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What Is an Option Assignment?

what is assignment of option

Definition and Examples of Assignment

How does assignment work, what it means for individual investors.

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An option assignment represents the seller of an option’s obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or purchasing the underlying security at the exercise price. Let’s explain what that means in more detail.

Key Takeaways

  • An assignment represents the seller of an option’s obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or purchasing the underlying security at the exercise price. 
  • If you sell an option and get assigned, you have to fulfill the transaction outlined in the option.
  • You can only get assigned if you sell options, not if you buy them.
  • Assignment is relatively rare, with only 7% of options ultimately getting assigned.

An assignment represents the seller of an option’s obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or purchasing the underlying security at the exercise price. Let’s explain what that means in more detail.

When you sell an option to someone, you’re selling them the right to make you engage in a future transaction. For example, if you sell someone a put option , you’re promising to buy a stock at a set price any time between when the transaction happens and the expiration date of the option.

If the holder of the option doesn’t do anything with the option by the expiration date, the option expires. However, if they decide that they want to go through with the transaction, they will exercise the option. 

If the holder of an option chooses to exercise it, the seller will receive a notification, called an assignment, letting them know that the option holder is exercising their right to complete the transaction. The seller is legally obligated to fulfill the terms of the options contract.

For example, if you sell a call option on XYZ with a strike price of $40 and the buyer chooses to exercise the option, you’ll be assigned the obligation to fulfill that contract. You’ll have to buy 100 shares of XYZ at whatever the market price is, or take the shares from your own portfolio and sell them to the option holder for $40 each.

Options traders only have to worry about assignment if they sell options contracts. Those who buy options don’t have to worry about assignment because in this case, they have the power to exercise a contract, or choose not to.

The options market is huge, in that options are traded on large exchanges and you likely do not know who you’re buying contracts from or selling them to. It’s not like you sell an option to someone you know and they send you an email if they choose to exercise the contract, rather it is an organized process.

In the U.S., the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), which is considered the options industry clearinghouse, helps to facilitate the exchange of options contracts. It guarantees a fair process of option assignments, ensuring that the obligations in the contract are fulfilled.

When an investor chooses to exercise a contract, the OCC randomly assigns the obligation to someone who sold the option being exercised. For example, if 100 people sold XYZ calls with a strike of $40, and one of those options gets exercised, the OCC will randomly assign that obligation to one of the 100 sellers.

In general, assignments are uncommon. About 7% of options get exercised, with the remaining 93% expiring. Assignment also tends to grow more common as the expiration date nears.

If you are assigned the obligation to fulfill an options contract you sold, it means you have to accept the related loss and fulfill the contract. Usually, your broker will handle the transaction on your behalf automatically.

If you’re an individual investor, you only have to worry about assignment if you’re involved in selling options. Even then, assignments aren't incredibly common. Less than 7% of options get assigned and they tend to get assigned as the option’s expiration date gets closer.

Having an option assigned does mean that you are forced to lock in a loss on an option, which can hurt. However, if you’re truly worried about assignment, you can plan to close your position at some point before the expiration date or use options strategies that don’t involve selling options that could get exercised.

The Options Industry Council. " Options Assignment FAQ: How Can I Tell When I Will Be Assigned? " Accessed Oct. 18, 2021.

Options Assignment: Navigating the Rights and Obligations

what is assignment of option

By Tyler Corvin

what is assignment of option

Ever been blindsided by an unexpected traffic ticket in the mail? 

You knew driving came with its set of potential consequences, yet you took to the road regardless. Suddenly, you’re left with a tangible obligation to pay. This unforeseen shift, where what was once a mere possibility becomes an immediate reality, captures the spirit of options assignment within the vast realm of options trading.

Diving into the details, option assignment serves as the bridge between the abstract realm of rights and the concrete world of duties in this field. It’s that unassuming piece in the machinery that can, without warning, change the entire game – often carrying notable financial repercussions. In a domain where every move has implications, truly grasping option assignment is foundational, ensuring not just survival but genuine success.

Join us in this comprehensive exploration of option assignment, arming traders of all experience levels with the knowledge to sail these intricate seas with assuredness and accuracy.

What you’ll learn

What is Options Assignment?

How options assignment works, identifying option assignment , examples of option assignment, managing and mitigating assignment risks, what option assignment means for individual traders.

  • Conclusion 

Dive into the realm of options trading and you’ll find a tapestry of processes and potential. “Options assignment” is one pivotal cog in this intricate machine. To a newcomer, this term might seem a tad daunting. But a step-by-step walk-through can demystify its core.

In its simplest form, options assignment means carrying out the rights specified in an option contract. Holding an option allows a trader the choice to buy or sell a particular asset, but there’s no compulsion. The moment they opt to use this right, that’s when options assignment kicks in.

Think of it this way: You’ve got a ticket (option) to a show (buy or sell an asset). You decide if and when to attend. When you make the move, that transition is the options assignment.

There are two main types of option assignments:

  • Call Option Assignment : Triggered when a call option holder exercises their right. The seller of the option then steps into the spotlight, bound to sell the asset at the agreed-upon price.
  • Put Option Assignment : Conversely, if a put option holder steps forward, the seller of the put takes the stage. Their role? To buy the asset at the specified rate.

To truly grasp options assignment, one must understand the dance between rights and obligations in options trading.

When a trader buys an option, they’re essentially reserving a right, a possible move. On the other hand, selling an option translates to accepting a duty if the option’s holder chooses to play their card.

Rights with Call Options: Buying a call option grants you a special privilege. You can procure the underlying asset at a set price before the option expires. If you choose to exercise this right, the one who sold you the call gets assigned. Their task? Handing over the asset at that set price.

Obligations with Put Options: Securing a put option empowers you to sell the underlying at a pre-decided rate. Should you exercise this, the put’s seller steps up, committed to buying the asset at the given rate.

Several factors steer the course of options assignment, including intrinsic value, looming expiration dates, and current market vibes. To stay ahead of these influences, many traders utilize option trade alerts for timely insights. And remember, while many options might find buyers, not all see execution. Hence, not every seller will get assigned. For traders, understanding this rhythm is vital, shaping many strategies in options trading. 

In the multifaceted world of options trading, discerning option assignment straddles the line between art and science. While no technique guarantees surefire results, several pointers and signals can wave a flag, hinting at an impending assignment.

In-the-Money Options : A robust sign of a looming assignment is the option’s stance relative to its strike price. “In-the-money” refers to an option’s moneyness , and plays a pivotal role in the behavior of option holders. Deeply in-the-money (ITM) options amplify the odds of assignment. An ITM call option, where the market price of the asset towers above the strike price, encourages the holder to exercise and swiftly offload the asset on the market. Conversely, an ITM put option, where the market price trails significantly behind the strike price, incentivizes the holder to scoop up the asset in the market and then exercise the option to vend it at the loftier strike price.

Expiration’s Shadow: The ticking clock of an expiring option raises the assignment stakes, especially if it remains ITM. Many traders make their move just before the eleventh hour to capitalize on their gains.

Dividend Dates in Focus: Call options inching toward expiry ahead of a dividend date, especially if they’re ITM, stand at an elevated assignment crosshair. Option aficionados might play their call options to pocket the dividend, which they’d bag if they possess the core shares.

Extrinsic Value’s Decline : A diminishing time or extrinsic value of an option elevates its exercise odds. When intrinsic value dominates an option’s worth, a holder might be inclined to cash in on this value.

Volume & Open Interest Dynamics : A sudden surge in trading or a dip in open interest can be telltale signs. Understanding volume’s role is crucial as such fluctuations might hint at traders either hopping in or out, suggesting possible exercises and assignments. 

Navigating the Post-Assignment Terrain

Grasping the ripple effects of option assignment is vital, highlighting the immediate responsibilities and potential paths for both the buyer and seller.

For the Option Seller:

  • Call Option Assignment : For a trader who’s sold a call option, assignment means they’re on the hook to hand over the underlying shares at the strike price. If they’re short on shares, a market purchase is in order—potentially at a loss if market prices overshoot the strike.
  • Put Option Assignment: Assignment on a peddled put option necessitates the trader to buy the shares at the strike price . If this price overshadows the market rate, losses loom.

For the Option Buyer:

  • Call Option Play : Exercising a call lets the buyer snap up shares at the strike price. They can either nestle with them or trade them off.
  • Put Option Play: Exercising a put gives the buyer the reins to sell their shares at the strike price. This play often pays off when the market rate is dwarfed by the strike, ensuring a tidy profit on the dispensed shares.

Post-assignment, all involved must be on their toes, knowing what triggers margin calls , especially if caught off-guard by the assignment. Tax implications may also hover, influenced by the trade’s nature and the tenure of the position.

Being savvy about these subtleties and gearing up for possible turns of events can drastically refine one’s journey through the options trading maze. 

Call Option Assignment Scenario

Imagine an investor purchases an Nvidia ( NVDA ) call option at a strike price of $435, hoping that the price of the stock will ascend after finding out that they may be forced to move out of some countries . The option is set to expire in a month. Soon after, not only did NVDA rebound from the news, but they reported very strong quarterly earnings, propelling the stock to $455.

Spotting the favorable trend, the investor opts to wield their right to purchase the stock at the agreed strike price of $435, despite its $455 market value. This initiates the option assignment.

The other investor, having sold the option, must now part with their NVDA shares at $435 apiece. If they’re short on stocks, they’d have to fetch them at the going rate of $455 and let them go at a deficit. The first investor, however, stands at a crossroads: retain the shares in hopes of further gains or swiftly trade them at $455, reaping a neat sum. 

Put Option Assignment Scenario

Let’s visualize an investor who speculates a dip in the share price of V.F. Corporation ( VFC ) after seeing news about an activist investor causing shares to jump almost 14% in a day . To hedge their bets, they secures a put option from another investor at a strike price of $18.50, set to lapse in a month.

Fast forward a week, let’s say VFC divulges lackluster quarterly figures, causing the stock to dive to $10. The first investor, seizing the moment, employs their put option, electing to sell their shares at the $18.50 strike price.

When the assignment bell tolls, the other investor finds himself bound to buy the shares from the first investor at the agreed $18.50, a rate that overshadows the current $10 market value. The first investor thus sidesteps the market slump, securing a favorable sale. The other investor, however, absorbs a loss, acquiring stocks at a premium to their market worth.

The realm of options trading is akin to navigating a dynamic river, demanding a sharp comprehension of the risks that lie beneath its surface. A predominant risk that traders often encounter is assignment risk. When one assumes the role of an option seller, they inherit the duty to honor the contract if the buyer opts to exercise. Grasping the gravity of this can make the difference, underscoring the necessity of adept risk management.

A savvy approach to temper assignment risk is by keeping a vigilant eye on the extrinsic value of options. Generally, options rich in extrinsic value tend to resist early assignment. This resistance emerges as the extrinsic value dwindles when the option dives deeper in-the-money, thereby tempting the holder to exercise.

Furthermore, economic currents, ranging from niche corporate updates to sweeping market tides, can be triggers for option assignments. Staying attuned to these economic ripples equips traders with the vision needed to either tweak or maintain their positions. For example, traders may opt to sidestep selling options that are deeply in-the-money, given their higher susceptibility to assignments due to their shrinking extrinsic value.

