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خدا تمام جہانوں کا خالق, مالک اور معبود ہے. اس نے انسان کو اس دنیا میں اپنا خلیفہ اور نائب بنا کر بھیجا ہے اور اسے اتنی فہم وذکا سے نوازا کہ وہ اپنے روزمرہ ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لیے مختلف ایجادات کرسکے. قرآن پاک میں کائنات کو مسخر کرنے اور اس پر تدبر و تفکر کرنے پر زور دیا گیا ہے۔اب تک ترقی کے جو آسمان فتح کئے ہیں، سب سائنس کا کرشمہ ہے۔

سیاروں پر کمندیں

خدا نے انسان کو اشرف المخلوقات بنایا ہے۔انسان کو اللہ تعالی نے لاتعداد ذہنی خوبیاں بخشی ہیں۔انسان نے اپنی ذہنی خوبیوں اور صلاحیتوں کو بروئے کار لاتے ہوئے چھوٹی بڑی ایجادات کے ذریعے اس دنیا کو طلسماتی دنیا میں بدل دیا ہے۔پرانے زمانے کا انسان دوبارہ اس دنیا میں آ کر دیکھ لیں کہ انسان ہواؤں میں اڑ رہا ہے، سمندروں کا سینہ چاک کر رہا ہے اور زمین سے معدنیات کے خزینے نکال رہا ہے تو تھوڑی دیر اس کی عقل ماؤف ہو جائے گی ہو جائے گی۔انسان چاند کو تسخیر کرچکا ہے، اب وہ مریخ اور دیگر سیاروں تک پہنچنے کا آرزو مند ہے۔

ریل گاڑی اور کار

قدیم زمانے میں انسان کا ایک مقام سے دوسرے مقام تک پہنچنا مشکل تھا۔کو کاف کے سفر یعنی سمندروں اور پہاڑوں کو عبور کرنے کا ذکر شہزادوں کی کہانیوں ہی میں ملتا تھا۔گھوڑوں اور اونٹوں پر بھی سفر کیے جاتے تھے۔لیکن یہ سفر سردی، گرمی اور جنگلی درندوں سے بچنے کی کوئی ضمانت نہیں دے سکتے تھے۔انسان نے اپنی عقل سے پہیہ اور ریل گاڑی انجن تیار کرلیا۔وہ سفر جو برسوں اور مہینوں میں ہوتا تھا اور جس طرح انسان امراض اور اموات کو دعوت دے کر ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ منتقل ہوتا تھا،وہی سفر گھنٹوں میں اور حفاظت سے ہونے لگا ہے۔ریل گاڑی نے انسان کا قیمتی وقت بچایا اور اسے سفر کرتے ہوۓ یوں محسوس ہوا، جیسے وہ اپنے گھر کے کسی کمرے میں بیٹھا ہو۔

سائنسی ایجادات میں کار بھی بڑی زبردست ایجاد ہے۔ریل گاڑی تو مخصوص مقامات تک پہنچ سکتی ہے اور ہر جگہ لائن بچھانا بھی ناممکن ہے۔اسی ضرورت کے پیش نظر کار ایجاد کر لی گئی۔جدید دور میں کار ہر گھر کی ضرورت بنتی جا رہی ہے۔ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں اگرچہ ہر انسان کار خرید سکتا ہے لیکن وہاں ریل گاڑیوں اور بسوں کی اتنی زبردست سہولت موجود ہے کہ لوگ ریل گاڑی کے سفر کو ترجیح دیتے ہیں۔

ہواؤں اور سمندروں پر حکومت

آج کے انسان نے ہواؤں اور سمندروں پر حکومت قائم کرلی ہے۔کسی زمانے میں قدرت حق سے حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام کا تخت اڑا کرتا تھا۔شروع شروع میں انسان کو پرندوں کو دیکھ کر ہی ہوا میں اڑنے کا شوق پیدا ہوا ہوگا۔بہرحال اس نے اپنی عقل سے رہنمائی حاصل کی اور وہ ہوائی جہاز کی ایجاد کے ذریعے ہوا کے کندھوں پر سوار ہو گیا۔ہوائی جہاز کے ذریعے پوری دنیا کے فاصلے سمٹ کر رہ گئے۔اسی طرح بحری جہاز کی ایجاد بھی سائنس کا بہت بڑا کرشمہ ہے۔دور دراز کے ممالک سے جو خام مال مشینری اور دفاعی سازوسامان درآمد کیا جاتا ہے، وہ بحری جہازوں کے ذریعے ہی منگوایا جاتا ہے۔اگر بحری جہاز ایجاد نہ کیا جاتا تو انسان کاروبار کے لحاظ سے حیرت انگیز ترقی نہیں کرسکتا تھا۔ابوی دنیا ایک گلوبل ویلیج کا روپ دھار چکی ہے۔

پیغام رسانی کا ذرائع

کبھی وہ زمانہ تھا کہ گھڑ سوار ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ پیغام لے جایا کرتے تھے اور پیغام پہنچنے کا پھر بھی یقین نہیں ہوتا تھا۔اب انسان کو ٹیلیفون، ٹیلیگراف، ٹیلیکس اور فیکس جیسی سہولیات میسر ہیں۔آپ کا پیغام ایک آن میں ہزاروں میل دور پہنچ جاتا ہے۔یہی وجہ ہے کہ دوریوں کی تمیز مٹ گئی ہے اور انسان دور رہتے ہوئے بھی ایک دوسرے کے بہت قریب ہو گیا ہے۔اسی طرح ریڈیو اور ٹیلی وژن نے پوری دنیا کے فاصلوں کو ختم کرکے آپس میں جوڑ رکھا ہے۔ہل خبر دنیا کے ایک کونے سے دوسرے کونے تک فورا پہنچ جاتی ہے۔

طبی دنیا میں انقلاب

سائنسی ایجادات نے طبی دنیا میں ہلچل مچادی ہے۔ایکسرے، الٹراساؤنڈ اور کمپیوٹر وغیرہ کی مدد سے بیماری کی تشخیص آسان ہو گئی ہے۔ادویات اور انجکشن وغیرہ تو قصہ پارینہ بن چکے ہیں۔اب تو سرجری کے ذریعے انسانی اعضاء کی پیوندکاری کا دور شروع ہو چکا ہے۔ایک شخص دوسرے کو اور ایک کا دل اور گردے دوسرے کو لگائے جا رہے ہیں۔ت سائنسی کرشمات نے بیماری کو مات دے دی ہے کیونکہ اندھوں کو بصارتیں مل رہیں ہیں۔بہروں کو سماعت نصیب ہورہی ہیں اور لنگڑوں کو چلنے پھرنے کے قابل بنایا جا رہا ہے۔

بجلی انسان کی غلام ہے

کسی زمانے میں سورج ہی روشنی حاصل کرنے کا واحد ذریعہ تھا۔آج آپ دیکھیں کہ انسان نے دریاؤں اور سمندروں کے آگے بند باندھ دیے ہیں۔اور اس پانی کو بلندی سے گر اگر بجلی پیدا کرلی ہے۔بجلی ہماری زندگی کا حصہ بن چکی ہے۔یہ گرمیوں میں ٹھنڈک اور سردیوں میں گرمی پہنچاتی ہے۔صرف ایک بٹن دبانے سے آپ کا گھر بقعہ نور بن جاتا ہے۔اسی طرح ایئر کنڈیشنز سے آپ کا گھر ٹھنڈا ہو جاتا ہے بل کہ بجلی نے آپ کے گھر کا ہر کام آسان کر دیا ہے۔

پہلے پہل انسان غاروں میں رہتا تھا۔آج کا انسان اپنے علم کی وجہ سے عروج و ارتقاء کی منزلیں طے کر رہا ہے۔وہ خوب سے خوب تر تلاش میں ہے۔خواب حقیقت میں بدل گئے ہیں۔کہانیاں ںسچی ہوگئی ہیں۔سائنس نے انسانی زندگی کے سفر کو آسان بنا دیا ہے اور ثابت کردیا ہے کہ انسان دوسری مخلوقات سے افضل ہے۔

سائنس کے منفی اثرات

سائنس نے جہاں انسان کو آسائش فراہم کی ہیں، جس کی وجہ سے انسان کے لئے کچھ قباحتیں بھی پیدا ہوگئی ہیں۔مثال کے طور پر ہر ملک اسلحہ کی دوڑ میں شامل ہو گیا ہے۔ایک ملک دوسرے پر روعب ڈالنے کی خاطر ایٹم بم کا دھماکہ کر رہا ہے۔اب تو ہائیڈروجن بم اور اس سے بھی خطرناک بم تیار کرلیے گئے ہیں۔آج کا انسان پہلی کی نسبت زیادہ تعلیم یافتہ اور مہذب ہے لیکن دفعہ کی آڑ میں انسان دوسرے انسان کے لیے موت کا سامان کر رہا ہے۔اگر انسان ایک دوسرے سے محبت کرے اور ایک دوسرے کا احترام کرے تو بغیر ہتھیاروں کے بھی زندگی گزاری جا سکتی ہے۔

سائنس کی ایجاد نے انسان کو اتنا مصروف بنا دیا ہے کہ وہ بھی ایک مشین بن کر رہ گیا ہے۔سائنسی ایجادات نے جہاں انسان کو سہولت فراہم کی ہیں وہاں اسکا سوکھ چین برباد کر دیا ہے۔فیکٹریوں کے دھوئیں اور شور کی آلودگی انسانی صحت پر اثر انداز ہو رہی ہے۔انسان تازہ ہوا اور خوراک سے دور ہوتا جا رہا ہے۔بھاگ دوڑ اور افراتفری کے نتیجے میں مادہ پرستی کی طرف بھی مائل ہو گیا ہے۔

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Essay on Science is a Blessing or Curse with Quotation

science blessing or curse essay in urdu

  • November 28, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

In the realm of mortal actuality, Science stands as both a  phenomenon and a subject of debate. Its impact is profound, yet the question lingers Is Science a blessing or a curse? This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of  Science, exploring its blessings and curses through the lens of citations and critical analysis.  

Description of Science:

 Science, the methodical enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge, has propelled humanity into a period of unknown discoveries. From understanding the macrocosm to decoding the complications of the mortal body, Science is the foundation of progress.  

     ” Science is a  lamp of stopgap, illuminating the path towards a better future.”

Controversial nature of science:.

