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Technology And The Future Of War

In our time of unconventional conflict and rogue actors, the most advanced countries have the most to lose. 


Editor’s note: This essay is an excerpt of the Hoover Press book America and the Future of War .

Over the past half century, American political and military leaders have attempted to make war less costly in human terms. As far as lowering American casualties in combat, that is a wholly worthwhile endeavor. But that effort has carried over into the creation of unrealistic rules of engagement governing the use of weapons and representing efforts to reduce civilian casualties. To a certain extent, this has driven the revolution in precision munitions. In the Gulf War of 1991, extensive interviews with Iraqi prisoners of war indicated that the coalition aircraft they most feared was the ancient—even at that time—B-52. Above all, they emphasized the terrifying shock that strikes carried out miles away had on their perspective of the war and morale.

Ironically, because the B-52 computers were misaligned, the heavy bombers never hit their targets at which they were aiming. It did not matter, because the impact of the B-52 strikes was largely on the morale of Iraqi soldiers hunkered down in the deserts of Kuwait and southern Iraq. The horrendous noise and shaking of the earth from strikes even a dozen miles distant affected them deeply. Ironically, in the bombing of ISIS, including its military forces and encampments in the desert, US military and political leaders have not been willing to use the B-52. The reason behind this unwillingness lies in a belief among the political leadership in Washington that precision strikes prevent all collateral damage, which they do not. Such beliefs entirely miss the purpose of the use of military force and air power in particular, which is to wreck the enemy’s morale as much as to achieve physical damage and kill his soldiers.

The emphasis on technology is not surprising, given that it has been one of the strengths of American society for more than a century. Yet, there are limits to what technology can achieve by itself, while the enemy will always get a vote, and the more sophisticated and competent he is, the more likely that he will seek out and discover means to disrupt and distort our technological capabilities. In the conflicts that spun out of the global war on terrorism, the United States has enjoyed a massive superiority in weapons and the technology of those systems over the capabilities of its opponents. Nevertheless, one should not forget that even with the Americans’ technological superiority, the ragged guerrillas of al Qaeda in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan have caused US and coalition ground forces no end of trouble since 2003.

The world is going through a technological and scientific revolution that in every respect rivals the great “military-social revolutions” of the past. But unlike the period from 1914 through 1990, where the military organizations were the primary drivers behind revolutionary changes in technology, the current period looks quite similar to the period before 1914, when factors outside the military were largely responsible for the technological revolution. The point here is that the technological changes occurring during the past three decades will make military adaptation to the complexities of combat with sophisticated opponents even more difficult for armies, navies, and air forces than was the case in the First World War. The result of that murderous process of adaptation on the Western Front to the technological and scientific changes of the period before the First World War was a bloodbath that destroyed the comfortable assumptions on which European and American progress rested.

The impact of the computer—driven, technological revolution on military capabilities and future potential has certainly become clear over the past quarter of a century. The British military thinker and professor Christopher Coker has noted the following about the rapid pace of technological development in military capabilities over the past two decades:

“It is the ‘intelligence’ gained from sensors that allows artillery to be integrated into a ‘system’ that permits coordinated fire from a multiplicity of platforms, such as attack helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and the intelligence of some of these systems is already impressive. Take the Smart-155, a projectile which releases two sensor—fused sub—munitions from the shell case in mid—flight. Each can identify targets by size and their 3-D heat signatures (in other words, each can choose other targets if the initial one is found to be on fire). And with the introduction quite soon of 3-D mapping, an observer will be able to pinpoint the exact location of a target on a 3-D map and share it with the shooter. Soon artificial intelligence in command and control systems will come on-stream and allow the next generation of projectiles not only to identify targets but even to prioritize ‘kills.’ In the not-too-distant future, they will be able to determine autonomously whether to fire or not.”

At present, through the efforts of its scientists and technologists, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is pushing the envelope for the development of new weapons in a fashion that is unusual in the federal bureaucracy, particularly in an agency active since the 1950s. Clearly unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are already a game changer at every level, from marine corps and army infantry platoons to potential future fighter aircraft. The ability to hit terrorist targets virtually anywhere in the world from UAVs controlled from Nevada has enabled the United States to wage a war on terrorists that puts no one in danger except for the collateral victims. It is likely that the F-35 will be the last manned fighter produced by the United States to be replaced by pilotless aircraft. Unmanned robots will play a larger and larger role in ground war. Hypersonic missiles are at present being tested by the United States, Russia, and China. Traveling at the speed of Mach 10 or more, such missiles will make a defensive response almost impossible, given the time between detection and arrival on target.

But there are several caveats worth underlining. The first is that much of the advances in weaponry are largely targeted at the potential of high-end conflict against opponents who have capabilities—such as the Chinese—which are approaching those of the United States. Such opponents will also possess nuclear weapons and the reality is that, as with the standoff with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, improved conventional weapons will serve in the framework of deterrence. Thus, such weapons may never find themselves used in the fashion for which they have been designed. Improvements in missiles, UAVs, and aircraft carrying nuclear weapons will hopefully make deterrence work among the major powers in the coming decades as it did during the Cold War.

At present and for at least a decade, if current funding levels remain in place, the United States will enjoy a significant measure of military superiority over its potential opponents. Admittedly, a war with China would prove immensely costly for both sides, but in the end the Chinese would lose badly. But, given the Chinese buildup, a potential American victory may not be the case in another decade, unless there is a significant investment in American forces in the near future. Such an effort will require the far—sighted wisdom of the American people as well as their leaders, much like the Athenians and their leader Themistocles in the 480s BC.

One of the incalculables in thinking about future wars lies in the technological systems that mid-rank powers or groups such as ISIS might gain in the future. The most frightening would be the possession of a nuclear weapon by groups that have no sense of responsibility for the long—term effects of detonating such weapons. That, of course, is why the collapse of Pakistan into a failed state would have such dangerous consequences for the world. Moreover, a war between Pakistan and India would carry with it the dangerous possibility that it might go nuclear, which would create a humanitarian crisis of unbelievable proportions, while the fallout would pose a global threat.

Although the U.S. military enjoys extraordinary advantages at present, there are danger signs. The service forces and their capabilities rest on a robust communications network as well as cyber and electronic systems. Especially important are the space-based systems for a vast array of intelligence functions, communications, the accuracy of munitions, targeting, and even the movement of US combat vehicles on the battlefield. As one army officer noted to the author, “we can’t (and won’t) go to war without SATCOM, GPS, or space-based imagery.” The army and the marines, supposedly the least sophisticated of the services, underline how dependent the American military has become on technology. As one briefing recently noted, the army has evolved over the past decade “from a space-enabled Army to a fully space-dependent Army .” It added that, in fact, virtually everything involving US military operations relies on links to and through space—based systems. Just a small listing of the army support systems that depend on space suggests the extent of that dependency: GPS (Global Positioning System), SATCOM (satellite communication), RISTA (reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition), SIGINT (signals intelligence), electronic sensors, JDAM (joint direct attack munition), Excalibur (155 mm extended-range artillery), and GPS-guided MLRS, for example. Simply put, the ground forces of the United States are dependent on technological and space-based systems to execute their most basic tasks on the battlefield. This is also true to an even greater extent for navy and air force.

There are difficulties. Again, to quote an army official: “capabilities create dependencies, and dependencies create vulnerabilities.” The problem is that both computer-based systems and space-based systems are vulnerable to being hacked by an enemy. Fred Kaplan, a national security reporter, recently noted the following on the current vulnerability of the defense department’s sophisticated communications network: “In several recent exercises and war games that [a defense science board] reviewed, Red Teams, using exploits that any skilled hacker could download from the Internet, ‘invariably’ penetrated the Defense Department’s networks, ‘disrupting or completely beating’ the Blue Team.”

What makes this so astonishing is that in 1997 the National Security Agency’s Red Team in an exercise with the title of ELIGIBLE RECEIVER basically broke into every system the department of defense possessed. Only one marine officer during that exercise recognized that something was wrong and disconnected his system. One would have thought that in the intervening period of nearly two decades, there would have been significant improvement in the defense department and the services’ ability to protect their communication and computer systems from hackers or simply their own incompetence. But then it is well to remember how easily Snowden downloaded the masses of highly classified material which he then uploaded to the Internet. In his case, it was largely the result of gross security breaches made by the contracting firms working for the National Security Agency.

I remember a briefing I received from a British Army brigadier in 2000 that examined the nature of special operations forces thirty years into the future. The officer posited that 70 percent of the force would look much as it did in the past. However, the other 30 percent would look very different. It would include women, because they could go places where men could not, particularly in the Middle East. But the key new group in British special forces would be twenty years old or younger, who would hardly fit into the military culture of the Special Air Service and the Special Boat Service, but who would possess extraordinary capabilities as hackers. There lies the problem with the hierarchical nature of the American military and the nation’s intelligence agencies. One can hardly imagine the use of such individuals or a willingness to reach out to them or, for that matter, other subject matter experts in most of the intelligence community. Admittedly, this author may be entirely wrong in that supposition, but the continued inability of America’s intelligence agencies and military organizations to close the gaps in its cypher systems suggests deeply troubling bureaucratic malaise in the system, one that refuses to judge individuals by competence rather than by age and seniority.

What is clear is that America’s opponents in future wars will also target the extensive space-based communications systems upon which the American military depends for the conduct of its global operations. The simplest approach to disrupting the satellites on which those systems depend would be to explode a relatively low-yield nuclear device in lower orbit. The resulting electromagnetic pulse (emp) would be sufficient to render useless virtually all the satellites in low orbit. It is unlikely that either the United States or China would explode such a weapon, because it would take out friendly systems as well as those of an enemy. Moreover, since none of the commercial satellites on which the Internet, civilian communications, television transmissions, among other commercial usages, are protected from an emp burst, the result would be catastrophic to the global economy on which both the United States and China depend. The effects caused by the frying of commercial satellites would considerably affect the military side as well. For example, Central Command depends on commercial satellites for more than three-quarters of its bandwidth.

If neither the Chinese nor the Americans are likely to explode a nuclear weapon in space, because of the damage it would cause to their own satellites, the same cannot be said for the North Koreans or the Pakistanis. One can well imagine a North Korea on the brink of collapse or confronted with American and Chinese major economic pressure taking the risks of such a move as a means to preserve the regime without the risks of actually killing people. The damage to a global economy dependent on communications systems for transferring funds and information can well be imagined. Would the United States and its South Korean allies actually risk war in response to a nuclear-armed North Korea? Doubtful.

If the Chinese would be unwilling to attack the US satellite system by exploding a nuclear weapon in space, they have already proven to have other means at their disposal: namely, antisatellite missiles aimed at taking out particular satellites that are in orbit. Such an effort would have a long-term impact on the Chinese as well, because the number of antisatellite attacks in a wartime effort to take out US systems would so clutter up lower orbits with smashed-up satellites that they would make further use of space virtually impossible. The larger point is that the American military had better be prepared in future conflicts in which it finds itself to operate with a significant portion of its capabilities degraded. Any war between sophisticated powers will, to a considerable extent, take part in the dark. And that raises the worrisome question as to how effective US weapons will prove in the event an opponent is able to degrade severely their capabilities. Similarly, how effective will American fighting forces be when the communication links fail, when commanders on the sharp end have to make decisions on their own, and when GPS no longer provides accurate readings or any readings at all?

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Reconceptualizing war: the rise of post-modern war, 1945–1989, the persistence of post-modern war after the cold war, post-modern war and the future of the state.

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Technology, war and the state: past, present and future

This article is part of a special issue of International Affairs (July 2019) on ‘Re-visioning war and the state in the twenty-first century’, guest-edited by Tracey German.

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Warren Chin, Technology, war and the state: past, present and future, International Affairs , Volume 95, Issue 4, July 2019, Pages 765–783, https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiz106

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War made the state, and the state made war, but does this statement hold true today? Will it apply in the future? The consensus is that the absence of major war within the western world, post 1945, did cause the war–state relationship to change, but each became significantly less important to the other. This article argues that the relationship was closer and deeper than has been assumed. It proposes that the peculiar strategic conditions created by the nuclear age caused states to wage a ritualistic style of war, in which demonstration rather than the physical application of violence became increasingly important. Within this setting, the state drove the process of technological innovation in defence to its limits in an effort to demonstrate its military superiority. This massive peacetime investment in defence technology exerted a huge impact on the character of war, which led to new strategic forms. However, most importantly, the diffusion of military technology also affected the wider economy and society, leading to a form of internal power transition within states. The author speculates on how these elemental forces will play out in the future, what will happen to war and the state, and whether we will reach a point where war leads to the unmaking of the state.

This article explores the changing relationship between war and the state in the western world since the end of the Second World War. Specifically, it analyses how that relationship evolved during and after the Cold War, and extrapolates from current trends to speculate what impact war will have on the future evolution of the state. Our understanding of the connection between war and the state assumes that war played an instrumental role in the formation of the state in the early modern period. The synergistic relationship established at that time then blossomed over the next four centuries, during which both state and war grew exponentially. However, this expansion was checked by the declining incidence and scale of interstate war after 1945, which eventually allowed new political and economic priorities to emerge that resulted in the reshaping of, and a changed role for, the state. 1

The article presents an alternative view of the war–state relationship in the post-Second World War era. It does not challenge the logic that the decline in war affected the war–state connection. 2 However, it does not see this change as evidence of atrophy. Instead, it demonstrates how the complexity of war after 1945 led to a deep but more subtle interaction, which had a profound effect on war, the state and society in the western world. While I do not challenge the premise that a range of factors played a role in shaping the connection between war and the state, the precise interaction and relative importance of these forces have altered over time, and this has caused the demands of war on the state to shift in significant ways. In the period under scrutiny in this article, I argue that the role of technology in war increased dramatically because of the nuclear revolution. In this setting, technological development reduced the opportunities for war, but the arms race it generated also brought into being new technologies, and these facilitated new forms of conflict. These developments affected our understanding of war's character and its interaction with the state.

Military history provides a rich literature on war and technology, but its focus has tended to be on the importance of technology in helping militaries win wars. 3 In rarer cases, writers have sought to situate war within a broader technological, economic, social and cultural framework. 4 This is where the principal focus of the present article lies. However, my aim is to turn this domain upside down and explore not just how the world has changed (and continues to change) war, but how the war–technology dynamic has changed the world, in what might be described as a form of positive feedback. To this end, I expand and build on the historical overview presented by William McNeill and Maurice Pearton of the financial and technical linkages forged between war and the state starting in the late nineteenth century. 5 This provides a conceptual framework within which to explore how that relationship evolved and how it might change in the future. Most importantly, this construct allows the contemporary war–state relationship to be viewed through a different lens, one that sees a stronger, darker and more damaging connection than is generally recognized.

In addressing this issue, I have relied on the experiences of the United States and United Kingdom, as representative examples of western states, to support the propositions set out here. Most importantly, in both cases the state played a leading role in promoting defence research after 1945; technology was of central importance in their strategic frameworks, and continues to be so today. Second, both states consciously exploited defence technology to promote wider economic prosperity. I recognize that attempts to look into the future carry a great deal of risk. I am aware of this risk and explain below how I have taken it into account. The only general point I would make here is that history also shows that, sometimes, military forecasting is successful. I have looked at these examples and drawn on their methodologies.

In sum, the central argument of this article is that, after 1945, technology acted as a vital agent of change in the war–state relationship, and eventually the ripples of this change spread throughout society. To illustrate this point, you have only to look at the ubiquitous smartphone and the genesis of technologies produced by defence research that made it possible. This capability has in turn affected the conduct of war; and this has affected the state. Thus the smartphone provides just one significant example of how technology and war are shaping the state and the world we live in. 6

The article is divided into three parts. The first explores the war–state relationship and the factors that shaped it during the Cold War. It explains why technological innovation became so important in war, and how this imperative influenced both our understanding of war and the interaction between war and the state. The second section examines why the imperative for technological innovation persisted, and why the war–state infrastructure survived in the post-Cold War era. Finally, the third section explores how current trends might influence the war–state relationship in the future.

Clausewitz missed the importance of technology as a variable in his analysis of war. 7 Tilly, one of the most critical commentators on the war–state relationship, was also sceptical about the importance of technology in this process, and focused instead on the economics of waging war. 8 The omission is understandable, because the history of war is characterized by long phases of technological stagnation punctuated by occasional spasms of revolutionary change caused by a variety of forces. 9 This point is illustrated by a cursory glance at naval technology, which shows that ship design and armaments in Europe remained largely unchanged from 1560 to 1850. 10 However, I contend that the importance of technology increased dramatically in the conduct of war from the nineteenth century onwards, for three reasons. The first was the impact of the Industrial Revolution. This period of sustained and rapid technological innovation eventually affected all areas of human activity, including war. Evidence of the increased pace in technological change can be seen from Schumpeter's economic analysis of capitalism and its relationship to technology. In his view, four long economic cycles in the Industrial Revolution led to ground-breaking changes in the mode of production in little more than a hundred years. 11 At the microeconomic level, Schumpeter also challenged economic orthodoxy by arguing that capitalism was based not on price competitiveness but on innovation, via the creation of ‘the new commodity, the new technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organisation’. Schumpeter called this the process of ‘creative destruction’ as firms seek to innovate to achieve a position of monopoly and thereby maximize profits until that advantage is cancelled out by the next innovation. 12

During this time, the technological needs of the armed forces ‘were met out of the same scientific and technical knowledge that manufacturing industry had put to use in satisfying its commercial needs’. 13 As such, wider forces fed into the realm of war. However, this situation slowly changed such that the demands for military technology eventually shaped the wider context in which it existed—which brings us to the second reason why the importance of technology increased. O'Neill demonstrates how the state began to assume a role as a sponsor of technological innovation in defence in the late nineteenth century as the military became increasingly interested in the exploitation of technology. Such state sponsorship of innovation was termed ‘command technology’. 14 However, as Hartcup observed, this process of innovation operated within military, fiscal and time constraints that imposed a limit on the ambition of defence research. 15 In general, mass industrialized war in the twentieth century emphasized quantity more than quality, and required the mobilization of society and the economy via the state. The demands of war also resulted in the state expanding into the provision of education and health care to ensure the population was fit to wage war. Even liberal Britain succumbed to this view of the state. 16 These features eventually became the defining characteristics of what Hables Gray called ‘modern war’. 17

The advent of the nuclear age precipitated a profound change in the organization and conduct of war. Hables Gray asserts that 1945 marks the dividing line between modern war and the birth of what he terms post-modern war. 18 This philosophical construct is used as intended by post-modernism, not as a label, but as a way of indicating that war, like many forms of human activity, is a discourse. 19 That discourse changed profoundly after 1945 because at that point scientific advance, in the form of nuclear weapons, made modern war impossible. This new strategic setting precipitated what Holsti described as the diversification of warfare; and this in turn resulted in a blurring of the line between peace and war as governments employed a range of means to achieve their policy goals below the threshold of general war. Most importantly, the forms of war proliferated as new ways were devised to employ war as a political tool in a nuclear world. 20 This change did not render Clausewitz's concept of war obsolete, but it did require it to be adapted. 21

Clausewitz explained that ‘war is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfil our will’. 22 War is also the continuation of policy by other means. 23 War, then, is defined as a discourse of physical violence to achieve a political goal. However, in examining the post-1945 war–state relationship in the West, we need to revise our understanding of war so that it extends beyond physical violence and bloodshed. Russian military reflections on the Cold War reveal an interesting narrative that reinforces this expansion of war beyond its traditional domain. According to this analysis, the Soviet Union lost the Cold War because it was defeated by non-military means employed by its enemy that focused on psychological, political, information, social and economic attacks against the Soviet state. 24 Although this interpretation can be contested, it is important to acknowledge that states used both military and non-military levers to confront their enemies in this conflict. Technology played a vital role in facilitating this process, for example via the communications revolution, which facilitated the waging of activities such as political warfare. However, the most salient aspect of the Cold War was the discourse of deterrence. Within this context, the rituals of war in terms of organizing, preparing and demonstrating an ability to fight nuclear war in the hope of deterring potential opponents and thereby preventing the possibility of war became substitutes for organized violence. Small wars happened on the periphery of the US and Soviet geopolitical space, but in the core region, a different kind of cognitive and cultural violence emerged, which can be seen as a form of war. 25

How, then, did technology fit into this new discourse of war? According to Buzan, because nuclear deterrence relied on anticipated weapons performance, it became sensitive to technical innovation, which meant the state had to respond to technological change by investing in defence research to maintain the credibility of its deterrent. 26 As a result, a premium came to be placed on technological innovation in defence, and this caused the role of the state in military research to expand. 27 Consequently, states came to play an essential part in a military version of Schumpeter's process of creative destruction, albeit in the realm of defence. The role of the state was vital because it was the state that provided the critical financial resources required to take embryonic technologies and develop them at a speed unlikely to be matched by the civilian market. This facilitated a profound change in the relationship between the state and private industry and undermined the operation of the free market as governments opted to support defence contractors capable of conducting large and complex forms of research and development (R&D). 28 This trend did not go unnoticed; in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the pernicious influence exerted by the creation of a military–industrial complex (MIC), a construct which referred to the incestuous relationship between the military, defence industries and politicians acting in concert as an interest group to persuade the state to spend more on defence. 29 Harold Laswell also noted the rising prominence of the military in peacetime in his thesis of the ‘garrison state’, which described the potential militarization of the American polity. 30 Samuel Huntington echoed this concern in his book The soldier and the state , which considered how the United States could manage an immense military establishment in a time of peace without jeopardizing the sanctity of its democracy. 31 These debates and themes waxed and waned as the Cold War progressed, but they persisted, and even in the 1980s the notion of the MIC was still being discussed. 32 The strategic logic of nuclear deterrence created a climate which justified high defence spending and significant investment in defence research—but why did this infrastructure persist in the more benign environment of the post-Cold War world?

The end of the Cold War resulted in a significant fall in defence expenditure. Equally importantly, the state reduced its participation in sustaining defence research and allowed the private sector to play a more prominent role in defence production. In the UK, where the nationalized defence industries had already been privatized in the 1980s, this process was extended to include the sale of the state's defence research and development arm. This change in industrial and technological policy reflected a broader adjustment as the state lost its position in the vanguard of the technological revolution. Since the start of the Cold War, US government-funded defence research had given rise to technologies such as the internet, virtual reality, jet travel, data joining, closed-circuit TV, global positioning, rocketry, remote control, microwaves, radar, global positioning, networked computers, wireless communications and satellite surveillance. 33 The subsequent exploitation of these technologies by the private sector reflected a conscious policy choice by most western governments, which was to promote technology spinoffs from defence research into the wider economy as a way of generating wealth creation. 34 Once the technology had been created, the civil, commercial sector proved adept at adapting and changing the new capabilities. The critical difference between innovation in the defence market and its civilian counterpart was that, in the latter, high rates of consumption led to product and process innovation by companies. As a result, civil technology providers increasingly took the lead in the information revolution. Given this new dynamism, military power relied increasingly on the existing pool of technological knowledge within the broader economy. The increasing emphasis on quality in war also generated greater complexity during operations. This trend facilitated the rise of private military companies in the post-Cold War era and resulted in western states increasingly subcontracting the provision of internal and external security to the private sector. 35

However, in spite of the end of the Cold War, western governments continued to have an appetite for technological innovation and its integration into ever more complex weapons. Indeed, an important feature of post-modern war was that machines assumed an unprecedented importance in the post-Cold War era. As Hables Gray explained: ‘War is a discourse system, but each type of war has different rules of discourse. In postmodern war, the central role of human bodies in war is being eclipsed rhetorically by the growing importance of machines.’ 36

The First Gulf War was an important marker because it revealed to western society the power of technology, at least in a conventional war. As Freedman observed, this conflict resolved the high-tech versus low-tech debate which had persisted throughout the Cold War. 37 Observers now spoke of a paradigm shift in the conduct of war and a revolution in military affairs (RMA) caused by technological advance in computers and communications. 38 Paradoxically, cuts in defence spending and provision compounded the drive to rely on technology in war as smaller militaries sought to pack a bigger punch to compensate for their lack of mass. 39 In the 1990s, the RMA served another purpose in that it allowed for the creation of what Shaw described as ‘risk-free’ war. Technology allowed western states to engage targets at long range with high accuracy, but at no risk to those firing the weapons—something that became very useful in an era of wars of choice. 40 Perhaps the best example of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach was NATO's 78-day bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999. 41

Technological innovation in the techniques of war allowed the state to continue using force as an instrument of policy, especially in those instances where there was no clear political consensus on taking military action. In sum, the state continued to see its security through the prism of technological advance; and this, in turn, helped to sustain the MIC in that brief period between the end of the Cold War and the start of the ‘war on terror’. The idea of an MIC persists today. For example, David Keen points to the powerful economic functions fulfilled by the war on terror, which he believed explained the persistence of a war based on counterproductive strategy and tactics. 42 More recently, Paul Rogers has referred to the creation of a military–industrial academic–bureaucratic complex, which is exploiting the latest iteration of the war on terror: the war against the so-called ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’ (ISIS). 43 While the technology paradigm was briefly challenged in Iraq in 2006 and replaced by a more labour-intensive approach to war, as articulated in the principles of counter-insurgency, this, in turn, was quickly replaced by less risky, more capital-intensive techniques of war waged with satellites, robots, drones, precision weaponry and special forces. 44 In summary, the elaborate infrastructure of war created during the Cold War endured in the post-Cold War era before being reinvigorated by the fiscal stimulus generated by the war on terror. During this period technology was viewed almost as a silver bullet. As such, it provided a neat answer to complex questions posed by the human and physical terrain of war. Most importantly, for a brief moment at least, it allowed western states to reimagine decisive victories and tidy peace settlements. 45 Such was the allure of technology that Coker speculated on the possibility of a future ‘post-human warfare’ in which machines replaced humanity on the battlefield. 46

How, then, will predicted developments in technology shape the future of war and the state? This is a question that is causing much anxiety in both academic and policy-making circles. As Freedman points out, the future is based on decisions that have yet to be made in circumstances that remain unclear to those looking into a crystal ball. 47 Just as important as this uncertainty are those biases that shape our preferences regarding how we see the future. Cohen has pointed out that debates on the future of war often suffer from being technologically sanitized, ignoring politics and therefore lacking a meaningful context. 48 As a result, the ‘future war’ literature often suffers from an overreliance on a simplistic overview of decisive military technologies. I address these problems in two ways.

