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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

my first travel experience essay

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Travel: Personal Experience

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

One of my passions is travelling. Travel involves visiting new places and meeting new people and having varied experiences. I come originally from Romania and have travelled to UK and US. I remember the quote by Samuel Johnson: “All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it”. I have had the luck of visiting better countries and I believe my travel experiences have taught me a lot about human life and helped me expand the way I see things.

When I first travelled within Romania, it opened my eyes to how other people live. I saw how people lived happily even though they did not have much money or luxuries. It taught me that to be happy, money is not the only thing. I must have an attitude to be happy with what I have. It also taught me to accept people from different races and colors. When I travelled abroad, I saw new cultures and different lifestyles.

It was very exciting and adventurous. I learnt to enjoy these new experiences, to become part of these varied cultures by taking their food, wearing their dresses, etc. This has created in me the awareness that people all over the world are basically the same but they are different in the cultures – have different ways of talking, singing, enjoying, dancing, writing, building, dressing and conducting business. I have acquired a more global perspective of the world we live in. My knowledge has thus expanded because of my travel.

Self-confidence is another quality that I developed as a result of travelling. Whenever I travel, I had to be responsible for my own luggage, tickets and documents. I had to be careful in taking flights and cabs. When I was in my home country, I used to be shy to talk to new people. But during my travels, I learnt to talk to strangers and ask for help whenever I needed it. This gave me the confidence that I can make new friends. Also, new places sometimes had new customs that I had to adapt to.

Travel is the time I use to read and listen to music. This also gives me the time to reflect deeply on my life’s goals and where I am right now. It is an ideal opportunity to break free from a routine lifestyle. I feel very much relaxed during my travel and enjoy seeing new scenes and landscapes. It gives me time to discover more about myself. For example, when I was in Los Angeles, I saw a rock music performance at a club where everyone danced. I had not danced earlier at clubs. But when I joined the fun, I was surprised to realize that I enjoyed the experience a lot.

Travel also gives me a sense of being free and independent. It makes my mind open to new experiences all the time. Even during a flight, I get to taste new food, hear a new language, see new ways of dressing and listen to new kinds of music. This is very exciting and I thoroughly enjoy my life during these moments.

Through my travels, I have made many new international friends. Conversing with them has helped me understand their cultures better and I also have opportunities of improving my English which is now very important when travelling in UK and US. Moreover, as I intend to study in United States, it is good to improve my language skills before I begin my studies. Travelling to the United States has also helped me absorb their local culture and understand the value of hard work.

Above all, whenever I return to Romania after my travels, it helps me appreciate my home country a lot. I value Romanian culture and the warm way in which people relate to each other. I can appreciate it all the more when I travel abroad. Thus, my passion for travel while giving me fun, dreams and confidence, has also educated me, helped me embrace new cultures and new communication skills, adopt a more global perspective, improve my English and given me lots of good friends and wonderful memories. It has made me a richer person internally.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). Travel: Personal Experience.

"Travel: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 28 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Travel: Personal Experience'. 28 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

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Travel Wanderlust

My first experience with solo travel (and what I miss most about it)

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Contributed by traveller Dorcas, who is a travel junkie, proud coffee machine owner and professional opinion-giver. In her free time, you can find her telling people “yeah, that’s my real name. No…really.”

Up until I hit twenty, I have never eaten alone in a public place.

Most people who have never travelled alone before often describe their first solo travel experience almost like a spiritual awakening – and at the risk of sounding too cheesy, so do I. I had spent most of planning my vacations with my parents nagging me about how it was dangerous for females to be in a foreign place, even with company. I wouldn’t venture out alone overseas – not even to convenience stores.

In April of 2018, I decided that all that was going to change.

For starters, my first step was to pick the easiest place to settle in. I had been to Melbourne countless times with friends and family so I knew my way around. It was also a short flight (about 8 hours) to go there, although this time there would be no one waiting for me at the airport, it was still a familiar landscape to start on.

Melbourne market is a must-visit for all travellers

So began my journey to self-discovery.

Solo travel can be a form of self-indulgence

As someone who liked to leave things to the last minute, my first relief was that I didn’t have to plan an extensive itinerary four weeks ahead. I relished in the fact that I could do anything and everything my way, and at any time I wanted.

READ MORE : We identify the 15 best places for solo travel around the world

This was one of the first things I realised about solo travel, whether it was the executive decision to sleep in or to jet off to Sydney on a whim – it was completely up to me.

I am someone who enjoys sightseeing, my friends hate it. Every group trip I had been on involved me whining until I convinced my companions to walk around staring at colonial buildings for an hour. This time, there was no negotiation involved.

