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Essays About Journeys: Top 5 Examples and 7 Easy Prompts

Essays about journeys require recounting the events of your travel. Discover our guide with examples and prompts to help you write your essay.

No two journeys are the same, and various factors will always be at play. It’s the reason many documents their expedition through different mediums. Writing about journeys is similar to telling a real-life story that influenced your character or perspective. 

Writing essays about journeys helps to develop your writing and observation skills as you recall and pick the highlights of your travel. Sharing your experiences can entice readers to take on a journey themselves. So, aim to inspire with this exciting essay topic.

5 Essay Examples

1. the best journey in my life by suzanne pittman, 2. road trips: everything you need for a comfortable journey by car by anonymous on, 3. the first day of my journey to adulthood by anonymous on, 4. life is a journey essay by anonymous on, 5. long essay on train journey by prasanna, 1. reasons to go on a journey, 2. trip vs. journey, 3. how to enjoy long journeys, 4. my most memorable journey, 5. what makes a journey meaningful, 6. my dream journey, 7. a hero’s journey.

“I had to save a lot of money because I wanted very much to go on this journey with my friends. We planned our trip to take us around Europe. We were going to stop in various parts of Europe with family members and friends.”

The essay mimics Pittman’s travel itinerary during her journey in Europe. She includes all the trip details from the first to the last day and makes the readers feel as if they’re traveling with them. Pittman also offers some travel tips to help anyone who wants to visit Europe on a budget. These tips include staying with friends and relatives and taking comfortable train rides despite long distances.

“With proper planning, everything else seems effortless. You need to consider all factors when planning in order for you to enjoy a successful, stress-free adventure.”

The author believes that the primary purpose of traveling is to relax and have fun. They use the essay to teach how to plan car trips properly. Travelers must learn to budget and estimate expenses, including accommodation, gas, activities, and food. Picking a transportation means is also crucial as one needs to consider factors such as capacity, range, and utility. 

“Although things didn’t go how I planned I’m still in college bettering myself and furthering my education. Anything is possible with a good support system and positive mindset.”

The essay narrates how the author’s journey into adulthood becomes a mini-vacation in Georgia after their top university rejects their enrollment. This rejection offers the opportunity to understand many great life lessons. Despite having five other universities to choose from, the writer realizes they only provide free tuition for the first semester. Ultimately, the author receives a full scholarship to a university closer to home.

“All people have the same journey to take – their life. As well as in the other journeys, there may be some inconveniences, disappointments and joys, and a lot depends on how we plan this particular journey and what attitude we develop towards it.”

In this essay, the writer shares that the best way to go on a life journey is with the most joy and minor damage you can endure. It’s constant work to continuously improve one’s life while developing positive qualities and thinking. But in doing so, you’ll have a solid foundation to achieve what you want out of life. However, the author still reminds the readers that they should always be ready to face unexpected events and deal with them in the best way possible.

“These days, people prefer traveling via airplanes because it is time-saving. But going by plane gets boring and monotonous. Train journeys are a relief from the monotony.”

For Prasanna, whether it’s a short or extended tour, a train journey offers an exciting travel experience. She talks about the local and regional trains in India, which are often overcrowded but still used by many as they are the cheapest, safest, and fastest mode of transport in the country. She also mentions that you’ll never get hungry when riding their local trains because of the vendors who sell Indian delicacies. 

7 Prompts for Essays About Journeys 

Essays About Journeys: Reasons to go on a journey

Everyone has different motives for traveling. Some go on a journey to appreciate beautiful sceneries, while some move to attend family or work-related gatherings. Some do so to run away from problems. For this prompt, research the common reasons to travel. You can also interview people on why they go on a journey and add any personal experiences. 

It’s a trip when a person travels from one point to another without any transfers. Meanwhile, a journey is a more extended voyage that includes transfers and several trips. Compare and contrast trips and journeys to make your readers understand their similarities and differences. You can also have the advantages and disadvantages of each in your paper.

If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

The idea of having a long journey and discovering new things is exciting. However, the excitement can disappear when you’re far away from home. This is especially true for longer and farther travels. This prompt will help readers have a safer, more affordable, and more enjoyable trip by discussing the best long-distance travel tips. You can present an imaginary itinerary with estimated costs to make the essay more digestible.

Write about an unforgettable journey you’ve had through this prompt. Include the purpose of your travel, how you planned it, and if your timetable was followed. Share what you’ll improve on next time to make your journey even better; you can also talk about your companions and the activities that make the adventure worthwhile.

Journeys become meaningful when they enrich lives. It can be because of the destination, the people you are with, or the travel’s goal. Use this prompt to suggest how journeys improve us as humans. You can section your piece based on an individual’s objectives. For example, someone who wants to recharge and get away from the city will find meaning in going to a location far from technology.

Essays About Journeys: My dream journey

Although traveling can be tiring, 43% of travelers appreciate the experience they gain. Think of journeys you desire to be in and add your reasons. Then, you can share your plan on how to make it happen. For instance, you want to tour Southeast Asia and visit countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. To make this dream journey come true, you’ll save for an entire year and work around a tight budget.

It’s normal to see the main character in a movie or novel go through a character arc before they become a true hero. Use this prompt to explain a hero’s journey and why the character must go through it. To give you an idea, Peter Parker was a shy and introverted kid who lived an everyday life before becoming Spider-Man. This makes him relatable to the audience and lets them understand his decisions in the following scenes.

For more examples, check out our guide to movies that follow the hero’s journey .

You can also talk about real-life heroes, such as doctors and firefighters. Interview someone with that profession and ask them why they decided to have their current career.

descriptive essay on a journey

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Essay on Life Is a Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on Life Is a Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The concept of life.

Life is often compared to a journey. Just like a journey, life has a beginning and an end. We are born, we grow, and we eventually pass away.

Paths in Life

In our life journey, we traverse different paths. Some paths are smooth, others are rocky. These paths represent the challenges and triumphs we face.

Travel Companions

On this journey, we are never alone. We meet people who become our companions. They help us navigate our path and make our journey worthwhile.

Lessons Learned

Life, like any journey, teaches us valuable lessons. These lessons shape us into who we are and guide us towards our destination.

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with experiences and lessons. Embrace the journey and cherish every moment.

250 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life.

Life is often compared to a journey, a metaphorical concept that demonstrates the progression of life from birth to death. This journey is not merely a physical one, but rather a voyage of self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding.

Unpredictability and Challenges

The unpredictability of life’s journey is what makes it thrilling and daunting at the same time. We encounter various challenges, obstacles, and detours that test our resilience. These obstacles can be seen as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow, shaping our personalities and perspectives.

Companionship on the Journey

Life’s journey is also marked by the companions we meet along the way. These relationships, whether they last a lifetime or a fleeting moment, can have a profound impact on our journey. They provide us with valuable lessons about empathy, love, and the importance of connection.

Appreciating the Journey

The journey of life is not just about reaching a destination. It’s about appreciating the journey itself, the experiences, and the growth that comes with it. It’s about understanding that each step, each decision, and each experience, positive or negative, contributes to our overall journey.

In conclusion, life’s journey is a complex tapestry of experiences, lessons, and relationships. It is unpredictable, challenging, and filled with opportunities for growth. As we navigate through it, we must remember to appreciate the journey, the companions we meet, and the lessons we learn. After all, life is not just about the destination but the journey itself.

500 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life as a journey.

The metaphor of life as a journey is a profound and timeless one. It illustrates the process of human existence, from birth to death, as a voyage filled with experiences, challenges, and learning. This metaphor encourages us to perceive life not as a destination but as a journey, where the ultimate goal is not to reach a particular endpoint, but to grow, learn, and evolve along the way.

Stages of the Journey

The journey of life is composed of several stages. Each stage represents a unique phase of our life, marked by distinctive challenges and opportunities for growth. The stages begin with childhood, a time of innocence and discovery. This stage is followed by adolescence, a period of exploration and self-definition. Adulthood comes next, bringing with it the responsibilities of career, family, and society. Finally, old age is a time for reflection, wisdom, and acceptance.

Challenges and Growth

Just as any journey is fraught with obstacles and difficulties, so too is the journey of life. These challenges, however, should not be seen as deterrents but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. They provide us with the chance to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, to develop resilience, and to cultivate empathy and understanding towards others. Each challenge we overcome makes us stronger and more capable, shaping us into the individuals we become.

The Importance of the Journey

The essence of the journey metaphor lies in its emphasis on the process, rather than the destination. It teaches us to value the experiences and lessons we gain along the way, rather than fixating on a final goal. This perspective encourages us to live in the present, to appreciate our current circumstances, and to make the most of every moment. It reminds us that the journey itself is the reward, and that every step we take is a part of our personal growth and evolution.

The Role of Companionship

No journey is meant to be undertaken alone. Companionship plays a crucial role in our life’s journey. Our companions – family, friends, mentors – provide us with support, guidance, and encouragement. They share in our joys and sorrows, help us navigate through difficulties, and enrich our journey with their presence. Companionship adds depth and meaning to our journey, making it all the more worthwhile.

Conclusion: The Journey Continues

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with stages, challenges, growth, and companionship. It is a voyage that provides us with countless opportunities to learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves. As we navigate through this journey, it is important to remember that the value lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. As we continue on our path, let us cherish our experiences, learn from our challenges, appreciate our companions, and above all, enjoy the journey. Because, in the end, life is not about where we are going, but how we get there.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My First Train Journey
  • Essay on An Unforgettable Journey
  • Essay on A Memorable Journey

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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English Aspirants

A Journey by Train Essay | Short & Long Essays for Students

A Journey by Train Essay in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on a journey by train in English. We’ve provided both long and short essays here. So, let’s begin.

