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Graduate Center of Medicine and Health School of Medicine and Health Technical University of Munich

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TUM Wissenschaftliche Arbeit und Forschung auf höchstem Niveau

Publication-based dissertation

​​​​​​​The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work. As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a cumulative - publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation) can be also accepted. 

Guidelines for a Publication-based Dissertation (Experimental Medicine, Translational Medicine and Dr.med.(dent.) Program)

The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work. As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation) can be also accepted. Prerequisite for a publication-based dissertation is that at least two first authorship original research papers have been published or accepted in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. The integrated articles must be written by the student. The student’s supervisor must agree in writing to the application, using the designated form. A publication-based dissertation must be equivalent to a monographic dissertation in its entirety. It must include an introductory and methodology section. All publications relevant to the thesis must be integrated into the dissertation, in their originally accepted or published form. Each article must be introduced by a brief summary of the study and the student contribution to the work. Written permission must be sought from the respective publisher to reproduce each of the included articles. Appendix 6 [ad § 6 (9)] TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees: Publication-based dissertations will be accepted provided that the supervisor has given his /her written approval and the following requirements are met: 1. The dissertation must include an introductory and methodology section (20 pages); a discussion section across dissertation topics including a review of relevant literature; 2. The dissertation must include at least two first-author papers accepted for publication (full paper in an international, English language, peer-reviewed journal); 3. The candidate must be the first author of all publications included; 4. The dissertation must include a summary of each publication (one page), indicating the individual contributions of the candidate; 5. Inclusion of selected original papers requires a separate letter of approval from each publisher. All other publications must be listed with a full publication citation for each. In the set of copies for the members of the examining committee all original papers must be included separately. According to a TUM-GS decision, we strongly encourage you to get a declaration of consent from all co-authors of the paper(s) to be used in the dissertation. In this letter, all co-authors should also confirm that the doctoral candidate was in charge of writing these papers.

Guidelines for a Publication-based Dissertation (PhD Medical Life Science and Technology Program)

The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work.

As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a publication-based dissertation (German: publikationsbasierte Dissertation ) can be also accepted, pending approval by the executive committee. Prerequisite for a publication-based dissertation is that at least two first- or last-authorship original research papers have been published or accepted in high-ranking scientific journals. The integrated articles must be written by the student.

A publication-based dissertation must be equivalent to a monographic dissertation in its entirety. It must include an introductory and methodology section. All publications relevant to the thesis must be integrated into the dissertation, in their originally accepted or published form. Each article must be introduced by a brief summary of the study and the student contribution to the work. Written permission must be sought from the respective publisher to reproduce each of the included articles.

§ 15 (Dissertation) Study and Examination Regulations for the Ph.D. program

„(...) (2) In Ausnahmefällen ist auf Antrag eine publikationsbasierte Dissertation möglich, wenn mindestens zwei Publikationen (Original-Forschungsarbeiten) des bzw. der Studierenden in hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften in Erst- oder Letztautorenschaft, angenommen oder veröffentlicht wurden. Die eingebundenen Veröffentlichungen müssen federführend von dem bzw. der Studierenden abgefasst sein. Die Betreuungsperson muss dem Antrag schriftlich zustimmen. Über den Antrag entscheidet der Studienausschuss.

(3) Eine publikationsbasierte Dissertation muss in ihrer Gesamtheit eine einer Dissertation gemäß Abs. 1 gleichwertige Leistung darstellen. Sie muss in knapper Form (20 Seiten) eine Einleitung in die übergreifende wissenschaftliche Fragestellung, die verwendeten Lösungsansätze, eine Zusammenfassung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse sowie eine Einordnung dieser in den wissenschaftlichen Kontext beinhalten. Weiterhin muss die eigene Leistung des bzw. der Studierenden in je einer einseitigen Zusammenfassung der jeweiligen Veröffentlichung unter Hervorhebung der individuellen Leistungsbeiträge des bzw. der Studierenden dargestellt werden. Die Publikationen sind der Dissertation als Anhang beizufügen. Für jede eingebundene Publikation muss eine schriftliche Erlaubnis des jeweiligen Verlags vorliegen. (...)“

According to a TUM-GS decision, we strongly encourage you to get a declaration of consent from all co-authors of the papers to be used in the dissertation. In this letter, all co-authors should also confirm that the doctoral candidate was in charge of writing these papers. Summary of the sections that should be included in each type of dissertation

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  • TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

At the end of your Dissertation

Here you find an overview of the process from submitting your dissertation to receiving your doctoral degree certificate.

