How to write a poetry essay

Duygu Demiröz

  • August 26, 2023

Whether you love literature or are just curious, this guide will help you understand, enjoy, and talk about poetry. So, let’s start exploring the world of lines and symbols, where each one tells a story to discover.

Here are the steps on writing a poetry essay.

Choose a poem

The first step is, of course, to choose a poem to write your essay . 

It should be one that you find interesting, thought-provoking, or emotionally resonant. It’s important to select a poem that you can engage with and analyze effectively.

  • Choose a poem that genuinely captures your interest. Look for poems that evoke emotions, thoughts, or curiosity when you read them.
  • Consider the themes addressed in the poem. It should offer ample material for analysis.

When choosing a poem

So for this guide, let’s choose Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death.” You’ll see a short excerpt of this poem for your understanding. 

Poem example for poetry essay

Because i couldn not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson

       Because I could not stop for Death –        He kindly stopped for me –        The Carriage held but just Ourselves –        And Immortality.        We slowly drove – He knew no haste        And I had put away        My labor and my leisure too,        For His Civility –        We passed the School, where Children strove        At Recess – in the Ring –        We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –        We passed the Setting Sun –        The poem continues....

This poem is intriguing due to its exploration of mortality, the afterlife, and eternity. The imagery and language in the poem provide ample material for analysis, making it a suitable choice for a comprehensive essay.

After carefully choosing the poem that interests you, understanding the poem is the biggest key to writing an effective and nice poetry essay.

Understand the poem

Reading the poem several times to grasp its meaning is the most important part of a good analysis. You must first analyze the structure, rhyme scheme , meter and literary tools used in the poem.

For a solid understanding, you should:

  • Read the poem multiple times to familiarize yourself with its content. Each reading may reveal new insights.
  • Identify the central themes or messages the poem conveys.
  • Study the rhyme scheme and meter (rhythmic pattern) of the poem.
  • Consider how the structure, including its stanzas, lines, and breaks, contributes to the poem's meaning and impact.

For example

Remember, understanding the poem thoroughly is the foundation for a well-informed analysis. Take your time to grasp the poem’s various elements before moving on to the next steps in your essay.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the poem, let’s move into writing the introduction. 

Write a catchy introduction

  • Begin with an attention-grabbing hook sentence that piques the reader's interest.
  • Provide the necessary information about the poem and its author. Mention the poet's name and title of the poem.
  • Offer some context about the poem's time period, literary movement, or cultural influences.
  • Present your thesis statement , which outlines the main argument or focus of your essay.

Poetry essay introduction example


Thesis statement for poetry essays

A thesis statement is a clear and concise sentence or two that presents the main argument or point of your essay . It provides a roadmap for your reader, outlining what they can expect to find in your essay.

In the case of a poetry essay, your thesis statement should capture the central message, themes, or techniques you’ll be discussing in relation to the poem.

Why is the thesis important for a poetry essay?

By reading your thesis statement, your audience should have a clear idea of what to expect from your poem analysis essay.

When creating a thesis statement, keep these in mind: 

  • Start by identifying the key elements of the poem that you want to discuss. These could be themes, literary devices, emotions conveyed, or the poet's intentions.
  • Based on the key elements you've identified, formulate a central argument that encapsulates your main analysis. What is the poem trying to convey? What are you trying to say about the poem?
  • Your thesis should be specific and focused. Avoid vague or broad statements. Instead, provide a clear direction for your analysis.

Poetry essasy thesis statement example

....(introduction starts) ....(introduction continues) ....(introduction continues) In "Because I could not stop for Death," Emily Dickinson employs vivid imagery, personification, and an unconventional perspective on mortality to explore the transcendence of death and the eternity of the soul. Thesis statement, which is usually the last sentence of your introduction

Analyze language and imagery

Language and image analysis in poetry involves a close examination of the words, phrases and literary devices used by the poet. In this step you must uncover the deeper layers of meaning, emotion and sensory experiences conveyed by the poet’s choice of language and imagery.

Why language and imagery?

  • Start by identifying and listing the literary devices present in the poem. These could include metaphors, similes, personification, symbolism, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and more.
  • For each identified device, explain its significance. How does it contribute to the poem's meaning, mood, or tone?
  • Analyze how the literary devices interact with the context of the poem. How do they relate to the themes, characters, or situations presented in the poem?
  • Discuss how the use of specific language and imagery influences the reader's emotional response and understanding of the poem.

Continuing with Emily Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death,” let’s analyze the use of imagery:

Language and imagery analysis example

Lines chosen for analysis

Discuss themes in body paragraphs

Exploring themes helps you grasp the deeper meaning of the poem and connect it to broader human experiences. Understanding the themes allows you to uncover what the poet is attempting to convey and how the poem relates to readers on a universal level.

In this step, you will likely dedicate multiple body paragraphs to the analysis of various aspects of language and imagery. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific literary device, phrase, or aspect of language and imagery.

Here’s how you can structure the body paragraphs.

Poetry essay body paragraphs example

Body Paragraph 1: Identify and Explain Literary Devices

Body Paragraph 2: Context and Interaction with Themes

Body Paragraph 3: Reader's emotional response and understanding

Provide evidence from the poem

Providing evidence involves quoting specific lines or stanzas from the poem to support the points you’re making in your analysis. These quotes serve as concrete examples that demonstrate how the poet uses language, imagery, or literary devices to convey specific meanings or emotions.

  • Select lines or stanzas from the poem that directly relate to the point you're making in your analysis.
  • Introduce each quote with context, explaining the significance of the lines and how they contribute to your analysis.
  • Use quotation marks to indicate that you're using the poet's language.
  • After providing the quote, interpret its meaning. Explain how the language, imagery, or devices used in the quoted lines contribute to your analysis.

Providing evidence example

In your essay, you should include several quotes and interpret them to reinforce your points. Quoting specific lines from the poem allows you to showcase the poet’s language while demonstrating how these lines contribute to the poem’s overall expression.

Write a conclusion

Conclusion paragraph is the last sentence of your poem analysis essay. It reinforces your thesis statement and emphasizes your insights.

Additionally, the conclusion offers a chance to provide a final thought that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. In your conclusion, make sure to:

  • Start by rephrasing your thesis statement. Remind the reader of the main argument you've made in your essay.
  • Provide a concise summary of the main points. Avoid introducing new information; focus on the key ideas.
  • Discuss the broader significance or implications. How does the poem's message relate to readers beyond its specific context?
  • End with a thoughtful reflection, observation, or question that leaves the reader with something to ponder.

Poetry essay conclusion example

In your essay, the conclusion serves as a final opportunity to leave a strong impression on the reader by summarizing your analysis and offering insights into the poem’s broader significance.

Now, it’s time to double check what you’ve written.

Proofread and revise your essay

Edit your essay for clarity, coherence, tense selection , correct headings , etc. Ensure that your ideas flow logically and your analysis is well-supported. Remember, a poetry essay is an opportunity to delve into the nuances of a poem’s language, themes, and emotions.

  • Review each paragraph to ensure ideas flow logically from one to the next.
  • Check for grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Verify that your evidence from the poem is accurately quoted and explained.
  • Make sure your language is clear and effectively conveys your analysis.

By proofreading and revising, you can refine your essay, improving its readability and ensuring that your insights are communicated accurately.

So this was the last part, you’re now ready to write your first poem analysis (poetry) essay. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i include in the introduction of a poetry essay.

In the introduction, provide background information about the poem and poet. Include the poem’s title, publication date, and any relevant context that helps readers understand its significance.

Can I include my emotional responses in a poetry essay?

Yes, you can discuss your emotional responses, but ensure they are supported by your analysis of the poem’s literary elements. Avoid focusing solely on personal feelings.

Is it important to understand the poet's background when writing a poetry essay?

While it can provide context, your focus should be on analyzing the poem itself. If the poet’s background is relevant to the poem’s interpretation, mention it briefly.

What's the best way to conclude a poetry essay?

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and tie them together. Offer insights into the poem’s broader significance, implications, or lasting impact.

Duygu Demiröz

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What is Poetry?

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Illustration by Na Kim

April is National Poetry Month, and this week we revive an old tradition by devoting an entire issue to the form. But first we ask a very basic question: What is poetry, anyway? There’s no simple answer, as our columnist Elisa Gabbert explains in an essay that probes and celebrates that very ambiguity. “The poem is a vessel,” she writes; “poetry is liquid.”

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The Titanic Sank. So Did These Commemorative Poems.

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The New York Times frontpage on Tuesday, April 16, 1912

The New York Times frontpage on Tuesday, April 16, 1912

Shortly after the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, readers began sending The Times poems they had written about the tragedy. Three days later, the paper issued the following statement: “Far, far, is it from our wish or intention to hurt anybody’s feelings. But we do wish to state, very, very gently, that one of the most difficult tasks a real poet, experienced and skilled in the practice of his art, could understate/undertake would be to write an adequate and fitting poem on the loss of the Titanic.”

Readers were not dissuaded. On April 30, the paper adopted a sterner tone in an editorial headlined “Only Poets Should Write Verse.” It began, “In spite of our gentle hint, the other day, that more people were sending to this office verses on the Titanic than were qualified as poets … the flood of these contributions continues. It does seem time to say again that to write about the Titanic a poem worth printing requires that the author should have something more than paper, pencil and a strong feeling that the disaster was a terrible one.”

On May 25, 1912, The Times printed — on Page 1 — a new poem by Thomas Hardy about the tragedy, “The Convergence of the Twain — Lines on the Loss of the Titanic,” which apparently unleashed a new deluge of reader-submitted poems, “hundreds and hundreds” of them. This was the final straw. The paper’s Topics of The Times columnist marveled at the “audacity” of these amateur poets. After all, he pointed out, “The Convergence of the Twain” wasn’t very good, and if “a man of talent with at least a flash of genius now and then” had so visibly struggled, well, “it ought to serve as a dreadful warning” for lesser writers.

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In 2014, a Ukrainian Poet Wrote a Sonnet About Love and War. It Still Resonates.

My friend, the poet, translator and editor Yuri Burjak, was born in Dnipro in 1951 and lives today in northern Kyiv. Part of the ’70s generation of Ukrainian writers, he joined the Ukrainian Writers’ Union in 1984. His more than a dozen volumes of poetry have received a number of literary prizes, culminating in the 2015 Schevenko Prize, the state’s highest honor for contribution to arts and culture, for the mystical, metaphysical “Not the Dead Sea.” Hospitable and collegiate, Burjak has dedicated his professional life to founding a number of independent literary publishing houses, and to translating contemporary and classical poetry and medieval epic into Ukrainian. This untitled poem from his 200­sonnet sequence “Millennium” (2014) is, like much contemporary Ukrainian verse written since Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea, haunted by war and the proximity of history. — Fiona Sampson

In that life I would have dwelt in Lviv (or maybe Vienna)

in a narrow street, on the first floor,

with flowers standing on the balcony

and an old bike in the entrance;

I would have been in love with a café waitress,

a girl with a Galician accent and a dark gaze,

and I’d have heard the “Radetzky March” from the barracks —

drums mixed up with the overseas drill;

I would have gone to a secret address to resist the aliens

threatening Europe,

and been taken for questioning from Lonsky Prison,

and perhaps somewhere, among the women covering their faces with shawls

in the prison yard after the retreat and before the attack (and the beginning of opera),

would have been my black-­eyed girl.

— Yuri Burjak

Translated by Nikolai Scherbak and Fiona Sampson

(Note: Lonsky Prison, the former political detention center in Lviv, is now Ukraine’s National Memorial Museum for the Victims of Occupation.)

Yuri Burjak is the author of more than a dozen poetry collections and the winner of the Schevenko Prize in Ukraine. Fiona Sampson , a British poet whose most recent book is the Elizabeth Barrett Browning biography “Two-Way Mirror,” originally published this sonnet in her literary journal POEM.


  • Literary Terms
  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Write Poetry

I. What is Poetry?

Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.

Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each culture had its own rules. For example, Anglo-Saxon poets had their own rhyme schemes and meters, while Greek poets and Arabic poets had others. Although these classical forms are still widely used today, modern poets frequently do away with rules altogether – their poems generally do not rhyme, and do not fit any particular meter. These poems, however, still have a rhythmic quality and seek to create beauty through their words.

The opposite of poetry is “prose” – that is, normal text that runs without line breaks or rhythm. This article, for example, is written in prose.

II. Examples and Explanation

Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth,

nothing is bred that is weaker than man.

(Homer, The Odyssey)

The Greek poet Homer wrote some of the ancient world’s most famous literature. He wrote in a style called epic poetry , which deals with gods, heroes, monsters, and other large-scale “epic” themes . Homer’s long poems tell stories of Greek heroes like Achilles and Odysseus, and have inspired countless generations of poets, novelists, and philosophers alike.

Poetry gives powerful insight into the cultures that create it. Because of this, fantasy and science fiction authors often create poetry for their invented cultures. J.R.R. Tolkien famously wrote different kinds of poetry for elves, dwarves, hobbits, and humans, and the rhythms and subject matter of their poetry was supposed to show how these races differed from one another. In a more humorous vein, many Star Trek fans have taken to writing love poetry in the invented Klingon language.

III. The Importance of Poetry

Poetry is probably the oldest form of literature, and probably predates the origin of writing itself. The oldest written manuscripts we have are poems, mostly epic poems telling the stories of ancient mythology. Examples include the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Vedas (sacred texts of Hinduism). This style of writing may have developed to help people memorize long chains of information in the days before writing. Rhythm and rhyme can make the text more memorable, and thus easier to preserve for cultures that do not have a written language.

Poetry can be written with all the same purposes as any other kind of literature – beauty, humor, storytelling, political messages, etc.

IV. Examples in of Poetry Literature

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I think that I shall never see  –> A a poem lovely as a tree… –> A poems are made by fools like me, –> B but only God can make a tree. –> B (Joyce Kilmer, Trees )

This is an excerpt from Joyce Kilmer’s famous short poem. The poem employs a fairly standard rhyme scheme (AABB, lines 1 and 2 rhymes together and lines 3 and 4 rhymes together), and a meter called “iambic tetrameter,” which is commonly employed in children’s rhymes.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night, who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking… (Alan Ginsberg, Howl)

These are the first few lines of Howl , one of the most famous examples of modern “free verse” poetry. It has no rhyme, and no particular meter. But its words still have a distinct, rhythmic quality, and the line breaks encapsulate the meaning of the poem. Notice how the last word of each line contributes to the imagery of a corrupt, ravaged city (“madness, naked, smoking”), with one exception: “heavenly.” This powerful juxtaposition goes to the heart of Ginsburg’s intent in writing the poem – though what that intent is, you’ll have to decide for yourself.

In the twilight rain, these brilliant-hued hibiscus – A lovely sunset

This poem by the Japanese poet Basho is a haiku . This highly influential Japanese style has no rhymes, but it does have a very specific meter – five syllables in the first line, seven in the second line, and five in the third line.

