Top 12 Night Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume

Crafting a resume for a Night Manager position requires showcasing a unique blend of leadership, operational knowledge, and the ability to handle nighttime challenges effectively. Highlighting your top skills in these areas not only demonstrates your readiness for the role but also sets you apart as a candidate who can maintain excellence in hospitality or retail environments, even during the off-hours.

Top 12 Night Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume

Night Manager Skills

  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Customer service
  • Adaptability
  • Inventory management
  • Microsoft Office

1. Leadership

Leadership is the act of guiding and inspiring a team towards achieving goals, specifically for a Night Manager, it involves overseeing operations, solving problems, and ensuring smooth functioning during night shifts.

Why It's Important

Leadership is crucial for a Night Manager because it ensures efficient operations during night shifts, maintains team motivation and productivity in the absence of higher management, and swiftly addresses any issues that arise, ensuring safety and customer satisfaction.

How to Improve Leadership Skills

Improving leadership, especially for a Night Manager, involves enhancing communication, decision-making, and team motivation skills. Focus on these key areas:

Develop Effective Communication: Clearly articulate expectations and feedback to your team. Use active listening techniques to understand their concerns and needs better.

Boost Your Decision-Making Skills: Make informed decisions by gathering all necessary information and considering the implications. Harvard Business Review offers insights on improving your decision-making process.

Motivate Your Team: Understand what motivates each team member and leverage that to inspire high performance. Forbes provides strategies on how to motivate your team.

Lead by Example: Demonstrate the work ethic, integrity, and professionalism you expect from your team.

Invest in Professional Development: Enhance your leadership skills through courses and training. Platforms like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning offer courses specifically for leadership development.

These strategies will help you become a more effective Night Manager by improving team performance and workplace morale.

How to Display Leadership Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Leadership Skills on Your Resume

2. Communication

Communication, in the context of a Night Manager, involves the effective exchange of information, instructions, and feedback between the manager, staff, guests, and external contacts to ensure smooth operations, resolve issues, and maintain high service standards during nighttime hours.

Communication is crucial for a Night Manager to effectively coordinate teams, resolve guest issues promptly, ensure smooth operations, and maintain safety and security during nighttime hours.

How to Improve Communication Skills

Improving communication, especially for a Night Manager, involves clear, concise, and consistent exchanges. Here’s a very short guide:

Active Listening : Truly hear what your team and guests say. Mindtools offers tips on enhancing listening skills.

Clear Instructions : Be straightforward and specific in your directives. The Harvard Business Review provides insight into effective communication.

Feedback Encouragement : Foster an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued. Check out Forbes for tips on creating a feedback culture.

Regular Meetings : Hold brief, regular meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page. Inc. discusses conducting effective meetings.

Digital Tools Utilization : Use communication tools (e.g., Slack, Trello) for clear, trackable conversations. Zapier provides a comparison of team chat apps.

Empathy and Understanding : Always approach communication with empathy. Verywell Mind shares how to practice empathy in your interactions.

Adapting these strategies can significantly improve communication effectiveness in a night manager's role.

How to Display Communication Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Communication Skills on Your Resume

3. Decision-making

Decision-making for a Night Manager involves quickly assessing situations, considering the options, and choosing the most appropriate course of action to ensure smooth operations, safety, and customer satisfaction during nighttime hours.

Decision-making is crucial for a Night Manager because it enables effective problem-solving, efficient resource management, and ensures the smooth operation of the establishment during nighttime, maintaining safety and guest satisfaction.

How to Improve Decision-making Skills

Improving decision-making, especially for a Night Manager, involves honing skills that balance analytical thinking with effective communication. Here are concise strategies:

Enhance Problem-Solving Skills : Practice structured problem-solving methods like the 5 Whys Technique to delve deeper into issues and find root causes.

Develop Emotional Intelligence : Become adept at recognizing your emotions and those of others to improve interactions and decisions. Resources like Harvard Business Review's insights on emotional intelligence can be beneficial.

Seek Diverse Perspectives : Encourage feedback and ideas from your team. Diverse viewpoints can lead to better decisions. Project Include offers guidance on fostering inclusion.

Prioritize and Organize : Use tools like Trello or Asana for task prioritization and management, helping you focus on critical decisions.

Learn from Mistakes : Reflect on past decisions to understand what went wrong and why. This Forbes article outlines how to learn from mistakes effectively.

Stay Informed : Keep up with industry trends and management practices that can influence decision-making. Nightclub & Bar is a useful resource for night managers to stay updated.

Practice Stress Management : High stress can impair decision-making. Techniques such as mindfulness and time management can help, as suggested by Mindful .

By integrating these strategies, a Night Manager can significantly improve their decision-making process, leading to better outcomes for their team and establishment.

How to Display Decision-making Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Decision-making Skills on Your Resume

4. Problem-solving

Problem-solving, in the context of a Night Manager, involves quickly identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues that arise during night-time operations, ensuring smooth and efficient functioning of the establishment while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and safety.

Problem-solving is crucial for a Night Manager as it enables them to quickly address and resolve unexpected issues, ensuring the smooth operation of the establishment and the safety and satisfaction of both guests and staff during nighttime hours.

How to Improve Problem-solving Skills

Improving problem-solving skills, especially for a Night Manager, involves learning to anticipate issues, making quick decisions, and communicating effectively. Here are concise steps and resources:

Enhance Decision-Making : Practice making decisions in time-sensitive situations. Tools like MindTools offer strategies for quick and effective decision-making.

Develop Emotional Intelligence : A key skill for managing conflicts and understanding team dynamics. Resources like Verywell Mind provide insights into applying emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Learn from Experience : After resolving an issue, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Harvard Business Review's article on learning through reflection can guide you through this process.

Enhance Communication Skills : Clear communication can prevent many problems from escalating. Tips and techniques can be found on MindTools' Communication Skills section.

Stay Informed and Prepared : Stay updated with industry best practices and emergency response protocols. FEMA's Emergency Management Institute offers courses on various aspects of crisis management and preparedness.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve your problem-solving skills as a Night Manager.

How to Display Problem-solving Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Problem-solving Skills on Your Resume

5. Time management

Time management for a Night Manager involves strategically organizing and allocating nighttime hours to effectively oversee operations, staff, and tasks to ensure smooth and efficient business performance.

Time management is crucial for a Night Manager because it ensures efficient operations, timely task completion, and effective handling of unexpected issues, ultimately leading to improved guest satisfaction and operational excellence during nighttime hours.

How to Improve Time management Skills

Improving time management, especially for a Night Manager, involves strategic planning and prioritizing tasks to enhance efficiency and productivity during nighttime hours. Here are concise tips:

Prioritize Tasks: Begin by identifying and prioritizing tasks that need immediate attention. Use the Eisenhower Matrix as a tool to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

Plan Ahead: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks. Utilize digital tools like Google Calendar for scheduling and reminders.

Delegate: Assess the tasks that can be delegated to other team members. Effective delegation can significantly improve productivity. Learn more about delegation here .

Limit Interruptions: Night shifts often have fewer interruptions; capitalize on this to focus on high-priority tasks. Learn techniques to manage and minimize interruptions here.

Take Breaks: Short breaks can boost your focus and productivity. Understand the science behind this through the Pomodoro Technique.

Use Technology Wisely: Adopt productivity apps like Trello or Asana for task management and team collaboration.

Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your time management strategies and be open to adjusting your approach based on what works best.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve time management, leading to a more productive and efficient night shift.

How to Display Time management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Time management Skills on Your Resume

6. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution involves identifying and addressing disputes swiftly and effectively to ensure a harmonious and productive work environment, particularly important for a Night Manager who oversees operations during nighttime hours, often with limited resources.

Conflict resolution is crucial for a Night Manager as it ensures a safe, serene environment for guests, promotes team cohesion, and maintains operational efficiency by quickly addressing and resolving any disputes or issues that arise during night-time operations.

How to Improve Conflict resolution Skills

Improving conflict resolution, especially for a Night Manager, involves a few key strategies:

Active Listening : Ensure you fully understand each party's perspective by listening actively. This means not just hearing the words but also noticing the emotions and underlying concerns. MindTools offers great insights into mastering this skill.

Stay Neutral : Maintain a neutral stance. Avoid taking sides and focus on the issue, not the personalities involved. HelpGuide provides techniques for managing and resolving conflicts effectively.

Effective Communication : Communicate clearly and assertively, without being aggressive. Express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is respectful of others. The American Management Association outlines steps for conflict resolution that emphasize communication.

Problem-Solving Approach : Work with the parties involved to identify a mutually acceptable solution. This often involves compromise or finding a creative solution that satisfies everyone’s needs. Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation offers advanced strategies on negotiation and problem-solving.

Follow-Up : After resolving the conflict, check in with the parties involved to ensure that the resolution has been effective and that no new issues have arisen. This step is crucial for maintaining a positive atmosphere and preventing further conflicts. discusses the importance of follow-up in the mediation process.

By incorporating these strategies, a Night Manager can effectively manage and resolve conflicts, ensuring a safe and positive environment for all parties involved.

How to Display Conflict resolution Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Conflict resolution Skills on Your Resume

7. Customer service

Customer service, in the context of a Night Manager, involves overseeing and ensuring a high-quality experience for guests during nighttime hours by promptly and effectively addressing their needs, inquiries, and concerns.

Customer service is crucial for a Night Manager because it directly affects guest satisfaction, repeat business, and the overall reputation of the establishment during the critical overnight hours when immediate management decisions impact the guest experience.

How to Improve Customer service Skills

Improving customer service, especially for a Night Manager, involves a few key strategies focused on responsiveness, personalization, and efficiency. Here’s a concise guide:

Enhance Communication Skills : Engage in active listening and clear communication. CustomerThink offers insights on improving these skills.

Empower Your Team : Ensure your team has the authority to solve customer issues promptly. Harvard Business Review discusses empowerment strategies.

Leverage Technology : Use technology to streamline customer interactions and feedback. Tools like Zendesk can help.

Personalize Customer Interactions : Treat each customer uniquely. Forbes shares tips on personalization.

Follow Up : Ensure customer issues are resolved satisfactorily. Inc. has great follow-up strategy examples.

Train Continuously : Regular training on customer service excellence is key. LinkedIn Learning offers courses tailored for night managers and customer service professionals.

Implementing these strategies effectively can significantly enhance the quality of customer service provided by a Night Manager.

How to Display Customer service Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Customer service Skills on Your Resume

8. Teamwork

Teamwork, in the context of a Night Manager, refers to the coordinated effort among staff members working overnight to ensure smooth operations, address issues, and deliver exceptional service, by effectively communicating, collaborating, and supporting each other to achieve common goals.

Teamwork is crucial for a Night Manager as it ensures smooth operation through collective problem-solving, enhances staff support and safety during late hours, and optimizes customer service by pooling diverse skills and perspectives.

How to Improve Teamwork Skills

Improving teamwork, especially for a Night Manager, involves clear communication, shared goals, delegation of tasks, and fostering a supportive atmosphere. Here’s how to enhance teamwork concisely:

Promote Open Communication : Encourage team members to express their ideas and concerns openly. Active listening and regular team meetings can facilitate this.

Set Clear Objectives : Define clear, achievable goals for the team that align with the company’s objectives.

Delegate Effectively : Assign tasks based on each team member's strengths and skills. Effective delegation not only boosts productivity but also employee satisfaction.

Build Team Spirit : Organize team-building activities that are fun and engaging. This can improve team cohesion and interpersonal relations.

Foster a Supportive Environment : Promote a culture of mutual support, where team members feel valued and motivated. Recognizing achievements can enhance employee motivation .

Encourage Continuous Learning : Offer opportunities for professional development. This can include training sessions , workshops, or access to learning resources.

Adapt and Be Flexible : Be open to change and ready to adjust team strategies as needed. Flexibility can help in managing unexpected challenges effectively.

By focusing on these key areas, a Night Manager can significantly improve teamwork, leading to a more efficient, cohesive, and motivated team.

How to Display Teamwork Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Teamwork Skills on Your Resume

9. Adaptability

Adaptability, in the context of a Night Manager, refers to the ability to quickly and effectively adjust to new situations, challenges, or changes in the work environment, ensuring smooth operations and problem resolution during nighttime hours.

Adaptability is crucial for a Night Manager because it enables them to effectively handle unexpected situations, make quick decisions during off-peak hours, and adjust to varying staff levels and guest needs, ensuring smooth operation and high-quality service regardless of circumstances.

How to Improve Adaptability Skills

Improving adaptability, especially for a Night Manager, involves enhancing skills in flexibility, quick decision-making, and stress management. Here are concise steps with relevant resources:

Enhance Problem-Solving Skills : Engage in activities that challenge your ability to solve problems quickly. MindTools offers great resources for developing these skills.

Develop Emotional Intelligence : Understanding and managing your emotions and those of others can significantly improve adaptability. The Institute for Health and Human Potential provides an EQ quiz to assess your emotional intelligence.

Learn to Manage Stress Effectively : High stress levels can impede adaptability. Practice stress management techniques. HelpGuide offers practical advice on this.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset : Embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities to learn. Mindset Works explains the concept of a growth mindset and its benefits.

Improve Communication Skills : Clear communication can ease the adaptation process by ensuring everyone is on the same page. Toastmasters International can help improve your speaking and leadership skills.

Seek Feedback and Reflect : Regularly ask for feedback and reflect on your actions to continuously improve. Harvard Business Review discusses effective feedback strategies.

By focusing on these areas, a Night Manager can become more adaptable, efficiently handling the unpredictable challenges of the role.

How to Display Adaptability Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Adaptability Skills on Your Resume

10. Delegation

Delegation, in the context of a Night Manager, involves assigning specific tasks or responsibilities to subordinates or team members to ensure efficient operation and management of activities during nighttime hours.

Delegation is important for a Night Manager because it ensures efficient operation by distributing tasks among staff, maximizing productivity, allowing focus on critical issues, and fostering team skills and morale.

How to Improve Delegation Skills

Improving delegation, especially for a Night Manager, involves clear communication, trust-building, and effective follow-up. Here's a concise guide:

Define Tasks Clearly : Specify what needs to be done, by when, and expected outcomes. SMART Goals can be a useful framework.

Select the Right Person : Match tasks with employees' skills and development needs. Understanding your team's strengths and weaknesses is key. Team Skills Matrix might help.

Communicate Expectations : Ensure instructions are clear and understood. Open the floor for any questions or clarifications. Effective Communication provides insights into improving communication skills.

Empower Your Team : Provide the necessary resources and authority for team members to complete their tasks. Empowerment outlines strategies for encouraging team empowerment.

Monitor Progress : Set up regular check-ins, but avoid micromanaging. Use these meetings to offer support and address any issues. The Art of Delegating explains the balance between oversight and autonomy.

Provide Feedback : Offer constructive feedback and acknowledge achievements. Positive reinforcement can motivate and build confidence. Giving Feedback discusses effective feedback strategies.

Reflect and Learn : Review what worked and what didn’t to improve future delegation efforts. Continuous improvement is a key leadership trait. Reflective Practice covers how to implement this effectively.

By following these steps, Night Managers can enhance their delegation skills, ensuring their team operates smoothly and efficiently overnight.

How to Display Delegation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Delegation Skills on Your Resume

11. Inventory management

Inventory management is the process of overseeing and controlling the ordering, storage, and use of goods and products a business sells, ensuring the right quantity of stock is available to meet customer demand without excessive surplus. For a Night Manager, it involves monitoring stock levels, ordering supplies as needed, and ensuring products are properly stored and accounted for during their shift.

Inventory management is crucial for a Night Manager as it ensures optimal stock levels, minimizes waste, and maximizes sales and profitability by preventing overstocking or stockouts during crucial operating hours.

How to Improve Inventory management Skills

Improving inventory management, particularly for a Night Manager, involves a few key strategies:

Implement an Inventory Management System : Use software that tracks inventory levels in real time. Square and QuickBooks Commerce are good examples.

