application letter sample medical assistant

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application letter sample medical assistant

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5 Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Medical Assistant (MA) Cover Letter
  • Entry-Level MA
  • MA Externship
  • Certified MA
  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Write Your MA Cover Letter

As a medical assistant, your work has an impact on the lives of many. You help out patients and colleagues alike, and your list of daily tasks is impressive, ranging from taking patient vitals and handling blood tests to setting up appointments.

You’re no stranger to administrative work, but writing a cover letter to accompany your medical assistant resume might feel more intimidating. We get it—putting yourself in the spotlight doesn’t always come easy.

We’re here to help you overcome these obstacles and craft applications that get you interviews. Check out our medical assistant cover letter examples and free cover letter generator to make this whole process that much easier.

application letter sample medical assistant

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example


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Medical assistant cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • You can reference specific achievements—like streamlining measurements of vital signs or leading different types of training. Showcasing your success displays a proactive approach to improving patient care and boosting team productivity.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching Medical Assistant Resume

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Medical assistant resume example with 8 years of experience

Entry-Level Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Entry-level medical assistant cover letter template

  • Try to make a connection between your personal experiences and career aspirations for a compelling entry-level medical assistant cover letter.
  • Even if your only prior experience is in your academic training and externships, by describing your direct contributions, you still provide evidence of your problem-solving skills and proactive approach—desirable traits recruiters are itching to see!

Medical Administrative Externship Cover Letter Example

Medical administrative externship cover letter template

  • Draw inspiration from Luca’s medical assistant externship cover letter. Notice how he spotlights his 93% accuracy in reading and charting vital signs during class? Or when he surpasses the anticipated success rate for phlebotomy procedures while interning at Franciscan Urgent Care.

Certified Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Certified medical assistant cover letter template

  • Go ahead and briefly mention how you intend to contribute to the company’s vision, adding that extra flair to your certified medical assistant cover letter. For instance, commitment to fostering proactive patient care will align with many health organizations’ objectives.

Medical Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Medical administrative assistant cover letter template

  • Specifics like highlighting your ability to handle high volumes of work, maintain accuracy, and increase efficiency will make your medical administrative assistant cover letter stand out.
  • Go a step further by supplying metrics like “managing over 10,000 patient records,” “handling an average of 50 appointments daily,” or “transcribing over 2,000 notes with a 98% accuracy rate” to give concrete evidence of your claims.

Related cover letter examples

  • Customer service
  • Operations manager

How to Write a Medical Assistant Cover Letter That Gets You the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your job has taught you all about attention to detail, so you’re already well on your way to crafting an outstanding medical assistant cover letter. The best way to show your future employer that you know your stuff is to establish that you’re thorough and that you care.

How do you do that in a fairly short letter? It’s simple—read the job description from A to Z and make sure that you’re weaving elements of it into your cover letter. For instance, if the listing calls for someone to assist in patient examinations, establish from the get-go that you’ve got fantastic bedside manner and experience in working with people.

application letter sample medical assistant

Start off on the right foot with a greeting and intro

To start out strong, open your cover letter with a personalized greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name. You can look up the hospital or clinic on LinkedIn, check out its website, or even call them. If you exhaust all other options, you can open with a “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Hospital/Clinic] Team.”

After the greeting, try to hook the reader with an interesting opening paragraph that immediately shows why you care about this particular job and what makes you the right fit. Mention things like your dedication to helping patients or your expertise in phlebology, and adjust it for each job listing.

To show you how to avoid the various pitfalls of writing a cover letter, here’s what to watch out for. The example below doesn’t emphasize why this person is a strong candidate.

I saw your advertisement for a job as a medical assistant. I don’t have much experience, but I would like to apply for the role.

Now, the following opening paragraph does a much better job. It immediately establishes a deep connection while highlighting what you hope to bring to the role.

This is the way!