Please also consult the following " Checkliste Doctoral Procedure – At the end of your doctoral project."

1. First of all complete your dissertation.

2. Check if all mandatory elements of the Qualification Program are fulfilled. Please note that only if all mandatory elements are fulfilled and have been approved are you able to submit your dissertation via DocGS.

3. Examination board: send the completed and signed by your supervisor form  " Announcement of Examination Committee " to the Graduate Center-SOT graduateschool(at)sot.tum.de  

4. Start the submission process for your dissertation via DocGS and upload all documents, including your dissertation. For the publication-based dissertation , please make sure that your publications are in the Appendix! Detailed information can be found on the TUM Graduate School homepage . The SOT-Guidelines for publication-based dissertation are on the Webpage Links and Downloads

5. Make an appointment with the TUM Center for Study and Teaching - Doctoral Studies and hand in your documents.

6. The School Council of the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology will appoint the examination board

 --> Please follow the deadlines for submission in order your doctoral project can be opened at the desired School Council meeting.

Please note that the dates for the School Council meetings after the summer break are expected to be published in early summer 2024. The scheduled meetings will take place between mid-September/early October and mid-December, with an approximate interval of six weeks between each meeting.

7. The reviews are prepared

After the School Council has appointed the examination committee, the examiners are invited by the Graduate Center to write their reviews on the dissertation. The examiners' reviews are forwarded to the Chair and the Graduate Center. The Chair of the Examination Board reviews everything. The Graduate Center organises the procedure on behalf of the chair. The Graduate Center sends the invitation for the oral examination on behalf of the chair. For information: The reviewers have three months to prepare their reviews.

8 . The oral examination

The examination committee independently sets a date and a room. When scheduling, care is taken to ensure at least four weeks between receipt of the reviews and the oral examination; August and Christmas vacations are not considered . The Examination Committee sends all relevant information on the oral examination to the SOT-Graduate Center. The SOT-Graduate Center sends out the invitations at least one week in advance on behalf of the Chair of the Examination Board.

    Tip: Always allow for a time buffer!

9. Publish your dissertation electronically (e.g., in MediaTUM) or in a book with ISBN. For further information, please check the website of  the TUM library

10. You receive your doctoral certificate (Promotionsurkunde) from the SOT-Graduate Center. Now, you may use your doctoral title.

11. Please send your change requests regarding your T UM Graduate School certificate and transcript of records no later than four weeks after your application for submission (point 4) via email to graduateschool(at)sot.tum.de . Otherwise, the certificate will be released for printing with the information provided after the oral examination. When your TUM Graduate School Certificate and Transcript of Records are ready, you will receive a message from the SOT Graduate Centre.

13. March 2024

Please ensure that your contact details in Doc-GS are always up-to-date, especially towards the end of your doctorate.

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Technical University of Munich

  • TUM Graduate School
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Science is a collective process in which the quality of research is mainly guaranteed by peer review  and public discussion among scholars in the field. The most important currencies in academia are thus publications in peer-reviewed journals, and having these articles cited by other scholars.

In order to anchor this quality assurance in doctoral training as well, doctoral candidates at TUM are required to present their research publicly to experts in the field at least once. As a rule, this is done by submitting peer reviewed publications or conference papers that were subject to a peer review process.

Please ask your Graduate Center early on about specific regulations for your field and the recognized publications and journals, if applicable.

