My brother and his influence on me (guitar, chess, computers) - National Merit Essay

zeppelin 1 / -   Sep 27, 2010   #1 Here is the National Merit Essay with prompts.. this is essentially a final draft so looking for anything that might need to be changed before I turn it in.. any criticism appreciated. Describe an experience you have had, a person who has influenced you, or an obstacle you have overcome. Explain why this is meaningful to you. I could feel the tears coming. His words pierced me like bullets, one by one, slowly overpowering my determination. I turned to face him and cleared my mind. After receiving the ball, I noticed him hesitate slightly and on instinct I started dribbling towards the basket. Unfortunately, he reacted just in time; momentarily after the sure layup sailed into the air, it came right back down. More trash talk ensued. I was about to explode at any moment. He bombarded me with insults; whether it was directed at my playing or anything about me, the hateful words came in a barrage. I ran towards the steps without hesitation and locked the door behind me. My brother was left outside in the cold for the next half hour before I finally let him in. My brother has been a role model for me throughout my life. He had his own creative ways to teach me lessons. His trash talking caused me to be a stronger person. After that incident, no words could pierce my new suit of armor. My brother also inspired me to pursue new interests, no matter where my natural level of talent lies. "Don't worry about those around you; reach your own potential; and then exceed it," he told me. His advice shaped many of my future interests as well as my approach to challenges I encountered. I have been playing guitar for five years. Although my technique on the guitar has grown substantially since I began learning, my vocals have lacked. In the past, even the thought alone of singing in front of a crowd has been enough to persuade me to pass up the opportunity. I soon realized that my fears only placed me on a never-ending path; my true passion for music drove me to face my weakness. Over the past few summers at a camp, I played and sang for a crowd of a few hundred people without any hesitation. My brother's advice helped me realize that there is no ceiling to anything I do; I can only create a ceiling inside my own mind. Guitar was unsurprisingly mostly of my brother's doing. As I watched him become a successful guitarist, I longed to try for myself, eventually receiving my own electric guitar for a New Year's present. My brother influenced me into many other interests in addition to guitar. As I watched my brother win consecutive National chess championships, I was fascinated and took the game up from an early age. After I learned the crucial elements of perseverance and patience, I won two state titles of my own. Computer Science is my intended major just as it was my brother's. I was only enrolled in math classes at the time, but I became obsessed with computer coding after I discovered how much math was involved. I could hardly wait for my brother to return home so that I could show him the new game I had programmed on my TI-84 Silver Edition. Every time that my brother visits, a game of basketball is inevitable. We play to our peaks, neither of us succumbing to the other's trash talk. I become more like my brother with every passing day. Even when he is not around, his ideas linger in my mind. My brother has not only influenced me in the way I live my life; he has also influenced my passions and everyday actions.

austintaceous 4 / 7   Sep 28, 2010   #2 Before I begin putting in my own two cents: Congrats on National Merit status! His trash talking caused me to be a stronger person. - use a stronger verb, like "engaged", or "pushed". By "after that incident", are you referring to that single incident of basketball or his continual habit of cursing you out? Overall, I enjoyed this essay. I do acknowledge that this essay prompt asks you to address an influence and how it has impacted you as individual. However, I think it is also important to acknowledge that you have grown as your own individual due to your brother's influence. From all the references you've cited, I get the impression that you're merely modeling your ambitions after his to a T. You two are not carbon copies of each other and it's important to display growth on your own terms. Perhaps cite an example where his actions caused you to pursue a passion that is all your own? Rather than showing how you've grown inside of your brother's shadow, show how you've developed with the guidance of your brother. I really like how to tied the intro the ending through the basketball reference! Personally, I would stick to one or two full-fledged examples of his influence rather than three short ones but that's up to you. Good luck!

brother influence essay

Brother, Sister, Rival, Friend: The Longstanding Effects Of Sibling Relationships

Research is bringing an unexpected truth to light: Siblings may have as powerful an effect on one another's lives as parents do.

A sister measures her brother's height against a wall.

Growing up with siblings profoundly alters a kid’s childhood — and everything that follows. Brothers and sisters are, more often than not, a child’s first playmate and an adult’s oldest friend. Brotherhood and sisterhood can teach social skills and help us learn to resolve conflicts . At the same time, unhealthy sibling relationships can cause life-long social dysfunction.

Depending on whether you have an older brother or younger sister, your sibling relationship may yield different psychological impacts. But new research that attempts to sort through so-called Sibling Effects keeps falling back on one key point: The effects of sibling relationships in childhood echo through the rest of our lives.

How Sibling Effects Shape Relationships

“Sibling relationships influence children’s adjustment and development about as much as parenting does,” says Mark Feinberg, Ph.D. , a professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University.

Sibling Effects impact a surprisingly broad spectrum of the human psyche. Studies (some more rigorous than others) have identified a handful of consistently positive and negative effects of having a brother or sister. Some have even ventured into the fraught science of predicting sibling relationship quality. It’s important work because the key to parenting siblings effectively is understanding what makes this unique relationship tick. “Cognitively, emotionally, socially — there are just a lot of influences that siblings have on one another,” says Laurie Kramer, Ph.D. , a clinical psychologist at Northeastern University.

What the Studies Say — And Don’t Say — About Sibling Relationships

There is ample research out there on how siblings affect one another. Studies have shown that younger siblings teach empathy to their older brothers and sisters. And siblings who report feeling close to one another tend to either both graduate college or both drop out, as a unit. We even know that the best sibling arrangement — tied to the highest educational and economic attainment for all children in the family — is XB-S , code for when the eldest child of any gender (X) is born two years before a brother (B), who is born five or more years before a sister (S). Less optimistic research has linked sibling bullying to depression, anxiety, and self-harm .

Even among studies that highlight significant sibling effects, however, there are serious limitations in what we can confidently conclude. A handful of studies have attempted to demonstrate that single children are developmentally stunted. But researchers agree that most of these disadvantages are short-lived.