Despite its monumental benefactions, Science is a double-whetted brand. Its operations, ranging from life-saving medical improvements to destructive artillery, raise questions about the ethical counteraccusations of scientific trials.  

Importance of Exploring Blessings and Curses:

In the converse of Science, it’s pivotal to anatomize its impact objectively, admitting both its blessings and curses. Only through this nuanced disquisition can we appreciate the complexity of the scientific geography. 

The Blessings of Science:

  • Advancements in Medicine

 One of the most profound blessings of Science is witnessed in the field of drugs. Vaccines, antibiotics, and life-saving surgeries have extended mortal life expectations and soothed the suffering of numerous individuals.  

  • Technological inventions

 The digital age, fueled by scientific invention, has changed the way we live. From smartphones connecting people across the globe to artificial intelligence revolutionizing diligence Science has incontrovertibly made life more accessible and effective.  

  • Enhanced Communication 

Science has shrunk the world into a global village through advancements in communication technology. The internet, satellites, and social media platforms have eased immediate communication, fostering connections and bridging gaps.  

The Curse of Science:

  • Environmental Impact

The uncontrolled pursuit of scientific progress has taken a risk on the terrain. Climate change, pollution, and resource reduction are stark monuments of the ecological curses that accompany scientific advancements. 

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Research

Scientific exploration, while aiming for noble pretensions,  frequently grapples with ethical dilemmas. Controversial trials,  inheritable engineering, and the use of creatures in exploration raise moral questions about the boundaries of scientific disquisition. 

  ” The pursuit of knowledge shouldn’t come at the cost of ethical  negotiations.”

  • Social difference

 Not all societies profit inversely from scientific advancements. The curse of Science manifests in social difference, with marginalized communities frequently bearing the mass of technological, medical, and profitable inequalities. 

  ” Through  wisdom, we unravel the  mystifications of the  macrocosm,  perfecting our understanding of life.” 

Balancing the scale:.

  • Responsible Scientific Practices 

To alleviate the curses of Science, a commitment to responsible scientific practices is imperative. Ethical considerations must be prioritized to ensure that progress doesn’t come at the expense of ethical principles.  

  • Ethical Considerations

 Deliberate ethical conversations and fabrics should guide scientific trials. Balancing the pursuit of knowledge with ethical considerations is consummate to help the unintended consequences of unbounded progress. 

  • Public Awareness and Education

 Empowering the public with scientific knowledge fosters an informed society able to critically assess the benefits and pitfalls of scientific advancements. Education serves as a  pivotal tool in navigating the complications of scientific geography. 

” Science,  unbounded, can lead to the  corrosion of the veritable fabric of our earth.” 

The part of perspective:.

  • Individual Perspectives

The perception of Science as a blessing or curse frequently hinges on individual gests and beliefs. particular hassles with scientific advancements shape one’s perspective on its overall impact. 

  • Cultural dissonances 

Cultural surroundings play a significant part in determining whether society views wisdom generally as a blessing or a curse. Values, traditions, and societal morals impact the collaborative perception of scientific progress. 


In conclusion, the question of whether Science is a blessing or a curse remains private, dependent on the lens through which it’s viewed. Admitting its blessings while addressing its curses requires a balanced and ethical approach. Science, in its substance, is a tool — an important bone that can shape the future appreciatively if applied responsibly.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

Essay on Science is a Blessing or Curse with Quotations for Students

English essay science, a curse or blessing with quotations for matric, f.a, fsc and b.a.

Science is a Blessing or Curse Essay is here on IlmiHub.com . This is an important essay for those outstanding students who are looking for the material for examinations. However, other people can also learn it for general knowledge and job tests. Science, a Curse or Blessing Essay will discuss the uses and abuses of science .

Science is a Blessing or Curse Essay with Quotes for Class 10, Class 12 (2nd Year) and Graduation Examination

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” (Edwin Powell Hubble)

Man is curious by nature. He wishes to uncover the mysterious things. So he has concentrated on various issues and explored the several hidden truths. Science has helped him in his efforts to do so. As far as the question of science is a blessing or curse is concerned, it is obvious that everything has its uses and abuses. Science can be used both as a curse or a blessing. It totally depends on the human beings how they prefer to use it. The usage of these gifts of science for a positive aim will surely give sweet results but its negative usage will result in disasters. So it would be difficult to declare science as a curse or a blessing.

Undoubtedly, science has helped mankind achieve fantastic mental growth. Science has provided humans a vision to explore the secrets of nature. We have already made the world “a small place to live” and have gone even out of our own planet. We are exploring the depth of the earth. We have been able to increase the longevity, reduced the decaying effect of nature on the human body.

“A man of science is just a student of nature and derives his inspiration from science” (C.V. Romanas)

With the help of medical science, man has achieved tremendous success. Scientists are now finding the cure for fatal diseases by making extraordinary drugs and medicines. There was a time when diseases such as malaria, influenza and tuberculosis were considered to be incurable. But now even some forms of cancer are curable. All this would not have been possible if medical science had not progressed.

Science has also benefitted us in the production and preservation of foods. The construction of our homes and the improvement in communication and transportation. It is through the help of science that man has become more rational and realistic. It would be unthankful on our part if we don’t identify how vast benefits modern technology has offered us.

But this is one side of the picture. Some people are of the view that science is a chief cause of human sufferings. They have reasons to say that science and its applications are not, on the whole, good for mankind. Industrialism brought new troubles. It proved harmful to cottage industry; hence it caused unemployment. It introduced new machines and supported the cruelty of the capitalists over the labourers. The rich gained much by exploiting the poor workers. The use of machinery to the service of man resulted in more evils.

“The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.” (Antoine de Saint)

How can we forget the day of August 6, I945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the US. Military? Three days later, the United States, dropped a second atom bomb on the city of Nagasaki bringing World War ll to an end. In total, more than 140,000 people were estimated to be killed.

In the social field, the use of science has also produced bad results. The use of machinery has given a new speed to man’s life and activity. He has become materialistic. The moral values of life are now considered things of the past. The system of joint family has shattered. Art and literature have been badly affected by the impact of mechanization. Medicines and other surgical aids are available to the people but these have not promoted a better standard of health. On the other hand, millions of dollars are being spent on the inventions of dangerous war weapons. In the modern world, corruption and lust are also gifts of science. Man’s life is becoming more and more artificial.

“If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery, in impoverishment.” (Michael Harrington)

From the above discussion on the merits and demerits of science . we can conclude that science is actually neither a blessing nor a curse. It is what man makes of it. Science can be the greatest of the blessings or the worst of the curses. In fact, science is not to be blamed but the man who uses it badly. Science has neither urged man to invent destructive weapons nor forced him to be materialistic selfish and greedy. If we don’t use it for constructive purposes it is obviously not the fault of science but ours. Science is only a servant and it depends on us how we get services from it. Science surely offers innumerable benefits to humankind but we need to use it sensibly and wisely.

“Why does this magnificent applied science, which saves work and makes life easier bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it.” (Albert Einstein)

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Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse.

Science has brought countless benefits to humanity, from medical advancements to technological innovations. It has increased our understanding of the world around us and improved our quality of life. However, science can also be used for harmful purposes, such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or the pollution of the environment.

Science as a Blessing

Science has led to the development of vaccines and antibiotics, which have saved millions of lives. It has also helped us to understand and treat diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. In addition, science has given us new technologies that have made our lives easier and more convenient, such as the internet, smartphones, and computers.

Science as a Curse

While science has brought many benefits, it can also be used for harmful purposes. For example, science has been used to develop weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear bombs and chemical weapons. These weapons have the potential to cause widespread death and destruction. Additionally, science has been used to pollute the environment, which can have a negative impact on human health and the planet.

Science is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is important to use science responsibly and to consider the potential consequences of our actions before we use it.

250 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science is a field of study that seeks to understand the natural world and its laws. It has brought numerous benefits to humanity, including advancements in medicine, technology, and our understanding of the universe. However, the use of science can also have negative consequences such as the development of destructive weapons and environmental degradation.

Positive Impacts of Science

Science has revolutionized the field of medicine. It has led to the development of vaccines and antibiotics, which have saved countless lives. Additionally, scientific research has helped us understand the human body and its functions, leading to improved treatments for various diseases.

Science has also played a crucial role in technological advancements. From computers to smartphones, scientific discoveries have transformed the way we live and communicate. These advancements have made our lives easier, more convenient, and more connected.

Negative Impacts of Science

While science has brought many benefits, it has also presented challenges. The development of destructive weapons like nuclear bombs has raised concerns about the potential for widespread destruction.

Scientific activities have also contributed to environmental degradation. Industrial processes, deforestation, and pollution have led to climate change, species extinction, and other environmental issues.

Balancing Science and Ethics

The ethical implications of scientific research are a topic of ongoing debate. It is essential to strike a balance between scientific progress and the potential risks and consequences. Scientists and policymakers must work together to ensure that scientific advancements are used for the betterment of humanity and not for its destruction.

In conclusion, science is a double-edged sword. It can bring immense benefits but can also be a source of harm. It is our responsibility to use scientific knowledge wisely and ethically to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

500 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse.

Science, with its remarkable discoveries and advancements, has transformed the world we live in. It has brought countless benefits to humanity, improving our health, understanding of the universe, and technological capabilities. Yet, alongside these blessings, science has also presented us with some challenges and ethical dilemmas, leading to debates about whether it is ultimately a blessing or a curse.

Benefits of Science: A Source of Knowledge and Progress

Science has been instrumental in expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world. Through scientific research and experimentation, we have gained insights into the workings of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast cosmos. This knowledge has led to the development of innovative technologies that have revolutionized our lives, from medicine and transportation to communication and energy.

Science: The Power of Healing and Disease Prevention

One of the most significant blessings of science is its contribution to human health. Medical advancements, driven by scientific research, have led to the development of life-saving vaccines, antibiotics, and treatments for various diseases. These breakthroughs have significantly reduced mortality rates and improved the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

Science: The Challenge of Environmental Impact

While science has brought undeniable benefits, it has also raised concerns about its impact on the environment. Industrialization, fueled by scientific advancements, has resulted in pollution, deforestation, and climate change. The consequences of these actions are becoming increasingly evident, posing a threat to ecosystems and human well-being.

Science: The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Engineering and AI

As science continues to advance, it presents us with new ethical dilemmas. Genetic engineering, for example, raises questions about the potential unintended consequences of altering the genetic makeup of organisms. Similarly, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about the potential risks associated with autonomous systems and the impact on jobs and society as a whole.

