
Essay on Western Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Western Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Western Culture

Introduction to western culture.

Western culture, also known as western civilization, is a term used to describe the social norms, belief systems, traditions, and cultural practices that originated from Europe.

Historical Overview

Western culture has its roots in Ancient Greece and Rome. It was later influenced by Christianity, which played a vital role in shaping its philosophies and principles.

Key Characteristics

Prominent aspects of Western culture include democracy, freedom of speech, and the scientific method. These have significantly influenced the world, fostering progress and development.

Influence and Spread

Through colonization and globalization, Western culture has spread worldwide, impacting various aspects of life, including art, literature, and governance.

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250 Words Essay on Western Culture

Western culture, often equated with Western civilization or European civilization, is a complex cultural system that originated from the social, political, artistic, and intellectual phenomena of Western society. It is rooted in Greco-Roman antiquity, the formation of Christendom, and the Renaissance and Reformation periods.

Historical Evolution

The historical evolution of Western culture has been significantly influenced by Christianity, which served as a fundamental force in the development of Western civilization. The Renaissance period saw a rebirth of classical learning, fostering the development of art, science, and politics, which further shaped the culture.

Characteristics of Western Culture

One of the main characteristics of Western culture is its emphasis on individualism and freedom. This is reflected in the democratic systems of governance, human rights principles, and the rule of law prevalent in Western societies. Additionally, rational thinking, scientific inquiry, and technological advancement are highly valued.

Impact of Western Culture

Western culture has had a profound global impact, largely due to colonization and globalization. Western ideologies, lifestyle, and products have permeated societies worldwide, often leading to cultural assimilation and sometimes conflict.

In conclusion, Western culture, with its rich history and distinct characteristics, has played a pivotal role in shaping the world. While its global influence has led to significant cultural exchanges, it has also sparked discussions about cultural dominance and preservation of indigenous cultures.

500 Words Essay on Western Culture

Western culture, often equated with Western civilization or the Western world, encompasses the cultural norms, values, traditions, customs, and ways of life inherited from the classical traditions of the Western world. It is a culture that has its roots in Europe and is based on the Abrahamic religions, ancient Greece, Rome, the Age of Enlightenment, and the revolutions of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

The Origin and Evolution of Western Culture

Western culture can trace its roots back to ancient Greece and Rome, which laid the foundation for various aspects of modern Western society. The Greeks, for instance, contributed to philosophy, political science, and the arts, while the Romans established legal systems and governance structures still in use today. Christianity, originating from the Middle East, later played an essential role in shaping Western culture, influencing its moral and ethical values.

The Renaissance marked another significant evolution in Western culture, reviving interest in classical learning and humanism. The Enlightenment further pushed Western culture towards intellectual and scientific advancements, emphasizing reason, analysis, and individualism over traditional doctrines.

Key Characteristics of Western Culture

One of the prominent features of Western culture is its emphasis on individualism, a concept that values the freedom and worth of the individual, often over the community or society. This focus on the individual has led to significant advancements in human rights, democracy, and freedom of speech.

Another key characteristic is rationality and scientific thought. Western culture has a strong tradition of rationalism and empiricism, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based reasoning. This has led to significant advancements in science, technology, and medicine.

Western Culture in the Global Context

In today’s globalized world, Western culture has a significant influence on other cultures. This influence is visible in various aspects, including fashion, entertainment, technology, and political structures. However, this cultural dominance is not without controversy. Critics argue that the spread of Western culture often leads to the erosion of local cultures and traditions, a phenomenon known as cultural imperialism.

Conclusion: The Future of Western Culture

While Western culture has shaped much of the world, it is not a monolithic entity. It continues to evolve, influenced by diverse cultures and societies it interacts with. As we move further into the 21st century, it will be interesting to see how Western culture adapts to an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world. Despite the challenges, it is likely that Western culture will continue to play a significant role in global cultural dynamics.

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Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture Essay

Introduction, the influence of christianity on western culture, the analysis of whether america is a christian nation.

Religion has always been one of the most important and, at the same time, the most controversial aspects of nations’ development. Historians, theologians, politicians, as well as scholars from other areas, have given prominent attention to the issue of religious effects on the formation and development of countries and relationships between them. Christianity is the religion that has been discussed in this respect more frequently than others due to its spread over many countries and regions. The social and historical influence of Christianity upon Western culture cannot be doubted since the majority of these countries’ people adhere to Christian norms and celebrate Christian traditions.

However, the question of whether American is a Christian nation is not so unambiguous as it may seem at first sight. As Pannenberg (1994) notes, Christianity is only one of the many roots from which Western culture was growing. Indeed, some of the Christian traditions are embedded in the formation and functioning of the USA as a nation. However, one cannot say confidently and definitely that American is a purely Christian nation based on the major premises of this religion.

While Christianity is not the only crucial factor if impacting Western culture, it is undoubtedly one of the most prominent. People are aware of biblical narratives and Christian customs irrespective of whether they fully follow them or not. Christianity had a stronger effect on the formation of Western culture in the past than during the past few decades. Still, the religious roots of the present-day cultural and social life in Western civilization cannot be denied. More importantly, as Pannenberg (1994) argues, it would have been impossible for the classical antique culture to survive if it had not been embezzled by Christianity.

The most prominent of the initial effects of Christianity on Western culture was the spread of philosophy and literature. Furthermore, this is an example of how Christianity did a favor to antique and medieval teachings by spreading their achievements via Christian schools and monasteries. Thus, although the knowledge and experience did not originate in the Christian tradition, they were passed to the new generations by means of this tradition’s supporters and preachers.

An important point in the analysis of Christianity’s effect on Western culture should be made in its regard to politics. Secularism, or the separation between church and political institutions, is inevitable in modern society, although it was not a common practice in pre-Christian times (Pannenberg, 1994). Unlike the traditions of the ancient Roman Empire, where the emperor was both the political and religious leader, the Christian faith allowed and even encouraged a distinction between the secular and religious. The major idea behind such a principle was that the ultimate reality, which is the kingdom of God, is yet to come, so any attempts to arrange a political order at present are only temporary.

Such a contrast in understanding the discrepancy between secularism and religion makes a considerable difference between Christianity and other religions. It is necessary to emphasize that this attitude does not make the situation simpler for people. On the contrary, it may be difficult for many laymen and politicians alike to understand the principles of government under such circumstances. What is evident, however, is the fact that the social influence of Christianity on Western culture cannot be underestimated.

A valid point on the relationship between the religious and political systems can be made by analyzing the concepts of tolerance and intolerance as rooted in the historical development of religion. For instance, in the Constantinian era, the Christians, who did not support the emperor’s politics, were entirely alienated from the empire. It is impossible to oppose Pannenberg’s (1994) idea that intolerant dogmatism was “the most disastrous sin of traditional Christianity” (para. 9).

Indeed, if historically, those who disagreed with their rulers on some issues had an opportunity to prove the validity of their point rather than be punished for taking a different stand, it would have been possible to avoid numerous instances of violence and prejudice. At the same time, it is valid to view Christian eschatology as a cause of inclination to intolerance, but not as its definite prerequisite.

