Hvordan skrive et essay

19 mai 2022

9 minutter lesemateriale

Person som skriver i notatbok

  • 01. Hva er et essay?
  • 02. Hvordan ser et essay ut?
  • 03. Hvordan skrive et godt essay
  • 04. Hvordan planlegge et essay
  • 05. Eksempel på oppsett av et essay
  • 06. Flere tips til essayskriving

Det å skrive ulike oppgaver som et essay er noe man vil møte mange ganger i løpet av skolegangen og noen elever synes det er utfordrende å planlegge og skrive essay . Selv det å skrive en oppgave på 1 500 ord kan virke overveldende.

Det er dog en god idé å bli vant til å skrive essay før du skal skrive viktige oppgaver som for eksempel en bacheloroppgave. Selv om en bacheloroppgave vanligvis ligger på rundt 8 000 ord, vil en slik oppgave ha mange likheter med et essay.

Så hva er egentlig et essay og hvordan kan man skrive det? I denne guiden ser vi nærmere på nettopp denne skriveformen og forklarer alt du trenger å vite for å bli mer selvsikker på det å skrive essay .

Les også om hvordan teknologien har påvirket språket vårt.


Hva er et essay?

Et essay er en kort, litterær tekst som gir forfatteren mulighet til å utforske, analysere eller reflektere over et spesifikt emne. Det gir en personlig tilnærming til temaet og kan inneholde argumenter basert på forfatterens synspunkter og erfaringer.

Sjangeren kjennetegnes gjerne som en vandring i et emne hvor teksten ofte ikke kommer fram til noen klar konklusjon eller svar. Poenget er nemlig heller å stille spørsmål og drøfte rundt et emne, uten at det finnes definitive svar på disse spørsmålene. Teksten kan også være mer personlig og subjektiv, noe som skiller sjangeren fra mange andre.

Hva kjennetegner et essay

  • En klar idé om et emne
  • Faktabasert og kunnskapsorientert
  • En tydelig rød tråd gjennom teksten
  • Spørsmål og drøftinger rundt et emne
  • Subjektive meninger eller tanker. Kan skrives fra førsteperson (jeg)
  • Virkemidler som humor og ironi brukes ofte
  • Ingen klar konklusjon eller mål om å svare et spesifikt spørsmål. Leseren skal selv kunne trekke sine egne konklusjoner eller gjøres sine egne meninger ut ifra hva som blir beskrevet

Hvordan ser et essay ut?

Selv om et essay kan høres ganske annerledes ut enn andre artikler og oppgaver, er det fortsatt et emne i bunn som skal skinne gjennom. Det er viktig å ha en klar rød tråd og guide leseren gjennom drøftingene sine , og derfor er selvfølgelig en klar struktur nødvendig.

Selv om det ikke gis noen klar konklusjon eller svar, skal teksten fortsatt ha en naturlig avslutning og det er derfor mulig å bruke en sirkelkomposisjon også i denne sjangeren. Det hele starter med å introdusere et tema og noen tanker rundt dette, før ulike spørsmål og eksempler gås inn i mer detalj og det til slutt oppsummeres og legger opp til videre drøfting. Likevel kan sjangeren tenkes på som mer muntlig, som en samtale hvor man diskuterer et tema fram til man er fornøyd med diskusjonen. Derfor kan det være lurt å finne en privatlærer som holder norskkurs Oslo , som kan fungerer som en sparringspartner.

En grå bok med teksten let's get started for å start sitt essay

Hvordan skrive et godt essay

Nå som vi har forklart litt om hva essay er, er det på tide å se nærmere på hvordan du kan skrive et essay selv. Det viktigste for elever å vite når de skal begynne å skrive essay er at det – dessverre – nesten er umulig å planlegge det perfekte essayet. Det finnes nemlig ingen fasit for denne sjangeren.

Selv om hvert essay kan settes opp på lik måte, finnes det ikke et perfekt antall avsnitt eller poeng å ha som mål. Det er heller ingen liste med krav for alle typer essay. Dette er fordi ingen essay er like . Essay er en sjanger hvor ideer kan flyte fritt og skal reflektere personligheten og meningene til skribenten.

Om du prøver å følge en viss tanke om hva det perfekte essayet er, kan du ende opp med å begrense kreativiteten din . Det er derfor mye bedre å la deg selv skrive fritt om ditt valgte emne.