V. Examples of Poetry in Popular Culture

Gil Scott-Heron - Save the Children (Official Audio)

Rapping originated as a kind of performance poetry. In the 1960s and 70s, spoken word artists like Gil Scott-Heron began performing their poems over live or synthesized drumbeats, a practice that sparked all of modern hip hop. Even earlier, the beat poets of the 1950s sometimes employed drums in their readings.

Beowulf - Trailer

Some of the most famous historical poems have been turned into movies or inspired episodes of television shows. Beowulf , for example, is an Anglo-Saxon epic poem that has spawned at least 8 film adaptations, most recently a 2007 animated film starring Angelina Jolie and Anthony Hopkins. Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven has also inspired many pop culture spinoffs with its famous line, “Nevermore.”

VI. Related Terms (with examples)

Nearly all poems are written in verse – that is, they have line breaks and meter (rhythm). But verse is also used in other areas of literature. For example, Shakespeare’s characters often speak in verse. Their dialogue is separated into rhythmic lines just like a song, but they are supposed to be speaking normally.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
  • Essay Guide
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Writing Studio

Writing about poetry: questions and answers, frequently asked questions on writing about poetry.

In an effort to make our handouts more accessible, we have begun converting our PDF handouts to web pages. Download this page as a PDF: Writing about Poetry Q&A Return to Writing Studio Handouts

Question 1: So what is a poetry paper, and how is it different from summary papers or compare-and-contrast essays?

Answer: A poetry paper is actually called an explication , or a close reading of a poem. It is a line-by-line commentary about what is happening there.

However, when writing an explication, is it important to remember that it is more than just a long summary. Although you may have to summarize the poem in certain parts of your paper (like in the introduction or conclusion), or you may choose to paraphrase a few lines that don’t contain things related to the focus of your paper, an explication is far more complex.

It is, in fact, a close reading of a poem based on a claim that you have made about it. Generally, good explications go line by line, picking out every detail in the poem that supports your argument .

Question 2: Whoa, you just said “argument.” Do poetry papers have those?

Answer: Yes, they do. Poetry explications should have a central argument or thesis that guides your analysis. And remember, thesis statements often start by asking general questions like:

  • What does this poem “mean”? What is the author (or speaker) trying to say in it?
  • What is the major “theme” of the poem: loneliness, love, racism, or what?
  • How will my explication help my readers understand the poem in a fresh, interesting way?

Once you have chosen a theme, try to shape your observation into a more developed statement.

For example, John Donne’s sonnet “Death Be Not Proud” is certainly about death, but it is also doing something else: the speaker is arguing that, because Death is only the end of a life on earth, it is not something to be afraid of, since, according to the Christian beliefs of the speaker, it is only temporary, and will no longer exist when God returns to earth.

Be sure to ask the big questions , but always allow them to lead you to a specific argument about the poem.

Question 3: Okay, I have an argument and I think I’m ready to write. So how do I prove it?

Answer: The key thing to remember about explications is to analyze . Pick apart the language of the poem. Look for things such as symbolism, imagery, metaphor, tone, syntax, irony, allusion , etc. Show how the language of the poem is connected to its content and/or theme.

For example, don’t just stop at the observation that Hughes uses a metaphor—make an argument about how that metaphor helps him do what he does in his poem.

Also, if applicable, attend to the form of the poem ( identify the type of poem, line-breaks, rhythm, stanza breaks, rhyme scheme, etc.). Again, connect your observations about form to your interpretations of the content or theme.

Question 4: Cool. Thanks for your help. Is there anything else I should keep in mind?

Answer: Sure. Here are some general tips for about writing about poetry:

General Tips for Writing About Poetry

Let’s start with the “don’ts” (or “avoids”):.

  • AVOID talking about the poem in terms of “today’s society.” If you feel that the social, cultural, and/or historical context discussions are important, or that the author is trying to say something really cool to or about society, then meet the poem on its own turf: Ask yourself: What was happening in society the country, or in a specific community when the poem was written? Why are those facts important to my explication of the poem? Also, avoid using words like “timeless” or “universal” —every poem has its own context, and words like that often make your reader wonder if you’re trying to avoid the work of discussing that poem on its own terms.
  • AVOID saying things that are meaningless or obviously true : “Countee Cullen’s poem makes use of diction and syntax.” Of course—a lot of poems do. Instead, ask yourself if there is something distinctive or unusual about his use of diction. If so, then what purpose does it serve in this poem?
  • AVOID evaluating the poem in simple terms like “good” and “bad.” This also includes statements like “Brooks’ poem is a realistic example of a guilty mother.” Lots of poets might like to do that, but why is that “realism” important? Try to find something unique or interesting about her portrayal of the mother that makes the poem different from other poems about mothers.

And Now for the “DO”:

Organize the essay in a purposeful manner. You don’t have to write a standard five-paragraph essay, but you do need to give your reader a sense that your paper is headed somewhere. Here are a couple of conventional ways to organize poetry explications:

  • The poem begins….
  • In the next/following line…
  • The speaker immediately adds….
  • She then introduces….
  • The next stanza begins by saying….
  • By formal/stylistic device. For instance, you might have one paragraph on syntax, one on meter, and so on. Again, the key is to show how these different devices illuminate different aspects of the argument. Don’t just repeat, “Cullen’s use of diction [insert thesis here]”; “Cullen’s use of imagery [insert thesis here]”; “Cullen’s use of meter [insert thesis here again].” Show how each of them proves your argument in different ways , or how they illuminate certain complexities in your argument.
  • By thematic element. A poem will have several thematic elements going on (sometimes even seemingly contradictory ones), with each contributing to the meaning in a different way, and you can definitely write about them in the same paper. Just remember, be specific . Even two poems written by the same author on the same theme probably present that theme in different ways each time.

Last revised: 8/2008 | Adapted for web delivery: 12/2021 

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A Full Guide to Writing a Perfect Poem Analysis Essay

01 October, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Poem analysis is one of the most complicated essay types. It requires the utmost creativity and dedication. Even those who regularly attend a literary class and have enough experience in poem analysis essay elaboration may face considerable difficulties while dealing with the particular poem. The given article aims to provide the detailed guidelines on how to write a poem analysis, elucidate the main principles of writing the essay of the given type, and share with you the handy tips that will help you get the highest score for your poetry analysis. In addition to developing analysis skills, you would be able to take advantage of the poetry analysis essay example to base your poetry analysis essay on, as well as learn how to find a way out in case you have no motivation and your creative assignment must be presented on time.

poem analysis

What Is a Poetry Analysis Essay?

A poetry analysis essay is a type of creative write-up that implies reviewing a poem from different perspectives by dealing with its structural, artistic, and functional pieces. Since the poetry expresses very complicated feelings that may have different meanings depending on the backgrounds of both author and reader, it would not be enough just to focus on the text of the poem you are going to analyze. Poetry has a lot more complex structure and cannot be considered without its special rhythm, images, as well as implied and obvious sense.

poetry analysis essay

While analyzing the poem, the students need to do in-depth research as to its content, taking into account the effect the poetry has or may have on the readers.

Preparing for the Poetry Analysis Writing

The process of preparation for the poem analysis essay writing is almost as important as writing itself. Without completing these stages, you may be at risk of failing your creative assignment. Learn them carefully to remember once and for good.

Thoroughly read the poem several times

The rereading of the poem assigned for analysis will help to catch its concepts and ideas. You will have a possibility to define the rhythm of the poem, its type, and list the techniques applied by the author.

While identifying the type of the poem, you need to define whether you are dealing with:

  • Lyric poem – the one that elucidates feelings, experiences, and the emotional state of the author. It is usually short and doesn’t contain any narration;
  • Limerick – consists of 5 lines, the first, second, and fifth of which rhyme with one another;
  • Sonnet – a poem consisting of 14 lines characterized by an iambic pentameter. William Shakespeare wrote sonnets which have made him famous;
  • Ode – 10-line poem aimed at praising someone or something;
  • Haiku – a short 3-line poem originated from Japan. It reflects the deep sense hidden behind the ordinary phenomena and events of the physical world;
  • Free-verse – poetry with no rhyme.

The type of the poem usually affects its structure and content, so it is important to be aware of all the recognized kinds to set a proper beginning to your poetry analysis.

Find out more about the poem background

Find as much information as possible about the author of the poem, the cultural background of the period it was written in, preludes to its creation, etc. All these data will help you get a better understanding of the poem’s sense and explain much to you in terms of the concepts the poem contains.

Define a subject matter of the poem

This is one of the most challenging tasks since as a rule, the subject matter of the poem isn’t clearly stated by the poets. They don’t want the readers to know immediately what their piece of writing is about and suggest everyone find something different between the lines.

What is the subject matter? In a nutshell, it is the main idea of the poem. Usually, a poem may have a couple of subjects, that is why it is important to list each of them.

In order to correctly identify the goals of a definite poem, you would need to dive into the in-depth research.

Check the historical background of the poetry. The author might have been inspired to write a poem based on some events that occurred in those times or people he met. The lines you analyze may be generated by his reaction to some epoch events. All this information can be easily found online.

Choose poem theories you will support

In the variety of ideas the poem may convey, it is important to stick to only several most important messages you think the author wanted to share with the readers. Each of the listed ideas must be supported by the corresponding evidence as proof of your opinion.

The poetry analysis essay format allows elaborating on several theses that have the most value and weight. Try to build your writing not only on the pure facts that are obvious from the context but also your emotions and feelings the analyzed lines provoke in you.

How to Choose a Poem to Analyze?

If you are free to choose the piece of writing you will base your poem analysis essay on, it is better to select the one you are already familiar with. This may be your favorite poem or one that you have read and analyzed before. In case you face difficulties choosing the subject area of a particular poem, then the best way will be to focus on the idea you feel most confident about. In such a way, you would be able to elaborate on the topic and describe it more precisely.

Now, when you are familiar with the notion of the poetry analysis essay, it’s high time to proceed to poem analysis essay outline. Follow the steps mentioned below to ensure a brilliant structure to your creative assignment.

Best Poem Analysis Essay Topics

  • Mother To Son Poem Analysis
  • We Real Cool Poem Analysis
  • Invictus Poem Analysis
  • Richard Cory Poem Analysis
  • Ozymandias Poem Analysis
  • Barbie Doll Poem Analysis
  • Caged Bird Poem Analysis
  • Ulysses Poem Analysis
  • Dover Beach Poem Analysis
  • Annabelle Lee Poem Analysis
  • Daddy Poem Analysis
  • The Raven Poem Analysis
  • The Second Coming Poem Analysis
  • Still I Rise Poem Analysis
  • If Poem Analysis
  • Fire And Ice Poem Analysis
  • My Papa’S Waltz Poem Analysis
  • Harlem Poem Analysis
  • Kubla Khan Poem Analysis
  • I Too Poem Analysis
  • The Juggler Poem Analysis
  • The Fish Poem Analysis
  • Jabberwocky Poem Analysis
  • Charge Of The Light Brigade Poem Analysis
  • The Road Not Taken Poem Analysis
  • Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus Poem Analysis
  • The History Teacher Poem Analysis
  • One Art Poem Analysis
  • The Wanderer Poem Analysis
  • We Wear The Mask Poem Analysis
  • There Will Come Soft Rains Poem Analysis
  • Digging Poem Analysis
  • The Highwayman Poem Analysis
  • The Tyger Poem Analysis
  • London Poem Analysis
  • Sympathy Poem Analysis
  • I Am Joaquin Poem Analysis
  • This Is Just To Say Poem Analysis
  • Sex Without Love Poem Analysis
  • Strange Fruit Poem Analysis
  • Dulce Et Decorum Est Poem Analysis
  • Emily Dickinson Poem Analysis
  • The Flea Poem Analysis
  • The Lamb Poem Analysis
  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Poem Analysis
  • My Last Duchess Poetry Analysis

Poem Analysis Essay Outline

As has already been stated, a poetry analysis essay is considered one of the most challenging tasks for the students. Despite the difficulties you may face while dealing with it, the structure of the given type of essay is quite simple. It consists of the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. In order to get a better understanding of the poem analysis essay structure, check the brief guidelines below.


This will be the first section of your essay. The main purpose of the introductory paragraph is to give a reader an idea of what the essay is about and what theses it conveys. The introduction should start with the title of the essay and end with the thesis statement.

The main goal of the introduction is to make readers feel intrigued about the whole concept of the essay and serve as a hook to grab their attention. Include some interesting information about the author, the historical background of the poem, some poem trivia, etc. There is no need to make the introduction too extensive. On the contrary, it should be brief and logical.

Body Paragraphs

The body section should form the main part of poetry analysis. Make sure you have determined a clear focus for your analysis and are ready to elaborate on the main message and meaning of the poem. Mention the tone of the poetry, its speaker, try to describe the recipient of the poem’s idea. Don’t forget to identify the poetic devices and language the author uses to reach the main goals. Describe the imagery and symbolism of the poem, its sound and rhythm.

Try not to stick to too many ideas in your body section, since it may make your essay difficult to understand and too chaotic to perceive. Generalization, however, is also not welcomed. Try to be specific in the description of your perspective.

Make sure the transitions between your paragraphs are smooth and logical to make your essay flow coherent and easy to catch.

In a nutshell, the essay conclusion is a paraphrased thesis statement. Mention it again but in different words to remind the readers of the main purpose of your essay. Sum up the key claims and stress the most important information. The conclusion cannot contain any new ideas and should be used to create a strong impact on the reader. This is your last chance to share your opinion with the audience and convince them your essay is worth readers’ attention.

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Poem Analysis Essay Examples 

A good poem analysis essay example may serve as a real magic wand to your creative assignment. You may take a look at the structure the other essay authors have used, follow their tone, and get a great share of inspiration and motivation.

Check several poetry analysis essay examples that may be of great assistance:


Writing Tips for a Poetry Analysis Essay

If you read carefully all the instructions on how to write a poetry analysis essay provided above, you have probably realized that this is not the easiest assignment on Earth. However, you cannot fail and should try your best to present a brilliant essay to get the highest score. To make your life even easier, check these handy tips on how to analysis poetry with a few little steps.

  • In case you have a chance to choose a poem for analysis by yourself, try to focus on one you are familiar with, you are interested in, or your favorite one. The writing process will be smooth and easy in case you are working on the task you truly enjoy.
  • Before you proceed to the analysis itself, read the poem out loud to your colleague or just to yourself. It will help you find out some hidden details and senses that may result in new ideas.
  • Always check the meaning of words you don’t know. Poetry is quite a tricky phenomenon where a single word or phrase can completely change the meaning of the whole piece. 
  • Bother to double check if the conclusion of your essay is based on a single idea and is logically linked to the main body. Such an approach will demonstrate your certain focus and clearly elucidate your views. 
  • Read between the lines. Poetry is about senses and emotions – it rarely contains one clearly stated subject matter. Describe the hidden meanings and mention the feelings this has provoked in you. Try to elaborate a full picture that would be based on what is said and what is meant.

poetry analysis essay

Write a Poetry Analysis Essay with HandmadeWriting

You may have hundreds of reasons why you can’t write a brilliant poem analysis essay. In addition to the fact that it is one of the most complicated creative assignments, you can have some personal issues. It can be anything from lots of homework, a part-time job, personal problems, lack of time, or just the absence of motivation. In any case, your main task is not to let all these factors influence your reputation and grades. A perfect way out may be asking the real pros of essay writing for professional help.