One of the most significant premises of understanding the tendency to tolerate or not tolerate certain things in Christianity is the belief in the ultimate future as the outcome of Christ’s presence. As Apostle Paul said, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away” (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). One can interpret this quote in the following way: people’s understanding of God’s prophesy cannot be complete until his kingdom comes, and the real prophecy comes in place.

Christians should understand that they do not hold absolute ownership of the ultimate truth. Instead, they should respect the opinions and views of others since no one knows who will be right in the long run. Therefore, tolerance is not a notion defying the truth, but the truth makes people realize that tolerance is indispensable.

The interpretation of and attitude toward truth in Christianity is one of the main factors of the deteriorating development of Christianity in the West. The most negative issue was the endeavor of the papacy to take over the power in all types of governmental institutions, both civil and religious. Such a tendency, as Pannenberg (1994) remarks, caused redundant divisions and misunderstandings among Christians. Because the church tended to view itself as the only feasible truth, it neglected the conditional nature of the Christian’s existence before the final coming of Christ.

Conflicts between the state and church have been affecting the development of cultural life for centuries. It seems that instead of trying which of the two entities is more important, they should combine their efforts to create truly powerful nations. The main argument in Pannenberg’s (1994) article is that it is imperative to restore Christian unity not only to encourage the church to adhere to God’s will but also to make the Christian religion’s effect on culture more persuasive. This argument is too significant to overlook or disagree with it. Indeed, the most vital and tragic lessons learned from the past are concerned with people’s disputes arising from the attempts to prove who was right and who was wrong.

The influence of Christianity on Western culture, therefore, was not only positive but also negative. While Christianity taught people to be mutually polite, caring, supportive, and understanding, it also inevitably gave way to the endeavors to be better than others, even if the initial causes of such behavior were righteous. The present task of Christianity is to make people treat each other with more tolerance and amiability. Even though it is not possible to avoid controversy altogether, Christians still should pay an effort to live peacefully and make their communities examples of harmony, agreement, and compromise.

In the process of reaching an agreement, the role of ecumenism should not be underestimated. Christianity does not deny the existence of confessional traditions other than the traditional Roman Catholic one. Instead, it acknowledges the plurality of approaches to the organization of religious precepts on the condition that they do not break the core premises of Christian teaching. In Western culture, people must know that an ecumenical dialogue between different Christian streams exists.

Such an option allows people to understand that even belonging to the same large religious group, they have some freedom of expression related to their national or regional peculiarities and needs. Without unity, the “renaissance” of Christianity’s positive role in Western culture will not be possible (Pannenberg, 1994, para. 16). Ecumenism plays a significant role not only in churches’ authenticity but also in culture in general.

Furthermore, Christian churches should go beyond the ecumenical communication with the same ones and more toward mutually respectful dialogue with non-Christian religions. This would be the most favorable achievement of Christianity and the most productive effect on Western culture. When the relationship between religious organizations reaches the level of tolerance that exists between governmental organizations, it will be possible to speak about the contribution of Christianity to the arrangement of positive links between people from various backgrounds. Hence, the attainment of peaceful coexistence of different views will prove the beneficial impact of Christianity on Western culture much more effectively than the demand for everyone to live by the same rules and refusal to give people freedom of religion.

Why Americans Tend to Consider Their Nation Christian

Having offered an overview of Christianity’s general effect on Western culture, it is viable to focus on the features of the American nation that allow or forbid considering it as a Christian one. Christians have been composing the largest religious group in America since the country was founded. Hence, it is evident that the majority of people consider the USA to be a Christian nation. However, as Straughn and Feld (2010) argue, it is no longer possible to declare with confidence that America is as Christian as it used to be in the cultural and demographic dimensions.

Such an opinion may be explained by a variety of factors. Firstly, increasing numbers of immigrants looking for political shelter in the USA in the past centuries made it impossible for the country to remain more or less homogeneous in terms of nationality and religious beliefs. The diversity of individuals and groups living in the country led to a wide range of religious organizations and trends spreading throughout the country.

Paradoxically, however, such heterogeneity has not changed people’s opinions of America as a Cristian state. The more religious trends emerged, the more united people felt toward their understanding of their nation as a Christian one (Straughn & Feld, 2010). A possible explanation of such a tendency might be the inclination of people living in a country with so many diverse opportunities to seek something that would unite them all. Although the possibility for immigrants to enter the USA has been severely limited within the past few years, the country’s ethnic and religious diversity had been created for many decades and centuries before these limitations. Therefore, the predominant idea of considering America as a Christian nature to unite people spiritually takes its roots from the past.

Secondly, the idea of America as a Christian nation is related to the creation of social identity. Many people need something to make themselves feel confident about their belonging to some small or large group. For the majority of Americans, such a feeling is associated with religion. Thus, by considering themselves as a Christian nation, Americans feel more secure about their identity than they would without such a sense of belonging. People stick to the notions of the initial Christian tradition and strive to associate their lives with it. However, inevitably, the modern state of living, the changing views on fundamental Christian dogmas, and the overall diversity in beliefs make it impossible to agree that America is a Christian nation.

Why America Is Not a Christian Nation

Whereas it is pleasant for many Americans to think that their nation is a Christian one, it is quite an arguable statement. The analysis of some Biblical verses can help defend this point. The first verse in this respect will be “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God” (1 Peter 2:16). As can be inferred from the USA’s history, the country has neglected this teaching for a long time, the abolition of slavery having been proclaimed only a century and several decades ago.

The desire of those more powerful and wealthy to exploit the weaker and poor ones cannot be considered as a manifestation of Christianity. Even Jesus treated his apostles and all the people with equality and always shared his food and other things with them. How can Americans consider their nation a Christian one, then, if it has such a lengthy history of humiliation and oppression?

Even at present, it is not possible to say that the words of Peter can be applied to American society. The excessive wealth of some individuals or corporations leads to their treatment of others as inferior and not worthy. Thus, it is not admissible to speak of Americans living as servants of God. Freedom and its various dimensions, such as wealth, social status, and things one can afford with these, are indeed frequently employed by some Americans as a cover-up for destructive and malicious actions. Hence, this is the first indication of America’s not being a Christian nation.

Another quite controversial subject related to America’s Christianity is the current state of changing attitudes toward homosexual relationships. It is mentioned in the Bible that “neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality <…> inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9). Meanwhile, the USA has generally approved homosexual relationships, and the majority of states allow homosexual marriages.

Since the Bible considers such relationships as sinful, one cannot say that the nation supporting them is a Christian one. The world’s present-day views have diverged from the classical teachings of the Bible. However, if such a state of affairs can be explained by biological and social alterations over time, one cannot justify such a position from the religious point of view.

