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Home » Penelitian Terapan: Tujuan, Ciri, Jenis & Contoh
Menulis Karya Ilmiah
Penelitian terapan: tujuan, ciri, jenis & contoh.
- Maret 19, 2024
Dalam dunia penelitian, jenis penelitian sendiri cukup beragam dimana salah satunya adalah penelitian terapan atau Applied Research . Penelitian jenis ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan temuan yang sifatnya aplikatif.
Artinya, temuan tersebut bisa diterapkan langsung di masyarakat untuk membantu mengatasi suatu masalah, memperbaiki suatu kondisi yang tadinya dikeluhkan, dan sebagainya. Sehingga temuannya bersifat praktis.
Apa Itu Penelitian Terapan (Applied Research)?
Dikutip melalui Puslit Universitas Mercu Buana, penelitian terapan didefinisikan sebagai penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari suatu masalah yang ada di masyarakat, industri, pemerintahan sebagai kelanjutan dari riset dasar.
Penelitian jenis ini berorientasi pada produk ipteks yang telah tervalidasi di lingkungan laboratorium maupun di lapangan. Sehingga sudah layak atau sudah bisa diterapkan (digunakan) langsung di tengah masyarakat yang memang membutuhkan produk tersebut.
Jika penelitian dasar, orientasinya pada temuan teori. Maka penelitian jenis ini orientasinya pada produk yang bersifat praktis. Baik itu berupa teknologi, mesin, produk konsumsi, dan sebagainya sesuai dengan bidang yang diteliti oleh peneliti.
Secara umum, penelitian jenis ini merupakan tingkat berikutnya dari penelitian dasar. Sehingga acuan utamanya adalah dari hasil penelitian dasar yang kemudian diteliti ulang untuk menghasilkan produk yang bersifat praktis.
Penelitian Terapan Menurut Para Ahli
Apabila masih merasa sedikit bingung dalam memahami apa itu penelitian terapan, maka berikut adalah definisi yang disampaikan beberapa ahli:
1. Jujun S.Suriasumantri
Ahli pertama yang mendefinisikan riset terapan adalah Jujun S. Suriasumantri. Dimana dijelaskan bahwa riset terapan adalah sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah kehidupan praktis.
2. Nazir
Ahli kedua yang mendefinisikan riset terapan adalah Nazir, dimana disebutkan bahwa riset terapan merupakan penyelidikan yang hati-hati, sistematik, dan dilakukan terus-menerus terhadap suatu masalah dengan tujuan untuk segera digunakan.
Adapun yang dimaksud untuk segera digunakan disini adalah temuan atau hasil dari penelitian tersebut. Sehingga berbentuk produk yang diharapkan bisa langsung digunakan atau dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.
3. Zoila Rosa Vargas Cordero
Ketiga adalah definisi yang dipaparkan oleh Zoila Rosa Vargas Cordero. Dimana dijelaskan bahwa riset terapan adalah suatu cara untuk mengetahui realitas dengan bukti ilmiah.
4. Hunt
Terakhir adalah definisi yang dikemukakan oleh Hunt, dijelaskan bahwa penelitian terapan adalah penyelidikan yang dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan ilmiah untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah.
Tujuan Penelitian Terapan
Berbeda dengan penelitian dasar yang bertujuan untuk memperluas ilmu pengetahuan dengan temuan-temuan baru yang bersifat teori. Pada riset terapan, tujuan utamanya adalah menemukan solusi praktis untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah di lapangan (dunia nyata).
Suatu masalah tentu perlu dicari solusinya untuk mencegah dampak yang berkepanjangan dan meluas. Penemuan solusi kadang perlu dilakukan penelitian agar solusi tersebut sifatnya ilmiah, mudah diaplikasikan, dan memang terbukti bekerja secara efektif.
Disinilah riset terapan dilakukan dengan maksud menemukan solusi yang memiliki kriteria tersebut. Biasanya masalah yang diteliti dan dicari solusinya adalah masalah di masyarakat yang memiliki dampak cukup atau bahkan sangat luas. Namun bisa juga untuk topik-topik sederhana, sebab sekecil apapun suatu masalah tentu perlu segera diatasi.
Ciri Penelitian Terapan
Memahami juga bahwa penelitian memiliki jenis yang cukup beragam, maka penting untuk bisa membedakannya. Sehingga para peneliti bisa menentukan jenis penelitian mana yang sesuai dengan karakter topik yang dipilih.
Salah satu cara terbaik untuk membedakan semua jenis penelitian adalah dengan memahami ciri-ciri khas yang dimiliki. Dikutip melalui berbagai sumber, berikut adalah beberapa ciri-ciri dari riset terapan secara umum:
1. Fokus pada Masalah Praktis
Ciri yang pertama dari riset terapan adalah memiliki fokus utama pada masalah praktis. Sehingga bisa menghasilkan temuan yang menjadi solusi untuk masalah di lapangan atau di dunia nyata.
Berbeda dengan penelitian dasar yang fokus dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan. Sehingga, jika penelitian yang Anda jalankan akan menghasilkan solusi yang aplikatif maka sudah memenuhi ciri khas dari riset terapan.
2. Berkaitan Erat dengan Penelitian Dasar
Ciri-ciri yang kedua dan khas dari riset terapan adalah selalu berkaitan erat dengan penelitian dasar. Meskipun memiliki fokus dan tujuan akhir yang berbeda, akan tetapi penelitian dasar perlu dilakukan dulu baru menuju riset terapan.
Artinya, riset terapan tidak dapat dilakukan jika belum ada hasil dari penelitian dasar. Sebab solusi praktis yang ditemukan dan dikembangkan di riset terapan adalah dari hasil riset dasar itu sendiri.
3. Solusi Spesifik
Ciri yang ketiga dari penelitian terapan adalah menghasilkan solusi yang spesifik. Artinya solusi yang ditemukan difokuskan untuk mengatasi suatu masalah dan sering tidak bisa diterapkan untuk masalah lain. Kecuali masalah yang sama persis.
Oleh sebab itu, riset terapan hanya bisa memberi solusi spesifik dan tidak melebar ke masalah lain. Masalah lain kemudian perlu dilakukan penelitian terpisah untuk didapatkan solusi spesifik yang lebih sesuai.
4. Penerapan Praktis dari Suatu Pengetahuan
Jika Anda selama ini mengira bahwa temuan di riset terapan adalah produk, maka sebenarnya belum sepenuhnya tepat. Sebab produk yang ditemukan juga termasuk dalam suatu pengetahuan, dimana bisa mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan.
Maka temuan bersifat praktis sejatinya adalah bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan itu sendiri. Hasil dari riset terapan kemudian secara otomatis akan ikut mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
5. Berbasis Empiris dan Keakuratan Pengamatan
Ciri yang terakhir dari riset terapan adalah selalu berbasis empiris dan keakuratan pengamatan. Artinya, seluruh data dalam penelitian ini wajib menjadi data akurat. Sehingga analisis data tersebut menghasilkan solusi praktis yang sifatnya aplikatif (mudah dan bisa diterapkan langsung) dan juga efektif.
Jenis Penelitian Terapan
Membahas mengenai penelitian terapan, maka akan memahami bahwa penelitian jenis ini terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa jenis. Setidaknya ada tiga jenis penelitian yang merupakan bagian dari riset terapan. Berikut penjelasannya:
1. Penelitian Evaluasi
Jenis yang pertama adalah penelitian evaluasi, yaitu suatu metode riset terapan yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji informasi mengenai subjek penelitian secara objektif. Secara sederhana, riset ini ditujukan untuk memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan.
Sehingga ketika suatu produk, kebijakan atau aturan, dan sejenisnya sudah berjalan akan tetapi masih dijumpai keluhan. Atau bahkan belum melibatkan teknologi terkini untuk efisiensi, maka akan diteliti.
Hasil penelitiannya akan mendapatkan evaluasi dari kekurangan sistem yang sudah berjalan dan temuan sistem baru yang lebih baik. Sehingga bisa membantu mengatasi keluhan yang selama ini muncul.
Contoh dari penelitian evaluasi adalah melakukan evaluasi terhadap kurikulum pendidikan yang dijalankan suatu sekolah. Sehingga bisa dicari solusi untuk mengatasi masalah dari penerapan kurikulum tersebut dan bersifat praktis.
2. Penelitian R&D
Jenis kedua dari penelitian terapan adalah penelitian R&D (Penelitian dan pengembangan). Yaitu jenis dari riset terapan yang tujuan dan fokus utamanya pada pengembangan produk, teknologi, atau proses baru.
Penelitian R&D diharapkan bisa menemukan inovasi baru sehingga menghasilkan produk, teori, dan teknologi yang lebih baik. Sehingga ada pengembangan suatu produk yang dirasa lebih menarik, bermanfaat, praktis, dan sebagainya.
3. Penelitian Tindakan
Jenis yang ketiga adalah penelitian tindakan, yaitu jenis penelitian yang dirancang untuk menyelesaikan masalah spesifik dalam organisasi atau komunitas. Penelitian ini berjalan dengan adanya kolaborasi antara peneliti dengan pemangku kepentingan.
Misalnya suatu pabrik berhadapan dengan jam lembur yang terlalu tinggi padahal kuantitas produksi tidak bisa naik. Maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab dan solusi dari masalah tersebut.
Sehingga temuan penelitian bisa diterapkan langsung di lingkungan pabrik yang bersangkutan. Meskipun begitu, atas kesepakatan bersama, hasil penelitian bisa dipublikasikan dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat luas. Termasuk perusahaan lain.
Contoh Penelitian Terapan
Penelitian terapan menjadi jenis penelitian yang bisa digunakan untuk semua bidang keilmuan. Sebab semua bidang tentu memiliki masalah dan membutuhkan solusi praktis yang bisa langsung diterapkan serta bekerja secara nyata.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh konkrit dari riset terapan di beberapa bidang keilmuan:
- Bidang kedokteran: Mengembangkan obat baru, menentukan kemanjurannya, dan mempelajari efek samping dari obat baru tersebut.
- Bidang pendidikan: Menyelidiki efektivitas metode pengajaran atau dampak teknologi pada hasil pembelajaran sehingga hasilnya lebih optimal.
- Bidang bisnis: Menganalisis perilaku konsumen, mengoptimalkan manajemen rantai pasokan, atau meningkatkan produktivitas di tempat kerja secara efektif dan efisien.
- Bidang teknik: Mengembangkan material baru, meningkatkan efisiensi energi, atau merancang sistem transportasi yang lebih aman bagi masyarakat luas.
- Bidang psikologi: Mempelajari perilaku di tempat kerja, sumber daya manusia, dan pengembangan organisasi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kinerja karyawan suatu perusahaan.
- Bidang kesehatan: Mengeksplorasi dampak pilihan gaya hidup terhadap penyakit kronis maupun mengevaluasi intervensi kesehatan masyarakat.
Dikutip dari kumparan.com , berikut adalah beberapa contoh penelitian yang masuk dalam kategori riset terapan di berbagai bidang keilmuan:
1. Pengembangan Teknologi Keuangan
- Penelitian tentang implementasi teknologi keuangan (fintech) untuk meningkatkan akses perbankan di daerah terpencil.
- Studi tentang penggunaan blockchain dalam meningkatkan transparansi dan keamanan transaksi keuangan.
2. Inovasi dalam Industri Manufaktur
- Penelitian tentang implementasi otomatisasi dan robotika dalam meningkatkan efisiensi produksi.
- Studi tentang penggunaan teknologi manufaktur aditif (3D printing) untuk pengembangan produk baru.
3. Pengembangan Transportasi Berkelanjutan
- Penelitian mengenai penerapan teknologi dalam transportasi umum untuk mengurangi emisi karbon.
- Studi tentang integrasi teknologi informasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sistem transportasi perkotaan.
4. Pengembangan Sistem Smart City
- Penelitian tentang implementasi teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) dalam pengembangan kota pintar.
- Studi tentang penggunaan big data untuk meningkatkan manajemen dan pelayanan kota.
5. Pengembangan Pendidikan Digital
- Penelitian tentang implementasi teknologi pembelajaran online untuk meningkatkan akses dan kualitas pendidikan.
- Studi tentang dampak penggunaan teknologi dalam meningkatkan literasi digital di kalangan siswa.
Melalui penjelasan secara rinci dari definisi sampai contoh-contoh penelitian terapan tersebut. Maka diharapkan bisa membantu lebih memahami dan memberi kemudahan untuk melaksanakan riset terapan, dimana menjadi jenis riset yang paling sering dijalankan selain penelitian dasar dan penelitian pengembangan.
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Penelitian Terapan: Pengertian, Ciri-Ciri dan Contoh
Metode penelitian adalah hal yang penting dalam sebuah penelitian. Ada berbagai jenis metode penelitian yang bisa digunakan dalam melakukan sebuah penelitian. Salah satu jenis atau metode penelitian yang bisa digunakan adalah penelitian terapan atau applied research. Seperti apa penelitian terapan itu dan bagaimana contohnya? Yuk kita bahas tuntas sampai contoh penelitian terapan dalam artikel ini.
Setiap jenis metode penelitian ini memiliki tujuan, fungsi, dan cara penelitian yang berbeda dengan metode penelitian lainnya. Hal ini juga berlaku pada penelitian terapan. Secara singkat, penelitian terapan dilakukan untuk dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari berbagai masalah yang ada. Misalnya di masyarakat, pemerintahan, maupun di industri.
Hasil dari penelitian terapan yang dilakukan adalah pengembangan atau produk inovasi, sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang ada. Agar dapat mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan penelitian terapan, simak penjelasan lengkapnya berikut ini.
Pengertian Penelitian Terapan
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), pengertian dari penelitian terapan adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ilmiah untuk suatu tujuan praktis atau untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah kehidupan praktis.
Para ahli juga merumuskan pengertian dari penelitian terapan, yaitu:
1. Nazir
Menurut Nazir, penelitian terapan adalah proses penyelidikan yang dilakukan secara hati-hati, sistematik, dan terus-menerus pada suatu masalah. Tujuannya adalah untuk menggunakannya dengan segera untuk suatu keperluan tertentu.
Penelitian terapan menurut Hunt adalah penyelidikan yang dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan pengetahuan ilmiah, tujuannya adalah untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah.
3. Jujun S. Sumantri
Sedangkan menurut Jujun S. Sumantri, penelitian terapan merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah praktis yang ada.
Berdasarkan berbagai pengertian penelitian terapan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian terapan adalah sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengangkat sebuah masalah yang ada dengan tujuan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut dan mengembangkan solusinya dengan segera.
Penelitian terapan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan solusi untuk masalah itu. Solusi itu bisa berbentuk inovasi berupa teknologi maupun produk yang pada akhirnya bisa langsung diaplikasikan atau diterapkan.
Ciri-Ciri Penelitian Terapan
Berikut ini merupakan 5 ciri-ciri penelitian terapan yang harus diketahui sebelum lanjut pada tahapan selanjutnya.
1. Menyelesaikan Masalah-Masalah Praktis
Ciri pertama dari penelitian terapan adalah fungsinya yang adalah untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah praktis dan spesifik. Masalah praktis dan spesifik yang dimaksud adalah masalah yang berdampak pada masyarakat, pekerjaan, kehidupan, serta kesehatan secara menyeluruh.
2. Dilakukan untuk Menemukan Kebenaran Objektif
Metode penelitian terapan berguna untuk menemukan kebenaran yang objektif atau yang sebenarnya, tanpa ada pengaruh dan pendapat pribadi. Kebenaran objektif ini didapatkan dari pengumpulan data dari sumber pertama.
3. Berfokus pada Gejala Alam dan Gejala Sosial
Pada penelitian terapan, fokus utamanya adalah pada gejala alam dan gejala sosial. Alasannya adalah gejala alam dan gejala sosial memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan yang dapat memengaruhi manusia jika dibiarkan saja. Penelitian terapan berfungsi untuk mencegah munculnya kondisi yang buruk.
4. Mementingkan Validitas Eksternal
Ciri keempat dari penelitian terapan adalah lebih mementingkan validitas eksternal. Pada setiap penelitian, validasi adalah hal yang penting. Namun pada penelitian terapan, validitas eksternal merupakan hal yang penting. Validitas eksternal adalah validitas yang mengacu pada sejauh apa temuan ilmiah dapat digunakan ke populasi lain.
5. Perlu Pengolahan Data yang Tepat
Pengolahan data adalah hal yang penting dan harus diperhatikan dalam penelitian terapan. Proses pengolahan data yang tepat akan membantu proses pembuatan kesimpulan dan bagaimana penerapan solusi.
Rekomendasi Buku Penelitian dan Skripsi
Dapatkan Buku-Buku Penelitian Lainnya di Buku Penelitian
Jenis Penelitian Terapan
Dalam melakukan penelitian terapan, ada tiga jenis yang bisa dilakukan, yaitu:
1. Penelitian Evaluasi
Merupakan penelitian terapan yang dilakukan untuk melakukan penilaian pada setiap tahapan yang dilakukan pada penelitian. Mulai dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hingga hasil penelitian.
Analisis dan pelaporan data adalah dua proses dari penelitian evaluasi, yang dilakukan dengan proses sistematis dan ketat, serta melibatkan teknik pengumpulan data mengenai organisasi, proses, layanan, proyek, dan sumber daya.
2. Penelitian Aksi
Adalah jenis penelitian terapan yang berfokus pada tindakan sosial yang ada di masyarakat. Tujuan dari jenis penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kehidupan serta kondisi sosial dari subjek penelitian.
Pada penelitian aksi, mengasumsikan bahwa dunia sosial terus berubah dan peneliti maupun penelitian adalah bagian dari perubahan tersebut.
3. Penelitian Tentang Dampak Sosial
Sesuai namanya, jenis penelitian terapan ini fokusnya adalah pada penilaian terhadap dampak sosial yang terjadi. Pada jenis penelitian terapan ini, akan meneliti konsekuensi apa saja yang akan muncul dari pembuatan rencana serta pilihan dari beberapa alternatif kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan ilmu pengetahuan sosial.
Perbedaan Penelitian Dasar dan Penelitian Terapan
Selain penelitian terapan, ada juga jenis penelitian dasar. Kedua jenis penelitian ini tentu berbeda, mulai dari tujuan, cara melakukannya, hingga fungsinya. Berikut ini adalah berbagai perbedaan penelitian dasar dan penelitian terapan:
1. Tujuan Penelitian
Perbedaan pertama dari penelitian dasar dan penelitian terapan adalah pada tujuannya. Tujuan dari penelitian dasar adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan yang sudah ada. Sedangkan penelitian terapan memiliki tujuan untuk menemukan solusi dari sebuah masalah.
2. Fokus Penelitian
Fokus penelitian dari masing-masing penelitian juga membedakan keduanya. Penelitian dasar berfokus pada tujuan untuk menemukan sesuatu dari penelitian yang dilakukan. Namun pada penelitian terapan, fokusnya adalah untuk menemukan solusi dan menerapkannya.
3. Lokasi Penelitian
Lokasi penelitian ternyata juga membedakan penelitian dasar dan penelitian terapan. Penelitian dasar disebut sebagai penelitian laboratoris, yaitu peneliti melakukan penelitian di laboratorium atau dengan suasana laboratoris. Hal ini berbeda dengan penelitian terapan, di mana penelitian dilakukan di lapangan, untuk mengetahui kondisi nyata dari suatu masalah.
4. Pendekatan yang Dilakukan
Penelitian dasar menggunakan pendekatan berupa teori dan analisis, sedangkan penelitian terapan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan praktis.
5. Penerapan Penelitian
Setelah penelitian selesai dilakukan, maka hasil penelitian akan diterapkan. Penerapan penelitian dasar ini disebut universal, karena dapat diterapkan pada masalah apapun. Namun penerapan penelitian terapan hanya bisa pada isu atau masalah tertentu di mana penelitian itu dilakukan.
Contoh Judul Penelitian Terapan
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh judul penelitian terapan yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi dalam membuat penelitian terapan:
1. Contoh Penelitian Terapan tentang Desa Wisata
Pengembangan Wisata pada Desa Wisata Batik dengan Memanfaatkan Sosial Media.
2. Contoh Penelitian Terapan tentang Anak
Pengaruh Buku Cerita Bergambar (judul buku cerita) pada Pengembangan Daya Imajinasi Anak Usia 4 Sampai 5 Tahun di Desa X.
3. Contoh Penelitian Terapan tentang Digital
Desain Laporan Keuangan Digital dalam Membantu Proses Pembukuan Perajin Rotan di Desa Wisata Rotan.
