World Hunger Essay

World hunger is a problem that has existed for centuries. Despite the efforts of many organizations and individuals, the number of people who are hungry or at risk of hunger continues to rise. According to the World Food Programme, there are about 795 million people who are chronically undernourished, which means that they do not have enough food to lead a healthy and active life.

The causes of world hunger are complex and multi-faceted, but there are some common underlying factors. One of the main causes is poverty. People living in poverty do not have the money to buy food, or they may not have access to land where they can grow their own food. Another major cause of world hunger is conflict. When countries are in conflict, it disrupts the distribution of food and can lead to widespread famine. Natural disasters, such as droughts and floods, can also cause food shortages.

There are many ways to address world hunger. One way is to provide emergency food assistance to people who are affected by natural disasters or conflicts. Another way is to work on long-term solutions such as economic development and agricultural reform.

World hunger is a complex problem that requires a multi-faceted approach to be effectively addressed. However, with concerted effort and cooperation, it is possible to make progress in the fight against hunger.

As I speak these words to you, a youngster somewhere on this planet will have perished from starvation. A child. Children are the most vulnerable of us: they trust everyone instinctively, and their purity is genuine and appropriate and necessary–and they’re dying in far-flung regions of the globe until their skin stretches over their bones and they don’t have the strength, desire, or capacity to cry out anymore. You may feel for them with compassion or guilt or simply an understanding of their condition.

They become a statistic, one more number in the millions that die each year from something as preventable and solvable as hunger.

World hunger is one of the biggest problems faced by the human race. It’s not just a problem in developing countries, either. In our own country, the United States of America, there are children going to bed hungry every night. Just think about that for a moment. In the richest country in the world, with more resources than any other nation, there are still children who don’t have enough to eat. That’s shameful.

The problem of world hunger is complex and multi-faceted. There are many factors that contribute to it: war, natural disasters, poverty, poor infrastructure and access to resources, and more. But the bottom line is that there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. So why are people still going hungry?

There are a number of organizations working to solve the problem of world hunger. One of them is World Food Programme (WFP). The WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, working to end hunger worldwide. They provide food assistance in emergencies and help communities develop long-term solutions to hunger.

You can help fight world hunger by supporting the WFP or another organization working to end hunger. You can also donate money or time to local food banks or soup kitchens. Or you can advocate for policies that will help reduce hunger and poverty.

The bottom line is that we can end world hunger. But it’s going to take all of us working together to make it happen.

Despite this, they remain hungry while their countries suffer from deadly plagues that demand sweet forgiveness. You may believe you can do nothing, but a single dollar here and there seems to fall off your fingers without a second thought—dollars that could feed starving families for days.

In order to truly address the problem of world hunger, not only must someone travel to these nations and improve their infrastructure in order to give assistance, but you must also keep them in mind so that their suffering does not go unnoticed. The first step is changing one’s diet.

People in these areas often don’t have access to gardens or grocery stores. Without a change in diet, the people will never be able to properly absorb the nutrients they need. They must have access to education so that they can learn about food and its value, not only for themselves but also for their families. The next issue is infrastructure.

These countries must have access to clean water and sanitation so that disease doesn’t spread like wildfire through their communities. They also need roads and transportation so that they can get food and supplies to where they’re needed most. And finally, they need medical care. Too often, children die because they don’t have access to basic medical care, such as vaccinations. World hunger is a problem that can be solved, but it will take more than just money.

It will take a change in mindset and a willingness to help those who cannot help themselves. With your help, we can make the world a better place for everyone. World hunger is a global issue that effects us all. We need to work together to find a solution so that everyone can have access to food and live a healthy life. Thank you for your time and consideration. World hunger must end now.

World hunger is defined as “a condition in which people lack the means necessary to obtain adequate food on a daily basis” ( According to the World Food Programme, there are 795 million people around the world who are affected by hunger on a daily basis, including 155 million children under the age of five.

Some countries have the resources to provide children with adequate calories to develop and thrive, yet they waste away and die. This is due to malnutrition. Micronutrients (particularly protein) are lacking in many fatal diseases due to a lack of macronutrients (especially protein).

Both kwashiorkor and marasmus are particularly terrible and prevalent forms of malnutrition. Kwashiorkor occurs as a result of a deficit in protein, whereas marasmus results from an absence of all minerals. Both induce youngsters to become heartbreaking images made up of skin and bones. The method to properly subsist on farm must be established in every nation on the planet in order to address this.

World hunger has many causes, but all of them are interconnected. Poverty is the main cause of world hunger. According to World Bank, “Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for tomorrow, living one day at a time.”

This means that people who are poor do not have enough money to buy food or clothes or even pay their rent. They also do not have enough money to go to the doctor when they are sick and they cannot afford to send their children to school because they need them to work in order to earn some money.

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Opinion: We Can End Hunger, Here's How

The international community has embraced eliminating hunger by 2030. But with more than 600 million people still likely to suffer from hunger in 2030, we're far from reaching that goal. We're making progress against hunger, the head of the Food and Agriculture Organization writes, but not enough to end it.

Social Studies, Economics

Feeding a Family

a mother feeding her 10 children in Kenya

Photograph by Dominic Nahr

a mother feeding her 10 children in Kenya

This article was originally published October 16, 2015, written by José Graziano Da Silva, UN Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization. The international community has embraced a new goal, the eradication of hunger by 2030. That makes us the zero-hunger generation with a shared commitment to make hunger history. As we commemorate the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s birth 70 years ago and celebrate World Food Day, we are reminded of FAO’s mission to ensure food security for all, everywhere. The zero-hunger goal requires us to accelerate our efforts to eliminate hunger and poverty. FAO monitors 129 countries and 72 of those have halved the number of people experiencing undernourishment between the years of 1991 and 2014 and have achieved the Millennium Development Goal. (Since the release of this op-ed, the UN Millemmium Development Goals, have been replaced by the UN Sustaianable Development Goals or SDGs. Eliminating hunger is the second goal, or  SDG 2 .) Progress, however, has been uneven: Some 800 million people continue to suffer hunger, and almost a billion live in extreme poverty. We need to break out of the cycles that trap people in poverty and hunger. In a business-as-usual scenario, more than 600 million people are still likely to be hungry in 2030. That’s a long way from zero. A Pro-Poor Posture Eradicating hunger requires commitment —political will. It will require sustained efforts in many areas, particularly pro-poor investments in rural areas, where the majority of the world’s most vulnerable live. Economic growth alone will not suffice; it needs to be socially inclusive to ensure sufficient access to food for all. Pro-poor public investments include infrastructure benefitting small family farms, ensuring sustainable agriculture, reducing post-harvest food losses, strengthening land and water rights, and making sure that the poor and marginalized —whose ranks include many women and youth—have fair access to credit, farm inputs including seed and fertilizers, and the extension services that provide training and advice to rural, small family farms. Road improvement projects in South Asia's Bangladesh, to cite an example, increased agricultural wages by 27 percent and greatly increased school enrollment for local children. Such investments can break the self-perpetuating cycle of rural poverty. Beyond Short-Term Tactics Along with more pro-poor investments , we need to promote wider and deeper use of social protection programs to lift people out of poverty permanently by ensuring people do not slip back into it. Social protection refers to programs to provide basic needs. Providing a social protection floor ensures basic needs for all. Social protection schemes can take many forms, including guaranteed employment in public works, cash or in-kind transfers to eligible beneficiaries, and school feeding programs. If well designed, they enable the poorest to undertake activities to earn more, rising above the poverty line. In 2013 alone, social protection measures took around 150 million people out of extreme poverty. The growing acceptance and proliferation of social protection in the developing world implies the recognition of their ability to immediately address poverty and hunger. Such schemes work and are affordable, especially compared to the cost and price of doing nothing. Social protection offsets income shortfalls so that vulnerable households can avoid livelihood and food security shocks (sudden, unexpected loss of food from climate change or a geopolitical crisis), which are particularly hard for rural households that are dependent on agriculture to recover from. But it can do much more: It can help millions of family farmers and rural laborers move beyond short-term survival tactics and enable them to invest more in productive activities as well as their children’s health and education. Time is money, and that is no less true for the poor. Today, we know that even relatively small monetary transfers to poor households, when regular and predictable, helps them pursue other income-generating activities. Far from creating dependency or reducing work effort, social protection strengthens livelihoods . Increasing the purchasing power of the poor also benefits the wider community by increasing business opportunities, triggering a virtuous local economic growth cycle, which is especially welcome in typically neglected rural areas. But social protection programs, on their own, will not be enough. We need to integrate them with pro-poor agricultural investment programs to derive more effective collaborations. Political commitment , partnerships, and adequate funding are key to realizing this vision. Policies and plans for rural development, poverty reduction, food security , and nutrition need to promote pro-poor investments and social protection to fight poverty and hunger, together with a broader set of interventions, notably in health and education. We know what to do. We have the tools. Now we’ve made the pledge. So we must be the zero-hunger generation.

