on the remaining side of the box.

Take a second to admire your work.

How to wrap a bottle:

Materials: Wine bottle, tissue paper, ribbon/twine

You’ll also want a clean surface for this, but it only needs to be large enough to fit a standard sheet of tissue paper (20” x 26”).

Lay out two sheets of tissue paper on top of each other, and place the wine bottle in the middle of the top sheet.

Fold all of the sides upward toward the neck of the bottle, and secure them in a loose grip.

Tie ribbon or twine around the neck of the bottle to secure the paper.

Other wrapping tips for the less-talented among us:

Cellophane gift wrap , like the kind you see on raffle prizes, is forgiving of unsteady hands and looks great.

If you’re creatively inclined and willing to put in the time, Pinterest is full of whimsical ideas that are bound to delight.

Anything can be gift wrap, and since it usually all goes in the trash anyway it’s nice to start with something recycled. Some people use brown bags or newsprint.

Lots of retailers offer gift wrap for a fee. If you’re feeling very not confident in your skills, it’s worth it. And if it’s complimentary, definitely take it. It will save you time and money.

Do I need to write a note?

You should. It can be as short as a sentence or long as a full-blown letter. But it will lend emotional heft to an already-thoughtful gesture.

When do you deliver the gift?

If you can give a gift in person, it’s just about always worth doing so, if only to watch the recipient’s joy radiate. But if your dad’s birthday is next Tuesday, and you live an ocean away, you’re better off express mailing his gift. Some formal occasions have gift registries, in which case you’re better off ordering an item and having it delivered. That way, the happy couple won’t have to drive a U-haul worth of boxes home after their nuptials.

And always remember this about gift-giving:

● Giving anything is an act of kindness. Don’t stress over the specifics.

● Gift-giving is a love language, but it’s not everyone’s.

● Sometimes the best gift has no monetary value but is, instead, the free gift of presence.

Bonnie Wertheim is an editor and occasional writer for the Style section. More about Bonnie Wertheim

18 Best Gift Card Presentation Ideas That Add a Personal Touch

It's easy to put a creative spin on a gift card present.

display rack of gift cards

Country Living editors select each product featured. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Why Trust Us?

We've got fun and easy DIY ideas that combine your creative side with simple craft supplies you probably already have around the house, such as glue, cardstock, and felt. Or you can buy a few super-cute gift card containers to add a special flair to any gift card and make the presentation that much more special. Just slip your card inside, and you're done! No wrapping gifts , no struggling with bows, no running out of tape. Best of all, these easy presentation ideas don't just have to be used for Christmas or Hanukkah gift-giving. They're also great ideas for gift cards given for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or Mother's Day . Make every gift card extra-special with these creative presentation ideas for gift cards throughout the year.

DIY Wrapping Paper Gift Card Holders

gift card presentation ideas wrapping paper

Wondering what to do with your extra wrapping paper? Upcycle it into these cute gift card holders and tie them with a bow.

Get the tutorial at K Werner Design .

DIY Cardstock Gift Card Holders

gift card presentation ideas printable

Even though these gift card holders look professionally made, they couldn't be simpler to DIY! The tutorial includes easy-to-use printable templates, so all you need to worry about is picking your favorite pattern.

Get the tutorial at The Homes I Have Made .


DIY Wood and Gold Leaf Gift Card Holder

There's never been a more fashionable way to present a gift card than these gold wooden holders.

Get the tutorial at Lovely Indeed .


DIY Taco Gift Card Holder

Give someone the gift of extra guac with this adorable taco gift card holder.

Get the tutorial at The Craft Patch Blog .


DIY Felt Gift Card Holder Tags

Have a batch of gift cards for friends and family? Put together these easy, no-sew felt tags that put a personal touch on each one.

Get the tutorial at Dream a Little Bigger .

DIY Monster Gift Card Holders

Turn gift cards for your kids, nieces, and nephews into these funky little monsters!

Get the tutorial at Polka Dot Chair .


DIY Mason Jar Gift Card and Candy Holder

The recipient gets the added bonus of candy and a cute Mason jar holder, as well as a gift card, with this great idea.

Get the tutorial at Something Turquoise .


DIY Mini Stocking Gift Card Holders

Give a little keepsake alongside the gift card with these colorful stockings.

Get the tutorial at Flamingo Toes .


DIY Rudolph Gift Card Holder

Reuse an old paper towel or toilet paper tube and turn it into this sweet Rudolph gift card holder.

Get the tutorial at Tried and True Blog .

DIY Ugly Christmas Sweater Gift Card Holder

There's probably nothing on this planet cuter than these mini hangers. So put these tiny sweaters to good use as the perfect prize holders for your ugly Christmas sweater party!

Get the tutorial at Design Eat Repeat .

Apple Gift Card Holder

Honor your favorite teacher or graduate with this fun apple-shaped gift card holder.

Custom Gift Card Envelope

These gift card envelopes have hand-written names for a personal touch. Stock up on envelopes for your family members and use them for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, and more.

Suitcase Gift Card Box

Is there anything sweeter than this mini suitcase to hold a gift card for your travel-obsessed friend?

Retro Cassette Tape Gift Card Holder

This is the perfect gift card presentation idea for the music lover in your life.

FYY Business Card Holder

Tuck a gift card inside, and the recipient gets two gifts in one with this handy business card holder.

Bits and Pieces Wooden Puzzle Box Gift Card Holder

Put your gift card or cash inside the box, and your recipient has to solve the puzzle to release the gift!

Sofa Gift Card Holder

Believe it or not, there's a gift card hidden in this adorable paper sofa.

Pinball Game Gift Card Holder

Stash the gift card (or cash), and the recipient plays pinball to release the treasure!

Headshot of Erin Cavoto

Erin Cavoto is the Editorial Assistant at ThePioneerWoman.com, covering food, holidays, home decor, and more.

Headshot of Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.

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19 Creative Gift Card Presentation Ideas for 2024


Are you looking for creative gift card presentation ideas for your next special occasion? For birthdays, holidays or just because, gift cards are a perfect fit. However, their unassuming appearance can sometimes leave you reaching for gift card presentation ideas that have the visual and emotional impact of other kinds of gifts. 

Luckily, there are a number of great presentation ideas for gift cards catering to every occasion, some of which are simple and some of which allow you to get a little more creative with paper, glitter and fabric. For whatever your budget and artistic ability, we've got 19 unique, memorable gift card presentation ideas that will surprise and delight the recipient.

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Are Gift Cards a Good Gift?

Creative gift card presentation ideas.

GC Banner Desktop

Gift cards make an excellent gift idea for a number of reasons. Their flexibility is perhaps the biggest draw. They cater to everything from favorite retailers to experience gifts like food tours and cooking classes. They also allow the recipient to be more active in picking out exactly what they would like to spend their funds on, and there's nothing better than getting precisely what you want!

From highly personalized selections to more general gifts such as those for office gift exchanges, gift cards offer a great and easy way to appeal to everyone. They’re also perfect gifts for someone who has everything .

1. With a Small Coordinating Object

A great gift card presentation idea is to pair the card with a small, inexpensive, but related gift item. This can be a foodie gift card attached to a new piece of kitchenware for the budding gourmet, or a coffee shop gift card attractively presented inside a mug or travel cup. While the card allows the recipient to spend the funds on their items and experiences of choice, the related item will forever be a tangible reminder of the gift.

Cute gift card presentation ideas can include a small related object.

2. Make a Candy Jar

A fun way to give a gift card is to create a candy jar of the recipient's favorite treats. Create an attractive container using a Mason jar filled with sweet treats or snacks. Attach the gift card to the outside or top of the jar, or place it inside against the glass or hidden under treats to make them forage for their gift. 

This gift card presentation idea is perfect for people with a sweet tooth or for children. It also works great for any kind of snack and with any size container. Candy jars also make great last-minute gift ideas .

a jar full of different candies

3. Create a Handmade Envelope

Handmade envelopes and paper pouches are another wonderful gift card presentation idea. Create an attractive envelope or slip using new or recycled paper. Retailers like JOANN and Michaels carry a great assortment of fine handmade papers. There are a number of tutorials on how to fold your paper and fasten the corners, including ideas on how to decorate it with collage or embellishments to make it extra special.

4. Give It With a Bottle

Another great gift card presentation idea is to pair it with the recipient’s favorite beverage. Affix the gift card to anything from a wine bottle, a favorite hard liquor or even a bag of their favorite coffee. Sodas, seltzers and other beverages are also perfect options. This is great for grab bags, white elephant gift exchanges at gatherings around the holidays and last-minute Christmas gifts .

For a great gift card presentation idea, attach it to a bottle of something they love.

5. Create a Puzzle Box

A fun way to give a gift card is to create a handmade puzzle box they must solve to obtain the card. These can be as simple or advanced as you like. Boxes can be constructed out of existing boxes, cardboard or cardstock paper. A puzzle box, whatever the difficulty level, is an engaging way to present a gift card for children or curious, puzzle-loving adults.

6. Pop-Up Card or Booklet

If you're looking for an elaborate and creative way to give a gift card, consider crafting a fun pop-up envelope or booklet to display your gift card front and center. Tutorials online show how to create unique gift card presentations like this, including engaging designs that are as surprising and fun to give as they are to receive. They also evoke an element of surprise and whimsy that will be long remembered by the receiver.

7. Make a Fabric or Knitted Sleeve

An excellent gift card presentation idea, particularly in the winter months, is creating fabric or knitted pockets or sleeves for gift cards. This adds a cozy personal touch that allows you to tailor your gift sleeve’s print and color to the theme of the intended celebration — red and green for Christmas, for example.

Fabric pouches are simple to sew by hand or machine. While knitting or crocheting a pocket or sleeve for your card may require more advanced skills, they’re an excellent short afternoon project for even beginner knitters. If you aren't up to making the pouch yourself, you can always purchase or recycle one and add elements like buttons and trim, or hand stamp a design or message onto the pouch.

a pink knitted sleeve

8. Make a Memory Book

A thoughtful gift card presentation idea is creating an accordion or handbound book album featuring mementos and photos personal to you and the gift recipient. Fold a long sheet of paper or cardstock into fourths or eighths, creating a system of pockets; one to include your gift card, others to include pieces of ephemera and printed images. These personal touches make the small book a great memory long after the card is gone.

This is a perfect idea for a gift card presentation for both family and friends you’ve known for a long time, and a great way to share experience gift cards .

Put it in a memory book for a meaningful gift card presentation idea.

9. Create a Gift Card Wallet

Another perfect presentation idea for gift cards is to create a wallet from paper or fabric to enclose the gift card. Make it a simple bifold design or add elements like buttons, latches or adhesive to close it. This idea also works perfectly when presenting several gift cards for group gifts. An alternative is to recycle an older wallet and decorate it with a design or image special to you and the recipient.

a woman painting on an old wallet

10. Fold It in Origami

A completely one-of-a-kind gift card presentation idea is to enclose your card in an origami sculpture. Animals, butterflies or other unique folded objects make memorable receptacles for gift cards. While folding the paper and engineering the shape may take a little practice, it’s more than worthwhile. This gift card presentation idea is especially great for children.

11. Attach an Ornament

For the holidays, ornaments make great accompaniments to gift cards. If you’re feeling especially crafty, make a simple fabric or paper ornament to hang on a tree. You could also purchase a special or handmade ornament, which will forever serve as a reminder and point of connection long after the gift card has been spent.

Attaching it to an ornament is a fun gift card presentation idea.

12. Deck of Gift Cards

For holidays or other gatherings, a fun gift card presentation idea is to create a deck of cards with several gift cards secreted inside. Each participant draws a card from the deck as it makes its way around the room. Some are just regular cards, but the lucky will draw the actual gift cards as prizes. This works perfectly for office parties or large family gatherings and is a fun ice breaker activity for people you would like to get to know.

a woman fanning out a deck of cards

13. Put It in a Snow Globe

Another fun holiday gift card presentation idea is to create a simple snow globe. Place the gift card inside a mason jar and then use small seasonal items and fake snow or glitter to decorate the interior and outside of the jar. Think animal figures, miniature ornaments and small trees. The jar can remain a favorite décor item long after the occasion.

Creating snow globes can also be a fun group or kids’ activity. Children love to create them, so this is an excellent option for having them make holiday gifts for teachers .

Making a snow globe is a fun gift card presentation idea.

14. Include a Toy

A cute gift card presentation idea for kids is to attach the gift card to a small toy or inexpensive stuffed animal. This is particularly cute if you arrange the card so that it looks like the animal or doll is “presenting” the gift card. Stock up on small stuffed toys and dolls at dollar stores and thrift shops to keep them on hand for gift card giving occasions.

a stuffed hippopotamus

15. Gift Card Bouquet

An excellent gift card presentation idea, particularly for group gifts, is a gift card bouquet. These can be created using pipe cleaners and tissue paper to fashion flowers with gift cards at their centers. This unique gift card presentation idea works perfectly for new mom and baby shower gifts, with cards assembled from a number of different places and retailers. It’s also an excellent gift card presentation idea for new homeowners or housewarming parties. 

16. Attach It to Art or Classroom Supplies

A fun gift card presentation idea for end-of-year teacher gifts is to create a bouquet of markers or pencils. The card is a personal gift, but you are also providing some badly needed classroom supplies for the next year. Switch out the classroom supplies for paint brushes or professional grade markers or drawing pens, and this becomes a great gift idea for budding artists. 

Giving it with class supplies is a good gift card presentation idea for teachers.

17. Bath and Body Items

A great idea when presenting a personal care gift card is to pair it with a favorite small cosmetic or bath and body item like perfume, bath gel or lotion. This works perfectly for giving a spa day card or a card for the recipient's favorite bath and body or cosmetics store. Retailers often offer small sample sizes of their most popular products that make a perfect accompaniment to a gift card.

an array of bath and body products

18.  Create a Custom Gift Pouch or Bag

A cute and recycle-friendly gift card presentation idea is to create a small bag or pouch from recycled paper. Great ideas include leftover gift wrap or the comics section of the newspaper. Magazine pages also create visually interesting packaging. You can always add other small items to the bag with the card, like stickers, toys or sample-sized offerings related to the gift card.

19. Make a Gift Card Wreath

Another fun gift card presentation idea for group settings is a gift card wreath. Place decorative envelopes on a wreath, attach them with clips and then draw names, with each participant choosing one of the cards. Vary the amounts of the cards and make a game of it, allowing players to swap, barter and scheme for their desired cards.

Dotting them around a wreath is a fun gift card presentation idea.

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Whatever gift card presentation idea you choose, giving a gift card is an excellent way to celebrate any occasion, from the most formal to the everyday. By using these great ideas for gift card presentation, you make the experience of receiving it even more memorable and unique than the card itself.

For even more fun gift ideas, check out other experiences happening on Cozymeal.

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12 Interesting and Creative Ways to Give Gift Cards 

Take gift giving to a new level with these fun and unexpected gift card presentation ideas.

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Create a fun and memorable experience for friends or family members with these creative ways to give gift cards. From last-minute DIY gift card holders to presentation methods that require a bit more planning, these ideas will show the recipient just how much you appreciate them.

Nested Gift Boxes

Nesting or nested boxes are the gifts that keep on giving - and they'll give the gift of a little laughter, too! Give a friend or family member the experience of opening several presents by trying this fun way to present a gift card. First, put the card in the smallest box and wrap it . Then, place the wrapped box within the next box, wrap it, and so on. Use tissue paper or shredded paper to cushion each box. The unwrapping process will be sure to get some chuckles, and the recipient will be pleasantly surprised to find the gift card at the end! If you don't want to purchase special nesting gift boxes, simply use recycled cardboard boxes in different sizes for the same effect.

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DIY Gift Card Snow Globe

Snow globes are a traditional holiday gift, but this DIY spin on the classic globe can be a unique way to present a gift card. All you need is a mason jar, hot glue gun, water, glitter, and any other decorations you'd like to place in the globe. Just know this method will only work for plastic gift cards because they will be fully submerged in the water. Don't have time or patience to craft one yourself? You can buy a ready-made snow globe designed to hold a gift card.

Hide a Gift Card in a Jar of Candy

Imagine opening a jar filled with your favorite candy when you discover a second gift tucked in the center of the jar: Surprise - it's a gift card! Extend this joy to a loved one by placing a rolled piece of cardstock into a mason jar. Put the gift card into the cardstock, then fill the surrounding portion of the jar with their favorite candy. Skittles, M&M's, jellybeans, and Reese's Pieces work well for this, though you can also use almonds, dried berries, or granola for a healthier twist. Make sure to place a gift tag on the jar so everyone knows exactly who it's meant for.

Place a Card Inside a Mug or Tumbler

Everyone enjoys a hot beverage in the winter, so you can't go wrong by presenting a gift card in a mug. Find one with an image or message that reminds you of your friend or person you're giving the gift to; you can find some pretty cute mugs at Target, World Market, TJ Maxx, or Amazon. Fill the mug with tissue paper or crinkled paper shreds, then push the gift card halfway in so it's peeking out the top. If you know the recipient likes a certain type of tea, coffee, or chocolate, you can tuck a few into the mug as well. A tumbler with a lid and straw instead of a mug could also make a great choice.

Make an Easy Origami Envelope Gift Card Holder

A gift card presented in an envelope doesn't have to be boring, particularly if the envelope is handmade. A DIY origami envelope is a thoughtful and elegant way to gift a card, plus it won't take you more than a few minutes. You'll just need some decorative paper (wrapping paper works great!) cut into a 9-inch by 9-inch square. It can double as a business card holder after they spend the gift card!

Create a Crocheted Gift Card Holder

Are you feeling extra crafty? Consider crocheting a Santa-themed gift card holder . You will need prior crocheting experience or the willingness to learn a few basic stitches. However, the result will be an impressive gift card holder that can double as a coin purse or keepsake pouch.

Slip It in a Luggage Tag

Are you getting a gift card for the adventurer in your life? Or maybe it's a wedding gift for a couple who will be taking off on their honeymoon? Placing the gift card in a cute luggage tag can be a fun and unique idea. You can find luggage tags featuring clever sayings at most travel stores or even Target. If you have time leading up to the big day, it could be meaningful to have a personalized luggage tag made for your special explorer.

Try a Maze Gift Card Puzzle

Make the recipient work for their present by placing the gift card inside a maze. You can purchase maze boxes designed exactly for this purpose. Just open the maze, place the gift card inside, then place it under the tree. The receiver will have to unlock the puzzle before they can access the card.

Plan a Scavenger Hunt

If you want to give your gift card recipient a fun experience, you could try planning a scavenger hunt for them. This is especially fun when giving gift cards to a group of children or teens . Give them an envelope containing the first clue . Each clue can lead them to a different location in the home (or your neighborhood!), with the final clue leading them to the gift cards.

Make a Paper Backpack to Hold a Child's Gift Card

If you're giving a gift card to a kid in your life, you'll want to make it fun. Find a toy they'll enjoy, like a small plush bear, dinosaur figurine, or doll. Grab an envelope, two thin strips of tape, and glue or tape, and use it to craft a paper backpack for the doll to wear. Slip the gift card inside the envelope and place it under the tree. If you want to make the pack even more realistic, you can fashion an origami backpack . Your little one will fall in love with both the backpack-toting toy and the gift card it holds.

Zip It Into a Small Pouch

Pair the gift card with a small zippered pouch. You can find pouches with cute images or sayings on them, though you can also get one personalized with a photo or your loved one's name. The pouch makes it a fun gift to open, and they can use it as a coin purse or wallet. For a student, you could gift the gift card in a slender zippered pencil case instead.

Gift Multiple Cards as a Wreath

Are you giving an individual or family multiple gift cards? A creative way to present them is in the form of a wreath. Begin with a plain holiday wreath; it can be an artificial fir, grapevine, or whatever you prefer. Arrange the cards around the wreath, then use decorative clips to attach them. This gift card presentation is not only attractive, but it doubles as a decoration the recipient can use for many holidays to come.

Original Gift Card Presentation Ideas for Everyone

Whether this gift is for a loved one on Christmas morning or an office gift exchange , these fun ways to give gift cards will take your present to the next level. Choose the presentation method that works best for the person receiving the card and the time you have available . It's truly the thought that counts.


Why Gift Presentation Matters


Most of us have experienced the moment when someone brings out their gift for a holiday or event with its wrapping or presentation being flawless. Whether it involved a big reveal, the classic gift within a gift surprise, or the crisply wrapped gift decorated with fresh greenery or bows, these well executed gift presentations always garner attention. I myself (being self-conscience of course) would be quick to say, “it’s not about how the gift is wrapped or presented, it’s about the gift itself!” This type of statement obviously fuels my bias since I’m officially known as the family’s “worst gift-wrapper.”


Many of us are either obsessed with perfectly wrapped gifts or we despise the whole idea of planning how to present a gift. If you think I’m joking, then take a look at this article that contains only 10 words and a short clip of gifts being impeccably wrapped that got over 200,000 shares. Furthermore, I’m sure many of us remember the show Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition , which revolved around the moment when the gift (in this case a newly renovated house) is revealed from behind a moving bus. Although many of us are bias when it comes to how a gift should be presented based on our personalities or gift-wrapping skills, there has been some research that sheds some light on the effects of how a gift is presented.

The Sheepskin Bicycle Cover Experiment


In 1992 Daniel Howard, a marketing professor at Southern Methodist University, published a study that sought to determine if gift wrapping positively affects the recipient’s attitude toward possessing a gift. Like many psychological studies, there are often sleights that trick the participants into giving a more accurate response. This one was no different. One of the experiments asked students to evaluate four different products in exchange for a free gift. Before leaving the room, the students were asked to rate the gift they received, which happened to be what the whole experiment was about. What did they receive? A sheepskin bicycle cover. What is even more interesting is that the students who received the bicycle cover that was gift-wrapped rated the gift significantly higher than those who received the gift in a plastic bag. Another experiment tested the effect of the quality of wrapping paper on how the recipient perceived the gift. This yielded similar results. Even the gifts wrapped in cheap brown paper were rated higher than those not wrapped at all.