Publishing Your Dissertation

After successfully completing your doctorate, you are required to publish your dissertation. The University Library at TUM can help you publish your dissertation quickly and in a high-profile manner. The traditional method is to publish it as a book, through a publishing house. You will need to submit four copies of your dissertation to the University Library with an ISBN.

Alternatively, all candidates now have the opportunity to publish their dissertation electronically only.

You can find comprehensive information on the TUM University Library web pages.

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Guidelines Theses

0. requirements.

Certain requirements must be met before you can write your thesis with us. Please find out in advance whether you are eligible to write your thesis in accordance with the FPSO applicable to you (see Study Wiki ). Normally, at least 120 credits (Bachelor's thesis) or 75 credits (Master's thesis) must have been achieved. In order to be admitted to the Master's thesis, you must either be enrolled in the COME degree program, ITBE degree program or have chosen the specialization "Computational Modeling and Simulation" in the Civil Engineering degree program. If you have only chosen our content in your individual specialization or for the Cross Cutting Methods in the Environmental Engineering degree program, approval from the examination board is required.

In general, it is also possible to write an "External thesis" in collaboration with an industry partner. Please note that the thesis is student work , supervised by the University. Therefore, a topic needs to be carefully selected and must fit our current research goals. This requires an early consultation with your possible supervisor. Furthermore, we expect students willing to write their thesis externally to prove the scientific research gap (e.g., by referencing recent journal or conference publications). And very important: We publish all work conducted at our chair according to good scientific practice. If the industry partner requires a non-disclosure agreement, we will not supervise the thesis.

If these requirements are met, proceed as described in the following sections:

1. Finding a topic

Please first check our Open theses section to see whether a topic of interest to you is advertised. Alternatively, if no topic matches your area of interest, you can also suggest a topic of your own or let us know your main focus so that we can put together a new topic for you.

Next, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected] . If you follow the link, you can use the ready-made e-mail and just add your information to the blocks in square brackets. It would also be helpful for us if you could additionally attach your transcript of records so that we can check the requirements quickly. If you would like to apply to a specific supervisor, please add their e-mail address to the list of recipients.

2. Thesis registration

Once all requirements have been met and a supervisor has been found, the work needs to be registered upfront. However, it is customary at our chair for you to write an Exposé before the definitive registration. This has the advantage that it gives the topic a contextual frame, and you can familiarize yourself in advance with the planned approach and timeline.

The exposé should have approx 2-4 pages and cover the following aspects:

  • general problem description (approx 0.5 pages)
  • summary of related works (please cite 5-10 relevant journal/conference publications, approx 1 page)
  • identified research gap and preliminary hypothesis (approx. 0.5 - 1 page)
  • intended approach/ methodology to solve the identified problems (approx. 0.5 - 1 page)
  • preliminary timetable.

3. Writing the thesis

Please use our provided templates for your thesis (password for download will be provided by your supervisor):

  • Word [.dotx]
  • Latex [.zip]

The thesis can be written in German or English - please agree on the language with your supervisor upfront.

It is your duty to report the progress of your thesis to your supervisor on a regular basis.

Please use the resources provided by central services of TUM (e.g. TUM University Library for Databases, standards, ...):

  • TUM Zitierleitfaden
  • Scopus, WebOfScience, ...
  • PeriNorm Portal
  • English Writing Center

4. Submission

Please hand in one final version of your thesis as a pdf document directly to your supervisor in time. Additionally, all data, as well as your digital thesis, must be handed in via Sharepoint or Sync+Share .

  • the final version of your thesis [.pdf]
  • a redacted version of your thesis for our website (all personal data redacted) [.pdf]
  • Title in german and English (max. 200 chars) [.txt]. They are inserted in your final transcript of records.
  • Picture, depicting the content of your thesis ([.png], max. 200x200px) and abstract ([.txt], max. 200 words) for our website
  • all relevant scientific data (Code, models, ...)

5. Presentation

The date of your thesis presentation will be defined by your supervisor. It will usually be within 1-2 weeks after the thesis handover. All CMS members will attend the presentation. If you want to invite external partners/guests, please inform your supervisor upfront.

