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免費下載 DSE Physics Past Paper (By Year + By Topic 連答案)

dse physics past paper

DSE Phy Past Paper Paper 1 + Paper 2 連 Answers (Marking Scheme) 上網都唔容易揾,所以我為大家搜羅咗 歷屆 物理科  HKDSE Physics Pastpaper 試題 (CE +DSE + AL) ,DSE 由 Sample Paper 到 2019 年,By Topic 和 By Year,以及中文、英文版本都有。

P.S. 喺你碌落去之前,記住 Follow @notesity.hk + @bchuiii ,我會分享考好DSE嘅讀書資訊!

P.P.S. 記住 Click  呢度  留低你 Email ,我會定期分享唔同類型嘅 DSE 免費資源同讀書 Tips 畀你。

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要考好 DSE Physics 物理,操練 DSE Phy Past Paper 係必須嘅。所以大家要一齊努力!

目錄 (DSE Physics Past Paper Download / DSE 物理卷下載):

  • [DSE By Year – Eng Version] Physics DSE Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 + Answers/Marking Scheme (SP, PP, 2012-2018) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)
  • [CE By Topic – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 1 Question Paper 題目 (1990-2008) (物理卷卷一下載)
  • [CE By Topic – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 (1990-2008) (物理卷卷二下載)
  • [CE By Year – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目(1979-2011) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)
  • [DSE By Year – Chin Version  中文版 ] Physics DSE 物理卷 Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 (2012-2017) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)
  • [AL By Year – Eng Version] Physics AL Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 + Answers/Marking Scheme (1981-2011) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)

1.[DSE By Year – Eng Version] Physics DSE Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 + Answers/Marking Scheme (SP, PP, 2012-2019)

  • 【英文版】下載 DSE Physics Paper + Marking Scheme (英文版) (SP – 2018)(Answers)
  • 個人建議:操卷前先閱讀 DSE Past Paper By Topic 高效溫書操卷技巧
  • Sample Paper
  • Practice Paper
  • DSE Phy Paper 2012
  • DSE Phy Paper 2013
  • DSE Phy Paper 2014
  • DSE Phy Paper 2015
  • DSE Phy Paper 2016
  • DSE Phy Paper 2017
  • DSE Phy Paper 2018
  • 後備網站: DSE Eng Past Paper (from NoteSity ,仲有 2019 年 PP)
  • 上面連結可能會失效,或未必齊 Paper / Marking / Sound Track,所以有需要可以去下面 Backup Source
  • Backup Source 1: 按此
  • Backup Source 2: 按此
  • 另外,考評局會有一d  歷屆 DSE Physics 科考生表現示例 畀大家參考,大家就更加清楚究竟考評局答題要求
  • 但同學仔注意,只係靠操 PP 係唔夠嘅,你仲需要額外嘅 DSE 資源幫你備戰。 NoteSity  為你搜羅不同導師及出版社的 高質 DSE 筆記、補充練習與參考書 ,一個平台匯聚你需要嘅所有 DSE 資源,等你可以方便訂購。你可以去睇睇了解更多,有唔明可以 IG DM  @notesity.hk  問問!
  • BChui 獨家優惠:於  NoteSity  網上書店首次購物滿 HK$200, 輸入優惠碼「 bchuihkdse 」,即可享全單額外減 HK$25 優惠!
  • 最後最後,我哋會定期喺 Instagram  @notesity.hk  分享 DSE Study Tips,唔想錯過嘅你就一定要 follow  @notesity.hk  呀!

2. [CE By Topic – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 1 Question Paper 題目 (1990-2008) (物理卷卷一下載)

  • 個人建議:中四/五同學仔要把握機會早d開始操,CE題目好適合幫你打底。如果中六的話,點都操 DSE PP先,有時間就操埋CE。
  • 【英文版】下載 CE Physics Paper Paper 1 (By Topic) + Marking Scheme (1990 – 2008)(Answers)
  • 1990 – 2008
  • 涵蓋範圍:Heat, Mechanics, Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Physics

3. [CE By Topic – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 (1990-2008) (物理卷卷二下載)

