
299+ Forensic Science Research Topics (Updated 2024)

Forensic Science Research Topics

Welcome to the world of Forensic Science Research Topics. Get ready to dive into a treasure of fascinating ideas that crack the mysteries behind crime-solving techniques. This year’s collection spans 15 stunning categories, each including 20 engaging topics.

From DNA Analysis uncovering secrets in genes to Ballistics & Firearms exploring the science behind bullets, these categories open doors to understanding how science solves puzzling cases. Cyber Forensics delves into the digital world of crime, while Forensic Anthropology examines the stories hidden within skeletal remains.

Explore Toxicology & Drug Analysis, diving into the science of poisons and medications, or journey into Wildlife Forensics, where nature meets investigation. Uncover the secrets of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis or delve into the linguistic clues in Forensic Linguistics.

Join us as we uncover the mysteries, piece by piece, and go on a thrilling journey into the captivating realm of Forensic Science Research for the year 2024.

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Top 5 Applications of Forensic Science

Table of Contents

Forensic science stands as a crucial pillar in solving mysteries within the kingdoms of crime and justice. It includes various scientific disciplines applied to legal matters, providing key insights that aid investigations and legal proceedings. This multidisciplinary field plays a crucial role in solving crimes, identifying culprits, and bringing closure to victims’ families. Here are the top 5 applications of Forensic Science:

Top 5 Applications of Forensic Science

  • Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) : Forensic science’s foundation involves detailed examination of crime scenes. It encompasses evidence collection, analysis of fingerprints, bloodstains, fibers, and other trace evidence. This critical process helps reconstruct the sequence of events leading to a crime.
  • DNA Analysis : The advancement in DNA technology has revolutionized forensic science. DNA analysis helps identify individuals, link suspects to crime scenes, and exonerate innocent parties. It’s a powerful tool in criminal investigations and solving cold cases.
  • Toxicology & Drug Analysis : Forensic toxicology focuses on detecting drugs, poisons, or toxins in the body. It’s instrumental in determining causes of death or establishing impairment due to substances.
  • Ballistics & Firearms Analysis : This branch involves studying firearms, bullets, and cartridge cases. It assists in linking weapons to crimes, identifying shooting distances, and determining trajectories.
  • Digital Evidence Examination : In the digital age, forensic science extends into cyberspace. Experts analyze digital devices and data to recover, interpret, and present evidence pertinent to cybercrimes.

These five applications showcase how forensic science’s diverse toolkit and methodologies are instrumental in solving crimes, offering justice, and ensuring a safer society.

Top 299+ Forensic Science Research Topics

Now, join us in exploring these thought-provoking themes and be part of the thrilling journey where every clue leads to a new revelation in the field of forensic research. Let us start.

Top 20 Research Topics For DNA Analysis

  • Advances in Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies
  • Application of DNA Phenotyping in Criminal Investigations
  • Forensic Use of Microbial DNA Analysis
  • Ethical Implications of DNA Data Sharing
  • Rapid DNA Testing in Law Enforcement
  • Epigenetics and Its Role in DNA Analysis
  • DNA Methylation as an Age Estimation Tool
  • Familial DNA Searching in Cold Cases
  • Forensic Application of CRISPR Technology
  • Mitochondrial DNA Analysis in Identification
  • DNA Barcoding for Species Identification
  • DNA Preservation Techniques in Forensics
  • Y-Chromosome Analysis for Lineage Tracing
  • Population Genetics and DNA Variation Studies
  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in DNA Analysis
  • DNA Damage and Repair Mechanisms
  • Forensic Genealogy and Genetic Genealogy
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) Analysis in Forensics
  • Forensic Interpretation of DNA Markers
  • Comparative Genomics in Forensic DNA Analysis

Top 20 Research Topics For Cyber Forensics

  • Cybercrime Investigation Techniques
  • Network Traffic Analysis in Digital Forensics
  • Malware Analysis and Forensic Examination
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics
  • Cloud Forensics and Data Recovery
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysis
  • Incident Response and Readiness in Cyber Forensic
  • Social Media Forensic Analysis
  • Steganography Detection and Analysis
  • Cryptocurrency Forensics
  • Mobile Device Forensics
  • Digital Evidence Collection and Preservation
  • Network Intrusion Detection and Analysis
  • Email Header and Content Examination
  • Cyber Forensics in Financial Crimes
  • Digital Forensic Challenges in Cloud Computing
  • Live Data Acquisition and Analysis
  • IoT Device Security and Forensics
  • Cyber Forensics in Industrial Control Systems
  • Anti-Forensic Techniques and Countermeasures

Top 20 Research Topics For Forensic Anthropology

  • Skeletal Trauma Analysis in Forensics
  • Age Estimation Methods from Skeletal Remains
  • Forensic Facial Reconstruction Techniques
  • Skeletal Identification Procedures
  • Forensic Taphonomy Studies
  • Bone Histology in Forensic Investigations
  • Forensic Anthropology in Mass Disasters
  • Skeletal Analysis for Ancestry Determination
  • Skeletal Pathology and Disease Identification
  • Entomology in Forensic Anthropology
  • Postmortem Interval Estimation from Skeletal Markers
  • Burned and Fragmentary Remains Analysis
  • Forensic Anthropology in Child Abuse Cases
  • Human Rights and Forensic Anthropology
  • Forensic Facial Approximation Methods
  • Bioarchaeology and Cultural Forensic Anthropology
  • Skeletal Stature and Body Mass Estimation
  • Forensic Anthropology in War Crimes Investigations
  • Skeletal DNA Analysis in Identification
  • Skeletal Patterning in Trauma Analysis

Top 20 Research Topics For Ballistics & Firearms

  • Firearm Examination and Toolmark Analysis
  • Gunshot Residue Analysis Techniques
  • Bullet Trajectory Reconstruction Methods
  • Forensic Ballistics in Crime Scene Reconstruction
  • Firearms Identification Procedures
  • Terminal Ballistics and Wound Analysis
  • Cartridge Case Examination and Comparison
  • Striation Analysis in Bullet and Barrel Matching
  • Bullet Penetration and Damage Studies
  • Firearm Serial Number Restoration Techniques
  • Gunshot Acoustics and Audio Forensics
  • Firearm Modification Analysis
  • Forensic Analysis of Ammunition Types
  • Forensic Ballistics in Shooting Incident Reconstructions
  • Shotgun Pattern Analysis Methods
  • Bullet Fragment Analysis Techniques
  • Distance Determination in Shooting Cases
  • Trajectory Analysis in Vehicle-Involved Shootings
  • Gunshot Residue Collection and Analysis Methods
  • Ballistics and Firearms in Expert Testimony

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Digital Evidence Examination

  • Data Recovery and Reconstruction Techniques
  • File System Forensics
  • Mobile App Forensic Analysis
  • Internet History and Browsing Analysis
  • Cloud Storage Forensics
  • Metadata Analysis in Digital Evidence
  • Deleted File Recovery and Interpretation
  • Social Media Forensics
  • IoT Device Forensic Analysis
  • Network Packet Capture and Analysis
  • Timestamp Analysis in Digital Evidence
  • Malware Analysis and Behavior Examination
  • Database Forensics
  • GPS and Geolocation Data Forensics
  • Steganalysis and Hidden Data Detection
  • Memory Forensics and RAM Analysis
  • Artifact Extraction from Operating Systems
  • Wearable Technology Forensic Analysis

Top 20 Research Topics For Toxicology & Drug Analysis

  • Emerging Drug Trends and Novel Psychoactive Substances
  • Forensic Analysis of Opioids and Overdose Deaths
  • Designer Drugs Identification and Analysis
  • Postmortem Toxicology in Fatalities
  • Drug-Facilitated Crimes Analysis
  • Workplace Drug Testing Methods
  • Forensic Toxicology in Sports Doping
  • Analytical Techniques in Drug Detection
  • Toxicology of Prescription Medications
  • Herbal and Natural Product Toxicology
  • Hair Analysis in Drug Detection
  • Forensic Toxicology and Environmental Exposure
  • Toxicological Analysis in Poisoning Cases
  • Analytical Chemistry in Toxicological Studies
  • Alcohol Biomarkers and Analysis
  • Forensic Toxicology and Forensic Pathology Collaboration
  • Forensic Toxicology in Criminal Investigations
  • Forensic Toxicology and Age Estimation
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Cases
  • Forensic Toxicology and Public Health Impact

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Wildlife Forensics

  • Illegal Wildlife Trade Analysis
  • DNA Forensics in Wildlife Crime Investigations
  • Forensic Identification of Endangered Species
  • Wildlife Product Trafficking Investigations
  • Forensic Analysis of Poaching Incidents
  • Species Identification using Forensic Techniques
  • Forensic Entomology in Wildlife Crime Scenes
  • Forensic Anthropology in Wildlife Investigations
  • Timber Trafficking Forensics
  • Wildlife Forensics and Conservation Genetics
  • Forensic Odontology in Wildlife Crime Cases
  • Trace Evidence Analysis in Wildlife Crime
  • Forensic Ballistics in Wildlife Poaching
  • Forensic Examination of Fishing and Hunting Gear
  • Forensic Imaging and Photography in Wildlife Forensics
  • Wildlife DNA Database Development
  • Forensic Botany and Plant DNA in Wildlife Investigations
  • Forensic Veterinary Pathology in Wildlife Cases
  • Wildlife Forensics and International Law Enforcement
  • Wildlife Trafficking Routes Analysis

Top 20 Research Topics For Forensic Accounting

  • Financial Statement Fraud Examination
  • Money Laundering Investigations
  • Forensic Analysis of Corporate Fraud
  • Forensic Audit Techniques
  • Asset Misappropriation Investigations
  • Tax Evasion and Fraud Analysis
  • Digital Forensics in Financial Investigations
  • Investigative Accounting in Bankruptcy Cases
  • Forensic Accounting in Divorce Proceedings
  • Forensic Accounting in Insurance Claims
  • Fraudulent Financial Reporting Analysis
  • Bribery and Corruption Investigations
  • Forensic Accounting in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Business Valuation in Forensic Accounting
  • Forensic Accounting and Economic Damages Calculation
  • Investigating Embezzlement Cases
  • Forensic Accounting in Government Agencies
  • Forensic Accounting in Investment Fraud
  • Forensic Accounting Ethics and Standards
  • Forensic Accounting in Risk Management

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

  • Impact Angle Determination in Bloodstain Analysis
  • Bloodstain Pattern Classification Methods
  • Spatter vs. Transfer Bloodstain Analysis
  • Low-Velocity Bloodstain Patterns
  • High-Velocity Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
  • Area of Convergence and Area of Origin Calculation
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Shooting Incidents
  • Void Patterns in Bloodstain Analysis
  • Cast-off Bloodstain Analysis
  • Saturation and Dilution Analysis in Bloodstains
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Assault Cases
  • Swiping and Wiping Bloodstain Patterns
  • Bloodstain Pattern Documentation Techniques
  • Altered Bloodstain Patterns and Their Analysis
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Crime Scene Reconstruction
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis on Textiles and Fabrics
  • Spine and Travel Analysis in Bloodstain Patterns
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Homicide Investigations
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Accidental Injuries
  • Impact Spatter Analysis in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Top 20 Research Topics For Forensic Pathology

  • Postmortem Interval Estimation Methods
  • Cause of Death Determination Techniques
  • Forensic Autopsy Procedures
  • Blunt Force Trauma Analysis
  • Sharp Force Injuries Examination
  • Gunshot Wound Examination in Forensic Pathology
  • Forensic Toxicology in Autopsy Analysis
  • Thermal Injury and Burns Examination
  • Asphyxiation and Suffocation Investigations
  • Decompositional Changes in Forensic Pathology
  • Forensic Pathology and Child Abuse Cases
  • Forensic Anthropology in Autopsy Investigations
  • Electrical and Lightning Injury Analysis
  • Drowning and Water-related Deaths in Forensic Pathology
  • Forensic Pathology and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Forensic Pathology in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases
  • Forensic Pathology in Mass Fatality Incidents
  • Forensic Pathology and Forensic Odontology Collaboration
  • Forensic Pathology and Infectious Disease Investigations
  • Forensic Pathology and Forensic Psychiatry Interface

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Forensic Odontology

  • Bite Mark Analysis and Interpretation
  • Dental Identification Techniques
  • Forensic Radiography in Odontology
  • Age Estimation from Dental Development
  • Forensic Odontology in Mass Disasters
  • Human Identification using Dental Records
  • Bite Mark Analysis in Criminal Investigations
  • Dental Impressions and Evidence Collection
  • Bite Mark Comparison Methods
  • Forensic Odontology in Child Abuse Cases
  • Dental Evidence in Bite Injury Cases
  • Forensic Bite Mark Photography Techniques
  • Dental Morphology and Identification
  • Forensic Odontology and Patterned Injury Analysis
  • Dental Forensics and Bite Mark Validation
  • Dental DNA Analysis in Forensic Odontology
  • Bite Mark Analysis in Sexual Assault Cases
  • Forensic Odontology in Age Estimation
  • Dental Prosthetics in Forensic Identification
  • Bite Mark Analysis and Courtroom Testimony

Top 20 Research Topics For Forensic Linguistics

  • Authorship Identification in Textual Analysis
  • Forensic Stylistics and Writing Analysis
  • Threat Assessment and Textual Analysis
  • Linguistic Profiling in Criminal Investigations
  • Voice Identification and Speaker Profiling
  • Deception Detection through Linguistic Analysis
  • Forensic Discourse Analysis
  • Linguistic Analysis of Suicide Notes
  • Comparative Text Analysis in Forensic Linguistics
  • Linguistic Analysis of Ransom Notes
  • Forensic Phonetics and Speaker Identification
  • Linguistic Forensics in Threatening Communication
  • Language Analysis in Hate Speech Investigations
  • Forensic Linguistics in Cyberbullying Cases
  • Verbal Lie Detection Techniques
  • Forensic Linguistics and Anonymous Communication
  • Language Variation Analysis in Legal Contexts
  • Linguistic Profiling in Extortion Cases
  • Forensic Linguistics in Profanity Analysis
  • Linguistic Analysis of Recorded Conversations

