50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

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50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

Finance Dissertation Made Easier!

Embarking on your dissertation adventure? Look no further! Choosing the right finance dissertation topics is like laying the foundation for your research journey in finance, and we're here to light up your path. In this article, we will be diving deep into why dissertation topics in finance matter so much. We've got some golden writing tips to share with you! We're also unveiling the secret recipe for structuring a stellar finance dissertation and exploring intriguing topics across various finance sub-fields. Our buffet of finance dissertation topics will surely set your research spirit on fire!

What is a Finance Dissertation?

Finance dissertations are academic papers that delve into specific finance topics chosen by students, covering areas such as stock markets, banking, risk management, and healthcare finance. These dissertations require extensive research to create a compelling report and contribute to the student's confidence and satisfaction in the field of finance. Now, let's understand why these dissertations are so important and why choosing the right finance dissertation topics is crucial!

Why are Finance Dissertation Topics Important?

Choosing the dissertation topics for finance students is essential as it will influence the course of your research. It determines the direction and scope of your study. You must make sure that the finance dissertation topics you choose are relevant to your field of interest. Here are a few reasons why finance thesis topics are important:

1. Relevance

Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in finance. Choosing a dissertation topic relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area.

2. Personal Interest

Selecting finance dissertation topics that align with your interests and career goals is vital. When genuinely passionate about your research area, you are more likely to stay motivated during the dissertation process. Your interest will drive you to explore the subject thoroughly and produce high-quality work.

3. Future Opportunities

Well-chosen finance dissertation topics can open doors to various future opportunities. They can enhance your employability by showcasing your expertise in a specific finance area. They may also lead to potential research collaborations and invitations to conferences in your field of interest.

4. Academic Supervision

Your choice of topics for dissertation in finance also influences the availability of academic supervisors with expertise in your chosen area. Selecting a well-defined research area increases the likelihood of finding a supervisor to guide you effectively throughout the dissertation. Their knowledge and guidance will greatly contribute to the success of your research.

Writing Tips for Finance Dissertation

Writing a dissertation requires a lot of planning, formatting, and structuring. It starts with deciding on topics for a dissertation in finance, conducting tons of research, deciding on methods, and so on. Below are some tips to assist you along the way, and here is a blog on the 10 tips on writing a dissertation that can give you more information, should you need it!

1. Select a Manageable Topic

It is important to choose finance research topics within the given timeframe and resources. Select a research area that interests you and aligns with your career goals. This will help you stay inspired throughout the dissertation process.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review forms the backbone of your research. After choosing the finance dissertation topics, dive deep into academic papers, books, and industry reports. Gain a solid understanding of your chosen area to identify research gaps and establish the significance of your study.

3. Define Clear Research Objectives

Clearly define your dissertation's research questions and objectives. It will provide a clear direction for your research and guide your data collection, analysis, and overall structure. Ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

4. Collect and Analyse Data

Depending on your research methodology and your finance dissertation topics, collect and analyse relevant data to support your findings. It may involve conducting surveys, interviews, experiments, and analysing existing datasets. Choose appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative methods to derive meaningful insights from your data.

5. Structure and Organization

Pay attention to the structure and organisation of your dissertation. Follow a logical progression of chapters and sections, ensuring that each chapter contributes to the overall coherence of your study. Use headings, subheadings, and clear signposts to guide the reader through your work.

6. Proofread and Edit

Once you have completed the writing process, take the time to proofread and edit your dissertation carefully. Check for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported, and eliminate any inconsistencies or repetitions. Pay attention to formatting, citation styles, and consistency in referencing throughout your dissertation.

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Finance Dissertation Topics

Now that you know what a finance dissertation is and why they are important, it's time to have a look at some of the best finance dissertation topics. For your convenience, we have segregated these topics into categories, including cryptocurrency, risk management, internet banking, and so many more. So, let's dive right in and explore the best finance dissertation topics:

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Cryptocurrency

1. The Impact of Regulatory Frameworks on the Volatility and Liquidity of Cryptocurrencies.

2. Exploring the Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Comparative Study.

3. Assessing the Efficiency and Market Integration of Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

4. An Analysis of the Relationship between Cryptocurrency Prices and Macroeconomic Factors.

5. The Role of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in Financing Startups: Opportunities and Challenges.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Risk Management

1. The Effectiveness of Different Risk Management Strategies in Mitigating Financial Risks in Banking Institutions.

2. The Role of Derivatives in Hedging Financial Risks: A Comparative Study.

3. Analysing the Impact of Risk Management Practices on Firm Performance: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

4. The Use of Stress Testing in Evaluating Systemic Risk: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis.

5. Assessing the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Internet Banking

1. Customer Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Usage.

Enhancing Security in Internet Banking: Exploring Biometric Authentication Technologies.

2. The Impact of Mobile Banking Applications on Customer Engagement and Satisfaction.

3. Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Internet Banking Services in Emerging Markets.

4. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Customer Perception and Adoption of Internet Banking.

5. Fraud and Identity Theft are Accomplished via Internet Banking.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Microfinance

1. The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: A Comparative Study of Different Models.

2. Exploring the Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.

3. Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries.

4. The Effectiveness of Microfinance in Promoting Rural Development: Evidence from a Specific Region.

5. Analysing the Relationship between Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Retail and Commercial Banking

1. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Retail and Commercial Banking: A Case Study of a Specific Bank.

2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Retail Banking: An Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions.

3. Analysing the Relationship between Bank Branch Expansion and Financial Performance.

4. The Role of Fintech Startups in Disrupting Retail and Commercial Banking: Opportunities and Challenges.

5. Assessing the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Performance of Retail and Commercial Banks.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Alternative Investment

1. The Performance and Risk Characteristics of Hedge Funds: A Comparative Analysis.

2. Exploring the Role of Private Equity in Financing and Growing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

3. Analysing the Relationship between Real Estate Investments and Portfolio Diversification.

4. The Potential of Impact Investing: Evaluating the Social and Financial Returns.

5. Assessing the Risk-Return Tradeoff in Cryptocurrency Investments: A Comparative Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to International Affairs

1. The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

2. Analysing the Effectiveness of Capital Controls in Managing Financial Crises: Comparative Study of Different Countries.