One more issue that suggests an element of doubt about America’s Christianity is the relationships between relatives, especially between different generations. The statement “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” is not true about many Americans (1 Timothy 5:8). Instead of looking after one’s elderly parents, American citizens frequently send them to nursing homes. Rather than supporting one’s children after divorce, fathers frequently neglect this responsibility and leave it up to mothers to make sure that children are properly fed and dressed.

People seem to have lost the feeling of gratitude to those who raised them and the sense of accountability for those whom they have given life. While more remotely, the notion of abortions can also be considered as a violation of the mentioned Bible rule to look after one’s relatives. Women who have become pregnant but decided to kill the unborn baby should be viewed as unbelievers under the stated premise. Therefore, the unwillingness of many Americans to bear responsibility for their less capable close people does not allow naming this nation Christian.

Finally, one should discuss America’s tendency to military actions in relation to the analysis of the nation’s Christianity. It is mentioned in the Bible, “You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask” (James 4:1-2). Two conclusions can be drawn from this verse: firstly, Americans have engaged in wars with other nations throughout history due to the willingness to possess more than they already have.

Secondly, their faith is not strong enough to make them obtain what they need by means of prayer and goodwill. It is obvious that sometimes, the USA had to participate in military actions because it needed to protect its territory and people. However, sometimes, the nation had been involved in wars because of the desire to obtain more than it had. The second part of James’s teaching concerns the strength of one’s faith and the tendency to rely on God in one’s wishes, which Americans frequently lack. Hence, this is yet another indication of the impossibility to call America a Christian nation.

The influence of Christianity on Western culture in general and American one, in particular, cannot be doubted. However, when considering whether America is a truly Christian nation, many doubts emerge. People have lost the feeling of responsibility for their actions, they do not respect the basic teaching of the Bible, and they no longer know the measure of good or bad, as well as the limit to their desires. Pannenberg’s (1994) argument concerning the necessity to restore Christian unity is a valid one. Indeed, it is crucial to reviving this religion’s positive effect on people in order to make the nation more humane.

However, at the present point, it is impossible to state that America is of a Christian nature due to a number of disagreements and violations of the Bible that prevail in society. Americans need to return to the fundamental dogmas of Christianity not only to make their nation more secure but also to make their country a better place for everyone.

Pannenberg, W. (1994). Christianity and the West . First Things . Web.

Straughn, J. B., & Feld, S. L. (2010). America as a “Christian nation”? Understanding religious boundaries of national identity in the United States. Sociology of Religion, 71 (3), 280–306. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 25). Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture. https://ivypanda.com/essays/christianity-social-and-historical-impact-on-western-culture/

"Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture." IvyPanda , 25 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/christianity-social-and-historical-impact-on-western-culture/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture'. 25 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture." March 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/christianity-social-and-historical-impact-on-western-culture/.

1. IvyPanda . "Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture." March 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/christianity-social-and-historical-impact-on-western-culture/.


IvyPanda . "Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture." March 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/christianity-social-and-historical-impact-on-western-culture/.

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influence of western culture essay

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Influence of western culture on Indian society

Shashank Malviya

India is a secular country where the people have the freedom to practice any religion and also to convert to another religion of their choice. So all the cultures are freely accepted and respected by the Indians. But the influence of western culture started in India during the 19th Century when the British established their Colony in the country-western culture considered as the most advanced culture on the globe has started surmounting its flavour on Indian roots.

Indian culture which is one of the oldest richest culture in the world with very language custom belief ideas tab use codes instructions works of art architecture ritual ceremony acceptor India’s cultural history of several thousand years old and it shows continuity and subtle change with a strong third of Duty epitomized in the relative power of culture and unique display of unity in diversity. Which the conquest of European power and subsequent British rule in India has had a profound effect on western culture on Indian society. Western culture has made its presence in various forms.

Impacts of western culture on Indian Society:

There were different kinds of westernization one kind to emergence of a westernise subcultural pattern through a minority section of Indians who first came in contact with the western culture.

This includes the subculture of Indian intellectuals who not only adopted many cognitive patterns or way of thinking like this style but also supported its expansion.

This impact of westernization was mainly in urban areas. But some villages are more westernised than urban areas.

Consequences of western culture on Indian society

Affected caste, joint family, marriage and other social structures.Introduced new institutions like press, Christian missionaries, etc.

Modern values like humanism, egalitarianism, secularism have entered Indian value systems. Our criminal law has been reformed. Evil customs like sati ended, Untouchability was abolished.

The concept of the welfare state was introduced and thus Governmental activities on welfare measures have expanded. Far-reaching reforms in Hindu society through social reform movements like the Brahmo samaj etc. under inspired by the Western-educated middle class in India.

Many political and cultural movements emerged like the movement for the eradication of caste spread of mass education. The emergence of an educated middle class as the vanguard of the freedom movement.

Agents of Westernization

British rule – The establishment of British rule brought about deep and far-reaching changes in the economic, political, educational, and cultural spheres in India. It offered some new avenues of social mobility to the scheduled castes, e.g., new economic opportunities, education, westernisation, conversion to Christianity and politicization. Indians employed in government offices or converts to Christianity.Those educated in modern schools and colleges. Some of them launched great movements like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Tagore, Sir Syed Ahmad etc. Those who went to England for study or medical treatment.Those who lived in port towns. The tolerant spirit of Indians was largely responsible for the spread of Westernisation. There was no wholesale but only selective Westernisation. Old styles continued side by side. There was also a movement to preserve Indian values.(eg. The Arya Samaj)

Influence of western culture on Indian society Influence of western culture on Caste

We find that the traditional social organisation exemplified by the caste system has undergone several changes yet continues to exist in Indian society performing some old and some new functions. During the last few decades, as a result of the forces of modernisation, the ideology of caste has become less pervasive in an individual’s day to day life. Caste rituals have become increasingly a personal affair, rather than public due to changed circumstances of living, forces of industrialisation, and urbanisation. Place of residence and food habits are influenced more by an individual’s workplace and occupation than by his or her caste or religion. Industrialization and the factory systems broke down caste barriers to a large extent.Urbanization made many castes live together. Transport broke down caste restrictions.

Impact of English education

Changes in dress and food habits Supply of water through pipes – you cannot ask the caste of the person who sends water down the pipes.

Impact on untouchability

Impact on women

The educational advancement of women Entry of women into all occupations Social reformers also helped the liberation of womenDiscarding pardah.

Impact on social structure

Career open to talent and no longer based on casteMoney and wealth regarded important decline of rituals

Impact on marriage

Marriage came to be regarded as a contract and not entirely a sacrament

Influence on culture

English words came to be used commonly – Daddy, mummy, cutting the cake culture; contrast the Indian custom of lighting a lamp with the western habit of blowing out the candlelight. Western gadgets freely used; Television, washing machine etc

Impact of western literature on Indian literature, religion

Art – cinema, western dance, musical instruments, modern religion – decline of superstition, ritualismRise is scientific belief

Influence of western culture on Tribes

The Westernisation of tribals had begun during the British colonial rule when they first came in contact with them. Not all tribes were subjected to the efforts of modernisation. There were many which continued to survive in their traditional modes till India’s Independence. The fate of traditional material culture and styles of tribes were to be ‘preserved’ as museum specimens. Attempts were made to synthesize the customary and modern laws. In all these efforts, the focus was on modernizing the tribals. Changes in style of life

The changes in the style of life have followed two trends. They are changes in relation to the political system

The political system, which developed during the British rule, gave increasing opportunities for the political articulation to the people of India, especially those who acquired western education. This facility was taken advantage of by the backward classes. The advent of Independence and the introduction of adult franchise and more recently Panchayati Raj institutions have increased the access to power, especially political power, to the backward classes. Such access led to a shift from Sanskritisation to competition for positions of higher bureaucratic and political power.

