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Expository Essay

Expository Essay About Education

Caleb S.

A Guide to Writing an Expository Essay about Education

expository essay about education

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Have you been assigned an expository essay about education? Do you need help with where to start?

Education is a vital building block in the foundation of our society. Education brings positive change and allows us to develop skills and knowledge to be responsible citizens. Writing an essay about education can give you valuable insight into how it works to benefit us all. 

But is it all that easy? Crafting a thought-provoking expository essay on education can be a challenge, but don't worry. We’re here to help.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to write an interesting and engaging paper about education. Moreover, you’ll get essay examples to help you get started.

So read on to learn!

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  • 1. Expository Essay - The Basics
  • 2. Expository Essay About Education: Writing Steps
  • 3. Expository Essay About Education Examples

Expository Essay - The Basics

To start off, let's define what is an expository essay.

An expository essay is a type of writing in which the main purpose is to inform the reader about a certain topic or subject. This type of essay should be written in an objective, impartial tone and backed up by facts, statistics, or other reliable sources.

Essays need to have a clear introduction and conclusion so the reader knows what the main points are. They also need to have strong evidence that supports the argument presented throughout the paper.

An expository essay on education would require you to explain any aspect of education. For instance, its benefits or how it can be improved, etc.

Let's now take a look at how you can write an essay about education yourself.

Expository Essay About Education: Writing Steps

Writing an essay would be easier if you follow certain steps. Here are the steps you need to follow to write an engaging and interesting education essay.

Step 1: Brainstorming Ideas

Before you start writing your essay about education, it's important to brainstorm some ideas.

Think about expository essay topics about education that you find interesting or want to learn more about. You should also make sure the topic is relevant and has enough evidence to support it.

Brainstorming will help you create a list of ideas that you can work with as you write your essay. Check out some general expository essay topics to help you brainstorm.

The video below about what is education will help you brainstorm about your topic, so be sure to check it out:

Step 2: Find Out More About Your Topic

Now that you have some ideas, it's time to do some research. Gather reliable sources and read through them to learn more about your topic.

Take notes as you go so that you can refer to them when writing your essay. This will help ensure the information you include in your paper is accurate and up-to-date.

Step 3: Organize Your Ideas

Once you’ve done your research, you should start organizing your ideas. You can do this by creating an outline or using a mind map.

The outline should consist of the main points of your essay and any sub-points that will help you support those points.

An organized structure will make it easier for you to write your paper later on.

Step 4: Start with the Introduction

The introduction is one of the most important parts of your essay. It should capture the reader's attention and introduce them to the topic.

Start by introducing your topic and then provide some background information about it. This will give your readers more context as they move on to the main points of your essay.

Step 5: Write the Body

The body of your paper should be structured around each point from your outline. This is where you will include evidence and examples to support your argument.

Include a few sentences for each point and make sure that they are linked to each other in a logical way.

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Then, use evidence and examples to support your point and make sure that everything is linked logically.

Remember to include in-text citations so that you can give credit to the sources you used.

Step 6: Create the Conclusion

The conclusion is where you wrap up your essay and provide a summary of all the main points. You should also include a call to action or something that will make readers think about what they’ve read.

Make sure to keep it brief and don’t include any new information.

Step 7: Editing and Proofreading

Once you’ve finished writing your essay, it’s time to edit and proofread it to make sure everything is correct.

Check for spelling and grammar mistakes and make sure that the structure of your paper is logical. Also, make sure to read over your paper for any factual errors.

You can also ask a professional essay writer to look at your paper and give you feedback. This can help you identify any issues or mistakes that you may have missed. Taking the time to do this will ensure that your essay is as good as possible. 

Now that we know how to write an expository essay, let’s read a few example essays.

Expository Essay About Education Examples

Reading essays can be a great way to learn how to write one yourself.

So, before you start writing your own essay, take some time to read through these expository essay examples on education. 

Expository Essay About Education in Time of Pandemic

Expository Essay About Education System in the New Normal

Expository Essay About Importance of Education

Expository Essay About Higher Education

Short Expository Essay Example 

Let’s take a look at a short expository essay example on education:

Reading these will help you understand the structure and format of an expository paper better. Check out our blog about expository essay examples if you need samples on other topics.

To wrap up,

Writing an education essay doesn't have to be difficult. By following these steps and taking the time to do your research, you can write a great essay that will capture the reader's attention.

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Expository Essay

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Get the ultimate guide on writing an expository essay – step-by-step tips and examples.

How to write expository essay

Are you grappling with the challenge of composing a compelling expository essay? Look no further, as this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the essential tools and techniques to effectively convey your ideas and captivate your readers. By employing powerful writing strategies and supplementing your work with concrete examples and real-life anecdotes, you will unlock the true potential of your explanatory essay.

Begin your writing journey by harnessing the power of clarity and conciseness. Structuring your essay with a logical flow will allow your readers to effortlessly follow your thought process and grasp your central ideas. Employing strong transitions between paragraphs and employing cohesive language will ensure a seamless reading experience. Additionally, honing your analytical skills and supporting your claims with factual evidence will lend credibility to your work while fostering a deep understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, incorporating vivid examples and engaging anecdotes will breathe life into your expository essay, making your content relatable and memorable. By utilizing descriptive language and the art of storytelling, you will create a lasting impact in the minds of your readers. Whether it is a personal experience, a historical event, or a scientific study, weaving in these narratives will amplify the effectiveness and persuasiveness of your essay, leaving a lasting imprint on your audience.

Mastering the Art of Crafting a Compelling Expository Composition: Pointers and Illustrations

Mastering the Art of Crafting a Compelling Expository Composition: Pointers and Illustrations

An in-depth exploration of the fundamentals behind composing an impactful expository essay can serve as an invaluable tool in your academic and professional endeavors. By harnessing the power of language, analysis, and evidence, you can construct a persuasive and enlightening piece of writing that will captivate your readers. Let us embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of crafting an exquisite expository essay.

1. Avoid monotony: Deliver your ideas in a fresh, stimulating manner to enthrall your audience. Strive to maintain a captivating narrative flow by skillfully employing synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and metaphors. This will invigorate your writing and make it truly memorable.

2. Be concise yet comprehensive: Accomplish the delicate balance of being succinct without sacrificing the clarity and depth of your exposition. Remember to select your words wisely, presenting each idea concisely while ensuring it is thorough and complete.

3. Provide evidence: Back up your statements with solid evidence and well-researched examples. Citing credible sources, such as reputable studies, expert opinions, and statistical data, will add credibility and weight to your arguments, making them more persuasive and powerful.

4. Organize your thoughts: Structure your essay in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring that each idea flows seamlessly into the next. Utilize transitional words and phrases to guide your readers through the different sections of your essay, enabling them to follow your line of reasoning effortlessly.

5. Cater to your audience: Tailor your language, tone, and examples to suit the preferences and background of your intended audience. Use relatable and engaging references to convey your message effectively and establish a connection with your readers.

6. Emphasize clarity: Clarity is key when it comes to expository writing. Avoid excessive jargon, convoluted sentences, and ambiguous expressions. Instead, strive for lucidity and precision, ensuring that your readers can easily grasp the main points of your essay.

7. Show don’t tell: Instead of merely stating information, aim to vividly illustrate your ideas through anecdotes, case studies, and real-life examples. This will make your essay more relatable and memorable, enabling your readers to form a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

8. Revise and refine: Do not underestimate the importance of the revision process. Review your essay meticulously, focusing on grammar, clarity, and coherence. Eliminate redundancies, enhance sentence structure, and refine your vocabulary to elevate the quality and impact of your writing.

By equipping yourself with these essential guidelines and examples, you are well-prepared to embark on your expository essay writing journey. Remember, mastering the art of crafting a compelling expository composition requires practice and perseverance. Let your ideas flow, embrace creativity, and allow your words to inspire, educate, and leave an indelible mark in the minds of your readers.

The Significance of an Expository Article

When it pertains to written compositions, the significance of an expository article cannot be underestimated. This type of writing piece serves a crucial purpose in communicating information, presenting facts, and explaining ideas in a clear and concise manner. By utilizing objective analysis, evidence-based reasoning, and logical arguments, an expository essay provides readers with a deeper understanding of a subject matter.

Unlike other forms of writing, an expository essay focuses on informing rather than persuading or entertaining. It acts as a reliable source of knowledge, offering readers an opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain new insights. Whether used in academic, professional, or personal settings, the expository essay serves as a valuable tool for conveying information accurately and objectively.

Furthermore, an expository essay aids in building critical thinking and analytical skills. Through the process of researching and organizing information, the writer develops the ability to evaluate sources, discern facts from opinions, and present arguments based on logical reasoning. This type of writing encourages readers to question assumptions, analyze evidence, and draw their own conclusions.

Moreover, mastering the art of composing an expository essay equips individuals with essential communication skills that are applicable in various aspects of life. By learning how to present complex ideas in a clear and coherent manner, one becomes an effective communicator across different fields and disciplines. Whether it be writing research papers, reports, or even delivering presentations, the skills acquired from writing an expository essay are invaluable in expressing ideas persuasively and engaging an audience.

In conclusion, the importance of an expository essay lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive and objective understanding of a subject matter. By offering factual information, logical arguments, and clear explanations, this type of writing contributes to the development of critical thinking skills and effective communication. Whether in academic, professional, or personal settings, the expository essay plays a vital role in disseminating knowledge and fostering intellectual growth.

Understanding the Purpose and Audience

In order to create a compelling and impactful expository essay, it is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose and audience of your writing.

The purpose of an expository essay is to explain or inform the reader about a specific topic or idea. Unlike other types of essays, the main goal is to provide a balanced analysis and present factual information in a clear and concise manner. The purpose may vary depending on the specific assignment or context, but it is important to always keep the purpose in mind when writing an expository essay.

Equally important is knowing your audience. Understanding who will be reading your essay will help you tailor your writing style, tone, and level of complexity to effectively communicate your ideas. Consider the background knowledge, interests, and beliefs of your audience to ensure that your essay is accessible and engaging.

  • Start by identifying the demographic characteristics of your audience, such as age, education level, and background.
  • Consider their prior knowledge on the topic. Are they familiar with the subject matter, or do you need to provide additional context?
  • Think about their potential biases or preconceived notions. Are there any potential challenges or objections you need to address?

By understanding the purpose and audience of your expository essay, you can craft a well-written and relevant piece that effectively communicates your ideas and engages your readers.

Choosing the Right Topic and Gathering Information

One of the crucial steps in writing an outstanding expository essay is selecting a compelling topic and gathering relevant information. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and align with the purpose of your essay. It’s important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a good understanding of, as it will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and easier.

Start by brainstorming different ideas and concepts that you find intriguing. Consider your personal experiences, hobbies, or areas of expertise that you would like to explore further. You can also look for inspiration from current events, popular trends, or societal issues that grab your attention. Once you have a list of potential topics, narrow it down to the one that has enough depth and scope for exploration.

Once you have chosen a topic, it’s time to gather information to support your thesis statement and provide evidence for your claims. Start by conducting thorough research using various sources such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and interviews with experts in the field. Take notes and keep track of the sources you use for referencing purposes.

Tips for Gathering Information:
1. Use reliable and credible sources to ensure the accuracy of the information.
2. Take detailed notes and organize them based on different subtopics or arguments.
3. Look for different perspectives and opinions on the topic to present a well-rounded view.
4. Don’t rely solely on internet sources, but also explore books and academic journals.
5. Use quotation marks or proper citation methods when including direct quotes or paraphrasing information from sources.
6. Keep track of all the sources you use to avoid plagiarism and provide proper references in your essay.

By choosing the right topic and gathering relevant information, you lay the foundation for a well-researched and compelling expository essay. Take the time to explore different ideas, conduct thorough research, and organize your findings effectively. Remember, a well-chosen topic and solid information will make your essay engaging and informative for your readers.

Structuring Your Expository Essay

Structuring Your Expository Essay

When it comes to composing an expository essay, the way you structure your piece is crucial. Organizing your thoughts and ideas in a clear and logical manner will not only make your writing more coherent and easy to follow, but it will also help you effectively convey your message to the readers.

One effective way to structure your expository essay is to use the traditional five-paragraph format. This format consists of an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall development of your essay.

The introduction paragraph is where you grab the attention of your readers and provide them with a brief overview of what your essay will be about. It should include a strong thesis statement that clearly states your main argument or point of view.

The body paragraphs are where you present your evidence, provide supporting details, and analyze your topic. Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea or aspect of your topic. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, and then provide examples, facts, or explanations to support your argument.

In the conclusion paragraph, you should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in this section. Instead, focus on leaving a lasting impression on your readers and reinforcing the main ideas discussed throughout your essay.

Remember to use appropriate transition words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas. Examples of transitional phrases include “firstly,” “in addition, “finally,” and “on the other hand,” among others.

By following a well-structured approach, you can effectively organize your expository essay and make it engaging and informative for your readers. Take the time to plan your essay, identify your main points, and arrange them in a logical order. With a clear structure, your expository essay will be a powerful piece of writing that effectively conveys your ideas.

Enhancing Clarity and Coherence

Creating a clear and coherent expository essay requires skillful use of language and organization. By carefully selecting words and arranging ideas logically, you can ensure that your essay is easy to understand and follow.

Word Choice: One of the most effective ways to enhance clarity is through thoughtful word choice. Consider using precise and specific language to convey your ideas. Instead of using general terms, opt for more descriptive words that accurately depict the information you are presenting.

Logical Organization: Coherence in your essay can be achieved through proper organization. Present your ideas in a logical progression, ensuring that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Use transitional words and phrases to connect your thoughts and guide the reader through your essay.

Consistent Structure: To enhance clarity and coherence, maintain a consistent structure throughout your essay. Use a clear introduction to outline your main points and a strong conclusion to summarize your findings. Each body paragraph should focus on a single topic and provide sufficient evidence and examples to support your claims.

Effective Transitions: Transitions are essential in ensuring a cohesive flow between ideas and paragraphs. Use transitional words and phrases such as “however,” “in addition,” and “furthermore” to link your ideas and create a smooth transition between different sections of your essay.

Eliminating Ambiguity: To enhance clarity, it is crucial to eliminate any ambiguity or confusion from your writing. Be precise in your language and avoid using vague terms or jargon. Make sure your ideas are clearly articulated and leave no room for misinterpretation.

Proofreading: Finally, closely edit and proofread your essay for clarity and coherence. Look for any unclear sentences or confusing phrases and revise them for greater clarity. Ensure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner, leaving no room for confusion.

By enhancing clarity and coherence in your expository essay, you can effectively communicate your ideas and engage your readers. Thoughtful word choice, logical organization, consistent structure, effective transitions, and careful proofreading all play important roles in creating a clear and coherent essay that will leave a lasting impact.

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How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples

Published on July 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

“Expository” means “intended to explain or describe something.” An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a particular topic, process, or set of ideas. It doesn’t set out to prove a point, just to give a balanced view of its subject matter.

Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your understanding of a subject. They tend to involve less research and original arguments than argumentative essays .

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Table of contents

When should you write an expository essay, how to approach an expository essay, introducing your essay, writing the body paragraphs, concluding your essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about expository essays.

In school and university, you might have to write expository essays as in-class exercises, exam questions, or coursework assignments.

Sometimes it won’t be directly stated that the assignment is an expository essay, but there are certain keywords that imply expository writing is required. Consider the prompts below.

The word “explain” here is the clue: An essay responding to this prompt should provide an explanation of this historical process—not necessarily an original argument about it.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to define a particular term or concept. This means more than just copying down the dictionary definition; you’ll be expected to explore different ideas surrounding the term, as this prompt emphasizes.

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An expository essay should take an objective approach: It isn’t about your personal opinions or experiences. Instead, your goal is to provide an informative and balanced explanation of your topic. Avoid using the first or second person (“I” or “you”).

The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It’s worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline .

A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Like all essays, an expository essay begins with an introduction . This serves to hook the reader’s interest, briefly introduce your topic, and provide a thesis statement summarizing what you’re going to say about it.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

The body of your essay is where you cover your topic in depth. It often consists of three paragraphs, but may be more for a longer essay. This is where you present the details of the process, idea or topic you’re explaining.

It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Different topics (all related to the overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Hover over different parts of the example paragraph below to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

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The conclusion of an expository essay serves to summarize the topic under discussion. It should not present any new information or evidence, but should instead focus on reinforcing the points made so far. Essentially, your conclusion is there to round off the essay in an engaging way.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a conclusion works.

The invention of the printing press was important not only in terms of its immediate cultural and economic effects, but also in terms of its major impact on politics and religion across Europe. In the century following the invention of the printing press, the relatively stationary intellectual atmosphere of the Middle Ages gave way to the social upheavals of the Reformation and the Renaissance. A single technological innovation had contributed to the total reshaping of the continent.

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An expository essay is a broad form that varies in length according to the scope of the assignment.

Expository essays are often assigned as a writing exercise or as part of an exam, in which case a five-paragraph essay of around 800 words may be appropriate.

You’ll usually be given guidelines regarding length; if you’re not sure, ask.

An expository essay is a common assignment in high-school and university composition classes. It might be assigned as coursework, in class, or as part of an exam.