Sebagai seorang SEO Spesialis, telah berpengalaman dalam membantu berbagai bisnis meningkatkan visibilitas online mereka melalui optimasi mesin pencari. Dengan keahlian dalam riset kata kunci, optimasi konten, dan strategi backlink, berfokus pada peningkatan trafik organik dan peringkat situs web di mesin pencari
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Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Teknologi
Pengertian Penelitian Terapan (applied research), Ciri, Tipe, Kelebihan dan Kekurangannya
A. Pengertian Penelitian Terapan (Applied Research)
B. ciri penelitian terapan (applied research), c. tipe desain penelitian terapan (applied research), d. kelebihan dan kelemahan penelitian terapan (applied research).
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Selamat datang di artikel ini yang akan membahas perbedaan antara basic research dan applied research. Dalam dunia penelitian, kedua jenis penelitian ini memiliki peranan yang sangat penting. Basic research fokus pada pemahaman dasar suatu fenomena, sementara applied research bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut mengenai perbedaan antara keduanya.
Pada bagian ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara detail mengenai perbedaan basic research dan applied research. Dalam melakukan penelitian, metode dan tujuan kedua jenis penelitian ini sangatlah berbeda. Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih lanjut:
1. Metode Penelitian
Basic research dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang melibatkan pengumpulan data dan analisis untuk memperoleh pengetahuan. Peneliti biasanya melakukan observasi, percobaan, atau analisis statistik untuk menghasilkan informasi baru. Sementara itu, applied research menggunakan pendekatan yang lebih praktis dan implementatif. Peneliti akan menerapkan pengetahuan yang sudah ada untuk memecahkan masalah atau mengembangkan solusi baru.
2. Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan utama dari basic research adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang fenomena alam dan dunia sosial. Penelitian ini tidak memiliki kepentingan praktis secara langsung, tetapi lebih berfokus pada pengembangan teori dan pengetahuan. Di sisi lain, applied research bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Peneliti akan menggunakan pengetahuan yang didapatkan untuk memecahkan masalah atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam industri atau masyarakat.
3. Penggunaan Pengetahuan
Basic research seringkali menghasilkan pengetahuan teoretis yang belum dapat diterapkan secara langsung. Hasil penelitian ini kemudian dapat digunakan oleh peneliti lain untuk melanjutkan penelitian lebih lanjut atau mengembangkan aplikasi praktis dari pengetahuan tersebut. Di sisi lain, applied research menghasilkan pengetahuan yang langsung dapat diterapkan dalam industri atau masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam bidang tertentu.
4. Waktu dan Biaya
Basic research seringkali membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dan biaya yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan applied research. Karena fokusnya pada pengembangan teori dan pengetahuan, penelitian ini membutuhkan pengumpulan data dan analisis yang teliti. Sementara itu, applied research memiliki waktu dan biaya yang lebih terbatas karena fokusnya pada penerapan pengetahuan yang sudah ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Aplikasi dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Hasil basic research biasanya tidak langsung dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pengetahuan yang didapatkan seringkali membutuhkan pengembangan lebih lanjut sebelum dapat memiliki aplikasi praktis. Sementara itu, applied research langsung menghasilkan pengetahuan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Peneliti akan mencari solusi konkret untuk masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam bidang tertentu.
6. Tingkat Risiko
Basic research biasanya memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan applied research. Karena fokusnya pada pemahaman dasar suatu fenomena, belum tentu setiap eksperimen atau teori yang diuji akan berhasil. Sementara itu, applied research memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih rendah karena peneliti menggunakan pengetahuan yang sudah ada untuk merancang solusi.
7. Kolaborasi dengan Industri
Applied research seringkali melibatkan kolaborasi antara peneliti dan industri. Peneliti akan bekerja sama dengan industri untuk mencari solusi konkrit atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam produksi atau pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh industri tersebut. Sementara itu, basic research cenderung lebih fokus pada penelitian yang independen dan pengembangan teori.
Tabel Perbandingan Basic Research dan Applied Research
Frequently asked questions (faq), 1. apa itu basic research.
Basic research adalah jenis penelitian yang berfokus pada pemahaman dasar dan pengembangan teori.
2. Apa itu applied research?
Applied research adalah jenis penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Mengapa basic research penting?
Basic research penting karena dapat meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang fenomena alam dan dunia sosial.
4. Apa manfaat dari applied research?
Applied research dapat membantu memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam industri atau masyarakat.
5. Bagaimana cara melakukan basic research?
Basic research dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah seperti observasi, percobaan, atau analisis statistik.
6. Bagaimana applied research diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari?
Applied research dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari melalui pengembangan solusi konkrit untuk masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat atau meningkatkan efisiensi dalam bidang tertentu.
7. Apakah basic research lebih berisiko daripada applied research?
Ya, basic research memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan applied research karena fokusnya pada pengembangan teori dan pengetahuan.
Dalam artikel ini, kita telah membahas perbedaan antara basic research dan applied research. Kedua jenis penelitian ini memiliki peran yang penting dalam pengembangan pengetahuan dan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Basic research memegang peranan kunci dalam meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang fenomena alam dan dunia sosial, sementara applied research bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan yang dapat diterapkan secara langsung dalam industri atau masyarakat.
Perbedaan utama antara kedua jenis penelitian ini terletak pada metode penelitian, tujuan penelitian, penggunaan pengetahuan, waktu dan biaya, aplikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tingkat risiko, dan kolaborasi dengan industri. Setiap jenis penelitian memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, dan penting untuk memahami perbedaan ini untuk dapat menggunakan penelitian secara efektif dalam berbagai konteks.
Mari terus mendukung dan melibatkan diri dalam dunia penelitian untuk terus mengembangkan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kehidupan kita. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini, semoga bermanfaat!
Kata Penutup
Seluruh isi artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian dan analisis yang teliti dari berbagai sumber yang dapat dipercaya. Namun, kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran atau keakuratan informasi yang disajikan. Pembaca diharapkan untuk melakukan riset lebih lanjut dan memverifikasi informasi sebelum mengambil keputusan berdasarkan artikel ini. Apabila terdapat pertanyaan atau komentar, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami. Terima kasih.
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Difference Between Basic and Applied Research
On the contrary, applied research implies the research that is put to practical use and is beneficial to solve practical problems. This article might help you in understanding the difference between basic and applied research.
Content: Basic Research Vs Applied Research
Comparison chart, definition of basic research.
Basic Research or otherwise called as pure or fundamental research, is one that focuses on advancing scientific knowledge for the complete understanding of a topic or certain natural phenomenon, primarily in natural sciences. In a nutshell, when knowledge is acquired for the sake of knowledge it is called basic research.
Basic Research is completely theoretical, that focuses on basic principles and testing theories. It tends to understand the basic law.
Basic Research deals with generalization and formulation of theory about human behaviour. It is aligned towards collecting information that has universal applicability. Therefore, basic research helps in adding new knowledge to the already existing knowledge.
Definition of Applied Research
Applied Research can be defined as research that encompasses real life application of the natural science. It is directed towards providing a solution to the specific practical problems and develop innovative technology.
In finer terms, it is the research that can be applied to real-life situations. It studies a particular set of circumstances, so as to relate the results to its corresponding circumstances.
Applied research includes research that focuses on certain conclusions experiencing a business problem. Moreover, research that is aligned towards ascertaining social, economic or political trends are also termed as applied research.
Key Differences Between Basic and Applied Research
The points given below explain the differences between basic and applied research:
- Basic Research can be explained as research that tries to expand the already existing scientific knowledge base. On the contrary, applied research is used to mean the scientific study that is helpful in solving real-life problems.
- While basic research is purely theoretical, applied research has a practical approach.
- The applicability of basic research is greater than the applied research, in the sense that the former is universally applicable whereas the latter can be applied only to the specific problem, for which it was carried out.
- The primary concern of the basic research is to develop scientific knowledge and predictions. On the other hand, applied research stresses on the development of technology and technique with the help of basic science.
- The fundamental goal of the basic research is to add some knowledge to the already existing one. Conversely, applied research is directed towards finding a solution to the problem under consideration.
The type of research may vary on the basis of the level at which research is carried out and its purpose. One can choose basic research over applied research when the purpose is to add certain scientific knowledge, whereas when it is important to identify a proper solution to the problem under study, applied research is preferable.
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January 25, 2023 at 11:19 am
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Rick Tayebwa says
February 22, 2018 at 8:36 pm
This has really settled the confusion i had between these two terms
Jamila Shabnam says
November 7, 2018 at 5:41 pm
Please guide me about research & impact evaluation…..to me impact evaluation is an assessment procedure & it’s formatted differently than research…what r the basic differences between the two? Thank u.
January 29, 2019 at 2:48 pm
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Surbhi S says
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April 5, 2022 at 10:36 am
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June 16, 2023 at 5:05 pm
Meseret says
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Charles says
February 2, 2020 at 9:27 pm
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Bolanle samson falade says
May 6, 2020 at 3:36 pm
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Ogbeche ojochide says
March 27, 2021 at 9:49 am
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Abdullahi A. Bakare says
July 14, 2021 at 4:30 pm
I found this very informative. It has helped me a lot in my Research Methodology teaching.
Marietha says
November 8, 2021 at 2:31 am
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J. M. Mlangwa says
January 4, 2022 at 4:36 pm
This article is very useful to me because it Helps to answer my assignment Explain the distinctions between basic research and applied research. Thank you
Richard Essuman says
March 20, 2022 at 8:19 pm
Much Regards. Thank you.
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Applied Research: Definition, Types & Examples
Every research project begins with a clear definition of the investigation’s purpose, which helps to identify the research procedure or approach used. In this sense, a researcher can conduct either basic or applied research.
This research focuses on answering specific questions to solve a specific problem. It tries to identify a solution to a cultural or organizational problem and is often a follow-up research plan for basic or pure research.
In this blog, we will explain the types of applied research and give some examples. But before that, we will go through what it is.
What is applied research?
Applied research is a non-systematic way of finding solutions to specific research problems or issues. These problems or issues can be on an individual, group, or societal level. It is called “non-systematic” because it goes straight to finding solutions.
It is often called a “scientific process” because it uses the available scientific tools and puts them to use to find answers.
Like in regular research, the researcher identifies the problem, makes a hypothesis, and then experiments to test it. It goes deeper into the findings of true or basic research.
LEARN ABOUT: Research Process Steps
Types of applied research
This research has three types:
- Evaluation research,
- Research and Development, and
- Action research.
The short versions of each type are explained below:
- Evaluation research
Evaluation research is one type of applied research. It looks at the information on a research subject. This kind of research leads to objective research or helps people make better decisions sooner. Most of the time, evaluation research is used in business settings.
The organization uses this research to figure out how the overhead costs can be cut down or cut down a lot.
- Research and development
Research and Development is the second type of applied research. Its main goal is to create or design new products, goods, or services that meet the needs of certain markets in society. It finds out what the needs of the market are. It focuses on finding new ways to improve products that already meet an organization’s needs.
- Action research
Action research is the third type of applied research. Action research is a way to learn about things that happen in everyday life and nature. Its goal is to find real-world solutions to business problems by pointing the business in the right direction.
LEARN ABOUT: Action Research
Examples of applied research
Applied study is used in many areas of study and research, from the sciences to the social sciences. We also talk about how it’s used in those fields and give some examples:
- Applied study in business
Applied study in business sectors is fully dependent on their products and services. It helps organizations understand market needs and trends, and then shape their products to fit customers.
Businesses benefit from This research because it allows them to detect gaps in their findings and obtain primary information on target market preferences.
- It can improve hiring.
- It improves work and policy.
- It identifies workplace skill gaps.
- Applied study in education
The applied study is used in the education field to test different ways of teaching and to find better ways of teaching and learning. Before implementing new education policies, they are tested to see how well they work, how they affect teaching, and how the classroom works.
Applied education research uses quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data from first-hand sources. This information is then looked at and interpreted differently to generate valuable results or conclusions.
LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview
Most applied research in this field is done to develop and test different ways of doing things by trying them out in different situations. It is based on accurate observations and descriptions of the real world.
- Applied study to understand the reach of online learning initiatives.
- Applied study to promote teacher-student classroom engagement.
- Applied study on the new math program.
- Applied study in science
As already said, applied study is often called a scientific process because it uses the available scientific tools to find answers. It can be used in physics, microbiology, thermodynamics, and other fields.
- The applied study is put into practice to cure a disease.
- The applied study is put into practice to improve agricultural practices.
- The applied study is applied to testing new laboratory equipment.
- Applied study in psychology
Researchers use this research in psychology to figure out how people act at work, how HR works, and how the organization is growing and changing so they can come up with solutions.
It is used a lot in areas where researchers try to figure out how people think and then come up with solutions that fit their behavior best.
- Applied study to figure out new ways to deal with depression.
- Applied study to improve students’ grades by emphasizing practical Education.
- Applied study to create a plan to keep employees coming to work regularly.
- Applied study in health
This research is used to examine new drugs in the medical industry. It combines scientific knowledge and procedures with health experiences to produce evidence-based results.
- Applied study in heart surgery.
- Applied study to determine a drug’s efficacy.
- Applied study on a medicine’s adverse effects.
LEARN ABOUT: Theoretical Research
Applied research is an important way to research because it helps organizations find real-world solutions to specific problems while also increasing their output and productivity. In contrast to basic research, which focuses on making theories that explain things, applied research focuses on describing evidence to find solutions.
In the applied study, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data, such as questionnaires, interviews, and observation methods. Conducting interviews is one of the examples of qualitative data in education . It helps the researcher collect real-world evidence, which is then tested depending on the type of applied research and the main focus.
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Basic vs. applied research: what’s the difference?
Last updated
27 February 2023
Reviewed by
Cathy Heath
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Research can be used to learn new facts, create new products, and solve various problems. Yet, there are different ways to undertake research to meet a desired goal.
The method you choose to conduct research will most likely be based on what question you want to answer, plus other factors that will help you accurately get the answer you need.
Research falls into two main categories: basic research and applied research. Both types of research have distinct purposes and varied benefits.
This guide will help you understand the differences and similarities between basic and applied research and how they're used. It also answers common questions about the two types of research, including:
Why is it called basic research?
What is more important, basic research or applied research?
What are examples of pure (basic) research and applied research?
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- What is basic research?
Basic research (sometimes called fundamental or pure) advances scientific knowledge to completely understand a subject, topic, or phenomenon. It's conducted to satisfy curiosity or develop a full body of knowledge on a specific subject.
Basic research is used to bring about a fundamental understanding of the world, different behaviors, and is the foundation of knowledge in the scientific disciplines. It is usually conducted based on developing and testing theories.
While there is no apparent commercial value to the discoveries that result from basic research, it is the foundation of research used for other projects like developing solutions to solve problems.
Examples of basic research
Basic research has always been used to give humans a better understanding of all branches of science and knowledge. However, it's not specifically based on identifying new things about the universe.
Basic research has a wide range of uses, as shown in the following examples:
Investigation into how the universe began
A study searching for the causes of cancer
Understanding the components that make up human DNA
An examination into whether a vegetarian diet is healthier than one with meat
A study to learn more about which areas in the world get the most precipitation
Benefits of conducting basic research
Called basic research because it is performed without an immediate or obvious benefit, this type of research often leads to vital solutions in the future. While basic research isn't technically solution-driven, it develops the underlying knowledge used for additional learning and research.
There are many benefits derived from basic research, including:
Gaining an understanding of living systems and the environment
Gathering information that can help society prepare for the future
Expanding knowledge that can lead to medical advances
Providing a foundation for applied research
- What is applied research?
Applied research studies particular circumstances to apply the information to real-life situations. It helps improve the human condition by finding practical solutions for existing problems.
Applied research builds off facts derived from basic research and other data to address challenges in all facets of life. Instead of exploring theories of the unknown, applied research requires researchers to use existing knowledge, facts, and discoveries to generate new knowledge.
Solutions derived from applied research are used in situations ranging from medical treatments or product development to new laws or regulations.
Examples of applied research
Applied research is designed to solve practical problems that exist under current conditions. However, it's not only used for consumer-based products and decisions.
Applied research can be used in a variety of ways, as illustrated by the following examples:
The investigation of ways to improve agricultural crop production
A study to improve methods to market products for Gen Z consumers
Examination of how technology can t make car tires last longer
Exploration of how to cook healthy meals with a limited budget
A study on how to treat patients with insomnia
Benefits of using applied research
Although applied research expands upon a foundation of existing knowledge, it also brings about new ideas. Applied research provides many benefits in various circumstances, including:
Designing new products and services
Creating new objectives
Providing unbiased data through the testing of verifiable evidence
- Basic research vs. applied research: the differences
Both basic and applied research are tactics for discovering specific information. However, they differ significantly in the way research is conducted and the objectives they achieve.
Some of the most notable differences between basic and applied research include the following:
Research outcomes: curiosity-driven vs. solution-driven
Basic research is generally conducted to learn more about a specific subject. It is usually self-initiated to gain knowledge to satisfy curiosity or confirm a theory.
Conversely, applied knowledge is directed toward finding a solution to a specific problem. It is often conducted to assist a client in improving products, services, or issues.
Research scope: universal scope vs. specific scope
Basic research uses a broad scope to apply various concepts to gain more knowledge. Research methods may include studying different subjects to add more information that connects evidence points in a greater body of data.
Meanwhile, applied research depends on a specific or narrow scope to gather specific evidence to address a certain problem.
Research approaches: expanding existing knowledge vs. finding new knowledge
Researchers conduct basic research to fill in gaps between existing information points. Basic knowledge is an expansion of existing knowledge to gain a deeper understanding. It is often based on how, what, or why something is the way it is. Although applied research may be based on information derived from basic research, it's not designed to expand the knowledge. Instead, the research is conducted to find new knowledge, usually in the form of a solution.
Research commercialization: Informational vs. commercial gain
The main basis of product development is to solve a problem for consumers.
Basic research might lead to solutions and commercial products in the future to help with this. Since applied research is used to develop solutions, it's often used for commercial gain.
Theory formulation: theoretical vs. practical nature
Basic research is usually based on a theory about a specific subject. Researchers may develop a theory that grows and changes as more information is discovered during the research process. Conversely, applied research is practical in nature since the goal is to solve a specific problem.
- Are there similarities between applied and basic research?
While some obvious differences exist, applied and basic research methods have similarities. For example, researchers may use the same methods to collect data (like interviews, surveys , and focus groups ) for both types of research.
Both types of research require researchers to use inductive and deductive reasoning to develop and prove hypotheses . The two types of research frequently intersect when basic research serves as the foundation for applied research.
While applied research is solution-based, basic research is equally important because it yields information used to develop solutions to many types of problems.
- Methods used in basic research and applied research
While basic and applied research have different approaches and goals, they require researchers or scientists to gather data. Basic and applied research makes use of many of the same methods to gather and study information, including the following:
Observations: Studying research subjects for an extended time allows researchers to gather information about how subjects behave under different conditions.
Interviews: Surveys and one-to-one discussions help researchers gain information from other subjects and validate data.
Experiments: Researchers conduct experiments to prove or disprove certain hypotheses based on information that has been gathered.
Questionnaires: A series of questions related to the research context helps researchers gather quantitative information applicable to both basic and applied research.
- How do you determine when to use basic research vs. applied research?
Basic and applied research are both helpful in obtaining knowledge. However, they aren't usually used in the same settings or under the same circumstances.
When you're trying to determine which type of research to use for a particular project, it's essential to consider your product goals. Basic research seeks answers to universal, theoretical questions. While it works to uncover specific knowledge, it's generally not used to develop a solution. Conversely, applied research discovers answers to specific questions. It should be used to find out new knowledge to solve a problem.
- Bottom line
Both basic and applied research are methods used to gather information and analyze facts that help build knowledge around a subject. However, basic research is used to gain understanding and satisfy curiosity, while applied research is used to solve specific problems. Both types of research depend on gathering information to prove a hypothesis or create a product, service, or valuable process.
By learning more about the similarities and differences between basic and applied research, you'll be prepared to gather and use data efficiently to meet your needs.
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Home » Applied Research – Types, Methods and Examples
Applied Research – Types, Methods and Examples
Table of Contents
Applied Research
Applied research is a type of scientific inquiry that focuses on developing practical solutions to real-world problems. It involves the use of existing knowledge, theories, and techniques to address specific problems or challenges in a particular field or industry.
Applied research is often conducted in collaboration with industry or government partners, who provide funding and expertise to support the research. The results of applied research are typically intended to be directly applicable to the real world, and may involve the development of new products, technologies, or processes.
Types of Applied Research
Types of Applied Research are as follows:
Action Research
This type of research is designed to solve specific problems within an organization or community. The research involves collaboration between researchers and stakeholders to develop solutions to issues that affect the organization or community.
Evaluation Research
This type of research is used to assess the effectiveness of a particular program, policy, or intervention. Evaluation research is often used in government, healthcare, and social service settings to determine whether programs are meeting their intended goals.
