PhD studies at Stockholm University

Stockholm University stands as an attractive destination for those considering PhD studies. With a strong commitment to research excellence and a growing network of international collaborations, the university offers a favourable environment for advanced research and academic growth.

PhD students in a lab.

Stockholm University has a long tradition of research excellence spanning various fields of study, both in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Many faculty members are at the forefront of their respective disciplines, producing influential research that addresses pressing global challenges and contributing to the shaping of industries, policies and societies.

Doctoral students are employees

Moreover, Stockholm University recognizes international collaborations as an essential part of scientific research, thus actively fosters partnerships with esteemed institutions and scholars from around the world. This global perspective enriches the academic experience for PhD candidates, providing valuable insights and opportunities for cross-cultural engagement.

  • Stockholm University is one of the 100 highest-ranked universities in the world and one of the top 50 universities in Europe
  • We offer a wide range of research subjects within science and human science
  • There are no tuition fees for doctoral education in Sweden
  • Doctoral students are employees at SU and  receive salary and other standard benefits of employment.

Available PhD positions

phd in sweden for international students 2024

As the academia constitutes the cradle of knowledge, I am proud of being part of this community which actively contributes in the generation of innovative ideas which target to solve everyday problems. I also enjoy the close connection to the industry in Sweden.

- Varvara Apostolopoulou Kalkavoura

Read the full interview with Varvara

Doctoral studies in Sweden

Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project.  However, after two years, you might have the possibility to take an intermediate degree of licentiate.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to PhD studies, you need to meet the general entry requirements, the specific entry requirements, and have the ability to successfully complete your studies.

General entry requirements include a completed master’s degree from a Swedish university or at least 240 higher education credits including at least 60 at the master’s level, or the corresponding international equivalents.

Institutions may have specific eligibility requirements. Verify the requirements for your area of interest with the relevant institution.

How to apply

One thing that differentiates PhD programmes at Stockholm University and Sweden from those elsewhere is that most of our PhD students are treated like full employees of the university. PhD positions are posted alongside other jobs on our website and applications are made for specific positions. PhD positions can be announced once or twice per year, depending on funding availability.

Before sending your application, you can check the department’s website for further information about the faculty and the possibilities connected with the PhD position. You can also find specific information about the application process in the announce for the position, along with the contact person if you have further questions.

There is usually an opportunity to apply for doctoral studies both in the autumn and spring. On the institutions' websites about doctoral studies, you can find the specific dates applicable to that institution. You can also see the current doctoral positions advertised. 

Find available PhD vacancies at Stockholm University

Funding and financing doctoral studies

In most cases, doctoral students are treated as employees at Stockholm University, which means they receive a salary and other standard benefits of employment.  There is even the possibility for you to extend your period of studies by working with teaching or administrative tasks within your department, up to 20% of a full-time position, which can result in a full extra year of employment as PhD student.

However, it is possible to pursue doctoral studies at Stockholm University also in case you have an external scholarship or special agreement with a company or other external employers. In these special cases, you will be subject to your employer-specific conditions only, and be considered solely a student at Stockholm University.

Residence permits (if applicable)

If you are an international student from a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland and you plan to pursue a PhD in Sweden, you will need a residence permit to study in the country. The residence permit is required for stays longer than three months.

You will find more information on the Swedish Migration Agency's website:

Residence permit for doctoral studies

Faculty information

Faculty of science.

Research at the Faculty of Science covers broad knowledge areas, ranging from the elementary particles of atomic nuclei to the outermost limits of the universe, for example. Several of the faculty's institutions have been behind discoveries and scientific breakthroughs that receive recognition worldwide.

The Stockholm University BioResearch School organizes PhD courses for students at any of the Biology departments at SU no matter their subject area.

Stockholm University BioResearch School

Faculty of Humanities

Research in the humanities maintains high quality, with a wide range of subjects, allowing university researchers to engage in collaborative efforts across scientific domains. Philosophy, history, art and literary studies, journalism, linguistics, and Swedish as a second language for the deaf are examples of subjects in which research is conducted.

Those admitted to doctoral education have the opportunity to participate in the Faculty of Humanities Research School.

Faculty of Humanities Research School

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law achieves nationally leading and internationally outstanding research. The researcher's freedom characterizes the scientific work. Legal discussions are expected to be lively, open, and ongoing.

Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts qualified and high-quality research within its various established disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields. Strong connections to current challenges for society and politics generate central research questions.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers doctoral education courses for those admitted to an institution belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Doctoral Education Courses

Research subjects at Stockholm University

Research infrastructures at Stockholm University

The departments provide education at the PhD level

The individual departments often publish specific information doctoral studies programmes at their respective website.  All institutions offering education at the PhD level are categorized into the following fields: humanities, languages, social sciences, and law, as well as natural sciences.

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

  • General Archaeology
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Archaeological Science
  • Osteoarchaeology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Department of Culture and Aesthetics

  • History of Ideas
  • Art History
  • Literary Studies
  • Theatre and Performance studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Department of Media Studies

  • Journalism Studies
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Fashion Studies
  • Cinema Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department Media Studies

Department of History

Doctoral studies at the Department of History

Department of Philosophy

  • Practical Philosophy
  • Theoretical Philosophy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy

Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

  • History of Religions
  • Gender Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

Department of Teaching and Learning

  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Language Education
  • Teaching and learning with Specialisation in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learning

Department of English

  • English Linguistics
  • English-language Literature

Doctoral studies at the Department of English

Department of Linguistics

  • Linguistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Linguistics

Department of Romance and Classical Languages

  • Romance Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Romance and Classical Languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

  • Baltic Languages
  • Slavic Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

  • Scandinavian Languages
  • Bilingualism
  • Translation Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

  • Asian languages and cultures
  • Middle Eastern languages and cultures

Doctoral studies at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Social sciences and law

Department of child and youth studies.

  • Child and Youth Studies
  • Preschool Didactics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Child and Youth Studies

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

  • Computer and Systems Sciences
  • Information Society

Doctoral studies at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Department of Criminology

  • Criminology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Criminology

Department of Economic History and International Relations

  • Economic History
  • International Relations

Doctoral studies at the Department of Economic History and International Relations

Department of Economics

Doctoral studies is provided in collaboration with:

Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)

Swedish institute for social research (sofi).

Programs at the doctoral level at the Department of Economics

Department of Education 

Doctoral studies at the Department of Education

Department of Human Geography

  • Geography with a Cultural Geography focus

Doctoral studies at the Department of Human Geography

Department of Political Science

  • Political Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Political Science

Department of Psychology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Psychology

Department of Public Health Sciences

  • Public Health Sciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Public Health Science

Department of Social Anthropology

  • Social Anthropology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Anthropology

Department of Sociology

  • Sociological Demography

Studies at the doctoral level at the Department of Sociology

Department of Social Work

  • Social Work

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Work

Department of Special Education

  • Special Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Special Education

Department of Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Statistics

  • Didactics of Mathematics
  • Didactics of Natural Sciences
  • Language Didactics
  • Subject Didactics with a focus on the didactics of aesthetic, humanistic, or social science subjects

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learnin

  • International Economics
  • Research and higher education in economics

Doctoral studies in Economics

Stockholm Business School

  • Business Administration
  • Financial Economics

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Business School

  • Doctoral candidates at SOFI are enrolled in either the Department of Sociology or the Department of Economics.

Doctoral studies at the Swedish Institute for Social Research

Department of Law

  • Jurisprudence

Doctoral studies at the Department of Law  

Natural Sciences

Department of ecology, environment and plant sciences.

  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Marine Biology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Systematics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences  

Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

  • Molecular Biosciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

Department of Zoology

  • Functional Zoomorphology
  • Population Genetics
  • Zoological Ecology
  • Zoological Systematics and Evolution

Doctoral studies at the Department of Zoology

Stockholm Resilience Centre

  • Sustainability Science

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Department of geological sciences.

  • Geochemistry
  • Marine Geology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Geological Sciences  

Department of Environmental Science

  • Environmental Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Environmental Science

Department of Physical Geography

  • Physical Geography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physical Geography

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Biophysics

  • Biochemistry
  • Biochemistry towards bioinformatics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics  

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry
  • Neurochemistry with Molecular biology
  • Inorganic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry  

Department of Organic Chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Organic Chemistry


Department of physics.

  • Chemical Physics
  • Medical Radiation Physics
  • Theoretical Physics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physics  

Department of Astronomy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Astronomy  

Department of Mathematics

  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematics

Department of Meteorology

  • Atmospheric Science and Oceanography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Meteorology

For a general study plan in any natural science subject, please contact  [email protected].

The graduation ceremony

Every year, over 200 PhD students defend their thesis at Stockholm Universit, and get a chance to celebrate their achievement at the Stockholm City Hall.

Opportunities abroad for PhD students

There are several ways to participate in international mobility experiences during your PhD studies.

Find possible exchange opportunities for PhD students here

Available PhD Student Positions

On the employee web portal PhD students will find more detailed information about the dissertation defence process .

Last updated: May 30, 2024

Source: Offices of Human Science and Science, Communications Office and Student Services

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Doctoral studies

Start your academic career with us and make a difference

World-class research, outstanding research staff and specialised research environments at Lund University create excellent conditions for doctoral students.

As a doctoral student at Lund University, you will not only be well prepared for a successful career as an independent researcher, but you will also have the possibility to publish your work independently during your studies and to gain significant teaching experience.

  • Lund University offers doctoral education in all nine faculties
  • There are no tuition fees for doctoral education at Lund University
  • You apply directly to the relevant faculty/department when they advertise a doctoral position
  • Self-funded doctoral students should contact the department of their research interest directly.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to a doctoral programme, you need to have completed courses of at least 240 credits (of which at least 60 credits must be for Master’s level studies) or acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way.

In most cases, students will hold a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree, with a major in the same subject as the intended postgraduate study. The major must include a degree thesis presenting the results of independent research.

The quality of your thesis/theses is of particular importance and it is important that you demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking in this piece of work.

Students must have a very good command of English and you may be asked to include proof of proficiency in the form of a TOEFL or IELTS test, if requested by the individual department.

Admission rules for doctoral education at Lund University | 2022 (PDF 249 kB, new tab)

Applying for a doctoral (PhD) position

Doctoral education is organised at the faculty or department level. Application procedures and periods differ between faculties and departments. While some of them advertise their doctoral positions around the same time every year, mostly in spring, others advertise their positions on an ongoing basis.

You apply for a doctoral education position within a certain subject area. Admission to a doctoral education position is restricted and competition for advertised positions is usually tough.

Finding a suitable position

Any funded doctoral positions at Lund University are advertised on our vacancies page on this website (see link below). Select the category 'Doctoral students'.

Once you have found a position you are interested in, carefully read through the vacancy announcement to find out whether you meet the requirements.

Before you apply, we recommend that you also check the relevant faculty's or department's website for any additional information about the application process.

Should you have any questions about a specific position, please contact the contact person(s) listed in the vacancy announcement.

Find PhD vacancies

How to apply

To apply for a doctoral position, you must create an account in the recruitment system Varbi.

Follow the instructions regarding application documents and procedure in the vacancy announcement.

The application documents that you submit through Varbi, including any supporting documents, are sent directly to the faculty or department that advertised the position. 

If you are self-funded through external scholarships or funding, you do not need to create an account in Varbi. You should instead make direct contact with the relevant faculty or department. 

Applying for a position

Employment as a doctoral student

As a general rule, a person admitted to doctoral studies at Lund University is employed through a doctoral studentship.

If you have a doctoral studentship, you are considered to be both a student and an employee with a salary during your doctoral studies. As an employed doctoral student, you are covered by local and central agreements concerning your terms of employment.