Being alone forces you out of your comfort zone

My first challenge began when I landed. Having always had a ride to the city planned ahead, it never occurred to be that I had no idea how to get there.

One of the things I often leave out when telling the story of the empowering, soul-binding experience of solo travel is that I spent an hour at the airport wandering around looking for a train station to the city, not realising that the Melbourne airport did not have one.

In hindsight, it seemed foolish to not just ask for help, but prior to this, I was someone who avoided speaking to strangers or service staff at all cost . After walking past the SkyBus booth for the twelfth time in a row, I sheepishly mustered up the courage to approach them, only to realise how easy it was to get help.

Throughout the week I was in the city, I had to do that dozens of times more, and each time it got easier. What most shy people, including me, fail to grasp that no one is going to get annoyed if you take up a minute of their day to ask for directions.

Solo travel in Melbourne means walking the streets to see the amazing architecture

Some of the most wholesome experiences come from people you don’t know

To be honest, being in complete solitude for days would have driven me out of my mind. The fleeting moments with strangers kept me grounded and fuelled my next few hours alone.

One of my fonder memories of that trip happened on my third night in the city. I had just finished a round of drinks and felt pretty invincible as I walked back to the apartment when a group of teenagers came up to me and started following me. As I groveled at the fact that my mother was right, a passerby walked up to me with a big smile and said “Hey! I didn’t expect to run into you here!” before leading me away and walking me back to the apartment.

READ MORE : Everyone needs to read this guide before their first solo trip

On the way, we talked about how I was in Melbourne on the ultimate Eat, Pray, Love and she gave me a list of underground bars, restaurants and stores to visit.

In the spirit of doing things on a whim, I also third wheeled on a Great Ocean Road trip with a Japanese couple I met in a bar – a place I had never been because I just never bothered to rent a car.

The Great Ocean road

It was stunning. Plus the free ride and crash course on Japanese? Incredible.

Travelling alone exposes you to more interactions with strangers, and most of the time it is a fulfilling experience. The charming thing about meeting new people when you are alone is that you give them an unbiased reception to their stories. At the same time, you learn about new cultures and worldviews that you wouldn’t get at home.

You get to live in the moment because there is nothing else to do

The biggest takeaways – and thing I missed the most – from solo travel is that I had to live in the moment.

I have always been guilty of taking too many selfies: a quick scroll through my travel albums would show more of me than the scenery. With no one around to tell me my best angle or way to pose, I had the chance to seize the day in real time.

One of the feelings I find most alluring about being alone in a new place is the sentiment that the world is my oyster – with never-ending possibilities.

Nature lovers should not miss the Grampians in Melbourne

You will get to experience this several times throughout your trip at the strangest places. This could come the first time you order coffee in a hidden cafe you discovered by yourself, or when you are standing over a cliff on the Grampians looking out at an endless horizon, or even when you stand in a corner people-watching in Queen Victoria Market .

Since my first encounter with solo travel two years ago, I have not looked back. Since then, I have been to Phuket, Kuala Lumpur and Da Nang by myself and every trip has provided me with a completely unique adventure. It has also made me more comfortable with being in isolation during quarantine.

Needless to say, I’d still take being alone in a foreign place than in my living room.

  • Solo Travel



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my first travel experience essay

My first experience travelling alone

T ravelling alone for the first time raises a lot of questions. However, there is no age to travel alone for the first or the tenth time. For a short or a long stay. My first experience travelling solo was in 2012. I was 22 years old.

How I ended up traveling alone 

In 2012, I was in Vancouver, Canada, for a Working Holiday Visa (WHV). I really wanted to travel around the USA and Canada! I won’t lie, I had never imagined doing this trip alone, with no one to share it with. The idea of traveling alone made me feel anxious, I was not very confident in myself and I almost deflated a few weeks before departure … I, of course, looked for travel mates but there was no one who had the same availabilities or the same desires, as me. So, what could I do?

One day, I browsed several forums on the Internet and surprisingly I read many testimonials of people who had traveled alone and who really liked it. The next day I talked about this “idea” to my Canadian friends and their reaction made me realise that “traveling alone is great” and not that “unusual”…  Their reactions and their encouragments convinced me; I can do it too !

my first travel experience essay

The organisation

So, I started drawing the route of a three-weeks roadtrip on the West Coast of the United States.  I decided to plan everything that could be planned: transportation, housing, visits, number of days and budget.

I spent hours and hours to read and check everything I could find on the internet, in travel guides and on blogs.

