Electronic banking adoption in Ethiopia: an empirical investigation

  • Original Article
  • Published: 09 August 2021
  • Volume 1 , article number  112 , ( 2021 )

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thesis about electronic banking

  • Pankaj Tiwari   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2401-184X 1  

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The bank has always been a very intense business, especially in the last few decades when information technology had a strong influence on the banking sector. This research followed almost the same pattern, particularly by examining the factors influencing information technology adoption. However, little work has been done to identify these factors in electronic banking services in developing African Countries. The purpose of this research was to analyze the variables that influence adoption in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The researcher has used factors perceived ease of use, infrastructure, security, trust, and e-banking adoption. The data were collected from 179 respondents of CBE. This study uses the structural equation model based on least partial square analysis. The results show that customer trust mediates between the perceived ease of use, infrastructure, security, and e-banking adoption. The practical result of this research is the provision of information and knowledge to the Ethiopian Commercial Bank, which is the financial backbone of this country. Further, combining Trust in technology will improve confidence in Ethiopian banking sector. Hence, the government should make more efforts to sustain and improve e-banking through technology-driven innovation in the banking sector.

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thesis about electronic banking

Source: Davis ( 1989 ), Lee and Turban ( 2001 ), Kolodinsky et al. ( 2004 )

thesis about electronic banking

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Tiwari, P. Electronic banking adoption in Ethiopia: an empirical investigation. SN Bus Econ 1 , 112 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-021-00114-0

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Received : 29 October 2020

Accepted : 19 July 2021

Published : 09 August 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-021-00114-0

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kazi omar siddiqi

Dr. Mohammad Mahtab Alam

The purpose of this study is to find out the Customer satisfaction of internet banking users which leads to make more loyal customer and hence loyalty leads to the attracting more customer, expansion of business and increase in net profit. The finding of the study shows that there is a significant variation in the level of satisfaction among internet banking users. The satisfaction of an Internet banking users depends upon Reliability, Responsiveness, Security, Ease of use and Tangible. Study also suggests that in which segment there is a need of big push to improve the overall satisfaction of the customers.

Dr. Tehseen Jawaid , Syed Ali Raza

Purpose – This study aims to determine the effects of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in Pakistan by using the SERVQUAL model. Design/methodology/approach – A survey research questionnaire of 30 items has been adopted, and the data of 400 respondents were collected from the users of Internet banking of different banks located in Karachi city of Pakistan. Findings – The reliability analysis shows that all dimensions are reliable. Results of the factor analysis confirm the grouping of adopted questioner. At last, the regression analysis indicates a significant positive relationship between assurance, tangibility, reliability and responsiveness with customer satisfaction. Conversely, empathy shows a positive but insignificant effect on the customer satisfaction. Practical implications – It is recommended that the management of online banks has to focus on making the design and content of the Web sites more visually appealing to grab the attention of existing customers, as well as to attract new customers. The management has to take effective measures to further enhance the security and safety of online bank accounts, so that customers can maintain long-term relationships with the usage of online banking. Online banks have to provide more reliable services to the customers at heart to make the customers more comfortable and confident. The management should develop more effective systems to quickly solve the issues of customers. Originality/value – This paper makes a unique contribution to the literature with reference to Pakistan, being a pioneering attempt to investigate the customer satisfac

Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Md.Salamun Rashidin

The aim of the present study is twofold; firstly, to measure the differences in e-services of foreign and local commercial banks and secondly, to find out the critical dimension of e-SERVQUAL for online banking. The study used comparative approach; local commercial and foreign banks in Pakistan. For this purpose, the study targeted local (MCB and HBL) and foreign (Standard Charted and Alfalah) banks. A total of 195 responses were received through a mean of questionnaire based on a five - point Likert scale from Sahiwal. The study performed reliability analysis, regression and Pearson chi-square. The reliability of all dimensions was tested with a Cronbach alpha that was greater than.7. The results of the chi-square showed that no difference is found with respect to any dimension in e-services of both local and foreign banks in Pakistan. The findings of the regression analysis showed that e-service quality was affected by 66.2% due to dimensions of e-SERVQUAL. The "reliability" and "privacy" have highest impact on e-service quality than all other dimensions, so banks should pay more attention on these dimensions because that is critical to online banking.