Sometimes you might not be told explicitly to write an expository essay. Look out for prompts containing keywords like “explain” and “define.” An expository essay is usually the right response to these prompts.

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 7, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/expository-essay/

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5 Expository Essay Examples (Full Text with Citations)

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  • Formatting Guide

An expository essay attempts to explain a topic in-depth, demonstrating expert knowledge and understanding.

This form of essay is structured around the clear, factual presentation of information, devoid of the writer’s personal opinions or arguments.

The primary goal is to inform or explain rather than persuade.

Unlike an argumentative essay, which is built around defending a particular point of view with evidence and persuasion, an expository essay maintains a neutral stance, focusing on delivering straightforward facts and explanations.

An example of expository writing could be an article explaining the process of photosynthesis.

The article would systematically describe each stage of how plants convert sunlight into energy, detailing the role of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

It would explain the sequence of reactions – first, second, third, fourth, fifth – that occur and the importance of each step in supporting the life of the plant.

An expository essay generally follows this essay format:

expository essay format and structure template

  • A) To persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint
  • B) To inform or explain a topic clearly
  • C) To present the writer’s personal opinions and arguments
  • D) To entertain the reader with creative writing
  • A) An expository essay uses creative storytelling techniques
  • B) An expository essay remains neutral and avoids personal opinions
  • C) An expository essay focuses on persuading the reader with evidence
  • D) An expository essay prioritizes the writer’s personal experiences

Expository Essay Examples

#1 impacts of technology on education.

955 words | 4 Pages | 15 References

impact of technology on education essay

Thesis Statement: “The integration of technology in education represents a complex and critical area of study crucial for understanding and shaping the future of educational practices.”

#2 Impacts of Globalization on Education

1450 words | 5 Pages | 9 References

impacts of globalization on education essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay examines the profound and multifaceted effects of globalization on education, exploring how technological advancements and policy reforms have transformed access to, delivery of, and perceptions of education.”

#3 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interpersonal Relationships

1211 Words | 5 Pages | 22 References

emotional intelligence essay

Thesis Statement: “The central thesis is that EI, defined as the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions, is a crucial determinant of success and well-being.”

#4 The Future of Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact

870 words | 4 Pages | 20 References

renewable energy essay

Thesis Statement: “The essay posits that although renewable energy sources hold immense promise for a sustainable future, their full integration into the global energy grid presents significant challenges that must be addressed through technological innovation, economic investment, and policy initiatives.”

#5 The Psychology Behind Consumer Behavior

1053 words | 4 Pages | 17 References

consumer behavior essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this essay is that consumer behavior is not merely a product of rational decision-making; it is deeply rooted in psychological processes, both conscious and subconscious, that drive consumers’ choices and actions.”

How to Write an Expository Essay

expository essay definition and features, explained below

Unlike argumentative or persuasive essays, expository essays do not aim to convince the reader of a particular point of view.

Instead, they focus on providing a balanced and thorough explanation of a subject.

Key characteristics of an expository essay include:

  • Clarity and Conciseness
  • Structured Organization (Introduction, Body, Conclusion)
  • Objective Tone
  • Evidence-Based (Cite academic sources in every body paragraph)
  • Objective thesis statement (see below)
  • Informative purpose (Not argumentative)

You can follow my expository essay templates with AI prompts to help guide you through the expository essay writing process:

Expository Essay Paragraph Guide

How to write a Thesis Statement for an Expository Essay

An expository thesis statement doesn’t make an argument or try to persuade. It uses ‘is’ rather than ‘ought’ statements.

Take these comparisons  below. Note how the expository thesis statements don’t prosecute an argument or attempt to persuade, while the argumentative thesis statements clearly take a side on an issue:

(Ought Statements)

“Governments should prioritize the adoption of electric vehicles over traditional gasoline-powered cars to combat climate change and reduce environmental pollution.”“Electric vehicles contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.”
“Online education should be widely adopted as it offers more inclusive and adaptable learning solutions compared to traditional classroom-based education.”“Online education provides accessible and flexible learning opportunities, utilizing digital platforms for course delivery and student-teacher interaction.”

💡 AI Prompt for Generating Sample Expository Thesis Statements An expository essay’s thesis statement should be objective rather than argumentative. Write me five broad expository thesis statement ideas on the topic “[TOPIC]”.

Go Deeper: 101 Thesis Statement Examples

Differences Between Expository and Argumentative Essays

Expository and argumentative essays are both common writing styles in academic and professional contexts, but they serve different purposes and follow different structures.

Here are the key differences between them:

  • Expository Essay : The primary purpose is to explain, describe, or inform about a topic. It focuses on clarifying a subject or process, providing understanding and insight.
  • Argumentative Essay : The goal is to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view or to take a specific action. It’s about presenting a stance and supporting it with evidence and logic.
  • Expository Essay : It maintains a neutral and objective tone. The writer presents information factually and impartially, without expressing personal opinions or biases.
  • Argumentative Essay : It often adopts a more assertive, persuasive, and subjective tone. The writer takes a clear position and argues in favor of it, using persuasive language.
  • Expository Essay : The reader is expected to gain knowledge, understand a process, or become informed about a topic. There’s no expectation for the reader to agree or disagree.
  • Argumentative Essay : The reader is encouraged to consider the writer’s viewpoint, evaluate arguments, and possibly be persuaded to adopt a new perspective or take action.

Go Deeper: Expository vs Argumentative Essays

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Expository Essay Template

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Read Next: Process Essay Examples


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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How to Write an Expository Essay

4-minute read

  • 29th March 2020

An expository essay explains something. This means investigating an idea, looking at evidence, coming to a conclusion, and explaining your thinking. But how do you write a strong expository essay? Our top tips include:

  • Read the essay prompt carefully and using it to guide your research.
  • Come up with a thesis statement (i.e., a position that you’ll explain).
  • Plan the structure of your essay before you start writing.
  • Once you have a first draft, revise and proofread to make sure it is perfect.

For more advice on how this works, check out the guide below.

1. Read Your Essay Prompt

Most expository essay prompts will ask you to do one of the following:

  • Define and explain a concept or theory.
  • Compare and contrast two ideas.
  • Examine a problem and propose a solution.
  • Describe a cause and effect relationship.
  • Explain a step-by-step process.
  • Analyze a broad subject and classify examples into groups.

When you’ve been set an expository assignment, then, check the prompt or question carefully. You can use the phrasing to guide your research. You may also need to select a topic to write about. If so, try to think of something:

  • You already know at least something about.
  • You find interesting enough to research.
  • That fits with the instructions in the essay prompt (e.g., if you’ve been asked to contrast two things, you’ll need a topic that allows for a comparison).
  • That is narrow enough to discuss in one essay.

Start by brainstorming topics, then narrow it down to one or two ideas.

2. Come Up with a Thesis Statement

Once you have a topic, you’ll need to do some research and develop a thesis statement. This is the proposition or position that you’ll explain in your essay.

Your thesis statement should be something you can back up with evidence and facts, as well as something that answers the question in your essay prompt. Keep in mind, too, that an expository essay should present a balanced account of the facts available, not personal opinions. For instance, we’ve come up with thesis statements for a few example essay prompts:




When you’ve selected a thesis, make sure you’ve got evidence to back it up! This may mean doing a little more research before you start writing.

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3. Structuring an Expository Essay

The exact length and content of your essay will depend on the topic and prompt. However, most expository essays follow a similar basic structure:

  • Introduction – A paragraph where you introduce the essay topic and your thesis statement (i.e., the issue or idea you will explain in the essay).
  • Main Body – A series of short paragraphs in which you explain your thesis statement, providing evidence and arguments to support each point.
  • Conclusion – A final paragraph where you restate your thesis and how your evidence supports this. Try not to introduce any new information here (if it’s important, it should go in the main body).
  • References – If required, include a bibliography of sources you’ve used.

Before you start writing, then, create an essay outline with the structure above in mind and plan what each paragraph will say.

4. Editing and Proofreading

When you have a first draft, take a break and re-read it. Now comes the redrafting ! This is where you go back over your essay and look for areas to improve. Do you provide enough evidence? Is your argument clear? Even a few tweaks may increase your mark, so make sure to redraft at least once!

Finally, make sure to have your essay proofread before you submit it for marking. This will ensure your writing is error free and easy to read, giving you an even better chance of getting the grades you deserve.

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How to Write an Expository Essay


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is An Expository Essay?
  • 2 What Is the Purpose of Expository Writing?
  • 3.1 Expository Essay Topics about Culture
  • 3.2 Expository Essay Topics about Music
  • 3.3 Expository Essay Topics about Education
  • 3.4 Expository Essay Topics about History
  • 3.5 Expository Essay Topics about Literature
  • 3.6 Expository Essay Topics About Social Issues
  • 3.7 Expository Essay Topics about Psychology and Philosophy
  • 3.8 Controversial Expository Essay Topics
  • 3.9 Expository Essay Topics about Science and Technology
  • 3.10 Expository Essay Topics about Health
  • 3.11 Expository Essay Topics about Ethical Issues
  • 3.12 Expository Essay Topics About Social Problems
  • 3.13 Expository Essay Topics for Middle School
  • 3.14 Expository Essay Topics for High School
  • 3.15 Expository Essay Topics for College
  • 4.1 How to Organize Expository Essays
  • 5.1 Step 1: Select a Topic
  • 5.2 Step 2: Write a Thesis Statement
  • 5.3 Step 3: Select Your Method of Development
  • 5.4 Step 4: Organize Your Ideas
  • 6 Structure of an Expository Essay Outline
  • 7 An Expository Essay Format and Style
  • 8 What is a Good Expository Essay Outline Example?
  • 9 Conclusion

When it comes to writing an expository essay, it can be a challenging task that requires researching, analyzing evidence, and organizing information in a structured manner. To help make the process easier, Papersowl provides expert guidance on the structure and requirements of a successful expository essay.

What Is An Expository Essay?

There are many essay writing types, including descriptive, persuasive, contrast, effect, and personal opinion essays. As explained earlier, a good expository essay is an explanation, investigation, or exposition for clarification. It is different from a descriptive essay or a definition essay. The main difference between this type of write-up and an argumentative essay is that the tone used in an expository essay is neutral. However, in an argumentative essay , the style must highlight the position taken before the argument is presented.

Ideally, an expository essay aims to make the reader aware of all the key points in the article. It is different from descriptive writing.

What Is the Purpose of Expository Writing?

According to the definition of an expository essay, this type of writing aims to inform and clarify a particular topic. Its primary goal is to present facts, information, or opinions. This should be done in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner. The academic tone does not have the purpose of persuading.

It is commonly used in academic settings, such as in research papers, essays, and reports. It is also used in everyday life in instructional manuals, news articles, and online blogs.

One of the key features of expository writing is its focus on clarity and critical thinking. The writer must present the information in a way that is easy to understand. They should also provide clear and detailed explanations of complex concepts to ensure the reader grasps the topic.

Another crucial aspect of expository writing is the use of factual information to support the writer’s position. By citing credible sources, the writer can provide evidence that supports their argument. Presenting facts is particularly important when discussing scientific theories or historical events.

Overall, the goal of the entire essay is to help the reader gain a better understanding of a specific topic or concept. It effectively bridges the gap between experts and the general public. It provides a means for complex ideas and information to be communicated clearly and concisely. It also allows the reader to understand the position that the writer takes.

By presenting information in a straightforward and accessible manner, expository writing enables readers to develop informed opinions. They can then make well-informed decisions.

Choosing a Type of Expository Essay

The format of expository essays mostly features words such as “define” or “explain”. For example, “Write an essay on how to curb global warming.” In this case, you must “explain” the ‘measures that can be implemented to help minimize climate change and its effects.’

If you noticed, no instruction requires you to form an opinion or argument on whether or not there is global warming. However, explaining a certain topic is challenging.

It is paramount to know the various types of expository essays.

  • Cause and Effect Essays

Outlines reasons that cause something and then discusses its results and effects.

  • Problem and Solution Essays

They highlight all the problems associated with a particular situation and suggest solutions to those problems.

  • Classification Essay

This sorts things out things into different categories based on the pre-defined criteria of each type.

  • Comparison or Contrast Essays

It focuses on similarities and differences between objects, events, or notions.

  • Definition Essays

They explain a complicated concept.

  • Process Essay

A process essay, a “how-to-essay, ” explains the procedures involved in doing something.


Expository Essay Topics about Culture

Culture has always been a prevalent aspect of people’s lives, which makes it a great expository essay topic for students. You can select one direction and narrate about local cuisine, the country’s folk music, a certain poet’s writing, and anything that would be suitable for a subject. Without knowing the distinctive features of such an essay idea, it might be complex to come up with a decent title. The options that you see below are some of the most intriguing and exciting within the cultural field. Consider that even using our sample expository essay topics, you need time to complete the assignment, so start early.

  • Development of Jewish culture
  • Why is Oriental culture that different?
  • How does gambling affect culture in the United States?
  • How does culture affect personality?
  • Gender inequality in the culture
  • Benefits and perks of multicultural education
  • Industry of the culture
  • Education in Chinese and American culture
  • Handling media manipulation properly
  • The way political and cultural issues affect you

Expository Essay Topics about Music

To add a bit of entertainment to your studies, you can write an essay about music. The imagination is wide open: talk about the influence of your favorite boys-band on American teenage culture or write a paper about the positive influence of symphony on the human brain. Specifications are completely up to you. Moreover, by picking something of your interest, you will ease your mind and decrease the workload.

  • Connections Between Different Genres
  • Can Music Be Considered a Propaganda?
  • Advancement Of Sound Production
  • Correlation of Tunes of Your Motherland and Foreign Countries
  • Evolution Of Tunes
  • Tunes And Other Types Of Media Comparison
  • Explanation of High Cultural and Low Cultural Tunes Explained
  • How Tunes Shape The Society Today
  • Current Key Points of Itunes Production
  • The Connection Between Poetry And Tunes

Expository Essay Topics about Education

The field of education is pretty broad. You can turn to different branches of knowledge, their sources, and teaching methods. Choosing this option is a nice idea if you don’t want to put that much effort into doing deep research. Remember that your goal is just to explain and describe one of the processes that are anyhow connected to the educational activity. Below, you’ll see several offers from us. One of them may even become the basis of your expository.

  • Why Higher Education Has Huge Positive Effect On Career
  • Traditional Versus Online Learning
  • The Essential Meaning of Homework
  • Teaching: a Complete Struggle or a Noble Profession
  • Why People With A Higher Degree Get The Job First
  • How to Come Up With a Decent Title for Your Essay?
  • The Future Changes of Literature and Its Impact on Society
  • How Can You Complete a Perfect Paper?
  • How Learning Foreign Languages Benefit Your Life
  • Difference between literate and illiterate individuals


Expository Essay Topics about History

Similar to previous suggestions, history has a variety of essay options. You can start from the very beginning of time or select a subject out of current events. Any point on the world’s timeline would be both — interesting for the author to describe and for the audience to read. Make sure to create a solid statement and provide 100% accurate shreds of evidence. In case, use some of our variations as prompts.

  • The Changes in the Economy after Titanic Sinking
  • Spanish-American War: Cultural Effects
  • What caused the Battle of Germantown?
  • Child Labor within the Puritan Era
  • The Impact of the US on WWI
  • The Impact of the US on WWII
  • Aztectimes Religion
  • The Great Depression And Unemployment Of Women
  • How the Industrial Revolution Impacted the Planet
  • The Outcomes and Consequences of the WWII

Expository Essay Topics about Literature

School always means lots of reading as much as writing. At some point, you will receive an assignment with the descriptive task. You may talk about the main idea of a certain drama or compare the literary features of several works. Although learners frequently get such homework, narration about literature would be harder than other good expository essay topics. For starters, you have to read the whole book to be able to create a title for your expository essay and analyze the writing. Mainly, remember to stay focused and provide enough details.

  • Romeo and Juliet: explaining the use of language in Shakespeare’s masterpiece
  • Examples of Dramatic Irony in Shakespeare’s Plays
  • Two Examples of Figurative Language and the way it’s implemented in Literature
  • The Causes and Clarification of Hamlet and Claudius Dispute
  • The Lesson I’ve Learned from My Favorite Shakespeare Play
  • The Development of Women Role in Literature
  • Opinion Personal Opinion on Character development in Ophelia
  • Personal Impression of Romeo and Juliet
  • The Importance and Effect of Huge Poems on individuals
  • The Author that Changed Your Lifestyle The Most?

Expository Essay Topics About Social Issues

If you’re interested in the way society works and how it correlates to individuals, picking social issues as your expository topic would be suitable action. It gives lots of opportunities to describe and explain certain complications, current problems, and specific processes and elements. You can also account for anthropological and psychological issues when they relate to the social aspect. Be aware that you will need plenty of data and the skill to manage it wisely. First, start with an outline, add a description to each paragraph you’re going to write, and then form a solid essay step-by-step. If needed, apply to the topics proposed by us.