Preference & Cultural Expectations

Another research paper produced by the Bond Business School shows that the majority of people prefer to have their gifts wrapped. Although there may be outliers like myself, it seems that it's usually safe to go ahead and add those final touches. It also elaborates on the fact that presenting or wrapping a gift is both a social signal of the item being a gift and a cultural expectation in most parts of the world. This can be especially true in Eastern cultures where the way a gift is presented or the color of its wrapping paper can communicate different messages .

Taking Gift Presentation More Seriously

“Dr. Howard argues that gift wrapping not only affects the perceived value and ownership of a gift, but it also affects the mood and attitudes of the recipients.

So, what does this all mean? Well, Dr. Howard argues that gift wrapping not only affects the perceived value and ownership of a gift, but it also affects the mood and attitudes of the recipients. Furthermore, gift wrapping itself often will cue a happy or positive mood among the recipients because of its association with happy moments in many individuals' lives. Some even argue that a gifts value is greatly diminished just by the lack of gift-wrapping. This means that when we consider giving someone a gift for a corporate event, client milestone, or employee anniversary, we should seriously consider how it is presented.

It's All About Relationships

Although not all gifts can or should be wrapped, Dr. Howard’s experiment shows that how you present a gift plays a significant role in how the recipient is affected by it. So, before you decide to just hand over your next gift, consider how you can present it so that it’s memorable and will generate the positive response you’re hoping for. At the end of the day it’s all about the recipient and your unique relationship with them, so consider capitalizing on this opportunity next time you give a gift.

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Creative Ways to Give a Gift Card

Gift cards are wonderful. We like to give them, as well as receive them. But when it comes to gifting them, how do you go beyond just adding them into a greeting card or gift bag? 

Whatever the occasion, try to elevate your gift card giving game using these creative gift card presentation ideas. It’s minimal effort with maximum effect. 

presentation of a gift

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Table of Contents

How do I make my gift card more interesting?

We all like gift cards because of what they offer: ease and customization. But knowing how to couple “gift card” with “interesting,” well, that’s the question, right? How do you present a gift card, beyond the paper sleeve, in a way that shows you expended more effort than a quick stop at Kroger or CVS?

Well, you make it personal. While that can take many forms — from simple to over the top — those small steps of personalization offer a creative and caring touch.

Whatever special occasion you have looming, here are several creative gift card presentation ideas you can use for inspiration. 

How do you present a bunch of gift cards?

Have you ever been in a situation where you had multiple gift cards to give? For me, the things that come to mind are those group, gift-giving opportunities: Teacher Appreciation Week , class “Thank You!” gifts for a teacher or Bible study leader, a group birthday gift for a friend or family member, a Get Well gift, team gifts for a special coach or teacher, etc. 

Below, you’ll find a variety of ideas from Marian at How Clever! for presenting a collection of gift cards with personalization and pizazz!

1) Potted plant gift card bouquet

gift card presentation ideas using a potted plant with multiple gift cards arranged in a display for gift giving

This one is so easy to put together and can be used to present a variety of gift cards for all kinds of gifts: Get Well, Thinking of You, Teacher Appreciation, and more. 

With just a simple container and an easy-to-care-for plant, all that’s required is adding the gift cards you’ve collected to some type of stake or holder. 

Some ideas for displaying the gift cards in your plant include:

  • taping the gift cards to wooden skewers (which is what we did here), flower stakes, or straws
  • using card-holder floral picks (either plastic or wire )
  • attaching with alligator clips like these .

Most likely, you have one or more of these items on hand.

Marian then simply created a “Thinking of You” label on her computer and attached it to a burlap band that she wrapped around the plant’s container.

If you’d like to get a copy of this label, along with the others shown in this post, here’s a link to the printable .

Obviously, this one would work with just about any plant or flower arrangement, so the sky’s the limit. You also could fill a bucket with sand, add a shovel, maybe a bow and a cute tag, and stake your gift cards just as we’ve shown here.

2) Shadow box display for gift card presentation

gift card presentation ideas using shadow box gift card display

This would be so cute for a class gift during Teacher Appreciation Week! As you can see, it doesn’t take much to personalize the shadow box, and it would serve as a cute and simple way for students to collect and gift their teacher with gift cards to all of his or her favorite places.

We found this shadow box for only $5 in the Dollar Spot at Target. It has a slide-out back, so you can personalize it in one of two ways.  

One, Hobby Lobby has scrapbook paper that looks like notebook paper that you can cut to fit the frame and then just hand-write a personal note; or two, you can use a platform like Canva to find an editable template to customize, download, and print. 

If you like the one Marian created, we’re sharing a printable copy you can download and print . To personalize, you’d simply need to add your teacher’s name and any other details you’d like to include.

While you might not be able to get this same shadow box, you can find pretty inexpensive ones in many places. 

3) Gift cards presented on a metal letter

gift card presentation ideas with metal letter T with a collection of gift cards added with magnets

We love this idea! Using a metal letter, you can create the cutest gift card display that also serves as part of a fabulous gift!

We bought this one at Hobby Lobby, where you can find them in many styles and sizes. The key to making this one, though, is using a metal letter since magnets attach the flowers and gift cards.

To make the flower magnets, simply find the faux florals you wish to use. We like the Gerber daisies because they come in bright colors and have a large surface to hide the magnets. You will need a clip magnetic like this or this . Once you cut the flower top from the stem, you’ll use your glue gun to affix the flower to the magnet.

And voila! You’re all set to gather your gift cards for a precious presentation. This would be an excellent gift for high school graduation (using something other than flowers) or even a birthday.

4) Gift card bouquet with a garland  

gift card presentation ideas for Happy Birthday garland with gift cards

If you’ve been following us for a while, this one probably looks familiar. In our post, DIY Care Packages: Simple Steps to Cute & Clever, we showed you how to create a themed gift card garland for sending a quick and easy care package to your college student . But you can apply the general idea to a variety of occasions (Happy Birthday, Get Well, Congrats, etc.) using whatever garland you feel best represents either the person or situation. 

Garlands are having a moment, and with so many cute options — whether it’s a tassel, pom-pom, or seasonal — including one that the recipient could then use and display can also become part of the gift.

I also think this would be a cute idea for a bridal or baby shower. Serving double duty, the hostess could use a cute garland on the wall or mantle for decoration, as well as a place for partygoers to clip their gift card gifts, recipe cards, or well-wishes as they arrive.

While all of the above were made specifically for creating a presentation for multiple gift cards, both the gift card bouquet in the plant and the metal letter could easily be given as a solo gift using only one gift card.

What are creative ways to give gift cards when you have just one?

However, most of the time, we give gift cards, it’s a single gift, and it’s here where most of us can up our game. But again, minimal effort is all that’s required. 

And if you’re reading this and thinking being creative isn’t your thing, well, that’s why we’re here! Marian has taken the guesswork away, so you don’t have to come up with the ideas for presenting your gift card. All you have to do is copy the one(s) you like best!

Quick and easy gift card presentation ideas

The next time you have a gift card to present, here are some ideas to make that gift just a little more special:

Sweet and simple

With so many great water bottles, insulated wine cups, coffee mugs, and more, it doesn’t stress the imagination to transform something simple to fit a variety of gift-giving occasions and recipients.

The ideas below probably don’t cost not much more (if at all) than a nice greeting card or gift bag, but each creates a sweet and thoughtful touch.

1) Acrylic cup or tumbler

gift card presentation ideas using a acrylic tumbler and gift card

Gift cards are perfect for high school graduation. Still, you can add appeal to the presentation by dropping the card inside the appropriate collegiate-branded tumbler and simply adding some complementary-colored shred.

Receiving gifts emblazoned with their new college logo often is a highlight for soon-to-be college freshmen, and while the gift card will be put to quick use, the tumbler is one of those things they likely will continue to use and like for years to come.

2) Coffee mug

gift card presentation ideas using a coffee mug

Here’s a gift card presentation idea that is simple to do but ups your gift card giving game! The mug we used in the image above is no longer available, but here’s a cute one from Williams Sonoma . Just pop the gift card into some pink shred, and you’re ready to go! Of course, this gift card idea would work with any recipient for any occasion based on the mug and gift card you choose.

If you’re like me, I always try to find a gift first, particularly when buying for my mom or mother-in-law. They both are great and certainly deserve to be celebrated . However, I’ve also found that to be increasingly difficult because neither of our moms really “need” anything.

In fact, that was the primary driver behind this post: Find Unique Gifts for Mom This Mother’s Day . Check it out if you’re looking for some ideas!

However, sometimes, giving a gift card to someone’s favorite store is the best way to go. So if you find yourself in that position — whomever the gift is for — well, at least now you have some different options for presenting your gift card with a bit of panache.

3) Lanyard or keychain

gift card presentation ideas using a keychain, lanyard or sports whistle

Using a lanyard or keychain is another simple idea based on the occasion. You can hole-punch your gift card and add it to a keychain or lanyard. Or, if your gift card is for a special coach, consider clipping to a sports whistle! Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!

Gift cards with a personal touch

Here we’ve taken the same approach as above but added a little bit of “extra” with a DIY gift tag. For the most part, all we did here to elevate the presentation of sweet and simple was to add a little bit of personalization.

Below you’ll find a few easy ideas for presenting a gift card to someone, and as a bonus, we’ve included a link to download and print the gift tags.

1) Mason jar: You are Marvelous & Magnificent!

Maybe it’s for Teacher Appreciation Week, or perhaps it’s a simple gift just to say “Thanks!” or “Thinking of you.” Whatever the reason, here’s an idea for presenting someone with a gift card using just a mason jar and M&Ms.

gift card presentation ideas using a mason jar and M&Ms

At Christmas, you could turn your mason jar into a snow globe. I like these two tutorials from Hip2Save and Home Made Lovely . Both are so cute!

2) Tumbler 2.0: Thanks a Latte!

Okay, back to the tumbler! Starbucks gift cards are such a popular gift that it just made sense to circle back around to this idea. Below is another easy idea when giving a gift card from Starbucks. All we did on this one was add black shred to the cup and a simple DIY “Thanks a latte!” tag .

gift presentation ideas for Starbucks gift card and tumbler

While Starbucks is often the default, most locally-owned coffee shops also have merch. If I was giving this to someone local (or in their 20s), I might look for an option other than Starbucks but do everything else the same.

And nothing against Starbucks, but both of my young adult children seem to prefer unique coffee shops over the bigger chain.

You also could up the ante on this gift with a personalized mug or tumbler. The ones pictured here are nice because they fit easily into a cup holder, and even with the personalization, these are still under $25.

personalized water bottles

3) Beauty products: Hang in there!

gift card presentation ideas with spa gift card, cute Thinking of You tag, and a bath soak

If you are giving someone a spa gift card, you’re probably not going to spend much more on the embellishment. By using this idea to present a gift card, you won’t need to do that. However, that still doesn’t mean you need to settle for the card only!

Adding a DIY tag and a simple — yet complementary — add-on, like this scrub (or something similar, such as a face mask, bath bomb, etc.), you have a gift with a personal touch.

As with all our examples, this works for any gift where you want the gift card to shine.

4) Give it a theme

Sometimes, the easiest place to start is with a theme.

Movie Night or Date Night buckets are easy to make and fun to give.

gift card presentation ideas using a popcorn tub, gift card and candy

We started with an inexpensive bucket from Hobby Lobby, but you also can add everything you see here to an Orville Redenbacher popcorn tub for something equally affordable but also just as cute.

Marian pulled this all together, much like how she created the gift card bouquets. She attached the gift card — the star of the show — and a few DIY-themed tags to wooden skewers (Note: Placing a little floral foam in the base of the bucket gives you an anchor for those cards and tags).

From there, she just filled in the gaps with paper shred and added candy and a couple of drinks. Wrapping it up with a bow around the bucket, you have a cute way to give a gift card.

gift tags to download and print

Baby and bridal: Bridal and baby shower gifts easily lend themselves to giving gift cards with a little extra.

If you are buying a baby or bridal gift, the best place to begin is with the couple’s registry. Purchase one or two less expensive items on their list and then wrap those up with a gift card to one of their “requested” retailers.

After all, when you are attending a shower, it’s always way more fun to see someone open a gift rather than just a gift card.

Doing something like this also might be your best option if you wait until the last minute to buy a gift (been there, done that!) and find all that’s left on the registry are the high-end items. I’ve been to many showers, but buying someone a stroller is a different level of love:)

Welcome Home: When giving a gift card as a housewarming gift, particularly for a young adult or newly-married couple moving into their first home, there are so many easy ideas for giving a gift card.

Here, we’ve added a gift card to a simple charcuterie board (another inexpensive find from the Dollar Spot at Target) tied up with some kitchen towels and a wooden spoon.

gift card presentation ideas using a charcuterie board, kitchen towels and wooden spoon

However, this is just one quick example. Many home goods would work just as well. For instance, you could add a gift card to any one of these items: an oven mitt, mixing bowl, glass measuring cup, apron, etc.

Another nice touch is to add a favorite recipe if your gift is for a newly married couple or young adult.

Okay, so now you have no excuses! The next time you give a gift card, use one of these gift card presentation ideas to up your gift-card-giving game. It’s way better than boring!

Happy Gifting!

gift card presentation ideas collage

Sharing is caring!

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presentation of a gift

Proper Presentation and Delivery of Gifts: What to Do and What to Avoid When Offering a Corporate Gift

Are you ready to step up your gift-giving game in the corporate world? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the proper presentation and delivery of gifts, ensuring that you make a lasting impression. We'll show you what to do and what to avoid, giving you the confidence to navigate the world of corporate gifting with ease. So, grab a pen and get ready to learn the secrets of giving the perfect corporate gift and enjoy its benefits  and avoid the biggest gifting pitfalls ! It's time to unleash your inner gift-giving guru!

What is a Corporate Gift?

When it comes to corporate gifts, there are various types that you can consider. These gifts are typically given to clients, employees , or partners as a token of appreciation or to strengthen business relationships . Some common types of corporate gifts include personalized items, promotional products, and luxury goods.

Types of Corporate Gifts

If you're looking for corporate gifts , you can consider items like personalized pens or custom-made notebooks . These types of gifts are not only practical but also offer a personal touch. Another option you might want to consider is including a gift card or gift certificate, allowing the recipient the freedom to choose their own gift. To enhance the presentation of your corporate gift, you can opt for a gift box or gift wrapping. These add an extra layer of elegance and professionalism to your gift. Whether you're looking to express gratitude to a client or reward your employees , corporate gifts play a significant role. By selecting the right type of gift and paying attention to its presentation, you can create a positive and lasting impression.

Corporate Gifting

presentation of a gift

When it comes to corporate gifting , it is important to understand the policies not regarding such gifts. Knowing the appropriate use of corporate gifts and the limitations surrounding them is key to maintaining professionalism and compliance with laws and regulations. By familiarizing yourself with these guidelines, you can ensure that your corporate gifting practices align with industry standards and legal requirements.

Policies Regarding Corporate Gifts

To ensure compliance with company policies, make sure you consult the guidelines regarding corporate gifts . Proper etiquette is crucial when it comes to the presentation of gifts in a corporate setting. It is important to be mindful of the recipient's preferences and any cultural considerations . When selecting a gift, opt for something practical and useful that aligns with the recipient's interests or needs. Avoid giving fragile items that may break during transport or require excessive care. Additionally, it is essential to adhere to any spending limits set by your company. Remember that corporate gifting is an opportunity to build and strengthen professional relationships, so take the time to consider the appropriateness and significance of the gift. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your corporate gifts are well-received and reflect positively on both you and your company.

Appropriate Use of Corporate Gifts

It's important to consider the appropriateness of the gift in a professional setting. When presenting a corporate gift, make sure it aligns with the recipient's values and preferences. A proper gift demonstrates thoughtfulness and respect. Before choosing a gift, consider the recipient's interests, hobbies, and professional background. This will help you select something meaningful and relevant. Additionally, presentation is key. Take the time to wrap the gift neatly and professionally, using high-quality materials. This shows that you value the recipient and the occasion . When delivering the gift, it's best to do it in person whenever possible. This allows for a personal touch and shows your dedication to the relationship. Remember, a well-chosen and well-presented corporate gift can strengthen professional connections and leave a lasting impression.

Limitations on Corporate Gifting

Make sure you understand the restrictions and guidelines surrounding corporate gifting to ensure you stay within the appropriate boundaries. When choosing a corporate gift , it's important to find the perfect gift that aligns with your recipient's interests and values. Fortunately, there is a wide range of options available to suit any price range. Consider exploring an online retailer that offers a variety of corporate gifts, allowing you to find something unique and thoughtful. One popular choice is a gift basket, which can be customized to include items that cater to the recipient's preferences. However, it's crucial to be mindful of any limitations on corporate gifting, such as maximum value limits or restrictions on certain industries. By staying within these guidelines, you can provide a meaningful gift while maintaining your professional integrity.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations Concerning Corporate Gifting

Complying with laws and regulations is essential when giving corporate gifts. It ensures that your gestures are well-received and avoid any legal complications. Understanding the rules surrounding corporate gifting is crucial for maintaining a positive and ethical business image.

When it comes to compliance, it's important to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding corporate gifting. Some countries have strict limits on the value of gifts that can be given or received, while others prohibit certain types of gifts altogether. By staying informed, you can avoid any potential legal issues and maintain a transparent and trustworthy relationship with your clients and partners.

Proper presentation and delivery of gifts also play a significant role in compliance. Be mindful of cultural norms and practices when presenting gifts, ensuring that they are appropriate and respectful. Additionally, always disclose any conflicts of interest or potential biases that may arise from giving or receiving gifts.

Gift Recipients and Delivery Methods

When choosing the right recipient for a gift, there are several considerations to keep in mind. You want to ensure that the gift is appropriate for the person's interests, preferences, and relationship to you. Additionally, it's important to think about the occasion and the message you want to convey through the gift. Once you have selected the perfect recipient, there are various ways to deliver the gift. You can choose to personally present it, have it delivered through a courier service, or send it electronically if it's a digital gift. The method of delivery should align with the recipient's preferences and the nature of the gift itself.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Recipient for a Gift

Choosing the right recipient for your corporate gift can greatly impact the effectiveness and success of your gesture. When considering who to give the gift to, think about the purpose of the gift and the message you want to convey. For example, if you are giving gifts for speakers at a conference, you may want to consider gifts that are practical and useful for their profession. Some guest speaker gift ideas could include personalized notebooks, high-quality pens, or even gift cards to bookstores. It's important to also think about the recipient's preferences and interests to ensure they will truly appreciate the gift. Lastly, don't forget to add a personal touch to the gift, whether it's a handwritten note or a customized message. Remember, the key is to choose a recipient who will truly value and appreciate your gesture.

Different Ways to Deliver a Gift to the Recipient

One option for delivering a gift to the recipient is by personally handing it to them. This method allows for direct interaction and a personal touch, making it ideal for special occasions or when you want to make a lasting impression. Another way to deliver a gift is by mail or courier service. This is a convenient option, especially for corporate gifts or when distance is a factor. Ensure that the gift is securely packaged to avoid any damage during transit. Additionally, you can consider using online gift delivery services. These platforms offer a wide range of thoughtful gifts for various occasions and provide a hassle-free experience. Whichever method you choose, remember to consider the recipient's preferences and the occasion to ensure the proper presentation and delivery of your gift.

Perfecting the Gift Presentation & Delivery Process

presentation of a gift

When it comes to gift-giving, adding a personal touch can make all the difference. Learn how to make your gift stand out from others by incorporating unique elements that resonate with the recipient. Whether you choose to take advantage of professional wrapping services or opt for DIY-wrapping ideas, the presentation can greatly enhance the overall gift-giving experience. Additionally, thinking ahead and preparing in advance for events, holidays, or special occasions can ensure that your gifts are timely and well-received.

Personal Touch: How to Make Your Gift Stand Out From Others

To make your gift stand out from others, it's important to add a personal touch that shows you care. When selecting a gift, consider the recipient's interests, hobbies, or preferences. For a personal gift, choose something meaningful or nostalgic that will evoke emotions and create a lasting memory. If you're aiming for a romantic gift, opt for something intimate and thoughtful, like a handwritten love letter or a surprise date night. Adding a personal touch could also involve presenting the gift in a custom gift box, tailored to the recipient's taste or style. Another nice surprise could be to include a handwritten note or a small, heartfelt message expressing your appreciation. Remember, it's not always about the most expensive item, but the thought and effort put into the gift that truly makes it special.

Taking Advantage of Wrapping Services or DIY-Wrapping Ideas

Now that you have learned how to make your gift stand out with a personal touch, let's explore another aspect of proper gift presentation: taking advantage of wrapping services or DIY-wrapping ideas. When it comes to gifts for a guest speaker or a guest of government, especially on formal occasions, the presentation is crucial. Wrapping services can offer a professional touch, ensuring that your gift looks elegant and polished. However, if you prefer a more personal approach, DIY-wrapping ideas can also be a great option. You can use eco-friendly materials such as recycled paper or fabric to create unique and environmentally-conscious wrapping. Whether you choose professional wrapping or DIY, remember that the way you present your gift reflects your thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

Thinking Ahead: Preparing in Advance for Events, Holidays, etc.

Planning in advance for events and holidays is a smart way to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Whether you're hosting a dinner party, attending a holiday party, or looking for the perfect engagement gift, thinking ahead can save you time and hassle. By considering the upcoming gifting occasion, you can start brainstorming ideas, researching options, and even purchasing items ahead of time. For example, if you know you'll be attending a conference and want to give conference speaker gifts, you can plan in advance by researching the speakers and their interests. This way, you'll have a better understanding of what kind of gift would be meaningful to them. By preparing in advance, you'll avoid last-minute stress and have the freedom to choose the perfect gift for any occasion.

The 5 Best Leather Corporate Gifts To Buy

When it comes to selecting the best leather corporate gifts , you want to make sure you choose items that exude professionalism and style. Look no further than the Vernon Backpack, the Colden Duffle Bag, the Eira Duffle Bag, the Brandt Weekender, and the Langley Backpack. These top-quality leather accessories are not only functional and durable, but they also make a lasting impression on recipients, making them the perfect choice for any corporate gifting occasion.