3. The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Economic Development in Developing Countries.

4. Evaluating the Implications of Trade Wars on Global Financial Markets.

5. Assessing the Role of Central Banks in Managing Financial Stability in a Globalised Economy.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Sustainable Finance

1. The Impact of Sustainable Investing on Financial Performance.

2. The Role of Green Bonds in Financing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

3. The Development of Carbon Markets.

4. The Use of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors in Investment Decision-Making.

5. The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Finance in Emerging Markets.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Investment Banking

1. The Valuation of Distressed Assets.

2. The Pricing of Derivatives.

3. The Risk Management of Financial Institutions.

4. The Regulation of Investment Banks.

5. The Impact of Technology on the Investment Banking Industry.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Actuarial Science

1. The Development of New Actuarial Models for Pricing Insurance Products.

2. The Use of Big Data in Actuarial Analysis.

3. The Impact of Climate Change on Insurance Risk.

4. The Design of Pension Plans That Are Sustainable in the Long Term.

5. The Use of Actuarial Science to Manage Risk in Other Industries, Such as Healthcare and Finance.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Corporate Finance

1. Study the Relations Between Corporate Governance Structures and Financial Performance

2. Testing the Effects of Capital Structure on Firm Performance Across Different Industries

3. Effectiveness of Financial Management Practices in Emerging Markets

4. Integrating Sustainability and CSR Initiatives Impacts a Corporation’s Financial Performance and Enhances its Brand Reputation.

5. A Comparative Study of the Financing Strategies Employed in Mergers and Acquisitions.

Tips To Find Good Finance Dissertation Topics 

Embarking on a dissertation report on finance topics journey requires careful consideration of various factors. Your choice of topic in finance research topics is pivotal, as it sets the stage for the entire research process. We suggest the following tips that can help you pick the perfect dissertation topic:

1. Identify your interests and strengths 

2. Check for current relevance

3. Feedback from your superiors

4. Finalise the research methods

5. Gather the data

6. Work on the outline of your dissertation

7. Make a draft and proofread it

Lastly, we have discussed the importance of finance thesis topics and provided valuable writing tips and tips for finding the right topic. We have also presented a list of thesis topics for finance students within various subfields. With this, we hope you have great ideas for finance dissertations. Good luck with your finance research journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Finance Dissertation Topics Examples List (37 Ideas) For Research Students

Mark May 29, 2017 Jun 5, 2020 Finance No Comments

Before giving away a list of finance dissertation topics examples, let me give you a brief overview of what is finance. Finance can be described as the study of investments. It is a combination of two interrelated activities – how money is handled and the process of obtaining the funds required. In a brief way, […]

Finance dissertation topics examples

Before giving away a list of finance dissertation topics examples, let me give you a brief overview of what is finance.

Finance can be described as the study of investments. It is a combination of two interrelated activities - how money is handled and the process of obtaining the funds required. In a brief way, you can call it the science of money management. To operate smoothly, individuals, companies, and the government units are needed to have funds. To acquire that fund, the financial institution estimates the price of assets based on risk level involved along with the expected rate of return.

Also check our corporate finance topics post for more options.

Finance Dissertation Topics Selection Areas

Students pursuing MBA with finance as major usually find it difficult to choose dissertation topics for MBA finance. Finance is a vast field and can be attached with banking and accounting as major subjects. That is why; students also search for dissertation topics in banking and finance and dissertation topics for accounting and finance. There are so many areas you can explore to create topics for your finance dissertation. We have generated a list of areas you can choose to make some good finance dissertation topics. The list follows;

  • Financial Management
  • Global Finance
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Investment Banking
  • Privatisation
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Risk Management
  • Finance Portfolios
  • Share Prices
  • Capital Investment
  • Financial Planning
  • Microfinance
  • Financial Crisis
  • Banking Industry

Finance Dissertation Topics Examples List

Either you are an undergraduate student, doing your MBA, or about to start your PhD; following finance dissertation topics examples can help you to make your own dissertation topic on finance.

Cognitive moral development theory and moral maturity of accounting and finance professionals.

Cooperation and opportunism in venture capital financed companies.

Gender and development through western eyes: an analysis of microfinance as the west's solution to third world women, poverty, and neoliberalism.

A multi-factor quadratic stochastic volatility model with applications in finance and insurance.

A quantitative study describing the impact of innovation-related investment and management performance on corporate financial returns.

American venture capital in a Post-American world: the role of firm resources and capabilities in U.S. Cross-border venture capital investment.

Approaches to efficient investment in nonpoint source pollution management -- a municipal perspective.

Asset levels of service-based decision support system for municipal infrastructure investment.

Bank community development corporation investments in community economic development.

Barriers to credit and investment to minority business entrepreneurs: an investigation in the Rockford, Illinois, metropolitan statistical area.

Exploring opportunities and obstacles for foreign direct investment in Pakistan's energy sector.

The impact of Saudi economic reform on FDI (foreign direct investment).

Effects of foreign direct investment on economic growth: a case study of Nigeria.

Can microfinance institutions reach the poorest of the poor and accomplish financial sustainability at the same time?

Access to finance for SMEs in the UK: how do SMEs meet their needs for finance at the start-up stage and beyond, given their exclusion from the capital markets?

Using Derivatives for Hedging and Increasing Firms’ Value.

Identifying and Quantifying High Probability Trading Strategies in the Foreign Exchange: Key Success Factors.

Optimizing the Supply Chain Finance in Banking for Increasing the Efficiency.

Advantages and Risks Associated with Portfolio Optimization: A Case Study of United Kingdom.

The Relationship Between Investor’s Sentiment and Stock Volatility: A Case Study of China and USA.

The Concept and Outcome of Management Audit.

Effect of Financial Crisis on the Real Estate in Dubai.

Effect of Financial Crisis on the Sustainability of Home Ownership In U.K.

Do Muslims in U.K Prefer Islamic Banking Over Non-Islamic Banking?

Impact of Trade Tariffs Imposed by European Union (Foreign Economies) on Pakistan's Agriculture Exports.

Rationales for FDI and the Role of FDI in Enhancing Development in Third World Countries.

Financial Risks Faced by a Business in Modern Business Environment.

Determinants of Capital Structure and Dividend Policy.

Microfinance in the Developing Country: The Awareness and the Impacts of its Financial Services to the Low Income Group – A Case Study of Malaysia.

Advantages and Risks Linked with Portfolio Maximization.

Insurable Interest as a Requirement for the Insurance Contracts.

Influence of Industry and Firm Characteristics on the Capital Structure of Small Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Hong Kong.