Om du spør en norsklærer om det mest perfekte essayet de noensinne har lest, kommer du ikke til å få et svar. Det hadde vært umulig for dem å svare for hver elev har unike erfaringer å skrive om og dette gjør at teksten deres skiller seg fra andres. Om det perfekte essayet eksisterer, så er det fordi du har gjort det perfekt med måten du har skrevet om temaet og hvilke koblinger du har funnet for å komme fram til konklusjonen. Du kan dog få gode råd og hjelp på vei ved hjelp av norskkurs på nett .

Våre beste tips

Å skrive essay kan være en krevende oppgave. Du kan begå mange feil om du ikke passer på, men frykt ikke! Rådene under kan hjelpe deg å unngå noen av de vanligste feilene.

  • Forstå spørsmålet som stilles.  Understrek nøkkelord og viktige punkt. Skal du diskutere, sammenligne, definere eller evaluere? Svar spørsmålet som faktisk stilles, ikke det du ønsker å svare.
  • Gjør research. Lag detaljerte notater fra kildene dine (bøker, artikler, filmer). Pass på å skrive detaljer om hvor sitatene og ideene stammer fra. Vær forsiktig med kilder fra Internett. Wikipedia, som kan være en god ressurs, bør ikke siteres som kilde. Du kan heller bruke Wikipedia som et utgangspunkt til å finne gode kilder brukt der (i bunnen av siden).
  • Planlegg strukturen av essayet. Begynn med å få ned ideene med hjelp av et tankekart eller en liste.  Etter du har fått dem ned på papir, kan du prøve å organisere dem. Finn ut hva du ønsker i introduksjonen, hovedpoengene for hvert avsnitt og hvordan du skal knytte alt sammen. Det er viktig at du har en tenkt struktur klar før du setter i gang.
  • Bruk en aktiv stemme hvor du kan. Den aktive stemmen er når setningens subjekt er også den som utfører handlingen. For eksempel: «Hitlers hær invaderte Polen» framfor «Polen var invadert av Hitlers hær». Den første setningen er mer direkte, mens den passive stemmen kan høres litt vag ut. Ha derfor som mål å bruke så mange aktive setninger som mulig.
  • Ikke kom med generaliseringer. Dette inkluderer setninger som «Mange tror at [x mening]». Ikke bruk dem da det ikke gir noen klar informasjon. Vær heller så spesifikk som mulig. Om du ikke kan si hvem eller referere til hvor det er sagt, så kan det være lurt å omformulere det du skriver. Dette vil også gi teksten mer troverdighet for leserne dine.
  • Vær forsiktig med å presentere andres ideer og meninger som dine egne.  Dette er fort gjort, men teller fortsatt som plagiat. Om du skriver om en mening du har lest om et sted, skriv heller: «[Dr X] skrev om dette i hennes artikkel om [Y], så det er mulig at [Z]».

Viktigst av alt er å huske at ditt essay skal være din sjanse til å skrive hva du mener om et tema. Om du kan følge rådene over og ta med noe personlighet i essayet, kommer du til å ende opp med et godt resultat.

Å ha god gramatikk og staving gjennom teksten er selvfølgelig også veldig viktig. Se her om du trenger hjelp til å rette opp i skrivefeil.

Hvordan planlegge et essay

Mange elever er klar over at et essay begynner med en introduksjon, etterfulgt av flere poeng som deles opp i avsnitt eller underoverskrifter og ender med en oppsummerende konklusjon.

Selv om noen elever er naturtalenter og kan skrive en essay uten å planlegge for mye, trenger de fleste elevene en plan eller kladd til å jobbe med. Enten du bruker et tankekart , flytskjema eller du bare skriver ned nøkkelpunkt i planleggingsfasen, bør du prøve å visualisere avsnittene på siden og hvordan alt blir satt sammen .

En skrivebok og pc på et bord med en kaffekopp og blomster, klart for å skrive et essay

Det er på dette stadiet, når du leker rundt med ideer og teorier, at du kan bestemme rekkefølgen poengene skal sorteres inn i . Gode essay kobler ofte sammen avsnittene på en naturlig måte, så ha dette i bakhodet når du sorterer poengene dine og planlegger hva teksten skal gå gjennom.

Det er mens du planlegger essayet at du gjør mesteparten av researchen når du finner ut hva du skal skrive om. Du trenger kanskje å lese deler eller kapitler av lærebøkene dine på nytt, se over notater, se på ressurser fra sider som NDLA, eller lete på nettet etter kritikk og tips du kan ta med når du skal skrive essay selv.

