How to Optimize the Success of Your Cover Letter

Optimize Cover Letter

A Job Application Letter, also known as a Cover Letter, is a 1-page document you send along with your resume to prospective employers, highlighting specific skills.

A successful Cover Letter briefly and strategically reviews your most important Professional and Educational experience. The Cover Letter should compromise 3-5 paragraphs of 5-7 sentences each.

The body of the document should only be about 300-500 words without including the Greeting, Company Details, Closing, and Name & Contact Information.


A Resume alone is not enough to land employment interviews in modern society. Cover Letters are often specifically requested by prospective employers. Not sending one may quickly disqualify you from employment.

A well-written Job Application Letter will gear the reader toward the appropriate information in your resume. It is wise to keep one Cover Letter on file with a general synopsis of your background as well as 2-3 letters that describe your other essential skills.

For example, if you are a Sales Manager, you might have a Job Application Cover Letter that describes your sales expertise and accomplishments as well as a letter that focuses on your cross-functional experience in Marketing and a letter that focuses on your experience with Operations.


Cover letter Sample

If you are using the Cover Letter to apply for employment with a particular company, conduct research on them before executing the document.

This information should be found on their website and needs to include the company’s: Mission Statement and/or Core Values , Job Description, and goals.

Once you uncover these details, integrate them into your Cover Letter. Example of integrating the company’s information:

MISSION STATEMENT: “We provide top service in record time, and our mission is to expand into Sustainable marketing.”

YOUR SENTENCE : “I signed over 70% of new company clients in the last three years. I ensure client satisfaction is met and expectations are exceeded by reducing wait time 40%. I contribute to revenue growth by reducing waste 50% through my implementation of eco-friendly, sustainable methods which include the Recycle/Reuse program I manage.”

Note that the company’s words were not merely repeated, but incorporated into the Job Application Letter in my own dialogue. Each point was accompanied by a quantified example . You can expand upon the information by entering the company’s name in your search engine and keeping vigilant of any unique information that results.


Resume making

Begin by assuming the interview. State the name of the company and position for which you are applying at the top of the page. If you do not know the interviewer or Hiring Manager’s name, use a general greeting such as “To Whom It May Concern.”

Your first statement should be to thank the reader for the opportunity. Immediately state your title and years of experience in the common field. Next, follow up with a brief overview of each core qualification.

You may also include specific educational accomplishments such as a degree and/or significant certifications.


Your second and third paragraphs should expand upon the information of the first. Use powerful words. Be specific.

Quantify where possible, speak in the present tense , and use an assertive tone .

Examples of passive tone and assertive tone are below:

PASSIVE: “I have built many clientele bases for my companies over the last few years.”

ASSERTIVE: “In the last year, I expanded clientele 50% and increased sales transactions by 90%.”

The fourth paragraph should unify the information presented in a cohesive example of how your experience meets the prospective employer’s needs. State that you are the ideal candidate for this position. Secure the interview by citing that you are looking forward to meeting in person.

Use action words such as “excited” and “eager.” Note that you are ready to begin collaboration with the team on your ideas. Thank them again for the opportunity but in different words.

Say that you are looking forward to beginning a long career with the company.

Then, close the cover letter with a simple “Thank you.” Words like “Sincerely” and “Yours” have become tired clichés .

State your name, title, and contact information. Your contact information should include your phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL.

If you have a website, you should include this information as well.

Let’s review the Job Application/Cover Letter in its entirety:

To Whom It May Concern,

I am excited at the opportunity to be considered for a Sales Manager with XYZ COMPANY. I know that XYZ COMPANY has been in business for over 75 years and that your mission is to provide exceptional value to customers of all platforms.

When I reviewed your Mission Statement, and I know I will benefit your team by significantly building clientele, decreasing delivery time, and contributing to expense control through Sustainable methods. I have successfully earned my Bachelor of Arts in Business Management. In the last three years, I have also signed over 70% of new company clients. I ensure customer satisfaction is met and expectations are exceeded by consistently reducing wait time 40%. I contribute to revenue growth by reducing waste 50% through my implementation of eco-friendly, sustainable methods, which include the Recycle/Reuse program I manage.

In the last year, I expanded clientele 50% and increased sales transactions by 90%. My dedication to company growth is unparalleled. Aside from new accounts, I have also improved client retention rate by 60% through improved service. Through social media platforms, referrals, and market research; I optimise networking capabilities. I also regularly attended local mixers, perform cold-calling, and “hit the pavement;” introducing myself personally to prospects. This is the competitive edge I bring: I am a relationship builder, and the key to building a great business is relationships. Employing these efforts allow me to enhance our company’s image.