In conclusion, science is a double-edged sword. It has brought immense blessings, expanding our knowledge, improving our health, and driving technological progress. However, it has also presented us with challenges, such as environmental degradation and ethical dilemmas. The key lies in finding a balance between the benefits and risks of scientific advancements, ensuring that we utilize science responsibly and ethically for the betterment of humanity and the planet.

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7 Essays on Science A Blessing or Curse [ 2024 ]

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Science has given us proper education in various disciplines which have made our life easier. It has also taught us how to live in better way by telling about all things related to nature, society and universe. So it can be said that science is a blessing for people in general although it has some negative impact on humans in general. The curse part of science should be taken very seriously by the scientists so that they can reduce its negative impact on people as much as possible.

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Essay on Science; A Blessing or Curse

Science is a blessing as well as a curse for mankind. It has given us much knowledge about various phenomena, which was not known to our forefathers. But on the other side, scientists have also harmed us in many ways by spoiling our environment and making it dirty and polluted. In fact science cannot be termed as good or bad as it comprises both good and bad things together. Yet, there are some ways by which science can be called as a blessing for human beings.

How Science is Blessing?

  • Science is power which brings prosperity for the people.

The growth of science has given rise to better technology, techniques, equipment and devices which are helpful in improving our lives. It has made many things easy that were difficult earlier. As a result, it has become possible for man to give more time to his talent and interest rather than spending it in doing hard and tiresome jobs.

  • It provides information about the surroundings of the world.

In past, people could not have access to so much information about the world because the means of communication were limited and scattered across areas making it difficult for people to transfer knowledge from one place to another. But with growing science and technology, people have become aware of many things about world and can easily get information from remote places.

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  • Science has helped us to know the unknown things in nature

In past, no one could make a guess at what was going on inside the earth because nobody had seen its interior part which is still not visible to us. But with the help of modern science, we know many unknown things in nature like what is inside the earth and how does it happen.

  • Science has made our lives comfortable by saving time, energy and efforts

With the invention of electricity, steam power, motor cars, aeroplanes etc., life has become easier than ever before making us comfortable. Earlier, people used to do jobs manually and it took a lot of time to complete a job but now machines have done away with it. So, we can save our time and efforts by using machines for work.

  • Science has made available food products in plenty which make us healthy

In past, if one wanted to enjoy taste and nutritive value of various food items, one had to procure them from nearby areas because transportation routes were limited. This process took a lot of time creating shortage in foods which adversely affected health. But with the growth of science, transportation has become easy making all types of food products available in plenty.

  • Science gives us right information about the flora and fauna of various parts of world

In past, people had to rely on hearsay about certain things because those areas were not reachable. But now with the help of science, we have proper knowledge about plants and animals living in those places as well as their habitats.

  • Science provides us new inventions, techniques and devices to solve the problems

From time to time, science gives us new inventions and techniques which help in making life easy. For example, washing machines have taken away the need of manual labour for cleaning clothes, power generators are useful for removing load shedding in case of electricity supply failure. So in this way, science is helping people in solving their problems.

  • Science helps us to increase our income and wealth

We can easily improve our economic conditions using science by producing more goods and services which will fetch us better income than what we were getting before its invention and application. It has given rise to new industry of making machines and equipment for earning more profit.

  • Science gives us a better understanding of our surroundings

In past, people had very little knowledge about the world. They were not aware of different languages, cultures and traditions etc. But with the help of science, we have received proper education which has increased our knowledge on many fronts helping us to know worlds around us more closely.

  • Science is the source of all our knowledge

Before the emergence of science, people had very little information about various disciplines. They did not have proper knowledge of nature, society and universe. But with the development of science, man has become wiser by receiving new ideas and concepts regarding sciences. Without it the world would be full of ignorance where no progress could be made.

Is Science a Curse?

1. the world is dirty and polluted.

We cannot deny the fact that we are living in an environment which contains many harmful pollutants, more than ever before. These are mainly released by cars, factories, industries, electricity plants etc., which have made our surrounding dirty and polluted. So it can be said that science has harmed us to some extent by making our environment dirty and polluted.

2. There is too much stress on Science education for children

Children are forced to study science from primary classes itself, right from 5th standard. This has caused them more pressure than required which might have negative impact on their personality development during childhood. So it can be said that Science education is a curse for children.

3. Science has made us less spiritual

Science is inclined towards materialistic things and has no place for anything related to spirituality, whereas religion can be termed as source of knowledge about human life which tells people the way they should live. But science doesn’t care about our feelings and emotions, it only cares about physical world. So it can be said that science has deprived humans from their spiritual life, thus making them less spiritual.

4. Science tells us wrong things about God

Because science has no room for spirituality, it gives wrong information regarding the existence of god. Though many scientists claim to be atheist but there are still some other who believe in god and talk about him/her through scientific language, which is not true at all. So it can be said that science has made us godless by giving wrong information about him/her.

5. Science has no place for love and affection

Science doesn’t care about our emotions, they only deal with physical world and talk about laws of nature such as gravity, magnetism etc. which can be proved by laboratory experiments or any other means. They don’t say anything about the feelings and emotions of a person. So it can be said that science tells us nothing about how to love someone or how we should behave towards our loved ones.

6. Science has no place for moral values

Science doesn’t talk about human morality unless it is related to physical world like goodness, justice, honesty, mercy etc., which can be proved through experiments or any other means. If you talk about this morality to a scientist, he/she will definitely deny it as they don’t have any base for them. So it can be said that science cannot tell us anything about our moral values.

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There are many arguments in favour and against the statement that science is a curse.  While some people say that science is a blessing, others say it is a curse. But the arguments are not strong enough to prove which side is right.  So it is difficult to say whether science is a blessing or curse. However,  it can be said that science is both a blessing and curse, depending upon how it is used.

Science is a Blessing Essay:

Science is a blessing that has revolutionized the way we live. It has brought about significant advancements in every aspect of our lives, from health to communication to transportation and beyond. Without science, life as we know it would be unimaginable.

One of the greatest blessings of science is its impact on healthcare. Thanks to scientific research and technology, diseases that were once considered incurable can now be treated, extending and improving the quality of human life. Moreover, medical science has also made tremendous progress in the field of diagnostics, allowing for early detection and prevention of illnesses.

Another area where science has had a profound impact is communication. With the invention of telephones, mobile phones, and the internet, staying connected with loved ones has become easier than ever before. We can now communicate with people from all over the world in real-time, breaking down barriers and bringing us closer together.

Science has also transformed our means of transportation, making it faster, safer, and more efficient. From cars to airplanes to trains, we have seen major technological advancements that have made traveling easier and more accessible for everyone. This has not only expanded our horizons but has also boosted the economy and global trade.

Furthermore, science has played a crucial role in addressing environmental issues. Through ongoing research and development, we have been able to find renewable sources of energy that are more sustainable and eco-friendly. This has helped reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are harmful to the environment.

But perhaps one of the most significant blessings of science is the knowledge and understanding it has brought us about the world around us. Through scientific discoveries, we have been able to unravel the mysteries of nature and gain a deeper understanding of our place in the universe. This has not only expanded our minds but has also inspired us to continue pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

In conclusion, science is truly a blessing that has transformed our lives for the better. From healthcare to communication to transportation and beyond, it has made our world a more connected, efficient, and sustainable place. As we continue to make advancements in science, let us not forget to use this blessing for the greater good of humanity and our planet

Science is a Bane Essay:

Science has brought us countless advancements and progress in the fields of technology, medicine, and communication. However, along with these benefits comes a darker side of science that cannot be ignored.

One of the major concerns regarding science is its impact on the environment. The rapid industrialization and technological development have resulted in pollution and depletion of natural resources. This has led to climate change and other environmental issues that pose a threat to our planet’s sustainability.

Moreover, the advancements in science have also brought about ethical concerns. The development of nuclear weapons and genetic engineering has raised questions about the consequences of playing with nature and manipulating it for our benefit. The introduction of artificial intelligence has sparked debates on the potential dangers of creating machines that can surpass human intelligence.

In addition, science has also contributed to the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The unequal distribution of resources and access to technology has created a divide between developed and developing nations, leading to social and economic disparities.

Furthermore, the pursuit of scientific progress often comes at a cost. Animal testing and experimentation have been hotly debated topics, with many arguing that it involves inhumane treatment of animals. The race for new discoveries and breakthroughs has also resulted in unethical practices, such as plagiarism and manipulation of data.

It is crucial to acknowledge that science, like any other field, is not perfect. While it has brought about numerous benefits and advancements, it also poses significant challenges and ethical dilemmas. It is essential to carefully consider the consequences of scientific progress and to use it for the betterment of society rather than as a tool for self-destruction.

In conclusion, science is a bane that cannot be ignored. It has the power to bring about both positive and negative impacts on our world. As responsible individuals, we must strive to use science in an ethical and sustainable manner, understanding its limitations and potential consequences. Only then can we truly harness its potential for the betterment of humanity. So, it is up to us to ensure that science remains a boon rather than a bane in our world.

Is Science a Curse Essay:

Science and technology have undoubtedly transformed our lives for the better. From life-saving medical advancements to convenient gadgets that make everyday tasks easier, science has played a critical role in modern society. However, with every great invention, there are often unforeseen consequences. Some argue that science is a curse rather than a blessing, pointing to issues such as environmental destruction and ethical dilemmas surrounding new technologies. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and come to a conclusion on whether science can truly be considered a curse.

On one hand, advancements in science have undeniably brought about significant progress and improvement in our daily lives. For instance, modern medicine has greatly increased our life expectancy and improved the quality of life for many individuals. Diseases that were once considered fatal can now be cured or managed effectively. In addition, science has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information, making our lives more convenient and efficient.

However, it is also important to acknowledge that with progress comes consequences. The rapid development of technology has led to environmental issues such as pollution and climate change. Our reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable practices have had a devastating impact on the planet. Moreover, some argue that science and technology have also caused social issues, such as the widening gap between wealthy and impoverished nations.

In addition to these external factors, science itself can be seen as a curse due to ethical concerns surrounding certain advancements. For example, controversial technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence raise questions about the limits of human intervention and the potential consequences of playing God. Furthermore, advancements in weaponry have greatly increased the destructive power of war, causing immense suffering and loss of life.

Despite these valid concerns, it is important to note that science itself is a neutral concept. It is how we choose to use scientific knowledge that determines whether it becomes a blessing or a curse. Science has the potential to bring about great progress and benefit society, but it is up to us as individuals and as a society to use it responsibly.