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Related Resources

Ending hunger

Ending world hunger is one of the greatest challenges of our times. Across the globe, as many as 309 million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity in 2024 in the 72 countries with WFP operations and where data is available. Around  42 million people in 45 countries are at 'emergency' or worse levels of hunger . 

The consequence of diets poor in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are affecting the health and life prospects of millions more, and casting a shadow over the future of communities and entire countries.  

Although enough food is produced to feed everyone on this planet, the goal of a world with zero hunger , as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and specifically in  Sustainable Development Goal 2 , remains hugely challenging due to a toxic cocktail of conflict, climate change, disasters and structural poverty and inequality . Over the past two years, the socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have further exacerbated global hunger by pushing millions of vulnerable people into greater food insecurity and driving up the costs of reaching people in need. WFP works on various activities in seeking solutions to hunger.

World hunger: causes and solutions

60 percent of the world’s hungry people live in zones affected by conflict, which is the main driver in 8 out of 10 of the worst hunger crises (as in the case of Yemen, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Syria, for example).

What we are doing 

Food and nutrition assistance

Syria, Aleppo. Children join their parents in line, or are sent to collect bread alone before going to school. Photo: WFP/Hussam Al Saleh

WFP brings life-saving food and nutrition assistance to people trapped or displaced by fighting, wherever they are. With the help of local partners, we reach those in need even in the most remote areas, using all-terrain vehicles and dropping food from planes when all other avenues are closed.

Our assistance can help create pathways to peace, as recognized in the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to WFP in 2020.

Prospects for peace

Mitib Ibrahim (L) and Mohammed Jama'a (R) are from different tribes and got to know each other working together on the rehabilitation of an irrigation canal in Ramadi. Photo: WFP/David Orr

Preliminary findings from a joint research study with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute indicated that WFP’s work to solve world hunger contributed to improving prospects for peace. It did this by enhancing access to contested natural resources, boosting social cohesion and resolving grievances within and between communities, while increasing opportunities and trust between people and government through strengthening state accountability and service delivery. The study focused on El Salvador, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan and Mali.

Climate change

The impacts of the climate crisis such as floods, drought or heatwaves affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of people, aggravating poverty, world hunger and social tensions. WFP helps governments and communities to adopt to the changing climate and protect themselves and their food security from climate impacts.

What we are doing

Anticipatory action

WFP staff explain the registration process to the members of Irosin community who are participating in the forecast-based financing project. Photo: WFP Philippines/Arete

WFP’s Anticipatory Action programme uses early warning systems to trigger humanitarian action before extreme weather events impact communities, allowing them to protect themselves, their homes, livestock and buy food and other essential items. 

Climate-smart energy solutions

Rwanda. School cook, Felicien Rwatangaro. Photo: WFP/Daniel Kibsgaard

To ensure people can cook and consume food safely, WFP facilitates access to modern cooking solutions such as gas stoves, mini-gasifiers or electric pressure cookers. WFP also strives to empower smallholder farmers through the distribution of sustainable energy equipment and services that boost food production, processing and preservation.

When an earthquake, cyclone, a hurricane or other disaster strikes, WFP is a first responder, bringing food and other life-saving assistance to populations that have lost everything.

Logistics Officers check personal protective equipment (PPE) being offloaded at the temperature controlled warehouse in Lologo, Juba. Photo: WFP/Giulio d'Adamo

As the leader of the inter-agency Logistics Cluster , WFP provides coordination and information management in the response to large-scale disasters.


Haiti, Port au Prince. Telecommunications mast. Photo: WFP/Rein Skullerud

WFP leads the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster , which provides life-saving connectivity in emergency situations. WFP’s Fast IT and Telecommunications Emergency and Support Team of responders (FITTEST) is ready to deploy anywhere in the world to establish and restore communications and information technology networks.

Geospatial analyses

Geospatial analysis. GIS image.

Targeted geospatial analyses show the immediate impact of natural disasters and allow for a faster response matched to needs. Our Geographic Information Systems tools such as ADAM (Automatic Disaster Analysis & Mapping) provide 24/7 mapping of earthquakes and tropical cyclones.

Inequality drives global hunger by limiting people's opportunities and increasing levels of hunger. Increasing access to employment, finance and markets, for example, can lift people out of poverty very quickly, increasing their productivity and spending power, and stimulating local markets.

Food assistance for assets

Kakhobwe's irrigation scheme, under DFID funded Prosper programme in Malawi. Photo: WFP/Badre Bahaji

WFP’s Food Assistance for Assets programme involves people working on community projects such as restoring unproductive land, in return for cash or food. The private sector-focused Farm to Market Alliance connects smallholders to markets and helps them diversify their crops and increase their business potential.

Cash transfers

Malawi. WFP distributing cash to urban and rural households affected by climate shocks and economic effects of COVID-19. Photo: WFP/Badre Bahaji

Where markets and financial systems are functioning, WFP provides assistance in cash. Whether in the form of bank notes, vouchers, debit cards, e-money or mobile money, cash transfers allow people to make choices that improve their food security and nutrition, and inject cash into the local economy.

Social safety nets

Local school authorities and WFP distribute Take-Home Rations (THR) among school children and their parents in La Guajira department, Colombia. Photo: WFP/Miller Choles

WFP supports governments in strengthening the social safety nets they have in place to protect their citizens from poverty, inequality and  hunger. We also work to enhance the ability of these systems to respond to shocks such as disasters or mass population displacements.

Poor storage facilities in farms lead to pest infestations and mould ruining crops. Lack of access to technology and markets means many farmers are forced to watch their crops rot in fields, as the labour and financial investment required to harvest them is often unavailable.

Zero post-harvest losses

Malawi. Stop the Waste. Storing food in the warehouse. Photo: WFP/Badre Bahaji

WFP’s Zero Post-Harvest Losses project teaches smallholder farmers how to use improved post-harvest handling methods, combined with simple but effective hermetic storage equipment to protect crops against insects, rodents, mould and moisture.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed millions more people into hunger by disrupting production, trade and livelihoods, putting millions out of work.

Common services

UNHRD Panama is preparing to dispatch consignments of Personal protective equipment (PPE) items for WHO. Photo: WFP/Elio Rujano

WFP set up Common Services – global passenger and cargo movement services – allowing humanitarian staff and food and health supplies to reach vulnerable people around the world, who would otherwise be cut off from support when they needed it most.

Food and cash assistance

WFP food card helps 800 LGBTI households through the pandemic. Photo: WFP/Hetze Tosta

To address the increased needs created by the socioeconomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, WFP has stepped up its cash and food assistance, and supported governments in strengthening their own social safety nets.

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Essay on World Hunger

Students are often asked to write an essay on World Hunger in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on World Hunger

What is world hunger.

World hunger means that many people all over the planet do not have enough food to eat. This problem is very serious and affects millions of families, especially in poorer countries. People who are very hungry may not get the vitamins and energy they need to live healthy lives.

Why Does Hunger Happen?

Hunger can happen for many reasons like wars, not enough rain for crops, or because food is very expensive. Sometimes, even if there is enough food, it does not reach the people who need it the most.

How Can We Help?

