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Essay on Positive Thinking – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Positive Thinking

Essay on Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives and shape our reality. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of adopting a positive mindset and how it can lead to greater happiness, success, and overall well-being. By focusing on the good in every situation and maintaining an optimistic outlook, we can overcome challenges, attract positive outcomes, and live a more fulfilling life. Join us as we delve into the power of positive thinking and its impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Positive Thinking Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by defining positive thinking and explaining its importance in daily life. Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation and maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook. It can help improve mental and physical health, enhance relationships, and increase overall happiness.

2. Discuss the benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinking can lead to increased resilience, better problem-solving skills, reduced stress levels, and improved self-esteem. It can also help individuals attract more positive experiences and opportunities into their lives.

3. Share personal anecdotes or examples of how positive thinking has made a difference in your own life or the lives of others. This can help make your essay more relatable and engaging for readers.

4. Provide tips and strategies for cultivating a positive mindset. This may include practicing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

5. Address common obstacles to positive thinking, such as negative self-talk, fear of failure, and external stressors. Offer suggestions for overcoming these challenges and maintaining a positive outlook in the face of adversity.

6. Discuss the connection between positive thinking and mental health. Research has shown that positive thinking can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve overall well-being, and enhance coping mechanisms during difficult times.

7. Emphasize the importance of self-care and self-compassion in fostering a positive mindset. Encourage readers to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being by practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and reinforcing the importance of positive thinking in leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. Encourage readers to embrace a positive mindset and approach challenges with optimism and resilience.

By following these writing tips and incorporating personal experiences and research-backed information, you can create a compelling and informative essay on the power of positive thinking. Remember to keep your writing clear, concise, and engaging to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact.

Essay on Positive Thinking in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Positive thinking is a mindset that focuses on the good in every situation. 2. It involves looking for the silver lining and finding the opportunities for growth and learning. 3. Positive thinking can improve mental and physical health by reducing stress and increasing resilience. 4. It can also enhance relationships by fostering a more optimistic and hopeful outlook. 5. Positive thinking can lead to increased motivation and productivity, as well as a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. 6. It helps to create a more positive and optimistic atmosphere, both internally and externally. 7. Positive thinking can help to overcome challenges and obstacles by approaching them with a can-do attitude. 8. It can lead to a more proactive and solution-focused approach to problem-solving. 9. Positive thinking can increase self-confidence and self-esteem by focusing on strengths and achievements. 10. Overall, positive thinking can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Sample Essay on Positive Thinking in 100-180 Words

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can greatly impact our lives. When we choose to focus on the good in any situation, we are able to approach challenges with a sense of optimism and resilience. This mindset allows us to see opportunities where others may only see obstacles, and helps us to overcome setbacks with grace and determination.

Positive thinking also has a profound effect on our mental and physical well-being. Studies have shown that individuals who maintain a positive outlook on life are more likely to experience lower levels of stress, better overall health, and increased longevity. By cultivating a positive mindset, we are able to attract more positivity into our lives and create a ripple effect of happiness and success.

In conclusion, positive thinking is a key ingredient to living a fulfilling and joyful life. By choosing to see the good in every situation and maintaining a hopeful attitude, we can overcome challenges, improve our health, and attract more positivity into our lives.

Short Essay on Positive Thinking in 200-500 Words

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can greatly impact our lives and the way we perceive the world around us. It is the practice of focusing on the good in any situation and maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook. This mindset can lead to improved mental and physical health, better relationships, and overall happiness.

One of the key benefits of positive thinking is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. When we approach challenges with a positive attitude, we are better equipped to handle them with grace and resilience. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a situation, we can shift our focus to finding solutions and opportunities for growth. This can help us to feel more in control of our lives and less overwhelmed by the pressures we face.

Positive thinking also has a profound impact on our physical health. Research has shown that individuals who maintain a positive outlook are more likely to have lower levels of stress hormones, reduced inflammation, and stronger immune systems. This can lead to a decreased risk of developing chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. By cultivating a positive mindset, we can improve our overall well-being and increase our longevity.

In addition to its effects on stress and health, positive thinking can also enhance our relationships with others. When we approach interactions with a positive attitude, we are more likely to be kind, empathetic, and understanding. This can lead to stronger connections with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as improved communication and conflict resolution skills. By fostering a positive environment in our relationships, we can create a support system that helps us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Furthermore, positive thinking can contribute to our overall happiness and sense of fulfillment. By focusing on the good in our lives and maintaining a hopeful outlook, we can increase our feelings of gratitude and contentment. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction, as well as a more positive self-image. When we believe in our abilities and approach life with optimism, we are more likely to achieve our goals and fulfill our potential.

In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives in countless ways. By maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook, we can reduce stress, improve our health, enhance our relationships, and increase our overall happiness. By cultivating a positive mindset, we can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves and those around us.

Essay on Positive Thinking in 1000-1500 Words

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives and help us achieve our goals. It is the practice of focusing on the good in any situation and expecting positive outcomes. Positive thinking can have a profound impact on our mental and physical well-being, as well as our relationships and overall success in life.

One of the key benefits of positive thinking is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. When we approach challenges with a positive mindset, we are better able to cope with difficult situations and find solutions to problems. This can help us avoid the negative effects of stress, such as high blood pressure, insomnia, and depression. By maintaining a positive outlook, we can improve our mental health and overall quality of life.

Positive thinking can also improve our physical health. Research has shown that people who have a positive attitude tend to have stronger immune systems and are less likely to develop chronic illnesses. By focusing on the good in our lives, we can boost our immune function and protect ourselves from the harmful effects of stress. In addition, positive thinking can help us adopt healthier habits, such as exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet, which can further improve our physical well-being.

Furthermore, positive thinking can enhance our relationships with others. When we approach interactions with a positive attitude, we are more likely to attract like-minded individuals and build strong connections with those around us. By radiating positivity, we can inspire and uplift others, creating a supportive and harmonious environment. This can lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships, both personally and professionally.

In terms of success, positive thinking can be a powerful motivator. When we believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take risks and pursue our goals with confidence. This can lead to greater achievements and a sense of fulfillment in our endeavors. By maintaining a positive mindset, we can overcome obstacles and setbacks with resilience and determination, ultimately reaching our full potential.

One of the key principles of positive thinking is the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can attract positive outcomes and experiences into our lives. This can manifest in various ways, such as opportunities presenting themselves, relationships flourishing, and goals being achieved. By harnessing the power of the law of attraction through positive thinking, we can create the life we desire and deserve.

In order to cultivate a positive mindset, it is important to practice self-awareness and mindfulness. By being mindful of our thoughts and emotions, we can identify negative patterns and replace them with positive affirmations. This can involve reframing negative beliefs, practicing gratitude, and visualizing success. By consistently engaging in these practices, we can rewire our brains to think positively and create a more optimistic outlook on life.

It is also important to surround ourselves with positive influences and support systems. By surrounding ourselves with uplifting and encouraging individuals, we can maintain a positive mindset and stay motivated to achieve our goals. This can involve seeking out mentors, joining supportive communities, and engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. By building a strong network of positive influences, we can create a foundation for success and happiness in our lives.

In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful tool that can transform our lives in numerous ways. By adopting a positive mindset, we can reduce stress and anxiety, improve our physical health, enhance our relationships, and achieve greater success. Through self-awareness, mindfulness, and the law of attraction, we can cultivate a positive outlook on life and create the reality we desire. By embracing the power of positive thinking, we can unlock our full potential and live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

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Essay on Positive Thinking | Short and Long Essays on Positive Thinking for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is a belief, a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that good things will happen and that one’s efforts will be crowned with success. Positive thinking is opposed to negative thinking which harbours the mind through thoughts on apprehensiveness, fearfulness, and unsure of success in efforts.

Positive thinking is reinforced by thoughts such as optimism, hope, and belief that hard work is never wasted. A positive mind anticipates happiness, health,  joy, and a successful outcome of every situation and action and works wonders like magic.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

The Essay on positive thinking throws light on the power of positivity that helps individuals create and transform energy into reality. Besides, the article on positive thinking is broken into multiple essays of varying word count to help you prepare during events and even organise a small paragraph or speech on positive thinking.

Very Short Essay on Positive Thinking 150 Words

Positive thinking is a reflexive attitude developed or imbibed overtime that pushes you to expect fair and desired results. The power of positivity is to create, reinforce, and transform energy into reality with the mindset to seek a healthy and happy ending regardless of the situation.

Positive thinking leads an individual to success as they develop an attitude that helps them think that they can achieve the things and not be fettered by the problems that cross paths with success. Positive thinking is achieved through determination, perseverance, self-confidence, and hard work.

Positivity plays a significant role, and many prosperous people have achieved through reinforcing positive thinking in both their personal and professional lives. Thus, in challenging situations, people seek some light that leads them to positive thinking.

Positive thinking evokes more energy, leading to determination and hard work, ultimately translating to success. It would be best to remember that nothing gears up people to make wholehearted efforts to perform some task as positive thinking.