In conclusion, while science has undoubtedly brought about both positive and negative impacts on our world, it is not inherently a curse. Rather, it is the way we choose to harness scientific advancements that determines their impact on society. It is crucial for us to continue having ethical debates and discussions surrounding new technologies, in order to ensure that we use science for the greater good.

Uses and Abuses of Science Essay:

Science, as a discipline of study, has been making leaps and bounds in the modern world. It has transformed our lives in countless ways, making things easier, faster and more efficient. From advancements in medicine to breakthroughs in technology, science has improved our standard of living and enhanced our understanding of the natural world.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Science can also be used for negative purposes, leading to harmful consequences. This misuse of science is known as the abuse of science.

One major way in which science is misused is through the development and creation of weapons. The advancements in technology have made it possible to create powerful and destructive weapons that can cause mass destruction and loss of life. These weapons are often used for political gains or to exert control over others, resulting in devastating consequences.

Moreover, science has also been used to manipulate and exploit the natural environment. In the pursuit of economic growth and development, human activities have caused environmental degradation, leading to climate change and other ecological issues. This abuse of science for personal gain has resulted in long-lasting damage to our planet and threatens the survival of many species.

Another way in which science is misused is through unethical experimentation on living beings. Animals and even humans have been subjected to harmful experiments in the name of scientific progress, disregarding their well-being and rights. This blatant disregard for ethical considerations highlights the dark side of science.

On the other hand, science has numerous uses that have greatly benefited society. Medical advancements have increased our lifespan and improved the quality of life for many individuals. Communication has been revolutionized through technology, making it easier to connect with people from all over the world. Transportation has become faster and more efficient, allowing us to travel long distances in a short amount of time.

Moreover, science has also helped in solving various mysteries and understanding the complexities of our universe. From space exploration to advancements in genetics, science has provided us with a deeper understanding of our world and allowed us to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

In conclusion, science can be both a blessing and a curse. It is up to us, as responsible individuals, to ensure that we use science for the betterment of society and not for personal gain or harm. By promoting ethical practices and responsible use of scientific knowledge, we can harness the true potential of science and create a better world for future generations.

Science is a Boon Debate Points:

Science has undoubtedly taken the world by storm, revolutionizing our lives in more ways than one. It has made our lives easier, opened up new possibilities and pushed humanity to greater limits. However, with every blessing comes a curse, and the same can be said for science. Many argue that while it has brought us so much progress, there are also negative consequences that cannot be ignored. This has led to a heated debate on whether science is truly a boon or not.

One of the main points in favor of science being a boon is its ability to improve our quality of life. From advanced medical treatments to high-tech gadgets, science has given us the tools and knowledge to enhance our lives significantly. It has made healthcare more accessible and efficient, leading to increased life expectancy and better overall health. Additionally, science has also made communication and transportation faster and more convenient, connecting us with the rest of the world like never before.

However, on the other side of the argument, some believe that science has caused just as much harm as good. One of the main concerns is the impact on our environment. The rapid advancement in technology and industrialization has contributed to climate change, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. Furthermore, scientific advancements have also led to the creation of weapons of mass destruction, posing a threat to humanity itself.

Another point that is often raised in this debate is the ethical dilemma surrounding certain scientific breakthroughs. For example, advancements in genetic engineering raise questions about the ethics of manipulating genes and creating “designer babies”. Similarly, the use of artificial intelligence and automation has raised concerns about job displacement and the potential loss of human control.

Despite these valid arguments against science being a boon, it is important to remember that science itself is neutral. It is how we choose to use it that determines its impact on society.

Science is a Curse Paragraph:

When we think of science, we often associate it with progress and advancements. And while it’s true that science has brought us many benefits, there is also a darker side to it. Science can be seen as a curse in many ways.

One of the most significant examples of science as a curse is its impact on the environment. With the development of technology and industry, air and water pollution have become major issues. The use of harmful chemicals in agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels for energy has led to climate change, deforestation, and a decline in biodiversity. All of these consequences have a severe impact on our planet, making it difficult for future generations to thrive.

Moreover, science has also played a role in creating new weapons of mass destruction. The advancement of science has allowed us to create nuclear weapons, chemical and biological warfare, and even cyber weapons. These tools have the potential to cause mass destruction and loss of life, and their mere existence poses a constant threat.

But perhaps the most significant way that science can be seen as a curse is through its impact on society. While advancements in medicine have extended our lifespan and improved the quality of life, it has also created societal issues. The over-reliance on medication has led to antibiotic resistance, and the development of addictive drugs and substances has resulted in widespread addiction.

While there is no denying that science has brought us many benefits, we must acknowledge its darker side. It is essential to use scientific advancements responsibly and consider their potential consequences before celebrating them wholeheartedly.

Only then can we truly harness the power of science for good and avoid its potential curses. So, let’s strive to use science for the betterment of society and our planet, rather than letting it become a curse that we cannot control.

  • Why science is a blessing or curse? Science can be a blessing when it leads to advancements in medicine, technology, and quality of life. However, it can also be a curse when misused for destructive purposes like weaponry.
  • Is science a blessing or a curse – write an article for or against the topic in about 200 words? Science is undeniably a blessing to humanity. It has improved our lives in countless ways, from medical breakthroughs that save lives to technological innovations that connect us globally. However, like any powerful tool, it can be misused. The key lies in responsible use. Let’s focus on using science for the betterment of all.
  • Is modern science a blessing? Modern science has brought tremendous benefits to society, including longer life spans, improved healthcare, and technological advancements. So, yes, modern science is a blessing when harnessed for the common good.
  • What is the meaning of the blessing of science? The “blessing of science” refers to the positive impact and benefits that scientific discoveries and advancements bring to society, such as improved health, convenience, and overall well-being. It underscores the idea that science has the potential to improve human lives and the world at large.

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Essay on “science a blessing or a curse” for students and children, best essay, paragraph, speech for class 7, 8, 9, 10.

Science A Blessing or A Curse

Shakespeare believed that there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. However, 21st century is the age of science and technology. Science has brought too many magnificent discoveries and innovations. Still the development, research, inventions and discoveries are going on at a very fast pace. Science has benefited humanity in an unparalleled way by its wonderful progress and development.

Science touches our life at every point, as a big boon and blessing. It has helped us to conquer space as well as time. Very fast and reliable means of transport and communication has brought people closer. Science has also helped man to step on the moon and explore the outer space. Numerous fatal diseases are now controlled and eradicated. Researches in the fields of agriculture, irrigation and water-management have helped in developing new variety of fertilizers, seeds, insecticides, pesticides and effective means of water conservation.

With the dawn of scientific era, the use of computers has further transformed our life and work. Moreover, countries have come closer and separation has been eliminated. Science has united the world and reduced differences in outlook and thinking. By eliminating superstitions and blind beliefs, modern science has brought about scientific temperament in man.

With continuous scientific expansion, the day is not far off when humans will have their colonies on the moon. Science has achieved great heights and assures to achieve more in the coming time. It has tamed forces of nature, get rid of many deadly diseases, given us food, clothing, etc. It has even pushed further the threats of death and has increased the average life of man.

Science and technology has brought tremendous progress in the fields of industry and trade. The new economic order safeguards a great industrial progress, globalization, expansion and liberalization among the nations. The quality of life and standard of living, in various underdeveloped and developing counties, have improved. Thus, the contribution of science in the advancement of human life has been great and significant. The boons and blessings of science assure us further consolidation of human equality, fraternity and liberty.

As science has been a boon and blessing in certain fields, it has also proved a curse and bane. It has produced many dangerous and destructive weapons like atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and missiles. The nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are still more devastating. These weapons can be used to cause global destruction. However, the huge sum of money spent on the dangerous researches exceeds the amount of money being spent on developing technologies for new energy resources, raising agricultural productivity, improving human health, controlling pollution, etc.

It is man who is ultimately responsible for turning science into a curse instead of a blessing. By itself, science can be said to be a blessing, boon or a jackpot. The misery and cures are brought about by wrong intentions of man.

No doubt, science and technology has taken massive steps in recent years, but it has disturbed human life up to great extent. Human values are given less importance and man has become more selfish, harsh, violent and destructive. Let us hope that eventually, science is used more and more for the benefit of humanity.

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Essay on Science – Science is Blessing or Curse for Children and Students

March 23, 2021 by Study Mentor 3 Comments

Science is one of the greatest blessings of our age. It is the forerunner of all comforts, progress and prosperity. It has provided us with electricity, machines, equipment’s and drugs. At one time, a long journey took a month to complete which now takes only a few hours. The development of fast and comfortable means of transport has overcome the fear of distance. Science has made travel road, easy and luxurious.

Roadways, railways, travel from one place to another in the shortest possible time over land, water and in the air. The discovery of electricity has revolutionized of electricity our life. Today we cannot imagine life without electricity. It is used to run many things like fans, radios, televisions, machines, etc. it has reduced the use of human power in many ways.

In the medical field, science has made tremendous progress. Discovery of x-rays, and the invention of anesthesia, have greatly facilitated of surgical operations are performed daily. Today we have a cure for those diseases, which were once believed to be incurable.

Its role in bringing a revolution in the field of education is also very great. With the invention of printing machines, books are now available for all. Braille has made it possible even for the blind to learn and the education to the learner even in remote areas.

Thus, considered from all angles, there can’t be two opinions that science is indeed, a great blessing for all of us but for it, we would still be living like our ancestors in the Stone Age.

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Is Science is a Curse?

Quite often, even beneficial inventions of science cause death or destruction, making it took like a curse. Whenever there is fire owing to a short circuit, or a death on account of electrocution, we curse science and its great invention.

A patient may die because of an over-dose of medicine or a wrong diagnosis of disease. Then also we start blaming the advancement of science.

Likewise, for all sorts of pollution too, the blame is given to science. We say that it caused by factories and vehicles, which are coming up in large numbers owing to our too much dependence on science. Naturalist, therefore, argue that science has equipped us with enough means for self-destruction.

To top them all are the guns machine guns, tanks, bombs and all sorts of fighter planes. Their unhindered possession has resulted in world wars I and ii in addition to many territorial wars like Vietnam War and the Iran and Iraq war.

The devastation brought about by these unwise ventures is too great to describe. Today science threatens to bring about the extinction of human race. It has deprived all of us of human and moral values and has led us to materialism.

