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Integrated math 3

Course: integrated math 3   >   unit 13.

  • Graphing rational functions according to asymptotes
  • Graphs of rational functions: y-intercept
  • Graphs of rational functions: horizontal asymptote
  • Graphs of rational functions: vertical asymptotes
  • Graphs of rational functions: zeros
  • Graphs of rational functions
  • Graphs of rational functions (old example)

Graphing rational functions 1

  • Graphing rational functions 2
  • Graphing rational functions 3
  • Graphing rational functions 4

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9.6: Graphs of Rational Functions

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  • Page ID 45132

  • Darlene Diaz
  • Santiago Canyon College via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

Previously, in the chapters where we discussed functions, we had a function from the library \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\). Recall, the graph of this function is


We plotted some points we obtained from the table and determined that the domain is all real numbers except for \(x = 0: \{x|x\neq 0\}\) or \((−∞, 0) ∪ (0, ∞)\). We called this function a rational function .

Definition: Rational Function

A rational function , \(R(x)\), is a ratio of two polynomials, \(P(x)\) and \(Q(x)\), of the form \[R(x)=\dfrac{P(x)}{Q(x)},\nonumber\] where \(Q(x)\neq 0\).

In this textbook, we only discuss when \(P(x) = 1\) and when \(Q(x)\) is of the form \(x^n\), where \(n\) is a positive integer and \[R(x)=\dfrac{1}{x^n}\nonumber\] For cases when \(P(x)\) is a polynomial other than the constant function \(1\) and \(Q(x)\) is a polynomial other than the power function \(x^n\) is left for future Algebra classes.

Let’s investigate these functions a little further. We know the domain is all real numbers except for \(x = 0\), but let’s look at the graph more closely. Notice, in the graph of \(f(x)\) above, the graph doesn’t intersect the \(y\) axis. Why? Well, let’s set \(y = f(x) = 0\) and solve:


When is this fraction zero? We know from previous sections that a fraction is zero when the numerator is zero. Will the numerator ever be zero, i.e.,


No, never! This means there are no values of \(x\) such that \(y = 0\), and that \(y = 0\) is not in the range of the function.

This is not a coincidence. The fact that \(x\neq 0\) and \(y\neq 0\) for the function \(f(x) =\dfrac{1}{x}\) means that \(f(x)\) has vertical and horizontal asymptotes at \(x = 0\) and \(y = 0\), respectively.

Definition: Horizontal Asymptote & Vertical Asymptote

A function, \(R(x)\), has a horizontal asymptote at \(y = 0\) and a vertical asymptote at \(x = 0\) when \(R(x)\) is of the form \[\dfrac{1}{x^n}\nonumber\] We denote these asymptotes by drawing dashed lines for lines \(x = 0\) and \(y = 0\).

Example 9.6.1

Let’s regraph \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\) showing the horizontal and vertical asymptotes at \(y = 0\) and \(x = 0\), respectively.


So, we see the asymptotes, in red, are dashed lines on the \(x\) and \(y\)-axis and are the lines \(y = 0\) and \(x = 0\). The only case in which the horizontal and vertical asymptotes move left or right, and up or down, respectively, is if there are shifts to the parent function \(f(x)\).

Example 9.6.2

Graph \(R(x)=\dfrac{1}{x^2}\).

Let’s pick \(x\)-coordinates, and find corresponding \(y\)-values.


Plot the ordered-pairs from the table. To connect the points, be sure to connect them from smallest \(x\)-value to largest \(x\)-value, i.e., left to right. The domain of \(R(x)\) is all real numbers except for \(x = 0: \{x|x\neq 0\}\) or \((−∞, 0)∪(0, ∞)\). Since \(R(x)\) has horizontal and vertical asymptotes at \(y = 0\) and \(x = 0\), respectively, let’s draw the lines that represent these asymptotes.

Graphing Rational Functions Using Shifts

Let’s take a look when rational functions’ graphs contain horizontal and vertical shifts. It will be interesting to see the horizontal and vertical asymptotes change due to these shifts.

Horizontal and Verticals Shifts of Rational Functions

Given \(R(x)\) is a rational function, a horizontal shift and vertical shift of \(R(x)\) are described below:

Example 9.6.3

Graph \(R(x)=\dfrac{1}{x-2}\).