A Journey by Train Essay/Paragraph

During last summer vacation, I went on a family trip to Puri with my family. This was my first long journey by train. We reached the Howrah railway station with all our luggage quite early. The train departed from Howrah at around 9 o’clock in the morning. When I looked outside everything was running behind, I loved that scene. The train was moving quite fast. The whole train was crowded.

After boarding, we had our breakfast. I always prefer a window seat, because I can enjoy beautiful nature from there. I was impressed by the beauty of the landscape. Watching the beautiful natural scenes outside gave me extreme happiness. The train finally reached the Puri station at 6 o’clock in the evening. It was an exciting train journey.

Essay on A Journey by Train

Also Read: A Memorable Day in My Life

Short Essay on A Journey by Train

Train journeys are always very exciting. We get to meet a lot of new people. Two weeks back had a train journey. The name of the train was Howrah-Dhanbad Black Diamond Express. My destination was Asansol. The train departed from Howrah around 6.40 in the morning. The weather was pleasant and I took a window seat.

Most of the passengers inside the train compartment were either reading a newspaper or sleeping. I started reading one of my favourite novels. The constant yelling of the hawkers forced me to close the book and look out of the window. Around 8.30 in the morning I bought a cup of coffee and a packet of biscuits from a hawker. Having small sips in the coffee concentrated on the visuals and images that changed rapidly outside the train compartment.

I noticed that concrete jungle have paved its way to lush green fields and ponds with trees surrounding them. Farmers were tilling children were going to school through the mud track. The ambiance outside was serene and in complete contrast with the atmosphere inside the train.

A Journey by Train Essay

Also Read: Essay on Visit to a Hill Station


Once I read a poem. I still remember some of  its lines as follows:

“All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain; And ever again, in the wink of an eye Painted stations whistle by.” (From A Railway Carriage-RL Stevenson)

A journey by a speeding train is an exciting experience. The modern age seems to be obsessed with speed. So people prefer to travel by the railways than by road.

Description of the Journey:

One day, my father announced that we were going to visit Shantiniketan during the winter holidays. I was simply thrilled. On the scheduled day, we reached Howrah station in the morning. The Shantiniketan Express stood majestically at the platform. The station was humming with the din and bustle. There were rings of people before the ticket counters. We entered a compartment and settled down for the journey. I managed a seat beside a window. Soon the signal was green at the far end of the platform. Within a minute, the train began to move. We glided out of the station. Then it picked up speed.

As the train thundered on, I surrendered my ears to the rattle of the train wheels. They were making rickety-rackety sounds when they rolled over the tracks. I looked outside through the window to get a view of the Nature outside. The train was passing by harvested fields, meadows, brooklets, and small ponds. Through the window, the world outside looked like a motion picture. Everything looked very bright and pleasant in the morning sunshine.

I looked about my compartment. Father was flipping through a magazine. Mother was chatting with an elderly couple. The hawkers and vendors were selling various foodstuffs. A beggar was singing a song while begging. In the meantime, the train reached at Guskara station. After half an hour it reached Bolpur.

My Feelings:

I got spellbound to see the fantastic wild beauty of nature through the window. The greatness of God manifested in nature’s creations. I remembered some lines of a poem-

“The true pleasing spirits sight’s That may breed true love’s delights” (Nicholas Breton)

The breeze was gentle, fresh, glorious, and a pleasure to breathe. It was pouring into our compartment from outside. I sometimes lost my sense of individuality and seemed to expand through the window. Thus, I wanted to establish a magical link with nature.


Thus ended my first train journey. This journey was so pleasant that l experienced an intense high.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Zoo 2. Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place 3. Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair

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Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on train journey.

First of all, a journey refers to traveling from one place to another. When it comes to journeys, train journeys take the top spot. A train journey certainly is a wonderfully joyous occasion. Furthermore, train journeys fill individuals with a feeling of intense excitement. This mode of the journey is best when the travel distance is long. A train journey creates an aura that cannot be experienced with other types of journeys.

Essay on Train Journey

My Experience of Journey by Train

I have always been an avid supporter of train journeys. My involvement with train journeys began in childhood . I live in Lucknow and from here I have undertaken many train journeys. Furthermore, since childhood, I have paid several visits to the hill station of Almora to meet my relatives. Almora is a hill station located in the state of Uttarakhand. Most noteworthy, Almora is situated in the Himalayan mountain region. Due to this, trains cannot travel directly to Almora. Consequently, Kathgodam is the last town station accessible by trains before the mountain range begins.

The trip from Lucknow to kathgodam is quite a lively experience. I have always ensured the reservation of my seats beforehand. So, my train journey begins from Lucknow railway station. As the train undergoes motion and leaves the Lucknow railway station, my excitement begins to rise. Moreover, as the train gathers speed, a thrilling feeling overtakes me.

My train journey from Lucknow to Kathgodam is probably 8-10 hours duration. However, I enjoy every minute of it in spite of the journey being so long. Furthermore, all along the journey, one can purchase items of food and drinks. I almost always purchase meals and refreshments at least twice in the journey.

When slumber overtakes me, I make use of the sleeping berth. I personally find sleeping on the train berth very comfortable. When I wake after a deep sleep, mountains are visible from a distance. Moreover, as the train approaches Kathgodam with menacing speed, the view of mountains gets bigger and bigger. Also, my amusement greatly rises as I see the Himalayas draw closer. Finally, as the train stops at Kathgodam, my delightful train journey comes to an end.

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Why Do I Like to Travel by Train?

Comfort is one of the biggest advantages of a train journey. Most noteworthy, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, in trains, there is a possibility of an ample foot room. Moreover, trains offer comfortable sleeping berths. All of this makes the train journey a relaxing experience.

Beautiful sightseeing is another noteworthy benefit of train journeys. As the train travels, one can enjoy the views of the countryside, farms, forests , factories, etc. This makes train journeys more comprehensive than journeys by air or road.

Train journeys offer a variety of opportunities to pass time. Furthermore, the train offers a sociable environment. In train journeys, conversations between passengers almost always take place. One can make new friends with traveling passengers on the train easily. Also, one can spend time in a handsome manner on a train journey. In a train journey, one can spend time reading something, listening to music, watching videos, sleeping/resting comfortably, etc.

To sum it up, train journeys are truly one of a kind. The train journey offers uniqueness like no other journey. Most noteworthy, the charm of such a journey is unmatchable. The train journey certainly offers an unforgettable rich experience.

Q1 Why does the writer sleeps so deeply in trains?

A1 The writer sleeps deeply in trains because he finds sleeping on the train berth very comfortable.

Q2 What makes train journeys so journeys so comfortable?

A2 Trains journeys certainly are very comfortable. First of all, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, there is ample foot room possibility and comfortable sleeping berths on the train.

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descriptive essay on a journey

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

descriptive essay on a journey

Working on a descriptive essay is like handing your reader a pair of magical glasses – it allows them to see, feel, and experience what you're describing. It's not just about listing facts – it's about immersing your reader in a sensory adventure. Fun fact: Studies show that our brains respond to vivid imagery as if we're actually experiencing the described scene. So, by painting a detailed picture with your words, you're not just telling a story – you're triggering a sensory response in your reader's brain, making the whole experience more memorable and engaging. It's like turning your essay into a mini-vacation for your reader's mind. In this article, students who haven’t delegated their tasks to essay writers yet will find a detailed explanation of descriptive writing with the definition, tips, and examples. Stay tuned!

What Is a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is a form of writing that employs vivid language and sensory details to create a vivid picture or experience for the reader. Unlike other types of essays that may focus on analyzing, persuading, or narrating, the primary goal of this type of an essay is to paint a compelling and detailed picture in the reader's mind. It often involves the writer using descriptive words, metaphors, and other literary devices to convey a sensory experience, allowing the reader to visualize, feel, hear, smell, and taste what is being described. The purpose is to evoke a strong emotional response and engage the reader's imagination, making them feel like they are part of the depicted scene or moment.

In a descriptive essay, the writer carefully selects and organizes details to convey a specific impression or mood. The subject matter can range from a personal experience to observing a place, event, or object. The effectiveness lies in the writer's ability to create a vivid and immersive experience, enabling the reader to connect with the described subject on a deeper level. Ultimately, a well-executed descriptive essay leaves a lasting impression by bringing words to life and making the reader experience the depicted elements in a tangible and memorable way. You can also consult a reflection paper example for additional writing hints.

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Description vs. Descriptive Essay

Description and descriptive essays are related concepts, but they differ in scope and form. Description is a broader term that refers to the act of detailing the characteristics or features of something, someone, or a specific situation. It can be a component of various types of writing, not limited to essays. Description can be found in narratives, expository writing, and even technical or scientific writing, where clarity and precision in detailing are crucial. In essence, description is a tool used in writing to enhance understanding and create a vivid mental image.

On the other hand, a descriptive essay is a specific genre of writing that focuses entirely on painting a comprehensive and detailed picture using descriptive language. It is a more concentrated form of expression, where the writer's primary objective is to engage the reader's senses and emotions. Our custom writers suggest that a descriptive essay typically centers around a particular theme, experience, or subject, and it employs vivid imagery, figurative language, and sensory details to create a captivating narrative. Unlike a simple description, a descriptive essay has a more structured and narrative-oriented format, often with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Description vs. Descriptive Essay

What to Describe in Your Essay

In a descriptive essay, you have the opportunity to portray a particular subject vividly, and the key is to engage the reader's senses and imagination. Here are some ideas on what you can describe:

  • Scenic Locations. Transport your reader to a specific place – a serene beach, a bustling city street, a lush forest, or an ancient castle. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings associated with that location.
  • Memorable Experiences. Share a personal experience that left a lasting impression on you. It could be a significant event, a life-changing moment, or even a routine activity that holds special meaning.
  • People. Describe a person who has had a profound impact on your life or someone you find intriguing. Focus not only on their physical appearance but also on their personality, quirks, and the emotions they evoke.
  • Objects. Choose a specific object, whether it's a cherished possession, a historical artifact, or something mundane yet interesting. Explore its significance and how it makes you feel.
  • Seasons and Weather. Capture the essence of a particular season or weather condition. Whether it's the warmth of a summer day, the crispness of autumn, or the sound of raindrops on a window – make the reader feel the atmosphere.
  • Animals or Pets. Bring to life a beloved pet or an encounter with a fascinating animal. Describe their appearance, behavior, and the emotions they evoke in you.
  • Cultural Events. Attend a cultural event, festival, or celebration, and describe the vibrant colors, sounds, and traditions. Explore how these events make you feel and their cultural significance.
  • Art and Creativity. Choose a piece of art, a sculpture, or a creative work that captivates you. Dive into the details, uncovering the emotions it evokes and its impact on your perception.

