Facebook Metrics

The complete guide for 2024.

Facebook Metrics

By: Tim Hill

This guide explains all the Facebook Metrics available for Facebook Pages. I’ve split this guide into two different sections. The first section covers all Facebook metrics available for Facebook Pages you manage in Meta Business Suite. These metrics can be seen in Profile Analytics.

Remember that Facebook do not provide any analytics for personal profiles, only Pages are supported. The quick distinction is that personal profiles have Friends whereas Pages do not have Friends, they can only have Followers .

The second section of the guide covers all Facebook metrics available for any Facebook pages you want to benchmark against or track in Competitor Analytics or Influencer Analytics.

Section 1: Profile Analytics

Facebook metrics for the Facebook Pages you manage in Meta Business Suite:

Facebook Impressions

Facebook Impressions is the number of times a post has been seen on Facebook. Impressions are commonly confused with Reach but are very different. Unlike Reach, Impressions are non-unique . This practically means that if 1 user sees the same post 3 times, that post will have 3 Impressions but only a Reach of 1.

Impressions are also considered a ‘top-of-funnel’ (TOFU) metric meaning, this number will be the biggest, most impressive number you can report on when it comes to your Facebook posts.

Post level Impressions

Facebook is the only social channel that provides a breakdown of Organic vs Paid Impressions on your published posts. If you’ve boosted any published posts (visible on the page) or used a published post in any ad campaign in Meta Ads Manager, you’ll see the breakdown of Organic Impressions vs Paid Impressions in Profile Analytics. You can simply click the Impressions number on any post and you’ll see the organic and paid breakdown.

Facebook Impressions breakdown

Remember, if you’ve run off-page ads (also known as unpublished posts, dark posts, ghost posts, blind posts, etc) delivered straight to News Feed, these posts will not be visible in Profile Analytics. You’ll need to refer to Ads Analytics for these.

Profile Analytics also breaks down Impressions by Page Likes (Fans) vs Non-Page Likes (Non-Fans).

Profile level Impressions

Impressions exist at both the post level and at the profile level. This means all your individual Facebook posts each have Impressions. If you want to report on the Total Impressions for all your Facebook posts in a given month, you can simply sum all the Impressions together and you’ll have profile level Impressions. You’ll see your page’s Total Post Impressions on the Profile Analytics Summary too.

Facebook Impressions

Facebook Reach

Facebook Reach is the number of  unique people who have seen a post on Facebook. Remember, this metric is different to Impressions. Although 1 person can see a single post many times, they will only be counted as a reach of 1.

Post level Reach

Reach is available for all your Facebook posts. However, Facebook do not provide Reach at the profile level (nor do any social channel for that matter).

Warning : avoid the temptation to sum the reach of all posts and report on “Total Reach” at the profile level. Doing so would be technically incorrect. Since reach represents unique people, you would be summing multiple unique people (since 1 person is likely to have seen multiple posts) and would end up with a number somewhere between Impressions and true Reach. You might call this “non-unique reach” but you should avoid introducing exotic metrics into your report which aren’t considered standard .

Profile level Reach

Unfortunately, Facebook do not provide a Total Reach metric for your Page in a given time interval such as a month. In fact, no social channel does. I previously wrote about the problem with Total Reach . For this reason, I highly recommend you report on Impressions instead of Reach at the top of the funnel.

Facebook Organic Reach Rate

Organic Reach Rate (ORR) represents the degree to which your Page Likes (Fans) saw your published posts organically. If you rely on organic performance only and don’t have a budget for paid promotion, this is a very important metric for understanding the success of your content publishing.

If you see ORR falling month-on-month, this might indicate that you require some ad spend to promote posts so more people see them. Otherwise, what’s the point of putting all that effort into content creation?!

While some industry commentators say “organic reach is dead” and that Facebook is “pay to play” – this is objectively not the case. Some Facebook pages achieve excellent levels of organic reach (eg: 50% and higher ORR).

Post level Organic Reach Rate

At the post level, Organic Reach Rate (ORR) is calculated as Organic Reach on a post divided by Page Likes . We then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

A really great analysis you can do on your content is to sort the Content Feed by ORR. This enables you to quickly identify which posts performed best within your selected time interval.

Organic Reach Rate on posts

Profile level Organic Reach Rate

At the profile level, Organic Reach Rate is the average of all post ORRs within the selected time interval.

What’s a good Organic Reach Rate?

This is of course a subjective question. The best way to answer it is to look historically at your ORR month-on-month. Another great resource is our Facebook Organic Reach Rate Benchmark . We publish it monthly.

Facebook Video Views

Facebook Video Views are 3-seconds by default. This means if a user scrolling through News Feed sees your video or Facebook Reel and is on the screen for a minimum of 3-seconds, it will count as a “video view”.

Some would argue that this is not really a meaningful view which is why Facebook also provide other video metrics such as 10-seconds, 30-seconds and percentage-based views too.

Video Views at the post level can be summed to get total video views at the profile level.

Facebook Video View Rate

The Video View Rate (VVR) is the best metric to answer the question: “how engaging are the videos?”.

Video View Rate is calculated as  Video Views divided by Post Reach . We then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. At the profile level, VVR is the average of all post VVR’s within the selected time interval.

As mentioned above, since Facebook has multiple view metrics (ie: 3-sec, 10-sec, 30-sec, etc) so too will there be multiple VVR’s. For example, 3-sec Video Views will have an accompanying 3-sec VVR metric as so on.

We publish a monthly Facebook Video View Rate Benchmark which can be a great resource for understanding the average performance of Facebook videos around the world.

Facebook Engagements

In Profile Analytics, there are 2 ways to calculate and report on Engagements and Engagement Rate.

Private Engagements

The “Private” part of Private Engagements refers to metrics that only you (and other Page Administrators) can see since you have access to the page in Meta Business Suite. Private Engagements is what we call a roll-up metric which means it’s the sum of 8 individual actions:

  • Reactions (Likes, Loves, Hahas, Wows, Sads, Angrys)
  • Video Views (3-sec)
  • Clicks to Play (clicks or taps on the actual video play button)
  • Photo Views (clicks or taps on an image)
  • Link Clicks (clicks or taps on a URL or link card)
  • Other Clicks (clicks or taps anywhere else on the post including the post text, “See More” link, profile image, page name or post date)

Private Engagements will match the Total Engagements that Meta Business Suite provides you at the post level. For that reason, it is the closest metric to Total Engagements. You can also sum all the Private Engagements of the posts within a given time interval to get the profile level Private Engagements.

Of course, “Total Engagements” is subjective and many marketers do not agree with the aggressive roll-up of 8 different actions that Facebook use. They consider this to be inflated. Furthermore, the downside of Private Engagements is that it can’t be fairly benchmarked across multiple social channels because all social channels roll-up different metrics so you’re never comparing apples with apples in a multi-channel comparison. Aside from this, Facebook have 8 aforementioned types of actions whereas Instagram has far fewer. For example, Instagram Private Engagements are based on only 3 actions (Likes, Comments and Saves). The thing to remember is not all Engagements are equal .

Public Engagements

Unlike its cousin (Private Engagements), Public Engagements refer to only the publicly visible actions on a Facebook post. These are the metrics that you can see visibly on Facebook’s News Feed for the post. Public Engagements are:

Public Engagements is the perfect mid-funnel metric for benchmarking performance across multiple social channels. This is because most social channels also support 3 publicly-viewable engagement actions.

As you can see, Public Engagements is a subset of Private Engagments. There should never be any reason to sum Private Engagements and Public Engagements. You should pick the version of Engagements that works best for you (or your client).

The reason we provide both Private Engagements and Public Engagements is to let you decide how you define Engagements. If you’re undecided, I always recommend using Public Engagements for the reason above about how its the best metric for benchmarking cross-channel.

Facebook Engagement Rate

Like Facebook Engagements, there are 2 corresponding calculations for Engagement Rate (ER). One is for Private Engagements and one is for Public Engagements. Whichever you use, ER is the best metric to answer the question: “how engaging is the content?”.

Private Engagement Rate

Private Engagement Rate (ER) is calculated as Private Engagements divided by Post Reach . We then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. At the profile level, ER is the average of all post ER’s within the selected time interval.

Private ER will match the Engagement Rate reported in Meta Business Suite since it too is based on Private Engagements.

Public Engagement Rate

Public Engagement Rate (ER) is the best Engagement Rate to use when benchmarking your content across multiple channels. Public Engagement Rate is calculated as Public Engagements divided by Post Reach . We then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. At the profile level, ER is the average of all post ER’s within the selected time interval.

What’s a good Engagement Rate?

A “good” Private or Public Engagement Rate is going to be different for every marketer. This really depends on your industry, community size, demographics, content, etc. But the best way to answer this question is to look historically at your ER month-on-month. The best way to answer it is to look historically at your ORR month-on-month. Another great resource is our Facebook Engagement Rate Benchmark . We publish it monthly.

Facebook Followers

Facebook completed the migration of all ‘Classic Pages’ to New Pages Experience in March 2024. This process took over 3 years to complete. As a result, all Facebook Pages now have the Followers metric which is the new way that ‘community size’ is represented on Facebook.

Facebook Page Likes (Fans)

Way back in 2021, Facebook announced they would remove Page Likes (originally known as Fans) and yet here we are with Page Likes still being an available metric and visible on *most* Facebook Pages. The Page Like metric has polarized marketers due to its reputation as more of a ‘vanity metric’.

Although Facebook has not confirmed when they will completely remove Page Likes, I believe that Page Likes days are numbered. So if you’re still reporting on Facebook Page Likes, I suggest making the transition now to reporting on Facebook Followers instead.

Facebook Growth Rate

Growth Rate is a percentage that shows how fast a Facebook Page is growing in Followers or Page Likes (or indeed shrinking if there’s negative growth). Growth Rate is the only metric which is time-dependent. In other words, if you report monthly, you would have a monthly Growth Rate which will be a different result to say a weekly Growth Rate or quarterly Growth Rate.

Growth Rate is calculated as (number of Followers on the last day of the time interval minus number of Followers on the first day of the time interval) divided by number of Followers on the first day of the time interval . For example, if we wanted to calculate the Growth Rate for January this would be: Followers on Jan 31 minus Followers on Jan 1 divided by Followers on Jan 1. The metric is expressed as a percentage.

We publish a monthly Facebook Growth Rate Benchmark which can be a great resource for understanding the average growth performance of Facebook pages around the world.

Facebook Link Clicks

A Link Click is a click or tap on a URL in post text or on a post call-to-action button. Keep in mind that while a Link Click indicates a user has clicked a link, this does not necessarily mean they land on your website. This is why you will always see a discrepancy between Facebook Link Clicks, and your traffic stats in Google Analytics. Because it can take several seconds for your website to load inside Facebook’s mobile browser, some users get impatient and return to the News Feed before your site has a chance to load.

Facebook Click Through Rate

Click Through Rate (CTR) is the best metric to answer the question: “how effective are our link posts at driving traffic back to the website?”. Click Through Rate is calculated as  Link Clicks divided by Post Reach . We then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. At the profile level, CTR is the average of all post CTR’s within the selected time interval.

Be sure to also check our our Facebook Click Through Rate Benchmark . We publish it monthly.

Section 2: Competitor Analytics and Influencer Analytics

Facebook metrics are different in Competitor Analytics and Influencer Analytics because these sections are based on public metrics only. This means you can track or benchmark any public Facebook page. And it also means you are limited to only the metrics that are publicly available.

Public Engagements are the actions on any given Facebook post that are visible publicly. These are:

This metric is indeed identical to the Public Engagements metric in Profile Analytics.

Public Engagement Rate (ER) is calculated as Public Engagements divided by Followers . The metric is expressed as a percentage and when looking at ER at the profile level, we simply average all the post ER’s during the given time interval.

Warning: the Public ER calculation is different in Profile Analytics. It is instead divided by Reach. However here in Competitor Analytics and Influencer Analytics, the Reach metric does not exist which is why we need to use Followers instead.

This Facebook Metrics Guide will be always kept up to date with the latest metrics for Facebook Pages. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog –  Social Status Insights . For Feedly users, make sure you follow us on  Feedly  to always see our new articles as they’re published.

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The Problem with Total Reach Metric

Facebook Insights: A Beginner's Guide [+ Step-by-Step Instructions]

Martina Bretous

Published: June 13, 2023

If your brand has a business Facebook page , you'll want to invest time in understanding your Facebook Insights dashboard. It holds important data that helps you understand how your page is performing and is key to growing it.

Persona types at computer as another person shows data

Features like weekly insight summaries and competitive data on other business pages make Facebook Insights a powerful tool that every marketer should leverage.

Let's dive into what Facebook Insights is, how to access it, and how to interpret the metrics it tracks.

What is Facebook Insights?

Facebook page insights vs. facebook audience insights, where is facebook insights.

How to Use the Facebook Insights API

How to Export Facebook Insights Data

Top facebook insights metrics, how to interpret facebook insights.

Facebook Insights is an analytics dashboard where you can track user behavior and post performance on your Facebook business page. In addition to providing key metrics like page views and post reach for paid and organic posts, the platform also recommends competitor pages to watch and track.

Despite having similar names, Facebook Insights and Facebook Audience Insights have completely different functions.

Facebook Insights visualizes incoming data from your business page so you can learn how users are behaving on your page, what content they're engaging with, and how your page matches up to competitors.

On the other hand, Facebook Audience Insights is used for ad campaigns and helps marketers understand Facebook audiences in general (which can also include those who follow your page).

Screenshot of Facebook Audience Insights feature; Facebook Insights

To access Facebook Insights, you'll need to have a business page. Then, follow the steps below:

1. Log into Facebook and go to your feed. From your feed, click "Pages" in the left menu. 

Screen shot of the left menu with the Pages tab circled in red; Facebook Insights

2. Go to your page.

Screenshot of left menu on business page; Facebook Insights

You can track various metrics from there, such as engagement, view time, net followers, audience demographics, reach, and more! To learn the top Facebook Insights metrics you should track keep reading or click here.  

How to Use the Facebook Page Insights API

The Facebook Page Insights API lets you fetch ad data to track your performance.

The API is particularly useful because it allows marketers to pull the exact data they want to track, no matter how granular.

To fetch the data from the API, you must determine what data you want to pull and create an access token for that ad, so that only your team can access that information.

You'll then need to determine where to import that data, like Google Sheets or HubSpot's ads software within the Marketing Hub.

It allows you to pull your Insights API into the platform and match it against with data already in the CRM. This will provide a better understanding of the customer journey and give you a 360-degree view of how your ads are performing.

1. Go to your feed and click "Pages" in the left menu as you did before. Then go to your page.

Screenshot of business page menu; Facebook Insights

2. Click on Meta Business Suite.

Screenshot of business page with Meta Business Suite tab circled in red; Facebook Insights

4. From there you'll see different tabs that allow you to export different insights depending on your preference. 

Screenshot of exportable Facebook Insights metrics

Your Facebook Insights dashboard displays top metrics about your business page. On any given day, you can get a snapshot of your page's performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Top metrics include:

  • Reach - The number of users on Facebook who've seen your content.
  • Engagement - How many people liked, shared, reacted, or commented on your content.
  • Net Followers - 
  • 3-second video views - The number of times a video was played for at least 3 seconds. 
  • 1-minute video views - The number of times a video was played for at least one minute. 
  • Page views – The number of times your page has been viewed by Facebook and non-Facebook users.
  • Page likes – The number of Facebook users who like your business page.
  • Actions on page – How many actions users take on your business page, such as to click on a website link or ask for directions to your store.

For tips on how to interpret your video insights, jump to this section .

Before you start analyzing your data, make sure you know what questions you want answered. This will help you narrow down which key metrics to focus on.

Once you know that, start looking through the data to identify patterns.

For instance, let's say you notice that your how-to posts get shared at a much higher rate than your other content. This may indicate that this type of content resonates more with your audience and adds value to them and their community.

As such, you may want to double down on these posts if your goal is to get higher engagement.

Analyzing the data is one thing, but what's more important is what you do next. As you notice trends, take note of them and conduct experiments to learn more about what your audience wants.

This will help you learn more about your audience and develop content that meets their needs.

If your team wants to focus on video insights, scroll down to the "Videos" tab on the left sidebar and click on it. Once there, you'll see your top video metrics, such as watch time and top video performers.

For tips on how to understand your video insights, watch the video below. It dives into how to navigate your video insights dashboard and what your insights can tell you broken down by performance, loyalty, audience, and retention.

Your Facebook Insights dashboard holds so much information about your page's performance and your audience. If you leverage that data, you can create better content and generate more revenue for your brand.

generate leads with facebook

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How to Use Facebook Insights and Analytics to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Alfred Lua

Facebook Insights is one of the most powerful Facebook marketing analytics tools available.

When you dive into your Facebook Insights, you’ll receive a wealth of data to help you understand more about your Facebook Page .

With so many different data-points available to measure — such as Likes, engagement, reach, and demographics — Insights will help you to understand how your content is resonating with your audience, how your Page is growing and provide you with an awesome overview of how your Facebook strategy is performing.

This complete guide will cover everything you need to know about the key sections of Facebook Insights and share tips to help you become proficient with Facebook analytics.

Navigating this guide

There’s a lot to learn about Facebook Insights. To make this guide easier to digest, I’ve broken the rest of this guide down into 11 bite-sized chapters — one for each of the 10 key tabs of Facebook Insights and a final chapter for the remaining tabs.

  • Overview : How your Page is doing
  • Likes : Where your Page Likes came from
  • Reach : What’s your reach and what factors affect it
  • Page Views : Who viewed which section of your Page
  • Actions on Page : What people did on your Page
  • Posts : How well your posts are performing
  • Events : How successful your event pages are
  • Videos : How well your videos are performing
  • People : Who liked, saw, or engaged with your Page
  • Messages : Response times and Messenger analytics
  • Others (Promotions, Branded Content, and Local)

In each chapter, we’ll walk through the sections for each tab, explain how to use them, and share relevant tips for extracting more insights.

Facebook Insights Guide - 10 Data from Facebook Insights

Getting to Facebook Insights

To access Facebook Insights for your Facebook Page, head to your Facebook Page and click on “Insights”.