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March 23, 2021 at 10:53 am

Very nice essay 👍

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March 23, 2021 at 5:09 pm

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Nice essay thank you 😇

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Essay On Is Science A Blessing Or A Curse

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Science has been a blessing in many ways. We now lead a far more comfortable and luxurious life than our forefathers did.

Science has made our lives very comfortable. We live in bigger and better houses. We enjoy the benefits of electricity We can cool our houses with air conditioners and fans and we can keep them warm with central heating. Electricity helps us to light up our houses, cook our food, warm our water, and keep our food fresh. Science has given us electric lights, electric stoves, toasters, geysers and refrigerators. We are saved the trouble of going up and down stairs because we can use a lift. We can switch on the radio or the TV and entertain ourselves at home.

We lead a longer and healthier life because of science. In olden days several diseases proved fatal. Today a cure has been found for many fatal diseases and incurable diseases. So man now has a chance to lead a longer and healthier life than is olden days. Thanks to science we can go about speedily from place to place. Science has provided us with cars, buses, electric trains, steamships and jet planes. No one can say now that he is unable to move quickly from one place to another.

But there is also another side of the picture. Fast living has deprived man from peace of mind. He has to face noise all the time. He cannot rest peacefully in a calm atmosphere. Moving at speed does not allow man to enjoy the beauties of nature and of the countryside. Let us not forget that science has also invented the atom bomb and other nuclear weapons. These weapons are a constant threat to the peace and safety of mankind. Two destructive world wars have already been fought.

A third world war might break out at any time now subsequent to the horrendous terrorist attack on U.S.A. on the eleventh of September 2001. Thus science can cause destruction and be a curse to mankind. Another way in which it can be curse is by causing pollution. In industrial places the air is polluted with smoke from the factories. This pollution threatens the health of people who live in those places. Most of the major cities in the world are surrounded by many industrial units and have huge numbers of vehicles plying on their streets. The city dweller is thus exposed to a severe pollution threat and diseases caused by them. So we see that science can be both a blessing and a curse to mankind.

Essay On Is Science A Blessing Or A Curse

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Science and Technology: Blessing or Curse” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Science and Technology: Blessing or Curse

“Advancement in Science and Technology has given man power fit for ‘God’ yet he can’t be ‘God’ unless has peace of mind, inner-satisfaction, respect for moral, ethical and spiritual values.”

Today science and technology have played a key role in almost every branch of human activity. The strange advancement of science and technology in different fields has totally altered the pace of way of living of the present society. If our forefather could rise from their grave they would be amazed and bewildered to see the present world. In the field of education, health, transportation, banking, defense, communication, the progressive use of newer scientific and technological equipment have changed the spectrum of functioning. The gradual use of computers in all walks of life has transformed the means and modes of utilizing time and energy of present society.

Every new invention has its merits and demerit:. No invention is itself a blessing or a curse, it is its use which the human being does to make it a blessing.

Today science is all powerful and has unraveled many causes and effects. Equipped with scientific knowledge, modem man is out to investigate in the darkest and most secret regions of Nature. He has conquered time, distance and space and is preparing to win distant planets, like Venus and Mars. The Americans have been to the moon several times. Soviet and the U.S. Scientists have flown rockets beyond the moon, to far distant planets.

Science has been a faithfully ally of man; it has attempted to make man’s life happier and more comfortable than what it had been in the pre-scientific age. It has helped man to harness the potentialities of nature and thereby enable him to lead a prosperous and comfortable life. Science has helped man in combating the deadliest of disease that used to devour him up in the pre-scientific age. Heart transplant have become everyday occurrences and Western scientist have invented even artificial hearts. Besides, modern science has made man international-minded. By the invention of radio, television and other such wonderful devices, science has brought men and women of various countries much closer than ever.

The tremendous advancement in nuclear technology, medical science, biotechnology etc. have made almost everything possible. The forecasting of weather, surgery of brain, heart transplantation, heart value change, planting of every human organs including eyes limbs and every bone has made a mane more than immortal. The progress in bio-science in genetic engineering has made the man envying with God. The cloning of sheep has been a reality and now researches are being made in cloning of human being. A very important aspect of advancement in the field of science and technology is the analytical reasoning and removal of various orthdoxical and superstitious beliefs thus enlightening the common people.

Science and technology has empowered the man fit to be the God yet he could not as by vagaries of his mind, lust for becoming almighty, he has put the world at the threshold of ruin. The science and technology has done wonders in the inventions of warheads, nuclear and atomic weapons, space warships thus putting the entire world at ruinous peril. A switch can destroy the whole world. The invention of chemical weapons has also jeopardized the whole civilization that may put them in danger of incurable disease The rapid progress in genetic engineering can make it possible to develop clone of human being. The disastrous effect of such invention can destroy every fabric of morality, ethics and the civilization.

The fast progress in science and technology has put the balance of nature in great danger. The present day, air, water and noise, pollution, the gradual global warming has put the existence of world at stake. With rapid industrialization particularly in developed countries has inferred into imbalance in ratio of carbon-dioxide and oxygen in the environment. As per the report of Hadley Centre U.K., by 2050 the trees and soils will start falling and perishing owing to Global warming if no corrective measures are taken.

In brief, science and technology has brought both good and evil to the present world. No invention or technological advancement is itself bad or good, it is the user who turns it into blessing or curse. Machines are manufactured for the luxury and comfort of man, if we use them to destroy others, they become curse, otherwise machines are blessing. It is the man, who has to ponder over the question what he desires to make the world a heaven or a hell, it is his decision which makes the science and technology a ‘blessing’ or a ‘curse’.

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Essay on Science a Blessing or a Curse The modern age is the age of science. The influence of science can be seen in every walk of life. Science has provided us with many wonders. If our ancestors happen to visit the modern world they will not be able to recognize it. The world today has completely changed.

The contribution of science is seen in our daily life. It has increased the happiness and comforts of human beings greatly. It has made our domestic life very easy. Now the housewife does not have to work very hard. With the help of the latest cooking devices meals can be cooked quickly. Food can also be preserved for a long time in the refrigerator. The clothes can be washed in the washing machines. Thus a housewife can enjoy more leisure and can save a lot of her time.

Science has also given us fans and air conditioners. With the help of these we can save ourselves from the scorching heat of the sun in summer and keep the rooms warm with the help of room heaters in the winter. Thus our houses are lighted cooled and heated with the latest scientific gadgets. Electricity is really a great wonder of science. Science has also made travel very comfortable. There are so many modes of travel available to us. We can travel by railway trains motor cars buses or steamers. Aero Planes have brought the different countries quite close to each other. Within a few hours we can travel thousands of miles and reach different corners of the world.

Science has also revolutionized the methods of communications. We can talk with our friends and relatives thousands of miles away from us with the help of modern scientific devices like telephone and wireless telegraphy. We can also send messages to different parts of our country and even to all corners of the world within a few minutes. Through radio broadcasts messages can be conveyed to all parts of the world. On the television we can not only hear the voices but can also see what is being telecast. Broad casts made from England and America can be heard all over the world.

Science has also helped mankind to flight against dangerous diseases. It has lessened the sufferings and miseries of man. Many diseases which were incurable in the past can be cured now. It has also worked wonders in the field of surgery. Operations can be carried out even a delicate parts of the body like brain and heart. Even transplantation of hearts and kidneys has become possible. Science has also reduced the burden of the workers. The arduous and the difficult jobs can be done by the machines. It has also taken over the dirtiest jobs from man. With the help of machines and instruments huge weights can be lifted and goods produced on a very large scale. It has also provided many sources of entertainment to man like cinema radio, television, books etc.

But this is only one side of the picture. If in certain aspects it has proved a blessing it has also acted as a curse in certain fields. It has produced highly destructive weapons like atom bombs and hydrogen bombs which can destroy the world in no time. During the second world war lacs of people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when USA dropped atom bombs on them in 1945. Science has produced many deadlier weapons and made wars very horrible. If a third world war takes place in the near future it might destroy all life on the earth as it will be a nuclear war. Man was never so insecure as he is today.

In reality there is nothing wrong with science. It is upto the man to decide whether he wants to use it for peaceful purpose or for destructive purposes. Science is such a knowledge which can be turned both into a blessing and curse. But man should always use science for the promotion of peace and happiness of mankind.

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Science A Blessing Or A Curse Science A Blessing Or A Curse Science A Blessing Or A Curse Science A Blessing Or A Curse

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Essay on Science and Technology: Blessing or Curse?


“Advancement in Science and Technology has given manpower fit for ‘God’ yet he can’t be ‘God’ unless has peace of mind, inner satisfaction respect for moral, ethical and spiritual values.”

Today science and technology come to play a key role in almost every branch of human activity. The wondrous advancement of science and technology in different spheres has completely changed the pace of the way of living of the present society. If our forefathers could rise from their grave they would be amazed and bewildered to see the present world. In the field of education, health, transportation, banking, defense, communication, the progressive use of newer scientific and technological equipment, have changed the spectrum of functioning. The gradual use of computers in all walks of life has changed the means and modes of utilizing the time and energy of present society.

Every new invention has its merits and demerits. No invention is itself a blessing or a curse, it is its use which the human being does to make it a blessing.

The higher food production and better quality of food grains are possible due to rapid progress in irrigation facilities and by the use of hybrid seeds and technically very easily operable tools and machinery. Today agriculture is to a great extent free from the vagaries of nature, rain or no rain, scant rain or excess rain, in any kind of weather a good production is ensured at least in developed countries. Depending on the wind, the sun for air and light has since been a matter of ancient past. Comfort by coolers, AC, and light through electricity has become very common. In the field of education, distance learning through satellite, online education, the progressive use of the internet is also a common feature.

Sitting in India, one can well be taught by a professor delivering lectures in the USA and can also put questions with the help of technologically advanced devices.

The mindboggling advancement in the field of Communication has brought the whole world into a small room. The network of satellites, computer networks, internet, have decimated all the geographical barriers and brought the world so closer that one can communicate with a person sitting millions of miles away through video conferencing as if looking face to face.

The tremendous advancement in nuclear technology, medical science, biotechnology, etc. has made almost everything possible. The forecasting of weather, surgery of the brain, heart transplantation, heart valve change, planting of every humane organ including eyes limbs, and every bone has made a man more than immortal. The progress in bio-science in genetic engineering has made man envying with God. The cloning of sheep has become a reality and now researches are being made in the cloning of human being. In the field of space technology, the Moon, Mars, has since explored by man and efforts are being made to explore the other hidden secrets of the universe. Every day new stars, new space bodies are being discovered. In addition to the inventions and discoveries made by science and technology, it has made human life full of comforts and luxuries,all kinds of entertaining mode are available at hand.