Please use the provided template for your presentation: PowerPoint , Latex .

Our presentation monitors have a 16:9 ratio. We provide standard HDMI as well as ClickShare (USB, USB-C) for your presentation.

The presentation should be held in English unless otherwise agreed.

Do not exceed these times!

Rule of thumb: ~ 1 slide per minute - no full sentences on slides! Make use of images supporting your statements.

You will be informed about your final grade within one week after the presentation. The grade will be announced to our faculty's grading office in meantime.

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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Thesis and Completing your Studies in Informatics

General information on your thesis.

  • For tips on finding a topic and completing the thesis, please come to the information event Let's talk about - Final Thesis @in.tum
  • It is mandatory to be enrolled while writing your thesis.
  • For information on writing guidelines, formatting, extension, submission, and visibility of registration and submission, please see thesis in detail .

Thesis in detail

Possible examiners.

All examiners of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department at the School of Computation, Information and Technology can supervise Bachelor's and Master's theses. In addition, all affiliate members of the former Department of Informatics can be examiner.

You can find out which department an examiner belongs to in TUMonline. Here you will find lists for professorships and chairs:

Chairs and Professorships in Computer Science Chairs in Computer Engineering Professorships in Computer Engineering

Formatting instructions

  • No handwriting (apart from date and signature at the second page)
  • Cardstock (no transparent film, no plastic cover)
  • Hardback (no spiral binding)
  • Technische Universität München or Technical University of Munich
  • School of Computation, Information and Technology - Informatics
  • Master's Thesis in | Bachelor's Thesis in Informatics | Informatics: Games Engineering | Information Systems | Biomedical Computing | Data Engineering and Analytics ...
  • Thesis title (in the language of the thesis). Please note: If the title is different from the title you have registered, the new title must be confirmed by your examiner.
  • First and last name of the author.
  • The TUM and departmental logos are optional.
  • Please note:  The TUM and departmental logos are optional. Do not attach any notes, images and company name or other logos. No company name or company logo. 
  • Author and shortened title, Imprinted or permanently fixed (f.e. glue on the text with wide tape).

First page:

  • Repeat the cover information. 
  • The title must be written in English as well as German.
  • Examiner:  The first and last names of the supervisor including the academic title
  • Supervisor/s:  The first and last names of the advisor/s including the academic title
  • the actual submission date
  • or the submission deadline (15th of the month)
  • Please note:  Do not include your student registration number or other personal data such as date of birth. Do not attach any notes, images and company name or logo.

Second page:

  • Include the following declaration: I confirm that this bachelor's thesis | master's thesis is my own work and I have documented all sources and material used.
  • Handwritten signature and date of signature  (date may also be handwritten).

Formatting (examples and template)

Example of cover

LaTeX template

There is a (non-official) LaTeX template , but the previously mentioned formatting instructions should be checked.

Code of Conduct

Please respect the  Student Code of Conduct .

TUM Writing Guidelines

  • TUM The Use of English in Thesis Titels at TUM

TUM Handout Theses

The latest version of the handout can be found on the central website Downloads - Teaching and Quality Management .


Bachelor's thesis / master´s thesis.

From 15 January 2024 , all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal.

Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair . You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed your registration the Academic Programmes Office will be able to check the admission requirements and you will receive an email confirming your binding registration for your thesis.

For more information, see  Thesis and Competing your Studies

Deadline for submission of Bachelor´s Thesis is is four months later at the latest (Bachelor Informatics and Informatics: Games Engineering) resp. five months later at the latest (Bachelor Information Systems)

Deadline for submission of Master´s Thesis is six months later at the latest. Other deadlines apply for  part-time students .

Visibility in TUMonline (Registration and Submission)

How can I see in TUMonline that my thesis is registered?