Developmental Research
This type of research is used to develop new products, technologies, or processes. The research may involve the testing of prototypes or the development of new methods for production or delivery.
Diagnostic Research
This type of research is used to identify the causes of problems or issues. Diagnostic research is often used in healthcare, where researchers may investigate the causes of a particular disease or condition.
Policy Research
This type of research is used to inform policy decisions. Policy research may involve analyzing the impact of existing policies or evaluating the potential outcomes of proposed policies.
Predictive Research
This type of research is used to forecast future trends or events. Predictive research is often used in marketing, where researchers may use data analysis to predict consumer behavior or market trends.
Data Collection Methods
In applied research, data collection methods can be broadly classified into two categories: Quantitative and Qualitative methods:
Quantitative Data Collection
Quantitative research methods involve collecting numerical data that can be analyzed statistically. The most commonly used quantitative data collection methods in applied research include:
- Surveys : Surveys are questionnaires designed to collect data from a large sample of people. Surveys can be conducted face-to-face, over the phone, or online.
- Experiments : Experiments involve manipulating variables to test cause-and-effect relationships. Experiments can be conducted in the lab or in the field.
- Observations : Observations involve watching and recording behaviors or events in a systematic way. Observations can be conducted in the lab or in natural settings.
- Secondary data analysis: Secondary data analysis involves analyzing data that has already been collected by someone else. This can include data from government agencies, research institutes, or other sources.
Qualitative Data Collection
Qualitative research methods involve collecting non-numerical data that can be analyzed for themes and patterns. The most commonly used qualitative data collection methods in applied research include:
- Interviews : Interviews involve asking open-ended questions to individuals or groups. Interviews can be conducted in-person, over the phone, or online.
- Focus groups : Focus groups involve a group of people discussing a topic with a moderator. Focus groups can be conducted in-person or online.
- Case studies : Case studies involve in-depth analysis of a single individual, group, or organization.
- Document analysis : Document analysis involves analyzing written or recorded documents to extract data. This can include analyzing written records, audio recordings, or video recordings.
Data Analysis Methods
In applied research, data analysis methods can be broadly classified into two categories: Quantitative and Qualitative methods:
Quantitative Data Analysis
Quantitative data analysis methods involve analyzing numerical data to identify patterns and trends. The most commonly used quantitative data analysis methods in applied research include:
- Descriptive statistics: Descriptive statistics involve summarizing and presenting data using measures such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.
- Inferential statistics : Inferential statistics involve testing hypotheses and making predictions about a population based on a sample of data. This includes methods such as t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis, and correlation analysis.
- Data mining: Data mining involves analyzing large datasets to identify patterns and relationships using machine learning algorithms.
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative data analysis methods involve analyzing non-numerical data to identify themes and patterns. The most commonly used qualitative data analysis methods in applied research include:
- Content analysis: Content analysis involves analyzing written or recorded data to identify themes and patterns. This includes methods such as thematic analysis, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis.
- Grounded theory: Grounded theory involves developing theories and hypotheses based on the analysis of data.
- Interpretative phenomenological analysis: Interpretative phenomenological analysis involves analyzing data to identify the subjective experiences of individuals.
- Case study analysis: Case study analysis involves analyzing a single individual, group, or organization in-depth to identify patterns and themes.
Applied Research Methodology
Applied research methodology refers to the set of procedures, tools, and techniques used to design, conduct, and analyze research studies aimed at solving practical problems in real-world settings. The general steps involved in applied research methodology include:
- Identifying the research problem: The first step in applied research is to identify the problem to be studied. This involves conducting a literature review to identify existing knowledge and gaps in the literature, and to determine the research question.
- Developing a research design : Once the research question has been identified, the next step is to develop a research design. This involves determining the appropriate research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), selecting the data collection methods, and designing the sampling strategy.
- Collecting data: The third step in applied research is to collect data using the selected data collection methods. This can include surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, or a combination of methods.
- Analyzing data : Once the data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed using appropriate data analysis methods. This can include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, content analysis, or other methods, depending on the type of data collected.
- Interpreting and reporting findings : The final step in applied research is to interpret the findings and report the results. This involves drawing conclusions from the data analysis and presenting the findings in a clear and concise manner.
Applications of Applied Research
Some applications of applied research are as follows:
- Product development: Applied research can help companies develop new products or improve existing ones. For example, a company might conduct research to develop a new type of battery that lasts longer or a new type of software that is more efficient.
- Medical research : Applied research can be used to develop new treatments or drugs for diseases. For example, a pharmaceutical company might conduct research to develop a new cancer treatment.
- Environmental research : Applied research can be used to study and address environmental problems such as pollution and climate change. For example, research might be conducted to develop new technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Agriculture : Applied research can be used to improve crop yields, develop new varieties of plants, and study the impact of pests and diseases on crops.
- Education : Applied research can be used to study the effectiveness of teaching methods or to develop new teaching strategies.
- Transportation : Applied research can be used to develop new technologies for transportation, such as electric cars or high-speed trains.
- Communication : Applied research can be used to improve communication technologies, such as developing new methods for wireless communication or improving the quality of video calls.
Examples of Applied Research
Here are some real-time examples of applied research:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Development: The development of COVID-19 vaccines is a prime example of applied research. Researchers applied their knowledge of virology and immunology to develop vaccines that could prevent or reduce the severity of COVID-19.
- Autonomous Vehicles : The development of autonomous vehicles involves applied research in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, and robotics. Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and Uber are conducting extensive research to improve their autonomous vehicle technology.
- Renewable Energy : Research is being conducted on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This is an example of applied research that aims to solve environmental problems.
- Precision Agriculture : Applied research is being conducted in the field of precision agriculture, which involves using technology to optimize crop yields and reduce waste. This includes research on crop sensors, drones, and data analysis.
- Telemedicine : Telemedicine involves using technology to deliver healthcare remotely. Applied research is being conducted to improve the quality of telemedicine services, such as developing new technologies for remote diagnosis and treatment.
- Cybersecurity : Applied research is being conducted to improve cybersecurity measures and protect against cyber threats. This includes research on encryption, network security, and data protection.
Purpose of Applied Research
The purpose of applied research is to solve practical problems or improve existing products, technologies, or processes. Applied research is focused on specific goals and objectives and is designed to have direct practical applications in the real world. It seeks to address problems and challenges faced by individuals, organizations, or communities and aims to provide solutions that can be implemented in a practical manner.
The primary purpose of applied research is to generate new knowledge that can be used to solve real-world problems or improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing products, technologies, or processes. Applied research is often conducted in collaboration with industry, government, or non-profit organizations to address practical problems and create innovative solutions.
Applied research is also used to inform policy decisions by providing evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of specific interventions or programs. By conducting research on the impact of policies and programs, decision-makers can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize interventions.
Overall, the purpose of applied research is to improve people’s lives by developing practical solutions to real-world problems. It aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and to ensure that research findings are put into action to achieve tangible benefits.
When to use Applied Research
Here are some specific situations when applied research may be appropriate:
- When there is a need to develop a new product : Applied research can be used to develop new products that meet the needs of consumers. For example, a company may conduct research to develop a new type of smartphone with improved features.
- When there is a need to improve an existing product : Applied research can also be used to improve existing products. For example, a company may conduct research to improve the battery life of an existing product.
- When there is a need to solve a practical problem: Applied research can be used to solve practical problems faced by individuals, organizations, or communities. For example, research may be conducted to find solutions to problems related to healthcare, transportation, or environmental issues.
- When there is a need to inform policy decisions: Applied research can be used to inform policy decisions by providing evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of specific interventions or programs.
- When there is a need to improve efficiency and effectiveness: Applied research can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes or systems. For example, research may be conducted to identify ways to streamline manufacturing processes or to improve the delivery of healthcare services.
Characteristics of Applied Research
The following are some of the characteristics of applied research:
- Focus on solving real-world problems : Applied research focuses on addressing specific problems or needs in a practical setting, with the aim of developing solutions that can be implemented in the real world.
- Goal-oriented: A pplied research is goal-oriented, with a specific aim of solving a particular problem or meeting a specific need. The research is usually designed to achieve a specific outcome, such as developing a new product, improving an existing process, or solving a particular issue.
- Practical and relevant: Applied research is practical and relevant to the needs of the industry or field in which it is conducted. It aims to provide practical solutions that can be implemented to improve processes or solve problems.
- Collaborative : Applied research often involves collaboration between researchers and practitioners, such as engineers, scientists, and business professionals. Collaboration allows for the exchange of knowledge and expertise, which can lead to more effective solutions.
- Data-driven: Applied research is data-driven, relying on empirical evidence to support its findings and recommendations. Data collection and analysis are important components of applied research, as they help to identify patterns and trends that can inform decision-making.
- Results-oriented: Applied research is results-oriented, with an emphasis on achieving measurable outcomes. Research findings are often used to inform decisions about product development, process improvement, or policy changes.
- Time-bound : Applied research is often conducted within a specific timeframe, with deadlines for achieving specific outcomes. This helps to ensure that the research stays focused on its goals and that the results are timely and relevant to the needs of the industry or field.
Advantages of Applied Research
Some of the advantages of applied research are as follows:
- Practical solutions: Applied research is focused on developing practical solutions to real-world problems, making it highly relevant to the needs of the industry or field in which it is conducted. The solutions developed through applied research are often highly effective and can be implemented quickly to address specific issues.
- Improved processes: Applied research can help organizations to improve their processes, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. The research can identify areas for improvement, such as bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and provide recommendations for optimizing processes.
- Innovation: Applied research can lead to the development of new products, services, and technologies that can transform industries and create new opportunities for growth and innovation. The research can help organizations to identify unmet needs and develop new solutions to meet them.
- Collaboration : Applied research often involves collaboration between researchers and practitioners, leading to the exchange of knowledge and expertise. Collaboration can result in more effective solutions and can help to build partnerships between academia and industry.
- Increased competitiveness : Applied research can help organizations to stay competitive by enabling them to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs. The research can provide insights into emerging trends and technologies, helping organizations to stay ahead of the curve.
- Economic growth: Applied research can contribute to economic growth by creating new industries and jobs. The research can lead to the development of new technologies and products that can drive economic growth and create new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation.
Limitations of Applied Research
Some of the limitations of applied research are as follows:
- Limited generalizability: Applied research often focuses on specific contexts and may not be generalizable to other settings. This means that the findings of applied research may not be applicable to other industries, regions, or populations.
- Time and resource constraints: Applied research is often conducted within a specific timeframe and with limited resources. This can limit the scope and depth of the research and may prevent researchers from exploring all possible avenues.
- Potential for bias: Applied research may be influenced by the interests and perspectives of the organization or industry funding the research. This can lead to a bias in the research and potentially compromise the objectivity and validity of the findings.
- Ethical considerations: Applied research may raise ethical concerns, particularly if it involves human subjects or sensitive issues. Researchers must adhere to ethical standards and ensure that the research is conducted in a responsible and respectful manner.
- Limited theoretical development: Applied research tends to focus on practical solutions and may not contribute significantly to theoretical development in a particular field. This can limit the broader impact of the research and may hinder the development of new theories and frameworks.
- Limited focus on long-term impact: Applied research often focuses on short-term outcomes, such as developing a new product or improving a process. This may limit the focus on long-term impacts, such as the sustainability of the solution or its broader implications for the industry or society.
About the author
Muhammad Hassan
Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer
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Appinio Research · 10.01.2024 · 35min read
Ever wondered how groundbreaking solutions to real-world challenges are developed, or how innovations come to life? Applied research holds the key. In this guide, we will delve deep into the world of applied research, uncovering its principles, methodologies, and real-world impact. From harnessing cutting-edge technology to address healthcare crises to revolutionizing industries through data-driven insights, we'll explore the diverse domains where applied research thrives.
What is Applied Research?
Applied research is a systematic and organized inquiry aimed at solving specific real-world problems or improving existing practices, products, or services. Unlike basic research, which focuses on expanding general knowledge, applied research is all about using existing knowledge to address practical issues.
The primary purpose of applied research is to generate actionable insights and solutions that have a direct impact on practical situations. It seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice by taking existing knowledge and applying it in real-world contexts. Applied research is driven by the need to address specific challenges, make informed decisions, and drive innovation in various domains.
Importance of Applied Research
Applied research holds immense significance across various fields and industries. Here's a list of reasons why applied research is crucial:
- Problem Solving: Applied research provides effective solutions to real-world problems, improving processes, products, and services.
- Innovation: It drives innovation by identifying opportunities for enhancement and developing practical solutions.
- Evidence-Based Decision-Making: Policymakers and decision-makers rely on applied research findings to make informed choices and shape effective policies.
- Competitive Advantage: In business, applied research can lead to improved products, increased efficiency, and a competitive edge in the market.
- Social Impact: Applied research contributes to solving societal issues, from healthcare improvements to environmental sustainability.
- Technological Advancement: In technology and engineering, it fuels advancements by applying scientific knowledge to practical applications.
Applied Research vs. Basic Research
Applied research differs from basic research in several key ways:
- Objectives: Applied research aims to address specific practical problems or improve existing processes, while basic research seeks to expand general knowledge.
- Focus: Applied research focuses on solving real-world challenges, whereas basic research explores fundamental principles and concepts.
- Applicability: Applied research findings are directly applicable to practical situations, while basic research often lacks immediate practical applications.
- Immediate Impact: Applied research has a more immediate impact on solving problems and improving practices, whereas basic research may have longer-term or indirect effects on knowledge and innovation.
- Research Questions: Applied research formulates research questions related to practical issues, while basic research poses questions to explore theoretical or fundamental concepts.
Understanding these distinctions is essential for researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders in various fields, as it guides the choice of research approach and the expected outcomes of a research endeavor.
Types of Applied Research
Applied research encompasses various types, each tailored to specific objectives and domains. Understanding these types is essential for choosing the right approach to address real-world problems effectively. Here are some common types of applied research, each with its distinct focus and methodologies.
Evaluation Research
Purpose: Evaluation research assesses the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of programs, interventions, or policies. It aims to determine whether these initiatives meet their intended goals and objectives.
Methodology: Researchers employ a range of quantitative and qualitative methods , including surveys, interviews, observations, and data analysis, to evaluate the outcomes and outcomes of programs or interventions.
Example: Evaluating the impact of a public health campaign aimed at reducing smoking rates by analyzing pre- and post-campaign survey data on smoking habits and attitudes.
Action Research
Purpose: Action research focuses on solving practical problems within a specific organizational or community context. It involves collaboration between researchers and practitioners to implement and assess solutions.
Methodology: Action research is iterative and participatory, with researchers and stakeholders working together to identify problems, develop interventions, and assess their effectiveness. It often involves cycles of planning, action, reflection, and adjustment.
Example: Teachers collaborating with researchers to improve classroom teaching methods and student outcomes by implementing and refining innovative teaching strategies.
Case Study Research
Purpose: Case study research investigates a particular individual, organization, or situation in-depth to gain a comprehensive understanding of a specific phenomenon or issue.
Methodology: Researchers collect and analyze a wealth of data, which may include interviews, documents, observations, and archival records. The goal is to provide a detailed and context-rich description of the case.
Example: A detailed examination of a successful startup company's growth strategies and challenges, offering insights into factors contributing to its success.
Applied Experimental Research
Purpose: Applied experimental research seeks to establish causal relationships between variables by manipulating one or more factors and observing their impact on outcomes. It helps determine cause-and-effect relationships in real-world settings.
Methodology: Researchers conduct controlled experiments, similar to those in basic research, but within practical contexts. They manipulate variables and use statistical analysis to assess their effects on specific outcomes.
Example: Testing the impact of different website designs on user engagement and conversion rates by randomly assigning visitors to various design versions and measuring their interactions.
Survey Research
Purpose: Survey research involves collecting data from a sample of individuals or organizations to understand their opinions, attitudes, behaviors, or characteristics. It is commonly used to gather quantitative data on specific topics.
Methodology: Researchers design surveys with carefully crafted questions and administer them to a representative sample of the target population . Statistical analysis is used to draw conclusions based on survey responses.
Example: Conducting a national survey to assess public sentiment and preferences on environmental conservation initiatives and policies.
These types of applied research provide a framework for approaching real-world challenges systematically. Researchers can choose the most appropriate type based on their research goals, objectives, and the nature of the problem or phenomenon they seek to address. By selecting the right approach, applied researchers can generate valuable insights and practical solutions in various fields and disciplines.
How to Prepare for Applied Research?
In the preparatory phase of your applied research journey, you'll lay the groundwork for a successful study. This phase involves a series of crucial steps that will shape the direction and ethics of your research project.
Identifying Research Questions
One of the key starting points for any applied research endeavor is identifying the right research questions. Your research questions should be clear, specific, and directly related to the problem or issue you aim to address.
- Engage with Stakeholders: Reach out to individuals or groups who are affected by or have an interest in the issue you're researching. Their perspectives can help you formulate relevant questions.
- Consider Feasibility: Ensure that your research questions are feasible within your available resources, including time, budget, and access to data or participants.
- Prioritize Impact: Focus on questions that have the potential to create meaningful change or provide valuable insights in your chosen field.
Formulating Hypotheses
Hypotheses serve as the guiding stars of your research, providing a clear direction for your investigation. Formulating hypotheses is a critical step that sets the stage for testing and validating your ideas.
- Testable Predictions: Your hypotheses should be testable and capable of being proven or disproven through empirical research.
- Informed by Literature: Base your hypotheses on existing knowledge and insights gained from the literature review. They should build upon what is already known and aim to expand that knowledge.
- Clarity and Precision: Write your hypotheses in a clear and precise manner, specifying the expected relationship or outcome you intend to explore.
Literature Review
Conducting a thorough literature review is like embarking on a treasure hunt through existing knowledge in your field. It's a comprehensive exploration of what other researchers have already discovered and what gaps in knowledge still exist.
- Search Strategies: Utilize academic databases, journals, books, and credible online sources to search for relevant literature.
- Analyze Existing Research: Examine the findings, methodologies, and conclusions of previous studies related to your research topic.
- Identify Research Gaps: Look for areas where current knowledge is insufficient or contradictory. These gaps will be the foundation for your own research.
Data Collection Methods
Selecting the proper data collection methods is crucial to gather the information needed to address your research questions. The choice of methods will depend on the nature of your research and the type of data you require.
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative: Decide whether you will collect numerical data (quantitative) or focus on descriptive insights and narratives (qualitative).
- Survey Design : If surveys are part of your data collection plan, carefully design questions that are clear, unbiased, and aligned with your research goals.
- Sampling Strategies: Determine how you will select participants or data points to ensure representativeness and reliability.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are at the heart of responsible research. Ensuring that your study is conducted ethically and with integrity is paramount.
- Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from participants, ensuring they understand the purpose of the research, potential risks, and their right to withdraw at any time.
- Confidentiality: Safeguard participants' personal information and ensure their anonymity when reporting findings.
- Minimizing Harm: Take measures to mitigate any physical or emotional harm that participants may experience during the research process.
- Ethical Reporting: Accurately represent your research findings, avoiding manipulation or selective reporting that may mislead readers or stakeholders.
By diligently addressing these aspects of research preparation, you are building a solid foundation for your applied research project, setting the stage for effective data collection and meaningful analysis in the subsequent phases of your study.
How to Design Your Research Study?
When it comes to applied research, the design of your study is paramount. It shapes the entire research process, from data collection to analysis and interpretation. In this section, we will explore the various elements that make up the foundation of your research design.
Research Design Types
Your choice of research design is like selecting the blueprint for your research project. Different research design types offer unique advantages and are suited for different research questions. Here are some common research design types:
- Experimental Design : In this design, researchers manipulate one or more variables to observe their impact on outcomes. It allows for causal inference but may not always be feasible in applied research due to ethical or practical constraints.
- Descriptive Design: This design aims to describe a phenomenon or population without manipulating variables. It is often used when researchers want to provide a snapshot of a situation or gain insights into a specific context.
- Correlational Design : In this design, researchers examine relationships between variables without manipulating them. It helps identify associations but does not establish causation.
- Longitudinal Design : Longitudinal studies involve collecting data from the same subjects over an extended period. They are valuable for tracking changes or developments over time.
- Cross-Sectional Design : This design involves data collection from a diverse group of subjects at a single point in time. It's helpful in studying differences or variations among groups.
Sampling Methods
Sampling methods determine who or what will be included in your study. The choice of sampling method has a significant impact on the generalizability of your findings. Here are some standard sampling methods:
- Random Sampling: This method involves selecting participants or data points entirely at random from the population. It ensures every element has an equal chance of being included, which enhances representativeness .
- Stratified Sampling: In stratified sampling, the population is divided into subgroups or strata, and then random samples are drawn from each stratum. This method ensures that each subgroup is adequately represented.