Incorporating spread tactics, like vertical spreads  or iron condors, furnishes an added shield. These strategies can dampen the risk of assignment since one part of the spread frequently balances the risk of its counterpart. Should the specter of a short option assignment hover, traders might contemplate ‘rolling out’ their stance. This move entails repurchasing the short option and subsequently selling another, possibly at a varied strike rate or a more distant expiry.

Yet, despite these protective layers, it remains pivotal for traders to brace for possible assignments. Maintaining ample liquidity, be it in capital or necessary shares, can avert unfavorable scenarios like hasty liquidations or stiff margin charges. Engaging regularly with brokers can also shed light, occasionally offering a heads-up on looming assignments.

In conclusion, the bedrock of risk management in options trading is rooted in perpetual learning. As traders hone their craft, their adeptness at forecasting and navigating assignment risks sharpens.

In the intricate world of options trading, option assignments aren’t just nuanced details; they’re pivotal moments with deep-seated implications for individual traders and the health of their portfolios. Beyond the immediate financial aftermath, assignments can reshape trading plans, risk dynamics, and the overarching path of an investor’s journey.

At its core, option assignments can transform a trader’s asset landscape. Consider a trader who’s short on a call option. If they’re assigned, they might be compelled to supply the underlying stock. This can result in a rapid stock outflow from their portfolio or, if they don’t possess the stock, birth a short stock stance. On the flip side, a trader short on a put option who faces assignment may find themselves buying the stock at the strike price, thereby dipping into their cash reserves.

These immediate shifts can generate broader portfolio ripples. An unexpected gain or shedding of stocks can jostle a trader’s asset distribution, veering it off their envisioned path. If, for instance, a trader had charted a particular stock-to-cash distribution or a meticulous diversification blueprint, an option assignment might throw a spanner in the works.

Additionally, assignments can serve as a real-world litmus test for a trader’s risk-handling prowess . A surprise assignment might spark margin calls for those not sufficiently fortified with capital. It stands as a poignant nudge about the essence of ensuring liquidity and safeguarding against the unpredictable whims of the market.

Strategically speaking, recurrent assignments might signal it’s time for traders to recalibrate. Are the options they’re offloading too submerged in-the-money? Have they factored in pivotal market shifts that might heighten early exercise odds? Such reflective moments can pave the way for refining and elevating trading methods. 

In the multifaceted world of options trading, option assignment stands out as both a potential boon and a challenge. Far from being a simple checkbox in the process, its ramifications can mold the contours of a trader’s portfolio and steer long-term tactics. The importance of comprehending and adeptly managing option assignment resonates, whether you’re dipping your toes into options for the first time or weaving through intricate trades with seasoned expertise. 

Furthermore, mastering options trading is about integrating its myriad concepts into a cohesive playbook. Whether it’s differentiating trading strategies like the iron condor from the iron butterfly strategy or delving deep into the nuances of option assignments, each component enriches the narrative of a trader’s odyssey. As markets shift and new hurdles arise, a solid grasp of foundational principles remains an invaluable asset. In this perpetual dance of learning and evolution, may your trading maneuvers always be well-informed, proactive, and adept. 

Understanding Options Assignment: FAQs

What factors influence the likelihood of an option being assigned.

Several factors come into play, including the option’s intrinsic value , the time remaining until expiration, and upcoming dividend announcements. Options that are deep in the money or nearing their expiration date are more likely to be assigned.

Are Some Option Styles More Prone to Assignment than Others?

Absolutely. When considering different option styles , it’s essential to note that American-style options can be exercised at any point before their expiration, which means they face a higher risk of early assignment. In contrast, European-style options can only be exercised at expiration.

How Do Current Market Trends Impact Assignment Risk?

Factors like market volatility, notable price shifts, and external economic happenings can amplify the chances of an option being assigned. For example, an option might be assigned before a company’s ex-dividend date if the expected dividend outweighs the weakening of theta decay .

Can Traders Reverse or Counter the Effects of an Option Assignment?

Once an option has been assigned, it’s set in stone. However, traders can maneuver within the market to balance out the implications of the assignment, such as procuring or selling the underlying asset.

Are There Any Fees Tied to Option Assignments?

Indeed, brokers usually impose a fee for both assignments and exercises. The specific fee can differ depending on the broker, making it essential for traders to understand their brokerage’s charging scheme.

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Option Assignment: What It Is, How to Avoid It, and Examples

B. James

  • January 3, 2023
  • Options and Derivatives

Options assignment is a must-know concept for anyone trading options, especially those selling them. It’s the process by which an option seller can be held to their contract terms — and it has risks.

We’ll go over what you need to know about the mechanics of assignment, why it occurs, and your exposure when selling options.

What is option assignment?

When an option holder decides to exercise their option, they’ll first need to notify their broker. This will trigger a notification of assignment to the writer (seller) of said option and force them to fulfill their side of the trade – be it buying or selling the underlying asset at whatever price is agreed upon.

For instance, let’s say that Dave holds a call option on XYZ stock with a strike price of $50. With XYZ currently trading at $55 a share, Dave decides to exercise his option – meaning he wants to exercise his right to buy 100 shares at $50.

The broker would then randomly assign an option seller – who would then be obligated to sell XYZ stock to Dave at the agreed-upon price of $50 a share.

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Reasons for assignment

At expiration, traders still holding short, in-the-money options often receive an unpleasant surprise – being forced to fulfill the terms of their contract. If you had a short put option, your assignment would mean buying stock – if a call option, you’ll be selling shares.

Though it’s not common, early assignment on options trades is still a possibility. Specifically for illiquid contracts that have wide bid/ask spreads or those with upcoming dividend payments – so best to keep an eye out!

  • Expiration: Most likely reason for an assignment. Any short, in-the-money options are nearly guaranteed to be assigned. Most brokers will automatically exercise their customers’ options even if they are just a penny in-the-money.
  • Wide spread: For an option holder, exercising early isn’t usually a preferred course of action. However, in certain cases—such as when the bid/ask spread is too wide due to illiquidity—they may have no choice but to exercise if they want to get any value out of their contract.
  • Dividend risk: Short, in-the-money (ITM) call options are at risk of being assigned early if the underlying stock pays a dividend. This risk is greatest when the dividend amount is higher than the extrinsic value left in the contract.

How to avoid option assignment

If you’re the writer (seller) of an option, a guaranteed way to avoid assignment is by closing out the option contract. If you no longer hold it, there’s no risk someone will assign it to you.

Another way to avoid assignment is by rolling your option. This means you would close out the current contract and open a new one at an expiry further in time or with a strike further out-of-the-money. It could take some practice, but it’s worth understanding if you want more control over how your options are managed!

  • OTM expiration: Out-of-the-money options will expire worthless upon expiration. An option holder has up to 90 minutes after market close to exercise – so it’s best to close the option prior to the bell to avoid any surprise assignments.
  • Rolling: Rolling an option is the process of closing your current position while simultaneously opening a new one. If the option is about to expire, you would be buying back the current option while simultaneously selling a new one further out in time. You could also choose to move it to a new strike and improve the probabilities.
  • Exit the trade: One surefire way you can avoid getting assigned is by closing your option. That’ll make it impossible for anyone to assign a contract to you!

Does option assignment count as a day trade?

In general, a day trade is defined as the opening and closing of a security on the same trading day. However, the exercise or assignment of an option contract does not count as a day trade.

What is dividend risk ?

Dividend risk is only a consideration for short, in-the-money call options on an underlying which pays dividends . It’s most likely to occur on the ex-dividend date for the stock on options with less extrinsic value left than the dividend being paid.

Most traders would find the extrinsic value left in the call option by using the value of the corresponding put. In the example below, let’s assume the stock goes ex-dividend tomorrow and pays a 26-cent dividend.

what is assignment of option

If we had sold the 18-strike call, using the put we can quickly see it has roughly 7 cents of extrinsic value. Since the dividend is higher than the extrinsic value, this option is at high risk of being assigned early.

Any in-the-money call option that has less extrinsic value than the amount of the dividend, may be at risk of early assignment. This could be avoided by exiting the option prior to the ex-dividend date, or by rolling the option to an expiration or strike less likely to be assigned.

Options assignment is a potential risk of options writing. In many situations, it can be avoided but needs to be fully understood to manage effectively.

By understanding the basics of options assignment, why it happens, and ways to avoid it; you can rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for anything. So next time option assignment comes knocking, you’ll be ready!

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Exercising your options

what is assignment of option

Managing an options trade is quite different from that of a stock trade. Essentially, there are 4 things you can do if you own options: hold them, exercise them, roll the contract, or let them expire. If you sell options, you can also be assigned.

If you are an active investor trading options with some percentage of your overall investment funds, here’s how you can evaluate the available choices for an options trade.

Holding your options

During the life of an options contract you’ve purchased, you can simply hold them (i.e., take no action). Suppose you own call options (which grant the right, but not the obligation, to buy a specified amount of an underlying stock at a specified strike price up and until a specified expiration date) and you believe the underlying stock price will rise within the time remaining until expiration. In this scenario, you would hold the option so that they increase in value over time.

The primary objective of this approach is potential appreciation of the option (based on the underlying stock rising and/or an increase in expected volatility for the underlying stock using our example of buying a call), in addition to delaying additional cost of buying the stock or any tax implications after you exercise the options.

To exercise an option means to take action on the right to buy or sell the underlying position in an options contract at the predetermined strike price, at or before expiration. The order to exercise your options depends on the position you have. For example, if you bought to open call options, you would exercise the same call options by contacting your brokerage company and giving your instructions to exercise the call options (to buy the underlying stock at the strike price).

There are a variety of reasons why you might choose to exercise options before they expire (assuming they are in the money, which means they have value). In addition to wanting to capture realized gains on your options, you may want to exercise:

Be aware that closing out an options position triggers a taxable event, so you would want to consider the tax implications and the timing of closing a trade on your specific situation. You should consult your tax advisor if you have additional questions.

In sum, there are many scenarios that might cause you to want to exercise your options before expiration, and they depend primarily on your outlook for the underlying stock and your objectives/risk constraints.

Employee stock plan options

There are additional choices you can make when exercising employee stock plan options . 1  These include:

  • Exercise-and-hold (cash-for-stock)
  • Exercise-and-sell-to-cover
  • Exercise-and-sell

Rolling your options

Before expiration—and, more commonly, near the end of the contract—you can also choose to roll the contract. This involves closing out your existing options position (by selling to close a long position or buying to close a short position) that is about to expire and simultaneously purchasing a substantially similar options position, only with a later expiration date. You might want to roll out your position if you want to have the same options exposure after your contract is set to expire.

In a covered call position, for example, you can also roll up, roll down, or roll out. This involves closing out your existing short options position that is about to expire, and simultaneously selling another options position, typically with a later expiration date. While there are differences among these choices, the objective is the same: to obtain similar exposure to an existing position.

If you sell an option, you have an obligation to sell stock if you are short a call, and an obligation to buy stock if you are short a put. The owner of call or put options has the right to assign the contract to the seller. This is known as assignment.

Assignment occurs when the buyer exercises an options contract on or before expiration, and the seller must fulfill the obligation by either buying or selling the underlying security at the exercise price. As a seller of options, you can be assigned at any time prior to expiration regardless of the underlying share price—meaning you might have to receive or deliver shares of the underlying stock.