In parallel to the doctoral education programme, as a doctoral student you may work with administrative and teaching duties (no more than 20% of a full-time position).

Lund University is responsible for education-related matters and the study environment regardless of how you finance your doctoral studies. All doctoral students also have access to the University’s Occupational Health Service.

Other forms of financing

It is possible to undertake your studies using another form of financing, such as an external scholarship or an agreement between Lund University and an external employer.

Financed by external employer

If you are admitted to doctoral studies and have a position with an employer other than Lund University, you are solely a student, and it is the employer who is responsible for employer-related matters.

External scholarships

As a doctoral student with a scholarship, you are solely a student. You are therefore not entitled to contractual employment benefits at Lund University.

In some cases, a doctoral student with a scholarship is entitled to apply for a doctoral studentship when three years remain of the third-cycle studies.

Doctoral studies – faculty information

On the faculties' webpages for prospective doctoral students you can get specific and detailed information application procedures, admission requirements for various subjects, study plans and more.

  • Faculty of Engineering (LTH)
  • Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
  • Faculties of Humanities and Theology
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)

Residence permits (if applicable)

If you require a residence permit, you can only complete your permit application after you receive a letter of acceptance from Lund University. Residence permit applications are dealt with by the Swedish Migration Agency.

Resi­dence permit for doctoral studies –

About doctoral studies

A doctoral programme consists of 240 ECTS credits and normally requires four years of full-time study. The programme concludes with a doctoral thesis of at least 120 credits.

A 'licentiate' degree is equivalent to half the coursework required for a full doctoral programme and a licentiate thesis of at least 60 credits. It is equivalent to the MPhil of the British education system.

The following links are to the Swedish Council for Higher Education website:

  • Degree of Doctor
  • Degree of Doctor in the fine, applied and performing arts 
  • Degree of Licentiate 
  • Degree of Licentiate in the fine, applied and performing arts

Related links

  • Institutes and research centres
  • Research excellence areas
  • Find research at Lund University
  • Services for LU researchers

Doctoral students at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Photo: Kennet Ruona.

Doctoral student vacancies

Check out our vacancies page regularly to find open doctoral positions.

Former doctoral students who have been awarded their degrees. Photo: Kennet Ruona.

Doctoral conferment ceremony

The ceremonial highlight of the academic year.

Summer Academy for Young Professionals, August 2018. Photo: Johan Bävman.

Postgraduate research schools

Additional development opportunities for doctoral students and postdocs.

  • International website
  • Find courses
  • Find research
  • Find organisation

Göteborgs universitets skylt vid artisten

  • Doctoral studies

Applications and admission

This information explains how to apply for doctoral studies and how your education is financed.

Apply to doctoral studies

Admission to doctoral studies takes place after a doctoral position is advertised. Doctoral positions are advertised by the departments at each faculty. To be eligible for doctoral studies, you must meet the general and specific entry requirements. The selection among applicants meeting the requirements is based, among other things, on assessments of applicants’ overall ability to benefit from the studies.

All doctoral positions that lead to a doctoral studentship are listed under Vacancies, under the professional area Doctoral student.

phd in sweden for international students 2024

Doctoral studentships

The majority of doctoral students at the University of Gothenburg are employed the University once they are accepted for doctoral studies. Initially, doctoral students have a one-year contract that is then extended for at most two times. This means that full-time students will have three employment contracts: a one-year contract, a two-year contract and finally a one-year contract. You can only receive a doctoral studentship after, or in connection with, having been accepted for doctoral studies. The types of financing allowed at the University of Gothenburg are regulated in the Rules and Regulations for Third-cycle Studies .

External position

Another option for students is to be admitted to doctoral studies with an external position. As an externally positioned doctoral student, you are employed by an employer other than the University of Gothenburg. As such, you conduct your studies within the framework of your employment, while also working within the organisation where you are employed. As an externally positioned student, you conduct your studies at a pace of no less than 50 per cent.

Even as an externally positioned student, you need to apply for doctoral studies according to the instructions defined by the study programme. More information is available on each department’s website.

Departmental duties

As a doctoral student with a doctoral studentship, you may be offered to combine your doctoral studies with departmental duties at your department. Departmental duties can include teaching, research, artistic development work, administration, and appointed assignments. Departmental duties, including appointed assignments, may total at most 20 per cent of a full-time position and result in an extension of your studies by the equivalent amount of time.


As a doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg, there are a large number of scholarships that you can apply for, such as scholarships to attend conferences or visit other higher education institutions. Students with a doctoral studentship at the university can apply for these type of scholarships as well.

PHD Handbook - a comprehensive guide for doctoral studies in Sweden

  • 21 September 2021
  • Doctoral students

phd in sweden for international students 2024

  • Larger text Less text

There is an overwhelming amount of knowledge to keep track of as a doctoral student in Sweden. Therefore, we've gathered all the most relevant information for current and future doctoral students in one place. Welcome to the PHD Handbook, a comprehensive guide to the admissions process, to what you need to know during your studies, and the laws that describe your rights. 

The SFS Doctoral Committee has worked on this handbook for several months, making sure that every last detail is included and double checked. Please share this guide to anyone who might have a use for it.

Follow SFS on social media!

Stay up to date on our activities, be the first to know about new events and ask questions to elected representatives.

PhD studies at Uppsala University

Uppsala University, like most universities in Sweden, regards PhD students as employees. Rather than apply for a doctoral programme, candidates must apply for an available doctoral position. PhD applications are handled by the relevant department. In addition to postgraduate studies, doctoral students are usually offered some form of departmental duties such as administration or teaching for up to 20 per cent of their time.

Newly graduated doctors stand in the crowded university hall with wreaths on their heads

Apply for a PhD position

Open PhD positions at Uppsala University.

Programme content

Uppsala University’s PhD programmes are comprised of courses and a dissertation in which students carry out a unique and significant individual research project. The project may result in either a monograph thesis, which is a cohesive scientific work, or a compilation thesis consisting of several scientific articles and a summary.

A PhD degree is equivalent to four years of full-time study; however, after two years of studies students can graduate with a licentiate degree.

Our PhD programmes give students the knowledge and skills to conduct independent research, a deep understanding of the subject area, and the ability to teach.

To be admitted as a doctoral student, candidates must:

  • fulfil the entry requirements stated in the announcement
  • possess good English language skills
  • have the ability to cope with the programme

Insurance for doctoral students with stipends

Uppsala University provides insurance cover for doctoral students whose studies are funded through a stipend. This insurance consists of three parts:

  • Sickness benefit
  • Parental benefit
  • Temporary parental benefit

International PhD students are also covered by Uppsala University’s group and personal insurance that provides accident insurance around the clock.

These insurance schemes are both managed by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). Please note that illness, parental benefit or claiming of temporary parental benefit must be reported to [email protected] no later than on the second day of sick leave or parental leave.

Doctoral Studies in the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology

Health and parental insurance for doctoral students with stipends on Kammarkollegiet’s website

Application and tuition fees for PhD students

PhD programmes are free of charge in Sweden, regardless of citizenship. However, if you are enrolled as a PhD student and wish to take additional courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level that are not included as part of your research programme, you must pay application and tuition fees if you are a citizen of a country outside the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland.

The following applies to PhD students who are citizens of countries outside of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland:

If you want to take courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level included in your PhD programme , this is administered by your supervisor and/or department. You do not pay application or tuition fees.

If you want to take courses at Bachelor’s or Master’s level outside of your PhD programme , you must apply for courses through . You must pay application and tuition fees.

PhD studies at the University's three disciplinary domains

  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of science and technology
  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of medicine and pharmacy
  • Doctoral studies in the disciplinary domain of humanities and social sciences

Useful links

  • Insurance for foreign visitors on Kammarkollegiet's website
  • Publications
  • Conferment ceremony
  • Faculties and departments
  • The Doctoral Board of Uppsala University
  • About studying in Sweden at
  • Interesting for you
  • My settings

Education in Sweden


Why Study Education in Sweden

  • Studying Education in Sweden is a great choice, as there are 10 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal.
  • Over 32,000 international students choose Sweden for their studies, which suggests you’ll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.
  • We counted 548 affordable PhD degrees in Sweden , allowing you to access quality higher education without breaking the bank. Moreover, there are 18 available scholarships you can apply to.

19  Education PhDs in Sweden

Subject Matter Education At the department, doctoral studies are carried out within two different areas, Educational Work and Subject... Umea University Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden

English and Education English and Education at Luleå University of Technology focuses on both the study of English as a subject... Luleå University of Technology Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden

Educational Work Educational Work at the University of Gothenburg is a third-cycle subject that deals with different... Faculty of Education Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden

Swedish and Education Swedish and Education at Luleå University of Technology has its emphasis on research in relation to the school... Luleå University of Technology Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden

Educational Work As a Research in Educational Work doctoral student at Dalarna University, your work will contribute to... Dalarna University Borlänge, Dalarna, Sweden

Humanities - Educational Sciences Humanities - Educational Sciences at the University of Gothenburg deals with approaches to problems and... University of Gothenburg Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden

Study in Sweden

Sweden is a very ambitious, eco-friendly, and visionary country. For example, by 2040, it aims to produce all its energy from renewable sources. Universities play an important role in achieving development goals, thanks to their world-class research facilities. If you’re from the EU/EEA, you can study at public universities for free. As a student, you will discover and easily adopt the three main values of Swedish society: freedom, equality, and sustainability. These values are reflected in every aspect of the local society, and you’ll quickly learn to appreciate them. Language barriers are also almost non-existent since around 80% of Swedes speak English.

Is Sweden the right place for you?

Take the test and find out which country is your best fit.

Explore your Education degree

By studying a degree in Education you will master how to facilitate learning for others, explore teaching methods, psychology, and educational philosophy. Specialisations in the field of Education include Early Childhood Education, Special Needs Education, Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, and Adult Education. Courses cover teaching strategies, technology, psychology, and assessment. Skills include critical thinking, empathy, and communication. Traits like patience and adaptability are vital. Careers include Teacher, Educational Consultant, School Counsellor, Instructional Coordinator, and Education Policy Analyst, with opportunities in diverse settings from classrooms to policy-making corridors.

Is Education the best for you?

Take the test and find out if Education is the right path for you.

Education Scholarships and Financial Aid in Sweden

Available Options

Go to your profile page to get personalised recommendations!


Ph.D scholarships in Sweden for International students 2024-2025

Find Ph.D scholarships for international students to study in Sweden 2024-2025.