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Forensic Entomology

  • Postmortem Interval Estimation using Insects
  • Forensic Use of Blow Flies in Investigations
  • Insect Succession Patterns on Decomposing Bodies
  • Maggot Mass Temperature and Development Analysis
  • Forensic Entomotoxicology (Insects and Toxins)
  • Insect Colonization on Buried Remains
  • Diptera Identification in Forensic Contexts
  • Insect Artifacts on Human Remains
  • Forensic Acarology (Mites and Forensics)
  • Forensic Entomology in Cold Climate Regions
  • Insect Arrival Time and Death Scene Analysis
  • Decomposition Studies on Different Environments
  • Seasonal Variation in Insect Colonization
  • Insect Evidence in Wildlife Forensics
  • Forensic Entomology and Crime Scene Investigation
  • Insect Pupation and Life Cycle Analysis
  • Forensic Use of Beetles and Other Insects
  • Forensic Entomology and Postmortem Changes
  • Insect Species Diversity on Decomposing Remains
  • Insect Evidence Preservation and Collection Techniques

Top 20 Research Topics For Forensic Botany

  • Pollen Analysis in Forensic Investigations
  • Vegetation Succession on Decomposing Remains
  • Forensic Palynology and Crime Scene Analysis
  • Plant DNA Profiling in Forensic Botany
  • Phytolith Analysis in Soil Forensics
  • Botanical Traces and Environmental Significance
  • Forensic Use of Algal Evidence
  • Plant Tissue Analysis in Death Investigations
  • Forensic Seed Identification and Analysis
  • Plant-based Toxin Detection in Poisoning Cases
  • Botanical Evidence in Wildlife Crime Investigations
  • Forensic Plant Anatomy and Morphology
  • Plant Ecology as Evidence in Legal Cases
  • Forensic Phytogeography and Geolocation
  • Plant Trace Evidence on Clothing and Tools
  • Forensic Herbal Medicine Analysis
  • Dendrochronology in Forensic Botany
  • Forensic Plant Pathology
  • Forensic Botany and Soil Analysis
  • Plant DNA Barcoding for Species Identification

Top 20 Forensic Science Research Topics On Psychology

  • False Memory Formation and Witness Testimony
  • Investigative Interviewing Techniques
  • Psychological Profiling in Criminal Investigations
  • Eyewitness Identification Accuracy
  • Deception Detection in Forensic Contexts
  • Risk Assessment and Recidivism Prediction
  • Mental Health in Correctional Facilities
  • Psychological Factors in Jury Decision-Making
  • Forensic Assessment of Competency to Stand Trial
  • Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders
  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Forensic Psychology in Child Custody Cases
  • Behavioral Analysis in Criminal Profiling
  • Mental Health and Criminal Responsibility
  • Psychological Effects of Crime on Victims
  • Psychopathy and Antisocial Behavior
  • Juvenile Offenders and Intervention Strategies
  • Forensic Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging
  • Forensic Assessment of Risk in Violent Offenders
  • Witness Credibility and Memory Distortion

Exploring the world of Forensic Science has been a thrilling journey through mysteries and discoveries. With more than 299 forensic science research topics, we’ve uncovered the secrets behind DNA, cyber mysteries, bones, and much more. From decoding crimes with linguistics to unraveling wildlife mysteries, every category held its own treasure of knowledge.

 Remember, these topics aren’t just for experts, they invite everyone to dive into the fascinating world of crime-solving science. As we conclude this adventure, let these topics inspire curiosity and understanding in unraveling the secrets of the forensic world in 2024 and beyond.

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Forensic medicine and toxicology thesis topics


Remember Subscribing to the premium thesis topics not only will enable you to browse through premium thesis topics but also you will get access to online guidance about synopsis writing, sample size calculation, inclusion and exclusion criteria and guidance throughout thesis writing. In case you dont subscribe still do not hesitate to contact me for guidance.

  •  Below is the list of 100 free thesis topics for MD/DNB Forensic medicine and toxicology. You can select any good Forensic medicine and toxicology thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium thesis topics. The premium thesis topics include list of 2000+ Forensic medicine and toxicology thesis topics as well as recent topics which has been published in various national and international Forensic medicine and toxicology journals. 
  • Autopsy based study of sudden deaths with special reference to ischemic changes in myocardium.
  • Autopsy study of sudden death cases in age group 20-40 years at tertiary health care center.
  • Morphometric analysis of foramen magnum in human skulls for sex determination and its relation to other dimensions of skull.
  • Examination of drowing deaths with special reference to histopathological changes in lungs.
  • Study of estimation of gestational age by ultrasonography using fetal parameters at a tertiary institute.
  • Study of cases of alleged medical negligence at tertiary care center.
  • Assessment of medico-legal case management and documentation at clinical Forensic medicine unit in a Hospital of Medical College.
  • Forensic evaluation of medicolegal cases with craniocerebral injuries reported to   rural medical college in central India.
  • Study of unnatural deaths in rural India.
  • An autopsy study of suspicious deaths in newly married females.
  • A clinico-epidemiological profile of snake bite cases with postmortem Histopathology.
  • A medico legal autopsy study of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to vehicular accident injury in a tertiary care Govt. hospital.
  • Medicolegal autopsy of fetal,neonatal and infant deaths with special reference to maturity status.
  • Practical problems encountered in conducting medico-legal autopsies in custodial deaths.
  • Study of clinical and medico-legal aspects of poisoning cases at a tertiary care centre.
  • Estimation of time since death from CSF electrolyte concentration and correlation with postmortem changes.
  • Medicolegal and sociodemographic study of death due to burn with histopathological changes.
  • An autopsy based study of sexual dimorphism of adult human sternii and correlation of lendth of sternum with stature.
  • An Autopsy Based Study Of Fatal Thermal Burns In Married Women – A Prospective Study
  • Magnitude Of Atherosclerosis In Coronary Arteries And Aorta Among Autopsies.
  • A Comparative Evaluation Of Ct Scan Findings And Autopsy Findings In Fatal Head Injury Cases.
  • An Autopsy Study Of Unnatural Deaths In The Age Group Of 13-21years Conducted .
  • Study Of Ligature Mark In Cases Of Violent Asphyxial Deaths.
  • Study Of Pattern Of Snake Bite Cases Admitted To to a tertiary care Hospital.
  • A Study Of Status Of Ossification At Elbow Joint & Dental Eruption In School going Children.
  • A Cross Sectional Study Of Post Dimensions For Determining Partial Identity Among Students.
  • A Prospective Study Of Suicidal Deaths Among women.
  • Study Of Spinal Injuries In Fatal Road Traffic Accidents.
  • A Study Of Fracture Neck Structures In Cases Of Death Due To Fatal Neck Compression.
  • A Study Of Estimation Of Stature By Anthropometric Measurements Of Head in adults.
  • A prospective autopsy study of chest injuries by blunt trauma
  • An autopsy study of abdominal and pelvic trauma in case of road traffic accidents.
  • A study of estimation of stature from footprint length.
  • A study on lethal cases of suicidal poisonings.
  • Abdominal wounds manner,duration of complication & cause of death – a prospective study.
  • Study of fingerprint pattern and gender.
  • Incidence of psychotic disorders in suicide cases.
  • Resuscitation and iatrogenic artefacts encountered during autopsy and their interpretation a study.
  • Estimation of age by morphological changes in symphyseal surface of pubis in males a cross sectional study
  • Study to pattern of neck injuries in cases of hanging with special reference to carotid injuries.
  • An autopsy study of patterns of head injuries in fatal road traffic accidents involving riders and pillion riders of two wheeler’s.
  • Study of fractures of neck structures and superficial wounds in fatal neck compression cases.
  • Study of sexually related unnatural deaths.
  • A study of gender determination from fingerprint ridge density.
  • Pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents amongst riders with helmets and without helmets.
  • Radiographic study of hand for estimation of age (9-13 years) based on appearance of pisiform bone.
  • Estimation of plasma pseudocholinesterase in acute organo phosphate poisoning and its co-relation to mortality – one year cross sectional study.
  • Study of pattern of unnatural deaths in children amongst the autopsies.
  • Study of fatal industrial accidents autopsied at victoria hospital mortuary over a period of 18 months.
  • An autopsy study of pattern of suicides among adolescents and young adults .
  • Trends of fatal poisoning cases and their gross stomach mucosal appearances an autopsy based study.
  • Autopsy study of various pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents.
  • Sexual dimorphism of human hip bones.
  • Sexual dimorphism of human skull.
  • Prospective study of cases of injuries due to dry heat,their early complications and cause of death
  • Age estimation from the physiological changes of teeth in adults between 25 – 60 years.
  • An autopsy study of patterns of homicidal deaths.
  • Scenario of pattern of chest injuries among the victims of accidental deaths.
  • Pattern of firearm injuries in homicidal deaths.
  • History of psychiatric illnesses in suicides.
  • Profile of Fatal Thoracic injuries in autopsies.
  • Study of pattern of neck injuries in the victims autopsied at tertiary care medical college and hospital.
  • Study of suicidal deaths among children and adolescents of 100 cases.
  • A study of pattern of injuries in deaths due to blunt abdominal trauma.
  • Estimation of age from epiphyseal union of lower end of femur and upper end of tibia and fibula in patients attending OPD.
  • Fracture of hyoid bone in cases of asphyxial deaths resulting from haning, strangulation and throtting.
  • Study of patients of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to circle of willis in deaths due to fatal vehicular accidents.
  • Study of deaths due to thermal burns.
  • An autopsy study of various types of dowry death cases .
  • A postmortem study of sudden natural deaths .
  • Age estimation by radiographic appearance of root development of mandibular third molar.
  • Prevalence of hiv amongst autopsies .
  • Study of pattern of deaths at work place.
  • Pattern and distribution of injuries in fatal road traffic accidents .
  • Incidence and patterns of skull fractures in accidental deaths with special reference to road traffic accidents.
  • Correlation of pattern of burns with morbidity and mortality-one year cross sectional study .
  • Correlation of pattern of lesions, morbidity and mortality in head injury cases .
  • Determination of age in school going children in age group 12 – 14 based on physical, dental and radiological examination”
  • Estimation of age by study of appearance of ossification centre in the wrist and elbow joint by radiological examination of school children.
  • Study of correlation between stature and finger length
  • Study of pattern of homicidal deaths among autopsies.
  • Study of pattern of injuries in fatal cases of fall from height.
  • An autopsy study of cases of deaths due to drowning with special references to middle ear haemorrhage and spleen findings.
  • Autopsy study of suicides among elderly over a period of 18 months.
  • Study of fatal thoraco-abdominal injuries caused by blunt force.
  • An Observational Study on clinicopathological features of poisoning in living & dead.
  • One yer Autopsy stuydy on Pattern of thoraco Abodominal Injuries in Fetal Road traffic Accident cases.
  • A Cross sectional stydy on pattern of Non-fetal injuries in road traffic accidents reporting to a Tertiary care Hospital
  • The estimation of stature by anthropometric measurements of inter-acromial length among students-a cross sectional study.
  • Interpretation of lesions  and cause of death among victims of fatal road traffic accidents.
  • The estimation of age from Morphological changes in pubic symphysis from 3rd and 4th Decade- An Autopsy study”.
  • Comparison of clinical and autopsy diagnosis of cause of deaths.
  • Fusion of Skull vault sutures in relation to age – A cross sectional Postmortem study.
  • Correlation of plasma cholinesterase levels in relation to mortality and morbidity in acute organophosphorous poisoning- A 1 year cross-sectional study.
  • Estimation of stature by using percutaneous measurements of long bones of legs and fore arm in Indian population-A cross-sectional study.
  • Determination of sex from fingerprint ridge density among Indian population – a one year cross sectional study.
  • Correlation and regression analysis of stature in relation to head length in adult Indian population – a cross sectional study.
  • Study of unintentional injuries at a tertiary care center- a cross sectional study.
  • Pattern of Poisoning cases at a tertiary Health Care Centre-A Cross sectional study.
  • Correlation of computed tomography scan findings with autopsy findings in fatal head injury  cases – a one year hospital based cross  sectional study.


There are many methods of sample size determination. It is one of the first hurdle when someone starts writing a thesis. I have tried to give simplest way of determination of sample size. You need to show the method to your PG teacher before you include this method in your thesis. First confirm from your PG teacher and then only proceed.

new thesis topics in forensic medicine

Hon’ble Chancellor Vice Chancellor Registrar Principal Vice Principal Medical Superintendent

Anaesthesiology Anatomy Biochemistry Cardiac Anaesthesia Cardiology Cardio vascular & Thoracic Surgery Community Medicine Dermatology (Skin & VD) Emergency Medicine Endocrinology ENT, Head & Neck Surgery Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Gastroenterology

General Medicine General Surgery Interventional Radiology Medical Oncology Microbiology Nephrology Neonatology Neurology Neurosurgery Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pathology

Public Health Research Unit Medical Education MCI Nodal Center Hospital Administration

Pediatrics Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Surgery Pharmacology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physiology Plastic & Reconstructive surgery Psychiatry Radiation Oncology Radiology/Radio-diagnosis Respiratory/Pulmonary Medicine Surgical Oncology Urology

Under Graduate

Post graduate.