Let’s start by taking the parent function \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\). We see that \(R(x) = f(x − 2)\) because we replaced \(x\) with the factor \((x − 2)\). Looking at the table above, we see this is a horizontal shift with \(h = 2\), moving \(2\) units to the right, and the vertical asymptote changes to \(x = 2\).


We can see the gray graph, \(f(x)\), moved two units to the right, in addition to the vertical asymptote. Recall, from the table above, the horizontal asymptote stays \(y = 0\). Hence, the blue graph, \(R(x)\), is the final graph after applying the shifts.

Example 9.6.4

Graph \(K(x)=\dfrac{1}{x}+1\).

Let’s start by taking the parent function \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\). We see that \(K(x) = f(x) + 1\) because we added \(1\) to \(f(x)\). Looking at the table above, we see this is a vertical shift with \(k = 2\), moving \(1\) unit upward, and the horizontal asymptote changes to \(y = 1\).


We can see the gray graph, \(f(x)\), moved one unit upward, in addition to the horizontal asymptote. Recall, from the table above, the vertical asymptote stays \(x = 0\). Hence, the blue graph, \(K(x)\), is the final graph after applying the shifts.

Example 9.6.5

Graph \(Q(x)=\dfrac{1}{x+1}-2\).

Let’s start by taking the parent function \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\). We see that \(Q(x) = f(x + 1) − 2\) because we replaced \(x\) with the factor \((x + 1)\) and we subtracted \(2\) from \(f(x)\). Looking at the table above, we see \(Q(x)\) has a few shifts: a horizontal shift with \(h = −1\), moving \(1\) unit to the left, a vertical shift with \(k = −2\), moving \(2\) units downward, and the vertical and horizontal asymptotes change to \(x = −1\) and \(y = −2\), respectively.


We can see the gray graph, \(f(x)\), moved one unit to the left and \(2\) units downward in addition to the horizontal and vertical asymptotes. Notice, we had a vertical and horizontal shift. We moved \(f(x)\) one unit left, then \(2\) units down for all points. These shifts cause the asymptotes to move too. In fact, the vertical asymptote moved one unit to the left and the horizontal asymptote moved \(2\) units downward. Hence, the blue graph, \(Q(x)\), is the final graph after applying the shifts.

Graphs Rational Functions Homework

Graph each rational functions using the parent function \(f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}\). Include the vertical and horizontal asymptotes.

Exercise 9.6.1


Exercise 9.6.2


Exercise 9.6.3


Exercise 9.6.4


Exercise 9.6.5


Exercise 9.6.6


Exercise 9.6.7


Exercise 9.6.8


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Graphing Rational Functions

This activity to practice graphing rational functions worked so well for my Algebra 2 students.  After the notes, my students did this project.  It was better and more effective than a worksheet.  It would even work for Pre-Calculus students.

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Graphing Rational Functions Notes and Worksheets Class

  • Mathematics

9.7 Graph Quadratic Functions Using Transformations

Learning objectives.

  • Graph quadratic functions of the form f ( x ) = x 2 + k f ( x ) = x 2 + k
  • Graph quadratic functions of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2
  • Graph quadratic functions of the form f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2
  • Graph quadratic functions using transformations
  • Find a quadratic function from its graph

Be Prepared 9.7

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

  • Graph the function f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 by plotting points. If you missed this problem, review Example 3.54 .
  • Factor completely: y 2 − 14 y + 49 . y 2 − 14 y + 49 . If you missed this problem, review Example 6.24 .
  • Factor completely: 2 x 2 − 16 x + 32 . 2 x 2 − 16 x + 32 . If you missed this problem, review Example 6.26 .

Graph Quadratic Functions of the form f ( x ) = x 2 + k f ( x ) = x 2 + k

In the last section, we learned how to graph quadratic functions using their properties. Another method involves starting with the basic graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and ‘moving’ it according to information given in the function equation. We call this graphing quadratic functions using transformations.

In the first example, we will graph the quadratic function f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 by plotting points. Then we will see what effect adding a constant, k , to the equation will have on the graph of the new function f ( x ) = x 2 + k . f ( x ) = x 2 + k .

Example 9.53

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 2 h ( x ) = x 2 − 2 on the same rectangular coordinate system. Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

Plotting points will help us see the effect of the constants on the basic f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 graph. We fill in the chart for all three functions.

The g ( x ) values are two more than the f ( x ) values. Also, the h ( x ) values are two less than the f ( x ) values. Now we will graph all three functions on the same rectangular coordinate system.

The graph of g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 is the same as the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 but shifted up 2 units.

