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PwC Case Interview Guide 2024: Criteria, Technique & Tips

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is one of the  Big Four Consulting Firms (along with KPMG, Deloitte, and EY). Every candidate who wishes to land the offer from PwC must go through an essential round called a “ case interview ” in the Assessment Center.

In this article, we’ll cover the complete overview of the PwC case interview and the tips and techniques to help you ace your case interview round. 

Overview of PwC case interview

The PwC case interview is a candidate-led interview used to assess candidates for technology and management consulting positions . Candidates are required to go through three to four 45-minute case study sessions, which simulate the actual work of consultants in the firm. 

The three common case types in the PwC case interview are individual case, group case, and written case.

A candidate must go through the case interview round in a full-day event consisting of two to three stages, known as “Assessment Center” in Europe/Middle East and “Super Day” in the US.

The PwC case interviews occur after the video interview

Candidates have to pass three rounds (Application -> Online test -> Video Interview) before getting into the case interview round .

If you successfully pass the case interview round, you will advance into the final round - partner interview. If you pass this final round, you will receive an offer from PwC within two weeks.

Application round: Submit your resume and cover letters via PwC online application platform. You need to craft your resume in consulting style and have an impressive cover letter .

PwC Online test : Take a series of online psychometric assessments, including situational judgment and numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning.

Video interview: includes fit/behavioral interview and workplace case studies. You will record yourself answering the given questions. PwC has an e-learn preparation for the video interviews . You can check it out!

Case interview: includes a series of case interviews (individual and group) to assess candidates’ traits and abilities as consultants.

Partner interview: candidates will go through an “informal” talk with the partner or senior manager of the local office they apply. This is similar to the fit interview at Bain and BCG .

PwC interviewers value leadership and business acumen

To ace the PwC case interview, candidates must demonstrate they have the five crucial qualities needed by PwC. “Whole leadership” and “Business acumen” are highly valued since these two are essential qualities for an aspiring consultant.

The five qualities, as stated in their “The PwC Professional” framework , are:

Whole leadership: Lead yourself and others to make a difference and create a positive impact in a responsible, authentic, resilient, inclusive, and passionate manner.

Business acumen: Bring business knowledge, innovation, and insight to create distinctive value for clients and PwC.

Technical and digital: Apply a range of technical, digital, and other professional capabilities to deliver quality and value.

Global and inclusive: Operate and collaborate effectively with a mindset that transcends boundaries and embraces diverse perspectives.

Relationships: Build relationships of high value that are genuine and meaningful.

pwc case study competition

Source: PwC Global

PwC case interview format is candidate-led 

PwC case interview is a candidate-led case interview , similar to the BCG case interview and Deloitte case interview . The interviewer will present the issue and require the applicant to lead and control every stage to solve the case: structure the problem, develop frameworks, request data, synthesize results, and provide solutions.

Candidate-led cases focus on one big problem

In candidate-led cases, you have to figure out how to solve a big case . This is opposed to interviewer-led cases , where the interviewer presents smaller questions about the case to the candidate.

You should take a top-down approach - break the problem into small parts of the issue tree and tackle each one at a time. 

Candidate-led cases are flexible

In a candidate-led interview, the candidate can choose their own suitable approach.

The interviewer usually forms a “universe” of data on the client and their problems for you to explore. If your issue trees and solutions seem to go beyond the given information (in a good direction), the interviewer can “make up” new information on the spot to help you solve the case in your way.

Candidate-led cases focus less on being right

In a candidate-led interview, you put less emphasis on giving a definite “correct” answer and focus more on creating a structured, reasonable approach .

An “acceptable” margin of error is allowed in the candidate-led interview since you must break down the problems by yourself without much assistance from the interviewer. 

pwc case study competition

To ace the candidate-led case interview, you need to understand the fundamentals of a candidate-led case . Our Case Interview End-to-End Secrets Program features countless instant-result tips and techniques for case interviews to help you maximize your performance!

After learning the tips and some sample cases, you will need exclusive feedback. Book a meeting with our coaches at MConsultingPrep now! Those ex-consultants will help you practice specific candidate-led case interviews, give you the most detailed and concrete feedback, and suggest the most suitable improvement methods. 

Three PwC case types

PwC case interviews usually include three types of interviews: individual case interview, group case interview, and written case interview.

PwC individual case interview

This is the standard type of PwC case interview. PwC has a similar candidate-led case interview style to BCG and Deloitte. Candidates will receive the case from the interviewer, which they need to define the issue and give solutions. There will be two or three cases for a 45-minute session.

PwC group case interview

The group case interview is popular in BCG, Bain and Big Four firms. A group case interview will usually go through five stages:

Stage 1: You will be assigned to a group of 3–6 applicants.

Stage 2: The group will be given a case and relevant information to solve.

Stage 3: You will be given 10 minutes to examine the case and prepare alone or in collaboration with another team member.

Stage 4: The group will discuss case questions for 20 minutes while the interviewers observe and take notes.

Stage 5: The interviewers will ask questions about the cases in the next 20 minutes.

PwC written case interview

The final type of case interview at PwC is the written case presentation .

At PwC, the case question and data are usually provided 48 hours before the presentation. Candidates must prepare PowerPoint slides and evidence to support their findings on presentation day.

Each candidate would have 15-30 minutes for presentation and another 15-30 minutes for Q&A with the interviewer. 

Fundamental framework to solve PwC case interview

To solve the PwC case interview, you need to develop an issue tree to break down your case. To create a suitable issue tree, you can use common frameworks for case interviews : Profitability framework, Business situation framework, McKinsey M&A framework, 4P/7P marketing mix, or Porter’s five forces model. 

To further enhance your case interview performance, you can also apply five effective tools (or mini-frameworks): External vs Internal, Quantitative vs Qualitative, Costs vs Benefits, 2x2 Matrix, and SWOT analysis. 

Five common frameworks for case interview

Profitability framework is mostly used to mathematically break down problems before switching to the qualitative framework for solutions. To use the profitability framework, candidates will split profits into revenues and costs.

Business situation framework is used to analyze a company situation in four areas - Company, Competitor, Customer, Products (3C-1P). This 3C-1P framework is flexible for many purposes, however it may be too generic and need customization depending on the situations. 

McKinsey M&A framework is used to assess a proposed merger and/or acquisition on three aspects: standalone values of each involved company, their synergy, and other factors. This framework is MECE and promotes customizations, and is one of the best M&A frameworks. 

4P/7P marketing mix in marketing for tangible work analyzes the 4P - Product, Price, Place and Promotion; while in service marketing three other Ps will be added in - People, Process, and Physical evidence. This framework focuses on the marketing aspect, hence unsuitable for multi-function strategies. 