The Vernon Backpack

presentation of a gift

The Vernon Backpack is a highly durable and water-resistant bag made from crazy horse leather. Crafted with the utmost attention to detail, this backpack is designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use while maintaining a timeless and stylish appearance. The crazy horse leather not only gives it a unique retro, vintage look, but also provides exceptional resistance to water and other liquids.

Featuring a roomy main compartment that can comfortably fit a 15' laptop, as well as an exterior pocket for quick and easy access to essentials, the Vernon Backpack offers both functionality and convenience. Additionally, it has a front magnetic locked pocket for smaller items, two side pockets for a water bottle or easy-access items, and an interior zippered pocket and two slip pockets for further organization.

Product Specs:

  • Material: Crazy horse leather
  • Dimensions: (L) 12.6" x (W) 5.5" x (H) 16.9"
  • Weight: 2.8 lbs
  • Capacity: 20.8 liters
  • Highly durable and water-resistant
  • Unique retro, vintage look
  • Ample storage space and organization options
  • Comfortable to wear with adjustable straps
  • Versatile for both work and casual use
  • May have a strong leather smell initially
  • Slightly heavier compared to other backpacks
  • Limited color options

The Colden Duffle Bag

presentation of a gift

If you're looking for a spacious and stylish travel bag , the Colden Duffle Bag is a great choice. This duffle bag features a central compartment of ample size, along with thoughtfully placed pockets for improved accessibility. The smooth zipper adds an elegant touch to the overall design. The exterior is made from durable crazy horse leather, known for its toughness and unique aged appearance. The soft cotton lining ensures that your belongings are protected while adding a touch of luxury. The bag is made of high-quality crazy horse leather, which is highly resistant to water and other liquids. With dimensions of 23.6 x 10 x 7 inches and a weight of 3.5 lbs, it offers a spacious interior without being too heavy to carry. The Colden Duffle Bag also offers multiple carrying options, with soft leather handles and an adjustable shoulder strap.

  • Dimensions: 23.6 x 10 x 7 inches (60cm x 29cm x 25cm)
  • Weight: 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
  • Exterior: Crazy horse leather
  • Lining: Soft cotton
  • Carrying options: Soft leather handles, adjustable shoulder strap
  • Spacious central compartment
  • Thoughtfully-placed pockets for improved accessibility
  • Smooth zipper for elegance
  • Durable crazy horse leather exterior
  • Soft cotton lining for added protection
  • Multiple carrying options for convenience
  • May be too large for some travelers
  • The weight of the bag may be heavy for some users
  • The crazy horse leather may require occasional maintenance and care to maintain its appearance.

The Eira Duffle Bag

presentation of a gift

Now that you've learned about the Colden Duffle Bag, let's move on to another exceptional option: the Eira Duffle Bag . This bag is perfect for those who value both style and functionality. Made of high-quality crazy horse leather, the Eira Duffle Bag offers a unique and vintage appearance that only gets better with time. Its dimensions of 19.7 x 11.8 x 9.4 inches provide ample space for all your travel essentials. Inside, you'll find a large main compartment with a laptop interlayer, zippered pocket, and multiple open pockets for easy organization. The crazy horse leather used in its construction makes it highly resistant to water and other liquids, ensuring your belongings stay safe and dry during your travels.

  • Dimensions: 19.7 x 11.8 x 9.4 inches
  • Weight: 5.3 lbs
  • Interior: 1 large main compartment with 1 laptop interlayer, 1 zippered pocket, 3 open pockets
  • Interlayer fits devices up to 15 inches
  • Unique and vintage appearance
  • Durable and strong
  • Highly resistant to water and other liquids
  • Ample space for all your travel essentials
  • Provides excellent organization with multiple pockets
  • Slightly heavier compared to other duffle bags
  • Requires periodic maintenance to maintain its appearance
  • Initial stiffness may require some breaking in for optimal comfort.

The Brandt Weekender

presentation of a gift

When considering a new duffle bag, you'll love the vintage appeal and ample space of the Brandt Weekender . Made from Crazy Horse Leather, this bag not only looks stylish, but it is also highly resistant to water and other liquids, making it perfect for your adventurous spirit. The wax applied to the full grain cow leather gives it a unique retro, vintage look that only gets better with age. The Brandt Weekender is not just a bag, it's a statement piece that showcases your individuality and freedom.

  • Made from Crazy Horse Leather
  • Vintage retro look
  • Ample space for all your belongings
  • Unique and distinctive design
  • Highly resistant to water and moisture
  • Leather color changes with wear, may not appeal to everyone's taste
  • Scratches and marks may add to the vintage look, but some may prefer a pristine appearance
  • May be on the pricier side compared to other duffle bags.

The Langley Backpack

presentation of a gift

You'll appreciate the rustic deep chocolate brown color and the spacious interior of the Langley Backpack , making it the perfect choice for school, work, or outdoor trips. Crafted from high-quality crazy horse leather , this backpack exudes a sense of freedom and adventure. The wax applied to the full-grain leather surface not only gives it an aged look but also enhances its toughness and resistance to water and moisture-related damages. With a capacity of 20-35 liters, it offers ample space to carry your essentials. The exterior features a front zippered pocket, two side pockets, and a zippered back pocket, while the interior boasts a main compartment, an additional compartment, and a slip pocket for papers. The leather-lined grab handle and adjustable shoulder straps ensure comfort and back support during long journeys. The Langley Backpack is a durable and stylish companion that will develop a unique, vintage appearance over time.

  • Made from high-quality crazy horse leather
  • Dimensions: 13L x 16.5H x 5.9W / (33cm x 42cm x 15cm)
  • Weight: 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg)
  • Capacity: 20-35 liters
  • Exterior: Front zippered pocket, 2 exterior side pockets, 1 zippered back pocket
  • Interior: 1 main compartment, 1 additional compartment, slip pocket for papers
  • Carrying options: Leather-lined grab handle, adjustable shoulder straps
  • Rustic deep chocolate brown color that develops with use
  • Resistant to water and moisture-related damages
  • Provides comfort and back support
  • Ample storage space
  • May be heavy for some individuals
  • Initial wax smell may take time to dissipate
  • Requires periodic waxing to maintain appearance and durability

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this informative article on the proper presentation and delivery of corporate gifts . Now, armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the treacherous waters of corporate gifting. Remember, it's not just about the gift itself, but also about the way it is presented and delivered. So, avoid those cringe-worthy mistakes and make a lasting impression with your impeccable gift-giving skills. And if all else fails, just remember, everyone loves a good leather gift!

Handmade Leather Bags

The Dagny Weekender | Large Leather Duffle Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Dagny Weekender | Large Leather Duffle Bag

The Endre Weekender | Vintage Leather Duffle Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Endre Weekender | Vintage Leather Duffle Bag

The Asmund Backpack | Genuine Leather Rucksack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Asmund Backpack | Genuine Leather Rucksack

The Bjarke Weekender | Handcrafted Leather Duffle Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Bjarke Weekender | Handcrafted Leather Duffle Bag

Sachi Leather Backpack  | Small Women's Leather Backpack

Sachi Leather Backpack | Small Women's Leather Backpack

The Hagen Backpack | Vintage Leather Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Hagen Backpack | Vintage Leather Backpack

The Langley Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Langley Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Backpack

The Welch Briefcase | Vintage Leather Messenger Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Welch Briefcase | Vintage Leather Messenger Bag

The Brandt Weekender | Small Leather Duffle Bag

The Brandt Weekender | Small Leather Duffle Bag

The Eira Duffle Bag | Vintage Leather Weekender

The Eira Duffle Bag | Vintage Leather Weekender

The Colden Duffle Bag | Large Capacity Leather Weekender - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Colden Duffle Bag | Large Capacity Leather Weekender

The Bard Weekender | Handmade Leather Duffle Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Bard Weekender | Handmade Leather Duffle Bag

The Asta Weekender | Handcrafted Leather Duffle Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Asta Weekender | Handcrafted Leather Duffle Bag

The Helka Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Helka Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Backpack

The Shelby Backpack | Handmade Genuine Leather Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Shelby Backpack | Handmade Genuine Leather Backpack

The Vernon Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Minimalist Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Vernon Backpack | Genuine Vintage Leather Minimalist Backpack

The Gaetano | Large Leather Backpack Camera Bag with Tripod Holder

The Gaetano | Large Leather Backpack Camera Bag with Tripod Holder

The MANN Bag | Large Capacity Leather Camera Backpack

The MANN Bag | Large Capacity Leather Camera Backpack

The Freja Backpack | Handcrafted Leather Backpack - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Freja Backpack | Handcrafted Leather Backpack

The Viggo Briefcase | Genuine Leather Messenger Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Viggo Briefcase | Genuine Leather Messenger Bag

The Gustav Messenger Bag | Large Capacity Vintage Leather Messenger Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Gustav Messenger Bag | Large Capacity Vintage Leather Messenger Bag

The Faust Leather Camera Bag | Crossbody Vintage Camera Messenger Bag

The Faust Leather Camera Bag | Crossbody Vintage Camera Messenger Bag

The Dagmar Leather Briefcase | Vintage Leather Messenger Bag

The Dagmar Leather Briefcase | Vintage Leather Messenger Bag

The Hemming Leather Laptop Bag | Vintage Leather Briefcase

The Hemming Leather Laptop Bag | Vintage Leather Briefcase

The Bjorn Leather Laptop Bag | Vintage Leather Briefcase

The Bjorn Leather Laptop Bag | Vintage Leather Briefcase

The Walcott Leather Waist Bag | Black Leather Fanny Pack

The Walcott Leather Waist Bag | Black Leather Fanny Pack

The Pathfinder Bifold Wallet | Genuine Leather Pocket Book - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Pathfinder Bifold Wallet | Genuine Leather Pocket Book

The Walden | Handmade Leather Front Pocket Wallet with Money Clip

The Walden | Handmade Leather Front Pocket Wallet with Money Clip

The Nomad Toiletry Bag | Genuine Leather Travel Toiletry Bag

The Nomad Toiletry Bag | Genuine Leather Travel Toiletry Bag

Dado Leather Dopp Kit | Handmade Leather Toiletry Bag

Dado Leather Dopp Kit | Handmade Leather Toiletry Bag

The Cael | Handmade Leather Coin Purse with Zipper

The Cael | Handmade Leather Coin Purse with Zipper

The Wanderer Toiletry Bag | Genuine Leather Toiletry Bag - STEEL HORSE LEATHER, Handmade, Genuine Vintage Leather

The Wanderer Toiletry Bag | Genuine Leather Toiletry Bag

Priam Handmade Leather Passport Cover

Priam Handmade Leather Passport Cover

The Paavo Leather Pen Case | Leather Makeup Pouch

The Paavo Leather Pen Case | Leather Makeup Pouch

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Creative Gift Card Presentation Ideas for 2023

Gift cards are a popular and convenient gifting solution, but presenting them uniquely and memorably can add a personal touch that makes the gesture even more special. After all, it’s not just about the gift itself, but also the presentation and thought that goes into it. As we move into 2023, there are plenty of creative gift card presentation ideas to explore to ensure that your gift stands out and is appreciated.

Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, or just because, this guide will provide you with a diverse range of creative gift card presentation ideas that can turn a simple gift card into a true gift experience. From DIY crafts to innovative packaging solutions, these ideas will help you add a personal touch to your gift card presentation and create a lasting impression. So stick around, get your creative juices flowing, and let’s make your next gift card presentation something to remember!

Are Gift Cards a Good Gift?

Gift cards, without a doubt, make for a practical and versatile gift. They have grown in popularity over the years for their convenience and flexibility, allowing the receiver to purchase something they truly want or need from their favorite store. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who can be difficult to buy for, eliminating the risk of choosing a gift that may not align with their tastes or preferences.

However, some may argue that gift cards lack the personal touch that comes with a carefully selected gift. This is where creative gift card presentation ideas come in. By incorporating thoughtful and unique presentation ideas, you can transform a simple gift card into a personalized gift experience. It’s about adding a dose of creativity and personal touch to let the recipient know that you’ve put thought and effort into their gift, making it not only a practical but also a heartfelt gesture.

Creative Gift Card Presentation Ideas

  • DIY Gift Card Holders:  Instead of just handing over a plain gift card, why not create a personalized DIY holder? This could be something as simple as decorating an envelope or creating a custom sleeve using scrapbook paper and some glue. You can also use materials like felt or fabric to make unique holders with pockets for additional surprises.
  • Gift Card Bouquet:  Turn a traditional bouquet on its head and create a gift card bouquet instead. Simply attach multiple gift cards to skewers or sticks and arrange them in a vase filled with shredded paper or tissue. Not only is this a visually striking presentation, but it also adds an element of surprise as the receiver pulls out each gift card.
  • Gift Card Puzzle:  Add an element of fun to your gift card presentation by turning it into a puzzle. Print out a photo or image and have it cut into pieces, with each piece revealing a part of the gift card. The receiver will have to put the pieces together to reveal their surprise.
  • Gift Card Scavenger Hunt:  Make receiving a gift card an adventure by creating a scavenger hunt that leads the receiver to their prize. Leave hints and clues around the house or neighborhood, each leading to the next until they finally find their gift card.
  • Personalized Packaging:  Instead of using plain envelopes or holders, use personalized packaging to make your gift card presentation stand out. This could be a custom-made box with the recipient’s name on it. Also could be a jar filled with small notes and a gift card attached to one of them.
  • Gift Card Wreath:  Create a festive and unique presentation by making a gift card wreath. Attach multiple gift cards to a wreath base using ribbons or clips, and add some decorative elements like faux flowers or ornaments for an extra touch.
  • Hide-and-Seek:  Hide the gift card in an unexpected place and challenge the recipient to find it. This could be inside a book, under their pillow, or even in their favorite snack bag.

These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Remember, you can always tailor these ideas to fit the occasion. Or personalize them further based on the individual’s interests and preferences. The possibilities are endless!

The art of gifting is not about the material but the thought, creativity, and personal touch we infuse into it. Gift cards, while practical and versatile, can feel impersonal. But with these creative gift card presentation ideas, you can transform them into a truly memorable gifting experience. The unique and thoughtful presentation not only provides an element of surprise but also conveys your sincere effort and thoughtfulness.

As we embrace 2023, let’s ditch the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary when it comes to gift-giving. Push the boundaries of creativity and personalize your gift card presentations to suit the occasion and the recipient’s personality. Remember, it’s these small touches that can turn an ordinary gift card into a remarkable and unforgettable gift. Happy gifting!

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What are some creative ways to present a gift card?

Some ideas include DIY gift card holders, gift card bouquets, puzzles or scavenger hunts, personalized packaging, gift card wreaths, and hide-and-seek presentations.

Are there any DIY ideas for making gift card presentations more personalized?

Yes, you can use materials like scrapbook paper, felt, or fabric to create unique holders with pockets for additional surprises. 

How can I make the gift card presentation more memorable and special?

You can add a personalized note to the gift card holder, incorporate inside jokes or memories related to the receiver. Or even include small gifts or treats along with the gift card. 

Are there any unique and unexpected ways to present a gift card? 

Yes, you can turn the gift card into a puzzle, incorporate it into a scavenger hunt. Also you can hide it in an unexpected place for the recipient to find.  

Can you provide ideas for themed gift card presentations for different occasions or holidays?

For birthdays, you can create a gift card or use a box filled with balloons and confetti. For holidays, you can think seasonal decorations such as snowflakes or hearts into the presentation. 

Gift cards have emerged as a popular and beneficial tool in the restaurant industry. They serve a dual purpose: providing Read more

Transportation has truly transformed in the age of ride-hailing apps. Among them, Lyft gift cards stand tall, ensuring reliable and Read more

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The Importance of Presentation When Gift-Giving

The Importance of Presentation When Gift-Giving

There are many ways to incorporate our creativity when giving thanks and appreciation. The tradition of giving gifts is a tried and true staple of these values. While it has become a common practice, there is an importance of presentation when gift-giving that needs to be understood as a quintessential piece of the gift and thought itself.


If there is a personal transaction between two parties, where one party expects nothing in return, then something special is taking place. A large part of the appeal of gift-giving is that you’re also giving someone a memory—of the gift, but also of kindness.

The Message

Messages are often included with gifts. If the gift itself did not meet or exceed your expectations, you could be sure that the letter that came along with it will. The extra touch of personal sentiment means you’ve gone the extra mile to let the other party know you truly care.

Gift-giving is usually easy when you’re giving someone something out of kindness and thoughtfulness. However, if the gift is aimed more at that person’s interests and what you think they may like, then you could potentially risk getting the wrong thing.

This is where the uniqueness of the gift comes into play. One thing everyone fears is gifting the same gift someone else is already giving. Another is ending up with a gift unrelated to anything the recipient is interested in. So, there is a fine line to tread.

Dress for the Occasion

How we decorate our gift says a lot about the level of importance that went into the gift itself. Some people hold value in the decoration alone. Imagine what it would be like to be handed a gift without the wrapping and how not special that would feel—things would definitely become awkward. Make sure your gift is beautifully wrapped.

How do you put a value on a gift that has personal value to the gift-giver? Sometimes the simple things make the best gifts. For instance, gifting something that’s handmade is something of a rarity in this age but still holds a lot of weight.

Maybe your wrapping and ribbon skills are lacking, but if you are good with your hands, then the gift can speak for itself. Some of the best gifts are those that catch us by surprise and awe us day in and out.

The beautiful wrapping and packaging are something that people look forward to just as much as, if not more, than the gift itself. If we understand that the importance of presentation when gift-giving as individual and unique as anything else, then we understand what it means to give and receive.

Check out our line of gift-packaging here.

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11 Creative Ways To Give A Gift (Give Money, Trips or Anything)

Unique and Creative Ways To Give A Gift. Scavenger hunt, riddles, puzzle pieces, a surprise gift, a special gift & more. Fun ways to present gifts!

Unique and Creative Ways To Give A Gift. Scavenger hunt, riddles, puzzle pieces, a suprise gift, a special gift & more. Fun ways to present gifts! Why not make some fun with the way you present the gift. We will share with you ideas which are perfect to replace the old-fashioned way of wrapping gifts. These would work for any gift and are ideal for those that are obvious or difficult to wrap, like golf clubs, a game console, spa visit or anything else you can think of. Read more on WagonersAbroad.com

Alan and I have been married for over 20 years and we love to one up each other on creative ways to present a gift.  These ideas are perfect for the “ little to no footprint gifts “.  

We know it may seem a bit boring to just hand someone an envelope with a gift card or money inside.  That’s not quite an elaborate presentation to build up excitement. 

Maybe you want to know how to present a weekend getaway as a gift. Not to worry, we have some creative ways to give money gifts or any gift for that matter.

Scavenger Hunt

Puzzle pieces, more puzzles to present a gift to that someone special, wooden puzzle box, surprise vacation reveal card (surprise trip), monkey see monkey do, visual clues, riddles or questions, balloon notes, a quick website or web page, customized gifts, video or slide show, how to present a gift, use a glittery gift box, make it an experience, photo frame, make it a mystery, a full day of the amazing race, how to surprise someone with a gift:, organized tours a great way to give the gift of an experience, the best travel gift for kids, the 7 best family party games full of amazing fun, 13 gifts of spain you need to get for a spain fan, what to buy in spain – souvenirs or gifts from spain, creative ways to give a gift – no ordinary wrapping allowed, share this:.

Why not make some fun with the way you present the gift?  We will share with you ideas which are perfect to replace the old-fashioned way of wrapping gifts.  

These would work for any gift and are ideal for those that are obvious or difficult to wrap, like golf clubs, a game console, spa visit or anything else you can think of.  Why not use some of these creative ways to give birthday presents, anniversary gifts, engagement gives, valentines gifts, Christmas gifts or for any reason!  Give an Amazon gift card so they can buy what they want, you can just present it in a fun way!  

For our family when you give a gift in a unique way, it makes the gift even more special.

It doesn’t matter what the gift is.  When it comes to gift presentation ideas, we have loads of them for you.  You can give money gifts, give gift cards or even the gift of music or furniture.  Whatever your choice of give, these are great, unique and creative ways to present a gift to anyone.

We often travel during the holidays and like to keep the material things to a minimum, so the presentation of a gift is just as important to us.  Since we like a big “to do” about the presentation of a gift, we can really focus on one person opening a gift at a time.  

It makes the moment last and more memorable.  We still say “Oh, remember that time we did the scavenger hunt to find the Wii?” or which ever gift it was.  We have fond memories of not only the gift, but the experience in which it was given.

Okay these are all perfect ideas for creative gifts, ways to present a gift, creative ways to give money, clues for a surprise gift, creative ways to give birthday presents, how to reveal a surprise gift, how to give a trip as a gift and the list just keeps going on.  All of these ideas can be used for so many reasons.  It is all in how to present the gift and make it a fun experience.

Creative Ways To Give A Gift – Make a lasting memory with the way you present a gift!

This has to be our all time favorite and we often combine with other fun things.  We have several to share from the past.  Just create some clues for a surprise gift from one destination to the next.  The final clue can have the actual surprise gift or a clue to what the gift is. 

A great way to give a vacation or spa treatment as a gift and so much more exciting rather than a gift certificate or just giving them cash.

This takes a little planning and planting of clues.  Don’t you think this is more exciting when you gift cash?  Just opening an envelope with money in it is sub optimal.  Send them around on a scavenger hunt, so it becomes one of the fun ways to give money.

scavenger hunt gift presentation

The present for the scavenger hunt below was found on the back side of the tree.  It was a drawing of our family in an airplane leaving NC and flying to NY. The gift to the grandparents was us going to visit them in NY on a future date.


Do you need props for your scavenger hunt or maybe you want to decorate and give the presentation of your gift a “wow” factor? Click here to see all of the party decorations available for next day shipping on Amazon!

Draw a picture or print one.  This picture or photo can be an image of the actual gift, a word, a clue to where the gift is hidden or a riddle to solve).  Cut into 20 pieces, similar to a jigsaw puzzle.  Present the puzzle pieces as the gift and they need to put the puzzle back together.  

