Canvas How-To: Flipgrid

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Mary Stuart Rogers, MSR 380

Flipgrid is a free video discussion service ("App") that can connect to Canvas, enabling threaded video-based assignments in your Canvas course. Flipgrid is not a built-in tool of Canvas.

  • Students can still join on mobile but must start within the Canvas app.
  • SpeedGrader  - Add a Flipgrid Topic for your Canvas Assignment. Student videos automatically show up in Speedgrader.
  • BYOD Anywhere, Anytime  - As long as students click the green + within Canvas, they can record using any computer or using one of the free Flipgrid iOS and Android apps.
  • Students do not need FlipGrid accounts; only instructors do.

NOTE: Flipgrid recordings cannot be made in the Safari browser. Try Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

Flipgrid vs. VoiceThread: Which to Choose?

Flipgrid and VoiceThread are both video-based tools, so it can be hard to know which one to use. Both tools have strengths and weaknesses for any given activity. Read on for information that will clarify which tool is right for your activity.

Overall consideration: Will your activity benefit from the ability to use multiple slides?

Choose Flipgrid when:

  • You want students to engage with a single topic or question using video replies instead of typed text.
  • You want students to be able to edit their video posts before submitting.
  • You want to grade student posts using Canvas's SpeedGrader tool.

Choose VoiceThread when:

  • You want students to have a web discussion using a set of multiple topics they can choose from.
  • You want students to contribute media to a common presentation.
  • You want students to create and narrate a multi-slide presentation from scratch.
  • You don't need to use GradeCenter to grade student work in the activity.

Features of both tools:

  • Moderation/hiding of student posts
  • Ability for students to upload media content as part of their engagement in an activity
  • Recording direct replies to specific posts
  • Incorporate a wide range of media documents, videos, files, etc. into an activity
  • Automatic closed captions on all posts (feature must be enabled in each Flipgrid grid)

Enabling Flipgrid in a Canvas Course

NOTE: Integrate Flipgrid if you are planning to do a graded assignment using Flipgrid.  It's perfect acceptable to use Flipgrid in  ungraded activities . Simply set up your group and discussion topic, and then share the join code in your course like any other URL.

NOTE 2: You must do the integration once for every Canvas course that uses Flipgrid.

Part I – Create or Login to Flipgrid Account

  •  - Flipgrid accounts are completely free.

Part II – Connect FlipGrid to Canvas Course

Please read the  How to integrate Flipgrid  tutorial to learn how to link your Flipgrid account to a Canvas course. This is necessary to use Flipgrid for a graded assignment.

  • Login to .
  • Choose "Profile" from the user menu in the upper right.
  • Select the "Integrations" tab.
  • Here, you either create a new Canvas integration or retrieve the consumer key and shared secret for your existing one.
  • Return to Canvas and add the Flipgrid app to your course from the  Settings > Apps > +App  page.
  • Copy and paste the key and secret from Step 4 and complete the app installation process for this course.

Flipgrid will now be listed in the External Tools list in your course.

Part III – Use Flipgrid

Use as a graded assignment by specifying Flipgrid as the External Tool submission type in a Canvas assignment.

  • NOTE: Flipgrid assignments can only have a single point value even if you are requiring students to make multiple recordings in the topic. When grading, you will provide a score for the student's total performance in the complete activity.
  • Specify  External Tool  as the  Submission Type  for the assignment
  • Click "Find" and select  FlipGrid  in the list of available tools.
  • Recommended: check the box to open the link in a new tab!
  • Click  Save
  • Click the newly added assignment link. The Flipgrid Topic will be created and you arrive at the Topic's home page.
  • In the  Actions  menu for the Topic, choose "Edit Topic".
  • Review the settings of the Topic, such as maximum recording length, comment moderation, adding prompt materials, etc.
  • Click  Update Topic  to save any changes.
  • Make your assignment link available in Canvas.

To record their responses, students simply click the assignment link in Canvas and follow the prompts to record and save their responses. They do not need to install anything.

Part IV – Grade the Submissions

Return to the assignment in Canvas and launch SpeedGrader to review and grade the student submissions.  The videos will be visible in the SpeedGrader window.

Flipgrid Support Resources

Flipgrid is a video discussion tool that is supported by Flipgrid's tech support. Please see the instructions and support below.

