How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

The australian partner visa program requires that visa applicants and sponsor applicants both prepare a relationship statement. this post will explore what’s required in these relationship statements., partner visa statement package.

Get our comprehensive package to preparing your Partner Visa Statements. Don’t settle for the standard Form 888 provided by the Department, but supercharge your application with our legal precedents.

The two main purposes of your statements are:lk

  • Firstly, to explain the nature of your relationship, how you met and the narrative of the key dates in your relationship development, and;
  • Secondly, to cover the gaps in your evidence, explain any inconsistencies, and provide context to your evidence.

Each statement should be around 2-3 pages long. The primary purpose of this statement is to assist in proving that you have a genuine and ongoing relationship. This is an important opportunity to explain your relationship in your own words and demonstrate to the case officer that it is genuine. So it’s worth taking time to edit and review it to ensure that the statement is as strong as possible.

Here are the top nine tips for writing a persuasive and powerful relationship statement.

1. You should set out key dates in your relationship. Explain how you met, where you met and when you met, and make sure that you provide the exact date and location that you committed to a relationship.

Let the case office know how your relationship developed from that point. Was there a period of friendship at the start? How long did you know each other before you formed your relationship? Were you introduced? Did you meet via a dating site? It is important to articulate all the dates in chronological order so the progression of your relationship from meeting to your current de facto or married status is as clear as possible to the case officer.

2. You should print and proofread your statement several times to ensure that your spelling and grammar are correct. It is important to take your time to provide the correct spelling of important places and people’s names. Particularly, it is important that your partner and family names are all spelled correctly. We suggest that you have a family member or a close friend review the statement before you finalise it.

3. Were there any periods of physical separation? All relationships have periods of physical separation for one reason or another, whether it is because one party is either overseas, has to visit family, or perhaps there is simply a family emergency that required travel.

This is an opportunity to explain how you kept in contact, and how frequently. You should talk about the frequency of your communication during this period and if possible, provide supporting evidence. You should clearly explain why the period of physical separation happened. If this was a period of actual separation of your relationship, you should be candid in your statement about that.

4. You should clarify how your relationship developed and the key dates when it became more serious. Typically, the Department is primarily interested in the date you met face to face, the date you consider you became a serious and mutually exclusive relationship, and the date you consider you became de facto or married.

You should also set out the significant dates like funerals in the family, other marriages, key birth dates, or family crisis. If your partner has assisted you through an emotionally difficult time or supported you, then you should elaborate on that. Provide details on how the relationship developed and the periods of time when the partner was introduced to friends and family. You should not use overly emotional language but rather you should set out how you felt at each stage of the relationship progression.

5. You should also use the statement to demonstrate the nature of the household you share together. This is a criterion that specifically looks at how your household is run since you began co-residing. You can clarify who does the cooking, who does the cleaning, how other responsibilities throughout the household are split, and how your financial arrangements support your household.

6. You should also talk about the recreational activities that you do as a couple and the things that you enjoy together. This should also describe any holidays and mutual activities (RSL visits, online gaming, family trips, hiking) that you undertake together. Use this statement to describe in detail the recreational activities you enjoy doing as a couple.

7. Your statement should also explain how you share your finances, and how you manage your finances together. This is particularly relevant if you’ve yet to share your bank accounts. You should also set out financial commitment such as car repayments, shopping, rent, and/or credit card repayments. But more than the specifics, you might also like to talk about your relationship differences.

8. Not only do you need to show that your partnership is genuine at the time of application but you should also prove that it is an ongoing relationship and you both plan to spend your future together. This can be demonstrated by discussing future holidays or major purchases. If you have a joint savings account, you can discuss this. You can also explain your plans in terms of having children or potentially getting engaged or married. What’s important is that you show there is a commitment to a life together.

9. You should ensure there are accurate dates in your statement. A case officer will be checking to see whether it is consistent with both your material evidence and your application form. You should also draw attention to the length of time you’ve been together and the most important dates, like the date your first met face to face or when you began residing together. We suggest you make a rough draft of your statement using bullet points before adding extra detail. It also assists many applicants to set out a timeline and confirm that timeline with your partner prior to drafting the relationship statement. It’s very important that the applicant’s statement and the sponsor’s statement do not contain any contradictory information. Lastly, you should double-check the dates and the timeline of events in your partner’s statement, so take your time and ensure that you get it right.

Need more help? Summit Migration offers a Partner Visa Statement Package. Get our comprehensive package to preparing your Partner Visa Statements here . Don’t settle for the standard Form 888 provided by the Department, but supercharge your application with our legal precedents. This package includes:

  • The statement precedent we use at Summit Migration to prepare all our Partner Statements. This precedent is suitable for both the Applicant AND the Sponsor.
  • The precedent we use to prepare all our Supporting Witness Statements.
  • Example Partner Statements for the Sponsor, Applicant and Supporting Witness.

Get it here .

For personalised partner visa advice, contact Summit Migration and talk with a registered migration agent today.

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The Partner Visa Academy

  • Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement – Don’t underestimate the power of a good love story

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by  Rofia Mavaddat - LL.B - Registered Migration Agent [MARN 1467678]

October 26, 2023

Reading Time:  minutes

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Partner Visa Relationship Statements are my FAVOURITE part of a Partner Visa Application. They are so heart-warming to read and for me put the whole application into context. An application just makes sense once I have read the couple’s relationship statements.

Without relationship statements, a Partner Visa Application simply isn’t complete. 

What are your Partner Visa Relationship Statements?

If you’re not familiar with relationship statements, then this blog is going to be your best friend. Relationship statements, otherwise known as or referred to as your ‘statutory declarations’ are your unique love stories. They paint the picture of your relationship and should provide a detailed account of your relationship history and how you manage various aspects of your lives as a couple. 

A relationship statement in a partner visa can be the difference between a visa refusal and visa grant. Your statements are your opportunity to explain various aspects of your relationship. Not just to explain, but to fill in the gaps. If your application doesn’t tick all the ‘conventional’ evidence boxes, for example not having joint bank accounts or perhaps you live your lives on the road together and so you don’t have joint lease agreements, then your relationship statements are where you explain your individual relationship. 

Why should I provide a Relationship Statement?

Think of your relationship statements as the final piece of the puzzle that demonstrates your commitment to your partner and your shared life together. It should be a powerful narrative convincing the decision maker that you are in a commitment, mutually exclusive relationship. Simply put, your relationship statement is going to give the decision maker so much more context than simply looking over documents.

How long should they be?

I have had clients provide relationship statements for their partner visa that were just one page long, and have had others 20 pages long! Over the last 9 years of reading relationship statements, I believe I’ve found the sweet spot for how long they should be.

A one page statement is not nearly enough to cover everything you should be covering (we’ll come to the content of the statements soon). A 20 page statement is also arguably too long. You want to keep the decision maker engaged with your statement. If your statement is too long then you run the risk of having it skimmed through and potentially having the decision maker miss some of the most important points.

So what’s the magic number? I would recommend keeping your relationship statement between 4-6 pages. From the thousands of statements I have read, this seems to be the perfect balance of giving the decision maker enough insight into your relationship and addressing all the key components of your relationship, but still making sure its succinct and easy to follow.

Keep in mind that this is a guide only. Depending on your case, and remember that each partner visa is unique and different, you may need more or less pages.   

What information should a Relationship Statement for your Partner Visa cover?

You should be writing your relationship statements using clear headings. As your starting point, you should be talking about the development of your relationship. This includes information detailing when you met, where you first met and how your relationship started to develop. Ideally, you want to keep this content to one page.

You’re then going to move into talking about the ‘ four pillars ’. Remember that when the decision maker is assessing whether or not you meet the criteria for a Partner Visa, they will assess your relationship against four different factors. These are:

  • The financial aspects of your relationship
  • The nature of your household
  • The social aspects of your relationship
  • Your commitment to one another (also called Nature of Commitment )

As a general rule of thumb, try to keep the content of each of these four pillars to half a page long. You will find that with some pillars you may need to provide more information than others.

Here are some ideas and guides to talk about under each pillar:

The Financial Aspects of your relationship

Here, the decision maker wants to understand how you manage your finances and how you pool your finances together.

  • Describe how finances continue to be managed between both of you
  • Do you have joint bills?
  • Have you made any joint purchases?
  • Do you have any loans together?
  • Do you have a Will in the other person’s name?
  • If you don’t have a shared bank account how do you manage your finances and why?
  • Moving forward (in the future) how will the finances in your relationship be managed?
  • Is there something you are saving for together? Do you have some shared financial goals?

Nature of your household

Under this section, you want to give the decision maker a recount in your daily life and what it looks like. For example who wakes up first in the morning, who makes the coffee/tea, who does the washing, who does the cooking, who does the driving, who pays the bills, who cares for the children, do you have extended family you’re responsible for ie an elderly person. 

There are of course situations where couples do not live together when a Partner Visa is submitted, or even afterwards. Your relationship statements are a great place to talk about your living arrangements and if you are not living together, why?

  • Who does the cleaning/washing/ household chores?
  • Do you have joint responsibility for raising children or pets? If so talk about this
  • Who is responsible for managing the bills? Talk about your shopping routine, who drives and how you live together as a couple.

Social Aspects of your Relationship

Under this section, you want to explain to the decision maker what your social life looks like. For example, do you do things together when you’re not working, do you plan your social activities and attend them together, do your friends/family and the people that matter to you know about the relationship or is it a secret? It’s important the decision-maker is left with an understanding of what you do together socially, if you present yourselves as being in a relationship publicly ie with friends/family and if you’re viewed by friends/family as partners.

  • Describe the social activities you do together
  • Talk about how you plan your social activities. Do you make plans together? Do you introduce each other as partners or friends?
  • Describe which members of your family and friend circles know about your relationship
  • Talk about your holidays together
  • Talk about joint attendance at events together
  • What clubs/church/sport or recreational groups do you belong to?

Commitment to one another

This section is designed to show immigration just how serious your relationship is. This is done by firstly looking at the strength of your relationship at this point in time (up until now) and then by talking about your plans for the future together.

  • Have you experienced any difficult periods together where you have provided emotional support to each other? If so, explain this. Please give anecdotal examples.
  • Talk about the degree to which you rely on each other for support
  • Talk about sacrifices you have made for each other
  • Talk about your knowledge of goals/plans or things your partner wants to achieve in the future and how you will support him/her with this
  • Talk about why it is you love your partner, what had you fall in love with your partner and why they are important to you.
  • What do you have in common? What shared values do you hold? What makes your relationship strong/long lasting?
  • What are your plans for your future together?
  • Do you plan to have children? Do you plan to buy a house? Do you plan to get married? Do you plan to travel? Do you plan to study? Do you have pets together?

personal statement for partner visa

Who needs to write a Relationship Statement?

For an Australian Partner Visa, both the Applicant (person applying for the visa) and the Applicant’s partner (known as Sponsor – the Australian Citizen/Permanent Resident sponsoring their partner) need to complete relationship statements.

It’s not sufficient or insightful if only one party is providing a statement. The statements should be written separately by both parties.

Oftentimes a couple believes their friends and family also need to provide relationship statements. But what they are referring to are actually witness statements .

I always recommend submitting your relationship statements as soon as your partner visa is lodged. This is best practice to ensure the case officer has all the information they need to make a decision, so make sure your statements are signed and ready to go!

Avoid these common mistakes

Getting your relationship statements right are really important. At the end of the day, you’re wanting to make the decision maker’s life (and in turn your life) easier. 

You’ll find that I love my analogies so here’s another one. Imagine you start reading a book but realise the first and last chapters are missing. You can still read the book but it just won’t make as much sense. You need those first and last chapters to complete your book. That’s the same as your relationship statements. You need them in order to complete your application.

Here are my top tips on what to do, and what to avoid when writing your statements:

personal statement for partner visa

DO cross check dates and information. Consistency is key. Not just when it comes to your relationship statements, but the entire application. If you are stating that your relationship started on 01 January 2021, then your partner’s statement should also reflect the same date.

personal statement for partner visa

DON’T copy each other’s statements. Your statements are your opportunity to talk to the decision maker, to speak in your own voice, write your own memories of your relationship and how you work together as a couple. Continuously looking at your partner’s statement will on some level make you write a similar statement to theirs, which you want to avoid.

DO your grammar and spelling checks. A well written statement reflects your commitment to the process, professionalism and attention to detail. It pays off to do your checks.

DON’T be vague. The whole point of a relationship statement for a partner visa is to provide insight into your relationship. The decision maker won’t be getting any if you’re vague and generic in your recount of the relationship.

DO get a translator. If you or your partner does not speak, read or write English then we recommend they write their statement in their native language and have an English translation complete by an accredited interpreter .