On your personal overview page in TUMonline, you will find the application "Student Files" in the section "Studies and Courses". If you click on it, you will get to your student file, where there is also a tab "Degrees". In the lower part of this tab you will find your thesis, if you are already registered. If you hold the cursor over the orange dot, your submission date will be displayed.

Alternatively, you can go to your "Curriculum Support" via the tile "Study Status/Curriculum". If you expand the entry "Bachelor'sThesis" with the "Plus" twice, you will see a note that the thesis is registered.

When we have received your thesis and registered your submission, this will also be displayed there.

Submission and Extension for theses starting before 15.01.2024

The subsequent regulations apply only to students in the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor: Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems
  • Master: Biomedical Computing, Data Engineering and Analytics, Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems,

Onsite submission - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

Next Submission Date: Monday, April 15th, 2024, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., room 00.10.033

The submission of final theses is possible on every 15th of a month, or on the next following working day at the times indicated above, in room 00.10.033.

Submission by post - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

If it is not possible for you to hand in your final thesis onsite, you will have to send it by post.

Please mail one copy of your thesis by post to:

Technische Universität München Servicebüro Studium Informatik, SB-S-IN Boltzmannstr. 3 D-85748 Garching

The date of the postmark counts.

Submission regulations - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

  • the thesis must be submitted on the 15th of the month, or the next working day if the 15th is a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday
  • early submission is possible
  • Submit one paper copy at the Academic Programs Office - Informatics
  • Submit one copy to your examiner (please clarify with your examiner how to submit this copy)
  • You may also wish to give one copy to the departmental library and one copy to the supervisor, but this is not compulsory.

If a final thesis has been approved as a group paper in consultation with the examiner in the sense of §18 Para. 2 of the APSO, each author must nevertheless submit a separate copy of the thesis with his or her own affidavit. The individual assignment of the examination performance to be evaluated should be clearly evident from the work. On the cover page and the spine only the name of the student submitting this copy should be written. On the first page, all authors can be listed under "Authors".

If you are unable to meet the submission deadline of your thesis for valid reasons for which you are not responsible, you can submit an application for an extension of the thesis to the Examination Board.

The application must be submitted immediately to the secretary responsible for your degree program, by email from your TUM account. If possible, please fill in and sign the form digitally. Medical certificates also have to be submitted in original (by post). The processing time after submission of all documents is usually two weeks, and you will be notified of the Examination Board's decision.

Applications can generally be divided into two categories:

1) Health reasons

If you are ill and can prove by a certificate that you are prevented from working on your thesis, the processing time is suspended. In the Department of Informatics, this is represented by an extension of your submission deadline. A medical certificate must be enclosed with the application in original. A certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient. You can find the requirements for a certificate on the website  Withdrawing from Examinations – Medical Certificates .

Request for an Extension for Health Reasons

2) Other reasons

In cases of delays due to other valid reasons for which you are not responsible, the submission deadline of your thesis may be extended in exceptional and particularly justified cases in agreement with the thesis examiner and with the approval of the Examination Board. Please enclose a detailed justification (if possible with supporting documents) with your application.

Request for an Extension for Other Reasons

Completing your Studies

Release of final certificate.

Please contact the secretary of the Examination Board of your study program via e-mail for the release of your Bachelor's degree documents when all grades have been entered and validly set. For enrollment in consecutive Master's programs in Informatics at TUM, the following applies: From mid-September and mid-March respectively, the graduation will be reported directly to the Enrollment Office after the release of the transcripts, so that the graduation documents are no longer necessary for enrollment.

Graduation documents and preliminary certificates

Please be aware that graduation documents and preliminary certificates can only be issued when all grades in TUMonline (including the thesis) are validated. Certificates for students of the Faculty for Informatics  are issued by the  Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching  exclusively,  after approval by the Examination Board . Please contact the  Secretary of the Examination Board of your study program  as soon as all your grades are validated. (Responsible Secretary of the Examination Board: see section "Contact" on the webpage for your study program)

Transition Bachelor – Master

If you enroll for a consecutive Master's program at the Department of Informatics after your Bachelor's degree, we will forward your bachelor's degree to the Admissions and Enrollment Office for enrollment (not for the application!). The graduation documents are therefore not necessary for enrollment. A green checkmark will then appear in the online application portal for your degree certificate and diploma. Please note that it may take a few days until the documents are updated in the portal. If you do not see these two green check marks 1 week before the enrollment deadline, please contact the secretary of the examination board as soon as possible.