  • Getting Started with Flipgrid  (does not cover Canvas)
  • Using Flipgrid as an Assignment and Grading in Canvas
  • Flipgrid Help Center

Updated: October 11, 2022

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Using Flipgrid in Canvas

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Getting Flipgrid set up in Canvas

Are you ready to get your Flipgrid on? Before you do, here are the pros and cons of adding it to Canvas.

  • It is easy to access from your course for both you and your students
  • It will automatically register your students in your Flipgrid group (previously grid) no code needed
  • You can create external assignments for Flipgrid topics right in Canvas
  • You can grade the videos in Speedgrader
  • It only creates one group per course (previously grid) so differentiating by section (period) means making multiple topics or one topic for the whole course (video moderation option…see below)
  • To use a rubric to grade an external tool like Flipgrid you will need to use the External Tools Rubric Workaround

Have you decided? Here are the steps to integrate Flipgrid:

  • Open your course and choose “settings” from the course navigation.
  • Select the “apps” tab and search for Flipgrid, click on it and then choose “+ Add App”, we now need info from Flipgrid
  • In a separate browser tab, open Flipgrid (log in using your Office 365 account or create an account if you do not have one)
  • In the upper right corner of your Flipgrid tab, find your account and click it, then choose “integrations”
  • Click “Add New Integration”
  • Title the integration so it makes sense for the course you are adding it to (you will need to repeat this for each course) copy the Consumer Key
  • Return to Canvas and paste the Consumer Key
  • Return to Flipgrid and copy the Shared Secret
  • Return to Canvas and paste the Shared Secret
  • Click Add App
  • From Settings, choose the “Navigation” tab at the top and refresh your screen
  • Move Flipgrid from the disabled section to enabled section and SAVE
  • From Course navigation, click on Flipgrid and grant permission to make a group for the course

Creating a Flipgrid Assignment

Now that you have decided to add Flipgrid to Canvas, it’s time to make an assignment. Before you being, think about the following:

  • Do I want to attach a rubric in Canvas to use in Speedgrader?
  • Is this for all my students? Do I need them to respond to one another?
  • Is this for all my students but I will be the only one to see the response?

First, determine if you want to add a rubric to use directly in Speedgrader (as opposed to the Flipgrid rubric). If you want to use a rubric, please follow these steps for External Tools Rubric Workaround and then proceed with the following assignment options.

Assignment for ALL students, student responses by Course section

To differentiate the topic for each section of your course, you will want to follow these instructions. Students will only see the assignment for their section (using Canvas assignments or modules), but from Flipgrid, would be able to see all sections. Consider disabling Flipgrid from course navigation (you can still access it from assignments).

  • From Assignments or Modules (Add Assignment) choose new assignment
  • Add your title, brief instructions (outside of the Flipgrid topic…we will add that later) points, and grading group as needed
  • From Submission Type select “External Tool”
  • Click “Find” and navigate (by scrolling in the internal box) to Flipgrid
  • Click Flipgrid (it will be gray) and then click Select
  • Now we need to choose the section this will be assigned to. X out “Everyone” and choose the section this assignment will be available to
  • Adjust due dates as needed
  • Save (or Save and Publish)
  • Flipgrid will now appear and you will want to click the pencil to edit this topic
  • Enter the topic information, change the image, time, and customize per normal Flipgrid choices
  • Update your topic
  • Repeat for each section of your course as needed

Assignment for ALL students, no student interactions needed (all courses)

You might have a topic that you are using to gather information from your students, but they will not need to respond to one another. In this case, you can create one Flipgrid topic for your course and all your sections. But you will have one important step to follow to make sure they do not see everyone in your courses responses. You need to turn VIDEO MODERATION  on.

  • Leave assign to Everyone
  • Enter the topic information, change the image, time, and customize per normal Flipgrid choices but make sure to slide VIDEO MODERATION to ON

Flipgrid video moderation

Using Flipgrid with your students

Students have several ways to access Flipgrid depending on how you set your course up

  • Assignments
  • Flipgrid (from course navigation)

Troubleshooting Tips:

Flipgrid App: Students will not be able to access your course directly from Flipgrid or Flipgrid app. For students using their phone, they will need to use the Canvas student app in order to access Flipgrid. It will appear via the app and allow them to record from their device.