The graph of h ( x ) = x 2 − 2 h ( x ) = x 2 − 2 is the same as the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 but shifted down 2 units.

Try It 9.105

ⓐ Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 1 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 1 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 1 h ( x ) = x 2 − 1 on the same rectangular coordinate system. ⓑ Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

Try It 9.106

ⓐ Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 6 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 6 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 6 h ( x ) = x 2 − 6 on the same rectangular coordinate system. ⓑ Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

The last example shows us that to graph a quadratic function of the form f ( x ) = x 2 + k , f ( x ) = x 2 + k , we take the basic parabola graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and vertically shift it up ( k > 0 ) ( k > 0 ) or shift it down ( k < 0 ) ( k < 0 ) .

This transformation is called a vertical shift.

Graph a Quadratic Function of the form f ( x ) = x 2 + k f ( x ) = x 2 + k Using a Vertical Shift

The graph of f ( x ) = x 2 + k f ( x ) = x 2 + k shifts the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 vertically k units.

  • If k > 0, shift the parabola vertically up k units.
  • If k < 0, shift the parabola vertically down | k | | k | units.

Now that we have seen the effect of the constant, k , it is easy to graph functions of the form f ( x ) = x 2 + k . f ( x ) = x 2 + k . We just start with the basic parabola of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and then shift it up or down.

It may be helpful to practice sketching f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 quickly. We know the values and can sketch the graph from there.

Once we know this parabola, it will be easy to apply the transformations. The next example will require a vertical shift.

Example 9.54

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 − 3 f ( x ) = x 2 − 3 using a vertical shift.

Try It 9.107

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 − 5 f ( x ) = x 2 − 5 using a vertical shift.

Try It 9.108

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 + 7 f ( x ) = x 2 + 7 using a vertical shift.

Graph Quadratic Functions of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2

In the first example, we graphed the quadratic function f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 by plotting points and then saw the effect of adding a constant k to the function had on the resulting graph of the new function f ( x ) = x 2 + k . f ( x ) = x 2 + k .

We will now explore the effect of subtracting a constant, h , from x has on the resulting graph of the new function f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 . f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 .

Example 9.55

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2 , and h ( x ) = ( x + 1 ) 2 h ( x ) = ( x + 1 ) 2 on the same rectangular coordinate system. Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

The g ( x ) values and the h ( x ) values share the common numbers 0, 1, 4, 9, and 16, but are shifted.

Try It 9.109

ⓐ Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 , and h ( x ) = ( x − 2 ) 2 h ( x ) = ( x − 2 ) 2 on the same rectangular coordinate system. ⓑ Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

Try It 9.110

ⓐ Graph f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 5 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 5 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 5 h ( x ) = x 2 − 5 on the same rectangular coordinate system. ⓑ Describe what effect adding a constant to the function has on the basic parabola.

The last example shows us that to graph a quadratic function of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 , f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 , we take the basic parabola graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and shift it left ( h > 0) or shift it right ( h < 0).

This transformation is called a horizontal shift .

Graph a Quadratic Function of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 Using a Horizontal Shift

The graph of f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 shifts the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 horizontally h h units.

  • If h > 0, shift the parabola horizontally left h units.
  • If h < 0, shift the parabola horizontally right | h | | h | units.

Now that we have seen the effect of the constant, h , it is easy to graph functions of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 . f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 . We just start with the basic parabola of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and then shift it left or right.

The next example will require a horizontal shift.

Example 9.56

Graph f ( x ) = ( x − 6 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 6 ) 2 using a horizontal shift.

Try It 9.111

Graph f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 using a horizontal shift.

Try It 9.112

Graph f ( x ) = ( x + 6 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 6 ) 2 using a horizontal shift.

Now that we know the effect of the constants h and k , we will graph a quadratic function of the form f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 + k by first drawing the basic parabola and then making a horizontal shift followed by a vertical shift. We could do the vertical shift followed by the horizontal shift, but most students prefer the horizontal shift followed by the vertical.

Example 9.57

Graph f ( x ) = ( x + 1 ) 2 − 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 1 ) 2 − 2 using transformations.

This function will involve two transformations and we need a plan.

Let’s first identify the constants h , k .

The h constant gives us a horizontal shift and the k gives us a vertical shift.

We first draw the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 on the grid.

Try It 9.113

Graph f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 − 3 f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 − 3 using transformations.

Try It 9.114

Graph f ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 + 1 f ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 + 1 using transformations.