Puzzle gift idea- 8 Unique and Creative Ways to Give a Gift, No Wrapping Allowed. You can wrap those odd shaped or over sized gifts. No problem to be creative about giving money or a gift card, these will make the giving fun. Read more on WagonersAbroad.com

The kind and type of puzzle can be anything you want.  The more complex the puzzle, the more suspense.  If they want the present, they gotta  earn  it!  The puzzle below was giving Lars  VIP passes to his first professional Fútbol game.  If you are really creative, you can overlay some text or an image on the below puzzle and cut it out for them.  I would suggest you just cut on your own, but this looks more authentic.

Hide the gift or clues in a wooden Puzzle Box! This is a perfect way to hide different things in each secret compartment.  Not to mention the fun of trying to figure out own to open each section.  We have a full list of secret wooden puzzle boxes  here, as well as brain teasers and more puzzles. 

Give a gift by Monkey See Monkey Do

This one can be a bit tricky, but it is handy to use those  homophones  for this one.  The gift idea below was a day for dad without the wife and kids.  He could come and go and do whatever he pleases that day.  I took the kids to the zoo for the day of his choice.

For those of you who like to be a little more creative, when you give a present, you can make them think!  Create a fun riddle that needs to be solved.  The answer to the riddle can either be a clue to the gift or the answer.    Sample Riddles here!

Example Riddle for a day at the Spa :

“What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?”   A towel of course.

It can also be more of a “mystery gift” and you can have the person ask questions with only Yes or No answers available, similar to 20 questions.

8 Unique and Creative Ways to Give a Gift, No Wrapping Allowed. You can wrap those odd shaped or over sized gifts. No problem to be creative about giving money or a gift card, these will make the giving fun. Read more on WagonersAbroad.com

Are you looking for creative ways to give a birthday presents?  Make a note or card, cut into a few to several pieces.  Place each piece into a balloon, blow it up, tie it and present a balloon bouquet.  The recipient has to pop all the balloons and put together to read.  This is a perfect way to give cash as a gift too!

– Alan is a whiz with creating technical things.  Here he explains what you can do if you’re technically inclined, by building a website/web page for the recipient.

“A web page can add another layer of obfuscation to the end gift.  The key is to customize the page to the person/gift.  For example, last Christmas I created “Santa’s Portal” website.  

W hen Heidi opened the website, there was a form that asked her for her Name and DOB (for verification purposes), and when she submitted the form, it told her that she was a very deserving wife, and that she did in fact qualify for a gift that year.  

It then provided a link so she could “redeem” her gift.  Once she clicked the link,  a music album that she really wanted started playing.”

Alan had thought of a clever way of giving me some MP3s and the files were stored on my laptop in my music folder!

Have them unwrap their gift in a video, you can give hints in photos or text flashes on the screen.  You can really make this loads of fun.  Perhaps a hint with the music.  

I had some great friend announce they were expecting their first child this way and it was wonderful.  It was full of photos of them through out the year and some text slides hinting a change was coming.  I was sure they were going to move.  Nope I was wrong.  They were announcing they were pregnant with their first child.  What a great gift! 

Sometimes it isn’t just about the gift itself, but how you present the gift is just as important. Are you wondering how to present a trip as a gift?  Here are some ideas for special fun ways to present gifts.  Here are our amazingly  clever ways to present gifts .

Create A Lasting Experience !   For us there is absolutely nothing better than the gift of experience. 

Experiences last a lifetime, with memories, photos, food, music and more.

We share our thoughts with you and as you can see, the feeling and spirit of occasion can be anywhere!

We love our Mystery Gift Tradition  –  One person buys a gift and wraps it. On Christmas eve or morning, the group passes it around.  Each person is allowed to ask one yes or no question and then guess the contents of the package. It continues until someone makes an accurate guess.  The kids love this one!

or a  full day Scavenger Hunt in Vegas with Amazing Gifts!

The Amazing Race day full of surprise gifts. more like a Scavenger hunt for gifts - one day in Vegas. If you only have 1 Day In Vegas and want to get out of the main tourist area, then we have some great plans for you!  We spent the majority of the day away from the strip or Fremont Street and wanted to see another side of Las Vegas.  As an added bonus you will also see how we like to give gifts in a unique way.  This was a full day planned to surprise Gma Bev for her 75th Birthday in Vegas! Read more on WagonersAbroad.com

All of these ideas are great ways to surprise someone with a gift, it can be a vacation for your girlfriend, telling your parents they are going to be grandparents, proposing marriage, celebrating a bridal shower or a 21st birthday.  You name it, each of these ideas can work for just about any gift idea.

There are also many organized tours for you to enjoy from being active on walking or biking tour, to enjoying a food or wine tour. There is so much to do and Viator has so many great offers for you.

Unique Holiday Gift Guide. Read more on WagonersAbroad.com

If you are looking for family Christmas gifts, unique gift ideas or some Christmas gift exchange ideas, check out our  Unique and Creative Gifts Guide .

Looking for more gift ideas!

We will provide you with 8 Creative Ways To Give A Gift - No Ordinary Wrapping Allowed. These are fun and a great way to present gifts of any shape /size. Click to read more on WagonersAbroad.com

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We Got You This Article on 'Gift' vs. 'Present'

What to Know Both gift and present are synonymous when referring to something thoughtfully given, often in recognition of an achievement or holiday. However, gift can be used as an attributive noun, as in gift bag or gift box . Additionally, both gift and present function as verbs.

Consider this article a gift. Or perhaps a present. Whatever you want to call it, we've made it very easy to unwrap.

light blue gift box on light blue background

It's from all of us.

There is no difference between presenting a gift or gifting a present in acknowledgement of some special occasion, achievement, gesture, etc.—for example, a birthday, a holiday, a retirement, or an act of kindness, friendship, or love. The nouns gift and present are synonymous in their meanings referring to something that is thoughtfully given to someone without expectation of return. We will explain, and as an additional treat we will defend gift as a verb (but you will find that present elsewhere).

The Origins of 'Gift' and 'Present'

The delivery of the words gift and present to the English language was by two different linguistic routes—one Germanic, the other French. Gift was presented to English through Old Norse, the North Germanic language of the Scandinavian peoples prior to about 1350. In Old Norse, it meant "something given," "a talent," or "a special ability," and common meanings in English reflect that origin (and, yes, gift and give are tied but the ribbon that connects them is long).

'Gift' as a Verb

During the 16th century, the noun gift gained a verb form meaning "to endow" (e.g., "She's been gifted with a beautiful singing voice"). By association, the verb came to mean "to make or present a gift of"—for example, "The couple gifted a bottle of wine to their host" or "The collector gifted the museum with the paintings." The latter meaning of the verb gift was not received well by some language commentators. We present our comments on this subject here , but to summarize, packaged up tightly and delivered: gift as a verb has meaningful distinction from generic give —that is, when something is said to be gifted, it has implications of thoughtful consideration; something given, however, might be handed over without much care or thought, as in "He wanted to borrow the book, but instead I just gave it to him." There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the verb gift : it is received with lexicographical joy.

'Present' as a Verb

The noun present , meaning "something presented" or "a gift," appears in 13th-century English. It is derived from the Anglo-French verb presenter , meaning "to bring or place before or into the presence of," "to introduce." The verb is related to Latin praesentare and its related adjective praesens , which is the present participle of praeesse , meaning "to be before one." As with gift , the semantic development of present (which signifies something placed before one) in English is wrapped in its roots, and senses allude to location or time—or the now. Similarly, the noun gifted the verb present to English, which is used especially to indicate the introduction of a performer or performance, a talk, legal evidence, etc., as well as the presentation of a gift, wrapped or not wrapped.

To tie this up with a metaphorical bow: gift and present both refer to something that is voluntarily given or bestowed to another person. However, gift has the distinction of functioning as an attributive noun (a noun used adjectivally as a modifier of another noun). Examples are gift bag, gift basket, gift box, gift card, gift certificate, gift exchange, gift shop, and gift wrap. Additionally, the word is common in law and finance for signifying something (such as property) transferred by one person to another without compensation—or simply a money "gift." These uses have also undergone verbification . Examples are "He gifted his property to the town's nature preserve" or "The philanthropist gifted a donation to the foundation."

So, by definition, whether you consider the item that you freely give to a person a gift or a present , it is the same thing to the recipient: an item accepted and either wanted or unwanted. Hopefully, it is of the former kind.

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Wedding invitations, 17 creative ways to give gift cards.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Jan 4, 2024

Are you unsure of what to gift a friend or coworker? Or maybe you simply know they’d prefer the freedom of choosing their gift themselves. Whatever your reason, sometimes a gift certificate is an ideal gift. However, you still want to make sure that the gift shows that care and thought have gone into it. To help, we’ve made a list of the most creative ways to give gift cards. 

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Whether you’re gifting the gift certificate as a Christmas gift or for a birthday, the following gift card wrapping ideas will help you make it special.  To get started, check out the ideas below.

How To Give A Gift Card

Creative ways to wrap a gift card, ideas for gift card holders, gift card presentation ideas.

Just because you’re giving a gift card doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t present it with care. After all, the right presentation will help the giftee feel appreciated. The following tips will help ensure you’re following proper gifting etiquette.

Gift Card Holder on wooden background.

  • Pick out the right gift card for the giftee. Do they have a daily coffee habit? Then maybe they’d appreciate a gift card to their local coffee shop. Or maybe they’re in need of some new work clothes after starting a new job. If so, a gift certificate for a professional clothing store might be best.
  • Deposit an appropriate balance for the occasion. For example, the gift amount for a baby shower would be higher than that for a birthday.
  • Find a thematic gift card holder, or DIY one. The care you put into wrapping the gift card or in finding the perfect gift card holder shows through in the end.
  • Include a card with the gift card. It’s important to always include a special card in any gift. This shows the giftee exactly how much you appreciate them.

These wrapping ideas help take your gift to the next level. From traditional gift wrapping to origami paper, we’ve made a list of the best gift card wrapping ideas for you below.

1. Thematic Wrapping Paper

Gift wrapping paper rolls on wooden table.

Whether it’s baby blue wrapping for a baby shower or custom ordered wrapping with your friend’s favorite cartoon character– wrapping paper matters. It’s shows care has been put into the presentation. Plan ahead to have appropriate wrapping paper ready to go for any occasion that might come up.

2. Newspaper Cartoons

In a pinch, or for a friend who really loves comics, newspaper cartoons make a fun wrapping paper. Simply cut out an appropriate comic strip for the occasion. To help yourself out in the future, try cutting out funny comic strips whenever you get the paper.

Gift box wrapped in black ribbon and paper.

Sometimes an elegant or elaborate ribbon will do the trick when wrapping a gift card box.  Just make sure it’s tied tight enough that the gift card won’t accidentally fall out.

4. Origami Paper

Looking for a unique and elegant paper to wrap your gift card box? Consider using a square of origami paper. The gift card is small enough that you won’t need much paper, and you can even add a special origami shape on top for decoration.

5. Small Baggie

Three colorful gift bags.

For an easy to wrap gift, consider ordering gift card sized baggies. These small paper or plastic baggies are perfectly sized, and they look adorable on a gift table.

6. Cloth Bag

A small cloth bag can work just as well as the gift bags mentioned above. This is a great alternative when the occasion calls for more delicate decorations.

7. Gift Card Box

Pink Gift Card Box.

Gift card boxes are necessary when decorating with wrapping paper because they help keep the shape of the gift. You can also decorate the box itself however, if you don’t have any wrapping paper.

Looking for some specific ways to hold the gift card? These gift card holders show that time and care have been put into the gift. Pick your favorite idea from those below or use them to inspire an idea all your own.

8. Phone Card Holders

Custom phone card holders.

For a unique cardholder idea that doubles as a functional gift, consider using phone cardholders . The gift card easily slides into one of the pockets and you can personalize the design to match the giftee’s style.

9. Card Fold

Consider adding a decorative pouch or folder to the inside of your card. This helps you easily store the gift card in a thoughtful way so that the gift doesn’t fall out of the card when it’s opened.

10. Snack Bag

Gift bag with tag on white.

For a simple and unique gift card holder, consider using a paper snack bag. You can decorate the paper bag and then tie it with a simple string or twine. This works great for gifts for kids.

11. Business Card Holders

Similar to the phone card holder idea, this idea is both cute and practical. Customize a business card holder to hold the gift card for something the giftee is sure to use over and over again. This is an especially perfect gift for new professionals or graduates.

12. Keepsake Boxes

presentation of a gift

This is an elegant gift and a great option for higher-end occasions, like a bridal or baby shower. Customize the keepsake box for the giftee and place the gift card inside.

13. Mason Jar

Customize a mason jar  for the giftee and fill it with their favorite candy. Then hide the gift card inside the candy for an extra special surprise. This is great for kids, graduates, and adults with a sweet tooth.

Looking for the right gift card ideas for a specific occasion? Check out the thematic gift card presentation ideas below for some fun inspiration.

14. Christmas Gift Card Ideas

Gift cards make great stocking stuffers as well as gifts under the tree. Looking for some cute presentation ideas for this holiday occasion? Here’s a few of our favorites:

High Angle View Of Christmas Presents On Wooden Table.

  • Inside the stocking, wrapped in black paper to resemble “coal.”
  • In a series of boxes, each one smaller than the next, to help extend the present opening.
  • Inside of another personalized gift .
  • Wrapped with thick wrapping paper, twine, and cuttings from the tree.

15.  Creative Ways To Give Multiple Gift Cards

Are you gifting more than one gift card? Whether it’s for an entire family, for someone’s graduation, or any other reason, the following ideas will help you pick the most creative way to give multiple gift cards:

  • Gift Card Wreath: Create a seasonal wreath and use clothespins to attach the gift cards around the wreath.
  • Gift Card Garland: Similar to the wreath, this decorative garland is perfect for the holidays. Simply attach gift cards with ribbon or clothespins to segments along with the garland.
  • Gift Card Flowers: Use a personalized flower pot as the base for this creative idea. Then create “flowers” out of wooden sticks and construction paper. Attach the gift cards to the “flowers” at the end. Finally “plant the flowers” in the flower pot and decorate with a ribbon.
  • A “Giving Tree:” Create a “giving tree” by gluing a collection of thin branches, sticks, and stems together at the base. Make sure it branches out at the end to resemble a tree. Then use twine to tie gift cards to the ends of the branches.

16.  Creative Ways To Give Gift Cards To Teachers

Teachers deserve to be appreciated. And if you’ve decided on a gift card, check out the following presentation ideas. 

Gift cards and pencils for a teacher.

  • Made the gift card holder in the shape of an apple.
  • Place the gift card on the inside of a personalized pencil case , along with some customized pencils .
  • Gift it inside a bunch or vase of flowers.

17.  Creative Ways To Give Gift Cards For Bridal Shower

Along with a meaningful card, the following gift card ideas will help make the bride feel extra special. 

  • Inside a box of chocolates. It’s a tasty and adorable way to celebrate the bride to be.
  • On the inside of “his & hers” mugs . It’s sure to warm her heart.
  • Wrapped inside a tea towel . Tea towels are a classic bridal shower gift, but you don’t have to stop there.

Resources Related to Creative Ways to Give Gift Cards

If you liked this resource on creative ways to give gift cards and you’re looking for more related content, make sure to check out our other articles:

  • Small Gift Ideas
  • Personalized Gift Ideas

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Do You Give Presents Or Gifts? Here’s The Difference

Watch: do you give presents or gifts.

Where do the words gift and present come from? Why does English use both? We’re pretty sure it’s not just so that children can ask for toys in multiple ways …

Language is not a linear, predestined development. Even though it may feel as if the language we speak is in some way the logical conclusion of thousands of years of development, every word that we use has a unique, sometimes circuitous history.

So, let’s dig a little deeper into the histories and meanings of these two words.

What is a gift ?

Gift means “something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance.”

In Old English, gift is found in the senses of “dowry, marriage gift” in the singular, and “nuptials, marriage” in the plural. The familiar sense of gift , as in “an object freely given to another person,” emerges in the 1200s. In the 1300s, we can find  gift meaning “a special talent.”

The word gift appears to come from an Old Norse word, with cousins across the Germanic language. Speaking of cousins, you are probably wondering: is gift related to the verb give , “to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow”?

In a word, yes. Like gift , the English verb give is found in forms in Old English but also influenced by Old Norse forms, too. Suffice it to say, both gift and give share ancient Germanic roots.

Now, how about using gift as a verb? That’s a new thing, isn’t it? That may be a new pet peeve of some people, but using gift as verb is old, too, going back to at least 1600s. Switching the parts of speech of words, like using a noun as a verb, is one of the great, well, gifts of the English language.

And then there’s regift . The word refers to the common practice of giving away a gift that you received from someone else, like candles, bubble bath, and ugly slippers. This verb is also older than you think, found in the 1800s!

What is a present ?

But, what about gift ‘s synonym, present ? Present was imported into English from French, ultimately from the Latin  praeësse , “to be present, before others,” as when one is presiding over something or is in charge. Present , as a noun for a “gift,” is found in English in the 1200s. The sense of present as a verb for “to give a gift” is found by the 1300s.

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The dictionary states that there are two definitions for the words present and presentation.  The first definition for present is to exist or occur in the moment; but the second definition is what intrigues me the most for both forms of the word – to bestow or give a gift.

How often do we actually give a presentation that is so cerebral and soulless that we know we have bored the socks off of all attendees?  Why do we do that when this is our opportunity to “shine” to give our gift to the audience?  Are we really giving them a “gift” bestowing them with the passion that fuels us, or just breezing through the speech trying to get out of the spotlight?  My guess for most of us is the later, just get me away from the central focus and let me slink back to my office. It was time to open presents and you do not have one to give!

I have had very few inspirational speakers come in to my life, those who choose to endow my spirt with what fueled their passions.  The most memorable came from the field of education.  My high school English teacher ignited my passion for analyzing literature with her wonderful southern drawl and her keen sense of wrapping us in to her love of the written word.  Never once did I catch myself feeling bored. Her words streamed into my being and filled me with knowledge.

My college biology professor was the most splendid speaker I have ever had the privilege of hearing.  This was biology 101, he had to feel so above teaching this group of let’s get credit for this class and move on freshmen.  However he took that semester with us and gave it all he had to convert us into science lovers.  He could make dissecting a cat and learning every body part therein stimulating and fun.  I never believed I could “love” science, but as they say “enthusiasm is catching”.    Both of these exceptional educators came to the stage daily and gave their audiences their “gifts”.

Imagine the affect that we could all have on the world if we could open up and present our gifts to our audiences.  Whether it be a meeting among your team, a presentation to a client or a speaking engagement, think about the results you could obtain from spreading your excitement to others

Learn to share your passion and fuel your audience with the master of “shining” Sandra Zimmer.  You may contact her via the website www.self-expression.com or by phoning 281-293-7070

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Readings With Hope

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

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Receiving a gift is always a delightful surprise, but finding the perfect words to express your gratitude can be a challenge. 

Whether it’s a thoughtful present from a loved one, a kind gesture from a colleague, or a surprise token from a friend, every gift deserves a heartfelt thank you. 

In this post, we have compiled a list of some creative and sincere messages to help you convey your appreciation beautifully. 

From simple and sweet to personalized and profound, these messages are designed to express your gratitude in the most meaningful way. 

Let’s dive into the art of saying thank you and make every gift-giver feel truly appreciated!

Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

  • Thank you so much for the thoughtful gift! Your generosity truly knows no bounds. I’m deeply touched by your kindness and the effort you put into finding something so perfect for me. This gift is not just a material item but a symbol of our friendship .
  • I was absolutely overwhelmed with joy when I opened your gift. It’s clear that you put a lot of thought and care into choosing something so special. You have a wonderful way of making people feel valued and loved.
  • Your gift was a delightful surprise! It’s not just the item itself, but the love and thoughtfulness behind it that means so much to me. You truly have a gift for giving.
  • From the bottom of my heart , thank you for this incredible gift. It shows how well you know me and what I cherish . Your attention to detail and your personal touch make it all the more special .
  • I can’t express enough how much I appreciate the gift you gave me. It’s not only beautiful but also incredibly meaningful . Your kindness and thoughtfulness are greatly admired .
  • The moment I saw the gift, I was speechless . It’s not just a present, it’s a reflection of your generosity and kindness. You have a unique ability to make others feel seen and understood.
  • Your gift left me feeling overwhelmingly grateful . It’s a perfect representation of your warmth and caring nature. You have an amazing ability to brighten up my day and make me feel special .
  • Thank you for such a wonderful gift! It’s evident that a lot of time and thought went into it. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are truly unmatched .
  • I’m truly touched by the gift you gave me. It’s not just what you gave, but the warmth and love that came with it that makes it so precious to me. You have a special way of making memories .
  • The gift you chose is absolutely perfect . I can tell that you put a lot of thought and effort into finding something that matches my taste so well. Your kindness is deeply appreciated.
  • I am so grateful for your generous gift. It’s more than just an item; it’s a token of your affection and friendship. You always know how to make me feel appreciated .
  • Your gift was the highlight of my day! It’s not just the item itself, but the thought and care you put into choosing it that makes it so special . I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
  • The thoughtfulness you showed with your gift is something I will always treasure . It’s not just a present, it’s a representation of your caring and generous spirit.

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

  • I can’t thank you enough for the amazing gift. It’s clear that you understand me so well. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are truly heartwarming .
  • This gift is not just a material object, but a symbol of your love and kindness. Every time I see it, I am reminded of your generosity and the special place you hold in my heart .
  • Your gift brought so much joy to my life. It’s a perfect blend of thoughtfulness and creativity . I am so grateful to have someone as thoughtful as you in my life.
  • The gift you gave me is incredibly special. It’s not just what it is, but the love and care you put into choosing it that makes it so meaningful. Your kindness is deeply appreciated.
  • I am so touched by your generous gift. It’s a beautiful representation of your thoughtfulness and caring nature. You have a unique ability to make others feel cherished .
  • Your gift is a true testament to your thoughtfulness and generosity. It’s not just a present, but a symbol of our friendship and the care you have for others. Your kindness is unforgettable .
  • The gift you chose for me is perfect in every way. It reflects your incredible insight and thoughtfulness. I am so grateful for your generosity and for having you in my life.
  • Thank you so much for the amazing gift! It’s not just the gift itself, but the thought and care you put into it that makes it so special. Your generosity has truly touched my heart.
  • I am overwhelmed by your kindness and the wonderful gift you gave me. It’s a perfect example of your thoughtfulness and understanding of what makes me happy. You have a special way of making everyday feel like a celebration.
  • Your gift was incredibly heartfelt and appreciated. The time and effort you put into choosing something so perfect for me is a reflection of your generous spirit and kind heart. I am deeply moved by your thoughtfulness.
  • I can’t thank you enough for the thoughtful gift. It’s clear that you know me better than I know myself. Your kindness and attention to detail are something I deeply admire.
  • The gift you gave me is absolutely stunning. I am so grateful for your generosity and the love that came with it. You have a unique way of making people feel truly special .
  • Your gift left me feeling incredibly grateful . The thought and care you put into it are evident, and it’s something I will cherish forever . You have an amazing ability to make people feel loved and appreciated.