Short Essay on Positive Thinking 200 Words in English

Positive thinking is an optimistic attitude that helps individuals practice good things in any given situation. Positive thinking holds a significant impact on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health.

Positive thinking does not mean you ignore reality or take light of the unresolved problems. It merely means that you approach the good and the bad situations in life with the expectation that things will fall into place.

Several studies have looked at positivism’s role, leading to optimism in an individual’s mental and physical health. Positive thinking holds multiple physical health benefits like better physical health, better stress management, longer life span, better pain tolerance, more excellent resistance to illness such as the common cold, lower chance of having a heart attack, and lower blood pressure.

Positive thinking harbours multiple mental health benefits such as better mood, less depression, more creativity, clearer thinking, better coping skills, and incredible problem-solving skill.

Studies have stated that people with a positive and optimistic outlook may be more likely to lead and live a healthy lifestyle since they hold a more optimistic view of the future. To wage a better world, human beings can choose to become better than they are now. Thus, positive thinking must start with ourselves.

Positive Thinking Essay

Long Essay on Positive Thinking 250 Words in English

Introduction to Positive Thinking Essay: Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that remains concerned with a bright and acceptable part of life focused on expecting positive thoughts from life. Positive thinking leads to happiness, healthy life, and ultimately success. A positive person can overcome any obstacle that might occur in a certain period of difficulty during a lifetime.

Positive thinking helps you expect good and favourable results; that is, positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts that creates and transforms energy into reality. A positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in any situation.

How to Apply Positive Thinking?

  • Use positive words while talking
  • Make use of words that evoke strength and success
  • Redirect your thoughts
  • Remove all the feelings that are not positive and focus on positive thoughts
  • Practice positive affirmations
  • Start thinking that you will succeed in meeting the objectives
  • Forgive yourself and allow yourself to move on
  • Analyse what went wrong to avoid future mistakes and look forward to more positive
  • Working at your visualisation or imagination to build more positivity and motivation
  • Think of failure as an opportunity
  • Practice gratitude to reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and foster resilience during difficult times
  • Practice self-talk and be mindful of the voice in your head and respond with positive messages

Conclusion on Positive Thinking Essay

In conclusion, you need to change our attitude and believe that we are going to succeed. You need to implement positive thinking techniques that help you learn from your failures, stay focused, forgive yourself, and make positive friends and mentors. Positive thinking can play a significant role in every individual’s life.

Long Essay on Positive Thinking 400 Words

Introduction to Positive Thinking Essay: Positive thinking is an attitude that helps a person highlight the brighter side of their life and helps to lead a healthy and happy life. Positive thinking brings an immense amount of satisfaction and leads to a healthy mindset. Positive thinking helps students overcome their obstacles and makes them healthy, determinant, and self-independent people. Positive thinking enhances energy, helps people have an open mind, keeps them happy, and attain success with confidence. A positive person spreads positivity and sorts out the negative thoughts and helps them relax and stay calm.

How to Build a Positive Attitude?

  • People should inculcate the habit of reading motivational and inspiring stories of people who achieved success. These stories will motivate and inspire you and show you the steps they undertook to achieve success and implement those steps in your life.
  • Do not allow your negative thoughts to thrive in your mind and work towards putting an end to this habit. Always stay on guard and replace your negative thoughts with constructive, positive reviews. Start paying attention to your ideas and replace the negative thoughts with productive, happy and positive thoughts.
  • Make use of affirmations as these positive statements will sink into your subconscious mind, which in succession will guide, inspire, and motivate you to take action. The use of affirmations applies to visualisation, creating mental scenarios of what you want to hold and what to want to achieve.
  • Finally, stay guard and play the role of the doorkeeper of your mind as it helps you make significant changes in your life. Do not be afraid to take action and do not remain passive in small matters and big ones. If you keep yourself busy by doing various things, there will be less likelihood of becoming cynical and hold a greater chance of remaining positive.

How to Remain Positive?

Try to remain positive during a profoundly distressing experience or grievance, and it’s essential to take the pressure off of yourself to find the silver lining. Instead, channel your energy into getting enough support from other people.

Positive thinking does not mean burying the negative thoughts experienced to avoid complicated feelings but to motivate oneself to move on and make positive changes. When facing hard times, comfort, and give yourself sound advice, acknowledge the feelings and remind yourself how strong you are to battle and get better.

You won’t undo the years of pessimism and negative thoughts overnight, but with practice, you can learn how to approach things with a more positive outlook and apply positivity through the ups and downs of life.

10 Lines Positive Thinking Essay

Very Long Essay on Positive Thinking 800 Words in English

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that helps individuals focus on the excellent aspect and expect results to benefit them. Positive thinking anticipates happiness, health, and determination, ultimately leading to success- practically, training oneself to adopt an abundance mindset and cultivate gratitude for one’s successes and those of others.

Positive thinking usually starts with self-talk as the process is a  never-ending stream of the unsaid point of view and can be either positive or negative. However, some of the self-talk can result from logic, while others can arise from misconceptions that can occur due to lack of information.

Negative thinking can cause depression and can supplement depression and other mental trauma. Negative thoughts can undermine an individual’s efforts to control depression. Thus, positive thinking is an approach that challenges the obstacles life throws at every individual with a positive attitude.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

There are several physical and mental health benefits offered by positive thinking, and every person would be amazed by how positivity can affect their health better.

Better Health: Positive thinking leads to better health. Refraining from negative thoughts like anxiety, stress, frustration, and worry can present you with a stronger immune system, thus relieving you from vulnerable and significant illnesses. Reinforcing positive thinking permits you to fight off whatever bug is going around. Studies have proven that those individuals who feel better, live together than those who do not.

Strengthens Immunity: Positive thinking can assist you a great deal in battling multiple ailments such as common colds and influenza. Negative thoughts can weaken your immune response. Medical research and studies have shown that negative thoughts can cause more significant electrical activity in a part of your mind that cuts the immune response.

Boost Confidence: Positive thinking can boost an individual’s confidence and is a crucial stigma that leads to self-confidence. Positive thoughts and behaviours leave individuals more confident and self-assured.

Fights Depression: It is proven that one of the most significant aspects of depression is pessimistic thinking. Studies have stated that any individual who changes their negatives into positive thoughts can start to fight depression and develop a way to elevate positive thinking.

Reduces Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high blood pressure and having a hard time to remain positive must start reviewing life and start with some positivity in life. Negative thoughts lead to high-stress levels and anxiety, leading to high blood pressure. Changing the negative thoughts into positive can significantly contribute to reducing your blood pressure.

Key to Success: It is the fact that it is positive thinking people are more probable to remain successful in life than negative thinking people. Individuals who implement positive thoughts in life aspects will notice that success becomes more manageable and is not severe as many people think.

How To Increase Positive Thinking?

Here are a few things that will help individuals increase positive thinking in life-

  • Sleep: When an individual is tired, the brain cells can absorb glucose highly diminished and compensate for enough sleep. Individuals crave sugary snacks to reimburse for low glucose levels.
  • Meditation: Studies state that people who meditate daily display more positive emotions than those who refrain from meditation. Meditation also builds valuable long–term skills such as increased mindfulness, purpose in life, social support, and decreased illness symptoms in individuals. Contemplation can also be replaced by writing and playing as it boosts self-confidence through positive thinking. These can help you fight the negative thoughts and remain positive throughout.
  • Exercise: Exercising for as little as ten minutes releases a neurotransmitter GABA that soothes the brain and keeps the person in control of their impulses. If you have trouble resisting the impulse to walk to the office next door, insist and keep walking. It would be best if you have the urge under control by the time you get back.
  • Forgiveness: A vicious cycle of failing to control oneself is often accompanied by the feeling of intense disgust and self-hatred in attempts at self-control resulting in offending behaviour. Forgiving yourself plays an important role and shifts your attention to what you’re going to do to improve yourself in the future.

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on a person’s determination, willingness, dealing with the brighter side of life, and positive results. People can achieve almost anything with a mind and allows a paradigm shift in the method of thinking. The negative thoughts and tragedies are a result of one’s own thinking and actions.

An individual with a positive mind can do many positive things and experience positive thoughts such as love, contentment, and joy removes all the obstacles. Positive thinking is a way of living life with comfort and is almost 99 percent effective. Positive thinking holds an intense impact on an individual’s health, offers them better career opportunities, and helps individuals build and develop better relationships.

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

essay on positive thinking for class 5

Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments.

essay on positive thinking for class 5

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

What Is Positive Thinking?

  • Benefits of Positive Thinking

How to Practice Positive Thinking

Potential pitfalls of positive thinking, frequently asked questions.

Do you tend to see the glass as half empty or half full? You have probably heard that question plenty of times. Your answer relates directly to the concept of positive thinking and whether you have a positive or negative outlook on life. Positive thinking plays an important role in positive psychology , a subfield devoted to the study of what makes people happy and fulfilled.

Research has found that positive thinking can aid in stress management and even plays an important role in your overall health and well-being. It can help combat feelings of low self-esteem, improve physical health, and help brighten your overall outlook on life.