Graph Quadratic Functions of the Form f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2

So far we graphed the quadratic function f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and then saw the effect of including a constant h or k in the equation had on the resulting graph of the new function. We will now explore the effect of the coefficient a on the resulting graph of the new function f ( x ) = a x 2 . f ( x ) = a x 2 .

If we graph these functions, we can see the effect of the constant a , assuming a > 0.

To graph a function with constant a it is easiest to choose a few points on f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and multiply the y -values by a .

Graph of a Quadratic Function of the form f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2

The coefficient a in the function f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2 affects the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 by stretching or compressing it.

  • If 0 < | a | < 1 , 0 < | a | < 1 , the graph of f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2 will be “wider” than the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 . f ( x ) = x 2 .
  • If | a | > 1 | a | > 1 , the graph of f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2 will be “skinnier” than the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 . f ( x ) = x 2 .

Example 9.58

Graph f ( x ) = 3 x 2 . f ( x ) = 3 x 2 .

We will graph the functions f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and g ( x ) = 3 x 2 g ( x ) = 3 x 2 on the same grid. We will choose a few points on f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and then multiply the y -values by 3 to get the points for g ( x ) = 3 x 2 . g ( x ) = 3 x 2 .

Try It 9.115

Graph f ( x ) = −3 x 2 . f ( x ) = −3 x 2 .

Try It 9.116

Graph f ( x ) = 2 x 2 . f ( x ) = 2 x 2 .

Graph Quadratic Functions Using Transformations

We have learned how the constants a , h , and k in the functions, f ( x ) = x 2 + k , f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 + k , f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 , and f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2 affect their graphs. We can now put this together and graph quadratic functions f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c by first putting them into the form f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k by completing the square. This form is sometimes known as the vertex form or standard form.

We must be careful to both add and subtract the number to the SAME side of the function to complete the square. We cannot add the number to both sides as we did when we completed the square with quadratic equations.

When we complete the square in a function with a coefficient of x 2 that is not one, we have to factor that coefficient from just the x -terms. We do not factor it from the constant term. It is often helpful to move the constant term a bit to the right to make it easier to focus only on the x -terms.

Once we get the constant we want to complete the square, we must remember to multiply it by that coefficient before we then subtract it.

Example 9.59

Rewrite f ( x ) = −3 x 2 − 6 x − 1 f ( x ) = −3 x 2 − 6 x − 1 in the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form by completing the square.

Try It 9.117

Rewrite f ( x ) = −4 x 2 − 8 x + 1 f ( x ) = −4 x 2 − 8 x + 1 in the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form by completing the square.

Try It 9.118

Rewrite f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 8 x + 3 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 8 x + 3 in the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form by completing the square.

Once we put the function into the f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = ( x − h ) 2 + k form, we can then use the transformations as we did in the last few problems. The next example will show us how to do this.

Example 9.60

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 + 6 x + 5 f ( x ) = x 2 + 6 x + 5 by using transformations.

Step 1. Rewrite the function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k vertex form by completing the square.

Step 2: Graph the function using transformations.

Looking at the h , k values, we see the graph will take the graph of f ( x ) = x 2 f ( x ) = x 2 and shift it to the left 3 units and down 4 units.

Try It 9.119

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x − 3 f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x − 3 by using transformations.

Try It 9.120

Graph f ( x ) = x 2 − 8 x + 12 f ( x ) = x 2 − 8 x + 12 by using transformations.

We list the steps to take to graph a quadratic function using transformations here.

Graph a quadratic function using transformations.

  • Step 1. Rewrite the function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form by completing the square.

Step 2. Graph the function using transformations.

Example 9.61

Graph f ( x ) = −2 x 2 − 4 x + 2 f ( x ) = −2 x 2 − 4 x + 2 by using transformations.

Try It 9.121

Graph f ( x ) = −3 x 2 + 12 x − 4 f ( x ) = −3 x 2 + 12 x − 4 by using transformations.

Try It 9.122

Graph f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 12 x − 9 f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 12 x − 9 by using transformations.

Now that we have completed the square to put a quadratic function into f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form, we can also use this technique to graph the function using its properties as in the previous section.

If we look back at the last few examples, we see that the vertex is related to the constants h and k .

In each case, the vertex is ( h , k ). Also the axis of symmetry is the line x = h .

We rewrite our steps for graphing a quadratic function using properties for when the function is in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form.