Booking transport was the simplest part: planes, trains, buses. The approach is not very different from group or duo travel trips as prices are the same. I only made sure to not arrive at destination during the night

Regarding housing , it’s a little different compared to group travels. I decided to sleep in mixed dorms in youth hostels. Usually, there are hostels everywhere and it’s easy to meet people (depending on the place). Beds are cheaper compared to single rooms in hotels.

However, to choose my hostels, I paid attention to two aspects:

  • Reviews of travelers that mentionned that “the hostel is perfect for solo travelers”, often because it means that it is easy to meet other (solo) travelers, because they have common meeting room and group activities;
  • The location of the hostel: to make sure that the hostel is not located in a creepy area and is not difficult to access

This careful planning was to reassure me, of course, but also to reassure my family who was more than 10,000km from me …

my first travel experience essay

My first solo experience

While boarding the plane, the headphones on my head, I felt an excitement rise in me. I was about to realize a dream and I had the audacity to go alone!

It was a mixture of pride, recognition and admiration … for myself.

Is it surprising? Surely. It is not every day that one admires oneself and that one is proud of oneself. As soon as I landed at the San Francisco airport I realized: I’ll have to fend for myself in this jungle. No, I was not afraid, I took advantage of every moment. The question that teased me the most, before the departure, was: Am I really going to be alone? Strangely, this first solo trip also has the first trip during which I met a lot of people: travelers of all ages, all styles, all origins. I have rarely been alone, even when I was desperate to sit quietly and read a book.

I am not saying that I have never felt alone not been afraid. Of course, there were times when I imagined how it would have been different with my friends, my family or my boyfriend. And then, there were those moments where I had mixed feelings , for example when I got lost when I returned from an afternoon to Venice Beach to find my hostel, or the day when a (unknown) man proposed me in front of everyone on the Wall of Fame in Los Angeles, or even that moment when I travelled on a night bus for 12 hours next to a man who was talking to me in Spanish and who prevented me from sleeping (…) and so on …

my first travel experience essay

As many moments as souvenirs

This trip gave me immense joy and the doubts and fears that I had had before the departure had all of a sudden disappeared. Throughout my stay, I only felt a huge positive energy!

It was a very well-planned trip but it was still the most unexpected and surprising journey I ever had ! No matter how hard we try to plan the itinerary, the number of nights and the visits, we will always live unexpected experiences every day.

I do now understand what a “rich and unforgettable experience” is. Because, for the first time, I had a Rich. Unforgettable. Experience

my first travel experience essay

So if you’re looking for an answer to the question “Should I go?”, let me tell you: Go for it !


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Your Experience is too good. Your first alone travel is awesome. I am a traveling lover and this is very informative for me. Thanks for sharing your experience travelling alone.

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Solo trip is a wonderful thing. Have been to London alone and it was such an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing this experience.

Traveling alone allowed me to fully immerse myself in the beauty of different cultures, savoring the flavors of local cuisine, and embracing the warmth of strangers who soon became friends. It’s in these moments of solitude that I found the space to reflect, grow, and connect with the world in a profound way.

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I read your blog post about your first experience traveling alone, and I must say it’s a beautifully written and engaging account of your journey. Your storytelling captures the essence of the excitement, apprehension, and self-discovery that often comes with solo travel.

Your vivid descriptions, like “a solo traveler, a lone adventurer,” and “the world was my oyster,” make the reader feel like they are right there with you, embarking on this thrilling adventure.

I particularly appreciated how you shared not only the highlights but also the challenges you encountered during your trip. It’s refreshing to see your honesty about moments of doubt and the eventual triumph of self-assuredness. This authenticity makes your journey relatable to anyone considering solo travel.

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Thank you for your article) Beautiful photos!

Oh yes, I understand your situation 😁. I travel alone too, and the first trips caused doubts and excitement. I thought, “God, how can it be, I’m flying to another country where people live in a completely different way, breathe different air, see different food and speak a different language?” How will I live there? It turned out to be quite simple and people everywhere are the same and their everyday life, traditions and culture are also similar in many ways. You just need a little time to learn their peculiarities and get used to them. now I’m flying to another country and I realize that I just need to find a normal hotel, understand what kind of nearby places are suitable for working with a laptop and find a couple of good convenience stores where I can buy cookies 😂. I wish you good travels!

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great article. great experience

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Your sharing blog is great and i really like it. I am a traveling lover and this is very informative for me.

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Amazing! Very well written and filled with useful information and inspiration information, Thanks for sharing your experience travelling alone.

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Your Experience is too good. Your first alone travel is awesome. I’ve enjoyed reading the post. It is very supportive and useful post. I would like to visit the post once more its valuable content. Thanks for sharing this so interesting post! I really want to be thankful for the way you have put it here.