Please find more information under  graduation .

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  1. Find & Use Dissertations

    Dissertations in paper form are archived by the University Library. You can search and borrow them via the TUM Online Catalog (OPAC). In doing so, you can limit your search to dissertations if you filter the results list with the format type "Dissertation, Hochschulschrift". Electronically published dissertations are made available in full text ...

  2. Dissertationen finden und nutzen

    Dissertationen in Papierform werden von der Universitätsbibliothek archiviert. Sie können diese über den Online-Katalog recherchieren und ausleihen. Sie können dabei Ihre Suche auf Dissertationen einschränken, wenn Sie in der Trefferübersicht die Suche verfeinern und den Dokumenttyp "Dissertation, Hochschulschrift" auswählen.

  3. Publish Your Doctoral Thesis Electronically

    Check and update your details for the TUM University Bibliography In the e-mail you will receive your individual access link to the online workflow. Please check and update your author and dissertation details, which you have already registered for the TUM University Bibliography. Complete the workflow by clicking on the option "Print ...

  4. Publishing Your Doctoral Thesis with TUM.University Press

    TUM.University Press and the University Library offer three attractive options to publish your doctoral thesis quickly, cost-efficiently, and with Open Access. You decide whether to publish digital-only or prefer a combination of print and digital editions. To publish Open Access ensures optimal visibility and permanent access to your research findings.

  5. Publication-based Dissertation

    The written dissertation describes the results of the practical work executed in the laboratory. It represents the conclusion of the research project and must meet the criteria of an independent and novel scientific work. As an alternative to a monographic dissertation, in exceptional cases a cumulative - publication-based dissertation (German ...

  6. At the end of your Dissertation

    The SOT-Guidelines for publication-based dissertation are on the Webpage Links and Downloads. 5. Make an appointment with the TUM Center for Study and Teaching - Doctoral Studies and hand in your documents. 6. The School Council of the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology will appoint the examination board.

  7. Publishing

    The University Library at TUM can help you publish your dissertation quickly and in a high-profile manner. The traditional method is to publish it as a book, through a publishing house. You will need to submit four copies of your dissertation to the University Library with an ISBN. Alternatively, all candidates now have the opportunity to ...

  8. Guidelines

    Guidelines Theses 0. Requirements. Certain requirements must be met before you can write your thesis with us. Please find out in advance whether you are eligible to write your thesis in accordance with the FPSO applicable to you (see Study Wiki).Normally, at least 120 credits (Bachelor's thesis) or 75 credits (Master's thesis) must have been achieved.

  9. Publishing Your Dissertation Electronically

    Step 2:Check your data and upload the dissertation as a PDF. In the e-mail you will receive your individual access link to the online workflow. Please check and update your author and dissertation details. Then select the option for electronic publication and. finally upload your dissertation as a PDF file on our server.

  10. Thesis Informatics

    Bachelor's thesis / Master´s thesis. From 15 January 2024, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal. Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your ...

  11. mediaTUM

    TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (44084) TUM School of Engineering and Design. Prüfungsarbeiten (3924) Bachelorarbeiten (1) ... A modular multi-fidelity scheme combining data-driven reduced order models for structural analysis under uncertainty 2024 Dissertation 159 Seiten Mehr ...

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  15. Theses

    More information can be found in the section Publishing Doctoral Theses. Dissertations in paper form are archived by the University Library. You can search and borrow them via the TUM Online Catalog (OPAC). In doing so, you can limit your search to dissertations if you filter the results list with the format type "Dissertation, Hochschulschrift".

  16. Tum Dissertation Online

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    Tum Dissertation Online - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.