Flash not enabled: Students may find that they have a hard time accessing Flipgrid if Flash is disabled or from older browsers. Chrome often works best, but here are instructions on enabling Flash on Chrome .*

Allowing access to camera and/or microphone: Students might get a pop-up or in-screen request to access their camera and microphone, they should allow. If they chose do not allow, they will not be able to record their video. Here are steps to enable this on Chrome and on Edge. *

*Please note that students should ask parent permission to enable on family devices.

Additional Resources

If you’d like to learn more about the Flipgrid integration, check out these resources from Flipgrid

Flipgrid Canvas Integration Setup and FAQ

Printable directions for integration

Canvas Community tips and tricks

For more help, please ask your Ed Tech Lead or Ed Tech TOSA. You can learn more about Flipgrid right here on the BNP!

how to create a flipgrid assignment in canvas

  • Category: flipgrid
  • Tag: Canvas , flipgrid

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Thank you for the thoughtful and useful post. I just WISH it integrated as easily as TEAMS does. But alas, Canvas is not a Microsoft product, so I get it. Just darn it!

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[…] how should you set this up? First, consider having Flipgrid linked to Canvas. This is not a necessity, but it does keep everyone in one space and place to get […]

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How to Use FlipGrid in your Canvas course

What is flipgrid.

Flipgrid is a free video discussion tool that you can use in place of or in addition to traditional discussion boards. Instead of leaving written comments for each other, students post short video responses to the posted prompt and/or to each other. 

It sounds complicated. 

Good news. It's incredibly easy to use. When you use Flipgrid within Canvas, students do not need to create a separate log-in/password. All they need is a device with a camera and microphone, like a smart phone or laptop.  With the click of one button in the assignment, the video recording starts, they can quickly record their response, Flipgrid gives them a chance to watch the recording and redo it if desired, they add a few "stickers" (decorations) if they want, click another button to submit, and that's it. 

Why would I want to use Flipgrid?

  • You want to build community with/among your students. When you see people on video, you get a much better feel for them as a person. Students report that they feel more connected to their classmates when we use Flipgrid.  When I use Flipgrid in online courses, I love feeling like I would recognize my students if I passed them in the hall. 
  • You are tired of regular discussion boards . Your students probably are, too. Using Flipgrid often feels more casual . It is faster for many students, and you often get more spontaneous/"real" answers.
  • You are teaching or practicing an interpersonal skill , such as healing presence, communication style, etc. Written assignments don't often capture these types of skills. If you are teaching a clinical or communications-based class, using Flipgrid may provide an opportunity to assess and give feedback on these hard-to-pin-down areas. 
  • You want to build in a "live" component, but students are in numerous time-zones and can't always attend a synchronous session. Flipgrid is a nice blend of the "live" feel but with an asynchronous schedule. 

What types of assignments can I create with Flipgrid?

Flipgrid assignments have all the flexibility of a traditional discussion board, except that the response posts are typically limited to a certain amount of time (which you choose, as the instructor.) The maximum you can set is 5 minutes, although most of the time you'll want to set the limit closer to 1 or 2 minutes. This doesn't sound like very long, but it's plenty -  trust me. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Check-ins : Include a Flipgrid post once every week or every few weeks asking the students to let you know how they are doing in the course, if they have any questions, the most interesting/exciting thing they've learned so far, etc. I have Flipgrid check-ins once very 3-4 weeks in my physiology courses. I divide students into 4 groups alphabetically. One group posts a check-in via Flipgrid, and the others respond to a check-in of their choice. I respond to each of the original posters. 
  • Application : Have the students post a Flipgrid of themselves presenting information or skill as they would to a client and ask other students provide feedback. In my Mindful Eating class I had students post a short Flipgrid of themselves leading a hypothetical client through a mindfulness practice. They then responded to other students' posts with feedback and encouragement. Students loved the experience and reported that it was one of their favorite parts of the class. 
  • Review : Have the students explain a concept from the week's material that was challenging for them, and give them feedback on how they did. I find that when I ask students to explain a concept or term from the week's assignment in a Flipgrid, it becomes very clear how well they understand it. They also learn from watching each others' posts and asking questions. I can clear up any misconceptions and the students get solid practice with the concept they've chosen. 
  • Exam prep : After a quiz or exam, have students create a Flipgrid post explaining the correct answer to one of the questions they missed. This gives them a chance to review the question and provides a bank of study materials for the others in the class as they prepare for the final. I sometimes provide a bit of extra credit for this activity.