Additionally, I participate in defining and improving our brand by promoting company-wide Sustainability methods. These methods have enabled me to significantly reduce expense 60% by decreasing waste and negating unnecessary expenditures through the Recycle/Reuse program I implemented. My project management abilities are not limited to promoting eco-conscious processes. I have also successfully led Advertising Improvement construction and facilitated Operational Efficiency directives. With each managed project, I recruit, train, and onboard each team member through the full lifecycle including ideation, testing, launch, and reporting.

With my educational & professional experience, I am confident that I am the ideal candidate for XYZ’s new Sales Manager. My commitment to ongoing personal development is shown in the workshops I attend, such as Leadership and Negotiations seminars. I have also received notable recognition in the form of awards for successful innovation methods. I look forward to meeting with you in person so we can better discuss my ideas and plans for enhancing sales strategies and working with your team to improve deliverables. XYZ Company provides me a fantastic opportunity to continue my exciting career in Sales Leadership.

Your First & Last Name Sales Manager (Your Title) Phone # • [email protected]

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This is no time to be humble. A strategically written Cover Letter can be the key to your success!

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7 Ways to Improve Your Cover Letter

  • February 5, 2022
  • In Resumes & Cover Letters

7 Ways To Improve Your Cover Letter Today 2

Having an original and attractive cover letter along with a polished resume can be your golden ticket to a job interview. Most employers agree that cover letters often play a crucial part in their decisions. Essentially, a well-written cover letter is your chance to stand out, so don’t miss out on it.

Your cover letter can do one of two things. In some cases, it can grab the attention of the hiring manager and get you an interview . In others, it can make you seem uncreative and boring. What is the difference? Mostly, it is the way you structure it.

Most importantly, remember that the goal of a cover letter is to land an interview . A cover letter should be more than an expansion of your resume . Essentially, it should make the hiring manager want to know more. It should be written with the employer in mind. In other words, address their needs and potential questions. In other words, think about what you can offer the employer, not the other way around.

Professional Cover Letter Structure.

Here are 7 ways to improve your cover letter

1. Research the company (Analyze the job listing) 2. Address your cover letter to the right person 3. Capture the reader’s attention 4. Make your cover letter stand out 5. Choose the right cover letter template 6. Don’t repeat your resume 7. Check for typos and grammatical errors

1. Research the company (Analyze the job listing)

Undoubtedly, your cover letter should address the points mentioned in the job listing. However, avoid copy-pasting phrases and keywords. Instead, simply ensure you use the same language as the advertisement. To further improve your cover letter, include the requirements from the job listing.

2. Address your cover letter to the right person

Addressing the hiring manager by name is a sure way to improve your cover letter. Essentially, using a name instead of a generic greeting will make your cover letter stand out. You can even try and search online or call the company to find out the name of the hiring manager. Sometimes, you may not know who you are addressing at all. In this case, skip the greetings and get right to the body of your cover letter.

3. Capture the reader’s attention

Attracting the reader from the very beginning of your cover letter is crucial. Unfortunately, many cover letters end up in the trash because they are hard or boring to read. For this reason, remember to improve your cover letter by editing it to be concise and capturing. First, use the keywords from the job description in the first paragraph. Second, summarize your key competencies in the first few sentences. Also, avoid sending the same letter to more companies. Always tailor the cover letter to the position and company you are applying for.

4. Make your cover letter stand out

Remember, your hiring manager will likely read hundreds of cover letters in a day. For this reason, it is important to make yours stand out. Within the first paragraph, include something extraordinary. This may be an internship you had, your biggest achievement, or a piece of rare knowledge. Moreover, if you have studied or worked abroad, be sure to mention it. Essentially, show what makes you unique. It is important to avoid generic phrases. Starting a cover letter with “I am … and I applied for … position” will likely not wow anyone.

5. Choose the right cover letter template

Match your cover letter to your resume. Choose the same font for both your resume and cover letter. Your application will look polished and professional. Want to write your cover letter in minutes? Use our pre-made resume and cover letter templates . A template produced by a professional designer is a great starting point. Choose from classic, modern, or elegant styling.

6. Don’t repeat your resume

To improve your cover letter, avoid repeating your resume . Unfortunately, many cover letters end up being resumes in paragraph form. Remember that your cover letter will be attached to your resume , so there is no need for repetition. Rather, improve your cover letter by providing a glance at your personality. For example, show off some fun facts about your field of work. Likewise, showing your curiosity by mentioning recent news is sure to grab attention.