Impact of BREXIT on the Foreign Investment of United Kingdom.

Maximizing the Supply Chain Finance in Banking for Increasing the Efficiency.

Analysis of Asymmetric Information and Market Interest.

Effect of Capital Structure on the Stock Returns in the Petrochemical Industry: A Strategic Approach.

Can't find any of the above-stated topics interesting? No problem, we don't want you to leave our website empty-handed. If you have finance dissertation titles in mind and want someone to help you modify or unable to think of a topic of your interest at all, let us help you with it with our topic consultation service.

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Dissertation Topic in Finance


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 11, 2024

Dissertation Topics in Finance- MBA, Banking, Accounting Projects-04 (1)

Also known as the study of investments, Finance is a combination of two interrelated subjects – how money is handled and the process of obtaining money. One of the reasons why postgraduate students struggle with their Finance dissertation topics is that they do not spend enough time planning it. It is important for students to be extremely careful while writing a finance dissertation as it contributes a lot to their respective degrees. This blog provides you with the best topics, a dissertation structure, and more. 

This Blog Includes:

What is a finance dissertation, why finance dissertation topics are important, tips to find excellent dissertation topics on finance, writing tips for finance dissertation, how to plan your work on a finance dissertation, how to structure a finance dissertation, finance dissertation general topics , topics related to india, mba dissertation topics, banking dissertation topics , accounting dissertation topics, research project example, final consideration and conclusion.

Finance dissertations, as the name implies, are pieces of writing that study a certain finance topic chosen by the student. The subjects covered include anything from the stock market to banking and risk management to healthcare finance. This dissertation gives the student academic self-assurance and personal happiness in the subject of finance. Finance writing necessitates substantial research in order to produce a compelling report.

The majority of students have no idea why finance dissertation themes are so crucial. However, put yourself in the shoes of your lecturer. You’ve already read hundreds of theses. The majority of them covered the same ground — issues that you’re already tired of hearing about. Then there’s a topic with a distinct, intriguing theme. Something that piques your interest and entices you to read more. Wouldn’t you give those pupils some extra credit? You’d do it! This is why there are so many fantastic finance dissertation topics. You can get extra points for your efforts. The topic of your paper might mean the difference between a good and a terrific grade.

It’s difficult to come up with anything unique and interesting. There are, nevertheless, ways to come up with interesting ideas. Here are a few pointers on how to locate them:

  • Read a fantastic finance dissertation and find for areas where further study is needed.
  • Go to the library and read a couple theses to get some ideas.
  • Inquire with a writing agency about some ideas from one of their professional dissertation writers.
  • In writing forums and blogs, ask for assistance. If you ask gently, people will give you some excellent suggestions.
  • Look for ideas on the internet, but don’t use them exactly as they are. Make them distinctive by changing them.
  • Talk to other students who are working on their dissertations and find out what other ideas they had before settling on the present topic.
  • Narrow down your topic : Your financial topic should be narrowed down to a certain niche. It should concentrate on a single area, such as microfinance, microfinance, or online banking.
  • Verify your facts: Finance is a topic that requires a great deal of logical analysis of statistical data. As a result, double-check facts and statistics using credible sources before using them in your paper.
  • Write concisely: You should condense a financial paper into a tight, succinct work, unlike other papers with extended narrative narratives. At this length, the adage of ‘short is sweet’ theoretically applies.
  • Arrange your data neatly: A report that is crammed with numbers and graphs may turn off a reader at first glance. Know how and when to utilise your data for a great financial thesis.
  • Write simply: Avoid using jargon that might be confusing to a non-technical reader. When technical terminology are required, utilise accessible examples to convey them. In a finance dissertation, simplicity is king. So make good use of it.

Dissertation submission is very important to obtain a PG Degree. You are supposed to submit the work by the end of your study course, so by the last year of your degree, you may have got enough ideas and problems dealing with finance. While starting with a finance dissertation topic you should always remember that the purpose of a Finance Dissertation is to demonstrate your research ability, how you analyze specific data and come up with a conclusion. Mentioned below is a step to step guide for you to start working with:

Step 1 : Choose a relevant and interesting topic for your research

Step 2 : Discuss and receive feedback from your supervisor

Step 3 : Finalise the research methods to prove the significance of the selected topic

Step 4 : Gather the required data from relevant sources

Step 5 : Conduct the research and analyse the acquired results

Step 6 : Work on the outline of your dissertation

Step 7 : Make a draft and proofread it. Discuss with your advisors if any changes are to be made

Step 8 : Make the required corrections. 

Step 9 : Draft the final dissertation

Also Read: Check out the Top Course in Finance

There are so many different ways you can structure your dissertation. But the most common and universally accepted way is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Analysis of the data and Significance/Implications of the acquired results

Also Read: Executive MBA in Finance

Finance Dissertation Topics

Finance is an extensive field, you can explore a lot of areas related to finance to choose a dissertation topic. Here we’ve mentioned the best finance dissertation topics to make it easier for you:

Mentioned below are some of the topics related to the recent issues in the world:

  • The negative impact of microfinance in developing countries.
  • The effects of population growth on economic growth in China
  • Cryptocurrency: Are we ready to digitalise the monetary world?
  • Analyzing the financial statements of VISA and MasterCard
  • Why do banks oppose digital currency?
  • Risks and benefits associated with digital money transferring technology

Also Read: Top MBA course to pursue

  • Investing in India’s technology sector – obstacles and opportunities
  • Foreign investment and its effects on economic growth in India
  • The effect of corporation investments in the economic development of the community
  • Comparing financial development in Asia and Europe
  • Did the banks help Small Medium Enterprises to grow in India in the last 5 years?
  • The Indian Economic Crisis of 1991

Best MBA Dissertation Topics

Be careful while choosing an MBA Dissertation Topic as it involves more intense study. Make sure the topic you’ve chosen remains within your field of study. We’ve listed some of the best topics you can choose for an MBA Dissertation:

  • Management skills an entrepreneur need
  • The place of communication for effective management in the workplace
  • How technology took over management
  • The impact of good leadership in an organization
  • How does a strong social media presence affect a company’s marketing strategies?
  • Human resource management in non-profit organizations
  • The importance of employee motivation programs on productivity
  • Management’s socio-cultural background and how it influences leadership relationships
  • How do employment benefits impact employee and company’s productivity?
  • Business team performance in multinational corporations