13th Annual International Conference - Convergence 2018 on the theme "Applied and/or Interdisciplinary Research: Emerging Economy Perspectives"

Dr. Nazrul Islam , Rasel Mustafi

Bangladesh is a densely populated country of the world. More than 170 million people live in this country. Mobile banking is a very important and new phenomenon in Bangladesh. In recent years, mobile banking has got highest importance by the customers in the country as it provides immense scope for consumers for banking transactions at any time with the option to access bank's facilities anywhere of the country. It is a subset of electronic banking, the use of which is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Hence, this paper aims at indentifying the factors that influence the customer experience in mobile banking in Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 231 mobile banking customers of nine private commercial banks of Bangladesh. Literature review identified some factors related to mobile banking like convenient and responsive system, transaction speed and accuracy, reliability, transaction security in ATM booth and technological difficulty that affect customers' experience in mobile banking systems etc. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present situation of the mobile banking systems in Bangladesh. Inferential statistics like factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to identify the relationships between the overall experience of the mobile banking customers and the specific factor(s) that affect customers experience in mobile banking. Results show that the convenient and responsive system, transaction security in ATM booth and technological difficulty are significant factors that affect the customers experience in mobile banking of Bangladesh. This study suggests that the policymakers should focus on the convenient and responsive system of mobile banking, transaction security in ATM booth and technological difficulty factors that affect customers experience in doing mobile banking for the improvement of the mobile banking services in Bangladesh.

Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online)


European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care

Krishnaraj Rathod

Cardiogenic shock remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. We aimed to assess the current trends in cardiogenic shock management, looking specifically at the incidence, use of intra-aortic balloon pump therapy and outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. We undertook an observational cohort study of 21,210 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients treated between 2005-2015 at the eight Heart Attack Centres in London, UK. Patients' details were recorded at the time of the procedure into local databases using the British Cardiac Intervention Society percutaneous coronary intervention dataset. There were 1890 patients who presented with cardiogenic shock. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality at a median follow-up of 4.1 years (interquartile range: 2.2-5.8 years). Increasing rates of cardiogenic shock were seen ove...


Shibu Sebastian

Rajat Verma

Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis

Jelena Sokk

Spartaco Greppi

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Dr. Mohammed Al-Dulaimi

IJELS Editor , Atrija Ghosh

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Jesus Aguilar


Joakim Wehlin

Concepción Rodríguez

Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)

Saja Mohmmed

Pushing the Frontiers of Atomic Physics - Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Atomic Physics

Louis Dimauro

Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication

adi perdana

Alzheimer's & Dementia

Boo Johansson

Indonesia Medicus Veterinus

Made Budiasa

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Dina Fauzia

The 12th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services

mahesh kaluarachchi

Skin Research and Technology

Mahrooyeh Hadizadeh

Jurnal Jendela Inovasi Daerah

Didin Saepudin

Salsa Billa C1C022020

Daniel Laryea Mensah


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    20. My E-Banking site does not share my personal information with other sites. Toor et al. (2016). Responsiveness and Communication 21. E-Banking services are available 24/7. Alawneh et al. (2013). 22. E-Banking services respond immediately to clients' requests: Alawneh et al. (2013). 23. Help is immediately available if there is any problem

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    The rapid expansion of Electronic banking Systems throughout the world, forces the banking industry to implement and improve E-Banking Service qualities. E-banking is one of the most recent phenomenon in the financial services organizations. This method was established in the mid-1990s, there after it becomes more important (Allen L &Rai, 1996).


    Using convenience sampling technique, the data was gathered through already tested questionnaire from 380 E-banking service users of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia as respondents, in Bahir Dar Town.

  6. The impact of electronic banking on customer satisfaction

    The study sample consisted of 381 customers from who use electronic banking: through simple regression, the results indicated that there is an effect of electronic banking services to reach customer e-satisfaction. ... measures which could be taken by the banking industry and by government to address various challenges identified in the thesis ...