- Convenience Sampling: Researchers choose subjects or data points that are readily available and accessible. While convenient, this method may lead to sampling bias as it may not accurately represent the entire population.
- Purposive Sampling: In purposive sampling, researchers deliberately select specific individuals or groups based on their expertise, experience, or relevance to the research topic. It is often used when seeking specialized knowledge.
Data Collection Tools
Selecting the right data collection tools is essential to gather accurate and relevant information. Your choice of tools will depend on the research design and objectives. Standard data collection tools include:
- Questionnaires and Surveys: These structured instruments use standardized questions to gather data from participants. They are suitable for collecting large amounts of quantitative data.
- Interviews: Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. They provide an opportunity to gather in-depth, qualitative insights from participants.
- Observation: Direct observation involves systematically watching and recording behaviors or events. It's valuable for studying behaviors or phenomena in their natural context.
- Secondary Data : Researchers can also utilize existing data sources, such as government reports, databases, or historical records, for their research.
Variables and Measurement
Defining variables and choosing appropriate measurement methods is crucial for ensuring the reliability and validity of your research. Variables are characteristics, phenomena, or factors that can change or vary in your study. They can be categorized into:
- Independent Variables: These are the variables you manipulate or control in your study to observe their effects on other variables.
- Dependent Variables: These are the variables you measure to assess the impact of the independent variables.
Choosing the right measurement techniques, scales, or instruments is essential to accurately quantify variables and collect valid data. It's crucial to establish clear operational definitions for each variable to ensure consistency in measurement.
Data Analysis Techniques
Once you have collected your data, the next step is to analyze it effectively. Data analysis involves:
- Data Cleaning: Removing any errors, inconsistencies, or outliers from your dataset to ensure data quality.
- Statistical Analysis : Depending on your research design and data type, you may use various statistical techniques such as regression analysis , t-tests, ANOVA, or chi-square tests.
- Qualitative Analysis: For qualitative data, techniques like thematic analysis, content analysis, or discourse analysis help uncover patterns and themes.
- Data Visualization: Using graphs, charts, and visual representations to present your data effectively.
Chi-Square Calculator :
t-Test Calculator :
One-way ANOVA Calculator :
Selecting the appropriate analysis techniques depends on your research questions, data type, and objectives. Proper data analysis is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions and insights from your research.
With a solid understanding of research design, sampling methods, data collection tools, variables, and measurement, you are well-equipped to embark on your applied research journey. These elements lay the groundwork for collecting valuable data and conducting meaningful analyses in the subsequent phases of your study.
How to Conduct Applied Research?
Now that you've prepared and designed your research study, it's time to delve into the practical aspects of conducting applied research. This phase involves the execution of your research plan, from collecting data to drawing meaningful conclusions. Let's explore the critical components in this stage.
Data Collection Phase
The data collection phase is where your research plan comes to life. It's a crucial step that requires precision and attention to detail to ensure the quality and reliability of your data.
- Implement Data Collection Methods: Execute the data collection methods you've chosen, whether they involve surveys, interviews, observations, or the analysis of existing datasets.
- Maintain Consistency: Ensure that data collection is carried out consistently according to your research design and protocols. Minimize any variations or deviations that may introduce bias .
- Document the Process: Keep thorough records of the data collection process. Note any challenges, unexpected occurrences, or deviations from your original plan. Documentation is essential for transparency and replication.
- Quality Assurance: Continuously monitor the quality of the data you collect. Check for errors, missing information, or outliers. Implement data validation and cleaning procedures to address any issues promptly.
- Participant Engagement: If your research involves human participants, maintain open and respectful communication with them. Address any questions or concerns and ensure participants' comfort and willingness to participate.
Data Analysis Phase
Once you've collected your data, it's time to make sense of the information you've gathered. The data analysis phase involves transforming raw data into meaningful insights and patterns.
- Data Preparation: Start by organizing and cleaning your data. This includes dealing with missing values, outliers, and ensuring data consistency.
- Selecting Analysis Methods: Depending on your research design and data type, choose the appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis methods. Common techniques include regression analysis , content analysis, or thematic coding .
- Conducting Analysis: Perform the chosen analysis systematically and according to established protocols. Ensure that your analysis is reproducible by documenting every step.
- Interpreting Results: Interpretation involves making sense of your findings in the context of your research questions and hypotheses. Consider the statistical significance of the results and any practical implications they may have.
- Visualization: Create visual representations of your data, such as graphs, charts, or tables, to convey your findings effectively. Visualizations make complex data more accessible to a broader audience.
Interpretation of Results
Interpreting research results is a critical step that bridges the gap between data analysis and drawing conclusions. This process involves making sense of the patterns and insights that emerge from your analysis.
- Relate to Hypotheses: Determine whether your results support or refute your hypotheses. Be prepared to explain any unexpected findings.
- Contextualize Findings: Consider the broader context in which your research takes place. How do your results fit into the larger body of knowledge in your field?
- Identify Patterns : Highlight significant trends, correlations, or relationships you've uncovered. Discuss their practical implications and relevance.
- Acknowledge Limitations: Be transparent about any limitations in your study that may affect the interpretation of results. This includes sample size, data quality, and potential biases.
Drawing Conclusions
Drawing conclusions is the ultimate goal of your research. It involves synthesizing your findings and answering the research questions you initially posed.
- Answer Research Questions: Explicitly address the research questions you formulated at the beginning of your study. State whether your findings confirm or challenge your initial hypotheses.
- Highlight Insights: Emphasize the key insights and contributions of your research. Discuss the practical implications of your findings and their relevance to the field.
- Recommend Actions: Based on your conclusions, suggest practical steps, recommendations, or future research directions. How can your research contribute to addressing the problem or challenge you investigated?
- Consider Implications: Reflect on the broader implications of your research for stakeholders, policymakers, or practitioners in your field.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
During the data collection, analysis, interpretation, and conclusion-drawing phases, it's essential to be aware of common pitfalls that can affect the quality and integrity of your research.
- Sampling Bias : Ensure that your sample is representative of the population you intend to study. Address any bias that may have been introduced during data collection.
- Data Manipulation: Avoid manipulating or selectively reporting data to fit preconceived notions. Maintain transparency in your analysis and reporting.
- Overinterpretation: Be cautious of drawing overly broad conclusions based on limited data. Acknowledge the limitations of your study.
- Ignoring Ethical Considerations: Continuously uphold ethical standards in your research, from data collection to reporting. Protect participants' rights and privacy.
- Lack of Validation: Ensure that the methods and tools you use for data collection and analysis are valid and reliable. Validation helps establish the credibility of your findings.
By navigating the data collection, analysis, interpretation, and conclusion-drawing phases with care and attention to detail, you'll be well-prepared to confidently share your research findings and contribute to advancing knowledge in your field.
How to Report Applied Research Results?
Now that you've conducted your applied research and drawn meaningful conclusions, it's time to share your insights with the world. Effective reporting and communication are crucial to ensure that your research has a real impact and contributes to the broader knowledge base.
Writing Research Reports
Writing a comprehensive research report is the cornerstone of communicating your findings. It provides a detailed account of your research process, results, and conclusions. Here's what you need to consider:
Structure of a Research Report
- Title: Create a concise, informative title that reflects the essence of your research.
- Abstract: Summarize your research in a clear and concise manner, highlighting key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Introduction: Provide an overview of your research topic, objectives, significance, and research questions.
- Literature Review: Summarize relevant literature and identify gaps in existing knowledge that your research addresses.
- Methodology: Describe your research design, sampling methods, data collection tools, and data analysis techniques.
- Results: Present your findings using tables, charts, and narratives. Be transparent and objective in reporting your results.
- Discussion: Interpret your results, discuss their implications, and relate them to your research questions and hypotheses.
- Conclusion: Summarize your main findings, their significance, and the implications for future research or practical applications.
- References: Cite all sources and studies you referenced in your report using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).
Writing Tips
- Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly technical terms.
- Organize your report logically, with headings and subheadings for easy navigation.
- Provide evidence and data to support your claims and conclusions.
- Consider your target audience and tailor the report to their level of expertise and interest.
Creating Visualizations
Visualizations are powerful tools for conveying complex data and making your research findings more accessible. Here are some types of visualizations commonly used in research reports:
Charts and Graphs
- Bar Charts: Ideal for comparing categories or groups.
- Line Charts: Effective for showing trends or changes over time.
- Pie Charts: Useful for displaying proportions or percentages.
- Data Tables: Present numerical data in an organized format.
- Cross-tabulations: Show relationships between variables.
Diagrams and Maps
- Flowcharts: Visualize processes or workflows.
- Concept Maps: Illustrate connections between concepts.
- Geographic Maps: Display spatial data and patterns.
When creating visualizations:
- Choose the correct type of visualization for your data and research questions.
- Ensure that visualizations are labeled, clear, and easy to understand.
- Provide context and explanations to help readers interpret the visuals.
Presenting Your Research
Presenting your research to an audience is an opportunity to engage, educate, and inspire. Whether it's through a conference presentation, seminar, or webinar, effective communication is vital.
- Know Your Audience: Tailor your presentation to the interests and expertise of your audience.
- Practice: Rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery and confident demeanor.
- Use Visual Aids: Enhance your presentation with visual aids such as slides, images, or videos.
- Engage with Questions: Encourage questions and discussions to foster interaction and clarify points.
- Stay within Time Limits: Respect time constraints and stay on schedule.
Peer Review Process
Before your research is published, it typically undergoes a peer review process. This involves experts in your field evaluating the quality, validity, and significance of your work. The peer review process aims to ensure the integrity and credibility of your research.
- Submission: Submit your research manuscript to a journal or conference for review.
- Editorial Review: The editorial team assesses your submission's fit with the journal's scope and may conduct an initial review for quality and compliance.
- Peer Review: Your manuscript is sent to peer reviewers who evaluate it for methodology, validity, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.
- Feedback and Revision: Based on reviewers' feedback, you may be asked to revise and improve your research.
- Acceptance or Rejection: After revisions, the manuscript is reevaluated, and a decision is made regarding publication.
Publishing Your Research
Publishing your research is the final step in sharing your findings with the broader scientific community. It allows others to access and build upon your work. Consider the following when choosing where to publish:
- Journal Selection: Choose a reputable journal that aligns with your research field and target audience.
- Review Process: Understand the journal's peer review process and requirements for submission.
- Open Access: Consider whether you want your research to be open access, freely accessible to all.
Once published, actively promote your research through academic networks, conferences, and social media to maximize its reach and impact.
By effectively reporting and communicating your research findings, you contribute to the advancement of knowledge, inspire others, and ensure that your hard work has a meaningful impact on your field and beyond.
Applied Research Examples
To provide a deeper understanding of applied research's impact and relevance, let's delve into specific real-world examples that demonstrate how this type of research has addressed pressing challenges and improved our lives in tangible ways.
Applied Medical Research: mRNA Vaccines
Example: mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine technology, exemplified by the COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, is a remarkable achievement in the field of applied medical research.
Applied researchers in this domain utilized mRNA technology to create vaccines that provide immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Unlike traditional vaccines, which use weakened or inactivated viruses, mRNA vaccines instruct cells to produce a harmless spike protein found on the virus's surface. The immune system then recognizes this protein and mounts a defense, preparing the body to combat the actual virus.
Impact: The rapid development and deployment of mRNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic have been groundbreaking. They've played a crucial role in controlling the spread of the virus and saving countless lives worldwide. This example underscores how applied research can revolutionize healthcare and respond swiftly to global health crises.
Environmental Science and Applied Research: Ocean Cleanup
Example: The Ocean Cleanup Project, founded by Boyan Slat, is an ambitious endeavor rooted in applied research to combat plastic pollution in the world's oceans.
This project employs innovative technology, such as large-scale floating barriers and autonomous systems, to collect and remove plastic debris from the ocean. Applied researchers have played a pivotal role in designing, testing, and optimizing these systems to make them efficient and environmentally friendly.
Impact: The Ocean Cleanup Project is a testament to the power of applied research in addressing pressing environmental challenges. By removing plastic waste from the oceans, it mitigates harm to marine ecosystems and raises awareness about the urgent need for sustainable waste management.
Business and Applied Research: E-commerce Personalization
Example: E-commerce giants like Amazon and Netflix use applied research to develop sophisticated personalization algorithms that tailor product recommendations and content to individual users.
Applied researchers in data science and machine learning analyze user behavior, preferences, and historical data to create recommendation systems. These algorithms utilize predictive analytics to suggest products, movies, or shows that align with a user's interests.
Impact: The application of research-driven personalization has transformed the e-commerce and streaming industries. It enhances user experiences, increases customer engagement, and drives sales by presenting customers with products or content they are more likely to enjoy.
Agriculture and Applied Research: Precision Agriculture
Example: Precision agriculture employs data-driven technology and applied research to optimize farming practices.
Farmers utilize satellite imagery, sensors, and data analytics to monitor crop conditions, soil health, and weather patterns. Applied research guides the development of precision farming techniques, enabling more efficient resource allocation and reducing environmental impact.
Impact: Precision agriculture increases crop yields, conserves resources (such as water and fertilizer), and minimizes the ecological footprint of farming. This approach contributes to sustainable and economically viable agriculture.
These real-world examples underscore the versatility and impact of applied research across diverse domains. From healthcare and environmental conservation to business, education, and agriculture, applied research continually drives innovation, addresses critical challenges, and enhances the quality of life for individuals and communities worldwide.
Conclusion for Applied Research
Applied research is a powerful force for solving real-world problems and driving progress. By applying existing knowledge and innovative thinking, we can address healthcare challenges, protect our environment, improve businesses, enhance education, and revolutionize agriculture. Through this guide, you've gained valuable insights into the what, why, and how of applied research, unlocking the potential to make a positive impact in your field. So, go forth, conduct meaningful research, and be part of the solution to the world's most pressing issues. Remember, applied research is not just a concept; it's a practical approach that empowers individuals and teams to create solutions that matter. As you embark on your own applied research endeavors, keep the spirit of inquiry alive, remain open to new ideas, and never underestimate the transformative power of knowledge put into action.
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Applied Research
Applied research “aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society, or an industrial/business organisation, whereas fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalisations and with the formulation of a theory” [1] . Applied research is considered to be non-systematic inquiry and it is usually launched by a company, agency or an individual in order to address a specific problem. [2]
Applied research can be divided into the following three categories:
1. Evaluation research . This type of research focuses on analysing existing information about the phenomenon in order to generate objective research outcomes. A study into the ways of reducing supply-chain costs can be mentioned as an example for an evaluation research.
2. Research and Development . It is a type of applied research that focuses on the development of new products and services to satisfy needs and wants of target customer segment. This type of applied research is the least relevant to a business dissertation.
3. Action research . This type of study aims to tackle specific business problems. For example, a research into the ways of restoring Starbucks brand image in UK after the tax scandal can be classified as an action research.
Differences between Applied Research and Fundamental (Basic) Research
The difference between applied and fundamental or basic research is straightforward – findings of applied research can be applied to resolve problems, whereas fundamental studies are used simply to explore certain issues and elements. Applied research can be a follow-up to the findings of a fundamental research.
Moreover, differences between applied and basic research can be summarized into three points:
1. Differences in purpose . Purpose of applied studies is closely associated with the solution of specific problems, while the purpose of fundamental studies relate to creation of new knowledge or expansion of the current knowledge without any concerns to applicability.
2. Differences in context . In applied studies, research objectives are set by clients or sponsors as a solution to specific problems they are facing. Fundamental studies, on the other hand, are usually self-initiated in order to expand the levels of knowledge in certain areas.
3. Differences in methods . Research validity is an important point to be addressed in all types of studies. Nevertheless, applied studies are usually more concerned with external validity, whereas internal validity can be specified as the main point of concern for fundamental researchers.
Examples of Applied Research
The following are examples for applied research. You can notice that each of these studies aim to resolve a specific and an immediate problem.
- A study into marketing strategies to appeal to the aspirations of millenials in China
- An investigation into the ways of improving employee motivation in Marriot Hotel, Hyde Park
- Development of strategies to introduce change in Starbucks global supply-chain management with the view on cost reduction
- A study into the ways of fostering creative deviance amongst employees without compromising respect for authority.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Applied Research
The advantages and disadvantages of applied and fundamental research mirror and contrast each other. On the positive side, applied research can be helpful in solving specific problems in business and other settings.
On the negative side, findings of applied research cannot be usually generalized. In other words, applicability of the new knowledge generated as a result of this type of research is limited to the research problem. Moreover, applied studies usually have tight deadlines which are not flexible.
You need to specify the type of your research in the earlier part of the research methodology chapter in about one short paragraph. Also, in this paragraph you will have to justify your choice of research type.
My e-book, The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: a step by step assistance contains discussions of research types and application of research methods in practice. The e-book also explains all stages of the research process starting from the selection of the research area to writing personal reflection. Important elements of dissertations such as research philosophy , research approach , research design , methods of data collection and data analysis , sampling and others are explained in this e-book in simple words.
John Dudovskiy
[1] Kothari, C.R. (2008) “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques” New Age International
[2] Bajpai, N. (2011) “Business Research Methods” Pearson Education India
Hybrid Government Employee and Internet Marketing Enthusiast
Kupas Tuntas Jenis-Jenis Penelitian Beserta Contohnya!
Ada beberapa jenis penelitian yang perlu kita pahami saat memutuskan untuk mengkaji sebuah topik.
Hal ini dikarenakan tiap topik penelitian memiliki situasi dan kondisi serta tujuan yang berbeda sehingga tentu diperlakukan perlakukan yang berbeda dalam prosesnya.
Penelitian yang baik tentunya bisa menghasilkan output yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Dan untuk mendukung tercapainya hasil sebaik mungkin, tentu kita perlu mengenal beberapa jenis penelitian yang ada.
Berdasarkan jenisnya, penelitian terbagai atas 3 sudut pandang:
1. Penelitian berdasarkan penerapan
2. Penelitian berdasarkan tujuan
3. Penelitian berdasarkan jenis data
Jenis penelitian menurut terapan
1.1 penelitian murni (pure research).
Penelitian murni merupakan penelitian yang fokus pada pengembangan dan pengujian teori atau hipotesis yang sifatnya sulit untuk diterapkan baik di masa sekarang ataupun di masa depan. Penelitian murni biasanya fokus pada pembahasan konsep atau hal-hal yang bersifat abstrak atau sulit di deskripsikan.
Penelitian murni juga lebih banyak membahas pada pengembangan, pemeriksaan, dan evaluasi, prosedur, teknik yang digunakan dalam berbagai penelitian.
Penelitian murni juga seringkali menemukan teori-teori baru yang sangat bermanfaat bagi penelitian selanjutnya.
Sebagai contoh, penelitian yang membahas tentang metodologi pengukuran kemiskinan. Seperti yang kita tahu, Badan Pusat Statistik mengukur kemiskinan berdasarkan pendekatan pengeluaran.
Hal ini dikarenakan pengeluaran merupakan pendekatan yang lebih mudah digali informasinya.
Karena dirasa metode ini kurang pas, muncul beberapa alternatif lain yang yang mencoba memperbaiki metode ini dengan nama kemiskinan multidimensi. Pendekatan ini mencoba mengukur kemiskinan dari aspek-aspek lain seperti kesehatan, infrastruktur, dll.
1.2 Penelitian terapan (applied research)
Penelitian terapan merupakan penelitian yang fokus pada hal-hal yang hasilnya bisa diterapkan pada kondisi sekarang atau di masa depan.
Penelitian terapan biasanya fokus kepada masalah-masalah yang sedang terjadi atau mungkin terjadi di masa depan sehingga hasil penelitian menjadi hal yang bisa direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan.
Penelitian terapan juga paling sering menjadi topik yang diangkat dalam banyak kesempatan, baik oleh mahasiswa ataupun lembaga riset. Hal ini dikarenakan hasilnya yang lebih relevan dan langsung bisa diterapkan dalam kehidupan.
Penelitian terapan bisa dalam bentuk perencanaan, pengembangan, ataupun evaluasi dari banyak peristiwa atau fenomena yang terjadi.
Sebagai contoh, penelitian tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kemiskinan. Hasil penelitian ini bisa menjadi sebuah rekomendasi dan dasar pengambilan kebijakan untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan di masa yang akan datang.
Contoh lain, penelitian tentang variabel apa saja yang berpegaruh signfikan terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini bisa digunakan untuk mengevaluasi berbagai program yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah.
2. Jenis Penelitian berdasarkan tujuan
2.1 penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research).
Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sebuah situasi, kondisi, atau fenomena yang terjadi. Penelitian deskrptif bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi secara umum terhadap pokok permalasalahan yang dikaji.
Contohnya, gambaran kondisi kependudukan di suatu wilayah, gambaran kondisi ekonomi di sebuah negara, gambaran bagaimana kondisi psikoogis anak-anak yang bekerja di bawah umur, dll.
