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12 Essay-Writing Hacks from a Professional Editor

As a professional editor, I’ve edited all kinds of documents, not the least of which are essays. I’ve seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Look, it’s easy to write a bad essay when it’s due in less than 24 hours (we’ve all been there), but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to write a good essay. To write a good essay, you just have to know what to look for to make weak writing stronger.

Simply looking is the number one job of a professional editor (outside of drinking coffee) because looking leads to discovering —and once you find your errors, improvement is just around the corner.

After editing over a million words, I’ve come to understand what makes a good essay and what makes a bad essay, and I have a few practical tips—essay hacks, if you will—for improving your own essay-writing skills.

1. Befriend your argument.

Make sure you know everything there is to know about your argument. That means you should understand exactly what it is you’re arguing and why. If your argument was an elevator pitch and you had to explain it to someone in just a minute or two, could you? If the answer is “No,” revisit the main point of your essay. Do more research to make sure you know the topic inside and out.

The reason you need to be prepared is that, if there’s any proof that can shoot your argument down, you not only need to shield those bullets but also to ricochet them back. Don’t just know your argument—befriend it. Find out its strengths and its weaknesses.

2. Challenge every idea.

If you have any questions about your topic, subject, or field, ask them as soon as you can. Hitting a snag later can stall progress on your essay, so if you can hit all the major weak points early on, you can avoid finding major flaws in your argument later.

Challenge anything that causes questions to sprout and play the devil’s advocate for your own argument. If you’ve identified these weaknesses before, now is the time to investigate further and begin to clarify anything that might still be fuzzy.

3. Select your sources carefully.

When selecting your sources, be picky. Don’t resort to using online sources just because they’re easily accessible. Try to use all kinds of different sources, but only if they’re current. Don’t pick a dusty old book from the library just to have a print source in your references list.

Choose current and relevant sources from trustworthy or notable scholars in the field. If your proof is questionable, your whole argument will fall apart, so choose your sources like you would an all-star team if you want to knock your essay out of the park.

4. Start writing early.

This is important: make sure you start writing early. Don’t put your essay off until the last minute. Do you know what’s waiting for you at the last minute? Regret and sadness.

Kickstart yourself now so you don’t kick yourself later. If you need to set an early deadline for yourself or split the essay writing into manageable chunks, do it. Just make sure you start early so you have time to solve any problems you run into later.

5. Organize for clarity.

The structure of your essay is every bit as important as the argument itself. If you have a flimsy structure, there’s no firm foundation to build the essay on; if there’s no firm foundation, your essay could collapse at any moment.

Focus on structuring your essay before you start writing. How will you arrange your argument and provide evidence in a cohesive and logical way? It’s better to answer that question earlier rather than later. Use transitions to ensure your argument flows logically from one point to the next.

6. Watch your tense and voice.

First, use the active voice when you write your essay (unless otherwise instructed). Second, avoid personal pronouns to maintain objectivity if need be (e.g., in scientific and other formal writing).

Third, you should write in the literary present, meaning that all actions performed in the text should be explained in the present tense rather than the past.

Finally, avoid using clichés. Since you want to present original thoughts, overused phrases need to be cut.

7. Explain everything clearly.

Any time you make a point, explain it clearly—even if you think it’s obvious. Your argument will be obvious to you (since you’ve befriended it), but it’s brand new to the reader. Your argument is meeting your reader for the first time, and like any new friends, they need introducing. If you fail to introduce them properly, things will get very confusing and awkward.

8. Be succinct.

Sentences should be straightforward, communicating one point at a time; cut all unnecessary words. You’ll also want to eliminate any repetition. It’s easy to say the same things over and over again in an essay, but doing so won’t strengthen your argument.

Cut unnecessary phrases and anything wordy or redundant, including phrases that don’t add information, such as “it should be pointed out that” or “due to the fact that.” Similarly, don’t ramble on about the same topic or go off on a tangent in the middle of your essay.

9. Avoid academese at all costs.

Try to keep things simple. While you shouldn’t talk down to your audience or explain every technical term, you should always be concise. Most importantly, don’t ever use words or phrases that you think will make you sound smarter.

It’s always best to be straightforward, so use the right vocabulary to say exactly what you want to say. It’s embarrassing if you try to use a fancy word only to find it doesn’t mean what you thought it meant .

10. Be aware of your word count.

Don’t go over your word count. Most markers will stop marking at the last word within the word count, so it’s crucial that you stay within it if you want to do well.

However, you also don’t want to stay severely lower than the word count provided. While you shouldn’t pad the essay by adding information that isn’t necessary to your argument or relevant to the topic at hand, you should get as close to the word count as possible by thoroughly exploring your topic and elaborating on your argument.

11. Carefully cite everything.

Unless you want to face a failing grade, academic probation, or even expulsion, you need to cite all of your sources. There are many types of plagiarism, but as long as you take good notes during your research and credit your sources, it’s easy to avoid plagiarism.

Your academic integrity is at stake here, so ensure that you are overly cautious in recording the necessary material. Be vigilant in confirming that you’ve documented everything fully and correctly.

12. Revise extensively.

Every good essay has been revised at least once, which means you, too, should tighten your writing. Comb through and ensure that everything is clear, consistent, and flows well. Once you’re happy with the content of your essay, you can sweat the small stuff, like grammar and spelling errors.

Even brilliant essays receive lower grades if simple mistakes are left in the document, so consider getting a second opinion and having an expert look over your writing for both form and content. At the very least, run a spell and grammar check. You’ll be so happy you did.

Essay writing doesn’t have to be hard. Anyone can write a good essay with the proper tools. These essay hacks are part of your toolkit, which you can use to improve your essay writing. Go from good to great by considering these tips and implementing them when writing your next essay.

If you would prefer a step-by-step guide for essay writing and want to improve your skills once and for all, you might want to think about taking a course to organize and write good essays every time.

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How to Write an Essay Fast and Submit a Winner Every Time (26 Effortless Hacks for Slow Writers)

Declan Gessel

Mar 21, 2024

woman helping a friend - How To Write An Essay Fast

Want to learn some good ways to start an essay and master the art of how to write an essay fast? Whether you're a procrastinator or just need to boost your writing speed, this blog will provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you efficiently craft a well-written essay in no time. From effective brainstorming techniques to time-saving editing tricks, buckle up as we dive into the secrets of writing a stellar essay quickly and effectively. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

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man writing an essay - How To Write An Essay Fast

Preparation Hacks

Deconstructing the essay prompt.

When faced with a time crunch, the first step for a slow writer is to deconstruct the essay prompt. Break it down into key requirements and questions that need to be answered. Identify keywords, understand the topic, and determine the desired approach. It is crucial to discern the purpose of the essay and who the audience is. This clarity will guide the writer in crafting a focused and relevant piece efficiently.

Create a "Simple Thesis" First

Crafting a basic 1-2 sentence thesis statement should be the next move. Put down your main argument or stance without overthinking it. The thesis can be refined later, but getting it on paper initially is essential to provide a clear direction for the essay. This simple thesis acts as a roadmap for the writer to follow as they delve into the essay.

Try Mind Mapping Instead of Outlining

Instead of traditional outlining, consider using a mind-mapping tool to visually organize ideas. Mind mapping is excellent for promoting divergent thinking and allowing ideas to flow naturally. This method can help in quickly generating ideas and connections, which can then be converted into a more traditional outline if desired. Mind mapping is a creative way to streamline the thought process and enhance productivity.

Dictate to a Word Processor with Voice Typing

When fatigue sets in, utilizing built-in voice typing in Word or Google Docs can be a game-changer. Simply activate the feature and speak your ideas aloud, allowing the tool to transcribe your words into text hands-free. Alternatively, employing a speech-to-text tool to verbally free-write can help ideas flow more naturally than typing. This method can serve as the foundation for your essay draft, enabling you to capture thoughts quickly and efficiently.

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Research Hacks

Utilize keyword modifiers for surgical searches on search engines.

To enhance your research efficiency, employ keyword modifiers when conducting searches on search engines. Utilize modifiers such as quotes, AND, OR, and more to refine your search results. By filtering for specific phrases, topics, and sources, you can pinpoint exactly what you need at a faster pace. 

Bookmark Relevant Websites as You Browse

Create a temporary "research" bookmark folder in your browser to save valuable resources as you navigate the web. Compile books, articles, videos, and other sources that are pertinent to your essay topic. This curated collection will serve as a quick and easy reference point during the writing process.

Elevating Writing Efficiency and Quality with Jotbot's AI Assistance

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Jotbot is your personal document assistant, offering AI note-taking, video summarizing, citation/source finding, outline creation, and even AI essay writing. Join over 500,000 writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide to elevate your writing speed and quality with Jotbot.  Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

Leverage Wikipedia's Sources

Explore the sources cited in Wikipedia articles related to your essay topic. While vetting is crucial, these sources can lead you to valuable and credible references. By reviewing what quality sources are being cited, you can uncover hidden gems for your essay.

Capture Citation Details with Google Scholar

Utilize Google Scholar to access a plethora of academic sources for your essay. Easily identify and capture citation details from reputable publications. Vet and bookmark relevant sources on Google Scholar to streamline your research process.

Writing Hacks

Follow the classic five paragraph essay format.

The Classic Five Paragraph Essay Format is a lifesaver when time is of the essence. With a clear introduction, three body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion, this format provides a simple and effective structure for your essay. It streamlines the outlining process, making it easy to organize your thoughts and arguments logically. Plus, you can always adjust and expand on this format to suit your specific essay requirements.

"Upside Down" Writing: Start with the Conclusion

Starting with your conclusion paragraph might sound counterintuitive, but it's a game-changer when you're in a time crunch. By crafting your conclusion first, you establish your main argument and key points upfront. This allows you to reverse outline your body paragraphs to ensure they support your conclusion. It keeps you focused and on track, preventing you from straying off course.

Use Blueprint Sentences to Structure Paragraphs

Blueprint sentences act as guiding beacons for your paragraphs. By setting the tone with a topic sentence that outlines the main idea or argument of the paragraph, you provide a roadmap for both yourself and your readers. For example, "This essay will explore three reasons why X..." Then, unpack that blueprint by elaborating on each reason in the paragraph.

Apply the "They Say / I Say" Technique

To give your essay a compelling flow, consider using the "They Say / I Say" technique. Start by summarizing what others have said about your topic to provide context. Then, smoothly transition to your unique perspective by stating "I say..." This technique helps you engage in a dialogue with existing ideas and present your stance clearly and persuasively.

Channel Your Stream of Consciousness

Perfectionism and overthinking are the enemies of fast essay writing. Instead of getting bogged down by editing and refining as you write, let your thoughts flow freely. Embrace your stream of consciousness and allow yourself to riff on ideas. You can always revise and polish your essay later. The key is to get your initial thoughts down on paper without getting caught up in perfectionism.

Editing Hacks

Reverse outline after your first draft.

When reviewing your draft, create a reverse outline by identifying key points and the logical flow of your essay. This outline will help you rearrange content as needed, ensuring a coherent structure and seamless transitions between ideas.

Watch for Repetitive "To Be" Verbs

Scan your essay for instances of "is/am/are/were/been/will be" to avoid passive voice. Passive voice can make your writing less clear and bog down the reader. Instead, opt for the active voice to instantly tighten your writing and vary your phrasing, making it more engaging and dynamic.

Eliminate Flabby Words and Phrases

Cut the fluff by removing filler words like "really, very, just, quite" and identifying bloated phrases such as "due to the fact that." Condense your phrasing to be more concise and impactful, reducing friction in your essay and keeping your reader engaged with clear and direct language.

Read Your Essay Out Loud

Reading your essay out loud, or using a text-to-speech tool, can be a game-changer. This practice helps catch unclear phrasing, highlights any abrupt tonal shifts or flow issues, and is instrumental for achieving tight, logical writing. By hearing your words, you can pinpoint areas that may need revision and ensure a polished final product.

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Productivity Hacks

Maximizing focus with the pomodoro time management technique.

Utilizing the Pomodoro Technique can significantly enhance your essay writing process. By breaking your work into focused 25-minute intervals called "pomodoros," you can maintain a high level of concentration. After each pomodoro, take a short break to refresh your mind. This technique helps prevent burnout and maintains a steady momentum in your writing.

Enhancing Concentration with Instrumental Music

To tune out distractions and maintain focus while writing your essay, consider listening to instrumental music. Ambient and unobtrusive sounds can create a conducive environment for deep work. Sources like instrumental playlists, video game soundtracks, or classical music can provide a soothing background that helps you concentrate better.

Optimizing Efficiency by Setting Firm Deadlines

Setting a firm deadline earlier than your actual due date can boost your productivity and efficiency. By working backwards from this self-imposed deadline, you can segment your tasks effectively. Schedule time for research, drafting, revising, and editing to ensure a structured and well-paced writing process. This approach helps alleviate procrastination and increases your motivation to meet deadlines.

Recharging with Intentional, Timed Breaks

Rest is crucial to maintaining mental clarity and avoiding burnout during the essay writing process. Taking short 5-10 minute breaks every hour allows your mind to recharge and stay fresh. These brief pauses help prevent fatigue, enhance productivity, and improve overall cognitive function. Breaks are not a luxury but a necessity for sustained focus and efficiency.

Motivational Hacks

Visualizing success to boost motivation.

When the blank page feels daunting and the words just won't flow, picture your professor's impressed expression as they read your essay. Envision the nod of approval, the impressed smile, and the mental note of your insightful ideas. This visualization technique can serve as a powerful motivator to push through tough moments. Knowing that your hard work and unique perspective are being appreciated can fuel your determination to keep going, leading to a sense of accomplishment and pride in your work.

Post-Submission Relief and Pride for Mental Reward

After hitting the submit button, there's a wave of relief and pride that washes over you. The satisfaction of knowing that you put your best effort into your essay and submitted quality work is a significant mental reward. This feeling of accomplishment can boost your confidence and motivation for future assignments. Embrace the sense of pride that comes from completing a task to the best of your ability, as it can be a powerful driver to maintain focus and dedication throughout the writing process.

Promising Yourself a Reward for Motivation

Treat yourself to a well-deserved reward after completing your essay. Whether it's a delicious meal, a show you've been wanting to watch, or an outing with friends, promising yourself a reward can be a powerful motivator. Setting a tangible incentive for finishing the task can help you stay focused and driven, knowing that something enjoyable awaits you upon completion. Use this as a tool to reinforce positive behavior and maintain motivation when faced with challenging writing tasks.

Enhancing Writing Speed with Tech Tools: Grammar & Plagiarism Checkers

In the quest to write an essay swiftly, utilizing tech tools like grammar and plagiarism checkers can be a game-changer. Tools such as Jotbot, Grammarly, Quetext, and Turnitin can significantly expedite the proofreading and plagiarism detection process. By running your drafts through these tools, you can quickly identify grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and potential instances of plagiarism.

Streamlining Editing with Grammar and Plagiarism Checkers

Grammar checkers like Grammarly not only highlight errors but also offer suggestions for improvement, making the editing process more efficient. Similarly, plagiarism checkers such as Quetext and Turnitin can swiftly scan your content against a vast database to ensure originality and integrity in your work. By leveraging these tools, slow writers can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent manually combing through their essays.

Essay Writing Efficiency with Technology

When striving to write an essay fast, incorporating these grammar and plagiarism checkers into your workflow can streamline the editing process and enhance the overall quality of your writing. By harnessing the power of technology, writers can boost their productivity and efficiency, ultimately producing well-crafted essays in less time.

Experimenting with AI Writing Assistants (with Caution!)

AI writing assistants have emerged as valuable tools for writers looking to expedite the writing process. Platforms like ChatGPT and Jotbot leverage artificial intelligence to assist with brainstorming, outlining, and even generating initial drafts. By tapping into the capabilities of AI, writers can access instant suggestions, structure their ideas more effectively, and kickstart their writing process.

