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10 Samples Of Leave Application To Principal

It’s very important to write a school or college leave application in a proper manner so that the principal or teacher can accept it immediately after reading the application. Here we are going to give some samples of leave application to principal.

Leave application should be convincing and should include all the proper reasons for taking leave. Avoid any grammar mistakes while writing the application and application should not sound friendly rather it should look professional.

Table of Contents

How To Write Leave Application To Principal:

There are some important points that you have to consider while writing a leave application for school principal.

If you are unable to write a proper leave application then I am going to share some of the useful tips that you can use to write a convincing leave application.

Let’s take a look at how to write a proper leave application to principal.

Be Respectful:

While writing a leave application for school you have to be respectful to your principal or teacher. Always use words like Dear Sir, Respected Sir/Mam.

Request them for leave rather than ordering them. Your application tone should be convincing.

Ask Politely:

This is a very important point that you have to take care of while writing the leave application to principal by a student. After mentioning your reason you should politely ask your principal or teacher to grant you leave for some days.

Introduce Yourself:

While writing a leave application to principal or teacher you should introduce yourself at the starting of the application.

Include details about yourself like Name, Class & Section, Roll Number, etc.

Mention A Valid Reason For Leave:

Your reason for asking leave should be genuine and convincing to the principal.

Tell them about your problem in detail and also them politely for leave based on your reason.

Common Leave Application Reason:

  • leave application for marriage
  • for illness
  • for going outstation
  • for personal reason
  • sick leave application
  • for family holidays
  • leave application for school due to fever by parents

As is said earlier you have to explain to them in brief about why you want to take leave, just mentioning the reason is not enough.

Sample Of Leave Application To Principal:

The main problem with writing an application is that we don’t know how to start it and how to format it properly. If you are searching for a proper school leave letter format then you will find them all on this post.

Sample 1 Of Leave Application To Principal:

To, The Principal, [School Name] , [School Address] .

Subject: Leave Application Letter

Respected Sir/Mam,

Myself [Your Name] , student of [Your Class] . I am writing this letter to let you know that I am suffering from viral fever according to my latest medical reports. Doctors have advised me to bed rest for 4-5 days.

It’s my humble request to please grant 5 days of leave from [Date] to [Date] , I shall be grateful to you.

Thanking you.

[Your Name]

[Your Class and Section]

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Sample 2 Of Leave Application To Principal:

To The Principal [School Name] [School Address]

With due respect, I [Your Name] father of [Students Name] , I would like to inform you that He suffers from a medical condition that requires him to get weekly check-ups regularly. Today is his appointment with the doctor and he can’t miss it.

so, therefore, I request you to kindly grant leave from school for half day. Thank you. [Name Of The Students] [Your Class] [Roll Number]

Yours Faithfully, [Your Name]

Sample 3 Of Leave Application To Principal :

To The Pricipal [School Name] [School Address]

With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I can’t attend my class after interval because I am not feeling well and I have Severe headache.

therefore I request you to kindly grant leave from school for Half Day.

[Your Name] [Your Class] [Roll Number]

Sample 4 Of Leave Application To Principal:

To, The Principal [School Name] [School Address]

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I want to leave school after lunch because suddenly I am suffering from stomach pain.

So, therefore, request you to kindly grant me a leave of absence for half day. I shall be highly obliged to you.

Yours obediently

[Your Name] [Your Class] [Roll No.]

Sample 5 Of Leave Application To Principal :

To The Principal [School Name] [School Address] [Date]

Respected sir,

With due respect I [Your Name] of [Your Class and Section] of your school will not be able to attend my classes from [Date] to [Date] due to chicken pox [State The Reason] . So I request you kindly to grant me 5 days sick leave [No. Of Days] . I would remain obliged to you for your kindness.

Thanking you

[Your Name] [Your Class and Section] [Roll No.]

Sample 6 Of Leave Application To Principal :

To, The Principal, [School Name] [School Address]

I am [Your Name] , a student of [Your Class and Section] . I want to state that due to some family issues I won’t be able to attend my classes tomorrow.

It’s my humble request to please prove me with a one day leave for tomorrow. I shall be grateful.

Yours faithfully, [Your Name] [Your Class and Section] [Roll No.]

Sample 7 Of Leave Application To Principal :

The Principal [College Name] [Address]

Subject : Leave Application Letter

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am  [Your Name] , a student of [Your Class]  in your college. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I had to leave the college as my sister has fallen off the stairs. As I had to rush immediately, I was unable to inform you of my absence.

We have admitted her to the hospital now as she has hurt her head. The doctors have asked us to take proper care of her for at least a week.

I request you to grant me leave so that I can take care of my sister. I plan to resume from [Date] depending on her condition. Hope you understand and consider this.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Class]

Sample 8 Of Leave Application To Principal:

To, The Principal,

[Name of the School] [School Address]

I am [Your Name] , a student of [Your Class and Section] . I want to say that my sister’s marriage is going to be held in our village on [Date] .

Being the only brother I have to attend all the marriage related functions. So I request you to please grant me 6 days of leave. I promise I will cover up my syllabus after returning back.

[Your Name] [Class and section] [Roll No.]

Sample 9 Of Leave Application To Principal:

The Principal,

With due respect, I beg to say that I am not in a state to attend the school as I am down due to the viral fever. I have been advised by our family doctor that I have to take proper rest for at least [Number of Days] days. Therefore, kindly grant me leave for [Number of Days] . I shall be really thankful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

Sample 10 Of Leave Application To Principal:

I am [Your Name] , father of [Students Name] , student of [Class and Section] . I am writing this application because I want to tell you that our family is going on 2 days trip due to which [Students Name] won’t be able to attend the school.

It’s my humble request to please grant 2 days of leave. I shall be grateful.

[Your Name] [Students Name] [Class and Section] [Roll No]

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Applications , Letters

Leave Letter to Principal

A Leave Letter to a Principal is a formal document sent to the principal of a school where the writer requests a leave of absence. Both teachers and students occasionally need to request a leave of absence. The best way to request a leave is in a formal professional letter. This documents your request, protecting you from problems about attendance that could occur without the formal documentation.

Schools have attendance policies for both teachers and students. Check the school’s policy to determine if there are other forms you need to complete to request a leave. If there are necessary forms or other documentation, you can enclose them with your leave of absence letter.

What to Include in a Leave Letter to Principal

Your letter needs to contain specific information about the leave you are requesting. Here is what to include:

  • Your name and contact information (and the child’s name if a student needs a leave of absence)
  • Reason for the requested leave of absence
  • The dates of the leave
  • Enclosures such as necessary forms and documentation

If you cannot anticipate the leave of absence, formally document the request as soon as possible. In some cases, such as illness and accidents, your request letter should be written when you can. Include documentation of the illness or accident.

How to Write a Leave Letter

A letter requesting a leave of absence is a professional document that offers you and the principal at your school verification that you requested the leave. It should be written in a formal format containing only the necessary info. Here are the three parts of a letter written to request a leave of absence.

  • Introduction : Use the first paragraph of your letter to the state you are requesting a leave of absence and offer the reason for the leave. State your request for a leave clearly. Provide the dates you will be gone and your return date.
  • Body : Use this paragraph to provide contact information during your absence. If you have enclosed any documentation, note that here.
  • Conclusion : Use the last paragraph or sentence to thank the principal for his assistance with the leave.

Leave Letter to Principal (Format)

{your name}

{your address}

{principal’s name}

Principal, {school name}

{school address}

Dear {principal’s name}:

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence {to…your reason for requesting leave}. I plan to be away from {date} to {date}. I plan to return from leave on {date}.

I have enclosed a {list of enclosures}. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at {your email or phone}.

Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

{your signature}

Sample Leave Letter to Principal

Aiden Jones

2048 South 93 East Ave.

Bakersfield, OK 89657

October 20, 2022

Mrs. Jane Ellory

Principal, Bakersfield High School

3004 East 32 Street

Dear Mrs. Ellory:

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence so that I can have surgery to remove my appendix. I plan to be away from November 2, 2022, to November 8, 2022. I plan to return from leave on November 9, 2022.

I have attached the documentation from my doctor. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at jonesaiden @ email . com. My mother (Jessica) can confirm this scheduled surgery. She can be reached at (878) 234-8929.

Sample Leave Letter From Teacher to Principal

Adrian Connelly

2048 South Zuniga

Bakersfield, OK 89658

April 16, 2022

I am writing to request a leave of absence to complete my master’s degree in English at Northwest University. I plan to be away from August 15, 2022, to August 14, 2023. I plan to return from leave on August 15, 2023.

I have enclosed the completed request for leave form and proof of my enrollment at Northwest University. If there are any questions, I can be reached while I am gone at (567) 894-6767.

cc: Bakersfield School District

application letter to college principal for leave

  • Check to see if you need to complete any forms for a leave of absence
  • Write in a professional tone and state your request clearly
  • Provide the dates you will be gone and the date you will return
  • Offer contact information
  • Enclose any documentation required

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  • Letter to the Principal

Letter to Principal - Format and Sample Letters

If you are a school student, you would have definitely come across many scenarios where you have had to write a letter to the principal of your school. The reasons might vary. From requesting leave because you are sick or going on a vacation to seeking permission to participate in competitions or sports events, you are always required to submit the leave letters. This article will give you a detailed explanation of the format of writing a formal letter to principal and also provide you with examples that would aid you to write one on your own.

Table of Contents

Writing a formal letter to school principal – format and points to remember, request letter to principal for an on duty application of two days, write a letter to your principal seeking permission to attend a family function, write a letter to the principal of your school requesting leave for a week to take care of your sick mother, letter to your principal seeking permission for a re-examination.

  • FAQs on Writing a Letter to School Principal

A letter to the principal is always written for particular reasons, and it has to be in the format of a formal letter . You have to make sure that you provide all the necessary information promptly. This includes the receiver’s address, date, subject stating the reason for leave, salutation, body of the letter explaining the purpose of your letter, complimentary closing and signature. All these components have to be aligned to your left-hand side margin.

When writing the letter, see to it that you mention precisely the dates on which you require leave, or you would be absent to school because this serves as a record for attendance keeping, leave management and other documentation purposes.

Sample Letters to Principal

Go through the sample letters given below for your reference and better understanding.

The Principal

National Model Public School

Chennai – 600054.

Subject: Request for On-Duty application for two days

Respected Sir,

I am Mithuna M, a student of Class X C. I have been selected to participate in the State Level Athletic Competitions that is to be held on the 15th and 16th of this month at the M A Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk. I require an attested on-duty application to be able to represent the school and participate in the competitions. I request you to kindly provide me with a bonafide certificate and an on-duty application so that I would not lose my attendance.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Roll No. 32

The Headmistress

St. Francis Anglo Indian Girls High School

Noida – 110096

25 th November, 2021

Subject: Seeking permission to attend a family function

Respected Ma’am,

I am writing to seek your permission for me to attend a family function on the 29 th of November at Bangalore. I would require a leave of three days (from 28.11.2021 to 30.11.2021). I have taken permission from my Class Teacher, and I will ensure that I keep myself informed about the daily lessons and complete everything up-to-date when I am back. Kindly consider my request and grant me permission.

Saajan Jose

Roll No. 36

Zion Public School

Allahabad – 211008

Subject: Requesting one week’s leave

This is to inform you that my mother is seriously ill and I am required to stay with her as there is no one else to take care of her. She is required to be taken to the hospital every now and then and needs constant support as doctors have advised complete bed rest. So, I request you to kindly allow me a week’s leave, starting today, 16/09/2021 to 23/09/2021.

My friends have assured me to bring every day’s notes, and I will submit all my work through them. My Class Teacher is also very supportive. She has promised to send me audio recordings of classes so that I would not miss out on anything during this period. With everyone’s support, I am sure I can get through this difficult phase.

Thank you in advance for your kind understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Student of Class XII A

Roll No. 12

GD Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Kachery Road, Chelannur

Kerala – 673001

July 19, 2021

Subject: Seeking permission for a re-examination

This letter is in regards to Thomas Roy, student of Class VIII A. He was not able to attend the Maths examination as he was hospitalised. He has recovered completely now and is ready to take the re-examination. It was discussed earlier that he could have a re-examination as he could not attend the exam owing to his illness.

We are willing to work with his Class Teacher, Mrs. Joyce and his Maths Teacher, Mrs. Roseline and fix a date for the re-examination. We wanted to make an official intimation of the matter before we proceeded with it. Kindly give us a heads up so that we can go forward with it.

Rayana Philip

Mother of Thomas Roy

Frequently Asked Questions on Writing a Letter to School Principal

How can i start a letter to the school principal.

Start your letter with the address and date, followed by the subject, salutation and then the body of the letter in which you convey the reason behind your letter.

What kind of letter do I write to the Principal?

A letter to the School Principal or any higher authority should always be in the format of

a formal letter as it is concerned with matters of personal and professional importance.

The language used should be formal as well.

Is it important to mention the dates on which I am taking leave?

It is important to clearly mention the date on which you would be absent from school because it gives clarity and is also used for attendance management and documentation.

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application letter to college principal for leave

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How to Write an Application to the Principal: Step-By-Step Guide with Sample Letters & Templates

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May 20, 2023

application letter to college principal for leave

Writing an  application   to the principal  is crucial for seeking permission, scheduling meetings, reporting issues, and making suggestions. 

It is a formal and structured way of communicating with the school’s administration, ensuring that matters are handled appropriately and respectfully. 

Applications to the Principal Are Required in What Situations

Some common situations where a  formal   application to the principal  is required are:

  • Permission to participate in  extracurricular activities
  • Seeking admission   to   the best boarding schools in Mumbai
  • Complaints or grievances
  • Request for leave ( leave letter to principal )
  • Suggestions or feedback
  • Request for certificate or recommendation letter
  • Request for transfer or change of section

Step-by-step Guide on How to Write the Application –  Format to Follow

  • Opening Statement and Introduction

Start the application by addressing the principal respectfully and introducing yourself (mandatory in case of a leave letter to principal). For example, “Respected Principal, I am writing this application to request a leave.”

  • Clearly Stating the Purpose of the Application 

In the next paragraph, clearly state the purpose of the application using your communication skills. For example, “I am writing to request permission to attend a sports event.”

  • Providing Relevant Details and Supporting Information

In the following paragraphs, provide relevant details and supporting information to strengthen your case. For example, mention the dates and timings of the event.

  • Closing Statement and Expression of Gratitude

End the application by thanking the principal for considering your request and expressing hope that permission is granted. For example, “Thank you for considering my request. Your support will be highly appreciated.”

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Examples of Sample Applications to the Principal

> sample application – how to write permission letter to principal.

To Principal

MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul,

Pune Location Rajbaug, 

Maharashtra - 412 201

Date: 7th January 2023

Subject: Request for Permission to Attend a Seminar

Respected Sir/Ma'am,

I, Aditi Gupta of class 10th- want your permission to attend the upcoming seminar on  Effective   Communication with Childrens . The seminar is scheduled to take place on 2nd February from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM at Public Auditorium. 

The  English speech topics  that will be covered in the seminar are closely related to my course of study, and I am confident that attending it will help me improve my understanding of the subject.

Please grant me permission to attend the seminar. Thank you for your consideration. Let me know if more information is required.