  • 【英文版】下載 CE Physics Paper Paper 2 (By Topic) + Marking Scheme (1990 – 2008)(Answers)

4. [CE By Year – Eng Version] Physics CE Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目(1979-2011) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)

  • 【英文版】下載 CE Physics CE Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper (By Year) + Marking Scheme (1979 – 2011)(Answers)
  • 1979 – 2011

5. [DSE By Year – Chin Version  中文版 ] Physics DSE 物理卷 Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 (SP, PP, 2012-2017) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)

  • 【中文版】下載 DSE Physics Paper + Marking Scheme (英文版) (SP – 2018)(Answers)
  • 另外,考評局會有一d  歷屆 DSE Physics 科考生表現示例 畀大家參考,大家就更加清楚究竟考評局答題要求

6. [AL By Year – Eng Version] AL Physics Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 + Answers/Marking Scheme (1981-2011) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)

  • 【英文版】 Physics AL Paper 1 + Paper 2 Question Paper 題目 + Answers/Marking Scheme (1981-2011) (物理卷卷一+卷二下載)
  • 1981 – 2011

想知自己點解操極past paper都無進步?咁就要睇以下片段啦!

免費下載 DSE 中文 Chin Past Paper (CE+DSE 連答案)
免費下載 DSE English Past Paper (CE+DSE+AL 連答案)
免費下載 DSE Maths Past Paper (By Year + By Topic 連答案)
免費下載 DSE 通識 LS Past Paper (DSE+AL 連答案)

Physics at Work for HKDSE

Teacher's resources centre.

Lesson Preparation

  • Textbook PDF
  • Practical Workbook PDF
  • Lesson Worksheets
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Hands-on Activity
  • Phone Experiment
  • STEAM Project
  • Useful Link
  • Solution for Student's Book
  • Lesson Planning
  • Supplementary Materials

Multimedia Resources

  • Video - Experiment and Others
  • Video - Hands-on Activity
  • Video - Phone Experiment
  • Video - DSE Practice Solution
  • Video - Integrated Questions Solution

Progressive Exam Resources

  • Interactive Quick Check
  • Concept Building Exercise
  • Foundation Exercise
  • Advanced Exercise
  • Question Bank
  • Mock Papers & Exam Resources
  • SBA Mark Sheet

Skill Builder

  • Writing Practice
  • Mathematics
  • Problem-solving

E-learning Platforms

  • Google Forms
  • Microsoft Forms

What's New

12/01/2024 Video solutions of Mock paper 1A for 2024 HKDSE are now available.

  • Mock papers for 2024 HKDSE 📝
  • HKDSE Physics Question Distribution (2012-2023) 📊
  • Textbook PDF: Interactive PDF (Books 1-4), PDF with Teacher's Notes (Books 1-4)
  • PowerPoint (Books 1-4)
  • Lesson Worksheets (Books 1-4)
  • Flipped Classroom (Books 1-4)
  • Hands-on Activity (Books 1-4)
  • Phone Experiment (Books 1-4)
  • Know More (Books 1-4)
  • Solution for Student's Book (Books 1-4)
  • Lesson Planning: Teaching Scheme and Chapter Objectives (Books 1-4)
  • Supplementary Materials: NSE Worksheet (Books 4, 5, E1, E3)
  • Simulation (Books 1-3B; Book 4 Ch 1-6)
  • Video - Experiment and Others (Books 1-4)
  • Video - Hands-on Activity (Books 1-4)
  • Video - Phone Experiment (Books 1-4)
  • Video - DSE Practice Solution (Books 1-4)
  • Video - Integrated Questions Solution (Books 1-4)
  • Video Quiz (Books 1-4)
  • Interactive Quick Check (Books 1-4)
  • Foundation Exercise: Exercise (Books 1-4), Revsion (Books 1-4)
  • Advanced Exercise: Exercise (Books 1-4), Revison (Books 1-4)
  • Question Bank (Books 1-4; Book E2 Ch 2)
  • SBA Mark Sheet (Practical Workbooks 1-4)
  • Writing Practice (Books 1-4)
  • Drawing (Books 1-4)
  • Experiment (Books 1-4)
  • Graph (Books 1-4)
  • Mathematics (Books 1-4)
  • Problem-solving (Books 1-4)

25/08/2023 The Physics at Work for HKDSE Teacher's Resources Centre website is launched!