There are a lot of benefits why you should refer to the professional writing agencies in case you are not in the mood for elaborating your poetry analysis essay. We will only state the most important ones:

  • You can be 100% sure your poem analysis essay will be completed brilliantly. All the research processes, outlines, structuring, editing, and proofreading will be performed instead of you. 
  • You will get an absolutely unique plagiarism-free piece of writing that deserves the highest score.
  • All the authors are extremely creative, talented, and simply in love with poetry. Just tell them what poetry you would like to build your analysis on and enjoy a smooth essay with the logical structure and amazing content.
  • Formatting will be done professionally and without any effort from your side. No need to waste your time on such a boring activity.

As you see, there are a lot of advantages to ordering your poetry analysis essay from HandmadeWriting . Having such a perfect essay example now will contribute to your inspiration and professional growth in future.

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How to Write the AP Lit Poetry Essay

What’s covered:.

  • How to Write the AP Literature Poetry Essay
  • Tips for Writing The AP Lit Poetry Essay

To strengthen your AP Literature Poetry Essay essay, make sure you prepare ahead of time by knowing how the test is structured, and how to prepare. In this post, we’ll cover the structure of the test and show you how you can write a great AP Literature Poetry Essay.

What is the AP Lit Poetry Essay? 

The AP Literature exam has two sections. Section I contains 55 multiple choice questions, with 1 hour time allotted. This includes at least two prose fiction passages and two poetry passages. 

Section II, on the other hand, is a free response section. Here, students write essays to 3 prompts. These prompts include a literary analysis of a poem, prose fiction, or in a work selected by the student. Because the AP Literature Exam is structured in a specific, predictable manner, it’s helpful to prepare yourself for the types of questions you’ll encounter on test day. 

The Poetry Essay counts for one-third of the total essay section score, so it’s important to know how to approach this section. You’ll want to plan for about 40 minutes on this question, which is plenty of time to read and dissect the prompt, read and markup the poem, write a brief outline, and write a concise, well-thought out essay with a compelling analysis. 

Tips for Writing the AP Lit Poetry Essay

1. focus on the process.

Writing is a process, and so is literary analysis. Think less about finding the right answer, or uncovering the correct meaning of the poem (there isn’t one, most of the time). Read the prompt over at least twice, asking yourself carefully what you need to look for as you read. Then, read the poem three times. Once, to get an overall sense of the poem. Second, start to get at nuance; circle anything that’s recurring, underline important language and diction , and note important images or metaphors. In your annotations, you want to think about figurative language , and poetic structure and form . Third, pay attention to subtle shifts in the poem: does the form break, is there an interruption of some sort? When analyzing poetry, it’s important to get a sense of the big picture first, and then zoom in on the details. 

2. Craft a Compelling Thesis

No matter the prompt, you will always need to respond with a substantive thesis. A meaty thesis contains complexity rather than broad generalizations , and points to specifics in the poem.

By examining the colloquial language in Gwendolyn Brooks’s poem, “We Real Cool”, we can see the tension of choosing to be “cool”. This raises important ideas about education, structure, and routine, and the consequences of living to be “real cool”.

Notice how the thesis provides a roadmap of what is to follow in the essay , and identifies key ideas that the essay will explore. It is specific, and not vague. The thesis provides a bigger picture of the text, while zooming in the colloquial language the speaker uses. 

A good thesis points out the why as much as the what . Notice how in the above example, the thesis discusses language in the poem as it connects to a bigger message about the poem. For example, it’s not enough to discuss Emily Dickinson’s enjambment and hyphens. A good thesis will make a compelling argument about why those infamous Dickinson hyphens are so widely questioned and examined. Perhaps a good thesis might suggest that this unique literary device is more about self-examination and the lapse in our own judgement. 

3. Use Textual Evidence 

To support your thesis, always use textual evidence . When you are creating an outline, choose a handful of lines in the poem that will help illuminate your argument. Make sure each claim in your essay is followed by textual evidence, either in the form of a paraphrase, or direct quote . Then, explain exactly how the textual evidence supports your argument . Using this structure will help keep you on track as you write, so that your argument follows a clear narrative that a reader will be able to follow. 

Your essay will need to contain both description of the poem, and analysis . Remember that your job isn’t to describe or paraphrase every aspect of the poem. You also need lots of rich analysis, so be sure to balance your writing by moving from explicit description to deeper analysis. 

4. Strong Organization and Grammar

A great essay for the AP Literature Exam will contain an introduction with a thesis (not necessarily always the last sentence of the paragraph), body paragraphs that contain clear topic sentences, and a conclusion . Be sure to spend time thinking about your organization before you write the paper. Once you start writing, you only want to think about content. It’s helpful to write a quick outline before writing your essay. 

There’s nothing worse than a strong argument with awkward sentences, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Make sure to proofread your work before submitting it. Carefully edit your work, paying attention to any run-on sentences, subject-verb agreement, commas, and spelling. You’d be surprised how many mistakes you’ll catch just by rereading your work. 

Common Mistakes on the AP Literature Poetry Essay 

It can be helpful to know what not to do when it comes time to prepare for the AP Literature Poetry Essay. Here are some common mistakes students make on the AP Literature Poetry Essay:

1. Thesis is not arguable and is too general 

Your thesis should be arguable, and indicate the central ideas you will discuss in your essay. Read the prompt carefully and craft your thesis in light of what the prompt asks you to do. If the prompt mentions specific literary devices, find a way to tie those into your thesis. In your thesis, you want to connect to the meaning of the poem itself and what you feel the poet intended when using those particular literary devices.

2. Using vague, general statements rather than focusing on analysis of the poem

Always stay close to the text when writing the AP Literature Poetry Essay. Remember that your job is not to paraphrase but to analyze. Keep explicit descriptions of the poem concise, and spend the majority of your time writing strong analysis backed up by textual evidence.

3. Not using transitions to connect between paragraphs

Make sure it’s not jarring to the reader when you switch to a new idea in a new paragraph. Use transitions and strong topic sentences to seamlessly blend your ideas together into a cohesive essay that flows well and is easy to follow. 

4. Textual evidence is lacking or not fully explained 

Always include quotes from the text and reference specifics whenever you can. Introduce your quote briefly, and then explain how the quote connects back to the topic sentence after. Think about why the quotes connect back to the poet’s central ideas. 

5. Not writing an outline

Of course, to write a fully developed essay you’ll need to spend a few minutes planning out your essay. Write a quick outline with a thesis, paragraph topics and a list of quotes that support your central ideas before getting started.

To improve your writing, take a look at these essay samples from the College Board, with scoring guidelines and commentary. 

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Navigating the World of Poetry: Reading, Writing, & Citing

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: February 16, 2024

what is poetry in an essay

What We Review

How to Write Poetry: Introduction to Understanding and Creating Poe ms

Poetry is not something that can be understood after a brief skim over. Rather, understanding poetry takes time and effort, and it often involves reading a poem several times to understand the various layers of meaning. 

Therefore, knowing how to write poetry also takes time, and writers commonly plan or map out a poem before starting to write. This includes determining the message or theme that the writer wants to express.

Once a poet lands on a specific message or theme, they then consider the structure of the poem. What should the rhyme scheme and rhythm pattern be? Should the poem rhyme at all? How long should the poem be? What sort of poetic devices will best communicate the message to the reader? 

Even after creating a first draft, most if not all poems then undertake a rigorous editing process with the intent of “tightening” the text; after all, poetry is about communicating encompassing ideas in a few, choice words.

Defining Poetry: Exploring the Essence of Poetic Expression

The Oxford Dictionary defines poetry as a “literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm”. While this is a fair poetry definition, it feels very rigid, while poetry, when read, lacks this feeling of rigidity.

Rather, within the confines of distinctive style and rhythm, poets are challenged to create something new and fresh, typically formed from unusual comparisons and imagery-rich descriptions in order to represent the message of the poem as intended. 

How to Write Poetry: Tips and Techniques

When sitting down to write a poem for the first time, it is always beneficial to borrow poetic structures or rhyme schemes from other poems. This way, the form of the poem has already been decided for you and is one less hurdle to overcome. Consider the message you want to convey in your poem, and select the poetic structure and rhyme scheme that fits it best. 

what is poetry in an essay

Formatting Poetry for Publication: Italics, Quotation Marks, and More

When typing a poem, it is important to follow the correct format. Poems do not need to go in the middle of a page; rather, they should sit flush with the left hand side margin of the page, 1” away from the edge of the paper. 

Additionally, unless your teacher specifies otherwise, you should make your poems single-spaced. Use 12-point Times New Roman or similar font with 14-point font reserved for the title of the poem. Stanzas should be separated by double-spaced lines. Always be sure to check with your teacher or the publication’s guidelines for exact formatting. 

Students may also think that each line of a poem should be a complete clause or phrase; this is also incorrect. Lines length should be determined by the rhythmic pattern and rhyme scheme of the poem. If a student is writing in free verse, words of special emphasis should be at the beginning, not end of lines.

Are Poems Italicized?

Many students ask whether or not poems are italicized. The name of the poem is never italicized since it is considered a short-form work. Only long-form works like books, movies, or magazines should be italicized.

Poems, magazine articles, web pages, or short stories are all placed in quotation marks rather than italicized in MLA format. 

How to Cite a Poem: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are writing a literary analysis, how do you cite a poem? When citing a poem from a book on a Works Cited page, a poem should be formatted like this: 

Author of Poem’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Poem.” Title of Book: Subtitle if Any , edited by Editor’s First Name Last Name, Edition if given and is not first, Publisher Name often shortened, Year of Publication, pp. Page Numbers of the Poem.

However, when listing a poem from a website on a Works Cited page, it should look more like this: 

Author of Poem’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Poem.” Website , Date of Publication, url. Accessed date. 

For example, the website, Poetry Foundation , is an incredible resource for finding a multitude of poems. If you referenced the poem, “Ozymandias” by Percy Shelley in an essay, you would need to cite the author’s last name in the essay in an in-text citation (Shelley). Then, you would include a source citation on your Works Cited page like this: 

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. “Ozymandias.” Poetry Foundation , 1 Jan. 1977, Accessed 6 Feb. 2024.

what is poetry in an essay

Discovering Resources: The Poetry Foundation and Poetry Publications

When searching for poems and poetry resources in addition to’s wealth of information, Poetry Foundation is an incredible archive of over 40,000 poems and was founded by the American Poetry Association and stemming from Poetry magazine. 

Explore Shakespeare is also a helpful resource specifically dedicated to Shakespeare’s works, including his sonnets. This resource has both a website and an app that students can download. 

Additionally, your local city or school library usually has poetry books or books on poetry criticism available for loan.

Engaging with the Community: Poetry Contests and Events

what is poetry in an essay

There are also several different types of poetry contests. Sponsored by The Poetry Foundation, Poetry Out Loud is a nationwide poetry recitation contest for high school students. Students can select a poem from a comprehensive list to memorize and deliver before a panel of judges. 

One of the largest written poetry contests is the National Poetry Competition . Even though this contest is based in the UK, submissions are accepted from around the world and there is a significant cash prize. 

Conclusion: Embracing Poetry in Writing and Research

As stated before, reading and writing poetry are both daunting tasks, but poetry is an art form that is worth our attention. Reading poetry can engage your mind in several aspects at once given the layers of meaning embedded in a poem. Writing poetry can challenge us to write in a way that feels unfamiliar to us and ultimately strengthen our skills as writers. 

If you want to explore more poems, check out Albert’s Poetry course! We offer practice questions with detailed explanations for over 50 poems to improve your enjoyment and understanding of poetry.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Poetry Explications

What this handout is about.

A poetry explication is a relatively short analysis which describes the possible meanings and relationships of the words, images, and other small units that make up a poem. Writing an explication is an effective way for a reader to connect a poem’s subject matter with its structural features. This handout reviews some of the important techniques of approaching and writing a poetry explication, and includes parts of two sample explications.

Preparing to write the explication

Before you try to tackle your first draft of the explication, it’s important to first take a few preliminary steps to help familiarize yourself with the poem and reveal possible avenues of analysis.

  • Read the poem or excerpt of poetry silently, then read it aloud (if not in a testing situation). Repeat as necessary.
  • Circle, highlight, underline, or otherwise note specific moments that caught your attention as you were reading, and reflect on why you noticed them. These could be moments that made sense to you, profoundly confused you, or something in between. Such moments might be single words, phrases, or formal features (e.g., rhyme, meter, enjambment).
  • Reflect on the poem and what it conveyed to you as a reader. You might not be able to fully and logically describe this, but take note of what you noticed. You might consider jotting down your initial thoughts after your first reading, and then noting how your ideas changed after you re-read the poem.

The large issues

Before you really delve into linguistic and formal elements, it’s first important to take a step back and get a sense of the “big picture” of a poem. The following key questions can be helpful when assessing a poem’s overall message:

How did the poem affect you as a reader? The word “affect” can be helpful to consider here since it denotes the overall subjective experience one has in response to reading something (or seeing or experiencing anything, really). This can encompass thoughts, emotions, moods, ideas, etc.—whatever the experience produced in you as a person. You can ask yourself what affective, or emotional, atmosphere the poem produced, even if something about it is difficult to describe. What adjective would you use to describe the tone of the poem? Happy? Sad? Thoughtful? Despairing? Joyous? How did the poem make you feel generally? Did the poem bring to mind certain ideas or images, etc.?

Does the poem have an identifiable speaker or addressee? Is the poem attributed to a specific speaker, or is this unclear or ambiguous? Is the speaker clearly addressing a specific second person audience, or a general one, or does this not come up? Is there a specific dramatic motivation driving the speaker to speak? You may have to make decisions about how to discuss the speaker or addressee in your explication, so it’s worth noticing how the poem is framed.

What seems to be the larger theme, or point, of the poem? This is the first question to try to address. Even if the larger message of the poem seems highly ambiguous, it’s important to first try to get a sense of this before you can move into analyzing the poem more fully. Does the poem seem to be an attempt to understand something? To appreciate something? To express a feeling? To work through a complex idea? To convey an image? Some combination of motivations?

After considering these questions, keep in mind that it’s okay if the poem still confuses you or eludes your full understanding. In fact, this sense of mystery can encourage further thought when trying to explicate a poem. Keep thinking carefully about the intricacies of the language and you may be able to convey some of this sense in your explication.

The details

To analyze the design of the poem, we must focus on the poem’s parts, namely how the poem dramatizes conflicts or ideas in language. By concentrating on the parts, we develop our understanding of the poem’s structure, and we gather support and evidence for our interpretations. Some of the details we should consider include the following:

  • Form: Does the poem represent a particular form (sonnet, sestina, etc.)? Does the poem present any unique variations from the traditional structure of that form?
  • Rhetoric: How does the speaker make particular statements? Does the rhetoric seem odd in any way? Why? Consider the predicates and what they reveal about the speaker.
  • Syntax: Consider the subjects, verbs, and objects of each statement and what these elements reveal about the speaker. Do any statements have convoluted or vague syntax?
  • Vocabulary: Why does the poet choose one word over another in each line? Do any of the words have multiple or archaic meanings that add other meanings to the line? Use the Oxford English Dictionary as a resource.