Regular Audits : Schedule regular inventory checks to ensure system records match actual stock. This can be done during low-traffic hours.

Optimize Stock Levels : Use the Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory strategy to keep inventory lean and reduce holding costs.

Supplier Communication : Maintain good relationships with suppliers for better order accuracy and to resolve discrepancies quickly. Effective Communication Tips can be beneficial.

Train Your Team : Ensure all night staff are trained on proper inventory management practices. Employee Training Techniques can offer guidance.

Leverage Inventory Analytics : Use analytics to identify trends, forecast demand, and make informed decisions. Tools like Google Analytics can be adapted for this purpose.

Implementing these strategies effectively can streamline inventory management processes, reduce errors, and improve operational efficiency.

How to Display Inventory management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Inventory management Skills on Your Resume

12. Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, designed to facilitate document creation, data analysis, presentations, and email management, useful for organizing and managing nightly operations and reporting in a managerial role.

Microsoft Office is important for a Night Manager as it provides essential tools for creating schedules, managing reports, tracking employee performance, and handling administrative tasks efficiently.

How to Improve Microsoft Office Skills

To improve Microsoft Office for a Night Manager role, focus on customizing and utilizing features that streamline nightly reporting, communication, and scheduling tasks.

Leverage Excel Templates : Use or create Excel templates for nightly reports to save time. Excel templates can automate calculations and data organization.

Schedule with Outlook : Utilize Outlook's calendar and scheduling features to manage and communicate shift schedules efficiently. Setting up shared calendars can improve team coordination.

Use Word for Documentation : Create standardized documents in Word for procedures and guidelines. Quick Parts in Word can help automate and speed up document creation.

Implement OneNote for Collaboration : Use OneNote for sharing notes and collaborating on tasks or projects with the team. Check out OneNote for teamwork for tips on effective collaboration.

Adopt SharePoint for File Management : Utilize SharePoint for organizing, storing, and accessing operational documents and reports securely. Getting started with SharePoint offers guidance on setting up and using SharePoint effectively.

By tailoring Microsoft Office applications to the specific needs of the Night Manager role, efficiency and productivity can be significantly enhanced.

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Night Auditor
  • Night Stocker
  • Manager Trainee
  • Project Manager Consultant
  • Airport Manager
  • Dispatch Manager

Night Manager Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Communicates with sales/catering and all other departments as needed on the outcome, challenges and successes of all functions
  • Coaching and counseling of Assistant Managers, Night Auditors and employees
  • Chairing monthly communication meetings
  • Promoting and participating in special events and employee outings
  • Ensure that all financial reporting is maintained and accuratensuring accuracy of payroll
  • Complete monthly and quarterly projects as necessary
  • Actively see feedback and follow up on Guest comments
  • Develop and implement new systems and standards for Night Audit
  • To act on behalf of the Executive Offices with the authority to ensure company and Hotel standards and procedures are maintained
  • Ensure the daily audit is balanced and any discrepancies are brought to the Comptroller’s immediate attention
  • Complete daily backup of the Property Management System
  • Balance the day’s charges, making corrections as necessary
  • Trains staff and monitors adherence to all hotel and partner companies’ policies and procedures to reduce bad debts and rebates
  • Understands the impact of department’s operations on the overall hotel financial goals and objectives and manages to achieve or exceed goals
  • Supervise, support, and assist as required all of the nightly operations of the hotel
  • Practice and maintain Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and The Fairmont Waterfront standards and procedures
  • Prepare for and execute the end of day process for the Front Office, Restaurant, Lounge, and In Room Dining systems, as well as restore their systems for the next day’s operations
  • Reviews late arrivals, next day early arrivals and departures to plan for the next day’s activities. Coordinates arrivals, departures and billing requirements. Blocks rooms for arrivals and ensures any discrepancies are resolved. Reviews daily arrivals to ensure proper handling of Special Attention Guests, Return Guests, and Groups
  • Assures that all financial and credit procedures are followed. When taking a shift at the desk, follows up on credit problems. Reviews all paid-outs, rebates, Petty Cash disbursements and Direct Billings. Checks cashiers’ work at end of shift to ensure all transactions are reconciled with proper approvals and endorsements
  • Comply with Four Seasons’ Work Rules and Standards of Conduct
  • Basic leadership skills including coaching, motivating, counseling, and disciplining
  • Investigate all service and safety issues reported during the shift to find their cause, and give recommendations to avoid repeat issues
  • Write and/or supervise the completion of incident reports
  • Monitor investigations to their timely conclusion, ensuring appropriate follow-up with guests and visitors and documenting all contacts
  • Monitors and ensures compliance with all Guidelines to Operations
  • Directs, monitors, and assists all overnight staff

Professional Skills

  • Good reading and written language skills (English), basic arithmetic, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, telephone
  • Strong Guest Service orientation with excellent interpersonal and training skills
  • Demonstrates excellent check cashing skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to effectively communicate with all levels of staff, guests and external contacts, both verbally and written
  • Demonstrates excellent sales skills
  • Strong sense of being a team player with great communication skills
  • Has strong leadership skills and ability to manage team members and drive to achieving goals

How to write Night Manager Resume

Night Manager role is responsible for interpersonal, customer, leadership, training, computer, basic, manager, languages, english, payroll. To write great resume for night manager job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Night Manager Resume

The section contact information is important in your night manager resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Night Manager Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your night manager resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous night manager responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular night manager position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Night Manager resume experience can include:

  • Focus on the guest experience by delivering excellent service and effective problem solving
  • Strong guest service orientation and training skills background
  • Excellent organizational, written/verbal communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong Leadership skills, able to lead employees to achieve the department’s vision and measurable goals
  • Strong Supervisory and Staff Management skills
  • Excellent organization and delegation skills

Education on a Night Manager Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your night manager resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your night manager experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Night Manager Resume

When listing skills on your night manager resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical night manager skills:

  • Acting with a sense of urgency and possessing the knowledge to prioritise tasks effectively and delegate to maximise efficiency within the business
  • Has good selling and customer focus skills
  • Positive outlook and demonstrated supervisory skills
  • Strong computer skills required, knowledge of Opera Property Manager system is an asset
  • Strong written and verbal communication and computer skills
  • Ensuring that all operational standards and procedures within the depot are carried out effectively

List of Typical Experience For a Night Manager Resume

Experience for assistant night manager resume.

  • Performing the role of Receptionist where needed Key Skills and Experience Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to communicate at all levels
  • Ensure all staff members are aware of the ongoing functions and effectively escort guests to the desired event
  • Effectively deal with internal customers and external guests, which requires tact, patience, and diplomacy
  • High level of interpersonal skills to handle sensitive situations
  • Ensuring effective supervision, training, development, performance counseling, providing motivation and a sense of empowerment to employees

Experience For Relief Night Manager Resume

  • Demonstrating excellent Guest Service and maintaining a high level of employee relations
  • Be a team player - collaborate with other departments, particularly housekeeping, engineering and food and beverage to deliver a seamless guest experience, and
  • Conversant in Health and Safety regulations with prior training in Fire & Emergency response/evacuations
  • Represent the hotel and senior management, taking responsibility for the security of the hotel and guest experience in their absence,
  • Assist to lead, train, motivate and develop the front office and overnight team for success, ensuring our strong service culture remains optimum
  • Good knowledge in hotel operation in general

Experience For Night Manager Tuscany Resume

  • Previous experience as a Night Audit/Front Office Supervisor required
  • Has good knowledge in hotel safety and security
  • Strong personal initiative with a desire to achieve results above expectations
  • Excellent knowledge in revenue management
  • Previous experience at supervisory level within Rooms Division
  • Post-secondary education in Hotel Management a strong asset
  • Keeps effective key control

Experience For Night Manager FS Resume

  • Operate the telephone and take detailed written messages at the same time
  • Review the daily business levels, anticipate critical situations, and plan effective solutions to best expedite these situations
  • Handles guest complaints/comments/problems/requests in a very professional manner and always strives to provide a quality guest experience
  • Maintain good public relation with guests
  • Previous experience with OnQ Property Management System

Experience For Resort Night Manager Resume

  • Promoting the highest levels of service to guests and clients of the hotel when being dealt with by front desk staff, maximising guest satisfaction
  • Staying current of industry/competitive trends and making recommendations for improvement
  • Checking of Paid outs, Refunds and allowances made during the day
  • Articulating an in-depth understanding of guest needs and use guest feedback to constantly evolve the quality of service delivered by the front of house team
  • Working knowledge of business English, spelling and arithmetic; ability to make arithmetic computations accurately and with reasonable speed
  • Ensuring all control procedures for revenue processing are adhered to at all times
  • Balancing of all credit card transactions, Food & Beverage room postings & rooms audit
  • Running Night Audit closure procedures
  • Serving as a point of contact for regular and VIP residents

Experience For Trainee Night Manager Resume

  • Training and development of night team
  • Ensuring safety and security of guests and staff
  • Auditing income and revenue reports
  • Ensuring procedures are followed when dealing with intoxicated person, thefts, evictions, cash escorts and lost and found articles
  • Solving difficult guest situation
  • Optimising fleet utilisation
  • Working closely with the site management team to drive standards and continuous improvement initiatives

Experience For Accommodation Services Night Manager Resume

  • Ensuring compliance with the relevant Aviation Security requirements
  • Representing the General Manager and other senior managers in their absence, taking full responsibility of the residence
  • Process guest check-ins by confirming reservations, assigning room and issuing activating room key
  • Responsible for the completed nightly end of day reporting; ensuring accuracy in balancing of accounts
  • To assist in maintaining the operating costs and achieving maximum sales and profitability in Front Office
  • Overall supervision of operating departments during overnight hours (i.e. Housekeeping, Room Service, Security & Night Cleaners)
  • Ensure the cleanliness/neatness of the hotel including back of house areas by monitoring night cleaning activities

Experience For Franchised Night Manager on Duty Resume

  • Actively seeking feedback from employees and guests, following-up and taking action
  • Monitors staff activities to assure that standards are being met, staff is being supported and guest needs are being met
  • Ensure cash handling and auditing procedures are in compliance with established Accounting policies and procedures
  • Supervision of all colleagues under his/her direction, including Housekeeping and Stewarding
  • Prepare the daily sheet and organize a morning briefing with FO morning shift (handover to the shift leader eventual problems)

Experience For Casual Assistant Night Manager Resume

  • Handle any management issues or emergencies that arise, recording them as required, and implementing the necessary actions to bring them to resolution, and
  • Assist in maintaining the operating costs and achieving maximum sales and profitability in Front Office
  • Responds to employee situations by suspending employees pending investigation, when appropriate, following Carlson Managed Hotels & Resort’s policies
  • Be fully conversant and adhere to Marriott Standard Operating Procedures and Brisbane Marriott Local Standard Operating procedures for the Night Audit function
  • Maintain and conduct regular associate training and record keeping

Experience For Night Manager / Duty Manager Resume

  • Manages night operations, ensuring the quality, standards and meeting the expectations of the customers on a daily basis
  • Assist in enforcing decisions made by fellow managers. Act as Manager-on-Duty for supervisory and line associates during the second and/or third shift
  • Be responsible for meetings that are going on in the building
  • Assist with set ups and locking up building when shift is over
  • Carry out the daily closing and a data backup of the software system for Reception and accounting
  • Provides coaching and mentoring to the Front Office team, both Colleagues and Leaders that provides a platform for future development of all
  • Execute departmental Health & Safety mandate including WCB policies and practices, promoting a safe work environment
  • Welcome guests to the hotel and bid farewell to departing guest while adhering to Brand Standards
  • Work with the night housekeeping team to ensure that all public areas are cleaned and are kept in uncompromising level of cleanliness

List of Typical Skills For a Night Manager Resume

Skills for assistant night manager resume.

  • Previous Front Office experience in a “lead” or supervisory role, including a strong working knowledge of Front Office operating systems
  • Computer skills including spreadsheet preparation and word processing
  • Participates as needed in the interviewing and hiring of Room operations employee team members with the appropriate skills
  • Direct and assist staff, ensuring that all work is completed effectively
  • Has at least 2 years of previous experience as Duty Manager in City Hotel;- Has strong knowledge of Rooms operation (Front Desk, Housekeeping, Bell Desk)
  • Possessing an in-depth understanding of how to drive all emotional and transactional aspects of the gust experience in a busy luxury hotel
  • Having a good understanding of how to manage individuals from a variety of departments
  • Liaising with all departments to ensure effective running of day to day tasks
  • Maintaining effective operational service to meet our demanding customer service requirements

Skills For Relief Night Manager Resume

  • Developing and maintaining excellent staff relationships with your team of warehouse operatives and drivers
  • Ensuring effective interface between Management, Duty Managers, Reception & Porters
  • Accounting experience an asset
  • Building a strong team spirit and a network of relationships that stretches beyond the centre
  • Experience of working with and supervising a winning team
  • Demonstrate what it means to be Simply Welcoming by assisting on the desk, and role modelling to the broader night team,
  • Previous experience of managing or supervising a team
  • Previous experience of training and developing team members
  • Experience of setting and achieving KPIs

Skills For Night Manager Tuscany Resume

  • Solid understanding of technical aspects of plumbing, carpentry, electrical systems etc
  • Experience in leading and supporting a team
  • Proactive attitude with proven track-record of delivering continuous improvement and cost saving initiatives
  • Ambitious, hard-working and effective
  • Proven track record in guest relations, problem solving
  • Previous accounting experience an asset
  • At least have two years related working experience

Skills For Night Manager FS Resume

  • Previous experience of working nights is desirable
  • Review schedules regularly to ensure maximum productivity while ensuring excellent guest service
  • Brand new team, pre-opening experience
  • Ensure and enforce delivering of an on brand arrival and departure experiences throughout every guest stay
  • Previous experience working at Night Manager/Assistant Manager level within a 4 or 5 star property
  • Previous experience of carrying out the Night Audit

Skills For Resort Night Manager Resume

  • To be able to operate Mitel Switchboard and Voicelink messaging system
  • Previous supervisory/management experience in Front Office
  • Previous Night Audit experience
  • Previous or current Hotel nights' experience in a supervisory or management position
  • Previous supervisory experience in nights within the hotel sector
  • Previous experience of the newspaper and magazine distribution industry

Skills For Trainee Night Manager Resume

  • Able to work in a team, prioritize tasks and capable to handle stressful situations
  • Acting as a resource for other departments facing operational issues and being a model for problem solving by responding with a sense of urgency and poise
  • Providing training and coaching and identifying staff development needs
  • Briefing all shift team members about incoming and outgoing guests, special requests, including early/late departures and room changes,
  • Providing all necessary guest service as they pertain to the Front Desk during the evening hours
  • Handling guest’s billing and FO administration according to hotel standard
  • Promoting and implementing the visions and values of the business ensuring that they are understood and applied by all staff
  • Seeking a new exciting challenge in your life!
  • Knowing how to be at your best – and exceeding expectations

Skills For Accommodation Services Night Manager Resume

  • Supervising the night team and supporting the Night Manager in the absence of the Front Office and General Manager
  • Checking for guest discrepancies & processing no-shows
  • Managing and resolving guest complaints
  • Ensuring that all Keys/Ving cards are accounted for and the proper action and documentation completed for lost cards
  • Handling room blocking based on guest’s need

Skills For Franchised Night Manager on Duty Resume

  • Making reports according hotel’s standard
  • Running night audit ensuring that all figures on PMS and POS are balanced
  • Handling guest complaint during night time
  • Handling emergency and urgent matters which occur during night time
  • Managing all areas of the hotel during the night shift

Skills For Casual Assistant Night Manager Resume

  • Maintaining the depot at all times ensuring that all legal, health and safety and Company policy requirements are strictly adhered to
  • Managing and developing all members of the team
  • Managing drivers and planning shifts to ensure compliance with all transport regulations
  • Managing a medium-large sized operation and being able to liaise at all levels
  • Assisting with daily Front Desk procedures/tasks including check in’s and outs
  • Being present in the lobby during the night shift; be there to ensure every guest receives a warm welcome,
  • Ensuring compliance with transport legislation and company policy
  • Understanding of Night Audit Procedures
  • Seeking a flexible schedule

Skills For Night Manager / Duty Manager Resume

  • Being able to make impactful decisions independently
  • Having thorough knowledge of the function of property management systems (Opera)
  • Working knowledge of facilities & equipment
  • Training and coach night (3rd shift) employees on established systems
  • Ensuring all policies and procedures are adhered to
  • Providing accurate nightly KPI reports

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Night Manager Resume

Responsibilities for assistant night manager resume.