Porter’s five forces model analyzes the industry surrounding a business in five aspects - Suppliers, Customers, Competitors, New entrants, and Substitutes. This framework is used to get an industry overview and understand the client’s context.

Five effective tools for case interview

External vs Internal method is quick and easy to segment information about a particular entity. The internal branch concern what is inside or intrinsic of the said entity, and the external branch concerns the outside factors. 

Qualitative vs Quantitative mini-framework is used for evaluations. Dividing items into two MECE groups reduces confusion and minimizes the risk of missing an essential item. 

Cost vs Benefit in the decision-making process is very straightforward - if the benefits of an option outweigh its costs, that option can be chosen.

2x2 Matrix is a decision-making tool where options are examined using two criteria, each of which forms an axis of the matrix. 

SWOT analysis mini-framework is seldom used in case interviews for being too generic. However, it can be used for a quick and easy evaluation of a company’s positioning within the industry context. 

To have a deeper understanding of the common framework used in the case interview, you can check our free article on Case Interview Framework .

How to prepare for PwC case interview?

pwc case study competition

To ensure the best performance possible in the PwC case interview, you can follow this 5-step preparation.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with candidate-led case examples

PwC hasn’t provided any case examples on its official site. Still, you can start with candidate-led case interview examples from Bain to familiarize yourself with the format and how to interact with the interviewer.

Bain case sample: Coffee Shop Co.

Bain case sample: FashionCo.

Bain case sample: Associate Consultant Mock video

You can also get familiar with more case interview samples and all instantly-effective tricks for case interviews with our Case Interview E2E Secret Program . You can learn all the fundamentals and expose to a more detailed and in-depth analysis of case interview samples with suggestions.

Step 2: Practice consulting math

Interviewers intensely evaluate potential consultants' mental math because consultants have to deal with quantitative data daily. It might take too long for them to bring out a calculator whenever they need to calculate anything, and doing so during a negotiation appears unprofessional. 

Some people find consulting math challenging at first; however, a few techniques can help you ease into the process while still practicing effectively, such as:

Train your head: Do your daily calculations mentally unless an EXACT answer is required.

Start with small steps: At the start, a piece of scratch paper and a 5% margin of error help; once you are confident, discard the paper and narrow down the margin.

Establish a routine: Allocate some time for daily practice. This may be hard at first, but you can feel the improvement once you’ve overcome the inertia.

Step 3: Develop business intuition

Having business intuition sharpens your performance significantly in case interviews. Working on intuition is a gradual process that takes practice every day. You can improve your business intuition through two means:

Written material: It's a good idea to read business papers daily. You can also find excellent articles on the McKinsey , Bain , and BCG websites. Be careful, though, Because the important thing is not how many pages you read but what you learn from them.

Experience and observations: Don't just show up to work; try to figure out what the senior managers are doing, the reasoning behind each decision they made, and how it has affected the organization.

Step 4: Learn the fundamentals and frameworks

Practice the use of hypotheses and issue trees, the MECE principle, and the frameworks until you are comfortable using them– they are the backbone of candidate-led case interviews.

It might be tempting at first to go straight for the frameworks – if you make this common mistake, get ready for some very unpleasant surprises in the interview. Frameworks need a lot of customization to fit actual cases , and to customize effectively; you need fundamental knowledge.

Step 5: Perform mock interviews

Mock interviews are a great way to simulate the actual case interview session. Find a former consultant to help you practice; they have been through countless case interviews, both real and mock, and they know what’s required of a candidate, so they’re the best people to run your simulations with. 

MConsultingPrep can help you connect with ex-consultant coaches to receive more personalized feedback to improve what is lacking in your performance and enhance your chances of landing the offer. Book your mock case interview session with us right now!

Tips for the perfect PwC case interview

Nine tips for the perfect pwc individual case interview.

Tip #1: Understand the procedure of a candidate-led case interview

There is a five-step procedure to approach the PwC candidate-led case interview. 

Taking the case: You need to take notes on all information regarding the clients and the case situation. Keep your notes organized to refer back to them easier.

Clarifying: You will have time to gain more information and/or clarify the points you haven’t fully understood about the cases.

Structuring: You will need to break down the case business problem into smaller components to create the issue tree , allowing you to solve it in an effective and cohesive manner.

Hypothesizing: You must develop the hypothesis based on evidence and available data about the problems and find the root cause. If the initial hypothesis in a branch of the issue tree no longer makes sense, go to the next branch. If the hypothesis matches, stick to it to find the root causes and solutions.

Pitching: The pitch is your case interview's final product, where you summarize all findings and recommendations to solve the case. You need to deliver the pitch in a structured, top-down manner.

Tip #2: Have a perfect case opening

There are four reasons to make a good case opening while you deliver your case interview:

First, it shows you have complete control of the upcoming problem-solving process, which is critical in candidate-led cases.

Second, you can demonstrate your whole leadership and relationships with proactiveness - aligning yourself with PwC's five qualities mentioned above.

Third, a good case opening creates a great first impression. Consultants are expected to perfect everything from the beginning to the end, so this could make a good head start for a 30-minute interview.

Finally, this is an opportunity to align during the interview. After the interviewer has outlined the case details, explain the case to the interviewer in your own words to ensure you grasp the issue and align with the interviewer.

Watch more: How to open a case perfectly?

Tip #3: Map your next moves

Pause occasionally to summarize where you are and where you’re going next. It gives you a sense of direction and authority; additionally, you get plus points in the interview for an organized approach. 

This also gives your interviewer a chance to help you with your mistake. If your interviewer gives you advice, take it – assume it’s intended to be helpful.

Tip #4: Be consistent with your intended hypotheses

Always speak with the current hypothesis in mind, and that hypothesis must be in the issue tree. The sole purpose of the hypothesis-driven approach is to have your efforts and problem-solving steps guided and structured. 

Therefore, to avoid being overwhelmed by piles of data in your case interview, do a sanity check by returning to your issue tree - if what you're doing does not correspond to your present place on it, go back immediately!

Tip #5: Deliver your pitch in one structured manner

This is the most important tip to take because you need to show that you own the consultant qualities - being structured and straight to the point. Present your analyzes in one perfect, insightful, top-down, concise, and captivating final pitch.

Find a way to structure the problem; this will guide your discussion with the interviewer. Briefly explain the framework you plan to use, allowing the interviewer to comment. In general, the simpler the framework, the better. Once the interviewer endorses your framework, stick to it.

To structure your speech:

Begin with a summary line that states the key takeaway/intention.