Best Finance Universities in the USA

  • Study on Future Options in Markets in India
  • Gold as an Investable Commodity in India
  • Study on Impact Of Corruption On FDI Inflows In India
  • The Impact Of The Money Supply On Economic Growth In India
  • Capital Structure Of The Business Enterprises In Delhi NCR
  • GST And Its Effect on MNC Manufacturing Companies
  • Analysis of the Insurance Industry in India
  • Analysis of HDFC Bank Finance
  • Comparative analysis of HDFC Bank with ICICI bank
  • Comparison of Market Share in Public Sector Banks VS Private Sector Banks
  • The impact of online banking on the world.
  • Risk factors and security issues that are inherent in online banking.
  • Fraud and identity theft is accomplished via internet banking.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of internet banking for consumers.
  • Risk management in investment banking
  • The rise of growing banking sectors in developing nations.
  • Issues surrounding banking in China’s growing economy.
  • The impact of the Federal Reserve on the United States and global economy
  • Banking and asset-liability in management.
  • The strategies to use online banking technology to attract customers.

All you need to know about  a Banking Course 

  • Case study of the impact of industry and public knowledge on the market share index’s fluctuation
  • Significance of auditing for large corporations
  • Examining India’s country’s tax scheme
  • What to consider when investing in financial markets?
  • From an accounting perspective, risk-taking in companies and its effects
  • Evaluate the differences and similarities between external and internal auditors
  • Can taxation be considered a human rights policy? Analyse the problem
  • What are the consequences of India’s current tax structure on individuals with a lower income?

Accounting courses

We’ve included a Finance Dissertation Research Example with reference to a Finance Dissertation Structure:

  • The Indian Economic Crisis of 1991 – The title of your Finance Dissertation must focus on your research objective.
  • Abstract  – The 1991 Indian economic crisis was…………….. imports and other external factors. The abstract part must include a summary of the research problem or objective of the research, the research design and a summary of the results.
  • Introduction – The introduction must reflect your research on the Indian Economic Crisis of 1991 in a way that the audience already gets to know what the research is going to include. 

           3.1 Background (background of the study) 

           3.2 Problem Statement (significance of the problem in context)

           3.3 Purpose/Research Questions (What caused the Crisis, how was the crisis revived etc.)

  • Review of Literature – The Review of Literature Section must include a theoretical rationale of the problem, the importance of the study, and the significance of the results.
  • Methodology – The Methodology Section must include the description of the subjects, research methods used in the data collection and any limitations issues involved.
  • Significance/Implications (Results of the Discussion)

*Please note that the above-mentioned structure is only for your reference to get an idea of writing a Finance Dissertation.

Choosing the right topic for your Finance dissertation to plan the work, all the above-mentioned aspects must be given equal importance. This blog has included the best dissertation topic in finance in MBA, accounting, and banking you can choose while writing a dissertation.

Finance research papers and dissertations should be prepared in a way that answers the core question while also being relevant to the remainder of the study. For example, if the dissertation’s major question is “what is the link between foreign exchange rates and the interest rates of a specific country,” the dissertation should provide suitable illustrations to help illustrate the topic. It should also go through the major and minor concerns that are relevant to this topic. Furthermore, utilise proper language to ensure that the article is readily understood by readers. The overall purpose of the project is to produce a well-written, well-researched, and well-supported dissertation.

It takes around 2 years to complete an MBA in India while 1 year to complete a full-time MBA in other countries.

A finance dissertation must be 100-300 pages long.

It takes around 5 years to obtain a Doctorate in Finance.

Hopefully, this blog assisted you in finding out your finance dissertation topics and structure for your course. If you require any assistance regarding your application process while enrolling for your further studies, our experts at Leverage Edu are just one click away. Call us anytime at 1800 572 000 for a free counselling session!

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Damanpreet Kaur Vohra

Daman is an author with profound expertise in writing engaging and informative content focused on EdTech and Study Abroad. With a keen understanding of these domains, Daman excels at creating complex concepts into accessible, reader-friendly material. With a proven track record of insightful articles, Daman stands as a reliable source for providing content for EdTech and Study Abroad.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Important thesis topic in finance.