Husk at selv om essayet kan være subjektivt og personlig, skal det bygge på fakta og kunnskap. Gjør derfor nøye research, du kan spare mye tid på å finne kilder før du begynner å skrive. Om du planlegger hva du skal skrive på forhånd, så har du et godt utgangspunkt for essayet. Alt du trenger å gjøre da er å utdype tankene punktene med dine tanker. Husk at essayet skal være spennende og interessant å lese, som dette essay-eksempelet.

Eksempel på oppsett av et essay

Om du prøver å skrive et essay i rekkefølgen du leser det, kommer du til å slite.  Selv om du kan planlegge hva du skal researche og inkludere, må du fortsatt ha litt frie tøyler under selve skriveprosessen. Hvis ikke, kan essayet ende opp med å virke monotont og følelsesløst, noe som ikke passer sjangeren.

Her ser vi nærmere på hvordan du kan sette opp essayet ditt etter hvert som du kommer i skrivefasen. Hvis du trenger mer hjelp med å sette opp et essay, kan du finne lærere som tilbyr norskkurs på Superprof.

To hender som skriver med tusj på en whiteboard

Du bør begynne skrivingen med hoveddelen, som betyr å jobbe igjennom punktene i essayplanen og legge til detaljer, sitater og andre kilder som støtter dine punkt.  Om du får noen nye ideer under denne delen, følg instinktet ditt og se hvor analysen tar deg.

Så lenge du ikke blir så distrahert at du kommer bort fra selve temaet av oppgaven, kan du fortsatt følge planen selv med noen nye punkt. Du vet aldri om en av disse spontane endringene gjør at essayet ditt går fra godt til bedre og du ender kanskje opp med ditt perfekte essay!

Det har ingenting å si hvor lang tid det tar for deg å skrive essayet . Skriver du raskt, så klarer du kanskje å skrive 1500 ord på bare ett par timer. Det er også mulig at å skrive ett par-tre timer hver kveld i ei uke om det er en bedre måte for deg. Her er det ingen fasit, så gjør hva som føles best for deg. Bare fordi andre bruker lenger eller kortere tid på essayene sine, betyr ikke dette at ditt arbeid er bedre eller dårligere.

Les blant annet om hvordan daglige skriveøvelser kan forbedre dine språkferdigheter.

Hvordan skrive introduksjonen

Et godt skrivetips for essay er å alltid skrive introduksjonen og konklusjonen til slutt, selv om det kanskje virker unaturlig. Introduksjonen til et essay forteller leseren hva du skal se på og gir dem et pekepunkt på hvordan essayet blir.

Introduksjonen bør være nokså vag siden du ikke har forklart noen av punktene dine enda og du vil ikke avsløre hva konklusjonen blir. Det viktigste er at introduksjonen leder til konklusjonen.

Hvordan avslutte et essay

Konklusjonen skal oppsummere hovedpoengene i hoveddelen, støttet av kilder du tidligere har nevnt. Det konkluderende avsnittet kan svare på spørsmålene som stilles i begynnelsen av essayet, men husk at du ikke nødvendigvis trenger å gi noen klare svar.  Det er her du må være smart og tydelig med hvilke kilder du har og hvorfor de har de samme meningene som du har.

Husk at introduksjonen og avslutningen er veldig tett knyttet og du bør derfor kunne lese dem sammen og se tydelig hvor den ene svarer på spørsmålene i den andre. En tydelig fortelling med fornuft og forklaring er nøkkelen, som i en sirkelkomposisjon! Om konklusjonen ikke passer sammen med introduksjonen, bør du skrive om introduksjonen slik at du får en naturlig overgang fra begynnelse til slutt.

For mer hjelp fra kurs med privatlærer i nærheten av deg, gå inn på Superprof og se oversikt over norskkurs Trondheim .

Flere tips til essayskriving

Lærere og sensorer er enig om at et godt essay består av flere ting. Noen ting de ser etter er blant annet en god introduserende påstand, en interessant tolkning av temaet, en konklusjon som oppsummerer poengene tidligere nevnt i teksten og god grammatikk, vokabular og tegnsetting.

Ikke fullfør essayet ditt og legg det til side. Selv om du er glad for å endelig være ferdig, kan noen siste små endringer gjøre mye med teksten. Dette betyr å gå over og korrekturlese teksten flere ganger; først for å se etter skrivefeil og deretter en siste gang for å sjekke flyten. Du kan også be en venn eller familiemedlem om å lese igjennom og gi deg konstruktiv kritikk.

Du bør også være klar over tone og perspektiv i essayet. Om du først bruker førstepersonsperspektiv, eller «jeg-form», bør du være konsekvent og bruke det ut hele teksten . Om essayet ditt blir markert som et originalt verk eller det er en tekst for skolen eller universitetet, bør du bruke sitater, kilder og referanser for å unngå plagiat.