Graph a quadratic function in the form f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k using properties.

  • Step 1. Rewrite the function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form.
  • Step 2. Determine whether the parabola opens upward, a > 0, or downward, a < 0.
  • Step 3. Find the axis of symmetry, x = h .
  • Step 4. Find the vertex, ( h , k ).
  • Step 5. Find the y -intercept. Find the point symmetric to the y -intercept across the axis of symmetry.
  • Step 6. Find the x -intercepts.
  • Step 7. Graph the parabola.

Example 9.62

ⓐ Rewrite f ( x ) = 2 x 2 + 4 x + 5 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 + 4 x + 5 in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form and ⓑ graph the function using properties.

Try It 9.123

ⓐ Rewrite f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 6 x + 5 f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 6 x + 5 in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form and ⓑ graph the function using properties.

Try It 9.124

ⓐ Rewrite f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 8 x − 7 f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 8 x − 7 in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form and ⓑ graph the function using properties.

Find a Quadratic Function from its Graph

So far we have started with a function and then found its graph.

Now we are going to reverse the process. Starting with the graph, we will find the function.

Example 9.63

Determine the quadratic function whose graph is shown.

Since it is quadratic, we start with the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form. The vertex, ( h , k ) , is ( −2 , −1 ) so h = −2 and k = −1. f ( x ) = a ( x − ( −2 ) ) 2 − 1 To find a , we use the y -intercept, ( 0 , 7 ) . So f ( 0 ) = 7 . 7 = a ( 0 + 2 ) 2 − 1 Solve for a . 7 = 4 a − 1 8 = 4 a 2 = a Write the function. f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k Substitute in h = −2 , k = −1 and a = 2 . f ( x ) = 2 ( x + 2 ) 2 − 1 Since it is quadratic, we start with the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form. The vertex, ( h , k ) , is ( −2 , −1 ) so h = −2 and k = −1. f ( x ) = a ( x − ( −2 ) ) 2 − 1 To find a , we use the y -intercept, ( 0 , 7 ) . So f ( 0 ) = 7 . 7 = a ( 0 + 2 ) 2 − 1 Solve for a . 7 = 4 a − 1 8 = 4 a 2 = a Write the function. f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k Substitute in h = −2 , k = −1 and a = 2 . f ( x ) = 2 ( x + 2 ) 2 − 1

Try It 9.125

Write the quadratic function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form whose graph is shown.

Try It 9.126

Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with graphing quadratic functions using transformations.

  • Function Shift Rules Applied to Quadratic Functions
  • Changing a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form
  • Using Transformations to Graph Quadratic Functions
  • Finding Quadratic Equation in Vertex Form from Graph

Section 9.7 Exercises

Practice makes perfect.

In the following exercises, ⓐ graph the quadratic functions on the same rectangular coordinate system and ⓑ describe what effect adding a constant, k , to the function has on the basic parabola.

f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 4 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 4 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 4 . h ( x ) = x 2 − 4 .

f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 7 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = x 2 + 7 , and h ( x ) = x 2 − 7 . h ( x ) = x 2 − 7 .

In the following exercises, graph each function using a vertical shift.

f ( x ) = x 2 + 3 f ( x ) = x 2 + 3

f ( x ) = x 2 − 7 f ( x ) = x 2 − 7

g ( x ) = x 2 + 2 g ( x ) = x 2 + 2

g ( x ) = x 2 + 5 g ( x ) = x 2 + 5

h ( x ) = x 2 − 4 h ( x ) = x 2 − 4

h ( x ) = x 2 − 5 h ( x ) = x 2 − 5

In the following exercises, ⓐ graph the quadratic functions on the same rectangular coordinate system and ⓑ describe what effect adding a constant, h h , inside the parentheses has

f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 , and h ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2 . h ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2 .

f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 , f ( x ) = x 2 , g ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 , and h ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 . h ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 .