  • Impact of privatization on non-performing loans of banks in (country name)
  • Risk assessment and decision making in business and industry
  • Impact of awareness on the choice of short-term financing (A case study of yarn merchants)
  • Impact of privatization on profitability & capital employment of stated owned enterprises in (country name)
  • Enterprise risk management (an essential process for sustainable profit and growth)
  • Audit fee expense and size of the company in (country name)
  • Determinants of capital structure in cement industry of (country name)
  • Impact of gross loan portfolio on microfinance value saving comparison between microfinance institutions and microfinance banks
  • Impact of interest rate on stock market
  • A study based on the effects of interest rate on share price
  • Comparison of micro finance institutions, micro-finance banks and micro finance institutions and development of entrepreneurial skills
  • Empowering women though microfinance
  • Banking and currency crisis causality from banks crises to currency crises
  • Patronage factors of Islamic banking system in (country name)
  • Analysis of profitability of banks: comparative study of domestic & foreign banks in (country name)
  • Financial exclusion: market versus self-driven causes
  • A study on the inhibitions experienced by existing and non-existing users towards online banking in (country name)
  • Correlation study between measures of financial performance of banks in (country name)
  • Comparative study of credit scoring methods between local and foreign banks of (country name)
  • Market interest rate and commercial bank profitability in (country name)
  • Determinants of corporate dividend payout policy
  • Effects of free cash flow on profitability of firms
  • Fundamentals and stock return: Empirical study of cement industry in (country name)
  • Relationship between stock prices and rupee dollar parity in (country name)
  • The relation of credit risk rating with financial ratios in (country name)
  • Factor influencing individual investor behavior: the case of the stock exchange (e.g. New York Stock Exchange)
  • Determinant of dividend payout ratio: A study of fertilizer sector
  • Fundamentals and stock returns in (country name)
  • The differential impact of Islamic banking on car loans and house financing through banks in (country name)
  • A study on relationship between stock market development and economic growth in (country name)
  • Effects of mergers and acquisition in banking sector of (country name)
  • Impact of privatization of banks on profitability
  • The impact of interest rate risk on the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks
  • Relationship between cash flow and capital spending in pharmaceutical industry of (country name)
  • Effect of fund size on mutual fund performance
  • Comparison of financial performance in banking sector
  • Determinants of capital structure: A study of sugar and allied sector of (country name)
  • Can risk aversion indicator anticipate financial crises
  • Cash flow and capital spending relationship: evidence from automobile sector
  • Targeting consumer segment: A sustainable growth for mutual funds
  • Relating risk factors with contemporary distribution channels
  • Impact of privatization on profitability and efficiency of banks in (country name)
  • Money supply chain and stock prices
  • A comparative study between micro-finance banks, micro-finance institutions and rural support programs in creating self-employment in (country name)
  • Validating of CAPM in predicting stock prices at stock exchange (e.g. New York Stock Exchange)
  • Fundamental variables and stock return: evidence from sugar and allied sector of (country name)
  • Which is better indicator of stock returns? Sales price, debt equity, book market or firm size
  • Mutual fund characteristics and its performance in (country name)
  • Debt and equity choice for funds
  • Capital investment and stock return
  • To study the relationship between price earning ratio and return on investment
  • A test of price earning ratio to predict future growths
  • Factors affect on the dividend payout ratio
  • To study relationship between price earning ratio and growth
  • Relationship between market factors and stock returns of sugar and allied industries of (country name)
  • To investigate the association between dividend change and company’s earning in chemical industry of (country name)
  • Determinants of capital structure in automobile sector of (country name)
  • Fund size and indicator of performance measurement for fixed income mutual fund
  • Factors that lead to investment in mutual funds
  • Predicting stock price via dividend discount model a study over cement sector
  • Impact of macro-economic variables on stock sector of (country name)
  • Performance evaluation of mutual funds in (country name)
  • Comparison between sales price, debt-equity and book market value of equity in analyzing stock returns
  • Relationship between cash flow and investment spending in textile industry
  • A test of price earning ratio to predict growth
  • Effects of free cash flow on investment of firms
  • An empirical analysis of long-run performance of IPO’s in (country name)
  • Financial leverage and investment policy
  • Composition of board of directors and its impact on firm’s performance
  • Impact of taxation on firm’s dividend payout/ratio
  • Customer satisfaction in Ijara financing
  • Impact of acquisitions and mergers on firm performance in FMCG sectors
  • Share price volatility explicated by fundamental
  • Stock price and economic variables (interest rate, inflation and GDP)
  • Determinants of P/E ratio
  • Impact of capital structure on profitability
  • Impact of interest rate changes on banks’ profitability
  • Relationships of stock market returns and rate of inflation
  • Dividend policy and stock price volatility
  • Determinants of capital structure in case of pharmaceutical sector
  • The impact of leverage on stock return
  • Fundamentals that predict the mutual fund performance: case of (country name)
  • Effect of different characteristics that leads to mergers and acquisitions
  • Factors effecting leverage in textile industry of (country name)
  • Effects of liquidity crisis on bank’s profitability
  • Relationship between free cash flows and investment in cement sector of (country name)
  • Impact of working capital on firm’s profitability: study of textile sector of (country name)
  • The relationship between corporate strategy and capital structure
  • Assessing the profitability determinants of Islamic banking in (country name)
  • Turnover as predictor of inflation
  • Impact of dividend on investment decision
  • Relationship between Assets and Liabilities in balance sheet
  • Impact of fiscal policy on economy of (country name)
  • Determinants of bond market capitalization in (country name)
  • Relationship between CPI and bond price
  • Determinants of capital structure in chemical industry in (country name)
  • Determinants of financial development
  • Impact of privatization on telecom
  • Impact of corporate social responsibility on firm’s financial performance


thesis topic for finance student in nepal

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It is very helpful information! In the event that you think writing a Ph.D. research proposal in finance is an exceptionally hard task then you are not mixed up. You would barely need to spend a couple of hours consistently for a week or something like that. When you know the means of the procedure at that point writing a research proposal will end up plainly straightforward and simple. There is a specific procedure for writing a research proposal. The paper ought to be straightforward and obviously expressed giving the peruser a legitimate thought on what the research is about and what are its destinations. It will likewise expend less energy when the work is researched and written in a composed way.

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The article is interesting. The advancement of your thesis finance topics is your first chance to grandstand your work. You should intend to deliver a presentation which should one half an hour minutes and focuses on your discoveries and suggestions. This is the opportunity to grandstand all that time and exertion you have put into your theory before the defense counsel, which generally incorporates three individuals and an outside commentator. The defense might be an essential advance in the dissertation getting the ready process and albeit open talking may appear to be threatening, the defense furnishes you with the chance to impart your exploration to peers and different individuals from the scholarly group on the loose.

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Home > Museums and Research Centers > Nepal Study Center > Himalayan Research Papers

Himalayan Research Papers Archive

Submissions from 2023 2023.

A Chinese Fallacy of Communist Lynchpin and American Retort in Nepal , Ashis Adhikary

Current Developmental Challenges in Nepal: How Can The Diaspora Help? , Ambika P. Adhikari

Promoting Urban Farming for Creating Sustainable Cities in Nepal , Keshav Bhattarai and Ambika P. Adhikari

Reframing the Buffer State in Contemporary International Relations: Nepal’s Relations with India and China , Bibek Chand

Re-situating the Buffer State in International Relations: Nepal’s Relations with India and China , Bibek Chand

State of Urbanization in Nepal: The Official Definition and Reality , Keshav Bhattarai, Ambika P. Adhikari, and Shiva Gautam

Submissions from 2022 2022

An Anatomy of Nepal's Remarkable Export Decline , Rishi Sharma

A Review of Environmental Vulnerabilities Related to Nepal’s Graduation Process from Least Developed to a Developing Country Status , Ambika P. Adhikari, Keshav Bhattarai, and Basu Sharma

A Review of Nepali Diaspora and their Role in Nepal’s Development and Lessons for Developing Countries , Ambika P. Adhikari

Effect of COVID 19 pandemic on Pharmaceutical Industry in terms of Inventory and Logistics Management , Shubhabrata Basu and Rimu Chaudhuri

Hegemonic Instability? India’s Himalayan Hegemony in Theoretical and Historical Perspective , Philip Hultquist Ph.D. and Prakash Adhikari Ph.D.