  • Plan and prioritize with excellent organizational skills
  • Good customer service skills and ability to deliver high quality service and interact with all types of customers
  • A high level of personal presentation Proven experience in Front Office staff training
  • Handle guest complaints efficiently and effectively
  • Progressive career in Front Office in 5 star hotel with at least 5 years experience in similar role. International hotel experience is desirable

Responsibilities For Relief Night Manager Resume

  • Effectively deal with guest problems and complaints immediately
  • Previous experience in a similar capacity at a luxury hotel. Two years Front Office supervisory experience required
  • A naturally inspirational leader with proven experience of this
  • Maintaining an excellent level of customer service and guest comfort at all times
  • Effective management of incoming and outgoing calls: professionalism
  • Organize and plan the night shift of the SBU as per processes and standards, so as to enable the efficient and effective operation of the SBU during the night
  • Experience in First Aid procedures, Emergency evacuation and Crisis response would be advantageous
  • Ensure all team members are prepared and well-informed to deliver guests an exceptional experience from check-in through check-out

Responsibilities For Night Manager Tuscany Resume

  • Establish effective goals, measurements and action plans for the department
  • Very good knowledge of hospitality operations and processes
  • Valid visa to be able to work in New Zealand for at least 6 months
  • Able to lead and motivate the team, strong customer services sense
  • Strong knowledge of Opera/ PMS
  • Experience in similar or supervisory role
  • Experience in Front Office environment

Responsibilities For Night Manager FS Resume

  • Experience in a front office/night audit/finance role
  • This role requires a valid NSW Responsible Service of Alcohol competency card and First Aid qualifications
  • Experience in a similar position in Front Office
  • The ability to act as the principal contact for our well-travelled international guests and the proven ability to anticipate guest needs and go the extra mile
  • A valid First Aid Certificate
  • Previous Night Manager/Assistant Night Manager experience within a luxury 5 hotel
  • Worked in a similar role where there is a strong customer focus and a fast paced environment
  • Previous experience in an equivalent front office or guest relations managerial role, ideally within a hotel's front office environment,

Responsibilities For Resort Night Manager Resume

  • Previous Nights / Front Office experience
  • Supervisory experience is highly regarded
  • Experienced in emergency response procedures (Fire & Life Safety)
  • Setting clear structure during the night audit shift to ensure everything is covered within the shift
  • Maintaining appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of departmental employees
  • Managing a large operation and the ability to liaise at all levels
  • Welcoming the guests
  • Enrolling guests in our IHG Rewards Club Programme (monthly target for the night team)
  • Ensuring rooms revenue is maximized, balancing average rate and occupancy

Responsibilities For Trainee Night Manager Resume

  • Ensuring at all employees within Front Office Night Audit Team are fully aware of the daily inventory, yield and revenue management, and sell rates
  • To liaise with day Shift leader, Housekeeping and Room Service regarding VIP and all other special arrivals of the day. Ensure VIP policy is followed
  • To be able to roaming guests, assist them with their luggage and ensure is being follow up by the team
  • To understand and follow the car parking procedures and ensure is being follow up by the team
  • To handle guest complaints according to the LEARN and empowerment processes, referring to the Reception Management
  • To ensure the smooth operation of the night shift and to oversee all operating departments during the night
  • Maximize our brand by promoting our upsell program and managing guest appeasement's
  • Raise Environmental awareness among the Front Desk team by supporting and contributing to hotel and departmental initiatives (JDP, CES and LQA)

Responsibilities For Accommodation Services Night Manager Resume

  • Ensure correct and accurate cash handling in all operating departments
  • Supervision and performance of all night audit functions, ensuring the proper balancing and control of hotel revenue, both rooms and food & beverage
  • To assist with meeting and escorting of VIP guests
  • In charge of planning of the FO department during the night
  • Check existing and create new procedures in all revenue centres ensuring they do not hinder the service provided to the guest
  • Occasional walking and standing throughout shift
  • Contsant standing and walking throughout shift
  • Proactively resolving guest issues or complaints, and encouraging the team to feel empowered to do the same,

Responsibilities For Franchised Night Manager on Duty Resume

  • Take ownership of hotel security, complying with fire regulations and all health and safety legislation and instigating these processes as required,
  • Ensures all associates are adhering to proper cash handling procedures and monitors overage/shortages
  • Lead by example by demonstrating the Hallmarks and guiding principles in their role continuously
  • Verifies all employees are adhering to proper cash handling procedures and monitors overage/shortages
  • Respond to guest requests for special arrangements or services by making arrangements or identifying appropriate providers
  • Process guest check-outs including resolving any late and disputed charges
  • Investigate all guest complaints and deal with them accordingly ensuring comprehensive reporting is done for subsequent follow up by Manager
  • Oversees the proper handling of advance deposits
  • Checks that discount, billing instructions, and credit policies are followed, and takes action when needed

Responsibilities For Casual Assistant Night Manager Resume

  • Completes all forms in cases of accident or theft in the hotel during the shift and to liaise with Duty Manager / Rooms Manager as and when required
  • To be aware of the Marriott Front Office SOP manual and ensure is being follow up by the team
  • To register guests into the Hotel, taking into account legal requirements, Company policies and Marriott brand standards
  • To understand the Vingcard system, issue guest keys as per procedure and ensure is being follow up by the team
  • To understand and adhere to all accounting procedures and ensure there are follow up by the team
  • To understand and follow the Lost property procedure and ensure is being follow up by the team.
  • To be aware of, and comply with, Hotel image standards and ensure is being follow by the team
  • To undertake appropriate training, as recommended by Front Office Manager
  • To understand the signing in and out procedure

Responsibilities For Night Manager / Duty Manager Resume

  • To supervise group arrivals and departures which take place during the shift
  • Hires, trains, supervises, evaluates, and disciplines staff, seeking Manager assistance as appropriate
  • Maintains facilities and equipment while communicating repair needs to upper management
  • To advise the Front Desk Manager of any matters relating to guests, their welfare and behavior as considered desirable for various reasons
  • The Night Manager is the leader of the Emergency Response Team (E.R.T) during emergency procedures as per the Fire and Evacuation Plan
  • Play a supporting role in key administrative affairs (i.e. payroll, inventory, composition of purchase orders, etc.)
  • Assist the Finance department in researching disputed charges and process no-show charges on behalf of Finance/Reservations

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Night Manager Resume Samples

A Night Manager will represent and work for the management during the nights. The job description includes assisting the front office manager with all aspects of the office and undertakes all managerial functions including – operations, planning, staffing, and budgeting. The Night Manager Resume mentions the following duties and responsibilities – managing and monitoring employee activities ; ensuring the company and the employees adhere with the standards and regulations; directing and overseeing hotel operations; conducting briefings for all staff; greeting guests upon arrival and checking accommodation status and overseeing summary reports.

To work at this level, the following skills are required – strong English speaking skills, good personality, front desk operation experience, a strong understanding of business management, financial and leadership principles; and the potential to develop effective solutions and strategies. A bachelor’s degree in Business or Management is the common qualification seen on resumes.

Night Manager Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Hospitality
  • Night Manager

Night Manager Resume

Summary : Passionate, motivated, and exceptionally hard working with ability to leverage relevant experience, training, and capabilities while excelling in a Banking and Customer Service role. Banking: Adept at processing cash, check, and credit card transactions. Skilled at counting, balancing, and reconciling monies while preparing and submitting daily bank deposits. Experience compiling sales reports and maintaining detailed files and records.

Skills : Forklift Operator.

Night Manager Resume Model

Description :

  • Supervised operations and trained, scheduled, and supervised personnel.
  • Answered questions, promoted products, and offered support in locating and selecting products.
  • Processed cash, check, and credit card transactions.
  • Operated cash register, counted and balanced monies, and prepared bank deposits.
  • Resolved customer complaints and conflicts to ensure satisfaction.
  • Tracked daily sales and complied reports for ownership.
  • Ordered products and supplies from vendors.

Overnight Manager Resume

Objective : Positive and cheerful with management experience. I love a fun fast paced environment and situations that keep me on my toes.

Skills : Cash Handling, First Aid And CPR Certified -Licensed.

Overnight Manager Resume Sample

  • Maintained high standards of customer service during high-volume, fast-paced operations.
  • Consistently provided friendly guest service and heartfelt hospitality.
  • Promptly and empathetically handled guest concerns and complaints.
  • Demonstrated integrity and honesty while interacting with guests, team members and managers.
  • Operated the drive-through window and sales register quickly and efficiently.
  • Greeted customers and provided excellent customer service.
  • Cross-trained and coordinated scheduling with team members to ensure seamless service.
  • Prepared all food orders within a 2-3 minute time frame.

Night Manager/Front Office Manager Resume

Objective : Accomplished Manager with extensive experience in front-of-house and back-of-house operations. Proven to be highly effective, calm and poised in high pressure conflict resolution with guests and VIP Clients. Cultivates a culture in which staff members feel like part of a team and where their voice is heard.

Skills : Microsoft Office Suite, Fidelio, Opera.

Night Manager/Front Office Manager Resume Sample

  • Managed a 296-room full-service boutique hotel during overnight hours.
  • Greeted all guests in a courteous and professional manner.
  • Increased customer satisfaction survey rating to hotel high of 8.4.
  • Maintained occupancy of 90% or higher while increasing ADR.
  • Resolved all major guest issues in a timely and cost effective manner.
  • Monitored the appearance and performance of the front desk staff.
  • Managed several Hotel Departments including: Bell-Staff, Security, In-Room Dining, Kitchen, Housekeeping, Engineering, Valet & Third Party Cleaners.
  • Oversaw and produced Nightly Audit and Morning Operations Packet.

Warehouse Night Manager Resume

Summary : Organized, independent worker with strong time-management skills, especially proficient in effective communication and technology.

Skills : Management, Cash Handling, Maintenance, Security.

Warehouse Night Manager Resume Sample

  • Answered questions regarding the store and its merchandise.
  • Greeted customers and ascertained customers' needs.
  • Helped customers with questions, problems and complaints in person and via telephone.
  • Stocked shelves and supplies and organized displays.
  • Organized racks and shelves to maintain the visual appeal of the store.
  • Verified that all customers received receipts for purchases.
  • Developed positive customer relationships through friendly greetings and excellent service.

Assistant Night Manager Resume

Objective : A multi-skilled professional with a superb track record of managing complex projects in various environments. Able to manage stakeholder expectations and willing to take full responsibility for the delivering of project objectives. Presently looking to join a company that rewards effort and initiative.

Skills : Well-versed on Microsoft Office: PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and Outlook.

Assistant Night Manager Resume Sample

  • Assure all servers and bartenders complied with policies and procedures.
  • Practice safe work habits and complied with sanitary, safety, security and emergency procedures.
  • Write shift reports including reports on any incident of theft, accidents or injuries.
  • Perform special projects and other responsibilities as assigned.
  • Participate in task forces and committees as requested.
  • Conduct server training, either one-to-one or by group.
  • Assuring all wait staff members were on time and at work stations as scheduled, and in proper uniform.

Night Manager/Night Auditor Resume

Objective : Seeking a position as a computer programmer or 3D modeler. Software C, JavaScript, HTML, Unity Game Engine Autodesk AutoCAD, Blender, Rhinoceros, Autodesk Maya, CrazyBump, Google Sketchup Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft Office Suite.

Skills : Phlebotomy, customer service, retail, First aide, CPR.

Night Manager/Night Auditor Resume Format

  • Built loyal clientele through friendly interactions and consistent appreciation.

Night Manager/Auditor Resume

Objective : Motivated, personable business professional with multiple years of experience in Customer Service Industry. Diplomatic and tactful with professionals and non-professionals at all levels. Accustomed to handling sensitive, confidential records. Demonstrated history of producing accurate, timely reports meeting stringent Food industry and Telecommunications guidelines. Flexible and versatile - able to maintain a sense of humor under pressure.

Skills : Ability to communicate and delegate to others.

Night Manager/Auditor Resume Example

  • Reviewed financial statements, sales and activity reports, and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement and to determine areas needing cost reduction and program improvement.
  • Responsible for directing, monitoring, and assisting all overnight staff.
  • Ensures all employees are adhering to proper cash handling procedures and monitors overage/shortages.
  • Assisted accounts receivable clerk in all aspects of job and in keeping all invoices due below 30 days.
  • Conducted annual performance appraisal with direct reports according to Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Worked with the leadership team of the property to identify and implement action plans to prevent the reoccurrence of guest issues.
  • Ensured property policies are administered fairly and consistently, disciplinary procedures and documentation are completed according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and local labour law.

Summary : To creatively and effectively explore and utilize my managerial and communicative talents within the food/retail or customer service industries, thereby making a contribution to a growing company. Summary of Qualifications Knowledge of quality service standards and customer service evaluation techniques enforced with 18+ years of managerial aptitude to handle complaints, arbitrating disputes and resolving grievances or otherwise negotiating with others.

Skills : Problem solver skills. Have the ability to learn new.

Assistant Night Manager Resume Format

  • Providing efficient, friendly and cordial service at the front desk.
  • Handling the night audit process via the SMS system Opera.
  • Providing friendly and efficient check in and out service.
  • Speaking with guests using a positive and clear speaking voice as well as listening attentively to understand requests.
  • Making use of electronic acceptance methods verified and swiped credit cards.
  • Carrying out completion of registration process by retrieving and inputing information with routine difficulty from a computer system and confirming the guest's reservation information.
  • Collecting and recording traveler checks, vouchers and other forms of payment.

Asst. Night Manager Resume

Objective : Enthusiastic, dependable, self-motivated, detail oriented with strong work ethics. I am seeking to participate in a secure company where I can be a great asset. Accustomed to working in a fast pace environment and under deadline pressure, at the same time establish access to become a more accomplished and successful individual. Successful Accomplishments Welding Certification, Metal Fabrication. Air-frame and Power Plant Mechanic.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Account Management, Inventory Management, Data Entry, Cashier.

Asst. Night Manager Resume Sample

  • Greet and check guests in and out in a timely and courteous manner.
  • Install guest reservations and send confirmation Ensure reservations are taken correctly and courteously.
  • Address and resolve customer needs and complaints Ensure compliance of safety and security standards.
  • Run the night audit process through the SMS system of the resort.
  • Complete the nightly audit of the resort through the SMS system.
  • Verify and swipe credit cards for authorization using electronic acceptance methods.
  • Handle cash, make change and balance an assigned house bank.
  • Accept and record vouchers, traveler checks, and other forms of payment.

Night Manager/Guest Services Manager Resume

Summary : Performance-driven leader with proven experience in world-class hospitality and property management. Highly motivated professional with extensive experience and comprehensive management of information systems under MS Windows environment, Opera PMS, Fidelio, Holidex, HotSos, Micros. Diligently maintain solid guest relationships through high-performance teams driven by satisfaction and guest recognition.

Skills : Enthusiasm to keep the store running through the night.