A very important aspect of advancement in the field of science and technology is the analytical reasoning and removal of various orthodoxical and superstitious beliefs thus enlightening the common people.

Science and technology have given the manpower fit to be the God yet he could not as by vagaries of his mind, lust for becoming almighty, he has put the world at the threshold of ruin. Science and technology have done wonders in the inventions of warheads, nuclear and atomic weapons, space warships thus putting all the world at ruinous peril. A switch can destroy the whole world. We had seen the devastation and destruction caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and now there are more scientific more accurate warheads available that can destroy the whole world within an hour. The invention o chemo cal weapons have also jeopardized the whole civilization that may put humanity in danger of incurable diseases.

The rapid progress in genetic engineering can make it possible to develop a clone of human beings the disastrous effect of such invention can ruin every fabric of morality, ethics, and civilization. The fast development in science and technology has put the balance of nature in great danger. In the present day, air, water, and noise, pollution, the gradual global warming, has put the existence of the world at stake. Rapid industrialization particularly in developed countries has resulted in an imbalance in the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the environment. As per the report of Hadley Centre U.K., by 2050 the trees and soils will start falling and perishing due to Global warming if no corrective measures are taken.

In pursuit of materialistic prosperity, we have been going for more and more unplanned industrialization that has resulted in not only air pollution but also water pollution. Rivers, the natural source of pure and hygienic water, now become so much contaminated that even the water creatures, fish, tortoise, etc. are on the verge of extinction. Forest are decaying gradually, many species of wild animals have become a matter Of the past. Undoubtedly science and technology have given man, much luxury, comfort, material prosperity, but wealth and prosperity are not the ‘be-all and end-all’ of human life. Is there any material benefit more precious than life and material loss more awful than death? The worst curse of advancement in science and technology is that man has started feeling himself Almighty and ignoring the spiritual and human values. The man has lost his peace of mind, inner satisfaction, the value of ethics in the realm of new and newer advancements in science and technology. What purpose all the material and physical prosperity serve if we have no peace of mind, no inner satisfaction?

In brief, science and technology have brought both good and evil to the present world. No invention or technological advancement is itself bad or good, it is the user who turns it into blessings or curses. Machines are created for the luxury and comfort of man, if we use them to destroy others, they become a curse, otherwise, machines are blessings. It is the man, who has to ponder over the question of what he wishes to make the world a heaven or a hell, it is his decision that makes science and technology a ‘blessing’ or a ‘curse’.

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Essay On Science – A Blessing Or A Curse In English In 100, 150, 200 And 250 Words

Essay On Science – A Blessing Or A Curse :- Hello students, Today we teach you how to writer Short Essay On Science – A Blessing Or A Curse, Lots of times this essay asked in exam as essay on science, and science and technology essay. So, stay in this blog and note down in your copy.

Short Essay On Science – A Blessing Or A Curse

Main points.

  • Introduction
  • Blessings of Science
  • Curse of Science

Introduction :- The modern age is the age of science. The influence of science can be seen in every walk of life. Because of science, the world today has become wonderland compared to the ancient world.

Blessings of Science :- Science has made many significant contributions to human life; increased their happiness and comfort greatly. Science has made travel very comfortable and quick.

Electricity is another boon of science. It has brought a revolution in man’s life as all types of machines are run by it. Contribution of science in the field of medicine is vital as it has increased the human beings longevity. Field of communication has totally changed because of science.

Curse of Science :- But, science can be a curse also as it has developed nuclear weapons which can bring total destruction of the world . There is no peace of mind. It has led to unemployment and competitions.

Conclusion :- It is upto man to decide how to use the systematised knowledge that science provides us. Man may use it for his welfare or warfare.

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Large pipes lie on a dirt pathway, disappearing into the distance under a sky of patchy clouds.

Is Guyana’s Oil a Blessing or a Curse?

More than any single country, Guyana demonstrates the struggle between the consequences of climate change and the lure of the oil economy.

With the discovery of offshore oil, Guyana is now building a natural gas pipeline to bring the byproducts of oil production to a planned energy plant. Credit...

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By Gaiutra Bahadur

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  • March 30, 2024

Basjit Mahabir won’t let me in.

I’m trying to persuade Mr. Mahabir to open the padlocked gate of the Wales Estate, where he guards the ramshackle remains of a factory surrounded by miles of fallow sugar cane fields. The growing and grinding of sugar on this plantation about 10 miles from Georgetown, Guyana’s capital, ended seven years ago, and parts of the complex, its weathered zinc walls the color of rust, have been sold for scrap.

I plead my case. “I lived here when I was a little girl,” I say. “My father used to manage the field lab.” Mr. Mahabir is friendly, but firm. I’m not getting in.

The ruins are the vestiges of a sugar industry that, after enriching British colonizers for centuries, was the measure of the nation’s wealth when it achieved independence.

Now the estate is slated to become part of Guyana’s latest boom, an oil rush that is reshaping the country’s future. This nation that lies off the beaten track, population 800,000, is at the forefront of a global paradox: Even as the world pledges to transition away from fossil fuels , developing countries have many short-term incentives to double down on them.

Before oil, outsiders mostly came to Guyana for eco-tourism, lured by rainforests that cover 87 percent of its land. In 2009, the effort to combat global warming turned this into a new kind of currency when Guyana sold carbon credits totaling $250 million, essentially promising to keep that carbon stored in trees. Guyana’s leadership was praised for this planet-saving effort.

Six years later, Exxon Mobil discovered a bounty of oil under Guyana’s coastal waters. Soon the company and its consortium partners, Hess and the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation, began drilling with uncommon speed. The oil, now burned mostly in Europe, is enabling more global emissions — and producing colossal wealth.

The find is projected to become Exxon Mobil’s biggest revenue source by decade’s end. The deal that made it possible — and which gave Exxon Mobil the bulk of the proceeds — has been a point of public outcry and even a lawsuit, with a seeming consensus that Guyana got the short end of the stick. But the deal has nonetheless generated $3.5 billion so far for the country, more money than it has ever seen, significantly more than it gained from conserving trees. It’s enough to chart a new destiny.

The government has decided to pursue that destiny by investing even further in fossil fuels. Most of the oil windfall available in its treasury is going to construct roads and other infrastructure, most notably a 152-mile pipeline to carry ashore natural gas, released while extracting oil from Exxon Mobil’s fields, to generate electricity.

The pipeline will snake across the Wales Estate, carrying the gas to a proposed power plant and to a second plant that will use the byproducts to potentially produce cooking gas and fertilizer. With a price tag of more than $2 billion, it’s the most expensive public infrastructure project in the country’s history. The hope is that with a predictable, plentiful supply of cheap energy, the country can develop economically.

At the same time, climate change laps at Guyana’s shores; much of Georgetown is projected to be underwater by 2030.

science blessing or curse essay in urdu

Countries like Guyana are caught in a perfect storm where the consequences for extracting fossil fuels collide with the incentives to do so. Unlike wealthy countries, they aren’t responsible for most of the carbon emissions that now threaten the planet. “We’re obviously talking about developing countries here, and if there’s so much social and economic development that still needs to happen, then it’s hard to actually demand a complete ban on fossil fuels,” says Maria Antonia Tigre, a director at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University. Still, she insists, “we’re in a moment in the climate crisis where no one can get a pass.”

This struggle between the existential threats of climate change and the material gains dangled by fossil fuels bedevils rich countries, too. The International Energy Agency predicts that oil demand will peak in five years as big economies transition to renewable sources. But it is a transition of indeterminate length, and in the meantime, the Biden administration approved drilling in the Alaska wilderness just last year, and the United States is producing more oil than ever in its history. A country like Guyana, with an emerging economy, has even more reason to jump at temptation.

The country has already been transformed. Next to its famously elegant but decaying colonial architecture, new houses, hotels, malls, gyms and offices of concrete and glass crop up constantly. Trucks carrying quartz sand for all this construction judder along the highways. While nearly half of Guyanese still live below the poverty line, the country is bustling with possibility, and newcomers arrive from around the world. During a five-month stay there, I met a logistics manager from Sri Lanka, a nightclub singer from Cuba, a Briton developing a shrimp farm and a Nigerian security guard who joked that a sure sign that Guyana had become a hustler’s paradise was that he was there.

As I survey the stranded assets of the sugar works on the Wales Estate, imagining the steel pipes to come, the gleaming future Guyana’s government promises feels haunted by its past as a colony cursed by its resources. The potential for the petroleum boom to implode is in plain sight next door, where Venezuela — which has recently resurrected old claims to much of Guyana’s territory — is a mess of corruption, authoritarian rule and economic volatility.

For centuries, foreign powers set the terms for this sliver of South America on the Atlantic Ocean. The British, who first took possession in 1796, treated the colony as a vast sugar factory. They trafficked enslaved Africans to labor on the plantations and then, after abolition, found a brutally effective substitute by contracting indentured servants, mainly from India. Mr. Mahabir, who worked cutting cane for most of his life, is descended from those indentured workers, as am I.

Fifty-seven years ago, the country shook off its imperial shackles, but genuine democracy took more time. On the eve of independence, foreign meddling installed a leader who swiftly became a dictator. Tensions between citizens of African and Indian descent, encouraged under colonialism, turned violent at independence and set off a bitter contest for governing supremacy that continues to this day. Indigenous groups have been courted by both sides in this political and ethnic rivalry.

It wasn’t until the early 1990s that Guyana held its first free and fair elections. The moment was full of possibility. The institutions of democracy, such as an independent judiciary, began to emerge. And the legislature passed a series of robust environmental laws.

Now that Exxon Mobil has arrived to extract a new resource, some supporters of democracy and the environment see those protections as endangered. They criticize the fossil-fuel giant, with global revenue 10 times the size of Guyana’s gross domestic product, as a new kind of colonizer and have sued their government to press it to enforce its laws and regulations. The judge in one of those cases has rebuked the country’s Environmental Protection Agency as being “submissive” toward the oil industry.

Addressing some of these activists at a recent public hearing, Vickram Bharrat, the minister of natural resources, defended the government’s oversight of oil and gas. “There’s no evidence of bias toward any multinational corporations,” he said. Exxon Mobil, in an emailed statement, said its work on the natural gas project would “help provide lower-emissions, reliable, gas-powered electricity to Guyanese consumers.”