Minimizing surface run-off, improving underground water recharging, and on-site rain harvesting in the Kathmandu valley , Ambika P. Adhikari and Keshav Bhattarai

Nature Of Health Insurance Demand In India , Brijesh C. Purohit Ph.D

Summary report of discussions at the forum “Nepali Diaspora Organizations in North America: Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges”, Coppell, Texas, USA July 2022 , Ambika P. Adhikari

The Continuation of Civil War by Other Means? Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Nepal, Supplemental Materials , Prakash Adhikari Ph.D., Wendy L. Hansen Ph.D., and Adnan Shahid

The Vortex: A True Story of History's Deadliest Storm, an Unspeakable War, and Liberation , Jason Miklian

Submissions from 2021 2021

An Impact Evaluation of COVID-19 Training Program: Knowledge and Awareness of Public Health Professionals of Province Five, Nepal , Alok K. Bohara, Swati Thapa, Siobhan K. Yilmaz, and Spencer H. McBee

Climate Change and Community Resilience , Mani Nepal, Pranab Mukhopadhyay Dr., Md Rumi Shammin Dr., and AK Enamul Haque Dr.

Colonial Institutions and Civil War Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India , Shivaji Mukherjee

The Economics of Solid Waste Management and Drainage: A Sustainable Approach for Making South Asian Cities Climate-Resilient , Mani Nepal

Towards Creating Smart Cities in Nepal , Ambika P. Adhikari and Keshav Bhattarai

Submissions from 2020 2020

Covid-19 Pandemic and Nepal: Issues and Perspectives , Basu Sharma and Ambika P. Adhikari

Forest carbon stock assessment in selected red panda habitats in Ilam and Panchthar districts, Nepal , Trilochana Basnet, Niroj Timalsina, Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, Damber Bista, Basant Pant, Bhaskar Singh Karky, and Kai Windhorst

Issues and Perspective on the Covid-19 and Nepal: An Introduction , Ambika P. Adhikari and Basu Sharma

Sustainability, Urban Planning and Development: Sustainable and Self-Reliant Urban Development in Post- Pandemic Nepal , Ambika P. Adhikari and Keshav Bhattarai

Urban Development in Nepal and the Impacts of Covid-19 , Ambika P. Adhikari and Keshav Bhattarai

Value of cleaner neighborhoods: Application of hedonic price model in low income context , Mani Nepal and Rajesh K. Rai

Submissions from 2019 2019

A Pilot Study on Adolescent Mobile Phone Use, Indirect Mental Health Costs and Cultural Context Considerations – REPORT , Siobhan K. Yilmaz and Alok Bohara

Conference Summary Report, International Conference Role of Nepali Diaspora in Higher Education in Nepal , Ambika P. Adhikari, Govinda P. Dahal, Basu Sharma, and Dinesh Gajurel

Diaspora’s Role in Nepal’s Development: Summary of the Forum held at the Nepali National Convention. Baltimore, MD, USA. July 5-7, 2019 , Ambika P. Adhikari, Diwakar Dahal, and Rajendra Khatiwada

Sino-Indian Relations and EU Development Policies in Post-Conflict Nepal , Bibek Chand

Submissions from 2017 2017

Challenging Hegemonic Gender Norms through STEM Education in Nepal , Todd Wallenius and Barbara Grossman-Thompson

Disaster Relief as a Political Tool: Analysing Indian and Chinese Responses after the Nepal Earthquakes , Bibek Chand

The Effect of School Construction on Educational Outcomes among Females: Evidence from Nepal , Animesh Giri and Vinish Shrestha

Violence Against Children in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp: Reporting and Perceptions Across Generations , Erin K. Fletcher, Seth R. Gitter, and Savannah Wilhelm

Submissions from 2016 2016

Extension Service and Farm Productivity in Nepalese Agriculture , Dadhi Adhikari and Naresh Nepal

Submissions from 2015 2015

Education, Health and Inequality: Schooling infrastructure and educational outcomes in Nepal , Vinish Shrestha

How are School Dropout Rates Related to Household Characteristics: Analysis of Survey Data from Bangladesh , Nusrat Farah

Implications of the Dragon’s Rise for South Asia: Assessing China’s Nepal Policy , Bibek Chand and Lukas Karl Danner

Labor market changes and human capital investment: Evidence from migration boom in Nepal , Rashesh Shrestha

Sustainable Livelihood Systems in Nepal: Principles, Practices and Prospects , Ambika P. Adhikari, Govinda P. Dahal, Ishara Mahat, Bishwa Regmi, Kalidas Subedi, and Bharat Shrestha (eds.)

Submissions from 2014 2014

Reversing the Flood of Forced Displacement: Shedding Light on Important Determinants of Return Migration , Prakash Adhikari Ph.D. and Wendy L. Hansen Ph.D.

Submissions from 2013 2013

Can Improved Cooking Stoves Work? The Nepal Chulo Experience , Dipika Gawande, Bijendra Shrestha, and Amarsingh Gawande

Household-level Effects of Electricity on Income , Brandon Bridge, Dadhi Adhikari, and Matías Fontenla

Submissions from 2012 2012

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Children: Does Mothers' Demand for Antenatal Care Matter for Child Health in Nepal? , Nafisa Halim

Papers, Abstracts, and Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference , Vijaya R. Sharma, Mukti P. Upadhyay, Jeffry Drope, Naresh Nepal, and Alok Bohara

Submissions from 2011 2011

Building Community 'Gegran' Beneficiary Group: a case of Lothar Khola Watershed Chitwan, Central Nepal , Ramesh M. Tuladhar

Effectiveness of Some Local Baits for the Managment of Hornets in Apiaries of Kathmandu Valley , Chet Prasad Bhatta and Aananda Shova Tamrakar

Submissions from 2010 2010

An Opportunity to improve Service Delivery in Nepal through Local Governance , Yam Sharma and Abd Muwonge

A Proposal for an Open University of Nepal for Providing Higher Education to the Rural and Marginalized People , Pramod Dhakal, Ambika Adhikari, and Drona Rasali

Conflict Resolution and Institutional Arrangements for Flood Disaster Management on Indo Nepal Fringe: Focus on Kosi Basin , NMP Verma

Economic Growth and Human Development in South Asia: Experience of Selected Countries , Ranjit Singh Ghuman and Amarjit S. Bhullar

Economics of Sedimentation Management in Large Reservoirs , Biswo Poudel

Geographic Isolation and Poverty among Indigenous Peoples in Nepal , Gyanesh Lama, Marth N. Ozawa, and Palsang Lama