This article discusses what positive thinking is and the health benefits of being positive. It also explores some of the strategies you can use to become a more positive thinker.

Positive thinking means approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. It doesn't mean seeing the world through rose-colored lenses by ignoring or glossing over the negative aspects of life.

Positive thinking does not necessarily mean avoiding difficult situations. Instead, positive thinking means making the most of potential obstacles, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.

Some researchers, including positive psychologist Martin Seligman , frame positive thinking in terms of explanatory style. Your explanatory style is how you explain why events happened.

  • Optimistic explanatory style : People with an optimistic explanatory style tend to give themselves credit when good things happen and typically blame outside forces for bad outcomes. They also tend to see negative events as temporary and atypical.
  • Pessimistic explanatory style : People with a pessimistic explanatory style often blame themselves when bad things happen, but fail to give themselves adequate credit for successful outcomes. They also have a tendency to view negative events as expected and lasting. As you can imagine, blaming yourself for events outside of your control or viewing these unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life can have a detrimental impact on your state of mind.

Positive thinkers are more apt to use an optimistic explanatory style, but the way in which people attribute events can also vary depending upon the exact situation. For example, a person who is generally a positive thinker might use a more pessimistic explanatory style in particularly challenging situations, such as at work or at school.

While there are many factors that determine whether a person has a positive outlook, the way that they explain the events of their life, known as their explanatory style, plays an important role.

Positive Psychology vs. Positive Thinking

While the terms "positive thinking" and "positive psychology" are sometimes used interchangeably, it is important to understand that they are not the same thing. Positive thinking is about looking at things from a positive point of view. It is a type of thinking that focuses on maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the effects of optimism, what causes it, and when it is best utilized.

Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

In recent years, the so-called "power of positive thinking" has gained a great deal of attention thanks to self-help books such as "The Secret." While these pop-psychology books often tout positive thinking or philosophies like the law of attraction as a sort of psychological panacea, empirical research has found that there are many very real health benefits linked to positive thinking and optimistic attitudes.

Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits, including:

  • Better stress management and coping skills
  • Enhanced psychological health
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Increased physical well-being
  • Longer life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease-related death

One study of 1,558 older adults found that positive thinking could also reduce frailty during old age.

A 2018 study published in the Journal of Aging Research found that having a positive mental attitude was linked to decreased mortality over a 35-year period. People who had a more positive outlook were also more likely to get regular physical exercise, avoid smoking, eat a healthier diet, and get more quality sleep.

Clearly, there are many benefits of positive thinking . But why, exactly, does positive thinking have such a strong impact on physical and mental health ?

One theory is that people who think positively tend to be less affected by stress. Research suggests that having more positive automatic thoughts helps people become more resilient in the face of life's stressful events. People who had high levels of positive thinking were more likely to walk away from stressful life events with a higher sense of the meaningfulness of life.

Another possibility is that people who think positively tend to live healthier lives in general; they may exercise more, follow a more nutritious diet, and avoid unhealthy behaviors.

While you might be more prone to negative thinking, there are strategies that you can use to become a more positive thinker. Practicing these strategies regularly can help you get in the habit of maintaining a more positive outlook on life.

  • Notice your thoughts : Start paying attention to the type of thoughts you have each day. If you notice that many of them are negative, make a conscious effort to reframe how you are thinking in a more positive way.
  • Write in a gratitude journal : Practicing gratitude can have a range of positive benefits and it can help you learn to develop a better outlook. Experiencing grateful thoughts helps people to feel more optimistic.
  • Use positive self-talk : How you talk to yourself can play an important role in shaping your outlook. Studies have shown that shifting to more positive self-talk can have a positive impact on your emotions and how you respond to stress.

While there are many benefits to thinking positively, there are actually times when more realistic thinking is more advantageous. For example, in some situations, negative thinking can actually lead to more accurate decisions and outcomes.

Some research has found that negative thinking and moods can actually help people make better, more accurate judgments.

However, research suggests that realistic optimism might be the ideal. The results of a 2020 study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin revealed that people who have mistaken expectations, whether those expectations are optimistic or pessimistic, tend to fare worse in terms of mental health when compared to realists.  

The authors of the study suggest that the disappointment that optimists experience when their high hopes are not realized can have a negative impact on well-being. This doesn't mean that people should strive to be pessimistic thinkers. since studies indicate that people with a negative outlook tend to fare the worst. Instead, having a generally positive outlook that is focused on realistic expectations may be the best approach. 

In some cases, inappropriately applied positive thinking can cross the line into what is known as toxic positivity . This involves insisting on maintaining a positive mindset no matter how upsetting, dire, or damaging a situation might be. This type of excessive positivity can impede authentic communication and cause people to experience feelings of shame or guilt if they struggle to maintain such an overly positive outlook.

Positive thinking can have pitfalls at times. While it is important to have an overall positive outlook, unrealistically high expectations can lead to disappointment. Being unable to accept any negative emotions, known as toxic positivity, can also have a negative effect on mental well-being.

A Word From Verywell

Even if you are not a natural-born optimist, there are things you can do to learn how to think more positively and become a positive thinker . One of the first steps is to focus on your own inner monologue and to pay attention to your self-talk.

Strategies that can improve your positive thinking include noticing your thoughts and making a conscious effort to shift from negative thoughts to more positive one. Practicing positive self-talk and practicing gratitude can also be helpful ways to start having a more positive outlook.

Positive thinking is important because it can have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental well-being. People who maintain a more positive outlook on life cope better with stress, have better immunity, and have a lower risk of premature death. Positive thinking also helps promote greater feelings of happiness and overall satisfaction with life.

Positive thinking has been shown to help people live healthier, happier lives. When they have a positive outlook, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting plenty of rest. Downsides of positive thinking include the risk of forming overly high expectations that result in disappointment and being affected by toxic positivity.

Practicing mindfulness can be a way to build self-awareness and become more conscious of how your negative thoughts affect your moods and behaviors. As you become better at identifying negative thought patterns, you can then take steps to shift into a more positive mindset. Actively replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you eventually learn to become a more positive thinker.

Kim ES, Hagan KA, Grodstein F, DeMeo DL, De Vivo I, Kubzansky LD. Optimism and cause-specific mortality: a prospective cohort study . Am J Epidemiol. 2017;185(1):21-29. doi:10.1093/aje/kww182

Seligman M.  Learned Optimism . Random House.

Chang E, Sanna L.  Virtue, Vice, And Personality: The Complexity of Behavior . American Psychological Association.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. The power of positive thinking .

Park N, Peterson C, Szvarca D, Vander Molen RJ, Kim ES, Collon K. Positive psychology and physical health: Research and applications . Am J Lifestyle Med . 2016;10(3):200-206. doi:10.1177/1559827614550277

Gale CR, Mõttus R, Deary IJ, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Personality and risk of frailty: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing . Ann Behav Med . 2017;51(1):128-136. doi:10.1007/s12160-016-9833-5

Paganini-Hill A, Kawas CH, Corrada MM. Positive mental attitude associated with lower 35-year mortality: The Leisure World Cohort Study .  J Aging Res . 2018;2018:2126368. doi:10.1155/2018/2126368

Boyraz G, Lightsey OR Jr. Can positive thinking help? Positive automatic thoughts as moderators of the stress-meaning relationship . Am J Orthopsychiatry . 2012;82(2):267-77. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2012.01150.x

Kross E, Bruehlman-Senecal E, Park J, et al. Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: how you do it matters . J Pers Soc Psychol . 2014;106(2):304-24. doi:10.1037/a0035173

Forgas JP. Don’t worry, be sad! On the cognitive, motivational, and interpersonal benefits of negative mood . Curr Dir Psychol Sci . 2013;22(3):225-232. doi:10.1177/0963721412474458

De Meza D, Dawson C. Neither an optimist nor a pessimist be: mistaken expectations lower well-being . Pers Soc Psychol Bull . 2021;47(4):540-550. doi:10.1177/0146167220934577

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Positive Thinking and Its Benefits Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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The mental attitude, which enables people expect the best in life, is known as positive thinking. It is through this process that our thoughts are transformed into reality (Quilliam 2008). It is through positive thinking that people are able to anticipate the best in everything they strive to do.

People are able to achieve success through positive thinking. People who have positive thoughts are believed to be successful in both their professional and personal lives. It is important that people take charge of their thoughts as this will help them avoid sadness. Positive thinking helps bring out the best in people and enables them to avoid some of the problems they face in life.

Benefits of positive thinking

The following are some of the benefits associated with thinking positively.

Helps avoid stress

Research has shown that people who think positively are able to cope with stress more effectively than those people who think negatively. Positive thinkers will always quickly try to find solutions to their problems. They act fast and consult widely before making decisions.

Improves immunity

Your mind is a very powerful tool that can affect your body negatively or positively. Recent research has shown that people who think positively have a strong immune system. They are therefore able to avoid some of the common diseases affecting people.

Improving your health

Positive thinking comes with certain advantages. They include increased lifespan, reduced risk of suffering from heart attacks and the ability to fight depression. Researchers believe that avoiding stress helps people live healthy lives (Quilliam 2008).