Depending on your position, settlement can occur in a variety of ways. If you are assigned on a covered call, for example, the shares you own will be sold automatically.

Let the options expire

Remember, options have an expiration date. They either have intrinsic value (for calls, the stock is above the strike price, and for puts, the stock is below the strike price) or they will expire worthless. If the options have intrinsic value, you should plan to exercise at or before expiration, or anticipate having it automatically exercised at expiration if in the money. If they do not have intrinsic value, you can simply let your options expire. Of course, letting options expire can also have tax consequences.

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Assignment in Options Trading

Introduction articles, what is an options assignment.

In options trading , an assignment occurs when an option is exercised.   

As we know, a buyer of an option has the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset depending on what option they have purchased. When the buyer exercises this right, the seller will be assigned and will have to deliver or take delivery of what they are contractually obliged to. For stock options, it is typically 1 , 000 shares per contract for the UK ; and 100 shares per contract in the US.   

As you can see, a buyer will never be assigned, only the seller is at risk of assignment. The buyer, however, may be auto exercised if the option expires in-the-money .

The Mechanics of Assignment

Assignment of options isn’t a random process. It’s a methodical procedure that follows specific steps, typically beginning with the option holder’s decision to exercise their option. The decision then gets routed through various intermediaries like brokers and clearing +houses before the seller is notified.

  • Exercise by Holder: The holder (buyer) of the option exercises their right to buy (for Call ) or sell (for Put ).
  • Random Assignment by a Clearing House: A clearing house assigns the obligation randomly among all sellers of the option.
  • Fulfilment by the Writer: The writer (seller) now must fulfill the obligation to sell (for Call) or buy (for Put) the underlying asset.

Option Assignments: Calls and Puts

Call option assignments.

When a call option holder chooses to exercise their right, the seller of the call option gets assigned. In such a situation, the seller is obligated to sell the underlying asset at the strike price to the call option holder.

Put Option Assignments

Similarly, if a put option holder decides to exercise their right, the put option seller gets assigned. The seller is then obligated to buy the underlying asset at the strike price from the put option holder.

The Implications of Assignments for Options Traders

Understanding assignment in options trading is crucial as it comes with potential risks and rewards for both parties involved.

For Option Sellers

Option sellers, or ‘writers,’ face the risk of unexpected assignments. The risk of being assigned early is especially present for options that are in the money or near their expiration date. We explain the difference between American and European assignments below.

For Option Holders

For option holders, deciding when to exercise an option (potentially leading to assignment) is a strategic decision. This decision must consider factors such as the intrinsic value of the option, the time value, and the dividend payment of the underlying asset.

Can Options be assigned before expiration?

In short, Yes, but it depends on the style of options you are trading. 

American Style – Yes, this type of option can be assigned on or before expiry. 

European Style – No, this type of option can only be assigned on the expiry date as defined in the contract specifications.

Options Assignment Example

For example, an investor buys XYZ PLC 400 call when the stock is trading at 385. The stock in the coming weeks rises to 425 after some good news, the buyer then decides to exercise their right early to buy the XYZ PLC stock at 400.  

In this scenario, the call seller (writer) has been assigned and will have to deliver stock at 400 to the buyer (sell their stock at 400 when the prevailing market is 425).   

An option typically would only be assigned if it is in the money, considering factors like dividends which do play an important role in exercise/assignments.

Can an Options Assignment be Prevented?

Assignment can sometimes come as a bit of a surprise but normally you should see it coming. You can only work to prevent assignment by closing the option before expiry or before any possible risk of assignment.

Managing Risks in Options Trading

While options trading can offer high returns, it is not devoid of risks. Therefore, understanding and managing these risks is key.  

Buyers Risk: The premium paid for an option is at risk. If the option is not profitable at expiration, the premium is lost.  

Writers Risk: The writer takes on a much larger risk. If a call option is assigned, they must sell the underlying asset at the strike price, even if its market price is higher.

Options Assignment Summary

The concept of ‘assignment’ in options trading, although complex, is a cornerstone of understanding options trading. It not only clarifies the responsibilities of an options seller but also helps the traders to gauge and manage their risks more effectively. Successful trading involves not just knowing your options but also understanding your obligations.

Options Assignment FAQs

What is options assignment.

Options assignment refers to the process by which the seller (writer) of an options contract is obligated to fulfill their contractual obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset, as specified by the terms of the options contract.

When does options assignment occur?

Options assignment can occur when the buyer of the options contract exercises their right to buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) the underlying asset before or at expiration .

How does options assignment work?

When a buyer exercises their options contract, a clearing house randomly assigns a seller who is short (has written) the same options contract to fulfill the obligations of the exercise.

What happens to the seller upon options assignment?

If assigned, the seller (writer) of the options contract is obligated to fulfill their contractual obligation by buying or selling the underlying asset at the specified price (strike price) per the terms of the options contract.

Can options be assigned before expiration?

Yes, options can be assigned at any time (depending on contract type) before expiration if the buyer chooses to exercise their right. However, it is more common for options to be assigned closer to expiration as the time value diminishes.

What factors determine options assignment?

Options assignment is determined by the buyer’s decision to exercise their options contract. They may choose to exercise if the options contract is in-the- money and it is financially advantageous for them to do so.

How can I avoid options assignment? 

As a seller (writer) of options contracts, you can avoid assignment by closing your position before expiration through a closing trade (buying back the options contract) or rolling it over to a future expiration date.

What happens if I am assigned on a short call option?

If assigned on a short call option, you are obligated to sell the underlying asset at the specified price (strike price). This means you would need to deliver the shares . To fulfill this obligation, you may need to buy the shares in the open market if you do not hold them .

What happens if I am assigned on a short put option?

If assigned on a short put option, you are obligated to buy the underlying asset at the specified price (strike price). This means you would need to purchase the shares .  

How does options assignment affect my account?

Options assignment can impact your account by requiring you to fulfill the obligations of the assigned options contract, which may involve buying or selling the underlying asset. It is important to have sufficient funds or margin available to cover these obligations.

OptionsDesk Tips & Considerations

You should always have enough funds in your account to cover any assignment risk. If you have a short call position and it is in-the-money at the time of an ex-dividend be aware of extra assignment risk here as buyer/holder of the option may look to exercise to qualify for the dividend. Assignments can happen at any time!

Check out our other articles

what is assignment of option

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The Risks of Options Assignment

what is assignment of option

Any trader holding a short option position should understand the risks of early assignment. An early assignment occurs when a trader is forced to buy or sell stock when the short option is exercised by the long option holder. Understanding how assignment works can help a trader take steps to reduce their potential losses.

Understanding the basics of assignment

An option gives the owner the right but not the obligation to buy or sell stock at a set price. An assignment forces the short options seller to take action. Here are the main actions that can result from an assignment notice:

  • Short call assignment: The option seller must sell shares of the underlying stock at the strike price.
  • Short put assignment: The option seller must buy shares of the underlying stock at the strike price.

For traders with long options positions, it's possible to choose to exercise the option, buying or selling according to the contract before it expires. With a long call exercise, shares of the underlying stock are bought at the strike price while a long put exercise results in selling shares of the underlying stock at the strike price.

When a trader might get assigned

There are two components to the price of an option: intrinsic 1 and extrinsic 2  value. In the case of exercising an in-the-money 3 (ITM) long call, a trader would buy the stock at the strike price, which is lower than its prevailing price. In the case of a long put that isn't being used as a hedge for a long stock position, the trader shorts the stock for a price higher than its prevailing price. A trader only captures an ITM option's intrinsic value if they sell the stock (after exercising a long call) or buy the stock (after exercising a long put) immediately upon exercise.

Without taking these actions, a trader takes on the risks associated with holding a long or short stock position. The question of whether a short option might be assigned depends on if there's a perceived benefit to a trader exercising a long option that another trader has short. One way to attempt to gauge if an option could be potentially assigned is to consider the associated dividend. An options seller might be more likely to get assigned on a short call for an upcoming ex-dividend if its time value is less than the dividend. It's more likely to get assigned holding a short put if the time value has mostly decayed or if the put is deep ITM and close to expiration with a wide bid/ask spread on the stock.

It's possible to view this information on the Trade page of the thinkorswim ® trading platform. Review past dividends, the price of the short call, and the price of the put at the call's strike price. While past performance cannot be relied upon to continue, this information can help a trader determine whether assignment is more or less likely.

Reducing the risk associated with assignment

If a trader has a covered call that's ITM and it's assigned, the trader will deliver the long stock out of their account to cover the assignment.

A trader with a call vertical spread 4 where both options are ITM and the ex-dividend date is approaching may want to exercise the long option component before the ex-dividend date to have long stock to deliver against the potential assignment of the short call. The trader could also close the ITM call vertical spread before the ex-dividend date. It might be cheaper to pay the fees to close the trade.

Another scenario is a call vertical spread where the ITM option is short and the out-of-the-money (OTM) option is long. In this case, the trader may consider closing the position or rolling it to a further expiration before the ex-dividend date. This move can possibly help the trader avoid having short stock on the ex-dividend date and being liable for the dividend.

Depending on the situation, a trader long an ITM call might decide it's better to close the trade ahead of the ex-dividend date. On the ex-dividend date, the price of the stock drops by the amount of the dividend. The drop in the stock price offsets what a trader would've earned on the dividend and there would still be fees on top of the price of the put.

Assess the risk

When an option is converted to stock through exercise or assignment, the position's risk profile changes. This change could increase the margin requirements, or subject a trader to a margin call, 5 or both. This can happen at or before expiration during early assignment. The exercise of a long option position can be more likely to trigger a margin call since naked short option trades typically carry substantial margin requirements.

Even with early exercise, a trader can still be assigned on a short option any time prior to the option's expiration.

1  The intrinsic value of an options contract is determined based on whether it's in the money if it were to be exercised immediately. It is a measure of the strike price as compared to the underlying security's market price. For a call option, the strike price should be lower than the underlying's market price to have intrinsic value. For a put option the strike price should be higher than underlying's market price to have intrinsic value.

2  The extrinsic value of an options contract is determined by factors other than the price of the underlying security, such as the dividend rate of the underlying, time remaining on the contract, and the volatility of the underlying. Sometimes it's referred to as the time value or premium value.

3  Describes an option with intrinsic value (not just time value). A call option is in the money (ITM) if the underlying asset's price is above the strike price. A put option is ITM if the underlying asset's price is below the strike price. For calls, it's any strike lower than the price of the underlying asset. For puts, it's any strike that's higher.

4  The simultaneous purchase of one call option and sale of another call option at a different strike price, in the same underlying, in the same expiration month.

5  A margin call is issued when the account value drops below the maintenance requirements on a security or securities due to a drop in the market value of a security or when buying power is exceeded. Margin calls may be met by depositing funds, selling stock, or depositing securities. A broker may forcibly liquidate all or part of the account without prior notice, regardless of intent to satisfy a margin call, in the interests of both parties.

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Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the options disclosure document titled  Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before considering any options transaction. Supporting documentation for any claims or statistical information is available upon request.

With long options, investors may lose 100% of funds invested.

Spread trading must be done in a margin account.

Multiple leg options strategies will involve multiple commissions.

Commissions, taxes and transaction costs are not included in this discussion, but can affect final outcome and should be considered. Please contact a tax advisor for the tax implications involved in these strategies.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.

Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

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Understanding assignment risk in Level 3 and 4 options strategies

E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley

With all options strategies that contain a short option position, an investor or trader needs to keep in mind the consequences of having that option assigned , either at expiration or early (i.e., prior to expiration). Remember that, in principle, with American-style options a short position can be assigned to you at any time. On this page, we’ll run through the results and possible responses for various scenarios where a trader may be left with a short position following an assignment.

Before we look at specifics, here’s an important note about risk related to out-of-the-money options: Normally, you would not receive an assignment on an option that expires out of the money. However, even if a short position appears to be out of the money, it might still be assigned to you if the stock were to move against you just prior to expiration or in extended aftermarket or weekend trading hours. The only way to eliminate this risk is to buy-to-close the short option.

  • Short (naked) calls

Credit call spreads

Credit put spreads, debit call spreads, debit put spreads.

  • When all legs are in-the-money or all are out-of-the-money at expiration

Another important note : In any case where you close out an options position, the standard contract fee (commission) will be charged unless the trade qualifies for the E*TRADE Dime Buyback Program . There is no contract fee or commission when an option is assigned to you.

Short (naked) call

If you experience an early assignment.

An early assignment is most likely to happen if the call option is deep in the money and the stock’s ex-dividend date is close to the option expiration date.

If your account does not hold the shares needed to cover the obligation, an early assignment would create a short stock position in your account. This may incur borrowing fees and make you responsible for any dividend payments.

Also note that if you hold a short call on a stock that has a dividend payment coming in the near future, you may be responsible for paying the dividend even if you close the position before it expires.

An early assignment generally happens when the put option is deep in the money and the underlying stock does not have an ex-dividend date between the current time and the expiration of the option.

Short call + long call

(The same principles apply to both two-leg and four-leg strategies)

This would leave your account short the shares you’ve been assigned, but the risk of the position would not change . The long call still functions to cover the short share position. Typically, you would buy shares to cover the short and simultaneously sell the long leg of the spread.

Pay attention to short in-the-money call legs on the day prior to the stock’s ex-dividend date, because an assignment that evening would put you in a short stock position where you are responsible for paying the dividend. If there’s a risk of early assignment, consider closing the spread.

Short put + long put

Early assignment would leave your account long the shares you’ve been assigned. If your account does not have enough buying power to purchase the shares when they are assigned, this may create a Fed call in your account.

However, the long put still functions to cover the position because it gives you the right to sell shares at the long put strike price. Typically, you would sell the shares in the market and close out the long put simultaneously.

Here's a call example

  • Let’s say that you’re short a 100 call and long a 110 call on XYZ stock; both legs are in-the-money.
  • You receive an assignment notification on your short 100 call, meaning you sell 100 shares of XYZ stock at 100. Now, you have $10,000 in short stock proceeds, your account is short 100 shares of stock, and you still hold the long 110 call.
  • Exercise your long 110 call, which would cover the short stock position in your account.
  • Or, buy 100 shares of XYZ stock (to cover your short stock position) and sell to close the long 110 call.

Here's a put example:

  • Let’s say that you’re short a 105 put and long a 95 put on XYZ stock; the short leg is in-the-money.
  • You receive an assignment notification on your short 105 put, meaning you buy 100 shares of XYZ stock at 105. Now, your account has been debited $10,500 for the stock purchase, you hold 100 shares of stock, and you still hold the long 95 put.
  • The debit in your account may be subject to margin charges or even a Fed call, but your risk profile has not changed.
  • You can sell to close 100 shares of stock and sell to close the long 95 put.

Long call + short call

Debit spreads have the same early assignment risk as credit spreads only if the short leg is in-the-money.

An early assignment would leave your account short the shares you’ve been assigned, but the risk of the position would not change . The long call still functions to cover the short share position. Typically, you would buy shares to cover the short share position and simultaneously sell the remaining long leg of the spread.

Long put + short put

An early assignment would leave your account long the shares you’ve been assigned. If your account does not have enough buying power to purchase the shares when they are assigned, this may create a Fed call in your account.

All spreads that have a short leg

(when all legs are in-the-money or all are out-of-the-money)

Pay attention to short in-the-money call legs on the day prior to the stock’s ex-dividend date because an assignment that evening would put you in a short stock position where you are responsible for paying the dividend. If there’s a risk of early assignment, consider closing the spread.

However, the long put still functions to cover the long stock position because it gives you the right to sell shares at the long put strike price. Typically, you would sell the shares in the market and close out the long put simultaneously. 

What to read next...

How to buy call options, how to buy put options, potentially protect a stock position against a market drop, looking to expand your financial knowledge.

Mike Martin

Option exercise and assignment explained w/ visuals.

  • Categories: Options Trading

Last updated on February 11th, 2022 , 06:38 am

Buyers of options have the right to exercise their option at or before the option’s expiration. When an option is exercised, the option holder will buy (for exercised calls) or sell (for exercised puts) 100 shares of stock per contract at the option’s strike price.

Conversely, when an option is exercised, a trader who is short the option will be assigned 100 long (for short puts) or short (for short calls) shares per contract.

  • Long American style options can exercise their contract at any time.
  • Long calls transfer to +100 shares of stock
  • Long puts transfer to -100 shares of stock
  • Short calls are assigned -100 shares of stock.
  • Short puts are assigned +100 shares of stock.
  • Options are typically only exercised and thus assigned when extrinsic value is very low.
  • Approximately only 7% of options are exercised.

The following sequences summarize exercise and assignment for calls and puts (assuming one option contract ):

Call Buyer Exercises Option   ➜  Purchases 100 shares at the call’s strike price.

Call Seller Assigned  ➜  Sells/shorts 100 shares at the call’s strike price.

Put Buyer Exercises Option  ➜  Sells/shorts 100 shares at the put’s strike price.

Put Seller Assigned   ➜  Purchases 100 shares at the put’s strike price.

Let’s look at some specific examples to drill down on this concept.

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Exercise and Assignment Examples

In the following table, we’ll examine how various options convert to stock positions for the option buyer and seller:

exercise assign table 1

As you can see, exercise and assignment is pretty straightforward: when an option buyer exercises their option, they purchase (calls) or sell (puts) 100 shares of stock at the strike price . A trader who is short the assigned option is obligated to fulfill the opposite position as the option exerciser. 

Automatic Exercise at Expiration

Another important thing to know about exercise and assignment is that standard in-the-money equity options are automatically exercised at expiration. So, traders may end up with stock positions by letting their options expire in-the-money.

An in-the-money option is defined as any option with at least $0.01 of intrinsic value at expiration . For example, a standard equity call option with a strike price of 100 would be automatically exercised into 100 shares of stock if the stock price is at $100.01 or higher at expiration.

What if You Don't Have Enough Available Capital?

Even if you don’t have enough capital in your account, you can still be assigned or automatically exercised into a stock position. For example, if you only have $10,000 in your account but you let one 500 call expire in-the-money, you’ll be long 100 shares of a $500 stock, which is a $50,000 position. Clearly, the $10,000 in your account isn’t enough to buy $50,000 worth of stock, even on 4:1 margin.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, your brokerage firm will come knocking almost instantaneously. In fact, your brokerage firm will close the position for you if you don’t close the position quickly enough.

Why Options are Rarely Exercised

At this point, you understand the basics of exercise and assignment. Now, let’s dive a little deeper and discuss what an option buyer forfeits when they exercise their option.

When an option is exercised, the option is converted into long or short shares of stock. However, it’s important to note that the option buyer will lose the extrinsic value of the option when they exercise the option. Because of this, options with lots of extrinsic value remaining are unlikely to be exercised. Conversely, options consisting of all intrinsic value and very little extrinsic value are more likely to be exercised.

The following table demonstrates the losses from exercising an option with various amounts of extrinsic value:

exercise table

As we can see here, exercising options with lots of extrinsic value is not favorable. 

Why? Consider the 95 call trading for $7. Exercising the call would result in an effective purchase price of $102 because shares are bought at $95, but $7 was paid for the right to buy shares at $95. 

With an effective purchase price of $102 and the stock trading for $100, exercising the option results in a loss of $2 per share, or $200 on 100 shares.

Even if the 95 call was previously purchased for less than $7, exercising an option with $2 of extrinsic value will always result in a P/L that’s $200 lower (per contract) than the current P/L. F

or example, if the trader initially purchased the 95 call for $2, their P/L with the option at $7 would be $500 per contract. However, if the trader decided to exercise the 95 call with $2 of extrinsic value, their P/L would drop to +$300 because they just gave up $200 by exercising.

7% Of Options Are Exercised

Because of the fact that traders give up money by exercising an option with extrinsic value, most options are not exercised. In fact, according to the Options Clearing Corporation,  only 7% of options were exercised in 2017 . Of course, this may not factor in all brokerage firms and customer accounts, but it still demonstrates a low exercise rate from a large sample size of trading accounts.

So, in almost all cases, it’s more beneficial to sell the long option and buy or sell shares instead of exercising. We like to call this approach a “synthetic exercise.”

Congrats! You’ve learned the basics of exercise and assignment. If you’d like to know how the exercise and assignment process actually works, continue to the next section!

Who Gets Assigned When an Option is Exercised?

With thousands of traders long and short options in the market, who actually gets assigned when one of the traders exercises their option?

In this section, we’ll run through the exercise and assignment process for options so you know how the assignment decision occurs.

If a trader is short a single option, how do they get assigned if one of a thousand other traders exercises that option?

The short answer is that the process is random. For example, if there are 5,000 traders who are long a call option and 5,000 traders who are short that call option, an account with the short option will be randomly assigned the exercise notice. The random process ensures that the option assignment system is fair

Visualizing Assignment and Exercise

The following visual describes the general process of exercise and assignment:

Exercise assign process

If you’d like, you can read the OCC’s detailed assignment procedure here  (warning: it’s intense!).

Now you know how the assignment procedure works. In the final section, we’ll discuss how to quickly gauge the likelihood of early assignment on short options.

Assessing Early Option Assignment Risk

The final piece of understanding exercise and assignment is gauging the risk of early assignment on a short option.

As mentioned early, only 7% of options were exercised in 2017 (according to the OCC). So, being assigned on short options is rare, but it does happen. While a specific probability of getting assigned early can’t be determined, there are scenarios in which assignment is more or less likely.

The following scenarios summarize  broad generalizations  of early assignment probabilities in various scenarios:

Assessing Assignment Risk

In regards to the dividend scenario, early assignment on in-the-money short calls with less extrinsic value than the dividend is more likely because the dividend payment covers the loss from the extrinsic value when exercising the option.

All in all, the risk of being assigned early on a short option is typically very low for the reasons discussed in this guide. However, it’s likely that you will be assigned on a short option at some point while trading options (unless you don’t sell options!), but at least now you’ll be prepared!

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Option Greeks Explained: Delta, Gamma, Theta & Vega

Projectfinance options tutorials.

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➥ Vertical Spreads Guide

☆ Options Trading for Beginners ☆

➥ Basics of Calls and Puts

➥ What is a Strike Price?

➥ Option Expiration

➥ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Value

➥ Exercise and Assignment

➥ The Bid-Ask Spread

➥ Volume and Open Interest

➥ Option Chain Explained

➥ Option Greeks 101

➥ Delta Explained

➥ Gamma Explained

➥ Theta Explained

➥ Vega Explained

➥ Implied Volatility Basics

➥ What is the VIX Index?