Navigate to Facebook Insights

How to use Facebook Analytics 1. Overview: How your Page is doing

The Overview tab within Facebook Insights does more than it says. Apart from showing you key metrics of your Page (Page Summary), it also shows you the key metrics for your five most recent posts and a brief comparison of your Page with similar Facebook Pages.

Page Summary

Your 5 most recent posts, pages to watch.

Page Summary

The Page Summary section shows you the key metrics of your Page for the last seven days, such as Page Likes, Post Engagement, and Reach. It also tells you the percentage change from the previous period and shows graphs for the period.

This section is great for getting a quick assessment of your Facebook Page performance.

For example, if you are focusing on growing your Page, you can quickly access your growth by looking at your Page Likes and Reach. If you are posting more videos to drive engagement , you can immediately see if your strategy is working by looking at your video views and post engagement.

Your 5 Most Recent Posts

This section shows you the key information of your latest five posts — published date and time, post caption, post type, targeting, reach, and engagement.

This section is great for getting a sense of how well your recent posts are performing and which type of posts are performing well recently. For example, you might notice that curated link posts outperformed other types of posts. Then, you could experiment with posting more link posts.

Pages to Watch

Pages to Watch is one of our favorite Facebook Page features . It gives you a quick comparison of your Page with a few other Pages you want to watch. If you click on any of the Pages, it’ll show you the top posts of that Page from the current week.

This section is great for seeing how your Facebook Page is performing among your peers and competitors. By looking at the top posts of those Pages, you can also stay in touch with what’s trending in your industry or curate great content for your Facebook fans.

Export your data (at Page Summary): If you want to analyze your Page data further, you can export metrics of your Page, posts, or videos as a CSV or Excel spreadsheet. Facebook provides  a lot of data in the spreadsheet.

Page Summary export

Click to see more insights (at Your 5 Most Recent Posts): Click on the post title to see the detailed breakdown of the performance of a post.

Post insights

Discover what’s working (at Pages to Watch): If you click on any of the Pages, you will get a pop-up with the top posts of that Page — ranked from the most engaging to the least engaging.

Top posts from Pages you watch

2. Likes: Where your Page Likes came from

The Likes tab lets you go beyond just knowing the number of Likes your Page has. It shows you the growth, averages, and sources of the Likes.

Total Page Likes as of Today

Where your page likes happened.

Total Likes graph

This graph shows you the overall trend of your Page Likes. If the graph is showing a plateau or a downward trend, it’d be great to dig into it and understand the cause.

Net Likes graph

This graph informs you the daily growth of your Page Likes and breaks down the proportion of (organic or paid) Likes and Unlikes your Page receives. While it’s great to have positive net Likes, it’s helpful to monitor the Unlikes trend, too.

Where your Likes happen graph

This graph tells you where your Page Likes came from, such as directly from your Page, from your ads, or Page suggestions that Facebook serves to users. For example, if you are running Facebook Page Likes ads , you should see the “Ads” portion increasing.

Set your date range: At the top of the page, you can set the date range you are interested in. You can either drag the indicators on the graph, select “1W” (for 1 week), “1M” (for 1 month), or “1Q” (for 1 quarter), or set specified start and end dates.

Date range options

Know your Like and Unlike sources: If you click or drag to select a date range on any of the graphs, it will show you the Like and Unlike Sources for that selected period.

Likes and Unlikes sources

Compare your averages: If you click on any of the metrics on the right of the graphs, you’ll get two averages for that metric — Your average for the last period and your average for the current period.

Metric averages

3. Reach: What’s your reach and what factors affect it

The Reach tab informs you about the reach of your Facebook Page and posts and the factors that increase or decrease your reach.

Reactions, Comments, and Shares

Hide, report as spam, and unlikes, total reach.

Post reach graph

This graph shows you the number of people your posts have reached (organically or through promotions). It can be a quick way to assess your organic reach over time and if your ads are working.

Reaction, comments, and shares graph

When a post receives engagement, Facebook will serve it to more people as the engagement on the post implies that people are interested in the post. More engagement, higher reach.

Reactions bar chart

It seems like this chart will only appear if you have a high number of reactions to your Facebook posts. It’s a great way to judge the sentiments of your posts.

Hide, report as spam, and Unlikes chart

“Hide Posts”, “Hide All Posts”, “Report as Spam”, and “Unlike Page” are considered as negative feedback. They are ways users tell Facebook that they don’t want to see a Page’s posts. Facebook will accordingly show those posts to fewer people. As you’d want to keep these negative feedback low or zero, it’s great to monitor this graph.

Total reach graph

Total reach is the number of people who saw any activity from your Page such as your posts, posts to your Page, ads, mentions, and check-ins. Just like post reach, it’s a great way to see how your organic and paid reach has been growing. For example, the graph above is our total reach for the past quarter, and it’s showing a promising increase.

Set your date range and compare your averages: Just like in the Likes tab, you can set your data range at the top of the page and compare the averages of each metric by clicking on the metric.

Understand your posts activity: If you see a spike of reach, engagement, or negative feedback, you can click or drag to select that section of the graph and find out more. Facebook will show you the active posts during that period, in decreasing impression order.

For example, there was a spike in our reach on February 22. When I click on February 22 on the graph, I learned that this post was taking off that day and our audience likes such a post.

Posts that are active during the selected period

See your reach breakdown: If you prefer numbers over visualization, you can click or drag to select a date range on the Total Reach graph to see your total, organic, and paid reach in a table format.

Reach table

4. Page Views: Who viewed which section of your Page

The Page Views tab is a little like the traffic report in Google Analytics . In here, you’ll learn about your page views and top traffic sources.

Total Views

Total people who viewed, top sources.

Total page views graph

Total views is the number of times people viewed your Page. If the same person visited your Page twice, it’ll be considered as two views.

Total people who viewed graph

Total people who viewed is the number of people who have viewed your Page. If the same person visited your Page twice, it’ll be considered only as one. This figure should be equal or less than your total views.

Top page view sources graph

This graph shows the top five traffic sources that have directed people to your Page. Knowing this allows you to increase your efforts on those sources if you want to increase your page views.

Set your date range: Just like in the Likes tab, you can set your data range at the top of the page.

Breakdown the data: You can break the page views metrics down by certain characteristics. For total views, you can break it down by section (of your Facebook Page). For total people who viewed, you can break it down by section, age and gender, country, city, and device. This can help you understand more about the people who are interested in your Page.

Page views breakdown

5. Actions on Page: What people did on your Page

The Actions on Page tab allows you to understand what people do when they are on your Page. The few actions that Facebook considered are clicking on “Get Directions”, clicking on your phone number, clicking on your website, and clicking on your action button.

Total Actions on Page

  • People Who Clicked Action Button
  • People Who Clicked Get Directions
  • People Who Clicked Phone Number
  • People Who Clicked Website

Total actions on page graph

This graph shows you the number of actions people have taken on your Page. If you are a local business, you might be more concern about the number of times people want to get directions to your place or get your phone number. If you are an online business, you might be more concern about the number of website clicks. ( Action button is the huge blue button on your Page.)

People Who Clicked Action Button / Get Directions / Phone Number / Website

Action button graph

This graph and the subsequent graphs show you the number of people who took the respective actions on your Page.

Our action button says “Sign Up” and directs people who click on it to our homepage . From this graph, we can get a sense of the traffic our Page drove to our homepage. (We also use UTM for the link for additional tracking.)

Set your date range: Similar to the few tabs before, you can set your data range at the top of the page.

Breakdown the data: Just like your page views graphs, you can break the actions taken graphs down by certain characteristics.

Actions on page breakdown

6. Posts: How well your posts are performing

The Posts tab contains all the information about your posts such as reach and engagement. You can also boost your posts from this tab directly.

  • When Your Fans Are Online / Post Types / Top Posts from Pages You Watch

All Posts Published

When your fans are online.

When your fans are online

We believe that there isn’t a universal best time to post on Facebook , but there’s the best time for your brand to post on Facebook. This section can help you with that. It shows you how active your Facebook fans are, on average, on each day or the week and each hour of the day.

You can hover over each day to see an overlay of the activity on that particular day vs the averages.

Post types data

This section tells you how each type of posts (e.g. link, photo, or video) fare in terms of average reach and average engagement.

From here, you can tell which type of posts does best on your Page, and you can adjust your posting strategy accordingly. For example, if you find that videos have the highest average reach and engagement, you could experiment with posting more videos.

Top Posts from Pages You Watch

Top post from Pages you watch

This section is quite similar to the Pages to Watch section in the Overview tab. While the one in the Overview tab shows you the overall performance of those Pages, this section shows you the top post of the week from each of those Pages and the engagement it received.

All posts published

This section lists all the posts you have published on your Page and the relevant information — published date and time, post caption, post type, targeting, reach, and engagement.

Sort your posts: You can sort your posts by published date, reach, or engagement (post clicks or reactions) by clicking on the title of the column.

Sort posts

View different metrics: You can view different metrics for reach and engagement. For reach, you can choose:

  • Reach: Organic / Paid
  • Impressions: Organic / Paid
  • Reach: Fans / Non-Fans

For engagement, you can choose:

  • Post Clicks / Reactions, Comments & Shares
  • Reactions / Comments / Shares
  • Post Hides, Hides of All Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes
  • Engagement Rates

Post filters

7. Events: How successful your event pages are

If you often organize Facebook events, the Events tab will enable you to be more data-driven by providing you with key data of your events. You can find out what’s working and what’s not working with your event promotion . You get data such as the number of people who saw your event, the number of people who responded to your event, and the demographics of your audience.

  • Events Stats (Awareness / Engagement / Tickets / Audience)

Upcoming / Past

Events stats (awareness / engagement / tickets).

Events stats

In this section, you have several graphs about the awareness and engagement of your all events. These are the data available:

  • People Reached
  • Event Page Views


  • People Who Responded
  • Event Actions
  • Clicks on Buy Tickets

(For the data of specific events, see the tip below.)

Events Stats (Audience)

Events audience breakdown

Apart from awareness and engagement, you can also get a breakdown of your audience by age group and gender. This can inform you about the type of people who are most interested in your events.

Past events

The second half of the page shows you the insights of your upcoming and past events. You can toggle between upcoming and past using the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner.

Click to see more insights: If you click on an event title, a pop-up will appear, with the data of that particular event. As it shows data up to the last 28 days only, you might want to record them down after the event.

Event insights

8. Videos: How well your videos are performing

The Videos tab tells you how well videos are performing on your Page. It mainly tells you the number of video views, broken down into:

  • Organic vs Paid
  • Unique vs Repeat
  • Auto-Played vs Clicked-to-Play

Video Views

10-second views.

Video views graph

This graph shows you the number of times your videos were viewed. Facebook consider 3 seconds or more as a video view .

10-second video views graph

This graph shows you the number of times your videos were viewed for 10 seconds or more. If your video is less than 10 seconds, Facebook counts a 10-second view when people watch 97 percent of it.

While this number tends to be lower than video views (i.e. the 3-second views), I think it is more indicative of the number of engaged views.

Top videos

This section shows you the top five videos which have been viewed for three seconds or more, the most. It can give you a quick idea of the kind of videos that perform well among your fans.

View different breakdowns: In the upper-right corner of each graph, there is a drop-down menu where you can choose between different breakdowns.

Video stats filters

Click to see more insights: Clicking on a video title will bring up a pop-up with the deeper insights of that video. You can click on any of the stats and see even more insights.

Video insights

9. People: Who liked, saw, or engaged with your Page

The People tab is a simple overview of the people who liked your Page, saw your posts, or engaged with your Page or posts.

People Reached / People Engaged

Facebook Page fans data

Your fans are people who liked your Page. This section breaks down your fans by age group, gender, location, and language. From here, you can tell which demographic are most interested in your Page.

People engaged data

People reached are the people who saw your posts in the past 28 days while people engaged are the people who liked, commented on, or shared any of your posts or engaged with your Page (e.g. messaged) in the past 28 days.

What’s interesting is that people who saw or engaged with your posts are not necessarily only your fans. This creates the differences in percentages. For example, while 41 percent of our fans are women, 55 percent of people engaged are women. This could imply that our posts tend to be more interesting to women than men.

Learn more with Audience Insights: Audience Insights, a tool within Facebook Ads Manager , is much more powerful than the People tab for understanding your fans. While it does not show you information about people who saw or engaged with your posts, it shows much more information about your fans.

Besides demographics information, you can discover data such as other Pages that your fans like. (You can use this information to set your Pages to Watch!)

To access Audience Insights, head to Facebook Ads Manager and select “Audience Insights” from the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner. Alternatively, you can visit this direct link: https://www.facebook.com/ads/audience-insights/

Once there, select “People connected to your Page” and the Page you are interested in.

Audience Insights

The U.S. is selected as the location by default. You can deselect it if you wish to look at your audience worldwide, however, Household and Purchase information are currently only available for the audience in the U.S.

10. Messages: Response times and Messenger analytics

The Messages tab shows you the performance metrics of your conversations with people on Messenger.

Messages metrics

Here’s what each of the metrics means:

Total conversations is the number of conversations between your Page and people on Messenger.

Your Responsiveness is the percentage of messages you’ve answered and your average response time.

Deleted Conversation s is the number of conversations with your Page that people deleted.

Marked as Spam is the percentage and number of conversations from your Page that were marked as spam.

Blocked Conversations is the percentage and number of conversations from your Page that have been blocked.

See up to 180 days:  For messages, you can see the stats for up to the past 180 days. You can select a timeframe by clicking on “Last 7 days”.

180 days duration

11. Others: Promotions, Branded Content, and Local

The remaining tabs might not be as relevant to most people as those above or they might not even appear for you. I’ll briefly go through each of them in case you are curious about them.


The Promotions tab gives you a quick overview of your recent promotions. It’s a great place for you to check your recent promotions while you are in your Facebook Insights. Alternatively, you can use the Facebook Ads Manager , which might be more comprehensive.

Branded Content

Branded content

When you get mentions from a Verified Page (a Facebook Page with a blue tick), the Branded Content tab will appear among the list of tabs and the posts will show up there.

You’ll be able to see the reach and engagement stats, just like your own posts. You can even share and promote these posts .

Local business data

If you run a local business Page, you’ll have a Local tab. In this tab, you have information about the foot traffic in your area, demographic information about people near your place, and percentage of people nearby who saw your Facebook ads. (Mind-blowing!)

What’s your favorite part of Facebook Insights and analytics?

It’s so awesome that Facebook provides such a comprehensive analytics tool for free! From reach to posts, to events, to fans, Facebook Insights provide a wealth of data and analyses about your Facebook Page.

Is there a part of Facebook Insights that you love the most?

How do you use it for your business?

Do you use any other Facebook analytics tools?

I’d love to learn from you. Thanks!

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16 Facebook metrics every brand needs to track for success

Written by by Jenn Chen

Published on  October 27, 2021

Reading time  10 minutes

With a daily active user count of 1.9 billion users around the world, it goes without saying that Facebook has a big influence in our world. And if you’ve taken the time to set up an effective Facebook marketing strategy , then you should also take a look at your analytics . Tracking the most important Facebook metrics for your brand helps establish how successful you are in reaching your goals.

On a global level, Facebook users span the range of age and gender. As of July 2021, Facebook’s largest user demographic is 18.8% male users aged 25-34 years and the next largest at 13.8% is male users aged 18-24 years. But as you can see from the graph, there are still plenty of others who could be potential brand followers.

Statistic: Distribution of Facebook users worldwide as of July 2021, by age and gender from Statista

Why you should analyze your Facebook metrics

People use social media for a variety of reasons. A Statista report found that 65% of Facebook users used the network to view photos and 57% of them used it to share content with everyone.

Chart depicting social media activity by platform with percentages.

How the general public uses Facebook versus how your target audience uses it are not always for the same reason. Knowing which of your posts receive the most engagement helps you tailor your content. When followers engage on your posts, is it because you posted at the best time or other metrics?  Facebook metrics can also reveal if an ad campaign is successful, if your Facebook Lives are drawing high engagement, and how well that brand Group is performing.

16 Facebook metrics you should track

Below are 16 Facebook metrics you should track, grouped together by category.

Facebook Page & Post metrics

Facebook brand awareness metrics.

  • Facebook Group metrics
  • Facebook video metrics

Facebook ad metrics

Facebook metrics can be found in several ways. For the native route, Facebook offers Insights, found in your Business Manager. Creator Studio, also found in Business Manager, provides filterable metrics across multiple Pages. However, Sprout Social offers reports that you can easily review without doing your own math.

This section covers the social media metrics that are most commonly associated with how your posts or Page perform.

1. Engagement

Engagement is the general catchall term for everything you can do as a user with a Page’s post and profile page. This includes but is not limited to all the reactions, link clicks, shares, comments, clicks to the profile and more.

Why you should track engagement : Engagement tells you how your post resonates with your audience. The more a post is interacted with, the more likely it shows up in your fans’ Newsfeed. Looking at the overall engagement numbers and the breakdowns per type of engagement tells you how people are reacting to your posts.

Where to find it

In Sprout, engagement analytics are part of the Facebook Pages Report. Each type is color-coded and is broken down for you to easily review. You can also access the Post Performance Report which details all the engagements that happened with every post.

Screenshot of Facebook engagement in the Sprout Social Facebook Reports.

In Facebook Insights, the metrics can be found in the Content tab. And in Creator Studio, overall engagement numbers are found in the Insights tab while post-level ones are in the Published tab.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio Dashboard showing per-post engagement, impressions and people reached.

2. Engagement rate

Engagement rate is a calculated metric where you take the total number of engagements and divide by the total reach number. Multiply that number by 100% to get the engagement rate of your post.

Why you should track engagement rate : Your engagement rate, whether high or low, can tell you a lot about your posts. An engagement rate per impression shows you how interesting your post was to the number of times it was shown. For example, a high engagement number with a very high impression number tells a different story from a high engagement number with a low impression number. Factors include what time you post on Facebook , the use of images or videos, and much more.

In Sprout, the engagement rate per impression is automatically calculated in the Facebook Page Report.

Did you suddenly realize that your engagement rate isn’t as high as you’d like it to be? Review our tips on how to increase your Facebook post engagement .

Facebook makes a distinction between reach and impressions . At the post level, reach is the potential unique viewers a post could have. This includes both organic and paid reach.