“By the time we reach adulthood, we have gained enough other formative experiences in the world that any actual differences between siblings and singletons are pretty negligible — overridden by differences in temperament, personality, and personal preference,” says Susan Doughty, Ph.D. , a psychologist at Anderson University. “A lack of siblings may still shape your life in some ways, but it is only one influence among many.”

So how do we square the idea that having siblings profoundly affects people with the idea that the effects of having siblings are often negligible from a statistical perspective? To put it simply, very volatile relationships have effects that are far from negligible. And one quirk of the sibling bond is that it leads to a disproportionate amount of strong positive and strong negative relationships.

“Moderate to high levels of both positive and negative sibling relationship dimensions are typical,” says Sarah Killoren, Ph.D. , who studies sibling relationship dynamics at the University of Missouri. “Most differences in adjustment are seen between siblings who have very positive relationships — high intimacy, low negativity — versus those who have very negative relationships — low intimacy and high levels of conflict.”

So although it’s true that sibling relationships are only one influence among many, they still can have profound, lingering effects. In other words, there are few influences more meaningful than a brother or sister.

The Positive Effects of Sibling Relationships

“Siblings are often a child’s first play partners,” says Nina Howe, Ph.D. , research chair of early childhood development at Concordia University. “I think of the sibling relationship as a natural laboratory for learning how to get along with people.”

Very young children with older siblings tend to develop a theory of mind (or, the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes) a bit earlier than their peers. “If you have siblings yourself, it makes sense,” Doughty says. “No one knows how to push your buttons better — or earlier — than a sibling… That’s a skill that requires a well-developed theory of mind.”

Because siblings are often our first peers, sibling relationships tend to follow fairly predictable patterns. Younger siblings are fascinated by older siblings and eager to learn their customs and games; older siblings test out leadership skills and conflict resolution on their younger brothers and sisters. These interactions are largely positive: Older sibling-younger sibling power dynamics melt away over time, Killoren says, when younger siblings hit late adolescence. After that, everyone is equal, which leads to better conflict resolution.

“Whatever jealousy or anger that siblings may feel toward one another,” Howe says, “there’s pretty good evidence that it doesn’t last very long.”

Of course, the positive effects of sibling relationships change over time. In toddlerhood, siblings help each other “in language development, social interactions, how to stand up for yourself, learning to share,” Howe says. As children mature, siblings take on more practical responsibilities, helping one another with schoolwork or with navigating friendships outside the family. These effects can also vary with gender. Boys with older sisters tend to endorse more egalitarian gender roles, perhaps reflecting their experience “growing up with a female peer who was always older, bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than you,” Doughty says.

Siblings can also serve as sources of comfort in adulthood. “Very often, in older age, as people near the end of their lives, they reconnect with their siblings,” Howe says. “This is the person that you have known longest in your life, and you have a shared history, remembering, what was mom like? What was dad like?”

The Negative Effects of Sibling Relationships

If your relationship with your sibling isn’t all sunshine and roses, you aren’t alone. Good sibling relationships are the norm, but bad sibling relationships happen. And they can have strong negative effects.

“Difficult, conflictual, and even violent sibling relationships interfere with development,” Feinberg says. “Children learn coercion, develop peer problems, and become exposed to negative influences with a range of outcomes: depression, substance abuse, low educational attainment.” Feinberg cites one study that found that sibling relationships are among the most critical factors influencing adult well-being — and disturbing evidence that 10% of family homicides (and 1.5% of all murders) are attributable to sibling conflict .

Indeed, sibling relationships are also the most violent relationships between family members. And although a lot of that is normal sibling roughhousing, therapists and scientists agree that parents should treat sibling aggression as potentially harmful, especially when there’s a significant age difference. Sibling bullying is a real problem, with some studies suggesting that up to 80% of children report being bullied by their brothers or sisters. In extreme cases, sibling bullying can lead to depression and self-harm — or teach victims to bully others, in turn.

One of the best ways to discern normal from problematic sibling conflict is to watch its trajectory. In most cases, sibling conflict “tends to increase over childhood to early adolescence, and then decrease around mid-adolescence,” Feinberg says. If it persists, that’s a red flag.

What compounds sibling relationship problems? For one, parental favoritism (perceived or actual). “When parents treat kids differently, in ways that kids feel are unfair, that’s associated with worse sibling relationships and lower self-concept,” Kramer says. “It’s not just the act of treating them differently, but doing it in ways that kids feel are unjustified and unfair.”

Predicting Sibling Relationships’ Health

Given the benefits of a good sibling relationship and the dangers of a bad one, trying to predict how outside factors might influence the interactions between brothers and sisters is a priority. One of the major factors at play is the age difference. “If siblings are born more than about six or seven years apart, in a lot of ways they are essentially two only-children,” Doughty says. “They are in such different developmental places that they don’t relate to one another the same way.”

There is limited evidence that adversity helps bring siblings closer to one another. “After the period of divorce , which is a terribly stressful time for everybody, siblings in some cases actually become closer,” Howe says, “because they join together as a team, particularly if they’re going back and forth between parents.” Poverty may have similar cohesive effects. “There is some literature suggesting that siblings help each other with schoolwork when the parents themselves are not well-educated, or cannot help because they don’t speak the language…It doesn’t take a lot to imagine that, in cases of great adversity, siblings may pull together.”

Kramer is fascinated by the science of predicting sibling relationship quality. She has dedicated much of her career to identifying predictors and helping parents implement positive changes. One of her long-term, longitudinal studies that followed children from birth through high school found that although gender and age gaps made some difference, the single greatest predictor of positive sibling relationships were positive social interactions with unrelated peers.

“The quality of a relationship that a preschooler has with a friend is a strong predictor of what they’ll do with their siblings,” Kramer says. “If they coordinate their behavior, play games, and don’t freak out when there’s a conflict, those are really positive predictors of sibling relationships.” The trend held through high school. “The qualities of friendship turned out to be even more important predictors than the relationship kids had with their fathers and mothers.”