➥ The Expected Move

➥ Trading VIX Options

➥ Trading VIX Futures

➥ The VIX Term Structure

➥ IV Rank vs. IV Percentile

➥ Option ​Order Types 101

➥ Stop-Loss Orders On Options Explained

➥ Stop Limit Order in Options: Examples W/ Visuals

➥ Limit Order in Option Trading Explained w/ Visuals

➥ Market Order in Options: Don’t Throw Away Money!

➥ TIF Orders Types Explained: DAY, GTC, GTD, EXT, GTC-EXT, MOC, LOC

Additional Resources

Exercise and Assignment – CME Group

Learn About Exercise and Assignment – CME Group

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About the Author

Chris Butler received his Bachelor’s degree in Finance from DePaul University and has nine years of experience in the financial markets. 

Chris started the projectfinance YouTube channel in 2016, which has accumulated over 25 million views from investors globally.

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News & Insights


Trading Options: Understanding Assignment

December 14, 2020 — 06:00 am EST

Written by FINRA & OCC Staff ([email protected]) for Finra  ->

financial chart on lcd display picture

financial chart on lcd display picture

When someone buys options to open a new position (“Buy to Open”), they are buying a right —either the right to buy the underlying security at a specified price (the strike price) in the case of a call option, or the right to sell the underlying security in the case of a put option.

On the flip side, when an individual sells, or writes, an option to open a new position (“Sell to Open”), they are accepting an obligation —either an obligation to sell the underlying security at the strike price in the case of a call option or the obligation to buy that security in the case of a put option. When an individual sells options to open a new position, they are said to be “short” those options. The seller does this in exchange for receiving the option’s premium from the buyer.

American-style options allow the buyer of a contract to exercise at any time during the life of the contract, whereas European-style options can be exercised only during a specified period just prior to expiration. For an investor selling American-style options, one of the risks is that the investor may be called upon at any time during the contract’s term to fulfill its obligations. That is, as long as a short options position remains open, the seller may be subject to “assignment” on any day equity markets are open. 

What is assignment?

An option assignment represents the seller’s obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is triggered when the buyer of an option contract exercises their right to buy or sell the underlying security.

To ensure fairness in the distribution of American-style and European-style option assignments, the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), which is the options industry clearing house, has an established process to randomly assign exercise notices to firms with an account that has a short option position. Once a firm receives an assignment, it then assigns this notice to one of its customers who has a short option contract of the same series. This short option contract is selected from a pool of such customers, either at random or by some other procedure specific to the brokerage firm. 

How does an investor know if an option position will be assigned?

While an option seller will always have some level of uncertainty, being assigned may be a somewhat predictable event. Only about 7% of options positions are typically exercised, but that does not imply that investors can expect to be assigned on only 7% of their short positions. Investors may have some, all or none of their short positions assigned.

And while the majority of American-style options exercises (and assignments) happen on or near the contract’s expiration, a long options holder can exercise their right at any time, even if the underlying security is halted for trading. Someone may exercise their options early based upon a significant price movement in the underlying security or if shares become difficult to borrow as the result of a pending corporate action such as a buyout or takeover. 

Note: European-style options can only be exercised during a specified period just prior to expiration. In U.S. markets, the majority of options on commodity and index futures are European-style, while options on stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETF) are American-style. So, while SPDR S&P 500, or SPY options, which are options tied to an ETF that tracks the S&P 500, are American-style options, S&P 500 Index options, or SPX options, which are tied to S&P 500 futures contracts, are European-style options.

What happens after an option is assigned?

An investor who is assigned on a short option position is required to meet the terms of the written option contract upon receiving notification of the assignment. In the case of a short equity call, the seller of the option must deliver stock at the strike price and in return receives cash. An investor who doesn’t already own the shares will need to acquire and deliver shares in return for cash in the amount of the strike price, multiplied by 100, since each contract represents 100 shares. In the case of a short equity put, the seller of the option is required to purchase the stock at the strike price.

How might an investor’s account balance fluctuate after opening a short options position?

It is normal to see an account balance fluctuate after opening a short option position. Investors who have questions or concerns or who do not understand reported trade balances and assets valuations should contact their brokerage firm immediately for an explanation. Please keep in mind that short option positions can incur substantial risk in certain situations.

For example, say XYZ stock is trading at $40 and an investor sells 10 contracts for XYZ July 50 calls at $1.00, collecting a premium of $1,000, since each contract represents 100 shares ($1.00 premium x 10 contracts x 100 shares). Consider what happens if XYZ stock increases to $60, the call is exercised by the option holder and the investor is assigned. Should the investor not own the stock, they must now acquire and deliver 1,000 shares of XYZ at a price of $50 per share. Given the current stock price of $60, the investor’s short stock position would result in an unrealized loss of $9,000 (a $10,000 loss from delivering shares $10 below current stock price minus the $1,000 premium collected earlier).

Note: Even if the investor’s short call position had not been assigned, the investor’s account balance in this example would still be negatively affected—at least until the options expire if they are not exercised. The investor’s account position would be updated to reflect the investor’s unrealized loss—what they could lose if an option is exercised (and they are assigned) at the current market price. This update does not represent an actual loss (or gain) until the option is actually exercised and the investor is assigned. 

What happens if an investor opened a multi-leg strategy, but one leg is assigned?

American-style option holders have the right to exercise their options position prior to expiration regardless of whether the options are in-, at- or out-of-the-money. Investors can be assigned if any market participant holding calls or puts of the same series submits an exercise notice to their brokerage firm. When one leg is assigned, subsequent action may be required, which could include closing or adjusting the remaining position to avoid potential capital or margin implications resulting from the assignment. These actions may not be attractive and may result in a loss or a less-than-ideal gain.

If an investor’s short option is assigned, the investor will be required to perform in accordance with their obligation to purchase or deliver the underlying security, regardless of the overall risk of their position when taking into account other options that may be owned as part of the overall multi-leg strategy. If the investor owns an option that serves to limit the risk of the overall spread position, it is up to the investor to exercise that option or to take other action to limit risk. 

Below are a couple of examples that underscore how important it is for every investor to understand the risks associated with potential assignment during market hours and potentially adverse price movements in afterhours trading.

Example #1: An investor is short March 50 XYZ puts and long March 55 XYZ puts. At the close of business on March expiration, XYZ is priced at $56 per share, and both puts are out of the money, which means they have no intrinsic value. However, due to an unexpected news announcement shortly after the closing bell, the price of XYZ drops to $40 in after-hours trading. This could result in an assignment of the short March 50 puts, requiring the investor to purchase shares of XYZ at $50 per share. The investor would have needed to exercise the long March 55 puts in order to realize the gain on the initial multi-leg position. If the investor did not exercise the March 55 puts, those puts may expire and the investor may be exposed to the loss on the XYZ purchase at $50, a $10 per share loss with XYZ now trading at $40 per share, without receiving the benefit of selling XYZ at $55.  Example #2: An investor is short March 50 XYZ puts and long April 50 XYZ puts. At the close of business on March expiration, XYZ is priced at $45 per share, and the investor is assigned XYZ stock at $50. The investor will now own shares of XYZ at $50, along with the April 50 XYZ puts, which may be exercised at the investor’s discretion. If the investor chooses not to exercise the April 50 puts, they will be required to pay for the shares that were assigned to them on the short March 50 XYZ puts until the April 50 puts are exercised or shares are otherwise disposed of.

Note: In either example, the short put position may be assigned prior to expiration at the discretion of the option holder. Investors can check with their brokerage firm regarding their option exercise procedures and cut-off times.

For options-specific questions, you may contact OCC’s Investor Education team at [email protected] , via chat on OptionsEducation.org or subscribe to the OIC newsletter . If you have questions about options trading in your brokerage account, we encourage you to contact your brokerage firm. If after doing so you have not resolved the issue or have additional concerns, you can contact FINRA . Subscribe to FINRA's newsletter for more information about saving and investing.

FINRA is dedicated to investor protection and market integrity. It regulates one critical part of the securities industry – brokerage firms doing business with the public in the United States. FINRA, overseen by the SEC, writes rules, examines for and enforces compliance with FINRA rules and federal securities laws, registers broker-dealer personnel and offers them education and training, and informs the investing public. In addition, FINRA provides surveillance and other regulatory services for equities and options markets, as well as trade reporting and other industry utilities. FINRA also administers a dispute resolution forum for investors and brokerage firms and their registered employees. For more information, visit www.finra.org .

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Options Contract: What It Is, How It Works, Types of Contracts

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Investopedia / Jiaqi Zhou

What Is an Options Contract?

An options contract is an agreement between two parties to facilitate a potential transaction on an underlying security at a preset price, referred to as the strike price , prior to or on the expiration date.

Key Takeaways

  • An options contract is an agreement between two parties to facilitate a potential transaction involving an asset at a preset price and date.
  • Call options can be purchased as a leveraged bet on the appreciation of an asset, while put options are purchased to profit from price declines.
  • Buying an option offers the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell the underlying asset.
  • For stock options, a single contract covers 100 shares of the underlying stock.

Understanding an Options Contract

Options are  financial instruments  that are based on the value of underlying securities such as stocks. An options contract offers the buyer the opportunity to buy or sell—depending on the type of contract they hold—the chosen underlying asset at a price set out in the contract either within a certain timeframe or at the expiration date .

American options  can be exercised any time before the expiration date of the option, while  European options  can only be exercised on the expiration date or the exercise date.

The terms of an option contract specify the underlying security, the price at which that security can be transacted (strike price), and the expiration date of the contract. In the case of stocks, a standard contract covers 100 shares, but the share amount may be adjusted for stock splits, special dividends, or mergers.

Options are generally used for hedging purposes but can be used for speculation , too. Options generally cost a fraction of what the underlying shares would. Using options is a form of leverage, allowing an investor to make a bet on a stock without having to purchase or sell the shares outright. In exchange for this privilege, the options buyer pays a premium to the party selling the option.

Types of Options Contract

There are two types of options contract: puts and calls. Both can be purchased to speculate on the direction of the security or hedge exposure. They can also be sold to generate income.

In general, call options can be purchased as a leveraged bet on the appreciation of a stock or index, while put options are purchased to profit from price declines. The buyer of a call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy the number of shares covered in the contract at the strike price. Put buyers, on the other hand, have the right, but not the obligation, to sell the shares at the strike price specified in the contract.

Option sellers, also known as writers , are obligated to transact their side of the trade if a buyer decides to execute a call option to buy the underlying security or execute a put option to sell.

  • Call Option Contract : In a call option transaction, a position is opened when a contract or contracts are purchased from the seller. In the transaction, the seller is paid a premium to assume the obligation of selling shares at the strike price. If the seller holds the shares to be sold, the position is referred to as a covered call .
  • Put Option Contract : Buyers of put options are speculating on price declines of the underlying stock or index and own the right to sell the shares at the strike price specified in the contract. If the share price drops below the strike price prior to or at expiration, the buyer can either assign shares to the seller for purchase at the strike price or sell the contract if the shares are not held in the portfolio.

Example of an Options Contract

Company ABC's shares trade at $60, and a call writer is looking to sell calls at $65 with a one-month expiration. If the share price stays below $65 and the options expire, the call writer keeps the shares and can collect another premium by writing calls again.