The patterns

As you analyze the design line by line, look for certain patterns to develop which provide insight into the dramatic situation, the speaker’s state of mind, or the poet’s use of details. Some of the most common patterns include the following:

  • Rhetorical Patterns: Look for statements that follow the same format.
  • Rhyme: Consider the significance of the end words joined by sound; in a poem with no rhymes, consider the importance of the end words.
  • Patterns of Sound: Alliteration and assonance create sound effects and often cluster significant words.
  • Visual Patterns: How does the poem look on the page?
  • Rhythm and Meter: Consider how rhythm and meter influence our perception of the speaker and language.

Basic terms for talking about meter

Meter (from the Greek metron, meaning measure) refers principally to the recurrence of regular beats in a poetic line. In this way, meter pertains to the structure of the poem as it is written.

The most common form of meter in English verse since the 14th century is accentual-syllabic meter, in which the basic unit is the foot. A foot is a combination of two or three stressed and/or unstressed syllables. The following are the four most common metrical feet in English poetry:

  • IAMBIC (the noun is “iamb”): an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, a pattern which comes closest to approximating the natural rhythm of speech. Note line 23 from Shelley’s “Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples”: ⏑ / ⏑ / ⏑ / ⏑ / And walked | with in | ward glo | ry crowned
  • TROCHAIC (the noun is “trochee”): a stressed followed by an unstressed syllable, as in the first line of Blake’s “Introduction” to Songs of Innocence: / ⏑ / ⏑ / ⏑ / Piping | down the | valleys | wild
  • ANAPESTIC (the noun is “anapest”): two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable, as in the opening to Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib”: ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ / The Assyr | ian came down | like the wolf | on the fold
  • DACTYLIC (the noun is “dactyl”): a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables, as in Thomas Hardy’s “The Voice”: / ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ / ⏑ ⏑ Woman much | missed, how you | call to me, | call to me

Meter also refers to the number of feet in a line:

Any number above six (hexameter) is heard as a combination of smaller parts; for example, what we might call heptameter (seven feet in a line) is indistinguishable (aurally) from successive lines of tetrameter and trimeter (4-3).

To scan a line is to determine its metrical pattern. Perhaps the best way to begin scanning a line is to mark the natural stresses on the polysyllabic words. Take Shelley’s line:

And walked with inward glory crowned.

Then mark the polysyllabic nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that are normally stressed:

Then fill in the rest:

Then divide the line into feet:

Then note the sequence:

The line consists of four iambs; therefore, we identify the line as iambic tetrameter.

I got rhythm

Rhythm refers particularly to the way a line is voiced, i.e., how one speaks the line. Often, when a reader reads a line of verse, choices of stress and unstress may need to be made. For example, the first line of Keats’ “Ode on Melancholy” presents the reader with a problem:

No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist

If we determine the regular pattern of beats (the meter) of this line, we will most likely identify the line as iambic pentameter. If we read the line this way, the statement takes on a musing, somewhat disinterested tone. However, because the first five words are monosyllabic, we may choose to read the line differently. In fact, we may be tempted, especially when reading aloud, to stress the first two syllables equally, making the opening an emphatic, directive statement. Note that monosyllabic words allow the meaning of the line to vary according to which words we choose to stress when reading (i.e., the choice of rhythm we make).

The first line of Milton’s Paradise Lost presents a different type of problem.

Of Man’s First Disobedience, and the Fruit

Again, this line is predominantly iambic, but a problem occurs with the word “Disobedience.” If we read strictly by the meter, then we must fuse the last two syllables of the word. However, if we read the word normally, we have a breakage in the line’s metrical structure. In this way, the poet forges a tension between meter and rhythm: does the word remain contained by the structure, or do we choose to stretch the word out of the normal foot, thereby disobeying the structure in which it was made? Such tension adds meaning to the poem by using meter and rhythm to dramatize certain conflicts. In this example, Milton forges such a tension to present immediately the essential conflicts that lead to the fall of Adam and Eve.

Writing the explication

The explication should follow the same format as the preparation: begin with the large issues and basic design of the poem and work through each line to the more specific details and patterns.

The first paragraph

The first paragraph should present the large issues; it should inform the reader which conflicts are dramatized and should describe the dramatic situation of the speaker. The explication does not require a formal introductory paragraph; the writer should simply start explicating immediately. According to UNC ‘s Professor William Harmon, the foolproof way to begin any explication is with the following sentence:

“This poem dramatizes the conflict between …”

Such a beginning ensures that you will introduce the major conflict or theme in the poem and organize your explication accordingly.

Here is an example. A student’s explication of Wordsworth’s “Composed upon Westminster Bridge” might begin in the following way:

This poem dramatizes the conflict between appearance and reality, particularly as this conflict relates to what the speaker seems to say and what he really says. From Westminster Bridge, the speaker looks at London at sunrise, and he explains that all people should be struck by such a beautiful scene. The speaker notes that the city is silent, and he points to several specific objects, naming them only in general terms: “Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples” (6). After describing the “glittering” aspect of these objects, he asserts that these city places are just as beautiful in the morning as country places like “valley, rock, or hill” (8,10). Finally, after describing his deep feeling of calmness, the speaker notes how the “houses seem asleep” and that “all that mighty heart is lying still” (13, 14). In this way, the speaker seems to say simply that London looks beautiful in the morning.

The next paragraphs

The next paragraphs should expand the discussion of the conflict by focusing on details of form, rhetoric, syntax, and vocabulary. In these paragraphs, the writer should explain the poem line by line in terms of these details, and they should incorporate important elements of rhyme, rhythm, and meter during this discussion.

The student’s explication continues with a topic sentence that directs the discussion of the first five lines:

However, the poem begins with several oddities that suggest the speaker is saying more than what he seems to say initially. For example, the poem is an Italian sonnet and follows the abbaabbacdcdcd rhyme scheme. The fact that the poet chooses to write a sonnet about London in an Italian form suggests that what he says may not be actually praising the city. Also, the rhetoric of the first two lines seems awkward compared to a normal speaking voice: “Earth has not anything to show more fair. / Dull would he be of soul who could pass by” (1-2). The odd syntax continues when the poet personifies the city: “This City now doth, like a garment, wear / The beauty of the morning” (4-5). Here, the city wears the morning’s beauty, so it is not the city but the morning that is beautiful …

The conclusion

The explication has no formal concluding paragraph; do not simply restate the main points of the introduction! The end of the explication should focus on sound effects or visual patterns as the final element of asserting an explanation. Or, as does the undergraduate here, the writer may choose simply to stop writing when they reach the end of the poem:

The poem ends with a vague statement: “And all that mighty heart is lying still!” In this line, the city’s heart could be dead, or it could be simply deceiving the one observing the scene. In this way, the poet reinforces the conflict between the appearance of the city in the morning and what such a scene and his words actually reveal.

Tips to keep in mind

Refer to the speaking voice in the poem as the “speaker” or “the poet.” For example, do not write, “In this poem, Wordsworth says that London is beautiful in the morning.” However, you can write,

“In this poem, Wordsworth presents a speaker who…”

We cannot absolutely identify Wordsworth with the speaker of the poem, so it is more accurate to talk about “the speaker” or “the poet” in an explication.

Use the present tense when writing the explication. The poem, as a work of literature, continues to exist!

To avoid unnecessary uses of the verb “to be” in your compositions, the following list suggests some verbs you can use when writing the explication:

An example of an explication written for a timed exam

The Fountain

Fountain, fountain, what do you say Singing at night alone? “It is enough to rise and fall Here in my basin of stone.” But are you content as you seem to be So near the freedom and rush of the sea? “I have listened all night to its laboring sound, It heaves and sags, as the moon runs round; Ocean and fountain, shadow and tree, Nothing escapes, nothing is free.”

—Sara Teasdale (American, 1884-1933)

As a direct address to an inanimate object “The Fountain” presents three main conflicts concerning the appearance to the observer and the reality in the poem. First, since the speaker addresses an object usually considered voiceless, the reader may abandon his/her normal perception of the fountain and enter the poet’s imaginative address. Secondly, the speaker not only addresses the fountain but asserts that it speaks and sings, personifying the object with vocal abilities. These acts imply that, not only can the fountain speak in a musical form, but the fountain also has the ability to present some particular meaning (“what do you say” (1)). Finally, the poet gives the fountain a voice to say that its perpetual motion (rising and falling) is “enough” to maintain its sense of existence. This final personification fully dramatizes the conflict between the fountain’s appearance and the poem’s statement of reality by giving the object intelligence and voice.

The first strophe, four lines of alternating 4- and 3-foot lines, takes the form of a ballad stanza. In this way, the poem begins by suggesting that it will be story that will perhaps teach a certain lesson. The opening trochees and repetition stress the address to the fountain, and the iamb which ends line 1 and the trochee that begins line 2 stress the actions of the fountain itself. The response of the fountain illustrates its own rise and fall in the iambic line 3, and the rhyme of “alone” and “stone” emphasizes that the fountain is really a physical object, even though it can speak in this poem.

The second strophe expands the conflicts as the speaker questions the fountain. The first couplet connects the rhyming words “be” and “sea” these connections stress the question, “Is the fountain content when it exists so close to a large, open body of water like the ocean?” The fountain responds to the tempting “rush of the sea” with much wisdom (6). The fountain’s reply posits the sea as “laboring” versus the speaker’s assertion of its freedom; the sea becomes characterized by heavily accented “heaves and sags” and not open rushing (7, 8). In this way, the fountain suggests that the sea’s waters may be described in images of labor, work, and fatigue; governed by the moon, these waters are not free at all. The “as” of line 8 becomes a key word, illustrating that the sea’s waters are not free but commanded by the moon, which is itself governed by gravity in its orbit around Earth. Since the moon, an object far away in the heavens, controls the ocean, the sea cannot be free as the speaker asserts.

The poet reveals the fountain’s intelligence in rhyming couplets which present closed-in, epigrammatic statements. These couplets draw attention to the contained nature of the all objects in the poem, and they draw attention to the final line’s lesson. This last line works on several levels to address the poem’s conflicts. First, the line refers to the fountain itself; in this final rhymed couplet is the illustration of the water’s perpetual motion in the fountain, its continually recycled movement rising and falling. Second, the line refers to the ocean; in this respect the water cannot escape its boundary or control its own motions. The ocean itself is trapped between landmasses and is controlled by a distant object’s gravitational pull. Finally, the line addresses the speaker, leaving him/her with an overriding sense of fate and fallacy. The fallacy here is that the fountain presents this wisdom of reality to defy the speaker’s original idea that the fountain and the ocean appear to be trapped and free. Also, the direct statement of the last line certainly addresses the human speaker as well as the human reader. This statement implies that we are all trapped or controlled by some remote object or entity. At the same time, the assertion that “Nothing escapes” reflects the limitations of life in the world and the death that no person can escape. Our own thoughts are restricted by our mortality as well as by our limits of relying on appearances. By personifying a voiceless object, the poem presents a different perception of reality, placing the reader in the same position of the speaker and inviting the reader to question the conflict between appearance and reality, between what we see and what we can know.

Suggestions for improvement

The writer observes and presents many of the most salient points of the short poem, but they could indeed organize the explication more coherently. To improve this explication, the writer could focus more on the speaker’s state of mind. In this way, the writer could explore the implications of the dramatic situation even further: why does the speaker ask a question of a mute object? With this line of thought, the writer could also examine more closely the speaker’s movement from perplexity (I am trapped but the waters are free) to a kind of resolution (the fountain and the sea are as trapped as I am). Finally, the writer could include a more detailed consideration of rhythm, meter, and rhyme.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Writing can be broadly categorized as verse or prose and poetry can be both of those things. Verse most often refers to text that is metrically structured or lineated deliberately (as opposed to at the end of a line in your word processor); prose is text without a metrical structure, text where the line breaks are dictated by the size of the page or the screen in your word processor. We most often picture poems as text in verse. Consider these lines from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet LXV”:

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea, But sad mortality o’er-sways their power, How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, Whose action is no stronger than a flower?

Shakespeare’s sonnet might be most closely aligned with your idea of a poem. It employees perfect rhyme, is written with a clear rhythm (called iambic pentameter), and, of course, is lineated, or broken deliberately, in the middle of sentences. Consider, by contrast, Stephané Mallarmé’s “Glory”:

A hundred posters absorbing the days’ misunderstood gold, the letter’s betrayal, fled, to all the city limits, my eyes even with the horizon, departing by rail, pulling away before spending a moment in silence, in a pride hard to understand, which yielded to an approach to a forest at its time of apotheosis. Mallarmé’s “Glory” may be written in prose, but it is still a poem. What makes a poem, then? A poem is a form of writing that may use strong, vivid language; meter or rhyme; imagery, figurative language, or other tools for describing. It is not an essay or a short story or a novel because it does not make the same argumentative or narrative demands of those forms. The more you read poetry, the more you’ll feel certain you can identify it when you see it.

An Introduction to the Poetry Genre

Poems, unlike crosswords, don’t have a straightforward solution. In fact, a careful examination of the clues laid by the poet may lead to more questions than answers. Let’s start this course, then, with a question: is poetry simply about expressing feelings? People do turn to poetry in extremis. Prison inmates, often famously, have expressed loneliness and communicated with absent loved ones through poetry. Maybe this accounts for the egalitarian view often held of poetry – a view which doesn’t seem to apply in the same way to opera-singing or carpentry, for example. If I sing, does that make me an opera singer? Certainly if I nail together a few pieces of wood that doesn’t mean anyone would want to hire me to build their house. With poetry, as with any other craft, there are skills to be mastered. There is a need for ideas and a need for the poet to meditate on what might be termed his or her muse. But there is also a need for persistence and hard work.

A common description of the writing process is ‘10% inspiration, 90% perspiration’. The muse, expert at inspiring, may be lousy on the technical side. The art of poetry resides in the technical detail more than one might like to believe. The writer artfully uses technique with the express purpose of getting you to feel what he or she wants you to feel. The poet manipulates emotions just as a composer may write a piece of music to evoke a particular mood. The composer orchestrates not only the instruments but also the listener. This is the case in poetry too.

By and large, readers tend to agree whether a poem ‘works’ or not, even if it’s not clear how or why it works. The best poems retain a certain mystery, but subsequent analysis invariably reveals various techniques the writer has employed to key into this commonality. The form a poem takes, whether it be free or traditional, reflects those techniques, and is itself vital in the unlocking of ‘the logic of the imagination’.

The form a poet chooses for any one poem is partly dependent on process. A writer needs to have at his or her disposal a whole system of strategies and techniques. These will be supplied in part by historical example, by what writers in the past have tried to do. But techniques are also arrived at through the poet’s own exploration of these elements.