  • What Problems Do Young Individuals Regularly Face?
  • Can You Use Poetry To Deal With Life Problems?
  • Why Should Individuals Change Their Appearance?
  • Social Issues: Definition and Clarification
  • How Essential is the Social Structure of Childhood?
  • The Way Local Community Prevents Crimes
  • The View on Abortion: Is It Really Supposed to Be Regulated by Law
  • Cyberbullying: The Current Condition and The Way It Affects Individuals
  • Beauty Standards Appropriateness
  • Does The Government Sets Proper Mandates?
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Expository Essay Topics about Psychology and Philosophy

Lots of decent expository essay topics take their place in this section. Psychology is a great part of people’s lives, careers, etc. It may be simple and clear on the one hand, but at the same time, complex and versatile on another. Needless to mention, it is one of the hardest ideas to research and requires attentiveness. Yet, it’s easier to come up with a title for an essay as they are based on the individual’s life processes.

  • Modifying Lifestyle in 2 weeks: possible or just a myth?
  • How to Define the Friend is Lying
  • Receptivity of the concept of time by different people
  • How Our Specific Features Shape Our Character
  • Specifications and Distinctive Features of a Particular Region
  • The Main Life-Lesson Elderly People Would Advice
  • How to Reduce Stress Among Students
  • Mental Disease Description
  • Why Do Teenagers Tend To Be Depressed
  • What Qualities You Need to Become Popular at School

Controversial Expository Essay Topics

The audience is always keen on something that makes them question the whole process; therefore, a controversial expository essay would be just the option to catch readers’ attention. Although it seems entertaining and interesting to dig in, you have to be highly professional and do accurate research. Controversial stories also require staying focused and they have to be written in detail. If you feel like you can handle it, then go for it.

  • Dispute: how many negotiations are required?
  • Communism as a Compound of Dictatorship
  • The danger of military activity in Asia
  • Art as a Way to Treat Mental Disorders
  • The Effect and Outcome of Prohibitions after 20’s
  • Main Points of John Kennedy’s Political Activity
  • How important is IQ?
  • What Causes Racism?
  • Crusaders: good guys or villains?
  • How can you become a good therapist?

Expository Essay Topics about Science and Technology

Technology is a crucial part of our world nowadays. Developing subjects out of this field will be exciting and interesting. Choose anything that is relevant and touches on scientific and tech aspects, and try to be specific within the narration. Even the feature perspective of technology may be suitable for your essay title or overall theme. Below are several options that we’ve created to help you to start.

  • Current Influence of Tech
  • Suitable Projects for Online Format
  • The Way Lifestyle Changes 25 Years from Now
  • Are People Truly Connected Online?
  • AI: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Selling a specific item
  • The Invention Of A Specific Object In Your Home
  • Description of Another Planet
  • Memory and How it Works
  • The Causes of Global Warming


Expository Essay Topics about Health

Those students who dream of becoming doctor or nurse would benefit from selecting health as the field of their research. For starters, you will learn lots of essentials for your future occupation and provide readers with something they didn’t know before. You can connect your essay to medication, various diseases, different kinds of procedures, etc. We’ve tried our best to gather the most remarkable titles to ease your mind and quickly start the writing process.

  • How Do Doctors Get Their Licenses?
  • Most Common Myths
  • How Does Anesthesia Work?
  • How does an X-ray machine work?
  • Explain Hip Replacement Surgery
  • Why Chemically Induced Coma Is Important
  • Ebola crisis Explanation
  • The Most Complicated Surgeries
  • Skin Graft: Definition and Importance
  • How To Protect Yourself From Viruses

Expository Essay Topics about Ethical Issues

Living in current society, people often ask themselves why the ethical part of our culture is on such a low level. You can become one of a few learners who would share their essays on a topic like that. Tell the audience about the ethical changes in the US, show them the ways to improve the situation, or mention anything relevant to your preference.

  • Caught bullying: report or not?
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized?
  • Is Plastic Surgery a Good Idea for Kids?
  • What if your friend cheats on the test?
  • Should Church And Politics Be Completely Separated?
  • Should you report if your friend abuses animals?
  • Should coaches earn more than professors?
  • Should All Companies Increase Data Collection?
  • Should the death penalty be mandatory?
  • Would you tell if your friend drinks at the prom?

Expository Essay Topics About Social Problems

In comparison to social issues, social problems have a slightly different direction in the field. Here you should write your expository essay about the issues that are happening around you. For instance, global pandemic or discrimination based on the color of the skin or sexual orientation, etc. If there is anything that concerns you in terms of social activity, make it the basis of your paper and research the topic from the inside out. Apply our suggestions when you need some inspiration.

  • Impact of COVID 19
  • Supply chain during the COVID 19 pandemic
  • Discrimination by skin color
  • Green Energy Convention
  • Modern Society: Healthcare Bias
  • US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Remote Education Challenge
  • Global Vaccination And Pandemic
  • The environmental situation in Arctic Pole
  • Political Polarization Increase

Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

A middle school is the first place where you get acquainted with such things as expository essays. Usually, teachers ask you to describe a simple subject to shape your writing skills and teach you the essay’s specifications. You are free to pick anything you want, as the aim of the assignment here is to let children complete the paper all by themselves. Doesn’t matter how good the quality will be, but matters how much effort you put into creating it.

  • The Way You Spend the First Day of School
  • The Picture of Your First Teacher
  • Your Weekend with a Favorite Pet
  • Your Favorite Hobby and Why
  • The Best Place in the World

Expository Essay Topics for High School

When choosing expository essay topics for high school, you need to try something mature and more complex. The title may remain ordinary, but the focus has to be on a broad range of aspects. However the initial goal is to practice and get prepared for college expository assignments in the future.

  • Can a dog smell fear?
  • How do you manage stress?
  • Aliens: real or a myth?
  • How significant is the universe?
  • Can people truly change for the better?

Expository Essay Topics for College

Now you’re at the final level, where you have to show all you’ve learned throughout the years. For excellent results, it’s advisable to use online writing tools for college students or ask your professor to give you more guidelines. Still, in creating expository essays for college, you have to put in much more effort.

  • Can We Still Save The Earth?
  • Internet Utility Dispute
  • The Book That Appeals To You The Most
  • The Ways Out Of Personal Financial Crisis
  • Can Little Things Still Bring Happiness?

The Expository Essay Structure

Expository essay assignments are common in academic writing and can also be used in everyday life, such as in instructional manuals or news articles. The structure of an expository essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Typically, it needs to be a five-paragraph essay.

An expository essay’s introduction paragraph sets the tone for the report and grabs the reader’s attention. It should include a thesis that provides the paper’s main focus and previews the main points to be discussed in at least three body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph of an expository essay should present and develop the essay’s main points. Each section should begin with a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement and provides a clear focus for the paragraph. Supporting evidence, background information, and examples should be included in each section.

An expository essay’s conclusion summarises the main points made in the body paragraphs and restates the thesis statement. It should not introduce any new information or arguments. Instead, it should provide a sense of closure to the essay and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the topic.

How to Organize Expository Essays

In addition to the traditional structure, several different approaches to organizing an expository essay exist. One common method is the “compare and contrast” approach, where two or more subjects are compared and contrasted by explaining similarities and differences. Another approach is the “cause and effect” method, where the writer describes how one event or action leads to another.

Regardless of the approach used, the structure of an expository essay should be logical and easy to follow. The writer should strive to present information clearly and concisely, using evidence and examples to support their arguments. By doing so, they can effectively explain and clarify a topic for their audience.

Steps to Write Expository Essays

In most cases, your tutor will assign you a topic to write on; however, choosing the right topic is crucial when you have to develop your topic. You should always cover an issue you are conversant with since it will be easier to explain the case to your readers and will need minimal research.

The two crucial aspects of your write-up that form the hook for an expository essay are the topic and statement of thesis. These two things strike your reader’s attention and determine if they will be triggered to read your entire paper. Thus, it is always advisable to choose an appealing topic and a good thesis statement for an expository essay.

Another critical aspect is maintaining clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion of the expository essays.

Lastly, ensure that everybody’s paragraphs feature evidential support. This means that each expository essay body paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This gives your reader clarity and direction.

Step 1: Select a Topic

Brainstorm a list of topics you’re interested in. Then narrow down the list of the  good expository essay topics you feel would be easiest to write and that which is manageable within the required word count.

Step 2: Write a Thesis Statement

If you are used to writing argumentative papers, you will likely take a strong position on the topic or a particular idea. However, this should be the case with an expository essay. Here, your thesis statement should only give an insight into what you are writing about and why it is important.

Step 3: Select Your Method of Development

This is the most important part of essay writing. Determine the type of expository essay you will be writing. Is it compare and contrast, process analysis, cause and effect, or other types?

Step 4: Organize Your Ideas

Before you begin writing the body section, you must clearly understand how to plan an expository essay. In this case, you should list the major divisions to be discussed in the main paragraphs and the direct support for each body paragraph.

Structure of an Expository Essay Outline

Although writing any great essay is primarily creative, it should have a clear structure and plan. The structure is one of the most important elements because it involves highlighting the main meaningful elements of the text and establishing logical connections between them. An expository essay outline includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your outline should show which three main arguments you want to discuss in each paragraph.

Usually, the introductory part of any essay is similar to each other. If, even on this part, the idea of writing an outline for an expository essay scares you, or if you have particular questions, don’t hesitate to contact expository writing services online . We will gladly take this odious problem upon ourselves.

The very structure of the text plays a very important role in expressing the structure. First of all, its main function is to interest and encourage the reader to read the covered topic. Second, it will give the reader an idea of your  expository essay topic .

Your first sentence statement should be like a hook that captures the reader’s thoughts from the first second. A great tip for this is to start with a general statement about your topic. It can be anything, such as a certain quote, a question, an anecdote, a fascinating fact, or a dilemma that needs to be solved.

If, at this point, you have thoughts like who would write essays for me , then don’t worry. We already have a solution. That way, after learning something new in the first sentence, people will be interested to see what you talk about next. The following sentences briefly present the main points and emphasize their connection with the thesis. It is important to add that the thesis of an essay, as a rule, is also based on facts and not on one’s thoughts.

The main part of the essay is where the most difficulties and problems arise with understanding where to start and how to write an essay. The main part consists of one or several paragraphs. First, start with a general sentence that expresses the paragraph’s main idea. Most body paragraphs have three sections covering concepts, explanations, and any arguments that may arise. To make things easier, write out specific textual evidence from other sources that you use to support your thesis. A variety of apt quotes and paraphrases are suitable for this. It is also essential to use reliable facts. An extraordinary hint on how to write an expository essay outline is also useful here. Avoid using the first or second person. When moving from one paragraph to another, it is important to remember to use transitional words. Each paragraph should be connected by one or two sentences that demonstratively lead from one idea to the next. This is necessary to ensure the linguistic flow is maintained.

After writing the two parts listed above, you are ready to complete the text. This part of the work is also quite responsible. How is it built? Conclusion – specific and brief information about what was listed in the introduction and body. In simple words – a simplified version of the entire text. Despite its brevity, it should be a strong enough reinforcement not to spoil the general impression and all previous efforts. Here it can be useful to restate the main idea of your subject, but in different words to emphasize its importance. In addition, this technique nicely directs the reader’s attention to important things. Remind him why this topic should interest him. Do not introduce new information in this part, as this will lead to a new discussion.

An Expository Essay Format and Style

The main feature of this genre that distinguishes it from others is the provision of all relative information without the author taking any specific point of view.

Recognizing the format and style required for writing an expository essay is essential. Also, it is necessary to present details and various examples clearly and concisely. Use facts to reinforce the content of the text. If you do not understand what style to choose for writing and doubt your decision, remember whether the professor gave you a certain task. Usually, they guide you. If not, then use the well-known APA and MLA standards. If you still do not know how to choose a citation style , then realize that the topic often determines the style of writing. So, for example, if your work concerns the discussion of humanities, it can be foreign languages or history, it is better to use MLA. If the chosen topic concerns expressing ideas in psychology or social sciences, APA is the most appropriate format.

What is a Good Expository Essay Outline Example?

Below is an expository essay template that you can follow.


It is important to know that the body paragraphs of an expository essay may consist of two or more parts. The outline for expository essay includes the following:

I. Introduction Hook sentence to grab the reader’s attention Background statements Clear, focused thesis statement Body paragraphs II. Main concept 1  Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis III. Main concept 2  Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis IV. Main concept 3 Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis V. A conclusion Summarize the question of the thesis Discuss the large significance Reveal unanswered question

To sum up, there are four main kinds of essays, each with its role and task. As for the expository essay, it is needed to transmit information that is based on real facts. To write it correctly, you need to play on contrasts, your strong facts should speak for themselves, and it is equally important to provide commentary analysis. Be sure to take enough time to write an outline of an expository essay. That’s how your paper will gain new colors. If you don’t have time to write this essay, you can always pay for college papers . This is a great way to get a top quality paper without spending too much time and effort.

In conclusion, expository writing is a challenging task. This form of academic writing differs from descriptive essays, classification essays, and even persuasive essays. However, by following the guidelines in this article, such as the proper essay structure, the different types of expository essays, and the steps to write an expository essay, you can effectively clarify a topic for your audience.

Expository writing is a powerful tool that bridges the gap between experts and the general public, providing a means for complex ideas and information to be communicated clearly and concisely. By presenting detailed explanations in a straightforward and accessible manner, expository writing enables readers to develop informed opinions and make well-informed decisions.

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How to Write an Expository Essay in 5 Steps

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Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read

Learning how to write a good expository essay is an academic writing skill that lays the foundation for the type of expository writing that's necessary for numerous professions.

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The term “expository” refers to expounding on, or elaborating on a topic. Hence, the main goal of an expository essay is to provide factual information on a particular subject. Although writing an engaging essay is definitely a plus, it is secondary. The main goal of writing an expository essay is to educate. 

An expository essay is a relatively unbiased piece of writing that explores a topic from all angles. In this article, we will explore the meaning of an expository essay and how to write one with the help of a few expository essay examples. Let’s take a look.

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What is an expository essay?

An expository essay is an unbiased, factual piece of writing that provides an in-depth explanation of a topic or set of ideas. It aims to explain a topic from all angles and takes no decisive stance on it.

Expository essays make no new arguments on a topic but rather explain preexisting information in a structured format. They are mainly used in assignments or exams to test the student’s knowledge of a subject. 

However, the expository essay definition remains incomplete without understanding the different types of expository essays. An “expository essay” is an umbrella term used to describe different types of essays. These essays include classification essays, definition essays, process essays, compare and contrast essays, and cause-and-effect essays.

Now that we’ve understood what is an expository essay, let’s look at its types.

1. Classification essay

A classification essay aims to group objects into distinct categories. It also involves comparing objects within the same group and highlighting their similarities and differences. For example, if the essay topic is evergreen trees, it would explore different types like pine and fir and discuss the similarities and differences between them.

2. Definition essay

A definition essay aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of a particular topic. As the name implies, the main goal is to define the subject matter in detail. So if you were writing a definition essay on the Victorian era, you would begin by defining the historical period. Then, you would move on to describe the cultural aspects such as fashion styles, notable figures, and societal norms that characterized that period.

3. Process essay

A process essay is a step-by-step guide to performing a particular task. It follows a logical, chronological order of detailed steps on how to achieve a desired outcome. For instance, if you want to write a process essay on “how to make a paper airplane” you will provide a step-by-step chronological guide on how to fold the paper in different ways to create the airplane. 

4. Compare and contrast essay

A compare and contrast essay aims to point out the subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two or more subjects. For instance, a compare and contrast essay about the types of ramen served in different parts of Japan may include the differences and similarities in the broth, ingredients used, types of noodles, and flavor profiles in each of them. 

5. Cause and effect essay

A cause-and-effect essay seeks to explore the aftermath of a specific incident. So a cause-and-effect essay on the Himalayan mountain range may analyze the movement of the tectonic plates that led to the formation of the Himalayas.

Now that we’ve fully understood what’s an expository essay let’s understand its structure.

Expository essay structure

An expository essay is written in the third person and the expository essay format, like any other essay format, consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. There is no limit on the length of your essay unless instructed by your teacher or professor. 

The expository essay format typically consists of one paragraph for the introduction and conclusion and three paragraphs for the body. But you can add additional body paragraphs depending on the scope of your topic. Here’s the expository essay paragraph structure:

1. Introduction

The purpose of an introduction is to acquaint your reader with‌ your topic or thesis statement. It also involves using engaging information and a relevant context to captivate the reader.

The thesis statement for an expository essay should be unbiased and should aim to provide the reader with more information on a topic. Here’s an example of an introductory paragraph for an expository essay:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The Victorian era, spanning from 1837 to 1901, left an indelible mark on English society. With its strict expectations governing everything from fashion to employment, it was known to be a conservative society. But amidst the rigidity, the period also saw remarkable progress in industry, technology, and science. It’s a time of paradox, where tradition and innovation coexisted. In this essay, we’ll delve into the fascinating complexities of the Victorian era and how they shaped English society for generations to come.

2. Body paragraph

After understanding how to start an expository essay the next step is to construct substantial body paragraphs. Each body paragraph in an expository essay consists of a topic sentence, its explanation, and a transition statement. A single idea should be introduced in each paragraph. 