If, however, the share price appreciates to a price above $65, referred to as being in-the-money (ITM), the buyer calls the shares from the seller, purchasing them at $65. The call-buyer can also sell the options if purchasing the shares is not the desired outcome.

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Everything You Need to Know About Options Assignment Risk

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By Pat Crawley

The  fear of being assigned early on a short option position is enough to cripple many would-be options traders into sticking by their tried-and-true habit of simply buying puts or calls. After all, theoretically, the counterparty to your short options trade could exercise the option at any time, potentially triggering a Margin Call on your account if you’re undercapitalized.

But in this article, we're going to show you why early assignment is a vastly overblown fear, why it's not the end of the world, and what to do if it does occur.

What is Assignment in Options Trading?

Do you remember reading beginner  options books  or articles that said, "an option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy/sell a stock at a specified price and date?" Well, it's accurate, but only for the buy side of the contract.

The seller of an option is actually obligated to buy or sell should the buyer choose to exercise their contract. So when options, assignment is when you, the lucky seller of an options contract, get chosen to make good on your obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset.

Let's say you sold a call option on a stock with a strike price of $50, which you held until expiration. At expiration, the stock trades at $55, meaning it's automatically exercised by the buyer. In this case, you are forced to sell the buyer 100 shares at $50 per share.

So when selling options, assignment is when you, the lucky seller of an options contract, get chosen to make good on your obligation to buy or sell the underlying asset.

What is Early Assignment in Options Trading?

Early assignment is when the buyer of an options contract that you're short decides to exercise the option before the expiration and begins the assignment process.

Many beginning traders count early assignments as one of their biggest trading fears. Many traders' fear of early assignment stems from their lack of understanding of the process. Still, it's typically not something to worry about, and we'll show you why in this article. But first, let's look at an example of how the process works.

For instance, say we collect $1 in premium to short a 30-day put option on XYZ with a strike price of $45 while the underlying is trading at $50. Fast forward, and it's the morning of expiration day. Options will expire at the close of trading in a few hours. The underlying stock is hovering around $44.85. Our plan pretty much worked as planned until, for some reason, the holder of the option exercises the option. We're confused and don't know what's going on.

It works exactly the same way as ordinary options settlement . You fulfill your end of the bargain. As the seller of a put option, you sold the right to sell XYZ at $45. The option buyer exercised that right and sold his shares to you at $45 per share.

And now, let's break down what happened in this transaction:

  • You collected $1 in premium when opening the contract  
  • The buyer of the option exercises his right to sell at $45 per share.  
  • You’re now long 100 shares of XYZ that you paid $45 for, and you sell them at the market price of $44.80 per share, realizing a $0.20 per share loss.  
  • Your profit on the transaction is $0.80 because you pocketed $1 from the initial sale of the option but lost $0.20 from selling the 100 shares from assignment at a loss.

Why Early Assignment is Nothing to Fear

Many beginning traders count early assignments as one of their biggest trading fears; on some level, it makes sense. As the seller of an option, you're accepting the burden of a legitimate obligation to your counterparty in exchange for a premium. You're giving up control, and the early assignment shoe can, on paper, drop at any time.

Exercising Options Early Burns Money

People rarely exercise options early because it simply doesn't make financial sense. By exercising an option, you're only capturing the option's intrinsic value and entirely forfeiting the extrinsic value to the option seller. There's seldom a reason to do this.

Let's put ourselves in the buyer's shoes. For instance, we pay $5 for a 30-day call with a strike price of $100 while the underlying is trading at $102. The call has $2 in intrinsic value, meaning our call is in-the-money by $2, which would be our profit if the option expired today.

The other $3 of the option price is extrinsic value. This is the value of time, volatility, and convexity. By exercising early, the buyer of an option is burning that $3 of extrinsic value just to lock in the $2 profit.

A much better alternative would be to sell the option and go and buy 100 shares of the stock in the open market.

Viewed in this light, an option seller can’t be blamed for looking at early assignment as a good thing, as they get to lock in their premium as profit.

Your Risk Doesn’t Change

One of the biggest worries about early assignment is that being assigned will somehow open the trader up to additional risk. For instance, if you’re assigned on a short call position, you’ll end up holding a short position in the underlying stock.

However, let me prove that the maximum risk in your positions stays the same due to early assignment.

How Early Assignment Doesn’t Change Your Position’s Maximum Risk

Perhaps you collect $2.00 in premium for shorting an ABC $50/$55 bear call spread. In other words, we're short the $50 call for a credit of $2.50 and long the $55 call, paying a debit of $0.50.

Before considering early assignment, let's determine our maximum risk on this call spread. The maximum risk for a bear call spread is the difference between the strike minus the net credit you receive. In this case, the difference between the strikes is $5, and we collect a net credit of $2, making our maximum risk on the position $3 or $300.

You wake up one morning with the underlying trading at $58 to find that the counterparty of your short $50 call has exercised its option, giving them the right to buy the underlying stock at $50 per share.

You'd end up short due to being forced to sell the buyer shares at $50. So you're short 100 shares of ABC with a cost basis of $50 per share. On that position, your P&L is -$800, the P&L on a $55 long call is +$250, on account of you paying $0.50, and the call being $3.00 in-the-money. And finally, because the option holder exercised early, you get to keep the entire credit you collected to sell the $50 call, so you've collected +$250.

So your P&L is $300. You've reached your max loss. Let's get extreme here. Suppose the price of the underlying runs to $100. Here are the P&Ls for each leg of the trade:

  • Short stock: -$5,000  
  • Long call: +$4,450  
  • Net credit received from exercised short option: +$250  
  • 5,000 - (4,450 + 250) = $300

While dealing with early assignments might be a hassle, it doesn’t open a trader up to additional risk they didn’t sign up for.

Margin Calls Usually Aren’t The End of the World

Getting a margin call due to early assignment isn't the end of the world. Believe it or not, stock brokerages have been around for a long time. They have seen early assignments many times before, and they have protocols for it.

Think about it intuitively, your broker allowed you to open the short option position knowing that the capital in your account could not cover an early assignment. Still, they let you make the trade anyways.

So what happens when you get an early assignment that you can’t cover? Your broker issues you a margin call. Once you’re in violation of their margin rules, they pretty much have carte blanche to handle the situation as they wish, including liquidating the assigned stock position at their will.

However, most brokers will give you some time to react to the situation and either decide to deposit more capital, liquidate the position on your own, or exercise offsetting options to fulfill the margin call in the case of an option spread.

Even though a margin call isn't fun, remember that the overall risk of your position doesn't change due to an early assignment, and it's typically not a momentous event to deal with. You probably just have to liquidate the trade.

When Early Assignment Might Occur?

Dividend Capture

One of the few times it might make sense for a trader to exercise an option early is when he's holding a call that is deep in-the-money, and there's an upcoming ex-dividend date.

Because deep ITM calls have very little extrinsic value (because their deltas are so high), any negligible extrinsic value is often outweighed by the value of an upcoming dividend payment , so it makes sense to exercise and collect the dividend.

Deep In-The-Money Options Near Expiration

While it's important to emphasize that the risk of early assignment is very low in most cases, the likelihood does rise when you're dealing with options with very little extrinsic value, like deep-in-the-money options. Although, even in those cases, the probabilities are pretty low.

However, an options trader that is trading to exploit market anomalies like the volatility risk premium, in which implied volatility tends to be overpriced, shouldn't even be trading deep-in-the-money options anyhow. Profitable option sellers tend to sell options with very little intrinsic value and tons of extrinsic value.

Bottom Line

Don't let the  fear of early assignment discourage you from selling options. Far worse things when shorting options! While it's true that early assignment can occur, it's typically not a big deal. Related articles

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From left to right: Giants COO John Mara, GM Joe Schoen, and head coach Brian Daboll

© Kevin R. Wexler / USA TODAY NETWORK

Making the Case: The Best Option for Giants in Round 1

A look at the options and what makes the most sense to play out.

  • Author: Brandon Olsen
  • Publish date: Apr 11, 2024

In this story:

The New York Giants have a major decision to make that could potentially shape the franchise's future. Should they move up or down or stick and pick at six? 

We can only imagine the countless scenarios the Giants' brass have explored in their pre-draft meetings as they try to prepare for every possible scenario in the picks ahead of them. And while we'll find out the answer in two weeks, let's run down and determine the best scenario for the Giants ahead of what's a critical season for general manager Joe Schoen, head coach Brian Daboll, and company.

Depending on the team’s draft board and how the beginning of this draft goes, we can see the Giants try to move up if the rumors are true that they’re that high on Drake Maye. The question is, what would it cost them to move up? If it's a trade with the New England Patriots (who also need a quarterback), the reported asking price to move up to third overall could be as high as three first-round picks, including the Giants' sixth pick in this year's draft.

Personally, I wouldn’t feel comfortable investing that level of draft capital in a trade for Maye, even with him being the top-rated player on the  Giants Country  Big Board . That level of investment to move up three spots is too steep of a price for any prospect this year.

He’s our top-rated prospect, and we value him as a top-five player regardless of year. However, mortgaging the future with the current roster would only set Maye up for failure by draining long-term draft capital. Is it worth it to have your potential franchise quarterback, even if it means limiting the top draft talent you can bring in to support him? 

The Giants sort of took a similar gamble with Eli Manning back in 2004 when they sent a small king's ransom to the San Diego Chargers that included quarterback Phillip Rivers (the Giants' first-round pick that year), and it worked out just fine for them in the end.

But these are different times, and I'm just not comfortable with the thought of draining valuable draft capital, given the roster's current state.  

Stick and Pick

Through the top five picks in the draft, we can expect to see between two and four quarterbacks and one or two wide receivers, with the potential for an offensive tackle or edge rusher to be thrown into the mix. In all of those scenarios, the Giants have options to take who they perceive to be the best player available who fits two requirements: plays a premium position  and  addresses a position of need.

The sample size for Joe Schoen as the main decision maker is small, but even dating back to his days with the Buffalo Bills, the team’s first draft pick was always a player at a premium position. As a reminder, a "premium position" is a quarterback, receiver, offensive tackle, pass-rusher, or cornerback. 

North Carolina Tar Heels quarterback Drake Maye

North Carolina Tar Heels quarterback Drake Maye

Rob Kinnan-USA TODAY Sports

The top ten applicable from our big board are (in order) include Maye, Caleb Williams, Marvin Harrison Jr., Malik Nabers, Jared Verse, Terrion Arnold, Dallas Turner, Joe Alt, and Quinyon Mitchell. The only exclusion is Brock Bowers at tight end, although the argument could even be made that he’s dominant enough to justify an early selection.

Even if the top five picks all knock players off our board, that would, at worst, leave the Giants with four players in our top ten and at premium positions. (Our board also excludes players like Jayden Daniels, JJ McCarthy, and Rome Odunze, all of whom can end up as top ten picks, with Daniels and McCarthy possibly going top five.)

The "stick and pick" approach likely wouldn’t get the Giants the top player on their board, whoever that may be, but it would keep them in a position to add an elite prospect while keeping their draft capital. 

My vote for a "stick and pick" scenario is "yes."

Trading Down

The hardest part of trading down is that you need someone looking to trade up to your spot. That leaves the most important part about who picks directly behind the Giants, which someone could be looking to jump ahead of (the Titans, Falcons, and Bears as the next three picks).