Separate what you want to say into distinct sections. As much as possible, avoid jumping back and forth between items.

Number your items so you and your interviewer can keep track of them. It's even better to specify how many things you'll be discussing beforehand.

Make your recommendation based on the conclusions you reached from your discussion, even if you are unsure with so little data and time to discuss all the issues.

Tip #6: Make a personalized script

Make a script of what you're going to say and rehearse it a hundred times. Practice all of the formulaic phrases, such as the opening or data request. With enough practice, those lines will become second nature to you.

The secret to seeming professional in a case interview is to talk in a systematic and formal manner. Using scripts also saves brainpower, which you will undoubtedly want in case interviews.

Tip #7: Keep your notes organized

Neat note-taking greatly assists with your train of thought, making storing and organizing information easier. You're also demonstrating to the interviewer that you're well-organized and meticulous.

Divide your notes into three categories to make them easier to read and interpret: data, presentation, and scratch paper. When the interview begins, take three pieces of paper and name them appropriately. Here is the content that should be on each type of note:

Datasheet: note down and process any data the interviewer gives you, as well as your calculations.

Presentation sheets: draft things you’ll say to the interviewer.

Scratch paper: anything else you need to write out, such as brainstorming ideas.

Tip #8: Avoid long pauses

Take a minute to think; don't be afraid of the silence. If you really need silence to think, ask for a timeout or announce think-out-loud mode. However, taking it too long will backfire, especially if you can’t come up with something worthy of the long wait. Use the pause prudently, and always try to think as fast as possible while still being “correct”. 

Tip #9: Find and ask for more insights

Try your best to be in-depth and comprehensive with your analyzes. Always ask yourself, “Am I overlooking something?” and “Can I drill down further?”. 

This is also helpful when you are stuck in your analysis. You can try asking for insights from the interviewer (remember to state your purpose clearly) like this:

If you have a piece of data and don’t know what to make of it, ask for benchmarks to put the data into perspective.

If you are unsure which framework to employ, consider "segmentation" - look at how the customer or the industry often segments that item. If you need to know how they do it, ask the interviewer.

When you cannot see the problems in the case (probably resulting from the “MECE” of your issue tree), ask the interviewer nicely for a way out.

However, remember to manage your time well. If you take too long, the interviewer might force you to move on, and you will lose the time to solve the case holistically.

Four tips for the perfect PwC group case interview

You are being evaluated with many other candidates in group case interviews. So, how can you make yourself stand out? Here are six helpful recommendations to ace a group case interview.

Tip #1: Manage your ideas

Take your time processing the question and developing an orderly and structured response. If you allow yourself time to analyze, your answer will be more robust. Ask the interviewer for a few minutes to organize your thoughts, but avoid excessive silence when necessary.

Try not to intervene forcefully while others are speaking in group interviews. If you have a brilliant idea, write it down. That way, the flash of brightness won't fade from your memory.

Tip #2: Decide whether your role is a leader or team member.

This is the decision that needs to be made on the spot - other candidates are going for the “leadership role” of the discussion. If you want to lead, go right at it. However, you can still demonstrate desirable consultant qualities even as a team member.

If you decide to be the team leader, emphasize your facilitator role.

It’s a good idea to be proactive in proposing what topics to discuss, in what order they should be addressed, and how much time should be allocated to each issue. You can bring the group’s focus back together if the group gets off track.

By the end of the group discussion, make a point to compile people's different points. This puts you in a position to bring everyone together and ensure all candidates are on the same page.

If you decide to be a team member, speak to add value.

Candidates will take turns presenting answers to the interviewer. Before it’s your turn, listen carefully to other people’s answers and the interviewer’s feedback. This way, you can add valuable and helpful insights to the discussion. Remember, good points go to the quality of what you say, not the number of times you speak up.

Tip #3: Ask good questions

Asking outstanding questions will set you apart. It demonstrates that you are attentive and willing to learn more.

Great questions often target one or more objectives: explaining an unfamiliar term, clarifying the issue's purpose, or expanding the team's understanding of the setting or business.

Tip #4: View others as teammates

Seeing people as colleagues puts you in a collaborative attitude, which allows you to work successfully with others. You look to be both a helpful leader and a team player in this manner.

You can be the first to answer your interviewer's question to avoid seeming timid. You can encourage co-interviewees by emphasizing their excellent ideas, adding what you believe is lacking, and explaining your reasoning.

Three tips for the perfect PwC written case presentation

Tip #1: Skim and scan to gain an overview of the case quickly

Skim the data for a summary, then focus on supporting evidence. You need to remove irrelevant data by starting with a defined goal to find the data that answers questions or supports your findings.

You can practice speed-reading in daily activities. When reading newspapers, for example, ask yourself questions regarding the topics being covered, then explicitly hunt for solutions in the articles.

Tip #2: Timebox your activities during the presentation

To ensure adequate time management, allocate a precise time limit for each activity.

When that time limit is nearly over, quickly wrap up what you’ve been doing (e.g., skimming data) and move on to the next (structuring the problem).

In such a pressured interview setting, you easily make mistakes, so set aside some time for contingencies.

Tip #3: Present recommendations first

Tell them your solutions first, and explain later – it’s the results that count!

On a consultant's slide, the chart titles contain the most valuable insights, and their presentations and pitches start with the conclusion. You are an aspiring consultant, so act the same way during case interviews.

Scoring in the McKinsey PSG/Digital Assessment

The scoring mechanism in the McKinsey Digital Assessment

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Case Interview End-to-End Secrets Program

Elevate your case interview skills with a well-rounded preparation package

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Case interview is the last round of Deloitte hiring process with 3 phases: application, online tests & interviews. The whole process can take up to 2-3 months

pwc case study competition

A Virtual Case Competition for Ambitious High School Students

HCGCC 2024 pre-registration is open!

Registration fee is only $7.5USD when you pre-register.

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Step into the shoes of a CEO or consultant and help a top global business tackle its challenges.

Each team has a set amount of time to develop a strategy to address the key issues and present it to a team of judges who will then determine the winner.

80+ Countries

Develop industry-ready skills.

The perfect stepping-stone to a career in any industry around the world.

Special Prizes

Exclusive prizes up for grabs, a total of $4000 usd and us $18,000 usd in education consulting prizes is available to win earn impactful work experience programs with industry leaders., no barriers to entry, hcgcc is 100% virtual, easy to join and accessible for all skill levels. workshops for participants are available from top industry executives..

15th:  Early bird registration opens

(US $10 USD per student.)

14th:  Early bird registration closes

15th:  Regular registration opens (US $15 USD per student.)