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Hi Johan, thank you very much for your positive and nice comment ! I am very glad that you find my experience inspiring and valuable… I am looking forward to sharing more about my travel experiences and feelings 🙂

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I love solo travelling, at first i was sceptical doing it. But good research for the place, activities to do and accommodation is they key safe solo travelling and added bonus meeting amazing people along the journey.

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Traveling solo can be very liberating. I constantly switch between going with friends and going solo and absolutely love both. Glad you were able to get over those tiny fears and do this trip. It will remain as a special one for you for life.

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The US is one of the easiest and best places for solo travel! I don’t travel alone but do travel with just my 6 year old and have for years all over the world. It’s definitely a fun experience knowing you can navigate foreign lands without the help of others!

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Great account of what it is like travelling alone. My first solo trip I made the mistake of staying in cheap hotels (it was in Africa) rather than hostels so I got quite lonely. I still loved it though. But once I started staying in hostels, as you point out, you are never alone. I now love travelling solo and prefer it as it forces you to meet new people as opposed to staying with your friends the whole trip.

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Portraits de femmes 📸 Je me suis donnée comme défi de mettre en avant les femmes du monde entier. C’est ma manière de rendre visible les femmes, leur travail, leur mission, leur culture, pendant mes voyages 🫶🏼 Voici une petite série de clichés pris dans le village de Santa Catarina Palopó, sur le lac Atitlan au Guatemala. Ces femmes d’origine Maya fabriquent à la main la majorité des tissus et des articles que l’on retrouve sur les marchés dans tout le Guatemala. ↠ Quelle est votre photo préférée ? ☺️ #guatemala #visitguatemala #culturemaya #portraitsvoyage #portraitsfemmes #photographiedevoyage

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Study Paragraphs

My First Flight Essay & Paragraphs For students

Ever since I was little, I have loved flying through the air in a huge plane. It seemed so exciting and adventurous. My dream finally came true this summer when my family took our first flight together. In this essay, I will share all the incredible details of our big trip. By the end, you will understand why getting on that airplane was so special to me.

Table of Contents

My First Flight Experience Essay

The airport adventure.

I started with an early drive to the airport on our big travel day. I did not know what to expect in such a big building. (Topic sentence) Checking our bags, going through security and hunting for our gate entertained us for hours. Snack shops and restaurants dotted the wide hallways. Big departure boards listed places worldwide – I was amazed that airplanes could get us there! Everything felt like an exciting mystery to discover.

Taking Off and Landing

When it was finally time to board, I picked a window seat for the best view. Watching the runway from high above as we sped down was thrilling. (Transition) Lifting off into the clouds blew me away – suddenly, houses and cars became tiny toys! (Topic sentence) Landing gently back on land Hours later felt nothing short of magical. Seeing so much of the world from above makes me feel like an eagle circling the earth.

Clouds and Meals

Gazing out at fluffy cotton candy clouds endlessly drifting by kept me entertained for much of the flight. Some looked like hearts, animals or smiles, which sparked daydreams. (Transition) Snack boxes with chips and cookies tided me over between meals. The airplane food may not wow some, but I found it fun to enjoy together high above the world. (Topic sentence) My family also watched movies on our screens, which felt futuristic.

Our Destination Arrives

As we began our descent, the blue ocean and palm trees below came into focus. Hearing the flight announcement that our trip’s end awaited stirred excitement in my heart. (Transition) Stepping off onto a new foreign land for the first time felt surreal. After days of discovery, thinking of how flying brought us there so quickly was wild. (Topic sentence) That very first flight together created traveling memories our family will treasure forever.

In closing, every amazing part of flying for the first time felt enchanting and worthwhile. From airport adventures to mealtimes with loved ones among the clouds – it created a whimsical experience like no other. Though takeoff and landing blew me away most of all, the incredible journey itself proved why airplanes could join far-off lands in wondrous ways forever magical. Traveling by flight will become a beloved tradition our family continues making memories.

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Essay on My Travel Experience

5 Essays on My Travel Experience – Joys, Memories, Friends [ 2024 ]

Traveling is the wonderful and most beautiful thing to have in life. Traveling broadens our mental capabilities and understanding of life. The following essay on topic My Travel Experience via travel to Goa sums up best life moments of my journey. This essay is very helpful for children and students in school exams and written tests.

Essay on My Travel Experience | My Joyful Train Travel Experience to Goa

Traveling bring a unique experience with wonderful memories to cherish for the rest of life. It exposes one to different lifestyles, people, and places. It helps us learn new things and explore the world beyond our imagination. For me, traveling is an opportunity to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

I had always wanted to travel by train but never got a chance until recently when I went on a vacation to Goa. I took the train from Mumbai to Goa and it was a wonderful experience. The journey was very relaxing and the views were amazing. I saw different types of landscapes and villages as we passed by. I also got a chance to meet some interesting people from all walks of life.