2.2 Penelitian korelasi (correlational research)
Penelitian korelasi merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengungkap atau menemukan apakah terdapat hubungan asosiasi antara satu hal dengan hal lainnya.
Contohnya, apakah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan jumlah pendapatan seseorang, apakah terdapat korelasi antara jumlah dokter dengan jumlah kematian ibu melahirkan di suatu wilayah, apakah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan orang tua dengan tingkat kesejahteraan seorang anak, dll.
Penelitian korelasi biasanya menggunakan uji korelasi sebagai alat analisis. Dengan uji ini, anda bisa mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kekuatan hubungan antar satu variabel dengan variabel lainnya.
Yang perlu digarisbawahi dalam penelitian korelasi adalah, korelasi hanya mampu menyatakan tingkatan hubungan atau asosiasi antara 2 hal atau lebih. Korelasi tidak bisa digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menyatakan adanya hubungan sebab akibat antara 2 hal yang diteliti tersebut.
Jadi, bisa saja anda menemukan hubungan bahwa korelasi antara jumlah dokter dan jumlah kematian ibu memiliki hubungan korelasi negatif yang sangat kuat.
Tapi, anda tidak boleh menyimpulkan bahwa jumlah dokter memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan kematian ibu.
2.3 Penelitian explanatori (explanatory research)
Penelitian explanatori merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa dan bagaimana sebuah fenomena terjadi. Biasanya, penelitian ini melibatkan dua aspek yang diduga saling terkait atau memiliki hubungan.
Contohnya, mengapa anak-anak orang kayak cenderung lebih sukses dalam kehidupannya? Mengapa banyak orang-orang yang depresi memutuskan untuk bunuh diri?
2.4 Penelitian exploratory (exploratory research)
Penelitian exploratory merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji atau menyelidiki lebih detail tentang hal-hal yang masih minim informasi terhadap suatu hal.
Biasanya, penelitian exploratory juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang hal-hal yang belum pernah atau masih jarang penerapannya di Indonesia. Terkadang, perlu dilaksanakan dulu pilot study untuk menentukan kelayakan apakah penelitian ini bisa dilanjutkan atau tidak.
Contohnya, studi tentang kehidupan suku di pedalaman Indonesia yang sama sekali belum tersentuh oleh pemerintah.
3. Jenis Penelitian berdasarkan karakteristik data
Ada banyak sekali jenis data yang bisa kita gunakan dalam penelitian. Tiap data memiliki karakteristik tersendiri sehingga masing-masing membutuhkan analisis yang berbeda.
3. 1 Penelitian kuantitatif (quantitative research)
Penelitian kuantitatif merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan data, fenomena, atau variabel yang bersifat kuantitatif.
Penelitian kuantitatif seringkali digunakan untuk membuktikan berbagai hal yang terjadi. Penelitian kualitatif bisa saja berubah menjadi penelitian kuantitatif bila di dalamnya terjadi proses kuantifikasi (perubahan data kualitatif ke dalam bentuk kuantitatif).
Contohnya, apakah apakah APBN, panjang jalan, jumlah tenaga kerja memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif merupakan penelitian yang paling banyak digunakan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu.
3.2 Penelitian kualitatif (qualitative research)
Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah kondisi, fenomena, masalah atau peristiwa dimana variabel yang digunakan skala nominal atau ordinal.
Saat proses analisis dilakukan, tidak ada proses kuantifikasi (merubah data kualitatif menjadi kuantitatif) yang terjadi.
Contoh penelitian kualitatif adalah kumpulan dari pendapat masyarakat tentang pelaksanaan pemilu, gambaran umum kondisi masyarakat pedesaan, dll.
Seringkali peneliti memisahkan antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Terkadang, ada juga yang menganggap bahwa penelitian kuantitatif jauh lebih berkualitas dikarenakan menggunakan berbagai perhitungan yang lebih valid. Benarkah demikian?
Pada dasarnya, penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitian kualitatif memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Keduanya saling melengkapi untuk menemukan hasil terbaik dari sebuah penelitian.
Penelitian kuantitatif seringkali menggunakan jumlah sampel yang besar, sedangkan penelitian kualitatif seringkali fokus kepada kasus-kasus yang jarang terjadi atau jumlah sampel yang relatif kecil.
Para ahli dari disiplin ilmu seperti antropologi, epidemiologi, dan sosiologi tentu lebih sering menggunakan penedekatan kualitatif dalam penelitian mereka.
Sedangkan ahli ekonomi, kesehatan, bisnis, atau psikologi lebih cenderung menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.
Dalam beberapa kasus, seringkali peneliti harus menggabungkan kedua jenis penelitian tersebut untuk memberikan hasil yang lebih berkualitas.
Sebagai contoh, anda mengadakan studi kasus penelitian tentang kondisi pariwisata di sebuah kabupaten.
Gambaran kondisi pariwisata secara umum seperti adanya pantai, gunung, laut dll merupakan bentuk pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan hal-hal seperti jumlah pengunjung wisata, jumlah retribusi yang didapat, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk operasional, dll merupakan aspek kuantitatif.
Kedua jenis penelitian ini tentunya saling mendukung satu sama lain. Ada banyak sekali peneliti yang menggunakan gabungan dari kedua penelitian untuk memperkaya hasil.
Penelitian kuantitatif terkadang lebih disukai oleh banyak orang. Ini dikarenakan metode pendekatan yang digunakan lebih terstruktur dan sistematis. Berbeda dengan penelitian kualitatif yang cenderung tidak terstruktur dan kurang sistematis.
Penelitian kuantitatif juga sering menggunakan prosedur uji statistik yang cukup rumit sehigga bisa menyajikan hasil dalam bentuk yang lebih eksak. Penelitian kualitatif hanya mampu menjelaskan berbagai fenomena atau peristiwa hingga tahapan deskripsi.
Tips Memilih Jenis Penelitian Untuk Skripsi
Saya tahu persis, mahasiswa biasanya sangat bingung memilih jenis penelitian yang tepat.
Berdasarkan pengalaman, berikut saya berikan tips memilih jenis penelitian yang tepat untuk skipsi anda.
1. Tentukan tema skripsi berdasarkan apa yang sudah anda pelajari
Pada dasarnya, skripsi ditujukan untuk membuktikan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk membuat penelitian berdasarkan apa yang sudah dipelajari.
Jadi, anda tidak harus menemukan atau membuktikan sesuatu yang benar-benar baru dalam membuat skripsi.
Anda bisa menggunakan seluruh teori-teori yang anda pelajari dan mengaplikasikannya kepada wilayah atau lingkungan anda.
2. Tentukan skala data yang digunakan
Skala data yang digunakan sangat memengaruhi jenis penelitian yang digunakan.
Berdasarkan jenis data yang mungkin anda kumpulkan, barulah anda bisa menentukan jenis penelitian berdasarkan penerapan atau tujuan.
Sebagai contoh, bila anda menggunakan data nominal, tentunya akan cukup sulit bila anda menggunakan analisis kuantitatif.
Sesuaikan saja dengan kondisi yang sudah ada sehingga anda mampu meramu penelitian yang tepat dengan segala keterbatasan.
3. Pelajari bagian saran dari skripsi yang sudah ada
Hal yang menarik dari skripsi adalah penulis bisa meneruskan penelitian tersebut dengan memeriksa bagian saran.
Anda bisa mengaplikasikan bagian saran ini pada penelitian yang sama sehingga akan tercipta penelitian yang baru.
4. Mengubah tahun, wilayah, variabel, dan metodologi pada topik yang sama
Anda bisa melakukan modifikasi penelitian yang sudah ada dengan mengubah wilayah penelitian, variabel, ataupun metodologi yang digunakan.
Dengan melakukan perubahan meskipun hanya sedikit, anda sudah mampu menghasilkan penelitian yang berbeda.
5. Lakukan sesuai dengan kemampuan anda
Hal yang paling penting adalah buatlah skripsi sesuai dengan kemampuan anda.
Jangan pernah membeli jasa pembuatan skripsi dan semacamnya. Bila anda membutuhkan asistensi, silakan menyewa jasa tutor untuk membantu anda mengerjakannya.
Pada dasarnya, jika anda mampu membuat penelitian berdasarkan apa yang sudah anda pelajari di bangku kuliah, anda sudah dianggap lulus dalam skripsi.
Saya masih ingat persis, salah seorang rekan saya membuat skripsi hanya dengan menampilan analisis deskriptif tanpa ada analisis inferensial.
Bagi lulusan STIS yang notabene mempelajari berbagai metode statistik dengan sangat baik, membuat penelitian dengan hanya melakukan analisis deskriptif adalah hal yang tabu.
Namun, dosen pembimbing dan penguji tetap menyemangati hingga akhirnya tetap diluluskan.
Begitulah hakikatnya skripsi. Anda wajib menulis penelitian tentang apa yang sudah anda pelajari selama ini.
Anda tidak perlu menemukan teori baru atau menggunakan metode canggih yang anda sendiri tidak mengerti.
Yang penting, pastikan metode penelitian yang digunakan mampu menjawab tujuan penelitian anda.
Terdapat beberapa jenis penelitian yang bisa anda gunakan.
Penelitian menurut jenis data yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitian kualitatif.
Penelitian menurut penerapan yaitu penelitian murni dan penelitian terapan.
Penelitian menurut tujuan yaitu penelitian deskriptif, penelitian eksploratori, penelitian ekspalanatori, dan penelitian korelasi.
Meskipun terdapat beberapa jenis penelitian seperti di atas, banyak sekali studi yang sebenarnya merupakan kombinasi dari beberapa jenis penelitian. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh peneliti.
Jangan sampai kita mendewakan salah satu jenis penelitian sehingga melupakan jenis penelitian yan lain. Memahami pengertian penelitian dari masing-masing jenis penelitian akan membuat kita menjadi peneliti yang lebih bijak.
Sumber referensi :
Kumar, R. (2008) “Research Methodology” APH Publishing Corporation
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25 Applied Research Examples
Chris Drew (PhD)
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]
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Applied research is research intended to solve specific and practical problems faced by the researcher and their shareholders.
Grimsgaard (2023) defines it below:
“Applied research tends to drill down more toward solving specific problems that affect people in the here and now.”
It is contrasted to basic research , which is research for its own sake. Bentley, Gulbrandsen and Kyvik (2015) define basic research as “research undertaken with a primary purpose of the advancement of knowledge for its own sake.”
The key benefit of applied research is that it helps solve problems in the real world – it is the embodiment of the concept of ‘invention is the mother of invention. But if we only did applied research, we wouldn’t achieve any of the blue skies breakthroughs that are achieved through basis research.
In fact, applied research often follows up from basic research, finding ways to apply that basic research to real-life needs in society.
Applied Research Examples
- Medicine: Development of a new vaccine to combat a specific viral strain.
- Computer Science: Creating an algorithm to enhance image recognition in smartphones.
- Agriculture: Introducing a genetically modified crop variety to improve yield and pest resistance.
- Psychology: Implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to treat anxiety disorders.
- Environmental Science: Designing a method to purify water using solar energy in remote areas.
- Engineering: Developing a more efficient and lightweight battery for electric cars.
- Education: Evaluating the effectiveness of online teaching methods on student performance.
- Economics: Assessing the impact of a new taxation policy on consumer spending.
- Sociology: Creating community programs based on studies of urban youth engagement.
- Architecture: Designing earthquake-resistant buildings based on geological research.
- Nutrition: Formulating a diet plan to mitigate the effects of type 2 diabetes.
- Linguistics: Developing language learning apps based on cognitive linguistics research.
- Sports Science: Designing a training regimen to enhance the performance of long-distance runners.
- Marketing: Analyzing consumer behavior to optimize product placement in retail stores.
- Geology: Creating risk assessment tools for communities near active volcanoes.
- Transportation: Designing an urban transportation system based on traffic flow research.
- Marine Biology: Establishing sustainable fishing guidelines based on studies of fish populations.
- Chemistry: Developing a new drug formulation for faster pain relief.
- Physics: Creating more efficient solar panels based on the study of photovoltaic materials.
- Communication Studies: Implementing crisis communication strategies for corporations based on media research.
- Aerospace Engineering: Designing a new airplane wing for reduced fuel consumption.
- Biotechnology: Producing biofuels from algae after studying their growth and energy properties.
- Musicology: Enhancing acoustics in concert halls based on sound wave research.
- Pharmacology: Testing a new drug to treat a rare form of cancer.
- Urban Planning: Designing green spaces in cities based on studies of residents’ mental well-being.
Case Studies
1. the invention of the internet.
One of the most celebrated examples of applied research leading to a groundbreaking invention is the development of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Tim Berners-Lee, a British engineer and computer scientist, was working at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. His task was to find a way to allow scientists to share data and research results efficiently across the world. The challenge was significant because, at that time, there were no universally accepted and easy-to-use methods for data sharing and retrieval across different computer networks and platforms.
In solving this problem, Berners-Lee developed the three fundamental technologies that remain the foundation of today’s Web (and which you may recognize!):
- HTML : HyperText Markup Language
- URI : Uniform Resource Identifier
- HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
These technologies enabled the creation and retrieval of linked documents and multimedia across a network of computers. Berners-Lee also created the first web browser and web server to demonstrate and utilize these technologies.
The invention of the World Wide Web has had a profound and transformative impact on society, affecting almost every aspect of our daily lives, including communication, education, business, and entertainment. Berners-Lee’s applied research, initially aimed at solving a specific problem related to scientific data sharing, ended up unleashing a revolutionary tool that reshaped the world.
2. The Discovery of Penicillin
The discovery and development of penicillin, an antibiotic, by Alexander Fleming and its subsequent mass production shows how applied research can lead to revolutionary inventions.
In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, observed that a mold called Penicillium notatum was able to kill bacteria in a petri dish. This discovery was quite accidental and came while Fleming was researching staphylococci, a type of bacteria. At this point, it was just basic research .
But in 1939, Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain took Fleming’s discovery from a useful laboratory finding to a life-saving drug through extensive research and development. They conducted systematic, applied research to figure out how to mass-produce and purify penicillin.
By 1941, the team had successfully treated its first patient with penicillin, marking a major milestone in medicinal history.
But it was in the years of World War II that penicillin really became a life safer – literally. During World War II, the production of penicillin was scaled up massively to treat wounded soldiers, saving countless lives that might have been lost to bacterial infections.
Fleming’s initial discovery and the subsequent applied research by Florey, Chain, and their team transformed penicillin into a practical, widely available antibiotic.
The development and mass production of penicillin marked the beginning of the antibiotic era, fundamentally altering medicine by providing an effective treatment for bacterial infections.
Applied vs Basic Research
Unlike applied research, basic research seeks to expand knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles and theories without immediate application in mind (Abeysekera, 2019; Bentley, Gulbrandsen & Kyvik, 2015).
Basic research is exploratory and often driven by curiosity or the academic interests of the researcher. The results may not have immediate practical implications but can form the foundation for future applied research (Grimsgaard, 2023).
Applied research , on the other hand, is aimed at addressing specific problems or questions, with the intent of applying the findings to practical solutions or actions (Abeysekera, 2019; Baimyrzaeva, 2018).
It is more structured, systematic, and focused on practical problem-solving or enhancing existing methods. The results are typically intended for immediate application, with direct, observable implications.
Benefits and Limitations of Applied Research
Applied research is specifically designed to address immediate problems, which is one of its greatest advantages.
It helps businesses, industries and policy makers improve operations, products, services or policies, thereby providing practical and immediate solutions (Baimyrzaeva, 2018).
Moreover, its impact can be quantified, making it easier to secure funding. However, the main disadvantage is that it is narrowly focused and its findings may not be universally applicable.
However, the desire for quick, practical results can constrain the methodology, perhaps limiting creativity or ignoring broader implications (Baimyrzaeva, 2018; Marotti de Mello & Wood 2019).
The pressure for immediate usability can also drive researchers towards safe, predictable projects rather than innovative or risky ones.
Abeysekera, A. (2019). Basic research and applied research. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka , 47 (3).
Baimyrzaeva, M. (2018). Beginners’ guide for applied research process: What is it, and why and how to do it. University of Central Asia , 4 (8).
Bentley, P. J., Gulbrandsen, M., & Kyvik, S. (2015). The relationship between basic and applied research in universities. Higher Education , 70 , 689-709. ( Source )
Dunn, D. S. (2012). Research Methods for Social Psychology (2nd ed.). Wiley Global Education.
Grimsgaard, W. (2023). Design and strategy: a step by step guide . New York: Taylor & Francis.
Marotti de Mello, A., & Wood Jr, T. (2019). What is applied research anyway?. Revista de Gestão , 26 (4), 338-339. ( Source )
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Applied Research vs. Pure Research
What's the difference.
Applied research and pure research are two distinct approaches to conducting scientific investigations. Applied research aims to solve practical problems and find solutions that can be directly applied to real-world situations. It focuses on addressing specific issues and generating practical outcomes. On the other hand, pure research, also known as basic or fundamental research, is driven by curiosity and the desire to expand knowledge in a particular field. It is conducted purely for the sake of knowledge and understanding, without any immediate practical application in mind. While applied research seeks to provide immediate solutions, pure research lays the foundation for future discoveries and advancements. Both approaches are essential in the scientific community, as they complement each other and contribute to the overall progress of knowledge and innovation.
Further Detail
Research is a fundamental process that drives innovation and progress in various fields. It involves the systematic investigation of a particular subject to gain knowledge and understanding. Two primary types of research are applied research and pure research. While both aim to contribute to the body of knowledge, they differ in their objectives, methodologies, and outcomes. In this article, we will explore the attributes of applied research and pure research, highlighting their similarities and differences.
Applied Research
Applied research, also known as practical research, focuses on solving specific problems or addressing practical issues. It aims to provide solutions that can be directly applied to real-world situations. Applied research is often conducted in collaboration with industry, government agencies, or non-profit organizations to address their specific needs or challenges.
One of the key attributes of applied research is its goal-oriented nature. Researchers in applied research work towards finding practical solutions or developing new technologies that can be implemented in various fields such as medicine, engineering, agriculture, or business. The research questions in applied research are often driven by the need to solve a specific problem or improve existing processes.
Applied research typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, drawing knowledge and expertise from different fields to address complex problems. Researchers collaborate with professionals from various backgrounds, including scientists, engineers, economists, and social scientists, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the problem and develop effective solutions.
Another characteristic of applied research is its emphasis on the application of findings. The outcomes of applied research are intended to have immediate practical implications. The research findings are often used to develop new products, improve existing technologies, inform policy decisions, or enhance organizational processes. The success of applied research is often measured by its impact on solving real-world problems and improving the quality of life.
Applied research also involves a strong element of feasibility and practicality. Researchers need to consider the constraints and limitations of the real-world context in which the research is conducted. Factors such as cost, time, resources, and ethical considerations play a crucial role in shaping the research design and methodology. The results of applied research are expected to be directly applicable and feasible within the given constraints.
Pure Research
Pure research, also known as basic or fundamental research, is driven by curiosity and the desire to expand knowledge without any immediate practical application. It aims to explore the underlying principles, theories, and concepts of a particular subject, often without a specific end goal in mind. Pure research is driven by the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.
One of the primary attributes of pure research is its focus on theoretical understanding. Researchers in pure research seek to uncover fundamental truths, discover new phenomena, or develop theories that explain natural or social phenomena. The research questions in pure research are often open-ended and exploratory, allowing for a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Pure research is characterized by its emphasis on scientific rigor and objectivity. Researchers follow a systematic and rigorous methodology to ensure the validity and reliability of their findings. They employ various research methods, such as experiments, observations, surveys, or mathematical modeling, to gather data and test hypotheses. The results of pure research contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular field and may serve as a foundation for future applied research.
Unlike applied research, pure research is not bound by immediate practical considerations or constraints. Researchers have the freedom to explore unconventional ideas, challenge existing theories, or delve into uncharted territories. This freedom allows for serendipitous discoveries and breakthroughs that may have far-reaching implications in the long run.
While pure research may not have immediate practical applications, it often serves as the building blocks for applied research. The theoretical frameworks, principles, and concepts developed through pure research provide a solid foundation for applied research to build upon. Pure research contributes to the advancement of knowledge and understanding, paving the way for future innovations and practical solutions.
Similarities and Differences
Although applied research and pure research have distinct objectives and methodologies, they also share some similarities. Both types of research involve systematic investigation and follow a scientific approach. They require researchers to formulate research questions, gather data, analyze findings, and draw conclusions based on evidence.
Furthermore, both applied research and pure research contribute to the body of knowledge in their respective fields. While applied research focuses on immediate practical applications, pure research expands the theoretical understanding and lays the groundwork for future advancements.