7. Check for typos and grammatical errors

Regardless of experience and skill , a cover letter with typos rarely gets approved. Thus, double-checking your spelling is the easiest way to improve your cover letter. If there are spelling errors in your cover letter, the employer may feel like the job is not important to you.

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

Learn to avoid the biggest mistake job seekers make and write a cover letter that truly makes an impact.

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Most job seekers don’t know how to write a proper cover letter. They believe a cover letter is just a “here is my resume” note. This is a wasted opportunity!

In this article, you’ll discover the secret to writing a professional cover letter that’s truly effective. It’s not hard to do and will give you a significant edge over the competition. We’ll walk you through the process in a few straightforward steps and provide examples to help you along the way.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in and create a cover letter that opens doors to your next opportunity.

What is a cover letter and do you really need one?

A cover letter is a short document (around 300 words) that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter should not simply repeat what your resume says . Instead, it should complement your resume, highlight your personality, and potentially address any weaknesses that could otherwise prevent you from getting an interview.

But do you really need a cover letter in 2024? The short answer is YES.

“Over 80% of hiring managers read a cover letter and 60% of applications require one as part of the application,” says career coach Madelyn Mackie . “Even hiring managers and recruiters who say they never read cover letters may find themselves drawn in by a particularly compelling letter.”

In fact, Jobscan analyzed nearly 1 million job applications and found that including a cover letter with your resume makes you  1.9 times more likely  to be invited for an interview compared to those who left out a cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

What’s the biggest cover letter mistake?

The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is to focus only on themselves .

“It’s not about you,” says career coach Susan Schwartz . “It’s about what you can do for them. Talking to them about what they care about—not about what you want—is what’s going to make them want to read your letter. And to hire you!”

According to Schwartz, this is the best way to write a cover letter:

Paragraph 1. A single sentence (maximum two) stating the PROBLEM that the company faces. What is the issue/need/opportunity that this role will address?

Paragraph 2. what solution do you offer how are you the answer to their need again, keep it to a sentence or two., paragraph 3. explanation: what experience do you have that supports your assertion that you can help this paragraph can be 3-4 sentences, but keep it short., paragraph 4. call to action: suggest next steps. not “thank you” but let’s plan to discuss this next week..

Since hiring managers often spend less than 20 seconds on an application, your cover letter needs to grab their attention and get them to look at your resume. By highlighting how your experience matches the job, you make it easier for them to see you as a great fit for the role.

Now let’s examine each of these steps in more detail.

How to write a strong cover letter step-by-step

Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, research the company to understand its current challenges and goals. Visit the company website, read their latest news and press releases, and follow their social media channels.

Don’t skip this step! It’s crucial for writing a cover letter that truly resonates with a potential employer and sets you apart from other candidates.

After you’ve researched the company, carefully read the job description. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What specific problems or challenges is this role designed to address?
  • How do my skills and experiences align with the job requirements?
  • Am I a good fit for the role?
  • What unique value can I bring to the company in this role?
  • Are there any keywords or phrases that I should incorporate into my cover letter?

After researching the company and the role, you’re ready to start writing your cover letter.

2. Write your opening paragraphs

Many job seekers make the mistake of being too wordy in their cover letters. You’re not writing a novel. Use short words in short sentences. Remember, a hiring manager is going to quickly scan your application, so you need to get right to the point.

Here are some examples of how to start a cover letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’ve noticed that NexGen is working hard to stand out in a crowded digital market, and keeping your brand top-of-mind for customers can be tough.

That’s where I come in—I specialize in creating engaging content and smart SEO strategies that boost online presence and drive customer engagement.

I understand that Weissman is seeking to maintain its innovative edge in the dancewear industry while consistently meeting sales and margin targets.

I am confident that my experience and passion for design can help Weissman continue to create stunning, market-leading dancewear.

I understand that Timmons Company needs motivated individuals to manage sales territories and boost product visibility in retail grocery stores around Quincy, IL.

I am excited to bring my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset to your team, ensuring your products not only maintain their shelf presence but also thrive.