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Two Approaches to Writing a Descriptive Essay

Two Classic Approaches to the Descriptive Essay

There are generally two primary approaches to writing a descriptive essay, each emphasizing a different aspect of the subject. These approaches help shape the overall tone and purpose of the essay:

Objective Approach. In the objective approach, the writer strives to provide a detailed and accurate portrayal of the subject without injecting personal emotions or opinions. This method is often employed in academic and technical writing. The focus is on presenting an unbiased, factual description that allows readers to form their own opinions. For example, if describing a historical monument, the writer would focus on architectural details, historical context, and other observable features without interjecting personal feelings.

Subjective Approach. Conversely, the subjective approach encourages the writer to infuse personal experiences, emotions, and opinions into the description. This approach is often used in creative writing, personal narratives, or essays that aim to evoke specific emotions in the reader. When using a subjective approach, the writer might vividly describe how the subject makes them feel, drawing on personal memories and sensory experiences. For instance, if describing a favorite childhood place, the writer might delve into nostalgic emotions and memories associated with that location.

The choice between these approaches depends on the writer's goals and the intended impact on the reader. Some essays may even blend elements of both approaches, providing factual details while also conveying the writer's emotional connection to the subject. The key is to be intentional in choosing the approach that best serves the purpose of the descriptive essay. Or, you can buy cheap essay to avoid the trouble now and save valuable free time.

Descriptive Essay Topics

Choosing topics for descriptive essay can greatly benefit students by helping them improve their writing skills and unleash their creativity. These assignments allow students to dive deep into a subject and practice using colorful language, vivid descriptions, and creative imagery. By focusing on details, students learn to observe the world around them more closely and appreciate the nuances of their surroundings. 

Exploring various topics also allows students to expand their knowledge and understanding of different cultures, experiences, and environments, fostering empathy and a broader perspective. In essence, descriptive essay topics provide students with a valuable opportunity to develop their writing abilities while gaining a deeper appreciation for the power of language and observation.

Descriptive Essay

  • A day at the beach.
  • My favorite childhood memory.
  • The cozy corner of my room.
  • A rainy day in the park.
  • The bustling farmer's market.
  • An unforgettable family gathering.
  • The charming old bookstore.
  • My pet's quirky habits.
  • The perfect pizza slice.
  • Sunrise over the city.
  • A peaceful forest glade.
  • The hectic school cafeteria.
  • A quiet Sunday morning.
  • Exploring a hidden trail.
  • The enchanting winter wonderland.
  • The lively street fair.
  • Inside Grandma's kitchen.
  • A colorful autumn day.
  • My favorite room in the house.
  • The first day of school.
  • A historic landmark in my town.
  • Sunset on the lakeshore.
  • The adorable neighborhood coffee shop.
  • A vibrant street art mural.
  • My most comfortable outfit.
  • The quaint village square.
  • A walk through the botanical garden.
  • The excitement of a carnival.
  • A quirky antique shop.
  • Sunday afternoon picnic.

If you need more ideas, consult our guide on narrative essay topics .

Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline for a descriptive essay serves as a roadmap for organizing and structuring the content of your essay to ensure a coherent and engaging narrative. Here's a simple breakdown of the typical components of a descriptive essay outline:

Descriptive Essay Introduction

  • Hook. Begin with a captivating opening sentence to grab the reader's attention.
  • Thesis Statement. Clearly state the main idea or purpose of your essay.

Body Paragraphs (usually three to four)

  • Topic Sentence. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point.
  • Details and Descriptions. Elaborate on the topic sentence by providing vivid and specific details, using sensory language to engage the reader's senses.
  • Transitions. Use smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of the essay.
  • Restate Thesis. Recap the main idea of the essay without introducing new information.
  • Summarize Key Points. Briefly revisit the main details discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Closing Statement. End with a concluding thought that leaves a lasting impression or provokes further reflection.

Review and Revise

  • Check for Consistency. Ensure that your descriptions are consistent and align with the overall theme.
  • Grammar and Style. Review your essay for grammatical errors and refine your writing style.
  • Peer Review. If possible, seek feedback from others to gain different perspectives on your essay.

Remember, this is a flexible descriptive essay writing framework, and the number of body paragraphs can vary based on the specific requirements of your assignment. The key to how to write a descriptive essay is to maintain a logical and organized structure that guides the reader through a rich and immersive experience of the subject you're describing.

Stages of Writing a Descriptive Essay

Writing a descriptive essay involves several stages, each crucial to the development of a vivid and engaging narrative. Here's an overview of the key stages:

Stages of Writing a Descriptive Essay

  • Choose a Topic. Select a subject that is meaningful, interesting, and conducive to detailed description.
  • Brainstorming. Generate ideas related to the chosen topic, jotting down sensory details, emotions, and specific experiences associated with it.
  • Thesis Statement. Develop a clear thesis statement that conveys the main purpose or impression you want to leave with your readers.
  • Introduction. Craft an engaging introduction that hooks the reader and includes the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs. Develop each paragraph around a specific aspect of your topic, providing detailed descriptions and utilizing sensory language.
  • Organization. Arrange your paragraphs logically, using a chronological, spatial, or thematic structure to guide the reader through the experience.
  • Transition Sentences. Use transitional sentences to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas.
  • Content Review. Evaluate the effectiveness of your descriptions, ensuring they contribute to the overall theme and purpose of the essay.
  • Clarity and Coherence. Check for clarity and coherence in your writing, ensuring that readers can follow your narrative easily.
  • Sensory Language. Enhance the use of sensory language, making sure that your descriptions evoke vivid images and engage the reader's senses.
  • Thesis Refinement. Fine-tune your thesis statement to reflect any adjustments made during the drafting process.

Editing and Proofreading

  • Grammar and Punctuation. Review your essay for grammatical errors, punctuation issues, and proper sentence structure.
  • Consistency. Check for consistency in tense, point of view, and overall writing style.
  • Word Choice. Ensure that your vocabulary is precise and contributes to the richness of your descriptions.
  • Final Check. Conduct a final proofread to catch any remaining errors, typos, or formatting issues.
  • Peer Review. If possible, seek feedback from peers or instructors to gain additional perspectives on your essay.
  • Structure. Ensure your essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Font and Font Size. Adhere to any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor, including font type and size.
  • Margins and Spacing. Check and adjust margins and line spacing according to the formatting requirements.
  • Title and Headings. If required, include a title and headings, making sure they are appropriately formatted.
  • Citations. If using sources, ensure proper descriptive essay format according to the citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).

By following these stages, you can systematically develop and refine your essay, creating a compelling and immersive experience for your readers.

Descriptive Essay Examples

A descriptive essay example is like a practical guide for students, showing them how to write in a way that really grabs people's attention. They help students see how to use colorful language and organize their thoughts. By looking at the examples, students can understand how to make their writing more engaging and bring their ideas to life. They also inspire students to get creative and find their own unique style. Examples are like a roadmap, navigating students who google ‘ do my homework ’ through the writing world and making them more confident and expressive communicators.

Example 1: "A Tranquil Morning at Sunrise Cove"

This descriptive essay paints a vivid picture of the enchanting Sunrise Cove, capturing the serene and captivating atmosphere that unfolds during the early morning hours. From the magical transformation of the landscape bathed in the warm hues of dawn to the melodic symphony of nature's sounds, the cove emerges as a tranquil haven untouched by the hustle and bustle of modern life. Beyond its picturesque beauty, Sunrise Cove provides a space for introspection and reflection, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the peaceful ambiance and find solace in the quietude of the moment. Ultimately, the essay celebrates the profound beauty and respite offered by this hidden sanctuary as the sun continues its journey across the sky, leaving the cove awash in warmth and tranquility.

Example 2: "The Enchanting Serenity of Moonlit Beaches"

This descriptive essay explores the enchanting beauty of moonlit beaches. It vividly depicts the scene of a beach illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, emphasizing the visual, auditory, and emotional elements that contribute to its allure. The essay is structured into three main paragraphs: the silvered canvas, the symphony of silence, and a tapestry of emotions. Each paragraph delves into a specific aspect of the moonlit beach experience, from the shimmering reflections on the sand and water to the peaceful silence that reigns during the night and, finally, the emotional resonance that the scene evokes. The overall theme highlights the transformative and serene nature of moonlit beaches, portraying them as a timeless sanctuary for introspection and contemplation.

Learning how to compose descriptive essays is a powerful tool that empowers students to express themselves vividly, sharpen their observational abilities, and communicate with precision. The ability to create a sensory-rich experience on paper not only enhances academic performance but also cultivates a lifelong skill set essential for effective communication in various aspects of life.

They encourage students to delve into their surroundings, tap into their creativity, and paint a detailed picture with words. The process of carefully selecting and arranging descriptive details not only refines their writing abilities but also hones their critical thinking skills. As students engage in this form of expression, they learn to appreciate the nuances of language, fostering a deeper connection to the written word. Need help with this assignment? Use our descriptive essay writing service right now!

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

A couple of short essay examples on an adventurous trip.