Impact of Industrial Environment on Socio-economic Conditions of Mine Workers: A study of Coal Industries in Odisha , Abhaya K. Naik and Krupasindh Pradhan

Local people's perception on Climate Change, its impact and adaptation practices in Himalaya to Terai regions of Nepal , Krishna R. Tiwari, Kashab D. Awasthi, Mohan K. Balla, and Bishal K. Sitaula

Media Contribution in Transfer of Power in Nepal , Binod C. Agrawal

Micro-level Estimation and Decomposition of Poverty and Inequality in Nepal , Mani Nepal and Alok Bohara

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and Economic Development of Odisha , Krupasindh Pradhan and Santosh Kumar Munda

Moving out of Chronic Poverty: Community Level Study on Poverty over the Time , S.A.N.C. Samaraweera and N.R. Abeynayake

Prospects of a Trilateral Trans-Himalayan Economic Cooperation Agreement (THECA): China, Nepal, and India , Alok K. Bohara

Protection and comparative advantage of rice production in Bangladesh: A policy analysis matrix , Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam and Dieter Kirschke

Swine Flu: A Preliminary Study of the Planning and Policy of Nepal to Combat the H1N1 Pandemic , Rojee Rajbanshi

The Economic Cost of Health Problems due to Indoor Air Pollution at the Household Level in Tamil Nad , B.P. Chandramohan, T.K.S. Villalan, and S. Karthikeyan

Use of Modern Technology in Rural Development — A case study of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in Odisha , Abhaya K. Naik and Sukhamaya Swain

Submissions from 2009 2009

E-Prostitutions and its Impact in Society , Rashida Valika

Experience of Nepali Families with Foreign Remittance: Evidence from the Nepal Living Standard Survey , Udaya R. Wagle

Submissions from 2008 2008

Bullets, Ballots and Bounty: Maoist Victory in the Twenty-first Century, Nepal , Mahendra Lawoti

Cooperative Federal Structure: A Workable Political-economy Approach for a New Nepal , Alok Bohara

Determinants of Awareness and Usage of Best Available Local Maternal and Child Health Care Facility by Women in a Selected Rural Area of Nepal , Vijaya R. Sharma and Tirshana Sharma

Determinants of Deforestation in Nepal's Central Development Region , Keshav Bhattarai

Factors Affecting Application of New Public Management Oriented Reforms for Reforming Nepalese Public Administration , Bharat Raj Gautam

Faithful Leisure, Faithful Work: Religious Practice as an Act of Consumption in Nepal , Charis Boke

Financial Management of the Small Municipalities of Nepal: Sustainability Issues , Mahesh Baral

Heritage Conservation in Nepal: Policies, Stakeholders and Challenges , Neel Kamal Chapagain

Natural Disaster and Sickness Shocks: Evidence of Informal Social Insurance from Bangladesh , Pallab Mozumder

POLITICAL CONFLICT AND MIGRATION: How has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal? , Nathalie Williams and Meeta S. Pradhan

Reproductive Health Services: An Entry Point to Reach Labor Migrants and Their Wives for Providing HIV and STI Services in Nepal , Laxmi Bilas Acharya

Rural Poverty Analysis: A case study of a district of Nepal , Uddhab Bhandary

The Limits of Success? NGOs, Microfinance and Economic Development in Pakistans Northern Areas' , Feisal Khan

The Role of Land Reform in Reducing Poverty Across Nepal , Chandra Adhikari

Towards Developing Indicators of Environmental Sustainability for Kathmandu, Nepal , Ambika Prasad Adhikari

Submissions from 2007 2007

A Community Based Micro Hydro: A Promising Technology for Rural Development in Nepal , Bishwa Koirala

An Assessment of the Causes of Conflict in Nepal , Bishwa Nath Tiwari

Community based integrated natural resource management: Policy options and areas of intervention , Sabita Thapa, John Soussan, Dhruba Pant, Umesh Nath Parajuli, Khem Raj Sharma, and Binod Bhatta

Coping with Unreliable Water Supplies and Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supplies in Kathmandu, Nepal , Hari Katuwal and Alok Bohara

Domestic Health Hazard and Indoor Air-Pollution: An Approach to Find Alternative Energy Source for Rural Bangladesh to Minimize the Threat , Reazul S.M. Ahsan and Jinia Afrin

Economic Inequality in the Democratic' Nepal: Dimensions and Implications' , Udaya R. Wagle

Effects of Deforestation on Tree Diversity and Livelihoods of Local Community A Case Study from Nepal , Krishna Karkee

Identification of natural resources at watershed level: an initial step of mainstreaming of the Federal restructure in Nepal , Madan Koirala

Inequality, Polarization and Violent Conflict: The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal , Mani Nepal, Alok K. Bohara, and Kishore Gawande

Peoples Perceptions of Green Space Park in Pokhara, Nepal' , Murari Suvedi, Krishna Shrestha, Bishwo Kallyan Parajuli, and Padam Giri

Political Participation and Civic Literacy in Bajung: An Empirical Study with Correlation Analysis , Khadga K.C.

Political predictions in Nepal , Aditya Man Shrestha

Poverty, Inequality, Violent Conflict, and Welfare Loss: Micro-Level Evidence from Nepal , Mani Nepal

Prioritizing and Estimating Hydropower Project Construction Risks: A Case Study of Nyadi Hydropower Project , Kamalesh Panthi

Pursuing Democracy: Explaining Political Transitions in Nepal , Prakash Adhikari and James D. Timberlake

Recruiting Rebels: Indoctrination and Political Education in Nepal , Kristine Eck

"Retainer" Bureaucracy: An Impediment to the Process of Democratic Governance in Nepal , Sucheta Pyakuryal

Rural Vulnerability and Tea Plantation Migration in Eastern Nepal and Darjeeling , Sarah Besky

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Best Accounting And Finance Dissertation Topics

Hi everyone, is anyone here involved in education? I’m looking for advice on education a few days before I turn in my assignment because I’ve been worrying a lot lately about finishing it. I looked it up and found this list of “ accounting and finance dissertation topics .” Most of the people who responded suggested that I check out this online academy. Does anyone know about it?

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  1. PDF Thesis Topics (finance specialization)

    Thesis Topics (finance specialization) 1. Municipal Financial Management on Bharatpur Municipality 2. Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks in Nepal 3. Legal & regulatory framework for the projection of investor's rights 4. Corporate Governance in Financial Institution of Nepal 5. Bonus Share Practices in Nepalese Corporate Firms 6.