Yours faithfully,

Aditi Gupta,

>  Sample Job Application - What is a Cover Letter for a Job Application

A cover letter is essential when applying for a job. It highlights your qualifications and skills that match the job and convinces the employer to invite you for an interview.

Here's a sample job application cover letter:

Aditi Gupta

Meridian Apartment 

Mumbai - 400001

[email protected]

6th January 2023

Sunil Kapoor

L&T Company

Dear Mr. Kapoor,

> Sample Leave Application- How To Write a Leave Application to Principal

Date: 13th April 2023

Subject:  Leave Application to Principal for Attending a Family Function

Respected Principal,

I am writing this application to bring to your notice that I, Aditi Gupta of class 10th-A, will not be able to attend school for the coming 2 days as I have to attend my cousin's wedding. 

I would kindly request you to grant me leave of absence from school for 2 days, starting from 20th April to 21st April. I understand my absence may affect the school's schedule and my academic progress. I'll ensure I keep up with my studies during my absence.

I would be grateful if you could grant me leave for the above-mentioned dates. Thank you for your consideration.

Importance of Reviewing and Editing the Application for Errors and Clarity

Reviewing and editing your  formal application to principal  is crucial for ensuring that it is error-free and clear. By taking the time to review and edit your application, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your desired outcome. Here are some reasons why it is important:

  • It enhances clarity
  • Helps to avoid errors
  • Ensures accuracy
  • Improves overall quality

Tips for Finalizing the Application

  • Use spellcheck and grammar check tools like Grammarly to catch any obvious errors when writing a letter to principal for leave.
  • Have someone else review the application for errors and clarity to catch errors that you may have missed.
  • Check that all required materials have been included and are in the correct format.
  • Follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the program or institution.
  • Use a clear and concise writing style, avoid jargon and technical terms, and keep the sentences short and to the point.
  • Consider the tone and professionalism of the application and avoid using slang or humour.
  • Submit the application before the deadline.

To wrap up, writing a strong application or formal letter to principal is crucial for students, parents, and teachers. Use the step-by-step guide with examples to craft any type of formal application to principal . If you need further assistance, consider reaching out to MIT Gurukul, one of the  best schools in India , for guidance and support.

A letter of introduction is a type of correspondence that is typically used to introduce oneself.  Reading newspaper habit  can improve your letter-writing skills.

A cover letter should have your introduction, highlight your relevant skills and experience, and express your interest.

It is a  formal letter to principal  for permission, information, or some other form of assistance. For example, a  letter to principal for leave . 

To end an application letter, you should express your gratitude. It should end with “sincerely, or best regards”, followed by your name.

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Write the Perfect Application for 3 Days Leave [with Examples for 2023]

Write the Perfect Application for 3 Days Leave [with Examples for 2023]

Home » Letters » Write the Perfect Application for 3 Days Leave [with Examples for 2023]

writing leave letter

Leave applications are a common requirement in both professional and academic settings. Whether you need to take a few days off due to personal reasons or illness, it’s important to know how to write a compelling leave application. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on how to write the perfect leave application for 3 days. We will cover various scenarios, including writing a leave application for office, school, and when you’re not feeling well. So, let’s dive in and learn the art of writing an outstanding leave application.

Learn the art of writing a compelling leave application for 3 days, including tips and examples for different situations such as fever, office, school, and more. Master the art of crafting the perfect application and ensure your request is met with understanding and approval.

Understanding the Importance of a Leave Application

Writing a leave application for 3 days due to personal reasons, crafting a convincing application for 3 days leave due to fever, writing a leave application for office, crafting a leave mail to your manager, writing an application for fever in english, writing a leave application for school, crafting a leave letter for 3 days, leave application for 3 days in office, requesting sick leave to your principal, frequently asked questions.

Leave applications serve as a formal request for time off from school or work. They are essential to ensure proper record keeping and smooth operations during your absence. By submitting a well-crafted leave application, you demonstrate your professionalism and respect for the rules and regulations of your institution.

Leave applications play a crucial role in maintaining transparency and preventing misunderstandings. They provide an official record of your absence, making it easier for your organization or school to keep track of your availability. By submitting your leave application well in advance, you allow sufficient time for any necessary arrangements to be made in your absence.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application

  • Plan in advance: Whenever possible, submit your leave application well ahead of time to allow for proper planning and approval.
  • Be concise and clear: Keep your sentences short and to the point. Use simple language and avoid unnecessary details.
  • State the reason for your leave: Clearly mention the reason for your absence to provide context and aid in the decision-making process.
  • Include dates and duration: Specify the exact dates for which you need leave and mention the duration of your absence.
  • Provide contact information: Share your contact details so that you can be reached in case of emergencies.

application letter to college principal for leave

Sometimes, we may need time off for personal reasons. In such cases, it’s important to state the reason for your absence clearly and provide assurance that your responsibilities will be taken care of during your leave.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application for Personal Reasons

  • Be honest and direct: Clearly state that your leave is due to personal reasons without going into unnecessary details.
  • Mention the duration: Specify the exact dates for which you require leave, ensuring that the duration is clear.
  • Explain responsibility delegation: Assure the recipient that your responsibilities will be handled by a competent colleague during your absence.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the recipient for their understanding and support.

application letter to college principal for leave

When you’re feeling unwell and need time to recover, it’s important to inform your organization or school about your condition. In such cases, clearly state the severity of your fever, the recommended rest period, and assure the recipient that you will follow medical advice.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application Due to Fever

  • Mention the illness: State that you are suffering from a high fever, which necessitates a period of rest.
  • Specify the duration: Clearly mention the start and end dates of your leave to provide clarity regarding your absence.
  • Document your advice: State that your doctor has recommended rest and assure the recipient that you will follow the medical advice provided.
  • Explain responsibility delegation: Inform the recipient that your colleague will handle your work during your absence.
  • Express gratitude: Show gratitude for the recipient’s understanding and support during your illness.

application letter to college principal for leave

In a professional setting, writing a leave application for office requires a professional tone. Clearly state the reason for your absence, the duration of your leave, and how your responsibilities will be handled in your absence.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application for Office

  • Choose an appropriate tone: Maintain a professional tone while requesting leave from your office.
  • Clearly state the reason: Mention that you require leave due to personal reasons and refrain from providing excessive details.
  • Specify the duration: Clearly state the start and end dates of your leave to allow for proper planning and resource allocation.
  • Delegate your responsibilities: Inform your supervisor or manager about the colleague who will handle your responsibilities in your absence.
  • Express appreciation: Show appreciation for your supervisor or manager’s understanding and support.

application letter to college principal for leave

In today’s digital age, leave applications are often sent via email. When submitting a leave application via email , ensure that you maintain a professional yet cordial tone. Clearly state the reason for your absence, the duration of your leave, and who will handle your responsibilities.

Tips for Writing a Leave Mail to Your Manager

  • Choose a clear subject line: Make sure the subject line of your email clearly communicates your request for leave.
  • Use a professional yet cordial tone: Address your manager professionally while maintaining a friendly tone throughout the email.
  • Clearly state the reason: Inform your manager about the reason for your leave without going into excessive detail.
  • Delegate your responsibilities: Assure your manager that your work will be taken care of by your designated backup during your absence.

application letter to college principal for leave

When you’re feeling unwell due to a fever, it’s crucial to communicate this to your supervisor or manager. Clearly state your condition, the steps you are taking to recover, and your expected date of return.

Tips for Writing an Application for Fever in English

  • Clearly state your condition: Mention that you are suffering from a fever and briefly describe your symptoms.
  • Indicate your recovery plan: Mention that you are taking necessary medication and rest to recover from your fever.
  • Specify the expected date of return: Provide an approximate date when you expect to recover and return to work.
  • Express gratitude: Show appreciation for your supervisor or manager’s understanding and support during your illness.

application letter to college principal for leave

Students often need to take leave due to personal or health-related reasons . When writing a leave application for school, it’s important to be respectful, detailed, and assure the school administration that you will make up for any missed coursework.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application for School

  • Address the recipient appropriately: Begin your letter with a respectful salutation addressed to your principal, teacher, or school administration.
  • Clearly state the reason for your leave: Mention whether it is due to personal or health-related reasons.
  • Specify the exact dates of your leave: Clearly state the start and end dates to provide clarity regarding your absence.
  • Outline your plan to make up for missed work: Assure your teacher or principal that you will consult with your peers and teachers to catch up on any missed coursework.
  • Show gratitude: Express gratitude for your teacher or principal’s understanding and support during your absence.

application letter to college principal for leave

When writing a leave letter for 3 days , it’s important to clearly state the duration of your leave and the reason for your absence. Keep the letter concise and to the point, while assuring the recipient that your responsibilities will be arranged during your absence.

Tips for Crafting a Leave Letter for 3 Days

  • Clearly state the duration: Mention that you require leave for 3 days to provide a clear time frame for your absence.
  • Explain the reason for your leave: Briefly state the reason for your absence, whether it’s personal or health-related.
  • Delegate responsibilities: Assure the recipient that your work will be taken care of by a colleague during your absence.
  • Express appreciation: Show gratitude for the recipient’s understanding and support.

application letter to college principal for leave

When writing a leave application for office, it’s important to ensure that your work will be taken care of in your absence. Clearly mention the duration of your leave, the reason for your absence, and assure your superiors that your responsibilities will be handled efficiently.

Tips for Writing a Leave Application for 3 Days in Office

  • Specify the dates of your leave: Clearly mention the start and end dates to provide a clear time frame for your absence.
  • Explain the reason for your leave: Briefly state the reason for your absence without going into unnecessary details.
  • Delegate your responsibilities: Inform your superiors about the colleague who will handle your work during your absence.
  • Assure efficiency: Express confidence in your colleague’s ability to handle your responsibilities effectively in your absence.
  • Show gratitude: Thank your superiors for their understanding and support during your leave.

application letter to college principal for leave

When requesting sick leave from your school principal, it’s important to provide the necessary details about your illness and the duration of your absence. Assure the principal that you will make up for any missed coursework upon your return.

Tips for Requesting Sick Leave to Your Principal

  • Address the principal respectfully: Begin your letter with a respectful salutation addressed to the principal.
  • State the reason for your leave: Clearly mention that you require leave due to illness and specify the nature of your illness.
  • Specify the duration of your absence: Provide the exact dates for which you require leave to provide clarity for the principal.
  • Outline your plan for catching up: Assure the principal that you will consult with teachers and peers to make up for any missed coursework.
  • Express gratitude: Show gratitude for the principal’s understanding and support during your leave.

application letter to college principal for leave

Crafting an effective leave application is essential when you need time off from work or school. Whether it’s a personal or health-related reason, following the tips and examples provided in this article will help you write a strong leave application. Remember to be respectful, clear, and concise when addressing the recipient, and always express your gratitude for their understanding and support. Taking these steps will increase your chances of receiving approval for your leave and ensure a smooth transition during your absence.

It’s best to submit your leave application as soon as you know the dates you will be absent. This allows your organization or school to make the necessary arrangements and plan for your absence.

If you are requesting leave due to illness, attaching a medical certificate can lend credibility to your request. However, it depends on the policies of your organization or school whether it is required.

Yes, it is often beneficial to discuss your leave with your supervisor or manager before submitting a formal application. This ensures that they are aware of your situation and can plan accordingly.

In an email to your manager, you can use a professional salutation such as “Dear [Manager’s Name]” followed by a clear subject line that states your request for leave.

If your leave needs to be extended, it is important to notify your organization or school as soon as possible. Submit a revised leave application if necessary and provide a clear explanation for the extension.

To increase the chances of your leave application being approved, it is important to follow certain guidelines: Submit your application in advance: Try to submit your leave application as early as possible to allow your superiors or school administration time to evaluate and plan for your absence. Provide a clear and valid reason: Clearly state the reason for your leave in a concise and informative manner. Be honest and genuine in your explanation. Demonstrate responsibility: Assure the recipient that your responsibilities will be taken care of during your absence. Mention who will handle your work or provide a plan for completing your tasks before or after your leave. Follow proper procedure: Make sure you are aware of any specific guidelines or procedures for requesting leave in your organization or school. Follow these guidelines to ensure your application is in line with requirements. Be professional and polite: Use a professional tone and language in your leave application. Address the recipient respectfully and express gratitude for their understanding and support.

While it is generally expected to state the reason for your leave, you are not obligated to provide excessive details. It is acceptable to maintain a level of privacy regarding personal matters, as long as you provide a valid reason for your absence.

In the modern digital age, it is common and convenient to email your leave application. However, it is important to check the policies and preferences of your organization or school. Some may still require a hard copy submission or an electronic form submission.

If your leave application is denied, it is important to have an open conversation with your superiors or school administration. Seek clarification on the reason for denial and discuss possible alternatives or solutions. If needed, you may consider adjusting your leave dates or providing additional information to support your request.

It is generally recommended to provide a specific end date for your leave to ensure clarity for planning purposes. However, if circumstances prevent you from determining an exact end date, communicate this in your application and provide an estimated duration for your absence. Clearly explain the situation and assure the recipient that you will keep them updated regarding your return.

Remember to tailor your leave application according to your specific circumstances and the requirements of your organization or school. By following these guidelines and approaching the application process professionally, you can increase the likelihood of your leave being approved.

application letter to college principal for leave

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Recommended Reading:

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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Principal Two Days Leave Application (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional principal two days leave application.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Request for Two Days Leave Application to Principal

First, find the sample template for principal two days leave application below.

Subject: Application for Two Days Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

My family and I have to attend a very important family function, which requires us to travel out of the city. As it is a significant occasion for our family, my presence is mandatory. Hence, I kindly request you to grant me leave for two days, from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I assure you that I will make up for the loss of my studies by taking notes from my classmates and putting in extra time for my studies. I am also ready to stay back after school hours, if necessary, to cover up the syllabus missed during this time.

I sincerely hope you understand my situation and grant me the requested two days leave. I am attaching a note from my parents for your reference.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Class and Section], [Roll Number], [Date]

Principal Leave Application Due to Family Emergency

Principal Leave Application Due to Family Emergency

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pincode]

I, [Your Full Name], am a student of class [Your Class] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to request your kind permission to grant me a leave of absence for [Number of Days] starting from [Start Date] due to an unexpected family emergency.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me leave for the aforementioned days. I understand the importance of regular attendance at school, but under these circumstances, it is difficult for me to attend.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. I am hopeful for your positive response.

Application to Principal for Leave for Important Personal Work

Application to Principal for Leave for Important Personal Work

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [City], [State], [Date]

I assure you that I will take the help of my classmates and teachers to cover the missed lessons and assignments during my absence. I will put in extra hours to ensure that I do not lag behind in any of the subjects.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Writing Principal Leave Application for Attending a Wedding

Writing Principal Leave Application for Attending a Wedding

To, The Principal, [Your School’s Name], [Your School’s Address], [City], [Pin code]

Subject: Application for Leave

I, [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class], section [Your Section], am writing this letter to kindly request a leave of absence from school. I need to attend a close relative’s wedding in our hometown. The event is scheduled to take place from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date], which will require me to be absent from school for a total of [Number of Days] days.