3. Prove you can do the job

Now you need to provide evidence that you’re the right person for the job. The best way to do this is to highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Here are some things you should focus on:

  • Specific Accomplishments : Share examples of your successes, such as increasing sales, leading projects, or improving processes.
  • Relevant Skills : Highlight the skills that match the job requirements, like planning, organizing, technical proficiencies, or specific industry experience.
  • Problem-Solving : Discuss times when you successfully tackled challenges, such as resolving issues, managing conflicts, or implementing solutions.
  • Industry Knowledge : Demonstrate your understanding of the field and awareness of current trends and standards.
  • Team Collaboration : Mention how you’ve effectively worked in teams, mentored others, or collaborated across departments.

Remember to keep it concise. Your letter isn’t meant to tell your whole story; it’s about making a compelling case that you understand the key aspects of the job.

Your goal is to leave the reader eager to learn more about you. Here are some examples:

“Over the past five years, I’ve led digital marketing campaigns that ramped up organic traffic by 40% and bumped up conversion rates by 25%. I’ve worked with diverse teams to create compelling content that resonates with audiences and used data analytics to refine strategies for maximum impact. My experience with social media management and email marketing also ensures a holistic approach to your digital marketing needs.”

“With over ten years in apparel design, specializing in activewear and dancewear, I have a proven track record of developing designs that resonate with customers and drive sales. My expertise includes conducting global trend research, selecting inspiring materials, and leading teams to transform creative concepts into market-ready products. I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and have experience with CLO3D, ensuring that my designs are both innovative and technically sound. My leadership skills have been honed by mentoring junior designers and managing cross-functional teams, fostering a collaborative and efficient design process.”

“With several years of experience in CPG retail sales and merchandising, I have successfully managed sales territories, maintained product placements, and executed promotional strategies. My ability to plan and organize, combined with proficiency in Microsoft Office and familiarity with iPads, positions me well to contribute effectively to your sales team. I am adept at thinking on my feet and delivering results in dynamic environments, ensuring that products are always tagged, rotated, and optimally displayed.”

4. Conclude with a call to action

When wrapping up your cover letter, it’s crucial to include a strong call to action in your closing paragraph. This isn’t just about expressing gratitude—it’s about setting the stage for the next steps in the hiring process.

Instead of a simple “thank you,” aim to propose a specific plan, such as scheduling a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company.

Here are some examples of how to end a cover letter :

“Let’s discuss how I can help NexGen Creative Agency achieve its sales goals next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

“How about we chat next week about how I can help Weissman shine even brighter? Let me know when you’re free.”

“Let’s plan to discuss how my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset can boost product visibility for Timmons Company next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

There is no need to add anything more. Time is valuable, so hiring managers won’t spend it on a cover letter that isn’t concise and to the point.

Expert tips for writing a cover letter

We’ve gone over the basics of how to write a good cover letter. Here are some expert tips for formatting and how to make your cover letter even better.

Format your contact information correctly

Before diving into the content of your cover letter, it’s important to format the contact details and header correctly. You’ll need to include your name, full address, phone number, and email address.

Here’s an example:

How to write a cover letter header.

Personalize your greeting

To whom should you address your cover letter to? “For maximum impact, see if you can find the hiring manager or recruiter for the role, and send your letter to them,” says career coach Susan Schwarz . “Addressing your letter to a specific person will significantly increase the likelihood of someone reading it.”

Check the company’s website or LinkedIn profile to find the name of the hiring manager. However, if you can’t find a specific name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

To end a cover letter, you can use “best regards” or “kind regards” followed by your full name.

Show your personality

While it’s important to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. But remember, you don’t want to overdo it—keep it concise and relevant .

Here are some ways to show your personality in your cover letter:

  • Briefly mention a specific project or experience you enjoyed.
  • Highlight a distinctive skill or trait that sets you apart.
  • Talk about how your values align with the company’s mission or culture.
  • Describe a unique volunteer experience.

Emphasize your adaptability

According to LinkedIn , the top “skill of the moment” is adaptability . This means being open to new ideas, ready to pivot when needed, and always looking for ways to improve. In a world where the only constant is change, being adaptable can set you apart.

Here’s an example of how to incorporate adaptability into your cover letter:

“In my previous role as a CPG retail sales merchandiser, I consistently demonstrated my ability to adjust to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and sales strategies. This adaptability allowed me to increase sales by 25% in a highly competitive market.”

Show enthusiasm

Research shows that 40% of employers would not hire a candidate if they lacked enthusiasm. Remember, you’re much more attractive to employers when you’re on fire .

Here’s an example of how to show enthusiasm for the company you’re applying to:

“I’ve long admired Weissman’s commitment to the dance community and the artistry of your costumes. Your dedication to empowering performances and celebrating creativity is inspiring, and I’m excited about the opportunity to join your passionate team.”