The first is to follow the advice offered by the sociologist Michael Mann, who observed that no one could accurately predict the future of large-scale power structures like the state; the most one can do is provide alternative scenarios of what might happen given different conditions, and in some cases to arrange them in order of probability. 49 The UK's Concepts and Doctrine Centre adopted this approach and set out multiple scenarios to support its analysis of future strategic trends. 50 Second, it is essential to widen the lens through which the future is projected and to understand the political context within which technology, war and the state will all be situated. To this end, I adopt here the Clausewitzian framework of analysis which Colin Gray employed in considering future war. As he explains:

Future warfare can be approached in the light of the vital distinction drawn by Clausewitz, between war's ‘grammar’ and its policy ‘logic’. Both avenues must be travelled here. Future warfare viewed as grammar requires us to probe probable and possible developments in military science, with reference to how war actually could be waged. From the perspective of policy logic we need to explore official motivations to fight. 51

In exploring the future relationship between war and the state, and the role played by technology, two possible visions are presented here. The first explores the continuation of the status quo and represents the default setting of both the UK and US governments with regard to the future. The second follows the recommendation offered by Paul Davis, who advised when selecting a scenario to choose a vision that challenges and provokes controversy and that breaks out of orthodox thinking. 52

Both models have one thing in common: they will be influenced by what might be seen as the next wave of technological change. This latest technical convulsion is illustrated by Schwab's idea of the fourth Industrial Revolution, which is a crude facsimile of Schumpeter's theory of long economic cycles. The fourth Industrial Revolution builds on the digital revolution, which began in the 1960s, but differs from it in that it entails ‘a much more ubiquitous and mobile internet, … smaller and more powerful sensors that have become cheaper, and … powerful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning’. 53 The term ‘artificial intelligence’ was first used by the American scientist John McCarthy in 1956. According to his definition, AI is merely the development of computer systems to perform tasks that generally need human intelligence, such as speech recognition, visual perception and decision-making. More recently, Max Tegmark has defined AI as a non-biological intelligence possessing the capability to accomplish any complex task at least as well as humans. 54 Currently, the exponential rise of AI is being driven by three developments in the world of computing: smarter algorithms, a vast increase in computing power and an ability to process vast quantities of data. 55 What this means is that humans are now being challenged by machines in the cognitive as well as the physical domains of work. Digital technologies that have computer hardware, software and networks at their core are not new, but represent a break with the third Industrial Revolution because of the level of sophistication and integration within and between them. These technologies are transforming societies and the global economy.

The fourth Industrial Revolution is not only about smart and connected machines and systems. It is linked with other areas of scientific innovation ranging from gene sequencing to nanotech and from renewables to computing. It is the fusion of these technologies and their interaction across the physical, digital and biological domains that make the fourth Industrial Revolution fundamentally different from previous epochs. Emerging technologies and broad-based innovations are diffusing much more quickly and more widely than their predecessors, which continue to unfold in some parts of the world. It took the spindle, the hallmark of the first Industrial Revolution, 120 years to spread outside Europe; by contrast, the internet permeated the globe in less than a decade. 56 In sum, it is not one specific technology but the sheer number of technologies and the interaction between them that is creating change on such an unprecedented scale that Schwab believes it can be described as a revolution. What, then, does this mean for the relationship between war and the state?

The first model of the future adopts a ‘business as normal’ scenario. In this version of the future, the policy logic of war remains focused on the security of the state and concentrates on state-based threats. The principal causes of war can be identified in the anarchy of the international system. 57 The state preserves its monopoly on the use of force because the barriers to entry into the weapons market remain high. In addition, the state continues to function effectively and to be able to extract the resources needed to maintain its legitimacy and territorial integrity. Within this context, the state still pursues the development of advanced technologies to defend against mostly state-based threats. In this scenario, future war is imagined as a symmetrical contest between conventional forces on an increasingly automated battlefield. Within this space, humans will be augmented and in some instances replaced by AI and robots contending with increasingly lethal forms of weaponry. 58

In this vision of the future, the military's pursuit of the next technology follows a familiar pattern, and the risk and uncertainty involved continue to make state finance and policy support indispensable to defence research. The most recent example of this activity is the UK government's promise to share with British Aerospace the cost of funding the development of a technology demonstrator for the next generation of fighter aircraft. Named Tempest, this fighter can operate either as a manned or as an unmanned aircraft; it will rely on AI and employ directed energy weapons. 59 A grander example of the status quo scenario is the American-led ‘Third Offset’ strategy, a programme designed to preserve America's military-technological superiority. At the core of the Third Offset is the intention to exploit advances in machine autonomy, AI, quantum computing and enhanced digital communications to improve the man–machine interface in the future battlespace. 60 The United States is investing US$18 billion in the creation of these capabilities, even though it is not clear how feasible the development of technologies such as AI will be. 61

It is important to note that non-western states are also pursuing these policies. The outstanding example here is China. Its economic model, which is based on state-sponsored capitalism, is enabling it to work in a close partnership with privately owned Chinese tech firms to achieve a broad-based technological self-sufficiency in both commerce and defence. 62 Investment in research and development has grown by 20 per cent per year since 1999 to the point where China now spends US$233 billion per annum, a sum that accounts for 20 per cent of the world's research and development spending. 63 Three technologies, it is claimed, matter most to China, and all three relate to its ability to control the internet. These are semiconductors, quantum computing and AI. 64 In 2017, China accounted for 48 per cent of all AI venture funding, and the Beijing government aims to be the centre of global innovation in AI by 2030. 65

In this scenario, then, the state can harvest and refine a range of new technologies generated by the private rather than the public sector in a manner that preserves its monopoly on the use of force. At the same time, that monopoly is reinforced because of the complexity of these capabilities and the challenges posed in their use on operations, which require well-trained and professional forces. Private military companies will persist, but their existence will rely on their ability to draw on this pool of trained personnel created by the state to populate their organizations, which means they will support, not challenge, the state's role as a provider of security.

In the second scenario of the future, the policy logic of war reflects a darker, dystopian image of the relationship between war and the state. In this setting, conflict is a product of desperation caused by scarcity, which is occurring on a global scale. Most importantly, the causes of war lie within states as well as between them. In this multifaceted crisis, technological change is weakening rather than strengthening the state and undermining its ability to cope with the tsunami of problems sweeping over it. The debate over this view of the future policy logic of war began in 1972 with the publication of a hugely controversial book called The limits to growth . 66 This study explored the impact of population growth, industrialization, pollution, and resource and agricultural shortages on the global economic system. Its principal conclusion was that population growth would create an insatiable demand for goods, outstripping the finite resource base of the planet. Humanity's efforts to address this imbalance in demand and supply by increasing productivity would be self-defeating and cause a host of environmental problems. In spite of the passage of time since its first appearance, this book set out themes that are explicitly linked to the spectrum of security issues we face today. 67 Moreover, a recent study conducted by Melbourne University in 2014 claimed that the world might still be moving along the trajectory mapped out in 1972, and that economic and environmental collapse could happen before 2070. 68

There is a general assumption that the worst effects of these environmental trends will be for the most part experienced outside the western world. Even when western states are affected, it is assumed, rich countries will possess the financial means to weather this future storm. However, a recent report by Laybourn-Langton and colleagues challenges this simplistic assumption and points to the social and economic harm being caused globally by current forms of human-induced environmental change. These authors also demonstrate that no region of the world will be untouched by this phenomenon, and use the UK as a case-study to illustrate the point. In their view, the degradation of the environment will interact with existing political and economic trends to undermine the cohesion and internal stability of states across the globe. 69 Interestingly, the report's analysis of the challenges facing governments has not been contested, although their proposed solutions in terms of radical economic reform have been strongly challenged by economists. 70

Current trends suggest that a potential environmental crisis might run in parallel with a possible economic crisis. Ironically, the source of this predicament lies in potential problems generated by the fourth Industrial Revolution. Like the military, business is also fast approaching a time when machine intelligence can perform many of the functions hitherto carried out by humans in a range of occupations. As McAfee and Brynjolfson explain, innovation was hugely advantageous in those occupations which relied on physical labour, allowing new forms of economic activity and employment based on human cognitive abilities to develop. 71 However, this cognitive comparative advantage is now under threat, as computer algorithms have reached a point where they can outperform humans in many jobs. 72

As in the military domain, so in our economic and political affairs it is predicted that AI will precipitate a revolution. A PriceWaterhouseCooper report predicted that 38 per cent of all jobs in the United States are at high risk of automation by the early 2030s. 73 Most of these are routine occupations such as those of forklift drivers, factory workers and cashiers in retail and other service industries. This depressing analysis is supported by the Bank of England's estimate that up to 15 million jobs are at risk in the UK from increasingly sophisticated robots, and that their loss will serve to widen the gap between rich and poor. 74 Most worrying is the fact that, in the short term, the jobs most at risk are low-paid and low-skilled occupations, which are precisely the jobs the UK and US economies have been so successful in generating to create record levels of employment since the financial crash in 2008.

As in the past, those most affected by this change will be the economically least powerful sectors of society—the old, and unskilled and unorganized labour. Until now, the managerial and professional classes have been able to use their economic and political positions to protect themselves from the worst effects of such crises. 75 The big difference about this revolution is that AI is threatening traditional professional middle-class occupations. Any job that can be done via the application of pattern-searching algorithms will be vulnerable. This includes banking and finance, the law and even education. Daniela Russ has argued that humans need the personal touch in their day-to-day lives and that humans are therefore guaranteed to have a place in the job market. 76 Sadly, Harari challenges even this view, and claims machines can mimic empathy by monitoring blood pressure and other physical indicators in interactions between AI and humans. 77 A recent report by the Wall Street Journal supports this view. In their investigation of the use of AI in the provision of psychological therapy, they found people preferred the treatment offered by the AI precisely because it was a machine and so they did not feel judged. The system can also be configured to fit people's preferences, creating a 3D computer-generated image that is comforting and reassuring. 78

A significant limitation of AI and machine technology is that currently they cannot replicate the dexterity of humans in handling delicate objects, and this does leave a role for humans in the workplace. However, scientists in California are looking at the use of AI and machine technology as a way of addressing the acute labour shortages experienced in the fruit-picking industry; this includes the development of machines capable of deciding which fruit is ripe for picking, and doing so in a way that does not damage the produce during picking, processing or distribution. Given these developments, Harari's prediction for humans in the workplace is bleak. ‘In the twenty-first century we might witness the creation of a massive new unworking class: people devoid of any economic, political or even artistic value, who contribute nothing to the prosperity, power and glory of society.’ 79 The mass unemployment generated would be on an unprecedented scale and likely to precipitate instability and violence. 80

Further evidence to support the depressing scenario depicted here is provided by the former head of Google China, Dr Kai-Fu Lee, a man with decades of experience in the world of AI. In his view, AI ‘will wipe out billions of jobs up and down the economic ladder’. 81 A typical counter to this view is that AI will lead to the creation of new jobs and new careers; but, as Tegmark explains, the evidence does not support this claim. If we look back over the last century, what is clear is that ‘the vast majority of today's occupations predate the computer revolution. Most importantly, the new jobs created by computers did not generate a massive number of jobs.’ 82

What then are the political and security implications of this profound economic change in terms of war and the state? Although depressing, the scenario depicted above does not mean we are condemned to what Martin Wolf describes as a kind of ‘technological feudalism’. 83 As Gurr points out, past economic crises have provided political incentives for social reforms: for example, the New Deal in the United States, which represented a revolutionary change in how central government sought to manage the economy. 84

According to Wolf, three factors might determine how well the state deals with these challenges: first, the speed and severity of the transformation we are about to experience; second, whether the problem is temporary or likely to endure; and third, whether the resources are available to the state to mitigate the worst effects of these changes. In the past, western governments have deployed a range of policies to deal with recessions or, as in the 1970s, scarcity of resources such as oil. However, these macroeconomic policy responses operated on the assumption that such crises were temporary, and that economic growth would resume and normality be restored quickly if the right measures were in place. In contrast, the environmental crisis and the AI revolution are happening rapidly and both will be enduring features of economic and political life. In Wolf's view, this latest revolution will require a radical change in our attitude towards work and leisure, with the emphasis on the latter. He also believes we will need to redistribute wealth on a large scale. In the absence of work, the government might resort to providing a basic income for every adult, together with funds for education and training. The revenue to fund such a scheme could come from tax increases on pollution and other socially negative behaviours. In addition, intellectual property, which will become an important source of wealth, could also be taxed. 85

However, the introduction of these measures will not necessarily prevent a rise in politically motivated violence. As Gurr explains, recourse to political violence is caused primarily not by poverty but by relative deprivation. This is defined as ‘actors’ perception of discrepancy between their value expectations and their environment's apparent value capabilities'. 86 As such, it reflects the difference between what people believe they are legitimately entitled to and what they achieve, perceptions of which have become acute in the age of the smartphone. Relative deprivation applies to both the individual and the group. Seen in this light, the bright, shiny new world created by AI provides a potentially rich environment for relative deprivation—particularly if large swathes of the middle classes are frustrated in their ambitions and suffer a loss of status as a socio-economic group. 87 More worrying is that this technological and economic revolution will coincide with the global deterioration of the environment set out above, which also challenges the state.

Within this scenario, states in the western world will struggle just as much as states in the developing world. If the legitimacy of the state is measured in terms of its capacity to effectively administer a territory under its control, then the political context set out here poses a significant threat to this institution. The extraction of resources through taxation will prove extremely difficult as the tax base shrinks. This will affect the ability of the state to provide the public goods the population expects and requires. A weaker state, which lacks the resources and capacity to sustain the population, will also lack legitimacy; this could cause the social contract to break down and result in widespread violence. What, then, will the future grammar of war look like in this political and social context?

In this version of the future, the most fundamental aspect of the technology–war interaction will be the challenge to the state's retention of the monopoly of violence. Projections about the end of the state's monopoly on the use of force have been made before, but the current trajectory of technological change is making this threat more plausible, and bringing it closer. 88 This speculative line of enquiry was given substance in 1999 by two colonels in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Qiao Lang and Wang Xiangsui. Their study was conceived mainly within the context of a future war between the United States and China, and so their thinking was developed within the setting of a state-based conflict. However, their central thesis is relevant here because they believed the world was living in an unprecedented age in terms of the speed and breadth of technological innovation. There are, they argued, so many essential technologies emerging that it is difficult to predict how these will combine, or what the effect of these combinations might be in military and political terms. Developments in biotechnology, materials technology, nanotechnology and, of course, the information revolution are creating new opportunities and ways of attacking other states. 89 An important observation made in Unrestricted warfare is that new technologies, which could be used as weapons, are increasingly part of our normal day-to-day lives. 90 In sum, the colonels identified a range of non-military means that are technically outside the state's control and that might allow a weaker actor to fight and defeat their more powerful adversary. The 20 years that have passed since first publication of Unrestricted warfare have demonstrated the prescience of the authors in respect of what are deemed to be new types of conflict today. For example, what they called ‘superterrorism war’ seemed to come to fruition on 9/11. We can see how state and non-state actors have exploited emerging everyday technologies that challenge powerful nation-states. Of great importance is the way in which groups such as ISIS and revisionist powers such as Russia have weaponized social media in their efforts to weaken those who oppose them. ISIS, indeed, claimed that media weapons could be more potent than atomic bombs. 91

It is believed that Russia is increasingly relying on non-military means to challenge the West. Not surprisingly, evidence is mounting that it influenced the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election. 92 This form of activity is now a persistent feature of the conflict spectrum and is practised by a variety of states. 93 In August 2018, Facebook closed 652 fake accounts and pages with ties to Russian and Iranian state-based organizations. In both cases, the objective appears to have been to influence domestic politics in the UK, the US, the Middle East and Latin America. Four campaigns were identified, three of which originated in Iran. 94 With over 2 billion accounts to police on Facebook, it is feared this practice will persist.

It is not only because of the blurring of the distinction between military and civilian that more technology is becoming more accessible. Moises Naim points to the falling cost of many technologies used in both defence and the civilian sector, which is making them accessible to weak states and violent non-state actors. 95 An excellent example of this trend can be seen in the domain of synthetic biology, a new field that combines the power of computing and biology to ‘design and engineer new biological parts, devices and systems and redesign existing ones for other purposes’. 96 In 2003, the Human Genome Project completed the first full sequencing of human DNA. The successful completion of this project took ten years and was the result of work done in over 160 laboratories, involving several thousand scientists and costing several billion dollars. It is now possible to buy a DNA sequencing device for several thousand dollars and sequence a person's genome in less than twenty-four hours. So steeply, in fact, have sequencing costs fallen that the industry is no longer profitable in the developed world and is now primarily conducted within China. By way of example of the potential threat posed by this new science, in 2005 scientists, worried about the possibility of another flu pandemic, recreated the Spanish flu virus which during and after 1918 killed 50 million people in two years. In 2011, scientists employed these techniques to manipulate the H5N1 bird flu virus and create a variation which could be spread from the avian to the human species. It is feared the technical bar to entry into this domain is now sufficiently low that it can be exploited for nefarious purposes by individuals or groups. 97 Precisely the same fears have been expressed about the cyber domain. According to one Israeli general, ‘cyber power gives the little guys the kind of ability that used to be confined to superpowers’. 98 In the future, we might even be able to make weapons via 3D printers. In theory, it is possible to build a handgun or even an assault rifle with this technology.

However, before concluding that the state is about to wither away, we need to remember that these technologies are still maturing. Therefore, whether or not advances in the cyber domain will undermine or reinforce the power of the state remains a contested point. As Betz points out, launching a successful attack against another state via this medium can be very costly. The Stuxnet computer virus, which was used to attack Iran's nuclear programme, was a very sophisticated piece of software developed by a dedicated team of specialists over a long period. The successful insertion of this virus also required high-grade intelligence on the Iranian nuclear programme. Consequently, the success of a cyber attack depends on a combination of capabilities, not just the development of a virus, and at the moment this puts the state at a considerable advantage. 99 A similar point can be made in the case of 3D printing: you need to do more than just download the code to print the weapon. You also need access to complicated and expensive computer-aided design software and a high-quality metal 3D printer capable of using steel, aluminium or nickel. Such a machine costs over US$100,000, which is nearly 60 times the price of a standard 3D printer which uses plastic. The latter has been used to print plastic guns, but these proved unreliable and likely to explode in the user's hand. 100

Finally, technology will also allow the state to attempt to counter internal threats to its authority. Stephen Graham notes that a significant trend in the war on terror has been the blurring between civilian and military applications of technologies dealing with control, surveillance, communications, simulation and targeting. The capability to exercise control via technologies which are intended to provide a service, such as parking and congestion charging, has increased dramatically the opportunities to conduct electronic surveillance for a host of other purposes. 101

‘War made the state, and the state made war’ is a maxim that has shaped our historical understanding of this relationship. In the West, the general absence of major war since 1945 changed the war–state relationship, and there is now a consensus that each is significantly less important to the other. My aim in this article has been to provide a more nuanced understanding of the war–state relationship that emerged after 1945.

The existence of nuclear arsenals made total or modern war obsolete. Within this strategic setting a new form of war emerged. Post-modern war did not require the state to mobilize its entire population and economy to fight a life-or-death struggle against other states, largely because its principal focus was on devising ways to use military power to deter war or devising new means to attack the enemy's moral rather than its physical power. As a result, the logic of war transcended simple notions of battle and victory. War between the Great Powers and their allies tended to be confined to the grey zone between peace and open violence. However, the drive for technological innovation, caused by the peculiarities of the Cold War, ensured that war and the state remained strongly connected, as only the state had the capacity to stimulate research and development on the scale required to ensure the efficacy of strategic deterrence.

The drift towards more capital-intensive modes of warfare continued in the post-Cold War era. Technology gave western governments the internal independence to prosecute wars because they demanded little sacrifice from society. In a period characterized by a plethora of politically unpopular ‘wars of choice’, this allowed states to employ force in pursuit of even vague, value-based objectives. Most importantly, these new means of war enabled nuclear-armed states to continue fighting each other in the space between war and peace using both military and non-military means. We have seen evidence of this in Ukraine and in the South China Sea.

This corporatist alliance between the state and private industry had impacts on politics, the economy and society, but in ways that did not conform with recognized patterns of behaviour associated with modern war. This is possibly why the war–state relationship since 1945 is viewed in terms of decline. However, the persistent debate about the existence of the MIC, admittedly a crude construct, is evidence of the survival of the war–state relationship and of its wider impact. The clearest evidence of this can be seen in the role played by military research in causing and accelerating scientific invention, which has been instrumental in bringing about dramatic economic, political and social change in contemporary western society. Most important of all are the non-military means created by military research which are now being exploited by both state and non-state actors. As Graham explains, western scientific research has gone through a cycle from defence to the commercial world and back again:

Hence, technologies with military origins—refracted through the vast worlds of civilian research, development and application that help constitute high tech economies, societies and cultures—are now being reappropriated as the bases for new architectures of militarized control, tracking, surveillance, targeting and killing. 102

Looking to the future, the likelihood is that war will continue to have a significant impact on the state. Commentators today note with concern the ways in which technology is undermining the state's monopoly on the use of force as the technical and fiscal barriers to weapons production fall. However, capability should not be equated with intent, and people rarely decide to initiate violence without cause. For this reason, it is important to reflect on the political context, which will provide the policy logic for war in the future. The most important potential effect of projected technological change is transformation of the means of production, which could trigger huge economic and political turmoil in the West. If the fourth Industrial Revolution proves to be as disruptive as is predicted, this will lead to increased instability and possibly violence. These developments will weaken the state and damage its legitimacy as it struggles to fulfil the needs of its population. Western states may be able to deal with this transformation; but if it coincides with the predicted deterioration in the global environment, the institution of the state will struggle to bear the combined weight of the demands imposed on it. Under these circumstances, civil conflict might result. The irony here is that the technological preparation for war after 1945 sowed the seeds of the state's demise, playing an important role in creating the conditions that might cause a future existential crisis of the western state. Not only has that technological advance created the conditions for war, especially civil war, it has compounded this threat by democratizing the means of violence and empowering non-state actors. In the future, then, the war–state relationship could take an unexpected turn; and war might actually precipitate the unmaking of the state.

See Martin van Creveld, The rise and decline of the state (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 336–414; Michael Mann, The sources of social power , vol. 4: Globalizations, 1945–2011 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), p. 432; Philip Bobbit, The shield of Achilles (London: Penguin, 2002), pp. 214–19; Charles Tilly, ‘Warmaking and state making as organized crime’, in Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschmeyer and Theda Skocpol, eds, Bringing the state back in: strategies of analysis in current research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. 169–86.

Lawrence Freedman, ‘The rise and fall of Great Power wars’, International Affairs 95: 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 101–18.

See Martin van Creveld, Technology and war from 2000 Bc to the present (New York: Free Press, 1989); Andrew F. Krepinevich, ‘Cavalry to the computer: the pattern of military revolutions’, The National Interest , no. 37, Fall 1994, pp. 31–43.

See Michael Howard, War in European history (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977); Hans Delbruck, The history of the art of war , vols 1–4 (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1990).

William McNeill, The pursuit of power: technology, armed force, and society (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1982); Maurice Pearton, The knowledgeable state: diplomacy, war and technology since 1830 (London: Burnett, 1982).

Mariana Mazzucato, The entrepreneurial state: debunking the public versus private sector (London: Penguin Random House, 2013), pp. 92–119.

See Christopher Coker, Rebooting Clausewitz on war in the 21st century (London: Hurst, 2017); Martin van Creveld, More on war (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).

See Tilly, ‘War making and state making as organized crime’, pp. 170–86.

See Macgregor Knox and Williamson Murray, eds, The dynamics of military revolution 1300–2050 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).

Samuel P. Huntington, ‘Arms races: prerequisites and results’, in Richard K. Betts, ed., Conflict after the war on terror (London: Pearson Longman, 2005), p. 361.