However, the key difference between applied research and pure research lies in their objectives and outcomes. Applied research aims to solve specific problems and generate practical solutions, while pure research seeks to expand knowledge and understanding without immediate practical applications.
Another difference is the level of collaboration and multidisciplinary involvement. Applied research often requires collaboration with industry or organizations to address real-world challenges, while pure research is more focused on individual or academic pursuits.
Additionally, the time frame and funding sources for applied research and pure research may differ. Applied research projects are often time-bound and funded by organizations with a vested interest in the outcomes, while pure research projects may have longer time frames and rely on academic or government funding.
Applied research and pure research are two distinct types of research that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding. While applied research focuses on solving practical problems and generating immediate solutions, pure research explores theoretical concepts and expands the boundaries of knowledge. Both types of research play a crucial role in driving innovation and progress in various fields, and their collaboration often leads to significant breakthroughs. By understanding the attributes of applied research and pure research, researchers can choose the appropriate approach based on their objectives and the nature of the problem at hand.
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Basic vs. Applied Research: Definitions, Examples, and Key Differences
Explore the key differences between basic and applied research, including definitions, examples, and methods. learn how these research types complement each other in various fields., short on time get instant insights with an ai summary of this post., introduction.
Research is the backbone of scientific progress and innovation, driving our understanding of the world and shaping the future. When it comes to research methodologies, two primary categories stand out: basic research and applied research. Understanding the distinction between these two types is crucial for researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in the advancement of knowledge and its practical applications.
Defining Basic and Applied Research
Basic research, also known as fundamental or pure research, is driven by curiosity and the desire to expand human knowledge. It aims to improve scientific theories for better understanding or prediction of natural or other phenomena. This type of research is not typically directed towards any immediate commercial goals but instead focuses on creating new theories or modifying existing ones.
On the other hand, applied research is designed to solve specific, practical problems. It takes the discoveries made through basic research and uses them to develop new technologies, processes, or products. Applied research is often conducted with the intention of addressing real-world challenges and has more immediate, tangible outcomes.
The Importance of Distinguishing Between Research Types
Recognizing the difference between basic and applied research is essential for several reasons:
Resource Allocation : Understanding these research types helps in appropriately allocating funding and resources. While basic research may not have immediate practical applications, it's crucial for long-term scientific progress.
Setting Expectations : Different stakeholders have varying expectations from research outcomes. Knowing whether a project is basic or applied helps in setting realistic goals and timelines.
Career Paths : Researchers often specialize in either basic or applied research, and understanding these distinctions can guide career choices and professional development.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Recognizing the interplay between basic and applied research can foster collaboration between different fields and sectors, leading to more comprehensive solutions to complex problems.
What to Expect in This Article
In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the characteristics of basic and applied research, exploring their methodologies, goals, and impacts. We'll provide real-world examples to illustrate how these research types contribute to scientific advancement and societal progress. Additionally, we'll discuss how modern tools and technologies are revolutionizing both basic and applied research processes.
For instance, platforms like Innerview are transforming the way researchers conduct and analyze qualitative research, a method commonly used in both basic and applied studies. By offering features such as automatic transcription, AI-powered analysis, and collaborative tools, Innerview helps researchers save time and uncover deeper insights from their data.
As we explore the nuances of basic and applied research, keep in mind that both types are essential for scientific progress. Their synergy drives innovation and helps bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical solutions. Let's embark on this journey to understand how these research methodologies shape our world and pave the way for future discoveries.
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Understanding Basic Research
Basic research, often referred to as fundamental, foundational, or pure research, is the cornerstone of scientific inquiry. It's driven by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, rather than for immediate practical applications. Let's dive into the key aspects of basic research and explore how it shapes our understanding of the world around us.
Definition and Alternative Names
Basic research is a systematic investigation aimed at acquiring new knowledge of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts. It's not primarily directed towards any specific practical aim or application. This type of research is also known as:
- Fundamental research
- Pure research
- Foundational research
These alternative names all emphasize the nature of basic research as the bedrock upon which other scientific endeavors are built.
Key Characteristics of Basic Research
Curiosity-driven : Basic research is motivated by a desire to expand human knowledge and understanding, rather than by potential applications.
Long-term focus : The outcomes of basic research may not have immediate practical uses but often lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the long run.
Theoretical in nature : It often involves developing or refining theories that explain natural phenomena.
Broad scope : Basic research typically addresses fundamental questions that can have wide-ranging implications across various fields.
Unpredictable outcomes : The results of basic research are often unexpected and can lead to serendipitous discoveries.
Publicly shared : Findings from basic research are usually published in scientific journals, making them accessible to the wider scientific community.
Examples of Basic Research in Various Fields
To better understand the nature of basic research, let's look at some examples across different disciplines:
Physics : The study of quantum mechanics, which has led to technologies like lasers and semiconductors.
Biology : Research into the structure of DNA, which paved the way for genetic engineering and personalized medicine.
Chemistry : Investigation of chemical bonding and molecular structures, essential for developing new materials and drugs.
Psychology : Studies on cognitive processes and brain function, which inform our understanding of human behavior and mental health.
Mathematics : Development of new mathematical theories, which can later find applications in fields like cryptography and computer science.
Astronomy : Exploration of dark matter and dark energy, expanding our understanding of the universe's composition and evolution.
While these examples might seem abstract, they form the foundation for countless practical applications. For instance, the basic research in quantum mechanics led to the development of MRI machines, now an essential tool in medical diagnostics.
In the field of qualitative research, which is often used in basic research across various disciplines, tools like Innerview are revolutionizing how researchers collect and analyze data. By offering features such as automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis, Innerview helps researchers focus more on interpreting results and developing theories, rather than getting bogged down in time-consuming data processing.
Basic research lays the groundwork for future innovations and discoveries. It's the engine that drives scientific progress, often in ways we can't predict. As we continue to explore the unknown, basic research will remain a crucial component of our quest for knowledge and understanding.
Applications of Basic Research
Basic research, often perceived as abstract and disconnected from everyday life, actually has numerous practical applications that impact our daily experiences. Let's explore how this foundational research finds its way into various fields and why it's so valuable in different contexts.
Everyday Uses of Basic Research
The fruits of basic research are all around us, often in ways we might not immediately recognize:
Smartphones : The touchscreens we use daily are a result of basic research into the properties of materials and electrical conductivity.
GPS Navigation : This technology relies on Einstein's theory of relativity, a product of pure theoretical physics research.
LED Lighting : The energy-efficient lights in our homes stem from fundamental research into the behavior of electrons in different materials.
Weather Forecasting : Improvements in predicting weather patterns come from basic research in atmospheric sciences and fluid dynamics.
Internet Security : The encryption that protects our online transactions is based on fundamental mathematical research in number theory.
These examples show how basic research, while not immediately practical, lays the groundwork for innovations that transform our lives.
Fields Where Basic Research is Commonly Applied
Basic research finds applications across a wide range of disciplines:
1. Medicine and Healthcare
- Genomics : Basic research into DNA structure has revolutionized personalized medicine.
- Neuroscience : Fundamental studies of brain function inform treatments for neurological disorders.
2. Technology and Computing
- Quantum Computing : Based on principles of quantum mechanics, a field of basic physics research.
- Artificial Intelligence : Rooted in fundamental research in mathematics, logic, and cognitive science.
3. Environmental Science
- Climate Modeling : Relies on basic research in physics, chemistry, and earth sciences.
- Biodiversity Conservation : Informed by fundamental studies in ecology and evolutionary biology.
4. Materials Science
- Nanotechnology : Applications stem from basic research into atomic and molecular structures.
- Sustainable Materials : Development guided by fundamental chemistry and physics research.
5. Space Exploration
- Propulsion Systems : Based on basic research in physics and materials science.
- Exoplanet Detection : Utilizes fundamental research in astrophysics and optics.
The Value and Importance of Basic Research
The importance of basic research extends far beyond its immediate applications:
Foundation for Innovation : Basic research provides the knowledge base from which applied research and technological advancements spring.
Long-term Economic Benefits : While not immediately profitable, basic research often leads to groundbreaking technologies that drive economic growth.
Addressing Global Challenges : Fundamental research in climate science, for example, is crucial for tackling issues like global warming.
Intellectual and Cultural Enrichment : Basic research satisfies human curiosity and contributes to our understanding of the world and our place in it.
Interdisciplinary Connections : Discoveries in one field often have unexpected applications in others, fostering cross-disciplinary innovation.
Education and Skill Development : Basic research trains critical thinkers and problem-solvers, skills valuable in many professions.
In the realm of research, tools like Innerview are revolutionizing how basic research is conducted and analyzed. By offering features such as automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis, Innerview helps researchers in various fields streamline their processes, allowing them to focus more on the fundamental questions they're exploring rather than getting bogged down in data management.
Basic research, while not always immediately applicable, is the bedrock upon which our technological and scientific progress is built. Its value lies not just in the knowledge it produces, but in the doors it opens for future discoveries and innovations. As we continue to push the boundaries of human knowledge, the importance of basic research in shaping our world cannot be overstated.
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Methods Used in Basic Research
Basic research employs a variety of methods to explore fundamental questions and expand our understanding of the world. These methods are carefully chosen to suit the research question at hand and often involve rigorous, systematic approaches to data collection and analysis.
Overview of Common Basic Research Methods
Basic research typically utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods, depending on the nature of the inquiry. These methods are designed to gather data, test hypotheses, and develop theories that contribute to the broader body of scientific knowledge.
Experimentation is a cornerstone of basic research, particularly in fields like physics, chemistry, and biology. This method involves:
- Controlled environments : Researchers manipulate variables to observe their effects on specific phenomena.
- Replication : Experiments are designed to be reproducible, allowing other scientists to verify results.
- Hypothesis testing : Experiments are often used to test theoretical predictions or challenge existing theories.
For example, in particle physics, experiments at the Large Hadron Collider have led to groundbreaking discoveries about the fundamental structure of matter.
Surveys and Interviews
While often associated with applied research, surveys and interviews play a crucial role in basic research, especially in social sciences and psychology:
- Quantitative surveys : Large-scale data collection to identify patterns and trends in populations.
- Qualitative interviews : In-depth conversations to explore complex phenomena and individual experiences.
- Mixed methods : Combining survey data with interviews for a more comprehensive understanding.
These methods are particularly valuable in fields like sociology, where researchers study social structures and human behavior. Tools like Innerview can significantly enhance the efficiency of qualitative research by offering features such as automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis, allowing researchers to focus more on interpreting data rather than managing it.
Observation Techniques
Observation is a fundamental method in many fields of basic research:
- Naturalistic observation : Studying subjects in their natural environment without intervention.
- Participant observation : Researchers immerse themselves in the group or situation they're studying.
- Systematic observation : Using predefined criteria to record and analyze behavior or phenomena.
Observational methods are crucial in fields like astronomy, where direct experimentation is often impossible, and in ethology, where animal behavior is studied in natural settings.
Choosing the Right Method for Your Research Question
Selecting the appropriate research method is critical to the success of any basic research project. Factors to consider include:
- Nature of the research question : Is it exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory?
- Type of data required : Qualitative, quantitative, or both?
- Ethical considerations : Especially important in research involving human or animal subjects.
- Resource constraints : Time, funding, and available technology.
- Field of study : Different disciplines often have preferred methodologies.
It's important to note that many basic research projects employ multiple methods to triangulate findings and increase the robustness of their conclusions. For instance, a study on cognitive processes might combine experimental tasks with brain imaging techniques and qualitative interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon.
In conclusion, the methods used in basic research are diverse and adaptable, reflecting the complex nature of scientific inquiry. As technology advances, new tools and techniques continue to emerge, expanding the possibilities for basic research across all disciplines. By carefully selecting and combining these methods, researchers can push the boundaries of human knowledge and lay the groundwork for future discoveries and innovations.
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Aspects of Basic Research
Basic research, like any scientific endeavor, relies on both qualitative and quantitative data to build a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena under study. Let's explore how these two types of data contribute to basic research and why choosing the right approach is crucial for achieving research goals.
Explanation of Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Qualitative data is descriptive and focuses on characteristics that can be observed but not measured numerically. It provides rich, detailed information about the nature, qualities, and attributes of the subject being studied. Qualitative data often comes in the form of words, images, or narratives.
Quantitative data, on the other hand, is numerical and can be measured or counted. It deals with quantities and values that can be statistically analyzed. Quantitative data is often presented in charts, graphs, or tables and allows for mathematical comparisons and trend analysis.
How Basic Research Incorporates Both Data Types
Basic research often benefits from a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data:
Complementary insights : Qualitative data can provide context and depth to quantitative findings, while quantitative data can add precision and measurability to qualitative observations.
Theory development : Qualitative data can help generate hypotheses and theories, which can then be tested using quantitative methods.
Triangulation : Using both types of data allows researchers to cross-validate findings, increasing the reliability and validity of their conclusions.
Comprehensive understanding : Some phenomena are best understood through a combination of both data types, capturing both the "what" and the "why" of a research question.
Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Basic Research
Let's look at some examples of how both data types are used in various fields of basic research:
- Qualitative : Descriptions of particle behavior in different conditions
- Quantitative : Measurements of particle mass, velocity, and energy levels
- Qualitative : Observations of animal behavior in natural habitats
- Quantitative : Gene expression levels, population counts, growth rates
- Qualitative : In-depth interviews about personal experiences with emotions
- Quantitative : Reaction times in cognitive tasks, scores on standardized tests
- Qualitative : Ethnographic studies of cultural practices
- Quantitative : Survey data on social attitudes, demographic statistics
- Qualitative : Descriptions of chemical reactions and color changes
- Quantitative : Measurements of reaction rates, molecular weights, and bond angles
In many cases, researchers use specialized tools to manage and analyze their data. For instance, platforms like Innerview can be particularly useful for handling qualitative data in basic research. With features like automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis, Innerview helps researchers efficiently process interview data, identify themes, and generate insights, allowing more time for interpretation and theory development.
Importance of Choosing the Right Data Type for Your Research Goals
Selecting the appropriate data type is crucial for the success of any basic research project. Here's why:
Research question alignment : The type of data collected should directly address the research question. Some questions are better answered with qualitative data, others with quantitative, and many benefit from both.
Methodological fit : The chosen data type should align with the research methodology and theoretical framework being used.
Resource efficiency : Collecting and analyzing data can be time-consuming and expensive. Choosing the right data type ensures efficient use of resources.
Validity and reliability : The selected data type should provide valid and reliable information about the phenomenon being studied.
Generalizability vs. depth : Quantitative data often allows for greater generalizability, while qualitative data provides deeper insights into specific cases or contexts.
Interdisciplinary compatibility : In collaborative projects, the chosen data type should be accessible and meaningful to researchers from different disciplines.
Future research potential : The data collected should not only serve the current study but also have potential value for future research or meta-analyses.
By carefully considering these factors and choosing the appropriate data type(s), researchers can ensure that their basic research projects are well-designed, rigorous, and capable of making meaningful contributions to their field of study.
In conclusion, both qualitative and quantitative data play vital roles in basic research. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each data type and strategically incorporating both into research designs, scientists can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental questions they seek to answer. This balanced approach not only enhances the quality of basic research but also lays a solid foundation for future applied research and innovations.
Basic Research vs. Applied Research: Key Differences
Applied research is a practical approach to scientific inquiry that focuses on solving specific, real-world problems. Unlike basic research, which aims to expand fundamental knowledge, applied research takes existing scientific principles and theories and applies them to develop new technologies, processes, or products. This type of research is driven by the need to find solutions to immediate challenges faced by industries, businesses, or society at large.
Main Differences Between Basic and Applied Research
While both basic and applied research contribute to scientific progress, they differ in several key aspects:
Purpose : Basic research seeks to expand knowledge for its own sake, while applied research aims to solve practical problems.
Time frame : Applied research typically has shorter timelines and more immediate goals compared to the long-term nature of basic research.
Funding sources : Applied research often receives funding from private companies or government agencies with specific objectives, whereas basic research is usually funded by academic institutions or government grants.
Methodology : Applied research tends to use more targeted, problem-specific methods, while basic research may employ broader, more exploratory approaches.
Outcome expectations : Applied research is expected to produce tangible results or solutions, while basic research may lead to unexpected discoveries or theoretical advancements.
Types of Applied Research
Applied research can be categorized into three main types:
Evaluation Research
This type of applied research assesses the effectiveness of existing programs, policies, or interventions. It helps decision-makers understand what works, what doesn't, and why. For example, evaluating the impact of a new teaching method on student performance.
Action Research
Action research involves researchers working directly with practitioners to solve immediate problems while simultaneously studying the process of problem-solving. It's commonly used in education, social work, and organizational development. An example would be collaborating with teachers to improve classroom management techniques.
Research and Development (R&D)
R&D focuses on creating new products, technologies, or processes, or improving existing ones. This type of applied research is prevalent in industries such as pharmaceuticals, technology, and engineering. For instance, developing a new drug to treat a specific disease or creating more efficient solar panels.
How Basic Research Supports Applied Research
Basic and applied research have a symbiotic relationship, with basic research often laying the groundwork for applied research breakthroughs:
Foundation of knowledge : Basic research provides the theoretical understanding that applied researchers use to develop practical solutions.
New tools and techniques : Discoveries in basic research often lead to new methodologies or technologies that applied researchers can utilize.
Inspiration for innovation : Unexpected findings in basic research can spark ideas for novel applications.
Long-term problem-solving : Basic research can address fundamental questions that, when answered, enable applied researchers to tackle complex, real-world issues.
Examples Comparing Basic and Applied Research Approaches
To illustrate the differences and connections between basic and applied research, let's explore a few examples:
Medical Research
- Basic: Studying the genetic basis of cancer cell growth
- Applied: Developing targeted therapies for specific types of cancer
Computer Science
- Basic: Exploring quantum computing theories
- Applied: Creating quantum computers for practical use in cryptography
Environmental Science
- Basic: Investigating the fundamental principles of ecosystem dynamics
- Applied: Designing restoration strategies for damaged ecosystems
- Basic: Researching the neurological basis of memory formation
- Applied: Developing techniques to improve memory in patients with cognitive disorders
Materials Science
- Basic: Studying the atomic structure of graphene
- Applied: Developing graphene-based materials for use in electronics or water filtration
In each of these examples, the basic research provides the foundational knowledge that enables the applied research to develop practical solutions or innovations.
When conducting applied research, especially in fields that involve qualitative data analysis, tools like Innerview can be invaluable. Innerview's features, such as automatic transcription, AI-powered analysis, and collaborative tools, can significantly streamline the research process. This allows applied researchers to focus more on developing solutions and less on time-consuming data management tasks.
By understanding the distinctions between basic and applied research and recognizing their interdependence, researchers and organizations can better allocate resources, set realistic expectations, and foster collaborations that drive both scientific understanding and practical innovation. The synergy between these two research approaches continues to be a powerful force in advancing knowledge and addressing the complex challenges of our world.
The Value of Basic Research in Various Fields
Basic research plays a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and driving innovation across various fields. While it may not always have immediate practical applications, its value extends far beyond the laboratory or academic setting. Let's explore how basic research contributes to different areas and why it's essential for progress and problem-solving.
Importance of Basic Research in Scientific Advancement
Basic research forms the foundation upon which all scientific progress is built. It's the engine that drives our understanding of the world around us, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Here's why it's so vital:
Expanding the Knowledge Base : Basic research adds to our collective understanding of natural phenomena, providing insights that can be applied across multiple disciplines.
Challenging Existing Theories : It allows scientists to question and refine existing theories, leading to more accurate models of how the world works.
Serendipitous Discoveries : Many groundbreaking innovations have emerged from basic research projects that weren't initially aimed at practical applications.
Long-term Impact : While the benefits may not be immediate, basic research often leads to revolutionary advancements decades down the line.
Role of Basic Research in Business and Product Development
Although businesses typically focus on applied research, basic research plays a crucial role in driving innovation and creating new market opportunities:
Inspiring New Products : Fundamental discoveries can spark ideas for entirely new product categories or improvements to existing ones.
Risk Mitigation : Understanding underlying principles helps companies make more informed decisions about long-term investments and product development.
Competitive Advantage : Firms that invest in or collaborate with basic research institutions often gain early access to cutting-edge knowledge and technologies.
Problem-Solving Capabilities : Employees with a strong foundation in basic research are better equipped to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation.
Contributions of Basic Research to Education and Psychology
In the fields of education and psychology, basic research has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of how people learn, think, and behave:
Learning Theories : Basic research in cognitive psychology has led to the development of various learning theories that inform educational practices.
Brain Function : Neuroscience research has provided insights into brain plasticity and memory formation, influencing teaching methods and curriculum design.
Developmental Psychology : Studies on child development have shaped early childhood education programs and parenting strategies.