In a word, the best way to figure out whether a child or teen will make a good sibling is to look at how they treat their peers. Getting along with others is a transferable skill.

Parents Can Help Siblings Be Good to Each Other

Since reaching these conclusions, Kramer has incorporated what she learned into an online program that teaches parents and children how to optimize sibling relationships. “The most important thing is teaching kids how to look at a situation not only in terms of what they want, but also from a sibling’s point of view, to appreciate that there are different perspectives that are equally valid.” Going to school for parenting is not always necessary, however, and there are a few basic changes parents can make that will help foster the healthiest sibling relationships.

First, set a good example. “Demonstrate how to resolve conflicts peacefully, and speak positively about others in the family,” Feinberg says. Set high expectations — do not make the mistake of considering sibling bullying inevitable, and stress that you expect your children to maintain close friendships with one another throughout their lives. “Expect that siblings are going to treat each other well,” Feinberg says. “Make it clear that verbal and physical aggression is unacceptable.”

Crucially, try to coach siblings to resolve their problems independently, amongst themselves. “Help children define the problems that they are having with each other, think about solutions together, and agree upon a way to resolve the issue,” Feinberg says. Because that’s what the sibling relationship is for, after all. It’s a learning laboratory — and the lifelong journey toward understanding others and interacting positively with one’s peers often starts right at home.

This article was originally published on Jan. 23, 2019

brother influence essay


My Brother Essay in 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

Essay on my brother.

Essay on My Brother has been written in simple English and has easy words for children and students. This English essay on My Brother mentions my brother, and why everyone should know about my brother. Students are often asked to write an essay on My Brother in English for their schools and colleges. And if you are also searching for the same, then we have given Essay on My Brother in 100 words, 150 words 200 words, and 250 words.

Essay on my brother is a frequently asked essay topic for assignments and examinations. The essays given in this article set a good example for the children of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10. Students can further expand on the given examples and add their own ideas to make this essay creative.

Essay – 100 Words

I have a younger brother. His name is Aditya and he is 10 years old. He is a 5th-class student at Green Public School. He is an intelligent boy who also excels in studies and sports. His favorite sport is cricket. He has won many medals in his school’s cricket championship. He is a cheerful boy who is loved by everyone. We both play together after coming back from school.

Our favorite indoor game is Ludo. His funny talks make everyone happy. Being the youngest member of the family, he is loved by everyone. Aditya wants to become a doctor when he grows up. That’s why everyone supports him in his studies. Aditya is the star of our eyes.

Essay – 150 Words

My brother’s name is Arjun and he is eight years old. He is a very mischievous and energetic boy who is loved by everyone in our family. I also find him very cute. Although sometimes he irritates me a lot. We spend most of the time as good friends. Sometimes we fight with each other, but after some time we become good friends again.

Arjun studies in Sohan Public School. He is very smart in sports and studies. We play a lot of games like video games at home. When I go out to play cricket with my friends, he also plays cricket with us. I always have to take care of him while playing because he is much smaller than all of us.

Arjun’s dream is to become a big cricketer one day. Therefore, he pays equal attention to sports along with studies. My brother Arjun, being the youngest in the family, is very dear to everyone.

Essay – 200 Words

My brother’s name is Rahul and he is the most influential person in my life. He is 20 years old and there is a gap of 5 years between us. We both quarrel with each other very rarely. We both take care and respect each other.

I like many of his good habits, so he is my role model. I have always wanted to be like my elder brother because he is not only my elder brother but also my colleague and my role model. When I was 6 years old, I lived with my brother all the time, so I’ve seen all the good things about him.

Today, I have always been in competition with my brother and try to be equal to or better than him in everything. He was always ahead and faster than me, so if we played many games I would lose, and if we raced he would overtake me. This inspired me to improve myself.

My brother is the brightest student, he inspires me to be the best student I can be. If I want to be better than him, I will have to work very hard which will improve my education and skills.

Essay – 250 Words


My brother’s name is Anand and he is a working person. He has always influenced my growth and development a lot. Despite fighting and bickering with each other, their role has been instrumental in shaping my values, personality, and understanding of the world.

As a Mentor

I have always considered my brother as my mentor as his guidance and knowledge have been helpful in dealing with the complexities of life. He has always taught me about the importance of perseverance, wisdom, understanding, resilience, and determination. The way he deals with and faces challenges inspires me a lot.

As a Friend

Apart from being a mentor, my brother has also been a trusted friend. He has been my confidant and my most reliable ally. My brother has always been there to console me in my happy and sad times.

As a Motivator

My brother is not just a brother but an inspiration for me. His unwavering efforts and his constant pursuit to achieve his goals have always inspired me. Their success serves as a motivator for me and helps guide me toward my own aspirations.

My brother has a deep influence on my life. His role as a motivator, mentor, and friend has shaped me into who I am today. He has enriched my life with his inspiration, knowledge, and disciplined character. I will always be grateful to God for giving me such a talented brother.

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Essay on My Brother is My Hero

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Brother is My Hero in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Brother is My Hero


My brother is not just a sibling to me, but also my hero. His qualities of kindness, bravery, and intelligence make him a role model.

His kindness is remarkable. He always helps others without expecting anything in return. His acts of kindness inspire me to be a better person.

My brother’s bravery is admirable. He is not afraid to stand up for what is right, teaching me the importance of courage.


Lastly, his intelligence is astounding. He excels in his studies and encourages me to do the same.

In conclusion, my brother, with his kindness, bravery, and intelligence, is my hero.

250 Words Essay on My Brother is My Hero

My brother is not just a sibling, but a constant source of inspiration in my life. He is my hero, embodying strength, compassion, and resilience. His actions and words have significantly shaped my perspective and have had a profound impact on my personal growth.