11th:  Registration closes

12th :  Team registration opens & Bootcamps open

16th: Team registration closes

25th: Regional case announcement.  Teams receive regional case via email, and have one week to submit solutions. Slide decks must be created in Google Slides and submitted in PDF format. Find more information here.

30th:  Regional case submission (PDF)

8th:  Regional qualifiers announcement. 50 teams (5 regions with 10 teams per region) advance to next stage.

12th:  Video pitch submission. All team members must speak and be visible in video. Video must not exceed 5 minutes. Click here to learn more.

18th​:  Regional winners. 10 teams (top 2 teams per region) advance to global finals.

19th:  Global Case announcement

HCGCC will share guidelines for presentations and additional finals round information with finalists.

22nd:  Global Case submission

23rd:   Global Case Live Pitch. Global final presentations will take place during the virtual event.

28th:   GLOBAL WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Global winners will receive amazing prizes including the working experience program, Crimson credit, and cash.



"Try your best, the best way to succeed is to know your content and be confident.”

“Make sure you are confident in knowing all of your strategies! Work with your team in all aspects and research in depth!”

“Start your pitchdeck early or exactly when they send out the prompt to maximize your time. Also be sure to practice the Q&A session before the real pitch.”

HCGCC 2023 Winners - 1st Place

"More than a business case competition, HCGCC joins finance, design, creativity, and business sense into a unique chance of showing your knowledge. Be complete, and learn everything."

-Sons of Real

HCGCC 2023 Winners - 2nd Place


This competition was extremely enlightening and one which we highly recommend all to join. The interesting case studies provided allowed us to truly understand the risks which businesses face, and to develop potential solutions. We did feel quite young, going into this competition with a limited understanding of the business world, however, we did not let this stop us!

After using research and our problem-solving skills, we proposed innovative ideas, analyzed graphs and statistics, and worked on our identification of weaknesses and threats, all while working collaboratively. Our advice to future participants is to read the case given carefully, and use creative and critical thinking to truly comprehend what is asked of you to find effective solutions.’


HCGCC 2023 Winners - 3rd Place

pwc case study competition


1) Each team must have 2-4 students, but we highly recommend at least 3!

2) All participants must be aged 13-18 and currently enrolled high school, OR have already graduated but not yet started university.

3) No prior business or economics experience necessary! Join us no matter your experience. We have the tools to help you succeed.


— Ahad, 2020 Case Competition Winner

pwc case study competition

Crimson Education is the world's leading US, UK, EU and Postgrad admissions counselors. In 2013, it was founded by three students, including CEO Jamie Beaton who had just been accepted to 25 of the world's best universities. Our mission is to help students all over the world reach their ultimate university admissions goals.

pwc case study competition

The Harvard Crimson , the nation's oldest continuously published daily college newspaper, was founded in 1873 and incorporated in 1967. The newspaper traces its history to the first issue of “The Magenta,” published on Jan. 24, 1873, and changed its name to “The Crimson” to reflect the new color of the College on May 21, 1875. The Crimson has a rich tradition of journalistic integrity and counts among its ranks of editorship some of America's greatest journalists. Over 25 Crimson alumni have won the Pulitzer Prize; many of their portraits line the walls of The Crimson.

pwc case study competition

Crimson Global Academy (CGA) is an internationally accredited, world-class online private school delivering live, real-time learning to students all over the world, enabling them to earn university recognised qualifications through accelerated courses.

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PwC Challenge Kick-Off Event

PwC is hosting its annual Challenge case competition this year for Penn State and we are hoping to identify as many students as possible to participate!

Who is PwC? We help organizations meet the challenges and opportunities of the US marketplace in the areas of Audit, Consulting, and Tax services. The PwC new joiner experience includes a personalized digital experience, exposure to diverse client work, real-time development from your coaching team and tools to support your well-being.

What is Challenge? Join our community of solvers as you take on the Challenge case competition! Challenge is an opportunity for underclassmen to experience real-world decision-making and teaming early on in their academic careers, while also gaining exposure to business professionals and leaders in the marketplace. Through this experience, participants will build relationships with their peers and PwC professionals across all staff levels.

Participants will:

  • Work in teams to solve real-world, relevant problems facing today’s business world
  • Receive real-time feedback from business professionals
  • Improve overall professionalism, through honing their communication and presentation skills
  • Build their resume to differentiate themselves from their peers
  • Compete for a chance to win a $250 gift card prize for each member of the winning team!

Who can participate?

  • Not able to participate? Feel free to share this information with your peers!
  • Open to all Penn State Campuses
  • Don’t have a team in mind or don’t have a full team? No problem - We will help you find a team! Please complete this Google Form .

Join us for our kick-off event! We will be hosting the Challenge kick-off on October 17th at 6:00 PM through THIS access link (Passcode: 911444). This is your opportunity to learn more about the program and this year’s unique case.

How do I sign-up? Step 1 Let us know you’re interested in Challenge by completing this form ( ) by noon on October 17th. Step 2 Following the kick-off event, students who meet the eligibility requirements will be invited to register via a unique registration link. When you are invited to register you will be required to include your team name and team captain. If you do not have a team, please ensure you have filled out the Google Form . Step 3 Case materials will be shared after all members of a team have completed their registration. This means that all 4 or 5 members of a team have registered with their team name.

Timeline: Kick-Off Event: Tuesday, October 17th, 6:00 pm ET Presentations: Wednesday, October 25th, various times in person (teams sign up for a slot) Finalist Presentations: Thursday, October 26th, various times in person Celebration Dinner: Thursday, October 26th, 5:30 pm ET at RE Farm Cafe

Questions? Contact Leah Wolf , Jackie Molz , Kailin Edgar , and Gabrielle Michelsen .

Bentley University strives to make web content accessible to all users. If you are having difficulty accessing information and need this content in an alternate format, please contact  The Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center  at  781-891-2165  or  [email protected] .

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Check out the PwC Challenge Case Competition

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pwc case study competition

PwC is hosting the annual Challenge Case Competition this year at Bentley and they hope to identify as many students as possible to participate!

Challenge is an opportunity for underclassmen students to experience real-world decision-making and teaming early on in their academic careers, while also gaining exposure to business professionals and leaders in the marketplace. There’s also a significant gift card prize for each member of the winning team!

Join them for the virtual kick-off event on Thursday, November 3rd at 5:00pm via Zoom to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Challenge participants will need to be available to present their findings on November 17 th to our panel of judges.

Interested in the program? Pre-register by clicking here no later than Wednesday, November 2nd.