I would be highly obliged if you could grant me leave for the mentioned days. I understand the importance of regular attendance at school, but I assure you that this is a special occasion and I will manage my studies accordingly.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Principal Leave Application Due to Health Issues

Principal Leave Application Due to Health Issues

To, The Principal, [Your School Name], [Your School Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class] Section [Your Section], am writing this letter to inform you that I have been diagnosed with [Your Illness] and my doctor has advised me to take complete rest for a duration of [Number of Days] days, i.e., from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I am attaching the medical certificate provided by my doctor for your reference. I will be grateful if you consider my situation and approve my leave application.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and support in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Roll Number], Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section], Date: [Today’s Date]

Principal Two Days Leave Application for Visiting Native Place

Principal Two Days Leave Application for Visiting Native Place

To, The Principal [School Name] [School Address] [City Name] [Date]

I understand that missing school for two days might impact my studies, but I assure you that I will catch up with any missed lessons or assignments upon my return. I kindly request the class teacher to provide me with the necessary homework or assignments, if any, during my absence.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] Class: [Your Class] Roll Number: [Your Roll Number] Date: [Date of Application]

How to Write Principal Two Days Leave Application

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Leave Letter to the Principal: Format and Samples

application letter to college principal for leave

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 29, 2023

leave letter to principal

Writing a leave letter to the principal is a very important part of the English curriculum for students. A leave letter allows students to appear clear and reliable in front of the authority. The Principal is the highest administrative authority for the students in a school. Thus, a leave letter to the Principal needs to be always written in a formal style and format. Here it is to be noted that letters are very similar to applications with only a small difference in the length of the written substance.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 What is a Leave Letter to the Principal?
  • 2 Why is Proper Format Necessary for Leave Letters?
  • 3 Requirements to be Fulfilled in a Leave Letter
  • 4 Format of Leave Letter to the Principal
  • 5 Body of Content in Leave Letter to the Principal
  • 6 Types of Leave Letters to the Principal
  • 7.1 Casual Leave
  • 7.2 Wellness/Sick Leave
  • 7.3 One-Day Leave
  • 7.4 Emergency Leave
  • 7.5 Marriage Leave

What is a Leave Letter to the Principal?

Students are social individuals who might have other activities other than academic performance . In such a situation when there is a requirement for planned absenteeism, the student needs to submit a leave letter to the principal. This letter needs to contain several informative parts relating to planned absenteeism. Leaves can be for casual, wellness/sick, one-day, emergency, and marriage purposes. A leave letter to the principal also allows the academic staff to keep an official track of the attendance of the student.

Also read: Leave Application to the Principal

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Why is Proper Format Necessary for Leave Letters?

A leave letter is a formal piece of documentation submitted to the highest authority, the Principal of the school in this case. Any formal document requires a good format that is not only legible but also meaningful and informative at the same time.

Additionally, in the professional world, there are instances when an individual would need to write a leave letter. Here, the instance can be anything ranging from casual leaves, sick leaves, or serious emergency leaves. Thus, writing a leave letter with the proper tone, language, and conciseness is a skill that needs to be honed since school days.

Requirements to be Fulfilled in a Leave Letter

A leave letter needs to have certain aspects fulfilled so that the authority, the Principal, takes direct action instead of further questioning or getting into a discussion with the student for clarity. Thus, here are those criteria that make a leave letter complete and ready for action, whether negative or positive. This is because the ultimate decision depends on the principal to give permission to the student to take a leave.

  • The address of the receiver of the letter should be verified.
  • The salutation should be formal and respectful.
  • There must be a date of submission of the leave letter.
  • The contents of the leave letter should clearly mention the reason for the leave.
  • In case the student is writing the leave letter, the student must mention the consent of the parents in the letter.
  • The number of days for the leave should be clearly mentioned in the letter.
  • The dates of the leave should also be clearly mentioned, and if possible highlighted, in the letter.
  • The closing line should clearly mention the action desired from the receiver of the letter.

Must Read: 15 Days Leave Application: Format and Samples

Format of Leave Letter to the Principal

As mentioned earlier, the format of the leave letter to the principal takes special notice when the authority looks at the letter peripherally at first glance. Formal letters have a format so that the intent becomes clear and the request looks official and important. Thus, students can follow the format given below to write a leave letter to the Principal.

  • Designation of the Authority
  • Receiver’s Address

[Generally the address of the school] 

  • Date [The date of submission of the letter for effective action by the authority. This keeps official documentation of the leave with the authority.]
  • Subject [Single line statement reflecting the purpose of the Letter] 
  • Salutation [The addressed authority is respectfully brought into a written discussion about the subject here.]
  • Body of Content [Introduction of the applicant][Reason in short][Details of the reason and why is the event important for the applicant][Dates to be deemed absent on cause]
  • Complimentary Note 

[An acknowledged closing generating a request for acceptance and positive feedback. Should also entail regard and gratitude for the expected positive understanding of the situation.]

  • Closing Line [A direct showcase of the student’s acceptance of the authority]
  • Signing off [The application needs to be concluded with a greeting which is the generally written substitute for a formal handshake in verbal conversations]

Also Read: Why is Format important in a leave letter?

Body of Content in Leave Letter to the Principal

The internal content is the most important part of the leave letter to the Principal. This is because it is the body of the content that includes all the information for considering the leave request. 

  • It contains the reason for leave supported by the parent’s consent. 
  • It contains the exact duration that will be considered for the attendance purpose of the school authorities. 
  • It also essentially contains an expectation of the applicant that attaches emotion to the leave purpose and draws the authority towards a positive action by the Principal.

Thus, it is essential to craft the internal body of the leave letter in the correct tone and exaggeration showing the importance of the event in the life of the student. However, over-exaggeration needs to be avoided. There are essentially 5 different types of leave letters that can be sent to the Principal.

Types of Leave Letters to the Principal

The 5 types of leave letters to the principal are given below. The differentiator of the various leave letters is the reasons to ask for leave. The reasons vary depending on the importance of the events that require the particular type of leave.

Casual Leave

Wellness/sick leave, one-day leave, emergency leave, marriage leave.

Must Read: Leave Letter for Yesterday: Format and Samples

Samples of Leave Letters

Here we have attached samples of some leave letters to the Principal. This is for the students to understand which kind of event comes under which category of leave letters. Thus, the subject highlights the event that the student can match with the category of the leave letter.

Also Read: Format of Formal Letters along with Samples

Ans. A leave letter is a formal documentation that the highest authority of a school, the Principal, keeps in order to record the genuine absenteeism of a student. Thus, the format and the tone of voice of the letter must not be informal or semiformal. There should not be any use of colloquial terms as well.

Ans. A leave letter to the principal has a requisite format that should be concise and straightforward. The body of the letter should ask for requisite action and the salutation

Ans. To take a leave of absence from the Principal, a student must write a properly formatted leave letter addressing the requisite person with the cause. It makes the effort count and the approach is more official and formal.

Thus, it is almost every day that we get to see some event either in school, at work, or at home. However, when events occur outside of the school and they have some importance in our lives, we sometimes do need to give that event importance even though attendance at school is important. This is exactly where leave letters come into play. Hope the variety of leave letters and the samples help the students get a fair idea of how formal letter writing works.

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Leave Application For College

leave application for college format, leave letter format for college

Leave Application for college is required when you have decided to take a break from the college. A leave application is basically a formal way of asking for a break from college for a specific time period because of various reasons. Students follow the college or college rules to write the formal leave application letter or email.

The leave application must include reason for leave and it's important to make sure that it is acceptable by your college. A decent reason for leave application request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons like illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents etc. The leave application should be short and clear. Generally leave application for college is submitted to Principal.

Sample Leave Applications For College

Sick leave application for one day, sick leave application for more than one day, sick leave application after availing a leave, general leave application for one day, holiday leave application for more than one day, general leave application after availing a leave, leave application for college - template.

Let's look at the Simple Leave Application letter or email for college to Principal. You can copy-paste this leave application letter and ensure that you are replacing underlined text with your respective details.

Application For Leave Of Absence From School

Below sample leave application of sick leave of one day for college can help you draft one. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave for college

Below sample leave application of sick leave for more than a day for college can help you draft one. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

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Leave Application for School for Fever

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Below sample leave application of sick leave for college when you have already availed it. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Below sample leave application of one day for college can help you draft one. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for one day leave for college

Refer below sample leave application for college when you want a leave for more than a day. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Refer below sample leave application for college when you have already availed it. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Leave Application Format Samples

Leave Application Writing Format

Leave Application Writing Format

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Application For Leave Fever, sample format

Applications For Leave Fever

Leave Application For Sick Leave, sample format

Applications For Sick Leave

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Application For Urgent Piece Of Work

Maternity Leave Application, sample format

Leave Application For Maternity

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Written by admin • October 27, 2023 • 12:17 pm • HR Best Practices • One Comment

Leave Application Letter for Office With Examples

Leave Application for School, Office & College With Samples

Table of Contents

A leave application is a formal request for temporary absence from duties due to specific reasons. They can range from personal matters, health issues or family events. Knowing how to craft a leave request is crucial whether you’re a working professional or a student.

This article shall look into the nuances of constructing a leave application, focusing on the format, vital components, and other narrative elements. We have covered multiple templates that will help you understand the tone required for different situations.

Major Elements of a Leave Application Letter

A well-structured leave application comprises essential elements to ensure clarity and professionalism. These elements include:

  • Salutation: Address the recipient respectfully using appropriate titles such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or the individual’s name and designation if known.
  • Subject: Provide a concise subject line outlining the purpose of your application. Be clear and specific to help the recipient understand the context at a glance.
  • Main Body: The main body of the application should contain detailed information, including the reasons for your leave and the specific dates you intend to be absent. Clearly articulate your situation or requirement.
  • Contact Information: Include your contact details, such as phone number and email address, enabling swift communication if required during your absence.
  • Name and Signature: Sign the application with your full name, indicating your acceptance of the request. A signature adds a personal touch and authenticity to the document.
  • Urgent work
  • Maternity leave
  • Medical issues

Format of Leave Application Letter

Knowing the format and the primary components that you need to cover whilst writing a leave application is a must. Here’s a basic format that you can use, whether you are writing as a student or an employee.

Subject: Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Main Body of the Leave Application:

[Provide the details and reasons for your leave request here.]

Yours sincerely,

[Your Signature] [Your Name] [Designation] [Name of the Organization]

Format of Leave Application

What to Include

In crafting a leave application, specific information must be included to ensure clarity and professionalism. Here’s a breakdown of what to cover in each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Introduction and Reason for Leave

Begin by introducing yourself, and stating your name and designation. Address the recipient formally, providing their details. Concisely explain the purpose of your leave request. Use the official format and maintain concise sentences for clarity and professionalism.

Dear [Recipient’s Name/Designation],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The purpose of my leave is [briefly state the reason, e.g., medical treatment]. I kindly request your approval for this period of absence .

Paragraph 2: Handling Pending Work

When writing a leave application for office purposes, detail how you plan to manage any pending work during your absence. Mention your strategies for completing tasks or delegating responsibilities to ensure a smooth workflow in your absence.

I have arranged my tasks in advance and will ensure that all pending work is completed before my departure. Alternatively, I have delegated tasks to [colleague’s name] who will oversee the ongoing projects during my absence. Rest assured, I will ensure a seamless transition and return to work promptly on my scheduled date.

Paragraph 3: Closing and Contact Information

Conclude your application with a formal request for approval. Express your gratitude for the organization’s understanding. Provide further contact information, such as your phone number and email address, for any necessary communication.

[Your Full Name] [Your Designation] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Leave Application Letter for School & College

Every leave application needs to have a few components to it that cannot be skipped or ignored. We have put that checklist for you below along with an example.

Reason for Leave

I require leave due to [explain briefly why you need leave – family emergency, medical treatment, personal reasons, etc.].

I am requesting leave for a period of [number of days/weeks] starting from [start date] to [end date]. I believe this duration will provide adequate time for my situation to stabilise.

These elements should be included in your leave application to make it complete and avoid any further confusion.

Leave Application Letter Format to principal (From A Student)

Respected Principal/Teacher,

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Grade/Class] at [School Name], am unable to attend school from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date] due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.].

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. I have attached the necessary medical certificate/documents for your reference. I assure you that I will catch up on all the missed assignments and notes as soon as I return to school.

I understand the importance of regular attendance and will make every effort to minimize disruption to my studies. I will also ensure that my classmates are not inconvenienced due to my absence.

I would be grateful if you could approve my leave application at your earliest convenience. Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there are any formalities that need to be completed from my end.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I sincerely appreciate your support in this matter.

[Your Name] [Your Class/Grade] [Roll Number]

Leave Application Letter Format to principal (From A Parent)

Subject: Leave Application for [Child’s Full Name], [Grade/Class]

Respected Principal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you about the unavailability of my child, [Child’s Full Name], who is a student of [Grade/Class] at your school. Unfortunately, due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.], my child is unable to attend school from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date].

I kindly request you to grant leave to my child for the mentioned period. [He/She] has been under the care of a doctor and is being treated for the illness. I have attached the medical certificate and other necessary documents for your reference.

I assure you that [Child’s Full Name] will make up for all the missed assignments and exams as soon as [he/she] recovers and returns to school. I understand the importance of regular attendance and am committed to ensuring that [he/she] catches up on all the academic work.

I would appreciate your kind consideration in granting this leave. If there are any formalities or documents required from my end, please do not hesitate to inform me. I can be reached at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Address] for any further communication.

[Your Name] [Your Relationship to the Child, e.g., Parent/Guardian] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Leave Application Letter Format For College

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Course/Program] at [College Name], am unable to attend classes from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date] due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.].

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. I understand the importance of regular attendance and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on all the missed lectures, assignments, and coursework during my absence. I will ensure minimal disruption to my studies and will coordinate with my classmates to obtain notes and updates regarding class discussions.

I have attached the necessary medical certificate/documents for your reference. If there are any formalities or assignments I need to complete during my absence, please let me know, and I will ensure that they are taken care of promptly.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Thank you for your cooperation. I am confident that I will resume my classes as soon as I am able and continue my studies without further interruptions.

[Your Name] [Your Course/Program] [Your Roll Number] [Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Leave Application Letter Format For Office

In drafting a leave application for the office, maintain a formal tone and structure. Here is a leave application letter template for the office:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Subject: Leave Application for [Specify Dates]

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The purpose of my leave is [briefly state the reason, e.g., personal family event]. I kindly request your approval for this period of absence.

During my absence, I have organised my tasks meticulously to ensure a smooth workflow in the department. [Explain briefly how you will manage your work, whether by delegating tasks or completing pending work before the leave period].

I can be reached via phone at [your phone number] or email at [your email address] in case of any urgent matters that require my attention during this period.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition and will return to work promptly on [return date].

[Your Full Name] [Your Designation] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Your Signature]

Sample 1: How to Write Application for Sick Leave

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear Sarit,

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to attend work. I have been diagnosed with a severe bout of flu by my healthcare provider. Following the doctor’s advice, I need to take a sick leave from 5th November 2023 to 12th November 2023 to recover and regain my strength.

I have already informed Pooja Sharma, my colleague, who will be handling my urgent tasks during my absence. I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before I leave.

I can be reached via phone at +91 98765 00000 or email at [email protected] if there are any work-related emergencies during this period.

Thank you for your understanding. I will keep you updated about my progress and provide any necessary medical certificates upon my return.