  2. Thesis Topics For MBS Students

    Thesis topics for MBS students - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document lists potential thesis topics in the areas of finance, marketing, and human resources (HR). In finance, topics relate to retirement plans, debt, risk management, corporate social responsibility, microfinance, and other financial concepts.

  3. Mbs final thesis

    The thesis analyzes the portfolio management of listed commercial banks in Nepal. ... Key points include: - The thesis allows students to integrate knowledge, conduct independent research, and develop research skills. ... This document lists 50 potential topics for an MBA thesis in finance. The topics cover a wide range of issues related to ...

  4. Thesis Topics for MBS Students in Nepalese Banking Sector

    1 Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shrestha [email protected] 98511-999-89 Tribhuvan University Faculty of Management Central Department of Management Research Committee Proposes the followings thesis topics for MBS students. 1. Impact of capital structure on profitability of commercial banks in Nepal 2. Calendar anomalies in Nepalese capital market 3. Impact of union on career development of employees ...

  5. PDF The Practice of Microfinance and Its Impact: a Case Study of Small

    A case study of Small farmer Co-operative Limited (SFCL)Baglung , Nepal And found the thesis to be the original work of the student and written according to the prescribed format. We recommend the thesis to be accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirement for Master degree of Business Studies (M.B.S.) Viva-Voice Sheet

  6. PDF Impact of Credit Performance on The

    Students are one of the important sections of the society. It is expected that this study report gives good insight to them, specifically to the students of business management and economics. Investors are good actors in the field of overall economy. They are much concerned with the risk and return of organizations.

  7. PDF Financial Performance Analysis of Finance Company in Nepal

    We have conducted the viva-voce examination of thesis Presented by: BISHNU BASNET Entitled: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF FINANCE COMPANY IN NEPAL and we found the thesis to be the original work of the student written according to the prescribed format. We recommended this thesis to be accepted as partial fulfillment of

  8. Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Nepal

    This thesis examines the determinants of financial performance of five commercial banks in Nepal - Nabil Bank, Standard Chartered Bank Nepal, Nepal Investment Bank, Everest Bank and Himalayan Bank. The study uses both financial and statistical analysis tools to analyze annual financial data from 2014 to 2018. Financial performance is measured using return on assets and return on equity as ...

  9. Topic For Dissertation Mbs

    The document lists proposed thesis topics for MBS students from the Research Committee of the Central Department of Management at Tribhuvan University's Faculty of Management. There are 122 proposed topics covering a wide range of subject areas related to business and management, including strategic planning, corporate social responsibility, human resource management, marketing, finance, and ...

  10. 50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

    Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in finance. Choosing a dissertation topic relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area. 2. Personal Interest.

  11. PDF Financial Literacy for Increasing Sustainable Access to Finance in Nepal

    total branches of banks and financial institutions, i.e. A, B, C, and D. The t. tal population of Nepal is 26494504 according to the census report 2011. According to the table, financial access in Bajura is low as there are very less branches of BFIs compared to the population there whereas fina.

  12. Finance Dissertation Topics Examples List (37 Ideas) For Research Students

    There are so many areas you can explore to create topics for your finance dissertation. We have generated a list of areas you can choose to make some good finance dissertation topics. The list follows; Financial Management. Global Finance. Foreign Direct Investment. Investment Banking. Privatisation. Corporate Strategy.

  13. Dissertation Topics in Finance

    Step 3: Finalise the research methods to prove the significance of the selected topic. Step 4: Gather the required data from relevant sources. Step 5: Conduct the research and analyse the acquired results. Step 6: Work on the outline of your dissertation. Step 7: Make a draft and proofread it.

  14. Financial Literacy in Nepal: A Survey Analysis from College Students

    Traditionally, people adopted the concept 'save now and buy later', as compare modern trend people adopted 'buy now and pay later' concept (Thapa, 2015; Davidson, 2006). Undeniable, this 'modern ...

  15. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master's Thesis

    their specialization subjects, students should write a thesis in the fourth semester, selecting a research topic or issue from the area of their specialization and undertaking research and writing in a given format and style. In specific, the 6-credit thesis course aims to enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge and

  16. Krishna Sharma: Important Thesis Topic in Finance

    A list of important topics of research on finance is provided to help the students in selecting their research/thesis topics. Factor influencing individual investor behavior: the case of the stock exchange (e.g. New York Stock Exchange) Validating of CAPM in predicting stock prices at stock exchange (e.g.

  17. Kathmandu University eLibrary: Theses

    women in school governance in nepal: an ethnographic inquiry: dhakal, rebat kumar--dode: jan-2014: financing primary education in nepal from an equity perspective and its role in social change: lamsal, hari prasad--dode: sep-2012: nepalese student migration to foreign countries for higher education in the globalized context: acharya, krishna ...

  18. PDF Financial Literacy in Nepal: A Survey Analysis from College Students

    knowledge. Married students were found more knowledgeable about personal finance. Britt et al. (2004) examined financial behavior of university and college students. Among 1500 students surveyed, they found that 90% were interested in learning about specific topics in financial education, where the highest percentage of them were found the need


    education finance in Nepal. Nepal may have to choose different financing options with student friendly schemes to meets its need of diversified and technically savvy human capital. Proper use of the findings will have long lasting implications on the all-round development of higher education in Nepal. _____

  20. Financing Higher Education in Nepal: Issues and Challenges

    University/Program Recurrent Grants No. of Student Per student funding Af fi liated colleges 310,000.00 70,000 4.42 Tribhuvan University 4,263,830.03 148,141 29.00

  21. Himalayan Research Papers Archive

    Nepal Study Center's research repository initiative --Himalayan Research Papers Archive-- is designed to showcase policy research work related to the Himalayan region, Nepal, and the countries in South Asia. The topics are broadly defined to cover development, democracy, conflict and the environment. Researchers from around the world are urged to upload their manuscript and working papers.

  22. Best Accounting And Finance Dissertation Topics

    SnHome › Forums › Education › Best Accounting And Finance Dissertation Topics. Tagged: assignmenthelp, dissertationwritinghelp. Education. Best Accounting And Finance Dissertation Topics. Posted by Richard Liam on April 25, 2024 at 10:41 am Hi everyone, is anyone here involved in education? I'm looking for advice on education a few days ...