Any questions?  Please reach out to Steve Alibrandi, Talent Identification Manager, [email protected]

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Students Participate in PwC Case Competition at Scranton

More than 60 students actively learned about real-world business scenarios by participating in PwC’s Case Competition at Scranton in November.

More than 60 University of Scranton students participated in the PwC’s Case Competition, which models real-world business scenarios focusing on the strategic issues currently being faced by companies all over the world. PwC professionals judged the competition and provided input to the students about their business presentations and case solutions.

Scranton alumna Ihysisha Simms ’08, tax director at PwC, was among the judges for the completion that was open to all freshmen and sophomores.

University of Scranton accounting professors Jeh-Hyun Cho, Ph.D., and Ashley Stampone, Ph.D., helped organize the competition.

Members of two student teams were designated as co-winners of the competition. Members of the teams that won the competition were: Team Royals members Luke Roberto (captain), Matthew Capretto, Patrick Connors, Brendan Donohu e and Katelyn Flanagan ; and Pink Ladies members Rebecca Boyle (captain), Alyssa Campbell, Camia Capalongo, Deanna Holbert and Olivia Ulrich .

Boyle, Sugarloaf, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Campbell, Farmingville, New York, is a marketing major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Capalongo, Scranton, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Capretto, Hockessin, Delaware, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Connors, Smithtown, New York, is a business analytics major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Donohue, Pearl River, New York, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Flanagan, Morris Plains, New Jersey, is a management major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Holbert, Simpson, is an engineering management major and member of Scranton's class of 2026. Roberto, Howell, New Jersey, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.Ulrich, Aberdeen, New Jersey, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Students who participated in PwC’s Case Competition were:

Jessieca Moira C. Aguasin , Honesdale, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Harry R. Allison , New Fairfield, Connecticut, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Matthew J. Almonte , East Stroudsburg, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Victoria E. Aslin , Cranford, New Jersey, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

John Paul Baran , Norristown, is a marketing major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

John F. Biondi , Lynbrook, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Anthony J. Blake , Endwell, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Owen L. Boison , Rockville Centre, New York, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Andrew H. Carotenuto , Floral Park, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Robert A. Casey , Rockville Centre, New York, is a management major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Matthew D. Clark , Phoenixville, is a management major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Nathan F. Clarke , Malvern, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Connor J. Farrington , Washington, New Jersey, is a business analytics major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Caden N. Faulk , Corning, New York, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Mason Z. Fischer , Hoboken, New Jersey, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Julian M. Francis , Knoxville, is a business administration major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Phoebe A. Glidewell , Clarks Summit, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Robert A. Hoffelder , East Rockaway, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Benjamin R. Holicky , Kirkwood, New York, is a business administration major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Charles N. Howley , Putnam Valley, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Joseph A. Kilpatrick , Philadelphia, is a business analytics major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Joseph M. Kulikowski , Moosic, is a business analytics major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Daniel M. Leighton , Binghamton, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Jackson E. Lunati , Oakdale, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Faith A. McKeon , Lake Ronkonkoma, New York, is a business administration major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Gianna M. Natale , Scranton, is an economics major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Megan N. Neary , East Stroudsburg, is an economics major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Margaret I. Noonan , Morristown, New Jersey, is a business administration major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Sophia M. Norum , Washingtonville, New York, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Ryan M. Pardo , Rochelle Park, New Jersey, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Rebecca Paterson , Havertown, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Yeraiza N. Pena Alicea , Scranton, is an international business major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Dylan J. Port Vliet , Fair Lawn, New Jersey, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Brian Readie , Cranford, New Jersey, is an information technology major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Michael L. Redmond , Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, is a mathematical sciences major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Timothy R. Rogel , East Stroudsburg, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Matthew J. Ruffler , New Milford, Connecticut, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Morgan D. Ryan , Fords, New Jersey, is a marketing major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Alexandra M. Salina , Scranton, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Brandon M. Sanchez , Staten Island, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Zachary A. Sanchez , Floral Park, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Matthew F. Schade , Haddon Heights, New Jersey, is a mathematical sciences major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Alexandra B. Schaul , Holmdel, New Jersey, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

William R. Shallow , Havertown, is a management major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Daniel P. Sheahan , Yonkers, New York, is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Chanyoung So , Seoul, Korea, is an undeclared major.

Nicholas S. Tollefsen , Rockville Centre, New York, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Lucas J. Tomko, Dallas , is a finance major and member of Scranton's class of 2026.

Davalyn J. Ursich , Honesdale, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Avianna M. Voglino , Carbondale, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

Alayna M. Wocniski , Camp Hill, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027.

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pwc case study competition

Business Experience

Take part in the international competition to win eur3000., be a part of the community solvers , you will work with pwc on a revolutionary assignment to build a sustainable city in botswana. as you journey through the game, you will complete tasks, quizzes and more.  in the second round, you will form a team to work on solving a case study. the best teams will present their solutions during the national finals to secure a spot in the international finals..

pwc case study competition

Reasons to join the game ​​​​​​​

Upskill yourself ​​​​​​​, compete with international peers, experience working ​​​​​​​at pwc, win prizes ​​​​​​​, business experience challenge - step by step.

pwc case study competition

Complete our online ​​​​​​​game

pwc case study competition

Team up for the case study competition

pwc case study competition

Solve the business  ​​​​​​​case

Get invited to ​​​​​​​the national finals.

pwc case study competition

Represent your country in the CEE final

Pwc branded gifts.

  • This game is dedicated for students and graduates aged 18-26.
  • National finals will be organised in the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Therefore only players from those countries can take part in the game.


Online business game

  • During the first stage of the game, you are scoring individually to upskill, experience PwC business and unlock the game’s second stage.
  • Weekly prizes are awarded to three players from each country that have completed the first stage with the best score.
  • Only those players who have completed the first stage  will be authorised to team up for the second stage of the game.

Case study competition

  • Players may only team up with the people from the same country.
  • You may invite your friends to team-up with.
  • You can also team up with players you met during the online business game.
  • Teams that will deliver the best solutions to the case study will be invited to the national finals.

pwc case study competition

The PwC Case Interview (Including Strategy&) – A Complete Guide

  • Last Updated January, 2024

PwC is an accounting firm with a huge consulting arm. Its consulting business is as large as those of Bain, BCG, and McKinsey combined. If you’re interested in landing a job in the consulting industry, it’s a great firm to apply to because its business combines strategy consulting (Strategy&) as well as business transformation/implementation (PwC).