Amit Patel Marketing Executive Zenith Corporation

Sample 2: How to Write Annual Leave Application

Subject: Annual Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be out of the country for a month due to personal reasons. Therefore, I kindly request to avail my full annual leave allowance. I would like to request leave from the 1st of November 2023 until the 30th of November 2023.

During my absence, Priya Kapoor will be handling my responsibilities. I have been mentoring Priya for the past year, and I have full confidence in her ability to manage the tasks efficiently. For any work-related emergencies, I can be reached on my mobile phone.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Warm regards,

Rahul Verma Content Strategist Digital Marketing Department Sunrise Solutions

Sample 3: How to Write Half Day Leave Application

Subject: Half-Day Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be arriving late to the office today due to a doctor’s appointment. I need to visit my doctor at 10 a.m., and due to some necessary investigations, I will only be able to reach the office in the afternoon.

I kindly request your approval for a half-day leave for today. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up with as much work as possible once I am in the office.

Thank you for your understanding.

Gaurav Kumar Graphic Designer Digital Marketing Team NE Connections

Sample 4: How to Write Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application

Dear Amrita,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to request a casual leave for five days, starting from the 21st of September to the 25th of the same month, due to a family medical emergency. During my absence, I have arranged for Jordan Hnialum to handle my duties, and he has kindly agreed to take over my responsibilities. I trust he will manage the tasks diligently.

I will be available to resume work on the 27th of September. I kindly request your approval for this leave, and I assure you that I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my departure.

Please feel free to contact me at 98******90 if any urgent matters require my attention during my absence.

Gargi Arora Graphic Designer Digital Marketing Team Akal Info

Sample 5: How to Write Bereavement Leave Application

Subject: Bereavement Leave Application

Dear Aaryaan,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of my dear mother last night. In this difficult time, I need to head home to support my family and take care of the funeral arrangements. Therefore, I humbly request your approval for a 5-day paid bereavement leave, starting today, the 21st of October, 2023, and ending on the 25th of October, 2023.

I will be reachable on my cell phone if you need to contact me. Additionally, I have informed Prakriti Bose, a colleague, about my responsibilities, and she will be able to assist you in my absence.

I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging period.

Thank you for your consideration.

Priya Varsha Content Strategist Digital Marketing Team AKAL Info

Sample 6: How to Write One-Day Leave Application

Subject: One-Day Leave Application

Dear Suman,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you in advance that I will not be able to work on the 30th of this month. My mother has experienced some health issues, so I have scheduled an appointment with her doctor on the 30th. Considering the necessary investigations, I will be unavailable for the entire day.

I have arranged for Daryl Ezung to handle my responsibilities during my absence. I kindly request you to grant me this one-day leave.

Hamid Qureshi Head of Advertising AKAL Info

Sample 7: How to Write Paternity Leave Application

Subject: Paternity Leave Application

Dear Ms. Kapoor,

I am writing to formally request paternity leave from November 15 to November 30, 2023. My wife and I are expecting a child, and I would like to take this time to support her and bond with our newborn.

I have arranged for my colleague, Bakshin Kaun, to handle my responsibilities during my absence. I assure you that I have taken steps to minimise any disruptions. I am willing to assist remotely if needed.

Attached is the medical certificate confirming my wife’s pregnancy. I appreciate your understanding and support. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

Thank you for considering my request.

Lokesh Aggarwal Content Head AKAL Info

Sample 8: How to Write Vacation Leave Application

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I am writing to request vacation leave from December 10 to December 20, 2023. During this period, I plan to visit my hometown to celebrate a family event.

I have completed all my pending tasks and briefed my colleague, Priya Sharma, about my ongoing projects. I assure you of a smooth workflow during my absence. I am reachable via email ([email protected]) in case of any emergencies.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your cooperation.

Rajesh Kumar Accounts Manager ABC Corporation

Sample 9: How to Write Emergency Leave Application

Subject: Emergency Leave Application

Dear Mr. Singh,

I am writing to inform you about an unforeseen family emergency that requires my immediate attention. Due to this situation, I am unable to attend work starting tomorrow, October 31, 2023.

I have informed my colleague, Arjun Patel, about my ongoing projects and tasks, and he has kindly agreed to cover for me during my absence. I will ensure all pending work is completed upon my return.

I sincerely apologise for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in granting me this emergency leave. I will keep you updated about my situation and my expected date of return.

Ritu Sharma Operations Manager XYZ Corporation

Sample 10: How to Write Leave Application for Marriage

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

Dear Ms. Sharma,

I am writing to request leave for my marriage ceremony. I will need leave from November 15 to November 23, 2023, to make arrangements and celebrate this joyous occasion with my family and friends.

I have ensured that all my pending work is completed and handed over my responsibilities to my colleague, Priya Singh, who will handle my tasks during my absence. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition before and after my leave period.

I sincerely request your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding in this matter. I assure you that I will resume work promptly on November 21, 2023.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Amit Verma Head of Advertising LMN Technologies

Leave Application Email

The world has gone digital, minimising the need for physical effort and work. This has obviously impacted the frequency of writing letters and applications. The professional world has almost entirely shifted to a much safer and quicker method of communication: e-mail. E-mail is the norm. So, here are a few samples along with a template to help you write the perfect leave application email.

Leave Application Email Format

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to [reason for leave].

I have taken all necessary measures to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. [If applicable, mention that you have informed your colleagues/team members and provided necessary instructions.]

I will be accessible via email during this period and will ensure that any urgent matters are addressed promptly. I have also delegated my responsibilities to [mention the name of the colleague or team member who will handle your tasks in your absence].

I have attached the required documents (if any) to support my leave application. Please let me know if any additional information is needed from my end.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused by my absence and will make sure to complete any pending work and hand over all responsibilities before my departure.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Number]

Leave Application Email Format

Sample 1: Leave Application Email Format For Office

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am reaching out to request a leave of absence from my position at [Company Name] due to [explain the reason] starting from [Start Date] until [End Date].

I have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth handover of my tasks to [colleague’s name or team] and have documented all relevant information. During my absence, I will remain reachable via email to address any urgent matters or provide assistance as needed.

Attached to this email are the pertinent documents supporting my leave application.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter and assure you of my commitment to complete any pending work before my departure. Thank you for your consideration and support.

Sample 2: Leave Application Email Format For College

Dear [College Official’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from college due to [mention the reason]. I kindly ask for your approval for a leave starting from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I have informed my professors about my absence and will make sure to catch up on all missed lectures and assignments upon my return. I assure you of my commitment to maintaining my academic responsibilities despite this temporary setback.

Please find attached the necessary documents supporting my leave application. If there are any additional formalities or requirements, kindly let me know, and I will promptly provide the information.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Full Name] [Your College ID/Enrollment Number] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Different Types Of Leave Application

Leave applications come in different forms, catering to diverse needs and situations. Here’s a breakdown of some common types:

  • Sick Leave: The duration of sick leave varies based on the severity of the employee’s condition, ranging from a few days to several months, ensuring employees can focus on their recovery without work-related stress.
  • Casual Leave: Employees typically receive 1 to 3 casual leaves per month, offering short breaks for personal or unexpected needs, and promoting work-life balance.
  • Maternity Leave : As per the Maternity Benefit Act, female employees are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, allowing new mothers ample time to care for their newborns and recover after childbirth.
  • Paternity Leave: Some companies grant male employees 15 days of paternity leave, fostering a supportive environment for new fathers during crucial family moments.
  • Annual Leave: Indian employees enjoy 15-20 days of annual leave per year, offering the chance to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends.
  • Bereavement Leave: In India, bereavement leave spans up to 7 days, allowing employees to mourn the loss of a loved one without the worry of work responsibilities. The exact duration may vary based on company policies.
  • Vacation: Employees can utilise their accumulated annual and earned leaves for extended vacations. The number of paid vacation days depends on the remaining leave balance, enabling employees to plan longer breaks.
  • Half-Day Leave: Half-day leave allows employees to manage personal tasks or appointments while ensuring minimal disruption to work commitments.
  • One-Day Leave: This short leave option is ideal for addressing immediate personal matters without impacting work schedules significantly.

Reasons Why People Apply For Leave Application

When submitting a leave application, providing a clear and valid reason is necessary. Various circumstances necessitate taking a leave of absence, such as:

  • Bereavement: Leave may be required due to the passing of a family member, friend, or even a beloved pet. Compassionate leave allows individuals time to cope with their loss and support their families during difficult times.
  • Health Concerns and Medical Procedures: Illness or scheduled surgeries often require employees or students to take a break. Medical leave ensures individuals have the necessary time to recover and regain their health.
  • Rest and Recreation (R&R): Everyone needs a break to recharge. Whether it’s for mental rejuvenation or simply enjoying leisure time, individuals may apply for leave to relax and unwind.
  • Life Milestones: Significant life events such as marriages, birthdays, or other anniversaries are valid reasons for taking time off. These occasions are essential for personal well-being and are often celebrated with family and friends.
  • Travel: Exploring new places, be it for leisure or work-related purposes, may require taking leave. Travel enriches experiences, broadens perspectives, and allows individuals to embrace diverse cultures.

Incorporating the reason for leave in the application ensures transparency and understanding between the applicant and the authorities.

Bonus Tips to Write a Perfect Leave Application Letter

  • Maintain a formal and respectful tone throughout the application.
  • Include your full name, ID, department/class, and contact details for easy identification.
  • Briefly state the reason for your leave. Be honest and straightforward.
  • Specify the precise start and end dates of your leave period.
  • If applicable, mention how you plan to delegate or handle your tasks during your absence.
  • Provide details of a trustworthy colleague or family member who can be contacted in case of emergencies.
  • Express thanks for considering your request and understanding your situation.
  • Review the application for errors in grammar, spelling, and clarity before submission.
  • If needed, attach relevant documents such as medical certificates to support your leave application.

FAQs About Leave Application

What is a leave application letter.

A leave application letter is a formal document where an individual, either an employee or a student, states their intention and reasons for taking a temporary absence from work or school.

How to write a leave application?

Outside of the basic details like address, subject and other technical details, her4e is what you should include in the body of the leave application:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for your leave (e.g., illness, personal reasons, family emergency).
  • Duration: Specify the start and end dates of your leave period.
  • Arrangements: If applicable, mention any arrangements you've made for your work/tasks during your absence.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact details in case of any urgent matters.
  • Closing: Express gratitude and professionalism (e.g., Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, [Your Name]).

How to write an application to the principal for leave?

Here is what goes in the content of an application to the principal for leave:

  • Reason for Leave: Briefly state the reason for your leave (e.g., illness, family emergency). Specify the start and end dates of your absence.
  • Academic Responsibilities: Confirm completion of pending assignments. Assure catching up on missed lessons promptly upon return.
  • Supporting Information: Mention attached notes from parents/guardians if applicable. Offer additional documents if necessary.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact number for school communication. Include parent's/guardian's contact if required.
  • Appreciation and Closing: Express gratitude for understanding. Close with a polite sign-off.

How to write a leave application for the office?

Here is everything you need to add to the content:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for your leave (e.g., personal, medical, family-related). Specify the dates you intend to be on leave.
  • Work Responsibilities: Mention your plan for pending tasks and deadlines. Offer to delegate or complete urgent work before your departure.
  • Colleague Notification: Inform colleagues about your absence and provide necessary instructions to ensure a smooth workflow in your absence. Mention a point of contact for work-related queries in your absence.
  • Availability During Leave: Specify your availability (or unavailability) for emergencies. Provide your contact information in case of urgent work matters.
  • Appreciation and Closing: Express gratitude for understanding and support. Close with a polite closing statement.

How to write a medical leave application?

Here is what you need in a medical leave application:

  • Doctor's Note: If applicable, attach a medical certificate or note from your healthcare provider indicating your condition and recommended leave period.
  • Details: Mention the specific illness or medical condition you are suffering from.
  • Joining: Discuss the course of treatment and brief about the number of days you would require to recover. Be clear about when you can join back.

How to write an application for a leave of absence?

These pointers should be included in the body of your letter for a leave of absence:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly explain the reason for needing a leave of absence (e.g., personal reasons, family commitments, educational purposes).
  • Duration: Specify the start and end dates of your intended leave period.
  • Planning: Assure that you have made necessary arrangements for your responsibilities during your absence.
  • Availability: Provide information on how you can be reached during your absence if required.

What is Casual Leave?

Casual leave is a form of time off granted to employees, allowing them to address unforeseen personal circumstances or urgent needs. The nature of casual leave can vary, providing immediate flexibility for short-term absences without affecting the overall leave balance.

What is CL & PL?

Casual Leave (CL) and Privilege Leave (PL) are two distinct types of leaves offered by companies. Casual Leave is typically granted for unforeseen or sudden events, allowing employees to take short-term time off with pay. On the other hand, Privilege Leave, also known as Earned Leave (EL), is accrued over time and is generally used for planned absences, providing employees with paid time off based on their service duration.

Can I take 5 days casual leave?

The duration of casual leave may vary based on company policies. Generally, casual leave is permitted for a minimum of half a day to a maximum of three days. If you require a leave duration exceeding this limit, it may be advisable to utilize other types of leave, such as earned leave or as per the specific policies outlined by your company.

What is the difference between EL and CL leave?

The primary distinction between Earned Leave (EL) and Casual Leave (CL) lies in their nature and purpose. EL, or Privilege Leave, is earned over time and is often planned for vacations or extended breaks. In contrast, CL is intended for unplanned events or sudden situations, offering short-term leave with pay. EL is usually accrued, while CL is often a fixed annual allocation.

How many days casual leave in a year?

The number of casual leave days allocated in a year can vary among companies and is subject to their specific leave policies. While some companies provide a standard allocation of three days of paid casual leave annually, others may offer a more extended duration. It is essential to refer to your company's leave policy or consult with the human resources department to determine the exact number of casual leave days available to you each year.

Is Casual Leave Paid?

Casual leave may be paid or unpaid, contingent upon the specific policies outlined by the company. Employees are advised to consult their employment contracts or refer to the company's leave policy for clarity on whether casual leave is compensated. The total duration of casual leave is typically stipulated in the company's leave rules provision.

How Many Casual Leaves in a Year?

The number of casual leave days allotted in a year is determined by the company's rules and the terms outlined in the employment agreement. To ascertain the specific allowance, employees are encouraged to review their employment contracts or seek clarification from the HR department. While the generic duration of casual leave may range from a day to three or more, it is essential to recognize that the number of casual leaves in a year is subject to company policies and may vary.

What Are the Benefits of Having Casual Leave in the Workplace?

  • Flexibility : Immediate time off for personal needs without impacting overall leave balance.
  • Work-Life Balance : Fosters a healthier work-life balance, enhancing job satisfaction.
  • Attraction and Retention : Contributes to an appealing work environment, strengthening employee ties to the organization and promoting robust retention.
  • Boost Productivity : Facilitates prompt resolution of personal matters, minimizing work disruptions and boosting overall productivity.
  • Compliance with Labor Standards : Aligns with legal requirements, ensuring adherence to labor standards and promoting a fair working environment.

Is bereavement paid or unpaid leave?

The provision of paid or unpaid bereavement leave depends on the specific policies outlined by the company. Since it's not universally mandatory, companies may integrate bereavement leave into existing frameworks like sick leave, vacation leave, or Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). The nature of compensation during bereavement leave varies across organizations.

What is the verification process for the bereavement process?