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Stockholm University 2022 International PhDs in Organic Chemistry, Sweden

Organometallic Synthesis and Catalysis: New Methods to Make Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom Bonds The candidate will work on the development, testing and evaluation of innovative catalytic processes to synthesize organic molecules with focus on renewable and recycled raw materials. We will ap

Published: 08 Jun 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 16 Jun 2022

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Chalmers University of Technology 2022 Postdoc International Awards in Graphene Devices for Single-photon Sensing, Sweden for PhD

The aim of this project is to exploit the small heat capacity and quantum localization of charge carriers in graphene at Dirac point to detect low energy photons. We will explore the possibility to develop a ‘click’ single proton detection of microwave protons down to 10 GHz – a ty

Published: 23 Mar 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 31 Mar 2022

Chalmers University of Technology 2022 International Postdoctoral Positions in Physico-chemical Changes of Plant Proteins at Sweden

We are offering a truly interdisciplinary post-doctoral experience where you will work at the interface of material, food and medical science. You will actively interact with diverse scientific communities at different organisations, as well as industrial partners giving unique possibilities to acce

Published: 02 Dec 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 08 Dec 2021

Chalmers University of Technology 2022 Ariel Postdoctoral International Fellowships in Sweden

Ariel Postdoctoral International Fellowships in Sweden 2022 is offered for Post Doc degree in the field of Ariel Studies. The deadline for the sending your application is 15 Dec 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Technology and the value of this scholarship is Full Funding,

Published: 26 Nov 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 15 Dec 2021

Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 2021 Postdoc in Frequency Combs for Fiber-Optic Communications

Postdoc in Frequency Combs for Fiber-Optic Communications 2021 is offered for Post Doc degree in the field of frequency combs for fiber-optic communications.The deadline for the sending your application is 15 Nov 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Technology and the value o

Published: 14 Oct 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 15 Nov 2021

Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 2021 PhD student position: Facilitating the city energy system transition - local flexibility

PhD student position: Facilitating the city energy system transition - local flexibility 2021 is offered for PhD degree in the field of Facilitating the city energy system transition. The deadline for the sending your application is 30 Sep 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of

Published: 21 Sep 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 30 Sep 2021

Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 2021 Postdoc in Doping of Conjugated Polymers for Wearable Electronics

Postdoc in Doping of Conjugated Polymers for Wearable Electronics 2021 is offered for Post Doc degree in the field of Doping of Conjugated Polymers for Wearable Electronics.  The deadline for the sending your application is 02 Nov 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Tec

Published: 20 Sep 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 02 Nov 2021

Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 2021 Postdoc position in Digital Health For Students

Postdoc position in Digital Health For Students 2021 is offered for Post Doc degree in the field of Digital Health.  The deadline for the sending your application is 15 Oct 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Technology and the value of this scholarship is Partial Fundi

Published: 20 Sep 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 15 Oct 2021

Chalmers University of Technology 2021 International Post Doc Positions in Integrated Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas at Sweden

International Post Doc Positions in Integrated Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas at Sweden 2021 is offered for Post Doc degree in the field of Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas. The deadline for the sending your application is 01 Sep 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Technology and

Published: 23 Aug 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 01 Sep 2021

Chalmers University of Technology 2021 PhD International Position For Students in Sweden

PhD International Position For Students in Sweden 2021 is offered for PhD degree in the field of All subjects offered at the university.  The deadline for the sending your application is 31 Jul 2021. This scholarship is provided by Chalmers University of Technology and the value of this scholar

Published: 22 Jul 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Sweden Deadline: 31 Jul 2021

Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 2021 International Postdoctoral Position in Solid and Structural Mechanics

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Entry requirements for doctoral studies

In order to be accepted for doctoral (PhD) studies, the applicant is required to meet the general entry requirements and any special requirements outlined in the position announcement. The applicant must also possess any other abilities required in order to benefit from the education.

General entry requirements

The general entry requirements are met by those who

  • have been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or
  • have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle or
  • otherwise acquired largely equivalent knowledge.

KTH may exempt an individual applicant from the general entry requirements if there is an extraordinary reason to do so.

Specific entry requirements

 The specific requirements may relate to:

  • knowledge from higher education or equivalent studies
  • special professional or vocational experience
  • necessary language skills or other conditions determined by the programme, subject or project

Language requirements

English language proficiency equivalent to (the Swedish upper secondary school) English course B/6 is required. The requirement can be satisfied through a result equal to, or higher than, those stated in the following internationally recognised English tests:

  • TOEFL Paper-based: Score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written test, total score of 575. TOEFL ITP is not accepted.
  • TOEFL iBT internet-based: Score of 20 (scale 0-30) in written test, total score of 90
  • IELTS Academic/IELTS UKVI: A minimum overall mark of 6.5, with no section lower than 5.5
  • Cambridge ESOL: Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Certificate in Advanced English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
  • Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB): Minimum score of 90
  • University of Michigan, ECPE (Examination for the certificate of Proficiency in English)
  • Pearson PTE Academic: Score of 62 (writing 61)

The language requirement can also be fulfilled through previous university and upper secondary school studies. More information on recognised English tests, previous studies, and required documents is provided by University Admissions in Sweden  under information for Master's level.

 Requirements regarding skills in the Swedish language may also be imposed.

Assessment of entry requirements

Entry requirements and prospective students' suitability are assessed at each school by the school's director of third-cycle education.

Foreign Higher Education studies

In most cases, studies that meet the general entry requirements for doctoral (PhD/third-cycle) education in the country where the degree is issued will also meet the general entry requirements for doctoral studies at KTH. If you are unsure about the status of your education, you may contact the Swedish Council for Higher Education  for an evaluation.

Assessment of equivalence

The assessment of equivalence determines whether an applicant's knowledge – acquired in another system – is equivalent to the higher education studies that are normally required for the doctoral subject in question.

Exemption from the general entry requirements

An exemption from the general entry requirements may be granted to an applicant who has not completed courses corresponding to 240 credits but who has already completed advanced (master's/second-cycle) courses corresponding to a minimum of 60 credits, as well as an independent degree project linked to the intended subject of study.

Assessment of suitability

Applicants are judged suitable for doctoral education if they possess the necessary maturity, judgement and capacity for independent critical analysis.

Candidate(s) will be selected from among the applicants who fulfil the requirements for doctoral education. The results of studies at an advanced (master's) level or in the form of independent work are of particular interest in this context, as is the candidate's ability to benefit from the studies (suitability).

The selection process is handled by each school and the final decision is made by the head of school, in consultation with the intended supervisor(s).

The admission process is conducted at the school-level.

Doctoral studies may lead to two qualifications, a licentiate and/or a doctoral degree. Those accepted to studies leading to a doctoral degree may take a licentiate degree as an intermediate stage in their studies. Students accepted to studies leading to a licentiate degree who subsequently wish to pursue studies leading to a doctoral degree must submit a new application and are not guaranteed admission.

Doctoral studies at KTH

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New PhD students 2024

Before the start of the studies.

Admission letter    The admission letter you have received is the proof that you have been admitted as a PhD student at SSE. If you need a visa to come to Sweden, the Swedish Migration Office might ask you to provide the protocol of the decision to admit you to the program. This is a standard procedure, and the decision will be sent directly from SSE to the Swedish Migration Office. Contact Elena Braccia in case you receive such a request. 

Immigration Depending on your country of origin, you might need a residence permit to come to SSE. Please refer to the Swedish Migration Agency ’s website to read what applies to your specific case. If you need a residence permit, note that you can get a permit that is valid from August 1st, which allows you to come to Stockholm a little earlier and settle down. Make sure you fill in the application properly so you don't miss this possibility.

The Swedish Tax Authorities' website also offers useful information about moving to Sweden, including webinars in English that explain the process and what one should think about. The webinars are free of charge, but have a limited amount of spots and registration is needed. 

Accompanying partner and children Spouses/registered partners and children moving and following a PhD student to Sweden are entitled to receive a residence permit based on the PhD student’s visa. The residence permit for spouses/registered partners allows them to work, and once registered in Sweden children gain the right to go to school here. In order to facilitate this process, it is important that the whole family applies for the visa at the same time.

For spouses/registered partners to SSE PhD students there is also the possibility to become a member of the Stockholm Dual Career Network , which is a non-profit network for partners and spouses of international talent in Stockholm. SDCN supports expat partners with professional events, career-related advice and by building a social network in their new hometown. 

Housing At SSE we have a small housing office that offers rooms and apartments to some of our international students. Check our  housing page  to view the available options, but please contact your department before you contact our housing office, as some arrangements might already have been made for you.

Insurance It is very important that you purchase a travel insurance that covers your trip and ensure that you have valid medical insurance covering you and any accompanying family members for the initial months in Stockholm before you have obtained your Swedish Personal Identity Number. EU/EEA students should make sure they bring a European Health Insurance Card from their home countries or, alternatively, bring the terms and conditions for a fully comprehensive private health insurance policy.


We are welcoming all our newly admitted PhD students at SSE with a full day of activities on  August 26, 2024 . The introduction day is mandatory for all students and it is officially your first day at SSE, so please mark your calendar already now.

Depending on which program you have been admitted to, you will also receive an invitation to introduction activities for your specialization. 

Academic calendar: Academic Calendar 2023 / 2024

Verify your Master's degree completion

If your Master's degree is not from SSE:

  • Unless you have attached it to your application, send a copy of your official Master’s transcript and diploma as soon as possible by email to Elena Braccia.
  • If you are not done with your degree yet, make sure to send us your final official Master's transcript and a certificate from your home university that you are done with all the Master's program requirements by August 26, 2024 . Don't forget to send the copy of your official Master’s transcript and diploma as soon as you receive it.

For SSE MSc students or graduates (except parallel enrollment): 

  • You must be done with all the MSc courses required for the degree by the start of the program. We will check your eligibility ourselves prior to the registration. 

Let's stay in touch!

For general questions regarding SSE, such as the registration to the program, immigration, being a student at SSE, introduction day on August 26, 2024 and more, feel free to email Elena Braccia . For questions specifically linked to your program, like for instance courses, introduction days for your specialization or specific questions about the department you have been accepted to, please contact Business Administration: Agneta Carlin Economics: Rasa Salkauskaite Finance: Jenny Wahlberg Andersson

Would you like to learn Swedish before your studies begin?

Then download the app “Learning Swedish” now! This app has been developed in Sweden by the Swedish Institute, a public agency, together with a group of experienced Swedish teachers and partners. "Learning Swedish" is a free course in Swedish course for beginners with material for self-study aimed at adult learners.

It is your fast track to learning Swedish wherever you live. The course gives basic spoken and written knowledge of the Swedish language, as well as an insight into Swedish culture and society. All instructions are given in English. Once you have downloaded the app, it is also available offline:

Google Play: App Store:

In addition, feel free to check out the following Swedish courses as well: 

  • Folkuniversitet: Swedish Course - Online
  • Hermods: Swedish Online Courses
  • Udemy: Swedish Language Courses
  • Alison: Free Online Swedish Courses
  • Study in Sweden: Learn Swedish Online
  • LanguaTalk: Become Fluent in Swedish
  • Learning Swedish: A Free Language Course

Guide for international students 2024

phd in sweden for international students 2024


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PhD in Sweden

No colleges record, why study phd (doctor of philosophy) in sweden.

1. High-quality education: Sweden is renowned for its excellent education system. Swedish universities consistently rank among the top in global university rankings, and their research output is highly regarded worldwide. By pursuing a PhD in Sweden, you can benefit from high-quality education and research facilities.

2. Strong research environment: Sweden has a thriving research environment with a focus on innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. Swedish universities actively encourage students to engage in cutting-edge research and offer numerous opportunities to collaborate with leading academics and industry professionals.

3. Well-funded research projects: Sweden invests significantly in research and development, making it an attractive destination for doctoral studies. Many research projects and PhD positions are fully funded, which means you can receive a salary or stipend throughout your studies, making it easier to cover living expenses.

4. International and diverse community: Sweden is known for its inclusive and multicultural society. Swedish universities actively promote diversity and provide an inclusive environment for international students. Engaging with a diverse community of researchers from different backgrounds can enhance your academic experience and foster cultural exchange.

5. Work-life balance: Sweden values work-life balance and offers a favorable environment for students. Doctoral students in Sweden often enjoy flexible working hours, generous vacation time, and social benefits. This approach promotes overall well-being, allowing you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make the most of your time outside of academia.

6. English proficiency: Language barriers are minimal for international students pursuing a PhD in Sweden. Most Swedish universities offer a wide range of English-taught doctoral programs, and many Swedes are fluent in English, making it easier to navigate academic and social environments.

7. Strong emphasis on sustainability and innovation: Sweden is recognized as a global leader in sustainability and innovation. If your research interests align with these areas, studying in Sweden can provide access to state-of-the-art facilities, collaborative opportunities, and a supportive ecosystem for sustainable research and entrepreneurship.