Table of Contents

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 1

Traveling is one of the most exciting experiences one can have in life. It allows us to explore new places, meet different people, and create unforgettable memories. My recent adventurous trip was one such experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. The trip involved hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain, where I enjoyed a breathtaking view. Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. In this essay, I will share my experience of this adventurous trip, highlighting the challenges, the exhilarating moments, and the memories that I will cherish forever.

Our trip started with hiking through a dense forest. The forest was full of tall trees, colorful flowers, and chirping birds. The trail was steep and rocky, and we had to be careful while walking. The forest was so dense that we could hardly see the sun, and the air was full of freshness. We had to take breaks in between to catch our breath and hydrate ourselves. As we walked, we could hear the sound of a river, and after a few hours of hiking, we finally reached the river. The river was wide and had a strong current, and we had to cross it to continue our journey. We had to be careful while crossing the river, and we held hands to maintain our balance. The water was cold, and we could feel the current pushing us, but we made it to the other side, feeling proud of ourselves.

The highlight of our trip was reaching the summit of the mountain. The climb was steep and exhausting, but the view from the top was worth every effort. From the top of the mountain, we could see the entire valley, and it was a sight to behold. The sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly, making the view even more beautiful. We took pictures and sat there for a while, enjoying the serene beauty of nature. We could hear the sound of birds and feel the cool breeze on our faces. It was a moment of pure bliss, and we felt grateful for being able to witness such a beautiful view.

Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. We had to face unexpected rain and strong winds, which made the climb more challenging. We slipped a few times, but we managed to keep going, motivated by the thought of reaching the summit. The journey was long and tiring, but the memories we created were worth it. We bonded with our fellow travelers, shared laughter, and created memories that we will cherish forever. The trip taught us to be resilient, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to appreciate the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an unforgettable experience that allowed me to explore the beauty of nature, push my limits, and create memories that I will cherish forever. Hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain were challenging but rewarding experiences. Despite facing unpredictable weather and rough terrain, we persevered and created memories that will stay with us for a lifetime. The trip taught us the importance of resilience, perseverance, and appreciation for the beauty of nature. It was an experience that I will always treasure and would love to relive again.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 2

My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable. Overcoming challenges such as inclement weather and physical exertion added to the sense of accomplishment and adventure. In this essay, I will share my experiences of this unforgettable trip.

Hiking was one of the most exciting activities of the trip. We started our hike early in the morning, and the trail was challenging, but the view was worth it. The trail led us through dense forests, and we saw wildflowers, butterflies, and birds along the way. We stopped for a break at a small waterfall, and the sound of the water was soothing. As we continued our hike, we came across a steep incline, which was physically demanding, but we pushed on. At the peak, we were rewarded with an incredible view of the valley below. The sense of accomplishment we felt after completing the hike was indescribable.

Camping was another activity that added to the adventure of the trip. We set up our tents near a lake, and the view was breathtaking. We spent the night sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing stories. The night sky was clear, and we saw countless stars, which was a beautiful sight. The next morning, we woke up early to go kayaking on the lake. The water was calm, and we saw fish jumping out of the water. We even saw a family of ducks swimming nearby. Kayaking was a peaceful and relaxing experience.

The trip was not without its challenges, however. We faced inclement weather during our kayaking, and it was physically demanding. The waves were strong, and the water was choppy. We had to navigate our kayaks through the waves carefully. At times, it was nerve-wracking, but we were able to push through and complete the activity. Overcoming these challenges added to the sense of adventure and accomplishment.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will cherish forever. The activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking, the beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings, and the challenges we faced made the trip unforgettable. It was an opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, explore the great outdoors, and create memories with friends. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 3

Going on an adventurous trip is an experience that many people crave. It is an opportunity to explore new destinations, push oneself to the limit, and create unforgettable memories. I recently had the chance to embark on one such journey, and it was an experience that I will never forget. My adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. Along the way, I encountered challenging terrain and had to navigate through rough terrain. Despite the difficulties, the stunning views and sense of accomplishment made the trip a truly unforgettable adventure. In this essay, I will describe my trip in detail, highlighting the challenges and the rewards that came with it.

The first part of my adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. The trail was not well-marked, and the terrain was challenging, consisting of steep inclines, muddy patches, and slippery rocks. The dense foliage made it difficult to see the path ahead, and we had to rely on our instincts and map reading skills to find our way through. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, and the air was fresh and invigorating. As we got closer to our destination, the sound of rushing water became louder, and we knew we were getting close. Finally, after several hours of hiking, we arrived at the waterfall, and the sight before us was breathtaking. The waterfall was a powerful force of nature, cascading down from a height of over 100 feet. The water was crystal clear, and the surrounding rocks were covered in moss and ferns. It was a sight that made all the hiking and exertion worth it.

The second part of my adventurous trip involved navigating through rough terrain. The terrain was rocky and uneven, and we had to be careful not to slip or fall. At some points, the trail was so steep that we had to use ropes to climb up or down. The weather was also unpredictable, and we had to be prepared for sudden rain or wind. Despite the challenges, the sense of adventure and excitement kept us going. We were a group of friends, and we encouraged and supported each other along the way. We shared food and water, helped each other over difficult patches, and cheered each other on when we reached a milestone. The journey was not just about reaching the destination; it was also about the bonds we formed and the memories we created.

The final part of my adventurous trip was the sense of accomplishment that came with it. After several hours of hiking, navigating challenging terrain, and enduring unpredictable weather, we finally reached our destination. The feeling of standing in front of the waterfall, surrounded by the beauty of nature, was indescribable. It was a sense of accomplishment that came from pushing ourselves beyond our limits, from facing our fears and overcoming them. We took pictures, laughed, and savored the moment. It was a feeling that stayed with us long after the trip was over. The adventurous trip was not just a physical journey; it was also a journey of the mind and the spirit.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will never forget. It involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall, navigating through rough terrain, and the sense of accomplishment that came with it. The trip was challenging, but it was also rewarding. It reminded me of the beauty of nature, the importance of perseverance, and the power of friendship. It was an experience that taught me to appreciate the simple things in life and to embrace the adventure that comes with it.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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descriptive essay on a journey

Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Journey — My First International Trip


My First International Trip

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Words: 675 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 675 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Cultural immersion and perspective shift, embracing the unfamiliar, global citizenship and empathy, conclusion: a journey of transformation.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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descriptive essay on a journey


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Writing Guides  /  How to Write a Descriptive Essay (2021 Edition)

How to Write a Descriptive Essay (2021 Edition)

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is both expository and creative. When you write a descriptive essay, you use rich diction to make your chosen subject come alive. Your job is to describe in detail a person, place, or thing.

You describe things every day of your life. Just think: you tell your friend about the date you had last night in great detail, or you describe how good that bowl of ramen was yesterday.

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You tell your parents about your bad day at school, or you make fun of your teacher.

Writing a descriptive essay just asks you to do the same in writing.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

Consider the difference between these two paragraphs:

Big Macs are popular because they taste good in addition to being cheap and filling. Every time I go to a McDonald’s restaurant, I order a Big Mac because when I am hungry, nothing else hits the spot. Ordering a Big Mac is a simple process. Eating a Big Mac allows me to grab a quick lunch before I go to work. Although they are unhealthy and fattening, I like Big Macs because they are salty, fatty, and delicious.

Even before I opened the door, the thick, nauseating aroma of French fries filled my nose and making me wince. The restaurant was filled with loud children, two of which screamed at the top of their lungs demanding more food from their mothers. A long line had formed at the ordering counter, and I took my place behind the last person. After a grueling five minutes of waiting, I place my order for a Big Mac. When my sandwich finally arrives, I can feel the saliva already filling my mouth. The first bite of familiar salt and fat fills my mouth with pleasure, obscuring all the inner voices telling me to stop eating such disgusting food.

Both paragraphs describe a Big Mac, notice how the second paragraph has richer detail about a specific moment in time as well as the item being described? The first paragraph is more about why you like Big Macs, whereas the second paragraph is more about the experience of ordering one. This is what a descriptive essay should be. You are asked to engage all five senses to invite your reader on a journey.

Describing With the Five Senses

In a descriptive essay , you will almost always be expected to use as many of your senses as possible. If you can use all five senses, then you can create truly fantastic descriptive essays.

The use of the five senses in your description is known as imagery .

Of course, it will not always be possible to employ all five senses in every scene but with a little practice, you might find that you are writing just as much about the taste of fear in your mouth as you are about the feel of your heart beating in your chest.

Sight: Consider color, size, shape, design patterns, straight versus curvy lines, where the item is in relation to other items, lighting.

Sound: Pitch, tone, duration, volume, intensity, melody, rhythm, cadence

Taste: Metallic, bitter, sweet, overly sweet, sour, familiar, unfamiliar

Touch: Smooth, bumpy, sharp, gummy, gooey, viscous, sandy, grainy

Smell: Garbage, sewer, tar, sulfuric, floral, fruity, overripe, coffee, like grandma’s house

Using Metaphors and Similes

One of the hallmarks of a descriptive essay is using the literary devices of metaphor and simile.

Metaphor and simile are types of figurative language .

Figurative language is the opposite of literal language.

Literal Statement

That couple has eight children.

Figurative Statement

That couple breeds like rabbits.

Both a metaphor and a simile describe something in terms of something else, to transform an unfamiliar person, place, or thing into something the reader will find familiar and can relate to.

Simile Example

Bubble tea has large black balls at the bottom called pearls. These pearls have a gummy texture, and when you chew them, they are a lot like gummy bears .

The italicized portion of this passage (“they are a lot like gummy bears”) is a simile. Bubble tea pearls are being compared with gummy bears. They are like gummy bears, even though they are not the same thing.

He stayed in the sun so long that he looked like a baboon’s butt.

In this example, you compare the person to a baboon’s butt. You could have said, “He stayed in the sun so long, he turned red,” but using the simile adds a humorous dimension to your description.

A metaphor achieves the same goal but in a more direct way. Metaphors are commonly used in tasting notes for wine.