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    Electronic banking (E-banking) has improved as well as changed the aspect of commercial banking through linking and connecting geographical, industrial and regulatory gaps and creating innovative products as well as services for both banks and customers (Khan & Karim, 2010). In other words, Internet technology holds the potential to ...

  8. Electronic banking adoption in Ethiopia: an empirical investigation

    The electronic novelty in the banking sector dates to 1970. Since then, the computerization of financial institutions has gained momentum. Since 1980, with the introduction of ATMs, easy financial transactions have been a visible light for customers (Prager 2001).Internet and communication technology (ICT)-based e-banking has improved in recent years following the introduction of electronic ...

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    This study presents what impact electronic banking has on customer satisfaction in comparing with traditional brick and mortar banking service, its relationship with that of age, occupation and education, its impact on branch visits, the level of customer understanding about e-banking and the opportunities and challenges of e-banking. The paper tried to see all the above among 402 properly ...

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    We, the undersigned, have examined the thesis entitled Impact of Electronic Banking Service Delivery on Customer Satisfaction in Nepalese Private Commercial Banks presented by Aliza Maharjan, a candidate for the degree of Master of Business ... 2.4 E-Banking Services Delivery and Satisfaction 18 2.5 Benefits of E-Banking 20 2.6 Challengers of E ...

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    Also, E-banking is largely driven by the factors of minimizing the operating costs and maximizing operating profit, suggests Simpson (2002). According to Centeno (2004), the e-banking adoption factors are divided into two categories: 1). Factors relating to the infrastructure and accessing technology, 2).

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    of electronic banking in commercial bank of ethiopia, addis ababa by nathnael teshome. june, 2019 ... of electronic banking in commercial bank of ethiopia, addis ababa by nathnael teshome a thesis submitted to st. mary's university, school of graduate studies, in partial fulfilment of the. requirements for the degree of master of marketing

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    However, arrival of technology has an impact on Internet banking and transforms from a traditional banking system to a very useful innovation technology. The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that have influenced users to use Internet banking in doing financial transaction. This study uses content analysis on the previous literatures.

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    into account when assessing how satisfied e-banking customers are. 2.5 E-banking and Customer Satisfaction in Sri Lanka Since launch of ATMs by HSBC bank in 1986, Sri Lanka has had access to e-banking services (Jayamaha, 2008). 3,843 ATMs have been set up by end of 2016 in order to assist in efficient banking operations (CBSL, 2016).


    emerge, each bringing a new dimension to th e interaction between user and bank [25].E-banking offers banking services outside of the normal opening hours (Rubino 2000). I n fact, it has

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    Thesis submitted to the Doctoral College, De Montfort University, in ... E-banking offers a number of advantages to financial institutions, including convenience in terms of time and money. However, criminal activities in the information age have . changed the way banking operations are performed. This has made e-banking an area of


    Electronic Banking has become the heart of banking sector, while banking industry is the heart of every robust economy. E-banking has revolutionized the lives of all individuals of present times and is considered to be a wave of information revolution after the agricultural and industrial revolution Internet banking, mobile banking, Automated Teller Machine, electronic funds transfer, and ...

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    Essays in Banking and Corporate Finance Abstract This dissertation studies the role of different types of frictions in preventing optimal resource allocation in the economy. In chapter 1, I focus on financial frictions and consider the distorted incentives of banks to lend to zombie firms. I show that bank supervision, in

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    Security is defined as the ability to protect against potential threats. From consumers‟ standpoint, security is the ability to protect consumers‟ information from information fraud and theft in the online banking business. Customers have doubts about the trust ability of the e-bank's privacy policies (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2003).

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    PDF | On Mar 6, 2021, Samantha B. Tan published Assessing the Internet Banking Services of Selected Banks in the Philippines using E-SERVQUAL Model | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

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    Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), introduced ATM service for local users in 2001 with its fleet of eight ATMs located in Addis Ababa. Moreover, CBE has had Visa membership since November 14, 2005 ...

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    of the Bank, 154 or 38.9% were 1-5 years and 17 or 4.3% were 21 years a nd above. In terms Number of. Years using Electronic Banking Facility Services, 241 or 60.9% have been using electronic ...