8. Career opportunities: A PhD from Sweden can open doors to various career opportunities. Swedish universities have strong ties with industries and offer excellent networking opportunities. Additionally, having a Swedish PhD can enhance your profile globally and make you an attractive candidate for academic positions and research roles in both academia and industry.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Specialization in Sweden

Lund University


4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Uppsala University

Molecular Biology

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Stockholm University

Computer Science

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Karolinska Institute

Medical Science

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Chalmers University of Technology

Materials Science

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

University of Gothenburg

Environmental Science

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Linköping University

Cognitive Science

4 years

Free (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) or SEK 300,000/year (for others)

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Autumn Semester Intake: The majority of PhD programs in Sweden have their main admission intake for the autumn semester, which typically begins in August or September. The application period for autumn intake usually opens several months in advance, typically around December to February. It's important to check the specific deadlines for each university and program as they can vary.

2. Spring Semester Intake: Some universities and departments in Sweden also offer a smaller number of PhD positions with admission intake for the spring semester. The application period for the spring intake usually opens several months before the semester starts, typically around August to October.

Top 10 Universities in Sweden for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Lund University

Multiple disciplines


KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Engineering, Computer Science, Technology


Uppsala University

Multiple disciplines


Stockholm University

Multiple disciplines


Karolinska Institute

Medicine, Health Sciences, Biomedicine


Chalmers University of Technology

Engineering, Technology, Natural Sciences


University of Gothenburg

Multiple disciplines


Linköping University

Multiple disciplines


Umeå University

Multiple disciplines


Stockholm School of Economics

Business, Economics, Finance


Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Free Tuition (for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens): I f you are a citizen of a European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you are generally not required to pay tuition fees for PhD programs in Sweden. These citizens are typically eligible for free education, including doctoral studies.

2. Tuition Fees (for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens): If you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA/Swiss country, you will usually be required to pay tuition fees for PhD programs in Sweden. The tuition fees for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens can vary depending on the university and program. On average, the tuition fees for international students pursuing a PhD in Sweden can range from approximately SEK 180,000 to SEK 300,000 per academic year. It's important to note that these figures are approximate, and the actual fees can vary between universities and programs.

Cost of Studying MA (Master of Arts) in Sweden


4,500 - 7,500

54,000 - 90,000


2,500 - 3,500

30,000 - 42,000


550 - 750

6,600 - 9,000


300 - 600

3,600 - 7,200

Internet and Phone

200 - 400

2,400 - 4,800

Study Materials

500 - 1,000

6,000 - 12,000

Health Insurance

300 - 500

3,600 - 6,000


1,000 - 1,500

12,000 - 18,000


9,850 - 15,750

118,200 - 189,600

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Master's Degree: You will usually need to hold a relevant master's degree or an equivalent qualification. Some universities may accept students with a bachelor's degree if they have exceptional academic credentials or relevant research experience. It's important to check the specific requirements of your chosen program.

2. Academic Excellence: Admission to PhD programs in Sweden is highly competitive, and a strong academic record is usually required. Typically, you will need to have achieved excellent grades in your previous studies.

3. Research Proposal: Most PhD programs in Sweden require you to submit a research proposal as part of your application. The research proposal should outline your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and potential contributions to the field.

4. Language Proficiency: Since most PhD programs in Sweden are conducted in English, you will need to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the English language. This can be done by providing proof of your English language skills through standardized tests such as TOEFL or IELTS.

5. Letters of Recommendation: You will generally be required to submit letters of recommendation from professors or academic professionals who can attest to your academic abilities and potential for research.

6. Interviews: Some PhD programs may require an interview as part of the selection process. This interview can be conducted in person or through video conferencing.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Application Form: Most universities have an online application system where you will need to complete an application form. This form will typically require personal information, educational background, research interests, and other relevant details.

2. Curriculum Vitae (CV): A comprehensive CV detailing your academic qualifications, research experience, publications (if any), work experience, and any other relevant information.

3. Research Proposal: A detailed research proposal outlining your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and potential contributions to the field. The proposal should demonstrate your research skills, critical thinking abilities, and your understanding of the research area.

4. Academic Transcripts and Diplomas: Official transcripts and copies of your diplomas or degrees from all previous academic institutions you have attended. These documents should provide a complete overview of your academic achievements.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Usually, you will need to provide two or three letters of recommendation from professors or academic professionals who are familiar with your academic abilities and can attest to your potential for research.

6. Language Proficiency Test Results: If English is not your native language, you will likely need to provide proof of your English language proficiency through standardized tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. Some universities may have specific requirements regarding minimum scores.

7. Identification Documents: A copy of your passport or other identification documents to verify your identity.

8. Personal Statement: A written statement describing your motivation for pursuing a PhD, your career goals, and how the PhD program aligns with your academic and professional aspirations.

9. Additional Documents: Some universities may require additional documents such as a copy of your master's thesis, writing samples, or proof of funding for self-funded students.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals: The Swedish Institute offers scholarships to international students from a wide range of countries. These scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, travel grants, and health insurance. The scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and leadership potential.

2. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Scholarships: Erasmus Mundus is a program that supports joint international PhD programs offered by multiple European universities. These scholarships cover tuition fees, travel costs, and provide a monthly stipend to selected students.

3. Karolinska Institutet Global Master's and PhD Scholarships: Karolinska Institutet offers scholarships for international students pursuing master's and doctoral programs. The scholarships cover tuition fees and provide a monthly living allowance.

4. Chalmers IPOET Scholarships: Chalmers University of Technology offers IPOET (International Programme Office for Education and Training) Scholarships to outstanding international students pursuing a PhD at Chalmers. The scholarships cover a portion of the tuition fees.

5. Lund University Global Scholarship Programme: Lund University provides scholarships to top academic students from outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland. The scholarships cover tuition fees and may also include a living allowance.

6. Uppsala University Scholarships: Uppsala University offers several scholarships for international students pursuing PhD programs. These scholarships cover tuition fees and provide a monthly stipend.

7. University-specific Scholarships: Many universities in Sweden have their own scholarship programs specifically for international PhD students. Examples include the Stockholm University scholarships, Umeå University scholarships, and Linköping University scholarships.

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Sweden

1. Academic Positions: Many PhD graduates choose to pursue careers in academia as researchers or professors. They can apply for postdoctoral positions, research fellowships, or faculty positions at universities and research institutions. Academic salaries in Sweden are generally competitive and vary depending on the level and experience. As a reference, the average gross salary for a university lecturer or assistant professor in Sweden can range from SEK 30,000 to SEK 45,000 per month.

2. Research and Development (R&D) Roles: PhD holders often find employment in research and development positions in both public and private sectors. They can work in industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering, technology, or any field related to their research expertise. Salaries in R&D roles can vary significantly based on the industry, company, and level of experience. The average gross salary for a research scientist in Sweden can range from SEK 35,000 to SEK 55,000 per month.

3. Consulting and Advisory Roles: PhD graduates can also pursue careers as consultants, advisors, or experts in their respective fields. They may provide specialized knowledge and expertise to companies, organizations, or government bodies. Salaries in consulting roles can vary widely depending on the specific field and level of experience. The average gross salary for a management consultant in Sweden can range from SEK 40,000 to SEK 70,000 per month.

4. Entrepreneurship and Startups: Some PhD graduates choose to start their own businesses or join startups, leveraging their research expertise and knowledge to develop innovative products or services. The income in entrepreneurship can vary significantly and is highly dependent on the success and growth of the venture.

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47+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Sweden

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Sweden- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Sweden are below:

  • Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 |
  • John Monash Scholarships 2024 |
  • Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 |
  • Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 |
  • Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 |
  • AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 |
  • more scholarships below
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Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024

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Marc Sanders Foundation Scholarship programs

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024

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Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Scholarship programs

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024

Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship programs

Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowships 2024

John Monash foundation Scholarship programs

John Monash Scholarships 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship programs

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

Social Welfare Department (AP) Scholarship programs

AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones Scholarship programs

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024

Australian government Scholarship programs

Roberta Sykes Scholarships 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024

Croucher Foundation Scholarship programs

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 2024

Zonta International Scholarship programs

Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women at Zonta International 2024

TATA trusts Scholarship programs

JN Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2024

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Scholarship programs

UACES Scholarships 2024

VSBfonds Scholarship programs

VSB Fund Scholarship for Dutch Students to Study Abroad, 2024

Roberto Rocca Education Program Scholarship programs

Roberto Rocca Fellowship 2023

Our scholarship team will help you with any questions.

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Saimanoj Suru

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Considering this as a scholarship query. Here are PhD Scholarships for Ethiopian students . Adjust applicable filters as needed and participate in scholarships within your eligibility. Attentively go through eligibility criteria to improve your chances. Don't hesitate to reach out with queries. Best of luck!

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

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Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the UniCredit & Universities Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to nationals of all countries where UniCredit is present

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Economics, Banking or Finance. 15 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024. Anywhere across the globe . You may apply on Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by UniCredit & Universities Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in earth sciences, chemistry, physics, material sciences, biology, and geology . 31 Jul is the deadline to send applications for Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024. Anywhere across the world. You may apply on Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones

John Monash Scholarships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the John Monash foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Australian nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the universities. 01 Jul is the deadline to send applications for John Monash Scholarships 2024. Universities around the world. You may apply on John Monash Scholarships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by John Monash foundation

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Marc Sanders Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in History of Early Modern Philosophy. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024. Any institutions across the world. You may apply on Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Marc Sanders Foundation

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Social Policy. 01 Dec is the deadline to send applications for Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024. Institutions/Universities across the World. You may apply on Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the Social Welfare Department (AP) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to students from Andhra Pradesh

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All courses offered by the universities. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024. Universities in the USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Russia, China, Philippines and Kazakhstan. You may apply on AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Social Welfare Department (AP)

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Degree Based Scholarships

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List of Sweden Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

Fully-funded rotary peace fellowships.

Deadline: 15 May 2024 (annual) Study in: USA, Japan, UK, Australia, Sweden, Uganda Course starts 2025-26

Uppsala University Global Scholarships

Deadline: 15/22 Jan 2024 (annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts August 2024

Adlerbert Study Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology

Deadline: 17 Jan 2024 (annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts August 2024

Top 25 Scholarships in Sweden for International Students


Up until 2010,  Sweden has been one of the few countries in Europe where you can study for free . The Swedish Government has then passed a law that charges tuition and application fees for students from non-EU/EEA countries to be supplemented by Swedish Scholarship Programs . A significant number of Swedish Universities still offer scholarships in the form of tuition waivers for international students.

The University of Gothenburg Axel Adler Scholarships

Deadline: 15 Jan/mid-Feb 2024 (annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts August 2024

KTH Scholarships

Deadline: 15 Jan 2024 (annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts August 2024

Linnaeus University Scholarships

Deadline: 15 Jan/12 Feb 2024 (Annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts Aug 2024

The Karolinska Institutet Global Master’s Scholarships

Deadline: 15 Jan/28 Feb 2024 (Annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts 2024

Lund University Global Scholarship Programme

Deadline: 15 Jan/Feb 2024 (annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts August 2024

Mälardalen University Scholarship Programme

Deadline: 15 Jan/1 Feb 2024 (Annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts Autumn 2024

University of Skövde Master’s Scholarships

Deadline: 1 Feb 2024 (Annual) Study in: Sweden Course starts Aututmn 2024

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  • Living in Sweden – A Guide for PhD Students

Written by Chris Banyard

One of the most innovative countries in the world, Sweden is a natural choice for PhD study for many international students. If you choose to study in Sweden , you can experience a thoroughly modern nation that also offers picturesque scenery and traditional pursuits.

This guide covers useful information about living in Sweden while studying your doctorate, including student life, housing, living costs, work permits, setting up a bank account and transportation during your Swedish PhD.