Embodiment of Strength

My brother’s strength of character is a beacon of inspiration. He has faced numerous challenges, yet his spirit remains unbroken. His strength is not just physical, but emotional and mental too. He taught me that real strength lies not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall.

Compassion Personified

His compassion towards others is what truly sets him apart. He treats everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their background or status. He has taught me that compassion is not a sign of weakness, but a mark of strength. His empathy for others has inspired me to be more understanding and tolerant.

Resilience: The Key to Success

His resilience in the face of adversity is awe-inspiring. He never allows failure to deter him; instead, he views it as an opportunity to learn and grow. His determination and perseverance have instilled in me the value of tenacity and the importance of never giving up.

My brother, my hero, has significantly influenced my life. His strength, compassion, and resilience serve as a constant reminder of the person I aspire to be. He has taught me that true heroism lies in the strength of character, compassion for others, and resilience in the face of adversity.

500 Words Essay on My Brother is My Hero

Introduction: the bond of brotherhood.

The bond of brotherhood is a unique and irreplaceable connection. It is a relationship that is often characterized by shared experiences, mutual respect, and deep affection. For me, this bond is personified in my brother, who is not just a sibling but a hero in my life. His exemplary character and relentless pursuit of his dreams have made him a beacon of inspiration for me.

My Brother: The Epitome of Perseverance

One of the most admirable traits my brother possesses is his unwavering perseverance. He has faced numerous obstacles and challenges in his life, yet he never allows these setbacks to deter him from his goals. From a young age, he demonstrated a remarkable ability to remain resilient in the face of adversity. This quality has not only helped him overcome personal struggles but also motivated him to excel acadically and professionally. His success is a testament to the power of persistence, a lesson that has profoundly influenced my approach to life.

Empathy and Kindness: The Hallmarks of His Character

Beyond his personal achievements, my brother’s empathetic nature and kindness make him a hero in my eyes. He consistently puts the needs of others before his own, often going out of his way to help those in need. This selfless attitude extends beyond our family, as he actively participates in community service and charity work. His compassionate spirit has taught me the importance of empathy and altruism in building meaningful relationships and contributing to society.

My Brother: The Role Model

My brother’s dedication to personal growth and self-improvement is another quality that I deeply admire. He is a lifelong learner, always seeking to expand his knowledge and skills. His commitment to personal development is infectious, inspiring me to pursue my own interests with the same fervor. Moreover, his ability to balance his professional and personal life has shown me the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Conclusion: A Hero in Everyday Life

In conclusion, my brother’s influence on my life is immeasurable. His perseverance, empathy, kindness, and dedication to personal growth make him a true hero in my eyes. He has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. While heroes are often thought of as larger-than-life figures, my brother proves that heroes exist in our everyday lives. They are the people who inspire us, guide us, and help us become the best versions of ourselves. For me, that hero is my brother.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Encyclopedia of Adolescence pp 1–7 Cite as

Sibling Influences

  • Alexander C. Jensen 2 ,
  • Shawn D. Whiteman 3 ,
  • Meghan K. Loeser 3 &
  • Julia M. Becerra Bernard 4  
  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online: 01 January 2016

173 Accesses

Research on children’s and early adolescents’ time use indicates that siblings are fixtures in each other’s lives. Given their ubiquity, it is surprising that the ways in which brothers and sisters influence each other’s development has been relatively neglected. In comparison, over the past 25 years there has been over 45 times more work on parenting processes and nearly seven times more on peer influences (McHale et al. 2012 ) than on siblings. An emerging body of work, however, documents that siblings are indeed important and can influence one another in a variety of ways. The goals of this essay are to review the main pathways through which siblings influence each other’s development. Specifically, we highlight two broad avenues through which siblings influence each other: (a) directly – through observation and daily interactions with one another, as well as modeling and differentiation processes; and (b) indirectly – by virtue of their impact on the larger family system,...

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Whiteman, S. D., Zeiders, K. H., Killoren, S. E., Rodriguez, S. A., & Updegraff, K. A. (2014b). Sibling influence on Mexican-origin adolescents’ deviant and sexual risk behaviors: The role of sibling modeling. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 , 587–592.

Whiteman, S. D., Jensen, A. C., Mustillo, S. A., & Maggs, J. L. (2016). Understanding sibling influence on adolescents’ alcohol use: Social and cognitive pathways. Addictive Behaviors, 53 , 1–6.

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School of Family Life, Brigham Young University, 2086 JFSB, BYU, Provo, UT, 84602, USA

Alexander C. Jensen

Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University, 1202 W. State St, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA

Shawn D. Whiteman & Meghan K. Loeser

Department of Counseling and Human Services, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, 70701, USA

Julia M. Becerra Bernard

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Jensen, A.C., Whiteman, S.D., Loeser, M.K., Bernard, J.M.B. (2016). Sibling Influences. In: Levesque, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 07 March 2016

Accepted : 30 March 2016

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Tips for an Admissions Essay on an Influential Person

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It's not unusual for a college admissions essay to talk about a person who played an important role in your development. Whether this is a parent, a friend, a coach, or a teacher, such essays can be powerful if they avoid common pitfalls.

Key Takeaways: An Essay on an Influential Person

  • Don't just describe a person you admire. Be analytical and reflective to explain why you admire them.
  • Essays focused on parents or celebrities are common and often not the best choice for your focus.
  • All good application essays are about you , even when you are writing about someone else, so make sure the admissions folks are getting to know you through your essay.

With the pre-2013 Common Application , one of the essay prompts stated, "Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence." While you won't find this question among the seven 2020-21 Common Application essay prompts , the current application still allows you to write about an influential person with the "topic of your choice" option . Some of the other prompts also leave the door open for writing about an influential person.

Do Much More than Describe the Influential Person

Any essay on an influential person needs to do much more than describe that person. The act of describing requires very little critical thought, and as a result, it doesn't demonstrate the kind of analytical, reflective, and thoughtful writing that will be required of you in college. Be sure to examine why the person was influential to you, and you should analyze the ways in which you have changed because of your relationship with the person.