Mental Health Understanding : Basic research in psychology has improved our understanding of mental health disorders, leading to better diagnostic tools and treatment approaches.
How Basic Research Supports Innovation and Problem-Solving
The impact of basic research on innovation and problem-solving cannot be overstated:
Interdisciplinary Solutions : Basic research often leads to discoveries that can be applied across multiple fields, fostering innovative solutions to complex problems.
Technological Breakthroughs : Many of today's technologies, from smartphones to MRI machines, have roots in basic research conducted decades ago.
Addressing Global Challenges : Basic research in areas like climate science and renewable energy is crucial for tackling pressing global issues.
Fostering Critical Thinking : The process of conducting basic research develops problem-solving skills that are valuable in many professional contexts.
In the realm of research and innovation, tools like Innerview are revolutionizing how insights are gathered and analyzed. By offering features such as automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis, Innerview helps researchers and innovators streamline their processes, allowing them to focus more on interpreting results and developing groundbreaking ideas.
Basic research may not always have immediate, tangible outcomes, but its value is immeasurable. It lays the groundwork for future discoveries, drives innovation across industries, and equips us with the knowledge and tools to solve complex problems. As we continue to face global challenges and seek new opportunities for growth, the importance of supporting and investing in basic research cannot be overstated. It's the key to unlocking a future filled with possibilities we can't yet imagine.
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Conducting Effective Basic Research: Best Practices
Basic research is a cornerstone of scientific advancement, but conducting it effectively requires careful planning and execution. Let's explore some best practices that can help researchers maximize the impact of their fundamental studies.
Setting Clear Research Objectives
The foundation of any successful basic research project lies in well-defined objectives. Here's how to set them:
- Be specific : Clearly articulate what you aim to discover or understand.
- Align with broader goals : Ensure your objectives contribute to the larger body of knowledge in your field.
- Make them measurable : Define criteria that will indicate when you've achieved your objectives.
- Keep them realistic : Consider your resources and timeframe when setting goals.
- Stay flexible : Be prepared to adjust your objectives as new insights emerge during the research process.
By establishing clear objectives, you create a roadmap for your research, helping to focus your efforts and resources effectively.
Choosing Appropriate Research Methods
Selecting the right methods is crucial for the success of your basic research:
- Match methods to objectives : Choose techniques that directly address your research questions.
- Consider interdisciplinary approaches : Don't limit yourself to traditional methods in your field; innovative combinations can lead to breakthrough insights.
- Evaluate feasibility : Assess whether you have the necessary skills, equipment, and resources to implement your chosen methods.
- Plan for data analysis : Ensure your methods will generate data that can be meaningfully analyzed and interpreted.
- Pilot test : When possible, conduct small-scale trials of your methods to identify and address potential issues early on.
Remember, the most sophisticated methods aren't always the best choice. Sometimes, simple, well-executed techniques can yield powerful results.
Ensuring Data Quality and Reliability
High-quality, reliable data is the lifeblood of basic research. Here's how to maintain it:
- Standardize procedures : Develop and follow consistent protocols for data collection and recording.
- Train research team members : Ensure everyone involved understands and adheres to data quality standards.
- Use appropriate tools : Invest in reliable instruments and consider using specialized software for data management.
- Implement quality control measures : Regularly check for errors, inconsistencies, or outliers in your data.
- Document meticulously : Keep detailed records of all procedures, observations, and any deviations from your planned methods.
In qualitative research, tools like Innerview can be invaluable for maintaining data quality. Its automatic transcription and AI-powered analysis features help reduce human error and ensure consistency in data processing.
Analyzing and Interpreting Research Findings
Effective analysis and interpretation are key to extracting meaningful insights from your data:
- Use appropriate statistical techniques : Choose analytical methods that suit your data type and research questions.
- Look for patterns and relationships : Go beyond surface-level observations to identify underlying trends or connections.
- Consider alternative explanations : Challenge your initial interpretations and explore other possible meanings in your data.
- Contextualize your findings : Relate your results to existing theories and previous research in your field.
- Be honest about limitations : Acknowledge any constraints or potential biases in your study.
Ethical Considerations in Basic Research
Maintaining ethical standards is paramount in all scientific endeavors:
- Obtain necessary approvals : Secure clearance from relevant ethics committees or institutional review boards before beginning your research.
- Protect participant privacy : If your research involves human subjects, ensure their confidentiality and obtain informed consent.
- Practice data integrity : Never fabricate, falsify, or selectively report data to support your hypotheses.
- Give credit where it's due : Properly cite all sources and acknowledge contributions from collaborators.
- Consider broader impacts : Reflect on the potential societal implications of your research and any ethical dilemmas it might raise.
By adhering to these ethical principles, you not only protect the integrity of your work but also contribute to maintaining public trust in scientific research.
Implementing these best practices can significantly enhance the quality and impact of your basic research. While the process may be challenging, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and contributions to human knowledge makes it a rewarding endeavor. As you embark on your research journey, remember that tools like Innerview can support various aspects of your work, from data collection to analysis, allowing you to focus more on the core aspects of your scientific inquiry.
As we wrap up our exploration of basic and applied research, it's clear that both play crucial roles in advancing scientific knowledge and driving innovation. Let's recap the key points and address some common questions about these research approaches.
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Basic and Applied Research
- Basic research provides the foundational knowledge that fuels applied research and technological development
- Applied research takes theoretical insights from basic research and develops practical solutions
- The interplay between the two creates a feedback loop that drives continuous innovation
The Enduring Value of Basic Research
- Expands our understanding of fundamental principles and phenomena
- Often leads to unexpected discoveries with far-reaching implications
- Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills valuable across all sectors
Embracing Basic Research Principles
- Cultivate curiosity by asking "why" and "how" questions
- Be comfortable with uncertainty and view challenges as opportunities
- Consider long-term impacts and potential contributions to your field
- Collaborate across disciplines to gain fresh perspectives
- Leverage modern tools to enhance research efficiency and insight generation
By incorporating these principles into our work and studies, we can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and potentially spark the next big breakthrough. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a curious student, embracing the spirit of basic research can open doors to exciting possibilities and drive progress in ways we've yet to imagine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the main difference between basic and applied research? Basic research aims to expand fundamental knowledge without specific practical applications in mind, while applied research focuses on solving practical problems using existing scientific principles.
Why is basic research important if it doesn't have immediate practical applications? Basic research lays the groundwork for future innovations, often leading to unexpected discoveries that revolutionize entire fields and drive long-term technological advancements.
How do basic and applied research work together? Basic research provides the theoretical foundation that applied research builds upon to develop practical solutions. In turn, challenges in applied research often inspire new avenues of basic inquiry.
Can basic research lead to commercial products? Yes, while not its primary goal, basic research often leads to discoveries that are later developed into commercial products or technologies.
How is basic research typically funded? Basic research is often funded by government grants, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations dedicated to scientific advancement.
What skills does basic research develop? Basic research fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and the ability to approach complex issues with rigorous methodology.
How long does it typically take for basic research to yield practical applications? The timeline varies greatly. Some basic research findings lead to applications within a few years, while others may take decades to find practical use.
Is basic research only conducted in academic settings? While common in academia, basic research is also conducted in government laboratories, research institutions, and some forward-thinking companies.
How can businesses benefit from supporting basic research? Supporting basic research can give businesses early access to cutting-edge knowledge, inspire new product ideas, and enhance their problem-solving capabilities.
What are some examples of basic research that led to major innovations? Einstein's theory of relativity led to GPS technology, basic research in quantum mechanics enabled the development of lasers and semiconductors, and fundamental studies in genetics paved the way for personalized medicine.
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Research Methodology: Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Pentingnya!
Blog » Umum » Research Methodology: Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Pentingnya!
Penjelasan Pengertian Research Methodology , Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Kenapa itu Penting!
Khusus para ahli atau para akademisi yang ingin menyelesaikan tugas akhir studi mereka terkait dalam bidang research (riset) ada beberapa hal yang ingin Kami sampaikan sebelumnya.
Setelah kita menguasai tinjauan pustaka, dalam melakukan penelitian, hal itu berarti sudah saatnya untuk mulai memikirkan studi yang akan Anda rancang untuk menjawab kesenjangan yang akan Anda identifikasi.
Sebagai contoh misalnya seperti metodologi mana yang akan Anda gunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian Anda?
Atau apakah Anda akan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, kuantitatif, atau metode campuran? Anda akan memilih metode penelitian yang paling sesuai dengan pertanyaan riset Anda.
Baiklah, berkenaan akan hal tersebut, dalam postingan kali ini, Kami akan membahas secara lebih lengkap dan detail tentang apa itu pengertian research methodology atau metodologi riset atau penelitian.
Oke langsung saja, mari kita simak ulasannya berikut di bawah ini!
Daftar Isi Konten:
Pengertian Research Methodology
Apa itu metodologi riset dan penelitian.
- Apa itu Metodologi Penelitian Ilmiah atau Scientific Research Methodology?
Tujuan dan Fungsi Riset atau Research Methodology
A. qualitative research methodology, b. quantitative research methodology, c. mixed research methodology, cara memilih metodologi riset atau penelitian yang baik, 1. jelaskan pendekatan methodologic (metodologis) anda, 2. jelaskan metode pengumpulan data anda, 3. jelaskan metode analisis anda, 4. evaluasi dan justifikasi pilihan metodologis anda, tips menulis research methodology atau metodologi riset dan penelitian yang benar, kenapa research methodology itu penting, bagikan sekarang ke.
Berarti metodologi penelitian (dalam bahasa Indonesia), research methodology adalah prosedur atau teknik khusus yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, memilih, memproses, dan menganalisis informasi tentang suatu topik atau masalah.
Seperti yang juga dijelaskan oleh Situs Witz.ac.za , dalam makalah penelitian, bagian metodologi pada research memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengevaluasi secara kritis validitas dan reliabilitas studi secara keseluruhan.
Ya! Bagian metodologi riset atau penelitian ini akan menjawab 2 (dua) pertanyaan utama Anda, yaitu bagaimana data dikumpulkan atau dihasilkan serta bagaimana cara menganalisisnya.
Jadi, apa itu sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan metodologi riset dan penelitian ini?
Benar, seperti yang sudah Kami terangkan di atas, istilah kata ini juga sering dikenal dengan sebutan research methodology secara global.
Metodologi riset dan penelitian adalah kata mengacu pada “bagaimana” praktis yang terdapat dari setiap bagian penelitian.
Lebih khususnya lagi, metodologi riset dan penelitian atau research methodology ini adalah tentang bagaimana seorang peneliti secara sistematis merancang studi untuk memastikan hasil yang valid dan dapat diandalkan yang membahas tujuan dan sasaran penelitian.
Oke, sebagai contoh misalnya, berikut ini adalah beberapa cara bagaimana peneliti memutuskan:
- Data apa yang harus dikumpulkan serta data apa yang diabaikan.
- Dari siapa untuk mengumpulkannya atau yang sering disebut dengan desain pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian.
- Cara mengumpulkannya yang disebut “metode pengumpulan data”.
- Serta dengan cara menganalisisnya yang biasa disebut dengan “metode analisis data”.
Dalam disertasi untuk program Doktor, tesis untuk Magister, skripsi ( baca pengertian skripsi menurut para ahli di sini ) untuk Sarjana dan artikel jurnal akademik (atau hampir semua penelitian formal), Anda akan menemukan bab (atau bagian) metodologi penelitian yang mencakup aspek-aspek yang disebutkan di atas.
Benar! Yang penting, bab metodologi yang baik dalam disertasi atau tesis menjelaskan tidak hanya pilihan metodologis apa saja yang dibuat, tetapi juga menjelaskan mengapa itu dibuat.
Dengan kata lain, bab metodologi harus menjustifikasi pilihan desain, dengan menunjukkan bahwa metode dan teknik yang dipilih paling sesuai untuk maksud dan tujuan penelitian, dan akan memberikan hasil yang valid dan dapat diandalkan.
Yup! Metodologi atapenelitian ( research methodology ) yang baik akan memberikan temuan yang logic dan masuk akal secara ilmiah, sedangkan metodologi yang buruk tidak.
Apa itu Metodologi Penelitian Ilmiah atau Scientific Research Methodology ?
Kemudian, apa itu metodologi penelitian ilmiah atau scientific research methodology ?
Berkaitan erat dengan bidang penelitian, ini adalah cara lain untuk menyelesaikan proyek penelitian.
Metodologi penelitian ilmiah lebih bersifat teknis penulisan serta scientific research methodology ini dimulai dari pertanyaan umum yang diikuti dengan konsep khusus, di mana hipotesis umum dipersempit untuk menyoroti aspek tertentu dari topik tersebut.
Di samping itu, di dalamnya juga dikembangkan rancangan penelitian untuk mengamati dan menganalisis aspek fokus secara cermat.
Dan pada akhirnya, kesimpulan pun dikembangkan dan digeneralisasikan sesuai dengan real atau dunia nyata.
Agar lebih memahami tentang apa itu arti research methodology , maka juga merupakan hal yang penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui apa tujuan dan fungsi metodologi riset atau penelitian ini secara khusus.
Benar! Seperti yang sudah Kami jelaskan di atas, terkait tujuan utamanya sendiri, adapun research methodology atau metodologi penelitian seringkali digunakan untuk identify (mengidentifikasi), choose (memilih), process (memproses), dan analyze (menganalisis) informasi ( baca pengertian informasi di sini ).
Kemudian, perlu untuk diketahui bahwa metodologi penelitian ( research methodology ) ini tentunya menjalankan banyak fungsi.
Well , fungsi ini tersebut pastinya berlaku untuk sejumlah pekerjaan yang dilakukan dalam proses penelitian.
Baiklah di bawah ini adalah fungsi-fungsi yang terdapat dalam research methodology yang harus kalian ketahui:
- Mengidentifikasi aktivitas penelitian dalam arti yang sebenarnya.
- Secara lebih lanjut menentukan dan mendefinisikan konsep yang sebenarnya.
- Metodologi penelitian ini selanjutnya akan menyatakan metode seperti apa yang akan diperlukan untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut, terlebih. Apalagi, bagaimana kemajuan bisa diukur.
- Research methodology , mereka menawarkan platform ( baca pengertian platform di sini ) untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana kita dapat mengkomunikasikan aktivitas penelitian dalam arti yang sebenarnya.
Jenis-Jenis Research Methodology (Metodologi Penelitian)
Setelah kita mengetahui arti dari research methodology , apa itu metodologi riset atau penelitian di atas, selanjutnya dalam subbagian kali ini, Kami juga akan menjelaskan terkait jenisnya.
Perlu kalian ketahui, research methodology ini memiliki beberapa jenis metodologi yang berbeda.
Mereka dibedakan berdasarkan apakah metodologi tersebut berfokus pada kata, angka, atau keduanya.
Di bawah ini akan Kami jelaskan secara lebih lanjut terkait jenis-jenis tipe research methodology (metodologi riset atau penelitian) tersebut.
Jenis research methodology yang pertama yaitu metode riset dan penelitian kualitatif atau qualitative research methodology .
Penelitian kualitatif ini mengacu pada penelitian yang berfokus pada pengumpulan dan analisis kata (tertulis atau lisan) dan data tekstual.
Sedangkan lawannya, yaitu penelitian kuantitatif berfokus pada pengukuran dan pengujian dengan menggunakan data numerik.
Analisis qualitative (kualitatif) juga dapat berfokus pada poin data yang “lebih lembut”, seperti bahasa tubuh atau elemen visual.
Jenis macam berikutnya yaitu metodologi penelitian kualitatif atau quantitative research methodology .
Tipe penelitian kuantitatif ini terbilang cukup umum digunakan ketika maksud dan tujuan penelitian bersifat eksploratif.
Sebagai contoh misalnya, qualitative methodology (metodologi kualitatif) dapat digunakan untuk memahami persepsi masyarakat tentang suatu peristiwa yang terjadi, atau kandidat yang mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden.
Berbeda dengan ini, metodologi quantitative atau kuantitatif biasanya digunakan ketika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian bersifat konfirmatori.
Contohnya misalnya, metodologi kuantitatif dapat digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan antara 2 (dua) variabel seperti tipe kepribadian dan kemungkinan melakukan kejahatan atau untuk menguji serangkaian hipotesis.
Tipe research methodology terakhir yang dapat Kami jelaskan kali ini yaitu adalah metodologi penelitian campuran atau mixed research methodology .
Seperti yang mungkin sudah Anda duga, metodologi penelitian dengan metode campuran mencoba menggabungkan yang terbaik dari metodologi kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
Betul! Dan perlu kalian ketahui bahwa hal tersebut seringkali dilakukan untuk mengintegrasikan perspektif dan menciptakan gambaran yang rich (kaya).
Ketika membahas tentang arti dan pengertian dari research methodology (metodologi penelitian), maka akan muncul pertanyaan umum seperti bagaimana cara saya memilih metodologinya yang baik?
Oke, perlu Kami tekankan sekali lagi di sini, seperti yang mungkin sudah Anda pelajari sekarang, maksud dan tujuan penelitian Anda memiliki pengaruh besar pada research methodology atau metodologi penelitian kalian.
Yup! Jadi, titik awal untuk mengembangkan research methodology Anda adalah dengan mundur selangkah dan melihat gambaran besar penelitian Anda, sebelum Anda membuat keputusan metodologi.
Adapun pertanyaan pertama yang perlu Anda tanyakan pada diri sendiri adalah apakah penelitian Anda bersifat eksplorasi atau konfirmatori.
Betul! Jika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian Anda terutama bersifat eksplorasi, penelitian Anda kemungkinan besar akan bersifat qualitative (kualitatif).
Dan oleh karena itulah Anda dapat mempertimbangkan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif, sebagai contoh misalnya seperti wawancara dan metode analisis seperti analisis isi kualitatif.
Sebaliknya, jika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian Anda ingin mengukur atau menguji sesuatu (dalam hal ini seperti konfirmatori), maka penelitian Anda kemungkinan besar akan bersifat kuantitatif.
Ya! Anda dapat mempertimbangkan metode pengumpulan data qualitative atau kuantitatif dalam research methodology , sebagai contoh misalnya survei dan analisis seperti misalnya analisis statistik atau statistics ( baca pengertian statistics di sini ).
Cara Menulis Metodologi Penelitian atau Research Methodology
Sekarang kita semua pastinya sudah memahami apa saja dasar-dasar yang dalam research methodology ini.
Oke, dalam postingan kali ini selain membahas tentang artinya, di sini Kami juga akan menjelaskan terkait bagaimana cara menulis metodologi penelitian atau riset.
Memang, dalam tesis atau disertasi Anda, Anda pastinya harus mendiskusikan metode yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan penelitiannya.
Bab methodology (metodologi) akan menjelaskan apa yang Anda lakukan dan bagaimana Anda melakukannya.
Hal itu memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengevaluasi reliabilitas dan validitas penelitian kalian, di mana ini harus mencakup:
- Jenis penelitian yang Anda lakukan.
- Bagaimana Anda mengumpulkan data Anda.
- Bagaimana Anda menganalisis data Anda.
- Alat atau bahan apa pun yang Anda gunakan dalam penelitian.
- Alasan Anda memilih metodenya.
Oke langsung saja, di bawah ini akan Kami jelaskan bagaimana cara menulis research methodology atau metodologi penelitian (riset) yang tepat.
Pertama-tama, mulailah dengan memperkenalkan pendekatan keseluruhan Anda pada penelitian .
Masalah penelitian atau pertanyaan apa yang Anda selidiki?
Sebagai contoh misalnya, apakah Anda bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik sesuatu secara sistematis, mengeksplorasi topik yang belum diteliti.
Atau untuk membangun hubungan sebab-akibat? Dan jenis data apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan ini?
Setelah memperkenalkan pendekatan metodologis keseluruhan dalam research methodology Anda, Anda harus memberikan rincian lengkap tentang metode pengumpulan atau data collection ( baca selengkapnya arti dari data collection di sini ) Anda .
Selanjutnya, Anda harus menunjukkan bagaimana Anda memproses dan menganalisis data dengan menjelaskan metode analisis Anda .
Dalam menerapkan langkah ini, saran Kami pribadi, hindari menjelaskan terlalu banyak detail — Anda tidak boleh mulai mempresentasikan atau mendiskusikan hasil apa pun pada tahap ini.
Langkah terakhir dalam cara menulis research methodology yaitu dengan mengevaluasi dan menjustifikasi pilihan metodologis Anda .
Metodologi Anda harus menjelaskan alasan Anda memilih metode khusus ini, terutama jika Anda tidak mengambil pendekatan yang paling standar untuk topik Anda.
Diskusikan mengapa metode lain tidak cocok untuk tujuan Anda, dan tunjukkan bagaimana pendekatan ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pengetahuan atau pemahaman baru.