On this page

Student life.

Sweden is a tolerant and welcoming country, with progressive laws and citizen’s rights and a friendly attitude towards international students. This part of Scandinavia is also famously beautiful, with miles of Arctic coastline, forests, tundra and modern-designed cities.

Culture and tourism

Creativity, design and innovation are key tenets of Swedish culture – it’s why the country is the home of the Nobel Prize, Spotify, Bluetooth, Tetra Pak and IKEA and hundreds of other inventions and multi-national companies. This creativity can be seen today in Sweden’s many museums, art galleries, and interior design. You may also be familiar with Swedish crime fiction and Nordic noir – the likes of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series, Inspector Wallander and The Bridge all hail from Sweden. And for lovers of cheesy pop music, let’s not forget ABBA.

Sport and leisure

Canoeing and kayaking around Sweden’s various archipelagos are popular summer activities, as are cycling and hiking. At other times of the year, you can experience the various winter sports Sweden has on offer, including ice-skating, skiing, snowmobiling. . . and dog-sledding! And if you’re feeling a little less adventurous, Sweden’s cities have plenty of events, bars and nightclubs to enjoy.

Food and drink

Although perhaps Sweden’s most famous foods are its meatballs and fermented herring ( surströmming ), this Scandinavian country has a smorgasbord (pun intended) of other traditional delicacies to try. Classic dishes include cured salmon ( gravad lax ) and potato pancakes ( raggmunk ), and there are lots of puddings to taste such as Fat Tuesday buns ( semlor ), cinnamon buns ( kanelbullar ), Swedish gingerbread ( pepparkakor ), princess-cake ( prinsesstårta ), and sticky chocolate cake ( kladdkaka ). Sweden is also well known for its spirits, producing internationally recognised vodka, gin, absinthe and whisky.

Find a PhD in Sweden

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Sweden ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .


There are several types of housing to choose from as a PhD student in Sweden. The availability depends on your budget and city of residence. Although the overall cost of living is slightly higher then most of Europe, you may find that accommodation costs can be lower in Sweden in comparison to other countries.

Accommodation types

The types of accommodation available in Sweden are:

  • Dormitories – standard university housing, similar to UK halls of residence, with private or shared rooms and communal facilities
  • Flats – privately-rented student flats managed by a landlord or letting agent, usually shared with other students
  • Homestay – staying with a Swedish host family, often living in a spare room, and useful for integration into Swedish society

Accommodation costs

The cost of accommodation is a little higher than in the UK. You can expect to pay between €227 and €590 for student accomodation (depending on the size, type and location).

Living costs

The overall cost of living for a PhD student in Sweden is slightly higher than in the UK, and the rest of Western Europe.

You can expect to pay around €826 per month , budgeting €394 for accommodation, €210 for food and €228 for miscellaneous costs.

Prices in Sweden

The following table gives an indication of prices for some common expenses during a PhD in Sweden:

Student Cost of Living in Sweden - 2024

Working during your PhD

All international students who hold a valid residence permit and / or study visa are eligible to work part-time alongside PhD studies with unlimited hours. But your doctorate must be considered a priority, as you may have difficulties renewing your residence permit without proof of satisfactory progress and grades.

Note that part-time work outside of your university often requires you to speak Swedish and may be hard to find. Some universities offer part-time work suited for their international students, usually based on-campus or through campus-based programmes.

The Swedish currency is the Swedish Krona (kr or SEK).

Sweden is regarded as a ‘cashless society’, with most payments accepted using card or mobile payments. Therefore, you will probably need to open a Swedish bank account during your PhD.

Most international students will be able to open a basic payment account in Sweden. In generally, to open a bank account you will need to visit your chosen branch with the following documents:

  • a valid passport
  • your Swedish ID card
  • proof of university acceptance
  • address of residence details
  • details of your Swedish national database registration (coordination number or Swedish personal identity number)

Most universities in Sweden have arrangements with their local banks to enable international students to open bank accounts – you should check with your university’s international office for more information.

There are many transport options for getting around Sweden. Most travel networks will provide student discounts for holders of valid student ID cards.

Rail travel

ScandinavianRail manages much of the trains in Sweden (and the rest of Scandinavia) and has extensive networks around the country. You will probably find that rail travel is the best option for intercity travel. You can find many rail passes for travel in Sweden from ScandinavianRail.

Swedish airports support air travel to most major cities in Europe and the rest of the world. Due to the vast size of Sweden, air travel is often used to move between the North and South of the country. Most airports In Sweden are operated by Scandinavian Airports System (SAS).

Inner-city travel

Sweden’s cities each have their own public transportation networks. Most cities provide buses, but Stockholm has a light rail, tram and underground network ( Tunnelbana or T-bana) and Skåne has the extensive Skånetrafiken public transport network stretching across into Denmark.

Want More Updates & Advice?

phd in sweden for international students 2024

Interested in studying your PhD in Sweden? In this guide we've collected some of the global university rankings to help you decide the best university to study at in Sweden.

phd in sweden for international students 2024

A culture of innovation and creativity makes Sweden a popular choice for international PhD students. Our guide covers universities, doctoral programmes, fees, funding and visas.

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48 PhD jobs in Sweden

Find PhD jobs in Sweden here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Stockholm (25)
  • PhD positions in Örebro (7)
  • PhD positions in Karlstad (6)
  • PhD positions in Gothenburg (4)
  • PhD positions in Jönköping (2)
  • PhD positions in Lund (1)
  • PhD positions in Malmo (1)
  • PhD positions in Linköping (1)
  • PhD positions in Huddinge (1)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (243)
  • PhD positions in Netherlands (129)
  • PhD positions in Germany (50)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (43)
  • PhD positions in Norway (39)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (26)
  • PhD positions in Austria (21)
  • PhD positions in Finland (20)
  • PhD positions in France (20)
  • PhD positions in Denmark (6)

Search results (48)


Doctoral student in Political Science

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Doctoral student in Political Science (psychological defense and disinfo.)

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One doctoral studentship in Media and Communication Studies within the research area of Critical and Cultural Theory, affiliated with the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS)

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Doctoral Student in Atmospheric Science at the University of Gothenburg (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)

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1-2 doctoral (PhD) student position on computational analysis of and/or development of single-cell/spatial transcriptomics/epigenomics technologies

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PhD students in Materials Engineering

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Doctoral students in Large Language Model inferencing

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Doctoral (phd) student position in functional genomics/regulatory transcriptomics.


Doctoral student in small-scale mechanical testing of Ti repairs

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PhD Student in Generative Modelling of Conversational Dynamics

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Doctoral student in protein design

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Doctoral student in machine learning and autonomous decision-making

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Doctoral student in Informatics

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Doctoral student in Computer Vision and Deep Learning

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Doctoral student in Nanostructured Semiconductors for Photonics

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Doctoral student in condensed matter theory.

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Doctoral student in Mixed-Signal ASIC for molecular medical imaging

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Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 215
  • Programming Languages 191
  • Machine Learning 187
  • Molecular Biology 183
  • Artificial Intelligence 177
  • Mechanical Engineering 157
  • Materials Engineering 155
  • Cell Biology 149
  • Electronics 140
  • Biochemistry 133

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 396
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 174
  • Research assistant 119
  • Professor 119
  • Researcher 104
  • Engineer 87
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 80
  • Management / Leadership 58
  • Tenure Track 51

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 422
  • Netherlands 204
  • Switzerland 129
  • Morocco 122
  • Germany 118
  • Luxembourg 68

Jobs by employer

  • KU Leuven 164
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 126
  • Ghent University 95
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 74
  • University of Luxembourg 67
  • ETH Zürich 65
  • University of Antwerp 60
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 56
  • University of Twente 46

phd in sweden for international students 2024

Numerous Funded PhD Positions Available for International Students at Top Universities in Europe, the UK, and Ireland


Exciting Fully Funded PhD Opportunities for International Students at Top Universities in 🇪🇺 Europe, the 🇬🇧 UK, and 🇮🇪 Ireland

We are thrilled to announce a diverse range of fully funded PhD positions available at prestigious universities across Europe, the UK, and Ireland. This unique opportunity is open to applicants from all nationalities, providing a platform to advance your academic career and contribute to cutting-edge research at leading institutions including:

  • University of Galway 🇮🇪
  • University College Dublin 🇮🇪
  • Universität Leipzig 🇩🇪
  • Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops 🇩🇪
  • International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz 🇩🇪
  • Technical University Darmstadt 🇩🇪
  • Bordeaux INP 🇫🇷
  • Institut Neel MRS 🇫🇷
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) 🇧🇪
  • CIC energiGUNE 🇪🇸
  • Universitat de Barcelona 🇪🇸
  • Swansea University 🇬🇧
  • Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences 🇵🇱
  • Center for Theoretical Physics PAS 🇵🇱
  • Institute for Research in Biomedicine (Bellinzona) 🇨🇭
  • University of Zagreb School of Medicine 🇭🇷

These fully funded PhD positions offer the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects and collaborate with renowned faculty and researchers. We encourage all qualified international applicants to explore these exciting opportunities and take the next step in their academic and research careers.

These positions span a wide array of courses and programs at prestigious universities across Europe including: biological sciences, biochemistry, biodiversity, biological engineering, neurosciences, medical sciences, cancer research, plant sciences, agricultural sciences, environmental science, earth science, water science, physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, engineering, materials science, computer science, and more.

Apply now for doctoral (PhD) positions at these esteemed institutions, such as:

PhD Student in Improvement of biomethane yields from agricultural feedstock, University of Galway (Ireland)

PhD Student in Machine Learning of Multi-Species Microbial Consortia Representations, Universität Leipzig (Germany)

PhD Student in Synthesis and biological evaluation of antibacterial cyclic peptides, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

PhD Student in Deciphering the Interplay between Ageing and Thrombotic Disease: Mechanisms and Implications in Mainz, Germany, International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz (Germany)

PhD Student in Control and Optimization of Material Properties in Strip Processing Lines, TU Wien (Austria)

PhD Student in Bordeaux "The Role of Exopolymeric Substances in Metal Cycle and Diagenesis in Estuarine Sediments”, bordeaux inp (France)

PhD Student in biomass valorisation: Investigating Heterogeneous Catalysis in Solvo-Liquefaction Processes at the Macromolecular Level, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgium)

PhD Student in Surface topography and chemistry optimization for two-phase heat transfer, CIC energiGUNE (Spain)

PhD Student in drug discovery on macrocycles, Technical University Darmstadt (Germany)

PhD Student in The Influence of Water Quality on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Seagrass, Swansea University (United Kingdom)

PhD Student in Impact of alternative splicing on proteome and transcriptome complexity of stem cells, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

PhD Student in Human-Computer Interaction for Care, University College Dublin (Ireland)

PhD Student in Cancer immunology / Imaging, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (Bellinzona) (Switzerland) 

PhD student at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Pharmacology & Neuroscience), University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Croatia)

PhD student in Materials Science (Solid-State Batteries), Institut Neel MRS  (France)

PhD student in Chemical Ecology of Plant Biotic Interactions, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (Germany)

PhD student position at Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Center for Theoretical Physics PAS (Poland)

PhD Student in Immunomodulation Research, University College Dublin (Ireland)

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Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students in 2024

  • Last Updated On July 25, 2024
  • Published In Scholarships 💰

Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students in 2024

Ever fancied studying in the land of IKEA, ABBA, and jaw-dropping northern lights? Sweden is your place! It isn’t just famous for its meatballs and innovative design; it’s also a fantastic place for international students to pursue their academic dreams without breaking the bank. How? With a plethora of scholarships in Sweden , you can swap worrying about loans and get going with a solid application.  