Poets may choose to write in a traditional form – say a ballad or a sonnet. Alternatively they may choose to write in what is often called ‘free verse’, ostensibly liberated from the restrictions of tradition. Yet, traditional forms of poetry can sometimes liberate. In testing the boundaries of a form you might find that you break rules. Similarly, you may find that writing free verse necessitates some new conventions and rules. While taking liberties, free verse still uses formal elements to establish things like rhythm and meaning, for instance. There are a variety of intrinsic techniques that span both traditional and free verse approaches. In this course we will look at those techniques, the basic foundations on which you will build all your poems.

We learn to write by imitating, and, importantly, by reading. We absorb something about the poetic sensibility by listening to poets read their work and talk about their process of writing. Eventually, instead of imitating, the writer assimilates this material into a new, unique voice. This is not to say that writers reach a final resting-place, from which they can safely issue their poetic declamations. Each time the poet sets pen to paper, in a sense he or she has ‘forgotten’ how to write and is forced to learn the process all over again. Even practised writers are humble in the face of each new poem. They don’t forget the precepts of form, but continuously shift and change the application of these elements with each new horizon. Good writers constantly renew language and conventions by renegotiating the relationship between the form and content of every new poem.

In trying to define poetry, we often end up thinking archaically. We think of the work of writers such as Keats or Shakespeare, for instance, as in some way defining what poems should be like. Their way of writing poetry appears dogmatically to be the ‘right’ way to do it. We mistakenly assume that true poetry always involves a special, elevated vocabulary, as if this will earn us our stripes. It is surprising how strongly such misconceptions endure. Language and its conventions are not static. In fact, it is part of the poet’s job to locate and help define the conventions of his or her era.

Is poetry about the expression of feelings? One common misconception is that its function is simply this. Poetry, it is believed, is able and honour-bound to tell the absolute, journalistic truth. In reality poetry works quite differently. Our personal lives and history may inform our work, but the poem transforms or exchanges the one sort of truth – biographical truth – for another: poetic truth. A poem is more than a simple expression of feelings, more than what ‘really’ happened. We can possibly best define what poetry is by saying what it isn’t. For one thing, poetry, unlike prose, cannot be paraphrased. If you could sum it up succinctly in any other fashion you wouldn’t write the poem. One can talk about the theme of a poem, for instance, but it’s the poem itself which conveys the ultimate effect. A poem is the best possible expression of what the poet wants to say. Some might say that the form and content of art, in this case poetry, is untranslatable.

Let’s now look at a poem which directly addresses some of these issues, albeit in a humorous way.

Sports pages I: Proem

From ancient days until some time last week

Among the poet’s tasks was prophecy.

It was assumed the language ought to speak

The truth about a world we’ve yet to see;

Then in return for offering this unique

And eerie service, poets got their fee:

And yet, what any poem has to say’s

Bound up with all the vanished yesterdays.

Imagination lives on memory:

That’s true of love and war and thus of sport:

The world we love’s a world that used to be.

Its sprinting figures cannot now be caught

But break the flashlit tape perpetually,

Though all their life’s a yellowing report.

Forgive me, then, if speaking of what’s next,

I make the past a presence in my text.

For me it starts in 1956,

The Test against the Indians at Lords

As Roy runs in to bowl and Hutton flicks

A long hop to the crowded boundary-boards.

Or did he miss? Or hammer it for six?

But I don’t care what Wisden’s truth records.

When I dream back, the point is not the facts

But life enlarged by these imagined acts.

Forgive, then, the large licence I assume:

What I know’s not the truth but what I like.

The Matthews final found me in the womb

But still I went to Wembley on my bike.

When Zola Budd sent Decker to her doom

The gods had aimed their wishes down the pike.

This isn’t just a question of my bias:

All members of my tribe are bloody liars.

Sean O’Brien

In the lines: ‘When I dream back, the point is not the facts/But life enlarged by these imagined acts’, the speaker is extricating poetry from the clutches of fact and history, even as he apologises for the licence that he takes. When he says that ‘Imagination lives on memory’, he means not that it exists within memory, but that it depends on it. The inadequacy of memory may be a virtue, in the poetic realm. Yet there’s a hard edge to his final rejoinder: ‘All members of my tribe are bloody liars’.

Sean O’Brien’s work is weighty and unrelenting, and politics permeate every corner of it. He is both a social and a literary writer and critic, sometimes associated with a group of poets from a northern working-class tradition: Tony Harrison, Douglas Dunn and, latterly, Don Paterson and Paul Farley.

What is Poetry?. Licensed under CC BY SA 4.0

Defining the broad category of writing known as poetry can be tricky, especially as you start to realize that poets utilize tools that are not exclusive to making poems. Much good writing uses figurative language and imagery, for instance; it is the scope of the poem and the poet’s use of other poetic structures, such as formal verse or metrical parameters, that help determine whether or not a piece of writing is a poem.

It’s important to remember that poems do not need to be written in verse. Verse, or lineated writing, may be the first thing that comes to mind when you picture a poem, but it’s good to read examples of prose poems, too, to see the ways that writers use techniques other than lineation to create a piece of poetry.

In short, poetry is powerful language, often condensed or distilled. It may be freed from the constraints of narrative—with the exception of epic poetry, like The Odyssey or Beowulf, there’s rarely a plot. Instead, a poem often conveys an emotional state, an experience, or an instance.

ENG134 – Literary Genres Copyright © by The American Women's College and Jessica Egan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Poetry & Poets

Explore the beauty of poetry – discover the poet within

How To Write Poetry In An Essay

How To Write Poetry In An Essay

Understand the Different Kinds of Poetry

Writing poetry in an essay can be quite a challenge, especially to someone unfamiliar with the craft. Understanding the many different styles of poetry and how they work, however, is the first step to success. Variety is key when writing a poem, as each style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Poems can range from traditional sonnets, to free verse, to even modern abstract pieces. The most traditional type of poetry is the sonnet. This consists of a four-line stanza and uses a rhyme scheme of abbaabba. Sonnets often follow a particular pattern of imagery and metaphors, so understanding that pattern is essential to writing an effective sonnet. Furthermore, meter and rhythm are key components of the sonnet, as it emphasizes the structure and form of the poem. Free verse poems also have their own set of guidelines to follow. The main difference between sonnets and free verse is that sonnets utilize rhyme and meter, while free verse poetry is more open in its form. Though they lack the rhyme, much of free verse poetry still contains subtle forms of cadence, which can help guide the flow of written words. Relying more on imagery and broken line work, free verse is often the best choice for poems dealing with topics of great gravity and depth. Contemporary poetry follows a fluid, improvised form and looks to break down traditional poetic form. Using concise word choices combined with more visual elements, like line breaks and counters, helps accomplish this goal. Innovative ideas, such as phrases or words written in all caps can also help express the emotional tones of the piece. But as with any type of style, understanding the usage of punctuation is of utmost importance.

Read and Analyze Poetry

Reading and analyzing poetry will not only help inform the creative process, but also give one insight into the context and history of the poem. Knowing the context of a poem allows one to better understand the author’s intent, the implications of certain words, and the overall tone of the piece. Analyzing the structure and rhyme scheme of the poem may also help identify recurring themes and motifs in the writing. Furthermore, reading and analyzing the work of other poets can also be beneficial. For example, learning how other poets address different topics, such as nostalgia or loneliness, can provide great insight into how to approach similar topics. By understanding how poets choose to convey their ideas, one can better articulate their own.

Craft Essays with Poetry in Mind

When writing an essay that includes poetry, one must be mindful of the structure and organization of the piece as a whole. Unlike narrative essays, poetry essays should focus more on the analysis of the content. Identifying relevant themes, symbols, and motifs, as well as the implications of the poem are essential to a thorough analysis. Ideally, all information included in the essay should directly relate to the poem, elaborating the content of the poem. Be open to the idea of reinterpreting and reimagining the poem in new and expansive ways. Comparing and contrasting the poem with other works can also provide insight into the overall power of the piece.

Integrate Poetic Techniques

Integrating poetic techniques like rhythm, imagery, and alliteration can also help enhance a poem essay. Poetic language not only provides a vivid aesthetic to the essay, it also creates a powerful emotional connection to the reader. When using poetic devices, be sure that they are incorporated in a logical and intentional way that ultimately serves the purpose of the essay. Rhythm, in particular, is essential to a poem as it provides a musical quality that can carry the reader into and through the piece. Utilizing active verbs and expanded phrases and ideas can also help give shape and movement to the essay. Furthermore, being mindful of the implications of certain words and incorporating symbolism into the writing can effectively illustrate even the most abstract themes present in the poem.

Avoid Clichés

How To Write Poetry In An Essay

When writing a poem essay, especially when trying to utilize poetic language, there is a fine line between beautiful imagery and overbearing clichés. Clichés should be avoided in writing, as they are often formulaic and unoriginal. Furthermore, they can detract from the uniqueness and fluidity of the piece. Readers are often overwhelmed by overly sentimental phrasing and mawkish turns of phrase. Instead of relying on trite language and phrases, strive for something more thoughtful and creative. Think about the implications and the words’ connotations and be warned that intricate, heartfelt phrasings cannot easily be replaced with romance-fuelled images. Be imaginative and let the momentousness of the poem inspire limitless allegory.

Understand Tone and Emotion

The tone of a poem is a reflection of the feelings and emotions of the poet, as well as the overall tone and mood of the piece. Oftentimes, emotions arise in a poem as a result of personification and intensified language. Understanding how tone and emotion interact can be beneficial to writing a poem essay. For example, in a poem that deals with a melancholic subject, the writing should be filled with sadness and longing. Moments of joy and clarity should be isolated and written in the clearest terms possible. Furthermore, when writing the essay, the focus should be on how the poet conveys these emotions and how the reader interprets them.

Construct a Poetic Perspective

When presenting a poem within an essay, it is important to remain as close to the source as possible. This means avoiding making broad and sweeping statements that are not backed up by the evidence from the text. Rather, make sure to point out specific lines and examples from the poem that help build and justify the argument. In essence, the essay should serve as an extension of the poem, not a replacement of it.

Evaluate the Poem Objectively

The most objective way to evaluate a poem is to analyze the elements of the poem—its flow and structure, use of language, and its overall discussion of the subject at hand—in an informed and comprehensive way. By asking questions about the poem’s use of metaphor, imagery, theme, irony, and symbolism, one can better understand the poet’s intent. Additionally, one should make sure to look beyond the surface level themes of the poem and look for the implications of the text, as well as its underlying messages. Finally, it is important to look for any patterns that might be present in the poem, and identify any possible recurring motifs.

Discern the Poet’s Message

How To Write Poetry In An Essay

Being able to articulate the poet’s message is essential when addressing any type of poem. Understanding what the poet is saying and attempting to convey is of particular importance when writing an essay that incorporates poetry. One should look for any recurring ideas or themes and figure out what emotions the poet is trying to evoke. Furthermore, discernment of the poet’s message should encompass all levels of the work, from literal references to more subtle metaphors and symbols.

Make Connections to Real-Life Circumstances

Making connections between the poem and real life is another helpful tool when writing a poem essay. Identifying how the content of the poem relates to the real world can add an extra dimension of analysis and insight to the work. For example, if the poem is about loss, one can look for how the poem speaks to anyone that has ever experienced it. Furthermore, looking at how the poem relates to one’s own personal emotions can also provide unique insight. This can help to provide broader and more general themes to be analyzed, instead of just looking at the intricacies of the poem in a vacuum.

Utilize Examples from Other Works

When writing an essay involving a poem, it can be helpful to look to similar works for reference. Whether it be another poet’s work or a piece of literature, leveraging examples from other sources can help illustrate different interpretations of the poem. For instance, when discussing the emotions explored in a poem, one can look to other works that utilize similar techniques and discuss why that poem’s techniques are different or more effective. By looking at various sources, one can gain different perspectives on the poem and arrive at a more informed opinion.

Think Beyond the Prescribed Assignment

When writing a poem essay, it is important to think beyond the scope of the assignment. Poems often explore vast and nebulous abstractions, and a thorough examination of the poem should mean each emotion and idea has a chance to be discussed. Instead of stopping at what the assignment requires, consider the implications of the poem further and explore different ways of interpreting it. Discuss the poem’s relation to the real-world and even contemplate what the poem means in the grand scheme of things. By going beyond the requirements of the assignment, one can create something much more personal and true to oneself.

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Minnie Walters

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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4.1: What is Poetry?

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  • Heather Ringo & Athena Kashyap
  • City College of San Francisco via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

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What is Poetry?

Poetry is a condensed form of writing. As an art, it can effectively invoke a range of emotions in the reader. It can be presented in a number of forms — ranging from traditional rhymed poems such as sonnets to contemporary free verse. Poetry has always been intrinsically tied to music and many poems work with rhythm. It often brings awareness of current issues such as the state of the environment, but can also be read just for the sheer pleasure.

A poet makes the invisible visible. The invisible includes our deepest feelings and angsts, and also our joys, sorrows, and unanswered questions of being human. How is a poet able to do this? A poet uses fresh and original language , and is more interested in how the arrangement of words affects the reader rather than solely grammatical construction. The poet thinks about how words sound , the musicality within each word and also how the words come together.

Like fiction writers, poets mostly show rather than tell . They describe the scene vividly using as few words as possible and prefer to describe rather than analyze, leaving the latter to the people who read and write about poetry as you are doing in this class.

The Purpose of Poetry

If you’ve taken a composition or freshman writing course, you might recognize some familiar terms used above — summarizes, sources, persuades, ethos. These are all words you will rarely, if ever, use in reference to writing poetry. And why is that? Well, what’s the purpose of poetry? Perhaps this is not an easy question to answer. In fact, the answer might depend on time and culture. Epics such as Gilgamesh aided in memorization and preserved stories meant to be passed down orally. The British Romantics valued the pleasure derived from hearing and reading poetry. In some cultures poetry is important in ritual and religious practice. In contemporary times, many describe poetry as being a tool for self-expression.

In the excellent glossary in his book How to Read a Poem and Fall in Love with Poetry , poet Edward Hirsch provides the following definition for a poem:

Poem: A made thing, a verbal construct, an event in language. The word poesis means “making;” and the oldest term for the poet means “maker.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics points out that the medieval and Renaissance poets used the word makers , as in “courtly makers,” as a precise equivalent for poets. (Hence William Dunbar’s “Lament for the Makers.”) The word poem came into English in the sixteenth century and has been with us ever since to denote a form of fabrication, a verbal composition, a made thing.

William Carlos Williams defined the poem as “a small (or large) machine made of words.” (He added that there is nothing redundant about a machine.) Wallace Stevens characterized poetry as “a revelation of words by means of the words.” In his helpful essay “What is Poetry?” linguist Roman Jakobson declared:

“Poeticity is present when the word is felt as a word and not a mere representation of the object being named or an outburst of emotion, when words and their composition, their meaning, their external and internal form, acquire a weight and value of their own instead of referring indifferently to reality.”

Ben Johnson referred to the art of poetry as “the craft of making.” The old Irish word cerd, meaning “people of the craft,” was a designation for artisans, including poets. It is cognate with the Greek kerdos , meaning “craft, craftiness.” Two basic metaphors for the art of poetry in the classical world were carpentry and weaving. “Whatsoever else it may be,” W. H. Auden said, “a poem is a verbal artifact which must be as skillfully and solidly constructed as a table or a motorcycle.”