Metaphor Example

This cabernet sauvignon has aromas of plum and fresh tobacco, with lingering notes of dark cherry.

Plum, tobacco, and dark cherry are not actual ingredients in the wine, but are the closest things that the taster will recognize when sampling it.

Metaphors function as more assertive versions of similes.

There was a tower of food on my plate.

Your plate of food was not a literal tower, but you want the reader to imagine how much food the kitchen piled onto it.

Metaphor Example:

She was an ogre that day.

The person you are describing was not a mythical creature in a literal sense, but her demeanor made her a metaphorical ogre.

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Extended Metaphors

An extended metaphor is a descriptive writing technique in which you spend a good paragraph or so describing your object in terms of another.

Extended Metaphor Example

She was an ogre that day. Her pent-up resentment made her skin look puffy, and her lack of sleep was turning her skin chartreuse. With hunched-over shoulders, she would grumble a few words that sounded like gibberish. If you asked her to repeat what she said, she would yell or spit out abuses like, “What are you, deaf?” In true ogre spirit, she seemed ready to bite off our heads at the slightest disturbance. No amount of kind words could restore her sense of humanity.

Avoiding Cliché

While you may be tempted to use metaphors, similes, analogies, and other figurative language that is familiar to you, be careful of using clichés .

A cliché is an overused term or phrase. If you find yourself using a cliché, spend an extra minute thinking of a new way of saying the same thing. Keeping it fresh will make your descriptive essay a lot better. If you want good grades, avoid clichés as much as possible.

She eats like a horse.

She eats like a mother bear emerging from her den at the first thaw of spring.

The Difference Between Showing and Telling

When you write a descriptive essay, your job is to make a person, place, or thing come alive for a reader.

You will put your reader to sleep unless you use imagery, simile, metaphor, and other literary devices.

Example of Telling

The church was an old building, built in 1795. It was big and attractive.

Example of Showing

Most of the townsfolk thought the church was haunted. Built in 1795, the bell tower loomed over the town, casting a long dark shadow across the public square each and every afternoon.

Descriptive Essay vs. Narrative Essay

A descriptive essay is similar to a narrative essay, in that both of them may use rich detail, imagery, simile and metaphor.

However, a narrative essay tells a story. A descriptive essay does not necessarily need to have a plot : a beginning, middle, and end.

A narrative essay is almost always descriptive, but a descriptive essay is not necessarily narrative.

Unlike most other formal academic essays, descriptive essays and narrative essays can be written in either first or third person. Use whatever you prefer, or whatever the assignment instructions indicate.

Example of a Descriptive Passage in First Person

The room smelled of freshly brewed coffee when I walked in. Sunlight streamed in from the windows, causing me to squint, temporarily blinding me and making me feel cranky. I set down my book with a sudden thump, which startled my sister. She filled the cup, the sound of the liquid stream making me anticipate the rejuvenating power of caffeine. I took a sip so eagerly, I burnt my tongue on the hot liquid, but I did not care. It tasted so good, at once of chocolate and cherries. My sister makes the best coffee in the world.

Example of the Same Descriptive Passage in Third Person

The room smelled of freshly brewed coffee. Sunlight streamed in from the windows, illuminating dust particles in the air and exposing all the stains on the kitchen counter. Julie filled a cup from the carafe, breaking the silence in the room. The warm cup was comforting, and the coffee tasted like chocolate and cherries. Julie makes the best coffee in the world.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

There are four main steps to writing a descriptive essay:

1.  Picking a subject

2.  Outlining and prewriting

3.  Rough Draft

4.  Polishing and Revision

Descriptive Essay Topics

The first step to writing a descriptive essay is picking a subject or topic you want to describe. Most descriptive essays will be about people, places, things, events/experiences, or feelings.

Someone in your family

A role model

A famous person

A character in a novel

A place you have been on vacation

A famous landmark

Your college or university

A natural setting like a forest or beach

A kitchen gadget

A food item

A music festival

A religious ritual

A party you attended

How you felt when you broke up with your first boyfriend/girlfriend

How you felt when you got into college

How you felt when you walked into a room of people you did not know

Descriptive Essay Outline

The second step in writing a descriptive essay is prewriting, including brainstorming and outlining.

Loosen up your mind by jotting down anything you can think of in relation to the person, place, or thing you are describing. Doing prewriting exercises like these will make the process of writing the essay a lot easier because you are no longer starting from a blank slate.

Do not worry about full sentences at this point. Just write down colors, smells, and anything that comes to mind.

Ask yourself some questions like:

What does this person, place, or thing remind you of?

If this person were an animal, which animal would he or she be?

Is the object you are describing hard or soft? Cold or hot? Where does the object belong, and where does it not belong?

An essay outline is the transition point between brainstorming and the essay itself. All the thoughts you had about the person, place, or thing can coalesce into the blueprint for your essay.

An essay outline is a road map for your descriptive essay. Because a descriptive essay borders on creative writing, you may not need to use a five-paragraph essay format as you would for other types of expository essays.

You may still be asked to use the five-paragraph essay structure, though:

I.  Introduction

A.  Tell the writer what you are about to describe.

B.  Thesis statement that mentions several of the core characteristics of the person, place, or thing

II.  Body paragraph one

III. Body paragraph two

IV.  Body paragraph three

V.  Conclusion

Another way of structuring your descriptive outline would be to use each body paragraph to describe a different aspect of the person, place, or thing.

If you are describing a person, for example, you could use the following type of outline:

A.  Introduce the person

B.  Thesis: This person comes from a wealthy background, has a healthy body, and good communication skills.

II.  This person’s family was wealthy, but the person does not take their position of privilege for granted.

II.  This person volunteers twice per week at the homeless shelter

A.  This person lives in a small and humble home

III. This person maintains a healthy body

A.  This person is a vegetarian

B.  This person exercises every day

IV.  This person has good communication skills.

A.  This person listens patiently and with good eye contact

B.  This person speaks calmly and focuses only on positive aspects of the situation.

A.  This person shows how to live an ideal life because of their grace, discipline, and kindness.

Descriptive Essay Outline Example

Let’s say you are going to write a descriptive essay of a church service. Your outline might look like this:

A.  On January 23, 2021 I visited the orthodox Greek Church in Buffalo, NY, for a Sunday service.

B.  Thesis: The main features of the religious ritual included the smell of incense, the sound of chanting, and the formal attire.

II.  Smells

A.  Incense

B.  The smell of the old building

III. Sounds

A.  Chanting

B.  The voice of the priest during the sermon

C.  The sounds of the congregation

IV.  Visuals

A.  Clothing worn by clergy

B.  Clothing worn by people

C.  The stained glass windows, wood, and other interior design elements

A.  An orthodox religious service is a multisensory experience, involving different smells, sounds, and sights that set the sacred space apart from the ordinary world.

Descriptive Essay Example

Using the above outline, we can write a rough draft.

On January 23, 2021 I visited the orthodox Greek Church in Buffalo, NY, for a Sunday service. The loud chimes of my alarm broke into my deep sleep at 7AM. Feeling the cool water on my body during my morning shower woke me up faster than coffee could, and I hustled to put on a conservative outfit: a plain blue shirt and beige pants. After a bland breakfast of crunchy but soupy cereal in milk, I sped down the road in my car towards the building I had seen before but had yet to enter. The engine purred and within five minutes I was in the Orthodox Greek Church parking lot. Walking in with a steady stream of worshippers, I took my seat in one of the back pews, all of which were made of maple wood. This was my first time attending an Orthodox Church service. The main features of the religious ritual included the smell of incense, the sound of chanting, and the formal attire.

The smells of the Orthodox Church are remarkable, exotic, and evocative. This particular church is in a historical building, and I noticed the mustiness right away. It was a pleasant mustiness, the kind that reminds me of being in an old library. The smell of old books and wood makes the church feel connected with history. Likewise, the use of frankincense and myrrh resin incense brings to mind the Biblical times. An Orthodox Church ritual feels so ancient partly because of this characteristic aroma. Incense smoke fills the air but without becoming too intense, possibly due to the good ventilation system and the high ceilings. The smell also induces a calm state of mind as the service begins.

Chanting and the droning sound of the priestly voice are the overarching sounds at the Greek Orthodox service, punctuated by the occasional cough or murmur from the congregation. Less participatory than a Protestant religious ritual, there was some audience participation in the singing. Overall, though, the Orthodox service seemed stoic because most of the sounds emanated from the high altar. The priest did most of the talking, and occasionally chanted some Biblical verses and prayers. A chorus also filled the air with angelic voices that in unison carried the hopes and dreams of the congregation to heaven. As if the incense did not already induce an altered state of consciousness, the religious chanting puts the mind into a trance state during the ceremony.

Befitting the orthodoxy of the Sunday service, all the congregants wore formal attire, and the clergy wore long flowing robes suitable to their station. The formality of the clothing matched that of the ceremony itself. There was no color scheme for the members of the congregation, except for the fact that the priest wears all black. The room was filled with both artificial and natural light streaming in from the stained glass windows and skylights. It was apparent the building had been renovated and rebuilt over the years, evidenced by the obvious new additions and annexes. The floor was also a newer tile, which clashed somewhat with the wood beams on the ceiling. Incense censers dangled from strategic places on the ceiling, and Byzantine-style gold leaf religious iconography of the saints adorned the altar.

An orthodox religious service is a multisensory experience, involving different smells, sounds, and sights that set the sacred space apart from the ordinary world. A blend of old world and new, the Greek orthodox ceremony reveals the way a religion can serve as the link between the past and the present. Gilded and ceremonial as many of the elements of the church service are, the ceremony was also simple in other ways, via the use of ancient incense, timeless chanting, and conservative priestly vestments.

Hopefully after reading this article you have a much better idea of what a descriptive essay is and how to write one. In fact, all of us already use descriptive language in our daily lives. Writing a descriptive essay is a natural extension of the way we think and communicate about the world around us.