In the following exercises, graph each function using a horizontal shift.

f ( x ) = ( x − 2 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 2 ) 2

f ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2

f ( x ) = ( x + 5 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 5 ) 2

f ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2

f ( x ) = ( x − 5 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 5 ) 2

f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2

In the following exercises, graph each function using transformations.

f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 + 1 f ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) 2 + 1

f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 + 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 + 2

f ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2 + 5 f ( x ) = ( x − 1 ) 2 + 5

f ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 + 4 f ( x ) = ( x − 3 ) 2 + 4

f ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2 − 1 f ( x ) = ( x + 3 ) 2 − 1

f ( x ) = ( x + 5 ) 2 − 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 5 ) 2 − 2

f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 − 3 f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 − 3

f ( x ) = ( x − 6 ) 2 − 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 6 ) 2 − 2

Graph Quadratic Functions of the form f ( x ) = a x 2 f ( x ) = a x 2

In the following exercises, graph each function.

f ( x ) = −2 x 2 f ( x ) = −2 x 2

f ( x ) = 4 x 2 f ( x ) = 4 x 2

f ( x ) = −4 x 2 f ( x ) = −4 x 2

f ( x ) = − x 2 f ( x ) = − x 2

f ( x ) = 1 2 x 2 f ( x ) = 1 2 x 2

f ( x ) = 1 3 x 2 f ( x ) = 1 3 x 2

f ( x ) = 1 4 x 2 f ( x ) = 1 4 x 2

f ( x ) = − 1 2 x 2 f ( x ) = − 1 2 x 2

In the following exercises, rewrite each function in the f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form by completing the square.

f ( x ) = −3 x 2 − 12 x − 5 f ( x ) = −3 x 2 − 12 x − 5

f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 12 x + 7 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 12 x + 7

f ( x ) = 3 x 2 + 6 x − 1 f ( x ) = 3 x 2 + 6 x − 1

f ( x ) = −4 x 2 − 16 x − 9 f ( x ) = −4 x 2 − 16 x − 9

In the following exercises, ⓐ rewrite each function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form and ⓑ graph it by using transformations.

f ( x ) = x 2 + 6 x + 5 f ( x ) = x 2 + 6 x + 5

f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x − 12 f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x − 12

f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x + 3 f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x + 3

f ( x ) = x 2 − 6 x + 8 f ( x ) = x 2 − 6 x + 8

f ( x ) = x 2 − 6 x + 15 f ( x ) = x 2 − 6 x + 15

f ( x ) = x 2 + 8 x + 10 f ( x ) = x 2 + 8 x + 10

f ( x ) = − x 2 + 8 x − 16 f ( x ) = − x 2 + 8 x − 16

f ( x ) = − x 2 + 2 x − 7 f ( x ) = − x 2 + 2 x − 7

f ( x ) = − x 2 − 4 x + 2 f ( x ) = − x 2 − 4 x + 2

f ( x ) = − x 2 + 4 x − 5 f ( x ) = − x 2 + 4 x − 5

f ( x ) = 5 x 2 − 10 x + 8 f ( x ) = 5 x 2 − 10 x + 8

f ( x ) = 3 x 2 + 18 x + 20 f ( x ) = 3 x 2 + 18 x + 20

f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 4 x + 1 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 4 x + 1

f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 6 x − 1 f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 6 x − 1

f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 8 x − 10 f ( x ) = −2 x 2 + 8 x − 10

f ( x ) = −3 x 2 + 6 x + 1 f ( x ) = −3 x 2 + 6 x + 1

In the following exercises, ⓐ rewrite each function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form and ⓑ graph it using properties.

f ( x ) = 2 x 2 + 4 x + 6 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 + 4 x + 6

f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 12 x + 7 f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 12 x + 7

f ( x ) = − x 2 + 2 x − 4 f ( x ) = − x 2 + 2 x − 4

f ( x ) = −2 x 2 − 4 x − 5 f ( x ) = −2 x 2 − 4 x − 5

In the following exercises, match the graphs to one of the following functions: ⓐ f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 ⓑ f ( x ) = x 2 − 4 f ( x ) = x 2 − 4 ⓒ f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 ⓓ f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 ⓔ f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 − 4 f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 − 4 ⓕ f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 + 4 f ( x ) = ( x + 4 ) 2 + 4 ⓖ f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 − 4 f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 − 4 ⓗ f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 + 4 f ( x ) = ( x − 4 ) 2 + 4

In the following exercises, write the quadratic function in f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k f ( x ) = a ( x − h ) 2 + k form whose graph is shown.

Writing Exercise

Graph the quadratic function f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x + 5 f ( x ) = x 2 + 4 x + 5 first using the properties as we did in the last section and then graph it using transformations. Which method do you prefer? Why?

Graph the quadratic function f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 4 x − 3 f ( x ) = 2 x 2 − 4 x − 3 first using the properties as we did in the last section and then graph it using transformations. Which method do you prefer? Why?