These ideas can be arranged chronologically, in the order of importance, or even in a random manner, depending on the purpose and the message of your essay. For instance, a step-by-step guide will always be written chronologically, from the first to the final step.  Let’s take a look at an example of a body paragraph for an expository essay.

  • Topic sentence
  • Explanation
  • Transition statement

During the Victorian era, the social hierarchy was rigid, with the aristocracy and landed gentry holding most of the power, wealth, and privilege . Shockingly, the upper class comprised only 0.7% of the population, yet dominated England’s resources and politics. Meanwhile, the working class, who made up the majority of society, faced harsh living and working conditions and had limited opportunities for upward mobility. Working-class men in industrial cities had an average life expectancy of just 16 years. Despite these challenges, the Victorian era also saw a growing movement towards social reform, such as the National Health Service and Factory Act, aimed at improving the working class’s quality of life. Although the oppressive social hierarchy was highly apparent, the Victorian era represented a time of progress and change in England for many.

3. Conclusion

The purpose of the conclusion is to tie up loose ends and to provide a short summary of your essay. End your essay with a strong, meaningful statement that leaves a lasting impression. This helps reinforce the significance of your thesis statement to the reader.

The conclusion should introduce no new information but rather focus on the broader impact and applications of your topic and central idea. Here’s an example of a concluding paragraph for an expository essay.

  • Updated thesis statement
  • Brief overview
  • Concluding statement

The Victorian era brought about significant changes in society, culture, and technology, including the rise of the middle class, the expansion of the British Empire, the emergence of new literary and artistic movements, and the advancement of science and technology. Despite its flaws, it laid the foundation for modern society and continues to impact contemporary culture. This essay explored the Victorian era’s impact on literature, social norms, and technological advancements, providing a comprehensive overview of this era’s influence on society and culture. Overall, the Victorian era’s legacy continues to shape our world today.

Now that we’re familiar with the structure of an expository essay, let’s understand how to write it.

How to write an expository essay  

Although an essay is a highly versatile piece of writing, it follows the same basic steps. This involves choosing a relevant topic, crafting a clear thesis statement, creating a structured outline, and writing and revising your essay. Here are some simple steps to write an expository essay.

1. Choose an appropriate topic

An expository essay is based on accurate facts and information, so it makes sense to choose a topic you’re already familiar with. This will not only make the research process much easier but will also help you approach your topic in depth.

2. Craft the thesis statement

Create an interesting and succinct thesis statement that you can expound on. A thesis statement that is both intriguing and clear creates a strong foundation for your essay.

3. Create an essay outline

You can better understand how to structure your expository essay by constructing an outline.

An outline not only provides flow to your essay but also serves as a base to fall back on when in doubt. It is created by constructing relevant topic sentences that support your thesis statement and arranging them in a logical order. 

4. Write the first draft

Once you have created the outline, the next step is to flesh it out and start writing your essay. Make sure that you use reliable sources of information and accurately cite them during your writing process.

5. Revise and proofread 

After the first draft of your essay is complete, make sure to proofread it and revise any structural, grammatical, or factual inconsistencies. If you have the option, it always helps to hire essay editing services that can handle this crucial task for you.

Expository essay outline 

Before embarking on your essay writing journey, make sure that you have a solid base to fall back on. This can be done by creating a comprehensive expository essay outline with a detailed thesis statement, relevant topic sentences, and supporting bits of information. 

Here’s an example of an expository essay outline on the impact of the wheel on modern-day technology: 

The Impact of the Wheel on Modern-Day Technology

I. Introduction

A. Hook: An interesting fact or a historical anecdote about the invention of the wheel

B. Context: The significance of the wheel in ancient times

C. Thesis statement: The wheel has been a crucial invention that has influenced modern-day technology in various fields.

II. History and Evolution of the Wheel

A. Origin and early uses of the wheel

B. Development of the wheel and axle

C. Role of the wheel in ancient civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, China, and Egypt

D. The role of the wheel in the Industrial Revolution

III. The Influence of the Wheel on Transportation Technology

A. The invention of the modern-day car and its components

B. The development of airplanes and trains

C. The influence of the wheel on space exploration

IV. The Influence of the Wheel on Manufacturing Technology

A. The role of wheels and conveyors in modern factories

B. The use of wheels in heavy machinery and equipment

C. The influence of the wheel in assembly line production

V. The Influence of the Wheel on Everyday Technology

A. The role of the wheel in household appliances and gadgets

B. The use of wheels in sporting equipment and toys

C. The influence of the wheel on modern-day robotics

VI. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Summarize the main points of the essay

C. Final thoughts: The significance of the wheel on modern-day technology

D. Call to action or recommendation for further research or action

Expository essay example

To help you in your writing process, we’ve provided a comprehensive expository essay example. It discusses the impact of Shakespeare’s work on modern-day literature. This expository essay sample deviates from the original five-paragraph structure and consists of an introductory paragraph, four body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

Influence of Shakespeare on Modern-Day Literature

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights in the history of English literature. His works have had a significant influence on modern-day literature, and his plays continue to be performed and adapted into various forms, including films, television shows, and novels. In this essay, we will explore the influence of Shakespeare on modern-day literature.

Shakespeare’s influence on the English language cannot be overstated. He is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words and phrases, including “eyeball,” “fashionable,” “addiction,” and “bedazzled,” to name a few. His writing style, characterized by poetic language, rich imagery, and powerful themes, has inspired countless writers and poets over the centuries. Many writers have attempted to imitate his style or use his works as a reference for their writing.

Moreover, Shakespeare’s plays, which were written over 400 years ago, still resonate with audiences today. His exploration of universal themes such as love, jealousy, power, and ambition, continues to captivate readers and audiences worldwide. The characters in his plays, such as Romeo and Juliet , Hamlet , Macbeth , and Othello , are iconic and have become part of our cultural heritage.

As a result, today’s media and entertainment have been heavily influenced by Shakespeare’s works. Many writers have adapted his plays into modern settings, retelling the stories in contemporary contexts. For example, the musical West Side Story , which is based on Romeo and Juliet , is set in 1950s New York City, while the film 10 Things I Hate About You is a modern retelling of The Taming of the Shrew .

Shakespeare’s influence is not only evident in media but also in the language and themes used in modern literature. His exploration of human nature and the human condition has inspired many writers to delve deeper into the human psyche, exploring complex emotions and motivations. His use of metaphors, symbolism, and imagery has become a hallmark of literary writing, inspiring many writers to use similar techniques in their works.

In conclusion, William Shakespeare’s influence on modern-day literature cannot be overstated. His works continue to be read and performed, inspiring writers and artists around the world. His use of language, themes, and characters has become part of our cultural heritage and continues to shape how we view the world. Shakespeare’s impact on modern-day literature is a testament to his enduring legacy as one of the greatest writers of all time.

Now that you have clarity about expository essays, you can use this information to write expository essays. As providers of essay editing services , we realize that you may also have doubts about other types of essays like narrative essays, argumentative essays, and more.

Keep reading with more resources from your loyal editors and proofreaders:

  • Narrative Essay | Step-by-Step Guide with Examples
  • 8 Types of Essays | Quick Summary with Examples
  • How to Write an Essay in 8 Simple Steps (Examples Included)
  • What Is an Essay? Structure, Parts, and Types
  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay with Examples

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of an expository essay, how long is an expository essay, how are persuasive and expository essays different, how is an analytical essay different from an expository essay, is writing an expository essay easy, what is the structure of an expository essay.

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Expository Essay Guide

Expository Essay Topics

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Expository Essay Topics Recommended by Experts

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Apr 7, 2020

Expository Essay Topics

“Expository” comes from the word explanatory. It means explaining everything in depth, increasing the reader’s understanding, and effectively conveying the writer’s message.

Expository writing is not subjective like a persuasive essay. It doesn't just state opinions and beliefs but rather uses authentic facts to support your argument objectively.

For a good essay, you need a great essay topic. Therefore, continue reading this blog and get a complete list of the best expository essay topics.

Expository Essay Topics

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Expository Essay Topics for Students

Before writing an essay, you need to have an interesting topic, and an expository essay is no different.

Some professors assign the same topic for the expository essay to the entire class. However, if you have the liberty to choose a topic, this is the right place for you.

We have gathered a list of good expository essay topics for students of all levels.

Expository Essay Topics for University Students

  • Is it important to read the book before watching the movie?
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping classes.
  • Express your understanding of morality.
  • Explain why teens smoke cigarettes.
  • The causes of terrorism in modern times.How to be a smart consumer.
  • What qualities make someone popular?
  • Why is diversity in a workplace important?
  • How do the stages of personality develop in childhood?
  • Cost of living on the moon.

Expository Essay Topics for College Students

  • Should people work on artificial intelligence?
  • Why are college papers so tough?
  • What are some useful ways that students can utilize their free time?
  • Can youngsters learn something useful from playing video games?
  • Is there a way to decrease the influence of social media on our lives?
  • Does our emotional state affect our memory?
  • How can you improve your life in a year?
  • Do you ever plan on changing the world? And how?
  • What are some ways to find out if someone is lying? How can you spot a liar?
  • How can one be a wise consumer?

Expository Essay Topics for High School

  • Why is it necessary to create the expository essay outline?
  • What is the role of the family in our lives? How important is family?
  • Does science help improve the human lifespan?
  • How to write your paper like professionals?
  • What are the benefits of working out?
  • What stages do you go through before making a decision?
  • Is a good essay prompt a sign of a successful essay?
  • What are some benefits of knowing multiple foreign languages?
  • What are the different types of essays?
  • Why are teenagers fascinated by alcohol and drugs?

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Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Does another person’s point of view matter?
  • The person I admire and why?
  • What are the effects of global warming?
  • What do you want to become and why?
  • How can we save the planet?
  • Should there be uniforms in schools?
  • What is your favorite sport, and what do you enjoy most about it?
  • How does essay writing service work?
  • Describe your first memory, and what makes it memorable?
  • What is your favorite subject at school?

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 6

  • Explain why teens wear makeup.
  • What makes a good friend?
  • How might your upbringing affect your personality?
  • Global warming and its solutions.
  • What's the worst way to study for finals?
  • Write a report about your trip to the museum.
  • How does pop music influence our way of living?
  • Explain how modern advertising is a danger to our society.
  • How do you plan to change your school?
  • Which strong points do you have?

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • How to become a leader?
  • Explain why you admire a particular person.
  • Types of eating disorders.
  • How can you stop racism?
  • How to study?
  • What is your favorite cartoon?
  • What poem had a profound effect on you and why?
  • Steps to saving the planet.
  • How does a coffee house help run away from school?
  • How real is fusion power?

Funny Expository Essay Topics

  • How can you make a gloomy person smile?
  • What can you do to kill time at work?
  • How to stop being a hoarder?
  • How to stop being an impulse shopper?
  • How can one stop binge-watching random shows?
  • What is the most ineffective way to prepare for a big test?
  • The worst profession there is, and why do people choose it?
  • Is China the cause of overpopulation in the world?
  • What are some weird superstitions that someone you know has?
  • The most ridiculous fashion trends of all time.

Interesting Expository Essay Topics

  • An author(s) who changed the way people think.
  • Do geeks become successful adults?
  • What is an interesting website idea, and how to make it?
  • How can the internet be used for combating unemployment?
  • Will space travel ever become commercialized?
  • What are some pros and cons of having a part-time job in high school?
  • Why do writers create the thesis statement?
  • What is the best treatment for mental health illnesses like anxiety, depression, etc.?
  • Can people get over their fear of heights?
  • Is art effective in curing psychological issues?

Expository Essay Topics About Education

  • Explain why it is important to learn to read.
  • Why do some students drop out of school?
  • What do you think are the benefits of studying math?
  • Why do great topics make the essay perfect?
  • How does one get a college scholarship?
  • What is the history of your college?
  • How to write a compare and contrast essay?
  • Is there a need for higher education to be free for every child?
  • The role of education in national development.
  • How do you choose great topic ideas for an essay?

Expository Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Hobbies for teenagers to avoid.
  • Are teenagers materialistic?
  • Why do teens run away from home?
  • Why is depression on the rise in America?
  • Why do some teens get jobs while others don’t?
  • Poverty and social life.
  • Does Instagram change the way we perceive our lives?
  • What phenomena can be considered social issues?
  • Forced migration.
  • Why do parents lie?

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Controversial Expository Essay Topics

  • Are females better students than males?
  • Why are siblings constantly fighting?
  • Why do students decide to join gangs?
  • Will banning free soda refills help to fight obesity?
  • Live under the poverty line.
  • Killing animals for their fur
  • Psychological causes of racism
  • Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  • People are supporting other country’s leaders.
  • What symbolizes your culture?

Expository Essay Topics Consumer Culture

  • The positive and negative effects of consumer culture.
  • Understanding the modern consumer culture.
  • Consumer culture in China and the middle class.
  • Consumer culture is central to understanding contemporary identities.
  • Consumerism in consumer culture.Advertising and consumer culture.
  • Explain consumer culture.
  • Consumption, and consumption’s role in our everyday life.
  • Urban consumer culture.
  • The Chinese consumer culture.

Expository Essay Topics 2022

  • Why is it so important to have friends while you are at school?
  • Describe the relationship between dogs and people.
  • Pros and cons of getting financial aid.The many benefits of exercising regularly.
  • What is your brightest dream about the future?
  • Define the latest developments in human brain study.
  • Which religion will you introduce to your children?
  • Describe the ways you help out at home.
  • Which voting system is the fairest?
  • Why is writing an expository essay difficult?

Expository Essay Topics on Health

  • How does advertising influence healthy food choices?
  • Explain how doctors train to become qualified.
  • What makes a good psychotherapist?
  • What is life?
  • Discuss the importance of mental health.
  • Fibromyalgia: is it a disease?
  • Does music affect our state of health?
  • Does expressing your emotions help?
  • What are some effective ways to stay healthy?
  • Does mental health matter?

Need more topics for your essay?

Use our essay topic generator and get unique ideas for your essay!

These were some sample expository essay topics that can help you get an idea of a good topic.

However, do you still need help in the topic-selection phase? Don’t worry; just contact 5StarEssays.com and get professional writers’ help. All your ‘write my essay’ requests answered by expert essay writers.

So, contact us now and get the well-written essay on time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 types of expository writing.

Here are the 5 types of expository writing.

  • Descriptive essay
  • Comparison essay
  • Problem solution essay
  • Process essay
  • Cause and effect essay

What is an example of an expository essay?

Expository writing is the most popular type of academic and non-academic writing. Common examples are:

  • Newspapers articles
  • Assembly instructions
  • How to manuals

Donna C.

Marketing, Literature

Donna has garnered the best reviews and ratings for her work. She enjoys writing about a variety of topics but is particularly interested in social issues, current events, and human interest stories. She is a sought-after voice in the industry, known for her engaging, professional writing style.

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61 General Expository Essay Topic to Practice Academic Writing

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Expository essays discuss topics by using facts rather than opinions, requiring students to evaluate and investigate while setting forth their arguments clearly and concisely. Teachers often include expository essays as part of assessments , especially in college-level courses, so students can help themselves succeed by practicing writing these types of essays. When teachers are integrating writing throughout the curriculum, students can use expository essays to demonstrate what they've learned in other courses.

Sample Expository Essay Topics From Students

There is no best topic for an expository essay since everyone is inspired by different subjects. Tenth-graders wrote the following general expository essay topics. Students can practice writing these topics or use the list to come up with ideas of their own. The important thing to remember is that these expository essays are based on facts rather than the writer's beliefs or feelings.

  • Explain why you admire a particular person.
  • Explain why someone you know should be regarded as a leader.
  • Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  • If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
  • Explain why you especially enjoy a particular teacher.
  • Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.
  • Explain why some students are forced to leave school once they are sixteen.
  • Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.
  • Explain why getting a driver's license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.
  • Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.
  • Explain why you like or don't like working in a team.
  • Describe some nonmaterial things that make you happy.
  • Explain why some teens commit suicide.
  • Explain how music affects your life.
  • Explain the impact of different music genres on society.
  • Explain why students listen to a particular type of music.
  • Explain why some teens skip school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping school.
  • Describe the likely consequences of doing poorly in school.
  • Explain why some teens do drugs.
  • Describe the likely consequences of selling drugs.
  • Describe the likely consequences of taking drugs.
  • Explain why some teens smoke cigarettes or vape.
  • Explain the likely consequences of being kicked out of school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping classes.
  • Explain the likely consequences of siblings constantly fighting.
  • Explain why some teens wear makeup.
  • Explain the consequences of having alcohol on the school campus.
  • Explain the likely consequences of being sexually active without using protection.
  • Explain why some teens' parents do not like to be alone with their child's boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Explain the likely consequences of increasing the time between classes from five to 15 minutes.
  • Explain why some teens join gangs.
  • Explain the difficulties teens have once they are in gangs.
  • Explain how life for a teenager changes once they have a baby.
  • Describe what you feel a boy should do if he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant.
  • Explain why you should or should not laugh at embarrassing moments.
  • Describe the effects of marijuana.
  • Explain the likely consequences of teens becoming sexually active.
  • Explain why it is helpful to organize your materials and activities.
  • Explain why your schoolwork is important.
  • Describe the ways you help out at home.
  • Explain the likely consequences of abolishing capital punishment.
  • Explain the consequences of adopting a pass/fail grading system.
  • Explain the likely consequences of enforcing an 11:00 p.m. curfew.
  • Explain the likely consequences of ending forced busing.
  • Explain why some teenagers dislike saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Explain why some schools don't have open lunch policies.
  • Explain why some teenagers are materialistic.
  • Explain why some teens get jobs.
  • Explain the consequences of having a job while in high school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of dropping out of school.
  • Describe some productive ways students can spend their leisure time.
  • Explain why dealing with divorce can be difficult for many teens.
  • Explain why teens love their parents even when family situations are difficult.
  • Describe the things that bring you the greatest happiness.
  • Describe three things you would like to change about the world and explain why you would change them.
  • Explain why you prefer living in an apartment (or house).
  • Describe the likely consequences of requiring a childbearing license.
  • Describe three objects that symbolize your culture and explain why you selected them.
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100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays

  • Author: Virginia Kearney

Here are 100 expository essay topic ideas, plus tips on how to write one.