Balance professionalism with friendliness

Try to strike a balance between a professional and friendly tone. Don’t use overly formal language, but make sure your writing is polished and error-free. Use humor sparingly, as it can be easily misinterpreted.

This approach helps you come across as both competent and personable, making you an ideal candidate.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts

  • Do personalize . Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible.
  • Do be concise . Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Do show enthusiasm . Mention specific reasons why you want to work there.
  • Do include measurable accomplishments . These are accomplishments that can be quantified, such as increasing sales by a percentage.
  • Do show your personality . Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • Do be professional yet friendly . Avoid overly formal language.
  • Do proofread your cover letter. A single mistake can damage your chances of getting an interview.
  • Do include a call to action. Suggest scheduling a meeting or a call.
  • Don’t be too formal . Strike a balance between professionalism and friendliness.
  • Don’t overuse humor . Humor can be easily misinterpreted or come off as unprofessional.
  • Don’t repeat your resume . Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it.
  • Don’t include irrelevant information. Focus only on what’s most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Don’t use clichés . Phrases like “I am a hard worker” or “I think outside the box” are overused and add little value.
  • Don’t make excuses . Avoid explaining gaps in employment or other potential negatives.
  • Don’t forget to tailor each letter . Customizing each cover letter will help it pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Cover letter examples

Here are a few cover letter examples that show how to highlight your skills, show your personality, and match your experiences with the job.

Cover letter example for someone with no work experience

Starting your career can be challenging, especially when you don’t have much experience to showcase. But don’t worry—a well-written cover letter can highlight your strengths and potential.

Cover letter example for someone with no experience.

  • Addresses the company’s needs : The letter begins by acknowledging the challenges the company faces, demonstrating an understanding of the industry and the company’s needs.
  • Offers a solution : The candidate clearly states how they can provide value by offering a fresh perspective and innovative ideas.
  • Highlights relevant experience : Even with limited work experience, the letter mentions a successful internship project that aligns with the job’s requirements.
  • Shows enthusiasm and passion : The mention of a passion for sustainability and eagerness to contribute to the company’s efforts showcases the candidate’s genuine interest.
  • Proposes next steps : The call to action is clear and professional, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute, which shows initiative and confidence.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers

Changing careers can be a bold and exciting move, especially when you have a strong foundation of transferable skills. The following example of a cover letter demonstrates how to effectively highlight your previous experience and enthusiasm for a new industry.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers.

  • Engaging opening : Starts with a bold question that captures attention and sets the tone for the rest of the letter.
  • Clear value proposition : Quickly establishes how the candidate’s project management skills can benefit the finance industry.
  • Relevant experience : Highlights a specific project that showcases the candidate’s ability to improve efficiency and manage complex tasks.
  • Expresses enthusiasm : Shows genuine excitement about the career change and the specific company.
  • Call to action : Concludes with a clear and confident call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Cover letter example for someone re-entering the workforce

Re-entering the workforce after a significant break can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase your resilience and the valuable skills you’ve developed during your time away.

The following cover letter example demonstrates how to effectively address employment gaps while highlighting your strengths and enthusiasm for the role.

Cover letter example for someone returning to work after an employment gap.

  • Strong opening statement : The cover letter begins with a compelling statement about the importance of adaptability and innovation, setting a positive and forward-thinking tone.
  • Addresses employment gap : It acknowledges the employment gap upfront, providing context without dwelling on it, which demonstrates honesty and transparency.
  • Highlights relevant experience : The letter emphasizes past accomplishments and specific projects, showcasing the candidate’s skills and ability to deliver results.
  • Shows enthusiasm for the role : The candidate expresses excitement about re-entering the workforce and aligns their values with the company’s mission.
  • Proposes next steps : It ends with a clear call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Generate a perfectly crafted cover letter in seconds

If you’re still having trouble writing your cover letter, try Jobscan’s AI cover letter generator . It analyzes both your resume and the job ad to create a completely original cover letter customized for the job you’re applying for.

To learn more about how the cover letter generator works, watch this brief video:

You can try Jobscan’s cover letter generator for free below:

Key takeaways

Follow these key takeaways to write a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates and opens doors to new career opportunities.

  • Write with the employer’s needs in mind. Explain how you can address their specific challenges and contribute to their goals.
  • Keep it brief . Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy for hiring managers to scan quickly.
  • Address your letter to a specific person . If you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.
  • Showcase your relevant experience. Use specific examples to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Inject your personality. Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • End with a strong call to action . Suggest a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Proofread your letter. A single error can torpedo your chances at getting an interview.
  • Show enthusiasm. Showing excitement and a willingness to learn can make you a more attractive candidate.