Coming soon

Electronic Platforms

Exercise platform

YouTube channel

Student's web

DSE Physics


Tentative teaching schedule:

S4: Book 3A (LIGHT), Book 1 (Heat), Book 2 (Chapter 1-4 and Chapter 6 to 8) S5: Book 3B (WAVE), Book 2 (Chapter 5, 9 and 10), Book 4 (Electricity and Magnetism), Book 5 Radioactivity S6: Elective Books (Astronomy, Atomic Physics, Energy and use of energy, Medical Physics)

About SBA SBA will be scheduled in S5/S6.  

SBA Handbook will be provided which explains common skills in experiment and reporting.  

There will be 3 SBA practicals, in which two are short experiments and one is called detailed report.


Book 1 , 2 , 3A , 3B , 4 , 5 , E1 , E2 , E3 , E4

Publisher Solution

Revision videos.

Book1-5 , Ea, E2, E3 , E4

Last Minute Revision Videos

Revision Exercise


Past Sch Papers

S4-S5 First Term and Final Exam, and S6 Mock Exam

Please ASK !

dse physics essay

Schools & Teachers

Schools & Teachers

Exam Personnel

Exam Personnel

  • IELTS Writing 16
  • IELTS Writing 15
  • IELTS Writing 14
  • IELTS Writing 13
  • IELTS Writing 12
  • IELTS Writing 11
  • IELTS Writing 10
  • IELTS Writing 09
  • IELTS Writing 08
  • IELTS Writing 07
  • IELTS Writing 06
  • IELTS Writing 05
  • IELTS Writing 04
  • IELTS Reading 16
  • IELTS Reading 15
  • IELTS Reading 14
  • IELTS Reading 13
  • IELTS Reading 12
  • IELTS Reading 11
  • IELTS Reading 10
  • IELTS Reading 09
  • IELTS Reading 08
  • IELTS Reading 07
  • IELTS Reading 06
  • IELTS Reading 05
  • IELTS Reading 04
  • IELTS Listening 16
  • IELTS Listening 15
  • IELTS Listening 14
  • IELTS Listening 13
  • IELTS Listening 12
  • IELTS Listening 11
  • IELTS Listening 10
  • IELTS Listening 09
  • IELTS Listening 08
  • IELTS Listening 07
  • IELTS Listening 06
  • IELTS Listening 05
  • IELTS Listening 04
  • IELTS Speaking 16
  • IELTS Speaking 15
  • IELTS Speaking 14
  • IELTS Speaking 13
  • IELTS Speaking 12
  • IELTS Speaking 11
  • IELTS Speaking 10
  • IELTS Speaking 09
  • IELTS Speaking 08
  • IELTS Speaking 07
  • IELTS Speaking 06
  • IELTS Speaking 05
  • IELTS Speaking 04
  • IELTS Writing
  • IELTS Reading
  • IELTS Listening
  • IELTS Speaking

HKDSE 2018 Physics(English paper)

  • by PaperPapa

HKDSE 2018 Physics English paper with marking scheme and student performance

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    AL-CE-DSE 1990-2021. Topic 1 Temperature, Heat and Internal energy Topic 2 Transfer Processes Topic 3 Change of State Topic 4 General Gas Law. Topic 5 Kinetic Theory Topic 6 Position and Movement Topic 7 Newton's Laws Topic 8 Moment of Force Topic 9 Work, Energy and Power Topic 10 Momentum Topic 11 Projectile Motion Topic 12 Circular Motion.

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  3. 免費下載 DSE Physics Past Paper (By Year + By Topic 連答案)

    DSE Phy Past Paper Paper 1 + Paper 2 連 Answers (Marking Scheme) 上網都唔容易揾,所以我為大家搜羅咗歷屆物理科 HKDSE Physics Pastpaper 試題 (CE +DSE + AL),DSE 由 Sample Paper 到 2019 年,By Topic 和 By Year,以及中文、英文版本都有。. P.S. 喺你碌落去之前,記住 Follow @notesity.hk + @bchuiii,我會分享考好DSE嘅讀書資訊!