Having watched my grandmother courageously battle a chronic illness, I developed a profound appreciation for the compassionate care she received from her medical team. Inspired by the impact healthcare professionals made on her life, I am eager to begin my career in healthcare as an entry-level medical assistant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to contribute positively to patient experiences.

application letter sample medical assistant

Deep dive into the body of your cover letter

This is the part of your cover letter that follows up on that strong opening you just wrote. These two or three paragraphs need to focus on your career thus far and what you’re most proud of. 

Perhaps you’ve flawlessly managed patient records or scheduled appointments. Or maybe you prepared and dispatched laboratory samples while ensuring they were meticulously labeled.

Back up those achievements with numbers, such as how many patients you saw on a daily basis, or the way your knowledge of various EHR software improved data retrieval times or reduced patient wait time.

Here’s an example of an impactful body paragraph:

Peers and supervisors have often recognized my skill in operating medical equipment. In my previous role, I was also responsible for training new staff in the effective use of medical equipment, leading to a 34% increase in operation without incident.

application letter sample medical assistant

Leave a lasting impression with your closing paragraph

The closing paragraph is where you reiterate how excited you are to join this particular company. Explore the website and the job description to find something to mention that shows you’ve done your homework. For instance, if you’re applying to work at a small, local clinic, you could say that you share its dedication to bringing patient care and health awareness to your community.

Include a line that drives home the point that you’re the right person for the job. You can do this by saying, for example, that you’d love to leverage your extensive experience in managing telehealth consultations to increase patient access to fast healthcare at your new workplace of choice.

Make sure to thank the hiring manager for their consideration and end the cover letter with a respectful, “sincerely, [your name].” Here’s how not to seal the deal. This closing line is quite negative. It’s usually best to save that sort of information for when you’ve already secured a job offer.

I’m looking forward to working with you. Keep in mind that I can’t start sooner than next month because I’m going on vacation.

This closing paragraph does it much better—it shows why you want to work there and it’s much more personalized.

They’ll remember you!

I’m excited about the possibility of contributing to your mission of providing exemplary community care and would be grateful for the chance to discuss how my skills align with the goals of your esteemed institution. Thank you for considering my application.

Put a little more emphasis on your past education and certifications. For instance, if you’re a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), put this in your opening paragraph to show that you’re job-ready. You can also talk about past jobs and focus on transferable skills , such as customer service or data entry.

As a medical assistant, your impact is focused on the patients and the running of the healthcare facility. Talk about using your negotiation skills to improve liaising with insurance companies to speed up claim processing. You could also focus on patient-centric metrics, such as assisting physicians and nurses in over 40 examinations per day.

Just like you have to be clear and concise in your administrative tasks, you should keep things to the point in your cover letter. Max it out at 500 words and make sure that they’re all impactful. You should also write a different cover letter for each position applied, matching your experience as a medical assistant to the roles and functions outlined in the job description.

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Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example [W/ Templates & Tips!]

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You're skilled at taking patient histories, drawing blood, and managing paperwork. There’s no doubt you're great at being a medical assistant.

But when it comes to writing your cover letter, you might feel like you're staring at a blank screen for way too long.

Frustrating, isn't it?

Don't worry, we get it. Making all your skills and experiences stand out on a single piece of paper is tough.

But we’ve got your back. 

In this article, we're going to cover:

  • What an Awesome Medical Assistant Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Great Medical Assistant Cover Letter

3 Essential Medical Assistant Cover Letter Tips

Ready to land that dream job? Let’s dive in!

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Medical Assistant Cover Letter

So, you've just seen what a top-notch medical assistant cover letter looks like.

Feeling ready to write your own ? Just follow the steps we're about to show you, and you'll nail it:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Starting your medical assistant cover letter the right way is crucial. Put your contact information right at the top, just like you would on your resume .