Think Twice About Essays on Mom or Dad

There is nothing wrong with writing about one of your parents for this essay, but make sure your relationship with your parent is unusual and compelling in some way. The admissions folks get a lot of essays that focus on a parent, and your writing won't stand out if you simply make generic points about parenting. If you find yourself making points like "my Dad was a great role model" or "my mother always pushed me to do my best," rethink your approach to the question. Consider the millions of students who could write the exact same essay.

Don't Be Star Struck

In most cases, you should avoid writing an essay about the lead singer in your favorite band or the movie star who you idolize. Such essays can be okay if handled well, but often the writer ends up sounding like a pop culture junkie rather than a thoughtful independent thinker.

Obscure Subject Matter is Fine

Be sure to read Max's essay on an influential person. Max writes about a rather unremarkable junior high kid he encountered while teaching summer camp. The essay succeeds in part because the choice of subject matter is unusual and obscure. Among a million application essays, Max's will be the only one to focus on this young boy. Also, the boy isn't even a role model. Instead, he's an ordinary kid who inadvertently makes Max challenge his preconceptions.

The "Significant Influence" Need Not Be Positive

The majority of essays written about influential people focus on role models: "my Mom/Dad/brother/friend/teacher/neighbor/coach taught me to be a better person through his or her great example..." Such essays are often excellent, but they are also a bit predictable. Keep in mind that a person can have a significant influence without having an entirely "positive" influence. Jill's essay , for example, focuses on a woman with only a few positive qualities. You could even write about someone who is abusive or hateful. Evil can have as much "influence" on us as good.

You Are Also Writing About Yourself

When you choose to write about a person who has had an influence on you, you will be most successful if you are also reflective and introspective. Your essay will be partly about the influential person, but it is equally about you. To understand someone's influence on you, you need to understand yourself — your strengths, your short-comings, the areas where you still need to grow.

As with the college admissions essay, you need to make sure a response reveals your own interests, passions, personality, and character. The details of this essay need to reveal that you are the type of person who will contribute to the campus community in a positive way.

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brother influence essay

Sample Essays: Influential Person

brother influence essay

Please select from the following sample application essays:

Essay 1: Wellesley | Essay 2: Harvard | Essay 3: Harvard

Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers.

Sample Essay 1

Wellesley, Influence of mother

It took me eighteen years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life. She's the kind of person who has thoughtful discussions about which artist she would most want to have her portrait painted by (Sargent), the kind of mother who always has time for her four children, and the kind of community leader who has a seat on the board of every major project to assist Washington's impoverished citizens. Growing up with such a strong role model, I developed many of her enthusiasms. I not only came to love the excitement of learning simply for the sake of knowing something new, but I also came to understand the idea of giving back to the community in exchange for a new sense of life, love, and spirit.

My mother's enthusiasm for learning is most apparent in travel. I was nine years old when my family visited Greece. Every night for three weeks before the trip, my older brother Peter and I sat with my mother on her bed reading Greek myths and taking notes on the Greek Gods. Despite the fact that we were traveling with fourteen-month-old twins, we managed to be at each ruin when the site opened at sunrise. I vividly remember standing in an empty ampitheatre pretending to be an ancient tragedian, picking out my favorite sculpture in the Acropolis museum, and inserting our family into modified tales of the battle at Troy. Eight years and half a dozen passport stamps later I have come to value what I have learned on these journeys about global history, politics and culture, as well as my family and myself.

While I treasure the various worlds my mother has opened to me abroad, my life has been equally transformed by what she has shown me just two miles from my house. As a ten year old, I often accompanied my mother to (name deleted), a local soup kitchen and children's center. While she attended meetings, I helped with the Summer Program by chasing children around the building and performing magic tricks. Having finally perfected the "floating paintbrush" trick, I began work as a full time volunteer with the five and six year old children last June. It is here that I met Jane Doe, an exceptionally strong girl with a vigor that is contagious. At the end of the summer, I decided to continue my work at (name deleted) as Jane's tutor. Although the position is often difficult, the personal rewards are beyond articulation. In the seven years since I first walked through the doors of (name deleted), I have learned not only the idea of giving to others, but also of deriving from them a sense of spirit.

Everything that my mother has ever done has been overshadowed by the thought behind it. While the raw experiences I have had at home and abroad have been spectacular, I have learned to truly value them by watching my mother. She has enriched my life with her passion for learning, and changed it with her devotion to humanity. In her endless love of everything and everyone she is touched by, I have seen a hope and life that is truly exceptional. Next year, I will find a new home miles away. However, my mother will always be by my side.

The topic of this essay is the writer's mother. However, the writer definitely focuses on herself, which makes this essay so strong. She manages to impress the reader with her travel experience, volunteer and community experience, and commitment to learning without ever sounding boastful or full of herself. The essay is also very well organized.

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Sample Essay 2

Harvard, Favorite fictional character

Of all the characters that I've "met" through books and movies, two stand out as people that I most want to emulate. They are Attacus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird and Dr. Archibald "Moonlight" Graham from Field of Dreams. They appeal to me because they embody what I strive to be. They are influential people in small towns who have a direct positive effect on those around them. I, too, plan to live in a small town after graduating from college, and that positive effect is something I must give in order to be satisfied with my life.

Both Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham are strong supporting characters in wonderful stories. They symbolize good, honesty, and wisdom. When the story of my town is written I want to symbolize those things. The base has been formed for me to live a productive, helpful life. As an Eagle Scout I represent those things that Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham represent. In the child/adolescent world I am Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham, but soon I'll be entering the adult world, a world in which I'm not yet prepared to lead.