DON’T write your partner’s statement. Why? If your partner’s level of English is not the same as yours it will be very clear to the decision-maker that it was not actually written by the person signing it.  I could tell straight away when I read a couple’s relationship statements if they were both written by the same person. One of the statements will always lack authenticity and even the style of writing, the words they choose to use and the formatting of the statements is close to exact. It’s easy to spot when one person is writing and it comes off as lazy.

What else should you cover in your Relationship Statements?

Relationship statements are also a great place for you to talk about or ‘speak to the case officer’ about your immigration history. If you are the visa applicant, you should provide a brief overview of any previous visas you have held and your current visa (if you are in Australia).

If you have ever been refused a visa, your relationship statement is again a great place to talk about the reasons around why your visa was refused.

Statutory Declaration or Statement?

There’s no formal requirement from the Department of Home Affairs around what the formatting of your relationship statement for your partner visa should look like.

My preference is to always provide your relationship statements in the form of a Statutory Declaration. This is because a Statutory Declaration is a legal document and may hold more weight. There are of course situations where providing a Statutory Declaration is not possible, and that’s okay too.

Key takeaway points

If you remember anything after reading this blog, let it be these three main points:

  • Your Relationship Statements should be given the effort and energy they require. It’s important to sit down and detail your relationship history and go into detail around the pillars of evidence.
  • Write your own statement. Don’t share your statement with your partner until they are both completed.
  • Cross check your statements at the end, along with your application forms , documents, witness statements to ensure there is no inconsistency across the information and dates provided.

IMPORTANT: Please note, this does not constitute Immigration advice. Always seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent before applying for an Australian Visa. Migration Law is constantly changing. This information is accurate only at the time of publication.

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Rofia Mavaddat - LL.B - Registered Migration Agent [MARN 1467678]

Rofia was born in Perth, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Law and has been a Registered Migration Agent since 2014. Rofia chose to specialise in Partner Visas because of a deep-seated belief in the power of love and family unity. She has seen firsthand the joy and fulfillment that comes from reuniting couples and keeping families together. Her work in this area allows her to witness and be a part of the beautiful stories of love and togetherness - what could be more rewarding?  

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10 Secrets of Writing Convincing Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application 2024

Updated March 25, 2024

10 Secrets of Writing Convincing Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application

Statement Letters for Partner Visa. Here is The Ultimate Guideline for You.

The Australian Partner Visa requires both applicant and sponsor to provide relationship statement letters. The purposes of providing statement letters to your Partner Visa application are:

  • explaining the nature of your relationship, narrating how your relationship develop, etc; and
  • covering the gaps in your relationship evidence, like the long-distance relationship period, previous relationship with ex-partner, etc.

Partner Visa 10 Tips For Writing A Convincing Statement Letter

Consequences of Providing Low Quality Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application

Providing low quality statement letters for your Partner Visa application will result in Partner Visa refusal , and it means many losses.

If your Partner Visa application was refused, it means:

  • you totally lose the Visa Application Charge for your Partner Visa Application, which is at least AU$8,850 (and this price might increase each year); 
  • you are most likely to have a long-distance relationship with no assurance when it’s going to end;
  • you have to spend more money to review the decision to AAT, which is at least AU$3,374 (and it takes years to receive the outcome, where there’s no guarantee that the AAT will change the refusal decision).

The Partner Visa application might seem simple, where you are required to be in a committed relationship with your Australian partner. And I’m sure that everyone, including you, loves their partner with their heart. But, a Partner Visa application is far more than being committed with your other half. It requires full attention to detail as well as consistency within the information and documents.

As a Partner Visa applicant, you, together with your partner, must provide several things that prove your relationship is genuine to support your statement letter.

Why is that important? Well, a convincing and written-in-details statement letter can boost your chance of getting a Partner Visa.

So, are you sure to risk all this money by handling the visa application on your own? Think about it again!

And considering how essential the statement letters are, here are ten tips for writing convincing and powerful statement letters for your Partner Visa application:

10 Secrets Of Convincing Statement Letter For Partner Visa Application

1. include all the relevant dates of your relationship.

Partner visa statement letter should be detailed, so remember to put all relevant dates of your relationship. For example, the exact date you met, the exact date you started dating, and the exact date you were engaged or married to your partner. You can see the example below as your reference:

I first met Kevin on 18 March 2019 at our mutual friends’ (Sebastian) wedding ceremony. Kevin approached me first and asked me how I got to know Sebastian. We had a great conversation at the time and decided to have our first lunch together on 21 March 2019 at McDonald Jimbaran, Bali.

All dates of your relationship are essential parts in your statement letter, and should be seen by the case officer in assessing your Partner Visa application.

If you don’t include this information, it may lead the authority to ask you more questions and to provide further documentation.

And the worst case, it may also lead to a visa refusal.

If you wish to prepare a decision-ready partner visa application, please book a consultation here or call us on 1300 827 159 .

2. Ensure that all information you include in your letter is in great detail.

Elaborate in great detail on any significant moments that you and your partner have shared. The more detail you provide, the better for your Partner Visa application. For example:

After lunch, Kevin and I went to Gelato Ice Cream Shop and got a mint chocolate gelato for us. It was a sunny beautiful day and we talked a lot about our life. I found Kevin is a hard-working person when he said he had to work at 3 different places to fulfil all his needs when he was young. We took some pictures as well with an our-accidentally-couple-outfit, blue shirt and white pants.

Well, a statement letter is only one of the required documents for your Partner Visa application. To know more about the documents needed in the Partner Visa application, you can refer to the article below:

Read More:  Document Checklist For Australian Spouse Visa

3. Ensure that your statement is consistent.

Make sure that your statement letters for the Partner Visa application are consistent and information contained in your letters, including dates, is exactly the same as what you have put in your application forms.

Assuring your statement letter consistency will help to avoid any discrepancies in your application.

4. Be sure to make it free from spelling and grammar mistakes.

It is important to make your statement letter free from any grammar or spelling mistakes as it will help the case officer to clearly understand your relationship circumstances. Just imagine how it would look if you can’t spell your partner’s name in the right way. It will obviously look suspicious and be confusing for the case officer, right? So, ensure that you have spelled and explained everything correctly in your statement letter.

Also, ensure that you explain in your statements if you call your partner by a different name. For example, “I refer to Chun Lee as Sally”, will help the case officer to understand that you’re talking about your partner and not someone else. For example:

Let me explain the relationship development of me and Lee Young Min, who I refer as Kevin (his English name). I first met Kevin on 18 March 2019 at our mutual friends’ (Sebastian) wedding ceremony.

5. Make sure that you elaborate on feelings and emotions.

The more you express your love for your partner, the better. Don’t be shy to express how much you love your partner, how grateful you are to have them in your life or how much you fear to lose them. Let the world know about your amazing love story! Also, Immigration wants to see that your relationship with your partner is serious and genuine, so why hesitant to show it?

The example below can be your reference:

Since our first meeting, I believed Kevin is the one that I have been searching for. I feel like I have found the missing piece that completes my life. Despite all the storms that we have been facing, we would never let our ship sink.

Don’t be afraid to sound romantic or over the top. So, don’t be embarrassed to include this information.

Read More:  Proof Genuine Relationship Partner Visa Application

6. Partner visa statement letters of yours and your partner need to match and be consistent.

The department of immigration will not look kindly on your relationship if you both have a different date you met, or different marriage or engagement date. The matching data and consistency between you and your partner are critical to show your relationship is real.

If you wish to get full assistance and successfully obtain your partner visa, please book a consultation here or call us on 1300 827 159 .

Statement letters for partner visa

7. Ensure that any dates you mention in your partner visa statements letter match your formal documentation.

Dates such as divorces, tenancy agreements, engagement dates, marriage dates, and other important milestones like birthdays, are extremely important dates.

Any inconsistency between your statements, documents, and application, will lead the department to question the validity of your application.

8. Partner visa statement letter must include all the information required.

The required aspects of a partner visa are the information the department wants to know. These include:

Kevin has been supporting me financially since the first day of our relationship began. He sends me funds regularly to fulfil my needs such as clothing, food, and others. Kevin told me to save my income for our future needs, for example for our dream wedding or for our children’s necessities.
Kevin and I love to travel so much, so we spent most of our time travelling around Asia and Australia. We visited Tokyo Disneyland on our last trip because I have told Kevin many times how much I love Elsa from Frozen.
I am 100% committed to our relationship and I want to spend the rest of my life with Kevin. I always treat Kevin like a King and Kevin always treats me like the Queen of him. I never regret the decision to start this beautiful journey with Kevin and I am looking forward to a more beautiful journey with a happy ending.
Our relationship has been developing well since the first day. We get closer as time passes by and now I am sure Kevin is the right person who comes at the right time. I cannot wait to celebrate our wedding at the end of this year as it will be our happiest day.

Learn more on how to Prepare Australian Partner Visa.

9. Make sure you mention any time spent apart, how you communicated, and any trips or holidays you have taken together in your partner visa statement letter.

Make sure that you explain about your long-distance relationship with your partner as well, if you had it. You need to explain how you communicated or travelled to visit each other during the long-distance relationship period. Besides, the Australian immigration department will want to know all about your travel history, so ensure that you provide explanations for it.

10. Always get a proofread of your partner’s visa statement letter.

Get your partner or friends to read the statement for you. Sometimes you may miss errors that other people can see.

Do not underestimate the double-checking process on your statement letter and other related documents. It is aimed to avoid any inconsistent information or simple wrong spelling words. This process will guide you to a great and successful statement letter. It would be unfortunate if a little mistake ended up being so costly .

Download the example of the statement letter for the Partner Visa application

Other Important Things That Need Your Attention

It is a good start for you to follow all the secrets mentioned above. But, do not forget that you must pay attention to other things such as the efficiency, details, etc. of your statement letter.

You can pretend to be a third person that does not know about your relationship in checking the efficiency of your statement letter. You can see whether your statements are clear and understandable or not. If you find your statement hard to understand, it is better to revise your statement letter and create a simpler and more understandable explanation.

And when you explain your relationship circumstances, make sure you refer to the supporting documents because it will make your statement letter more convincing.

Other Important Things that Need Your Attention-1

I Need Help With My Australian Partner Visa Application.

Now you know how to write a convincing statement letter for a Partner Visa application.

But that is just the beginning.

Submitting your Partner Visa application by yourself is possible. But the risk of refusal is very high and will cost much more money than you’ve already paid.

With these facts in mind, the Australian immigration authorities suggest anyone who applies for a Partner Visa seek help from a registered migration agent.

It is a long, complicated and detailed process and if you and your partner dream of being together in Australia, then don’t risk the possibility of getting refused due to what could be a small misunderstanding or mistakes in the application or submission of documents.

Let us take care of your future by getting your application right and dealing with the details while you and your partner can make plans to build your dreams and lives together in Australia.

Book an appointment with our Registered Migration Agent now with 100% refund guarantee if you’re not satisfied with our service. We have a 98% success rate and experts in complex cases. We will assist you with a customised statement letter for a Partner Visa based on your relationship circumstances. Call us or click below:

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Let Us Assist with Your Australian Partner Visa Application

We at ONEderland Consulting understand how difficult and emotionally draining it can be writing convincing statement letters for your Partner Visa application.

But, rest assured. Throughout your journey, we are committed to offering empathetic and customised support while paying close attention to your particular circumstances and goals.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced migration specialists is dedicated to putting in a lot of effort and planning ahead of time on your behalf. We pay close attention to every detail and apply our extensive knowledge to handle even the most complex cases.

Our team of professionals will help you by:

  • Developing a customised document checklist: Ensure you’ve gathered and presented all required documentation in compliance with DHA regulations.
  • Writing a customised statement letter: highlighting the sincerity and strength of your relationship so that your application should be granted.
  • Creating empathetic and compelling narratives: Helping you create a story that speaks to the DHA, clearly illustrates the sincere nature of your relationship, and that your application should be approved.

We are committed to being open and honest with you, keeping you updated and involved at every stage. We will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your future in Australia, and you can rely on us to be your dependable partner and advocate.

We are complex visa specialists. As a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) , we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional and honest and speak various languages, such as Mandarin/Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1300 827 159.

Alternatively, you may book your consultation online , and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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Want to Write the Perfect Partner Visa Relationship Statement? Do Consider these 10 Important Factors!

personal statement for partner visa

Applying for an Australia Partner Visa is an extensive as well as the informational process. You not just have to submit numerous application forms, but the application form must also be supported with correct evidence and documents supporting your relationship.

One of the vital evidence that you are required to submit with your Partner visa application form is the ‘statement of your relationship.’ Also known as ‘Relationship Statement’ or ‘Relationship Support letter,’ this is a unique document. The relationship statement for every couple is different depending on nature and length of the relationship. Hence, when you are filling the relationship statement form, make sure you don’t make any mistake.

Reading this article will let you know 10 most important elements to consider when filling out your relationship statement for partner visa application.

Understanding Meaning of Partner Visa Relationship Statement

Every relationship is unique, and its uniqueness is defined to the visa officers through partner visa relationship statement. You as well as your partner have to provide a separate personal written statement to support partner visa application form.