Social Mobility through Westernisation

The upwardly mobile untouchable castes adopted the lifestyle implied in Westernisation. This was facilitated by the prevalence of various non-Sanskritic traditions among them—such as, eating meat and drinking alcohol.

influence of western culture essay

western culture has no history. it is just spread by colonization bharat,egypt,etc. all the great civilizations were wipped out. still bharat is the o...

western culture is damaging our very beautiful..pure indian culture...we should step forward and protect our culture and make up akhand bharat

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influence of western culture essay

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Impact of Western Culture in India

Impact of Western Culture in India: A Critical Analysis

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Effect of the Impact of Western Culture in India: A Critical Analysis of Western Culture V/s Indian Culture

Impact of Western Culture in India over Indian Culture is visible in every sphere of life.

Modern India evolving in a mixed culture due to  Impact of Western Culture in India

Before we start with this topic, we must first know what culture means.

Culture has been defined in a number of ways. It is said to be the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings.

Culture describes what people develop to enable them to adapt to their world, such as language, gestures, tools to enable them to survive and prosper, customs and traditions that define values and organize social interactions, religious beliefs and rituals, and dress, art, and music to make symbolic and aesthetic expressions.

Culture determines the practices and beliefs that become associated with an ethnic group and provides its distinctive identity.

Every culture is enriched with some good and bad features.

Broadly the world has been classified into the western and the eastern culture. The East-West dichotomy is a sociological concept used to describe perceived differences between Western cultures and the Eastern world.

Cultural rather than geographical in the division, the boundaries of East and West are not fixed but vary according to the criteria adopted by individuals using the term.

Westernization of Indian Culture

Aspects of culture

Now in this paper, we will discuss few aspects that vary widely between the western culture and the Indian culture.

Impact of Western Culture in India

Religion & spiritual beliefs, arts & crafts, family life, community & society.

Family and its values are the key part of Indian culture, which doesn’t exist in the western culture. Being in a family, giving love to your loved ones and respect to your elders, is the root of INDIAN culture. Sorry to say, but the family doesn’t exist in reality except in terminology, in western culture.

Either people have live-in relations or they get divorced, if they are not compatible with each other. So, how could a person in their right mind have mental peace in such an environment, where relationships are breaking every other day. Because of the lack of family values and existence of a family life, people end up doing drugs, crimes etc.

Even studies and research also proved that western civilization suffers more from depression and emotional misbalance than their eastern counter parts.

Below are few major differences that we can easily find between the two societies:

  • Westerners place a high value on having fun. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care about serious issues. If they see someone upset, they will often assume that the person wants to be left alone, unless they are good friends. While, Indians tend to value people being concerned about them when they are upset or depressed, if your questions are not welcome, they will indicate it, but will generally appreciate the concern.
  • Westerners can become intimate quite quickly in friendships, but that doesn’t mean that they are committed. Commitment takes longer to happen. In the India, commitment is more closely tied to intimacy. There is an expectation that friendship, after a deep talk, will continue at the same level.
  • Westerners can have affectionate guy-girl friendships without any romantic interest. Be cautious in assuming a Westerner is romantically interested, even if their behavior appears intimate. If you’re not kissing or holding hands, you’re probably not dating. Indians tend to have a much lower threshold of what is considered a relationship. What Westerners might consider a normal guy-girl friendship can be read as definite interest in the other person. In particular, spending time alone with someone of the opposite sex is a strong sign of interest.
  • Westerners tend to be more honest about their skills and to value a high self-esteem. They are not necessarily being arrogant if they openly admit that they are good at something. Indians are less likely to volunteer their talents. They will wait for someone to ask them to use their skills, rather than jumping in and volunteering them.
  • Equality between men and women is valued in the West. To imply that women are weaker, more emotional or that they need protection can be offensive. Chivalry is still alive and well in the India. Many women expect doors to be opened for them, to be served first at dinner, and for help in carrying heavy things.
  • Westerners do not take their work as personally as Indians tend to. It is not that they don’t care about their work. They are more relaxed about their jobs. Indians tend to take their work personally. Tromping across their freshly cleaned floor, or showing up late when you are to be working with them can be seen as disrespectful.

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Pandey sahab, your article is completely discuss every aspect though it’s not completely correct. There are some parts which are not correct. See, I’m teaching Intercultural Communication in a college in my country (INDONESIA). Actually there’s a theory invented by Edward T. Hall called “High Context Culture & Low Context Culture”. High Context Culture is Asian, African, Southern European (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) culture. It characterized by collectivism, layers of relationship (elders generation & child generation) which differ to behave, family first, maintain relationship for long term & the weaknesses are not punctual & procrastination. While Low Context Culture is Western culture: Northern American, Southern American, Western European. Low Context Culture basically is Individualistic, prioritize privacy, short term relationship (only relate when it comes to work or certain project) & the strengths are punctual and get things done effectively & efficiently.

You still caught up in stereotype so you say Westerners don’t have family. They have family. Otherwise how come words aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law exist in English, French, German language? They have family life. Just like Hindustani, they also celebrate festivals with family. If you ever watch Hollywood movies or American TV series, you will see they celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas & Hanukkah (Jewish religious festival) by lunch & supper/dinner together with joint family. On Thanksgiving whole roasted turkey served for whole family dining. On Christmas Eve, after return from church whole family gather to exchange Christmas gift that placed under Christmas tree. Even President of America also celebrate Thanksgiving & Christmas with similar traditions.

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influence of western culture essay

Explainer: what Western civilisation owes to Islamic cultures

influence of western culture essay

Director, Centre for Religious Studies, Monash University

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Constant Mews has received funding from the Australian Research Council. He is employed by Monash University and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, involved in planning their 49th annual symposium, (15-16 Nov 2018) at the State Library of NSW on the theme Clash of Civilisations? Where are we now?

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

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Algebra, alchemy, artichoke, alcohol, and apricot all derive from Arabic words which came to the West during the age of Crusades.

Even more fundamental are the Indo-Arabic numerals (0-9), which replaced Roman numerals during the same period and revolutionised our capacity to engage in science and trade. This came about through Latin discovery of the ninth-century Persian scholar, Al-Khwarizmi (whose name gives us the word algorithm).