Everyone can help fight hunger. By donating food, money, or time to food banks or charities, we can make a big difference. Even small actions can help feed hungry children and families around the world. Let’s work together to end world hunger.

250 Words Essay on World Hunger

World Hunger means not having enough food to stay healthy and active. Many people in different parts of the world do not have enough food to eat every day. This is a big problem because without the right food, our bodies cannot work the way they should.

Why Does It Happen?

There are many reasons why people do not have enough food. Sometimes, it is because there is not enough rain and crops cannot grow. Other times, it is because of wars that make it hard for food to reach the people who need it. Also, in some places, not having enough money to buy food is a big reason for hunger.

Who Does It Affect?

Hunger affects many people, especially children. When children do not eat enough healthy food, they can get sick easily, and they might not grow up strong. It also makes it hard for them to learn well in school.

Can We Solve It?

Yes, we can help solve hunger by working together. People can donate food or money to organizations that help feed those in need. Farmers can learn new ways to grow more food even when there is not much water. Everyone can help by not wasting food and by sharing what they have with others.

World Hunger is a big problem, but if everyone helps a little, we can make a big difference. Let’s all try to make sure everyone has enough food to eat.

500 Words Essay on World Hunger

World hunger is a lack of access to enough food, clean water, and healthy air, which can lead to malnutrition and death. Millions of people around the world suffer from hunger because they cannot afford to buy food or don’t have enough land to grow their food.

Causes of World Hunger

There are many causes of world hunger, but some of the most common include:

  • Poverty: Many people in the world live in poverty and cannot afford to buy food.
  • Droughts and Floods: Natural disasters like droughts and floods can destroy crops and make it difficult for people in affected areas to feed their families.
  • War and Conflict: When war breaks out in a country, it can disrupt food production and distribution, leading to hunger.
  • Climate Change: Climate change can lead to extreme weather events, which can make it difficult to grow crops and can also lead to food shortages.

Effects of World Hunger

World hunger has a devastating impact on people around the world. It can lead to:

  • Malnutrition: Lack of access to adequate food can lead to malnutrition, a condition that can cause stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and impaired cognitive development.
  • Illness and Disease: Hunger can also lead to an increased risk of illness and disease, such as diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria.
  • School Dropout: Hunger can make it difficult for children to concentrate in school and can lead to them dropping out.

Solutions to World Hunger

There are many possible solutions to world hunger, but some of the most important include:

  • Reducing Poverty: Helping people lift themselves out of poverty can help to improve their access to food.
  • Improving Food Production: Investing in agricultural research and development can help to increase food production and make food more affordable.
  • Addressing Climate Change: Taking action to address climate change can help to protect crops and prevent food shortages.
  • Promoting Peace and Security : Working to promote peace and security can help to create a more stable environment for food production and distribution.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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111 World Hunger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

World hunger is a prevalent issue that affects millions of people across the globe. As a result, it is a common topic for essays and research papers in various academic disciplines. If you are tasked with writing an essay on world hunger, you may find it helpful to have a list of potential topic ideas to choose from. Here are 111 world hunger essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The root causes of world hunger
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • The role of poverty in perpetuating world hunger
  • Food insecurity in developing countries
  • The effects of conflict and war on food access
  • The relationship between agriculture and hunger
  • The role of food waste in exacerbating world hunger
  • The impact of globalization on food production and distribution
  • The importance of sustainable agriculture in addressing world hunger
  • The role of gender inequality in food insecurity
  • The impact of urbanization on food access in developing countries
  • The role of education in combating world hunger
  • The effects of malnutrition on global health
  • The role of international aid in addressing world hunger
  • The impact of food deserts on food access in urban areas
  • The relationship between food prices and hunger
  • The effects of food insecurity on children's health and development
  • The role of government policies in addressing world hunger
  • The impact of natural disasters on food security
  • The relationship between food sovereignty and food security
  • The effects of food insecurity on mental health
  • The role of technology in improving food access in remote areas
  • The impact of land grabs on food security in developing countries
  • The relationship between water scarcity and food production
  • The effects of deforestation on food security
  • The role of food banks in addressing hunger in developed countries
  • The impact of food aid on local economies
  • The relationship between food security and political stability
  • The effects of food insecurity on social cohesion
  • The role of community gardens in addressing food insecurity
  • The impact of food labeling on consumer choices
  • The relationship between food access and health disparities
  • The effects of food insecurity on marginalized communities
  • The role of food sovereignty in promoting food security
  • The impact of agricultural subsidies on food prices
  • The relationship between food insecurity and obesity
  • The effects of food insecurity on migration patterns
  • The role of food cooperatives in promoting food access
  • The impact of food insecurity on household economics
  • The relationship between food security and climate resilience
  • The effects of food insecurity on child labor
  • The role of food aid in addressing emergencies
  • The impact of food insecurity on food sovereignty
  • The relationship between food security and land rights
  • The effects of food insecurity on social unrest
  • The role of food banks in addressing hunger in urban areas
  • The impact of food labeling on consumer awareness
  • The relationship between food security and food safety
  • The role of food sovereignty in promoting sustainable agriculture
  • The impact of food insecurity on gender equality
  • The relationship between food access and social justice
  • The effects of food insecurity on community well-being

These essay topics cover a wide range of issues related to world hunger, offering you plenty of options to explore in your writing. Whether you are interested in the root causes of hunger, the impact of food insecurity on mental health, or the role of government policies in addressing hunger, there is sure to be a topic that sparks your interest. By choosing a topic that you are passionate about, you can create a compelling and informative essay that sheds light on the complex issue of world hunger.

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World Hunger Essay

  • 4 Works Cited

World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages. It is a problem that should be able to be solved easily, yet there are still 1.02 billion undernourished people worldwide. With the world population being 6.7 billion people, and the Earth producing more than enough food for this amount of people, why is it that there are hungry, malnourished people all around the globe? Hunger is caused by many events, including the poverty trap, natural disasters, war, poor agricultural infrastructure, and over-exploitation of the environment. The poverty trap is the cycle of poverty that can begin from a limited diet and progress to birthing a baby that is malnourished. This causes the baby to have slower development and poor …show more content…

They do this by destroying local markets and seizing or destroying crops and animals, while contaminating wells and mining fields. This forces farmers to leave their lands and usually begins their cycle in the poverty trap. Poor agricultural infrastructure causes hunger because the lack of roads, warehouses, and irrigation causes higher transportation costs, a deficiency of storage facilities, and unreliable water supplies. To improve the agricultural infrastructure, however, it would cost a profuse amount of money, which would put the country in greater debt and result in less funding for essential systems, such as health care, which already has too little funding. Over-exploitation of the environment is caused by deforestation, over-cropping, poor farming practices, and overgrazing. When over-exploitation occurs, salination, erosion, and desertification results, causing less fertility and more hunger across the globe. Salination is caused by erosion that strips the earth of its nutrients, leaving behind salty, unfertile land. This causes plants to have less of a chance of growing properly, or not grow at all. When less plants grow, less people are fed, and more go hungry. From 1970 to 1997, humanity was solving the starvation problem worldwide. The amount of hungry people had dropped from 959 million to 791 million, which is a total decrease of 168 million people. This decrease is

The Causes of World Hunger

The causes of world hunger are at once intimidatingly complex and stunningly simple, depending on the underlying ideological assumptions which inform one's approach to the problem. For the uninformed, the cause of world hunger might seem to be quite obvious, because the concept of hunger is ostensibly simple; being hungry means a lack of food, so world hunger must be caused either by a lack of food on a global scale or overpopulation. Put another way, the easy answer to the question of world hunger is to suggest that there is either too little food or too many people, but in reality, neither of these scenarios prove to be the case. Instead, research has shown that human beings produce more than enough food for the global population, and that world hunger stems not from a lack of food overall, but rather an inequitable distribution of wealth, which precludes certain populations from being able to purchase the food they need, or else prompts localized overpopulation due to insufficient family planning and local resources. Thus, poverty is ultimately the cause of world hunger, but to understand why one must investigate the nexus between capitalism, poverty, global trade, and world hunger, because far from being the product of hard limits regarding the amount of food or size of the population, world hunger is almost entirely the result of social forces which have conspired together to impoverish and starve millions for the sake of a privileged few.