The statement of relationship is a personal statement that details the nature and uniqueness of your relationship in your own words. It is vital that this statement is written precisely and matches correctly to your visa application forms. The statement must also support other evidence offered with your partner visa application.

Most Important Elements to Consider when Filling Partner Visa Relation Statement

  • When, where, and how did you meet your partner?

This is an important starting point for any relationship. Mentioning these points clearly explains how, when, and where your relationship began. When writing, remember that the reader does not know anything about your relationship. Make sure you make the relationship statement as simple as possible to understand.

Be honest and open with your writing. If you don’t remember the correct date for a particular situation, then avoid mentioning the date in the document. Remember if the department takes you and your partner to an interview and one of you does not remember the date then your visa application can be refused.

  • How Your Relationship Developed?

From the first day you met your partner till the present day, you need to give a brief idea to the officer of how your relationship developed so strong and positive. The aspects and situations you mention must be genuine and must validate your explanations in the letter. You don’t have to write stories. Hence, everything you mention must be realistic and true.

  • Important or Special Events in Your Relationship

Have there been any important events that had occurred in your relationship? Were there any special situations or events where you both supported each other strongly? You may consider these and other conditions as being significant in your relationship. It is vital to remember that when the visa department assesses your partner visa, they are also interested to know that you and your partner support each other in good as well as bad times.

  • Illustrating your Household Nature

This can be really tricky! You need to illustrate your household criteria with your partner in the form of evidence. Letting the department understand how both of you run the household can be extremely helpful in your partner visa application.

You can describe factors such as how both of you carry household duties, take turns to cook meals, do grocery shopping, take kids to school, and how you take care of each other.

  • Does your friends and family know about your relationship?

If you and your partner are in a genuine, honest, and open relationship then your family and friends must be aware of it.

The department considers a relationship genuine and honest if your family and friends are aware of it. The genuineness of your relationship becomes more authentic when your family and friends have contributed to special events in your relationship.

It is worth mentioning such aspects in the relationship statement and makes the statement more honest to the department officers.

  • Financial Aspects of your Relationship

The visa department considers financial aspects to be important elements in illustrating a genuine relationship for the partner visa application form.

You must mention how you support each other financially. Mention about your joint bank account and how each one of you contributes to this. Talk about the joint purchases, utility bills, and other financial aspects of your relationship.

Don’t mention anything that is incorrect or false. If you don’t have a bank account with your partner, then no need to mention anything incorrectly. Even the department understands that not every couple has a joint account. If you have joint travels, you must talk about the same.

  • Were you separated during the relationship?

Being separated does not imply that your partner is living overseas and you are living in Australia. Rather it talks about any point that you were separate during the relationship.

You must be working in a profession that needs you to travel all the time or travelling with your family or friends without the partner. Inform the department how you two were in touch during this duration.

You might not find it worth mentioning in the application, but it is actually extremely important. It justifies your relationship to a great extent and demonstrates the genuineness of the relationship.

  • Discuss your future plans

Talk about your future plans in the application statement. Are you planning to get married? Are you planning to have kids? Do you wish to purchase a house together? Do you wish to travel abroad together?

Mentioning these and more plans like this show that you are planning a promising future with your partner. This can be a big plus point for getting approval for your partner visa program.

  • Dates are Highly Important

Not all dates, but the date when you both met, you first started talking; you got married or engaged are extremely vital to the partner visa application form.

Make sure the two of you mention consistent dates in the relationship statement and other evidence documents submitted by you.

  • Length of Your Relationship Statement

It is an extremely important question. Ideally, you must mention important aspects of your relationship in the partner visa application form. You can mention everything in 2-3 pages and not more than 4 pages.

Before you begin writing your relationship statement for partner visa application , you must first plan and list things the two of you would like to mention. But be honest about every point mentioned. Remember, there are thousands of relationship statements available with the department to read. Hence, make sure you delineate a consistent and clear relationship statement.

If still have any doubts, book a free partner visa consultation with us today.

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About the author: amitava deb.

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Thanks a lot very much for the high quality and results-oriented help.

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Please tell me spouse visa work permit

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I found the points very helpful to write my own statement. I am going to write and will come back to the same site when I got my visa. thank you

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Dear sir may I have some idea from you? I’m doing my perspective couple visa, we’ve engage already. but we are living separate. how could I explain about financial aspect of the relationship if I have no join bank account, no bill together….

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personal statement for partner visa

Blog – JVS Immigration

Important factors while writing the perfect partner visa relationship statement.

Supporting your partner to immigrate to a country where you are a permanent resident is pretty challenging but not impossible. There are many things you need to take care of to make sure you support their immigration. Well, the process is pretty simple and you just have to create some documents that will enable your partner’s immigration. One important document is the relationship statement. So, here in this article, we will discuss some crucial points on how to write a relationship statement that will stand out and will enable immigration with ease. 

Statement Letters for Partner Visa, Get It Right! - JVS Immigration

A well-written relationship statement is very crucial asses in supporting your partner’s immigration. Supporting your partner’s immigration is one of the best things you could ever do. With your partner by your side, you no longer have to maintain a long-distance relationship and live a peaceful and fulfilling life with each others company.

Well, some may take their partner with them the first time while applying for the PR visa and others do it later after they have settled and are in a stable condition. Both the methods can be practised and it depends on the applicant’s situation. The choice is yours. But when it comes to taking your partner with you, you need to provide some proof that the relationship between you is authentic and a relationship statement is one such document. The relationship statement will be thoroughly scrutinized by the authorities so that they make sure that the relationship is authentic and the visa can be granted. 

Tips on Improving the Relationship Statement for Availing Visa Easily

So, now, let’s dive into learning what are the important aspects you have to focus on while writing a relationship statement to avail the visa with ease.

Write with utmost Care

The statement you write will be scrutinized by the authorities and you have to maintain a decent standard throughout the document. The grammar and other structural aspects will be keenly noted and your statement should be impeccable. Well, to maintain the standard, you can run spell checks, ask a friend to read it out loud, try reading it aloud twice or thrice to find out missing or imperfect details. You can try any other method to proofread the document so, it is of the highest quality.

Don’t be Embarrassed about your Relationship

Being embarrassed is one grave mistake you could ever be while writing a draft of the relationship statement. Be open and express how your relationship is with your partner. Well, it can be difficult to be not embarrassed but you have to remove the feeling when you are onto writing the relationship statement. 

Maintain a Soft Tone Throughout the Statement

The tone of the statement means a lot. It will indirectly indicate the truth of the relationship between you and your partner. So, keeping a soft and balanced tone will make the statement look decent and readable.

Describe how you Got into the Relationship

Well, this is very personal information, but giving a glim of how your relationship developed s pretty important, this part doesn’t have to be very detailed, you can just highlight the important aspect like, how you supported each other, the cause or the setup you first met or interacted. You can also add when and how you introduced your partner to your parents and friends to give in some details.

Describe What you Love to Do as a Couple

Describing how you usually spend your together time and how you make it joyful can add value to your relationship statement. You can describe the hobbies you love doing together as a couple, so your case officer gets to understand the chemistry between you and your partner. 

Describe your Future Plans

Couple goals are for all couples. You could have interesting couple goals and can describe them in the statement. You can describe your plan for the future and how you intend to maintain your relationship and how sincerely you are to the commitments.

Chart Down the Dates

Well, every relationship will have important dates like aneversaries, the day you met your partner and other special days that you could never forget. You can chart down some with why you feel those dates are memorable. This will show how committed you are to your partner and will support your statement.

Well. this are some of the tips, you could follow and write a perfect relationship statement. mak e sure that you consult your PR visa consultant before submitting the copy as they will be able to help you with improving the statement.

As always, JVS immigration is always there for you to support you with every immigration related queries. You can hire JVS and get guided in the right path. The expert team will assist you with the process and will make sure that you get the visa with ease. So, don’t hesitate to contact JVS immigration and have a great visa journey with JVS imigration.

Phone:-    011-43510609 Email:-    [email protected]

Happy Hunting!

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Partner Statutory Declaration example

We will look at each of these considerations, and provide you with examples which may be applicable for your relationship.

Development of the relationship

In this section, you can outline the initial development of your relationship, for example:

  • How you and your partner were introduced to each other (e.g. friends, family, internet dating website etc.)
  • Date that you and your partner first contacted each other, and how you contacted each other: (e.g. text message, call, in person introduction etc.)
  • Date and place that you and your partner first met in person
  • Any significant events, holidays or personal matters leading up to your decision to enter into your committed and exclusive relationship
  • Events leading up to you and your partner starting to live together
  • Significant events in your lives during which you have relied on each other for support, such as personal or family illness, stressful periods at work or with studies, adjusting to life in Australia for the visa applicant etc.

Financial commitments

In this section, you can outline any shared financial commitments and arrangements, such as the following examples:

  • Joint loan or lease agreements such as for your residence, cars, business etc.
  • Joint bank account and/or savings account which is used with reasonable frequency
  • Owning or operating a business together
  • Conferring financial benefits on each other such as having your partner as a beneficiary in your will or insurance policy
  • How day to day household expenses are paid and shared
  • Explaining that wages for your partner and/or yourself are paid into the same joint account
  • Your future financial goals, such as saving up to purchase a house, wedding costs, overseas trips etc.
  • Explaining your joint purchase of any significant assets or household items

Nature of your household

In this section, you can outline any joint responsibility for the care and support of children, your living arrangements and sharing of the responsibility for housework. Examples include:

  • Who is responsible for various household chores such as cleaning, cooking, shopping etc.
  • Duties that you and your partner undertake in looking after any child or children of the relationship
  • Duties that relate to other household chores such as looking after pets, elderly parents or other relatives

Social aspects of your relationship

In this section, you can outline important social aspects of your relationship, such as:

  • Holidays that you have taken together
  • Weddings, baptisms and other significant social events that you have attended together
  • Important family and friends who know about the relationship, and who are supportive of your relationship
  • Sporting, cultural, social or other activities that you both participate in

Your commitment to each other

The following are just some examples of what you can describe in this section:

  • . Your future plans together such as buying a property, starting a family, moving to a bigger residence once your partner arrives in Australia etc.
  • Affirm the nature of your relationship

Referring to your supporting documents

When I prepare a statutory declaration, as I make various statements about the relationship, I often refer the case officer back to the uploaded supporting documents which support and demonstrate the statements made. I think that the main benefits of doing this is that:

  • You are reaffirming/evidencing the truthfulness of your statement
  • You can let your case officer know what particular documents mean, or what the documents are demonstrating. This is particularly helpful if you think that the evidence that your providing isn’t particularly strong, or clear in relation to what it is suppose to demonstrate

How do you write clear and useful supporting statutory declarations for your partner visa application ?

  • Write in a clear and understandable way. Pretend that you are an objective third party that doesn’t know anything about your history or relationship. Is your declaration clear and understandable from such an perspective?
  • Write in simple, short sentences that address the critical aspects of your history, relationship, and the considerations that the Department will assess (e.g. development of the relationship, financial aspects of the relationship etc.)
  • Include details and facts, and explain important and relevant events and dates, which will make your declarations, history and relationship more convincing. Such as the below example.
  • Refer to supporting documents and evidence that you are including in your application during your declaration, which will again make your declaration and relationship more convincing.
  • Proofread and make your declarations easy to understand. You don’t want to make your case officer’s job difficult, since he or she will decide your application. You actually should be as helpful and organised as you can be.
  • Get a friend or family member to proofread your draft as well, and see if they understand your declaration, whether they find it convincing, and if they have any further suggestions.

personal statement for partner visa

Statutory declaration example

I, Penny Money, of 5 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, full-time student, make the following declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959:

  • I can confirm that John Bond and I have a mutual commitment to a shared life as spouse partners to the exclusion of all others.
  • Our relationship is genuine and continuing.
  • We first met in February 2010 at the University of Sydney.
  • We both decided to enter into our committed and exclusive relationship on 30 June 2015. This was the date that we both decided that we would get married, and we would start planning our wedding.
  • We recently completed our marriage ceremony and obtained our marriage certificate on 11 October 2016. After our marriage ceremony, we spent the weekend moving our belongings to John’s family home in Sydney. We are currently living together at John’s family home, at 5 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
  • Prior to getting married, we previously lived together at 6 Bay Street, Randwick NSW. We lived together at this address between June 2013 and October 2016.
  • John and I first met at the University of Sydney in February 2010 while we were doing our undergraduate studies at this university.
  • We both completed our undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney at the end of 2012. Please see attached copies of our undergraduate degree qualifications which demonstrates that we were both studying at this university at the same time.
  • Social activities organised by the university, university social clubs or students union
  • Social activities organised by our mutual friends
  • Study groups with our friends when we had mid-term or end of term examinations
  • During our last year of undergraduate studies during 2012, John and I were enrolled for the same course and class for four different subjects. We did two common subjects in semester one, and also two common subjects in semester two. This was because the later year advanced courses were a lot more specialised and limited.
  • During the last year of our studies, John and I spent a lot more time together during our classes, and also after class as we often studied together.
  • Our last year of undergraduate studies was also the most difficult. John and I became a lot closer during this year as we helped and encouraged each other through the difficulties of our final subjects and examinations. I think that both of us performed much better with our exams and results because we had each other support and understanding. It was during this year that John and I first started to develop our feelings of care, love and support for each other.
  • In 2013, we both continued our studies as PHD students. I completed my studies in Medical Engineering, while John studied Aeronautical Engineering. We both completed our PHD studies in adjacent buildings on campus from 2013. Please see attached copies of our PHD degree qualifications.
  • In January 2013, we were together on a day trip to the Blue Mountains with a group of other friends. We got to know each other a lot more during this trip, so this trip and time together was an important step and development in our relationship. It was at this time that our relationship changed from being just friends, as we talked to each other about dating each other as partners. Soon after this trip, we decided to enter into our relationship. Please see attached ‘Relationship Photos 2013-2016’ which includes a few photos from this trip.
  • In the year that followed, we developed and continued our close relationship by having nearly daily contact at our university. We have provided some examples from our message and phone records, which demonstrates our regular daily communication, including during a short period of separation when I travelled overseas to see family (Dec 2014 –Jan 2015).
  • I was introduced to John’s father and brother in September 2014. Please see attached Form 888 completed by John’s father (Form 888 Sponsor father) and brother (Form 888 Sponsor brother).
  • Social Tasmania trip flights and hotel bookings
  • Social Tasmania trip car rental
  • Social Tasmania trip photos
  • We attended a Christmas party held at my supervisor’s place in December 2015. I introduced John to my supervisor and all the other students that were doing my PHD course. Please see attached Form 888 completed by my supervisor (Professor Nutty).
  • During our undergraduate studies, I got to know John as a friend, and I thought that he was a nice guy. I found he is caring and knowledgeable, and that we have a lot in common.
  • After we started our relationship, we both knew from early on that we have found our right other-halves. Being PHD students, we are often faced with difficulties in research and exams. Our similar backgrounds and upbringing also made it easier for us to communicate, as well as communicate with each other’s friends and family. With the mutual commitment and support of both our families, we decided to get married and started organising our wedding plans in mid 2015.
  • Both John and I have family with conservative values, and this was also how both of us were brought up by our parents. While both our parents knew about our relationship and they were very supportive, our parents didn’t want us to live together until we had confirmed our intentions to get married and started organising our wedding.
  • Tenancy change form July 2015
  • Financial joint account bank statement: we have highlighted our rental payments
  • John and I lived together for just over one year before we got married on 11 October 2016. This was a very important period in our relationship, as we got to see what it would be like to live with each other on a daily basis. While John and I were very certain that we would be able to live happily together based on our history and how much we knew about it other, it was still important for us to live together before we got married.
  • This period allowed John and I to connect and get to know each other even better. We got a chance to see how we as a couple can organise our home affairs, chores and joint responsibilities. Over time, we also got to know when it was right to give each other some space and personal time, which is still important to both of us. By the time that we got married, we already had a very good idea of each other’s daily habits.
  • From mid-2015, John and I organised and planned our wedding. We had a lot of help from John’s family in Australia. Because my family live overseas, they weren’t able to help much with our wedding organisation. But my family did help financially by sending money to our joint account which we used for various wedding expenses. We have provided receipts for these transfers from my family. My family also helped organise travel and accommodation for my family members who travelled to Australia for our wedding.
  • Relationship marriage certificate Sep 2016
  • Relationship wedding invitation
  • Relationship wedding photos
  • Statutory statements from supporting witnesses (Form 888 and statutory declarations from non-Australian witnesses)
  • After our wedding, we spent the weekend packing our belonging and moved to John’s family’s place at 5 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

Financial aspects of the relationship

  • We opened our joint bank account on 7 July 2015, shortly after John and I started living together. Please see attached file: Financial joint account bank statements.
  • Before opening this account, we would take turns paying for daily expenses such as food, entertainment, social events with friends etc.
  • Both our scholarship payments and tutor teaching salaries are transferred directly into our joint account. During our time as PHD students, we both earned extra income by working as tutors for our university. We have also both transferred funds from our personal accounts into our joint account whenever we need some extra funds for expensive purchases like furniture, electronics, holiday bookings, wedding expenses etc.
  • The attached joint account statement demonstrates that we both regularly use our joint account for regular expenses like groceries, various personal bills, entertainment etc. Both our scholarship payments and salaries as university tutors were paid directly to our joint account and key expenses (e.g. rental payment, wedding-related, furniture, electronics etc.) have been highlighted and explained.
  • Currently John is not working and he is not receiving any further scholarship payments after the completion of his PHD. I am completing the final year of my PHD studies, hence, my scholarship payments and salaries as a university tutor are still paid directly into our joint account for both of us to use.
  • We currently both continue to use our joint bank account regularly for daily expenses, as well as all major purchases such as flight and holiday costs.
  • Because we currently live at a residence which is owned by John’s family, we currently do not have to pay rent. However, we do contribute to household expenses by buying groceries and other household items. We started paying for all electricity bills for the household from October 2016 onwards. This is paid directly from our joint account.
  • John is currently looking for work after recently completing his PHD studies. I currently have around another 12 months to go before I will complete my PHD research and studies. Once I finish studying and hopefully secure employment after graduation, we are planning to obtain a home loan to purchase an apartment.

Nature of the household

  • While living at 6 Bay Street, Randwick, we both had to handle the constantly changing schedule and time demands that are placed on PHD students. Hence, we shared our household chores in a flexible manner, so whoever has more spare time during the week would do the majority of chores.
  • I was mainly responsible for cooking and taking food to the university if John is working after hours on his experiments.
  • Our shopping was done together during any nights that we are free, although I or John would also do shopping by ourselves if the other was busy.
  • When we didn’t have any plans to go out, we set Saturday night aside for house cleaning and we did that together.
  • We adopted a dog in December 2015, and we have named him Dobby. Sharing the responsibility of looking after our dog has helped us tremendously in preparing ourselves for a family life. We both really enjoy taking Dobby out for walks, which also helps us keep active and gets us outdoors basically every day.
  • We are living with John’s family at the moment. John’s father likes to cook, so he is responsible for this most of the time. John and I are responsible for preparing lunch and dinner on Sundays. We also contribute by helping with the shopping and cleaning around the house. John’s father has retired, and he has really helped us by accommodating us into his home, and providing us with help as John looks for a job and we both look to save up to eventually buy a place of our own.

Social aspects of the relationship

  • Over the past year or so, we went for bushwalks in the surrounding national parks near Sydney on several occasions. We have now taken our pet dog Dobby on several of these walks, and this is an outdoor activity that we both really enjoy together.
  • We went to Watson’s Bay with a few other friends in November 2014 and again during Easter 2016.
  • We have also attended several major festival celebrations together as a couple (Easter, New Year, birthdays and weddings etc.). Please see attached ‘Relationship photos social’.
  • Since October 2015 we have been swimming at our local fitness & aquatic centre on a very regular basis. Please see attached: Gym cards.
  • We attended the lab Christmas party at my supervisor’s place as a couple. Please see attached completed Form 888 by my supervisor, Professor Nutty.
  • In January 2015, we and two other friends went for a road trip in Tasmania for a week during the Christmas break.
  • We have also talked to my parents on Skype regularly. I talk to my parents via Skype on Sundays, and John usually joins me for these calls. My dad and John are both really into football, and they message and banter with each other on weekends during games.
  • Our parents and John’s brother all support our relationship and marriage. Details to be found in the attached Form 888 from John’s father and brother, and the attached statutory declarations from my parents.
  • Our friends are also supportive of our relationship and invite us to events as a couple. Please see attached ‘Relationship wedding and other invitations’.

Nature of the commitment

  • The relationship between John and I is genuine and continuing. We are both committed to a shared life as spouse partners to the exclusion of all others. We have been and will continue to support each other in all aspects of our lives.
  • From January to August 2016, I was preparing to finalise my important research project submission and examinations. This was a particularly difficult and stressful time. John has always been encouraging and understanding during such difficult periods. He also offered his expertise on solving problems and answering interview questions. It was because of him that I performed well for my research project and exams.
  • My mother got sick in the same year and needed critical care for a while. It was an extremely challenging time for both of us, especially because I could not travel back home due to my need to submit my research project in time. During this tough time. John supported me emotionally and mentally.
  • These adverse life events in the end made our relationship even stronger. We both knew then we would stick together for better, for worse, in sickness and health, and that we were ready to spend the rest of our lives together.
  • I know that John is working hard with his job applications, and thankfully he already has a few positive leads with some second stage interviews that he has completed. John has always worked hard throughout his life, and he is also very intelligent and easy-going. We are both confident that he will shortly be able to secure a job in an industry/business that is related to his studies and interests.
  • I currently have around another 12 months to go before I will complete my PHD research and studies. Once I finish studying and hopefully secure employment after graduation, we are planning to obtain a home loan to purchase an apartment.

personal statement for partner visa

Frequently asked questions

Client reviews.

personal statement for partner visa


Mohammed · september 20, 2019 at 1:21 am.

Hello… My wife was unable to disclose her relationship status on her tax return this year, as this was not mentioned to her by her tax agent. It is our understanding that, the immigration might want to confirm her relationship with the taxation office. The immigration hasn’t contact us yet to explain such omission. We got married in June this year and the tax return was made in July this year.

What is your advice on this, should the immigration come back for such explanation.

Warm regards,

My Access Australia · September 22, 2019 at 8:21 am

Sorry but I would need to refer you to our consultation services if you need such advice that is personalised for your history and circumstances. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service.

Jessica · September 16, 2019 at 10:23 pm

Hello, is this declaration has to be certified by someone?

My Access Australia · September 22, 2019 at 8:18 am

Hi Jessica, Please see:

Mohammed · September 5, 2019 at 4:08 pm

Hi. On what form can you have your statutory declaration. example, form 888 is for your supporting witness but i can not find the form that will contain your declaration. thank you.

My Access Australia · September 7, 2019 at 11:11 pm

Hi Mohammed, Please see:

Kde · July 16, 2019 at 10:57 am

Hi Peg,Thanks for your information. Appreciate! We are processing my wife’s 100 subclass visa. I have a question, we have rented a unit & we also have a joint account and separate individual accounts. Our rent and grocery expense goes from my account and we use my wife’s account for other bulk expenses and saving for our future home. Can we explain the same in declaration?

My Access Australia · July 19, 2019 at 8:23 pm

Hi Kde, Yes, you should explain this in your declarations.

Sara Noghani · July 8, 2019 at 1:57 am

Hi Peng, Many thanks for the decleration sample you have provided here. My question is, how they are going to recognize where the application is lodged from? We are doing an offshore application. I as sponser am living in Australia and doing the most of the whole work and so I am filling the online application from onshore and would pay for it myself. Is this an issue? If so, how come Australian agents can apply on behaf of the applicant while they are onshore?

My Access Australia · July 11, 2019 at 8:09 pm

Hi Sara, The application will be linked to your partner’s passport and therefore Department will be able to tell from their records whether your partner is onshore or offshore when the application is lodged. There is no issue with you lodging and paying for the application from Australia – we do this all of the time for clients with offshore applications.

Kate · June 1, 2019 at 8:38 pm

Thanks for your useful information. I’m in the stage of apply PR (801) and I’d like to do it myself this time. However, I used the agent to lodge my first application(820) and I don’t have immiaccount. If I do create the new one and apply do I need to get the previous information or just use the current evidence?. If yes how can I do?

Peng Cheng · June 1, 2019 at 8:43 pm

Hi Kate, You can create your own Immiaccount to lodge the 801 visa application. PC

Gee · May 24, 2019 at 5:10 pm

I have been stalking your blog in these past few days. It has been very helpful!

I am about to apply for Partner Visa 820

– We live together for 7 months now – Our Civil Partnership cert is now 11 months but on a different address

– Are we still eligible for the Partner visa 820 application? – In the question online, what date should I place as a de facto? Date when we started dating, living together or registered the relationship?

I hope to hear

Peng Cheng · May 27, 2019 at 9:00 pm

Hi Gee, Unfortunately I can’t provide advice just based on your comment information. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service – feel free to contact us if you need advice in relation to your visa options. PC

Marian · May 15, 2019 at 1:27 pm

Hi, my husband and I have been married for a year, been together 3 yrs before that. I’ve lived in australia for a total of 9 months (3 mos/entry) before and after our marriage on a multple tourist visa. I am not on the lease because my husband still shares rent with his workmate. We have a joint bank acct, travels together, social evidence, etc. However, I’m finding it difficult to supplement the Household aspect of our marriage cos we havent lived together long enough.Any advice?