Night Manager/Guest Services Manager Resume Example

  • Responsible and accountable for: Leading a staff of 15 employees in nightly operations of the property across the front desk, guest services, housekeeping, engineering, security and room service.
  • Deliver expert guest relations and PBX services as well as services across the front desk and guest areas.
  • Complete knowledge at all times of daily occupancy and expected arrivals/departures, scheduled in-house group activities, locations and times.
  • Constantly monitoring staff performance in all phases of service and job functions, ensuring that all procedures are carried out to departmental standards; rectify any deficiencies with respective personnel to include Front Desk staff, Bell/Door staff, PBX staff, Reservations staff and Concierge staff.
  • Ensure that current information on rates, packages and promotions is available at the Front Desk and that all staff are knowledgeable on such.
  • Ensure that staff reported to work as scheduled.
  • Responsible of documenting any late or absent employees and making the necessary corrections if needed.
  • Coordinate breaks for all Front Office staff, including sub-departments.

Night Manager II Resume

Objective : Highly energetic, outgoing, and detail-oriented. I am adept at handling multiple responsibilities simultaneously while providing exceptional customer service. I am reliable, friendly, and quick to learn and master new concepts and skills. I am passionate about helping customers and creating a satisfying experience for them. I am great at getting to the root of an issue, solving hard-to-handle problems, and customer relations.

Skills : Computer smart, Organizational, Friendly and Outgoing, Can handle easy and harder customers, High customer service skills, Professional Attitude and Dress, Excelled in English, Science, and Math Classes through High School and College.

Night Manager II Resume Model

  • Prepare daily Revenue Report data by auditing Point of Service tapes/journals to breakdown revenue, covers, waiters' fees, tips paid out and settlements by type and cashier.
  • Run audit reports/journals from the front office system, Point of Service and the computer.
  • Make corrections and adjustments and handle all computer problems that might occur throughout the shift.
  • Input into the front office system revenue/expenses/allowances to generate the daily reports such as the Guest Ledger Summary and the Daily Restaurant Summary.
  • Balance all revenue and settlement accounts nightly, maintain files and reset the system for next day operations.
  • Comply with attendance rules and be available to work on a regular basis.
  • Perform any other job related duties as assigned.

Objective : Energetic, motivated, task-oriented, efficient, a fast learner, and my knowledge of the industry is comprehensive and current. I want to establish meaningful relationships in the business industry that will allow the usage of my skills in organization, analysis, and communication.

Skills : Adobe Photo Shop, Computer skills microsoft &linux Operating systerms, Use of Matlab Graphical Program, Preforemed interface designs, video editing and recording, Languages.

Night Manager Resume Sample

  • Prepares final reports of all daily revenue summaries.
  • Attend to special service request including securing of guest valuables in safety deposit boxes.
  • Promote repeat business buy offering to take future reservation upon check-out and providing recommendations for alternate NHG Products.
  • Provide the highest quality of service to the customer at all times.
  • Maintain responsibility and accountability for the hotel property and the safety of guests, and have authority for the hotel operations while on duty.
  • Communicate with incoming shift by logging pertinent information in the front office log.
  • Complete Daily Revenue Report during each shift.

Table of Contents

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  • Night Manager

5 Amazing night manager Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, night manager: resume samples & writing guide, frank jackson, employment history.

  • Ensure adherence to company policies and procedures
  • Train and develop staff
  • Manage night audit procedures
  • Manage cash handling procedures
  • Monitor and control inventory
  • Prepare staff schedules
  • Resolve customer complaints
  • Maintain security of the premises

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Floyd Jones

  • Monitor housekeeping operations
  • Prepare daily reports
  • Ensure customer satisfaction
  • Ensure compliance with safety regulations

Leonard Ingram

Professional summary.

  • Address employee issues and concerns
  • Supervise staff performance

Roger Ingram

Stanley martin.

  • Monitor guest service levels

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

hotel night manager job duties for resume

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

night manager Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an night manager position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

night manager

  • Manage and train night crew.
  • Order low stock products for the next day.
  • Restock and rearrange (if needed) all products.
  • Load and unload truck vendor deliveries.
  • Make entire store presentable by opening hour. 
  • Assist customer needs.
  • Responsible for running the night audit and overseeing hotel.
  • Verified customers’ credit, and establish how the customer will pay for the accommodation. 
  • Performed bookkeeping activities, such as balancing accounts and conducting nightly audits.
  • Handled daily check-ins and check-outs of hotel guests that would arrive late.
  • Posted charges, such those for rooms, food, liquor, or telephone calls, to ledgers manually or by using computers.
  • Provided excellent customer service and information regarding the surrounding area.
  • Supervise lounge and restaurant operations and administer order from client for food and beverage.
  • Manage and perform all MOD duties as specified by company staff.
  • Monitor and recommend appropriate plans to motivate fellow staff to achieve business targets.
  • Manage standard uniform for all employees and ensure compliance with company policy.
  • Supervise all levels of service and interact with guests, manage written guest comment cards and track all guest information.
  • Monitor and resolve service issues through phone calls or written communication to achieve service goals and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Train associates and respond to customers’ queries and complaints in positive way.

night manager/security

  • Issue room keys
  • Supervise overall service that includes scheduling, food presentation for banquets orders.
  • Ensure neat and clean restaurant area to attract all customers for its operation.
  • Initiate business decisions on basis of production reports.
  • Supervise the work and progress of 6 team members.
  • Instructed staff on display grid and what type of product would be featured.   
  • Place prices or descriptive signs on fixtures, and Construct or assemble displays. 
  • Formulate pricing policies for merchandise, according to profitability requirements.

night manager Job Skills

For an night manager position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Food Safety
  • Cash Handling
  • Inventory Management
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems
  • Food Preparation
  • Food Presentation
  • Cost Control
  • Revenue Management
  • Hygiene Standards
  • Safety Regulations
  • Cleaning Protocols
  • Customer Service
  • Alcohol Service
  • Guest Relations
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Sanitation Practices
  • Team Building
  • Hospitality Law.

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Troubleshooting
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your night manager Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Zack Cooper

  • Ensure customer satisfacion
  • Maintain securty of the premices
  • Manage night audit procedurs
  • Ensure compiance with saftey regulations
  • Adress employe issues and concers
  • Mange cash handling procedues
  • Train an develop staff

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

How to Optimize Your night manager Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

night manager Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an night manager position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

To the respected Red Lion Hotels Corporation Recruitment Team

I am excited to apply for the Senior Night Manager role at Red Lion Hotels Corporation. As a highly skilled Night Manager, I am confident that I have the necessary experience and abilities to make a valuable contribution to your organization.

As someone who has always been committed to making a positive impact on the world, I have pursued opportunities to contribute to my community through my work wherever I may be. My experience in this field has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed throughout my life and I am confident that they will help me to bring my passion and expertise to your organization and help drive your success.

I am elated about the opportunity to join a team that shares my passion for this field, and values collaboration and innovation. I am confident that together we can overcome whatever tests and challenges are put on our way.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

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  • Career Blog

Hotel Manager Resume: Sample & Writing Guide for 2024

hotel night manager job duties for resume

As the hospitality industry continues to grow, hotel managers play an increasingly crucial role in the success of a hotel. Whether it’s a small boutique hotel or a large luxury resort, hotel managers are responsible for ensuring that guests have a positive experience and that the hotel runs smoothly.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in hotel management, having a strong resume is essential. Your resume is your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and accomplishments to potential employers. A well-written resume can help you stand out from the competition and land your dream job.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a sample hotel manager resume and a writing guide to help you create a winning resume. We’ll cover the key elements that should be included in any hotel manager resume, including your contact information, professional summary, work experience, education, skills, and certifications.

We’ll also provide tips on how to tailor your resume to different types of hotel management positions, such as general manager, front office manager, or food and beverage manager. Additionally, we’ll share common pitfalls to avoid when writing your resume and suggestions on how to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Whether you’re a seasoned hotel manager looking to take the next step in your career or a recent graduate hoping to break into the industry, this article has everything you need to craft a top-notch hotel manager resume. So let’s get started!

Importance of a Well-Written Hotel Manager Resume

A well-written hotel manager resume is critical for job seekers looking to land a job in the hospitality industry. The resume serves as the first impression hiring managers have of an applicant and sets the tone for the entire hiring process.

hotel night manager job duties for resume

A professionally written hotel manager resume is important for several reasons. Firstly, it showcases an applicant’s qualifications, experience, and achievements in a more compelling way than a standard resume could ever do. This matters because hiring managers receive stacks of resumes and must find ways to differentiate between them.

Secondly, a well-written hotel manager resume can set an applicant apart from their peers, increasing their chances of being shortlisted for an interview. With fierce competition for hotel manager roles, it’s crucial that applicants highlight their unique skills and experience to stand out.

Hiring managers look for several key elements when reviewing hotel manager resumes. These include an applicant’s leadership skills, knowledge of industry trends, experience managing staff, problem-solving abilities, and customer service expertise. A strong resume will detail an applicant’s specific achievements related to each of these areas and provide examples of how they’ve successfully managed teams and projects in the past.

One of the key ways that a hotel manager resume differs from a standard resume is in its emphasis on industry-specific skills and knowledge. While a standard resume might focus on more general skills and experience, such as communication skills, time management, and project management, a hotel manager resume will prioritize skills that are specific to the hospitality industry, such as experience with revenue and budget management, quality assurance, and front-of-house operations.

Additionally, hotel manager resumes should highlight an applicant’s experience in managing staff, customer service, and building relationships with industry partners such as vendors, suppliers, and travel agents. These skills are essential for hotel managers since they play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth running of a hotel and ensuring customer satisfaction.

A well-written hotel manager resume is essential for landing a job in the hospitality industry. This type of resume highlights an applicant’s leadership skills, experience, and achievements in a manner that showcases their suitability for a hotel management role. By emphasizing industry-specific skills and knowledge, applicants can differentiate themselves from their peers and increase their chances of securing an interview.

Key Skills Needed for a Hotel Manager Resume

As a hotel manager, you will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a hotel, ensuring that guests are satisfied, and the hotel is running as efficiently as possible. In order to succeed in this role, you will need to have a variety of key skills that enable you to handle the demands of the job. Some of the essential skills that you should highlight on your hotel manager resume include:

1. Leadership Abilities

One of the most important skills for any hotel manager is the ability to lead and inspire a team. You will need to be able to direct your staff, provide guidance and feedback, and collaborate with other team members to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

2. Customer Service Skills

Another essential skill for any hotel manager is strong customer service skills. You will be the face of the hotel, interacting regularly with guests and ensuring that they have a positive experience during their stay. This requires patience, kindness, and the ability to work under pressure.

3. Financial Savvy

A hotel manager must also have a strong financial acumen. You will be responsible for budgeting, forecasting, and maximizing revenue at the hotel. This means that you should have good analytical skills and familiarity with financial statements.

4. Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are essential for any hotel manager. You should be able to communicate clearly with staff and guests, and be able to discuss complex issues in a way that everyone can understand. You will also need to have good written communication skills for reports and emails.

5. Problem-Solving Abilities

As a hotel manager, you will regularly face challenges that require quick thinking and creative solutions. Having strong problem-solving abilities is critical for success in this role.

hotel night manager job duties for resume

These skills contribute significantly to the success of a hotel by driving guest satisfaction and bolstering the hotel’s reputation. A hotel’s reputation can be its main asset, creating goodwill among clients and travelers, and carrying momentum toward consistent revenue. Moreover, these skills can promote team building and foster positive relationships, among other things.

In addition to highlighting the essential skills discussed above, there are other related skills that hiring managers may also look for when reviewing your application. Some of these skills may include:

  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Sales and marketing knowledge
  • Human resources experience
  • Familiarity with hotel management software

By highlighting these related skills on your hotel manager resume, you demonstrate a comprehensive proficiency, which makes you more attractive to employers.

It is essential to identify the key skills required for a hotel manager position and showcase competencies that meet the employer’s needs. Boasting the right skills can help you stand out from the crowd and take advantage of the ever-growing job opportunities in the hospitality industry.

Hotel Manager Resume Sample

Here is a comprehensive example of a hotel manager resume:

123 Main Street, Anytown, USA 555-555-5555  [email protected]

Objective: Experienced hotel manager seeking a new opportunity to utilize strong leadership skills, customer service expertise, and problem-solving abilities.


Hotel Manager, ABC Hotel January 2015 – Present -Develop and lead a team of up to 60 employees in daily operations, guest satisfaction, and revenue growth -Manage all departments including front desk, housekeeping, maintenance, and food and beverage -Oversaw a $2.5 million renovation of the hotel -Implemented new customer service and employee training programs resulting in a 15% increase in guest satisfaction scores -Developed and executed marketing plans resulting in a 10% increase in revenue in the first year

Assistant Hotel Manager, XYZ Resort June 2012 – December 2014 -Managed daily operations of a 250-room resort, including front desk, housekeeping, and food and beverage -Developed and implemented sales and marketing strategies resulting in a 20% increase in revenue over two years -Implemented a new training program resulting in a 10% increase in guest satisfaction scores -Maintained relationships with local businesses and attractions resulting in increased bookings and guest satisfaction

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management University of Anywhere Graduated May 2012

-Leadership -Customer service -Problem-solving -Sales and marketing -Team building -Communication -Staff training and development

Now, to tailor this resume to a job description, start by examining the job posting for specific requirements and keywords. For example, if the job posting emphasizes revenue growth or managing large teams, you can highlight the corresponding experiences and accomplishments in your resume.

Next, tailor your objective statement to match the job and company you are applying for. This demonstrates to the hiring manager that you are specifically interested in the job and have taken the time to research the company.

In the experience section, focus on quantifiable accomplishments that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points to clearly demonstrate your achievements and responsibilities.

In the education section, highlight any coursework or certifications that directly relate to the job posting.

Finally, include any additional relevant skills or experiences that were not included in the original resume, but align with the job posting.

By tailoring your resume to the job description, you increase your chances of catching the attention of the hiring manager and securing an interview.

Hotel Manager Resume Writing Tips

As a hotel manager, your resume needs to showcase your experience, skills, and achievements in the hospitality industry. Here are some practical tips for writing a winning hotel manager resume:

Tip #1: Tailor your resume for the job

Every hotel has unique needs and requirements for their managers. Before you start writing your resume, do some research on the hotel you’re applying to and customize your resume accordingly. Highlight your experience and skills that match the hotel’s needs.

Tip #2: Use a clear, easy-to-read format

Your resume should be easy to navigate and scan for important information. Use clear headings, bullet points, and plenty of white space. Choose a simple, professional font and keep the formatting consistent throughout.

Tip #3: Start with a strong summary statement

Your summary statement should grab the reader’s attention and highlight your most impressive qualifications. Use keywords from the job posting and emphasize your management experience, leadership skills, and industry expertise.

Tip #4: Showcase your accomplishments

Don’t just list your job duties – showcase your achievements and the impact you’ve had on the hotels you’ve managed. Use specific, measurable examples to demonstrate your success in increasing revenue, improving guest satisfaction, and leading successful teams.

Dos and don’ts of hotel manager resume writing

Here are some key dos and don’ts to keep in mind when writing your hotel manager resume:

  • Do use keywords from the job posting to optimize your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • Do emphasize your leadership skills and management experience.
  • Do include specific accomplishments that demonstrate your success in the hospitality industry.
  • Don’t include irrelevant or outdated information, such as high school achievements or hobbies.
  • Don’t write in the third person or use personal pronouns (e.g. “I” or “me”).
  • Don’t use a casual or unprofessional tone – keep your writing formal and respectful.

Optimizing keywords, formatting, and content

To optimize your hotel manager resume for success, here are some suggestions:

  • Use keywords from the job posting throughout your resume, especially in your summary statement and bullet points.
  • Use a clear, easy-to-read format with consistent headings and bullet points.
  • Prioritize your most impressive achievements and highlight them with specific, measurable examples.
  • Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, using metrics such as revenue increase or guest satisfaction ratings.
  • Avoid generic or cliched language – be specific and unique to stand out from other applicants.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create a compelling hotel manager resume that showcases your experience, skills, and achievements in the hospitality industry. Good luck!

The Sections of a Hotel Manager Resume

A well-written and organized hotel manager resume ensures that your work experience, skills, and accomplishments are clearly communicated to prospective employers. Hotel manager resumes typically include the following sections:

1. Contact Information

This section includes your full name, current address, phone number, and email address. It is important to ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date so that employers can easily contact you for an interview.