This can be defined as how well an individual is able to solve problems that he or she might be facing. Whenever positive thinkers are faced with complex situations, they always come up with solutions to their problems and will never give up. They will keep on fighting to the point where they are able to solve their problems.

Applying positive thinking

Sometimes, it is not easy to change everything that we have learned in our lives. However, it is important to make sure that we attract positive thoughts that will help us overcome challenges in life. The following are some of the measures we should take to ensure that we always attract positive thoughts.

When talking

It is important to avoid using negative words. These negative words should be replaced with positive words, which help us overcome some challenges we face in life.

Thinking of failure as an opportunity

We should see failure as an opportunity to make ourselves better than what we have been previously. Failure gives us a chance to review what we might have done wrong and gives us a chance to redeem ourselves.


It is important that we take some time to think about our future. This will help us achieve what we have always desired. This will make us work hard and achieve our goals.

Redirecting thoughts

Sometimes, it is hard to keep negative thoughts from our minds. In this case, we should try to think of some of the things that we might have done in the past that brought joy into our lives. This is known as redirecting thoughts.

Positive thinking helps people achieve their goals and live healthier lives. Successful people are believed to be positive thinkers who have conquered the world by attracting positive thoughts. Applying positive thoughts in our lives will help us be successful.

Quilliam, S. (2008). Positive thinking . London: Dorling Kindersley.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 23). Positive Thinking and Its Benefits.

"Positive Thinking and Its Benefits." IvyPanda , 23 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Positive Thinking and Its Benefits'. 23 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Positive Thinking and Its Benefits." May 23, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Positive Thinking and Its Benefits." May 23, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Positive Thinking and Its Benefits." May 23, 2020.

21.Short Essay and Article on The importance of Positive Thinking

The importance of Positive Thinking

The importance of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the brighter side of life and produces positive results. A positive person participates or competes with a healthy mindset and is always successful happy and smiling but also helps in building skill.

Positive emotions like joy, contentment and love remove the obstacles in our life and we are likely to see more possibilities the biggest benefit of positive emotions is that it makes a person see his/her actual abilities and develop these for use in later life. With a positive attitude, we experience pleasant and happy feelings. It has a direct effect on our health and provides us with a huge amount of every. It enhances our daily behaviour like how we talk, feel and react. A negative person is likely to be narrow-minded and focused on negative thought this creating troubles in life. Positive thinking is not very hard to attain as it can be done through a constant and conscious effort of an individual. We might also get affected by someone instinctively and on a subconscious level, through words, thoughts or feeling. Positive thinking is a way of living life with comfort and is 99% effective. People like staying with positive people as they are more trustworthy and helpful. So, to use this weapon in life a person needs more than just to be aware of its existence. he needs to adopt the attitude of positivity in everything he does.

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5 Great Reasons to Inspire Confidence and Positive Thinking in Your Child

Child sporting a large smile, a sure sign of positive thinking.

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In recent years, education researchers have proven the value of employing a specific practice of positive thinking as a catalyst for learning in young students. Have you ever heard the expression “the brain gets tired before the body,” when out for a run? The same could be said when it comes to learning— sort of. A lot more of our aptitude in education is determined by our mental and emotional health, and thought mindsets than is given credit. The science is in: positive thinking is powerful!

Dr. Carol Dweck and her colleagues began researching student’s attitudes towards failure decades ago. Almost immediately, here was an interesting dichotomy observed amongst students; some were easily deterred by setbacks while their peers quickly bounced back. Eventually, Dr. Dweck and her colleagues developed the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset,” do describe these two propensities.

As it turns out, Dr. Dweck’s research had massive implications on education research. Most notably, many researchers posited that when students believe they can learn more, they recognize that effort is their means of getting there. Consequently, growth mindsets’ inspire student confidence, and drive students to invest additional time and effort and experience higher achievement. You can see Dweck deliver a TedTalk on the value of growth mindsets .

Cultivating a growth mindset is the gift that keeps on giving, but below are five of the biggest benefits.

1. Recognize and Confront Weaknesses

When students are equipped with a growth mindset, they’re more apt to embrace their weaknesses and overcome them. Growth mindsets allow students to see failures and deficiencies as an opportunity to learn and improve their skills. Consequently, growth mindsets, and positive thinking, take the emotional-sting off of “bad” grades. Moreover, these “bad” grade lose the power they have over students, causing less harm to student confidence.

2. Inspire Student Confidence

Once you remove the “boogeyman” of failure from school, you can much more easily inspire student confidence. No less, positive thinking can feel like an uphill battle when you’re nervous for math class each day. Moreover, when we emphasize learning and growth over achievement, learning becomes self-driven, allowing students to find their worth in education. Education researchers have shown that when we “inspire student confidence” in learning environments, student motivation increases.

3. Increased Flexibility

Roadblocks of every variety are sure to appear on any learning journey. Students with growth mindsets accept and adapt to the challenge, a consequence of not fearing failure.  Those with teachers or mentors who make it a point to inspire student confidence are better suited for dealing with novel and unexpected problems. Once you inspire students, and practicing positive thinking becomes easier, challenging homework and test questions can begin to feel exciting.

4. Greater Creativity

Crafting a growth mindset will make you a more creative problem-solver. When we inspire student confidence, they’re likely to see solutions they otherwise wouldn’t. Have you ever noticed the way solutions to hard problems come to us in the shower or bed? That’s not just by elapsed time, it’s also because you’re relaxed. When stressed or fearful, creativity is stifled. Embracing positive thinking allow us to access brilliant and creative shower-thoughts while taking a test or doing our homework!

5. You’ll Get Closer

When we shed the anxiety-inducing habit of basing our self-worth on our achievements, we become more open with other people. Anecdotally, this has been demonstrated in classrooms at Tip-Top Brain. By virtue of instructors focusing on failure as an opportunity gained rather than lost, students are much more honest and open with their instructors. The insecurity failure can cause to fester can make students more reserved, and critical of their shortcomings. Once students manage to shift their perspective on failure vis-à-vis school, they can be more honest with themselves, and their friends and families.

We have all been told over and over again, the power of positive thinking. Chances are, we’ve even learned it, and preached it ourselves. From time to time, we forget the importance of having a healthy mindset that serves us. However, young learners need mentors who inspire student confidence early on, for the sake of their education and their health. Forging a healthy relationship with failure is challenging, but like many things, younger people are more inclined to learning than older folk. No less, failure is abundant as ever as a kid, so there’s no time like the present.  How will you model positive thinking and a growth-mindset for your child?     

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Ryan C. Warner Ph.D.

  • Positive Psychology

The Power of Positive Thinking

5 key practices to transform your life and improve your mindset..

Updated July 3, 2024 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

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Chi Ta / Used With Permission

Part 8 of a series in which I gather insights from leadership , diversity, and wellness experts.

Positive thinking isn't just about looking on the bright side. It's a powerful tool that can significantly improve mental health and overall well-being.

In preparation for this post, I recently had the privilege of interviewing Chi Ta, a well-known YouTube influencer who reaches millions with his messages about the importance of positive thinking . He frequently shares insightful perspectives on how this mindset can transform one’s life, empowering individuals to manage stress better, enhance resilience , and cultivate a more fulfilling life. Chi Ta mentions that embracing positive thinking isn’t about looking at life as "sunshine and rainbows" but instead finding strength and optimism even in challenging times.

The Science of Positive Thinking

Through our past experiences, such as encountering setbacks or facing criticism, we often learn to identify threats, which can sometimes lead us to adopt a negative outlook. For instance, repeated failures in a particular area might condition us to anticipate more setbacks. However, recognizing our strengths or recalling a recent success can shift our perspective positively and make challenges seem more manageable.

Have you ever noticed how holding a positive outlook brightens your day? Neurologically, positive thinking activates brain regions involved in emotional regulation and reward processing, such as the prefrontal cortex and amygdala. This activation triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, known for promoting feelings of happiness and well-being. This neurological process forms the basis for significant benefits to improve our lives.

Mental Health Benefits

Positive thinking brings significant benefits to mental health. For instance, it reduces stress by helping individuals handle challenging situations with resilience and a growth-oriented perspective rather than feeling overwhelmed. This approach not only lowers levels of distress and anxiety but also improves mood by promoting the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-lifters. As a result, cultivating positivity can effectively alleviate symptoms of depression and enhance overall well-being. In addition, a positive mindset enhances coping skills by boosting problem-solving abilities and improving how individuals navigate life's inevitable challenges. These combined benefits create a foundation for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Physical Health Benefits

Positive thinking offers benefits beyond mental health—it positively impacts the body as well. Research indicates that optimists often exhibit stronger immune systems, which can help defend against illnesses and infections more effectively. Additionally, maintaining a positive outlook has been linked to lower blood pressure levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes (Kubzansky et al., 2018). This connection underscores the holistic impact of positivity on overall health. Additionally, experts note that optimism fosters healthier lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and balanced nutrition , further contributing to physical well-being (Fortier & Morgan, 2022). Embracing positivity thus not only enhances mental resilience but also supports a healthier, more vibrant life.