Det kan være lurt å ha en synonymsordbok eller en vanlig ordbok tilgjengelig når du skriver essayet. Da kan du lettere bruke mer imponerende språk. Om du har et begrenset vokabular, kan du bruke en synonymsordbok for å finne nye ord som passer din tone og skrivestil.

Her kan du finne flere artikler om hvordan du kan forbedre skriveferdighetene .

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Hilde har en bachelor i oversetting og interkulturell kommunikasjon, og er veldig interessert i språk og kultur.

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To elever på vgs som diskuterer

Eksempeltekstar til ny norskeksamen på vg3

Skrivesenteret har i samarbeid med Utdanningsdirektoratet utvikla nye eksamensoppgåver i norskfaget, både for 10. trinn, vg2 yrkesfag og vg3 studieførebuande. I denne ressursen viser vi nokre oppgåvetypar som er prøvde ut og som kan bli gitt til eksamen på vg3. I tillegg finn du kommenterte døme på elevsvar til desse oppgåvene.

Dei nye oppgåvene har vorte prøvde ut i samarbeid med fleire skular og norsklærarar i heile landet. Du kan lese meir om endringar i eksamen etter nye læreplanar på Utanningsdirektoratet sine nettsider . Informasjon om endringar for norskeksamen finn du i  Eksempeloppgåver i norsk (udir.no) .


Gjer greie for.

  • Oppgåveformulering til reklame fra IKEA: «The trash collection 2021»
  • Elevsvar til kortsvarsoppgåve IKEA: «The trash collection 2021»
  • Kommentert kortsvar på kortsvarsoppgåve IKEA: «The trash collection 2021»
  • Vurderingsskjema kortsvar .

Skjermdump fra filmen Eksamensforberedelse og skriveopplæring

Eksamensforberedelse og skriveopplæring – et undervisningsopplegg

I dette undervisningsopplegget knytter vi skrivefasene til eksamensoppgavene gitt i norsk på Vg3.


  • Oppgåveformulering til essay
  • Elevsvar 1 til langsvarsoppgåve essay med kommentar
  • Elevsvar 2 til langsvarsoppgåve essay med kommentar
  • Vurderingsskjema langsvar – essay .

Tolk og samanlikn

  • Oppgåveformulering til tolk og samanlikn
  • Elevsvar til langsvarsoppgåve – tolk og samanlikn med kommentar
  • Vurderingsskjema langsvar – tolk og samamanlikn .


1. webanalyse og informasjonskapsler (cookies), 3. del/tips-tjenesten, 4. nyhetsbrev, 5. påmelding, skjema, 6. side- og tjenestefunksjonalitet, 7. hvordan håndtere informasjonskapsler i din nettleser.


Øving for deg som skal ta Norskprøven nivå B1-B2!

How to pass Norskprøven B1 to B2: tips and tricks

Norskprøven level B1–B2 is a demanding exam. Here you will find some tips and tricks for the different parts of Norskprøven level B1–B2 and some tips that are good to have with you on the actual exam day.

General tips and tricks for Norskprøven

Hvordan består du Bergenstesten?

It is difficult to specify how long it is necessary to study the Norwegian language in order to be ready for Norskprøven level B1–B2. It varies from person to person, as our ability to learn languages is different. Remember that B1–B2 is a high level, so it is wise to sign up for a physical or online course that has a similar level.

It is also possible to use training material that prepares you for that level, but this is up to you. It is always a good idea to read Norwegian newspapers, books and listen to the news on TV or radio. This gives you good training for the reading comprehension and listening comprehension tasks. The writing test requires that you master grammar and spelling, and that you have a rich vocabulary. In this exam, you write a coherent text about a topic. Here you have to try to write as much as possible, but also as correctly as possible. It's always a good idea to have someone proofread your text so you understand where you can improve.

The test takes approx. four hours. It's quite a long time where you have to be concentrated, so it's a good idea to have a good breakfast on the day of the exam. Be careful not eat anything too heavy, because then the body will focus on digesting the food instead of having 100% focus on thinking and solving tasks. If there is a break of a few minutes between the exam parts, use the break to eat a little or relax.

The links to the tips below will take you to our database, where you have to be a member to access all the tasks. If you are not a member, but want to see how the tasks are structured, try our free sample test.

Specific tips and tricks to the assignments in Norskprøven level B1–B2

Tips for the reading assignments.