A descriptive essay can be fun to write. Writing a descriptive essay allows you to be creative, and to think like a poet.

When you describe something, you want to use all the five senses if possible: showing the reader what the person, place, or thing might look, feel, smell, taste, or sound like to them.

You can use a descriptive essay to describe an event or situation from your past, a moment in time, a person, a place, or an item.

You will frequently use similes and metaphors in a descriptive essay, which allows you to practice your writing skills. With similes, metaphors, and other types of figurative language, you bring your description to life like Dr. Frankenstein animated his creature.

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  • Paragraph Writing
  • A Journey By Train Paragraph

A Journey by Train Paragraph - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

You have not enjoyed your life if you have not travelled by train. There is nothing that can be compared with a train journey. Nothing is more exciting than a train journey and when you are with your friends or family. It is the most exciting and stress-free journey for me. In our school life, we must have been asked to write a paragraph on a train journey experience. Check the samples provided below before you write.

A Journey by Train Paragraph in 100 Words

A journey by train paragraph in 150 words, a journey by train paragraph in 200 words, a journey by train paragraph in 250 words.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on A Journey by Train

Before you write a journey by train paragraph, you can check the samples provided below for your reference and get a better idea about the same.

A long journey by train is just an exciting experience. At times, it can be tiring, but we get a lot of pleasure. I remember when I was in Class 8th, I went to Bangalore with my whole family to spend the summer vacation. Flight journeys might take only a few hours, and train journeys are time-consuming, but I love to travel by train with them. We see a lot of vendors coming in to sell tea, ice cream, biscuits, peanuts, etc. Those are the most exciting parts of a train journey when we buy food and share it with everyone. We meet a lot of new people around us and spend some time with them.

A train journey is the most precious thing for me. It is even more exciting when I am travelling with my friends and family. I remember when I was travelling to Mumbai with my whole family for my cousin’s marriage. It was a great experience for me because it was the second time when I was travelling out of my hometown. It was beautiful to watch people crossing the train, which looked like a train and bike competition, and some kids waved their hands to say goodbye. Compared to a flight journey, sitting on the window seat and enjoying nature is so precious. It is even more beautiful to watch the sunset between the hills while enjoying the evening tea. Every time a tea vendor crossed, my mother would call him and buy us some snacks. Even if you are on a diet, it becomes hard for you to restrict yourself to rush to the food stall in every station. If you are bored, you can read a newspaper or a magazine, a story book, etc.

Train journey is the most exciting and most enjoyable experience of my life. I remember when I was travelling to Bangalore with my friends. My friends were the add ons to my excitement. We were seven friends travelling together and we enjoyed the most in those 24 hours. We were the attraction of all the passengers around us as we engaged them all with different games, music, and dance. We bought food and shared it with them. The beauty of nature can be enjoyed while travelling by train and it is more exciting when you are with your friends or family. When the train stops, we would rush to a food stall and eat different foods of our choice and they gave us immense satisfaction. When the vendors cross by us shouting and repeating all the foods, we would just look at each other and order the food without even a second thought. We would have eaten tummy full but still order the food just to satisfy our cravings. After we reached there, my friend’s family waited for us and treated us really well. But we were not so satisfied with those hours. We shared the contact numbers of our fellow passengers and are still in contact with them.

I have travelled many times with my family. I have travelled by flight, by train, etc. But the most exciting one was when I was travelling to Mumbai with my family. The plan to visit Mumbai was made just to have a great time by train. There was no specific reason to travel or visit Mumbai but the train journey is so fascinating for us that we decided to travel by train. We just spent three days in Mumbai and had a great time shopping but we spent 5 days travelling by train. A train journey can never be compared with any other journey or any other excitement. Travelling by flight would just take a few hours and it is the fastest means to travel and saves a lot of time. But at times, we just miss our train journeys, we miss the continuous calls of the stall vendors shouting biryani, chai… garam chai…, bread omelette, etc. When we miss the train journeys, this chorus would just bounce in our ears. The train would pass through the villages, forests, seas, rivers, etc. This makes the train journey so exciting because we meet nature closely.

While travelling from one place to the other by train, we get in contact with different people. We make new friends, the children enjoy the most, and there are a lot of memories. It is so hard to control our cravings while travelling by train. We would rush to a food stall and buy any food, and parents would not even stop us.

Frequently Asked Questions on A Journey by Train Paragraph

Why is a train journey so exciting.

A train journey is so exciting because we get a lot of time to travel and meet many new people around us. People from different places would be sharing food items and many conversations. We can enjoy the beauty of nature very closely.

How do we write a journey by train paragraph?

You can write a journey by train paragraph by explaining your own experience of travelling by train. You can explain about the kinds of food you had, people you met, etc. in the paragraph.

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descriptive essay on a journey

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Train Journey Essay

Trains are one of the best transport options for commuting long distances. Low fare, punctuality of time, and ease of travel make the journey by train, both economical and comfortable. Besides, there are several other advantages of travelling by train. You can relax, stretch, move around or even take a nap; something which could hardly be imagined while travelling in a car or bus.

A journey on train also offers exclusive view of the landscape and culture as the train passes through the countryside. In journey across the states, one gets to see latter’s traditional dresses, agricultural crops and culture. One also gets the taste of local cuisine as it is served by the vendors in the railway stations and wagons. The journey is also entertaining as you can interact with fellow passengers from different regions and linguistic backgrounds.

Long and Short Essay on Train Journey in English

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Below we have provided Long and Short Essay on Train Journey of varying lengths in English for your information and use.

These easy and simple Train Journey Essay will give you hands on experience of a train journey and its advantages.

After going through the essay you will be all praise about it and trains will become your favorite modes of transport.

These essays are good source of knowledge and will help you in your school assignments or essay writing/debate competitions etc.

Short Essay on A Journey by Train – Essay 1 (200 words)

A journey by train is among the most enjoyable journeys. I travel long distance quite often and have travelled via buses, trains as well as aeroplanes. While each of these journeys has its set of benefits, I personally love train journeys.

A journey by train is the best if you have enough time and have to travel long distance. This is the only means of transport that allows you to sleep comfortably during the journey. I prefer travelling at night. I can comfortably sleep in the train during my journey and wake up fresh and head to work during my official trips. One of my most memorable journeys by train was when I travelled from Delhi to Lucknow last year. I went to visit my relatives in Lucknow. During this train journey, I met a group of college students. The group was lively, cheerful and extremely friendly.

As I was sitting right besides them, they offered me some snacks and cold drink. They soon began conversing with me. They narrated some of their experiences and I shared mine. I also gave them career advice. The six hours journey passed very swiftly and we reached Lucknow. As we parted, we exchanged our phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.

Essay on Train Journey – Essay 2 (300 words)

Train journeys are always fun. They have always excited me. I have been travelling via trains ever since my childhood. My maternal grandparents lived in Kanpur and we stayed in Delhi. We always travelled via night train to reach Kanpur. We visited them twice a year and I really looked forward to this trip not only because I loved meeting my grandparents but also because I really loved the train journey. My sister loved it as much and together we had a lot of fun.

We mostly went there with our mother during our summer and winter vacations. However, once my aunt and cousins also accompanied us. This was one of the best train journeys of my life. We took to the top berth after having the delicious biryani our mother had cooked for us.

We had already planned that we will stay awake until late at night to enjoy the journey in each other’s company. We began the fun by playing cards. As we finished a game or two, two boys sitting in the middle berth asked us if they could join us. Playing cards is always fun when there are greater number of players involved. So, we agreed. Our game became all the more exciting and we kept playing for about two- three hours. Since our compartment was occupied only by us and those two brothers and their parents, there was no fuss about turning off the lights.

After playing cards, we began a game of dumb charades. It was all the more fun. Since, we had been playing for almost four hours now, we felt hungry and it was snack time. We stealthily took out chips and biscuits from our bags. We chatted, cracked jokes and laughed heartily as we ate snacks. It was almost 2 at night when we decided to sleep.

This was indeed a great experience. I will remember this train journey all my life. I made memories to cherish forever.

Essay on My Train Journey: Best Experience – Essay 3 (400 words)

It was the month of September and the autumn break was about to begin in a few weeks’ time. Our first term exams had just been over and we were free from the burden of studies at least for a few days. Our school plans excursion trips to various places during the autumn break. I always wanted to go on such a trip and have fun with my friends.

While my parents allowed me to go on local school excursions, they had always been sceptic about sending me on out stationed trips. They thought I was too young and careless and thus feared sending me. I tried to convince them each year I saw the notice about these school trips pasted on the notice board but they refused. However, after a lot of persuading in class VII, my mother promised that she will send me when I reach class IX as I will grow older and become more mature by then.

So, last year I reminded her of her promise. Though reluctant, she agreed to send me on my school trip to Jaipur. She also convinced my father and he gave the written consent along with the amount that had to be deposited for the trip. My joy knew no bounds. Few of my close friends had also got consent from their parents and we were super thrilled about our trip. I was not only excited about visiting Jaipur but also about the train journey.

I was lucky to get the window seat. It was a day journey of around 5 hours and there was a lot to see outside the window. The sight of small sand hills, green fields and long roads fascinated me and I glued to the window for most part of the journey. For the rest of the journey, we played dumb charades and antakshari which was super fun. I just wished the journey never came to end. However, before we even realized, we reached the Jaipur station. As I roamed around from fort to fort in the Pink city, I dreamt of the train journey back to my home town as I thoroughly enjoyed train journeys. Our train journey back home was as much fun.

Train journeys have always fascinated me. I have gone on quite a few of them but this one was all the more special as I was accompanied by my friends. I am looking forward to more such train journeys.