A cover letter should be one page long, consisting of three to four paragraphs. The total word count should be around 250-400 words.

When you don’t have a specific name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern,” as it is considered old-fashioned.

When emailing a cover letter, use a clear subject line like “Application for Content Developer – [Your Name].” Paste your cover letter into the email body. Attach your resume.

Yes, a cover letter is necessary because good first impressions are important. By highlighting your qualifications and showing enthusiasm for the role, you can gain an advantage over someone who doesn’t send one.

Employers look for personalization in a cover letter, showing that it’s tailored to the specific job and company. Highlight relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Include specific achievements that demonstrate your capabilities and contributions.

Yes. Providing specific examples of your achievements helps demonstrate your skills and qualifications, making your application more compelling to employers.

A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer’s details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

The primary goals of a simple cover letter are to make a good impression, get someone to read your resume, and offer you a job interview. It also shows you have good communication skills, which are highly valuable in today’s workforce.

The opening sentence should state the problem the company faces or pose a thought-provoking question to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Do we really need to write cover letters in 2023.

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Composing a cover letter on the laptop

The earliest record of the cover letter for employment dates back to the 1950s according to The Atlantic, and has been used ever since as an addition to resumes, for candidates to prove to potential employers their desire and eligibility for posted roles. In recent years, however, especially since the post-pandemic unemployment upheaval, the choice of whether or not to include cover letters as part of the job application process has been a topic of contentious debate, and has left most candidates confused as to whether or not to include them, especially if the employer has not specifically requested them.

In a recent LinkedIn poll I conducted, more than 70% of respondents (a mix of recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates) voted that cover letters are no longer necessary as part of the shortlisting process. However, across the Internet, there were others who advocated its use, provided the right conditions were met.

The question remains, Should we write cover letters for jobs, even if they're not mandated in the application process?

When cover letters are needed

Emily Meekins , CEO and Founder of talent consultancy Workstrat, points out that she rarely reviews cover letters. "85% of the time, I can learn enough from your resume and LinkedIn profile. The application/interview process is time-consuming enough without a cover letter. I'd prefer candidates save their time and reapply it to other areas of their search." However, Meekins adds that she would look at a cover letter if she is on the fence and needs more information to help make an informed decision, or to check for quality of writing and communication skills.

I spoke with Yulia Saf , Founder and CEO of, who has hired and led a team of up to 12 employees remotely, and asked her to share her experiences and insights on this topic. Saf revealed that cover letters have significantly impacted her decision to hire candidates on several occasions, noting that "candidates who include a persuasive cover letter often stand out during the shortlisting phase, as it provides insight into their passion and determination for the role."

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Maurizio Petrone , founder of the remote-first digital media start-up, has been hiring talent for over 15 years, and highlights that from his experience, "cover letters have played an essential element in hiring decisions, even when we didn't specifically request them. Out of the hundreds of candidates we shortlisted over the past five years, about 70% included cover letters in their applications. These letters helped shed light on their motivations and gave a better insight into their soft skills - things often not immediately evident in resumes."

Cover letters are a fantastic way to explore beyond the confines of one's resume and tell a compelling narrative about your career journey, motivations and aspirations for the job, and even transferable skills, especially for those facing perceived barriers in the workplace. This makes it an excellent choice for those making a career pivot or transition.

As Thomas Codevilla , business attorney, Co-Founder and hiring manager at SK&S Law Group points out, "A well-written cover letter allows candidates to tell a compelling narrative about their experiences and how they can uniquely contribute to our organization. On the hiring side, I know that ATS often play a role in screening applications. What many candidates might not realize is that incorporating relevant keywords from the job posting into their cover letters can significantly improve their chances of getting past this initial screening stage.

"As a recruiter, I appreciate it when candidates address their cover letters to a specific individual or mention a mutual connection within the company. It not only shows that they've done their research but also increases the likelihood that their application will catch my attention.

"A cover letter gives candidates the opportunity to address any potential red flags in their resume, such as employment gaps or career changes. When a candidate proactively explains these issues, it shows their transparency and willingness to provide context, which can positively influence my perception of their application."

Best practice when crafting your cover letter

While cover letters are a great way to demonstrate your value to a potential employer, you should always ensure that it actually delivers real value and is not a mere repetition of your resume, HR generalist Mary Pizana of personal injury law firm Herrman and Herrman cautions.