Essay on My Travel Experience

I utilized multiple ways to  maximize my joy during train travel experience to Goa. I made sure that I had my travel essentials with me so that I could make the most of my journey. I carried a map of the train route, some snacks and drinks, and a book to keep me entertained during the long journey. I also made sure to dress comfortably as I knew I would be sitting in the same position for a long time.

>>>> Read Also : ” Essay on Experience is the Best Teacher “

I started my journey early in the morning so that I could enjoy the views of the sunrise. As the train made its way through the countryside, I was mesmerized by the beauty of nature. The fields, trees, and rivers looked like a painting. I also saw some animals grazing by the side of the tracks. It was a wonderful experience and I felt very lucky to be able to witness it.

The journey was a bit tiring as it took over 16 hours, but it was definitely worth it. I arrived in Goa feeling refreshed and relaxed. I would definitely recommend traveling by train to anyone who wants to experience the beauty of India’s countryside. It is an experience that I will never forget.

My Suggestion to Everybody Travelling via Train

1. Make sure you carry all your essentials with you, including a map of the train route, snacks, and drinks. 2. Dress comfortably so that you can relax in your seat during the journey. 3. Start your journey early in the morning to enjoy the views of the sunrise. 4. Talk to the people around you to learn more about their culture and way of life. 5. Take plenty of breaks to stretch your legs and walk around the train. 6. Enjoy the scenery as you pass through different landscapes and villages.

Therefore, my train trip to Goa was a unique one. I met different types of people from all walks of life. I also got a chance to experience the beauty of India’s countryside. I would definitely recommend this mode of transportation to anyone who wants to explore India. It is an experience that I will never forget. Do you like travelling by train? What are some of your best experiences? Let us know in the comments below!

Unforgettable Travel Experience Essay:

Traveling is one of the most enriching and life-changing experiences one can have. It allows us to step out of our comfort zone, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. Among all my travels, there is one particular trip that stands out as my most unforgettable travel experience.

It was a solo backpacking journey across Europe, and it was my first time traveling alone. I had always wanted to explore the world on my own terms, without any restrictions or agendas. So, when I finally got the opportunity to take a month-long break from work, I knew exactly where I wanted to go – Europe.

I started my journey in Paris, the city of love and lights. From there, I traveled to Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, and Budapest. Each city had its unique charm and history that captivated me. The museums in Paris were a treasure trove of art and culture; the canals in Amsterdam were picturesque; the street art in Berlin was thought-provoking; the architecture in Prague was breathtaking; the palaces in Vienna exuded grandeur, and the ruin bars in Budapest were vibrant.

But what made this trip truly unforgettable was not just the places I visited, but also the people I met along the way. As a solo traveler, I had to rely on my communication skills to make friends and navigate through unfamiliar territories. This experience pushed me out of my shell and allowed me to connect with people from different backgrounds and nationalities. From hostel roommates to locals I met at cafes, each person had a unique story to tell and left an indelible mark on my journey.

Moreover, being alone in a foreign land made me more aware of my surroundings and more appreciative of the little things in life. Whether it was sipping coffee at a quaint café while people-watching, admiring a street performer’s talents, or getting lost in the cobblestone streets of old towns – these were moments that I would have missed if I had been traveling with others.

As my trip came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for this unforgettable travel experience. It taught me so much about myself and the world around me. It showed me that there is so much beauty and diversity in the world, and it only takes a curious mind and an open heart to experience it. This trip also gave me the confidence to continue traveling solo, and since then, I have visited many other countries on my own.

In conclusion, my unforgettable travel experience across Europe was not just a journey of visiting new places but also a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and personal growth. It will always hold a special place in my heart and serve as a constant reminder to keep exploring and creating unforgettable memories.

My Travel Experience Story:

My love for travel started at a young age when my parents took me on my first trip to the beach. The new sights, sounds and smells fascinated me and I knew that I wanted to keep exploring more of our beautiful world.

As I grew older, my passion for traveling only intensified. I saved up money from odd jobs and planned trips with friends whenever possible. But it wasn’t until I took my first solo trip that I truly fell in love with traveling. Being able to set my own itinerary, make decisions on the spot and fully immerse myself in a new culture was an exhilarating experience.

During one of my solo trips, I went backpacking through a few countries in Southeast Asia. It was an eye-opening journey filled with adventure, delicious food and wonderful people. I learned so much about myself and gained a new perspective on life.