Peng Cheng · May 19, 2019 at 9:42 am

Hi Marian, Sorry but to properly respond to your queries, I’d need to ask some questions and get some information/documents from you. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service – feel free to contact us if you need advice in relation to your visa options. PC

Oge · May 14, 2019 at 7:22 pm

Hi Peng, I’m currently applying for a student visa however I have a spouse and an infant. I intend to apply for them as dependents, do I need to provide statutory declaration in addition to our marriage certificate? Additionally, my sponsor and I have no shared name may I see samples of statutory declaration to show she is my relative and will sponsor me? Thank you

Peng Cheng · May 19, 2019 at 9:35 am

Hi Oge, I intend to apply for them as dependents, do I need to provide statutory declaration in addition to our marriage certificate? You probably won’t need a declaration if you are married and have a child together. Additionally, my sponsor and I have no shared name may I see samples of statutory declaration to show she is my relative and will sponsor me? Sorry I don’t have such a post. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service – feel free to contact us if you need advice in relation to your visa options. PC

Mit · May 12, 2019 at 11:10 am

Hello Peng,

I have query regarding subclass 100. My wife has already received 309 in 2017 and we will be applying 100 soon. Currently we are sharing house with my brother in law and we don’t have any join lease document. So should be okay if we provide reference letter from brother in law? We do have join account but that we are not using for grocery shopping etc and we are using our personal account to do that.

Could you please let me know how we go about this?

Peng Cheng · May 19, 2019 at 9:30 am

Hi Mit, So should be okay if we provide reference letter from brother in law? Yes that should be fine. We do have join account but that we are not using for grocery shopping etc and we are using our personal account to do that. Perhaps explain this in your declaration. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service – feel free to contact us if you need advice in relation to your visa. PC

Sandesh · May 5, 2019 at 10:41 pm

I am just wondering if in the form 47SP for the applicant, the essay on the four aspects of relationship along with the development of relationship can be uploaded as a separate attachment after the application has been lodged. I am thinking of putting it in a separate document rather than in the form as it could be longer and may cross the 2000 word limit. What are your thoughts on this ?

Thank you in advance.

Peng Cheng · May 9, 2019 at 2:01 pm

Hi Sandesh, Yes, you can do that if you wish. PC

Kwim · April 22, 2019 at 5:32 pm

My wife and I are planning for a trip outside aus. shes currently on a 309 visa waiting for 100 visa to be process. How do I let the immigration know that we are travelling outside aus? is it by form 929? also how do we know we have the go ahead to do so

Peng Cheng · April 23, 2019 at 3:51 pm

Hi Kwim, You don’t need to inform the Department – your wife can travel on a temporary partner visa. PC

Judith Butcher · March 10, 2019 at 4:11 pm

Hello – I submitted my partner visa application onshore a week ago. My partner and I moved into together 3 months after meeting so used that as the de facto start date in Feb 2018 – there’s not much evidence though of exact dates as we were not on lease so I’m concerned they may say we cannot prove 12 months de facto… I was going to register the relationship also as I know it waives the 12 month living requirement – does it carry any weight if registered after submission though?

Peng Cheng · March 14, 2019 at 3:43 pm

Hi Judith, You can register your relationship after lodgement. This will waive the 12 month requirement at the time of application. PC

Judith Butcher · March 14, 2019 at 3:45 pm

Perfect – thanks so much for your help 🙂

Ahmar · February 27, 2019 at 5:37 pm

Hi Peng, This is a great article. I have applied for subclass 189 visa and I have recently got a CO contact and they have requested my wife to provide evidence of relationship with me for 12 months prior to visa lodgement date. We got married on Feb 2018 and i had lodged my 189 visa application on Nov 2018. We had an arranged marriage in India and my wife is not working as she decided to be a housewife therefore i am taking care of all financials and she is taking care of the household.

Peng Cheng · March 5, 2019 at 12:53 pm

Hi Ahmar, Sorry but to properly respond to your queries, I’d need to ask some questions and get some information from you. Please see Contact Us page and in relation to our Consultation Service – feel free to contact us if you need advice in relation to the Department’s request. PC

Jaspreet · August 26, 2019 at 1:57 pm

Hi Ahmar, I am applying partner visa for my wife too(Onshore application). Since you applied yourself, might be good if you can help me too. As i am filling partner visa application for my wife who is also housewife. Can you provide me your email address so that i can contact you over email

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How to write your relationship statement for a partner visa.

personal statement for partner visa

Having an Australian partner visa approved can be difficult. Your relationship statement plays a crucial part in the application process. This is why it’s important to write a good one. Most people have no idea what a good relationship statement is and most end up sounding too impersonal. In order to make sure that you don’t fall into one of these categories, you have to pay attention every time you write one. After all, your primary goal as an applicant is to make your case officer feel certain about your relationship and ensure that he or she won’t find any reason to refuse you in the end.

In this article, you will discover what you should include in your statement and how to write it in a way that proves how genuine your relationship is to your partner that will be read by the immigration officer. 

Partner visas cover the full scope, being onshore partner visas, offshore partner visas and prospective partner visas. In migration these are called the subclass 820/801, subclass 309/100 and the subclass 300.

Before you start writing, make sure you have all your information written down. You will need to provide the following when applying for a partner visa:

How to write an effective relationship statement

  • Be Specific. Explain how, when and where your relationship started

When writing your relationship statement you should keep in mind to focus on several things. You should start by describing at what stage your relationship is now and be very specific about the exact date your relationship commenced. Include every detail and try to explain as many aspects of your relationship as possible, including dates and places. Don’t forget to explain how you met, and what impact this person has had on your life.

It’s important to give precise information about your relationship, so the case officer can be sure you’re telling the truth. Be honest and tell them how you fell in love, even if the date might have been a casual one! The more specific details you provide, the easier time you’ll have proving that your relationship is real, genuine and continuing.

  • How your relationship has grown over time

As you know, the relationship statement is a very important part of the partner visa application form, because the visa officer will decide whether you deserve to apply for an Australian partner visa or not. For this reason, it is necessary to describe the story of your relationship with the officer in mind. They will never meet you in person, and its unlikely you’ll ever be called in for an interview either (!) So,  you must mention all the events you spent together and not write anything fake or invalid in your Relationship Statement. Reveal your relationship, such as are you supporting each other in good or bad times, try and show some vulnerability. You can also write about an event or a family event which your whole family member enjoyed together.

  • What are the means of communication while you are not together 

When visa officers are making their decision they consider your relationship in its entirety. You need to think about the various periods you have been separated, each of those separations, and how you kept in touch during that period. Sometimes that can be quite difficult because you may not have seen each other for months or even years but you want to prove that it did not break down your relationship. The fact that you were communicating should be proof enough.

  • List the things you enjoy doing together

The activities you enjoy doing together are an important part of your relationship. The migration officer will look at the evidence that you send to support your application to decide if you and your partner can live in Australia together. You should explain what you both like to do in your statement and include the things you have been doing together for a long time, such as sports, social clubs or going to the beach. If you and your partner regularly go out to dinner, go to movies or dancing, then this is something that should be included in your application.

  • What are the Financial conversations you’re having

This section asks you to explain how you share financial commitments and make decisions together. In general, you’ll need to provide evidence that you have integrated your finances and make important spending decisions together. It should be summarised in a way that highlights several elements of a genuine relationship: how you share your finances, how you meet your debts, how you deal with paying bills (utility), and so on. When writing this statement, there are some things that you have to keep in mind. You should know what you are attempting to prove; once written, it’s mandatory for you to keep it fit for purpose; and it’s also very important not to make any false statements or statements that can be later used against you in court.

  • Tell me about your plans for the future

Your relationship statement will be used to show whether your relationship is genuine and ongoing. It’ll also be used to explain plans and intentions for the future, such as having children, getting married or buying that piece of land and growing vegetables. So remember to include a section about upcoming plans. Be descriptive, elaborate on this area. But also describe what would happen if your relationship were to break down. This section is relevant to proving that you and your partner are genuinely committed and planning for the future together.

  • Do your friends and family know about your relationship?

The Australian government is highly concerned about bogus or non-genuine relationships. If you have a genuine relationship and you have family or friends that are part of your daily life as a couple, then include this in your relationship statement. The migration officer wants to see that your relationships are not fake so having support from family members is a bonus. This statement will define what level of involvement there is of family members of both yours and your partner’s in your love life or married life. It will give a clear idea of those close people, particularly family members. Generally family members can supply a statement which includes, their contact details and this supports your application by having them included in the application. These statements also help to present you as a responsible person regarding all kinds of matters related to previous children from previous relationships as well as newborn children or even “fur-babies” as the relationship progresses.

  • Always recheck what you have written 

Lastly, after writing down all the important details about your relationship, you must ensure you do not make spelling and grammar mistakes. Your relationship statement spells out the nature of your relationship with your partner in Australia,, so remember to double check it before signing and submitting it.

By following these, you will be able to write a relationship statement that your visa officer will feel an undeniable passion for. If they are convinced that your relationship is legitimate and you are a suitable couple then you’re in with a good chance.

To sum up, if you are preparing your relationship statement for an Australian partner visa, it is better to focus on a personal aspect of your relationship rather than the ‘whys’ of it. The whole purpose of writing a good relationship statement is to show the visa officer that you are not just in love or that your marriage will be successful but also to prove that you are together and that there won’t be any problem if you two were the sponsor and the applicant respectively. If this proves to be true, then the person with whom your future rests should get a visa without any problem!

If you have any questions or require further information please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected]  

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Tips to Write a Perfect Partner VISA Relationship Statement

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Tips to write a Perfect partner VISA Relationship Statement

A partner visa is not so simple to apply for, you need to gather so many documents, and you also have to prove that your relationship is completely genuine. You must fill the relationship statement form carefully so that you can get the visa easily. In this article, we will tell you what to do while you are going to fill the relationship statement form.

It is not simple to apply for an Australian spouse visa; you have to prove your relationship. Or you have to fulfil many terms and conditions regarding visa. These are not enough documents to apply for the partner visa, you also need to write the perfect partner visa relationship statement. So, make sure while filling your form, do not make any mistakes, which further creates a problem for your application. That’s why we suggest you meet a visa consultant , who will guide you about Australian spouse visa and marriage visa Australia as well.

This guide will help you to understand how to fill your form perfectly without any mistakes. So, you must read it carefully in order to get detailed information.

How, When, and Where you meet your partner for the first time

You may not know that it is too imperative to describe how, where, and when you meet your partner the first time. Make sure you must explain it in simple words so that higher authorities can understand it properly since it is not so simple to understand the story in the third person, who even do not know a single word about your relationship. So, be honest and clear so that they can get your point. As it plays an important role in the perfect partner VISA relationship statement.

In addition to this, if you are not sure about the date, then do not try to mention it in your statement form. If you write any negative or wrong answer in your statement, you may experience refusal.

How your relation developed?

It is necessary to describe the story of your relationship with the officer. You must mention all the events you spent together and not write anything fake or invalid in your Partner VISA Relationship Statement.

Moreover, you also need to reveal your relationship, such as are you supporting each other in good or bad times. You can also write about an event or a family event which your whole family member enjoyed together.

Do your friends and family know about your relationship?

Yes, you also mention this, if your relationship is genuine, then your family or friends are involved in it. And embassy takes this type of relations too seriously it this will increase your chances of visa.

If you are still in doubt about statement form filling, you must take help from an educated person who has vast knowledge.

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How to write a relationship statement for your Partner Visa

  • How to write a relationship…

Partner Visa

Applying for a Partner Visa is a challenging process and the fact that the partner visa has the highest refusal rate (37%) of all Australian visas doesn’t make it less stressful. For the Partner Visa the applicant needs to collect what feels like hundreds of documents to upload to prove that he/she is in a genuine relationship with his/her Australian partner. One of those documents is very crucial: the relationship statement. Before being able to start uploading all your evidence (photos, bills, etc.), you will have to write your relationship statement for the partner visa – a process that clients often struggle with as they are never quite sure how to write a relationship statement to support their partner visa application.

The relationship statement is needed for all visa types ( subclass 820 , subclass 801 , subclass 309 and subclass 100 )


What needs to be included? What language is used ? How long does it need to be ? Can we have an example of a successful relationship statement ?

These are some of the most frequently asked questions in our office when it comes to partner visa applications.

In this blog, we will go through the most important points you need to have in your partner visa relationship statements and give you tips on what information you will have to include.

Your relationship statement can be a simple word document explaining how your relationship developed. It will have to cover all 4 pillars:

  • shared financial responsibilities
  • nature of the household
  • social activities
  • future commitment.

Before you start writing!

Partner Visa changes are coming in the next few months. Make sure you apply sooner rather than later!