Essay on My Awesome Train Journey – Essay 4 (500 words)

Train journeys have always fascinated me. Be it a day journey or a night journey I, always prefer travelling by train. During my day journey by train, I love sitting by the window to watch the view outside. I just love the sight of the green fields, huge trees, huts and water bodies. I can sit for hours watching this view from the moving train. What I like about the night journeys is that trains offer a lot of space and comfort. We can lie down comfortably and doze off to sleep. Sleeping in a moving train is an experience of its own and I just love it.

While all my train journeys have been memorable there is one that I will cherish forever. This was my train journey from Shimla to Kalka. This train journey was like no other.

We had heard a lot about the Shimla – Kalka train journey and really wanted to experience it. It is said that the train comes under the world heritage list of UNESCO. However, since our plan was made all of a sudden, we could not get the tickets for travelling from Kalka to Shimla which was disappointing.

At first, we thought of cancelling or postponing the trip however then we decided to take a bus to Shimla. The tickets from Shimla to Kalka were available so we booked our return journey by the much talked about toy train that runs on this route. While I was all excited about my trip to Shimla and enjoyed every bit of it with my family, I was constantly dreaming about our journey back home as I couldn’t wait for the toy train experience.

We reached the station few minutes before the train departure time. I was thrilled looking at the train and couldn’t wait to board it. We soon kept our luggage in the train and sat on our seats. I grabbed the window seat to witness the scenic view outside. As the train started, I saw the mesmerizing view of the hills covered with pine trees. There was greenery all round. It had rained a night before and thus the flora looked even greener and fresh. It was a breathtaking sight.

The toy train covers a distance of 96 km and there was not a single moment when we got bored during this journey. There was so much to view and experience. The train travels at a slow speed and takes around 5-6 hours to reach Kalka so that we can experience the natural surroundings to the fullest. It goes through 102 tunnels and this makes the journey all the more amazing. It also passes over as many as 864 bridges and offers an experience which is one-of-its-kind. While I sat by the window for most part of my journey, I also went and stood by the train door for around an hour or so to have a closer look at the nature.

Every bit of my train journey from Shimla to Kalka was enjoyable. The experience was simply unmatched. Every train journey lover must experience this at least once in their life time. Nature lovers would love it all the more.

Long Essay on Train Journey: Advantages and Disadvantages – Essay 5 (600 words)

Train journeys are preferred by many owing to the various benefits they offer. However, some people much rather prefer travelling by their own vehicle or buses to avoid the downside of the train journeys. At times, it becomes quite difficult to decide the mode of transport as all these have their own set of pros and cons. Here is a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of train journey:

Here are the various advantages of train journey:

  • Space and Comfort

Train is one of the best means of transports if we look in terms of space and comfort. There is enough space to sit and even lie down, a privilege we don’t get in the buses, cars or planes. Kids can easily play board games. Group outings become all the more fun as we can enjoy various games and activities sitting face to face.

  • Long Journeys Made Easy

Since trains offer berths to sleep and washrooms to freshen up, travelling long distance via trains becomes quite easy. The washroom facility is especially one of the main benefits train journeys offer over bus and car journeys.

  • No Restriction on the Amount of Luggage

There is a limit to the amount of luggage one can carry in the aeroplane. Buses also do not have enough space to accommodate a lot of luggage. However, there is no such restriction during the train journeys. If you require carrying a good amount of luggage then train journeys are certainly the best.

  • Safe Option

Train is also considered a safer means to travel compared to buses, cars and aeroplanes. Travelling in hills is especially safer via trains compared to buses and cars.

  • Allows Productive Use of Time

You can easily take out your laptop and work on it while you are travelling via train. You can also read your book comfortably or indulge in other tasks such as knitting and sewing while travelling through train.

Here are some disadvantages of train journey:

  • Planning Ahead

One of the main difficulties of travelling via train is that you have to plan your journey months or weeks before your travel date. It is difficult to get train tickets for trips that are planned instantly.

  • Difficulty in Reservation

Train reservation is a difficult task. You have to visit the railway station and stand in the queue for hours to get the tickets reserved which is extremely tiring. You can also get the ticket reserved online but that is again a tedious task as the train booking site is too slow.

  • Fixed Schedule

Trains run on a fixed schedule. You may be required to catch trains at odd times and this can be difficult at times. Delay in reaching the railway station even by a few minutes means missing the train and it is difficult to spend time on the railway station if you reach early.

  • Slower Option

Travelling a long distance by train means investing a day or two in journey is unlike planes which can cover same distance within few hours. So it is not a good option for students or working professionals who cannot take so many leaves and spend so much time on travelling.

  • Cleanliness Issue

While trains have washrooms which is considered to be a big plus of the train journeys these are mostly not maintained well. Un-kept and unclean washrooms are a big put off. Their use must be avoided as it can cause infection.

Thus, we see train journeys have a number of advantages however they also have certain disadvantages. While space, comfort and the facility to carry enough luggages attracts travellers to option for train journeys, difficulty of reservation and the need to plan the journey way ahead of the travel date makes them look for other options.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Examples

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay Examples & Writing Tips

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Struggling to write a descriptive essay that engages your reader? It can be frustrating to spend hours writing, only to feel like your essay is not meeting your expectations.

Relax, you're not alone! Many students find it difficult to capture readers' attention through descriptive writing.

But don't worry! Our examples of descriptive essays are here to help. These examples provide you with the perfect starting point, helping you to understand how to structure your essay to make it memorable. 

Don't let your descriptive essay fall flat. Explore our examples and learn how to write an essay that your readers won't be able to forget.

Let's dive in to learn more.

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  • 1. Grasping the Concept of Descriptive Essays
  • 2. Descriptive Essay Examples
  • 3. How to Write a Descriptive Essay?
  • 4. Tips to Write a Good Descriptive Essay

Grasping the Concept of Descriptive Essays

A descriptive essay is a type of essay in which a writer describes a specific subject in detail. The writer takes help from vivid language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by engaging the human senses. 

Whether you are writing about a person or an historical events, use strong adjectives and adverbs to present sensory details. The main objective of writing a descriptive essay is to describe a particular subject, person, place, or situation. 

It is written in a way to make the reader feel the same way as you do. It is like a narrative essay where you provide a detailed description of the subject. 

Descriptive essays vividly depict a subject, engaging the reader's senses. They transport readers to the scene described, making it feel real.

To help you grasp the essence of a descriptive essay and enhance your descriptive writing skills, here is a selection of descriptive essay examples pdf that showcase the art of painting with words.

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

By following a 5 paragraph structured approach, you'll learn how to create a captivating essay that vividly brings your subject to life.

It consists of five distinct paragraphs, organised in the following sequence:

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2
  • Body Paragraph 3

Here's an example of a descriptive essay using the classic 5-paragraph structure.

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

Subjective descriptive essays are written based on personal experiences. Take a look at the below examples to understand this descriptive essay format. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

The objective descriptive essay is a type of descriptive essay in which you describe a person, place, or thing without any emotions or opinions.

Take a look at the below examples to understand this format better.

Descriptive Essay Example About an Object

Personal Descriptive Essay Example

In a personal descriptive essay, the writer vividly portrays a significant aspect of their life, allowing readers to connect emotionally.

Below is an example of an essay focused on a memorable childhood experience.

Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Looking for a descriptive essay example about a person? Check out our outstanding example:

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

Describing a place can be tricky. If you want to write a descriptive essay about a place, it is even more difficult. To understand this format better, let's take a look at this descriptive essay example about a place. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Many students fail to understand the key to writing a short descriptive essay. If you are one of them, here is an example that will help you get an idea of how to write it. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay is a type of descriptive essay where you narrate a story in an interesting manner. Take a look at the below example to understand how to write this type of essay. 

Narrative Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for Middle School

Middle school students often struggle to write essays. Descriptive essay assignments might even prove to be more difficult. Here is an example that will help middle schoolers understand this format better.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive Essay Examples For Grade 7

Descriptive Essay Example for High School

High school students face similar challenges as middle schoolers when it comes to descriptive writing. It is difficult to describe something without being generic. If you're going through something similar, here are some examples for you.

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Descriptive Essay Example for University and College

College and University students have to deal with complex and more challenging descriptive essay topics. Mostly, they don't have time to write such lengthy essays. Here are some examples that can help them understand such essays better.

Descriptive Essay Example for University Students

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Thesis for Descriptive Essay Example

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

There are many elements to an amazing descriptive essay. For starters, it's important that the writer stays focused on one point when learning how to write a descriptive essay.

Also, uses figurative language so readers can imagine what they're reading about in their minds.

Below are some steps as well as how to write a descriptive essay examples that you should follow for writing.

1. Choose a Good Topic

The best way to make an interesting essay is by choosing a unique topic. It will allow you the freedom of creativity. Be careful not to choose something familiar because it might get boring quickly for readers.

Short on descriptive topic ideas? Check out our extensive list of descriptive essay topics to get inspiration.

2. Create a Strong Introduction

In your opening paragraph, introduce your subject and provide some context. Engage your readers' curiosity by offering a glimpse of what you'll be describing.

Your introduction should have a topic sentence and it must set the tone and establish the mood for the essay.

Here are samples for how to write introduction for your descriptive essays:

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Examples

Introduction of a Descriptive Essay - Examples

3. Write a Thesis Statement

It is the most important part of any essay. When you are planning a descriptive essay, you need to come up with a strong thesis statement .

A thesis statement is usually one or two sentences that explain the whole point of your essay to the reader.

4. Collect Information

To write a good essay, you need relevant information supporting your thesis statement. Make sure that you get your information from reliable sources.

5. Make an Outline

An essay outline is a way to organize your thoughts and plan what you will say in your essay. In the outline, you should have an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Don’t know how to make an outline? Visit our descriptive essay outline blog and learn to create impressive outlines for your descriptive essays.

6. Use Descriptive Language

The heart of your essay lies in the details you provide. Use vivid, sensory language to help your readers envision what you're describing. 