Post Doctoral Diploma Courses Public Health Ph.D Hospital Administration Fellowship Courses Allied Courses

Feedback Analysis 2015-20 Feedback Analysis 2021

Syllabus of Courses offered

Under Graduate Post Graduate Post Doctoral Fellowship Courses Ph.D Allied Courses

  • KLE Advanced Simulation Centre & Clinical Skills Lab
  • Cadaveric Skill Lab
  • NIRF Prescribed Format
  • JNMC NIRF 2018
  • JNMC NIRF 2019
  • JNMC NIRF 2020
  • JNMC NIRF 2021
  • JNMC NIRF 2022
  • JNMC NIRF 2023
  • JNMC NIRF 2024
  • KLE Dr. PBK Hospital & MRC
  • KLE Dr.PBK Hospital
  • JNMC Women’s & Children’s Health Research Unit
  • KLE Society
  • Sports Complex
  • Convention Center
  • Musical Garden
  • Shivalaya Temple
  • Ganesh Temple
  • Attendance Dashboard
  • Scientific Society
  • Student Association
  • Kannada Balaga
  • Institutional Ethics Committee
  • Internal Complaint Committee
  • Anti-Ragging
  • Para Medical Course
  • Capability Enhancement
  • Faculty Login
  • Student/Parent Login
  • Dissertations
  • M. B. B. S. PHASE II
  • Forensic Medicine
Dr. Aravind Varman M. Dr. Ravindra S. Honnungar “A cross sectional study on determination of sex from plain CT scan imaging of Maxillary sinus dimensions”. 2021
Dr. Perumal P. Dr. Ravindra S. Honnungar “A cross sectional study to determine the relationship between galton-henry dactylography system with karl-landsteiner system and gender among medical students, Belagavi”. 2021
Dr. Tejas S. Mohite Dr. Vinay S. Bannur Sociodemographic Profile and Pattern of burns cases admitted and autopsied at Tertiary Care Hospital-“A Cross Sectional Study”. 2022
Dr. Debraj Banik Dr. Ravindra S. Honnungar “A cross sectional study of sociodemographic profile and pattern of injuries among deaths due to railway accident at Belagavi” 2023
Dr. Ashique KK. Dr. Prasanna Jirli “Determination of stature from inter-canine width among undergraduate students & interns in tertiary care Hospital-A cross sectional study” 2023
Dr. Pavithra. R Dr. Vishal V. Koulapur “To study the profile of medicolegal cases reporting to casualty of tertiary care hospital, Belagavi-A cross sectional study” 2023
Dr. Siddharth R Desai Dr. Vinay Bannur “Demographic profile & pattern of head injuries in autopsied cases at tertiary care hospital – Cross – sectional study” 2023
Dr. Andro Stephen Dr. Ravindra S. Honnungar “Estimation of age by medical clavicular epiphysis from plain chest computed tomography (CT) scans of patients from a tertiary care hospital-A cross sectional study” 2023
Dr. Dhivagar K Dr. Ravindra S. Honnungar An Observational Study on clinicopathological features of poisoning in living & dead. 2023
Dr. Pratima Bhat Dr. Prasann S. Jirli One-year Autopsy study on Pattern of Thoraco Abdominal Injuries in Fatal Road traffic Accident cases at Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Mortuary Belagavi (A Cross Sectional study) 2023
Dr. M Jeya Prakash Dr. Vishal V. Koulapur A Cross sectional study on pattern of Non-fatal injuries in road traffic accidents reporting to a Tertiary care Hospital 2023
Dr. Manoranjan Dr. Somashekhar S. Pujar A study of knowledges, awareness and perception towards organ donation among adult population in an urban area. 2022
Dr. Khaza Aziz Junaidi Dr. Vishal V Koulapur Estimation of stature from foot length measurements among health science students of North Karnataka region – A cross sectional study 2018
Dr. Kashif Ali Dr. Ravindra S Honnungar Correlation of computed tomography scan findings with autopsy findings in fatal head injury cases – a one year hospital based cross  sectional study 2018
Dr. Vinay S. Bannur Dr. Prasanna S Jirli Pattern of Poisoning cases at a tertiary Health Care Centre-A Cross sectional study 2016
Dr. Pushpa M.G. Dr. Manjulabai K.H. Study of unintentional injuries at a tertiary care center- a cross sectional study 2013
Dr. Shivananad Kadagoudar Dr. Manjulabai K.H. Correlation and regression analysis of stature in relation to head length in south Indian population – a cross sectional study 2013
Dr. Ajay Kumar S. Dr. Prasanna S.Jirli Determination of sex from fingerprint ridge density among south Indian population – a one year cross sectional study 2013
Dr. Vinay R Hallikeri                                                                   Dr. Manjulabai K.H. Estimation of stature by using percutaneous measurements of long bones of legs and fore arm in South Indian population-A cross-sectional study. 2012
Dr. D. R. Mahadeshwara Prasad Dr. Prasanna S Jirli Correlation of plasma cholinesterase levels in relation to mortality and morbidity in acute organophosphorous poisoning- A 1 year cross-sectional study. 2012
Dr. Vijay Kumar A.G. Dr. Swapnil S. Agarwal “Fusion of Skull vault sutures in relation to age – A cross sectional Postmortem study done in 3rd, 4th, 5th decades of Life at KLE’s Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC Belgaum. 2011
Dr. Hemanth Raj M.N Dr. Manjulabai K.H. Comparison of clinical and autopsy diagnosis of cause of death at K.L.E.’s Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belgaum – A one-year cross sectional study. 2011
Dr. Ajay Kumar T.S Dr. Prasanna S Jirli “Pattern of Medicolegal cases at KLES’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belgaum – A Cross sectional study – 2010
Dr. Suresh J. Dr. Shashidhar C. Mestr “The estimation of age from Morphological changes in pubic symphysis from 3rd and 4th Decade- An Autopsy study” 2010
Dr. Satish Babu B.S. Dr. Manjulabai K.H. Interpretation of lesions and cause of death among victims of fatal road traffic accidents autopsied at KLE’S Hospital and MRC Belgaum – A Cross Sectional Study 2009
Dr. Vishal V Koulapur Dr. Shashidhar C. Mestri The estimation of stature by anthropometric measurements of inter-acromial length among north Karnataka students-a cross sectional study” 2009

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Forensic Science Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On May 3, 2024

Forensic science is a branch of science or an application that enables using scientific tools, techniques, and principles to solve a criminal act. The application of Forensic science lies in the criminal justice system, whereby scientists probe an event to disclose the actual occurrences of a crime event.

Choosing forensic science as a career is valuable in terms of its novelty, progression, and demand. It is a fairly new field that has a lot of room for progress and advancement, with advancing technology and is in demand to dig out the ground realities of a crime. When you practice forensic science, no two days will be the same, unlike other professions. One day, you may be testing samples and making assessments of the results other days.

But before you start practising, you are required to complete your degree which is conditioned by conditioned with writing a dissertation in the final year. If you are clueless about where to start your dissertation, you are not alone. Go through some of the dissertation topics related to forensic science given below, along with their research aim, and get an idea of how to begin your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a  brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research question , aim and objectives,  literature review , along the proposed methodology  of research to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

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Latest Forensic Science Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: investigating the challenges associated with pattern and impression evidence for recommending scientific foundations for accuracy, reliability and validity of forensic analysis.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the challenges associated with pattern and impression evidence to recommend scientific foundations for the accuracy, reliability, and validity of forensic analysis.


  • To critically analyse the challenges of pattern and impression evidence in forensics.
  • To evaluate the use of qualitative comparisons in forensic analysis of pattern evidence and impression to detect any scope of examiner bias.
  • To recommend measures for increasing the accuracy, reliability and validity of forensic analysis based on scientific foundations.

Topic 2: Investigating the impact of medical imaging technologies for determining the cause of and manner of sudden death to potentially interpret evidence of foul play

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the impact of medical imaging technologies for determining the cause of and manner of sudden death to potentially interpret evidence of foul play

  • To analyse the forensic sciences used in the determination of sudden death.
  • To determine the role of medical imaging technologies in determining sudden death and foul play.
  • To evaluate the impact of medical imaging technologies in determining the cause and manner of sudden infant death.

Topic 3: An evaluation of the impact of forensic odontology on solving crimes and legal ethics.

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the impact of forensic odontology on solving crimes and the associated legal ethics.

  • To analyse the role of forensic odontology in the identification of unknown diseased individuals.
  • To analyse the impact of forensic odontology in solving medicolegal problems and providing expert testimony in criminal cases.
  • To investigate the efficacy with which forensic odontologists identify human remains from crime scenes and detect signs of abuse or neglect among children and the elderly.

Topic 4: Evaluation of the impact of forensic anthropology on the identification of age, gender and size of crime victims.

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the impact of forensic anthropology on the identification of age, gender and size of crime victims.

  • To contextualise the role application of forensic anthropology in solving criminal cases.
  • To analyse the work of forensic anthropologists and determine their role in crime scenes.
  • To investigate the role of forensic anthropology in identifying the age, gender and size of crime victims.

Topic 5: Determining the effectiveness of blood spatter studies in identifying the nature and timing of crime at crime scenes

Research Aim: The research aims to determine the effectiveness of blood spatter studies in identifying the nature and timing of crime at crime scenes

  • To determine the applications of blood spatter studies in forensic sciences.
  • To analyse the methods of detecting the nature and timing of crime at the crime scenes.
  • To investigate the effectiveness of blood spatter studies and the scientific basis in identifying the nature and timing of crime at crime scenes

Topic. 1: Forensic science in the 20th century and today

Research Aim: The research aim of the paper will be to find and analyse the differences between the forensic science that existed in the 20 th century and the forensic science that exists today. The research will also identify the basis for forensic science and identify the progress it has made in the time span.

Different methods can be employed to study the difference such as qualitative and quantitative analysis. In one way, forensic science’s conventional and modern methods and principles can be tested for accuracy and precision. In addition, forensic scientists can be interviewed about the differences that they have experienced in the testing methodologies.

Topic. 2: Case Study of the criminal cases and convictions resolved through forensic science

Research Aim: The aim of the research will be to study a couple or more cases that are resolved through forensic science. The research will identify in which capacity the forensic science was eminent in finding significant results, identifying the indicators, and thus disclosing the facts to resolve a complicated criminal case easily.

For more value, the researcher can study high-profile cases to identify the role of forensic science in resolving the most emphatic cases.

Topic. 3: Role of botany and entomology in the forensic science

Research Aim: Botany is the study of plants, and it is significantly related to forensic science. In forensic science, botany can be used to investigate a suspicious plant material at the crime scene. On the other hand, entomology is the study of insects. This study helps in finding the time since death and the source of the dead body.

The research will aim to find the wide importance of botany and entomology in forensic science. The researcher can examine the methods and principles of entomology and botany and identify their application in botany and entomology.

Topic. 4: The impact of swift changes and innovation in technology on the forensic science

Research Aim: Forensic science has improved and changed a lot from what it was twenty to thirty years ago. As innovations and advancements occur in the field of science, methods, techniques, tools, and principles are being modified and simplifie .

The main aim of the research will be to identify the changes and innovations in technology and find their significant impact on forensic science.

Topic. 5: Future of forensic science

Research Aim: The aim of the research will be to speculate on the future of forensic science while considering current aspects and trends. The researcher can study the opinions of forensic science researchers, examine trends, and reach a finding.

Topic. 6: Forensic science and ethical dilemmas

Research Aim: The application of forensic science is very vast, yet when it comes to ethical and moral ideologies, it has to stumble in some societies.

The aim of the research will be to identify the ethical dilemmas around forensic science in different regions of the world. The study may incorporate the assessment of cultural and religious values and examine the factors lying at the heart of the dilemmas.

Topic 7: Process of victim identification through skeletal remains

Research Aim: The research will find and discuss how a victim can be identified through skeletal remains and what steps they have to go through to find results. The research can also discuss the scope, significance, and progress made in the techniques and tools used for identification.

Topic 8: The future of forensic anthropology

Research Aim: Forensics is very useful in studying anthropology, which incorporates the scientific study of humans. The aim of the research will be to identify the future of forensic anthropology, considering to what extent forensics is applicable in anthropology today and how it will advance the study in the future if it does.

Topic 9: Value of crime scene photography in forensics

Research Aim: The research will carry out a scientific analysis of why crime scene photography is important in forensics. It will examine the cases with and without crime scene photography and their impact on forensics and, therefore on the results.

Topic. 10: Drugs and Forensics

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the effects of opioids and other drugs on forensics and examine how they can halt or boost the examination process.

Topic. 11: Reliability of fingerprint and pattern impression evidence

Research Aim: The roots of forensics lie in the heart of fingerprint and pattern impressions.

The research will identify how reliable a fingerprint or other impression evidence is. It will find if it is easy to reach conclusive results with this evidence. And how wrong evidence can devastate the credibility of forensics.

Topic 12: The downsides of forensic science

Research Aim: While the scope of forensics is immense, we also need to identify the downside to it. The aim of the research will be to find the downsides of forensic science, its potential, and how it may affect the criminal justice system as a whole.

Topic. 13: Geographic forensic science

Research Aim: The research will aim to study and deeply analyse forensic geology. It will thoroughly study all four types of Geographic forensics: pedology, mineralogy and petrology; geophysics; natural geography and geoscience; remote sensing, location data and Geographic Information systems (GIS).

Topic. 14: Nuclear forensic science

Research Aim: Nuclear forensic science is the investigation and study of nuclear material to investigate the origin and history of the material.

The research will study and analyse Nuclear forensic science, its scope, implications, and future.

Topic. 15: Role of RNA in forensic science

Research Aim: Ribonucleic acid is a molecule in our body that is similar to DNA. While DNA plays a significant role in forensics, RNA also holds immense value.

The research will study the role of RNA in forensic science, its scope, and its principles for investigation.

Topic. 16: Role of Blood spatters in solving crimes

Research Aim: The research will aim to analyse and figure out the role of the blood spatters of the victim or culprit in investigating the time of death, the source that caused the blood spatters, and the identity of the victim or culprit.

Topic. 17: Forensic frauds and their penalties

Research Aim: Oftentimes, forensic reports are doctored to mislead the judiciary and save the real culprit. The research will find out if there are laws around handling forensic investigations and penalties for fraud around the world. The researcher can study the laws in a particular context—for example,  Forensic frauds and their penalties in Europe, or the United Kingdom, etc.

Topic. 18: History of Forensic Science

Research Aim: The main research aim of the research will be to study and analyse the history of forensic science. The research will make significant, useful contrasts to understand the roots of forensics and its evolution.

Topic. 19: Understanding Antemortem, Perimortem, and Postmortem

Research Aim: Experts have to differentiate between antemortem, perimortem, and postmortem bone fracture to estimate the postmortem interval. The research aim will be to understand the concepts of antemortem, perimortem, and postmortem and their scope in forensics.

Topic. 20: Forensic science and facial recognition

Research Aim: The main aim of the research is to identify and analyse the scope of financial recognition in forensics. It will also discuss the developments and prospects in the field.

Topic 21: The Role of Forensic Anthropology in Mass Disaster Victim Identification.

Research Aim: This research investigates the role of forensic anthropology in the process of mass disaster victim identification. The study focuses on its methodologies, technologies, challenges, and advancements.

Topic 22: DNA Profiling and its Application in Forensic Investigations.