Use of AI Writing Assistants with Caution

It is crucial to exercise caution when using AI writing assistants. While these tools can offer valuable support, it is essential to fact-check the information provided, personalize the content to align with your voice and style, and ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the final output. AI should be viewed as a complement to human creativity and expertise, rather than a complete replacement. By incorporating AI writing assistants into your writing toolkit, you can potentially overcome writer's block, generate ideas more efficiently, and accelerate the essay writing process. Embracing these technological advancements can empower writers to enhance their productivity and achieve their writing goals with greater ease.

Writing Efficiency and Quality with Jotbot's AI-Powered Assistance

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Mastering the Art of Efficient Essay Outlining

One of the key strategies for writing essays quickly is effective outlining. Begin by clearly defining your thesis statement, main arguments, and supporting evidence. Utilize Jotbot's AI outline feature to automate this process and create a structured framework for your essay. By organizing your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner, you can expedite the writing process and ensure a cohesive and coherent essay.

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Incorporating Jotbot into your writing arsenal is the key to writing smarter, not harder. By harnessing the power of AI technology for note-taking, outlining, citation finding, and essay writing, you can streamline your writing process, boost your productivity, and elevate the quality of your work. Join the ranks of successful writers who rely on Jotbot to write faster, better, and more efficiently.  Sign in with Google today and unleash the full potential of your writing prowess with Jotbot .

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14 Essay Hacks That Will Make Writing an Essay a Breeze

Essay hacks can make the process of writing a great essay just that little bit easier.

Essay hacks that will help you get better grades

Here are some tried-and-tested tricks and hacks that will help you write a grade-A paper.

14 Brilliant Essay Hacks

1) use wikipedia… but smartly.

Our online essay editors will be quick to tell you that Wikipedia isn’t exactly the most reliable or credible source for essay material. However, if you’re a bit smart about it, you can use Wikipedia to get great results.

The hack is to use Wikipedia to find useful sources as opposed to citing it as a source in itself.

Let’s say you’re writing an essay on Kant’s Theory of Freedom. Simply perform a search on the Philosophy of Freedom on Wikipedia and scroll down to the bottom. You’ll be presented with a ton of relevant sources you can then target in your research. Suddenly, finding useful sources became so much easier!

Finding essay sources using Wikipedia

2) Use Google Scholar

Don’t use the standard Google browser for your academic work and essays; use Google Scholar instead.

Google Scholar is an index of scholarly and peer-reviewed publications. By using the Google Scholar search engine, you limit the search results to academic works and, as such, avoid reams of irrelevant or unreliable sources.

Unfortunately, many of the articles that are indexed on Google Scholar are not free to access; however, it can help you find the titles of articles and papers that will be useful for your essay, and you can subsequently look them up in your university library.

3) Conduct Backward Searches

So now you’ve got with the program and are using Google Scholar instead of the standard Google search engine, you can exploit this essay hack to its maximum potential by using the backward search function.

Let’s say we’re writing an essay on the theme of time in Romeo and Juliet.

Simply perform a search on the topic of interest, “theme of time in Romeo and Juliet,” and you’ll be presented with a list of clickable links you can reference to find content and articles that have cited that source.

This provides a really useful way of finding sources that have been used for similar research purposes to your own, which can be useful for two main reasons. First, it can help you find additional information sources. Second, it can give you confidence that a given source is relevant to your paper.

Using Google Sources to find essay sources

4) Use Google Scholar’s Cite Function

So, we’ve already established that Google Scholar is a great search engine for finding useful information sources for your paper. But did you know you can also use it to help you compile your bibliography?

Simply click on the cite button (currently denoted by double quotation marks) that appears below the listing you want to add to your bibliography, and a new window will open with a range of citation options.

Choose the style guide you wish to follow, and the correct citation format will be generated for you. You can then copy and paste this into your reference page.

Using Google Scholar cite tool to compile a bibliograph for your essay

5) Manage Your Time Using the Pomodoro Technique

Don’t attempt to write a full paper in one sitting. In addition to being incredibly mind-numbing, focusing on one task for a long time without taking a break will lead to poor output.

Set a timer for 25-minutes. Once that point is reached, take a five-minute break from your computer or reading to stretch your legs, get something to drink, use the bathroom, or fix yourself a snack.

After five minutes, get back to work for a further 25 minutes.

Rinse and repeat until your essay is finished.

6) Nail the Introduction

The introduction is quite possibly the most important paragraph in your entire essay.

If you get that right, you’ll be a long way toward your goal of writing a great essay.

For practical tips to help you master the fine art of the introduction, check out our guide to writing an introduction .

7) Remove Distractions

If you’re easily distracted by applications such as Facebook and Instagram, try using an app that will prevent you from accessing the sites you regularly waste time on so you can concentrate on your paper. ColdTurkey (for Windows) and SelfControl (for Mac) will block the websites you list so all distractions are automatically removed.

Example of SelfControl screen

8) Nail the Thesis Statement

If you want to write an essay that impresses, make sure you write a succinct and compelling thesis statement. Check out our guide to writing a thesis statement for further information.

9) Work in the Cloud

There’s nothing worse than your computer breaking hours before a deadline or a power cut, meaning you suddenly lose all your work. Work in the cloud using applications such as Google Office Docs 365 or iCloud and you’ll never have to run the risk of suddenly losing all your work again. What’s more, using a mobile device, you can work from anywhere in the world at any time.

10) Make Zotero Your Best Friend

If you’re a student, Zotero could well be the best essay hack you’ll ever discover. You can use it as a Firefox plugin to find and store references or as a Word plugin that automatically interacts with all the information you have saved in Firefox to insert automatic citations in your paper at the click of button. Another click, and Zotero will even create your bibliography for you. Referencing and citations simply couldn’t get any easier.

11) Use Evernote to Keep Track of Things

If you’re writing a large essay or performing an extensive study for your dissertation or thesis, you can use Evernote to take ongoing notes, keep track of your diary, and store important articles that you may want to access at a later date. The app automatically updates on an ongoing basis, so everything you write will be stored in the cloud. What’s more, as Evernote automatically syncs the stored content across your devices, you can quickly and easily pick up where you left off, even if it’s on a different computer.

12) Avoid Meaningless Words

If you want to ensure your essay reads well and comes across as scholarly and succinct, make sure you avoid using meaningless words in your paper. Check out our guide to words you shouldn’t use in an essay .

13) Talk, Don’t Type

If your typing skills are not quite up to the mark, Dragon voice recognition software can help you to efficiently translate your thoughts into text. Simply dictate the words you want to use, and they will be translated into text-based language. Dragon can be particularly useful when you want to quickly and easily get your thoughts down in text form.

14) Ask Someone to Peer Edit Your Paper

When you have spent hours working on an essay, you may no longer be able to see the wood for the trees. That’s where peer editing can come in handy. Ask a friend or family member to peer edit your essay and he or she will be able to spot any errors you’ve missed, provide constructive feedback on how it can be improved, and even point out any areas you haven’t taken into consideration.

Got any useful essay hacks to share? Leave a comment and let us know.

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10 essay writing life hacks every college student should know.

| April 22, 2019 | 0 responses

essay writing hacks

As a college student, you are asked to write a lot of papers. It’s just a part of the college experience. But you probably don’t know that there are some life hacks that can help you produce better and stronger writing and save you time and effort as you wade through a sea of essays, research papers, case studies, and other papers that you will be assigned each semester. Let’s take a look at ten life hacks borrowed from a team of professional essay writers at WriteMyPaperHub.com academic writing service. You should know these life hacks to help make college easier and more enjoyable.

  • Write early in the morning. This hack probably goes against everything you believe about being a college student, where late nights and all-nighters are standard operating procedure. But it’s scientifically proven that our minds are sharper and we work better in the morning hours than we do late at night. One of the best ways to get your writing up to snuff is to work on it when you are fresh, well-rested, and at your creative peak for the day.
  • Take regular breaks. Taking a break after a fixed period of work can help to keep your mind sharp and keep you focused on the end goal. The longer you work without a break, the more likely your mind will start to wander or that you will become bored. The Pomodoro Technique can be an effective strategy. It breaks work down into half-hour segments. You will work 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and then repeat the cycle until you have finished the task.
  • Turn off your phone, or at least notifications. Keep your mind focused on your essay by turning off your phone during your work time, or at least turning off notifications. The more you look at your phone, the less you will write, so shutting off distractions will help you to develop your essay more easily. There are apps that can block notifications for timed periods so you can use the Pomodoro Technique and reward yourself with phone breaks.
  • Use Wikipedia strategically. Every college student knows that Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for college papers, but did you know that it can lead you to good sources? Every Wikipedia article documents its sources. While Wikipedia may not be appropriate for your paper, those sources are fair game. Use the Wikipedia article for your topic as a quick index of key research for your paper.
  • Start with a killer quote. Opening your paper with a quote can lend credibility to your essay, make it seem more interesting, and draw your audience into your paper. As you do research, keep a file of great quotes that you can use to open your essay. Just make sure that the quote you use is relevant to your paper.
  • Don’t use two spaces after a period . Show your instructors that you are up to date with in your knowledge of writing conventions. Two spaces after a period used to be standard in the days of typewriters, but it hasn’t been standard for decades. While many high schools taught out of date writing styles from decades-old textbooks, show your instructors that you’re hip to the writing of today by using just one space after a period.
  • Don’t skip spaces between paragraphs. Online, it’s standard to skip lines between paragraphs, but in a formal essay, you shouldn’t do that. One paragraph should follow the next with no skipped lines. Instead, indicate a new paragraph by indenting the first line one-half inch or five spaces, depending on the rules of your style guide, such as APA or MLA.
  • Use one font in your essay unless absolutely necessary. An essay should look clean and consistent from start to finish. Many students like to make a paper look fancy by using many different fonts and sizes to decorate the page, but a great essay looks best when it is in one font and, generally, in one font size. Only use a second font when absolutely necessary (sometimes, for example, a table or chart needs a sans-serif font) and use different sizes only when your paper’s writing style, such as APA or MLA, requires it.
  • Use a screen reader to hear your essay out loud. Listening to your paper can help you to identify errors that you may not be able to see on the page. Google Translate’s speaker function offers a free reader to help you listen to your paper.
  • Print a copy of your essay for proofreading. It’s easier to see mistakes on paper than it is on a screen. Even if your paper will be submitted online, use a paper copy to search for proofreading errors.

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essay writing hacks

7 Essay Hacks to Make Your Paper A-Worthy Every Time

Guest Writer

Every single class you ever take will ask for an essay at some point in time. So use these essay hacks to make it easy, and A-worthy.

Essays are the bane of many students’ lives.

You’re faced with big topics to cover, thousands of words to write, and limited time in which to do it. With multiple papers on the go at once, it’s no surprise that 16% of students (or more) pay other people to write their essays for them.

But there’s good news:

Quality essay writing doesn’t have to be so difficult! With the right approach and a few essay hacks at your disposal, you can simplify the entire process. Work on your essay game and you’ll start getting A’s on those papers instead of E’s with, well…ease.

Does that sound like a plan? Let us help! Read on to discover 7 epic essay writing hacks for a quality paper every time!

1. Do Your Research

Essays are only as good as the research that’s gone into them.

After all, you have to understand the topic and all of its nuances in order to have something to say about it! That’s why you should always start the writing process by reading up on the subject.

Don’t just scratch the surface though.

Get to a point where you know enough to form a solid grasp of the argument you want to make. Armed with a newfound understanding of the subject area and your argument, you’ll be able to enter the writing phase with less hesitation.

2. But Don’t Procrastinate!

The research phase is all-important.

But it can also prove problematic. You can end up delaying the writing stage in favor of further reading. In other words, the research becomes its own form of procrastination!

You convince yourself you need to know more before you can begin. In reality, though, you just don’t want to start.

Sooner or later, though, you’re going to have to bite the bullet and set pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards!). Get to a point where you can summarize your argument in a sentence or two. That’s always a good sign that you’re ready to start writing.

3. Give Yourself Enough Time

We know, you’ve got a million other things you’d rather do than write your essay!

There are people to see, computer games to play, and even ironing, shopping, and cooking to do that takes precedence. You end up putting the essay off until the very last minute, at which point there’s a mad rush to get it done.

Stress, frustration, and a rising feeling of overwhelm all ensue.

We’ve all been there! But, needless to say, it isn’t conducive to a quality end product. Try to give yourself enough time to do the essay justice instead.

Starting early takes the pressure off. It means you have enough wiggle room to solve any problems that arise. You can do proper research, get counsel from professors, and have a proper chance to form your arguments — all without the stress of a looming deadline.

4. Get Rid of Distractions

Writing an essay on a computer is a mixed blessing.

On one hand, you’ve got easy access to the internet and the ability to write at speed on a keyboard. As such, you can find the sources/information you need and work away at the word count at pace.

But there’s also social media to check, games to play, desktop notifications that pop up, and more. Throw your mobile phone into the mix and getting any work done can be a serious challenge.

Getting rid of such distractions will help. Set yourself up in a quiet and comfortable environment. Leave your phone somewhere out of sight (and put it on silent!). You could even block yourself from certain websites for set periods of time.

You’re sure to become more productive in the process.

5. Prioritize the Structure

The best essays combine quality content with a solid structure.

Ignore the structural side of the battle and your argument’s going to get lost along the way. Think of the structure like a map that takes the reader on a journey to your point. It must be sensibly put together, easy to follow, and cohesive in nature.

Success relies on planning.

Stop and think about your structure before you start writing. Figure out ahead of time how you need to assemble the essay and you’ll get your argument across with greater proficiency.

6. Be Clear and Succinct

Some of the essays you’ll have to write will have daunting word counts.

The result? You feel at a loss for what to say and start wondering how to stretch out an essay. Many people end up using more words than required to deliver a point or repeating themselves throughout the paper.

But it’s important not to be wasteful with words.

Sentences full of unnecessary words are harder to understand and your point might get lost along the way. More than anything, though, they make the reading experience less enjoyable!

Try to proofread what you write and cull any words, phrases, or even entire sections that seem surplus to requirements. It’ll be harder to reach the word count, but you’ll end up with a clearer and more succinct end product.

7. Back-Up Your Work!

There’s literally nothing worse than losing the essay you’ve almost finished.

You know what it’s like. You’ve made great progress, go to hit save, and then- boom- the computer crashes! Before you know it, everything you’ve just written goes down the drain.

Prevent that eventuality by backing up your essay at every opportunity. Email it to yourself, save it to the cloud, and/or copy it to an external hard drive.

Need to convert files to different formats before you save/submit them? https://setapp.com/how-to/convert-pdf-to-jpg should help.

Enjoy These Epic Essay Hacks

Writing an essay doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think.

With hard work, the right approach, and specific writing hacks to hand, you should be nailing your papers in no time. Hopefully, the essay hacks in this post will help you do it.

Want to read more articles like this one? Browse the blog now for more essay writing tips than you can shake a stick at!

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18 simple essay hacks that every student needs to know

Your assignment deadline is closing in and you have no idea where to start with your essay? We've got some tips for you.

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1. Start with a great quote for inspiration.

essay writing hacks

A strong quote provides credibility and purpose to your introduction. It also grabs the reader’s attention. A succinct quote could also be a great way to end your essay.  Even if you do end up taking the quote out of your draft, it can help you with the focus of your essay.

2. Give the Pomodoro technique a try.

essay writing hacks

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. You work based on 25-minute bursts that are separated by short 5-minute breaks. After each interval, you can use the your break to walk around, stretch, get coffee, etc. Then you go back to work. The idea behind it is that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.

There are a bunch of apps available on both iOS and Android or you can use Tomato Timer or other similar website.

3. Block out all the noise and distractions.

essay writing hacks

We live in such a connected world; you’re constantly plugged in to social media and a multitude of apps that can divert you from your work. Freedom is an app for Windows and Mac that turns off your internet connection for a set amount of time that helps you focus on your work without any distractions from Facebook, Twitter, email notifications and the like. You can use this in conjunction with your Pomodoro timer and utilize the five-minute break to see how many likes you got for your “#AmStudying” post.

4. Block out distracting noises.

essay writing hacks

While some of us work better with our favourite mix blasting, the rest of us work better with ambient sounds. Ambient sounds create a buffer between your ears and immediate environment, blocking out distractions without overwhelming the senses. You can check out the apps and websites that generate sounds here .