If you want to know more about PwC consulting and Strategy&, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • An overview of PwC Consulting and Strategy&.
  • The PwC recruitment process.
  • The PwC case interview.
  • The behavioral/fit interview.
  • The PwC group case.
  • The PwC individual presentation.
  • Our 5 tips for preparing for PwC and Strategy& interviews.

Let’s get started!

PwC Consulting and Strategy& - An Overview

The pwc group case, the pwc recruitment process, the pwc individual presentation, the pwc case interview (including strategy&).

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy& Interview

The PwC Behavioral Interview

PwC Consulting and Strategy & - An Overview

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy & Interview

PwC employs over a quarter of a million people in 155 countries worldwide. Its operations are divided into two parts: Trust Solutions and Consulting Solutions. Trust Solutions focuses on its accounting and tax services. PwC Consulting Solutions help a broad spectrum of clients navigate complex business issues by leveraging PwC’s significant experience and range of capabilities.

Client case studies include:

  • helping TransRe adopt an enterprise resource planning system to collect and manage data, offering insight and improved decision-making.
  • supporting Chipotle to implement a loyalty program to improve customer relationships, build loyalty, and drive business growth.
  • providing pro bono consulting to charity The Trevor Project to strengthen its technological capabilities and optimize its volunteer recruitment process.

How does PwC Consulting differ from Strategy&?

In 2014, PwC acquired Booz & Co., the commercial arm of consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, and renamed it Strategy&. While PwC Consulting focuses on typical management consulting cases and implementation projects, Strategy& specializes in strategy consulting.

Set up by PwC to attempt to compete with McKinsey, Bain, and BCG, Strategy& has over 3,000 consultants helping businesses shape their future strategies. Strategy& focuses on creating competitive advantage by “developing corporate and business unit strategies and building differentiating capabilities that outperform the competition.” ( Source: PwC )

Implementation of those strategies is handed over to PwC consulting teams. If you join PwC’s management consulting team you will, “help clients translate strategy into execution, closing the gap between ideas and outcomes, to transform the organization and achieve tangible business results.” (Source: PwC)

Like most other Big 4 firms (EY, Deloitte, and KPMG), the PwC recruitment process has multiple stages:

Stage 1: The PwC Application

For entry-level recruitment, the first stage of the PwC process is to submit an application form for the particular roles you’re interested in. You can search for your school’s application deadline on PwC’s interactive campus map. If you can’t find your school or have recently graduated, you should submit by their September deadline. You’ll be asked to pick your top 2 preferred office locations and you’ll need to submit a resume.

To learn more about how to write a stellar consulting resume, read Consulting Resume: Everything You Need to Know .

Stage 2: The PwC Online Test

A few hours after you’ve submitted your application, PwC will send you an assessment to complete via email. You have to complete the online test within 3 calendar days so it’s worth thinking about that when applying. The PwC online test is a series of games-based assessments to measure cognitive ability, behavioral preferences, and verbal and numerical reasoning.

Learn more by reading PwC Online Test .

Stage 3: The PwC Interview

If you successfully pass the online test, PwC will invite you to a series of interviews. These will include a case interview and behavioral interview and may include a group case and an individual presentation. The first of these interviews is sometimes conducted as a video interview where you’ll record your answers to a range of questions and case studies. Group interviews have traditionally been part of the recruiting process for sophomore consulting internship candidates and select other groups. It’s a good idea to clarify with your recruiting contact what types of interviews you’ll have.

In the past, the bulk of the remaining interviews, group, or individual activities took place during an assessment day. However, for 2021-22 recruitment, PwC US is moving to virtual interviewing. For Consulting Services, you’ll face two virtual, live interviews back-to-back. If you move forward in the process, there may be a final additional  interview.

Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

The case interview process is similar for both PwC Consulting Services and Strategy&. The case interviews are both candidate-led, which means you’ll be responsible for deciding what analysis you want to do and what the approach should be.

The PwC case interviews for Consulting Services applicants typically focus on profit optimization, cost optimization, and market sizing. For example, a recent candidate was asked to “Run me through a market sizing estimate of the iPhone market in Asia.”

For a breakdown of precisely what each of these types is, read Case Interview Types: Master Common Ones Before Your Interview .

The PwC Strategy& case interview includes more strategy-focused cases (such as make-vs-buy decisions, new product introduction, M&A, etc.), but how you tackle a case interview is the same no matter which area you’re applying for.

Following this 4-step model gives you the best chance for success:

  • Understand the question . Make sure you understand what it is you’re being asked to do. Repeat back to the interviewing team what exactly you think the task is so they can correct you if necessary.
  • Create a structured approach to the problem . Analyze what data you’ve been given and identify areas where you need more information about the client’s problem. Use a business framework to explore the case further or, better yet, create one of your own that’s specific to the issues in your case.
  • Ask relevant questions and analyze the problem . Begin to share the assumptions you’re making about the case and ask the interviewing team questions about areas where you’re uncertain or need more data to inform your judgments.
  • Effectively communicate your recommendation . Walk the interviewing team through your recommendation(s), explaining how you used the data provided to back up your recommendations. Make sure you call out any assumptions made or any risks associated with the action you’re proposing.

The fit or behavioral interview is a way for interviewers to figure out how well candidates would work within the firm’s culture and how they’d be in front of clients. Interviewers want to feel that they could work well with you if you were part of their team and that you’d represent the firm effectively on client projects.

While the exact questions will differ between firms, here are ten common questions asked in behavioral interviews:

PwC's Core Values

PwC has 5 core values that define its culture and approach:     

  • Act with integrity
  • Make a difference
  • Work together
  • Reimagine the possible

It’s important to ensure that when answering interview questions, you keep these values in mind. For example, if the interviewer asks you to tell them more about yourself or what you do for fun, pick stories that show where you’ve made a difference, challenged the status quo, or tried something new.

If you’re interviewing for several different firms, it’s important to tailor your responses to each individual firm. Try not to rely on stock answers about why management consulting is the role for you. Many other candidates will also be waxing lyrical about working with the best people, on the most interesting projects, for the most exciting clients.

Try researching cases the firm has recently been involved in and explain why they’re interesting to you. Or look into work the firm does regarding corporate social responsibility and talk about how it aligns with your values.

The Best Answers to PwC Behavioral Interview Questions Are Stories

Frame your examples as stories. Stories engage interviewers even after a long day interviewing dozens of candidates. While you want to remain professional, it’s ok to talk with emotion as you share your stories. Interviewers want to see humans, not robots! One of PwC’s core values is ‘Care’ so interviewers want to know what’s important to you and more about the things that make you you.