The true poem has been crafted into a living entity. It has magical potency, ineffable spirit. There is always something mysterious and inexplicable in a poem. It is an act—an action—beyond paraphrase because what is said is always inseparable from the way it is being said. A poem creates an experience in the reader that cannot be reduced to anything else. Perhaps it exists in order to create that aesthetic experience. Octavio Paz maintained that the poet and the reader are two moments of a single reality.

Of the many ideas provided here in this definition, perhaps the one to emphasize most is that the poem is “an event in language.” It is also one of the harder to understand concepts. “A poem creates an experience in the reader that cannot be reduced to anything else,” writes Hirsch. Especially not through paraphrase. This means that in order to “experience” a poem, a reader needs to read it as it is. The poem is itself a type of virtual reality.

Jeremy Arnold, a professor of philosophy at the University of Woolamaloo in Canada, likens the poem to the “pensieve” device in the Harry Potter series: “A poem allows someone to preserve a mental experience so that an outsider can access it as if it were their own.” When coming to poetry, there may be nothing more important to understand because nothing can shape your perspective more on how to write and for what purpose. Poetry requires a reader, an audience; therefore, the poet must learn how to best engage an audience. And this engagement doesn’t happen by sharing ideas, feelings, or experiences, by telling the reader about your experiences — it happens by creating them on the page with words that evoke the senses. With images . These, then, are how the literary genres speak. Images are their muscles. Their heart. Images are poetry’s body and soul.

Choose a poem from the Poetry Foundation’s featured poems and look again at Edward Hirsh’s definition of poem. How does this poem typify his explanation? Are there any ways in which it does not? Write a short response (300 words or less) explaining how you see your selected poem in relation to Hirsch’s definition.

Video: Billy Collins, A Poet, Speaks Out

Watch Billy Collins’ audio/visual poem:

Video 6.1.1 : Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins

After watching the video above, read the poem here , and click on the link below to listen to a lecture by Billy Collins on his craft and how it relates to the reader.

Contributors and Attributions

Adapted from Naming the Unnameable: An Approach to Poetry for New Generations by Michelle Bonczek Evory, sourced from SUNY, CC-BY-NC-SA

poem analysis essaay

Poem Analysis Essay Guide: Outline, Template, Structure

what is poetry in an essay

Poetry analysis, which is similar to poetry review, involves analyzing the language and figures of speech used by a poet. It also entails sharing personal views regarding the poem and breaking down the poetic instruments utilized by the said poet. However, it’s not just about the words used (Headrick, 2014). It entails reading between the lines and understanding what made the poet come up with a particular poem. So it may require some background research on the author and history behind the creation of the poem.

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What Is A Poetry Analysis?

Poetry analysis may define as a critical review given on a poem, a reflection on the depth and gravity of a poem. It revolves around multiple aspects of a poem starting from the subject of a poem, its theme (meaning), tone, literary devices or speech figures, form to the feeling of the poet to how a reader feels about the poem. It is not only the analysis of techniques used in a poem, but poetry analysis provides a broader and wider picture of the poem, its reality, its hidden meanings between the lines, a study of poet’s mind, feeling and intention behind a poem. Different techniques used in poetry analysis are helpful tools in investigating and reviewing the poem. Behind every review or analysis vital research on poet (author), era (time frame), possible reasons, the background behind the conceptualization poem is vital.

One should read, understand and develop a thesis. Writing services also recommend researching more on the poet and his past works to understand the root of this particular idea.

If you have been asked to write a poem analysis essay, then it means to examine the piece and further dissect it into key elements including its form, techniques used and historical value. Then further appreciating the poem and highlighting to others these points, and gaining a better understanding.

It is also important to show as many ideas as possible that relate to the poem and then create conclusions on this.

To start writing a poetry analysis essay let's look at the prewriting stage.

How to Choose a Topic for a Poetry Analysis Essay?

  • In the subject of the poem we mainly focus on the reasons such as why is the poem written or what is it all about?
  • What is the context, the central content of the poem?
  • Who wrote the poem and why?
  • When and where the poet did write the poem, what or who has influenced the poet and what are the key features of the poem?

A topic should be chosen based on the theme you want to write. The theme is the message that the poem is trying to convey. You need to look therefore for concepts and notions that pop up in the poem and come up with an appropriate theme based on those perceptions or "feelings". If you can’t still figure out what topic you should choose for your analysis, it is recommended that you go through other poems similar poems and get a suitable topic for your analysis. Don’t also forget to cite your poem well. And also use in-text citations while quoting from the poem.


what is poetry in an essay

Poem Analysis Essay Outline

To create a good essay, it is needed to plan out the structure of a poem analysis essay so the writing stage will be easier and faster.

poem essay outline

Here is an outline of a poem analysis essay to use:

Opening paragraph - Introduce the Poem, title, author and background.

Body of text - Make most of the analysis, linking ideas and referencing to the poem.

Conclusion - State one main idea, feelings and meanings.

Poem Analysis Essay Introduction

To start an introduction to a poem analysis essay, include the name of the poem and the author . Other details like the date of when it was published can also be stated. Then some background information and interesting facts or trivia regarding the poem or author can also be included here.

Poem Analysis Essay Body

When writing the main body of text keep in mind you have to reference all ideas to the poem so include a quotation to back up the sentence, otherwise, it will be a wasted comparison and not count. Be clear with your statements.

Poem Analysis Essay Conclusion

Now, this is where you should take a step back from analyzing the individual elements of the poem and work out its meaning as a whole. Combine the different elements of the analysis and put forward one main idea.

What is the poet trying to say, and how is it enforced and with what feeling? Then look at the meaning and what timeframe does this evolve over?

For example, is it obvious from the start, or does it gradually change towards the end? The last few lines can be very significant within a poem and so should be included in the poem analysis essay conclusion and commented on the impact on the piece.

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How to Analyze a Poem?

Before even thinking about your first draft, read the poem as much as possible. If it's possible, listen to it in the original form. This depends on many factors which include if the poet is still alive?

Also reading aloud can help identify other characteristics that could be missed and even to a friend or colleague will give a chance to more insight. It is important to remember that poetry is a form of art painted with only words, this said it could take time to fully appreciate the piece. So take note of any first thoughts you have about the poem, even if they are negative.

Your opinions can change over time but still mark these first thoughts down.

So that to analyze a poem properly, you have to pay attention to the following aspects:

Title of the Poem

So let's go deeper into the poem analysis essay and look at the title. The poet may have spent a lot of time thinking about naming the piece so what can be observed from this and what further questions can be asked?

  • What are your expectations? For example, the poem could be titled “Alone” written by Edgar Allan Poe and from this it is natural to assume it will be sad. After reading further does the reality turn out to be different?
  • What is the literature style used? So for example, the work could be called “His last sonnet” by John Keats. From appearance, it is possible to deduce that it could be in sonnet form and if not why did the poet choose to mislead the audience?
  • What is the poem about? In the poem, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” by Elizabeth Barrett, it already states what could be included and what to expect but if it differs from the title what would this suggest?

Literal Meaning of the Poetry

According to our  to fully appreciate a piece, it is needed to understand all the words used. So, for example, get a good dictionary and look up all the unknown words. Then go through partly known words and phrases and check these too. Also, maybe check the meaning of words that are used a lot, but remember some text may have had a different meaning a century ago, so use the internet to look up anything that is not clear. Furthermore, people and places and any cultural relevance of the time should be researched too to get a deeper look at the poet's attitude towards the piece. Patterns might become visible at this point and maybe the theme of the poem.

Structure of the Poem

When looking at the structure of the piece this will reveal more information so pay close attention to this. Look at the organization and sections, this will unlock more questions:

  • What does each part discuss?
  • How do the parts relate to each other?
  • Can you see formal separations?
  • What logical sense does it have?
  • Is there emotional sense that can be evaluated?
  • Does having a strict format say anything about the poet?
  • Also failing to have a strict structure does this reveal something?

Once you have observed the structure, it is possible to go deeper into the poem analysis essay and investigate how the speaker communicates the poem to the reader.

Tone and Intonation of the Poetry

So now it is possible to look at the poet and see what details can be obtained from them. Is it possible to see the gender or age of the speaker? Is there some race or religious references to pick up on? Then can we see if the speaker is directly communicating their thoughts and ideas to the reader? If not, what is the character the poet has created to convey the ideas or messages? Does the poet's persona differ to the character created and what can be analyzed from this? Also the mood of the speaker could be available now, are they happy or sad, and how can you find out this from the poem?

Once the poet is understood it is possible to move onto who or what the poem is designed for. Then you can see the purpose of the poetry, what does the poet want from the reader? It is also possible that the poet does not desire a response from the audience and is simply making a statement or expressing themselves.

For example, a poem about spring could just be a happy statement that winter has ended. Looking from the other side, this could be an attempt to attract someone's attention or maybe just an instruction to plow the field.

Purpose of the Poem

The subject of the poem can help identify the purpose, as this usually will be what the poet is describing. Then the theme can be identified also, and what does it say about the work? Are there any links between the theme and the subject and what can analyzed from that? The timeframe is also an important factor to consider, for example, the poet's goal back when it was written, may have changed and why? Furthermore, has the original purpose survived the test of time and can it be said to be the best indicator of success?

Language and Imagery of the Poetry

Until this point it was only possible to analyze the literal information available which is the denotative meaning.’ Now let's look at the imagery, symbolism and figures of speech, this is the connotative meaning.

This is where you should look for pictures described within the text and analyze why they have been depicted? So for example, if the poet thas decided to describe the moon this could set the time in the work or maybe the mood of the poem. Also look for groups of images described and patterns within this, what can be deducted from that?

So when looking for symbolism within the text this could be an event or physical object, including people and places that represent non-physical entities like an emotion or concept. For example, a bird flying through the air can be seen as freedom and escaping usual conforms.

Poetic devices

In your analysis you will look at techniques like metaphors, similes, personification and alliteration to include just a few. It's important to identify the actual device used and why it was chosen. For example, when comparing something within the text using a metaphor then look at how they are connected and in what way they are expressed? Try to use all available clues to gain better insight into the mind of the poet.

Music of the Poem

Poetry and music have deep connections and can be compared together due to the history and uses throughout the ages.

Here are some things to look out for to help with those comparisons:

  • Meter - This can be available to investigate in different ways, for example, iambic pentameter has a strict five beats per line just like a musical score if used what does it say?
  • Rhythm - Just like with music, poem can have a rhythm but if there is no given meter, it is needed to look closer and observe what this does to the work. For example, a particular beat that is fast could make the poem happy.
  • Special effects - Looking for not so obvious signs where the poet has written in a way so you take longer to pronounce words. Also it is possible to grab your attention in other ways, for what reason has the writer done that?
  • Rhyme - There are many different types of rhyming techniques used within poetry, once identified look at how it impacts on the work like make it humorous for example? Be careful to look for unusual patterns for example rhymes within the lines and not just at the end of the sentences, even reading out aloud might help find these and then what does it this say about the poem?
  • Sound effects - The depiction of different sounds can be powerful and also using different voices, look at what impact this has on the piece and why?
  • Breaking Rules - Rhyme and meter for example can have very specific rules but what if the poet decided to break these conventional techniques and make something new, what does this add to the work and why

How to Write a Poem Analysis Essay?

Below you will find a compelling guide on how to analyze poetry with handy writing tips:

poem analysis

  • Choose a suitable poem - If possible, before you start, pick the main subject of your essay, a poem that you would like to analyze. The more you find it interesting, the easier it will be to handle the task.
  • Read it fully - If you are wondering how to analyse poetry, the first step you can’t go without is carefully reading the chosen poem multiple times and, preferably, out loud.
  • Always double-check the meanings - When reading a poem, don’t forget to check for the meanings of unknown (and known as well) words and phrases.
  • Collect all the details you need - To write a compelling essay, you need to study the poem’s structure, contents, main ideas, as well as other background details.
  • Explore hidden meanings - When analyzing poem, be sure to look beyond the words. Instead, focus on finding broader, hidden ideas that the author wanted to share through his piece.
  • Make an outline - Once you have analyzed poem, outline your essay and write it following the plan.
  • Proofread and edit - Finally, once your essay is ready, take your time to revise and polish it carefully.

Poetry Analysis Template

To write a winning poem analysis essay, use the template below or order an essay from our professionals.


  • Name of Poem
  • Name of Poet
  • Date of Publication
  • Background or any relevant information

Form of poem

  • Structure of poem
  • Rhyme of poem

Meaning of poem

  • Overall meaning
  • How can we relate the poem to our life

Poetic Techniques

  • Literary devices

Form of the Poem

Poems are written in some ways, here one need to identify which structure the poet has used for the poem. The forms of poems broadly are stanzas, rhythm, punctuation and rhymes. Carefully analyze the length and number of stanzas , does the rhythm impacts the meaning of the poem, is there many punctuations or little, either the rhyme is consistent, or it’s breaking and what is the rhyme contributing to the meaning of the poem or is it random.

Theme, Meaning or Message of the Poem

In this part, we focus on the topic, main issue or idea of the poem. There are layers of meaning hidden in a poem.

  • Meaning: surface meaning that what is actually or physically happening in the poem which a reader can sense.
  • Deeper Meaning: the central idea of the poem or what is it actually about.
  • Theme: in poetry, there is always a hidden meaning in every line, which depicts the message about life.

Numerous topics can be covered in poems such as love, life, death, birth, nature, memory, war, age, sexuality, experience, religion, race, faith, creator and many others.

Tone of the Poem

The tone of the poem shows attitude or mood of the language used by the poet. Analyze the different shades of the language used in the poem for example; is it formal, judgmental, informal, critical, positive, bitter, reflective, solemn, frustrated, optimistic, ironic, scornful, regretful or morbid.

Literary Device used in the Poem

Find out what the different literary devices are or what sort of figures of speech is used by the poet . Analyze these techniques and suggest their use in the poem by the poet. The poem can contain a symbol, similes, metaphor, alliteration, allegories, oxymoron, assonances, dissonances, repetition, hyperbole, irony.

Conclusion or Feel of the Poem

Lastly, analyze the emotions and feelings linked with the poem; of the poet and what do you feel when you read the poem. This is the very critical part of reviewing a poem because we analyze the inner depth of the poem, the intention & feelings of the poet, the targeted audience, does the poem reflect the poet’s persona, perspective or it does not match with the poet.

Poetry Analysis Essay Example

Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s Poem “Annabel Lee”

Written in 1849 and first published after the author’s death, Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe is a beautiful story of true love that goes beyond life. In the poem, the author is commemorating the girl named Annabel Lee, whom he knew since childhood. Despite the young age, the love between the narrator and Annabel was so deep and true that even angels were jealous, and, according to Edgar Allan Poe, their jealousy was so severe that they killed the love of his life. The poem ends with young Annabel Lee being buried in a tomb, leaving the readers with a feeling that the author kept holding on to his love for her for many years after her death.