5. Wikipedia is a great place to find sources. 

essay writing hacks

The footnotes at the bottom of Wikipedia articles act like a bibliography of sorts, you can use it for helpful sources on the subject that you’re writing on.

6. Recover lost files in Word or backup your research regularly on a cloud drive

There are many cloud service providers out there, find out which one’s the best for you from this list .

7. Use a cloud-based app

essay writing hacks

If you’re working on your essay on multiple devices and on the go, a cloud-based app like Evernote helps you keep track of your work and ensures a seamless transition from one device to another.

8. Make your sentences more succinct by eliminating unnecessary words.

9. Get up and walk around.

essay writing hacks

Taking a short break every now and then can help you get your creative juices flowing and might even help you better able to phrase your argument. Even a stroll around the room, going to get some water or stepping out of the building to get some fresh air helps.  Can’t step out? Open a window.

10. Get out of the house. Head down to your local cafe or library.

essay writing hacks

A change of environment and scenery can help with your writer’s block. For some, the aroma of delicious coffee and ambient bustle of a café helps them focus, others find getting some sun and fresh air in a park motivating. Heading to a library where like-minded individuals are also studying prevents you from procrastinating, especially when the sources you need for your essay are within reach.

11. Jot down any ideas that come to mind immediately

essay writing hacks

Sometimes, on the journey home in the bus or train or even when waiting for a friend in a café, you might suddenly come across an idea or a better way to frame an argument that you’re including in your essay. These ideas are often fleeting in nature and you might not remember them if you do not immediately jot them down somewhere. For those who prefer pen and paper, keeping a small notebook on hand at all times, or you can store these ideas in a note app on your phone to revisit once you get back home.

12. Write your first draft on paper

essay writing hacks

There have been some studies that show writing by hand stimulate parts of your brain that are not active when you are typing. Writing your first draft by hand allows you to scribble notes and helps with your thought process. Once you’ve got a rough draft, type it into your computer, you can edit as you transcribe.  

13. Try using WriteMonkey for Windows or IA Writer for Mac for a clean writing interface.

essay writing hacks

Both these programmes offers a clean user interface where the menus are hidden. Once you’re done with your document, you can convert it to word. These are perfect for those who want a clutter and distraction-free screen.

14. For those who want everything on their screen for easy reference, use Scrivener .

essay writing hacks

Available on both Mac and Windows platforms, Scrivener is the opposite of IA Writer and WriteMonkey. It has everything. You can keep track of what you’ve written, move sections around and many more. This is especially useful if you are working on a dissertation and need to have multiple windows open at once for reference. It even comes complete with a clean writing interface.  

15. Looking for synonyms? Use Wordle to generate a cloud of your most used word to avoid repetition

16. When editing, change the font to something with a serif, and print it out.

essay writing hacks

Printing your essay out will help you weed out errors that you missed on screen, plus a serif font is easier on the eyes.

17. Paste your essay into Google Translate and hit the speaker icon to hear it read aloud.

essay writing hacks

Hearing your essay being read aloud helps you improve you’re the flow of your essay and pinpoint any errors with spelling or grammar.

18. Experiencing writer’s block? Just continue writing.

essay writing hacks

Some of you might be thinking: “But how do I write if I have no idea what to write?” Sometimes just the act of writing helps with your thought process and can kickstart your essay writing.

Hope these tips get you started or finish that essay you’ve been procrastinating. All the best and happy writing!

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By Dumb Little Man

December 10, 2018

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Writing essays can be difficult and time-consuming, and this can be stressful when you have looming deadlines for different subjects. However, we’ve put together several essay writing hacks that you can use to ensure that you finish your essay on time and that it looks neat and professional.

Hire a Writing Service

how to improve essay writing skills

A writing service is a great way to get a professional and quality essay. Some services give you writing tips when you pay someone to write my paper , and you can use these tips to improve your own writing speed and style. You can even look at the finished product to see how people write typical college or higher education papers. This will give you a good direction to start in with your next paper.

Understand the Formatting Requirements

Did you know that there are several different essay formats available and what one professor wants may vary from what another professor requires? Although APA style is extremely popular, Chicago, AMA, and MLA are also popular choices. If you need help with specific formatting and sourcing, the Purdue Online Writing Lab  can help you format your essay to the correct format.

Avoid Using Passive Voice

Using passive voice in your essays can make them confusing or difficult to read. Simply put, passive voice occurs when a verb does the noun in your essay rather than the noun does the verb. To spot passive voice, look for versions of “to be” like are, were, was, and is. Switch these out for active voice. An example would be:

Active Voice:

  • Active Voice: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet

Passive Voice:

  • Passive Voice: Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

essay writing hacks

If your professor looks over your essay and sees a lot of basic grammar errors, you’re going to look far less credible. It can damage your paper’s integrity, and this can negatively impact your grade. Take time to proofread everything and look up anything you have a question on. Microsoft Word will catch a lot of mistakes, and Grammarly  will as well. You can also input your essay in Google Translate and have it read it back to you so you can listen for errors.

Transition from Paragraph to Paragraph

One fast way to make your essay seem disjointed is to not transition smoothly from paragraph to paragraph. Your closing sentences and topic should relate to your main thesis, and each paragraph should connect. Each new paragraph’s first sentence should directly relate to and mention the idea in the previous paragraph to make it flow together.

Use Long and Short Sentences

Writing short sentences is one way to avoid punctuation mistakes. It also makes your paper seem stiff and formal. You want to avoid this. Ideally, you should use a mix of long and short sentences throughout your essay. These different sentence lengths will help your ideas blend seamlessly together, and it makes your essay look and read smoothly.

Lengthen Your Essay with a Few Tricks

One of the biggest stumbling blocks people have is lengthening their essays to ensure that they reach the required page count. Start by looking at your main ideas of paragraphs. Could you split them into two ideas and go more in-depth? Also, take a look at your sentences and see if you can deepen your essay’s analysis by asking “because why?” If you can’t do either of these things, you’ll have to research your topic more.

Plan Out Your Essay

essay writing hacks

Before you start writing your essay, lay out your thesis statement. This is what you’ll build your essay around. Each point you have to support your main thesis will become a paragraph in your essay. You also want a topic and closing sentence that directly ties back to your thesis statement. Write this all out, and you now have the outline of your essay to fill in.

Write Using the Pomodoro Technique

For many people, focusing on one paper for hours with no breaks can lead to writer’s block. Avoid this by using the Pomodoro time management technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Once you reach the 25-minute mark, take a five-minute break to get up and stretch, go to the bathroom, make a snack, or get something to drink. At the end of your break, write for another 25 minutes. Continue this pattern until you finish your essay.

Block Distractions

Distractions like email, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms can wreak havoc on your concentration levels. You can avoid this by using the Freedom  app. It works for both Mac and Windows, and you can choose which websites and apps it blocks and for how long. Use it side by side with the Pomodoro technique to maximize your productivity.

Use Wikipedia for Sources

While Wikipedia can be a great way to find sources for your essay, don’t use it for answers because anyone can edit it. Instead, input your relevant search query into Google and go to the corresponding Wikipedia page. From here, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the sources. Use these sources in your paper or for your research.

Write Your First Draft By Hand

writing down list

Yes, almost no one writes anything by hand anymore. Writing your first or rough essay draft by hand can make things easier in the long run. You’ll be able to make notes in the margins and keep track of your thoughts all in one place. If you have ideas, jot them down as you’re writing. You can always incorporate them into your final draft.

Bottom Line

Writing essays can be stressful, but these 12 essay writing hacks can help smooth out the process. You can start with just one or try them all out to see which ones suit your needs and help you write a clean and polished essay in a fraction of the time.

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9 Essay Hacks To Get You Through All That Writing

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Here's nine tips and tricks to getting through your latest essay a little bit easier.

Try the Pomodoro technique

Cute pictures of cats, or encourage yourself in your own way.

revision hack 1

Use text to speech tools

translate google - 1

Change the font to help proof reading

Boost the font size and/or change the text to an unusual font to force you to focus on every word rather than just skimming over it and missing errors.


study apps 1

Use Wikipedia, but don't tell anyone

You're often told not to use Wikipedia but it is a great place to START your research. Don't cite or copy directly from it of course, but look at the references and bibliography sections at the bottom for papers, journals and books as a cheating way to kick-start your own research into a topic.


Work on the cloud

Use a cloud service like iCloud, Google Docs Office 365 to protect your work by saving versions of your writing online - you won't worry about losing everything ever again! Plus, you can work from wherever you go with a phone.

Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the University of Brighton to share tips and tricks on life as a cash-strapped student. He's now spent over 10 years scoping out the best ways to live on a budget

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12 Amazing Essay Writing Hacks

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No matter what your major is, you probably have at least one essay to write per semester. For some people, writing an essay can be a daunting task; You may feel like you don’t know enough information, or even if you know what to say, you may not know how to say it. If this sounds like you, here are a few tips to make writing that essay less of a headache!

1. Know what formatting your professor wants.

Even if your content is amazing, you can be docked some serious points for a formatting error. Before you begin to craft your content, knowing what formatting to use is key. Check if your professor has a specific formatting they prefer. If they want MLA, APA, AMA or Chicago, Purdue Online Writing Lab is an excellent resource for every formatting question you could have. 

2. Plan with your thesis in mind.

When planning to write, read the prompt thoroughly and create your thesis. That way you can morph your paper around your thesis. From your thesis, develop your main points. Also, make sure that each paragraph contains a topic sentence and a closing sentence that relates back to your thesis. Once these main points are developed and connected to your thesis, your content should be organized for you.

3. Transitions are your best friend.

Not only should your topic and closing sentences relate to your thesis, but they should also connect your ideas as you move through each paragraph. The first sentence of every paragraph should reference the last paragraph and how it relates to the paragraph you’re now introducing.

4. Know your professor’s stance on personal pronouns.

For more formal essays, personal pronouns (I, you, we, ect.) are a no-no, but for more informal essays some professors allow it. If you’re not sure, ask your professor what they prefer. However, I always say when in doubt, don’t use them.

5. Avoid basic grammar mistakes.

If a professor sees a basic grammar mistake in your paper, your work will automatically seem less credible. My number one rule for grammar, is if you’re not sure, Google it! NEVER just guess. If you’re looking for a good starting place, Purdue OWL has a great grammar guide .

6. Avoid passive voice.

Passive voice makes your writing more confusing to read. Passive voice is when the verb does the noun, rather than the noun does the verb (active voice). A simple way to spot passive voice is to look for versions of the verb “to be” (is, are, was, were). I like to use the search bar in Microsoft Word to highlight these words and see if they can be removed. In some cases, “to be” cannot be changed without altering the meaning of the sentence, but if the sentence can be reworded to exclude the “to be” verb, do it. Here’s an example:

Passive voice: Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

Active voice: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

7. Avoid filler words.

People tend to write like they talk, and that can lead to filler words. Filler words have no real meaning and make sentences less clear. Common filler words include “just,” “very,” “really,” “even,” and “that.” I, again, would recommend doing a document search for them and deleting them. 

8. Avoid adverbs.

In some cases, adverbs can be useful, but a lot of professors despise them. There are many instances where you can use more descriptive language rather than using an adverb. Avoiding them will strengthen your content and give your professor one less excuse to dock you points. 

9. Mix up your sentence length.

Sometimes people will write run-on sentences to combine their ideas or try to sound smart. Other times, people will write a string of short sentences because they don’t know how to connect their ideas. Whether your sentences are all too long or too short, your essay will sound stiff if all your sentences are the same length. The key to a good flow is mixing up your sentence length. A good way to spot this, again, is to use the search tool to highlight your periods. If they all seem to be the same distance apart, that’s a sign you need to mix things up.

10. Lengthening tricks.

A common dilemma while writing is you need to meet a page length, but partway through you seem to have run out of ideas. There are actually intelligent ways to lengthen your essay without bumping up the period font. First, look at all the main ideas of your paragraphs. Can some of them be split into two ideas? Also, look at your sentences. See if you can ask “because why?” Adding a “because” statement adds a deeper analysis and lengthens your essay at the same time. However, if you can’t use either of these suggestions, you may have to do more research or consider modifying your thesis altogether.

11. Read your paper aloud.

Reading your paper aloud is one of the best techniques to catch your mistakes. You can catch typos you didn’t see or hear when a sentence sounds too wordy or awkward. It can help your writing sound more natural if you find your language sounds too robotic. Also if you have trouble with varying your sentence lengths, this technique can help you too. 

12. Have someone else look over your essay.

In many cases you know what you mean to say, but don’t know if you said it correctly. Having someone else read your essay is the only way to ensure your ideas came across. Ask a friend to point out parts that are confusing or what they think you’re trying to say. They can also catch typos and grammar errors you didn’t catch yourself. If you want more thorough revision tips, feel free to visit your university’s writing center where a trained writing tutor can help you.

With these tips, you will produce a well-written essay with more ease. Happy writing!

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5 Insider College Essay Hacks to Stand Out From the Crowd

Purna Rao

  • February 18, 2021
  • College Admission Guidance , Essay Writing

When it comes to writing a winning college essay , many students wonder why it’s important and how it can help them. You may have stellar SAT scores or honor level courses on your transcript, but without great college essays, your application will not make a great impact on the admission officials of your dream college. 

A persuasive and compelling college essay will make you stand out from other applicants. Through this article, we will give you 5 hacks that can make a significant difference to your college essays.

In a nutshell, your college essay demonstrates something unique about you that you cannot reveal with your grades or test scores – that is your personality.

Challenges of Writing a College Essay

When it comes to writing college essays, students face a myriad of challenges.

According to college essay papers, the first challenge of writing a college essay is procrastination. Many students put off their essay writing until they are left with no time which could add more pressure and make them get things wrong. There is also the challenge of explaining yourself in just 500 words. How is it even possible given the information running down in your mind?

Students also focus on pleasing the committee to the extent of failing to demonstrate their real experiences.

As a rule, keep your college essay length close to the maximum limit possible. Usually, college essays fall within 500 and 600 words long. Does this sound good?

Let’s get rolling.

Follow these five tips to write a winning college application essay.

5 Hacks for Writing a Winning College Essay

1. plan your writing in advance.

Part of the reason why many students fail to write outstanding college application essays is that they put off things until the last minute. If you fall for this trap, you’re going to rush the writing process and the quality of your essay will suffer. When the time to write your college essay comes, remember that you need enough to plan, write, proofread and edit, then polish your essay before submitting it. As a rule, you need to plan your writing project to give yourself enough time for the entire project. 

You also need to know your audience. It’s only when you understand who they are and what they are looking for that when you can know how to tailor your application essay appropriately.

So before you start writing your essay, find out what they are looking for in a potential candidate; and how you can demonstrate yourself as the deserving student.  Avoid over exceeding their expectations though. Focus on demonstrating your strengths and how you can convince them you’re the right candidate.

2. Understand the College Essay Prompt 

This sounds like a no-brainer but many students have had their essays marked ineffective for not addressing the prompt as required. 

Not understanding the essay prompt could give the admission committee a reason not to accept your essay no matter how outstanding it is.

So, read over the essay prompt several times and be clear about what you’re required to do. Some institutions will require candidates to choose from several prompts. Understanding the essay prompt clearly enables you to let the admission committee know more about yourself while complying with the writing standards required.

Being clear on the prompt also enables you to stay on track. Here is some common application essay prompts examples.

Example 1: The lessons we obtain from difficulties we experience can be fundamental to future career success.  Describe a time when you encountered a challenge, difficulty, failure, or setback. How did it affect you and what lessons did you learn from the experience.

Example 2: Think about a time when you challenge an idea. What prompted you to challenge it? Recount the outcome.

Example 3: Describe a problem you’ve solved or you’d like to solve. Explain its importance to you, and what steps you took or you’d take to identify a solution.

3. Choose An Interesting Topic

Sometimes you’ll have some freedom to choose a topic for your college essay by yourself. In that case, choose a topic that interests you.

Remember that the freedom to choose a topic for your essay can make things difficult for you. You might be tempted to choose a topic only to find that you cannot get enough information about it on the internet. Ensure you choose a subject you can confidently research and write without scratching your head too much. The idea is to let the admission committee know your personality as a candidate.