Hunger in Ethiopia Essay

  • 3 Works Cited

Another factor that causes starvation in Ethiopia is its economy. Ethiopia is in and has always been in a very poor economic state. Crops account for 41% of the country’s GDP however; the

Explaining Hunger In America

Many go hungry because of the lack of access to food. Fruits and vegetables are not available because those farms are not subsidized, much of government funding goes towards bigger farms that produce wheat and other grains. The end result is making carb-based foods cheaper and easier to buy. The purpose of this is to explain the hunger crisis here in America, why the cost of certain foods is higher than others, and how to help the crisis.

Hunger In America

In Mexico, around forty five percent of its one hundred and eighteen million people face food shortages or hunger. In south America, nearly ten million Peruvians suffer from hunger; that is nearly one-third of the population. In many countries around the world, it is the rural poor who suffer most. Hunger and disease, is usually in close combination and often precipitated by natural disasters or war, have plagued humankind throughout history. People need nutrition to be strong and to be able to go to school or work, but without any healthy food that cannot happen. Their bodies cannot process the activities or material they are shown due to lack of nutrients that you get from healthy sustenance. therefore, they are not able to get a good paying job or education for later in their future. World hunger is a problem that must be addressed as seen through illness,

Global Problems And The Culture Of Capitalism By Richard Robbins

Richard Robbins explores and analyzes the creation and the upkeep of hunger in his book “Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. Each day, over a billion people in the world lack basic food needs. Common misunderstandings about world hunger are that it is the result of insufficient food production, famine is the common reason for hunger and that hunger is caused by overpopulation. Robbins argues against that theory and says that famines is not the leading cause of hunger and hunger is not due to overpopulation or insufficient food production. “Food production is not determined by the global need for food; it is determined on how many people have the means for it” (page 176). The documentary “The End of Poverty” reinforces Robbins belief that food is a commodity.

World hunger is one of the many dire problems facing the human race. Although the common person probably won't have a big impact on ending world hunger, but by being aware of the issues you become empowered. It is first necessary discuss some other the myths about the reasons for world hunger. World hunger is not caused by population increase, but it is one of the factors. The global grain production is high enough to

Essay On Hunger In America

There are multiple factors that contribute to hunger, one of which is food waste. In 2010, thirty-one percent of the available food supply in America went uneaten or wasted. Every year, a minimum of 1.3 billion pounds of food goes unused. Not only does the unused food sit in landfills, but when it rots, it produces greenhouse gasses that speed up global warming. Unemployment is also one of the bigger factors in the problem of hunger. Most people commonly associate poverty with hunger. But sadly, in America, unemployment and hunger also go hand in hand. When a person is unable to earn money, they are then unable to buy food, he or she has a higher chance of going hungry. With little money it is harder to find or buy food.

What Causes Hunger In America

Hunger is caused by many things and shockingly a food shortage is not one of them. Most people who face hunger are in that situation because of poverty. Poverty is the lack of money to buy what is necessary. The number one cause of poverty is job instability. Without jobs people have no way to make money to provide for their families and one of the things some people cut back on in their budget is food. Sometimes

Climate Change Will Worsen Hunger

Explains how we have decreased hunger in the past two decades but it also adds on that one in eight people is still going hungry. It goes on to explain the challenges that we are currently facing that make it difficult to stop hunger all together. One of the challenges that is explained is Climate Change. Climate change has affected hunger because many countries have lost their source of crop growth due to water scarcity, soil quality loss and many other factors. With all these factors in mind many organizations are trying to find ways in working around Climate Change to help Rural areas become less hungry.

Essay on We Can End World Hunger

  • 8 Works Cited

In the past ten years the world population exceeded six billion people with most of the growth occurring in the poorest, least developed countries in the world. The rapidly increasing population and the quickly declining amount of land are relative and the rate at which hunger is increasing rises with each passing year. We cannot afford to continue to expand our world population at such an alarming rate, for already we are suffering the consequences. Hunger has been a problem for our world for thousands of years. But now that we have the technology and knowledge to stamp it out, time is running short.

Hunger, Malaria, And Tuberculosis

There are many causes that lead to the problem of hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Zimbabwe. These causes are mostly economical and agricultural as well as multiple other factors playing into hunger. The economical and hunger causes of hunger include drought, rising food prices, and also unemployment. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing lots of drought which is limiting their food supply. “Today an estimated 14 million people are in danger of starving in Ethiopia alone, and a million more are threatened in drought-ridden Eritrea.”(Masci). Drought is leading to less production of crops, based on supply and demand, less supply is causing prices to rise for food and leading poverty scorched people to be in state of hunger. Also unemployment is playing a big role in people not being able to afford food. People in Sub-Saharan Africa are mostly unemployed so without any income, they cannot afford the amount of food they need. Many of the causes of hunger are as a result of a

Hunger Is A Moral And Humanitarian Crisis

Despite all the atrocities and problems that bedevil the world, what has always horrified me is the hunger that exists amidst the world of so much plenty. Indeed, hunger exists even in the First World countries, including the most advanced nation, the United States of America. It is inconceivable how even the poorest nations allocate big portions of their budgets to military hardware and not food production. Hunger is a moral and humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by unjust policies and practices, market distortions caused by excessive financial speculation by the deviation of food resources to produce energy (News VA).The overall effect is that the population of people who are hungry is increasing, instead of decreasing, despite the

Persuasive Essay On Hunger

To begin, we can start by looking at this issue of hunger globally. According to The Hunger Project, “Of the 815 million people suffering from chronic hunger, 98

The Causes Of World Hunger In The World

The causes of world hunger in the world is due to the increase in population in very developed countries allowing a longer life span causing the world population to increase more quickly because there would be a higher consumption of food and it would

Reflection on Hunger Essay

Food is one of the basic needs of a human being to survive. All of us depend on food for having a good health, therefore with the lack of food many people will be starving and malnourished.

How to End World Hunger: 6 Zero Hunger Solutions

We are at the crossroads of one of the greatest challenges of our time: How do we end world hunger? There are 828 million hungry people in the world, including 349 million people facing severe hunger. While this is the largest global food crisis in modern history, we have the solutions for a zero hunger world.

In 2012, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the Zero Hunger challenge as the U.N. plan to end world hunger. The challenge reflects five elements from within the Sustainable Development Goals which taken together can end hunger. These Zero Hunger solutions can massively transform agriculture and food systems. In addition to these five solutions, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) knows the majority of the world’s hungriest people live in conflict-affected areas. For this reason, we include a sixth Zero Hunger solution: break the cycle of conflict and hunger.

Here is how the U.N. World Food Programme works tirelessly to execute these solutions and end world hunger.

1. Break the Cycle of Conflict and Hunger

With almost 60% of the world’s hungriest people living in conflict affected zones , conflict is the greatest challenge to Zero Hunger .

Conflict and hunger create a vicious cycle. When war erupts, instability forces people to find illicit and sometimes violent means of acquiring their necessities. In this unstable period where access to food is fought over, the risk of social unrest heightens.

The U.N. World Food Programme is on the frontlines of the world’s worst conflicts, going where others can’t to deliver lifesaving food in the hardest-to-reach areas. The agency’s work to solve hunger has contributed to improving prospects for peace – effectively breaking the conflict and hunger cycle. In conflict zones, the U.N. World Food Programme is there to provide food and cash assistance, keep kids in classrooms with school meals and rebuild infrastructure through community projects.

In 2020, the U.N. World Food Programme became the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and was recognized by the Nobel Committee “for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.” The U.N. World Food Programme’s Nobel Peace Prize is a powerful call to action, recognizing the important link between conflict and hunger and the critical role of food assistance as a building block to peace and stability.

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2. Increase Sustainability and Build Resilience to Climate Change

essay world hunger

Adak Nyuol Bol stands outside her farm which has been submerged by floodwaters. South Sudan is on the frontlines of the climate crisis and currently experiencing a fourth consecutive year of flooding.