Before you start writing remember: Dates are a crucial part of your statement. The Department wants to when you’ve first met, what date you considered your relationship to be official, when did you move in together, when did you get your relationship registered (if applicable), when did you get married (if applicable).

relationship status

Honesty, accuracy, structure and detail are the key factors to the perfect statement and though it sounds cliché reading those key points, it will ultimately decide on whether you will be able to live with your partner or not… no laughing matter, being genuine and honest is absolutely mandatory.

When it comes to the length of your statement , there really is no set limit. You just need to make sure to have covered all important aspects of your relationship. The average is usually between 2-4 pages but can be shorter or longer in another cases. Again, the partner visa is a visa that highly depends on your situation and circumstances.

Writing relationship statement

If you follow our structure below and provide detailed answers to the questions and give relevant examples, you will be well on your way to writing a good relationship statement for your partner visa .

Beware: All relationships and people are different and the case officers know that. If they feel you are using someone’s statement or are making up stories, they will investigate further. Be honest and state your stories and its facts. Try and provide as much evidence to support your story. (e.g. phone logs, screenshots, social media messages, etc.). Write in your own words. Your English does not need to be perfect. Case Officers know that not everyone speaks English as their first language. Just write the truth, give details and provide documents to support your statement.

Partner Visa

You want peace of mind?

Having to prove to a stranger (in this case the visa officer) that you are in a genuine relationship, can be harder than it sounds. Our partner visa service includes proofreading your statement to make sure it fullfils the visa requirements and represents your genuine relationship in the best way possible.

Need help with your Partner Visa, Contact Us

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How to Write the Relationship Statement for Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa Application?

Relationship statement is extremely essential for a successful Prospective Marriage Visa application as this is a golden opportunity to tell the love stories between you and your partner/fiancée/significant other. Usually two statements are needed: one from the visa sponsor (your partner) and another one from yourself. It’s important to be honest when writing the statement to prove that your relationship is genuine and continuing. The following structures are recommended when writing the statement as it addresses the key questions (Who, When, Where, What, Why, How) that the case officer might ask:

1. How did you get to know your partner?

To start off with the statement, it’s a good idea to give an introduction on how, when and where you meet your partner. It’s best to give an exact date on when you met your partner but in case you can’t remember, you can use terms like “mid June 2017” or “late June 2017”.

2. How did your relationship develop?

In this paragraph, you can explain the factors that drive both of you closer. Was that because you have similar interests or values? Was that because you were attracted to the personality of your partner? You can then go on to expand by telling the case officer through what significant events or activities that are instrumental in helping you to realise you have intense feelings towards your partner.

3. How did you present both of your relationship to both of your families and friends?

In this paragraph, the case officer is particularly interested in knowing how your friends and your families see the relationship between you and your partner. It’s best to mention whether the family from both parties support both of your relationship and describe any activities that involved you, your partner and families/friends together.

4. When did both of you decide to marry?

In this section, you can write more about when you proposed or received marriage proposal and address how and when it occurred.

5. Was there any period when both of you lived separately since committed to the relationship?

It’s common for Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa applicant to live separately with his/her partner in another country. What’s important here is to tell the case officer how both of you keep in contact and maintain the relationship while living apart. If you claimed that both of you communicate regularly through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or any other means, it’s best to substantiate your claim by providing a screenshot of the chat log or phone record from phone bills. We understand that sometimes this kind of evidence can be a bit personal but rest assured all these are just to support the relationship is genuine and continuing.

6. Your plans in the future.

Finally, you may conclude the statement by elaborating your future plans once you are in Australia together with your partner. These plans usually are family and financial plan.

In your application, it would be helpful if you could provide evidences such as photographs, travel tickets and entry tickets for joint activities that involved you and your partner to support your claims in the statement. Lastly, it is important that you and your partner’s statements are consistent as any inconsistencies in both statements could raise suspicions to the reader. We wish you best of luck in your Prospective Marriage Visa application and alternatively you may also engage us to help you with the application to avoid possible costly mistakes.

⇒ Latest Partner Visa Checklist

⇒ cost of australian partner visa applications, ⇒ should i use a registered migration agent.

If you are ready to commence your life in Australia, contact Ausdirect Migration today at 1800 462 188.

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  • What to Include in Personal Statements for Spousal Sponsorship
  • Bright Immigration
  • Posted on December 9, 2021
  • By Brightimigration
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Bringing your non-Canadian spouse into Canada to become a permanent resident can be quite complicated due to all the requirements you have to fulfil. Spousal sponsorship applications require you to provide many different kinds of information, some of which must prove that you and your spouse are in a genuine relationship.

Proving your relationship is arguably one of the most difficult requirements for the application, but a great way to do so is with the help of a personal statement. While a personal statement itself is not required in the application, it does help you establish the fact that your relationship is real.

Personal statements will vary, depending on your situation and how you met and got together with your spouse. Nevertheless, here are examples of information you should include in your statement:

Arranged Marriage

There are many reasons for an arranged marriage, some of which may be deemed unreasonable to an immigration officer. For instance, getting married for the sake of getting into Canada will be turned down.

If you are together with your spouse because of an arranged marriage, you will need to show to immigration why that is the case. You can do this in several ways, one of which is to provide the details of every individual who had a role in planning the marriage. You can also include the reasons the wedding took place and why your parents thought you and your spouse would go well together.

Generally, the more details you provide here, the better. This information can go a long way toward proving the authenticity of your relationship.

Online Encounter

If you met your partner over the internet, there are a few pieces of information you can provide.

For example, try and remember the first day you met each other, as you will want to include that detail in your statement. Indicate the online platforms you used to maintain communication, whether through voice chats on Skype or through email correspondence. Additionally, include how often you contacted each other.

Do not forget to include how and why the two of you decided to be in a relationship. You can also recount the first time you both met in person by outlining certain details, such as the date and location.

spousal sponsorship

These are two examples of what you can include in your personal statement. Note that what you add should all be true and relevant to your situation. For example, if you were in an arranged marriage, then include information relating to that.

Of course, other information should be included about how you met your spouse, whether or not you have children, and so on. Remember, the more information you include in your statement, the more genuine your relationship will appear. As a result, your spousal sponsorship application will have a much higher chance of success, allowing you to reunite with your partner at home in Canada.

If you are looking for professional help from a  trusted firm , please contact us at  [email protected]  or call 1-888-404-8472.

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application (5 Min Trick)

Planning on studying abroad read on to know more about what is a statement of purpose and how to write a statement of purpose for a visa application a statement of purpose (sop) is the most important document that could be the deciding factor on whether or not your visa application gets accepted..

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application

If you’ve been making plans to study abroad , you would have done your part of the research to understand what are the requirements for visa application. Though it may differ from country to country, below is a generic list of requirements while applying for a student visa:

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of funds
  • Passport-size photos
  • Acceptance to a designated educational institution
  • Application fee payment receipt

Statement of Purpose for visa application

  • English language proficiency examination score

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What is a Statement of Purpose?

A Statement of purpose or an SOP is a detailed description given by an applicant which essays their professional and educational backgrounds, their personality traits and personal story. It also needs to give an explanation outlining the reasons for choosing a particular institution in the specific country, the academic course and the career choice thereafter. An SOP is required to be submitted to:

  • The admissions committee at the particular university or college of choice
  • Visa centre 

This is to convince them to accept your visa application to have your student visa issued. A Statement of purpose for a visa differs from that which needs to be submitted to colleges and universities.

Your Statement of Purpose for visa application should essentially cover these following 3 W’s:

  • W ho are you?
  • W hat are your academic qualifications and credentials?
  • Why are you the right candidate?

An SOP is typically an essay that is 1000-1500 words long and should be written in such a way that it reflects your traits and characteristics. It should be unique and specific to you. So if the content of your SOP is copied from someone else’s SOP, you would risk it being rejected. Several professional writing services provide SOP writing services. Companies like Write Right provide exemplary SOP services with their team of highly-qualified writers. 

The importance of a Statement of Purpose

An SOP is not to be mistaken with a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or a Biodata . It is a rather detailed story that clearly explains and engulfs your profile including the following points:

  • Your life visions 
  • Your desire to study abroad
  • Your career goals
  • Your beliefs
  • Subject knowledge
  • Plans after pursuing a course abroad.

To put it in a gist, a well-written SOP should portray your overall personality and your general outlook. Remember, an SOP is very important as it would be scrutinized by the visa officer and the institution to which you are applying. So take it as an opportunity, like a marketing strategy, where you need to pitch your purpose to the concerned authorities while advertising your story as well as how well you can express yourself with your impressive writing skills. 

Needless to say, there would be tons of applications that you would be competing with. In a subtle, yet impactful way, your statement of purpose for visa application should paint a picture of all the reasons why you should be selected over other applicants. You may think that your academic background falls short of the requisite expectations. But even in such a case, there is no need to lose hope. A well-written SOP could compensate for a slight lack in your academics by highlighting your future goals and explaining how ambitious you are.

Statement of Purpose for visa application is the most crucial part of your student visa application. The Visa officers would only consider your application if your SOP is honest and reflects your true persona and identity explained professionally. If you are planning on studying abroad, it is important to note that most of the countries would require you to write an SOP to be attached to your visa file, like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Format of SOP

While there may not be a fixed format for a statement of purpose for visa application, it would bode well for you if it is formatted and sequentially written professionally. Below are a few simple pointers that you might need to remember while drafting your SOP:

  • An SOP is written in paragraph form. It should ideally be 5-7 paragraphs long with 150 to 250 words per para.
  • The use of bullet points is accepted but its usage should be kept to a bare minimum and maybe even avoided altogether as far as possible.
  • Follow the general rules associated with essay writing.
  • A standard SOP is ideally two pages long unless otherwise specified.
  • The maximum font size to be used is a 12 point font and should be double spaced in normal margins. So, a standard SOP would be around 800-1000 words depending upon the font type used. The acceptable length could exceed 1000 words, but you need to ensure that it does not go beyond 1200 words.
  • Colourful text, font, and images should not be used. The text should be the default color of plain black and nothing else other than black.

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Structure of Statement of Purpose for Visa

Let us go through the paragraphs as stated below to understand the structure of the statement of purpose. Please note that the below-mentioned structure is not the only way to write your SOP. It is only indicative of how a well-written SOP should be structured.

Start with the top right corner by mentioning your name and your address along with your e-mail address. Below this, on the left-hand side, address the statement of purpose to the visa officer of the particular country for which you are applying.

This is the part where you mention the subject of the matter in your SOP, not unlike the format in which you write a letter or an e-mail. It is a header that needs to mention the subject matter of your statement of purpose for visa application. For example-

  • An SOP for Masters
  • An SOP for Grad school
  • An SOP for MBA

3. Introduction

This should be the starting paragraph, but it is not to be confused with a self-introduction. Instead of using it to describe yourself, this paragraph should be used to give a brief description of what you intend to discuss in your statement of purpose for your visa application. You may adopt various approaches to go about this paragraph: 

  • Talk about your long-term goal and inter-link it with your aspiration of pursuing the course you are applying for.
  • Explain your understanding of your chosen field and also elaborate on how you could contribute to the said field.
  • In about 2-3 lines give a brief about your background and connect it with your future goals
  • To give it more of personal touch you can even mention an anecdote that helped you realize your interest in the chosen professional field which will help. It humanizes your statement of purpose for visa application and the officer might be able to connect with the narration.
  • More often than not, students make the mistake of introducing themselves or talking about their childhood in the first paragraph. But it is very important to understand and realize the purpose behind writing the SOP. It is not about narrating a detailed story about yourself. It is all about expressively and professionally sharing your past experiences, your current aspirations, and your plans, joining all these dots in a sequential flow while also trying to convince that you have a contribution to make to their country just as their country will contribute to your growth.

4. Academic Background and details

This is the second paragraph that should summarize your academic background, qualifications, and accolades (if any). It also elaborates on what you have done so far, what you are currently pursuing,

academic strengths, projects done, or any industrial training exposure. If your grades are not that impressive, fret not. Please make sure that you do not particularly highlight any negative aspects in your SOP, without being dishonest in your approach. Do take note that you have to put across your point subtly and give them the necessary details emphasizing the noteworthy aspects of your academics.

5. Professional Experience

The third paragraph comprises your professional experiences. That is if you have any professional experience it should be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. This helps in establishing your career progression. An impressive career graph is also a great plus point and would add to your positives.

6. Reasons why you choose this particular Course

In the fourth paragraph, you need to list out the reasons for opting for the particular academic course in question.   In this paragraph, you should elaborate on the reasons for wanting to join the desired specific course and the different modules that you would be covering during this course. You should also discuss the skills you would be acquiring as a result of the course along with the exposure you would gain in this duration that would help in developing and honing the skills that are required to achieve your professional goals.

7. Career Goals and aspirations

This is the most important paragraph and should be the highlight of your SOP. Here you should elaborate on your near-future short-term goals as well as your long-term plans. 