5 Key Practices

To cultivate positive thinking and integrate it into daily life, consider these strategies:

1. Gratitude Practice: Regularly acknowledging and appreciating the good things in life can shift focus from negative to positive aspects, fostering a more optimistic outlook. Taking time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for not only boosts mood but also rewires the brain to notice positivity more readily in daily experiences. This simple practice can significantly enhance overall well-being and resilience over time.

2. Affirmations : Implementing positive affirmations can rewire the brain, replacing negative thought patterns with constructive ones that promote resilience and self-confidence . By repeating affirmations such as "I am capable and strong," individuals can cultivate a mindset that empowers them to overcome challenges with confidence and optimism.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation : Mindfulness and meditation promote a present-focused mindset, reduce rumination on past failures or future anxieties, and enhance emotional resilience. These practices involve techniques such as deep breathing and mindful awareness, which help individuals stay grounded in the present moment.

4. Journaling: Writing down positive experiences and thoughts also reinforces a positive mindset. Reflecting on these entries serves as a powerful reminder of the good in one's life and promotes gratitude. Consider keeping a journal specifically for positive reflections, where you can jot down moments of joy, achievements, or acts of kindness you've experienced or witnessed.

essay on positive thinking for class 5

5. Embracing Positivity and Transformative Thinking: Engaging with positive content and influencers like Chi Ta on YouTube or other social media platforms can inspire and motivate, significantly improving mental health and overall quality of life. Reading or watching uplifting messages fosters a sense of optimism and encourages personal growth. Starting with small, daily acts such as smiling more, practicing positive self-talk , and surrounding oneself with supportive people can create a ripple effect, enhancing overall mental health and well-being.

Bottom Line

Incorporating positive thinking into daily life starts with small, consistent actions like smiling more, practicing positive self-talk, and surrounding oneself with supportive people. These simple steps can create a ripple effect, significantly enhancing overall mental health and well-being. Embracing positive thinking doesn’t mean ignoring bad days or challenges; rather, it involves approaching difficulties with a constructive mindset that fosters resilience and effective problem-solving. Positive thinking isn’t just beneficial; it’s a practical tool for improving resilience and navigating life’s challenges more effectively. Start transforming your mental health and well-being today by making one small positive change.

© 2024 Ryan C. Warner, Ph.D.

Fortier, M. S., & Morgan, T. L. (2022). How optimism and physical activity interplay to promote happiness. Current Psychology , 41 (12), 8559-8567.

Kubzansky, L. D., Huffman, J. C., Boehm, J. K., Hernandez, R., Kim, E. S., Koga, H. K., ... & Labarthe, D. R. (2018). Positive psychological well-being and cardiovascular disease: JACC health promotion series. Journal of the American College of Cardiology , 72 (12), 1382-1396.

Ryan C. Warner Ph.D.

Ryan C. Warner, Ph.D. , is a sought-after speaker, researcher, consultant, and licensed clinical psychologist. He is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of RC Warner Consulting.

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Essay for Class 5

Essays in english for class 5.

English can be a challenging language; however, with practice, children can improve their writing skills, and one important tool to help them improve their English is reading and English essay writing for class 5. 

An essay is a short piece of writing about a specific topic, which includes information about the topic along with the writer’s opinions, sometimes. Often, an essay is used in academics to test a student’s knowledge on a specific subject, apart from being served as a way of encouraging students to develop their writing skills.

Writing essays also helps children communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. To write good essays in English for class 5, students must know the correct structure, use proper grammar and vocabulary, and ensure the writing is well-organized, which they will learn in this article.

Here are a few types of essays, each serving its purpose and function.

Narrative Essays - They detail a story from a particular point of view and include a set of characters, a location, a good plot, and a climax to the story. This type of essay includes the use of fine details. 

Descriptive Essay - A descriptive essay describes a topic in great detail. Use of imagery is widely used in this style of essay. 

Expository Essay - This essay explains an idea by giving information and an explanation, along with a variety of viewpoints on the subject being discussed.

Argumentative Essay - In this essay, the writer is trying to convince the reader about an opinion or point of view. There is a use of facts and data to back up any claims made within the essay.

English Essay Format for Class 5

1. introduction.

Overview of the topic

Attention-grabbing headline and introduction

Maximum 100 words

Present your arguments in a chronological order

Systematic flow

Two or more short paragraphs; not more than 100 words each

3. Conclusion

Summarising the main topic and subtopics

Lesson learnt or moral, if applicable

List of Essay Topics For Class 5

Given below is a list of some popular essay topics for class 5. Reading these essays on Vedantu will help the students develop their essay-writing skills. They can also practice these topics to become proficient in essay writing for class 5.

My Mother Essay

Education Essay

Social Media Essay

Science Essay for Students in English

Newspaper and It’s Current Value

Children’s Day

Republic Day

Writing Tips for Essay for Class 5

Here are some common tips that class 5 students should remember before they begin writing essays in English for class 5.

Always first outline your thoughts in rough and then start essay writing for class 5. 

Before beginning, ensure that you have understood the essay topic for class 5.

There should always be an interesting and appropriate title to the essay to draw attention and pique the curiosity of the reader.

An ideal essay should be between 300-500 words. 

An essay with concise information in simple-to-understand language, is the best, as complicated and difficult words break the reading flow of the reader.

Ensure that your essay doesn’t contain any grammatical mistakes, as it distracts the reader from the main content.

We hope this informative article on essays for class 5 must have helped you know the importance of essay writing in English and that you will start writing essays now. Download the PDFs by clicking on the links provided to start practising essay writing for class 5.

FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. Where can I find free essay topics for class 5 to practice?

Students can head to Vedantu’s website to avail a plethora of free essay-writing topics for all classes. Students can click on the respective topics to download the free PDFs of essay topics and can practice whenever they want. 

2. Write the names of some popular essayists for kids.

Some famous essayists are: Mark Twain, Maya Angelou, Charles Lamb, Leo Tolstoy, Roald Dahl, J.K. Rowling, Gene Luen Yang, Beatrix Potter, C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L'Engle, etc.

3. What is the purpose of writing an essay?

The purpose of writing an essay is for kids to express their ideas, thoughts, and opinions on a specific topic and improve their writing skills.

4. How to start writing an essay for beginners?

To start writing an essay, students must first choose a topic of their choice and can ask a teacher to provide them with one. Start with penning down your thoughts in the form of points. Then write a short and interesting introduction, followed by the body content. End the essay with a summarising conclusion. Remember to check your essay for spelling and grammar mistakes.

5. What are the characteristics of an essay in English?

An essay is short in length, like a short story. 

An essay can cover a wide range of subjects, no matter how short.

It is used as a tool for the expression of a writer's personality, as an essay is the representation of the writer's view on a subject.

Home — Essay Samples — Psychology — Positive Attitude — The Power of Positive Thinking: Harnessing Optimism


The Power of Positive Thinking: Harnessing Optimism

  • Categories: Optimism Positive Attitude Positive Psychology

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Words: 626 |

Updated: 17 April, 2024

Words: 626 | Pages: 0 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, theoretical foundations of positive thinking, psychological benefits of positive thinking, physical health benefits, impact on relationships and social interactions, challenges and critiques of positive thinking.

  • Learned Optimism : Seligman’s theory posits that optimism can be learned by altering explanatory styles—the way individuals explain events to themselves. He suggests that by interpreting setbacks as temporary and external, one can foster a more optimistic outlook.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Approaches: These approaches show how thought patterns can be changed to improve emotional and behavioral responses to everyday situations. Techniques such as cognitive restructuring involve identifying and challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with positive, realistic ones.
  • Stress and Coping: Research indicates that optimists cope better with stress by engaging in more active, problem-focused coping strategies. They are less likely to resort to denial and passive behaviors, which can exacerbate stress and its effects.
  • Depression and Anxiety: Studies have shown that a positive outlook can act as a buffer against depression and anxiety, reducing both the likelihood and severity of these conditions.
  • Immune System Function: Positive emotions and thoughts have been linked to better immune response. For example, a study by Cohen et al. (2003) found that individuals with a positive emotional style had greater resistance to the common cold.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Optimism correlates with various health benefits, including lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease. The Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study revealing that the most optimistic participants had a nearly 30% lower risk of dying from heart diseases.
  • Social Connectivity: Optimistic individuals often exhibit behaviors that enhance social connectivity, such as being more trusting and cooperative, which can lead to more robust social networks.
  • Conflict Resolution: Positivity in approach helps in resolving conflicts more constructively, emphasizing reconciliation and solutions rather than problems.
  • Unrealistic Optimism: Excessive optimism can lead to underestimating risks and overestimating one’s abilities, which might result in poor decision-making.
  • Critique from Realism: Some argue that positive thinking may overshadow realistic appraisals of situations, leading to inadequate responses to actual challenges.

This essay demonstrates the comprehensive benefits of positive thinking while also considering its limitations and the importance of a balanced, realistic perspective.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay on positive thinking for class 5

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Essay on Positive Thinking

Essay on Positive Thinking | Short and Long Essays on Positive Thinking for Students and Children in English

Essay on Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is a belief, a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that good things will happen and that one’s efforts will be crowned with success. Positive thinking is opposed to negative thinking which harbours the mind through thoughts on apprehensiveness, fearfulness, and unsure of success in efforts.