I'm quite sure that as teenagers Attacus Finch and Moonlight Graham often wondered what they could do to help others. They probably emulated someone who they had seen live a successful life. They saw someone like my grandfather, 40-year president of our hometown bank, enjoy a lifetime of leading, sharing, and giving. I have seen him spend his Christmas Eves taking gifts of food and joy to indigent families. Often when his bank could not justify a loan to someone in need, my grandfather made the loan from his own pocket. He is a real-life Moonlight Graham, a man who has shown me that characters like Dr. Graham and Mr. Finch do much much more than elicit tears and smiles from readers and movie watchers. Through him and others in my family I feel I have acquired the values and the burning desire to benefit others that will form the foundation for a great life. I also feel that that foundation is not enough. I do not yet have the sophistication, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to succeed as I want to in the adult world. I feel that Harvard, above all others, can guide me toward the life of greatness that will make me the Attacus Finch of my town.

This essay is a great example of how to answer this question well. This applicant chose characters who demonstrated specific traits that reflect on his own personality. We believe that he is sincere about his choices because his reasons are personal (being from a small town, and so forth). He managed to tell us a good deal about himself, his values, and his goals while maintaining a strong focus throughout.

Sample Essay 3

Harvard, Family illness: Mother's fight with cancer

I am learning, both through observations and first-hand experiences, that there are many mishaps in life which seem to be unexplainable and unfair, and yet have devastating consequences. Disease fits into this category. Its atrocity does not stem from the fact that it is a rare or uncommon occurrence, since illness and disease pervade our lives as we hear numerous stories of sick people and come into contact with them each day. However, there is a marked difference between reading in the newspaper that a famous rock star or sports icon has tested H.I.V. positive and discovering that your own mother has been diagnosed with cancer.

Undoubtedly, the most influential people in my life have been my mother and father. It is to them that I credit many of my accomplishments and successes--both inside and outside of school. Throughout my childhood, my parents have always fostered and encouraged me in all my endeavors. At all my sporting events, spelling bees, concerts, and countless other activities, they have always been front row and center. My parents, in conjunction with twelve years of Catholic training, have also instilled in me a sound belief in a loving, caring God, which I have come to firmly believe. It therefore should not come as a surprise that the news of my mothers sickness would greatly alter my entire outlook on life. Where was my God?

My mother, in fact, had been aware of her condition in the spring of my junior year in high school. She deliberately did not inform my sister or me of her illness because she did not want to distract us from our studies. Instead, my mother waited for the completion of her radiation therapy treatments. At this time, she brought me into her room, sat me down on the same wooden rocking chair from which she used to read me bedtime stories, and began to relate her story. I did not weep, I did not flinch. In fact, I hardly even moved, but from that point onward, I vowed that I would do anything and everything to please my mother and make her proud of me.

Every subsequent award won and every honor bestowed upon me has been inspired by the recollection of my mother's plight. I look to her as a driving force of motivation. In her I see the firm, enduring qualities of courage, strength, hope, and especially love. Whenever I feel discouraged or dispirited, I remember the example set by my mother and soon become reinvigorated. Instead of groveling in my sorrow, I think of all the pain and suffering that my mother had to endure and am revived with new energy after realizing the triviality of my own predicament. For instance, last year, when I was playing in a championship soccer game, my leg became entangled with a forwards leg on the other team, and I wound up tearing my medial cruciate ligament. I was very upset for having injured myself in such a seemingly inane manner. Completely absorbed in my own anguish, I would not talk to anyone and instead lamented on the sidelines. But then I remembered something that my mother used to say to me whenever something like this happened: If this is the worst thing that ever happens to you, I'll be very happy, and you'll be very lucky. Instantly, many thoughts race through my mind. I pictured my mother as a young thirteen-year-old walking to the hospital every day after school to visit her sick father. She had always told me how extremely painful it had been to watch his body become emaciated as the cancer advanced day by day and finally took its toll. I then pictured my mother in the hospital, thirty years later, undergoing all the physically and mentally debilitating tests, and having to worry about her husband and her children at the same time. I suddenly felt incredibly ashamed at how immature I had been acting over my own affliction. I gathered my thoughts and instead of sulking or complaining, helped coach my team to victory.

I am very happy to say that my mother is now feeling much better and her periodic checkups and C.A.T. scans have indicated that she is doing very well. Nevertheless, her strength and courage will remain a constant source of inspiration to me. I feel confident to greet the future with a resolute sense of hope and optimism.

The majority of the suggestions for this essay highlight the danger inherent in relying on an overly poignant topic, in this case the writer's mother's bout with cancer. Part of why the reactions to this piece are so passionate (and why there are so many of them) is because had the applicant just taken a slightly different approach, he could have had a powerful and touching composition on his hands. It is always frustrating when a piece with so much potential misses the mark. In this case, the material and emotion are all there. Had he spent more time and written with more sincerity, this essay might have been a real winner.

I wish this kid had started the essay with his mom sitting him down in the rocking chair. That would have been a powerful beginning. In general, using the introduction of the essay to paint a scene or mood can be very effective.

He should begin with the most simple and striking sentence possible, such as "On January 5, 1995, my mother learned that she had cancer." Use real times and exact places. Let the most dramatic point go where it belongs, at the end of the sentence--also known as the stress point.

Because this topic is so personal, I yearn to know more about the student's reaction to his mom's cancer, how he and his family dealt with it over time. As written, things just seem a bit too tidy.

The author describes a valuable life lesson, but I find the writing style to be artificial and a bit maudlin. I imagine he resorted to the thesaurus more than once.

The writer tells us a sad story about his mother with cancer and how he has strived to do his best because of what his mother has been through. The topic can be a tear jerker, but this essay lacked the depth and richness that other essays with similar topics possess.

The experience obviously impacted the student very much. But what students do not realize is that they do not have to share such personal issues within the confines of a college essay.