The reading part lasts a maximum of 75 minutes. Here, the duration will vary based on your language level. The reading part is adaptive, and your progress in the exam is based on the number of correct answers in the preliminary exam(s). Here the assignments are made up of preliminary exam questions, as is for the listening comprehension tasks. You can get one, two or three preliminary exams and one main exam. As previously mentioned, some candidates may have one preliminary and one main exam, while others will have two or three preliminary and one main exams. This depends on how well you answer the assignments. You get more questions the more correct answers you give. Below you can see a figure that explains this in terms of Norskprøven. Note that this is only an example

How norskprøven pre tests and main tests

When you complete the reading part, you can go back and forth between the tasks in each section by clicking the previous and next buttons on the screen. You must confirm that you want to proceed to the next part, but note that you cannot go back and forth between completed parts.

At level B1–B2, you must be able to:

  • find information
  • understand details
  • read between the lines
  • connect information
  • understand the main points
  • understand the meaning of words in context
  • understand the context of texts

At level B1, one must understand the main content and details of clear and simple texts and familiar topics related to, for example, school, work, home and leisure. You are also expected to be able to understand short public documents and letters.

At level B2, you must be able to understand main points and details from different types of texts on a wide range of subjects, and perceive points of view and attitudes.

The assignments here on Norskproven.com test all the above points, but also your grammar skills and your vocabulary. Some of the tasks have been created with the intention of measuring your ability to read between the lines, but also to understand the context of the text so that the solution is correct in its entirety. Many of our customers say that this task has given them quite a challenge, but also that they have benefited greatly from it, as you can see how difficult the task can be.

We at Norskproven.com believe that it is better for you to be given more difficult tasks during practice, because then it will be easier for you when you have to take the exam itself.

Tips for reading comprehension B1–B2

  • Familiarise yourself with the format of the assignments, and what you have to do in each task.
  • Remember that the first paragraph in «Flytt avsnitt» cannot be moved.
  • Read carefully the different answer options in «Flervalgsoppgaver» – lang og kort og «Lukeoppgave».
  • Read the text in its entirety to understand the context.
  • Do not be put off by difficult words. You do not need to know all words.

Tips for the listening part

The purpose of listening comprehension is to measure your ability to understand information and then use the information to solve a task. This part lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, as the time spent varies based on each individual's language level. The listening part is also adaptive. Try not to focus on how long this part lasts when you take the exam.

In the exam, the listening part is made up of one, two or three preliminary tests and one main test. Some may get one preliminary and one main test, and others may get two or three preliminary and one main test. The more correct answers you give, the more preliminary tests and more difficult tasks you will get. In addition, the test lasts longer.

You will be guided through the entire part and will not receive a warning when transitioning between the preliminary and the main tests. You get to hear the tasks at level A1 to B1 twice while tasks at level B2 will be played only once. This will be announced at the exam. Note that you cannot go back and forth between the tasks during the listening comprehension part.

According to information from Kompetanse Norge, headphones are used during the listening part. We at Norskproven.com, on the other hand, recommend doing some of the exercises here on the website using a loudspeaker, as the tasks will be more challenging for you.

Listening comprehension level B1–B2 tests your ability to:

  • understand the text context
  • perceive attitudes
  • understand details.

The difference between levels B1 and B2 of the listening test is as follows: At level B1, you must understand simple information regarding every day or work-related topics, and you must perceive both main messages and details when spoken clearly. If you are to achieve level B2, you must understand details of what it is said in a standardized spoken language, and in addition perceive information, views and attitudes in lectures, news and other presentations. At level B1, you must understand content from familiar topics, such as work, school and free time. It is expected that the main content of news is also grasped. At level B2, on the other hand, it is expected that one is able to understand complex lines of argument if the matter is known and the structure is clear. You should also be able to understand dialects when the speaker moderates the language somewhat.

The listening tasks here at Norskproven.com are tailored and test all the points above, so that actual exam will be easier for you. Norskproven.com offers listening exercises in several dialects, and in addition the level is B2–C1.

Tips for Listening Comprehension B1–B2

  • Read carefully through the different alternatives.
  • Remember that there is only one correct answer.
  • Listen to the messages using a loudspeaker if you want to make the task more difficult and if you are used to using headphones.
  • Don't be put off by difficult words. You don't need to know all words.

Tips for the writing part

The writing part measures your written communication skills. You are assessed both according to communication criteria, how the various tasks are solved, and linguistic criteria - both breadth and degree of control.