Positive thinking is reinforced by thoughts such as optimism, hope, and belief that hard work is never wasted. A positive mind anticipates happiness, health,  joy, and a successful outcome of every situation and action and works wonders like magic.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

The Essay on positive thinking throws light on the power of positivity that helps individuals create and transform energy into reality. Besides, the article on positive thinking is broken into multiple essays of varying word count to help you prepare during events and even organise a small paragraph or speech on positive thinking.

Very Short Essay on Positive Thinking 150 Words

Positive thinking is a reflexive attitude developed or imbibed overtime that pushes you to expect fair and desired results. The power of positivity is to create, reinforce, and transform energy into reality with the mindset to seek a healthy and happy ending regardless of the situation.

Positive thinking leads an individual to success as they develop an attitude that helps them think that they can achieve the things and not be fettered by the problems that cross paths with success. Positive thinking is achieved through determination, perseverance, self-confidence, and hard work.

Positivity plays a significant role, and many prosperous people have achieved through reinforcing positive thinking in both their personal and professional lives. Thus, in challenging situations, people seek some light that leads them to positive thinking.

Positive thinking evokes more energy, leading to determination and hard work, ultimately translating to success. It would be best to remember that nothing gears up people to make wholehearted efforts to perform some task as positive thinking.

Short Essay on Positive Thinking 200 Words in English

Positive thinking is an optimistic attitude that helps individuals practice good things in any given situation. Positive thinking holds a significant impact on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health.

Positive thinking does not mean you ignore reality or take light of the unresolved problems. It merely means that you approach the good and the bad situations in life with the expectation that things will fall into place.

Several studies have looked at positivism’s role, leading to optimism in an individual’s mental and physical health. Positive thinking holds multiple physical health benefits like better physical health, better stress management, longer life span, better pain tolerance, more excellent resistance to illness such as the common cold, lower chance of having a heart attack, and lower blood pressure.

Positive thinking harbours multiple mental health benefits such as better mood, less depression, more creativity, clearer thinking, better coping skills, and incredible problem-solving skill.

Studies have stated that people with a positive and optimistic outlook may be more likely to lead and live a healthy lifestyle since they hold a more optimistic view of the future. To wage a better world, human beings can choose to become better than they are now. Thus, positive thinking must start with ourselves.

Positive Thinking Essay

Long Essay on Positive Thinking 250 Words in English

Introduction to Positive Thinking Essay: Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that remains concerned with a bright and acceptable part of life focused on expecting positive thoughts from life. Positive thinking leads to happiness, healthy life, and ultimately success. A positive person can overcome any obstacle that might occur in a certain period of difficulty during a lifetime.

Positive thinking helps you expect good and favourable results; that is, positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts that creates and transforms energy into reality. A positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in any situation.

How to Apply Positive Thinking?

  • Use positive words while talking
  • Make use of words that evoke strength and success
  • Redirect your thoughts
  • Remove all the feelings that are not positive and focus on positive thoughts
  • Practice positive affirmations
  • Start thinking that you will succeed in meeting the objectives
  • Forgive yourself and allow yourself to move on
  • Analyse what went wrong to avoid future mistakes and look forward to more positive
  • Working at your visualisation or imagination to build more positivity and motivation
  • Think of failure as an opportunity
  • Practice gratitude to reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and foster resilience during difficult times
  • Practice self-talk and be mindful of the voice in your head and respond with positive messages

Conclusion on Positive Thinking Essay

In conclusion, you need to change our attitude and believe that we are going to succeed. You need to implement positive thinking techniques that help you learn from your failures, stay focused, forgive yourself, and make positive friends and mentors. Positive thinking can play a significant role in every individual’s life.

Long Essay on Positive Thinking 400 Words

Introduction to Positive Thinking Essay: Positive thinking is an attitude that helps a person highlight the brighter side of their life and helps to lead a healthy and happy life. Positive thinking brings an immense amount of satisfaction and leads to a healthy mindset. Positive thinking helps students overcome their obstacles and makes them healthy, determinant, and self-independent people. Positive thinking enhances energy, helps people have an open mind, keeps them happy, and attain success with confidence. A positive person spreads positivity and sorts out the negative thoughts and helps them relax and stay calm.

How to Build a Positive Attitude?

  • People should inculcate the habit of reading motivational and inspiring stories of people who achieved success. These stories will motivate and inspire you and show you the steps they undertook to achieve success and implement those steps in your life.
  • Do not allow your negative thoughts to thrive in your mind and work towards putting an end to this habit. Always stay on guard and replace your negative thoughts with constructive, positive reviews. Start paying attention to your ideas and replace the negative thoughts with productive, happy and positive thoughts.
  • Make use of affirmations as these positive statements will sink into your subconscious mind, which in succession will guide, inspire, and motivate you to take action. The use of affirmations applies to visualisation, creating mental scenarios of what you want to hold and what to want to achieve.
  • Finally, stay guard and play the role of the doorkeeper of your mind as it helps you make significant changes in your life. Do not be afraid to take action and do not remain passive in small matters and big ones. If you keep yourself busy by doing various things, there will be less likelihood of becoming cynical and hold a greater chance of remaining positive.

How to Remain Positive?

Try to remain positive during a profoundly distressing experience or grievance, and it’s essential to take the pressure off of yourself to find the silver lining. Instead, channel your energy into getting enough support from other people.

Positive thinking does not mean burying the negative thoughts experienced to avoid complicated feelings but to motivate oneself to move on and make positive changes. When facing hard times, comfort, and give yourself sound advice, acknowledge the feelings and remind yourself how strong you are to battle and get better.

You won’t undo the years of pessimism and negative thoughts overnight, but with practice, you can learn how to approach things with a more positive outlook and apply positivity through the ups and downs of life.

10 Lines Positive Thinking Essay

Very Long Essay on Positive Thinking 800 Words in English

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that helps individuals focus on the excellent aspect and expect results to benefit them. Positive thinking anticipates happiness, health, and determination, ultimately leading to success- practically, training oneself to adopt an abundance mindset and cultivate gratitude for one’s successes and those of others.

Positive thinking usually starts with self-talk as the process is a  never-ending stream of the unsaid point of view and can be either positive or negative. However, some of the self-talk can result from logic, while others can arise from misconceptions that can occur due to lack of information.

Negative thinking can cause depression and can supplement depression and other mental trauma. Negative thoughts can undermine an individual’s efforts to control depression. Thus, positive thinking is an approach that challenges the obstacles life throws at every individual with a positive attitude.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

There are several physical and mental health benefits offered by positive thinking, and every person would be amazed by how positivity can affect their health better.

Better Health: Positive thinking leads to better health. Refraining from negative thoughts like anxiety, stress, frustration, and worry can present you with a stronger immune system, thus relieving you from vulnerable and significant illnesses. Reinforcing positive thinking permits you to fight off whatever bug is going around. Studies have proven that those individuals who feel better, live together than those who do not.

Strengthens Immunity: Positive thinking can assist you a great deal in battling multiple ailments such as common colds and influenza. Negative thoughts can weaken your immune response. Medical research and studies have shown that negative thoughts can cause more significant electrical activity in a part of your mind that cuts the immune response.

Boost Confidence: Positive thinking can boost an individual’s confidence and is a crucial stigma that leads to self-confidence. Positive thoughts and behaviours leave individuals more confident and self-assured.

Fights Depression: It is proven that one of the most significant aspects of depression is pessimistic thinking. Studies have stated that any individual who changes their negatives into positive thoughts can start to fight depression and develop a way to elevate positive thinking.

Reduces Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high blood pressure and having a hard time to remain positive must start reviewing life and start with some positivity in life. Negative thoughts lead to high-stress levels and anxiety, leading to high blood pressure. Changing the negative thoughts into positive can significantly contribute to reducing your blood pressure.

Key to Success: It is the fact that it is positive thinking people are more probable to remain successful in life than negative thinking people. Individuals who implement positive thoughts in life aspects will notice that success becomes more manageable and is not severe as many people think.

How To Increase Positive Thinking?

Here are a few things that will help individuals increase positive thinking in life-

  • Sleep: When an individual is tired, the brain cells can absorb glucose highly diminished and compensate for enough sleep. Individuals crave sugary snacks to reimburse for low glucose levels.
  • Meditation: Studies state that people who meditate daily display more positive emotions than those who refrain from meditation. Meditation also builds valuable long–term skills such as increased mindfulness, purpose in life, social support, and decreased illness symptoms in individuals. Contemplation can also be replaced by writing and playing as it boosts self-confidence through positive thinking. These can help you fight the negative thoughts and remain positive throughout.
  • Exercise: Exercising for as little as ten minutes releases a neurotransmitter GABA that soothes the brain and keeps the person in control of their impulses. If you have trouble resisting the impulse to walk to the office next door, insist and keep walking. It would be best if you have the urge under control by the time you get back.
  • Forgiveness: A vicious cycle of failing to control oneself is often accompanied by the feeling of intense disgust and self-hatred in attempts at self-control resulting in offending behaviour. Forgiving yourself plays an important role and shifts your attention to what you’re going to do to improve yourself in the future.