I don't believe the "epiphany" in the conclusion as it's described. It's too easy and convenient to be believable. He begins his description with "For instance," which negates almost everything that follows. When he sees his mother in his mind, he "instantly" thinks this and "suddenly" does that, and finally "helped coach his team to victory." He "coached" the team. "Cheered" maybe. "Coached?" No way.

This essay smells of contrivance. Yes, his mother's bout with cancer affected him. Just not in the way he wants me to believe. This is the "lasting sanctifying effect" essay. Look at what the writer is actually saying (using his own words): I used to be "absorbed in my own anguish" and "lament" my bouts with adversity. But, "instantly" or "suddenly" (take your pick), I became a young man "confident to greet the future with a resolute sense of hope and optimism." Why not say, "I used to be a thoughtless, immature teenager. My mother got cancer. I'm now a thoughtful, mature adult. You should admit me to _____." His essay is no less subtle.

Return to: Lesson One: College Essay Questions

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Navigating Sibling Relationships

Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

Sibling relationships are important. While friendships come and go, you’re stuck with your siblings. This relationship is oftentimes one of the longest relationships in a person’s life . You can rarely get away with being fake or phony when with siblings. You grow up in the same environment, share the same parents, and share common memories and similar experiences. You are who you are because of this shared history, which makes the relationship unique and invaluable.

On This Page

  • The Effect of Siblings on Development
  • The Truth About Birth Order
  • Sibling Rivalry Is Normal
  • The Favorite Child

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The presence of siblings in the home affects a child's development, and it does not have to do with birth order. Having a sibling, for example, affects a child’s social skills, and a child with a sister or brother can often be more agreeable and sympathetic. Some research indicates that having a sibling in adulthood helps alleviate depression and anxiety. People are altogether happier when they have positive sibling relationships.

When a new baby arrives, don’t be shocked if a child regresses in behavior. This can include infantile conduct such as whining, kicking, screaming, hitting, even bedwetting. Jealousy is normal. Who wouldn’t feel that way? All your attention has landed on the new baby. Psychologists advise that you involve your older child as much as possible; let them help care for the baby. Of course, the help that they provide depends on their age and ability.

It is important to set aside time with the older child or children; every child needs such one-on-one time . Encourage older children to talk about their feelings and conflicts and assure them that they can have these feelings and still be a wonderful older sibling. If they express negative feelings, acknowledge that. Never deny or discount your child’s feelings.

Sibling relationships work best when each member appreciates the similarities between them, and they also respectfully note their differences. If they do experience discord, it is eventually resolved, as opposed to a wound that is maintained as part of the family narrative. Having a shared history gives siblings a connection that helps them navigate life, and it’s a bonus when they enjoy each other’s company. 

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Many theories have been proposed about the influence of siblings, and stereotypes are aplenty. The firstborn child is supposedly more conscientious and successful; the middle child is presumably excluded and embittered; the youngest is expected to be more social and persuasive. However, these characteristics don’t seem to hold up in research. Various studies have found that birth order has no bearing on a person’s predisposition.

Research that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, looked at a number of studies and found no association of birth order on personality . The firstborn child is not necessarily the achiever, the middle born is not necessarily the peacemaker, and the last born is not necessarily the manipulator.

There's evidence that firstborns have slightly higher IQs than their younger siblings. Some researchers attribute this to parental age at the time of birth, while others contend that firstborns received more resources and attention from parents during important developmental stages. Other than this finding, there is no consistent evidence that firstborns, middle children, or last-borns reliably carry any particular traits whatsoever. 

One findings documented by researchers is that children born first tend to do better in school throughout childhood. This does not mean that they outshine their siblings in all realms throughout life. But because firstborn children get more attention from parents , they may be more motivated to fulfill parents’ expectations and therefore become more responsible. It is also possible that they may possess slightly higher IQs (see above), though most researchers think the IQ difference is so minimal that it does not translate into any real world gains. 

Parents do favor first- and last-born children over middle children . This happens in part because middle children will not likely be the only child living at home — at some point first-borns and last-borns will have their parents all to themselves. Overall, first-borns get the most privileges and last-borns receive the most affection from parents.

Younger siblings may want to find a place of their own within the family, and may therefore be less conforming to what their parents want. This may be why they appear more rebellious and open to novel experiences. The youngest child may also feel less capable and experienced, and may be more pampered by family members. As a result, the youngest may develop social skills that will get other people to do things for them, thus contributing to their image as charming and popular.

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Discord between siblings is normal. The notion of the cheery harmonious family that never fights is a misnomer. Conflict can come in many forms, 85 percent of siblings are verbally aggressive, 74 percent push and shove, and 40 percent are physically aggressive, which can include kicking, punching, and biting. Among adult siblings, studies show that roughly half speak to or see one another about once a month; the other half communicate less frequently or not at all, and they are more likely to engage in competition and rivalry. The culture idealizes the potential of loving sibling relationships—but the reality often falls short.

Before children are a year old, they exhibit a sophisticated social understanding. They are sensitive to differences in their parents’ affection, warmth, pride, attention, and discipline. They are attuned to the emotional exchanges going on around them. They are quick to pick up differential treatment by parents. They are attuned to whether the treatment they or their siblings get is fair or unfair.

Rivalry may start as early as age 3. At this age, children have a sophisticated grasp of how to use social rules. They can evaluate themselves in relation to their siblings and possess the developmental skills necessary to adapt to frustrating circumstances and relationships in the family. They may even have the drive to adapt and get along with a sibling whose goals and interests may be different from their own.

The so-called  replacement child is one who is conceived to take the place of a deceased sibling. Over time, the definition has been expanded to include many other scenarios. These include an older child whose role within the family may be shifted to “take over” for a deceased sibling because of parental pressure and, or, survivor guilt; a child who is made to feel responsible for a sibling who is handicapped, challenged, or incapacitated from birth or becomes so during the course of their life; and a child who is adopted to take the place of a biological child the parents were unable to have.