Why you should track reach : Reach gives you a clear picture of how many unique people saw your post or Page. For example, you could have 10 impressions but only one reach on a post. So you can assume this person is very interested in your brand. In conjunction with other metrics like impressions, reach tells you if your posts or Page are finding the right people.

Where to find it :

Reach is found in several locations in Sprout. The Facebook Page Report provides an average daily reach per page, which is automatically calculated. Additionally, the Post Performance Report provides both average reach and average potential reach per post as a part of Premium Analytics.

Screenshot of Facebook Impressions over a period of time in the Sprout Social Facebook Reports.

In Facebook Creator Studio, reach is found in the Insights tab and Published tab.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio dashboard showing a Page's reach.

If you’re looking to boost this metric, we’ve outlined six different tactics are explored to help you increase your Facebook reach .

4. Impressions

Either equal to or higher than the reach number, impressions are how many times a post shows up in someone’s timeline.

Why you should track impressions : The more times someone sees your post, the more interesting it might be to them. Repeat impressions means that someone either saw it multiple times in their feed or, even better, navigated back to find the post or your Page again.

In Sprout, Page impressions are at the top of the Facebook Page Report. You can find post-level impression metrics in the Post Performance Report.

Screenshot of the Sprout Social Facebook Pages Reports for Facebook Business Profiles

In Facebook Creator Studio, per-post impression metrics are found in the Published tab.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio Dashboard showing the full picture of impression and engagement types per post.

5. Page Likes & followers

As one of the very first metrics for Facebook Pages, Likes and follower numbers indicate how willing someone is to stay in touch with your brand. They might like a post or two but if they hit the Like or Follow button? They want to know what you’re up to.

Why you should track Page likes and followers : This metric tells you how interested someone is in your company. Likes and followers should not be standalone metrics, though. If you compare your impressions metric with the Likes metric, you’ll understand how far your posts are really going.

You can find these metrics in the Pages tab of the Facebook Pages Report.

In Facebook Insights, likes are in the overview tab and audience section. And in Creator Studio, follower details are in the Insights’ tab and Audience section.

This section covers how people find your brand, what demographic groups they’re part of and how much space you’re taking up in the digital sphere.

6. Facebook referral traffic

This metric describes the number of times someone clicked from your Facebook Page to get to your website. If you publish a lot of blog posts or product links on Facebook, this is a good metric to monitor.

Why you should track Facebook referral traffic : Having a significant referral traffic number here tells you if your Facebook posts are effective. This number is excellent for general traffic tracking but also for ad campaigns where you create a landing page on your website.

In Sprout, integrate with your Google Analytics and find the metrics in the Google Analytics Report.

Screenshot of website and social activity via Google Analytics in the Sprout Social Dashboard.

Alternatively, you can head to Google Analytics itself and find it in the network referral section.

Screenshot of Google Analytics showing Facebook as a referral source of traffic.

7. Follower demographics

Demographics metrics break down your audience base so you can tailor your content better to them. How much money does your average follower make? Where do they live? What age range are they?

Why you should track Facebook follower demographics : Knowing who makes up your audience helps you tailor your content better. Your audience demographic is an important component of building your brand’s social media personas .

In Sprout, the Facebook Page Report has a Demographics tab that breaks your audience down into age, gender, country and city.

Screenshot of Sprout Social Facebook Reports dashboard showing your Pages' demographics.

In Facebook Insights, the Audience tab provides some demographics and Creator Studio’s Insights > Audience section adds on a few more demographics.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio Audience tab showing Age and Gender of Followers.

8. Share of voice

Share of voice is usually part of a competitive analysis or paid advertising campaign. It indicates how much of the online sphere your brand is taking part in.

Why you should track Facebook share of voice : Within your industry, you have competitors that also take up a similar audience and social space. The more one is talked about, the greater the share of voice is.

Calculate share of voice on your own with the formula:

Share of voice = Your brand metrics / Total market metrics

Or, use Sprout’s social listening feature to help you track your share of voice. Input the keywords and topics you want to track and then check in with the results later on. Listening Topic Insights are filterable to a per-network level, so you can understand how your share of voice compares between Facebook and Twitter.

Screenshot of Sprout Social's Listening Dashboard

Facebook Group analytics

This section focuses on analytics that are specific to Facebook Groups. You’ll be able to find the metrics if you are logged into the Group as an admin. Group Insights are available for Groups that are larger than 50 members.

9. Top contributors

Top contributors tell you who is most engaged inside your Group. These individuals are likely your biggest brand advocates who enjoy your content

Why you should track Facebook Group top contributors : Use this metric to know who you can rely on to drive conversations. Don’t forget to thank them for their involvement and consider them as part of a pool to choose from if you need more moderators.

10. Engagement

This metric gives you the days and times your members are most active, as well as posts, comments and reactions counts.

Why you should track Facebook Group engagement : From this metric, you can determine when the best time to post is and how your members are engaging with posts.

Growth in Facebook Groups shows how many new members and active members you have within a period of time.

Why you should track Facebook Group growth : You want to grow your brand community and monitor how quickly it’s growing. Building an engaged Group will indicate how well you’re engaging your audience. Not as much growth as you want? You’ll need to focus on additional ways to promote your Group .

Facebook video analytics

There are several Facebook video metrics to track, but we’re highlighting just two of them. Video metrics are found at a per-video level in Facebook Creator Studio’s Published tab. Clicking into each video provides additional metrics.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio's audience retention graph, showing that most audiences dropped off at the 0:06 mark for this particular video example.

Sprout’s Facebook Page Report also provides metrics in video performance, broken down into both organic and paid results.

Screenshot of Facebook Video Performance metrics in the Sprout Social app.

12. Audience retention

Audience retention is how long someone watched over the duration of the video.

Why you should track Facebook video audience retention : This number tells you how long viewers watch your videos. This Facebook metric may tell you how interesting a video is or if it is perhaps too long. It also guides your video marketing strategy . So if your videos are five minutes long and most are watching only five seconds, then video length is something to be worked on.

13. Video engagement

Similar to post engagement, the video engagement metric is specific to the Facebook videos you post. For videos, engagements are broken down into reactions, shares and comments.

Why you should track Facebook video engagement : The specific reactions tell you what your viewers are feeling when watching your videos and if they match your expectations.

Specific to the ad campaigns you run on Facebook, these are the most important metrics to watch to make sure your ads are on track. Because there are so many ways to run a campaign, it’s best to go beyond these three metrics. For some campaigns, click-through rates (CTR) might not be as important as cost per impression (CPM).

Sprout’s Paid Performance Report features analytics from your Facebook campaigns. Having this data on hand makes it easy for you to evaluate and adjust campaigns based on the Facebook metrics most important to your goals.

Screenshot of Sprout Social's Facebook & Instagram Paid Performance report.

Your Facebook campaigns can be set and evaluated within Facebook Ads Manager . In addition to graphical insights that are provided with each campaign, there are also a multitude of metrics you can look at for each campaign, including engagement, people reached and budget.

Screenshot of Facebook Creator Studio Ad Results performance dashboard.

Thinking you need a little more oomph to your ads? Explore the guide on creating your own Facebook advertising strategy . Or, if you’re second-guessing your current ads, check out some strategies on how to optimize your ad ROI .

Click-through rate (CTR) is the number clicks on your ad divided by the number of times it has been shown. This is best examined when you want someone to take action on the ad. In some cases, such as those that are aiming for a high impressions count, CTR does not matter as much as CPM would.

15. CPC & CPM

Cost per click (CPC) is a paid advertising term where an advertiser pays a cost to a publisher for every click on an ad. If your campaign is set to charge for clicks (users have to click on an ad), then the CPC will be your metric. The average is $1.72 CPC . Cost Per Mille (CPM) is the cost per 1000 impressions. This is most often measured for brand awareness.

Bar chart depicting average cost-per-click in Faceobook ads across all industries.

For campaigns with specific actions, like an app install, cost per action (CPA) is measured per action. The user will need to click the button for you to be charged.

Start tracking your Facebook metrics today

Monitoring and measuring analytics is a vital part of any social media strategy. Facebook, as one of the largest social networks, has a multitude of metrics you can track. This guide lists the top 16 Facebook metrics and depending on your own strategy, your brand might add more to the list.

Instead of manually calculating your Facebook metrics in a spreadsheet, sign up for a free Sprout demo to explore all the advantages that Sprout analytics can bring to you.

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Facebook Analytics: A guide to Facebook insights

11 Facebook analytics tools to measure your marketing success in 2024

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Facebook analytics report: how to use your best fb analytics resource.

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n this page, we’ll cover everything from how to create a Facebook analytics report with Facebook Insights to interpreting your  Facebook Insights reports , and even a list of the best page analytics report tools for this platform.

If you’re ready to dive in, keep reading! Otherwise, feel free to  contact us today or give us a call at 888-601-5359  to learn more about how we can help your Facebook presence grow with Facebook analytics!

Creating a Facebook analytics report with Facebook Insights

Facebook provides users with a free, integrated analytics platform called  Facebook Insights  that can help you understand everything there is to know about your Facebook presence.

1. Find your page’s Insights

To access it, you’ll simply log into your company’s Facebook page and click “Insights” located in the toolbar at the top of your page.

facebook insights click

2. Select your Facebook analytics report time window

When you click into Facebook Insights, you’ll see a variety of charts that create a summary of actions taken on your page. You can view these metrics based on “today,” “yesterday,” “last 7 days,” or “last 28 days.” Make your selection before creating your report.

Having trouble selecting a period of time? Here’s a guide to help you choose:

Choose if… You posted something specific and want to check analytics for it.
Choose if… You posted something specific yesterday and want to check analytics for it.
Choose of… You tried a new posting style this week, or you just want a weekly report of important metrics.
Choose   if… You want a monthly Facebook page analytics report to help you see campaign metrics from a birds-eye view.

3. Create your Facebook page analytics report

It’s time to create your report! To do so, simply click “Export Data” on your Insights page.

export data 1

From there, Facebook will provide you with the following Facebook analytics report options:

  • The data type: page data, post data, or video data
  • File format

When you’ve selected the kind of Facebook analytics report you’re interested in, click “Export Data,” and your download will begin! You can download as an Excel sheet so that your data is organized in one place.

export data begin

4. Interpret your data

Your analytics report for Facebook tells you a lot about your Facebook presence. Here are a few metrics that you can view with your basic report. All metrics are presented in daily, weekly, and 28-day formats. The metrics with an asterisk (*) are only presented in daily and weekly formats.

Stand-alone metrics:

  • Lifetime total likes (singular metric)
  • Daily new likes (singular metric)
  • Daily unlikes (singular metric)
  • Total reach
  • Organic reach
  • Viral reach


  • Total impressions
  • Organic impressions
  • Paid impressions
  • Viral impressions

Page views:

  • Logged-in page views*

Reach of posts:

  • Organic reach of posts
  • Paid reach of posts
  • Viral reach of posts

Impressions of posts:

  • Total impressions of posts
  • Organic impressions of posts
  • Paid impressions of posts
  • Viral impressions of posts
  • Total consumers
  • Page consumptions
  • Negative feedback
  • Negative feedback from users
  • Total check-ins
  • Total check-ins using mobile devices
  • Total organic views
  • Total promoted views
  • Total organic 30-second views
  • Paid 30-second views
  • Total video views
  • Video repeats
  • Total unique video views
  • Total 30-second views
  • Auto-played 30-second views
  • Total clicked 30-second views
  • Total 30-second repeats
  • Total unique 30-second views
  • Total action count per page*
  • Total get direction click count per page*
  • Total phone calls click count per page*
  • Total website click count per page*

You can also see more metrics in the different sheets at the bottom of your Excel document. However, to get a well-rounded view, you can stick with the “key metrics” sheet.

It’s great to have those other sheets, though, since they outline metrics like reach by city, reach by country, reach demographics, likes by language, and likes by gender.

Using Facebook Insights to analyze your presence

Now that you’ve seen a Facebook analytics report sample, it’s time to run your own to analyze your Facebook presence!

After you’ve run your report, it can be overwhelming to see so many metrics in one place. That’s why we’ve put together a chart to help you sift through key metrics and determine which ones will be the most beneficial to your business.

Here are a few scenarios and what metrics you should pay the most attention to for each:

You’re new to FacebookPage engaged users, total reach, total impressions, reach of page posts, total consumers
You’re trying something newTotal impressions of posts, total organic views (compare these metrics to a period of time before new strategy)
You want to know your audienceReach by city, reach demographics, likes by language, likes by gender
You want to know how successful your videos areTotal video views, total clicked 30-second views, video repeats
You want to know how many users visit your locationTotal check-ins
You want to know who doesn’t like your pageNegative feedback
You want to know how many users take the next step via FacebookTotal phone calls click count per page, total website click count per page, total get directions click count per page

Even though these scenarios provide you with some direction, you can likely benefit from just about every metric that Facebook Insights provides. Be sure to check out other metrics than the ones we have suggested for your scenario.

Do you need help determining what metrics are the most important to the success of your specific Facebook presence? WebFX can help! Give us a ring at 888-601-5359 !

3 more free Facebook analytics tools to help you thrive

Are you looking for more Facebook analytics tools besides Facebook Insights?

We’ve got you covered there, too. We found three more free Facebook analytics tools to help you create your ideal analytics report for Facebook.

However, keep in mind that although we love these tools too, nothing compares to the seamlessly integrated and proprietary Facebook Insights tool. These tools are best used in conjunction with Facebook Insights to gain more data and create better campaigns.

Cyfe isn’t just for Facebook — it can help you create a custom marketing dashboard that features only your most significant business metrics.

You can create your custom dashboard by selecting from a wide variety of widgets that give you insight into the social media metrics that you’re most interested in.

Matter of fact, there are over 50 Facebook widgets available with Cyfe, and you can create the perfect dashboard that features metrics that you want to see.

How much does it cost?  Cyfe is free, but to get all of the features, an account is $29 per month.

2. Agorapulse

Agorapulse  features two free Facebook tools that help you understand things like content performance, timeline analytics, and reach of paid, organic, and viral content.

You can even use this tool to create quizzes for your timeline, and they also provide a Facebook ROI calculator!

The best part? It’s free!

How much does it cost?  The two Facebook tools that we mentioned are free, but if you’re interested in the whole kit and kaboodle, it’ll cost you $39 per month!

Quintly  proclaims that they can help you “drive strategic decisions by analyzing social media data.” They provide users with hundreds of dashboards to help them understand the effectiveness and quality of their social presence and give them insights on how to improve.

This tool allows you to measure the impact of your current strategy, provides KPIs, and more.

How much does it cost?  The Facebook analytics tool is free, but the full product suite is $100 per month.


WebFX can help you understand your Facebook page analytics reports

Are you worried about the success of your Facebook page? Do you think you could do better? Chances are, you can — and WebFX is here to help. We’re a Meta Business Partner that has a whole team of social media specialists to help make your social presence amazing.

We’re a full-service digital marketing agency, which means we provide services ranging from SEO services  and  pay-per-click advertising (PPC)  to  geofencing  and  web design .

Social media marketing is just one of our specialties, and our social media specialists can help you:

  • Analyze your current Facebook presence
  • Teach you how to create  Facebook analytics  reports with Facebook Insights
  • Improve your Facebook presence based on your report
  • Help you create a well-rounded social media marketing campaign with multiple channels
  • Help you run  Facebook Ads
  • And so much more


If you want to make the most of your social presence, creating an analytics report for Facebook is a must. At WebFX, we know analyzing your social campaigns can be difficult, which is why we work with you to create efficient reports and suggestions based on your unique needs.

To learn more about our  Facebook marketing services , feel free to  contact us online or give us a call at 888-601-5359  to talk to a specialist!

Table of Contents

  • Creating a Facebook Analytics Report with Facebook Insights
  • Using Facebook Insights to Analyze Your Presence
  • 3 More Free Facebook Analytics Tools to Help You Thrive
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Your Complete Guide to Facebook Analytics Reports: Understand What Your Data is Telling You

facebook report metrics

You don’t have to be a data scientist to make sense of Facebook analytics. This guide breaks it down for you, turning what might seem like digital gibberish into a clear roadmap for action. 

You’ll learn how to sift through your Facebook data to find the insights that matter most. Knowing how to read your Facebook analytics report is essential whether you’re already savvy in social media management or just getting started. 

It’s not just about collecting data; it’s about using it to make smarter decisions and achieve real results. Let’s get started, shall we?

What Is Facebook Analytics?

It’s the powerhouse behind your Facebook business page, turning raw data into actionable insights. Far from being just a collection of numbers and charts, Facebook analytics gives you a comprehensive look at how your audience interacts with your brand. It tracks everything from who visits your page and engages with your posts to the overall performance of your Facebook campaigns.

You’ll get audience demographics, page views, engagement rates and more metrics. These insights help you understand what’s resonating with your audience and what needs tweaking. For example, if you notice video posts getting more engagement than text updates, that’s a clear signal to produce more video content. 

In essence, Facebook analytics serves as your go-to resource for evaluating the success of your Facebook marketing efforts.

For a more complete picture, you can pair Facebook Analytics with Google Analytics. Our guide on Measuring Success with Google Analytics can help you understand how to integrate these two powerful tools. Google Analytics can track user behavior on your website, providing a fuller understanding of how your social media efforts translate into website visits and conversions. 

For a comprehensive view of how to elevate your social media marketing prowess, read this Social Media Marketing Guide .

Facebook Analytics Tools

Understanding Facebook analytics becomes much easier when you’re familiar with the specialized tools available. Each platform has its own set of features designed to help you navigate your analytics journey more effectively. Let’s look at Facebook’s core offerings:

1. Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is your foundational tool, providing a snapshot of your page’s key performance indicators like page likes, post reach and engagement rate. It’s essentially your go-to dashboard for understanding how your page is performing.

Key features:

  • Page summary.
  • Audience demographics.
  • Reel metrics.
  • Follower engagement.

2. Meta Business Suite

Meta Business Suite

Meta Business Suite is more than just a stand-in for Facebook’s discontinued native analytics tool. It offers a comprehensive marketing dashboard that tracks your Facebook metrics and integrates data from other platforms like Instagram.

  • Multi-platform integration.
  • Comprehensive dashboard.
  • Custom reporting.

3. Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is your analytics powerhouse for ad campaigns. It goes beyond basic data, tracking user behavior on your website to enable highly focused retargeting strategies. This tool feeds this data back into your Facebook Ads Manager, allowing you to allocate your ad spend more effectively.