See Kelik Mumatz, Schumpeter innovation and growth: long cycle dynamics in post World War Two American manufacturing industries (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003); Paul Mason, Postcapitalism: a guide to our future (London: Allen Lane, 2015), p. 33.

Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, socialism and democracy (London: Allen & Unwin, 1943), p. 84.

Solly Zuckerman, Scientists and war (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1966), pp. 28–9.

William O'Neill, The pursuit of power (Oxford: Blackwell, 1983), pp. 280–87.

Guy Hartcup, The challenge of war: scientific contributions to World War Two (Newton Abbott: David Charles, 1970), p. 21.

See David Wrigley, ‘The Fabian Society and the South African War, 1899–1902’, South African Historical Journal 10: 1, 1978, pp. 65–78.

Chris Hables Gray, Postmodern war: the new politics of conflict (London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 128–49.

Hables Gray, Postmodern war , p. 22.

For studies that use the term differently, see Mark Duffield, ‘Post modern conflict: warlords, post adjustment states and private protection’, Civil Wars 1: 1, Spring 1998, pp. 65–102; Mary Kaldor, New and old wars (Cambridge: Polity, 1999).

Kalevi Holsti, Peace and war: armed conflicts and international order 1648–1989 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 270–71.

See Stephen Cimbala, Clausewitz and escalation: classical perspectives on nuclear strategy (Abingdon: Routledge, 2012).

Carl von Clausewitz, On war (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976), p. 77.

Clausewitz, On war , p. 87.

Ofer Fridman, Russian ‘hybrid warfare’: resurgence and politicisation (London: Hurst, 2018), p. 91.

For more on the rituals of violence in war, see Christopher Cramer, Civil war is not a stupid thing: accounting for violence in developing countries (London: Hurst, 2006), pp. 1–20.

Barry Buzan, Military technology and international relations (London: Macmillan, 1987), p. 216.

See J. Lyall and I. Wilson, ‘Rage of the machines; explaining outcomes in counterinsurgency wars’, International Organisation 63: 1, Winter 2010/11, pp. 67–106.

Warren A. Chin, British weapons acquisition policy and the futility of reform (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 43–69.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, ‘Farewell radio and television address to the American people’, 17 Jan. 1961, https://eisenhower.archives.gov/all_about_ike/speeches/farewell_address.pdf .

Harold Laswell, Essays on the garrison state , ed. Jay Stanley (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1997), pp. 77–116.

See Samuel Huntington, The soldier and the state (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985).

See Mary Kaldor, The baroque arsenal (London: Deutsch, 1982).

Stephen Graham, Cities under siege: the new military urbanism (London: Verso, 2010), Kindle edn, loc. 2069, chapter 3: ‘The new military urbanism’, section: ‘Tracking citizen–consumer–soldier’.

Vincent P. Luchsinger and John Van Blois, ‘Spin-offs from military technology: past and future’, Journal of Technology Management 4: 1, 1989, pp. 21–9.

See P. W. Singer, Corporate warriors: the rise of the privatised military industry (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003), p. 38.

Lawrence Freedman, ‘The changing forms of military conflict’, Survival 40: 4, Winter 1998–9, pp. 39–56.

See Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler, War and anti war: survival at the dawn of the 21st century (London: Little, Brown, 1993).

D. L. I. Kirkpatrick, ‘The rising unit cost of defence equipment: the reasons and the results’, Defence and Peace Economics 6: 4, 1995, pp. 263–88.

Martin Shaw, The new western way of war (Cambridge: Polity, 2004), pp. 29–41.

Bobbit, The shield of Achilles , pp. 301–303.

David Keen, Endless war: hidden functions of the war on terror (London: Pluto, 2006), pp. 51–83.

Paul Rogers, Irregular warfare: ISIS and the new threat from the margins (London: Tauris, 2016), Kindle edn, loc. 2391–6, chapter 6: ‘Irregular war’.

See Grégoire Chamayou, Drone theory (London: Penguin, 2015).

See Robert Kaplan, The revenge of geography: what the map tells us about coming conflicts (New York: Random House, 2012).

Christopher Coker, The future of war (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004).

Lawrence Freedman, The future of war: a history (London: Allen Lane, 2017), p. xviii; Damien van Puyvelde, Stephen Coulthardt and M. Shahmir Hossain, ‘Beyond the buzzword: big data and national security decision-making’, International Affairs 93: 6, Nov. 2017, pp. 1397–416.

Elliot Cohen, ‘Change and transformation in military affairs’, Journal of Strategic Studies 27: 3, 2004, p. 396.

Mann, Globalizations, 1945–2011 , p. 432.

UK Ministry of Defence, Global strategic trends—out to 2045 (London: The Stationery Office, 2014).

Colin Gray, Another bloody century (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005), 39.

Paul K. Davis, Lessons from RAND's work on planning under uncertainty for national security (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2012), p. 5.

Klaus Schwab, The fourth Industrial Revolution (London: Penguin Random House, 2017), p. 7.

Max Tegmark, Life 3.0: being human in the age of artificial intelligence (London: Penguin Random House, 2017), Kindle edn, p. 37.

John Thornhill, ‘AI: the new frontier’, ‘Big picture podcast’, Financial Times , 4 July 2018, https:podcasts.apple.com>podcast>ft .

Schwab, Fourth Industrial Revolution , p. 8.

See John Mearsheimer, The tragedy of Great Power politics (London: Norton, 2001).

Robert Latiff, Future war: preparing for the new global battlefield (New York: Knopf, 2017).

Rob Davies, ‘UK unveils new Tempest fighter to replace Typhoon’, Guardian , 16 July 2018.

Bob Work, Deputy Secretary of Defense, ‘Third Offset strategy bolsters America's military deterrence’, US Dept of Defense, 31 Oct. 2016, https://www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/991434/deputy-secretary-third-offset-strategy-bolsters-americas-military-deterrence/ . (Unless otherwise noted at point of citation, all URLs cited in this article were accessible on 20 May 2019.)

Franz-Stefan Gady, ‘New US defence budget: £18 billion for Third Offset’, The Diplomat , 10 Feb. 2016, https://thediplomat.com/2016/02/new-us-defense-budget-18-billion-for-third-offset-strategy/ .

Kai-Fu Lee, AI super-powers: China, Silicon Valley, and the new world order (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018), p. 19. See also Evan Feigenbaum, China's techno warriors (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003).

Adam Segal, ‘When China rules the Web’, Foreign Affairs 97: 5, Sept.–Oct. 2018, p. 12.

Segal, ‘When China rules the Web’.

Kai-Fu Lee, AI super-powers , p. 4.

Donella Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, J⊘rgen Randers and William W. Behrens III, The limits to growth: a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind (New York: Potomac Associates–Universe Books, 1972).

See David Kilcullen, Out of the mountains: the coming age of the urban guerrilla (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

Graham Turner, Is global collapse imminent? , research paper no. 4 (Melbourne: University of Melbourne, Sustainable Society Institute, Aug. 2014).

Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Lesley Rankin and Darren Baxter, This is a crisis: facing up to the age of environmental breakdown (London: Institute for Public Policy Research, Feb. 2019), p. 5.

Matthew Green, ‘New economics—the way to save the planet?’, Reuters, 8 May 2019, https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-climatechange-extinction/new-economics-the-way-to-save-the-planet-idUKKCN1SE2CU .

See Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfson, The second machine age: work, progress in times of brilliant technologies (New York: Norton, 2014).

Yuval Noah Harari, Homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow (London: Vintage, 2017), p. 363.

PWC report, Will robots really steal our jobs? How will automation impact on jobs , https://www.pwc.co.uk/economic-services/assets/international-impact-of-automation-feb-2018.pdf .

Larry Elliot, ‘Robots threaten 15m jobs, says Bank of England chief economist’, Guardian , 12 Nov. 2015.

Ted Robert Gurr, Political rebellion: causes, outcomes and alternatives (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015), p. 58.

Daniela Russ, ‘The robots are coming’, Foreign Affairs 94: 3, June–July 2015, pp. 2–6.

Harari, Homo deus , p. 370.

‘The future of everything: how AI is augmenting therapy’, podcast, Wall Street Journal , https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/wsj-the-future-of-everything/how-ai-is-augmenting-therapy/810a7099-0cc3-4e03-8148-dd87c3673152 .

Harari, Homo deus , p. 379.

Kevin Drum, ‘Tech world welcome to the digital revolution’, Foreign Affairs 97: 4, July–Aug. 2018, p. 47.

Kai-Fu Lee, AI super-powers , p. 19.

Tegmark, Life 3.0 , p. 103.

Martin Wolf, ‘Same as it ever was’, Foreign Affairs 94: 4, 2015, p. 18.

Gurr, Political rebellion , p. 59.

Wolf, ‘Same as it ever was’, p. 22.

Gurr, Political rebellion , p. 15.

Gurr, Political rebellion , p. 16.

See Martin van Creveld, The transformation of war (New York: Free Press, 1991).

Qiao Lang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted warfare (Marina Del Rey, CA: Shadow Lawn Press, 2017; first publ. 1999), Kindle edn, p. 5

Qiao Lang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted warfare , p. 48.

P. W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking, Like war: the weaponization of social media (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018), pp. 151–4.

Karen Kornbluh, ‘The internet's lost promise and how America can restore it’, Foreign Affairs 97: 5, Sept.–Oct. 2018, p. 33; Mikael Wigell, ‘Hybrid interference as a wedge strategy: a theory of external interference’, International Affairs 95: 2, March 2019, pp. 255–76; Yevgeniy Golovchenko, Mareike Martmann and Rebecca Adler-Nissen, ‘State, media and civil society in the information warfare over Ukraine’, International Affairs 94: 5, Sept. 2018, pp. 975–94.

Rory Cormac and Richard J. Aldrich, ‘Grey is the new black: covert action and implausible deniability’, International Affairs 94: 3, May 2018, pp. 477–94.

Oliver Solon, ‘Facebook removes 652 fake accounts and pages meant to influence world politics’, Guardian , 22 Aug. 2018.

Moises Naim, The end of power (New York: Basic Books, 2013), Kindle edn, loc. 2579.

Ronald K. Noble, ‘Keeping science in the right hands’, Foreign Affairs 92: 6, Nov.–Dec. 2013, p. 47.

Laurie Garrett, ‘Biology's brave new world: the promise and perils of the syn bio revolution’, Foreign Affairs 92: 6, Nov.–Dec. 2013, pp. 28–46.

Cited in Naim, The end of power , loc. 2571.

David Betz, ‘Cyberpower in strategic affairs’, Journal of Strategic Studies 35: 5, 2012, p. 695.

Dan Tynan, ‘“I wouldn't waste my time”: firearms experts dismiss flimsy 3D-printed guns’, Guardian , 1 Aug. 2018.

Graham, Cities under siege , loc. 2011, chapter 3: ‘The military urbanism’, section: ‘Tracking: citizen–consumer–soldier’.

Graham, Cities under siege , loc. 2099, chapter 3: ‘The military urbanism’, section: ‘Tracking: citizen–consumer–soldier’.

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20 Most Prominent Technology Essay Topics And Writing Hints

Benjamin Oaks

Table of Contents

write an essay on the topic war and technology

So it goes without saying that the scope of technology is an endless sphere to examine. What’s more, as the topic is super wide, you can personalize your essay to make it enjoyable to work on.

Nevertheless, it may be a challenge for you to make up your mind on how and what to write about. In this case, I hope the following hints will be of great help to you!

How to choose a topic about technology for a research paper?

First of all, to write a technology essay , you need to come up with a topic that will not be too wide, yet not too narrow.

Also, remember that it will be much more entertaining and easier for you to work on the questions you actually enjoy.

If you have troubles composing the topic for your research paper, try some o the following guidelines:

  • Think of the aspects of technology you’re interested in.
  • Choose issues that are up-to-date and newsworthy .
  • Examine credible sources ; find out which questions are best covered with relevant information.
  • Write down some keywords for the remaining questions, – they will be the basis of the topic. In case you’ve got too many aspects to cover, try choosing 2-3 of them.
  • Try crafting a couple of topics . In case of emergency… find some ready-to-use ideas.
  • Look through your final ideas and pick the one you like most.
  • Do some preliminary research . Correct your topic if needed.

TOP 20 technology essay topics

Can’t come up with the idea for your perfect topic? How about choosing one from a brilliant list we’ve created for you?

  • To what extent technology has changed the way people communicate?
  • Pick up one technological invention (Internet/television/electro cars/mobile phones, etc.) and describe how it affected people’s lives.
  • History of technological progress: the first technological discoveries.
  • What would life be without modern technology?
  • Do technologies have more pros or cons? Why?
  • Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?
  • Examine the role of technologies in your own life: to what extent you are dependent on them, can you give up using?
  • Think of the things we are losing with technological progress.
  • Choose one gadget and describe its pros and cons.
  • What technology awareness needs to be given to children nowadays?
  • Describe a new technology you consider the most prominent. Explain your choice.
  • The role of technology in globalization.
  • Technology and work: what are the advantages and disadvantages of technology in workplaces?
  • Imagine the future of technology: what life will be like in 20 years?
  • Human vs computer: who wins?
  • Reproduction technologies.
  • Health technologies that have changed the world.
  • Technology advance in genetic engineering.
  • Correlation between technological progress and human identity.
  • How has technology changed the rules of war?

Prominent topics about technology for writing

Didn’t like any of the topics above? Well, we’ve got Well, we’ve got another custom Writing list of technology topics. The following topics are more specific, but all of them are definitely thought-provoking.

  • The use of technology in education.
  • Stunning technology developed currently.
  • The most shocking modern technology inventions the majority of people still aren’t aware of.
  • Enumerate some technologies that you consider completely destructive and harmful. Explain your choice.
  • Technology and space studies.
  • The impact of technology on people’s health and values.
  • Can robots replace humans completely on the workplaces? Why?
  • Specific country and its contribution to the development of modern technology.
  • Technology and safety of transport.
  • Nanotechnologies and the scopes of their use.
  • The use of technologies in medicine.
  • Which technologies may influence people’s mental health? How?
  • Technologies that have changed our lives.
  • Do technologies have a positive or negative effect on personal safety?
  • Does modern technology help improve the educational process?

Writing about technology: the what and the why

After you’ve chosen the topic, it’s a perfect time to start working on it.

Remember… To write a successful essay or a research paper on technology, you need to organize it all well.

This means you need a plan! Here are some hints for a perfect structure:

  • Search for relevant information . You have to rely on credible sources to have up-to-date and newsworthy data. Remember that some websites may contain fakes!
  • Note some crucial aspects of your question. Later you may use them as ideas to highlight.
  • Start writing. To make it easier to cope with a lot of information you now encounter, you’d need to craft an outline . Write down a table of contents for your essay, it will be your soil to push off.
  • Start with the introduction to give the reader some understanding of the issue. Here you include some background information on the topic, historical aspect, or some definitions if needed.
  • Write the main body . Mention all your statements and support them with decent evidence. Remember that the main body should be split into paragraphs to make it readable. As a rule, one paragraph is for one idea or statement.
  • End up with a conclusion – an inference of everything said before. It has to be laconic and logical. New ideas aren’t needed here.
  • After you’ve written the paper, you may want to check it for grammar and typos . There are lots of websites and programs for this purpose. Even better, leave it for a couple of days and give it a fresh look.

The use of a technology essay example

To reassure you that writing a technology essay isn’t the end of the world, here is a free sample of the essay. It fits all the general recommendations, but you should always keep in mind that your teacher may have own vision on how the essay should be completed!

Still, it’s always great to grab some ideas!

Overall, writing an essay on technology is an incredibly valuable experience. Moreover, the topic is so wide; you most definitely will find something interesting to talk about!

Stick to the structure and don’t hesitate to discover something very specific. Technology is getting more and more stunning every day!

No time to complete your brilliant copy? We’ve got a bunch of writers, who’d be more than happy to write it for you! Any topic, tightest deadline, complete confidentiality. Hit the button to learn more.

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TOP 65 Greatest Political Essay Topics

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write an essay on the topic war and technology

How to Write War Essay: Russia Ukraine War

write an essay on the topic war and technology

Understanding the Purpose and Scope of a War Essay

A condition of armed conflict between nations or between groups living in one nation is known as war. Sounds not like much fun, does it? Well, conflicts have been a part of human history for thousands of years, and as industry and technology have developed, they have grown more devastating. As awful as it might seem, a war typically occurs between a country or group of countries against a rival country to attain a goal through force. Civil and revolutionary wars are examples of internal conflicts that can occur inside a nation.

Your history class could ask you to write a war essay, or you might be personally interested in learning more about conflicts, in which case you might want to learn how to write an academic essay about war. In any scenario, we have gathered valuable guidance on how to organize war essays. Let's first examine the potential reasons for a conflict before moving on to the outline for a war essay.

  • Economic Gain - A country's desire to seize control of another country's resources frequently starts conflicts. Even when the proclaimed goal of a war is portrayed to the public as something more admirable, most wars have an economic motivation at their core, regardless of any other possible causes.
  • Territorial Gain - A nation may determine that it requires additional land for habitation, agriculture, or other uses. Additionally, the territory might serve as buffer zones between two violent foes.
  • Religion - Religious disputes can stem from extremely profound issues. They may go dormant for many years before suddenly resurfacing later.
  • Nationalism - In this sense, nationalism simply refers to the act of violently subjugating another country to demonstrate the country's superiority. This frequently manifests as an invasion.
  • Revenge - Warfare can frequently be motivated by the desire to punish, make up for, or simply exact revenge for perceived wrongdoing. Revenge has a connection to nationalism as well because when a nation has been wronged, its citizens are inspired by patriotism and zeal to take action.
  • Defensive War - In today's world, when military aggression is being questioned, governments will frequently claim that they are fighting in a solely protective manner against a rival or prospective aggressor and that their conflict is thus a 'just' conflict. These defensive conflicts may be especially contentious when conducted proactively, with the basic premise being that we are striking them before they strike us.

How to Write War Essay with a War Essay Outline

Just like in compare and contrast examples and any other forms of writing, an outline for a war essay assists you in organizing your research and creating a good flow. In general, you keep to the traditional three-part essay style, but you can adapt it as needed based on the length and criteria of your school. When planning your war paper, consider the following outline:

War Essay Outline


  • Definition of war
  • Importance of studying wars
  • Thesis statement

Body Paragraphs

  • Causes of the War
  • Political reasons
  • Economic reasons
  • Social reasons
  • Historical reasons
  • Major Players in the War
  • Countries and their leaders
  • Military leaders
  • Allies and enemies
  • Strategies and Tactics
  • Military tactics and techniques
  • Strategic planning
  • Weapons and technology
  • Impact of the War
  • On the countries involved
  • On civilians and non-combatants
  • On the world as a whole
  • Summary of the main points
  • Final thoughts on the war
  • Suggestions for future research

If you found this outline template helpful, you can also use our physics help for further perfecting your academic assignments.

Begin With a Relevant Hook

A hook should be the focal point of the entire essay. A good hook for an essay on war can be an interesting statement, an emotional appeal, a thoughtful question, or a surprising fact or figure. It engages your audience and leaves them hungry for more information.

Follow Your Outline

An outline is the single most important organizational tool for essay writing. It allows the writer to visualize the overall structure of the essay and focus on the flow of information. The specifics of your outline depend on the type of essay you are writing. For example, some should focus on statistics and pure numbers, while others should dedicate more space to abstract arguments.

How to Discuss Tragedy, Loss, and Sentiment

War essays are particularly difficult to write because of the terrible nature of war. The life is destroyed, the loved ones lost, fighting, death, great many massacres and violence overwhelm, and hatred for the evil enemy, amongst other tragedies, make emotions run hot, which is why sensitivity is so important. Depending on the essay's purpose, there are different ways to deal with tragedy and sentiment.

The easiest one is to stick with objective data rather than deal with the personal experiences of those who may have been affected by these events. It can be hard to remain impartial, especially when writing about recent deaths and destruction. But it is your duty as a researcher to do so.

However, it’s not always possible to avoid these issues entirely. When you are forced to tackle them head-on, you should always be considerate and avoid passing swift and sweeping judgment.

Summing Up Your Writing

When you have finished presenting your case, you should finish it off with some sort of lesson it teaches us. Armed conflict is a major part of human nature yet. By analyzing the events that transpired, you should be able to make a compelling argument about the scale of the damage the war caused, as well as how to prevent it in the future.

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Popular War Essay Topics

When choosing a topic for an essay about war, it is best to begin with the most well-known conflicts because they are thoroughly recorded. These can include the Cold War or World War II. You might also choose current wars, such as the Syrian Civil War or the Russia and Ukraine war. Because they occur in the backdrop of your time and place, such occurrences may be simpler to grasp and research.

To help you decide which war to write about, we have compiled some facts about several conflicts that will help you get off to a strong start.

Reasons for a War

Russia Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin started the Russian invasion in the early hours of February 24 last year. According to him. the Ukrainian government had been committing genocide against Russian-speaking residents in the eastern Ukraine - Donbas region since 2014, calling the onslaught a 'special military operation.'

The Russian president further connected the assault to the NATO transatlantic military alliance commanded by the United States. He said the Russian military was determined to stop NATO from moving farther east and establishing a military presence in Ukraine, a part of the Soviet Union, until its fall in 1991.

All of Russia's justifications have been rejected by Ukraine and its ally Western Countries. Russia asserted its measures were defensive, while Ukraine declared an emergency and enacted martial law. According to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the administration's objective is not only to repel offensives but also to reclaim all Ukrainian land that the Russian Federation has taken, including Crimea.

Both sides of the conflict accuse the other of deploying indiscriminate force, which has resulted in many civilian deaths and displacements. According to current Ukraine news, due to the difficulty of counting the deceased due to ongoing combat, the death toll is likely far higher. In addition, countless Ukrainian refugees were compelled to leave their homeland in search of safety and stability abroad.

Diplomatic talks have been employed to try to end the Ukraine-Russia war. Several rounds of conversations have taken place in various places. However, the conflict is still raging as of April 2023, and there is no sign of a truce.

World War II

World War II raged from 1939 until 1945. Most of the world's superpowers took part in the conflict, fought between two military alliances headed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, and the Axis Powers, led by Germany, Italy, and Japan.

If you'd like to explore it more in-depth, consider using our history essay service for a World War 2 essay pdf sample!

After World War II, a persistent political conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies became known as the Cold War. It's hard to say who was to blame for the cold war essay. American citizens have long harbored concerns about Soviet communism and expressed alarm over Joseph Stalin's brutal control of his own nation. On their side, the Soviets were angry at the Americans for delaying their participation in World War II, which led to the deaths of tens of millions of Russians, and for America's long-standing unwillingness to recognize the USSR as a genuine member of the world community.

Vietnam War

If you're thinking about writing the Vietnam War essay, you should know that it was a protracted military battle that lasted in Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. The North Vietnamese communist government fought South Vietnam and its main ally, the United States, in the lengthy, expensive, and contentious Vietnam War. The ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union exacerbated the issue. The Vietnam War claimed the lives of more than 3 million individuals, more than half of whom were Vietnamese civilians.

American Civil War

Consider writing an American Civil War essay where the Confederate States of America, a grouping of eleven southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861, and the United States of America battled each other. If you're wondering what caused the civil war, you should know that the long-standing dispute about the legitimacy of slavery is largely responsible for how the war started.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

After over a century, the Israel-Palestine conflict has evolved into one of the most significant and current problems in the Middle East. A war that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people destroyed their homes and gave rise to terrorist organizations that still hold the region hostage. Simply described, it is a conflict between two groups of people for ownership of the same piece of land. One already resided there, while the other was compelled to immigrate to this country owing to rising antisemitism and later settled there. For Israelis and Palestinians alike, as well as for the larger area, the war continues to have substantial political, social, and economic repercussions.

The Syrian Civil War

Pro-democracy protests broke out in southern Deraa in March 2011 due to upheavals against oppressive leaders in neighboring nations. When the Syrian government employed lethal force to quell the unrest, widespread protests calling for the president's resignation broke out.

The country entered a civil war as the violence quickly increased. After hundreds of rebel organizations emerged, the fight quickly expanded beyond a confrontation between Syrians supporting or opposing Mr. Assad. Everyone believes a political solution is necessary, even though it doesn't seem like it will soon.

Russia-Ukraine War Essay Sample

With the Russian-Ukrainian war essay sample provided below from our paper writing experts, you can gain more insight into structuring a flawless paper.

Why is there a war between Russia and Ukraine?

Final Words

To understand our past and the present, we must study conflicts since they are a product of human nature and civilization. Our graduate essay writing service can produce any kind of essay you want, whether it is about World War II, the Cold War, or another conflict. Send us your specifications with your ' write my essay ' request, and let our skilled writers help you wow your professor!

Having Hard Time Writing on Wars?

From the causes and consequences of wars to the strategies and tactics used in battle, our team of expert writers can provide you with a high-quality essay!

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80 War Essay Topics + Tips to Develop Endless Ideas for Papers about War

80 War Essay Topics for Any Class and School

World history is a tapestry of armed conflicts from prehistoric times to modern days. So, it’s no wonder war essay topics remain in demand across a variety of classes beyond history, such as politics, economy, social and gender studies. Even hard sciences and technology majors could write about the conflict through the lens of scientific and technological advances. 