Research Aim: This study explores the principles, methodologies, and applications of DNA profiling in forensic investigations. It focuses on understanding its significance, challenges, and advancements. The research further aims to provide insights into improving forensic techniques.

Topic 23: Digital Forensics and Challenges and Innovations in Cybercrime Investigations.

Research Aim: This research examines the evolving landscape of digital forensics, including its methodologies, challenges, and innovative techniques, within the context of cybercrime investigations.

Topic 24: Forensic Entomology: Advancements in Estimating Postmortem Interval.

Research Aim: This study explores the latest advancements in forensic entomology for estimating postmortem interval (PMI), encompassing methodologies, technologies, and challenges, with the objective of enhancing the accuracy and reliability of PMI determination in forensic investigations.

Topic 25: The Effectiveness of Forensic Odontology in Human Identification.

Research Aim: This research assesses the effectiveness and reliability of forensic odontology in human identification, exploring its methodologies, techniques, limitations, and advancements to elucidate its role in forensic investigations.

Topic 26: The Use of Isotopic Analysis in Forensic Investigations.

Research Aim: To investigate the use of isotopic analysis in forensic investigations, examining its methodologies, applications, limitations, and advancements to understand its efficacy in tracing geographical origins, dietary habits, and movement patterns of individuals.

Topic 27: The Use of Geographical Profiling in Serial Crime Investigations.

Research Aim: To examine the effectiveness and applications of geographical profiling in serial crime investigations, exploring its methodologies, algorithms, limitations, and advancements, to understand its role in identifying offender spatial behaviour patterns, assisting law enforcement agencies in prioritising investigative resources, and enhancing the apprehension of serial offenders.

Topic 28: The Role of Forensic Genetics in Ancestry and Kinship Analysis.

Research Aim: To investigate the role of forensic genetics in ancestry and kinship analysis, exploring methodologies, technologies, challenges, and advancements to understand its utility in tracing familial relationships and ancestral origins, contributing to the resolution of criminal cases, and informing ethical considerations surrounding genetic privacy and identity.

Topic 29: Forensic Botany: Investigating Plant Evidence in Wildlife Crime Cases.

Research Aim: To explore the application of forensic botany in wildlife crime investigations, examining methodologies, techniques, challenges, and advancements, to understand its efficacy in analysing plant evidence, identifying species, and reconstructing crime scenes.

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How to find forensic science dissertation topics.

To discover forensic science dissertation topics:

  • Research recent advancements.
  • Examine unsolved cases or challenges.
  • Investigate emerging technologies.
  • Explore DNA, digital forensics, etc.
  • Analyse legal and ethical aspects.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and expertise.

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1.      Autopsy based study of sudden deaths with special reference to ischemic changes in myocardium.

2.      Autopsy study of sudden death cases in age group 20-40 years at tertiary health care center.

3.      Morphometric analysis of foramen magnum in human skulls for sex determination and its relation to other dimensions of skull.

4.      Examination of drowing deaths with special reference to histopathological changes in lungs.

5.      Study of estimation of gestational age by ultrasonography using fetal parameters at a tertiary institute.

6.      Study of cases of alleged medical negligence at tertiary care center.

7.      Assessment of medico-legal case management and documentation at clinical Forensic medicine unit in a Hospital of Medical College.

8.      Forensic evaluation of medicolegal cases with craniocerebral injuries reported to   rural medical college in central India.

9.      Study of unnatural deaths in rural India.

10. An autopsy study of suspicious deaths in newly married females.

11. A clinico-epidemiological profile of snake bite cases with postmortem Histopathology.

12. A medico legal autopsy study of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to vehicular accident injury in a tertiary care Govt. hospital.

13. Medicolegal autopsy of fetal,neonatal and infant deaths with special reference to maturity status.

14. Practical problems encountered in conducting medico-legal autopsies in custodial deaths.

15. Study of clinical and medico-legal aspects of poisoning cases at a tertiary care centre.

16. Estimation of time since death from CSF electrolyte concentration and correlation with postmortem changes.

17. Medicolegal and sociodemographic study of death due to burn with histopathological changes.

18. An autopsy based study of sexual dimorphism of adult human sternii and correlation of lendth of sternum with stature.

19. An Autopsy Based Study Of Fatal Thermal Burns In Married Women – A Prospective Study

20. Magnitude Of Atherosclerosis In Coronary Arteries And Aorta Among Autopsies.

21. A Comparative Evaluation Of Ct Scan Findings And Autopsy Findings In Fatal Head Injury Cases.

22. An Autopsy Study Of Unnatural Deaths In The Age Group Of 13-21years Conducted .

23. Study Of Ligature Mark In Cases Of Violent Asphyxial Deaths.

24. Study Of Pattern Of Snake Bite Cases Admitted To to a tertiary care Hospital.

25. A Study Of Status Of Ossification At Elbow Joint & Dental Eruption In School going Children.

26. A Cross Sectional Study Of Post Dimensions For Determining Partial Identity Among Students.

27. A Prospective Study Of Suicidal Deaths Among women.

28. Study Of Spinal Injuries In Fatal Road Traffic Accidents.

29. A Study Of Fracture Neck Structures In Cases Of Death Due To Fatal Neck Compression.

30. A Study Of Estimation Of Stature By Anthropometric Measurements Of Head in adults.

31. A prospective autopsy study of chest injuries by blunt trauma

32. An autopsy study of abdominal and pelvic trauma in case of road traffic accidents.

33. A study of estimation of stature from footprint length.

34. A study on lethal cases of suicidal poisonings.

35. Abdominal wounds manner,duration of complication & cause of death – a prospective study.

36. Study of fingerprint pattern and gender.

37. Incidence of psychotic disorders in suicide cases.

38. Resuscitation and iatrogenic artefacts encountered during autopsy and their interpretation a study.

39. Estimation of age by morphological changes in symphyseal surface of pubis in males a cross sectional study

40. Study to pattern of neck injuries in cases of hanging with special reference to carotid injuries.

41. An autopsy study of patterns of head injuries in fatal road traffic accidents involving riders and pillion riders of two wheeler’s.

42. Study of fractures of neck structures and superficial wounds in fatal neck compression cases.

43. Study of sexually related unnatural deaths.

44. A study of gender determination from fingerprint ridge density.

45. Pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents amongst riders with helmets and without helmets.

46. Radiographic study of hand for estimation of age (9-13 years) based on appearance of pisiform bone.

47. Estimation of plasma pseudocholinesterase in acute organo phosphate poisoning and its co-relation to mortality – one year cross sectional study.

48. Study of pattern of unnatural deaths in children amongst the autopsies.

49. Study of fatal industrial accidents autopsied at victoria hospital mortuary over a period of 18 months.

50. An autopsy study of pattern of suicides among adolescents and young adults .

51. Trends of fatal poisoning cases and their gross stomach mucosal appearances an autopsy based study.

52. Autopsy study of various pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents.

53. Sexual dimorphism of human hip bones.

54. Sexual dimorphism of human skull.

55. Prospective study of cases of injuries due to dry heat,their early complications and cause of death

56. Age estimation from the physiological changes of teeth in adults between 25 – 60 years.

57. An autopsy study of patterns of homicidal deaths.

58. Scenario of pattern of chest injuries among the victims of accidental deaths.

59. Pattern of firearm injuries in homicidal deaths.

60. History of psychiatric illnesses in suicides.

61. Profile of Fatal Thoracic injuries in autopsies.

62. Study of pattern of neck injuries in the victims autopsied at tertiary care medical college and hospital.

63. Study of suicidal deaths among children and adolescents of 100 cases.

64. A study of pattern of injuries in deaths due to blunt abdominal trauma.

65. Estimation of age from epiphyseal union of lower end of femur and upper end of tibia and fibula in patients attending OPD.

66. Fracture of hyoid bone in cases of asphyxial deaths resulting from haning, strangulation and throtting.

67. Study of patients of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to circle of willis in deaths due to fatal vehicular accidents.

68. Study of deaths due to thermal burns.

69. An autopsy study of various types of dowry death cases .

70. A postmortem study of sudden natural deaths .

71. Age estimation by radiographic appearance of root development of mandibular third molar.

72. Prevalence of hiv amongst autopsies .

73. Study of pattern of deaths at work place.

74. Pattern and distribution of injuries in fatal road traffic accidents .

75. Incidence and patterns of skull fractures in accidental deaths with special reference to road traffic accidents.

76. Correlation of pattern of burns with morbidity and mortality-one year cross sectional study .

77. Correlation of pattern of lesions, morbidity and mortality in head injury cases .

78. Determination of age in school going children in age group 12 – 14 based on physical, dental and radiological examination”

79. Estimation of age by study of appearance of ossification centre in the wrist and elbow joint by radiological examination of school children.

80. Study of correlation between stature and finger length

81. Study of pattern of homicidal deaths among autopsies.

82. Study of pattern of injuries in fatal cases of fall from height.

83. An autopsy study of cases of deaths due to drowning with special references to middle ear haemorrhage and spleen findings.

84. Autopsy study of suicides among elderly over a period of 18 months.

85. Study of fatal thoraco-abdominal injuries caused by blunt force.

86. An Observational Study on clinicopathological features of poisoning in living & dead.

87. One yer Autopsy stuydy on Pattern of thoraco Abodominal Injuries in Fetal Road traffic Accident cases.

88. A Cross sectional stydy on pattern of Non-fetal injuries in road traffic accidents reporting to a Tertiary care Hospital

89. The estimation of stature by anthropometric measurements of inter-acromial length among students-a cross sectional study.

90. Interpretation of lesions  and cause of death among victims of fatal road traffic accidents.

91. The estimation of age from Morphological changes in pubic symphysis from 3rd and 4th Decade- An Autopsy study”.

92. Comparison of clinical and autopsy diagnosis of cause of deaths.

93. Fusion of Skull vault sutures in relation to age – A cross sectional Postmortem study.

94. Correlation of plasma cholinesterase levels in relation to mortality and morbidity in acute organophosphorous poisoning- A 1 year cross-sectional study.

95. Estimation of stature by using percutaneous measurements of long bones of legs and fore arm in Indian population-A cross-sectional study.

96. Determination of sex from fingerprint ridge density among Indian population – a one year cross sectional study.

97. Correlation and regression analysis of stature in relation to head length in adult Indian population – a cross sectional study.

98. Study of unintentional injuries at a tertiary care center- a cross sectional study.

99. Pattern of Poisoning cases at a tertiary Health Care Centre-A Cross sectional study.

100.    Correlation of computed tomography scan findings with autopsy findings in fatal head injury  cases – a one year hospital based cross  sectional study.

101.   A study of knowledges, awareness and perception towards organ donation among adult population in an urban area.

102.   An autopsy-based study of fatal thermal burns in married women 

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A Forensic Autopsy Study of Dead Foetuses and Newborns

Background: The term abandonment refers to babies or foetuses which are found abandoned at various unwanted places such as gutter, rubbish dumps, railway tracts and bushes. It does not refer to live born babies left in places, such as hospitals where care can be given by someone other than the mother. Aims and Objectives: To find out the distribution of death cases of newborns/feotuses and to trace its probable reason and its relationship with female foeticide.Methods:A retrospective study of all the medico-legal autopsies of foetuses and newborns was conducted in Forensic medicine and Toxicology department, Government Medical College, Amritsar (Punjab) from Jan 1, 2014 to Jul 31, 2021. During this period, 46 cases of fetal and newborn deaths had been studied.Results:The dead bodies of known foetuses/newborns is 43.5% cases while total unknown cases were 56.5% cases. 32.6% cases were non viable foetuses while 10.8% cases died as a result of prematurity. All the unknown cases (56.5%) were found from the abandoned places like street, bushes, canal side, water bodies that mainly includes pond and railway tract.Conclusion:Despite, the problem is present in every corner of the nation, there is dearth of research studies on this issue. Stringent measures and strict checks are required against antenatal sex determination. The motive behind the abandonment of foetuses can be any, but this grave issue needs urgent attention.

Mites occurring in farm buildings as allergic agents and indicators in forensic analyses

Storage mites, especially several species in the families Acaridae, Glycyphagidae, and Chortoglyphidae are commonly found in farming and occupational environments. They are a source of clinically important allergens, and may also have a significant impact on forensic analyses. They may be of use in forensic situations, particularly as allergenic taxa, in relation to workers who are occupationally exposed to mites. Additionally, because many of them are present through all stages of vertebrate decomposition, they may provide valuable information as indicators of time and circumstances of death. This study aimed to investigate the possible occurrence and abundance of allergenic mites in farm buildings, as well as to examine and analyse collected material samples in relation to forensic medicine. A total of 58 samples from 15 farms in the Żywiecki district (Silesian Province, Poland) were examined as potential sources of allergenic mites in farm buildings with a special reference to forensic acarology. Mites were found in all the examined samples. A total of 4,473 specimens were isolated and 22 mite species were identified. Most of them were found in barns and pigsties. The species composition of the acarofauna was varied across the particular types of farm buildings examined. Generally, the dominant species were representatives of families Acaridae and Glycyphagidae (Astigmatina). This knowledge may be useful in a variety of cases or situations in the field of forensic medicine.

South African and international legislature with relevance to the application of electronic documentation in medicolegal autopsies for practice and research purposes

Abstract Background Forensic and legal medicine requires all documentation to be recorded in a manner that is admissible in court. Issues surrounding privacy, confidentiality, and security mar the implementation of electronic document systems in medicine. Awareness of current legislature governing record keeping and electronic documentation especially in modern medicine and forensic medicine has not been sufficiently explored. This study explored the current South African and international laws that govern admissibility of evidence, especially relating to electronic evidence, for use in court and research, Findings Egypt, UK, Canada and the USA have similar legislation to South Africa regarding admissibility of electronic records. The South African Electronic Communications and Transactions Act no. 25 of 2002 defines data and the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 further defines the admissibility of evidence in court and the National Health Act regulates publication of deceased information after death. Conclusions Forensic medicine requires all documentation to be admissible in court and the storage of data thus requires proper custodianship and a high level of security, which can be achieved with modern technology. Modern medicine is evolving and technology can create secure and efficient methods of record keeping which will benefit forensic and legal medicine. Knowledge of the laws regarding admissibility of evidence can assist in creating electronic evidence that is permitted in court and can be used for research.