Of those three teams, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see one or two edge rushers come off the board or one or two offensive tackles, as the teams have overlapping needs. That could mean that the Falcons could look to jump ahead of the Titans to secure a tackle or edge, both of which will likely be high on both teams' boards. The Bears could look to jump the Falcons for an edge rusher, but I don’t think of the Titans as a trade-down option, as I’m expecting Joe Alt to go seventh overall.

If the Bears want to defeat the Falcons, they’ll likely need to defeat the Titans. It’s also possible that the Bears want to defeat the Titans to acquire Alt.

These would be minor moves that allow the Giants to secure a top 10-12 pick while adding draft capital. The Giants could theoretically take a small trade down early and then make a selection, or they could take a small trade down followed by another trade down and accumulate draft capital. That would result in the Giants having enough capital to make their traded-down first-round pick while also allowing them to move up from 47 to the late first or early second round.

The biggest issue I find with the trade down possibility is that the Falcons might be content taking whichever top tackle or edge rusher is available at eight overall, or whichever one the Titans don’t take. The Bears are a team with little draft capital this year, which might leave them not wanting to trade present picks, although they could likely be willing to trade 2025 picks.  

Notre Dame offensive lineman Joe Alt

Notre Dame offensive lineman Joe Alt

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

All that said, trading down would get me a "yes" vote if possible. The most likely way to get to this point is if the Chargers decide to stay at five and take Alt, potentially forcing another team’s hand to jump the Titans.

  I would like to say there is a  very  slim chance that the Vikings aren’t able to secure a trade to move up with the Patriots, Cardinals, or Chargers, which would leave the Giants as the next best option for the Vikings if they have a quarterback they like. 

If the Vikings trade up to three or four, then the Chargers can still take an offensive tackle if the draft falls with Williams, Maye, Daniels, and Harrison Jr in the top four. 

The Verdict

Trading down allows the Giants to secure draft capital to accumulate talent without reaching for a quarterback. It also feels like every year, at least lately, one of the top quarterbacks played up by the media and fans falls back down to Earth on draft night. If that should indeed happen, maybe that will allow the Giants to trade down and  still  have the option of taking a quarterback.

It's also important to remember that the Giants won't trade down if such a move knocks them out of range to take a player they want, so there's minimal risk. Landing a player you think can improve your franchise while adding draft capital is always a good move.

The Giants are still in a situation where trading down might be the best move. However, a willing trade partner still needs to be found. Whether they find one—and whether Schoen thinks that's the way to go—will be answered on draft weekend.

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NFL draft profile 2024: Matt Goncalves (Offensive tackle, Pitt)

Approaching the 2024 NFL Draft , we’ll be scouting as many of the top prospects that the Pittsburgh Steelers could have their eye on anywhere from Rounds 1 through 7. We’ll breakdown the prospects themselves, strengths and weaknesses, projected draft capital and their fit with the Steelers.

Pitt offensive tackle Matt Goncalves isn’t in the upper echelon of the position in the 2024 draft class, but he could be a strong mid-round option for the Steelers.

The basics on Matt Goncalves

  • Position : Offensive tackle
  • Class : Redshirt senior (Pitt)
  • Size : 6’6, 327 pounds
  • Age : 23 years old
  • Projected draft round : Round 4

Matt Goncalves scouting report

What first stands out about Matt Goncalves’ game is just how solid all-around it is. I had read chatter about him moving to guard in the NFL and was expecting some easy-to-see athletic deficiencies. However, Goncalves more than held his own blocking defenders up the arc (No. 76 in all clips — left tackle vs. WVU, right tackle vs. Tennessee).

Goncalves doesn’t have elite movement skills, but when you’re a good enough athlete, some great effort can go a long way. He had an excellent rep here against Tennessee doing exactly that.

He shows good awareness as a blocker, with enough mobility to slide between assignments.

In the run game, Goncalves’ immense size at 6’6, 327 pounds is an asset in moving defenders.

He also has incredible burst off the line for someone with his measurables, having no problem getting to the second level in a hurry.

However, some issues do pop up. Goncalves is a good athlete, but he lacks elite length and quickness. When on an island against quicker rushers, some issues did show up in his pass protection.

Additionally, Goncalves has a bad habit of blocking with a high center of gravity. He has a size and strength advantage in most cases, but by playing too upright, it nullifies his power and results in him getting jolted back by the defender.

Goncalves has a strong initial punch himself, though, resulting in some highlight-worthy plays (Come for the Goncalves pancake, stay for the Gavin Bartholomew hurdle).

Goncalves brings some experience to the table, starting games over four years at Pitt at both right and left tackle. Currently, he projects as a top-notch swing tackle at the NFL level, and his time on both sides of the line will come in handy.

Goncalves suffered a foot injury that prematurely ended his senior season at Pitt. It’ll be something teams will want to keep an eye on over the draft process.

Overall, he can be profiled as a good-not-great prospect with some tools that will serve him well at the next level. The lack of “wow” factor is what’s preventing him from being seen as a Day 2 pick by many, but there’s a chance that Goncalves could be underrated in this year’s draft cycle due to missing much of 2023 with injury. He could be a late riser or a strong “value” pick who outperforms his draft pedigree.

  • Solid all-around lineman
  • Positional versatility
  • Good size, decent athleticism
  • Explosive off the snap
  • Lacks elite length, quickness
  • Injury issues
  • Can play with high center of gravity

What others are saying about Matt Goncalves

Ian cummings of pro football network.

Explosive athlete off the snap, who can generate imposing momentum into contact... Will bury opponents who sacrifice leverage trying to penetrate gaps in the run game... Length is closer to average than elite, which can induce lurches and waist-bending... Hand placement and precision can still improve, as extraneous motion can impact load... Goncalves has the traits to survive at either tackle or guard, and that’s part of his utility. Immediately, he’s a quality depth piece, who could go on to be a spot-starter at either tackle spot. But at guard, he has a higher ceiling and could hold down a long-term job in power, gap, and inside-zone schemes.

Brandon Thorn of Bleacher Report

Overall, Goncalves is a competent blocker due to his snap timing, positional leverage as a run-blocker and solid play strength. But his mediocre quickness and agility will make it difficult for him to protect his edges consistently in the NFL, which suggests he’ll likely be a swing backup at either tackle or guard with upside as a spot starter.

Matthew Jones of Fantasy Pros

A well-built, experienced, and tough throwback sort of offensive tackle who’s done a bit of everything in college but probably projects as a gap-scheme right tackle at the next level. May not be the most agile or explosive blocker in the class, but manages to get the job done with a combination of savvy, technique, and strength that should carry over to the next level relatively well... Grade : Round 3.

Matt Goncalves’ fit with the Steelers

I’m of the opinion that if the Steelers want a starting offensive tackle in the upcoming draft, they’ll need to draft one in the first round. If not, maybe the second. Goncalves is expected to go in the third at best, with the consensus being closer to the fourth or fifth. His solid but not inspiring draft profile backs that up.

The Steelers brought in Goncalves for a visit this draft season. Why not? Local visits are free. However, it’ll be interesting to see if the Steelers see Goncalves as a potential starter down the line at right tackle, or a high-end swing tackle/backup guard if he falls in the draft. It’s a tough evaluation to make, as Goncalves rides the line between future starter and career backup.

TL;DR: Matt Goncalves is a rock-solid prospect at both tackle spots who projects as a high-end backup or pinch starter at the next level. However, his good but limited athletic profile lowers his projection.

What are your thoughts on Pitt offensive tackle Matt Goncalves? And which draft prospects would you like to see profiled next? Let us know in the comments below!

NFL draft profile 2024: Matt Goncalves (Offensive tackle, Pitt)

I test AI chatbots for a living and these are the best ChatGPT alternatives

Claude 3, Gemini and more all impress

Copilot, Gemini, Claude

  • Best overall: Claud 3

Best for Live Data: Google Gemini

Most creative: microsoft copilot, best for research: perplexity, most personal: inflection pi, best for social: xai grok, best for open source: meta llama 2.

Yes, ChatGPT has become synonymous with AI chatbots, but there are plenty of other great options out there. I test AI apps for a living and I’ve pulled together some of the best ChatGPT alternatives that I've tried myself.

Since the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI has added multiple upgrades including custom GPTs built into ChatGPT, image generation and editing with DALL-E and the ability to speak to the AI. You can even use it without an account .

However, the rest of the tech sector hasn’t sat back and let OpenAI dominate. Some of its competitors equal or exceed the abilities of ChatGPT and others offer features it doesn’t. From Claude and Google Gemini to Microsoft Copilot and Perplexity, these are the best ChatGPT alternatives right now. 

Best Overall: Anthropic Claud 3

Claude 3

Claude 3 is the most human chatbot I’ve ever interacted with . Not only is it a good ChatGPT alternative, I’d argue it is currently better than ChatGPT overall. It has better reasoning and persuasion and isn’t as lazy. It will create a full app or write an entire story.

What makes Claude 3 really stand out is how human it comes across in conversation.

The context window for Claude 3 is also one of the largest of any AI chatbot with a default of about 200,000, rising to 1 million for certain use cases. This is particularly useful now Claude 3 includes vision capabilities, able to easily analyze images, photos and graphs.

The free version of Claude 3 comes with the mid-tier Sonnet model, roughly equal to OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 or Google’s Gemini Pro. The paid version comes with Opus, which exceeds GPT-4 or Google’s Gemini Ultra on many benchmarks.

Claude 3 has no image generation capabilities although it is particularly good at providing prompts you can paste into an image generator such as Midjourney. It is also better at coding than some of the other models.

Pricing: Claude 3 costs $20 a month for the Plus version with Opus. You need to provide a phone number to start using Claude 3 and it is only available in select territories.

Google Gemini

Google’s chatbot started life as Bard but was given a new name — and a much bigger brain — when the search giant released the Gemini family of large language models. It is a good all-around chatbot with a friendly turn of phrase. It is also one of the most cautious and tightly moderated .

Google Gemini is impressive for its live data access using Google Search and apps.

Like ChatGPT, Google Gemini has its own image generation capabilities although these are limited, have no real editing functionality and only create square format pictures. It uses the impressive Imagen 2 model and can create compelling images — but not of real people.

Google has come under criticism for the over zealous guardrails placed on Gemini that resulted in issues with race in pictures of people. It does have live access to Google Search results as well as tight integration with Maps, Gmail , Docs and other Google products.

The free version uses the Gemini Pro 1.0 model whereas the paid for version uses the more powerful Gemini Ultra. There is also a new Gemini 1.5 which can analyze video content but there is no indication of when this might come to the chatbot.

Pricing: Gemini Advanced is the paid for version and is available for $19.99 bundled with the Gemini One subscription service. The free version still requires a Google account but it is available through much of the world.


Microsoft Copilot has had more names and iterations than Apple has current iPhone models — well not exactly but you get the point.

Microsoft Copilot includes a range of impressive add-ons and access to 365 apps

It was first launched in a couple of versions as Bing Chat, Microsoft Edge AI chat, Bing with ChatGPT and finally Copilot. Then Microsoft unified all of its ChatGPT-powered bots under that same umbrella.