Short-term goal: This mentions your immediate goal of where and what kind of a company you would want to work with right after you graduate from the course post-completion. Do remember to name some good MNCs with a global presence to not limit yourself geographically. Also, make a mention of the designation at which you see yourself working. Simply put, this paragraph should give a brief about the kind of job profile that you aspire to have in your near future.

Long-term plans: This is where you discuss your dream goals and aspirations like where do you see yourself in 10-15 years from the present. Although your plans may change later, you have to give an honest view about what you currently aspire to be or do. Say, for example, you may see yourself working at the top management level of a big multinational corporation or maybe you want to be an entrepreneur and are working towards starting and expanding your own business. You may be planning on contributing to expanding your family business to a global level or you may want to study further, maybe get a doctorate, or even want to become a professor or a researcher.

Whatever your plans may be, it is advisable to briefly discuss your professional goals, principles and core values. But please note that it should not just be about you. You need to ensure that you also mention how you would be able to create a difference while treading on your journey. It is important to be able to portray how you would also influence young aspirants within the industry considering the current industrial and economic scenarios and also guide them to achieve their goals and become better global citizens of tomorrow.

  8. Reasons why you opted for this University

In paragraph number six, you should try and convince the specific University about your suitability of candidature. You should discuss the benefits of the knowledgeable faculty, the course curriculum, research and fieldwork, internship opportunities as well as other activities that are specific to the university. Also, make sure that you mention how all of these things would contribute to enhancing your profile as well as how you would be the right fit for their college and how you could make a contribution to them.  

9. Closing Paragraph of SOP

In this paragraph of your statement of purpose for visa application, you should conclude by stating your passion, willingness, and readiness to pursue your desired course at the college of your choice. You need to ensure that you sound focused on your vision for the future and emphasize your seriousness to follow your dreams. Also, do make sure that you mention your preparedness to face and overcome the challenges that come your way. This para should reflect your zeal and zest to work hard and succeed with the help of your course and your college and also how willing you are to make a difference to your specific industry and the world at large on a global platform.

Is there a difference between a Statement of Purpose same as a Personal Statement?

A personal statement seems to be quite similar to a statement of purpose, except for a few aspects. An SOP would ideally include a two-page essay about your goals, motivation, experience, extracurricular activities, achievements, and so on. A personal statement on the other hand is a crisp, one-page essay about your experiences, motivation, achievements, and so on. A personal statement is usually more personal than an SOP. So a personal statement should be more elaborate about your goals and aspirations. Whereas an SOP is a much more detailed form of a personal statement.

How to write a great SOP?

Here are the three major steps that need to be kept in mind while writing your SOP:

  • Plan your SOP well- The first and foremost thing to be done is to plan your SOP by outlining a structure and accordingly work towards constructing the SOP. A good way to build your introductory paragraph is by quoting an anecdote that piqued your interest in your chosen field. List down relevant pointers and create a step-by-step framework for each paragraph, then elaborate on each of the points mentioned systematically and creatively. Also, most importantly, emphasize your reason for choosing the course and the university.
  • Prepare a draft- Before moving on further, ensure that you create a draft and then re-draft your SOP to eliminate errors. Please note that when you also share your learnings from your professional experiences, it shows that you are a keen learner, which is a positive point. Ensure to use active voice when writing your SOP. Try and limit the use of technical terms and jargon. The introduction and conclusion of your SOP need to be clear and concise that communicates your vision. One point to remember, your SOP should always be written in reverse chronological order.
  • Review before you send your final SOP submission- It’s always important to review your work before final submission. Reviewing and re-analyzing your work will help to rectify any flaws in the order, flow, grammar, vocabulary, long sentences, punctuation, sentence construction errors, and other errors and issues. Please ensure that your SOP is proofread, verified, and double-checked properly before submission. If possible, try and get a second opinion, maybe from your professor, a senior, or a counsellor.

Here are a couple of tips to write an impactful SOP

  • Please DO NOT COPY the content available on the internet and paste it into your SOP.
  • Please ensure that your SOP is not too long and limit the number of words to 1000-1500 maximum.
  • Keep it brief and concise and avoid going on and on to make your point.
  • Avoid simple grammatical errors in the final SOP. Moreover, try to keep the sentences short and simple.
  • Please do not cook up stories in your SOP. Ensure that everything you mention is authentic and believable. Your honesty will go a long way.
  • Keep the tone of your SOP conversational tone to make it interesting.
  • Try to get some expert guidance that will help you to write an effective and impactful SOP.
  • You are narrating your story through your SOP so write sentences in the first person and not in the second/third person.
  • Make sure you highlight your achievements (academic and extra-curricular).

What to include in SOP?

  • Introduction with an anecdote
  • Professional aspirations
  • Academic goals
  • Personal motivations
  • Reason to choose the particular course or College
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Achievements

What not to include in your SOP?

  • Family background
  • Informal language or slang
  • Irrelevant and unnecessary information
  • Repetition of words or phrases
  • Long, meaningless sentences

Common mistakes that students should avoid while writing SOP

Here are some of the common mistakes that students generally make while writing the SOP:

  • Sometimes students make the grave mistake of taking the SOP too lightly. Please make sure that you give it proper thought and spend enough time writing an impactful SOP.  In the eleventh-hour students often make the mistake of copying and simply pasting it as their work. Do not take that risk and ensure you do proper homework for your SOP.
  • Creating a weak introduction and conclusion could result in the rejection of your SOP. Try to summarize your academic achievements and experiences in a concise form that reflects your overall personality.
  • The use of informal language or slang in your SOP. Ensure that you write your SOP in a formal, professional language.
  • Exceeding the word limit by getting carried away with your story and writing irrelevant information will result in creating a negative impression. Keep it professional.
  • Submission without proofreading your SOP. Reverification and double-checking are very important.

Writing an effective and impactful Statement of Purpose for visa application requires a lot of time, effort, and thought. However, it also depends upon the way you do your research and homework. It is also quite subjective and the time taken to write the SOP may vary from person to person.  But the important thing is that you do not make the mistake of taking it too lightly. This is not like your regular college assignment. A well-written SOP can make or break your dream of studying abroad. And remember, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, it’s a swing and a miss. Yet, you have no reason to give up hope. If your application gets rejected for some reason, you can always try again and this time, do it even better.

Give it your all, work hard, and eventually, the results will speak for themselves. SOP demonstrates an important aspect of your personality- which is your communication. It all depends on how you portray everything. So do not get too bogged down by all the information available online. Be patient, do some research, and spend your valuable time on the right resources.

All the best!

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Q. How many pages should an SOP be visa be?

For a student visa application an SOP should be of 2 pages which means an application should have 1000 to 1500 words for example if the applicant is applying for student visa in Canada.

Q. Is SOP for visa and admission different?

Yes. The SOP for admission means the student is applying for the enrollment in the university for the course. SOP for visa is after an acceptance when the student is called for a visa interview.

Q. Is SOP compulsory for a visa application?

Yes. SOP is very important the applicant have to write an SOP whether it is for SDS or non- SDS. SOP mentions the reason why the applicant is choosing a particular course in the chosen university. So yes, SOP is a must for visa.

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Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor and UK Visa Expert



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Uk spouse & partner visa, applications.


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Our Professionally written Letter Templates will help you to put together essential Cover Letters, Supporting statements, Declarations or Consent letters for your UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application .

Our Templates have been used in hundreds of successful client cases .

Each template has been designed to:

  • Include all of the  critical details that are relevant to your case
  • Provide  suggestions on what to include  in your letter
  • Easily fill in your and/or your sponsor's personal information

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For Spouse/Partner Applications made Outside the UK when:

  • Applying to join and settle with your British Spouse / Partner in the UK
  • Applying as a Fiancé(e) to Marry and Settle with your British Partner in the UK
  • Returning with your British Spouse / Partner back to the UK after living together overseas

personal statement for partner visa

For Spouse/Partner Applications made Inside the UK when:

  • Applying to Extend or Renew your current UK Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Converting your Fiance(e) / Proposed Civil Partner Visa to a Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Applying to Switch to the Partner Route from another Visa Category

Why you need to include certain Letters with your Visa Application

Cover Letter and Support Letter Templates

Cover letters are the best way to summarise your case and confirm how you meet all of the requirements for your/your partner's visa, to the caseworker who will be assessing your application at the Home Office.

  • Applicant's Cover Letter
  • Sponsor's Letter of Support
  • Statement from Third Party (your friends & family)

Templates for Employment/Financial Evidence

Depending on you and/or your partner’s financial circumstances, you may need certain letters to satisfy the Financial Requirement of the Immigration Rules.

  • Letter from your Employer
  • Declaration of source of your Savings
  • Letter from your Accountant

Accommodation Letter Templates

Living in rented accommodation or a property owned by family/friends?  You will need either a:

  • Letter from your Landlord
  • Letter of consent from your Family member/friend

How Clients Rate Our Visa Letter Templates

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Letter Templates

Who are these for?

Depending on your and/or your partner's circumstances, you may need to provide declaration, consent, or other letters of support with your application.

These templates will save you and your partner’s time, and provide full peace of mind that you will write and structure the letter(s) to satisfy the Immigration Rules.

Are they appropriate for me and/or my partner?

These templates are designed to assist those who want to complete their UK Partner visa process themselves, but need to know how to put together supporting/consent letters to address specific aspects of the application, for example, if you are/will be living in your family or friend's accomodation,  or you will be relying on savings to meet the financial requirement.

How do we use the letter templates?

The letter templates have been structured and designed so that it is easy to incorporate your personal information and situation.

It will be clearly marked where you will need to enter/confirm further info,  in each template.

For example:

Sponsor's Name  has been employed by Company Name  as a Job Title  since DD/MM/YYYY .  

His/Her salary is £ XX,XXX per annum, and he/she has been paid this level of salary since his/her employment commenced.

Is there a the Money Back Guarantee?

No, Refunds are not available for our Letter Templates, once you have downloaded them. 

The onus will be on you: 

  • To decide and purchase the correct template(s) that is/are appropriate for your case
  • Include the correct/relevant information in your actual letter(s). The templates only provide the structure and suggestions of the wording to use in your respective letter.

How Long will it take to receive my Template?

Immediately after purchase. 

Each template is a Microsoft Word Document which comes in a downloadable Zip file.

If I buy a Template, am I allowed to ask you questions about my application?

No, if you would like specific advice about your Visa application, We also offer a 25 minute consultation service for £120 which you can book here .

What format will the letter templates be in?

They will all be in Microsoft Word format packaged together in a Zip file.

Is there a discount if I buy several templates together

No. We have made each individual template as affordable as possibe.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive template bundle, checkout our ' Tailored Checklist and Letter Templates Pack ' HERE

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Uk spouse/partner visa application.

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To help you achieve a successful outcome for you/your loved one(s), we have put together a range of Services and Tools specifically for UK Spouse/Partner Visa Applications including Step-by-Step Guides, Templates, DIY Application Packs, Documents Checking Service and More!


Melanie Wong c/o M Wong Advice Ltd

Expert Immigration Advice is the trading name of M Wong Advice Ltd which is an OISC regulated immigration law firm.

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Registered Company Address:

128 City Road, London,

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Partner Visa Personal Statements - Length? Word Count?

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I've been reading various forum posts about this, but most indications of length I've seen have been in the form of "so many typed pages"... Since formatting could be very different between these, I was wondering if anyone had a word count for theirs, or something similar? I've written seven pages in my first draft, but if statutory declarations are supposed to be double-spaced or in 14 point font or something, then I've written far too much! (It's nearly 4000 words!) I was also wondering about the connection between how long your relationship has been and the word count. Perhaps seven pages is a reasonable length if you are married and have kids, but for a 12 month de-facto relationship you're being too verbose at that length? My partner and I have been dating since 2013 so there is plenty to say, but I wonder if there is a word count that is the RIGHT one for the number of really visa-relevant things we've done in that time. Any thoughts?  

I've seen RMAs recommend 1-2 pages for statements. I personally chose to use the narrative boxes provided in the online form (they're there for a reason, right?). Those boxes have a 2000 character limit. I pretty much fill each box to the limit, and when I copied and pasted into MS Word, it came out to about 2 pages.  

can you please send this to me ?  


I think you are overthinking this. Some of my clients barely produce half a page, while others write a mini novel. It is the content that matters. Address the history and the major aspects of the relationship. Include some anecdotes, but don't go into endless detail. A married couple with children would obviously have more history than a newly engaged couple. The trick is to condense this history in easy to read format without getting bogged down in minor details.  

I am doing my personal statements too now for PMV application and im on the 7th page of my word documents as I want to be very details putting all the significant events including dates and details of our relationship. i hope this is alright content is more important.  

Evidence weighs more than words. They only need the gist of it, then you can supply evidence that gives all the details to back up the statement. For example, I'd mention where we traveled together in the statement, but I didn't explain everything we did, on what dates, at what time, for how long, etc. A few sentences to say we traveled, and then the evidence that shows what we did and where we went.  