While many companies do not necessitate proof of death for bereavement leave, they often implement a verification process to ensure the leave is genuinely required. This may involve details such as the deceased person's name, date of death, and their relationship with the employee. Some companies may also request supporting documents like obituaries or funeral programs for verification.

Is a Bereavement Leave mandatory?

Offering bereavement leave is not compulsory for all companies, and its inclusion in leave policies depends on local regulations. In regions where mandatory, companies are obligated to incorporate bereavement leave into their policy. Otherwise, its inclusion is at the discretion of the employer.

What is the difference between Bereavement Leave and Sick Day?

While a company might not explicitly have a separate policy for bereavement leave, it can offer alternatives like compassionate leave or incorporate it into sick leave policies. The categorization of bereavement leave as a sick day depends on the company's specific policies and how they structure their leave frameworks.

What is the other name for bereavement leave?

Bereavement Leave is also called compassionate leave.

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Email Writing Format & Samples

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Application Leave Format for School, College and Office In English | Tips to Write leave application 

February 15, 2023 by Prasanna

Leave Application Format: Leave application format for school and college students and their parents/guardians, office employees are available here. Students of the school write an application for leave letter to their principal or headmaster to get leave for a short period of time. In the same way, the working people or professionals write the leave application to their managers or supervisors to get leave for a few days.

At some point in time, we need to take leave from school or office. But we get the leave only if we write the leaving application letter mentioning the reason behind it to the concerned person. It is really essential to submit a leave application in the office and leave application in school when you are planning to go out for few days with family or friends, or if your health is not well and the doctor has advised you to take rest. Informing the administration about your leave will have a good impression on them and moreover, they would be able to manage the work with the other available employees.

The same rule is applied to students as well. If they want sick leave or any other leave, they need to inform their class teacher or school principal of their absence in the school. This way they get the habit of behaving responsibly. And the school authorities will also be aware of their absence. Relieving Letter is issued to an employee by the employer at the time of leaving the organization.

Hence, here we are presenting the application letter formats for all types of leaves for office and schools. Read the complete article about the Application letter for Leave, Office leave application letter format from here.

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Types of Leave Application (लीव एप्लीकेशन)

There are various types of Leave Application in English based on the reasons behind taking leave. Some of the reasons are:

  • To attend Marriage
  • Visiting out of the station
  • Health-related issues
  • Death in the family

So based on these reasons the application leave we write for leave here is:

  • Casual Leave Application
  • Leave Application for Marriage
  • Leave Application for Office
  • Leave Application for College
  • Medical Leave Application
  • Sick Leave Application
  • Maternity Leave Application
  • Leave Application for Fever
  • Leave Application To Boss
  • Half-Day Leave Application

Tips to How To Write an Leave Application for Leave Letter

  • Write the application in a polite manner that expresses the request of leave and sounds real.
  • Mention the purpose precisely for which you are appealing to leave.
  • The depth of the application should be maintained.
  • The application should be brief and to the point.
  • Cross-check with grammar mistakes or punctuation.
  • The application should state the relationship between the child and the sender of the letter.

How to Write Application for Leave in School (एप्लीकेशन फॉर लीव )

  • The subject of the application
  • Reason for Your leave
  • Number of leaves needed (particular dates)
  • Work plan during your absence
  • Contact information

Leave Application Sample

Addressing a leave application is the proper way for asking leave from work for a few days. Now, a lot of firms have digital leave application format, where an employee can apply for leave directly through the company portal. Taking a vacation without applying for it is an inappropriate way. It gives a bad impression and also taking leaves from next time could be not that easy. To make it easy for employees and students to write the leave application, we are presenting here the format for different reasons. You can use these formats as per your requirements or reasons behind taking leave.

Points to Remember Before Writing an Application for Leave in English

  • Greeting or addressing to the concerned person
  • Subject line
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of leaves required
  • Details of your work compensation
  • Name and Signature

Now let’s begin with writing the application letters.

Annual Leave Application Format

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr/Mrs (name of recipient),

I am writing this application to inform that I am taking my leave for a long period. Since my yearly allowance is left, hence I would like to avail of all my leaves.

I request you to kindly approve my leave for 20 days, as I will be going for a long vacation with my family and will stay out of the station these days. Therefore, I would like to take leave from (start date) till (end-date).

I have assigned my work to (name of the person) for the time period when I would not be available. Since we are working on the same team, so he/she knows the work very well. Most of the tasks I have already finished, only a little part is left to be carried out by him/her.

I am always available on my phone or emails if anything required.

I will be resuming my work since (date) and take care of the rest of the work.

Thanks for the consideration.

Yours Sincerely, (Name).

Annual Leave Application Format

Sick Leave Application for Office

Subject: Sick Leave Application format for Office

I am writing this application to inform you that I am suffering from severe viral disease and therefore, I want sick leave from work. I got this infection last night and I will not be capable to come to the office for at least [number of days]. As advised by my doctor, I should take rest and recover appropriately before continuing work. The report from the doctor is also attached for your reference.

Kindly grant me a leave for [number of days] days. I will be available on the phone in case of any emergency cases. Please reach me as per your comfort. For important matters, I have notified

[Name of the colleague] to take care of them to assure that all deadlines are met.

I believe you will understand and grant me leave for the mentioned period. I am waiting for your approval.

Yours Sincerely (Name)

Sick Leave Application for Office

Sick Leave Application Format for Parents of Child

Let us see a sample first to know the format of the leave application for the Teacher. This will assist you to write the leave application for the requisite purpose.

To, The Principal, (School Name), (Address).

Subject: Leave Application for Parents of Child

Dear (Sir/madam),

With due regard, I want to notify you that my child (name of the student) is a student of class (class name), of your school. Due to some wellness issues, my boy/girl is hospitalized and is recommended to be in a doctor’s monitoring for two days. My family members are taking care of him/her in hospital, right now and we are not in a state to send him/her to school.

Hence, I beg you to please understand our position and grant my child leave for (mention number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). I am inserting a medical document from the doctor for your reference. I ensure you that he/she will attend the school daily going forward.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely, (Name of the Parent) (Signature)

Sick Leave Application Format for Parents of Child

Sick Leave Application for Students

In the case of students, it is important to apply for leave to bypass any obstacles in their assessment process. When a student is unwell to attend school, he/she should write a sick leave application demanding leave from the principal of your school or your relevant class teacher. The application could be written by the student himself/herself or by his/her parents. If you are writing the application letter yourself,  use the format of application given below

To, The Principal, [Name of the school], [Address], [Date: XX-XX-XXXX].

Subject: Application for Sick leave

Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am not in a condition to come to the school since I am suffering from fever. I have been prescribed by our family doctor o take proper rest for at least [number of days] days. Hence, kindly grant me leave from (start date) to (end-date).  I shall be really grateful to you.

Yours obediently, [Your Name], [Class and section], [Roll No.].

Sick Leave Application for Students

Leave Application for Marriage to Office

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

This is to notify you I have a friend’s marriage on (date) for which my presence is required since he/she is a very good friend of mine. The wedding is going to be conducted at (name of the place). Since the place is far and I have to ve there for at least (number of days), thus it will take me (number of days) to start and end my journey.

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave for (number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). After your approval, I need to book my tickets as well.

Waiting for your response.

One Day Leave Application for School

If a student has any important work for one day at home because of which he/she cannot attend the school, then leave application is required. In this case, a casual leave application can be written requesting the principal of your school to leave. A format of leave letter is given here for your reference

The Principal, [Address of the school], [Present Date].

Subject: Leave application for one day

I am a student of [class and section], at your school. This is to inform you that, I have to visit my grandfather’s house due to some essential work along with my parents. Hence, I will not be able to come to school tomorrow. Kindly give me the leave for one day. I shall be really grateful to you.

Yours obediently, [Name of the Student], [Roll No].

Leave Application To School for Going Out of Station

Leave Letter for School , Sometimes, you need to visit out of the station for some new place to attend some family functions or for a family trip. Hence, it is necessary for them to notify the school principal or class teacher about their absenteeism in the class. Here is the format is given for such a case.

To, The Principal, [Name of the school], [Address].

[Date: XX-XX-XXXX],

Subject: Leave Application for going out of the station.

I beg to state that, I am a student of class [Your class and section] at your school. I have my cousin’s sister’s marriage in Delhi and all of my family members are going to attend it. Hence, I am also leaving with them and will not be able to attend school from [start date] to [end date]. I request you to cordially grant me leave for [number of days] days. After coming back I will try to finish the syllabus covered in my absence with the help of my teachers and fellow classmates. I shall be really grateful to you if you improve my leaves.

Leave Application By Teacher to School Principal

It is not mandatory that if you are a teacher then you are not believed to take leave from your work for a few days. If there is an urgent piece of work (family problems or health issues) and it requires you to take leave for some days from your teaching work at school then you can use the format given below to write a leave application to the principal for the approval of leave.

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address].

[Date: XX-XX-XXXX]

Subject: Leave application for [Mention Dates].

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to notify you that as my parents are growing old and are likely to fall sick very often. So, as their child, this is my absolute responsibility to take care of their wellness. I have to go to the clinic with my parents for their routine check-ups. Hence, I ask you to kindly grant me leave for [number of days].

I believe you would give your utmost consideration to my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Name], [Designation].

Email Format of Leave Application

Nowadays, the world is more inclined to technology. They use emails to convey the necessary information, which is also a speedy procedure. Though in some schools people still follow the classic style of writing a letter, you can view the format to address the application through email for any such situation.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: How to write a leave application

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs (Name of the recipient)

Dear Madam,

My son (name of student) is studying in Grade (class name and section), at your school and I am addressing this letter to notify you that my son will not be able to visit classes for (number of days, leave required) from tomorrow as him grandfather has been admitted to the hospital. Since we need to be present at the hospital and there is no one at home to look after him and send it to the school.

So, I cordially request you to give him leave for (number of days) days from (start date) to (end-date). I assure you that he will attend classes regularly from this date onward.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely, (Name of a Parent), (Name of the child and his/her grade).

Email Format of Leave Application

FAQ’s on Leave Application Format

Question 1. What is the application format for leave?

Answer: A leave application is a letter to the concerned authority to take a break from your routine visit to the school or office. The reason for taking leave could be illness, marriage, visiting out of the station, or any other personal reason.

Question 2. What are the necessary points to mention in a leave application?

Answer: The primary things to be mentioned in a leave application are:

  • Reason for your leave
  • Leave Period(Number of days)
  • Contact details

Question 3. How to Write a Leave Letter Application for Job?

  • Mention the application date
  • Address the concerned person with respect, like Dear Sir/Mam
  • Mention the reason to write the letter
  • Number of days for leave
  • Name and Employee ID
  • Contact Details
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  • Application & Letters

7+ Leave Application to Principal: Format for School, College

Leave Application or Letter to Principal by Student and Parents

Leave Application or Letter to Principal

A Leave Application to the Principal is a type of formal letter. That simply means it has some sets of rules and a way to write it. For beginners, writing an application to the principal seems a bit tough task. But if one knows the format or sample of an application or letter then it becomes possible to do this difficult task in a pinch.

How to Write a Leave Application to the Principal?

Follow the steps to write a leave application to the Principal.

  • Mention the date on which you are going to submit your application, not the date on which you are writing it.
  • Then mention your principal and school name with your school address.
  • Now, mention the subject line with minimal words and it should also be to the point.
  • Under the application body, write your name, class, and roll number. And also elaborate the reason for asking for leave.
  • Include the closing line with a positive note, so that the chance of getting your application accepted will increase.
  • We have provided some formats and samples on Letter to Principal for leave, just modify some basic information and then write it on your own.

Leave Application to Principal: Format

Date: __/ __/ ____

The Principal,

______________ (School Name)

______________ (School Address)

Subject: Application for One Day Leave

Respected Sir/Ma’am (Whichever is Applicable)

I am ______________ (Student Name) and I am one of your school student studying in Class ______ of Section _____ and having Roll No. ______ . With due respect, I would like to state that I will not be able attend the class on date ___________ (Leave Date) due to _________________ (mention Reason of Being Absent).

Therefore I request you to please grant me leave for a day. For this, I will always remain grateful to you.

Thanking You.

Your’s Obedient

______________ (Student Name)

______________ (Class and Section)

______________ (Roll No.)

Leave Application to Principal due to Fever: Sample

Date: 12/03/2023

SVM Public School,

Subject: Application for Leave due to Fever.

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am Akash Kumar, one of your school students studying in class 8 of section D and having roll no. 04. The purpose of writing this application is to say that, I am suffering from a fever since last night. As per the doctor’s advice, I had to take rest for at least 3 days. That’s why I will not be able to attend the class from 15/01/2023 to 17/01/2023 which includes today as well.

Kindly grant me leave for the specified date. For this kind of help, I will remain thankful to you.

Your Obedient

Akash Kumar

Roll No.: 04

5 Days Leave Application to Principal: Sample

Date: 23/04/2023

To, The Principal,

Kendriya Vidhyalaya -I

Subject: Application for Leave

I am Saurav Raj, one of your school students studying in class 10 and having roll no. 07 of section A. I would like to inform you that, I had to visit my hometown for some ritual work and for a family function. Since the ritual work means a lot to us that’s why my presence is also important. Due to this, I will unable to attend the class for the next 5 days, from date 22/01/2023 to 26/01/2023.

So, please grant me leave for 5 days, for this shall remain thankful to you.

Thanking You

Your’s Obediently

Class: VII-A

Roll No.: 07.

Leave Application to Principal for Sister Marriage

Date: 15/04/2023

Doon Public School,

Dehradoon, Uttrakhand.

Subject: Application for leave to attend Sister’s Marriage.

I am Saksham Sharma one of your students in class 10 of section A having roll no. 19. With due respect, I would like to inform you that my elder sister’s marriage ceremony is to be scheduled on 14th February 2023. Being a younger brother, my presence at the marriage ceremony is mandatory. And for that reason, I will unable to attend the class from 12th February 2023 to 15th February 2023. Therefore I request you to Please grant me leave so that I can also be a part of once in a lifetime moment.

Kindly grant me permission for the same and for this I shall remain grateful to you.

Saksham Sharma

Roll No.: 19.

Leave Application for Vacation to Principal: Sample

Date: 26/06/2023

Symbiosis Public School,

Subject: Application for Leave for Vacation.

I am Abhishek Kumar, one of your school students studying in class 10 of section A having roll no. 01. The purpose of writing this application is to state that like every year, this year also I am also going on a family vacation. Since this family vacation also includes visiting some historical places in India, which is beneficial for me. That’s, why I am asking you for 10 days, leave from 27th June 2023 to 5th July 2023.

Therefore grant me leave for 10 days so that I can enjoy and learn lots of things during this vacation. For this, I shall remain always grateful to you.

Your Obedient Student

Abhishek Kumar

Class: 10-A

Roll No.: 01

Leave Application to Principal by Parents: Format

_____________ (School Name)

_____________ (School Address)

I am _____________ (Parent/Guardian Name), ___________ (Relation with Student) of ____________ (Student Name) one of your students, studying in Class ____ or Section ____ having Roll No. ______. The purpose of writing this application is to state that, my ________ (Son/Daughter/Relation with Student) will remain absent from class for the next ___ Days(No. of Days) from Date ___________ to ___________. Due to ______________ (Reason of being Absent).