2. Professional Summary

The professional summary is a brief statement that summarizes your experience, skills, and career highlights. It should be tailored to each job you apply for and designed to grab the attention of the hiring manager. The best practices for writing a professional summary include emphasizing your strongest qualifications, showcasing your accomplishments, and focusing on the job requirements.

3. Work Experience

In this section, you should list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Include the job title, name of the company, dates of employment, and a brief description of your duties and accomplishments. It is important to quantify your accomplishments with specific numbers and percentages whenever possible. Best practices for writing the work experience section include using strong action verbs, focusing on the most relevant experience, and highlighting promotions or other career advancements.

In the skills section, you should list your relevant skills in bullet points. It may include hard skills such as fluency in a foreign language, software proficiency, or certification, as well as soft skills such as leadership, communication, or organization. The best practices for writing the skills section include matching your skills to the job requirements, using specific and relevant keywords, and avoiding adjectives and vagueness.

5. Education

This section lists your educational qualifications, with the highest degree first. Include the name of the institution, degree or certificate earned, and graduation date. If you have relevant coursework or academic achievements, you can also include those. Best practices for writing the education section include highlighting relevant degrees, certifications or training, and indicating any relevant industry affiliations, such as membership in a professional organization.

6. Accomplishments

Accomplishments, also known as achievements, are a powerful way to stand out from other candidates. This section highlights your major achievements in your previous roles that demonstrate your skills, experience, and results. It can include awards, recognitions, or successful projects that you completed at previous jobs. Best practices for writing the accomplishments section include quantifying your achievements, providing context, and framing them in terms of the benefits they brought to the company.

The sections of a hotel manager resume include contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills, education, and accomplishments. Each section should be carefully crafted, well-organized, and tailored to the job requirements.

How to Make Your Hotel Manager Resume Stand Out

In today’s competitive job market, it’s important to make sure your resume stands out from the crowd. As a hotel manager, you want to showcase your skills and experiences in a way that makes you the top candidate for the job. Here are some tips on how to make your hotel manager resume stand out:

Offer Suggestions on How to Make Your Hotel Manager Resume Stand Out

Tailor your resume: Make sure to customize your resume according to the job posting. Highlight the skills and experiences that match the requirements of the position.

Use strong action verbs: Instead of using passive language, use active language to highlight your achievements. Use strong action verbs such as managed, organized, led, etc.

Quantify your achievements: Use metrics and numbers to quantify your achievements. For example, “Increased revenue by 20%” or “Reduced costs by 10%”.

Add a professional summary: A professional summary can be a short paragraph at the top of your resume that outlines your qualifications and experiences.

Discuss How to Showcase Transferable Skills

As a hotel manager, you may have transferable skills that can be applied to different industries. Here are some transferable skills that you can showcase in your resume:

Leadership: Hotel managers are responsible for leading a team. Showcase your leadership skills by highlighting your experience in managing and coaching employees.

Customer service: Hotel managers are responsible for ensuring guests are satisfied with their stay. Highlight your experience in customer service and how you have handled difficult situations.

Budgeting: Hotel managers are responsible for managing budgets and expenses. Highlight your experience in financial management and how you have reduced costs.

Explain How to Highlight Past Experience and Achievements

Your past experiences and achievements can show your value as a hotel manager. Here are some tips on how to highlight them:

Start with your most recent experience first: Highlight your most recent experience first and work backward. Use bullet points to summarize your responsibilities and achievements in each role.

Focus on results: Highlight your achievements instead of just describing your responsibilities. Use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements.

Use the STAR method: Use the Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) method to showcase your accomplishments. Start by describing the situation, the task you were assigned, the action you took, and the result.

Highlight awards and recognitions: If you have received any awards or recognition for your work, highlight them on your resume.

Standing out in a job search can be challenging, but with these tips, you can make sure your hotel manager resume shines. Keep in mind the importance of customizing your resume, showcasing your transferable skills, and highlighting your past experiences and achievements.

Examples of Hotel Manager Resume Achievements

When applying for a hotel manager position, it’s important to highlight your key achievements to showcase your skills and experience. Here are some examples of achievements that can add value to a hotel operation:

  • Increased hotel revenue by 20% through the implementation of new revenue management strategies and increased marketing efforts.
  • Led a team of 50 employees in achieving a guest satisfaction score of 90% or higher for six consecutive months.
  • Successfully managed a hotel renovation project, ensuring that the project was completed on time and within budget.
  • Reduced staff turnover by 25% through the implementation of a comprehensive employee training and development program.
  • Developed and launched a new hotel loyalty program, resulting in a 15% increase in repeat bookings.

These achievements demonstrate the candidate’s ability to not only manage daily operations but also think strategically and implement initiatives to improve the overall performance of the hotel. By increasing revenue, managing a successful renovation project, and improving guest satisfaction, the candidate has added value to the hotel operation and helped it to succeed.

To differentiate both the candidate and their achievements, it’s essential to use alternative verbs and phrasing that showcase their unique skills and experience. For example:

  • Instead of “increased hotel revenue,” consider “maximized revenue potential” or “optimized pricing strategies.”
  • Instead of “led a team,” try “galvanized a team” or “orchestrated a cohesive team effort.”
  • Instead of “managed a hotel renovation project,” use “executed a successful renovation project” or “oversaw a seamless renovation process.”
  • Instead of “reduced staff turnover,” consider “cultivated a loyal and motivated team” or “revitalized the employee experience.”
  • Instead of “developed and launched a new hotel loyalty program,” try “innovated a new customer loyalty program” or “pioneered a groundbreaking loyalty initiative.”

By utilizing unique verbs and phrasing, the candidate can differentiate themselves from other applicants and highlight their specific accomplishments. This can make a significant impact when it comes to catching the attention of potential employers and securing the desired job.

Applicant Tracking Systems for Hotel Manager Resumes

What are applicant tracking systems (ats).

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software tools that employers use to manage their hiring process. These systems scan and analyze job applications, including resumes and cover letters, to identify the most qualified candidates for a particular job.

How can ATS affect your application?

ATS can significantly impact your job search process. Some candidates may find that their applications are never even seen by a human hiring manager because they were rejected by the ATS. This is because ATS uses automated systems to filter and prioritize resumes based on predetermined criteria. If your application doesn’t meet these criteria, it will be rejected, and you won’t be contacted for an interview.

Optimize your hotel manager resume for ATS

To optimize your hotel manager resume for ATS, here are some essential tips:

1. Use relevant keywords

Keywords are specific words or phrases that reflect the skills and expertise required for the job. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your resume, especially those mentioned in the job description.

2. Customize your resume

Customize your resume to fit the job posting. Use the same language and key phrases from the job description in your resume. This will increase your chances of getting past the ATS.

3. Keep formatting simple

Complicated formatting can confuse the ATS and cause it to reject your resume. Keep it simple by using basic, easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.

4. Avoid images, graphics, and tables

ATS cannot read or process images, graphics, or tables. Avoid using them in your resume.

5. Include relevant experience

Ensure that your work experience section is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Highlight how your experience matches the job requirements.

By following the above tips, you can optimize your hotel manager resume for ATS and increase your chances of getting hired.

Hotel Manager Resume Example

In this section, we will provide additional hotel manager resume examples that highlight variations in formatting and content based on job requirements.

Example 1: Experienced Hotel Manager

Highly skilled and experienced hotel manager with over 10 years in the hospitality industry. Well-versed in all aspects of hotel operations, including staff management, guest services, and revenue management. Proven track record of improving customer satisfaction and driving profitability.

Work Experience

  • General Manager, ABC Hotel (2015-present)
  • Assistant General Manager, XYZ Resort (2012-2014)
  • Food and Beverage Director, QRS Hotel (2008-2012)

Key Achievements

  • Implemented revenue management strategies that increased overall profitability by 15%
  • Led team in achieving highest customer satisfaction scores in hotel’s history
  • Oversaw successful renovation and expansion of hotel’s banquet facilities, resulting in increased event bookings
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, University of XYZ

Notice how this resume focuses heavily on the candidate’s experience and accomplishments in previous roles. The work experience section is listed in reverse chronological order, with each job including a brief summary of the role and any major achievements. The candidate’s education is listed at the end, as it is not the most relevant factor in their current level of experience.

Example 2: Entry-Level Hotel Manager

Recent hospitality graduate seeking entry-level hotel management position. Strong work ethic and enthusiasm for the industry. Proven customer service skills and experience in various roles in hotels and restaurants.

  • Front Desk Clerk, DEF Hotel (2019-Present)
  • Server, GHI Restaurant (2017-2019)
  • Housekeeper, JKL Resort (2015-2017)
  • Consistently received positive feedback from guests regarding service and willingness to go above and beyond
  • Developed training materials and provided on-the-job training to new front desk clerks
  • Achieved top sales in restaurant for several months in a row

This resume emphasizes the candidate’s education and work experience in the hospitality industry, rather than specific hotel management roles. It also includes a brief summary of key achievements in each role, demonstrating the candidate’s ability to excel in various positions.

Example 3: Multilingual Hotel Manager

[Your Name]

Multilingual Hotel Manager

Experienced hotel manager fluent in English, Spanish, and French. Skilled in managing diverse teams and communicating effectively with guests from around the world. Proven track record of increasing revenue and profitability. Adept at developing and implementing strategies to enhance guest satisfaction and deliver exceptional hospitality experiences. Strong leadership abilities and a passion for delivering outstanding service.

Professional Experience

Hotel Manager, [Hotel Name]

  • Oversaw daily operations of a [number]-star hotel, managing a team of [number] staff members.
  • Implemented strategies to improve guest satisfaction, resulting in a [percentage] increase in positive reviews.
  • Developed and executed marketing campaigns that led to a [percentage] increase in occupancy rates.
  • Managed budgets and controlled costs, achieving [percentage] reduction in operational expenses.
  • Fostered a positive work environment, promoting teamwork, staff development, and employee engagement initiatives.
  • Ensured compliance with industry regulations and maintained high standards of service quality.

[Previous Work Experience]

  • [Responsibility 1]
  • [Responsibility 2]
  • [Responsibility 3]
  • [Year of Graduation]
  • Multilingual: English, Spanish, French
  • Team Leadership and Management
  • Guest Satisfaction Enhancement
  • Revenue Generation and Profitability Improvement
  • Marketing and Promotions
  • Budgeting and Cost Control
  • Staff Development and Training
  • Regulatory Compliance


  • [Certification 1]
  • [Certification 2]
  • [Certification 3]
  • English: Native/Bilingual Proficiency
  • Spanish: Native/Bilingual Proficiency
  • French: Native/Bilingual Proficiency

Professional Associations

  • Member, [Hospitality Association]
  • Member, [Multilingual Professionals Network]

Sample Interview Questions for Hotel Managers

As an aspiring hotel manager, you need to prepare yourself for the daunting task of answering interview questions. The purpose of a job interview is to learn more about your qualifications, experience, and suitability for the role. You may find yourself answering a mix of behavioral, situational, and technical interview questions. Here are some common interview questions for hotel manager roles and how they relate to the content of your hotel manager resume:

  • Can you tell us about your previous experience in the hospitality industry?

This question is designed to evaluate your experience in the hospitality industry and how well it aligns with the role you are applying for. As a hotel manager, you need to have a solid background in the hospitality industry. Therefore, your hotel manager resume should highlight your previous experience, including job titles, duties, and accomplishments.

  • What do you think are the key skills required for a hotel manager?

This question is aimed at evaluating your understanding of what it takes to manage a hotel effectively. It is essential to tailor your answer to the specific needs of the hotel you are applying to. When crafting your hotel manager resume, highlight your skills and expertise that align with the job requirements, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and financial management.

  • How would you handle a difficult customer complaint?

As a hotel manager, you will inevitably encounter difficult customers, and how you handle these situations can make or break your hotel’s reputation. In your hotel manager resume, you should highlight your experience dealing with customer complaints and your ability to handle them effectively. During the interview, provide concrete examples of how you have handled similar situations in the past.

  • What is your experience with forecasting and revenue management?

Revenue management is a crucial part of a hotel manager’s responsibilities, and employers are likely to ask about your experience with it during the interview. In your hotel manager resume, highlight your experience in forecasting revenue, implementing pricing strategies, and managing budgets. During the interview, provide specific examples of how you have contributed to a hotel’s revenue growth.

To prepare for these questions, you need to research the hotel you are applying to thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the hotel’s history, brand, culture, and values. Review the job description and requirements, then tailor your hotel manager resume to meet those needs. Practice answering typical interview questions with a friend or family member, and consider recording yourself for self-assessment. Finally, dress professionally, arrive early, and be confident and enthusiastic during the interview.

Preparing for an interview as a hotel manager can be overwhelming. However, if you focus on highlighting your skills and experience in your hotel manager resume, researching the hotel you are applying to, and practicing typical interview questions, you can ace your interview and land the job of your dreams.

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Hotel Manager Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the hotel manager job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Create, update and ensure timely awareness of the hotel’s business continuity plan as well as its emergency and crisis management plans
  • Assist in creating a positive team-oriented environment which focuses on the guest, through employee development and motivation
  • Maintain direct contact with and monitor the development of management trainees
  • Perform any other duties as requested by the Vice President of Operations, Regional Director of Operations, General Manager
  • Maintain a professional working relationship and promote open lines of communication with managers, employees and other departments
  • Make proposal to General Manager regarding turnover, promotion and salary increase for employees
  • Participates in the development of the annual marketing, sales and yield management plans and strategies
  • Ensures highest level of guest satisfaction by providing within corporate standards quality guest services and amenities
  • Interacts with guests and individuals outside the hotel including, but not limited to, current and potential clients, owning company representatives, community leaders, government officials, travel industry representatives, suppliers, competitors and other members of the local community
  • Manages the functions of all hotel personnel through supervision of hotel department heads
  • Assists in monitoring present and future trends, practices and systems in the hotel industry and determines and ensures execution of competitive programs as directed
  • Participates in conducting weekly inspections and ensures physical facilities are kept in operational condition by full implementation of preventive maintenance programs and judicious planning and management of FF& E, as directed
  • Ensures emergency procedures are practiced and enforced to provide for the security and safety of guest and employees
  • Develops recognition programs, advertising and promotional campaigns to obtain greatest market awareness and patronage
  • Will currently hold the position of a Hotel Manager or Executive Assistant Manager within a high-end luxury branded hotel
  • Develop profit improvement ideas, policies and procedures and implement them with approval of the General Manager
  • Educate Department Managers and Assistants on an on-going basis as to cost controls and the financial performance of the hotel
  • Develop & implement programs that drive improvements in employee engagement and are aligned with the “Make every Interaction Counts” brand service behaviors
  • Identify and verify the scope of work, operational impact, budgets, timelines, facility improvements, show quality, labor management and training
  • The Hotel Manager as can take on other responsibilities as directed by the General Manager
  • Perform other duties as requested by management
  • Analyze financials to drive revenues, future profitability, and maximum return on investment
  • Ability to develop strong relationships with a variety of personalities and age groups
  • Detail oriented with an ability to simultaneously work toward big picture goals and priorities
  • Excellent communication skills; able to deliver, receive and act on feedback in an effective manner
  • Ability to multitask, work in a fast paced environment and have a high level attention to detail
  • Ability to understand and meet international guest expectations
  • Ability to work independently and to partner with others to promote an environment of teamwork
  • Is able to handle a fast-paced working environment
  • Accountable for IHG fire life safety (FLS) adherence in the hotel
  • Is organized and capable of performing multiple tasks