Here are 100 expository essay topic ideas, plus tips on how to write one.

Morten Oddvik via Wikimedia Commons

Expository Essay Definition

Explain something or answer questions like:

  • What is it?
  • How should we define it?
  • How do you do it?
  • How does it work?
  • What is its history?
  • What caused it? What are the effects?
  • What is the meaning of it?

This type of essay doesn't have to be dry and uninteresting. Choose a topic you really like or know something about and make it interesting to the reader by telling unusual details or making it humorous.

Expository writing topics

Expository writing topics

Expository Essays Answer: What is it? How can I do it well? What caused it to happen? Why should it matter?

How to Write Your Paper Faster and Easier

Want a fast and easy essay? Follow these three easy steps:

  • Choose a great topic: Scan the list of topics below, or pick something you either know a lot about or would like to learn about. Writing is always easier if you are interested in the topic.
  • Pre-write: Use my pre-writing worksheet questions at the bottom of this article to help guide you through the process of gathering and organizing the information you’ll need to write your essay. It may take 30 minutes (or more if you do research), but when you are done you should be ready to write.
  • Edit: Use your computer's spell and grammar check program, and use Grammarly, which is a free check for errors. Have at least one other person read your paper and give you advice. Finally, read your paper out loud so that you slow down as you read and notice your errors.

Topics about college experiences

Topics about college experiences

VirginiaLynne, CC-BY, via HubPages

College Experience Paper Ideas

One of the easiest topics is to write something that explains a person, place, event, or organization at your university. Not only is it easy to get information, but you will also probably enjoy learning more about your campus or the history of your college.

  • Interview other students, staff, or faculty. You can use their quotes or stories as evidence for your paper.
  • Observe the place you are writing about. Sit down with a notepad or your phone and write down your sensory experiences (what you smell, hear, see, taste, and touch). You can even listen to conversations and observe people. Vividly-written details and personal experience make your expository paper stand out.
  • Research by looking at past issues of your college paper or on the college website. You might also find information posted on buildings around campus, the library, or in pamphlets at the visitor's center.

Topic Ideas

  • Explain the requirements of an unusual major at your school (like Aviation, Fashion Design, Astrophysics, Japanese, or International Studies).
  • What is the history of your college?
  • Who are the students at your college? What is the background of most students? How are students different? What do they have in common?
  • Pick a professor at your college to interview. What is their background and how did they get interested in their subject?
  • What is the history of your college mascot?
  • Describe in detail a statue or memorial marker on campus. Research the history of the marker and the person or event it commemorates.
  • How does one join a sorority or fraternity?
  • How can you stay healthy while eating campus food?
  • What's the best way to choose which college activities to be involved in as a freshman?
  • How has your college changed over the years?
  • What do you need to do to get ready for a college football game (or other sport) at your school?
  • Why should people attend games of a less popular sport? (Pick one you like.)
  • What's the worst way to study for finals?
  • How can a student survive the first few weeks of college?
  • How can you be a great roommate?
  • What are ways to use the local coffee house to avoid studying?
  • What causes college freshmen to be depressed?
  • How can you help a suicidal friend?
  • What do you have to do to win a campus election?
  • What should you leave at home when you go to college?
  • How best to decide which college to go to?
  • How to get scholarships for college.
  • How can one pay for college without getting into too much debt?
  • What are the best scandals or memorable events in your college's history?
  • Pick a building on your campus: Describe its history and describe how the building got its name (especially if it is named after someone).
  • How can a person best separate from their parents in college?
  • How can someone avoid dating the wrong people in college?

Sample Expository Essays

How Can You Relieve College Stress : An experienced teacher suggests ways for college students to reduce the amount of stress they feel about school.

Christian Parenting Advice : The mother of five children gives tips on how to raise children to understand and appreciate their family's religious heritage.

Social Problem Topics

  • What happens to juveniles who break the law?
  • What is homelessness? What causes people to be homeless?
  • What is the Salvation Army? How do they help the needy? (Or choose another non-profit charity that helps the poor.)
  • What are the effects on a family when a parent becomes a meth addict?
  • What causes teenagers to run away?
  • How does having a single parent affect children in the areas of education, hygiene, and nutrition?
  • How do people without health insurance get medical treatment?
  • What is it like to be an illegal alien?
  • What is the history of the foster care system in the U.S.?
  • What is the history of affirmative action in education? What are its effects?
  • What is the process of prosecuting someone for domestic abuse?
  • Why do women stay with men who beat them up?
  • What does "living below the poverty line" mean?
  • What is the history of welfare in the U.S.?
  • How do food stamps work?
  • What is discrimination, or affirmative action?
  • What is peak oil?
  • What causes some people who grow up in bad circumstances to overcome them?
  • What is sociology?
  • How can bullying be prevented?
  • What is the effect of the closing of public libraries in the U.S.?
  • What is the effect of ability grouping in a classroom?
  • What happens to kids when they drop out of school?
  • What effect does social media have on interpersonal relationships?

 How best to care for an elderly relative?

How best to care for an elderly relative?



Wellington House: Britain's WW1 Propaganda Bureau

Social problems research links.

Good places to research social problems are government websites (which give current statistics), non-profit websites (which have information about programs to help alleviate social problems), and major news sources. Here are some places to start:

  • BBC News: Good for international news.
  • Salvation Army: Lists problems and programs that help.

Can we clean up ocean oil spills with nanotechnology?

Can we clean up ocean oil spills with nanotechnology?

Science and Technology Topics

  • What is Google Glass? How will it change the way we live our lives?
  • What are nanobots? How can they be used?
  • What is a black hole and why are they important?
  • What causes obesity?
  • What is climate change?
  • How is electronic music made?
  • Why is there an increase in autism?
  • What is an allergen? What is an allergic reaction?
  • Why is there a startling increase in people with allergies and autoimmune diseases in Western countries?
  • What is Alzheimer's? What happens to the brain of someone with this disease?
  • How does wifi work?
  • Explain the project to use DNA to store data.
  • What is fusion energy? How close are scientists to making it?
  • What is electric clothing?
  • How has space flight spurred inventions we use every day?
  • What is a 3D bioprinter and how might it change medicine?
  • How does a vaccine work? How do scientists formulate the flu vaccine every year?
  • What is string theory?
  • How are humans searching for extraterrestrial life?
  • How does the brain develop and change as we grow and age?
  • Who were the Neanderthals? Did humans and Neanderthals ever mate?
  • How similar are current robots to real people?
  • Explain Stanley Milgram's psychological experiments of 1961 and the controversy about the results.
  • What is electronic paper?
  • What is bioengineering? How has bioengineering changed our lives?

Research Links

Need help researching? Here are some links to good sources for accurate science and technology information, and ideas for your essay:

  • CNN Latest Tech News : Updated regularly.
  • Popular Science : Links to current articles about science innovations.
  • Discover Magazine : Features articles on science and technology.

Mental Health Questions

  • How does having a special needs child affect a family?
  • What is the cause of depression and why is it rising in the United States?
  • What is schizophrenia? What are the different types of this disease? Is there a cure?
  • What does it mean to be OCD? How can you recognize it? How can it be overcome?
  • What is a psychological disorder?
  • What is cognitive-behavioral therapy? Who can it help and why?
  • What is the history of art therapy?
  • Explain the different types of therapy done by psychiatrists.
  • What’s the best way to read and understand an article in a psychology journal?
  • How does one become a therapist?
  • What is a psychologist? What do they do, and how are they different than psychiatrists?
  • What is bibliophobia?
  • What is entomophobia?
  • How does acrophobia affect people?
  • What is xenophobia and how can it be overcome?
  • What is altruism?
  • What is the rule of reciprocity?
  • What is heroism?
  • What is experiential learning?
  • How do the stages of personality develop in childhood?
  • What is the bystander effect?
  • What are the four explanations for why we forget things?
  • What is a genius IQ score and what does it mean?
  • What is a memory?
  • Explain what left-brain vs. right-brain dominance means to most of us.

Mental Health Research Sources

Researching mental health issues can easily be done online, but you need to be sure you get articles that are in a journal that are either published by a university or written by professional psychiatrists or psychologists. Here are some good places to start:

  • Psychology Today : A popular journal with easy-to-read articles for the general public.
  • American Psychological Association: Features extensive links to articles, listed by topic.
  • Full-Text Psychology Journals : A list of psychology journals that offer full-text articles.

How to Start Your Essay

After you have a topic idea, what's next? You have to develop information that you will put into your essay and decide on your audience and purpose. Then you will need to decide the point of view, tone, and style of writing you will use. Sound confusing? Don't worry. Just answer the following questions to get ready to write. You can open up a Word or Google doc, copy these questions, and then answer them, or do it the old-fashioned way with paper and pen.

  • Topic idea: ______________________________________________. (Write yours out.)
  • What kind of expository essay is this? (How to? How does it work? Definition? Fact? Cause? History of?)

Gathering Ideas

  • List or cluster different aspects or parts of your topic.
  • Circle the aspects that are most interesting to you. Cluster those.

Topic Evaluation

  • Do you have enough to say or too much? Do you need to narrow your topic or expand it?
  • What sources can you use? Where can you find them?

Audience Evaluation

  • What are some things your audience would be familiar with that you can compare your topic with?
  • What do they already know?
  • What would they be interested in knowing?
  • What kind of tone would be best for this audience? (informational, satiric, humorous, folksy, professional?)
  • Considering your audience, which point of view would be the most effective one to write in? Would it be better to write in the first person ("I" or "we"), second person ("you"), or third person (impersonal)?

Write Your Thesis

  • Your purpose (What do you want the audience to think, do, or know after reading? This will be related to what your audience doesn't know.)
  • Turn your topic into a question: ___________________________________________
  • Answer that question: __________________________________________________
  • Make a thesis statement: _______________________________________________
  • Essay map—sentence(s) which list main sub-topics: ______________________________________________________________ (These can be headers for sections of the paper.)

Essay Organization

  • Which sort of organization would work best for you? Examples: chronological (in time), spatial (in space and time), process (step-by-step), topical (part-by-part), cause/effect, historical overview, comparison and contrast, or reverse expectations.
  • Write a brief outline of how you will structure the body of the paper.

Intro and Conclusion

  • Which of these introduction and conclusion ideas could you use? Reverse expectation, expectation fulfilled, scenario (imagined typical story, also called a case study), personal story, frame story, vivid description, conversation, definition, comparison and contrast, analogy, startling statistic or fact, quotation, or story from a book or movie.
  • Choose the best one(s) for your essay and explain what you will do.

Tone, Voice, and Style

  • Which person will you write in for your essay? (1st “I,” 2nd “you,” or 3rd “he, she, it.”) Why?
  • What sort of tone will you have? Why? (Example: serious and informative, humorous, sarcastic, enthusiastic.)

More Essay Writing Help

Here are some other articles to help you write and edit your essay:

  • Great Topic Sentences
  • Argument Essay Writing Help
  • How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Writing

Questions & Answers

Question: What are the characteristics of an expository essay?

Answer: These sorts of essays seek to give the reader information about a topic. Usually, an expository essay seeks to persuade the reader to think, act, or believe something. The characteristics of an Expository Paper are a clear thesis, 3 or more reasons for supporting the thesis, examples which explain those reasons and a conclusion which tells the reader what they need to think about the thesis.

"Expository" is a broad term and often writing classes will divide expository writing into a variety of categories. Here are some examples:

Describing: painting a vivid picture of a time, place or experience.

Persuasive or argumentative: giving reasons for the reader to believe your idea.

Comparison: telling how things are alike and different.

Narrative, personal experience or reflection essay: telling a story that has a meaning.

Explain: instructing by telling process or how to do something.

Question: What do you think of “Why do couples break up?” as an expository essay topic?

Answer: "Why do couples break up?" is a cause essay, and would make an interesting paper. However, the essay may be more interesting if you narrow it a bit more. Here are some suggestions:

1. Why do high school couples break up?

2. What are the most important reasons college-aged couples decide to stop dating?

3. What are the reasons most married couples break up?

4. What is the reason people dating long-distance break-up?

5. What causes women to break up with a man?

6. What causes a man to break up with a woman?

Question: How can I create an expository essay on the topic of Cameroon?

Answer: 1. What should be done to prevent kidnappings in Cameroon?

2. How can the government better prevent problems caused by the separatists?

3. Why are students caught in the middle between the government and the separatists?

4. Why is the killing of Charles Trumann Wesco particularly tragic?

5. How has the government of Cameroon fatally disregarded the minority population?

4. Who are the separatists and what do they want?

Question: What do think of "Eastern Religions in American Culture" as an expository essay topic?

Answer: To make a good expository essay topic, you need to have some sort of question you are answering. Additionally, I'm not sure you are specific enough in using the term "Eastern Religions." Which religions are you referring to? Many religious groups would not be comfortable being grouped together. I'd encourage you to pick a particular religion to talk about. I'm assuming you are referring to Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. Perhaps there is another one you are thinking about. Here are some examples you can use on your topic, but I'd suggest you substitute a particular religion for "Eastern Religions":

1. How are Eastern Religions changing American culture?

2. Are Eastern Religions damaging the culture of America?

3. Will Eastern Religions be assimilated into the culture of America?

4. How are Eastern Religions being assimilated into American culture?

Question: What do you think of the topic, "How does having a single parent affect children in the areas of education, hygiene, and nutrition?" for an expository essay?

Answer: You have a good expository essay idea but you don't actually have to say all of the topics you will be discussing in your question. Your question can be:

What is the effect of a child growing up in a single parent home?

Then your thesis is answering that question and describing the areas you want to discuss. Here are some potential thesis statements:

Growing up in a single parent home affects a child's education, hygiene, and nutrition in a negative way.

Growing up in a single parent home means that children need more support in education, hygiene, and nutrition from schools.

Question: What do you think the essay topic, "Why is depression in young adults on a rise in the U.S.?"?

Answer: That is an excellent cause topic. You can also consider:

1.What is the best treatment for depression in young adults?

2. How can you best help a depressed friend?

Question: What do you think of a topic being "Gun Control: Assault Rifles" or "Police Brutality" for an expository essay?

Answer: Those are interesting topic ideas, but it would be clearer if you put these in question form. Here are some ideas:

1. What is Police Brutality?

2. Should there be gun control of assault rifles?

3. How can we solve the problem of police brutality?

4. Why don't we have more gun control of assault rifles?

Question: How can I write an Expository Essay on the topic "Justice as an Instrument for Enduring Peace in Nation Building?"

Answer: You need to turn this topic into a question that can have more than one answer. Then your answer will be the thesis. Here are some possible questions using that topic:

What type of justice could be an instrument for enduring peace in nation building?

Can justice be an instrument for enduring peace in nation building?

How can we have an enduring peace in nation building?

Question: What do you think of "the main cause of car accidents in the U.S." as an expository essay topic?

Answer: Be sure that you word your topic as a question like this:

What is the main cause of car accidents in the U.S.?

That essay idea would be an explaining essay, and you can probably research the main reasons why people have car accidents. However, if you are trying to write a "cause" essay, this one probably isn't a good idea even though it uses the word "cause" in the question. The reason for this is that Cause Essays are argument essays which speculate on the most important reason for some situation. A good Cause Essay topic will not have a simple answer that you can research and find a definitive topic. It will be something that people have different opinions about. Here are some examples:

What is the most important cause of teens who start driving at 16 having more accidents than those who start driving at 18?

What causes people to tailgate?

What causes some cars to be less safe than others?

Question: An essay on the role of youth in Nigerian politics is what type of essay?

Answer: Any essay that describes something is an explanation or description essay. If you are going to suggest that the youth in Nigeria do more in political situations, that would be a problem solution essay.

Question: Can this idea work as an essay topic? "There are a lot of early marriages. What are the causes?"

Answer: Your topic idea is basically a problem solution essay idea. In order to solve a problem, you first need to describe it, then identify the causes before you suggest solutions. Here is my article on how to write this sort of essay: https://owlcation.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Prop...

Question: How do you start an Expository essay?