You have 120 minutes at your disposal at level B1–B2. You will get the tasks on the screen and have to enter the answer on the computer. The answer is finally delivered electronically. There is no opportunity to print your written text at the end or after the exam.

During your practice, it is strongly recommended that you switch off the automatic correction function of the writing program you use, so that the practice is as realistic as possible.

Level B1–B2 contains two tasks of varying difficulty. You must answer both tasks to get a result.

During the exam, the examiner usually announces when only 15 minutes are left to the end. Another announcement is made 5 minutes before the end. You will receive a confirmation of the delivered written part. You have to also sign the attendance list in the field for "delivered test" before you leave the exam room. It is not allowed to take notes out of the room.

You can leave the room early, but not before 15 minutes have passed since the exam has started. The written part consists of Assignment 1 (Uttrykke egne meninger) and Assignment 2 (Argumentere).

Your communication skills are measured during the test. In this context, it means how you solve the writing assignment. You are not assessed on the basis of opinions and factual knowledge. What is assessed, however, is whether you have the language skills needed to do what the task requires.

On task A at B1 level, you must be able to answer the task and express your views on the given topic and give some reasons for these.

At B2 level, your views on the given subject must be clearly stated, and in addition you must justify these.

When it comes to task B at B1 level, you must be able to write relatively clearly about the subject and express your views, but the reasoning and argumentation may be a little unclear and lacking.

At B2 level, you must be able to write clearly and factually about the subject. In addition, you must be able to write a reasoned text in which your views and arguments are clearly presented. Here, the arguments can be a little unclear in some places.

Tips for Writing B1–B2

  • Remember that you must choose only one topic in Assignment 2 (Argumentere).
  • Stay within the task formulation. This is very important, as you can get a deduction if you are far from the task formulation.
  • It is important to note that writing correct Norwegian is more important than what your own opinion is.
  • To introduce the topic, you can use other facts or general information that you know about the topic.
  • Your text in Assignment 2 (Argumentere) must contain an introduction where you have to present the topic. The next section must be used to discuss the topic and express your opinion and your arguments for it.
  • Do not submit your text until you have read over it one or more times to check for errors.
  • The text should be coherent and easy to follow. It is a good idea to use conjunctions, but be careful not to use the same conjunctions too often.
  • Spelling and punctuation (use of periods and commas) are important. Double consonants, large differences between speech and writing and skj/sj/kj-combinations can be particularly challenging.
  • Variation and precision with regard to words and expressions is important to show a broad vocabulary.
  • Be careful with the conjugation of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs.
  • Watch out for sentence structure and grammatical deviations.
  • Make sure that the communication is clear and factual.

What is our best tip for passing Norskprøven?

Do as many practice assignments as possible, privacy overview.

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Essay writing guides

Essay writing is a crucial skill that students need to master in order to succeed academically. Whether you’re a high school student working on a history paper or a college student tackling a critical analysis essay, having a solid understanding of the essay writing process is essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential tips and tricks that will help you improve your essay writing skills. From generating ideas and organizing your thoughts to crafting a strong thesis statement and polishing your final draft, we’ve got you covered.

Not only that, but we’ll also provide you with useful templates that you can use as a framework for your essays. These templates will help you structure your writing, stay focused on your main argument, and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

The Ultimate Essay Writing Guides

Essay writing can be a challenging task for many students, but with the right guidance and tips, you can improve your writing skills and produce high-quality essays. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with valuable advice, tricks, and templates to help you excel in your essay writing endeavors.

1. Understand the Prompt: Before you start writing your essay, make sure you fully understand the prompt or question. Analyze the requirements and key points that need to be addressed in your essay.

2. Create an Outline: Organize your ideas and thoughts by creating a detailed outline for your essay. This will help you structure your arguments and ensure a logical flow of information.

3. Research Thoroughly: Conduct extensive research on your topic to gather relevant information and evidence to support your arguments. Use credible sources and cite them properly in your essay.

4. Write Clearly and Concisely: Avoid using jargon or complex language in your essay. Write in a clear and concise manner to convey your ideas effectively to the reader.

5. Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and ensure that your essay flows cohesively.

By following these ultimate essay writing guides, you can enhance your writing skills and produce outstanding essays that will impress your instructors and peers. Practice regularly and seek feedback to continuously improve your writing abilities.

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

1. Understand the Assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you fully understand the assignment guidelines and requirements. If you have any doubts, clarify them with your instructor.

2. Conduct Thorough Research: Gather relevant sources and information to support your arguments. Make sure to cite your sources properly and use credible sources.