Here's what to include:

  • Full Name. Always start with your full name at the top of your cover letter.
  • Job Title. Be specific about the role you're applying for. Hiring managers regularly handle applications for multiple jobs, so make it easy for them to spot yours.
  • Email Address. Use an email that's straightforward and professional. A high school email address like "[email protected]" won't cut it. Stick to something that includes your first and last name, like "[email protected]."
  • Phone Number. Provide a correct phone number, as well as include the country code if you're applying for a job abroad.
  • Location. Your city and state are generally enough. If you're open to remote work or relocating, make sure to mention so in your cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have a LinkedIn profile or another professional website, you can include links to them.

Next, add the hiring manager's contact information under yours:

  • Company Name. List the company's name. (In the case of our example above, it’s MedAssistPro.)
  • Hiring Manager's Name. Try to find the exact name of the hiring manager for the medical assistant role. Check the job ad or the company’s LinkedIn posting - they usually have what you’re looking for.
  • Location. The city and state/country are important, especially if the company has multiple locations. You can also add the street address if you want to be extra specific.
  • Email Address (optional). If you can find it, include the hiring manager's email.
  • Date (optional). Adding the date of writing on your cover letter gives it a professional touch.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've got all the contact details sorted, it's time to address your cover letter to the right person.

And skip the outdated "To Whom It May Concern"—it doesn't make a strong impression.

First things first—do a little digging. Look at the job ad, the company website, or LinkedIn to find the name of the hiring manager for the medical assistant role. Getting their name and email address will help you establish a more personal connection.

Next, go for a formal greeting. We suggest using "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name. If you're not sure about their gender or marital status, it's perfectly fine to just use their full name.  For example:

  • Dear Ms. Smith
  • Dear Alex Smith

If you’re drawing a blank and can't find any details about the hiring manager or the head of the medical department, you can always address the cover letter to the company’s department:

  • Dear Medical Assistant Department
  • Dear Healthcare Hiring Team
  • Dear Human Resources Team
  • Dear Head of Medical Staff

Looking for more inspiration? Check out more of our cover letter examples . 

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just a few seconds glancing at an application before deciding whether to read it fully. So, catching their eye right away is crucial for a successful medical assistant cover letter.

Start off by stating your name and why you're excited about this role. 

If you're really into healthcare or this job really speaks to you, let them know. It helps you stand out and makes the hiring manager want to learn more about you.

Doing some homework on the company can also really pay off. The better you understand your future employer, the more you can show you'd be a great fit for their company's culture and vision. 

Not to mention, this tells the hiring manager you're not just sending applications into the void—you're genuinely interested in this particular job.

If you've got some experience, consider opening your cover letter with a standout achievement or skill that sets you apart for this role. 

Just remember to keep it short and sweet. Your goal here is just to spark the hiring manager's interest so they'll want to read more.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your medical assistant cover letter is your chance to dive into what makes you the best candidate for the job.

Don't just repeat your resume here; really go into detail with your specific skills and qualifications. Use this space to build a strong case for why you're the person they should hire. Mention any achievements that make you stand out from other candidates for this role, and don't shy away from mentioning a time you improved patient satisfaction scores at your last clinic.

Make sure to look at the job ad and highlight any skills mentioned there. For example, if the job ad asks for someone skilled in patient care or specific EMR software, this is where you should talk about your relevant training or experiences.

Understanding the healthcare facility you're applying to can also give you an edge. If you know they specialize in, say, pediatric care, mention the skills and experiences you gained while working with children and how you’re a good match thanks to them.

Wrap up by sharing your enthusiasm. Make it clear you're not just looking for any job; you're genuinely excited for this specific position as a medical assistant. Show confidence that your unique skills and experience make you the perfect addition to their healthcare team.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It (Professionally!)

Ending your medical assistant cover letter is like applying a bandage perfectly—it’s the cherry on top of a job well done, and it leaves a lasting impression.

This is where you want to reassure the hiring manager that you're the right person for the job, so knowing how to end your cover letter is crucial. Use your conclusion to quickly sum up why you're the ideal candidate, recapping the key skills or experiences that set you apart.

Then, invite the hiring manager to take the next step. Adding a call to action, such as asking the hiring manager to schedule an interview or reach out to you, can go a long way.