The world is at a critical juncture, and Guyana sits at the intersection. The country of my birth is a tiny speck on the planet, but the discovery of oil there has cracked open questions of giant significance. How can wealthy countries be held to account for their promises to move away from fossil fuels? Can the institutions of a fragile democracy keep large corporations in check? And what kind of future is Guyana promising its citizens as it places bets on commodities that much of the world is vowing to make obsolete?

Along a sandy beach, people take photographs with their phones alongside large rocks, one painted with a smiley face.

A land of new possibilities

Oil has created a Guyana with pumpkin spice lattes. The first Starbucks store appeared outside the capital last year; it was such a big deal that the president and the American ambassador attended the opening. People still “lime” — hang out — with local Carib beer and boomboxes on the storied sea wall, but those with the cash can now go for karaoke and fancy cocktails at a new Hard Rock Cafe.

The influx of wealth has introduced new tensions along economic lines in an already racially divided country. Hyperinflation has made fish, vegetables and other staples costlier, and many Guyanese feel priced out of pleasures in their own country. A new rooftop restaurant, described to me as “pizza for Guyana’s 1 percent” by its consultant chef from Brooklyn, set off a backlash on social media for serving a cut of beef that costs $335, as much as a security guard in the capital earns in a month.

This aspirational consumerist playground is grafted onto a ragged infrastructure. Lexus S.U.V.s cruise new highways but must still gingerly wade through knee-deep floods in Georgetown when it rains, thanks to bad drainage. Electricity, the subject of much teeth-sucking and dark humor, is expensive and erratic. It’s also dirty, powered by heavy fuel, a tarlike residue from refining oil. In 2023, 96 blackouts halted activity across the country for an average of one hour each. A growing number of air-conditioners taxing aging generators are partly to blame, but the system has been tripped up by weeds entangling transmission lines, backhoes hitting power poles and once, infamously, a rat.

The country’s larger companies — makers of El Dorado rum, timber producers — generate their own electricity outside the power grid. Small companies, however, don’t have that option. This year, the Inter-American Development Bank cited electrical outages as a major obstacle to doing business in Guyana.

The government’s investment in a natural gas pipeline and power plant offers the prospect of steady and affordable power. The gas, a byproduct of Exxon Mobil’s drilling, tends not to be commercialized and is often flared off as waste, emitting greenhouse gases in the process. But at the government’s request, Exxon Mobil and its consortium partners agreed to send some of the natural gas to the Wales site. The consortium is supposed to supply it without cost, but no official sales agreement has been made public yet.

science blessing or curse essay in urdu

At international conferences, rich countries have pledged to help poorer, lower-emitting ones to raise their living standards sustainably with renewable energy, but the money has fallen short . Natural gas is cleaner than the heavy fuel Guyana now uses, and the country’s leaders claim that it will serve as an eventual bridge to renewable energy. The fact that it’s not as clean as solar or other renewable sources seems, to some local manufacturers, beside the point because the status quo is so challenging.

During blackouts, Upasna Mudlier, who runs Denmor Garments, a textile company that makes uniforms, fire safety jackets and lingerie, has to send home the two dozen seamstresses she employs. That means a big hit in productivity. A chemist in her late 30s, she inherited the company from her father. Ms. Mudlier was nervous about networking in the burly crush of the male-dominated local business elite, but she nonetheless attended an event hosted by a business development center funded by Exxon Mobil. She leaned in, and it paid off: She won a contract to make a thousand coveralls for workers building an oil production vessel headed for Guyana’s waters.

It was a bright spot nonetheless dimmed by her electric bill. An astounding 40 percent of her operating budget goes to paying for power. Ms. Mudlier is eager for the natural gas plant. Cheaper, reliable energy could allow her to price her products to compete internationally.

Textiles are a tiny niche in Guyana, but hers is the kind of manufacturing that experts say Guyana needs to avoid becoming a petroleum state. Ms. Mudlier agrees with the government’s messaging on the gas project. “It will create more jobs for people and bring more investments into our country and more diversity to our economy,” she said.

Widespread anxiety that the best new jobs would go to foreigners led to a law that sets quotas for oil and gas companies to hire and contract with locals. Komal Singh, a construction magnate in his mid-50s, has benefited from the law. Mr. Singh, who directs an influential government advisory body on business policy, works as a joint partner with international companies building the Wales pipeline and treating toxic waste from offshore oil production.

“We say to them, ‘It’s you, me and Guyanese,’” he told me. “If Guyanese are not part of the show, end of conversation.”

Guyana has lost a greater share of its people than any other country, with two in five people born there living abroad. So the oil boom and the local partner requirement have set off something of a frenzy for passports and have fueled debate over who, exactly, is Guyanese. I met a British private equity manager with a Guyanese mother who obtained citizenship shortly after his second visit to the country. One local partner’s contested citizenship became a matter for the High Court.

With the value of land and housing skyrocketing, some local property owners have profited by becoming landlords to expats or by selling abandoned fields at Manhattan prices for commercial real estate. But to many Guyanese, it has seemed as if “comebackees,” the term for returning members of the diaspora, or the politically connected elite are the most poised to benefit from the boom.

Sharia Bacchus returned to Guyana after two decades living in Florida. Ms. Bacchus, who has family connections in the government and private sector, started her own real estate brokerage. She rents apartments and houses to expats for as much as $6,000 a month.

I shadowed her as she showed a prospective buyer — a retired U.S. Marine of Guyanese descent — a duplex condo in a coveted new gated community. She eagerly pointed out amenities that comebackees want: air-conditioning, a pool and, of course, an automatic backup generator.

“If you lose power at any time, you don’t have to worry about that,” she said, reassuringly.

The ghosts of the past

As glimpses of this new Guyana emerge, the ghosts of the past linger. A year ago, a Georgetown hotel, hustling like so many to take advantage of the new oil money, staged a $170-a-head rum-tasting event called “Night at the Estate House.” I’d been trying, unsuccessfully, to interview Exxon Mobil’s top brass in Guyana. When I heard rumors that its country manager would attend, I bought a ticket and, though he was a no-show, I found a seat with his inner circle.

As we sipped El Dorado rum in the garden of a colonial-style mansion, one of the event’s hosts gave a speech that invoked a time when “B.G.,” the insider’s shorthand for British Guiana, the country’s colonial name, also stood for Booker’s Guiana. Now, the speaker observed matter-of-factly, “it’s Exxon’s Guyana.”

Booker McConnell was a British multinational originally founded by two brothers who became rich on sugar and enslaved people. At one point, the company owned 80 percent of the sugar plantations in British Guiana, including the Wales Estate. The Exxon Mobil executive sitting next to me didn’t know any of this. His face reddened when I told him that the speaker had just placed his employer in a long line of corporate colonialism.

Independence came in 1966, but the U.S. and British governments engineered into power Guyana’s first leader, Forbes Burnham, a Black lawyer whom they deemed more pliable than Cheddi Jagan, a radical son of Indian plantation laborers, who was seen as a Marxist peril. But Burnham grew increasingly dictatorial as well as, in a twist of geopolitical fate, socialist.

Booker, which would later give its name to the Booker Prize in literature, still owned Wales at independence. But in the mid-1970s, Burnham took control of the country’s resources, nationalizing sugar production as well as bauxite mining. Like other former colonies, Guyana wanted to make its break with imperialism economic as well as political.

Burnham pushed the idea of economic independence to the breaking point, banning all imports. Staples from abroad, such as cooking oil, potatoes, wheat flour and split peas, had to be replaced with local substitutes. But Guyana didn’t have the farms and factories to meet the demand, so people turned to the black market, waited in ration lines and went hungry.

Guyana was 15 years free when my family arrived on the Wales Estate, by then part of the nationalized Guyana Sugar Company; my parents, then in their 20s, were young, too. My father, the son of plantation laborers, had just earned a natural sciences degree from the University of Guyana, founded at independence to educate the people who would build the new nation. As field lab manager, he tested sucrose in the cane to determine harvest time and oversaw the trapping of rats and snakes in the fields.

We lived in a former overseer’s house two doors from the estate’s main gate, where Mr. Mahabir now stands sentinel, and my mother taught high school in the guard’s village. My parents had only ever studied by kerosene lamp or gas lantern — but this house had electricity, generated on the estate by burning sugar cane trash.

I can remember at age 6 the cold delicacy of a refrigerated apple, a Christmas present from American aunts. It wouldn’t be long before we joined them.

Rigged elections kept Burnham in power for two decades of hardship and insecurity, both ethnic and economic. As soon as our long-awaited green cards allowing entry to the United States were approved, we left, participating in an exodus that created a “barrel economy,” with many communities sustained by money and care packages sent in barrels from relatives abroad. That exodus gutted Guyana: Today, less than 3 percent of the population is college educated.

Burnham’s death in 1985 touched off a series of events that began to change the country. Within seven years, Guyana held its first free and fair elections. Jagan, by then an old man, was elected president. Soon, a younger generation of his party took office and wholeheartedly embraced capitalism. Private companies could once again bid for Guyana’s vast resources. Corruption, endemic in the Burnham era, took new forms.

Then came proof of the dangers of unchecked extraction. In 1995, a dam at a Canadian-owned gold mine gave way. The 400 million gallons of cyanide-laced waste it had held back fouled two major rivers. Simone Mangal-Joly, now an environmental and international development specialist, was among the scientists on the ground testing cyanide levels in the river. The waters had turned red, and Indigenous villagers covered themselves in plastic to protect their skin. “It’s where they bathed,” Ms. Mangal-Joly recalled. “It was their drinking water, their cooking water, their transportation.”

The tragedy led to action. The next year, the government passed its first environmental protection law. Seven years later, the right to a healthy environment was added to the Constitution. Guyana managed to enshrine what the United States and Canada, for instance, have not.

For a moment, Guyana’s natural capital — the vast tropical rainforests that make it one of the very few countries that is a net carbon sink — was among its most prized assets. Bharrat Jagdeo, then president, sold the carbon stored in its forests to Norway to offset pollution from that country’s own petroleum production in 2009. Indigenous groups received $20 million from that deal to develop their villages and gain title to their ancestral lands, though some protested that they had little input. Mr. Jagdeo was hailed as a United Nations “Champion of the Earth.”

And then Exxon Mobil struck oil.

The vision of a green Guyana now vies with its fast-rising status as one of the largest new sources of oil in the world. The country’s sharply divided political parties stand in rare accord on drilling. Mr. Jagdeo, who is now Guyana’s vice president but still dictates much government policy, is a fervent supporter of the Wales project.