  • User behavior tracking.
  • Retargeting.
  • Conversion tracking.

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How to Craft the Perfect Facebook Analytics Report

Creating a Facebook analytics report isn’t a monumental challenge. With a focused approach, it can be as simple as connecting the dots. The cornerstone of this process is Facebook Insights, Facebook’s native analytics tool that provides a treasure trove of data about your Facebook page.

Steps to Access and Utilize Facebook Insights

Before you can make data-driven decisions, you need to know where to find the data. Here’s a step-by-step guide to accessing and making the most out of Facebook Insights:

1. Navigate to your Facebook page: The first step is to go to your Facebook page. You’ll see a menu on the left-hand side.

Facebook pages

2. Find the ‘Insights’ tab: Locate and click on the “Insights” tab in that menu.

facebook insights

3. Explore metrics: Once you’re in, you’ll find a dashboard filled with various metrics, from page views to engagement rates. You can even filter these metrics by time periods for more specific insights.

facebook Explore metrics

Downloading and Sharing Your Insights

Once you’ve gathered valuable data through Facebook Insights, the next step is to share this information effectively. Whether it’s with your team or clients, here’s how to download and disseminate your insights:

  • 1. Locate the ‘Export data’ option: Find the option to export data within the Insights dashboard.
  • Choose data type and format: You can download your data as a CSV or Excel file.

facebook analytics report Export data

2. Import to Google Sheets: For further analysis or visualization, you can import this data into Google Sheets.

facebook analytics report Import to Google Sheets

  • 3. Share with team or clients: Use the sharing features in Google Sheets or directly send the downloaded file to team members or clients for collaborative decision-making.

Key Facebook Metrics You Should Monitor

When it comes to Facebook analytics, knowing which vital statistics to keep an eye on can make all the difference. Here’s a rundown of the key metrics that can offer invaluable insights:

  • Reach: The number of unique users who have encountered your Facebook post is demonstrated by this metric. It serves as a crucial KPI, shedding light on the extent of your content’s dissemination.
  • Engagement: Encompassing interactions (likes, comments and shares), this aspect is a potent gauge of content relevance and the level of interest among your audience.
  • Page views: This counts the number of times your Facebook Page has been viewed within a specific timeframe. It’s a basic but impactful measure of your page’s visibility.
  • Audience demographics : Knowing the age, gender and location of your audience can help you tailor your content more effectively.
  • Post types : Insights also shows you how different types of posts (e.g., text, image or video) are performing, helping you understand what kind of content your audience prefers.

To get more granular with your metrics, explore Social Advertising Benchmarks , and to understand what “impression” means in the context of Facebook analytics, read The Guide to Social Media Impression Definitions . The more you understand these terms and metrics, the more accurate your understanding of your data will get.

Exploring Alternative Analytics Tools

While Facebook Insights is undeniably a robust analytics tool, it’s not the only game in town. Several other platforms offer complementary features that can enrich your Facebook analytics report. Here, we are looking at some of the most popular alternatives:

1. Whatagraph

Whatagraph is a lifesaver for those who need quick yet comprehensive Facebook analytics reports . With this tool, you can generate detailed reports in under five minutes. It’s especially beneficial if you’re juggling analytics from multiple platforms, as Whatagraph seamlessly integrates data from various channels into one report.

  • Quick report generation.
  • Multi-channel reporting.
  • Customizable templates.
  • Automated reporting.

2. NapoleonCat

NapoleonCat is a robust analytics tool designed for those who want to get a leg up on their competition. It offers in-depth competitor analysis and customizable reports, allowing you to understand your market position and strategize accordingly.

  • Competitor analysis.
  • Custom reports.
  • Social inbox.
  • Automated moderation.

3. Hootsuite

For those managing multiple social media platforms, Hootsuite offers an all-in-one dashboard that tracks your Facebook metrics and provides analytics for many other social media platforms. This makes Hootsuite an invaluable tool for those managing multiple social media accounts.

  • Multi-platform analytics.
  • Scheduled posting.
  • Team collaboration.
  • Real-time analytics.

While each of these Facebook analytics tools comes with unique capabilities, it’s crucial to remember that understanding analytics shouldn’t be limited to just one platform. The significance of grasping analytics across various social media channels is immense, a point we delve into in our article comparing TikTok and Snapchat .

Make Facebook Analytics Your Second Language

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before branching out, it’s vital to master the analytics of the platform you’re currently on. In today’s data-driven world, understanding Facebook analytics is not just a ‘nice-to-have,’ it’s essential. 

This isn’t about a quick glance at your dashboard; it’s about deep-diving into your Facebook Insights. It’s about dissecting your engagement rates, scrutinizing your page views and fine-tuning your ad campaigns to convert raw data into actionable strategies.

So, what are you waiting for? Start analyzing your Facebook data today. Make decisions that will catapult your brand to new heights. Whether your focus is on Facebook Ads Analytics or Facebook Audience Insights, there’s no better time to act than now.

Rebeka Meszaros

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Rebeka Meszaros is a Content Writer at Brafton. With a background in multiple fields, such as Psychology, programming and UX, she loves to write about B2B marketing, especially technology, design and services-related topics. When not working, you can find Rebeka outdoors and doing sports like snowboarding. Her personal best is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, in which she competes internationally.

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11 Essential Facebook Ad Metrics to Track

Melody Sinclair-Brooks


Facebook Ad metrics are quantitative measures for assessing the performance of advertising campaigns on one of the top social media platforms. These metrics help advertisers evaluate how effectively ads engage the target audience, track return on investment, and make informed decisions to refine ad strategies. This article focuses on the key Facebook Ads metrics to track, informing Facebook Ads performance reports and campaign optimization.

Tracking and reporting your Facebook Ads metrics is an essential part of any Facebook campaigns. Both you and your clients want to know:

Which ads have the best CTR and CPC (Cost Per Click)? How much have you spent? What is the campaign’s overall ROAS?

A great Facebook Ads report should answer each of these questions, and more.

With over 350 different metrics and ad terms in Facebook Ads Manager, it’s easy to get your agency, and your clients, bogged down by all that data. In fact, a client report that included every one of those Facebook Ads metrics would be downright impossible to follow, and most of them would be completely irrelevant to your campaign.

In this guide, we’ll go over the top 11 Facebook Ads metrics you should pay attention to and show you how to scale your Facebook Ads reporting with pre-built template s to get you started in no time.

Here's what we'll cover in this article:

11 facebook ad metrics you should track, performance metrics, delivery metrics, engagement metrics, how agencies should track facebook ads metrics, what makes a great facebook ads report, streamline your facebook ads metrics reporting with agencyanalytics.

The three groups we'll cover are the default column options in your Facebook Ads account. These are:

While these marketing metrics categories are helpful for every client campaign, some are more important than others to track performance, depending on your client's campaign goals.

For example, engagement rates are a much stronger KPI for a top-of-funnel content promotion campaign. Meanwhile, performance metrics are crucial to evaluate the success of a generation campaign.


Cost per Result

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Result Rate (Conversion Rate)

Post Engagement


Don’t Waste Another Billable Hour on Manual Reporting!

What business goals are you achieving, and how much is it costing your client?

Results are the total number of times your campaign received its desired outcome.

This is arguably the most important metric, and will vary based on the type of Facebook Ads campaign, and the business goal you have set.

Results will typically be a conversion metric , such as website purchases or leads. However, if you're running a brand awareness campaign, you may have traffic or impressions as your target result rather than lead generation or sales.

Let's look at a few of the common types of Results for a campaign:

Website Purchases : Total number of purchases that occurred on your website.

Leads : Total number of Leads acquired on your website.

Form Leads : Facebook also offers "Lead Ads" that allow the user to submit their contact info (which is already pre-populated into the form fields) directly within the Facebook app. This result metric counts how many total form submissions occurred.

Custom Conversions (Downloads, Webinar Signups, etc.): You can track any event occurring on your website as a custom conversion using the Facebook Pixel . Downloads for an eBook, webinar signups or free trials are all possible "Results" you can track for your campaign as a custom conversion.

The specific result of your campaign is tracking will change depending on what you set as your target. Each campaign will list your result beneath the metric here:

Facebook Ads results column

Otherwise, track custom conversions straight from your Facebook Ads dashboard:

Facebook Ads dashboard custom conversions

2. Cost per Result

Cost per Result measures how much each desired result (or action) cost, and is measured by the formula: Total Ad Spend /  Number of Results

On other PPC channels, this metric is most similar to "Cost Per Action" or CPA. The result (or action) for your campaign could be anything from a new signup, a sale, or a form submission, depending on your campaign's goals.

CPA is your most important Facebook Ads metric to measure the success of a campaign. CPA on Facebook Ads vary widely by industry, and can range from $7.85 in the Education industry, to $55 in the Tech industry.

In this example, this campaign's desired action is App Activation, or how much it costs to have a new user download an app:

Facebook ads dashboard

3. Result Rate (Conversion Rate)

Result Rate is the percentage of desired results you achieved compared to the total number of impressions.

Result rate is more commonly known as conversion rate across other digital advertising platforms when your "Result" is a lead or action.

The formula for your result rate is: # of Results / Impressions.

Spend is the total amount your ads cost for the selected time period.

This is one of the top metrics to include in a marketing client dashboard , so they can always monitor their PPC budget.

It is necessary to keep an eye on spend to be sure you are within budget, but you also need to monitor other cost metrics (like Cost Per Result and ROAS) to ensure you're generating positive returns.

For example, monitoring Facebook ads frequency not only helps avoid ad fatigue to ensure that your audience is not oversaturated with the same ads, but it can also reduce wasted spend beyond the point of diminishing returns.

5. ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is the amount of revenue the company receives for every $1 invested into ads, and is one of the key metrics to understand if you have a successful Facebook Ads campaign.

The formula to calculate ROAS is: Revenue / Ad Spend

If you're running an eCommerce campaign and tracking your sales with the Facebook Pixel, you can track ROAS directly in Facebook Ads. For other campaigns, this is something you'll have to calculate based on the conversion metric of each result achieved.

Customize columns

Alternatively, create custom metrics to calculate ROAS for Facebook Ads, and across all your other PPC campaigns. New to AgencyAnalytics? Start your free 14-day trial.

Formula calculating ROAS from PPC in a custom metric

How are your campaigns delivering what they promised? These Facebook Ads metrics measure how much it costs for your ads to be seen.

6. Impressions

Impressions are the number of times your ads were on screen in front of your audience. The more impressions your ad receives, the higher your brand awareness is.

However, don't confuse Impressions with Reach:

Impressions are the total number of times your ad has been seen;

Reach is the total number of people who have seen your ad.

Let's say one person saw your ad 5 times. That means they got 5 Impressions, but only 1 Reach.

You also want to look at impressions across publishing platforms to know where your ads are appearing most frequently.

Facebook ads dashboard impressions

Track exactly which ad appears where straight from your Facebook Ads dashboard. New to AgencyAnalytics? Start your free 14-day trial.

7. CPM (Cost Per 1000 Impressions)

CPM (Cost per Mille) is the cost to achieve a thousand impressions.

CPM is a common metric across online advertising. It measures the cost-effectiveness of an ad campaign, and is a great metric to compare ad costs across different ad publishers and campaigns.

It is also helpful in understanding how pricing is fluctuating for your chosen placement. Remember, Facebook Ads is an auction system. Is your CPA increasing because your target audience on the social media platform is becoming more competitive? Or is it because your conversion rates are plummeting?

Look at CPM within your client's Facebook ad campaigns to determine if it's the ad placement that is becoming more expensive, as well as compare ad cost across platforms.

8. Frequency

Frequency is the average number of times a person has seen your ad.

This is an especially important metric to measure if you have a very narrow, targeted audience.

While people often need to see an ad multiple times before converting, if they have seen an ad 10+ times, you're likely oversaturating your audience and need to expand your reach.

Keep an eye on frequency, but remember that ultimately if your conversion rate remains high, you probably aren't oversaturating your audience yet.

These look at how well your ad creative appeals to your audience.

Link clicks are the total number of times people have clicked your ad's link.

The first step to an exceptional Facebook Ads campaign is to confirm that your ad is being delivered by looking at impressions.

Next, you need to confirm that your ad is engaging. If no one is interacting with your ad, you're not going to achieve conversions.

Clicks are one of the key Facebook ad metrics to confirm that your target audience is actually interested in your offer.

When you log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account, you will see a few different basic metrics related to "Clicks". The most important one to pay attention to will be Clicks (Link). After all, these are the clicks that are going to lead to conversions! One of the options you'll also see is "Clicks (All)". This is counting all clicks on your ad, including clicks over to your Facebook page or other click interactions with your ad.

While "Clicks (All)" does indicate engagement with your ad, it's not the engagement that is going to lead to your next conversion. So you typically want to prioritize Clicks (Links) in your Facebook Ads reporting tool .

Facebook ads link clicks

Calculate Clicks at the Campaign, Ad set, or Ad level in your AgencyAnalytics dashboard. Start your free 14-day trial today!

10. CTR (Click-through Rate)

CTR (Click-through Rate) is the number of clicks compared to the number of impressions.

You may see 100 clicks and think your ads perform well. However, if your total number of impressions is 100,000 then those 100 clicks won't seem as impressive anymore.

This is where click-through rates comes into your Facebook Ad reports. CTR is calculated by dividing total clicks by impressions. In our above example, an ad that received 100 clicks and 100,000 impressions has a low CTR of 0.1% However, if the total number of impressions was 1,000, that is a CTR of 10%.

You can't look at clicks alone—you must compare it to impressions to really evaluate how engaging your ads are.

Tracking all this in a live dashboard makes it easy to compare between Facebook Ads metrics and spot trends. New to AgencyAnalytics? Start your free 14-day trial.

11. Post Engagement

Post Engagement is the total number of reactions, shares, comments, and clicks that your post received.

If you're A/B testing multiple different ad types, post engagement and CTR are two of your most important metrics to determine how well that specific ad appeals to your target audiences.

You can also choose to look specifically at "Post Comments" and "Post Reactions" to break out the different engagement types. But for a full picture of how often people are engaging with your post, select "Post Engagement."

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Of course, Facebook Ads metrics are available in each of your clients' Facebook Ads Business Manager accounts. There, you can customize your columns to find a full list of the metrics available, determine the most important metrics for your campaigns, and save them as a preset in the bottom left corner.

Facebook Ads performance column

Alternatively, use the option chosen by 6,500 agencies: use an automated client reporting platform to bring in all your clients' Facebook Ads metrics into one place. This makes it easy to visualize Facebook Ads metrics in real-time, for every one of your clients, at scale, and save billable hours with a professional Facebook Ads report template.

Automatically Track Your Client’s Facebook Ads Metrics.

Adding any of the metrics mentioned in this article into live dashboards gives you quick, actionable insights into each client's Facebook Ads campaign performance. Without logging in and out of multiple accounts.

Your top metrics are already included in the customizable Facebook Ads dashboard template .

1. Integrating Facebook Ads with All of Your Clients’ Other Campaign Metrics

By integrating Facebook Ads with the other tools your client is using, you get a complete picture of how their campaigns are performing and where they need to improve. Rather than looking at Facebook Ads metrics in isolation, compare them to Google Analytics data to provide a more complete picture. 

PPC reporting tool for conversion metrics tracking

Use our PPC reporting tool to combine your Facebook Ads data with your other key marketing channels. Or create a professional report using a customizable PPC report template.

2. Tracking the Right Facebook Ads Metrics

Not all of the 350+ metrics in Facebook Ads Manager are relevant to every campaign. By tracking only the most important metrics, you save time and avoid overwhelming your client with too much data. Creating a Facebook Ads dashboard keeps your clients from getting buried under data. 

Access your Facebook insights, monitor ad performance, and manage engagement for all your clients with our Facebook Ads dashboard template .

3. Focusing on the Results That Matter

Your clients are ultimately interested in results, not ad metrics. Use goals and custom metrics to show clients exactly how your Facebook Ads campaigns are contributing to their success.


Incorporate data storytelling into your client reports to better. Explain your results with Goals and Annotations to add that personal touch your clients will appreciate.

4. Using Automated Reporting Tools

Automated client reporting tools can save you hours of time by collecting and organizing all of the relevant data for you. Set up exactly the Facebook Ads metrics your clients need to see, and then that data will automatically populate each reporting cycle. Create beautiful, consistent client reports that leave no room for human error.

Leveraging the power of Facebook Ads requires a nuanced understanding of how Facebook tracks user interactions. By focusing on the right metrics, advertisers can align their strategies with the objectives set for each Facebook Ad campaign, ensuring they reach their audience at the right moment for a good time to engage.

This approach is essential for targeting the average user effectively and driving high conversions. Keeping a close eye on these metrics ensures that your campaigns are constantly fine-tuned to meet your goals.

It's easy to get bogged down in all of the options available in Facebook Ads Manager. However, if you just look at these 11 metrics, you'll be on your way to better optimized, better performing campaigns.

Understanding your most important Facebook Ads metrics is the key to boosting the return on investment (ROI) of your campaigns. Communicating them in a clear way is key to client retention.

But even after narrowing down each clients' KPIs and metrics , the more clients you have, the longer it takes to regularly monitor their campaign metrics to create client reports or KPI dashboards . Unless you have the right tools.

Bring all your clients’ key Facebook Ads metrics into one place–and include them alongside your other PPC campaigns!

Create Impressive Social Media Reports In Minutes

Melody Sinclair-Brooks

Melody Sinclair-Brooks brings nearly a decade of experience in marketing in the tech industry. Specializing in B2B messaging for startups and SaaS, she crafts campaigns that cut through the noise, leveraging customer insights and multichannel strategies for tangible growth.

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Top 11 Facebook Metrics to Track in 2024

Top 11 Facebook Metrics to Track in 2024

Discover what Facebook metrics are essential to track in 2024. Understand what type of data is most valuable for effective strategy optimization.

Elena Cucu

In an era where digital interaction shapes consumer behavior, businesses must leverage every tool at their disposal to stay ahead.

Facebook, a titan in the social media sphere, offers a wealth of social media analytics and insights that empower brands to make data-driven decisions.