The two evident topics in the poem are love and loss. The entire narration revolves around the author’s agonizing memory, at the same time demonstrating to the readers the purity and power of true love that makes him cherish the memory of his beloved one even after she is gone. Apart from that, Edgar Allan Poe also discusses such issues of love as jealousy and envy. The author states that the love of the two teens was so strong that even angels in heaven were not half as happy as Annabel and Edgar, which caused them to invade the teens’ romantic “kingdom by the sea” and kill the girl.

The topics discussed in the poem, as well as the style of narration itself, give the poem a very romantic atmosphere. It follows the main principles of the romantic era in poetry in the 18th and 19th centuries, which Edgar Allan Poe was representing. At the same time, the author also gives his poem a sense of musicality and rhythm. The poem’s rhyme scheme puts emphasis on the words “Lee”, “me”, and “sea”. The repetition of these words gives the poem a song-like sound.

A significant role in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem is played by imagery, which emphasizes the author’s unique style. The main imagery used by Allan Poe in Annabel Lee is the Kingdom. The author uses this imagery to set the right tone for his poem and give it a sort of a fairytale feel. At the same time, this imagery is used to take the reader to a different place, though not specifying what exactly this place is. To confirm this - the author uses the phrase “the kingdom by the sea” multiple times in his piece, never specifying its meaning. This trick enables the readers to leave this to their own imagination.

Apart from the Kingdom, the author also operates with the imagery of angels and demons. The narrator blames them for their envy for their deep love, which resulted in the death of Annable Lee. Thus, the author gives a negative attitude towards this imagery. This brings us to another big topic of good and evil discussed in the poem.

Nevertheless, even though the angels’ intervention seems to be clear to the reader from what the author says, Poe’s choice of words doesn’t directly implicate their responsibility for the girl’s death. The narrator blames everybody for his loss. However, he does this in a very tactical and covert way.

In conclusion, it becomes clear that the narrator in Annabel Lee did not only pursue a goal to share his pain and loss. He also emphasizes that true love is everlasting by stating that his love for the gone girl lives with him after all these years. With all its deep topics, imagery, and musicality, Annabel Lee is now considered one of the best works by Edgar Allan Poe.

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How to Write a Poem Analysis in 4 Steps

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Poetry is a form of writing that touches a reader’s soul and evokes many emotions. The poet beautifully expresses a story or thought in a few lines that convey deep meanings.

People who love to read poetry prefer to research and write an in-depth analysis of the written piece to understand the whole idea behind the poem.

However, there is a process to write an analysis of a poem.

If you are wondering how to write a poem analysis, then you are in the right place. This article will discuss the necessary things to consider while analyzing a poem and list the 4 essential steps to follow to write a poetry analysis.

Check out the post to learn more.

Table of Contents

What is Poetry Analysis?

In literature, poetry is a type of writing that uses style, sound, and rhythm to stir a reader’s emotions, ideas, and imagination.

Poetry analysis is the process of decoding a poem to understand the overall message it is trying to convey. It includes examining the elements, word usage, content, format, tone, etc.

Analyzing a poem helps to comprehend the written piece, its context, themes, and ideas. Interpreting the poem leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the written work.

This type of writing explores ideas universally and covers many emotions so the readers become aware of their own sentiments and feel a more profound connection

How to Analyze a Poem?

Before you begin writing a poetry analysis, you need to know how to analyze a poem. You must thoroughly decipher the entire poem for an in-depth understanding of the subject and its background details.

The very first step is to read the poem aloud. Read it slowly and carefully.

I have listed some of the mandatory things to take into consideration for writing a well-articulated poem analysis essay.

Title of the Poem

Most poems have a dedicated title, and you must start from here. A poet chooses a title that aligns with the inner meaning of the poem, and decoding the connection will help to understand the overall message.

The title might tell the basic idea of the poem, so always look for a relation between the title and the content of the written work. You can find the hidden inner meanings.

Although a few poets play with the name of the poem, so ensure to catch the intention.

Background of the Poem

A thorough analysis of a poem needs a background study. The written work must have some story behind its creation, and determining it can help to understand the poem in detail.

Background study includes the period when the poem was written, the topic it is discussing, the author’s story or situation at that time, the motivation behind it, etc.

Maybe the poet was suffering and wrote a poem related to his experience, or he particularly wrote about world issues, war, or love.

This research will give you an idea about the poet’s intent and the poem’s overall meaning.

Structure of the Poem

The structure of the poem is also essential. The components of a structure are verse, rhyme, meter, and line break. Each poem has these elements in a different style.

The author decides the poem’s structure. A poem analysis includes an explanation of the structure, so it is necessary to understand the types before analyzing.

The tone of poems differs according to the mood or intention of the poets. Its analysis depends on the speaker and the recipient..

Language and Symbols

Poets use figurative language, symbols, and other techniques to make a poem more imaginative and descriptive.

Using metaphor, simile, personification, etc., is a way to make the poem realistic and give it an in-depth meaning so that readers can relate to it personally.

Various language forms and symbols convey intricate thoughts and experiences. The reader must know about these forms and techniques to understand the meaning in detail.

In poetic terms, music means the rhyme and rhythm of the written piece. All components of a poem, such as rhyme, line breaks, meter, rhythm, sound elements, words, etc., contribute together to give the poem a music of its own.

Observe these elements while analyzing to get a vision of the written work.

Purpose of the Poem

You cannot leave the motive behind writing a poem. Every piece is written for a particular purpose; as a reader, you must learn to find it.

The purpose of a poem can be to discuss societal issues, share life experiences, express deep emotions, and more. Reading and understanding the purpose will help to enhance the analysis.

How to Write a Poem Analysis in 4 Simple Steps

After analyzing the poem, you can now easily write a poem analysis. Following a structure will help to write a well-organized and detailed essay. Check out the 4 steps provided below for writing a poem analysis.

  • Step 1 : Read the poem
  • Step 2 : Analyze the poem thoroughly and note the necessary details
  • Title and Author
  • A thesis statement. Key elements to be analyzed
  • Background and theme
  • Detailed meaning of the poem
  • Structure and Tone 
  • Language forms
  • Symbols 
  • Sound Effects
  • Step 4 : Rectify any errors

Following these steps, you can write a good poetry analysis; however, adding your personal opinion about the poem is essential.

I hope this article on how to write a poem analysis will help you to create a well-detailed analysis of your favorite poem. 

Poems are a beautiful way to express emotions, and as readers, we enjoy reading beautiful poetry from famous poets. 

What is your favorite poem?

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Essays About Poetry: 5 Interesting Examples and Topic Ideas

Let’s look at some examples of essays about poetry and topics to use as a starting point for your poetry essay.

To many, poetry is like a massage for the soul. Deep lyrics, interesting connections, and reflections on the commonalities that connect all humans make poetry a language that can connect us all.

From Walt Whitman to Edgar Allen Poe, poetry has long been recognized as a form of literary art. Different from visual art, poetry allows authors to use diction, rhyme scheme, and literary devices to paint a picture for the reader. Some poets work to describe physical scenes or events with great detail, while others use language that makes the emotion they’re describing feel real to the reader.

There are many different kinds of poetry, from epic poems to lyric essays. Each poet must decide what poetry format works best to get their point across to their reader. It’s important to note that popular styles of poetry change over time, and readers can expect a different style from an eighteenth-century poet than from a poem written from a modernist perspective.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers

Examples Of Essays About Poetry

  • 1. How Poetry Changed My Life By Shuly Cawood
  • 2. 8 Reasons Why Poetry Is Good For The Soul By Kim Barkley
  • 3. Top 20 Best Poets Of All Time By Bizhan Romani
  • 4. Walt Whitman’s Guide To A Thriving Democracy By Mark Edmundson
  • 5. “What Might Have Been And What Has Been”: How T. S. Eliot Looked At Lives By Lyndall Gordon

Topic Ideas For Essays About Poetry

1. who is the greatest american poet of all time, 2. what’s the purpose of poetry, 3. who was the most impactful poet of the twentieth century, 4. what makes a good poem, 5. social standing and poetry, 6. how does gender influence poetry, 7. working through trauma: how poetry and other creative writing can help, 8. poetry and social justice, 9. amanda gorman: who is the national youth poet laureate, 1.  how poetry changed my life  by shuly cawood.

It was  Dr. David Citino  who let me into his poetry writing seminar, Dr. David Citino who taught me how to take sentimentality out, Dr. David Citino who made it possible for me to stay in my journalism program and finish. Poetry kept me from quitting. This is one of the reasons that when National Poetry Month comes around every year, I can’t help but celebrate. Poetry did not just save me from quitting my journalism degree: poetry has been my constant companion and has guided me through upheavals, emotions, and changes and has helped me cope, understand, and let go.

Halfway through her master’s degree program in journalism, Cawood wanted to give up on her degree. She felt called to study poetry but knew that her journalism degree would give her the career opportunities she wanted after graduation. In this essay, Cawood celebrates Dr. Citino, her poetry professor, who helped give her the strength to finish her master’s program while learning more about the literature she loved.

2.  8 Reasons Why Poetry Is Good For The Soul   By Kim Barkley

Have you ever sat there and not known what to write? Picking up poetry, reading through different excerpts from classic poets can blossom ideas you never knew existed. Reading and writing poetry makes you think of new ideas, but can also dramatically change the way you perceived old ones. It is a way to process experiences, visual descriptions, and emotions.

One of the most common arguments about poetry is that it doesn’t serve a literary purpose or educate readers on important topics. Barkley (rightfully) argues that this isn’t the case. Poetry can help children develop reading skills, open the imagination, and provide a safe space for authors to express difficult emotions that can be difficult to convey using traditional prose.

3.   Top 20 Best Poets Of All Time  By Bizhan Romani

Like art, poetry can be highly subjective as much of its worth lies in the emotional connection felt by its audience. It can therefore be difficult to judge poetry on its technical merits alone or to rank one poet against another. With that said, there are some poets that have made outstanding achievements in different forms of poetry, influenced literary movements, or left a lasting impression on pop culture.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your essay about poetry or you’re simply looking for a good jumping-off point to begin reading poetry in general, Romani’s list is an excellent compilation of some of the best poets of all time, including Sylvia Plath, Sappho, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, and more.

4.  Walt Whitman’s Guide To A Thriving Democracy  By Mark Edmundson

“Song of Myself,” arguably Whitman’s greatest work, can be seen as a vision quest. In the original version, which had no title when it was published in 1855, in the first edition of Leaves of Grass, Whitman begins as an everyday workingman. He is “one of the roughs,” the tough, laboring type who is depicted on the book’s  frontispiece —shirt open, hat tilted to the side, a calmly insouciant expression on his face. Through a series of poetic and spiritual encounters he gains in experience and wisdom to become a representative democratic individual, one who can show his countrymen and countrywomen the way to a thriving and joyous life.

One of the most well-known and well-respected poets in American history, Walt Whitman is known not just for his descriptive, personal poetic style but also for helping to shape pre-abolition America. In this essay, Edmundson doesn’t just dig into Whitman’s life as he wrote his most famous works—he also discusses how Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Wordsworth influenced Whitman. Poetry is full of both original ideas and borrowed thoughts, and Edmundson works to explain how Whitman’s greatness was due to both his literary prowess and his respect for other greats of his time.

5.  “What Might Have Been And What Has Been”: How T. S. Eliot Looked At Lives   By Lyndall Gordon

Eliot acknowledges the routine plot of existence—“in my beginning is my end”—but he will reverse this: “in my end is my beginning.” Though, of course, this looks to eternal life beyond death, he is thinking also of the life of his ancestor, Andrew Eliott, sailing in 1669 from East Coker, Somerset, across the North Atlantic—a dangerous, three-month voyage—to Salem, Massachusetts. Here is one model life: the risk taker who can begin again in middle age, who takes off for a new life in the New World. This risk mirrors Eliot’s move in middle age to remake his private life during the thirties.

Twentieth-century poet T. S. Eliot seemed to have visions of a perfect life. Since he died in the mid-1960s, many people have been surprised to discover proverbial skeletons in the closet of the poet’s earliest works, including elitism and anti-Semitism present in his early poetry. Today, many wonder how Eliot’s poetry has remained ever-present in today’s literary culture. In this essay, the author suggests that despite Eliot’s unacceptable beginnings, his words—specifically those about how people do not begin to reflect on a person’s life until their death—remain relevant to today’s society.

Exploring the greatest American poets can be fun to delve into different poets’ styles, including Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Edgar Allen Poe, and Sylvia Plath. As you explain your opinion on which poet you believe is the best of all time, explain why you feel the poet you chose stands out among their peers. You may also want to explore current poets and discuss whether it’s possible that the greatest American poet of all time is still alive and writing.

There’s no doubt about it—poetry is art. Musings on the purpose of poetry can provide solid insight into how words can portray emotion. If you decide to write about the purpose of poetry, be sure to explain to your readers how poetry has influenced your life. Share examples of poems that have had a significant impact on you, and explain how poetry contributes to the betterment of society. Be sure to include quotes from well-known poets about the purpose of their work and why they believe they’ve been able to impact society by sharing their creative gifts positively.

Essays about poetry: Who was the most impactful poet of the twentieth century?

Poetry doesn’t just provide poets with an outlet to express themselves—it can also have a significant impact on society and make the world a better place. In an essay on the most impactful poets of the twentieth century, please explain why you feel the poet you selected stands out from their peers. From Maya Angelou to e.e. cummings, you’ll have myriad opportunities to discuss poetic excellence. Explain how the poet you chose affected people, social movements, and history.

While this essay topic is subject to opinion, you can write about what you believe to be a good poem and provide examples from your favorites to support your thesis. You may feel that epic poems that allow the author to tell a detailed story are superior to other forms of poetry, or you may feel that lyrical essays that describe deep human truths are key to the literary world. No matter what argument you choose for what makes a good poem, support your argument with quotes, and don’t rely too much on stories of how a particular form of poetry affected you personally.

Poetry can break down barriers and, in many cases, provide a common language based on shared experiences from people of varying social standing. In your essay about social standing and poetry, explore how poetry has been used throughout history to connect people in various economic situations. You may also want to delve into how poetry can be used to help people understand the experiences of others (for example, explain how poetry can help a person who grew up in poverty express their experience to someone who grew up in a different situation). 

Male and female poets both have incredibly valuable offerings to the literary world, and it can be interesting to explore themes of gender within poetry. In your essay on how gender influences poetry, explore both poems about gender and how the idea of gender can influence a poet’s work. Discuss how societal expectations that go with traditional gender roles are a theme in the work of many poets and how rallying against traditional gender roles can cause issues, both in a poet’s personal and professional life.

Writing can be therapeutic, and many people depend on journaling to help them process difficult and traumatic events. In an essay on how writing can help people work through trauma, dig into the latest research on therapeutic writing. You may also want to interview a therapist or counselor about how they use journaling or writing in their practice to help their clients work through difficult issues. If you have personally been able to work through trauma with the help of writing or journaling, it’s fine to use a personal anecdote to begin or end your essay. Be careful that you don’t lean on anecdotes to carry the body of your essay, however. You’ll want to provide research-driven proof that writing can be used to impact mental health positively. 