As always, the first step of working on any assignment is choosing an engaging, researchable topic. We’re here to help you deal with this pre-writing task. We’ll share dozens of A-worthy WWI, Vietnam, and Civil War argumentative essay topics and explain how to develop infinite ideas if you don’t like our ready-made titles. Our experts are also here for you if you’re ready to try our “ write my paper ” services to get a GPA boost and meet the deadlines. 

How to Develop Endless War Essay Topics

If you’ve tried looking for suitable Civil War or Vietnam War essay topics online, you probably know they all look the same. Most suggestions are too vague and generic to be useful, so you’re likely frustrated and ready to go with the easiest option. But before you give in, check out these five tips our writers use to develop an unlimited supply of topics about war that are always fresh and exciting:

  • Dramatically narrow the focus. You can choose one battle, one personality, or one type of weapon and examine any armed conflict through its prism. For example, if you’re thinking of Cold War topics for an essay, you can focus on Reagan’s era or only consider the effects of the space race on the tensions between the USSR and the US.
  • Find real-time parallels with historical events. Search for similarities and differences that tie the two historical eras together and consider the implications. For instance, when picking WWI research paper topics, consider the growing geopolitical tension of the 2020s and analyze if the Russian invasion of Ukraine can be a precursor of another global conflict.
  • Compare and contrast two or more conflicts or wars. Even if, at first glance, they don’t seem to have anything in common, you’ll likely find some similarities if you dig deep enough. The more surprising the comparison, the more attention your paper will get from your class and professors. 
  • Consider different angles and cross-discipline research. Historical events do not exist in a vacuum. To make your Civil War argumentative essay topics more exciting, consider related fields like economy, business, literature, gender studies, etc. An intersection between history and any of them would produce lots of intriguing ideas.
  • Explore alternative ideas, legends, myths, etc. If your professors don’t mind some creativity in war essay topics, you can work on speculative pieces about how the events would have changed had some events been different. You can also explore conspiracy theories and other less academic aspects of wars, but remember to get your professor’s approval first.

Try one or more of the approaches above, and you’ll never have a shortage of war topics for any assignment, whether you’re working on a five-paragraph essay or a postgraduate thesis. To speed things up, we recommend drafting three or four topics before a consult with your academic advisor. If they do not approve of your first choice, you’ll have several backups at hand. 

Generic War Topics for High School and College Essays

Before we dive into specific war topics dedicated to the most prominent armed conflicts the United States participated in, let’s go over a few ideas about warfare in general. You can adjust most of these war essay topics to work for a specific conflict, but you can also make them generic enough to suit different classes. Many of the ideas our experts developed won’t be amiss in courses on politics, business, economy, social and gender studies.

  • The impact of individual soldiers’ bravery and military commanders’ decision-making on the war outcomes
  • Weigh the positive and negative economic effects of the nation’s participation in an armed conflict
  • Consider the differences between armed conflicts of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries
  • Follow the evolution of the military paradigms with the introduction of aviation and explosives
  • Analyze the impact of weapons of mass destruction on the causes and results of local warfare
  • Explore the differences in war crimes proliferation depending on the conflict’s duration, location, and participants
  • Compare the media coverage of the conflict on opposing sides and assess the impact of military propaganda
  • Explain the long-term demographic effects of large-scale military engagements on US soil and abroad
  • Consider the effect the Internet, mass media, and social media have on modern-day warfare
  • Evaluate the overall impact of military conflict on the mental health of combatants and non-combatants
  • Explore the gradual changes in the perception of armed conflict over the decades after its resolution
  • Compare the real causes and proclaimed goals of local and global conflicts
  • Assess the roles of religion, state ideology, and propaganda in sparking military conflict
  • Consider the long-term economic and political impact of wars on the nations that begin them
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of international laws and regulations in punishing military aggression and preventing future conflicts

Civil War Argumentative Essay Topics

The Civil War is among the most common topics about war when it comes to American history, as it was a pivotal moment that resulted in groundbreaking changes for individual states and the country on a federal level. Unfortunately, most Civil War argumentative essay topics are relatively dull and unimaginative, and it’s hard to come up with an innovative idea to catch the professor’s attention. Still, our experts did their best to develop thought-provoking war topics that can set you apart from the rest of your class:

  • Explain the major source of conflict between the Union and the Confederacy
  • Consider the economic and political implications of the proslavery clauses of the US Constitution
  • Analyze the historical and religious roots of the abolitionist movement prior to the Civil War
  • Explore the relationship between the rapid territorial expansion and the causes of the Civil War
  • Discuss the motivations behind the secession of the Southern states at the beginning of the Civil War
  • Explain the impact of the attack on Fort Sumter on the Union’s and Confederation’s plans in the early days of the Civil War
  • Describe the successes and failures of the mobilization efforts during the Civil War
  • Explore the impact African American soldiers had on the outcomes of the major battles of the Civil War
  • Consider the prisoner-of-war treatment on both sides and the exchange rules operating during the Civil War
  • Analyze the effect of women disguised as men taking part in the Civil War on both sides
  • Discuss technological innovations that came out of naval warfare during the Civil War
  • Explore the impact of the Union blockade on the outcome of the Civil War
  • Consider the effectiveness of diplomacy throughout the years of the Civil War and its resolution
  • Analyze the demographic impact of the Civil War, considering the number of casualties and wounded
  • Explore the effect the Civil War had on the literature, music, and other media of the period 

WWI Research Paper Topics

Although Word War I isn’t among the most popular topics about war, it was the biggest and bloodiest conflict of the time, and its consequences led to an even more violent war mere decades later. Besides, as few students choose to write about the Great War, your paper will doubtlessly stand out in the sea of pieces on the Civil War or WWII. To help spark your inspiration, consider the list of WWI research paper topics our experts developed for your use:

  • Explain how the assassination of Franz Ferdinand drew all the major world powers into a global conflict
  • Discuss the use of chemical weapons and their effects on the battlefields of WWI
  • Analyze the reasons for the US entering the war in 1917 and its effects on the outcome of the conflict
  • Explore the relationship between World War One and the epidemic of the Spanish flu of 1918
  • Discuss the impact WWI had on the Russian Empire and the outcome of the Russian October Revolution
  • Explore the impact of communication and aircraft technology advances on the number of casualties during WWI
  • Describe the diplomacy and propaganda efforts and their evolution during WWI
  • Discuss the treatment of people opposing the war across different nations
  • Explain the economic effects of the Treaty of Versailles on different European states
  • Evaluate the public attitude towards conscription throughout the years of World War I
  • Discuss the repercussions of ethnic genocides performed by the Ottoman Empire throughout WWI
  • Analyze the geopolitical results of the Treaty of Versailles and the stability of the newly formed independent states
  • Discuss the development of national identities in the wake of World War I
  • Consider the connections between the unresolved tensions in the wake of WWI and the beginning of WWII
  • Explore the legacy of WWI and its representation in literature, film, music, and other art forms

Cold War Topics for an Essay

The Cold War is among the most confusing historical periods, considering there were lots of proxy conflicts across the globe, but none where the US and Soviet armed forces battled directly with each other on the soil of one of the superpowers. As a result, it should be easy to develop Cold War topics for an essay, but choosing the best one can be quite a challenge. Our experts hand-picked a few select topics about war that won’t bore you to tears and catch your professor’s attention. Most ideas are fresh and exciting enough to score top marks.

  • Explore the origins of the term “cold war” and its implications for the geopolitical tensions of the second half of the 20th century
  • Consider the effect of the formation of NATO on the early tension between the US and the USSR post-WWII
  • Explain the reasoning behind the construction of the Berlin War and its lasting impact on modern-day Germany
  • Assess the successes and failures of the Western block in the Korean and Vietnam Wars
  • Analyze the primary causes of the Caribbean Missile Crises of 1962 and its consequences
  • Consider the relationship between the Cold War and the Communist Revolution in China
  • Explore the risks faced by the USSR as a result of the Prague Spring and the consequences of the Warsaw Pact countries' invasion of Czechoslovakia
  • Analyze the effects of the fight between the US and the USSR for the influence in Latin America, Africa, and Asia
  • Explain the success of the detente and the resulting de-escalation of tension between the Western and Eastern Blocks
  • Consider the modern-day impact of the US efforts to support communist China as a counterweight to the USSR
  • Explain the effect the Soviet-Afgan war had on the detente and the renewed escalation of tensions between the US and the USSR
  • Analyze the effectiveness of Reagan’s policies in creating economic, political, and military pressure on the USSR
  • Explore the heightened importance of international espionage as a result of the Cold War
  • Consider the effects of the decades-long military tension on popular culture, literature, music, etc.
  • Explain the effects of the dissolution of the Soviet Union on the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe

Vietnam War Essay Topics

Our list of ideas for war essay topics would be incomplete without the longest US military engagement on foreign soil that had a significant impact on the country’s economy, politics, and society as a whole. Below, you’ll find a list of well-crafted Vietnam War essay topics you can use for a variety of classes, including History, Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, and more:

  • The impact of the Vietnam War on the overarching rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union
  • The environmental implications of the use of toxic herbicides during the Vietnam War
  • Consider the long-term effects of the Vietnam Syndrom on the foreign policy of the US in the 1980s and 1990s
  • The combined impact of the Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal on the public confidence in the American government
  • Assess the human cost for the warring nations and the US in the aftermath of the Vietnam War
  • Analyze the effect the outcome of the Vietnam War had on the US-Vietnam relationships in the 21st century
  • Describe the impact American nurses had on the result of the Vietnam War
  • Compare the war crimes committed by the armed forces of all sides of the Vietnam War and their respective punishment
  • Analyze the African American servicemen's participation in the Vietnam War
  • Examine the technological innovations pioneered in the course of the Vietnam War and their impact on combat
  • Compare and contrast the extent of the American bombing of Vietnam with WWII, the Korean War, and other conflicts
  • The lasting effects of the unexploded ordnance experienced by the Vietnamese population
  • Analyze the causes that lead to the failure to achieve the US goals during the Vietnam War
  • Assess the economic impact of the Vietnam War on the US, the UN, and the global economy
  • Examine the long-term effects of the Vietnam War draft on the US military
  • Analyze the impact the Vietnam War had on the entertainment industry through film, music, theater, etc.
  • Analyze the source of the myths surrounding the heavy drug use by American soldiers during the Vietnam War
  • The lasting effects of defoliation agents’ use on congenital disabilities and other health issues in Vietnam
  • Assess the impact of the refugee crisis in South-Eastern Asia caused by the Vietnam War
  • Explore the roots and popularity of the opposition to the US involvement in the Vietnam War 

Final Thoughts

This post is not an attempt to provide a comprehensive list of WWI research paper topics or an exhaustive guide to developing Cold War topics for an essay. Considering the complexity and lasting effects of any military engagement, the number of potential war-related research topics is unlimited. As a result, the biggest challenge you’ll likely face will be choosing among all the excellent Vietnam War essay topics we shared and the ones you can come up with on your own. 


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Technology has Improved

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How to Write an Essay About Technology: Simple Guide

Technology shapes our world in profound ways, influencing how we communicate, work, and live. The significance of technology in modern life cannot be overstated, making it a popular topic for essays.

The relentless pace of technological advancement is a defining feature of our era, with each day bringing new developments not just in general technology, but also specifically in the fields of Information Technology (IT) and programming. As these areas grow more complex and intertwined with other technological domains, it's natural for learners and enthusiasts in programming to seek assistance. This is where Papersowl steps in as an invaluable resource. Catering to a wide range of academic needs in the STEM fields, Papersowl connects learners with experts who can provide tailored support and guidance. Whether it's a challenging homework programming help, a complex data analysis task, or any other STEM-related academic inquiry, the knowledgeable professionals at Papersowl are equipped to offer the necessary help, ensuring that learners stay on track with the latest advancements and applications in these rapidly evolving fields.

This article aims to guide readers through the process of writing an engaging and insightful essay about technology, covering everything from research to structuring and citation.

Understanding the Essay Question

Before diving into writing, it's crucial to analyze the essay prompt. Understand the specific technology-related issue you're asked to explore. Is it about the impact of technology on society, a discussion on emerging tech trends, or an analysis of a specific technological invention? Identifying key terms and the scope of the essay will provide a clear direction for your research.

Research and Information Gathering

Start with reputable sources like academic journals, books, and reliable online resources. Evaluate each source's credibility and relevance to your topic. Organize your notes systematically to facilitate easy access to information during the writing process.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A clear, concise thesis statement is the backbone of your essay. It should reflect your stance or the main argument you intend to present. For instance, a thesis could be, “The rapid advancement in AI technology is reshaping the workforce, presenting both challenges and opportunities.” Refine your thesis to make it specific and argumentative.

Structuring the Essay

The introduction should outline your topic and thesis statement. In the body, each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, followed by evidence and analysis. Use real-life examples and case studies to strengthen your arguments. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain a logical flow.

Writing About Technology Ethically and Responsibly

It's vital to address the ethical implications of technology. Be balanced in your arguments, acknowledging counterpoints. Avoid bias and ensure your essay reflects a nuanced understanding of the topic.

Conclusion your essay

Summarize your main points and restate your thesis, considering the evidence presented. Discuss the broader implications of your findings and suggest areas for future research.

Editing and Revising

Proofread your essay for grammatical and spelling errors. Ensure your arguments are coherent and logically structured. Peer feedback can be invaluable in this stage.

Referencing and Citation

Cite your sources correctly using the appropriate style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). Proper citation is crucial to avoid plagiarism and to lend credibility to your essay.

Writing an essay about technology offers an opportunity to engage critically with a topic that affects all aspects of modern life. By following these guidelines, you can produce a well-researched, thoughtfully argued, and effectively written essay that reflects a deep understanding of technology and its myriad implications.

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200-500 Word Example Essays about Technology

Got an essay assignment about technology check out these examples to inspire you.

Technology is a rapidly evolving field that has completely changed the way we live, work, and interact with one another. Technology has profoundly impacted our daily lives, from how we communicate with friends and family to how we access information and complete tasks. As a result, it's no surprise that technology is a popular topic for students writing essays.

But writing a technology essay can be challenging, especially for those needing more time or help with writer's block. This is where Jenni.ai comes in. Jenni.ai is an innovative AI tool explicitly designed for students who need help writing essays. With Jenni.ai, students can quickly and easily generate essays on various topics, including technology.

This blog post aims to provide readers with various example essays on technology, all generated by Jenni.ai. These essays will be a valuable resource for students looking for inspiration or guidance as they work on their essays. By reading through these example essays, students can better understand how technology can be approached and discussed in an essay.

Moreover, by signing up for a free trial with Jenni.ai, students can take advantage of this innovative tool and receive even more support as they work on their essays. Jenni.ai is designed to help students write essays faster and more efficiently, so they can focus on what truly matters – learning and growing as a student. Whether you're a student who is struggling with writer's block or simply looking for a convenient way to generate essays on a wide range of topics, Jenni.ai is the perfect solution.

The Impact of Technology on Society and Culture


Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and has dramatically impacted how we interact, communicate, and carry out various activities. Technological advancements have brought positive and negative changes to society and culture. In this article, we will explore the impact of technology on society and culture and how it has influenced different aspects of our lives.

Positive impact on communication:

Technology has dramatically improved communication and made it easier for people to connect from anywhere in the world. Social media platforms, instant messaging, and video conferencing have brought people closer, bridging geographical distances and cultural differences. This has made it easier for people to share information, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Positive impact on education:

Students and instructors now have access to a multitude of knowledge and resources because of the effect of technology on education . Students may now study at their speed and from any location thanks to online learning platforms, educational applications, and digital textbooks.

Negative impact on critical thinking and creativity:

Technological advancements have resulted in a reduction in critical thinking and creativity. With so much information at our fingertips, individuals have become more passive in their learning, relying on the internet for solutions rather than logic and inventiveness. As a result, independent thinking and problem-solving abilities have declined.

Positive impact on entertainment:

Technology has transformed how we access and consume entertainment. People may now access a wide range of entertainment alternatives from the comfort of their own homes thanks to streaming services, gaming platforms, and online content makers. The entertainment business has entered a new age of creativity and invention as a result of this.

Negative impact on attention span:

However, the continual bombardment of information and technological stimulation has also reduced attention span and the capacity to focus. People are easily distracted and need help focusing on a single activity for a long time. This has hampered productivity and the ability to accomplish duties.

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has been one of the most significant technological developments of the past several decades. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to alter several sectors of society, including commerce, industry, healthcare, and entertainment. 

As with any new and quickly advancing technology, AI and ML ethics must be carefully studied. The usage of these technologies presents significant concerns around privacy, accountability, and command. As the use of AI and ML grows more ubiquitous, we must assess their possible influence on society and investigate the ethical issues that must be taken into account as these technologies continue to develop.

What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines designed to think and act like humans. Machine learning is a subfield of AI that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

The impact of AI and ML on Society

The use of AI and ML in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail, has brought many benefits. For example, AI-powered medical diagnosis systems can identify diseases faster and more accurately than human doctors. However, there are also concerns about job displacement and the potential for AI to perpetuate societal biases.

The Ethical Considerations of AI and ML

A. Bias in AI algorithms

One of the critical ethical concerns about AI and ML is the potential for algorithms to perpetuate existing biases. This can occur if the data used to train these algorithms reflects the preferences of the people who created it. As a result, AI systems can perpetuate these biases and discriminate against certain groups of people.

B. Responsibility for AI-generated decisions

Another ethical concern is the responsibility for decisions made by AI systems. For example, who is responsible for the damage if a self-driving car causes an accident? The manufacturer of the vehicle, the software developer, or the AI algorithm itself?

C. The potential for misuse of AI and ML

AI and ML can also be used for malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks and misinformation. The need for more regulation and oversight in developing and using these technologies makes it difficult to prevent misuse.

The developments in AI and ML have given numerous benefits to humanity, but they also present significant ethical concerns that must be addressed. We must assess the repercussions of new technologies on society, implement methods to limit the associated dangers, and guarantee that they are utilized for the greater good. As AI and ML continue to play an ever-increasing role in our daily lives, we must engage in an open and frank discussion regarding their ethics.

The Future of Work And Automation

Rapid technological breakthroughs in recent years have brought about considerable changes in our way of life and work. Concerns regarding the influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the future of work and employment have increased alongside the development of these technologies. This article will examine the possible advantages and disadvantages of automation and its influence on the labor market, employees, and the economy.

The Advantages of Automation

Automation in the workplace offers various benefits, including higher efficiency and production, fewer mistakes, and enhanced precision. Automated processes may accomplish repetitive jobs quickly and precisely, allowing employees to concentrate on more complex and creative activities. Additionally, automation may save organizations money since it removes the need to pay for labor and minimizes the danger of workplace accidents.

The Potential Disadvantages of Automation

However, automation has significant disadvantages, including job loss and income stagnation. As robots and computers replace human labor in particular industries, there is a danger that many workers may lose their jobs, resulting in higher unemployment and more significant economic disparity. Moreover, if automation is not adequately regulated and managed, it might lead to stagnant wages and a deterioration in employees' standard of life.

The Future of Work and Automation

Despite these difficulties, automation will likely influence how labor is done. As a result, firms, employees, and governments must take early measures to solve possible issues and reap the rewards of automation. This might entail funding worker retraining programs, enhancing education and skill development, and implementing regulations that support equality and justice at work.

IV. The Need for Ethical Considerations

We must consider the ethical ramifications of automation and its effects on society as technology develops. The impact on employees and their rights, possible hazards to privacy and security, and the duty of corporations and governments to ensure that automation is utilized responsibly and ethically are all factors to be taken into account.


To summarise, the future of employment and automation will most certainly be defined by a complex interaction of technological advances, economic trends, and cultural ideals. All stakeholders must work together to handle the problems and possibilities presented by automation and ensure that technology is employed to benefit society as a whole.

The Role of Technology in Education


Nearly every part of our lives has been transformed by technology, and education is no different. Today's students have greater access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources than ever before, and technology is becoming a more significant part of their educational experience. Technology is transforming how we think about education and creating new opportunities for learners of all ages, from online courses and virtual classrooms to instructional applications and augmented reality.

Technology's Benefits for Education

The capacity to tailor learning is one of technology's most significant benefits in education. Students may customize their education to meet their unique needs and interests since they can access online information and tools. 

For instance, people can enroll in online classes on topics they are interested in, get tailored feedback on their work, and engage in virtual discussions with peers and subject matter experts worldwide. As a result, pupils are better able to acquire and develop the abilities and information necessary for success.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the numerous advantages of technology in education, there are also obstacles and considerations to consider. One issue is the growing reliance on technology and the possibility that pupils would become overly dependent on it. This might result in a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as students may become passive learners who only follow instructions and rely on technology to complete their assignments.

Another obstacle is the digital divide between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This division can exacerbate the achievement gap between pupils and produce uneven educational and professional growth chances. To reduce these consequences, all students must have access to the technology and resources necessary for success.

In conclusion, technology is rapidly becoming an integral part of the classroom experience and has the potential to alter the way we learn radically. 

Technology can help students flourish and realize their full potential by giving them access to individualized instruction, tools, and opportunities. While the benefits of technology in the classroom are undeniable, it's crucial to be mindful of the risks and take precautions to guarantee that all kids have access to the tools they need to thrive.

The Influence of Technology On Personal Relationships And Communication 

Technological advancements have profoundly altered how individuals connect and exchange information. It has changed the world in many ways in only a few decades. Because of the rise of the internet and various social media sites, maintaining relationships with people from all walks of life is now simpler than ever. 

However, concerns about how these developments may affect interpersonal connections and dialogue are inevitable in an era of rapid technological growth. In this piece, we'll discuss how the prevalence of digital media has altered our interpersonal connections and the language we use to express ourselves.

Direct Effect on Direct Interaction:

The disruption of face-to-face communication is a particularly stark example of how technology has impacted human connections. The quality of interpersonal connections has suffered due to people's growing preference for digital over human communication. Technology has been demonstrated to reduce the usage of nonverbal signs such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and other indicators of emotional investment in the connection.

Positive Impact on Long-Distance Relationships:

Yet there are positives to be found as well. Long-distance relationships have also benefited from technological advancements. The development of technologies such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media has made it possible for individuals to keep in touch with distant loved ones. It has become simpler for individuals to stay in touch and feel connected despite geographical distance.

The Effects of Social Media on Personal Connections:

The widespread use of social media has had far-reaching consequences, especially on the quality of interpersonal interactions. Social media has positive and harmful effects on relationships since it allows people to keep in touch and share life's milestones.

Unfortunately, social media has made it all too easy to compare oneself to others, which may lead to emotions of jealousy and a general decline in confidence. Furthermore, social media might cause people to have inflated expectations of themselves and their relationships.

A Personal Perspective on the Intersection of Technology and Romance

Technological advancements have also altered physical touch and closeness. Virtual reality and other technologies have allowed people to feel physical contact and familiarity in a digital setting. This might be a promising breakthrough, but it has some potential downsides. 

Experts are concerned that people's growing dependence on technology for intimacy may lead to less time spent communicating face-to-face and less emphasis on physical contact, both of which are important for maintaining good relationships.

In conclusion, technological advancements have significantly affected the quality of interpersonal connections and the exchange of information. Even though technology has made it simpler to maintain personal relationships, it has chilled interpersonal interactions between people. 

Keeping tabs on how technology is changing our lives and making adjustments as necessary is essential as we move forward. Boundaries and prioritizing in-person conversation and physical touch in close relationships may help reduce the harm it causes.

The Security and Privacy Implications of Increased Technology Use and Data Collection

The fast development of technology over the past few decades has made its way into every aspect of our life. Technology has improved many facets of our life, from communication to commerce. However, significant privacy and security problems have emerged due to the broad adoption of technology. In this essay, we'll look at how the widespread use of technological solutions and the subsequent explosion in collected data affects our right to privacy and security.

Data Mining and Privacy Concerns

Risk of Cyber Attacks and Data Loss

The Widespread Use of Encryption and Other Safety Mechanisms

The Privacy and Security of the Future in a Globalized Information Age

Obtaining and Using Individual Information

The acquisition and use of private information is a significant cause for privacy alarm in the digital age. Data about their customers' online habits, interests, and personal information is a valuable commodity for many internet firms. Besides tailored advertising, this information may be used for other, less desirable things like identity theft or cyber assaults.

Moreover, many individuals need to be made aware of what data is being gathered from them or how it is being utilized because of the lack of transparency around gathering personal information. Privacy and data security have become increasingly contentious as a result.

Data breaches and other forms of cyber-attack pose a severe risk.

The risk of cyber assaults and data breaches is another big issue of worry. More people are using more devices, which means more opportunities for cybercriminals to steal private information like credit card numbers and other identifying data. This may cause monetary damages and harm one's reputation or identity.

Many high-profile data breaches have occurred in recent years, exposing the personal information of millions of individuals and raising serious concerns about the safety of this information. Companies and governments have responded to this problem by adopting new security methods like encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Many businesses now use encryption and other security measures to protect themselves from cybercriminals and data thieves. Encryption keeps sensitive information hidden by encoding it so that only those possessing the corresponding key can decipher it. This prevents private information like bank account numbers or social security numbers from falling into the wrong hands.