15 Hotel Manager resume templates

Hotel Manager Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Make recommendations for capital improvements to enhance the assets of the company and brand loyalty
  • Standing and moving about the facilities
  • Using a keyboard to generate correspondence, reports, etc
  • Handling objects, products, and equipment
  • Working with Hotel General Manager on setting Annual Departmental Budget, financial plans, outsourcing contracts, annual capital, and cash flow to accurately forecast budgets and achieve required operating results
  • Responsible for inventory levels, managing cost per room for supplies and labor
  • Develop & implement programs that drive improvements in employee engagement and are aligned with the “Make every Interaction Counts” brand service behaviors
  • Overseeing outsource services efficiently and efficiently including Housekeeping, F&B Kitchen
  • Lead a team to respond to guest complaints, special requests and ensure corrective action is taken to achieve complete guest satisfaction
  • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 8 years experience in the management operations, sales and marketing, or related professional area
  • Keeps operations team focused on the critical components of operations to drive guest satisfaction and the desired financial results
  • Ensures capital expenditure funds are being used to address the priorities outlined in the service strategy
  • Works with direct reports to determine areas of concern and establishing ways to improve the departments’ financial performance
  • Develops an operational strategy that is aligned with the brand’s business strategy and leads its execution
  • Overseeing and guiding the overall operation of the hotel
  • Actively participate in the strategic planning and ongoing development of the hotel, including revenue forecasting and budgeting
  • Building and maintaining strong owner relations essential
  • Supporting and ensuring the delivery of all hotel committees
  • Overseeing the health, safety and security of our guests and colleagues, ensuring the health and safety is top priority
  • Lead and support all departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets via effective organizational development, policy and procedural development, and appropriate colleague training activities, thus ensuring our shareholders receive their return on investment
  • Clearly demonstrate to guests and colleagues a commitment to service excellence through the effective implementation and delivery of Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Core Standards at all times
  • Foster a winning, solution-oriented, engaged work environment, motivating and engaging colleagues to continuously deliver the best possible service to our guests
  • Direct and support operational needs to ensure compliance with the hotel’s Annual Budget and Strategic Plan
  • Ensure that monthly financial outlooks for Rooms, Food & Beverage, Engineering, Willow Stream spa and Golf operations are on time, on target and accurate, and all necessary reporting deadlines are met
  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of capital projects
  • Monitor and act on staffing levels and productivity targets while overseeing Watson utilization
  • Update and ensure timely awareness of the hotel’s business continuity plan as well as its emergency and crisis management plans
  • Function as a key member of the hotel Executive Committee and leadership team
  • Assume the responsibilities of the RVP/General Manager in their absence
  • Other duties as assigned by the RVP/General Manager
  • 3 years experience as a Division Head or Director of Operations, ideally with International Operations experience
  • Proven record to coordinate multiple departments to make gains towards targeted GSI, GOP, EEI results
  • Clear working knowledge of budget planning and execution
  • Exceptional communication, interpersonal and guest handling skills
  • Ability to motivate developing leaders to act as entrepreneurs while innovating guest oriented solutions creatively and profitably
  • Self-confident, proactive, and able to prioritize and make effective decisions
  • Ability to build strong relationships, interact and influence others at all levels of the organization
  • Oversee and direct Food and Beverage, Rooms Division, Engineering, Security and Guest Relations departments
  • Participate in directing and controlling Accounting, Sales and Marketing, and Human Resources departments
  • Assist in establishing and creating goals and strategies for both the operational and financial success of the hotel
  • Ensure that goals and objectives of human resources management are met through supporting the hotel philosophy concerning, but not limited to, hiring, employee relations, disciplinary action
  • Interface with corporate officers in the execution of corporate goals
  • Responsible for establishing and maintaining hotel standards in order to achieve and maintain the “5 star" status
  • As a member of the executive team, work closely with other team members in achieving hotel's goals and objectives
  • Establish annual objectives for Executives and Department Heads reporting to him or her
  • Responsible for employee compliance with hotel policies and procedures. Initiate disciplinary action when appropriate
  • Serve as Manager On Duty
  • Interact in courteous and professional manner with all guests, staff and community members
  • Respond in courteous, professional and rapid manner in order to resolve all guest and staff difficulties
  • Apply principles of logical thinking to a wide range of unstandardized intellectual and practical problems in order to perform and direct many varied and complex tasks
  • Supervise, direct, coordinate, influence and persuade staff in order to maintain service standards of hotel
  • Interact with people beyond giving and receiving instructions, particularly interaction with supervisor, subordinates, co-workers, and guests in completing assignments, resolving staff and guest complaints
  • Interpret and comply with a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagrammatic or schedule form
  • Perform a variety of duties, often changing from one task to another of a different nature without loss of efficiency or composure
  • Maintain safety and cleanliness of work area
  • Experience: Minimum ten years’ hotel experience with at least five years’ experience at the Executive Level and experience in a minimum of three divisions of hotel operations
  • Education: Four year college degree or equivalent work experience
  • Technical Skills
  • Ability to train, motivate, evaluate, mentor and direct employees and managers to achieve desired results; ability to access, input, analyze and retrieve information from computers; ability to maintain excellent relations with staff.; ability to maintain staff and guest confidentiality at all times; ability to accept responsibility for actions of others; exceptional oral communication skills to ensure ability to negotiate and persuade guests and staff to achieve results beneficial to operation of hotel; ability to create, implement and monitor hotel and staff’s goals, strategies and policies; ability to converse calmly with irate guests, superiors, subordinates and co workers in sometimes intense emotional situations; ability to focus and maintain attention to performance of tasks despite frequent stressful, emergency, critical or unusual interruptions; ability to memorize, recollect and quickly retrieve dates, names, times and other data.; ability to work and complete assignments on time despite frequent stressful, emergency, critical or unusual interruptions; ability to participate in (and lead when necessary) all departmental and hotel-wide meetings
  • Carry out all policies and prepare reports established by Highgate Hotels and the Managing Director
  • Conduct department head performance evaluations
  • Ensure that all employees are trained for their positions to maximize service, productivity and efficiency
  • Monitor and manage staffing, while minimizing overtime
  • Maximize profits by controlling costs and finding creative ways to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Clearly describe, assign, and delegate responsibility and authority for the operation of the various departments under his/her supervision
  • Conduct appropriate regularly scheduled meetings and coordinate with the other departments and division heads to ensure that proper communication leads to guest satisfaction and maximum profit and productivity
  • Work closely with the Executive Chef to ensure that maximize labor productivity is achieved in kitchen and stewarding
  • Work closely with the Executive Chef to ensure purchasing compliance is achieved
  • Work closely with the Director of Outlets and Banquets to ensure proper beverage inventories are maintained
  • Monitor food and beverage inventories to ensure accuracy
  • Monitor china, glass, silver, linen and operating supply inventories
  • Responsible for managing the storeroom operations
  • Work closely with the Executive Chef to ensure proper sanitation at the property is maintained at the highest standards
  • Work closely with the food & beverage department heads to ensure hour documentation (punching in/out) and tip reporting
  • Conduct regular departmental walk throughs and property inspections
  • Ensure all beverage servers are TIPS certified
  • Certify that procedures and controls are implemented to ensure maximum profit
  • Serve as an Executive Committee Member and be an active contributor at EC meetings
  • Lead and motivate a team of management and line staff members that are directed towards the achievement of the hotel's goals, objectives, and mission by developing a culture of training, teamwork, accountability, and empowerment
  • Coordinate with the Director of Engineering to ensure the property is maintained and that all mechanical equipment is in good working order; Work closely with the Director of Loss Prevention to ensure the highest standards of safety and security for hotel patrons and employees
  • Utilize technology when appropriate to improve customer satisfaction, labor productivity and profitability
  • Develop department head level managers for additional responsibility
  • Ensure the hotel’s mission and culture is communicated to every associate
  • Respond to guest feedback orally and in writing
  • Ensure that the hotel meets or exceeds Highgate and IHG brand standards in Guest Love, QA, TripAdvisor, Meeting Scope and AOS
  • Participate in the development of short and long term financial and operational goals of the hotel
  • Prepare goals for the food & beverage division
  • Establish relationships with our Elite Rewards Club Guests
  • Be actively involved in identifying and recruiting talent
  • Maintain all food & beverage areas in pristine condition
  • Interview all job candidates
  • Effectively communicate verbally and in written form
  • Short and long term forecasting
  • Work closely with the sales and catering teams to promote food & beverage revenue generation
  • Develop exciting food & beverage promotions
  • Address and solve complex problems
  • Conceptualize, initiate, implement and manage projects
  • Ensure department heads and associates have the proper supplies and equipment
  • Ensure department heads hold regular meetings with their associates
  • Inspire direct reports and other colleagues
  • Oversee divisional matters as they relate to federal, state and local employment and civil rights laws
  • Respond to guest correspondence verbally and in writing
  • Develop root cause solutions to operational opportunities
  • Analyze P&L and GL, respond to variances and use the data to improve profitability
  • Effectively and appropriately respond to emergency situations
  • Ensure the property is compliant with local, state and federal ordinances and laws
  • Ensure the property has appropriate licenses, permits and inspections
  • Participate in pre-convention meetings
  • Participate in associate events
  • Other tasks and duties may be assigned at the discretion of the Managing Director
  • Minimum of 5 years Executive Committee experience
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience
  • College degree preferred but not required
  • Basic computational ability
  • Advanced knowledge of the principles and practices within the Rooms discipline, including experiential knowledge for management of people and complex problems
  • Ability to study, analyze and interpret complex activities and/or information in order to improve new practices or develop new approaches
  • Ability to apply supervisory/management soft skills
  • Communication skills in terms of the ability to negotiate, convince, sell and influence professionals, employees and/or hotel guests
  • High emotional intelligence
  • Focus on front office operation, including training, scheduling, daily duties, etc
  • Tour the operating departments, daily making adjustments as needed via department heads
  • Conduct weekly staff meetings, including weekly training sessions presented by managers and self using the steps to effective training according to Highgate Hotel standards, and the review of previous and future sales and operations efforts
  • Develop managers for future advancement through competency training and corporate sponsored training programs
  • Ensure that all appropriate information for financial documents is received by the Corporate Office monthly, in compliance with the monthly accounting calendar
  • Ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of the physical property through inspections and preventive maintenance programs with department managers
  • Prepare and conduct all management interviews and follow hiring procedures according to Highgate Hotel S.O.P.'s. Ensure that all managers are in compliance with the standards in their interviewing and hiring procedures for departmental staff
  • Perform all department manager performance appraisals according to Highgate Hotel S.O.P.'s, and ensure that managers are in compliance to the standards in their administration of performance appraisals to their staff
  • Be in the public areas during peak times, greeting guests and offering assistance as needed
  • Deliver internal and external guest service the Pinnacle Way by ensuring every interaction includes our Six Core Service Standards (Look Sharp, smile & greet the guest. Be friendly, polite & use courteous language. Provide especially timely & knowledgeable service; and then some! Always find solutions to guests’ problems. Use the guest’s name when appropriate. Thank the guest and invite him or her back.)
  • Responsible for actively building and retaining customer relations and acts as a mentor to employees in order to provide superior customer service
  • Hires, trains, motivates, evaluates, and manages staff, ensuring proper staffing and that employees receive adequate guidance and resources for achievement of job responsibilities
  • Manages and coordinates the operation of the front office and Guest Services sections to ensure efficiency and that the best possible service is provided to guests; makes necessary adjustments to ensure proper facilitation of guests' needs
  • Ensures that all front office and guest services personnel are properly trained in their duties and that all arriving and departing hotel guests are provided with prompt and courteous service
  • Establishes and maintains effective controls to ensure adherence to department procedures; directs the investigation and correction of shortages and errors; recommends changes in procedures, equipment and physical layout to ensure maximum service, efficiency and security of company funds
  • Works with department managers in planning for hotel promotions and special events reservations to ensure most strategic room blocks and facilitation of room service to guests
  • Assists in preparing the annual budget and operating forecasts; prepares regular and special reports; maintains necessary records and files; recommends changes in room rates as required
  • Investigates and resolves customer complaints and comments; follows up with involved supervisors to resolve the matter to the customer's satisfaction
  • Maintains established credit policies; takes appropriate action in obtaining payments when guest ledger accounts exceed normal limits, and assists in any collection problems on overdue accounts
  • Monitors master key procedures and par inventory level to ensure security and restriction of access
  • Demonstrated knowledge of and experience in overall hotel operations
  • Knowledge of hotel front desk operations
  • Knowledge of hotel computer systems, telephone systems, and effective communications techniques
  • Knowledge of statistics
  • Aware of the local culture and manage relationships with the owning company
  • Ensure optimal compliance with MGallery by Sofitel Brand Standards & Guest Experience
  • Responsible for recruiting, developing and training teams in a local environment
  • Contribute to the overall business planning and development of the hotel
  • Report dierctly to the Cluster General Manager
  • Participates in corporate activities and meetings as requested
  • Assists in the administration of succession planning
  • Participates in and maintains active community relations
  • Attends industry meetings and participates in industry organizations
  • 4 years+ executive committee experience with 2 years+ at a resort property
  • Strong commercial acumen, preferably with experience in Food and Beverage or Rooms Management
  • Experience in managing budgets, revenue proposals and forecasting results
  • In-depth knowledge of the hotel / leisure / service sector
  • Strong leadership skills to effectively manage and motivate the team to achieve high level of perform and exceed targets
  • Union experience
  • Working knowledge of Hilton brand and standards
  • Fluency in Papiamento
  • Support the General Manager in the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel, assuming the responsibilities of the General Manager in their absence
  • Lead and support all departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets through establishment of a positive culture, clear expectations and policy & procedural implementation
  • Assist in the preparation, presentation and subsequent achievement of the hotel's annual Operating Budget, Marketing & Sales Plan and Capital Budget
  • Ensure that monthly financial outlooks for Rooms and Food & Beverage are on time, on target and accurate
  • Ensure full compliance to Hotel operating controls
  • Actively involved in the recruitment process of leadership positions within the operating departments
  • Previous experience in a senior leadership role, within a similar hotel brand required
  • Extensive Hotel operations experience required
  • Demonstrated knowledge of budget planning and financial controls
  • Ideally with a university degree in Hospitality or Tourism Management
  • Minimum 2 years experience as an Executive Assistant Manager in a large scale hotel operation
  • Excellent operational, administrative, people management and interpersonal skills
  • Oversees the activities of the following departments, and provides leadership and motivation necessary to achieve desired results of guest satisfaction & profitability
  • Any and all other duties deemed necessary by General Manager
  • Knowledge of the West Hollywood and LA area
  • Strong oral and written communication skills; uses effective listening skills as a basis for clear communication
  • Able to presents ideas, expectations and information in a concise, well organized manner
  • Able to lead and motivate staff
  • Able to exert up to 20 lbs of force occasionally and 10 lbs of force frequently
  • Confidentiality
  • College Degree or equivalent. A minimum of four (4) years’ work experience in Front of House or other hospitality-related businesses. Luxury hotel experience preferred
  • Participates in formulating and administering company policies, directing and coordinating all divisional department activities to develop and implement long-range goals and objectives to meet business and profitability growth objectives
  • Confers with the directors and department heads to review achievements and discuss required changes in goals or objectives resulting from current status and conditions
  • Reviews and approves preparation of accounting analysis for budgetary planning and implementation, production efficiency, financial reporting, budgetary planning and submittal for capital expenditures
  • Instills a calm, organized approach when interacting in stressful situations; approach internal and external guest opportunities with a sense of heartfelt care and urgency; provide prompt follow-up to ensure 100% guest satisfaction
  • Four year degree from accredited college or university or equivalent experience in resort-orientated property management or hospitality industry required
  • Directs hotel operations in accordance with Radisson Blu’s standards of operations
  • Develops and implements operating procedures and standards that support employees’ in their effort to deliver Yes I Can! service and teamwork
  • Analyzes business results on a regular basis and takes actions to improve results as appropriate
  • Sets objectives for each department and supervises the department manager
  • Implements the approved budget; monitors revenues and costs on a daily basis and takes corrective action
  • Controls costs by adhering to standards of operations for forecasting, budgeting, scheduling, payroll control and other expense management systems
  • Communicates and reinforces the vision for Yes I Can! service to employees
  • Ensures that employees provide Yes I Can! genuine hospitality and teamwork on an ongoing basis
  • Seeks opportunities to improve the customer experience by seeking customer feedback and reviewing management reports and developing strategies to improve department and hotel services
  • Provides employees with the tools, training and environment they need to deliver Yes I Can! service and teamwork
  • Travel to attend corporate meetings, sales trips and serve on committees such as Research, Development and Standards committee
  • Appropriate handle associate issues in conjunction with Human Resources following Crescent policies
  • Perform any other job related duties as assigned. Equal Opportunity Employer/Drug Free Workplace EOE/Minorities/Women/Veterans/Disabled
  • The ability to coordinate and manage the day-to-day operations of the hotel
  • The ability to attend and participate in all Planning Committee meetings and events
  • The ability to monitor and review the daily revenue report, the daily labor report and the monthly profit and loss statement, analyze results and take action when necessary
  • The ability to conduct regular tours o the hotel and make recommendations for changes as well as note deficiencies and ensure corrective action is taken
  • The ability to meet on a regular basis with all managers, supervisor, and non-management employees
  • The ability to monitor all standards in the hotel to ensure they are in place and enforced
  • The ability to control all capital expenditures and ensures the proper guidelines are adhered to and projects are completed on a timely basis
  • The ability to conduct and or participate in the performance review of all Planning Committee members and the development of any manager assigned as a mentee
  • Meet with the Human Resources Director on a regular basis to review staffing requests, morale, disciplinary situations, and hotel employees. Able to aid in the development of existing personnel and assist in the recruitment of new employees
  • Conduct weekly Operations meetings to discuss operational challenges and opportunities and to improve or maintain an excellent communication flow
  • Review and sign all purchase requests, orders and checks to ensure adherence to Corporate purchasing procedures
  • Attend functions, social and/or business, to help develop a rapport and to establish credibility within the local community
  • Respond appropriately in the event of any hotel emergency or safety situation and comply with all local codes and ordinances with a focus on guest and employee safety
  • Maintain a solid working relationship with the Hotel Owners and participate in Owner’s meetings
  • Implement action plans to correct problems identifies in Operations Standards Surveys (e.g. Richey and Employee Opinion Surveys)
  • Actively participate in all appropriate operations committees such as Energy Conservation Program, Safety Committees, and Recycling
  • Personally meet and interact with guests, review all written guest comments and follow up on any guest service issues or needs
  • Oversee preventive maintenance programs such as “Perfect Room” initiative
  • Assume the role of Hotel Spokesperson in the absence of the General Manager in any emergency or crisis situation
  • Coordinate preparation go timely and accurate forecasts with Sales and Marketing, Food and Beverage and Rooms and Engineering
  • Perform other tasks or projects as assigned by the General Manager or Four Seasons Home Office