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The best part? There are over 120 Sweden Scholarships , Grants, and Fellowships for you to study here, with opportunities to advance your education in one of the most innovative countries in the world.

So get ready for your fika (yes, that’s a coffee and pastry break – a Swedish necessity!) and dive into the wonderful world of Sweden international students’ scholarships that will make your study-abroad dreams come true!  

Key Highlights

Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll discover in this comprehensive blog post on scholarships in Sweden. 

Range of Scholarships in Sweden for Indian StudentsSEK 50k to 300k (INR 4L to 24L) in total
Top Sweden Scholarships for International StudentsLund University Global Scholarship
Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals
Uppsala University Global Scholarships
Eligibility Criteria to Avail Scholarships in SwedenOutstanding academic records
Relevant work or research experience
IELTS: 6.5+ or TOEFL: 90+
Top Universities in SwedenKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lund University Uppsala University 
Average Tuition Fee in SwedenINR 6.3L to INR 11L (SEK 80k to 140k) per year
Cost of Living in Sweden (without rent)Around INR 80.5k (SEK 10.2k) per month
Benefits of Sweden ScholarshipsTuition fee coverage Monthly living stipend
Accommodation support
Health insurance

Why Study in Sweden?

So, you’ve been daydreaming about studying abroad, and Sweden keeps popping up on your radar. But why Sweden, you ask? Imagine a place where your classroom might overlook a serene lake, and your professors might bike to work! 

Sweden boasts 39 universities , each renowned for delivering high-quality education and offering top-ranked programs tailored for international students like you. What you should also know is that Sweden isn’t just about its breathtaking landscapes; it’s a hub of innovation and sustainability. In 2023, DriveElectric named Sweden the most sustainable country, citing its renewable energy use, high electric vehicle percentage, and strong environmental policies.

Plus, who wouldn’t want to live in a country where even the winters are cosy with endless cups of hot chocolate and the summers are a festival of midnight sun?  

Here are some more compelling reasons to study in Sweden! 

  • Sweden is an innovation leader, ranking in the top 25 of the Global Innovation Index 2023, ensuring you’ll be part of one of the best educational environments that fosters creativity and progress.
  • Swedish universities emphasise critical thinking and creativity, helping you develop essential skills beyond rote learning and making you a versatile and independent thinker.
  • Eight Swedish universities are ranked among the top 500 globally as per QS World University Rankings , guaranteeing you access to world-class education and resources.
  • Tuition fees for international students range from INR 6.3L to INR 11L (SEK 80k to 140k) per year, providing affordable options for quality education. If you compare the cost of study in Sweden with the USA and the UK, you’ll find that it’s 15.9% cheaper than the US and 16% cheaper than the UK.
  • Generous scholarships in Sweden, like the Swedish Institute Scholarships, cover tuition and living expenses, reducing financial burdens and allowing you to focus on your studies. And this is just one example. This article will walk you through many scholarships in Sweden for Indian students that will bring your cost of studying and living in Sweden well within your budget.
  • The cost of living in Sweden is around INR 80.5k (SEK 10.2k) per month, making it a relatively affordable destination for you. And since some scholarships in Sweden ( such as the Swedish Institute Scholarships) also cover the living expenses, you can imagine how affordable this country will be for you.
  • Sweden is highly gender-equal and LGBTQ-friendly, offering a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and respected.
  • Over 33,000 international students study in Sweden , creating a multicultural community where you can make connections from around the world.
  • Sweden ranks 9th globally in the Global Entrepreneurship Index, giving you excellent opportunities to engage with innovative startups and entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Sweden is ranked 4th among the happiest countries in the world, ensuring you a high quality of life with a strong focus on work-life balance and overall well-being.

Diversity of Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students

Now it’s time to talk about something that’ll make you want to pack your bags and head to Sweden faster than you can say “smörgåsbord” (sandwich-table)! One of the best things about studying in Sweden is the sheer diversity of scholarship programs available. 

Whether you’re aiming for an undergraduate degree, a master’s, or even a PhD, there’s a scholarship with your name on it. 

Sweden scores 80.8 in the Best Countries for Entrepreneurship ranking , with top attributes including 100.0 transparent business practices and 89.4 well-developed infrastructure. This commitment to excellence extends to its educational opportunities as well.

And it’s not just about the level of study – the Sweden international students’ scholarships explained in this guide cover a wide range of fields, from great technology and innovative business studies to arts and humanities. 

So, get ready to explore a world of opportunities where your academic dreams can come true without financial worries. Here’s a breakdown of the diverse scholarships in Sweden catering to various levels and fields.  

Undergraduate Scholarships in Sweden-Full or partial tuition coverage
-Additional financial support for living expenses
Graduate Scholarships in Sweden-Full tuition coverage
-Monthly living stipend
-Travel grants
Doctoral Scholarships in Sweden-Full or partial tuition coverage
-Additional benefits for high-achieving students
Research and Postdoctoral Scholarships in Sweden-Partial tuition coverage
-Support for academic and research projects


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Undergraduate Scholarships in Sweden

Top universities in Sweden offer several scholarships for international undergraduate students, and two of the most prominent ones are the Uppsala University Global Scholarships and the Lund University Global Scholarships.

If you’re aiming for Uppsala University, the Uppsala University Global Scholarships cover full tuition fees for international students applying to master’s programs, plus a monthly living stipend. To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen (citizen of a country outside the European Union, European Economic Area, and Switzerland).
  • Demonstrate academic excellence
  • When applying for an undergraduate program at Uppsala, you must prioritize their master’s program over other colleges. 

For those considering Lund University, the Lund University Global Scholarships are designed for top international students like you from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland (citizens of a country outside the European Union, European Economic Area, and Switzerland).

These scholarships offer full or partial tuition coverage and additional support for living costs. To apply, you need to submit your application for a Lund University program within the specified deadlines, typically from mid-October to mid-January for the fall semester.

Graduate Scholarships in Sweden

The Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarships offer you fully-funded opportunities for over 700 master’s programs in Sweden. These scholarships provide full tuition fee coverage, a monthly living stipend, a travel grant, health and accident insurance, and membership in the SI Network for Future Global Leaders (NFGL) and the SI Alumni Network.

Similarly, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) scholarships in Sweden for Indian students cover the complete cost of your studies, including full tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, and travel and installation costs. These competitive Sweden master’s scholarships are available for select master’s programs delivered by a consortium of European universities.

Top universities like KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Stockholm School of Economics also offer significant scholarships. At KTH, you can receive full tuition fee coverage for 1-2 year master’s programs, along with support for living expenses and research projects. These scholarships are designed to attract the best international talent in engineering and technology.

Doctoral Scholarships in Sweden

At Chalmers University of Technology, you can access scholarships that offer full or partial tuition coverage, along with additional benefits for high-achieving students. These scholarships are designed to attract top talent to Chalmers’ research programs in engineering, technology, and natural sciences, providing you with the necessary resources and support to achieve academic success.

If you’re pursuing studies in medical and health sciences, Karolinska Institutet offers scholarships that cover full or partial tuition, living expenses, and research support. 

Meanwhile, Linköping University provides comprehensive doctoral scholarships with full tuition coverage and financial support for academic excellence. These scholarships enable you to focus on advanced research across various disciplines, ensuring you have the financial stability to excel in your studies.

Research and Postdoctoral Scholarships in Sweden

At Blekinge Institute of Technology, you can benefit from scholarships designed specifically for research and postdoctoral studies. These scholarships offer partial tuition coverage and substantial support for your academic and research projects. With a focus on technology and applied sciences, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources to advance your studies in an innovative environment.

Beyond just financial assistance, Blekinge creates a warm, collaborative research community where interdisciplinary projects and innovation thrive. This support structure allows you to focus fully on your academic and scientific endeavours, helping you contribute significantly to your field.

Types of Scholarships in Sweden Based on the Funding Body 

Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students in 2024

Securing scholarships in Sweden not only provides financial support but also significantly enhances your chances of obtaining a student visa. 

With an acceptance rate between 50-60%, applicants who have prestigious scholarships, such as the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals or the Lund University Global Scholarships, often find their visa applications viewed more favourably. These scholarships demonstrate your commitment and academic excellence, making your journey to study in Sweden smoother and more promising.

Here’s a breakdown of the diverse scholarships in Sweden for Indian students. 

Government Scholarships in SwedenSwedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals
University Scholarships in Sweden-Lund University Global Scholarships
-Uppsala University Global Scholarships
-KTH Royal Institute of Technology Scholarships
-Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Scholarships
-Chalmers University of Technology Scholarships
-Karolinska Institutet Scholarships
-Linköping University Scholarships
Consortium Scholarships in SwedenErasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)
Private and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) ScholarshipsBlekinge Institute of Technology Scholarships

Government Scholarships in Sweden

Dreaming of studying in Sweden but worried about the costs? The Swedish government has you covered with the prestigious Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarships for Global Professionals. These scholarships are designed to attract top international talent (that’s you!) to study in one of the most innovative and beautiful countries in the world.

With the SI Scholarships, you’ll enjoy full tuition fee coverage, a generous monthly living stipend to keep you comfortable, comprehensive health insurance, and even travel grants. Whether you’re pursuing a master’s or a PhD, this scholarship has got you covered.

The SI Scholarships are highly competitive, but the rewards are worth it. Imagine focusing on your studies without financial stress while also having the chance to enjoy the stunning landscapes and maybe even master the art of “lagom” – the Swedish way of living in balance.

University Scholarships in Sweden

Good news! Several top universities in Sweden are rolling out the red carpet for international students like you with generous scholarships at both undergraduate and graduate levels. 

Picture yourself at Lund University or Uppsala University, where the Lund University Global Scholarships and Uppsala University Global Scholarships offer full or partial tuition fee coverage and extra financial support for living expenses. 

If you’re looking at graduate studies, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) have full or partial tuition fee scholarships that often include funding for living costs and research projects. 

For those aiming even higher, Chalmers University of Technology, Karolinska Institutet, and Linköping University offer amazing opportunities for doctoral students. Their scholarships cover tuition fees and come with additional perks for high-achieving scholars. Imagine working on your research without the financial burden hanging over your head. 

Consortium Scholarships in Sweden

​​Thinking about a master’s degree in Europe but worried about the costs and logistics? The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) are your golden ticket! These prestigious, integrated master’s programs are offered by international consortia of top-notch universities across Europe, including in the beautiful land of Sweden. 

Imagine this: fully-funded scholarships that cover tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, and even your travel and installation costs. It’s like a dream come true! 

To snag one of these scholarships, you need to have completed a bachelor’s degree or be in your final year of undergraduate studies. The adventure doesn’t stop there – you’ll get to study at least two semesters in different European countries. 

Private and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Scholarships in Sweden

These scholarships are funded by private entities or non-profit organisations committed to making education accessible to all. Unlike government scholarships, these are often more flexible and can be tailored to specific fields of study, backgrounds, or career goals.

To secure a private or NGO scholarship, start with thorough research. 

  • Look for scholarships that align with your field of study and personal background. 
  • Utilise resources like the Blekinge Institute of Technology Scholarships ( BTH) portal or external databases to find suitable opportunities. 
  • Follow the application instructions meticulously, ensuring each application is tailored to showcase why you’re an ideal candidate. 

Securing a private or NGO scholarship offers numerous benefits beyond financial support. These scholarships can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and study materials, reducing financial stress. 

Top 10 Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students

Did you know the Indian diaspora in Sweden is over 60,000 strong, with around 42,000 Indian nationals ? That’s a lot of cricket fans in the land of Vikings and meatballs! 

But to be honest, that tuition fee can feel like a frosty wall blocking your Swedish study abroad dream, and you’ve probably browsed the web endlessly, right? Fear not! This section is all about those scholarships in Sweden that are here to bridge that financial gap and turn your dream into reality!   