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

  • Thank you for such a wonderful gift! It’s not just a gift, but a testament to your kindness and thoughtfulness. Your ability to make others feel valued is truly special.
  • I am so touched by the gift you gave me. It’s not just the item itself, but the thought behind it that makes it so precious . Your kindness is something I will always cherish .
  • The gift you chose is perfect in every way. Your understanding of my tastes and preferences is impressive , and your kindness is deeply appreciated .
  • I am overjoyed with your generous gift. It’s not just a present; it’s a reflection of your warm heart and thoughtful nature. You always know how to make me feel cherished .
  • Your gift is a beautiful reminder of your thoughtfulness and generosity. It’s more than an item; it’s a symbol of our friendship and the special bond we share. I am incredibly grateful.
  • The moment I received your gift, I was filled with joy. It’s clear that you put a lot of thought into finding something so meaningful . Your generosity is truly heartwarming .
  • I can’t express how much your gift means to me. It’s not just a present, it’s a reflection of your caring and generous nature. You have a true gift for making others feel appreciated .
  • Your gift was a delightful surprise that brightened my day. The thought and care you put into it are what make it so special . Your kindness is something I will always remember .
  • I am deeply moved by the thoughtful gift you gave me. It’s a perfect example of your generosity and understanding of what brings me joy. You have an incredible way of making moments memorable.
  • Thank you for the wonderful gift. It’s clear that you put a lot of thought into it, and your effort has not gone unnoticed . Your kindness and generosity are deeply appreciated .
  • Your gift is a true treasure in my life. It’s not just an item, but a symbol of your warmth and friendship. Every time I see it, I am reminded of your kindness .
  • I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your generous gift. It’s not just what you gave, but the love and thoughtfulness behind it that make it so meaningful . Your kindness is truly special .
  • Your gift brought so much happiness to my life. It’s a reflection of your thoughtfulness and your ability to make others feel valued . I am so grateful for your kindness .

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

  • The gift you gave me is incredibly special. It’s a testament to your thoughtfulness and caring nature. You have a unique ability to make others feel cherished and loved.
  • I am so grateful for your thoughtful gift. It’s not just an item, but a symbol of your affection and generosity . Your ability to choose something so perfect is amazing .
  • Your gift is a beautiful expression of your kindness and thoughtfulness. It’s not just what you gave, but the care and love that came with it that makes it so precious .
  • I can’t thank you enough for the amazing gift. It’s a perfect blend of thoughtfulness and creativity , reflecting your incredible insight into what I love.
  • Your gift is a true delight! It’s not just the item itself, but the thought and affection behind it that makes it so special . Your kindness is something I deeply admire .
  • The moment I received your gift, I was filled with joy and gratitude. It’s a reflection of your generous spirit and caring nature. Your thoughtfulness is truly heartwarming .
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughtful gift. It’s not just the item itself, but the love and care behind it that make it so special. Your generosity has truly touched me.
  • I am deeply moved by the beautiful gift you gave me. It’s a perfect reflection of your kindness and understanding of what I treasure. Your thoughtfulness is something I will always cherish .
  • Your gift is a wonderful surprise that brightened my entire day. The effort and thought you put into it are incredibly appreciated . You have a special way of making people feel valued and loved .
  • I can’t express how much I appreciate the gift. It’s not just a present, but a token of your affection and generosity . You always know how to make me feel special .
  • The gift you chose is absolutely perfect . Your ability to pick something that matches my taste so well is impressive . Your kindness and thoughtfulness are deeply appreciated .
  • I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your generous gift. It’s more than an item; it’s a symbol of your warmth and friendship. Every time I use it, I’m reminded of your kindness .
  • Your gift left me feeling incredibly grateful and happy. It’s not just the item itself, but the thought and care you put into it that makes it so special . Your thoughtfulness is truly heartwarming .

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

  • Thank you for such a thoughtful gift. It’s clear that a lot of time and effort went into choosing it. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are truly unmatched .
  • I’m truly touched by the gift you gave me. It’s not just what you gave, but the warmth and love that came with it that makes it so precious . You have a special way of making memories .
  • The gift you chose is perfect . I can tell that you put a lot of thought and effort into finding something that matches my taste so well. Your kindness is deeply appreciated .
  • The thoughtfulness you showed with your gift is something I will always treasure. It’s not just a present, it’s a representation of your caring and generous spirit.
  • I can’t thank you enough for the amazing gift. It’s clear that you understand me so well. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are truly heartwarming.
  • This gift is not just a material object, but a symbol of your love and kindness. Every time I see it, I am reminded of your generosity and the special place you hold in my heart.

65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

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11 Creative Ways to Present a Gift of Jewelry

11 Creative Ways to Present a Gift of Jewelry

You finally found the perfect gift of jewelry — the gift that’s sure to elicit ohh’s and ahhh’s from your special someone. The work is not quite over, though. Instead of just handing over the jewelry box or wrapping it in store-bought wrapping paper, get a little creative in your presentation. Try a new way to wrap the present, or make the presentation a show that ends with excitement over your thoughtfulness. If you’re not sure how to make your jewelry gift stand out, check out our creative ways to give a gift.

1. Scavenger Hunt

2. hidden gift, 3. surprise timing.

Surprise Timing

4. Misleading Packaging

5. special location, 6. holiday ornament presentation.

Holiday Ornament Presentation

7. Hiding in Plain Sight

8. inside another gift.

Inside Another Gift

  • A jewelry box : Your significant other’s new piece of jewelry needs a permanent storage spot to stay safe and clean when they’re not wearing it. Buy a pretty wooden jewelry box as the outer gift. Tuck the jewelry inside the jewelry box, with or without the packaging from the jewelry store.
  • A stuffed animal : If your significant other thinks stuffed animals are adorable, get them a new one to serve as the larger gift for the jewelry presentation. Tuck the box with the jewelry inside on the stuffed animal’s lap for the grand reveal. Another approach is to place the jewelry on the stuffed animal so it looks like the animal is wearing it.
  • A box of chocolates: Jewelry and chocolates make a classic combination. If the lucky recipient loves chocolates, buy a big box of chocolates. Remove a few of the chocolate candies to make room for the jewelry. Put the jewelry in the spot, and close the box so it looks like new. When your sweetheart goes to choose their favorite chocolate, they’ll get an even sweeter surprise.
  • A decorative jar: Nestle the jewelry inside a decorative opaque jar with a lid. Once your recipient opens the gift, they can place the jar on a shelf. Each time they see the jar, they’ll remember your thoughtful gift.
  • A plant: Brighten your spouse’s day with a bouquet of flowers or a beautiful houseplant. Make that plant even more attractive with the piece of jewelry tucked down into it. Nestle the entire box down between the stems of the plant or hang the jewelry itself around a stem. If you do go this route, it’s a good idea to tie the jewelry to the stem with ribbon so it doesn’t get lost.
  • A handbag: Any woman can use an extra purse in her accessories collection. Buy your significant other a new purse, and leave the jewelry inside the gift. When she checks out all of the pockets and other features of the purse, she stumbles across the jewelry. You get bonus points if the jewelry coordinates with the handbag you choose.
  • A gift you know they’ll love: This presentation option is very flexible. Think of gifts you know the recipient would like. Is there one that would work well for hiding jewelry inside for the gift presentation?

9. Special Delivery Person

10. on a platter, 11. creative wrapping ideas.

Creative Wrapping Ideas

  • A map of your favorite place: Use a paper map of a special place as the wrapping paper. Ideas include your favorite trip together, a city you used to live in, the place where you met or the location of your honeymoon. Circle spots on the map where you shared a special moment.
  • Fabric: Instead of thin paper, use fabric to wrap the gift box. Choose something functional, such as a kitchen towel or cloth napkin with a fun pattern, so the wrapping can be used afterward. An easy way to wrap the gift in a piece of square fabric is to position the gift in the middle. Tie opposite corners together on top of the box. Repeat the process, tying the remaining two corners in a single knot. Bring the two corners from the first knot back to the top, and tie them a second time to keep the knots secure.
  • Take-out box: Craft and gift stores sell take-out style boxes designed for gift giving. These boxes come in a variety of colors and patterns.
  • Chalkboard look: Start with a roll of black paper. Wrap the gift like normal. Use a white paint pen to draw images on the black paper to look like a chalkboard design that won’t wipe off like regular chalk. This is an easy way to customize the wrapping paper. You can even give hints to the contents of the package with the decorations you draw.
  • Hand decorated box: A plain white gift box creates the perfect palette for a custom design. Use stamps, stickers or decorative washi tape to create designs on the box. Doodle little images or special messages with colored markers. Glue pompoms, bows or confetti onto the box for three-dimensional decorations. For a simple option, get a wide roll of colorful tape. Stick the tape around the box to look like a ribbon. This option takes little effort but makes a big impact.
  • Calendar pages: Old calendars provide colorful images, making them a suitable alternative to traditional wrapping paper. Save last year’s calendar and wrap jewelry and other gifts in it for a thick, heavy wrapping.

presentation of a gift

presentation of a gift

What Are The Best Phrases To Say When Giving A Gift? Discover 50 Amazing Phrases For Any Occasions

You have found the perfect gift, beautifully packaged it, and all you have to do is give it to your recipient. But you're lost for words and don't know what to say? Here's you'll find the best phrases to say when giving a gift.

What phrases you can use when giving a gift depends on the occasion and your relationship with the recipient. There are many unique expressions to say, from funny gift-giving phrases on Christmas to more elegant words on weddings. But the most important thing is always to be sincere.

Below I listed 50 of the best-of-the-best heartfelt phrases on different occasions you can say when giving a gift! But first, let's find out the general rules that will help make your gift-giving speech genuinely thoughtful.

5 Basic Rules Of Successful Phrases When Giving A Gift

1. emphasize how much the recipient means to you.

Man handing a woman a heart shape

First and foremost, always remember that everything you say should be for the recipient and about the recipient.

It sounds obvious, but, in fact, when giving a gift, people unconsciously shift the focus from the recipient to themselves.

We all fall into this trap from time to time, but not because we want to show the recipient how much time and effort we’ve put into finding the perfect gift. The reason is simple -  all our wishes just slip our mind as soon as we hand a present to our recipient.

So the next time you give a gift and feel stuck trying to find the right words, take a deep breath and just say how much the recipient means to you. Emphasize how you appreciate their love, friendship, care, or support. Such sincere words are like one more gift from you. 

2. Be Sincere In Your Wishes To The Recipient

Cute card with wishes

You don't need to make up something extraordinary if you want your gift-giving experience to be meaningful to your recipient.

It is quite easy to express your love, care, and respect - just tell about your feelings.

I believe that sincerity makes key to a successful and enjoyable giving of gifts.

Indeed, nothing but heartfelt, kind words can melt the recipient's heart and make the gift-giving experience truly remarkable and unforgettable.

And no matter if you’re giving a gift to your better half, a best friend, or a respected colleague, I'm sure your recipient will highly appreciate your sincere words. Hearty wishes will undoubtedly touch your recipient to the core and stir up strong emotions, whether childlike delight or tears of joy.

3. Don’t Apologize For Your Gift

Cute smile with Sorry letters

"I couldn't spend very much!", "I'm not sure if you like it," "This gift is so small."

Are these phrases familiar to you?

I'm almost 100% sure that nearly everyone made such excuses at least once in their life when giving a gift.

And such phrases are something you should never say to the recipient. No matter how small or inexpensive your gift is, you don’t need to feel uncomfortable or even guilty of not being able to afford something better.

If you make your present thoughtful, its size and cost don't play any role, so there are no reasons for excuses. Moreover, I don't even doubt that your recipient will appreciate anything you give them. So when giving a gift, be confident and positive!

4. Don't Focus On The Money Aspect Of A Gift

Piggy bank with coins

A little below, I will provide you with the best phrases to say when giving a gift, but for now, you just need to remember six words you never should mention to the recipient - "This gift will save you money."

The new study on consumers’ response to gifts found that people negatively react to gifts given to them with the intention of saving money.

Such wording might make the recipient feel offended and perceive your gift as a slight rather than a compliment.

But it doesn't mean you can't give your dear ones gifts intended to help them save some money while they are having financial difficulties. When giving a gift, you just have to highlight other benefits of your present that aren't about money so that no one will feel uncomfortable.

5. Use The Right Tone When Giving A Gift

Gold Congrats sign

Last but not least, a correctly chosen tone for gift-giving makes all the difference.

So if you want your gift to be well-received, consider the occasion's level of formality and closeness of your relationship with the recipient.

In informal situations, like giving a gift to your beloved one, family, or good friends, you can use a casual, friendly tone with a touch of humor. And even if you lack words, a warm hug is also a suitable option.

But in more formal situations, like congratulating your boss, colleagues, or just someone you don't know well, such a casual tone might be perceived as inappropriate, if not impolite. In this case, your speech needs to be more conservative and respectful.

I hope these tips on how to make your gift-giving speech successful were helpful. And to find out what exactly phrases you can say when giving a gift, read on! I have a lot of useful and valuable information for you.

50 Remarkable Phrases To Say When Giving A Gift (For Different Occasions)

If you are here, you probably wonder how to find the right words to express your love, care, and respect to your recipient when giving them a gift.

I know, sometimes it can be pretty challenging to choose the best phrase, but no worry, I prepared expressions that will make your gift-giving speech thoughtful and memorable.

Whether it's a birthday, job promotion, or wedding, below you will find the perfect gift-giving phrases on nearly any occasion.

Great Gift-Giving Phrases To Say On Birthday

Light box with Birthday word

Hold out your hands and close your eyes! I hope this small gift will make your birthday even more joyful and brighter!

Best wishes! I have something special for you on this special day, and I hope you like it. Enjoy this gift!

I wish you all the best and give you this little present which I'm sure will bring you unutterable joy! Happy Birthday!

On this special day, I want to give you a gift that will come in handy for you. And I hope this useful present will please you with its benefits for years to come!

It's hard to find the right words, so I just want to give you a warm hug and, of course, this amazing present. Enjoy your birthday and my gift!

Heartfelt Gift-Giving Phrases On Anniversary

Happy anniversary card

This gift, of course, can't express all my feelings to you, but I hope it becomes a little reminder of my love. Happy anniversary!

I want to give you this gift as a token of my gratitude for all the happy days together. Happy anniversary, my sweetheart!

Guess what I have for you? - All my love and this cute gift that I'm sure will please you!

I wish you another year of true love and give you this wonderful gift that will hopefully add brightness and joy to your life!

Happy anniversary! Here's a little present for you that I hope will add vivid colors to your memories of today's celebration.

Romantic Gift-Giving Phrases To Impress Your Loved One On Valentine's Day

Gifts and cards for Valentine's Day

I could move mountains for you, but I think this gift will express my sincere feelings to you much better. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

I'm so happy that you're My Valentine! Take all my love and this thoughtful gift on this beautiful occasion!

On this romantic day, I want to give you a gift that will always remind you of my love. So take care of it, as you take care of my heart!

No words can't express my everlasting love, so I hope that this gift will become to you a delightful reminder of my sincere feelings. Happy Valentine's Day!

I got you something special! And although my gift is quite small, I hope it will always remind you that my love for you is huge. Happy Valentine’s Day, honey!

Elegant Phrases For A Wedding Gift-Giving Speech

Mr & Mrs freestanding letter on table

May the years ahead be filled with great joy and happiness! And I hope this gift will help you with it! Best wishes!

Heartfelt congratulations to the best couple ever! I hope this gift will be able to express how happy I'm for both of you!

Congratulations on your wedding! Here's a little something to start your happy life together. Enjoy!

My gift can't make this day even more special, but I hope it will bring you lasting joy! Wishing you the best!

I have a little something for you! I hope you will not only like this gift but will use it in your new life together!

Excellent Phrases To Say When Giving A Housewarming Gift

Housewarming party

Congrats on the move! I have for you a small present that I'm sure will add brightness and cheerfulness to your new home!

Congratulations on your new place! I hope this nice gift will make your new family nest a bit comfier!

Here's something useful for you! I hope my gift can help make your new home more cozy and comfy!

May your new home be filled with joy and coziness! And this great gift will definitely help you with this!

Your new home is almost perfect! To be completely perfect, it just needs my gift! I'm sure this cute gift will turn your new place into a truly "home, sweet home."

Nice Gift-Giving Phrases On Job Promotion

Job promotion postcards

Congratulations on your job promotion! I hope this gift will help you keep all your career goals in focus!

Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion! Here's a small gift to celebrate your big success! I hope you enjoy it!

Nice work! I'd like to give you this special present that I hope will motivate you on new achievements!

Congrats, you deserved this great promotion! And definitely deserved this exceptional gift on this remarkable occasion!

Your promotion will bring you new challenges and opportunities, and my gift will bring you pure pleasure and joy! Enjoy!

Best Phrases To Say When Giving A Graduation Gift

Congrats grad balloon

Congrats on your successful graduation. Here's a little gift to celebrate your outstanding achievement! I hope you enjoy it!

Congratulations on your graduation! I want to give you this gift that will be a wonderful reminder of this important milestone for years to come!

Congratulations on your graduation day! I hope this great gift will perfectly emphasize the importance of this occasion!

Best wishes, grad! I have a useful gift for you that will undoubtedly come in handy at a new stage of your adult life!

Congrats, grad! I got you something great to celebrate your brilliant success! I hope you like my gift!

Touching Phrases To Say When Giving A “Just Because” Gift

Beautiful flowers

I know life has been a little challenging lately, but I thought this small gift would be able to brighten up your day!

For no special occasion, and nothing special to say, but I hope this little something makes you smile today!

You’re in my thoughts today. Here's a small gift just to remind you that you're in my heart forever!

Look what I have for you on this beautiful day! When I saw this, it made me think of you, and I couldn't resist! I hope you like this lovely gift!

I was thinking of you all day and understood that I just want to remind you how special you are. I hope this cute present will make you feel that way.

Funny Gift-Giving Phrases On Christmas

Christmas gift

I know you're on Santa's naughty list, but you're on my nice list! So here's a gift for you! Merry Christmas!

Ho-ho-ho! Ok, I'm not a Santa. But I also have a gift for you! I'm sure this present will cause you a childlike delight!

Santa told me in secret that you’d been very good this year! So you deserved this fantastic gift! Enjoy!

Santa came to me today and asked me to give you this gift. I don't know what's inside, but I hope you like it!

I secretly stole in Santa your wish list for this Christmas to make you this wonderful gift. I risked my life for this, so you better say you liked it!

Cute Gift-Giving Phrases On Baby Shower

Hello baby balloons

Warmest wishes to you and your baby! I hope this modest gift will come in handy in your new parenting life!

So happy to share with you this special day! Here's a little something to help you gear up for your baby.

Best wishes to your beautiful family! Are you ready to be ‘shower’ with a few lovely things for a baby?

Welcome to parenthood! Here's a useful gift that hopefully will make your day-to-day a little easier and calmer.

A baby is a gift from heaven above! My gift for you is more down-to-earth, but I think you’re going to like it!

Now that you know all these phrases, I hope you will never again feel stuck when you give a gift. I'm sure, thanks to these great phrases, your present will always be well-received! 

About the Author

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Hi! I'm Yasia, founder of giftideaspace.com . I’m passionate about gift-giving, and I’m here to help you choose perfect gifts for your loved ones. I will always provide you with the best possible gift ideas and explain, based on statistics, scientific studies, and my own experience, why one or another gift is the best option to surprise your recipient.

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What’s the Best Way To Give Money as a Gift? 7 Easy and Fun Ideas

Elizabeth Constantineau, AI Editor

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In a world filled with digital gift cards and instant money transfers , the way you present a cash gift can elevate it from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether it’s for a birthday bash, graduation day , someone’s big “I do,” or just because, there are fun and creative ways to make your money gift the talk of the party.

7 Best Ways To Give Money as a Gift

Money, often seen as a straightforward and impersonal gift, can be transformed into a thoughtful and memorable gesture with a dash of creativity. Even though it’s still basic money, how you give it can make all the difference. Check out these seven inventive ways to gift money:

  • A money bouquet
  • Personalized gift card booklet
  • Money puzzle box
  • Money-filled ornaments
  • Cash-filled fortune cookies
  • A treasure hunt
  • Money-filled soap or candle

1. The Money Bouquet

Combine the elegance of a flower bouquet with the practicality of cash for a delightful surprise. Use crisp bills, which you can get from the bank , and fold them into origami flowers. Attach each “flower” to a floral wire stem with clear tape. Intersperse real or artificial flowers and greenery for added beauty, and then secure the arrangement with a ribbon. Presenting it in a decorative vase or wrapping will make it even more special.

2. Personalized Gift Card Booklet

Even though gift cards can sometimes feel generic, creating a booklet tailored to the recipient’s tastes and hobbies can turn it into a heartfelt gesture. Start by considering their favorite restaurants, shops or online platforms, and purchase multiple gift cards in varying amounts. Craft a booklet using quality paper, designing pockets or sleeves for each card. For a personal touch, jot down a note on each page, suggesting how they might enjoy the card — some ideas are “For a date night,” “For your next read” or “Treat yourself.”

3. The Money Puzzle Box

Add an element of fun and challenge by enclosing your cash gift or check in a puzzle box. Available online or at specialty gift shops, these boxes typically require the recipient to solve a puzzle to access the treasure inside. It’s an engaging way to elevate the excitement of receiving money. To complete the experience, pair it with a playful card that prompts the adventure awaiting inside.