Lastly, sign your cover letter with a professional closing line and follow it up with your full name. Here's an example:

Feel free to reach out to me at the email or phone number provided to set up an interview at your convenience. I'm eager to discuss my application and how I may be an asset to your team.

Best regards,

Benjamin Tailor

If "Best regards" feels too generic for you, you've got options. Here are some alternatives:

  • Warm regards,
  • Yours truly,
  • Thank you for your time.

Before you send in your cover letter, make sure you’ve avoided these common mistakes !

medical assistant cover letter structure

You've got the lowdown on what makes a standout medical assistant cover letter. 

Now let's put the finishing touches on yours with some must-know cover letter tips :

#1. Match Your Resume

Having a medical assistant cover letter that matches your resume matters.

You want your cover letter’s layout and formatting to look good next to your resume; otherwise, your application might look sloppy and unorganized.

Keep an eye out for your cover letter’s font style and the size of your text—they should be consistent in both your cover letter and resume. Tweak the line spacing and margins, and make sure everything is aligned neatly on the page without spilling over to page two.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Need a way to speed things up?

Try our free resume builder by selecting one of the resume templates and use a cover letter template to match. This way, matching the cover letter to your resume becomes a breeze.

Crafted with input from hiring managers worldwide, our templates meet industry standards and make sure your application looks great.

#2. Mention Qualifications

As a medical assistant, highlighting your relevant qualifications is crucial to a successful application.

Your qualifications show you've got the skills and the know-how for the job. But you shouldn’t just repeat the same things that are on your medical assistant resume .

Your medical cover letter is your chance to connect the dots for the hiring manager. Explain how your qualifications make you the perfect fit for the specific medical assistant role. For example, if you’re applying to a blood transfusion clinic and you’re certified in drawing blood or have a knack for putting anxious patients at ease, that’s worth mentioning.

Qualifications aren't just bullet points; they're stories, experiences, and life lessons you can use to frame your medical assistant cover letter in a way that resonates with the job description. Mentioning your qualifications the right way makes you more than a compelling candidate—they make you the right fit.

#3. Be Formal

Keeping your cover letter formal is non-negotiable. This isn't a text to a friend; it's a pitch to a potential employer.

Being formal sets the tone that you're serious and professional. But remember, being formal doesn't mean being stiff or robotic. You can still let your personality shine through.

Just use polite phrases and avoid slang or jargon that's not industry-specific. For example, don't say you "can get stuff done." Instead, say you're "efficient."

Being formal gives you an edge to be considered a solid, professional choice for that medical assistant position.

Key Takeaways

That’s all there is to writing a medical assistant cover letter!

After reading our article, we hope you feel ready to land the job you’re after.

But before we send you on your way, let’s sum up what we talked about so far:

  • Start your medical assistant cover letter with an eye-catching opening paragraph to grab the hiring manager’s attention from the start. Mentioning who you are, why you’re writing, and a relevant achievement or experience that makes you qualified for the role.
  • Highlight your qualifications in the body of your cover letter and use them to stand out from other applicants. Instead of repeating what your resume says, show the hiring manager how your qualifications tie in with the job description and how you’re the right fit.
  • Keep a formal tone throughout your entire medical assistant cover letter to keep it professional and show the hiring team you’re serious.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter with an appropriate closing line, followed by your full name.

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Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Cover Letter Examples

How To Write a Medical Assistant Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Text Examples

To write a great medical assistant cover letter, demonstrate your ability to interface effectively with patients, physicians, and multidisciplinary teams in fast-paced clinical environments. Tell your unique story within the medical field, emphasizing how your professional values align with the organization’s culture and mission statement. This guide provides examples and expert tips to help you craft a winning medical assistant cover letter and land your next job interview.

Medical Assistant Resume Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


Writing a great medical assistant cover letter can often be difficult, as day-to-day job responsibilities tend to be similar for these types of roles. To make a positive impression on the hiring manager, emphasize how your contributions have positively impacted patients and medical teams for previous organizations. Below, we’ll provide additional guidance to help you craft each section of your medical assistant cover letter:

1. Contact information and salutation

List all essential contact information at the top of your medical assistant cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid salutations such as “To Whom It May Concern,” as these types of greetings are generally considered outdated.