Climate extremes are one of the main drivers of severe  hunger . We have entered a ‘new normal’ where consecutive and extreme weather events – like droughts, flooding, hurricanes and cyclones – decimate farming and drive displacement. As a result, communities constantly operate in recovery mode: Diminished economies, destroyed infrastructure and disrupted access to food significantly reduce people’s capacity to rebuild their livelihoods and prepare for the next imminent disaster.

The U.N. World Food Programme helps communities build resilience to climate change through long-term solutions including:

  • Reforestation and land rehabilitation projects
  • Climate insurance for small-scale farmers
  • Providing local institutions with access to sustainable energy solutions

To tackle the challenges of climate change, food availability and food access, we must also help farmers grow a more diverse range of crops and livestock. That’s why the U.N. World Food Programme teaches farmers new techniques, equips them with tools and educates their communities about the nutritional importance of eating a wide range of foods.

3. Address Poverty & Inequality Through Social Safety Nets

Poverty and inequality are the root causes of global hunger. Imagine being a mother who must forgo her daily meals to feed her children, or a farmer who must sell food rations in exchange for farming equipment.

The U.N. World Food Programme helps governments strengthen national safety nets that safeguard their citizens from poverty, inequality and hunger. By 2030, the U.N. World Food Programme aims to substantially increase people’s access to their national social protection systems – thereby promoting equitable economic growth.

The U.N. World Food Programme is the world’s largest provider of humanitarian cash, distributing cash to over 40 million people across 70 countries . The global food crisis is mainly one of access where record-high prices mean people cannot buy what they need. Where markets are functioning, the U.N. World Food Programme can provide cash-based assistance in the form of bank notes, vouchers, debit cards, e-money or mobile money. Cash transfers empower families to decide how to spend their money while supporting local markets and economies.

Through Food for Assets projects, the U.N. World Food Programme offers food or cash assistance while participants work on community assets like roads, dams and irrigation systems. The community-centered approach of coming together to reinvigorate participants’ environment has extra benefits like promoting nutrition, gender equality and social protection. For example, in Mozambique, the Food For Assets program provides female farmers with opportunities to test out innovative farming techniques designed to build their harvests’ resilience to climate change. Participants may also receive agricultural training, which boosts their income and access to food.

4. Help Rural Farmers Connect to Markets

essay world hunger

Francisca selling her vegetables at the local market in the community of Plan de Jocote, Chiquimula department.

One of the cruelest ironies of hunger is its disproportionate impact on small-scale farmers—the very people who grow food for a living. Small-scale farmers make up the majority of people living in poverty. Their economic losses come from lack of access to production inputs like proper storage, fertilizer and farming equipment as well as constant challenges from climate extremes.

The U.N. World Food Programme works to connect small-scale farmers to local economies while providing them with the resources to improve production, reduce their post-harvest losses, develop business skills and gain access to financial tools.

In over 40 countries the U.N. World Food Programme connects small-scale farmers to markets so that they can supply their own communities with lifesaving food. The program Purchase for Progress (P4P) partners farmers with the private sector, encouraging investments that diversify their crops and expand their business prospects.

5. Reduce Food Waste & Food Loss

The world produces more than enough food to feed everyone, and yet 828 million people still go to bed hungry each night. In high-income countries, 40% of food is wasted because people buy more food than they can consume. In low-income countries, where the vast majority of the world’s hungriest people live, most food loss occurs during the early stages of growth, harvest and storage.

The U.N. World Food Programme is working to eliminate food loss and waste by:

  • Providing farmers with modern storage equipment like silos and air-tight bags
  • Offering long-lasting foods like flour, dried beans and salt – all properly packaged in sturdy containers
  • Investing in innovations like hydroponics that allow communities to grow, sell and store food in the harshest conditions
  • Selling and storing food in impossible places due to exposure of extreme temperatures, excess dust and general pollution
  • Advocating for policy that distributes American-grown crops to people in need – like the U.S. Farm Bill which supplies the U.N. World Food Programme with U.S. agricultural commodities like rice, corn, wheat and soybeans for people abroad

6. Eliminate Malnutrition in Mothers & Children

essay world hunger

Ade Hassen Ali, 35, is a mother of seven. She gives her young daughter Plumpy’Sup, a nutritional peanut paste that helps prevent malnutrition.

45% of deaths among children under age 5 are caused by malnutrition. The first two years of a baby’s life are critical when it comes to receiving the nourishment they need to grow into a healthy adult. From Fortified Blended Foods to High Energy Biscuits, the U.N. World Food Programme ensures millions of children and pregnant and nursing women have access to specialized nutritious food. Last year, the U.N. World Food Programme reached more than 17 million mothers and children with programs to prevent and treat malnutrition.

What You Can Do to End World Hunger

Zero Hunger may seem like an impossible goal, but through these six solutions we can make this dream a reality. The U.N. World Food Programme plays a vital role in that work by:

  • Ensuring people in conflict-affected areas will not have food weaponized against them
  • Anticipating, responding to and building resilience against the shocks and stresses of climate extremes
  • Leveraging social safety nets, cash assistance and infrastructure to financially empower communities and local markets
  • Connecting small-scale farmers with the tools they need to maintain sustainable agriculture for their country’s food security
  • Making sure that the ample food that is grown across the world does not go to waste due to improper management or redistribution
  • Protecting groups affected by or at risk of malnutrition (primarily mothers and children) by supplying them with specialized nutritious foods

You also play a vital role in ending world hunger. There are a lot of ways you can be part of creating a Zero Hunger world like playing the Freerice game, signing advocacy petitions or starting a fundraising campaign. Discover how you can be part of the solution for global hunger.

Unless action is taken now, millions of people have the potential to fall into deeper levels of hunger. We can respond to this global emergency by addressing hunger at its root causes. We all have an obligation to build a future that better serves our planet and all the people that live on it.

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World Hunger Essay: Outline, Topics, & Samples

The picture provides introductory information about a world hunger essay.

World hunger is a global problem that affects roughly 10% of the world’s population. It is hard to imagine that so many people are deprived of basic human needs. That is why the topic is so sensitive and needs attention.

Numerous organizations try to provide financial aid, volunteer and improve the agricultural sector. However, wars, extreme weather conditions , and rising food prices still cause adults and children malnutrition.

This article will help you to create a world hunger essay outline, find a suitable topic, and decide what to write in your paper.

  • 📝 Writing Tips
  • 🌽 Problems and Solutions Essay
  • 🔓 How to Solve World Hunger Essay Sample
  • 🥗 80 World Hunger Essay Topics

📝 World Hunger Essay Writing Tips

In this passage, we will share some advice on writing an essay about world hunger. You can use them both for long and short papers and even for drafting your speech on the issue.

What to Write in an Essay about World Hunger?

Check these four acute themes that you can discuss in your work.

  • Poverty is the main reason for world hunger. That is why Asian and African countries suffer the most. Explain how poverty creates a cycle that causes low incomes for future generations and, as a result, hunger.
  • The issue is on the rise. The number of people who suffer from hunger grows each year. The COVID-19 pandemic made things even worse. The percentage of malnourished people rose from 8.4% in 2019 to 9.9% in 2020. Write about the tendencies and the depth of the issue.
  • How to end world hunger? Research the organizations that fight world hunger. Describe your vision of the possible solutions. Also, try to mention how an average human can contribute to them.
  • People who no longer suffer from hunger still cannot afford a healthy diet. Cheap food often includes industrial trans-fats and a high proportion of salt and sugar. Define the problems that developing counties face on the way from hunger to proper nutrition.

The picture presents three major themes to research about world hunger.

How to Write an Essay on World Hunger?