Therefore I request you to, Please consider this application and grant him/her leave. And for this, I and my _____ (Son/Daughter/Relation with Student) shall remain grateful to you.

Your Trustworthy

________________ (Parent/Guardian Name)

Student Name: ____

Class: ___________

Roll No. _________

Leave Application by Parents to Principal: Sample

St. Stephens School,

Subject: Application for Vacation Leave.

I am Varun Saxena and the father of one of your school students Mr. Amit Saxena studying in Class IV of Section A, having Roll No. 04. The purpose of writing this application is to state that like every year, this year also we are going for a vacation to Varanasi. Therefore I request you to grant 7 days of leave from 27/06/2023 to 03/06/2023 to my Son Mr. Amit Saxena.

Kindly consider this application and grant him leave for 7 days. And for this, I and my son will remain grateful to you.

Varun Saxena.

Student Name: Amit Saxena

Class: IV-A.

Final Words

We are hoping you got the answer related to the query you search on the Internet. Further, if you have any queries related to “Leave Application to Principal”, then feel free to ask the query in the comment section and also provide us feedback related to the article.

Q: What is the format of the letter to the principal?

Ans: The format for writing a letter or application to the principal is provided in the article, we have also included some samples so that you can easily write an application to the principal.

Q: How do I write a sick leave application?

Ans: First you have to decide to whom you want to write a sick leave application. If you are a student then probably you will write your sick leave application either to your principal or to the class teacher. And, if you are an employee then you will write your application to your Boss or Manager. Now follow the format or samples we have shared with you in this article and by modifying some basic information, you can easily write a sick leave application.

The Article written by the indoGeeks Team is well researched from different sources. Do let us know any typo or other kind of error by commenting down below. It will help us to make this internet a good and error-free source of information for the community.

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Leave Application To Principal

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Table of Contents

Leave Application To Principal: A leave application to the principal is a formal request that students or parents submit to their school’s head. It’s a way to seek permission for students to be absent from school due to various reasons, such as illness, family events, or personal matters. In this blog, we’ll explain what a leave application is, how to write one to the principal and provide sample formats to make the process easier.

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What is a Leave Application?

A leave application is a written request sent to an authority figure, in this case, the school principal, asking for permission to be absent from school for a specific period. It’s a formal way to inform the school about the reason for the absence and to seek approval.

How to Write an Application to the Principal for Leave?

Writing a leave application to the principal involves a few key steps:

Step 1: Header Information

  • Include your name and contact details at the top of the application.

Step 2: Date

  • Mention the date when you’re writing the application.

Step 3: Recipient and Salutation

  • Address the application to the school principal.
  • Use a respectful salutation like “Respected Sir/Madam.”

Step 4: Subject Line

  • Write a clear subject line indicating the purpose of your letter, e.g., “Leave Application for [Your Name].”

Step 5: Body of the Letter In the main part of your leave application, provide the following details:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly explain why you need to take leave. Be specific and concise, whether it’s due to illness, a family event, personal reasons, or other valid circumstances.
  • Duration: Mention the exact dates for which you are requesting leave, including both the start date and the expected date of your return.
  • Supporting Documents (if applicable): If your leave is due to illness or another specific reason that requires documentation (e.g., a medical certificate), mention that you are attaching the necessary documents.
  • Plan for Catching Up on Missed Work: If applicable, briefly describe how you plan to manage your schoolwork or responsibilities during your absence. This shows responsibility and helps the school plan accordingly.

Step 6: Closing

  • Express your gratitude for considering your request and close the letter politely. Common closings include “Yours sincerely,” “Thank you,” or “Best regards.”

Step 7: Signature

  • Sign the letter after printing it. For digital applications, you can use a digital signature.

Leave Application Format

Sample Leave Application Formats to Principal

Here are two sample leave application formats to the principal:

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Sample Leave Application To School Principal

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for the period [Start Date] to [Expected Return Date]. The reason for my leave is [briefly explain the reason for your leave, e.g., family wedding, illness, personal reasons, etc.].

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school, and I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed lessons and assignments during my absence. I will also coordinate with my classmates to ensure minimal disruption to the learning process.

If required, I am attaching the relevant documents to support my leave application. I kindly request your understanding and approval for my leave during this period.

Thank you for considering my request. I will be grateful for your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Also check: Application for 3 Days Leave to Principal

Sample Leave Application To College Principal

I am writing to formally request the issuance of my Leaving Certificate from [Name of Your College]. I have recently completed my [Course Name] and am now seeking this certificate for further educational and professional purposes.

I would like to state that I have successfully fulfilled all academic requirements for my course, including clearing my final exams and completing all assignments and projects. I have returned all library books and equipment and have settled any outstanding dues as per the college’s policies.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the quality education and experiences I have gained during my time at [Name of Your College]. The knowledge and skills acquired here will undoubtedly be valuable assets in my future endeavors.

I assure you of my responsibility in returning any college property and fulfilling any final administrative requirements as instructed by the college.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter and the issuance of my Leaving Certificate. Your assistance in this regard will greatly facilitate my transition to the next phase of my educational and professional journey.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

These sample formats can serve as templates for writing your leave application to the principal, whether you’re a student in school or college. Be sure to adapt the content as per your specific circumstances and institution’s requirements.

By following the provided steps and using the sample formats, you can create a well-structured and polite leave application that is more likely to be approved by your school or college principal.

Also check: Leave Application for Family Function

Leave Application To Principal FAQs

How do i write an application to leave principal.

To write an application of leave to the principal, start with a formal header, state your reason for leaving, specify the duration, and express gratitude. Sign and date the application.

How do I write a leave application for a fever to the principal?

Begin with a formal header, mention your fever as the reason for leave, specify the leave dates, and assure your commitment to catching up on missed schoolwork.

How do I write a one day leave application?

Keep it concise: Mention your name, class, reason for a one-day leave, date, and a polite closing.

What is an example of a leave application?

An example of a leave application includes your name, reason for leave, leave dates, and a closing expressing appreciation.

Write a leave application to the principal for fever.

Address the principal respectfully, explain the fever as the reason for leave, mention dates, and express commitment to making up for missed studies.

Write a leave application to the principal from students.

Begin with a formal header, state the collective reason for leave on behalf of the students, specify dates, and express appreciation for understanding.

Write a sick leave application to the principal.

Include your name, class, the reason (sickness), leave dates, and assurance to catch up on studies in a polite manner.

Write a two days leave application to the principal.

Format it formally with your name, class, specify a two-day leave, state the reason briefly, and express gratitude for consideration.

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Application Format

[10+] Leave Application For College

Leave Application For College : Many times college or university students have to take leave due to illness, urgent work, worship at home, out of city etc.

Keeping this in mind, we have written various types of applications for college students so that they can apply for leave by writing the application as soon as possible.

application letter to college principal for leave

Table of Contents

Leave Application For College in English

To The Principal Diwakar College Pilani

3rd October 2022

Sub- Application for leave.

I am Shivani Sharma, studying in B. Sc. 2nd year with Roll number- 38 in your institute. I could not attend my college lectures on 4 October because I am going to attend an unavoidable family function.

Anyhow, I will have to attend this function and need leave on that day. Kindly grant me one day leave on 4th October considering my situation.

Thanking you

Yours truly Shivani Sharma B. Sc. 2nd year Roll number- 38

Leave Letter For College

To The Principal Piramal College Bagar

6th August 2022

Sub- Request for leave.

This is to inform you that I have been suffering from a severe fever since yesterday evening. I am feeling unwell due to which I am unable to attend my lectures. I also visited the doctor, he advised me to take proper bed rest for recovery.

Please grant me leave for two days (6 August & 7th August) so that I can take proper rest and recover myself. This will be a great help from you.

Yours obediently Aman Gupta BSc 2nd year Roll number- 17

Application For Leave In College For Personal Reason

To The Principal Jaipur College Jaipur

9th November 2022

Sub- Leave Request For Personal Reason.

With humble submission this is to state that I am Rahul Verma, student of B.Com. 1st year in your college. I am unable to attend the college lecture today because there is urgent work at my home. I’ll have to take leave because of this emergency situation.

I hope you will understand this. I am requesting you kindly approve of me for today considering my situation. I will always be grateful to you for this help.

Yours obediently Rahul Verma B. Com. 1st year Roll no.- 42

Application For Absent In College

To The Principal Rajkala College Sikar

1st November 2022

With deepest respect, this is to inform you about my absence from college on 31st October. Yesterday, suddenly my family made a plan to attend a Science Exhibition organized by the Indian Government. My entire family was going there so I had to join them.

I forgot to inform you about my leave yesterday. Kindly grant me leave for my absence on 31st October and give me permission to attend my regular lectures. I will always be thankful to you.

Yours faithfully Prerna Vyas Registration number- ***1090

Leave Letter For College Students

To The Principal Shri Ram College Jaipur

21st August 2022

Sub- Leave for two days.

With deepest respect, this is to inform you that I am Uma Joshi, I need leave for five days. I couldn’t attend the college because my family is going for a family vacation to Himachal Pradesh. My entire family and all my cousins are going to join this trip. So, I also want to be a part of this vacation.

I am assuring you that I will complete all my work just after returning from this vacation leave. I hope that you will grant me leave from 23rd to 28th August. This will be a great help from you.

Yours truly Uma Joshi B.A. 2nd year Roll number- 31

Application For Leave From College

To The Principal RadheyShyam College Sikar

29th August 2022

Sub- Leave Application for urgent piece of work.

Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am unable to attend the school tomorrow because of Ganpati Pooja. My family is going to organize a pooja at our home in which all my relatives and friends are invited. I will have to make all the arrangements for this event.

This is an unavoidable piece of work for me due to which I can’t attend the college tomorrow. Hope you will accept this request and grant me leave for tomorrow on 30th August.

Yours sincerely Ajay Shukla Engineering dept. Roll number- 19

Application For Leave Of Absence In College

To The Principal Gurukripa College Sikar

1st August 2022

Sub- Application for leave Of Absence.

With due regards, I want to inform you that I am Yashaswi Bhati, studying in your college. I was absent from college for the last two days. Unfortunately, I lost my grandfather two days ago, due to which I have to take leave.

This is a time of great sorrow for my entire family. So, I’ll be there with my family to support them. Kindly grant me leave for my absence from college and allow me to attend my lectures.

Yours obediently Yashaswi Bhati B.A. 2nd year Roll number- 31

Leave Letter In English For College Students

To The Principal Shridhar College Jhunjhunu

8th September 2022

Sir, Most respectfully, I submit that I have come down with food poisoning yesterday. My doctor prescribed me proper medication and some rest. Unfortunately I am unable to attend my college lectures.

Due to this illness I am requesting you to kindly grant me leave for two days on 8 and 9 September so that I can take proper medication. I will be highly obliged to you.

Yours truly Ankush Saxena B. A. 2nd year Roll number- 13

One Day Leave Application For College

To The Principal Infinix College Hyderabad

Sub- One Day leave.

I am writing this to inform you that I am Rakhi Jain, Commerce student in your reputed college. I need leave for today because last night my mother slipped from the stairs and broke her leg. I will have to take her to the doctor and provide her proper medication.

I need to stay with her at home as no one is there for her help. I hope you will understand this condition. Kindly grant me leave on 8th September due to this medical emergency. Thanks for your consideration.

Yours sincerely Rakhi Jain

How To Write Leave Application For College

To The Principal (Name of college) (Address)

Sub. – write here leave reason

With due regards, I want to notify you that I am (your name), studying in (mention about your batch) of your college. I need leave for three days because I will have to attend my sister’s marriage ceremony. I need to do all the preparation for her marriage and be a part of this ceremony.

This is a very important event for me so I have to take leave. Hope you will consider my problem. Kindly grant me leave from (starting date) to (last date) so that I can enjoy this ceremony.

Yours sincerely (Your name) (Your batch) (Your roll number)

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Leave Application for Fever to Principal – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

In schools, students need to submit a leave application when they miss classes due to illness like fever. This application letter is addressed to the Principal and should follow the proper format. It informs the Principal about the absence and asks for permission to miss classes.

This article explains how students should write a leave application for fever. It provides the correct format and structure to follow. Helpful samples are also given to make it easy to draft the application letter.

The samples cover different scenarios – short leave for 1-2 days or longer leave for a week. Students can use these samples as templates to prepare their own leave application for fever. Common mistakes to avoid are discussed to help write an application that is clear and polite.

The aim is to guide students on writing leave applications that are grammatically correct and respectful in tone. This will ensure good communication between students, parents and school authorities regarding academic responsibilities during periods of illness and absence.

  • 1 Leave Letter to Principal for Fever
  • 2 Application for Fever to Principal
  • 3 Leave Application to Principal for Fever
  • 4 Application to Principal for Leave Due to Fever
  • 5 Leave Application in English for Fever to Principal
  • 6 Application for Leave for Fever to Principal
  • 7.1 I. Components of a Proper Leave Application
  • 7.2 II. Structuring the Application Effectively
  • 8.1 What should I include in my leave application due to fever?
  • 8.2 How long can I request leave for due to fever?
  • 8.3 Do I need to submit a medical certificate along with the leave application?
  • 8.4 Can I email my leave application to the principal?
  • 8.5 What if my fever extends beyond the granted leave period?

Leave Letter to Principal for Fever

To [Principal’s Name], [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Zip Code].

Subject: Leave Letter to Principal for Fever

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever and my doctor has advised me to take rest for a week. Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. I have attached the medical certificate for your reference. I assure you that I will catch up on all the missed assignments promptly.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Class and Section] [Roll Number]

Leave Letter to Principal for Fever

Application for Fever to Principal

Subject: Application for Fever to Principal

I am unwell and suffering from fever. My doctor has advised me to take a week’s rest. I kindly request your permission to be on leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will ensure that I catch up on all the missed schoolwork during my absence.

Thank you for your consideration.

Application for Fever to Principal

Leave Application to Principal for Fever

Subject: Leave Application to Principal for Fever

I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever and my doctor has advised me to take rest for a week. I kindly request you to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will ensure to cover up all the missed lessons and assignments once I am back.

Leave Application to Principal for Fever

Application to Principal for Leave Due to Fever

Subject: Application to Principal for Leave Due to Fever

I am unwell and have been diagnosed with fever. My doctor has advised me to take rest for [number of days] days. I kindly request your permission to be on leave from [start date] to [end date]. I assure you that I will make up for the missed schoolwork promptly.

Application to Principal for Leave Due to Fever

Leave Application in English for Fever to Principal

Subject: Leave Application in English for Fever to Principal

I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever and my doctor has advised me to take rest for a week. I kindly request you to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will ensure to complete all the pending work once I am back.

Leave Application in English for Fever to Principal

Application for Leave for Fever to Principal

Subject: Application for Leave for Fever to Principal

I am unwell and suffering from fever. My doctor has recommended a week’s rest. I kindly request your permission to be on leave from [start date] to [end date]. I assure you that I will catch up on all the missed assignments and lessons.

Application for Leave for Fever to Principal

Leave Application for Fever to Principal: Crafting a Polished and Effective Request

When it comes to addressing unforeseen health issues, such as a fever, in the realm of education, it’s imperative to communicate the situation clearly and professionally. In the Indian educational landscape, crafting a leave application for fever to the principal is a common practice, yet it requires careful attention to detail and a respectful tone. In this guide, we will explore the essential components of a proper leave application and provide valuable insights into structuring the application effectively, ensuring your message is not only heard but also understood and respected.