Forensic medicine in nepal: past, present, and future, an experience on facts about teaching forensic medicine to undergraduate medical students in south africa, external examiner’s report for the 4th year medical examination in forensic medicine: is it a magician with a wand, optimum standardization of healthcare medicolegal reports in egypt: a forensic medicine initiative, age estimation from left-hand radiographs with deep learning methods.

Bone age is estimated in pediatric medicine for medical and legal purposes. In pediatric medicine, it aids in the growth and development assessment of various diseases affecting children. In forensic medicine, it is required to determine criminal liability by age, refugee age estimation, and child-adult discrimination. In such cases, radiologists or forensic medicine specialists conduct bone age estimation from left hand-wrist radiographs using atlas methods that require time and effort. This study aims to develop a computer-based decision support system using a new modified deep learning approach to accelerate radiologists' workflow for pediatric bone age estimation from wrist radiographs. The KCRD dataset created by us was used to test the proposed method. The performance of the proposed modified IncepitonV3 model compared to IncepitonV3, MobileNetV2, EfficientNetB7 models. Acceptably high results (MAE=4.3, RMSE=5.76, and R2=0.99) were observed with the modified IncepitonV3 transfer deep learning method.

FAHMY Khaled, In Quest of Justice. Islamic Law and Forensic Medicine in Modern Egypt

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Forensic Science Dissertation Topics: 20+ Ideas For Your Research

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by  Antony W

July 11, 2022

Forensic Science Dissertation Topics

If you’re a student currently studying for a PhD in forensic science, you’ll need to write a dissertation in your area of study to graduate and earn your masters. That’s why it’s important to look at some forensic science dissertation topics to help you find an area to investigate further in your research.

Forensic science is an area of study that focuses on the application of science to civil and criminal law during criminal investigation. As a forensics student, you’ll learn how to examine traces of material evidence to determine what exactly occurred. Also, the study involves the presentation of impartial scientific evidence that the authorities can use in court.

Our guide to choosing dissertation topics , even for the field of forensic, remains unchanged. Choose an interesting topic, but one that you can explore within the scope or research constraints of the project.

With that said, let’s look at some interesting topics that you can start to explore right away.

Forensic Science Dissertation Topics

Here are some interesting forensic dissertation topics that are likely to catch your professor’s attention. Pick any of the topic depending on the selection criteria we’ve shared with you and present it to your supervisor for review.

1. General Issues in Forensic Studies

We can define forensic science as the application of scientific procedures such as data gathering, testing, and observation to discover how historical events occurred with the goal of generating unbiased evidence in a court of law.

Formally, the term forensic referred to public gathering spaces where individuals assembled to talk about criminal matters. Defendants would utilize these venues to testify in front of a court about their innocence. There has been an evolution to the term, which now refers to the act of collecting of legal evidence that the people involved in a case can produce in a court.

Notably, forensic science also involves the application of scientific and empirical methodologies to falsify or verify evidence to determine the trustworthiness of a case.

Some dissertation topics that you can research further in this category are as follows: 

  • Is there uniformity in forensic services across England because of the unification of England’s police forces?
  • An evaluation of the efficiency of dry vacuuming approach to retrieve DNA from handwritten papers
  • Identification of the effects of microwave radiation on protein digestion in bodily fluids
  • Examine keystroke biometrics’ potential as a forensic technique for user profiling.
  • Examine the effectiveness of applying gene expression approaches to examine aging injuries and injury age assessment
  • An examination of the evidence linked to arsonists’ clothing that has suffered superficial heat damage
  • Environmental pollen analysis as a method for detecting counterfeit cigarettes

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2. Ethical Issues

In contrast to trade-based occupations, forensic science is controlled by a self-imposed ethical code of conduct that all practitioners must follow.

The following are examples of great topics that you can explore in your dissertation project, if you decide to do a forensic project on ethical issues:

  • Examine the argument that outsourcing forensic scientific work to private contractors in the United Kingdom has resulted in a drop in quality.
  • What influence is the growing employment of private forensic consultants, who may not be bound by the same disciplinary rules as regular forensic consultants, having on the field of forensic science?
  • What ethical issues do you see with DNA sample collecting, storage, access, retention, and sharing right now?
  • To what degree is it an ethical dilemma for forensic science to utilize genetic research results to assign ethnic and racial designations to samples found at a crime scene?

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3. Current and Emerging Issues in Forensic Science

The ways in which crimes are committed and investigated are evolving because of technological advancements and society’s growing reliance on technology. The globe is on the verge of a slew of new technologies that will open up new avenues for criminals while also posing new obstacles for law enforcement.

The most prominent example is the threat posed by cybercrime. Other technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, are examples of completely new fields that will bring dramatic change in forensic investigation.

Some topics you can explore in this category are as follows:

  • Examine the effectiveness of USB devices and remote monitoring software in controlling sex offenders’ computer usage.
  • In light of globally accepted legal norms, examine the most often utilized approaches in forensic bitcoin investigations.
  • What are the applications of Deep Learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence, in cyber-forensics?
  • What are the forensic issues posed by the Internet of Things and its increased criminal potential?
  • What are the benefits of using blockchain technology to aid digital forensics?
  • Examine the use of forensic science in analyzing the usage of cryptocurrency payment flows in a variety of criminal activities.
  • How well equipped is forensic science for technological advancements and, by extension, technology-enabled crime?

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Brexit has had and continues to have a significant influence on the British economy and society. The growth of police and judicial cooperation in the EU has helped the United Kingdom. These have included participation in Europol, the EU’s arrest warrant, and the exchange of forensic data. These advantages have been in the field of forensic science, notably in terms of scientific funding and collaboration with EU research initiatives.

One of the most pressing questions is how the UK’s criminal justice system and forensic science, in particular, can cope now that the UK is no longer a member of the EU.

Here are some of the best dissertation topics to consider following the present Brexit issue:

  • Examine the impact of the United Kingdom’s absence from European research programs on UK forensic science and technology institutes’ worldwide reach.
  • In light of UK policing and criminal justice opt-outs, assess the possibility of a shared European ballistics database.
  • Examine the implications of Brexit on the sharing of forensic data with the European Union.
  • What influence will Brexit have on other advances that are currently reshaping UK forensic science skills and capacities, such as digital, cyber forensic technologies, and the use of AI in forensic settings?
  • To what degree is Brexit going to jeopardize UK forensic science’s long-term viability?

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Home > Eberly College of Arts and Sciences > Departments > Forensic and Investigative Science > Forensic and Investigative Science Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Forensic and Investigative Science Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

An investigation into secondary transfer of trace DNA to evidentiary items via nitrile gloves during crime scene examination , Molly G. Younker

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Strengthening the Interpretation of Glass and Paint Evidence Through the Study of Random Frequency of Occurrence and Analytical Information , Lauryn C. Alexander

Quantifying Variation in High-Quality Footwear Replicate Impressions , Samantha K. Brady

Development of a Mass Transfer Correction Factor in a Thermodynamic Model to Explain the Weathering Patterns of Ignitable Liquids on Household Substrates at Elevated Temperatures , Max T. Denn

The Influence of Instrumental Sources of Variance on Mass Spectral Comparison Algorithms , Isabel Cristina Galvez Valencia

Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Breech Face Impressions , James A. Hamilton

An Assessment of the Forensic Aspects of Genetic Genealogy , Sarah Hester

Footwear Image Quality Classification: Using Subjective Assessments and Objective Image Metrics to Predict Impression Quality , En-Tni Lin

Interpretation of the Tandem Mass Spectrum of the Novel Psychoactive Substance 5F-APP-PINACA, PX-2 , Christopher S. Poulos

Computerized Trajectory Analysis for Firearms Examiners , Baillie E. Poulton

Enhancing the forensic comparison process of common trace materials through the development of practical and systematic methods , Meghan Nicole Prusinowski

Evaluating the Degradation Relationship Between Latent Print Impressions and Touch DNA Under Varying Environmental Conditions , Katrina M. Rupert B.S.

Estimate of the Random Match Frequency of Acquired Characteristics in a Forensic Footwear Database , Alyssa N. Smale

Analysis of ‘touch’ DNA recovered from metal substrates: an investigation into cfDNA-metal interactions and the efficacy of different collection techniques on DNA yield , Jessica E. Thornton

Analysis of the Effect of Rate of Fire on the Reproducibility of Breech Face Impressions , Kayla Ann Trimble

Assessment of Acquisition, Retention, and Evolution of Randomly Acquired Characteristics with Wear , Nathaniel Weston

Evaluation of emerging screening technologies for the on-site detection and identification of methamphetamine and its precursors in simulated clandestine lab operations , Alexis Nicole Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Development of an Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to Discriminate between Spectrally Similar Fentanyl Analogs in Mass Spectrometry , Alexandra Adeoye

Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of Textile and Paper Fracture Characteristics in Forensic Comparative Analysis , Zachary Bailey Andrews

mtDNA Heteroplasmy in Hair Shafts versus Buccal Swabs for Forensic Applications , Sara R. Bodnar

Integration of Spectroscopic and Mass Spectrometric Tools for the Analysis of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Forensic and Toxicology Applications , Travon Cooman

Electrochemical and mass spectrometry methods for identification of gunshot residues (GSR) in forensic investigations , Kourtney A. Dalzell

Assessment of QuEChERS extraction protocol for the LC-MS/MS detection of emerging fentanyl analogs in biological specimens for clinical and forensic purposes , Kylea M. Morris

Analysis of Forensically Relevant Evidence Using Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, and Mass Spectrometry Tools , Colby Edward Ott

Identifying and Minimizing Sources of Variability Within Modern Spectroscopic Techniques for the Forensic Analysis of Glass , Oriana Christy Ovide

Analyzing the viability of direct PCR for use in conjunction with cyanoacrylate enhanced fingerprints , Coral M. Smith

Expanding the Capabilities of Firearm Investigations: Novel Sampling and Analytical Methods for Gunshot Residue Evidence , Courtney Helen Vander Pyl

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Quantitation of Fentanyl and Metabolites from Blow Fly Tissue and Development Effects of Fentanyl on Lucilia sericata , Joseph Allen Cox

Characterization of Modern Ammunition and Background Profiles: A Novel Approach and Probabilistic Interpretation of Inorganic Gunshot Residue , Korina Layli Menking-Hoggatt

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Prevalence of Pores in Latent Fingerprints , Rachel E. Ball

Statistical Assessment of the Significance of Fracture Fits in Trace Evidence , Evie K. Brooks

American Population Study of Pigmentation Based Genotype Interpretation for Phenotypic Determination of Hair and Eye Color using HIrisPlex , Emma Leigh Combs

Structural Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs , Jay Tyler Davidson

Validation of Fast Spectrochemical Screening Methods for the Identification of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Packaging , Emily Ann Haase

Evaluating the Use of the M-Vac® Wet Vacuum System to Recover DNA from Cotton Fabric , Phillip Reilly Irion

Evaluating the Accuracy of Firearm Examiner Conclusions using Cartridge Case Reproductions , Eric Freeman Law

Evaluation of the Performance of Probabilistic Genotyping Software on Complex Mixture Samples , Kristen Newland

Statistical Evaluation of Randomly Acquired Characteristics on Outsoles with Implications Regarding Chance Co-Occurrence and Spatial Randomness , Nicole Richetelli

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Crime Incidents for Forensic Investigation , Jamie Spencer Spaulding

The Effects of Household Substrates on the Evaporation of Ignitable Liquids at Temperatures up to 210℃ , Caitlyn Wensel

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Immunomagnetic Beads Coupled with Anti-PH-20 Antibodies to Isolate Sperm from DNA Mixtures for Sexual Assault Kit Application , Kayla Becks

In vitro metabolism of the synthetic cannabinoids PX-1, PX-2, PX-3 and a comparison of their clearance rates in human liver microsomes , Travon Cooman

The Effects Hot Water Kill Time has on DNA Degradation and STR Profiling from Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Crop Contents , Nicholas Alexander Haas

Identification of Burnt Smokeless Gunpowders Through Physical Characteristics , Cameron Taylor Hartwig

Modeling Movement of Criminals through Burglary Scenes , Veronica L. Herrmann

The Evaluation of the RapidHITTM 200 on Degraded Biological Samples , Alice Kim

Screening Sexual Assault Evidence with Low Concentrations of Male DNA Utilizing the RapidHIT 200 and ParaDNA Intelligence Test , Taylor L. Koepfler

Electrochemical detection of fentanyl using screen-printed carbon electrodes with confirmatory analysis of fentanyl and its analogs in oral fluid using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry , Colby E. Ott

Assessing the reliability of physical end matching and chemical comparison of pressure sensitive tapes , Meghan Nicole Prusinowski

Chemical Analysis of Firearm Discharge Residues Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy , Courtney Helen Vander Pyl

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Understanding the Novice Decision-Making Process in Forensic Footwear Examinations: Accuracy and Decision Rules , Madonna A. Nobel

Inclusion of 9 mm Firearm Type Using Quantitative Class Characteristics , Young Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Analysis of the Fatty Acid Content of Fingerprint Residues Using Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry , Ashley R. Cochran

The Analysis of 2,5-Dimethoxy-N-(N-methoxybenzyl) phenethylamine (NBOMe) Isomers Using Traditional and Fast Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , J. Tyler Davidson

Effect of Chamber Pressure on the Quality of Breech Face and Firing Pin Impressions , James A. Hamilton

AFIS Based Likelihood Ratios for Latent Fingerprint Comparisons , Shreya Sateesh Kamath

The Assessment of Fingerprint Quality for a More Effective Match Score in Minutiae-Based Matching Performers , Alyshia Meyers

Evidence Utility in Forensic Intelligence Models , Jamie S. Spaulding

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Determining the Angle of Impact from the Analysis of Bullets Following Perforation with Glass , Roger L. Jeffreys II

Determining the Number of Test Fires Needed to Represent the Variability Present Within a Firearm , Eric Law

The evaluation and interpretation of controls used in three commercially available quantification kits for forensic DNA analysis , Stephanie R. Schottke

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

How Well Are Your Police Doing?: The Relationship Between Fear of Crime and Perceptions of the Police , Erin Bixler

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Recovery Methods of Trace Evidence for Pollen Particles , Christie Cyktor

Estimation of changes in breech face and firing pin marks over consecutive discharges and its impact on 2D correlation systems , Justin Kirk

You Can't Fight City Hall: Organization and Success in West Virginia , Theodore Malone

Development and Evaluation of an Objective Method for Forensic Examination of Human Head Hairs Using Texture-Based Image Analysis , Allyce S. McWhorter

Social Structure and Clearance Rates: The Effect of Neighborhood Characteristics on Aggravated Assault Case Outcome , Brad Silberzahn

Digital Image Transformations and Image Stacking of Latent Prints Processed Using Multiple Physical and Chemical Techniques , Danielle Tague

"Man of the House": A Turning Point That Leads to Criminal Behavior? , Delia A. Trickett

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Quantifying the Limits of Fingerprint Variability , Michael Fagert

A Survey on the Microscopical and Chemical Analysis of Synthetic Wig Fibers , Theresa A. Joslin

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Reproducibility of Retention Indices Examining Column Type , Amanda M. Cadau

Swedish Legislation Targeting Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and the Possibilities for Implementation in Estonia , Jennifer E. Lyall

Evaluating the Intra-variability and Inter-variability of Fibers in Cotton T-shirts using Microspectrophotometry , Brianne Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Evaluation of the Use of Raman Spectroscopic Techniques in Ink Analyses , Patricia T. Elswick

Uncertainty Considerations with the GRIM , Eric L. Everts

Pre and Post Blast Chemical Comparison of the Intra- and Inter-Variability of Metal Pipes Commonly Used in Pipe Bombs , Mandi Hellested

Recovery of DNA Profiles from Fingerprints on Paper after the Application of Ninhydrin or DFO Given Certain Time Periods , Marco Colin Lovejoy

Evaluating the Ability of Different Weak Acids When Combined with Hydrogen Peroxide to Develop Latent Fingerprints on Post-Fired Cartridge Cases , Casey Nicholas Oleksa

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Preliminary Study on the Reliability of AFIX Tracker for Lip Print Examination , Kelli E. Edmiston

Transfer and Persistence of Gunshot Residue Particles , DeAnna M. Wallace

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155 best forensic science research topics for your paper.