This debt to Islamic civilisation contradicts the claim put forward by political scientist Samuel Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations some 25 years ago, that Islam and the West have always been diametrically opposed. In 2004, historian Richard Bulliet proposed an alternative perspective. He argued civilisation is a continuing conversation and exchange, rather than a uniquely Western phenomenon.

Even so, Australia and the West still struggle to acknowledge the contributions of Islamic cultures (whether Arabic speaking, Persian, Ottoman or others) to civilisation.

In an initial curriculum proposed by the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation , only one Islamic text was listed, a collection of often-humorous stories about the Crusades from a 12th-century Syrian aristocrat. But Islamic majority cultures have produced many other texts with a greater claim to shaping civilisation.

Read more: Friday essay: how Western attitudes towards Islam have changed

Philosophical and literary influences

Many of the scientific ideas and luxury goods from this world came into the West following the peaceful capture of the Spanish city of Toledo from its Moorish rulers in 1085.

Over the course of the next century, scholars, often in collaboration with Arabic-speaking Jews, became aware of the intellectual legacy of Islamic culture preserved in the libraries of Toledo.

Their focus was not on Islam, but the philosophy and science in which many great Islamic thinkers had become engaged. One was Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna), a Persian physician and polymath (a very knowledgable generalist) who combined practical medical learning with a philosophical synthesis of key ideas from both Plato and Aristotle.

influence of western culture essay

Another was Ibn Rushd (or Averroes), an Andalusian physician and polymath, whose criticisms of the way Ibn Sina interpreted Aristotle would have a major impact on Italian theologist and philosopher Thomas Aquinas in shaping both his philosophical and theological ideas in the 13th century. Thomas was also indebted to a compatriot of Ibn Rushd, the Jewish thinker Moses Maimonides , whose Guide to the Perplexed was translated from Arabic into Latin in the 1230s.

While there is debate about the extent to which the Italian writer Dante was exposed to Islamic influences , it is very likely he knew The Book of Mohammed’s Ladder (translated into Castilian, French and Latin), which describes the Prophet’s ascent to heaven. The Divine Comedy , with its account of Dante’s imagined journey from Inferno to Paradise, was following in this tradition .

Dante very likely heard lectures from Riccoldo da Monte di Monte Croce , a learned Dominican who spent many years studying Arabic in Baghdad before returning to Florence around 1300 and writing about his travels in the lands of Islam. Dante may have criticised Muslim teaching, but he was aware of its vast influence.

influence of western culture essay

Read more: Guide to the Classics: Dante’s Divine Comedy

Islam also gave us the quintessential image of the Enlightenment, the self-taught philosopher. This character had his origins in an Arabic novel, Hayy ibn Yaqzan , penned by a 12th-century Arab intellectual, Ibn Tufayl. It tells the story of how a feral child abandoned on a desert island comes through reason alone to a vision of reality.

Hayy ibn Yaqzan was published in Oxford, with an Arabic-Latin edition in 1671, and became a catalyst for the contributions of seminal European philosophers including John Locke and Robert Boyle . Translated into English in 1708 as The Improvement of Human Reason, it also influenced novelists, beginning with Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe in 1719. The sources of the Enlightenment are not simply in Greece and Rome.

Civilisation is always being reinvented. The civilisation some call “Western” has been, and still is, continually shaped by a wide range of political, literary and intellectual influences, all worthy of our attention.

  • Western civilisation

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The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example

The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example

  • Pages: 15 (4027 words)
  • Published: September 13, 2017
  • Type: Essay

Introduction Culture is a broad term which has been described by various philosophers since decades. It has been claimed by Raymond Williams to be “…one of the two or three most complicated words in English language” (Williams, 1976). Different definitions of the term, culture may have distinct descriptive ways and criterion to evaluate human activity.

It is important to define the broad base of the sophisticated term ‘culture’, in the sense used later in the paper, to narrow down the discussion on our topic.Culture is a word stemming from a Latin word ‘cultura’ which means to cultivate (Harper, 2008). It is defined by Findley and Rothney as, “systems of symbols and meanings that even their creator contest, which lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another" (Findley & Rothney, 2006).

This is the defination of culture I would be using here on.

The authors describe culture to be a system of symbols having blurred boundries. The curx however is to see how do we recognize these system of symbols?The answer to this question is provided by Williams who says that culture can be judged or embedded in music, literature,lifestyle, painting and sculputure,theater and film and similar things (Williams, 1976). These dimensions are common to all cultures. In the foreface of the rapid globalization and the interaction in the past, these dimensions of various cultures are often influenced by each other. The following Paper discusses the influence of the dimensions of western culture to the respective dimensions of the subcontinental culture and vice versa.The subcontinential culture, is the culture refering to the South Asian region which includes th

modern day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sirilanka.

The major influene on the subcontinental cultrue came first with the arrival of the British in India in the early 1600’s. The British brought with them the rest of Western culture customs and traditions. The traditional religions and cutltures in the subcontinent were slowly subverted. The conversion of people from the prevailent religion in the subcontinent played an important role in the change in the traditional culture.

The converts to chiristanity were encouraged not only to give up their religion but also their traditions and cultures. A fine christian convert would dress like an Englishman and imitate English behaviour in all things. Thus the converts to Christanity were buoyant to think behave and live like the Englishmen. The English education system was introducced by the then Governer Generals’ council in Calcutta (East India) 1 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800 - 1859), aimed at producing Indians who were English in taste.This progressive system was implemented all over India providing Western education.

To the Sub continent people, this was perceived as much more of an enlightenment than exploitation as more people could go to collages built by foreign rulers. It gave them the aura of becoming more civilized, rational and modern by acquiring the knowledge. This is also one of the reasons of no significant initial resistance to the shift in the cultural values (Sundaram, 2006). This extensive educational programs resulted into well read sub continent scholars and writers.In the late 1800’s the literature started to take its turn and produced much more writings in English by

local people than ever before.

It also gave birth to notable writers such as Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri. Globalization of the world has had its influence on the sub continental culture as well. In a modern day scenario people are instantly connected and communicating with each other than ever before. The products produced in one part of the world are easily available in the other part and international traveling has just become a norm.

The world is very interdependent today and we are living in an era where information travels like the speed of light. While some people might think that globalization is just about making business without any restrictions, it is much more than that. At the same time Globalization allows different cultures to combine and integrate through having common social activists, labor organizers, journalists, academics and many others (Sundaram, 2006). Music, theater and the film industry has also been broadly influenced by the increased globalization.Music has been a center stone of the sub continental background.

It has been traditionaly been based on the simple melodies and is regarded as one of the most well-developed systems of the classical world. The classical beats of the conventional music provide the true cultural and the traditional taste to the sub continental music. Later in the 13th Centruy the sub continental music remained under the influence of the Islamic presence. There is a faction who believes that the classic sub continental traditional music dates back to Amir Khusro, one of the singers in the Mughal Empire.The remarkable poetry by some famous poets brought the traditional music to new hieghts.