What about student privacy?

It's important to make sure that you feel comfortable with the terms of use and privacy policies in place for any technology you are asking students to use. I have read both and feel comfortable with them for Flipgrid, but have a look and make sure you do as well! You can view their privacy policy and terms of use before deciding to use. Flipgrids within Canvas are only accessible to people in the Canvas course (although I believe as the instructor you can invite a guest to join as well). 

Okay, so how do I use Flipgrid within Canvas?

It's very easy!  First, you'll want to s et up a free educator Flipgrid account . Just go to the Flipgrid website and apply for your account. You'll only need to do this once. 

How to connect your Canvas course with Flipgrid

You'll do this at the start of each trimester with each course when using Flipgrid. Total amount of time per course: < 5 min. 

  • Go into the Canvas course where you want to use Flipgrid and click on "Settings."
  • Click on "Apps" and search for Flipgrid. Click "Add App." It will ask for a consumer key and a shared secret. 
  • Go into your Flipgrid account. On the top right corner, you should see your name with a drop-down menu. Click on the drop-down menu and go to "integrations."
  • Click on "+ New integration" and give your course a name. I recommend using the course name or #, trimester and year (e.g. Summer '19 ISci647b) so that you can easily find things later. 
  • Copy the consumer key and shared secret from Flipgrid into the Canvas box from step 3.

Important Note

When you add the Flipgrid integration, it will automatically add a "Flipgrid" link into your Canvas course navigation. I have found that this is confusing to students. Also, if they complete the assignment via the navigation button rather than through the Flipgrid assignment it sometimes doesn't show up in Speedgrader. Therefore, I recommend removing Flipgrid from the navigation menu.

To do this: Go to "Settings" in your course, click on "Navigation" and simply drag Flipgrid from the course navigation into the "hidden items" list. Be sure to save at the bottom of the page before leaving, or else it will show back up 🙂

How to set up Flipgrid Assignments

If you will be copying your Canvas course from one trimester to the next, you will not need to do all of this every trimester. Here is how to do it the first time you'll be using Flipgrid in a course:

  • Go to the module where you'd like to add a Flipgrid assignment and click on the "+" at the top of the module. Add a new assignment, and name it whatever you like. 
  • Add your assignment instructions in the Canvas text box. I usually write out a short question for them to answer, and note who is supposed to answer it. (e.g. If your last name begins with A-E, please respond to the question posted above. If your last name begins with F-Z, respond to at least one classmate.) I also note that they can email me their written responses if they prefer not to use Flipgrid (see note below). 
  • Set the number of points, due date, etc. 
  • Under "submission type" select "External Tool" then either start to type in "Flipgrid" or click "Find" and scroll down to select Flipgrid. Click "Save and publish" 
  • If this is your first Flipgrid assignment for this course, when the page refreshes you'll see a pop up box asking you if you want to connect this course with Flipgrid. Say yes and create a new course. 
  • Now you can edit the Flipgrid settings right from Canvas if you like. You don't need to add an additional description since you did so above. Do make sure that "student to student" responses is enabled, and adjust the time limit as you see fit. You can have the topic shut down on a certain date if you don't want responses coming in after a deadline. 

What about accessibility? What if students don't want to post a video/don't have a webcam?

Flipgrid automatically adds closed-captioning to all of the videos within a topic. (You do need to make sure this feature is enabled - go to your Flipgrid account and click on the grid in question. In the settings you'll see the "enable captioning" option. As long as this is checked, they will be automatically captioned.) 

However, not all students are comfortable or able to post videos. I have had students opt out for personal safety reasons, because they are sick and don't want to appear on camera, because their webcam or audio isn't working properly, because the're completing their assignment on a break at work and don't want coworkers to hear their responses, etc. I always give students the option to email me their responses instead if they can't/don't want to do Flipgrid. (In cases where the live interaction/facial expressions/verbal responses are critical, I offer a not-recorded synchronous live session as an alternative.)