4. Money-Filled Ornaments

Transparent holiday ornaments or decorative balls can be more than just for decoration. Imagine the surprise when a loved one discovers that the ornament hanging on their tree has folded bills inside. Money-filled ornaments not only serve as inventive gifts but also become cherished keepsakes, commemorating occasions like graduations, birthdays or festive seasons.

5. Cash-Filled Fortune Cookies

Fortune cookies, traditionally associated with imparting wisdom, can also hold money inside. By carefully placing a rolled bill within the cookie and sealing it back, you can create an unexpected delight. Presented in a decorative box, these cash-filled treats merge tradition with novelty.

6. Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt transforms the act of giving money into an exhilarating experience. Instead of a simple handover, you can curate a series of clues or riddles that lead to the hidden prize — the money gift. This adventurous approach, whether set in your house or all over the city, is sure to captivate the recipient’s interest.

7. Money-Filled Soap or Candle

If you’re crafty or into DIY projects , there are endless ways to add a personal touch to your gift-giving. One such method is embedding a monetary surprise within everyday objects like soap or candles. You’ll need simple supplies to make this — clear glycerin soap, wax, molds and dollar bills . As the soap is used or the candle burns down, the concealed cash eventually emerges, offering a delightful surprise.

Good To Know: Gift Giving and Taxes If you’re leaning towards a generous amount, it’s worth noting tax implications. In 2023, the IRS allows an annual gift tax exclusion up to $17,000 per recipient. If you gift more than that, you might need to file a gift tax return. Before giving a large amount of money, it would be a good idea to talk to a tax expert.

In gift-giving, it’s not just the amount but the presentation that counts. A creative twist can turn a simple money gift into a cherished memory. It’s the effort and imagination behind it that truly leaves a mark.

  • Money given as a gift is often referred to as a "cash gift" or "monetary gift." In specific cultural or ceremonial contexts, there are unique names for such gifts. For instance, during weddings in many cultures, money gifts might be referred to as a "dowry."
  • The best way to give money as a gift depends on the occasion and the recipient's preferences. While some might appreciate the convenience of a digital money transfer or gift card, others might find joy in a creatively wrapped cash gift.
  • These ways of giving money can make the gift memorable and show the recipient that thought and effort were put into their gift.
  • Origami designs: Fold bills into shapes like hearts, butterflies or shirts.
  • Hidden in sweets: Insert money into a box of candy, replacing a couple of the sweets.
  • In a book: Use a hollowed-out book to hide the money, making it a surprise for the recipient.
  • Money jars: Fill a jar with loose change or folded bills, perhaps layering it with colored sand or confetti.
  • Gift inside a gift: Hide the money inside a small, practical gift, like a wallet or a purse.
  • Know the recipient: Tailor your gift to the recipient's tastes, hobbies and needs. It shows that you know and care about their preferences.
  • Stay within your budget: While it's the thought that counts, you shouldn't feel obligated to spend beyond your means. A heartfelt, thoughtful gift can be more appreciated than an expensive one.
  • Consider the occasion: Different events call for different gifts. A birthday might warrant something more personal, while a wedding might require something for the couple to share.
  • Presentation matters: How you present a gift can be just as important as the gift itself. Proper wrapping, a handwritten note or a unique delivery method can elevate the gift's perceived value.
  • Ask if you're in doubt: If you're unsure about what the recipient might like, it's perfectly acceptable to ask them directly. Some people appreciate this approach as it ensures they'll receive something they'll genuinely enjoy or need.

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

Our in-house research team and on-site financial experts work together to create content that’s accurate, impartial, and up to date. We fact-check every single statistic, quote and fact using trusted primary resources to make sure the information we provide is correct. You can learn more about GOBankingRates’ processes and standards in our editorial policy .

  • IRS. 2023. "Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes."

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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63 best graduation gift ideas in 2024

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Graduating is a huge milestone, whether it's from college, high school, or any other type of program. This year, we're collecting the best graduation gift ideas so you can show your grad how special they are. 

Our list of top picks runs the gamut, from the latest tech gadgets to useful home appliances and trendy, fashionable items. For more personalized choices, check out our dedicated guides to the best college graduation gifts for her and him , as well as the best high school graduation gifts for her and him .

A plush bathrobe

presentation of a gift

Brooklinen Super Plush Robe

This plush bathrobe from Brooklinen is absorbent enough to step in for a towel after a shower, and plush enough to want to lounge in long after you're done. If your grad is about to be living in a dorm or sharing an apartment with roommates, they are going to need something to wrap themselves in when walking to the bathroom. 

An instant camera upgrade

presentation of a gift

Polaroid Film Camera

If they love taking instant photos, this camera lets them do that, plus print out photos from their phone via a Bluetooth app. And if that's not enough, it comes with two lenses (standard and portrait), so they will truly never miss their shot at a great pic.

A reliable pair of socks

presentation of a gift

Bombas Ankle Socks

There's a reason we love Bombas socks — in the several years we've tested socks, they've consistently ranked as the most comfortable and durable. Your graduate will be grateful for these socks. Find out more in our Bombas socks review . 

A comfy weighted blanket

presentation of a gift

Portable Plush Weighted Blanket

A weighted blanket is one of the best items to have in a new dorm room or apartment. Get this comfy, portable blanket so your graduate can get cozy and lounge in whatever space they're in. For more options, check out our guide to the best weighted blankets.

A reliable, convenient suitcase

presentation of a gift

Away is a cult-favorite luggage brand for good reason. Help your graduate jet-set to wherever they need to go in style with some of our favorite suitcases – and throw in packing cubes  if you really want to go the extra mile.

Our Away luggage review has more details on why we love these suitcases. 

A Nintendo Switch for much-deserved game time

presentation of a gift

Nintendo Switch

Whether they want to play solo or with their friends, they've earned some uninterrupted game time. The Switch remains a bestseller for its simplicity and versatility (plus, it won't take up too much space in a small apartment). Pair it with a crowd-pleasing game like Mario Kart or Minecraft .

A gift card to put towards a concert

presentation of a gift

Ticketmaster Gift Card

Have they been talking about snagging tickets to a favorite artist for months? If so, a Ticketmaster gift card to put towards those tickets is a really thoughtful gift. You can choose any amount from $25 to $500. 

A classy bouquet

presentation of a gift

Urban Stems Floral Bouquet

Send flowers to your graduate — whether you're sending them in lieu of being there yourself or as a supplement a digital gift or card. We highly recommend UrbanStems; the company's bouquets are among the best flower delivery services . 

A water bottle to stay hydrated

presentation of a gift

HydroFlask 32 oz. Wide Mouth Water Bottle

Whether running around for work or class, it can be easy to forget to hydrate. Gift your graduate a nice water bottle to carry around all day. HydroFlask bottles are very durable and won't leak in his backpack. And let's face it we're all happier when we're hydrated. 

Custom college pouches

presentation of a gift

Collegiate Pouches

Whether your grad is going to college or leaving, they'll want a handy pouch to show their school spirit. We love these customizable pouches from Uncommon Goods, as they are functional and artistic items. 

A custom birth chart book

presentation of a gift

Astrology Birthdate Book

For fans of astrology — or anyone who's on a serious post-college path to self-discovery — this customized birth chart book is sure to be something they turn to time and time again. All you need is their birth location and time to snag a 70-page hardcover tome of who they are and what to expect in their future. If you only know their birthday, you can also opt for a Birthdate candle or necklace .

A nice bottle of bubbly

presentation of a gift

Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label Champagne

If they drink (and are old enough to drink), send them a nice bottle of bubbly to celebrate their big achievement. Drizly will deliver it for you.

A minimalist backpack

presentation of a gift

Dagne Dover Dakota Neoprene Backpack

Dagne Dover's neoprene backpacks are a sleek, safe bet if you want to get them something for their future travels or commutes. Beyond their trendiness, they're super comfy, are made from recycled materials, and offer lots of compartments and pockets for optimal storage.

A pair of noise-canceling headphones

presentation of a gift

Sony Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones

A nice pair of headphones make a great gift for just about anyone, but especially graduates. The noise-cancelling technology is essential for getting work done. But these will come in handy for a plethora of occasions, like watching Netflix when roommates are asleep or listening to favorite tunes while walking.

A dainty necklace

presentation of a gift

Catbird Tiniest Name Necklace

Nameplate necklaces are timeless, this one even more so for its tiny, all-lowercase font. You can fit up to 10 letters (the cost goes up after two), so you can customize it with their name, nickname, city, or anything else.

A sleek electric kettle

presentation of a gift

Fellow Stagg EKG Electric Pour-Over Kettle

Fellow has one of the most beautiful electric kettles around. It doubles as an art piece on your kitchen counter, as well as an easy and convenient way to make morning coffee or tea. 

A chic lamp that warms candles without lighting them

presentation of a gift

Luzdiosa Candle Warmer Lamp

Beyond looking cute, this lamp serves a unique function: Activating candles without lighting them. Using its warming technology, the candles "burn" and release any scents, but at a much slower pace and without setting off any finicky fire alarms.

One of our favorite work bags

presentation of a gift

Cuyana System Tote 13-inch

This work bag from Cuyana is a great option for a graduate who will be commuting to work. We've tested it and decided that it's the best pick for customization in our guide to the best work bags for women , as there are various pouches and a laptop sleeve inside. 

Adorable coup glasses perfect for hosting

presentation of a gift

Anthropologie Ramona Coupe Glasses

Even if they're already stocked up on kitchen items, they likely don't have these colorful coup glasses. Whether they use them for homemade cocktails, mocktails, or bubbly, they're sure to get a million compliments on them every time they host.

A mini waffle maker that fits in their kitchen

presentation of a gift

Dash Mini Waffle Maker

Even the most cramped kitchens can fit this mini waffle maker, which comes in a variety of fun colors and iron shapes. It's an affordable, adorable way for them to make breakfast throughout their post-grad years.

A fluffy throw blanket

presentation of a gift

Anthropologie Sophie Faux Fur Throw Blanket

Every home could use a comfy throw, and this faux fur one is bound to keep them cozy throughout the year. It comes in a range of colors and looks great draped over a couch or used as a bed cover.

A trendy compact bag

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Standard Baggu

If your graduate is moving to a new city, they might need a compact bag for grocery shopping, picnics with friends, or commuting to work. Baggu makes some of the best options, as the bag folds up into a small pouch, and there are tons of different artistic styles to choose from. 

A gift card for awesome bed sheets

presentation of a gift

Brooklinen Gift Card

Brooklinen is one of our favorite brands for all your bedding needs. To help your graduate get a good night's sleep, hook them up with a gift card to purchase sheets, blankets, or a duvet cover. For more information, read our Brooklinen sheets review . 

A durable cast iron skillet

presentation of a gift

Lodge Chef Collection Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet

A cast iron skillet is an important kitchen tool that never gets old. In fact, as one of the more durable cast iron skillets on the market, this pick will help your graduate cook for years to come. 

Iconic hoop earrings

presentation of a gift

Mejuri Large Croissant Dome Hoops

If they've been eyeing Mejuri's Dôme hoops forever, you've found the perfect gift. These minimalist gold vermeil earrings go with everything, so you can be sure they'll wear them for years to come. Read our full Mejuri review for more options. 

A sleek smart mug that keeps their drinks hot

presentation of a gift

Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug

This mug will control the temperature of their coffee or tea, so they won't have to reheat or dump it out every few hours. A former teammate called the Ember "life-changing." You can also buy a travel-friendly version .

A warm pair of slippers

presentation of a gift

L.L. Bean Wicked Good Slippers

L.L. Bean makes one of our favorite pairs of slippers, as we rate this the top pick for warmth that we tested in the best slippers for men . Your graduate will appreciate this gift, especially if they're moving somewhere with colder weather. 

A luxe leather messenger bag

presentation of a gift

Leatherology Henderson Laptop Brief Bag 

Leatherology makes luxe leather goods and delivers them in gift-wrapped boxes. This laptop brief bag is one they can own for many years, and it's a luxe step-up from the backpacks of their past. You'll find a few more budget-friendly options at Herschel Supply Co.

A poster to remember a special place

presentation of a gift

Grafomap Personalized Map Poster

Grafomap makes cool posters with custom maps, so you can get your graduate one with a place that you know means something to them. It's a great way to decorate a new space with extra sentimental value. 

A cute carrying case for their phone

presentation of a gift

Bandolier Crossbody Case

For anyone who laments digging through their bag for their phone or wallet, this stylish phone case-wallet crossbody case keeps their essentials close without any hassle.

A multi-purpose pan

presentation of a gift

Our Place Always Pan

The internet-famous Always Pan is meant to replace eight pieces of cookware which, if they're living in tight quarters, can especially come in handy. You can choose from a few vibrant, matte colors and treat them to a pan they'll be excited to break in.

A mini projector with great picture

presentation of a gift

Anker Nebula Capsule

Though this projector seems small, it really packs a punch. Set up your grad for the perfect at-home movie night with this handy little portable projector, which has an impressive picture display for its size. 

School spirit gear

presentation of a gift

Fanatics College Gear

Get them excited for their college days or commemorate them with a wearable bit of school spirit. Fanatics is full of clothing, hats, bags, balls, games, and drinkware for NCAA schools. Your grad will be able to spot a fellow alum from miles away.

A funny, thoughtful card

presentation of a gift

Punny Llama Graduation Card

Grab a funny, sweet card and use it to tell them how proud you are of them.

A top-of-the-line air fryer

presentation of a gift

Instant Vortex Plus 6-in-1 Air Fryer

Listed as the top pick in our best air fryer guide, the Instant Vortex Plus is one of the most impressive models on the market. We tested a ton of air fryers, so you can be confident in arming your graduate with a fantastic kitchen appliance that will serve them well. 

A robe you'd find at a spa

presentation of a gift

Parachute Cloud Cotton Robe

Parachute makes some of the best robes for women , and this one is no different. It's light, breathable, and makes you feel like you're relaxing at a spa. 

A plant to spruce up their home

presentation of a gift

The Sill Snake Plant Laurentii

Plants are the best way to brighten up a room, and it's likely your grad will be moving to a new place — so why not help them out? This snake plant from The Sill is easy to take care of and hard to kill, making it a great choice for even an inexperienced plant owner. 

A tablet for Netflix and surfing the web

presentation of a gift

Since a number of companies give their employees work computers, it's not totally necessary to get one's own. But for streaming Netflix or surfing the web at home, an iPad can be a budget-friendly alternative that better suits their lifestyle. 

We still think the 2022 standard iPad is the top pick for general-purpose use, and it's surprisingly affordable. You can read more in our buying guide for the best iPads .

A slim Fitbit with plenty of features

presentation of a gift

Fitbit Inspire 2

Fitbit's affordable Inspire 2 tracker has no shortage of useful features to keep someone informed about their physical activity — tracking calorie burn, resting heart rate, and heart rate zones. It's also one of the least expensive Fitbit models.

You can find our ranking of the best Fitbits in our tested buying guide. 

A planner that helps map out long-term goals

presentation of a gift

BestSelf Co. Self Journal

The Best Self Co. Journal helps people map out their five- or 10-year plans in a tangible, easily managed way. It's a nice way to provide growth and direction after graduation, whether your graduate is on their way to college, a new job, traveling, or anything else.

A framed photo of their friends or favorite memories

presentation of a gift

Framebridge Gift

Most of us appreciate some nostalgia. Since your graduate may not feel like investing in a nice frame, frame a photo of their friends or some of their favorite memories from school or home, so they can take them anywhere.

A whiteboard-pinboard combo for notes and mementos

presentation of a gift

Pottery Barn No Nails Dual Function Board

A practical piece of decor for a dorm room or apartment, this whiteboard-pinboard combo can be used to scribble to-dos, leave notes for roommates, and show off pictures of friends and family. Plus, it hangs up easily with adhesive strips for damage-free installation.

A portable massage gun

presentation of a gift

Theragun Mini Massage Gun

We love the Theragun Mini for workouts — it's easy to bring to the gym or park, and it really helps loosen up your muscles before and after to help relieve pain and soreness. Help your graduate live a healthy, active lifestyle with this gift. 

A personalized business card holder

presentation of a gift

Leatherology Business Card Case

If they're entering a new career, they can hold their business cards in this polished cardholder. You can even opt to get it monogrammed, and it'll arrive ready in a gift box.

A classy candle

presentation of a gift

Le Labo Santal 26 Classic Candle

A candle is always a great gift for any graduate. Whether they're moving into a dorm or new apartment, this scented candle from Le Labo is sure to make their room smell better and fresher. 

An office-ready blazer

presentation of a gift

Of Mercer Prince Blazer

A nice, reliable blazer that can be worn for everything from interviews to days in the office (if that's what your graduate's next chapter includes) is a classic wardrobe staple.

Or, if you'd rather leave the decision-making up to them, give them a gift card to a store like Everlane , Banana Republic , J. Crew , Nordstrom , or Universal Standard so they can shop for their own post-graduate clothing.

A gift card for the nights when they want an Uber home

presentation of a gift

Uber Gift Card

Whether they're heading into a new college town, starting a new job, or taking a gap year, there will be nights when it's more convenient or safer for them to Uber home. Make it an easier decision with a gift card for a ride home.

Timeless advice on how to lead a compassionate life

presentation of a gift

"Congratulations, By The Way" by George Saunders

This short read is a transcript from author George Saunders' Syracuse University commencement speech, in which he focuses on one simple but significant message: The value of kindness. When so much of the post-graduate advice out there centers on career success or hustling to get ahead, this sweet and beautifully written book will remind them of what's most important in life.

A French press your graduate can rely upon

presentation of a gift

Bodum Chambord French Press

If their new job or college major requires lots of early mornings, they'll probably appreciate a good cup of coffee. The Bodum Chambord is our favorite French press ; it's timeless, compact, easy to operate, and entirely unfussy. It's also affordable to replace, so they don't need to be too precious with it.

A Disney+ gift card

presentation of a gift

Disney Plus Gift Card

We all occasionally want a break from being a grownup — and Disney Plus is a good place to do it. Disney Plus lets subscribers stream movies and shows from Disney, Pixar , Marvel , and more. You can also bundle it with Hulu and ESPN+ .

A college pillow

presentation of a gift

Embroidered College Pillow

Want another way to help your graduate show their school spirit? These throw pillows are a lovely choice, and once again, customizable with lots of college options to choose from. 

A gift card for ordering takeout

presentation of a gift

Grubhub Gift Card

They may not have the energy to cook every night after work or classes. Get them a gift card for the impending evenings in which takeout feels essential.

An excellent, personalized coffee subscription

presentation of a gift

Trade Coffee Subscription Gift

If they like a great cup of coffee, they'll enjoy Trade. The coffee subscription service has a huge variety of coffee, and it's easy to customize based on their tastes. We ranked it as the best coffee subscription service you can join .

If they're a tea drinker, we'd also recommend checking out an Atlas Tea Club subscription.

A great speaker

presentation of a gift

Ultimate Ears WonderBoom 3

A great Bluetooth speaker is a must for every graduate. They'll want to take their tunes on the go, whether they're meeting new friends at a park or going to the beach. 

A gift card to find their favorite workout

presentation of a gift

ClassPass Gift Card

No matter what their work schedule looks like, it's important that your graduate still gets healthy exercise. Lower the barrier to entry and gift them a ClassPass gift card. With it, they can try tons of boutique fitness classes in their area — or, if they need to unwind, meditation sessions or spa days.

A smart reusable notebook

presentation of a gift

Rocketbook Core Reusable Smart Notebook

If your graduate goes through notebook after notebook, this reusable option offers a long-lasting solution. They can use the included pen to take notes, scan each page with an accompanying app to save the pages digitally, and then wipe away the notes to use the same page over and over again.

Sweet treats from a famous bakery

presentation of a gift

Milk Bar Treats

Who doesn't love a sweet treat? Celebrate your graduate with cake or cookies from Milk Bar, a famous New York City bakery that is sure to be a hit. 

Groceries delivered to their door

presentation of a gift

Instacart Gift Card

Starting a new chapter can be exhausting, and they may be pulling long hours studying or working. We recommend a gift card to Blue Apron ( our top pick for meal kits ) or Instacart ( our top pick for online grocery services ) to do their grocery shopping for them. Both will show up at their doorstep.

A custom photo book

presentation of a gift

Artifact Uprising Everyday Photo Book

Get them a photo book that can be filled with memories of friends — because they just graduated, they'll want to remember all the amazing times they had and who they shared it with. 

A membership to a meditation app

presentation of a gift

Headspace Meditation App 

Give them the gift of a meditation app that can help give them the tools to destress, practice mindfulness ( which has positive effects on personal happiness ), and possibly improve their focus. 

A toolkit they will need

presentation of a gift

Cartman 148 Piece Tool Set

No matter the handiness of your graduate, they will definitely appreciate having this toolkit in their new dorm or apartment. It will be used, inevitably, when something breaks or goes wrong — and they'll have you to thank for saving the day with the necessary equipment to fix it. 

A trendy wallet

presentation of a gift

Coachtopia Wavy Zip Around Wallet

Your graduate will need a cool, colorful wallet for their adult life. Get them this trendy green option from Coachtopia, a new line as part of Coach. 

A gift card for home decor

presentation of a gift

Target Gift Card

When in doubt, Target never fails. Hook up your graduate with a Target gift card for all their home and kitchen needs, as well as groceries, snacks, and even clothes. 

presentation of a gift

You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here . Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider Reviews team. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising team. We welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] .

presentation of a gift

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The Best 7-Year Anniversary Gifts

Browse traditional and modern picks to celebrate this special milestone.

7 year anniversary gift

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

7th Anniversary Symbols

  • Traditional : Copper and wool
  • Modern: Stationery and desk sets
  • Flower: Freesia
  • Color: Yellow

Scroll on to read more about the symbolism behind these 7-year anniversary gifts at the bottom of this guide, along with our editors' picks. There's a present for everyone on this list, whether their tastes run traditional, modern, or a mix of the two.

Copper Gifts

line break

Wind Chimes

Wind Chimes

These beautiful wind chimes are a steal at under $20, especially since you can choose soprano or alto tones. They're also made of copper, which is traditionally given for seven-year anniversaries.