By leveraging Facebook analytics when creating their social media marketing plan, companies can create more personalized and effective campaigns, driving growth and fostering stronger connections with their audience.

This article explores the critical role of Facebook metrics in shaping effective Facebook marketing and enhancing overall social media strategy .

Facebook performance metrics: which matter the most

Why is it important to analyze your facebook metrics.

Facebook post metrics Facebook page metrics Facebook brand awareness metrics Facebook video metrics Facebook ad metrics

FAQs about Facebook performance metrics

It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. If you’re not tracking Facebook key metrics, then you don’t know what’s working and what you need to improve, so all your marketing efforts are going to waste.

Once you start tracking the most important Facebook metrics, you’ll be able to formulate a data-driven marketing strategy and:

  • Target the right audience for your brand
  • Increase your brand awareness by getting more reach and impressions
  • Boost your engagement

Facebook post metrics

#1 engagement rate.

When it comes to Facebook engagement metrics, the Facebook engagement rate is a very relevant KPI.

It represents the average number of people who interacted with your post in some way or another: liked, shared, or commented on it.

The average engagement rate per post by followers is calculated as the sum of interactions, comments and shares divided by the number of posts, then all divided by the number of followers and multiplied by 100.

By calculating the average engagement rate, you rule out the outliers.

facebook metrics average engagement rate by followers formula

The average engagement rate per post by reach is calculated by the sum of interactions, comments and shares, divided by the total number of posts and then all divided by your posts' reach.

The result is then multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage.

facebook metrics average engagement rate by reach formula

Continue reading 👉 ​​ Engagement Rate for All Social Media Platforms .

Reach refers to the total number of unique users who have seen your ad or content, enabling you to measure your content's exposure.

By monitoring Facebook reach metrics, you'll see how the content you've created echoes to your audience, and you'll be able to optimize your marketing strategy based on those insights.

For an accurate Facebook metrics report, what's important for you to know is that Facebook reach data is split into types, namely organic and paid.

These insights are available in both Meta Business Suite and third-party social media analytics tools , such as Socialinsider , that also offers access to competitive insights .

Additionally, social media analytics platforms provide more comprehensive information than native apps, such as average reach by type of posts or your page's reach breakdown.

facebook reach metrics available in socialinsider's dashboard

#3. Impressions

Representing the number of times your ad or content was viewed on a user's screen, impressions are among those Facebook metrics that matter the most for performance evaluation.

If you want to keep tabs on this Facebook metric to see how many people viewed your content, you can either use Facebook insights or a third-party analytics tool.

To check your Facebook impressions metric in Facebook Insights by following these steps:

  • Go to your Meta Business Suite
  • Spot the "Page Insights" button from your "Manage page" side bar
  • Access the "Content" button located on the left side bar of the screen
  • Scroll left until you reach your Impressions section

Like Reach, Facebook impressions are also split into two main categories:

Organic - the Facebook metric that shows how many times your posts have been displayed in people's News Feed for free.

Paid - the Facebook metric that counts the number of times people bumped into your content on their pages if you paid for its display.

#4. Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate, also known as CTR, can be described as the percentage of people who click on a social post and is calculated by dividing the number of link clicks by the number of impressions.

What makes marketers so keen to invest huge budgets into Facebook promotion is the platform’s high click-through rate results.

Actually, according to data, Facebook is the social media platform that delivers the highest CTR, applied to both organic and paid posts.

Especially when talking about Facebook advertising metrics, this KPI is imperative to analyze, as it enables optimization on the go.

Facebook page metrics

#5. followers growth.

A growing page means you're getting more people liking and interacting with your content.

It's essential not only to measure how many new followers you get but also to know how many followers you have lost in a specific period.

The important thing to keep in mind is that you can track Facebook followers' growth only by using external Facebook analytics tools since this insight is not available in the native app.

socialinsider as a facebook metrics tool

From Facebook advertisements to influencer marketing, there are several ways to get new followers to your Facebook page. Eye-candy and bite-size content will always help you attract more Facebook users.

#6. Followers demographics

Understanding where your audience comes from allows you to shape your tone of voice and message and customize the content to your follower's specific requirements.

You can do this by looking at the follower demographics such as gender, location (country or even city), and education.

facebook audience metrics

Worldwide, 9.3% of the total active Facebook users are young women between 18 and 24 years old, and 13.3% of them are male users from the same age category, according to Statista .

Find more in-depth Facebook stats!

If your demographic consists of people over 25, or even over 30, keep the bulk of your content curated for that specific age group, while also including some posts meant to attract the younger segment.

Facebook brand awareness metrics

#7. mentions.

Mentions are among the top Facebook metrics to track when you want to measure your brand's brand awareness within the platform.

Helping you understand how your brand is perceived by your clients and potential customers as well, mentions make for a Facebook metric that leads to incredibly powerful insights - from customer service improvement to product development.

mentions metrics in socialinsider's dashboard

To gain access to important Facebook metrics that track brand exposure, such as mentions, you can choose a social media analytics solution, such as Socialinsider.

Facebook video metrics

#8. video views.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but videos are way more important today for an effective social media strategy.

If you're using Facebook videos to promote your business, tracking your video views is a must.

This Facebook metric will show you how appealing your video content is, indicating if your current video marketing strategy should be adjusted in any way.

An important thing to keep in mind is that a video view is taken into account after users see the first 3 seconds of your video posts.

#9. Average time spent watching a video

To gain a deeper understanding of how your most successful videos look like, Meta Business Suite displays several Facebook video metrics, indicating which videos succeeded in captivating the viewers for more than one minute and - for longer videos - for how many minutes.

This data set contributes to changing your social media strategy if you discover that a particular type of video is more suitable for your audience.

When a video has low audience retention, it means it’s too long, or the content is not engaging enough. You may need to alter the length and, in some cases, also the content of your videos.

It's really important to keep an eye on this Facebook metric because it can help you better understand how long people are watching your videos and at what point they tend to stop watching them.

Facebook ad metrics

#10. cost per click (cpc).

When all is said and done, how much did it cost to get that conversion? Take all the costs of the social media campaign you're running and divide it by the number of clicks you get.

So, when it comes to metrics for Facebook ads that matter, the cost-per-click data (also known as CPC) is an important KPI you should keep an eye on.

As many brands invest tremendous budgets into paid Facebook advertising, an in-depth view of your Facebook ads metrics is mandatory for a complete, bulletproof Facebook strategy evaluation report.

#11. Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

If you want to build brand awareness through your Facebook ad campaign, then from the Facebook ads metrics list, a particularly important KPI is the CPM metric (standing for cost per mile).

CPM is the amount you pay every time a thousand people scroll past your sponsored social media content.

Final thoughts

While an effective social media strategy relies heavily on creativity, good results are also grounded in extensive research and analysis. By constantly keeping an eye on your Facebook metrics, you ensure you quickly adapt to the latest social media trends and don't miss a chance to boost your brand's Facebook image.

What Facebook KPIs can I track?

When it comes to Facebook measurement, you can analyze content data (such as engagement, reach, impressions, etc.), ad metrics such as CPC, and audience metrics such as follower growth and demographics. You can also track Facebook group metrics, such as top contributors.

Where can I see Facebook metrics?

Facebook measurement can be done in the native app (Meta), but you're better off tracking the data with a professional social media analytics tool like Socialinsider, which offers a more unified, cohesive view of your performance and offers a lot of options for dashboard customization and social media reporting .

What are Facebook ad metrics?

Facebook ad performance metrics are KPIs that describe your ad's performance on Facebook in terms of impressions and clicks. The most common Facebook ad metrics marketers track are CTR (click-through rate), CPC (cost per click), and CPM (cost per thousand impressions).

Elena Cucu

Content Manager @ Socialinsider

Content & SEO Manager @ Socialinsider with 8 years of experience in marketing. I like to describe myself as a social butterfly with a curious mind, passionate about dancing and psychology.

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11 Crucial Facebook Metrics You Should Track to Grow Your Business

Learn to track Facebook metrics to assess the performance of your marketing efforts. Pin down essential metrics that can influence your growth.

Facebook Metrics You Should Track To Grow Your Business

Facebook Insights gives tons of metrics needed to monitor your campaign performance and optimize the marketing on the platform further.

But sometimes, for new businesses and startups, it is hard to get their head wrapped around the plethora of Facebook metrics available and pick out the key indicators needed to better evaluate their performance.

As if it was not enough,

Facebook recently added more to the confusion by completely overhauling the look and feel of its analytics section.

Don’t worry. This blog will cover every key Facebook metric that you should track and why it is crucial for your overall Facebook marketing strategy.

Let’s roll!

Why Is It Important to Analyze Your Facebook Metrics?

According to statistics , 1.6 billion people connected with a small business on Facebook, which is enough evidence of the platform’s affinity for SMBs and startups.

Now, calling shots on the platform without assessing Facebook insights could be a total waste of such a powerful marketing channel.

That’s why!

When using Facebook to market your business, it is crucial to have a data-driven strategy derived from the key metrics that align with your marketing goals.

Agreed yet?

If not, then let’s see the list of consequences of avoiding Facebook metrics:

  • Wrong audience targeting
  • Fewer impressions and reach on posts
  • Fewer conversions through better ads
  • Low returns on Facebook marketing expenditure
  • Less engagement
  • Missing on the best times to post on Facebook
  • Less referral traffic

And the list could go on.

Thereby, it is important that you make a proper analysis of all your key productive Facebook metrics to avoid the listed setbacks.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the key metrics you need to track to grow your business on Facebook.

11 Facebook Metrics Your Business Need to Track

Did you know there are two ways to access your Facebook metrics inside the platform?

  • The normal Facebook insights
  • The Facebook Meta Business Insights

Although, the normal insights give you a surface-level view of Facebook metrics. So, we are going to consider Facebook Meta Business Suite and one more analytics to take your reporting to the next level.

meta business suite

For your convenience, we have divided all the significant Facebook metrics into the following categories:

Here comes the first one.

Facebook Post Metrics

Facebook post metrics are the most crucial indicator to tell you about your content’s reach and how well it resonates with your audience.

1. Engagement

Engagement tracks the number of actions people make on your posted content. It can be in the form of comments, click-throughs, likes, and shares.

Where Can You Track It?

You can easily track the engagement metrics on your Facebook Meta Suite’s Insights page under the “ Content Overview ” section.

The engagement section breakdown the insights into different parts, starting from the overall engagement to the median calculation of engagement on every post type.


Another efficient way of accessing your engagement metrics is with SocialPilot’s Facebook analytics feature.

Audience enagement

A tool like SocialPilot becomes a necessity rather than a mere option if you are someone managing multiple Facebook accounts.

It allows you to track the analytics of multiple Facebook accounts under one dashboard.

In addition to that, you can also monitor and export analytics of numerous social media platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Yes, you heard that right! The exports feature lets you download or share the social analytics report directly from the tool with multiple email ids.

Do you dread the task of sharing social performance reports with clients periodically?

Don’t worry, and leverage the “ Schedule Report ” feature of SocialPilot analytics to automate the sharing of your reports on a specific day of the week or the first of every month with clients. Say goodbye to the turmoil of generating social media reports manually every month.

Start Your 14-day Trial

Why Is the Engagement Metric an Important Facebook KPI?

The engagement metric is the most crucial factor in indicating your content’s worth on social media.

More people engaging with your posts is evidence that your content is resonating with your users. So using this metric, you can figure out which form of content is working for you and which isn’t.

But that’s not all.

Good engagement also gives you an advantage in the eyes of the Facebook algorithm . Once the algorithm detects that users find your content interesting, it will show more of your content in their feed.

Reach tells you the number of people who have seen your content on Facebook. It is quite a vague number compared to engagement, but it still keeps you informed about your potential audience size.

Like engagement, you can see the overall reach of your posts, along with the median post reach per media type and content format, under the “Content Overview” section.


Also, to compare your post’s reach over time, you get a graphical representation of your overall reach in the “Overview” section of the Facebook Insights page. What’s more? You get a reach comparison between the selected time frame and the previous time frame.

insights overview

SocialPilot also gives you a clear look at the reach of every post.

facebook report metrics

If you are fond of the new median metric calculation of Facebook and want to look at the median reach of each content type, there is a graph for that inside SocialPilot.

median reach and engagement

Why Is the Reach Metric an Important Facebook KPI??

If your business has just seen the social media world’s light, then ‘reach’ can be the most vital metric to assess your brand awareness.

But here’s a piece of bad news.

Organic reach on Facebook has been at all-time low since 2012, so if you are looking to increase your reach drastically on the platform, you need to resort to Facebook ads for the needed boost.

Still, there is a bright side!

By analyzing your reach metrics, you will see which post of your account is getting more organic reach, so you can further boost it to tenfold the number.

Another reason to analyze and strive for good reach is that it directly affects your engagement metrics. The more reach a post has, the better it’s chances of getting good engagement.

3. Impressions

Reach and impression are somewhat the same with a subtle distinction.

What is it?

Reach gets counts for every unique person seeing your posts.

Whereas, impressions count the number of times someone has seen your posts, no matter if it’s the same person watching it again and again.

For example, if someone sees your post on the feed and again encounters it as a shared post from someone, it will be counted as 2 impressions but 1 reach.

How to Track Impressions?

If the impression is a metric that you deem crucial to check your Facebook performance, then there is sad news for you – Facebook doesn’t show it anymore.

But don’t worry because SocialPilot has you back here.

You will find the impressions garnered over a period of time by your paid and organic posts. The total impressions are represented under the Viral tag.

Plus, it will show how well your posts have performed in terms of impressions as compared to the previous period.


Why Is the Impression Metric an Important Facebook KPI?

The impression metric is an excellent way to find out the virality of a post. But keep in mind that not every post with an impression is a viral post .

Your impression count will always be equal to or higher than your reach. But to define that a post is viral among your users, you need to have a larger number at the side of your impression.

Did you know that impression can also lead to conversion?

According to the “ marketing rule of seven ,” your prospects have to come across your post an average of 7 times before taking any action.

Thereby, having more impressions on your posts can lead to more conversions. So keep track of the posts that have substantial impressions and try to make more of such content in your Facebook ad campaigns.

4. When Your Fans Are Online

This section tells you about the presence of your audience on Facebook across the week. Its graphical representation shows you, on average, how many of your fans are online on a day or week at a specific time.

Unfortunately, Facebook has also retired the “when your fans are online” graph.

Fret not; we still have it!

SocialPilot tells you about the number of fans active on Facebook at each hour of the day.

active fans

Why Is the “When Your Fans Are Online” Metric an Important Facebook KPI?

With organic reach on a steep decline since 2012, using the best time to post on Facebook is the only way to cut through the noise and get some eyes on your content without using paid-ads.

But here’s the catch, every business has a different best time.

Enters the “When your fans are online” section!

This section briefly tells you the time when most of your fans are online to connect with your Facebook post.

What does this mean for you?

It means you can publish your posts on days and hours, showing the most fans online to get more reach and engagement.

Productivity Tip: You can schedule your posts for all your best times way ahead using social media scheduling tools .

Facebook Audience Metrics

Facebook audience metrics give you an in-depth insight into the age, gender, location, and language of your followers, fans, and the people that you have reached.

5. Age and Gender Demographics

The age and gender demographics metrics are a great way to zero down on your relevant audience. This section gives a graphical representation of your fans and followers grouped by age and gender.

Where to Track It?

You can easily track the age and gender metrics on your Facebook Insights under the “Audience” section.


Alternatively, you can also check your audience demographics on SocialPilot’s Facebook analytic page.

audience demographic

Why Is Age and Gender Metrics an Important Facebook KPI?

Imagine a business that sells canes for older people creating a Facebook post using Gen-Z lingo. Surely, it would not go down with good engagement.

That is why you need a better understanding of your target audience to create a solid Facebook content strategy.

Simply put, looking at your follower’s breakdown based on age and gender helps you set a more holistic content marketing strategy.

So dive down into your age and gender metrics to find out your relevant audience and create content that caters to that lot.

6. Location and Language Metrics

As an elongation of age and gender metrics, this section helps you get insights into the location and language of your fans and followers.

Where to Track it?

You will get this data in a tabular form right below the age and gender metrics. Previously, Facebook used to show the data of the different languages that your fans speak. Since it is discontinued, you need to figure out that part based on the country and city data.


SocialPilot also shows you the same data alongside the age and gender graph, which we have already added in the above section.

Why Should You Track the “Location and Language” Metric?

If you are a brand catering to locations worldwide, then it is for sure that your one-size-fits-all content approach won’t work for everyone.

What’s the solution?

It would be best to opt for a content localization strategy that suits your target audience’s linguistic nuances, cultural and social factors, aesthetic choices, and even political and religious norms.

Luckily you can get a clear idea of your Facebook audience’s location and language preferences using the audience insights and mold your content accordingly.

Productivity Tip:

Use the Facebook audience targeting feature to show your post in the news feed of a specific segment of people based on their location and language.

Facebook Traffic Metrics

This category tells you the amount of traffic being driven to your website and Facebook page.

7. Facebook Referral Traffic

Facebook referral traffic metrics tell you about the amount of traffic coming to your website from your Facebook page. This traffic can be coming from visitors clicking on your profile, posts, and shared posts.

Google Analytics shows you all the data around your referral traffic. Make sure that you already have a Google Analytics account set up.

To access this data, click on “Acquisition” from the left-hand menu in Google Analytics, and then go to Social>Network Referrals. Here you will see the traffic your website is getting from all your social media networks. Find Facebook in it.

Facebook referral traffic

Why Is It Important to Track Facebook Referral Traffic Metrics?

For every business, it’s essential to evaluate whether their content on Facebook is pulling enough people back to their website or not.

Facebook referral metric helps you keep track of Facebook-to-website visitors. It gives you a holistic look into the number of sessions on your website, how many pages were viewed, and how long the user stayed on your site.

Overall it tells you how compelling your content or headlines were that people clicked on them and cruised inside your site.

So, if you see the referral traffic declining, it means that people are not finding your content effective enough to click.

Productivity tip: Use a killer social media call to action that prompts users to take action on your Facebook posts.

Facebook Page Metrics

Facebook page metrics informs about the number of likes and follows on your page.

8. Page Likes and Follows

As the names suggest, page likes are the number of people who liked your page to support and followe it to see your content on their feed.

But there’s a thin distinction between page likes and follows.