4. Create an Outline

To have an interesting writing process, you need to create an outline that shows all of the key points you’re going to talk about in your essay without going over or below the word limit. Write down all the main ideas either in bullet points or a list so you can be guided accordingly.

Basic outline of college essay

Creating an outline of your essay will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t wander during the writing process.

5. Start Strong 

You’re now into the actual process of writing your college essay. Remember that the admission committee will be reviewing dozens of application essays so your first impression matters.

As a rule, you need to capture the reviewers’ attention immediately they place their eyes on your essay. That’s why you’re required to craft a compelling introduction. The first sentence of your essay can make the reviewers develop a desire to continue reading or stop and toss your essay into the dustbin.

To make your essay stand out, you need to know how to open strong. Hook the readers and drag them by their collars. Make your opening sentence as interesting and intriguing as possible, and then introduce your topic at the end of the first paragraph. Use the tips below to write an eye-catching introduction for your essay.

Write it in your own words

Often, it’s advised to start with a quote, a startling stat, or a question. When it comes to writing a college essay, you need to write the introduction in your own words. Remember that the introduction should tell the reviewer about you or your ideas.

Avoid overused phrases

As stated earlier, your essay needs to reveal your unique qualities. Repeating phrases that have been used for a long time shows that you cannot come up with your own ideas.

Additional tips on how to nail a college essay

Be proud, but don’t brag.

When it comes to making yourself stand out from the competition, it’s easy to fall for the temptation to brag about yourself. The goal of the essay is to demonstrate why you deserve the opportunity anyway. But hold your horses.

You don’t want to overdo it- but you shouldn’t shy away from bragging a little bit while showing the committee you’re human. Don’t be afraid to mention instances when you failed. After all, failing is normal but what you do after failing is what differentiates you from the other failures.

Show Emotions 

When writing your admission essay, you want to make sure the reader can connect with you. You want the reader to see you as a person, not a faceless writer.

Showing emotions can help you achieve that. To show emotions, don’t be afraid to demonstrate your vulnerabilities- after all, everyone is vulnerable. Showing times when you felt nervous, afraid, or defeated demonstrates self-awareness.

Show, Don’t Tell

Someone reading your essay wants to know your experiences. Use real-life examples. Ideally, you want to show the reader how you’ve been able to achieve your career success so far but not just telling them.

If you’ve achieved something worth mentioning in your application, show how you did it.

Proofread and Edit

Perhaps this is not the first, second, or third time you’re reading about it but you’ll be shocked by the number of times admission officers have encountered application essays with a ton of grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, sentence structure problems, and many other errors. Sometimes this happens when students rush their essay writing process up- partly due to procrastination or other reasons. As a rule, you should give your essay writing process ample time so that after writing, you’re left with more time to proofread it thoroughly.

You can use a spell checker tool or ask a friend to read over your essay for you.

essay writing hacks

Author Bio:   Prathamesh Sardesai is part of the content team at AP Guru. He has more than 10 years of experience as a content writer, specializing in writing about topics related to education and environmental issues like climate change and sustainability.

If you want expert end-to-end guidance on study abroad applications and Essay/SoP/LoR reviews, please schedule a  30 or 60 minutes online 1-on-1 interactive session with any of our experienced counselors.

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9 Proven Essay Hacks: Cheat Sheet and Tips to cheat on essays

In this comprehensive guide, we show you proven essay hacks to use as an essay cheat sheet and tips on how to cheat on essays. Earn the grades legally. If you effectively apply these 9 tips and tricks, you will significantly save your time in writing essays, and the efforts you put on your homework and earn high grades easily.

In many essays and assignments, students get stranded due to the lack of knowledge on how to navigate from one step to another in the writing process. Sometimes, there are easy ways to write essays, but they only work when you know the tips. Let us now discuss each in detail.

Easy navigation table

Proven Essay Hacks to legally Cheat on Essays

1. hire a professional essay writer.

This is one of the most convenient and easiest ways through which a student can cheat on essays, homework, and other assignments. The student hires a professional essay writer.

Professional essay writers can be accessed through professional writing websites. Grade Bees essay writing is one of the best ones. Several writing websites have experienced and competent writers who can handle different types of essays or any other assignment 24/7.

When you hire a professional essay writer, you can be assured that your paper will be of high quality and it will be delivered on time as your work.

However, there are some things you should consider before hiring a professional essay writer online. You should conduct a thorough research concerning the credibility of your selected writing services provider.

Make your Order

Give Instructions

Your writer completes the task

Download your File

The credibility can be gauged based on how long the website has provided witting services to students, the consistency of the website regarding the delivery of quality essays to students, and most importantly the support system within the site.

Once you are satisfied with the website offering professional writing services, you will be assigned a verified essay writer to complete your assignment.

The assigned professional write will deliver your essay, homework, or any other assignment according to the instructions you provided and the deadline you gave.

Tip 1 Hire a professional essay writer

Of course, those services are not free. You will have to pay. The price may differ from one service provider to another.

2. Plagiarize wisely without getting caught

This is also an ingenious method of cheating on your essays, homework, and more.

While plagiarizing is academic dishonesty that is punishable by law, plagiarizing wisely without getting caught can help you cheat on essays if you believe it is morally right.

The first method of plagiarizing wisely is to add adverbs and adjectives into original sentences to make them sound and appear different or unique.

Also, you should note that plagiarism detecting tools look for overlapping text between your essay and other works from other writers.

If you add adverbs and adjectives, the similarity or overlapping text will disappear and you will be good.

You can also change the order of text within the original sentences. This is an easy method of plagiarizing because plagiarism detecting tools such as SafeAssign and Turnitin will be incapable of detecting any overlaps between your essay and the original work.

Changing the word order can also be achieved by Article Rewriting tools. Those tools are several on Google.

What they do is to take the original text and jumble it in such a way that it maintains meaning and coherence while becoming different from the original work.

Finally, you can utilize several quotes within your essay. However, this will depend on whether your instructor accepts them or not.

Plagiarize wisely without getting caught

If you use quotes, be sure to quote (“…”) the original text and add an in-text citation at the end of the quote to avoid detection.

Check our our guide how to plagiarize wisely without getting caught especially when dealing with Turnitin or SafeAssign.

 3. Paraphrase your essay well

Paraphrasing is when a student takes the original text and mixes the words in such a way that they look original while retaining the same meaning with the original text.

You should note that even though you have paraphrased, you should correctly cite the source in the right format.

Tip to Paraphrase your essay well

Below are some of the tips that can be used to help you paraphrase your work well:

  • Use a Dissimilar first sentence
  • Use relevant synonyms
  • Change sentence structure
  • Break long sentences

We can explain these points in detail below;

1. Use a Dissimilar first sentence

First, you should begin your essay, or the first sentence of your essay, at a dissimilar point from that of the original.

This means that you will not follow the structure of the source. You will have to find the structure through which you will rewrite the source’s text.

2. Use relevant synonyms

Secondly, you should use synonyms. This is a clever way of paraphrasing because you will exchange the original words with their synonyms.

This can easily fool plagiarism detecting tools. The Saurus Tool can help you if you are stuck.

3. Change sentence structure

Thirdly, you can change the sentence structure. If the original sentence has been written in the active form, you can change it into a passive form.

4. Break long sentences

Finally, you can break long sentences or information into smaller and separate sentences. This will make your essay original while maintaining the original or intended information.

Read our guide on the Dos and Don’ts of paraphrasing – and learn how to paraphrase well.

4. Submit late assignments wisely

It is a requirement that all assignments should be submitted before the deadline.

Any late submissions are not accepted by most instructors because the students have not followed the instructions and they may have used that opportunity to cheat on their essays.

Depending on the institution you are studying in, your instructors have different preferences when it comes to submitting assignments.

Most will require you to submit the assignments via plagiarism detecting tools such as Turnitin or SafeAssign while others may require you to physically hand in your work.

Either way, late submissions are unacceptable. This is because they can be used as a loophole to cheat.

Read our guide on how to submit late assignments and escape with it.

To ensure that you turn in your late assignments, be sure to upload a corrupted file before the deadline. The instructor will struggle to open the file without success.

Submit late assignments hack

During that time, take the opportunity to complete the assignment. You can also seek help from your smart classmates because they will assume that you have also uploaded the file and their help will not have any impact on your paper.

By the time your instructor requests you to re-upload your assignment, you will have completed your paper. Voila!

5. Work with homework help tutor

This method cannot be considered as an unethical approach to cheating on essays. This is because a homework help tutor is just like your teacher or instructor who wants to make you better understand the course and the homework.

Again, parents who think that their children are not at par with their peers at school will most likely hire extra help from such tutors. Those tutors can also help you while completing your homework.

homework help tutor hack

Well, homework help tutors can be actual physical people who you interact with or someone/something that you interact within a virtual space (online).

In either case, both can provide valuable information that can help you complete your homework.

Their experience as tutors and the academic information they possess guarantees that you will complete your homework and expect the best results. 

For example, if you have been given Chemistry homework and you feel that it is difficult to complete because you do not understand the concepts, you can seek homework help tutor

Maybe the grade you will get from the assignment will impact your final grade. Though you will have cheated, seeking help will save your grade.

Look out for our homework help services and see if you can get someone to walk your academic journey with you

This is one of the most effective and successful methods of cheating on essays, homework, and more without getting caught. You have legally or morally done nothing wrong.

6. Re-use previous papers from you or others

This method of cheating on essays, homework, and more can be very risky if not done wisely. As we have noted, some tools are used by institutions to check for plagiarism.

Tools such as SafeAssign and Turnitin can detect any overlaps between your submitted papers and other papers, essays, or works that are available within their databases.

If they detect any overlaps, then your paper has a degree of plagiarism that is dictated by the similarity index.

If the previous papers from you or others to be reused have been previously submitted through either of plagiarism checking tools, then your paper will be detected and rejected because of a high similarity index.

However, it should be noted that the two plagiarism checking tools use different databases and they do not check the other’s databases.

Therefore, it may be possible to reuse a paper that has been previously submitted using Turnitin by submitting it through SafeAssign and vice versa.

Turnitin stores all the papers that have been submitted through it to its database. In the case of SafeAssign, students and instructors can choose to donate those papers as resources.

The key thing to note is that most of the tools used to check for plagiarism have a mechanism of detecting papers that have been previously submitted through them.

Read our guide how to re-use previous papers without self-plagiarism and apply this crazy hack.

However, if your paper or another person’s paper has not been submitted through such tools, you can confidently reuse them.

 7. Smartly cheat your online tests

Some smart methods can be used by students to cheat during their online tests. One of the most commonly used methods is screen mirroring or sharing.

Since online tests are given to students from remote locations, you have the freedom to use more than one monitor.

Those monitors are used to simultaneously mirror the test questions to your smart friends who can provide answers.

The second method you can use to cheat during online tests is by using devices to cheat. Some Bluetooth devices are very tiny and undetectable.

You can place them strategically into your ear and use them to receive voiced answers from your smart friends or any other person you have hired to help you during the online test.

Another device you can use to cheat during online tests is your smartphone. They can store valuable information and answers. They are connected to the internet and you can search your answers on cheating websites like Sparknotes or more.

Another method that can be used to cheat during online tests is impersonation. Here, the candidate hires or uses another person to do the test on their behalf.

You can read our full guide how to cheat online tests and get some easy hacks that may help you escape being caught.

Administering online tests remotely allows the candidates to use impersonators who are more knowledgeable and are likely to attain good grades for the candidates. However, we give a disclaimer that such cheating in school is wrong , and you should try it at your own peril.

Though this is the case, most institutions are now administering online exams though proctored programs like web browsers and tools to avoid cheating incidences. 

8. Use free model essays to write your essays

Copying or using model essays/papers to write your essays/papers is also an effective method of cheating on essays, homework, and more. Model essays have been created by individuals who are well versed in the course content and its requirements.

Most likely, those individuals create those model essays/papers to guide or provide an actual example of how students should do their papers or essays. In most cases, the model essays or papers have been written or approved by the instructor. Therefore, they can be valuable assets when writing your paper or essay.

Hack to Use Free Model Essays

What you should note is that not all model essays or papers will completely match the assignment requirements given by your instructor.

Read our post on how to use completely free sample essays as models for your paper.

You should carefully check the contents and the context of the model essay or papers before copying or using them to write your essays or papers.

If by chance the model paper is similar to your assignment, you can proceed to copy the points in your paper or essay. However, do not copy-paste. Read our guide on paraphrasing hack 3 above.

If you decide to completely copy the model paper or essay, be sure to check for similarity through plagiarism checking tools such as Turnitin Self-Check, Grammarly, or any other tool. This will ensure that the paper does not exist within the databases of those tools. If they do exist, you can plagiarize or paraphrase wisely to avoid getting caught. If they do not exist, then you can copy and upload the paper as your own.

9. Have someone take your class online

As aforementioned, online classes and courses are administered remotely. Therefore, students and tutors do not physically interact. This gives students a lot of freedom to cheat. One of the methods is to have someone take your online class from the start to end. Due to proctoring tools and online authentication through biometrics and student IDs that are taken

during the start of the online course, having someone take the online class from the start will ensure that they will have assumed your identity. They will also do online proctored tests and exams without any problem.

Essay Cheat Sheet and Tips to improve your writing

1. use proofreading tools to polish your work.

Proofreading tools like Grammarly and writecheck can be very helpful when completing your essays.

Essay cheat sheet to use proofreading tips

They are easy to use and they make your work to be significantly easier.

At the same time, they will take lesser time and save you on the deadline.

When you are done writing your essay or research paper and you need to proofread your work to correct any grammatical errors, punctuation, and so on, you can just copy-paste or upload the file directly to the tool.

Some of the proofreading tools are free while others require a subscription fee.

Read our hacks on how to use Grammarly Premium version for free and see how it works.

Once uploaded, the tool will automatically detect any errors or issues within your paper. You can correct them as required.

2. Format your paper well – cite referencing, etc.

Formatting your paper well will guarantee more points. After you are done writing your paper, it is important to format it following the academic guidelines provided by your instructor.

The format will dictate the arrangement of your paper in terms of paragraphs, the in-text citations, presence or absence of endnotes or footnotes, and the placement of the bibliography/works cited/reference page.

Read our guide how to format papers in APA or MLA and get a quick lesson or essay hack on the same.

The common and acceptable formats include APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard. Be sure to follow the format dictated by your instructor to be graded.

Some instructors will not grade papers that do not follow the correct format that is well done.

You can hire one of our cheap essay writers from our website to proofread your work professionally.

3. Self-check your papers for plagiarism

This is also a very important step to do before submitting your paper. As we have noted earlier, most instructors will require you to submit your papers and essays through plagiarism checking tools such as SafeAssign and Turnitin.

However, some submissions can only be done once because they are taken as final copies rather than drafts. It is therefore important to perform a self-check through tools.

Read our guide on Turnitin Self-check alternatives and learn more.

Some of the tools discussed in that article include Turnitin’s Feedback Studio, Grammarly, PlagScan, DupliChecker, and so on before submitting your drafts as final copies.

4. Keep your plagiarism score within the acceptable range

Different institutions and instructors have different standards when it comes to plagiarism scores.

Some will be strict while others will be lenient depending on the course discipline and the writing prowess of the students.

Check out our post on the acceptable plagiarism score on Turnitin and know how not to surpass that level.

As a student, you should take note of the accepted range and try as much as possible to keep your plagiarism score within the acceptable range.

You will not be penalized due to plagiarized content if you keep your score within the acceptable range.

5. Follow online guides on how to write essays and papers

If you google or search the web for topics on how to write different types of papers, you will find several results.

Read our comprehensive guides how to write an essay and how to write research papers for detailed lessons.

Some many websites and blogs provide free guides on how to write different papers. You should however check the credibility of the online sources because some of them may misguide you.

Different papers will take different forms. The most credible sites will give you guidelines in terms of structure, outline, format, tone, and how to effectively cite sources.

6. Know the allowed plagiarism – easy essay cheat sheet

Different institutions and instructors have different standards when it comes to how much plagiarism is allowed. Some institutions or instructors will not allow students’ papers with a plagiarism score of more than 5%. Watch the video below to learn how to reduce your plagiarism.