Answer: One thing you need to know is that "expository" is really another name for a persuasive or argumentative essay. So you can look at any of my articles which explain how to write argument or position essays. Additionally,I have a number of articles explaining the steps in writing and the best one to start with is "How to Write a Great Thesis Sentence" https://hubpages.com/humanities/Easy-Ways-to-Write... After you have a thesis, you will need to fill out an outline, so you might want to see how to do that in "Writing Good Topic Sentences" https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Great...

Question: Can you help me develop this as a cause essay: What causes bullying among students in schools?

Answer: For help in doing a cause essay like this see: https://owlcation.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Spec...

Question: How about "What is the history of YouTube?" as an essay topic?

Answer: If your assignment is to tell the history of something, that could be a good question. However, if you are supposed to do a persuasive or argumentative topic, you might want to change your essay topic to:

"How has YouTube changed the way people learn?"

Question: What is the process of expository writing?

Answer: The process of expository writing is the same as writing an argument essay. However, don't be confused by the word "argument" because, in this context, it doesn't mean you are trying to "argue" your point with someone. What it means is that you are trying to explain your point of view about a claim, which can be a statement of:

What is something?

How should something be defined?

What caused something?

How important is something?

What we should do.

Here are some articles to help:

How to write an argument essay: https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-an-Argu...

How to write an explaining essay: https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-an-Expl...

How to write cause and effect: https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Specu...

How to write problem solution: https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Propo...

Question: How can I write an expository essay about the relations of two countries?

Answer: You will need a clear topic such as:

1. What is the relationship between the U.S. and England?

2. How important is the currency problem in Turkey for India?

Then you will answer the question of your topic, giving 3 or more reasons for your answer.

Question: Will this topic work for an expository essay: “What is Integrity? Why is it required? How to be so? What happens when you below the mark?"

Answer: Usually, it is best to have a single question as the basis of your expository. It can be an explaining question, "What is integrity?" or a question that traces causes, "What causes us to require people to have integrity?" It can also be a proposal of what to do, "What should we do when people are dishonest in the classroom?"

Question: I want to write an essay about how and why the pilgrims came to America. What would be some good topic ideas? I want to make sure that it's an essay and not a report.

Answer: Generally, an essay would discuss a question which is not firmly agreed upon by everyone (like an argument essay or newspaper editorial), while a report would tend to be more about explaining answers that were generally accepted (like a textbook). I think that the "how" of why they came to America is probably something you would find in a textbook as generally accepted. However, I did a quick search and discovered that there are some different opinions about the "why." So I would focus your essay on describing the different views about why they came to American and then ending your essay by telling which view you find convincing and why.

Question: What tone can be used in an expository essay?

Answer: An expository essay is explaining something to the audience and in order to make the audience believe you are correct, you should use an objective and neutral tone. Don't wax too enthusiastic or you will sound like a sales pitch rather than an authoritative source of information. Your tone should be like a newspaper article or textbook.

Question: What do you think of these essay topics: What is the cause of depression? Why is depression rising in the United States?

Answer: Your questions about depression are an excellent example of cause/effect expository topics. You might use this same format to investigate other mental illness topics such as anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, or any other psychological condition. In answering this question, you will need to consider both the increase in awareness which can cause more people to seek help and a diagnosis, along with different stresses and cultural conditions which might be causing an increase. You will need some facts and statistics to prove there is an increase if you want to talk about rising trends. Finally, including personal experience or examples from the media can make this a compelling and interesting paper topic.

Question: What do you think of the essay topic "What are the procedures for elementary students to go to lunch?"

Answer: This topic would be an explaining essay that would give the details of how this would happen. If your assignment is to make an argumentative essay, then you could ask the question, "What is the best procedure for having elementary students go to lunch?"

Question: What are the characteristics of a comparative essay?

Answer: Comparative essays use criteria to evaluate and analyze two or more different things. For example, you could evaluate two hamburger restaurants according to the criteria of:

Taste of the food.

Friendliness of service.

Atmosphere and cleanliness of the restaurant.

For more help in writing an evaluation essay see: https://hubpages.com/academia/How-to-Write-an-Eval...

Question: With an expository essay must the topic always be a question?

Answer: A topic does not have to be a question, but I generally teach students to turn the topic they are writing on into a question because an expository or argument essay is something that has more than one answer or point of view. Frequently, students want to write an essay using just their point of view, but in order to argue effectively "using cell phones while driving should be outlawed" they need to know the question that they are answering. When you identify the question, you can usually figure out the other points of view on that topic and then you can argue more effectively to refute those points of view.

Question: Can you suggest some expository essay topics about the Army?

Answer: Here are some topics about the Army:

1. Is an all-volunteer Army still the best way to ensure military-preparedness?

2. Should everyone have to spend some time in the military?

3. How can the Department of Defense best make sure that the members of the Armed Services are combat ready?

4. Are there significant emotional difficulties that will persist for people involved in operating drone military forces?

5. How can the military best use high-tech equipment to fight effectively, efficiently, and with the fewest casualties?

6. How will having women in combat change the Army?

7. What changes need to take place in the Army to make jobs better for women?

8. How will the ramping up of military operations in Afganistan affect the Army?

9. How has the Army changed since 9/11?

10. Why are so many transgender individuals seeking to join the Army?

Question: What do you think of "Why do women stay with men who beat them?" as an expository essay topic?

Answer: That is an interesting essay idea and one that has a lot of research evidence. You could conclude an essay on this topic with ideas of how to help a woman who is in a situation of domestic violence or with ideas of how our society can help stop that situation.

Question: Where can I find examples of Expository Essays?

Answer: There are two sample essays linked in this article, and here are a few more:

Writing Jobs for Stay at Home Moms: https://discover.hubpages.com/literature/Moms-Make...

How to Get Cheap Life Insurance: https://discover.hubpages.com/money/How-to-Get-Che...

How to Find Lego Assembly Instructions: https://hobbylark.com/collecting/How-to-Find-LEGO-...

Sarah J. on August 16, 2019:

Thanks so much! I can now write my essay with ease! :)

This is a great site! So helpful!

Emma Fields on October 13, 2018:

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 03, 2017:

Hi Ebramhimi--look at some of my argument articles and you will find links to samples.

Gabby Alonso on November 13, 2017:

very perfect description

Sam Elizabeth on November 06, 2017:

Thank you for your help . I can now write my easy.

vanika chawla on May 13, 2017:

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Nellisha on November 25, 2016:

This is really great stuff.Thanks a million

Cameron Farley on October 19, 2016:

Love the topics

munaza chaudhry on October 10, 2015:

It is amazing and proves very useful for me.

doug on May 22, 2015:

this is a great list i'm in middle school and it helps when you have writers block my biggest surprise was so many variety's thank you so much

Katherine B. on March 30, 2015:

This will help me so much today, thank you for putting up this site. It's very easy to read as well... Thank you so much.

Timothy Whitt from New Jersey on January 08, 2015:

There are a lot of great essay topics in this Hub

Elliott Shifman L on December 12, 2014:

These are some great tips. thanks. #elliottshifmanl

Trisha Roberts from Rensselaer, New York on June 17, 2014:

This is very useful and educational! Absolutely love how thorough this hub was and very easy to read since it was organized very well. Thank you so much for writing this.

Sami on March 02, 2014:

This web site is awesome :)

dis ish right here on February 24, 2014:

oh yea yea yea

Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on January 18, 2014:

This is such a thorough piece about writing essays, and I will definitely be referring to it now and then when I write. I especially appreciate your pre-writing worksheet.

ajanthap on January 09, 2014:

Stoneage2010 on October 11, 2013:

These are some great ideas. Writing a paper in college always seems to freeze people up and they never know what to write. Even when you like writing, you just draw a blank. Thanks for the info!

Crystal Tatum on October 04, 2013:

Half a million views - wow! I'm not surprised that students find your articles helpful. You've tapped into a very receptive and never diminishing market.

Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 04, 2013:

Thanks Crystal--My writing articles all began as handouts I gave to my own students. I started posting them here on HubPages so that my students who had finished my course still had access to them. Quite to my surprise, I've found they have been used by students all over the world. I have about half a million views of my articles so far after just a couple of years. I'd always wanted to write a book, but now I think that online writing is more fun!

Crystal Tatum on October 03, 2013:

Wow what a great list! College students rejoice! I hope you have found some appropriate sites to market this hub toward said students. Voted up and useful.

CraftytotheCore on October 02, 2013:

Very interesting! This is a great list.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on October 02, 2013:

A very useful list. I'm keeping this one and will refer to it when I need inspiration. Thank you!


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How to Write an Expository Essay: Outline, & Example

What is an expository essay? This type of writing aims to inform the reader about the subject clearly, concisely, and objectively.

The keyword here is “ inform ”. You are not trying to persuade your reader to think a certain way or let your own opinions and emotions cloud your work. Just stick to the facts.

Expository Essay Writing Steps Include: Choosing the Topic, Planning the Essay, Outlining, Drafting, & Polishing the Text.

Want to learn more? This article by Custom-writing experts will tell you how to write an expository essay step by step! It provides a definition and describes types of expository writing. It also contains tips on choosing a topic and making an outline, ideas for an introduction and conclusion, as well as useful structuring and formatting tips.

  • 🔖 Expository Essay Types
  • 👣 4-Step Writing Guide

🔗 References

🔖 types of expository writing.

Whenever an essay or article explains complicated details or simplifies a bulk of hard-to-understand information, this type of writing is called expository.

Imagine you are talking to a curious child who keeps asking you “how” and “why” things are such or another. You need to explain everything from scratch, yet making it sound compelling. Small and peculiar details are essential here.

The principal purpose of an expository essay is to elucidate a topic logically and consistently. It is an objective analysis of facts without any reference to the writer’s emotions or opinions.

Expository Writing Types Are: Problem & Solution, Cause & Effect, Compare & Contrast, Definitions & Classfication, How-to.

Here you need to identify the issue, provide its details and causes, and develop a solution. A problem can have several possible solutions, so you can list several alternatives, highlighting the best one. In such a case, dedicate one main body paragraph to one solution and be sure to explain your choice. Otherwise, if you give only one variant, describe it in detail, justify it, and propose its implementation plan.
The focus of this essay is on the reason why something happened and the consequences it has entailed. The most popular of cause and effect expository essays are environmental problems, historical events, biodiversity issues, and economic analysis. If the predicted result is based on assumptions, it requires validation.
This requires you to compare the similarities of two phenomena or ideas and contrast their differences. For example, you can be to compare and contrast homeschooling and attending a public school. The common feature will be the teacher’s presence, but the difference is the number of pupils attending the class.
The best example of this type of writing is this article. Here you are explained what a notion or phenomenon is and what kinds it can be divided into.
These essays describe a task and the process of its completion. E.g., in an article on how to perform a Japanese tea ceremony, you have to briefly overview this tradition and then give a step-by-step plan of its implementation.

👣 How to Write an Expository Essay Step by Step

🔍 step 1: choose your expository essay topic.

The first step of the writing process implies that you brainstorm, make a list of expository essay ideas, and then choose the topic you like most. Note that your topic shouldn’t be either too broad or too narrow.

Let’s take a look at the expository essay topic examples:

The negative consequences of an unhealthy lifestyleThe negative consequences of eating French fries with salsa sauceThe negative impact of junk food on life duration and quality

And here are some good expository essay topics that would be a good choice:

  • Why does the human body need food and water ?
  • What are the different ways to travel long distances?
  • General information about audit report.
  • Compare the legacy of any two US presidents. 
  • How can crime be reduced in your local community?
  • What is the best way to learn a new language ?
  • Establishing successful communication between managers and employees.
  • Why do companies use memes as branding strategy ?
  • The meaning of the terms diversity and identity .
  • Describe how the work climate influence employee performance.  
  • What emotional appeal is and its role in communication.
  • Information’s importance in warfare and commerce. 
  • Ways to use social media in modern business.
  • Basic information and requirements of police detective career .
  • What is health information exchange ?
  • Characteristics of demonstrative communication.
  • The history of the Cow Palace , Daly City.
  • Describe the specifics of insurance company business.
  • Ways to success in dealing with other people .
  • Discuss the significant role of polis in ancient Greece .
  • General information about cardiovascular disease .
  • What are futuristic fabrics and how are they used in the modern fashion industry?
  • Outline the peculiarities and cultural aspects of Indian cuisine .
  • Describe the role of waiter in tourism industry .
  • Ways to help students with learning disabilities to retain information.  
  • Four components of information system .
  • Code of ethics: definition and its role in decision–making.
  • The importance of listening skills .
  • Present the similarities and differences between Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian culture .
  • Give details on climate change in Africa .
  • What is emotional intelligence and why is it important?  
  • Report the main methods to improve student learning .
  • Describe the basic components of management practices.
  • Contingency theory for effective crisis management.
  • Ways of determining the validity of information sources .
  • The specifics of coffee culture in different countries.
  • Represent the main approaches to managing the team of international managers.  
  • Describe the peculiarities of popular culture .
  • Information about Ferrero company.
  • What is a leadership theory and how is it applicable in management?
  • Tell about the ways to cite sources for an informative speech .
  • The impact of vitamin D on human health.  
  • Definition and types of plastic surgery .
  • How climate changes influence food security .
  • Available information about silicon .
  • Describe the mediation process and the difficulties usually connected with it.  
  • What is intelligence and how is it measured?
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of electric and gas cars .
  • General information about mental disorders.  
  • Outline the most high-risk nutritional practices and their impact on human health.

You might be given a specific topic, or you might have the freedom to choose one. Either way, your starting point is to look at the task you have been set and be sure that your focus remains within its boundaries.

If you do have a choice, then go for a subject that you already have some knowledge of as this will give you a head start at the planning stage. And choose something that interests you—you are probably going to be doing a lot of reading, so that process will be much easier if your curiosity is carrying you forward.

📑 Step 2: Research and Plan Your Essay

Consider your audience.

It’s always worth clarifying with your teacher who your essay’s intended audience is if it’s not clearly stated in the instructions. Your readership might be limited to your teacher or whoever is assessing your work, so the main goal, in that case, is to convince them that you have a good understanding of the subject and can organize your thoughts in a clear and appropriate way.

Either way, you should be mindful of who you intend to inform as you carry out your research and planning.

Choose Your Sources

You will need to find multiple sources that are relevant and reliable in order to deal with your subject matter accurately and comprehensively. Below is a checklist that might help you choose the right sources for your essay.:

Academic Sources Checklist

Is the author qualified to write about the subject?
Is the work published by a well-respected organization that has checks and standards in place?
Has the author cited a sufficient number of respected sources to support his/her work?
Does the author and/or publication have an agenda that might cloud the objectivity of the work?
Is the work up to date and still relevant?

Take notes as you read, and cross-check sources. Your goal is to formulate the points you need to deal with the set task and find evidence to support them.

Once you’ve completed this, you will have a clear sense of direction, and if it hasn’t already been assigned, you will be able to compose a thesis statement for your essay that meets the requirements of the task and fits your sources. If you still struggle with the statement, consider trying an expository essay thesis generator to help yourself out.

Now you’re ready to lay down your expository essay outline!

✍️ Step 3: Make Your Expository Essay Outline & Draft

The five-paragraph essay is a classic literary composition and a perfect template for your expository essay format—even if your set task demands something longer.

The outline for a 5-paragraph expository essay is simple:

  • Introduction (one paragraph)
  • Main body (three paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (one paragraph)

Expository Essay Structure: Useful Tips

  • Make the introduction of your expository essay short and sweet. Start with a focus statement that will grab your reader’s attention and make them want to read on. Then give an overview of your subject matter and set out the direction that the rest of your essay is going to take. There’s no need to back up your words with evidence at this stage—save the meat and potatoes for the main course.
  • Organize the three (or more if necessary) paragraphs of the main body in a logical order. Each of them should deal with a different point and address the focus statement you started with.Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence, then support it with your evidence. Each paragraph’s final sentence should lead your reader into the next—just like this one, which says you’re now ready to tie it all up.
  • Restate your original focus statement in your expository essay conclusion. his time, include the weight of all the evidence you have provided in the main body. Follow this with a powerful closing statement, and your reader will be on the ropes.

🏁 Step 4: Review Your Expository Essay

Think of your expository essay’s first draft as an uncut diamond—the value is there, but you still have some work to do before it’s ready for the display cabinet at Tiffany and Co.

First, you need to look at the overall content of your essay and ask the questions below.

Expository Essay Checklist: Content

  • Does the essay stay focused on the set task throughout?
  • Does the introduction give a clear sense of where the rest of the essay is headed?
  • Does the main body cover the subject matter in a logical order?
  • Is your supporting evidence accurate, relevant, and properly referenced?
  • Does the conclusion tie up the essay in a clear, concise, and powerful way?
  • Have you stuck to the facts and avoided clouding the essay with your own opinions?
  • Will your reader find your essay engaging and enjoyable to read?
  • Will your reader be better informed about the subject matter once they have finished the essay?

Be hard on yourself when you go through this process. Step into the shoes of the most critical person you know who loves to highlight your faults. You will come out the other side leaner, meaner, and stronger.

You’re almost there now—just some final polishing required. Your essay is now almost perfect, but proofreading will make it shine. Run it through a spell-checker, then read slowly from the beginning again, asking the questions below.