But a small, steadfast, multiracial movement of citizens is testing the power of the environmental laws. David Boyd, the U.N. special rapporteur on human rights and the environment, describes the country as a front line for litigation using innovative rights arguments to fight climate change. It includes the first constitutional climate change case in the region, brought by an Indigenous tour guide and a university lecturer.

Not all critics of the petroleum development are environmentalists. What unites them is the belief that the nation’s hard-won constitutional protections should be stronger than any corporation.

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‘The rule of law is the rule of law.’

Liz Deane-Hughes comes from a prominent family. Her father founded one of Georgetown’s most respected law firms, and in the 1980s, back in Burnham’s time, he fought against repressive changes to the constitution. She remembers her parents taking her to rousing rallies led by a multiracial party battling Burnham’s rule. When she was 13, she came home one day to find police officers searching their home. “I lived through the 1980s in Guyana,” says Ms. Deane-Hughes, who practiced at the family firm before quitting the law. “So I do not want to go back there on any level.”

I talked to Ms. Deane-Hughes, now an artist and jewelry designer, on the sprawling veranda of a colonial-style house built on land that has been in her family for five generations. The government has claimed part of it for the natural gas pipeline, which crosses private property as well as the Wales Estate. But the issue, she told me, is bigger than her backyard.

Last month, Ms. Deane-Hughes joined other activists, virtually, at a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, making the argument that oil companies have compromised environmental governance in Guyana. This coterie of activists have spoken out and filed suits to bring the corporation under the scrutiny of the country’s laws and regulations.

Ms. Mangal-Joly, who responded to the cyanide disaster that prompted those environmental laws, says the government has failed to fulfill its oversight duties. As part of her doctoral research at University College London, she found that Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency had waived the environmental assessments for every facility treating toxic waste or storing radioactive materials produced by offshore oil production.

The gas plant, too, has been given a pass. In January, the E.P.A. waived the environmental assessment for the proposed Wales plant because Exxon Mobil, although it isn’t building the plant, had done one for the pipeline.

The E.P.A. defended the decision. “It is good and common practice” to rely on existing environmental assessments “even when done by other project developers,” wrote an agency spokeswoman on behalf of its executive director. The agency asserted its right to waive assessments as it sees fit and noted that the courts hadn’t overturned its exemptions, saying, “This no doubt speaks to the E.P.A.’s high degree of technical competence and culture of compliance within the laws of Guyana.”

Ms. Mangal-Joly notes that the power plant sits above an aquifer that supplies drinking water to most of the country. “Our water table is shallow,” she says. “There’s a generation, and generations to come, that will not inherit clean water. We are despoiling a resource far more valuable than oil.”

The waiver infuriated Ms. Deane-Hughes. And the independence of the board that hears citizen concerns struck her as a sham. Its chairman, Mahender Sharma, heads Guyana’s energy agency, and his wife directs the new government company created to manage the power plant. At a hearing of the board, Ms. Deane-Hughes cited the mandate against conflicts of interest in the Environmental Protection Act and asked Mr. Sharma to recuse himself. “I would like you not to make a decision,” she told him.

Six weeks later, the board did make a decision: It allowed the power company to keep its environmental permit without doing an impact statement.

Mr. Sharma, the energy director, dismissed the critics as a privileged intellectual elite sheltered from the deprivations that have led many Guyanese to welcome the oil industry.

At the Inter-American commission meeting, Mr. Bharrat, the minister of natural resources, argued that it is his government’s right as well as its responsibility to balance economic growth with sustainability. “Our country’s development and environmental protection are not irreconcilable aims,” he told them. And he reminded them that they can turn to the courts with their complaints.

Guyana’s highest court has dealt the activists both setbacks and victories. In one of the more consequential cases, activists have thus far prevailed. Frederick Collins, who heads the local anti-corruption group Transparency Institute of Guyana, sued the E.P.A. for not requiring Exxon Mobil’s local subsidiaries to carry a more substantial insurance policy. Mr. Collins argued that the existing $600 million policy was inadequate in the extreme. Major oil spills aren’t rare — two happen worldwide every year. The biggest blowout ever, at BP’s Deepwater Horizon, cost that company $64 billion. The deepwater drilling in Guyana is the riskiest kind.

A retired insurance executive and Methodist preacher, Mr. Collins had been feeling pessimistic about the case ever since the judge allowed Exxon Mobil, with its daunting resources, to join the E.P.A. as a defendant a year ago. In legal filings, the defendants had dismissed him as a “meddlesome busybody” without legal standing to bring the suit.

But in May, the judge, Sandil Kissoon, pilloried the E.P.A. as “a derelict, pliant” agency whose “state of inertia and slumber” had “placed the nation, its citizens and the environment in grave peril.” He found that the insurance held by Exxon Mobil’s local subsidiary failed to meet international standards and ordered the parent company to guarantee its unlimited liability for all disaster costs — or stop drilling. The case is being appealed.

An Exxon Mobil spokesperson said by email that the company’s insurance is “adequate and appropriate” and that a $2 billion guarantee it recently provided, at the order of the court considering the appeal, “exceeds industry precedent and the estimate of potential liability.”

At a news conference, Mr. Jagdeo, the vice president, criticized the ruling and called on Guyana’s courts to make “predictable” decisions. “We are playing in the big leagues now,” he said. “We are not a backwater country where you can do whatever you want and get away with it.”

To Melinda Janki, the lawyer handling most of the activists’ suits and one of the few local lawyers willing to take on the oil companies, the question is whether Exxon Mobil can get away with doing whatever it wants. She helped shape some of Guyana’s strongest environmental laws. “Even though this is a massive oil company,” she said, “they still have to obey the law. The rule of law is the rule of law.”

The dissidents are deploying the law in their fight against the oil giant and the government, but with billions on the line, they’re also combating the currents of public opinion.

A fossil fuel economy in a changing world

For all the misery wrought by sugar during the colonial era, its legacy as an economic powerhouse lingers in local memory.

In Patentia, the village closest to Wales, where I attended first grade, laid-off sugar workers remember the estate as the center of the community. When its 1,000 workers lost their jobs, thousands more were sent reeling, as businesses from rum shops to mom-and-pop groceries folded.

The Guyana Sugar Corporation, then the country’s largest employer, eliminated a third of its work force, leaving about a fifth of the population coping with the effects of unemployment.

The timing of the closures, a year after the oil discovery, raised hopes that the petroleum industry might somehow fill the void. Seven years after the closures, however, most sugar workers haven’t found new jobs. Certainly, very few are employed by the petroleum industry.

Their struggle raises a crucial question for Guyana as it wrestles with the transition from the old economy to the new: How can Guyanese without the skills or education for petroleum jobs benefit? Nested within that quandary ticks another: What if the new economy isn’t so new? What if its petroleum-driven vision of progress is actually already outdated?

Thomas Singh, a behavioral economist who founded the University of Guyana’s Green Institute, has argued for transforming the still-active sugar industry’s waste into cellulosic ethanol, a cutting-edge biofuel. But Mr. Sharma, the energy agency head, says the industry is too small for its cane husks to power very much. Some of the jackpot from Norway for carbon offsets has been earmarked for eight small solar farms, but Mr. Sharma, who drives an electric car and has solar panels at his house, maintains that solar energy is too expensive to be a primary power source, despite arguments to the contrary . The giant hydroelectric project the Norway deal was supposed to fund, powered by a waterfall, has long been stalled.

What dominates the local imagination now is oil and gas. During my stay in Guyana, I kept hearing the calypso song “ Not a Blade of Grass ” on the radio. Written in the 1970s as a patriotic rallying cry and a stand against Venezuela, which threatened to annex two-thirds of Guyana, it has made a comeback with a new cover version. (So, too, have Venezuela’s threats .) The lyrics, to an outsider’s ear, sound like an anthem against Exxon Mobil: “When outside faces from foreign places talk about takin’ over, we ain’t backin’ down.” But in Guyana, it has been invoked recently to assert the nation’s right to pump its own oil. The voices against drilling, however outspoken, remain isolated; the more passionate debate is over whether Guyana should renegotiate its contract to get a bigger take of the oil proceeds.

Oil is seen as such a boon that even questioning how it’s regulated can be branded unpatriotic. Journalists, academics, lawyers, workers at nongovernmental organizations and even former E.P.A. employees confided their fear of being ostracized if they spoke against petroleum.

Since becoming an adult, I’ve returned to Guyana every few years to research the country’s past and its legacies. During this recent trip, an elder statesman I interviewed told me that it was time I moved back permanently. The thought points to a hope, reawakened by oil, that Guyana can reclaim its lost people. But from my recent trips back to the country, it’s hard to tell now what Guyana is becoming, and who will thrive there as it evolves.

The house my family lived in on the Wales Estate still stands. It has been freshly painted and refurbished, with a daunting sign outside threatening trespassers with closed-circuit television, dogs and drone surveillance. It has passed into private hands. Exactly who owns it is a matter of speculation. The rumor in Patentia? A former sugar worker from Wales repeated it to me: “Exxon owns that house.”

Do you have a connection to Guyana?

It’s still early days in Guyana’s transformation, and the events unfolding in Guyana will have a notable impact worldwide. We’d like to hear your perspectives on where the country is heading. We especially want to engage Guyanese people and those with family or ancestral connections to the country.

The Headway initiative is funded through grants from the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors serving as a fiscal sponsor. The Woodcock Foundation is a funder of Headway’s public square. Funders have no control over the selection, focus of stories or the editing process and do not review stories before publication. The Times retains full editorial control of the Headway initiative.

Gaiutra Bahadur is the author of “Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture.” She teaches English and journalism as an associate professor at Rutgers University in Newark.

A Guide to Sugar and Other Sweeteners

One of the best things you can do for your health is to cut back on foods with added sugar . Here’s how to get started .

A W.H.O. agency  has classified aspartame as a possible carcinogen . If the announcement has you worried, consider these alternatives to diet soda .

A narrative that sugar feeds cancer has been making the rounds for decades. But while a healthy diet is important, you can’t “starve a tumor.”

Sugar alcohols are in many sugar-free foods. What are they, and are they better than regular sugar ?

Many parents blame sugar for their children’s hyperactive behavior . But the myth has been debunked .

Are artificial sweeteners a healthy alternative to sugar? The W.H.O. warned against using them , saying that long-term use could pose health risks.



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