Others can allow a score of below 25% while others can allow as much as 30% depending on the course’s discipline and the writing proficiency of the students.

If your instructor or institution allows or tolerates a plagiarism score of 30%, then you can plagiarize to that extent.

However, if they do not tolerate that (5% and below), then avoid plagiarism by using the aforementioned methods.

YouTube video

Another Word

Another Word

From the writing center at the university of wisconsin-madison.

photo of a laptop browser page open to TikTok’s homepage with a tab titled “TikTik-Make Your Day” (Credit: Unsplash)

#essayhack: What TikTok can Teach Writing Centers about Student Perceptions of College Writing

By Holly Berkowitz, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

There is a widespread perception that TikTok, the popular video-sharing social media platform, is primarily a tool of distraction where one mindlessly scrolls through bite-sized bits of content. However, due to the viewer’s ability to engage with short-form video content, it is undeniable that TikTok is also a platform from which users gain information; whether this means following a viral dance tutorial or learning how to fold a fitted sheet, TikTok houses millions of videos that serve as instructional tutorials that provides tips or how-tos for its over one billion active users. 

That TikTok might be considered a learning tool also has implications for educational contexts. Recent research has revealed that watching or even creating TikToks in classrooms can aid learning objectives, particularly relating to language acquisition or narrative writing skills. In this post, I discuss  the conventions of and consequences for TikToks that discuss college writing. Because of the popularity of videos that spotlight “how-tos” or “day in the life” style content, looking at essay or college writing TikTok can be a helpful tool for understanding some larger trends and student perceptions of writing. Due to the instructional nature of TikToks and the ways that students might be using the app for advice, these videos can be viewed as parallel or ancillary to the advice that a Writing Center tutor might provide.

pull quote reads, "There is a ready audience for content that purports to assist writers in meeting the deliverables of a writing assignment using a path of least resistance."

A search for common hashtags including the words “essay,” “college writing,” or “essay writing hack” yields hundreds of videos that pertain to writing at the college level. Although there is a large variety in content due to the sheer amount of content, this post focuses on two genres of videos as they represent a large portion of what is shared: first, videos that provide tips or how-tos for certain AI tools or assignment genres and second, videos that invite the viewer to accompany the creator as they write a paper under a deadline. Shared themes include attempts to establish peer connections and comfort viewers who procrastinate while writing, a focus on writing speed and concrete deliverables (page count, word limit, or hours to write), and an emphasis on digital tools or AI software (especially that which is marked as “not cheating”). Not only does a closer examination into these videos help us meet writers where they are more precisely, but it also draws writing center workers’ attention to lesser known digital tools or “hacks” that students are using for their assignments.

“How to write” Videos

Videos in the “how to” style are instructional and advice-dispensing in tone. Often, the creator utilizes a digital writing aid or provides a set of writing tips or steps to follow. Whether these videos spotlight assistive technologies that use AI, helpful websites, or suggestions for specific forms of writing, they often position writing as a roadblock or adversary. Videos of this nature attempt to reach viewers by promising to make writing easier, more approachable, or just faster when working under a tight deadline; they almost always assume the writer in question has left their writing task to the last possible moment. It’s not surprising then that the most widely shared examples of this form of content are videos with titles like “How to speed-write long papers” or “How to make any essay longer” (this one has 32 million views). It is evident that this type of content attempts to target students who suffer from writing-related anxiety or who tend to procrastinate while writing.

Sharing “hacks” online is a common practice that manifests in many corners of TikTok where content creators demonstrate an easier or more efficient way of achieving a task (such as loading a dishwasher) or obtaining a result (such as finding affordable airline tickets). The same principle applies to #essay TikTok, where writing advice is often framed as a “hack” for writing faster papers, longer papers, or papers more likely to result in an A. This content uses a familiar titling convention: How to write X (where X might be a specific genre like a literature review, or just an amount of pages or words); How to write X in X amount of time; and How to write X using this software or AI program. The amount of time is always tantalizingly brief, as two examples—“How to write a 5 page essay in 2 mins” and “How to write an essay in five minutes!! NO PLAGIARISM!!”—attest to. While some of these are silly or no longer useful methods of getting around assignment parameters, they introduce viewers to helpful research and writing aids and sometimes even spotlight Writing Center best practices. For instance, a video by creator @kaylacp called “Research Paper Hack” shows viewers how to use a program called PowerNotes to organize and code sources; a video by @patches has almost seven million views and demonstrates using an AI bot to both grade her paper and provide substantive feedback. Taken as a whole, this subsect of TikTok underscores that there is a ready audience for content that purports to assist writers in meeting the deliverables of a writing assignment using a path of least resistance.

Black background with white text that reads “How to Make AI Essay Sound Like You…”

Similarly, TikTok contains myriad videos that position the creator as a sort of expert in college writing and dispense tips for improving academic writing and style. These videos are often created by upperclassmen who claim to frequently receive As on essays and tend to use persuasive language in the style of an infomercial, such as “How to write a college paper like a pro,” “How to write research papers more efficiently in 5 easy steps!” or “College students, if you’re not using this feature, you’re wasting your time.” The focus in these videos is even more explicit than those mentioned above, as college students are addressed in the titles and captions directly. This is significant  because it prompts users to engage with this content as they might with a Writing Center tutor or tutoring more generally. These videos are sites where students are learning how to write more efficiently but also learning how their college peers view and treat the writing process. 

The “how to write” videos share several common themes, most prevalent of which is an emphasis on concrete deliverables—you will be able to produce this many pages in this many minutes. They also share a tendency to introduce or spotlight different digital tools and assistive technologies that make writing more expedient; although several videos reference or demonstrate how to use ChatGPT or OpenAI, most creators attempt to show viewers less widely discussed platforms and programs. As parallel forms of writing instruction, these how-tos tend to focus on quantity over quality and writing-as-product. However, they also showcase ways that AI can be helpful and generative for writers at all stages. Most notably they direct our attention to the fact that student writers consistently encounter writing- and essay- related content while scrolling TikTok.

Write “with me” Videos

Just as the how-to style videos target writers who view writing negatively and may have a habit of procrastinating writing assignments, write “with me” videos invite the viewer to join the creator as they work. These videos almost always include a variation of the phrase— “Write a 5- page case analysis w/ me” or “pull an all nighter with me while I write a 10- page essay.” One of the functions of this convention is to establish a peer-to-peer connection with the viewer, as they are brought along while the creator writes, experiences writer’s block, takes breaks, but ultimately completes their assignment in time. Similarly to the videos discussed above, these “with me” videos also center on writing under a deadline and thus emphasize the more concrete deliverables of their assignments. As such, the writing process is often made less visible in favor of frequent cuts and timestamps that show the progression toward a page or word count goal.

young white man sitting at a computer with a filter on his face and text above hm that reads “Me writing a 500 word essay for class:”

One of the most common effects of “with me” videos is to assure the viewer that procrastinating writing is part and parcel of the college experience. As the content creators grapple with and accept their own writing anxieties or deferring habits, they demonstrate for the viewer that it is possible to be both someone who struggles with writing and someone who can make progress on their papers. In this way, these videos suggest to students that they are not alone in their experiences; not only do other college students feel overwhelmed with writing or leave their papers until the day before they are due, but you can join a fellow student as they tackle the essay writing process. One popular video by @mercuryskid with over 6 million views follows them working on a 6000 word essay for which they have received several extensions, and although they don’t finish by the end of the video, their openness about the struggles they experience while writing may explain its appeal. 

Indeed, in several videos of this kind the creator centers their procrastination as a means of inviting the viewer in; often the video will include the word in the title, such as “write 2 essays due at 11:59 tonight with me because I am a chronic procrastinator” or “write the literature essay i procrastinated with me.” Because of this, establishing a peer connection with the hypothetical viewer is paramount; @itskamazing’s video in which she writes a five page paper in three hours ends with her telling the viewer, “If you’re in college, you’re doing great. Let’s just knock this semester out.” One video titled “Writing essays doesn’t need to be stressful” shows a college-aged creator explaining what tactics she uses for outlining and annotating research to make sure she feels prepared when she begins to write in earnest. Throughout, she directly hails the viewer as “you” and attempts to cultivate a sense of familiarity with the person on the other side of the screen; in some moments her advice feels like listening in on a one-sided Writing Center session.

pull quote reads, "These videos suggest to students that they are not alone in their experiences; not only do other college students feel overwhelmed with writing or leave their papers until the day before they are due, but you can join a fellow student as they tackle the essay writing process."

A second aspect of these “with me” videos is an intense focus on the specifics of a writing task. The titles of these videos usually follow a formula that invites the viewer with the writer as they write X amount in X time, paralleling the structure of how-to-write videos. The emphasis here, due to the last-minute nature of the writing contexts, is always on speed: “write a 2000- word essay with me in 4.5 hours” or “Join me as I write a 10- page essay that is due at 11:59pm.” Since these videos often need to cover large swaths of time during which the creator is working, there are several jumps forward in time, sped up footage, and text stamps or zoom-ins that update the viewer on how many pages or words the writer has completed since the last update. Overall, this brand of content demonstrates how product-focused writers become when large amounts of writing are completed in a single setting. However, it also makes this experience seem more manageable to viewers, as we frequently see writers in videos take naps and breaks during these high-stakes writing sessions. Furthermore, although the writers complain and appear stressed throughout, these videos tend to close with the writer submitting their papers and celebrating their achievement.

Although these videos may send mixed messages to college students using TikTok who experience struggles with writing productivity, they can be helpful for viewers as they demonstrate the shared nature of these struggles and concerns. Despite the overarching emphasis on the finished product, the documentary-style of this content shows how writing can be a fraught process. For tutors or those removed from the experience of being in college, these videos also illuminate some of the reasons students procrastinate writing; we see creators juggling part-time jobs, other due dates, and family obligations. This genre of TikToks shows the power that social media platforms have due to the way they can amplify the shared experience of students.

pull quote reads, "@itskamazing’s video . . . ends with her telling the viewer, 'If you’re in college, you’re doing great. Let’s just knock this semester out.'"

To conclude, I gesture toward a few of the takeaways that #essay and #collegewriting TikTok might provide for those who work in Writing Centers, especially those who frequently encounter students who struggle with procrastination. First, because TikTok is a video-sharing platform, the content often shows a mixture of writing process and product. Despite a heavy emphasis in these videos on the finished product that a writer turns in to be graded, several videos necessarily also reveal the steps that go into writing, even marathon sessions the night before a paper is due. We primarily see forward progress but we also see false starts and deletions; we mostly see the writer once they have completed pre-writing tasks but we also see analyzing a prompt, outlining, and brainstorming. Additionally, this genre of TikTok is instructive in that it shows how often students wait until before a paper is due to begin and just how many writers are working solely to meet a deadline or deliverable. While as Writing Center workers we cannot do much to shift this mindset, we can make a more considerable effort to focus on time management and executive functioning skills in our sessions. Separating the essay writing process into manageable chunks or steps appears to be a skill that college students are already seeking to develop independently when they engage on social media, and Writing Centers are equipped to help students refine these habits. Finally, it is worth considering the potential for university Writing Center TikTok accounts. A brief survey of videos created by Writing Center staff reveals that they draw on similar themes and tend to emphasize product and deliverables—for example, a video titled “a passing essay grade” that shows someone going into the center and receiving an A+ on a paper. Instead, these accounts could create a space for Writing Centers to actively contribute to the discourse on college writing that currently occupies the app and create content that parallels a specific Writing Center or campus’s values.

essay writing hacks

Holly Berkowitz is the Coordinator of the Writing and Communication Center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She recently received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she also worked at the UW-Madison Writing Center. Although she does not post her own content, she is an avid consumer of TikTok videos.


12 Student Hacks To Become A Better Online Researcher

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Summer is underway and if you’re a student, school is probably the last thing you want to think about. But here’s the thing: the fall semester is only two months away, so you’re going to have to start thinking about school sooner than you think.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that sobering truth out of the way, let’s talk about what you can do to make the coming school year less stressful. You’re probably going to have to write a research paper or two (or ten). Luckily, there are strategies and services you can use to becomes a better online researcher and essay writing resources that will help you hone your academic writing. Equip yourself with these 12 effective online research hacks and you’ll be set to take on the new semester.

1. Check Out Your School’s Resources

Before looking elsewhere, see what trusty resources are available at your school. Schools will often have essay writing services that will give you strategies to research more effectively. For example, the Purdue Online Writing Lab is a popular resource for essay writing and research tips. Your school’s library will also have access to academic databases like the MLA International Bibliography .

2. Search Unique Keywords

When doing research for the topic of your essay, you will want to use specific keywords to find relevant sources. The broader the keyword you search is, the more results your search will yield. This is actually a bad thing, since most of those results won’t be relevant to your research. Use specific, unique keywords to narrow your search results to more relevant sources. For example, if you’re researching victorian clothing, search specific articles of clothing, such as “victorian horsehair petticoat,” as opposed to “victorian clothing.”

3. Use Specific Phrases

Here’s a quick but effective keyword search hack: put quotations around the phrase you are searching. This tells Google that you are looking specifically for words in the order you are quoting, rather than searching for results that contain any combination of those words. For example, if you are researching the average income of millennials compared to Generation X, you could search “average income of millennials” to get results that use that exact phrasing.

average ex

4. Use Google Scholar

Google Scholar is an index of specifically scholarly publications. Using Google Scholar eliminates the step of sifting through all of the irrelevant and unreliable results in Google’s regular search. Many of the articles indexed on Google Scholar aren’t free to read, however–but it’s still a good way to find specific articles for your essay, which you can then look for at your school library.

google scholar

5. Use Google Books

This is one of my favorite services from Google. Google Books is an index of specifically book publications. It’s a great way to find reputable sources on specific topics. Typically, Google Books will only offer sample sections of books, but you can still find valuable information. Plus, Google Books always displays the copyright pages in their previews, so you can properly cite the book in your essay. Google Books is a great way to see if a book will be useful before looking for it at a library.

google books

6. Browse Message Boards

This might seem counter intuitive—after all, chatting is usually something you do to procrastinate. But message boards can be a great source for insights on a topic and links to useful resources, particularly if your essay is about a niche topic. A lot of message boards exist for specialized interests. For instance, if you’re working on a history project about World War I, there are many message boards for history enthusiasts, who share old photographs and documents. Places like these can be a goldmine for unique material.

7. Use the Advanced Search Function

On the Google homepage, click “Settings” and then select “Advanced Search.” This will open up the Advanced Search function, which allows you to narrow down your search by filters like language, region, and file type. You can also search for exact words or phrases, as well as eliminate results with certain words or phrases.

google advanced search

8. Set a Search Time Limit

It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole when searching for something online. One page leads to another, and suddenly you’re on a site about what your whiskey personality is when you were supposed to be researching ancient Greek festivals. Setting a time limit for how long you can pursue one keyword at a time will help keep you on track. For example, set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes: this will allow you time to search a keyword, to skim various sites, and to jot down some important notes. If you find a site with a lot of useful information, bookmark it so you can dedicate more time to looking through it after.

9. Annotate Your Notes as You Research

Part of your assignment might be to submit an annotated bibliography . But even if it isn’t part of your assignment, writing down some notes about a source before moving on to the next one can be very helpful. You will probably look through tens, if not hundreds of pages while researching, so figuring out which source said what afterwards can end up wasting a lot of time. Create a document with the links to your sources, the author (if one is cited) and a few key points about the article. This will prompt you to remember which article is which.

10. Know Which Sources Are Reliable

Let’s face it: the internet is full of trash. Anyone can write anything and publish it on the web. For every reputable source you find on a topic, there will be 100 unreliable sources. How do you sift through the unreliable sources? A good place to start is, of course, your school’s library search engine. Your school’s library will already have an index of peer-reviewed and scholarly resources. But even if you’re using a regular search engine, there are indicators you can look for to confirm if a source is reliable or not.