Firewalls, virus scanners, and two-factor authentication are all additional security precautions that may be used with encryption. While these safeguards do much to stave against cyber assaults, they are not entirely impregnable, and data breaches are still possible.

The Future of Privacy and Security in a Technologically Advanced World

There's little doubt that concerns about privacy and security will persist even as technology improves. There must be strict safeguards to secure people's private information as more and more of it is transferred and kept digitally. To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to implement novel technologies and heightened levels of protection and to revise the rules and regulations regulating the collection and storage of private information.

Individuals and businesses are understandably concerned about the security and privacy consequences of widespread technological use and data collecting. There are numerous obstacles to overcome in a society where technology plays an increasingly important role, from acquiring and using personal data to the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. Companies and governments must keep spending money on security measures and working to educate people about the significance of privacy and security if personal data is to remain safe.

In conclusion, technology has profoundly impacted virtually every aspect of our lives, including society and culture, ethics, work, education, personal relationships, and security and privacy. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has presented new ethical considerations, while automation is transforming the future of work. 

In education, technology has revolutionized the way we learn and access information. At the same time, our dependence on technology has brought new challenges in terms of personal relationships, communication, security, and privacy.

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Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay About Technology

Last updated on: Apr 8, 2024

Make Your Argumentative Essay About Technology Unbeatable: Examples and Tips

By: Barbara P.

15 min read

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 9, 2023

argumentative essay about technology

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the task of writing an argumentative essay about technology? Don't worry – you're not alone. 

Technology is a vast and rapidly evolving field, making it a challenging topic to tackle. But fear not!  With the right structure, examples, and tips, you'll be equipped to create a persuasive and captivating essay that will impress your readers.

In this blog, we're here to guide you through the process, providing you with engaging examples and essential guidelines. With our help, you'll be able to create an argument that is both persuasive and well-supported by evidence.

So read on and make sure your argumentative essay about technology is unbeatable! 

argumentative essay about technology

On this Page

How to Write an Argumentative Essay About Technology?

Now you know what argumentative essays about technology are and why they're important? 

Let's look at how to write a compelling argument. 

Pick a Title

The title of your essay should capture the attention of your reader and summarize the main points of your argument. 

Think carefully about how you want to frame your argument in order to create an effective title. It should be short and catchy, but also accurately reflect the main arguments or ideas in your essay. 

Form an Outline 

After deciding on a title for your essay, it’s important to form an outline of the key points and arguments you will make in each paragraph. This will help keep you organized during the writing process and ensure that all of your ideas are connected. 

Make sure there is good flow between each section so that readers can follow along easily. 

Here is an outline template for argumentative essay about technology:

Write an Introduction 

Your introduction is where you set up the context for your essay and explain what it is that you will be arguing throughout the rest of the text. 

Include relevant background information, as well as any interesting facts or anecdotes that could help engage readers from the beginning. 

Be sure to end with a thesis statement that clearly lays out which side you are taking in this debate and what evidence will be used to support it.

Write Body Paragraphs 

Your body paragraphs are where most of your research comes into play! 

Ensure these paragraphs contain detailed evidence from reliable sources that supports each point being made in each paragraph. 

Additionally, be sure to use transition words throughout these sections so that readers can follow along easily from one point to another.  

Write a Conclusion

Your conclusion should briefly outline the key points and evidence used throughout your paper. While reiterating why this particular topic is so important and relevant today. 

Your conclusion should leave readers with something thought-provoking! 

Perhaps something they hadn’t considered before rather than just summarizing everything they have already read in previous paragraphs.

Looking for guidance on crafting powerful arguments? Look no further than our argumentative essay guide! 

Check out this informative video to learn how to construct a persuasive argumentative essay!

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Technology

Now that you know how to write an argumentative essay about technology, let's look at some examples.

These examples will help you get a better understanding of the argumentative essay structure and what types of arguments you can make. 

Argumentative Essay About Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Let’s take a look:

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Argumentative Essay On Technology And Society

Here is a short argumentative essay on technology and society: 

Example of a Research-Based Argumentative Essay About Technology

Argumentative essay examples are a great way to gain a better understanding of how technology is affecting our lives - both positively and negatively. 

To help illustrate this argument, this essay will look at the evidence for an argumentative essay about technology.

Here are some additional examples for you to get inspired!

Argumentative Essay About Technology And Social Media

Argumentative Essay About Technology In Education

Argumentative Essay About Technology A Friend Or A Foe

Argumentative Essay About Technology Make Us Alone

Is Technology Good Or Bad Argumentative Essay

5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay About Technology

If you're searching for the determination to create a persuasive essay, our blog of argumentative essay examples is just what you need!

Good Argumentative Essay About Technology Topics

When writing argumentative essays about technology, it's important to identify a topic that is relevant and argumentative.

Argumentative Essay About Technology Topics - MyPerfectPaper.net

The following are some good argumentative essay topics related to technology: 

  • Will AI bring more benefits or risks to society?
  • Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  • How can individuals and organizations better protect themselves from cyber threats?
  • Should individuals have more control over their personal data online?
  • Will automation lead to mass unemployment or create new job opportunities?
  • Is VR technology more beneficial for entertainment or educational purposes?
  • Should governments have the authority to regulate and censor online content?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of widespread 5G implementation?
  • Is the use of biometric data for identification and security purposes ethical?
  • How can technology be effectively integrated into classrooms to enhance learning outcomes?

Want to write an essay that will grab your readers' attention? Explore our blog for more thrilling argumentative essay topics !

Summarizing it all,  argumentative essay examples about technology can help to illustrate the argument for or against its use in our lives. By exploring various argumentative essay topics related to technology, you can gain a better understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of its use. 

So, take a look at the argumentative essay topics provided above and create your argumentative essay today! 

And if you are still seeking help with your argumentative essay, contact our essay writer today!

Our argumentative essay writer has the knowledge and experience to write the best argumentative essay for you. 

So request “ write my paper ” today and we guarantee that your essay will be well-structured, argumentative, and insightful. 

So don't hesitate - to contact our argumentative essay writing service today! 

Barbara P.

Literature, Marketing

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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World War II Research Essay Topics

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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Students are often required to write a paper on a topic as broad as World War II , but you should know that the instructor will expect you to narrow your focus to a specific thesis. This is especially true if you are in high school or college. Narrow your focus by making a list of words, much like the list of words and phrases that are presented in bold type below. Then begin to explore related questions and come up with your own cool WWII topics. The answer to questions like these can become a good starting point for a thesis statement .

Culture and People

When the U.S. entered into war, everyday life across the country changed drastically. From civil rights, racism, and resistance movements to basic human needs like food, clothing, and medicine, the aspects of how life was impacted are immense.

  • African-Americans and civil rights. What impact did the war years have on the rights of African-Americans? What were they allowed or not allowed to do?
  • Animals. How were horses, dogs, birds, or other animals used? Did they play a special role?
  • Art. What art movements were inspired by wartime events? Is there one specific work of art that tells a story about the war?
  • Clothing. How was fashion impacted? How did clothing save lives or hinder movement? What materials were used or not used?
  • Domestic violence. Was there an increase or decrease in cases?
  • Families. Did new family customs develop? What was the impact on children of soldiers?
  • Fashion. Did fashion change significantly for civilians? What changes had to be made during wartime?
  • Food preservation. What new preservation and packaging methods were used during and after the war? How were these helpful?
  • Food rationing. How did rationing impact families? Were rations the same for different groups of people? Were soldiers affected by rations?
  • Love letters. What do letters tell us about relationships, families, and friendships? What about gender roles?
  • New words. What new vocabulary words emerged during and after WWII?
  • Nutrition. Were there battles that were lost or won because of the foods available? How did nutrition change at home during the war because of the availability of certain products?
  • Penicillin and other medicine. How was penicillin used? What medical developments occurred during and after the war?
  • Resistance movements. How did families deal with living in an occupied territory?
  • Sacrifices. How did family life change for the worse?
  • Women's work at home. How did women's work change at home during the war? What about after the war ended?

Economy and Workforce

For a nation that was still recovering from the Great Depression, World War II had a major impact on the economy and workforce. When the war began, the fate of the workforce changed overnight, American factories were repurposed to produce goods to support the war effort and women took jobs that were traditionally held by men, who were now off to war.

  • Advertising. How did food packaging change during the war? How did advertisements change in general? What were advertisements for?
  • Occupations. What new jobs were created? Who filled these new roles? Who filled the roles that were previously held by many of the men who went off to war?
  • Propaganda. How did society respond to the war? Do you know why?
  • Toys. How did the war impact the toys that were manufactured?
  • New products. What products were invented and became a part of popular culture? Were these products present only during war times, or did they exist after?

Military, Government, and War

Americans were mostly against entering the war up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor, after which support for the war grew, as did armed forces. Before the war, the US didn't have the large military forces it soon became known for, with the war resulting in over 16 million Americans in service.   The role the military played in the war, and the impacts of the war itself, were vast.

  • America's entry into the war. How is the timing significant? What factors are not so well known?
  • Churchill, Winston. What role did this leader play that interests you most? How did his background prepare him for his role?
  • Clandestine operations. Governments went to great lengths to hide the true date, time, and place of their actions.
  • Destruction. Many historic cities and sites were destroyed in the U.K.—Liverpool, Manchester, London, and Coventry—and in other nations.
  • Hawaii. How did events impact families or society in general?
  • The Holocaust. Do you have access to any personal stories?
  • Italy. What special circumstances were in effect?
  • " Kilroy was here ." Why was this phrase important to soldiers? 
  • Nationalist Socialist movement in America. What impact has this movement had on society and the government since WWII?
  • Political impact. How was your local town impacted politically and socially?
  • POW camps after the war. Where were they and what happened to them after the war? Here's a starting point: Some were turned into race tracks after the war!
  • Prisoners of war. How many POWs were there? How many made it home safely? What were some long-lasting effects?
  • Spies. Who were the spies? Were they men or women? What side were they on? What happened to spies that were caught?
  • Submarines. Were there enemy submarines on a coast near you? What role did submarines play in the war?
  • Surviving an attack. How were military units attacked? How did it feel to jump from a plane that was disabled?
  • Troop logistics. How were troop movements kept secret? What were some challenges of troop logistics?
  • Views on freedom. How was freedom curtailed or expanded?
  • Views on government's role. Where was the government's role expanded? What about governments elsewhere?
  • War crime trials. How were trials conducted? What were the political challenges or consequences? Who was or wasn't tried?
  • Weather. Were there battles that were lost or won because of the weather conditions? Were there places where people suffered more because of the weather?
  • Women in warfare. What roles did women play during the war? What surprises you about women's work in World War II?

Technology and Transportation

With the war came advancements in technology and transportation, impacting communications capabilities, the spread of news, and even entertainment.

  • Bridges and roads. What transportation-related developments came from wartime or postwar policies?
  • Communication. How did radio or other types of communication impact key events?
  • Motorcycles. What needs led to the development of folding motorcycles? Why was there widespread use of military motorcycles by the government?
  • Technology. What technology came from the war and how was it used after the war?
  • TV technology. When did televisions start to appear in homes and what is significant about the timing? What TV shows were inspired by the war and how realistic were they? How long did World War II affect TV programming?
  • Jet engine technology. What advances can be traced to WWII needs?
  • Radar. What role did radar play, if any?
  • Rockets. How important was rocket technology?
  • Shipbuilding achievements. The achievements were quite remarkable during the war. Why and how did they happen?

"America's Wars Fact Sheet." U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, May 2017.

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16 Essays About Technology For Your Next Writing Project

Consider these 16 ideas for essays about technology to write your next paper.

Technology is central to almost every task performed in daily life, today. Using an alarm clock on a phone to wake up. Preparing a presentation for work. Relying on your laptop to present the slides. Liaising with clients, students or peers. Even researching and writing essays! The list is endless.

Technology also makes an interesting starting point for an essay topic. If you are assigned to write a technology essay, decide what type of technology you wish to write about, and pick a topic within a specific area. To help, here are 16 ideas for essays about technology that can jumpstart your thinking to get you started on your writing.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

1. Is Artificial Intelligence Safe?

2. can video games make people smarter, 3. how technological advancement is improving daily life, 4. how modern technology makes communication more difficult, 5. how the rise in smartphones impacts education of today’s children, 6. the effects of technology on nature, 7. how social media impacts mental health, 8. how to view technology as a useful servant, 9. is automation helping or hurting people, 10. how communication technology helps non-verbal individuals, 11. the use of virtual reality in education, 12. how technology impacted the industrial revolution, 13. does modern technology help or hurt our quality of life, 14. is cell phone addiction real (and is it dangerous), 15. is artificial intelligence the last human invention, 16. technology in the car industry.

Essays About Technology

With many movies that show robots taking over the world, people may have a little bit of fear of artificial intelligence. In your essay, you can explore whether AI is safe technology or not. You can explore the modern gadgets that have AI and are already a part of people’s lives, and you can discuss the potential ethics of improving artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.

If you decide that artificial intelligence can be safe, look at ways to protect humans from technology as it develops. If you decide that it is risky, consider what people can do to protect themselves from the existing AI. Consider concluding that artificial intelligence is already here, and the real answer to this question is what can we do to keep it safe. You might also be interested in these essays about video games .

Are video games a waste of time, or do they have potential benefits? You may be surprised to know that many video games actually have cognitive benefits . They can improve attention span, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and overall learning.

This topic is a great persuasive essay because it goes against most people’s thinking. In your essay, show some of the benefits of gaming, and how people can choose games that will have this cognitive benefit.

If you need help, learn more about what is persuasive writing .

Essays About Technology: How technological advancement is improving daily life?

Think about your average day. How many times do you rely on technology? Chances are, the number is quite high. Do those technologies improve your daily life?

The impact of technology on daily life can be quite positive. It can make simple tasks easier, faster, and more efficient. Explore how technology makes your everyday life easier in this easy.

Social networking and social media sites are supposed to keep people more connected, but it is actually making communication more difficult. Many people are becoming so connected to social media and the instant feedback it provides that they struggle to stay connected during in-person conversations . You can explore this phenomenon in your essay.

Not only that, but modern technology involves a lot of texting and typed conversations. These can be difficult to read because they do not contain facial expressions or tone of voice. This fact leads to miscommunications regularly, and you can weave this into your essay as well.

More and more kids are carrying cell phones today than ever before and at younger ages. How is this impact them on the educational side? Is it making it easier or harder for kids to learn?

On the one hand, smartphones make it easier for students and teachers to stay connected, and phones can also be a research tool to access study materials when writing a research paper or working on another project. On the other hand, mobile phones reduce attention spans and impair learning during educational lectures, so this can hurt educational outcomes. Explore the positive and negative sides of smartphones in the classroom in your essay.

Does technological progress have a positive or negative effect on the natural world? You will find research on both sides of this question, so consider this as you write your research paper. Some technology today focuses on preserving and protecting our natural resources, but some technology actually creates more emissions and pollution that impact the environment negatively.

In this essay, you can also discuss how to choose new technology that will positively impact the environment. Remember, technology is a central part of 21st-century life, so the best solution to this question is finding technology that positively impacts nature.

Social media is supposed to be fun and relaxing, but it actually negatively impacts human life and relationships. In your technology essay, you can explore how social media and depression, anxiety, and loneliness are linked . The more time people spend on screens, the less happy they are with life.

Yet social media is here to stay, so what can you do? In your essay, consider exploring ways to set up boundaries around social media use, so that people can enjoy this aspect of technology without damaging their mental health.

Technology has clearly defined negative effects, but the importance of technology can’t be ignored. These negative effects don’t mean you need to throw away your iPhone and laptop computer. Yet balance is necessary.

So how can people strike a balance? Your essay can discuss how technology should be a “useful servant,” not a dictator. People can use technology more effectively when viewing technology as something that helps go about daily life more conveniently.

More and more daily activities can be automated using modern technology. Your essay can discuss whether you view this as a good thing, or a bad thing, for people. Are we forgetting how to do things for ourselves when we rely on technology to do it all for us, or is his simply a way to make life easier, so we can focus on less mundane tasks.

Your essay needs to look at automation and determine if it helps or hurts people. Then, back up your answer with your research to show why it was what you chose.

The impact of technology on communication has much research behind it, and much of that impact is negative. However, for non-verbal individuals, communication technology can be a huge benefit. Communication devices can give these individuals the ability to communicate their needs and wants with family members, significantly improving their quality of life.

This informative essay topic will look at what communication devices are and how they work. It will discuss the positive effects of these devices on non-verbal individuals. You can even look at the future of communication technology for this particular population of people.

Virtual reality is a fun video game, but it can also have an impact on education . With virtual reality, teachers can take students to far-off places and help them experience those locations more intimately than simply with pictures or video. On the college level, virtual reality can assist with letting people practice hands-on procedures, like delicate surgeries in medical school, without risk.

Your essay can explore different uses of virtual reality in the classroom. You can indicate whether or not you think this is a positive change. However, like all technology, there are potential drawbacks to this as well. You may find teachers fighting against VR in the classroom because they fear being replaced by technology, so you can also address this side of the technology.

Technological innovation is not really new. It was technology that created the atmosphere for the Industrial Revolution. Steam engines, electricity, and communications technology all came into the scene during the 1800s, and each of these contributed to the Industrial Revolution.

Your essay can explore different technologies that led to the Industrial Revolution. You can explain why these technologies transformed the economic scenario to change the face of the economy.

This essay question has multiple answers. Modern technology has the ability to hurt and help your quality of life. Explore both of these in your essay to create a well-rounded argument.

For example, modern technology can reduce the amount of work people have to do each day. This can improve the quality of life by making work more efficient. However, it can make people lazy, which can hurt your quality of life. Explore examples like this, and then draw a conclusion about whether tech helps or hurts.

Cell phone addiction occurs when people turn to the cell phone for an endorphin or dopamine fix. The instant feedback that people get from social media and other apps can be addicting. Explore this fact in your essay, and then discuss whether or not this is dangerous.

Why is it dangerous to use a cell phone excessively? At what point does cell phone use become dangerously addictive? These are the questions you can answer in your essay as you write about this important topic. You can also discuss the warning signs of cell phone addiction and when treatment is necessary.

Artificial intelligence is a definite technological advancement, but some have argued it is the last human invention. When AI becomes smart enough, it may replace the work of humans and drive innovation… or will it?

Use your essay to discuss this theory and decide if you agree with it, or not. Will AI replace the need for innovation from people, or will there always be a human component to innovation? Answer these questions, and back the answers with research, as you craft your essay.

In the transportation industry, technology is taking center stage too. From the complex computers, GPS, and safety systems on vehicles to the advent of self-driving vehicles, innovation keeps coming to this industry. You can discuss some of these innovations in your technology essay.

You can also explore whether these technological advancements have helped or hurt the safety of drivers. Do GPS and infotainment systems distract drivers or keep them safer? The answers to these questions can make an interesting essay.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

write an essay on the topic war and technology

Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world.

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413 Science and Technology Essay Topics to Write About [2024]

Would you always go for Bill Nye the Science Guy instead of Power Rangers as a child? Were you ready to spend sleepless nights perfecting your science fair project? Or maybe you dream of a career in science?

Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

The picture shows the definitions of science and technology.

Then this guide by Custom-Writing.org is perfect for you. Here, you’ll find the following:

  • lists of excellent science and technology topics;
  • essay prompts;
  • scientific essay outline;
  • bonus tips.
  • 🔝 Top 10 Science & Technology Topics
  • 🔬 Scope of Research
  • 🤖 Modern Technology Topics
  • 🧪 Science Essay Topics
  • 🔭 Space Exploration Topics
  • 💡 Other Topics
  • 📝 Essay Prompt
  • ✍️ Step-by-Step Guide

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 science and technology topics.

  • ICT use in healthcare
  • Consent in biobanking
  • Pros and cons of NFTs
  • Fintech and healthcare accessibility
  • Widening of the global digital skills gap
  • Ways to identify gaps in health research
  • Changes in Mid-Atlantic regional climate
  • Transforming public health data systems
  • Workings of the online extremist ecosystem
  • Ways of improving statistical computing practices

🔬 Science and Technology: Scope of Research

Now you can start looking for an essay idea in our topics list. But first, have a look at the following fields of research in science and technology that our topics cover:

  • Modern technology includes the newest advances in engineering, hardware, systems, and organization methods. You can write about robotics, computer science, and more.
  • Science is knowledge about the universe in the form of testable explanations. In your paper, you can cover different areas of science such as biology, physics, etc. For more ideas, check out our list of topics in science .
  • Space explorations began in the ancient world and eventually allowed people to build a spaceship, arrange the first space trip, and step on the Moon.
  • In a technology essay on space exploration , you may write about the most up-to-date technologies in the sphere of space traveling and exploration.
  • Space exploration essays can also be devoted to the period of the Cold War . One of its aspects was a space race between the United States and the USSR.
  • Finally, you can assess the importance of various space innovations . Many people tend to condemn spending vast sums of money on space exploration. You may give your viewpoint on this question in an essay. Check out our list of topics in astrophysics for more ideas.

🤖 Modern Technology Essay Topics

  • Increasingly powerful 3D computer chips
  • Technology and the rise of the leisure class
  • Luddism as the most radical opposition to the use of technology
  • Technological inventions that have a destructive power
  • How does nuclear technology affect the global economy?
  • Mobile video communication from any mountaintop
  • Using technology to reinvent identification documents
  • The history of the computer viruses and their current examples
  • Does technology provide for a better life, or is it a bane?
  • Did people reinvent texting to express the full range of emotions?
  • How did pop-up advertisements appear and evolve on the Internet?
  • The technology behind the most famous instances of hacking in history
  • The future privacy risks in the world fully connected to the Internet
  • What are the possible future developments in cloud storage ?
  • Dancing robots : why is it important to teach robots to dance?
  • Should there be censorship on the Internet?
  • What self-driving cars can and cannot do at present
  • Which features can increase the popularity of self-driving cars among people?
  • 19 th -century discoveries versus recent technological developments
  • The positive and negative impacts of communication technology
  • The printing press , the telephone, and the Internet: their contribution to global communications
  • Philosophical debates about the present and future use of nuclear technology
  • The potential dangers of virtual reality replacing real-life experiences
  • Transhumanism and techno-progressivism and their positive views of technology
  • The history, benefits, and drawbacks of cloud technology
  • Voice-commanded robot wheelchair (that will bring you to any location stored in its memory)
  • Cameras that can determine your age just by looking at your face: how do they work?
  • Innovative technologies in Antarctica that are speeding up polar research
  • Technology and the development of daily living aids for chronic diseases. People who have chronic diseases always need to monitor their well-being. However, science has moved towards developing special devices that help people in their daily lives. For instance, you can write about stairlifts, wheelchairs, or other appliances.
  • The history and technological evolution of prosthetics. People have been using prosthetic limbs from ancient times. Now, these items are much more functional, and their innovation continues. Wood and metal have been replaced by novel materials such as carbon fiber. Robotics also allows controlling prosthetic limbs better.
  • Disability technology : how science invented hearing aids , text-to-speech programs, and more. Today, disabled people can get access to aids that enhance their living. For example, hearing aids were developed as far as 1898. But they became small only after World War II. Now they are enhanced by the technology of Bluetooth .
  • How has the clothing industry evolved with the development of new technology? In the past, all clothes were hand-made. After the sewing machine was introduced, people’s fashion also changed. Now, technology can create items of clothing that a human cannot produce. But many people still seek hand-made items and see the automatization of manufacturing process as a disadvantage.
  • Gardening for the 21st century: vertical gardening for tiny city spaces. As the world population grows, people have much less room for farming and recreational gardening. New concepts such as vertical gardening are innovative and environmentally conscious. They create small green spaces in urban areas and bring humans back to nature.
  • Hydroponic systems and other approaches to agriculture without soil. It can be hard to find enough place for soil planting in big crowded cities. Hydroponic gardening is a way to get fresh local vegetables that can be grown indoors. Such approaches, nonetheless, have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • The importance of sustainable farming for the environment. Food production is a vital part of people’s lives. Science has shown that agriculture contributes to pollution. Now, climate change concerns raise the question—how can humans grow food without damaging the environment? Sustainable principles may be the answer to this question.
  • Genetically modified foods: history, benefits and drawbacks, and common misconceptions. Many discussions surround the topic of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are crops whose DNA was changed artificially. Some people believe that bioengineered fruits and vegetables pose risks to people’s health. Others say that genetic engineering improves harvest and food quality.
  • Can GMOs solve world hunger ? Food shortage is among the biggest problems in the world. Genetic modification may introduce crops that ripen faster, stay fresh longer, and yield a better harvest. However, these GMOs may not grow as well as natural plants. These issues are at the center of the debate around bioengineering.