Dual Hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensures that all operational areas have an atmosphere that is conducive to the overall guest experience
  • Reviews financial reports and statements to determine how Operations is performing against budget
  • Strives to maintain profit margins without compromising guest or employee satisfaction
  • Reviews the Wage Progress Report and compares budgeted wages to actual wages, coaching direct reports to address problem areas and holds team accountable for results
  • Makes and executes key decisions to keep property moving forward towards achievement of goals
  • Excellent administration and IT skills
  • Committed to delivering a high level of customer service, both internally and externally
  • Previous administrative experience in a fast paced environment
  • Develop a strategic operating plan that focuses on continuous process improvements and alignment across Shanghai Disney Resort where applicable
  • Observe industry trends and Guest needs and consistently evaluate operational processes. Understands and protects the brand in delivery of product and services
  • Lead, develop and set direction for the Operations team, develop and transfer knowledge and skills to team members
  • Represent Guest, peer leaders, senior leaders and operational integration
  • Influence organizational strategies by contributing information, analysis and recommendations guiding strategic thinking and direction through effective relationships and networking
  • Minimum of 7 years of leadership experience
  • Strong leadership presence with the ability to develop and lead a diverse team
  • Self-directed, with an ability to develop a plan based operational goals, drivers and metrics
  • Proven strong interpersonal, partnering, coaching and mentoring skills
  • Demonstrated strong organizational, multi-tasking and time management skills with attention to detail
  • Demonstrated strong verbal and written communication skills, and strong presentation skill
  • Ability to handle multiple demands and competing priorities
  • Comfortable working in a matrix organization
  • Fluent in English and Mandarin
  • Responsible for overseeing and guiding the overall day to day operation of the hotel
  • Overseeing the health, safety and security of our guests and colleagues, ensuring the health and safety remains a consistent priority
  • Lead and support all departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets via effective organisational development, policy and procedural development, and appropriate colleague training activities
  • Foster a solution-oriented, engaged work environment, motivating and engaging colleagues to continuously deliver the best possible service to our guests
  • Ensure that monthly financial outlooks for Rooms, Food & Beverage, Engineering and Security are on time, on target and accurate, and all necessary reporting deadlines are met
  • Support all Hotel Committees
  • Function as a key member of the Hotel Executive Committee and leadership team
  • Assume the responsibilities of the RVP/Managing Director in their absence
  • Other duties as assigned by the RVP/Managing Director
  • In conjunction with the Director of Sales, conduct daily WBR meeting
  • Tour the operating departments, daily, ensuring the smooth operation and staffing in all areas making adjustments as needed via department heads
  • Conduct weekly staff meetings, including weekly training sessions and review of previous and future sales and operations efforts
  • Conduct weekly one-on-one meetings with all operational department heads to ensure proper training, review of financials, goals and operational performance
  • Attend operational line ups at least once a week (Housekeeping, Front Desk, MaSo, Culinary and Banquets)
  • Maintain, develop and monitor the effectiveness of the Lobby Ambassador program
  • Oversee and assist in the Highgate Hotel’s monthly forecast process as required
  • Ensure that all department heads follow the payroll procedure, managing Overtime and meal break penalties according to Highgate SOP
  • Prepare and conduct all operational management interviews and follow hiring procedures according to Highgate Hotel S.O.P.'s. Ensure that all managers are in compliance with the standards in their interviewing and hiring procedures for departmental staff
  • Interview all prospective final candidates for any vacant operational management position within the hotel prior to any offer being extended
  • Or a 2-year college degree and at least 5 to 6 years of related experience
  • The candidate must have worked in an union, luxury and city property
  • Strong Rooms background
  • Must have previous experience as Director of Operations and/or Hotel Manager
  • Lead, direct and manage all hotel operations including, but not limited to hotel budgeting and forecasting, strategic planning, leading service initiatives, leading and managing balanced scorecard performance, implementing and complying with all company policies and standards, overseeing sales and marketing initiatives, leading and developing the executive team, responding to guests inquiries and resolving concerns and hotel-wide meeting participation and facilitation
  • Serve as primary liaison with hotel owners and corporate entities
  • Must be willing to work weekends and holidays
  • Hotel experience a must
  • Sets standards of product and service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage department
  • Ensure that all policies are strictly adhered to
  • Develops and enforces sets of procedures and rules & regulation to ensure effective control on revenues & expenses, and cash & credit settlements
  • Ensure that the hotel keeps a good image at all times (hospitality rules, cleanliness etc)
  • 5 years or more of progressive hotel management experience (typically with Hyatt)
  • At least 5 years experience in a senior role in a hotel rooms or food & beverage area
  • Must possess the following strengths: high energy, entrepreneurial spirit, motivational leader, effective communicator, effective in providing exceptional customer service and ability to improve the bottom line
  • Clear concise written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Maintain communications with Corporate Staff
  • Manage the cost effective and efficient operation of the Hotel in order to maximize guest satisfaction, employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Actively participate in the strategic planning and ongoing development of the hotel, including revenue forecasting, ensuring the delivery of our environment commitments, overseeing the health, safety and security of our guests and colleagues
  • Clearly demonstrate to guests and colleagues a commitment to service excellence through the effective implementation and delivery of Raffles Hotels & Resorts Core Standards at all times
  • Foster a winning, solution-oriented work environment, motivating and engaging colleagues to continuously deliver the best possible service to our guests
  • Hotel Manager needs to ensure compliance with the hotel’s Annual Budget and Strategic Plan
  • With the respective EC members play a lead role in the management of Rooms and Food & Beverage initiatives
  • Work closely with the Controller to ensure labor forecasts are completed to company standard and in line with revenue and service expectations
  • Responsible for guest relations and for handling guest response alerts within the require time lines
  • Coordinate bi-weekly leadership and weekly divisional meetings
  • Monitor and act on staffing levels and productivity targets
  • Create, update and ensure timely awareness of the hotel’s business continuity plan as well as its emergency and crisis management plans
  • Plan and coordinate events for various celebrations throughout the year, such as, but not limited to, holiday celebrations, cultural festivals (i.e. Eid Aladha, Eid Al Fetar and National Days)
  • Hotel Manager will direct and oversee the performance of the Director of Rooms, Director of F&B, Spa Director, Director of Engineering and Security Manager.This includes preparing and conducting the annual LEAD review
  • Co-Chair the Hotel’s Environmental Committee
  • Oversees all outside partnership relationships connected with services to the guest or colleagues
  • 3 years experience as a Division Head, ideally with International Operations experience,
  • Bilingual – English and Arabic
  • Proven record to coordinate multiple departments to make gains towards targeted GSI, GOP, CES results

Assistant Hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Hands on management of the day to day operations of the hotel
  • Ensure that guests expectations are met and all interactions are of a high standard
  • Assist the General Manager and Director of Sales in maximizing hotel revenue
  • Perform administrative duties including purchasing, finance and payroll
  • Assist with the attraction and retention of talented associates
  • Support the General Manager in all areas of managing colleagues including training and coaching them to be their best both personally and professionally
  • Relevant degree in Hospitality
  • Previous experience as an Assistant Manager in a hotel environment or similar is essential
  • Experience in Front Office is preferred but Food & Beverage experience will also be highly regarded
  • Ability to work a 24 / 7 rotational roster
  • Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills with strong service recovery ability
  • Exceptional leadership and people management skills
  • Adaptable and able to solve problems quickly
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in the hospitality industry
  • Management of hotel or restaurant staff
  • Event management an asset
  • Experience in Point of Sale applications an asset
  • Background in luxury hospitality an asset
  • Proven track record of managing a team of staff
  • Business communication and reporting skills
  • Follows established policies and procedures
  • Is able to manage confidential information
  • Is supportive of CMH vision, mission and values
  • Sets a positive attitude for others to follow
  • Prioritizes, and re-prioritizes personal time versus work
  • Assists the General Manager in implementing the brand and hotel strategy, in order to meet targets for quality of service, attitude and profitability for the Rooms and Food & Beverage departments
  • Focus on F&B Departament - specially to organize social events with high gastronomy
  • Is responsible for providing innovation and renewal in the hotel's service offer, with particular focus on meetings and events
  • Ensure collaborative, entrepreneurial and collaborative leadership of the talents under your management
  • Contribute to the innovation and implementation of differentiated services offered by the hotel, aligned with the concept of the Sofitel Legend brand
  • Replaces the General Manager when absent
  • Work closely with Front Office Manager, Food & Beverages Manager, Housekeeping Manager, Executive Sous Chef, Tour Director and Guides to run daily operation smoothly and properly
  • Report to General Manager on all aspects of operations
  • Ensure there is effective communication between all Departments, including the Ground Operations Departments (Yangon, Mandalay & Bagan)
  • Maintain employees motivation in the workplace for all with unbiased opinion
  • Identifies and develops leadership qualities among employees to guide them toward the path of career enrichment
  • Executes and supports Marriott's Brand Standards
  • 2-4 years related Marriott experience and/or training
  • Knowledge of Marriott FOSSE, MARSHA and HPP systems a plus
  • Track record driving and meeting GSS
  • Assists the General Manager in implementing the brand and hotel strategy, in order to meet targets for quality of service, attitude and profitability
  • Oversee the daily operations of the hotel and residences and provide direction, guidance and support to all Operating Departments (Rooms, Food & Beverage, Engineering, Quality, Security…)
  • Is responsible for providing innovation and renewal in the hotel’s guest experience, with particular focus on rooms & F&B
  • Conveys the Pullman spirit to guests by playing a “hands-on” role in the hotel, embodying sociability and proximity
  • In the absence of the General Manager, the Hotel Manager is responsible for the entire Hotel administration, including coordination with AccorHotels Regional Office and Owning Company
  • Reporting to the General Manager of the hotel
  • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Hotel and Property Management, or related major; 4 years experience in the guest services, front desk, housekeeping, sales and marketing, management operations, or related professional area. Management license for Condominiums, as applicable
  • Works with direct reports to determine areas of concern and establish ways to improve the departments’ financial performance
  • Prepares and operates within the constraints of the residences’ Annual budget
  • Develops and implements property-wide strategies that deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the brand’s target resident owner and employees and provides a return on investment
  • Provides timely reporting of financial performance and projections to the Board
  • Guides the Board on appropriate property management requirements and governance compliance
  • Champions the brand’s service vision for product and service delivery and ensures alignment amongst the leadership teams
  • Verifies core elements of the service strategy are in place to produce the desired results
  • Establishes and maintaining open, collaborative relationships with direct reports and entire operations team. Ensures direct reports do the same for their team
  • Adheres to the telephone etiquete
  • Demonstrate a passion and proven results for coaching and leading hotel team members to achieve team success
  • Demonstrate an ability to use Finance Management Reporting Systems order to make fact based decisions that makes commercial sense and will benefit the profitability and efficiency of the hotel
  • Previous hotel finance experience with hotel properties or serviced residences that have over 230 rooms will be preferred due to the complexity of the financial management process. Previous hotel pre-opening experience in finance matters, will be a significant added advantage
  • Possess a Degree or Diploma in Finance or Accounting. CA certification will be an added advantage
  • A minimum of 6 years or more work experience in a senior role within an international chain hotel finance department and have led a team of finance associates
  • Be confident in assisting to nurture the important relationship with the owners. Be responsible for supervising and coordinating owner reporting as required
  • Demonstrate a flair to prepare and review all monthly and annual financial statements. Investigate, review and analyze the variance explanations, involving the department managers in this process. Take initiative to manage trouble shooting for respective cost controls and revenue enhancement
  • Demonstrate the ability to supervise the Information Technology function. Additionally have a sound understanding of the hotel operational and back office systems as well as Microsoft Office products
  • Demonstrate the ability to have a sound understanding of the forecasting system and the tools from Revenue Management to ensure forecasting accuracy is achieved
  • Motivate, coach, counsel and discipline all Rooms Division personnel according to hotel standards
  • Prepare and conduct all front-of-house Rooms Division interviews and follow hiring procedures according to SOP's. Actively support Human Resources with recruiting efforts. Ensure that all managers are in compliance with the standards in their interviewing and hiring procedures
  • Develop employee morale and ensure training of Rooms Division personnel
  • Ensure sign off of all Service Standards by Position competencies for Rooms division managers. Monitor completion of the Service Standards by Position Training Checklists for hourly staff
  • Tour rooms operating departments daily, greeting employees and soliciting feedback
  • Maximize room revenue and occupancy by reviewing status daily. Analyze rate variance, monitor credit report and maintain close observation of daily house count. Monitor selling status of house daily, i.e. flash report, allowances, etc
  • Complete the monthly reforecast
  • Monitor and ensure compliance with SOP’s in Rooms and Loss Prevention
  • Coordinate major projects such as renovations, capital expenditures, equipment change-overs, etc
  • Conduct weekly Rooms Division meeting, including a monthly financial review
  • Perform Rooms Managers’ performance reviews according to SOP, and ensure that managers are in compliance with the standards in their administration of performance reviews to their employees
  • Monitor labor expenses through schedule approval process and ensure budgeted productivity
  • Prepare the Rooms Division annual budget, including Laundry, Communications and Other Income
  • Monitor proper operation of the P.B.X. console and ensure that employees maintain S.O.P.'s in its use
  • Carry a pager at all times. Operate pagers and radios efficiently and professionally in communicating with hotel staff
  • Be knowledgeable of the current corporate marketing programs and the standards and procedures for each. Ensure that staff is knowledgeable in understanding and implementing corporate programs
  • Monitor all V.I.P.'s, special guests and requests
  • At least 6 years of progressive experience in a hotel or a related field; or a 4-year college degree and at least 2 years of related experience; or a 2-year college degree and 4 or more years of related experience
  • Prior focus on rooms operations a must
  • Medium work - Exerting up to 50 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 20 pounds of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects
  • Demonstrate an ability to use Management Reporting Systems in order to make fact based decisions that makes commercial sense and which will benefit the profitability and efficiency of the hotel
  • Demonstrate proven experience in overseeing the operations of a club floor or restaurant within a hotel
  • Previous hotel experience with hotel properties or serviced residences that have over 230 rooms will be preferred due to the complexity of the guest service process. Previous hotel pre-opening experience in front office and rooms division, will be a significant added advantage
  • Possess a Degree or Diploma in Tourism or Business or Hospitality
  • Advance working experience with PMS systems (Opera, Reserve, GEM ) will be required for this role, including the use of tools that aid in focusing on guest needs
  • A minimum of 6 years or more work experience in a senior role within an international chain hotel room division and have led a team of room division associates
  • Demonstrate a flair to review all monthly and annual financial statements. Investigate, review and analyze the variance explanations, with the ultimate aim of managing division expenses
  • Demonstrate the ability to have a sound understanding of the sales system and demonstrate commercial sense in order to increase revenue from guest contact areas within the hotel
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Commerce or hospitality/ tourism management
  • Professional Experience in Hospitality: Progressive experience in Accounting operations in a 5 star luxury property, 2 years of which would have been spent as a Chief Accountant. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) board passer is an advantage. Highly developed analytical and problem solving skills with high regard for detail and accuracy, administrative and interpersonal skills are a must
  • Leadership Experience: Demonstrated skills in leading a diverse team with varying degrees of experience and talents Able to teach and inspire team members to be their best everyday
  • University degree in hospitality management
  • Progressive career in Front Office or Housekeeping in an international hotel with at least 5 years experience in a similar role
  • Updated with the latest guest service trends, technologies and best practices and ability to tie this into guest needs and wants
  • Possess strong management and leadership capabilities
  • Proficiency in Mandarin is a MUST