  • Plan your work. It would help if you left enough time to research, write, and edit.
  • Select credible sources. Better use academic publications that your library provides. Make sure that they are not outdated.
  • Check if your ideas are unique. Search for other papers that study a similar topic .
  • Follow the structure. You need an introduction with a thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Pay attention to the type of essay you have to write (argumentative, persuasive, problem and solution, etc.). The structure might be different depending on it.
  • Provide explanations. If your audience might not understand some terms, make a glossary at the beginning of your essay.
  • Introduce your vision. After you provide a deep analysis of your sources, add your thoughts on the issue. State your opinion, provide criticism, or suggest ways for further research.
  • Proofread and get a second opinion. Check if your grammar and spelling are in order. Make sure that you follow the requirements of your instructor. Let somebody review your essay .
  • Remember that the topic is sensitive. Avoid conflicts of interest and breaking ethical principles. Pay attention to the tone of writing.

Helpful Links for a World Hunger Essay

And here is our selection of resources for a world hunger essay. They will help you develop knowledge about world hunger and decide on your area of research.

Check the links below:

🔗 Global Hunger Index – Our World in Data

🔗 Hunger and Undernourishment – Our World in Data


🔗 UN report: Pandemic year marked by spike in world hunger

🔗 Global hunger is rising, warns major UN report | World Economic Forum

🔗 2020 – Hunger Map | World Food Programme

🔗 USDA ERS – Key Statistics & Graphics

🔗 Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population) | The Wordlbank

🌽 World Hunger Problems and Solutions Essay

Below, we will show how to create a world hunger essay outline. Here are descriptions of the structure and essay samples.

World Hunger Essay Outline #1

  • Introduction. Provide an overview of the further paragraphs and some background information. Describe the questions that you will answer. For example, what are the current problems in the issue of world hunger ? The last sentence of the introduction is your thesis statement. You need to introduce the issues and the solutions in it briefly.
  • Body. Define three problems and provide a solution to each one. Support your suggestions with scientific data that you gathered while researching. The first sentence of each paragraph should hint at what the whole passage is about.
  • Conclusion. Synthesize the information that you discussed in your paper. Restate your thesis. You can also define the excising gaps in the knowledge and the need for further research.

World Hunger Problems and Solutions Essay Sample

World hunger is a rising issue in most of the countries with low average incomes. Only in Asia, there are 513.9 million people who suffer from malnutrition. Several problems contribute to the issue, such as population growth , lack of education, and underdeveloped agricultural sector. The possible solutions include birth rate control, improvement of school education, and applying genetic engineering to the agricultural industry. Population growth in Africa and Asia is a factor that contributes to poverty. It is the leading cause of hunger in these regions. Almost two-thirds of poor children live in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia . That is the reason why birth control can help families reduce their financial burden. The measures include educating teenagers and young adults on contraception. This should be accompanied by providing accessible contraception methods. Lack of education means that children who do not receive enough knowledge cannot apply for high-paid jobs. Children from remote rural areas are two times less likely to attend even primary schools. Implementing free schools is the first step to raising the economies of developing countries. The children who graduate from high school have more perspectives than children with no education at all. It means that each country should provide free gender-equitable access to school education for all children regardless of their economic background. GM products that can survive high temperatures and are resistant to pesticides and diseases can improve food security in developing countries. Many Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia regions are prone to high temperatures, droughts, and floods. That is why investing in biotechnologies is vital for the countries that suffer from hunger. Raising research costs will enable scientists to look for the best solutions and cultivate crops that will survive extreme weather conditions. As a result, farmers will not risk their investments and will guarantee food supply for citizens of their country. While fighting world hunger, it is vital to focus on birth control , providing accessible education for children, and investing in genetic engineering research. Having fewer children will make it easier for families to cover the nutritional costs and ensure their literacy. GM products are more likely to survive hot weather and floods, which will create a secure food provision system for developing countries. All the research outcomes require checking and testing as we also need to make sure that all the used products will not bear harmful effects on human health.

🔓 How to Solve World Hunger Essay

In this part, we will take a look at another type of essay on world hunger. It will feature one problem and multiple solutions to it.

World Hunger Essay Outline #2

  • Introduction. State the problem that you will discuss and explain its importance. Define the terms that might be unfamiliar to your readers. In the thesis statement, mention one solution to the problem. This solution will be the foundation of your essay.
  • Body. Offer three arguments for your solution. Provide reliable evidence relevant to your vision. Analyze the sources that you use.
  • Conclusion. Synthesize the information mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Explain why your solution is the best way to deal with the problem. Paraphrase your thesis statement. Suggest possible ways of further researching your topic.

How to Solve World Hunger Essay Sample

Ending world hunger by the end of 2030 is one of the primary goals of the United Nations. 8,9% of the world population suffers from malnutrition, which is roughly 690 million people. If the trend continues, there will be 60 million more in the next five years. There are several solutions to the issue, including improving job opportunities for women, financial aid for farmers and other entrepreneurs, and educating people on proper nutrition. Empowering women means they will be able to provide for their families. As a result, each family will have additional income that will help to cover nutrition costs. For example, USAID’s food voucher program provides equal job opportunities to men and women. 18 000 households that participate in the program can afford healthy foods and training on hygiene and nutrition. Food provision and financial aid are not enough; people still need to know how to use the opportunities they receive. We need to educate people on proper nutrition, health, and hygiene . Washing hands, having clean toilet facilities, and having access to water are fundamental for all the farms and other workplaces. Growing and preparing food in the right conditions can reduce food waste and the risk of getting diseases . As sick workers can’t provide for their families, it is vital to ensure their education. Fighting world hunger means adopting a multilateral approach to the issue. Gender equality and financial support can ensure job opportunities in developing countries. Employers should guarantee safe and hygienic working conditions for their workers. At the same time, all the people need to receive proper knowledge on maintaining their health.

🥗 World Hunger Essay Topics

If the topics above were not catchy for you, check this compilation of 80 excellent world hunger essay titles:

  • The connection between unemployment rates and world hunger.
  • Is genetic engineering the answer to ending global hunger ?
  • What causes malnutrition in developing Asian countries ?
  • Women empowerment can help to fight world hunger .
  • How to create the agricultural sector in countries suffering from hunger?
  • Effects of climate change on agriculture and food .
  • Can volunteer programs help to reduce world hunger?
  • Neglecting poverty, development and hunger in international relations .
  • In what ways does corruption affect world hunger in developing countries?
  • Animal exploitation: Animal agriculture and climate change .
  • The effects of hunger on pregnancy and giving birth.
  • History of sustainable global food economy .
  • Obesity and malnutrition. The comparison of food problems in the US and developing countries.
  • Using advanced biotechnologies in agriculture as a way to reduce world hunger.
  • Genetically modified foods: Key aspects .
  • How to encourage African farmers to produce more food.
  • The issue of global poverty .
  • The best volunteering programs that fight world hunger.
  • Water-energy-food nexus in the Himalayan region .
  • The overview of hunger issues in Bangladesh.
  • Social issues: The exploitation of global poverty .
  • How did the 2008 economic crisis affect world hunger?
  • Improving education can lead to world hunger reduction .
  • Is there a connection between overpopulation and hunger in Asia?
  • Malnutrition in dementia: Critiquing an issue in aged care .
  • Can African countries end hunger without international help?
  • Social development and poverty reduction .
  • Hunger in the Philippines: The primary outcomes.
  • The effects of hunger on the human mind and intelligence.
  • Resolving the problems of poverty and income inequality .
  • Action plan to end hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Dangers of using genetically modified food .
  • The countries that are successful in fighting hunger.
  • Genetically modified food is the solution to world hunger .
  • Comparison between world hunger rates fifty years ago and now.
  • What can any person do to reduce world hunger?
  • Child poverty and hunger in Canada: Problem analysis .
  • The effects of world hunger on the global economy.
  • What are the main causes of famine? History perspective.
  • Vicious circle of poverty in Brazil .
  • Hunger in the United States: Myth or truth?
  • Prevention and treatment of malnutrition in older adults .
  • Civil wars as a cause of hunger in African countries.
  • How racial segregation contributes to concentrated poverty in minority communities .
  • How does gender inequality affect world hunger?
  • Hunger in India: Nutrition goals and current accomplishments.
  • Causes of poverty as the state of possessing fewer resources .
  • Why is there such a big gap between the rich and the poor ?
  • Genetically modified food: Critics and controversies .
  • What are the effects of long-term malnutrition on the human body?
  • Causes of poverty in Africa: Research designs .
  • Does climate change affect hunger in African countries?
  • The measures Asian countries currently take to reduce hunger.
  • The issue of the child poverty and hunger .
  • The causes and effects of hunger in Afghanistan .
  • Hunger during wars: Should we support conflicting countries?
  • Poverty and sex trafficking: Qualitative systematic review .
  • The causes and effects of hunger in Nepal.
  • How to educate children on proper nutrition at school.
  • Why do women starve themselves even if they have access to food?
  • Who is responsible for world hunger?
  • Can foreign aid solve worldwide poverty ?
  • Is it real to end world hunger by 2030 ?
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on world hunger.
  • Poverty and food security .
  • How the development of infrastructure helps to reduce world hunger.
  • What are the causes of hunger in economically developed countries ?
  • Nursing, poverty and healthcare .
  • Boko Haram’s terror and hunger in Nigeria .
  • Kenya: The influence of global warming .
  • The connection between diseases and hunger in developing countries.
  • Homelessness and poverty in the United States .
  • How do Asian countries fight world hunger?
  • Climate change and its impact on freshwater .
  • Urban and rural malnutrition differences in Africa.
  • Fresh food for low income families and individuals .
  • Does the economic growth of a country guarantee hunger reduction?
  • Food security programs in Georgia: Achievements and failures.
  • The water-energy-food nexus and problem mitigation .
  • How do natural disasters affect fighting hunger in Pakistan?