  4. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority

    Licence for Schools to Use or Copy Past HKCEE/HKALE Question Papers and HKDSE Examination Question Papers, Sample Papers and Practice Papers. Information Leaflets. Virtual Open Day. Videos. ... Physics - Samples of Candidates' Performance - 2021 Exam. Date: Introduction; 28/10/2021: Level 5; 28/10/2021: Level 5 additional sample(s) 28/10/2021 ...


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    PHYSICS PAPER 2. Question-Answer Book. 11:45 am-12:45 pm (1 hour) This paper must be answered in English INSTRUCTIONS (1) After the announcement of the start of the examination, you should first write your Candidate Number in the space provided on Page 1 and stick barcode labels in the spaces provided on Pages 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.


    PHYSICS PAPER 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ⑴ ⑵ (3) ⑷ The diagrams in this paper are NOT necessarily drawn to scale. (5) INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTION A (MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS) ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ All questions carry equal marks. ⑷ (5) (6) No marks will be deducted for wrong answers. 2021-DSE-PHY 1A-1 4 HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY

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    Mock papers for 2024 HKDSE 📝; HKDSE Physics Question Distribution (2012-2023) 📊 ... Video - DSE Practice Solution (Books 1-4) Video - Integrated Questions Solution (Books 1-4) ... The Physics at Work for HKDSE Teacher's Resources Centre website is launched! Hot Items. eBook. Textbook PDF.

  13. DSE Physics@SLCSS

    DSE Physics@SLCSS. Home. Past School Papers. Revision Exercise. Publisher Solution. DSE PAPERS. Book 1 Heat. Book 2 Mechanics Book 3A Wave Motion (I) Book 3B Wave Moiton (II) Book 4 Electricity & Magnetism. Book 5 Radioactivity. Book E1 Astronomy. Book E2 Atomic World. Book E3 Energy ...

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  17. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority

    Licence for Schools to Use or Copy Past HKCEE/HKALE Question Papers and HKDSE Examination Question Papers, Sample Papers and Practice Papers. Information Leaflets. Virtual Open Day. Videos. Useful Links. Careers. General Appointments ... Physics - Samples of Candidates' Performance - 2022 Exam. Date: Introduction; 27/10/2022: Level 5; 27/10 ...

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    The public assessment of Physics consists of a public examination component and a school-based assessment component as outlined in the following table: Component. Weighting. Duration. Public Examination. Paper 1 Questions set on Compulsory Part. 60% → 75%. 2 hours 30 minutes.

  19. DSE Physics@SLCSS

    Tentative teaching schedule: S4: Book 3A (LIGHT), Book 1 (Heat), Book 2 (Chapter 1-4 and Chapter 6 to 8) S5: Book 3B (WAVE), Book 2 (Chapter 5, 9 and 10), Book 4 (Electricity and Magnetism), Book 5 Radioactivity S6: Elective Books (Astronomy, Atomic Physics, Energy and use of energy, Medical Physics) About SBA SBA will be scheduled in S5/S6. SBA Handbook will be provided which explains common ...

  20. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority

    Licence for Schools to Use or Copy Past HKCEE/HKALE Question Papers and HKDSE Examination Question Papers, Sample Papers and Practice Papers. Information Leaflets. Virtual Open Day. Videos. ... Category A - HKDSE Elective Subjects: Physics - Samples of Candidates' Performance - 2019 Exam. Date: Introduction; 7/11/2019: Level 5; 7/11/2019: Level ...

  21. HKDSE 2018 Physics(English paper)

    HKDSE 2018 Physics English paper with marking scheme and student performance. Page. /. 16. 2018-DSE-PHY 1A (E) download 1 paper part a. 2018-DSE-PHY 1B (E) download paper 1 part b. 2018-DSE-PHY 2 (E) Download paper 2. 2018-DSE-PHY MS (E) download marking scheme. 2018-DSE-PHY Performance (E) Download performance.