Selain bagaimana cara untuk menulis research methodology atau metodologi penelitian (riset) di atas, kemudian apa saja kiat atau tips-tipsnya?
Well , ingatlah bahwa tujuan Anda bukan hanya untuk mendeskripsikan metode Anda, tetapi untuk menunjukkan bagaimana dan mengapa Anda menerapkannya dan untuk menunjukkan bahwa penelitian Anda dilakukan dengan ketat.
Untuk kiat-kiatnya sendiri, di bawah ini adalah beberapa tips dalam menulis research methodology yang baik dan benar yang perlu kalian ketahui:
- Fokus pada tujuan dan pertanyaan penelitian ; Bagian metodologi harus dengan jelas menunjukkan mengapa metode Anda sesuai dengan tujuan Anda dan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa Anda memilih pendekatan terbaik untuk menjawab pernyataan masalah dan pertanyaan penelitian Anda. Sepanjang bagiannya, hubungkanlah kembali pilihan Anda ke tujuan utama disertasi Anda.
- Kutip sumber yang relevan ; Benar! Metodologi Anda dapat diperkuat dengan mengacu pada penelitian di lapangan yang baik.
- Konfirmasikan bahwa Anda mengikuti praktik yang sudah mapan untuk jenis penelitian ; Diskusikan bagaimana Anda mengevaluasi metodologi yang berbeda dan memutuskan pendekatan Anda Tunjukkan bahwa Anda menggunakan pendekatan metodologis baru untuk mengatasi kesenjangan dalam literatur.
- Tulislah untuk audiens Anda ; Pertimbangkan seberapa banyak informasi yang perlu Anda berikan, dan jangan membahas detail yang tidak perlu. Jika Anda menggunakan metode yang standar untuk disiplin Anda, Anda mungkin tidak perlu memberikan banyak latar belakang atau pembenaran. Tetapi jika Anda mengambil pendekatan yang kurang umum di bidang Anda, Anda mungkin perlu menjelaskan dan membenarkan pilihan metodologis Anda kepada audience ( baca pengertian audience di sini ) serta, dalam ke-2 (dua) kasus tersebut, metodologi Anda harus berupa teks yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik yang menjadi argumen untuk pendekatan Anda, bukan hanya daftar detail teknis dan prosedur.
- Diskusikan hambatan yang ada ; Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam mengumpulkan atau menganalisis data, jelaskan cara Anda menanganinya. Ya! Tunjukkan bagaimana Anda meminimalkan dampak dari adanya rintangan yang tidak terduga. Singkirkan kritik besar apa pun dari pendekatan Anda dan tunjukkan bahwa Anda akan membuat penelitian seketat mungkin.
Terkait penjelasan arti dan pengertian sebelumnya di atas, lalu, mengapa research methodology atau metodologi penelitian ini merupakan hal yang penting?
Oke, sebelumnya perlu kalian ketahui, jika kalian yang kebetulan sedang membaca postingan Kami di sini dan kebetulan sedang menanyakan pentingnya research methodology , maka dapat Kami katakan bahwa kalian berada di tempat yang tepat.
Mengapa? Tentu saja karena di sini Kami akan berusaha dalam menjawabnya secara singkat, padat dan jelas.
Yup! Memang, seringkali ini merupakan pertanyaan yang sangat penting karena apa kita mengadopsi metodologi penelitian.
Adapun jawaban dari pertanyaan itu sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit.
Perlu Kami tekankan di sini bawah sebuah teori selalu perlu diperiksa relevansinya.
Research methodology atau metodologi penelitian diadopsi untuk memeriksa teori tertentu dan aplikasinya sepanjang serangkaian standar akademik tertentu.
Benar! Ini merupakan hal yang wajib agar semua penelitian memenuhi standar dalam spesifik lapangan.
Baiklah, Kami pikir pembahasannya sudah cukup jelas untuk sekarang.
Jadi, berdasarkan penjelasan dan pembahasan tentang Pengertian Research Methodology , Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Kenapa itu Penting di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa metodologi riset dan penelitian atau research methodology adalah sesuatu yang melibatkan teknik tertentu yang diadopsi dalam proses penelitian untuk mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan dan mengevaluasi data.
Metodologi penelitian mendefinisikan alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan dalam studi penelitian tertentu.
Seperti survey (survei), kuesioner dan wawancara merupakan alat penelitian yang umum dalam pengumpulan datanya.
Sebuah methodology atau metodologi ini dapat dengan tepat mengacu pada analisis teoritis dari metode yang sesuai dengan bidang studi atau tubuh metode dan prinsip tertentu dalam sebuah cabang pengetahuan.
Pertanyaan dan eksplorasi terorganisir baik dengan pembentukan hipotesis atau pengujian ilmiah dari setiap penyelidikan atau permintaan dengan mengikuti seperangkat aturan dan prosedur standar didefinisikan sebagai metodologi riset atau penelitian.
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- rifqimulyawan.com
- 8 November 2024
Compliance status
We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.
To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.
This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.
Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.
If you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email
Screen-reader and keyboard navigation
Our website implements the ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) technique, alongside various different behavioral changes, to ensure blind users visiting with screen-readers are able to read, comprehend, and enjoy the website’s functions. As soon as a user with a screen-reader enters your site, they immediately receive a prompt to enter the Screen-Reader Profile so they can browse and operate your site effectively. Here’s how our website covers some of the most important screen-reader requirements, alongside console screenshots of code examples:
Screen-reader optimization: we run a background process that learns the website’s components from top to bottom, to ensure ongoing compliance even when updating the website. In this process, we provide screen-readers with meaningful data using the ARIA set of attributes. For example, we provide accurate form labels; descriptions for actionable icons (social media icons, search icons, cart icons, etc.); validation guidance for form inputs; element roles such as buttons, menus, modal dialogues (popups), and others. Additionally, the background process scans all of the website’s images and provides an accurate and meaningful image-object-recognition-based description as an ALT (alternate text) tag for images that are not described. It will also extract texts that are embedded within the image, using an OCR (optical character recognition) technology. To turn on screen-reader adjustments at any time, users need only to press the Alt+1 keyboard combination. Screen-reader users also get automatic announcements to turn the Screen-reader mode on as soon as they enter the website.
These adjustments are compatible with all popular screen readers, including JAWS and NVDA.
Keyboard navigation optimization: The background process also adjusts the website’s HTML, and adds various behaviors using JavaScript code to make the website operable by the keyboard. This includes the ability to navigate the website using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, operate dropdowns with the arrow keys, close them with Esc, trigger buttons and links using the Enter key, navigate between radio and checkbox elements using the arrow keys, and fill them in with the Spacebar or Enter key.Additionally, keyboard users will find quick-navigation and content-skip menus, available at any time by clicking Alt+1, or as the first elements of the site while navigating with the keyboard. The background process also handles triggered popups by moving the keyboard focus towards them as soon as they appear, and not allow the focus drift outside of it.
Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.
Disability profiles supported in our website
- Epilepsy Safe Mode: this profile enables people with epilepsy to use the website safely by eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking animations and risky color combinations.
- Visually Impaired Mode: this mode adjusts the website for the convenience of users with visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight, Tunnel Vision, Cataract, Glaucoma, and others.
- Cognitive Disability Mode: this mode provides different assistive options to help users with cognitive impairments such as Dyslexia, Autism, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily.
- ADHD Friendly Mode : this mode helps users with ADHD and Neurodevelopmental disorders to read, browse, and focus on the main website elements more easily while significantly reducing distractions.
- Screen-readers Compatibility: this mode configures the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. A screen-reader is software for blind users that is installed on a computer and smartphone, and websites must be compatible with it.
- Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor-Impaired): this profile enables motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.
Additional UI, design, and readability adjustments
- Font adjustments – users, can increase and decrease its size, change its family (type), adjust the spacing, alignment, line height, and more.
- Color adjustments – users can select various color contrast profiles such as light, dark, inverted, and monochrome. Additionally, users can swap color schemes of titles, texts, and backgrounds, with over 7 different coloring options.
- Animations – epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click of a button. Animations controlled by the interface include videos, GIFs, and CSS flashing transitions.
- Content highlighting – users can choose to emphasize important elements such as links and titles. They can also choose to highlight focused or hovered elements only.
- Audio muting – users with hearing devices may experience headaches or other issues due to automatic audio playing. This option lets users mute the entire website instantly.
- Cognitive disorders – we utilize a search engine that is linked to Wikipedia and Wiktionary, allowing people with cognitive disorders to decipher meanings of phrases, initials, slang, and others.
- Additional functions – we provide users the option to change cursor color and size, use a printing mode, enable a virtual keyboard, and many other functions.
Browser and assistive technology compatibility
We aim to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS and NVDA (screen readers), both for Windows and for MAC users.
Notes, comments, and feedback
Despite our very best efforts to allow anybody to adjust the website to their needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, are in the process of becoming accessible, or are lacking an adequate technological solution to make them accessible. Still, we are continually improving our accessibility, adding, updating and improving its options and features, and developing and adopting new technologies. All this is meant to reach the optimal level of accessibility, following technological advancements. For any assistance, please reach out to
Basic vs. applied research
- Coding qualitative data for valuable insights
What is the difference between applied research and basic research?
Examples of basic research vs. applied research, basic vs. applied research: a comparative analysis, the interplay between basic and applied research, introduction.
Basic and applied research look at existing knowledge and create new knowledge in different ways. They share the same basic principles of contributing to knowledge through research findings, but their aims and objectives are distinctly different.
In the vast realm of scientific inquiry, research stands as the cornerstone for advancement, driving our understanding of the world and fostering innovation. At its core, research can be bifurcated into two primary types: applied and basic research . While both serve pivotal roles in contributing to our collective knowledge, they operate with distinct objectives and outcomes.
Any approach that is called basic research delves into the foundational principles and theories of science. It is driven by a researcher's curiosity and the aspiration to expand the frontiers of understanding. The primary goal isn't to solve an immediate problem but to garner knowledge for the sake of understanding.
On the other hand, applied research focuses on analysis intended to solve practical problems. Conducting applied research means seeking solutions to specific, tangible challenges that society or industries face. Using the principles derived from basic research, applied research aims to bring about real-world impact and deliver pragmatic solutions.
Basic research
Basic research, often called "pure" or "fundamental" research , is characterized by its intrinsic quest to unravel the mysteries of nature and society. It is an investigation into the very core of phenomena, aiming to discover new principles, theories, or facts without an immediate application in mind. This kind of research is often propelled by the researcher's curiosity, a thirst to understand the "why" and "how" of things, rather than the "what can we do with it."
Basic research has a relatively broad scope and aims to enhance the existing body of knowledge in a particular field. It's not about creating a new product, improving a process, or solving a current societal problem. Instead, it's about laying the groundwork for future investigations, paving the way for applied research to build upon. Basic research poses questions like, "What are the fundamental principles of this phenomenon?" or "How does this process work at different levels?"
Such goals provide the essential framework upon which much of our modern understanding and technological advancement rests. Without the exploratory and explanatory nature of basic research, the foundational knowledge needed to drive innovation would be missing.
Applied research
While basic research focuses on curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, applied research takes a different approach by examining how real-world phenomena or outcomes can be altered. At its core, applied research is oriented towards identifying practical solutions to specific problems. Its primary objective is not just to add to the existing knowledge base but to leverage that knowledge to develop solutions, innovations, or interventions that can be directly applied in the real world.
Applied research is deeply rooted in real-world issues. Whether it's finding a cure for a specific disease, developing a new technological solution for environmental challenges, or creating strategies to improve education in underprivileged communities, the primary goal is to generate practical outcomes that can be directly implemented. Its relevance is often immediately apparent, as it's tailored to answer particular challenges faced by society, industries, or organizations.
The line between basic and applied research can sometimes blur, especially when foundational discoveries from basic research lead directly to tangible applications. However, the main distinction lies in the intent: while basic research seeks to understand the fundamental nature of phenomena, applied research aims to harness that understanding for tangible benefits.
Applied research is invaluable as it accelerates the transition of theoretical knowledge into practical, impactful solutions. Through applied research, the abstract findings of basic research are transformed into actionable insights, tools, and technologies that shape our daily lives and address pressing challenges.
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Research in the social sciences encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from understanding human behavior and societal structures to exploring the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Basic and applied research methods in the social sciences offer unique insights into these areas. Let's delve into some examples to understand their distinct approaches.
Basic research examples
The social construction of reality
A classic area of investigation in sociology is understanding how societies construct reality. This kind of research delves deep into the ways cultures, languages, and institutions shape our understanding of the world. It doesn't immediately aim to solve societal problems but provides essential insights into how perceptions and beliefs are formed. Research methods often used for this type of study include in-depth interviews , participant observations , and ethnographic studies .
Attachment theory in psychology
Attachment theory seeks to understand the deep emotional and physical attachment between a child and at least one primary caregiver. It delves into the nature of attachment and its implications for personal development. The research often involves longitudinal studies that observe behaviors over extended periods.
Applied research examples
Interventions for at-risk youth
Applied researchers might design programs or interventions to help at-risk youth, building on the foundational knowledge of psychology, sociology, and education. The research might involve evaluating the effectiveness of a particular program, using methods like surveys , focus groups , and pre-and-post assessments.
Communication strategies for public health
Understanding human behavior is crucial for successful public health campaigns. Researchers might study the best ways to communicate vital health information to various populations, especially in times of crisis like pandemics. Methods often include A/B testing of messages, surveys to assess message efficacy, and observational studies to gauge real-world behavior following communication campaigns.
The distinction between basic and applied research is not just a matter of intent or outcome; it also encompasses differences in methodologies , scopes, and approaches. Let's undertake a comparative analysis to illuminate these distinctions further, particularly in the context of the social sciences.
Purpose and motivation
Basic research is motivated by the quest for knowledge. It seeks to answer fundamental questions about human behavior, societal structures, and the interplay between various social factors. The driving force here is curiosity. In contrast, applied research is driven by the need to address specific societal or practical problems. Its purpose is to take the theoretical knowledge derived from basic research and convert it into actionable solutions.
Methodological approaches
It's important to acknowledge that there is no one universal research method that can address all potential research inquiries. Moreover, the same research methods, such as conducting interviews or engaging in inductive and deductive reasoning , can be utilized in basic and applied research, but they will differ in their scope and objectives. While applied research is more experimental or confirmatory, a basic research approach is often exploratory or explanatory in nature. Basic research methods include ethnography , in-depth interviews , or longitudinal studies to gain a deep understanding of a topic. The focus is on generating theories and understanding patterns.
Applied research, on the other hand, often employs more structured and targeted methodologies. Surveys , experiments, and evaluations are commonly used to verify propositions, assess the efficacy of interventions, or gauge public opinion. The approach is more pragmatic, seeking results that can inform decisions and guide actions.
Outcomes and results
Basic research outcomes are usually theoretical contributions: new concepts, theories, or insights into existing phenomena. The results expand the academic literature and provide a foundation for future studies.
Applied research results in tangible solutions or recommendations. The outcomes might include a new social program, policy recommendations, interventions, or communication strategies. The results are geared towards immediate implementation and often have direct implications for organizations, governments, or communities.
The discourse on basic and applied research often sets them apart, emphasizing their distinct objectives and methodologies. However, it's crucial to recognize that these research types aren't isolated from each other. They coexist in a symbiotic relationship, where the findings from basic research often provide the foundational knowledge for applied research, and the results of applied research can inspire further basic investigations.
The transition of knowledge
One of the most notable instances of the interplay is how basic research's findings become the bedrock for applied research projects. For example, a basic research study on cognitive development in children might reveal specific patterns or stages. An applied researcher, recognizing the implications of these findings, could then design educational interventions tailored to these developmental stages.
How one complements the other
Basic research pushes the boundaries of our understanding, expanding the horizon of what we know. Applied research, on the other hand, can reframe this expansive knowledge and make it relevant and actionable for society's immediate needs.
But the relationship is reciprocal. Applied research can also highlight gaps in our understanding, pointing out areas where basic research is needed. For instance, if an intervention designed based on current knowledge fails to achieve its intended results, it signals to basic researchers that there might be underlying factors or dynamics not yet understood.
The dynamic continuum
Instead of viewing basic and applied research as two separate entities, it's more accurate to see them as points on a continuum. The knowledge generated by basic research flows towards applied projects, which in turn can inspire further basic investigations. This dynamic loop ensures that research in the social sciences remains both grounded in fundamental understanding and relevant to real-world challenges.
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Apa Itu Penelitian Terapan (Applied Research)? Dikutip melalui Puslit Universitas Mercu Buana, penelitian terapan didefinisikan sebagai penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari suatu masalah yang ada di masyarakat, industri, pemerintahan sebagai kelanjutan dari riset dasar.
Penelitian terapan adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ilmiah untuk suatu tujuan praktis atau untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah kehidupan praktis. Artikel ini menjelaskan pengertian, ciri-ciri, jenis, perbedaan, dan contoh penelitian terapan dalam berbagai bidang.
C. Tipe Desain Penelitian Terapan (Applied Research) 1. Penelitian evaluasi adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap setiap tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian, dimulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hingga hasil penelitian. 2. Penelitian aksi adalah penelitian yang fokusnya pada tindakan sosial.
Basic research adalah penelitian yang fokus pada pengembangan teori dan pengetahuan, sementara applied research adalah penelitian yang fokus pada penerapan pengetahuan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Artikel ini menjelaskan perbedaan antara keduanya dalam metode, tujuan, penggunaan, waktu, biaya, aplikasi, risiko, dan kolaborasi.
Basic research is theoretical and aims to expand scientific knowledge, while applied research is practical and solves specific problems. Learn the key differences between basic and applied research with a comparison chart and examples.
Applied research is a non-systematic way of finding solutions to specific problems or issues. It is used in various fields, such as business, education, science, psychology, and health, to test different ways of doing things and improve products or services.
Learn how basic research advances scientific knowledge and fundamental understanding, while applied research solves practical problems and improves human condition. Compare the research outcomes, scope, methods, commercialization, and theory formulation of the two types of research.
Applied research is a type of scientific inquiry that focuses on developing practical solutions to real-world problems. It involves the use of existing knowledge, theories, and techniques to address specific problems or challenges in a particular field or industry. Learn about the types, methods, and examples of applied research.
Applied research is a systematic inquiry to solve real-world problems or improve practices, products, or services. Learn about its importance, types, and examples in various fields and domains.
Applied research is a non-systematic inquiry that aims to solve a specific problem in a society or an organisation. It can be divided into evaluation, research and development, and action research. Learn the differences between applied and fundamental research, and the advantages and disadvantages of applied research.
Penelitian adalah aktivitas yang membantu mengetahui dan meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang sesuatu topik. Jenis penelitian dapat dibagi menurut penerapan, tujuan, dan jenis data. Lihat contoh penelitian murni, terapan, deskriptif, korelasi, eksperimen, dan kuantitatif.
Applied research is research intended to solve specific and practical problems faced by the researcher and their shareholders. Learn the definition, contrast with basic research, and see 25 examples of applied research in various fields, such as medicine, computer science, and education.
Penelitian Terapan adalah penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari suatu masalah yang ada di masyarakat, industri, pemerintahan sebagai kelanjutan dari riset dasar. Dokumen ini menjelaskan pendefinisi, skema, substansi, luaran, kriteria, dan persyaratan penelitian terapan serta sistematika usulan penelitian terapan.
Learn how to distinguish between basic and applied research, two main methods of inquiry that differ in their goals, methods and applications. Basic research aims to expand knowledge and theories, while applied research seeks to solve specific problems and create new products or services.
Pure research is driven by curiosity and the desire to expand knowledge in a particular field, while applied research aims to solve practical problems and generate solutions. Learn the attributes, methodologies, and outcomes of both types of research and how they complement each other.
Applied research can be categorized into three main types: Evaluation Research. This type of applied research assesses the effectiveness of existing programs, policies, or interventions. It helps decision-makers understand what works, what doesn't, and why. For example, evaluating the impact of a new teaching method on student performance.
The conduction of real applied research is a significant challenge. It implies leaving the academia shelter in order to interact with players that have different mindsets, developing
Research methodology adalah prosedur atau teknik khusus yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, memilih, memproses, dan menganalisis informasi tentang suatu topik atau masalah. Artikel ini menjelaskan tujuan, fungsi, jenis, cara memilih, menulis, tips, dan pentingnya metodologi riset dan penelitian dalam studi akademik.
Applied research identifies and isolates particular parts of knowledge that might be useful in the future. Consider using basic research methods if you're seeking new information or understanding. Once you acquire the knowledge, you can focus on using applied research to expand that knowledge, create solutions to existing problems, and improve ...
Learn the difference between basic and applied research in the social sciences, their objectives, methods, and outcomes. Basic research seeks to understand the fundamental principles of phenomena, while applied research aims to solve practical problems and create solutions.
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