Now you are ready to start working on your paper.

Take notes on the key moments and prepare for productive work on your essay. We hope that the information above was very helpful for you.

sure this is great, love this post, i think it’s very advisable

Feeding the Future: Addressing Hunger and Food Security Globally

This essay about addressing hunger and food security globally through sustainable agriculture, empowering small-scale farmers, reducing food waste, leveraging technology, and fostering international cooperation. It emphasizes the importance of a multifaceted approach to ensure access to nutritious food for all, highlighting strategies such as investing in sustainable farming practices, supporting smallholder farmers, tackling food waste, embracing technological innovations, and promoting collaborative efforts among various stakeholders. By implementing these strategies collectively, the global community can make significant progress towards building a more food-secure and equitable world, where no one goes hungry.

How it works

In today’s interconnected world, the issue of hunger and food security stands as a formidable challenge. With a growing global population, fluctuating agricultural yields, economic disparities, and environmental pressures, ensuring access to nutritious food for all remains a critical priority. This essay delves into strategies aimed at mitigating hunger and enhancing food security on a global scale.

One pivotal approach is investing in sustainable agriculture. Sustainable farming practices promote long-term food security by conserving natural resources, minimizing environmental degradation, and enhancing resilience to climate change.

Embracing techniques such as agroforestry, crop rotation, and organic farming not only fosters soil health but also boosts crop yields, thereby bolstering food availability.

Furthermore, empowering small-scale farmers is crucial in the fight against hunger. These farmers, often marginalized and resource-constrained, play a significant role in food production, particularly in developing regions. By providing access to essential resources such as land, seeds, credit, and knowledge, governments and organizations can enable smallholder farmers to increase productivity, diversify crops, and improve livelihoods.

Moreover, addressing food waste and loss is imperative for enhancing food security. Astonishingly, approximately one-third of all food produced globally goes to waste, exacerbating hunger and straining natural resources. Implementing measures to reduce food waste throughout the supply chain, from production and distribution to consumption, can significantly augment food availability and alleviate hunger. Additionally, initiatives to redistribute surplus food to vulnerable communities can help bridge the gap between food surplus and food insecurity.

Innovations in technology also offer promising avenues for improving food security. Advancements in agricultural biotechnology, precision farming, and remote sensing enable farmers to optimize resource utilization, monitor crop health, and predict harvests accurately. Moreover, digital platforms and mobile applications facilitate access to market information, weather forecasts, and agricultural best practices, empowering farmers to make informed decisions and enhance productivity.

Furthermore, fostering international cooperation and policy coherence is essential in addressing the complex interplay of factors contributing to hunger and food insecurity. Collaborative efforts among governments, international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector can facilitate knowledge sharing, resource mobilization, and policy harmonization, thereby fostering a conducive environment for sustainable food systems.

In conclusion, tackling hunger and ensuring food security requires a multifaceted approach that integrates sustainable agriculture, support for smallholder farmers, reduction of food waste, technological innovation, and international cooperation. By embracing these strategies collectively, the global community can make significant strides towards building a world where no one goes to bed hungry. It is not merely a matter of eradicating hunger but of nurturing a future where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive.


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Feeding the Future: Addressing Hunger and Food Security Globally. (2024, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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"Feeding the Future: Addressing Hunger and Food Security Globally.", Mar 12, 2024. Accessed April 11, 2024.

"Feeding the Future: Addressing Hunger and Food Security Globally," , 12-Mar-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Apr-2024] (2024). Feeding the Future: Addressing Hunger and Food Security Globally . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 11-Apr-2024]

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Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger Essay

Introduction, peter singer position in the solution to world hunger, why the topic is important to our study of ethics, peter singer’s perception of what we ought to do to alleviate world hunger, arguments and reasons that peter singer gives in support of his position, works cited.

Hunger is the craving for food that causes uneasy sensations. A person who lacks food for a prolonged period becomes exhausted and malnourished in the end (De Onis, Frongillo, and Blossner 1128). Reports indicate that 13.1% of the population in the world is hungry. In 2010, an approximated 7.6 million children died due to hunger. African countries such as Somalia, Niger, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Kenya face food scarcities form one time to another.

The earth has the capability to produce enough food for the entire population, but the soils are not fully utilized. People in the developing nations have little potentiality to employ modernized agricultural practices and thus, they rely on lowly productive traditional methods. At the end of the day, people in developing countries are unwillingly struck by hunger.

Peter Singer is one of the most influential philosophers who encourage people to have a sense of compassion for the staving Africans. Singer has a strong belief that we collectively have significant duties to alleviate world hunger. It is ethical to have sympathy to those suffering from hunger, and according to Singer, we ought to strive to enhance the happiness of the human race by eradicating poverty.

This paper analyses the topic on world hunger, why the topic is important in the study of ethics, and Peter Singer’s position on what we ought to do to alleviate world hunger.

The hunger calamity that hits African countries from time to time has no direct distress to the people of the United States. However, the moral principles of the American people drive them to donate some of their income to help the starving nations. Peter Singer installs the moral obligation of valuing human life.

According to Singer, all lives are homogenously equivalent. Every individual’s life is highly valued, and the value cannot be stripped away whatsoever the case (Singer 366). Peter Singer’s perception of life plays a critical role in upgrading our moral ethics. Therefore, regardless of the difficult life situations, or the demanding need for extra cash, compassionate people will find it ethical to donate some of their income to the less privileged individuals.

Generally, the topic on world hunger touches our inner soul, and though sacrifice and donations are not compulsory, we feel obligated to sacrifice for the sake of those starving individuals. Though we may not know the starving individuals at a personal level, compassionate love forms, and we do all the doable to save their lives. Peter Singer’s solution to world hunger that states that we all have significant duties to alleviate world hunger is a very important topic in our study of ethics.

Peter Singer is so stringent on the issue of world hunger. Singer cannot withstand the fact that Americans are living luxurious lives whereas some people in Africa are dying of hunger. According to Singer, it is ethical for every person to work towards ensuring there is mutual happiness of the human kingdom.

To alleviate world hunger, people ought to donate all monies spent on the luxurious lifestyles to charities that reach the starving individuals. According to Singer, whenever people spend unnecessarily, they enhance the death of innocent children (Singer 370). Recent reports indicate that Peter spares at least one-fifth of his earning for the sake of the less privileged.

The money is given to famine relief agencies located across the globe to reach the starving individuals. Peter Singer could not bear up with the fact that he lives comfortably while some innocent children crave for food somewhere in the world. Singer holds that the Americans have the obligation to help the world’s poor and hungered individuals. In fact, Singer feels that his 20% donation is not enough, and that he needs to increase his donations.