3. Create a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should clearly outline the main point of your essay and guide your readers on what to expect.

4. Organize Your Ideas: Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas in your essay.

5. Write Clearly and Concisely: Use clear, concise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Be direct and to the point.

6. Revise and Edit: Always proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Revise your work to ensure coherence and clarity.

7. Seek Feedback: Ask a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide constructive feedback for improvement.

8. Use Proper Formatting: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor, such as font size, margins, and citation style.

9. Stay Focused: Keep your essay focused on the main topic and avoid going off on tangents. Stick to your thesis statement.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice writing essays, the better you will get at it. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills.

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Improving your writing skills can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some tricks to help you become a better writer:

1. Read widely: Reading a variety of genres and styles can help you develop your own voice and writing style.

2. Practice regularly: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day to practice writing.

3. Get feedback: Share your writing with others and ask for constructive criticism. Feedback can help you identify areas for improvement.

4. Study grammar and punctuation: Good writing requires a solid understanding of grammar and punctuation rules. Take the time to study and practice these essential skills.

5. Edit and revise: Writing is a process, and editing is an important part of that process. Take the time to edit and revise your work to improve clarity and coherence.

6. Experiment with different writing techniques: Try experimenting with different writing techniques, such as using metaphors, similes, or descriptive language, to enhance your writing.

7. Stay inspired: Find inspiration in the world around you. Whether it’s nature, art, or literature, draw inspiration from your surroundings to fuel your writing.

By following these tricks and practicing regularly, you can improve your writing skills and become a more confident and effective writer.

Step-by-Step Essay Writing Templates

When it comes to writing an essay, having a clear and structured template can be incredibly helpful. Here are some step-by-step essay writing templates that you can use to guide you through the process:

  • Introduction: Start your essay with a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Provide some background information on the topic and end with a thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, provide evidence to support your point, and then analyze the evidence to show how it relates back to your thesis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis in a new way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and instead focus on tying together all the points you have made throughout the essay.

Expert Advice for Writing Top-Notch Essays

When it comes to writing a top-notch essay, it’s essential to follow expert advice to ensure your work stands out. Here are some key tips to help you elevate your writing:

1. Start with a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines your main argument.

2. Conduct thorough research to support your points with credible sources.

3. Organize your thoughts logically and ensure your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

4. Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to keep your writing engaging.

5. Proofread and edit your essay carefully to eliminate errors and refine your arguments.

By following these expert tips, you can take your essay writing skills to the next level and produce work that is both informative and compelling.

Resources to Enhance Your Essay Writing Process

When it comes to improving your essay writing skills, there are a variety of resources available to help you enhance your process. Here are some valuable resources that can aid you in becoming a more effective and efficient writer:

  • Writing Guides: There are countless writing guides and books that offer tips, tricks, and strategies for improving your writing skills. Whether you’re looking to enhance your grammar, structure, or argumentation, these guides can provide valuable insights.
  • Online Writing Communities: Joining online writing communities can be a great way to connect with other writers, receive feedback on your work, and engage in writing challenges and prompts. Websites like Writing.com and Wattpad are popular platforms for writers to share their work and receive critiques.
  • Writing Workshops and Courses: Participating in writing workshops and courses can help you hone your craft and develop your writing skills. Whether you prefer in-person workshops or online courses, there are many options available to suit your needs and schedule.
  • Writing Apps and Tools: Utilizing writing apps and tools can streamline your writing process and help you stay organized. Tools like Grammarly can assist with grammar and spelling checks, while apps like Scrivener can help you organize your research and ideas.
  • Libraries and Writing Centers: Visiting your local library or university writing center can provide access to valuable resources, such as writing guides, research materials, and writing tutors who can offer personalized feedback and support.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can enhance your essay writing process and become a more skilled and confident writer.

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How to Write an Essay

A notebook with the words 'Essay' written on it. A blue pen is lying on the top of the notebook. Photo.

Choose Your Topic

If your topic is not already assigned to you, choose one that really interests you.

Develop Your Approach to the Topic

Once you have chosen a topic, think of an approach to the topic or thesis statement. This is your main idea that you will further develop throughout your essay. It states what the essay will be about and your position on the issue. Think of what angle you want to argue from. Your approach to the topic may, for example, be formulated as a question or a statement in one or two sentences. If your topic is to analyze Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet , you might pose this rhetorical question: Does love conquer all? A statement might be: Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare's most famous play.

The statement outlining your approach to the topic should be included both in the introduction to your essay and in its conclusion. Be clear, specific and concise.