Make sure you also reflect on your own learning from the examples you want to share in your interview. You’ll likely be asked about how you work in a team, how you handle conflict, and how you overcome failure. Using a model like the ASTAR(E) framework helps you remember to share the effect that going through that experience had on you and how it’s changed how you would approach things in the future.

For the Strategy& interview specifically, it’s worth noting that you may face more behavioral questions than you expect. PwC is keen to check that you’re not just using Strategy& as an MBB backup and wants to make sure you’re a great fit for the firm.

To learn more about acing the behavioral interview, read The Consulting Fit Interview: What to Say, What NOT to Say .

PwC has traditionally used a group case as part of its recruiting process during the assessment day for some applicants (most frequently, undergraduate sophomores applying for internships). A typical group case experience involves you working within a small group to solve a business case.

Interviewers assess both analytical and behavioral competencies as you work in your team to solve the case. This means you have 2 roles during a group case. First, you need to contribute to solving the case — providing analysis, making logical assumptions and judgments, and offering insight to shape the overall recommendation you present to the client.

Secondly, you need to showcase how well you can work within a team — offering an opinion, demonstrating active listening, summarizing and building on others’ points of view, and leading the team towards consensus.

Recent interviewees have not had a group case as part of their PwC interview process. This is likely due to Covid restrictions, so make sure you are ready for a group case in the event PwC reintroduces them. If you want more help on preparing for a group case interview, read This Is What You Need to Know to Pass Your Group Case Interview .

As part of the recruitment process, you may be asked to prepare an individual presentation. This comes in the form of a written case presentation. Unlike other firms, PwC releases the information you’ll need to prepare your recommendation 48 hours in advance of the interview.

Using the information provided, you’ll have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing your analysis of the data, explaining any assumptions you’ve made, and detailing your client recommendations.

On the day of the interview, you’ll spend 15–30 minutes presenting your findings and then 15–30 minutes taking questions on them from the interviewing team.

Bain and BCG commonly request a written case, so this may feel familiar if you’ve interviewed for them. For more information on preparing for a written case interview, check out Written Case Interviews – Everything You Need To Know .

5 Tips for Preparing for PwC and Strategy& Interviews

Now you’re clear on the different elements that make up the PwC interviews, here are our top 5 tips for acing them:

1. Research

Make sure you do your research before your PwC or Strategy& interview. Understand what it is about the firm that appeals to you, what type of case work they’re involved in, and how else they get involved in the community.

It can sometimes be helpful to figure out what a company isn’t as much as what it is. So compare PwC to other firms and note the differences and why PwC still appeals. Learn their core values and what a typical day would involve as an analyst, or the specific role you’re applying for.

Ensure you also know as much as possible about the format for the interview. Are you expected to complete several tasks or just one? How much time will you have? Will you have a single interviewer or multiple? Company websites often describe the people they’re looking for to join their team — those will be the attributes you’ll be assessed against, so make sure you’re clear on what they are.

2. Prepare and Practice

Once you’ve done all your research, start your preparation. Use case interview examples to practice your casing skills. The linked page includes several PwC case examples as well as ones from other consulting firms. Make sure you feel confident in your case interview math skills too.

For your behavioral interview, make sure you’ve prepared answers to typical questions such as “Tell me about yourself” and “How would you manage a challenging team member?” Make sure your answers follow the ASTAR(E) framework and that you’ve tailored them to show off how you meet the PwC core values. You can practice answering these questions with a friend or coach until you feel confident in your responses.

3. Follow a Structure

Consulting firms are looking for structured thinkers who can solve a wide variety of business problems. Show your structured problem-solving skills by creating a framework that identifies the key issues you want to address in the case and use this framework to keep your progress in the case on track. Building your answers around a framework can help ensure you cover all the important points succinctly and confidently.

4. Explain Your Approach and Any Assumptions

Remember your math teacher always used to tell you to show your work? Well, it’s the same during consulting interviews. If you’re using data or solving math problems during your PwC case interview and you end up with an incorrect answer, it’s important to gain as much credit as possible.

Maybe you just made a small error in your calculation but your assumptions and approach were sound. The interviewer will never know that unless you walk them through the steps you take as you’re solving the case. Make sure you talk aloud as you’re putting together the pieces of the case and ensure you clearly state any assumptions you’ve made as you present your final recommendation. By making your assumptions clear, you‘ll allow your interviewer to guide you if you get off-track.

5. Communicate Confidently

In the PwC case interview, once you’ve decided on a recommendation, make sure you communicate your thoughts confidently. While interviewers are obviously interested in your analytical skills, business acumen, and logical approach, they also care about how you’re going to appear in front of clients. They need you to be able to effectively communicate your thoughts and respond appropriately to questions and feedback.

This is also true of the behavioral interview, where your interviewers also care about how you’ll fit within their team and what it’d be like to work long hours on a project with you. They’ll expect you to talk with passion about things you care about, offer thoughtful or interesting stories in response to questions, and seem friendly, competent, and approachable.

– – – – –

In this article, we’ve covered:

  • The difference between PwC Consulting and Strategy&.
  • The stages of the PwC recruiting process.
  • What you need to know about the PwC case interview, behavioral interview, group interview, and individual presentation.
  • 5 tips for success in PwC interviews.

Still have questions?

  • Our Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep .
  • PwC Psychometric Assessment .
  • The Big 4: How Do They Fit Into the Consulting Industry
  • Group Case Interview .
  • Written Case Interview .

Help with Case Study Interview Prep

Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on PwC case interviews. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 85% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Alex was able to get his offer from Strategy&.


3 Top Strategies to Master the Case Interview in Under a Week

We are sharing our powerful strategies to pass the case interview even if you have no business background, zero casing experience, or only have a week to prepare.

No thanks, I don't want free strategies to get into consulting.

We are excited to invite you to the online event., where should we send you the calendar invite and login information.

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What is The New Equation?

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                                       Some premier events where ISB students have made a mark are: 

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  • IIM A - Kotler's Conundrum - The Red Brick Summit, IIM A
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  • PwC- Case Competition 
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pwc case study competition

Move fast, think slow: How financial services can strike a balance with GenAI

pwc case study competition

Take on Tomorrow @ the World Economic Forum in Davos: Energy demand

pwc case study competition

PwC’s Global Investor Survey 2023

pwc case study competition

Climate risk, resilience and adaptation

pwc case study competition

Business transformation

pwc case study competition

Sustainability assurance

pwc case study competition

The Leadership Agenda

pwc case study competition

PwC’s 27th Annual Global CEO Survey: Thriving in an age of continuous reinvention

pwc case study competition

Built to give leaders the right tools to make tough decisions

pwc case study competition

The New Equation

pwc case study competition

PwC’s Global Annual Review

pwc case study competition

Committing to Net Zero

pwc case study competition

The Solvers Challenge

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PwC Global case studies

Building trust and delivering sustainable outcomes.