However the first influence of the sub continental

music of such kind was widely evident in the 1960’s when it found its way in the form of some extra ordinary play of the sitar (a voiln type instrument) by Ravi Shankar on the famous Beatles' album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The sub continental music made its way into the west with the well known players such as Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan. This was the first time that the Sub continental music started to acquire Western students.The classical music 2 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa was brought to the attention of the western world (Manas, 2006).

Even today we see traces of the classical sub continental music in the rap songs such as the Indian flute sung by Timbaland. There are other various singers who use the rhythmic Sub continental beats in their music. Ghazals, the poetic compositions that aspire more than do popular film songs to poetic qualities are also very popular among the west: the subject here is usually the loss, memory, and remembrance of love.A prime example of the influence to the west is the famous Ghazal singer Nusrat Fateh Ali khan. He has been the “king of Qawalis” as he is labeled in Pakistan. Mr.

Khan’s popular work (Qawalis/Ghazals) has been a part of international books, series, plays and movies. His famous songs have been played in the famous movie Bend it like Beckham, the TV series Sex and the City and various other international stages. The cultural music of the sub continent has therefore influenced the western cinema and music in a subtle but obvious way

(Manas, 2006).This does not end here, the traditional beats of the Punjabi Bhangra dance were/are increasingly being remixed by various south asian Dj’s to add a different intercultureal flavour to the traditional Bhangara.

The traditional beats of the bhangra dance are mixed with house, reggae and hip-hop to create a newsensation to the music. These remixes became immesnsely popular in the Uk and the USA by the end of the 90’s. One of the famous bands which resulted in this fusion of cultural music was the Punjabi MC, whose songs are a part of the playlists in almost all the disc clubs in the western society.It is easy to see here how the fusion of the music style in terms of other generes of raggae, Rap or hip-hop attacks the fundamentalism of the sub continental music. By producing such music the artists put the racial signifiers of being essentially sub continental or south asian at risk.

Since the bhangra music is a type of music signiying the region of south asia (sub continent), this diffusion of the music with the integration of western elements creates disputes of identity and the ownership of the remixed music.On the other hand however, the remixed veriosn of the bhangra music offers the displaced sub continent people mainly in the USA and the UK a way to express themselves in a western society. This offers them a channel to prove that their remixed version of the bhangra has been an effort through social difficulties and is truly authentic. This does not end here, side by side the influence of the Western Music has also overshadowed the Sub continental musical industry.

The Sub continental music has become under increased influence of the western “rock and pop” culture.

This is primarily true for the younger generation who prefer westeren music over the sub continental numbers. The entire process of making music has also been westerenised. The focus now is not on live performances of talent and intruments but more on back stage artificial manipulation of the 3 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa sounds which apeal to the changing demands of the new generation (Sabharwal, 2007). According to the Times of India meagazine almost 80 percent of the songs played in the sub continent today are of westeren influence.Aadesh Srivastava, a renowned Indian music director argues that the Indian music has been damaged by the “cut-copy-paste culture”, whereby the directors copy the theme and the essence of the music to reproduce it with a hint of modification. This “cut-copy-paste culture” is the reason why we see most of the sub continental music being a sister production of the western music.

The traditional and the classical instruments such at the tabla and the harmonium are being substituted by the western invented drums and violins, explains the contemporary musicians like Vineet Arora (Sabharwal, 2007).He further explains the instruments such as the drums and the Violin, “…are easier to operate and learn so we’ve never felt the need to introduce sun continental instruments in our band” (Sabharwal, 2007). The influence of the Western culture to the Sub continental culture is carried forward by the powerful media, films and theater widely active in both regions. Western media culture has created major inroads in the

sub continental film industry through Hollywood influencing Bollywood and Lollywood.The sub continent youngsters now are increasingly challenging the traditions and norms of the society.

This is the result of the trend of western elements taking part in the Sub continental films, such as Rachel Shelley in Lagaan. The sub continental films are trying to raise their production standards to meet those seen by the western films. There have also been a number of films being shot overseas and adopting English in their scripts. This trend can be clearly seen in the Films such as “Kal Ho Naa HO”. The film has shown explicitly the influence of the Hollywood has on the sub continent culture.On the other hand the films from the biggest film industry in the world, in terms of the number of movie produced i.

e. Bollywood, are attracting great number of non-subcontinent origin viewers around the world, especially in Europe and the USA. As the number of western viewers increase there is an increased number of western investments in the sub continental cinema, especially to produce movies which interpret the sub continental culture for western viewers. Some prime examples of this are the movies such as “Pride and the prejudice” and “Monsoon Wedding” produced by foreign investment.The Western symbolic icons such as MTV have been swiftly accepted by the sub continent.

An example of a TV series “Rodies” aired by MTV India is noteworthy. This TV show is an on field series of a contest such as the famous American “Survivor” series. The western impact has also made it fashionable to wear tight jeans and have ideas such as sex before marriage which

have not been portrayed before in the local culture. The concept of 4 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa nudity is also creeping into the sub continental film industry.

Even though the sub continental films are traditionally based on the romantic story based on the idea of love, the movies in the past have been conservative on showing romantic scenes in the movies. The movies like “Monsoon Wedding” have changed that perception. Such kinds of films are on the rise and therefore have an influence on the audience of the movies. The other source of western influence to the sub continental culture is from the Non Resident sub continent people; these are people from the sub continental origin who have lived in the West.They have been exposed to the western ideas and culture thoroughly. When Film producers such the Canadian Indian Deepa Metha produce films, they are preoccupied with the western influence.

Mr Metha produced a film “Fire” which showed a lesbian love story. This sort of western influence, even though might be rejected by many of the sub continent population is slowly inching into the film industry and from the film industry to the mainstream sub continental culture (papers, 2005). The lifestyle of the sub continental people is also chaning raidly with the major impetus coming from the westeren sources.A late night walk around the milti million inhabitant city of Bombay, Bangalore or Karachi would ascertian the fact that the lifestyle is drifting from its traditional cultural way of life (Michael, n. d.

). There is a shift of the social life in the sub continent. One

can easily observe youndsters mingling openly in the streets and consuming alcahol freely (Michael, n. d.

). The dress code has changed swiftly over the years aswell. Saris (a traditional subcontinental dress) are being replaced with the thight jeans or skirts.The brand conciousnes is common aswell is the fast food culture of Mcdonads and KFC among the masses in the urban areas.

The “Public display of affection (PDA)” as Mr. Kamekish puts it, is common (Kamekish, 2007). One may argue that all this is the trickle down effect from what the media projects to the people. All the latest fashions, trends and lifestyle tips projected through the TV screens ans the cenimas is refelcted in the everyday lifestyle of the urban sub continental people. On the other hand the Western culture is also not far from the sub continental influence.

The western lifestyle has also been vastly influenced by the sub continental culture. The golorious influences of the designers industry has kept the western fashion indusry busy. The desginers such as Jean Paul Gautier and Alexander McQueen have vastly included sub continental designs into their collections portfolio. Gautier infact has dedicated a whole collection called the “Indian Chiaroscuro”, which reflects the traditional designs of the Sub 5 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa contienent (Karthik, 2005).The international fashion icons such as Giorgio Amrani, Valentino, Christian Lacroix and Emmanuel Ungaro are getting the services of craftsmen from India to craft their creations with the artistic hand work embroidery to vie in the international market.