🧪 Science Topics to Write About

Science Essay Topics for Middle School

  • How did humans learn to measure speed and velocity?
  • Everyday life examples of Newton’s 2 nd law of motion
  • Current differences in various measurements of distance
  • How and why are miles different from nautical miles?
  • The concept of time from antiquity to modern clocks
  • How were measurements of distance developed?
  • How gravity explains most of the natural phenomena on Earth
  • The history of Einstein’s theory of gravity and people who opposed it
  • The history of the 3 different systems of measuring temperature
  • Which temperature unit is easier to use in daily life: Fahrenheit or Celsius?
  • How can Newton’s laws of motion be explained by using household objects?
  • Experimental design : how to improve the results of an experiment
  • Is safety important in scientific experimentation, or does it get in the way of discovery?
  • How the Earth was shaped: tectonic plates’ movement. A long time ago, the continents used to be shaped differently. Their shape depended on the direction of tectonic plates. It is believed that they once formed Pangaea—a supercontinent that broke into many pieces and created the modern continents.
  • Can humans create new continents and change the existing ones? Humans contribute to shaping the planet in many ways. Agriculture and the search for resources change the terrain, while urban development leads to climate change. Also, various islands are constructed by people from natural and artificial materials.
  • What is the air that we breathe made out of? The air in the Earth’s atmosphere is unique. It allows nature to thrive and live. Air contains more than just various gases. It also holds water and particles that affect pollution, climate, and nature’s health.
  • The layers of the atmosphere : why mountain air is different. The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere with layers. Each of them has a different composition and pressure level. That is why people say that the air on the top of a mountain feels different. This variety affects many aspects of the natural world.
  • How the Earth is shaped today: volcanoes , earthquakes, and tsunamis. Different natural phenomena contribute to changing the shape of the planet. For example, volcanic eruptions make lava spill onto land and water. Over time, this lava hardens and turns into rock. These events can create whole new landforms or destroy existing ones.
  • Which animals can live in the outer layers of the atmosphere? Almost all living beings on Earth require oxygen to survive. However, some of them may need less oxygen than others. Interestingly, a small group of creatures needs almost no air. Various microorganisms can even be found as high as the troposphere.
  • The dangers of oxygen. Everybody knows that oxygen is a source of life on Earth . But it is also a part of many dangerous chemical reactions. For example, breathing in pure oxygen is harmful for the body.
  • The internal layers of Earth: their chemical composition and state. Earth’s inner structure is as layered as its atmosphere. Each component has unique properties and a different physical state. The movement of one layer can result in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes .
  • What are the purpose and special status of navigational stars? Celestial navigation means finding one’s location using stars. It is an ancient practice that is still used today. Some stars, however, play a more important role than others. They serve as marks for easy navigation. The most well-known navigational star is the Polaris, but there are many more.
  • The history of weather forecasting in ancient cultures. Today, people can look at a weather forecast for weeks ahead. In ancient times, different cultures searched for the best ways of predicting the weather . Some interesting sources of information were the stars, the color of the sky, the lunar phases, and animal behavior.

Science Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Printing food: will you be able to download a pizza?
  • Why are there so many programming languages ?
  • Can computers create meaningful and original art?
  • The place of creative professions in an AI-powered future
  • Is distance learning effective, or does it hinder studying?
  • Are there any alternatives to plastic that benefit the environment?
  • Can everyone stay inside forever with the help of technology?
  • The common mistakes that AI continues to make to this day
  • Enhancing the quality of school education with virtual reality
  • The effect of social media on building relationships and making friends
  • The research of artificially produced foods and its environmental impact
  • Which devices do students and teachers need to introduce into the classroom ?
  • The rise of distance learning : the best methods of studying remotely
  • Is translation software equally developed for all languages of the world?
  • How people in small communities can find each other with social media
  • The impact of unrecyclable materials on oceans. Pollution is on the minds of many scientists today. Ocean animals are often injured or killed by plastic debris . Coral reefs and vegetation also struggle with materials that cannot be recycled. You may suggest ways of cleaning the ocean and making it a better environment for its flora and fauna.
  • The use of big data in predicting people’s everyday choices. Big data refers to collecting enormous amounts of information. The data is taken from open online sources. It is then analyzed for different industries to use. How can companies use big data to predict what people need?
  • How does marketing use Internet-of-Things? Marketing specialists are always searching for new technologies to explore. They want to surprise their clients and make them interested in their company’s product. The Internet-of-Things connects devices and saves valuable data. Advertisements may use this interconnectedness to their advantage.
  • The differences between traditional and digital art . Many of today’s artists are skilled in using software to create art. They use digital painting programs to produce unique works. But how does digital art differ from traditional methods? What negative and positive sides does it have?
  • Why do search engines show different results for the same search term? When entering a keyword into Google , Bing, or other search engines, one can get an array of different responses. This essay can explore different companies’ strategies to provide the best answers to their users’ queries.
  • What are the disadvantages of clean energy sources ? With the issue of climate change on the rise, many scientists suggest using eco-friendly energy sources . Such options have many benefits for the world. However, they also pose some risks.
  • The history of global nuclear energy development. Nuclear energy is a controversial topic among scientists. On the one hand, it is an alternative to fossil fuel use. On the other, the devastating effects of nuclear plant catastrophes expose many risks of this option. This energy source is an excellent topic for an exploratory or argumentative science essay.
  • Benefits and drawbacks of wind and solar power for everyday use. Comparisons between solar and wind power are at the center of many debates about clean energy. Both options are considered environmentally friendly, but they are very different. A compare-and-contrast essay on this topic is sure to provide many points of discussion.
  • Is it possible for people to produce more freshwater than there currently is? The freshwater supply is limited, and science searches for new ways to produce it. Some organizations collect rainwater and make it safe for consumption. Others try to invent more effective seawater filters. The goal of this search is to support the growing water demand.
  • Can science prolong our lives or even let us live forever? Many people think about mortality and try to prolong their lives. Some researchers may believe that there are ways to make people live longer by slowing down aging. A scientific essay can explore people’s search for life extension strategies.

🔭 Space Exploration Essay Topics: Science and Technology

Science and Technology Topics in Space Studies

  • What is the role of NASA in space research?
  • How relevant is the problem of space debris?
  • Describe the dynamics of space flights
  • What is the role of dogs in space travel ?
  • History and evolution of space research
  • What is the purpose of planetary science ?
  • The first man to travel into space
  • Top 10 interesting facts about space
  • Explain the concept of wormholes
  • Ecological problems of space exploration
  • Exploration and effects of dark matter
  • Discuss the process of human adaptation to space conditions
  • What have we learned from space research over the last decade?
  • How do you understand and define spacetime?
  • How does the James Webb Space Telescope work?
  • What are some of the most prominent contributors to space research?
  • Discuss possibilities of manned trips to other planets
  • The evidence that proves the existence of black holes
  • What is significant about the Solar System?
  • What are gravitational waves , and how can we measure them?
  • Describe the first 50 years of the space age
  • Compare and contrast different space exploration techniques
  • Discuss Space Exploration Day, its origin, and relevance
  • The effect of space weather on the planet Earth
  • Current trends and news about space exploration
  • Who are the most famous American astronauts and researchers?
  • What are the benefits of space research for society?
  • The use of standard candles in measuring distance in space
  • What are the economic benefits of space exploration?
  • What are the space programs of major countries ?
  • The history of non-human animals in spacecraft testing. Before the first human was sent into space, many animals were used to test spacecraft. Some of them successfully reached their goals and returned home. Countries such as the US and USSR sent various animals into space, ranging from dogs to chimpanzees.
  • What is the connection between a planet and its moons ? Many planets, including the Earth, have one or several moons. In total, there are more than 200 moons in the Solar System . These natural satellites orbit their planets and influence their weather. Although Earth has only one natural satellite, the Moon , it plays a significant role in its climate.
  • The biological effects of space travel and its long-term outcomes. Astronauts who spend time in space report changes in their behavior. For example, they get accustomed to the lack of gravity on the spaceship. Their health is also affected—even a short trip leads to “space adaptation syndrome.”
  • What are the prospects of exploring space beyond the Solar System? Currently, human-led expeditions aim for nearby space segments. However, robotic spacecraft and powerful telescopes help people see beyond the Solar System. Voyagers 1 and 2 are the only NASA’s spacecraft that can cross interstellar limits. They still have enough power to collect more data.
  • Gravity on Earth and in the Solar System. The role of gravity on Earth is vital for every system and occurrence. A gravitational pull that keeps planets in their orbits, but gravity can do much more—it creates stars, moves matter, and heats planetary cores.
  • How far have the scientists reached in their exploration of space? People’s view of the universe has expanded dramatically since the first theories about space. Now, it appears endless, and people use the best technology to see its remotest corners. The Solar System is no longer the limit of exploration, and many vital discoveries contributed to this knowledge.
  • The history of exoplanet research. Extrasolar planets (or exoplanets) move through space outside the Solar System. The first evidence of their existence appeared as early as the 1910s. However, it was confirmed scientifically only in the 1980s. Since then, researchers have discovered more than 4000 exoplanets.
  • Why is Mars the primary goal of many missions? Mars is the center of space exploration news. Since 1933, NASA has led the Mars Exploration Program (MEP) to investigate the planet’s resources. It also has a solid surface that allows exploration robots to roam Mars in search of life.
  • The international legacy of space exploration. During the Cold War , space exploration was a part of the US and the USSR competition. Since then, astronauts from many countries have participated in missions. Space programs have a national purpose, but cooperation between countries leads to better results.

Technology Essay Topics about Space Exploration

  • History of space telescopes
  • How is a sub-orbital rocket constructed?
  • Describe any type of modern spacecraft
  • How does a rocket engine work?
  • Discuss the relevance of space weapons
  • How does an artificial satellite work?
  • The Cassini mission and its legacy
  • The cultural impact of Curiosity rover
  • What are safety measures on spacecrafts?
  • What are the modern targets of space exploration?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of uncrewed spacecraft?
  • Can space technology help to combat the avian influenza virus ?
  • How long will it take for a spaceship to get to a nearby planet?
  • Prospects for the development of space technologies
  • Who are the pioneers of rocket and space technology?
  • Spacecraft classification according to their missions
  • What happens at the International Space Station ?
  • Can space technology solve the energy crisis ?
  • Project Orion: origin, challenges, and its impact
  • The journeys of NASA’s robotic spacecraft around and beyond Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s history of space exploration includes many exciting expeditions. Human-led missions were grand and are remembered in history. However, unmanned probes have brought lots of information about space to NASA. They were able to collect samples for investigation and photograph remote planets.
  • Why is gravity important in space explorations? Everyone knows that astronauts live in space with no gravity . Weightlessness is an issue that affects the human body. Some space objects have gravity, but it is different from Earth’s. Understanding this aspect of space exploration is vital for designing future missions.
  • Elon Musk’s dream of building a rocket. The whole world follows the news of how scientists at Space X tried to reinvent spacecraft. They failed many times, but only to succeed and partner with NASA. Explore the timeline of their innovations in your essay.
  • What is the role of experimentation in space travel improvement? Space exploration is a complicated field where a slight miscalculation can lead to dangerous results. Many space ships and probes have failed in decades of testing. That is why experimentation is a core part of exploration. Without failure, success cannot be achieved.
  • How did the safety of spacecraft evolve over the years? Human spaceflights pose many dangers to the ship’s crew. People cannot survive in outer space, so the spacecraft must be safe from radiation and hostile environments. Moreover, astronauts who go into outer space or step on the surface of other planets have to be equipped to handle the harsh conditions.
  • The history of communication in space. Communication between astronauts and Earth is crucial for all space missions. It is also a remedy for space travelers’ isolation from their families and loved ones. A special Space Network was developed to connect the researchers on Earth with the astronauts.
  • The successes and failures of “space gardens.” Aboard the International Space Station , astronauts have entire gardens for various vegetables and flowers. However, the process of finding how to grow these plants was long. Space researchers had to solve problems with gravity, water delivery, fertilizer intake, and much more.
  • Which technologies allowed people to mimic their daily activities in space? Even in space, people have to eat, sleep, and keep up with their hygiene. However, the lack of gravity turns these simple daily tasks into a challenge. Much of the space-related research was dedicated to creating freeze-dried food, no-rinse shampoo, and other interesting inventions to resolve this issue.
  • The differences and similarities between types of spacecraft. Robotic spacecraft have unique characteristics that correspond with their missions. For example, flyby spacecraft explores the Solar System without landing. Some probes are designed to land on a planet and send data back to Earth . Others are made to penetrate the surface of a comet to measure its properties.
  • How did crewless spacecraft evolve? The creation of uncrewed spacecraft has changed with the world’s technological advancement . At first, spacecraft only left the Earth’s atmosphere to observe space. Robots and rovers were eventually designed to land on other planets . These machines need to survive harsh environments to collect data.

Space Race Essay: Scientific Topics

  • Cold War , space research, and diplomacy
  • What were the consequences of the space race?
  • Was the space race a result of the Cold War ?
  • The failures and successes of the US in the space race
  • Soviet vs. American rocket development
  • Compare and contrast Sputnik and Explorer satellites
  • How were space discoveries affected by the Cold War ?
  • Timeline of space investigation during the Cold War
  • How did the space race affect other spheres of scientific development?
  • The state of US and USSR’s space programs after the end of the Cold War
  • Why was the Moon chosen as the destination for both nations during the space race?
  • The role of US/Soviet spacecraft cooperation in reducing Cold War tensions
  • Planned trips to other planets of the Solar System during the space race
  • What are the positive and negative consequences of the space race for the countries?
  • How did the competition between the US and the USSR start? In the early 20 th century, the tensions between the United States and the USSR were combat-based. However, the arms race after World War II transformed it into a space race. Both nations wanted to be the first in achieving space exploration milestones.
  • Was the creation of NASA a consequence of the Cold War? NASA was established in 1958. Its earlier projects show that the space race influenced the organization. For instance, the operation Man in Space Soonest (MISS) name reveals the competitive nature of early space exploration.
  • The influence of the USSR’s space exploration achievements on American politics . The US was the first country to put a man on the Moon. Nevertheless, the USSR made several important discoveries as well. This fact undoubtedly affected American politics during and after the Cold War . It inspired political ideas rooted in scientific superiority and academic achievement.
  • What did the Apollo missions achieve? The Apollo program lasted from 1968 until 1972, including six successful missions. Some spacecraft were launched to orbit the Moon and photograph its surface. During the Apollo 11 mission, two astronauts landed and walked on the Moon .

The picture shows a fact about the Moon landings.

  • Did the space race contribute to other tensions between the US and USSR ? The competition surrounding space exploration led to many domestic and foreign political changes. Both countries set ambitious goals and cultivated a sense of pride in their achievements. It may be argued that the space race was a continuation of a long tradition of seeking leadership in technology .
  • The first woman in space and the history of female astronauts. The story of the first man in space is well-known to most people. However, the USSR also sent the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, into space in 1963. After that, no flights included women up until the 1980s. Nowadays, female astronauts come from many countries, but men on spacecraft crews still outnumber them.
  • The role of Germany in the advancement of rocket technology in World War II . The space race usually mentions two key players—the US and the USSR. However, Germany also affected this competition during and after World War II. Missiles created in Nazi Germany showed that sub-orbital spaceflight was possible. Soviet and American rocket engineers used their military knowledge and transferred it into spacecraft design.
  • The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. In 1972, the US and USSR leaders decided to push for cooperation rather than competition in the space race. As a result, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) began its development. It was the first international mission; in 1975, two spacecraft docked in space to symbolize unity.
  • How did the first men in space contribute to space exploration? Both the US and the USSR were able to send people to space. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first human to fly in Earth’s orbit. In 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. Both events significantly contributed to the countries’ national development and interest in space exploration.

Science and Technology Essay Ideas in Space Innovations

  • Why should we continue space exploration ?
  • How much money is spent on space research today?
  • What are the future perspectives of space investigation?
  • What are the major challenges in geodesy?
  • The main types of space telescopes
  • Is colonization of the Solar System possible?
  • Should more money be invested in spacecraft innovations?
  • What space innovations do you think will be invented in the future?
  • Do you think humanity can survive an asteroid impact?
  • Compare and contrast the colonization of outer space planets in 2 science fiction novels
  • What can the previous crashes of spacecraft teach engineers? Many of the space missions failed across the globe. Crewless probes, drones , and spacecraft with a crew can fail at any stage of the flight. However, previous unsuccessful efforts are very useful for scientists.
  • The potential for recreational space travel. Millions of people dream of going into space, but the astronaut profession is not for everyone. Recreational travel is a chance for tourists to experience space. It is a question of whether it will be possible.
  • Key participants in space exploration innovations in the 21st century. In the last century, the US and USSR were the key countries in space exploration. Now, many nations contribute to innovations and develop new technologies. For example, the International Space Station (ISS) program includes Japan, Canada, Germany, and other countries.
  • Elon Musk’s reusable rockets. Currently, most spacecraft cannot be reused for space missions. Many factors lead to aircraft degradation, making it dangerous for second use. One of the goals of Space X, created by Elon Musk , is to develop fully-reusable spacecraft.
  • The ideas of space colonization in movies: are any of them realistic? Films such as The Martian , Interstellar , and Alien introduce exciting ideas about space travel. Although they are fictional, they may depict certain devices or scenarios that will be real in the future.
  • What are the reasons behind people’s renewed interest in space travel? The end of the Cold War also marked diminished interest in space exploration. For some years, people didn’t pay much attention to it. However, now it appears that the passion for exploration has been sparked again. Many countries are currently working on their own spacecraft, and people see Mars as the new destination to conquer.
  • Space drones and other crewless spacecraft for interplanetary exploration. Scientists were able to create various spacecraft to go beyond the limits of the Solar System. One of the latest ideas is to make interplanetary drones that will leave the Earth and gather information in a new way.
  • Does the Moon present any potential for travel and colonization? Historically, the Moon landings are considered to be outstanding achievements. Now, the Moon is again the center of discussions. You can explore interesting concepts for colonizing the Moon.
  • Technological advancements in creating safe and comfortable spacesuits for different environments. Space travel requires scientists to develop spacesuits that protect people from various harsh environments. For example, landing on Mars would require a suit that withstands great and rapid temperature changes.

💡 Science and Technology Essay Topics: Other Ideas

  • The new Face ID technology: is it a revolutionary invention?
  • What will technical schools look like in the future?
  • Is the human brain more productive than a computer?
  • The temperature on the surface of exoplanets
  • Thomas Edison’s contribution to technological advancements
  • How do sun rays affect people’s health?
  • Revolutionary technologies and famous inventions from Japan
  • Technologies that make driving safer
  • How will people study exact sciences in the future?
  • New technologies in modern architecture
  • Stephen Hawking’s black holes hypothesis
  • Is there a possibility that people’s manual labor might not be necessary for any manufacturing processes in the future?
  • Do new technologies influence people’s appearance ? How do they do it?
  • What would today’s world be like without cellphones and computers?
  • What could Leonardo da Vinci possibly invent in the 21 st century?
  • Will professions that don’t require the human factor remain in demand in several decades?
  • What impact do new technologies have on people’s beliefs and personal philosophies ?
  • New technologies and equipment that helps farmers during the wheat harvest
  • Will hover drones replace helicopters in the future?
  • What are the top 5 alternative energy sources?
  • What technologies should be implemented to stop pollution on Earth?
  • Social media’s  impact on the populations of different countries
  • If people colonize Mars , what means of communication between two planets might be fast enough to share information?
  • How can the problem of lack of Internet connection in some parts of the world be solved?
  • A scientific approach to the problem of alcoholism
  • NASA’s space projects that will be realized in the next decade
  • Spheres in which computer technologies cannot replace human workers
  • The history of computers: how was the first computer invented?
  • A scientific approach to global warming: the most efficient methods of the catastrophe prevention
  • Useful features in the new generation of computers and smartphones
  • Ernest Rutherford’s scientific career and achievements
  • The most technologically advanced country in the world
  • Technologies implemented for cleaning the oceans from garbage
  • Innovative methods of charging electronic devices
  • Scientific research in spaceships: are travels at light speed possible?
  • Modern automobiles and technologies that help drivers control their vehicles
  • The furthest object that humanity managed to observe with the help of a telescope
  • Is teleportation possible, or should people stop spending money on its development?
  • The most ridiculous and useless scientific experiments
  • The human brain and a  computer : differences and  similarities
  • Gravity, temperature, and living conditions on the Moon
  • What can be possibly found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? Will humanity ever reach its deepest point?
  • Technologies used in nursing for delivering appropriate medication to patients in hospital settings
  • Scientific research on the topic of protecting nature and the environment: ecologic technologies and policies
  • Does the popular minimalist movement contribute to new technologies in any way?
  • The tallest plants on Earth and where they grow
  • Innovative technologies in  producing and reserving electricity  all over the world
  • New technologies that prevent ships from falling over during storms
  • Apple’s approach to the safety of their clients’ personal data
  • How will the Solar System’s planets’ orbits change in the next century?
  • The universe: how big can it possibly be?
  • Nanotechnologies used in medicine to heal people with AIDS and cancer
  • Earth’s collision with an asteroid in approximately 600 years: actual threat or a hoax?
  • Is it ever going to be possible for humanity to travel outside the limits of our galaxy?
  • Will humans terraform Mars instead of saving the Earth from an ecological catastrophe?
  • Use of nanotechnologies in reducing the amount of garbage on the planet
  • New technologies in sports and how will they influence people’s health
  • Modern bicycles with reduced risk of accidents on the roads
  • The safest means of transport in the world
  • Virtual reality  and its use in art
  • Can disabled people live a full life with the help of virtual reality?
  • The best way to travel across the universe and galaxies
  • Robots and their use in the mining industry
  • Is there a possibility of human clones’ production?
  • The most impressive innovations that people expect scientists to develop in the next century
  • Nanotechnologies in biology: Is it possible that people might install microchips in their heads to record every memory and valuable data?
  • Is it necessary to support human brain activities with the help of technology?
  • Social media vs. television : will people stop watching TV altogether?
  • New technologies in education: what new methods of teaching and studying might be helpful in colleges and universities?
  • How does the world of electronic devices influence people’s relationships with one another?
  • A new trend in Japan : marriages with virtual characters
  • The effectiveness of physical exercises supported by new technologies
  • How long does it take scientists to develop a vaccine against a virus that emerged unexpectedly?
  • The diffusion of the Ebola virus and various methods of its prevention in healthy people
  • Benefits of the 3D printing technology in healthcare
  • In what ways did computers change people’s lives?
  • Products that make people’s night rests healthier and their daily activities more productive
  • The  environmental pollution’s impact on people’s health: toxic gases, dirty water, and GMO foods
  • New technologies that help pilots control and land the aircrafts
  • The role of drones in the modern world: how can people use this technology to save finances and prevent traffic jams?
  • Vehicles of the future: how will people travel in several decades?
  • What technologies should scientists develop for people to survive on Mars ?
  • New technologies’ impact on people’s health, lifestyle, and values
  • The technology of controlling computers and mobile phones using only brain activity
  • New technologies that balance people’s nervous systems and prevent stresses
  • Nanotechnologies in ophthalmology : helping children with visual impairments
  • People’s mental health and how modern devices influence it
  • New technologies in sustainability: recycling methods
  • China’s rapid development : technologies that the country uses for its economic system’s growth
  • Ways of producing oxygen on Mars in the future

The picture shows a quote by Elon Musk.