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on a person’s determination, willingness, dealing with the brighter side of life, and positive results. People can achieve almost anything with a mind and allows a paradigm shift in the method of thinking. The negative thoughts and tragedies are a result of one’s own thinking and actions.

An individual with a positive mind can do many positive things and experience positive thoughts such as love, contentment, and joy removes all the obstacles. Positive thinking is a way of living life with comfort and is almost 99 percent effective. Positive thinking holds an intense impact on an individual’s health, offers them better career opportunities, and helps individuals build and develop better relationships.

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FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. What is the best and simple way to write an essay?

The best way to write an essay is to jot down what you are going to write beforehand. Not just the Essay make sure you have a structure too in mind. This really helps and is the simplest thing to write an essay.

2. Where do I find Some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students?

You can find some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students on our page.

3. What Should a Good Essay Have?

A good essay should have a bang-on opening statement that draw’s the attention of the users followed by a thesis statement and then a conclusion or a closing statement supporting your ideas. The Idea of each paragraph should be well explained and try considering examples too in between.

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Paragraph Essay Online

Paragraph On Positive Thinking

Paragraph On Positive Thinking

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Paragraph On Positive Thinking For Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 12

Positive thinking is a powerful mindset that focuses on optimism, hope, and constructive emotions. It involves reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, cultivating gratitude, and believing in one’s ability to overcome obstacles. Embracing positive thinking can lead to improved mental well-being, resilience, and success in various aspects of life.

Positive Thinking Paragraph 100 Words For 1, 2, 3 Students

Positive thinking means seeing the good in every situation. It helps us stay happy and calm. When we think positively, we feel more confident and hopeful. This makes it easier to solve problems and face challenges. Positive thinking also helps us make friends because we spread good feelings.

It’s like having a superpower that makes life better and brighter. Always try to look for the silver lining in every cloud. Remember, a positive mind leads to a positive life. So, keep smiling and think good thoughts every day!

Paragraph On Positive Thinking in 150 Words For 4 & 5 Students

Positive thinking means looking at the bright side of life and focusing on the good things. It helps us stay happy and calm, even when things are tough. When we think positively, we feel more confident and hopeful. This makes it easier to solve problems and face challenges. Positive thinking also helps us make friends because people like to be around someone who is cheerful and optimistic.

For example, if you get a bad grade, a positive thinker will see it as a chance to learn and improve. They won’t get discouraged but will work harder next time. Positive thinking is like having a superpower that makes everything better and brighter. It helps us stay strong and keep going, even when things are hard. Remember, a positive mind leads to a positive life. So, keep smiling, think good thoughts, and always look for the silver lining in every cloud!

Paragraph On Positive Thinking in 150 Words

Positive Thinking Paragraph in 200 Words For 6, 7, and 8 Students

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can significantly impact our lives. It means focusing on the good aspects of any situation and maintaining an optimistic outlook. When we think positively, we feel happier, more confident, and more hopeful. This mindset helps us handle problems better and face challenges with courage and determination.

For example, if you fail a test, instead of feeling discouraged, a positive thinker will see it as an opportunity to learn and improve. They will focus on what they can do better next time rather than dwelling on their failure. This approach not only helps in academics but also in other areas of life, such as sports, friendships, and personal goals.

Positive thinking also attracts positive people and experiences. When we are cheerful and optimistic, others enjoy being around us, and this helps build strong and supportive relationships. Moreover, positive thinking can improve our health by reducing stress and boosting our immune system.

By choosing to focus on the positive, we can create a happier and more fulfilling life. So, always look for the silver lining and keep a positive attitude, no matter what comes your way!

Paragraph On Positive Thinking in 200 Words

Paragraph On Positive Thinking in 250 Words For 8,9,10 Students

Positive thinking is a mindset that focuses on the good aspects of life and expects positive outcomes. It is a powerful tool that can significantly influence our mental and physical well-being. When we adopt a positive attitude, we feel more confident, happy, and motivated. This optimism helps us tackle challenges more effectively and find solutions to problems more easily.

For instance, if you face a setback, such as a low score on a test, instead of feeling defeated, a positive thinker will see it as a learning opportunity. They will analyze what went wrong, learn from their mistakes, and strive to do better next time. This approach not only improves academic performance but also enhances resilience and perseverance.

Positive thinking also impacts our relationships. When we maintain a cheerful and optimistic attitude, we attract positive people and experiences into our lives. Friends and family enjoy being around us, which strengthens our support system and boosts our overall happiness. Additionally, positive thinking has health benefits, such as reducing stress, lowering the risk of depression, and even improving our immune system.

In conclusion, positive thinking is a valuable mindset that can transform our lives. It helps us navigate through difficulties, enhances our personal growth, and brings joy and satisfaction. By focusing on the positive aspects of life, we can create a brighter and more fulfilling future. So, always try to see the good in every situation, stay hopeful, and spread positivity wherever you go.

Paragraph On Positive Thinking 300 Words For 9, 10, 11, 12 Students

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. It is a powerful tool that can transform our lives in numerous ways. By adopting a positive outlook, we can improve our mental and physical health, build better relationships, and achieve greater success in our personal and professional lives.

When we think positively, we approach challenges with a can-do attitude. This mindset helps us stay motivated and resilient, even when things don’t go as planned. For example, if you receive a poor grade on an exam, a positive thinker will view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They will identify their weaknesses, work on improving them, and approach the next exam with a renewed sense of determination. This proactive approach not only enhances academic performance but also builds character and perseverance.

Positive thinking also plays a crucial role in our relationships. People who maintain an optimistic attitude are generally more likable and approachable. They tend to attract positive, like-minded individuals, which leads to healthier and more supportive relationships. Furthermore, a positive outlook can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to better overall mental health.

In addition to mental benefits, positive thinking can also improve our physical health. Studies have shown that optimistic individuals have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. This is because a positive mindset helps to manage stress more effectively, which in turn, benefits our physical well-being.

By focusing on the positive aspects of any situation, we can create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. So, make it a habit to think positively, stay hopeful, and spread good vibes wherever you go. This positive attitude will not only improve your life but also inspire those around you to adopt a similar outlook.

Paragraph On Positive Thinking in 500 Words For 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students

Positive thinking is a powerful mindset that focuses on the optimistic aspects of life, fostering an attitude that expects positive outcomes and solutions. This approach can significantly impact various facets of our lives, including our mental and physical health, relationships, academic and professional success, and overall well-being.

At its core, positive thinking is about maintaining a hopeful and constructive perspective, even in the face of challenges. It doesn’t mean ignoring difficulties or pretending that everything is perfect. Instead, it involves acknowledging problems and choosing to approach them with a solution-oriented mindset. For instance, if you receive a poor grade on an exam, a positive thinker will not dwell on the disappointment. Instead, they will analyze what went wrong, seek help if needed, and prepare better for the next exam. This proactive approach leads to continuous improvement and resilience.

The benefits of positive thinking extend beyond academic performance. It plays a crucial role in our relationships and social interactions. People who maintain a positive outlook are generally more pleasant to be around. They attract other positive individuals, leading to the formation of strong, supportive networks of friends and family. This supportive environment fosters a sense of belonging and emotional security, which is vital for mental health. Positive thinking can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, contributing to a more stable and fulfilling emotional life.

In terms of physical health, the impact of positive thinking is profound. Research has shown that a positive mindset can lead to better health outcomes. Optimistic individuals tend to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The reason behind this is that positive thinking helps manage stress more effectively. Stress is a significant contributor to many health issues, and by reducing stress levels, positive thinkers can maintain better overall health.

Moreover, positive thinking can enhance our professional lives. In the workplace, a positive attitude can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity. Positive thinkers are more likely to embrace challenges, take initiative, and persist in the face of setbacks. This can lead to career advancement and personal fulfillment. Employers also value employees who can maintain a positive attitude, as it contributes to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Developing a habit of positive thinking involves several practices. One effective method is to practice gratitude. By regularly reflecting on the things we are thankful for, we shift our focus away from negative aspects and reinforce positive feelings. Another technique is to reframe negative thoughts. When faced with a negative situation, try to find something positive about it or look for a lesson that can be learned. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, such as supportive friends and uplifting content, can reinforce a positive mindset.

By choosing to focus on the positive aspects of any situation, we create a brighter and more fulfilling future. Cultivating a habit of positive thinking is a lifelong journey that requires practice and dedication, but the rewards are well worth the effort. So, embrace positivity, spread good vibes, and watch how it transforms your life and the lives of those around you.

Most Important Paragraph:

Frequently Asked Questions Paragraph On Positive Thinking 

How does positive thinking benefit individuals?

Positive thinking can lead to improved mental well-being, increased resilience, better decision-making, and greater success in various aspects of life.

What are some strategies for cultivating positive thinking?