The other major example of the cultural influence is the famous Pashimina shawls. These pure

silk hand knitten pieces of cloth have been a desire of many women around the world. The cultural influence does not end in the clothing industry. The other fashion brands such as Cartier have also been prejudiced by the sub continental culture.The traditional carved coloured stones and the hand work on the precious jewels stemming from the persian and Indian decorative design have been extensively used in the products displayed by Cartier (Karthik, 2005).

The influence of the sub continental lifestyle in the fashion industry has cetianly produced some remarkable pieces of art and fashion. Other than this the traditional artefacts produced in the sub continent have been increasingly finding their way into the western homes. The famous Indian poterry and the traditional hand weaven carpets have made huge inroads in the shops around the western world.The cultural influence of the western world in the form of sculpture and architecture has had a long lasting effect on the sub continent. The European colonisits brought the new concept of the western sculuptural art to india.

They were very affluent in the Neo-classical, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance style of sturctural design. The initial sturctures built by the colonists were warehouses and walled trading posts aswell as forted townships along the costline (India Net Zone, n. d. ).

The St. Francis Church, built by Portuguese in 1510, is regarded as the first church built by Europeans in India.The Portuguese were first to built the forts like Castella De Aguanda near Mumbai. They added fortification to the Bassein fort built by Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujrat, in 1532 AD (India Net Zone, n. d.

). The sub continent

architecture also can be seen having some Danish influence as well; the Nagapatnam church in the state of Tamil Nadu in India is the clear evidence of this. Similarly the French influence can be noticed in the Eglise De Sacre Coeur De Jesus or the Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Eglise De Notre Dame de Anges and the Eglise de Notre Dame De Lourdes at Pondicherry.However the impact of the British on the architectural culture of the sub continent was the greatest. They started off by building mainly factories for business purposes but soon they started building courts, schools, municipal buildings and Dak Bungalows, which were normal buildings built by army engineers. The most well known architects of that time designed and constructed buildings all over the sub continent.

Many of the structures erected were a derivative of the famous buildings in London and other places in England. For example, the 6The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa church of St. John at Calcutta, built in 1787 was a replication of the St. Stephens Church at Walbrooks, the Government House in Calcutta, built by Captain Charles Wyatt was re-sculpted on the Kedleston Hall of Derbyshire, the Indian Government Mint in Calcutta was a semi- replica of the Temple of Minerva at Athens and the Pachaiyappa`s Hall in Chennai was the duplication of the Athenium Temple of Theseus (India Net Zone, n. d. ).

The Neo-Gothic style of architecture was also evident under the British rule. The Secretariat, University Library, Rajabai Tower, Telegraph Office all adopted the Victorian Gothic style, similar to buildings in London” (India Net

Zone, n. d. ). Another noteworthy piece of architecture is the St. Martin`s Garrison Church in Delhi which is considered as zenith of the British architectural ventures in the sub continent and the Victoria Terminus in Bombay (Mumbai), designed by architect Frederick William Stevens followed the St.

Pancras Station, London. The Church is a huge structure with a high square tower and deeply sunken window shelves, which is a souvenir of Dutch and German architecture (India Net Zone, n. . ). There has been a reciprocal impact of the Sub continental traditional architecture on that of the western world. During the late 19th century there was an adept feeling of orientalism in the western societies.

Many of the renowned architects of that time felt the need to look at what the sub continent had to offer before working on a major project. It was also common for the young architects to travel to India in search of the mystique and oriental designs the region had to offer (Pochoy, 2002 ).The fascination for exotic styles was foremost ignited by the considerable display of the sub continental art at various international exhibitions around the world. The various artifacts from the sub continent were according to the famous philosopher considered to be of good designs from the people who are faithful to their art as they are faithful to their religion, habits and thoughts which inspired the former (Oshinsky, 2004). Today the structures like the Taj Mahal in India still startle the eyes of most western societies.The sculptures of such magnificent buildings along with others such as the huge exuberantly decorated vases can be seen in the western

There are also other influences between the dimensions of both the western and the sub continental cultures which can be classified as food habits, family structures and the use of foreign lingo. The sub continental cuisine has had huge in roads into the western culture. Europe in general and England in particular enjoys the sub continental oriental food through the enormous amount of restaurants easily located all over the region.The amount of sub continental restaurant in England has risen dramatically from only 500 in 1960 to an estimated 7 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa number of 9350 in 2007 (Facts, 2008). This phenomenal growth in the sub continental cuisine in the western society such as England provides strong signals of how the western taste is being influenced by the sub continental cuisine. On the other hand the British tradition of having evening tea has been picked up by the sub continental society.

The subcontinent consumes an estimate of 900 million kilos of tea altogether which is around 30 percent of the world’s total tea production (Mandal, 2003) (Hasan, 2005) (Isphani, 2003). The family structure of the sub continents is also being vastly influenced by the Western culture. Traditionally it is a norm to have large families in the sub continent. However this culture is changing and the enforcement of the family planning schemes based on the western research are changing the family structure of the sub continent.

The empowerment of the women has also influenced the traditionally subdued role of the women in the family.The traditional joint family system is slowly changing into a nuclear family

system. The educated class and the new generation have certainly adopted a family structure compatible with the western culture. The influence of language usage from the west has been widely felt. English was the second most commonly reported language to be used, after the mother tongue in the sub continent according to a survey conducted by Annika Hohenthal who included all the top universities in the sub continent in his research (Hohenthal, 2003).

8 The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice ersa Conclusion: People today are linked to each other today more than they ever were. The global forces have made the developing world countries to stay in close contact with the developed world. There is a meeting of the global cultures mainly because of the connection created through the television, music, sporting events, the same news, sitcoms, soap operas, theater, corporate food chains and the same glamorous lifestyle (Hong, 2000). This is the reason why the current era can be described as “The Era of Globalization of culture”. Western culture is the “machine culture” (Straggler, 2008).

This is because as the historian Arnold Toynbee said that the mankind has made more progress in the 200 years since the industrial revolution than in the previous 10,000 years. This is the prime reason that the west with its “machines” is very attractive to the ever developing sub continent. To have a western influence on the sub continental culture is inevitable. To dress like a westerner is a part of being influenced by the “machine culture”. A villager in the rural areas of the sub continent dresses acts and thinks differently than

a person in the urban town center.

As the sub continent becomes more prosperous it would keep straying from its traditions, cultures and norms (Straggler, 2008). We should relish the sub continental culture and be prepared for radical changes in the same. On the other hand the western culture is influenced by the sub continental culture as it is something oriental and different from what they have. The aura of sensation and mystique found in the sub continental culture is appealing to the western society.