Expository Essay Checklist: Style

  • Is your word choice clear and concise?
  • Are there any issues with grammar or spelling?
  • Have you been consistent with the use of abbreviations, acronyms, capitalization, etc.?
  • Are your quotations and references presented correctly and consistently?
  • Is your document formatted correctly and consistently?

Done all that? Congratulations! Your diamond was purchased by Jennifer Lopez, and she plans to show it off on the Oscars red carpet.

The great thing about expository essays is that you only need to concern yourself with the facts. If you follow these four steps, you can’t go wrong. And in addition to your A+ grade, you will also have gained an incredibly useful life skill. The ability to explain a concept to someone in a way that makes them better informed will take you a long way in any environment.

✒️ Expository Essay Example

In this section, you’ll find a free expository essay sample. It focuses on the factors that cause stress in adolescents. Note that the full version of the text is downloadable!

Major Stressors in Teenagers’ Lives

The high dynamics of social interactions is a factor that may cause the fear and anxiety in adolescents who face increased demands and expectations from adults. Being physically developed, teenagers often have a fragile psychological background, and various external drivers, usually related to social adaptation, can be dangerous triggers of stress.

Adolescents are rarely able to entrust their concerns to parents and other adults, which causes isolation, pathological anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. The major stressors in adolescence are social in nature and relate to school relationships, family disagreements, and issues of friendship and love.

✏️ Expository Essay FAQ

In simple terms, an expository essay informs its readers about a subject. It is quite concise, and typically presents a topic with 2-3 subtopics and relevant examples. To make the definition complete, we need to add that you also show your understanding of the topic as you write that paper.

If you are a high school student, we strongly recommend that you start off by creating an outline. You need to highlight a few points in the Body of your essay. Then, create an appropriate introduction. Finally, add a corresponding conclusion.

An expository essay is one of the most typical tasks starting from middle school. Thus, if you are not sure about the essay structure, write an outline first. Then you go step by step: an Introduction, Body, Conclusion. You may write the Body first and add the other two afterward.

An expository essay does not have significant peculiarities in terms of structure. Its outline includes: an Introduction, some Body paragraphs with examples, a Conclusion. Do not choose too many subtopics: such essays are usually just about 5 paragraphs / two pages long.

  • Taking Notes from Research Reading:University of Toronto
  • Expository Essays // Purdue Writing Lab
  • What Is Expository Writing? – ThoughtCo
  • Tips on Writing an Excellent Expository Essay – YourDictionary
  • 10 Ways Expository Writing Skills: NY Tymes
  • Expository Essays: Types, Characteristics & Examples – Study.com
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Expository Essay on Importance of Education

Education is a valuable resource in acquiring skills and knowledge. Our education begins at home. Then, as we grow older, we go to schools, colleges, and other educational institutions.

Education brings positive changes in a person’s life. It enhances one’s knowledge, skills, and intellect and enables one to lead a more productive life.

Children’s education:  Children or children start going to school for primary or secondary education. It is considered a human right for every child to have the opportunity to learn. Schooling lays the foundation for a child’s future.

A baby girl is just as important as a baby boy. He also has the right to go to school. Her requests for education should not be violated in any way.

Education in colleges, universities, and institutions of higher learning:  After graduating from high school, a student may consider joining a college or higher education institute. They may obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree or enter a professional centre to receive specialized training skills.

Adult Education:  Illiteracy is a social evil. An illiterate person finds it very difficult to cope with various life situations, including learning to write or count arithmetic. Today, men and women alike go to educational institutions to learn the basics of education. These adults receive instruction related to health and hygiene.

Women’s Education:  Educating women is essential in strengthening women’s position in society. An educated modern woman gives due importance to her public life as well. Education expanded his vision. It helps to develop his personality.

Benefits of education:

 Education makes us humble. Education creates awareness and broadens our horizons. We become more aware of ourselves, society, and everything that surrounds us and affects our lives. It helps us to cultivate a positive attitude. Also, discipline is essential for everything a person wants to achieve in life. An educated person wants to be respected in society. Education enables us to earn a living.

Education gives us the ability to get a good job. We need money to live. With the advancement of science and technology, our needs have grown exponentially. Apart from the necessities of life such as food, shelter and clothing, we also need other luxuries such as cell phones, air-conditioners, cars, etc.

Satisfying work ensures a satisfying life. It is a well-known fact that an educated person gets it—better chances of profit. After graduating, we might consider starting our own business. And we can be experts in the field of our art. Computer science, software, and information technology research will enable us to make choices in the fast-growing IT sector and the internet industry. We can help illiterate adults learn essential reading, writing and math skills. Importance

Education is critical to ending the problem of unemployment in our country. It is also essential to improve trade and commerce and bring prosperity to our country. However, in addition to the advanced education system, there is a growing need for vocational education.

The learner should be familiar with history, geography, religion, culture and traditions, in general education. Therefore, public education should educate all students up to the second level. Then, depending on the student’s ability, they should choose a higher education or join a skills training institute to receive skills training.

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140 + expository essay topics ideas: definition|types|outline|guide|topics examples, dr. wilson mn.

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This article discusses examples of Expository Essay Topics Ideas plus Expository Essay Types, Outline, Guide on how to write an Expository Essay and Tips on how to select the best Expository Essay Topic.

An expository essay is a genre that investigates a topic in detail. This paper examines, evaluates, and expounds on an idea, concept, event, object, or subject.

Writing this essay type is an important component of academic assignments.

If you are a high school or a college student, writing an expository essay will be mandatory for you.

The first thing to make your essay impressive is to choose an amazing title. After that, it is the writer’s first attempt to motivate the audience to read the entire document.

In case you are assigned to write an essay and are looking for some amazing themes. Continue reading this blog to get sample expository essay topics.

What You'll Learn

The Expository Essay: A Brief Overview

Expository essays take many forms, including how-to (or process), classification, definition, cause, and effect, and compare and contrast essays.

An expository essay explains a topic in a clear, specific, and logical manner.

The goal when writing an expository essay is to inform readers without including your own personal bias or opinion.

An expository essay examines a topic, evaluates the supporting evidence, and asserts an argument. Be sure to pick a topic that you can argue or somehow take a stance on.

Expository essays are not research-based argument essays or persuasive essays.

Expository essays generally do not require outside research.

Your prof might ask you to write an expository essay as an exam or in-class writing assignment. So you’ll need to be able to write quickly and with little preparation.

Types of Expository Essays

Cause and effect essays.

Cause and effect essays explain the causes behind certain phenomena and their resultant effects.

In other words, they discuss the events that led to certain results. For example:

  • Discuss the causes and effects of obesity among children
  • Explain the causes and effects of stress

Comparative Essays

Comparative essays discuss the similarities and differences between two phenomena. For example, you can compare and contrast:

  • An associate degree and a bachelor’s degree
  • The English Premier League and the La Liga

Process Essays

These essays take readers through the steps to accomplish a goal akin to a how-to guide. For example:

  • How to write an expository essay
  • How to prevent a heart attack

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays seek to provide a definition of a concept.

The writer can write the essay from their perspective, although they will not tell it as they would in narrative writing.

Since the main essay’s goal is providing a definition, they are sometimes referred to as definition essays.

The definition goes beyond providing a dictionary meaning of the concept. It expands the concept’s meaning and provides an in-depth explanation.

Examples of descriptive essay topics are:

  • My most embarrassing moment in school
  • Describe your experience in a haunted house

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Expository Essay Outline

An expository essay outline is similar to all types of essays in that it requires an introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • Introduction . To start your expository essay, open with a thought-provoking statement, fact, statistic or anecdote that will grab the reader’s attention.

Make sure it is relevant to your topic and that you explain the context of your paper so that your reader will have an idea of what to expect.

In this section, you will also state your thesis statement to let your reader know the line of argument you will pursue.

  • Body . Each paragraph in your body will have a topic sentence to explain what will be discussed in that paragraph.

Here, you will put forward all your points and explain them using relevant and necessary supporting evidence.

You will want to include some analysis of the argument to share with your reader why the evidence is important and how it supports your thesis.

You should end each paragraph with a transitional sentence to the next paragraph.

  • Conclusion . Here you are required to restate your thesis, give the main points of your argument, and state how they support your argument.

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How to Write an Expository Essay

Tips for writing a good expository essay, choose a good topic.

A good topic refers to a topic one you are conversant with and can explain in detail. It should also be a topic that interests you since you will be required to research it. Ensure that there are sufficient reliable sources you can use to facilitate your research on the topic.

Conduct thorough research on the topic

Gather sufficient evidence to back up your points. Ensure you use authoritative sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, books, and reliable websites. Always remember to cite any sources you use, using the appropriate citation style.

Write an outline

Draft your main points and key sections of the essay from the introduction to the conclusion . Use the five-paragraph essay format. An outline will ensure that you stick to the essay’s structure without leaving any important sections. An outline will also save you time once you get down to the writing process since all important points will have been written down.

Write the first draft

Now, get down to the actual writing. Stick to your essay outline, although you are at liberty to incorporate new ideas that emerge during the writing process.

Edit your essay

It is important to write your essay as soon as your professor asks you to do so. When you finish writing your essay in time, it allows you time to let it ‘rest.’

After that, you can look at the essay with a fresh pair of eyes.

You are likely to overlook so much when you edit your essay immediately after completing the writing process.

As you edit it, ensure you eliminate any noticeable biases. Also, ensure the essay has clarity in that the paragraphs are organized and flow seamlessly.

Finally, proofread your essay to rid it of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, among others.

How to Choose a Topic for an Expository Essay?

Usually, students have to come up with an expository topic in the prewriting phase of the essay.

Sometimes teachers assign the topic but most often students have to define the topic for their essay.

A well-formulated topic is very important for the success of the final draft of your essay. Here are some tips that you can take into account for selecting a great topic for your expository essay:

  • Choose a topic that is interesting for you to write and interesting for the audience to read.
  • Make sure the topic has enough research available to help you present valuable content.
  • The topic you choose for your expository essay must correspond to your academic level.
  • Your topic must be relevant to the subject on which you are assigned to write.

Expository Essay Topics Ideas

Expository essay topics for college.

  • The positive and negative effects of the Internet
  • Steps to saving the planet
  • List of things to make people happy
  • How to deal with financial problems?
  • How to admire a particular person?
  • Describe the advancement in communication over the last 20 years
  • Describe the benefits of social media
  • What book would you like to read, and why?
  • How to deal with bullying in school?
  • Is expressing your emotions helpful?

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Expository essay topics ideas

Expository Essay About Music

  • Explain the effects of music on your life
  • What’s your favorite music album, and why?
  • What music genre do you like?
  • Would you like to be a musician?
  • Which music genre is better: jazz or pop?
  • How to become a musician?
  • How to launch a music album
  • What effect does music have on people’s minds?
  • Why do youngsters like rock music more than any other music genre
  • Why do people listen to sad songs in depressing situations?

Easy Expository Essay Topic

  • Difference between psychology and psychiatry?
  • Is bibliophobia considered a mental disorder?
  • Differences between the right and left halves of the brain
  • Define the significance of technical progress in US history
  • Effect of newspaper invention
  • Describe the period of the Great Depression in the United States
  • Describe the change of communication in the Era of Technology
  • How are humans searching for extraterrestrial life?
  • Are heroic people mentally healthy?
  • Discuss the stages of personality development

Science and Technology Expository Essay Topics for College

  • Consequences of Internet invention
  • Instagram: Causes and effects of being addicted to social networks
  • How did radio shape the modern world?
  • The theory of general relativity: The impact on modern physics
  • Arabic vs Latin numerals. Why the Arabic ones won?
  • iPhone: A significant leap in the field of mobile technology.
  • Why Elon Musk’s inventions are so detrimental?
  • Stephen Hawking’s impact on astrophysics
  • Will we ever land on Mars?
  • Time travel: Why is it (im)possible?

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Interesting Expository Essay Topic

  • Why do people need to continue space exploration?
  • Discuss the importance of mental health
  • Explain the consequences of World War II
  • How social media is affecting the course of studies
  • Latest developments in the study of the human brain
  • How to avoid depression?
  • Why is the basic knowledge of IT important nowadays?
  • Discuss how to cure a cold fast
  • A recent study of black holes
  • Effects of the french revolution

Good Expository Essay Topic

  • Latest developments in the study to cure cancer
  • Why is there a startling increase in people with allergies?
  • Define the precursors of the Civil War
  • Discuss the dangers of military activities in Eastern Asia
  • Can one treat mental disorders oneself?
  • Factors that contribute to depression
  • Reasons people must use solar energy
  • Discuss the long-term effects of global warming
  • The role of astronomy in ancient Greece
  • Describe the invention of the first newspaper
  • Analyze the effects of Queen Victoria’s reign

Topics for Expository Esssay on Personal Experience

  • Describe your first memory
  • What is the brightest memory of your childhood?
  • Depict your first success at a sport
  • What is your favorite school subject?
  • What is your brightest dream about the future?
  • When did you meet your first love?
  • Who was your first teacher? How they impacted your personality?
  • How did upbringing affect your personality
  • What do you like about cooking?
  • What’s your favorite movie or book?

Best Expository Essay Topic

  • What is your dream about the future?
  • Describe your first memory.
  • What would you do if you could live forever?
  • Describe what it is like to live with a pet
  • Define the meaning of life to you
  • Describe the hobby you enjoy doing.
  • Describe the next great invention
  • Why do people forget things?
  • How is electronic music made?
  • What are the types of schizophrenia?

Controversial Expository Essay

  • Importance of negotiations during military operations
  • Explain why some countries implement Communism
  • Art practices in treating mental disorders
  • Nationwide prohibition of the 1920s: causes and effects
  • Discuss the key aspects of the political activity of John’s Kennedy.
  • What makes a good psychotherapist?
  • How does the IQ score reflect the mental capacity of a person?
  • Psychological causes of racism
  • The crusaders: villains or heroes?

Expository Essay About Education

  • Is Homework important? Explain Why?
  • Why teaching is considered a noble profession?
  • Benefits of learning foreign languages
  • Online schooling vs. traditional schooling
  • Higher education and its impacts on future career
  • What impact does education has on people’s mind
  • How literate people are different from illiterate people
  • Why is a higher degree important for getting good jobs?
  • How to write a compare and contrast essay?
  • How to choose a topic for a cause and effect essay?

Expository Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Why do children lie?
  • Difference between fat and overweight
  • Why do people commit suicide?
  • Causes of global warming
  • What is wrong with our species
  • How to take care of yourself?
  • Are we money hungry?
  • How to talk to mentally exhausted people?
  • What is the connection between being hungry and being lonely?
  • Cost of living on the moon
  • Hobbies for teenagers to avoid
  • What do you think about double standards?
  • Gender inequality at work
  • Reasons for the rise in teenage pregnancy rate
  • Consequences of dropping out of college
  • Tolerance in a workplace is crucial; why?

Funny Expository Essay Topics

  • Effects of not voting in the elections
  • Discuss memory work in a human brain
  • Does technology affect relationships?

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2. What is an example of an expository essay?

What is the function of an expository essay?

  • Explain the events leading up to the Revolutionary War.
  • Explain how to balance a checkbook.
  • Describe the composition and function of a chicken’s egg.
  • Explain the process of changing a tire

3. How do you choose an expository essay topic?

For an expository essay,  make sure the topic is something that you can explain . In addition, consider what type of expository writing would be most appropriate to explain the topic. Narrow the focus. After you choose a topic, you should focus on a specific aspect of the topic.

4. What are the examples of expository essay?

Some examples of an expository essay include:  The how-to or process essay , which provides readers with a step-by-step guide on how to do something or the steps it takes to finish a job. The descriptive essay, which will be loaded with details. This type of expository essay describes something.

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 200 Ethical Topics & Questions to Debate in Essay

200 Ethical Topics & Questions to Debate in Essay

ethical topics

Ethical topics and questions are essential for stimulating thoughtful discussions and deepening our understanding of complex moral landscapes. Ethics, the study of what is right and wrong, underpins many aspects of human life and societal functioning. Whether you're crafting an essay or preparing for a debate, delving into ethical issues allows you to explore various perspectives and develop critical thinking skills.

Ethical issues encompass a wide range of dilemmas and conflicts where individuals or societies must choose between competing moral principles. Understanding what are ethical issues involves recognizing situations that challenge our values, behaviors, and decisions. This article provides a thorough guide to ethical topics, offering insights into current ethical issues, and presenting a detailed list of questions and topics to inspire your writing and debates.

Ethical Issues Definition

Ethical issues refer to situations where a decision, action, or policy conflicts with ethical principles or societal norms. These dilemmas often involve a choice between competing values or interests, such as fairness vs. efficiency, privacy vs. security, or individual rights vs. collective good. Ethical issues arise in various fields, including medicine, business, technology, and the environment. They challenge individuals and organizations to consider the moral implications of their actions and to seek solutions that align with ethical standards. Understanding ethical issues requires an analysis of both the potential benefits and the moral costs associated with different courses of action.