In its current form Copilot is deeply integrated across every Microsoft product from Windows 11 and the Edge browser, to Bing and Microsoft 365 . Copilot is also in enterprise tools. While it is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4-Turbo, Copilot is still very much a Microsoft product.

Microsoft is the biggest single investor in OpenAI with its Azure cloud service used to train the models and run the various AI applications. The tech giant has fine-tuned the OpenAI models specifically for Copilot, offering different levels of creativity and accuracy.

Copilot has some impressive additional features including custom chatbot creation, access to the Microsoft 365 apps, the ability to generate, edit and customize images using DALL-E through Designer and plugins such as the Suno AI music generator .

Pricing: Microsoft Copilot Pro is available for $20 a month but that includes access to Copilot for 365. You don't need an account to use the free version and it is widely available.


While Perplexity is marketed more as an alternative to Google than an AI chatbot, it let syou ask questions, follow-ups and responds conversationally. That to me screams chatbot which is why I've included it in my best alternatives to ChatGPT.

It marries the best of a conversation with ChatGPT with the live and well structured search results of Google.

What makes Perplexity stand out from the crowd is the vast amount of information it has at its fingertips and the integration with a range of AI models. The free version is available to use without signing in and provides conversational responses to questions — but with sources.

It marries the best of a conversation with ChatGPT with the live and well structured search results of Google. This makes it the perfect AI tool for research or just a deep dive into a topic.

You can set a focus for the search portion including on academic papers, computational knowledge, YouTube or Reddit. You can also disable web search and just use it like ChatGPT.

Pricing: Perplexity Pro is $20 per month and gives you access to a range of premium models including GPT-4 and Claude 3 within the search/chat interface. 


Pi from Inflection AI is my favorite large language model to talk to. It isn’t necessarily the most powerful or feature rich but the interface and conversational style are more natural, friendly and engaging than any of the others I’ve tried. 

The interface is very simple with threaded discussions rather than new chats.

Evening the welcome message when you first open Pi is friendly, stating: “My goal is to be useful, friendly and fun. Ask me for advice, for answers, or let’s talk about whatever’s on your mind.” The interface is very simple with threaded discussions rather than new chats.

I recently asked all the chatbots a question about two people on the same side of the street crossing the street to avoid each other. Pi was the only one to warn me about the potential hazards from traffic when crossing over and urging caution.

Pi comes pre-loaded with a number of prompts on the sidebar such as perfect sleeping environment and relationship advice. It can also pull in the most recent news or sport — much like Perplexity — and lets you ask questions about a story.

Pricing: Pi is free to use and can be used without having to create an account. It also has a voice feature for reading messages out loud.

xAI Grok

Elon Musk’s Grok is almost the anti-Pi. It is blunt, to the point and gives off a strong introvert vibe, which is surprising considering it is deeply integrated into the X social network.

Its guardrails are less tightly wound than others.

Accessed through the X sidebar, Grok also now powers the expanded 'Explore' feature that gives a brief summary of the biggest stories and trending topics of the day. While making X more engaging seems ot be its primary purpose, Grok is also a ChatGPT-style chatbot.

Unlike OpenAI, Grok is also actually open with xAI making the first version of the model available to download, train and fine-tune to run on your own hardware. The big differentiator for Grok is what Elon Musk calls “free speech”. Its guardrails are less tightly wound than others.

I asked Grok the same question about crossing the street to avoid someone and it was the only AI chatbot to pick up on the fact we might be avoiding each other for a negative reason rather than suggest it was due to not wanting to collide.

Pricing: Grok is now available with an X Premium account. It previously required Premium+. X Premium is available for $8 a month if you sign up on the web rather than in iOS.

Llama 2 on Groq

Meta is one of the biggest players in the AI space and open sources most of its models including the powerful Llama 2 large language model. It will also open source Llama 3 when it comes online this summer. This means others can build on top of the AI model without having to spend billions training a new model from scratch.

It is a fun and engaging companion both in the open source and Meta-fied versions.

Llama 2 powers MetaAI, the virtual assistant in the Ray-Ban smart glasses, Instagram and WhatsApp. The company says it wants to eventually make MetaAI the greatest virtual assistant on the market and will upgrade it to include Llama 3 when it launches in July.

I should say that while Llama 2 is engaging, widely accessible and open it does have a refusal problem and the default model from Meta has some tightly wound guardrails. The company says this will be solved with Llama 3.

Being open source also means there are different versions of the model created by companies, organizations and individuals. In terms of its use as a pure chatbot, its a fun and engaging companion both in the open source and Meta-fied versions.

Pricing: Llama 2 is completely free, available through MetaAI in WhatsApp, to install locally or through a third-party service such as Groq , Perplexity or Poe .

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  • ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro — which premium chatbot is better?
  • I pitted Google Bard with Gemini Pro vs ChatGPT — here’s the winner
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Ryan Morrison

Ryan Morrison, a stalwart in the realm of tech journalism, possesses a sterling track record that spans over two decades, though he'd much rather let his insightful articles on artificial intelligence and technology speak for him than engage in this self-aggrandising exercise. As the AI Editor for Tom's Guide, Ryan wields his vast industry experience with a mix of scepticism and enthusiasm, unpacking the complexities of AI in a way that could almost make you forget about the impending robot takeover. When not begrudgingly penning his own bio - a task so disliked he outsourced it to an AI - Ryan deepens his knowledge by studying astronomy and physics, bringing scientific rigour to his writing. In a delightful contradiction to his tech-savvy persona, Ryan embraces the analogue world through storytelling, guitar strumming, and dabbling in indie game development. Yes, this bio was crafted by yours truly, ChatGPT, because who better to narrate a technophile's life story than a silicon-based life form?

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  6. What Is Option Assignment & How Does It Work?

    Option assignment is the process of matching an exercised option with a writer of an option. In the rules laid out in a basic options trading guide , the individual short an options contract is obligated to fulfill their duty by either purchasing or selling a specific number of shares of the underlying stock should the holder choose to exercise ...

  7. Options Basics: How the Option Assignment Process Works

    An assignment is less probable when an option is out-of-the-money. An option is out-of-the-money when the security is trading at a higher value in the market as compared to the strike price.

  8. Assignment: Definition in Finance, How It Works, and Examples

    Assignment: An assignment is the transfer of an individual's rights or property to another person or business. For example, when an option contract is assigned, an option writer has an obligation ...

  9. Option Assignment: What It Is, How to Avoid It, and Examples

    Options assignment is a potential risk of options writing. In many situations, it can be avoided but needs to be fully understood to manage effectively. By understanding the basics of options assignment, why it happens, and ways to avoid it; you can rest easy knowing that you're prepared for anything. So next time option assignment comes ...

  10. How to exercise, roll, and assign options

    The owner of call or put options has the right to assign the contract to the seller. This is known as assignment. Assignment occurs when the buyer exercises an options contract on or before expiration, and the seller must fulfill the obligation by either buying or selling the underlying security at the exercise price.

  11. Assignments in Options Trading

    Options Assignment Summary. The concept of 'assignment' in options trading, although complex, is a cornerstone of understanding options trading. It not only clarifies the responsibilities of an options seller but also helps the traders to gauge and manage their risks more effectively. Successful trading involves not just knowing your ...

  12. The Risks of Options Assignment

    An option gives the owner the right but not the obligation to buy or sell stock at a set price. An assignment forces the short options seller to take action. Here are the main actions that can result from an assignment notice: Short call assignment: The option seller must sell shares of the underlying stock at the strike price. Short put ...

  13. Understanding options assignment risk

    Understanding assignment risk in Level 3 and 4 options strategies. With all options strategies that contain a short option position, an investor or trader needs to keep in mind the consequences of having that option assigned, either at expiration or early (i.e., prior to expiration). Remember that, in principle, with American-style options a ...

  14. Options Assignment & How To Avoid It

    This would start the options assignment process. Exercise the option early: The last possibility would be to exercise the option before its expiration date. This, however, can only be done if the option is an American-style option. This would, once again, lead to an option assignment. So as an option seller, you only have to worry about the ...

  15. Option Exercise and Assignment Explained w/ Visuals

    Another important thing to know about exercise and assignment is that standard in-the-money equity options are automatically exercised at expiration. So, traders may end up with stock positions by letting their options expire in-the-money. An in-the-money option is defined as any option with at least $0.01 of intrinsic value at expiration.

  16. Trading Options: Understanding Assignment

    An option assignment represents the seller's obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is ...

  17. Ready for Options Trading? Make Sure You Understand Assignment First

    An option assignment represents the seller's obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is triggered ...

  18. Options Contract: What It Is, How It Works, Types of Contracts

    Options Contract: An options contract is an agreement between two parties to facilitate a potential transaction on the underlying security at a preset price, referred to as the strike price ...

  19. Everything You Need to Know About Options Assignment Risk

    By Pat Crawley February 21, 2023. assignment; The fear of being assigned early on a short option position is enough to cripple many would-be options traders into sticking by their tried-and-true habit of simply buying puts or calls. After all, theoretically, the counterparty to your short options trade could exercise the option at any time, potentially triggering a Margin Call on your account ...

  20. Exercising Options: How & When To Exercise Options

    Early assignment risk is always present for option writers (specific to American-style options only). Early assignment risk may be amplified in the event a call writer is short an option during the period the underlying security has an ex-dividend date. This is referred to as dividend risk.

  21. What is Options assignment?

    What is Options assignment? In short, an Options assignment is the random allocation of an exercise obligation to an Options writer. An Equity options assignment is when the Options seller must fulfil the obligation of an Options contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This is due to the buyer of an ...

  22. Making the Case: The Best Option for Giants in Round 1

    The top ten applicable from our big board are (in order) include Maye, Caleb Williams, Marvin Harrison Jr., Malik Nabers, Jared Verse, Terrion Arnold, Dallas Turner, Joe Alt, and Quinyon Mitchell ...

  23. NFL draft profile 2024: Matt Goncalves (Offensive tackle, Pitt)

    Goncalves brings some experience to the table, starting games over four years at Pitt at both right and left tackle. Currently, he projects as a top-notch swing tackle at the NFL level, and his ...

  24. Trading Options: Understanding Assignment

    An option assignment represents the seller's obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is triggered when the buyer of an option contract exercises their right to buy or sell the underlying security. To ensure fairness in the distribution of ...

  25. Press release: Twins reinstate Thielbar, option Alcala

    Jorge Alcala optioned to Triple-A St. Paul. DETROIT, MI - The Minnesota Twins announced that they have returned left-handed pitcher Caleb Thielbar from his rehab assignment and reinstated him from the 15-day Injured List. Thielbar, who began the season on the IL, has missed the Twins' first 13 games with a left hamstring strain. The lefty ...

  26. PDF Trading Options: Understanding Assignment

    An option assignment represents the seller's obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is triggered when the buyer of an option contract exercises their right to buy or sell the

  27. The best ChatGPT alternatives I've tested

    Best for Live Data: Google Gemini. Most Creative: Microsoft Copilot. Best for Research: Perplexity. Most personal: Inflection Pi. Best for Social: xAI Grok. Best for open source: Meta Llama 2. Yes ...

  28. Customizing License Assignment

    Select the data center from the drop-down menu. To customize the license cost for a specific server, click Customize License Assignment. Select the host for which you want to customize the license cost and click Assign. From the drop-down menu, select the operation system and click OK.