Strategies for cultivating positive thinking include reframing challenges, practicing gratitude, affirmations, visualization, and surrounding oneself with positive influences.

Can positive thinking be learned and developed?

Yes, positive thinking is a skill that can be learned and developed through consistent practice and conscious effort.

How can positive thinking impact one’s overall quality of life?

Embracing positive thinking can contribute to a more fulfilling, productive, and satisfying life by fostering a growth mindset, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of well-being.

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Essay on the power of Positive thinking

essay on positive thinking for class 5

Positive thinking leads a man to success. One who thinks that he can achieve the things, will put his best to achieve, will not fetter by the problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Self confidence, determination, perseverance, and hard work are the key factors of success.

Every small or big, easy or complex problem have its solution. There is a way out of every labyrinth, there is an answer to every enigma. The only requirements are the confidence, hard work and determination and you get the answer.

Where there is a will, there is a way. If you find any problem, a typical one, don’t lose heart, go ahead and devote yourself fully, analyze each aspect, and get the problem solved. Every invention taken place so far, were riddled with many unfound answers, but the inventor’s zeal and perseverance found the solution and a new invention took place. For a confident person, the word ‘impossible’ is no where in his dictionary. A determined and dedicated person finds way in all complexities undaunted by the initial problems and failures he keeps on finding solution to every teaser and one day he achieves his cherished goal.

Dedication, devotion to the task and positive thinking with determination have been the important factors of success of every successful celebrity. Take the recent example Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi, participated and campaigned in the Lok Sabha election 2004, undaunted by the criticism, personal attacks and all kinds of perversities she went alone campaigning alone without having any other ‘Star’ campaigner, covered almost the whole of the country against the BJP and showed the world that congress got the majority.


She has shown her unflinching determination, unfettered self confidence, dedication and devotion to the cause without worrying for the results and she is the winner. Every Tom and dick had questioned her nationality, her foreign origin, but she cared a fig for all criticism and showed her caliber.

Life is a battle, one has to fight it fearlessly. Fight with confidence, positive attitude, right aptitude, with determined and concentrated efforts, leads to the surest path of success. Fortune is said to favor the brave. God also help those who help themselves. A coward, a pessimist dare not even to fight in the race, it is an optimist and determined soul, who dares to fight, has the chance of success.

A winner never quits and a quitter never wins shows that one who constantly tries to achieve something, one who endeavors hard incessantly to achieve something, he is the winner, later or sooner, but a quitter could never be a winner. When Vallabhbhai Patel told that’ Swaraj is my birth right’ so many people find it mere a slogan, but the incessant struggle put by all the freedom fighters supported the claim of Patel and we could win the freedom. Organizing the efforts properly, in right direction, striking at the opportune time, are essential for achieving a target. Optimism, determination, undaunted will power makes every impossible task possible.

Confidence is the most important key to success. It boosts the morale and creates determination to attain a goal. The loss of confidence makes a man pessimist, coward or a dead man. The importance of ‘right deeds’ is well emphasized in Bhagwat Geeta: Lord Krishna tells Arjun to follow the path of righteousness, the path of dedication, Do Karma, don’t think about the result, the God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, the results as per your deeds will follow. It should also be remembered that the positive and constructive thoughts which aims for the betterment of mankind are met with success. It should not be riddled with self aggrandizement evil thoughts never bear good results.

Your biggest assets are your enthusiasm that enriches with your positive thinking. Never lose hope, keep cheerful put the best possible efforts with your total involvement, have confidence in you and you are the winner.

Through positive thinking one can overcome the mountains. One who always think positively even in adverse circumstances wins. Positive thinking always pays. Life belongs to the ambitions.

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Essays on “Positive Attitude / Thinking”

October 22, 2019 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

Essay Writing

Essays on “Positive Attitude / Thinking” for school and college students.

Essay on Positivity(355 Words)

‘Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow’, is rightly said by Helen Keller. Positivity is an attitude and a tendency to remain optimistic. Positivity can be defined as a way one looks life with. Positivity can be the eyes to see a bright future. As one makes their way for positive life, halfway to success is already covered.


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Positive thinking is a mental attitude which converts energy to reality. It is usually recognised as the KEY TO SUCCESS. It can be rightly said as a way which leads us to success and the path is filled with happiness and positive thoughts. One should show complete alacrity to have positive thoughts. With positivity in life, one expects the best to happen.

A positive attitude helps one cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It reduces stress which is a common problem among people these days. It makes it easier to manage life and helps to stay healthy. Positive thinking has a significant effect on a person’s physical, mental and emotional health.

It has been rightly said by William Shakespeare, “Our bodies are our gardens- our positive wills are our gardeners.” Consider the example of famous celebrities; there are many who are suffering from cancer; even though they have a serious disease, they stay positive in life and rather than expecting negativity and death, they enjoy their life and are sure that they will overcome the disease. There are many other examples around.

But one needs to recognise them and look deeply into the matter. Positivity is not just an attitude; it is a medicine which can cure all types of illnesses. It has the magical power of reducing stress and healing negativity from life. Instead of being sad about the problems one has, one should smile because they don’t own all the problems of the world and have the strength of positivity as a guard. So, stop worrying and bring positivity home. It’s free of cost.

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essay on positive thinking for class 5

Positive Thinking : “Don't settle for average.

Positive thinking is an optimistic attitude that helps individuals practice good things in any given situation. Positive thinking holds a significant impact on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health.

Positive thinking does not mean you ignore reality or take light of the unresolved problems. It merely means that you approach the good and the bad situations in life with the expectation that things will fall into place.

Several studies have looked at positivism’s role, leading to optimism in an individual’s mental and physical health. Positive thinking holds multiple physical health benefits like better physical health, better stress management, longer life span, better pain tolerance, more excellent resistance to illness such as the common cold, lower chance of having a heart attack, and lower blood pressure.

Positive thinking harbours multiple mental health benefits such as better mood, less depression, more creativity, clearer thinking, better coping skills, and incredible problem-solving skill.

Studies have stated that people with a positive and optimistic outlook may be more likely to lead and live a healthy lifestyle since they hold a more optimistic view of the future. To wage a better world, human beings can choose to become better than they are now. Thus, positive thinking must start with ourselves.

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Power of Positive Thoughts

Power of Positive Thoughts

  • Emily Scott

What the Mind of Man can conceive and Believe, the Mind of Man can Achieve:  The most important key to Attain Success with the Power Of Positive Thoughts. It helps you to achieve success inner peace satisfaction and better health. So, train your mind to see the good in every situation. Positive thinking is transferable, people around you gets affected by your mood. Think positive and your power of positive thoughts will lead to the road of success. After all, everyone likes to enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.

“Ability is What you are Capable of Doing, Motivation Determines What you Do and Attitude Determines How Well You do it”

Our Level of Success is the Combination of Our Actions and Habits

Your beliefs affect your emotions, actions, thoughts and habits. So, it is important to see that your beliefs are in the order. It is said that, if you change your mind, your life will follow. Find out some strategies and conquer your negative beliefs.

  • Scrutinize Your Beliefs –  Write down the negative beliefs that holds you back, such as, “I am not good enough” or “Why this always happens to me”. Why you keep such thoughts in your mind that keeps you dragging, when you can’t even find a single evidence to support it. Habits play an important role in the journey of your success. So, don’t make your negative thoughts a habit.
  • Erect New Beliefs –  It is better to replace your old beliefs with the new ones. “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances, instead of your circumstances having power over you”.
  • Speak to Yourself –  No matter how busy you are, always find time for yourself. Sit alone and talk to yourself because no one can understand you better than you.
  • Start and End Your Day with Gratitude –  Spend some minutes in the morning and before going to bed to list your blessing. Focus on the positive and brighten your mood, it will increase the number of good things that come into your life.
  • Change Your Reaction to Your Mistakes –  It is human tendency to react differently in different situations, either it is a mistake you commit or any challenge you face. As an adult, try not to indulge in any kind of unnecessary drama.
  • Meditate –  Let the light of heart engulf you – Meditation has thousands of physical and mental benefits . It helps to reduce stress, brings clarity in your thoughts, make you to focus on your goals and strengthen your health. Make it a priority and originate each day a productive day.

The problem with our generation is that, we believe we are victims of our circumstances, but actually we all are victims of our own negative thoughts.

A Positive Attitude will Lead to Positive Outcomes

Here are some tips for positive thinking to face everything with a positive attitude.

  • Use positive words while speaking and thinking, like ‘it can be done’, ‘I am able’, ‘I can’, etc.
  • Focus on your strengths and success and forget about your disappointments.
  • Whenever a negative thought come into your mind, replace it with a positive thought.
  • Read some inspiring quotes or inspiring books every day.
  • Read newspapers
  • Surround yourself with the positive thinkers.
  • Sit with your back straight, as it will strengthen your confidence.
  • Engage yourself in  physical  activities, like swimming or cycling.

Power Of Positive Thoughts helps you to attain conducive results and overcome the unfavorable situations. If your current situations are not according to your wish, then your positive attitude has the power to transform it and affect your life and circumstances. So change them accordingly.

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