Engage all five senses — sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch — to make your description come to life.

7. Conclude Effectively

In your conclusion, summarise the key points and leave a lasting impression. Reinforce the emotional impact of your description and provide a sense of closure.

Make your readers feel like they've completed a journey with you.

How to End a Descriptive Essay - Examples

8. Proofreading

Proofreading is the process of looking for and correcting any spelling or grammatical errors in a written essay. Proofreading makes a document look more professional, so it is important to do it before submission.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay - Example

Tips to Write a Good Descriptive Essay

Writing a good descriptive essay is both a difficult and easy task. Here we have listed some useful descriptive writing tips that will make your writing process easy and simple.

  • Preplanning:  Before you start writing, plan your essay, and write all the essential details. Please do not think that you will remember it just because you know something; it does not happen this way. Write down all the details and assemble them all in one place.
  • Use Descriptive Language: Employ vivid and specific language to paint a detailed picture. Instead of general terms, opt for precise adjectives and powerful nouns to convey a clear image.
  • Appeal to Emotions: Connect with your readers on an emotional level by describing not just the physical attributes but also the emotional significance of the subject. Help readers feel what you felt.
  • Create an Outline:  Creating a descriptive essay outline before starting the essay will keep you focused on the essay topic. Include what you will add to each of the sections. Divide it into the introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Edit and Revise:  No writing process is complete without thorough editing and proofreading. Spelling and grammar checking the essay for plagiarism are the main steps before the final submission of the essay.

Want more tips to improve your descriptive writing skills? Here is a short video clip to help you out. 

If you are not sure that you could write the essay yourself, let the experts at help you out. Our  descriptive essay writing service can craft custom-tailored, original, and high-quality essays in no time.

We specialize in providing custom papers and essays for various academic levels and subjects. So if you are looking for professiona help, our online essay service is your top choice! 

Order your essay now and get the best value for your money.

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Leaving Cert Notes and Sample Answers

Descriptive essay: Urban Journey for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

“write a descriptive essay in which you take your readers on an urban journey.”.

Descriptive essay: Urban Journey for Leaving Cert English

Another excellent essay for the same title.

Living on the streets has forced upon me the identity of being an early riser. Every morning, as the daylight spills above the city’s skyscrapers, I awake with it. Daylight is a determined force, seeping into every crack and crevasse of the city. Every murky alleyway, every derelict building, every place where little light of any kind exists, is risen by the morning sun. So as the city rises to begin a brand-new day, I emerge from my sleeping bag and wait for the swarm of worker bees, the colony of the city, to begin their hectic lives.

My invisibility, as a homeless person, affords me the ability to watch a day in the city unfold without any disturbance of any kind. As seven o’clock hits, I can hear the streets throb from the harsh clicking of high heels and dress shoes, which march with a united urgency. I observe the city’s workforce as they begin their days and lives with a sense of ambition and opportunity mine so desperately lacks. The streets are teemed with people dressed exclusively in suits and skirts. They exist in a parallel universe to mine, yet we walk on the same cobbled streets. It is a strange dichotomy, but that’s the reality of city life. I watch them stare straight ahead, with an unflinching focus. The pressures of maintaining a cosmopolitan lifestyle, of grabbing coffee with friends, of going out on the weekend, of paying rent, hangs over their heads every morning as they head to work, the engine that fuels their modern lifestyles.

The smell of coffee and cigarettes permeates the air as I embark on my daily stroll. There is an atmosphere of forced liveliness as people make their way to work, each one of them wishing they could have spent an extra hour in bed. Clothing boutiques, shoe shops and pharmacies draw open their blinds and wait for the first customers of the day. It’s not long before coffee shops are saturated, each customer needing a remedy for the bags under their eyes.

Vehicles bombard every street in view. The sounds of beeping cars, truck engines and bicycle bells run like a record on replay. I watch taxi drivers share disgruntled looks and naïve college freshmen crossing streets too quickly. Car drivers beep at brazen cyclists, who glide past them without caution. It’s a chaotic scene I’m met with every morning.

As the morning eventually rolls into the afternoon, the streets come alive with people weaving in and out of shops. A meek elderly lady exits the newsagent with a carton of milk and loaf of bread. A pack of girls emerge from a clothing store, bursting with laughter as they carry their purchases. A struggling street musician sings and plays guitar, every coin that is thrown at his feet renews his sense of hope. The city is flooded with individuals, each with a different story. I see a thousand different faces every day, I will only ever remember a few.

As I turn a corner, I have to crane my neck to get a glimpse of the sky. Skyscrapers stand a mile high, dominating the cityscape. Concrete has replaced all nature in sight. The roads, the buildings, the pavements all varying colours of grey. I can see my reflection clearly in the large sheets of glass that engulf the buildings. I look overwhelmed by the towering structures that hang above me, trapping the sunlight out. These buildings feel disconnected from the city, far too tall to fit in. I shudder however, as I understand it’s only a matter of time before these tall towers invade and become the defining image of our city surroundings.

As I finally exit the long stretch of skyscrapers, the afternoon comes to a close. Dots of yellow light shine from buildings in the distance, as the navy sky darkens. Vehicles gather in the streets as people head home from work. I walk by people chatting in restaurants, the candlelight dancing in their eyes. It’s date night, I imagine. I enjoy the city this time of the day, the burdens of work are forgotten, and people begin to socialise. There’s an excitement in the step of every passer-by, the potential adventures of the night awaiting.

It’s during this time of day, that the city’s young adults come alive. The streets ring with the sound of laughter, conversation, and music. Alcohol and cigarettes taint the air. I can hear the tapping of high heels, just like I did that morning. It’s a vibrant crowd this time of night. Girls wearing sequinned skirts that sparkle in the streetlight. Rowdy boys cheering and clinking glasses. An occasional wrist fight breaks out, leaving shards of broken glass and beer cans strewn across the pavement. I can hear the music blearing from the inside of the nightclub, causing the ground to vibrate beneath me. Perhaps, I say to myself, its time to go home.

I leave the lively crowd behind, the neon lights and the electric music. I pass by quieter streets, where the city has already fallen asleep. Here, live parents with children, with responsibilities and jobs to go to in the morning. They have already lived out their wilder years of young adulthood.

It’s past midnight once I reach my damp sleeping bag. I crawl inside and grasp tightly on the blanket, grasping the little warmth it provides. Before I shut my eyes, I remind myself that I am not the only person sleeping rough tonight. Dotted about the city, people like me exist, people who don’t belong to society, mere observers of this urban world.

  • Post author: Martina
  • Post published: December 29, 2017
  • Post category: Descriptive Essay / English

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Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

Descriptive Essay ICSE 1998

On a train journey you detect a bomb in the compartment, you help in evacuating and rescuing the passengers and in the confusion lose your baggage. This Descriptive Essay was asked in ICSE 1998 board exam. You can find Previous Year Descriptive Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

On a train journey you detect a bomb in the compartment, you help in evacuating and rescuing the passengers and in the confusion lose your baggage. Give a detailed account of your adventure. (ICSE 1998)

Introduction: When it happened

  • How I discovered the bomb
  • Helping and rescuing passengers
  • Lost my baggage

Conclusion: Reached home safely

Last year after spending the Christmas vacations with my cousin in Jalandhar, I took a train to Lucknow. My cousins had come to see me off at the railway station. The Himgiri Express fortunately was on time. Depositing my luggage under the seat, I got down, to bid farewell to them, hugging and promising to meet soon.

I stretched myself on the lower berth, after a long tiring day.The train was packed to capacity. Sitting opposite my berth was an old man and a child. Talking to them I learned that they were also going to Lucknow, where the old man’s son was working. Soon I settled, down to sleep. Turning in the berth my purse accidentally fell through the gap. I hurriedly got up to retrieve it.

While shifting the baggage of other passengers, I saw a metallic object, near my purse. Sensing danger I collected my purse and rushed to the ticket collector with the news of my discovery. Soon there was an apprehensive crowd around my berth. The conductor and the security guard confirmed the presence of a suspicious object that could be a bomb. The frightened passengers rushed towards the door of the train, to jump out. I caught hold of the alarm chain above my berth and pulled it with all my might. After what seemed an eternity the train came to a halt.

People trampled over each other to get out of the train, with whatever luggage they could lay their hands on. I somehow also managed to get out. The compartment was soon separated from the train and people ran around searching for their near and dear ones.

I found Mr Fared Ali, the gentleman sitting opposite my berth sobbing. He told me that his grandson was probably in the compartment and pleaded to help retrieve the child. His pleas however fell on deaf ears, as no one was willing to enter the compartment that could blow up any moment.

Seeing the old man’s grief, I decided to venture into the compartment. Taking a powerful torch, I peered in shouting ‘Salim, Salim’. My shouts were answered by a frail voice calling out for help. I saw him lying on the floor of the compartment below a berth grievously injured.

Lugging him on my shoulder, I leapt towards the door and scrambled down the train. As I set foot on the ground the compartment blew up behind me. So strong was its impact that we were flung to the ground. The people helped us move away from the burning compartment. The old man with tears in his eyes fell at my feet, thanking me for what I had done.

I looked around for my baggage that I had left on the tracks, but to my dismay it just was not there. I desperately searched but all in vain. My ticket, purse, everything was in the bag. I was at a loss for I had nothing on me to reach home. Fared Ali patted me on my shoulders assuring not to worry, for he would take care of everything.

The relief train came at daybreak. On reaching Lucknow around noon, we were accorded a tumultuous welcome, by friends and relatives, who were waiting for us since morning.


  • Write a description of an uncomfortable train journey – imaginary or real, in which you are a central figure.
  • You are returning home by train after an exciting visit abroad. Suddenly you wake up at night to discover that your suitcase containing costly articles has been stolen. Give a vivid account of your feelings at that time and the subsequent efforts you made to recover your suitcase. (ICSE 1989)


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