I. Components of a Proper Leave Application

A. Date and Sender’s Details: Begin your application with the current date and your complete details, including your name, class, and roll number. This establishes a clear point of contact for the school authorities.

B. Recipient Details: Address the principal respectfully. If the principal’s name is known, use it. If not, a generic salutation like “Respected Principal” works well.

C. Salutation: Open your application with a polite greeting, demonstrating your respect for the principal and the institution.

D. Reason for Leave (Fever): Clearly state the reason for your absence, specifying that you are suffering from fever. Be concise and to the point while explaining your condition.

E. Duration of Leave: Indicate the period for which you will be absent due to the fever. This helps the school authorities plan accordingly and understand the duration of your absence.

F. Closing and Signature: Conclude your application with a courteous closing remark, such as “Yours sincerely,” followed by your signature. This adds a personal touch to your application.

G. Optional: Contact Information: Provide a contact number or an email address where you or your guardian can be reached in case the school needs further information.

II. Structuring the Application Effectively

A. Clarity and Conciseness: Keep your application clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details, ensuring the main information stands out.

B. Professional Language: Use formal and professional language throughout the application. This showcases your respect for the recipient and the institution.

C. Logical Flow: Organize your application logically, starting with your details, followed by the recipient’s details, the reason for leave, duration, and closing. A well-structured application is easier to read and comprehend.

D. Proofreading: Before submitting your application, carefully proofread it for grammatical and spelling errors. A polished application reflects your attention to detail.

E. Timely Submission: Submit your leave application well in advance, following the school’s guidelines on the submission process. Timely submissions demonstrate responsibility and consideration.

By understanding the vital components of a proper leave application and structuring it effectively, you not only convey your message clearly but also leave a lasting impression of professionalism. Whether you are a student or a parent drafting the application, adhering to these guidelines ensures that your communication with the school principal is respectful, precise, and impactful, ultimately leading to a smooth and well-managed absence due to fever.

What should I include in my leave application due to fever?

In your application, mention the reason for leave (fever), the duration of your leave, and any additional information if required. Attach a medical certificate if possible.

How long can I request leave for due to fever?

The duration of leave can vary based on your doctor’s recommendation. Typically, it ranges from a few days to a week, depending on the severity of the fever.

Do I need to submit a medical certificate along with the leave application?

While it’s not always mandatory, attaching a medical certificate adds authenticity to your request and can strengthen your case for leave due to illness like fever.

Can I email my leave application to the principal?

Yes, you can email your leave application to the principal. Make sure to follow the school’s guidelines regarding the submission of leave applications.

What if my fever extends beyond the granted leave period?

If your fever persists, it’s essential to inform the school immediately. You may need to visit the doctor again for a follow-up and request an extension of your leave, providing updated medical documentation if necessary.

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  • Application for Leave in School in Hindi – 3+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
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How to Write Leave Application for School for Different Reasons?

Crafting a clear and professional leave application is essential for students needing time away from school. This page provides straightforward instructions and practical samples to help you write an effective leave application. Learn how to format your letter, include details, and ensure your request is communicated clearly and respectfully. Whether you need leave for personal reasons, medical issues, or family commitments, these tips and examples will help you create a well-structured application that meets school requirements.


Some Useful Tips to Make Your Leave Application Effective


Format of Writing a Leave Letter for School

Follow the formal letter format for leave letters. Use professional and respectful language throughout.

Recipient’s Address : Start with the address of the person you are writing to.

Date : Include the date the letter is written.

Subject : Clearly state the purpose of the letter in the subject line.

Salutation : Use a polite and appropriate salutation.

Body : Mention the reason for the leave and the duration in a clear manner.

Tone : Maintain a neutral and straightforward tone.

Clarity : Be concise and avoid long, confusing sentences.

Proofreading : Check for spelling and grammatical errors before submission.

Attachments : Include any necessary documents, such as medical certificates if needed.

Here's a format for writing a leave letter for school which ensures clarity and covers all essential details:

(Your Name) (Your Address) (City, State, ZIP Code) (Email Address (if applicable)) (Date)

(Recipient's Name (usually the Principal or Teacher)) (School's Name) (School's Address) (City, State, ZIP Code)

Subject: Leave Application

Dear (Recipient's Name),

I am writing to request leave from school for (number of days) days, starting from (start date) to (end date). The reason for my leave is (briefly state the reason, e.g., a family function, medical treatment, personal reasons).

I have ensured that I will complete all my pending assignments and will catch up on any missed work during my absence. I will also make sure to get notes from my classmates to stay updated with the lessons covered during this period.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, (Your Name) (Class/Grade)

Sample Leave Applications for School

If you need to write a letter to the principal requesting leave, here's how to approach it. Keep your application concise and sincere, and include sufficient details to explain the reason for your absence. Review the sample leave applications provided below to understand the proper format for crafting a school leave request.

Leave Application 1 – School Leave Letter Format – Sick Leave

The Principal

DAV Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mysore – 570045

8th August 2024

Subject : Sick Leave Application

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to attend school. I have been diagnosed with flu and a severe cold and have been advised by my doctor to rest at home for 7 days. Therefore, I request sick leave from 8th August to 14th August.

I have attached a medical certificate from my doctor for your reference. I assure you that I will make up for any missed assignments and classwork as soon as I return. I will also reach out to my classmates for any notes and updates.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Yours sincerely, Vineet Class VIII

Leave Application 2 – Leave Letter to Principal – To Participate in the National Level Literary Competition

High Angels Public School

Bangalore – 560102

25th August, 2020

Subject : Leave application participating in the National Level Literary Competition

Respected Ma’am,

I am Saksham Arora, a student of Class X C. I have won first place in the Elocution competition and have been selected for the next level of competitions that will be held in Coimbatore. The National Level Competition will be held from the 3rd to the 7th of August. I will have to report to the venue at 9 am on August 3rd.

I request you to kindly grant me leave for a week (2.08.2024 – 8.08.2024). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Leave Application 3 – Letter to Principal for Leave – Going Out of Station

Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore – 641056

Subject: Application for Leave to Go Out of Station

Dear Mrs. Preet,

I am writing to request leave from school as I will be out of the station with my family. We are planning to visit Goa from the 14th of August to the 19th of August fora family vacation.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for these days. I will ensure to catch up on all missed assignments and classwork upon my return. I will also coordinate with my teachers to keep up with any important lessons covered during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, Gargi Class IX E

Takeaways from This Page

Leave applications are formal requests to be absent from school or work for specific reasons and must be presented in a structured and professional manner.

A complete leave application includes your address, the date, recipient’s address, subject line, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and your signature.

Always include the reason for your leave, the exact dates, and any relevant documentation, such as a medical certificate if applicable.

Use formal language and a respectful tone throughout the application to ensure professionalism.

Submit your leave application as early as possible to allow adequate time for approval and any necessary adjustments.

Exercises for Students to Try

Exercise 1: personal leave application.

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave for personal reasons.

Details to include:

Your name and class

Dates of leave

Reason for leave (personal)

Request for approval

Exercise 2: Medical Leave Application

Instructions: Draft a leave application to your school principal for medical reasons.

Medical reason

Mention of a medical certificate if applicable

Exercise 3: Leave for Family Function

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave to attend a family function.

Reason for leave (family function)

Exercise 4: Leave for a School Trip

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal to request leave for a school trip organized by another institution.

Reason for leave (school trip)

Exercise 5: Leave for Exam Preparation

Instructions: Write a leave application to your school principal requesting leave for exam preparation.

Reason for leave (exam preparation)

Ideas for the Exercises:

Exercise 1:.

Dear Principal (Principal’s Name),

(School Name and Address)

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) due to personal reasons. I would appreciate your approval for this leave.

Thank you for your understanding.

(Your Name)

Exercise 2:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to inform you that I will need to take leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) due to medical reasons. I have attached a medical certificate for your reference.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Exercise 3:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I would like to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to attend a family function. I hope you will grant me this leave.

Yours sincerely,

Exercise 4:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am writing to request leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to participate in a school trip organized by (Name of Organizing Institution). I would be grateful if you could approve my leave for this purpose.

Thank you for considering my request.

Exercise 5:

I am (Your Name) from class (Your Class). I am requesting leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) to prepare for my upcoming exams. Your approval would greatly assist me in my preparation.


FAQs on Leave Application for School: Format with Samples

1. What is a leave application?

A leave application is a formal letter or email requesting permission to be absent from school or work for a specific period due to various reasons like personal, medical, or family matters.

2. What should be included in a leave application?

A leave application should include your name, position or class, the dates of your requested leave, the reason for your leave, and a polite request for approval.

3. How should I address a leave application?

Address your leave application to the appropriate authority, such as your school principal, HR manager, or immediate supervisor, using their formal title.

4. What is the proper format for a leave application?

The format should include your address, date, the recipient's address, subject line, salutation, body of the letter, closing, and your signature.

5. How do I request sick leave application for school?

For medical leave, mention the reason for your absence and include details such as the dates you will be away. Attach a medical certificate if required.

6. Can I request leave for a family function?

How far in advance should I submit a leave application? It is best to submit your leave application as early as possible to allow sufficient time for approval and any necessary adjustments.

7. What if I need to take emergency leave?

Is it necessary to provide a reason for my leave? Providing a reason for your leave helps the recipient understand the purpose and urgency of your request, which can facilitate approval.

8. How do I follow up on my leave application?

If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time, follow up with a polite reminder to ensure your application has been reviewed.

9. Can I cancel or modify my leave request?

Yes, if you need to cancel or modify your leave request, inform the recipient as soon as possible and provide details about the changes.

10. What should I do if my leave application is denied?

If your leave application is denied, discuss the reason with your authority and see if alternative arrangements or dates can be considered.

11. How should I conclude a leave application?

Conclude your leave application with a polite thank you and a request for approval. Use a formal closing such as "Sincerely" or "Yours faithfully."

12. Can I apply for leave via email?

Yes, leave applications can be submitted via email. Ensure that you follow the same formal structure as a written letter and include a clear subject line.

13. What is the difference between a sick leave application for school and a leave request?

A leave application is a formal document submitted to request time off, while a leave request is a more informal or preliminary expression of intent to take leave.


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Sick Leave Application For Office (with Format & Samples)

Sick Leave Application For Office

When sickness gets in the way, it is essential to take sick leave.  But to take a leave from work due to an illness, you must write an application to inform your employer about your absence. You should also be familiar with the company’s sick leave policy, such as how many days of sick leave you are entitled to, how much notice you need to give before taking sick leave, and what kind of proof of illness is required. 

To help ease the process of applying for sick leave, we have written this blog on the application for sick leave. We will explore sample applications for different scenarios and essential things to include in your letter for sick leave.

Table of Contents

Key Elements to Include in a Sick Leave Application

A sick leave application is a letter written to inform your employer that you will be unable to work for a day or a certain period due to an illness or injury. It demonstrates your professionalism and allows the employer to assign your work to other employees for the smooth functioning of operations.

  • Reason for Your Absence- It is important to state the reason for taking sick leave. This gives your employer an idea of how long it will take you to recover and rejoin. 
  • Duration of Absence- Let your employer know how many sick days you will take to recover. This allows them to reorganize the team’s workload. Further, if you are absent from work for more than a day, let your manager know who will be acting as your backup.
  • Doctor’s Prescription – The HR department might need your medical records to approve your application for sick leave in case of a long period of absence. So, it’s a good practice to include important documents   
  • Provide Your Availability- Mention in your sick leave letter if you are open to responding to calls or emails occasionally or in cases of urgency at work. If your health does not permit you to do so at all, mention that as well.

Writing an application is part of professionalism and effective communication. You can improve your communication skills by taking a business communication skills course .

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How to Write a Sick Leave Letter?

Here is the basic sick leave application format from beginning to end:

1. Recipient’s Address

Start the application with the address of the recipient as follows-

[Recipient’s Name] [Company/College/University Name] [Company/College/University Address]

This will be followed by the subject line and then, a greeting .

2. Subject Line

The subject line of your leave application states what the letter is going to be about. If you send a sick application by email, then write the subject in the email’s subject line box. Here are two examples:

  • Leave Application Because of Flu
  • Sick Leave Letter For Taking 10 Days Off for Sudden Diagnosis of Illness

3. Greeting

Begin by addressing the concerned person with a greeting. The greeting format differs from a hard copy letter to a soft copy letter in an email.

If you are writing a letter on paper, use a standard letter format as follows –

Dear [recipient’s name] or Hello [recipient’s name].

This is the most important part of your application. The initial two sentences of the first paragraph of the body have to be clear. You should provide a specific reason for applying for sick leave and state the cause and expected days off.

Next, list the top priorities of work pending on your behalf and their current status. Also, name the person who will handle tasks when you are unavailable. If possible, mention your availability for urgent business calls. Provide a doctor’s note specifying missed work dates if necessary. Here’s how you can phrase the body of the letter:

This is to inform you that I have a migraine and I will not be able to come to work for the next three days.

I have informed Mr.X regarding the work that has to be done on an urgent basis, and i might be able to respond to calls or emails if my health permits or if my attention is needed on an urgent basis.

I request that you kindly accept my request for sick leave for the aforesaid period.

5. Express Gratitude

If you are informing your manager on short notice, thank your employer for their understanding and offer your apologies. For instance,

  • I appreciate your support
  • I thank you for understanding my situation
  • I apologize for the inconvenience caused on such short notice and thank you for your understanding.

6. Closing with Signature or Name

End the application formally with-

Yours sincerely,

You can also use other complimentary notes such as “Best Wishes”, “With Regards”, or “Yours Truly.”

7. Attach a Supporting Medical Document

Whether or not a doctor’s note stating your illness’ cause is required will depend on your company’s leave policy. Include it if required.

To know how to write a general leave application, check out the leave application for office format and samples.

Sample Email to Apply for Sick Leaves

Sick leave emails are more commonly used than sick leave letters. In this section, you will learn how to write sick leave applications via email for various reasons and situations. These samples are references for you to use when writing an application.

Sick Leave Application for Office for One Day – Sample 1

In case a situation occurs when you get up in the morning and feel sick, here’s a sample application for a one-day sick leave.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Application for Sick Leave for One-Day

I am requesting a sick leave today because I am not feeling well. I developed a fever last night. I think it would be better for me to take a day off to properly rest and recover.

I have informed Ms.X that she will take over my duties today. However, I want to make it known that I am available for urgent calls or emails. 

Kindly allow me to take a day off from work. I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused on such short notice.

Yours sincerely,

Jaundice Leave Application for Office – Sample 2

You require a long period of recuperation when you are sick with a chronic problem. Learn how to write an application for the same with the help of the following illness leave application:

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Application for Chronic Medical Issue


I am writing to notify you that I will need to take sick leave from to due to jaundice. The doctor has advised that I take 15 days of rest to recover. 

I have spoken with Mr. Z about the important duties that must be completed and am confident that he will be able to handle any other remaining work during my time away. I will not be able to respond to any emails or calls on the advice of my doctor who believes that I require complete rest. I request your understanding with the same. 