Research Your Topic

Use the library or online academic data bases when researching your topic for central ideas. Jot down information and quotes, and always write down your sources and URLS.

Search for and evaluate the evidence for and against your basic claims. Are there any alternatives to your reasoning? Be critical.


Write down all your ideas on a sheet of paper. Try to be original. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the root of the problem?
  • Am I being biased?
  • Does my evidence support my claims?

The Writing Process

Outline your essay.

Outline your essay by using your ideas from your brainstorming sheet. Make a mind map to visualize what you want to say. Use numbers 1,2,3, etc for headings (main ideas or topics) and a, b, c, for sub-topics. Remember that each heading will make up the main paragraphs in your essay. A good idea is to state your headings in sentence form. Let us visualize this.


The introduction to your essay introduces the main topic and your approach to it (thesis statement). It is a description of what you want to say. Start with some interesting information, fact, definition or quote that captures the attention of the reader. Don't be afraid to challenge the reader. Finish your introduction with a short summary of what your goal is for the essay.

Body of the Essay

Each paragraph should focus on one central idea, claim or argument. Use examples, facts, evidence or data to support each idea, claim or argument. You may want to begin each paragraph with the main topic or topic sentence from your outline that describes the point of the paragraph.

Use connecting phrases such as:

  • firstly, secondly, thirdly...
  • by comparison...
  • on the one hand.....on the other hand
  • in addition
  • nevertheless

A conlusion is a summary paragraph which summarizes the main points in your essay. It should recapitulate your introduction in an original way and restate the main idea of your essay. Final sentences might include the consequences or the implications of some action not being dealt with, a question, a future prediction or a call to act etc. Use phrases such as:

  • In conclusion...
  • to summarize
  • as a result
  • consequently

Example: Persuasive Essay

Here is an example of a persuasive essay about animal testing in the cosmetic industry.

Recent pictures in the news of caged animals with metal prongs holding their eyes open to test for chemicals have burned themselves into our memories. These painful tests have been supported by the cosmetic industry in the name of science for the past 40 years. The main question in 2009 is whether or not animals testing is still necessary?

While most animal rights activists will say absolutely not, many scientists who are constantly searching for chemicals in product that cause cancers in humans still say yes. My main questions are what alternatives are there and what can be done?

(Paragraph 1)

Firstly, while some scientists say that deodorants or talcum powder cause breast or ovarian cancer, others say that more research has to be done. Secondly, I feel that no matter how you look at it, we as consumers are being caught in the middle. Most of us use cosmetics in one form or other and we still need to feel safe. But is it right to inflict so much pain on innocent animals? Must all those poor animals suffer and die just to protect humans from harm and discomfort? What we must focus on, then, are the alternatives to animal testing.

(Paragraph 2)

What are the alternatives? The alternatives to animal testing that seem most logical would be those which replace animals in specific tests, therefore reducing the number of animals used. Another alternative is to make the tests better to lessen the animals’ suffering. A third alternative is to use human tissue or human skin cells and avoid using animals altogether. Hopefully, these alternatives will mark a new trend in the decline of animal testing in the future.

(Paragraph 3)

What can be done? Personally, I feel that violent methods used by extreme animal rights groups is not the answer. Burning down laboratories where caged animals are tested on or where humans lose their lives are only short term and inhuman. Setting animals free may cause them even more pain and suffering. Wouldn’t it be better to find ways where we as consumers can make a difference by refusing to buy animal tested products? In my opinion this would directly affect the cosmetic industry and force them to take action. Proof that some large scale action has already been taken was by the EU with the EU Cosmetic Directive which on March 11th, 2009 banned both animal testing and the marketing of animal tested products.

In conclusion, based on the new alternatives that test for harmful chemicals and the new initiatives made by the EU to ban the buying and selling of animal tested cosmetics, we can only hope that it will no longer be necessary to use animals in testing at all. As for us consumers, it is up to us to check that the products we use have not been tested on animals. Not only will we feel safe, but we will no longer have to feel guilty for making animals suffer when we buy cosmetic products.

Europa: Activities of the European Union – Summaries of Legislation, “Cosmetic Products: Composition, Labelling, Animal Testing”, (europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l21191.htm)

National Cancer Institute – Fact Sheet, “Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer”, ( www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/risk/ap-deo )

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, 2004 (www.ovariancancer.org/index.cfm)

The Humane Society of the United States, “Animal Testing: The Beginning of the End?”, (www.humanesociety.org/search.jsp)


Feder, Barnaby J. The New York Times, “Saving the Animals: New Ways to Test Products” September 12, 2007

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