When someone likes your page, it gets followed automatically. However, they can opt to unfollow it, so they don’t receive any further updates from your page. Still, these people will be shown as your audience.

On the other hand,.

If they unlike your page yet still follow it, they will be counted as your lookalike audience but not as your audience.

Where to Track Them?

To track the in-depth insights around your page likes, go to the “Results” section under Insights.

Here you will see the breakdown of the likes you have got over the time of your chosen period.

new likes and follows

And if you are looking to track your page followerss,

Go to the “Overview” section to get the breakdown of your followers during the time of your chosen period.


SocialPilot also tells you the number of page likes you have lost and gained each day to paint a proper picture of audience growth.

Why should you measure the page likes and follows metric?

It’s true that page likes and follows are a vanity metric when compared to the engagement metric.

But still, as a new business page, it gives you a fair idea of your audience reach and your growth rate on Facebook.

Anyways, increasing followers is a far better sign for your business than stagnant follower numbers. If you see your follower’s growth declining or not growing month by month, there is something off with your Facebook marketing.

Facebook Ad Metrics

Facebook Ads manager gives you tons of metrics to monitor your ad campaign. But the sheer amount of data can be overwhelming for anyone.

So the trick to get the most out of your Facebook ad metrics is to keep your marketing goal in sight while evaluating them.

Here, we have touched briefly on some of the most common ad metrics that every business needs to track.

You will get every metric related to your ad performance inside the Facebook ads manager.

Facebook ads metric where to track

Let’s see some of the most common metrics that can be of high value to you, depending on your campaign goals.

Click-through rate (CTR) metrics show you the percentage of people coming toon your landing page after clicking through your ad.

Why Is the CTR an Important Facebook Metric?

CTR is one of the most crucial metrics to evaluate your ad campaign’s effectiveness. It gives you an overall view of your ad’s performance in attracting users.

A good CTR tells you that your ad is of quality and has an excellent relevant score too. So if your CTR is hitting rock bottom, then make some changes in your ad copy and try to make it more relevant for your targeted users.

10. CPC & CPM

So on what basis do your Facebook ads get charged?

Facebook ads manager gives you multiple options to be charged, and two of them are cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM).

CPC metrics tell you how much you are paying when someone clicks on your ad, and CPM shows how much you are paying for every thousand impressions on your ad.

Why Should You Track These Metrics?

Both CPC and CPM align with your objective to create better reach and brand awareness on Facebook.

Instead of monitoring your whole budget, it will be more informative if you peek at these two metrics to evaluate the worth of your spending.

11. Ad Frequency

Ad frequency refers to the average number of times your targeted audience sees a specific ad on their Facebook feed.

For example, your ad frequency will be 4, if your ad is seen by the average targeted audience 4 times.

Why Should You Track This Metric? Why should you track this metric?

You might be thinking, the more the frequency, the better.

Well, no. According to ad espresso’s report , as the ad frequency increases, it decreases the CTR and gives a hike to your average CPC.

Facebook Ad Frequency Metric

But then again, I have told you about the rule of seven, where a person must come across your ad seven times to be interested in making a decision.

See, the escape from this dilemma is to create the same ad but with multiple variations. Tweak the visuals and copy of your ad so that it doesn’t become boring for your audience and lose its impact over time.

Okay, we are done with all the Facebook metrics that could help assess your performance to make better Facebook marketing decisions.

Let’s quickly summarize them.

Facebook Metrics and their benefits

So, which metrics are you going to track?

Facebook provides a plethora of metrics to measure and maintain your account’s performance steadily. Choosing the metrics which matter the most to you totally depends on your marketing goal.

We hope this blog gives you a reference point to start evaluating your key Facebook metrics.

Also, don’t hesitate to use a fantastic analytics tool like SocialPilot to analyze multiple Facebook page metrics under one dashboard. It will save you a lot of time.

Happy assessing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Facebook metrics?

Here's a step-by-step process to find Facebook Metrics:

Step 1: Open your Facebook page

Step 2: Click on "More tools" from the right-hand side menu and then click on "Meta Business Suite."

Step 3: Inside the Meta business Suite environment, navigate to the "Insights" from the right-hand side menu, and tada, you are there.

There are actually two ways to access your Facebook metrics within the platform. You've got the normal Facebook insights, and then you've got the Facebook Meta business insights.

Now, if you really want to get a deeper view of each metric, the Meta business suite is the right tool. It's just way more comprehensive! Plus, if you really want to get a good handle on your metrics, there are some pretty cool analytics tools like SocialPilot out there that can help you trace peaks and troughs with awesome graphical representations.

What metrics are most important on Facebook?

Here are 11 most important metrics on Facebook:

  • Impressions
  • Follower's active time
  • Age and gender
  • Language and location
  • Referral traffic
  • Page likes and follows
  • CPC and CPM
  • Ad frequency

How do I download Facebook metrics?

You can download Facebook metrics inside the Meta business suite in just one click. At the top of every metric, you will find an "export" button. Click on it to export that particular metric in a pdf, png, or CSV file.

About the Author

Picture of Chandraveer Singh

Chandraveer Singh

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How to create a Facebook analytics report 

Before we give you the free template, let’s go over step-by-step how to create a monthly Facebook analytics report:

The first thing to do before creating your report is establish your Facebook goals and key performance indicators ( KPIs ). Think carefully about what you’d like to achieve from your Facebook marketing strategy and come up with manageable numbers around each goal. 

For example, if your goal is to grow your presence, one thing you might want to track is your follower count and get 100 new followers each month. 

Now that you know what you want to achieve, it’s time to start collecting data. There are three main ways to do this: Facebook Insights, third-party analytics tools, and manual tracking. 

We suggest using a Facebook analytics tool to gather your data. This will make it easier to gather vital insights on things like general performance, engagement, and growth over time.

The next step is to analyze the numbers. Your goal is to figure out where you’re excelling and what you can do better. If you know which type of posts do well and when to maximize your engagement, you can continue growing your Facebook account at a steady pace. 

Once you’ve collected and analyzed your Facebook data, it’s time to create a monthly report. You’ll want to make sure key metrics are tracked and reported here so you and the rest of your team can reference them during social media brainstorming sessions. 

The final step of the process involves comparing your monthly reports to the goals and KPIs you established at the beginning of this process. It’s a good idea to adjust your strategy based on how you’re doing. 

For example, if you consistently exceed your 100 follower count goal, try setting a higher goal of 150 for the following month. These evaluations and adjustments will help you fine-tune your Facebook marketing strategy. 

If you’re here for the free Facebook analytic template, look no further! We’ve put together a great free template you can use to make life easier:

facebook report metrics

Here’s how to start using it today:

First, open our free monthly Facebook analytics report template. In just a few clicks, you can customize it to meet your specific needs. If you’d like to make one from scratch, that’s also an option. 

The next step is to plug in your Facebook metrics. Don’t forget to include the dates so you know the timeframe you’re tracking. 

Look over the data and try to find any noticeable patterns or trends. In many cases, these trends can help you figure out which part of your strategy is working and where you can improve. 

Finally, use the data to make an actionable plan. Facebook and social media marketing, in general, rely on concrete information. If you understand how people are engaging with your account, you can come up with posts and other types of content that meet their needs and keep them invested in your brand. 

If you’re not using a third-party tool to create your monthly Facebook analytics reports, you could benefit from Keyhole! Our advanced profile & competitive analysis tool allows you to easily measure and grow all of your social media accounts in one place.

With a few clicks, you can input your data from Facebook and other social sites so you can figure out which posts and content perform the best, which can help you replicate your success.

facebook report metrics

You can also optimize your social presence based on actionable data. Our reporting will help you figure out the best time to post so you can maximize clicks and engagement. 

And if you’re interested in tracking your competitors, we have something for that! Our competitor analysis tool will help you access any and every competitor in one easy-to-use dashboard. Keyhole also makes it easy to see which posts are doing well so you can start brainstorming for your next social media campaign. 

facebook report metrics

If you’re ready to experience these benefits and more, we have you covered!

Creating a monthly Facebook analytics report shouldn’t be intimidating or time-consuming. The information packed into these reports can help you track your performance and adjust based on engagement, conversions, and much more.

With a tool like Keyhole, you can quickly and easily create Facebook reports with minimal effort and maximum benefit. Once you have these reports, it’s much easier to make the right choices for your business.

We are confident that with patience and persistence, you can exceed  your Facebook marketing goals and take your brand to new heights. 

facebook report metrics

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner , the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can boost brand awareness, engagement, clicks to your website as well as optimize content and campaigns for your target audience.

You should track metrics like your reach, mentions, engagement rates, audience demographics, and top posts.

Yes, it’s possible to manually collect and sort through your analytics. However, this is time consuming and not always accurate.

One of the best ways to get better results from Facebook is to track and analyze your data. Figure out what you’re doing right, and where you can improve. Use this information to slowly evolve your strategy.

Top 15 Facebook Metrics to Track in 2024

Whether you work in an agency or an in-house marketing team, tracking your Facebook metrics and performance is one of the most important tasks.

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool

Jan 29 2020 ● 4 min read

Top Facebook Metrics to Track

Table of Contents

1. engagements, 3. impression, 4. frequency, 5. video average watch time, 6. click-through rate, 7. cost per click, 8. cpm (cost per mille/1,000 impressions), 9. cpa (cost per action), 10. conversion rate, 11. engagement rate, 12. page likes and followers, 13. referral traffic from facebook, 14. follower demographics, 15. share of voice, facebook analytics, bottom line, what are the most important facebook metrics, how do i get facebook metrics, how do i see my total impressions on facebook.

To do this, you can use Facebook metrics, which provide valuable insight into what works or not and how to grow your audience. They measure your Facebook marketing strategy’s progress towards your goals as they tell you where you are and what you need to do to improve.

Therefore, Facebook metrics allow you to monitor and analyze changes and make well-informed decisions to run a successful campaign or grow your business online. However, a metric is only useful if you know what to use and why. Facebook has a good default set-up of pre-made metrics; you can also customize them to what you want to see.

Additionally, you can add more or the better version of the same ones from some free or paid Facebook analytics tools once you understand their function and how they work.

Following are the 15 most important key metrics you should consider when developing and executing social media marketing campaigns on Facebook.

The engagement metric shows the number of people interacting with your page. The interaction may include link clicks, comments, reactions, or shares and provide you with crucial data on how many people like the content you post.

Moreover, the higher post engagement, the more people like your posts and the more exposure you get on the platform. The Facebook algorithm makes the posts with a higher engagement rate more visible to your audience in their news feed.

Engagement allows agencies to identify what type of content performs best on the client's Facebook page and gives guidance on what content to create in the future. Perhaps video content performs best for you on this social network? Or perhaps images are the way to go?

Reach shows the number of people who see your post; it only counts when an ad or post reaches a unique person. Facebook reach will always be smaller than the number of impressions as an impression shows all the views, including multiple views from the same person.

Organic reach only tells how many people from your contacts have seen your post, while the Total reach shows all the people who see your posts, including people not in your fan list who see the post through a paid ad.

The impression metric tells you how often a particular piece of content is shown; whenever your content is seen, it will be counted as an impression. It can include multiple views from the same user, unlike Reach, which only counts unique person views.

Something to consider - impression metrics can be segmented based on a particular post, page, or ad.

Frequency is the number of times a person from your audience has seen your ad. If there is more than twice the frequency rate, but the conversion is not increasing, it means people have seen your ad twice but are not interested, and you need to change something from it. Otherwise, you may be spending money and not sending anything traffic to your landing page, effectively wasting your budget.

Video Average Watch time tells you the percentage of videos watched. The metric shows you the average video watch time, and the Facebook algorithm suggests the videos with higher watch time to their users.

Furthermore, Thruplay lets you optimize and pay for your video based on the number of times your video was played for more than 15 minutes, while the Cost Per Thruplay tells you the average cost for each played video. This is one of the most important video metrics to keep track of.

The CTR metric measures how many times people clicked on your link. It helps you to know which links are clicked more and the difference compared to the links that did not do well. It provides information on the percentage of people who clicked your ad from all the people who saw it.

CPC shows the average cost for each click you get on Facebook. You need not only a lower Cost per click but also valuable clicks that convert. If people are not clicking and your cost per click is high, you need to make your ad more aggressive and attract more people to your link.

At the same time, if people are clicking on your ad but are not converting, you need to make a strategy to attract high-quality leads that turn into customers. Depending on if your goal is audience retention or brand awareness, CPC will be more or less important, but it’s always a good idea to keep it low.

CPM tells you how much money you are paying to Facebook per 1,000 impressions. Facebook wants people to create engaging ads that do not annoy and turn people away. For instance, if an ad is not attractive to the audience, they would not want to see it again. You need to create interesting ads that engage people and provide a lower cost per 1,000 impressions for it to be successful.

Cost per action is also called cost per conversion , and it is the cost paid after the action is taken by the audience instead of an impression.

Cost Per conversion shows you how much you are paying for a lead or sale and Conversion Rate shows the percentage of people who not only clicked your ad but also made a purchase.

If many people are clicking your ad at a low cost but not converting, it means the ad is doing its job to make people click . However, people are not interested in what the link has to offer. It is not convincing people to convert. You would want to see a higher conversion rate for the percentage of the page clicked depending on your specific need.

Engagement measures your client’s audience behaviour and actions taken on your Facebook post. This could be: liking, commenting, or sharing.

By tracking this KPI, you can:

  • Analyze post performance and determine whether the content you publish resonates with the client’s target audience.
  • Gather historical data to learn what they prefer to see the most and optimise your strategy accordingly.

Page likes and followers are the KPIs that show how many people like and follow your client’s business Facebook account.

The rule of 'the higher, the better' does not always apply to these KPIs because having thousands of bots and fake accounts adds no value, revenue, sales, or conversion.

Facebook defines page likes and page followers as the numbers of new people who liked/followed your client’s page, divided by paid and non-paid. These figures are estimates.

Referral traffic is also known as page views. It’s essentially the number of Facebook users who landed on the client's website after clicking a link from Facebook. This is counted as referral traffic.

What can you do to increase Facebook referral traffic for your client?

  • Do an overhaul on your client's page. Keep the info fresh, relevant and updated.
  • Host a Giveaway . Keep Facebook users engaged and let them know you care about them.
  • Place Links In Image Captions. Create engaging and compelling CTAs so users want to learn more about the client's business.
  • Place Static HTML.
  • Use post teasers.
  • Ask a question or solicit feedback.
  • Create Facebook Messenger links with Facebook Messenger marketing automation .

Follower demographics is the KPI that tells you key information about the client’s followers.

Facebook Insights capture information like:

  • Audience age;

Facebook page analytics even segments top audiences allowing marketing agencies to find out which group of people already engages with the client’s business the most.

This data is crucial when creating Facebook ads, creating and publishing content, and developing strategies.

The SoV measures how common your client's business is in comparison to their competitors. It's a great metric to measure when you're just getting started with a new client and want to know how their company ranks in the market.

Agencies typically track online brand mentions and the demographics that engage with them the most.

Analyzing, tracking and measuring Facebook KPIs is a complex task as doing it manually wastes a lot of time and is prone to human errors. Not only that, but the reporting scope can grow exponentially as your client list expands or you start incorporating other digital marketing tools within your reports.

Yet, we have a solution - Facebook reporting software .

This tool provides you with cross-channel reporting with white-label and automation features. This means you can create a report and compare the progress of Facebook's marketing efforts and strategy’s progress to other social media platforms.

To help digital marketing agencies, even more, we have created a gallery with more than 90 templates available to access anytime.

With Facebook ad analytics :

  • You identify relevant KPIs that are relevant to the goal;
  • You obtain historical data to identify trends and patterns;
  • You get real-time data on how the specific Facebook ad metric or KPI is performing right now;
  • You delve deep to discover what factors influence that specific KPI.

Here is a Facebook dashboard template to get live data on the most important metrics.

And here is a Facebook analytics report template if you want to get historical data and analyze the overall performance of your strategy and each post.

The key performance indicators on Facebook are essential for developing effective strategies and ad campaigns. Nevertheless, because there are so many marketing KPIs to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones to use.

This list above only included the most critical ones to consider and those that would offer the most benefit.

If you want access to accurate real-time and historical data; If you want access to all social media network data; If you want to start enjoying reporting; And if you want a tool that creates interactive reports in no time, then Whatagraph is a solution for you. Try our platform for free today and get personalized best reporting practices from a dedicated account manager.

The most important Facebook metrics are the ones you choose with careful planning and alignment with the specific goals you have set up for your campaign or business. Anything else is vanity metrics overwhelming your reports.

First, you need to understand what you want to know from these metrics and then know the metrics aligned to your Facebook advertising objectives and helped you achieve your goal. Facebook provides a wide range of free metrics, which you can access by clicking the page insight from the top of your page. Moreover, you can also download them for more in-depth data.

Once you know the relevant metrics and how they work, you can also use other free or paid Facebook analytics tools and make it easier to monitor.

You need to go to your business page and click insight at the top to see the total impression. Then click posts → click on the Reach tab → select impressions from the drop-down menu. Here you can find your total impressions on Facebook.

Published on Jan 29 2020

Dominyka is a copywriter at Whatagraph with a background in product marketing and customer success. Her degree in Mass Communications/Media Studies helps her to use simple words to explain complex ideas. In addition to adding value to our landing pages, you can find her name behind numerous product releases, in-app notifications, and guides in our help center.

Create your first marketing report using Whatagraph

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Facebook KPIs: 19 Metrics You Should Track For Better Performance

John Ozuysal

Do you know that Facebook’s potential advertising reach is over 2.11 Billion people? 🤯 

That’s an impressive reach for any social media platform, right? Besides, this reach covers 63.7% of all Americans above 13 years of age.

So yes, running your marketing campaigns and advertisements on Facebook is a good decision. But how will you track these millions and billions of data coming your way?

It's pretty simple, track Facebook KPIs.

Wondering what we mean by Facebook KPIs? Read this article to know all about them!

What are Facebook KPIs? 

Facebook is the world's most active social media platform, with over 2.934 billion monthly active users. Since the user base is significantly higher, the data coming across to you becomes complicated with time.

We say so because the platform has tons of information to share with you. 😉

Here, we're not talking about private info but the insights collected from your activities, posts, campaigns, and ads. Here's when Facebook KPIs come into play.