Man applying for a job on the internet

Kirsty Barden , Head of Business Development at MDS, a talent acquisition company with 37 years in the business, highlights some best practices to remember when writing up a cover letter:

Customise each cover letter

"Tailor your cover letter for each specific application and company. Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name if possible and demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the role you're applying for."

Highlight relevant experiences and skills

"Emphasise the experiences and skills from your CV that directly relate to the job description and requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate your capabilities."

Showcase your passion

"Express genuine enthusiasm for the company and the opportunity. Explain why you are interested in the role and how it aligns with your career goals."

Keep it concise and focused

"A cover letter should be concise, typically one page. Avoid unnecessary details and maintain a clear focus on the key points you want to convey."

Be professional and error-free

"Pay close attention to grammar, spelling, and formatting. A well-written and error-free cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism."

Demonstrate cultural fit

"Highlight your alignment with the company's values and culture. Show that you are a team player and can thrive within the organization's environment."

End with a call to action

"Conclude the cover letter by expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply."


Executive Cleaning Services Vice President Thomas Giarraputo recommends candidates use Venn diagrams when beginning to craft their cover letter. "Telling stories from your career is an excellent way to demonstrate your skills and give hiring managers a glimpse of your demeanor and work style.

"Always refer to the position's requirements in the job description when searching for appropriate anecdotes to share. It is also beneficial to conduct additional online investigation on the company to gain a sense of its culture. Before writing your cover letter, compare your talents to the position's requirements.

"Utilizing Venn diagrams can be useful for generating ideas and determining which competencies and experiences to highlight. After creating this diagram and identifying what belongs in both circles, overlapping topics will guide and inspire the content of your cover letter."

When cover letters should not be used

On the flip side, Sam Greinetz , Recruiting Partner at Signed Talent, points out that the recruitment industry has witnessed a significant shift over the past decade, with hundreds of candidates applying for one position where there were only 10-15 a few years ago, and certain industries which rely more on hard skills, such as the tech industry, do not have the capacity for hiring managers and recruiters to read every cover letter sent through.

Recruiter screening interview

Greinetz recommends trying a different approach to sending in your cover letter. "Rather than a cover letter, if someone is especially interested in a role, they are better off reaching out to the recruiter or hiring manager directly either via email or on Linkedin to reiterate their excitement. That message can be similar to what a cover letter would include and will allow them to stick out in a crowded applicant pool. Show that you've done some homework, personalize it, talk about the team, product, etc. and don't be afraid to follow-up after a few days if you haven't heard anything."

Anthony Allen , VP of Recruiting at Supply Chain Talent Advisors, states that while he agrees that most recruiters don't have the time to read cover letters, if one is to be written, "the candidate must personalize and tailor the cover letter. A generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter is easy to spot and often disregarded. To stand out, research the company and the role, and tailor your cover letter accordingly. Mention how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements and the company's goals. By doing this, you show the hiring manager that you understand their needs and can bring specific value to the position. This level of personalization is what can make a cover letter impactful, even in situations where its importance might be diminishing."

So what does all of this mean for job seekers?

In a nutshell:

  • When applying for a job directly to an employer, use a cover letter that is well-personalized, tells impactful career stories, conveys your motivations for the role, and speaks to why you want to work for that particular employer. Demonstrate that you understand their pain-points, clients, and values, and that their mission and values align with yours.
  • Think creatively of other ways to include a cover letter approach, such as sending an email or LinkedIn InMail to the hiring manager directly.
  • Ensure your cover letter is not a repetition of your resume.
  • Cover letters are best used when facing barriers such as career gaps, career transitions, lack of experience, or to increase competitive edge, especially for senior level roles.
  • If applying for technical roles or applying directly through recruitment agencies, consider leaving the cover letter out altogether so as not to waste your time. Also take time to research if the industry you are entering or applying for roles in, typically reviews cover letters. After all, you don't want to waste your time or that of the recruiter/hiring manager.

Rachel Wells

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  2. Professional Resume & Cover Letter Templates

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  2. Episode 16: Tips For Resumes, Cover Letters, and References

  3. How to Write a Winning Resume and Cover Letter

  4. Professional Email Addresses Matter!

  5. How to Personalize Your LinkedIn URL

  6. Tailor Your Resume & Cover Letter to a Job Description for Free!


  1. How To Improve Your Resume in 10 Steps (Plus Tips)

    6. Optimize your resume for digital devices. Some employers review your resume on a mobile device or tablet. While you may have a hard copy of your resume, it's important to optimize it for different devices, too. Make sure the resume you submit is responsive and readable across all digital formats.