Electric Salt and Pepper Grinder Set

Electric Salt and Pepper Grinder Set

They can spice up any home-cooked dinner with this electric grinder set. In minutes, they can flip the gravity-activated grinder upside down for fresh salt and pepper.

Copper Measuring Cups and Spoons

Copper Measuring Cups and Spoons

Now here's a gift that's equal parts beautiful and useful. These copper measuring cups and spoons are sure to please any home chef. They feature long handles that makes them comfortable to use and they have holes to hang them from a knife rack, inside a kitchen cabinet, you name it.

Bartender Kit

Bartender Kit

Whether your longtime love is an expert mixologist or just getting into the craft, this copper bartender kit would make a great anniversary gift. Plus, Amazon reviewers say it's a good value for the money considering it's a complete set.

Industrial Brass & Copper Drink Dispenser

Industrial Brass & Copper Drink Dispenser

Put their favorite liquor on tap with this industrial-inspired drink dispenser. The handmade copper design, which is mounted to a reclaimed wood board, is the perfect addition to any home bar (where you can toast to your anniversary, of course!).

"Lucky in Love" Personalized Penny Art

"Lucky in Love" Personalized Penny Art

No two couples will get the same work of art when you purchase this gift. The plaque celebrates your relationship from the moment you met to the day you married to your anniversary date, and you can also add your names to make it even more one-of-a-kind.

Sunset Everlasting Sunset Everlasting Candle Set

Sunset Everlasting Candle Set

Just like your marriage, these copper-colored candles will last forever. This set includes three reusable steel oil candlesticks, a pretty glass vase and enough oil to last for 50 hours.

Hammered Copper Butter Keeper

Hammered Copper Butter Keeper

Butter isn't usually the star of the table, but it will be in this striking butter dish , which is made from solid copper with a food-safe tin lining. The dish is handcrafted by artisans in Turkey.

Moscow Mule Mugs

Moscow Mule Mugs

Bring a little fun to their cocktail hour with these hammered copper mugs that are perfect for Moscow Mules. The copper keeps the drinks extra cold, so even if they don't like vodka, they can be used for any other iced drinks.

Copper Rain Gauge

Copper Rain Gauge

They'll appreciate this gift idea especially if they're into gardening. This copper rain gauge acts on Archimedes' Principle. The upward buoyant force exerted on anything immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces — meaning the gauge pops up each time it rains.

Opux Pour-Over Coffee Kettle

Pour-Over Coffee Kettle

True coffee lovers will enjoy this pour-over coffee kit , which delivers bold brews and strong flavors. Amazon reviewers say they love the control they have over the temperature, and that it makes coffee taste better.

Copper 7th Wedding Card

Copper 7th Wedding Card

If you’re going to get a card, make it meaningful. This anniversary card comes complete with a seven-year anniversary keepsake — the word "love" spelled out in copper wire.

RELATED: 100 Best "Happy Anniversary" Wishes to Write in a Card

line break

Merino Wool Camp Blanket

Merino Wool Camp Blanket

Do they love outdoor adventures, like camping, but always complain of being cold? Then this machine-washable blanket will do the trick. Reviewers say the wool-blend style is quite warm and cozy. "It is soft, seems like great quality, and was heavier than I expected. The colors and patterns are beautiful!" one shared.

Convertible Gloves

Convertible Gloves

These convertible gloves are perfect on the go, providing enough warmth and versatility for their everyday needs. Flip the tops off when it's time to text, and pop them back on when it gets cold again.

Men's Wool Socks

Men's Wool Socks

Keep their feet toasty with these muticolored 100% wool socks , available in a pack of five. They provide extra cushion, making them ideal to wear with boots.

Wool-Hooked Lobster Throw Pillow

Wool-Hooked Lobster Throw Pillow

As Phoebe Buffay might say, they're your "lobster" — which makes this wool and velvet throw pillow the perfect seventh anniversary gift. Use it for date nights when you just want to cozy up on the couch.

Newsboy Cap

Newsboy Cap

Forget a basic baseball cap. This wool newsboy cap will easily add some extra flair to their outfits. In addition to the herringbone print, it comes in several other classic patterns.

Women's Scarf

Women's Scarf

Keep the winter chill at bay with a versatile wool scarf. Its softness has earned it over 18,000 five-star reviews on Amazon.

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Uggs, pajamas, sweatshirts, jewelry and face masks on a pale pink background

Picking a gift for someone special? There’s no time like the present.

With Mother’s Day nearly two weeks away, it’s the perfect time to start planning a special surprise for the moms, grandmothers or mother figures in your life before shipping deadlines start to loom.

And here at Page Six, we’re not just asking famous moms what’s on their wishlists — we’re also adding our own tried-and-true favorites to cart.

From the Oprah-loved pajamas several staffers are stocking up on to the pet-embroidered custom crewnecks we give a five-star (er, four-paw) review, read on for our expert editors’ top gift picks this year.

Cozy Earth Bamboo Pajamas

A model in black pajamas

“I’ve never tried the Cozy Earth pajamas but after seeing Kris Jenner order custom-printed sets for her entire family this Easter, I think every mom in my life should have the same luxury. If it’s good enough for the notoriously picky momager, then it’s good enough for me to purchase.” — Melissa Minton, Page Six Style Senior Writer/Editor

“My mom refuses to buy nice pajama sets for herself, and it drives me nuts! I have a few pairs of these Cozy Earth pajamas, so I had to snag a spring set for her.” — Caroline Blair, Page Six Reality TV Reporter

Editor’s Note: Page Six readers can save 35% off sitewide — and score free shipping — right now with code PAGESIX .

Gorjana 14-Karat Gold Mama Necklace

A gold "Mama" necklace

“I have a few Gorjana pieces I wear on repeat (the  Reese Pearl Necklace is my current fave!) and with many of the styles under $100, you won’t break the bank for a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. Although it’s slightly pricier, this ‘Mama’ necklace would be especially sweet for a first Mother’s Day gift or spring baby shower — and 10% of sales from the piece go to Baby2Baby, a charity supporting impoverished children.” — Kristin Contino, Page Six Style Writer/Reporter

111Skin Celestial Black Diamond Eye Mask 8-Pack

An 111SKIN eye mask in black packaging.

“111Skin makes the best face and eye masks I’ve tried, and they’re my go-to for an instant refresh. The brand’s on the pricier side, but it’s every bit worth the splurge to gift Mom a spa-like experience at home. (These contain real diamond particles. What’s more luxe than that?) I first discovered these in Jenna Lyons’ ‘holy grail skincare’ guide on Klarna and never looked back.” — Hannah Southwick, Page Six Commerce Writer/Reporter

Life Story Interview Kit Cards

Life Story Interview Cards

“Did I fall victim to buying this interview card kit after being served numerous ads for it? Yes. Yes, I did. But I still think it’s the perfect gift for a mom, grandma, aunt or any other mother in your life. The prompts, which are separated by early-, mid-, and later-life/reflection, allow you to discover more about your loved one’s history and ask questions you may have never thought to ask. I plan on having my mom open it early on in our celebration, so we can have a fun (and potentially emotional) activity to do during brunch or dinner.” — Samantha Sutton, Page Six Style Writer/Reporter

Artifact Uprising Signature Layflat Photo Album

photo albums

“Fact: Moms love photos, especially sentimental ones. And mine couldn’t get enough of the Artifact Uprising album I gifted her a few years ago, which I filled with beautiful family snaps from my wedding in 2021. Featured as one of Oprah’s ‘Favorite Things’ a few years back, the company’s Signature Layflat Album allows you to create horizontal photo spreads that, as the name suggests, lie perfectly flat and seamless when open for major visual impact. A great gift for any occasion, but especially Mother’s Day!” — Elana Fishman, Page Six Style Editor

“Mostly What God Does” by Savannah Guthrie

"Mostly What God Does" by Savannah Guthrie book cover

“My mom is always looking for a good book, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about the ‘Today’ show anchor’s new book. I’ll definitely be getting her a copy of this book and flowers for her morning.” — Caroline Blair, Page Six Reality TV Reporter

Seavees Coronado Espadrille

A black lace espadrille

“I got my first pair of these celeb-fave sneakers (Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Garner and Brad Pitt are all fans!) in navy canvas earlier this year, and this black lace style is on my personal Mother’s Day 2024 gift list. I love the espadrille/sneaker hybrid, and they’re elevated enough to wear with dresses and skirts for my upcoming trip to Europe.” — Kristin Contino, Page Six Style Writer/Reporter

VZBarn Mum Seed Necklace

A "Mum Seed" necklace

“Personally, I’ve been dreading Mother’s Day after suffering two miscarriages in the past year. Just looking at this necklace, which recognizes mothers who are grieving loss, makes me well up with tears. Not only does the seed symbolize the pregnancy, but the message is also a powerful reminder to someone in a similar situation that they matter, too.” — Samantha Sutton, Page Six Style Writer/Reporter

Ugg Goldenstar Hi Slides

Ugg Goldenstar slides

“These are the most comfortable sandals I’ve ever worn and they’re perfect for the busy mom to slip on and go! Plus, the platform adds some height and is a nice step up from a casual slide.” — Tori Schneebaum, Page Six Photo Director

Uncommon Goods Custom Pet Embroidered Sweatshirt

Custom embroidered pet sweatshirts

“This Mother’s Day, don’t forget about your favorite pet mom! Who could possibly resist this cozy crewneck custom-embroidered with the face of her favorite fur baby?” — Elana Fishman, Page Six Style Editor

Biscuiteers Bridgerton Cookie Tin

A Bridgerton-themed cookie tin

“Season 3 of ‘Bridgerton’ airs just a few days after Mother’s Day, so if you have a Penelope and Colin-obsessed mom, this cookie tin makes the perfect gift. Biscuiteers has the cutest bakery in London’s Notting Hill but they ship to the States, too — and these incredibly detailed ‘Bridgerton’-themed treats are almost too pretty to eat.” — Kristin Contino, Page Six Style Writer/Reporter

KBH Jewels Love Knot Studs

Gold knotted studs

“While I’m a fan of a statement earring here and there, when picking presents I gravitate towards quality pieces my loved ones will get plenty of use out of. These subtle knot earrings style seamlessly with practically any outfit — and I know my mom would love them too.” — Hannah Southwick, Page Six Commerce Writer/Reporter

Ellis Brooklyn Florist Perfume

Ellis Brooklyn Florist perfume with two roses

“I recently discovered this New York-based brand, and I am obsessed. The price point for the perfumes is so reasonable, and if your mom loves a good fragrance or candle, she will be thrilled! The Florist scent is perfect for spring, and smells like a fresh-cut bouquet of roses. What a great gift!” — Kristin McNamara, New York Post Senior Director of Social Media & Audience Engagement

Mario Badescu Super Rich Olive Body Lotion

Mario Badescu body lotion

“Martha Stewart’s a walking master class in looking amazing at any age. So who better to look to for inspiration when picking a present for my equally ageless 93-year-old grandmother? Stewart’s told us she loves products from Mario Badescu, and I can’t wait to give Grandma this top-rated lotion for Mother’s Day.” — Hannah Southwick, Page Six Commerce Writer/Reporter

Turkuaz Kitchen Posy Teacup and Saucer Set

A teacup and saucer

“Turkuaz Kitchen has amassed millions of fans with her soothing cooking and baking videos, and now she’s drawn on her Turkish heritage to collaborate with Anthropologie on a line of dishes and cookware . Everything is so pretty and festooned with flowers; these pieces would make wonderful Mother’s Day gifts for those foodie mums.” — Nicki Gostin, Page Six Writer/Reporter

Eberjey Gisele Modal Relaxed Short PJ Set

A model in pale blue Eberjey pajamas

“I love giving nice pajamas as gifts, because who ever buys those for themselves? I picked out this buttery soft Eberjey set for my mom (who I sincerely hope doesn’t see this story before they arrive at her doorstep) in one of her favorite colors — light blue — and added her monogram for a personal touch.” — Elana Fishman, Page Six Style Editor

Nuuly Subscription

A Nuuly subscription box

“My mom loves clothes, but I never want to buy something she might not like. This year I am going to give her a Nuuly subscription — that way, she can try new things for her style upgrade without the commitment of buying them outright. The best part? If she loves a piece that she tries, she can purchase it at a discounted price!” — Tori Schneebaum, Page Six Photo Director

FabFitFun Subscription

A FabFitFun subscription box

“Who doesn’t love receiving multiple gifts in one? A subscription is the best way to remind your mom that she’s the best all year long. I recently received FabFitFun’s summer box and it was full of amazing products that any woman would love.” — Kristin McNamara, New York Post Senior Director of Social Media & Audience Engagement

DMY Studios Romi Black Sunglasses

Black sunglasses

“With the summer months approaching, who doesn’t want a fresh pair of sunnies to rock with their new outfits? Because my mom has some trips planned this summer, I think a new pair of sunglasses is the perfect gift this Mother’s Day, and I absolutely love how sleek and versatile these Romi shades are. I’ve been seeing some of the biggest stars rock these and for such a celeb-worshipped brand, purchasing these surprisingly won’t break the bank.” — Kelly Laske, Page Six Social Media Editor

Camilla Leopard Silk Caftan

A silk caftan

“This one is for the fabulous fashion mom who has a beachy vacation or a lot of poolside time in her future. Camilla makes the most beautiful prints that are perfect for Europe, Palm Springs or the Hamptons.” — Kristin McNamara, New York Post Senior Director of Social Media & Audience Engagement

Holte Designs Custom Embroidered Pet Sweatshirt

An embroidered sweatshirt

“For the dog mom, this custom crewneck from Etsy is a truly special gift, and it’s super-cute. Unlike a lot of dog-mom apparel, which can be tacky, this cozy crewneck is minimalist and simple. My siblings and I got it for our mom last year, and she practically lives in it!” — Brooke Matalon, Social Media Marketing Manager

Daily Drills Silky Resort Pants

Silky resort pants

“We’re celebrating my mom’s 60th birthday in Italy this summer, so I’ve had that trip in the back of my mind when buying her gifts for recent holidays. I love these Daily Drills silky resort pants because they can be worn so many ways, whether casually over a swimsuit or paired with a nice top for dinner. The butter yellow screams summer, which makes me even more obsessed with them.” — Kelly Laske, Page Six Social Media Editor

Aperol Spritz Cocktail Set

An Aperol Spritz set

“With summer right around the corner and spritz season upon us, what better way to set your mom up for a relaxing Mother’s Day than with a cocktail kit! This comes with everything you need to make the perfect Aperol spritz (my personal favorite drink) and also comes with cute merch to wear while you sip.” — Tori Schneebaum, Page Six Photo Director

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Best Mother's Day gifts 2024 — 33 great ideas from $13

Mother's Day gift ideas for every budget

Mother's Day gifts

  • Quick Links
  • Personal/self-care
  • Tech and gadgets
  • Fitness and sports
  • Kitchen and garden

Shopping for the best Mother's Day gifts isn't always easy, but the right present can show mom she deserves nothing but the best. To help you, we've created a list of fool-proof Mother's Day gifts for every kind of mom in your life.

From affordable little luxuries and daily essentials to modern tech and fitness favorites, we've rounded up all the best Mother's Day gifts you can buy right now no matter your budget. Mother's Day 2024 is on May 12, and it's approaching quickly. You shouldn't hesitate if you see a present on our list that mom will love. 

See all our top Mother's Day gifts we know mom will love below. 

Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024

  • Stainless Steel Apple Watch Band: $13 @ Amazon
  • JunVpic Cold Brew Coffee Maker: $19 @ Amazon
  • Wrist Weights Set: $19 @ Amazon
  • Owala Stainless Steel 40oz Tumbler: $37 @ Amazon
  • Breo Foot Massager Machine: $109 @ Amazon
  • Kindle Paperwhite: $149 @ Amazon
  • Hybrid Double Burner Griddle: $199 @ Hexclad
  • Theragun Mini Massage Gun: $199 @ Amazon
  • Oura Ring Generation 3: from $299 @ Best Buy
  • Bose Ultra Open Earbuds: $299 @ Amazon

Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024: Personal and Self-care

Owala Stainless Steel 40oz Tumbler: $37 @ Amazon

Owala Stainless Steel 40oz Tumbler: $37 @ Amazon Forget Stanley Cups, this Owala straw tumbler is guaranteed to impress mom with its fun colors and dishwasher-safe design. Staying hydrated counts as self-care, right?

LEGO Ideas Family Tree: $79 @ LEGO

LEGO Ideas Family Tree: $79 @ LEGO LEGO is most definitely for moms, too. This Family Tree set is the perfect blend of creative and sentimental, coming with clips to attach your own family photos. Bonus points if you build it with mom as a Mother's Day activity.

Breo Foot Massager Machine: $109 @ Amazon

Breo Foot Massager Machine: $109 @ Amazon Every day at home can feel like a spa day for mom with this heated foot massager machine. From deep kneading and compression to scraping and rolling, this massager can do it all. Plus, the foot sleeves are washable. Click the on-page digital coupon to get this price. 

Hatch Restore 2:

Hatch Restore 2: $199 @ Amazon Giving mom the gift of sleep can't be beat. This is the best-looking sunrise alarm clock we've ever tried. It can also work as a night light and sound machine. Read what happened when we used the Hatch Restore 2 for a month .

Shark FlexStyle System: $239 @ Amazon

Shark FlexStyle System: $239 @ Amazon This Shark FlexStyle system is a great choice for about half the price of the Dyson Airwrap. Of course, the hair tools someone needs depends on their hair type, but overall, this all-in-one system is an awesome choice to replace mom's old hair drier.

Away Travel Bigger Carry-On: $295 @ Away

Away Travel Bigger Carry-On: $295 @ Away What is travel if not a form of self-care? The Bigger Carry-On from Away Travel features a built-in removable battery to help mom keep her gadgets charged on her next trip.

AroMini BT Diffuser: $295 @ AromaTech

AroMini BT Diffuser: $295 @ AromaTech This Bluetooth-connected, waterless aromatherapy diffuser is a brilliant gift idea for the mom who prides themselves on a great-smelling home. It can be controlled via app, just be sure to bundle diffuser oil with your gift.

Oura Ring Generation 3: from $299 @ Best Buy

Oura Ring Generation 3: from $299 @ Best Buy The Oura Ring Generation 3 is one of the best fitness trackers to buy for mom if she doesn't want it to look like she's wearing a fitness tracker — this beautiful ring looks like jewelry. Read our full Oura Ring review to learn more.

TheraFace Mask: $599 @ Therabody

TheraFace Mask: $599 @ Therabody This FDA-approved LED skincare mask uses a combination of light and vibration therapy with proven benefits to enhance the appearance of skin. It's the ultimate gadget for the skin-care guru.

Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024: Tech and gadgets

Stainless Steel Apple Watch Band: $13 @ Amazon

Stainless Steel Apple Watch Band: $13 @ Amazon For the mom who could use a more fashionable Apple Watch band, this premium-looking stainless steel mesh loop is a thoughtful gift. It comes in several metal options, so you can decide which best suits the recipient's style.

Apple AirTag: $24 @ Amazon

Apple AirTag: $24 @ Amazon The Apple AirTag is an excellent key finder that is extremely easy to set up and does a great job of locating your valuables. In other words, it's the perfect gift for the mom who's always misplacing their keys or wallet. 

Amazon Echo Pop: $39 @ Amazon

Amazon Echo Pop: $39 @ Amazon The Amazon Echo Pop is an excellent value smart speaker that puts Alexa everywhere your voice can reach. That means hands-free music control and access to hundreds of Alexa skills. It comes in inspiring colors, too. 

Anker Nano Battery Pack: $43 @ Amazon

Anker Nano Battery Pack: $43 @ Amazon This 10,000mAh portable charger from Anker has a built-in USB-C cable, making it the perfect accessory for most smartphones and tablets. We like this battery pack accessory because of its battery status display. 

Kindle Paperwhite: $149 @ Amazon

Kindle Paperwhite: $149 @ Amazon Among the different Kindles, our favorite choice  is the Kindle Paperwhite. The 6.8” display, water-resistant design and 10-week battery life make it a great gift — but you can read our full Kindle Paperwhite review to learn more.

Amazon Echo Show 15: $279 @ Amazon

Amazon Echo Show 15: $279 @ Amazon The Echo Show 15 has a large display and adaptive interface with widgets that lets you easily interact with smart home devices. It can even be used a digital picture frame, which we know mom will love. Read our full Echo Show 15 review to learn more.

Bose Ultra Open Earbuds: $299 @ Amazon

Bose Ultra Open Earbuds: $299 @ Amazon The Bose Ultra Open Earbuds feature an open ear design that lets you hear the world around you while still enjoying great sound quality, complete with spatial audio support. The design is flexible and comfortable and you get up to 27 hours of battery life with the included charging case. 

Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses:

Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses: $299 @ Amazon These smart glasses are a camera, bluetooth headphones, and stylish designed sunglasses all in one. They're great for moms who are always on-the-go. Read our Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses review for more info.

Sonos Move 2: $449 @ Sonos

Sonos Move 2: $449 @ Sonos This booming battery-powered smart speaker has a long-lasting battery, water-resistance and technology that auto-calibrates the sound to your surroundings. Read our full Sonos Move 2 review to read why we love it.

Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024: Fitness and sports

Wrist Weights Set: $19 @ Amazon

Wrist Weights Set: $19 @ Amazon A pair of wrist and ankle weights can elevate all kinds of workouts, from walks to pilates. This set is adjustable and comes in several color options, plus they look quite similar to the popular Bala Bangles (that cost triple the price.)

BAGSMART Gym Bag: $19 @ Amazon

BAGSMART Gym Bag: $19 @ Amazon Look no further for a gym bag you can give as a gift, and get for under $20. This one even has a dedicated shoe pocket, so you can keep your things clean and organized. It doubles as a travel duffle, too.

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat: $38 @ Amazon

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat: $38 @ Amazon Compared to all the best yoga mats , this cushy Gaim yoga mat is one of the best you'll find for extra support — and one of the best you'll find for the price. It even comes in nine different color options.