Valley Forge Fabrics

Weaving in cloud-based efficiency from quote to install

Global CRM implementation with employee-centric enablement program

MGM Resorts

Streamlined finance operations while enhancing security and controls

All success stories


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  1. PwC Case Interview Example

    pwc case study competition

  2. PWC Case Study

    pwc case study competition

  3. PwC Lead Generation Case Study

    pwc case study competition

  4. Canfield BHP News

    pwc case study competition

  5. PwC Case Competition by Ian Hu

    pwc case study competition

  6. Foster undergrads win first place at accounting case competition

    pwc case study competition


  1. National Awards Ceremony

  2. PricewaterhouseCoopers Annual Report

  3. This Datdrop Session Did Not Go My Way…

  4. Case study competition

  5. Consulting Case Study Competition

  6. NASPA Graduate Case Study: Smokey's Pals


  1. PwC US Careers: Entry level programs

    The Challenge case competition models real-world business scenarios focusing on the strategic issues currently being faced by companies all over the world. It is open to all freshmen and sophomores (and juniors in a 5 year program) and does not require detailed knowledge of business concepts or accounting. As a challenge participant, you'll ...

  2. PwC's Challenge Case Competition at University of Illinois Urbana

    Academics. PwC's Challenge Case Competition at University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign. October 27, 2023. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Challenge is an opportunity for students to experience real-world decision making and teaming, while also gaining exposure to business professionals and leaders in the marketplace. Participating in Challenge is the ...

  3. PwC Case Interview Guide 2024: Criteria, Technique & Tips

    A group case interview will usually go through five stages: Stage 1: You will be assigned to a group of 3-6 applicants. Stage 2: The group will be given a case and relevant information to solve. Stage 3: You will be given 10 minutes to examine the case and prepare alone or in collaboration with another team member.

  4. Home

    A Virtual Case Competition for Ambitious High School Students. HCGCC 2024 pre-registration is open! ... The interesting case studies provided allowed us to truly understand the risks which businesses face, and to develop potential solutions. We did feel quite young, going into this competition with a limited understanding of the business world ...

  5. PwC Challenge Kick-Off Event

    PwC is hosting its annual Challenge case competition this year for Penn State and we are hoping to identify as many students as possible to participate! Who is PwC? We help organizations meet the challenges and opportunities of the US marketplace in the areas of Audit, Consulting, and Tax services. The PwC new joiner experience includes a ...

  6. Check out the PwC Challenge Case Competition

    Published on October 14, 2022. PwC is hosting the annual Challenge Case Competition this year at Bentley and they hope to identify as many students as possible to participate! Challenge is an opportunity for underclassmen students to experience real-world decision-making and teaming early on in their academic careers, while also gaining ...

  7. Students Participate in PwC Case Competition at Scranton

    Students who participated in PwC's Case Competition were: Jessieca Moira C. Aguasin, Honesdale, is an accounting major and member of Scranton's class of 2027. Harry R. Allison, New Fairfield, Connecticut, is an undeclared major and member of Scranton's class of 2026. Matthew J. Almonte, East Stroudsburg, is a finance major and member of ...

  8. Business Experience Challenge

    Compare your score with people from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries while working on this unique online project. Then meet with the best national teams during the international final. Experience working. at PwC. Face the interesting business challenge of developing a sustainable city in Botswana and solve a case study together with ...

  9. PwC Case Interview (+Strategy&)

    You have 30 - 60 minutes to show off your critical thinking / problem solving skills and your quantitative abilities. The case interview is really the time to impress the interviewer and show that you are a high quality candidate that deserves to be at these firms. The PwC and Strategy& case interviews are intellectually rigorous and require ...

  10. The PwC Case Interview (Including Strategy&)

    Client case studies include: helping TransRe adopt an enterprise resource planning system to collect and manage data, ... by "developing corporate and business unit strategies and building differentiating capabilities that outperform the competition." (Source: PwC) Implementation of those strategies is handed over to PwC consulting teams ...

  11. Intercollegiate Case Competitions

    The KPMG Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting (ALPFA) Case Study Competition is an extremely popular event that presents accounting students with the challenge of resolving real-world accounting issues in a collegial and competitive environment. ... Each Fall, PwC comes on campus for a xTAX launch. During the launch, a ...

  12. PDF PwC Challenge 4.0: Round 2 Case Study

    PwC Challenge 4.0: Round 2 Case Study. Based on the first round of responses for the RFP from multiple consulting firms, StyleX & Co. has decided to shortlist PwC for a final round of discussions. The Partner from PwC met with the engagement team (you) to further discuss client expectations, project deliverables and provide strategic direction.


    Case Study Competition by students from leading universities across the Gulf Region. ... CASE STUDY 2: Ethical Labour Practices at PwC This case study sheds light on PwC's labour practices and policies, which have enhanced the performance, satisfaction and happiness of the employees, and which in turn benefits PwC by improving the work ...

  14. Case studies and insights

    UK Economic Outlook April 2023. Explore our latest analysis of the UK economy, which focuses on how we expect geopolitical changes and the rising cost of living to impact the outlook for GDP growth, inflation and the shape of a recession. Friday, February 10, 2023.

  15. PwC Business services transformation case study: PwC

    A people-first approach to save time and money, and boost the client experience. We began our digital transformation in 2016 by examining PwC Business Services, our back office and shared services center and functions, located primarily in Tampa, Florida. We identified operational improvements that could reduce costs and reinvested some of ...

  16. Competitions

    PwC- Case Competition RB Global Challenge 2019; RBS India : Case Study Challenge Reliance Industries Limited TUP ConQuest; Samsung E.D.G.E; Schneider Electric Global Student Competition; Splash Math Product Case Competition; Venture Capital Investment Competition; Virtusa Business Cipher Challenge; Yes Bank Transformation Series; YML Product ...

  17. PwC Business Case

    View PwC Business Case - Vune Manufacturing.pdf from AA 1Challenge PwC's case competition Congratulations on accepting the Challenge! Business is the place where theory is executed real time, where. ... Study the incomplete code in SECTION 13 and answer questions 25 through to 28.

  18. Case studies: How we're working with our clients

    PwC Global case studies Building trust and delivering sustainable outcomes. - 3 items. Valley Forge Fabrics. Weaving in cloud-based efficiency from quote to install. Viega. Global CRM implementation with employee-centric enablement program. MGM Resorts. Streamlined finance operations while enhancing security and controls ...