Forensic Science Research Topics

Forensic science or criminalistics applies scientific methodology and principles to solving crime and aid criminal justice procedures and laws. This area of study covers many fields ranging from computer forensics to doctoral research and forensic psychology.

For students specializing in forensic science studies, it is common to have to write an essay, research paper, or dissertation on the subject’s topics. The tricky part here is to select the perfect topic from a wide array of forensic science topics for a research paper. You could work on something that focuses on a neglected area of study in the field or go in for a controversial topic. You can also pick a common topic and throw new light on it, or simply choose a topic highlighting societal trends.

Whatever you choose to work on, it is essential to clearly state your research question/topic, offer defensible logic, have a well-elaborated body and a concise conclusion to score well.

Here is a list of some of the most interesting research topics in forensic science, which will allow you to write a good essay and score well. Take a look:

Forensic Science Research Paper Topics

These are some common but good forensic science topics that are sure to get you great reviews:

  • Hereditary in fingerprints and pattern similarities among family members
  • Is it possible to solve crimes with forensic dentistry?
  • Understanding the crime through the skeletal remains of the victim
  • Victim identification through skeletal remains
  • The association between legal ethics, forensic dentistry, and crime-solving
  • Techniques of gathering DNA sample through buccal cell collection in possibly violent subjects
  • Using forensic anthropology to identify relations, family, and ancestry
  • Using forensic anthropology to identify the age, gender, and size of the victim.
  • Forensic evidence – Types, chain of custody, collection, and analysis
  • Using forensic anthropology to identify trauma and disease history
  • Forensic ballistics and how the type of weapon used can be confirmed?
  • Are standard hair tests accurate in racial estimation and solving crimes
  • How to develop the best fingerprint testing powder for unmatched result clarity
  • The role of forensic psychology in assessing the probability and incidence rate of rape
  • Forensic toxicology and its role in analyzing the effects of anti-stress drugs on military members
  • The growing need for researching the technologies supporting forensic geomorphology
  • Blood spatter studies that aid forensic science in solving crimes
  • Forensic microscopy – an insight
  • Hair and fibers – What they say in forensic science crime cases
  • Poison chemistry – how forensic experts work
  • Forensic investigations of WW1 and WW-II war graves
  • Forensic reconstructions – importance, role, and scope in solving crimes
  • The laws and principles guiding forensic science
  • Sawn-off shotguns — evaluating pellet distribution pattern based on barrel length
  • Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of skeletal remains – An overview of the technique
  • Forensic ballistics — what a bullet may tell about the crime and the weapon used
  • Forensic evidence — assembling the pieces to the criminal jigsaw
  • Drug detection timelines — an insight
  • Development and validation of the method used to assess the quality of friction skin impression for evidence
  • Fatal intoxication through Isotonitazine – A case study

Forensic Science Research Topics For High School

These are excellent topics for high school students, which are easy to work on and create impressive essays related to forensic science:

  • Comparing sibling fingerprints with strangers
  • Finding out if fingerprints of identical twins are also similar
  • Differences to quickly separate human skeletal remains from those of animals
  • Victim identification – What you must know about facial skeleton
  • DNA testing – uses and limitations
  • Different types of stab injuries are important from a forensic science perspective
  • The dental pattern of wild animals and ways to recognize them.
  • Blood spatter patterns and what they indicate about the crime
  • Creating blood spatter lab for better understanding of spatter patterns
  • Forensic science autopsy reports and what they indicate
  • Careers in forensic science and upcoming specializations
  • Forensic science and analysis of fiber evidence from the crime scene.
  • Good practices in forensic science laboratories
  • Handwriting analysis and how it helps forensic science professionals
  • The role of Forensic Genealogy in solving age-old cases
  • Iodine fuming to reveal latent fingerprints
  • Immunoassay techniques for protein identification
  • Thin Layer & Paper Chromatography to identify materials
  • Forensic art as a means to identify suspects
  • Gas chromatography to identify liquids

Interesting topics To Research That Have to Do With Forensic Science

These research topics related to forensic science will help you create an exciting write-up that will draw attention to your knowledge in the subject:

  • Studying the composition of cling film used to package illegal drugs to separate drug traffickers from consumers
  • Dense materials and their role in Geoforensics
  • DNA typing – Pros and cons from a crime-solving perspective
  • Using gene expression to assess the age of injury
  • Differences in stab injuries that confirm if wounds were antemortem or postmortem
  • The study of glass fracture pattern to assess bullet firing direction and distances
  • Ground-penetrating radar systems and their role in Geoforensics
  • Gamma-ray radiography and its role in crime-solving geomorphology studies
  • What insects tell us about the murder scene
  • The correct way to prepare a forensic autopsy report
  • Forensic psychology and law – an insight
  • The forensic science behind fire investigations
  • Organic chemistry and its role in forensic science for solving crimes
  • Mathematics and statistics — how they aid cases of forensic science
  • The forensic science behind identifying forgery and counterfeiting
  • Use of 3D imaging for visualization of footwear and tire impressions at the crime scene
  • Fluid dynamics study to assess bloody fingerprints at the crime scene
  • Audio recordings — interpretation and processing to build a case
  • Recorded gunshot sounds and how they are interpreted and analyzed to solve crimes
  • Cartridge case comparisons to assess pressure factors in firearms

Controversial Topics In Forensic Science

This is a collection of research paper topics for forensic science that is sure to spark a debate when discussed in class:

  • Are changes in the composition of cling film used for drug packaging of any forensic value to arrest criminals?
  • DNA typing — an analysis of the efficacy of this technique in identifying victims and unsolved crimes
  • Isotope ratio mass spectrometry — an analysis of accuracy concerning the crime, its conditions, and people involved
  • Flies that come on a dead body based on its location and time of death
  • Forensic psychology and its impact on instances of Military rape
  • Is forensic toxicology research lacking in assessing drug abuse among military personnel during combat?
  • Is Forensic geomorphology helpful in solving crimes?
  • Skeletal tissues and forensic microscopy — the role they play in solving crimes
  • Forensic science and how it makes the dead speak
  • Characteristics of Zopiclone degradation and consequences from a forensic toxicology perspective
  • Understanding what happens to the body when someone dies naturally vs. a violent death.
  • Criminal minds and their forensic psychology
  • The role of Trace DNA in criminal investigations and its reliability
  • Criminal profiling and the role of Forensic psychology in arresting the killer
  • Forensic victimology and its role in context with investigations and legal parameters

Forensic Science Topics For Presentation

Suppose you want to make a presentation on any aspect of forensic science. In that case, you can consider the topics given below as they provide sufficient scope and information:

  • How to extract fingerprints from a crime scene
  • Equipment used in crime scene fingerprinting and the process
  • How to identify skeletal remains of a human subject
  • Building the face of a human through the remains of their skeleton
  • Know all about the various techniques used in forensic anthropology
  • Cyber forensics – How to catch a hacker
  • Methods of DNA testing
  • Methods of DNA testing of unwilling subjects
  • Standard forensic hair tests used in forensic examinations
  • Identification of cell type and body fluid through RNA based methods
  • Types of flies that congregate on a dead body indicating the time of death
  • A detailed step-by-step guide to forensic deduction
  • Cyber Forensics – how to detect phishing
  • Forensic science – the basics of crime scene analysis
  • Forensic frauds and laws around examiner misconduct
  • Methods and tools used by forensic pathologists
  • Forensic autopsy Vs. Regular Autopsy
  • The Muscid fly and its forensic importance
  • The role of forensic science in tracking victims of human trafficking
  • Evaluation of footwear impression — a step by step guide of the Footwear Impression Comparison System (FICS)

Forensic Science Thesis Topics

Use any of the topics given below to write an impressive thesis that showcases in-depth knowledge. These topics provide ample scope to delve deeper into the subject and write after thorough research.

  • Fingerprint science — an insight
  • Crime scene fingerprinting — a detailed study
  • Forensic anthropology — an insight
  • Forensic anthropological techniques for a detailed history of the victim
  • Isotope ratio mass spectrometry — An Insight
  • Computer forensics and its role in solving cybercrime
  • Forensic toxicology and how it may help prevent military violence
  • The role of forensic anthropology in postmortem findings
  • DNA testing methodology — an insight into means available and their efficacy
  • Reassessment of Asphyxia and the Pink Teeth Phenomenon
  • Forensic psychology – differentiating sociopaths from psychopaths
  • Study of blood in forensic science
  • DNA typing – An insight into unsolved crimes and the use of this method
  • Nanotechnology in Forensic studies – An insight
  • Consumer protection in the world of growing cyber crimes and how cyber forensics can help
  • Forensic toxicology – An insight
  • Fingerprint ridge density and its relation with sex determination
  • Forensic geomorphology – an extensive study of the scope and application of this field of study
  • The history and evolution of forensic science
  • Medical Image security using digital watermarking – An overview
  • Anatomy of bruises and what they convey about the tracker and the victim
  • Forensic psychology – Understanding the characteristics of psychopaths for profiling.
  • High-Resolution Melt (HRM) assays – An insight
  • Human vaginal matrix and the analysis of condom evidence from a forensic perspective
  • Handprint dimensions for Sex classifications – the ABC model of forensic science

Current Topics in Forensic Science

These topics stem from the latest developments in forensic sciences and highlight the current environment in this field of study. Take a look:

  • Latest techniques in forensic science to catch murderers
  • Studying injury age using gene expression to solve the crime
  • Latest forensic science techniques used to identify illicit drugs
  • Developments in technology and chemistry that aid forensic science like never before
  • Latest illegal drug recognition systems – an insight
  • The amino acid fingerprint test – an evaluation
  • Identifying of Felidae Animals using Elemental Analysis of Hair and its Scanning Electron Microscopic Characterization
  • Pediatric Poisoning — Seasonal trends, materials and distribution across the UK.
  • The UK forensic science environment and what has changed
  • The changing scene of Geomorphology with gamma-ray radiography and ground-penetrating radar
  • How stable is the use of Zopiclone in forensic studies related to whole blood samples
  • Latest enhancements in RNA based methods for identification of cell type and body fluid
  • The emerging role of computer forensics in cybercrime and the latest developments.
  • Cyberwarfare and how cyber forensics fit in?
  • Geoforensics – how soil mapping aids in solving crimes
  • mRNA profiling assays and their role in reducing time and cost of analysis
  • Latest technologies used in the identification of body fluids
  • Latest trends in forensic odontology
  • Heartbreak Grass deaths — A toxicological and medico-legal analysis
  • Water-soluble paper analysis for forensic discrimination
  • A worldwide survey of issues in forensic science – A contemporary perspective
  • DNA study to assess regular occupancy in any vehicle
  • Methods of assessing authentic audio recordings using different voice apps
  • An insight into the DNA extraction process for DNA identification in bodies
  • One-handed strangulation – A reconstruction study to find the criminal

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Top Forensic Science Research Topics

Forensic Science Research Topics

Forensic science is a discipline or branch of knowledge that applies scientific methodology/techniques and procedures used to solve criminal occurrences. This study area covers a vast field varying from forensic psychology to computer forensic and doctoral research. College students should use scientific developments and forensic science innovations to resolve criminal offenses.

For students who specialize in forensic science, it is conventional for them to write essays, research papers, or thesis. One of the major hurdles to cross is how to select a perfect topic from the wide array of forensic science research topics. To make things easy for you, you can work on something that focuses on a shunned area of study in the field or go in for a disputed topic

Whatever topic you choose to work on, you should state your research questions/topics and have a well-detailed body and a reasonable conclusion. This can land you a high score. Below is a list of some fascinating forensic science research topics which would give you an upper hand in writing a good essay and getting good grades.

As a leading dissertation consulting service , we specialize in assisting students in forensic science with their essays, research papers, and theses. Our experienced consultants can help you choose a captivating topic, refine your research questions, and craft a strong conclusion. With our support, you can achieve academic success. Explore our services today and access a list of fascinating forensic science research topics to enhance your writing and grades.

Forensic Science Research Topics

Here is a list of forensic topics for research that you will enjoy working on!