Since then, I have made it a priority to travel at least once a year. My destinations range from popular tourist spots to off-the-beaten-path locations. Each trip brings its own unique experiences and memories that I will always cherish.

Traveling has not only allowed me to see amazing places, but it has also taught me valuable life lessons. I have learned to be more adaptable, patient and open-minded. I have made lasting connections with people from different backgrounds and cultures, broadening my understanding of the world.

I believe that traveling is one of the best ways to learn and grow as an individual. It allows you to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and gain a new appreciation for the world we live in. I am grateful for every opportunity I have had to travel and I cannot wait to see where my next adventure takes me. So here’s to more stamps on the passport and memories to last a lifetime!

Travel Experience in English:

Traveling with friends is an experience unlike any other. It allows you to not only explore new places but also strengthen the bond between you and your friends. Recently, I had the opportunity to go on a trip with my college buddies and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

We planned our trip for months, deciding on a budget-friendly destination that would cater to everyone’s interests. We finally settled on a beach destination and were eagerly looking forward to our adventure.

The trip began with an early morning flight and all of us being sleep-deprived, but the excitement and anticipation kept us going. As soon as we landed, we made our way to our accommodation which was right by the beach. The scenic view from our room instantly lifted our spirits and we knew it was going to be an amazing trip.

Over the next few days, we explored the local markets, tasted new cuisines, and indulged in various water activities. The ocean breeze, warm sun on our skin, and carefree attitude made us feel alive. We laughed until our stomachs hurt, took countless pictures, and made unforgettable memories.

But what made this trip truly special were the conversations we had. We talked about anything and everything, from our childhood memories to our future aspirations. Being away from the chaos of college life, we got a chance to connect on a deeper level and understand each other better.

Reflecting back on that trip, it was not just about visiting a new place, but also about the bond we shared. Traveling with friends brings you closer, teaches you patience and understanding, and makes for unforgettable experiences.

I highly recommend everyone to plan a trip with their friends at least once in their life. It doesn’t have to be an exotic location, even a nearby town or city will do. What matters is the time you spend together and the memories you create. It’s a great way to recharge and reconnect with your friends, and I guarantee you won’t regret it. So don’t wait, start planning your next trip with your buddies today! Happy travels! Let the adventures begin!

Essay on why traveling is Important:

Travelling is an important aspect of life that allows us to explore the world around us and learn about different cultures, people, and places. Whether it’s a short trip to a nearby city or a long journey to a foreign country, travelling has the power to broaden our horizons and change our perspective on life.

One of the main reasons why travelling is important is that it provides us with the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and experience new things. When we travel, we are exposed to different customs, languages, and ways of life that may be unfamiliar to us. This allows us to challenge ourselves and learn more about who we are as individuals.

Moreover, travelling also helps us understand and appreciate diversity. In today’s globalized world, it is essential to have a broad understanding of different cultures and societies. By travelling, we get the chance to meet people from all walks of life and gain a deeper appreciation for their traditions, beliefs, and values.

Travelling also allows us to disconnect from our daily routines and live in the moment. It gives us the opportunity to relax, unwind and take a break from our busy lives. By exploring new places and trying out new activities, we can rejuvenate ourselves and come back with a fresh perspective on life.

In addition to personal growth, travelling also has numerous educational benefits. It provides us with the opportunity to learn about history, art, architecture, and other subjects in a hands-on manner. By visiting museums, historical sites and attending cultural events, we can gain a better understanding of the world and its rich history.

Travelling also has a significant impact on our mental well-being. It allows us to escape from stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that may be weighing us down. By immersing ourselves in new surroundings and engaging in new experiences, we can improve our mood and overall mental health.

Finally, travelling also has a positive impact on the economy. It generates employment opportunities and contributes to local businesses in the places we visit. By supporting the local economy, we can help improve the lives of people living in those areas.

>>>> Read Also : ” Essay On Transportation, Types & Importance “

In conclusion, travelling is an essential part of life that allows us to grow personally, culturally, and intellectually. It has numerous benefits that not only enrich our lives but also contribute to the growth of society. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and adventure!

  • Start with a compelling introduction.
  • Share personal experiences and observations.
  • Use vivid descriptions and sensory details.
  • Include cultural insights and interactions.
  • Reflect on the impact of the journey.
  • Conclude with a memorable closing.
  • A travel essay is a literary genre that combines elements of travelogue and personal reflection.
  • It narrates the author’s experiences, impressions, and emotions during a journey.
  • It often explores cultural, historical, or social aspects of the destination.
  • Travel essays can inform, entertain, and inspire readers to explore new places.