2. Introduction

Craft a powerful opening paragraph to introduce yourself and convey your interest in the job at the start of your medical assistant cover letter. Feature one or two notable achievements to draw the reader in and entice them to read further. Be sure to emphasize key clinical skills and medical terminology that match the job description. For instance, if a hospital is focused on evidence-based care, feature this skill set directly in your introduction.

In the example below, the candidate focuses on their experience interfacing with patients across a wide range of ages and demographics. They also emphasize their ability to collaborate effectively with multidisciplinary teams in high-volume clinical settings. Using a similar approach to capture the nuances of your background will ensure your medical assistant cover letter leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

I’m reaching out to you regarding the medical assistant job with San Diego General Hospital. With over eight years of experience, I excel in collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to deliver high-quality care to diverse patient populations, including both geriatric and pediatric patients. My background in high-volume medical environments would benefit your team.

3. Body paragraphs

Continue to demonstrate your qualifications and career achievements in the body paragraphs of your medical assistant cover letter. Start by mentioning something specific about the hospital’s culture, mission statement, or reputation and how this aligns with your background. This shows you’ve researched the organization prior to applying, which can help differentiate you from other applicants during the job hunt.

In addition, emphasize your ability to communicate effectively with physicians, nurses, and patients in fast-paced health care environments. It’s important to show the hiring manager you’re the right culture fit on your medical assistant cover letter.

San Diego General Hospital’s mission statement and commitment to health equity strongly aligns with my professional values as a health care provider. Providing equal access to quality care is a pivotal issue within the medical community, and I can support your mission based on my career accomplishments:

  • Delivered clinical and administrative support to registered nurses and physicians, obtained patient medical history and documentation, and communicated with empathy and compassion, contributing to a 95% patient satisfaction rating
  • Coordinated with multidisciplinary teams to deliver high-quality care to diverse patient populations and support DEI initiatives
  • Maintained exam rooms in accordance with OSHA standards for health and safety, sanitized exam instruments, and ensured compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols

4. Medical assistant skills and qualifications

Featuring clinical skills and qualifications on your medical assistant cover letter is essential. That said, your approach should be different from the resume, as it’s impractical to feature a long list of skills. Instead, tactically integrate key terms from the job description into your paragraphs using natural language. Below, you’ll find a variety of skills to consider highlighting on your medical assistant cover letter:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Acute care Calendar management
Clinical operations Communication
Customer service EHR
HIPAA compliance Medical billing and coding
Medical support Office administration
Patient-centered care Patient education
Patient management Patient relations
Pediatric care Phlebotomy
Process improvement Vital sign monitoring

5. Closing section

In the conclusion of your medical assistant cover letter, feature a call to action (CTA) that invites the hiring manager to schedule an interview. Further emphasize how your background within the health care field can help support the delivery of quality patient care for potential employers. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the final sentence.

I’d like to schedule an interview to further discuss how my leadership experience within the medical field could benefit your team. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Aliya Jackson

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Tips

1. highlight your clinical knowledge.

Hiring managers want to see your comprehensive understanding of clinical terminology and health care policies. When crafting your cover letter, draw attention to key clinical terms that match the job posting. This shows potential employers you have the necessary qualifications to provide quality care in fast-paced, hospital environments.

2. Emphasize communication and interpersonal skills

Empathy, compassion, and interpersonal skills are essential for any health care professional. Hospitals require you to communicate effectively with diverse patient populations and multidisciplinary teams. As you build your content, emphasize this aspect of your experience in your introduction and body paragraphs.

3. Feature patient-centered care and patient advocacy

Highlight your background in patient-centered care and advocacy. The wide adoption of these care standards is due to the integral role they play in driving positive outcomes. Patient-centered care helps you to build relationships that empower your patients, giving them increased agency during treatment.