Child psychiatrist Richard Hoetzel, M.D., advises parents to learn the root cause of a disagreement or fight. What started the brawl? Is one child jealous of the other? Did someone feel left out or have her feelings hurt by another member of the family? Sometimes, children who are angry at a parent wind up taking it out on a sibling.

For most parents, sibling conflict is just an additional and unnecessary source of family stress. Yet, fighting is not a sign of siblings not getting along. It is how they get along, using conflict to test their power, establish differences, and vent emotions. It's how they manage their love-hate relationship, each side of which is compelling in its own way. In healthy sibling rivalries, children can be both good companions and good opponents with each other. In unhealthy rivalries, there is only enmity. 

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A large proportion of parents consistently favor one child over another. This favoritism can manifest in different ways: more time spent with one child, more affection given, more privileges, less discipline, or, the worst scenarios, less abuse. Some favoritism is fair, the arrival of a newborn or caring for an ill or disabled sibling. Some favoritism is unfair, in patriarchal cultures, parents simply favor boys over girls, for example. Favoritism is a common reason for sibling resentment. A child who feels unfavored will direct his anger toward his sibling, not to the parent showing favoritism .

A child's personality and behavior can affect how parents treat them. Parents behave more affectionately toward children who are pleasant and affectionate, and they direct more discipline toward children who act out or engage in unruly or deviant behavior. Because girls tend to be warmer and less aggressive than boys, parents are more likely to  favor daughters over sons, though this is not the case in patriarchal cultures.

Favoritism is also more likely when parents are under stress ; this can include everything from marital problems to financial difficulties. Parents may be unable to inhibit their true feelings or monitor their behavior to be sure they are being fair to all children. Some researchers argue that when emotional or material resources are limited, parents will favor children who have the most potential to thrive and reproduce.

Children who are consistently held in disfavor are more depressed, more aggressive, suffer lower self-esteem, and don’t necessarily reach their academic potential. Favored children also suffer, the unfair treatment poisons everyone. The unfavored sibling ends up resenting the favored one, sometimes well into adulthood.

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Best Family Essay Examples

How my family influenced me.

663 words | 3 page(s)

My family has had a strong influence on shaping me into the person that I am now, and has taught me that love, kindness, respect, and honesty are all important qualities. However, education has also been a strong factor in shaping me, and helping me grow as an individual. School has strengthened my social skills, and built my base in academic skills.

My family was my first source of love, and has shaped me into who I am today. Growing up my father has regularly gone out of his way to make sure that I feel special and valued, which may seem simple or frivolous, but it is extremely important to me. He can be a strict disciplinarian, and teach myself and my siblings lessons through daily occurrences, or he can be understanding and almost philosophical, teaching us the ways of the broader universe, and making us understand that we are only a small part of this world.

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I have been inspired to treat others with friendly manners and to try to help everyone that I can through my daily actions. It seems that my father has had the most important role of my shaping, and through watching him my entire life I have grown an understanding that by helping other people and trying to have positive effect on everyone, leads to a happy life with no few enemies. One of the basic reasons I respect my father, is that he is happy, when he makes other people’s days just a little better.

What has helped build my character is my father’s Trust. Because he has shown me throughout my life how much he trusts me, he has managed to persuade me to always do what is right so that I do not lose his trust. He has prepared me for life. His is open mind has helped to form my own personality and intellect into a more open minded type. He has never told me what to do. He explains how he feels and then lets me make my own decisions.

The importance of an education has also been stressed all of my life. My schooling has revealed the importance of a sampling of societal behaviors and interactions. This has shaped me by showing me examples of appropriate behavior in interpersonal relationships, and strengthened how much I value some of my behaviors. I believe that social interactions show how others view myself as an individual, and allow me a look into another person’s behaviors and morals. These momentary glances into other’s beliefs creates and understanding of myself and my beliefs in relationship to the world that I live in. Every social interaction that I take part in whether it be buying a cup of coffee in the mall, or an in depth discussion with a close friend, has an impact on my character. My education has helped to mold me, but my home life built my foundation as an individual.

My parents have also always acknowledged the importance of my education in teaching me independence, and how to take responsibility for my actions. I have been allowed the room to make mistakes, and more importantly, the space to fix any mistakes that I may make. This is also true about my education. I have been allowed to thrive in classrooms, or if I chose to falter, but regardless, it is my responsibility to fix my mistakes. This faith in my own ability has allowed me to develop a high level of motivation for my studies, and healthy study habits.

While education is an endeavor that will better my life and contribute to my happiness, I want to be able to use my knowledge to help others, and contribute to the wellbeing of other people. I have my family to thank for my motivation to better the world through my life, and I have my education to thank for giving me the understanding and skills to make it happen.

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My Borther Influenced Me.

My Influential Person My brother is the most influential person in my life. Vincent is eighteen, we have the best brother/ sister relationship. He is a caring person to my family and I. He is a great role model to my when it comes to school. Vincent has a good attitude towards helping others. I look up to my brother. My brother cares for my family and l. Whenever he sees one of us down or not having a good day he tries to make us laugh. Vincent also cares for us when we aren’t feeling well or my parent’s need a huge favor of him.

It has influenced me by caring for my family and helping them when they are down like my brother does. When it comes to school I don’t always make the right choices but my brother makes sure that I stay on track. He always tell me to get my homework done before it becomes too late at night. He helps me be more responsible with my school work and homework. The way my brother treats me with school influences me to do the same with my little sister. My brother did good in school and I want to be like him school-wise. Vincent is a helpful person to others.

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He is always willing to help someone in need. I remember one time we saw a guy with no hands that needed help with his backpack and other bags to put onto his bike. It was my brothers idea to help the man. It felt good to help others. From that day on I always wanted to help others. My brother is the most influential person in my life. He cares for my family, helps me stay on track with school and helps other people in need. He makes me a better person. My brother is a great role model to me. I look up to my other brother Vincent.

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My Dad is My Inspiration: a Story from My Life

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Updated: 28 November, 2023

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