I am hoping to return to work at the earliest. I kindly request you to grant me sick leave for the aforesaid period. If I will require an extension of sick leave, I will inform you in advance. I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I will try my best to make up for any lost time. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to returning to work soon.

With Regards,

Sick Leave Application Due to Injury – Sample 3

In unfortunate circumstances, if you get an injury and want to take considerable rest, follow this sample for reference when drafting a leave application for medical reasons.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request Due to Injury


I am writing to inform you that I am on sick leave due to an injury and fracture of my leg caused by an accident. The fracture requires at least 21 days of bed rest to heal. I expect to be on leave from to .

Due to a mobility issue caused by the fracture, I will take time to return to the office. However, if there is an opportunity to work from home, I will communicate my availability after two weeks.

I will contact to inform him of project-related work to be completed during my absence. I will check emails regularly and make every effort to respond as needed.

I request that you approve my request for sick leave for the above period. I enclose my doctor’s prescription for approval of my application.

I thank you for your support.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Letter for Fever – Sample 4

When you have a viral fever and cannot go to work, you will have to take time off to rest. Here is a sample application for a leave of absence due to fever. 

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request
Dear ,

I am writing the application to request sick leave from [date] to [date] as I am suffering from viral fever. The doctor has advised me to rest for four days to recover completely.

Therefore, I have contacted [name] to inform them about my pending tasks. They have agreed to take over until my return. If you have any work-related questions, you can contact me at [phone number]. 

I request you to approve my sick leave application. Please find my doctor’s prescription attached to this application.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Application to Care for an Injured Family Member – Sample 5

Here is a sample sick leave letter to use when you have to take care of an injured family member and are unable to come to work.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request to Care for an Injured Family Member

Dear ,

I am writing to inform you that my younger brother fell and injured his knee while playing basketball at school. He needs some time and care to get better. Therefore, I request you to grant me sick leave from to .

The doctor has advised him to complete bed rest for fifteen days. My parents are currently out of town, which is why I have to look after my brother.

I will complete my pending work from home during this time. My co-workers have agreed to help me with some work responsibilities to ensure we do not fall behind our targets. I will be available at for work-related queries.

Kindly approve my sick leave application. I have attached all necessary medical documents with this application.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Application for Anxiety and Stress – Sample 6

Here is a sample sick leave application for the office in case you take a day off when you are suffering from anxiety and stress.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Application Due to Anxiety and Stress

Dear ,

I am writing to notify you that I will need to take sick leave from to due to mental health issues. I have been experiencing anxiety and stress for a couple of days now, and my doctor has advised me to take ten days off work to focus on my mental well-being. 

I have spoken with about my pending work. They have agreed to handle it during my absence. Since the doctor has given instructions to spend my time off in a calm environment, I would be unable to take calls or reply to emails.

Kindly grant me the sick leave. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and will return positively on . Please find my medical documents attached to the application. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. 

With Regards,

Tips to Write a Sick Leave Application for the Office

It is important to provide honest information in the sick leave application while remaining professional. Here are some of the tips to follow to write an application for medical leave in the office: 

  • Mention the Reason: State the reason for your leave, whether it is for personal illness or taking care of a sick family member.
  • Specify the Leave Dates: Mention the specific dates you will be absent and the expected date of return.
  • Provide the Doctor’s Prescription: If possible, provide a doctor’s note or any other supporting documents if you have to take sick leave for a long duration. 
  • Share Necessary Work Details: Leave of absence for any reason may hamper the workflow. You should offer to complete any urgent tasks if you can manage them or delegate them to a colleague. You can also express your willingness to make up for any missed work or attend meetings remotely, if possible.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Keep the tone of the application professional and polite. Remember to thank your employer for their understanding and support.

You may be required to take sick leave on an urgent basis or for a long period, so you must send a well-written and apt application for sick leave. Use a formal tone of writing, and mention the reason and period of leave clearly and concisely. Include any relevant information related to your work so that your supervisor can take care of it.

Also, learn how to write a half-day leave application , in case you only want half a day’s leave due to sickness.

A sick leave format includes the recipient’s address, subject line, duration of leave, the reason for leave, status of pending work, return date, signature, and your name.

Sick leave application allows you to take time off work and focus on recovery from your illness or injury. It showcases that you are responsible as an employee. The application is important for the employer because they can manage and reassign your work accordingly until your return to the office.

Here is how you can write sick leave for two days, “ Dear [Manager’s Name] , I am writing to request a two-day sick leave from [date] because I am not feeling well due to a high fever and am unable to work. I have requested [Colleague’s Name] to help with my pending work in my absence. I will return to work on [date] . Kindly, grant me the leave. Thank you for your understanding.”

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a sick leave application for the office are not proofreading the application, using a casual tone, sending the application late, and not including the relevant documents.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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Doctor rape-murder case: HC asks Kolkata hospital's ex-principal to go on leave, slams his reappointment

The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday questioned the reappointment of Sandip Ghosh to CNMC following his resignation as the principal of RG Kar College and Hospital following the alleged rape and murder of a woman doctor at the state-run facility.

The HC also directed the West Bengal government to produce before it at 1 pm the case diary of the investigation.

Notably, Ghosh resigned from his post on Monday morning but was reinstated as principal of Calcutta National Medical College (CNMC) and Hospital within hours.

A bench led by Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam questioned how a principal who resigned on moral grounds could be appointed to another government college.

The court has instructed him to submit a leave application by 3 pm today, or it will issue an order for his removal from the position.

Justice Sivagnanam also observed that "something is missing" in the probe, and asked whether Sandip Ghosh's statement was recorded, to which the state lawyer answered in the negative.

Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharyya, asked his counsel to produce both the resignation letter and the subsequent appointment letter when the matter will be taken up for hearing at 1 pm.

The parents of the postgraduate trainee had moved the HC, seeking a court-monitored investigation in the case. A number of other PILs were also filed that sought a CBI probe into it.

Notably, the body of the woman postgraduate trainee, who was allegedly raped and murdered inside a seminar hall of the RG Kar hospital, was found on Friday morning. A civic volunteer was arrested in this connection on Saturday.

Meanwhile, protesting junior doctors, interns, and house staffers expressed their reservations against Ghosh being moved to the CNMC and locked the doors of the chamber on Monday night.

"We will not allow a person like Sandip Ghosh to take charge of CNMC. We are not feeling secure about this posting. We will not allow him to enter CNMC," one of the agitating junior doctors said.

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The Calcutta High Court hearing pleas in connection with the Kolkata trainee doctor rape and murder case came down heavily on the state government and principal of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on Tuesday. The court verbally directed that the principal should go on “long leave, he should not function”.

Hearing the case, a division bench presided by Chief Justice T.S. Sivagnanam made scathing observations on the manner the state police handled the probe. The Court directed the state government to produce the case diary in the afternoon. Hearing the plea of the victim’s parents seeking court-monitored investigation, the Court asked why hasn’t the police recorded the principal’s statement yet. “By now a statement should have been recorded from the principal,” Live Law reported quoting the bench. 

“If the principal has stepped down owing moral responsibility, rather serious that he is rewarded within 12 hours with another appointment. There is an apprehension that with lost time there is something that will go wrong,” the bench observed. The bench directed the state government to produce the resignation letter tendered by the principal. “The principal will not function. Let him go on long leave. Otherwise, we will pass an order,” the Court said. 

Dr Sandip Ghosh, Principal of the hospital resigned on Monday and said he is being unnecessarily targeted on social media. He said he is resigning as “a parent”. “I am getting defamed on social media. The deceased doctor was like my daughter. As a parent, I resign,” he told ANI on Monday.

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  1. (11+ Samples) Leave Application to Principal

    The Principal, [School Name], [Address], Subject: Leave Application to Principal by Teacher. Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. This absence is due to [reason for leave]. I have made arrangements with [teacher's name] to cover my classes during my absence.

  2. (9 Samples) Leave Application for College

    1 Medical Leave Application for College. 2 Leave Application for College for Personal Reason. 3 Sick Leave Application for College. 4 Half Day Leave Application for College. 5 One Day Leave Application for College. 6 Leave Application for College Due to Family Function. 7 Leave Application for College Due to Fever.

  3. 10 Samples Of Leave Application To Principal

    leave application for marriage. for illness. for going outstation. for personal reason. sick leave application. for family holidays. leave application for school due to fever by parents. As is said earlier you have to explain to them in brief about why you want to take leave, just mentioning the reason is not enough.

  4. Application to Principal for 3 Days Leave (with Samples & PDFs)

    To, Subject: Application for 3 Days Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], a student of [Your Class and Section], write this application to kindly request you to grant me leave for three days, i.e., from [Start Date] to [End Date]. The reason for this leave application is that my family has planned an important family function at our ...

  5. Application To Principal

    Application To Principal: Application to principal format for school and college students and their parents/guardians is available here. Students of the school write a principal application letter to their principal or headmaster to get leave for a short period of time. At some point in time, we need to take leave from school or college.

  6. How To Write Application To Principal For Leave

    Sample 1: Leave For Going Out Of Station. [Your Name] [Your Class] [Date] Respected Principal, I am writing this application to request a leave of absence from school for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] to [end date] as I will be going out of station with my family during this period. I have completed all my assignments and ...

  7. Principal Application For Leave: Guidelines, Formats, and Sample Letters

    Applying for school leave involves writing a formal letter or application addressed to your school principal. In the letter, mention the reason for your leave, the dates you'll be absent, and your contact information. ... When writing a leave application to the college principal, use a formal format. Include your details, the principal's name ...

  8. Leave Letter to Principal (Format & Sample Applications)

    Here is a sample leave letter based on the above format. It demonstrates how a teacher can use the format to write a request for a leave of absence. Adrian Connelly. 2048 South Zuniga. Bakersfield, OK 89658. April 16, 2022. Mrs. Jane Ellory. Principal, Bakersfield High School.

  9. Letter to Principal

    Writing a Formal Letter to School Principal - Format and Points to Remember. Sample Letters to Principal. Request Letter to Principal for an On Duty Application of Two Days. Write a Letter to Your Principal Seeking Permission to Attend a Family Function. Write a Letter to the Principal of Your School Requesting Leave for a Week to Take Care ...

  10. How to Write an Application to the Principal: Sample Letters & Templates

    Step-by-step Guide on How to Write the Application - Format to Follow. Opening Statement and Introduction. Start the application by addressing the principal respectfully and introducing yourself (mandatory in case of a leave letter to principal). For example, "Respected Principal, I am writing this application to request a leave.".

  11. How to Write an Application to the Principal

    The format of the application means the structure that is to be followed when drafting an application to the Principal. Below is the standard format for writing an application to the Principal: Receiver's Address. [Mention the person being addressed, i.e. 'The Principal' and then the school's address.] Date.

  12. One Week Leave Application for College (with Samples & PDFs)

    To, The Principal, [College Name], [College Address], [City Name], [State Name], [Pin Code] Subject: Application for One Week Medical Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], am a student of [Your Department Name] in the [Your Year, e.g., 2nd Year]. I am writing this letter to formally request a leave of absence for a week due to ...

  13. Write the Perfect Application for 3 Days Leave [with ...

    Learn the art of writing a compelling leave application for 3 days, including tips and examples for different situations such as fever, office, school, and more. ... Address the principal respectfully: Begin your letter with a respectful salutation addressed to the principal. ... She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid ...

  14. Principal Two Days Leave Application (with Samples & PDFs)

    The Principal. [School Name] [School Address] [City Name] [Date] Subject: Application for Two Days Leave for Visiting Native Place. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], a student of class [Your Class] section [Your Section], am writing this letter to respectfully request a leave of absence from school for two days, on [Date 1] and [Date 2].

  15. Leave Letter to the Principal: Format and Samples

    The closing line should clearly mention the action desired from the receiver of the letter. Must Read: 15 Days Leave Application: Format and Samples. Format of Leave Letter to the Principal. As mentioned earlier, the format of the leave letter to the principal takes special notice when the authority looks at the letter peripherally at first glance.

  16. Leave Application For College

    20/07/2022. Leave Application for college is required when you have decided to take a break from the college. A leave application is basically a formal way of asking for a break from college for a specific time period because of various reasons. Students follow the college or college rules to write the formal leave application letter or email.

  17. Leave Application Samples (For Office)

    Leave Application Letter for School & College. Every leave application needs to have a few components to it that cannot be skipped or ignored. We have put that checklist for you below along with an example. Reason for Leave. I require leave due to [explain briefly why you need leave - family emergency, medical treatment, personal reasons, etc.].

  18. Application Leave Format for School, College and Office In English

    Leave Application Format: Leave application format for school and college students and their parents/guardians, office employees are available here. Students of the school write an application for leave letter to their principal or headmaster to get leave for a short period of time.

  19. 7+ Leave Application to Principal: Format for School, College

    A Leave Application to the Principal is a type of formal letter. That simply means it has some sets of rules and a way to write it. For beginners, writing an application to the principal seems a bit tough task. But if one knows the format or sample of an application or letter then it becomes possible to do this difficult task in a pinch.

  20. Leave Application To Principal

    Step 2: Date. Mention the date when you're writing the application. Step 3: Recipient and Salutation. Address the application to the school principal. Use a respectful salutation like "Respected Sir/Madam.". Step 4: Subject Line. Write a clear subject line indicating the purpose of your letter, e.g., "Leave Application for [Your Name].".

  21. Leave Application To College Principal

    Request Letter for Leave To College Principal - Sample Leave Letter Format.In this video, you will find sample Leave Application To College Principal.To read...

  22. [10+] Leave Application For College

    Leave Application For College in English. To The Principal Diwakar College Pilani. 3rd October 2022. Sub- Application for leave. Sir, I am Shivani Sharma, studying in B. Sc. 2nd year with Roll number- 38 in your institute. I could not attend my college lectures on 4 October because I am going to attend an unavoidable family function.

  23. (5+ Samples) Leave Application for Fever to Principal

    I. Components of a Proper Leave Application. A. Date and Sender's Details: Begin your application with the current date and your complete details, including your name, class, and roll number. This establishes a clear point of contact for the school authorities. B. Recipient Details: Address the principal respectfully.

  24. Leave Application for School: Format with Samples

    Leave Application 3 - Letter to Principal for Leave - Going Out of Station. The Principal. Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School. Coimbatore - 641056. 8th August 2024. Subject: Application for Leave to Go Out of Station. Dear Mrs. Preet, I am writing to request leave from school as I will be out of the station with my family.

  25. Application For Sick Leave [For Office]: Format & Samples

    The subject line of your leave application states what the letter is going to be about. If you send a sick application by email, then write the subject in the email's subject line box. Here are two examples: Leave Application Because of Flu; Sick Leave Letter For Taking 10 Days Off for Sudden Diagnosis of Illness; 3. Greeting

  26. Doctor rape-murder case: HC asks Kolkata hospital's ex-principal to go

    Doctor rape-murder case: HC asks Kolkata hospital's ex-principal to go on leave, slams his reappointment The court has instructed him to submit a leave application by 3 pm today, or it will issue ...

  27. Kolkata doctor rape-murder: HC tells RG Kar college former principal to

    The bench directed the state government to produce the resignation letter tendered by the principal. "The principal will not function. Let him go on long leave. Otherwise, we will pass an order," the Court said. Dr Sandip Ghosh, Principal of the hospital resigned on Monday and said he is being unnecessarily targeted on social media.