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My Travel Experience

Ever since I was little all I have wanted to do was travel. I love discovering new places and exploring them to the max. All I want to do in the future is to hike and climb and explore new places. I want to travel and explore, if only it was a real job. Most people might say that they were just born that way, and others say they had to find their inner explorer. Me, I came out of the womb holding a trail map of the whole Appalachian Trail. If I had to choose my favorite vacation it would be hiking through the trees in Yosemite National Park. Or the day trips to the rock climbing gym, are ten times more fun for me than shopping. Sure the beach and relaxing at a beach house is nice but if I had a say we would be ocean kayaking instead. If I am to be honest I'm probably not having the greatest time if there is not any bit of danger involved. Many people think I might have gotten it from living in a house full of boys, but then I tell them I only have two sisters. There is no way to explain my strong interest in adventure and travel, then that it is just who I am.

I'm not sure when my first encounter with my extreme explorer personality was, but I do know that it was very early on. Even when I was just 4 or 5 years old I was climbing trees and learning what it means to explore. I loved it, and I dragged my cousin around with me to explore as well. Although, he was not just as excited as me we still thought it fun to play tackle football in the backyard. After about 5 to 6 years of that we took a family trip to California in the summer after fourth grade. I was honestly just excited to fly and get to go all the way to other side of the country. The first couple days were fun, we went to San Francisco and Monterey so they were both city days. However, the last days was spent in Yosemite National Park, where we hiked up and down the mountain across waterfalls and I don't think a smile ever left my face. We ran into many different and interesting types of wildlife that added even more to the trip. I was always in the front going fast and strong, the whole way, I had to be the first to see everything or else it wouldn’t be the same. This was my first major hiking trip I had taken, and it got me hooked for life. Now I go on a hiking trip almost every spring and fall with my cousins and poppop, and every time whether it’s a one mile incline or it’s pouring rain, I am still having the time of my life.

In closing, I haven’t traveled all that much, however, that amount I have, I have used in a way to explore everything in sight. I have gone on several hiking trips, some just hiking and others more than that, but every time was the best. I absolutely love exploring, traveling and learning about other cultures. I have such any interest in every single one of these things and wish I can apply them to my future job some day. Although, I am only in 8th grade, I am already looking into my future that will soon be right around the corner. I am ready to find out what I want to be as long as it has something to do with these three things. They are what I enjoy the most, and don’t think I could ever live without them. Exploring is my favorite, but can never be successful without traveling to new places, and traveling is the best way to learn about other cultures. Therefore, these things go hand in hand, and are definitely a huge and important part of my future, hopefully.

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My First Flight Experience Essay | Essay on My First Flight Experience for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by sastry

My First Flight Experience Essay: Surprises render more pleasure, especially when it is totally out of one’s expectation, It becomes even more memorable if it happens to be the one elating you from the ground and literally putting you in the sky. I was actually on cloud 9 last week, as I happened to experience my first flying experience; my first ever paragliding experience. It was one its type, the ultimate, unmatchable, an elating one.

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My First Flight Experience Essay

Long Essay on My First Flight Experience 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on My First Flight Experience of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Last week, I went for a vacation with my family and some friends to Bhimtal, Uttarakhand. It is a very quiet and peaceful place with natural beauty all around. It is a perfect place away from the loud, busy chores of the city life.

Not many travellers visit here, so in that respect, it is less crowded too. On reaching the destination, we spent our first day resting in the luxurious resort and just enjoying the nearby market. Then, suddenly a local informed us that we can try paragliding too. That was the turning point for all of us and our joy had no limit. We got really excited to try the adventure of flying.

The next morning we all got ready early to be prepared for paragliding. As we neared the camp, we were able to see people enjoying their first flight, shouting, laughing, clicking pictures and so on. Our excitement had no limit. It was not less than a movie scene. As we reached the spot, the mountains looked even more beautiful from the height and clouds seemed to be very near. The instructor told us about the mechanism behind paragliding and also explained us the rules. We saw that the pilot sits in the harness suspended below a hollow fabric wing whose shape is formed by its suspension lines.

The pressure of the air enters in the front of the wing and the forces of the air flowing from the outside. Without using any engine, paragliders can flight for good amount time, covering some tens of kilometres.

After a long wait, my turn came. I was super excited to fly like a bird. Several ropes were tied to me, yet somehow it felt light. The security quotient was boggling my mind, but soon it just went away. The pilot was sitting at my back, guiding me the way. After a short lapse of running on the mountains, the ground disappeared beneath my feet. In a spin of some seconds, I was flying in the air.