Pickleball Paddle: $75 @ On Holiday Pickleball

Pickleball Paddle: $75 @ On Holiday Pickleball Whether mom plays pickleball or wants to pick up the sport this summer, this trendy-looking paddle is the perfect gift. We like this green striped style, but there are tons of cute patterns to choose from.

Theragun Mini Massage Gun: $199 @ Amazon

Theragun Mini Massage Gun: $199 @ Amazon Theragun's travel-sized massage gun comes with three foam attachments, so you can tailor the device based on your aches and pains. Therabody makes high-tech wellness feel luxurious, so mom will definitely be blown away.

Stitch SL Sunday Golf Bag: $248 @ Stich Golf

Stitch SL Sunday Golf Bag: $248 @ Stich Golf Even mom already has her everyday golf bag, she could probably use a smaller, secondary bag for walking a quick 9. Our favorite essentials-only bag is the SL Sunday Golf Bag from Stitch. 

Apple Watch Series 9: $329 @ Amazon

Apple Watch Series 9: $329 @ Amazon The flagship Apple smartwatch comes with an improved processor for better performance, offline Siri support, and 18 hours of battery life.  When we reviewed the Apple Watch Series 9 , we were impressed with the display's brightness, even in sunny weather for sports.

Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024: Kitchen and garden

JunVpic Cold Brew Coffee Maker: $19 @ Amazon

JunVpic Cold Brew Coffee Maker: $19 @ Amazon Turns out, you don't need to leave your hot coffee in the fridge to turn it to cold brew. You can steep cold brew with this filtered pitcher. Pair this with a bag of ground coffee for the best gift for a cold brew-lover. 

Hydro Flask 12L Carry Out Soft Cooler: $69 @ Amazon

Hydro Flask 12L Carry Out Soft Cooler: $69 @ Amazon For the beach or short excursions, the Hydro Flask 12L Carry Out Soft Cooler is the best value bring-along. It comes with a cross-body strap, making it easy to tote around. Despite its compact size, it can hold up to 20 cans at one time. 

Nespresso Vertuo:was $209 now $119 @ Amazon

Nespresso Vertuo: was $209 now $119 @ Amazon This stylish unit works with Nespresso Vertuo capsules, available in 30 aromatic blends. It can make various sizes including 5-, 8-, and 18-oz coffees, as well as single and double espresso. It uses a one-touch brewing system and looks luxurious in a black-matte rose gold. In our Nespresso Vertuo review we said its smart technology makes brewing coffee foolproof

Sand Cloud Party Blanket: $148 @ Sand Cloud

Sand Cloud Party Blanket: $148 @ Sand Cloud This isn't your average outdoor blanket — the sand-resistant Sand Cloud Party Blanket is the last beach towel you'll ever need. It can also be used as a cozy wrap while camping, plus it comes in a collection of fun colors.

Hybrid Double Burner Griddle:

Hybrid Double Burner Griddle: $199 @ Hexclad My mom absolutely adores pancakes for breakfast (and lunch, and dinner) — if yours does, too, this double burner griddle is a great find. Hexclad's premium materials will be appreciated by an avid home cook.

Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0: $249 @ Solo Stove

Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0: $249 @ Solo Stove The Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0 is a smokeless — yes, you read that right — fire pit that will turn any backyard into the ultimate destination for s'mores night. It's the best fire pit and therefore one of the best gifts for mom.

KitchenAid Classic Series: $329 @ Amazon

KitchenAid Classic Series: $329 @ Amazon Big enough to make up to eight dozen cookies—that's 28 grams of dough if you were wondering—this 4.5 quart mixer features a tilt-head design for better mixing and 10 speeds to do the heavy lifting for mom.

Ooni Koda 16: $599 @ Best Buy

Ooni Koda 16: $599 @ Best Buy If mom is a pizza lover, this is the best pizza oven to get. It runs on propane only and is easy enough to transport, which why we rated it so highly in our Ooni Koda 16 review .

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Kate Kozuch

Kate Kozuch is the managing editor of social and video at Tom’s Guide. She covers smartwatches, TVs and audio devices, too. Kate appears on Fox News to talk tech trends and runs the  Tom's Guide TikTok account , which you should be following. When she’s not filming tech videos, you can find her taking up a new sport, mastering the NYT Crossword or channeling her inner celebrity chef. 

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presentation of a gift

30 Best 2-Year Anniversary Gifts to Celebrate Your Unbreakable Marriage

From cozy cotton blankets to a personalized journal, we've found the best traditional and modern options.

2 year anniversary gift ideas message pill co date ideas capsules in a bottle lamare couples journal

Every item on this page was chosen by a Woman's Day editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Whether you’re shopping for anniversary gifts for her or searching for something really thoughtful for him , the presents that you give will undoubtedly be cherished and appreciated. Traditionally, like all anniversary years, your second anniversary is special and holds unique meanings and symbolism. For your second trip around the sun as a married couple, many people consider the following symbols when choosing traditional or modern anniversary gifts:

2nd Anniversary Symbols

  • Traditional: Cotton
  • Modern: China, mugs, or bedding
  • Gem: Garnet
  • Flower: Cosmo

You can read about the deeper meanings behind each traditional 2-year anniversary symbol below. But if you want to go a more modern route, bedding, mugs, and China may be the way to go. These items are timeless mainstays that require delicate care and attention, similar to newer unions.

No matter if you're looking for cotton anniversary gifts for your wife , unique picks for your husband , or budget-friendly jewelry, we've got something for everyone on here.

Longhui bedding Chunky Cable Knit Throw Blanket

Chunky Cable Knit Throw Blanket

Made of 100% organic cotton, this interwoven blanket provides the perfect excuse to snuggle up with your sweetie. What's more, it's versatile and can be used in your guest room or family room. Plus, it's machine washable.

"First and foremost, the coziness of this throw blanket is unparalleled," writes one reviewer. "The chunky cable knit design provides a luxurious and soft texture that feels incredibly warm and comforting."

MESSAGE PILL CO. Date Ideas Capsules

Date Ideas Capsules

These cute "capsules" are just what the love doctor ordered. This message-in-a-bottle concept includes tiny rolls of paper that reveal fun date ideas to keep the spark going.

One reviewer writes, "I love this so much! The bottle is a good size so it doesn't take up much space wherever you decide to store it. The different color papers make the bottle look even cuter."

RELATED: Best Gift Ideas for the Couples Who Have Everything

MAX + STONE 14k Yellow Gold Red Garnet Stud Earrings

14k Yellow Gold Red Garnet Stud Earrings

If you're looking to gift a piece of jewelry, these garnet studs are a good bet. The yellow gold setting complements the gem's deep crimson color providing a perfect contrast.

"I liked the color of the stone and the size," one reviewer writes. "I felt the earrings were like they were advertised. I wear them almost every day."

Amazon Essentials Men's Long-Sleeve Henley Sweater

Men's Long-Sleeve Henley Sweater

He'll turn heads (yours, of course) wearing this pullover in a fiery red — the traditional color for 2nd anniversaries. The buttons and ribbed texture add a subtle flair that elevates the look from a typical cotton blend sweater. Plus, they will keep him warm even when you're not around.

As one reviewer notes, "I now own four of these Henley type sweaters. They are simply a wardrobe basic for the cold winter days in upstate NY!"

Camellia Bees Cotton Card

Cotton Card

Delicate and thoughtful, this handmade card has a lot of heart. The best part? It's blank inside so you can express your love through the power of words. Not sure what to write? Try one of these romantic messages for inspiration.

Create Your Own Reel Viewer

Create Your Own Reel Viewer

Bring a smile to their face with each click of the lever. This retro yet timeless toy displays personal photos that you and your significant other can view for years to come.

One reviewer raves: "I love this thing. it gives me a sense of nostalgia, and I will be buying a new reel every year that me and my man are together."

The Wine Savant Colored Wine Glass Set

Colored Wine Glass Set

This wine glass set will instantly elevate dinner parties. The red-colored shade adds a hint of unexpected elegance with every sip.

"We love the unique design of these glasses and the colors are beautiful," one reviewer writes.

mamre DIY Moon Ambient Light

DIY Moon Ambient Light

You both light up each other lives so why not put it on full display with this symbolic moon light? Thanks to the easy touch sensor, you can dim and set the mood with a gentle tap. The light also comes with 6 decals with phrases like "We Still Do" and "Love Never Fails."

"It is a well-made touch lamp that makes for a lovely nightlight or mood lighting addition to a room," writes one reviewer. "I also really loved the addition of the stickers. They were easy to apply and my husband thought I had paid to have a special message added."

Camellia Bees Handmade Cotton Linen Rose

Handmade Cotton Linen Rose

Nothing lasts forever, but this handmade flower just might. Made of a cotton linen blend, this rose is the perfect symbol of love that won't wilt.

"Made with care comes in a special box," writes one reviewer. "Detail is top notch . So happy to have this for our memory of our 2 years of marriage."

FANCYCOOL Scented Candle

Scented Candle

Keep the fire burning with this dreamy candle jar. The retailer lists the scent as lavender, though one five-star reviewer calls it "woodsy." Another says, "It smells great just by removing the lid. In any case great product, high quality and [smells] amazing. Would definitely recommend!!!!"

Ekouaer Satin Pajama Set

Satin Pajama Set

Nothing says sexy like a pair of red satin pajamas. The white piping adds a classic touch that make the set a stunner.

"The pajamas came true to size, comfortable fit, feel and great material," one reviewer writes. "The price is great for the quality of item."

Blu Devil Kissing Mugs Set

Kissing Mugs Set

Coffee won't be the only thing to jumpstart your mornings. This adorable mug set will brighten your day even before it begins. The spoon holders add a handy touch.

"They are the cutest cups ever," one reviewer writes. "We love them filled with hot chocolate."

RELATED: Best Gifts for Coffee Lovers

JoycuFF Cosmos Wild Flower Personalized Necklace

Cosmos Wild Flower Personalized Necklace

Dainty and feminine, this stainless steel necklace covered with 18K and cosmos flowers can be personalized to make your loving sentiments even sweeter.

"I really adore this necklace," writes one reviewer. "The pendant is the perfect size and it is a genuine engraving."

Felt Right Tic-Tac-Toe Wall Game

Tic-Tac-Toe Wall Game

Play up your walls with these felt interactive decor panels. While this wall art can be viewed as a game of Tic-tac-toe, it can also be short for hugs and kisses.

One reviewer writes: "I love these so much and I cannot recommend their services enough. They make it so easy to install just attach to the wall and go!"

Saodimallsu Women's Crew Neck Knit Sweater

Women's Crew Neck Knit Sweater

Every wardrobe needs a few fashionable staples and this knit sweater is a sure bet. The linear stitching adds a subtle chicness that's hard to miss.

One reviewer notes: "The fit is perfect, super lightweight and comfortable and absolutely adorable! Definitely worth the price!"

Nambé Taos 4-Piece Place Setting

Taos 4-Piece Place Setting

Dinner is served! Make meals standout with this 4-piece stoneware set. The speckled finish and topline detail will elevate any tablescape.

Brooklinen Plush Unisex Robe

Plush Unisex Robe

Want to bring the spa experience home? Get wrapped up in luxury with this ultra-plush robe. Made of 100% Turkish cotton, it keeps you cute and cozy.

One reviewer puts it simply: "Great quality. Very comfortable. Definitely recommend."

Uncommon Goods Intersection of Love Photo Print

Intersection of Love Photo Print

Commemorate when your paths crossed with this thoughtful print. Frame and hang it so that you never forget where you were and where you're going.

"My wife can be tough to buy for but this was a BIG HIT," one reviewer writes. "She loved it upon first sight!! And she hung it up right away in a great spot."

RELATED: Genius Personalized Gift Ideas for Any Occasion

Sandrine Froehle Customized Messages of Love

Customized Messages of Love

Make their heart sing with these personalized messages of love. Made of wood, these heart-shaped love notes will leave a lasting impact.

One reviewer writes: "Really cute! My husband loved this. Just little reminders of how much I love him."

UncommonGoods 'What I Love About You by Me' Book

'What I Love About You by Me' Book

Sometimes your significant other needs to know just how much they mean to you. This fill-in-the-blank book makes it easy to put your feelings into words. "At first I thought about filling out the book to gift it to my husband," one reviewer writes. "Instead I placed it in our bathroom with a pencil and we've been taking turns filling out the pages. It's been a wonderful way to communicate love to each other in our busy lives."

Headshot of Karla Pope

Karla Pope is a longtime writer, editor and blogger with nearly two decades of editorial experience. She’s written for a variety of outlets including Good Housekeeping , Woman’s Day , People , Parade , BET.com. WebMD and more. Her coverage includes entertainment, beauty, lifestyle, parenting and fashion content. If she's not exploring New York City with her two young children, you can find her curled up on the couch watching a documentary and eating gummy bears. 

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  2. Ultimate Guide for Giving an Experience Gift: 43 new ideas

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  3. Fresh 60 Creative Gift Card Presentation

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  4. Creative Ways to Give a Gift

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  5. 20 Wedding Gift Ideas for 2021

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  6. Fresh 60 Creative Gift Card Presentation

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  1. Gift (poem)

  2. WITS Actuarial Science

  3. The most important thing about a gift is the story behind each piece. Handmade is a gift from heart

  4. Presents with a purpose: Giving gifts that give back

  5. Gift of Legacy Presentation 11 April 23



  1. The Art of Thoughtful Gifting: Why Presentation Matters

    These beautiful, hot iron branded crates are a delightful addition to the present inside--something that reminds them of you and the thought you put into making sure they receive a gift with an unforgettable presentation. As an added bonus, our crates are fun to repurpose. From planters to storage boxes, the useful possibilities are many!

  2. Creative Ways to Give a Gift

    3. The Fake Size Gift Box Trick. This is especially good for when you think the recipient might have some idea as to what the gift is. Simply place the present in a much larger than it actually needs. The trick here is to also add enough weight to the box so that when the recipient picks up the box, the extra weight fools her.

  3. How to Give a Great Gift

    The Presentation. Gift wrap elevates the gifting experience and doesn't have to be complicated. Image. Selecting a gift that your recipient will love is the hard part, so congratulations: You ...

  4. 18 Best Gift Card Presentation Ideas That Add a Personal Touch

    Turn gift cards for your kids, nieces, and nephews into these funky little monsters! Something Turquoise. The recipient gets the added bonus of candy and a cute Mason jar holder, as well as a gift card, with this great idea. Flamingo Toes. Give a little keepsake alongside the gift card with these colorful stockings.

  5. Creative Gift Card Presentation Ideas for 2024

    4. Give It With a Bottle. Another great gift card presentation idea is to pair it with the recipient's favorite beverage. Affix the gift card to anything from a wine bottle, a favorite hard liquor or even a bag of their favorite coffee. Sodas, seltzers and other beverages are also perfect options.

  6. 12 Interesting and Creative Ways to Give Gift Cards

    This gift card presentation is not only attractive, but it doubles as a decoration the recipient can use for many holidays to come. Original Gift Card Presentation Ideas for Everyone. Whether this gift is for a loved one on Christmas morning or an office gift exchange, these fun ways to give gift cards will take your present to the next level.

  7. Gift Presentation Matters

    Many of us are either obsessed with perfectly wrapped gifts or we despise the whole idea of planning how to present a gift. If you think I'm joking, then take a look at this article that contains only 10 words and a short clip of gifts being impeccably wrapped that got over 200,000 shares. Furthermore, I'm sure many of us remember the show Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition, which revolved ...

  8. Creative Ways to Give a Gift Card

    Adding a DIY tag and a simple — yet complementary — add-on, like this scrub (or something similar, such as a face mask, bath bomb, etc.), you have a gift with a personal touch. As with all our examples, this works for any gift where you want the gift card to shine. 4) Give it a theme.

  9. Proper Presentation and Delivery of Gifts: What to Do and What to Avoi

    This will help you select something meaningful and relevant. Additionally, presentation is key. Take the time to wrap the gift neatly and professionally, using high-quality materials. This shows that you value the recipient and the occasion. When delivering the gift, it's best to do it in person whenever possible.

  10. Gift Card Presentation Ideas: Creative Gift Card for 2023

    Gift Card Wreath: Create a festive and unique presentation by making a gift card wreath. Attach multiple gift cards to a wreath base using ribbons or clips, and add some decorative elements like faux flowers or ornaments for an extra touch. Hide-and-Seek: Hide the gift card in an unexpected place and challenge the recipient to find it.

  11. The Importance of Presentation When Gift-Giving

    The Importance of Presentation When Gift-Giving. There are many ways to incorporate our creativity when giving thanks and appreciation. The tradition of giving gifts is a tried and true staple of these values. While it has become a common practice, there is an importance of presentation when gift-giving that needs to be understood as a ...

  12. Creative Ways To Give A Gift (Give Money, Trips or Anything)

    Contents [ hide] Creative Ways To Give A Gift -Make a lasting memory with the way you present a gift! Scavenger Hunt. Puzzle Pieces. More Puzzles to present a gift to that someone special! Wooden Puzzle Box. Surprise Vacation Reveal Card (Surprise Trip) Monkey See Monkey Do. Visual Clues.

  13. Gift vs Present: Is There a Difference?

    And yes, 'gift' is a verb. Both gift and present are synonymous when referring to something thoughtfully given, often in recognition of an achievement or holiday. However, gift can be used as an attributive noun, as in gift bag or gift box. Additionally, both gift and present function as verbs. Consider this article a gift. Or perhaps a present.

  14. 17 Creative Ways To Give Gift Cards

    10. Snack Bag. For a simple and unique gift card holder, consider using a paper snack bag. You can decorate the paper bag and then tie it with a simple string or twine. This works great for gifts for kids. 11. Business Card Holders. Similar to the phone card holder idea, this idea is both cute and practical.

  15. Making your presentation a gift

    Turn your presentation title into a headline, have it on your front slide, and refer to it at the beginning and at the very end, to tie things together. Use a familiar framework to work from.

  16. Presentation Gift Boxes

    Yes! Many of the presentation gift boxes, sold by the shops on Etsy, qualify for included shipping, such as: Earrings Gift Presentation Box; 10, 30, 50, 100 Pack 2.5x 1.5 x1 Cotton Filled Kraft Presentation Jewelry Boxes, Paper Gift and Display Retail Craft Storage Ring Earring

  17. 28 Great Gifts for Guest Speakers & Conference Presenters

    Pre-event gifts for speakers might be a good idea, especially if the presentation will take place in a virtual environment. In some ways, speeches over video calls are more difficult than in-person presentations, so consider helping your presenter out with speaker gift ideas that will be helpful during a virtual presentation.

  18. "Present" vs. "Gift"

    Present was imported into English from French, ultimately from the Latin praeësse, "to be present, before others," as when one is presiding over something or is in charge. Present, as a noun for a "gift," is found in English in the 1200s. The sense of present as a verb for "to give a gift" is found by the 1300s.


    Learn to share your passion and fuel your audience with the master of "shining" Sandra Zimmer. You may contact her via the website www.self-expression.com or by phoning 281-293-7070. Filed in categories: Inspirational Talks, Presentation, public speaking.

  20. 65 Thank You Messages of Appreciation for a Gift

    The gift you gave me is incredibly special. It's a testament to your thoughtfulness and caring nature. You have a unique ability to make others feel cherished and loved.; I am so grateful for your thoughtful gift. It's not just an item, but a symbol of your affection and generosity.Your ability to choose something so perfect is amazing.; Your gift is a beautiful expression of your kindness ...

  21. 11 Creative Ways to Present a Gift of Jewelry

    You might share a special moment at each stop, reminiscing on why that location is important to you or the recipient. When the recipient reaches the final stop, present the jewelry gift as the reward. 2. Hidden Gift. A different take on the scavenger hunt idea is to hide the gift and have the recipient find it.

  22. What Are The Best Phrases To Say When Giving A Gift?

    Funny Gift-Giving Phrases On Christmas. I know you're on Santa's naughty list, but you're on my nice list! So here's a gift for you! Merry Christmas! Ho-ho-ho! Ok, I'm not a Santa. But I also have a gift for you! I'm sure this present will cause you a childlike delight! Santa told me in secret that you'd been very good this year!

  23. What's the Best Way To Give Money as a Gift? 7 Easy and Fun Ideas

    3. The Money Puzzle Box. Add an element of fun and challenge by enclosing your cash gift or check in a puzzle box. Available online or at specialty gift shops, these boxes typically require the recipient to solve a puzzle to access the treasure inside. It's an engaging way to elevate the excitement of receiving money.

  24. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something ...

  25. 63 Best Graduation Gift Ideas in 2024

    Updated. Apr 24, 2024, 8:50 AM PDT. The best graduation gifts are practical yet trendy. Grafomap; Amazon. When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn ...

  26. 37 Best 7-Year Anniversary Gifts of 2024

    Wool-Hooked Lobster Throw Pillow. $35 at L.L.Bean. As Phoebe Buffay might say, they're your "lobster" — which makes this wool and velvet throw pillow the perfect seventh anniversary gift. Use it ...

  27. Shop Page Six editors' best gift ideas for Mother's Day 2024

    Page Six editors share their top Mother's Day gift ideas for 2024, including jewelry, skincare, pajamas, card games and more tried-and-tested present picks.

  28. Best Mother's Day gifts 2024

    Best Mother's Day Gifts 2024. Stainless Steel Apple Watch Band: $13 @ Amazon. JunVpic Cold Brew Coffee Maker: $19 @ Amazon. Wrist Weights Set: $19 @ Amazon. Owala Stainless Steel 40oz Tumbler: $37 ...

  29. 30 Best Gift Baskets to Send No Matter the Occasion

    A good ol' gift basket. Premade gift boxes, baskets and crates combine bestsellers and delicious surprises in one delightful package. Typically, they combine pretty and sleek packaging with gourmet finds, fun trinkets or other hand-selected goodies. The best gift basket ideas deliver tailored delicacies to your giftee's front door. No trip ...

  30. 30 Best 2-Year Anniversary Gifts and Present Ideas of 2024

    Flower: Cosmo. Color: Red. You can read about the deeper meanings behind each traditional 2-year anniversary symbol below. But if you want to go a more modern route, bedding, mugs, and China may ...