Facebook KPIs are a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge the performance of a Facebook page. It measures specific details related to your Facebook pages, like the number of shares, post engagement, follower growth, link clicks, and more.

But that’s not it.

There's another category of Facebook KPIs, popularly known as Facebook Ad KPIs, that specifically measure the performance of your ad campaigns on the platform.

Evidently, a cluster of businesses relies on Facebook ads to build an audience, attract customers, and drive relevant traffic back to the site.

Facebook ad KPIs help you to dig deeper into your ad campaigns and get insights related to ad relevance, quality, and performance. Unlike Facebook's organic KPIs, they monitor a business's core advertising and marketing analytics.

Why Are Facebook KPIs Important?

You see, social media has a global outreach of 4.2 billion users . 

facebook kpi statistics

More or less, 9 out of 10 people who surf the net use social platforms. This user base is spread across various platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

For the most part, Facebook has the most extensive user base. In the U.S itself, it has 182.3 million active users.

This brings us to the fact that tracking and monitoring Facebook insights are important. 

Here's what we think tracking Facebook KPIs can do for your business:

  • 🧪 Help You Iterate Strategies: Every ad campaign has an end goal. May it be sales, lead generation, or brand awareness. Your end goal is what determines your KPIs. If your campaigns are not performing as expected, you can briefly look at the KPIs to understand what needs to be worked on.
  • 📈 Spot Patterns and Trends: KPIs are not for single-time use. They help you track and compare your performance consistently, believing you have the same goals in place. Hence, Facebook KPIs can immensely help you identify the pattern, trends, and user behavior toward your campaigns or Facebook page. 
  • 👀 Gauge Ad Campaign Performance: Facebook KPIs are the right set of analytics to gauge your campaign performance. They present you with a detailed overview of campaigns or ad performance. 
  • ✅ Plan Predictive Growth: When you set SMART Facebook KPIs, you're one step away from accurately predicting growth. These KPIs can let you forecast monthly or annual growth and help you plan ahead to accommodate that growth.

Facebook KPIs and Facebook Ads KPIs: What is the Difference?

Facebook KPIs are classified into two categories: Organic KPIs and Ad KPIs.

When we talk about organic KPIs, we measure posts that don't require an investment, sponsor, or marketing budget. Facebook organic ads are closer to SEO; therefore, the traffic and leads you generate from them are free of cost. 

Some examples of Facebook organic KPIs include the number of post likes, share of voice, organic impressions, and organic reach.

On the other hand, ad KPIs are used to gauge the performance of a clearly organized and funded campaign on Facebook. 

Now, you might have a question, Is it necessary to measure your organic and inorganic growth individually?

The answer is - Yes, at all times. Doing this allows you to examine your marketing efforts distinctively and lays a clear boundary between your paid and organic results. 

What are the Most Important Facebook Organic KPIs to Track?

Kpi #1. organic impressions.

Impressions, in organic terms, measure the number of times your content landed on a user's Facebook feed. Simply put, it's the number of times your content was viewed.

Why Is It Important?

Tracking impressions becomes vital because the ultimate goal of marketing teams is to increase brand visibility. You must ensure that your content is seen by a larger audience. 

The fewer the impressions, the lesser the visibility on the platform, and the fewer chances you have to acquire customers or leads.

Sticking to the organic side, impressions are a clear indicator of your organic marketing efforts.

Moreover, measuring this KPI is no rocket science. It doesn't even have a formula. You can sign in to Facebook Creator Studio and click on the content library to access these insights.

KPI #2. Organic Reach

Reach refers to the number of unique users on Facebook that have viewed your content. Although impressions and reach seem to be alike, they have distinct purposes. 

You see, reach is defined as the number of users that have seen your content at least once, while impressions define the number of times your content was displayed to the audience.

The higher your organic reach, the higher the chances of generating more leads and acquiring more customers.

Reach can be categorized into two types:

  • Post Reach: The number of unique viewers of your Facebook post
  • Page Reach: The number of unique viewers of your Facebook fan page

Tracking both of these is pretty straightforward. You can easily measure them via Facebook analytics or Datapad.

Here's the Fun Part: If the same user views your content twice during a given timeframe, Facebook measures it as one unique visitor.

So, no matter how often someone re-views your content, it will still be considered as one unique user or counted as one reach.

KPI #3. Organic Followers Growth

organic follower growth formula

This KPI measures the change in the number of followers on your Facebook fan page over a given period. It specifically measures follower growth from organic marketing strategies.

Tracking organic follower growth over a weekly or monthly basis tells you how well your content resonates with the target audience.

A positive follower growth indicates that your marketing efforts are right in place and your Facebook page is progressing and improving with time. Whereas, a negative trajectory is a bad sign.

KPI #4. Engagement Rate

Engagement rate formula

This KPI measures the rate at which your audience engages with your content. Facebook engagement is typically measured via three indicators:

The engagement rate goes a long way in building your brand reputation. It identifies how many of your followers are actually resonating with your content.

You see, following a page and liking its content are two different user behaviors. One might follow your FB page but never interact with any of your content.

From an SEO perspective, a lousy engagement rate decreases page reach. Because if people (even your followers) are not engaging with your content, algorithms have no reasons to show it to a larger audience.

KPI #5. Engagement Per Follower

Engagement per follower formula

When you post on Facebook, people tend to engage with it, and calculating it can give you a boatload of insights.

For a social page, it's important to measure engagement against the number of followers. We mean a fan page with millions of followers, yet 3-figure likes on posts aren't impressive enough.

Moreover, this KPI specifically tells you what amount of your followers are actually resonating with your content. The higher the number, the more interactive your fan page is to your followers.

KPI #6. Video Engagement Rate [VER]

VER formula

This KPI explicitly measures the percentage of impressions that lead to some form of engagement on your video content.

Factually, video content has gained significant popularity in recent times, probably because it generates more engagement than any other content type.

Usually measured as a percentage, a low engagement rate indicates that the video is not capturing the viewer's attention or that the content is not enough to persuade viewers to engage.

The best way to visualize this KPI is via a line graph. Or, you can analyze it via Datapad simply and quickly (more on this later) .

KPI #7. Share of Voice

share of voice formula

Share of voice, or the number of shares, measures the total number of times your content is shared during a given period.

Although 'share' is counted as a measure of engagement, it has more to it. Unlike likes or comments, sharing content amplifies its reach and visibility.

Moreover, when someone shares your content with their network, people are more likely to engage with it since it comes from a promising source. 

Besides promoting brand awareness, the share of voice highly impacts word-of-mouth marketing and thus is always a popular metric among social media marketers.

KPI #8. Referral Traffic

This KPI measures the number of visitors who landed on your website after clicking an inbound link from another website.

Referral traffic from Facebook can be of great importance. Tracking this metric can help you gain meaningful insights into potential customers. You can use Google Analytics to track the amount of referral traffic from Facebook. 

KPI #9. Reach by Post Type

This KPI explicitly tells you which post types are performing better on Facebook. That said, Facebook posts are of several types, namely,

  • Single post
  • Text-based post

Not every content format is desirable for every social platform. For example, videos on Facebook have a higher engagement rate than image posts. But you can't be sure about it; testing all kinds of posts is the best way to know what works for your account.

Hence, the reach by post type KPI can help you figure out what truly works for you and your audience. Thereby creating better content strategies to serve the need.

KPI #10. Follower Demographics

The follower demographic KPI helps you to identify who your followers are, where they are from, and what devices they use to consume your content.

Getting to know your audience can help you define your overall channel strategies.

By breaking your follower demographics into Country, Gender, or Language, you can customize your content to their specific requirements.

Moreover, if a specific gender drives maximum engagement to your brand, you can tweak your brand tone for the same.

Enough about organic key performance indicators, let’s dive into Facebook Ads KPIs.

What are the Most Important Facebook Ads KPIs to Track?

Kpi #11. ad impressions.

This KPI simply measures the number of times your ad was displayed to the audience.

Ad impressions is a metric that shows how many times your ad was displayed on the user's Facebook feed. This becomes important for marketers who strive for better reach and visibility.

Low impressions indicate that the Facebook algorithm isn't serving your ads to people. This could be due to a number of factors like low quality-score, targeting the wrong audience, minimal budget, etc.

Measuring this KPI plays a major role in calculating key metrics such as Click-through-rate, Conversion Rate, cost-per-click, and more.

KPI #12. Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

ctr formula

This KPI measures the percentage of users who clicked on an advertisement to the ad's total number of impressions.

CTR is the most popular metric among advertisers and marketers. 

That’s because Facebook doesn't intend to gain backlash by showing irrelevant content. 

A high click-through rate is vital to your ad campaign success since it directly affects your Quality Score. 

If you’re getting a low CTR, your campaign might have:

  • Unattractive ad design
  • Poor ad copy
  • Wrong audience targeting

If any of these is true, your ad CTR will be significantly impacted, and so will your quality score. For a Facebook Ad, a CTR of 1.5% is quite good. 

KPI #13. Cost-Per-Click

cpc formula

This metric measures the amount of money you pay whenever someone clicks on your advertisement on Facebook.

CPC is the money companies pay to advertisers every time a user clicks on their ad. This amount can be whatever you like, depending on the bidding system.

Tracking this becomes important to measure your ROAS (Return on Advertisements). Although it's great if your ad is getting more clicks, at the same time, it's useless until you can convert those leads into buyers.

KPI #14. Cost Per Thousand Impressions [CPM]

CPI formula

Cost-per-thousand impressions, or CPM, refers to the amount you pay for your ad to get a thousand impressions.

Although this may not be the best metric for conversion-based campaigns, it's also beneficial when running campaigns for brand awareness.

This KPI is best used for evaluating ad effectiveness and can provide valuable insights into your advertising strategies.


ROAS formula

Return on Ad Spend is a marketing metric that measures the revenue generated from every dollar spent on ads.

ROAS generally measures the conversion rate of your ads. For example, if you make $10 for every dollar spent on ads, your ROAS is 10:1.

Simply put, the basic idea behind ROAS is to get back more money than you’re spending on ads.

KPI #16. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate formula

The conversion rate measures the number of people who took action after seeing your ad. The action can be as complex as enrolling for a free trial to as simple as visiting your website.

Conversion rate is a metric used to gauge the success of an ad. Simply put, it tells you the exact percentage of visitors that convert from your ad.

A lower conversion rate indicates your ad quality needs to be improved, and you need to run A/B tests to see what's working.

KPI #17. Link Clicks

When running ads, you ought to have a CTA, and most of your CTAs will be a link either taking your audience to your website to buy something or a link to fill out a form.

This metric tells you how engaging or compelling your ad is to your audience. Besides, keeping track of this KPI also allows you to track other primary PPC metrics such as CPC, CTR, and more.

KPI #18. Video Audience Retention

This KPI measures the time duration within which a user is engaged with the video published on the platform.

Even though it’s a complex KPI to track, it can provide you with actionable insights. As a benchmark, a 50% video retention rate is considered good.

Besides, to calculate this metric, you can make use of Facebook insights or a reporting software .

KPI #19. Cost Per Conversion

cost per conversion formula

Cost per conversion, or CPC, refers to the total cost incurred in generating one conversion. It’s calculated by dividing the total money spent on advertising and marketing by the total number of conversions.

Tracking CPC is yet another easy way to figure out how well your ad campaigns are doing. 

A high cost per conversion indicates that something is wrong with your ads. It might be poorly drafted ad copy, or maybe you’re targeting the wrong audience.

In the same way, a lower CPC could mean your ads are well-optimized for your target audience; hence they convert easily.

How to Track Your Facebook KPIs For Free with Datapad?

Tracking and monitoring 19+ KPIs can be overwhelming. It might require several resources to streamline the tracking process. 

But what if we say you can track, monitor, and analyze these Facebook KPIs at your fingertips?

datapad homepage

Datapad is a mobile-friendly dashboarding tool that is capable of collecting, monitoring, and visualizing Facebook KPIs from anywhere around the world – without writing a single line of code.

Our tool can create beautiful dashboards and perform all the functions of a typical desktop dashboarding tool in a power-packed mobile application.

Scan the QR Code to get the Datapad app for Free today!

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  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Marketing

Facebook metrics

Facebook Metrics You Need to Know

Author Profile Picture

Written by Anna Sonnenberg

Last modified Mar. 1 2024

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Table of Contents

Whether you manage just one or dozens of Facebook Pages, you need a way to track and analyze performance. But which Facebook metrics matter most and how can you monitor them most effectively?

Get to know the most important Facebook metrics and find out how to track and analyze them in your social media reporting dashboard.

Why Do Facebook Metrics Matter?

Publishing the same kind of Facebook content or repetitive Facebook Ads campaigns might get decent results for a little while. But the Facebook algorithm is continuously evolving.

So is your audience.

To find out what’s working now, you have to stay on top of your brand’s Facebook metrics.

Monitoring metrics can help you:

  • Reach your team’s social media goals, which can be anything from increasing brand awareness to driving website traffic.
  • Identify what drives the best results (and what performs the worst) so you can do more of what works.
  • Overcome declining Facebook organic reach and other algorithm challenges so you can reach your audience effectively.

Facebook Page Metrics

How is your Facebook Page performing overall? Tracking Facebook Page metrics can help you determine if your page is growing as quickly and connecting with as many people as your team would like.

Audience growth

Audience growth reflects the Facebook followers you’ve gained or lost over a certain time period.

When you track growth weekly or monthly, you can ensure that your profile is gaining new followers at a steady clip and avoid hitting any plateaus.

With Agorapulse’s audience growth report, you can chart the total size of your following over time.

Facebook metrics - audience growth total

Toggle the dropdown menu to chart follower variations over time. You can see how many followers you’ve added or lost each day and pinpoint unusual activity.

For example, you can quickly spot days when you gained or lost more followers than normal. Then you can do some research to determine whether something you said or posted caused the spike.

Facebook metrics - audience growth variation

Facebook impressions

Impressions reflect how many times people viewed your Facebook content.

The Agorapulse audience report charts your Facebook Page’s impressions over time and breaks down this metric into a few helpful categories:

  • Organic impressions come from all your unpaid content.
  • Paid impressions result from your Facebook Ads.
  • Viral impressions happen when your followers’ engagement with your content causes it to appear on their friends’ timelines.

Facebook metrics - impressions

When you want as many people as possible to see your content, tracking impressions is particularly helpful. Identify the days with the highest impressions and then look back at what you posted on those days. Can you publish more content in this vein?

10 types of social media content to fill your calendar

Facebook reach.

Reach is the number of unique Facebook users who saw your content.

Like impressions, reach helps you get a sense of how successfully you’re spreading the word about your brand.

Agorapulse content reports track total reach for your account, so you can gauge success with a quick glimpse.

Facebook reach metrics

The dashboard also collects reach data for individual posts. You can see both organic and paid reach for any post to determine which strategy is driving the best results.

Facebook metrics - reach per post

Facebook Content Metrics

What about your Facebook Page’s content performance? Those metrics are designed to give you a top-level view of the content your team publishes.

Publishing metrics

Facebook publishing metrics reveal the various types of content you post throughout a time period.

The Agorapulse content report dashboard totals all the posts you published during a certain time frame. Agorapulse also automatically tracks four types of content: links, photos, videos, and statuses.

Facebook publishing metrics

You can view content type by day or review the total for the time period. With this report, you can also compare your publishing frequency to the previous period.

Top content

By tracking your top-performing Facebook content, you can gain a better understanding of what your audience likes and what drives the results your team wants.

The Agorapulse report dashboard displays your top posts so you can quickly see what’s working.

Facebook top content

By default, Agorapulse prioritizes content by reach. However, you can toggle the menu and view top content by engaged users or clicks instead.

So you can focus on what matters to your team.

Post performance

To compare results from all the content you posted during a certain time frame, check your post-performance metrics.

This Agorapulse report nicely displays key Facebook metrics, including:

  • Organic reach
  • Engaged users

Facebook post performance metrics

You can click to sort by any of the available metrics. That means you can quickly find which post generated the highest reach, the most clicks, or the most engaged users.


Facebook metrics help you understand what happened in the past–but that’s not all. They also help you optimize your strategy for the future.

Agorapulse’s recommendations leverage your data to suggest what to do in the future to get the best results.

Agorapulse post time recommendations

The dashboard automatically recommends the best time to post on your Facebook Page. You can get recommendations based on the highest reach or the best engagement to meet your team’s goals .

Agorapulse post type recommendations

Agorapulse also recommends the best type of post to publish based on your performance metrics.

You can easily see which type of content generates the most engagement or the highest reach–and use that analysis to plan your content calendar .

Agorapulse label recommendations

If you label the posts you publish via Agorapulse, you can also access recommendations for the best categories to pursue in the future.

Just navigate to the Agorapulse settings for your Facebook Page to create your choice of content labels.

Facebook Engagement Metrics

Are your Facebook followers interacting with the content you publish–or are they mostly ignoring it? By monitoring engagement metrics, you can make sure your audience is responding the right way.

Facebook reactions offer a good indication of how many people are casually engaging with your content.

Agorapulse reports give you an overall look at the total number of reactions your Facebook Page received over a certain period of time.

Facebook engagement metrics - reactions

You can see a breakdown of all available reaction types, including like, love, laugh, wow, sad, and angry. You can hover over any date on the chart to see how many reactions your content received that day.

Facebook engagement metrics - comments

Comments reflect a higher level of engagement than reactions, making them an important metric for most brands.

Agorapulse automatically tallies the total number of comments your Page receives during any period. You can also see a daily tally by hovering over any date on the chart.

Private messages

Facebook engagement metrics - private messages

Private messages allow followers to send your Page more personal notes–for example, if they want to know where to find a product in their area or they need customer support.

Agorapulse delivers your brand’s private messages to your Social Inbox and tracks them in the engagement reporting dashboard, where you can find your Page’s overall total.

Facebook engagement metrics - shares

Shares indicate that a follower reposted your Page’s content onto their own timeline. They also suggest that followers want to associate themselves with your brand, making them a critical metric for brand awareness. Agorapulse automatically tracks shares on engagement and brand awareness reports so you can factor this metric in everywhere that matters.

Facebook engagement metrics - clicks

Clicks happen when someone taps on content you shared to learn more or to follow a link. The Agorapulse engagement report breaks down clicks into three categories: links, photos, and videos.