Hi Sammy, thanks for your feedback and i agree should be short only i have to start revising. so basically the 5 points questions from webform and the other bullet points from home affair site is the same right ? this is where i got confused i thought they are a seperate topic.  

oichnas16 said: Hi Sammy, thanks for your feedback and i agree should be short only i have to start revising. so basically the 5 points questions from webform and the other bullet points from home affair site is the same right ? this is where i got confused i thought they are a seperate topic. Click to expand...
oichnas16 said: Hello Folks, Hello Skyblue and Konji, is a seperate personal statement from me as applicant required? even thou I already filled out the 5 bullet from the webform ? coz i was thinking it might be redundant if i already explain it in the webform questions. also if i understand this correctly from the note on webform it says below: "Note: There is a limit of 2000 characters on details provided for this question. Should the applicant or sponsor wish to provide additional information, they can attach further statements after the application is submitted. " so i was thinking my answer on the boxes on the webform, should be already fine and no need to provide additional seperate statement from me if i already covered it in webform. if we are doing personal statement , should it be sign by us and sign by the justice of the peace for my sponsor and sign by notary public for me if i will do a statement? just hoping i a doing this correctly...thank you for your help and advise. appreciate it so much im nearly half of my details Click to expand...
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Partner Visa - Personal Statements

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Hi Guys, In need of some help here - in the final stages of applying for a partner visa. My wife is a citizen by grant. We are completing the personsal statement. They are just under 1 paged typed. But I am worried that this isnt enough - the guidelines are very vague etc. Could anyone give me an idea of how long they should be ? or is this something that the CO would handle via interview ? Cheers Guys !  

Mine was about 3 pages, but then I ramble. Lots of people have said they provided only 1 page or even a 1 page joint statement. I, nor did anyone I know who applied, get an interview. If it says everything it needs to say then it's enough lol. I used their info as a template and wrote something under each heading. ie.......... You and your partner must each provide a statement or statutory declaration regarding the history of your relationship, including: * how, when and where you first met * how your relationship developed * when you decided to marry or to start a de facto relationship * your domestic arrangements (how you support each other financially, physically and emotionally and when this level of commitment began) * any periods of separation (when and why the separation occurred, for how long and how you maintained your relationship during the period of separation) * your future plans.  


The short answer to your question is that the statements should be detailed enough to give an accurate description of the relevant history of the relationship and how you plan to live together as partners. As to length, I've seen them as short as 2 handwritten pages, and as long as 6 typed pages. I would not make it overtly "legal" as DIAC does not expect you to speak legalese or quote migration regulations. Instead, I'd make it detailed and personal, without going over the top. It's fine to talk about love and how much each of you means to each other and how important you are to each other in addition to the more "dry" topics of where you met, how the relationship developed, where you were married, where you live, who does the chores, how finances are shared, etc.  

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Top 10 Personal Brand Statement Examples To Follow

Maddy Osman

Updated: March 11, 2024

Published: June 18, 2023

In a 2022 personal branding trends study, most respondents said they consider personal branding an essential component of work and their everyday life. 

what is a personal brand statement

It found that 75% of Americans trust someone with a personal brand, and 63% are likely to buy from someone with a personal brand. 

As an entrepreneur who is always on the lookout for customers or potential investors, you know that trust is key. Developing a personal brand for yourself can be an effective tool to help grow your business.

What is a personal brand statement?

A personal brand statement is a couple of sentences that highlights your unique skills and experience. It’s meant to be a quick introduction to people who discover you online because it summarizes what you can offer them.

Basically, it’s a catchphrase, tag line, or elevator pitch for you as a professional individual. While it showcases what you do professionally, you can also display your personality.

Why leaders should have a personal brand statement

You make a better first impression.

As the saying goes, “You only have one shot to make a first impression.” The challenge for entrepreneurs is that you don’t always know when that opportunity arises, as many first impressions happen online.

When a potential client or investor hears about you, their first instinct is to look up your social media profiles. If you’ve got a clear and well-thought-out personal brand statement, you’ve got a better chance at making them stick around for second and third impressions.

You can establish yourself as a thought leader

Thought leadership is a powerful content marketing tactic that can help you reach bigger audiences and generate leads for your business. When you’re known as a leader in your particular industry, that automatically gives you a higher level of credibility. 

A personal brand statement can strengthen your thought leadership strategy by clearly stating your area of expertise.

You can create networking opportunities

Whether you’re looking for top talent, new clients, or potential investors, networking is half the battle. 

Personal brand statements make it easy for potential connections to understand exactly what you do and what you value. Without it, you may miss out on opportunities simply because they didn’t know that you had something relevant to offer them.

Best personal brand statement examples for leaders

“bilingual creative who lives at the intersection of business & design.” —chris do.

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Chris Do’s LinkedIn page .

Chris Do is a multi-hyphenate: a designer, creative strategist, public speaker, founder, and CEO of The Futur, an online education platform.

What makes it great : Because he wears so many hats, Do’s personal branding statement is better than trying to explain everything he does.

“Helping people find their zen in the digital age.” —Shama Hyder

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Shama Hyder’s homepage .

Shama Hyder is the founder and CEO of Zen Media, a marketing and PR firm. She’s also written a book about digital marketing .

What makes it great : Hyder’s brand statement is an attention-grabbing play on her company’s name and showcases one of her key values: making clients feel a sense of calm in a fast-paced digital world.

“Write better sales emails faster with our in-inbox coach.” —Will Allred

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Source: Will Allred’s LinkedIn page .

Will Allred is the co-founder of Lavender, an AI-powered email software startup.

What makes it great : Brooklin Nash, CEO of Beam Content, shares, “In one sentence, Allred captures the entire focus of his social presence: to help salespeople write better emails faster while demonstrating his authority and sharing his product in the second part of that headline.”

“Keeping it awkward, brave, and kind.” —Brené Brown

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Dr. Brené Brown’s homepage .

Brené Brown has a Ph.D. in sociology and is the author of several books that cover topics like shame, vulnerability, empathy, and courage.

What makes it great : Dr. Brown’s personal brand statement embodies her mission statement of encouraging people to embrace their vulnerabilities by sharing her own.

“Empowering ridiculously good marketing.” —Ann Handley

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Ann Handley’s homepage .

Ann Handley is a digital marketing expert and bestselling author. Her company helps marketers get tangible results.

What makes it great : Sharon Jonah, creative director and founder of digital marketing agency Buzz Social, shares, “In four words, we understand what Handley does, how she does it, whom she’s speaking to, and how she speaks.”

“Still just a girl who wants to learn. Youngest-ever Nobel laureate, co-founder @malalafund and president of Extracurricular Productions.” —Malala Yousafzai

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Malala Yousafzai’s Twitter profile .

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel laureate and an activist whose fund aims to remove the barriers to female education around the world.

What makes it great : Her bio highlights her impressive achievements with language that makes her sound relatable. 

“Marketing. Strategy. Humanity.” —Mark Schaefer

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Mark Schaefer’s homepage .

Mark Schaefer is an educator, speaker, marketing consultant, and author. He’s developed corporate marketing strategies for brands like Microsoft, IBM, and AT&T.

What makes it great : “It’s subtle, concise, and creative. It describes what Schaefer does, what he focuses on, and his unique and distinguished approach,” says Omer Usanmaz, CEO and co-founder of mentoring and learning software Qooper. 

“Empowering successful women to take control of their finances.” —Jennifer Welsh

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Jennifer Welsh’s LinkedIn profile page .

Jennifer Welsh founded Money School, a digital course that teaches women about personal finance. What makes it great : Welsh’s strong personal brand statement says exactly what she does and whom she does it for. 

“Let’s make Excel the solution, not the problem.” —Kat Norton (Miss Excel)

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Miss Excel’s homepage .

Kat Norton (known as Miss Excel) became famous on TikTok for her bite-sized Microsoft Excel tutorials. She now offers Excel courses on her website.

What makes it great : Norton’s clever statement shows that she understands her audience's problem and highlights her personality.

“‘The Customer Whisperer.’ I help marketers discover the hidden reasons why customers buy so they can become un-ignorable.” —Katelyn Bourgoin

personal statement for partner visa

Source: Katelyn Bourgoin’s LinkedIn page .

Katelyn Bourgoin is a creator and serial entrepreneur who founded a branding agency, a mentoring platform for female entrepreneurs, and a restaurant consulting firm. She trains entrepreneurs to uncover what makes their products “un-ignorable.”

What makes it great : Bourgoin’s clever branding statement effectively tells marketers that she can help them understand their customers better and make their brands memorable.

How to write a personal brand statement

Writing an effective personal brand statement can be tough because it requires you to be catchy yet compelling. It should give audiences all the necessary information in a sentence or two.

Here are some tips for writing your own:

Think about your unique value proposition

A unique value proposition (or unique selling point) is what makes you different. It tells people why they should try your product or service, network with you, or invest in your business.

Tip : Identify your core values, goals, and strengths.

If you don't know what those are, ask yourself:

  • Why am I building my brand?
  • What do I want my audience to know me for?
  • How do I do things differently?
  • Do I have a distinct skill set, experience, point of view, or passion?
  • What value do I bring to my audience?

Keep it short and sweet

Your brand statement should be simple and easy to understand. 

The goal is to have someone look at your profile or website and immediately understand who you are and what you do, so keep it brief. Keep in mind that you don’t need full sentences either. 

Start by writing one to three sentences that outline what you do, for whom, and how you do it. You can also add a sentence about values. 

Then, look at different ways you can shorten them. Or pick out the most specific and impactful words and see what happens when you simply list them. 

Showcase your personality

Injecting your personality empowers you to share what you do without being bland or boring. Being authentic also helps attract like-minded customers, investors, and peers. 

At the end of the day, there are other people out there who may offer similar services or solve the same problems for your target audience. Your personality can set you apart.

“Don't be afraid to inject a bit of humor, quirkiness, and passion. It’ll help make you more memorable and help you stand out from the crowd,” says Usanmaz.

Ideally, you want customers to know what you do and get a little taste of what it will be like to work with you.

A personal brand statement conveys your mission, differentiates you from competitors, and attracts your target audience. Use these tips and real-life examples of personal brand statements to inspire you to write your own.

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    10 tips for writing an effective partner visa relationship statement: 1. Don't be embarrassed. Don't worry - your mum isn't reading this! Explain how and when you met, including the exact date your relationship commenced. Let the Case Officer know how your relationship developed.

  2. How to write a relationship statement for your Partner Visa

    When it comes to the length of your statement, there really is no set limit. You just need to make sure to have covered all important aspects of your relationship. The average is usually between 2-4 pages but can be shorter or longer in another cases. Again, the partner visa is a visa that highly depends on your situation and circumstances.

  3. How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

    Here are the top nine tips for writing a persuasive and powerful relationship statement. 1. You should set out key dates in your relationship. Explain how you met, where you met and when you met, and make sure that you provide the exact date and location that you committed to a relationship. Let the case office know how your relationship ...

  4. Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

    Partner Visa Relationship Statements are my FAVOURITE part of a Partner Visa Application. They are so heart-warming to read and for me put the whole application into context. An application just makes sense once I have read the couple's relationship statements. Without relationship statements, a Partner Visa Application simply isn't complete.

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  6. Want to Write the Perfect Partner Visa Relationship Statement? Do

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    letters and phone bills that show you have been in contact when apart. a statement about your relationship that describes: how, when and where you first met. how the relationship developed. when you became engaged or married, if applicable. joint activities. periods of separation. significant events in the relationship. your future plans together.

  13. Tips to Write a Perfect Partner VISA Relationship Statement

    So, be honest and clear so that they can get your point. As it plays an important role in the perfect partner VISA relationship statement. In addition to this, if you are not sure about the date, then do not try to mention it in your statement form. If you write any negative or wrong answer in your statement, you may experience refusal.

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    Partner visa - personal statement. Jump to Latest Follow 8K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by luzbishop Oct 21, 2015. G. gfrance Discussion starter 3 posts · Joined 2009 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jan 15, 2010. Hi, I know this is probably a topic that has been covered to death in the past but I havent been able to find ...

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    The 5 points are covering 5 specific details of your relationship. The relationship statement, to me, is just a short sharp summary of how you met, how the relationship then developed, up until the time you lodged the visa. Plus what your plans are for the future. You will end up writing some of the same things twice.

  23. Partner Visa

    Partner Visa - Personal Statements. Jump to Latest Follow 12K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by luzbishop Oct 21, 2015. B. boriswa Discussion starter 20 posts · Joined 2011 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 1, 2011. Hi Guys, In need of some help here - in the final stages of applying for a partner visa. ...

  24. Top 10 Personal Brand Statement Examples To Follow

    Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel laureate and an activist whose fund aims to remove the barriers to female education around the world. What makes it great: Her bio highlights her impressive achievements with language that makes her sound relatable. "Marketing. Strategy.