Medical Assistant Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Joseph Corbin Medical Assistant | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Portland, OR 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Cynthia Roberts Talent Specialist Hayden Medical Center (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Roberts:

I’m interested in applying for the medical assistant role with Hayden Medical Center. As you can see from my attached resume, I have two years of experience within the health care industry, delivering exceptional patient care in acute care environments. I can provide valuable contributions to your patients and organization.

Hayden Medical Center’s commitment to patient-centered care standards draws me to apply for this opportunity. As a health care professional, I’m a strong proponent of patient advocacy throughout the treatment process. I can support your mission based on my previous achievements:

  • Scheduled all patient appointments for a high-volume pediatrics office with six full-time physicians and two nurse practitioners, amounting to up to 40 appointments per day
  • Interfaced effectively with diverse patient populations, communicated with empathy and understanding, and contributed to a 95% patient satisfaction rating for the practice
  • Obtained patient vitals, including blood pressure, temperature, and diagnostic information, and maintained medical records using electronic health records (EHR) software

I look forward to telling you more about how expertise in patient-centered care can be an asset to your organization. Feel free to contact me via phone or email for any questions you may have about my background. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Joseph Corbin

Cameron Malfara Medical Assistant | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | San Diego, CA | LinkedIn

Lori Taylor Hiring Manager San Diego General Hospital (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Taylor:

San Diego General Hospital’s mission statement and commitment to health equity strongly align with my professional values as a health care provider. Providing equal access to quality care is a pivotal issue within the medical community, and I can support your mission based on my career accomplishments:

  • Coordinated with multidisciplinary teams to deliver high-quality care to diverse patient populations and support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives

I would like to schedule an interview to provide more insights into how my experience delivering quality care in high-volume hospital environments would benefit your organization. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Cameron Malfara

Aliya Jackson Medical Assistant | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | New York, NY 12345 | LinkedIn

Matthew Johnson Hiring Manager St. Luke’s Medical Center (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Johnson:

I would like to apply for the senior medical assistant role with St. Luke’s Medical Center. My proven track record includes supporting nursing teams and physicians in delivering patient-centered care in high-volume hospital environments. I can deliver value to your patients, physicians, and medical teams.

St. Luke’s Medical Center’s reputation for achieving positive patient outcomes draws me to apply for this opportunity. Throughout my career, I’ve collaborated with a variety of medical teams and personnel to enhance clinical efficiency. I can offer positive contributions to your organization based on my previous successes:

  • Managed five front office staff for a medical practice with over 8,000 active patients, assigned responsibilities, evaluated performance, and coordinated scheduling
  • Oversaw calendars and appointments for four physicians and three nurse practitioners, minimizing patient wait times to under 30 minutes on average
  • Supported registered nurses in performing examinations, delivering treatment, and providing high-quality care to patients in a hospital with over 300 beds

I’d like to schedule an interview to discuss how my leadership experience within the medical field could benefit your team. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Medical Assistant Cover Letter FAQs

1. why should i write a medical assistant cover letter -.

Not every hospital will require a medical assistant cover letter during the application process, but including one might be what puts you over the edge if the hiring manager is conflicted. The cover letter lets you tell more of your story as a health care professional and convey your personal values and unique approach to patient care.

2. Are cover letters becoming obsolete? -

Many believe that cover letters have become obsolete. According to a LinkedIn poll conducted by Forbes , 70% of correspondents voted that cover letters are no longer needed during the application process. What these numbers won’t tell you is that while cover letters aren’t always required, writing one demonstrates your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the role you’re applying for. This can sometimes make all the difference in generating interviews during the job search.

3. How long should my medical assistant cover letter be? -

It’s always best to keep your medical assistant cover letter concise and focused, limited to three or four paragraphs. Providing too much information risks overwhelming the reader and distracting them from your most relevant qualifications. Prioritize capturing your most notable health care achievements and experience, omitting mundane job duties and generic phrases.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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