ⓐ After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

ⓑ After looking at the checklist, do you think you are well-prepared for the next section? Why or why not?

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  • Authors: Lynn Marecek
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Intermediate Algebra
  • Publication date: Mar 14, 2017
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/intermediate-algebra/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/intermediate-algebra/pages/9-7-graph-quadratic-functions-using-transformations

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  1. How to Sketch the Graph of Rational Functions

    homework 7 graphing rational functions

  2. Graphing Simple Rational Functions

    homework 7 graphing rational functions

  3. Graphing Rational Functions Graphic Organizer by Learner Centered Math

    homework 7 graphing rational functions

  4. Graphing Rational Functions Worksheet

    homework 7 graphing rational functions

  5. 7.9 (Part 1) Graphing Rational Functions

    homework 7 graphing rational functions

  6. Graphing Rational Functions Practice Worksheet

    homework 7 graphing rational functions


  1. 7.3: Graphing Rational Functions

    Step 3: The numerator of equation (12) is zero at x = 2 and this value is not a restriction. Thus, 2 is a zero of f and (2, 0) is an x-intercept of the graph of f, as shown in Figure 7.3.12. Step 4: Note that the rational function is already reduced to lowest terms (if it weren't, we'd reduce at this point).

  2. Graphs of rational functions (practice)

    Graphs of rational functions. Google Classroom. Let f ( x) = a x n + b x 2 + 10 c x m + d x − 2 , where m and n are integers and a , b , c and d are unknown constants. Which of the following is a possible graph of y = f ( x) ?

  3. PDF Unit 7: Rational Functions

    GRAPH rational functions. What IS a RATIONAL FUNCTION? A function of the form f(x)= () px qx where q(x) ≠ 0 This is just a formality Both the numerator and the denominator are _____. Simplified form: a rational expression is simplified if its numerator and denominator have NO common factors (other than±1).

  4. Algebra

    Section 4.8 : Rational Functions. Sketch the graph of each of the following functions. Clearly identify all intercepts and asymptotes. Here is a set of practice problems to accompany the Rational Functions section of the Common Graphs chapter of the notes for Paul Dawkins Algebra course at Lamar University.

  5. PDF Graphing Rational Functions.ks-ia2

    ©0 E2i0 E1S2v xKJu ltdam GSOovfIt KwJa2reR hLXL LC4. p W tA 0lel K jrvi tg Rh2tOs9 mrEeZsoeUr GvLead 0.H n MMLaRdce 6 awli ptphJ jI bnlf miCn 4i8t je 7 NA3lkg OeFb 4rWan e2Z. q Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Graphing Rational Functions Date_____ Period____

  6. 4.7: Graphing Rational Functions

    The graph of r(x) is shown in Figure 4.7.5. We can see that there is a local maximum within the interval ( − 4, 2) which we will need to approximate using a graphing calculator. The maximum occurs at approximately ( − 1, 0.4). Rounding to the nearest first decimal place, the range is ( − ∞, 0.4] ∪ (1, ∞).

  7. 3.7 Rational Functions

    Given a graph of a rational function, write the function. Determine the factors of the numerator. Examine the behavior of the graph at the x-intercepts to determine the zeroes and their multiplicities. (This is easy to do when finding the "simplest" function with small multiplicities—such as 1 or 3—but may be difficult for larger ...

  8. PDF NAME DATE 3-7 Practice 3-7 Graphs of Rational Functions Slant Asymptotes

    3-7 106 Graphs of Rational Functions Determine the equations of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes, if any, of each function. 1. ƒ(x) $ x2 4!1 $ 2. ƒ(x) $2 x x!! 1 $1 3. g(x) $ (x! x 1!)(3 #2) $ y 0 x # 1, y 2 x # 1, x 2, y 0 Use the parent graph ƒ(x) $1 x $ to graph each equation. Describe the transformation(s) that have taken place ...

  9. 4.2: Graphs of Rational Functions

    Steps for Graphing Rational Functions. Suppose r is a rational function. Find the domain of r. Reduce r(x) to lowest terms, if applicable. Find the x - and y -intercepts of the graph of y = r(x), if they exist. Determine the location of any vertical asymptotes or holes in the graph, if they exist.

  10. Solved Name: Devin Anthony Date: 3-21-21 Unit 8: Rational

    1. Consider the given function, f ( x) = x + 3 x − 2 . For x − intercept , set f ( x) = 0 and solve for x . Name: Devin Anthony Date: 3-21-21 Unit 8: Rational Functions Homework 7: Graphing Rational Functions Bell: 4th ** This is a 2-page document! ** Graph each function. Identify the domain, range, asymptotes, and holes. 13 1.