  • Technologies that filter water and make it suitable for consumption
  • Apps and programs for effective remote work
  • Oil drilling technologies and their impact on the environment
  • How will the Internet change in 100 years, and what technology might replace the World Wide Web in the future?
  • Apps and programs that help students in accomplishing and organizing scientific research
  • The advantages of using the cloning technologies in household cares
  • Undesirable outcomes of people’s dependency on their electronic devices: computers, mobile phones, and gaming consoles
  • New technologies in language learning: innovative methods to expand one’s vocabulary
  • New technologies used for transplanting vital organs
  • The role of video games in people’s lives
  • The possible harm that robots might cause to humanity
  • Is it possible to travel through time, and what technologies might help develop a time machine ?
  • How ecological fuel that might replace  natural gas , petrol, and diesel
  • Perpetual motion machine: attempts of different scientists to create an engine with endless resources of energy
  • Technologies that Americans use daily
  • Scientific inventions or decisions that might save the world from an ecological catastrophe
  • How far can people travel from Earth in outer space ?
  • Automobiles’ aerodynamic qualities and how they have changed since the 1950s
  • How do technologies change people’s mentalities and cultures?
  • What is the purpose of inventing new warfare technologies if some countries have enough power to destroy our planet?
  • The impact of new technologies on military establishment and relationships among countries
  • Does the Internet make people more intelligent, or is it the other way round?
  • Technologies restricted by law in the territory of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Do Internet search engines such as Google , Ask, and Bing make people less attentive to what they learn?
  • If new software requires more memory space on computers, how many terabytes will an average user need to work online in 20 years?
  • How can robots help humanity to increase people’s daily productivity?
  • New Apple devices that can change people’s lives
  • Alternative ways of finding and sharing necessary information in the future
  • Will robots coexist with people in 100 years?
  • Will translation software ever be able to replace professional interpreters?
  • How can robots and other programmed machines provide medical treatment to hospital patients?
  • New technologies in the taxi business
  • Is technological progress a good thing, or should we deliberately slow it down?
  • What technologies cause harm to the environment, Earth’s population, and the oceans?
  • Technologies in the tattoo business: the most effective methods of putting colored pigments under the skin
  • Does the US government use any technologies that allow them to wiretap people’s private calls? Is it ethical?
  • What technologies should be implemented to create wireless access to the Internet worldwide?
  • Do values of contemporary people focus on new technologies more than on everything else?
  • What technologies should be implemented to reduce the possibility of overpopulation on Earth?
  • Are  electric cars  more cost-effective and productive than vehicles that run on gasoline, diesel, and natural gas?
  • Do Face ID and Touch ID technologies protect people’s data from hackers?
  • Can any technology reduce the time required for night rests?
  • How intelligent are dolphins and whales ?
  • Newly emerged research areas and branches of science
  • The role of synthetic biology in medicine
  • Bionics: the main principles and purposes of the new science
  • Nutrigenomics: food values and other factors that influence people’s health
  • The main principles and objectives of the memetics study
  • Neuroeconomics: the ability of the human brain to make wise decisions
  • Sonocytology: the study of the sounds and impulses that the human cells make
  • Technologies that help people socialize and rehabilitate after long-term
  • How can zero gravity in outer space be used for people’s benefit?
  • Which countries are known for their achievements in the sphere of chemistry ?
  • Leading countries in the sphere of technology.
  • How long will it take Earth to restore all its resources and energy consumed by humanity?
  • Machine learning in restaurant and hotel businesses: Improved methods of cooperating with clients
  • The ethics of implanting microchips in animals
  • AI in online shopping : is it cost-efficient regarding both time and money?
  • New technologies that reduce various health risks in polluted areas
  • Innovative methods of completing medical operations are more accurate and reduce the possibilities of unfortunate outcomes
  • Process automation aimed at cleaning eggs and removing bacteria from the natural products’ surfaces
  • How can the implantation of microchips in the human brain help paralyzed individuals?
  • Autopilot installed in heavy trucks
  • Payment systems that require people’s eye or face scans: is this technology safer than ordinary passwords ?
  • Camera options that allow people to film in the 360-degree mode
  • Solar batteries and their significance in the modern age
  • Smart computers that don’t require a person’s intervention to complete tasks or collect information
  • Robotic chefs: the device’s functions and other options that make cooking easier
  • The technology of modular phones: why did the idea of creating a phone that consists of multiple blocks fail?
  • VR technology that might allow people to feel and touch virtual objects
  • Water recycling technology that filters the water people use for showering
  • Advanced fishing technologies: sensors, drones, and artificial intelligence
  • Gyroscope and various devices based on its working principle
  • New technologies in web design
  • Newton circle and its spheres of use
  • Scientific facts that prove the existence of other life forms in the outer space
  • Active volcanoes that can erupt at any moment: preventative technologies and safety measures
  • Technologies that make people healthy and fit without effort: are they possible?
  • Augmented reality use in the cosmetics business
  • Potential branches of science that might lead to the creation of new occupations in the future
  • The most valuable resource on Earth and technological methods of its extraction
  • Internet-of-Things: how is it used in agriculture ?
  • Synthetic foods: do they contain any nutritional components?
  • What technologies can help people reduce the cost of utilities ?
  • Entertainment: how will VR technologies influence people’s hobbies in the future?
  • How long will it take people to travel between Earth and Mars?
  • The temperature on Mars: is it possible for humans to survive on the Red Planet without additional heating devices?
  • What will people eat on Mars, and how will they get their food?
  • Professions that humanity might need on Mars during colonization
  • Messages sent by society in outer space: will they ever be answered?
  • If there are other forms of life in different galaxies, how will humans understand and contact them?
  • Satellites on our planet’s orbit: what do these devices do, and why are they important for people?
  • Is it possible for a human being to stay in a deep freeze for an extended period?
  • What do cosmonauts research and observe in the orbit of Earth?
  • The main problems of modern science: what issues are scientists trying to solve?
  • How dangerous can new technologies be for our environment?
  • How do different professions change and improve due to technological development ?
  • Ethical aspects of genetic engineering for humans
  • Egyptian pyramids : technologies that ancient Egyptians used to build their pharaohs’ graves
  • Contemporary achievements in genetics
  • How have helicopters developed since the 1950s?
  • Controversial issues of stem cell research
  • German technologies in road building: how is it possible to build a high-quality road for decades?
  • Wireless technologies that maternity hospitals use
  • What is antimatter, and how can it be used in the medical field?
  • How has  technology changed our lives compared to people living a century ago?
  • The technology you cannot live without
  • What are  the advantages  and disadvantages of genetic engineering?
  • Experiments on humans: can they be justified for the sake of science development?
  • Can alternative energy technologies provide humanity with sustainable energy resources?
  • What technologies can limit the adverse human impact on the environment ?
  • Smart devices that can help you reduce your carbon footprint
  • Is there a connection between human activity and natural disasters ?
  • Military technology advancement: a way to safety or a global threat?
  • Robot army: a scene from a movie or our near future?
  • Science and technology for personal safety
  • Advances in science and technology for  cybersecurity
  • Development of technologies for safe online purchases

📝 Science and Technology Essay Prompts

Writing science and technology essays might be a challenging task. Our essay prompts are here to inspire you. Keep reading to make your essay writing even more effortless.

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Science in Everyday Life Essay Prompt

Every day we are surrounded by marvelous inventions that can be described in your paper:

  • Anything made of plastic. Today numerous industries rely on the production of plastic, from packaging and electronics to aerospace and industrial engineering.
  • Anything charged with electricity. The work of people like Alessandro Volta or Andre-Marie Ampere lies at the foundation of the electrical industry.
  • Any food item in front of you. Science has revolutionized our approach to food cultivation and raised agricultural productivity to a new level.
  • Any modern medicine. At the end of the 18th century, scientist Edward Jenner established that vaccination works. And in the 19th century, the germ theory of disease emerged, which saved millions of lives over two hundred years.

Technology in the Future Essay Prompt

If you choose to write a paper about technology in the future, you can consider describing the following technologies:

  • Vision-improving technology . Artificial cornea or iris can provide vision to people with impairments.
  • Small living robots . These robots can deliver medicine to different body parts or collect microplastic from the oceans.
  • Internet everywhere . Companies such as Google or Facebook use helium balloons, drones, microsatellites, and other technology to provide the Internet to inaccessible areas.
  • Dairy products made in a lab . Biotech companies are searching for a way to make dairy products more available and less damaging to the environment. There are already some lab-made dairy products available in the US.

Interest in Science Essay Prompt

If you wish to tell about your interest in science or make your reader interested in it, take a look at these ideas:

  • Factors that influence one’s attitude towards science. You can analyze reasons for students’ interest or indifference towards science.
  • Parents’ role in children’s attitude towards science. Discuss how parents, their social status, or education level affect their children’s interests.
  • How does one’s faith affect their perception of science? Some religious beliefs don’t support scientific ideas about life and the universe.

Importance of Science Essay Prompt

Science is essential for our society, environment, and many other parts of our lives. In your essay about the importance of science, you can include the following points:

  • Science is solving the mysteries of our universe. One of the main goals of science is to gain knowledge about the world. It helps us understand different phenomena and find solutions to numerous problems.
  • How science benefits society . Science is also used to improve our life quality. Education and knowledge allow us to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
  • The way science helps solve global challenges . Health, agriculture, and other spheres rely on science. Governments also use science to combat issues, such as climate change.

✍️ How to Write a Scientific Essay

To achieve academic prowess in science and technology studies, you will need to get good at writing scientific essays. Here are the general principles of essay writing:

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Essay on Science and Technology Outline

The structure of a science and technology essay remains the same as basically any other essay type. It includes the following points:

The picture shows the structure of a science and technology essay.

Science & Technology Essay Introduction

In your introduction, you should make your reader interested in your topic. Start with a hook, and don’t forget to include some background information. You can consult our article about writing a good introduction for more info.

An introduction of a science and technology essay about the disadvantages of space exploration can look like that:

Space exploration’s contribution to environmental science is impossible to deny. However, it might also be damaging to the environment itself. Space exploration produces hydrochloric acid and carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming.

Thesis Statement about Technology & Science

Close your introduction with a thesis to state the main point of your essay. Make sure to support your point with evidence throughout the text.

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There should be ways to make space exploration less damaging to the environment since the pollution caused by it is getting worse every year.

Science and Technology Essay Body

The body paragraphs are the central part of your essay. There you show your investigation results and support them with solid arguments. Don’t forget to open each of the paragraphs with a topic sentence that can let your reader know the main idea of the passage (you can learn more from this article about topic sentences by Rochester Institute of Technology.)

Aluminum oxide particles produced during rocket launches absorb the radiation and contribute to global warming. NASA uses fuel that consists of aluminum powder and ammonium perchlorate in their solid booster rockets. They form aluminum oxide when combined. As a result, these rocket launches are damaging to the environment and are one of the causes of climate change and global warming.

Science and Technology Essay Conclusion

The conclusion closes your essay by restating your thesis statement and making your reader want to dive further into your topic. Keep in mind that just saying that “more research on the subject is required” is not what the conclusion should be about. Make sure to include plenty of details in addition to summarizing the articles.

To sum up, although space exploration allows us to know more about our universe and makes our life easier, it also negatively affects the environment. Less damaging ways are needed in order for us to continue gaining knowledge and improving our life quality without hurting our planet.

Choosing Topics Related to Science and Technology

The field of science and technology is so broad that it is not very easy to decide on good science and technology topics right away. That is why we will explain the main issues to pay attention to while picking out a topic for your scientific essay:

  • It must be interesting for you as a writer;
  • It should be of current importance for readers;
  • It has to shed light on some scientific innovations.

If you consider these three points, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to succeed in writing your essays on science and technology.

If you feel lost and unsure what is a worthy topic, try thinking about something down-to-earth and present in our daily lives. For more tips on choosing good topics, check out some brainstorming techniques in our Guide to Academic Writing or use our topic generator .

Scientific Essay: Bonus Tips

  • Be sure you correctly understand the chosen problem.
  • Formulate your sentences well.
  • Use linking phrases within paragraphs and the text as a whole.
  • Ensure that your text is cohesive and logical.
  • Write in a language that would be clear even to an audience of non-professionals.
  • Mind the tone and wording of your technology essay.
  • Be careful not to make mistakes in spelling, grammar, style, and format.
  • Sound formal but not moralizing.
  • Foresee possible questions from your readers and answer them beforehand.
  • Call your readers to action and push them toward an adequate response.

Although essays might be one of the most common writing assignments, our free tips are here to make your studies even more enjoyable! We hope the information presented here will help you create an excellent scientific essay. Let us know what you think about our guide in the comments below!

Further reading:

  • Funny Informative Speech Topics and Ideas for Presentation
  • A List of Informative Speech Topics: Best Creative Topic Ideas
  • Good Informative Speech Topics: How to Get Thunders of Applause
  • Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project
  • Satirical Essay Examples and Best Satire Essay Topics
  • Evidence: UNC Writing Center
  • What Is STS: Harvard University
  • An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies: London’s Global University
  • What is the Study of STS? Stanford University
  • Science and Technology: Gale
  • Essay Structure: Ashford Writing Center
  • 100 Technology Topics for Research Papers: Owlcation
  • A CS Research Topic Generator: Purdue University
  • Research Topics List: NASA
  • 11 of The Biggest Innovations Shaping The Future of Spaceflight Today: Insider
  • Space Exploration Timeline: ALIC
  • Science and Technology: Academia
  • Modern Technology: ScienceDirect
  • Are Space Launches Bad for the Environment?: Science Focus
  • The Future of Space Exploration: University of Central Florida
  • The Space Race: Digital History
  • Sputnik, 1957: United States Department of State
  • Space Exploration and Innovation: UNOOSA
  • Benefits of Science: University of California, Berkeley
  • Technology in Space Exploration and Beyond: Experimental College
  • US Views of Technology and the Future: Pew Research Center
  • The Development of Interest in Science: NCBI
  • Science for Society: UNESCO
  • Science and Technology: RAND
  • The Relationship between Science and Technology: ScienceDirect
  • Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and Culture for Sustainable Development and The MDGs: United Nations
  • Religion and Science: The Atlantic
  • Writing the Scientific Paper: Colorado State University
  • International Space Station: Facts, History & Tracking: Space.com: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News
  • Screaming Yeast: Sonocytology, Cytoplasmic Milieus, and Cellular Subjectivities: University of Chicago
  • What is Nanotechnology?: University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • 5 Influential NASA Inventions: Ohio University
  • GMO Crops, Animal Food, and Beyond: US Food and Drug Administration
  • Hydroponics: Oklahoma State University
  • The Science of Virtual Reality: The Franklin Institute
  • How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges, and Impact on Students: American University, Washington, DC.
  • What was Pangea?: USGS
  • Renewable Energy Explained: US Energy Information Administration
  • Deep Space Communication and Navigation: European Space Agency
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Well, I like your tips and suggestions, but please give us some topics that are related to our issues nowadays. Also, give us some specific and eye-catching title to help us with our article. Thank you : )

Custom Writing

Thanks for the advice, Barbie, I’ll keep that in mind 🙂

Excellent post. I’m going through a few of these issues as well.

I hope to write my Science and Technology essay successfully. I read your post and think to complete my essay on Science and Technology without any problems.

Fascinating topics for my essay on Science and Technology! Hm, don’t know which one to choose for my paper… but now this is not a big problem) Thanks!

165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples

Looking for good World War 1 topics to write about? This area of study is exciting, controversial, and worth analysing!

  • 🔝 Top 10 WW1 Topics to Write about
  • 📝 WW1 Essay: How to Write
  • 🏆 Best WW1 Essay Topics & Examples

💡 Good Essay Topics on WW1

  • 🔎 Interesting Topics to Write about WW1
  • ⭐ WW1 Research Topics
  • 📃 Simple & Easy WW1 Essay Titles
  • ❓ WW1 Essay Questions

In your WW1 essay, you might want to focus on the causes of the conflict, its participants, or answer the question of who started the First World War. In this article, we’ve gathered 139 WW1 ideas that you can use in any project, presentation, or even debate. There are also great World War 1 essay examples to inspire you even more.

🔝 Top 10 World War 1 Topics to Write about

  • Causes of World War I
  • Political and military alliances before the WWI
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the starting point of WW1
  • Naval warfare of World War I
  • Ottoman Empire in World War 1
  • The role of technology in World War 1
  • The use of chemical weapons in WWI
  • The most cruel war crimes of WW1
  • Armenian genocide as a part of World War 1
  • The effects and consequences of WW1

📝 World War 1 Essay: How to Write

With over 60 million people mobilized and involving countries all around the world, any World War 1 Essay is bound to touch upon a wide variety of topics.

The mechanics behind the start of the war, its process, and results all interconnect, which may make the subject seem hard to understand and harder to outline.

However, navigating your way around World War 1 essay questions is only a matter of taking note of a few cornerstone historical processes.

Before You Start Your Outline

Do some research on your assigned issue. The more books and journals you peruse, the more aware of your subject you will be. You will not use all of them, but you will form an understanding of which titles your essay needs.

As you continue your research, start compiling your bibliography, which will be the backbone of your essay’s credibility. World War 1 is a highly historiographical event, and you will be sure to find a wide variety of literature on it on the internet.

Write down some essential terms and think about how they relate to your essay. Imperialism, nationalism, the Versailles treaty are good starter examples of omnipresent processes and results of World War 1. Doing so may help you give your essay a new, previously explored perspective.

Structuring your Thoughts into an Essay Outline

After you have finished with your sources and key terms, think about how you can split your main theme into subtopics.

Even if your essay is a single page, doing so will allow you to divide your ideas evenly between paragraphs. If it is on the longer side, think about including subheadings in your work.

This action gives your essay a more rigid structure that is easy to read. Additionally, now is the time to think about your essay’s title. World War 1 essay titles should reflect your stance as the writer and hint at the conclusion that you will draw.

You may feel like your outlined subheadings are overlapping, making your essay seem messy. In this case, find and read a World War 1 essay sample. Plagiarism is a severe academic offense, but getting inspired by someone else’s work, while giving credit, is not.

Beginning to Write

You should try to start your essay with something that attracts the attention of your readers. This World War 1 essay hook can be a fact or an intriguing explanation of a process central to your topic. Then, in this paragraph:

  • Give your readers a brief overview of the events that are relevant to your essay;
  • Hint at your intent, explain your methods and make your point of view clear;
  • Make sure your readers are aware of what problems you will touch upon;
  • Create a working thesis statement that will be your guideline throughout your work.

Each paragraph you include should link back to your thesis statement. Always be sure to ask yourself when writing:

  • Does this further my argument?
  • Can my facts be used against me? How can I fix that?
  • Is there a different perspective on this issue?
  • Could I remove this without hurting the quality of my essay?
  • Is my structure reflective of the problem it is covering? What can I do better?

Remember that a good structure reflects the amount of effort you put into your work. Need a sample to get inspired? Head over to IvyPanda!

🏆 Best World War 1 Essay Topics & Examples

  • Positive and Negative Effects of WW1 on Canada: Essay Nonetheless, the war led to great negative impacts such as loss of lives, economic downtrend, and the generation of tensions involving the Francophones and Anglophones who disagreed after the emergence of the notion of conscription.
  • First World War: Causes and Effects This later led to the entry of countries allied to Serbia into the war so as to protect their partners. In conclusion, the First World War led to the loss of many lives.
  • American Dream After World War I People lost vision of what this dream was supposed to mean and it became a dream, not of the vestal and industrious, but of the corrupt coterie, hence corrupting the dream itself.
  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution in Relation to World War I During the last period of the 19th century all the way to the early 20th century, Europe and America experienced revolutions in communication, transportation and weapons which were very crucial particularly in the manner in […]
  • Total War of World War I The paper will demonstrate that the First World War was a total war since it bore most the hallmark characteristics of the total war including unlimited warfare, prioritization of armament efforts, involvement of the civilian […]
  • World War I Technology Although the question of the origins of the Great War is highly debated, and although this war is considered by many as the beginning of a new stage in history and the real starting point […]
  • Ernest Hemingway’s Personality and His Reflections on WWI The events of World War I and Hemmingway’s personal experiences seemed to have an impact on his writings as he sought to establish himself alongside great writers in the Lost Generation, thus portraying his sensitivity.
  • Federal Government Expansion During World War I The period between 1914 and 1918 was marked by the increased role of the federal government in the United States and the dramatic expansion of its bureaucracies.
  • Causes of WWI and WWII: Comparing and Contrasting In the following paper, Kenneth Waltz’s levels of analysis will be used for the comparison and contrast of causes of WWI and WWII. The second similarity refers to the distribution of power and the division […]
  • World War 1 Origins (How and Why the War Started) William Anthony Hay claims that according to McMeekin, a tutor of international relations, “The war’s real catalyst lay in Russia’s ambition to supplant the waning Ottoman Empire in the Near East and to control the […]
  • America’s Involvement in World War I The issues that led to America’s involvement in this were the German’s resumption of unexpected submarine attacks and the Zimmerman telegram.
  • The Causes and Effects of World War I To this end, the Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and the Enforcement of Penalties met in Paris in 1919. It is impossible to name a single reason for the initiation […]
  • Anti-War Movement DADA Vs. Propaganda Posters of WWI In relation to the causes of the WWI, these can considered as pertinent specifically on the basis that the reasons can be related to the type of society that is present during the said era.
  • Aboriginal Soldiers in the World War I and II Additionally, the paper will argue that the role and experiences of Aboriginal soldiers and the manner in which they have been overshadowed by other significant events in Australian history.
  • Life of Soldiers During the World War I In this paper, we are going to discuss how the World War I affected live of people and what was the life of soldiers and civilians serving and living on the frontlines.
  • Eastman Kodak Company and Fujifilm The Eastman Kodak Company has been focusing on photography and has currently added the use of technology in combining images and information in order to alter the ways through which businesses and people communicate.
  • The Aftermath of World War I for Germany In spite of the fact that Germany was one of the most powerful European states before the war’s start in 1914, World War I led to the political, economic, and social decline in the country […]
  • The Progressive Era and World War I To achieve the intended goals, many progressives began by exposing the major evils and challenges that were affecting the United States towards the end of the 19th century.
  • The Progressive Movement and the American Entry Into World War I The motivations of the progressive movement were complex and varied, but they all sought to improve the lives of the people of the United States.
  • World War I as the Catastrophe of the 20th Century There were increased cataclysms in Europe over time; for instance, the war laid a foundation for the rise of Hitler and increased the influence of the Nazism ideology.
  • World War I: American Policy of Neutrality Even though the people of America were shocked and firmly against involvement in the war, the US president thought of the crisis as a turning point that could significantly change America’s place in the world.
  • Economic Causes of World War I As of 1860, the American South was generating 75% of the world’s cotton due to the institution of slavery on the part of its wealthy farmers.
  • The Role of Canada in World War I The beginning of the war was marked by great losses in the field and in the economy of the state. By the war’s end, Canada had shown itself as a great power, which allowed the […]
  • America’s Progressive Era and World War I This paper will outline the events leading to America’s entrance into the war, the obstacles faced by the U.S.military, and the role of American women and minorities.
  • The Entry of the United States Into World War I The United States is believed to have entered the war after sinking the American liner Lusitania by a German submarine in 1915. Due to the competent actions of President W.
  • Role the United States of America in the World War I The main result of the battle was the victory of the Entente and the collapse of the four largest empires: the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and German.
  • Impact of World War I on the American Army Some of the major strategies include the use of airplanes in the field of battle, employing armored vehicles, and electronic communication.
  • The United States Priorities Following World War I Gentile, Linick, and Shurkin single out four important periods in the evolution of the US army: Constitutional moorings and the 19th century, the Spanish-American War to Total War, and the Korean War to Total Force […]
  • Biggest Influence on the US Involvement in World War I Although a combination of factors including trade alliances and the interception of the Zimmerman note encouraged the decision to join the fray, Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare was the biggest reason for the US involvement.
  • Nationalism in Europe Before WWI This movement was the result of effective propaganda and an aggressive policy aimed at the redistribution of territories and the seizure of power.
  • Factors Leading to the Termination of World War I However, the deliberate humiliation of the German leadership at the hand of the Allied forces perpetrated through the signing of the “war guilt clause” indicates that the reason for the Allied forces was not solely […]
  • World War I Causes by Ethnic Problems in Austro-Hungary The presence of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne in the said maneuvers was the perfect opportunity. After the capture of Gavrilo Princip it was time for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to react and teach the […]
  • World War I: Medias of Propaganda in the U.S. Posters of World War 1 presented a different style of propaganda because of the war time effort of U S government.
  • America Changes After World War I Among the various changes underwent by America during their recovery period in the 1920s were changes in culture, economy as well as in the workforce.
  • America in World War I One of the events that led America into the First World War was when a liner belonging to the British was sunk by the U-boat belonging to Germans.
  • The Nature of the Fighting in World War I and World War II So, the results of this war were awful, but still, speaking about the losses of the World War II, it can be said, that it was the bloodiest conflict in human history. The most obvious […]
  • Treaty of Versailles History: The Pact of Peace After WWI The differences among the winners of the war, later on, led to the emergence of more conflicts simply because Germany was not fully weakened; it is believed that the conflicts between these nations were the […]
  • The Wars Between 1815 and WWI in Europe Tsar Nicholas moved into Moldavia and Wallachia and secret accords with the Austrian and British governments for the disposition of the Ottoman empire were formulated in 1844 in London.
  • World War I Within the Context of Military Revolution The main peculiarity of the World War I is the advent of the so-called “three-dimensional conflict”, which means that the combat is held also in the air.
  • Life Before World War I and Life of Soldiers in Trenches The future of these Habsburg domains, assembled over the centuries by marriage, purchase and conquest, was the subject of endless coffee-table speculation, but the subsequent demise of the monarchy should not necessarily encourage the notion […]
  • Great Depression of Canada and Conscription During World War I in Canada Due to the depression in the United States, the people across the border were not able to buy the wheat produced and cultivated in Canada and as a result, the exports declined.
  • Leadership in the World War I Environment Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation and the basic responsibilities of a leader are the accomplishments of the mission and the welfare of […]
  • World War 1 and Technological Improvement The was sparked by the assassination of the Heir to the Austrian throne, Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip on June 28th, 1914.
  • The Battle of Verdun: World War One The choice of Verdun as the center of interest by the Germans was not very effective because the French men lost faith in the fortresses and the need to defend them.
  • Imperialist Global Order After World War I Thus, the general trend of the after-war years was the dismantling of multiethnic empires and the establishment of new nation-states. However, World War I also created new challenges to the existing hierarchies of wealth and […]
  • Soccer Influence on Sociopolitical Aspects of WWI During this period, many footballers and athletes were tempted or encouraged to join the militaries of their respective countries and become part of the ongoing war.
  • Idealist Philosophy After World War I Although I disagree with the philosophy of idealism, it is a fact that it managed to create a better world following the events of World War I.
  • World War I and Its Outbreak Causes Some of the events that influenced the eruption of World War I include the Franco-Prussian war, the Moroccan crisis, the Balkan wars, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand from Austria.
  • World War I and Battle of Vimy Ridge for Canadians If the authors of the required readings gathered for a discussion of the First World War and Vimy Ridge, they would be likely to agree and disagree with one another on some points.
  • Aftermath of the WWI The source concludes that the provisions of the treaty were unfavorable to the government and the people of Germany, something that forced the country’s leaders to respond with militarization of the state.
  • Trucial States’ History From World War I to the 1960s During the decline of the pearling industry, the British were highly vigilant to sustain the existing regional trend of alienation amongst leaders and the people.
  • World War I and Its Aftermath In 1930, Hitler’s ambitions and the rise of Nazism was boosted by president’s declaration that the state was to be ruled autocratically.
  • American Experiences in World War I: Radio Broadcast There was a heated debate in the American society concerning the county’s involvement in the Great War, and President Wilson was heavily criticized not only for the fact of entering the war but also for […]
  • World War I and the 1920s In this case, American citizens went from industry workers and soldiers during the World War I to the explorers, who discover different forms of entertainment in the 1920s because of stabilization of the politics in […]
  • World War I, Its Origin and Allies Many researchers consider the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in June 1914 in Sarajevo to be the reason for the start of World War I.
  • World War I for Americans: Before and After It is important to say that lower classes had to deal with the biggest number of issues, and they have suffered the most.