Look into the organization that runs the website: is it a public organization or a nonprofit organization? For example, Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan think tank and a popular source for statistical information.

pew research

Or ask, is the site privately owned? The information can still be legitimate if it’s privately owned, but be conscious of how a company may present information in a way that favors their business. Even data can be biased .

Also look to see if the author has cited their sources. Most reputable sources will list the sources they drew their information from.

11. Use Online Libraries and Encyclopedias

Depending on the size of your school’s library, you may have limited access to certain books you want to use for your essay. Luckily, there are a number of online libraries that are free to access. Books on Project Gutenberg , for example, are completely free to read and use. You can also access certain online encyclopedias for free, like Encyclopaedia Britannica . These will give you access to articles on a wide variety of topics, and are credible sources that you can cite in your bibliography.

12. Use More Than One Search Engine

Keep in mind that different search engines index results differently . That’s because they have different bots crawling and indexing pages. So if you feel you’ve exhausted your results on Google, try using Bing or Yahoo! to see if your searches yield different results.


Using any combination of these online research hacks will make the research and essay writing process easier and more effective. Now keep these research hacks in mind and get back to enjoying your summer!

Featured photo credit: www.unsplash.com via unsplash.com

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Scott Berkun

Writing hacks, part 1: starting.

By Scott Berkun , Aug. 28 2006 (#54)

essay writing hacks

While it’s true that good voice, tone, rhythm, ideas and grammar are essential to good writing, they’re never introduced all at once. I promise you that the first draft of Strunk and White didn’t follow Strunk and White. The secret, if you can’t start, is to begin without constraints. Deliberately write, badly if you have to, but write.

For this reason writer’s block is a sham . Anyone who wrote yesterday can write today, it’s just a question of if they can do it to their own satisfaction. It’s not the fear of writing that blocks people, it’s fear of not writing well; something quite different. Certainly every writer has moments of doubt, but the way out is to properly frame what’s going on, and writer’s block, as commonly misunderstood, is a red herring.

Consider this: Have you ever been blocked while playing Frisbee? Eating doughnuts? Dancing naked in your living room? Those are joyful things and there’s nothing at stake: if you fail, who cares? Nobody. If there are no rules, and no judgment, psychological blocks are impossible. And remember writers like making up names and overthinking things: there is no term for architect-block, painter-block, juggler-block or composer-block. Every creative pursuit faces similar pressures, but they don’t obsess about it the way writers seem to do.

So play. Loosen up. Smile. Break the framework that’s making it impossible to start. Forget the deadline and the assignment and just be an open mind with a pen. Remember that until you say you’re finished, you can break all the rules. If you can’t get started, your psychology is making the challenge bigger than you can handle. Thinking of the book, the chapter, the page, the paragraph, is all too big if while you’re thinking, the page remains blank. Like a weightlifter out of his class, a writer with a blank page needs to lighten the load.

Writing hacks for starting

In the grand tradition of lists and books of hacks, writing hacks are clever little actions that give you leverage and put the dynamics in your favor. Here in part 1 it’s all about how to start.

Start with a word . The first goal is to get one word on the page. It can be any word, but you have to choose it, and put it down. I’m partial to the ridiculous[ 1 ], so for me it’s often Papaya, Pomegranate or Throat-warbler-man-grove (If you’re thinking that’s not a word, go back two paragraphs). If one word was easy, go for two. Still feeling lucky? Go for a small sentence. It doesn’t matter what the words are, but get them down. Write the lyrics to the song on the radio, the names of people you’ve slept with, your favorite Dr. Seuss lines, it just doesn’t matter. Once all the magic muscles in your little fingers get going, you’ll soon find yourself, in between rounds of one fish blue fish, writing some intelligent things. If your energy fades, repeat. Return to the unit of writing anyone can do, and build up again.

Write about how it feels not to be able to write . It’s sneaky, but damn, this works every time. The voice in our heads is always saying something, so put it down. Writer-weenies call this free writing, implying something unfortunate about other kinds of writing, but I find it easier to think of as listening. Imagine yourself as a recording device, writing down the radio broadcast of some other person who happens to live in your head. If you think this is weird, write about why it’s weird (See: you can’t lose – there’s always a way). Eventually your mind will hit thoughts on the topic itself and, presto, you’re on your way.

Have a conversation . Since you can’t get “converse with a friend” block, call up your buddy and talk. Get their opinions on whatever you’re writing, or throw them a bit of yours. Take notes about the conversation. Guess what? You’ve started writing. Friends are too busy? Go to a café or bar. I’ve found that if you tell bartenders you’re a writer, after they stop laughing, they’ll happily chat and occasionally give you free drinks. In a pinch, or if you’re a loner, talk with your dog. No dog? Create an imaginary friend (or three). Perhaps I’m insane, but I talk to myself all the time, and sometimes I even like the answers. If you know a writer friend, be writer buddies, available by phone to help each other get started.

Read something you hate . Opinions come easy to me, but some days I’m as indifferent as the wind. To get started I’ll read things that I can’t stand, express opinions in violent opposition to mine[ 2 ] and, when pressed, are written so poorly my eyes burn straight through the pages. A paragraph of outstanding tripe is intellectual smelling salts. It puts me on my feet, sticking and jabbing like Muhammad Ali , raving and ranting on the page. I can rarely use those first rant-laden riffs, but it puts me in the ring. Sometimes its love you need, so go to your masters: Emerson, Fitzgerald, Orwell, King, get your nose into whoever’s writing get you jazzed. Writers often write about writing[ 3 ], a trick few arts can follow; so reflective motivation from writers is easy to find .

Warm up . Do you imagine Olympic sprinters wake up and immediately sprint around the house? Of course not (unless they drank too much the night before). No one performs well without easing muscles and emotions into place. And everyone warms up differently. Sometimes responding to e-mail works because hey, that’s a kind of writing. Or type the alphabet forwards and backwards. Maybe revise something old and unfinished to get warm. My ritual is to type in quotes from good books I’ve read to get the fingers in rhythm and my mind thinking good writer thoughts. More exercises here and here .

Make lists . Nonfiction often starts for me as bulleted lists. I imagine what things the finished work would answer, how it would do it and I write it down. Not that I know how to fill them, but what might good section headings be? List making is never as threatening as “writing”, so go there first (There is no shopping list block, is there?). I kick the list around for awhile, changing, moving, shuffling, and then once it has critical mass, I put in a document and go. And I’m always ready to leave the list, and my plan behind, if I find a sweet spot: the list is a tool, not a contract. I have dozens of essay ideas in various states of list form, in a Moleskine , slowly growing until they’re ready.

Switch to something harder . My wife is an artist , and for years she’s worked on two paintings at the same time, switching between them. Why? When she’s hit a wall on one project, the second project is a godsend: it’s an escape that’s still productive. I use this hack as follows: when stuck on project A, including not being able to start, I’ll joyfully switch to project B, thinking I’m pulling one over (on myself of course, but even the idiocy of self-delusion is tolerable to the acid misery of returning to A). But 20 minutes later when I hit a wall on Project B, a wall that, by comparison, seems like the Maginot line , I’m more than happy to return to A, even if it’s a blank page. I’ve forgotten A’s particular horrors, and jump in, possibly over the hurdle that seemed impossible before.

Run like hell. I can’t write if my body isn’t happy and my body feels happy when it has been used: it likes to run or lift or almost anything. So think physical: let your body get out the stresses that block your mind. Go for a run, mow the lawn, chase your cat, do something to get your body moving, and your mind relaxed. If you move your body, your mind will follow. Maybe take a bath, get a massage, have sex, anything physical and positive. If you get into the activity enough I bet you’ll have a moment when your body is finally happy enough to let your mind do its work.

Whiskey. Yes, alcohol is writing’s seductive little mistress. A well timed shot of whiskey can work wonders for the jittery, neurotic mind. It’s the shock to the system that works for me, so when I can’t start, there are alcohol free alternatives to get things flowing: a cold shower, an underwear clad run up the driveway, a shot of espresso, a peek at my naked wife, the list goes on. Don’t depend on these (as the more you use, the less they work, except for the last one), but occasionally they’re the only way.

Rummage your scrap pile . In 1994 I started writing a novel[ 4 ]. By this I mean I created a word document named “My Novel”, hit save and then got drunk with friends. The next day, terrified as I was to return, I created a second document, called “My Novel – notes”. And in there I wrote down every idea that came to me about what might be in the novel. Only had one at first (“The narrator gets drunk. And then…well…hmmm”) but more came the next day. It was a hard core rule: If I had any idea at any time, I wrote it down immediately. No exceptions (Thus, the moleskine). I’d think of snippets of dialog, lines of narrative, names for characters, or bits of plot, and stick them in, rarely looking at the previous bits. Eventually I had enough material to psyche myself up for the dive back into “My novel” as it wasn’t a blank page anymore.

Smart writers have stockpiles of old ideas to arm themselves against the evils of the blank page. When stuck, rummage. Laugh at the goofy ideas. Groan at the pretentious ones (there will be many). Feel the occasional awe of not remembering writing something that shines or happens to fits your blank page. Like a flea market or garage sale, let ideas feel cheap, light and easy to throw around. If you can do that, new work will get off the ground almost on its own.

Notes [ 1 ] I sometimes write “I have nothing to say” and repeat it on the page. I’ll go and go until I get so pissed off that I decide it’s less painful to write something real than it is to watch myself type this idiotic phrase forever. We always have something to say: we’re just not always brave enough to say it. A little self torture can sometimes bring it out.

[ 2 ] True story. This essay started when someone sent me a link to this essay on When you can’t get started , which you might like, but I had trouble with. Halfway through I had so many ideas I jumped into a blank page and didn’t stop until I had a draft of much of this essay. Mind you, as a writer I know this subject well, and had done plenty of thinking on this topic beforehand.

[ 3 ] By the act of writing “writers often write about writing” I’m writing about writers often writing about writing, which means you’re reading about writing about writers writing about writing. Say that ten times fast and I’ll give you a cookie.

[ 4] I wrote the novel on and off for 10 years, and finished in 2005 (with draft #5). Currently unpublished.

Further advice: 

I thought for sure there would be many essays titled “ writing hacks ” but I only found one when I wrote this. Most links are to things about writing code hacks.

  • The Three Writing Mindsets
  • How To Get From An Idea To A Book
  • Time-lapsed video of writer writing 1000 word essay (amazing!)
  • How to write a book – the short honest truth
  • How to survive creative burnout
  • Writing hacks , Poynter Online.
  • Art and fear , David Bayles & Ted Orland. The best book ever on losing confidence and motivation for making things.
  • The snowflake model . Found this after most of the essay was done, but some good metaphors.
  • Elements of Style , Strunk and White.
  • How to start writing Haiku . Haikus can be an example of “switch to something harder”.

essay writing hacks

312 Responses to “Writing Hacks, Part 1: Starting”

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hello Mr Barkun I really need some inspiration and motivation for a story I am desperate to write. I have a plot together and not stuggled with the names but I really need an impactful first chapter. Are there any tips you know on when you want to have an AMAZING first chappter. I’m only 14, but please don’t underestimate me. I wish nobody did. On paper I seem like a little timid girl but I am keen and confident. Plz help!

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I have been wanting to write since I was really young, well since I could write, and I have started several books, but never finished them. I was always worried about whether or not people would want to read them, and I was worried about rejection. I love to write fantasies and whatnot so this article was extremely helpful. I’m 19 and hopefully will eventually, not only finish a book, but get it published as well.

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this really helped me a lot thank you

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Like many others who read this article, you really helped inspire me to turn my ideas and names and dialogue into a book. I think actually materializing a story that has just been hopelessly floating around in your head is a challenge. Gosh, I’m definitely going to try all of your tips:) thanks!

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Sorry I don’t have too much to say here; I just wanted to be writing about reading about writing about writers writing about writing.

But on a more serious note, this really was very useful. Thank you!

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Great tips, van I have my cookie now?

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hello :D just wanted to say that i find this easy to read and enjoyable. thanks for the tips. it gave me lots of insipiration :D that it make me want to write though it’s 3 am. now that’s my dilemma being inspired though i need to go to sleep :( hehe thanks :D

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Ever since I was about 4 or 5 I’ve had this story in my head that I would go to and mess with and play out for my own amusement, and only recently thought to start writing it down. My problem is not getting started, it’s more like when I start putting the ideas to paper (well my computers Notepad) I start to feel like I’m sharing something personal and I guess I get greedy and don’t want to share my story with anyone. I’m working on overcoming my natural shyness, just wondering if you (or well anybody) ever had the same problem before and how you beat it.

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I’m only 14 but I really want to be a writer, ALL the time I start unconsciously making up stories in my head, just little bits of ones, and if I end up being able to write it down I don’t know how to elaborate on it because it’s like the middle of a story, any help?

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Hi first i just want to say that this have help me a lot. I have been trying for years to write a book but have never gotten past a page. My story plots are often lame and over used like many writers do books about there teenage years in high school and that is something i want to do. My teachers in art school tells me to do what i know and see but it’s really hard. I want to tell others my story because I lived it and know i want to put everyone behind me. I’m looking for a great tip it’s really had to start do you have any great tips or is the idea just to common? I also want to say thanks to you this page got me to think about my old book ideas, hope you have time to answer.

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Can I implant you in my head and have you on repeat? I need to have this repeated to me pretty much on a regular base. It all comes down to discipline and sadly I am my own worst enemy. I rebel against myself. I think I’ll have to start most days reading this if I want to have any writing done. I must say thank you!

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I am trying to write a book from the age of nine. Now I am eighteen. My native language isn’t English. So, I think in my native language and then translate it into English. Whenever I read things after I write them I always tear the pages. Well there are so many problems. I will make a list. 1. Vocabulary and grammar 2. Fulfilling my parents expectations about study and my expectations about writing at the same time. 3. Telling my parents I don’t wanna do stupid engineering , I want to become a writer. 4. I cant control on reading. Once I start reading something it is difficult to do anything else. (I have read three books in two days) 5. Whenever I create an outline of the story. I come up with so many variations that it is difficult to choose. Hope you will understand what I am trying to say. Please help me. It felt good to talk with you. Thank you.

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Hi Bhandari:

These problems are entirely normal. Most people who try to write have problems like these. Writing is challenging.

The way successful writers handle these challenges is very straightforward: they deal with each issue one at a time. You are probably imagining there is some way to make these questions and challenges go away. There isn’t. Not all at once. You have to plan to revise and write multiple drafts of whatever you are working on. In each draft take on a different issue, fully expecting you’ll have to write several more drafts to work on other issues.

#1 is easy. Vocabulary and grammar are easy to improve. There are many books you can find on both. #2 Has nothing to do with writing. You have to decide for yourself what you want to do with your time on this planet. #3 Same as above. I’d hope your parents want you to have a happy life, more than they want you to have a specific job that makes you miserable. #4 If you are out of control you’ll likely have problems committing to anything :) #5 It doesn’t matter which way you choose. Only you, the writer, even knew there were other ways the story could go. You could could pick any choice and it would be fine. And even if you make a choice and you don’t like it after a few pages you can edit those pages out and make a different choice. You’re not writing on stone tablets. You can edit, revise, redo and change as much as you want to whenever you want.

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You sir, you are extremely, and i mean EXTREMELY good at expressing not only tone but feelings too. Teach me, Master

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I have had an idea for a novel in my head for years and, lately, think about it every day. Problem is, I’ve been too scared to sit down and start on it because I don’t know where to begin! Your article has given me the courage to do something because I now realize it doesn’t have to be perfect or even make sense the first (or third) time I give it a go. Thanks for the laughs and putting my mind at ease. You are a fantastic writer! :)

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I am attempting to write a children’s book. It is hard not to start the sentence with the boys name, or “he”, or “they”. I am going to get this book written if I do nothing else. I am disabled and have wanted to do this for about 5 or 6 years now. Thanks for the info. I am going to be looking for insight around the net for about a week or so, then I am going to get at it. Thanks,

Jerry Applewhite

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Thanks for any other wonderful article. The place else may anyone get that type of information in such a perfect approach of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am on the search for such information.

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30 years ago I was involved as a state environmental worker on a case that,to this day, troubles me. There was a death that was ruled suicide but at the time and even more now I feel it was murder. I want to write about it but I’m not sure where to begin. The environmental case was so bizarre it made it on local and national news stations and nationally on the show That’s Incredible. Any help you can give?