There are an estimated 1,500 Indian students in Sweden. With the right scholarships, you could join this vibrant community and experience Swedish education and culture firsthand, too. Dive right in!

Here’s a sneak peek of the top 10 scholarships in Sweden put down just for you! 

Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global ProfessionalsSEK 12k (INR 94k) per month 
Lund University Global ScholarshipsSEK 85k to 119k (INR 7.2L to 1Cr) per year 
Uppsala University Global ScholarshipsSEK 50k to 72.5k (INR 4.2L to 6L) per semester
SEK 141k – 372k (INR 1.4Cr to 2.9Cr) in total 
Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) ScholarshipsSEK 172k ( INR 1.3Cr) per two academic years- in 3 instalments 
Chalmers University of Technology ScholarshipsSEK 23k to 117k (INR 2L to 10L) in total 
Karolinska Institutet ScholarshipsSEK 13k (INR 1.1L )per month 
Linköping University ScholarshipsSEK 20k to102k (INR 1.7L to 8.6L) per year 
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)SEK 52k (INR 4L)  per semester
Blekinge Institute of Technology ScholarshipsSEK 12k (INR 1L ) per month 

Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals

Are you aiming for a master’s degree in Sweden? The SI Scholarship for Global Professionals is your golden ticket! This scholarship supports full-time, one- or two-year master’s programs across a vast array of study fields. It covers over 700 of the 1,000 English-taught master’s programs available in Sweden.

The Swedish Institute (SI) offers this scholarship to nurture a network of future global leaders who will contribute to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and help advance their home countries.

Ready to apply? The scholarship opens for applications once a year, targeting master’s programs that start in the autumn semester.

Check the eligibility criteria below.  

  • Make sure you are a citizen of one of the 41 countries eligible for this scholarship (good news — India is on this list! ).
  • Ensure the master’s program you choose qualifies for the SI scholarship.
  • You must be liable to pay tuition fees at University Admissions.
  • Show that you have relevant work experience.
  • Prove you have leadership experience from your current or previous job or through civil society engagement.

Here are the rest of the entry requirements for this Sweden master’s scholarship. 

Language Proficiency Not required
DeadlineTypically February 

Lund University Global Scholarships

The Lund University Global Scholarship Programme is a prestigious, merit-based award for exceptional students from outside the EU/EEA. With approximately SEK 20M (INR 14Cr)  granted annually , this scholarship recognises academic excellence at one of the world’s top universities. 

Scholarship recipients are selected based on their outstanding academic records and suitability for Lund’s programs. Awards can cover partial to full tuition fees, though living expenses are not included . Ensure you can support your living costs as required by the Swedish Migration Agency.

Check the eligibility criteria below. 

  • You must be a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA (European Union/European Economic Area) and Switzerland, and must pay tuition fees.
  • You have submitted a complete application in a regular application round for Master’s level studies or one of the Bachelor’s programmes in Development Studies, Mathematics, Physics, or Physical Geography at Lund University.
  • The Lund University programme you are applying for a scholarship for is your first choice at 
  • Please note that you cannot apply if you cannot secure the funding needed to cover living costs, as required by the Swedish Migration Agency.

Here are the rest of the entry requirements for these Sweden international students’ scholarships. 

Language Proficiency  : 90
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically February 

Uppsala University Global Scholarships

Uppsala University Global Scholarships offer a fantastic opportunity for international students from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland. These scholarships cover the full cost of tuition fees for master’s programs, although they do not cover living expenses . 

Uppsala University, one of the world’s top institutions, offers a unique blend of academic excellence and an enriching cultural experience. Over 70,000 students from around the globe benefit from its high-quality education, cutting-edge research, and strong international connections. 

With more than 60 master’s program s taught in English and a high employment rate of 90% after graduation, Uppsala University is an ideal choice if you are seeking a dynamic and supportive academic journey.

The scholarships support the university’s mission to create a diverse and inclusive environment by bringing talented students from around the world to its renowned programs.

  • You have to be a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
  • You must demonstrate academic talent.
  • Apply for a master’s program at Uppsala University as your priority.
  • Apply by the specified deadline.
  • Meet the entry requirements for the chosen master’s program.
Language Proficiency  : 90
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically January

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Scholarships

The KTH Royal Institute of Technology Scholarships are prestigious awards designed to attract exceptional students worldwide. As Sweden’s largest and highest-ranked technical university, KTH has been at the forefront of technological advances since 1827. 

These scholarships cover the full tuition fee for 1-2 year master’s programs, making world-class education accessible to talented individuals. At KTH, you will have access to a great student life and a prestigious academic environment, with over 60 master’s programs taught in English and world-class research in various technology and engineering fields. 

This opportunity not only supports your academic journey but also positions you at the centre of innovation and sustainable development.

Check the eligibility criteria below.

  • You must be applying for a master’s program at KTH .
  • You must have a bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Swedish bachelor’s degree.
  • You must pay the tuition fees.
  • You must demonstrate academic excellence.
  • You must have the potential to contribute to sustainable development.

Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Scholarships

Imagine studying at one of Europe’s top business schools without worrying about tuition fees. The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Scholarships offer just that! 

As a prospective student, you have the opportunity to receive full or partial scholarships based on merit and need. More than 90% of SSE’s students find employment within three months of graduation, thanks to programs developed in close collaboration with researchers and businesses. 

By securing an SSE scholarship, you’ll join an elite community of future leaders in business, government, media, politics, entrepreneurship, or NGOs. 

  • You must apply for a master’s program at SSE.
  • You must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognised institution.
  • You must pay the tuition fees .
  • You must submit a complete application by the specified deadline.
  • You must meet any additional requirements specified by the specific scholarship program like work experience if needed. 

Here are the rest of the entry requirements for these scholarships in Sweden. 

Language Proficiency  : 100
: 7
DeadlineTypically November

Chalmers University of Technology Scholarships

​Chalmers offers a range of scholarships designed to attract outstanding international students like you to its master’s programs. These scholarships cover full or partial tuition fees and are awarded based on academic merit.

The university boasts a highly progressive international community, with more than 70 nationalities represented and 39 English-taught two-year master’s programs. Out of 10,000 students, 1,000 are international master’s students, creating a welcoming and diverse campus life. Located in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-largest city on the beautiful west coast, Chalmers offers a perfect blend of outdoor and urban experiences.

Check the eligibility criteria below for scholarships to get in here.

  • You must apply for a master’s program at Chalmers.
  • You must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognised institution.
  • You must demonstrate academic excellence .
  • You must meet any additional specific requirements of the chosen scholarship program, such as leadership skills, work experience and a motivation letter. 
Language Proficiency  : 90
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically January 

Karolinska Institutet Scholarships in Sweden

Are you aspiring to advance your medical education at a world-renowned institution? Based in Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet (KI) is dedicated to medical and health sciences and is renowned for its top-quality research and innovation. 

The Karolinska Institutet Global Master’s Scholarships cover the full tuition fee for selected programs and are awarded based on your academic excellence and potential contributions to the field of medicine. Medicine.

Consistently ranked among the top 50 universities globally and the top 10 medical universities in Europe, KI offers scholarships to attract outstanding international students to its master’s programs.

Check the eligibility criteria below to snag a scholarship here. 

  • You must apply to one of Karolinska Institutet’s Global Masters’ Programs.
  • You must be a tuition fee-paying student from outside the EU/EEA.
  • You must have paid the application fee by the specified deadline.
  • You must meet the entry and documentation requirements, such as academic transcripts, proof of English proficiency, and a relevant bachelor’s degree for the program you applied for.
  • Only first-year students are eligible to apply.
Language Proficiency  : 90
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically February

Linköping University Scholarships

Are you aiming for a top-notch education in Sweden? Linköping University (LiU) offers scholarships in Sweden for exceptional international students like you. Ranked among the w orld’s top 50 young universities and in the global top 300 , LiU excels in computer science, electrical engineering, physics, sociology, and medicine. 

The LiU International Scholarship covers 25-75% of tuition fees , making it easier for you to pursue your academic goals. With over 30 programs taught in English and students from over 60 nationalities , you’ll thrive in a diverse and innovative environment.

Check the eligibility criteria below to get a scholarship here. 

  • You applied for a master’s program at Linköping University by the deadline for the first admission round.
  • You submitted all the required documents by the deadline, such as academic transcripts and a relevant bachelor’s degree.
  • You chose a master’s program at Linköping University as your priority (ranked as number 1 of 4).
  • You have been admitted to your first choice in the ‘First Notification’ of selection results (usually at the end of March).

Here are the other entry requirements for these scholarships in Sweden. 

Language Proficiency  : 90
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically March

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) are prestigious, integrated international study programs delivered by consortia of top universities worldwide. These programs involve at least three institutions from three different countries , along with multiple associated partners from the academic and non-academic sectors.

With an EMJMD scholarship, you’ll have your tuition fees, travel costs, and living expenses covered . You can receive joint or multiple degrees, boosting your global employability and academic credentials. 

  • You must have a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning.
  • You must meet the specific academic requirements of the chosen EMJMD program, such as the relevant field of study, and prerequisite courses .
  • You should not have previously received an EMJMD scholarship.
  • You must apply to a program involving at least three institutions from three different countries.
  • You must meet any additional requirements specified by the consortium, such as work experience, recommendation letters, and a motivation letter .
Language Proficiency  : 79
: 6
DeadlineTypically March

Blekinge Institute of Technology Scholarships in Sweden

Are you looking to study at a university known for its practical approach and international environment? Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) offers scholarships that can cover full or partial tuition fees for master’s programs. 

At BTH, you’ll join approximately 8,000 students across five schools , supported by a faculty of around 35 professors and over 100 associate and assistant professors. With campuses that host students and staff from all over the world, BTH provides a truly international and multicultural environment. 

The institute also has extensive experience in international collaboration, with exchange agreements with about 100 centres of learning globally . By securing a scholarship at BTH, you can pursue your academic goals in a dynamic and supportive setting.

  • You must apply for a master’s program at BTH.
  • You must meet the specific academic requirements of the chosen master’s program, such as a relevant bachelor’s degree i n a related field and a minimum GPA of usually 3.0 for an MBA program.
  • You must have submitted a complete application with all required documents by the specified deadline, including academic transcripts, a relevant bachelor’s degree, a motivation letter, and letters of recommendation .
  • You must demonstrate academic excellence and potential.
Language Proficiency  : 575
: 6.5
DeadlineTypically February

Also Read Study in Sweden for Indian Students: Universities, Programs & Tuition Fee. 

How to Apply for Sweden International Students’ Scholarships?

Imagine yourself in Sweden’s unique culture, like joining the nightly Flogsta scream in Uppsala where students gather to let out a collective yell at 10 PM. That’s right! It’s quirky traditions like this that create a supportive and fun community for international students like yourself. 

Securing a scholarship thus not only helps you financially but also grants you access to this vibrant student life and enriching cultural experiences.

Dive right in to see what you need to be able to apply for scholarships in Sweden! 

What are the Required Documents ?

Scholarships in Sweden for Indian Students in 2024

Gathering the right documents is a crucial first step. Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork ready and organised to demonstrate your eligibility and commitment. Here’s a checklist of the essential documents you’ll need. 

  • Complete your application form through the Swedish Institute website or university portal.
  • Make sure you provide proof of admission to an eligible master’s program in Sweden.
  • Gather and submit your academic transcripts and records.
  • Write a compelling motivation letter explaining your goals and aspirations.
  • Prepare a detailed CV or resume highlighting your academic and professional achievements.
  • Submit proof of English proficiency (IELTS is not required for SI scholarships).
  • Include a clear copy of your passport.
  • Make sure you obtain and submit recommendation letters as per the specific scholarship requirements.