🔎 Interesting Topics to Write about World War 1

  • France Before World War I and After World War II To overcome the negative consequences of the Franco-Prussian War, France needed to focus on new perspectives for the state’s economic and political development, and such an approach could provide the state with the necessary resources […]
  • Pozieres Battle in World War I on Western Front The battle for the village of Pozieres was one of the deadliest and most remarkable for the Australian troops which took part in the First World War.
  • Native Americans Role in World War I Most of the students who went to schools away from the reserves came to the realization that they were, ‘first Americans and then indians second.’3 The schools also taught patriotic songs as well as observation […]
  • American History From Reconstruction to World War I However, despite the popular opinion of the individual initiative of the first settlers, the federal government played a great role in facilitating the settlement of the West.
  • America & World War I The three years have been used to argue that the US was unwilling to enter the war; that the US was neutral as Woodrow Wilson had declared.
  • From World War One to Globalization Even though the First World War shook Europe to the core, the combination of the first and the Second World War created a three world order, modeled along three rival political affiliations.
  • How the Federal Bureaucracy Expanded During WWI? The role of the bureaucracy was expansive during the war since the state was expected to provide many services to the citizens, something that led to the formulation of stronger rules and regulations to guide […]
  • The Expansion of Federal Bureaucracy During WWI With these, a number of government agencies were created during the WWI particularly when it emerged that there was a need to regulate or control industrial sector as well as the call for the US […]
  • Role of Civilian Population in World War I Not only did the war encouraged people to join their forces in order to fight the enemy, but also affected their perception of the state’s key political processes raising political engagement rates among population, WWI […]
  • WWI: Germany’s Secret Gambles The “interception of the German arms shipment by the Royal Navy” led to the quick suppression of the Eastern uprising and execution of key leaders of the Irish Republicans.
  • The Second Battlefield: Women, Modernism, and the First World War The first theme is the connection of writings of women on the subject of the First World War and the modernism theoretical constructs.
  • The Book “The First World War” by John Keegan However, the emergence of the bill of the right to people’s life across the globe is owed to the occurrence of the First and the Second World War.
  • Watching the World Fall Apart: A Post-WWI Vision of the World in the Works of Otto Dix, Max Beckmann and George Grosz While it is quite understandable that at the current stage of the development of humankind, some conflicts still have to be resolved with the use of coercive methods, war as a massive homicide still remains […]
  • First World War and Germany In particular, the author is more concerned with giving the effects of the war on the German people, unlike other authors who generalize the effects of the war.
  • Ernist Junger’s World War I Experiences When the Storm of Steel was published, it became a favorite in Germany since it adored the greatness of war and the huge sacrifices made by the Germany warriors to end the war victoriously.
  • World War I Technological Advancements World War I saw the application of several new technologies to the battlefield, the most important being that of the internal combustion engine, which permitted the development of the first successful mechanized armored fighting vehicles1.
  • The First World War and the Russian Revolution Scholars argue that Russia’s involvement in the First World War and the economic consequences are the primary causes of the revolution.
  • Effects of World War I on the Development of Modern Art For the artists and most of the people in Europe, the time that preceded the World War I, the actual war period and the aftermath of the was presented a period of profound disillusionment 13.
  • United States and World War I The paper further gives an in-depth analysis of how the Germans waged war against the European countries and the circumstances that forced the United States to abandon its neutrality to take part in the Great […]
  • WWI-War: Revolution, and Reconstruction In as much as soldiers and civilians garnered experience during WWI, it is imperative to acknowledge that the unsuitable environment at the forefront led to deterioration of health standards; furthermore, civilians were forced to live […]
  • The Causes of the First World War In his description of the war, it is clear that Europe played a key role towards the formation of the war alliances.
  • The Role of Airplanes During World War I (1914-1918) The government further formed a consultative ‘Aircraft Production Board’ that was made up of members of the Army, Navy, as well as the sector to assess the Europeans’ fortunes in aircraft sector in a bid […]
  • The World War I The war brought to the fore various issues which had been in the air in the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth century.
  • Importance of Accountability: World War I It is clear from the beginning of this article, that the statistics on the World War I causalities indicates that the Germans suffered fewer casualties compared to their western counterparts, who are the French and […]
  • Events Leading Up to WWI This move also contributed to the start of the conflict and eventually to the war. This decision was vehemently opposed by the Slavs, which saw Russia come to the aid of Serbia while on the […]
  • America and Democracy, at Home and Abroad, During and Just After the First World War Democracy is a kind of regime in which all eligible citizens are allowed to contribute to the decisions of the state.
  • Causes and Consequences of World War 1 In social and economic cycles, the interaction of the whites and Blacks was controlled by the laws that neither of the groups was allowed to cross the other party’s path.
  • Changes in the Middle East After the World War I The involvement in the war by the countries from the Middle East not only led to loss of power but also spurred the economic decline and created social problems.

⭐ World War 1 Research Topics

  • Industrialization and Competition for Resources Which Led to the First World War
  • Factors That Made the First World War Unique
  • Identify and Evaluate Two Main Themes That Have Defined Management Thought Since the End of the First World War.
  • The Events and Results of the First World War I
  • Terrible Beauty: Music and Writing of the First World War
  • Liberal Democracy and Capitalism After World War 1
  • European Politics and the Impact of French Foreign Policy Before the First World War
  • Chemical Warfare During the First World War
  • The First World War and Russian Revolution
  • European Diplomacy and the First World War
  • With What Justification Can World War 1 Be Called a Total War
  • The Catalyst for the First World War
  • The Reasons for the Economic Prosperity in America After the First World War
  • Events Leading for the First World War
  • Imperialistic Rivalries and the Road to the First World War
  • Shaping the American Dream, Defining Success From the First World War to Present
  • Austro-Serbian Relations Provoked the First World War
  • America and the First World War
  • The Purpose and Intent of the League of Nations After the First World War
  • The First World War Impact on Australian Economy
  • The Long Term and Short Term Causes of World War 1

📃 Simple & Easy World War 1 Essay Titles

  • European Goods Market Integration in the Very Long Run: From the Black Death to the First World War
  • The Reasons for the American Support for the Involvement in the First World War
  • Military Technology During the First World War
  • German Foreign Policy and the Impact of Nationalism on It Before the First World War
  • The American Foreign Policy After the First World War
  • The Economic, Social, and Political Impact of the First World War on Eur
  • Technological Advancements During the First World War
  • The World Before the First World War According to Barbara Tuchman
  • The Effects That the First World War Had on Many People
  • The Effective Weapons Used in the First World War
  • Women’s Work During the First World War
  • Diplomatic Crises: The First World War and the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The First World War Changed the Way People Thought About War and Patriotism
  • Gender Roles During the First World War
  • The Reasons for the Outbreak of the First World War
  • Australia’s Economic and Military Contribution in the First World War
  • The First World War: A New Era of Military Conflict
  • German Propaganda During the First World War
  • Analyzing Propaganda During World War 1
  • Britain During the First World War and the Social and Welfare Reforms

❓ World War 1 Essay Questions

  • How Important Was the Entry of the U.S. Into the First World War?
  • Was the First World War a Total War?
  • What Effect Did the First World War Have on Germany?
  • How Significant Was the First World War?
  • In What Ways Were People’s Lives at Home Affected by the First World War?
  • The Russian Revolution Us a Direct Result of the First World War
  • How Did Medical Care Change During the First World War?
  • How the First World War Created Modern America?
  • Was the First World War the Cause of the February Revolution in Russia?
  • Was the First World War Inevitable?
  • How Did the First World War Change the Role of Women?
  • How Industrialization Powered the First World War?
  • Why Did the First World War Last So Long?
  • How Far Was the First World War Responsible for the Growth of the Labour Party and the Decline of the Liberal Party?
  • Why Did the United States Entry Into World War 1?
  • How Did the United States Prepare to Fight for the First World War?
  • How Did the First World War Set the Global Stage for the Second World War?
  • Why Did World War 1 End So Quickly After the Years of Stalemate?
  • Why Did the First World War End When It Did?
  • How Did the First World War Affect Britain Society?
  • How Did Women Affected World War 1?
  • How Did Imperialism Cause World War 1?
  • How the First World War Impacted the Homefronts of Participating Nations?
  • Was the Alliance System the Main Cause of the First World War?
  • How Did the Middle East Change as a Result of World War 1?
  • Why Did the Ottomans Enter the First World War?
  • Why Did Germany Lose the First World War?
  • What Was the Most Important Cause of the First World War?
  • How Did the Allies Win World War 1?
  • Why Did Some Men Oppose Women’s Employment in the Industry During the First World War?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-1-essay-examples/

"165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-1-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-1-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-1-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-1-essay-examples/.

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54 Most Interesting Technology Research Topics for 2023

May 30, 2023

Scrambling to find technology research topics for the assignment that’s due sooner than you thought? Take a scroll down these 54 interesting technology essay topics in 10 different categories, including controversial technology topics, and some example research questions for each.

Social technology research topics

Whether you have active profiles on every social media platform, you’ve taken a social media break, or you generally try to limit your engagement as much as possible, you probably understand how pervasive social technologies have become in today’s culture. Social technology will especially appeal to those looking for widely discussed, mainstream technology essay topics.

  • How do viewers respond to virtual influencers vs human influencers? Is one more effective or ethical over the other?
  • Across social media platforms, when and where is mob mentality most prevalent? How do the nuances of mob mentality shift depending on the platform or topic?
  • Portable devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets have certainly made daily life easier in some ways. But how have they made daily life more difficult?
  • How does access to social media affect developing brains? And what about mature brains?
  • Can dating apps alter how users perceive and interact with people in real life?
  • Studies have proven “doomscrolling” to negatively impact mental health—could there ever be any positive impacts?

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology research topics

Following cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has been a rollercoaster the last few years. And since Bitcoin’s conception in 2009, cryptocurrency has consistently showed up on many lists of controversial technology topics.

  • Is it ethical for celebrities or influential people to promote cryptocurrencies or cryptographic assets like NFTs ?
  • What are the environmental impacts of mining cryptocurrencies? Could those impacts ever change?
  • How does cryptocurrency impact financial security and financial health?
  • Could the privacy cryptocurrency offers ever be worth the added security risks?
  • How might cryptocurrency regulations and impacts continue to evolve?
  • Created to enable cryptocurrency, blockchain has since proven useful in several other industries. What new uses could blockchain have?

Artificial intelligence technology research topics

We started 2023 with M3GAN’s box office success, and now we’re fascinated (or horrified) with ChatGPT , voice cloning , and deepfakes . While people have discussed artificial intelligence for ages, recent advances have really pushed this topic to the front of our minds. Those searching for controversial technology topics should pay close attention to this one.

  • OpenAI –the company behind ChatGPT–has shown commitment to safe, moderated AI tools that they hope will provide positive benefits to society. Sam Altman, their CEO, recently testified before a US Senate He described what AI makes possible and called for more regulation in the industry. But even with companies like OpenAI displaying efforts to produce safe AI and advocating for regulations, can AI ever have a purely positive impact? Are certain pitfalls unavoidable?
  • In a similar vein, can AI ever actually be ethically or safely produced? Will there always be certain risks?
  • How might AI tools impact society across future generations?
  • Countless movies and television shows explore the idea of AI going wrong, going back all the way to 1927’s Metropolis . What has a greater impact on public perception—representations in media or industry developments? And can public perception impact industry developments and their effectiveness?

Beauty and anti-aging technology 

Throughout human history, people in many cultures have gone to extreme lengths to capture and maintain a youthful beauty. But technology has taken the pursuit of beauty and youth to another level. For those seeking technology essay topics that are both timely and timeless, this one’s a gold mine.

  • With augmented reality technology, companies like Perfect allow app users to virtually try on makeup, hair color, hair accessories, and hand or wrist accessories. Could virtual try-ons lead to a somewhat less wasteful beauty industry? What downsides should we consider?
  • Users of the Perfect app can also receive virtual diagnoses for skin care issues and virtually “beautify” themselves with smoothed skin, erased blemishes, whitened teeth, brightened under-eye circles, and reshaped facial structures. How could advancements in beauty and anti-aging technology affect self-perception and mental health?
  • What are the best alternatives to animal testing within the beauty and anti-aging industry?
  • Is anti-aging purely a cosmetic pursuit? Could anti-aging technology provide other benefits?
  • Could people actually find a “cure” to aging? And could a cure to aging lead to longer lifespans?
  • How might longer human lifespans affect the Earth?

Geoengineering technology research topics

An umbrella term, geoengineering refers to large-scale technologies that can alter the earth and its climate. Typically, these types of technologies aim to combat climate change. Those searching for controversial technology topics should consider looking into this one.

  • What benefits can solar geoengineering provide? Can they outweigh the severe risks?
  • Compare solar geoengineering methods like mirrors in space, stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening, and other proposed methods. How have these methods evolved? How might they continue to evolve?
  • Which direct air capture methods are most sustainable?
  • How can technology contribute to reforestation efforts?
  • What are the best uses for biochar? And how can biochar help or harm the earth?
  • Out of all the carbon geoengineering methods that exist or have been proposed, which should we focus on the most?

Creative and performing arts technology topics

While tensions often arise between artists and technology, they’ve also maintained a symbiotic relationship in many ways. It’s complicated. But of course, that’s what makes it interesting. Here’s another option for those searching for timely and timeless technology essay topics.

  • How has the relationship between art and technology evolved over time?
  • How has technology impacted the ways people create art? And how has technology impacted the ways people engage with art?
  • Technology has made creating and viewing art widely accessible. Does this increased accessibility change the value of art? And do we value physical art more than digital art?
  • Does technology complement storytelling in the performing arts? Or does technology hinder storytelling in the performing arts?
  • Which current issues in the creative or performing arts could potentially be solved with technology?

Cellular agriculture technology research topics

And another route for those drawn to controversial technology topics: cellular agriculture. You’ve probably heard about popular plant-based meat options from brands like Impossible and Beyond Meat . While products made with cellular agriculture also don’t require the raising and slaughtering of livestock, they are not plant-based. Cellular agriculture allows for the production of animal-sourced foods and materials made from cultured animal cells.

  • Many consumers have a proven bias against plant-based meats. Will that same bias extend to cultured meat, despite cultured meat coming from actual animal cells?
  • Which issues can arise from patenting genes?
  • Does the animal agriculture industry provide any benefits that cellular agriculture may have trouble replicating?
  • How might products made with cellular agriculture become more affordable?
  • Could cellular agriculture conflict with the notion of a “ circular bioeconomy ?” And should we strive for a circular bioeconomy? Can we create a sustainable relationship between technology, capitalism, and the environment, with or without cellular agriculture?

Transportation technology research topics

For decades, we’ve expected flying cars to carry us into a techno-utopia, where everything’s shiny, digital, and easy. We’ve heard promises of super fast trains that can zap us across the country or even across the world. We’ve imagined spring breaks on the moon, jet packs, and teleportation. Who wouldn’t love the option to go anywhere, anytime, super quickly? Transportation technology is another great option for those seeking widely discussed, mainstream technology essay topics.

  • Once upon a time, Lady Gaga was set to perform in space as a promotion for Virgin Galactic . While Virgin Galactic never actually launched the iconic musician/actor, soon, they hope to launch their first commercial flight full of civilians–who paid $450,000 a pop–on a 90-minute trip into the stars. And if you think that’s pricey, SpaceX launched three businessmen into space for $55 million in April, 2022 (though with meals included, this is actually a total steal). So should we be launching people into space just for fun? What are the impacts of space tourism?
  • Could technology improve the way hazardous materials get transported?
  • How can the 5.9 GHz Safety Band affect drivers?
  • Which might be safer: self-driving cars or self-flying airplanes?
  • Compare hyperloop and maglev Which is better and why?
  • Can technology improve safety for cyclists?

Gaming technology topics

A recent study involving over 2000 children found links between video game play and enhanced cognitive abilities. While many different studies have found the impacts of video games to be positive or neutral, we still don’t fully understand the impact of every type of video game on every type of brain. Regardless, most people have opinions on video gaming. So this one’s for those seeking widely discussed, mainstream, and controversial technology topics.

  • Are different types or genres of video games more cognitively beneficial than others? Or are certain gaming consoles more cognitively beneficial than others?
  • How do the impacts of video games differ from other types of games, such as board games or puzzles?
  • What ethical challenges and safety risks come with virtual reality gaming?
  • How does a player perceive reality during a virtual reality game compared to during other types of video games?
  • Can neurodivergent brains benefit from video games in different ways than neurotypical brains?

Medical technology 

Advancements in healthcare have the power to change and save lives. In the last ten years, countless new medical technologies have been developed, and in the next ten years, countless more will likely emerge. Always relevant and often controversial, this final technology research topic could interest anyone.

  • Which ethical issues might arise from editing genes using CRISPR-Cas9 technology? And should this technology continue to be illegal in the United States?
  • How has telemedicine impacted patients and the healthcare they receive?
  • Can neurotechnology devices potentially affect a user’s agency, identity, privacy, and/or cognitive liberty?
  • How could the use of medical 3-D printing continue to evolve?
  • Are patients more likely to skip digital therapeutics than in-person therapeutic methods? And can the increased screen-time required by digital therapeutics impact mental health

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Mariya holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the Pratt Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing at the University of California Davis. Mariya serves as a teaching assistant in the English department at UC Davis. She previously served as an associate editor at Carve Magazine for two years, where she managed 60 fiction writers. She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review , Cutbank , Sonora Review , New Orleans Review , and The Collagist , among other magazines.

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50 Latest Technology IELTS Topics

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  1. How Post-World War Ii Technology Changed America

    write an essay on the topic war and technology

  2. Essay on War । War

    write an essay on the topic war and technology

  3. (PDF) “War and Technology: Seeking Transformational Outcomes”

    write an essay on the topic war and technology

  4. Causes of world war 1 essay

    write an essay on the topic war and technology

  5. World War 2 Essay

    write an essay on the topic war and technology

  6. 001 P1 Essay On Technology ~ Thatsnotus

    write an essay on the topic war and technology


  1. Information Technology Essay writing in English..Short Essay on Technology Information in 150 words

  2. Why War Has Been Crucial To The Evolution Of Modern Technology

  3. The Future of Warfare

  4. ESSAY

  5. essay on war and peace in english/paragraph on war and peace/war and peace essay

  6. Defensive Designs: The Technology That Protects Us


  1. Technology And The Future Of War

    Editor's note: This essay is an excerpt of the Hoover Press book America and the Future of War. Over the past half century, American political and military leaders have attempted to make war less costly in human terms. As far as lowering American casualties in combat, that is a wholly worthwhile endeavor. But that effort has carried over into ...

  2. World War I Technology

    Introduction. World War I saw the application of several new technologies to the battlefield, the most important being that of the internal combustion engine, which permitted the development of the first successful mechanized armored fighting vehicles. The war was one of the greatest examples of technological advancements and strategic ...

  3. War and Technology: A Very Short Introduction

    Abstract. Warfare and its technologies predate human history. Their dynamic relationship drives the transformation of war and countless realms of technological innovation. Yet even now the newest, best, and highest technology cannot guarantee victory. Rather, technology and warfare remain in a timeless dialectic, driving change without ever ...

  4. 635 War Topics to Write about & Essay Samples

    Check out this list for inspiration! Here, you will find best war topics to write about, be it WW1, Vietnam War, or the Cold War. Choose a catchy title for war-themed paper or speech, and don't forget to read our essay examples! We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts.

  5. Technology, war and the state: past, present and future

    The article is divided into three parts. The first explores the war-state relationship and the factors that shaped it during the Cold War. It explains why technological innovation became so important in war, and how this imperative influenced both our understanding of war and the interaction between war and the state.

  6. Technology in World War I Essay Prompts

    The Purpose of Technology in World War I Research Essays. World War I may seem too distant of an event for students to relate to. However, by providing research-based essays on the technology ...

  7. 20 Most Prominent Technology Essay Topics And Writing Hints

    Stunning technology developed currently. The most shocking modern technology inventions the majority of people still aren't aware of. Enumerate some technologies that you consider completely destructive and harmful. Explain your choice. Technology and space studies. The impact of technology on people's health and values.

  8. World War II Technology Essay Prompts

    World War II Technology Essay Prompts. Heather has a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a master's degree in special education. She was a public school teacher and administrator for 11 ...

  9. 616 Technology Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    616 Technology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. Updated: Oct 26th, 2023. 33 min. Check out our collection of creative titles about artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other trending topics in technology. We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 809 writers online.

  10. How to Write War Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

    How to Write War Essay with a War Essay Outline. Just like in compare and contrast examples and any other forms of writing, an outline for a war essay assists you in organizing your research and creating a good flow. In general, you keep to the traditional three-part essay style, but you can adapt it as needed based on the length and criteria of your school.

  11. 80 War Essay Topics + Tips to Develop Endless Ideas for Papers about War

    Even hard sciences and technology majors could write about the conflict through the lens of scientific and technological advances. ... Our list of ideas for war essay topics would be incomplete without the longest US military engagement on foreign soil that had a significant impact on the country's economy, politics, and society as a whole. ...

  12. Technology Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    475 essay samples found. Technology encompasses the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services. An essay on technology could discuss the impact of emerging technologies on society, explore ethical considerations in technological innovation, or examine the relationship between technology ...

  13. 200-500 Word Example Essays about Technology

    This is where Jenni.ai comes in. Jenni.ai is an innovative AI tool explicitly designed for students who need help writing essays. With Jenni.ai, students can quickly and easily generate essays on various topics, including technology. This blog post aims to provide readers with various example essays on technology, all generated by Jenni.ai.

  14. Argumentative Essay About Technology: Topics & Examples

    Here is an outline template for argumentative essay about technology: Argumentative Essay About Technology Outline. I. Introduction. A. Hook or attention-grabbing statement. B. Background information on technology. C. Thesis statement presenting the main argument. II. Body. A. Advantages of Technology.

  15. World War II Innovations

    World War II also spearheaded the digital revolution of the late 20 th century and early 21 century through robust research in information transmission, electronics and intelligence. Amongst these was the development of the encryption machine by Germans, which heralded the large scale application of digital encryption in information technology.

  16. 100 Unique Technology Essay Topics

    War Technology Topics. The role of technology in warfare cannot be undermined. With the advancement of technology, the rules of war have also changed. ... How to Write a Technology Essay? Here are the steps for writing a technology essay. Find relevant information according to your interests. Develop the research question that needs to be ...

  17. A Complete List of 100+ War Essay Topics

    Vietnam War Essay Ideas. The causes of the Vietnam War and its justification. The impact of the Tet Offensive on American public opinion. The role of media coverage in shaping the narrative of the Vietnam War. The effects of Agent Orange and other chemical warfare.

  18. World War II Research Essay Topics

    Economy and Workforce. For a nation that was still recovering from the Great Depression, World War II had a major impact on the economy and workforce. When the war began, the fate of the workforce changed overnight, American factories were repurposed to produce goods to support the war effort and women took jobs that were traditionally held by ...

  19. 16 Essays About Technology For Your Next Writing Project

    Consider these 16 ideas for essays about technology to write your next paper. Technology is central to almost every task performed in daily life, today. Using an alarm clock on a phone to wake up. Preparing a presentation for work. Relying on your laptop to present the slides. Liaising with clients, students or peers.

  20. 413 Science and Technology Essay Topics to Write About [2024]

    But first, have a look at the following fields of research in science and technology that our topics cover: Modern technology includes the newest advances in engineering, hardware, systems, and organization methods. You can write about robotics, computer science, and more. Science is knowledge about the universe in the form of testable ...

  21. 165 World War 1 Topics for Essays with Examples

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the starting point of WW1. Naval warfare of World War I. Ottoman Empire in World War 1. The role of technology in World War 1. The use of chemical weapons in WWI. The most cruel war crimes of WW1. Armenian genocide as a part of World War 1.

  22. 54 Most Interesting Technology Research Topics for 2023

    Artificial intelligence technology research topics. We started 2023 with M3GAN's box office success, and now we're fascinated (or horrified) with ChatGPT, voice cloning, and deepfakes. While people have discussed artificial intelligence for ages, recent advances have really pushed this topic to the front of our minds.

  23. 50 Latest Technology IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Technology IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing (for example, through cell phone tracking and security cameras).