  • Culprit identification through skeletal remains
  • Using forensic dentistry to solve crimes: the good, the bad, and the ugly
  • The correlation between legal ethics, forensic dentistry, and crime-solving
  • Forensic attestations – Types, a chain of custody, collection, and analysis
  • Identifying relations, ancestry, and family using forensic anthropology
  • The use of forensic psychology in evaluating the probability and the incidence of the rate of rape
  • Forensic science – what hair and fibers can tell us about crime cases
  • Poison chemistry – reliability and accuracy of results
  • Forensic ballistics – what bullets can tell about crimes
  • Forensic evidence: How to assemble the criminal jigsaw pieces.

Forensic Psychology Research Topics

Forensic psychology is psychology related to the law. The field includes the implementation of sciences to its system. Also, it deals with the conjoining of human habits/characteristics and criminal law. Psychologist in the field of forensic helps to unriddle specific data in a case, data such as who must have committed the crime, what must have propelled the criminal to make such kind of act, and how the felon must have strategized the situation.

Therefore, forensic psychology topics provide a range of profundity regarding the level of academic studies being initiated. Below is a list of topics in forensic psychology that can be of help:

  • Tracking the behaviors of lawbreakers
  • Should the death penalty be encouraged?
  • Victim reaction to crime
  • Can we rely on the memory of testifiers?
  • Sentencing and imprisonment practices
  • Do the FBI play important roles in forensic science?
  • How to approach settled differences in a DNA in forensics
  • Using animals for forensic science research: possible pros and cons
  • Incorporating arguments into forensic trials: better/more effective methods
  • Ethics and morals and how they affect forensic crime results

Hot Topics in Digital Forensics

Here is a list of digital forensics topics from the latest developments of digital forensics!

  • The effects of technology on building digital shreds of evidence
  • The function of biological pieces of evidence and DNA in the science of forensic
  • How evidence of fingerprint and pattern contribute to forensics
  • Explain the impact of Opioids and other illegal drugs on the study of forensic
  • How to trace evidence with the use of forensic
  • Conduct an analysis of evidence from patterns and impressions
  • The effect of virtual reality and simulations on forensic study
  • How to determine the criminals behind fire and arson through the study of forensic
  • The effect of automation and miniaturization in forensic anthropology
  • Forensic science and the importance of nanoparticles in the field.

Forensic science is a compilation of applied disciplines that draws from the branch of science. The forensic science discipline is complex and involves methods that range from DNA analysis to pattern recognition. Below are some forensic topics for research

  • Chemical Sciences: Why is forensic chemistry unique?
  • The paradigms of forensic science: A critical diagnosis
  • Forensic science and the accuracy of age estimation
  • Possible research challenges faced in the forensic medicine field
  • Forensic science and survey courses rendered
  • The genetic approach to forensic science and prevalent problems
  • Contribution of forensic science to efforts of wildlife conservation.
  • How can racial estimation be determined more accurately?
  • The effect of natural changes on the scene of a crime and accuracy of forensics
  • How grand innovations affect and challenge the forensic community

Forensic Science Topics Research Paper

Do you have a research paper to write on forensic science? You will surely need some reliable topics for that research paper to make it excellent. Here is a list of forensic science research paper topics!

  • Family members and fingerprints pattern similarities: a reliable source of tracing?
  • Forensic anthropology and the identification of trauma and disease history
  • Forensic anthropology: The identification of size, age, and gender of victims
  • Fingerprint testing powders: Better formulation for clearer results
  • How to gather forensic pieces of evidence: A closer look
  • The pivotal roles played by DNA methylation in forensic science research
  • Historical Setbacks in forensic study development: Analysis and a closer look at the causes
  • The interconnectivity between chemistry and traced evidence
  • Forensic document examination: A better approach
  •  Redefining forensic research: A newer outlook

Forensic Research Topics

Do you need some excellent forensic research topics? Well, look no further! Here are some excellent forensic topics for research for you!

  • A closer look at the laws and principles guiding forensic science
  • What roles does forensic Genealogy play in solving age-old cases?
  • Postmortem findings and forensic anthropology: A review
  • What does the future hold for the field of forensics: Job opportunities and upcoming specialization?
  • Identifying blunt force trauma in victims
  • Independent forensic consultants: how reliable are their qualifications in forensic science?
  • How forensic science has developed since its inception: A look at challenges and advantages.
  • Geographic forensic medicine and its important roles
  • The function of DNA methylation in forensic science
  • The interconnectivity between forensic medicine and clinical research

Forensic Anthropology Research Topics

Below are some forensic topics for research under anthropology

  • Area of the crime: what information they can pass across to us?
  • How do professionals get traced evidence?
  • Professional blood pattern analysis: Who an individual is and how they can be of help?
  • The juxtaposing of soil in forensic anthropology
  • Rigor Mortis as the cognitive factor of the individual death
  • Information Footprints from a crime site can pass across
  • The significance of the scene of the crime
  • The construction of an individual outlines characteristics
  • The aggravation of Intentional death as a result of coerced drowning
  • Hair samples that is not the property of the victim as a possible lead to the attacker

Forensic Science Topics for Presentation

Do you want to make a presentation on an aspect of forensic science? Below are some detailed forensic science presentation topics you could pick from

  • The reconstruction of the human face makes use of the residues of their skeleton
  • Having a detailed knowledge of various methods used in forensic anthropology
  • Techniques to acquire the DNA test of an unwilling subject
  • Recognizing cell types and body fluids through RNA based techniques
  • The category of flies that assembles on an inanimate body signifying the time of death
  • Techniques to recognize the skeletal remains of human subject
  • Techniques used in educing fingerprints from a crime setting
  • The function of forensic science in tracing recipients of human trafficking
  • Strategies and apparatus used by forensic pathologists
  • The significance of the Muscid fly to forensic science

Computer Forensics Research Topic

Computer forensic is a developing field in criminology to which is an impact on other disciplines most notable in the legal system. Students who are interested in the study of computer forensic can construct a thesis that probes through the subject and its relationship to evolving aspects of criminology and the legal system.

Some digital forensics research topics will also help to give a better understanding. Below are some digital forensic topics for you!

  • Digital forensic and occurrence response
  • The employment of digital forensic to internet crime analysis and inquiry
  • The satisfactory and spiteful sides of digital forensic
  • A survey evaluation of digital forensics as equipment assisting a criminal investigation
  • The necessity for standardization and accreditation in digital forensic
  • Enriching the quality of digital forensic examination reports
  • The analysis of networks in digital forensics
  • Equipment used in digital forensics
  • Examining and validating the digital forensic report
  • The analysis of network in digital forensic

Forensics Debate Topics

Debate forensics speech topics are.

  • The innovative nature of cybercrime
  • The credibility of geomorphological forensic in solving crimes
  • Soil mapping great assistance in providing solutions to crimes
  • The credibility of audio recording in forensic science
  • The essence of an eyewitness statement
  • The dilemma that accompanied juvenile judgment
  • Nanotechnology has an insight in the field of forensic
  • Digital forensic has been of great use in solving cyber crimes

National Forensics League Topics

Some national forensic speech topics may include.

  • The effect of age evaluation in forensic science
  • A thorough recognition of the paradigms of forensic science
  • Discuss the procedures of sanctioning forensic science laboratories
  • The effect of visual color comparison in forensic science
  • Parasites being one of the fastest Agent of Decomposition

Forensic Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry forensic research paper topics may include:

  • Assessment of the amino acid fingerprint test
  • An intuition of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
  • An evaluation of water-soluble paper for forensic segregation
  • Are techniques of detection super-sensitive that they could lead to an error in conviction
  • An evaluation of authenticity regarding the crime, it’s situation, and the people involved
  • Discuss the process involved in the analysis of Y-chromosome
  • Analyze a usual day in the office of a forensic chemist
  • Expatiate on the limitation of using an environmental microscope
  • The use of atomic force microscope in the science of forensic
  • The function of paper spray mass Spectrometry in the recognition of perilous Chemicals

Forensic Medicine Thesis Topics

Forensic medicine deals mostly with examining and assessing individuals who have been wounded or may have passed away as a result of external or unnatural causes, such as suicide, poisoning, motor accidents, and other various forms of violence.

Examples of topics under forensic medicine thesis are:

  • Analysis of spinal sustaining damages in fatal road accident
  • Examination of sexual violence unnatural deaths
  • Analysis of suicidal death among adolescents
  • An analysis of snakebite occurrence admitted in the hospital
  • A study of eventual suicidal death among females
  • Study of lethal poisoning cases leading to gross stomach mucosal appearances
  • Study of homicidal deaths
  • Analysis of death due to thermal burns
  • Examination of patient’s with CRANIO -CEREBRAL injuries
  • An examination of dental eruption in children within the age group of 14 -16

Easy Forensic Science Research Topics

Are you in search of easy ways to find Forensic science topics for a research paper? Bother no more! Here are some topics just for you!

  • Discuss the importance of a forensic scientist giving a Precise testimony
  • An assessment of microscopic vetting techniques
  • The influence of private companies organizing forensic science
  • Validation to work as an independent specialist in the field of forensic science
  • The usefulness of digital Forensic in Solving homicide cases
  • Acquiring a proper Knowledge of the scientific and social surroundings of the criminal justice system
  • Disciplines of criminal justice and the law that guides forensic
  • Reasons why a vast number of forensic scientists work in forensic laboratories or morgues
  • The methods in which forensic craft out objective facts with the use of scientific knowledge
  • Ways forensic science assist in the analysis of physical evidence

So here we are! 120+ forensic science research topics just for you! Choose the topic that resonates with you the most and put in your best in the research or outsource it to an expert writing company! Don’t hesitate to reach a professional dissertation consultant and increase your chances of success!

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Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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How To Choose Your Forensic Science Dissertation or Thesis Topic

If one of your goals or objectives in life is to be admitted to a graduate school or a PhD program, the most important and rather inevitable element is a thesis or dissertation (usually interchangeable), without which, a master’s or a doctoral degree would simply remain a far-fetched idea. A dissertation or a thesis basically refers to a writing or document which involves the author’s personal research and findings in the area of his/her study as a requirement for a master’s or doctoral degree. It is not only an important requirement for an academic degree, but it will also most likely serve as a stepping stone to your future job or career.

One herculean task of writing a thesis or dissertation is deciding the topic for the project/research. Being the very first step in writing a thesis/dissertation, it is crucial that you make the right choice and decide on the most suitable and apt topic for yourself. While some people may have had a head start on their research journey, with the topic of their research interest mapped out; yet for many, it continues to be a dreadful moment in their academic life. One of the main reasons being, not having a clue of where their interest lies. Not everyone is as headstrong as they would like, about the research topic that they plan to tackle. In fact, some students may not even have a clue about what topic they should or would want to work on.

Although the process of coming up with one may differ from person to person, there are certain ways that may prove to be helpful in coming up with Your Forensic Science Dissertation Topic.

1. Be well informed about your subject

While choosing a topic in itself is not an easy task, it certainly becomes harder to choose one when you are not well versed with the subject you have taken up. Equip yourself with proper knowledge: revise or refresh the topics from your course curriculum and keep yourself updated on the industry demands. It certainly helps when you have an idea about the current trend and practical problems being faced within your area of study.

2. Know your areas of interest

This is one advice that almost everyone will give you and although it sounds cliché, it stands true. Although some students are very much aware of what they are interested in, it may not come very easy for others. In that case, think about all the topics and theories that you have studied and learnt in your program and try to specify a particular area or chapter that interests you. Look into the topics that you would like to learn more about or the questions that come into your mind. Your dissertation or final year research project is not some small assignment that you complete in a span of a week, it’s gonna require months of efforts and endurance. If you do not have passion for your project, it will be nothing short of distress, even more so when you encounter roadblocks. So choose the topic of your liking to keep yourself motivated when things get hard.

3. Do not act in haste

One mistake that students usually make is to decide on a topic without giving it much thought. May be you have left the decision for the last minute and there is constant pressure from your university or faculty to submit a proposal. However, keep in mind that you will be the one to take the final blow if you find out that your project is not feasible at a later stage. This will result in a huge setback, especially, when you realise the mistake too late. You may run out of time or an opportunity to restart with a new topic.

4. Research, research and research

Once you manage to find your area of interest within your program, the most important thing is to research more about the it. Look up all the relevant information that are available including prior academic research on that topic, books, blogs and articles. Skim through the recent publications of various journals, which will give you an idea of the current works that are being done in that particular field of study. This will probably help you to narrow down to a single topic or even a question that has not been addressed adequately. You can use the help of platforms such as Google Scholar and even the journals and databases subscribed by your library.

5. Consider the time available for the project

While choosing a topic, the given time for the project is another important factor. It will be useless to work on a project if you cannot finish it in the given time frame. Without a complete project, there will be no degree. Therefore, instead of focussing on very vast or broad topics, try to narrow it down to a well-defined and more specific one.

6. Consider the available resources

It is also necessary that you consider the resources and facilities available in your university. For example, for a study on drugs, you need to check whether such drug standards could be procured by your university and whether the required instrumentation are available in your laboratory.

7. Determine its relevance

Once you have narrowed down a particular topic of interest, try to determine its relevance. Although research calls for new findings, it is usually not advisable to take up a topic where no prior work has been done, specially for a master’s thesis. In the same way, it will not be very relevant to take up a topic where a lot of work has already been carried out. Choose a topic where definite findings have not been made and where questions are still being raised; one that involves the practical requirements of society as well as the academic community.

8. Always have backup

At the end of the day, your topic has to be approved by your supervisor/department and you cannot rule out the possibility of it being rejected. Therefore, instead of focussing only on a single topic, having a second or third topic as backups will also help you when you change your mind at a later stage.

9. Take advice from your supervisors

Even though your research project may feel like a one-man job, it is not a crime to take the help of your supervisor/faculty and even your colleagues. You will always find someone who will be willing to help you out by giving good advice and constant feedbacks on your work.You can also ask around on the topics that currently require looking into, in your subject area or ask for information on a specific topic of interest.

00a390 10. Keep abreast with the recent events and developments in the field

You can also look at the recent events to identify a interesting topic for your thesis. Many a times this would lead to a thesis which is both pertinent and well received by the forensic community.

In conclusion, even though deciding on a particular topic can seem to be such a difficult task, you will always find a way to work around it. Find a topic that excites you and research about it as much as you can. Keep yourself motivated at all times and at the end of the day, it will be worth all the hard work you’ve put into!