  2. How To Combine a Cover Letter and Resume Into One Document

    3. Open a new document. To begin combining your resume and cover letter into a single document, start a new file on your computer in your preferred application or platform. Choose a file name that's professional and use your full name without any numbers to differentiate your application from the candidate pool.

  3. How to Improve Your Resume in 8 Steps

    Follow these 8 expert tips to improve your resume so you can confidently hit "Send" on your job application. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. Choose the best template for your target job.

  4. 27 Proofreading Tips That Will Improve Your Resume

    Using your finger as a pointer, read one word at a time. While not as slow as it sounds, this tactic provides a more thoughtful approach to reading. 7. Proof by section. Instead of reading your entire resume in one go, focus on a section at a time, such as only the headings, any bullets, or all the dates. 8.

  5. How to Improve Your Resume: 12 Easy Steps to Beef it Up

    Set your resume margins to 1" on all sides of the page. Choose a modern and professional resume font like Arial or Georgia and set it to 12 pt. Double check if your resume sections stand out and make it easy for employers to find relevant information about your experience or skills.

  6. How to Improve Your Resume (With Examples and Tips)

    This can help you create a resume that effectively presents you as a strong candidate. Use these steps to improve your resume: 1. Use a reverse-chronological format. A reverse-chronological format means that you begin by listing your most recent achievements first, with your past successes following.

  7. A Guide on How to Enhance Your Resume (With 12 Tips)

    1. Be open-minded about improving your resume. The first way to enhance the quality of your resume is to be open-minded about improving it. You can learn about techniques that can transform your resume from what it currently is into something that increases your chances of getting selected for an interview.

  8. How to Optimize the Success of Your Cover Letter

    Use action words such as "excited" and "eager.". Note that you are ready to begin collaboration with the team on your ideas. Thank them again for the opportunity but in different words. Say that you are looking forward to beginning a long career with the company. Then, close the cover letter with a simple "Thank you.".

  9. Improve Your Cover Letter with These 7 Hacks

    An attention-grabbing first line is the ONLY useful way to start your cover letter. Promise us you'll never begin with "My name is…" or state your name in the first sentence—it's extremely unprofessional. Your name should go after your sign-off. Use the first sentence to captivate the recruiter, instead. 3.

  10. 7 Ways to Improve Your Cover Letter

    To further improve your cover letter, include the requirements from the job listing. 2. Address your cover letter to the right person. Addressing the hiring manager by name is a sure way to improve your cover letter. Essentially, using a name instead of a generic greeting will make your cover letter stand out.

  11. How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

    A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer's details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

  12. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  13. 11 Tips for Better Resumes and Cover Letters

    Keep the cover letter short, about 400 words. Get to the point, hit the key ideas, show that you qualify, and conclude quickly. Don't worry about writing anything unique in your conclusion. Use ...

  14. How to Improve Your Resume in 9 Steps: A Comprehensive Guide

    2. Highlight your relevant qualifications. Your resume aims to show that you're the best candidate for the job. Review the job description to understand the role. Determine how your qualifications align with the job and organise your resume in a way that best highlights these qualifications. Ensure the experience and education sections on your ...

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    Ensure your cover letter is not a repetition of your resume. Cover letters are best used when facing barriers such as career gaps, career transitions, lack of experience, or to increase ...

  16. How To Write Cover Letters That Stand Out (With Example)

    The image is titled Cover Letter vs Resume. An example cover letter is on the left with tips written below it. The cover letter reads: Malik Rabb (123)456-7891 [email protected] May 1, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the associate marketing position at Retail Ocean. Storytelling through marketing is a true passion of mine, and I graduated with a four-year ...

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  18. Quality Assurance Cover Letter: Examples & Template

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  19. Master K-12 Job Search: Resume, Cover Letter & Interview Tips

    A series of articles to help you land the job you desire by improving your resume, cover letter, and interview skills. All Career and Job Resources. Career Advice Tips and strategies to help you excel in school-related positions and advance your career. Job Interviews In-depth guidance on how to prepare for and ace interviews for school-related ...

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    14 ways to enhance your CV. Here are a few strategies to enhance your CV and potentially improve your job search success: 1. Change your objective to a CV profile. A CV profile or a personal statement can provide a thorough qualification summary, allowing employers to gain a brief synopsis of what you can offer to the company.