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I’m french but write in englsh most of the time, which is not easy. I use onelook and frazeit tools. Onelook has a reverse dictionary that I like. As for frazeit this is a real sentence search engine. They have context and source search that is quite powerful.

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Hi. I’m a 11 year old girl and I started liking writing patterns and how people can write 800 paged books and publish them for people, for their enjoyment. I actually started getting ideas of titles of books when I was 9 years-old and then I started writing down bit by bit of some books when I was 10 then when I turned 11 I already completed about 14 pages of the first book I was actually entruiged by. In my opinion the hardest thing is when you accidentely rush your story a bit and also filling up each individual page with intresting material. The first few books I started but deleted from my computer were all make-believe and I can’t really make a real story, like a story where real things actually happen with real people and that sort of thing. I will try my best, but I also realized that I do a lot of research on how to spell words what the best way to use them is or what they mean. I’m very good with research. No wonder my favorite subject is English, I LOVE TO WRITE! If you have any advice for me for whatever please e-mail me. Thank you so much.

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Thank you, very useful information.You can’t break rules if there are none!Really improved my writing.

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What a terrific sounding book – the water cycle is cool in and of itself and a book which teaches it in such a fun poetic way is mega-cool.

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yes, please

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I’ve always wanted to write a book,about my life.iv had quite a hard one and iv managed to come out the other side smiling.Alot of my friends have said I should,I’m rubbish with my grammar too.I love reading and I adore books ,please help I’m sorry I’m sure you’ve lots of emails like this one.Many Thanks Jacqueline x

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Thanks for inspiring me. I always want to write because I’m a pretty intelligent KID ( I’m not very humble (or modest, or is it flip flopped)) but I’ve never got a chance to make a chapter more than three sentences. Another tip for everyone who reads this is I’ve personally tried playing a video game or watching a movie because if you see one topic you like, you can put it in a book or it may remind you of something else that relates to something that relates to something in your book. Once an idea gravitates somewhere, there is no stopping it. I always used to joke that you could carry on a conversation that starts about cats and ends up being about a piece of china you bought. It starts about cats, than ( again, is it then or than, if I want to be a good writer, I have to find the difference between then and than, along with who and whom. ) it gravitates towards fishes, then worms, then dirt. It goes on and on and on because someone says one misplaced word and you aren’t talking about the same thing anymore. See, just did that and you may not have noticed. But, the important thing is that ideas can get started from anywhere, a dream, a comment on the street, a word in the news. Anything.

I meant I just did that not just did that after See.

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I’d imagine being in the company of oneself, having oneself all to oneself, as a better place to start writing. Then on, it’s easier to write. If you are purposed in life to write, what could be better? I’d be distracted by a video game or a movie unless it touched a chord deep within. I’d write only on what was closest to my heart at the time that I wrote. This too.

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Not very humble or modest but with a lot to be humble or modest about

I meant “post” not “posts” after ” I meant ” I meant” I just did that after See” during my previous posts. I HATE TYPOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I HATE TYPOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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me too bri, me to

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This is outstanding, you have opened my eyes! I’ve been writing javascript and have been wondering why I bother.

My son has told me I should write a book about my life.

I don’t have a problem putting words down but I’m terrible with spelling and starting a title for the book. I think I see now that if I start writing the “Title” will come in time (Just write)

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i have a title and like a chapter of my book, but i also have been working on my book since i was in high school, and 5 or 6 years later i still am writing, it takes work….. one of these days i will finish it, and it will be the biggest goal i have achieved, and it will be my book.

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bad at spelling must have led to some rough debugging in development

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Thank you so much. I’ve had the idea for my book for over 20 years, and in that time the idea has grown but I have yet to make it past the title and the outline. After reading this, I wrote the first two chapters finally! They need some polishing, but at least I’ve finally started writing!

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I have had a very odd and hard life. i tell people about it and everyone says to write a book. I don’t care about the money. I don’t care about much anymore. But I think there are other people who are trying to deal with similar problems in life and I don’t mind talking to people and telling why I act and do things like I do. I have found if I don’t I just come across as a freak. But I’m afraid tout things on paper . I don’t want to upset other peoples lives, and it will. I have bin thru a lot that is either not legal or not except able or just plain mean and evil . I need to do something with what I have went and am going thru but it is unbelievably painful for me and if put out wrong could make life dangerous . But I think it would help me and others? Maybe wrong place to even ask this. I don’t read books . I don’t see the story in my head , I see words black and white words , no pictures in my head. My sister loves to read and I could never figure out why . It has to relate to my life . If you have any ideas . I would love the help. I do much better at talking. I need to get it out for myself and I would hope to help others. I need someone to help me since it’s to emotional on my own to deal with. Sorry if I have wasted your time. If you read this and respond than I thank you for letting me waste your time and you being kind enough to give me the time of day.

Thanks Jeff

I wouldn’t be so sure about hurting other people’s sentiment all on my personal venture. I wouldn’t want to hurt ’em, to be sure. But I wouldn’t be so cocky as to suppose my writing would be directly and solely responsible for hurting them or upsetting their lives.

You see, things are often left unsaid between people. If others came to understand how exactly everyone around felt, it might not really be the disaster we imagine it to be. For example, if I found out that my neighbor hated me but was unable to tell it to my face out of his own benevolence, I wouldn’t be in a position to do much about it, would I now? On the other hand if he came over one day, sat down, had a cup of tea and told me all, I’d be willing to help him even if he didn’t have very positive things to say about me. If he kept mum, I couldn’t help him to save my life.

Words are more flexible than the best acrobat at Olympics. Turn them to good use; write from the heart – you have plenty to offer, since you’ve had a hard life. Let those that can benefit do so. There will be those that feel upset just to watch you amble across your porch to the door. Sentient being always have a choice, and none of them have much of a say in how other feel.

That’s why, I think you should give it a go. Finish what you have to say and then ask appropriate persons to see if it will be a good read for others. Wishing you all that’s best.

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Jeff, I know what you mean – I’ve got tons to get off my chest too and it’s not the best of subjects. Writing has helped so much, even if you’re not the best at it. We are only as sick as our secrets…

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I have lived a hard life too. Much of what you say, though vague, I can understand and know all too well. Writing about something doesn’t mean you have to publish it. However, if you do want to publish what you write, rather than thinking of it as pain towards someone else, perhaps you might try looking at how those things made you feel and how you over came them. Surviving is a triumph over pain, even when we can’t believe or even see it ourselves. I write about the horrors of my life quite often and many have told me the same as you. “You should write a book.” Letting it out, onto paper or computer screen… sometimes it seems the only way to allow myself to scream. Don’t let what you think others might feel about what you are writing, stop you from doing it. Just do it, then decided what you want to do with what you have written, after it is no longer within you, tearing you apart.

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Yes it is igniting the fire of devil may care, to embolden ourselves with the our hidden desire and beliefs to fan the fire with our passion and hope that the flames warm our own imaginations and hearts and to raise the beast of burden with courage telling him his services are no longer needed and that it is about catching the moment and riding the wind I see now that I an ready and am well equipped , Thankyou Scott you are an exceptional man xxx

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Thanks Scott for this brilliant kick in the ass…..”Excuses Whisperer” you…..

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Well…. since it’s so damn easy I guess I’ll just start writing. Thanks! :)

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Great Guide I am very bed in English. But actually I just started writing for my own self. Without thinking about anyone else. I am happy. God bless and a very big thanks.

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Personally, I have a some other methods. Which, is to act like my characters feel. If I’m stuck and my character is supposed to get hurt, I lay on the floor and pretend I can’t get up, I also fake cry if they’re sad and fake laugh when they’re supposed to be happy. (Only when I’m alone) Also, be insane. run in circles, sing songs in weird ways, and eat frosted flakes at two in the morning. All of the above are weird but they work when desperate.

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I thoroughly enjoy reading your articles. Granted I only began doing so about 45 minutes ago but I can’t seem to stop smiling and even chuckling. Your wit and humor, along with the facts and encouragement, have put my shaky hands at ease. I use to write all of the time, I stopped, I would like to write again, but I froze up all of a sudden. Thank you. I’m ready.

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Your notes on how to start writing and writing down everything remind me of how I write songs. I have tons of little ideas. You work those up into a demo form and start putting pieces together. Whenever I have had to write anything for school or whatever, I stare at a blank page or procrastinate. It’s not until I say this sentence that I start writing. “Just write” You know you’re going to change it, and edit and rough draft, but just plain starting to write is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Thank you for the in site.

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I am 15 years old and I want to write a book. I’m sure your first thought is that’s crazy. I know it is but, I love reading I could read 4 books in just one week. And I love writing , I want to share a story and stories of mine with the world. I have an idea for a book and I have absolutely no exspierence but, I defiantly have motivation . Email me please with your thoughts.

Wanna be writer

Hi Rhiannon:

Experience is not necessary! Only commitment and effort!

As far as ideas, only you need to think the ideas is good. No one else’s opinion really matters much.

Read this: https://scottberkun.com/2010/is-your-book-idea-good/

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You owe me a cookie.

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HaHa! Me too!

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You write well because you think well. It’s when our thoughts are interesting to read that we enjoy the process of writing them. That’s also when others enjoy reading what you wrote. This blog, for example…it’s good. It’s funny but it’s got depth. Being a good writer is about being an original thinker. That’s how books become classics. Just my thoughts.

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The inability to write had been affecting Tom for most of his adult life now. How easily he had been able to conjure up a story each weekend as part of his English homework. Now he was barely capable of writing a shopping list. Day after day he would open his laptop and stare. He stared at the blank white screen which itself glared back at him, like an accuser, seeming to echo the thoughts and feelings of his long dead mother, who had berated and cajoled him into abandoning his first foray into the world of literature when he was still a young man. Now, 20 years later he was no closer to realising this dream, and was it seemed destined to live out this experience of life as a minion. He had behind him a string of failures, both personal, and professional. He had thought about possibly writing about these. In truth it was probably his best option as there were a number of experiences that he had been through which although almost all of which had resulted in failure, or humiliation or both they were definitely interesting enough to read about. His first attempt at this was about 10 years previous when he had been forced to move back in to his mother’s house for a few months. He had decided to write about the day that he would find out from his uncle that his father had been arrested, tried and subsequently convicted of being the first heroin dealer in his city. A terrible and traumatic experience that was probably the main cause of his inability to function as a normal human being. One day while he was out walking the dog, his mother had been using his laptop and somehow she came across the memoir. Her anger was matched only by her mocking and she laughed and jeered at him as she told him that no-one wanted to hear about his sissy complaints and that she could barely see straight as she read his account of that day and the turmoil that ensued as a result of being the son of a convicted drug dealer. Then there was his military career, and the subsequent ruin of it. He had tried many, many times to write about this as he felt that it was the only time that he had ever really fit in anywhere. Strange as after being refused entry to the Irish Army ( one of the captains interviewing him had caught him out is a stupid, silly lie). Therefore the only options left open to him were either the French Foreign Legion, or the less unorthodox choice of “taking the shilling” and joining the ranks of the British Army. He hated the French so that left him with the choice of joining up with what was still considered “the enemy” in many circles of Irish society. But he had never been able to accurately write about these experiences in a way that would keep the reader engaged. After thinking about these once again on a grey, rain-soaked morning , he closed the lid on his Toshiba and placing his ID badge around his neck he set out the door for another day of spirit crushing drudgery in his latest job.

He was going to be late again. Not his fault this time, a fatal accident on the main artery that crossed the Liffey from the south to north side of the city A BMW had been clipped on the front by a tram as it attempted to cross a junction used by cars and trams, the force of the impact had caused the car to spin out of control and had then hit a woman who while crossing the road had stooped to tie her laces. His car was the one immediately behind the BMW. Tom got out of the car and approached the injured woman. Despite his extensive first aid training, one look at the gaping wound the poor woman had on the back of her head told him there was very little could be done. He held her hand, and told her that help was on its way. She told him that she was frightened, but not for her own life, for that of her young daughter who would now have to grow up motherless. He wasn’t sure what to say so he just held her hand tighter and told her that everything was going to be ok. She died before the ambulance could arrive As expected, his team leader was uninterested in the reason for him being late again and she told him that she was going to notify Human Resources and they would more than likely place him on level three corrective action (he had already been on level one and two). He shrugged, and told her he didn’t blame her as she has job to do. On the way back to his desk he found himself thinking about how he would like to fuck her one of these days. It was just a fleeting thought, not obsessive. Tom was a little bit intimidated by women. Especially the beautiful and successful ones. He was just about to finish work for the day when he got a call. The whisper told him it would be a dutch language call with a Belgian client. If there was one race of people that he despised more than the French, it would be the Belgians. Fucking Paedophiles!

I wrote that litte thing over the course of an hour: i was supposed to be helping belgians, but well you know. I posted it as a “thank you” and as proff to your claim that “writers block” is a fallacy

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How is this? It is a story of an evil guy who lives in a volcano and uses things called caracots which are giant flying carrots that are deadly to help take over the world but a group of five teenage friends have to stop him.

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I usually get stuck in making introductions. These tips will really come in handy.

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Starting has always been a struggle, and I’ve been writing for a long time.

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I’ve read tons of advices on how to write a proper essay but this article has blew my mind!

You see, I’m not a native speaker but it was always my dream to wite a interesting and useful content. During the college years I was bound to use services like http://assignmentemperor.com/ to recieve good grades and I am not proud of it (ofcourse). You said: “Experience is not necessary! Only commitment and effort!” – that is only partially true. I think experience is absolutely necessary if you learning a new culture and language.

Anyway, thank you for your article, Scott! It’s almost 9 years old but still very and very helpful!:)

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Having spent years in the pursuit of publishers, agents and other literary types, I have finally managed to get three novels in my series to print. I chose to forego the self-publish route, and held out for a publishing contract.

This weekend, I’m hosting a lecture at a library, helping fresh-faced and bright-eyed wannabe writers get the tools to complete a book. The advice in this article is spot-on. Well done.

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Have a lot of interesting stories on my mind but don’t know how to pour them out in writing….Please email me if you can be of any help. [email protected]

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You say, “More exercises here and here.”

Those two links are broken.

Thanks again – both links fixed with replacement sources.

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I had been a Profesor in Nutrition and have lot of material on Therapautic, Nutritional advice and Recipes. I want to make them togetherer and make a book and have started some work on it. I need expert advice on the subject how to go go it. Please tell me your advice.

Hi Navjeet:

I’d recommend starting here: https://scottberkun.com/2013/how-to-get-from-an-idea-to-a-book/

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Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. How do you deal with having different moods from day to day and having that not be reflected in your work? I assume everyone goes through this, at least I hope it’s not just me. I haven’t written enough to tell yet but I fear my book will end up feeling like a bipolar patchwork somehow.

Most people go to work every day regardless of their mood – the goal is to have the same assumed attitude for writing. Just show up. You can revise your way out of any problem in the second (or third) draft, but only if you finish the first one.

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Heh. I like this. First time I’ve come across tips on beating writer’s block and getting the inspiration flowing that actually make my fingertips itch to pick up a pen (figuratively speaking – technically I would just unminimise my Word document). I write in patches, skipping to the interesting parts that are pleading to be written, and fill in the gaps afterwards. Can’t tell you how well it works because I’ve never yet gotten to the filling in part, but THIS time will be different (as always…)

[…] Writing Hacks from Scott Berkun […]

[…] Sound too hard? Scott Berkun says, “There is no license required. No test to take. Writing, as opposed to publishing, requires almost no financial or physical resources. A pen, a paper and effort are all that has been required for hundreds of years.” He goes on to say If Voltaire and Marquis de Sade could write in prison, then you can do it in suburbia, at lunch at work, or after your kids go to sleep. Here’s some practical advice to get off the ground. […]

[…] Writing hacks (hacks for writing)52 by Scott Berkun […]

[…] Writing hacks: part 1 – starting – What to do when the page is blank. […]

[…] Writing Hacks, Part 1: Starting […]

[…] may not be the Booker, but it’s a start. Check out this link for some awesome tips to start yourself […]

[…] kirjoittamaan kirjasi? Se auttaa sinua tyrmäämällä tyhjän paperin kammon. Kuten kirjailija Scott Berkun toteaa, tyhjän paperin kammo ei johdu siitä, että pelkäät kirjoittaa. Se johtuu siitä, että […]

[…] Writing hacks (hacks for writing) by Scott Berkun […]

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How to make money writing – 6 ideas.