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new thesis topics in forensic medicine

231 Amazing Forensic Science Research Topics

Forensic Science Research Topics

What is forensic science? Forensic Science is a field of academic study that entails applying scientific methods and processes to solve crimes. It mainly applies to the courts of the judicial system. College students should use scientific innovations and forensic science advancements to bring solutions to criminal offenses. Due to the technicality of the field, it is rare to find professional forensic science topics. However, our expert writers have collated a list of 231 writing ideas that you can use for your following paper. If you want to have a good grade, but find writing a research paper a really difficult task, it’s better to hire a someone to complete your assignment.  

Easy Forensic Science Research Paper Topics

  • The development of forensic science since the late 18th century
  • Impacts of the extraordinary scientific innovations and advancements to forensic Science
  • The application of DNA and botany to forensic Science
  • How forensic science helps in the examination of physical evidence
  • The role of forensic research to clear and concise reporting
  • What is the essence of a truthful testimony of a forensic scientist?
  • A case study of criminal cases and convictions handled through forensic Science
  • How forensic Science brings out objective facts through scientific knowledge
  • Impact of private companies conducting forensic Science
  • An evaluation of microscopic examining techniques
  • Mathematical principles used in forensic study
  • Why a majority of forensic scientists work in forensic labs or morgues
  • Qualifications or one to work as an independent forensic science consultant
  • Analyze the composition of forensic pathologists
  • Discuss the distinct roles of forensic deontologists
  • How is digital forensics a game-changer in solving homicides?
  • Fields of criminal justice and the law that deals with forensics
  • Understanding the scientific and social environment of the criminal justice system

High-Quality Forensic Science Topics For a Research Paper

  • Assess some selected concepts of forensic engineering
  • Discuss the legal standards of admissible evidence
  • How forensic scientists collect, preserve, and analyze scientific evidence
  • The impact of forensic scientists testifying as expert witnesses
  • How the ancient world operated without forensics
  • Compare and contrast forced confessions and witness testimony to forensics
  • The relationship between medicine and entomology in solving criminal cases
  • The role of Ambroise Paré in laying a groundwork for forensic Science
  • How the Enlightenment era contributed to the development of forensics
  • A case study of John Toms’ trial and conviction for murdering Edward Culshaw with a pistol
  • How James Marsh applied Science to the art of forensics
  • Analyze the use of bullet comparison in 1835
  • Discuss the anthropological technique of anthropometry
  • Factors affecting forensic document examination
  • Effectiveness of the use of fingerprinting in identifying criminal suspects
  • Discuss the evolution of forensic DNA analysis from 1984
  • How effective was a scientific and surgical investigation in forensics?
  • The role of crime scene photography to forensics

Hot Research Topics in Forensic Science

  • The role of biological evidence and DNA in Forensic Science
  • How fingerprints and pattern evidence contribute to forensics
  • Discuss the impact of Opioids and other illegal drugs on forensic study
  • The effect of technology in building digital evidence
  • Factors that affect effective ballistics in pre-meditated murder
  • How to trace evidence using forensics
  • The importance of the National Commission on Forensic Science
  • Conduct an analysis of pattern and impression evidence
  • The relationship between trace evidence and chemistry
  • Evidence analysis and processing using forensic Science
  • How to use controlled substances in a forensic study
  • Discuss the alternative genetic markers in forensics
  • How to deal with compromised DNA evidence in forensics
  • The impact of automation and miniaturization in forensics
  • Why the mitochondrial DNA is critical in forensic Science
  • Discuss the steps involved in the Y-chromosome analysis
  • How to conduct effective sperm detection and separation
  • How to determine culprits behind fire and arson through forensic study

A+ Forensic Science Research Proposal Topics

  • Addressing the reliability and credibility of pattern and impression evidence
  • Rigorously test the method of forensic DNA analysis
  • Develop strategies to detect and identify new drugs
  • Discuss the psychological implications of Forensic Science
  • Why computer forensics and cybercrime is becoming more complicated
  • Evaluate the advancements made in forensic toxicology and military violence
  • Considerations for Geo-forensics and dense material
  • The impact of ground-penetrating radar and gamma-ray radiography on forensics
  • Assess a typical day in the office for a forensic chemist
  • Qualities that forensic practitioners must possess
  • The state of forensic nursing in the United States
  • Discuss the correlation between forensics and law
  • How to expand the field of forensics through forensic intelligence
  • The cognitive aspect of forensic Science
  • How to integrate forensic Science into the curriculum
  • Are American academies of forensic Science up to the standard?
  • The role of police science technicians in solving crimes
  • Application areas of Physics in forensic Science

Want to get an A+ grade? Try our college paper writing service and discover the benefits of high-quality and cheap paper writing help. 

Impressive Research Paper Topics For Forensic Science

  • Is it justifiable to use animals in forensic science research?
  • How to best communicate forensic science evidence in the criminal justice system
  • Effectiveness and perceived trustworthiness of Forensic Science
  • The sociology of Forensic Science in the 21st century
  • The necessity of geographic forensic medicine
  • The role of DNA methylation in forensic Science
  • Is there a need for more research in forensic science?
  • Are some forensic practices slowly becoming out of date?
  • The desirability of specific technologies to be used in forensic Science
  • Physical and social considerations for an effective forensic investigation
  • Discuss the essence of nanoparticles in forensic Science
  • The relationship between clinical research and forensic medicine
  • A historical perspective of parasites in forensic Science
  • Systems of classifying handwritings in forensic Science
  • Analyze the drawbacks in the development of forensic study
  • How to incorporate arguments into a forensic trial
  • Does a degree in forensic Science guarantee you a job in Pentagon?
  • Discuss the educational requirements for forensic scientists

Excellent Research Topics Related to Forensic Science

  • Microbiome tools used for forensic Science
  • The impact of new psychoactive substances in forensic Science
  • Who should accredit undergraduate forensic science students?
  • The effect of DTIC and technology on computer forensics
  • The application of forensic Science in army counterintelligence
  • What is the future of forensic Science in wildlife?
  • Possible initiatives that can help strengthen forensic Science
  • What an error means for a forensic study
  • Is the curriculum for high school students on forensic Science effective enough?
  • Why next-generation sequencing technology is necessary for forensics
  • Current utilization of the internet for forensic Science
  • The impact of search engines and databases in forensic study
  • The ethological and cultural evolution of forensic Science
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of forensic science in criminal law
  • The result of big data on forensic Science and medicine
  • Why molecular imprinting is necessary for forensic study
  • Narratives and Science in forensic historiography
  • The effect of infrared spectroscopy imaging on forensic Science

Top Forensic Science Research Topics For High School

  • Discuss the nuclear forensics for a high school science
  • The impact of visual color comparisons in forensic Science
  • The effect of the grand innovation challenges for the forensic community
  • A survey of the courses offered in Forensic Science
  • Historical trends in the study of forensic anthropology
  • Can forensic identification evidence be null on the grounds of reliability?
  • What makes forensic chemistry unique among chemical sciences?
  • A critical diagnosis of the paradigms of Forensic Science
  • The impact of age estimation in forensic Science
  • How forensic Science w in insulin poisoning
  • The effect of virtual reality and simulations on forensic study
  • Challenges for research in the field of forensic medicine
  • A survey of educational institutions offering forensic Science
  • How forensic science contributes to wildlife conservation efforts
  • Identify the prevalent problems in forensic genetic approaches
  • A review of forensic science in the context of Islamic law
  • Discuss the process of accrediting forensic science labs
  • A review of the role of the FBI in forensic Science

Interesting Topics to Research That Have to do With Forensic Science

  • Using atomic force microscopy in forensic Science
  • Discuss the limitations of using environmental forensic microscopy
  • Understanding and utilizing the human element in forensic Science
  • Discuss the considerations for psychiatric caring in forensic Science
  • How RNA works in forensic Science
  • A contextual analysis of digital stratigraphy in forensic Science
  • Analysis of the challenges facing nuclear forensic Science
  • What happens when a forensic investigation goes out of control?
  • Ethical considerations in the field of forensic Science
  • Why crime scene management is necessary for forensic investigation
  • How the Raman spectroscopy has contributed to forensic Science
  • A study of the inconsistencies in the curricula of forensic science degree programs
  • Evaluate the use of simulation in forensic nursing and competency
  • How to bridge the gap between forensic Science and entomology
  • The role of detectives in a forensic science investigation
  • New perspectives impacting the study of forensic Science
  • Discuss the integration of forensic examination into imageology
  • The impact of television production and modern storytelling in forensics

Unearthed Forensic Science Topics

  • Testing the validity and reliability of forensic voices
  • The role of pictures in crime investigation and scene reconstruction
  • A theoretical evaluation of forensic nursing science
  • Why is the field of forensic science dominated by men
  • Emotional and psychological impacts of being a forensics expert
  • Technological means of advancing the Science of forensics
  • How to select a hypothesis and test common misinterpretations in forensics
  • The relationship between culture, law, and forensics in criminal justice
  • Discover the discrepancies in Forensic Science in the US and UK
  • Potential applications of Forensic Science in the aviation industry
  • The role of podiatric knowledge and experience in forensic investigations
  • Investigating sudden cardiac death using forensic Science
  • Why pattern uniqueness is relevant in forensic Science
  • How forensic investigations are necessary for human rights investigations
  • Understanding the cognitive neuroscience in forensic Science
  • A methodological approach to the use of IRMS in forensic Science
  • The power of forensic Science in facial recognition
  • Discuss the relationship between forensic Science and Standards Act of 2012

Controversial Topics in Forensic Science

  • How accurate is racial-estimation in standard hair-tests amongst forensic hair examiners?
  • Implications of illicit-tablet recognition systems to human health
  • Is the use of forensic-DNA ethical?
  • Why a cling-film is the best product for packaging illicit drugs
  • Do some forensic science methods contribute to racial profiling?
  • How forensics is a leading contributor to the invasion of the right to privacy
  • Legislative responses that are taking shape in the light of Forensic Science
  • Why wrongful convictions have happened as a result of forensics
  • Reasons why problems can be present in forensic Science
  • The limitations of ballistic and hair analysis
  • Is there a lack of scientific credibility in forensics?
  • Can error rates occur in the case of DNA analysis?
  • The relationship between forensic tools and underlying Science
  • Evaluate the massive post-conviction review of 2,500 points by the FBI
  • Are the self-regulatory codes in forensic Science sufficient enough?
  • The impact of the low number of forensics on its effectiveness
  • The effect of the absence of regulatory organizations on forensic Science
  • Dealing with the professional misconduct of a forensic scientist

Forensic Science Topics For Presentation

  • The relationship between forensics and the application of Science to law
  • Discuss the arbitrary distinction between ethics and morals in forensics
  • Evaluate the religious considerations when conducting forensics
  • Evaluate what constitutes a misrepresentation of the credentials before the court of law
  • The rising cases of counterfeit professional licensures or certifications
  • The impacts of movies and TV series’ on forensic Science
  • Is the increasing number of private forensic consultants something to worry about in the 21st century?
  • Do public forensic laboratories portray a higher ethical ground than private ones?
  • Critically analyze the innate responsibility and obligation of forensic scientists towards the forensic science profession
  • Recognizing the limitations of scientific and professional forensic knowledge
  • Discuss situations when forensic Science may deprive one of the fundamental human rights
  • Why forensic scientists must be reasonably familiar with the judicial or administrative rules
  • Factors that may lead to lack of objectivity and exploitation among forensic scientists
  • Discuss the institutional policy requirements that may limit proper forensic study
  • The dilemma of multiple relationships in forensic Science
  • Why a forensic scientist must seek consent before proceeding with an investigation
  • The critical role of protecting the client’s confidentiality in forensic study
  • The part of the documentation in forensic study

Forensic Science Thesis Topics

  • How to synthesize powder to develop the best prints
  • Analyze the different types of stab injury postmortem
  • How to study glass fracture patterns through firing bullets from various positions
  • Conduct an in-depth analysis of the different types of inks
  • Discuss how to identify counterfeits
  • Reliable methods of evidence preservation for long cases
  • Discuss the genetic variability of different phylogenetic in forensic Science
  • The role of paper spray mass spectrometry in detecting hazardous chemicals
  • Discuss the viability of a shared ballistics database between two conflicting countries
  • Necessary improvements to buccal cell collection for DNA testing
  • Analyze the common factors that affect the composition of the cling film
  • Critically analyze how the change in nature affects a crime site
  • Evaluate the different technological approaches to forensic Science
  • Assess the reliability of evidence after an error occurred in the first test
  • Evaluate the efficiency of USB devices in remote monitoring among computer users
  • Discuss the gaps that exist in America’s police force: Inconsistencies in forensic services
  • How accurate is racial estimation using standard hair tests?
  • Compare and contrast the different tablet recognition systems used by the FBI.

Current Topics in Forensic Science

  • The impact of coronavirus on forensic Science
  • Why the 5G technology may be the game-changer in the field of forensic Science
  • The role of hacking software in tracing digital footprints online
  • Why global warming is posing a threat to uncovering past cases using forensics
  • Why is the study of forensic science essential in the 21st century?
  • What is the best major for forensic Science for college students?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the criteria for forensic Science
  • Is the field of forensic Science a well-paying job arena?
  • Do judges depend on forensic evidence in court?
  • What is the impact of a long time taken during forensic studies on a case?
  • Who is responsible for an error during forensic research?
  • Why documenting forensics scenes in the 21st century has become more efficient
  • Impact of laser scanners, photogrammetry, and drones in forensic Science
  • Latest technologies to conduct bloodstain pattern analysis
  • Why computational forensics is raising safety issues

And there you have a list of 231 good forensic science topics. If you wish to learn how to write a paper, our custom help is all you need. Let us show you how to complete a forensic paper fast and easy today! Contact us with a “ do my research paper now” request and get an A+. 

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Medical Research / Thesis / Dissertation

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Monday 27 July 2015

Md forensic medicine - thesis topics of rguhs - 2013 & 2014.



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    MD Forensic Medicine - Thesis topics of RGUHS - 2013 & 2014 The following are thesis / dissertations done under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka for the subject M.D [Forensic Medicine].

  22. PDF Microsoft Word