What is the Application Process for Scholarships in Sweden ?

Ready for that scholarship? Buckle up! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you glide through the scholarship application process and get you one step closer to your dream. 

  • Look into scholarships from the Swedish Institute and individual universities that align with your field of study and background.
  • Carefully review the specific eligibility requirements for each scholarship program. Ensure you meet criteria such as being a citizen of an eligible country, having relevant work experience, and being admitted to an eligible master’s program.
  • Make sure you have confirmed admission to a Swedish university and received an offer letter by January for scholarships starting in the fall (August-September).
  • For SI scholarships, use the application number assigned to you after submitting your university application through University Admissions.
  • Be ready for a potential interview as part of the selection process.
  • Results are typically announced in April for studies starting in the fall. Stay patient and positive as you await the outcome.

Wrapping Up

Scholarships in Sweden range from SEK 23k to 1.4M (INR 2L to INR 1.1Cr) , offering ample opportunities to turn your academic dreams into reality. Imagine discussing innovative ideas during fika breaks (yes, that delightful coffee and pastry tradition) or mastering Swedish phrases like “hej” and “tack” while you explore the stunning Scandinavian landscapes.

Whether you’re aiming to join the ranks of future leaders with the Swedish Institute Scholarships or diving into research with a Chalmers University of Technology Scholarship, Sweden has something for every ambitious student. 

Picture yourself celebrating Midsummer with flower crowns and maypoles or enjoying a relaxing day in the archipelago. With over 33,000 international students already enjoying the Swedish education system, you’ll be in good company.

So, pack your bags, brush up on your Swedish (or just your English, since that works, too), talk to an expert and get ready to get on an educational adventure like no other. 

Lycka till (good luck) on your journey!

Also Read: Top Universities in Sweden for International Students in 2024: Rankings & Cost. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what are the main types of scholarships in sweden for international students.

A. Scholarships in Sweden for international students include government scholarships, such as the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals , university scholarships like those offered by Lund University and Uppsala University, and consortium scholarships, such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees. These scholarships often cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes travel costs.

Q. How can Indian students apply for scholarships in Sweden?

A. Indian students can apply for scholarships in Sweden by first securing admission to a Swedish university. Once admitted, they can apply for various scholarships specifically designed for non-EU/EEA students. Scholarships like the Lund University Global Scholarships and Uppsala University Global Scholarships are popular among Indian students. Ensure all required documents, including proof of admission and academic records, are submitted before the deadlines.

Q. What are the eligibility criteria for Sweden master’s scholarships?

A. Eligibility criteria for Sweden master’s scholarships typically include academic excellence, relevant work or research experience, and proficiency in English. For example, the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals require candidates to have demonstrated leadership experience and to be admitted to a qualifying master’s program. Specific requirements may vary by scholarship and university.

Q. Are there scholarships in Sweden specifically for Indian students?

A. Yes, there are several scholarships in Sweden for Indian students. Many universities offer scholarships that Indian students can apply for, such as the Lund University Global Scholarships and the Uppsala University Global Scholarships. These scholarships aim to attract talented students from India and other non-EU/EEA countries to study in Sweden.

Q. What benefits do scholarships in Sweden offer to international students?

A. Scholarships in Sweden offer various benefits, including full or partial tuition fee coverage, monthly living stipends, accommodation support, and health insurance. For example, the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals cover tuition fees, provide a monthly stipend, and include travel grants. These benefits significantly reduce the financial burden on students, allowing them to focus on their studies.

Q. How competitive are Sweden international students’ scholarships?

A. Sweden international students’ scholarships are highly competitive, as they attract applicants from around the world. Scholarships like the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals and the Lund University Global Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and suitability for the chosen program. Preparing a strong application and meeting all eligibility criteria is crucial for success.

Q. What documents are required to apply for scholarships in Sweden?

A. Required documents for applying for scholarships in Sweden typically include a completed application form, proof of admission to a Swedish university, academic transcripts, a motivation letter, a CV or resume, proof of English proficiency (if applicable), a copy of your passport, and recommendation letters. Each scholarship may have specific requirements, so it’s important to check the details carefully.

Q. When is the best time to apply for scholarships in Sweden?

A. The best time to apply for scholarships in Sweden is during the university application process. Most scholarships have deadlines in the months leading up to the start of the academic year, typically between January and March. It is essential to check specific deadlines for each scholarship and ensure that all application materials are submitted on time.

Q. Can students receive more than one scholarship in Sweden?

A. Yes, students can receive more than one scholarship in Sweden, but it depends on the rules of the specific scholarships. Some scholarships may allow stacking, where multiple scholarships can be combined to cover different expenses, while others may have restrictions. It’s important to review the terms and conditions of each scholarship to understand how they can be combined.

Q. How does receiving a scholarship in Sweden affect visa applications?

A. Receiving a scholarship in Sweden can positively affect visa applications, as it demonstrates financial stability and commitment to studying in Sweden. Scholarships such as the Swedish Institute Scholarships for Global Professionals and university-specific scholarships are highly regarded and can enhance the likelihood of a successful visa application. Scholarship recipients often receive favourable consideration from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Q. What are the top universities in Sweden offering scholarships to international students?

A. Top universities in Sweden offering scholarships to international students include Lund University, Uppsala University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, and Karolinska Institutet. These universities provide various scholarships, such as the Lund University Global Scholarships, Uppsala University Global Scholarships, and specific scholarships for master’s and doctoral programs.

Q. What makes Sweden an attractive destination for international students?

A. Sweden is an attractive destination for international students due to its high-quality education system, innovative and sustainable environment, and inclusive society. Swedish universities emphasise critical thinking and creativity, offering a diverse range of programs taught in English. Additionally, Sweden’s natural beauty, cultural richness, and strong focus on work-life balance make it an ideal place to study and live.

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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PhD student Kathy Garcia received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the LatinX in AI Workshop at the 2024 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) for her talk titled “Modeling dynamic social vision highlights gaps between deep learning and humans.” Congrats, Kathy!

The LatinX in AI research workshop was a one-day event at the ICML in Austria that had invited speakers, oral presenters, and posters presenters who primarily identified as LatinX. The aim was to bring together faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and engineers for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas..

Waco group repairs donated bikes for Baylor graduate, international students

WACO, Texas (KWTX) - A ministry group with First Baptist Church Waco is repairing donated bikes for Baylor international and graduate students ahead of the start of the semester.

“The church made available to us the basement here in our education building and sponsors us for this bike ministry,” Larry Gurley said. “We take in bikes that need repair, fix them up, repair them, make them rideable, and donate them to the needy around town.”

Gurley said the group receives many donated bikes from the community, and Baylor donates abandoned bikes to them at the end of the semester.

“Baylor collects all the bicycles that have been abandoned at the end of the semester,” he said. “They hold them for a few weeks to be sure nobody claims them, and, then, about this time of year, next week or so, then they’ll give them out to various organizations. We usually get about half of them.”

Now, they are repairing bikes for Baylor international and graduate students to use for transportation for the upcoming semester.

“Some of these bikes come in...the shifters are ruined on them, they’ve been out in the weather, so we replace shifter cables, break cables,” he said. “A lot of them have flats, and we put new tires and tubes on them.”

He said their repairs are usually $20 a bike on average. First Baptist Church Waco supports the group as one of its local mission ministries through funding, purchasing tools and supplies and providing a workplace for the group.

The members are a part of Waco Bike Club and are very passionate about cycling and mountain biking. Gurley said they enjoy using their skills and passion to help others in the community.

“This allows us to give back to the community through something we’re all pretty good at,” he said. “We’re all bicyclists ourselves, and this gives us an opportunity to give back and do something for the community that we have a little bit of talent at.”

Jim Morton started the group in the summer of 2021. Since then, they have restored about 300 bikes and donated them to people in need.

Gurley said, in addition to the ministry work, they also enjoy working together.

“There’s about six of us that work on bikes regularly,” he said. “We’ve all been buddies for years, and we’re all pretty close, and this is as much a social gathering as it is a mission effort.”

Gurley said they are in need of bikes and donations. He said to contact First Baptist Church Waco at (254) 752-3000 if you are interested in donating to the bike ministry.

Copyright 2024 KWTX. All rights reserved.

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President and Vice-Chancellor: New Government’s stance on international students echoes the warm welcome offered at Leicester

  • President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Leicester Professor Nishan Canagarajah comments following this week's Embassy Education Conference

“Be in no doubt: international students are welcome in the UK” was the message from Secretary of State for Education Bridget Phillipson speaking at the Embassy Education Conference earlier this week. 

In her speech she made it clear that the government valued international students, and international higher education more generally, committed to the retention of the graduate route visa and emphasised the cultural and social value of international study.  

The approach is one which has long been echoed at the University of Leicester which has one of the most diverse student bodies in the sector. 

We welcome students from more than 150 countries and they contribute to the diverse educational community that makes our University so special.  

They, in turn, benefit from studying at a leading UK university which has a track record for teaching and research excellence – we are a top 30 university in the Research Excellence Framework  and rated Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework . 

International students offer global perspectives and important skills allowing all students to benefit from the exchange of ideas, the discovery of new cultures and a widened world view. They are also critical to the financial sustainability of our universities. 

International students bring a £41 billion annual contribution to the UK, meaning on average, each of the 650 parliamentary constituencies in the UK is £58 million better off – equivalent to approximately £560 per citizen.  

Recent research by HEPI and Kaplan also showed all three Leicester constituencies – South, East and West have high net impact from international students who bring a total economic impact of £738m. But they are so much more than a financial uplift on a spreadsheet. 

Take a look at any researchers in most UK universities, and you’ll find a huge proportion of international professionals at the cutting edge of their professions, making discoveries and breakthroughs in science, health, humanities and culture.  

Education must be at the forefront of tackling the major global challenges of our time and I truly believe that this can only be done through working in partnership with and widening horizons – in every sense of the word. So I’d go one step further than the Secretary for Education.  

International students and colleagues - be in no doubt: you are welcome at Leicester 

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  1. PhD programmes

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  2. PhD Study in Sweden

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  3. Top Universities for PhD Study in Sweden in 2024

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  4. Study in Sweden: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

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  5. PhD studies at Stockholm University

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  6. Doctoral studies

    Admission requirements. To be admitted to a doctoral programme, you need to have completed courses of at least 240 credits (of which at least 60 credits must be for Master's level studies) or acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way.

  7. 553 PhD programmes in Sweden

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  8. Doctoral studies (PhD)

    KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment.

  9. Applications and admission

    Apply to doctoral studies. Admission to doctoral studies takes place after a doctoral position is advertised. Doctoral positions are advertised by the departments at each faculty.

  10. PHD Handbook

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  11. PhD studies

    Application and tuition fees for PhD students. PhD programmes are free of charge in Sweden, regardless of citizenship. However, if you are enrolled as a PhD student and wish to take additional courses at Bachelor's or Master's level that are not included as part of your research programme, you must pay application and tuition fees if you are a citizen of a country outside the European ...

  12. Education in Sweden: 2024 PhD's Guide

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  13. Ph.D scholarships in Sweden for International students 2024-2025

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  14. PhD in Sweden: A Complete Guide to Study PhD in Sweden for ...

    A PhD in Sweden is the highest level of educational qualification in Sweden. A PhD degree can be completed in 4 years of full-time study whereas you will graduate with a licentiate degree after 2 years of full-time study which is equivalent to MPhil of the British education system.

  15. Entry requirements for doctoral studies

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  16. How to apply

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  18. New PhD students 2024

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  27. Waco group repairs donated bikes for Baylor graduate, international

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