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Learn how to get paid to write for beginners and much more.

Strategies For Earning Money By Writing

Ghost writing, copywriting, technical writing, social media writing, magazine and newspaper writing, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Do you have a way with words? You could turn your prowess with pronouns, verbs and adjectives into a lucrative side hustle when you learn how to make money by writing. Many large and small websites hire freelance writers to produce their content, offering you a platform to share your insights and an opportunity to make some extra dough. Even those who have never written anything besides personal social media posts or journal entries can find a place to sell their writing. This list provides a step-by-step guide to how to earn money by writing and will answer all your questions, whether you’re a beginning or veteran scribe.

You can make money by writing in many different ways, including blogging, ghost writing, penning reviews and working for small businesses. You have a greater chance of being published by pursuing several options simultaneously instead of prioritizing one. It’s like baiting multiple fishhooks. The more you cast, the better your odds of pulling something in.

You will make the most money by working for bigger sites and businesses, and you can do nearly all of it remotely. Ghostwriting pays better than blogging because businesses want more polished, focused writing. Blogging, however, may take less time and allow you the chance to complete more assignments. Journalism gives you greater opportunities for creativity in your work, and social media writing appeals to those who like pithy, funny writing. Copywriting and technical writing can be drier, but they also provide higher payment and steadier work than other writing. Here is a breakdown of the main ways to make money while writing.

Blogging means publishing content online written especially for that publication. Individuals, businesses, journalists, influencers, homemakers and many more publish blogs, which are often but not always written in first person. Anyone can write their own blog and publish it through a self-publishing platform, such as Medium, Blogger or WordPress.

The time and effort required for blogging depends on what you write about. For instance, if you run in your spare time and decide to start a running blog, you may be able to write several short blogs about running a race in under an hour. But if you want to explore the ethical implications of artificial intelligence using reliable sources, it could take hours to finish one post. The better the writing and sourcing, the better a post will perform, so making the extra effort to be informed and publishing grammatically correct copy is always worth it.

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You don’t need experience to become a blogger. Anyone can do it, though it may take a while for you to settle into a style and voice that becomes popular. You need readers to make money on a blog. People make money on blogs in several ways:

  • Advertising : You can sign on with a blogging ad network or sell your own ads to local businesses to make money.
  • Sponsorship : You can write about a sponsor’s products in return for money, though you must disclose that you received compensation for your post.
  • Syndication : You can sign on with syndication networks to distribute your blog on larger networks that will pay for your work.

How much can you make from blogging? The answer varies according to how often you publish, what type of payment method you use, and the popularity of your work. Some top bloggers make six figures per year. Sponsorships with big companies like Walmart that pay people to hawk their goods can be lucrative, paying thousands of dollars. But most bloggers make a few hundred dollars per month, enough to pay off a car or credit card bill but not enough to live on.

Blogging, ghost writing, copywriting, technical writing, social media writing and newspaper and ... [+] magazine writing are six of the most lucrative ways to earn money writing.

Ghost writing is the most lucrative type of writing. Ghost writers channel the voice of a third party, writing as though they were that person or business and presenting their ideas in first person. Businesses and thought leaders use ghost writers to take their thoughts and ideas and present them in a prettier package.

Ghost writing can take many forms. You might produce communications for a company CEO or create a book about an important event for a historical society. Every job is a little different. Ghost writing usually requires several years of writing experience, though if you are a subject matter expert on something—for example, if you are a nurse asked to write articles for a nursing degree program—then you may be able to get a job without writing experience. Time spent on an assignment will vary, but it takes longer than blogging. Ghost writing demands high-level clarity, grammar and readability.

You can make money by earning an hourly or per-project rate from the client. Most ghost writing gigs pay well, from $50 per hour and more. Some ghost writers pull in six figures per year, though those have extensive experience. To get started, search LinkedIn for the words “freelance writer” or “writer.” Or think about companies you would like to work with and send an email to the hiring manager introducing yourself and spelling out your expertise. You can also sign on with agencies that hire out ghost writers to businesses. Again, send your resume and a letter of introduction (LOI) to the agency hiring manager or search job ads online.

Copywriting is similar to ghostwriting, but sometimes you will receive a byline and the writing is not always presented in first person. Copywriting includes copy on businesses’ websites, material for pamphlets, mission statements, advertising, newsletters and more. People with copywriting skills are persuasive and clear writers good at conveying information and encouraging sales.

You can start with simple copywriting jobs and work your way up to higher-paying ones. Experience is required for bigger companies, but small businesses around your town might hire an inexperienced writer. You can begin by approaching them and offering to, for instance, rewrite their website or start a monthly newsletter. As you gain knowledge and confidence, you can reach out online to larger places. Follow freelance job boards to find new opportunities, interact with companies on LinkedIn to get your name out there, and send LOIs to hiring managers wherever you want to work.

You can get a little creative to find jobs, too. Find newsletters for companies you love or share expertise with. Send them an LOI outlining your subject matter background and what you could contribute. Copywriting work requires precision and often background research, and it takes longer than many other types of writing. You can make a good living as, like with ghost writing, clients tend to pay on the higher end of the payscale for copywriters, often $40 per hour and more. The best copywriters can make more than $150,000 per year.

Technical writing refers to communicating information about niche topics, such as medicine, engineering, manufacturing or construction. It can also encompass things like the directions to put something together or operate an electronic device. The aim is to create digestible, informative content while eliminating jargon.

Technical writing requires a great deal of writing experience, but it can be lucrative. Few people have the skills to boil down information and serve it back up in the right format. It can take hours to finish even a short writing assignment because you need to get every word right and leave out extraneous ones. But most jobs are paid per hour ($60 and up for experienced writers), so the time and effort pay off.

A lot of technical writing jobs are full time. But you can find part-time opportunities using job sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster and more. Taking courses in technical writing could be a worthy investment, as that background will open up new opportunities and give you valuable experience.

Technical writing, a great way to earn money by writing, may involve simplifying jargon and ... [+] complexities for a lay audience.

Social media writing is a relatively new way to make money. Many businesses hire people to write captions on Instagram , video descriptions on YouTube , thought leadership posts on LinkedIn and much more. This is an excellent entry point for writers with little formal experience.

Social media writing pays more modestly than other types of business writing, anywhere from $15-$35 per hour. However, it takes less effort. You can often bang out lots of posts in an hour, and very little knowledge or experience is needed, beyond knowing the character limits for different social platforms. You can find jobs by looking at writing job sites or reaching out directly to businesses with LOIs. Try small businesses in your hometown first to get some examples for your resume before targeting more prominent places.

Magazine and newspaper writing is one of the more specialized forms of writing to make money. But if you have some training and are more interested in writing as a means of changing the world and informing people, it is a worthy pursuit. You can start by publishing pieces in hometown newspapers or niche magazines.

You won’t break the bank with journalism writing. Even some bigger papers and publications pay less than $1,000 per story, and you would need to string together a lot of assignments to make a living. But to make extra spending money and perhaps affect change, you can’t beat journalism. You will need to learn the publication’s style guide and adhere to it for pieces you submit. Editors make assignments, which you can get by pitching (sending a cold email) to the editor explaining your story idea and why you are the right person to write it.

Time and effort vary depending on the scope of the story. Many can be quite involved. Editors often prefer to work with people who have experience, so build up your resume with pitches to smaller publications first.

Bottom Line

Writing can be a fun way to make extra money, or you can even turn it into a high-paying career with the right experience. Whether you pen blogs, website copy or social media posts, you can find an outlet that’s “write” for you.

How Much Do Writers Make?

Writers can make a decent salary depending on their experience level and who they write for. How much writers make may depend on on where they work, how many clicks their work generates, and how long the job took. 

The salary range for a writer, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , is a median of $73,690 per year, or $35.43 per hour. Income rises with higher experience levels. 

What Websites Pay You To Write?

You can find hundreds of websites that pay for writing. A few of the most popular include: 

The Penny Hoarder


Transitions Abroad

Vibrant Life

Scary Mommy

Paying websites look for writing they think will draw readers. Using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, such as incorporating keywords that people search for, can generate higher traffic, so be sure to mention any SEO knowledge when you apply, as that will help your chances. The more views you generate, the more money the website makes. Create a portfolio of your past work that you can share when you apply for jobs that shows your best efforts. 

How Can You Get Paid To Write Reviews?

You can get paid to write reviews across a number of platforms for products ranging from books to vacuum cleaners. Some of the most popular include Get Reviewed , Kirkus , UserTesting and Amazon Vine , though note that you get paid in products for that site. 

To become a reviewer, you may need no experience at all for many sites. They value trustworthiness and honest feedback. Some hire people they find through online reviews they have already posted. Other sites require more extensive background in writing reviews. For instance, if you want to work for DotDash, one of the largest editorial operations on the web that runs lots of reviews across its sites, you will need writing experience for a major website and product expertise. 

How Can You Get Paid To Write Letters?

You can write letters and get paid by watching for these jobs on freelance sites such as Upwork , Contently , compose.ly and Fiverr , which serve as clearinghouses to hire writers for businesses. A business may need one letter or a series. You can gain repeat work if you do a good job. 

You may have seen TikTok and YouTube videos about writing handwritten notes for businesses and earning $5 per letter. This is a scam that has been debunked by multiple websites. You won’t find companies paying you a lot of money to write handwritten letters. They want polished, professional copy for communications with clients and customers, and you must have experience doing this type of work. It falls under copywriting and can pay $40 per hour or more. 

How Can You Get Paid To Write As A Beginner?

How can you get paid to write for beginners? Breaking in with little experience can be difficult. Some aspiring writers choose to take volunteer gigs to build their portfolio, but you can probably find low-paying work that will do the same for you. 

Search job boards such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Monster and LinkedIn. You can also start a blog of your own with no experience, though it will take time to monetize it using the strategies outlined above. You could also submit poetry or prose to literary magazines, which usually pay an honorarium, or submit finished essays to magazines or newspapers. As you gain experience, you can approach higher-paying markets. 

Toni Fitzgerald

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There's one thing AI can't do: be funny

But will the technology's hilarity evolve? Some experts think so.

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Humanoid robot developed with artificial intelligence technology holding a microphone

Artificial intelligence is prolific. It can write academic essays, diagnose diseases and power self-driving cars. But lucky for those who fear the eventual dominion of robot overlords, there is one area where artificial intelligence falls flat: humor. This should hearten comedy writers, who worry AI may take their already-scarce jobs. "ChatGPT Doesn't Have Childhood Trauma," said the sign of one writer at the Writers Guild strikes last year, a rallying cry for those who do not believe AI can create meaningful art. 

If you ask AI to be funny, it spits out clichés. "According to one 2023 study in which researchers asked for 1,008 'original' jokes from ChatGPT, more than 90% of replies were the same 25 jokes … none of which were original," said Mashable . AI can be funny unintentionally — "like the oblivious 'straight man' in sketch comedy" — but that is something else entirely. So why, with an endless breadth of knowledge at its disposal, is artificial intelligence seemingly incapable of making us laugh?

Why is AI unable to be funny?

Comedy is situational, contextual and sophisticated. Even a simple meme can require several layers of understanding to "get." While receiving her Ph.D. at Delaware University in 2021, Ishaani Priyadarshini wrote her dissertation about AI's apparent inability to decipher memes, according to Popular Mechanics . "Internet memes serve as excellent checkpoints to ensure humans have the upper hand over machines," Priyadarshini said to the outlet. 

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Humor is subjective, but AI has no subjectivity or personal feelings about anything. The best comedy is littered with emotional truths, yet as the Writers Guild sign noted, AI has no childhood trauma, no well of empathy or lived experiences to pull from. "Large language models can be taught to whip up passable formulaic material because the propagation of hack jokes relies on systematized pattern-recognition processes," said The Hollywood Reporter . "However, [experts] believe that original, path-breaking comedy will likely remain out of the conceptual reach of such machinery, at least in the near term." 

Another challenge: Many comedy routines push the boundaries of propriety and political correctness , while "AI, a conservative technology, doesn't understand what taboos are, so it can't break them," said Guy Hoffman, a Cornell professor, to the Reporter. AI struggles to defy established norms because it has been programmed to follow them. 

Will AI ever evolve to be funny?

Some experts believe AI could advance. A robot comedian named Jon went on a stand-up tour as part of a study by Oregon State University in 2020, though humans wrote and programmed his set list. It is "possible to evolve humor in something like the ChatGPT model by programming it to favor the incongruities and deviations from established norms that are the hallmarks of comedy," said Tony Veale, a professor at University College Dublin and the author of "Your Wit Is My Command: Building AIs With a Sense of Humor," to the Reporter. 

"A language model uses probability to guide its choices," Veale said to the outlet. "You could adjust its probability controls, from the expected to the unexpected, since the dominant theories of humor have to do with taking ideas and subverting them."

AI has not been given much time to hone its craft, something most comedians do at open mics for years before finding success. Still, some experts say humans maintain a clear advantage. "It's a little bit like an alien watching a standup routine and saying 'oh, I can do that, I think I understand the pattern,'" Mark Riedl, a professor at Georgia Tech's Machine Learning Center, said to Mashable. "But [the alien] doesn't realize there's a lot more going on in the mind of the comedian and the minds of the audience." 

Trust is another factor. "Studies have found that people rate humor as one of the tasks they trust humans with far more than AI, along with writing news articles, composing songs and driving trucks (all of which AI has some success in doing)," said Time Magazine . 

The evolution of AI's hilarity could spell trouble, as its mediocre quips may eventually become passable enough to steal some comedians' jobs. "The consensus among experts is that AI, while a clear labor threat, will become a baseline tool for comedy writers, like a thesaurus or a search engine," said the Reporter. 

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Anya Jaremko-Greenwold has worked as a story editor at The Week since 2024. She previously worked at FLOOD Magazine, Woman's World, First for Women, DGO Magazine and BOMB Magazine. Anya's culture writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Jezebel, Vice and the Los Angeles Review of Books, among others. 

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    13. I can change your writing forever. All I need is your full attention for the next few minutes. Here, you'll learn the most useful writing hacks that will completely transform your writing, so you can become a real pro on Medium. 1. Cut the long words. Longer sentences doesn't make you look smarter. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

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    Printing your essay out will help you weed out errors that you missed on screen, plus a serif font is easier on the eyes. 17. Paste your essay into Google Translate and hit the speaker icon to hear it read aloud. Hearing your essay being read aloud helps you improve you're the flow of your essay and pinpoint any errors with spelling or ...

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    Avoid this by using the Pomodoro time management technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Once you reach the 25-minute mark, take a five-minute break to get up and stretch, go to the bathroom, make a snack, or get something to drink. At the end of your break, write for another 25 minutes.

  15. 7 Essay Writing Hacks to Make Essay Writing Painless

    Paige teaches QuillBot writers about grammar rules and writing conventions. She has a BA in English, which she received by reading and writing a lot of fiction. That is all she knows how to do. Boost your grades and save time with these easy-to-follow 7 essay writing hacks. From brainstorming to editing, you'll be a pro in no time with these ...

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    Work on the cloud. Use a cloud service like iCloud, Google Docs Office 365 to protect your work by saving versions of your writing online - you won't worry about losing everything ever again! Plus, you can work from wherever you go with a phone. Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the ...

  17. 12 Amazing Essay Writing Hacks

    7. Avoid filler words. People tend to write like they talk, and that can lead to filler words. Filler words have no real meaning and make sentences less clear. Common filler words include "just," "very," "really," "even," and "that.". I, again, would recommend doing a document search for them and deleting them. 8.

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  28. There's one thing AI can't do: be funny

    It can write academic essays, diagnose diseases and power self-driving cars. ... "Large language models can be taught to whip up passable formulaic material because the propagation of hack jokes ...