People have often criticized Peter Singer’s position in alleviating world hunger. They cannot find it logical to sacrifice all their luxuries and donate the monies to alleviate world hunger.

Singer’s unwavering ethics causes divisive controversies wherever he goes. However, to drive the point home, Singer uses various illustrations from books and films. The most insinuating illustration involves Bob, a man who has invested a lot in a valuable Bugatti car. Bob loves his car to the extent that he opts to sacrifice the life of an innocent child to save his car from being crashed by a runaway train.

This sad incident portrays selfishness for luxury at the expense of a life. Peter Singer describes Bob as a fellow who does not know the value of life. Many audiences would feel that Bob’s deeds were gravely wrong. He could just let his Bugatti be smashed and save the life of the child. From the illustration, Singer likens the American’s who feel pinched in sacrificing their luxurious spending to save starving individuals. According to Peter Singer, people should judge their actions and determine if they are ethically worthy (Singer 373).

People should ensure that the consequences of their actions are unbiased. There is the utilitarian stance of Singer that states that a person can sacrifice one life to save many. Though not practical, Singer points out that we can sacrifice the $9,000 spent annually on a child in the American families to save 45 African children. However, letting a child die in the name of sacrificing for a stranger is not only scandalous, but also ethically unacceptable.

From the discussions, it is noteworthy that Peter Singer insists on people to become selfless to alleviate world hunger. Singer stands strong to support his perception that people have to surrender their superfluous income to alleviate poverty. While Peter Singer’s utilitarianism is too much for people to handle, I would propose that people should donate the much they can.

The famine relief agencies should then invest in projects that render long-lasting solutions to world hunger. Sustainability projects to alleviate poverty will work towards alleviating world hunger (Shaohua and Ravallion 3341). As stated before, the soils of the earth have the potentiality to produce enough food for every individual. However, the sad part of it is that those people in the developing nations do not have the capacity to invest in modernized and improvised agricultural practices.

It is also noteworthy that a great percentage of the people in the developing nations do not have the financial potentiality to afford a balanced diet. Therefore, upgrading agriculture though investing in environmentally sustainable agricultural innovations, and investing in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the hunger stricken countries is the only way to alleviate hunger in the end.

De Onis, Mercedes, Edward Frongillo, and Monika Blossner. “Is Malnutrition Declining? An Analysis of Changes in Levels of Child Malnutrition since 1980.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 98.5 (2000): 1222–1233. Print.

Shaohua, Chen, and Martin Ravallion. “How Have the World’s Poorest Fared since the Early 1980s?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 15.7 (2004): 3341. Print.

Singer, Peter. “The Singer Solution to World Poverty.” In Best American Essays. Fourth Fourth College Edition Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin (2004): 366-373. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 27). Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger.

"Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger." IvyPanda , 27 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger'. 27 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger." November 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger." November 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Peter Singer in the Solution to World Hunger." November 27, 2023.

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Guest Essay

José Andrés: Let People Eat

A woman wearing a head scarf sits on a cart next to a box of food marked “World Central Kitchen.”

By José Andrés

Mr. Andrés is the founder of World Central Kitchen.

In the worst conditions you can imagine — after hurricanes, earthquakes, bombs and gunfire — the best of humanity shows up. Not once or twice but always.

The seven people killed on a World Central Kitchen mission in Gaza on Monday were the best of humanity. They are not faceless or nameless. They are not generic aid workers or collateral damage in war.

Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, John Chapman, Jacob Flickinger, Zomi Frankcom, James Henderson, James Kirby and Damian Sobol risked everything for the most fundamentally human activity: to share our food with others.

These are people I served alongside in Ukraine, Turkey, Morocco, the Bahamas, Indonesia, Mexico, Gaza and Israel. They were far more than heroes.

Their work was based on the simple belief that food is a universal human right. It is not conditional on being good or bad, rich or poor, left or right. We do not ask what religion you belong to. We just ask how many meals you need.

From Day 1, we have fed Israelis as well as Palestinians. Across Israel, we have served more than 1.75 million hot meals. We have fed families displaced by Hezbollah rockets in the north. We have fed grieving families from the south. We delivered meals to the hospitals where hostages were reunited with their families. We have called consistently, repeatedly and passionately for the release of all the hostages.

All the while, we have communicated extensively with Israeli military and civilian officials. At the same time, we have worked closely with community leaders in Gaza, as well as Arab nations in the region. There is no way to bring a ship full of food to Gaza without doing so.

That’s how we served more than 43 million meals in Gaza, preparing hot food in 68 community kitchens where Palestinians are feeding Palestinians.

We know Israelis. Israelis, in their heart of hearts, know that food is not a weapon of war.

Israel is better than the way this war is being waged. It is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. It is better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the Israel Defense Forces.

The Israeli government needs to open more land routes for food and medicine today. It needs to stop killing civilians and aid workers today. It needs to start the long journey to peace today.

In the worst conditions, after the worst terrorist attack in its history, it’s time for the best of Israel to show up. You cannot save the hostages by bombing every building in Gaza. You cannot win this war by starving an entire population.

We welcome the government’s promise of an investigation into how and why members of our World Central Kitchen family were killed. That investigation needs to start at the top, not just the bottom.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said of the Israeli killings of our team, “It happens in war.” It was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the Israel Defense Forces.

It was also the direct result of a policy that squeezed humanitarian aid to desperate levels. Our team was en route from a delivery of almost 400 tons of aid by sea — our second shipment, funded by the United Arab Emirates, supported by Cyprus and with clearance from the Israel Defense Forces.

The team members put their lives at risk precisely because this food aid is so rare and desperately needed. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification global initiative, half the population of Gaza — 1.1. million people — faces the imminent risk of famine. The team would not have made the journey if there were enough food, traveling by truck across land, to feed the people of Gaza.

The peoples of the Mediterranean and Middle East, regardless of ethnicity and religion, share a culture that values food as a powerful statement of humanity and hospitality — of our shared hope for a better tomorrow.

There’s a reason, at this special time of year, Christians make Easter eggs, Muslims eat an egg at iftar dinners and an egg sits on the Seder plate. This symbol of life and hope reborn in spring extends across religions and cultures.

I have been a stranger at Seder dinners. I have heard the ancient Passover stories about being a stranger in the land of Egypt, the commandment to remember — with a feast before you — that the children of Israel were once slaves.

It is not a sign of weakness to feed strangers; it is a sign of strength. The people of Israel need to remember, at this darkest hour, what strength truly looks like.

José Andrés is a chef and the founder of World Central Kitchen.

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Persuasive Essay On The Hunger Games

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have to be a child and fight to the death? Well, Suzanne Collins wrote a book called the Hunger Games, where that exact thing happens. The Hunger Games is a fictional story taking place in Panam where the government has full control. The government forces 24 kids to compete in a nationally televised event called The Hunger Games, where they have to kill each other and survive in the wilderness. Katniss, the main character, volunteers to be a part of the games in order to protect her sister. Throughout the book, we see Katniss try to survive the games. By being forced to watch the hunger games, the people of Panem became desensitized to the violence. One example is the tributes being forced to kill one another in order to …show more content…

Katniss thinks about the fact that she feels like she owes Peeta for something. When she is with Peeta facing the city of Panem, she thinks about the fact that they have to kill each other. “Oh, well, I think. There will be twenty-four of us. Odds are someone else will kill him before I do.” (Pg. 33) She doesn't want to kill Peeta, or anyone. Since the tributes are forced to kill one another year after year, it starts to become accepted and normalized. Another example is the people of Panem are forced to watch the bloodbath of the Hunger Games. Once the games ended they hosted a victor's ceremony. It was live broadcast and required for all of Panem to watch. Caesar Flickerman hosted the ceremony. They show a highlight reel, a three hour recap of the entire Hunger Games. The highlight reel shows off all the killings of the other tributes. “This will last exactly three hours and it’s required viewing for all of Panem.”(pg. 362) The government makes the victor's ceremony a requirement to be watched yearly. The people of Panem get used to this and celebrate the hunger games. They view it as entertainment rather than

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