Social justice movements have been used to change the course of history repeatedly. In many cases, poetry has served as an important part of social justice movements, providing a voice to those deemed voiceless. In your essay about poetry and social justice, talk about social justice movements both currently and in the past, and refer to poems that have worked to inform others about social issues and create positive change. In your essay, you can focus on one facet of social justice (such as racism or sexism) or look at how poetry and social justice interact with a wider lens. 

Amanda Gorman: Who Is The National Youth Poet Laureate?

National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman took the world by storm with her poem The Hill We Climb, which she read aloud at President Biden’s 2021 inauguration ceremony. In your essay on Gorma, be sure to talk about her past, her education (a Harvard graduate), her rise to fame, and her goals for the future–she has her eyes set on a future presidential run.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

what is poetry in an essay

Amanda has an M.S.Ed degree from the University of Pennsylvania in School and Mental Health Counseling and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. She has experience writing magazine articles, newspaper articles, SEO-friendly web copy, and blog posts.

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Why is Poetry Important? Celebrating National Poetry Month

A woman reading poetry to celebrate national poetry month and demonstrate why poetry is important

If you think poetry isn't for you, this month might be the right time to give it a second chance.

Every April in the United States, National Poetry Month invites you to experience and celebrate an art form that can transform your understanding of yourself and your world.

Stephanie Wytovich, a creative writing adjunct at SNHU and American poet, novelist and essayist

She also has a Bram Stoker Award-winning poetry collection, “Brothel,” published by Raw Dog Screaming Press, along with several other poetry titles and her nonfiction craft book, “Writing Poetry in the Dark.”

According to Wytovich, you might have a negative relationship with poetry today based on how it was presented to you as a child.

“We’re introduced to it through nursery rhymes and folklore and whimsy, and then all of that is removed and looked down on when we get into middle school and high school and have to start counting syllables and memorizing Shakespeare,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong; the latter is important and holds so much value, but it’s also a bit stressful, and it’s easy to harbor resentment against it.”

National Poetry Month, she said, is a chance to form a new relationship with poetry on your own terms and develop a full appreciation of the art form. 

“Having something like National Poetry Month both allows and encourages us to find our way back to poetry without any rules or expectations,” said Wytovich.

First, What is Poetry?

Poetry is among the four major genres of literature , alongside fiction, nonfiction and drama. But it may be one of the most challenging genres to define. 

According to the Academy of American Poets, poetry is a human fundamental , just like music. “It predates literacy and precedes prose in all literatures,” the Academy states on its website. “There has probably never been a culture without it, yet no one knows precisely what it is.”

Wytovich agreed that it's difficult to define such a broad genre.

A blue icon of a hand writing

Ultimately, Britannica said poetry is a type of literature that evokes imagination and emotion through specific language chosen and presented based on sound, rhythm and meaning. However, there are also many types of poetry, each with specific rules and definitions.

Types of Poetry

Writer's Digest reports that there are at least 168 different poetic forms stemming from various cultural traditions. Some of these forms and their definitions, according to Writer’s Digest, include:

  • Haiku: A haiku is a popular Japanese form adhering to specific numbers of lines and syllables.
  • Free Verse: These poems allow for breaking lines at any time and are usually without rhymes.
  • Ode: An ode is a poem dedicated to praising a particular subject.
  • Prose: Prose poetry is often presented in paragraphs without line breaks, mirroring literary prose.
  • Sonnet: William Shakespeare is famous for these structured 14-line poems.

These are just a few different types, but there are plenty of others — and National Poetry Month could be the perfect time to explore more of them.

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The history of national poetry month.

Inspired by the success of Black History Month and Women’s History Month, the Academy of American Poets reports that they originated National Poetry Month in 1996.

“We’d like it to be a time when a large sector of the American public will realize that we have an active, thriving literary culture in this country and that poets are an important part of that culture,” said the Academy’s executive director at the time, Bill Wadsworth, according to an essay published in Ploughshares .

Since then, poets, educators, librarians, booksellers and readers in the United States have celebrated poetry in the month of April through a variety of projects, events and initiatives — and, of course, through independently reading and writing poetry.

So, Why Does Poetry Matter?

In a Poetry Foundation piece commemorating National Poetry Month, poet Ali Leibegott discussed how individuals and communities often turn to poetry in their darkest times.

“Poetry sales rose after 9/11,” Leibegott said. “It is reassuring to know that poetry somehow answers the unanswerable.”

Sales for poetry books also increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Vanity Fair .

In addition to being a vehicle for a deeper understanding of the world around you, poetry can also offer catharsis and teach you about yourself.

A scroll with a heart and arrow on a blue background

In fact, Wytovich said she started writing poetry in middle school based on a recommendation from a therapist.

“I was having a hard time working through some of my trauma, and they mentioned that exploring my emotions and working out some of the images I was stuck on might be beneficial to helping me process and heal,” she said. “Once I started, I’ve never stopped. It’s been my greatest and healthiest companion through life.”

In addition to the therapeutic nature of poetry writing, Wytovich noted that reading poetry has its own emotional and intellectual benefits.

“Reading it is also a great mind workout because it’s encouraging us to constantly work out and reconfigure a puzzle that everyone is going to build and react to differently,” she said.

Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

A celebration icon

“If you’re a poet — write! And if you really want a challenge, try writing in a different form or style,” Wytovich said. “Don’t be afraid to experiment and stretch your wings a bit. There’s a lot of beauty in trying something new.”And if you're interested in seriously pursuing the craft, consider studying poetry. SNHU’s bachelor’s in creative writing and master’s in creative writing  both offer concentrations in poetry for those committed to developing their skills.

Whether you choose to celebrate National Poetry Month through writing or reading, you'll be engaging in more than an artistic pursuit. Embracing the power of poetry could also be a therapeutic experience that deepens your connection to your own humanity.

Discover more about SNHU's bachelor's in English and creative writing : Find out what courses you'll take, skills you'll learn and how to request information about the program.

Mars Girolimon '21 '23G is a staff writer at Southern New Hampshire University where they earned their bachelor's and master's, both in English and creative writing. In addition to their work in higher education, Girolimon's short fiction is published in the North American Review, So It Goes by The Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library, X-R-A-Y and more. They're currently writing their debut novel, which was Longlisted for The First Pages Prize. Connect with them on LinkedIn .

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MLA Formatting Quotations

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MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (8 th ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.

When you directly quote the works of others in your paper, you will format quotations differently depending on their length. Below are some basic guidelines for incorporating quotations into your paper. Please note that all pages in MLA should be double-spaced .

Short quotations

To indicate short quotations (four typed lines or fewer of prose or three lines of verse) in your text, enclose the quotation within double quotation marks. Provide the author and specific page number (in the case of verse, provide line numbers) in the in-text citation, and include a complete reference on the Works Cited page. Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical citation.

Question marks and exclamation points should appear within the quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted passage, but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text.

For example, when quoting short passages of prose, use the following examples:

When using short (fewer than three lines of verse) quotations from poetry, mark breaks in verse with a slash, ( / ), at the end of each line of verse (a space should precede and follow the slash). If a stanza break occurs during the quotation, use a double slash ( // ).

Long quotations

For quotations that are more than four lines of prose or three lines of verse, place quotations in a free-standing block of text and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, with the entire quote indented 1/2   inch  from the left margin while maintaining double-spacing. Your parenthetical citation should come  after the closing punctuation mark . When quoting verse, maintain original line breaks. (You should maintain double-spacing throughout your essay.)

For example, when citing more than four lines of prose, use the following examples :

Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration: They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78)

When citing long sections of poetry (four lines of verse or more), keep formatting as close to the original as possible.

In his poem "My Papa's Waltz," Theodore Roethke explores his childhood with his father:

The whiskey on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death: Such waltzing was not easy. We Romped until the pans Slid from the kitchen shelf; My mother's countenance Could not unfrown itself. (qtd. in Shrodes, Finestone, Shugrue 202)

When citing two or more paragraphs, use block quotation format, even if the passage from the paragraphs is less than four lines. If you cite more than one paragraph, the first line of the second paragraph should be indented an extra 1/4 inch to denote a new paragraph:

In "American Origins of the Writing-across-the-Curriculum Movement," David Russell argues,

Writing has been an issue in American secondary and higher education since papers and examinations came into wide use in the 1870s, eventually driving out formal recitation and oral examination. . . .

From its birth in the late nineteenth century, progressive education has wrestled with the conflict within industrial society between pressure to increase specialization of knowledge and of professional work (upholding disciplinary standards) and pressure to integrate more fully an ever-widening number of citizens into intellectually meaningful activity within mass society (promoting social equity). . . . (3)

Adding or omitting words in quotations

If you add a word or words in a quotation, you should put brackets around the words to indicate that they are not part of the original text:

If you omit a word or words from a quotation, you should indicate the deleted word or words by using ellipses, which are three periods ( . . . ) preceded and followed by a space. For example:

Please note that brackets are not needed around ellipses unless they would add clarity.

When omitting words from poetry quotations, use a standard three-period ellipses; however, when omitting one or more full lines of poetry, space several periods to about the length of a complete line in the poem:

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The ten cringiest things in poetry.

Jessie Gaynor

This weekend saw another round of Mary Oliver discourse on Twitter. Like all Mary Oliver discourse, the essential argument was whether her poetry is Cringe and Corny or Good, Actually. I have no desire whatsoever to weigh in on this one (beyond a plug for this essay )—BUT, as a person who has spent a significant amount of time among poets and poetry, I do think it’s worth remembering that there are many greater sources of Cringe in the poetry world than Mary Oliver. Here, for your consideration, are the worst offenders.

10. Instagram poetry.

9. Think-pieces about how Instagram poetry is ruining poetry.

8. Think-pieces about how Instagram poetry is saving poetry #letSylviaPlathpostbathingsuitpics.

7. The word “gossamer.”

6. Arbitrary line breaks.

5. Poet Voice.

4. The moon.

3. The speaker.

2. The speaker, who is the moon.

1. When you see your poet ex at a poetry reading with their new poet partner who you recognize because you did a poetry MFA together and they once said your poetry was pedestrian and threw a lit cigarette at you outside a poetry party and everyone still took their side because they are the moon.

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    The essay encourages an oddly suspicious, even paranoid reading of most free verse as phony poetry, as prose in costume. The line, in Perloff's view, in these ersatz poems, is a "surface ...

  5. 6.1: What is Poetry?

    Poetry is a condensed form of writing. As an art, it can effectively invoke a range of emotions in the reader. It can be presented in a number of forms — ranging from traditional rhymed poems such as sonnets to contemporary free verse. Poetry has always been intrinsically tied to music and many poems work with rhythm.

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  8. Poetry

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  15. What is Poetry

    A poem is a form of writing that may use strong, vivid language; meter or rhyme; imagery, figurative language, or other tools for describing. It is not an essay or a short story or a novel because it does not make the same argumentative or narrative demands of those forms. The more you read poetry, the more you'll feel certain you can ...

  16. How To Write Poetry In An Essay

    Unlike narrative essays, poetry essays should focus more on the analysis of the content. Identifying relevant themes, symbols, and motifs, as well as the implications of the poem are essential to a thorough analysis. Ideally, all information included in the essay should directly relate to the poem, elaborating the content of the poem.

  17. Poetry Analysis Essay: Expert Guide with Examples and Tips

    A summary of the poetry analysis essay provides a concise overview of its content and structure. It helps the reader grasp the key elements of the poem before delving into the analysis. You need to: Summarize the content and structure of the poem. Highlight key events, images, or ideas presented in the poem.

  18. Poetry Definition, Types & Examples

    Poetry is a type of literature typically written in verse that uses figurative language, or language that can have different meanings from what is literally said, to give multiple shades of ...

  19. What is Poetry?

    Poetry, defined as language divided into lines, is found in most known human cultures. This masterful survey of poetry and its constituent components demonstrates the functions performed by metre, rhyme, alliteration and parallelism, arguing that each line of a poem fits as a whole unit into the limited capacity of human working memory.

  20. 4.1: What is Poetry?

    Poetry is a condensed form of writing. As an art, it can effectively invoke a range of emotions in the reader. It can be presented in a number of forms — ranging from traditional rhymed poems such as sonnets to contemporary free verse. Poetry has always been intrinsically tied to music and many poems work with rhythm.

  21. How to Write a Poem Analysis Essay? Poetry Analysis Essay: Outline

    Here is an outline of a poem analysis essay to use: Opening paragraph - Introduce the Poem, title, author and background.. Body of text - Make most of the analysis, linking ideas and referencing to the poem.. Conclusion - State one main idea, feelings and meanings.. Poem Analysis Essay Introduction. To start an introduction to a poem analysis essay, include the name of the poem and the author.

  22. How to Write a Poem Analysis in 4 Steps

    After analyzing the poem, you can now easily write a poem analysis. Following a structure will help to write a well-organized and detailed essay. Check out the 4 steps provided below for writing a poem analysis. Step 1: Read the poem. Step 2: Analyze the poem thoroughly and note the necessary details.

  23. Essays About Poetry: 5 Interesting Examples and Topic Ideas

    Examples Of Essays About Poetry. 1. How Poetry Changed My Life By Shuly Cawood. It was Dr. David Citino who let me into his poetry writing seminar, Dr. David Citino who taught me how to take sentimentality out, Dr. David Citino who made it possible for me to stay in my journalism program and finish. Poetry kept me from quitting.

  24. Why is Poetry Important? National Poetry Month

    Poetry is among the four major genres of literature, alongside fiction, nonfiction and drama. But it may be one of the most challenging genres to define. ... Bill Wadsworth, according to an essay published in Ploughshares. Since then, poets, educators, librarians, booksellers and readers in the United States have celebrated poetry in the month ...

  25. MLA Formatting Quotations

    When using short (fewer than three lines of verse) quotations from poetry, mark breaks in verse with a slash, ( / ), at the end of each line of verse (a space should precede and follow the slash). If a stanza break occurs during the quotation, use a double slash ( // ). ... In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that "some ...

  26. A Guide to Paraphrasing Poetry, With Examples

    Paraphrasing poetry is a common creative and academic exercise that helps you gain a greater understanding of the art form. Paraphrasing, or rewriting, a poem is often necessary for essays, research papers, exams, or other academic writing to analyze or demonstrate an understanding of the original work.. Poetry is deceptively complex for typically consisting of such short texts.

  27. How to Analyze a Poem: An Ultimate Guide to Poetry Analysis

    This essay will concentrate on methods for analyzing poetry and recommended practices. Basic concepts, practical hints and techniques, and a few useful examples will all be covered. You'll be ready to write a strong report on any lyrical subject by the end. ... The final stage of poetry analysis is a thorough examination of its setting. The ...

  28. The ten cringiest things in poetry. ‹ Literary Hub

    This weekend saw another round of Mary Oliver discourse on Twitter. Like all Mary Oliver discourse, the essential argument was whether her poetry is Cringe and Corny or Good, Actually. I have no desire whatsoever to weigh in on this one (beyond a plug for this essay)—BUT, as a person who has spent a significant […]