Assistant to the Hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous experience working within an Operational department or similar environment preferred
  • Previous experience in an administrative assistant role preferred
  • Pro-active and reliable
  • Organized and detailed

Overnight Hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in the management of all Front Office operations to include, but not limited to, guest service and registration (check-in/check-out), room inventory and availability, guest service standards and initiatives, product quality, cost controls and overall profitability, marketing initiatives, systems use and management, budgeting and forecasting, department management, policy and procedure implementation and enforcement and meeting participation and facilitation
  • Assist in monitoring and developing team member performance to include, but not limited to, providing supervision, conducting counseling and evaluations and delivering recognition and reward
  • Ensure team members have current knowledge of hotel products, services, facilities, events, pricing and policies and knowledge of the local area and events
  • Knowledge of Hilton Honors products & services
  • 4 year hospitality degree
  • Orlando market experience
  • Ensure appropriate and effective focus on business objectives on a day-to-day basis, while contributing to the strategic development and leadership of the hotel aligned with the General Manger’s vision and company goals
  • Monitor and action all guest feedback /mystery guest programs (Sterling, InnsQore)
  • Communicate regularly with the General Manager to influence the strategy for the hotel in the short and long term
  • Make certain that staff are trained to meet demands of existing jobs and developed to take advantage of promotion opportunities, which occur within the hotel/Company
  • Be a visible, active member of the community positioning the hotel as a positive contributor in the marketplace
  • Two to five years in a public contact position, preferably in an upscale or lifestyle brand hotel
  • Enter and locate work related information using computers and/or point of sale systems
  • Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping
  • Control cash and other receipts by adhering to cash handling and recognition procedures in accordance with hotel policies and procedures
  • Prepare all required paperwork, including forms, reports and schedules, in an organized and timely manner
  • Ensure that all equipment is kept clean and kept in excellent working condition through personal inspection and by following the hotel preventative maintenance programs
  • Ensure that all products are received in correct unit count and condition, and deliveries are performed in accordance with the hotel receiving policies and procedures
  • Assists and conducts conflict resolution, corrective actions and/or terminations
  • Oversee and ensure that employee performance appraisals are completed in a timely manner
  • Fully understand and comply with all federal, state, and county municipal regulations that pertain to health, safety and labor requirements of the hotel, employees and guests
  • Schedule labor as required by anticipated business activity while ensuring all positions are staffed when and as needed, and labor cost objectives are met; forecast business and staffing needs
  • Ensures nightly and/or weekly, opening and closing side duties are followed
  • Fill in where needed to ensure guest service standards and efficient operations, including opening and closing duties
  • Works with preferred partners and organizations in promoting mutual company growth
  • 2-4 years previous experience in hotel management is REQUIRED
  • Solid financial skills and the ability to analyze financial statements and modify operations to meet financial goals
  • The ability to maintain a "sense of urgency" attitude for the completion of responsibilities/tasks
  • Superior organizational and follow up skills with extreme attention to detail
  • A proven track record in delivering strong results within a large hotel of more than 300 rooms within the Asia market
  • An internationally recognised Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Hotel Administration or Business Administration
  • A strong operational background in rooms division is preferred
  • Proven exposure to, and ability in effectively managing and influencing owners and internal stakeholders at various levels
  • Successful track record in managing and growing talent within large multicultural teams
  • Excellent eye for detail and the ability to think outside of the box to deliver luxury and consistent experiences to all guests including high profile dignitaries, celebrities and VIP's

Eam-hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Anticipate Guests needs
  • Maintain a high level of knowledge which might affect the Guest experience
  • Demonstrating a ‘Service’ attitude
  • Taking appropriate action to resolve guest complaints
  • Appreciate the dynamic nature of the Hotel industry and extend these service attributes to all internal customers
  • Review and update existing standards to ensure competitiveness
  • Monitor industry trends, take appropriate action to maintain competitive and profitable operations
  • Work with other Executive Committee members and keep them informed of F&B issues as they arise
  • Coordinate and monitor all phases of Loss Prevention in the F&B department
  • Organize and conduct department meetings on a regular basis
  • Monitor quality of service and product
  • Cooperate in menu planning and preparation
  • Ensure timely purchase of F&B items, within budget allocation
  • Ensure departmental compliance with SOP’s
  • Ensure the training of department heads on SOP’s, report preparation, technical job tasks
  • Attend and/or conduct departmental and hotel training (CARE, One to One), etc
  • Conduct and/or attend all required meetings, including pre-convention and post-convention meetings
  • Light work - Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects
  • Is responsible for the entire hotel operations
  • His / her scope of responsibilities covers the financial results (revenues, cost of sales, payroll & related expenses, other expenses, departmental incomes, gross operating income (if notified), cash flow, new & replacement investments), adherence to standards of product and service, management of human resources, and Sales & Marketing strategy. Keeps the General Manager updated on the hotel situation
  • Is responsible for the quality of the product, and to continually improve it to satisfy and surprise the Guests
  • Ensure the Hotel follows the established Sofitel standards with consistency, reflected in the brand audit. Optimizes the operating profit by permanent control of every account of the statement
  • Is directly responsible to the General Manager. In the event of the absence of the General Manager, the HM is responsible for the entire Hotel operation. He/she will thus be liable in answering to the Owning Company as well as the Corporate Office
  • Front Office
  • Restaurant Operations
  • Security Department
  • Responsible for the overall operation of the resort during the overnight hours, ensuring operations run smoothly and efficiently in all departments
  • Provide leadership, training and motivation for the overnight staff while ensuring compliance with company policies and procedures
  • Make regular rounds of all operating departments ensuring guest service delivery, cleanliness, security and efficiency
  • Monitor and assess service and satisfaction trends, soliciting guest feedback regarding resort facilities and services and taking corrective action to solve deficiencies
  • Meet and greet guests and respond to guest needs and/or concerns, handling to resolution. Ensure total guest satisfaction and escalate any outstanding guest inquiry or concern that may require additional monitoring or follow-up
  • Assist in operational areas as needed
  • Coordinate and resolve emergency situations
  • Conduct daily resort and unit inspections to ensure housekeeping and maintenance standards are met
  • Maintain safety and security of the resort for guests, owners, and employees
  • Provide written documentation of issues and activities from shift to the General Manager, Executive Committee and Front Office Manager
  • Attend all scheduled meetings where presence is required
  • Comply with all company policies and standard operating procedures
  • Participate in property recognition programs
  • Encourage and model a professional and Bee the Difference attitude at all times
  • Excellent communication skills especially in English(Chinese is a plus)
  • The Hotel Manager will report to the Cluster General Manager
  • She/he will lead the hotel opening tasks to meet all MGallery by Sofitel Brand standards and Luxury Guest experience
  • She/he will review the opening budget and set the financial commitments for all teams within each departments P&L
  • She/he will initiate Sales, Distribution and Digital activities to ensure successful business activity as soon as the hotel is ready to open
  • She/he will lead Talent & Culture activities including employee recruitment and employee training in line with Pullman brand standard and service
  • She/he will ensure strong and successful relationship with all stakeholders, including owning company, local Authorities and surrounding Community

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hotel night manager job duties for resume


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  1. Hotel Night Manager Resume Sample

    Hotel Night Manager, 02/2005 to 02/2017. Terratron - Bloomington, MN. Properly utilized 398 guest rooms to maximize revenue along with high guest satisfaction level. Oversee the front desk, bell staff, PBX, security, restaurant and housekeeping staff to ensure proper communication and teamwork. Provided an elevated customer experience to ...

  2. Night Auditor Resume

    Add the hotel name to your resume summary to grab the hiring manager's attention. Additionally, match each night auditor job description as closely as you can. For example, while some hotels separate the night auditor and night-shift front desk roles, most hotels combine the two into the "night auditor" job title.

  3. Top 12 Night Manager Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Adaptability. Delegation. Inventory management. Microsoft Office. 1. Leadership. Leadership is the act of guiding and inspiring a team towards achieving goals, specifically for a Night Manager, it involves overseeing operations, solving problems, and ensuring smooth functioning during night shifts.

  4. Night Manager Resume Sample

    Night Manager. 07/2017 - PRESENT. Philadelphia, PA. Communicates with sales/catering and all other departments as needed on the outcome, challenges and successes of all functions. Coaching and counseling of Assistant Managers, Night Auditors and employees. Chairing monthly communication meetings. Promoting and participating in special events ...

  5. Night Manager Resume Samples

    Night Manager Resume Samples. A Night Manager will represent and work for the management during the nights. The job description includes assisting the front office manager with all aspects of the office and undertakes all managerial functions including - operations, planning, staffing, and budgeting. The Night Manager Resume mentions the ...

  6. Night Manager Resume Sample & Tips

    Train and develop staff. Ensure adherence to company policies and procedures. Night Manager, Marriott International Bethesda, Maryland. July 2016 - December 2017. Prepare daily reports. Ensure customer satisfaction. Prepare staff schedules. Jr. Night Manager, Marriott International Bethesda, Maryland. July 2015 - June 2016.

  7. Hotel Manager Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Hotel Manager Resume Examples. Hotel Managers ensure that every day operations in a hospitality establishment run smoothly and guests feel welcome. These experienced hospitality professionals have duties like recruiting employees, managing budgets, solving customer complaints, ensuring safety standards are enforced, assessing guest satisfaction ...

  8. Hotel Manager Resume: Sample & Writing Guide [20+ Tips]

    Add your job position and company names, dates worked, and locations. List your experience using bullet points. 5 or 6 bullets per position will do. Make sure your experience bullets contain resume power words, such as cooperated, created, boosted, managed, etc. Focus on your experience that's relevant to the position.

  9. Hotel Night Manager Resume Sample

    Looking for hotel night manager resume examples online? Check Out one of our best hotel night manager resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for hotel night manager or similar profession ... Search for resumes by industry, job title or keyword. search. hotel night manager resume example ...

  10. Hotel Night Manager Resume Sample

    Hotel Night Manager, 02/2022 - 06/2022. Terratron - Bloomington, MN. Supervised front desk operations, enabling guests to receive superior customer service from hotel staff. Directed front desk operations with focus on hotel reputation, staff productivity and operational efficiency. Managed customer complaints and rectified issues to complete ...

  11. Hotel Manager Resume: Sample & Writing Guide for 2024

    To optimize your hotel manager resume for ATS, here are some essential tips: 1. Use relevant keywords. Keywords are specific words or phrases that reflect the skills and expertise required for the job. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your resume, especially those mentioned in the job description. 2.

  12. Hotel Night Auditor Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Hotel Night Auditor Salary and Outlook. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists the hotel night auditor's median annual salary as $39,240, with a median hourly wage of $18.87. A hotel night auditor in the 10th percentile earns approximately $24,600 a year, while the highest paid in the field make $66,070 a year.

  13. Hotel Manager Resume Samples

    Identify and verify the scope of work, operational impact, budgets, timelines, facility improvements, show quality, labor management and training. The Hotel Manager as can take on other responsibilities as directed by the General Manager. Perform other duties as requested by management. Education.

  14. Hotel Manager Resume Guide (Including Template and Examples)

    Hotel manager resume example Below is an example of a resume for a hotel manager: Alex Taylor Ottawa, Ontario 134-256-4789 [email protected] Professional Summary An accomplished and skilled inventory control and management professional with a history of success in all facets of the profession. Strong prioritization and organizational skills. Skills include being an effective leader who ...

  15. Hospitality Resume Examples & How to Write

    Your resume objective should grab the hospitality hiring manager's attention by summarizing everything they want to know about your experience in 2-3 sentences. To write the best resume objective possible, include resume keywords from the job ad. Job posting keywords include terms related to your: experience. education.

  16. Hotel Management Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    While the average hotel management professional earns $59,430 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this industry offers much room for growth in terms of earning potential. Managers at high-end hotels and resorts can earn upwards of 100,000 dollars per year.

  17. 2024 Night Auditor Resume Example + Guide

    Support your top skills and achievements in your work history with numbers. For example: "Increased hotel profits by 18% annually by consistently exceeding room sale goals and promoting membership programs," or "Improved data input accuracy by 15% by restructuring night auditor processes.". DON'T forget to review your resume.

  18. Hotel Night Auditor Resume Example

    Hotel Night Auditor. (555) 987-6543. [email protected]. San Francisco, California. 1. Your Name: The Marquee. Think of your name as the headline of your professional story. Ensure it's clear and visible, acting as the beacon that guides hiring managers into your resume.

  19. Hotel Manager Job Description [Updated for 2024]

    Build your own Hotel Manager job description using our guide on the top Hotel Manager skills, education, experience and more. ... Especially communicating with the Night Audit each evening/morning; ... Please submit your resume with compensation expectation. Job Type: Full-time Pay: From $65,000.00 per year Benefits: 401(k)

  20. Top 767 Night Hotel Manager Jobs (Hiring Now)

    Hotel District Manager, Montana & Idaho. New. Town Pump, Inc. Hybrid work in Butte, MT 59701. $80,000 - $100,000 a year. Full-time. Weekends as needed + 1. Easily apply. Conduct performance reviews for hotel managers in detail while documenting strengths and areas for improvements.

  21. Hotel Manager Job Description [+2024 TEMPLATE]

    A Hotel Manager supervises work at all levels, plans activities, manages budgets and financial information, develops marketing strategies, communicates with customers, addresses maintenance issues, collaborates with external parties, and enforces health and safety standards. They play a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction, expanding ...

  22. Hotel Assistant Manager Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Hotel Assistant Manager Resume Examples. Hotel Assistants Manager provide administrative and operational support to Hotel Managers. Their duties include handling correspondence, training new employees, taking phone calls, assigning tasks, monitoring staff when the Hotel Manager is not present, and doing paperwork.