With the “The Era of Globalization of culture” underway the influence of the sub continent culture on the western culture would also certainly take a steep flight. The influence of the western culture on the Sub continental culture and vice versa Bibliography Facts, F. &. (2008, March 3). Facts, Figures & Market Research. Retrieved April 12, 2008, from Facts, Figures & Market Research: http://209.

85. 135. 104/search? q=cache:zzhZ6LCNLGgJ:www. menu2menu. com/indfact.

html+total+number+of+Indian+restaurants+in+london&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1 Findley, C. V. , & Rothney, J. A. (2006). Twentieth? century World.

In C. V. Findley, & J. A. Rothney, Twentieth? century World (p.

14). Harper, D.

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  1. Western Culture

    influence of western culture essay

  2. ⇉The Influence of Western Culture on Indian Art Essay Example

    influence of western culture essay

  3. Western civilization and western culture Essay Example

    influence of western culture essay

  4. Essay on influence of western culture on indian culture

    influence of western culture essay

  5. The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example

    influence of western culture essay

  6. Western Culture Essay in English by Kari Nielsen

    influence of western culture essay


  1. india growth podcast || indian culture and tradition #knowledge #shorts #podcast

  2. Traditions Culture and Language

  3. Silk Road: Spreading Culture via Trade

  4. Essay On Indian Heritage With Easy Language In English

  5. Western culture

  6. Western civilisation is being transformed into an 'Indigenous equivalent': Rowan Dean


  1. A brief history of Western culture (article)

    A brief history of Western culture. History has no natural divisions. A woman living in Florence in the 15th century did not think of herself as a woman of the Renaissance. Historians divide history into large and small units in order to make characteristics and changes clear to themselves and to students. It's important to remember that any ...

  2. PDF Impact of Western Culture on Indian Culture

    Western Culture most commonly refers to culture that is followed in America and Europe. But today both the culture are going to be mixed especially in India. India got major transformation under westernization but forgetting our traditional values is also a matter of concern. The western culture has both positive and

  3. Essay on Western Culture

    500 Words Essay on Western Culture Introduction to Western Culture. Western culture, often equated with Western civilization or the Western world, encompasses the cultural norms, values, traditions, customs, and ways of life inherited from the classical traditions of the Western world. ... Western culture has a significant influence on other ...

  4. Indian Traditions and the Western Imagination

    This essay is concerned with western images of Indian intel ... the direction of the influence of Western images on internal Indian identities is not altogether straightforward. In re cent years, separatist resistance to Western cultural hegemony has led to the creation of significant intellectual movements in many

  5. Influence Of Western Culture

    Influence Of Western Culture. Globalization is in most cases seen as global Westernization with the Western culture seeking to dominate the world. Globalization is the acceleration and intensification of the economic interactions between governments, companies, and individuals of a different culture. The Western culture played a paramount role ...

  6. Westernization

    Westernization, the adoption of the practices and culture of western Europe by societies and countries in other parts of the world, whether through compulsion or influence. Westernization reached much of the world as part of the process of colonialism and continues to be a significant cultural phenomenon as a result of globalization.. Westernization began with traders, colonizers, and ...

  7. Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture Essay

    Christianity is the religion that has been discussed in this respect more frequently than others due to its spread over many countries and regions. The social and historical influence of Christianity upon Western culture cannot be doubted since the majority of these countries' people adhere to Christian norms and celebrate Christian traditions.

  8. Culture and the Self: A New Global Perspective

    How we see ourselves shapes our lives, and is shaped by our cultural context. Self-perceptions influence, among other things, how we think about the world, our social relationships, health and lifestyle choices, community engagement, political actions, and ultimately our own and other people's well-being. Social scientists have long understood ...

  9. The Profound Influence of Christianity on Western Culture: [Essay

    The influence of Christianity on Western culture is vast and enduring, touching every aspect of life from ethics and art to education and politics. While Western societies have become increasingly secular, the values, traditions, and principles rooted in Christianity continue to shape the identity and character of these cultures.

  10. Free Influence Of Western Culture Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

    Influence Of Western Culture - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas. The influence of western culture has played a significant role in shaping the world's modern culture. This has resulted in the adoption of western values, beliefs, and practices in most societies, which has impacted the way people interact with each other. From the spread of ...

  11. Essays on Western Culture

    1 page / 550 words. Mexican culture is rich and diverse, with a blend of indigenous, Spanish, and other influences that have shaped its traditions, customs, and values. This narrative essay seeks to explore various aspects of Mexican culture, including its history, language, art, music, food, and celebrations.

  12. Influence of western culture on Indian society

    Consequences of western culture on Indian society. Affected caste, joint family, marriage and other social structures.Introduced new institutions like press, Christian missionaries, etc. Modern ...

  13. Impact of Western Culture in India: A Critical Analysis

    Some of the powerful advantage of Indian culture compared to western just for the sake of understanding may be enumerated as follows:-. 1. Indian scientists- "saints" researcher in nature and developed technology for the betterment of human life.


    white, the influence of western culture began in the 19th century when established east India company in India. Westernization is defined in our culture as a combination of custom, value and culture of the west. Western culture has had a profound impact on our tradition, custom and lifestyle. Due to western

  15. Western Culture And Its Influence On Asian Culture

    Western nations have greatly influenced other nations, particularly U.S. and U.K. are very influential because of their superior economic, social and political systems. Even close knit societies in East Asia have been influenced by the Western culture. The level of influence is different across the Asian societies and it is associated with ...

  16. PDF Influence Of Western Civilization On Islamic Societies: An Analysis

    globalization. Obscenity and nudity, social evils of western culture are getting embedded in Islamic societies by local and western media. The negative impact of Western civilization on the social system in Islamic societies is a major issue in current times. Alas, New Muslim generation is imitating western culture in every aspect of life.

  17. The effects of western civilisation and culture on Africa

    Abstract. The central argument of this paper stems from the submission that colonialism, slave trade and missionary are the platform upon which Western civilisation and culture thrive and are ...

  18. Essay on the Impact of Western Culture on India

    The effect of western culture is greatly seen in our customs, tradition, social and moral behavior, our love and respect for others. These days a person loves to live in freedom, he does not want to bind themselves in Indian customs and traditions. Day by day we see breaking of joint family and more and more development of nuclear family.

  19. Explainer: what Western civilisation owes to Islamic cultures

    The civilisation some call "Western" has been, and still is, continually shaped by a wide range of political, literary and intellectual influences, all worthy of our attention. Western ...

  20. The Impact of Western civilization on Eastern ideology and ...

    The Impact of Western civilization on Eastern ideology and ... - UNESCO ... article

  21. The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example

    The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example. Introduction Culture is a broad term which has been described by various philosophers since decades. It has been claimed by Raymond Williams to be "…one of the two or three most complicated words in English language" (Williams, 1976).

  22. Effects of Westernization on the Culture of Pakistan

    Globalization has both positive and negative sides to it. On the one hand, globalization is helping Pakistan interact more with Western countries and establishing relations that will be helpful for Pakistan's economy. On the other, globalization has lifted cultural barriers and provided exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking. Economically ...