Hint: If you give the option of emailing you instead, be sure to specify that they can email you a written response. I have had students email me video recordings of themselves in huge files (!). 

How do I grade all of this? 

It's easy. You go through Speedgrader as usual. Each student's post(s) will show up under their name. If they have more than one, there will be a drop-down menu where you can choose which one to view. You can respond privately in Speedgrader, or you can reply either privately or publicly within Flipgrid. I typically respond to each original post with a public video of my own, and provide short written comments to people who have been assigned to complete responses.  

Do I have to do all of this every trimester? 

No! If you write the assignment description/instructions in Canvas they will transfer over along with the settings (points, due dates, etc.) when you copy the course. The only things you'll need to do the next time you teach the course are:

  • Set up the integration with a new consumer key and shared secret
  • Click on the each Flipgrid assignment within Canvas and adjust the settings if needed. (You may want to check the settings within Fipgrid as well to make sure that closed captioning is on, and that your notifications are set up the way you want them)


I'm happy to help if I can. Just shoot me a line! 

About Camille Freeman, DCN, RH (she/her)

Hi there! I'm a clinical herbalist and nutritionist specializing in fertility and menstrual health. I run the  Monday Mentoring  community of practice and also offer continuing education programs for practicing herbalists and nutritionists (Check out this year's  Deep Dive !). I'm also a former professor with the Maryland University of Integrative Health, where I taught physiology, pathophysiology, and mindful eating for 17 years. 

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Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

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This video will show you how to integrate Flipgrid within your Canvas account; how to create a new assignment using Flipgrid; how to use Flipgrid as your proctored event; and what your students will see when they access the assignment.

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How can I set up an assignment in Canvas for two professors to grade using a rubric?


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  1. How To Create A Flipgrid Assignment

    Select the "App" tab. Search for "Flipgrid". Click the "Add App" button under the app logo. Input "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" into dialogue box. Find "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" under "integrations" from your Flipgrid account information tab in the upper right-hand corner. Copy and paste the "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" into ...

  2. PDF What You Need To Know

    Creating a Flipgrid Assignment + Speedgrader Create a Flipgrid assignment for your students in Canvas by following these steps: Within your Canvas course select Assignments and click the blue + Assignments button. Provide an Assignment Name, leave other fields blank, and scroll to the Submission Type box.

  3. Integrating Flipgrid and Creating an Assignment in Canvas

    This video walks you through how to integrate Flipgrid into your Canvas course, and then how to create your first assignment.

  4. Using FlipGrid in Your Canvas Courses

    This video walks through how to set up and use FlipGrid in your Canvas course. See also this handout:

  5. Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

    This video will show you how to integrate Flipgrid within your Canvas account; how to create a new assignment using Flipgrid; how to use Flipgrid as your pro...

  6. Using FlipGrid in Canvas

    When rolling over your Canvas course from one semester to another, go back to each of your FlipGrid assignments and create a new grid to use. If you have more than one instructor/facilitator, click on the FlipGrid link in the course navigation menu and click on "Add CoPilot" to add another person who can administer the FlipGrid grids in the course.

  7. Canvas How-To: Flipgrid

    Use as a graded assignment by specifying Flipgrid as the External Tool submission type in a Canvas assignment. In a Canvas course, create a new assignment NOTE: Flipgrid assignments can only have a single point value even if you are requiring students to make multiple recordings in the topic. When grading, you will provide a score for the ...

  8. Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

    Once the Flipgrid app has been installed in your Canvas course, navigate to the Assignments tab in the Canvas course navigation menu. 1. From the Canvas Assignments screen, select the + Assignment (Add Assignment) button at the top right to create a new assignment.

  9. Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

    Once the Flipgrid app has been installed in your Canvas course, navigate to the Assignments tab in the Canvas course navigation menu. 1. From the Canvas Assignments screen, select the + Assignment (Add Assignment) button at the top right to create a new assignment.

  10. Flip: Integrate Flip into your Canvas site

    To create a Flip Assignment in Canvas. In your Canvas site, click on'Assignments' Click on the '+Assignment' button; Enter a title for your assignment. You can also add general assignment instructions in the text editor box. Scroll down to the assignment settings and enter a point value if assignment is graded.