  11. Section 4.4: The Graph of a Rational Function

    Graph rational functions. Suppose we know that the cost of making a product is dependent on the number of items, x, produced. This is given by the equation C(x) =15,000x−0.1x2 +1000 C ( x) = 15, 000 x − 0.1 x 2 + 1000. If we want to know the average cost for producing x items, we would divide the cost function by the number of items, x.

  12. Graphing rational functions 1 (video)

    To find oblique asymptotes, the rational function must have the numerator's degree be one more than the denominator's, which it is not. So, there are no oblique asymptotes. Summing this up, the asymptotes are y = 0 and x = 0. To confirm this, try graphing the function y = 1/x and zooming out very, very far.

  13. PDF Graphing Rational Functions

    366 Chapter 7 Rational Functions 7.2 Lesson WWhat You Will Learnhat You Will Learn Graph simple rational functions. Translate simple rational functions. Graph other rational functions. Graphing Simple Rational Functions A rational function has the form f(x) = p(x) —, where q(x) p(x) and q(x) are polynomials and q(x) ≠ 0.

  14. PDF Practice on Graphing Rational Functions

    Directions: For each of the following functions, Find the roots. Find the vertical asymptotes. Write the factored form of the expression. Sketch the graph of the function, making sure to indicate: (1) the shape, (2) roots, (3) vertical asymptotes, (4) vertical intercept, and (5) end behavior of the graph. 8(x + 7)(x + 4)3(x 3)2.

  15. Unit 7

    Free lessons, worksheets, and video tutorials for students and teachers. Topics in this unit include: Graphing reciprocal linear and quadratic functions, quotients of linear functions, combinations of functions, solving rational equations and inequalities. This follows chapter 3 of the grade 12 Advanced Functions McGraw Hill textbook and ...


    RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Use the graph to answer the question. 1) Find the domain and range of the rational function graphed below. -10-8 -6-4-2 2 4 6 8x 10 y 8 6 4 2 ... SPR 2012 MATH 1314 HOMEWORK (RATIONAL FUNCTIONS).tst

  17. 9.6: Graphs of Rational Functions

    This page titled 9.6: Graphs of Rational Functions is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Darlene Diaz (ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.

  18. Graphing Rational Functions

    Graphing Rational Functions. My Algebra 2 Honors students have been learning about rational functions. So, the other day I drug out my giant paper (presentation pad) and had them practice graphing rational functions on the giant paper. I split them into groups of three. Then I gave each group a sheet of paper, two functions, and two coordinate ...

  19. Graphing Rational Functions Notes and Worksheets Class

    Mathematics document from Emirates National School, Abu Dhabi, 7 pages, Name_ Date_ Period _ Graphing Rational Functions Exploration Use the function to answer the questions. 1. = a. Graph the function. ... so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. About CliffsNotes ...

  20. Solved MAT150/151/152 Homework 3.7.3b Graphing Rational

    MAT150/151/152 Homework 3.7.3b Graphing Rational Functions For each problem, answer the following questions: Find the domain of the function and write it in set notation and in interval notation Find all intercepts Find all asymptotes and holes and label each accordingly. Sketch a graph of the function labeling all of the points from I - III 4 ...

  21. Name: Unit 8: Rational Functions Date: Bell: Homework 7: Graphing

    Q I need help defining the calculations of each object. AutoSave On 6.05 Geometry 1 - Saved Search Karen Olinger-Aballes K. Q Given parallelogram RSTV; XY and VT are parallel Prove angle 1 is equal to angle S Trapezoid Rhombus square rectangle 2. Answer to Name: Unit 8: Rational Functions Date: Bell: Homework 7: Graphing...

  22. Algebra

    Back to Problem List. 2. Sketch the graph of the following function. Clearly identify all intercepts and asymptotes. f (x) = 6 −2x 1−x f ( x) = 6 − 2 x 1 − x. Show All Steps Hide All Steps. Start Solution.

  23. 9.7 Graph Quadratic Functions Using Transformations

    Plotting points will help us see the effect of the constants on the basic f (x) = x 2 f (x) = x 2 graph. We fill in the chart for all three functions. The g(x) values and the h(x) values share the common numbers 0, 1, 4, 9, and 16, but are shifted.