Facebook click metrics

For a closer look at clicks per post, go to the content report. You can sort by clicks to find high-performing posts easily.

If your Facebook followers visit your website by clicking a link you shared, you can continue to collect useful data.

Referrals are website visitors who came from another site–such as your Facebook Page–and analytics platforms like Google Analytics track this metric automatically.

social referral metrics

With Google Analytics, you can also get data on which pages your Facebook referrals visited, how many conversions they generated, and even how much e-commerce revenue they generated.

Facebook metrics - referrals

If you create UTM parameters for the Facebook posts you publish with Agorapulse, you can get even more granular. Using this data, Google Analytics can show you which posts or campaigns drove the most traffic or revenue, which can inform future content planning.

Facebook Video Metrics

Does your audience watch and engage with the video content you post?

With these video metrics, you can ensure your content has the desired effect–whether you want to entertain, inform, or convert.

Tips for creating videos that get attention the right way

Video engagement.

To monitor video engagement, check your Agorapulse content report. For any video post, you can see reach, clicks, and engaged users.

Facebook video engagement metrics

You can also access these analytics in Facebook Insights. There, you can get a breakdown of reactions, comments, shares, and clicks.

You can also track the engagement rate to get a big-picture view of what works best for your audience.

Video retention

Facebook video retention metrics

After you post video content, you need to know how long your audience watches and when they typically click away. Facebook Insights automatically tracks audience retention, calculating how many 3- and 10-second views your videos get as well as the average watch time for each one.

Facebook Social Listening Metrics

Are you listening to hear what people are saying about your brand on Facebook? Social listening can be tricky because the Facebook API limits what you can track.

For example, the Agorapulse social listening dashboard can pull in mentions from public posts only, not from post comments. To stay on top of the conversation, you need these social listening metrics.

Mentions happen when someone talks about your brand publicly on Facebook. Monitoring mentions is a great way to gauge the number and scope of conversations about your business and can help you assess brand awareness.

Facebook metrics - brand mentions

Agorapulse automatically tracks direct mentions, which include your @username, and tallies them in your audience report. You’ll find them in your brand awareness score, which also reflects the number of shares your content generated.

Do Facebook users have a good or a bad opinion of your brand? Measuring sentiment helps you understand how customers feel about your brand. Tracking this metric can also help assess how customer opinion changes over time and can alert you to problematic trends.

how to track sentiment on Facebook

You can monitor sentiment with Agorapulse by labeling the conversations in your inbox. Give every inbox item a positive, negative, neutral, or other custom labels.

Facebook metrics - sentiment

Then go to the label distribution section of your Facebook report. You can see the rate of each sentiment, and you can hover over any section to see the breakdown of posts, comments, and messages.

Facebook Ads Metrics

Does your business run Facebook Ads? You can ensure your campaigns are worth the spend by tracking the most important paid social metrics.


Conversions are actions that you want people to take after seeing your ad. A conversion can be anything from making a purchase or submitting a lead form to scheduling an appointment or installing an app.

Facebook Ads conversion options

Although you can only optimize your ad set for one type of conversion, you can track as many as you like in your Facebook Ads reporting dashboard. Select the conversions you want to monitor, and then check your dashboard for the results.

Facebook Ads conversion metrics

Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

CPM is the amount you spend for every 1,000 impressions of your ad. In addition to monitoring ad impressions, this metric helps you understand what you’re spending for exposure. Ideally, you want this number to be as low as possible so you can reach more people for less.

Facebook Ads metrics - CPM

You can monitor CPM in your Facebook Ads dashboard–but there’s an easier way.

With Agorapulse’s Ads Report , you can monitor essential Facebook Ads metrics like CPM in an easy-to-read format. By default, the dashboard displays metrics for all active and paused ads for the time frame you choose. For more targeted results, you can select a single campaign or change the ad status filters.

Cost per click (CPC)

CPC is the amount you spend for each link click from your ad.

If you want to drive as much traffic as possible to your website, this metric is important to monitor. Naturally, the lower your CPC is, the more traffic you can afford to generate given your budget.

Facebook Ads metrics - CPC

Like CPM, you can monitor CPC in your Agorapulse Ads Report dashboard. Choose the campaign, ad status, and time frame you want to track and check the results.

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions for your ad campaigns. Even if your campaign doesn’t specifically target website traffic, it’s a good idea to monitor the CTR for your ad campaigns. A higher CTR indicates that people are interested in what you’re advertising, while an unusually low CTR can tip you off that your ads aren’t hitting the mark.

Facebook Ads metrics - CTR

Agorapulse’s Ads Report also tracks CTR so you can monitor this metric easily.

Because this dashboard includes comparative data, you can quickly assess if your CTR has increased, decreased, or remained the same over time. A big decline can alert you to optimization or delivery issues that you should fix, stat.

Facebook Metrics Tips for Agencies

When you need to monitor metrics for multiple agency clients, keeping everything organized can be challenging. So what’s a social media agency team to do?

Use these tips to make analytics and reporting easier for your team and your clients:

Create Power Reports

If you manage multiple social profiles for each client, creating custom Power Report s can save you tons of time. You can add up to five profiles to each report and select only the metrics that matter to your client. When reporting time rolls around, all you have to do is check your Power Report.

Automatically schedule reports

Your team can also save tons of time by scheduling reports in advance. Choose the profiles and metrics you want to feature, and then schedule your reports to arrive weekly or monthly. You can send them to yourself for review or to as many stakeholders as you’d like.

Label inbox items

It’s always a good idea to label inbox items so you can track metrics like customer satisfaction. But when you have dozens of profiles to juggle, it’s more important than ever to automate the process.

Use Agorapulse’s Inbox Assistant to set up rules that label positive and negative engagement automatically. Then check your reports for the results.

In Conclusion

Monitoring Facebook metrics is critical for optimizing your brands’ or your clients’ performance on this channel. Rather than wasting time on empty vanity metrics , use the guidelines above to ensure that your team tracks the metrics that truly matter for your marketing and business objectives.

Take control of your social media right now!  Check out our free trial of Agorapulse  to help you schedule, track, and measure all your social media efforts.

Facebook Metrics You Need to Know

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How to update your name elsewhere

Step 1: file name change documents with your state, step 2: update your social security card, step 3: update any other forms of identification you have, additional tips for updating your name with credit bureaus.

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How to Report a Name Change to the Credit Bureaus

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Updating your name with the credit bureaus can prevent delays in credit applications and other credit reporting errors. Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

  • Transgender and nonbinary people can report their legal name change to credit bureaus.
  • You'll first want to update your name on your driver's license, Social Security card, and utility bills.
  • To change your name, you'll need copies of your legal name change decree.

Congratulations on your gender-affirming legal name change! 

After navigating confusing legal paperwork and paying court fees, there's still more work to be done after receiving your name change decree signed by a judge at your local courthouse. One of the many steps in your legal transition is to report your legal name change to all three credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion — so it'll appear on your credit report.

It seems like a tedious process, but it's all worth it in the end. "By updating their names with the three major credit bureaus, trans and nonbinary folx will be able to proactively prevent any potential disruptions to their credit history, which is particularly important when applying for a future mortgage or auto loan," says Ryan Klippel, head of social impact and LGBTQ+ CFP® professional at Optas Capital . 

Here's a step-by-step guide to updating your credit report with your legal name.

How to report a name change with the credit bureaus

Before you update your name with the credit bureaus, you first need to update your name on your driver's license, Social Security card, and utility bills first since credit bureaus ask for copies of those documents to verify your name change request.

Its also recommended that you change your name with each of your lenders before updating your name with the credit bureaus. Unfortunately, this is a time-consuming process that everyone undergoing a legal name change — even cisgender people getting married or divorced — has to go through.

The main difference is that transgender and non-binary people may experience higher emotional distress from fear of being outed, misgendered, or deadnamed while dealing with each financial institution. LGBTQ+ financial planner Klippel reminds folx to take deep breaths throughout the process, adding, "You are contributing to real change by paving the way for a hopefully more streamlined process in the future for trans and non-binary folx."

The process for each of the three credit bureaus is slightly different, but they all require copies of your new ID and your legal name change decree. The Equifax and Experian processes are relatively straightforward, but changing your name with TransUnion requires more time and effort.

According to the Equifax website , you can update your legal name through the myEquifax Dispute Center. The dispute center also handles any credit report disputes you may have.

First, create an account on myEquifax using your deadname or log into an existing account. Once you're logged in, you'll be asked to upload the following documents:

  • Your legal name change decree
  • Copies of documents that include your Social Security number, such as your updated Social Security card, a utility or phone bill, a pay stub, or Medicare/Medicaid card
  • Your state ID or driver's license, or your updated passport

If you prefer to speak to a representative instead of changing your legal name online, you can call 1-866-349-5191 during these hours:

  • Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET
  • Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET

You'll need to fax or mail the same documents listed above to finish reporting your legal name change to Equifax.

Experian has a specific client portal where you can upload the following required documents:

  • A government-issued ID with your new legal name, such as a driver's license, state ID card, military ID, or passport
  • A dated copy of a utility bill, bank statement, or insurance statement with your new legal name addressed to your current legal address

Experian's portal will have space to describe your claim. Here's what you need to write in that space:

"My legal name is now ______; please see attached documents."

If you prefer to report your legal name change by regular mail , you can send copies of the same documents in the mail with a typed letter explaining that you'd like to change your legal name on your credit report. Send the letter and your documents to:

Experian Dispute Requests

P.O. Box 4500

Allen, TX 75013

Unlike the other two credit reporting bureaus, TransUnion requires you to change your legal name with every individual financial institution listed on their credit report first.

After reporting your legal name change to each credit card company, lender, or bank, you need to mail a letter to TransUnion, requesting the name change. In your letter, you must include the following:

  • Your Social Security number
  • Your date of birth
  • Your address

You'll also need to include a copy of your legal name change decree. Mail both items to:

TransUnion Consumer Solutions

P.O. Box 2000

Chester, PA 19016-2000

You may also call TransUnion at 1-833-395-6938 if you have additional questions about changing your legal name.

Each state has its own process and requirements for filing your legal name change. The National Center for Transgender Equality has a page that outlines processes for each state.

Some states, like California, will waive court fees for low-income folx who receive food stamps or Medicaid/Medicare. Some state colleges with law programs, like UC Berkeley , have legal clinics that help folx fill out their name change paperwork free of charge. Google "transgender legal name change clinic workshop + (insert your city and state here)" to find legal clinics in your state.

To update your Social Security card, you'll need to send original or certified copies of the following documents to your local Social Security office:

  • Proof of your identity, such as a driver's license or state ID
  • Proof of citizenship or immigration status, such as your certificate of naturalization or passport
  • An application for a new Social Security card

Because you're required to send original or certified copies, it's recommended that you use a form of mail that includes a tracking number to prevent your items from getting lost. After your application has been processed, the Social Security office will mail your documents back within a few days.

After your legal name change is complete and you have your new Social Security card on hand, you can move forward with changing your the following forms of identification:

  • Driver's license
  • Military ID
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Certificate of Naturalization

Next, update your utility bills and your credit report, as listed above.

K eep copies of documents you mail out and a record of when you mailed them. You can also invest a few dollars in certified mail at the post office, which gives your mail a tracking number you can follow. Once the tracking number states that the mail has arrived, follow up with a phone call to make sure your documents were received.

Take notes when you're calling financial institutions to follow up about your name change process. Write down the date, what time the call started, the name of the customer service representative, and what time the call ended. Take detailed notes about the next steps in the process, or when they estimate your name change will be completed.

Spread the tasks out  over the span of a few weeks instead of tackling them all at once. Klippel says, "As this process can be overwhelming, once you have all the necessary documentation, you can set bite-sized goals over a three-day period — one credit bureau per day," he says.

Updating name with credit bureau frequently asked questions

No, your name is the only thing that will change on your credit report.

No, gender is not listed on your credit report.

No, changing your name does not affect your credit score.

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This is how secret service protection has changed for presidents over the years.

Rebecca Santana

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

FILE - Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is covered by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa. Protective details have grown in size, responsibility and technology over more than a century of the Secret Service protecting presidents. When the commander in chief leaves the White House, they're accompanied by a phalanx of Secret Service officers and agents. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON – During Abraham Lincoln's presidency, anyone could come to the White House and see him. Come they did: mothers looking to have their sons released from military service, wives urging that their husbands be freed from prison after resisting the draft, others who simply wanted to meet the president.

“Some only wanted comfort in a terrible time, and that he freely gave," James B. Conroy wrote in his book "Lincoln’s White House: The People’s House in Wartime."

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The world has vastly changed since the 1860s, and so has protection for presidents. Protective details have grown in size, responsibility and technology over more than a century of the Secret Service protecting presidents.

When presidents leave the White House, they are accompanied by a phalanx of Secret Service officers and agents. Cars can no longer drive past what is often dubbed “the people's house” at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The fence has been raised, and don't even try to get past the gate without an appointment or badge.

The number of people under guard also has grown as vice presidents, former presidents, candidates, family members and more get protection.

During the Civil War, Lincoln was hesitant to make the White House look like an armed camp, but in late 1864 several police officers were assigned to guard him, the White House Historical Association said. President Franklin Pierce was the first to have a full-time bodyguard, in 1853.

It wasn't until 1901, after President William McKinley was assassinated, that Congress asked the Secret Service — originally a Treasury Department division that went after counterfeiters — to take up the charge of protecting the commander in chief.

Since then, protective details have grown and evolved, often in response to assassinations, close calls or other major security events. Former Secret Service agents say the agency is studying the attempt on former President Donald Trump's life at a rally in Pennsylvania a week ago and making changes to adjust to it.

The attempt to kill President Ronald Reagan in 1981 is often cited as a turning point in how the Secret Service operates.

Reagan was coming out of the Washington Hilton hotel when John Hinckley Jr. opened fire from a crowd of onlookers and journalists just 15 feet or under under 5 meters away. Hinckley got off six shots before Secret Service officers tackled him. The last shot ricocheted off a limo and into Reagan.

Some of the changes that followed aren't so obvious to the outside observer but still critical. For example, the Secret Service started assigning an agent to the small group of reporters who travel with the president so they would know whether someone was infiltrating the group.

After Reagan's shooting, presidents also were driven into buildings through underground parking garages. When that's not possible, a cover is erected around the entrance to obstruct the line of sight as the president gets into or out of a vehicle.

“Nobody walks through the front door any more," said retired supervisory Secret Service agent Bobby McDonald, now a criminal justice lecturer at the University of New Haven. “Presidents and protectees of the Secret Service have seen more loading docks and have walked through more kitchens than ever before.”

Joseph LaSorsa, a retired Secret Service agent who served from 1976 to 1996 and was on Reagan’s protective detail, said the post-Reagan era also saw the increased use of metal detectors for crowds approaching the president to eliminate the possibility of a weapon getting into the “secure area” around the leader.

Changes also followed the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 as he drove through Dallas in a convertible, former agents say. Presidents no longer sit in open vehicles but wave to onlookers through the thick glass of a heavily armored limousine nicknamed “the beast.”

Former agents also say the focus on advance work before trips increased significantly and more was done to secure routes taken by the motorcades.

The White House also has seen changes designed to make it more secure.

On one day in May 1995, an estimated 26,000 cars drove along Pennsylvania Avenue past the White House. The next day, the street was eerily quiet after workers stacked concrete barriers at each end to cut off access.

Mounting security concerns a month after the Oklahoma City bombing at a federal building prompted the closure. There were other changes, too, such as air traffic restrictions after a small plane crashed into the White House lawn in 1994. As well, gunfire twice hit the mansion that same year.

Then-President Bill Clinton said closing the street was necessary to protect against the kind of attack seen in Oklahoma City but vowed that “people's access to the White House and their president” would not be impeded. He even vowed that protesters would still have the right to walk up to the White House property. Many still do.

Thomas Jefferson first encircled the White House with a wooden post and rail fence around 1801 . He replaced that with a stone wall by 1808, which wasn’t great at offering views of m

To deter fence jumpers, sharp metal points were installed in 2015, and later the height doubled to roughly 13 feet (4 meters). Under that later renovation, the space between the bars got slightly wider — just enough to allow a wee or naughty child to squeak through.

Increased security around the president inevitably expands the distance from Americans. While people can still visit the White House, they must request tours through their congressional member and submit their identification information to the Secret Service ahead of time.

Paul Eckloff, a retired Secret Service agent who served on details protecting three presidents during his 23-year career, said he often hears people say the president shouldn't do outdoor rallies or should be kept away from people.

He understands the tradeoff — more security means more separation between the president and the people. As an agent, Eckloff said, he always considered his job not as protecting the person but the office of the presidency.

“If I woke up in a country where the president of the United States stayed in a castle, never engaged with the voters, no common American ever had a chance to see him, I wouldn’t consider my sacrifice worthy,” he said.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Romelu Lukaku agrees personal terms with Napoli — report

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The expected reunion between head coach Antonio Conte and oft-mercurial striker Romelu Lukaku at Napoli has taken a solid step forward, with reports yesterday claiming that an agreement over personal terms has been found.

According to Gianluca Di Marzio , Lukaku has agreed to a three-year deal with the Partenopei, worth an annual €6m plus bonuses — or about half of what he was once paid at Chelsea (before agreeing to restructure his contract a couple years ago to be able to go back to Inter Milan on loan). Thankfully, it sounds like this time we are finally getting a proper transfer.

That said, terms between the two clubs have not been agreed yet. We do have a £37m “exit agreement” with Lukaku, but that seems fairly optimistic at this point. And all of that, presumably at least in part, will also depend on PSG finalizing the transfer for Victor Osimhen first.

But if all goes well — famous last words — it looks like we might be able to close the book on Lukaku once and for all.

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  27. How to Analyze Page Performance with Page Insights

    Mobile instructions. Go to your business Page and tap the Insights icon. This is your Page Summary. This will tell you how your Page performs in different areas. Each metric is split up into sections so you can focus on the ones you care about. Now that we've learned how to use Page Insights, let's look at how to measure the success of your ...

  28. Romelu Lukaku agrees personal terms with Napoli

    The expected reunion between head coach Antonio Conte and oft-mercurial striker Romelu Lukaku at Napoli has taken a solid step forward, with reports yesterday claiming that an agreement over ...