⭐ Top 10 Ethical Topics [2024]

  • Climate Change Responsibility
  • Data Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • AI and Automation
  • Animal Rights
  • Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech
  • Healthcare Accessibility
  • Human Rights in the Age of Globalization

Ethics Essay Writing Guide

Writing an ethics essay involves more than just presenting facts; it requires a thoughtful analysis of moral principles and their application to real-world scenarios. Understanding ethical topics and what constitutes ethical issues is essential for crafting a compelling essay. Here’s a guide to help you address current ethical issues effectively:

  • Choose a Clear Topic: Select an ethical issue that is both interesting and relevant. Understanding the definition of ethical issues will help you narrow down your choices.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather information from credible sources to support your arguments. Knowing what ethical issues are and how they are defined can provide a solid foundation for your research.
  • Present Multiple Perspectives: Show an understanding of different viewpoints on the issue. This will demonstrate your grasp of the complexity of current ethical issues.
  • Use Real-world Examples: Illustrate your points with concrete examples. This not only strengthens your arguments but also helps to explain ethical topics in a relatable way.
  • Structure Your Essay: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. A well-structured essay makes it easier to present your analysis of ethical issues.
  • Provide a Balanced Argument: Weigh the pros and cons to offer a well-rounded discussion. Addressing various aspects of current ethical issues will make your essay more comprehensive.
  • Conclude Thoughtfully: Summarize your findings and reflect on the broader implications of the issue. This is where you can discuss the impact of ethical issues on society and future considerations.

By following this guide, you will be able to write an ethics essay that not only presents facts but also offers a deep and nuanced analysis of ethical topics.

Selecting the Right Research Topic in Ethics

Choosing the right research topic in ethics can be challenging, but it is crucial for writing an engaging and insightful essay. Here are some tips:

  • Relevance: Ensure the topic is relevant to current societal issues.
  • Interest: Pick a topic that genuinely interests you.
  • Scope: Choose a topic with enough scope for research and debate.
  • Complexity: Aim for a topic that is complex enough to allow for in-depth analysis.
  • Availability of Sources: Make sure there are enough resources available to support your research.

What Style Should an Ethics Essay Be Written In?

When writing an ethics essay, it is essential to adopt a formal and objective style. Clarity and conciseness are paramount, as the essay should avoid unnecessary jargon and overly complex sentences that might obscure the main points. Maintaining objectivity is crucial; presenting arguments without bias ensures that the discussion remains balanced and fair. Proper citations are vital to give credit to sources and uphold academic integrity.

Engaging the reader through a logical flow of ideas is important, as it helps sustain interest and facilitates a better understanding of the ethical topics being discussed. Additionally, the essay should be persuasive, making compelling arguments supported by evidence to effectively convey the analysis of moral issues. By following these guidelines, the essay will not only be informative but also impactful in its examination of ethical dilemmas.

List of Current Ethical Issues

  • The impact of social media on privacy.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic cloning.
  • Balancing national security with individual rights.
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age.
  • The ethics of biohacking.
  • Ethical considerations in space exploration.
  • The ethics of surveillance and data collection by governments and corporations.
  • Ethical issues in the use of facial recognition technology.
  • The ethical implications of autonomous vehicles.
  • The morality of animal testing in scientific research.
  • Ethical concerns in the gig economy.
  • The impact of climate change on ethical business practices.
  • The ethics of consumer data usage by companies.
  • Ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care and assisted suicide.
  • The role of ethics in the development of renewable energy sources.

Ethical Issues in Psychology

  • Confidentiality vs. duty to warn in therapy.
  • Ethical dilemmas in psychological research.
  • The use of placebo in psychological treatment.
  • Ethical issues in the treatment of vulnerable populations.
  • The ethics of involuntary commitment and treatment.
  • Dual relationships and conflicts of interest in therapy.
  • The use of deception in psychological experiments.
  • The ethics of cognitive enhancement drugs.
  • Ethical considerations in online therapy and telepsychology.
  • Cultural competence and ethical practice in psychology.
  • The ethics of forensic psychology and assessment.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and ethical practice.
  • The use of emerging technologies in psychological treatment.
  • Ethical issues in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
  • The role of ethics in psychological testing and assessment.

Ethical Debate Topics

  • Is capital punishment morally justified?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in warfare.
  • Is euthanasia ethically permissible?
  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • The morality of animal rights vs. human benefit.
  • Is it ethical to use animals for entertainment?
  • Should there be limits on free speech?
  • The ethics of genetic modification in humans.
  • Is it ethical to have mandatory vaccinations?
  • The morality of government surveillance programs.
  • Should assisted reproductive technologies be regulated?
  • The ethics of using performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • Should healthcare be considered a human right?
  • The ethical implications of wealth inequality and redistribution.

Medical Ethics Topics

  • Ariel Case Study: a Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Case for and Against Daylight Saving Time
  • Technological Advancements in Medical, Educational & Other Fields
  • The Language of Medicine
  • Medical Ethics: Beneficence and Non-maleficence
  • Overview of What Sonography is
  • The Use of Steroids and HGH in Sports
  • Media and The Scientific Community Treat People Like Tools
  • Informative Speech for Organ Donation
  • Medicine in Our World
  • The Origin of Medical Terminology
  • Preserving Sight: My Journey to Becoming an Optometrist
  • Case of Dr. Eric Poehlman's Ethical Violation
  • Should The NHS Treat Patients with Self-Inflicted Illnesses
  • My Education as a Medical Technologist

Ethics Essay Topics on Business

  • Ethics Report on Panasonic Corporation
  • Case Study on The ACS Code of Morals
  • Differences in Business Ethics Among East Asian Countries
  • Business Ethics in Sports
  • Business Ethics in Different Countries, and Its Importance
  • Selfless Service and Its Impact on Social Change
  • Challenges in Doing Business Across The Border
  • The Importance of Ethics in Advertising
  • Ethical Issues that Businesses Face
  • Profitability of Business Ethics
  • The Law and Morality in Business
  • How Ethnic Variances Effect Worldwide Business
  • The Ethical Practices in The Business Sector in the Modern Economy
  • Key Responsibilities and Code of Ethics in Engineering Profession
  • Analysis of The Code of Ethics in Walmart

Ethics Essay Topics on Environment

  • Understanding The Importance of Keeping Animals Safe
  • The Importance of Treating Animals with Respect
  • CWU and The Issue of Chimpanzee Captivity
  • The Process of Suicidal Reproduction in the Animal World
  • Analysis of The Egg Industry to Understand The Causes of The High Prices in Eggs
  • The Dangers of Zoos
  • Importance for Animals to Be Free from Harm by Humans
  • Should Animals Be Killed for The Benefit of Humans
  • Reasons Why Genetic Engineering Should Be Banned
  • What I Learned in Ethics Class: Environmental Ethics
  • Nanotechnology and Environment
  • Review of The Environmental Protection Act
  • How The Idea of Preservation of Nature Can Benefit from Environmental Ethics
  • The Relation and Controversy Between American Diet and Environmental Ethics
  • Green Technology

Work Ethics Essay Topics

  • The impact of workplace surveillance on employee privacy.
  • Ethical considerations in remote work.
  • Discrimination in the workplace.
  • An Examination of Addiction to Work in The Protestant Work Ethic
  • The Work Ethic of The Millennials
  • My Understanding of The Proper Environment in the Workplace
  • Social Responsibility & Ethics Management Program in Business
  • The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961
  • The Issue of Stealing in The Workplace
  • Chinese Work Management and Business Identity
  • Ethical Issues of Using Social Media at the Workplace
  • The Teleological Ethical Theories
  • Learning Journal on Ethical Conflicts, Environmental Issues, and Social Responsibilities
  • Social Media at Workplace: Ethics and Influence
  • Ethical Issue of Employees Stealing and Whistleblowing

Ethics Essay Topics on Philosophy

  • A Critical Analysis of Ethical Dilemmas in Education and Beyond
  • Overview of What an Ethical Dilemma is
  • The Implications of Exculpatory Language
  • Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-life Decision Making
  • What I Learned in Ethics Class: Integrating Ethics in Aviation
  • Doing What is Right is not Always Popular: Philosophy of Ethics
  • An Analysis of Public Trust and Corporate Ethics
  • Ethical Concerns of Beauty Pageants
  • Simone De Beauvoir’s Contribution to Philosophy and Ethics
  • The Impact on Decision-making and Life Choices
  • Importance and Improvement of Personal Ethics
  • Personal Ethics and Integrity in Our Life
  • Analysis of The Philosophical Concept of Virtue Ethics
  • Understanding Moral Action
  • How to Become a Gentleman
  • A Call for Emphasis on Private Morality and Virtue Teaching
  • A Positive Spin on Ethical Marketing in The Gambling Industry
  • An Overview of The Ethical Dilemma in a Personal Case
  • Bioethical Principles and Professional Responsibilities
  • Ethical Considerations in Counseling Adolescents
  • Ethical Dilemma in College Life
  • Ethical Theories: Deontology and Utilitarianism
  • Issues of Fraud, Ethics, and Regulation in Healthcare
  • Navigating Ethical Dimensions in Education
  • The Ethical Landscape of Advanced Technology
  • Research Paper on The Ethical Issue of Publishing The Pentagon Papers
  • The Trolley Problem: an Ethical Dilemma
  • Analysis of "To The Bitter End" Case Study
  • Ethical Theories: Virtue and Utilitarian Ethics
  • Feminist Ethics: Deconstructing Gender and Morality
  • Is Deadpool a Hero Research Paper
  • My Moral and Ethical Stance
  • The Concept of Ethics and The Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Ethics of Graphic Photojournalism
  • The Quintessence of Justice: a Critical Evaluation of Juror 11's Role
  • The Wolf of Wall Street: Ethics of Greed
  • The Importance of Ethics in Our Daily Life
  • Analysis of The Envy Emotion and My Emotional Norms
  • The Topic of Animal Rights in Relation to The Virtue Theory

Ethics Essay Topics on Science

  • The Cause of Cancer as Illustrated in a Bioethics Study
  • Bioethical Issues Related to Genetic Engineering
  • Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research
  • The Role of Ethics Committees in Biomedical Research
  • The Legal and Bioethical Aspects of Personalised Medicine Based on Genetic Composition
  • The Ethics of Clinical Trials: Ensuring Informed Consent and Patient Safety
  • Ethical Challenges in Neuroethics: Brain Privacy and Cognitive Liberty
  • Gene Therapy: Ethical Dilemmas and Social Implications
  • Overview of Bioethics The Trigger of Contentious Moral Topics
  • The Progression of Bioethics and Its Importance
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medical Ethics
  • The Drawbacks of Free Healthcare: Economic, Quality, and Access Issues
  • Bioethical Issues in My Sister’s Keeper: Having Your Autonomy Taken to Save Your Sibling
  • The Ethics of Biotechnology in Agriculture: GMOs and Food Safety
  • Ethical Considerations in Organ Donation and Transplantation

List of Ethical Questions for Students

Exploring ethical topics is crucial for students to develop critical thinking and moral reasoning. Here is a comprehensive list of ethical questions for students to discuss and debate. These topics cover a wide range of issues, encouraging thoughtful discussion and deeper understanding.

Good Ethical Questions for Discussion

  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Should parents have the right to genetically modify their children?
  • Is it ever acceptable to lie?
  • Should schools monitor students' social media activity?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in scientific research?
  • Should companies be allowed to patent human genes?
  • Is it right to impose cultural values on others?
  • Should the government regulate internet content?
  • Is it ethical to have designer babies?
  • Should wealthy countries help poorer nations?
  • Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos?
  • Should there be limits to freedom of speech?
  • Is it right to use artificial intelligence in decision-making?
  • Should we prioritize privacy over security?
  • Is it ethical to manipulate emotions through advertising?

Moral Questions to Debate

  • Is genetic modification in humans ethical?
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory?
  • Is government surveillance justified?
  • Is it ethical to use performance-enhancing drugs in sports?
  • Is wealth inequality morally acceptable?
  • Should education be free for everyone?
  • Is it ethical to allow autonomous robots to make life-and-death decisions?

Ethical topics and questions are a rich field for exploration and discussion. Examining these issues, we can better understand the moral principles that guide our actions and decisions. Whether you're writing an essay or preparing for a debate, this comprehensive list of ethical topics and questions will help you engage with complex moral dilemmas and develop your critical thinking skills.

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    Expository Essay: The reader is expected to gain knowledge, understand a process, or become informed about a topic. There's no expectation for the reader to agree or disagree. Argumentative Essay: The reader is encouraged to consider the writer's viewpoint, evaluate arguments, and possibly be persuaded to adopt a new perspective or take action.

  5. Expository Essays

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  6. How to Write an Expository Essay (Professor Approved Guide)

    Step One: Research Your Topic. An expository essay starts with research. You need to understand the topic before you write about it. You also need to understand what points the reader needs to know to comprehend the subject. The internet has been outstanding in terms of helping people get access to information.

  7. How to Write an Expository Essay (Updated for 2021)

    When you write an expository essay, you are exposing the main ideas of the subject, expounding on a topic in detail, or explaining the meaning of a topic, idea, or phenomenon. You will typically be expected to have an introduction, body, and conclusion, plus a strong thesis statement to keep your ideas focused.

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    1. Read Your Essay Prompt. Most expository essay prompts will ask you to do one of the following: Define and explain a concept or theory. Compare and contrast two ideas. Examine a problem and propose a solution. Describe a cause and effect relationship. Explain a step-by-step process.

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    You can write an expository essay using the following steps. 1. Define your thesis statement. Because an expository essay generally goes in-depth on a given subject, it's important that you specify your thesis statement from the get-go. State it in a clear and concise manner in the first paragraph of your essay.

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    4 The Expository Essay Structure. 4.1 How to Organize Expository Essays. 5 Steps to Write Expository Essays. 5.1 Step 1: Select a Topic. 5.2 Step 2: Write a Thesis Statement. 5.3 Step 3: Select Your Method of Development. 5.4 Step 4: Organize Your Ideas. 6 Structure of an Expository Essay Outline.

  11. How to Write an Expository Essay in 5 Steps

    How to Write an Expository Essay in 5 Steps. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read. Learning how to write a good expository essay is an academic writing skill that lays the foundation for the type of expository writing that's necessary for numerous professions.

  12. Expository Essays

    Hence, the main goal of an expository essay is to provide factual information on a particular subject. Although writing an engaging essay is definitely a plus, it is secondary. The main goal of writing an expository essay is to educate. An expository essay is a relatively unbiased piece of writing that explores a topic from all angles.

  13. PDF Writing an Expository Essay

    The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the essay because it specifi cally states what the essay will be about. In other words, it states the purpose of the essay. Therefore, a thesis statement should include: • the topic of the essay. • the writer's position, opinion, or approach to the topic.

  14. 100+ Expository Essay Topics to Impress Your Teacher

    Expository Essay Topics Consumer Culture. The positive and negative effects of consumer culture. Understanding the modern consumer culture. Consumer culture in China and the middle class. Consumer culture is central to understanding contemporary identities. Consumerism in consumer culture.Advertising and consumer culture. Explain consumer culture.

  15. A List of General Expository Essay Topics

    Sample Expository Essay Topics From Students . Tenth-graders wrote the following general expository essay topics. Students can practice writing these topics or use the list to come up with topics of their own. The important thing to remember is that these expository essays are based on facts rather than the writer's beliefs or feelings.

  16. 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays

    Observe the place you are writing about. Sit down with a notepad or your phone and write down your sensory experiences (what you smell, hear, see, taste, and touch). You can even listen to conversations and observe people. Vividly-written details and personal experience make your expository paper stand out. Research by looking at past issues of ...

  17. PDF Expository Essay Handout SP2020

    In short, the main difference between the expository and argumentative essays is that one is objective (expository) while the other is subjective. (argumentative). Argumentative. Expository. Chooses a position either for or against something. Explores multiple viewpoints of a topic in a neutral way. May be written in the first person (as ...

  18. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    oConsideration of counterarguments (what Sandel might say in response to this section of your argument) Each argument you will make in an essay will be different, but this strategy will often be a useful first step in figuring out the path of your argument. Strategy #2: Use subheadings, even if you remove themlater.

  19. How to Write an Expository Essay: Outline, & Example

    Expository Essay Structure: Useful Tips. Make the introduction of your expository essay short and sweet. Start with a focus statement that will grab your reader's attention and make them want to read on. Then give an overview of your subject matter and set out the direction that the rest of your essay is going to take.

  20. Expository Essay on Importance of Education

    Education creates awareness and broadens our horizons. We become more aware of ourselves, society, and everything that surrounds us and affects our lives. It helps us to cultivate a positive attitude. Also, discipline is essential for everything a person wants to achieve in life. An educated person wants to be respected in society.

  21. 140+Expository Essay Topics Ideas: Definition|Types|Outline|Guide

    An expository essay is a genre that investigates a topic in detail. This paper examines, evaluates, and expounds on an idea, concept, event, object, or subject. Writing this essay type is an important component of academic assignments. If you are a high school or a college student, writing an expository essay will be mandatory for you.

  22. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  23. 200 Ethical Topics for Your Essay by GradesFixer

    Ethics Essay Writing Guide. Writing an ethics essay involves more than just presenting facts; it requires a thoughtful analysis of moral principles and their application to real-world scenarios. Understanding ethical topics and what constitutes ethical issues is essential for crafting a compelling essay.