  11. Using Flipgrid in Canvas

    Move Flipgrid from the disabled section to enabled section and SAVE; From Course navigation, click on Flipgrid and grant permission to make a group for the course; Creating a Flipgrid Assignment. Now that you have decided to add Flipgrid to Canvas, it's time to make an assignment. Before you being, think about the following:

  12. How to Integrate Flipgrid With Canvas

    The integration of your Flipgrid and Canvas account will enable you to add Flipgrid assignments through your Canvas account. Here's what you need to do. First, go to the Courses tab and click on the Assignments section. Choose the Assignment you want to add the Flipgrid link to. Now, click on the Edit button.

  13. How to Use FlipGrid in your Canvas course

    Go into the Canvas course where you want to use Flipgrid and click on "Settings." Click on "Apps" and search for Flipgrid. Click "Add App." It will ask for a consumer key and a shared secret. Go into your Flipgrid account. On the top right corner, you should see your name with a drop-down menu.

  14. Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

    Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas - This video will show you how to integrate Flipgrid within your Canvas account.

  15. PDF Embedding Flipgrid in Canvas

    Creating a Flipgrid Account Clemson Online [email protected] July 3, 2019 Page 1 of 9 Embedding Flipgrid in Canvas Embedding your Flipgrid to Canvas makes you grids easily accessible to students through a page or assignment. Embedding also allows you to share the same Flipgrid in more than one course. Note: This

  16. Integrating Flipgrid with Canvas

    Learn how to use the Flipgrid LTI to integrate Flipgrid with Canvas. This integration allows you to create Flipgrid assignments directly from Canvas and allo...

  17. How do I setup a Flip assignment in Canvas?

    Follow this guide on how to create an Assignment in your course. 2. Click on the link for the Assignment you want to use. Tip: The name of the Assignment in Canvas will copy over to Flip with the same name. 3. Click on Edit. 4. Scroll down to the Submission Type section of the Assignment. 5.

  18. How to integrate a Flipgrid assignment into Canvas

    In Canvas click Modules. Click Unpublished. Click to publish Testing Flipgrid.. Click your new assignment. Click highlight. Flipgrid will prompt you to Create a Course Group. Click the button . If you click your course name it will take you to the main course page where you can view all assignments.. Click your newly created assignment. Click ...

  19. How to create a FlipGrid assignment in Canvas

    The first step is to open Classlink and click on Flipgrid.. Click Create a Topic.. Click Add a Topic.. Click Get started.. Add a title for your topic. Your students will see this name. . Add the question that you want your students to answer. . Add media to your Flipgrid question.

  20. Flipgrid: Submitting an Assignment in Canvas

    How to submit a Flipgrid assignment within Canvas

  21. Solved: How do I incorporate FlipGrid into Canvas discussi

    From what I can see Flipgrid is used via the Assignments tab. You could make a Discussion a marked assignment. ... HI @tsmith23 Welcome to the Canvas Community. Flipgrid is very cool. I've not used it in my own courses but participated via other people's accounts.

  22. I created an assignment using Flipgrid, but can on...

    I used Flipgrid as an external tool to create an assignment for students. I created three separate assignments, one for each section of students in the course. When I try to use speedgrader to grade the videos, I can only see students listed for one of the assignments. In the other two assignments, there are no students listed at all.

  23. CopyLeaks: How to Create an Assignment with AI and Plagiarism Check and

    To add a new assignment that will automatically be scanned by CopyLeaks, go to Modules and click on the + icon next to the Module title where the assignment should be added. Make sure "Assignment" is listed in the "Add" field and highlight "New Assignment" below. Provide a name in the "Assignment Name" field and click "Add Item".

  24. Flipgrid assignment

    If you have some good Flipgrid experience you may get fancy as you edit that topic in the Flipgrid app...but I noted it says you can only edit that topic via Canvas. interesting. I noted as you create the assignment, the integration establishes a new grid with the course name and a brand new topic on that grid within Flipgrid.

  25. Re: How can I set up an assignment in Canvas for t...

    Hello @gandrade,. What if you set this up as a peer review assignment?You could add both of the professors as students and then assign all of the submissions to them to review. This wouldn't push either of their grades into the Gradebook, but it would allow students to see both sets of feedback.