I was above the clouds and it felt as if I was weightless, moving freely in the direction of the wind. Before taking off, I had butterflies in my tummy, but now after my pilot’s assurance, I was confident and was just enjoying every moment of it. After a span of 2-3 minutes, my pilot prepared the landing. Again, in a spin of seconds I was back to the ground. I was filled with immense pleasure, contentment and satisfaction.

After my landing, I was relating my experience to that of Neil Armstrong’s experience of landing on moon. The experience surpassed all, it was beyond description. It proved to be more than a recreational sport. All of us were so delighted to have tried it. For me, I had never felt like that before, I actually felt like a superhuman, It also made me realise the power, intelligence, capability of human mind, having created such a brilliant thing.

My First Flight Experience Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Paragliding- the sport of cross-country gliding using a specially designed parachute shaped like flexible wings
  • Elating – making lively and joyful
  • Chores – a small routine task, esp a domestic one
  • Harness – something resembling such gear or tackle, as the arrangement of straps used to hold a parachute to the body
  • Suspension – a device or structure, usually a wire or spring, that serves to suspend or support something
  • Boggling – alarming, confusing
  • Immense – vast, great, large
  • Contentment – happiness with one’s situation in life
  • Surpassed – out the shadow, outdo
  • Recreational – engaged in as a pastime
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Essay on My Most Memorable Travel Experience for Students [PDF]

Who doesn’t love travelling? Maybe rare! I love travelling so much, in this essay paper I am covering my most memorable travel experience, I hope you like this essay presentation. So without wasting more of your time let’s jump to the essay!

Essay on My Most Memorable Travel Experience feature image

I love to travel  

Don’t you? For me traveling opens my mind to new ideas, new adventures and lets me learn. I like to learn as well and when I travel I get to learn about different people, their cultures and their way of thinking. 

When I was young I was able to travel across Canada. Even in a western country, there are different cultures and I got to see Ottawa and Montreal up close. The French Canadians are not the same as the Western Canadian and my experience was fabulous. 

Going to the east was not as exciting as traveling through the Rocky Mountains though. The grandeur and beauty of that mountain range defy description. Snow-capped almost all year round, these mountains stood tall and majestic. 

They even have a glacier in their midst that is something to behold. Lake Louise stands out as well with its multi-colored water and mountain surroundings. But as good as those trips were, they do not compare to when I left Canada and traveled to Asia for the first time. 

Here I was traveling to a completely different culture than I had experienced as a child. My itinerary was taking me to the land of the Morning Calm and was known in earlier days as the hermit kingdom. 

This was going to be a new experience for me. The plane took off going in a northerly direction as airlines like to fly close to land. This is a good policy as the passengers get to see the grand western mountains from a new angle. 

Up to and past Mt. Mckinley the snow-covered peaks glistened under the sun’s rays… That look was made better by the contrasting dark green colors of the forests that make their home throughout the mountains. 

Then as we were flying over the north Pacific ocean the realization set in that I was in for an adventure. The bright blue waters of the Pacific made the Japanese islands look like little diamonds set on a velvet cloth. 

A few minutes later we were passing over the eastern coastline of Korea, with its tall waves beating against the rocky shores. It was too late to turn back. We were almost to our destination, Seoul. 

After we had landed and I found my way to my hotel. The great thing about Korea is that it has signed both in English and Korean making it easy for foreigners to navigate to their destinations without hassle. 

The taxi drivers were polite and very helpful, plus they did not try to rip me off. They drove me directly to my hotel and helped me get inside. In looking out my hotel window I could see what made Seoul so attractive. It was a modern city filled with history. 

A history the Korean people were proud of. That pride was found in the lack of an entry fee to their wonderful museums. Even their ancient palaces were not that expensive to enter. Seoul. Has at least 3 of them within its borders. 

The main palace, Geongbokgung, is backed by Seoul’s mountains giving it a picture-perfect quality that is astounding. It took some time to see it all. After I left the palace I headed to the first national treasure of Korea, Nam Dae Mun or the southern gate. 

It stood tall and proud and it would be the entrance you would come through if you were traveling to Seoul from the south. The wide Han River is quietly weaved its way through the city supply the residents with pure mountain fresh water every day. 

There is too much to list here that both Seoul and Korea have to offer but it was a trip of a lifetime and one I will always remember. It wasn’t a vacation nor an adventure. It was a true travel experience. 

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Home / Essay Samples / Education / Studying Abroad / New Perspectives And Experiences In My First Trip Abroad

New Perspectives And Experiences In My First Trip Abroad

  • Category: Life , Education , Travelling
  • Topic: Journey , Studying Abroad , Trip

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